2016 Champion HK Summer Auction

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Programme 摘要


Forword 前言


Terms of Sale 銷售條款


Instruction for Mail Bidders 郵寄競投須知


Liveauctioneers 注冊幫助


H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection, Chinese Struck Coins,

World Coins & Modern Chinese Coins 霍華德包克藏品、機制幣、世界錢幣和中國現代金銀幣 144-168 Champion Events 冠軍拍賣活動安排 Category( 分類 )

Lots( 拍品號 )

H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection ( 包克東亞藏品 )


Chinese Struck Coins ( 中國機制幣 )


World Coins & Modern Chinese Coins ( 世界錢幣和中國現代金銀幣 )


We are one of the leading dealers in East Asian numismatics. We attend over 30 conventions and auctions annually in Asia, Europe, and the U.S. to buy and sell World numismatics. Collectors please sent us your want list. We are ready to assist you in the formation and location of items for your collection. We also serve as representatives for bidders at auction. When you are thinking of selling, we can assist in the appraisal and sale of your numismatic holdings for market value. Please contact us at our Shanghai office by email championghka@gmail.com, phone, Fax. Letter, or meet us at one of the many conventions we attend. Hong Kong


iAsure Champion Room 907 SilvercordTower2, 30 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon,Hong Kong Tel: 852-2150-5744 Fax: 852-3007-4311 E-mail:championghka@gmail.com

iAsure Shanghai Technology Room801,No.16,Lane1258, Changde Rd,Shanghai, 200060 People's Republic of China Tel:86-21-62993235 Cell:13701793363 Fax:86-21-62993235*12 E-mail:championghka@gmail.com



iAsure Japan K.K. Computec Ichigaya Building 3F. 2-20 Honmuracho Ichigaya, Shinjuku, Japan 162-0845 Tel:03-5225-7017 Fax:03-5225-7105 2

Champion Auction Taipei Office First Floor Room 51,163 NanKing West Road,Taipei, Taiwan Republic of China Tel:(02)2555-1761 Email:championghka@gmail.com



Time of Sale


Viewing in Hong Kong


yatt Regency Hong Kong H 18 Hanoi Road,Tsim Sha Tsui, HK

August 23 10:00 H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection August 23 13:00 Chinese Struck Coins August 23 15:00 World Coins & Modern Chinese Coins

August 19-21 10:00-17:00 Table J2, Floor 18 Mira Hotel, Hong Kong August 22 10:00-17:00 Hyatt Regency Hong Kong Saloon I August 23 09:00-12:00 Hyatt Regency Hong Kong Ballroom II August 24 10:00-14:00 Auction Pick up Hyatt Regency Hong Kong Saloon I

香港凯悦酒店 香港九龍河內道 18 號

8 月 23 日 10:00 霍華德包克藏品 8 月 23 日 13:00 中國機制幣 8 月 23 日 15:00 世界錢幣和中國現代金銀幣

8 月 19-21 日 10:00-17:00 香港美麗華酒店 18 層展臺 J2 8 月 22 日 10:00-17:00 香港凱悅酒店 Saloon I 8 月 23 日 09:00-12:00 香港凱悅酒店 Ballroom II 8 月 24 日 10:00-14:00 取貨 香港凱悅酒店 Saloon I

8/23 網上拍賣 https://new.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/91333_champion-liveauctioneer-auction/ www.cghka.com www.coinsky.com www.coin007.com

Please contact us for other viewing arrangement 如需安排特別預覽時間,請與我們聯繫 AUCTIONEER


CATALOGUE PRODUCTION Michael H.Chou Avery Stone Bruce W. Smith Jack Huang David Ashkinazy Dr. Tseng Che Lu (consultant) Chou Chien Fu (consultant) Ronald Guth (consultant)


We are very excited to offer selections from the Howard Franklin Bowker East Asian Collection. Many of the Bowker coins are in the top level of preservation and with excellent eye appeal. This is a great opportunity to add these coins to a Chinese collection. 1896 Chili Province Dollar NGC MS-63, 1897 Chili Province Dollar Dot with triangle variety NGC MS-63, 1897 Chili Province 50 Cents, 1898 Fengtien Province Dollar NGC MS-65, 1898 Fengtien Province 50 cents NGC MS-65, 1928 Kweichow Auto Dollar NGC MS-63, Hong Kong 1941 One Cent NGC MS-64. The Howard Bowker Benefit Auction will use all proceeds from the auction for the promotion of numismatics, including digitization and education projects, and will donate a portion of the proceeds to the National Numismatic Collection at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History Additional Highlights: Selections from the NC collection 1929 Sun Yat Sen Globe Dollar NGC MS-65, probably the most attractive and rarest Republican Portrait Dollar. This is the finest known example and designed by Austria Mint’s Richard Plancht. 1897 Kiangnan 50 cents Pattern Heaton Mint NGC SP-67. This rare pattern produced by Heaton Mint is the finest graded by NGC with superb toning and eye appeal. 1909 Honan 20 Cash NGC XF40BN, Rated as One of the 10 rarest Chinese Copper patterns, this example one of four known and probably the finest known. Other Highlights 1929 Sun Yat Sen Italy Junk Pattern A.Motti. NGC MS-63 The rarest of six Junk Pattern , this choice example was sold by Champion in its first auction in June 1996 in Hong Kong. 1929 Sun Yat Sen Italy Junk Pattern NGC MS-64. This finest graded example is also from Champion’s June 1996 sale and is very difficult to find in high grade. 1897 Anwei Year 23rd Pattern Dollar NGC SP-63. This is one of the rarest dollars of China and one of two coins sold originally with Otto Beh Chinese Die auction by Kunker Auction. 我們很榮幸此次能夠將霍華德 • 富蘭克林 • 包克的東亞錢幣藏品精選展現在諸位面前。這些藏品大多保存完好,品相上乘, 而且個個光彩奪目。此次拍賣將是一次把這些錢幣納入中國收藏的絕佳機會。 1896 年北洋機器局造壹圓銀幣(NGC MS63) 1897 年(光緒 23 年)北洋機器局造壹圓銀幣,三角龍眼帶圓點(NGC MS-63) 1897 年(光緒 23 年)北洋機器局造五角銀幣 1898 年(光緒 24 年)奉天機器局造壹圓銀幣(NGC MS-65) 1898 年(光緒 24 年)奉天機器局造五角銀幣(NGC MS-65) 1928 年貴州省政府造銀幣壹圓,俗稱“汽車幣”(NGC MS63) 1941 年香港一仙銅幣(NGC MS-64) 此次霍華德 • 包克義拍的全部收入將會被用於推動錢幣學的研究上,如贊助錢幣資料數位化以及教育計畫,此外,還有一 部分收入會被捐贈給美國國家歷史博物館錢幣收藏館。 其他拍賣亮點 1: NC 藏品選拍 1929 年(民國十八年)孫中山地球壹圓銀質樣幣,(NGC MS-65)。這枚錢幣可能是目前最為珍貴、最知名的民國肖像幣, 也是奧地利造幣廠的錢幣設計師理查德 • 普蘭奇特現存品相最好的一枚。 1897 年江南省造光緒元寶庫平三錢六分銀幣,老江南,齒邊,NGC 此版評級最高分(NGC SP-67)。這枚喜敦造幣場所鑄樣 幣色澤精緻,品相絕好。 1909 年(己酉)“汴”字大清銅幣當製錢二十文,(NGC XF40BN),被評為十大最稀有中國銅質樣幣之一,目前已知的一 共四枚,這次所拍樣幣很有可能是四枚之中的最佳品。 其他拍賣亮點 2: 1929 年 ( 民國十八年 ) 孫中山帆船壹圓銀質樣幣,義大利版,帶 A.Motti (NGC MS-63)。此枚樣幣是六枚孫中山船洋中 最為珍貴的一枚,這枚樣幣此前曾在冠軍拍賣公司 1996 年 6 月舉行的第一屆拍賣上售出。 1929 年 ( 民國十八年 ) 孫中山帆船壹圓銀質樣幣,義大利版,(NGC MS-64)。這枚最高分評級幣也於 1996 年 6 月在冠軍 公司第一屆拍賣會上拍出,如此好品相的錢幣現在已經難以尋覓。 1897 年(光緒二十三年)安徽省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分黃銅鍍銀樣幣,(NGC SP-63)。 這枚錢幣是昆克拍賣公司與 Otto Beh 中國幣模一同拍賣的兩枚錢幣中的一枚,也是最為珍貴的中國錢幣之一。 Michael Chou Champion Auctions


1. This auction sale is conducted pursuant to the terms of sale by CHAMPION AUCTION, an iAsure Company. 2. Each bidder, by bidding in the sale agrees that a 21% BUYER'S CHARGE for online bid and 18% for other bid will be added to the winning bid of each lot. The BUYER'S FEE will be added to the invoice of each successful bidder over and above the actual sum bid or offered. Auction sales are strictly for cash and must be paid for promptly in U.S. funds. 3. All estimates are in US Dollars. All bids should be made to the nearest Multiple of US$5 or US$10. 4. All lots will be sold to the highest bidder. 5. We reserve the right to refuse or reject any bids. 6. All lots are put up for sale subject to any reserve price that may be imposed by the seller. The seller could be entitled to bid and withdraw any lot or lots either personally or though the sales firm. 7. In the event of identical mail bids for the same lot, the lot will be awarded to the first bid received. 8. Successful bidders will be notified and sent an invoice for the lots awarded to them. Postage and insurance will be added to all invoices ($5 minimum). All lots will be sent via registered air.The insurance and risk of loss for all lots shipped outside of the United States is the responsibility of the successful bidder. It is agreed by bidding in this sale that CHAMPION will not he held responsible if the lots are lost in the mails. For United States mail bidders, at the time the items are turn over to the postal service, RISK OF LOSS IS ON THE BUYER. 9. CHAMPION is not responsible for your errors in bidding. PLEASE CHECK YOUR BID SHEET AND BID ON THE CORRECT LOT. 10. All bidders are required to established credit references or submit a deposit of 25% of their bids. The deposit will be applied to purchases, and any overage will be refunded. CHAMPION reserves the right to require payment in full before delivering lots to a successful bidder. 11. Auction sales are not approval sales. You must assume the responsibility for paying for all lots that are successfully awarded to you. All purchases shall be paid in full within Three (3) days of the sale day.The sales firm reserves the right to charge interest on any overdue payment at the rate of two-and-half percent (2 1/2%) per month. No lotsmay be returned by mail bidders without our written permission.

Request must be within three days after the receipt of the lot(s). Late remittance for any reason is just cause to negate all return privileges. If a lot is to be returned, it must be housed in the original, completely intact, sealed holder. 12.Lots are sold with all faults, imperfections and errors of description. Neither the sale firm nor the seller shall give any warranty to any buyer in respect of any lot, or be liable for any fault or error of description, or a lack of genuineness or authenticity of any lot. 13.Except as otherwise expressly stated in the terms of the sale, CHAMPION and its agents and employees make no warranties or guaranties or representations, and expressly disclaim all warranties and guaranties and representations, including, without limitation, a warranty of merchantability, in connection with any numismatic properties sold by CHAMPION. 14.All oral and written statements made by CHAMPION, are statements of opinion only, and are not warranties or representation of any kind, unless stated as a specific written warranty. The sales firm reserves the right in forMING his opinion, to consult and rely upon any expert or authority considered by him to be reliable. If any lot should be proved by the buyer to be a forgery or re-print, or to have been wrongly described in any material respect, the buyer may reject the same, provided that he shall have given notice of his intention to do so and shall have returned the same lot the auctioneer within (14) days from the day of sale. Under no circumstances will the sales firm be liable for any costs, expenses or damages incurred by the buyer in respect of any lot, including, but not limited to, loss of any kind of profits whatsoever. Bidders are advised to scrutinize the lots they bid for. 15.CHAMPION assumes no risk, liability or responsibility for the material (or other) facts stated concerning the numismatic item, except as specified herein. 16.In those conditions, the sales firm means CHAMPION AUCTION, an iAsure Company.


1. 總則:此系公開拍賣及郵遞競投。所有拍賣 品以價高者得為原則。本公司有權接受或拒絕 任何競投,並有權撤銷任何拍賣品。拍賣中如 有任何爭議,拍賣人有最終裁決權。未成年人 不得參加此次拍賣。 2. 預 展 日 程: 預 展 日 程 詳 情, 請 參 閱 目 錄 第三頁。網上競標請於八月二十二日前網上 拍 賣 :https://new.liveauctioneers.com/ catalog/91333_champion-liveauctioneerauction/; 注 冊 登 記。 委 託 競 標 請 於 八 月 二 十 二 日 前 發 電 子 郵 件 至 championghka@ gmail.com, 或 把 競 投 委 託 表 傳 真 至 (852)3077-4311。我們懇切建議儘早提送委託 要求,以免貽誤競投。 3. 現場競投:現場競投將從名列第二的郵遞競 投價格價 10% 開始。如果現場競標價不超過最 高郵遞競投價,則競投者可以開價價格或現場 最高叫價購買。換言之,郵遞競投者在沒有現 場競爭者的條件下可以自動降低其競買價格。 4. 投標押金:對於初次競投人,務請填寫相關 的參考資料。并需交投標金額 25% 的押金。此 押金將用於支付競投,否則會及時寄還,我們 保留要求付清全部金額再予郵送的權利。 5. 購 買 費: 購 買 費 網 上 為 落 槌 價 的 百 分 之 二十一,其它為落槌價的百分之十八 , 購買費 將附加在所有成功的投標者(郵遞或現場競投 均包括在內)的發票上。 6. 退貨規則:所有現場銷售都是決定性的。競 投人有責任付清不論以何種方式競投成功的全 部拍賣品的售價。本公司對拍賣品之品種及等 級極為關注以力求保證其為真品。本公司建議 買家在拍賣前對於購物品審查過目或委託可以 過目的代理人。拍賣人樂於與競投人審查拍賣

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C William D. Craig, Coins of the World, 3rd Edition, Racine, Wisconsin, 1976 K E.Kann, Illustrated Catalog of Chinese Coins(Gold, Silver, Nickel, and Aluminum.) Los Angeles, 1956) K Kim KNDA catalog 1993. KM Krause and Mishler, Standard Catalog of the World Coins, 2 Volume, Iola, 1985. P Alfred Pick. Standard Catalog of Paper Money. 2 Volume, Iola, Wisconsin 1995. S Albert Schroeder (Annam), Etudes Numismatiques, 2 Volumes, Paris, 1905. Y R.S. Yeomen, Modern World Coins, 1950-1964, 13th Ed. Fort Lee, 1984. 6

1.Please send your bids as soon as possible. If identical bids are received the first received bids has preference. To send bids even faster we suggest sending by Fax. Telephone bids can be accepted, but have to be confirmed in writing. 2.All estimates are in US Dollars, and all bids should be to the nearest multiple of US$5 or US$10. Odd figure bids will be marked down to the nearest actual bid by the auctioneer. No"Buy"or "Unlimited" bids will be accepted. 3.The auctioneer will try to obtain the lot, subject to bids from the floor, for the lowest price. Therefore, mail bidders should enter themaximum amount that they are prepared to pay. 4.All successful mail bidders will be notified and sent an invoice for the lots awarded to them. Postage and insurance will be added to all invoices ($5 minimum). The insurance and risk of loss for all lots shipped outside of the United States is the responsibility of the successful bidder.

5.A"Buyer's Premium" of 21% for online bid and 18% for other bid will be added to the invoice of each successful bidder over and above the actual sum or bid. 6.Please give details on the form of delivery of lot or lots. Payment must be made before lots are dispatched. 7.Auction Preview Schedule is shown on page 3 of the catalog For online did, please register at :https://new.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/91333_ champion-liveauctioneer-auction/ by 8/22. For absentee bid, please fax bid order form to 8523007-4311 or email to championghka@gmail. com by 8/22. In order to process your mail bid request properly and correctly, please send your bid form as soon as possible.

1.Payment should be made in United States Dollars in the form of cash or cheques or drawn on a United States clearing bank, or by means of banker's draft or telegraphic or cable transfer to the auctioneer's account, quoting the original invoice number. 2.By telegraphic transfer: Please contact us for more information.

3.Full payment is expected on receipt of invoice. No items will be dispatched except to established account customers, unless full payment has been received. 4.There are no taxes payable in Hong Kong on the hammer price, premium, commission, or any other charge.


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6/29/16 2:31 PM

Great Asia Numismatist-Howard F. Bowker Bruce W. Smith The great researcher and collector Howard Frankline Bowker was a friend of Woodward, helped Kann compile his 1954 book, and worked with Arthur Coole on a bibliography on East Asian numismatics and published over 70 articles. Howard Franklin Bowker (3 January 1889 – 8 July 1970) was born in Winona, Minnesota and died in Oakland, California. Having served 34 years in the United States Navy, he was buried in Arlington National Cemetery outside of Washington. D.C. Bowker enlisted in the Navy in October 1912 and was present at the 1914 landing at Veracruz, Mexico during the Mexican Civil War. He received his commission as an officer in September 1918 during the World War I, becoming a Warrant Officer in 1928, a Lt. Jg. in 1942, and a Lt. Commander in April 1944. From May 1923 to April 1924, Bowker was stationed at Hankow, China, where he had his first opportunity to obtain Chinese coins at the source. From June 1937 through June 1939 he was stationed on the island of Guam. By this time, World War II was under way, and all three of Bowker's sons had entered military service. By chance, his two eldest sons, though serving overseas, became fathers on the same day, 28 October 1942. The oldest son, Major Howard F. Bowker Jr., a Marine pilot, was shot down over the New Hebrides Islands in June 1943. His second son, Lt. Gordon A. Bowker, died when the U.S. submarine, Argonaut, was sunk by Japanese destroyers on 10 January 1943, between New Britain and Bougainville in the south Pacific. The youngest son, Irving, who had joined the Army, served in Alaska during World War II. He survived wars and died in February 1995. On 23 December 1945, Bowker retired from the Navy and spent the rest of his life devoted to numismatic and philatelic pursuits. Howard Bowker was a prominent collector of Chinese stamps and covers, and was a recognized authority on the very rare provisional stamp known as the Foochow Bisect. His monograph on the subject, Foochow 1903, originally published in 1938, is a classic which is still referred to today. Bowker was a life member of the American Philatelic Society, Charter Member #19 of the China Stamp Society, and one of six founding members of the San Francisco branch (Chiu Chin Shan branch) of the China Stamp Society. He served for many years as President of the San Francisco branch and also as editor of its journal, Pa Kua. His philatelic articles appeared in the Collectors Club Philatelist, in China Clipper (journal of the China Stamp Society), and in other stamp publications. In 1926 he published the Thornhill Album for stamps of the Treaty Ports and Formosa. Howard Bowker's importance to Chinese numismatics has not been adequately recognized. From the 1940's into the 1960's, in my opinion, he was the most knowledgeable collector of Chinese coins and paper money in the United States. This can be seen in the dozens of articles he wrote in various magazines, on a variety of topics, but more importantly, in his two books. His first book, published in 1943, was rather obscure even then, and is a rare book today. Published by the American Numismatic Society in New York as Numismatic Notes & Monographs #101, the rather dull title reads: A Numismatic Bibliography of the Far East: A Check List of Titles in European Languages. This pioneering work records more than 900 books, articles and even auctions of East Asian coins and paper money, published in western languages. Except for the auction catalogs, the entire work is arranged in a single, alphabetical listing by author. But going a step farther, Bowker added a notation indicating in which of more than a dozen listed libraries each work can be found. This is important because many of the works are rare or difficult to locate. Bowker's other book is a collaborative effort with Arthur Coole and Hitoshi Kozono. In 1940 Coole published a bibliography on East Asian numismatics, focusing mainly on Chinese and Japanese language works, titled A Bibliography on Far Eastern Numismatics. Coole and Bowker had been corresponding before this work appeared, and Bowker was clearly impressed with it. For the next 25 years, the two carried on an active correspondence, updating and correcting the bibliography. In the collaboration which developed, Kozono took charge of recording the Japanese language works, Bowker focused on the western language works, and Coole updated and refined the Chinese language listing. This does not mean that Bowker ignored the Chinese and Japanese works. A thick file of correspondence between Coole and Bowker reveals that the two were constantly obtaining books for each other and exchanging information about books and articles they either owned or knew about. The new work was published in 1967 under the title: Bibliography of Far Eastern Numismatology and a Coin Index (Encyclopedia of Chinese Coins – Volume 1). Bowker's work on the book shows that he had


what researchers call “bibliographic control” of his subject, meaning that he had seen just about everything which had been written about the subject. Not only was Bowker familiar with the literature on the subject of Chinese coins, he also had the opportunity to examine several great collections in addition to his own. During 1958-1959 he worked at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, DC as (volunteer) curator of Asian Numismatics. In this capacity he was able to examine the George Glover collection of Chinese coins, donated to the museum in 1897, as well as other Asian coins which the museum had acquired. He also spent a great deal of time examining the Henry Ramsden and John Reilly collections at the American Numismatic Society in New York City, and had the Ramsden collection photographed. He looked over Arthur Coole's collection and made rubbings of things which interested him. He checked the Edward Thwing collection of Chinese coins at the University of Pennsylvania, and had probably seen at least some of the coins in the Eduard Kann and Don Keefer collections. His search for new information and new additions to his collection took him to the offices of the Ferracute Machine Company in Bridgeton, New Jersey. Bowker knew that Ferracute had supplied the machinery and dies for the Chengtu (Szechuan) and Wuchang (Hupeh) mints, but during his visit he discovered that they had also supplied machinery and dies to the Kaifeng mint in Honan province. Howard and Letta began attending twice-a-week night classes in 1948 at the Berkeley High School to learn book repair and binding. According to their grandson, Gordon, Bowker, Jr., "I believe the bookbinding served two functions: therapeutic as well as preservational." This became a hobby that the two would share together as they conserved many of the books, pamphlets, and magazines in Bowker's burgeoning library. Howard F. Bowker was a long-time member of the American Numismatic Society, the American Numismatic Association, the Pacific Coast Numismatic Society and was for some years editor of the latter's journal, Numismatic Bulletin. The Bowker collection included many rare Chinese coins, such as a copper pattern of the 1904 Kiangnan 20 Cash (ex-Woodward, one of only two are known to exist, one is displayed at Shanghai Museum). Bowker owned a 1901 Kirin “Banner coin” 50 cents silver pattern, one of only three known to exist (ex-Kann). According to current information, there is no record in both public and private museums of China. Other highlights of the Bowker collection include a Hong Kong mint 1868 maritime customs one tael silver pattern, a 1932 gold standard one dollar copper pattern, a Ferracute struck Szhechuan brass proof pattern set, a 1914 Yuan Shih Kai Commemorative Silver Pattern set, with L.GIORGI, a 1936 Sun Yat Sen nickel and brass spade dollar pattern, a 1930 Honan 500-cash copper pattern, a 1916 Yuan Shih Kai Hung Hsien 10 Dollars commemorative gold coin uniface copper pattern (ex-Keefer, unique ), and a 1917 Yunnan 5 dollars uniface silver pattern (ex-Kann, unique). Bowker also collected many rare Chinese ancient coins, coin modes and banknotes, including the extremely rare Ching dynasty Honan 1000 cash note. In April 2010, the Bowker family authorized iAsure Group to donate 139 priceless Chinese coins from their grandfather - the esteemed American collector Howard Franklin Bowker-to the Shanghai Mint Museum. On September 6, 2010, five descendents, and his daughterin-law, and grandson-in-law took part in a ceremony celebrating the donation of rare Chinese banknotes from Mr. Bowker's famous collection. They donated 212 banknotes that range from the Ching dynasty to the first set of RMB to the China Banknote Printing and Minting Corporation (CBPMC). On May 13, 2011, the grandchildren of Howard Franklin Bowker celebrated the third donation from their grandfather's renowned collection of Chinese currencies, and they donated 84 Chinese rare coins to the Shenyang Mint, China's oldest mint. On March 2015, the Bowker family donated 37 coins to Shanghai Mint Museum which were minted in areas and regions near Shanghai including Kiangsu, Chehkiang, and An hwei provinces. In May 2016, The Bowker family donated more than 6,000 Chinese cash coins and machine-made coins to the Art Museum of Moritzburg Halle (Saale) in Saxony-Anhalt, Germany. On June 15 2016, the Bowker family donated a total of 24 rare machine-made coins and medals issued at the beginning of the Republic of China to the Shanghai Mint Museum. In 2017, part of the Bowker collection will be donated to the National Numismatic Collection of the Smithsonian's National Museum of American History in Washington D.C.


Pic. 1 Howard Franklin Bowker (1889-1970) 圖 1 霍華德·佛蘭克林·包克(1889—1970)

Pic. 2 Great numismatists: Abe Kosoff (left) presenting a service award to Earl Parker(center), as Howard Bowker (far right) looks on 圖 2 偉大的錢幣收藏家:Abe Kosoff( 左邊 ) 頒獎傑出服務獎給厄爾尼·派 克(中間),霍華德·佛蘭克林·包克(最右邊)觀看頒獎

Pic. 4 Howard Franklin Bowker, Sr. examing a stamp exhibit with his grandson, Howard, in 1955 圖 4 老霍華德·佛蘭克林·包克和孫子霍華德一起參 觀郵票展,攝於 1955 年 Pic. 3 Howard becomes an official consultant to the Smithsonian Institution 圖 3 霍華德·包克正式成為史密森尼博物館的顧問


偉大的亞洲錢幣學家—霍華德·弗蘭克林·包克 史博祿 偉大的錢幣學者和收藏家霍華德·弗蘭克林·包克(Howard Franklin Bowker, 1889.1.3-1970.7.8)先生是伍德華的朋友, 曾協助耿愛德編譯了 1954 年出版的《中國幣圖說匯考》,與邱文明(Arthur Coole)共同完成出版《遠東錢幣書目》一書,幷發 表過 70 多篇學術文章。包克與伍德華、耿愛德一起共享世界頂級錢幣學家的美譽。 霍華德·弗蘭克林·包克(1889.3-1970.8)生於美國明尼蘇達州威諾娜市,卒於加州奧克蘭市。在美國海軍服役了 34 年 之久,逝世後葬於首府華盛頓郊外的阿靈頓國家公墓。包克於 1912 年 10 月從軍,曾在 1914 年參與墨西哥內戰中美軍登陸韋拉克 魯斯 (Veracruz) 之役。在一戰期間的 1918 年 9 月晉升為軍官,1928 年被任命為準尉,1942 年升為中尉,1944 年 4 月又升為少校。 1923 年 5 月至 1924 年 4 月期間,包克駐扎在中國漢口,這裡他首次有機會在源頭取得中國錢幣。1937 年 6 月至 1939 年 6 月, 包克則派駐關島。 第二次世界大戰時,包克的三個兒子都從軍。很巧合的是他的兩個兒子在海上服役期間,竟在 1942 年 10 月 28 日同一天當上 了父親。長子小包克是陸戰隊少校飛行員,1943 年 6 月在新赫布裡底群島被日軍擊落。次子戈登 (Gordon) 官拜上尉,在同年 1 月 10 日於其所服役的舡魚號 (Argonaut) 潛艇在南太平洋的新不列顛和布幹維爾島之間被日軍驅逐艦擊沉時殉國。幼子艾文 (Irving) 二戰期間在阿拉斯加服役,他安然渡過戰爭,於 1995 年 2 月逝世。1945 年 12 月 23 日,包克從海軍退役,此後就終生致力於錢 幣和郵票的集藏與研究。 包克是著名的中國郵品收藏家,是公認的罕見福州對剖郵票 (Foochow Bisect) 權威。他於 1938 年出版的專著“Foochow 1903”,是一本經典著作,至今仍被很多人念念不忘。包克還是美國集郵學會(American Philatelic Society)的終身會 員,美國中華集郵會(China Stamp Society)的第 19 號創始成員,並且是美國中華集郵會三藩市分會的六位創始會員之一。 他在舊金山分會任了很多年的主席,同時也是該分會的雜誌“Pa Kua”的編輯。他的集郵文章還被發表在“Collectors Club Philatelist”、“China Clipper”(美國中華集郵會的雜誌)和其他一些集郵出版物上。1926 年,他出版了中國通商口岸和福 爾摩沙(16 世紀葡萄牙殖民者對臺灣的稱呼)兩地所發行的郵票的集郵冊。 很多人都沒有充分意識到包克對中國錢幣學的重要性,甚至在他在世時,很多收藏家也對他並不熟悉。在我看來,他是美國 20 世紀 40 年代至 60 年代在中國錢幣及紙幣方面最有研究的學者。這從他為各種雜誌撰寫的大量文章中就可見一斑,當然最主要 的還是從他所寫的兩本著作中看出來。他的第一本錢幣著作在 1943 年出版,但並不出名,至今已成稀有之物。該小册由位於紐約 市的美國錢幣學會(American Numismatic Society, ANS)出版,是該會叢書第 101 號,書名是“A Numismatic Bibliography of the Far East: A Check List of Titles in European Languages”(《遠東集幣圖書纂要》)。這本極其創新的著作記錄了 900 多種以西方語言出版的書籍、文章,甚至包括東亞幣鈔拍賣會的目錄。除了拍賣目錄,整本書簡單的以作者姓氏按字母排序。 為方便查閱,包克還列出在十多處可查到收藏文獻之圖書館的注記。這點非常重要,因為其中的很多著作非常罕見或很難找到。 包克的另一本著作是和邱文明 (Arthur Coole) 以及小園齊 (Hitoshi Kozono) 共同完成的。1940 年邱文明出版了一本有關東 亞錢幣的文獻書目,收錄的主要是中文及日文的文獻,書名為“A Bibliography on Far Eastern Numismatics”(遠東錢幣書目)。 邱氏和包克在該書發表前一直相互通信,很明顯包克對此書印象深刻。在接下來的 25 年中,這兩位人士依舊通信頻繁,不斷更新、 更正這份書目。這種合作後來被逐步擴大,小園齊也加入負責日文文獻的記錄,包克負責西方語言的文獻,而邱氏負責更新和完 善中文文獻。但是這並不意味着包克忽略了中文和日文的文獻。邱氏和包克之間厚厚的一曡通信資料表明他們一直持續不懈的在 收集相關文獻並相互交流他們所擁有或知道的書籍和文章。這本新的著作於 1967 年出版,書名為“Encyclopedia of Chinese Coins”(《中國古今泉幣辭典》)。包克對本書的工作表明他擁有研究員們所說的“目錄控製”能力,也就是說他看過了圍繞所寫 條目的全部文獻。 包克不但對有關中國錢幣的論述非常熟悉,除了他自己的收藏外,他還有機會看到其他幾個非常重要的收藏。1958-1959 年期 間,他為華盛頓美國國家博物館的史密森尼學會 (Smithsonian Institution) 工作,職位是義務性質的亞洲錢幣館長。因此,他 能夠看到 George Glover 在 1897 年捐獻給博物館收藏的中國錢幣,以及博物館收藏的其他亞洲錢幣。此外,他還花了大量的時間 在 Henry Ramsden 和 John Reilly 的收藏上,這兩項收藏都在美國集幣學會,他還為 Ramsden 的藏品照了相。他看了邱文明的收藏, 並且對那些他感興趣的東西作了拓片。他在賓夕法尼亞大學檢視 Edward Thwing 的中國錢幣收藏,很可能看過 Eduard Kann(耿愛德)


和 Don Keefer 的部分錢幣收藏。為研究新的資訊、增加新的藏品,他還來到了位於新澤西州的漢立克納浦廠 (Ferracute) 辦公室。 包克知道該廠為四川成都和湖北武昌造幣廠提供造幣機器和幣模,在訪問期間,他發現該廠也為河南開封造幣廠提供機器和幣模。 1948 年,霍華德和萊塔開始了一周兩次的夜課,在伯克利高中(Berkeley High School)學習書籍的修補和裝訂。據他們的 孫子小戈登 • 包克所述,“我相信裝訂有兩大功能:修補和維護。”這也成了夫婦二人的業餘愛好,他們共同合作,為包克不斷 擴張的圖書館裝訂了很多書籍、小冊子和雜誌。 包克是美國集幣學會和美國集幣協會 (American Numismatic Association, ANA) 的長期會員, 並為後者所出的雜誌 “Numismatic Bulletin”任過幾年編輯。他曾經購置一個大型的老式手工操作印刷機器以及一套英文鉛字。後來在紙幣收藏家 Ward Smith( 譯註: 《中國紙幣》作者》的幫助下,他又從臺灣進口了一套中文鉛字,並且開始能夠以中英文印刷自己的錢幣套、標籤、信箋及其他 一些東西。 包克收藏的錢幣非常豐富,如銅元大珍原伍德華舊藏 1904 年江南甲辰二十文銅質樣幣,存世僅知兩枚,一枚現在上海博物館 錢幣館展示。另一枚是仿俄羅斯風格的原耿愛德舊藏兩枚中的一枚 1901 年吉林辛丑三錢六分銀幣樣幣,存世僅知 3 枚。據目前所 見資料,國內各公、私立博物館均無收藏記錄;其他重要收藏有 1868 年關平中外一兩銀幣樣幣,1932 年孫中山金本位一圓銅質樣幣, 美國漢立克納浦廠提供成套造幣廠設備時請費城造幣廠代刻的四川光緒元寶銀幣系列黃銅樣幣及方孔一文之黃銅樣幣等,1914 年 袁世凱像帶 L.GIORGI 簽字版銀質樣幣,1936 年孫中山布圖壹圓銅幣、鎳幣樣幣,河南雙旗伍百文銅質樣幣,原 Keefer 舊藏 1916 年中華帝國洪憲紀元拾圓單面金幣銅樣(孤品),原耿愛德 1917 年雲南省造當銀幣伍元單面樣幣(孤品)等。此外還有很多珍貴 的中國古代錢幣、錢范和紙鈔,包括極其罕見的清朝河南豫泉官錢局大錢壹仟文。 2010 年 4 月 16 日,包克家族授權愛秀集團,將其祖父——美國已故著名錢幣收藏家 Howard Franklin Bowker 收藏的 139 件 珍稀錢幣及錢範捐贈給上海造幣博物館。2010 年 9 月 6 日,Howard Franklin Bowker 先生的後代專程從美國趕來,參加其祖父藏 品的第二次捐贈儀式。此次將 Howard Franklin Bowker 收藏的 212 枚中 國珍稀紙鈔捐贈給中國唯一的造幣集團。2011 年 5 月 13 日,美國著名 錢幣收藏家 Howard Bowker 的兩位後人 Gordon Bowker 先生和 Carolyn Bowker 女士專程從美國趕來, 將其祖父收藏的 84 件珍稀中國錢幣藏品 捐贈給瀋陽造幣有限公司。2015 年 3 月,包克家族向上海造币博物馆捐 贈了來自上海地區的錢幣,包括江蘇、浙江、安徽三省的 37 枚錢幣。 在 2016 年 5 月,包克家族 6000 多枚中國方孔錢和機製幣捐贈給了德國 薩克森 - 安哈爾特州哈雷莫里茨堡藝術博物館。2016 年 6 月 15 日,包 克家族將 24 枚民國初期的珍貴機製幣章捐獻給上海造幣博物館。2017 年 , 包克家族將會把一部分包克藏品捐贈給美國國家博物館國家錢幣收 藏館(NNC)。

Pic. 5 Coin Envelop for Bowker's collection both in English and Chinese 圖 5 包克藏品錢幣信封 ( 中英文 )


Pic. 6 Coole/Kozono/Bowker collaboration, titled "Bibliography of Far Eastern Numismatology and a Coin Index: Encyclopedia of Chinese Coins, Volume 1" 圖 6 邱文明、小園齊和包克一起完成的著作《遠東貨幣學 書目及錢幣索引:中國錢幣大全,第 1 冊》

H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection Lot 001 to 200 包克東亞收藏 Lot 001-200 We are very excited to offer selections from the Howard Franklin Bowker East Asia Collection. Many of Bowker coins are in the top level of preservation and with excellent eye appeal. This is a great opportunity to add these coins to a Chinese collection. The Howard Bowker Benefit Auction will use all proceeds from the auction for the promotion of numismatics, including digitization and education projects, and will donate a portion of the proceeds to the National Numismatic Collection at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History。

Howard Franklin Bowker(1889-1970) 霍華德•佛蘭克林•包克(1889-1970)

我們很榮幸此次能夠將霍華德•富蘭克林•包克的東亞錢幣藏品精選展現在諸位面前。這些藏品大 多保存完好,品相上乘,而且個個光彩奪目。此次拍賣將是一次把這些錢幣納入中國收藏的絕佳 機會。 此次霍華德•包克義拍的全部收入將會被用於推動錢幣學的研究上,如贊助錢幣資料數字化以及 教育計畫,此外,還有一部分收入會被捐贈給美國國家歷史博物館錢幣收藏館。

001 003 001

CHINA-EMPIRE ND(1903-05) 10 Cash Copper, Y4, NGC XF45BN; CHINA-EMPIRE 1906 2 Cash Copper, Y8, NGC AU58BN; CHINA-EMPIRE 1907 5 Cash Copper, Y9.1, NGC VF35BN. Total 3 Pieces. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1903-05 年戶部光緒元寶當製錢十文銅幣,Y4,NGC XF45BN; 1906 年(丙午)戶部大清銅幣當製錢二文,Y8,NGC AU58BN; 1907 年(丁未)大清銅幣當製錢五文,Y9.1,NGC VF35BN。 共 3 枚。包克東亞藏品


CHINA-EMPIRE 1905 5 Cash Copper, Y9, CCC597, NGC MS64BN. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1905 年( 乙 巳)戶 部 大 清 銅 幣 當 製 錢 五 文,Y9,CCC597,NGC MS64BN。包克東亞藏品

US $60-120

US $30-60





US $30-60

US $300-600

CHINA-EMPIRE 1905 10 Cash Copper, flat body dragon, Y10, NGC MS62BN. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1905 年(乙 巳)戶 部 大 清 銅 幣 當 製 錢 十 文,扁 身 龍,Y10,NGC MS62BN。包克東亞藏品

CHINA-EMPIRE ND(1908) One Dollar Silver, Y14, L&M11, K216, NGC MS61. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1908 年造幣總廠光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣,Y14,L&M11,K216, NGC MS61。包克東亞藏品






US $1,000-2,000

US $60-120

CHINA-EMPIRE ND(1908) 10 Cents Silver, L&M13, Y12, NGC MS64. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1908 年造幣總廠光緒元寶庫平七分二厘銀幣,L&M13,Y12,NGC MS64。包克東亞藏品

CHINA-EMPIRE 1911 10 Cash Copper, Y27, CCC637, NGC MS65RB. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1911 年( 宣 統 三 年 ) 大 清 銅 幣 十 文,Y27,CCC637,NGC MS65RB。包克東亞藏品

Finest Known Empire 1910 50 Cents Silver Pattern



CHINA-EMPIRE ND(1910) 50 Cents Silver Pattern, L&M25, Y23, NGC MS67. Highest graded by grading service. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection According to almost all the historical records, including research articles wrote by world leading numismatists Woodward and Kann, the 1910 Ta Qing Ti Kuo series coin dies were made at the Tientsin mint by Italian engraver L. Giorgi. Nonetheless, Giuseppe Ros, counselor of Italy embassy and a dedicated Chinese coin expert wrote in his 1917 book “Coins of the Republic of China” that the dies for the 1910 Ta Qing Ti Kuo series were made in Austria. In the early 1980’s, the British numismatist Richard Wade dedicated a lot of time researching this series. Dr. Karl Schulz of the Vienna Art Museum (Kunsthistorisches Museum) confirmed that the dies of the 1910 Ta Qing Ti Kuo series were made at the Vienna mint, and that die-making equipment was preserved in the museum. Rudolf Neuberger, Adolf Hofmann and Josef Prinz worked together to carve the mold. Denominations for this series include one dollar, 1/2 dollar, 1/4 dollar and 1/10 dollar. This was the only series using fractional numbers as denominations, and the 1/4 dollar is the only Chinese coinage in this denomination. A set of 1910 coin in lead appeared in a major Southeast Asia Collection with a presented box. This set was offered at December 2010 Champion Auction without the presented box. 1910 年宣統年造大清銀幣伍角樣幣,L&M25,Y23,NGC MS67。目前評級最高分之錢幣。包克東亞藏品 以往幾乎所有記載,包括中國機製幣大師伍德華與耿愛德的許多研究文獻中,都注明 1910 年版銘文“宣統年造”系列幣模由天津造幣總廠 製造,是意籍雕刻師喬治 (L.Giorgi) 作品。但曾任職上海義大利總領事館參贊的羅斯在 1917 年 ( 民國六年 ) 初撰寫《Coins of the Republic of China 中華民國錢幣》中指出,此系列銀幣製模於奧地利。 1980 年代初期,英國錢幣學家李察偉德深入追查,經維也納藝術史博物館 (Kunsthistorisches Museum) 的舒茲博士 (Dr. Karl Schulz) 證 實,此系列模確在維也納造幣廠刻成,製作模具的工具現保存於該館。負責雕刻的技師分別是紐伯格 (Rudolf Neuberger)、霍夫曼 (Adolf Hofmann) 及普林茲 (Josef Prinz)。 這套銀幣有壹圓、五角、二角五分及一角銀幣四種。也是中國唯一一套使用分數 1/2 Dol、1/4 Dol 和 1/10 Dol 紀值的錢幣。其中 1/4 Dol( 貳角 伍分錢幣 ) 是唯一採取此面值的中國銀幣。據說因庫銀缺乏,所以數額有限,並未流通,僅五角較多見。據耿愛德統計,二角五分曾於 1910 年製成 140 萬枚之多,但以存世量判斷,即便製成也遭到了回爐重製。 這種宣統年造錢幣中存在一套來自一個重要東南亞收藏的完整單面套幣,均為鉛質,原本配有一個展示盒。這套錢幣後在 2010 年 12 月的冠 軍拍賣會中進行銷售,但當時已沒有原裝展示盒了。

US $3,000-6,000


Choice Empire 1911 One Dollar Silver,with Dot

008 008

CHINA-EMPIRE 1911 One Dollar Silver, with Dot after DOLLAR, L&M36, Y31.1, NGC MS63. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1911 年(宣統三年)大清銀幣壹圓,DOLLAR 後帶點,L&M36,Y31.1,NGC MS63。包克東亞藏品

US $1,000-2,000

Gem Empire 1911 One Dollar Silver

009 009

CHINA-EMPIRE 1911 One Dollar Silver, Extra Flame, L&M37, Y31, NGC MS66. Highest graded coin by NGC. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1911 年(宣統三年)大清銀幣壹圓,L&M37,Y31,NGC MS66。NGC 評級最高分。包克東亞藏品

US $1,000-2,000






US $100-200

US $100-200

CHINA-EMPIRE 1911 20 Cents Silver, L&M40, Y29, NGC AU53. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1911 年(宣統三年)大清銀幣貳角,L&M40,Y29,NGC AU53。 包克東亞藏品

CHINA-CHEKIANG ND(1898) 10 Cents Silver, L&M285, Y52.4, Wei Stele Style (Er Pao), NGC MS62. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1898 年浙 江省造 光緒元寶庫平七分二厘 銀幣,魏碑體(尔寳), L&M285,Y52.4,NGC MS62。包克東亞藏品





US $100-200

US $100-200

CHINA-EMPIRE 1911 10 Cents Silver, L&M41, Y28, NGC MS64. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1911 年(宣統三年)大清銀幣壹角,L&M41, Y28,NGC MS64。 包克東亞藏品

CHINA-CHEKIANG ND(1898) 5 Cents Silver, Wei Stele Style (Er Pao), L&M286, Y51, NGC MS63. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1898 年浙 江省造 光緒元寶庫平三分六厘 銀幣,魏碑體(尔寳), L&M286,Y51,NGC MS63。包克東亞藏品

012 012

CHINA-ANHWEI 1898 20 Cents Silver (ASTC), L&M201, Y43.4, K59, NGC MS61. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1898 年(光緒二十四年)安徽省造光緒元寶庫平一錢四分四厘銀幣 (ASTC),L&M201,Y43.4,K59,NGC MS61。包克東亞藏品

US $300-600

016 016

CHINA-CHEKIANG 1906 10 Cash Copper, KUO spelled KIIO, H in CHING struck double, Y10b, W121, CCC469, NGC MS63RB. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1906 年(丙午)戶部“浙”字大清 銅幣當製 錢 十文,KUO 拼寫為 KIIO,CHING 中 H 重打,Y10b,W121,CCC469,NGC MS63RB。 包克東亞藏品

US $30-60

013 013

CHINA-ANHWEI 1898 10 Cents Silver (ASTC), L&M202, Y42.3, K60, NGC MS62. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1898 年 (光緒二十四年) 安徽省造光緒元寶庫平七分二厘銀幣 (ASTC) , L&M202,Y42.3,K60,NGC MS62。包克東亞藏品

US $100-200 18

Finest Known Chihli 1896 One Dollar Silver

017 017

CHINA-CHIHLI 1896 One Dollar Silver, L&M439, Y65, K1881, NGC MS63. Highest graded by grading service. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection. This coin is also the plate coin of No.19 on book "TOP CHINESE COIN Silver Coinage" published by Champion. The first silver coins struck at the Peiyang Arsenal Mint in Tientsin are dated Year 22 (1896) and feature a distinctive dragon with long horns and a large head. This style dragon was only used at this mint and only on the 1896 coins. The 1897 and later coins have a different style dragon. Note that there are no flames on the fireball, which in this case should be called a pearl. The legends are divided on the obverse and reverse by large 5-pointed stars. The 1897 and 1898 issues have small stars on both sides, with 6-pointed stars obverse and 5-pointed stars on the reverse (dragon side). Note also that the 1896 issue does not have "Ta Tsing" in English, while the 1897 and 1898 issues do. Who supplied the minting equipment and the dies remains a mystery. Kann's History of Minting in China did not even include this mint. Woodward could find little information on it and even Richard Wright, writing in the 1970's could offer little. The dragon used on the coins of the first three years is very distinctive, and was only used by this mint. Even the coins of 1899 and later, intended to look more like the silver coins made in other provinces, are still quite distinctive. I suspect the dies for these coins were made in Japan, but have no evidence to support this. However at least some of the dies for the Hupoo coinage of 1903 (which was minted in Tientsin ) were made in Japan. Another unusual feature of the early Peiyang coins is that they are denominated "One Dollar" in Chinese instead of the "7 Mace 2 Candareens" used by all the other mints. When the coinage was redesigned in 1899, the Chinese denomination was changes to "7 Mace 2 Candareens" to match other dragon dollars. However, the dollars produced in Tientsin after a coinage reform are marked "One Dollar" again in Chinese and English (Kann 212, K.219, K.223-227) Richard Wright is of the opinion that though the Peiyang mint may have received its machinery in 1896, it did not begin production until the middle of 1897, when it would have struck the 1896 dated coins. I am afraid he is wrong on this point. The U.S. Mint Report for 1897 contains a letter dated March 29, 1897 from Sheridan F. Read, U.S. Consul at Tientsin, to W.W. Rockhill. He also says that the 1897 coins were in general circulation. Further, he mentions having sent on January 20, 1897 a set of the 1896-dated (22nd year) coins, and he notes that the 1896 coins do not have "Ta Tsing" on the dragon side. Clearly the 1896 coins were made in 1896, though probably late in the year. As for the mintage figures of the 1896 coins, the Chinese Customs Report for 1897 specifically states that the coins struck during the year were: Dollars 3,000 pieces; half dollars 2,500 pieces; 20 cent 12,500 pieces; 10 cent 5,000 pieces; and 5 cent 7,000 pieces. The total face value was $7,600 (as noted by Kann). 1896 年 ( 光緒二十二年 ) 北洋機器局造壹圓銀幣,L&M439,Y65,K1881,NGC MS63。目前評級最高分之錢幣。包克東亞藏品。這枚錢幣 也是冠軍出品的《中國近代機制幣精品鑒賞》銀幣版一書上 No.19 的原版錢幣 位於天津的北洋機器局鑄造的第一套銀幣鑄造於光緒二十二年,龍頭寬大,龍角長,該龍紋特徵僅限於北洋機器局使用,且僅於 1896 年使用。 1897 年及其以後年份的銀圓採用其他龍紋圖案。 火球無火焰,而像是一顆珍珠。正面和背面的幣文由大五角星分割開來。1897 年和 1898 年的銀圓正面和背面(龍紋面)分別則是小六角星 和小五角星。1896 年的銀圓英文中無國號 "Ta Tsing",而 1897 年和 1898 年的銀圓上有。 機器局的造幣設備和幣模來自何處仍是個謎。耿愛德《中國造幣史》(History of Minting in China) 一書中未曾提及北洋機器局。伍德華 (Woodward) 能獲取的資訊亦很少,20 世紀 70 年代筆耕不輟的英國錢幣學者萊特 (Richard Wright) 亦是如此。1896 至 1898 年等三年發行 的銀圓上的龍紋特徵鮮明,不過僅限北洋機器局使用。1899 年及其以後的銀圓與外省所鑄銀圓圖案看起來很相似,但仍是獨具特色。因此作 者懷疑這些銀圓的幣模是在日本鑄造的,但苦於無確鑿證據。但是至少在 1903 年戶部大清銀幣(天津造幣廠鑄造)的一些幣模具確實是在 日本鑄造的。 北洋機器局早期鑄造的銀圓另一顯著特徵是面值為“壹圓”而不是“七錢二分” (其他造幣廠均採用後者)。1899 年時改回了“七錢二分”, 以與其他龍紋銀圓配套。不過,改版後,天津造幣廠鑄造的銀圓面值又改回原樣,中英文皆是“壹圓” (請參見 Kann 212、K.219、K.223-227)。 萊特認為北洋機器局可能於 1896 年就已收到了造幣機器,不過直到 1897 年年中才鑄造了標有“光緒二十二年”的銀圓。作者恐難認同這一 觀點。1897 年《美國造幣廠報告》(U.S. Mint Report) 中有一封美國駐天津領事李德 (Sheridan F. Read) 寫給柔克義 (W.W. Rockhill) 的信, 署名日期是 1897 年 3 月 29 日。李德指出 1897 年的銀圓是流通幣,此外還提及 1897 年 1 月 20 日發送了一套標有“光緒二十二年”的銀幣, 並指出該套幣龍紋面無國號“Ta Tsing”字樣。顯而易見, “光緒二十二年”的銀圓實鑄於 1896 年當年,只不過可能晚些時候。 關於 1896 年銀幣的鑄造量,1897 年《中國海關貿易冊》記述如下:壹圓 3000 枚、五角 2500 枚、二角 12500 枚、一角 5000 枚、五分 7000 枚, 面值總額為 7600 元(與耿愛德所說一致)。

US $30,000-60,000


Rare Chihli 1896 20 Cents Silver

018 018

CHINA-CHIHLI 1896 20 Cents Silver, Y63.1, L&M441, K183, NGC MS61. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1896 年(光緒二十二年)北洋機器局造二角銀幣,Y63.1,L&M441,K183,NGC MS61。包克東亞藏品

US $3,000-6,000

Rare Chihli 1896 10 Cents Silver

019 019

CHINA-CHIHLI 1896 10 Cents Silver, Y62, L&M442, K184, NGC MS62. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1896 年(光緒二十二年)北洋機器局造一角銀幣,Y62,L&M442,K184,NGC MS62。包克東亞藏品

