The fourth issue of jean

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2016 年 11 月 November 2016 第 4 期 總第 22 期 No. 4 Issue 22

THE JOURNAL OF EAST ASIAN NUMISMATICS 中英雙語 電子季刊 Bilingual (English - Chinese) Digital Quarterly

Otto Beh Chinese dies 奧托拜赫公司製作的中國幣模

Zhou Xiang's Academic Study of Chinese Coins 功崇惟志 業廣惟勤 ——周祥先生中國錢幣學術研究述記 The Mysterious Honan Coins of 1909 揭秘 1909 年河南銅元 The Opening Ceremony of the Chinese Coin Exhibition in Germany 德國中國錢幣展開幕


2016 年 11 月 November 2016 第 4 期 總第 22 期 No. 4 Issue 22

THE JOURNAL OF EAST ASIAN NUMISMATICS 中英雙語 電子季刊 Bilingual (English - Chinese) Digital Quarterly


Che-lu Tseng



Publisher & Editor in-Chief

Michael H. Chou



Senior Editor

Bruce W. Smith




Yuan Shuiqing



Advertising & Circulation Manager

Liu Jinling



聯繫我們 Contact Us 臺北公司 Taipei Office 臺北市南京西路 163 號 1 樓 50-51 室 Room 50-51, No.163 Nan King W. Rd., Taipei 電話 (Tel):886-2-25551761 郵箱 (Email):

上海辦事處 Shanghai Office 上海市普陀區常德路 1258 弄 16 號 801 室 Room 801, No.16, Lane 1258, Changde Rd., Putuo District, Shanghai 電話 (Tel):86-21-62993235 郵箱 (Email):

Foreword 前言 Welcome to the 4th edition of the Journal of East

Camp Meal Tickets. Roger Urce, Howard Daniel III

Asian Numismatics. In this issue we feature an article

and Bruce Smith present us with an article based on

on the opening of the Chinese Coin Exhibit at the

the their presentation at the 2016 Memphis Paper

Moritzberg Museum at Halle, Germany. The Chinese

Money Show about bonds issued by the founder of the

exhibit features the coin collections of Joachim Kruger

Republic of China, Sun Yat-sen.

and Howard Franklin Bowker as well as the Otto Beh Chinese dies. Zhou Yan-ling, senior researcher and senior member of Shanghai Numismatic Society, has submitted an article in which he interviews senior researcher Zhou Xiang of the Shanghai Museum. The Shanghai Museum probably has the greatest holdings of Chinese numismatics in the world including many top coins from famous collections such as the Chang Shushen, Lee Wei-sen, and Shi Jia–gan collections.

Our Senior Editor, Bruce Smith, has an article A Japanese Bank Document Signed By Dong Xianguang focusing on information on signers of these banknotes issued by the Japanese for use in China. We are pleased the Journal continues to expand on its mission of promoting numismatic exchanges between East and West. Starting in 2017, the Journal, along with Krause Publishing and the World Money Fair Berlin, will be a sponsor at the annual "Coin of the Year" presentation which will be held in Berlin. We

In this issue we welcome a guest article about

hope to increase awareness of collectors of the "Coin

modern circulating Chinese coinage by Zhang Wei-

of the Year" award, the most important international

Yan, a former manager of Po Sang Bank of Hong Kong

competition for mints worldwide.

and the Shanghai Mint. Steve Feller, former longtime

Michael Chou

editor of International Banknote Society Newsletter, has

Publisher and Editor in Chief

submitted an interesting article about Manila Interment 歡迎閱讀第 4 期《東亞泉志》。本期雜誌的一大亮點

博祿在其三人於 2016 年孟菲斯紙幣展所做演講的基礎上



紹,此次錢展的全部展品中,又以尤阿希姆 · 克魯格和


霍華德 · 佛蘭克林 · 包克的錢幣藏品以及奧托·拜赫德製 中國幣模最為引人注目。 上海市錢幣學會常務理事、學術委員周延齡為本期雜 誌貢獻了一篇對上海市錢幣學會副理事長、上海博物館 研究館員周祥的採訪稿。上海博物館館藏的中國錢幣數 量為世界之最,其中很多頂級藏品都是來自知名錢幣藏 家的捐獻,如張叔馴、李偉先以及施嘉幹。 我們邀請曾在香港寶生銀行工作的上海造幣廠退休 幹部張維研先生為本期雜誌撰寫了一篇介紹共和國小額 金屬貨幣的文章。曾多年在《世界紙幣協會通訊》擔任 編輯的史蒂夫 · 費勒為我們帶來了一篇關於馬尼拉戰俘 營飯票的文章。羅傑 · 厄斯、霍華德 · 丹尼爾三世以及史

《東亞泉志》高級編輯史博祿的《一份有董顯光簽署 的日本銀行本票之文件》一文考據了於中國流通的日本 紙鈔上面簽名所屬者的生平資訊。 我們很榮幸能通過《東亞泉志》為推動東西方之間的 錢幣交流貢獻自己的一份力量。從 2017 年起,《東亞泉 志》將和克勞斯出版社及柏林世界錢展一道,共同贊助“世 界硬幣大獎”的頒獎活動(頒獎地為柏林)。世界硬幣 大獎是最為重要的國際性錢幣獎項,我們希望此舉能讓 更多的錢幣藏家將目光轉移到這一泉界大獎上來。 《東亞泉志》總編兼出版人:周邁可

CONTENTS 目錄 Features 專題 Zhou Yanling (Shanghai)


功崇惟志 業廣惟勤 ——周祥先生中國錢幣學術研究述記



The Mysterious Honan Coins of 1909

Bruce W. Smith (USA)




Michael Chou (USA)




Book Review

Bruce W. Smith (USA)





JEAN Summer 2016 News

Bruce W. Smith (USA)


《東亞泉志》2016 夏季新聞



The 2016 Nick Brown Lifetime Achievement Award



2016“尼克 • 布朗錢幣收藏貢獻獎”終身成就獎揭曉



Champion 2016 Summer Hong Kong Auction Draws Top Bidders and Realizes Record Prices for Chinese Coinage



冠軍 2016 夏季香港拍賣引激烈競標 ——包克中國錢幣藏品創歷史新高



Yuan Shuiqing (Xi'an)




Yuan Fang (Xi'an)




Quanchi (Xi'an)




Howard F. Bowker (USA)




Bruce W. Smith (USA)




Bruce W. Smith (USA)




Bruce W. Smith (USA) 史博祿(美國)

96 98

Steve Feller (USA)




Zhou Xiang's Academic Study of Chinese Coins

揭秘 1909 年河南銅元 The Opening Ceremony of the Chinese Coin Exhibition in Germany 德國中國錢幣展開幕

Departments 部門

The Third National Coin Exposition, Zhengzhou, 2016 2016 鄭州 • 第三屆全國錢幣收藏博覽會 JEAN and the 13th Chinese Copper Coin Seminar 《東亞泉志》與第十三屆中國銅元研討會 Two Types of Commemorative Banknotes Issued in Xi'an and Yan'an 兩款貨幣文化產品分別在西安、延安首發

Column 專欄 A Visit to the Hangchow Mint 參觀杭州造幣廠 A Japanese Bank Document Signed By Hollington Tong 一份有董顯光簽署的日本銀行本票之文件 The Ultra Small Wu Zhu Coins 小五銖錢幣考 The Peiyang Arsenal Tokens 北洋機器局製代幣 A Santo Thomas Internment Camp Meal Ticket: A Tragedy in Manila Steve Feller, Member of the Numismatic Literary Guild 一張聖托馬斯集中營飯票:記馬尼拉發生的一場悲劇 Sun Yat Sen-Revolutionary Bonds

Roger Urce, Howard·A·Daniel III and Bruce W. Smith (USA) 106


羅傑 · 厄斯 、霍華德 · A · 丹尼爾三世 、史博祿(美國) 109

The Birth of the Small Denomination Coins of the People’s Republic of China 中華人民共和國小面額金屬貨幣誕生記 Charles Tanant Coin Collection 查尔斯·譚安中國錢幣收藏

Zhang Weiyan (Shanghai) 張維研(上海)

112 114

Bruce W. Smith (USA)




Departments 部門

New and Recent Numismatic Works Bruce W. Smith (USA)

I The People’s Republic of China First Issued Banknotes Collection By Lu Rongxi and Dong Zhongda, Numismatic Society (Asia), Singapore 2004. Chinese text (English preface), soft cover, 287 pages, color illustrations, 1000 copies printed. ISBN 9810515189. Cover Price: US $38 (300 RMB)

This lavish catalog, illustrated mostly with specimen notes, is a detailed study of the notes of the Peoples Bank of China issued in the old Renminbi system – that is, notes

dated through 1951 plus the 5000 yuan note of 1953. In the latter year the currency was revalued at 10,000 old renminbi to 1 new renminbi. The catalog records 60 different notes (numbered 1 through 60) plus numerous varieties, arranged by denomination. This fills the first 196 pages, and following this are another 90 pages of appendices and charts. The catalog section not only records the notes and varieties, but also reveals where each note was printed, when it was first issued, the secret marks on each note and their location, the identity of the vignettes, and other valuable information. This appears to be the first catalog to record the existence and locations of secret marks on PRC notes and the first to record the printers for each note.

II Illustrated Catalog of Chinese Scrip Notes By Wu Chouzhong and Zhao Longye, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Publishing Bureau, Beijing, China 1995. Chinese text, soft cover, 238 pages, black & white illustrations, 5,000 copies printed. ISBN 7500418205. Cover Price: 18 (RMB) (1937-1945). The war had forced coins out of circulation, and in order to carry on business, a wide variety of metal tokens and scrip notes were issued in China, especially in the vicinity of Tientsin and Shanghai. The metal tokens issued in Shanghai have been cataloged elsewhere. This book attempts to record the paper scrip issued during that period.

This amazing work is a catalog of approximately one thousand different small change notes, mostly issued in Shanghai, mostly during the Japanese occupation of China

The listing is arranged by the type of business which issued the scrip – small banks, factories, stores and amusement places. The book is profusely illustrated though the quality of the illustrations is poor. Although some of these notes have been listed in Schwan & Boling’s book, World War II Remembered (those in Neil Shafer’s collection), most of the material in this work has not been published before. This is an important work by one of the most prolific writers on Chinese paper money.


東 亞 泉 志


Departments 部門 III Dictionary of Chinese Numismatics

By Tang Shifu, Beijing Publishing House, Beijing 2000. Chinese text, hard cover, 2 volumes, 880 pages, illustrated with rubbings. Includes a CD-ROM version of the book. ISBN 7200028657. Cover Price: 240 (RMB)

The first volume of this set contains the text while the second volume has the plates. The entries are arranged by the four corner system, but for those unfamiliar with it, there is a stroke count index at the beginning of the first volume, and an alphabetical index of first characters in the back of the second volume. The entries include numismatic terms, coin inscriptions (including cash coins, knife and spade coins, and even some foreign cash), mint names, organizations, names of rulers and others connected with the issue of coins, names of collectors and writers on Chinese numismatics. This dictionary seems to be devoted to traditional coinage, and doesn’t include machine made coins, sycee, paper money, tokens, or any coins from Republican times. One defect in this otherwise very useful work is that the illustrations, while arranged in the same order as the text, are identified by a code number, for which one has to search the text. There are approximately 6,000 entries in this dictionary, providing a wealth of information. In addition some entries have tables providing even more information. This is a very important work and a necessity for a good numismatic library.

IV Great Dictionary of Chinese Numismatics – Pre-Ch’in Dynasty Coins A better translation of the title would be: Encyclopedia of Chinese Numismatics. This is the first in a ten volume set compiled under the auspices of the Henan Numismatic Society. The other volumes in the set are: Volume 2 Qin and Han Dynasties Volume 3 Wei, Jin and North & South Dynasties Volume 4 Tang and Five Dynasties Volume 5 Song, Liao, Xia and Jin Dynasties Volume 6 Yuan and Ming Dynasties Volume 7 Qing Dynasty Volume 8 Republic of China Volume 9 Revolutionary Base Area Volume 10 Numismatic Writers Volume 11 Archaeology in Numismatics Volume 12 Amulets Edited by Li Baohua, Jia Canyu, Zhao Huiyuan and Dai Zhiqiang. Zhong Hua Book Company, Beijing, 1995. Chinese text (Preface and Foreword in English), hard cover, 679 pages plus fold out charts, illustrated with rubbings, 1,500 copies printed. ISBN 7101012418. Cover Price: 240 yuan (RBM)

東 亞 泉 志



Volume 13 Appendix The first volume, on pre-Qin coinage, covers knife coins, spade coins, shell coins, ant nose, the Chu gold coins and the first round coins. The arrangement is by type of coinage, beginning with shells and their imitations, then hollow-

Departments 部門 handle spade coins, other types of spade coins, knife coins, and finally round coins. The size and weight of each coin is noted – an important feature. The last section of the book is on molds for pre-Qin coins, some of which are illustrated in fold out plates. Among the appendices in the back is a chart giving the weight in grams of the weight units used during pre-Qin times, as well as a table of the metallic content of the various types of such coins. Most of these coins are made primarily of copper and lead, rather than copper and tin. The exception is the Yuan round coin, which contains almost no lead or tin, and is almost pure copper. One long but very important appendix is a chart for determining dates during

the Spring & Autumn and Warring States periods. Each state had its own ruler and each dated its years based on that ruler. The dates given in early historical records are always in years of Duke So-and-so or Marquis Suchand-such. A chart is necessary to determine what that date corresponds to in western years or in terms of the dating in other states. The charts list the rulers and dates for 13 states during Spring & Autumn times and eight states during Warring States times. This is not a catalog, but rather a survey of coins with physical, historical and archaeological data.

V Treasures From the Lost Frontier: Sinkiang Gold and Silver Coin Catalog of the new information published for the first time in English is a 1324 (1906) Kashgar tael with the weight shown in kuping taels instead of the usual hsiangping taels. This coin also has raised stars on its edge instead of reeding. Another mystery explained for the first time in English is a pattern Kashgar tael dated 1325 (1907), which has a series of crescent moon and star designs around the dragon instead of clouds, similar to Turkish silver coins of the same period. The Sinkiang coin has on the edge a series of four different four-digit numbers separated by stars. This is the firsSt book to make extensive use of the newly discovered Chinese dies made in Germany by Otto Beh for L. Schuler, the company which supplied machinery for one of the Sinkiang mints.

By Lin Hsien-chang and Chen Gi-mao, Taipei, Taiwan, 2016, 242 pages, color photos, hard cover. Chinese and English text. ISBN 9789574335480 A wonderful new book which reveals the details and mysteries of Sinkiang coins for the first time in English. It is destined to become the standard work on the subject, replacing the 1990 book, "Illustrated Catalog of Sinkiang Gold and Silver Coins" by Lin Gwo-ming and Chen Gi-mao. Not only does this new work expand on the previous catalog listings, but it also contains better quality photographs. Some

The author also supplies collecting tips scattered throughout the book. The coins are numbered continuously - 238 types plus varieties - providing standard reference numbers for collectors. Most of the coins are priced in up to six grades, apparently in U.S. dollars. This book does have a few drawbacks, beginning with the use of simplified characters instead of the traditional characters used on the coins. In addition the reference numbers have been omitted in the price charts. The book could have been improved with a more extensive chart of Manchu and Turki words and a date conversion table, showing the equivalent Moslem, Chinese and western years.


東 亞 泉 志


Departments 部門

VI The Ten Cash Commentary: The General Issue Ten Cash Coins of the Republic of China

By Michael Zachary, published by the author in Charleston, South Carolina 2015, 69 pages with color photos. ISBN 9781508408215. Available on This is a guide to identifying the many die varieties of general issue ten cash coins issued during Republican times (1912-1949). Chinese machine struck silver and copper coins made during the 1890's and early 1900's were issued by provincial mints and display the name of the province in Chinese, English or both. Such coins were not accepted in other provinces, so during Republican times several provincial mints issued coins which do not name any province. These are called general issue coins because they were intended to circulate generally, not just in one province. The first of these coins were struck in 1912 as commemoratives for

東 亞 泉 志



the establishment of the Republic, but some continued to be struck into the 1920's, which is why there are so many varieties. Some of these general issue coins have been firmly attributed to specific mints at Anching, Changsha, Tientsin, Taiyuan and Kalgan, but exactly which coins were made by the Nanking and Wuchang mints is unclear. The listing is arranged in Yeoman catalog order, as used in Yeoman's "Modern World Coins", and in the Krause-Mishler "Standard Catalog of World Coins", with cross references to Woodward's "The Minted Ten Cash Coins of China". Profusely illustrated with enlarged photos.

Departments 部門

錢幣書籍推介 史博祿(美國) 一、《中華人民共和國第一套人民幣大全》 作者呂榮熙、 董仲達, 亞洲錢幣學會 2004 年於新加坡 出版。語言中文(序言為英文),軟皮封面,帶彩色插圖, 共 287 頁,印數 1000 冊。ISBN 9810515189,定價 38 美元(按當時的匯率約為 300 元人民幣)。 本書內容浩博,其中大部分內容都附有樣幣插圖。 書中詳盡地記錄了中國人民銀行發行的舊版人民幣體系, 包括 1951 年之前發行的人民幣以及 1953 年發行的 5000 元(渭河橋)紙幣。之後一年舊版人民幣又被重新估價, 10000 元舊版人民幣被認定為可以兌換 1 元新版人民幣。 這本圖錄的前 196 頁中記載了 60 種不同的紙幣(編號 1-60),不同版式按照面值分類整理,後面 90 頁的內容 是附錄和圖表。圖錄這一章不只記載了紙幣及其不同版 式,還附上了這些錢幣的印刷地點、初次發行的時間、 每一張纸币上面的戳記及位置、票面上的识别图案以及 其他有價值的資訊。這本書應該是第一本記錄中華人民 共和國紙幣上面的暗記、位置以及印刷廠資訊的目錄。

二、《中國代用券圖錄》 作者吳籌中、趙隆業,北京中國社會科學出版社 1995 年出版。語言中文,軟皮封面,帶黑白插圖,共 238 頁, 印數 5000 冊。ISBN 7500418205,定價 18 元(人民幣)。 這本著作惊人,收錄了大約 1000 種不同類型的輔幣 券,其中大部分都是日本侵華期間(1937-1945 年)上海 發行的票券。當時,戰爭的爆發迫使原來所使用的硬幣 退出了流通市場,為了繼續進行商業活動,中國尤其是 天津周邊及上海地區發行了大量的金屬代幣及代用券。 本書主要記載的就是這一段時期發行的紙質代用券,而 關於上海發行的金屬代幣則在其他地方另有收錄。 書中的內容是按照這些代用券的發行機構類型來進 行分類排序的,這些錢幣的發行機構有小型銀行、工廠、 店鋪以及娛樂場所。雖然本書的插圖內容豐富,但圖片 的品質卻有所欠缺。儘管一些錢幣曾在 Schwan & Boling 所著的《二戰記憶》中出現過(Neil Shafer 的藏品), 但書中大多數的錢幣卻是以前出版的書籍中從未記載過 的內容。這本書是最多產的中國紙幣作家之一吳籌中先 生的一部重要作品。


東 亞 泉 志


Departments 部門 三、《中國錢幣學辭典》

作者唐石父,北京出版社 2000 年出版。語言中文,硬 皮封面,附有拓本插圖,880 頁,共兩卷,附帶光碟。 ISBN 7200028657,定價 240 元(人民幣)。

這套書分上下册,上册是文字敘述,下册是對應 的插圖。辭典的詞條用四角號碼检字法排列,對此不 熟悉的讀者還可以通過上册開頭部分的筆劃索引或 者下册結尾部分的汉字首字拼音索引查阅。詞條的內 容包括:錢幣術語、币文(包括銅錢、刀幣、布幣甚 至還有一些外國錢幣)、造幣廠的名稱、發行機構、 統治者的年號及其他錢幣發行的相關資訊、收藏家的 姓名以及中國錢幣學方面的作家。這本辭典專門介紹 傳統的古代鑄幣,故未收録机製幣、銀錠、紙鈔、代 幣以及其他民國時期的錢幣。本書美中不足的一点就 是書中的插圖是用編號來表示的,雖然和文字部分的 順序是一樣的,但在查找時還得先查找文字內容找到 对应的图片编号才可以找到。不過這本書仍舊不失為 一本實用的專業著作。整套辭典的內容非常豐富,一 共收錄了約 6000 個詞條,有的詞條下麵還附上了表 格,以提供進一步的解釋和說明。總之,這是一本任 何優秀的錢幣圖書館都必不可少的重要專著。

四、《中國錢幣大辭典·先秦編 》 第五卷《宋遼西夏金編》;第六卷《元明編》;第七 卷《清編》;第八卷《民國編》;第九卷《革命根據 地編》;第十卷《泉人著述編》;第十一卷《考古資 料編》;第十二卷《壓勝錢編》;第十三卷《附录编》。

作者叢書編篡委員會,朱活主編,中華書局 1995 年出 版。語言中文(卷首語及前言為英文),硬皮封面,正 文 679 頁,並附有折疊圖表及拓本插圖,印數 1500 冊。 ISBN 7101012418,定價 240 元(人民幣)。 本叢書更為準確的譯名應該是《中國錢幣百科全書》。 本書是河南省錢幣學會主持編纂的一套十二卷叢書中的 第一卷。這套叢書的其他幾卷分別是:第二卷《秦漢編》; 第三卷《魏晉南北朝隋編》;第四卷《唐五代十國編》;

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第一卷主要記載了先秦時代的鑄幣,包括:貝幣、 布幣、刀幣、蟻鼻錢、楚國金幣和最早的一批圜錢。 整本書是按照錢幣的種類來進行排序的,最開始介紹 的是貝幣和貝幣的仿幣,然後是空首布及其他種類的 布幣和刀幣,最後一部分介紹的是圜錢。每枚錢幣上 都標注了大小和重量,這是本書的一個重要的特點。 書本的最後一部分展示了先秦時代的錢幣幣模,其中 一些幣模是附在折疊插圖圖表上面的。書本後面的附 錄中有一張先秦時期的重量單位相應的克數對照表 以及各種錢幣的金屬含量表。大多數錢幣主要都是由 銅和鉛而非銅和錫所合鑄而成的,這其中只有垣字圜 錢是個例外,這種錢幣幾乎不含有鉛和錫兩種金屬, 而基本是由純紫銅所鑄而成。還有一張很長但非常重 要的附錄圖表,上面標示了春秋戰國時期的年代劃 分。當時各個國家都是按照本國國君的名號來進行紀 年的。早期史籍中的日期一直都是某某王幾年或是某 某公幾年。如此一來,這張春秋戰國對應西方或是其 他國家哪個年份的圖表就是必不可少的了。圖表中還 列出了春秋時代 13 個國家以及戰國時代 8 個國家的 國君以及起止時間。這不只是一本目錄,更是一本附 帶錢幣物理、歷史以及考古數據的調查概述。

Departments 部門 五、《邊境瑰寶 : 新疆金銀幣全圖典》 書籍,也是一本不可多得的好書。本書註定會取代 1990 年林國明、陳吉茂合著的《新疆金銀幣圖說》 一書,成為新疆金银幣研究方面的標杆著作。该书 除了對《新疆金銀幣圖說》中的錢幣目錄做了增補外, 書中配圖較前作也更為精緻清晰。新增的內容中提及 了一枚回曆 1324 年(1906 年)新疆喀什大清银币庫 平(而非“湘平”)一兩,幣邊非珠圈,而是別出心 裁陽刻了 25 枚五角星圖案。這是這種錢幣首次在英 文出版物中出現。另一個首次用英文描述的錢幣是一 枚回曆 1325 年(1907 年)新疆喀什大清银币湘平一 兩樣幣,與傳統的祥雲環繞蟠龍圖案不同,此枚银幣 幣面上的蟠龍圖案外面環繞了一圈新月及五角星,與 同一時期生產的土耳其銀幣類似。此外,錢幣的幣邊 處還陽刻了 4 個四位數字(共 16 個中文數字),數 字之間用五角星隔開。本書是第一本多次使用新近發 現的德國奧托·拜赫為舒勒公司所製幣模的錢幣著作, 舒勒公司曾經是新疆一家造幣廠的生產機器提供商。

林 憲 璋、 陳 吉 茂 共 同 编 著, 臺 灣 臺 北 市,2016 年 出 版, 共 計 242 頁, 彩 圖, 硬 皮 封 面, 中 英 雙 語。ISBN 9789574335480。 新近出版的《邊境瑰寶 : 新疆金銀幣全圖典》是第一 本詳細介紹新疆金银幣及其背後神秘歷史的中英文对照

除了穿插收藏小知識之外,作者還將書中的錢幣 一一編號(共 238 種),以方便藏家參考查閱。多數 錢幣都標注出了多達六種品相的相關參考價格,單位 均為美元。雖然不失為一本不可多得的上乘之作,但 本書還是存在一些小小的瑕疵。如書中的文字內容使 用的是簡體而非錢幣上的那種傳統的繁體字,價格表 中的錢幣編號存在一些疏漏,而且序言部分的漢回文 及回曆、漢曆(農曆)、西曆對照表也顯得過於簡略。

六、《注解民國通用十文》 邁克爾·紮克利 2015 年出版於南卡羅來納州查爾斯 頓,共 69 頁,附彩色插圖,ISBN 9781508408215, 亞馬遜有售。 這是一本介紹民國時期(1912-1949 年)通用十 文的指導性用書。19 世紀 90 年代及 20 世紀早期的 中國機製銀、銅幣均為各省屬造幣廠所鑄,錢幣上刻 有鑄造省份的名稱,或中文、或英文或二者兼備。由 於這種機製幣只能在鑄造地一省使用,後來各省又相 繼推出了一種不帶省份名稱的通用錢幣,使用地不再 局限於鑄造省一地。1912 年,為紀念中華民國成立, 各造幣廠開始鑄造這種通用錢幣,鑄造時間一直延續 到 20 世紀 20 年代,這也是為什麼通用錢幣存世種類 繁多的原因。安慶、長沙、天津、太原及張家口等地 造幣廠所鑄的通用幣很容易辨認,但南京、武昌兩地 出產的錢幣卻難以識別。書中的錢幣清單按照約曼的 《現代世界硬幣》及克勞斯、米什勒《世界硬幣標準 目錄》中的編號系統進行排序,並對比引用了伍德沃 德所著《中國鑄造十文銀幣》中的相關內容。書中插 圖的數量豐富,尺寸龐大。


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Departments 部門

JEAN Summer 2016 News Bruce W. Smith (USA) Macau Numismatic Society Issues Annual Journal

Baldwin - Ma Tak Wo Hong Kong Auction The annual Baldwin-Ma Hong Kong Auction #60 was held 7 April 2016 at the Golden Mile Holiday Inn. Containing just over 900 lots, most illustrated in full color, this sale continues the tradition of earlier sales by combinations of Spink, Taisei, Baldwin, Gillio and Ma. The sale begins with paper money, including two unusual items. Lot 68 is an undated 10 yuan note from the Peiping Municipal Commercial School Bank. It is unclear whether this was an actual circulating note or a training note for use in the school. Either way it is an interesting piece. Lot 67 is a 1932 one chiao note from the Liaoning Peoples Bank. The note appears to have a military overprint, but the overprint is backward. This bank is not listed in the Smith & Matravers catalog and may have been part of an anti-Japanese resistance movement. In the sycee section the Chin Dynasty (1115-1234) is represented by a gold ingot and a silver ingot. Following this is a silver ingot from the Southern Sung Dynasty (1127-1279).

The Associacao Numismatica de Macau has published its annual journal for 2015. Titled "Aspect Banknote" in English or (Ao Men) Qian Chao Zong Heng in Chinese, a better translation might be "Aspects of Macau Coins and Banknotes." The journal contains 34 articles in 220 pages, in 8-1/2 by 11 inch format, with color photographs throughout. The first 56 pages consist of a series of articles by several writers identifying the signatures, serial numbering system, and prefix letters for specimen notes and replacement notes of Macau. Pages 62-100 contain a colorful listing of modern Chinese silver and gold coins. This is followed by articles on the first Chinese dragon dollar; an introduction to and listing of the Chinese coin dies made by Otto Beh in Germany; a study of the Yuan Shih-kai "big beard" portrait dollar (previously identified as Governor Chin Teh-chuen); IndoGreek coins from the Central Asian silk road; the Kiangnan 20 Cash 1904, with photos of the owners of the two known examples (Sun Ding of Shanghai and Howard F. Bowker of San Francisco); an early Kwangtung Military Government silver medal; Macu notes issued for Timor; and several other articles. The issue concludes with the names and collecting interests of the members, numbering over 400. ISBN 9789996593840 (International Standard Book Number).

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Before the 1990s, only a few ingots from before the Ch'ing Dynasty (1644-1911) were known in museums around the world. In recent years, however, dozens of such ingots have turned up in auctions in China and elsewhere. In 2007 one coin shop in Beijing had a stack of about two dozen medieval ingots sitting on the floor. Items of note among the Chinese coins include a 1914 Yuan Shih-kai dollar with L. GIORGI signature; a Peoples Republic 1986 Year of Peace 1 Yuan pattern; a Mengchiang 5 chiao 1938 struck in aluminum instead of copper-nickel (actually two pieces); and, a Mengchiang 1 chiao ram's head pattern in aluminum. Lots 555 through 589 contain several interesting medals, including two attributed to the foreign led "Ever Victorious Army" which fought against the Taiping Rebels in the early 1860's; a medal for Chinese who participated in the First World War, featuring a lion standing on various weapons; a Nanking garrison medal of 1912; a medal for German soldiers who fought in the Boxer War of 1900; and, an identification badge for an employee of the Tientsin Mint who worked in the silver flan section. Among coins from other Asian countries is a Macao 50

Departments 部門 Avos 1993 struck over a Nigeria 10 Kobo 1976. How this

out plates containing rubbings of the coins. The background

could have happened is unclear. There are several tokens

information on the organization of the mints and the casting

from Chinese tin mining companies in Malaya, including two

process is excellent, based mainly on Chinese sources, many

with Manchu mintmarks for Chihli Province in China; and,

of them non-numismatic. Burger introduced the concept

a long run of plantation tokens from Indonesia. From Japan

of an annual dating system for the coins, based on minor

there are five gold coins collected by Albert Richard Brown

changes in the characters. This idea remains controversial.

(1839-1913), who was instrumental in helping Japan develop

Some of the provincial mints operated branches in various

its shipping industry. Among these is an oval piece said to

towns, all of which used the same mintmark. The existence

have been made in 1744 in "Bentei" and a diamond shaped

of these branch mints is well attested in Chinese records, but

piece, 46x40mm weighing 12.75 grams. Neither of these

Burger has attributed coins to specific branches, again based

pieces is listed in the JNDA catalog.

on minor differences in the writing of the characters. This too remains controversial. The importance of Burger's first book

For more information, contact A. H. Baldwin & Sons

was overshadowed in 2003 by David Hartill's "Qing Cash"

at or Mr. Ma Tak-wo at matakwo@

published by the Royal Numismatic Society (London), which

covers the entire dynasty (316 pages plus 172 plates). That

Werner Burger Completes His Work on Ch'ing (Qing) Dynasty Cash Coins

may be changing now. Now after 40 years, Burger has completed his study of Ch'ing cash through the rest of the dynasty. The new work is published in a two volume, boxed set. The first volume, containing the text of the original work plus new text to complete the series, runs 258 pages. The second volume consists of 53 large fold-out plates, illustrating over 6,000 coins. Though the Ch'ing Dynasty began only about 370 years ago, its coins contain a number of mysteries. A few of the mintmarks have not been definitely attributed, and there are questions why some coins exist at all. By Ch'ing times, cash coins were not primitive productions, but were based on more than 2,000 years of experience, which produced some beautiful coins, cast in a sand mold. The minting system was well organized and controlled from the two mints in Peking, through a system of memorials (petitions) sent from local officials, and decrees sent down from the capitol. Late in the dynasty, this system began to break down, causing most of the mysteries facing numismatists today. After decades of searching, in 1996 Burger finally located the official reports from the mints - 2,838 reports, filling 60 volumes and 43,742 pages. This provided information on what mints were in operation throughout the country, and the quantity of coins

In 1976 Werner Burger of Hong Kong published the

each produced year by year.

first volume of his study of Ch'ing Dynasty cash coins. At the time, it was the most comprehensive work in a European

Published in 2016 by the Hong Kong University Press,

language on the subject, but only covered the coins of the

the set sells for US $800 (HK $6,000) plus postage (US $52

first three rulers. From this came its title: Ch'ing Cash Until

by sea or $98 by air). ISBN 9789881902337. Website: www.

