Bell Tower February 2012

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All Saints’ Episcopal Church

February 2012

The Bell Tower

Reisterstown Parish

A Letter from Father David “Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Pray the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field." (Matthew 9:37‐38)

Dear All Saints’ family and friends,

Volume 12,Number 2

Vision Statement: All Saints’ strives to be a place where people come to know Jesus Christ, are transformed to His glory, and become witnesses to God’s unchangeable word.

Inside this issue: From the Archives


Library Corner


The Body


Words from the Congregation



Calendar of Events




I have been reflecting on the annual meeting with a grateful heart for all that God has given us at All Saints’ Church. It was a wonderful testimony that so many people have responded to the call of God to share the Good News of God in Jesus Christ. It was inspiring to hear how God has touched the lives of people both inside and outside of our church family. The Spirit is truly at work among us. Special thanks go out to all of our staff, volunteer ministry leaders, and everyone who has joined God in His work. Thanks to our outgoing vestry leaders, Mark Bradshaw, Jeff Mauler, Lee Meads, and Ray Leonard who have served with integrity and a true love for the congregation. I am thankful for our current vestry and their willingness to serve: Kevin Hemler, Bobbi Hauck, Stewart Richardson, Pamela Johnson, Debra Sass, David Waite, John Druhan, Carroll Johnson, and Janice Shipley. I am grateful for our officers, Erik Ewertz, Lee Meads, Dawn Hemler, and Nancy Athey who are dedicated to the mission and ministry of All Saints’. It is truly a privilege to serve with these people. I ask that you keep our vestry, staff, and ministry leaders in your prayers that we would continue to listen for the voice of God and follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit in all that we do. In the parable of the talents the master tells the faithful servant, “Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!” I believe that in many ways we have responded to the call of God and have been faithful, I also believe that God is calling us to do more. “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Pray the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field." The harvest is indeed plentiful and I am praying that God will raise up even more workers into his harvest field. During the annual meeting Erik, (AKA Joe Flacco), went around to all of the ministry heads and asked them about what their ministries were doing. It was apparent that there were some gaps. In my sermon a few weeks ago I chal‐ lenged everyone to listen for the voice of God to determine if He was calling you to ministry. I want to extend that challenge in light of some of our needs. First, we are desperately in need of someone to head up our Stewardship Committee. By that I do not mean someone to do fundraising. I know that there is a person in our congregation who really understands what Christian Stewardship is about and can implement a plan to guide and teach us these principles. Is this you? I also pray that someone will join our New‐ comers Committee to develop a program so we can better welcome, follow up, and incorpo‐ rate visitors into our community. Is this you? Finally, I pray for a person to oversee all of our Worship Guilds for the purpose of recruitment, training, and support of those who serve our Lord in our worship. Again, is this you? I know God will place even more opportunities before us but I am going to stop here. Please pray and listen for the call of God. “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.’

In Christ, Fr. David

The Bell Tower Volume 12,Number 2

Page 2 From the Archives….

By Neal Haynie

Housed in our archives is a collection of over 40 years of parish newsletters. Not exciting reading, perhaps, but it does serve as a record of the month‐by‐month activities of the church, and of the people

centennial celebration of the Reisterstown Parish and included the burning of the mortgage for Groff Hall.

who have given the parish its lifeblood. Here is a sam‐ pling of some of our history from the years of Scott Broadbent and Fred Hanna. 1967: It was reported in February that an average of 155 children attended Sunday school at All Saints’. Mrs. Dorothy Girdwood Parker became the very first woman to serve on the Vestry. 1970: “Mr. Bosley will be in charge of doing the deco‐ rating work . . . to make the church so beautiful at Christmas.” [sound familiar?] The Parish Secretary worked one‐half day, once a week! 1971: The newly instituted Coffee Hour was held once a month, following the 11 a.m. service. On November 1, the guest preacher was the Rev. Albert Rich, Jr., grandson of our first rector. The service marked the

From the Library Corner The Beloved Disciple ‐ By Beth Moore This book, a Bible study, follows the life of John from the time Christ beckoned him to leave his nets, by the Galilean shore, through the end of this apostle’s life, near the Aegean Sea. Written in the author’s easy, conversational style, Beth Moore leads her readers through the four gospels while John is a disciple to the living Christ, onto Acts when John is living in Jerusalem following Christ’s cruci‐ fixion, resurrection and ascension. John’s letters, written while living in Ephesus, in‐ volve the study of John I‐III, with some references to Ephesians.