US $3,000-6,000


Finest Known Chihli 1897 One Dollar Silver, Dotted Triangle Eyes

020 020

CHINA-CHIHLI 1897 One Dollar Silver, Dotted triangle eyes, Y65.1, L&M444, K186c, NGC MS63. From Glendining Von Halle November 24th 1966 Sale, Lot 592, realized US $11.2. Highest graded coin of this variety. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection These silver coins were made by the Peiyang arsenal in 1897-1898, in denominations of one dollar, 50 cents, 20 cents, 10 cents and 5 cents. The value appears in the center of the obverse, with the Manchu and Chinese characters for the place and date of minting, punctuated by rosettes, surrounding the value. The reverse features a dragon in the center surrounded by an English date and denomination. The total production for 1897 was 1,176,556 dollars and, for 1898, a higher mintage of 3,030,950 dollars. The Yr23 type has two varieties, triangle eyes variety and dotted triangle eyes variety. The highest graded coin by NGC of triangle eyes variety is NGC MS64 and the highest graded coin of dotted triangle eyes variety is MS63. 1897年(光緒二十三年)北洋機器局造壹圓銀幣,斜眼龍帶點版,Y65.1,L&M444, K186c,NGC MS63。原1966年11月24日Glendining Von Halle 拍賣會第592號拍品,當時的成交價是11.2美元。此版評級最高分。包克東亞藏品 清光緒二十三年-二十四年北洋機器局造。計有壹圓、五角、二角、一角、半角五種面值。正面中央幣值,週邊環繞滿文及漢文年份及造幣局,中 間以花星間隔。背面中央蟠龍,週邊上下分鑄英文名稱、地名,左右分列花星。1897年錢幣的鑄額是1,176,556元,而1898年的則為3,030,950 元。二十三年分為斜眼龍版和斜眼龍帶點版,斜眼龍版的NGC評分第一名是NGC MS64,而斜眼龍帶點版的評級最高分是MS63。

US $3,000-6,000

Scarce Chihli 1897 One Dollar Silver, Triangle Eyes



CHINA-CHIHLI 1897 One Dollar Silver, Triangle eyes, Y65.1, L&M444, K186c, NGC AU58. From Glendining Von Halle November 24th 1966 Sale, Lot 592, realized US $11.2. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1897年(光緒二十三年)北洋機器局造壹圓銀幣,斜眼龍版,Y65.1,L&M444,K186c,NGC AU58。原1966年11月24日Glendining Von Halle 拍賣會第592號拍品,當時的成交價是含傭金11.2美元。包克東亞藏品

US $1,000-2,000


Finest Chihli Known 1897 50 Cents Silver



CHINA-CHIHLI 1897 50 Cents Silver, Y64.1, L&M445, K187, NGC MS63. Possibly with original envelop of Woodward. Highest graded by grading service. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1897年(光緒二十三年)北洋機器局造五角銀幣,Y64.1,L&M445,K187,NGC MS63。可能带Woodward原封。目前評級最高分之錢幣。包 克東亞藏品

US $3,000-6,000





US $1,000-2,000

US $50-100

CHINA-CHIHLI 1897 20 Cents Silver, Y63.2, L&M446, K188, NGC MS62. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1897 年(光緒二十三年)北洋機器局造二角銀幣,Y63.2,L&M446, K188,NGC MS62。包克東亞藏品

CHINA-CHIHLI 1898 10 Cents Silver, L&M452, Y62.1, NGC AU58. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1898 年(光緒二十四年)北洋機器局造一角銀幣,L&M452,Y62.1, NGC AU58。包克東亞藏品

024 024


US $300-600

US $600-1,200

CHINA-CHIHLI 1897 5 Cents Silver, Y61.1, L&M448, K190, NGC MS62. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1897 年(光緒二十三年)北洋機器局造半角銀幣,Y61.1,L&M448, K190,NGC MS62。包克東亞藏品


026 CHINA-CHIHLI 1905 20 Cents Silver, Y71a, L&M463, K206, NGC MS65. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1905 年(光緒 31 年)北洋造 光緒元寶庫平一錢四分四厘 銀幣, Y71a,L&M463,K206,NGC MS65。包克東亞藏品

Finest Known Chihli 1897 50 Cents Silver



CHINA-CHIHLI 1899 One Dollar Silver, Y73, L&M454, K196, NGC MS65. Highest graded by grading service. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1899年(光緒25年)北洋造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣,Y73,L&M454,K196,NGC MS65。目前評級最高分之錢幣。包克東亞藏品

US $5,000-10,000

Finest Known Chihli 1899 50 Cents Silver

028 028

CHINA-CHIHLI 1899 50 Cents Silver, Y72, L&M455, K197, NGC MS64. Highest graded by grading service. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1899年(光緒25年)北洋造光緒元寶庫平三錢六分銀幣,Y72,L&M455,K197,NGC MS64。目前評級最高分之錢幣。包克東亞藏品

US $5,000-10,000


Gem Chihli 1903 One Dollar Silver

029 029

CHINA-CHIHLI 1903 One Dollar Silver, Period after "YANG", Y73.1, L&M462, K205, NGC MS64. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1903年(光緒29年)北洋造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣, “YANG”後帶點,Y73.1,L&M462,K205,NGC MS64。包克東亞藏品

US $3,000-6,000

Choice Chihli 1907 One Dollar Silver

030 030

CHINA-CHIHLI 1907 One Dollar Silver, larger "S" in HSU on reverse, K207a, NGC MS61. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1907年(光緒33年)北洋造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣,反面HSU中S較大,K207a,NGC MS61。包克東亞藏品

US $1,000-2,000


Gem Chihli 1908 One Dollar Silver

031 031

CHINA-CHIHLI 1908 One Dollar Silver, Y73.2, L&M465, K208, NGC MS66. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1908年(光緒34年)北洋造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣,Y73.2,L&M465,K208,NGC MS66。包克東亞藏品

US $1,000-2,000

Finest Known 1898 One Dollar Silver

032 032

CHINA-FENGTIEN 1898 One Dollar Silver, fireball larger and tail-end wider, Y87, L&M471, K244a, NGC MS65. Highest graded by grading service. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection Established on July 8 1897, the Fengtien Mechanic Bureau focused on producing silver dollars and half dollars, since there was not enough minting equipment to make fractional dollars. Surprisingly, no dollars bearing the date 1897 exist today. Instead, the 1898 Fengtien series includes a dollar, 50 cents, 20 cents and 10 cents. “Fengtien Mechanic Bureau” dragon dollars were innovative in that the Chinese legends and dragon appear on the obverse while the denomination, English legends and Manchu legends appeared on reverse. This was unlike the designs on all other provincial coins. The 1899 Fengtien dollar series inherited this innovative design but only in three denominations of one dollar, 50 cents and 5 cents (which was a new denomination). A few years later, the Russian army invaded northeast China and destroyed the Fengtien Bureau. In 1903, the Fengtien mint was rebuilt and began making dollars with the same design as Kwangtung coinage and Hupeh coinage. The denomination was also changed to 7 Mace and 2 Candareens. Both 24th and 25th dollar are scarce in uncirculated condition. The coin offered here is the highest graded coin. 1898年(光緒二十四年)奉天機器局造壹圓銀幣,火球較大,龍尾末端較寬,Y87,L&M471,K244a,NGC MS65。目前評級最高分之錢幣。 包克東亞藏品 奉天機器局在1897年7月8日 (光緒二十三年六月初九)開工試鑄之初,由於缺少小銀圓印花機,只造大銀圓及半圓兩種呈樣,所有工廠章程均 仿湖北省辦理。所造流通銀幣均鐫刻年度,但存世並無年號為光緒二十三年的銀幣,僅見“大清光緒二十四年奉天機器局造”,面值以元角為 單位,有一圓、五角、二角及一角四種。 以製造單位“奉天機器局”具名的龍銀設計新穎。中文與蟠龍同在正面,背面是面額“一圓”、英文及滿文,形制與其他省份大相逕庭。次年的 光緒二十五年版,延續此與眾不同的設計,但只有一圓、五角及新增的半角三種。 不數年即發生庚子事變,俄兵進據東北,奉局全毀於戰火。1903年(光緒廿九年)重新建廠後所出銀幣與前所擬議之粵、鄂的計重形制相似,改 以庫平七錢二分標示。1907年奉天、吉林及黑龍江改制,由徐世昌任東三省總督統一管轄。奉吉兩局合併為東三省製造銀元總局,所造銀幣改 “東三省造”。 不管是二十四年還是二十五年的錢幣,高品相的都很稀少。這枚評級分數為MS65的錢幣是迄今為止評級分數最高的錢幣。

US $3,000-6,000


Finest Known Fengtien 1898 50 Cents Silver, Large-mouthed Dragon



CHINA-FENGTIEN 1898 50 Cents Silver, Large-mouthed dragon, deeply struck, and scales on dragon are very clear, hard to see such so beautiful coin, Y86, L&M473, K245, NGC MS65. Highest graded by grading service. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1898年(光緒二十四年)奉天機器局造五角銀幣,闊嘴龍,深打,龍鱗清晰,品相之完美難得一見,L&M473,K245,NGC MS65。目前評級 最高分之錢幣。包克東亞藏品

US $5,000-10,000

034 034

CHINA-FENGTIEN 1905 20 Cash Brass, Y90, NGC UNC Details. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1905 年(乙巳)奉天省造光緒元寶當製錢廿文銅幣,黃銅,Y90, NGC UNC Details。包克東亞藏品

US $30-60




CHINA-FUKIEN ND(1901-05) 10 Cash Copper, small characters at left and right, Y97.1, W193, NGC MS63RB. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1901-05 年福建官局造光緒元寶當錢十文銅幣,紅銅,左右小字, Y97.1,W193,CCC28,NGC MS63RB。包克東亞藏品

US $50-100


CHINA-FUKIEN ND(1901-02) 20 Cash Copper, Y101, NGC AU Details. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1901-02 年福建官局造光緒元寶當錢二十文銅幣,Y101,NGC AU Details。包克東亞藏品

US $100-200




CHINA-FUKIEN ND(1901-05) 10 Cash Copper, “CASHES”, Y100.3, W185, CCC28, NGC AU50BN. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1901-05 年福建官局造光緒元寶十文銅幣,因為 CASH 後面加上了 ES,Y100.3,W185,CCC28,NGC AU50BN。包克東亞藏品

US $100-200

Gem Fukien 1912 20 Cents Silver

038 038

CHINA-FUKIEN ND(1903-08) 20 Cents Silver, four characters at top, large dragon variety, Y104.2, L&M292, K128, NGC MS63. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1903-08 年福建省造 光緒元寶庫平一錢四分四厘銀幣,大龍版, Y104.2,L&M292,K128,NGC MS63。包克東亞藏品

US $100-200

42 042

CHINA-FUKIEN ND(1912) 20 Cents Silver, L&M301, YA381, NGC MS65. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1912 年福建銀幣廠造中華元寶庫平一錢四分四厘銀幣,L&M301, YA381,NGC MS65。包克東亞藏品

US $50-100


CHINA-FUKIEN ND(1903-08) 10 Cents Silver, large dragon, L&M293, Y103.2, NGC MS64; CHINA-FUKIEN ND(1903-08) 5 Cents Silver, L&M294, Y102.1, NGC MS62. Total 2 Pieces. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1903-08 年福建省造光緒元寶庫平七分二厘銀幣,大龍,L&M293, Y103.2,NGC MS64; 1903-08 年 福 建 省 造 光 緒 元 寶 庫 平 三 分 六 厘 銀 幣,L&M294, Y102.1,NGC MS62。 共 2 枚,包克東亞藏品

US $60-120

Finest Known Fukien 1906 10 Cash Copper

043 043

040 040

CHINA-FUKIEN 1906 10 Cash Copper, disconnected WEN, Y10f, W19 4, CCC 40, NGC MS6 6. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1906 年(丙午)戶部“閩”造大清銅幣當製錢十文, “文”字第三筆 不接第二筆,Y10f,W194,CCC40,NGC MS66。包克東亞藏品

US $100-200

Gem Fukien 1911 20 Cents Silver

CHINA-FUKIEN Silver Coins (3): ND(1912) 20 Cents Silver, L&M301, YA381, NGC MS63; 1923 20 Cents Silver, L&M304, Y381, NGC MS64; 1928 20 Cents Silver, L&M850, Y389.2, NGC MS63. Total 3 Pieces. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 福建銀幣 3 枚: 1912 年福建銀幣廠造中華元寶庫平一錢四分四厘銀幣,L&M301, YA381,NGC MS63; 1923 年(中 華 癸 亥)福 建 銀 幣 廠 造 庫 平 一 錢 四 分 四 厘 銀 幣, L&M304,Y381,NGC MS64; 1928 年(民國十七年)福建省造黃花崗紀念銀幣貳角,L&M850, Y389.2,NGC MS63。 共 3 枚。包克東亞藏品

US $100-200

Scarce Fukien 1924 10 Cents Silver





US $100-200

US $100-200

CHINA-FUKIEN 1911 20 Cents Silver, L&M299, Y377, NGC MS65. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1911 年(辛亥)福建都督府造中華元寶庫平一錢四分四厘銀幣, L&M299,Y377,NGC MS65。包克東亞藏品

CHINA-FUKIEN 1924 10 Cents Silver, L&M309, Y380a, NGC MS61. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1924 年(甲子)福建銀幣廠造庫平七分二厘銀幣,L&M309,Y380a, NGC MS61。包克東亞藏品


Gem Fukien 1927 20 Cents Silver

045 045

CHINA-FUKIEN 1927 20 Cents Silver, Northern Expedition Succeeded Commemorative, L&M846, Y384, NGC MS65. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1927年(民國十六年)福建省造革命軍北伐勝利紀念貳毫銀幣,L&M846,Y384,NGC MS65。包克東亞藏品

US $1,000-2,000

Scarce Hong Kong 1866 50 Cents Silver

046 046

CHINA-HONG KONG 1866 50 Cents Silver, KM#8, UNC. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1866年香港半圓銀幣,KM#8,未使用。包克東亞藏品

US $1,000-2,000






US $100-200

US $30-60

CHINA-HONG KONG 1876H 20 Cents Silver, KM 7, NGC MS62. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1876 年香港貳毫銀幣,KM 7,NGC MS62。包克東亞藏品

CHINA-HONG KONG 1902 10 Cents Silver, KM 13, NGC MS65. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1902 年香港一毫銀幣枚,KM 13,NGC MS65。包克東亞藏品

Finest Known Hong Kong 1941 One Cent Bronze



CHINA-HONG KONG 1941 One Cent Bronze, KM 24, NGC MS64BN. Highest graded by grading service. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection According to the World Coin Price Guide, the 5 million 1941 Hong Kong Cents were split into three lots. One was retained by Britain and ultimately melted to supply copper for the war effort. The second batch actually made it to Hong Kong, but it met the same fate of the first after the colony surrendered to Japan in December of 1941. In fact, Pridmore1 states that all coins available in the entire colony were collected and melted by the Japanese to help support their military. The third and final shipment ended up at the bottom of the ocean after the British ship it was on was sunk, likely by a German U-Boat. If any of these three groups of 1941 Hong Kong cents had survived, the coin would likely be relatively common today. However, the perfect combination of events has led this coin to become one of the most expensive and rarest dates of British Territory Hong Kong Cents. There are thought to be less than one hundred 1941 Hong Kong Cents that survived the war . NGC has only numerically graded 6; 1 in AU 58 BN, 2 (including the one pictured) in MS 61 BN, 2 in MS 62 BN, and 1 in MS 64 BN. Most of the survivors seem to come from Japanese sources, so it’s likely that some were distributed after they escaped the Japanese culling of coinage from late 1941-1945. Source: Pridmore, F. (1965). The Coins of the British Commonwealth of Nations, to the End of the Reign of George VI 1952, Part 2, Asian Territories. London: Spink & Son. 1941年香港一仙銅幣,KM 24,NGC MS64BN。包克東亞藏品。目前評級最高分之錢幣。 據《世界硬幣價格指南》記載,1941年出產的500萬枚香港一分硬幣一共有三批。 第一批被英國人拿走,後來因為戰爭的需要而被熔毀。 第 二批被留在了香港,但是當1941年12月日本人入侵之後,這批錢幣也同樣遭受了被熔毀的命運。 事實上,根據柏瑞德默的描敘,當時日本人 將整個殖民地的錢幣搜刮一空,然後把它們全部熔成金屬,以供給軍隊使用。 第三批也是最後一批的硬幣則隨著裝載艦船的沉沒而沉入大 海,當時運輸這批錢幣的英國艦船很有可能是遭受了德國潛艇的襲擊。這三批錢幣中如果有任何一批留存下來,那麼現在,這種香港1941年 一分也就不會算得上是什麼珍惜幣種了。但是,就是這因為這一系列的陰差陽錯,使得這種錢幣成為了當下最珍貴、也是價格最高的英屬香港 硬幣。 據說,僅有不足一百枚的1941年香港一分硬幣在戰後存留了下來,經 NGC評級的也不過只有七枚:一枚被評為AU 58 BN, 兩枚(包括圖上 這一枚)MS 61 BN和兩枚MS 62 BN硬幣,,還有兩枚被評定為MS 64 BN, 現存的硬幣大多都是日本人手上的那一批,這些錢幣在1941年底 至1945年期間日本人的熔錢行動中僥倖存留了下來。 資料來源: 柏瑞德莫.F(1965年) 所著《喬治六世統治之前的英聯邦國家錢幣目錄 第二部:亞洲領地》,倫敦, 斯賓克公司出版。

US $1,000-2,000


Scarce Hong Kong 1868 One Dollar Silver

050 050

CHINA-HONG KONG 1868 One Dollar Silver, KM 8, NGC AU58. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1868年香港壹圓銀幣,KM 8,NGC AU58。包克東亞藏品

US $1,000-2,000

Gem Great Britain 1895 One Dollar Silver

051 051

GREAT BRITAIN 1895 One Dollar Silver, KM T5, UNC. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection The British Trade Dollar was designed by George William De Saulles and minted from 1895 for Hong Kong and the Straits Settlements. But after the Straits dollar was introduced to the Straits Settlements in 1903, it became exclusively a Hong Kong coin produced until 1935. 1895年英國貿易銀幣壹圓,KM T5,未使用。包克東亞藏品 英國站洋由喬治•威廉• 德•索雷斯設計,自1985年開始鑄造,以供香港及其他英屬海峽殖民地使用。但自1903年英屬海峽殖民地引入叻幣 (海峽貨幣)之後,這種英國站洋就成為了香港的專屬貨幣,並一直發行到1935年。

US $300-600


Gem Great Britain 1899B One Dollar Silver

052 052

GREAT BRITAIN 1899B One Dollar Silver, KM T5, UNC. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1899年英國貿易銀幣壹圓,KM T5,未使用。包克東亞藏品

US $300-600

053 053

CHINA-HONAN ND(1920) 50 Cash Copper, short flagpoles, Y394, CCC551, NGC AU50BN. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1920 年河南省造中華民國當五十銅元,短旗杆,Y394,CCC551, NGC AU50BN。包克東亞藏品

US $30-60

054 054

CHINA-HUNAN ND(1902-06) 10 Cash Copper, 2 Manchu words in center and with dot between, Y112.10, W306, NGC MS64BN. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1902-06 年湖南省造光緒元寶當十銅元, 中心滿文且滿文中間有點, Y112.10,W306,NGC MS64BN。包克東亞藏品

US $30-60


CHINA-HUNAN ND(1902-06) 10 Cash Copper, 2 Manchu words in center and with dot between, Y112.10, W306, NGC MS64BN. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1902-06 年湖南省造光緒元寶當十銅元,中心滿文且滿文中間有點,Y112.10,W306,NGC MS64BN。包克東亞藏品

US $30-60



CHINA-HUNAN Copper Coins (3): ND(1902-06) 10 Cash Brass, 3 characters at bottom, Y113a, NGC AU55; 1906 10 Cash Copper, Character "Hu" connected, dot between COPPER COIN, Y10h.6, W350, NGC XF45BN; ND(1912) 10 Cash Copper, large rosette, Y399, NGC XF45BN. Total 3 Pieces. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 湖南省銅幣 3 枚: 1902-06 年 湖 南 省 造 光 緒 元 寶 當 十 黃 銅 元,黃 銅,Y113a,NGC AU55; 1906 年(丙午)戶部中“湘”大清銅幣當製錢十文銅幣, “戶”字連 體,英 文 COPPER 和 COIN 之 間 有 圓 點,Y10h.6,W350,NGC XF45BN; 1912 年 中 華 民 國 湖 南 銅 元 當 十 銅 幣,大 星 花,Y399,NGC XF45BN。 共 3 枚。包克東亞藏品

US $30-60



CHINA-HUNAN ND(1902) 10 Cents Silver, one rosette, L&M381, Y115, NGC AU55. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1902 年湖南省造光緒元寶庫平七分二厘銀幣,單花,L&M381,Y115,NGC AU55。包克東亞藏品

US $30-60

058 058

CHINA-HUNAN 1922 Provincial Constitution One Dollar Silver, Y404, L&M867, K763, NGC UNC Details. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1922 年(民國十一年)湖南省憲成立紀念銀幣壹圓,Y404,L&M867,K763,NGC UNC Details。包克東亞藏品

US $1,000-2,000

Gem Hupeh 1895-1907 One Dollar Silver

059 059

CHINA-HUPEH ND(1895-1907) One Dollar Silver, with dot in center of pearl, Y127.1, L&M182, K40, NGC MS65. From private sale for USD 17.5 in September 1968. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1895-1907年湖北省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣,龍珠中間有點,Y127.1,L&M182,K40,NGC MS65。1968年9月以17.5美元私人交易購 得。包克東亞藏品

US $1,000-2,000 060

CHINA-HUPEH ND(1902-05) 10 Cash Copper, 6-petalled rosette, large BEI with cloud, Y122, NGC MS64RD. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1902-05 年湖北省造光緒元寶當十銅幣,紅銅,中心六瓣花,大“北”有雲,Y122,NGC MS64RD。包克東亞藏品

US $50-100

Scarce Hupeh 1904 One Dollar Silver, Small Character

061 061

CHINA-HUPEH 1904 One Tael Silver, small character, Y128.2, L&M180, K933, NGC AU58. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1904 年(光緒三十年)湖北省造大清銀幣庫平壹兩,小字版,Y128.2,L&M180,K933,NGC AU58。包克東亞藏品

US $3,000-6,000 32

Choice Hupeh 1920 Yuan Shi Kai 20 Cents Silver

062 062

CHINA-HUPEH 1920 Yuan Shi Kai 20 Cents Silver, Y406, L&M191, K765, NGC MS61. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1920年(民國九年)鄂(湖北省)造袁世凱貳角銀幣,Y406,L&M191,K765,NGC MS61。包克東亞藏品

US $2,000-4,000

063 063

CHINA-KANSU 1914 Yuan Shi kai One Dollar Silver, L&M617, Y407, NGC VF30. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1914 年(民國三年)甘肅省造 袁世 凱 壹圓銀幣,L&M617,Y407, NGC VF30。包克東亞藏品

US $800-1,600

064 064

CHINA-KIANGNAN ND(1897) 20 Cents Silver, Reeded Edge, L&M212B, Y143, K68, NGC VF35. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1897 年江南省造光緒元寶庫平一錢四分四厘銀幣,老江南,齒邊, L&M212B,Y143,K68,NGC VF35。包克東亞藏品

US $50-100

Finest Known Kiangnan 1897 5 Cents Silver, Circled Dragon

Finest Known Kiangnan 1898 10 Cents Silver, Uncircled Dragon


065 065


US $100-200

US $300-600

CHINA-KIANGNAN ND(1897) 5 Cents Silver, circled dragon, L&M214B, Y141, NGC MS64. Highest graded by grading service. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1897 年江南省造光緒元寶庫平三分六厘銀幣,老江南,龍面帶圈, L&M214B,Y141,NGC MS64。目前評級最高分之錢幣。包克東亞 藏品

CHINA-KIANGNAN 1898 10 Cents Silver, uncircled dragon, L&M221, K73a, Y142a.1, NGC MS66. Highest graded by grading service. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1898 年(戊戌)江南省造 光緒元寶庫平七分二厘銀幣,龍 無圈, L&M221,K73a,Y142a.1,NGC MS66。目前評級最高分之錢幣。包 克東亞藏品




CHINA-KIANGNAN Silver Coins (3): 1899 20 Cents Silver, L&M225, Y143a.2, NGC AU Details; 1900 5 Cents Silver, L&M236, Y141a, NGC AU58; 1901 20 Cents Silver, initials HAH, L&M245, Y143a.7, NGC AU58. Total 3 Pieces. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 江南省造銀幣 3 枚: 1899 年( 己 亥)江 南 省 造 光 緒 元 寶 庫 平 一 錢 四 分 四 厘 銀 幣, L&M225,Y143a.2,NGC AU Details; 1900 年(庚子)江南省造光緒元寶庫平三分六厘銀幣,L&M236, Y141a,NGC AU58; 1901 年(辛丑)江 南 省 造 光 緒 元寶 庫 平 一 錢 四 分 四 厘 銀 幣,帶 HAH,L&M245,Y143a.7,NGC AU58。 共 3 枚,包克東亞藏品

US $50-100

068 068

CHINA-KIANGNAN 1899 10 Cents Silver, L&M227, Y142a.2, NGC MS64. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1899 年(己亥)江南省造光緒元寶庫平七分二厘銀幣,L&M227,Y142a.2,NGC MS64。包克東亞藏品

US $100-200

Gem Kiangnan 1902 10 Cash Copper

069 069

CHINA-KIANGNAN 1902 10 Cash Copper, small Manchu, Y135.2, CCC200, NGC MS66BN. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1902 年(壬寅)江南省造光緒元寶當製錢十文銅幣,小滿文,Y135.2,CCC200,NGC MS66BN。包克東亞藏品

US $100-200


Choice Kiangnan 1902 One Dollar Silver

070 070

CHINA-KIANGNAN 1902 One Dollar Silver, Y145a.9, L&M248, K93, NGC MS63. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1902年(壬寅)江南省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣,Y145a.9,L&M248,K93,NGC MS63。包克東亞藏品

US $1,000-2,000

Gem Kiangnan 1902 20 Cents Silver

071 071

CHINA-KIANGNAN 1902 20 Cents Silver, L&M249, Y143a.8, K94, NGC MS65. Highest graded coin by NGC. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1902年(壬寅)江南省造光緒元寶庫平一錢四分四厘銀幣,L&M249,Y143a.8,K94,NGC MS65。NGC評級最高分。包克東亞藏品

US $100-200





US $50-100

US $30-60

CHINA-KIANGNAN 1904 10 Cents Silver, L&M261, Y142a.13, NGC AU58. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1904 年(甲辰)江南省造光緒元寶庫平七分二厘銀幣,L&M261, Y142a.13,NGC AU58。包克東亞藏品

CHINA- KIANGNAN 19 05 10 Cash Copper, Y138.1, NGC MS64BN. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1905 年( 乙 巳)江 南 省 造 光 緒 元 寶 當 十 銅 元,Y138.1,NGC MS64BN。包克東亞藏品





CHINA-KIANGNAN ND(1911) 20 Cents Silver, L&M267, Y147, NGC AU53. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1911 年江南省造宣統元寶庫平一錢四分四厘銀幣,L&M267,Y147, NGC AU53。包克東亞藏品

US $50-100


CHINA-KIANGSU ND(1901) 2 Cash Brass Pattern, KM-Pn2, Y159, CCC230, NGC AU55. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1901 年江蘇省造光緒元寶當製錢二文銅質樣幣,KM-Pn2,Y159, CCC230,NGC AU55。包克東亞藏品

US $200-400


075 075

CHINA-KIANGSI ND(1902) 10 Cash Copper, small English lettering, 1 star at either side of dragon, Y150.6, W621, NGC MS63BN. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1902 年江西省造光緒元寶當十銅幣,英文小字,龍左右各一星花, Y150.6,W621,NGC MS63BN。包克東亞藏品

US $30-60

CHINA-KIANGSI(KIANG-SEE) ND(1902) 10 Cash Copper, vertical rosette, Y149, NGC VF20BN; CHINA - KIANGSU ND(19 01) 5 Cash Copper, Y158, NGC AU58BN. Total 2 Pieces. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1902 年江西省造光緒元寶當十銅幣,英文 KIANG-SEE,直花星, Y49,NGC VF20BN; 1901 年 江 蘇 省 造 光 緒 元 寶 當 製 錢 五 文 銅 幣,Y158,NGC AU58BN。 共 2 枚。包克東亞藏品

US $20-40

Finest Known 1898 One Dollar Silver, Er Pao

078 078

CHINA-KIRIN ND(1898) One Dollar Silver, PAO written with ER, Y183, L&M510, K281, NGC MS63. Highest graded coin of this variety. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection The 1898-1906 Kirin coins include denominations of one dollar, half dollar, 20 cents, 10 cents and 5 cents. The center of the obverse features either a flower basket or a Yinyang symbol. The reverse features a dragon in the center. This series offers many varieties depending on the variations in the writing of the characters, the rosette, the design of the dragon, and the spelling of the English. 1898年吉林省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣,尔寶,Y183,L&M510,K281,NGC MS63。此版評級最高分。包克東亞藏品 1898-1906年間吉林省光緒元寶銀幣由吉林造幣廠鑄造,計有庫平七錢二分、三錢六分、一錢四分四厘、七分二厘和三分六厘等幣值。正面中 央圖案或為花籃或為太極。背面中央蟠龍。根據幣文字體、花星、龍紋、英文正誤等可分多種版別。

US $1,000-2,000


Choice Kirin 1898 One Dollar Silver

079 079

CHINA-KIRIN ND(1898) One Dollar Silver, JI written with SHI and PAO written with ER, L&M510, Y183, K281, NGC AU58. Second highest graded coin of this variety by NGC. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1898年吉林省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣,士“吉”,尔“寶”,L&M510,Y183,K281,NGC AU58。NGC此版評級第二高分。包克東亞藏品

US $300-600

080 080

CHINA-KIRIN ND(1898) 50 Cents Silver, PAO written with ER, 8 rows of scales and firery ball has 8 flames, Y182, L&M511, K290c, NGC MS62. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1898 年吉林省造光緒元寶庫平三錢六分銀幣,尔寶,8 排龍鱗,火球 8 根火焰,Y182,L&M511,K290c,NGC MS62。包克東亞藏品

US $300-600

082 082

CHINA-KIRIN ND(1898) 50 Cents Silver, PAO written with FOU, L&M517, Y182.1, NGC AU58. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1898 年吉林省造光緒元寶庫平三錢六分銀幣,缶“寶”,L&M517, Y182.1,NGC AU58。包克東亞藏品

US $100-200 083

CHINA-KIRIN ND(1898) 10 Cents Silver, PAO written with FOU, no cross-strokes of letters "A" in CANDARINS, Y180, L&M519, K356b, NGC MS62. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1898 年吉林省造光緒元寶七分二厘銀幣,缶寶,反面 CANDARINS 中字母 A 缺一橫,Y180,L&M519,K356b,NGC MS62。包克東亞 藏品

US $100-200

081 081

CHINA-KIRIN ND(1898) 50 Cents Silver, PAO written with FOU, 4 rows of scales and tail ending in 9 spines, fiery ball has 7 flames, between righthand leg and body a large cloud which is not found on other KIRIN half-dollar pieces, Y182, L&M517, K297i, NGC MS63. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1898 年吉林省造光緒元寶庫平三錢六分銀幣,缶寶,4 排龍鱗,龍尾 9 根尾鰭,火球 9 根火焰,右腿和身體之間有一大雲,這是其它吉林 三錢六分所沒有的,Y182,L&M517,K297i,NGC MS63。包克東亞 藏品

US $100-200

084 084

CHINA-KIRIN 1901 One Dollar Silver, L&M536, Y183a.1, NGC XF45. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1901 年(辛丑)吉林省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣,L&M536, Y183a.1,NGC XF45。包克東亞藏品

US $300-600


Choice Kirin 1902 One Dollar Silver



CHINA-KIRIN 1902 One Dollar Silver, 5 rows of scales and tail ending in 11 spines, Y183a.1, L&M542, K451a, NGC MS63. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1902年(壬寅)吉林省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣,5排龍鱗,龍尾11根尾鰭,Y183a.1,L&M542,K451a,NGC MS63。包克東亞藏品

US $1,000-2,000

086 086

CHINA-KIRIN 1903 50 Cents Silver, dragon has 4 rows of scales and fiery ball kidney-shaped in novel design with 7 flames, Y182a.1, L&M548, K471a, NGC AU55. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1903 年(癸卯)吉林省造光緒元寶庫平三錢六分銀幣,中心太極,龍 鱗 4 排,奇異的腎形火球帶 7 根火焰,Y182a.1,L&M548,K471a, NGC AU55。包克東亞藏品

088 088

CHIN A - K WA NGSI 1921 10 Cents C opper Tr ial Pat ter n, L&M168A, KM Pn3, NGC MS64BN. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1921 年(民國十年)廣西省造壹毫銅質試鑄樣幣,L&M168A,KM Pn3,NGC MS64BN。包克東亞藏品

US $100-200

US $100-200


087 087

CHINA-KIRIN 1908 20 Cents Silver, numeral 2 center, L&M580, Y181c, NGC MS63. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1908 年(戊申)吉林省造光緒元寶庫平一錢四分四厘銀幣,中心“2”, L&M580,Y181c,NGC MS63。包克東亞藏品

US $100-200


CHINA-KWANGTUNG ND(1890-1908) 10 Cents Silver, L&M136, Y200, NGC MS64; CHINA-MANCHURIAN 1907 10 Cents Silver, L&M490, Y209, NGC AU Details. Total 2 Pieces. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1890-1908 年 廣 東省造 光 緒 元寶 庫平 七分二 厘 銀 幣,L&M136, Y200,NGC MS64; 1907 年( 光 緒 33 年)東 三省 造 光 緒 元 寶 庫 平 七 分二 厘 銀 幣, L&M490,Y209,NGC AU Details。 共 2 枚,包克東亞藏品

US $60-120

Gem Kwangtung 1890-1905 50 Cents Silver

090 090

CHINA-KWANGTUNG ND(1890-1905) 50 Cents Silver, Y202, L&M134, K27, NGC MS65. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1890-1905 年廣東省造光緒元寶庫平三錢六分銀幣,Y202,L&M134,K27,NGC MS65。包克東亞藏品

US $800-1,600

Choice Kwangtung 1890-1905 50 Cents Silver

091 091

CHINA-KWANGTUNG ND(1890-1905) 50 Cents Silver, with flame and clouds on left smaller on reverse, K27a, NGC MS62. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1890-1905 年廣東省造光緒元寶庫平三錢六分銀幣,反面左方的火焰和雲較小,K27a,NGC MS62。包克東亞藏品

US $800-1,600

Gem Kwangtung 1924 Sun Yat Sen 20 Cents Silver

092 092

CHINA-KWANGTUNG 1924 Sun Yat Sen 20 Cents Silver, L&M155, Y424, NGC MS65. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1924 年(民國十三年)廣東省造孫像貳毫銀幣,L&M155,Y424,NGC MS65。包克東亞藏品

US $300-600


RECALLING THE VON HALLE COLLECTION OF CHINESE COINS by Bruce W. Smith "Silver Coins of China and the Colony of Hong Kong" was the title of an important auction of machine struck Chinese coins, conducted on 24 November 1966 by the London coin firm of Glendining Company. The sale consisted of 626 lots, some of which were illustrated on the ten plates at the end of the catalog. This was the most extensive sale of Chinese silver coins ever held in England, and until the Kann sale in 1971, was probably the largest such sale held anywhere in the world. The cataloging was apparently done by D. J. Crowther, but we know almost nothing about the collector. His name is given as W. Von Halle and the preface to the catalog suggests he had not been collecting for very long. The name suggests he may have been German rather than English. He purchased coins from dealers and auctions all over the world, including pieces from the Wayte Raymond collection, sold by Glendining in November 1963. The Von Halle sale was so important that in 1967 a red hard cover reprint was produced with text, plates and prices realized. The reprint rights were purchased by Sidney Frey (1921-1968), who in the previous year had purchased the rights to and reprinted the Kann catalog. Frey was the president of a company which produced record albums, but he also had an interest in Chinese coins. In 1967 he tried to organize the Asiatic Numismatic Society, but was unsuccessful. As the title of the sale indicates, there were no gold coins in the auction. There were, however, a number of patterns in pewter, copper or other metals. The prices realized are given in British pounds (there was no buyers fee in those days), which at the time was worth U.S. $2.79 or roughly three dollars per pound. Nine coins sold for over 200 pounds: Lot 567 Chekiang Dragon Dollar with Chinese legend in “Kai” style, Heaton Mint CHE - KIANG 1902 Kann 119i 320 pounds Lot 801 Communist Army Dollar 1931 Kann 801 320 pounds Lot 768 Chang Tso-lin Dollar 1928 Kann 688 320 pounds Lot 767 Chang Tso-lin Dollar 1926 Kann 685 250 pounds Lot 69 Chu Yu-pu Dollar 1927 Kann 690 260 pounds Lot 746 Yuan Shih-kai Flying Dragon Dollar with L. GIORGI Kann 663a 275 pounds Lot 528 Hupeh Pen Sheng Dollar Kann 35 230 pounds Lot 843 Maritime Ku Ping Tael (circa 1868) Kann 925 280 pounds Lot 1072 Hong Kong 1866 Dollar Proof Pridmore 1a 245 pounds Other coins which brought over a hundred pounds were: Lot 779 Kweichow Auto Dollar 1928 Kann 757 125 pounds Lot 510 Kwangtung 1889 Dollar 7.3 variety Kann 16 130 pounds Lot 533 Hupeh 20 Cents 1909 Kann 46 115 pounds Lot 566 Chekiang Dollar with Chinese legend in “Wei Stele”style, CHEH - KIANG 1899 Kann 119 170 pounds Lot 588 Peiyang Dollar 1896 Kann 181 110 pounds Lot 587 Yunnan 1910 Spring Dollar Kann 177 [fake] 90 pounds Lot 677 Kirin 1908 Dollar "11" in center Kann 573a 110 pounds Lot 692 Sun Yat Sen Dollar 1929 with A. MOTTI Kann 614a 120 pounds Lot 708 Sun Yat Sen 1932 Gold Standard Dollar Kann 628x 80 pounds Lot 709 Sun Yat Sen same 1932 but plain edge Kann 628a 180 pounds Lot 710 Sun Yat Sen same but 1929 struck in copper Kann unlisted 110 pounds (lots 708-710 were all from the Wayte Raymond Collection sale 1963. The unlisted piece is mentioned by Kann on page 205 where he dismisses it as a mint sport. In later correspondence with Howard F. Bowker, Kann says that paragraph should be deleted because he had discovered the coin was in fact made at the Philadelphia Mint to test the reverse die.) Lot 739 Yuan Shih-kai 1914 Dollar with L. GIORGI Kann 645a 130 pounds Lot 719 Sun Yat Sen 1936 Half Dollar with security edge Kann 635 105 pounds Lot 720 Sun Yat Sen 1936 Half Dollar with reeded edge Kann 635 105 pounds (Kann does not record any security edge coins in his catalog, but they are hinted at on page 207 in the text following the description of K 635, where he shows a table of coin specifications, which includes the remark: "Too thin for security rim". This table is clearly the results of experiments made using a security edge.) The coins from the Von Halle Collection found their way into many other collections. Irving Goodman, for example, bought lots 719 and 720 mentioned above. Italian collector, Enrico Manara, also bought coins from the Von Halle sale, and I suspect Norman Jacobs did as well. Von Halle's collection was especially rich in high quality coins and patterns.

馮 • 霍爾中國錢幣藏品回顧


1966年11月,倫敦Glendining 公司舉辦了一場“中國及香港殖民地時期銀幣”拍賣會。拍品共計626件,其中有些銀幣出現在了拍賣目錄後 面的十頁插圖中。 在1971年耿愛德拍賣舉辦之前,此次1966年拍賣是當時英國甚至有可能是全世界數量最多的一次中國錢幣拍賣會。雖然 已知拍賣會目錄是出自D.J 克勞瑟之手,但對於拍品收藏者我們卻幾乎一無所知。據說該收藏者名為W. 馮• 霍爾,目錄序言部分的相關介紹 表明, 此人從事錢幣收藏的時間並不會太長。從名字來看,馮•霍爾很有可能是一位德國人。他的收藏中包羅了從世界各地的幣商以及拍賣 會中收集到的中國錢幣,其中還有1963年11月Glendining 公司拍出的韋特•雷蒙德的錢幣藏品。1967年,拍賣會目錄又被重印了一次,重印版 使用了紅色硬皮封面,附帶文字說明、插圖以及錢幣價格,由此可見這場拍賣會的意義之重大。西德尼•弗雷買下了這本拍賣目錄的重印權( 1921-1968),他在之前還曾經買下了耿愛德目錄的版權,並將之重新印製出版。 弗雷經營著一家唱片公司, 本人也很喜歡研究中國錢幣。 1967年,他曾經打算建立一個名為亞洲錢幣學會的機構,但是並沒有取得成功。 如其名所示,此次“中國及香港殖民地時期銀幣”拍賣會上沒有一枚金幣拍品,不過卻出現了幾枚鉛錫、紫銅及其他金屬質地的樣幣。 錢幣 的價格都是用英鎊標示(當時不對買家收取手續費),當時美元和英鎊的匯率為2.79 :1, 約3美元才能兌換到1英鎊。 這次拍賣會上共有9


枚錢幣的成交價在200英鎊之上,分別是: 567 號拍品,1902年浙江楷書體龍洋,喜敦造幣廠,Kann 119i, 320英磅 801號拍品,1931年蘇維埃銀幣, Kann 801,320英磅 768號拍品,1928年張作霖銀幣,Kann 688, 320英鎊 767號拍品,1926年張作霖銀幣,Kann 684, 250英鎊 69號拍品,1927年褚玉璞銀元,Kann 690, 260 英鎊 746號拍品,L. GIORGI簽名版袁世凱飛龍紀念幣, Kann663a, 275英鎊 528號拍品,湖北省造本省銀元, Kann35, 230英鎊 843號拍品,庫平一兩銀元(約1868年), Kann 925,280英鎊 1072號拍品,1866年香港鏡面精製銀元, Pridmore 1a,245英鎊 其他成交價超過100英鎊或100英鎊左右的錢幣有: 779號拍品,1928年貴州汽車幣, Kann 757, 125英鎊 510號拍品,1889年廣東省造銀幣,品種7.3, Kann 16,130英鎊 533號拍品,1909年湖北省造一錢四分四厘, Kann 46, 115 英鎊 566號拍品,1899年浙江魏碑體銀幣(爾寶),Kann 119,170英鎊 588號拍品,1896年北洋銀元,Kann 181, 110英鎊 587號拍品,1910年春季雲南省造銀元,Kann 177(偽),90 英鎊 677號拍品,1908年吉林省造中心“11”銀幣,Kann 573a,110英鎊 692號拍品,1929年孫中山銀元,帶A. MOTTI,Kann 614a,120英鎊 708號拍品,1932年孫中山金本位幣,Kann 628x,80英鎊 709號拍品,1932年孫中山金本位幣,光邊,Kann 628a, 180英鎊 710號拍品,1929年孫中山金本位幣銅樣, 無Kann編號, 110英鎊 (708-710號藏品均出自1963年拍賣的韋特•雷蒙德收藏。雖然沒有列出編號,但Kann目錄第205頁中有關於這枚錢幣的記載,書中耿愛德將 這枚銀幣錯認為是一枚造幣廠試打樣幣。不過後來霍華德•F•包克表示耿愛德的判斷並不正確,因為他發現這枚錢幣實際上是費城造幣廠為 試用錢幣背面幣模而打造的一枚樣幣。) 739號拍品,1914年L. GIORGI 簽字版袁世凱銀元, Kann 645a,130英鎊 719號拍品,1936年孫中山中圓,人字邊, Kann 635,105英鎊 720號拍品,1936年孫中山中圓,齒邊,Kann 635,105英鎊 (耿愛德的目錄中並沒有任何關於人字邊錢幣的記錄,不過目錄207頁Kann 635號幣之後的記錄中可以找到一些關於人字邊的線索。 在一 張錢幣相關參數圖表中,出現了“太薄不適宜製作人字邊”這樣一句話。很顯然,這是用於記錄人字邊試鑄實驗結果的一張圖表。) 馮•霍爾收藏的錢幣在拍賣會上被眾多錢幣收藏家買走。如上面提到的719及720號拍品就被歐文•古德曼拍下。 義大利錢幣收藏家恩裏科•馬 那哈也買下了幾枚馮•霍爾的錢幣藏品,我猜諾曼•雅各布斯也拍到了一些錢幣。這些馮•霍爾的錢幣及樣幣藏品不僅數量豐富,種類齊全,而 且還具有非常高的品質。

Finest Known Von Halle Collection Kweichow 1928 Auto Dollar Silver



CHINA-KWEICHOW 1928 Auto Dollar Silver, 2 blades of grass, Y428, L&M609, K757, NGC MS63. From Glendining Von Halle November 24th 1966 Sale, Lot 779, realized 125 pounds(US $350). Highest graded by grading service. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection. This coin is also the plate coin of No.28 on book "TOP CHINESE COIN Silver Coinage" published by Champion. 1928年(民國十七年)貴州省政府造銀幣壹圓,俗稱汽車幣,二根草,Y428, L&M609,K757,NGC MS63。原1966年11月24日Glendining Von Halle拍賣會第779號拍品,當時的成交價是125英鎊(350美元)。目前評級最高分之錢幣。包克東亞藏品。這枚錢幣也是冠軍出品的《中 國近代機制幣精品鑒賞》銀幣版一書上No.28的原版錢幣

US $10,000-20,000


Rare Sinkiang 1874 Tilla Gold

094 094

CHINA-SINKIANG 1874 (AH1291) Yakub Beg Tilla Gold, K1489a, C-37-2.4, Ex Seaby 3/6/48, NGC AU55. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection (?-1877)A feudal chieftain of Uzebek (or Tajik) in Central Asia in mid-19th century, Yakub Beg as the commander in chief of the army of a small kingdom led an army in an invasion into Xinjiang in 1865. He occupied eight Chinese cities in succession in a few years and made himself the khan of a kingdom called Zedeshar. He colluded with the Russian and British rulers then. His regime was toppled by a Qing army led by Tso Tsung-t'ang. After his total defeat, Yakub Beg killed himself in Kurle in 1877. 1874 年(AH1291)新 疆“ 阿 古 柏” (Yakub Beg)金 幣( 又名 鐵 勒 金 幣 Tilla),K1489a, C-37-2.4,1948 年 3 月 6 日 購 自 Seaby,NGC AU55。包克東亞藏品 (?-1877) 十九世紀中葉中亞細亞浩罕國封建主,烏孜別克族(一說塔吉克族)人。在安集廷(原蘇聯吉爾吉斯共和國境內)任浩罕王之帕夏(意 即總司令) 。 1865 年, 受浩罕攝政王派遣率軍侵入新疆。數年間, 佔有南疆八城,建立“哲德莎爾”王國, 自稱“畢條勒特汗” , 並與俄、英等國勾結。 1876 年,清廷委任左宗棠為欽差大臣,統兵進疆討伐,在新疆各族人民的支持下大獲全勝,1877 年阿古柏兵敗,自殺於庫爾勒。

US $1,500-3,000

Scarce Sinkiang 1874 Tilla Gold

095 095

CHINA-SINKIANG 1874 (AH1291) Yakub Beg Tilla Gold Coin, K1494, UNC. Ex Seaby. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1874 年(AH1291)新疆“阿古柏” (Yakub Beg)金幣(又名鐵勒金幣 Tilla),K1494,未使用。購自 Seaby,包克東亞藏品

US $1,000-2,000

Scarce Sinkiang 1875 Tilla Gold

096 096

CHINA-SINKIANG 1875 (AH1292) Yakub Beg Tilla Gold Coin, K1495, UNC. Ex Seaby. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1875 年(AH1292)新疆“阿古柏” (Yakub Beg)金幣(又名鐵勒金幣 Tilla),K1495,未使用。購自 Seaby,包克東亞藏品

US $1,000-2,000 42


CHINA-SINKIANG Silver Coins (4): 1875 (AH1292) 1/2 Mace Silver, L&M671, NGC XF45. Ex Seaby; 1878 (AH1295) 5 Fen Silver, L&M664, 3 Pieces, NGC AU55 & NGC AU50 & NGC XF40. Total 4 Pieces. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 新疆銀幣 4 枚: 1875 年(AH1292)新 疆 銀 幣 五 分,L&M671,NGC XF45。購 自 Seaby; 1878 年(AH1295)新 疆 光 緒 銀 錢 五 分,L&M664,3 枚,NGC AU55 & NGC AU50 & NGC XF40。 共 4 枚。包克東亞藏品

US $50-100 099

CHINA-SINKIANG Silver Coins (4): ND( 1878) 5 Fen Silver, L&M678, 2 Pieces, both NGC XF45; 1894 (AH1311) 3 Mace Silver, L&M688, Y18, NGC XF40; 1894 (AH1311) 2 Mace Silver, Y17, L&M689, K1047, NGC XF45. Total 4 Pieces. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 新疆銀幣 4 枚: 1878 年新疆光緒銀錢五分,L&M678,共 2 枚,均為 NGC XF45; 1894 年(AH1311)新疆省造 光緒 銀圓三錢,L&M688,Y18,NGC XF40; 1894 年(AH1311)新 疆( 喀 什)光 緒 銀 圓 貳 錢,Y17,L&M689, K1047,NGC XF45。 共 4 枚。包克東亞藏品



CHINA-SINKIANG 1878 (AH1295) One Mace Silver, L&M675, NGC AU53. Rare. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1878 年(AH1295)新 疆 省 造 光 緒 銀 錢 壹 錢,L&M675,NGC AU53。罕見。包克東亞藏品

US $1,000-2,000

US $40-80

100 100

CHINA-SINKIANG 1894 (AH1311) 3 Mace Silver, Y18, L&M688, K1046, UNC. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1894 年(AH1311)新 疆( 喀 什)光 緒 銀 圓 三 錢,Y18,L&M688, K1046,未使用。包克東亞藏品

US $100-200

101 101

CHINA-SINKIANG 1894 (AH1311) 2 Mace Silver, Y17, L&M689, K1047, UNC. Ex Seaby. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1894 年(AH1311)新 疆( 喀 什)光 緒 銀 圓 貳 錢,Y17,L&M689, K1047,未使用。購自 Seaby,包克東亞藏品

US $100-200 103

CHINA-SINKIANG 1899 (AH1316) 3 Mace Silver, L&M709, Y18a, NGC AU55. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1899 年(AH1316)喀 什 光 緒 銀 圓 三 錢,L&M709,Y18a,NGC AU55。包克東亞藏品

US $30-60

102 102

CHINA-SINKIANG 1896 (AH1313) 3 Mace Silver, KASHGAR, Y18a, L&M696, K1056a, UNC. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1896 年(AH1313)新 疆 喀 什 光 緒 銀 圓 三 錢,Y18a,L&M696, K1056a,未使用。包克東亞藏品

US $100-200 105


CHINA-SINKIANG 1901 (AH1319) 2 Mace Silver, L&M715, Y17a, NGC AU53. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1901 年(AH1319)新疆喀什光緒銀圓貳錢,L&M715,Y17a,NGC AU53。包克東亞藏品

US $30-60 106

CHINA-SINKIANG 1904 (AH1322) 2 Mace Silver, L&M727, Y17a.1, NGC XF40. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1904 年(AH1322)新疆喀造光緒銀圓貳錢銀幣,L&M727,Y17a.1, NGC XF40。包克東亞藏品

