All Saints’ Episcopal Church
June 2011
The Bell Tower
Reisterstown Parish
A Letter from Father David When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them. (Acts 2:1‐4) Dear All Saints’ family,
Vision Statement: All Saints’ strives to be a place where people come to know Jesus Christ, are transformed to His glory, and become witnesses to God’s unchangeable word.
Summer is just around the corner and soon school will be out and vacations will start. Every year at this time we are reminded that God doesn’t take vacations and the work of the church goes on. This summer will be filled with ministry opportunities along with oc‐ casions for fun and fellowship. On Saturday, June 18th we return to Holbrook Hollow Farm for our annual picnic. This is a marvelous way to spend the day and bask in God’s creation. The youth group has two missions trips planned for this summer along with their annual trek to Creation. Vacation Bible Camp is set for August and presents us with another op‐ portunity to serve the children of our community.
Volume 11, Number 6
This year we will begin our summer schedule on Sunday, June 26th with the service of Holy Eucharist at 8:00 (quiet Rite I) and a blended music service at 10:15. This is another won‐ derful way we can draw closer together as a congregation and share our diverse music tra‐ ditions. Between services we will have our coffee hour along with at least two adult educa‐ tion choices. I am looking forward to see what our Lord has in store for us this summer and invite you to make regular attendance a part of your summer plans. If you cannot be with us for any reason please remember to send in your tithes and offerings either by mail or you can check with your bank and send your gift electronically. Our expenses do not go down during the summer and we need your support.
Inside this issue:
Letter from Fr. David
God’s Older Children
Library Corner
Messages from the Body 3 Announcements
Calendar of Events
Also, a reminder that Sunday, June 12, marks the end of the Easter season and the begin‐ ning of the long season of Pentecost. On the day of Pentecost the disciples were gathered in Jerusalem waiting for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit as Jesus had told them “I am going to send you what my Father has promised; but stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high." The Holy Spirit came with the sound of a mighty wind they all were filled with the power of God and began to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ. I t has always amazed me how a small band of men and women turned the world upside down. Of coarse they did not do it under their own power, but only by the anoint‐ ing of the Holy Spirit and the gifts which the Spirit bestowed upon them. The promise of the Holy Spirit was not just for the people in the upper room but it is for everyone who comes to Christ in faith. That includes you and me. St. Paul wrote, “The same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwells in you.” What this says to me is that we have all that we need to fully accomplish the ministry that our Lord has called us to. Like the disciples we can do nothing on our own, but with the Spirit of God working in and through us all things are possible. As a summer discipline I encourage each and every member of All Saints’ Church to pray for the filling of God’s Holy Spirit and to seek to discover our own unique spiritual gifts. In doing so we will emerge from the summer ready to fulfill the ministry that God has placed before us. Blessings, Fr. David
The Bell Tower Volume 11, Number 6
Page 2
God’s Older Children - Skin Cancer Information Skin Cancer is the most common cancer in the United States, reported the American Academy of Dermatology in 2010. Did you know there are three dif‐ ferent types of the disease? Learning what each one looks like can help you catch them early, when they’re most easily cured.
Malignant melanoma is the most serious form of skin cancer. It can even be deadly. The first sign is any change in size, shape, color or texture of a mole. It can be cured if found and removed in its early stages.
Basal cell carcinoma is the most com‐ mon type. It’s a growth or bump on the skin that may bleed. It can look waxy, pale or brown. There are several ways to have it removed, including minor surgery. Squamous cell carcinoma is the sec‐ ond most common type of skin cancer. You might notice a bump, scaly patch or an ulcer that doesn’t heal. Most are cured when caught early and removed.
From the Library Corner In preparation, he read the Bible Great Summer Reading to Keep through for the first time from You in Touch with your Bible: Genesis through Revelations, list‐ THE YEAR OF LIVING BIBLICALLY ing more than seven hundred rules he would need to follow to accom‐ by A.J. Jacobs plish this task in 365 days. Readers of this book will enjoy, commiser‐ This book is a humorous, inspiring ate and laugh, while the author account of this unreligious Jewish experiences becoming more like author’s year, as he kept his vow Moses in appearance, becomes a to live the Bible as realistically as new parent, learns from the Ser‐ possible, while living with his wife mon on the Mount, and evaluates in Manhattan in 2005. his year of enrichment and sacri‐ fice.
by Barbara Carr An index and well documented bibliography are included, making it convenient to refer to the Bible and other read‐ ings. This book is available on the table in Groff Hall.
Page 3 Evergreen Update Many thanks to all of those that have returned pledge cards for the Evergreen Program. To date we have received over 60 pledges. (this is only about a 40 % response ) Please take a moment if you have not done so already to return your pledge card. This is an essential part of the Evergreen Program for Stewardship. For the committee, David Waite
Outreach Committee We received this letter from one of the outreach recipients and wanted to share it with all of you.
Good Samaritan Orphanage ‐ Rev. Robert & Miriam Mbinda, Tanzania, East Africa, $500
Dear All Saints’ Mission Committee,
Greetings from Kenya! I can’t say “thank you” enough for your prayers and support. As I sometimes walk through the slums of Nairobi, I see the reality of poverty and a spiral of hopeless‐ ness. Families live in small shanties with dirt floors and unclean water. Your support to my ministry with Heart to Heart is an act of faithful kindness as we seek to help the oppressed achieve a better living. Challenged by the spiral of helpless‐ ness, your response supports the spiral of hope as I work to assure daily food, schooling and expression of God’s love to the needy. Your commitment helps give HOPE in the love of Christ which never ends. Thank you and God Bless you.