1735. Issued in A4 size and published in Taiwan, the English

language work contained 126 pages plus several huge fold-


東 亞 泉 志


Departments 部門 Zeno Oriental Website Enters 14th Year

Archives International Auctions April 2016 Sale

The Zeno Oriental Coins Database ( was

Archives International Auctions of Fort Lee, New Jersey

launched by Vladimir Belyaev of St. Petersburg, Russia

held the third part of its sale of the Alexander Pogrebetsky

on Christmas Eve 24 December 2002, replacing his earlier

collection of Chinese and Russian notes April 11-13, 2016.

website devoted to Far Eastern charms or amulets (www.

The first sale of the collection was held in Hong Kong on - still running, but not updated since 2003). This is

23 May 2015. Pogrebetsky was a Russian businessman

the most active website in English on Asian coins and paper

living in China during the 1920's to 1940's. In 1940 he was

money. The Zeno site presently has over 1,800 registered

manager of the Tientsin Investment Corporation in Tientsin.

users around the world, who have uploaded 173,000 photos

He and Edward Kann attended meetings of the Shanghai

and over 197,000 comments on those photos. The site is free,

Numismatic Society during 1942-1945. He is best known for

non-commercial, open to the public without registration,

his 1929 book in Russian on Chinese coins and paper money.

searchable, and is being expanded every day. One must be

Kann claimed in his letters that Pogrebetsky's work was

registered, however, to upload images or post comments. The

largely taken from Kann's 1926 book, Currencies of China.

site has been viewed more than 17 million times. Among the

Pogrebetsky died in Israel in 1952, and his collection of 8,000

members are many experts on the coinage or paper money of

Chinese notes was cataloged there. It is rumored that Kann

specific areas or time periods.

bought part of the collection, but this has not been confirmed. Around 1970 James C. Leigh donated 4,500 Chinese notes to

The European meaning of "Oriental" refers to everything

the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, DC. These notes

east of the Mediterranean Sea, including the Middle East,

were said to be from the collection of Pogrebetsky, according

India, Central Asia, Southeast Asia and the Far East. The

to an article in the May 1992 issue of The Numismatist.

database of images is divided into eleven major categories:

Perhaps Leigh was able to obtain only a portion of the

Far East; Southeast Asia; Pre-Islamic Asia and North Africa;

Pogrebetsky collection and the remainder is now being sold

Ancient and Medieval East Europe; Christian East; Islamic

by Archives International.

World; Modern Asia & North Africa; Paper Money; Special Projects; and Auxiliary Sections (which includes reference

Among the highlights in the 1700 lot April sale was a

material, maps, articles, and book reviews). Within these

5 Tael 1907 note from the Peking branch of the Deutsch-

are many sub-categories, divided usually by dynasty and

Asiatische Bank with serial number but unsigned and

subdivided by location or time period or metal. The largest

unissued sold for $30,000. All but one of 102 lots of Chinese

categories are Islamic World (56,000 images; 82,000

railroad and related bonds sold from prices ranging from

comments), South Asia (India-23,000 images; 24,000

$250 to $500. A Ch'ing Dynasty 100,000 Cash note (the

comments), and Far East (22,000 images; 33,000 comments).

highest value issued) 1858, sold for $11,400. Among foreign banks in China, a Netherlands Trading Society 1909 $10 note

The Zeno site is a particularly good place to keep up on

bearing an agent's signature, sold for $4,800. A pair of scrip

newly discovered coins and hoards, especially from Central

notes from the Harbin Bakery sold for $3,186; a 1919 scrip

Asia, Mongolia and southern Russia. It is also a good place

note from the Hulunbeier Business Bank brought $3120; and

to keep up on newly published books on the numismatics of

a Society of Artisans Club Harbin 1919 note gained $6,300.

Asia. For more information or images of the lots, contact Dr. Robert Schwartz at

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Departments 部門

Macau 2017 Year of the Rooster Notes Already in Circulation

According to reports circulating on the internet, notes dated 2017 from the Bank of China and from the Banco Nacional Ultramarino have been released for circulation. According to interviews the notes were released early to avoid hoarding and speculation in the notes.

The Otto Beh Dies Macau Special Exhibit Medals

The Otto Beh Dies Macau Special Exhibit Medals are designed and minted by the Shenyang Mint. The observe features Macau landmarks Mazu Temple, St. Paul’s and Lotus, the floral emblem of Macau Special Administrative Region. The reverse depicts Otto Beh Chinese Coin Dies, and busts of Li Hung-chang and Otto Bismarck. The silver

medal is 80mm in diameter, 99.9% in fineness and contains 500 grams of pure silver. The mintage is limited to 10 pieces with standard fineness and weight. The copper medal is also in 80mm in diameter. The mintage is limited to 200 pieces with a unique design and excellent strike. The copper medal is very popular among the medal collectors.


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Departments 部門 The Hundred Leaves of Grass Collection The Hundred Leaves of Grass Collection (Pai Cao Ji) edited by Wong Hon-sum (Huang Han-sen), Singapore 1999, two volumes (1137 pages), black & white xerox illustrations. Chinese text. Published by the Numismatic Society of Asia (Singapore). ISBN 9810410581. This is a collection of about 300 articles written by the late Sup Loy (1921-1999), who was also known as Lu Shibai (Lu Shihpai) and used the pen names Bo Wen (Pai Wen), Liang Ch'engchiu, Nan Hsun, and Hsi K'e. The articles in this collection, arranged under various subjects, were originally published in the 1980's and 1990's in Taiwan numismatic journals such as: Hsin Kuang Yu Ch'ao (Sin Kwang Monthly Coins and Stamps); Nan T'ou Pi Ch'ao; Chung Hua Chi Pi Hui K'an; Tai Pei Chi Pi Hui K'an; Wen Ch'uan Pi Ch'ao; Ch'ien Pi T'ien Ti (Numismatic World Bimonthly); Ch'ien Pi Shih Chieh (Numismatic World); Wen Ch'uan Pi Ch'ao; Ch'uan T'an (Numismatic Forum Bimonthly); and Hsuan Ho Pi Ch'ao (Hsuanhuo Coins Magazine), and in one journal from China, Zhoushan Qianbi (Zhoushan Numismatics). Not included in this collection are numerous earlier articles by Loy published in English during the 1960's to 1980's in: Currency Collector; International Bank Note Society Journal (including

1983 issue has a photo of Loy, his wife and daughter,

some under King-on Mao's name); East Asia Journal; Chinese

and Ruth Hill).

Banknote Collectors Society Bulletin; and Coin World (13 April Collected Writings of Wang Yin-chia Collected Writings of Wang Yin-chia (Wang Yin Jia Qian Bi Lun Ji) by Wang Yin-chia, edited by Wang Ch'ien-yu, Shanghai 2008, 213 pages, 9 color plates, otherwise illustrated with rubbings, hard cover. Chinese text. ISBN 9787532550210. A collection of articles by Wang Yin-chia (1892-1949), mostly on cash coins, all apparently published in Ch'uan Pi (Quanbi) Magazine during the 1940's. Not in this collection are two articles by Wang published in 1943 in the Japanese numismatic magazine, Kahei (issues #286 and #291). This book joins three earlier books about Wang and his collection. The first, titled "Yi Yin Quan", was a small paperback published in 1989 on the 40th anniversary of his death, containing information about him contributed by more than 20 collectors in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and America. In 1992 a hardcover volume titled: "Wang Yin Jia Pin Quan Lu" was published, containing rubbings of some of Wang's coins, some with handwritten comments. The third was published in 1998 under the title: "Wang Yin Jia Pin Quan Xu Lu", being an expanded supplement to the previous work.

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Departments 部門

Cast Korean Coins & Charms Cast Korean Coins & Charms by Wybrand Opden Velde

work, with black & white photos, rarity rating, and good

and David Hartill, 2013, 404 pages, illustrated with rubbings

description and translation of the design elements, which

and photos. English text. ISBN 9780755215942.

are further explored in an Iconography section. Warning to collectors: Koreans believe (correctly?) that charms were

Scott Semans, who has actually seen this book, provides

made at Seoul-area mints, which would make them, unlike

the following review: New standard Western work on the

Chinese, Japanese, and other charms, a sort of official

series, building on Mandel and various Korean works. Coin

commemorative coinage. Thus, pieces which do not appear

listings use Mandel's 1972 "Cast Coins of Korea" format

to be "original" are valued at little in the Korean market. The

and an expansion of his numbering system, nearly doubling

majority of charms found outside Korea are copies of the

the listings with size and calligraphy variants. Each entry

1950-60s, or earlier, so collectors should be wary of paying

includes a rubbing (usually Mandel's), catalog number, cross-

significant money for a piece based on apparent rarity. The

referenced to "Standard Catalog of World Coins" (KM) and

photos in this work are not large enough for authentication.

the annual Ohsung catalog, description of variant features,

Close comparison to the color photos in the two Korean

furnace number range, date, and rarity rating. Extensive

charm works, or a Korean auction catalog may help, but

historical and numismatic information. The charms section

apparently even advanced Korean collectors will differ on

has unique catalog numbers, cross-references to both

what is an "original." Records 900 coins compared to 511

Mandel's manuscript on charms and Han Yong-dal's Korean

listed in the Mandel catalog, plus 689 charms.


東 亞 泉 志


Departments 部門

《東亞泉志》2016 夏季新聞 史博祿(美國)

澳門錢幣學會出版 2015 年展特刊

目錄使用全彩印刷。拍賣先從紙鈔環節開始,其中有兩 張特殊的紙幣較為引人注目。第 68 號拍品,一張北平高 商實習銀行拾圓紙幣,年份未知,具體功能未知,可能 是實際流通的紙鈔,也有可能是學校裏使用的練習鈔, 但無論如何,這都是值得研究的一張紙鈔。67 號拍品, 一張 1932 年遼寧民眾銀行壹角紙幣,蓋軍隊印戳,但方 向是顛倒的。Smith & Matravers 目錄中並未收錄,很有 可能是抗日戰爭中流通的一種紙幣。 金銀錠拍賣環節中金朝(1115-1234 年)比較出彩的 兩件拍品分別是一金一銀兩個銀錠。之後一個南宋時期 (1127-1279 年)的銀錠也較為引人注目。20 世紀 90 年 代之前,已知的清代(1644-1911 年)之前金銀錠數量稀少, 僅有數個存於世界上幾家博物館中。不過,近年來中國 及其他各地的拍賣會中卻出現了大量清代之前的金銀錠。 2007 年,一家北京的錢幣商鋪裏更是出現了中世紀金銀 錠堆了一地的場景,數量約有二十幾個。

澳門錢幣學會出版了 2015 年會員藏品展特刊,英文 標題“Aspect Banknote”,中文書名為《澳門錢鈔縱橫》, 或譯為“澳門硬幣與紙幣縱覽”更為恰當。年刊共 220 頁,收錄文章 34 篇,8½ ×11 英寸大小紙張,全彩印刷。 年刊的前 56 頁收錄了幾篇關於澳門樣幣及代幣上面的 簽名、序列號以及首碼等內容的文章。 第 62 到 100 頁 是現代中國金銀幣彩圖圖表。後面的幾篇文章分別涉及 第一枚中國龍幣、由德國奧托拜赫公司所打造的中國幣 模、袁世凱大鬍子像銀元(之前經證明,大鬍子肖像的 原型實為江蘇總督程德全)、中亞絲綢之路上的印度 - 希 臘王國錢幣、兩枚已知的 1904 年江南省造光緒元寶二十 文銅樣幣並附有錢幣藏家(上海的孫鼎及三藩市的霍華 德·F·包克)的照片、廣東軍政府印章以及東帝汶的澳门 紙鈔等內容。年刊的結尾附有澳門錢幣學會會員姓名及 其收藏門類,發行量 1800 份。ISBN( 國際標準圖書編號) 9789996593840 。

鮑德溫 - 馬德和香港拍賣 一 年 一 度 的 鮑 德 溫 - 馬 德 和 香 港 拍 賣 #60 專 場 於 2016 年 4 月 7 日在金域假日酒店拉開序幕,20 世紀初以 來, 鮑德溫公司已經舉辦了多場的錢幣展覽與拍賣活動。 本次拍賣共計僅 900 多件拍品,延續並融合了早期斯賓 克、泰星、鮑德溫、Gillio 以及馬德和拍賣的傳統,拍賣

東 亞 泉 志



拍品中有幾枚比較有意思的中國錢幣:一枚 1914 年 L. GIORGI 簽字版袁世凱像銀幣;一枚 1986 國際和平年一 元樣幣;1938 年蒙疆銀行五角鋁(非銅鍍鎳)幣(實際 有兩枚)以及一枚蒙疆銀行羊頭一角鋁質樣幣。555 號 -589 號拍品中幾枚獎章很是有趣 , 如兩枚 19 世紀 60 年代早 期為獎勵外國領隊率洋槍隊圍剿太平軍而頒發的獎章; 一枚中國一戰參戰獎章,上面刻有一只獅子立於武器堆 之上;一枚 1912 年南京留守府之紀念章;一枚 1900 年 德國士兵鎮壓義和團獎章 以及一張天津造幣廠銀坯製造 部員工身份證明。 亞洲其他國家的錢幣拍品中,有一枚用 1976 年尼日 利亞 10 科博硬币打造的 1993 年澳門伍毫錢幣,鑄造原 因不明。另外還有幾枚中國駐馬來亞采錫公司所鑄的代 幣,其中兩枚錢幣上還帶有直隸省滿洲造幣廠廠記;以 及一大批的印尼種植園代幣。拍賣的日本錢幣中有 5 枚 是來自阿爾伯特·理查德·布朗(1839-1913 年)的錢幣藏 品,此人是促進日本造船業發展的靈魂人物。這 5 枚錢 幣中有一枚據說是 1744 年鑄造於 Bentei 地區的橢圓形錢 幣以及一枚鑽石形狀的錢幣,46x40mm 大小,重 12.75 克。 這兩枚錢幣在日本錢幣經銷商協會的拍卖图录中均沒有 記載。 欲瞭解更多資訊,請登錄 A. H. Baldwin & Sons 公司 官方網站 或聯繫發郵件給馬德和先 生,郵箱地址為。

Departments 部門 沃納 · 布威納完成清代古錢研究著作

造業是建立在 2000 多年的經驗積累之上的,這期間曾經 湧現出很多砂模製造的漂亮錢幣。當時,整個貨幣製造 業已具備了非常成熟的運轉體系,北京的兩所大型造幣 廠負責總領全局,地方造幣須先由本地官員向北京方面 遞呈奏本(即申請書),中央經審議後再將決議檔發回 到地方。 清朝後期,傳統的造幣模式逐步瓦解,這也是 多數清代錢幣謎團的形成原因,時至今日,這些謎團仍 然困擾著廣大的錢幣研究者。多年調查研究之後,布威 納終於在 1996 年從各大造幣廠搜集到足夠的官方資料, 這些資料共 2838 份,分為 60 卷,總頁數為 43742 頁, 內容不僅涉及了全國各大造幣廠的經營運轉資訊,還包 含各廠歷年造幣量的詳細資訊。 本書由香港大學出版社出版,定價 800 美元(6000 港幣),不含郵費(海運郵費 52 美元,空運郵費 98 美元), ISBN 9789881902337。網址:。

Zeno 東方網站創辦 14 周年

1976 年,香港的沃納·布威納出版了其第一本清代古 錢的研究著作。雖然書中僅涉及清代最早三位帝王統治 時期錢幣的相關內容,但本書在當時還是成為了歐洲關 於清代錢幣方面最為詳盡全面的著作。因書中涉及的內 容,本書被命名為《1735 年前的清錢編年譜》,A4 紙大小, 出版地為臺灣,語言英文,正文 126 頁,附有幾張錢幣 拓片的巨幅折疊圖。書中關於造幣廠的組織結構及造幣 過程的內容頗為精彩,大都來源於相關的中文史料,其 中還有很多非錢幣學方面的文章與書籍。布威納根據錢 幣特徵上的細微差別,發明了一套年代劃分系統,不過 這一系統現在仍存在一些爭議。有的省級造幣廠會在其 下屬的各大市鎮開設分廠,各分廠和總廠使用相同的廠 印標記。雖然相關的中文資料證明了這些分廠的存在, 但布威納並未依此劃分錢幣,而是根據錢幣上字體的細 微差異來進行分類。這種做法同樣在錢幣界引發了爭議。 2003 年,皇家錢幣學會(倫敦)出版了大衛·哈蒂爾所著 的《清代錢幣》一書,涵蓋了整個清朝時期的錢幣(共 計 316 頁,附有 172 也插圖)。這本書的出版在當時讓 《1735 年前的清錢編年譜》的光芒黯淡了許多,但現在, 一切或許都將和以前不同了。 40 年過去了,現在,布威納完成了對整個清代錢幣 的全部研究工作,並將這些研究成果重新付梓成書。新 作共兩卷,盒裝,第一卷共 258 頁,在原作的基礎上補 齊了後續朝代的內容,第二卷收錄了 57 張大幅折疊插圖, 涉及 6000 多枚錢幣。儘管清朝距今只有 370 多年的歷史, 但清代錢幣中卻有許多尚未解開的謎團,有些錢幣上的 鑄造標記的刻印原因不明,而有些錢幣的存在原因更是 存在很多疑問。造幣行業並非始於清代,清朝的錢幣製

2002 年 12 月 24,耶誕節前夜,俄羅斯聖彼得堡的弗 拉基米爾·別利亞耶夫創建了 Zeno 東方錢幣資料庫(www.,用以取代自己之前建立的研究遠東花錢和壓 勝 錢 的 網 站( 該 網 站 目 前 仍 在 運 行, 但 2003 之後就已經停止更新)。Zeno 網站是目前亞洲硬幣 及紙幣方面最為活躍的英文網站,全世界註冊會員 1800 名,共上傳 173000 張圖片,總評論數超過 197000 條。 該網站為免費網站,無廣告,無需註冊即可流覽,有搜 索功能,每日更新。不過,目前只有註冊成為用戶之後 才能在 Zeno 網站上上傳圖片或是發表評論。截至目前, 該網站流覽量已超過 1700 萬次,註冊用戶中不乏眾多錢 幣及紙幣特定時期特定領域的專家大牛。 歐洲文化裏的“東方”泛指一切地中海以東的地區, 包括中東、印度、中亞、東南亞以及遠東。Zeno 網站上 的圖片共分為 11 大板塊,分別為:遠東、東南亞、前伊 斯蘭統治時期的及北非、古代及中世紀時期的東歐、基 督教東方地區、伊斯蘭世界、當代亞洲及北非、紙幣、 專項研究以及輔助板塊(包含參考資料、地圖、相關文 章以及書評)。各大主板塊中又包含許多次版塊,通常 按朝代進行劃分,然後按照地點、時間或是材質進行更 為細緻的分類。各大主版塊中又以伊斯蘭世界(56000 張圖片,82000 個評論)、南亞(印度,23000 張圖片, 24000 個評論)以及遠東(22000 張圖片,33000 個評論) 板塊下的內容最為豐富。 對於想要翻閱錢幣方面的最新發現及錢幣藏品相關 資訊、尤其是對於那些要查閱中亞、蒙古以及俄羅斯南 部錢幣方面資料的網友來說,Zeno 着實是一個絕佳的去 處。另外網站在新近出版的亞洲錢幣著作方面的豐富內 容,同樣會讓諸位錢幣愛好者感到受益匪淺。


東 亞 泉 志


Departments 部門 檔案國際拍賣公司 2016 年 4 月春季拍賣 2016 年 4 月 11-13 日,美國新澤西州李堡市的檔案 國際拍賣公司舉行了對亞曆山大·波格列別斯基中國及俄 羅斯錢幣藏品的第三次拍賣活動,第一屆波格列別斯基 藏品拍賣會於 2015 年 5 月 23 在香港舉辦。這位亞曆山大·波 格列別斯基是一位俄羅斯商人,20 世紀 20-40 年代曾經 旅居中國。1940 年,波格列別斯基出任天津投資公司經理, 1942-1945 年期間,他同愛德華·耿愛德曾多次出席上海 市錢幣學會舉行的會議。波格列別斯基最為人熟知的作 品是一本 1929 年於俄羅斯出版的關於中國錢幣的書籍, 不過耿愛德在信裏曾經聲稱波格列別斯基這本書中的內 容大多都是來自自己所寫的《中國貨幣論》一書。1952 年,波格列別斯基在以色列去世,而他的 8000 多件中國 錢幣藏品也是在那裏分類整理完成的。 詹姆斯·C·李曾於 1970 年前後向華盛頓史密森學會捐獻了 4500 件中國錢 幣藏品,據 1992 年 5 月份出版的《錢幣學家》的相關報 道來看,此次捐獻的中國錢幣就是來自於波格列別斯基 的收藏。李當時很有可能是得到了一部分波格列別斯基 收藏的錢幣,而現在檔案國際拍賣公司則將其剩下的錢

幣藏品分批進行公開售賣。 4 月拍賣共計 1700 件拍品,其中較為引人注目的有: 一張 1907 年德華銀行北京分行的五兩銀票,有編號,無 簽名,未發行,成交價 30000 美元;102 件中國鐵路錢 幣及相關債權均拍出了 250-500 美元的高價(只有一張 除外);一張 1858 年一百千文大清寶鈔(最大面值), 成交價 11400 美元;在華外國銀行發行的票券中,一張 1909 年荷蘭貿易商會發行的 10 美元紙鈔(票面上附有 代理商的簽名)以 4800 美元的價格成交;兩張哈爾濱福 利麵包店的代價券以 3186 美元的價格成交;一張 1919 年呼倫貝爾商業銀行代價券的成交價為 3120 美元;一張 哈爾濱公交俱樂部學會的紙幣更是賣出了 6300 美元的高 價。 想要瞭解更多資訊或瀏覽拍品圖片的顧客,請聯繫羅 伯特·施瓦茨博士(。

2017 澳門生肖雞年紀念鈔發行

據相關網路報道,由中國銀行和大西洋銀行聯合發行 的 2017 年澳門生肖雞年紀念鈔已正式投入發行,本次提前 發行雞年紀念鈔的原因旨在打擊市場上的囤積奇居行為。

東 亞 泉 志



Departments 部門 “Otto Beh 德製币模澳门特别展”紀念章

“Otto Beh 德 製 幣 模 澳 門 特 別 展” 大 銀 章 和 大 銅 章,由瀋陽造幣有限公司設計、鑄造。正面的圖案為澳 門地標媽祖廟、大三巴和澳門的象徵蓮花;背面的圖案 是 Otto Beh 德製幣模和李鴻章、俾斯麥的頭像。該銀章

直 徑 80mm, 成 色 99.9%, 含 純 銀 500g, 限 量 鑄 造 10 枚。成色標準,重量合格,品質精製。大銅章直徑也是 80mm,材質為紫銅,限量鑄造 200 枚。大銅章設計新穎, 工藝精湛,深得廣大銅章愛好者喜愛。


1999 年,由黃漢森整理編輯的《百草集》一書在新 加坡付梓出版,全書分為上下兩卷(1137 頁),黑白 鐳射插圖,語言中文,亞洲錢幣學會(新加坡)出版, ISBN 9810410581。 《百草集》將陸世百先生晚年所著的 300 篇文章按 照主題分類整理成冊。文章作者陸世百又名柏文,曾用 筆名梁成秋、南熏、思科。這 300 篇文章均來自 20 世紀 80 至 90 年代出版的臺灣錢幣雜誌,包括: 《新光郵鈔》 《南 投幣鈔》 《中華集幣會刊》 《臺北集幣會刊》 《錢幣天地》 (雙 月刊)、 《錢幣世界》 《文泉幣鈔》 《泉壇》 (雙月刊)、 《宣 和幣鈔》以及一本中國大陸發行的雜誌——《舟山錢幣》。 陸世百先生早年的一些英文作品並未收錄到本書中,這 些文章寫於 20 世紀 60 到 80 年代,曾在《錢幣收藏家》 《國 際紙幣學會期刊》(有幾篇文章是用“毛景安”這個筆 名所寫)、《東亞泉志》《中國紙幣收藏家學會簡報》, 以及《錢幣世界》(1982 年 4 月 13 日發行的一期雜誌 上曾刊登過一張陸世百同其妻女及魯斯·希爾的合照)等 雜誌上刊登。


東 亞 泉 志


Departments 部門 《王蔭嘉錢幣論集》

《韓國鑄錢與花錢》 《韓國鑄錢與花錢》,維布蘭德·奧普登·威爾德、大 衛·哈蒂爾合著,2013 年出版,共 404 頁,附拓本和插圖, 語言英文,ISBN 9780755215942。 斯科特·錫曼斯看過本書後給出如下評論:這本以曼 德爾及其他韓國錢幣著作為參考而寫成的書是目前西方 世界關於韓國錢幣方面最新的一部標准化著作。書中的 錢幣清單參考了曼德爾 1972 年出版的《韓國鑄錢》一書, 並擴展了原書中的編號系統,新編的錢幣清單無論是規 格大小還是字體都近乎是原來的兩倍。每一個詞條下靣 都附有拓本圖片(以曼德爾書中的居多)、目錄號、交 叉引用的《世界錢幣標準目錄》(KM)及 Ohsung 目錄 的內容、特徵描述、鑄爐編號、鑄造年份、稀有度以及 大量的史料及錢幣學的內容。花錢部分的詞條下靣包含: 獨有的目錄號、交叉引用曼德爾的花錢手稿及 Han Yongdal's 韓國錢幣書籍中的內容、黑白插圖、稀有程度、錢

王蔭嘉先生的作品集——《王蔭嘉錢幣論集》,王健 輿編,2008 年上海古籍出版社出版,共 213 頁,附有 9 頁彩色插圖及拓本圖片,硬皮精裝版,語言中文,ISBN 9787532550210。 本書是王蔭嘉先生(1892-1949 年)的作品集,書中 文章均來自 20 世紀 40 年代發行的《泉幣》雜誌,內容 多是關於古錢。書中並未收錄王蔭嘉 1943 年刊登於日本 錢幣雜誌《貨幣》上的兩篇文章(#286、289)。除本書 之外,早些年還出版過 3 本關於王蔭嘉及其錢幣收藏的 文章,第一本為紀念王蔭嘉逝世四十周年出版的一本名 為《憶殷泉》的簡裝小冊子,書中收錄了大陸、臺灣、 香港及美國 20 多位錢幣收藏家對王蔭嘉先生生平的追 憶。1992 年,硬皮精裝版的《王蔭嘉評泉錄》出版,書 中附有王蔭嘉錢幣藏品的拓本及他本人的親筆評論。第 三本書是 1998 年出版的《王蔭嘉評泉續錄》,在原《王 蔭嘉評泉錄》的基礎上又做了擴大補編。

東 亞 泉 志



幣的詳細描述、翻譯過的錢幣設計元素方面的內容,以 及新擴展的插圖部分。 在這裏需要忠告廣大錢幣藏家的 是:同中國、日本及其他地方的花錢不同,韓國人認為 只有首爾造幣廠鑄造的花錢才算是真正的原版官方紀念 幣,所以其他非“原版”的花錢在韓國市場上通常不會 賣出太高的價錢。而本土之外發現的大多都是 20 世紀 50 到 60 年代甚至更早時期的韓國錢幣,諸位藏家要格 外留心,不要只因為錢幣稀有就花大價錢購買。由於本 書中的圖片過小,所以無法用來甄別原版錢幣。雖然可 以通過仔細對照兩本韓國花錢著作或者韓國拍賣目錄上 的彩圖的方法進行辨別,但即便是資深的韓國錢幣藏家 們也很難在原版錢幣的判斷上達成一致。 本書共收錄了 900 枚行用錢幣(曼德爾目錄中列出的錢數為 511 枚) 和 689 枚花錢。

Departments 部門

The 2016 Nick Brown Lifetime Achievement Award Champion The 2016 Nick Brown Lifetime Achievement Award for the Advancement of Numismatics ceremony was held at the Anaheim Hilton Hotel at 18:30 p.m. on August 11 th, 2016. It was organized by the Nick Brown Award for the Advancement of Numismatics Committee, with Robert Mish of Mish International (pic. 1) serving as the committee chairman, Michael Chou (CEO of iAsure Group), David Camire (President of NCS), Pricepedia publisher Peter Anthony and senior researcher of modern Chinese commemorative coins King Chan as the committee members. Mr. Zhang Weiyan, who worked in the Shanghai Mint and the Hong Kong Po Sang Bank, served as senior consultant of the committee. The ceremony was also sponsored by Mish International, and iAsure Group. The winner of this year ’s Nick Brown Lifetime Achievement Award for the Advancement of Numismatics was Howard Bowker (1889-1970). Mr. Bowker was born in Winona, Minnesota and died in Oakland, California. Howard Bowker had served 34 years in the United States Navy, was a prominent collector of Chinese stamps and covers, and was a recognized authority on a very rare provisional stamp known as the Foochow Bisect. His monograph on the subject, “Foochow 1903”, originally published in 1938, is a classic which is still referred to today. Bowker was a life member of the American Philatelic Society, Charter Member #19 of the China Stamp Society, and one of six founding members of the San Francisco branch (Chiu Chin Shan branch) of the China Stamp Society. He served for many years as President of the San Francisco branch and also as editor of its journal, “Pa Kua.” His philatelic articles appeared in the “Collectors Club Philatelist”, in “China Clipper” (journal of the China Stamp Society), and in other stamp publications. In 1926 he published the Thornhill Album for stamps of the Treaty Ports and Formosa. His granddaughter, Marilyn Dorman recieved the award on behalf of Howard Bowker this time (pic. 2). The Special Historical Achievement Award were presented to Fred Weinberg (pic. 3, 4) and Luis Vigdor. The distinguished guests included, but were not limited to: Dr. Ellen R. Feingold, the Curator of the National Numismatic Collection of the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History and her assistant Jennifer Gloede; National Museum of American History (NMAH) Director of Individual Giving, Rachel Wood; the former president of Panda America and the first winner of the Nick Brown Lifetime Achievement Award, Martin Weiss;

distributor of China Gold coins / former president of PNG (Professional Numismatists Guild), Fred Weinberg; president of Korea Hwadong, J.C.Lee; president of ANA, Jeff Garrett (pic. 5); founders of PMG, Glen Jorde and Richard Stelzer; CEO of Panda company, Kitty Kwan; Masahiro Oka, son of the 2015 Nick Brown Lifetime Achievement Award recipient and President of Tasei Coins Inc.; Jeff Starck, senior editor of Coin World; Max Spiegel, vice president of sales and marketing for NGC (pic. 6); David Camire, president of NCS; former director of Shanghai Mint Museum, Zhang Yaoqun; Charles Coker, film producer and coin collector; Bill Gale of Asset Marketing; Michael Lou, senior director of Macau Numismatic Society; Johan Agren, President of Mynkompaniet Sweden; David Lisot, President of Coin television; David Harper Managing Editor Numismatic News and World Coin News, and, Gus Wing partner M Louis Teller Numismatics. T h e N i c k B r o w n Aw a r d i s s p o n s o r e d b y M i s h International and iAsure Group to recognize those people who contribute significantly to the advancement of numismatic research and collecting. The Medal, designed by Han Xiaosheng and Jin Yaxuan, is struck in silver with gold gilt, silver, and copper by the Shenyang Mint. The Silver with gold gilt medal is proof in quality, 80mm in diameter, 500g. in weight, and 99.9% pure silver. The mintage is limited to 6 pieces, numbered from 0 to 5. The Silver medal is proof in quality, 80mm in diameter, 500g. in weight, and 99.9% pure silver. Its mintage is 14 pieces, numbered from 0 to 13. The Copper medal is proof in quality and 80mm in diameter. The mintage is limited to 200 pieces, numbered from 1 to 200. The No. 0 silver with gold gilt medal and silver medal were presented to Nick Brown’s family, while the No.1 silver with gold gilt medal and silver medal was awarded to Marty Weiss (Lifetime Achievement Award) and Danny Spungen (Person of the Year Award) in 2013. No. 2 and 3 silver with gold gilt medals were awarded to Yang Binchao and Zhu Chunde (Lifetime Achievement Award). No. 2 silver medal was awarded to Wang Shihong (Person of the Year Award) in 2014. No.4 silver with gold gilt medal was awarded to Mr. Masamichi Oka, the winner of the 2015 Nick Brown Lifetime Achievement Award. At the end of the award ceremony, guests watched a special video which recorded Fred Weinberg’s trip to the Shanghai Mint in 1989.