US $30-60

CHINA-SINKIANG Silver Coins (3): 1901 (AH1319) 2 Mace Silver, Kashgar Mint, L&M715, Y17a, NGC AU50; 1903(AH1321) 3 Mace Silver, L&M791, NGC AU53; 1904 (AH1322) 3 Mace Silver, Tihwa Mint, Y34, L&M794, NGC AU50. Total 3 Pieces. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 新疆銀幣 3 枚: 1901 年(AH1319)新疆喀什光緒銀圓貳錢,L&M715,Y17a,NGC AU50; 1903 年(AH1321)新 疆 迪 化 光 緒 銀 圓 三 錢,L&M791,NGC AU53; 1904 年(AH1322)新疆迪化光緒銀圓三錢,Y34,L&M794,NGC AU50。 共 3 枚,包克東亞藏品

US $30-60


Rare Sinkiang 1904 One Mace Silver

107 107

CHINA-SINKIANG 1904 (AH1322) One Mace Silver, KASHGAR, Y#C16, L&M728, K1098, UNC. EX Kann Collection. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1904年(AH1322)新疆喀什壹錢銀幣,Y#C16,L&M728,K1098,未使用。Kann舊藏。包克東亞藏品

US $1,000-2,000

Gem Sinkiang 1905 5 Mace Silver

108 108

CHINA-SINKIANG ND(1905) 5 Mace Silver, 8-petalled rosette in center, small rosettes at sides of dragon, L&M819A, Y6.6, NGC MS64. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1905年新疆省造餉銀五錢銀幣,正面中心8瓣花,龍面左右各一小花星,L&M819A,Y6.6,NGC MS64。包克東亞藏品

US $600-1,200



109 109

CHINA-SINKIANG 1905 (AH1323) 5 Mace Silver, with normal FIVE at left, Y35, L&M796, K1217 type, UNC. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1905 年(AH1323)新疆迪化光緒銀圓五錢銀幣,Y35,L&M796, K1217 type,未使用。包克東亞藏品

CHINA-SINKIANG Silver Coins (3): 1908 (AH1326) 5 Mace Silver, L&M750, Y25.1, NGC XF40; 1914 (AH1332) 5 Mace Silver, L&M770, Y43.1, NGC VF30; 1914 (AH1332) 5 Mace Silver, L&M771, Y43.3, NGC VF25. Total 3 Pieces. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 新疆銀幣 3 枚: 1908 年(AH1326)新 疆 喀 什 造 大 清 銀 幣 湘 平 五 錢,L&M750, Y25.1,NGC XF40; 1914 年(AH1332)中華民國新疆喀造餉銀五錢,L&M770,Y43.1, NGC VF30; 1914 年(AH1332)中華民國新疆喀造餉銀五錢,L&M771,Y43.3, NGC VF25。 共 3 枚,包克東亞藏品

US $30-60

US $100-200





US $30-60

US $100-200

CHINA-SINKIANG 1907 (AH1325) 5 Mace Silver, L&M805, Y35a, NGC AU55. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1907 年(AH1325)新疆迪化光緒銀圓伍錢,L&M805,Y35a,NGC AU55。包克東亞藏品

CHINA-SINKIANG ND(1910) 2 Mace Silver, turki legent on obverse, L&M822, Y4, NGC XF45. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1910 年新疆省造餉銀二錢銀幣,回文在字面,L&M822,Y4,NGC XF45。包克東亞藏品





US $30-60

US $30-60

CHINA- SINKIANG 19 07 (AH1325) 5 Mace Silver, Y25.3, L&M748, NGC AU55. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1907 年(AH1325)新 疆 喀 什 造 大 清 銀 幣 湘 平 五 錢,Y25.3, L&M748,NGC AU55。包克東亞藏品

CHIN A - SIN KIA NG 1912 10 Cash C opper, YA3 9.1, NGC VF35BN. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1912 年(民國元年)新疆當紅錢十文銅幣,YA39.1,NGC VF35BN。 包克東亞藏品


CHINA-SZECHUAN ND(1901-08) 50 Cents Silver, PAO written with ER, Y237, L&M347, K146, NGC AU Details. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1901-08 年四川省造光緒元寶庫平三錢六分銀幣,尔寶, Y237,L&M347,K146,NGC AU Details。包克東亞藏品

US $800-1,600 115






US $30-60

US $100-200

CHINA-SZECHUAN 1912 5 Cash Copper, lion looking down, Y441, NGC XF40BN. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1912 年(民國元年)四川醒獅背雙旗五文銅幣,獅子朝下看,Y441, NGC XF40BN。包克東亞藏品

CHINA-SZECHUAN 1912 One Dollar Silver, Y456, L&M366, K775, NGC MS62. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1912 年(民國元年)軍政府造四川銀幣壹圓,Y456,L&M366,K775, NGC MS62。包克東亞藏品

117 117


CHINA- SZECHUAN 1912 50 Cash Brass, Small Roset te in Center, Y449.2a, NGC AU58BN. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1912 年(民國元年)軍政府造四川銅幣五十文,黃銅,中間小花星, Y449.2a,NGC AU58BN。包克東亞藏品

US $30-60


CHINA-SZECHUAN 1912 10 Cents Silver, L&M369, Y453, NGC AU Details. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1912 年(民國元年)軍政府造四川銀幣一角,L&M369,Y453,NGC AU Details。包克東亞藏品

US $300-600

Rare Szechuan 5 Cash Brass Pattern

120 120

CHINA-SZECHUAN ND(REPUBLIC) double flag and plum flower 5 Cash Brass Pattern, CCC776, XF . H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection. This coin was numbered . Szechuan 5 Cash Brass Pattern. CCC776 in Chinese Copper Coin published by Zheng Renjie in 1997 and was rated highest rarity 1. This pattern is with much mystery as there was no historical information as to origin and production of the piece. Since itsa similar specimen was founddiscovery in the JC Lee’s archive collection with the Szechuan Horse-Orchid tokens, it is now presumed this pattern was produced in Szechuan at either Chonqing or Chendu. The Lee specimen is of superb condition and was graded by NGC as AU-55, one of the finest know of few examples known. It was sold for US$7575 in Champion December 2010 Sale. This is an eExtremely important piece of Szechuan copper coinage and a great opportunity for the collector. 民國時期四川省造雙旗梅花圖五文黃銅試鑄樣幣,CCC776,極美品。包克東亞藏品,存世甚少。在1997年鄭仁傑編《中國銅元鑒賞》一書中 編號CCC776,被該書評為最高的一級珍稀度。這是一枚極富故事與傳奇性的樣幣,找不到任何關於其製造來源的歷史記錄。此幣很有可能 是在四川的成都或重慶製造,因為著名藏家JC Lee的造幣廠庫存系列中曾有一枚同類錢幣與一批四川馬蘭錢同時被發現,那枚被NGC評為 AU55,並在2010年12月的冠軍拍賣會上以7475美元售出。此幣,對於四川地方銅幣鑄造的研究與收藏具有重要意義。

US $1,000-2,000 46

121 121

CHINA- SZECHUAN 1913 20 Cash Brass, three rosettes, Y448.1a, NGC MS63. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1913 年(民國二年)軍政府造四川銅幣當製錢二十文,黃銅,3 星花, Y448.1a,NGC MS63。包克東亞藏品

US $50-100

125 125

CHINA-KIAU CHAU(German Occupation) 1909 10 Cents Copper-Nickel with Prooflike Surface, K872, Y2, NGC MS64. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1909 年青島大德國寶壹角鎳幣,類鏡面,K872,Y2,NGC MS64。包克東 亞藏品

US $100-200

122 122

CHINA- SZECHUAN 1913 20 Cash Brass, three rosettes, Y448.1a, NGC MS62. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1913 年(民國二年)軍政府造四川銅幣當製錢二十文,黃銅,3 星花, Y448.1a,NGC MS62。包克東亞藏品

US $30-60

126 126

CHINA-KIAU CHAU(German Occupation) 1909 10 Cents CopperNickel, K872, Y2, NGC MS62. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1909 年青島大德國寶壹角鎳幣,K872,Y2,NGC MS62。包克東亞 藏品

US $60-120





US $50-100

US $100-200

CHINA-SZECHUAN 1913 10 Cash Brass, Y447a, NGC MS63. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1913 年(民國二年)軍政府造四川銅幣當製錢十文,黃銅,Y447a, NGC MS63。包克東亞藏品

CHINA-YUNNAN ND(1908) 50 Cents Silver, L&M419, Y253, K167, NGC MS62. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1908 年雲南省造 光緒元寶庫平三 錢 六分 銀幣,L&M419,Y253, K167,NGC MS62。包克東亞藏品

124 124

CHINA-SZECHUAN 1914 20 Cash Brass, Y448.1a, NGC MS62. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1914 年(民 國 三 年)軍 政 府 造 四 川 銅 幣 當 製 錢 二十 文,黃 銅, Y448.1a,NGC MS62。包克東亞藏品

US $30-60

128 128

CHINA-YUNNAN ND(1917) Tang Chi Yao 50 Cents Silver, Circle in center of flag at left, L&M863, Y479.1, NGC MS62. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1917 年雲南省造唐繼堯像擁護共和紀念庫平三錢六分銀幣,左面旗 幟中心帶圈,L&M863,Y479.1,NGC MS62。包克東亞藏品

US $100-200



CHINA-YUNNAN ND(1917) Tang Chi Yao 50 Cents Silver, Circle in center of flag at left, L&M863, Y479.1, NGC AU58. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1917 年雲南省造唐繼堯像擁護共和紀念庫平三錢六分銀幣,左面旗 幟中心帶圈,L&M863,Y479.1,NGC AU58。包克東亞藏品

US $30-60

Scarce Yunnan 1919 Tang Chi Yao 50 Cash Copper

133 133

CHINA-YUNNAN 1932 5 Cents Brass, Y490, CCC582, VF. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1932 年(民國二十一年)雲南省造伍仙銅幣,黃銅,Y490,CCC582,美 品。包克東亞藏品

US $100-200

130 130

CHINA-YUNNAN ND(1919) Tang Chi Yao 50 Cash Copper, Y478a, NGC MS62BN. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1919 年 雲 南 省 造 唐 繼 堯 像 紀 念 銅 幣 五 十 文,Y478a,NGC MS62BN。包克東亞藏品

US $300-600

134 134

CHINA-REPUBLIC 1912 Li Yuan Hung One Dollar Silver, without hat, Y321, L&M45, K639, NGC MS66. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1912 年黎元洪(無帽)中華民國開國紀念壹圓銀幣,Y321,L&M45, K639,NGC MS66。包克東亞藏品

US $1,000-2,000

131 131

CHINA-YUNNAN ND(1919) Tang Chi Yao 50 Cash Brass, Y478, NGC MS61. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1919 年 雲 南 省 造 唐 繼 堯 像 紀 念 銅 幣 五十 文,黃 銅,Y478,NGC MS61。包克東亞藏品

US $100-200

132 132

CHINA-YUNNAN ND(1920-22) One Dollar Silver, 4 Circles Below Pearl, L&M421, Y258.1, K169, NGC AU58. From private sale for USD 10 in September 1969. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1920-22 年雲南省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣,新雲南,反面火球 下 4 個 圈,L&M421,Y258.1,K169,NGC AU58。1969 年 以 10 美 元私人交易購得。包克東亞藏品

US $100-200 48

135 135

CHINA-REPUBLIC 1912 Sun Yat Sen One Dollar Silver, lower star, Y319, L&M42, K603, NGC MS61. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection Sun Yat-Sen, stars low. Obverse: portrait of Sun Yat-Sen. Reverse: stars on either side of the English denomination ONE DOLLAR. 1912 Founding of the Republic coins were all made in a relatively short time and issued in limited quantities. Most were withdrawn from circulation and survivors today are quite scarce. 1912 年孫中山像中華民國開國紀念 銀幣壹圓,下五星版,Y319, L&M42,K603,NGC MS61。包克東亞藏品 孫中山像開國紀念幣之“下五星”: 正面為孫中山側面半身肖像,上書 “中華民國”四字,下列“開國紀念幣”五字,左右五辦梅花各一枝, 意為五權憲法;反面中為“壹圓”, “兩旁輔以嘉禾各一枝,每枝一穗 三葉,意為三民主義。ONE DOLLAR 兩側有五角星,位置偏下,通稱 “下五星”。這種開國紀念幣製作時間短,數額有限,流通範圍亦不廣, 大都遭回爐,存世不多,成為純正的紀念幣。

US $1,000-2,000




CHINA-REPUBLIC 1912 Sun Yat Sen Memento 20 Cents Silver, L&M61, Y317, NGC MS64. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1912 年孫中山像開國紀念銀幣貳角,L&M61,Y317,NGC MS64。 包克東亞藏品

US $100-200


CHINA-REPUBLIC ND(1914) Yuan Shi Kai One Dollar Silver with Plumed Hat, Y322, L&M858, K642, NGC MS63. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1914 年 袁 世 凱 ( 羽 帽 ) 共 和 紀 念 壹 圓 銀 幣,Y322,L&M858, K642,NGC MS63。包克東亞藏品

US $800-1,600 138

CHINA-REPUBLIC 1914 Yuan Shi Kai 10 Cents Silver, L&M66, Y326, NGC MS63. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1914 年(民國三年)袁世凱壹角銀幣,L&M66,Y326,NGC MS63。 包克東亞藏品

US $100-200 138

Rare Republic 1914 Yuan Shi Kai 5 Cents Nickel Pattern, with G.L.

139 139

CHINA-REPUBLIC 1914 Yuan Shi Kai 5 Cents Nickel Pattern, with G.L, K815b, NGC MS62. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection Giorgi, the most famous engraver of Chinese coins, was an excellent artist and produced some beautiful coins during late Ch’ing and early Republican times. Almost everything we know about Giorgi comes from the Ros article published in the Royal Asiatic Society (Shanghai branch) Journal for 1917, and Eduard Kann’s “Illustrated Catalogue of Chinese Coins”, published in Hong Kong in 1954. Giorgi was born around 1880. Before coming to Tientsin, he had worked for the medallic firm, Stabilimento Stefano, in Milan, Italy. He was the Chief Engraver at the Tientsin Central Mint from 1910 to 1917, after which he returned to Italy. He was still living in retirement in Italy in 1953, according to Kann, who was probably corresponding with him. Our other source of information on Giorgi’s career, are the Chinese coins which bear his signature, all of them rare patterns. 1914年(民國三年)袁世凱伍分鎳幣樣幣,G.L.簽字版,K815b,NGC MS62。包克東亞藏品 Giorgi是最著名的中國錢幣雕刻師,他是一位傑出的藝術家,在清朝後期和民國前期製造了很多精美的錢幣。幾乎我們知道的所有關於 Giorgi的資訊都來自於Ros發表在1917年亞洲皇家協會上海分會雜誌上的文章,以及Eduard Kann 1954年在香港出版的《中國幣圖說彙 考》一書中。Giorgi出生於1880年左右,在來到天津以前,他在義大利米蘭Stabilimento Stefano 的medallic公司工作。從1910年到1917年, Giorgi在天津造幣總廠擔任總雕刻師,之後他返回義大利。根據很可能與Giorgi有來往的Kann描述,Giorgi 1953年在義大利過著退休生活。 我們知曉的關於Giorgi的其他工作資訊來自於雕刻了他名字的中國錢幣,所有這些有其名字的錢幣都是樣幣,非常難得與稀有。

US $3,000-6,000


Rare Republic 1914-17 10 Cash Copper Pattern, with L.GIORGI

140 140

CHINA-REPUBLIC ND(1914-17) 10 Cash Copper Pattern, with L.GIORGI, KM PnA13, W1065, CCC686, NGC PF63BN. Ex Ecklund Collection. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection The most famous engraver of Chinese coinage dies was an Italian named Luigi Giorgi. Giorgi was an excellent artist and produced some beautiful coins, but his fame is due to the fact that he was the only engraver ever to place his name on a Chinese coin in a western language. Many Chinese and western engravers produced dies for Chinese coins, but most of them are unknown to us. Only one Chinese die engraver, Huang Wei-ts'un (Huang Weicun), is known to have placed his name or initials on a Chinese coin. Almost everything we know about Giorgi comes from two sources: Coins of the Republic of China by Giuseppe Ros, published in the Royal Asiatic Society (Shanghai branch) Journal for 1917; and the Illustrated Catalog of Chinese Coins by Eduard Kann, published in Hong Kong in 1954. From these sources, we know that Giorgi was the Chief Engraver at the Tientsin Central Mint from 1910 to about 1920. Our other source of information on Giorgi's career are the coins which bear his signature, all of them rare patterns, not intended for circulation (except for the 1912 Governor Chang medal). Giorgi must have been born around 1880, and was still living in retirement in Italy in 1953, according to Kann, who was probably corresponding with him. Chinese Coins With the Signature of Luigi Giorgi BRASS 10 Cash Undated Founding of Republic Commemorative with crossed flags. KM Y309 type. Reverse lower right inscribed: L. GIORGI. (Woodward 1065; dies AM/36; CCC 686; Duan 1948)

1914-17年中華民國共和紀念幣十文銅樣,帶L.GIORGI簽字,KM PnA13,W1065,CCC686,NGC PF63BN。Ecklund舊藏。包克東亞藏品 最著名的中國錢幣雕模師當屬意大利的路易奇•喬治(Luigi Giorgi)。喬治是一位傑出的藝術家,雕刻過不少精美錢幣,但他的出名主要還是 因為他是唯一一位將外文名字放在中國錢幣上的雕刻師。曾經有很多中外雕刻師為中國錢幣製作過幣模,但是大部分都默默無聞。僅一位中 國雕模師黃偉存為我們所知,他在錢幣上或放名字或姓名缩寫。基本上,我們對喬治的所有瞭解都來自以下兩處:羅斯(Giuseppe Ros)的 《中華民國錢幣》(Coins of the Republic of China),1917年發表在上海出版的《皇家亞洲文會上海分會期刊》中;以及耿愛德的《中國幣圖 說彙考》,1954年香港出版。從這些資料中,我們瞭解到喬治在1910年至1920年間是天津造幣廠的總雕刻師。那些有喬治簽字的錢幣是我們 瞭解他職業生涯的另一來源,所有這些錢幣都是極罕見的樣幣,不作流通(除了民國元年的張都督紀念章)。根據與喬治有通信往來的耿愛德 所述,喬治出生於1880年左右,1953年退休後一直住在意大利。 具有 路易奇•喬治簽字的中國錢幣 黃銅 十文,無紀年,中華民國共和紀念幣,交叉雙旗。KM Y309型。簽字在反面右下角:L.GIORGI(Woodward 1065; dies AM/36; CCC 686; Duan 1948)

US $3,000-6,000

141 141


US $30-60

US $100-200

CHINA-REPUBLIC 1916 5 Li Copper, with center hole, Y323, NGC MS64BN. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1916 年( 民 國 五 年)嘉 禾 伍 厘 銅 幣,中 心 穿 孔,Y323,NGC MS64BN。包克東亞藏品


142 CHINA-REPUBLIC 1921 Yuan Shi kai One Dollar Silver, Y329.6, L&M79, K668, NGC MS65. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1921 年(民 國 十 年)袁 世 凱 壹 圓 銀 幣,Y329.6,L&M79,K668, NGC MS65。包克東亞藏品


CHINA-REPUBLIC 1921 Yuan Shi Kai One Dollar Silver, NIEN with 7-Like Dot, L&M79, Y329.6, NGC MS63. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1921 年(民國十年)袁世凱壹圓銀幣,7 點“年”L&M79,Y329.6, NGC MS63。包克東亞藏品

US $50-100

146 146

CHINA-REPUBLIC 1924 20 Cash Copper, Y312, CCC753, NGC AU58BN. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1924 年(民國十三年)中華銅幣雙枚(二十文),Y312,CCC753, NGC AU58BN。包克東亞藏品

US $100-200

144 144

CHINA-REPUBLIC 1921 Yuan Shi kai One Dollar Silver, stars on the shoulder varying in design and character for ONE varying in design, K668a, NGC AU55. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1921 年(民國十年)袁世凱壹圓銀幣,肩章上的五星稍有不同, “壹” 字稍有不同,K668a,NGC AU55。包克東亞藏品

US $100-200

147 147

CHINA-REPUBLIC 1926 Dragon and Phoenix 20 Cents Silver, L&M82, Y335, NGC MS63. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1926 年(民國十五年)龍鳳貳角銀幣,L&M82,Y335,NGC MS63。 包克東亞藏品

US $100-200 145 145


CHINA-REPUBLIC ND(1921) 20 Cash Copper, Y310, CCC687, NGC MS61BN. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1921 年中華民國二十文銅幣,Y310,CCC687,NGC MS61BN。包 克東亞藏品

US $100-200

CHINA-REPUBLIC ND(1927) Sun Yat Sen (6-pointed star) One Dollar Silver, L&M49, Y318a.1, NGC MS64. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1927 年孫中山像中華民國開國紀念壹圓銀幣,六角星,L&M49, Y318a.1,K608c,NGC MS64。包克東亞藏品

US $50-100

Choice Republic 1927 Sun Yat Sen 10 Cents Silver

149 149

CHINA-REPUBLIC 1927 Sun Yat Sen 10 Cents Silver, L&M849, Y339, NGC MS64. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1927 年(民國十六年)孫中山像總理紀念銀幣壹角,L&M849,Y339,NGC MS64。包克東亞藏品

US $100-200


150 150

CHINA-REPUBLIC 1932 Sun Yat Sen One Dollar Silver, birds over junk, Y344, L&M108, K622, NGC MS64. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1932 年(民國二十一年)孫中山像壹圓銀幣,背二帆三鳥,Y344, L&M108,K622,NGC MS64。包克東亞藏品

US $800-1,600

154 154

CHINA-TIBET 1794 Chien Lung Treasure Silver Coin One Sho, 28 dots, C-72.1, L&M639, NGC MS62. Ex Seaby. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1794 年(乾隆五十九 年)乾隆寶藏 銀幣一錢,28 個圓點,C-72.1, L&M639,NGC MS62。購自 Seaby,包克東亞藏品

US $100-200


151 151


US $300-600

US $1,000-2,000

CHINA-REPUBLIC ND(1943) Chiang Kai Shek Bronze Medal, Temple of Heaven, 26mm, L&M970, NGC MS63BN. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1943 年蔣介石像背天壇銅質紀念章,直徑 26mm, L&M970,NGC MS63BN。包克東亞藏品

CHINA-TIBET 1793 Chien Lung Treasure Silver Coin 1/2 T, 24 dots, NGC AU58. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1793 年( 乾 隆 五十八 年)乾 隆 寶 藏 銀 幣 五 分,24 個 圓 點,NGC AU58。包克東亞藏品





US $10-20

US $100-200

CHINA-TIBET 1792 (CD1346) Tangka Silver Coin, KONG-PAR C-60.1, NGC AU58. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1792 年(CD1346)西 藏 唐 卡 銀 幣,KONG-PAR C-60.1,NGC AU58。包克東亞藏品

CHINA-TIBET 1821 Tao Kwang Treasure Silver Coin One Sho, L&M647, C93, NGC AU55. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1821 年( 道 光 元 年)道 光 寶 藏 銀 幣 一 錢,L&M647,C93,NGC AU55。包克東亞藏品

153 153


US $300-600

US $100-200

CHINA-TIBET 1793 Chien Lung Tangka Silver Coin, 32 dots, NGC XF40. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1793 年(乾隆五十八年)乾隆寶藏唐卡銀幣,32 個圓點,L&M637, NGC XF40。包克東亞藏品


157 CHINA-TIBET 1821 Tao Kwang Treasure Silver Coin One Sho, L&M647, C93, NGC AU Details. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1821 年(道光元年)道光寶藏銀幣一錢,L&M647,C93,NGC AU Details。包克東亞藏品

158 158

CHINA-TIBET 1821 Chia Ching Treasure Silver Coin One Sho, L&M646, NGC AU53. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1821 年(嘉慶二十五年)嘉慶寶藏一錢銀幣,L&M646,NGC AU53。 包克東亞藏品

US $30-60

162 162

CHINA-TIBET 1914 (BE1548) 2.5 Skar Copper, Y16.1, NGC VF30BN. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1914 年西藏 2.5 分銅幣,Y16.1,NGC VF30BN。包克東亞藏品

US $50-100

159 159

CHINA-TIBET ND(1895) & ND(1899) Tangka Silver Coin, Y-C13.2, Y-D13.4, L&M628, 2 Pieces, NGC AU58 & NGC AU55. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1895-1899 年西藏唐卡銀幣 2 枚,Y-C13.2,Y-D13.4,L&M628,NGC AU58 & NGC AU55。共 2 枚,包克東亞藏品

US $30-60

163 163

CHINA-TIBET 1916 (BE1550) 5 Skar Copper, lion looking backwards, Y17, NGC VF Details. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1916 年(BE1550)西 藏 5 分 銅 幣,獅 子 朝 後 看,Y17,NGC VF Details。包克東亞藏品

US $10-20


160 160

CHINA-TIBET ND(1910) 2 Sho Silver, L&M652, Y6, NGC XF45. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1910 年西藏省造宣統寶藏二錢銀幣,L&M652,Y6,NGC XF45。包 克東亞藏品

CHINA-TIBET Copper Coins (3): 1916 (BE1550) 5 Skar Copper, lion looking up, Y17, NGC VF Details; 1921 (BE1555) 7.5 Skar Copper, Y20, NGC VF Details; 1925 (BE1559) One Sho Copper, Y21.1a, NGC VF25BN. Total 3 Pieces. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 西藏銅幣 3 枚: 1916 年(BE1550)西藏醒獅幣 5 分銅幣,抬頭獅子,Y17,NGC VF Details; 1921 年(BE1555)西藏 7.5 分銅幣,Y20,NGC VF Details; 1925 年(BE1559)西藏一錢銅幣,Y21.1a,NGC VF25BN。 共 3 枚,包克東亞藏品

US $30-60

US $100-200





US $100-200

US $50-100

CHINA-TIBET ND(1910) One Skar Copper, Y4, NGC MS64RB. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1910 年西藏宣統寶藏一分銅幣,Y4,NGC MS64RB。包克東亞藏品

CHINA-TIBET 1932-1934 One Sho Copper, Y23, NGC AU Details. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1932-1934 年西藏一錢銅幣,Y23,NGC AU Details。包克東亞藏品



CHINA-TIBET Silver Coins (2): 1933 3 Srang Silver,L&M659, Y25, NGC AU58; 1937 (BE1611) 1.5 Srang Silver, L&M660, Y24, NGC AU50. Total 2 Pieces. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 西藏銀幣 2 枚: 1933 年西藏 3 兩銀幣,L&M659,Y25,NGC AU58; 1937 年(BE1611)西藏 1.5 兩銀幣,L&M660,Y24,NGC AU50。 共 2 枚,包克東亞藏品

US $30-60



CHINA-SHANGHAI Token Coins (2): WING ON CO. LTD. Copper Token, blank reverse, 30mm, NGC G6; 1940 Fourth Marines Club 5 Cents Brass Token, NGC VF35. Total 2 Pieces. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 上海代幣 2 枚: 上 海 永安百貨 有限公司 銅 質代幣,反面空白,直 徑 30mm,NGC G6; 1940 年 駐 上 海美國海軍第四陸 戰隊 俱樂部黃 銅 代幣 5 分,NGC VF35。 共 2 枚,包克東亞藏品


CHINA-FRENCH INDO CHINA ND(1943-44) Fu Character One Tael Silver, L&M433, KM A2a, NGC MS64. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1943-44 年法 屬印度 支 那 富字 一 兩 銀幣,L&M433,KM-A2a,NGC MS64。包克東亞藏品

US $600-1,200

US $30-60

Choice United States-Oakland 1930's East Harbor Oriental Club Token Set



UNITED STATES-OAKLAND 1930's East Harbor Oriental Club Token Set (4): 20 Dollars Brass Token, 38mm, NGC MS61; One Dollar Aluminium Token, NGC MS60; 50 Cents Aluminium Token, NGC MS61; 10 Cents Aluminium Token, NGC MS60. Total 4 Pieces. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 30 年代美國奧克蘭唐人街東灣代幣一套 4 枚: 貳拾圓黃銅,直徑 38mm,NGC MS61; 壹圓鋁幣,NGC MS60; 伍毫鋁幣,NGC MS61; 壹毫鋁幣,NGC MS60。 共 4 枚。包克東亞藏品

US $160-320 54

174 170 170

CHINA-HUNAN 1916-Dated One Dollar Silver Fantasy, X-1395, NGC MS63. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1916 年(洪憲元年)湖南省造開國紀念中華銀幣壹圓臆造幣,X-1395, NGC MS63。包克東亞藏品


CCHINA-KIRIN 1884 One Mace Silver Fantasy, complicated character for 1, KF920, NGC MS63. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1884 年( 光 緒 十 年)吉 林 官局 廠 平 壹 錢 臆 造 銀 幣,KF920,NGC MS63。包克東亞藏品

US $100-200

US $300-600

175 175 171 171

CHINA-KIRIN 1882 One Tael Silver Fantasy, KF914, X-M322, NGC MS63. From Glendining Von Halle November 24th 1966 Sale, Lot 883, realized US $33.6. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1882 年(光緒八年)吉林機器官局廠平壹兩銀幣臆造幣,KF914, X-M322,NGC MS63。 原 1966 年 11 月 24 日 Glendining Von Halle 拍賣會第 833 號拍品,當時的成交價是含傭金 33.6 美元。包 克東亞藏品

CHINA-SINKIANG 1894(AH1311) 5 Mace Silver Prooflike Fantasy, Aksu Mint, L&M785, UNC 1894 年(AH1311)新 疆 阿 城 光 緒 銀 圓 伍 錢 臆 造 幣,類 鏡 面, L&M785,未使用。包克東亞藏品

US $100-200

US $300-600

176 176

CHINA-SINKIANG 1894 (AH1311) 3 Mace Silver Prooflike Fantasy, Aksu Mint, L&M786, UNC. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1894 年(AH1311)新 疆 阿 城 光 緒 銀 圓 三 錢 臆 造 幣,類 鏡 面, L&M786,未使用。包克東亞藏品

US $100-200 172 172

CHINA-KIRIN 1882 Half Tael Silver Fantasy, KB30, NGC MS62. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1882 年(光緒八年)吉林機器官局廠平半兩銀幣臆造幣,KB30, NGC MS62。包克東亞藏品

US $200-400



CHINA-SINKIANG ND 2 Mace Silver Prooflike Fantasy, Aksu Mint, UNC. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 新疆阿城光緒銀圓二錢臆造幣,類鏡面,未使用。包克東亞藏品


US $100-200

CHINA-KIRIN 1884 One Mace Silver Fantasy, numeral 1 in simple Chinese, KF919, NGC MS62. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1884 年(光 緒 十 年)吉 林官局 廠平 弌 錢 臆 造 銀幣,KF919,NGC MS62。包克東亞藏品

US $100-200




CHINA-SINKIANG Tihwa 2 Fen Copper Fantasy, XF. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 新疆迪化銅幣二分臆造幣,極美品。包克東亞藏品

US $100-200



CHINA-TIBET 1824 Tao Kwang Treasure Silver Coin One Sho Prooflike Fantasy, L&M649A, C93, UNC. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1824 年( 道 光 四 年)道 光 寶 藏 一 錢 銀 幣 臆 造 幣,類 鏡 面, L&M649A,C93,未使用。包克東亞藏品

US $100-200

179 179

CHINA-SINKIANG ND(Republic) 20 Cash Copper Fantasy, 5-petaled rosette in center, Y39.2, UNC. Ecklund Collection. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 民國時期新疆省造新疆通寶當紅錢二十文臆造銅幣,中心五瓣花, Y39.2,未使用。Ecklund 舊藏。包克東亞藏品



CHINA-TIBET 1863 Tung Chih Treasure Silver Coin One Sho Fantasy, AU. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1863 年(同治二年)同治寶藏一錢臆造銀幣,近未使用。包克東亞 藏品

US $100-200

US $200-400

180 180

CHINA-SINKIANG Undated 20 Cash Copper Fantasy, X-770, NGC MS62BN. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 中華民國新 疆喀造 當 紅 錢 二十文 雙 旗 銅 幣臆 造 幣,X-770,NGC MS62BN。包克東亞藏品



CHINA-TIBET Republic Dalai Lama Silver Fantasy, KB74, NGC VF Details. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 民國時期乾隆後藏班禪臆造銀幣,KB74,NGC VF Details。包克東亞 藏品

US $100-200

US $100-200

181 181

CHINA-YUNNAN ND(1908) 20 Cash Copper Fantasy, CCC578, AU, with corrosion. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1908 年雲南省造宣統元寶大清銅幣二十文臆造幣,CCC578,近未使 用,有腐蝕現象。包克東亞藏品

US $100-200


185 185

CHINA-REPUBLIC 1912 Chang Hsun Silver Medal, reeded edge, with signature GIORGI,L&M941, NGC AU58. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1912 年(民 國 元 年)張 勛 銀 質 紀 念 章,齒 邊,有 GIORGI 簽字, L&M941,NGC AU58。包克東亞藏品

US $300-600


INDIA-BRITISH 1862 1/4 Rupee Silver, KM 470, NGC MS63. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1862 年英屬印度 1/4 盧比銀幣,KM 470,NGC MS63。包克東亞藏品

US $30-60

186 186

CHINA-REPUBLIC 1942 Sun Yat Sen Brass Medal, presented by generallissimo and madame Chiang Kai Shek, 28mm, NGC MS62. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1942 年(民國三十 一 年)孫中山像開羅會 議 紀 念 章,黃 銅,直徑 28mm,NGC MS62。包克東亞藏品

US $100-200

191 191

JAPAN 1870(M3) One Yen Silver, Y5.1, NGC MS62. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1870 年(明治三年)日本一圓銀幣,Y5.1,NGC MS62。包克東亞藏品

US $100-200

187 187

CHINA-REPUBLIC ND(1943) Chiang Kai Shek Brass Medal, presented by general lissimo and madame Chiang Kai Shek, 26mm, L&M971, NGC MS62BN. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1943 年蔣介石像銅質紀念章,L&M971,NGC MS62BN。包克東亞 藏品

US $100-200



APAN 1944 (NE2604) Occupation Coinage for Indonesia 10 Sen Tin Alloy, NGC MS61. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1944 年(NE2604)日占印尼時期 10 錢錫合金幣,NGC MS61。包克 東亞藏品

US $100-200


CHINA-REPUBLIC 1963 Central Mint 30th Anniversary of Opening Brass Medal, L&M1004, NGC MS64. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1963 年(民國五十二年)中央造幣廠開鑄三十周年紀念銅章,黃銅, L&M1004,NGC MS64。包克東亞藏品

US $30-60


KO R E A 19 0 2 5 Fu n C o p p e r, K M 1116 , N G C M S 6 5 R B . H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1902 年(光武六年)韓國五分銅幣,KM 1116,NGC MS65RB。包 克東亞藏品

US $50-100


KOREA 1910 One Chon Bronze, KM 1137, NGC MS65BN. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1910 年(隆熙四年)韓國一錢銅幣,KM1137,NGC MS65BN。包克 東亞藏品

US $50-100 195

189 189

CAMBODIA 1848 (CS1209) One Tical Silver, KM 36, NGC AU53. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1848 年(CS1209)柬埔寨一提卡銀幣,KM 36,NGC AU53。包克 東亞藏品

US $100-200

MONGOLIA 1925 Silver Coins Set (4): One TUGRIK Silver, L&M619, KM 8, NGC MS62; 50 Mongo Silver, L&M620, KM 7, NGC MS61; 20 Mongo Silver, L&M621, KM 6, NGC AU53; 15 Mongo Silver, L&M622, KM 5, NGC MS63. Total 4 Pieces. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1925 年蒙古銀幣一套 4 枚: 1 圖格裏克,L&M619,KM 8,NGC MS62; 50 蒙戈,L&M620,KM 7,NGC MS61; 20 蒙戈,L&M621,KM 6,NGC AU53; 15 蒙戈,L&M622,KM 5,NGC MS63。 共 4 枚。包克東亞藏品

US $80-160



196 196

NETHERLAND 1862 Reception for the first Japanese Ambassador and visit of a delegation to the Netherlands, Bronze Medal, 1862, armorial devices side by side, 1609-1862, legend around, NIPPON TAI-KOEN-NO HOLAND NI KITAROE, rev legends, Japanese script in centre, Dutch around, plain edge, 38mm, NGC PF66BN. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection. Rare 1862 年日本大使團第一次訪問荷蘭紀念銅章,正面兩國徽章,數字 “1609-1862”,周圍文字環繞“NIPPON TAI-KOEN-NO HOLAND NI KITAROE”,反面日本文字“兩國親睦益篤”,周圍荷蘭文字環繞, 光邊,直徑 38mm,NGC PF66BN。包克東亞藏品。罕見

US $300-600

197 197

THAILAND 1876 (CS1238) 4 Att Copper, Y20, NGC MS64RB. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1876 年(CS1238)泰國 4 Att 銅幣,Y20,NGC MS64RB。包克東亞 藏品

US $100-200

199 199

BOOK "Howard Franklin Bowker-Numismatic Pioneer", 2014 Edition, hard cover, 1.71 Kg, 200 copies printed, UNC Howard Franklin Bowker-Numismatic Pioneer is sponsored by iAsure Group and Michael Chou, with the famous numismatic collector, Dr. Tseng Che-lu, acting as the project consultant. Editors of the book included the well-known American numismatic researcher, Ron Guth, Asian coin expert and writer, Bruce Smith, and Bowker's grandchildren. The pictures were produced by Terry Schank and the translation was performed by Wang Haimin. This bilingual hardback book is 185 pages in length, 210 mm x 285 mm, with four-color printing. It consists of the biography of Mr. Bowker, numismatic research articles by Mr. Bowker and Bruce Smith, and 250 highlights from Bowker's East Asian collection. This book received the Extraordinary Merit of NLG Award in August 2015. 《霍華德 • 佛蘭克林 • 包克——錢幣學研究先驅者》,2014 年出版, 精裝本,發行量 200 本,1.71 公斤,未使用 《霍華德 • 佛蘭克林 • 包克——錢幣學研究先驅者》由周邁可先生 及其愛秀集團出資贊助發行,周邁可先生任專案總策劃,著名收藏家 曾澤祿博士任專案顧問,美國著名錢幣學研究學者 Ron Guth 和亞 洲錢幣專家 / 作家 Bruce Smith 以及包克孫兒孫女撰稿編輯,Terry Schank 親自掌鏡拍攝,王海敏翻譯。 本書為中英雙語版,正文內容 185 頁,硬裝精裝本,210mmX285mm, 四色印刷。內容主要包括:霍華德 • 佛蘭克林 • 包克先生生平簡介、包 克先生所著錢幣學研究文章以及 Bruce Smith 撰寫的有關包克藏品 的研究文章、包克先生東亞藏品亮點約 250 枚。 2015 年 8 月, 《霍華德 • 佛蘭克林 • 包克——錢幣學研究先驅》榮獲 2015 年美國錢幣文獻公會優秀獎

US $100-200

198 198

UNITED STATES ND(1840-1935) One Dollar Silver Planchet, 26.7g, Mint Error. H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection 1840-1935 年美國一元銀幣空白幣坯,重 26.7 克,Mint Error 錯版。 包克東亞藏品

US $100-200



BOOK "Howard Franklin Bowker-Numismatic Pioneer", 2014 Edition, soft cover, 300 copies printed, 1.38 Kg, UNC 《霍華德 • 佛蘭克林 • 包克——錢幣學研究先驅者》,2014 年出版, 普裝本,發行量 300 本,1.38 公斤,未使用

US $50-100

Very Rare Empire 1907 Gold Tael

201 201

CHINA-EMPIRE 1907 Gold Tael, Kann 1541. NGC MS-61. Chinese Family Collection. This specimen comes from a Money Company sale in Hong Kong over 20 years ago. The obverse is Gem Unc, with the reverse showing slight cabinet friction due to storage in a European Coin Cabinet. This is the first Gold coinage of China and one of the most beautiful coins with a splendid Dragon on the Obverse. Great Opportunity to add this Graded Rarity to your Chinese Collection. An UNC sold in chengxuan Autumn 2007 sale for RMB 1064000 (US $161212); A NGC MS62 sold in Stack's Bower Aug-13 sale for US $101575 光緒丁未年造大清金幣庫平一兩一枚, 齒邊, 清光緒三十三年 (1907 年) 戶部天津造幣總廠鑄造, 為清代首次試鑄金幣之一, 鑄額極少, 未公開發行, 品相極佳。K1541,NGC MS-61。華人家族藏品。來自 20 年前香港的一家前錢幣公司。精美未使用。正面龍圖案甚是精美。反面因為存放在 一個歐洲錢幣櫃的緣故,上面有一點與盒子摩擦的痕跡。所以這枚拍品低估到 MS-61。甚為珍罕,極為寶貴。 在 2007 年秋季誠軒拍賣會上銷售了一枚品相未使用,成交價人民幣 1064000(161212 美元);在 2013 年 8 月 Stack's Bower 拍賣會上銷 售了一枚 NGC MS62,成交價 101575 美金

US $80,000-160,000


CHINA-EMPIRE 1907 20 Cents Silver, L&M22,K214,NGC MS61 1907 年(丁未)大清銀幣貳角,L&M22,K214,NGC MS61

US $3,000-6,000

Gem Empire 1908 One Dollar Silver

203 203

CHINA-EMPIRE ND(1908) One Dollar Silver, L&M 11, Y14, NGC MS64. Purchased in 1980 for US $2,200. 1908年造幣總廠光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣,L&M11,Y14,NGC MS64。1980年以2,200美元購得。

US $8,000-16,000


CHINA-EMPIRE 1911 Ta Qing Silver Dollar In 1911, the last year of Qing Dynasty, Hu Poo tried to unify China’s currency and ordered Tientsin Mint to produce several versions of Ta Qing silver dollars, then selected one as sample of the National Dollar. Among which the most obvious difference was the dragon that featured on the reverse, there are Long whisker dragon, Short whisker dragon, Reversed dragon, Large tail dragon and Bent whisker dragon. Finally the version of Bent whisker dragon was adopted, which also can be distinguished into many versions such as with dot and without dot, high relief and low relief. Although these interesting versions were all popular and of great importance, their price varied a lot since some of them are hard to find while some others are not rare nowadays. Although people know well about the dragon versions, few people realized that Tientsin Mint also designed various dies for the obverse. Both of the Chinese/Mancu legends and the flowers/ leaves on the obverse were designed with different styles, resulted in various versions that exist in different quantities. These obverse and reverse matched and composed of various versions of 1911 Ta Qing silver dollars. These are the four kinds of flowers and leaves on obverse, 1. Thin petals with raised veins on leaves; 2. Thick petals with raised veins on leaves; 3. Thick petals with incused veins on leaves; 4. Ordinary obverse. There are two observe versions of Reversed Dragon, thick petals with raised veins on leaves (featured on majority of Reverse Dragon) and thick petals with incused veins on leaves, the versions of thin petals with raised veins on leaves or ordinary version is not seen on Reverse Dragon. Most of Reverse Dragons that featured thick petals with raised vein on leaves are circulated, while those uncirculated ones have light halos and low reeded edge. The extremely rare version of thick petals with incused veins on leaves has mirrorlike surface and reeded edge as deep as patterns. five are known to exist for the latter, they are: 1. No.36 in Chang collection catalog (This coin was sold in Champion December 2010 sale for US $141,600) 2. No.64 in Shanghai Museum, Shi Jiagan collection catalog 3. American Numismatic Society collection 4. Spink-Taisei Coin Auction, Feb. 19, 1987, Singapore, lot 102 (Good XF, estimated price US$2,500-3,000) , may be it is the Same one sold at Champion Coin Auction, April 1, 2008, Hong Kong, lot 179 (Unc., realized price US$69,000 ) 5. This coin sold in Baldwin'- HK Auction 52,Lot 465 sale for US $129800

宣統三年大清銀幣 清朝末年戶部曾嘗試統一全國貨幣,由天津造幣總廠設計鑄造數種「宣統三年大清銀幣」做為國幣之試樣,背面的蟠龍包括「長 鬚龍」、 「短鬚龍」、 「反龍」、 「大尾龍」、 「曲鬚龍」等五種主要款式,後來被採用做為正式發行的「曲鬚龍」又細分為「無點」、 「帶 點」以及「深版」、 「淺版」等多種版別,歷來深受收藏家們所喜愛及重視,又因某些版別存世量的多寡頗為懸殊,影響價格甚钜。 然而當初天津造幣總廠也設計了數種正面幣模的款式,無論漢滿文字或兩旁花葉均有差異,並且各種版別的存世量也有多寡 之分。 從現存的各種宣三樣幣觀察, 不同版別的正、 背面幣模經常有混合搭配的情形, 然過去的文獻對此缺乏具體的分析與探討, 使收藏家對宣三樣幣版別的認識,始終停留在背面蟠龍之區分。 正面兩旁花葉之版別可分為以下四種: 1、 細花瓣邊葉陽紋;2、粗花瓣邊葉陽紋;3、粗花瓣邊葉陰紋;4、普通版 「反龍」 的正面版別有兩種, 分別是「粗花瓣邊葉陽紋」 (絕大部分屬於此版) 與「粗花瓣邊葉陰紋」 , 尚未見配「細花瓣葉陽紋」 或 「普 通版」者。正面為「粗花瓣邊葉陽紋」的「反龍」多屬流通幣的打法,未使用品有車輪光,邊齒為不具立體感的淺槽。存世極稀 的「粗花瓣邊葉陰紋」版「反龍」,版底均呈現纇鏡面的平滑光澤,並具有正規樣幣工整而銳利的邊齒。後者目前有記錄可考的 存世量僅見五枚,分別為: 一、臺北張氏藏品,目錄第 36 號(這枚錢幣在 2010 年 12 月的冠軍拍賣會以 141,600 美元售出。) 二、上海博物館施嘉幹藏品,目錄第 64 號 三、美國錢幣協會(ANS)博物館藏品 四、1987 年 2 月 19 日新加坡 Spink-Taisei Coin Auction, lot 102 (Good XF, 估價 US$2,500-3,000) ,可能就是 2008 年 4 月 1 日出現在香港冠軍拍賣 , lot 179 (Unc., US$69,000 成交 ) 的那枚 五、此枚錢幣在 2012 年 4 月 Baldwin'- HK Auction 52,Lot 465,以 129800 美金成交


Extremely Rare Empire 1911 One Dollar Silver Pattern

204 204

CHINA-EMPIRE 1911 One Dollar Silver Pattern, With Reversed Dragon, Incused veins on leaves, K225, L&M32, PCGS SP62 1911 年(宣統三年)大清銀幣壹圓樣幣,反龍版,邊葉陰文,K225,L&M32,PCGS SP62

US $90,000-120,000

Rare Empire 1911 20 Cash Bronze

205 205

CHINA-EMPIRE 1911 20 Cash Bronze, struck at Tientsin from Austrian-made dies, CCC638, KM-Pn23, NGC MS63BN, NC Collection A PCGS SP63 sold in Stack's Bower Aug-13 sale for US $26290; A PCGS SP64 BN sold in chongyuan Oct-11 sale for RMB 345000 (US $53077); An AU-UNC sold in Guardian Apr-08 sale for RMB 280000 (US $43077) 1911 年(宣統三年)大清銅幣二十文,天津造幣廠使用奧地利制幣模鑄造,CCC638,KM-Pn23,NGC MS63BN,NC 藏品 一枚 PCGS SP63 BN 在 2013 年 8 月 Stack's Bower 拍賣會上成交價格是 26290 美元;一枚 PCGS SP64 BN 在 2011 年 11 月崇源拍賣 會上成交價格是人民幣 345000(53077 美元);一枚近未使用至未使用在 2008 年 4 月嘉德拍賣會上成交價格是人民幣 280000(43077 美 元)

US $10,000-20,000


Chinese minting tools from Germany —— A mystery has been solved Künker Auction (GER) In 1884 Otto Friedrich Immanuel Beh (1859-1944) founded an engraving company in the city of Esslingen. He produced 40 Chinese dies for Schuler in 1897. In 1898 and 1899 he earned more commissions, for example, from the Magdeburg merchant Heinrich Knape. This is how the coin designs for the provinces of Cheh-Kiang (mint of Hangzhou, Zhejiang), An-Hwei (mint of Anqing, Anhui), FengTien (Fungtian/Fengtian, today’s Liaoning, originally Fengtian Machinery Bureau, today’s Shenyang mint) and Sinkiang (Sungarei, today’s Xinjiang) were created. Also, for Knape, Beh produced five sets of 1 dollar, 50, 20, 10 and 5 cents, as well as 30 patterns for the northeastern province of Hei-Lung-Kiang (Hēilóngjiāng), where no mint had yet been established. His specialization on Chinese coins brought Otto Beh the biggest commissions in the history of engraving companies in the 19th century. All together, he delivered more than 200 dies. The Chinese numismatics community gradually became aware of the German patterns after 1944 through articles and auctions. By now though, the prices for these extreme rarities are mind-staggering. The many assumptions about their origin have become part of scholarship and the mystery of modern Chinese coin history has been solved.

Chinese minting tools of the engraving company Otto Beh, Esslingen Extract of Künker Auction Catalog No. 211, June 2012 This portfolio of coining dies from the Otto Beh company in Esslingen is an important document of Chinese numismatic history and of the close economicties between Germany and China at the end of the 19th century. Even at that time German engineering products had an excellent reputation abroad. Closely linked with the Otto Beh company (established in 1884) was the firm of Louis Schuler (established in 1839) from neighbouring Göppingen. Today a worldwide operating full public company (AG) and a leading producer of coining machines, Schuler specialized in the 19th century in manufacturing sheet metal working machines – and presses in particular. Schuler obtained the order to supply coin presses in 1895 - in all probability at the Leipzig Trade Fair. Schuler, in turn, commissioned Otto Beh, who specialised in the production of seals and dies, with manufacturing the coining dies. Cooperation between the two companies from Württemberg was highly successful with Beh supplying Schuler with over 200 dies for Chinese coins in 1897 and 1898. At the time this was by far the largest order for Otto Beh - a company principally operating today in manufacturing identification plates signs and in the digital printing field. The company celebrated its 125 year anniversary in 2009. To mark this occasion, numismatist Gerhard E. Kümmel from Esslingen drafted a history of the company with a catalogue of the medals, badges and pins brought out by Beh (Gerhard E. Kümmel; 125 Jahre Gravier- und Prägeanstalt Otto Beh, Esslingen, Medail-len-Plaketten-Anstecknadeln, Esslingen 2011). Still in Beh's possession was this stock of male moulds, die plates and letter chasing tools as well as the two test rounds of the Anhwei and Sin Kiang provinces (Sungarei). It was the Beh family‘s wish that the future owners of these items – as documented in the Künker catalogue No. 211 - are collectors very much interested in numismatic history.