World Mission Prayer League ‐ Kathleen Lutz, Kenya, Africa, $500
If you'd like to learn more about any of these ministries please see the Outreach Bulletin Board in Groff Hall or ask a member of the committee. If you know of a ministry you feel All Saints' should support, please contact Kerry McNamara to schedule a time to meet with the Outreach Committee and discuss.
Kathleen Lutz Through the Outreach Committee All Saints' has supported the following ministries in 2011: •
Alpha Pregnancy Center ‐ Reisterstown, MD, $500
Community Crisis Center ‐ Reisterstown, MD, $1,000
FIRE International ‐ The Mitchell Family, Peru, $500
Vacation Bible Camp With SUMMER almost here, that means it is time for VACATION BIBLE CAMP PLANNING. The first planning meeting for all teachers, helpers, volunteers will be on: Thursday, June 9th, from 5:30 to 6:30 pm at All Saints’. PLEASE plan to attend and see where God will use you in this outreach service to Him. If you haven’t done so as yet, mark your calendars for this year’s camp week of August 15‐19!
Thanks for your support, Preston Athey, Dan Bolgiano, Bobbi Hauk, Jerry Kalbach, Kerry McNamara & Janet Stenner Outreach Committee Members The purpose of the All Saints' Outreach Committee is to iden‐ tify and contribute financially to organizations and individuals who meet social needs and/or further the Gospel.
The Bell Tower
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Volume 11, Number 6
Dreanne Franklin Keenan McNamara Peter Phelps CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR 2011 COLLEGE GRADUATES: Kevin Hemler ‐ from Community College of Baltimore County on June 4 with an Associates Degree in Information Technology Stephanie Kratz ‐ from Salisbury University on May 19 with Bachelors Degree in Mass Media Production and a minor in Theater Deaths HAPPY JUNE BIRTHDAYS Jackson Robertson, June 4 Susan Robertson, June 10 Dawn Hemler, June 11
Virginia Sacra (mother of Ken Sacra) died May 2, 2011 (Ken & Carol Sacra 37 Franklin Valley Circle Reisterstown, MD 21136‐5811) Special June Anniversaries
Maegan Thomas, June 12
Nancy and Preston Athey
Frances and Joseph Mitchell
Marie Kelley, June 13
will celebrate their
will celebrate their
Mitchell McNamara, June 14
40th anniversary
39th anniversary
Rose Bognanni, June 16
on Sunday, June 19
on Friday, June 24
Dale Groth, June 17 Jonathan Stenner, June 22
Special Anniversaries
Stephanie Kratz, June 28
Richard and Estale Daniel will celebrate their 55th anniversary on Thursday, June 9, 2010 (2717 Appleseed Road Finksburg, MD 21048‐2204)
Note from the Parish Office: If you know of anyone who will celebrate their 80th birthday or older– or who will have a 50th wedding anniversary or higher, please call the parish office to make sure we are aware of the information. Thank you.
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June 2011 Sun
4 RUMMAGE SALE 9am –2pm
Rummage Sale Set-Up June 1 – June 3
7:00p Youth Study 8:00p Choir Reh.
2 Penecost
Trinity Sunday
Pentecost Whitsunday
Easter 7
5 10:40a Prayer Meeting 11:00a Young Adults 12:00p Youth for Truth
7:00 Vestry Planning 7:00p Women 7:00p Men’s Fellowship 8:30p A.A.
7:30p Alanon 8:30p A.A. 12 10:40a Prayer Meeting 11:00a Young Adults 12:00p Youth for Truth 12:30p G.O.C. 7:30p Alanon 8:30p A.A.
19 Father’s Day
21 10:00a Bible Study
7:00p Women 7:00p Men’s 8:30p A.A.
7:30p Alanon 8:30p A.A.
7:30p Alanon 8:30p A.A.
14 10:00a Bible Study
7:00p Women 7:00p Men’s Fellowship 8:30p A.A.
10:40a Prayer Meeting 11:00a Young Adults 12:00p Youth for Truth
26 8a– H.E. Quiet 10:15a - H.E. Blended 11:45 Young Adults 12:00p Youth for Truth
7 10:00a Bible Study
7:30 Catonsville KC Board
7:00p Youth Study 8:00p Choir Reh. 15Bell Tower Deadline
7:00p Vestry Meeting 16
Prayer Meeting Change Meeting on SUNDAY 10:40a– 10:55a In Prayer Room, Groff Hall ANNUAL Church Picnic Holbrook Farms June 18 11a‐3p
Annual Church Picnic– Holbrook 7:00p Youth Study 8:00p Choir Reh.
7:30 Catonsville Kennel Club
8:30a– Men’s Breakfast
Youth at Creation– June 28—July 3, 2011
7:00p Women/ FH 7:00p Men’s Fellowship 8:30p A.A.
Sunday Services through June 19th
7:00p Youth Study 8:00p Choir Reh.
28 10:00a Bible Study
ALSo Cruise Potomac to Mount Vernon Plantation
10-3p Franklin Garden Club
Schedule of Special Events
Rummage Sale June 4th 9a –2p
7:45a Holy Eucharist (Quiet) 9:00a Holy Eucharist (contemporary family) 9:15a Children’s School 11:00a Holy Eucharist (traditional)
Sunday Services June 26 - Sept 18 8:00a Holy Eucharist (Quiet) 10:15a Holy Eucharist (Blended service with music) 10:30a Children’s School
All Saints’ Episcopal Church
Non-Profit Org.
203 E. Chatsworth Ave.
PO Box 279
Permit No. 45 Owings Mills, MD.
Reisterstown, MD 21136-0279 Phone: 410-833-0700 Fax: 410-833-2352 E-mail:
We’re on the web: www.allsaints.ang‐
Happy Father’s Day
"A good father is one of the most unsung, unpraised, unnoticed, and yet one of the most valuable assets in our society." -- Billy Graham, Christian Evangelist