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Departments 部門

Pic.1 Robert Mish of Mish International (R. ) and Bill Gale of Asset Marketing

Pic. 4 Fred Weinberg delivered a speech

Pic. 2 Michael Chou presents the Nick Brown Lifetime Achievement Award to Marilyn Dorman receiving for her grandfather Howard Bowker

Pic. 5 (from L. ) Marilyn Dorman, Michael Chou, Jeff Garrett, Lynn Garrett

Pic. 3 David Camire presents Nick Brown Lifetime Special Historic Achievement Award to Fred Weinberg

Pic. 6 (from L.) Margaret Shao, Macau Numismatic Society senior director Michael Lou and wife, vice president of sales and marketing for NGC company Max Spiegel

東 亞 泉 志



Departments 部門

2016 年“尼克 • 布朗錢幣收藏貢獻獎”終身成就獎揭曉 冠軍研究室 2016 年度“尼克 • 布朗錢幣收藏貢獻獎”終身成就

總裁 Fred Weinberg 先生、韓國 Hwadong 公司總裁 J.C.Lee

獎於 2016 年 8 月 11 日晚 18:30 在美國安娜海希爾頓酒

先生、ANA(美國錢幣協會)主席 Jeff wGarrett 先生(圖

店舉行。此次頒獎儀式由“尼克 • 布朗錢幣收藏貢獻獎”

5)、PMG 創始人 Glen Jorde 和 Richard Stelzer、熊貓公

評委委員會主辦,Mish International 公司和愛秀集團協辦。

司 CEO Kitty Kwan 先 生、2015 年 尼 克 • 布 朗 錢 幣 收 藏

其中 Mish International 總裁 Robert Mish 先生任評委會主


席(圖 1),評委則由愛秀集團總裁周邁可先生、NCS

公司總裁崗政弘先生、Coin World 資深編輯 Jeff Starck,

總裁 David Camire 先生、Pricepedia 創辦人 Peter Anthony

NGC 市場行銷部副部長 Max Spiegel 先生(圖 6)、NGS


總裁 David Camire 先生、上海造幣博物館原負責人張


耀群先生、資深電影製片人兼錢幣收藏家 Charles Coker


先生、Asset Marketing 公司的 Bill Gale、澳門錢幣學會 高級理事盧健東先生、Mynkompaniet Sweden 公司總裁

2016 年度“尼克 • 布朗錢幣收藏貢獻獎”終身成就

Johan Agren、錢幣電視臺總裁 David Lisot、《錢幣新聞》

獎 獲 得 者 為 霍 華 德 • 包 克 先 生 (Howard Bowker 1989 –

及《世界硬幣新聞》主編 David Harper、M Louis Teller

1970 年 )。包克先生生於美國明尼蘇達州威諾娜市,卒

錢幣公司合夥人 Gus Wing 等國內外錢幣界重量級人物悉

於加州奧克蘭市,曾在美國海軍服役達 34 年之久。包


克先生是著名的中國郵品收藏家,是公認的罕見福州對 剖郵票 (Foochow Bisect) 權威。他於 1938 年出版的專著

“ 尼 克 • 布 朗 錢 幣 收 藏 貢 獻 獎 ” 獎 章 由 Mish

“Foochow 1903”,是一本經典著作,至今仍被很多人

International 和愛秀集團聯合贊助製作,專門用於獎勵

念念不忘。包克還是美國集郵學會(American Philatelic


Society) 的 終 身 會 員, 美 國 中 華 集 郵 會(China Stamp


Society)的第 19 號創始成員,並且是美國中華集郵會三



鍍金銀章限量發行 6 枚,直徑 80mm,成色 99.9%,重

多年的主席,同時也是該分會的雜誌“Pa Kua”的編輯。

500g,純銀材質,編號 0-5;銀章限量鑄造 14 枚,直徑

他的集郵文章還被發表在“Collectors Club Philatelist”、

80mm,成色 99.9%,純銀材質,重 500g,編號 0-13;

“China Clipper”(美國中華集郵會的雜誌)和其他一些

大銅章限量發行 200 枚,直徑 80mm,編號 1-200。編號

集郵出版物上。1926 年,他出版了中國通商口岸和福爾

0 鍍金銀章和銀章均贈予 Nick Brown 家族,編號 1 鍍金

摩沙(16 世紀葡萄牙殖民者對臺灣的稱呼)兩地所發行

銀章和銀章分別頒給美國熊貓公司創辦人 Marty Weiss (終

的郵票的集郵冊。包克先生的孫女 —— 瑪麗蓮 • 杜曼女

身 成 就 獎) 和 Danny Spungen(2013 年 度 人 物 獎)。2

士代祖父受獎(圖 2)。除終身成就獎之外,本次“尼克 •

號和 3 號鍍金銀章分別頒給了終身成就獎獲得者楊秉超


(1980 年任中國人民銀行印製總公司總經理)和朱純德(中

獎者分別是 Fred Weinberg(圖 3、4)和 Luis Vigdor。

國錢幣學會和中國金幣總公司創始人之一),2 號銀章 頒給 2014 年度人物獎獲得者王世宏(組織編寫《中國現

頒獎晚宴上,美國國家歷史博物館錢幣收藏館館長 Ellen R. Feingold 博士及其助手 Jennifer Gloede 女士、美

代貴金屬幣賞析》叢書)。4 號鍍金銀章頒給了 2015 年 終身成就獎的獲得者崗政道先生。

國國家歷史博物館個人捐贈處總監 Rachel Wood 女士、 美國熊貓公司前總裁同時也是第一屆尼克 • 布朗終身成

儀 式 最 後, 主 辦 方 為 現 場 觀 眾 展 示 了 一 部 記 錄 了

就獎的獲得者 Martin Weiss 先生、中國金幣代理商 / 原

Fred Weinberg 1989 年上海造幣廠之行的一部特殊影片。

PNG (Professional Numismatists Guild, 專業錢幣行業協會)


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Departments 部門

圖 1 Mish International 總裁 Robert Mish(右)和 Asset Marketing 公司的 Bill Gale

圖 4 Fred Weinberg 發表演講

圖 2 周邁可向霍華德·包克頒發 2016 年度“尼克 • 布朗 錢幣收藏貢獻獎”終身成就獎,包克先生的孫女——瑪 麗蓮·杜曼女士代祖父受獎

圖 5 左起:瑪麗蓮·杜曼、周邁可、Jeff Garrett、Lynn Garrett

圖 3 David Camire 為 Fred Weiberg 頒發“尼克·布朗錢 幣收貢獻獎”歷史成就獎

圖 6 左起:蕭葉榮、澳門錢幣學會常務理事盧健東及其 夫人、 NGC 市場行銷部副部長 Max Spiegel

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Departments 部門

Champion 2016 Summer Hong Kong Auction Draws Top Bidders and Realizes Record Prices for Chinese Coinage Champion Champion Auction is the oldest independent numismatic

Collection was lot 17 (a finest known Chihli 1896 one dollar

auction house in the greater China area, holding floor auctions in

silver coin, NGC MS63. Finest known). Bidding began at USD

Hong Kong since 1996. Champion is also the only Asian Auction

65,000, and a Taiwan phone bidder went up to USD 230,000

house which conducts auction lot viewing in the United States,

before stopping. Two floor bidders, one from Taiwan and the other

Taipei, Shanghai, and the Hong Kong/Macau area. This policy

from Hong Kong, continued bidding. The Hong Kong bidder

allows more bidders to see the coins and then be confident of the

finally won with a record setting price of USD 354,000.

high quality of the coins if they prefer to bid by phone or online. This policy also encourages a much stronger floor turnout, leading to top auction prices. The August 23, 2016 Champion summer auction offered a range of choice numismatic material. Champion was honored to feature selections from the Howard Bowker Collection as part of the Howard Bowker Benefit Auction, which will use its share of the proceeds for the promotion of numismatics, including digitization and education projects. As part of this, a portion of the proceeds will be donated to the National Numismatic Collection at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History. Champion’s 2016 summer auction sold 513 out of 554 lots

Lot017 CHINA-CHIHLI 1896 One Dollar Silver, L&M439, NGC MS63. H. F. Bowker East Asia Collection Realized: US $354,000

for a 92.3% success rate, realizing USD 4,211,794.60 (all prices realized include the buyer’s commission). Once again, Champion had the highest overall auction prices realized and the top auction lot sold. Lot 496, a 1994 Chinese Singapore Gold kilo, sold for USD 678,500. This was more than five time higher than other Hong Kong auction’s top lots and marks the third consecutive time in the past auction period that Champion had the top auction lot sold in Hong Kong/Macau. Champion also sold the top Chinese vintage coin, lot 342 (1929 Sun Yat Sen Globe Pattern dollar) from the NC Collection, which sold for USD 472,000. The top six lots auctioned in the recent Hong Kong auction week were all from Champion. In addition, Champion sold the top four

Lot342 CHINA-REPUBLIC 1929 Sun Yat Sen One Dollar Silver Pattern, globe with 2 crossed flags, L&M88, K610, KM-Pn 106, NGC MS65. NC Collection Realized: US $472,000

Chinese vintage coins and four of the top six Chinese modern coins. The Hong Kong auction preview was held in a function room of the Hong Kong Hyatt Regency Hotel on August 22, 2016. The viewing room was packed with guests from the beginning to the end of the preview. The interest was so great that it was necessary to hold a private viewing afterward and an extra preview early the next day before the auction started. When the auction was about to begin, the Hyatt ballroom was packed and there was standing room only. Even more significantly, there were many collectors who had not been seen since the peak of the Chinese numismatic market in 2011.

Lot496 CHINA 1994 Sino-Singapore Friendship 2000 Yuan 1 Kilo .999 Gold Proof, Mintage only 15, with Box and Cert #00009 Realized: US $678,500 Other important coins included:

Many top collectors came to Hong Kong to personally view

Lot 6 (a finest known Empire 1910 fifty cents, NGC MS-

and bid on the coins from the Howard Bowker Collection and

67) started the auction on a high note and was sold to a young

other coins from the NC Collection. The top lot of the Bowker

Shenzhen buyer for USD 33,040.


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Departments 部門 Lot 9 (an Empire 1911 Dollar) sold to an online buyer from the western United States for USD 22,990. Lot 28 (a finest known Chihli Province 1899 fifty cents, NGC MS-64) went to a Taiwan telephone bidder for USD 59,000.

was won by a top Chinese collector from the city of Chongqing for USD 8,260. Lot 107, a rare Sinkiang 1904 one mace silver coin, caused strong competition between a Shenzhen bidder and a Hong Kong floor bidder. It was finally acquired by the Hong Kong bidder for

Lot 31, a China-Chihli 1908 one dollar silver coin NGC

the record price of USD 17,700.

MS-66, was won by a western American online buyer for USD 19,360.

Lot 108, a Sinkiang 1905 five mace silver coin NGC MS-64, was won by a buyer from the eastern United States.

Lot 32, a China-Fengtien 1898 one dollar silver coin NGC MS-65, sold to a Taiwan floor bidder for USD 54,280.

Republic coins, pattern coins, and medals received a lot of attention and strong bids.

Lot 33, the finest known 1898 Fengtien fifty cents NGC MS 65, was the focus of intense bidding between a floor bidder and

Lot 139, a rare Republic 1914 Yuan Shi Kai five cents nickel

a phone bidder, both from Taiwan. The phone bidder finally won

pattern, received a lot of floor, phone and online bidding action

the lot at USD 82,600.

before finally being won by a Shanghai floor bidder for USD 28,320.

Lot 49, the finest known 1941 Hong Kong cent NGC MS-64, triggered a spirited bidding war between many Hong Kong floor

Lot 206, the extremely rare Otto Beh China-Anhui 1897 one

and phone bidders and was bought by one of these Hong Kong

dollar brass silvered pattern PCGS SP-63+, was fought for by

floor bidders for USD 28,320.

a top Chongqing collector on the floor and a senior from Anhui bidding by phone. It finally sold to the Chongqing floor bidder for

Lot 65 (a finest known Kiangnan 1897 five cents silver coin)

USD 200,600.

was estimated at USD 100 but ended up selling for USD 25,960 to a Chinese floor bidder from Beijing.

Lot 249, a China Kirin 1884 1/2 tael silver coin, was bought by a Lanzhou phone bidder for USD 42,480 after strong bidding.

Lot 69 (a Kiangnan province 1902 ten cash copper coin NGC MS-66) was also estimated at USD 100 but sold for USD 10,620

Lot 343, a very rare China-Republic 1929 Sun Yat Sen twenty

to a top Chinese copper coin collector from Shenzhen, just across

cents silver pattern NGC MS-62, received intense bidding action

the border from Hong Kong.

by a phone bidder from northeast China competing with a Taiwan bidder on the floor. It was finally won by the Taiwan bidder for a

Lot 93, a 1928 Kweichow province auto dollar NGC MS63

price of USD 64,900.

highest graded by grading service, first appeared as lot 779 at the Glendining’s Von Halle Sale (November 24th, 1966) where

Lot 357, a China-Republic 1912 Chang Xiluan (Governor

it realized 125 pounds (USD 350). The title of this important

of Chihli) first class medal NGC MS-62, was won by a Lanzhou

auction of machine struck Chinese coins was "Silver Coins of

phone bidder for USD 20,060 after spirited online biding.

China and the Colony of Hong Kong". The sale consisted of 1127 lots and was the most extensive sale of Chinese silver coins ever

Lot 359, a China-Republic 1920 Ni Si-Chong commemorative

held in England before the Kann sale in 1971, and was probably

gilt bronze medal, was the subject of intense competition by floor

the largest such sale held anywhere in the world. This finest

and phone bidders. It was finally won by a phone bidder from

known 1928 Kweichow auto dollar saw spirited floor bidding

Anhui for USD 23,600.

between two Taiwan bidders and a Hong Kong bidder who joined later. The lot was won by the Taiwan floor bidder for the record price of USD 135,700.

Chinese Modern coins were very strong too. A floor bidder won lot 497, a 1995 Taiwan Return Silver Kilo, for USD 64,900. The same bidder also won lot 511, a 2010 China year of the Tiger

Sinkiang coins from the Bowker collection also did quite

Gold Kilo NGC PF-69, for USD 141,600.

well. Senior collectors purchased most of the major coins of the Lots 94, 95, and 96 (all Sinkiang Yakub Beg Tilla gold coins) were bought by a telephone bidder from Sinkiang.

Bowker Collection and the NC Collection. Many of them attended the auction in person, clearly demonstrating the respect the collectors had for the quality and rarity of both the Bowker East

Lot 98, a Sinkiang 1878 one mace silver coin NGC AU-53,

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Asia Collection and the NC Collection.

Departments 部門

Auction attendees included Li Dan, Xiong Hong, Zheng Li, (Chongqing): Lin Qinghe, Jeffrey Wei,(Singapore): Namchong Cho, Hee Sung Kim (Korea)

Those who attended the auction are Chen Jimao, Zhou Dawei, Jiang Liushen, Li Zhenting, Miao Jie, Sang Guoyi, Shen Xueming, Yuan Kaining, Hu Qinghe, (Shanghai): Zuo Jinghua, Cai Mao, Ye Jiye, Luo Lianqia, Liu Delong, Lin Kuncheng, Ding Lei, Su Lei (Beijing) and, Xie Shizhi (Fujian)

Auction Live

Auction attendees from Taiwan included Ch'en Li-Chang, Chang Ming-Ch'üan, Lin Hsien-Chang, Fan Wei-Tsu, Li ChiaYin, Chan Ts'ai-Pin, Tseng Wen-Hung, James Chou

Those who attended the auction were Mr. Huang, the honorary president of the Macau Numismatic Association: Xiao Zhijun, Zhen Xiong, Yao Yu, Zhang Wei, Dong Chenning (Shenzhen): Zhu Jun, Tam Tsze-Pak, Charlie Chang, Lee Xianmin, Kennth Yung (Hongkong): Osmun Chan, J C Lee, Raul F. Seymour, Dr. Frank, Peter Anthony (USA): Michael Otto (Germany): Herbert Dachs (Austria): Muriel (France)

Auction Live


東 亞 泉 志


Departments 部門

冠軍 2016 夏季香港拍賣引激烈競標 ——包克中國錢幣藏品創歷史新高 冠軍研究室 1996 年,冠軍拍卖公司(以下简称冠軍)在香港舉 行了第一屆拍賣活動,時至今日,冠軍已經成為了大中 華地區歷史最為悠久的獨立錢幣拍賣公司。除此之外, 冠軍還是唯一一家同時在美國、臺北、上海及港澳多地 舉行拍賣活動的亞洲拍賣公司。這也讓更多希望通過電 話和網路進行競拍的顧客能夠一睹拍品真容,從而進一 步確定這些錢幣的上乘品質。此外,多地拍賣的經銷策 略還增加了現場拍賣的熱度,從而促使拍品能夠以極高 的價格取得成交。 本次夏季拍賣彙集了一批高質量的錢幣拍品。更为榮

Lot017 1896 年(光緒二十二年)北洋機器局造壹圓銀幣, L&M439,Y65,K1881,NGC MS63。包克東亞藏品 成交價 354000 美元

幸的是將部分霍華德·包克的中國錢幣藏品進行義拍,義 拍的全部收入將會被用於推動錢幣學的研究上,如贊助 錢幣資料數字化以及教育計畫,此外,還有一部分收入 會捐贈給美國國家歷史博物館錢幣收藏館。 本次冠軍夏季拍賣共計 554 件拍品,成交 513 件, 成交率 92.3%,總成交價 4211794.60 美元(含傭金), 成交總價、單品成交價以及包克藏品中国钱币再次創歷 史新高。第 496 號拍品,一枚 1994 年一公斤中國 - 新加 坡友好紀念金幣的成交價達到了 678500 美元,是其他 香港拍賣行單件最高成交價的 5 倍之多,這也是冠軍連 續第三次在港澳地區單件拍品成交價上面拔得頭籌。除 此之外,冠軍同樣以高價出售了一枚中國近代幣,即第 342 號拍品,一枚 1929 年孫中山地球壹圆銀質樣幣(NC 藏品),成交价格为 472000 美元。近期在香港成交的價 格最高的 6 枚拍品全部出自冠軍。此外,冠軍還成交了 4 枚最高價格的中國近代幣,6 枚以最高價成交的中國現 代幣中也有 4 枚是由冠軍拍出。 冠軍 2016 夏季拍卖会 8 月 22 日在香港凯悦酒店预展, 前来参观的宾客络绎不绝。8 月 23 日在该酒店宴会厅举 行拍卖。拍賣當天,凱悅酒店宴會大廳裏擠滿了前來參 拍的錢幣藏家。如此空前的盛況,自 2011 年中國錢幣市 場出现大熱之後還是第一次出現。 眾多資深錢幣收藏家都親自出席了本次拍賣會,並 就霍華德·包克及 NC 的錢幣藏品展開了競價。包克藏品 中品相最為上乘的錢幣要數第 17 號拍品 —— 大清光緒 二十二年北洋機器局造壹圓銀幣(NGC 評級最高分 NGC MS-63),该拍品的起拍價為 65000 美元,隨之一位臺 灣電話顧客將價格報到了 230000 美元,在現場兩位分別 來自臺灣和香港的競拍者競相出價之後,這枚拍品最終 以 354000 美元的破紀錄價格被來自香港的買家競得。

東 亞 泉 志



Lot342 1929 年(民國十八年)孫中山地球壹圓銀質樣幣, L&M88,K610,KM-Pn 106,NGC MS65。NC 藏品 成交價 472000 美元

Lot496 1994 年中國 - 新加坡友好紀念金幣,面值 2000 元,重量 1 公斤,直徑 100 毫米,成色 99.9%,精質鏡面, 發行量僅 15 枚。原盒原證,證書 #00009 成交價 678500 美元 其他重要的拍品還包括:

第 6 號拍品, 1910 年宣統年造大清銀幣伍角樣幣 (NGC MS-67),被一位年輕的深圳買家以 33040 美元的成交 價買走。 第 9 號拍品,1911 年宣統三年大清銀幣,被美國西 部的一位網路買家標到,成交價為 22990 美元。 第 28 號拍品,光緒二十五年北洋造光緒元寶庫平三 錢六分銀幣(NGC MS-64),以 59000 美元的成交價被一 位來自臺灣的電話買家拍得。

Departments 部門 第 31 號拍品,光緒三十四年北洋造光緒元寶庫平七 錢二分銀幣(NGC MS-66),被一位來自美國西部的網 絡買家以 19360 美元的價格買走。 第 32 號拍品,光緒二十四年奉天機器局造壹圓銀幣 ( NGC MS-65),以 54280 美元的價格被現場的一位臺 灣買家拍走。 第 33 號拍品,一枚 1898 年奉天機器局造五角銀幣 (NGC 評級 NGC MS-65,是目前評級最高分之機製幣), 則引發了現場一位臺灣買家和一位臺灣電話委託買家之 間的激烈競標,最終,參與電話競拍的那位臺灣買家以 82600 美元的成交價競得這枚銀幣。 第 49 號拍品,一枚 1941 年香港一仙銅幣 (NGC MS64),受到了多位香港現場和電話買家的追捧,並最終以 28320 美元的價格被其中一位香港買家拍走。 第 65 號拍品,1897 年江南省造光緒元寶庫平三分六 厘銀幣,雖然估價僅為 100 美元,但最終仍以 25960 美 元被現場一位北京買家拍到。 第 69 號拍品,1902 年江南省造光緒元寶當製錢十文 銅幣,其估價同為 100 美元,落槌價為 10620 美元,買 主是一位資深的中國銅幣收藏家,來自與香港僅有一河 之隔的深圳。 第 93 號 拍 品, 一 枚 NGC 評 級 最 高 分 的 1928 年 貴 州“ 汽 車 幣 ”(NGC MS-63, 原 1966 年 11 月 24 日 Glendining Von Halle 拍賣會第 779 號拍品,當時的成交 價為 125 英鎊即 350 美元。這場中國機製幣拍賣會的主 題為“中國及香港殖民地時期銀幣”,共計有 1127 件拍品。 在 1971 年耿愛德拍賣舉辦之前,此次拍賣是當時英國甚 至有可能是全世界數量最多的一次中國銀幣拍賣會), 這枚貴州“汽車幣”引發了現場的兩位臺灣買家競相出價, 隨後又有一位來自香港的買家參與到了這枚拍品的競標 大戰中,最終,這枚備受矚目的錢幣以 135700 美元的成 交價被現場一位參與競拍的臺灣客人收入囊中。 包克藏品中的幾枚新疆錢幣同樣表現不俗: 第 94、95、96 號拍品,三枚新疆阿古柏金幣,被一 位來自新疆的電話競標買家全部買走。 第 98 號拍品,一枚新疆省造光緒銀幣壹錢(NGC AU-53),則被現場的一位來自重慶的資深錢幣藏家競 標者以 8260 美元拍到。 第 107 號拍品,一枚稀有的 1904 年新疆喀什壹錢銀 幣(NGC MS-65),引發了現場一位深圳買家和一位香 港買家的競爭,最終香港的那位買家以 17700 美元的價

格標到此枚拍品,創成交價格新紀錄。 第 108 號拍品,一枚 1905 年新疆省造餉銀五錢銀幣 (NGC MS-64),則被一位來自美國東部的買家拍走。 備受關注的中華民國錢幣、樣幣和紀念章同樣引發了 與會者的激烈競標: 第 139 號拍品,一枚稀有的民國三年袁世凱像五分鎳 幣樣幣(MGC MS-64),引發了現場、電話及網絡多位買 家的競標,並最終以 28320 美元的價格被現場一位上海 的買家拍得。 第 206 號拍品,一枚極為稀有的光緒二十三年庫平七 錢二分黃銅鍍銀樣幣(PCGS SP-63+),由德國奧托拜 赫公司的幣模所打造,在經歷了現場的一位頂級的重慶 錢幣收藏家和一位通過電話競拍的資深安徽藏家之間的 爭奪之後,此枚拍品被現場的重慶買家以 200600 美元的 成交價拿下。 第 249 號拍品,一枚光緒十年吉林機器官局監製廠平 半兩銀幣,在網上買家相繼出價之後,最終由蘭州的一 位電話委託買家以 42480 美元的價格成交。 第 343 號拍品,一枚非常稀有的 1929 年孫中山像貳 角銀質樣幣(NGC MS-62),引發了一位東北的電話競 標者和一位現場的臺灣買家之間的競爭,最終,這枚拍 品被臺灣買家以 64900 美元的截標價拍下。 第 357 號拍品,一枚民國元年直隸都督(張錫鑾) 頭等紀念牌(NGC MS-62),在經過激烈的網上競標之 後,由蘭州一位電話委託買家拍得,最終的結標價格為 20060 美元。 第 359 號拍品,一枚 1920 年天津造幣廠制倪嗣沖像 安武軍紀念鎏金銅章(NGC MS-64),在經歷了現場和 電話買家的爭搶之後,最終以 23600 美元的價格被安徽 的一位電話委託買家拍下。 拍賣會上的許多中國現代幣同樣受到了熱烈追捧。 第 497 號拍品,一枚 1995 年臺灣光復回歸祖國 50 周年 紀念銀幣以 64900 美元的高價被現場一位買家拍走。除 此之外,這位買家還以 141600 美元的價格拍下了第 511 號拍品——一枚 2010 年庚寅虎年一公斤紀念金幣(NGC Pr-69)。 此次拍賣的包克藏品及 NC 藏品大多都被來自香港和 臺灣資深收藏家買走,其中很多人都親自出席了本次拍 賣會,由此可見這些稀有而高質量的包克錢幣藏品和 NC 藏品在錢幣界的人氣之高。


東 亞 泉 志


Departments 部門

參加拍賣會的有(重慶):李丹、熊宏、鄭麗,(新加坡): 林青禾、Jeffrey Wei,(韓國):Namchong Cho、Hee Sung Kim。

參加拍賣會的有(臺灣):陳立彰、張明泉、林憲璋、 樊慰慈、李家銀、詹蔡濱、曾文鴻、周士傑。

參加拍賣會的有(上海):陳吉茂、周大為、姜柳申、 李振亭、繆傑、桑國裔、沈雪明、元凱甯、胡慶賀,(北 京):左京華、蔡茂、葉繼業、羅聯恰、劉德龍、林坤成、 丁磊、蘇雷,(福建):謝世治。

參加拍賣會的有:澳門錢幣學會名譽會長黃志成,(深 圳):肖志軍、鄭雄、姚煜、張偉、董成甯,(香港): 朱軍、譚子柏、張文嘉、李憲民、翁達,(美國): Osmun Chan、李正民、Raul F. Seymour、Dr. Frank、 Peter Anthony,(德國):Michael Otto,(奧地利): Herbert Dachs,(法國):Muriel。



東 亞 泉 志



Departments 部門

The Third National Coin Exposition, Zhengzhou, 2016 Yuan Shuiqing (Xi'an) Chinese coin collecting and research has developed rapidly in the 21st century. The troika that promoted this development are the Chinese Numismatic Society, the Collecting Committee of the China Collectors Association and Champion Auction Company. The Chinese Numismatic Society belongs to the People’s Bank of China and has 77 group members and over 1,400 individual members (over 60,000 individual members are listed in the database of the National Numismatic Society). The institute sponsors Chinese Numismatics and has hosted seven council meetings. The president of the Chinese Numismatic Society is Jin Qi, who also serves as the chairman of the Silk Road Foundation. The Collecting Committee of the China Collectors Association is also known as the presidium of the National Coin Exposition and was elected in 2014. Its members are mainly from collectors’ associations in China. The committee publishes the China Collections-Numismatics magazine. The Third National Coin Exposition was held at Zhengzhou’s Zi Jin Shan Hotel (the first guest house of the Henan Military Region) from September 9 to 11, 2016. Coin collectors from all over China gathered for the event. The sponsors of this exposition were the National Coin Exposition, the China Collectors Association, and the China General Chamber of Commerce. The organizer was Henan Coin Co., Ltd. and the co-organizer was the Zhengzhou branch of the China Everbright Bank. Over 300 people attended the exposition, including Shi Xiaoyan, the Chairman of the presidium of the National Coin Exposition; vice chairmen Wang Shihong, Li Jun, Jia Hui, Wang Chunli, Ye Tao and counselors, Zhao Kangchi and Yu Jiwei; Zhang Lei, the vice-chairman of the Collecting Committee of China General Chamber of Commerce; Cui Jianwei, president of Henan Coins Co., Ltd., executive president Du Jun and general manager, Qiu Shuang; as well as professional groups from Shanghai, Henan, Heilongjiang, Jiangsu, Anhui, Hubei, Tianjin, Hong Kong and Macau and 53 other exhibitors. I, as the academic counselor of the Macau Numismatic Society, attended the exposition with councilor David Chio, deputy councilor Ho Seng Nan, and overseas executive director, Andy Shao. I also interviewed Wang Haiyan, one of the first “Ten Top Coin Collectors” of this exposition in China. The exposition was very successful.

Champion Auction was established by its president, Michael Chou, in Hong Kong in 1996. In 2002, Champion Auction introduced the first online bidding service in China and became a leader in Asian coin auctions. The company focuses on trading and studying modern Chinese machinemade coins and has attended many famous international money fairs. It has also made great contributions promoting donations of Chinese coins and, since 2014, has organized the International Money Seminar twice with the Macau Numismatic Society. Champion Auction also publishes the Journal of East Asian Numismatics, a Chinese-English digital magazine. The exposition presidium awarded certificates to 100 members of the Steering Committee on September 9th. This Steering Committee was composed of sponsors of the exposition from all over China, representatives of collectors of different kinds of coins, some older collectors and coin dealers and several top coin researchers. Ye Tao announced the decision to establish a Financial Paper Committee, a “Great Wall” Coin Committee, a Medal Committee and a Committee of Grading and Evaluation. Zhang Ruijiang, Tang Yubang Wang Chunli and other representatives of these committees, promised to observe the fundamental purpose of serving all coin collectors and lead committee members to keep advancing Chinese numismatics. The opening ceremony was held on the morning of September 10th. Du Jun hosted the ceremony and Shi Xiaoyan delivered a speech. He said that the 3rd National Coin Exposition is a big party of collectors from all over the country with the theme of “Communication, Exchange and Blending” involving the exchange of ancient and modern coins both from China and other countries. The declaration on the establishment of the presidium clearly pointed out that the fundamental purpose of the presidium of the National Coin Exposition is to serve coin collectors. It should organize activities, cultivate young collectors, expand international exchanges and ultimately promote China’s cultural inheritance. Looking back on the past two years, we can say that we have made great achievements in organizing and holding events, as well as expanding foreign contacts and forum organization with the support of coin collectors and the collaboration of all members of the presidium. This year,


東 亞 泉 志


Departments 部門

we voted for the “Top Ten Collectors” for the first time and set up four subordinate committees. As an old Chinese saying goes “The world becomes smaller on the mountain top.” I believe we will continue to expand and strengthen Chinese numismatics as long as we coordinate our efforts. (Pic1, Pic2)

Pic. 1 Shi Xiaoyan making a speech at the closing ceremony

Pic. 2 Guests at the opening ceremony, (from left) Du Jun, Yu Jiwei, Li Jun, Zhang Lei, Shi Xiaoyan, Wang Shihong, Cui Jianwei, David Chio, Ye Tao and Qiu Shuang During the exposition, a lecture was held on the afternoon of September 10th. Li Jun hosted the lecture, Wang Yongsheng, deputy secretary general of Chinese Numismatic Society and head of the Research and Advisory Office of China Money Museum and Huang Ruiyong, the founder and director of the Financial Club of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics and director of the Gold and Silver Coin Research Department of the Shanghai Finance Institute, made speeches. Wang Yongsheng elaborated on the cultural value of money covering three aspects: Chinese money culture, money as a carrier of culture and the cultural value of coins (Pic3). The theme of Huang Ruiyong’s speech Pic. 3 Wang Yongsheng making a speech

東 亞 泉 志



Departments 部門 was “the history of collecting and investing in culture” (Pic4). He first analyzed the gold market and raised a question: how much gold should be reserved in this rough global economy? Then he explained why we should invest in the gold panda: everyone loves pandas, the designs of the gold panda change year after year, foreigners are very eager to buy these panda coins, and the gold panda can easily be turned into cash. He also introduced some modern gold and silver coins with high numismatic and investment value and gave an optimistic outlook for the future of the Chinese gold and silver coin industry. Mr. Huang believed that the post-80s and 90s generations would become important coin purchasers, commercial banks would be major sellers of coins, coin dealers would keep their professional advantages, the gold panda’s value would be increased, legal exchange centers of antiques would become real pricing centers, We-chat and other online auctions would become more popular and there would be a group of professional collectors and large gold and silver coin enterprises in the future. In the end, Huang Ruiyong gave some suggestions and indicated the direction of investment for all collectors. Both Mr. Wang and Mr. Huang’s speeches won the audience’s warm applause. The “Top Ten Coin Collectors” awards ceremony was held on the evening of September 10th. Before the ceremony, Ms. Chen Nian, the president of China Collection magazine, read the name list of winners and gave a brief introduction. Then, several vice chairmen of the presidium and VIPs of the sponsor awarded certificates, specially made by the medal committee, to the winners of the first “Top Ten Coin Collectors” award, including Wang Haiyan, Li Yong, Li Tiesheng, Wu Yiting, Wu Yue, Wang Yang, Zhang Ruijiang, King Lam Chan, Xia Deyun and Zeng Chenyu. They won the highest honor from the presidium with their efforts and achievements and became model numismatists (Pic5, Pic6, Pic7 and Pic8). About four hundred guests attended this banquet. Activities, such as a live auction, raffle and variety show, were held during the banquet and created a very warm atmosphere. A great number of dealers brought all kinds of coins to this exposition. Cash coins, sycee and banknotes shown in the exhibition hall of delicate exhibits, were particularly well-received and provided a good opportunity for attendants and coin collectors of Zhengzhou to study and communicate with each other (Pic. 9). Copies of the book, Modern Chinese Bullion Coins (volume 1 to volume 5) edited by Wang Shihong were presented and signed for buyers during

Pic. 4 Huang Ruiyong making a speech

Pic. 5 Wang Haiyan (right) receiving an award from Wang Shihong

Pic. 6 Cui Jianwei giving an award to Wang Yang (right)

the exposition (Pic.10). Copies of the big dictionary, Great Dictionary of Chinese Numismatics, edited by the Henan Numismatic Society (19 volumes have been published, the remaining 9 volumes are being edited) were also on display and could be prepurchased by buyers.