源自德國的中國幣模 ——揭開中國珍稀錢幣百年之謎 昆克拍賣(德國) 1884 年,Otto Friedrich Immanuel Beh (1859-1944 年 ) 在埃斯林根市創建了奧托拜赫公司,從事錢幣雕刻。該公司于 1897 年為臨近的舒 勒廠製作了 40 個中國錢幣幣模。1898-1899 年,該公司接到了更多委託訂單,其中有一個來自馬格德堡 (Magdeburg) Heinrich Knape(專 營中國錢幣)的訂單,這正是製作中國浙江、安徽、奉天和新疆錢幣幣模的訂單。此外,奧托拜赫公司還為 Heinrich Knape 生產了一套七錢二 分、三錢六分、一錢四分四釐、七分二釐和三分六釐的銀幣,也為黑龍江省造了 30 枚樣幣(當時黑龍江省還沒有造幣廠)。Heinrich Knape 為 奧托拜赫公司帶來了該公司在 19 世紀最大的一個訂單。當時 Heinrich Knape 共交付了 200 多個幣模。 1944 年以來,德國製造的中國錢幣樣幣逐漸通過文章和拍賣會的渠道為中國錢幣界所知,到現在,這些珍稀樣幣的價格高得驚人。關於這些 樣幣的鑄造產地的猜測成了錢幣學術研究的一部分。這套幣模的出現揭開了這一謎團。

德國埃斯林根市奧托拜赫雕刻公司製作中國錢幣的幣模 摘自 2012 年 6 月 211 屆昆克拍賣會目錄: 位於內卡 (Neckar) 河畔的埃斯林根市的奧托拜赫公司造幣工具是中國貨幣歷史的重要證件,也是中德兩國在 19 世紀末就已有緊密的經濟 聯繫的見證。那時,德國的技術產品就已經享譽國際。 臨近的格平根市的舒勒公司(成立於 1839 年)和奧托拜赫公司(成立於 1884 年)有着密切的業務聯繫。今天的舒勒公司業務遍及全球,是 業界領先的鑄造機器製造商。舒勒公司在 19 世紀專門生產金屬片加工機器,尤其是壓印機的生產。1895 年舒勒公司可能是在萊比錫貿易博 覽會上得到了一份交付硬幣壓印機的訂單。舒勒公司又轉而委託專門生產印章和圖章的奧托拜赫公司生產幣模。這兩家公司合作得很成功。 1897-1898 年間奧托拜赫公司共向舒勒公司交付了 200 多個幣模,這是當時奧托拜赫公司最大的訂單。2009 年值奧托拜赫公司成立 125 週 年之際,埃斯林根市錢幣學家柯米爾撰寫了一部公司歷史并附有公司產品目錄。 奧托拜赫公司不僅存有這些陽模、陰模和漢字沖頭,而且還有安徽和新疆省的兩枚試樣鑄模。拜赫家族期望對錢幣歷史感興趣的收藏家能獲 得這些幣模和漢字沖頭。


Extremely Rare Anhwei 1897 One Dollar Brass Silvered Pattern

206 206

CHINA-ANHWEI 1897 One Dollar Brass Silvered Pattern, with ASTC, L&M192A, Y45.1, PCGS SP63+ This Same Coin sold in Kunker Jun-12 sale for US $2105167 1897 年(光緒二十三年)安徽省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分黃銅鍍銀樣幣,帶 ASTC,L&M192A,Y45.1,PCGS SP63+ 此枚錢幣在 2012 年 6 月 kunker 拍賣會上成交價格是 2105167 美元

US $150,000-200,000

Otto Beh Chinese Coin Dies Macau Special Exhibit Otto Beh 德製幣模澳門特別展

Otto Beh Chinese Coin Dies Otto Beh 德製幣模

Otto Beh silver-plated brass 1 dollar pattern for China's An-hwei Province, year 23 (1897). Künker Auction 211 (2012), Lot 2529. Estimate: 5,000 euros, hammer price: 145,000 euros. 安徽省造光緒元寶七錢二分鍍銀銅樣,奧托拜赫公司雕刻幣模, 2012 年 211 屆昆克拍賣會,拍品號 2529,估價 5000 歐元,成交 價 145000 歐元。


207 207

CHINA-CHEKIANG ND(1898-99) 50 Cents Silver, with Chinese Legend in Wei Stele Style, L&M283, Y54, UNC 1898-99 年浙江省造光緒元寶庫平三錢六分銀幣,魏碑體(尔寶),L&M283,Y54,未使用

US $10,000-20,000




CHINA-CHIHLI 1897 50 Cents Silver, L&M445, Y64.1, NGC XF Details. Chinese Family Collection 1897 年(光緒二十三年)北洋機器局造五角銀幣,L&M445,Y64.1, NGC XF Details。華人家族藏品

US $500-1,000


CHINA-CHIHLI 1897 20 Cents Silver, L&M446, Y63.2, NGC AU Details 1897 年(光緒二十三年)北洋機器局造二角銀幣,L&M446,Y63.2, NGC AU Details

US $100-200

Gem Chihli 1908 One Dollar Silver

210 210

CHINA-CHIHLI 1908 One Dollar Silver, L&M465, Y73.2, NGC MS65 1908 年(光緒 34 年)北洋造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣,L&M 465,KM Y73.2,NGC MS65

US $8,000-12,000


Rare Fengtien 1899 50 Cents Silver Error Manchu 24th

211 211

CHINA-FENGTIEN 1899 50 Cents Silver, date year 25th in Manchu was error writed as year 24th, L&M479, Y86, NGC XF45. Rare. Chinese Family Collection 1899 年(光緒二十五年)奉天機器局造五角銀幣,滿文日期錯寫為 24 年,L&M479,Y86,NGC XF45。罕見。華人家族藏品

US $3,000-6,000

Scarce Fukien 1901-05 10 Cash Copper

212 212

CHINA-FUKIEN ND(1901-05) 10 Cash Copper, CL-FK.15, Y98, PCGS VF25. Rare. Ex-Norman Jacobs 1901-05 年福建官局造光緒元寶當製錢十文銅幣,CL-FK.15,Y98,PCGS VF25。少見。Norman Jacobs 藏品

US $600-1,200


Extremely Rare Honan 1909 20 Cash Copper

213 213

CHINA-HONAN ND(1909) 20 Cash Copper, KM-Pn3, Y21g, CCC537, NGC XF40BN, NC Collection

Honan 20 Cash 1909 A. Shanghai Museum (1990’s)—donated by Sun Ding in the 1970’s. B. Chen Chi-mao (Taiwan 1997) collection, later sold to Mr. Liu Jiwu. C. Ponterio auction December 2010 Lot 139 (NGC AU sold US $126,000) But not listed in NGC population report. D. Feng Yi collection, later sold to Mr. Xiao Zhijun from Guangzhou, PCGS MS64(#872885) E. One Honan 20 cash from Mr. Luo Zemin collection was sold in Beijing Poly auction. Honan 20 Cash 1909 Wide Rims A. Woodward collection sold to Norman Jacobs, and Joe Lang bought it for Aki Laden at $ 30680 in August 2008 lot 174. Mr. Zou Li bought it at $70800 in August 2014. B. Shanghai Museum (1990’s)--donated by Li Weixian in the 1960’s. C. Money Company auction #6 January 1981 Lot 350 – sold to NC collection (USA) D. Chen Chi-mao collection, later sold to R.B. White from USA. 1909 年(己酉)“汴”字大清銅幣當製錢二十文,KM-Pn3,Y21g,CCC537,NGC XF40BN,NC 藏品 1909 年河南銅元二十文 A. 上海博物館藏品(20 世紀 90 年代)—— 20 世紀 70 年代孫鼎捐贈。 B. 陳吉茂藏品(1997 年臺灣),后賣給劉繼武。 C. Ponterio 拍賣會,2010 年 12 月,Lot 139, NGC AU,成交價 126,000 美元。但 NGC 鑒定數量報告中未列出此幣。 D. 馮毅藏品,后賣給廣州的肖志軍,PCGS 鑒定分數為 MS64 (#872885)。 E. 北京保利拍賣曾拍出收藏家駱澤民的一枚二十文铜元。 1909 年河南銅元二十文(寬邊版) A. 伍德華舊藏 --- Norman Jacobs --- 2008 年 8 月,Joe Lang 以 30,680 美元的價格代 Aki Laden 購買,lot 174 --- 2014 年 8 月,鄒力以 70,800 美元的價格買入。 B. 上海博物館藏品(20 世紀 90 年代)——20 世紀 60 年代李偉先捐贈。 C. Money Company 拍賣會賣給美國的 NC Collection,1981 年 1 月 #6,Lot 350。 D. 陳吉茂藏品,后賣給美國的 R.B.White。

US $30,000-60,000

Chen Chi-mao collection, later sold to R.B. White from USA. CCC537 陳吉茂藏品,后賣給美國的 R.B.White。CCC537





CHINA-HONG KONG 1863 One Cent Bronze, NGC AU58BN 1863 年香港一仙銅幣,NGC AU58BN

US $100-200


CHINA-HONG KONG 1863 One Cent Bronze, KM 4.1, NNC AU50 1863 年香港一仙銅幣,KM 4.1,NNC AU50

US $30-60

Scarce Hong Kong 1866 One Dollar Silver

216 216

CHINA-HONG KONG 1866 One Dollar Silver, KM 8, NGC MS61. W&B Capital Collection An NGC MS62 sold in Champion Dec-15 sale for US $11500 錢幣來源 SOURCE: GILLIO-PACIFIC COAST HONG KONG, 1992 (LOT 345) 1866 年香港壹圓銀幣,KM 8,NGC MS61。W&B Capital 藏品 一枚 NGC MS62 在 2015 年 12 月的冠军拍賣會上的成交價格是 11500 美元

US $5,000-10,000




CHINA-HONG KONG 1866 10 Cents Silver, 10 pearls, KM 6.3, NGC MS62 1866 年香港一毫銀幣,10 珠版,KM 6.3,NGC MS62

US $100-200



CHINA-HONG KONG 1900H 5 Cents Silver, KM 5, NGC MS65 1900 年香港五仙銀幣,KM 5,NGC MS65

US $60-120 221

CHINA-HONG KONG 1900H 5 Cents Silver, KM 5, NGC MS63 1900 年香港五仙銀幣,KM 5,NGC MS63

US $30-60



CHINA-HONG KONG 1897 5 Cents Silver, KM 5, NGC MS62 1897 年香港五仙銀幣,KM 5,NGC MS62

US $30-60



CHINA-HONG KONG 1901 5 Cents Silver, KM 5, NGC MS65 1901 年香港五仙銀幣,KM 5,NGC MS65

US $60-120 223

CHINA-HONG KONG 1901 5 Cents Silver, KM 5, NGC MS64 1901 年香港五仙銀幣,KM 5,NGC MS64

US $50-100 224

CHINA-HONG KONG 1901 5 Cents Silver, KM 5, NGC MS63 1901 年香港五仙銀幣,KM 5,NGC MS63

US $30-60



CHINA-HONG KONG 1899 5 Cents Silver, KM 5, NGC MS63 1899 年香港五仙銀幣,KM 5,NGC MS63

US $30-60



CHINA-HONG KONG King Edward 1904 10 Cents Silver, KM6.3, NNC MS65; 1949 10 Cents Nickel-Brass, KM25, NNC MS64. Total 2 Pieces 1904 年香港一毫銀幣,KM6.3,NNC MS65;1949 年香港一毫,銅 鎳合金,KM25,NNC MS64。共 2 枚

US $30-60


225 225

CHINA-HONG KONG 1902 10 Cents Silver, KM 13, NGC MS64 1902 年香港一毫銀幣,KM 13,NGC MS64


CHINA-HONG KONG 1904 10 Cents Silver, with CHOPMARK, KM13, VF. F.M.Rose Collection, with Rose Envelope. 1904 年香港壹毫 銀幣,戳 記幣,KM13,美品。F.M.Rose 藏品,帶 Rose 錢幣套

US $50-100

US $30-60




CHINA-HONG KONG 1904 5 Cents Silver, KM 12, NGC MS64 1904 年香港五仙銀幣,KM 12,NGC MS64

US $30-60


CHINA-HONG KONG 1905 5 Cents Silver, KM 12, NGC MS63 1905 年香港五仙銀幣,KM 12,NGC MS63

US $30-60 231

CHINA-HONG KONG 1905H 5 Cents Silver, KM 12, NGC MS63 1905 年香港五仙銀幣,KM 12,NGC MS63

US $30-60


CHINA-HONG KONG 1904 5 Cents Silver, KM 12, NGC MS63 1904 年香港五仙銀幣,KM 12,NGC MS63

US $10-20




CHINA-HONG KONG 1932 5 Cents Silver, KM 18, NGC MS68. One of the 4 highest graded coin 1932 年香港五仙銀幣,KM 18,NGC MS68。4 枚評級分數最高錢 幣之一

US $100-200



CHINA-HONG KONG 1932 5 Cents Silver, KM 18, NGC MS67 1932年香港五仙銀幣,KM 18,NGC MS67

US $80-160 235

CHINA-HONG KONG 1932 5 Cents Silver, KM 18, NGC MS66 1932年香港五仙銀幣,KM 18,NGC MS66

US $50-100 236

CHINA-HONG KONG 1932 5 Cents Silver, KM 18, NGC MS65 1932年香港五仙銀幣,KM 18,NGC MS65


US $30-60


CHINA-HONG KONG 1932 5 Cents Silver, KM 18, NGC MS67 1932 年香港五仙銀幣,KM 18,NGC MS67

US $80-160

Gem Hong Kong 1977 20 Cents Brass-Nickel Specimen

238 237



CHINA-HONG KONG 1935 10 Cents Copper-nickel, KM 19, NGC MS63 1935 年香港一毫銅鎳合金幣,KM 19,NGC MS63

US $30-60

CHINA-HONG KONG 1977 20 Cents Brass-Nickel Specimen, PCGS SP66. Ex King's Norton Mint Collection 1977 年香港貳毫銅鎳合金樣幣,PCGS SP66。諾頓造幣廠留存幣

US $200-400


CHINA-HUPEH 1902- 05 10 Cash Copper, Y120a.3, PCGS MS62BN 1902-05 年湖北省造光緒元寶當十銅元,Y120a.3,PCGS MS62BN

US $30-60

239 70

Scarce Hupeh 1904 One Tael Silver, large character

240 240

CHINA-HUPEH 1904 One Tael Silver, large character, Y128.1, L&M181, K933b, NGC AU58, NC Collection In 1904, the Hupeh mint began production of One Tael silver coins. The silver Tael bore four Chinese characters on the obverse that translated to “Ta Qing Silver Dollar,: marking the first appearance of this inscription. The dies were engraved with the date of production, the origin of its place, and the denomination. A pair of dragons appear on the reverse, as well as English legends and the Chinese denomination. Based on the size of “Ta Qing Silver Dollar,” 1904 Hupeh One Tael silver dollars may be sorted into “big character” and “small character” varieties. The Osaka mint in Japan produce the dies for the 1904 Hupeh One Tael. The Hupeh One Tael silver dollar is extremely popular among Chinese collectors, because it was China’s earliest silver coinage engraved with “Ta Qing Silver Dollar.” Though usually seen on Qing dynasty banknotes, the two dragons design on the reverse of this dollar is rarely seen on Chinese silver coins, adding to their popularity. The only other appearance of the dual dragon design is on the 1884 Kirin One Tael, a much rarer coin than the 1904 Hupeh One Tael.The Hupeh large character coins are difficult to find with good condition and none is graded higher than MS-63. A Gem example is very rare and would become a significant piece. An NGC AU58 sold in Champion Dec-11 auction for US $56,640 An PCGS MS64 sold in HK Auction Apr-12 auction for US $143,400. an UNC sold for US $165,200 1904 年(光緒三十年)湖北省造大清銀幣庫平壹兩,大字版,Y128.1,L&M181,K933b,NGC AU58,NC 藏品 1904 年光緒三十年湖北銀圓局正式改名銀幣局,開鑄新銀元。湖北省壹兩正面中央銘文“大清銀幣”,是中國最早有“大清銀幣”字樣的銀幣。 上緣“光緒三十年湖北省造” , 下方刻“庫平一兩” 。 背面為雙龍戲珠, 中央面值“壹兩” , 外緣上下為英文。 依大清銀幣四字之大小, 分為大小字兩版。 模具由日本大阪造幣廠製作,預定日產 3 萬枚。 湖北壹兩推行並不成功,主要因打亂了原本通行七錢二分銀元的市場秩序,兩制幣缺乏使用上的方便。其次是各地平砝不一,仍然要折算才 能通行。成色也不盡理想,英國駐漢口商務領事報告指出:一兩銀幣成色只有 877,比同等重量的七錢二分銀元含銀還低,不受商民歡迎。 由於湖北壹兩是中國最早幣文“大清銀幣”的銀幣,背部又是罕有的雙龍設計圖案,此圖案雖常見於清代的紙鈔上,然而在銀幣上除吉林廠平 壹兩外,這是唯一的流通兩制銀幣,但其收集難度低於廠平系列,故亦極受眾人的喜愛。湖北壹兩大字版很難找到好品相的,目前沒有一枚評 級分數超過 MS-63。完全未使用品極為罕見,是很重要的錢幣。 2011 年 12 月冠軍拍賣會上銷售了一枚 NGC AU58,成交價 56,640 美金 2012 年 4 月香港拍賣會上銷售了一枚 PCGS MS64,成交價 143,400 美金。一枚未使用的錢幣,成交價 165,200

US $20,000-40,000

241 241

CHINA-HUPEH 1904 One Tael Silver, small character, Y128.2, L&M180, K933, UNC 1904 年(光緒三十年)湖北省造大清銀幣庫平壹兩,小字版,Y128.2,L&M180,K933,未使用

US $6,000-12,000



CHINA-HUPEH 1906 10 Cash Copper, mint mark in center, Y10j.4, PCGS MS63BN 1906 年(丙午)湖北省造戶部大清銅幣當製錢十文,紅銅,中心“鄂”, Y10j.4,PCGS MS63BN


CHINA-HUPEH 1906 10 Cash Copper, Y10j.3, XF 1906 年(丙午)戶部“鄂”造大清銅幣當製錢十文,Y10j.3,極美品

US $10-20

US $30-60 244

CHINA-HUPEH ND(1909-11) One Dollar Silver, L&M187, Y131, NGC VF Details. Italia Collection 1909-11 年湖北省造宣統元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣,L&M187,Y131,NGC VF Details。義大利藏品

US $100-200

Superb Kiangnan 1897 50 Cents Silver

245 245

CHINA-KIANGNAN ND(1897) 50 Cents Silver, reeded edge, L&M211B, Y144, NGC PF67. NC Collection. NGC highest graded An UNC sold in Guardian NOV-11 sale for RMB 1012000 (US $153333); A NGC SP67 sold in CNG Apr-14 sale for US $212400 The Heaton Mint at Birmingham, England equipped the Kiangnan Mint at Nanking in Kiangsu province. The design of the dragon on early Kiangnan coins, however, is radically different from the one Heaton produced for the Kwangtung, Hupeh and other provinces. The designer of the Kiangnan and the Kwangtung coins is unknown. Chang's explanation that these coins are marked “Kiangnan” to distinguish them from Kiangsu coins is incorrect, since the Kiangnan coins were made several years before the Kiangsu coins. The most likely explanation is that the Kiangnan mint was under the control of the Governor-general of Kiangnan (whose headquarters was at Nanking) while the Kiangsu mint was under the control of the governor of Kiangsu (whose headquarters were at Soochow). Kann records undated Kiangnan dollars with two different edges: ordinary reeding; and an ornamented or security edge. The Shanghai Museum displays undated Kiangnan dollars with reeded edge and two different types of ornamented edges. The coins with the ornamented edges appear more frequently, while the reeded edge coins are rare. Kann was unaware that the undated dollar also exists with a plain edge. An undated copper dollar with a plain edge was first published in H. Chang's 1981 catalog, Silver Dollars and Taels of China, but the first auction appearance of this coin was not until the Goodman Sale of June 1991. It appeared again in the Sixth Champion Auction of June 2008. The proof coins with plain edge and generally found in high grades. Such is not the case with the coins made for circulation, which are extremely difficult to find in Choice grades. The finest example is a single MS-64. A plain edge proof specimen dollar in NGC PF-65 sold in the December 2010 Bowers Auction for USD 373,750. 1897 年江南省造光緒元寶庫平三錢六分銀幣,老江南,齒邊,L&M211B,Y144,NGC PF67。NC 藏品。NGC 評級最高分 一枚品相未使用在 2011 年 11 月的嘉德拍賣會上的成交價格是人民币 1012000(153333 美金);一枚 NGC SP67 在 2011 年 11 月的 CNG 拍賣會上的成交價格是 212400 美金 喜敦造幣廠同時也為位於江蘇南京的江南造幣廠提供造幣機器。早期的江南銀幣上龍的設計明顯有別於喜敦造幣廠為廣東、湖北及其它省 份所製造的錢幣。至於是誰製造了江南錢幣或廣東錢幣,則依舊成謎。張氏對此的解釋是,這些錢幣被標記為“Kiangnan”其實是為有別於 江蘇省錢幣。這種解釋是錯誤的,因為江南錢幣的製造時間早於江蘇錢幣好幾年。最有可能的解釋是江南造幣廠是由江南的總督所管轄(當 時的首府為南京),而江蘇造幣廠是由江蘇的總督所管轄(當時的首府是蘇州)。 耿愛德記錄無紀年的江南七錢二分有兩種邊齒—齒邊和花邊或人字邊。上海博物館中同時陳列有帶齒邊的無紀年江南七錢二分和帶兩種不 同人字邊的七錢二分。耿愛德沒有意識到其實還有一種光邊的無紀年江南七錢二分也存在。無紀年的光邊銅質七錢二分在張璜 1981 年的《中 國銀圓及銀兩幣目錄》中被首次公佈,但是第一次出現該幣的拍賣會則是 1991 年 6 月的古德曼專場拍賣。這枚錢幣後又再次出現在冠軍拍 賣 2008 年 6 月拍賣會上。 江南省造鏡面樣幣都是光邊的且品相都很好,大多都能達到精選級品相。普通的錢幣則很難找到品相好的,僅一枚評級分數達到 MS-64。在 2010 年 10 月的 Bowers 拍賣會上,一枚 NGC PF-65 的光邊鏡面七錢二分樣幣賣到了 373,750 美元。

US $150,000-300,000


Very Rare Kiangnan 1900 50 Cents Silver



CHINA-KIANGNAN 1900 50 Cents Silver, L&M232, Y144A, NGC AU53 The original name of the Kiangnan Mint is "Kiangnan Silver Minting Administration Bureau ". All minting machines were ordered from the Heaton Mint in England. In January 17th 1898 (December 25th, the 23rd Year of Huang Hsu), the mint started production of coins after all the equipment had been properly installed in December 1897. The Design of first production coin's obverse is distinguished by a lack of Chinese sexagenary dates , on the reverse a dragon is surrounded by a closed circle. Currently, only four examples of this date are graded by NGC, and the highest grade is AU53. According to <<Half Dollar Silver Coins of China>> edited by the famous Taiwan numismatist Lee Jinling published in 1980, the rarity of 1900 Kiangnan 3 mace 6 candareens is four stars. Other varieties, for instance, "Kirin Kuping half tael", "Kwangtung half dollar (7.3 reversed pattern )", "1911 Flowing dragon fifty cents", enjoy the same rarity while "CheKiang 3 mace 6 candareens (wei stele style)"and "Old Style Kiangnan 3 mace 6 candareens" is only three stars. So an example of "1900 Kiangnan 3 mace 6 candareens" is of the highest rarity A Kiangnan 1899 50 cents NGC AU50 sold in HK Dec-14 sale for US $250,950; A PCGS XF45 sold in HK Apr-14 sale for US $129,800; A PCGS VF25 sold in Shanghai Jun-14 sale for RMB 483,000 (US $75,469); A Good Fine sold in HK Aug-10 sale for US $74,750; An NGC VF35 sold in Champion Dec-15 sale for US $69000 1900 年(庚子)江南省造光緒元寶庫平三錢六分銀幣,L&M232,Y144A,NGC AU53 江南造幣廠在開辦之初全名“江南鑄造銀元職前總局”,設備是當時從英國伯明罕的喜敦造幣廠訂購,機器在 1897 年 12 月全部安裝妥當, 於 1898 年 1 月 17 日(光緒二十三年十二月二十五日)正式開鑄。最初生產的江南省造銀幣正面沒有干支紀年,背面蟠龍加上外圈,俗稱老江南。 因此“江南省造”是中國貨幣史上唯一雖註明省份但卻有名無實的錢幣,這也是吸引集幣者興趣的原因之一。 目前該品種 NGC 入盒評分的僅有四枚。目前最高分為 AU53。台灣銀幣大藏家李金陵 1980 年編著的《中國龍圖半圓銀幣藏真》中,江南庚 子三錢六分的稀有度為四星。同為四星的稀有品種有 “吉林廠平半兩”, “廣東七三反版三錢六分”, “宣三立龍五角”,而“浙江魏碑體三錢 六分”和“老江南三錢六分”稀有度僅為三星。 “江南庚子三錢六分”半圓龍銀實為可遇不可求的稀有清代半圓龍銀。 一枚江南己亥 3 錢 6 分 NGC AU50 在 2014 年 12 月香港拍賣會上的成交價格是 250,950 美元。一枚 PCGS XF45 在 2014 年 4 月香港拍 賣會上成交價格是 129,800 美元。一枚 PCGS VF25 在 2014 年 6 月上海拍賣會上的成交價格是人民幣 483,000(75,469 美元);一枚普品 在 2010 年 8 月香港拍賣會上的成交價格是 74,750 美元,一枚 NGC VF35 在冠軍拍賣會上的成交價是 69000 美元

US $68,000-88,000 247

CHINA-KIANGNAN 1908 One Cash Brass, Y7k, PCGS MS62 1908 年(戊申)“甯”字光緒一文銅幣,黃銅,Y7k,PCGS MS62

US $30-60


CHINA-KIANGSI ND(1902) 10 Cash Copper, Y153, NGC AU Details; HUNAN ND(1902-06) 10 Cash Copper, Y112.10, NGC XF40BN. Total 2 Pieces, Arthur Coole Collection 1902 年 江 西 省 造 光 緒 元 寶 當 十 銅 幣,Y153,NGC AU Details; 1902-06 年湖南省造光緒元寶當十銅元,Y112.10,NGC XF40BN。 共 2 枚,邱文明藏品

US $30-60

Rare Kirin 1884 1/2 Tael Silver



CHINA-KIRIN 1884 1/2 Tael Silver, Kann 917, L&M505, NGC XF45. Chinese Family Collection A Superb UNC sold in Champion Apr-09 sale for US $44850 1884 年(光緒十年)吉林機器官局監製廠平半兩銀幣,重 18 克,Kann 917,L&M505,NGC XF45。華人家族藏品 一枚品相完全未使用在 2009 年 4 月冠军拍賣會上的成交價是 44850 美元

US $5,000-10,000




CHINA-KIRIN ND(1898) One Dollar Silver, PAO written with FOU, L&M516, Y183, NGC VF30. J.C.Lee Collection 1898 年吉林省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣,缶“寶”,L&M516, Y183,NGC VF30。J.C.Lee 藏品

US $200-400



CHINA-KIRIN ND(1898) 50 Cents Silver, PAO written with FOU, L&M517, Y182.1, NGC AU55. Ex-Kann/Goodman Collection. Chinese Family Collection 1898 年吉林省造光緒元寶庫平三錢六分銀幣,缶“寶”,L&M517, Y182.1,NGC AU55。Kann/Goodman 舊藏。華人家族藏品

US $100-200

253 253

CHINA-KIRIN ND(1898) 20 Cents Silver, PAO written with FOU, L&M518, Y181, Fine; CHINA-KIRIN 1900 10 Cents Silver, yinyang in center, L&M529, Y180a, Fine. Total 2 Pieces, J.C.Lee Collection 1898 年 吉 林 省 造 光 緒 元寶 庫 平 一 錢 四 分 四 厘 銀 幣,缶“ 寶”, L&M518,Y181,普品;1900 年(庚子)吉林省造光緒元寶庫平七分 二厘銀幣,中心太極,L&M529,Y180a,普品。共 2 枚,J.C.Lee 藏 品



US $30-60

CHINA-KIRIN ND(1898) 50 Cents Silver, PAO written with FOU, L&M517, Y182.1, NGC XF45. J.C.Lee Collection 1898 年吉林省造光緒元寶庫平三錢六分銀幣,缶“寶”,L&M517, Y182.1,NGC XF45。J.C.Lee 藏品

US $100-200



CHINA-KIRIN ND(1898) 10 Cents Silver, PAO written with ER, L&M513, Y180.1, Fine. J.C.Lee Collection 1898 年吉林省造光緒元寶庫平七分二厘銀幣,尔“寶”,L&M513, Y180.1,普品。J.C.Lee 藏品

US $10-20



CHINA-KIRIN ND(1898) 10 Cents Silver, PAO written with FOU, L&M519, Y180, NGC VF25. J.C.Lee Collection 1898 年吉林省造光緒元寶庫平七分二厘銀幣,缶“寶”,L&M519, Y180,NGC VF25。J.C.Lee 藏品


US $30-60



CHINA-KIRIN ND(1898) 5 Cents Silver, PAO written with FOU, L&M520, Y179, NGC F15. J.C.Lee Collection 1898 年吉林省造光緒元寶庫平三分六厘銀幣,缶“寶”,L&M520, Y179,NGC F15。J.C.Lee 藏品

US $30-60



CHINA-KIRIN 1899 One Dollar Silver, L&M521, Y183, NGC VF35. J.C.Lee Collection 1899 年(己亥)吉林省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣,L&M521, Y183,NGC VF35。J.C.Lee 藏品

US $300-600



CHINA-KIRIN 1899 50 Cents Silver, L&M522, Y182.3, NGC AU55. J.C.Lee Collection 1899 年(己亥)吉林省造光緒元寶庫平三錢六分銀幣,L&M522, Y182.3,NGC AU55。J.C.Lee 藏品

US $150-300



CHINA-KIRIN 1899 50 Cents Silver, L&M522, Y182.3, NGC AU55. Ex-Kann/Goodman Collection. Chinese Family Collection 1899 年(己亥)吉林省造光緒元寶庫平三錢六分銀幣,L&M522, Y182.3,NGC AU55。Kann/Goodman 舊藏。華人家族藏品

US $100-200



CHINA-KIRIN 1899 10 Cents Silver, L&M524, Y180.1, NGC F Details. J.C.Lee Collection 1899 年(己亥)吉林省造光緒元寶庫平七分二厘銀幣,L&M524, Y180.1,NGC F Details。J.C.Lee 藏品

US $10-20



CHINA-KIRIN 1899 5 Cents Silver, L&M525, Y179.1, NGC XF Details. J.C.Lee Collection 1899 年(己亥)吉林省造光緒元寶庫平三分六厘銀幣,L&M525, Y179.1,NGC XF Details。J.C.Lee 藏品

US $30-60




CHINA-KIRIN 1900 One Dollar Silver, yin-yang in center, L&M526, Y183a, NGC VF25. J.C.Lee Collection 1900 年(庚子)吉林省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣,中心太極, L&M526,Y183a,NGC VF25。J.C.Lee 藏品

US $200-400



CHINA-KIRIN 1900 One Dollar Silver, flower basket in center, with CHOPMARK, L&M531, Y183, NGC F Details. J.C.Lee Collection 1900 年(庚子)吉林省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣,中心花籃,戳 記幣,L&M531,Y183,NGC F Details。J.C.Lee 藏品

US $100-200




CHINA-KIRIN 1900 50 Cents Silver, flower basket in center, L&M532, Y182.3, NGC VF25. J.C.Lee Collection 1900 年(庚子)吉林省造光緒元寶庫平三錢六分銀幣,中心花籃, L&M532,Y182.3,NGC VF25。J.C.Lee 藏品

US $80-160



CHINA-KIRIN 1900 50 Cents Silver, yin-yang in center, L&M527, Y182a, NGC AU Details. Ex-Kann/Goodman Collection. Chinese Family Collection 1900 年(庚子)吉林省造光緒元寶庫平三錢六分銀幣,中心太極, L&M527,Y182a,NGC AU Details。Kann/Goodman 舊藏。華人家 族藏品

US $100-200


CHINA-KIRIN 1900 50 Cents Silver, flower basket in center, L&M532, Y182.3, NGC AU58. Ex-Goodman Collection. Chinese Family Collection 1900 年(庚子)吉林省造光緒元寶庫平三錢六分銀幣,中心花籃, L&M532,Y182.3,NGC AU58。Goodman 舊藏。華人家族藏品

US $200-400




CHINA-KIRIN 1900 50 Cents Silver, yin-yang in center, L&M527, Y182a, NGC XF Details. J.C.Lee Collection 1900 年(庚子)吉林省造光緒元寶庫平三錢六分銀幣,中心太極, L&M527,Y182a,NGC XF Details。J.C.Lee 藏品

US $100-200



CHINA-KIRIN 1900 20 Cents Silver, flower basket in center, L&M533, Y181, NGC AU58. J.C.Lee Collection 1900 年(庚子)吉林省造光緒元寶庫平一錢四分四厘銀幣, 中心花籃, L&M533,Y181,NGC AU58。J.C.Lee 藏品

US $60-120


CHINA-KIRIN 1901 One Dollar Silver, L&M536, Y183a.1, NGC AU55. J.C.Lee Collection 1901 年(辛丑)吉林省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣,L&M536, Y183a.1,NGC AU55。J.C.Lee 藏品

US $800-1,600




CHINA-KIRIN 1900 20 Cents Silver, yin-yang in center, L&M528, Y181a, NGC VG Details. J.C.Lee Collection 1900 年(庚子)吉林省造光緒元寶庫平一錢四分四厘銀幣, 中心太極, L&M528,Y181a,NGC VG Details。J.C.Lee 藏品



CHINA-KIRIN 1901 50 Cents Silver, L&M538, Y182a.1, NGC AU53. Ex-Kann/Goodman Collection. Chinese Family Collection 1901 年(辛丑)吉林省造光緒元寶庫平三錢六分銀幣,L&M538, Y182a.1,NGC AU53。Kann/Goodman 舊藏。華人家族藏品

US $150-300

US $10-20

270 270

CHINA-KIRIN 1900 5 Cents Silver, yin-yang in center, L&M530, Y179a, Fine; CHINA-KIRIN 1900 10 Cents Silver, flower basket in center, L&M534, Y180.1, Fine. Total 2 Pieces, J.C.Lee Collection 1900 年(庚子)吉林省造光緒元寶庫平三分六厘銀幣,中心太極, L&M530,Y179a,普品;1900 年(庚子)吉林省造光緒元寶庫平七 分二厘銀幣,中心 花籃,L&M534,Y180.1,普品。共 2 枚,J.C.Lee 藏品

US $30-60



CHINA-KIRIN 1901 50 Cents Silver, L&M538, Y182a.1, NGC XF Details. J.C.Lee Collection 1901 年(辛丑)吉林省造光緒元寶庫平三錢六分銀幣,L&M538, Y182a.1,NGC XF Details。J.C.Lee 藏品

US $80-160


274 274

CHINA-KIRIN 1901 20 Cents Silver, L&M539, Y181a, VF; CHINA-KIRIN 1902 5 Cents Silver, L&M546, Y179a, Fine. Total 2 Pieces, J.C.Lee Collection 1901 年( 辛 丑)吉 林 省 造 光 緒 元 寶 庫 平 一 錢 四 分 四 厘 銀 幣, L&M539,Y181a,美品;1902 年(壬寅)吉林省造光緒元寶庫平三分 六厘銀幣,L&M546,Y179a,普品。共 2 枚,J.C.Lee 藏品

US $30-60



CHINA-KIRIN 1902 50 Cents Silver, L&M543, Y182a.1, NGC VF35. J.C.Lee Collection 1902 年(壬寅)吉林省造光緒元寶庫平三錢六分銀幣,L&M543, Y182a.1,NGC VF35。J.C.Lee 藏品

US $80-160



CHINA-KIRIN 1901 10 Cents Silver, with CHOPMARK, L&M540, Y180a, NGC VF Details. J.C.Lee Collection 1901 年(辛丑)吉林省造 光緒元寶庫平 七分二厘 銀幣,戳 記幣, L&M540,Y180a,NGC VF Details。J.C.Lee 藏品

US $10-20



CHINA-KIRIN 1903 One Dollar Silver, L&M547, Y183a.2, NGC VF25. J.C.Lee Collection 1903 年(癸卯)吉林省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣,L&M547, Y183a.2,NGC VF25。J.C.Lee 藏品

US $200-400


CHIN A - KIRIN 19 02 5 0 Cents Silver, L&M 5 43, Y182a.1, NGC AU50. Ex-Kann/Goodman Collection. Chinese Family Collection 1902 年(壬寅)吉林省造光緒元寶庫平三錢六分銀幣,L&M543, Y182a.1,NGC AU50。Kann/Goodman 舊藏。華人家族藏品

US $100-200 78


276 279

CHINA-KIRIN 1903 50 Cents Silver, L&M548, Y182a.1, NGC MS62. Chinese Family Collection 1903 年(癸卯)吉林省造光緒元寶庫平三錢六分銀幣,L&M548, Y182a.1,NGC MS62。華人家族藏品

US $300-600



CHINA-KIRIN 1903 50 Cents Silver, L&M548, Y182a.1, NGC XF45. J.C.Lee Collection 1903 年(癸卯)吉林省造光緒元寶庫平三錢六分銀幣,L&M548, Y182a.1,NGC XF45。J.C.Lee 藏品

US $100-200



CHINA-KIRIN 1903 20 Cents Silver, L&M549, Y181a, NGC XF45. J.C.Lee Collection 1903 年( 癸 卯)吉 林 省 造 光 緒 元 寶 庫 平 一 錢 四 分 四 厘 銀 幣, L&M549,Y181a,NGC XF45。J.C.Lee 藏品

US $30-60



CHINA-KIRIN 1904 50 Cents Silver, L&M553, Y182a.1, NGC AU50. Ex-Goodman Collection. Chinese Family Collection 1904 年(甲辰)吉林省造光緒元寶庫平三錢六分銀幣,L&M553, Y182a.1,NGC AU50。Goodman 舊藏。華人家族藏品

US $100-200



CHINA-KIRIN 1904 50 Cents Silver, L&M553, Y182a.1, NGC VF20. J.C.Lee Collection 1904 年(甲辰)吉林省造光緒元寶庫平三錢六分銀幣,L&M553, Y182a.1,NGC VF20。J.C.Lee 藏品

US $80-160


CHINA-KIRIN 1904 One Dollar Silver, L&M552, Y183a.2, NGC XF45. J.C.Lee Collection 1904 年(甲辰)吉林省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣,L&M552, Y183a.2,NGC XF45。J.C.Lee 藏品

US $200-400




CHINA-KIRIN 1904 20 Cents Silver, L&M554, Y181a, NGC XF Details. J.C.Lee Collection 1904 年( 甲 辰)吉 林 省 造 光 緒 元 寶 庫 平 一 錢 四 分 四 厘 銀 幣, L&M554,Y181a,NGC XF Details。J.C.Lee 藏品

US $10-20




CHINA-KIRIN 1905 One Dollar Silver, round-eyed dragon, L&M557, Y183a.3, NGC VF25. J.C.Lee Collection 1905 年(乙巳)吉林省造 光緒元寶庫平七 錢二分 銀幣,圓眼龍, L&M557,Y183a.3,NGC VF25。J.C.Lee 藏品

US $200-300



CHINA-KIRIN 1905 50 Cents Silver, L&M558, Y182a.1, NGC MS62. Ex-Kann/Goodman Collection. Chinese Family Collection 1905 年(乙巳)吉林省造光緒元寶庫平三錢六分銀幣,L&M558, Y182a.1,NGC MS62。Kann/Goodman 舊藏。華人家族藏品

US $300-600




CHINA-KIRIN 1905 20 Cents Silver, L&M559, Y181a, NGC AU Details. J.C.Lee Collection 1905 年( 乙 巳)吉 林 省 造 光 緒 元 寶 庫 平 一 錢 四 分 四 厘 銀 幣, L&M559,Y181a,NGC AU Details。J.C.Lee 藏品

US $60-120



CHINA- KIRIN 1906 One Dollar Silver, with CHOPMARK, L&M562, Y183, NGC XF Details. J.C.Lee Collection 1906 年(丙午)吉林省造 光緒元寶庫平七 錢 二分 銀幣,戳記幣, L&M562,Y183,NGC XF Details。J.C.Lee 藏品

US $100-200


CHINA-KIRIN 1905 50 Cents Silver, L&M558, Y182a.1, NGC VF35. J.C.Lee Collection 1905 年(乙巳)吉林省造光緒元寶庫平三錢六分銀幣,L&M558, Y182a.1,NGC VF35。J.C.Lee 藏品

US $60-120




CHINA-KIRIN 1906 50 Cents Silver, L&M563, Y182.3, NGC AU55. Ex-Kann/Goodman Collection. Chinese Family Collection 1906 年(丙午)吉林省造光緒元寶庫平三錢六分銀幣,L&M563, Y182.3,NGC AU55。Kann/Goodman 舊藏。華人家族藏品

US $100-200



CHINA-KIRIN 1906 50 Cents Silver, L&M563, Y182.3, NGC VF30. J.C.Lee Collection 1906 年(丙午)吉林省造光緒元寶庫平三錢六分銀幣,L&M563, Y182.3,NGC VF30。J.C.Lee 藏品

US $60-120



CHINA-KIRIN 1906 20 Cents Silver, L&M564, Y181, NGC AU50. J.C.Lee Collection 1906 年( 丙 午)吉 林 省 造 光 緒 元 寶 庫 平 一 錢 四 分 四 厘 銀 幣, L&M564,Y181,NGC AU50。J.C.Lee 藏品

US $30-60




CHINA-KIRIN 1906 5 Cents Silver, L&M566, Y179.1, NGC VF35. J.C.Lee Collection 1906 年(丙午)吉林省造光緒元寶庫平三分六厘銀幣,L&M566, Y179.1,NGC VF35。J.C.Lee 藏品

US $30-60


CHINA-KIRIN 1906 5 Cents Silver, L&M566, Y179.1, VF. J.C.Lee Collection 1906 年(丙午)吉林省造光緒元寶庫平三分六厘銀幣,L&M566, Y179.1,美品。J.C.Lee 藏品

US $10-20

Scarce Kirin 1907 50 Cents Silver

296 296

CHINA-KIRIN 1907 50 Cents Silver, L&M568, Y182.3, NGC AU55. Ex-Kann/Goodman Collection. Chinese Family Collection 1907 年(丁未)吉林省造光緒元寶庫平三錢六分銀幣,L&M568,Y182.3, NGC AU55。Kann/Goodman 舊藏。華人家族藏品

US $800-1,600


Scarce Kirin 1907 50 Cents Silver


CHINA-KIRIN 1907 50 Cents Silver, L&M568, Y182.3, NGC AU50. J.C.Lee Collection 1907 年(丁未)吉林省造光緒元寶庫平三錢六分銀幣,L&M568, Y182.3, NGC AU50。J.C.Lee 藏品

US $300-600

297 298

CHINA-KIRIN 1907 20 Cents Silver, L&M569, Y181, NGC VF30. J.C.Lee Collection 1907 年(丁未)吉林省造光緒元寶庫平一錢四分四厘銀幣,L&M569,Y181,NGC VF30。J.C.Lee 藏品

US $80-160

Scarce Kirin 1908 50 Cents Silver

299 299

CHINA-KIRIN 1908 50 Cents Silver, flower basket in center, L&M573, Y182.3, NGC AU55. Chinese Family Collection 1908 年(戊申)吉林省造光緒元寶庫平三錢六分銀幣,中心花籃,L&M573,Y182.3,NGC AU55。華人家族藏品

US $1,500-3,000

Scarce Kirin 1908 50 Cents Silver

300 300

CHINA-KIRIN 1908 50 Cents Silver, Manchu words in center, L&M577, Y182b, NGC XF40. Chinese Family Collection 1908 年(戊申)吉林省造光緒元寶庫平三錢六分銀幣,中心滿文,L&M577,Y182b,NGC XF40。華人家族藏品

US $1,200-2,000




CHINA-KIRIN 1908 20 Cents Silver, numeral 2 center, L&M580, Y181c, NGC VF20. J.C.Lee Collection 1908 年(戊申)吉林省造光緒元寶庫平一錢四分四厘銀幣,中心“2”, L&M580,Y181c,NGC VF20。J.C.Lee 藏品

US $30-60



CHINA-KIRIN ND(1910) 20 Cents Silver, with raised mint mark JI in circle at center, L&M15, Y22.2, NGC VF20. J.C.Lee Collection 1910 年造幣分廠宣統元寶庫平一錢四分四厘銀幣,中心陽“吉”, L&M15,Y22.2,NGC VF20。J.C.Lee 藏品

US $50-100

303 303

CHINA-KWANGTUNG ND(1889) One Dollar Silver 7.3 Reversed Pattern, L&M123, Y198,AU. Heaton specimen strike 1889 年廣東省造光緒元寶庫平七錢三分銀幣,七三反版,L&M123,Y198,近未使用。喜敦造幣廠試鑄樣幣

US $8,000-16,000

304 304

CHINA-KWANGTUNG 1909 20 Cents Silver, Y205, GBCA MS62; CHINA-KWANGTUNG 1918 20 Cents Silver, L&M148, Y423, PCGS MS62. Total 2 Pieces 1909 年廣東省造宣統元寶庫平一錢四分四厘銀幣,Y205,GBCA MS62;1918 年(民國七年)廣東省造貳毫銀幣,L&M148,Y423, PCGS MS62。共 2 枚

US $30-60

305 305

CHINA-KWANGTUNG 1923 5 Cents Copper-nickel, Y420a, PCGS MS63; CHINA-YUNNAN ND(1911-15) 10 Cents Silver, New YUNNAN with no English, L&M424, Y255, PCGS AU Details. Total 2 Pieces 1923 年(民國十二年)廣東省造半毫鎳幣,Y420a,PCGS MS63; 1911-15 年雲南省造光緒元寶庫平七分二厘銀幣, 新雲南,L&M424, Y255,PCGS AU Details。共 2 枚

US $30-60


Finest Known Kweichow 1928 Auto Dollar Silver, door with a dot

306 306

CHINA-KWEICHOW 1928 Auto Dollar Silver, a car door with a dot, Y428, L&M609, K757, NGC MS61, Highest graded of this variety A PCGS AU58 sold in Heritage Apr-11 sale for US $76375 Though made in a remote province, this coin was eagerly sought by collectors shortly after it was issued. As a result, a large percentage of those struck survive today in collectors hands. Nearly all, however, circulated for a time and today less than half a dozen uncirculated examples are known to exist. The coin was struck in 1928 for Governor Chou His-cheng who had just completed a motor road through his province. As I pointed out in my 1977 World Coin News article on this coin, the road was actually built as part of a famine relief operation, and was financed in part by the International Famine Relief Commission. An American engineer, O.J.Todd, who was in charge of the project, wrote a book about his work in China which included photographs of Governor Chou and his car. The car, an American model, was purchased in Canton, taken apart and carried by foot to Kweichow, where it was reassembled. It was the only car in the province. The road went north and west from Kweiyang, but did not connect with any other road. It has long been believed that the Auto Dollar was struck in Szechuan province because Kweichow did not have a mint in those days. In my article I speculated that the coin might have been struck in Kweichow on machinery looted from the Chungking Mint by Chou’s soldiers. Recently an article published in China claimed that this is in fact what happened. There exists a scarce example with a dot on the door which seemed to struck from recut dies, which is very rare in high grade. The finest known example was a NGC MS-61.

1928 年(民國十七年)貴州省政府造貴州銀幣壹圓,俗稱“汽車幣”,車門有點,L&M609,NGC MS61,此版評級最高分 一枚 PCGS AU58 在 2011 年 4 月 Heritage 拍賣會上的成交價是 76375 美元 儘管此幣是在偏遠省份製造,卻依舊受到收藏家們的熱烈追捧。也正因為如此,才使得此幣至今仍有不少數量留存于各大收藏家之手。此幣 曾經流通過一段時間,因此留下來的錢幣中大部分均是流通品,品相較差,僅不到 6 枚是未使用品。 此幣由貴州省長周西成製造,他在當時剛完成了一條貫穿貴州省的重要公路的建設。正如我在《世界錢幣新聞》上刊登的文章所指出的那樣, 建設這條公路部分原因是為了解決當時的饑荒問題,為建公路而籌措的資金中一部分款項也是來源於國際饑饉救濟總署。當時負責該專案的 是一位美國人 O.J.Todd,他寫了一本有關他當時工作的書籍,裡面就有周西成和他的汽車的照片。這輛美國敞篷汽車是周西成由廣東所購, 由於當時沒有公路,汽車是拆散後,再人挑馬馱運入貴州的,然後再重新組裝。這是貴州省當時唯一的一輛汽車。新造的貴州公路由貴陽通 向西北方向,但不與其它公路接軌。 在很長一段時間內,大家都認為汽車幣是在四川省鑄造,因為貴州省當時根本沒有自己的造幣廠。但我認為這枚錢幣是在貴州製造,使用的 是周西成的士兵從重慶造幣廠掠奪而來的機器設備。近期中國出版的一篇文章中也證實了這一點。 此幣存在一種車門帶點的罕見版式,似乎是用重新雕刻的幣模製造,好品相的極為少見。目前評級分數最高的是 NGC MS-61。

US $50,000-100,000


Finest Known Kweichow 1928 Auto Dollar Silver, 3 blades of grass

307 307

CHINA-KWEICHOW 1928 Auto Dollar Silver, 3 blades of grass, L&M610, Y428, K757e, NGC AU58. Very rare for such condition. W&B Capital Collection SOURCE: GILLIO-PACIFIC COAST HONG KONG, SEP 1988 (LOT 296) An NGC XF45 sold in Champion December 2010 auction for US $20,700, and an NGC AU50 sold in Champion August 2011 auction for US $28,320. An PCGS AU55 sold in Stack's Bowers August 2012 auction for US $74688 1928 年(民國十七年)貴州省政府造貴州銀幣壹圓,俗稱“汽車幣”,三根草,車頭直線無圓點,最後一枝一半,頂上有圓點,L&M610, Y428,K757e,NGC AU58。汽車幣好品相的不多,像這枚有如此高品相,實屬難得。W&B Capital 藏品 錢幣來源:GILLIO-PACIFIC COAST HONG KONG, SEP 1988 (LOT 296) 在 2010 年 12 月冠軍拍賣會上,一枚 NGC XF45 賣到了 20,700 美金,而在 2011 年 8 月拍賣會上一枚 NGC AU50 賣到了 28,320 美金。 在 2012 年 8 月 Stack's Bowers 拍賣會上,一枚 PCGS AU55 賣到了 74688 美金

US $30,000-60,000



CHINA-SINKIANG 1912 10 Cash Copper, crossed flags, YA39.2, PCGS VF20BN 1912 年(民 國元年)新 疆 通 用當 紅 錢 十文,壬 子雙 旗,YA39.2, PCGS VF20BN

US $100-200

309 309

CHINA-SINKIANG 1910 10 Cash Modern Restrike Copper Coin, Y2a, NGC MS63RB 1910 年(庚戌年造)新疆通用宣統元寶當紅錢十文銅幣,重打幣, Y2a,NGC MS63RB

US $100-200


CHINA-SINKIANG 1914 10 Cash Copper, Y38.1, PCGS VF Details 1914 年(AH1332)新 疆 喀造 當 紅 錢 十 文 銅 幣,Y38.1,PCGS VF Details

US $100-200



CHINA-SINKIANG ND(1910) 5 Mace Silver, 8-petalled rosette in center on obverse, small rosettes at sides of dragon, L&M819A, Y6.6, NGC XF Details 1910 年新疆省造餉銀五錢銀幣,正面中心八瓣花星,反面左右各一 小花星,L&M819A,Y6.6,NGC XF Details

US $50-100




CHINA-SINKIANG 1917 One Tael Silver, rosette at top between wheat ears, L&M837, Y45, NGC XF45. Italia Collection 1917 年(民國六年)新疆迪化銀圓局造壹兩銀幣,反面頂部麥芒之 間有花星,L&M837,Y45,NGC XF45。義大利藏品

US $100-200 86


CHINA-SINKIANG 1929 20 Cash Copper, Y40.1, PCGS VF35 1929 年(己巳)新疆省城造當紅錢十文銅幣,Y40.1,PCGS VF35

US $100-200

Choice Szechuan 1901-08 One Dollar Silver

314 314

CHINA-SZECHUAN ND(1901-08) One Dollar Silver, L&M345, Y238, NGC MS63 A PCGS MS64 sold in Stack's Bowers Aug-12 sale for US $56763; A NGC MS63 sold in Champion Apr-08 sale for US $17250. A PCGS MS64 sold in Champion December 2007 for US $36,800. This set (K145-149) is actually Szechuan's first coinage. All denominations have the same incorrect writing of the character “P'ing.” Errors in the writing of other characters, especially “ch'ien”錢 show clearly that the dies were made outside of China. There are many minor varieties of this coin due in part to recutting of the die. The contract to set up the Chengtu mint was given to the Ferracute Company of Bridgeton, New Jersey (USA). Ferracute provided all the machinery for the Chengtu mint, but the dies were engraved at the Philadelphia mint under a private contract between Ferracute and Charles E. Barber. In 1898 an engineer from Ferracute went with the machinery to China. During the trip, the equipment was unloaded and left beside the Yangtze river which rose and submerged the crates. When the equipment finally arrived in Chengtu, the dies were found to be rusted. In the summer of 1898 the embarrassed engineer produced some trial strikes at Chengtu with the rusted dies. To his surprise, the Chinese officials felt that the blemished dies would make the coins more difficult to counterfeit. It is unknown whether a new set of dies was ordered at that time, but for reasons which are unclear, the mint did not go into operation. Finally in 1902 the mint reopened and began production of K.145-149, apparently with a new set of dies.