1972: Becky Kistler was elected Secretary of the Youth Fellowship. The 12th annual Horse Show (An All Saints’ fund‐raising tradition) was held in August behind the church. 1974: At the height of the country’s energy crisis, Rev. Hanna appealed to parishioners to car‐pool, to use public transportation, and to turn back thermo‐ stats. Approval was given for the merger of Hanna More Academy and St. Timothy’s School. In re‐ sponse to an ongoing controversy over female priests, the House of Bishops declared the ordina‐ tion of 11 women to be invalid. More curiosities to come! (And ‐ if any old‐timers out there have squirreled away newsletters earlier than 1967, please let us know via the church office.)

by Barbara Carr His final days, as an exile on the island of Patmos, terminate with the detailed study of Revelations. Although most of the informa‐ tion of John’s life is derived from the study of scripture, the au‐ thor does include some facts from biblical historians. Throughout the study the reader is reminded of this beloved dis‐ ciple’s devotion to his master, as well as his dedication to spread‐ ing the news of God’s great love for us. We, the readers, are asked to follow John’s example of discipleship. This well organized study is suitable for daily devotions and seems especially appropriate for Lent. Beth Moore’s book can be found on the table in Groff Hall. A companion study is also avail‐ able on DVD’s in Fletcher Hall in the audio visual section of the library.

The Healthy ABCs

From God’s Older Children

Page 3

Developed at the Johns Hopkins Ciccarone Center for the Prevention of Heart Disease, the ABCs of managing heart disease include: •

Aspirin: 81 mg/day is recommended for men ages 45 to 79 to prevent heart attack and women to prevent stroke ‐ provided the benefits of aspirin outweigh the risk of gastrointestinal bleeding.

Blood Pressure: below 140/90 mm Hg ( even better, below 120/80 mm Hg); possibly near 130 mm Hg for peo‐ ple with diabetes or chronic kidney disease.

Cholesterol: below 200 mg/dL for total cholesterol; low‐density lipoprotein (LDL, or “bad”) cholesterol below 130 mg/dL for people at intermediate risk; high‐density lipoprotein (HDL, or “good”) cholesterol above 40 mg/ dL for men, 50 mg/dL for women; triglycerides below 150 mg/dL.

Diet and weight control: Eat ample fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low‐fat dairy, fish, beans, chicken and other lean meats. Keep saturated fats (found in red meat, for instance) below 7 percent of total calories. Avoid trans fat ( found in processed snack food) and maintain a body mass index (BMI) below 25.

Exercise: Get at least 30 minutes of moderate‐level activity, such as walking, five days a week.

EASTER MEMORIALS & THANKSGIVINGS FORM Given by:__________________________________ Phone: _________________ Select:

Easter Memorials & Thanksgivings Remember friends and loved ones this Easter season by contributing to the pur‐ chase of Easter Sunday flowers or by giving to the Rector's Discretionary Fund.


Sunday, March 25, 2012

{ }

Easter Flowers:



(Notation Line: Easter Flowers)

Choose one: □ In Loving Memory of

Print Names: Use Christian names only Example: John and Mary Doe



□ In Thanksgiving for

{ }

Rector's Discretionary Fund


$____________ (Notation Line: Rector’s Disc. Fund)

Choose one: □ In Loving Memory of

Print Names: Use Christian names only Example: John and Mary Doe



□ In Thanksgiving for

Please submit separate checks if contributing to both funds. Deadline March 25, 2012. Thank you.

All Saints’ Episcopal Church 203 E. Chatsworth Ave. Reisterstown, MD 21136 Phone: 410-833-7000 E-mail:

The Bell Tower Volume 12,Number 2

Page 4

NOTE FROM PARISH OFFICE: If your birthday or anniversary is not listed, we may not have correct information on file. Please provide the appropriate information to the Parish Office so we may update our records. Thanks!