東 亞 泉 志


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Pic. 7 Du Jun giving an award to Zhang Ruijiang (right)

Pic. 8 King Lam Chan receiving an award from Qiu Shuang (right)

Pic. 9-1 The busy bourse floor

Pic. 9-2 The busy bourse floor

東 亞 泉 志



Pic. 10 Wang Shihong signing copies of his book, The Appreciation of Precious Chinese Modern Commemorative Coins (volumes 1-5).

Departments 部門

2016 鄭州 • 第三屆全國錢幣收藏博覽會 袁水清(西安) 進入 21 世紀後,中國錢幣的收藏與研究呈快速發展之勢, 近年更是突飛猛進。有 3 駕馬車格外引人注目,一是中國錢幣

好者的根本宗旨,持之以恆地帶領本委員會成員開展各項業 務,不斷取得新成績。

學會。隸屬中國人民銀行,現有團體會員單位 77 個,個人會 員 1400 餘人(全國錢幣學會系統個人會員 6 萬餘人),側重

其二是開幕典禮。9 月 10 日上午舉行,隆重而簡短。開幕



7 屆,現任理事長金琦,為絲路基金會董事長。二是中國收藏


家協會錢幣收藏委員會暨 2014 年應運而生的全國錢幣收藏博




收藏愛好者,側重於收藏和交流。主辦有專刊《中國收藏 • 錢幣》。

宗明義: 主席團以為廣大錢幣收藏愛好者服務為根本宗旨,以

全國錢幣收藏博覽會每年召開一次盛會,2016 年為第三屆博覽




拍賣集團。1996 年在香港創辦,2002 年在中國拍賣界首次引






常躋身國際錢幣展事,2014 年起已與澳門錢幣學會聯辦國際錢





立了 4 個委員會。“凡事登高而小天下。”相信只要錢幣界同 仁們齊心協力,攜手共進,相互支持,就一定能壯大中國的錢

第三屆中國錢幣博覽會於 2016 年 9 月 9-11 日在位於鄭州

幣事業,一定能在錢幣收藏的新征途中再創輝煌(圖 1、圖 2)。

市區的中國人民解放軍河南省軍區第一招待所即紫金山賓館召 開。秋風送爽佳節近,泉友中原大聚會。本屆博覽會主辦單位: 全國錢幣收藏博覽會主席團、中國收藏家協會錢幣收藏委員會、 中國商業聯合會收藏業委員會。承辦單位:河南省錢幣有限公 司。協辦單位:中國光大銀行鄭州分行。出席和參加博覽會者: 全國錢幣收藏博覽會主席團主席石肖岩,副主席王世宏、李軍、 賈暉、王春利、葉濤,顧問趙康池、俞吉偉,中國商業聯合會 收藏委員會副會長張磊,河南省錢幣有限公司董事長崔建偉、 執行董事長杜軍、總經理邱爽,上海、河南、河北、黑龍江、 江蘇、安徽、湖北、天津省市及香港、澳門地區參會團隊,專 業團隊,以及 53 個參展單位,共計 300 餘人。我以澳門錢幣 學會學術顧問的身份,和該學會理事長趙康池、副理事長何盛 南、海外常務理事蕭業勇組團出席了此次盛會 ,並在會餘採訪 了西藏錢幣收藏家、研究者,首屆全國錢幣收藏“十佳”人物 之一王海燕。會議圍繞交流、交換、交融之主題,突出了 4 個 重點,緊湊有序,圓滿成功。

圖 1 石肖岩在開幕典禮上致辭

其一是序曲。9月9日下午舉行。首先 由博覽會主席團向新成立的第三屆全國錢 幣收藏博覽會指導委員會100名委員頒發證 書。該百人指導組織主要由全國錢幣博覽 會有關省市的召集單位、召集人;不同收 藏幣種中的代表人;錢幣收藏界的老一輩 收藏者、經營者,研究人員中的佼佼者構 成。隨後,葉濤宣讀了成立全國錢幣收藏 博覽會主席團金融票券委員會、長城幣·硬 幣委員會、徽章委員會、鑒定評級委員會 的決定。張瑞江、唐興邦、王春利等分別 代表幾個委員會表示,將努力遵循全國錢 幣收藏博覽會主席團服務廣大錢幣收藏愛

圖 2 開幕式嘉賓合影。左起:杜軍、俞吉偉、李軍、張磊、石肖岩、王世宏、 崔建偉、趙康池、葉濤、邱爽。


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Departments 部門 其三是主題講座。9 月 10 日下午舉行,十分精彩。講座由









( 按姓氏筆畫排序 )。他們用自己的辛勤付出和驕人業績贏得主

(圖 3)。他分三個層次作了系統講述:什麼是中國錢幣文化?

席團賦予的最高榮譽,為錢幣界樹立了學習榜樣(圖 5、圖 6、


圖 7、圖 8)。晚宴現場共計 400 餘人出席,氛圍熱烈,同時,



投資文化”(圖 4)。他首先分析了黃金的保值功能即相對價值,


提出“若世界風雨飄搖,我們該存多少黃金?”然後重點講了 投資中國熊貓金幣的理由:熊貓男女老少都喜愛,熊貓金幣圖 案年年有變化,外國人樂於選購;容易變現等。介紹了最具有 收藏投資潛力的當代金銀幣幣種;並對未來中國金銀幣行業趨 勢作了樂觀分析:認為 80 後、90 後漸成主流,商業銀行成為 銷售主體,經銷商體現專業優勢,熊貓金幣的金融屬性完美展 現,規範的文交所成為真正的定價中心,微拍和輕平臺交易模 式全面興起,真正的收藏家群體出現,金銀幣界誕生大企業。 最後對各層次收藏者的努力方向提出建議。二位專家講演中會 場多次報以熱烈的掌聲。

圖 5 王世宏向王海燕(右)頒獎

圖 3 王永生講演 圖 6 崔建偉向汪洋(右)頒獎

圖 4 黃瑞勇講演

其四是“十佳”人物頒獎儀式。9 月 10 日晚在歡迎晚宴開

頭進行。頒獎前,中國收藏雜誌社社長陳念女士宣讀了首屆全 國錢幣收藏“十佳”人物名單和事蹟簡介。隨後由主席團幾位

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圖 7 杜軍向張瑞江(右)頒獎

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圖 8 邱爽向陳景林(右)頒獎


圖 9-2 展覽交流場景

時間充裕,特別是精品展廳展出的古幣、銀錠、紙幣檔次高, 極具吸引力,為與會代表和鄭州市的錢幣愛好者提供了一次 學習、交流的良機(圖 9)。期間,舉行了王世宏主編的《中 國現代貴金屬幣賞析》(第 1-5 冊)贈書儀式和簽售活動(圖 10)。河南省錢幣學會展示了主持編撰的辭書巨著《中國錢幣 大辭典》(已出版 19 冊,在編 9 冊),並現場預售。

圖 9-1 展覽交流場景

圖 10 王世宏簽售《中國現代貴金屬幣賞析》第 1-5 冊


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JEAN and the 13th Chinese Copper Coin Seminar Yuan Fang (Xi’an) The 13th Chinese Copper Coin Seminar was held at the Beijing Vienna International Hotel in late autumn of 2016. A total of 110 representatives (including several from America, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan) attended the seminar, including Gao Congming, the deputy secretary general of the China Numismatic Society and chief editor of China Numismatics; Wang Jijie, the director of the Exhibition and Propaganda Department of the China Numismatic Museum and Li Zhidong, the deputy secretary general of the Beijing Numismatic Society (Pic. 1). Attendees learned a lot after visiting the exhibition and attending academic lectures, auctions and exchange activities over the two-day seminar. The Journal of East Asian Numismatics [JEAN], aiming to spread the culture of Chinese machine-made coins, attached great importance to this seminar. Apart from providing financial support, its chief editor Michael Chou, who is also as the president of Champion Auction, offered the organizer several rare coins for exhibition and attended the seminar with editor Yuan Shuiqing. They paid close attention to highlights of the seminar and invited researchers to write articles for the Journal of East Asian Numismatics.

Pic. 1 Duan Honggang(left), Yuan Shuiqing (middle) and Li Zhidong (right). The opening ceremony of the 13 th Chinese Copper Coin Seminar was held at 9:30 am on October 23rd. Duan Honggang, a famous coin expert and general manager of Beijing Gong Bo Coins hosted the ceremony; Wang Jijie, Chen Jimao (president of Taiwan Ding Fong Auction Company) and Michael Chou made speeches. Wang Jijie introduced the preparation process and exhibits of the Tong Xin Tong De Selected Chinese Coins Exhibition organized by the Chinese Numismatic Museum. This was the first

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selected Chinese coin exhibition held in China and Mr. Wang believed that the success of this exhibition could not have been achieved without the collections of the Chinese Numismatic Museum and the help of enthusiastic collectors. He also introduced the preliminary research results they had achieved. The research findings would be first discussed with guests in academic lectures and then be edited into a book. (Pic. 2)

Pic. 2 Wang Jijie making a speech.

This was the first time that Chen Jimao, a great collector of Chinese machine coins, has attended the Chinese Copper Coin seminar. In his speech, Mr. Chen shared his experiences of collecting copper coins and introduced the history and present situation of copper coin collecting in Taiwan. He said copper coins were much cheaper even though they were rarer than gold or silver coins. He believed the potential of collecting copper coins was very good and expected more books and articles about these coins would be published and more people would learn and start to collect copper coins. Chen Jimao’s old friend, Michael Chou, also delivered a speech at the ceremony. Mr. Chou told the audience that he started doing business with Chen Jimao in 1994 and Mr. Chen was his main consignor when he founded Champion Auctions two years later. He mainly bought samples to study and research as copper coins were seldom seen in the market early in 1960s. As copper coin collecting was not treated in an investment approach by the general public, most silver coin collectors were not interested in copper coins hence their prices were not very high. But Mr. Chou believed such situation would eventually change. Michael Chou mentioned that rare copper coins and medals were gradually coming into public view, such as some highlights of the 2016 Champion Macau Auction

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Pic. 4 Representatives of the 13th Chinese Copper Coin Seminar

After the speeches the seminar began. Zhou Qinyuan hosted the seminar and Guo Luchun (Zhejiang) and Dong Yongjie (Shandong) shared their experiences of collecting copper coins. Chen Jimao’s report about the past and present

Pic. 3 Michael Chou delivering a speech.

in December, including a 1927-1928 Honan Mint 500 Cash copper coin (estimated price: 20,000 dollars), an extremely rare 1912 Li Yuanhong commemorative medal and a Hupeh 1922 Wuchang Mint director Guo bronze medal (both estimated at 6,000 dollars). At the end, Michael Chou introduced his magazine, the Journal of East Asian Numismatics, to the audience. The Journal of East Asian Numismatics is a bilingual (Chinese-English) digital quarterly. Each issue of JEAN contains articles about copper coins and is sent by email to 5,000 subscribers (over half are foreign readers). (We welcome coin collectors and dealers to subscribe or contribute articles to our magazine!) (Pic. 3) A group photo of all attendees was taken after the ceremony (Pic. 4).

of the trial Sichuan 30 cash copper coin was well received by the audience (Pic. 5). After, Shu Wenfeng announced the result of the article soliciting activity. Eight prize winning articles were: Xiong Shenpu’s A Brief Study of Pei Yang Hu Poo Copper Coins (first prize), Dong Yongjie’s Genuine and Fake Tai Ching Copper Coins in the Year of Ding Wei, Guo Luchun’s Exploring the Design Rule of the Military Government 50 Cash Copper Coins (second prize), Two Kirin Copper Coins by Song Weimin, The Design and Naming of the Kui Mao Kuang Hsu Coins Made in Fengtien written by Zhang Dading, Wu Tao’s Several Versions of Abbreviations on Shaanxi Copper Coins (third prize), Qu Jian’s Analysis of the ‘Chuan’ 20 Cash Copper Coin Designs, and A New Study on Shanxi Copper Coins written by Ma Hanlin (outstanding work award). Winners had a group photo taken after receiving their award certificates from Gao Congming (Pic. 6). In the end, delegates from Wenzhou applied to host the next Chinese Copper Coin Seminar. Duan Honggang replied that the venue of the 14th seminar would be decided after the evaluation of all candidate cities. The copper coin and medal auction began at 2:00 pm. The auctioneer was Yuan Kaining, the business director of


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Departments 部門 Shanhai Fanhua Auction(Pic. 7). Live and online auction began at the same time. Thirty one copper coins and 20 silver-copper and gold-silver-copper medallion sets were sold after two hours of fierce bidding. Lot 24, a Shanxi 10 Cash copper coin was sold at the highest price of 23,000 yuan (Pic. 8). The hammer price of Lot 30, the finest known Hsuan Tung Tai Ching Ti Kuo 10 Cash copper coin reached 4,400 yuan. Lot 40, the No 1 13th Chinese Copper Coin Seminar goldsilver-copper medallion set was bought at the price of 8,100 yuan. Gao Congming, Wang Jijie and other bidders actively participated in the bidding and fought for their favorite coins. The Selected Chinese Coin Exhibition and Academic Lecture was held on October 24 th. Attendees visited the exhibition and transferred coins in the morning. Chen Zhonghua brought his new book, Copper Coins of Shandong, to the exhibition and signed copies for buyers. Michael Chou displayed several copper and silver coins and medals which would be sold at the Champion Macau Auction in December. These rare coins attracted the attention of many attendees (Pic. 9).

Pic. 5 Chen Jimao introducing the Sichuan 30 cash copper coin

The closing ceremony was held in a temporary exhibition hall of the China Numismatic Society at 2:00 pm. Every guest got an album as a gift. The ceremony was hosted by Wang Jijie, Li Ming, the vice president of China Numismatic

Pic. 6 (From left): Zhang Dading, Xiong Shenpu, Guo Luchun Gao Congming, Dong Yongjie and Wu Tao

Pic. 8 Lot 24, a Shanxi 10 Cash copper coin was the most expensive lot.

Pic. 7 Yuan Kaining hosting the auction

Pic. 9 Michael Chou showing coins that would be sold in the Champion Macau Auction.

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Pic. 12 The Honan Kuang Hsu 10 cash proof copper pattern owned by Michael Chou. Pic. 10 Li Ming making a speech at the closing ceremony.

Pic 13: The Hu Poo Bing Wu (Yun) 10 cash copper sample.

Pic. 11 Attendees visiting the exhibition.

Society Council and party secretary of the China Numismatic Museum, gave a speech (Pic. 10). Duan Honggang also gave a lecture on behalf of coin collectors. Then, all the guests visited the exhibition (Pic. 11).The exhibition will last for two months. The exhibition hall is divided into five areas: the History of Copper Coin Production Area, the Qing Copper Coin area, the Republic Copper Coin Area, the Chinese Republic Soviet Copper Coin Area and the Production Technology Area. In all over 200 copper coins are on display; eighty percent are from China Numismatic Museum and are being shown to the public for the first time. The rest were from Zhang Peilin, Duan Honggang, Dong Yongjie, Michael Chou, Wang Aixue, Wei Zhen, Chen Jianhua, Wan Lei and Zhang Guoshu. About ten kinds (over thirty pieces) are being shown for the first time to the public, including a Honan Kuang Hsu 10 cash proof copper pattern from the Michael Chou collection (Pic. 12), Tai Ching Ti Kuo Ji You copper patterns and Tai Ching Ti Kuo Bing Wu copper patterns, a Tai Ching Ti Kuo 1 cash pattern, a Tai Ching Ti Kuo Yi You 2 cash sample, a Hu Poo Bing Wu (Yun) 10 cash copper sample(Pic. 13), a Kirin 10 cash pattern, a Tai Ching Ti Kuo (Ning) 20 cash copper pattern,1936 and 1937 KMT emblem 1 cent

Pic. 14 The Feng Tien Kuang Hsu 10 cash brass pattern.

copper patterns, Chekiang patterns and a Feng Tien Kuang Hsu 10 cash brass pattern (Pic. 14) and others. Visitors stopped in front of these exhibits and took photos one after another.

An academic lecture was held in the meeting room of the China Numismatic Museum after the visit. Dr. Meng Xiangwei, of the Collection and Storage Department of the China Numismatic Museum introduced the determination of metal component in copper patterns in the late Qing by EDXRF and concluded that the copper content of such coins was stable (Pic. 15). Dong Yongjie made a brilliant speech about the background, evolution process, classification and research value of his favorite copper coins (Pic. 16). Dr. Ren Wenbiao introduced the spreading process of western coincasting techniques based on documents from the Guang Dong Money Office and the Coin-Casting Technology (Pic. 17). Guo Luchun, who has kept studying copper coins into his seventies, presented his research results in the speech Exploring the Design Rule of the Military Government 50 Cash Copper Coins.


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Departments 部門 Michael Chou and Yuan Shuiqing carefully listened to lectures and invited reporters and award winners to contribute articles to the Journal of East Asian Numismatics magazine. Selected articles will be published in later issues of JEAN.

This seminar was a great event of Chinese copper coin collecting and would promote the research of Chinese copper coins to a new stage with the cooperation between official and private organizations.

Pic. 15 Meng Xiangwei giving an academic report.

Pic. 17 Ren Wenbiao delivering an academic lecture.

Pic. 16 Dong Yongjie giving a report.

Pic. 18 Guo Luchun giving a speech.

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《東亞泉志》與第十三屆中國銅元研討會 圓方(西安) 2016 年的北京晚秋末期,陽光和煦,氣候宜人。10 月 22 日,與報國寺、北京公博(GBCA 評級)相距很近 的維也納國際酒店,迎來出席第十三屆中國銅元研討會 的 110 名代表(其中美國和中國的港、澳、臺地區各 1 人)。 中國錢幣學會副秘書長兼《中國錢幣》雜誌主編高聰明, 中國錢幣博物館陳列宣教部主任王紀潔蒞臨會議。北京 市錢幣學會副秘書長李志東應邀出席(圖 1)。為期兩 天的會議融研討、拍賣、交流、參觀展覽、學術講座於 一體,使與會者大開眼界,獲益良多。而以傳播中國機 製幣收藏文化為重點的國際性錢幣期刊《東亞泉志》十 分重視此次盛會,在給予贊助支持的同時,總編周邁可(冠 軍拍賣總裁)主動提供數枚珍稀銅元參展、交流,和主 編袁水清一道參加會議,並密切關注會議亮點,及時向 銅元研究者約稿。

文章不斷問世,吸引更多的人學習、參與。 周邁可與陳吉茂是老朋友,他介紹說,二人 1994 年 就有生意來往 , 那時候自己成立了香港冠軍拍賣公司, 而陳吉茂先生是主要的出品人。20 世紀 60 年代初,市 場銅板很少,自己主要買了些樣幣,後來通過學習,對 銅元有所研究。現在玩銀幣的大多不收藏銅元,銅元價 格比銀幣價格低的多,原因是大部分人對銅元僅收藏非 投資,其市場很小。這種狀況會逐步改觀。

圖 2 王紀潔致辭

圖 1 袁水清與段洪剛(左)、李志東(右)報到當日合 影

10 月 23 日的議程為第十三屆中國銅元研討會開幕式、 研討、頒獎和拍賣。上午 9:30,會議舉行開幕式。開幕 式由北京公博總經理、著名銅元專家、本屆研討會籌委 會主任段洪剛主持。王紀潔、臺灣鼎峰拍賣公司董事長 陳吉茂、周邁可先後致辭和發言。王紀潔重點介紹了中 國錢幣博物館舉辦“銅”心“銅”德 —— 中國銅元精品 展的籌備情況和展覽內容,認為是通過挖掘大量館藏資 源,泉友鼎力相助,國內第一次舉辦的高水準中國銅元 精品展;同時介紹了加大對館藏銅元特別是樣幣的研究 力度,對取得的初步成果,先以學術講座的形式與大家 交流,然後集結出版(圖 2)。 陳吉茂是一位中國機製幣收藏大家,首次參加中國銅 元研討會,他用幽默、風趣的語言講述了自己因嗜好與 銅元結緣的收藏經歷,以及臺灣錢幣界收藏銅元的歷史 和現狀,認為銅元存世量較金銀幣少,但價格相對較低。 收藏銅元並非高不可攀,前景看好,希望有新的銅元專著、

周先生認為,珍稀銅元、銅章正逐步浮出水面,如 12 月初冠軍在澳門的拍賣亮點中就有估價 2 萬美元的 1927-1928 年河南雙旗伍百文銅幣,估價均為 6000 美元 的民國時期黎元洪像中華民國五族共和紀念銅章和民國 十一年“武昌造幣廠長郭”銅質紀念章,值得競投。他 最後說,《東亞泉志》為中英雙語錢幣學術季刊,每期 都有銅元方面的內容。編輯部現已直接發行至 5000 個讀 者郵箱,加上讀者再轉發就多了,其中多一半是國外讀者, 歡迎與會者訂閱、賜稿(圖 3)。之後,全體代表合影 留念(圖 4)。 合影之後,會議進入研討。周沁園主持。浙江的郭 魯春、山東的姜永傑分別談了銅元收藏研究感悟;陳吉 茂為大家分享了銅元大名譽品 —— 四川當三十銅元試鑄

圖 3 周邁可發言


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圖 4 第十三屆中國銅元研討會代表合影

圖 5 陳吉茂講述罕見的四川當三十試鑄銅元的前世今生

《奉天癸卯光緒元寶面背的版式研究與命名》、吳濤 《陝西銅元一分簡寫體的幾個版式》獲三等獎;曲建 《中心川20文版式細說》、馬翰林《山西銅元版式新探 討》獲優秀獎。高聰明向獲獎作者頒發證書並合影(圖 6)。最後,溫州代表提出承辦第十四屆中國銅元研討會 的申請,段洪剛表示將連同會後提出申辦的其他省市由 籌委會一併考察決定。

圖 6 高聰明與獲獎的部分作者合影 左起:張達定、熊申 甫、郭魯春、高聰明、姜永傑、吳濤 品的前世今生,贏得陣陣掌聲(圖5)。接着,舒文峰 宣讀了對徵集的15篇銅元研究論文評審結果,其中8篇 獲獎:熊申甫《戶部銅元北洋代鑄考略》獲一等獎;姜 永傑《銅元收藏“真假美猴王”之丁未年大清銅幣》、 郭魯春《軍政府造五十文點心花系列版式規律探索》獲 二等獎;宋衛民《兩枚相互印證的吉林銅元》、張達定

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下午 2 時,銅元與紀念章拍賣準時開始。此場拍賣 由上海泛華拍賣有限公司業務總監元凱寧主槌(圖 7), 現場和 1884 錢幣網同步競價。經過 4 個小時的激烈角逐, 31 枚銅元和和 20 組銀銅及金銀銅套張拍品悉數成交。 其中,其中 24 號拍品中華銅幣橫“山西”當製錢十文 背壹枚以 2.3 萬元人民幣成交,居第一(圖 8);30 號 拍品宣統年造度支部己酉中川英文雙圓圈大清銅幣當製 錢十文,為所見品相最好者,經過十多個回合競價,以 4400 元人民幣落槌;40 號拍品第十三屆中國銅元研討會

Departments 部門 1 號金銀銅套章以 8100 元人民幣成交。高聰明、王紀潔、 袁水清還積極參與,舉牌競得心儀拍品。 10 月 24 日的議程為交流、參觀中國銅元精品展、學 術講座。上午進行交流,與會者相互欣賞擺放的藏品, 並選購轉讓品;陳忠華現場簽售新著《山東銅元賞析》。 周邁可擺放了幾枚冠軍拍賣預展的銅元、銀元(章), 由於件件珍貴,令欣賞者愛不釋手(圖 9)。

圖 7 元凱寧主槌拍賣會

圖 8 24 號拍品“橫山西十文”摘拍場頭冠

圖 9 周邁可在交流現場展示拍賣預展品

下午 2 時,全體代表在中國錢幣博物館臨時展廳參 加“銅”心“銅”德 —— 中國銅元精品展開幕式。每人 領到一本展覽圖冊。開幕式由王紀潔主持,中國錢幣學 會副理事長、中國錢幣博物館黨委書記李明致辭(圖 10),段洪剛代表廣大藏友講話。隨後參觀(圖 11)。 本次展期為兩個月,展覽內容分為五部分:銅元產生的 歷史背景,清朝銅元,民國銅元,蘇維埃政權銅元,銅 元的鑄造工藝。

圖 10 李明在中國銅元精品展開幕式上致辭

圖 11 與會代表參觀展覽

共展出銅元精品 200 多枚,4/5 選自中國錢幣博物館 館藏,為首次公開展出;其餘為藏家張培林、段洪剛、 姜永傑、周邁可、王愛學、魏振、陳建華、萬磊、張國 樞提供。其中約有 10 種 30 多枚為錢幣界首次披露,極 為震撼!如:德國製湖南省造光緒元寶當十黃銅元紅銅 樣幣之精製版(周邁可藏,圖 12),大清銅幣已巳紀年 系列樣幣、丙午系列樣幣,大清銅幣中心“直”一文樣幣, 大清銅幣己酉二文樣幣,戶部丙午大清銅幣十文中心小 “雲”字樣幣(圖 13),吉林十文樣幣,大清銅幣中心“寧” 字二十文樣幣,民國二十五年、二十六年黨徽布圖銅分 幣系列樣幣,浙江省造系列樣幣,奉天省造癸卯光緒元 寶十文黃銅樣幣(圖 14)等。與會者大飽眼福,爭相拍 照樣幣實物,流連忘返。


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圖 12 周邁可 2 枚參展品之一——湖南省造光緒元寶當 十黃銅元 圖 15 孟祥偉做學術報告

圖 13 中國錢幣博物館管藏之大清銅幣中心小“雲”字 樣幣

圖 14 中國錢幣博物館館藏之奉天省造癸卯光緒元寶十 文黃銅樣幣 參觀之後,全體代表在中國錢幣博物館會議室聽取 了學術講座。中國錢幣博物館徵集保管部博士孟祥偉通 過對“館藏銅元樣幣金屬成分”採用 X 射線螢光能譜 (XRF)分析,得出清末大清銅幣樣幣含銅量基本穩定 的結論(圖 15)。姜永傑對銅元趣味幣情有獨鐘,就其 產生背景、形成原因及分類,以及研究價值做了精彩演 講(圖 16)。陳列宣教部任文彪博士以廣東錢局與《鑄 錢工藝》為中心,從西方現代造幣技術的產生講起,與 大家分享了“西方造幣技術的傳播”(圖 17)。郭魯春 年過七旬,對銅元研究持之以恆,他介紹了自己近年的 研究成果 ——“軍政府造五十文點心花系列版式規律探 索”(圖 18)。

圖 16 姜永傑做學術報告

圖 17 任文彪做學術報告

周邁可、袁水清認真聽取了 4 位研究者的演講;會 議期間和會後,分別向獲獎作者和學術講座報告者約稿, 得到他們的大力支持,《東亞泉志》將擇重點文章分期 推介。 此屆銅元研討會是中國銅元收藏研究的重大轉捩點, 相信通過官方、民間聯手,通力合作,中國銅元研究將 進入新的層面。

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圖 18 郭魯春做學術報告

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Two Types of Commemorative Banknotes Issued in Xian and Yanan Quanchi (Xi'an) Commemorative banknotes issued by Chinese national money printing factories are derivatives of paper money and also carriers of culture. Albums of commemorative notes, which are beautifully printed with bright themes and in limited quantities, are quite popular among coin and paper money collectors. This year, the album of the “Big Wild Goose Pagoda” commemorative banknotes issued by China Banknote Printing and Minting Corporation and the album of the commemorative banknotes in memory of the 80 th anniversary of the Red Army’s Long March released by Xian Banknote Printing Co., Ltd., have been warmly welcomed in the market. The “Big Wild Goose Pagoda” commemorative banknotes. This album jointly issued by Xian Management Department of Wild Goose Pagoda, Xian Banknote Printing Co., Ltd. and Shaanxi Zi Qi Dong Lai Culture Development Co., Ltd., is the first product in the “Silk Road” series and was first issued in Xian’s West Market on September 8th. Zheng Hui, the deputy general manager of China Banknote Printing and Minting Corporation delivered a speech at the opening ceremony (Pic. 1).

Pic. 1 Zheng Huicang delivering a speech.

The album is hard covered, horizontally oriented and measures 315x230x12mm (Pic. 2). It includes a Wild Goose Pagoda commemorative banknote (230x155mm), a faux ancient silver Wild Goose Pagoda commemorative coin and a 2016, which is the year of monkey, commemorative coin. The Wild Goose Pagoda commemorative banknote was made by special and advanced techniques of Xian Banknote Printing Co., Ltd. (Pic 3). The obverse features the Big Wild Goose Pagoda and the number printed on the right starts with 652, in honor of the start date of the construction of the pagoda which was in the third year of the Emperor Yonghui of the Tang dynasty (652 AD). The reverse depicts Xuan Zang carrying a bookcase and a bodhi tree. The designer is Zhai Qing, an craft artist at Xian Banknote Printing Co., Ltd. The antique-looking silver commemorative coin was cast by the Shanghai Mint and contains 8 grams of pure silver, 99.9% in quality and is 26mm in diameter. The obverse depicts Xuan Zang while the reverse shows a Bodhi tree and 5 doves. The designer is Zhu Xihua, of the Shanghai Mint. A total of 15,000 sets the banknotes have been issued, each priced at 398 yuan and are being exclusively distributed by Shanghai Sehnquan Industry and Trade Co., Ltd. By the end of October 14,500 sets have been sold and the price has risen to 468 yuan in the market.

Pic. 2-1 The Album of the Big Wild Goose Pagoda commemorative banknotes (including: front cover, back cover, inside-page and the commemorative coin)


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Pic. 2-1 The Album of the Big Wild Goose Pagoda commemorative banknotes (including: front cover, back cover, insidepage and the commemorative coin)

director and general manager of Xian Banknote Printing Co., Ltd. gave a speech (Pic. 4).

Pic 3 Technicians examining printed samples in the manufacturing plant.

The album of the 80 th Anniversary of Red Army’s Long March commemorative banknotes. This album is authorized by the Yanan Revolutionary Memorial Museum and made by Xian Banknote Printing Co., Ltd. This is the first product in the “Red Memory” series and was first released in the Yanan Revolutionary Memorial Museum on October 12th. Ji Yucheng, the director of the Red Collecting Committee of the China Association of Collectors, attended the release ceremony and Huang Ming (Pic.5), the executive

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This album is hard covered, vertically oriented and measures 210 × 295 × 10mm (Pic. 6). It includes an 80th Anniversary of Red Army’s Long March commemorative banknote (160 × 280mm), and a set of 80th Anniversary of Red Army’s Long March stamps (4 pieces, each with a face value of 1.2 yuan). Advanced techniques, such as gravure printing and multiple anti-counterfeiting measures have been used by Xian Banknote Printing Co., Ltd. to produce these notes. The obverse features the Red Army crossing the Grassland and the Pagoda Mountain in Yanan while the reverse depicts the Junction Pagoda in Huining County, Gansu Province and the occupation of the Luding Bridge. The design shows the glorious process of the Long March and promotes the great Long March spirit. This commemorative banknote was designed by Yu Feng, a designer of Xian Banknote Printing Co., Ltd. A total of 10,000 albums have been released, each priced at 268 yuan, and are being exclusively distributed by the marketing department of Xian Banknote Printing Co., Ltd.