1901-08 年四川省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣,L&M345,Y238,NGC MS63 一枚 PCGS MS64 在 2012 年 8 月 Stack's Bowers 拍賣會上的成交價是 56763 美元;一枚 NGC MS63 在 2008 年 4 月冠军拍賣會上的成 交價是 17250 美元。一枚 PCGS MS64 在 2007 年 12 月的冠軍拍賣會以 36,800 美元售出。 K145-149 事實上是四川鑄造的第一套錢幣。所有面值的 “平”字均錯寫。幣上其它文字亦有錯寫,尤其是“錢”字。這些錯誤清楚表明這些 錢幣的幣模是在國外雕刻。由於幣模有重新切割過,該幣細分的話有很多版別。但這套錢幣確實為四川的第一套錢幣。所有面額上均有同樣 錯誤的“平”字。 成都造幣廠的成立是與美國新澤西州的漢立克那浦公司簽訂的合同,漢立克那浦公司為成都造幣廠提供所有的造幣設備,但幣模卻是在費城 造幣廠雕刻,通過簽訂私人合同由 Charles E. Barber 進行製造。 1898 年漢立克那浦公司的一位工程師攜帶這些設備啟程去中國。途中,這些設備發生意外,裝有設備的箱子被水淹過。當設備最終到達成都 造幣廠的時候,幣模已經生銹。1898 年夏天,這位倒楣的工程師使用這些生銹的幣模試著生產了一些錢幣。令人驚訝的是,中國的政府官員 認為這些錢幣上的瑕疵反而令錢幣難以被仿製。當時有否重新訂購一批幣模, 我們並不知道, 但因為某種未知原因,造幣廠當時並未投入運營。 最後在 1902 年,造幣廠重新開業並進行 K.145-149 的生產,明顯使用的是新的幣模。

US $12,000-18,000


319 319

315 315

CHINA-SZECHUAN ND(1901-1908) 50 Cents Silver, Large H eaded D ragon, L&M3 4 8, Y237. 2, NGC V F20, J.C. Lee Collection 1901-1908 年四川省造 光緒元寶庫平三錢六分 銀幣,大頭龍 版, L&M348,Y237.2,NGC VF20,J.C.Lee 藏品

CHINA-TAIWAN 1949 5 Jiao Silver, L&M330, Y532, PCGS MS65 1949 年(民国三十八年)台湾省伍角银币,L&M330,Y532,PCGS MS65

US $100-200

US $100-200

316 316

CHIN A - SZECHUA N 19 0 6 20 Cash Copper, Y11t, CNCS AU53BN 1906 年(丙午)戶部中“川”大清銅幣當製 錢二十文銅幣,Y11t, CNCS AU53BN

US $100-200

320 320

CHINA-TAIWAN 1950 20 Cents Aluminum, NGC MS65 1950 年(民國三十九年)臺灣貳角鋁幣,NGC MS65

US $30-60 321

CHINA-TAIWAN 1950 20 Cents Aluminum, NGC MS64. Total 2 Pieces 1950 年(民國三十九年)臺灣貳角鋁幣 2 枚,NGC MS64。共 2 枚


US $10-20


CHINA-SZECHUAN 1912 One Dollar Silver, L&M366, Y456, PCGS AU Details 1912 年(民國元年)軍政府造四川銀幣壹圓,五彩包浆,L&M366, Y456,PCGS AU Details"

US $250-500


CHINA-YUNNAN ND(1908) 50 Cents Silver, L&M419, Y253, PCGS XF Details; CHINA-YUNNAN ND(1909-11) 50 Cents Silver, L&M426, Y259.1, PCGS XF Details. Total 2 Pieces 1908 年雲南省造 光緒元寶庫平三 錢 六分 銀幣,L&M419,Y253, PCGS XF Details; 1909-11 年雲南省造宣統元寶庫平三錢六分銀幣, L&M426, Y259.1,PCGS XF Details。共 2 枚

US $50-100

318 318

CHINA-SZECHUAN ND(1939-42) One Rupee Silver, Vertical rosette with collar, L&M359, Y3.2, NGC AU58 1939-42 年光緒像四川盧比銀幣,有領直花,L&M359,Y3.2,NGC AU58

US $100-200



CHINA-YUNNAN ND(1908) 20 Cents Silver, L&M420, Y252, NGC VF20 1908 年 雲 南 省 造 光 緒 元寶 庫 平 一 錢 四 分 四 厘 銀 幣,L&M420, Y252,NGC VF20

US $30-60

Choice Yunnan 1909-11 One Dollar Silver



CHINA-YUNNAN ND(1909-11) One Dollar Silver, L&M425, Y260, NGC MS62. Italia Collection. An UNC sold for USD 17,968 in Beijing 2011 Spring auction. This is one of the highest grade coin by NGC/PCGS, acquired in the 1970's from Steve Eyer. 1909-11 年雲南省造宣統元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣,L&M425,Y260,NGC MS62。義大利藏品。在北京 2011 年春季拍賣會上,一枚未使用品 的成交價是 17,968 美元。NGC/PCGS 評級過的品相最好的錢幣之一。70 年代來自 Steve Eyer

US $8,000-16,000



CHINA-YUNNAN ND(1911) 50 Cents Silver, Y257.3, L&M422, 2 Pieces, PCGS MS61&PCGS MS62 1911 年 雲 南 省 造 光 緒 元 寶 庫 平 三 錢 六 分 銀 幣 2 枚,Y257.3, L&M422,PCGS MS61&PCGS MS62

US $60-120 326


CHINA-YUNNAN ND(1917) Tang Chi Yao 50 Cents Silver, Circle in center of flag at left, L&M863, PCGS AU53&PCGS AU55, each 2 Pieces. Total 4 Pieces 1917 年 雲 南 省造 唐 繼 堯 像 擁 護 共和 紀 念 庫平三 錢 六分 銀 幣 , L&M863,PCGS AU53&PCGS AU55 各 2 枚。共 4 枚

US $100-120

CHINA-YUNNAN ND(1911) 50 Cents Silver, Y257, L&M422, PCGS AU58 1911 年 雲 南省造 光 緒 元寶 庫平三 錢 六分 銀幣,Y257,L&M422, PCGS AU58



US $60-120

US $30-60

CHINA-YUNNAN ND(1911) 50 Cents Silver, Y257&Y257.1, L&M422, PCGS AU55. Total 2 Pieces 1911 年 雲 南 省 造 光 緒 元 寶 庫 平三 錢 六 分 銀 幣,Y257&Y257.1, L&M422,PCGS AU55。共 2 枚

US $60-120


CHINA-YUNNAN ND(1917) Tang Chi Yao 50 Cents Silver, Circle in center of flag at left, L&M863, Y479.1, PCGS AU50, 2 pieces &PCGS AU53. Total 3 Pieces 1917 年 雲 南 省造 唐 繼 堯 像 擁 護 共和 紀 念 庫平三 錢 六分 銀 幣 , L&M863,Y479.1,2 枚 PCGS AU50&PCGS AU53。共 3 枚


CHINA-YUNNAN ND(1917) Tang Chi Yao 50 Cents Silver, L&M863, PCGS AU Details, Total 4 Pieces 1917 年 雲 南 省造 唐 繼 堯 像 擁 護 共和 紀 念 庫平三 錢 六分 銀 幣 , L&M863,PCGS AU Details。共 4 枚

US $100-120



CHINA-YUNNAN ND(1917) Tang Chi Yao 50 Cents Silver, Circle in center of flag at left, L&M863, PCGS XF Details 1917 年 雲 南 省造 唐 繼 堯 像 擁 護 共和 紀 念 庫平三 錢 六分 銀幣 , L&M863,PCGS XF Details

US $60-120


CHINA-YUNNAN ND(1917) Tang Chi Yao 50 Cents Silver, Circle in center of flag at left, L&M863, PCGS AU50&PCGS XF45. Total 2 Pieces 1917 年 雲 南 省造 唐 繼 堯 像 擁 護 共和 紀 念 庫平三 錢 六分 銀幣 , L&M863,PCGS AU50&PCGS XF45。共 2 枚

US $40-60

334 333 333

CHINA Silver Coins (3): YUNNAN ND(1917) Tang Chi Yao 50 Cents Silver, Circle in center of flag at left, L&M863, Y479.1, 2 Pieces; SZECHUAN ND(1902-1911) One Rupee Silver, vertical rosette with collar, L&M359, Y3.2. Total 3 Pieces, VF-AU 中國銀幣 3 枚:1917 年雲南省造唐繼堯像擁護共和紀念庫平三錢六 分銀幣,左面旗幟中心帶圈,L&M863,Y479.1,2 枚;1902-1911 年 光緒像四川盧比銀幣,有領直花,L&M359,Y3.2。共 3 枚,美品至未 使用


CHINA-YUNNAN 1932 50 Cents Silver, Double Flag, L&M430, Y492, PCGS MS62; 20 Cents Silver, L&M431, Y491, PCGS MS61. Total 2 Pieces 1932 年 雲 南 省 造 半 圓 銀 幣,背 雙 旗,L&M430,Y492,PCGS MS62;贰角银币,L&M431,Y491,PCGS MS61。共 2 枚

US $60-120

US $100-200


CHINA-YUNNAN 1923 10 Cents Copper-nickel, Y486, PCGS MS62. Total 2 Pieces 1923 年(民國十二年)雲南省造壹毫鎳幣,Y486,PCGS MS62。共 2枚

US $30-60



CHINA-REPUBLIC 1912 Li Yuan Hung Dollar Silver, with hat, L&M43, Y320,UNC 1912 年黎元洪(戴帽)開國紀念銀幣壹圓,L&M43,Y320,未使用

US $3,000-6,000


Rare Republic 1914 Yuan Shi Kai One Dollar Silver

337 337

CHINA-REPUBLIC 1914 Yuan Shi Kai One Dollar Silver with Plumed Hat and L.GIORGI Signature, Kann 642a, L&M 859, KMPn 28, UNC 1914 年袁世凱共和紀念壹圓銀幣,L.GIORGI 簽字版,Kann 642a,L&M 859,KMPn 28,未使用

US $6,000-12,000


CHINA-REPUBLIC 1920 Yuan Shih-Kai One Dollar Silver, Proof, L&M63, Y329, PCGS MS62 1914 年(民國三年)袁世凱壹圓銀幣,镜面,L&M63,Y329,PCGS MS62

US $300-600 338


CHINA-REPUBLIC 1920 Yuan Shih-Kai One Dollar Silver, L&M63, Y329, PCGS MS61 1914 年(民國三年)袁世凱壹圓銀幣,L&M63,Y329,PCGS MS61

US $250-500



CHINA-REPUBLIC 1920 Yuan Shih-Kai One Dollar Silver, Sinkiang, L&M63G, PCGS XF Details 1914 年(民国三年)新疆版袁世凱壹圓銀幣,L&M63G,PCGS XF Details

US $350-700



CHINA-REPUBLIC 1919 Yuan Shi Kai One Dollar Silver, L&M76, Y329.6, NGC AU58 1919 年(民國八年)袁世凱壹圓銀幣,L&M76,Y329.6,NGC AU58

US $600-1,200


One of the most imaginative designs ever used on a Chinese coin, the 1929 Flags and Globe Dollar is also one of the rarest. It was the first Chinese coin to feature a map or globe as part of its design. The first coins actually put into circulation with a map or globe design were the dollar and 20 cent coins issued by the Chinese Soviet Republic in 1932. The only other example of this use is on various coins issued for Taiwan beginning in 1949. The Sun Yat Sen Flag and Globe Dollar was one of several types of dollars (and a few minor coins) made in 1929, all of which are patterns. The unreleased 1951 edition of Kalgan Shih’s catalog of Chinese coins says only a few pieces were known to exist. H. Chang’s catalog of Chinese dollars says less than 15 pieces are known. U.S. coin dealer, Jess Peters, sold two different specimens of this coin – Kann’s own example in his 1972 fixed price list, and another example in his June 1973 auction. The two pieces can be identified by toning marks. More recently, Cheng Xuan November 2005 and China Guardian November 2010 sales each had an example of this coin, and all four coins are different from each other. The piece shown in the Dong Wenchao catalog is also different from these four pieces, as is the coin illustrated here. According to Eduard Kann, the coin was struck at the Tientsin Mint, though he suggests the dies might have been made overseas. We don’t know the source of the attribution to Tientsin, but it was one of the few mints controlled by the Nationalists at that time. The Shanghai Mint was still under construction. The Hangchow Mint was available, as was the Nanking Mint, though the latter was destroyed by fire on 4 June 1929. The Chinese Economic Bulletin for 7 September 1929 has a curious report stating that the National Treasury was asking for bids to produce new coins from mints in the USA, Britain, France, Germany and Japan. Four different coins were to be produced: 1) Sun Yat Sen portrait on the obverse, sailing ship on reverse. 2) Sun Yat Sen portrait obverse, map of China bordered by the national flag. 3) Sun Yat Sen portrait and date 18th year obverse, small carriage reverse. 4) Chiang Kai Shek portrait and date 18th year obverse, small carriage reverse. The first design is clearly the Sun Yat Sen and junk coins, designs for which were indeed submitted by various foreign mints. The second coin might be the Flags and Globe Dollar. The other two designs, however, are completely unknown. This coin has been recorded by Kann as K 610; by H. Chang as CH 191; and by Lin & Ma as number 88. 這是幣面設計最富想像力的中國錢幣之一,也是最珍稀的中國錢幣之一。1929 年孫中山地球雙旗壹圓銀幣是第一枚幣面刻有 地圖或地球的中國錢幣。而第一枚帶有地球圖案並進入流通的中國錢幣是 1932 年中華蘇維埃政府發行的壹圓和貳角錢幣。 除此之外,唯一大量流通過的地球錢幣是臺灣從 1949 年開始發行的各種錢幣。孫中山地球雙旗銀質樣幣是 1929 年製造的 幾種樣幣中的一種,未出版的 1951 年施嘉乾《中國錢幣目錄》注明僅有幾枚存世。臺灣鴻禧美術館中國錢幣目錄表示,此幣 不超過 15 枚。美國錢幣交易商 Jess Peters 賣出了兩枚可從顏色上加以區分的樣幣 --- 一枚是出現在其 1972 年價格表中的 Kann 藏品,另一枚是出現在其 1973 年 6 月拍賣上的樣幣。誠軒 2005 年 11 月拍賣和嘉德 2010 年 11 月拍賣均出現一枚此種 樣幣,以上四枚各不相同。本書中呈現的這枚是董文超目錄中的樣幣,與以上四枚又不相同。 Eduard Kann 認為,孫中山地球雙旗壹圓銀幣造于天津造幣廠,而幣模有可能在國外製成。當時上海造幣廠尚未竣工,天津 造幣廠、杭州造幣廠和南京造幣廠均由國民黨控制,南京造幣廠在 1929 年 6 月 4 日毀於一場大火。 1929 年 9 月 7 日的《中國經濟週刊》有一個奇怪的記錄表示,中國財政部要求從美國、英國、法國和日本的造幣廠招標製造新 的錢幣,結果產生了四種不同的錢幣: 1) 正面孫中山像,反面帆船 --- 此為各外國造幣廠都設計過的孫中山帆船銀幣。 2) 正面孫中山像,反面中國地圖和國旗 --- 這便是地球雙旗幣。 3) 正面孫中山像和民國十八年,反面小馬車 --- 完全未知。 4) 正面蔣介石像和民國十八年,反面小馬車 --- 完全未知。 孫中山地球雙旗壹圓銀幣被 Kann 列為 K610,鴻禧美術館編號 CH191,林國明編號 88。


Extremely Rare Finest Known Republic 1929 Sun Yat Sen One Dollar Silver Pattern

342 342

CHINA-REPUBLIC 1929 Sun Yat Sen One Dollar Silver Pattern, globe with 2 crossed flags, L&M88,K610, KM-Pn 106, NGC MS65. NC Collection. Highest graded of this variety A NGC MS63 (W&B Capital Collection) was sold in 2012 by Champion private transaction. 1929 年(民國十八年)孫中山地球壹圓銀質樣幣,L&M88,K610,KM-Pn 106,NGC MS65。NC 藏品。此版評級最高分 一枚 NGC MS63(W&B Capital 藏品)在 2012 年通過冠軍私人交易售出。

US $400,000-600,000

Very Rare Republic 1929 Sun Yat Sen 20 Cents Silver Pattern

343 343

CHINA-REPUBLIC 1929 Sun Yat Sen 20 Cents Silver Pattern, L&M90, NGC MS62 1929 年(民國十八年)孫中山贰角銀質樣幣,L&M90,NGC MS62。

US $40,000-80,000


Choice Very Rare Republic 1929 Sun Yat Sen One Dollar Silver Pattern In 1929, the Chinese national government sought a replacement for the Yuan Shi-Kai and Sun Yat-Sen silver coins. They asked the national mints of America, Austria, England, Japan and Italy to engrave the dies. At last six types were made, but none was adopted. Some trial patterns were made in the Hangchow mint from these dies. All are rare, especially the Italian version with signature. An example with United States design as obverse and 1932 gold standard bird junk as reverse in copper proof was donated to Shanghai Mint Museum in September 2010. 1929 年(民國十八年)國民政府欲以新國幣取代袁大頭及孫像錢幣,於是請美國、奧地利、義大利、英國及日本等五國之國家造幣廠雕刻模具。 共分六個版別,但這寫模具最後均未被採用,僅在杭州造幣廠試製了一些樣幣,數量均不多,其中尤以帶簽字的義大利版最為罕見。 2010 年 9 月,一枚正面美國版孫中山,背面二十一年金本位三鳥帆船的銅質樣幣捐贈給了上海造幣廠博物館。

344 344

CHINA-REPUBLIC 1929 Sun Yat Sen One Dollar Silver Pattern, Made in Italy with A.Motti, L&M91,K614a, KM-Pn 98, NGC MS63. From Champion June 1996 sale. A PCGS SP63 sold in Stack's Mar-15 sale for US $119500 1929 年 ( 民國十八年 ) 孫中山帆船壹圓銀質樣幣,義大利版,帶 A.Motti,L&M91,K614a, KM-PN 98, NGC MS63。此幣在 1996 年 6 月冠 軍拍賣會購得。 一枚 PCGS SP63 在 2015 年 3 月 Stack's 拍卖会上成交價格是 119500 美元

US $90,000-180,000

Finest Known Republic 1929 Sun Yat Sen One Dollar Silver Pattern

345 345

CHINA-REPUBLIC 1929 Sun Yat Sen One Dollar Silver Pattern, Made in Italy, L&M92,K614, KM-Pn 97, NGC MS64. From Champion June 1996 sale. A PCGS SP63 sold in Baldwin's Agu-11 sale for US $42000 1929 年 ( 民國十八年 ) 孫中山帆船壹圓銀質樣幣,義大利版,L&M92,K614, KM-PN 97, NGC MS64。此幣在 1996 年 6 月冠軍拍賣會購得。 一枚 PCGS SP63 在 2011 年 8 月 Baldwin's 拍卖会上成交價格是 42000 美元

US $30,000-60,000 94

Scarce Republic 1929 Sun Yat Sen One Dollar Silver Pattern


CHINA-REPUBLIC 1929 Sun Yat Sen One Dollar Silver Pattern, Made in Japan, L&M93,K618, KM-Pn 102, NGC MS62 1929 年 ( 民國十八年 ) 孫中山帆船壹圓銀質樣幣,日本版,L&M93,K618, KM-PN 102i,NGC MS62

US $6,000-12,000

Very Rare Republic 1927 Sun Yat Sen One Dollar Copper Pattern

347 347

CHINA-REPUBLIC ND(1927) Sun Yat Sen One Dollar Copper Pattern, with 6-pointed star, K608ii, NGC MS61BN, NC Collection 1927 年孫中山像開國紀念銅質樣幣壹圓,六角星,K608ii,NGC MS61BN,NC 藏品

US $1,000-2,000


Very Rare 1936 Sun Yat Sen 50 Cents Silver Pattern

348 348

CHINA-REPUBLIC 1936 Sun Yat Sen 50 Cents Silver Pattern, Reeded Edge, KM Pn169, L&M114, K635, UNC. The 1936 Small Size Junk Half Dollar is even rarer than the dollar because of the several distinct varieties which were produced. Although Kann lists this half dollar in silver and in copper, he must have obtained additional varieties after his catalog was published. In the second sale of the Kann collection, three examples of K635 were sold, in two different weights and three different thicknesses. None of the auction catalogs describe the edges however. The November 1966 Glendining sale of the Von Halle Collection contained Kann 635 with security edge and also with ""simple milling."" The description of the K635 offered in the first Kann sale (June 1971) did not mention the edge. Jess Peters bought the coin and offered it on his January 1972 fixed price list, noting that the edge was reeded. The Cheng Xuan in Beijing in June 2006 had an example of K635 and actually illustrated the edge, which was a security edge. Since these half dollars come with two different edges, two different weights and three different thicknesses, it is possible that each one is unique. The security edge piece offered in the June 2006 sale sold for $30,270. The coin offered here is from the Goodman Collection, which contained four varieties of the piece - both of the Von Halle pieces, one piece from the second Kann sale, and another piece. All of these have different weights; two have security edges and two have reeded edges. 1936 年(民國二十五年)孫中山像帆船中圓銀質樣幣,齒邊,KM Pn169,L&M114,K635,未使用

1936 年小型帆船中圓甚至要比壹圓的更稀有,因為這種中圓有幾個不同的版本。雖然 Kann 的目錄中有這種中圓的銀質和銅質幣,但一定是 在他的目錄出版後才得到其他的版本。在第二次 Kann 藏品拍賣會上,有三枚 K635 被賣出,這三枚中有二種不同的重量和三種不同的厚度。 但是沒有一本拍賣會目錄對這種錢幣的邊緣作過描述。1966 年 11 月 Glendining 的 Von Halle 藏品拍賣會上就出現了一枚帶人字邊和“普通 齒邊”的 Kann 635。在 Kann 藏品的第一次拍賣會上(1971 年 6 月)上對 K635 的描述並沒有提到邊緣。Jess Peters 買走了這枚錢幣,並且 放在了他 1972 年一月的固定價格單中,注明了邊緣是齒邊。北京誠軒在 2006 年 6 月的拍賣會上有一枚 K635,並用圖片展示這枚錢幣的人 字邊。因為這些中圓有兩種不同的邊緣,兩種不同的重量和三種不同的厚度,很可能每一種都是孤品。有人字邊的那種在 2006 年 6 月的拍賣 會上賣出了 30,270 美元。此次拍賣會的這枚來自于 Goodman 的藏品,該種錢幣共有四種不同的版本——兩種來自英國 Von Halle 拍賣會, 一種來自 Kann 藏品第二次拍賣會,還有另外一種,所有四種都有不同的重量;兩種為人字邊,兩種為齒邊。

US $10,000-20,000


350 350

CHINA-PROVISIONAL GOVERNMENT Federal Reserve Bank 5 Fen Silver Pattern , KM Pn2, NGC SP58 1941 年(民國三十年)中國聯合準備銀行伍分銀質樣幣,KM Pn2, NGC SP58

US $2,000-4,000 349 349

CHINA-REPUBLIC 1939 Sun Yat Sen 5 Cents Nickel Spade Coin, Y348, NGC MS64 1939 年(民國二十八年)孫中山布圖伍分鎳幣,Y348,NGC MS64

US $30-60

352 351



CHINA-PROVISIONAL GOVERNMENT Federal Reserve Bank One Fen Silver Pattern , KM Pn1, NGC SP61 1941 年(民國三十年)中國聯合準備銀行壹分銀質樣幣,KM Pn1, NGC SP61

US $2,000-4,000

CHINA-EMPIRE Tokens probably from the 1920's United States. Very popular with collectors in Japan who views this as a pattern. Total 5 Pieces, VF-XF 清朝代幣, 可能來自 1920 年代的美國。在日本的收藏家中很受歡迎, 他們把它作為樣幣收藏。共 5 枚,美品至極美品

US $50-100

Choice Szechuan Empress Tzu His 50 Cents Silver Fantasy

353 353

CHINA-SZECHUAN ND Empress Tzu Hsi 50 Cents Silver Fantasy, Kann B28, NGC MS63 四川省造慈禧像臆造幣,五角大小,Kann B28,NGC MS63

US $3,000-6,000

Scarce Kuang Hsu Gold Fantasy 354

CHINA Emperor Kuang Hsu Fantasy in Gold, Kann B92, NGC MS63. Chin Family Collection 光緒像壽字臆造金幣,背雙龍,Kann B92,NGC MS63。陳氏家族藏品


US $5,000-10,000


Scarce Hung Hsien Yuan Shi Kai 20 Cents Silver Fantasy 355

CHINA-REPUBLIC ND(1916) Yuan Shi Kai Hung Hsien 20 Cents Silver Fantasy, X-1335, NGC MS63. Chin Family Collection 1916 年袁世凱黃帝像丙辰紀念銀幣臆造幣,二角大小,X-1335,NGC MS63。陳氏家 族藏品

US $3,000-6,000


Gem Sun Yat Sen One Dollar Silver Fantasy



CHINA-REPUBLIC ND Sun Yat Sen One Dollar Silver Fantasy, Sun riding on horse, Kann B51, NGC MS65. Chin Family Collection. Superb toning with great eye appeal. NGC MS65 民國時期孫中山騎馬圖臆造銀幣,Kann B51,NGC MS65。陳氏家族藏品。原包漿,NGC MS65

US $8,000-16,000

Rare 1912 Chang Xi-luan First Class Medal with signature of GIORGI

357 357

CHINA-REPUBLIC 1912 Chang Xiluan,Governor of Chihli,First Class Medal,with signature of GIORGI, Y938var, NGC MS61, NC Collection Zhang Xiluan(1843-1922)was the governor of Zhili(Hebei)and the Xuan Fu of the three northeastern provinces in China in the late Qing dynasty. As a wise and well educated man, Zhang Xiluan started his career as a imperial student and was then appointed as the general manager of Zhili coastal defence office, magistrate of Xinghua,Fujian, general manager of Beiyang conscription office and Beiyang issuance and examination office. Afetr the founding of the Republic of China, he was appointed as the military governor of Zhili. In 1912, he served as the Xuan Fu of the three northeastern provinces and was then transferred to the position of military governor of Fengtian and Jilin. On June 24, 1915, the government named Zhang Xiluan as the “Zhen An” top general to handle military affairs of the three northeastern provinces in China. He retired afetr 1917 and died of illness at the age of 80 in 1922. During his governing of Zhili, Zhang Xiluan specially made several medals and medallions to reward soldiers with military merits. These official medals made of copper, silver and gilt bronze can be classified into three grades: the first-class medal, the secongclass medal and the classless mdedal. It was said these medals were productions of the Tianjin Mint. As the Italian designer, Giorgi lived in Zhili at that time, he participated in the production of these medals. Coins supervised and signed by him are very rare. As portraits on these medals are often mistaken for Zhang Xun or Zhang Zhidong, this medal was wrongly rated as a Zhang Xun coin by the NGC company. 1912 年(民國元年)直隸都督(張錫鑾)頭等紀念牌,GIORGI 簽字版,Y938var,NGC MS61,NC 藏品 張錫鑾(1843—1922),清末直隸總督、東三省宣撫使。監生出身, “智謀膽略,學識兼備”。歷任直隸海防營務處總辦、福建興化知府、北洋 營務處兼發審處總辦等職。中華民國成立後,授任直隸都督,1912 年任東三省西邊宣撫使,調任奉天都督、吉林都督,1915 年 6 月 24 日授為 為陸軍上將,任“鎮安上將軍”節制東三省軍務。1917 年後退出軍政界。1922 年病故,年八十。 張錫欒任職直隸都督期間,為獎勵有功將士特意製作並發行過若干種獎章、獎牌 , 目前存世的紀念牌分為三個等級,即頭等紀念牌、二等紀 念牌、無等級紀念牌。材質有銅、銀和鎏金之分。由官方發行。可能是在天津造幣廠鑄造。當時義大利雕刻師 GIORGI 喬治在直隸,由其監製 並簽字的 GIORGI 簽字版尤為珍貴存世量稀少。十分珍貴。 此紀念牌的頭像經常被誤認為是張勛或張之洞,此枚評級幣也被 NGC 誤認為張勛。

US $1,000-2,000


Extremely Rare Tientsin Mint Duan Zhi Gui Silver Medal

358 358

CHINA ND Duan Zhi Gui Silver Medal, made by Tientsin Mint, 9.1g, 78% Ag and 22% Cu, CCC 716 Var., NGC Medal MS64. This silver medal (possibly unique) is exquisitely carved. There also exist very few rare Duan Zhi Gui copper medals. An UNC copper example sold in Chongyuan Jun-14 sale for RMB 276000 (US $41818); NGC MS63BN copper example sold in Stack's Bowers Apr-12 sale for US $29875 Duan Zhigui(1869-1925) , also known as Xiang Yan(from Hefei, Anhui province ), is the cousin of Duan Qi Rui. He once studied in the Beiyang Military School . After completing his education in Japan he came back to China and worked as the instructor of the newly-built Beiyang Military Academy. Then he was transferred as the governor of Heilongjiang. As the adopted son and confidant of Yuan Shikai, Duan Zhigui started to work for Yuan in late Qing and was appointed as the commander of the Military Guard Right Army. Duan Zhigui was very good at flattering and was called Duan Qirui Junior by the public because of his intimate relationship with Duan Qirui. After the foundation of the Republic of China, Duan Zhigui served first as the commander in chief in Beijing and then as the commander in chief of the Gongwei Army(the Guard) and the Dutong(the highest milutary officer) of Chakhar. In 1913, he was nominated as the governor of Jiangxi, the commander of the first army and was bestowed the title of Zhangwu top general. In 1914, Duan Zhigui was tranferred as the governor of Hubei Province and served as the general and governor of Fengtian. Not long after that, Duan Zhigui united other generals of fourteen provinces to support Yuan Shikai as the emperor and thus was knighted as the first class Duke. In 1917 he carried out the task of crusading against Zhangxun and then served as the commander of the capital and the chief of the Army. In 1919, Duan Zhigui was transfered as the garrison commander of the capital. He participated the Zhi-Wan battle(the war between the Zhili warlord and the Anhui warlord ) and was named the front commander in chief of the Anhui army. The Anhui clique lost the war and Duan Zhigui was listed as one of the cuprits of the Anfu clique. In 1925, Duan Zhigui died of illness in Tianjin. 民國時期段芝貴銀質紀念章,天津造幣廠制,9.1 克,成色 78% 銀和 22% 銅,類似 CCC716,NGC Medal MS64。此枚銀質紀念章雕刻精美, 為目前僅見品。此章還有紅銅版,目前也僅見數枚而已。非常罕見。 一枚品相未使用銅章在 2014 年 6 月的崇源拍賣會上的成交價格是人民币 276,000(41818 美金)一枚 NGC MS63BN 銅章在 2012 年 4 月 Stack's Bowers 的拍賣會上的成交價格是 29875 美金 段芝貴(1869 年—1925 年),字香岩,段祺瑞堂弟,安徽合肥人。北洋武備學堂出身,留學日本。返國後初任北洋新建陸軍講武堂教官,累遷 至黑龍江署理巡撫。他曾拜袁世凱為義父,是袁的心腹。清末又被袁世凱啟用,武昌起義時被袁委為武衛右翼翼長,因與段祺瑞關係密切,外 界稱為“小段“,為人善逢迎。民國成立後,先後任駐京總司令官、拱衛軍總司令、察哈爾都統。1913 年任江西宣撫使、第一軍軍長,授彰武上 將軍。1914 年改任湖北都督,1915 年任奉天將軍,旋兼署巡按使。不久,聯合十四省將軍擁護袁世凱稱帝,封一等公。1917 年討伐張勳,後任 京畿警備司令、陸軍總長。1919 年改任京畿衛戍司令。1920 年,參與直皖戰爭,任皖系前敵總司令,皖系戰敗,列名安福禍首。1925 年在天 津病死。

US $30,000-60,000

David Ho Collection 何代水藏品


Very Rare Tientsin Mint 1920 Ni Si-Chong Commemorative Gilt Bronze Medal



CHINA-REPUBLIC 1920 Ni Si-Chong Commemorative Gilt Bronze Medal, made by Tientsin Mint, NGC MS64, NC Collection, Extremely Rare (1868-1924) Native of Fuyang, Anhui Province, he was also known as Danchen. Once a subordinate of Yuan Shikai, he was a local official in Henan Province when the Wuchang Uprising broke out. On Yuan Shikai’s order, he commanded his troops to capture Anqing in Anhui in 1913 and was appointed Anhui garrison commander and then governor of Anhui. Because he supported Yuan Shikai in his attempt to turn the republic into an empire, Yuan conferred on him the title of marquis and the title of “General of Ah Wu,” and so was his troops called An Wu Army which were notorious for loose discipline. After Yuan Shikai’s death, he turned to follow Duan Qirui. He supported Duan in dissolving the national assembly and “unifying the country by force.” His troops were known for their burning and looting when they invaded Hunan. He was dismissed from office after the Anhui clique warlords were defeated in 1920. 1920 年天津造幣廠制倪嗣沖像安武軍紀念鎏金銅章,NGC MS64,NC 藏品,極其罕見 倪嗣沖 (1868-1924) 安徽阜陽人,字丹忱,清末秀才。曾為袁世凱部屬,清宣統三年(1911 年)任河南布政使。武昌起義爆發後,1913 年奉袁 世凱之命,率軍進攻安慶,旋授安徽都督,後改安徽巡撫使,支持袁世凱稱帝,授為一等伯爵,並稱“安武將軍”。所部亦稱安武軍,紀律廢弛, 臭名昭彰。袁世凱死後,改附段祺瑞,1917 年“府院之爭”中支持段祺瑞解散國會。次年支持段祺瑞實施所謂武力統一,遣安武軍入湖南,大 肆燒殺淫掠。1920 年皖系軍閥戰敗後被解職。

US $10,000-20,000

Scarce Republic 1924 Hsiao Yuen-nan Fantasy Copper Medal



CHINA-REPUBLIC 1924 Hsiao Yuen-nan Fantasy Copper Medal, NGC MS63BN, NC Collection (1877-1926) Native of Huangguang, Hubei Province, he was also known as Hengshan. A graduate of the Beiyang Military School, he won repeated promotions in the Beiyang army until he was a regiment commander in 1917. Then in 1918 he followed Wu Peifu in attacking Hunan. In 1920 he was promoted to be a division commander after the war between the Zhili clique and the Anhui clique. He led his troops into Hubei in 1921 and became garrison commander there. In 1923, he was one of those responsible for the “February 7 massacre” in which the railway workers’ strike wasruthlessly suppressed. He became governor of Hunan and Hubei in November of the same year. After he was beaten by the warlords of the Fengtian clique in 1924, he switched his loyalty to Duan Qirui. The next year Wu Peifu again gained advantage, he again turned to serve Wu. He died of illness the next year. An NGC MS62 sold in Champion Mar-15 sale for US $13800 1924 年甲子二月十六日兩湖巡閱使蕭耀南五秩紀念銅章,NGC MS63BN,NC 藏品 蕭耀南(1877-1926),字珩珊,湖北黃岡人。北洋武備學堂畢業。歷任北洋軍第三鎮管帶、參謀長、第十二標標統等。1917 年任直隸陸軍第三 混成旅旅長。1918 年隨吳佩孚進攻湖南。1920 年直皖戰爭後升任陸軍第二十五師師長。1921 年率軍入鄂,任湖北督軍。1923 年,參與鎮壓 京漢鐵路工人大罷工,製造二七慘案。同年 11 月任兩湖巡閱使。1924 年直系軍閥為奉系軍閥所敗,改投段祺瑞。1925 年吳佩孚再起。又轉 而擁吳,次年病死。 一枚 NGC MS62 在 2015 年 3 月冠军拍卖会上成交價格是 13800 美元

US $1,000-2,000



CHINA-TIBET 1949 (BE1623) 5 Sho Copper, Moon and Sun above 3 mountains, Y28a, VF 1949 年(BE1623)西藏 5 錢銅幣,3 座山頂部是月亮與太陽,Y28a,美品

US $10-20



ILLUSTRATED CATALOG OF CHINESE COINS BY E.KANN, 1954 Edition, Almost New. J.C.Lee Collection 耿愛德著《中國幣圖說匯考》,1954 版。J.C.Lee 藏品

US $100-200 363

ILLUSTRATED CATALOG OF CHINESE COINS BY E.KANN, 1966 Edition. J.C.Lee Collection 耿愛德著《中國幣圖說匯考》,1966版。J.C.Lee藏品

US $60-120 362




BRAZIL 1816 960 Reis Silver, KM 313, XF 1816 年巴西 960 裡斯銀幣,KM 313,極美品


US $30-60


ANDORRA 2012 One Diner Colorized Silver Plated Proof (3), Robin, Capercaillie and Northern Shoveler 2012 年安道爾共和國彩色紀念銀幣 3 枚: 知更鳥、松雞、琵嘴鴨, 均為鍍銀,面值均為 1 Diner

US $20-40



C A M B O D I A 1974 5 0 0 0 0 R i e l s 6 .71g . 9 0 0 G o l d P r o o f, Cambodian Dancers, KM 64 1974 年柬埔寨紀念金幣, 柬埔寨舞者, 面值 50000 瑞爾, 重量 6.71 克, 成色 90%,精質鏡面,KM 64

US $200-400

365 365

ANDORRA 2013 5 Diners 20g .925 Colorized Silver Proof Set (4), Mintage each 2000, all with Certs 2013 年安道爾共和國彩色紀念銀幣一套 4 枚,面值均為 5 Diners, 重量均為 20 克,成色均為 92.5%,精質鏡面,發行量均為 2000 枚, 均帶證書

US $100-200



CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC 2013 Piliocolobus Foai 1000 Francs Colorized Silver Proof 2013 年中非共和國紅疣猴彩色紀念銀幣,面值 1000 法郎,精質鏡 面

US $30-60



369 369


US $30-60

US $30-60

COOK ISL ANDS 2013 Gregor y Peck 5 Dollars 25g .925 Colorized Silver Proof, Mintage 2500, with Cert 2013 年庫克群島格裡高利 • 派克彩色紀念銀幣, 面值 5 元, 重量 25 克, 成色 92.5%,精質鏡面,發行量 2500 枚,帶證書

COOK ISLANDS 2014 5 Dollars 20g .925 Colorized Silver Proof, Grand Canyon 2014 年庫克群島美國大峽穀彩色紀念銀幣,面值 5 元,重量 20 克, 成色 92.5%,精製鏡面


COSTA RICA 1970 53.9g 25 Colones .999 Silver Proof, 60mm, KM 194 1970 年哥 斯 大 黎 加 銀 幣,面值 25 Colones, 重 量 53.9 克,成 色 99.9%,精 製 鏡 面,直 徑 60mm,KM 194

US $40-80


372 372

FR ANCE ND(c.160 0) Cupid/Pierced hear ts " Love" Jeton Copper Token, 27mm; GERMAN ND(1616-1632) Wolf Lavffor II/ Helmeted Soldier Jeton Copper Token. Total 2 Pieces, VF 1600 年法國代幣,圖案為丘比特 / 穿心;1616-1632 年德國代幣,圖 案為 Wolf Lavffor 二世像 / 戴頭盔的士兵。共 2 枚,美品



FRANCE 1831, 1834 & 1835 5 Francs Silver (3), VF 法國 1831 年、1834 年和 1835 年 5 法郎銀幣各一枚,共 3 枚,美品

US $50-100

US $20-40

373 373

FRANCE 1831 Henry V One Franc Silver Pattern, KM-Pr28.2, AU 1831 年法國亨利五世像 1 法郎銀幣樣幣,KM-Pr28.2,近未使用

US $120-200

375 375

FRANCE 1846 Silver Medal, obverse: Louis Philippe I, reverse: Chambre des Deputes, 53mm, 71.02g, UNC 1846 年法國紀念銀章,正面路易 - 菲力浦一世頭像,反面議會廳, 直徑 53mm,重量 71.02 克,未使用

US $200-400



FRANCE 1850 and 1875 5 Francs Silver (2), VF 法國 1850 年和 1875 年 5 法郎銀幣各一枚,共 2 枚,美品

US $40-80

376 377

FRANCE 1859 Napoleon III Copper Medal, head of Napoleon, left, Rev. "Annexation of the Subur bs" with a crowned/ female figure right and a female standing to left by H.Ponscarme, AU, 72mm 1859 年法國拿 破崙三世 銅 章,正面是 拿 破崙 左側 像,反面是 法 文,中文 意 思“ 城 郊公社合 併”,右側是 戴 皇 冠的女性 頭像,其左側 站著 H.Ponscarme,近未使用,直徑 72mm

US $80-120 377 378


GREAT BRITAIN 1798 George III 1/3 Guinea Gold Coin, with CHOPMARK, 2.77g, AU. Very Rare. All chopped gold coins are very rare 1798 年英國喬治三世像金幣 1/3 畿尼,戳記幣,2.77 克,近未使用。極少見。所有金質戳記幣都很少見

US $100-200

379 379

GREAT BRITAIN 1935 One Crown Silver (2), KM842, AUUNC 1935 年英國 1 Crown 銀幣 2 枚,KM842,近未使用至未使用

US $40-80

381 381

GERMAN 1900's Wilhelm II Deutscher Kaiser Copper Medal, 48mm, XF 19 世紀德國凱撒 • 威廉二世紀念銅章,直徑 48mm,極美品

US $50-100



GERMANY Silver Coins (3): Hamburg 1909J 3 Mark, KM296, EF; Prussia 1913A 5 Mark, KM536, EF; Prussia 1861 One Thaler Silver, KM488, AU. Total 3 Pieces 德國銀幣 3 枚:漢堡 1909 年 3 馬克,KM296,極美品;普魯士 1913 年 5 馬克,KM536,極美品;普魯士 1861 年 1 Thaler,KM488,近 未使用。共 3 枚


GERMANY Bayern Lvdwig III 1913 5 Mark Brass Pattern Proof 1913 年德國拜恩路德維希三世像 5 馬克黃銅樣幣

US $100-200

US $40-80



GREAT BRITAIN 1848 White Metal Medal, Chinese Junk "KEYING", AU 1848 年“KEYING”號(耆英號)英國航海白色金屬紀念章,近 未使用

US $300-600

383 384

GREAT BRITAIN 1848 White Metal Medal, Chinese Junk "KEYING", UNC 1848 年“KEYING”號(耆英號)英國航海白色金屬紀念章,未使用

US $300-600

385 385

HONDURAS 1870 One Real Copper-nickel Pattern, NGC PF63 1870 年洪都拉斯 1 Real 銅鎳合金樣幣,NGC PF63

US $300-600

Scarce India 1808-11 1/2 Pag Silver, Madras Presidency

386 386

INDIA ND(1808-11) 1/2 Pag Silver, Madras Presidency, Large English Letters, NGC AU50 1808-11 年印度 1/2 Pag 銀幣,大字版,NGC AU50

US $800-1,600 104

387 391


INDIA-KUTCH 1936 5 Kori Silver, Y67, NGC MS65 1936 年印度卡奇 5 Kori 銀幣,Y67,NGC MS65

US $30-60


JAPAN 2009 60th Anniversary of Enforcement of the Local Autonomy Law 1000 Yen 31.1g .999 Colorized Silver Proof, Ibaraki, Mintage 100000 2009 年(平成 21 年)日本地方自治法施行 60 周年彩色紀念銀幣, 茨城縣,面值 1000 元,重量 31.1 克,成色 99.9%,精質鏡面,發行 量 100000 枚

US $40-80

388 388

INDIA-RAJKOT 1945 One Mohur Silver, Y1a, UNC 1945 年印度拉傑果德市 1 Mohur 銀幣,Y1a,未使用

US $50-100

392 392

JAPAN 2010 60th Anniversary of Enforcement of the Local Autonomy Law 1000 Yen 31.1g .999 Colorized Silver Proof, Aichi, Mintage 100000 2010 年(平成 22 年)日本地方自治法施行 60 周年彩色紀念銀幣, 愛知縣,面值 1000 元,重量 31.1 克,成色 99.9%,精質鏡面,發行 量 100000 枚

US $40-80

389 389

ISRAEL 1963 5 Lirot Silver Proof, 15th Anniversary - Seafaring, KM 39 1963 年以色列 5 里拉銀幣,航船 15 周年紀念,精製鏡面,KM 39

US $80-120

393 393

JAPAN 2010 60th Anniversary of Enforcement of the Local Autonomy Law 1000 Yen 31.1g .999 Colorized Silver Proof, Aomori, Mintage 100000 2010 年(平成 22 年)日本地方自治法施行 60 周年彩色紀念銀幣, 青森縣,面值 1000 元,重量 31.1 克,成色 99.9%,精質鏡面,發行 量 100000 枚

US $40-80 394

390 390

JAPAN 1870(M3) One Yen Silver, Type I, AU-UNC 1870 年(明治三年)日本一圓銀幣,Type I,近未使用至未使用

US $200-300

JAPAN 2010 60th Anniversary of Enforcement of the Local Autonomy Law 1000 Yen 31.1g .999 Colorized Silver Proof, Fukui, Mintage 100000 2010 年(平成 22 年)日本地方自治法施行 60 周年彩色紀念銀幣, 福井縣,面值 1000 元,重量 31.1 克,成色 99.9%,精質鏡面,發行 量 100000 枚

US $40-80




JAPAN 2010 60th Anniversary of Enforcement of the Local Autonomy Law 1000 Yen 31.1g .999 Colorized Silver Proof, Saga, Mintage 100000 2010 年(平成 22 年)日本地方自治法施行 60 周年彩色紀念銀幣, 佐賀縣,面值 1000 元,重量 31.1 克,成色 99.9%,精質鏡面,發行 量 100000 枚

US $40-80


JAPAN 2012 60th Anniversary of Enforcement of the Local Autonomy Law 1000 Yen 31.1g .999 Colorized Silver Proof, Oita, Mintage 100000 2012 年(平成 24 年)日本地方自治法施行 60 周年彩色紀念銀幣, 大分縣,面值 1000 元,重量 31.1 克,成色 99.9%,精質鏡面,發行 量 100000 枚

US $40-80

396 396

JAPAN 2011 60th Anniversary of Enforcement of the Local Autonomy Law 1000 Yen 31.1g .999 Colorized Silver Proof, Shiga, Mintage 100000 2011 年(平成 23 年)日本地方自治法施行 60 周年彩色紀念銀幣, 滋賀縣,面值 1000 元,重量 31.1 克,成色 99.9%,精質鏡面,發行 量 100000 枚

US $40-80




400 400

JAPAN 2012 60th Anniversary of Enforcement of the Local Autonomy Law 1000 Yen 31.1g .999 Colorized Silver Proof, Tochigi, Mintage 100000 2012 年(平成 24 年)日本地方自治法施行 60 周年彩色紀念銀幣, 櫪木縣,面值 1000 元,重量 31.1 克,成色 99.9%,精質鏡面,發行 量 100000 枚

US $40-80



JAPAN 2012 60th Anniversary of Enforcement of the Local Autonomy Law 1000 Yen 31.1g .999 Colorized Silver Proof, Kanagawa, Mintage 100000 2012 年(平成 24 年)日本地方自治法施行 60 周年彩色紀念銀幣, 神奈川縣,面值 1000 元,重量 31.1 克,成色 99.9%,精質鏡面,發 行量 100000 枚

JAPAN 2013 60th Anniversary of Enforcement of the Local Autonomy Law 1000 Yen 31.1g .999 Colorized Silver Proof, Gunma, Mintage 100000 2013 年(平成 25 年)日本地方自治法施行 60 周年彩色紀念銀幣, 群馬縣,面值 1000 元,重量 31.1 克,成色 99.9%,精質鏡面,發行 量 100000 枚



US $40-80

US $40-80

US $40-80

JAPAN 2012 60th Anniversary of Enforcement of the Local Autonomy Law 1000 Yen 31.1g .999 Colorized Silver Proof, Miyazaki, Mintage 100000 2012 年(平成 24 年)日本地方自治法施行 60 周年彩色紀念銀幣, 宮崎縣,面值 1000 元,重量 31.1 克,成色 99.9%,精質鏡面,發行 量 100000 枚


US $40-80

JAPAN 2013 60th Anniversary of Enforcement of the Local Autonomy Law 1000 Yen 31.1g .999 Colorized Silver Proof, Hiroshima, Mintage 100000 2013 年(平成 25 年)日本地方自治法施行 60 周年彩色紀念銀幣, 廣島縣,面值 1000 元,重量 31.1 克,成色 99.9%,精質鏡面,發行 量 100000 枚



JAPAN 2013 60th Anniversary of Enforcement of the Local Autonomy Law 1000 Yen 31.1g .999 Colorized Silver Proof, Kagoshima, Mintage 100000 2013 年(平成 25 年)日本地方自治法施行 60 周年彩色紀念銀幣, 鹿兒島縣,面值 1000 元,重量 31.1 克,成色 99.9%,精質鏡面,發 行量 100000 枚

US $40-80


JAPAN 2014 60th Anniversary of Enforcement of the Local Autonomy Law 1000 Yen 31.1g .999 Colorized Silver Proof, Kagawa, Mintage 100000 2014 年(平成 26 年)日本地方自治法施行 60 周年彩色紀念銀幣, 香川縣,面值 1000 元,重量 31.1 克,成色 99.9%,精質鏡面,發行 量 100000 枚

US $40-80

404 404

JAPAN 2013 60th Anniversary of Enforcement of the Local Autonomy Law 1000 Yen 31.1g .999 Colorized Silver Proof, Miyagi, Mintage 100000 2013 年(平成 25 年)日本地方自治法施行 60 周年彩色紀念銀幣, 宮城縣,面值 1000 元,重量 31.1 克,成色 99.9%,精質鏡面,發行 量 100000 枚