SPECIAL BIRTHDAYS Mr. Gordon Harden th

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Stan Ryder ‐ February 3 Alex Daly ‐ February 4 John Rogers ‐ February 11 Kelly Hill ‐ February 14 Reid Conley ‐ February 18 Phineas Westerlund ‐ February 21 Jane Johnson ‐ February 22 Amy Ewertz ‐ February 24 Dean Groth ‐ February 27

Mrs. Kathleen Burnham

will celebrate his 94 birthday on

will celebrate her 93rd birthday on

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Monday, February 20, 2012

(1000 Weller Circle, Apt. 214

(107 E. Chestnut Hill Lane,

Westminster, MD 21158‐4341)

Reisterstown, MD 21136)

Ms. Edith Harnish nd

Mrs. Jean Worthley

will celebrate her 82 birthday on

will celebrate her 87th birthday on:

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Thursday, February 23, 2012

(306 Cantata Court, Unit 209

(939 Wesley Road,

Reisterstown, MD 21136‐2567)

Finksburg, MD 21048‐1220)

Mrs. Dorothy Sumey

Mrs. Blanche Shipley

will celebrate her 80th birthday on

will celebrate her 89th birthday on

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Sunday, February 26, 2012

(414 Obrecht Road

(225 Parkholme Circle

Sykesville, MD 21784‐7628)

Reisterstown, MD 21136‐3413)

Note from the Parish Office: If you know of anyone who will celebrate their 80th birthday or older– or who will have a 50th wedding anniversary or higher, please call the parish office to make sure we are aware of the information. Thank you.

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February 2012 Sun










4 8:30a Men’s Breakfast

7:00p As You Are Worship, Groff Hall

7:00p Movie Night “Courageous”



18 9a-4p The Art of Marriage DVD Seminar/McNamara’s

7:00p Youth Study 8:00p Choir Reh. 5


7 10:00a Bible Study



10a-3p Franklin Garden Club (Mtg off –site this month)

Epiphany 6

Epiphany 5

12:00p Youth for Truth 7:00p Vestry Planning 7:00p Women/FH 7:00p Men’s Fellowship 8:30p A.A.

7:00p Youth Study 8:00p Choir Reh.

7:00p Vestry

14 10:00a Bible Study

15 Bell Tower DEADLINE



7:00p Women/FH 7:00p Men’s Fellowship 8:30p A.A.

7:00p Youth Study 8:00p Choir Reh.

7:30p Catonsville Kennel Club

7-9:30p The Art of Marriage DVD Seminar/McNamara’s

1p-3p Prayer Shawl Workshop, FH


21 Shrove Tuesday 10:00a Bible Study

22 Ash Wednesday 10:00a Ashes & H.E.




President’s Day

5:00p Shrove TuesdayPancake Supper 7:00p Women/FH 7:00p Men’s Fellowship 8:30p A.A.

7:30p Alanon 8:30p A.A.

7:30p R.O.G./GH



12:00p Youth for Truth 12:30p G.O.C. 7:30p Alanon 8:30p A.A., FH

Last Epiphany

12:00p Youth for Truth

First Sunday , Lent



7:30p Alanon 8:30 A.A. . 27

28 10:00a Bible Study

12:00p Youth for Truth 7:30p Alanon 8:30 A.A.

7:30p Catonsville KC Board

7:00p Women/FH 7:00p Men’s Fellowship 8:30p A.A.

7:30p Ashes & H.E. 8:00p Choir Reh.

29 LEAP YEAR! 6:00p Soup Supper 7:00p Lenten Study 7:00p Youth Study 8:00p Choir Rehearsal

Schedule of Special Events

Feb 3rd •

7:00 pm: Come As You • Are Worship Groff Hall

Feb 4th •

8:30 am: Men’s Breakfast, Groff Hall

7:00 pm: Movie Night“Courageous” Groff Hall

*Soup Supper* Starting Feb 29th April 4th

Feb 17-18th The Art of Marriage DVD Seminar McNamara’s

Feb 17 : 7:00-9:30 pm Feb 18 : 9:00a-4:00 pm

Feb 21st •

5:00 pm: Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper, Groff Hall

6:00 pm: Soup Supper

7:00 pm: Lenten Study

All Saints’ Episcopal Church 203 E. Chatsworth Ave. PO Box 279 Reisterstown, MD 21136-0279

Non-Profit Org.

U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 45 Owings Mills, MD.

Phone: 410-833-0700 Fax: 410-833-2352 E-mail:

We’re on the web: www.allsaints.ang‐

Love through the Bible for Valentines Day

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails … 1 Corinthians 13:4–8a

Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her. Ephesians 5:25

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16

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