Departments 部門 So far 7,000 sets have been sold and the price has risen to 328 yuan per set on WeChat shops.

Pic. 5 (From left), Yuan Shuiqing, Huang Ming, Ji Yucheng and Xu Xiaolu (the deputy general manager of Xian Banknote Printing Co., Ltd.)

Pic. 4 Huang Ming giving a speech.

Pic 6: The cover and inside-page of the 80th Anniversary of the Red Army’s Long March commemorative banknote album.


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兩款貨幣文化產品分別在西安、延安首發 泉癡(西安) 由中國國有印鈔企業生產的紀念券是紙幣的衍生品, 屬貨幣文化載體範疇。紀念券裝幀入冊後,因其紀念主 體鮮明、印製精美且限量發行,受到錢幣愛好者的關注。 2016 年,由中國印鈔造幣總公司出品的“大雁塔紀念券 (章)裝幀冊”和西安印鈔有限公司創意生產出品的“中 國工農紅軍長征勝利 80 周年紀念券(郵票)裝幀冊”, 市場表現尤為突出。 一、大雁塔紀念券(章)裝幀冊 由西安大雁塔管理 所、西安印鈔有限公司和陝西紫氣東來文化發展有限公

司聯合開發,屬“絲路印跡”文化系列產品的開篇之作, 9 月 8 日在西安大唐西市首發,中國印鈔造幣總公司副 總經理鄭會倉在信息發佈會上致辭(圖 1)。 該紀念冊為硬皮精裝,橫式,規格 315×230×12mm (圖 2)。紀念冊內含三連體“大雁塔紀念券 1 張 ( 券幅 230×155mm)、仿古銀質“大雁塔紀念章”1 枚及 2016 猴年賀歲普通紀念幣 1 枚。其中,三連體大雁塔紀念券 由西安印鈔有限公司採用手工雕刻凹版畫面,光變安全 線、固定浮水印紙等印鈔獨有技術製作,工藝先進(圖 3)。 券幅 155×231mm。紀念券主景圖案:正面為西安大雁塔, 券右側號嗎前三位數“652”為紀念大雁塔始建於唐永徽 三年(652 年) ;背面為玄奘負笈與菩提樹的組合。設計者: 西安印鈔有限公司工藝美術師翟慶。大雁塔仿古銀章由 上海造幣有限公司鑄造,含純銀 8 g, 成色 99.9%,直徑 26 mm。主景圖案:正面為玄奘西行取經圖,背面為菩 提樹與白鴿。設計者:上海造幣有限公司工藝美術師朱 熙華。 該紀念冊限量發行 15000 冊,發行價 398 元人民幣 / 冊。由上海申泉工貿有限公司總經銷。截至 10 月底,已 銷售 14500 冊,市場價格漲到 468 元人民幣 / 冊。

圖 1 鄭會倉致辭

圖 2-1 大雁塔紀念券(章)裝幀冊(封靣、 封底及紀念章)

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圖 2-2 大雁塔紀念券(章)裝幀冊(內頁)

圖 3 技術人員在生產車間審看印樣

二、中國工農紅軍長征勝利 80 周年紀念券(郵票) 裝幀冊 由延安革命紀念館授權出品,西安印鈔有限公 司創意生產,為“紅色印跡”文化系列產品的第一款, 10 月 12 日在延安革命紀念館首發,西安印鈔有限公司 執行董事兼總經理黃銘出席首發式並致辭(圖 4),中 國收藏家協會紅色收藏委員會主任紀玉成到會祝賀(圖 5)。 該 紀 念 冊 亦 為 硬 皮 精 裝, 豎 式, 規 格 210 ×295×10mm(圖 6)。紀念冊內含長征勝利 80 周年三 連體紀念券 1 張(券幅 160×280mm)及中國郵政集團

圖 4 黃銘致辭


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Departments 部門 公司定製的“長征勝利 80 周年個性化郵票 1 套(共 4 枚, 單枚郵票面值 1.20 元)。西安印鈔有限公司對這款紀念 券採用雙面手工雕刻凹印,多重防偽措施等印鈔工藝印 製。正面圖案以歷史考證的紅軍過草地圖像為主景,輔 以延安寶塔山等革命舊址圖案;背面主景採用甘肅會寧 會師塔,輔以飛奪瀘定橋場景圖案。整體突顯長征史詩 的光輝足跡,弘揚了偉大的長征精神。設計者:西安印 鈔有限公司工藝美術師虞峰。 該紀念冊限量發行 10,000 冊,發行價 268 元人民幣 / 冊。由西安印鈔有限公司市場部總經銷。10 月份已銷售 7,000 冊,微店銷售價已漲到 328 元人民幣 / 冊。

圖 5 留念 左起:袁水清(《東亞泉志》主編)、黃銘、 紀玉成、徐曉祿(西鈔副總經理)

圖 6-1 中國工農紅軍長征勝利 80 周年紀念券(郵票) 裝幀冊(封靣)

圖 6-2 中國工農紅軍長征 勝利 80 周年紀念券(郵票) 裝幀冊(內頁)

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Features 專題

Zhou Xiang's Academic Study of Chinese Coins Zhou Yanling (Shanghai) As a researcher of the Shanghai Museum, a member of the Academic Committee of the China Numismatic Society, the vice president of the Shanghai Numismatic Society, the deputy director of the Academic Committee of the Shanghai Numismatic Society and also the editor of the Chinese Currencies in Previous Ages editorial board, Zhou Xiang has become a famous numismatic expert both at home and abroad and also a leading figure in the study of currency. Regarding study Wang Guowei once said in Poetic Remarks in the Human World “throughout the ages all those who have been highly successful in Pic. 1 A group photo of Zhou Xiang and the author taken on May 6, 2016, in great ventures and in the pursuit of the offices of the Shanghai Museum learning must of necessity have experienced three kinds of In April and May, 2016, I was commissioned by the ching-chieh (states). “Last night the west wind shriveled the Journal of East Asian Numismatics to interview Mr. Zhou green-clad trees, alone I climb the high tower, to gaze my fill Xiang of the Shanghai Museum. Here is that interview. (Pic. 1) along the road to the horizon. Expresses the first state (ching). (Vision and Talent); My clothes grow daily more loose, yet “A chair, a table, a stack of paper and a pen are all I care I not. For you am I thus wasting away in sorrow and need to do my work.” This is what Mr. Zhou had said to pain. Expresses the second state. (Efforts and Persistence); a journalist of China Collection when he was elected as I sought her in the crowd a hundred, a thousand times. a member of the National Cultural Relics Appraisement Suddenly with a turn of the head [I saw her], that one there Commission. Among fifty-five new members elected for the where the lamplight was fading. expresses the third state. commission in September, 2005, Mr. Zhou, who was only 43 (Opportunity and Inspiration)” For Mr. Zhou has seen the years old at that time, was the youngest selectee. marvelous scenery on the peak of study and knowledge after passing through steep hills and past dangerous cliffs. After graduating from Shanghai University with a degree in history in July, 1984, Zhou Xiang first went to work in the Shanghai Museum as a tour guide for seven months and then chose numismatics and monetary history study as his career. After more than three decades of hard work Zhou Xiang has published many numismatic books based on the collection of the Shanghai Museum and relevant historical documents. Some of these books, like China Rare Coins; Mr. Shi Jiagan's [Kalgan Shih] Collection of Chinese and Foreign Coins; A Series of Studies on the Collection of Shanghai Museum: Paper Money of Imperial China; Sycee; Paper Money; The Essence of Li Wei’s Collection of Paper Money and Rare Paper Money of the Qing Dynasty were written by Mr. Zhou himself and others such as The Concise Numismatic Dictionary, and An Outline of Numismatics are collaborative works (Pic. 2). Mr. Zhou has won the first prize for academic achievements and the “Gold Coin Award” awarded by the China Numismatic Society many times.

Pic. 2 Books written by Zhou Xiang


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Features 專題 China is one of the earliest countries to have used money. The Shanghai Museum is renowned in Chinese cultural and numismatic circles today for its sizable high quality coin collection. More than four thousand coins are exhibited in a 730 square meter hall which is the only exhibition hall among large Chinese museums to have the theme of Chinese currencies from previous ages. These exhibits show the history of Chinese currency and the money culture along the Silk Road to the visitors. It is not easy to pick the right exhibits from tens of thousands of ancient coins and to display them in an interesting and orderly way. The design of the museum has been widely praised by both numismatic professionals and common visitors. This is all due to Zhou Xiang’s talents and great knowledge. What is the true meaning of academic research? Studying currencies is to explore the history and the artistic and cultural relic values of Chinese money, to find out the issuance, circulation, denominations and storage methods of coins, to research their forming and developing process and to investigate the guiding significance of ancient coins for today’s study. Doing research is never to complete projects assigned by a higher department or to get a professional title. A real researcher and scholar should be creative and be able to bear bitter hardships and endure a lonely life of sitting at the table. Zhou Xiang is such kind of scholar. Like what Lu Xun said in his poem “Hiding in our little house, sufficient to ourselves, I care not what the season is outside”. Mr. Zhou has devoted himself to study for more than thirty years and does not care too much of the ‘outside’ disturbances or his ‘loose clothes’. It is exactly this kind of persistence that guides him to go forward on his academic search. Zhou Xiang is very serious about research. In the short article “A Study of the Newly Collected Sliver Sycee” in the Shanghai Museum and the Age Determination of Sycee in Song and Yuan Dynasties he provided ninety footnotes from thirty-eight books to prove the Nie Qin Jia Fei Hua

Pic. 3 Zhou Xiang is examining banknotes

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Yin (a kind of sycee of high grade) was made in the Song dynasty (Pic. 3). Research on Chinese money can be divided into three categories: ancient coin research, machine made coin research and paper money research. Mr. Zhou has not only studied all these different coin types but also has made achievements by using his particular views and methods. As there are few (original) documents on pre-Qin coins, scholars have to put the research focus on the remaining pre-Qin coins. Since 1978, as government has begun both economic reforms and the opening up of the development of land a strong demand for land has been produced, and a large quantity of pre-Qin coins have been unearthed. But since most of the pre-Qin coins have been purchased by private collectors there are still not many materials for scholars to study. Under this situation, Zhou Xiang has chosen to take a scientific attitude to those newly unearthed coins when doing research and has explored the historical and economical events according to archaeological records to draw objective conclusions. In his article On Pointed Tip Knife Coins, Zhou Xiang divided the sharp knife coins into four large categories (twelve sub-categories in total). From their shapes and unearthed positions he inferred that the straight pointed tip knives were mainly made in the north of Hebei, Shanxi and Shandong Province and that the curved pointed tip knives were made in the north of Hebei Province. In another article, A Study on the State of Qi Ming Knives of he speculated that the State of Qi Ming knives might have been struck between 284 BC and 279 BC as their shapes were affected by privately minted knife coins of the Qi state. This conclusion was a result of his careful observation of the shapes, inscriptions, dates and states of the B type State of Qi Ming knives. In A Discussion on Wu-Yue Currencies During Pre-Qin Times, Zhou Xiang thought the dagger-like bronzes could not be the bronze coins of the state of Yue as the economy of the Wu-Yue area was very poor in pre-Qin times. At that time, cloth was used as physical currency while bronze was valued by weight. No wear marks from circulation were found on these dagger-like bronzes and there was no standard size for them. With all the evidence it is hard not to draw such a conclusion. In A Study of Round Foot Spades and A Restudy of Round Foot Spades, Zhou Xiang demonstrated the round foot spades were made after the state of Zhao occupied the Zhongshan state, judging from the technologies of the round foot spade, their relationship with three hole spades and pointed foot spades and also from their casting states and dates. Unlike other coins of the Zhao state, the weight of the round foot spades was evaluated in chu and liang The round foot spades did not evolve from the pointed foot spades but

Features 專題 from the three hole spades. As to the casting technology, the round foot spades were made by both ceramic molds and stone molds which represented the highest technological level in the Sanjin region or at least in the state of Zhao. With his unique views and ideas, Zhou Xiang successfully dated the round foot spades after studying relevant archeological discoveries. In The Monetary System and the Currency Circulation during the Warring States Period he comprehensively analyzed knife money, spade money and the round coins in the Warring States Period. Through studying the denominations of the three hole spades, the round foot spades, the state of Qi Ming knives, the state of Zhao round tip knives and the state of Yan Ming knives, Zhou Xiang concluded that currencies of different countries at that time could be exchanged with each other.

( 五 is the Chinese character for ‘five’) cast in 544 AD, the tenth year of the Western Wei’s Emperor Datong’s reign, proved that the design of a crossed “ 五 ” on the Wu Zhu coins of the Sui dynasty must have appeared before these Datong coins were cast. In A Study on Wu Zhu Coins of the Sui Dynasty Zhou Xiang concluded that the Wu Zhu coins cast in the Western Wei’s Emperor Datong period were modeled on the Yong An Wu Zhu in the Northern Wei dynasty while the Sui Wu Zhu coins were patterned after the late Datong Wu Zhu coins. In the article Yong Guang, Zhou Xiang classified the character designs on the Yong Guang coins into two types. After studying archeological materials Zhou Xiang found the first type of Yong Guang coins can only be found on old records and books while the second type had been unearthed in recent years.

Dating Wu Zhu coins has always been hotly argued in Chinese numismatic circles. Recently, with new archeological discoveries and research methods, Wu Zhu coins have become a hot discussion topic again. In his article, My Views on Jun Guo Wu Zhu, Chi Ze Wu Zhu and Shang Lin San Guan Wu Zhu, Zhou Xiang distinguished different inscriptions and marks on Jun Guo Wu Zhu, Chi Ze Wu Zhu and Shang Lin San Guan Wu Zhu respectively by studying unearthed molds of Wu Zhu coins, investigation reports about the sites where the Wu Zhu coins had been cast and materials unearthed in Han tombs at Manchen in Hebei Province. In the 1990s, a lot of circular square and elliptical lead coins were unearthed in many regions of China which were considered to be cast by the Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty. Zhou Xiang wrote an article about these coins entitled A Discussion of Three Types of Coins Cast by the Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. In this article he compared the shapes, metal composition, designs, weights and inscriptions of these coins with historical records. Through comparison he found that these coins contained no silver-tin alloy, their weights were different from the weight specifications of the Han dynasty and the inscriptions on the reverse were not characters. Therefore, he thought more evidence is needed to prove the authenticity of these coins.

Zhou Xiang has also written some articles about machine made coins based on abundant documents and materials. In A Study of Hubei Silver Coins, he found there were actually five and not three Hubei silver coins after studying the official notice signed by the Governor-general of HuGuang and the governor of the Hubei Province on April 2, 1896. The denominations of these coins are: one dollar, half dollar, 20 cents, 10 cents and 5 cents. He also came to three important conclusions based on the historical records. First, the Hubei silver coins were not firstly minted by the Hubei Coin Bureau. Second, these coins of different denominations were not made at the same time. And third, he fixed the value of the Hubei silver dollar against the standard copper coins. According to historical records, the Shandong Coin Bureau started striking silver coins in October, 1904, but the Shandong silver coin has never appeared on the market. By looking up documents Zhou Xiang found the governor of Shandong Province was transferred in October 1904, therefore the plan of striking coins was delayed. In 1907, the governor of Shandong Province, Yang Shixiang, presented a request to mint coins to the court but the request was refused by the central government. Thanks to this article, the reason why the Shandong silver coin was missing finally came to light. A Research of Rare Silver Coins of the Qing Dynasty introduced some important representative silver coins, especially the Guangxu silver coin minted in Sichuan Province (with the character “Bao” written in the conservative way) and the one dollar Guangxu silver coin from Fujian’s official mint, in the Shanghai Museum collection. Correction and Supplement of the Modern History of Currency is another interesting article. From two telegrams, he found materials about the one tael Hubei silver coin and its printed banknotes. These materials, especially the new discovery of the Hubei silver note filled a gap in banknote printing history.

The coin casting done in the Liang dynasty has always been a mystery. After studying the ceramic molds of the Xiao Liang Wu Zhu in the Shanghai Museum, the Tian Jian Wu Zhu and the Gong Shi Nu Qian, Zhou Xiang wrote an article The Ceramic Molds of Xiao Liang Wu Zhu of Pile Casting Collected in the Shanghai Museum——Also Exploring Tian Jian Wu Zhu and Gong Shi Nu Qian which pushed research forward in this field. In 1984, some Wu Zhu coins were unearthed from Hou Yi’s tomb in Hu Jia Gou, Xianyang, Shanxi Province. These Wu Zhu coins with a crossed “five”


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Features 專題 Zhou Xiang has devoted great care and painstaking efforts to studying paper money in recent years. Apart from publishing several tomes like A Series of Studies on the Collection of the Shanghai Museum - Paper Money of Imperial China and The Essence of Li Wei’s Collection of Paper Money, he has also written many essays about paper money. Thanks to the modern banking boom in Shanghai, a vast number of documents exist. When studying Republican paper money Zhou Xiang makes full use of these materials and continues to make new discoveries and achievements. In the research of ancient paper money, Zhou Xiang concluded in his article, My View on the Printing Plates of Guanzi Discovered in Dongzhi County, Anhui Province the printing plates of Guanzi were made by later forgers after investigating the inscriptions, fonts and designs on these plates. In 1978 and 1979, two batches of paper notes were found in Ejin Banner, Inner Mongolia. Many scholars believed these notes were paper tokens from the Yuan dynasty. But Zhou Xiang in his article The Unearthed Documents from Khara-Khoto and the Reserve Money of Jiazi in the Yuan Dynasty offered his view that the notes unearthed in Inner Mongolia were just receipts not the reserve money of Jiaozi after analyzing characters and designs on them. These unique views not only reflect his persistence and confidence but also show his rich knowledge of Chinese history and culture. The National Industrial Bank is one of the eight commercial banks in modern China. In the article, A General Study of the Extant Paper Money Issued by the National Industrial Bank, through consulting relevant literature and records Zhou Xiang found out that the National Industrial Bank once issued five-dollar and ten-dollar circulating notes in 1920. Therefore there are a total of five versions of banknotes issued by the National Industrial Bank. This article corrected the traditional opinion that the National Industrial Bank only issued four versions of banknotes. In another article, The Printing of the China Industrial Bank Paper Money, Zhou Xiang detailed the amounts of banknotes printed by the National Industrial Bank, the printing of banknotes with place names, the additional signatures of the general manager and the branch manager of the National Industrial Bank printed on exchange certificates and the destruction of the banknote printing plates. With his careful analysis this article corrected the errors in many authoritative books like The Modern History of Chinese Paper Money and records of the American Banknote Company and showed the true history of the National Industrial Bank. By comparing, Zhou Xiang distinguished the difference between the first and the second versions of the silver banknotes with the place names of Hankou, Hangzhou and

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Shanghai issued by the National Commercial Bank Ltd in his article A Study of the First and the Second Version of the Paper Money Printed by the National Commercial Bank Ltd. According to the packing list of the Shanghai Commercial Publishing House preserved in the Shanghai Archives, he calculated the amount of the five-dollar banknotes with the place names of Shanghai and Hankou issued by the National Commercial Bank Ltd and proved that there were copper banknotes in the first version of the banknotes issued by the bank. Zhou Xiang also found several forged banknotes issued by the National Commercial Bank Ltd. Some of these notes were listed in the Chinese Currencies in Previous Ages: Paper Money of the Qing Dynasty, others were in the Zhejiang Museum collection. Nine types of banknotes issued by the Bank of Taiwan (founded on May 20, 1946) from May 22, 1949 to June 14, 1949, are known as the old Taiwan dollar. Among these notes only the 100-dollar (Pic. 4), 1,000-dollar, 10,000-dollar and 100,000-dollar notes were printed by the First Printing House of the Bank of Taiwan while the banknotes with other denominations were all printed by the Central Engraving and Printing Plant. There was no complete description of this period of history until Zhou Xiang published a series of articles (The First Printing Factory and Its Old Taiwan Dollars, The Change of the Amount of the Taiwan Dollar Issued in 1946; The Patterns, Printing and Issuance of the 1946 Taiwan Dollar and The Issuance, Redemption and Handling of the Bank Notes Printed after Taiwan Was Recovered) to comprehensively describe the designs, printing and issuance of the old Taiwan dollar issued after Taiwan was recovered in 1946. Besides these articles he has also written many excellent articles about paper money, like The Printing and Secret Marks of the Paper Money Issued by the Ningpo Commercial Bank; The Patterns, Printing and Issuance of the Paper Money Issued by the Land Bank of China; Tokens Issued by the Shanghai Commercial and Savings Bank and so on. Zhou Xiang has written several articles about the Silk Road, such as Discussions of the Currency of the Turgis Khanate and Research of the Chahar Khanate’s Money. In these articles, he systematically introduced currencies of the Turgis Khanate and the Chahar Khanate from many aspects, like the historical stage, coin marks, and the monetary systems in use at the time. Without practice and study, no one can make any academic achievement. Only by standing on the shoulders of predecessors can we hand down our knowledge to the next generation. Zhou Xiang once said, “It’s an unwritten rule of our museum that it would be better if we antiquarians not

Features 專題

Pic. 4 Four types of old Taiwan dollars issued by the First Printing Plant of the Bank of Taiwan (the obverse and the reverse)

engage in trade on the market. But we still need a proper channel to contact society. As the forgery methods we are exposed to in the museum were all used in the past, we must learn about the latest forgery techniques to improve our identification skills. The Shanghai Numismatic Society holds a free identification activity for the public every month. By participating in this activity I have not only served the society but also learned a lot of new things.” Aside from identifying coins, Zhou Xiang also takes an active part in other relevant activities like teaching a numismatics class in a university for the elderly in the Huangpu District and participating in every academic activity held by the Numismatic Society of China. By taking part in these activities, he has learned about a wide range of new discoveries and results about unearthed coins. Actually, I regarded all these activities as a new kind of numismatic learning for me. Unlike Mr. Zhou, many

scholars shut themselves in the ivory tower of the museum and do not want to engage society. Gradually, their sources of knowledge will dry up and their roads of academic research will become barren. Pudong, Shanghai was an ocean thousands of years ago and now the embryonic form of a financial center has formed there. Lu Jia Zui is filled with skyscrapers of large banks. Bank offices, ATMs and POS terminals are all over the district. The methods of payment are changing radically. Zhou Yang’s home is in Pudong. Every day, he takes the bus to the Shanghai Museum across the Huangpu River and on arriving at the office he devotes himself to the study of rusty ancient coins and worn-out ancient and modern banknotes. This new era gives him an opportunity to contribute histalents to society.


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Features 專題

功崇惟志 業廣惟勤 ——周祥先生中國錢幣學術研究述記 周延齡(上海) 夜西風凋碧樹,獨上高樓,望盡天 涯路,此第一境界(眼光與天賦); 衣帶漸寬終不悔,為伊消得人憔悴, 此為第二境界(努力與堅持);暮 然回首,那人卻在燈火闌珊處,此 第三境界(機遇與靈感)也。”周 先生的錢幣學術研究,如登山攀峰, 經峻峭絕壁,已然見峰頂的風光無 限。

圖 1 周祥與作者(左)合影於上海博物館工作室 2016 年 5 月 6 日

受《東亞泉志》總編周邁可、主編袁水清之委託, 2016 年四、五月間,我對上海博物館周祥先生進行了採 訪(圖 1),特撰此文。

“我給自己的定位就是一把椅子、一張桌子、一疊紙、 一支筆。”這是周祥先生在當選國家文物鑒定委員會委 員時,《中國收藏》記者採訪他時講的一句話。在 2005 年 9 月增聘的國家文物鑒定委員會委員 55 人中,時年 43 歲的他是所有委員中年齡最輕者。 1984 年 7 月從上海大學歷史系考古與博物館專業畢 業後,周祥在上海博物館先做了 7 個月的講解員,之後 就將錢幣學和貨幣史研究作為自己的專業。30 多年來, 在他從事的專業理論與實踐中默默地治學與耕耘,以館 藏的錢幣為基礎,結合歷史文獻,撰寫出版了《中國珍 稀錢幣》《施嘉幹先生舊藏中外錢幣》《上海博物館藏 品研究大系·中國古代紙鈔》 《銀錠》 《紙幣》 《紙上繁華—— 李偉先先生舊藏紙幣掇英》和《清代紙幣珍賞》等一批 著作,另與他人合著《簡明錢幣辭典》《錢幣學綱要》 等(圖 2)。多次榮獲中國錢幣學會學術成果“金泉獎” 和上海市錢幣學會學術成果一等獎。著述豐裕,成績斐然。 周祥現任上海博物館研究館員,中國錢幣學會學術委員 會委員,上海市錢幣學會副理事長,上海市錢幣學會學 術委員會副主任,《中國歷代貨幣大系》編輯委員會委 員,成了一位國內錢幣界知名的專家,錢幣研究的領軍 人物。王國維在《人間詞話》中說做學問有三種境界:“昨

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中國是世界上最早使用貨幣的國 家之一。上海博物館的錢幣收藏數 量和品質在中國文博界與錢幣界享 有聲譽,有國內大型博物館中唯一 以中國歷代錢幣為主體的 730 平方 米的展館,展出的近 4000 件錢幣文 物,集中展現了中國貨幣的歷史及 絲綢之路錢幣概貌,引導參觀者去

領略其中的精華,認知它的起始和發展。從萬千古錢中 挑選出展品,並生動有序地展示給大家,要使專業人士 和普通觀眾都能從中受益,絕非易事。上海博物館錢幣 館陳列與設計獲得各層次人們的廣泛認可與好評,也充 分體現了周祥先生的專業水準與才華。 探究中國錢幣的歷史、藝術與文物價值,它的發行、 流通、價值與貯藏手段,以及它的形成、發展和對今天 的指導意義,這就是錢幣學術研究。體悟學術的精神, 不是上級部門指定的課題與專案,也不是職稱評定中的 點綴與擺設,而是從砂礫中淘取真金,得為目標含辛茹苦,

圖 2 周祥出版的著作

Features 專題

周祥先生在做學問上是極用心的。從《上海博物館新 獲銀錠考 —— 兼論宋元時期銀錠的斷代》這篇將“聶秦 家肥花銀”銀錠考為南宋銀錠的不長的行文中,用了 38 本書籍與雜誌中的 90 處注釋內容,可見其用功程度。中 國錢幣的研究基本上分為古錢、機製幣和紙幣三大板塊, 先生對此不僅都有涉獵,而且運用自己獨到的思想和方 法,每有建樹(圖 3)。

的青銅鑄幣的結論。《圓足布研究》和《圓足布再研究》 兩文,從圓足布的屬國、鑄地、鑄作時間,圓足布與三 孔布、尖足布的關係,以及鑄造技術等方面着手,得出 圓足布是戰國時期趙國佔領中山國之後鑄行的一種貨幣, 與趙國其他貨幣不同,它可能採用了銖兩衡制;圓足布 並不是由尖足布發展而來,而是受到了三孔布的影響; 在鑄造技術上,圓足布採用陶石範合用,代表了三晉地區、 至少是趙國鑄幣的水準。周祥先生獨闢蹊徑的思路與結 論,對圓足布的斷代得到了考古發掘的證明。《戰國時 期的貨幣製度與貨幣流通》則全面分析戰國布、刀、圜 錢的製度,並通過對三孔布和圓足布,齊明刀與趙圓首刀、 燕明刀等各國貨幣幣值的研究,認為各國貨幣之間存在 着幣值上可以相互換算的關係。

圖 3 周祥在鑒賞紙幣

五銖錢的分期斷代歷來是錢幣界重視的問題,前人 為此作了很大的努力。近年來 , 隨着考古資料的不斷出 新和研究方法的改進,五銖錢的探討再次掀起高潮。周 祥先生《郡國五銖、赤仄五銖和上林三官五銖錢管見》, 依據出土的五銖錢範、五銖鑄錢遺址考察及河北滿城漢 墓出土五銖錢資料,區分出郡國、赤仄、上林三官五銖 文字與記號特徵,於研究每多啟發和裨益。20 世紀 90 年代,各地陸續發現了漢代的鉛質圓形、方形、橢圓形物, 被認為是漢武帝鑄行的白金三品, 《白金三品諸問題探討》 從發現物品的形製、金屬成分、紋飾、重量和文字等問 題展開討論。將之與文獻記載相比較,其未含銀與錫合 金成分,與漢代規定重量不符,圓鉛餅背面的刻符不是 文字等全方位比對分析,認為白金三品的定論有待進一 步求證。

耐得寂寞,甘心與桌椅紙筆相伴,得融入個人的思維與 創造。周祥先生 30 餘年來潛心於中國錢幣的學術研究, 不為外面世界的紛擾所動,“躲進小樓成一統,管他冬 夏與春秋”。正是憑着這種對事業“衣帶漸寬終不悔” 的執著與韌勁,使其所思所想,一直引領著學術的方向。

先秦貨幣文獻資料相對欠缺,存世的錢幣實物成了 研究的重點。改革開放用地劇增,先秦貨幣大量出土, 一些全新的資料也相繼出現,由於科學的考古資料很少, 錢幣大都在群眾或藏家手中。周祥先生在研究上採取的 方法與態度是,科學地對待民間新發掘的資料,綜合考 古資料、文獻記載,將經濟活動與民族歷史相結合,擷 其精要,陳己之見,在許多方面得出比較中肯客觀的結論。 在《試論尖首刀》文中,周先生將尖首刀分為甲乙丙 三型十二式,並從刀的外形、出土地,推論出首刃部呈 平直狀的尖首刀主要鑄行於北狄活動地區,刀首刃部呈 弧線狀的尖首刀主要鑄行於山戎活動範圍之中。條縷清 晰,分析入理。《齊明刀相關問題研究》通過綜合齊明 刀的文字和形製,齊明刀的屬國和鑄作年代的各種觀點, 以及齊明刀乙型實物所反映的資訊來判斷,齊明刀在形 製上可能更多的是受齊國自鑄刀幣的影響,由此推論齊 明刀的鑄作時間在公元前 284- 前 279 年。 在《先秦吳越貨幣若干問題探討》文章裏,周祥認 為先秦時期的吳越地區,貨幣經濟發展是比較落後的, 仍處在以布帛作為實物貨幣、青銅塊作為稱量貨幣的階 段。而仿戈青銅器都不僅不具有流通和使用的痕跡,且 大小上沒有定規,得出紹興發現的仿戈青銅器不是越國

六朝蕭梁時期錢幣鑄造問題,一直不曾得以解決。周 祥先生在《上海博物館所藏蕭梁五銖疊鑄陶錢範 —— 兼 論天監五銖與公式女錢》一文中,通過對館藏蕭梁五銖 疊鑄陶錢範的研究,兼論天監五銖與公式女錢,對此方 面研究起了推動作用。1984 年陝西咸陽胡家溝西魏大統 十年侯義墓出土的五銖錢,表明原先所謂隋五銖中的“五” 字筆直交叉形式的出現不會晚於此時。周祥先生的《隋 五銖芻議》文的結論是:西魏大統年間鑄行的五銖錢是 仿製北魏永安五銖而來的,隋五銖改變錢文書體沿襲西 魏大統年間後期鑄行的五銖錢,它們之間具有前後繼承 的關係。在《永光》文中,將永光錢從文字上分為兩種 版式,稽查考古資料,認為第一種版式除見之於著錄外, 不見有新的考古印證;第二種版式近年來卻屢有發現。 在機製幣研究上,周祥先生運用豐富的文獻材料, 不乏提綱挈領之論,也有小處着手,畫眉點睛之筆。《湖 北本省銀元考》文,通過湖廣總督和湖北巡撫簽署的光 緒二十二年四月初二告諭,對湖北本省銀元的鑄造與發 行進行了考證。得出湖北本省銀元不止 3 枚,而是 5 枚; 有庫平七錢二分、庫平三錢六分、庫平一錢四分四厘、 庫平七分二厘和庫平三分六厘五種面額。還得出本省銀