US $40-80



JAPAN 2013 60th Anniversary of Enforcement of the Local Autonomy Law 1000 Yen 31.1g .999 Colorized Silver Proof, Okayama, Mintage 100000 2013 年(平成 25 年)日本地方自治法施行 60 周年彩色紀念銀幣, 岡山縣,面值 1000 元,重量 31.1 克,成色 99.9%,精質鏡面,發行 量 100000 枚

US $40-80 406

JAPAN 2014 60th Anniversary of Enforcement of the Local Autonomy Law 1000 Yen 31.1g .999 Colorized Silver Proof, Ishikawa, Mintage 100000 2014 年(平成 26 年)日本地方自治法施行 60 周年彩色紀念銀幣, 石川縣,面值 1000 元,重量 31.1 克,成色 99.9%,精質鏡面,發行 量 100000 枚

US $40-80


408 408

JAPAN 2014 60th Anniversary of Enforcement of the Local Autonomy Law 1000 Yen 31.1g .999 Colorized Silver Proof, Mie, Mintage 100000 2014 年(平成 26 年)日本地方自治法施行 60 周年彩色紀念銀幣, 三重縣,面值 1000 元,重量 31.1 克,成色 99.9%,精質鏡面,發行 量 100000 枚

US $40-80



JAPAN 2014 60th Anniversary of Enforcement of the Local Autonomy Law 1000 Yen 31.1g .999 Colorized Silver Proof, Saitama, Mintage 100000 2014 年(平成 26 年)日本地方自治法施行 60 周年彩色紀念銀幣, 埼玉縣,面值 1000 元,重量 31.1 克,成色 99.9%,精質鏡面,發行 量 100000 枚

US $40-80 410

JAPAN 2014 60th Anniversary of Enforcement of the Local Autonomy Law 1000 Yen 31.1g .999 Colorized Silver Proof, Yamagata, Mintage 100000 2014 年(平成 26 年)日本地方自治法施行 60 周年彩色紀念銀幣, 山形縣,面值 1000 元,重量 31.1 克,成色 99.9%,精質鏡面,發行 量 100000 枚

US $40-80


412 412

JAPAN-Ryuku Islands 1862 Shu Qiu Tong Bao Half Shu Copper Large Coin, XF 1862 年日本琉球通寶背半朱篆書大錢,極美品

411 411

JAPAN-Ryuku Islands 1862 Shu Qiu Tong Bao 100 Mon Copper, XF 1862 年日本琉球通寶背當百,極美品

US $60-120

413 413

KOREA ND Governor-General of Korea Copper Medal, AU 朝鲜总督府纪念铜章,近未使用

US $100-200

414 414

KOREA 1915 Governor-General of Korea Copper Medal, AU 1915 年(大正四年)朝鲜总督府纪念铜章,近未使用

US $100-200 108

US $80-160

Very Rare North Korea 2012 150000 Won 5 Oz Gold Proof

415 415

NORTH KOREA 2012 150000 Won 5 Oz .999 Gold Proof, Baekje Ancient Kingdom, Mintage only 9, PCGS PR68DCAM, with Cert 2012 年朝鲜佛教系列纪念金币,面值 150000 元,重量 5 盎司,成色 99.9%,精质镜面,发行量仅 9 枚,PCGS PR68DCAM,有证书

US $10,000-20,000

Very Rare North Korea 2014 Celadon 150000 Won 5 Oz Gold Proof

416 416

NORTH KOREA 2014 Celadon 150000 Won 5 Oz .999 Gold Proof, Mintage only 10 2014 年朝鮮青瓷紀念金幣,面值 150000 元,重量 5 盎司,成色 99.9%,精製鏡面,發行量僅 10 枚

US $10,000-20,000





NORTH KOREA 2015 Celadon Set (2): 5000 Won 1/28 Oz Ag + 1/10 Oz Au [Bi-Metallic] .999 Proof, Mintage 128; 750 Won 1/2 Oz .999 Silver Proof, Mintage 1000. Total 2 Pieces 2015 年朝鲜青瓷系列纪念币一套 2 枚:双金属币,面值 5000 元, 1/28 盎司银 + 1/10 盎司金,成色 99.9%,精质镜面,发行量 128 枚; 银币,面值 750 元,重量 1/2 盎司,成色 99.9%,精质镜面,发行量 1000 枚。共 2 枚


MEXICO 1892 8 Reals Silver Coins (2), both with CHOPMARK, XF. Italia Collection 1892 年墨西哥 8 Reals 銀幣 2 枚,均為戳記幣,極美品。義大利藏 品

US $60-120

US $1,000-2,000

418 418

MEXICO 1816-1818 8 Reals Silver (3), VF-XF 1816-1818 年墨西哥 8 Reals 銀幣 3 枚,美品至極美品

US $80-160

420 420

MONGOLIA 2002 GENGHIS KHAN 10000 Tugrik 1 Oz .9999 Gold Proof, NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO, with Box and Cert 蒙古 2002 年成吉思汗像紀念金幣,面值 10000 圖格裡克,重量 1 盎司,成色 99.99%,精製鏡面,NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO,帶盒 帶證

US $1,500-3,000

Very Rare Netherlands East Indies ND Japanese Occupation Silver Cake

421 421

Netherlands East Indies ND Japanese Occupation Silver Cake, 54 Gr. Zilver 999/1000 Satoe Tael Peraktoelen, PCGS AU Details 荷蘭東印度群島日占時期銀餅,54 克,PCGS AU Details

US $2,000-4,000



PALAU 2010 5 Dollars 25g .925 Colorized Silver, Scent of Paradise, Mintage 2500, BU, with Cert 2010 年帛琉彩色紀念銀幣,帕拉代斯的味道,面值 5 元,重量 25 克, 成色 92.5%,發行量 2500 枚,完全未使用,帶證書

US $30-60



NIUE 2009 2 Dollars 25g .925 Silver Proof, Spinner Dolphins, Mintage 2500, with Cert 2009 年紐埃島紀念銀幣,飛旋海豚,面值 2 元,重量 25 克,成色 92.5%,精質鏡面,發行量 2500 枚,帶證書

US $30-60

426 426

PERU 1858 MB 50 Centimos Silver, KM 178, NGC AU58 1858 年秘魯 5 角銀幣,KM 178,NGC AU58

US $60-120



NORTHERN CYPRUS 2011 20 Turkish Lira Silver Proof, Mintage 75, Ottoman Sultan Selim II 2011 年北賽普勒斯 20 Turkish Lira 銀幣,精製鏡面,發行量 75 枚, 奧斯曼帝國蘇丹塞利姆二世

US $60-120

427 427

P H I L I P P I N E N D (18 3 4) P e r u 8 R e a l s S i l v e r C o i n , Ovpt."Philippine", NGC VF Details 1834 年秘魯 1832 年 8 Reals M.M. 銀幣 ( 加蓋菲律賓 ),NGC VF Details

US $60-120



PALAU 2009 One Dollar Colorized Silver Plated Proof (2): Pacific Wildlife- Gecko on rock and Swallow, KM 261-262 2009 年帛琉彩色紀念幣 2 枚:太平洋野生動物——岩石上的壁虎 和家燕,均為鍍銀,面值均為 1 元,精製鏡面,KM 261-262

US $10-20

428 428

P H I L I P P I N E N D (18 3 4) P e r u 8 R e a l s S i l v e r C o i n , Ovpt."Philippine", NGC VF Details 1834 年秘魯 1833 年 8 Reals M.M. 銀幣 ( 加蓋菲律賓 ),NGC VF Details

US $60-120 429

P H I L I P P I N E N D (18 3 4) P e r u 8 R e a l s S i l v e r C o i n , Ovpt."Philippine", NGC VF25 1834 年 秘 魯 1832 年 8 Reals M.M. 銀 幣 ( 加 蓋 菲 律 賓 ),NGC VF25


US $80-160


Scarce Germany 1901 Waldersee Return from China Silver Medal

430 430

GERMANY 1901 Waldersee Return from China Silver Medal, LANGE-1191, NGC MS63 Alfred Graf von Waldersee (1832-1904), a German General feldmarschall who served as Chief of the Imperial German General Staff from 1888 to 1891 and as Allied Supreme Commander in China during the 1900 Boxer Rebellion. 1901 年德國瓦德西伯爵離華回國紀念銀章,LANGE-1191,NGC MS63 Alfred Graf von Waldersee(1832 年- 1904 年),德意志帝國第二任總參謀長,他在德國是以政治將軍聞名。他為中國人民所知是他晚年擔 任了有名無實的八國聯軍統帥。"

US $1,000-2,000

431 431

SEALAND 1972 10 Dollars Silver, UNC 1972 年西蘭公國 10 元銀幣,未使用


US $60-120


SOMALI REPUBLIC 2010 One Dollar Nickel Silver-Plated Set (3), 600 Years Battle of Grumwald 2010 年索馬利亞共和國波蘭格裡姆沃德戰役 600 周年紀念幣一套 3 枚,面值均為 1 元,均為鎳鍍銀

US $20-30


SOMALI REPUBLIC 2013 25 Shillings Nickel Gilt Set (5), Mythical Creatures 2013 年索馬利亞共和國神話人物 / 動物紀念幣一套 5 枚,面值均為 25 先令,均為鎳鍍金

US $60-120

433 112

Choice Thailand 1868 One Baht Silver Pattern, Demarete Collection

434 434

THAILAND ND(1868) One Baht Silver Pattern, KM-Pn27, NGC PF64. Demarete Collection 1868 年泰國 1 銖銀質樣幣,KM-Pn27,NGC PF64。Demarete 藏品

US $8,000-12,000



UNITED STATES 10 Dollars Ag+Cu Gaming Tokens Set (5), all with .999 1/2 Oz Ag, including Pioneer Hotel and Gambling Hall, Harvey's Resort Hotel, Edgewater Hotel and Casino, Reno Hilton and Silver Legacy 美國賭場代幣一套 5 枚,面值均為 10 元,材質均為銀 + 銅,其中含 銀 量為 1/2 盎 司,成色 99.9%,5 個 賭 場 包括:Pioneer Hotel and Gambling Hall,Harvey's Resort Hotel,Edgewater Hotel and Casino,Reno Hilton 以及 Silver Legacy

US $80-160


THAILAND ND(1880) Rama V Bronze Token, issued for Mines of Khaotree, Lecompte-3, NGC UNC Details 1880 年 泰 國 拉 瑪 五 世 像 銅 質 代 幣,Khaotree 礦 山 發 行, Lecompte-3,NGC UNC Details

US $300-600


436 436

UNITED STATES 1864S Half Dollar Chopmark Silver Coin, chopmark character "South" and "Very Good Luck", VF. F.M.Rose Collection 1864S 美國五角銀幣,戳記幣,戳記“南”和“吉”,美品。F.M.Rose 藏品

US $100-200


UNITED STATES 2014 5 Oz .999 Silver Medal, Olympic Winter Games - Speed Skating, NGC ULTRA CAMEO GEM PROOF 2014 年美國冬季奧運會——速度滑冰紀念銀章,重量 5 盎司,成色 99.9%,NGC ULTRA CAMEO GEM PROOF

US $100-200



ETHIOPIA 1980 International Year of the Child 400 Birr Gold Proof [Piefort], KM-P2, Mintage only 8, NGC PF67 ULTRA CAMEO 1980 年埃塞俄比亞國際兒童年紀念金幣【加厚】,面值 400 Birr,精 製鏡面,發行量僅 8 枚,NGC PF67 ULTRA CAMEO

US $5,000-10,000



JORDAN 1981 International Year of the Child 60 Dinars Gold Proof [Piefort], KM-P2, Mintage 450, NGC PF68 ULTRA CAMEO 1981 年約旦國際兒童年紀念金幣【加厚】, 面值 60 Dinars, 精製鏡面, 發行量 450 枚,NGC PF68 ULTRA CAMEO

US $2,500-5,000



MONGOLIA 1980 International Year of the Child 750 Tugrik Gold Proof [Piefort], KM-P2, Mintage 550, NGC PF70 ULTRA CAMEO 1980 年蒙古國際兒童年紀念金幣 【加厚】 , 面值 750 Tugrik, 精製鏡面, 發行量 550 枚,NGC PF70 ULTRA CAMEO

US $2,500-5,000



TUNISIA 1982 International Year of the Child 75 Dinars Gold Proof [Piefort], KM-P3, Mintage only 55, NGC PF68 ULTRA CAMEO 1982 年突尼斯國際兒童年紀念金幣【加厚】,面值 75 Dinars,精製 鏡面,發行量僅 55 枚,NGC PF68 ULTRA CAMEO

US $2,500-5,000

442 114


CHINA 1976 The People's Bank of China 5 Fen, NGC MS64; 1982 The People's Bank of China 5 Fen, NGC MS61. Total 2 Pieces 1976年中國人民銀行伍分,NGC MS64;1982年中國人民銀行伍 分,NGC MS61。共2枚

US $10-20

447 447

444 444

CHINA 1980 Olympic 30 Yuan 15g .85 Silver Proof [Piedfort], Figure Skating, Mintag 500 pieces, NGC PF66 Cameo 1980 年第十三 屆 冬奧會 紀 念 銀幣 - 女子花樣 滑冰 [ 加厚版 ],面 值 30 元,重 量 30 克,成色 85%,鏡 面,發 行 量 500,NGC PF66 Cameo

CHINA 1980 Winter Olympics Brass Proof [Piedfort] (2): Alpine Skling 1 Yuan 24g .700 Brass Proof, KM-P7, NGC PF67 Cameo; Speed Skating 1 Yuan 24g .700 Brass Proof, KM-P8, NGC PF67 Ultra Cameo, Mintage each is 2000 pieces. Total 2 pieces 1980 年第十三屆冬奧會銅質紀念幣 [ 加厚版 ]2 枚: 男子速降, 面值1元, 重量 24 克,KM-P7,NGC PF67 Cameo,女子速度滑冰,面值 1 元, 重量 24 克, KM-P8,NGC PF67 Ultra Cameo, 發行量各為 2000 枚, 成色 70%,共 2 枚

US $600-1,000

US $600-1,000

445 445

CHINA 1980 Olympics 30 Yuan 30g .800 Silver Proof[Piedfort], Soccer, KM-P14, NGC PF67 Ultra Cameo 1980 年中國奧林匹克委員會紀念銀幣 [ 加厚版 ],古代足球,面值 30 元,重量 30 克,KM-P14,成色為 80%,精製 鏡面,NGC PF67 Ultra Cameo

US $800-1,000


CHINA 1980 Olympics Brass Proof [Piedfort] (2): Archery 1 Yuan 24g .700 Brass Proof, KM-P3, PCGS PR67DCAM; Equestrian 1 Yuan 24g .700 Brass Proof, KM-P5, PCGS PR67DCAM, Mintage each is 2500 pieces. Total 2 pieces 1980 年中國奧林匹克委員會銅質紀念幣 [ 加厚版 ]2 枚:古代射藝, 面值 1 元,重量 24 克,KM-P3,PCGS PR67DCAM;古代騎術,面 值 1 元,重 量 24 克,KM-P5,PCGS PR67DCAM;四 枚 成色 均 為 70%,精製鏡面,發行量各為 2500 枚。共 2 枚

US $600-1,000


CHI N A 19 8 0 O lympic s Bras s Pro of Set of 4 [ Piedfor t]: Denomination each is 1 Yuan, Weight each is 24g, .700 Brass Proof, Mintage each is 2000 pieces. NGC PF68, Total 4 pieces 1980 年 第十三 屆 冬 奧 會 銅 質 紀 念 幣 [ 加 厚 ] 一 套 4 枚:男 子 速 降,女子花樣滑冰,男子現代冬季兩項,女子速度滑冰,面值均為 1 元,重量 24 克,成色 70%,精製鏡面,發行量各為 2000 枚。NGC PF68,共 4 枚

US $2,000-3,000



449 449

CHINA 1980 Chinese Famous Flower Gilt Brass Proof Medal Set (4), on the obverse are Plum, Orchid, Bamboo, Chrisanthemum, on the reverse are characters FU, LU, SHOU, XI, minted by Shanghai Mint, with Box 1980 年中國名花——梅蘭竹菊福祿壽喜紀念章一套 4 枚, 黃銅鍍金, 上海造幣廠造,精製鏡面,帶盒

US $40-80


450 450

CHINA 1981-1992 Lunar Cycle Brass-Gilted Medal Set (12), minted by Shanghai Mint, with Box 1981-1992 年第一輪十二生肖紀念章一套 12 枚,黃銅鍍金,上海造幣廠造,帶盒

US $40-80


451 451

CHINA 1981 250 Yuan 8g .916 Gold Proof, Year of the Rooster, Mintage 5000, NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO, with Cert 1981 年 辛 酉 雞 年 生 肖 紀 念 金 幣,面 值 250 元,重 量 8 克,成 色 91.6%,精製鏡面,發行量 5000 枚,NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO, 帶證書

US $1,500-3,000


CHINA 1982 200 Yuan 8g .916 Gold Proof, Year of the Dog, Mintage 5000, NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO, with Cert 1982 年 壬 戌 狗 年 生肖 紀 念 金 幣,面 值 200 元,重 量 8 克,成 色 91.6%,精製鏡面,發行量 5000 枚,NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO, 帶證書

US $3,000-6,000

Scarce 1983 Year of the Pig 150 Yuan 8g .916 Gold Proof

453 453

CHINA 1983 150 Yuan 8g .916 Gold Proof, Year of the Pig, Mintage 5000, NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO, with Cert 1983 年癸亥豬 年生肖紀念 金幣,面值 150 元,重量 8 克,成色 91.6%,精製 鏡面,發 行 量 5000 枚,NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO,帶證 書

US $5,000-10,000


Rare 1984 Panda 1000 Yuan 12 Oz .999 Gold Proof

454 454

CHINA 1984 Panda 1000 Yuan 12 Oz .999 Gold Proof, Mintage 250, with Cert#000234 1984 年熊貓紀念金幣,面值 1000 元,重量 12 盎司,成色 99.9%,精製鏡面,發行量 250 枚,帶證書 #000234

US $15,000-30,000

Rare 1984 Year of the Rat 150 Yuan 8g .916 Gold Proof

455 455

CHINA 1984 150 Yuan 8g .916 Gold Proof, Year of the Rat, Mintage 5000, NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO, with Cert 1984 年甲子鼠年生肖紀念金幣,面值 150 元,重量 8 克,成色 91.6%,精製 鏡面,發行 量 5000 枚,NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO,帶證 書

US $10,000-20,000


Rare 1984 Year of the Rat Gold and Silver Proof Set

456 456

CHINA 1984 Year of the Rat Gold and Silver Proof Set(2): 150 Yuan 8g .916 Gold, Mintage 5000; 10 Yuan 15g .850 Silver, Mintage 10000. Total 2 Pieces, both with Box and Cert, #00892 (gold) and #02700 (silver) 1984 年甲子鼠年生肖金銀紀念幣一套 2 枚: 金幣,面值 150 元,重量 8 克,成色 91.6%,發行量 5000 枚; 銀幣,面值 10 元,重量 15 克,成色 85%,發行量 10000 枚。 共一套 2 枚,均為精質鏡面,均帶盒帶證,證書 #00892(金)、#02700(銀)

US $6,000-8,000


CHINA 1984 Goldfish Commerative Brass-Gilted Proof Medal, Red High-head, Minted by Shanghai Mint, NGC PF69 1984 年金魚——紅頭魚紀念章,黃銅鍍銀,精製鏡面,上海造幣廠鑄造,NGC PF69

US $60-120

459 459

CHINA 1985 150 Yuan 8g .916 Gold Proof, Year of the Ox, Mintage 5000, NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO, with Cert1985 年乙丑牛年生肖紀念金幣,面值 150 元,重量 8 克,成色 91.6%,精 製鏡面,發行量 5000 枚,NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO,帶證書

US $600-1,200 458 458

CHINA ND(1984) Ancient Pagoda Brass-Gilted Proof Medal Set (4), Minted by Shanghai Mint, Yingxian Wooden Temple-NGC PF67 CAMEO, Zhenjue Temple-NGC PF68 ULTRA CAMEO, Songyue Temple-NGC PF67, Kaiyuan Temple-NGC PF68 1984 年中國古塔紀念章一套 4 枚,黃 銅鍍金,上海造幣廠造,山 西應縣木塔 -NGC PF67 CAMEO,北京真覺寺金剛寶座塔 -NGC PF68 ULTRA CAMEO,河南登封嵩嶽寺塔 -NGC PF67,河北定縣 開元寺塔 -NGC PF68

US $200-400 118

461 461

CHINA 19 85 1 Yuan 9.32g Copper- nickel Coin, Tibetan Autonomy 20th Anniversary, Sun-J4a1, NGC PF68 ULTR A CAMEO 1985 年慶祝西藏自治區成立 20 周年銅鎳合金紀念幣,面值 1 元, 重 9.32 克,Sun-J4a1,NGC PF68 ULTRA CAMEO



US $800-1,200

CHINA 1985 U.N. Decade For Women 10 Yuan 1/2 Oz .925 Silver Proof, Mintage 4000, NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO 1985 年聯合國婦女十年紀念銀幣,面值 10 元,重量 1/2 盎司,成色 92.5%,精製鏡面,發行量 4000 枚,NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO

US $80-160



CHINA 1986 150 Yuan 8g .916 Gold Proof, Year of the Tiger, Mintage 5000, NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO, with Cert 1986 年 丙 寅 虎 年 生 肖 紀 念 金 幣,面 值 150 元,重 量 8 克,成 色 91.6%,精製鏡面,發行量 5000 枚,NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO, 帶證書

US $1,000-2,000



CHINA 1986 Historical Figures (Series III) 100 Yuan 1/3 Oz .916 Gold Proof, Liu Bang, Mintage 25000 1986 年中國傑出歷史人物——劉邦紀念金幣 (第三組) , 面值 100 元, 重量 1/3 盎司,成色 91.6%,精製鏡面,發行量 25000 枚

US $300-600



CHINA 1987 150 Yuan 8g .916 Gold Proof, Year of the Rabbit, Mintage 5000, NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO, with Cert 1987 年 丁 卯 兔 年 生 肖 紀 念 金 幣,面 值 150 元,重 量 8 克,成 色 91.6%,精製鏡面,發行量 5000 枚,NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO, 帶證書

US $600-1,200



CHINA 1988 150 Yuan 8g .916 Gold Proof, Year of the Dragon, Mintage 7500, NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO, with Cert 1988 年 戊 辰 龍 年 生 肖 紀 念 金 幣,面 值 150 元,重 量 8 克,成 色 91.6%,精製鏡面,發行量 7500 枚,NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO, 帶證書

US $300-600


466 466

CHINA 1988 Year of the Dragon 100 Yuan 12 Oz .999 Silver Proof, Mintage 3000, with Box and Cert #2426 1988 年戊辰龍年生肖紀念銀幣,面值 100 元,重量 12 盎司,成色 99.9%,精質鏡面,發行量 3000 枚,帶盒帶證,證書 #2426

US $1,400-1,800


CHINA 1989 150 Yuan 8g .916 Gold Proof, Year of the Snake, Mintage 7500, NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO, with Cert 1989 年己巳蛇年生肖紀念金幣,面值 150 元,重量 8 克,成色 91.6%,精製鏡面,發行 量 7500 枚,NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO,帶證書

US $300-600


Rare 1989 5 Oz .999 Gold Proof, Guan Yin Official Mint Medal

468 468

CHINA 1989 5 Oz .999 Gold Proof, Guan Yin Official Mint Medal, With Cert 70, NGC PF67 ULTRA CAMEO 1989 年觀世音 5 盎司紀念金章,成色 99.9%,精製鏡面 ,發行量 300 枚,帶證書號碼 70,NGC PF67 ULTRA CAMEO

US $9,000-12,000



CHINA 1991 10th Anniversary of Gold Panda Issue 10 Yuan 2 Oz .999 Silver Proof, Mintage 10000 1991 年熊貓金幣發行 10 周年紀念銀幣,面值 10 元,重量 2 盎司, 成色 99.9%,精製鏡面,發行量 10000 枚

US $300-600

469 469

CHINA 1990 Year of the Horse 100 Yuan 1 Oz .999 Gold Proof, Mintage 6000, NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO 1990 年庚 午馬年生肖紀 念 金 幣,面值 100 元,重量 1 盎 司,成色 99.9%,精製鏡面,發行量 6000 枚,NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO

US $2,000-4,000

473 473

CHINA 1991 150 Yuan 8g .916 Gold Proof, Year of the Goat, Mintage 7500, NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO, with Cert 1991 年 辛 未 羊 年 生 肖 紀 念 金 幣,面 值 150 元,重 量 8 克,成 色 91.6%,精製鏡面,發行量 7500 枚,NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO, 帶證書

US $300-600

470 470

CHINA 1990 150 Yuan 8g .916 Gold Proof, Year of the Horse, Mintage 7500, NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO, with Cert 1990 年 庚 午 馬 年 生 肖 紀 念 金 幣,面 值 150 元,重 量 8 克,成 色 91.6%,精製鏡面,發行量 7500 枚,NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO, 帶證書

US $300-600

474 474

CHINA 1991 80th Anniversary - Xinhai Revolution 100 Yuan 1 Oz .999 Gold Proof, Mintage 1000, NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO, with Cert#0674 1991 年辛亥革命 80 周年紀念金幣,面值 100 元,重量 1 盎司,成色 99.9%,精製鏡面,發行量 1000 枚,NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO, 證書 #0674

US $3,000-6,000



CHINA 1990 Phoenix & Dragon 20 Yuan 2 Oz .999 Silver Proof, Mintage 5000, NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO 1990 年龍鳳紀念銀幣,面值 20 元,重量 2 盎司,成色 99.9%,精製 鏡面,發行量 5000 枚,NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO

US $600-1,000

475 475

CHINA 1991 80th Anniversary - Xinhai Revolution 100 Yuan 8g .916 Gold Proof, Mintage 2500, NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO, with Cert#2366 1991 年辛亥革命 80 周年紀念金幣,面值 100 元,重量 8 克,成色 91.6%,精製鏡面,發行量 2500 枚,NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO, 帶證書 #2366

US $800-1,600

472 121

Scarce 1991 80th Anniversary - Xinhai Revolution 50 Yuan 5 Oz Silver Proof

476 476

CHINA 1991 80th Anniversary - Xinhai Revolution 50 Yuan 5 Oz .999 Silver Proof, , Mintage 1000, NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO, with Cert#0685 1991 年辛亥革命 80 周年紀念銀幣,面值 50 元,重量 5 盎司,成色 99.9%,精製鏡面,發行量 1000 枚,NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO,證書 #0685

US $2,000-4,000

477 477

CHINA 1991 80th Anniversary - Xinhai Revolution 10 Yuan 1 Oz .999 Silver Proof, Mintage 2500, with Cert#2365 1991 年辛亥革命 80 周年紀念銀幣,面值 10 元,重量 1 盎司,成色 99.9%,精製鏡面,發行量 2500 枚,帶證書 #2365

US $100-200



CHINA 1991 Women's Football-Kicker 1 Yuan Nickel Plated Steel Specimen, Y317, NGC MS66. J.C.Lee Collection 1991 年第一屆世界女子足球錦標賽紀念幣——踢球, 鋼芯鍍鎳樣幣, 面值 1 元,Y317,NGC MS66。J.C.Lee 藏品

US $100-200



CHINA 1991 Women's Football-Goalie 1 Yuan Nickel Plated Steel Specimen, Y316, NGC MS66. J.C.Lee Collection 1991 年第一屆世界女子足球錦標賽紀念幣——守門員躍起撲球,鋼 芯鍍鎳樣幣,面值 1 元,Y316,NGC MS66。J.C.Lee 藏品

US $100-200 122

480 480

CHINA 1992 150 Yuan 8g .916 Gold Proof, Year of the Monkey, Mintage 5000, NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO, with Cert 1992 年 壬 申 猴 年 生 肖 紀 念 金 幣,面 值 150 元,重 量 8 克,成 色 91.6%,精製鏡面,發行量 5000 枚,NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO, 帶證書

US $400-800


CHINA 1992 Journey to the West Gilt Brass Medal Set (5), minted by Shanghai Mint, Mintage 100000, with Box and Cert#0018529 1992 年西遊記黃銅鍍金紀念章一套 5 枚,上海造幣廠造,發行量 100000 套,帶盒帶證 #0018529

US $30-60


482 482

CHINA 1993 Panda Gold and Bi-Metallic Proof Sets (5), all .999: 50 Yuan 1/2 Oz; 25 Yuan 1/4 Oz; 10 Yuan 1/10 Oz; 5 Yuan 1/20 Oz; 25 Yuan 1/4 Oz Au + 1/8 Oz Ag. Total 5 Pieces. Sale for charity from iAsure Group to Singapore 1993 年熊貓精製(P 版)金幣及雙金屬幣一套 5 枚,成色均為 99.9%: 50 元金幣,重量 1/2 盎司;25 元金幣,重量 1/4 盎司;10 元金幣,重量 1/10 盎司;5 元金幣,重量 1/20 盎司;25 元雙金屬,1/4 盎 司金 +1/8 盎司銀。共 5 枚。愛秀集團義賣品,拍賣所得將捐贈給新加坡,用於慈善事業

US $1,000-2,000


CHINA 1993 Year of the Rooster 100 Yuan 1/2 Oz .916 Gold Proof [Scallop], Mintage 2300, NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO, with Cert#001031 1993 年癸酉 雞 年 紀 念 金 幣【梅 花 形】,面值 100 元,重 量 1/2 盎 司,成色 91.6%,精製 鏡面,發 行 量 2300 枚,NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO,帶證書 #001031

US $1,200-2,400

483 123

Rare 1993 100 Yuan 12 Oz .999 Silver Proof, Year of the Rooster

484 484

CHINA 1993 100 Yuan 12 Oz .999 Silver Proof, Year of the Rooster, Mintage 500, NGC PF68 ULTRA CAMEO 1993 年癸酉雞年紀念銀幣,面值 100 元,重量 12 盎司,成色 99.9%,精製鏡面,發行量 500 枚,NGC PF68 ULTRA CAMEO

US $7,000-14,000

Very Rare 1993 Peacocks Lang Shih Ning 500 Yuan 5 Oz Gold Proof

485 485

CHINA 1993 Peacocks (Lang Shih Ning) 500 Yuan 5 Oz .999 Gold Proof, Mintage 99 pieces, With Cert 46, NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO 1993 年孔雀開屏紀念金幣(郎世寧力作),面值 500 元,重量 5 盎司,成色 99.9%,精製鏡面,發行量 99 枚,帶證書號碼 46,NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO

US $70,000-110,000




CHINA 1993 10 Yuan 1/10 Oz .999 Gold, Mintage 20000, NGC MS69 1993 年觀音紀念金幣,面值 10 元,重量 1/10 盎司,成色 99.9%,普 制,發行量 20000 枚,NGC MS69

US $150-300

489 489

CHINA 1993 Emperor Yan and Huang Brass-Gilted Medal Set (3), minted by Shenyang Mint, Mintage 50000 sets, with Box and Cert 1993 年炎黃二帝仿幣黃銅鍍金紀念章一套 3 枚,瀋陽造幣廠造,發 行量 50000 套,帶盒帶證

US $20-40


487 490


CHINA 1993 Mao Ze-dong, Zhou En-lai, Liu Shao-qi & Zhu De Brass-Gilted Medal Set (4), minted by Shanghai Mint, Mintage 200000, with Box and Cert#0092455 1993 年毛澤東、周恩來、劉少奇、朱德紀念章一套 4 枚,黃銅鍍金, 上海造幣廠造,發行量 20 萬套,帶盒帶證 #0092455

US $20-40

CHINA ND(1993) Luoyang Peony Festival Gold-Plated Copper Medal Set (5), minted by Shanghai Mint, Mintage 100000 Sets, with Box and Cert#0068759 1993 年中國洛陽牡丹花會系列黃銅鍍金紀念章一套 5 枚,發行量 100000 套,上海造幣廠造,帶盒帶證 #0068759

US $30-60

488 488

CHINA 1993 Romance of the Three Kingdoms Brass-Gilted Proof Medal Set (5), Minted by Shanghai Mint, Mintage 100000, with Box and Cert#061038 1993 年三國演義紀念章一套 5 枚,黃銅鍍金,上海造幣廠造,發行 量 10 萬套,帶盒帶證 #061038

US $30-60

491 491

CHINA 1993 Shaolin Wushu Brass- Gilted Medal Set (5), minted by Shanghai Mint, Mintage 200000 sets, with Box and Cert#065662 1993 年中國少林武術系列鍍金紀念章一套 5 枚,上海造幣廠造,發 行量 200000 套,帶盒帶證 #065662

US $30-60



CHINA Sun Yat Sen Gilt and Silver-Plated and Copper Medal Set (3), minted by Shanghai Mint, with Box 永遠懷念孫中山先生天下為公紀念章一套 3 枚, 鍍金、 鍍銀和銅質各一枚, 上海造幣廠造,帶盒

US $40-80


494 493 493

CHINA 1994 Henan Numismatic Society Copper Medal, made by Shenyang Mint, with Box 1994 年河南錢幣學會紀念銅章,瀋陽造幣廠造,帶盒

US $10-20


CHINA 1994 Panda[Platinum] 10 Yuan 1/10 Oz .9995 Proof, Mintage 2500, NGC PF70 Ultra Cameo 1994 年 熊 貓 紀 念 幣 [ 鉑 金 ],面 值 10 元,重 量 1/10 盎 司,成 色 99.95%,精製鏡面,發行量 2500 枚,NGC PF70 Ultra Cameo

US $700-1,000

Rare 1994 Children at Play - Children in Winter 100 Yuan 12 Oz Silver Proof

495 495

CHINA 1994 Children at Play - Children in Winter 100 Yuan 12 Oz .999 Silver Proof, Mintage 400 pieces, NGC PF68 ULTRA CAMEO 1994 年中國古代名畫系列紀念銀幣(嬰戲圖)——冬日嬰戲,面值 100 元,重量 12 盎司,成色 99.9%,精製鏡面,發行量 400 枚,NGC PF68 ULTRA CAMEO

US $8,000-12,000 126

In 1994, China’s Shenyang Mint struck a Sino-Singapore Friendship 2000-Yuan 1 kilo gold proof coin. Fu Lili, a Shenyang mint artist, designed and engraved the obverse of this coin, which shows the MuTianYu section of the Great Wall. The MuTianYu Great Wall is engraved with a top viewport. This adds some contrast to the majestic MuTianYu and shows rays from the sun covering the distant mountains, beacon towers and the watch towers. Shenyang Mint designer Song Jinming designed the reverse of this coin, which portrays the Singapore skyline in the background. The country’s symbolic sculpture, the Merlion, is located in the lower left corner. The designer put the sculpture above the expanded water surface and added two ships to it. This design tries to create an illusion that the skyscrapers and the Merlion are floating on the sea. Only 15 pieces of 1994 Sino-Singapore Friendship 2000-Yuan 1 Kilo Gold Proof Coin were struck. It is now regarded as the second rarest modern China gold kilo coin. The 1992 China Compass 1 Kilo Gold Coin (10 pieces) and the 1992 Seismograph 1 Kilo Gold Coin (10 pieces) are jointly considered the rarest one kilo gold coins. In August, 2011, a 1992 China Discovery and Inventions 2000 Yuan Compass 1 Kilo Gold Coin was sold in a Champion Auction for USD $1,298,000. The same year, in November, the Beijing Cheng Xuan Auction Company offered a 1994 Sino-Singapore Friendship 2000-Yuan 1 kilo gold proof coin for RMB 5,980,000 ($USD 906,000 ). In 2016 another 1994 Sino-Singapore Friendship 1 kilo gold coin was sold for RMB 5,200,000 (USD $788,000)in a private sale. This is the first time Champion Auction has offered this extremely rare 1994 Sino-Singapore Friendship 2000 Yuan 1 kilo gold proof coin. There are some interesting stories about it. When the Sino-Singapore Friendship Coins were issued, the China Gold Coin Incorporation specially set a stone tablet near the MuTianYu Great Wall and engraved the names of those collectors who had ordered the 5 -oz gold and silver coins and the 1 kilo gold coins on it. 1994 年,瀋陽造幣廠鑄造了面值為 2000 元的精製中國 - 新加坡友誼紀念金幣。 金幣的正面圖案是慕田峪長城,由瀋陽造幣廠設計師富麗 莉所設計和雕刻而成。幣面之上的“慕田峪”,是居高臨下的俯視角度,使得原本高不可及的雄偉城樓增添了幾分溫情。 金幣的幣面上,金色 的高陽照耀著遠處的山脈和烽火臺,也照耀著依山矗立的城樓。硬幣的背面是新加坡海景,由瀋陽造幣廠的另一位設計師宋津民所設計。幣 面的背景是高聳的新加坡摩天大樓,左下角是新加坡的標誌性雕塑——魚尾獅像。 設計者宋津民根據構圖需要,將這座雕像移至水面之上, 又將水面擴大,並在上面增加了兩艘輪船。因而給人造成了“海”上的錯覺。 由於僅存 15 枚,這種紀念金幣被認為是第二珍貴的中國現代一公斤紀念金幣。最為稀有的則是 1992 年一公斤指南針金幣(10 枚)和 1992 年一公斤地動儀金幣(10 枚)。 2011 年 8 月,冠軍公司以 129 萬零 8000 美元的高價拍出一枚 1992 年中國一公斤指南針金幣。 同年 11 月份,北京誠軒拍賣公司拍出一枚 1994 年一公斤中新友好金幣,成交價為 598 萬人民幣(90 萬零 6000 美元)。 除此之外,在 2016 年, 同樣一枚 1994 年一公斤中新友好 金幣在一次私下交易中以 520 萬人民幣(78 萬 8000 美元)的高價被人買走。 此次拍賣是冠軍拍賣首次出售這種極為珍貴的 2000 元精製中國 - 新加坡友誼紀念金幣。當年發行中新友好金銀幣,還頗有一些趣聞。中國 金幣總公司特意為那些訂購 5 盎司銀幣、5 盎司金幣和公斤金幣的收藏家在慕田峪長城旁立了一座石碑,並把所有訂購者的姓名刻在了上面, 以志紀念。

Champion 15 (2011.8.26-28)

CHINA 1992 2000 Yuan 1Kg Gold Proof Serial No.06 Chinese, Invetions Discoveries Compass, NGC PF69 Ultra Cameo 1992 年中國古代科技發明發現第一組精製金幣,面值 2000 元,重 量 1 公斤,錢幣 號碼 06,發 行 量 10 枚,帶證 書,NGC PF69 Ultra Cameo

MuTianYu Great Wall 慕田峪長城

Estimate US $750,000 Realize US $1,298,000


Extremely Rare 1994 Sino-Singapore Friendship 2000 Yuan 1 Kilo Gold Proof



CHINA 1994 Sino-Singapore Friendship 2000 Yuan 1 Kilo .999 Gold Proof, Mintage only 15, with Box and Cert #00009 1994 年中國 - 新加坡友好紀念金幣,面值 2000 元,重量 1 公斤,成色 99.9%,精質鏡面,發行量僅 15 枚。原盒原證,證書 #00009

US $500,000-600,000

Very Rare 1995 Return of Taiwan 200 Yuan 1 Kilo .999 Silver Proof



CHINA 1995 Return of Taiwan 200 Yuan 1 Kilo .999 Silver Proof, Mintage 100, with Box and Cert 1995 年臺灣光復回歸祖國 50 周年紀念銀幣,面值 200 元,重量 1 公斤,成色 99.9%,精製鏡面,發行量 100 枚,帶盒帶證

US $40,000-60,000


Scarce 1995 Three Kingdoms Series I 50 Yuan 5 Oz Silver Proof



CHINA 1995 Romance of the Three Kingdoms (Series I) 50 Yuan 5 Oz .999 Silver Proof, Brotherhood, Mintage 500, NGC PF68 ULTRA CAMEO, with Box and Cert#00345 1995 年三國演義系列紀念銀幣(第一組),面值 50 元,重量 5 盎司,成色 99.9%,精製鏡面,發行量 500 枚,NGC PF68 ULTRA CAMEO, 帶盒帶證 #00345

US $6,000-10,000




CHINA 1995 Du Fu Brass- Silvered Medal Set (2), made by S h a n g h a i M i n t , m i n t a g e 15 0 0 0 s e t s , w i t h B ox a n d Cert#XIV0002455 1995 年杜甫紀念章一套 2 枚, 銅鍍銀, 上海造幣廠造, 發行量 15000 套, 帶盒帶證 #XIV0002455

US $20-40


CHINA 1996 130th Anniversary of Sun Yat Sen 1 Oz .999 Silver Medal, Mintage 20000, with Box and Cert#016780 1996 年孫中山誕辰 130 周年暨中山艦打撈紀念銀章,重量 1 盎司, 成色 99.9%,精製鏡面,發行量 20000 枚,帶盒帶證 #016780

US $30-60

502 502



CHINA 1996 Panda 10 Yuan 1/10 Oz Au + 1/28 Oz Ag [BiMetallic] .999 Proof, Mintage 2500, NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO 1996 年熊貓紀念幣金幣銀圈,面值 10 元,重量 1/10 盎司金 +1/28 盎 司 銀,成 色 均 為 99.9%,精 製 鏡 面,發 行 量 2500,NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO

CHINA 19 9 6 Grand Buddha of Lingshan Copper Medal, minted by Shanghai Mint, Mintage 6000, UNC, with Box and Cert#000647 1996 年靈山大佛紀念大銅章, 上海造幣廠造, 發行量 6000 枚, 未使用, 帶盒帶證 #000647

US $20-40

US $200-400



CHINA 2002 Year of the Horse 50 Yuan 1/10 Oz .999 Gold, Mintage 48000, with Box and Cert#013695 2002 年 壬 午 馬 年 紀 念 金 幣,面 值 50 元,重 量 1/10 盎 司,成 色 99.9%,普制,發行量 48000,帶盒帶證 #013695

US $480-800

506 506 503


CHINA 1997 Bi-Metallic Panda Set of (3): 50 Yuan 1/2 Oz Gold+1/5 Oz Silver .999 Proof, Mintage 2800, NGC PF68 Ultra Cameo; 25 Yuan 1/4 Oz Gold+1/8 Oz Silver .999 Proof, Mintage 2800, NGC PF68 Ultra Cameo; 10 Yuan 1/10 Oz Gold+1/28 Oz Silver .999 Proof, Mintage 2800, NGC PF68 Ultra Cameo. Total 3 pieces 1997 年 熊 貓 雙 金 屬 紀 念 幣 一 套 3 枚:面值 50 元,重 量 1/2 盎 司 金 +1/5 盎 司 銀,成 色 99.9%,精 製 鏡 面,發 行 量 2800 枚,NGC PF68 Ultra Cameo;面值 25 元,重量 1/4 盎司金 +1/8 盎司銀,成 色 99.9%,精製鏡面,發行量 2800 枚,NGC PF68 Ultra Cameo; 面值 10 元,重量 1/10 盎司金 +1/28 盎司銀,成色 99.9%,精製鏡面, 發行量 2800 枚,NGC PF68 Ultra Cameo。共 3 枚

US $3,800-5,000

CHINA 2003 Year of the Goat 50 Yuan 1/10 Oz .999 Gold, Mintage 48000, with Box and Cert#039603 2003 年 癸 未 羊 年 紀 念 金 幣,面 值 50 元,重 量 1/10 盎 司,成 色 99.9%,普制,發行量 48000,帶盒帶證 #039603

US $500-1,000

507 507

CHINA 2004 Year of the Monkey 50 Yuan 1/10 Oz .999 Gold, Mintage 60000, with Box and Cert#002275 2004 年 甲 申 猴 年 紀 念 金 幣,面 值 50 元,重 量 1/10 盎 司,成 色 99.9%,普制,發行量 60000,帶盒帶證 #002275

US $500-1,000

508 504 504

CHINA 1997 Traditional Culture (Series II) 5 Yuan 22g .900 Silver Proof Set, Peking Opera-Monkey King; Genghis Khan; Zhuangzi; Acrobatics; Bao He Palace. Total 5 pieces, Mintage 35000 each, all NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO 1997 年中國傳統文化第(2)組紀念銀幣一套 5 枚:孫悟空、成吉思 汗、莊子、古代雜技、北京故宮保和殿,均為精製鏡面,面值均為 5 元, 成色均為 90%,重量均為 22 克,發行量均為 35000 枚。共 5 枚,均 為 NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO


CHINA 2005 Year of the Rooster 50 Yuan 1/10 Oz .999 Gold, Mintage 60000, with Box and Cert#040370 2005 年 乙 酉 雞 年 紀 念 金 幣,面 值 50 元,重 量 1/10 盎 司,成 色 99.9%,普制,發行量 60000,帶盒帶證 #040370

US $400-800

US $500-800

509 509

CHINA 2007 Year of the Pig 200 Yuan 1/2 Oz .999 Gold Proof [Scallop], Mintage 8000, with Box and Cert#7050 2007 年丁亥豬年紀念金幣【梅花形】,面值 200 元,重量 1/2 盎司, 成色 99.9%,精製鏡面,發行量 8000,帶盒帶證 #7050

505 130

US $1,300-2,000

Scarce 2007 Year of the Pig 300 Yuan 1 Kilo .999 Silver Proof

510 510

CHINA 2007 300 Yuan 1 Kilo .999 Silver Proof, Year of the Pig, Mintage 3800, with Box and Cert#0318 2007 年丁亥豬年紀念銀幣,面值 300 元,重量 1 公斤,成色 99.9%,精製鏡面,發行量 3800,帶盒帶證 #0318

US $2,200-3,000

Very Rare 2010 Year of the Tiger 10000 1 Kilo Gold Proof Scallop

511 511

CHINA 2010 Year of the Tiger 10000 1 Kilo .999 Gold Proof [Scallop], Coin Number 0025, Mintage 118, NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO 2010 年庚寅虎年紀念金幣【梅花形】,面值 10000 元,重量 1 公斤,成色 99.9%,精製鏡面,錢幣號 #0025,發行量 118 枚,NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO

US $70,000-140,000




CHINA 2010 Outlaws of the Marsh (Series II) 10 Yuan 1 Oz .999 Colorized Silver Proof Set (2), Yang Zhi and Wu Song, Mintage each 70000, both NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO, both with Cert#31396 2010 年 《水滸傳》 第二組彩色紀念銀幣一套 2 枚, 楊志賣刀和武松打虎, 面值均為 10 元,重量均為 1 盎司,成色均為 99.9%,均為精製鏡面, 發行量均為 70000 枚,均為 NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO,均帶證 書 #31396

US $100-200

515 515

CHINA 2012 Beijing Opera Masks (Series III) Gold and Silver Proof Set (3): 100 Yuan 1/4 Oz .999 Gold Proof, Monkey King, NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO; 10 Yuan 1 Oz .999 Silver Proof , Tao Hong, NGC PF70 ULTRA CAMEO; 10 Yuan 1 Oz .999 Silver Proof , Zhang Fei, NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO; Total 3 Pieces, with Box and Cert#14473 2012 年中國京劇臉譜(第三組)1 金 2 銀彩色紀念幣一套 3 枚: 金幣,孫悟空,面值 100 元,重量 1/4 盎司,成色 99.9%,精製鏡面, 發行量 30000,NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO; 銀幣 2 枚,面值均為 10 元,重量均為 1 盎司,成色均為 99.9%,均 為精製鏡面, 發行量各 50000, NGC PF70 ULTRA CAMEO(陶洪) , NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO(張飛); 共 1 金 2 銀 3 枚,帶盒帶證 #14473

US $350-600



CHINA 2011 Panda 200 Yuan 1/2 Oz .999 Gold, Mintage 200000, First Strike with Grading Box by CNAG limited to 10000 2011 年熊貓紀念金幣,面值 200 元,重量 1/2 盎司,成色 99.9%,普 製,發行量 20000 枚,初打幣,中金國衡限量評級 10000 枚

US $600-1,200


CHINA 2012 Beijing International Stamp and Coin Expo 10 Yuan 1 Oz .999 Silver Proof, Mintage 30000. Total 5 Pieces, four are NGC PF70 ULTRA CAMEO and one is NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO 2012 年北京國際郵票錢幣博覽會紀念銀幣,面值 10 元,重量 1 盎 司,成色 99.9%,精質鏡面,發行量 30000 枚,共 5 枚,4 枚 NGC PF70 ULTRA CAMEO,1 枚 NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO

US $400-600


CHINA 2011 Panda 200 Yuan 1/2 Oz .999 Gold, Mintage 200000, First Strike with Grading Box by CNAG limited to 10000 2011 年熊貓紀念金幣,面值 200 元,重量 1/2 盎司,成色 99.9%,普 製,發行量 20000 枚,初打幣,中金國衡限量評級 10000 枚

US $600-1,200 132



CHINA 2012 Beijing International Stamp and Coin Expo 10 Yuan 1 Oz .999 Silver Proof, Mintage 30000. Total 5 Pieces, all NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO 2012 年北京國際郵票錢幣博覽會紀念銀幣,面值 10 元,重量 1 盎 司,成色 99.9%,精質鏡面,發行量 30000 枚,共 5 枚,均為 NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO

US $400-600


Scarce 2013 Year of the Snake 2000 Yuan 5 Oz Colorized Gold Proof

518 518

CHINA 2013 2000 Yuan 5 Oz .999 Colorized Gold Proof, Year of the Snake, Mintage 3000, NGC PF70 ULTRA CAMEO, with Box and Cert#2464 2013 年癸巳蛇年生肖紀念金幣,面值 2000 元,重量 5 盎司,成色 99.9%,精製鏡面,發行量 3000 枚,NGC PF70 ULTRA CAMEO,帶盒 帶證 #2464

US $6,000-12,000


CHINA 2013 Buddhist Mountains (Series II) Silver and Gold Proof Set (2): 1) 100 Yuan 1/4 Oz .999 Gold, Mintage 60000; 2) 20 Yuan 2 Oz .999 Silver, Mintage 100000; Total 2 Pieces, both NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO, with Box 2013 年中國佛教聖地(普陀山)精製金銀紀念幣一套 2 枚(第二組) : 1)100 元金幣,重量 1/4 盎司,成色 99.9%,發行量 60000 枚; 2)20 元銀幣,重量 2 盎司,成色 99.9%,發行量 10 萬枚。 共一套 2 枚,均為 NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO,帶盒

US $500-800

519 133

520 520

CHINA 2015 Panda 300 Yuan 1 Kilo .999 Silver Proof, Mintage 20000, CNCS PF70 2015 年熊貓紀念銀幣,面值 300 元,重量 1 公斤,成色 99.9,精製鏡面,發行量 20000,CNCS PF70

US $800-1,600



CHINA 2015 Year of the Goat (Fan-shape) Gold and Silver Proof Set (2): 150 Yuan 10.368g (1/3 Oz) .999 Gold Proof, NGC PF70 ULTRA CAMEO; 10 Yuan 31.104g (1 Oz) .999 Silver Proof, NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO. Total 2 Pieces, with Box and Cert#09444 2015 年乙未羊年扇形金銀紀念幣一套 2 枚: 金幣, 面值 150 元, 重量 10.368 克 (1/3 盎司) , 成色 99.9%, 精質鏡面, 發行量 30000 枚,NGC PF70 ULTRA CAMEO; 銀幣,面值 10 元,重量 31.104 克(1 盎司),成色 99.9%,精質鏡面, 發行量 80000 枚,NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO。 共一套 2 枚,帶盒帶證 #09444

US $300-600




CHINA 2015 300th Anniversary of Cao Xue-qin Gold and Silver Proof Set (2): 100 Yuan 7.776g (1/4 Oz) .999 Gold Proof; 10 Yuan 31.104g (1 Oz) .999 Silver Proof. Total 2 Pieces, both NGC PF70 ULTRA CAMEO, with Box and Cert#03203 2015 年曹雪芹誕辰 300 周年金銀紀念幣一套 2 枚: 金幣,面值 100 元,重量 7.776 克(1/4 盎司),成色 99.9%,精質鏡面, 發行量 10000 枚; 銀幣,面值 10 元,重量 31.104 克(1 盎司),成色 99.9%,精質鏡面, 發行量 20000 枚。 共一套 2 枚,均為 NGC PF70 ULTRA CAMEO,帶盒帶證 #03203

US $550-1,000




CHINA 2015 300th Anniversary of Cao Xue-qin Gold and Silver Proof Set (2): 100 Yuan 7.776g (1/4 Oz) .999 Gold Proof; 10 Yuan 31.104g (1 Oz) .999 Silver Proof. Total 2 Pieces, both NGC PF70 ULTRA CAMEO, with Box and Cert#03210 2015 年曹雪芹誕辰 300 周年金銀紀念幣一套 2 枚: 金幣,面值 100 元,重量 7.776 克(1/4 盎司),成色 99.9%,精質鏡面, 發行量 10000 枚; 銀幣,面值 10 元,重量 31.104 克(1 盎司),成色 99.9%,精質鏡面, 發行量 20000 枚。 共一套 2 枚,均為 NGC PF70 ULTRA CAMEO,帶盒帶證 #03210

US $550-1,000 524

CHINA 2015 300th Anniversary of Cao Xue-qin Gold and Silver Proof Set (2): 100 Yuan 7.776g (1/4 Oz) .999 Gold Proof; 10 Yuan 31.104g (1 Oz) .999 Silver Proof. Total 2 Pieces, both NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO, with Box and Cert#03209 2015 年曹雪芹誕辰 300 周年金銀紀念幣一套 2 枚: 金幣,面值 100 元,重量 7.776 克(1/4 盎司),成色 99.9%,精質鏡面, 發行量 10000 枚; 銀幣,面值 10 元,重量 31.104 克(1 盎司),成色 99.9%,精質鏡面, 發行量 20000 枚。 共一套 2 枚,均為 NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO,帶盒帶證 #03209


CHINA 2015 300th Anniversary of Cao Xue-qin 10 Yuan 31.104g (1 Oz) .999 Silver Proof. Total 5 Pieces, all NGC PF70 ULTRA CAMEO, all with Box and Cert#12971-12975 2015 年曹雪芹誕辰 300 周年紀念銀幣,面值 10 元,重量 31.104 克 (1 盎司),成色 99.9%,精質鏡面,發行量 20000 枚,共 5 枚,均 為 NGC PF70 ULTRA CAMEO,均帶盒帶證 #12971-12975

US $900-1,800 527

CHINA 2015 300th Anniversary of Cao Xue-qin 10 Yuan 31.104g (1 Oz) .999 Silver Proof. Total 5 Pieces, all NGC PF70 ULTRA CAMEO, all with Box and Cert#12976-12980 2015年曹雪芹誕辰300周年紀念銀幣,面值10元,重量31.104克(1 盎司),成色99.9%,精質鏡面,發行量20000枚,共5枚,均為NGC PF70 ULTRA CAMEO,均帶盒帶證#12976-12980

US $900-1,800

US $500-1,000


CHINA 2015 300th Anniversary of Cao Xue-qin Gold and Silver Proof Set (2): 100 Yuan 7.776g (1/4 Oz) .999 Gold Proof; 10 Yuan 31.104g (1 Oz) .999 Silver Proof. Total 2 Pieces, both NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO, with Box and Cert#03211 2015年曹雪芹誕辰300周年金銀紀念幣一套2枚: 金幣,面值100元,重量7.776克(1/4盎司),成色99.9%,精質鏡面, 發行量10000枚; 銀幣,面值10元,重量31.104克(1盎司),成色99.9%,精質鏡面,發 行量20000枚。 共一套2枚,均為NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO,帶盒帶證#03211

US $500-1,000

528 528

CHINA 2015 Xu Bei Hong Gold and Silver Proof Set (2): 100 Yuan 7.776g (1/4 Oz) .999 Gold Proof, NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO; 10 Yuan 31.104g (1 Oz) .999 Silver Proof, NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO. Total 2 Pieces, with Box and Cert#09961 2015 年徐悲鴻金銀紀念幣一套 2 枚: 金幣,面值 100 元,重量 7.776 克(1/4 盎司),成色 99.9%,精製鏡面, 發行量 10000,NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO; 銀幣,面值 10 元,重量 31.104 克(1 盎司),成色 99.9%,精製鏡面, 發行量 20000,NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO; 共 2 枚,帶盒帶證 #09961

US $800-1,600





CHINA 2015 Sacred Buddhist Mountains Gold and Silver Proof Set (2): 100 Yuan 7.776g (1/4 Oz) .999 Gold Proof, Mintage 40000; 20 Yuan 62.208g (2 Oz) .999 Silver Proof, Mintage 60000. Total 2 Pieces, both NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO, with Box and Cert#37001 2015 年中國佛教聖地(九華山)金銀紀念幣一套 2 枚: 金幣,面值 100 元,重量 7.776 克(1/4 盎司),成色 99.9%,精製鏡面, 發行量 40000 枚; 銀幣,面值 20 元,重量 62.208 克(2 盎司),成色 99.9%,精製鏡面, 發行量 60000 枚。 共 2 枚,均為 NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO,帶盒帶證 #37001

US $500-800


CHINA 2015 150th Anniversary of Jiangnan Shipyard Gold and Silver Proof Set (3): 100 Yuan 7.776g (1/4 Oz) .999 Gold Proof, NGC PF70 ULTRA CAMEO; 10 Yuan 31.104g (1 Oz) .999 Silver Proof (2), both NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO. Total 3 Pieces, with Box and Cert#09967 2015 年江南造船建廠 150 周年 1 金 2 銀紀念幣一套 3 枚: 金幣,面值 100 元,重量 7.776 克(1/4 盎司),成色 99.9%,精製鏡面, 發行量 10000,NGC PF70 ULTRA CAMEO; 銀幣 2 枚,面值均為 10 元,重量均為 31.104 克(1 盎司),成色均為 99.9%,均為精製鏡面,發行量各 30000,均為 NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO; 共 1 金 2 銀 3 枚,帶盒帶證 #09967

US $500-1,000

Scarce 2015 Guan Yu Brass Medal

531 531

CHINA ND(2015) Guan Yu Brass Medal, 80mm, Mintage 500, UNC, with Box and Cert#00247 2015 年關公忠義仁勇千里走單騎大銅章,黃銅,直徑 80mm,限量鑄造 500 枚,未使用,帶盒帶證,證書 #00247

US $100-200 532

CHINA 2016 Panda 10 Yuan 1g .999 Gold, Mintage 600000. Total 5 Pieces, all NGC PF70 ULTRA CAMEO 2016 年熊貓紀念金幣,面值 10 元,重量 1 克,成色 99.9%,普制, 發行量 60 萬枚,共 5 枚,均為 NGC PF70 ULTRA CAMEO

US $260-400



CHINA 2016 Panda 10 Yuan 1g .999 Gold, Mintage 600000. Total 5 Pieces, all NGC MS69 2016 年熊貓紀念金幣,面值 10 元,重量 1 克,成色 99.9%,普制, 發行量 60 萬枚,共 5 枚,均為 NGC MS69

US $260-400

534 534

CHINA 2016 Panda 300 Yuan 1 Kilo .999 Silver Proof, Mintage 20000, CNCS PF70 2016 年熊貓紀念銀幣,面值 300 元,重量 1 公斤,成色 99.9,精製鏡面,發行量 20000,CNCS PF70

US $800-1,600


CHINA 2016 Year of the Monkey (Fan-shape) Gold and Silver Proof Set (2):150 Yuan 10.368g (1/3 Oz) .999 Gold Proof;10 Yuan 31.104g (1 Oz) .999 Silver Proof.Total 2 Pieces, both NGC PF70 ULTRA CAMEO, with Box and Cert#04276 2016 年丙申生肖猴年扇形金銀紀念幣一套 2 枚: 金幣,面值 150 元,重量 10.368 克(1/3 盎司),成色 99.9%,精質 鏡面,發行量 30000 枚;銀幣,面值 10 元,重量 31.104 克(1 盎司), 成色 99.9%,精質鏡面,發行量 80000 枚。共一套 2 枚,均為 NGC PF70 ULTRA CAMEO,帶盒帶證 #04276

US $460-700



CHINA 2016 Year of the Monkey (Fan-shape) Gold and Silver Proof Set (2):150 Yuan 10.368g (1/3 Oz) .999 Gold Proof;10 Yuan 31.104g (1 Oz) .999 Silver Proof. Total 2 Pieces, both NGC PF70 ULTRA CAMEO, with Box and Cert#04278 2016 年丙申生肖猴年扇形金銀紀念幣一套 2 枚: 金幣,面值 150 元,重量 10.368 克(1/3 盎司),成色 99.9%,精質 鏡面,發行量 30000 枚;銀幣,面值 10 元,重量 31.104 克(1 盎司), 成色 99.9%,精質鏡面,發行量 80000 枚。共一套 2 枚,均為 NGC PF70 ULTRA CAMEO,帶盒帶證 #04278

US $460-700 536

CHINA 2016 Year of the Monkey (Fan-shape) Gold and Silver Proof Set (2):150 Yuan 10.368g (1/3 Oz) .999 Gold Proof;10 Yuan 31.104g (1 Oz) .999 Silver Proof.Total 2 Pieces, both NGC PF70 ULTRA CAMEO, with Box and Cert#04279 2016 年丙申生肖猴年扇形金銀紀念幣一套 2 枚: 金幣, 面值 150 元, 重量 10.368 克 (1/3 盎司) , 成色 99.9%, 精質鏡面, 發行量 30000 枚;銀幣,面值 10 元,重量 31.104 克(1 盎司),成色 99.9%,精質鏡面,發行量 80000 枚。 共一套 2 枚,均為 NGC PF70 ULTRA CAMEO,帶盒帶證 #04279



CHINA 2016 Year of the Monkey 1 Oz (31.104g) .999 Colorized Silver Proof, Mintage 220000. Total 5 Pieces, all NGC PF70 ULTRA CAMEO, all with Box and Cert 2016 年丙申生肖猴年彩色紀念銀幣,面值 10 元,重量 31.104 克(1 盎司),成色 99.9%,精質鏡面,發行量 220000 枚,共 5 枚,均為 NGC PF70 ULTRA CAMEO,均帶盒帶證

US $500-1,000

US $460-700



CHINA 2016 New Year Celebrating 3 Yuan 8g .999 Silver, Mintage 1900000. Total 10 Pieces, all NGC MS70, with Box and Cert#1836961-970 2016 年賀歲紀念銀幣,面值 3 元,重量 8 克,成色 99.9%,普制,發 行量 190 萬枚,共 10 枚,均為 NGC MS70,均帶盒帶證 #1836961970

US $500-1,000 542



CHINA 2016 Year of the Monkey 1 Oz (31.104g) .999 Colorized Silver Proof, Mintage 220000. Total 5 Pieces, all NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO, all with Box and Cert 2016 年丙申生肖猴年彩色紀念銀幣,面值 10 元,重量 31.104 克(1 盎司),成色 99.9%,精質鏡面,發行量 220000 枚,共 5 枚,均為 NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO,均帶盒帶證

US $480-800

CHINA 2016 New Year Celebrating 3 Yuan 8g .999 Silver, Mintage 1900000. Total 10 Pieces, all NGC MS70, with Box and Cert#1836971-980 2016 年賀歲紀念銀幣,面值 3 元,重量 8 克,成色 99.9%,普制,發 行量 190 萬枚,共 10 枚,均為 NGC MS70,均帶盒帶證 #1836971980

US $500-1,000 543

CHINA 2016 New Year Celebrating 3 Yuan 8g .999 Silver, Mintage 1900000. Total 10 Pieces, all PCGS MS70, all with Box and Cert#1836921~930 2016 年 賀 歲 紀 念 銀 幣,面 值 3 元,重 量 8 克,成 色 99.9%,普 制,發 行 量 190 萬 枚,共 10 枚,均 為 PCGS MS70,均 帶 盒 帶 證 #1836921-930

US $580-1,000 544

CHINA 2016 New Year Celebrating 3 Yuan 8g .999 Silver, Mintage 1900000. Total 10 Pieces, all PCGS MS70, all with Box and Cert#1836931-940 2016 年 賀 歲 紀 念 銀 幣,面 值 3 元,重 量 8 克,成 色 99.9%,普 制,發 行 量 190 萬 枚,共 10 枚,均 為 PCGS MS70,均 帶 盒 帶 證 #1836931-940

US $580-1,000 545



CHINA 2016 Year of the Monkey (Fan-shape) 10 Yuan 31.104g (1 Oz) .999 Silver Proof. Total 5 Pieces,all NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO, all with Box and Cert 2016 年丙申生肖猴年扇形紀念銀幣,面值 10 元,重量 31.104 克(1 盎 司),成色 99.9%,精 質 鏡面,發 行 量 80000 枚,共 5 枚,均 為 NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO,均帶盒帶證

US $340-600

CHINA 2016 New Year Celebrating 3 Yuan 8g .999 Silver, Mintage 1900000. Total 10 Pieces, all NGC MS69, with Box and Cert#1836941-950 2016 年 賀 歲 紀 念 銀 幣,面 值 3 元,重 量 8 克,成 色 99.9%,普 制,發 行 量 190 萬 枚,共 10 枚,均 為 NGC MS69,均 帶 盒 帶 證 #1836941-950

US $480-800 546

CHINA 2016 New Year Celebrating 3 Yuan 8g .999 Silver, Mintage 1900000. Total 10 Pieces, all NGC MS69, with Box and Cert#1836951-960 2016 年 賀 歲 紀 念 銀 幣,面 值 3 元,重 量 8 克,成 色 99.9%,普 制,發 行 量 190 萬 枚,共 10 枚,均 為 NGC MS69,均 帶 盒 帶 證 #1836951-960

US $480-800 547

CHINA 2016 New Year Celebrating 3 Yuan 8g .999 Silver, Mintage 1900000. Total 10 Pieces, allPCGS MS69, all with Box and Cert#1836901-910 2016 年 賀 歲 紀 念 銀 幣,面 值 3 元,重 量 8 克,成 色 99.9%,普 制,發 行 量 190 萬 枚,共 10 枚,均 為 PCGS MS69,均 帶 盒 帶 證 #1836901-910

US $480-800 548

541 138

CHINA 2016 New Year Celebrating 3 Yuan 8g .999 Silver, Mintage 1900000. Total 10 Pieces, allPCGS MS69, all with Box and Cert#1836911-920 2016年賀歲紀念銀幣,面值3元,重量8克,成色99.9%,普制,發行 量190萬枚,共10枚,均為PCGS MS69,均帶盒帶證#1836911-920

US $480-800


CHINA-MACAU 1983 New Coinage .925 Silver Proof Set: 5 Patacas (10.7g), One Patacas (9.0g), 50 Avos (5.7g), 20 Avos (4.6g), 10 Avos (3.2g), Mintage 2500 sets, with Box and Cert#SP0713 1983 年澳門新硬幣銀幣一套 5 枚, 面值分別為伍圓 (10.7 克) 、 壹圓 (9.0 克)、伍毫(5.7 克)、貳毫(4.6 克)、壹毫(3.2 克),成色 92.5%, 精製鏡面,發行量 2500 套,帶盒帶證 #SP0713

US $200-400 549

550 550

CHINA 2014 2000 Yuan 5 Oz .999 Gold Proof, Mt. Emei - Pu Xian Buddha Series III Sacred Bbuddhist Mountais, Mintage 2000, NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO 2014 年中國佛 教 聖地(峨 眉山)紀 念 金 幣,面值 2000 元,重量 5 盎 司,成色 99.9%,精製 鏡面,發 行 量 2000 枚,NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO

US $8,000-12,000





CHINA-MACAU 2014 Macau Numismatic Society 62.208g (2 Oz) .999 Silver Proof, diameter 40mm, Commemorative Show Panda [Piedfort], Serial number 136, Mintage 1000, NGC PF70 ULTRA CAMEO 2014 年澳門錢幣學會銀質紀念熊貓【加厚】,錢幣號 #136,重量 62.208 克(2 盎司),直徑 40mm,成色 99.9%,精製鏡面,發行量 1000 枚,NGC PF70 ULTRA CAMEO

CHINA-MACAU 2015 Macau Numismatic Society 62.208g (2 Oz) .999 Silver Proof, diameter 40mm, Commemorative Show Panda [Piedfort], Serial number 1050, Mintage 1500, NGC PF70 ULTRA CAMEO 2015 年澳門錢幣學會銀質紀念熊貓【加厚】,錢幣號 #1050,重量 62.208 克(2 盎司),直徑 40mm,成色 99.9%,精製鏡面,發行量 1500 枚,NGC PF70 ULTRA CAMEO



US $600-1,200

CHINA-MACAU 2014 Macau Numismatic Society 62.208g (2 Oz) .999 Silver Proof, diameter 40mm, Commemorative Show Panda [Piedfort], Serial number 197, Mintage 1000, NGC PF70 ULTRA CAMEO 2014 年澳門錢幣學會銀質紀念熊貓【加厚】,錢幣號 #197,重量 62.208 克(2 盎司),直徑 40mm,成色 99.9%,精製鏡面,發行量 1000 枚,NGC PF70 ULTRA CAMEO

US $600-1,200

US $300-600

CHINA-MACAU 2015 Macau Numismatic Society 62.208g (2 Oz) .999 Silver Proof, diameter 40mm, Commemorative Show Panda [Piedfort], Serial number 1193, Mintage 1500, NGC PF70 ULTRA CAMEO 2015 年澳門錢幣學會銀質紀念熊貓【加厚】,錢幣號 #1193,重量 62.208 克(2 盎司),直徑 40mm,成色 99.9%,精製鏡面,發行量 1500 枚,NGC PF70 ULTRA CAMEO

US $300-600




US $200-300

US $200-300

CHINA-MACAU 2015 Macau Numismatic Society 62.208g (2 Oz) .999 Silver Proof, diameter 40mm, Commemorative Show Panda [Piedfort], Serial number 1195, Mintage 1500, NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO 2015 年澳門錢幣學會銀質紀念熊貓【加厚】,錢幣號 #1195,重量 62.208 克(2 盎司),直徑 40mm,成色 99.9%,精製鏡面,發行量 1500 枚,NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO

CHINA-MACAU 2015 Macau Numismatic Society 62.208g (2 Oz) .999 Silver Proof, diameter 40mm, Commemorative Show Panda [Piedfort], Serial number 572, Mintage 1500, NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO 2015 年澳門錢幣學會銀質紀念熊貓【加厚】,錢幣號 #572,重量 62.208 克(2 盎司),直徑 40mm,成色 99.9%,精製鏡面,發行量 1500 枚,NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO

Scarce Berlin 2016 World Money Fair Berlin - Otto Beh Dies Berlin Special Exhibit 31.104 1 Oz Silver Proof


CHINA-BERLIN 2016 World Money Fair Berlin - Otto Beh Dies Berlin Special Exhibit 31.104 (1 Oz) .999 Silver Proof, diameter 40mm, Commemorative Show Panda, Serial number 937, Mintage 2000, NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO 2016 年世界錢幣展覽會 • 柏林——德制幣模柏林特別展銀質紀念 熊貓,錢幣號 #0937,重量 31.104 克(1 盎司),直徑 40mm,成色 99.9%,精製鏡面,發行量 2000 枚,NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO

US $100-200 557


CHINA-BERLIN 2016 World Money Fair Berlin - Otto Beh Dies Berlin Special Exhibit 31.104 (1 Oz) .999 Silver Proof, diameter 40mm, Commemorative Show Panda, Serial number 930, Mintage 2000, NGC PF70 ULTRA CAMEO 2016 年世界錢幣展覽會 • 柏林——德制幣模柏林特別展銀質紀念 熊 貓,錢 幣 號 #930,重 量 31.104 克(1 盎 司),直徑 40mm,成色 99.9%,精製鏡面,發行量 2000 枚,NGC PF70 ULTRA CAMEO

US $600-1,200



CHINA-BERLIN 2016 World Money Fair Berlin - Otto Beh Dies Berlin Special Exhibit Copper Proof, Commemorative Show Panda, 40mm, Coin Number 153, Mintage 200, NGC PF69 RD ULTRA CAMEO 2016 年世界錢幣展覽會 • 柏林—— 德制幣模 柏林特別展紅 銅紀 念熊貓,錢幣編號 #153,直徑 40mm,精製鏡面,發行量 200 枚, NGC PF69 RD ULTRA CAMEO

US $100-200



CHINA-BERLIN 2016 World Money Fair Berlin - Otto Beh Dies Berlin Special Exhibit 31.104 (1 Oz) .999 Silver Proof, diameter 40mm, Commemorative Show Panda, Serial number 959, Mintage 2000, NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO 2016 年世界錢幣展覽會 • 柏林——德制幣模柏林特別展銀質紀念 熊 貓,錢 幣 號 #959,重 量 31.104 克(1 盎 司),直徑 40mm,成色 99.9%,精製鏡面,發行量 2000 枚,NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO

US $100-200



CHINA-BERLIN 2016 World Money Fair Berlin - Otto Beh Dies Berlin Special Exhibit Copper Proof, Commemorative Show Panda, 40mm, Coin Number 180, Mintage 200, NGC PF69 RD ULTRA CAMEO 2016 年世界錢幣展覽會 • 柏林—— 德制幣模 柏林特別展紅 銅紀 念熊貓,錢幣編號 #180,直徑 40mm,精製鏡面,發行量 200 枚, NGC PF69 RD ULTRA CAMEO

US $100-200

Scarce Macau 2016 Otto Beh Dies Macau Special Exhibit Copper Medal

562 562

CHINA-MACAU 2016 Otto Beh Dies Macau Special Exhibit Copper Medal, 40mm, Mintage 200, with Cert #53 2016 年 Otto Beh 德製幣模澳門特別展紀念銅章,直徑 80mm,發行量 200 枚,帶證 #53

US $150-300 563

CHINA-MACAU 2016 Otto Beh Dies Macau Special Exhibit Copper Medal, 40mm, Coin Number 112, Mintage 200, with Cert #112 2016 年 Otto Beh 德製幣模澳門特別展紀念銅章,錢幣編號 #112,直徑 80mm,發行量 200 枚,帶證 #112

US $150-300

Rare ANA 2016 ANA World's Fair of Money Anaheim 1 Oz Gold Proof, Commemorative Panda 564

CHINA-ANA 2016 ANA World's Fair of Money Anaheim 31.104g (1 Oz) .999 Gold Proof, Commemorative Panda, 40mm, Coin Number 100, Mintage 125, with Box and Cert#0100 2016 年美國錢幣協會第 125 屆年會 • 安娜海金質紀念熊貓,直徑 40mm,錢幣編號 #100,重量 31.104 克(1 盎司),成色 99.9%,精 製鏡面,發行量 125 枚,配套盒證

US $1,800-2,800 564

Rare ANA 2016 ANA World's Fair of Money Anaheim 12 Oz Silver Proof

565 565

CHINA-ANA 2016 ANA World's Fair of Money Anaheim 373.248g (12 Oz) .999 Silver Proof, Commemorative Panda, 80mm, Coin Number 100, Mintage 125, with Box and Cert#0100 2016 年美國錢幣協會第 125 屆年會 • 安娜海銀質紀念熊貓,直徑 80mm,錢幣編號 #100,重量 373.248 克(12 盎司),成色 99.9%,精製鏡面, 發行量 125 枚,配套盒證

US $800-1,600



566 566


US $100-200

US $10-20

CHINA-ANA 2016 ANA World's Fair of Money Anaheim 31.104g (1 Oz) .999 Silver Proof, Commemorative Panda, 40mm, Coin Number 100, Mintage 2000, with Box and Cert#0100 2016 年美國錢幣協會第 125 屆年會 • 安娜海銀質紀念熊貓,直徑 40mm,錢幣編號 #100,重量 31.104 克(1 盎司),成色 99.9%,精 製鏡面,發行量 2000 枚,配套盒證

CHINA 2014 Official Mint 2nd China Panda Coin Expo 1 Oz .999 Silver Medal, Mintage 1000, with Box and Cert#666, with signature of desinger on the cert 2014 年第二屆中國熊貓金銀幣收藏博覽會銀章,重量 1 盎司,成色 99.9%,發行量 1000 枚,上海造幣廠,帶盒帶證 #666,證書上有設 計者簽名





US $10-20

US $10-20

CHINA 2014 Official Mint 2nd China Panda Coin Expo 1 Oz .999 Silver Medal, Mintage 1000, with Box and Cert#688 2014 年第二屆中國熊貓金銀幣收藏博覽會銀章,重量 1 盎司,成色 99.9%,發行量 1000 枚,上海造幣廠,帶盒帶證 #688

CHINA ND(2014) Official Mint Summer Palace Corridor Brass Medal, Mintage 999, with Box and Cert#367 2014 年中國古典園林——頤和園长廊硫化銅章,上海造幣廠,發行 量 999 枚,帶盒帶證 #367

570 570

CHINA ND(2015) Official Mint Classic Gardens Summer Palace Gate 2 Oz .999 Silver Medal, Mintage 500 on cert, in fact only 388 made, with Box and Cert#227 2015 年中國古典園林— 避暑山莊硫化仿古銀章,重量 2 盎司,成 色 99.9%,發行量 500 枚,實鑄量 388 枚,上海造幣廠,帶盒帶證 #227

US $10-20 572

571 571

CHINA 2013 Shanghai Ghetto Memory 1 Oz .999 Silver Proof Medal, Mintage 5773, Coin Number#604, NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO, with matched Box and Cert 2013 年上海造幣有限公司製 “上海灘記憶” 精製紀念銀章, 重量 1盎司, 成 色 99.9%,發 行 量 5773 枚,錢 幣 號 604,NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO,帶配套盒子及證書

US $10-20

CHINA 2013 Shanghai Ghetto Memory 1 Oz .999 Silver Proof Medal, Mintage 5773, Coin Number#845, NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO, with matched Box and Cert 2013 年上海造幣有限公司製“上海灘記憶”精製紀念銀章,重量 1 盎司,成色 99.9%,發行量 5773 枚,錢幣號 845,NGC PF69 ULTRA CAMEO,帶配套盒子及證書

US $10-20 142



CHINA ND(2015) Animal Totem Series-Wolf Totem Large Copper Medal, 60mm, Mintage 2000 on cert, in fact only 300 made, Shenyang Mint, with Box and Cert#462, with signature of desinger on the cert 2015 年動物圖騰系列 - 狼圖騰大銅章,直徑 60mm,發行量 2000 枚,實鑄量 300 枚,瀋陽造幣廠,帶盒帶證 #462,證書上有設計者簽名

US $10-20



CHINA ND(2015) Animal Totem Series-Wolf Totem Large Copper Medal, 60mm, Mintage 2000 on cert, in fact only 300 made, Shenyang Mint, with Box and Cert#455, with signature of desinger on the cert 2015 年動物圖騰系列 - 狼圖騰大銅章,直徑 60mm,發行量 2000 枚,實鑄量 300 枚,瀋陽造幣廠,帶盒帶證 #455,證書上有設計者簽名

US $10-20

575 575

BOOK Gold and Silver Panda Coin Buyer's Guide 2, Chinese version, with signature of the writer Peter Anthony 參考書籍《熊貓金銀幣收藏指南》(第二版),Peter Anthony 著,有 作者簽字

US $10-20

576 576

BOOK Chopmarked Coins - A History -, English version, writer Colin James Gullberg 參考書籍《戳記幣簡史》,英文版,作者 Colin James Gullberg

US $50-100


The Third Donation of the Bowker Family to the Shanghai Mint Co. Ltd Yuan Fang (Xi’an) On June 15 2016, the third donation ceremony of Mr. Howard Franklin Bowker’s coin collection was held in the exhibition hall of the Shanghai Mint Co. Ltd. The Bowker family had donated part of Bowker’s coin collection to the Shanghai Mint in 2010 and 2015. This time, a total of 24 rare machine-made coins and medals issued at the beginning of the Republic of China were donated to the Shanghai Mint. Before the ceremony, the general manager of the Shanghai Mint, Mr. Tong Wei-na, warmly received the representatives of the Bowker family. Mr. Cui Xian-liang, the cultural department director of the Shanghai Mint hosted the donation ceremony. The chief secretary of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) of the Shanghai Mint, Mr. Gu Jun, and the representative of the Bowker family, Ms. June Alice Cornell (Mr. Bowker’s granddaughter) each delivered a speech (Pic 1 and Pic 2) and unveiled the donated coin collection together (Pic 3). Then Michael Chou, CEO of the iAsure company gave a brief introduction of some of the rare coins that were donated (Pic 4). More than sixty guests attended the ceremony, including the senior craft artist of the Shanghai Mint Mr. Luo Yong-hui, the former deputy chief engineer Mr. Zhang Jun, the former director of the Shanghai Mint Mr. Zhang Yao-qun, senior numismatic expert Mr. Zhang Wei-yan, the head of the construction office of the Shenyang Mint Mr. Wei Hong-kun, the retired senior craft artist of the Shenyang Mint Mr. Wang Fu-de, researcher of modern Hong Kong gold and silver coins Mr. Chen Jinglin, collector Mr. Wang Jin-long, modern Chinese coin collector Mr. Yang Rui-cheng, and the president of the Yin Tai company Mr. Zhang Rong-hua. Mr. Gu delivered a speech about Mr. Bowker being both a famous American coin collector and also one of the best numismatic scholars of Chinese coins. The development of the Shanghai Mint Co. Ltd is inseparable from the care and support of the community, especially the Bowker family and iAsure. Since 2010, with the help of iAsure, the Bowker family has donated 176 pieces (or sets) of Chinese coins of different periods to the Shanghai Mint. In October 2014, the exhibition hall which was specially built in the Shanghai Mint Museum for Bowker’ s donation was opened to the public. As of June 14, 2016, a total of 2,465 visitors have visited the Bowker’s collection, including visitors from government offices, enterprises, universities, organizations of literature and art and also experts from mints of America, Britain, Canada, Singapore and other countries. The generous donation of the Bowker family has been deeply appreciated by all visitors. These twenty-four coins donated this time greatly enriches the early Republican machine-made coin collection of the Shanghai Mint. The exhibition hall will soon be rearranged to enable the public to see these coins and in the future the Mint will continue to explore and perform the function of letting the public enjoy the Bowker collection. Bowker’s granddaughter, Ms. June Alice Cornell said,


“We are very glad to be here today to give some more of our grandfather's coins back to the people of China. It is a great honor to be a part of this process. Our grandfather, Howard Franklin Bowker, loved collecting coins and stamps. He was extremely dedicated to the research of both. He passed on some of this knowledge to us in our childhood. He would take us into ‘The East Asian Library’, which is what he named his room, and let us gather stamps for our collections. He taught us a lot about the histories of those countries. He was a very humble man. I personally never knew how much he had done in his coin collecting days until this project began. I knew he was very involved because when I was young my grandparents took care of me and his coin collecting friends would come to the house for meetings. I was always fascinated by his friends’ professional attire and presence.” “His home was full of Asian artifacts, so I always loved things of this style. It has been a delightful experience to come to China so many times and see what intrigued my grandparents. Your mint has been generous with us and we are grateful for our Chinese experiences. Thank you.” “We are glad to return some of your country’s history to you. It is wonderful to be able to fulfill some of our grandfather's wishes. He wanted so much to educate and pass on history to all. He certainly did that for us.” Then Michael Chou, CEO of iAsure Company, gave a brief introduction of these twenty-four machine-made coins in the ceremony. He said, “These coins (medals) made bet ween 1912 and 1927 and are all in mint condition and are very precious. Among the donations, there are precious circulation coins, rare patterns and valuable commemorative medals.” All the coins and medals were numbered in sequence: (1) Two silver 1912 one-yuan coins bearing the portrait of Dr. Sun Yat-sen issued in commemoration of the founding of the Republic of China, one with five-pointed star design on the top, one with the same design on the bottom, the latter is rare. (Pic 6 ) (2) Two silver 1912 one-yuan coins bearing the portrait of Li Yuan-hong (one with a cap, the other without) in commemoration of the founding of the Republic of China. (3) A silver 1914 one dollar Yuan Shi-kai portrait in military uniform coin issued in commemoration of the founding of the Republic of China. One set (five pieces) of patterns of 1914 trial minted silver coins bearing the image of Yuan Shi-kai with the signature of L.GIORGI, including: a silver one dollar coin, with the signature of L.GIORGI (Pic 7 ); a silver half dollar coin with the signature of L.GIORGI; a silver one dime coin with the signature of L.GIORGI; and a nickel five cent coin with the signature of L.GIORGI. This set of coins is very rare. The Italian Luigi Giorgi was the most famous engraver of Chinese coins. He was employed as the chief engraver of the Tianjin Mint from 1910 to 1920

and was the designer of the 1911(the third year of Hsuan tung)Qing silver coins and the minor coins issued in the same year, the silver coin bearing the image of Yuan Shikai issued in the third year of the Republic of China, two sets of copper coins of the Republic of China and a nickel coin die. He was also the first engraver whose name was engraved on Chinese coins in a foreign language. (5) Silver one dollar and half dollar Yuan Shi-kai portrait coin issued in 1914. (6) A silver 1919 one dollar coin bearing the portrait of Yuan Shi-kai minted in the eighth year of the Republic of China. (7) A silver 1920 one dollar coin bearing the portrait of Yuan Shi-kai minted in the ninth year of the Republic of China. A silver 1921 one dollar coin bearing the portrait of Yuan Shi-kai minted in the tenth year of the Republic of China. (8) A brass sample of the 1916 ten yuan gold coin issued in commemoration of the beginning of the Hong Xian reign, with flying dragon design on one side and blank design on the other side, formally in the Keefer collection (Pic 8). In 1916, the Tianjin Mint minted a set of gold, silver and copper machine-made coins with a flying dragon design and the signature of L.GIORGI marking the beginning of Hong Xian’s reign. The Bowker’s onesided sample of the copper coin is the only sample of this set of uniface copper coins known (Kann K-1515w). (9) A 1916 silver one dollar coin bearing the portrait of Yuan Shi-kai in military uniform on the obverse and a flying dragon design marking the beginning of the Hong Xian reign of the Chinese empire on the reverse. A 1912 Xu Shi - chang c ommemorative silver c oin produced in September of the tenth year of the Republic of China. This commemorative coin (Pic 9) has no denomination and was specially minted by the Tianjing Mint to commemorate the 67th birthday of Xu Shi-chang, President of the Republic of China at that time. The reverse has the exterior view of the Ju Ren Temple and the lucky characters of“Ren Shou Tong Deng”(meaning ‘benevolence and longevity are a blessing') in the center and the Chinese characters“Ji Nian Bi”(紀念幣) ‘ ( commemorative coin’) on the bottom near the edge. (10) A silver 1923 one yuan dragon and phoenix coin minted by the Tianjin Mint in the twelfth year of the Republic of China. Two types of this coin exist as there are different-sized Chinese characters denoting the coin’s value “one yuan”. This piece is the large character type. (11) A set of Cao Kun commemorative badges (three pieces) issued in 1923: a Cao Kun commemorative silver badge marking the promulgation of the constitution, a large and a small Cao Kun commemorative silver badge bearing the portrait of Cao Kun in army uniform on the obverse and crossed flags on the reverse. (12) A 1924 Duan Qi-rui commemorative silver coin marking his taking office as chief executive of the Republic of China with “He Ping” ( 和 平 ) on the reverse (Pic 10). (13) A silver sample of the Dr. Sun Yat-sen’s portrait silver one dollar coin minted in the sixteenth year of the government of the Republic of China with mausoleum design on the reverse. The precious die of this sample (Pic 11) was engraved by R. Placht of the Vienna Mint in

Austria and minted in Nanjing. After visiting the exhibition of the Bowker coins, all the guests gave their high praise (Pic 12). This is the third donation of the Bowker’s family to the Shanghai Mint. In April 2010, the Bowker’s family first donated several coins which were made by the Shanghai Mint and could best represent Chinese minting technology. The second donation was in March 2015. This time the Bowker family donated coins minted in areas and regions near Shanghai including Kiangsu, Chehkiang, and Anhui provinces. The first two donations were made to the Shenyang Mint Museum and the China Banknote Printing and Minting Museum in Beijing. In May 2016, par t of the Bowker’s Collection was donated to the Art Museum of Moritzburg Halle (Saale) in Saxony-Anhalt, Germany. These coins will be on display at the Special Chinese Coin Exhibition at the museum from September 18, 2016 to January 29, 2017, along with the Otto Beh Chinese Dies donated by Michael Chou with help of the Kunker Auction Company. The Moritzburg Museum has the second largest collection of Chinese coins in Germany. The Bowker Family has donated more than 6,000 Chinese cash coins and machine-made coins to the museum, which is the largest ever donation of Chinese coins in Germany. In 2017, part of the Bowker collection will be donated to the National Numismatic Collection Vaults of the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History in Washington D.C. With over 1.7 million coins, the National Numismatic Collection Vaults has the largest numismatic collection in the world. The Bowker coins are expected to be on display in the fall of 2017, at the National Museum of American History which has over four million annual visitors. Howard Franklin Bowker once worked as the curator of Asian Department of National Numismatic Collection Vaults of the Smithsonian’s National Museum when it was founded in the 1950s and his wish to promote numismatic research will be meet with the naming of the Howard Franklin Bowker Research Room at the National Numismatic Collection Vaults. This ten-year project will be finished with the help of the Bowker family and numismatic experts. Studying the Bowker collection has always been a great numismatic journey.


包克家族向上海造幣有限公司第三次捐贈錢幣 圓方(西安) 2016 年 6 月 15 日,霍華德 • 富蘭克林 • 包克錢幣藏品捐贈儀式在 上海造幣有限公司舉行。此次是包克家族繼 2010 年、2015 年兩次 向上海造幣有限公司捐獻包克生前收藏的錢幣之後的第三次捐贈, 計有 24 枚民國初期的珍貴機製幣章。捐贈儀式由上海造幣有限公 司企業文化部主任崔先亮主持,上海造幣有限公司黨委書記顧軍、包 克家族代表瓊 • 愛麗絲 • 康奈爾(包克孫女)先後在捐贈儀式上講話 (圖 1)和致辭(圖 2)。雙方共同為本次捐贈的錢幣藏品揭幕(圖 3)。 愛秀集團董事長兼冠軍拍賣公司總裁周邁可對捐贈的這批錢幣作了 簡要介紹(圖 4)。上海造幣有限公司總經理童維納在捐贈儀式開始 之前熱情接待了包克家族。參加本次捐贈儀式的有上海造幣有限公 司正高級工藝美術師羅永輝先生、原副總工程師章軍先生、博物館 原負責人張躍群先生、資深錢幣專家張維研先生,瀋陽造幣博物館 籌建辦負責人魏宏坤先生,瀋陽造幣有限公司退休高級工藝美術師 王福德先生,香港現代金銀幣研究者陳景林先生,當代資深收藏家 王金龍先生,近代中國幣收藏家楊瑞成先生,美國資深收藏家兼製 片人 Charles Coker 先生 , 銀泰董事長張榮華先生等共 60 餘人(圖 5)。 顧軍講話指出:包克先生是美國已故著名錢幣收藏家,是 1940 至 1960 年對中國錢幣領域最有研究的學者之一。上海造幣有限公司的 錢幣文化發展,離不開社會各界尤其是包克家族和愛秀集團的關心 與支持。自 2010 年以來,包克家族向上海造幣有限公司捐贈了 176 件(套)中國各個時期的錢幣藏品。愛秀集團也為捐贈活動的順利 推進作了積極貢獻。2014 年 10 月,我們特地修建的包克錢幣藏品 展示廳在上海造幣博物館建成開展。截至 2016 年 6 月 14 日,包克 錢幣展廳的參觀人數已達 2465 人,其中既有來自於政府機關、企事 業單位、高等院校、文化藝術團體的普通參觀者,也有來自美國、英 國、加拿大、新加坡等各國造幣廠的業內專家。他們在聽聞包克家族 捐獻錢幣的善舉之後,深感敬佩。這次捐贈的 24 枚錢幣,極大地充 實了上海造幣博物館在民國初期機制幣方面的館藏。下一步,將對包 克錢幣展廳進行新的佈置,使之儘快與參觀者見面。今後將積極探 索與發揮包克錢幣藏品的文化傳播功能。

瓊 • 愛麗絲 • 康奈爾致辭說:很高興今天能在這裏再次捐贈出祖父 所收藏的錢幣,我們也很榮幸能夠參與到此次的捐贈活動中來。我 們的祖父—霍華德 • 富蘭克林 • 包克生前喜歡收藏錢幣和郵票,也 非常熱衷這方面的研究。我們小時候從祖父那裏學到了一些關於這 方面的知識,他會把我們帶到自己稱之為“東亞圖書館”的房間,讓 我們挑選和收藏自己喜歡的郵票。他也告訴了我們很多關於這些國 家的歷史知識。祖父為人非常謙遜,如果沒有這次的捐贈活動,就連 我恐怕也無法得知祖父的錢幣收藏究竟有多少。不過我知道祖父生 前曾經非常積極地收集錢幣,小時候我和祖父在一起生活,當時家 裏經常會舉辦他和錢幣收藏界朋友們的聚會。這些人的那種正式而 考究的裝扮當時讓我非常著迷。 以前,祖父母的家裏擺滿了亞洲的物件,這也使得我一直對這種風 格情有獨鐘。我很高興能夠多次來到中國,並親眼看到那些曾經讓 我祖父母深深迷戀的東西。 我們很高興能完成祖父一直以來的心願, 讓這些充滿中國歷史的錢幣收藏重歸故里。 周邁可介紹了此次捐獻的 24 枚民國早期機製幣章,他說:這些幣章 鑄行於民國元年至民國十六年,即 1912 至 1927 年,既有珍貴的流 通幣,又有罕見的樣幣,還有名貴紀念章,均未使用,價值不菲。按 編號順序依次為:


(1)1912 年孫中山像中華民國開國紀念銀幣壹圓,上五角星版、下 五角星版各 1 枚,後者少見(圖 6)。 (2)1912 年黎元洪像中華民國開國紀念銀幣壹圓戴帽版和無帽版 各 1 枚。 (3)1914 年袁世凱戎裝像中華民國共和紀念壹圓銀幣 1 枚。 (4)1914 年袁世凱像中華民國試鑄幣路易奇 • 喬治“L.GIORGI 簽 字版”樣幣一套 5 枚:壹圓,銀質,L.GIORGI 簽字版(圖 7);中圓, 銀幣,L.GIORGI 簽字版;貳角,銀幣,L.G. 簽字版;壹角,銀幣,L.G. 簽 字版;伍分,鎳質,G.L. 簽字版;這套幣非常珍稀,其原因是,義大 利人路易奇 • 喬治是最著名的中國錢幣雕刻師,他於 1910 至 1920 年間任天津造幣廠總雕刻師,曾設計雕刻過宣統三年大清銀幣及輔 幣,民國三年袁世凱像銀幣,以及民國兩套銅幣、一枚鎳幣幣模,是 唯一一位將外文名字放在中國錢幣上的雕刻師。 (5)1914 年袁世凱像中華民國壹圓、中圓銀幣各 1 枚。 (6)1919 年袁世凱像中華民國八年造壹圓銀幣 1 枚。 (7)1920 年袁世凱像中華民國九年造壹圓銀幣 1 枚。 (8)1921 年袁世凱像中華民國十年造壹圓銀幣 1 枚。 (9)1916 年袁世凱像中華帝國洪憲紀元拾圓金幣黃銅樣幣,單面, 即一面飛龍圖案,另一面空白,Keefer 舊藏(圖 8);1916 年天 津 造幣廠為紀念袁世凱登基改年號洪憲元年生產的飛龍壹圓機製幣, 發現帶有路易奇 • 喬治簽名的有金、銀、銅三種材質,另一版別就 是包克收藏的這枚目前唯一已知的單面銅幣樣幣,即耿愛德書上的 K1515w。 (10) 1916 年袁世凱戎裝像背中華帝國洪憲紀元飛龍圖案銀幣 1 枚。 (11)1921 年徐世昌像背“中華民國十年九月 仁壽同登”紀念銀幣 1 枚,乃天津造幣廠為時任中華民國大總統之徐世昌六十七壽辰特 鑄紀念幣,背面中央鐫居仁堂外景及“仁壽同登”吉語,週邊下鐫“紀 念幣”字樣,雖無面值,實為紀念幣(圖 9)。 (12) 1923 年中華民國十二年造龍鳳黼黻圖壹圓銀幣, “壹圓” 有大字、 小字之分,此為大字版,天津造幣廠鑄造。 (13)1923 年曹錕紀念章一套 3 枚:曹錕西裝像憲法成立紀念銀章 1 枚;曹錕戎裝像背雙旗紀念銀章大型、小型各 1 枚。 (14)1924 年段祺瑞像中華民國執政紀念背“和平”銀幣 1 枚(圖 1 (15)1927 年孫中山像中華民國國民政府“十六年造”背陵墓圖壹 圓銀質樣幣,幣模由奧地利維也納造幣廠的 R.Placht 雕刻,南京鑄 造,數額甚稀,彌足珍貴(圖 11)。 最後,嘉賓們參觀了包克家族捐獻的錢幣,贊歎不已(圖 12)。 此次捐贈是包克家族對上海造幣博物館的第三次捐贈。包克家族對 上海造幣博物館的第一次捐贈是在 2010 年 4 月,捐贈的藏品是最 能代表中國造幣技術的中國錢幣。第二次捐贈是在 2015 年 3 月,捐 贈的是來自上海地區的錢幣,包括江蘇、浙江、安徽三省的錢幣。包 克家族的另外兩次捐贈活動,是對沈陽造幣博物館和中國印鈔造幣 博物館的捐贈。 在 2016 年 5 月,包克家族把一部分錢幣藏品捐贈給了德國薩克森 安哈爾特州哈雷莫里茨堡藝術博物館。這些錢幣將和在昆克公司幫 助下周邁可先生捐贈給這個博物館的德製中國錢幣幣模在 2016 年 9 月 18 日至 2017 年 1 月 29 日期間的中國錢幣特別展中展出。莫里 茨堡藝術博物館是德國擁有中國錢幣數量最多的第二大博物館。包 克家族就向它捐贈了 6000 多枚中國方孔錢和機製幣,目前為止是 對德國捐贈中國錢幣的最大捐贈者。 2017 年 , 包克家族將會把一部分包克藏品捐贈給美國國家博物館

國家錢幣收藏館(NNC),該錢幣收藏館擁有超過 170 萬枚的錢幣藏品。美國歷史博物館位於美國首都華盛頓特區。包克家族捐贈的錢幣有 望於 2017 年秋季在年參觀者超過 400 萬人次的美國歷史博物館展出。霍華德 • 佛蘭克林 • 包克曾經在美國國家博物館錢幣收藏館於 20 世 紀 50 年代開始設立時擔任亞洲錢幣館的館長。他致力於推動錢幣研究事業的遺願將會實現,美國國家博物館錢幣收藏館將為其設立一個以 他的名字命名的研究室即霍華德 • 佛蘭克林 • 包克研究室。 這個為期 10 年由包克家人和錢幣界的專家幫忙研究整理包克的藏品及資料的項目, 一直以來是一個非常了不起的錢幣之旅。

The chief secretary of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) of the Shanghai Mint, Mr. Gu Jun delivers a speech. 上海造幣有限公司黨委書記顧軍講話

A silver Yuan Shi-kai one dollar issued in the third year of the Republic of China with the signature of L.GIORGI, NGC MS63. 1914 年袁世凱像中華民國三年 L.GIORGI 簽字版樣幣壹圓銀幣 , NGC MS63

A brass sample of the 1916 ten-yuan gold coin in commemoration of the beginning of the Hong Xian reign [of the Chinese empire], uniface, ex-Keefer collection, NGC MS62. 1916 年中華帝國洪 憲 紀元拾圓金 幣黃 銅 樣幣,單面,Keefer 舊藏, NGC MS62 The representative of the Bowker family, Ms. June Alice Cornell delivers a speech. 包克家族代表瓊 • 愛麗絲 • 康奈尔女士致辭

June Alice Cornell (left), Gu Jun (middle) and Marilyn Ann Dorman (right) jointly unveil the donated coins. 顧軍(中)與包克家族代表瓊 • 愛麗絲 • 康奈爾(左)、馬麗蓮 • 安 • 杜曼 共同為捐贈錢幣揭幕

A silver sample of the Dr. Sun Yat-sen portrait one dollar coin minted in the sixteenth year of the government of the Republic of China with mausoleum design on the reverse, NGC MS63. 1927 年孫中山像中華民國國民政府背“十六年造”陵墓圖壹圓銀質樣 幣 ,NGC MS63


Bowker Collection Donated to Shanghai Mint Museum On March 23rd 2015, the Bowker Family members Marilyn Dorman (Mr. Bowker’s grandaughter), Robert Bowker (Mr. Bowker’s grandson) and Catherine Govindankutty (Mr. Bowker’s great-granddaughter) on behalf of the Bowker family attended the ceremony celebrating the donation of 37 pieces of rare Chinese coins from Howard Franklin Bowker’s famous collection to Shanghai Mint Museum (subsidiary of Shanghai Mint). The distinguished attendees included Michael Chou (CEO of iAsure Group), David Camire (president of NCS), Gu Jun (Secretary of the Mint Party Committee), Tian Jun (Vice-Secretary of the Mint Party Committee), Chen Liyun (Chairman of the Labor Union),Zhang Jianjian (former Secretary of the Mint Party Committee), Zhou Xiang (National Committee of Cultural Relics member, Researcher of Shanghai Museum). Gu Jun, the Secretary of the Mint Party Committee, was thankful for Bowker family’s generous donation. This was the second donation from Bowker’s Collection. In 2010, Bowker family donated 139 pieces of rare coins and coin dies to Shanghai Mint Museum. Marilyn Dorman expressed her thanks to the Shanghai Mint Museum’s efforts. Her family was most pleased with the exhibit. Meanwhile, she also thanked Michael’s great help to realize her grandfather’s unfilled wish to donate his collections to public service. Michael said he was grateful for the Bowker family allowing him to assist on the donation. David Camire said it’s his honor to conserve and encapsulate the collection. Zhou Xiang introduced the numismatic significance of the collection. Among the donation of 37 pieces of coins, 35 of which were sent to NGC Shanghai office for grading except the CHINA-Qing Dynasty Kiangsi 50 Taels Square Silver Sycee issued by Wan Zai County and CHINA-Qing Dynasty Hopeh 50 Taels Silver Sycee issued at Kaizhou, Hebei in April 1898. Thanks for the great support of NGC and NCS. Later, Shanghai Mint issued the Certificate of Donation and Certificates of Appreciation to Bowker Family, iAsure Group and NGC respectively. Gu Jun together with members of Bowker Family conducted the Donation Ceremony of Bowker Collection. Other distinguished guests included: Yang Changgen, Xie Wenyu (officials of Shanghai Branch of People’s Bank of China), Shen Mingdi (Deputy Secretary-General of Shanghai Numismatic Society),Wang Chunli (deputy director of numismatic collection committee of China Association of Collectors), King Chan (Senior numismatic scholar of China modern commemorative coins), Yuan Shuiqing (deputy director of Xi’an Collection Association), Zhang Ronghua (president of Shanghai Yintai), senior collectors including Zhou Dawei, Yang Ruicheng, Gao Huaibin etc. After the ceremony, they visited the Howard Franklin Bowker Donation Hall including 37 coins of this donation and 139 coins of last donation and Shanghai Mint Museum. Shanghai Mint was also chosen as the right place for the next stage of donation. Rarities from the donated 37 coins are as follows: 1 CHINA-KIANGNAN ND (1897) One Dollar Silver, old Kiangnan, ornamental edge, NGC MS63 2 CHINA-KIANGNAN 1898 One Dollar Silver, NGC MS63 3 CHINA-KIANGNAN 1898 One Dollar Silver, circlet-like scales, NGC MS65 4 CHINA-KIANGNAN 1900 One Dollar Silver, NGC MS64 5 CHINA-KIANGNAN 1901 One Dollar Silver, thick dragon with dots as eyes, NGC MS63 6 CHINA-KIANGNAN 1902 One Dollar Silver, NGC MS62 7 CHINA-KIANGNAN 1904 One Dollar Silver, CH and dot, NGC MS65 8 CHINA-KIANGNAN 1904 20 Cash Copper, CCC213, extremely rare, NGC MS63BN. Only 2-3 examples known to exist, 9 CHINA-CHEKIANG ND (1899) 50 Cents Silver, Chinese legend in "Wei Stele" Style, NGC MS61 10 CHINA-SHANGHAI 1856 One Tael Silver, issued by Wang Yung Sheng, NGC MS62 11 CHINA-SHANGHAI 1856 5 Mace Silver, issued by Ching Cheng Chee, made by Wan Chuan, NGC AU53 12 CHINA-SHANGHAI 1856 5 Mace Silver, issued by Yu Shen Sheng, made by Wang Shou, NGC AU53 13 CHINA-SHANGHAI ND (1868) Martime Customs One Tael Silver Pattern, NGC AU50. Extremely rare, only 5-7 examples known to exist. 14 CHINA-EMPIRE Taiping Rebel Tian Guo Sheng Bao Silver Coin, carved by hand, NGC AU Details 15 CHINA-REPUBLIC 1929 Sun Yat Sen One Dollar Silver Pattern, made in Italy, NGC MS63