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Features 專題 元不是湖北銀元局的初鑄品;本省銀元不同面額之間有 鑄造時間上的先後關係;與製錢的比價等極具史料價值 的結論。史料記載山東銀元局在光緒三十年十月開鑄銀 元,但未見山東銀元的實物,周祥先生《山東銀元鑄造考》 的文中,經查閱分析檔案資料,發現光緒三十年十月周 馥被調離了山東巡撫一職,故未鑄銀元。光緒三十三年 時山東巡撫楊士驤再次上奏朝廷要求自鑄銀元又遭朝廷 否決,沒有山東銀元的真相大白於天下。《清代銀元珍 品考述》,將館藏清代銀元中具有標誌性和代表性的部 分珍品,做一一介紹,尤其對四川光緒缶寶銀元、福建 官局光緒庫平七錢二分銀元作了重點介紹與考述。《近 代貨幣史實補正兩則》很有意思,在發現當時電文中找 到問題的癥結,補證了歷史,使陝西為造銀元購買機器 的過程與最終結果有了最好的說明。通過兩則電文瞭解 湖北一兩銀幣鑄造情況及其印製銀幣票的資料,特別是 光緒三十一年湖北銀幣票的新發現,填補了銀幣票印製 史一個空白。

式分析,力排眾議,認為它不是鈔本,而應該是當時的 收據。這些觀點的成立,一方面反映了他作為研究者不 人云亦云,堅持自我觀點的執著與堅定;同時也看到他 積累有良好的中國歷史知識與文化修養。

周祥先生這些年來在紙幣研究上花費了大量的心血, 除了出版《上海博物館藏品研究大系·中國古代紙鈔》《紙 上繁華——李偉先先生舊藏紙幣掇英》等大部頭著作外, 撰寫了不少有關紙幣的論文,尤其是在民國紙幣的研究 上,正確對待上海近現代銀行業發達這份歷史遺產,充 分利用上海晚清民國時期錢幣資料繁多這個得天獨厚的 優勢,並不斷有新的發現和成果。

《浙江興業銀行第一、二版紙幣研究》則通過紙幣實 物比較,區分了浙江興業銀行第二版漢口、杭州、上海 地名銀元票與第一版的不同之處。從上海檔案館保存的 上海商務印書館的裝箱單上的記錄,計算出浙江興業銀 行上海、漢口地名五元券的數量,驗證了興業銀行第一 版紙幣中有銅元票的事實。查閱文獻記錄中關於浙江興 業銀行的偽鈔記錄,發現了《中國歷代貨幣大系·清紙幣》 書中和浙江省博物館入藏的興業銀行的偽鈔和假票。

在古代紙鈔的研究上,《對安徽東至發現的關子印版 的看法》文,經對版上行文與錯字、印文字形和花紋圖 案的辨識,作出關子印版是後人偽做的結論。不少學者 認為:1978 年和 1979 年,內蒙古額古濟納旗先後發現 了兩批元代的文書為“代鈔券”。而周祥在《黑城出土 文書與元代鈔本的印造和使用》文中,則通過行文及格

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中國實業銀行是近代八大商業銀行之一,周祥的《現 存中國實業銀行紙幣的綜合分析》文章,通過細緻查閱 有關檔案文獻,找到了民國九年中國實業銀行還曾發行 過面額五元、十元的實業流通券的記載。加上這次,實 際發行有五版紙幣,糾正了中國實業銀行只發行四版紙 幣的結論。在《中國實業銀行紙幣的印製》文中,則詳 盡考證了中國實業銀行的紙幣印製數額、地名券的印製, 對兌換券上加印的總經理簽字和分行經理簽字的事宜, 以及紙幣印版的銷毀情況都一一作了詳盡的敘述。通過 嚴謹的清理與細緻的分析,糾正了美國鈔票公司、《中 國近代紙幣史》等權威機構與書籍的記錄存在錯誤,還 原了中國實業銀行相關歷史的真面貌。

舊 台 幣, 指 1946 年 5 月 20 日 成 立 的 臺 灣 銀 行 於 1946 年 5 月 22 日至 1949 年 6 月 14 日發行的九種台幣, 臺灣銀行第一印刷所舊台幣則僅印製有一百元(圖 4)、 一千元、一萬元和十萬元四種面額,中央印製廠印製舊 台幣涵蓋了其他所有面額。對此國內外學術界迄今沒有

圖 4-1 臺灣銀行第一印刷所四種面額舊台幣之一——壹百元圓券(正)



Features 專題

圖 4-2 臺灣銀行第一印刷所四種面額舊台幣之一——壹佰元圓券(背)

一個完整的論述。周祥先生撰寫的《第一印刷廠及其印 製的舊台幣》《民國三十五年台幣發行額的變化》《民 國三十五年台幣的版式、印製與發行》《臺灣光復後臺 灣銀行券的發行、收兌及處理》等系列文章,全面系統 地敘述和反映了 1946 年臺灣光復及其後時間段台幣的版 式、印製和發行情況,猶如一幅市井長卷,將這段歷史 完整地展現在大家眼前。另外,他在紙幣研究上值得一 提的還有《四明銀行紙幣的印製與暗記》《中國墾業銀 行紙幣印製、版式及發行》 《上海商業儲蓄銀行的代價券》 等文章。 他撰寫了《試論突騎施汗國錢幣》《察合臺汗國錢幣 之研究》等多篇絲綢之路方面的文章,通過對突騎施汗 國和察合臺汗國的歷史分期、錢幣上的徽記及錢幣製度 等問題,較系統全面地介紹了突騎施汗國與察合臺汗國 錢幣。 任何學術成就,均來源於學習,躬行於實踐;將前人 的認知,當成肩膀;把自己的新識,薪火相傳。周祥曾說: “博物館有個不成文的行規,即文物工作者儘量不要到 社會上參與買賣。但是我們需要一個合適的通道去跟社 會接觸,掌握市場的動態,因為在博物館做研究看到的

都是過去的作假方法,要增長鑒定知識,就必須瞭解最 新的作偽手段。上海市錢幣學會每月有一次面向社會的 免費鑒定活動,我都會參加,在為社會服務的同時也得 到了知識。”除參加錢幣學會的鑒定活動外,他還積極 參加社會與錢幣有關的各類活動,如擔任黃浦區老年大 學錢幣班的教員,參加中國錢幣學會舉辦的各專題學術 活動等,使他廣泛獲取了錢幣出土與研究的新發現與新 成果,繼而為自己的研究廣開思路和增添新內容。其實, 這類接觸就是實踐。但是許多人沒有去做,他們關進博 物館的象牙塔裏,不與社會接觸,知識也因之而枯竭, 學術因之而荒蕪。

上海浦東這塊千年前還是海塗的地方,今天金融中 心的雛形已經形成,陸家嘴土地上世界各大銀行高樓林 立。銀行營業廳、ATM 機和商場刷卡機遍佈大街小巷, 人們使用的貨幣與過去相比已發生了根本性的變革。而 家住浦東的周祥,要乘車穿越上海的母親河黃浦江,去 上海博物館上班,埋頭在綠鏽斑駁的古錢或破損殘缺的 古代與近代紙幣中,這本身就充滿了傳奇的色彩。而正 是歷史與機遇賦予他的機會,使他得以用自己的付出和 才華回答了這個時代。


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Features 專題

The Mysterious Honan Coins of 1909 By Bruce W. Smith (USA) Translated by Tseng-Chelu (USA) The Honan provincial mint at Kaifeng was one of the last

to Governor General (or Viceroy) of Szechuan, but did not

mints to be organized during imperial times and was probably

take up the post. In March 1908 he was appointed Governor

the smallest. In the past, little information has been available

General of Hukuang (Hunan and Hupeh), where he served till

on the Kaifeng Mint. By combing through newspapers and

October 1909, and then served as Governor General of Chihli

magazines published in China, the British and American

from December 1909 into 1911. After the revolution he

consular reports, the annual Chinese customs reports, the

retired to Shanghai, where he wrote several books (including

archives of the Ferracute Machine Company, and from a

his memoirs, published in 1925). Ch’en was also a prominent

remarkable group of Honan coins obtained at the mint and

calligrapher, noted for his fan paintings. His portrait can

donated to the British Museum in 1909, we can reconstruct

be found on the 1906 one dollar note of the Yu Su Bank

the early history of the mint.

of Kiangsu. His photograph was also published in the Far Eastern Review for May 1910.

During the Warring States Period (403-220 BC) Kaifeng, then known as Ta Liang, was the capitol of the state of Wei.

The earliest reference to the mint so far found is in the

With the founding of the Sung Dynasty in 960 AD, the city,

North China Herald for 8 July 1904. Jeremiah Jenks, who

then known as Pien Liang, became the national capitol. But

headed a commission on coinage reform in China, had met

after the 1100’s due to warfare and repeated flooding, Kaifeng

with Honan government officials and reported that Governor

declined in importance becoming only a provincial capitol.

Ch’en had already purchased the machinery for coining

The city began to enter the modern world in the early years

copper ten cash coins at the arsenal outside the south gate of

of the 1900’s with the building of a railroad which would

the city. No decision had been made at that time regarding

eventually link northern and southern China, from Canton

silver coinage because the officials were waiting to see

through Hankow and Honan, and on to Peking. Because

whether the national government adopted a tael or dollar

Kaifeng was prone to flooding, this north – south line

standard. This is remarkable information because Kaifeng

bypassed the city and went instead through the small town of

was the only mint in China which never made silver coins.

Chengchow about 50 miles to the west. An east – west line was also built connecting Kaifeng with Chengchow. This line

Piecing together bits of information from several sources,

would eventually run west as far as Sian in Shensi province,

we now know that the Kaifeng Mint first began striking

and east into Kiangsu province to the Yellow Sea. By the

10 cash coins late in 1904 or early in 1905 in the arsenal

1920’s, Chengchow had become a more important place than

using 3 to 5 Japanese stamping machines with Japanese and

Kaifeng, and in the 1950’s was made the provincial capital.

Chinese made dies. Zhang Peilin (1991) says work began in the 10th Chinese month of 1904. In the summer of 1904

The Kaifeng Mint was the creation of Ch’en K’uei-lung

the Ferracute Machine Company in Bridgeton, New Jersey

(1857-1948), who was governor of Honan province from

received an order from the Kaifeng Mint for machinery and

April 1903 to February 1906. Also known as Ch’en Hsiao-

dies to make 10 cash coins. In a letter of 15 August 1904 the

shih and Ch’en Yung-an, he received the chin shih degree

Ferracute company asked Charles E. Barber, chief engraver

in 1886. By 1896 he had become secretary to Jung Lu, a

at the Philadelphia Mint, his price for producing one set of

powerful Manchu noble who was in control of the military in

master dies and hubs and two pairs of working dies. Though

northern China, and later became an associate of Yuan Shih-

the archive of letters from Ferracute to Barber does not state

kai. From May through December 1901 Ch’en served as

how many stamping machines (also called presses) were

provincial treasurer (also known as Finance Commissioner

ordered by Kaifeng, we are safe in inferring that it was only

or Lieutenant Governor) of Honan. In 1903 he became

two machines, since only two pair of working dies were

Governor of Honan, then from February 1906 till September

required. A survey of the number of stamping machines

1907 was Governor of Kiangsu. In 1907 he was promoted

used in each mint in China was published in the 23 June

東 亞 泉 志



Features 專題 1905 issue of the North China Herald. The larger mints,

Issue” the two categories using American presses matches

such as Canton, Nanking and Wuchang, each had 75 to 150

the number of presses supplied by Ferracute and the two

stamping machines, but Kaifeng had only six. The 1905

categories using American dies matches the two pair of

Chinese Customs Report for Hankow says that the Kaifeng

working dies engraved by Charles Barber. All of the coins in

Mint began working in July 1905 with 5 presses and had in

both categories have obverses of Woodward types B or C –

addition 4 presses purchased in the later part of 1904, for

the C being the American made dies and B being Japanese

a total of 9 presses. The mintage for 1905 was 85,400,000

and Chinese made dies. The reverses are Woodward types 5


and 6 for American made dies (the Chinese die also uses a type 5 reverse) and types 2 and 3 for the Japanese dies. The

From the letters to Barber, we can trace Ferracute’s

other dies listed by Woodward which are not in this group (A

progress in filling the order during 1904. By 20 October

and D through J; 1 and 4) were probably struck after Morse

the dies were finished and a sample coin sent by Barber to

visited the mint; that is, in 1906 and later. Although the mint

Ferracute had been sent to Kaifeng. But on 28 October and 3

was supposed to switch to T’ai Ch’ing Ti Kuo coinage in

November the Chinese complained that two of the characters

1906 (and did in fact make T’ai Ch’ing series coins dated

were wrongly engraved. On 15 November Ferracute wrote

1906, 1908, 1909 and 1911), there are too many varieties of

that the machinery was nearly finished and asked Barber

the provincial types to have all been made in one year. The

when the new dies would be ready. The last letter in the file,

provincial type coins (with the yin-yang symbol in the center)

dated 19 November, says that the dies supplied by Barber

must have been struck over several years.

were cracking when used, suggesting that they were made of poor quality steel. The problem must have been solved,

During 1906 the name of the mint was changed to the

as the Dollar Weekly News for 6 January 1905 reports that

Pien Branch Mint of the Ministry of Finance. No information

the machinery had been shipped the previous week, and that

has been found on the operations of the mint during 1907

a Ferracute engineer named Albert S. Lambert would be

except for a mintage figure: 10 cash 132 million pieces. The

leaving shortly to set up the equipment at the Kaifeng Mint.

following year, the North China Herald for 23 May 1908 has a report that Honan Governor Lin Shao-nien had sent

At some time during 1905 or early 1906, Hosea B.

a memorial to Peking asking to mint 1, 2 and 5 cash coins

Morse, a high ranking Chinese Customs official and probably

because the mintage of 10 cash coins had been prohibited.

a coin collector, apparently visited the Kaifeng Mint and

The 17 October 1908 issue of North China Herald reports

obtained samples of what was being minted, donating

that the 1 cash coins were being made in quantity and

the coins to the British Museum in 1909. What is most

describes the coin. New machinery had been installed in the

remarkable is the memo he donated with the coins. Morse

mint, no doubt to coin the new denominations, and a very

supplied two coins from each of seven different categories,

high chimney had just been constructed. An official report

indicating which dies and which presses were used to strike

on the Honan mint found among the papers of Ward D.

each. The list is divided into “1905 Issues” (1st, 2nd, 3rd and

Smith (source unknown), says that from the 33rd year 12th

4th issue) and “Present Issue” (3 categories). The first issue,

month (January 1908) through the 34th year 11th month

struck using Japanese machinery and Japanese blanks, has

(December 1908) the mint struck 144,550,000 ten cash coins,

an uncircled dragon and the spelling error: HOU-NAN. The

and from April through December 1908 made 9,419,512 one

second, third and fourth issues all have circled dragons, and

cash pieces. The one cash coin can be identified as the 1908

were struck using Japanese dies and machinery (the second

dated T’ai Ch’ing Ti Kuo coin with "Pien" mintmark incuse

issue using Japanese blanks). It is unclear whether the dies

on the obverse. There are no 1908 dated 10 cash, so those

for the error coin were Chinese or Japanese. Woodward does

coins must be either 1906 dated T’ai Ch’ing series coins, or

not list this error, indicating that it is very rare.

undated provincial type coins, or both.

The “Present Issue” consists of uncircled dragons.

No information on the Kaifeng Mint during 1909, 1910

Two were struck on American presses (one using American

and 1911 – the last three years of the Ch’ing dynasty –

dies and one using Chinese dies) and the other was struck

has been found. Some sources say the mint was closed in

on Japanese presses using American dies. In the “Present

1908, but this cannot be correct, since we know that 1 and


東 亞 泉 志


Features 專題 10 cash coins were made in quantity in 1908, and 10 cash

dated coins are known in denominations of 1, 2, 5, 10 and 20

were made in quantity dated 1909 and 1911. In addition,

cash. All are of the T’ai Ch’ing Ti Kuo series with the “Pien”

Republican 10 cash coins made at Kaifeng were published by

mintmark in the center of the obverse. Only the 10 cash was

Ramsden in 1913, suggesting that the mint was actually open

made for circulation – all the other values are patterns and

continuously from 1905 through 1913. The mint was closed

are known from only a few examples.

in 1914 but reopened about 1918, and during the 1920’s and 1930’s produced 20, 50, 100 and 200 cash coins, usually poorly struck.

In addition there is a 20 cash dated 1909 with extra wide rims and a reeded edge. Only a few pieces are known to exist. The dies for this coin were once in the collection of Tai

Despite the lack of information on the 1909 coinage, we can learn something from the coins themselves. The 1909

Pao-t’ing. The wide rimmed coin is 38mm in diameter and was apparently struck using a collar for a dollar coin.

Known Appearances of the 1909 Honan Coins Honan 1 Cash 1909

E. R. B. White collection (USA 1980’s). A note in the 1997 catalog of Chinese copper coins by Cheng Jen-chieh

A. Champion to NC collection, private treaty. B. R. B. White collection (USA 1980’s). Cheng Jen-

says that R. B. White and Feng Yi each had a Honan 2 cash F. A collector Mr. Luo Zemin had a Honan 2 cash.

chieh’s 1997 catalog of Chinese copper coins says that R. B. White and Feng Yi both had the Honan 1 Cash, but there are no photos to confirm this. C. Feng Yi collection (Shanghai 1990’s), late sold to Mr. Xiao Zhijun from Guangzhou, PCGS MS62 (#900136)

NC collection, Honan 2 cash Honan 5 Cash 1909 A. Shanghai Museum (1990’s) – donated by Sun Ding NC collection, Honan 1 cash Honan 2 Cash 1909 A. Champion sold to NC collection. B. Shanghai Museum (1990’s) -- donated by Li Weixian in the 1960’s C. Feng Yi collection (Shanghai 1990’s), later sold to Mr. Xiao Zhijun,PCGS MS62(#900133) D. Money Company auction #6 January 1981 Lot 352, later appeared in Taisei Hong Kong auction, Lot 1210, unsold. We don’t know where it is today.

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in the 1970’s. B. Numismatic World Bimonthly #17 September 1979 (back cover). We don’t know who this coin belonged to, but it is not the same as the one graded by PCGS. C. Money Company auction #6 January 1981 Lot 351. We don’t know who this coin was sold to nor where it is today. D. Cheng Jen-chieh collection (Taiwan 1997). This coin was certified by PCGS MS63 (872883) and was sold in the Cheng Xuan sale in Beijing in May 2014 for US $77480. This piece can be identified by a small green spot on the character “ch’ing.”

Features 專題 E. Feng Yi collection (Shanghai 1990’s), later sold to

Honan 20 Cash 1909 Wide Rims

Mr. Xiao Zhijun from Guangzhou, PCGS MS64(872882) F. Shih Ch’eng-yi (Taichung, Taiwan). According to Cheng Jen-chieh’s catalog of Chinese copper coins(in page 148), Shih Ch’eng-yi owned one of these coins. His coin was sold by Cong Yuan auction Shanghai in 1981. G. A collector Mr. Luo Zemin had a Honan 5 cash. H. A Honan 5 cash in Japan. I. A collector Mr. Liu Yunhong had a Honan 5 cash. Honan 10 Cash 1909

A. Woodward collection sold to Norman Jacobs, and Joe Lang bought it for Aki Laden at $ 30680 in August 2008 lot 174. Mr. Zou Li bought it at $70800 in August 2014. B. Shanghai Museum (1990’s)--donated by Li Weixian in the 1960’s. C. Money Company auction #6 January 1981 Lot 350 – sold to NC collection (USA) D. Ch’en Chi-mao collection, later sold to R.B. White from USA.

A scarce coin but not rare. Clearly made for circulation. PCGS has certified only two pieces so far. Honan 20 Cash 1909 A. Shanghai Museum (1990’s)—donated by Sun Ding in the 1970’s. B. Ch’en Chi-mao (Taiwan 1997) collection, later sold

NC collection, Honan 20 Cash

to Mr. Liu Jiwu. C. Ponterio auction December 2010 Lot 139 (NGC AU sold US $126,000) But not listed in NGC population report. D. Feng Yi collection, later sold to Mr. Xiao Zhijun from Guangzhou, PCGS MS64(#872885) E. One Honan 20 cash from Mr. Luo Zemin collection was sold in Beijing Poly auction.

Honan 20 Cash, Chen Chi-mao collection, later sold to R.B. White from USA. CCC537


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Features 專題

揭秘 1909 年河南銅元 史博祿 著(美國) 曾澤祿 譯(美國) 位於開封的河南省造幣廠是清朝最晚成立的造幣廠 之一,可能也是規模最小的造幣廠。一直以來,關於開 封造幣廠的史記資料幾乎沒有。筆者整合了中國出版的 相關報紙雜誌內容、英美領事館報告、中國海關年度手冊、 美國漢立克納浦廠檔案資料,以及 1909 年捐給大英博物 館的一批河南造幣廠製銅元,將河南造幣廠早期的歷史 畫面逐漸呈現在同好面前。 戰國時期(公元前 475- 前 221 年)的開封又稱大樑, 魏國國都。公元 960 年,北宋建都開封,改稱汴梁。然 而,從公元 1100 年以後,開封戰亂頻仍,洪災氾濫,其 核心地位日漸衰落,僅是一省之都。20 世紀初,隨着京 廣鐵路(南起廣州,北經漢口和河南鄭州,一直北上延 伸至北京)的開通,開封進入了現代化的發展軌道。由 於開封常受洪災危害,故京廣鐵路繞開開封,繞道至向 西 50 英里開外的鄭州。同時也開通了連接開封至鄭州的 東西向鐵路,並向西延伸至陝西西安,向東延長至江蘇 直至黃海。至 20 世紀 20 年代,鄭州的地位日漸超過開封, 50 年代成為河南省省會。 開封造幣廠由河南巡撫陳夔龍 (1857-1948 年 ) 創辦, 陳夔龍於 1903 年 4 月上任河南巡撫,1906 年 2 月離任。 陳夔龍,字筱石,號庸庵,1886 年中進士。1896 年升任 榮祿秘書。榮祿是滿洲貴族,握北方兵權,後成為袁世 凱的得力助手。1901 年 5 月至 12 月,陳夔龍任河南布政使, 1903 年升任河南巡撫,1906 年 2 月至 1907 年 9 月調任 江蘇巡撫。1907 年升至四川總督,但未上任。1908 年 3 月改任湖廣總督,1909 年 10 月卸任。1909 年 12 月至 1911 年調任直隸總督。辛亥革命後,寓居上海,著書數本, 其中包括 1925 年出版的《回憶錄》。陳夔龍擅長書法, 尤以成扇書畫為長。1906 年江蘇裕蘇官銀錢局通用壹圓 鈔票上印陳夔龍像,1910 年 5 月刊的《遠東評論》也登 有陳夔龍照片。 關於開封造幣廠最早的參考資料來自 1904 年 7 月 8 日的英文報刊《北華捷報》。美國經濟學者耶利米·精其 (Jeremiah Jenks) 是中國幣製改革委員會之主導者,與河 南省官員會面時稱河南巡撫陳夔龍已購買鑄造十文銅元 的造幣機器,屆時將於開封南大門外的機器局內鑄造。 因河南省當局官員正在觀望中央政府是否採用兩或元之 本位標值,故當時並無製造銀幣的決定。由此看來,開 封造幣廠是唯一沒有鑄造銀幣的造幣廠,這一資訊非常 重要。 綜合幾處的資訊,我們得知,開封造幣廠開始鑄造

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十文銅元的時間是 1904 年底或 1905 年初,在機器局使 用 3 到 5 台來自日本的壓印機,幣模來自日本和中國。 張培林《中國機制銅幣》(1991 年版)書中稱開封造 幣廠鑄造銅元始於 1904 年農曆十月。1904 年夏,美國 新澤西州橋鎮的漢立克納浦廠收到開封造幣廠的訂單, 要求訂購製造銅元十文的機器和幣模。1904 年 8 月 15 日漢立克納浦廠給費城造幣廠首席雕刻師查理斯 • 巴伯 (Charles E. Barber) 的信中向該雕刻師詢問製作一套主模 和輪轂以及兩對工作模的價格。儘管漢立克納浦廠給巴 伯通信的資料中未說明開封造幣廠訂購了幾台壓印機, 不過我們可以推測出只訂購了兩台,因開封造幣廠只需 要兩對工作模。1905 年 6 月 23 日《北華捷報》刊登了 中國各家造幣廠的壓印機調查數量。廣東、南京和武昌 等幾家較大的造幣廠各擁有 75 至 150 台壓印機,而開封 造幣廠只有 6 台壓印機。1905 年中國漢口海關手冊稱開 封造幣廠於 1905 年 7 月開工,原本只有 5 台壓印機, 1904 年下半年又購買了 4 台,共 9 台。1905 年的鑄造量 是 85400000 枚。 從與巴伯的通信中,我們瞭解到,漢立克納浦廠在 1904 年逐步履行訂單。10 月 20 日,幣模和一枚銅元樣 幣由巴伯製作完成,交付給漢立克納浦廠,繼而發送至 開封造幣廠。10 月 28 日和 11 月 3 日,中方抱怨雕錯了 兩個字符。11 月 15 日,漢立克納浦廠給巴伯的信中表 示機器即將準備待命,詢問新的幣模何時製作完成。最 後一封信的日期是 11 月 19 日,信中寫到巴伯提供的幣 模在使用過程中裂開了,也暗示了製作幣模的鋼板品質 較 差。1905 年 1 月 6 日 的《 美 元 週 報》(Dollar Weekly News) 報道稱機器已于之前一周運往開封,漢立克納浦 廠的一名技師藍伯特 (Albert S. Lambert) 也即將啟程前往, 幫忙安裝設備。 1905 年或 1906 年初,一位中國海關高級官員(也可 能是位錢幣收藏家)馬士 (Hosea B. Morse) 參觀了開封造 幣廠,並獲得了鑄造的銅元樣幣,這些樣幣在 1909 年捐 給了大英博物館。最重要的是馬士隨錢幣一起捐贈的備 忘錄。馬士提供了七大版別各二枚銅元,並指出每枚銅 元使用的幣模和壓印機。銅元名單可分為“1905 系列” (第一、二、三、四系列)和“當前系列”(三個類別)。 第一系列使用日本機器和日本坯餅,幣面龍週邊不加圈, 省份錯拼成 HOU-NAN。第二、三、四系列均是龍週邊 加圈,使用日本幣模和機器鑄造(第二系列使用日本坯 餅)。錯幣(第一系列)使用的幣模不知是中國的還是 日本的。伍德華未列出這枚銅元錯幣,可以想見這枚錯 幣實乃珍罕之物。

Features 專題 “當前系列”包括幣面龍週邊不加圈。其中兩類銅 元是使用美國壓印機(一類使用美國幣模,一類使用中 國幣模)製造,另一類使用日本壓印機、美國幣模製造。 其中,前兩類銅元使用美國壓印機的數量與漢立克納浦 廠提供的數量一致,使用的美國幣模與巴伯雕刻的兩對 工作模吻合。這兩類銅元的正面均是伍德華所列的類型 B 或 C,其中類型 C 使用美國幣模製造,類型 B 使用日 本和中國幣模;背面是伍德華類型 5 和 6,美國幣模製 造(中國幣模也使用類型 5 背面),類型 2 和 3 則是使 用日本幣模製造。伍德華列出的其他幣模(不在本組之列, A 和 D-J,1 和 4)可能是馬士參觀過造幣廠之後製造的, 也就是 1906 年或之後。儘管 1906 年開封造幣廠理應鑄 造“ 大 清 帝 國” 幣( 事 實 上, 也 鑄 造 了 1906、1908、 1909 和 1911 年的“大清帝國”幣),但河南省的銅元(正 中太極圖)版別太多,不可能是在一年之內鑄造完成, 應該是鑄造了多年。 1906 年,開封造幣廠更名為“度支部造幣汴廠”。 1907 年該廠的運營資訊無處查詢,僅得知鑄造量:十文 銅元鑄造量為 132000000 枚。1908 年 5 月 23 日的《北華 捷報》稱,河南巡撫林紹年上奏朝廷,因面值十文的銅 元禁鑄,故請求鑄造一文、二文和五文的銅元。1908 年 10 月 17 日的《北華捷報》又稱,一文銅元已在大量鑄造, 並對該幣進行了描述。造幣廠已安裝了新的造幣機器, 並建造了一個很高的煙囪,無疑是為鑄造新面值的銅元 而安裝。史密斯 (Ward D. Smith) 的資料(來源不詳)中 發現了一份河南造幣廠的官方報告,報告稱光緒三十二 年十二月(1908 年 1 月)至光緒三十三年十一月(1908

年 12 月),十文銅元共鑄造了 144550000 枚,1908 年 4 月至 12 月一文銅元共鑄造 9419512 枚。一文銅元正面中 心陰刻廠標“汴”,配“大清銅幣”之龍紋,1908 年無 十文銅元,因此十文銅元可能是 1906 年大清系列幣,或 是無紀年的河南省太極圖銅元,亦或兩者都是。 清朝最後三年(1909、1910 和 1911 年)開封造幣廠 的信息也無處可查。有資料顯示,開封造幣廠於 1908 年 關閉,但無疑是錯誤的,因為 1908 年鑄造了大量的一文 和十文銅元,並且幣上对應公元紀年為 1909 年和 1911 年的十文銅元也鑄造了很多。此外,開封造幣廠鑄造的 中華民國當製錢十文在拉姆斯登 (Ramsden)1913 年的文 章中刊發過,說明開封造幣廠在 1905 年至 1913 年是持 續開工運營的。1914 年開封造幣廠關閉後又于 1918 年 重新開工,二三十年代鑄造了當二十文、五十文、百文 和二百文銅元,品質不佳。 儘管 1909 年銅元資訊缺乏,但我們可以從這些銅元 上瞭解到一些資訊。紀年為 1909 年的銅元面值有一文、 二文、五文、十文和二十文。“大清帝國”系列銅元正 面中間均刻廠標“汴”字。只有十文銅元用於流通,其 他面值的銅元均是樣幣,且已知的數量很有限。 此外,還有一類紀年 1909 年的二十文銅元與其他 二十文銅元不同,邊緣較寬,為齒邊,目前僅知幾枚, 幣模為戴葆庭舊藏。寬邊二十文銅元直徑 38mm,使用 的軸環很明顯是製造壹圓銀幣的軸環。

已知的 1909 年河南銅元 1909 年河南銅元一文

1909 年河南銅元二文

A. 經冠軍私人交易賣給 NC Collection。

A. 經冠軍私人交易賣給 NC Collection。

B. R. B. White 藏品(20 世紀 80 年代美國)。鄭仁 傑 1997 年《中國銅元鑒賞》書中(148 頁)指出 R. B. White 和上海馮毅各有一文銅元,但無圖片證實。 C. 馮毅藏品(20 世紀 90 年代上海),后賣給廣州 的肖志軍,PCGS 鑒定分數為 MS62(#900136)。

B. 上海博物館(20 世紀 90 年代)——20 世紀 60 年 代李偉先捐贈。 C. 馮毅藏品(20 世紀 90 年代上海),后賣給廣州 的肖志軍,PCGS 鑒定分數為 MS62(#900133)。 D. Money Company 拍 賣 會,1981 年 1 月 #6,Lot 352, 后 在 1995 年 8 月 的 泰 星 香 港 拍 賣 會 拍 賣,Lot 120,流拍。現去向不明。 E. R. B. White 藏品(20 世紀 80 年代美國)。鄭仁 傑 1997 年《中國銅元鑒賞》書中備註指出 R. B. White 和上海馮毅各有一枚二文銅元。 F. 收藏家駱澤民藏有一枚。

NC 藏品 宣統己酉一文銅元


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Features 專題 B. 陳吉茂藏品(1997 年臺灣),后賣給劉繼武。 C. Ponterio 拍 賣 會,2010 年 12 月,Lot 139,NGC AU,成交價 126000 美元。但 NGC 鑒定數量報告中未列 出此幣。 D. 馮毅藏品,后賣給廣州的肖志軍,PCGS 鑒定分 數為 MS64 (#872885)。 NC 藏品 宣統己酉“汴”字大清銅幣二文

E. 北京保利拍賣會曾拍出收藏家駱澤民的一枚二十 文铜元。

1909 年河南銅元五文

A. 上海博物館(20 世紀 90 年代)——20 世紀 70 年 代孫鼎捐贈。 B. 《錢幣界》(Numismatic World) 雙月刊封底,1979 年 9 月刊,#17。這枚銅元的主人是誰不得而知,但不是 PCGS 鑒定的那枚。 C. Money Company 拍 賣 會,1981 年 1 月 #6,Lot 351。這枚銅元買家是誰、現在何處也不得而知。 D. 鄭仁傑藏品(1997 年臺灣)。該枚銅元經 PCGS 鑒定,分數為 MS63 (872883),2014 年 5 月在北京誠軒 拍賣會上以 483000 人民幣的價格成交。此幣在“清”字 有綠色的小點。

1909 年河南銅元二十文(寬邊版) A. 伍德華舊藏—Norman Jacobs—2008 年 8 月,Joe Lang 以 30,680 美元的價格代 Aki Laden 購買,lot 174— 2014 年 8 月,鄒力以 70800 美元的價格買入。 B. 上海博物館藏品(20 世紀 90 年代) ——20 世紀 60 年代李偉先捐贈。 C. Money Company 拍賣會賣給美國的 NC Collection, 1981 年 1 月 #6,Lot 350。 D. 陳吉茂藏品,后賣給美國的 R. B. White。

E. 馮毅藏品,后賣給廣州的肖志軍,PCGS 鑒定分 數是 MS64(872882)。 F. 施誠一藏品(臺灣台中)。據鄭仁傑 1997 年《中 國銅元鑒賞》書中(148 頁)指出,施誠一擁有一枚五 文銅元。后在上海崇源拍賣會上賣出。 G. 收藏家駱澤民藏有一枚。 H. 日本藏有一枚。 I. 台灣藏家劉蘊宏藏有一枚。

NC 藏品 宣統己酉“汴”字大清銅幣二十文(寬邊版)

1909 年河南銅元十文 數 量 不 多, 但 並 不 稀 罕。 用 於 流 通。 截 至 目 前, PCGS 僅鑒定過兩枚。 1909 年河南銅元二十文 A. 上海博物館藏品(20 世紀 90 年代)—— 20 世紀 70 年代孫鼎捐贈。

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宣統己酉“汴”字大清銅幣二十文(寬邊版),陳吉茂藏品, 后賣給美國的 R.B.White。CCC537

Features 專題

The Opening Ceremony of the Chinese Coin Exhibition in Germany Michael Chou (USA) The state coin cabinet of Saxony-Anhalt, part of the art museum of Moritzburg Halle (Saale), was founded in 1950. Its collection contains more than 100,000 coins, medals and paper notes, which makes it one of the biggest German coin cabinets. The origin of the collection goes back to the 19th century. From the beginning the idea of a universal numismatic collection was stressed, which would facilitate an overview of the world of money from all cultures and continents. The museum’s collection of Chinese coins consists of objects from the first beginnings of currency to the latest emissions. The first important donation, the estate of the explorer Adolph Riebeck (1859-1889), was given to the museum in 1895. In 2014, the museum received another important donation: Dr. Joachim Krüger’s collection, which contained 2,337 objects. In May 2016, part of the Bowker Collection was donated to the Art Museum of Moritzburg Halle (Saale). These coins will be on display at the Special Chinese Coin Exhibition at the museum from September 18, 2016 to January 29, 2017, along with the Otto Beh Chinese Dies donated by Michael Chou with help of the Künker Auction Company. The Moritzburg museum has the second largest collection of Chinese coins in Germany. The Bowker Family has donated 6,132 Chinese cash coins and machinemade coins to the museum, which is the largest ever donation of Chinese coins in Germany. These holdings allow the museum to present an outstanding overview of the historical development of Chinese numismatics from the beginning to the present. It includes many specimens of great rarity and international relevance for numismatic scholarship. At the moment a new permanent exhibit is being developed in Halle. It will be on display at the art museum in Moritzburg Halle (Saale), in the rooms of the old mint of the archbishopric of Magdeburg. This very special and representative location is also where the donation will find its place. But beforehand, there will be a special exhibit about the history of Chinese coins, which will include the donation. It opened on September 17th, 2016. We arrived in Frankfurt on Thursday morning of September 15th and were picked up by a driver from the Saxony-Anhalt state museum. Carolyn Bowker, Marilyn Dorman and June Cornell flew from San Francisco and I came from Shanghai. We had a nice four hour drive to Halle, stopping for lunch on the way. After our arrival we had dinner with the curator of the coin cabinet of the Moritzburg Museum at a famous local German restaurant.