C H I N A - K I A N G N A N 19 0 4 2 0 C ash C o p p e r, CCC213, only two known to exist, NGC MS63BN 1904 年(甲辰)江南省造光绪元宝当制钱二十文, CCC213,存世非常稀少,NGC MS63BN


C H I N A - S H A N G H A I N D (18 6 8) M a r t i m e Customs One Tael Silver Pattern, NGC AU50 1868 年 中 外 通 宝 关 平 银 壹 两 试 铸 银 币,NGC AU50

CHINA-SHANGHAI 1856 One Tael Silver, issued by Wang Yung Sheng, NGC MS62 1856 年(咸豐六年)上海“商王永盛匠萬全” 壹兩銀餅,NGC MS62

Shanghai Mint Party Secretary GuJun delivers opening speech 上海造幣有限公司黨委書記顧軍

(From L) Marilyn Dorman, Robert Bowker, Catherine Govindankutty, Michael Chou, David Camire 左起:Marilyn Dorman、Robert Bowker、Catherine Govindankutty、周邁可、 David Camire

Gu Jun issues a Certificate of Donation to Ms. Marilyn Dorman 顧書記為包克家族代表 Marilyn Dorman 女士頒發捐贈證書

Unveiling Ceremony by GuJun and representatives of Bowker Family 顧軍書記和包克家族代表為此次捐贈錢幣舉行揭幕儀式

Group photos of members of Shanghai Mint and Bowker Family 上海造幣有限公司領導與包克家族合影

(From L) Michael Chou, Yuan Shuiqing, Zhou Xiang, Shen Mingdi ( 左起 ) 周邁可、袁水清、周祥、沈鳴鏑合影


包克收藏 37 枚珍稀錢幣捐給上海造幣博物館 2015 年 3 月 23 日上午 10 點,已故美國著名錢幣收藏家霍華德 • 佛蘭克林 • 包克先生收藏的 37 枚珍稀中國錢幣由其家屬捐給上海 造幣有限公司下屬單位上海造幣博物館,上海造幣有限公司為此舉行了隆重的捐贈儀式。霍華德 • 佛蘭克林 • 包克先生的孫女 Marilyn Dorman、孫子 Robert Bowker、曾孫女 Catherine Govindankutty 代表包克家族前來參加捐贈儀式,愛秀集團總裁周邁可,NCS 總裁 David Camire,上海造幣有限公司黨委書記顧軍、副書記田俊、工會主席陳立耘、原黨委書記張健健,中國文物鑒定委員會委員、上海博 物館研究館員周祥出席了捐贈儀式。 首先,上海造幣有限公司書記顧軍致辭,感謝包克家族慷慨捐贈的 37 枚中國珍稀錢幣,這也是包克家族繼 2010 年將 139 枚珍稀錢幣 及錢範捐給上海造幣有限公司後的第二次捐贈。包克先生孫女 Marilyn Dorman 發言感謝上海造幣有限公司及上海造幣博物館員工的辛勤 工作,將這些藏品展示得非常美觀得體,他們非常滿意;同時她也代表包克家族感謝愛秀集團總裁周邁可與中國幾家博物館的協商溝通, 最終幫助實現了她祖父的遺願。周邁可先生則表示感謝包克家族的信任,感謝上海造幣有限公司的精心布展。NCS 總裁 David Camire 則 表示很榮幸為這些錢幣提供保養、評分、封裝工作,這些事情很有意義。上海博物館研究館員周祥先生介紹了這些錢幣的重要歷史意義和 價值。此次捐贈的 37 枚錢幣,除清光緒年江西萬載縣伍拾兩方錠和光緒二十四年四月河北開州五十兩銀錠外,其他 35 枚均在捐贈儀式後 送至 NGC 上海辦公室進行了評級入盒,評分工作高效精准,非常感謝 NGC 和 NCS 的支持! 隨後,上海造幣有限公司向包克家族頒發捐贈證書,向愛秀集團和 NGC 頒發感謝證書。顧軍書記和包克家族成員共同為此次捐贈的錢 幣進行了揭幕儀式。 出席捐贈儀式的還有:中國人民銀行上海分行貨幣發行處領導楊長根、謝文渝,上海市錢幣學會副秘書長沈鳴鏑,中國收藏家協會錢 幣收藏委員會副主任王春利,中國現代貴金屬幣資深研究學者陳景林(香港),西安市收藏協會副會長袁水清,上海銀泰公司董事長張榮 華,資深收藏家周大為、楊瑞城、高懷賓等。捐贈儀式結束後,大家又參觀了包克藏品捐贈廳和上海造幣博物館。這次捐贈的 37 枚錢幣 將與之前捐贈的 139 枚陳列在包克藏品捐贈廳。包克收藏的下一步捐贈意向單位初步也定為上海造幣有限公司。 此次捐贈的 37 枚錢幣中不乏珍品,其中包括: 1.( 1897 年)江南省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣,老江南,人字邊,NGC MS63 2.(1898 年)戊戌江南省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣,NGC MS63 3.( 1898 年)戊戌江南省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣,珍珠龍,NGC MS65 4.(1900 年)庚子江南省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣,NGC MS64 5.(1901 年)辛丑江南省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分,帶 HAH,粗龍,龍眼為圓點,NGC MS63 6.(1902 年)壬寅江南省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣,NGC MS62 7.( 1904 年)甲辰江南省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分銀幣,HAH 和 CH 版,兩邊帶點,NGC MS65 8.( 1904 年)甲辰江南省造光緒元寶當制錢二十文,CCC213,存世非常稀少,NGC MS63BN。已知 2-3 枚存世。 9.( 1899 年)浙江省造光緒元寶庫平三錢六分銀幣,魏碑體尔寶,NGC MS61 10.(1856 年)咸豐六年上海“商王永盛 匠萬全”壹兩銀餅,NGC MS62 11.( 1856 年)咸豐六年上海“商經正記 匠萬全造”伍錢銀餅,NGC AU53 12.( 1856 年)咸豐六年商鬱森盛重五錢上海銀餅,匠王壽造,NGC AU53 13.( 1868 年)中外通寶關平銀壹兩試鑄銀幣,NGC AU50。已知 5-7 枚存世。 14. 太平天國天國聖寶,半兩,銀質,手工雕刻,NGC AU Details 15.(1929 年)中華民國十八年孫中山像背帆船壹圓銀質樣幣,意大利版,NGC MS63

CHINA-KIANGNAN ND(1897) One Dollar Silver, old Kiangnan, ornamental edge, NGC MS63 1897 年江南省造光绪元宝库平七钱二 分银币,老江南,人字边,NGC MS63


CHINA-KIANGNAN 1898 One Dollar Silver, circlet-like scales, NGC MS65 1898 年(戊戌)江南省造光绪元宝库平 七钱二分银币,珍珠龙,NGC MS65

CHINA-EMPIRE Taiping Rebel Tian Guo Sheng Bao Silver Coin, carved by hand, NGC AU Details 太平天国天国圣宝,半两,银质,手 工雕刻,NGC AU Details

Priceless Bowker Collection Settled in Shanghai Mint Museum In April 2010, the Bowker family authorized iAsure Group to donate 139 priceless Chinese coins from their forefather – the esteemed American collector Howard Franklin Bowker – to the Shanghai Mint Museum. After five months of research and preparation, the Bowker Collection was ready to exhibit, and an unveiling ceremony and exhibition of the Bowker Collection was held at the Shanghai Mint Museum on September 3.

ceremony from America: Mrs. Nancy Bowker (Bowker's dau ghte r- in - law), M r. G o r d e n B ow ke r (B ow ke r 's first grandson), Ms. Carolyn Bowker (Bowker's first granddaughter), M r s. M ar ilyn D or man (Bowker 's granddaughter), Mr. Keith Bowker (Bowker's grandson), Mrs. June Cornell (Bowker's granddaughter) and Mr. Mark Dorman (Bowker's grandson-in-law). O ther at tendees inc luded: M r. Tian Jun (Deput y Chairman of Shanghai Mint), Mr. Yang Dejun (Director of Shanghai Communication Bank Museum), Mr. Xu Baoming (Vice Director of Shanghai ICBC museum), Mr. Shen Mingdi (DeputySecretary-General of Shanghai Numismatic Association), Mr. Zhou Xiang, Mr. Wan Shou (Researcher of Shanghai Museum) and Mr. Michael Chou (CEO of iAsure Group). Newsmen from the Shanghai media recorded the ceremony. The Shanghai Mint, celebrating her 90th birthday, was very happy to see the return of the coin treasures from across the ocean. "We have the greatest gratitude for Mr. Bowker and the Bowker family as well as Mr. Michael Chou for his help," Tian Jun exclaimed with a glad voice.

Michael Chou (left 2) and Zhang Yuequn (right) with Bowker family members 周邁可、張躍群與包克家族成員合影

From left to right(從左到右):Keith Bowker,Carolyn Bowker,Nancy Bowker,Gordon Bowker,Marilyn Dorman,June Cornell

During the 1940s and 1950s, Howard Bowker was considered one of the top experts in rare Chinese coins and banknotes. His passion for Chinese coins began while stationed in Hankow, China in the 1920s. Before he died in 1970, Howard Bowker expressed great interest in donating his collection to public service. 37 years later, Michael Chou, iAsure Group CEO, learned of these high hopes while researching Mr. Bowker's works and collections. Following enthusiastic conversations with Mr. Bowker's family, the donation became a reality.

Ms. Carolyn Bowker delivered an extremely touching speech, she said "I would like you to know more about the person of Howard Franklin Bowker, than just the famous collector. My grandfather was a humble and meticulous man. All these ceremonies would probably have been a bit much for him, but he would have also understood the cultural exchange and significance and would have honored this process. He taught us many values that will last for a long time. He taught us to appreciate and respect other cultures. He taught us how important reading and research are, and this was from a man with no formal college education." Michael Chou expressed his deep thankfulness, "I would like to thank the Bowker family for allowing me and my staff to assist on the Bowker Collection. Over the three years I have enjoyed the process and gotten to know the family members very well over many weekends." His list of acknowledgments included the Shanghai Mint Museum, NGC and NCS for their terrific support. The Bowker family members received a special gift of commemorative copper medals with Mr. Bowker's image on obverse. Following the ceremony, attendees enjoyed a guided tour of the exhibition halls of the Shanghai Mint Museum, and all were amazed by the items on display.

Spanning from 200B.C. to the 1940s, the donation includes 139 rare coins and coining dies that detail Chinese history and traditional culture. Two extremely rare Chinese gold standard coins were included. Seven Bowker family members came to attend the


Bowker Collection Donation Ceremony, 16th April, 2010 2010 年 4 月 16 日包克家族錢幣藏品捐贈儀式


Chairman of Shanghai Mint Zhang Jianjian is delivering a speech 上海造幣有限公司黨委書記張健建演講

Mr. Gordon Bowker is delivering a speech Gordon Bowker 先生發表演講

Distinguished guests at the ceremony 出席捐贈儀式貴賓

Mr. Gordon Bowker and Zhang Jianjian at the unveiling ceremony 包克家族代表 Gordon Bowker 與上海造幣有限公司黨委書記張健建共 同為包克藏品專櫃揭幕

Chairman of Shanghai Mint Zhang Jianjian issues Certification of Donation and commemorative copper models to Bowker family 上 海造幣有限公司黨委書 記張 健 建向包克家 族代表 Nancy Bowker, Gordon Bowker 贈送紀念銅章及證書

From left to right: Michael Chou, Zhang Jianjian, Gordon Bowker and Carolyn Bowker 從左到右:愛秀集團 CEO Michael Chou、上海造幣有限公司黨委書記 張健建、Gordon Bowker、Carolyn Bowker 合影留念

Bowker Collection Donation Ceremony, 3rd September, 2010 2010 年 9 月 3 日包克家族錢幣藏品捐贈儀式

Ms Carolyn Bowker is delivering a speech Carolyn Bowker 發表演講

Tian Jun issues commemorative copper models to Bowker family 上海造幣有限公司黨委副書記田俊向包克家族代表 Gordon Bowker、 Keith Bowker 贈送紀念銅章

Mr. Gordon Bowker, Ms. Marilyn Dorman and Tian Jun at the unveiling ceremony 包克家族代表 Gordon Bowker 與 Marilyn Dorman 及上海造幣有限公 司黨委副書記田俊共同為包克藏品專櫃揭幕

Exhibition of Bowker Collection at Shanghai Mint Museum 包克先生捐贈錢幣藏品專櫃

Bowker family members attending the unveiling ceremony 包克家族成員出席揭幕儀式

Nancy Bowker


Commemorative Copper Model Struck by Shanghai Mint 上海造幣有限公司製作的包克紀念銅章

包克藏品正式入駐上海造幣博物館 2010 年 4 月 16 日,包克家 族 授權 愛 秀集團,將其 祖 父—— 美國 已故著名錢幣收 藏家霍華德 . 佛蘭克林 . 包克(Howard Franklin Bowker)收藏的 139 件珍稀錢幣及錢範捐贈給上海造幣博物館,並 舉行盛大的捐贈儀式。經過近 5 個月的設計與籌備,9 月 3 日,包克 藏品專櫃揭幕儀式在上海造幣博物館隆重舉行。 包克先生是是 20 世紀 40 年代至 50 年代在中國錢幣領域最有成就 的研究學者之一。他曾於 20 年代在中國漢口居住,由此對中國的文 化和錢幣產生了濃厚的感情。1970 年去世時,希望捐出他的畢生收 藏,為社會公益事業服務。37 年之後,感動于包克先生的無私與崇 高精神,愛秀集團總裁周邁可先生從 2007 年開始積極籌備,多次奔 波於中美兩國之間, 憑藉誠懇的態度和超過 20 年的錢幣研究經驗, 終於促成此次捐贈事宜,實現了包克先生的崇高遺願。 包克家族捐贈的錢幣和幣模歷史跨度達 2000 餘年,從戰國及漢代 時期製造的古幣和錢範,到 20 世紀 40 年代流通的珍稀機製幣皆 囊括其中,其中兩種金本位幣更是聞名遐邇、存世極少。 包克家族 7 位成員特地從美國趕來,出席了專櫃揭幕儀式,他們是 包克的兒媳 Nancy Bowker、長孫 Gordon Bowker、孫女 Carolyn Bowker、孫 女 Marilyn Dorman、孫 子 Keith Bowker、孫 女 June Cornell 及孫女婿 Mark Dorman。 上海造幣有限公司黨委副書記田俊、上海市交通銀行博物館館長楊 德均、 上海市工商銀行博物館副館長徐寶明、 上海市錢幣學會沈鳴鏑、


上海市博物館周祥和萬壽、愛秀集團總裁周邁可,以及上海電視臺 等多家媒體也一同出席了揭幕儀式。 上海造幣有限公司黨委副書記田俊先生發表演講時說道: “時值上 幣公司 90 周年慶典之際,上幣公司對於能夠迎回這些不遠萬里無 償捐贈的珍品,感到由衷的高興和自豪。我們衷心地感謝包克先生 和包克家族的偉大捐贈,感謝周邁可先生的不懈努力。” 包克家族代表 Carolyn Bowker 發表了感人至深的演講, 她說道: “我 的祖父 Howard Franklin Bowker 不僅是一位很有成就的收藏家, 還是一位謙遜善良、一絲不苟的人。捐贈儀式對他來說也許有點太 隆重了,但他理解文化交流的重要性,能夠為此作出貢獻,他一定感 到十分高興。祖父教給我們很多有價值的東西,比如欣賞和尊重其 他的文化, 教給我們閱讀和研究的重要性。 祖父教給我很多寶貴經驗, 儘管他並沒有經歷過正規的大學教育。” 愛秀集團總裁周邁可先生發表講話: “感謝包克家族的充分信任,在 過去三年裡我們一起度過了無數個愉快的週末,共同整理和研究包 克藏品。感謝上幣公司為包克藏品建立特別展櫃。NGC 和 NCS 特 別提供了大力支持,我深感敬佩,並致以誠挚的謝意。” 上海造幣有限公司還向包克家族贈送了正面是包克先生頭像的紀念 大銅章。儀式結束後,包克家族與會嘉賓一起興致勃勃地參觀了上 海造幣博物館, 並為其中琳琅滿目、 充滿歷史文化氣息的展品所感染。

NPR Covers the Bowker Donation Following the donation ceremony of Howard Franklin Bowker’s much celebrated Chinese coin collection at the Shanghai Mint Museum, Mr. Gordon Bowker and Ms Carolyn Bowker (Howard Franklin Bowker’sdescendents) along with Mr. Michael Chou (iAsure Group CEO) and Mr. Zhang Yuequn (Deputy General Secretary of the Shanghai Mint Museum), were interviewed by National Public Radio (NPR) Shanghai Correspondent Louisa Lim. The story, entitled “Priceless Coin Collection Returns Home to China”, was featured on the popular news program “All Things Considered”, on April 17, a day after the donation ceremony. The following is a transcript of the NPR interview broadcast in the US: Gordon Bowker is one of the founders of Starbucks, although he no longer has any relationship with the company. He and his cousin Carolyn Bowker packed up part of their grandfather's priceless coin collection in their luggage brought it to China and donated it to the Shanghai Mint Museum. "There really is no better place for the coins to be," says Gordon Bowker. "They would have much less interest to scholars and to the public anywhere else in the world. So it's a natural thing for them to be in Shanghai where they originated."

Collection Reflects 2,000 Years of History Gordon and Carolyn Bowker's grandfather Howard Bowker joined the U.S. Navy when he was 19 years old and was stationed in Hankou, China, in 1923. He taught himself Chinese, Japanese and Korean. He also began collecting coins, a hobby that Gordon Bowker says married two of his grandfather's greatest passions. "He was fascinated by Chinese history. And he had a big background in money: he was a purser, and a paymaster, and he liked money. I think he liked to count it," Gordon Bowker says. The resulting coin collection reflects the past 2,000 years of Chinese history. Its earliest piece is a coin mold dating back to 200 B.C., during the reign of China's unifier and first emperor, Qin Shihuang. Michael Chou from the iAsure Group, which runs an auction house specializing in Asian coins, has been researching the collection for two years. He describes how the coin mold produces multiple coins. "They pour very hot metal into this mold and then a coin tree comes out of this coin mold, and then they break off the coins from the tree individually. So when someone tells you money doesn't grow on trees, it actually does in China," Chou says.

Like A 'Mother Reunited with Her Child' Chou says it's impossible to value much of the collection, since the objects are so rare, they seldom are sold on the open market. He says items such as the 2,000-year-old coin mold would be considered a "national treasure" in China.

Ever y coin in the collection is a tangible slice of China's history. One item with immense historical significance is a copper dollar featuring a sailing junk over three flying birds on one side and Sun Yat-sen on the other. When it was issued in 1932, the Sun Yat-sen dollar was the first national coinage for the whole of China; until that point, coins had been issued regionally. It's a testament to the chaos of China's recent history -- and the flow of valuables beyond its borders -- that the Shanghai Mint Museum didn't have a single example of this historic coin, which was designed in the U.S. by the Philadelphia Mint. Zhang Yueqin is the director of the Shanghai Mint Museum. When asked about the significance of this coin, his voice thickens and he becomes visibly emotional. "We had the mold, but we didn't have a coin," he explains. "The coin has finally come home. It's as if after 80 years a mother is reunited with her child. It's a miracle. The friendship between China and America is embodied in this coin."

Only First Installment of Collection The bequest, including a library, was originally left to the Smithsonian, where Howard Bowker had worked as a curator. But his descendants decided the collection would be better served -- and more accessible -- elsewhere. "There's no curator of Asian coins at the Smithsonian," Gordon Bowker explains. "Without the staff and the ability to display the coins, it would display much less interest in having that collection." The restitution of valuables to their point of origin is an increasing trend, although in this case, the coins were bought legitimately, not looted. "Americans could lose out in that they don't get a broader sense of world history by the coins not being in the U.S.," Carolyn Bowker says. "I don't think there's a passion in American history for learning about some of the ancient, whether it's coins or artifacts. And so to have them returned to where the passion is, it just makes total sense to me." The Bowkers handed over more than 100 coins Friday. But the entire collection consists of more than 5,000 coins, and the bequest to the Shanghai Mint Museum marks just the beginning of a longer process of return: The family plans to make other donations to a variety of Chinese museums.

About NPR N P R , N a t i o n a l P u b l i c R a d i o, i s a p r i v a t e l y and publicly funded non-profit membership media organization that serves as a national syndicator in the United States.NPR was incorporated on February 26, 1970, and in April 1971, NPR hit the air. The programs consist of news, art & life, books and music etc.


包克藏品回家--NPR專訪 2010年4月16日下午,在出席包克家族向上海造幣博物館錢幣捐贈 儀式後, Gordon Bowker先生和Carolyn Bowker女士(美國已故 錢幣收藏家霍華德•佛蘭克林•包克孫子、孫女)、周邁可先生(愛 秀集團冠軍拍賣總裁)及張躍群先生(原上海造幣博物館負責人) 共同在上海奧美公關公司接受了美國全國公共廣播電臺(National Public Radio,簡稱NPR)駐上海記者Louisa Lim的專訪。專訪內 容以“珍貴錢幣穿越大洋回歸中國”(Priceless Coin Collection Returns Home To China)為題,於4月17日黃金時段在NPR“All Things Considered”欄目向美國全國聽眾播出。 在專訪的愉快氣氛中,四人暢談了對於包克藏品跨洋捐贈的感受。 “我的祖父19歲就參加了美國海軍,他去過很多地方,自學了漢語、 日語、韓語,還會說廣東話。他1923年駐扎在中國漢口,由此對中國 歷史產生了極大的興趣和熱情。他十分熱愛錢幣,但他在物質上卻 從不是一個富有的人。他臨終前希望把他畢生的收藏捐獻給公益事 業,供鑒賞和研究用,而不是賣掉賺錢。”Gordon Bowker先生飽含 深情地継續說: “我認為把這些錢幣放在這裡,比放在其他任何地 方都更適合。因為,世界上沒有人比中國的研究員和大眾對這些錢 幣擁有如此殷切的期望和感情。” 周邁可先生興致勃勃地介紹道: “這次捐贈的錢幣反映了中國2000 多年的歷史,最早的幣模可以追溯到公元前200年,中國第一位皇帝 秦始皇統治的時代。這些錢幣的價值是不可估量的,因為它們是如 此的珍貴稀少,很少出現在錢幣市場上公開拍賣。而像2000年前的 錢範這樣的文物可以稱之為中國的國寶。”


在談到捐贈給上海造幣博物館的錢幣中,有一枚1932年孫中山像金 本位幣樣幣時,張躍群先生聲情並茂地表示: “金本位幣是在上海 造幣廠的前身——中央造幣廠生產的,我們擁有金本位幣的幣模和 造幣機器,但由於世事變遷,我們並沒有留存樣幣。時隔80年,樣幣 終於回家,正如母親與孩子重逢一樣,這是一個跨越時空的奇跡。 中美友誼也融入其中。” 這 些 珍 貴的 遺 產本來是可能 捐 獻 給美國史密森尼博 物 館 (Smithsonian Institute)的,因為霍華德•佛蘭克林•包克曾經在此擔 任過館長。但他的後代們決定將其捐獻到中國。各國珍品回到原產 地似乎已成為一種趨勢,儘管包克先生的藏品都是合法購買,而非 掠奪而來。 “史密森尼博 物 館 缺 少亞 洲錢 幣的專才,也沒有能力去 很 好地 保 存 和 研 究 這 些 錢 幣。在 那 裡 錢 幣 的 公 益 價 值 得 不 到 充 分 體 現。”Gordon Bowker先生說。 他的妹妹Carolyn Bowker女士接着說道: “這些中國錢幣若不保存 在美國,美國人就會失去瞭解世界錢幣歷史的機會,但美國人對外 國製造的錢幣不太感興趣,所以這些錢幣回到中國可以得到更多的 關注,這是一種自然、美滿的結果。” 包克家族已向上海造幣博物館捐獻了139件錢幣及錢范。而整個包 克錢幣藏品擁有超過5000件,這次捐獻僅僅意味着一個開端。包克 家族準備將來向中國的文博及公益機構捐獻更多的珍稀錢幣。

周邁可先生涉足錢幣界将近20年,對錢幣收藏与研究經驗豊富,鑒 賞水平亦高,他於兩年前即潛心研究包克先生的錢幣藏品。周邁可 先生為幫助完成包克先生的崇高遺願,從2007年便開始積極籌備, 多次奔波於中美兩國之間。歷經3年的努力,以淵博的專業知識和真 誠恳挚的態度贏得包克家族的充分信任和授權,終於促成此次的中 國捐贈之行。

链接:关於NPR 美國全國公共廣播電臺(National Public Radio,簡稱NPR),是一 家獲公眾贊助及部分政府資助、但獨立運作的非商業性美國媒體, 成立於1970年2月24日,開播於1971年4月。節目以新聞、綜述、採 訪為主,也有一些音樂、脫口秀等文化、娛樂節目。

L to R: Zhang Yuequn, Michael Chou, Louisa Lim, Gordon Bowker 從左至右:張躍群、周邁可、Louisa Lim 和 Gordon Bowker

Louisa Lim interviews Carolyn Bowker Louisa Lim 採訪 Carolyn Bowker

Bowker Collection Donated to China Banknote Printing and Minting Museum Five descendents, and his daughter-in-law, and grandson-in-law were at the China Banknote Printing and Minting Corporation (CBPMC) on September 6, 2010. They arrived from the United States to take part in a ceremony celebrating the donation of rare Chinese banknotes from Mr. Bowker's famous collection. The CBPMC donation is the second of two ceremonies marking the return of precious Chinese currency deeply rooted in the country's cultural history. Working side by side with the Bowker Family, iAsure helped to bring these generous donations from America to China. Howard Franklin Bowker was considered one of the top Numismatists in rare Chinese coins and banknotes during the 1940s and 1950s. His passion for Chinese coins began while stationed in Hankow, China in the 1920s. Before he passed away in 1970, Mr. Bowker expressed great interest in donating his collection to public service. In 2007, 37 years later, Michael Chou, iAsure Group CEO, learned of these high hopes while researching Mr. Bowker's works and collection. Following three years of enthusiastic conversations with Mr. Bowker's family, the donations became a reality. The CBPMC donation features 212 banknotes that range from the Ching dynasty to the first set of RMB. The wide collection of banknotes provides snapshots from China's rich numismatic history. A 1904 YuQuan Official Bank of Honen 1000 Cash (serial number Xia 392), considered the rarest Ching banknote, is among the group of banknotes that made the long trip back to China. The donation of the 1904 YuQuan Official Bank of Honen 1000 Cash is especially noteworthy since it offers critical details on the first version of a Honen circulated banknote.

Mr. Gordon Bowker is delivering a speech Gordon Bowker 先生發表演講

The Bowker Family members at the ceremony included: Mrs. Nancy Bowker (Mr. Bowker's daughterin-law), Mr. Gorden Bowker (Mr. Bowker's grandson), Ms. Carolyn Bowker (Mr. Bowker's granddaughter), Mrs. Marilyn Dorman (Mr. Bowker's granddaughter), Mr. Keith Bowker (Mr. Bowker's grandson), Mrs. June Cornell (Mr. Bowker's granddaughter) and Mr. Mark Dorman (Mr. Bowker's grandson-in-law). The c eremony was also at tended by: Mr. Ao Huicheng (Chairman of the Board of CBPMC), Mr. He Lin (Director and General Manager of CBPMC), Mr. Zhang Jiedong (Director of CBPMC), Mr. Liu Delin (Director of CBPMC), Mr. Yang Xiaobin (Director-General of the Board of Directors of CBPMC), Mr. Wang Hui (Director of Corporate Culture Department), Mr. Zhang Zhiming (Curator of China Banknote Printing and Minting Museum), Mr. Ni Shugui (Deputy Director of Executive Office of CBPMC) and Mr. Michael Chou (CEO of iAsure Group). Due to the historical significance of the donation, many members of the Chinese press were on hand to mark this event. Xinhua News Agency, China Enterprises News, Economic Information Daily, The Financial Times, The China Business Times and The Chinese Economic Tribune all sent reports to cover the ceremony. Mr. Liu Delin presided over the ceremony, offering his gratitude to the Bowker Family and introducing each speaker. The opening speech was given by Mr. Zhang Jiedong: "The return of these banknotes is a miracle. This donation will be remembered by history. Not only does it fulfill Mr. Bowker's last testament, but it strengthens the ties between China and America. We are very grateful to Mr. Bowker and the Bowker Family for their generosity and to Michael Chou, who worked very hard these last three years to make this ceremony a reality. "

Guests are discussing 1904 Yu Quan Official Bank of Honen 1000 Cash (serial number Xia 392) 出席嘉賓討論 1904 年(光緒三十年)河南豫泉官錢局壹千文(編號下 392)

Michael Chou expressed his deep appreciation for the generous donation: "I would like to thank the Bowker Family for allowing me and my staff to assist on the Bowker Collection. Over the three years that we have been working together, I have enjoyed our time together, especially getting to know the family members." Mr. Chou also thanked the CBPMC, the Numismatic Guaranty Corporation and Numismatic Conservation Services for their critical support.


Mr. Gordon Bowker said "It was my grandfather's wish that this collection be donated for public service. If he were to see his collection returned to China today, I believe it would make him very happy. My family is honored to be able to return these banknotes to their rightful home at the China Banknote Printing and Minting Museum." To complete the touching ceremony, the Bowker Family was presented with a commemorative copper medal imprinted with the image of the 1904 Yu Quan Official Bank of Honen 1000 Cash on the obverse. It is very important to note the significance of the Bowker Family donation of this first version of a Honen circulated banknote. After years of speculation, it is the first time that the 1904 Yu Quan Official Bank of Honen 1000 Cash has appeared before the public eye. With very clear seals, vivid legends and bright colors, the banknote has been remarkably preserved. It stands among a small group of wholly unique pieces since no other example is known to exist. Even the currency that followed the 1904 Yu Quan Official Bank of Honen 1000 Cash is rare, with only three examples of the second version known to exist. They are currently held by the Shanghai Museum. In


2004 a collector from China purchased the third version from the Guardian Spring Auction for RMB 286,000 Yuan. Before being discovered in the Bowker Collection, numismatists could only guess about the existence of the 1904 Yu Quan Official Bank of Honen 1000 Cash. On the second version of the Honen banknote, there is a legendary note that reads "previous banknote", indicating that an earlier, original version had been printed. However, this was only a hypothesis since no one could find the specimen. Now, thanks to the great gift by the Bowker Family, numismatic historians and enthusiasts can marvel at a lost treasure from China's past. A n interesting feature of this ex tremely rare banknote is the application of highly sophisticated anticounterfeiting seals. A group of red seals in different sizes and shapes can be found on the obverse of the banknote, making it very hard for counterfeiters to replicate. As well, the number 392 is written in two ways, Chinese characters and Soochow codes. At the time the 1904 Yu Quan Official Bank of Honen 1000 Cash was created, this was considered a secure way of encrypting currency in order to stop the flow of fake banknotes.

From left to right: Wang Hui, Keith Bowker, Michael Chou, Gordon Bowker, Mr. Zhang Zhiming 從左到右:王輝、Keith Bowker、周邁可、Gordon Bowker、張志明

From left to right: Wang Hui, Keith Bowker, Nancy Bowker, Gordon Bowker, Zhang Zhiming, Carolyn Bowker, June Cornell. 從左到右:王輝、Keith Bowker、Nancy Bowker、Gordon Bowker、張志 明、Carolyn Bowker, June Cornell

From left to right: Nancy Bowker, Marilyn Dorman 從左到右:Nancy Bowker、Marilyn Dorman

From left to right: Gordon Bowker, Carolyn Bowker, Keith Bowker, Nancy Bowker, Marilyn Dorman 從左到右:Gordon Bowker、Carolyn Bowker、Keith Bowker、Nancy Bowker、Marilyn Dorman

Group photo of guests and Bowker family members in front of CBPMC 參加儀式的部份嘉賓與包克家族在中國印鈔造幣總公司大門前高興合影

Group photo of guests and Bowker family members 儀式結束后,與會的領導、嘉賓和包克家族合影留念

Ao Huicheng,Nancy Bowker 敖惠誠、Nancy Bowker

Bowker family received a special gift of commemorative copper medals with Mr. Bowker’s image on obverse from director of CBPMC Mr. Zhang Jiedong 中國印鈔造幣總公司董事張解東(左)向包克家族代表Nancy Bowker(右), Gordon Bowker(中)贈送紀念銅章

Mr. Gordon Bowker is delivering a speech 包克家族代表 Gordon Bowker 發表演講

Mr. Ao Huicheng (Chairman of the Board of CBPMC) 中國印鈔造幣總公司董事長敖惠誠仔細研究光緒三十年河南豫泉官錢 局大錢壹千文


包克藏品入駐中國印鈔造幣博物館 2010年9月6日,霍華德.佛蘭克林.包克(Howard Franklin Bowker)先 生的後代專程從美國趕來,參加其祖父藏品的第二次捐贈儀式。此 次將Howard Franklin Bowker收藏的212張中國珍稀紙幣捐贈給中 國唯一的造幣集團——中國印鈔造幣總公司下屬的中國印鈔造幣博 物館,擁有深厚文化淵源的中國貨幣再次回歸華夏故里。愛秀集團 與Bowker家族積極協調,經過多次商談,促成了這次跨越中美的慷 慨捐贈。 包克先生是美國已故著名錢幣收藏家,是20世紀40年代至50年代 在中國錢幣及紙幣領域最有成就的研究學者之一。他對中國錢幣的 熱愛始於他居住在漢口的20年代。他於1970年去世前希望捐出畢生 收藏,為社會公益事業服務。感動于包克先生的崇高精神,愛秀集 團總裁周邁可先生從2007年開始積極籌備,多次奔波於中美兩國之 間,歷經3年的努力,終於促成此次捐贈事宜,實現了包克先生的崇 高遺願。 此次包克家族的捐贈涵蓋珍罕清朝紙鈔和中華人民共和國第一套 人民幣,範圍廣泛。其中1904年(光緒三十年)河南豫泉官錢局大 錢壹千文(編號下392)更是清朝紙鈔中的至尊大珍,首次填補了河 南豫泉官錢局第一版流通鈔的空白,被譽為中國清鈔史上的重大發 現。 包克家族的7位成員分別是包克的兒媳Nancy Bowker、長孫Gordon Bowker、孫女Carolyn Bowker、孫女Marilyn Dorman、孫子Keith Bowker、孫女June Cornell及孫女婿Mark Dorman。 出席儀式的領導還有中國印鈔造幣總公司董事長敖惠誠,董事和總 經理賀林,董事張解東、劉德林,董事會秘書、總公司辦公室主任楊 小彬,企業文化部主任王輝,中國印鈔造幣博物館館長張志明、辦 公室副主任倪曙貴,愛秀集團總裁周邁可,以及新華社、中國企業報 社、經濟參考報社、中華工商時報社、中國經濟導報社、金融時報社 等多家權威媒體的代表也一同出席了揭幕儀式。 儀式由中國印鈔造幣總公司董事劉德林先生主持。首先由董事張解 東先生發表演講,他高興地說道: “今天在這裡,不遠萬裡迎來包克 藏品,我們由衷感到高興和感激。此次無償捐贈使包克先生的偉大

願望得以實現,對弘揚中美錢幣文化,加深中美人民友誼有着非凡 的意義。我們對包克家族的無私奉獻深表感謝。包克家族全權委託 愛秀集團總裁周邁可先生做了大量有益的工作,在此一並感謝。” 愛秀集團總裁周邁可先生發表講話: “感謝包克家族的充分信任, 在過去三年裡我們一起度過了愉快的時光,共同整理和研究包克藏 品。感謝中國印鈔造幣博物館為包克藏品建立特別展櫃。NGC和 NCS特別提供了大力支持,我深感敬佩,並致以誠挚的謝意。” 包克家族代表Gordon Bowker發表了極富感情的演講,他說道: “將藏品捐出用於社會公益事業是祖父的遺願。如果他知道這些藏 品已回歸中國,相信他一定為此而高興。我們家族很榮幸將這些中 國珍稀紙幣捐給中國印鈔造幣博物館。” 包克家族還獲贈以1904年(光緒三十年)河南豫泉官錢局大錢壹千 文為正面圖案的紀念大銅章。 在捐贈給中國印鈔造幣總公司的包克藏品中,光緒三十年河南豫泉 官錢局大錢壹千文是河南第一版流通紙鈔,目前僅見獨此一張,品 相完美,原始印章非常清晰,色澤鮮明,字跡清新,被公認為中國清 代紙鈔中的頂級大珍稀品。此前僅在上海博物館存有3張河南豫泉 官錢局第二版紙鈔樣票;2004年國內一位收藏家從中國嘉德春季 拍賣會上拍得一張第三版流通鈔,成交價為286 000元。 Bowker藏品發現之前,錢幣學家只能推測應有河南第一版紙鈔存 世,但由於從未有實物出現,僅限於猜測。河南豫泉官錢局第二版 流通券上有“原票”字樣,因而斷定應有更早的原票存在。此張光緒 三十年河南豫泉官錢局大錢壹千文的出現,首次填補了該錢局第一 版流通鈔的空白,使此前猜測得以完全證實。 這張絕世紙鈔珍品的特殊之處不僅在於是第一版流通鈔,其先進實 用的防偽功能更是別具一格,彰顯出獨樹一幟的氣韻。紙鈔正面的 紅色官印形狀、大小各不相同,因此具有很強的防偽功能。而漢語數 位“三百九十二號”與蘇州花碼392這兩種不同的號碼形式同時出現 於同一張紙鈔上相當罕見,亦可作為一種防偽的手段與標誌,從中 也體現出其製作者----豫泉官錢局的靈巧用心和前衛智慧。

Commemorative Copper Model issued by China Banknote Printing and Minting Museum 中國印鈔造幣博物館發行的包克紀念銅章


Bowker Family to Donate Coins to Shenyang Mint On May 13, 2011, the grandchildren of Howard Franklin Bowker celebrated the third donation from their grandfather's renowned collection of Chinese currencies. Following their arrival from the United States, Mr Gordon Bowker and Ms Carolyn Bowker attended the special ceremony to mark the donation of 84 coins to the Shenyang Mint, China's oldest mint. In the last year, the Bowker Family has worked with iAsure to make treasured coins and banknotes available for research and preservation in the country of their origin. Howard Franklin Bowker was considered one of the top Numismatists in rare Chinese coins and banknotes during the 1940s and 1950s. His passion for Chinese coins began while stationed in Hankow, China in the 1920s. Before he passed away in 1970, Mr. Bowker expressed great interest in donating his collection to public service. In 2007, 37 years later, Michael Chou, iAsure Group CEO, learned of these high hopes while researching Mr. Bowker's works and collection. Following three years of enthusiastic conversations with Mr. Bowker's family, the donations became a reality.

In addition to Gordon Bowker and Carolyn Bowker, the ceremony was also attended by Michael Chou, CEO of iAsure Group, and representatives from the Shenyang Mint, including Gu Jun, General Manager, Liu Di, Secretary of the Mint Party Committee, Qin Xiaoxiang, Vice Manager and Wang Zhenjie, Secretary of the Mint Work Committee. Mr. Gu Jun started the event with deep gratitude: "We are extremely grateful to Mr Bowker and his family for their generous donation, and to Michael Chou, who worked tirelessly for years to make the donation a great success. Without question, the Bowker Collection donation will be remembered by history and I am pleased to announce today that the coins will be held in their own exhibit hall. Further, the Shenyang Mint will be celebrating another impressive anniversar y August, 115 years printing coins! Certainly, the Bowker Collection will play a prominent role in our big "birthday party".

Donation & Opening Ceremony of Bowker Collection 包克藏品捐贈暨揭幕儀式

Shenyang Mint General Manager Gu Jun issues Certification of Donation to Michael Chou 瀋陽造幣有限公司總經理顧軍向周邁可頒發捐贈證書

From left to right: Jack Huang, Michael Chou, Gordon Bowker, Carolyn Bowker, Gu Jun, Liu Di, Qin Xiaoxiang and Wang Zhenjie 從左到右:黃佳全、 周邁可、 Gordon Bowker、 Carolyn Bowker、 顧軍、劉迪、 秦孝祥和王禎傑

Shenyang Mint General Manager Gu Jun issues Certification of Donation to Gordon Bowker and Carolyn Bowker 瀋陽造幣有限公司總經理顧軍向包克家族代表頒發捐贈證書


Carolyn Bowker offered touching words that recalled her grandfather's wondrous life. She discussed his incredible acumen with languages, teaching himself Chinese, Korean and Japanese without attending a day in college. Ms. Bowker also told the audience of her grandfather's passion for Asian numismatics and his great dedication to researching and collecting currency. Finally, Ms. Bowker noted that Howard Franklin Bowker would be honored to have his coins return home to their country of origin. Mr. Chou noted the Bowker Family's continued generosity: "I would like to thank the Bowker Family for allowing me and my staff to assist on the Bowker Collection. Over the three years that we have been working together, I have enjoyed our time together, especially getting to know the family members." Mr. Chou also thanked the Shenyang Mint and the Numismatic Guaranty Corporation (NGC) for their critical support.

1931 Hunan Soviet One Yuan silver (obverse) 1931 年湖南省蘇維埃政府造壹圓銀幣(正面)

This is the third donation from the Bowker Collection, marking the return of precious Chinese currency deeply rooted in the country's rich numismatic history. In April 2010, the Bowker Family gave 139 Ancient Chinese Coins and coin molds to the Shanghai Mint Museum. Five months later, 212 Chinese Qing dynasty and modern banknotes were presented to the China Banknote Printing and Minting Museum. Due to their historical and cultural significance, the donations received attention from the Chinese and American press as well as the global numismatic community. All of the 84 coins in this donation will receive the highest levels of care for better preservation. Before the donation ceremony, the Numismatic Guaranty Corporation (NGC) placed each coin in holders that are only available to the American National Collection of the Smithsonian Institute. Among the group is an extremely rare Russian style 1901 Kirin "Banner coin" (50 Cents Silver Pattern (exKann)). Only three examples of this piece are known to exist though none are believed to be housed in a museum. The 1901 Kirin "Banner coin" 50 cents silver pattern is beautiful in design and filled with no small amount of mystery. It is called a "Banner coin" due to the manner in which the characters on the reverse side are inscribed. They spread across the coin in a banner-like frame, similar to Russian kopecks (kopek). The coin was minted when the Chinese political structure and economy were weakened by the Russian invasion of Kirin in 1900. Copper had become very expensive at the time, which made copper coins highly impractical for the Chinese government. In order to prevent further loss, Silver Bureau official Na Yinbu proposed that the local mint produce Russian style silver coins. Another coin is a 1931 Hunan Soviet One Yuan Silver. No more than five pieces are known to exist in the world. The piece from the Bowker Collection is in perfect condition after decades of being immaculately preserved.

From left to right: Gu Jun, Michael Chou, Gordon Bowker, Carolyn Bowker, Yang Ming 從左到右:顧軍、周邁可、Gordon Bowker、Carolyn Bowker、楊明


The Shenyang Mint Ltd. is a subsidiary of China Banknote Printing and Minting Corporation (CBPMC) of the People's Central Bank of China. Established at the end of Qing Dynasty in 1896, the Shenyang Mint is the oldest and the most active mint in China. It was also the first modern factory in Northern China, establishing a new center for growth in the country's nascent engineering sector.

Shenyang Mint leaders, CEO of iAsure Group Michael Chou with Bowker family members 瀋陽造幣廠領導及愛秀集團總裁周邁可先生和包克家族合影留念

From left to right: Yang Ming, Marilyn Dorman, Carolyn Bowker, Michael Chou, Gordon Bowker and Gu Jun visiting the exhibition of Bowker Collection 從左到右:楊明、Marilyn Dorman、Carolyn Bowker、周邁可、Gordon Bowker 和顧軍參觀包克藏品專櫃

Yang Ming, Marilyn Dorman, Carolyn Bowker, Michael Chou, Gordon Bowker and Gu Jun visiting the exhibition of Bowker Collection 楊明、Marilyn Dorman、Carolyn Bowker、周邁可、Gordon Bowker 和 顧軍參觀包克藏品專櫃

From left to right: Michael Chou, Carolyn Bowker, Marilyn Dorman, Gordon Bowker and Gu Jun 從左到右:周邁可、Carolyn Bowker、Marilyn Dorman、Gordon Bowker 和顧軍合影留念

Bowker Collection donation ceremony (Live) 現場直播包克藏品捐贈儀式

Bowker Collection donation ceremony (TV coverage) 包克藏品捐贈儀式電視報導


包克家族 84 件藏品贈予瀋陽造幣廠 2011年5月13日,一場特殊而莊嚴的錢幣捐贈儀式在中國歷 史最悠久的造幣廠——瀋陽造幣有限公司隆重舉行。在愛秀 集團的幫助與協調下,美國著名錢幣收藏家霍華德•佛蘭克 林•包克的兩位後人Gordon Bowker先生和Carolyn Bowker 女士專程從美國趕來, 將其祖父收藏的84件珍稀中國錢幣 藏品,經由美國權威的錢幣鑒定公司NGC鑒定打盒之後,捐 贈給瀋陽造幣有限公司。這也是在愛秀集團協助下,包克珍 稀 金属幣和紙幣藏品第三次捐給中國,意義重大。 包克先生是美國已故的著名錢幣收藏家,是20世紀40年代 至50年代在中國錢幣及紙幣領域最有成就的研究學者之一。 20年代他居住在中國漢口,由此開啟了他對中國錢幣的熱 愛。他於1970年去世前立下遺願,希望捐出畢生收藏,為社 會公益事業服務。37年之後,感動于包克先生的崇高精神, 愛秀集團總裁周邁可先生從2007年開始積極籌備,多次奔波 於中美兩國之間,歷經3年的努力,終於促成包克藏品的中國 捐贈事宜,實現了包克先生的美好遺願。 包克家族的代表Gordon Bowker和Carolyn Bowker、愛秀集 團總裁周邁可與瀋陽造幣有限公司總經理顧軍、黨委書記劉 迪、副總經理秦孝祥、工委書記王禎傑等領導嘉賓共同出席 了捐贈儀式。 瀋陽造幣有限公司總經理顧軍先生在儀式上高興地表示: “非常感謝包克家族的慷慨捐贈和美好情誼,也十分感謝愛 秀集團和周邁可先生的熱情奉獻。在本次捐贈儀式後,我們 將立即設立專門的包克藏品陳列室,以更好地保存和研究包 克錢幣。今年8月中旬恰逢瀋陽造幣廠建立115周年,我們將 舉辦紀念活動,而包克藏品將作為紀念活動的重要內容展示 出來。” Carolyn Bowker女士在發言中回憶了祖父偉大而平凡的一 生,她動情地說: “我的祖父Howard Franklin Bowker從未 上過大學,但先後自學過漢語、韓語、日語。祖父對收藏亞洲 錢幣有着极大的熱忱,矢志不渝地研究和收藏錢幣。如果他 知道他的收藏能夠為文化交流做出貢獻,他一定感到十分驕 傲。” 愛秀集團總裁周邁可先生亦發表演講,感謝對捐贈過程有過 幫助的人,他說: “對於包克家族對我的信任與支持我深表 感謝。也感謝瀋陽造幣有限公司對包克藏品的極大興趣和接


受捐贈。美國權威的錢幣鑒定公司NGC為包克錢幣進行鑒定 打盒,感謝NGC的大力支持。” 這是包克藏品第三次捐贈給中國的造幣企業及博物館。第一 次是在2010年4月,包克家族將139件中國古代錢幣和幣模 捐贈予上海造幣博物館。5個月之後的2010年9月,212張中 國清朝和現代紙幣從美國來到中國印鈔造幣博物館。一系列 包克藏品捐贈活動因其特殊的歷史與現實意義,成為全球錢 幣界和社會公眾關注的焦點。 值得一提的是,這批84件包克錢幣藏品都經由美國權威錢幣 鑒定公司NGC進行精心鑒定、保養和打盒。在此之前,只有 Smithsonian Institute的美國國家錢幣藏品享有過如此的保 養包裝。 此次將捐贈給瀋陽造幣有限公司的包克藏品中特別值得注 意的,是仿俄羅斯風格的1901年吉林辛丑三錢六分銀幣樣 幣,原耿愛德舊藏兩枚中的一枚,存世僅3枚,被譽為中國機 制銀幣稀世大珍。據目前所見資料,國內各公立、私立博物館 均無對該枚錢幣的收藏記錄。 1901年吉林辛丑三錢六分銀幣樣幣設計新穎、來源神秘。背 面圖案仿俄國戈比(kopek)銅幣的設計,在上方英文省名及下 緣面值部份加上如長條旗幟狀的外框,故在國外稱之為吉林 “banner coin”,中文稱為“吉林雙旗幣”。1900年,俄國入 侵吉林,中國主權及經濟利益受損嚴重,代理銀元局事務佐 領訥音布建議,因銅價高昂,鑄造製錢虧損巨大,不如仿照 俄國銅幣形式自行造幣。 捐贈的包克藏品中還有一枚1931年湖南省蘇維埃政府壹圓 大珍幣,現存不超過5枚,品相登峰造極,極其難得。 瀋陽造幣有限公司隸屬于中國印鈔造幣總公司,始建於1896 年,是中國現有歷史最悠久的造幣企業,也是東北第一家近 代機器工廠,開創了近代東北機械工業之先河。



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