Friday morning, we went to the museum at 10am to meet with the museum director, Thomas Bauer-Friedrich and then joined the media press conference at 11am with local TV and print media. About 10 media outlets were present and we were covered by 3 TV stations and 2 news radio stations that evening. The opening ceremony of the Chinese Coin Exhibition at the museum featured coins from the Joachim Krüger collection, Howard Franklin Bowker collection and the Otto Beh Chinese dies. The book, Chinese Coins was released at the press conference. The Chinese coins featured were knife, spade and cast cash coins, a set of 1906 Qing dynasty silver patterns (1tael, 5 mace, 2 mace and 1 mace) and four 1910 copper patterns (1 li, 5 li, 1 fen and 20 cash) from the Bowker Collection and the Otto Beh Chinese dies and punches. The modern Otto Beh Macau and Berlin medals from Shenyang Mint and Shanghai Mint were also featured. Friday afternoon at 5pm, the Museum held a preview opening for the German numismatic societies hosted by the director of the castles and domes foundation Mr. Christian with museum director Thomas Bauer-Friedrich and curator Ulf Drago. Lisette Kruger, the wife of Jochim Krüger, the former vice ambassador of the GDR to China, Carolyn Bowker and I received a Thomas Wolf medal from the museum for the donation. Saturday afternoon at 5pm, the opening ceremony was attended by over 100 people at the museum. Museum director Thomas Bauer-Friedrich hosted the opening. Many VIPs including Chen Ping, Fritz Künker, Carolyn Bowker, Professor Lukas Nickel, and Ulf Drago made speeches. A special exhibit medal with a mintage of five was given to Ms. Krüger, Mr. Künker, Carolyn Bowker, and Mr. Chou (The No. 1 medal is in the museum’s collection).

The exhibition hall of the Chinese coins


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Features 專題

The press conference with local TV and print media

The exhibition hall of the Chinese coins

Director of the Castles and Domes Foundation, Mr. Christian Phillipson (left) and Michael Chou, CEO of the Champion Auction

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From Left: Thomas Bauer-Friedrich, director of Moritzburg Museum of Halle (Saale), professor Lisette Kruger, the wife of Jochim Kruger, the former vice ambassador of GDR to China, and curator of the coin cabinet, Ulf Drago

Features 專題

Guests are watching the Otto Beh Chinese dies

From left: Thomas Bauer-Friedrich, Marilyn Dorman, Ulf Drago, June Cornell, Michael Chou, CEO of the Champion Auction, Carolyn Bowker and Christian Phillipson

A group picture of visitors

From left: Thomas Bauer-Friedrich, director of Moritzburg Museum of Halle (Saale), Chen Ping, Cultural Counsellor of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the Federal Republic of Germany, and Thomas Wunsch, State Secretary at the Ministry of Economy, Science and Digitization of Saxony-Anhalt


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Features 專題

Fritz Rudolf Kunker, founder of Kunker Auctions

Carolyn Bowker, representative of the Bowker family

Professor Lukas Nickel

Curator of the Moritzburg Museum Coin Cabinet, Ulf Drago is introducing the medal commemorating the ceremon

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The medal of this ceremony and certificate

Features 專題

The opening ceremony of the Chinese Coin Exhibition

From left: Thomas Bauer-Friedrich, Chen Ping, Carolyn Bowker, Marilyn Dorman, Lisette Kruger, June Cornell, Fritz Rudolf Kunker, Michael Chou, professor Lukas Nickel and Ulf Drago

The cover of the China Coins


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Features 專題

Introduction of professor Joachim Krüger’s collection, Joachim Krüger and Li Xiannian, former Chairman of the PRC (left)

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Introduction of the Howard Franklin Bowker collection

Features 專題

Introduction of the donated Otto Beh Chinese dies

The handover ceremony of the Otto Beh Chinese dies between the Macau Special Exhibit and the Berlin World Money Fair


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Features 專題

Medal of the Macau Special Exhibit (left), the 2015 Macau Numismatic Society Commemorative Panda, the 2016 World Money Fair Berlin Commemorative Panda, and the color silver plate with the raised image of panda

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The back cover of China Coins

Features 專題

德國中國錢幣展開幕 周邁可 (美國) 薩克森—安哈爾特州錢幣陳列館隸屬於哈雷莫里茨 堡藝術博物館,成立於 1950 年。現有館藏 10 萬枚(張) 錢幣、紀念章和紙鈔,是德國最大的錢幣陳列館。館藏 錢幣要追溯到 19 世紀。最初的構思就是期望涵蓋錢幣收 藏各個領域,便於宏觀了解各大洲各種文化的世界錢幣。 該 館 館 藏 涵 蓋 從 貨 幣 產 生 初 期 到 現 在 的 錢 幣。 博 物 館 第 一 次 接 受 的 捐 贈 是 1895 年 探 險 家 Adolph Riebeck(1859-1889 年 ) 慷慨捐贈的不動產。2014 年,該 館又接受了 Joachim Krüger 教授收藏捐贈,共有 2337 件 物品。在 2016 年 5 月,包克家族把一部分錢幣藏品捐贈 給了德國薩克森 - 安哈爾特州哈雷莫里茨堡藝術博物館。 這些錢幣將和在昆克公司幫助下周邁可先生捐贈給這個 博物館的德製中國錢幣幣模在 2016 年 9 月 18 日至 2017 年 1 月 29 日期間的中國錢幣特別展中展出。莫里茨堡藝 術博物館是德國擁有中國錢幣數量最多的第二大博物館。 包克家族就向它捐贈了 6132 枚中國方孔錢和機製幣,目 前為止是對德國捐贈中國錢幣的最大捐贈者。該館館藏 很多珍稀樣幣以及學術研究探討各國關係的錢幣物證, 該館也有信心更好地宏觀展示中國錢幣從古至今的發展 歷史。 目前,哈雷莫里茨堡藝術博物館正在緊鑼密鼓地規劃 一個永久展櫃,計劃將它們設在馬格德堡大主教管轄的 老造幣廠的房間展示。這是當地一個具有特殊意義的代 表性地點,將會是展示這些幣模的絕佳地點。不過,在 幣模永久展示前,它們將先在展示中國錢幣歷史的特展 上展出,特別展定於 2016 年 9 月 17 日開幕! 我們於 9 月 15 日(週四)早上抵達德國法蘭克福, 薩克森·安哈爾特州莫里裏茨堡博物館為我們安排了一位 司機前來接機。一行人中只有我是從上海出發,其餘 3 人 —— 卡羅琳·包克、瑪麗蓮·杜曼和瓊·康奈爾都是從舊 金山飛抵法蘭克福。

展品有尤阿希姆·克魯格的錢幣藏品、霍華德·佛蘭克林·包 克所捐贈的中國錢幣,以及奧托拜赫公司鑄造的中國錢 幣幣模。此外,《中國貨幣》一書也在記者會上正式與 讀者見面。 展會上比較有代表性的中國錢幣包括一些布幣、刀 幣、銅錢、包克藏品中的一套 1906 年的中國“中”字大 清銀質樣幣(面值分別是一兩、五錢、兩錢和一錢)、4 枚奧地利製 1910 年的銅質樣幣(面值為二十文、一厘、 五厘及一分),以及奧托拜赫公司打造的中國錢幣幣模 及漢字沖頭,由瀋陽造幣有限公司和上海造幣有限公司 鑄造的奧托拜赫澳門及柏林現代紀念章同樣備受與會者 的關注。 星期五下午 5 點,古堡基金會負責人克裏斯蒂安、莫 里茨堡博物館負責人托馬斯,以及館長烏爾夫·德拉格共 同為德國錢幣界人士舉辦了一場開幕式預演儀式。 尤阿希姆·克魯格的妻子、前東德副駐華大使夫人莉 賽特·克魯格教授,卡羅琳·包克加上我一共 3 人獲得了由 博物館頒發的托馬斯·沃爾夫捐贈獎章。 星期六下午 5 點,有超過 100 位賓客出席了於博物館 內舉辦的中國錢幣展開幕式。 開幕式由博物館負責人托馬斯主持,參與發言的嘉賓 包括陳平、弗里茨·昆克、卡羅琳·包克、盧卡斯·尼克爾 教授及烏爾夫·德拉格。鑄造量僅為 5 枚的特製展會紀念 章被贈與了莉賽特·克魯格教授、昆克先生、卡羅琳·包克 女士和周邁可先生(另有一枚留博物館收藏)。

我們一行人坐了 4 個小時的車來到哈雷,中途還停下 來吃了一頓午飯。到達目的地以後,莫里茨堡博物館錢 幣陳列館的館長邀請我們在當地一家有名的德式餐廳同 他共進晚餐。 星期五上午 10 點鐘,我們見到了莫里茨堡博物館館 長托馬斯,之後又同他一道出席了 11 點舉辦的本地電視 及紙媒媒體見面會。約 10 家當地的媒體參加了本次記者 會,當天晚上就有 3 家電視媒體及兩家新聞電台播報了 我們的活動。本次中國錢幣展開幕式中比較引人注目的



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Column 專欄




薩克森 - 安哈爾特城堡基金會主席克利斯蒂安·菲力浦森 (左)與冠軍總裁周邁可

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左起:(薩勒)哈雷莫里茨堡藝術博物館館長托馬斯·鮑 爾·弗雷德里希、前德國副駐華大使夫人莉賽特·克魯格教 授、德國哈雷莫裏茨堡藝術博物館錢幣館館長烏爾夫·德 拉格

Features 專題

嘉賓們在欣賞 Otto Beh 德製中國幣模

左起:托馬斯·鮑爾·弗雷德里希、玛丽莲·多曼、烏爾夫·德 拉格、瓊·康奈爾、冠軍總裁周邁可、卡羅琳·包克、克利 斯蒂安·菲力浦森


致辭(左起):哈雷莫里茨堡藝術博物館館長托馬斯·鮑爾·弗雷德里希、中國駐德國大使館文化參贊陳平、 薩克森 - 安哈爾特州經濟科學與數字化部州務部長托馬斯·溫煦


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Features 專題




德國哈雷莫里茨堡藝術博物館錢幣館館長烏爾夫·德拉格 在演講,介紹此次活動的紀念章


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Features 專題


嘉賓合影(左起):托馬斯·鮑爾·弗雷德里希、陳平、 卡羅琳·包克、玛丽莲·多曼、莉賽特·克魯格、瓊·康奈爾、 弗里茨·魯道夫·昆克、周邁可、盧卡斯·尼克爾教授、烏 爾夫·德拉格



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Features 專題

Joachim Krüger 教授藏品捐贈介紹,右上圖為 Joachim Krüger 教授與原中國國家主席李先念


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Features 專題

Otto Beh 德製中國幣模捐贈介紹



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Features 專題

徳製幣模澳門特別展紀念章(左)與 2015 年澳門錢幣學會年會紀念熊貓、2016 年世界錢幣展·柏林紀念熊 貓、國寶熊貓高浮雕彩色銀盤


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Column 專欄

A Visit to the Hangchow Mint Howard F. Bowker (USA) After an interest in all phases of the numismatics of China, extending over two decades, I have found very few literary descriptions of the actual operations of any of the many mints. The following narrative dating back to the 1890's is therefore considered of some interest to anyone wishing to learn of how the old holed "cash" were made and how one mint met the incursion of modern minting methods. This account is taken from a slight volume by William R. Kahler entitled "My Holidays in China," subtitled "An Account of Three Houseboat Tours, from Shanghai to Hangchow and back via Ningpo; from Shanghai to Le Yang via Soochow and the Tah Hu; and from Kiukiang to Wuhu." We paid a visit to the arsenal which is situated in the eastern part of the city [Hangchow], but could only see the arsenal proper from a distance, for it was closed and no one was allowed to inspect the premises. Here was a case of 'penny wise and pound foolish' policy, for the good machinery in the building was going to ruin. The officials originally had a foreigner to manage the works, but the Chinese thought they could do without him; they tried the experiment and made a failure of it. Before the foreigner left, orders came from Peking for each province to make its own copper cash, so the Hangchow authorities got their foreigner to convert the cartridge making dies into dies for stamping cash. This he did; then they had no further need for his services, at least they thought so, but they soon found that each stamped cash they made cost the value of three, so they gave up the idea and reverted to the old plan of casting cash. This process they carry on in some sheds attached to the arsenal; copper and block tin are used, the proportion being either six of the former and four of the latter, or equal parts of each, for we were told both stories. The copper used is marked 'Furukama, Japan', while the tin comes from the Straits Settlements, and this is how the cash are made. First of all the copper and tin are melted in crucibles made of clay. A board, on which are two rods or binders having fast on each side of them by their edges thirty-five pattern cash, is laid on the floor. It is about four feet long and a foot wide; on this is placed a wooden frame that just fits the board; mould [sand] is then poured on the board, lightly pressed down by a man walking over it, and then smoothed down by a piece of wire rod being run along over the top of the frame. An impression of one side of the pattern cash is thus taken, and the whole is then turned over and the board removed, leaving the cash. Another frame is now placed on top of the other one, and mould [sand] filled in and pressed down as before. Both sides of the cash

are now moulded, so the frames are separated, the pattern cash removed and the frames piled up in tiers of fifty, that is in sets of twenty-five. They are then firmly tied together and stood on end, when the molten copper and tin composition is poured in. the cash are now cast. After a few minutes during which the coins have time to set, the frames are untied and separated one by one, the cash being thrown out on the ground where they are broken from the binders with pincers. At this stage of the proceedings they look pretty rough and are now strung on a wire – for everybody knows there is a square hole through the center of the cash – and rubbed backward and forward on a rough stone slab to smooth the edges. The next process consists of stirring them up in a tub containing paddy husk and water, and then they are tied up in strings of a thousand cash each, and are ready for use. All this, which gives employment to four hundred men, is very primitive, but the Hangchow authorities appear to be blessed with utilitarian ideas, even if they prefer the conversion of old gun carriages into stands on which to lay the stone slabs used in smoothing the edges of the cash. The narrator failed to note the dusting of powdered charcoal on the first mould to prevent the second from adhering to the first. Examples of both the cast "cash" and the machine struck product are shown in the accompanying illustration. The cash coins varied slightly in size and weight from time to time, depending upon changes in the market cost of the copper and tin, or with the amount of "squeeze" demanded by the supervisory officials. Editor's Note: This article, which has some valuable information on the Chekiang struck cash, does not appear to have ever been published. Bowker's interest here was the eye witness description of cash coin casting at the new Hangchow Arsenal in the eastern part of the city. He was unaware that for 200 years previously, the Hangchow cash mint was located on the opposite side of the city. The real value of this article lies in the information that the experimental machine struck cash coins, produced late in 1887, were made at the arsenal, which was built in the mid 1880's. These struck cash were mentioned in the Peking Gazette and the North China Herald early in 1888, but no reason was given for their disapproval. Bowker's article tells us that the cost of producing the struck cash was too high and so the mint reverted to traditional casting methods. [BWS]


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Column 專欄

參觀杭州造幣廠 霍華德 • 佛蘭克林 • 包克(美國) 關注中國錢幣發展二十多載,我幾乎找不到任何有關


造幣廠實際操作運行的文字描述。下面的敘述追溯到 19


世紀 90 年代,對於那些人們想要瞭解古老之方孔錢幣的





正好是 25 套。接着當熔化的銅和錫的混合物澆入時,它 們被牢牢地綁在一起並豎起來放。幾分鐘後,錢幣就已

本 篇 文 章 摘 自 William R. Kahler 所 寫 題 為《 我 在 中


國的假期》(My Holidays in China)的小冊子,副標題




上海經蘇州和穎州府太和(Tah Hu)到鎮江府溧陽(le




我們拜訪了坐落於城市(杭州)東部的兵工廠,但只 能遠觀,因為兵工廠已經關閉,未經允許不可前往視察。 屋子裡的良好器械即將被銷毀,這是一個“小事聰明大 事糊塗”的政策。兵工廠最初由一名外國人管理,但中 國人認為即使沒有外國人他們自己也可以做;他們進行 了嘗試,但以失敗告終。就在外國人離開前,北京下達 了命令,要求每個省份製造各自的銅錢,於是杭州當局

包括在一個含有稻殼和水的桶內攪拌它們,然後每 1000


400 個工人,都是非常簡陋落後的,但是杭州當局似乎 對這一功利的想法很滿意,甚至寧願將舊槍筒轉變為擺 放用於磨平銅錢邊緣的石板架子。

故事敘述者沒有注意到對第一個模具木炭粉的清理工 作,以防止第二個黏附在第一個上。

要求這位外國人將槍卡筒模具改造成為錢幣的模具,以 沖壓造銅錢。他按要求做了;然後他們就不再需要他了,






棄了這一方法,而回到古老翻砂浇鑄的方式。他們在兵 工廠附屬的工棚內進行操作;使用的是銅和錫塊,比例





描述。他沒有意識到,200 年前的杭州銅錢製造廠位於


城市的另一端。這篇文章的真正價值在於產於 1887 年晚


期的帶有試驗性質的機製銅錢是在建於 19 世紀 80 年代

兩個拉杆或粘結劑,每一邊都可以快速製造出 35 個錢幣

中期的兵工廠內製造。這些機製銅錢曾在 1888 年早期出









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Column 專欄

A Japanese Bank Document Signed By Hollington Tong Bruce W. Smith (USA)

A Japanese Bank document signed by a Chinese Ambassador (obverse, reverse)


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Column 專欄 The Yokohama Specie Bank was organized as a foreign

Hsien-kuang (Dong Xianguang) was a well known journalist

exchange bank in 1880 but was denied permission to issue

and government official during the 1920's through 1940's

notes in Japan due to opposition from the government and

and a lifelong friend of Chiang Kai-shek (Jiang Jieshi). From

the Bank of Japan. It was, however, permitted to issue notes

1952 to 1956 he served as Ambassador to Japan and from

outside the country. The bank opened branches at Shanghai

1956 to 1958 as Ambassador to the United States for the

(1893), Tientsin (1896), Newchwang (1900) and Peking

Republic of China (Taiwan). Born in a prosperous family

in January 1902. Later additional branches were opened at

in Yinhsien, Chekiang (Yin xian, Zhejiang), he received his

Dairen, Hankow, Harbin, Tsingtao and Tsinan. Banknotes

early education in foreign schools in Shanghai. During 1905-

were issued by all of these branches. The Peking branch

1906 he taught school in Ningpo, where one of his students

issued its first set of notes in 1910, bearing the signatures of

was Chiang Kai-shek, though they were born in the same

S. Jissoji as manager and S. Ishimaru as accountant. There

year. During 1907-1912 he attended college in the United

was a second issue of notes in 1920-1921, and a final issue

States, graduating in the latter year from the University of

of a 100 dollar note in 1927. The Peking branch was still in

Missouri School of Journalism. Returning to China in 1913

operation in 1940. After World War II the bank's domestic

he began his career in journalism, serving as correspondent,

and overseas assets were turned over to the Bank of Tokyo

editor or assistant editor for English language newspapers in

and were liquidated in 1963. The buildings of its Shanghai,

Shanghai and Peking, including the Peking Daily (1914-1916)

Tientsin, Dairen and Peking branches are still standing today,

and Millard's Review (1917-1918; later known as China

as are some of its old buildings in Japan.

Weekly Review). From 1918 to 1925 he held minor positions in the Ministry of Communications, for which he received

The document shown here is a receipt for a deposit of

three government award medals.

$35,000 "in local currency only" made on 11 September 1925 at the Peking branch of the bank, and signed by the

After leaving government service, he was editor of the

sub manager, T. Tanaka. Though clearly stated on the

Chinese language newspaper, Yung Pao, at Tientsin from

front and back that the document is not transferable, it was

1925 to 1931. During 1926 he briefly served as an advisor

nevertheless transferred as shown by a rubber-stamped and

to warlord Wu P'ei-fu. During the first half of the 1930's he

handwritten "Transferred" on the front. The printed statement

was manager of the Shanghai newspaper China Press. Then

that it was payable "at call" has been crossed out in red and

from 1935 until the end of the war with Japan in 1945, at the

"as arranged" written in above. On the back, the document is

request of Chiang Kai-shek, he headed the government office

stamped twice by the Chung Foo Union Bank at Tientsin (not

which controlled press censorship in China. This office had

Peking) and signed by the Assistant Manager, whose name

two goals - to prevent military information from reaching

seems to be C. W. Yui. The deposited money was withdrawn

the Japanese and to prevent negative information about

with interest on 9 January 1926 and signed as received by

China from reaching the foreign press. After the Chinese

Hollington K. Tong. His name on the front was clearly filled

government moved to Chungking, he had a small hotel built

in by a clerk, because it is misspelled "Hollongton". Who as

to house foreign correspondents and lived in a cabin in the

this man who deposited such a large amount of money in a

same compound. In 1937 Tong published the authorized

Japanese bank under special arrangements?

English biography: Chiang Kai-shek, Soldier and Statesman. In 1950 he published an English account of his war years

Hollington K. Tong (1887-1970) Chinese name: Tung

東 亞 泉 志



titled: Dateline China.

Column 專欄

一份有董顯光簽署的日本銀行本票之文件 史博祿(美国)

1925 年橫濱正金銀行 35000 元存款收款,背面有霍林頓 K·董的取款簽名(正面、背面)


東 亞 泉 志


Column 專欄

局部放大圖——霍林頓 K·董的取款簽名

日本的橫濱正金銀行成立於 1880 年,雖然由於政府

霍林頓 K·董原名董顯光,民國時期知名報人、記者,


蔣介石一生的摯友。董曾於 20 世紀 20 到 40 年代在國民


政府擔任公職,1952-1956 年間曾出任“中華民國(臺灣)


駐日本大使”一職,之後,1956 年到 1958 年,他又被

(1893 年)、天津(1896 年)、牛莊(1900 年)、北平(1902


年 1 月)、大連、漢口、哈爾濱、青島以及濟南開設分


行併發行鈔票。1901 年,橫濱正金銀行北京支行首次發

校。1905-1906 年,他應聘到寧波一所學校教授英文,而

行了一套印有分行經理 S. 實相寺(S. Jissoji)以及會計 S.


石丸(S.Ishimaru)的簽名的紙鈔,1920-1921 年,該銀

是成為了董顯光的學生。1907-1912 年,董顯光赴美求學,

行又發行了第二套紙幣。1927 年,橫濱正金銀行北京支

並於次年從密蘇里大學大學新聞學院畢業。1913 年,董



正常營業,一直到 1940 年。二戰之後,正金銀行海內外

日報》(1914-1916 年)及《密勒氏評論週刊》(1917-1928

全部資產被東京銀行接管,1963 年,銀行被終結。不過



助理編輯以及編輯等職務。1918-1925 年,董顯光走上政


壇,出任了北洋政府交通部次要職務,期間還因政績出 色三次獲得政府授勳嘉獎。

這裏出示的是一份 35000 元“僅限本地貨幣”的橫 附有橫濱正金銀行北京分行副經理 T. 田中(T. Tanaka)

淡出政界之後,董顯光重返報業,並於 1925-1931 年 出任中文報紙——《天津庸報》主編一職。1926 年,他


還短暫擔任過軍閥吳佩孚的外國事務顧問。30 年代初,


董顯光出任上海《大陸報》總經理,之後從 1935 年到


1945 年抗日戰爭結束,董又應蔣介石之邀擔任國際宣傳





行)的印戳以及分行副經理 C. W. 唯(C. W. Yui)的親筆


簽名。1926 年 1 月 9 日,這筆錢連同利息被人一併取走,


收據背面霍林頓 K·董(Hollington K. Tong)的取款簽名 表明了這一點。不過,這個簽名顯然是職員代簽,因為

小型酒店,而他自己則屈居到了酒店院子裏的一間小屋 裏。1937 年,董顯光經授權出版了蔣介石的英文自傳——

Hollington 的名字被錯拼成了 Hollongton。那麼,這個霍

《蔣介石,軍人及政治家》(《蔣總統傳》)一書。1950 年,





濱正金銀行存款收據,簽訂日期為 1925 年 9 月 11 日,

東 亞 泉 志



Column 專欄

The Ultra Small Wu Zhu Coins Bruce W. Smith (USA)

The Ultra Small Wu Zhu Coins, 10-12mm

The Wu Zhu (Wu Chu) cash coins are well known to

of the Chen dynasty and also in the official history of the Sui

collectors inside and outside of China. Inscribed with just two

dynasty. Some believe they were issued by the 1st century

characters, “wu zhu”, giving the coin’s weight (5 zhu), there

AD usurper, Wang Mang, while others believe they were

are nevertheless many varieties because this coin was cast

made in the 1st century BC during the Western Han dynasty.

by various dynasties and kingdoms for 700 years. Most of

The ultra small wu zhu coins have been recorded as: Schjoth

these coins are around 25mm in diameter, some larger, some

208-210; Lockhart 249; Jen 999; Hartill 10.29; Fisher’s Ding

smaller, most with outer rims, some without outer rims, and

597; Coole 9540-9598; Lacouperie (British Museum catalog)

some with and some without inner rims. But there is a very

Tsai 76; “Illustrative Plates of Chinese Ancient Coins” (1989)

distinct variety which is very well made, with distinct outer

page 128; Hua Guangpu (2006 edition) page 192; “Jianming

rims on both sides and complete inner rims on the reverse,

Qianbi Cidian” (1991) by Sun Zhonghui and others, page

but which measures only 10 to 12mm and weighs 0.6 to 0.7


grams. I call this type the “ultra small wu zhu.” Chinese collectors over the centuries have assigned various names to

Frederick Schjoth in his 1929 catalog, “Currency of the

these coins based on when they believe the coin was made.

Far East” (reprinted in the United States in 1965 under the

Some call them “Shen Lang coins” because they believe they

title: “Chinese Currency”), attributes the ultra small wu zhu

were issued by Lord Shen in the 300’s AD. Others call them

coins to Lord Shen (Shen Lang), whose name he mistakenly

“goose eye” or “chicken eye” coins because they believe they

writes as: Ch'en Chung (Ch'en Lang). Schjoth's confusion

are the coins of that name issued during the Chen (Ch’en)

with the name is understandable because the first character

dynasty in the 500’s AD, and mentioned in the official history

is normally read “ch'en” but when used as a name, it is


東 亞 泉 志


Column 專欄 pronounced Shen. Lang is a title, however, not a name. His

cash). Peng says that at that time, a hu of grain sold for 5

real name was Shen Ch'ung, and he is said to have minted

cash. If one wanted to buy a smaller amount of grain, there

some coins during 317-324 AD under the Eastern Jin (Chin)

was no way to pay for it. In Han times, a hu was divided

Dynasty. The connection of the ultra small wu zhu coins to

into 10 dou (tou) which were divided into 10 sheng. So one

Shen Lang is very old. Hung Zun (Hung Tsun), writing in

ordinary wu zhu coin would buy 2 dou or 20 sheng of grain,

the 1140's AD attributes them to Shen Lang, in his book,

equal to about 7 U.S. pints. Amounts smaller than this could

“Quan Zhi” (Ch’uan Chih), the earliest surviving Chinese

not be purchased unless the ultra small wu zhu coin was

numismatic work. But the texts referring to Shen Lang’s


coins do not state what type of coin he produced-neither the inscription nor the size-so there is no solid basis for the attribution to Shen Lang.

Zhu Huo also believes that the ultra small wu zhu coins were made during Western Han times, and he notes that some numismatists identify them with the “chi ze” (ch’ih tse; red

Ding Fubao (Ting Fu-pao) in his two most famous

rim) coins issued under Emperor Wu Di (140-87 BC) (see

works, “Li Dai Gu Qian Tu Shuo” (Li Tai Ku Ch’ien T’u

“Guqian Xintan” (1992) page 45 and “Guqian Xindian”

Shuo; originally published in 1940 and reprinted in the

(1991) page 153). The chi ze wu zhu coins are clearly

United States with English translations as “Fisher’s Ding”

mentioned in “Han Shu” (Official History of the [Western]

in 1990) and “Gu Qian Da Ce Dian” (Ku Ch’ien Ta Ts’e

Han Dynasty) chapter 24 and “Shi Ji” (Shih Chi; called in

Tien; originally published in 1938 and known in English as

English: “Records of the Grand Historian” or the “Grand

the Ting Fu-pao Encyclopedia), attributes these coins to the

Scribe’s Records”) chapter 30, as being issued in 115 BC

Ch'en Dynasty (560-566 AD), based on historical records.

and withdrawn two years later, but they are not described,

Both the official history of the Ch’en dynasty (“Ch’en Shu”)

except that they were made at official mints in the capital and

and the official history of the Sui dynasty (“Sui Shu”) refer to

one chi ze coin was worth five ordinary wu zhu coins. Over

“goose eye” or “chicken eye” coins, but no description of the

the centuries several theories have arisen to explain what

coins is given, aside from the fact that they were very small

“chi ze” means. The phrase is usually translated “red rim”

– like goose eyes, though this was probably an exaggeration.

but what this means is not at all clear, and even the reading

However, Ding also notes that in his time (1930's) some

of the characters has been questioned. Nevertheless, some

people were attributing the coins to Wang Mang.

works illustrate wu zhu coins which they claim are the chi ze coins mentioned in the Han histories. In “Food and Money

Among modern Chinese coin experts, Cai Yangwu (Ts’ai

in Ancient China” (a translation of Han Shu chapter 24),

Yang-wu; known in English as Orlando Y. Tsai; who also

Nancy Swann reads the term as “red rim” and explains this

writes under the pseudonym Heng Men) attributes these

by saying that the rims of the coin were red in color (while

coins to the Wang Mang period (6-24 AD). The reason for

the rest of the coin was apparently a different color). She

this attribution seems to be that the ultra small wu zhu coins

claims that the coins were withdrawn two years later because

bear some resemblance to the smallest Wang Mang cash coin,

counterfeiters had discovered how to make coins with red

the Xiao Quan Zhi Yi (Hsiao Ch’uan Chih Yi).

rims. Vissering’s 1877 work, “On Chinese Currency” based

“Illustrative Plates of Chinese Ancient Coins”, published in China in 1989, attributes the ultra small wu zhu coins to the Western Han Dynasty (206 BC-6 AD) and Peng Xinwei (P’eng Hsin-wei) in his book, “Zhongguo Huobi Shi” (Chung Kuo Huo Pi Shih; English translation 1994 by Edward Kaplan titled: “A Monetary History of China”) also attributed these coins to Western Han, specifically to the period 86-48 BC (the reigns of Emperor Zhao and Emperor Xuan). Peng believed that these ultra small wu zhu coins were made as subdivisions of the ordinary wu zhu, because their weight is 1/5 that of an ordinary wu zhu. In other words, these were 1 zhu coins, intended for purchases of less than 5 zhu (or one

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on a translation of Ma Tuan-lin’s encyclopedia, “Wen Xian Tong Kao” (Wen Hsien T’ung K’ao), published in 1321, and Lacouperie’s “Catalogue of Chinese Coins” (the British Museum collection) published in 1892, both read the term as bent round with red or surrounded with red, and explain it by saying that the rim was made of red copper (apparently pure copper, without alloy). David Jen in his book, “Chinese Cash” published in 2000, and David Hartill’s 2005 work, “Cast Chinese Coins” both understand the term to mean red or shining edges, and explain that the coin was made of red copper and that when the edges were filed the red color would be exposed.

Column 專欄 All of these theories are based on the writer ’s

Xindian” (page 153) records that most of the ultra small wu

interpretation of the two characters “chi” and “ze”. While the

zhu coins which have been excavated since 1949, have been

most common modern meaning of “chi” is red, the word has

found in or near Xi'an (Sian, Shensi). In 1958 more than 1,100

other meanings, including naked, the south, and to destroy.

pieces were found in one site there. In 1982 another site in

In classical Chinese, this character meant red or empty or

Xi'an produced more than 300 pieces, but of a variety without

faithful. The character “ze” has the same meaning in modern

the metal radical in the character “zhu.” The archaeology

and classical Chinese–inclined or slanting. Because this

magazine, Kaogu Yu Wenwu (K’ao Ku Yu Wen Wu, 1990

doesn’t make any sense, Chinese scholars long ago suggested

#6 page 56) reports that these tiny wu chu coins have been

that “ze” is a loan word for another character, “ce” which

excavated in several Western Han Dynasty tombs in the

means the side or to incline towards. It is from this proposed

Xi'an, Shaanxi (Shensi) area. This confirms the dating to Han

substitute word that the idea of an edge or the rim of the coin

times, and also rules out an attribution to Shen Lang or the

is suggested.

Ch'en dynasty, both because of the dating and because of the location where the coins have been dug up. Xi'an is a long

Peng Xinwei has another idea entirely. Noting that

way from Ch'en Dynasty territory, which was in southern

previous Chinese writers believed the rim of the coin was

China (the northern boundary was the Yangtze River).

made of pure copper, he points out that this was based

Hua Guangpu in the latest edition of his now standard,

entirely on their understanding of the texts and that no one

four volume price guide to old Chinese coins, “Zhongguo

had ever seen such a coin. How it would be possible to make

Guqian Daji”, has noted that the ultra small wu zhu coins

such a coin is also unclear. He believes the word “chi” should

were traditionally known as “goose eye coins” of the Ch’en

be read as a verb meaning to file, so the phrase, chi ze, would

dynasty, but are now believed to be Western Han era burial

mean filed edge. Peng believes that these were perhaps the

money. The evidence for this is that they are always found

first Chinese cash coins to have their edges filed smooth before

without wear (and thus, didn't circulate), and that they have

they were put into circulation. This extra step increases

been mostly excavated from tombs (and not in hoards with

the cost of production, but produces a better quality coin.

other coins).

Whatever the chi ze wu zhu coin was, it was almost certainly not the ultra small wu zhu coin, because the text clearly says

So after centuries of speculation, we can finally resolve

that one chi ze coin was worth five ordinary wu zhu coins.

the attribution of the ultra small wu zhu coins. They are not

The chi ze coin was probably an ordinary size wu zhu which

Lord Shen’s coins from the 4th century and they are not the

carried an inflated value of five times its real worth. It would

Ch’en dynasty goose eye coins of the 6th century. These

not make sense to make a coin having 1/5 the weight of an

coins are, in fact, from the Western Han period, most likely

ordinary coin, but with the value of five ordinary coins.

from the 1st century BC, and were made for burial purposes, mainly or perhaps exclusively in the area around the Han

Modern archaeology has provided the solution to the

dynasty capital.

origin of the ultra small wu zhu coins. Zhu Huo’s “Guqian


東 亞 泉 志


Column 專欄

小五銖錢幣考 史博祿(美國)

國內外錢幣收藏家對五銖錢早已 是耳熟能詳。錢文僅“五銖”二字, 乃錢幣重量,故名。因多個朝代都 發行過此幣,前後時間長達 700 多 年,因而五銖錢版別繁雜,大多數 直徑約 25mm,略大略小者皆有, 有外廓者眾,有內廓者略少。不過, 有一種很特別的版別,鑄造精良, 正面皆有外廓,背面有完整內廓, 直徑只有 10-12mm,重約 0.6-0.7 克。 筆者將其稱之為“小五銖錢”,不 過數個世紀以來,中國收藏家根據 錢幣鑄造的年份給出了不同的名稱。 有人稱之為“沈郎錢”,因認為此 錢是公元 300 年左右江南士族沈充 发行的;有人称之为“鹅眼钱”或 “鸡目钱”,因錢體輕小如鵝眼、 雞眼而得名,于公元 500 年左右陳 朝發行,并在陳朝和隋朝的史書中 有記載。有些人認為是公元 1 世紀 篡權者王莽發行的此幣,然而其他 人卻認為此幣鑄造于公元前 1 世紀 的西漢時期。小五銖錢在以下錢幣 學著作中都有記載:Fredrik Schjoth 有關遠東貨幣的著作中編號 208 ﹣ 210;雒魏林 (Lockhart) 回憶中國傳教行醫的著作中編號 249;David Jen 任大衛 有關中國古錢的書中編號 999;David Hartill 有關中國古 錢目錄的著作中編號 10.29;Fisher 之丁福保錢幣學書中 編號 597;邱文明 (Coole) 有關中國錢幣的著作中編號 9540-9598;漢學家古柏 (Lacouperie) 所著《大英博物館 中國錢幣目錄》中編號 Tsai 76;蔡養吾《中國古錢譜》 1989 年版第 128 頁;華光譜《中國古錢大集》2006 年 版第 192 頁;孫仲匯等著《簡明錢幣辭典》1991 年版第 136 頁。 Frederick Schjoth 在其 1929 年的 《遠東貨幣》 目錄 (1965 年美國重印,書名為《中國貨幣》)一書中稱小五銖錢 是江南士族沈郎所製,不過 Frederick Schjoth 將其姓氏錯 拼為 Ch'en。Schjoth 錯拼了沈郎的姓氏也是有情可原, 因“沈”是多音字,可以讀作“ch'en”(同“沉”), 當作姓氏時又讀作 Shen。 “郎”是種稱謂,不是他的名字。 沈郎本名沈充,據說他于東晉時期公元 317 ﹣ 324 年間 鑄造了一些小五銖錢。其實,沈郎與小五銖錢的淵源由 來已久。早在公元 1140 年左右,中國的洪遵撰寫的《泉志》

東 亞 泉 志



小五銖錢(直徑 10-12mm)及其放大圖

(中國現存最早的錢幣學著作)一書中就認為小五銖錢 是沈郎所製。不過文中并沒有指出沈郎製作了哪種錢幣, 既沒有銘文也沒有尺寸,所以,說沈郎製作了小五銖錢 缺乏說服力。 丁福保在其最著名的兩部錢幣學著作 《歷代古錢圖說》 (1940 年初版,1990 年在美國重印,書名定為《Fisher's Ding》)和《古錢大辭典》(1938 年初版,英文書名《Ting Fu-pao Encyclopedia》)中指出,根據史書記載,認為小 五銖錢鑄造于陳朝(公元 560-566 年)。《陳書》和《隋 書》中將小五銖錢稱之為“鵝眼錢”或“雞目錢”,形 體輕小如鵝眼,雖有點誇張,但此錢確實小,不過沒有 任何描述。丁福保還指出,在 20 世紀 30 年代,有人稱 此錢為王莽所製。 中國近代錢幣專家蔡養吾(英文名 Orlando Y. Tsai, 筆名衡門)認為小五銖錢鑄造于王莽當權時期(公元 6-24 年),原因可能是因為小五銖錢與王莽時期的“小泉直一” 有些相似。

Column 專欄 《中國古錢譜》(1989 年在中國出版)認為小五銖 錢 鑄 造 于 西 漢 時 期( 公 元 前 206 年 ﹣ 公 元 6 年)。 彭 信威著《中國貨幣史》(1994 年卡普蘭譯成英文版《A Monetary History of China》)也認為鑄造于西漢時期, 具體是公元前 86—前 48 年昭帝和宣帝時期。彭信威認 為小五銖錢只有正常五銖(一文)的 1/5 重,即一銖, 可以購買價值少於五銖的商品。當時一斛谷賣 5 文,如 果想買少一點谷,就沒辦法支付。漢朝時,一斛是十斗, 一斗等於十升。所以,一枚正常的五銖錢可以買 2 斗或 20 升谷,約等於 7 品脫。如果購買谷物的數量更少,就 需要使用小五銖錢才行。 朱活認為小五銖錢也是鑄造于西漢時期,并指出錢幣 學家稱之為“赤仄錢”(意為“紅廓”),鑄造于漢武 帝時期(公元前 140- 前 87 年)(參見朱活 1992 年《古 錢新探》第 45 頁和 1991 年《古錢新典》第 153 頁)。 《漢書》第 24 篇《食貨志》和《史記》卷 30《平準書》 都明確提到了“赤仄五銖”于公元前 115 年發行,之後 兩年廢止,除了提及此錢在都城的官方造幣廠鑄造,一 枚赤仄錢相當於五枚正常的五銖錢外,沒有其他描述。 數個世紀以來,逐漸出現了好幾種理論解釋“赤仄”的 含義。赤仄,紅色邊也,但解釋還不夠清楚,甚至有人 質疑這兩個字的讀法。不過,有些泉譜中的五銖錢配圖 聲稱就是漢朝史書中提及的赤仄錢。《漢書﹒食貨志》 中,漢學家孫念禮(Nancy Swann)對“赤仄”的解讀是 “紅色邊”,并解釋此錢的邊是紅色(其他部分明顯是 其他顏色)。她進而指出此錢于發行兩年后因出現贗品 而廢止。Vissering 于 1877 年撰寫的《中國貨幣論》(“On Chinese Currency”,基於 1321 年出版的馬端臨《文獻通考》 翻譯)和漢學家古柏 1892 年出版的《大英博物館中國錢 幣目錄》均指出,赤仄為圓形邊緣為紅色,且是赤銅(純銅, 無合金)所鑄。任大衛 David Jen 在其 2000 年出版的《中 國古錢》(“Chinese Cash”)和 David Hartill 在其 2005 年的著作《中國古錢》(“Cast Chinese Coins”)中都 認為“赤仄”意為“紅色或閃亮的邊緣”,并解釋此錢 用紅銅所製,銼其邊,顯現紅色。 以上所有理論均建立在作者對“赤”和“仄”兩字的 闡釋。“赤”多意為“紅”,不過也有其他含義:裸露、 南方、誅滅等。古文中“赤”字意為“紅色”,“空,無”

或“忠誠”。而“仄”字在古文和現代漢語中含義一致, 意為“傾斜”。但這樣說不通啊,於是很久以前中國的 學者就指出“仄”假借“側”字,“側”意為“邊,旁” 或“向旁邊傾斜”。由假借“側”字含義引申出“邊緣” “廓” 的含義。 然而,彭信威的見解卻不然。他指出,之前的中國作 者認為此錢邊緣用純銅鑄造,這完全是根據文字進行的 推理,沒有人見過此錢,更無人知曉此錢是如何鑄造的。 他認為,“赤”應做動詞用,意為“銼”,因而“赤仄” 意為“銼邊”。彭信威認為,赤仄五銖或許是中國最早 的流通前銼邊的古錢。銼邊增加了一道工序,相應地也 增加了生產成本,但質量上乘。不過,不管赤仄五銖是 什麼樣的錢幣,幾乎都不可能是小五銖錢,因為 1 枚赤 仄五銖錢等同於 5 枚正常的五銖錢。赤仄五銖或許是尺 寸正常的五銖錢,只不過赤仄五銖是五銖錢實際價值的 5 倍。重量只有正常五銖錢的 1/5 而價值卻是他們的 5 倍, 沒人會鑄造這樣的錢幣的。 最終,現代考古學家揭開了小五銖錢的來源之謎。朱 活的《古錢新典》第 153 頁記述:“1949 年之後陸續出 土的小五銖錢多來自西安市內或近郊。1958 年西安某處 發現了 1100 多枚,1982 年西安另一處發現了 300 多枚, 皆是不帶金字旁的五朱錢。”考古雜誌《考古與文物》 1990 年第 6 期第 56 頁指出,這些小五銖錢出土于陝西 西安的西漢時期古墓。根據挖掘的古墓朝代和地點,確 認了小五銖錢應是鑄造于漢代,同時也排除了“沈郎錢” 和鑄造于陳朝的說法。西安地處中國西北,遠離南方的 陳朝(南北方以黃河為分界)。華光譜在其最新版的《中 國古錢大集》全四冊中指出,小五銖錢又稱“鵝眼錢” (陳 朝),不過現在更可信的是西漢時期的陪葬錢。因發現 的小五銖錢都沒有磨損(因而沒有流通),而且多是從 古墓中挖掘的(且沒有與其他錢幣成堆放在一起)。 因而,經過長達數個世紀的推測,我們終於可以對小 五銖錢下個定論。小五銖錢既不是 4 世紀的“沈郎錢”, 也不是 6 世紀的陳朝“鵝眼錢”,而是西漢時期(很可 能是公元前 1 世紀)鑄造用於陪葬的錢幣,主要或可能 只有漢代都城附近有這樣的小五銖錢。


東 亞 泉 志


Column 專欄

The Peiyang Arsenal Tokens Bruce W. Smith (USA) There exists a set of simple, coin-like pieces which are inscribed on the obverse (in Chinese) "Peiyang Arsenal " with the word "k'u" (treasury) in the center. The reverse consists of the denomination in the center and a long thin dragon to the left and right. These pieces come in values of 10 taels (33mm), 1 tael (24mm), 1 mace or ch'ien (about 19mm), and 1 fen (size unknown). They are known struck in copper, brass, and silver-plated copper or brass, in various thicknesses and weights, with reeded or plain edges. They were first mentioned in the North China Herald of November 1, 1919, when several coin collectors in Shanghai responded to the question: "Has the tael ever been made as a coin?" One of those responding, Giuseppe Ros (a well known Italian collector of Chinese coins), provided a list of tael coins or pattern coins he had seen. One of these he described as: "Peiyang Arsenal – Proofs in bronze are known (I have seen three specimens) of a coin of small diameter – about 20 cent piece size – with "k'u" in center of obverse, and legend around "Peiyang Arsenal [in Chinese]"; and "one tael" [in Chinese] encircled by two dragons, on reverse." Ros had nothing else to say about this piece, nor did he speculate why a tael coin would be so small (about 24mm).

pieces. It is also clear that these pieces do not have a decimal relationship to each other. We can also prove that these are not patterns for gold coins, because the sizes are far too small for the values stated. In 1897 an official at the Board of Revenue named Yang Yi-chih, did propose that China mint a gold coin of the same size and weight as a British sovereign, but nothing became of the proposal.

Thirty-five years later, Eduard Kann mentioned the piece in his book, Illustrated Catalog of Chinese Coins (1954), as a possible gold coin pattern. In the Oriental Numismatic Society Occasional Papers #7 (1974), Richard Wright suggested that the piece might be a pattern for a Chinese gold coin based on the British gold sovereign. It is clear that neither Kann nor Wright had ever actually seen one of these pieces, though the 1 tael and 1 mace had been illustrated in the Japanese numismatic magazine, Kahei, in July 1925 and November 1928.

This leaves only the theory that the Peiyang Arsenal pieces are tokens. But who could use such tokens? By the late 1800's, most of China, especially the coastal areas, were using either cash coins or silver dollars (and fractional silver coins) in everyday transactions. Tokens in tael and fractional tael amounts would not fit in that system. It is possible the tokens were used for gambling purposes, but if that were so, they should not be so rare. The answer may be found in the history of the Peiyang Arsenal.

Other theories include that of well-known Chinese dollar collector, H. Chang, who believed the pieces were weights. A more complicated theory suggests that these are patterns for gold coins expressing their value in terms of silver. Some, however, believe these pieces are not coins or pattern coins at all, but tokens. Considering these theories, the easiest to disprove is the notion that these are weights. Not only are the weights of these pieces far from being correct, they also vary for each denomination. The 10 tael pieces are known in weights ranging from 13.6 grams (a 14.5 gm piece is 2.6mm thick) to 22.1 grams (3.6mm thick). Of nine 1 tael pieces for which we have weights, no two are the same; they range from 6.0 to 7.2 grams. No weights are available for the 1 mace or 1 fen

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The idea of gold coins representing silver values is an interesting theory, but it doesn't work in this case. In the 1890's, the relative values of gold and silver were about 15 to 1. So dividing one tael (about 37 grams) by 15, the gold coin would have to weigh about 2.5 grams, and the 10 tael gold coin would have to weigh around 25 grams. From the weights of the Peiyang Arsenal pieces given above, we can see that the 1 tael piece even struck in copper is more than twice the weight it should be; in gold it would weigh even more. Though we don't know the weight of the 1 mace piece, it is similar in size to the 1 tael, and so could not weigh one tenth as much. It, too, would be too heavy. The 10 tael piece is too light when struck in copper, but struck in gold, the weight would be about right.

The Peiyang Arsenal, originally established with western machinery in the 1860's, actually consisted of two facilities – the East Arsenal, located about 5 miles east of Tientsin, and the West Arsenal, which was located outside the South Gate of the city. A small modern mint, using only two stamping machines obtained from Greenwood & Batley in England, was established in the arsenal in 1888 to produce struck cash coins. This mint was actually in operation before the Canton Mint, but it was closed later in the year due to high costs of production. In 1896, a silver coin mint was established in the arsenal to produce dollars and fractional coins. In October 1898, Charles Beresford visited the Peiyang Arsenal and the mint, which, from his description, was located in the East Arsenal. He reported that the mint had only two stamping machines, which could turn out 30,000 coins a day, but at that time was producing only 15,000 per day.

Column 專欄 Two years later, in the summer of 1900, both of the arsenals were destroyed by allied armies putting down the Boxer Uprising. The East Arsenal was captured by Russian and Japanese forces. Units of the 9th Infantry of the U.S. Army captured and occupied the West Arsenal, outside the south gate of the city. The officers reporting the event said there was a mint within the arsenal and that they had recovered silver from an unopened vault there. The silver was deposited with the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank until its ownership could be established. This suggests either that the Peiyang Mint moved from the East to the West Arsenal sometime after October 1898, or that there were mints in both arsenals. It is possible that the U.S. officers were wrong about a mint being in the West Arsenal. The machinery in the two is similar, and perhaps the identification of the facility as a mint was based on the presence of the silver vaults. Perhaps they simply found the treasury of the arsenal. This was the end of the Peiyang Arsenal. It was never rebuilt in Tientsin. What could be salvaged of the machinery was used to establish a new arsenal at Techou in Shantung province. The Peiyang Mint was rebuilt on a new site, near the viceroy's yamen, inside the city in 1902. After the Central Mint was opened on another site inside the city in 1905, Peiyang became a branch of the Central Mint, but it continued to mint coins in its own name through 1908. When the Central Mint was burned and looted in March 1912, the

Peiyang Mint was still in operation, but was apparently also partially destroyed. What equipment could be salvaged from the Central Mint was moved to the Peiyang Mint, but since no coins were made during 1912 and 1913, the Peiyang Mint does not appear to have been in working order. The Central Mint finally reopened in 1914 on its original site, but what happened to the Peiyang Mint after that is unknown. The only reasonable explanation for a set of tokens denominated in tael and fractional amounts is that they were used to pay government employees. During Ch'ing dynasty times, the salaries of government officials, soldiers and government workers, was calculated in taels. Since the tokens name the Peiyang Arsenal, it makes sense that they would have been used at the arsenal to pay its workers. Assuming the tokens were made at the mint, we can date them to 1896-1900. It is possible that after the arsenal was moved to Techou, it continued to be called the Peiyang Arsenal, at least for a time. The tokens may have been used during the financially difficult times 1900-1902, when the arsenal was being rebuilt and the Chinese government was struggling to find ways to pay the Boxer Indemnity. The word "k'u" in the center may indicate that the tokens were to be redeemed from the arsenal's treasury, or it may indicate the tael in which they are denominated – the k'u p'ing tael, used for most Chinese silver coinage of that period.

CHIHLI ND "Ku" Character Patterns: 10 Taels Bronze, reeded edge, thick; 10 Taels Copper, reeded edge, thin, Ex Keefer Collection; One Tael Copper, reeded edge, thin, Gift of R. G. McCabe to Bowker; One Tael Copper, reeded edge, thick, CCC298; One Tael Bronze Token with two obverse, plain edge, Randall # 3600, Ex Keefer Collection; One Tael Bronze Token with two obverse, plain edge, Randall # 3600, Ex Keefer Collection; One Tael Bronze Token with two obverse, reeded edge, Randall # 3600, Ex Keefer Collection.


東 亞 泉 志


Column 專欄

北洋機器局製代幣 史博祿(美國) 有一套簡單而類似錢幣的硬幣,正面是中文“北洋機 器局”,中心“庫”字;反面中心為面值,左右各一細 龍。該套幣的面值有:十兩(直徑 33 毫米)、一兩(直 徑 24 毫米)、一錢(直徑約 19 毫米)和一分(直径不知)。 它們或為紅銅,或為黃銅,也可能是紅銅或黃銅鍍銀, 厚度及重量各異,邊齒為齒邊或光邊。它們在 1919 年 11 月 1 日的《北華捷報》(North China Herald)第一次 被提到,當時有好幾位上海的錢幣收藏家回應了“這些 銀兩幣是否被作為錢幣製造過?”這個問題。其中一個 回應的是羅斯(Giuseppe Ros,意大利著名中國錢幣收藏 家)提供了一份他所見過的所有這些銀兩幣和樣幣的清 單。其中有一枚幣他是這樣描述的:“北洋機器局 —— 有一種直徑很小並証明是青銅質的錢幣(此種幣我共見 過 3 枚)——尺寸約一錢四分四厘大小——正面中心‘庫’ 字,中文‘北洋機器局’圍繞周圍;反面雙龍圍繞中文‘一 兩’。”至於其他的羅斯隻字未提,他也沒有解釋為何 一兩幣的直徑會如此小(約 24 毫米)。 35 年後,耿愛德在其 1954 版的《中國幣圖說彙考》 再次提到了此幣,稱其可能是作為某種金幣的樣幣被 製 造。 第 七 期《Oriental Numismatic Society Occasional Papers》(1974 年),萊特 (Richard Wright) 也說這種錢 幣可能是以英國沙弗林金幣為基礎的某種中國金幣的樣 幣。很明顯,耿愛德和萊特都未曾親眼見過這些錢幣, 雖然其中的一兩和一錢在 1925 年 7 月和 1928 年 11 月的 日本錢幣雜誌《貨幣》上有記載。 其他的說法包括著名中國錢幣收藏家張璜在內,均認 為這些錢幣是秤重用的砝碼。還有一種比較複雜的說法, 認為這些錢幣是那些準備取代銀幣價值的金幣樣幣。還 有一些人認為這些幣根本就不是錢幣或樣幣,而是代幣。 縱觀這些說法,最站不住腳的一種是說這些幣是砝 碼。這是因為,不但這些幣的重量錯誤百出,而且面值 也五花八門。比如,十兩幣的重量從 13.6 克(一枚 14.5 克的幣厚度為 2.6 毫米)到 22.1 克(厚度 3.6 毫米)不等。 另有 9 枚我們稱重過的一兩幣,重量也沒有一樣的,範 圍從 6.0 克到 7.2 克不等。我們沒有一錢和一分幣的重量 資料。還有一點也很明顯,這些幣之間不存在十進位關係。 我們還可以證明這些幣也不是某些金幣的樣幣,因為這 些幣的尺寸實在太小,根本不能代表面值相應的價值。 1897 年,戶部的一位官員楊宜治 (Yang Yi-chih),確實建 議過製造一種與英國沙弗林金幣相同尺寸和重量的金幣, 但該方案未获准。 至於以金代銀的說法則頗為有趣,但在這個案例中行

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不通。19 世紀 90 年代,金銀之間的相對價值為 15:1。 因此,把一兩(37 克)除以 15,那麼一兩銀幣相應的金 幣重量應該在 2.5 克左右,十兩金幣的重量應該在 25 克 左右。但是從以上給出的北洋機器局錢幣來看,一兩幣 包括紅銅在內的重量都是正確重量的 2 倍多;如果是金 幣的話,還會更重一些。雖然我們不知道一錢的重量, 但它的尺寸應該和一兩幣類似,因此重量不可能是它的 1/10。至於十兩幣,如果用紅銅質的話,則秤重太輕, 但如果是金質的話,則重量差不多。 這樣就剩下這些幣是代幣的說法了。但是誰會使用 這些代幣?到 19 世紀晚期為止,中國大部分地區尤其是 在沿海地區,日常交易中都習慣使用方孔錢或者銀元(和 小銀幣)。以兩計值的代幣並不適用。這些代幣很可能 是用於賭博,但如果真是這樣,它們不該如此稀少。真 正的答案或許在北洋機器局的歷史中可以找到。 北洋機器局最初是在 19 世紀 60 年代使用西方機器建 立,實際由兩處場所組成 —— 東局,位於天津以東 5 英 里處;西局,位於天津南門外。一座小型現代造幣廠於 1888 年在機器局內建成,製造方孔錢,僅兩台壓印機, 機器是從英國 Greenwood & Batley 處購得。這家造幣廠 實際早於廣東造幣廠開業,但是由於生產成本太高在年 末又被關閉。1896 年,一座製造銀幣的新造幣廠在機器 局內建立,用於生產銀元和小額錢幣。1898 年 10 月, Charles Beresford 參觀了北洋機器局和造幣廠,從他的描 述中得知,造幣廠位於東局,有 2 台壓印機,日產量可 達到 3 萬枚,但他訪問時的產量僅 15000 枚。 兩年後,1900 年夏天,這兩個機器局都被八國聯軍 在鎮壓義和團運動時摧毀。東局被俄羅斯和日本的軍隊 佔領。美軍第 9 步兵隊佔領了南門外的西局。報告這一 事件的美國軍官說,機器局內有一造幣廠,且他們在一 個關閉的金庫裡發現了白銀。這些白銀隨後一直被存放 在香港上海滙豐銀行,直至它的所有權明確。這一事件 表明,北洋造幣廠在 1898 年 10 月以後的某段時間從東 局轉移到了西局,或者也可能兩個機器局內都有造幣廠。 這個美國軍官關於造幣廠在機器局西部的言論很可能是 錯誤的。這兩個局的機器很相似,將這些設備誤認為是 造幣設備可能是因為發現銀庫的緣故。可能他們只是發 現了機器局內的財庫,僅此而已。 北洋機器局至此結束。之後在天津再未重建。搶救出 來的機器都被運往山東德州用於新局的建立。新的北洋 造幣廠 1902 年在德州城內的總督衙門旁建成。當 1905 年天津戶部造幣總廠设立後,北洋造幣廠成為造幣總廠

Column 專欄 的分廠之一,但仍使用舊名生產錢幣,直到 1908 年。 1912 年 3 月,當造幣總廠被焚毀、掠奪一空時,北洋造 幣廠依舊運營,但部分也被破壞。從造幣總廠搶救出來 的設備都被運往了北洋造幣廠,但是顯然造幣廠在 19121913 年間並未開工,因為這段時間內沒有任何錢幣在這 裡製造。造幣總廠最後於 1914 年在原址重建,但是之後 的北洋造幣廠到底如何,無人知曉。 對這套以兩為單位的代幣的唯一合理的解釋是,他 們用於支付政府雇員的薪水。在清代,政府官員、士兵

和政府工作人員的薪水都是以兩計算的。這套代幣的名 稱是“北洋機器局”,似乎表明這是北洋機器局用於支 付給他們的工作人員的薪水。假定這些代幣真是在北洋 造幣廠內製造,那麼可以確定製造日期應該在 1896-1900 年間。可能是造幣廠搬到德州以後,當時有一段時間造 幣廠依舊是被稱作北洋機器局。這些代幣可能是在 19001902 年財政困難時期被使用,當時機器局正在重建,中 國政府正絞盡腦汁籌備銀兩支付庚子賠款。錢幣中心的 “庫”字表明這些錢幣將會由機器局的財政部贖回,也 可能是代表那段時期很多中國銀幣都使用的“庫平”二字。

北洋機器局“庫”字樣幣一套:十兩,幣較厚,齒邊,青銅;十兩,幣較薄,齒邊,紅銅。 Keefer 舊藏;一兩,幣較薄,齒邊,青銅,R.G.McCabe 贈送給包克;一兩,幣較厚,齒邊, 紅銅,CCC298;雙龍合面一兩,光邊,青銅,Randall # 3600,Keefer 舊藏;雙龍合面一 兩,光邊,青銅,Randall # 3600,Keefer 舊藏;雙龍合面一兩,齒邊,青銅,Randall # 3600,Keefer 舊藏


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Column 專欄

A Santo Thomas Internment Camp Meal Ticket: A Tragedy in Manila Steve Feller, Member of the Numismatic Literary Guild Steve Feller (USA) The Philippine Islands were attacked by Japan on the same day as Pearl Harbor but because of the International Date Line the date there was December 8, 1941. The islands were overrun fairly quickly (Corregidor fell in April 1942) and its capital, Manila, fell on January 2, 1942. As was the case of enemy civilian internees throughout the war places needed to be found that were secure to put them and one such place out of dozens in the Philippine Islands was the University of Santo Tomas in Manila. Over four thousand people were interned there and the majority were Americans.

While no distinct currency is known from Santo Tomas monthly meal tickets have survived. The one shown below has a most fascinating story to tell. The ticket is made out to Dorothy Bakerini-Booth, a professional singer. Her story is fascinating. Much detail is from an article entitled War camp mass by Alex Mitchell that appeared in Come the Revolution, an online magazine. The article, dated April 26, 2013, describes the re-singing of an Easter mass in 2013 seventy years after it was written in Santo Tomas by her husband Mario Bakerini-Booth. The whole story of how the couple ended up in Santo Tomas is revealed. Other numismatic details will be revealed as well.

Face of a Santo Tomas Internment Camp Meal Ticket (Steve Feller collection)

Detail of the back of the meal ticket indicating that the ticket was good for a "Noon Day Meal at Central Kitchen." (Steve Feller collection)

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Column 專欄 To quote from the article (shortened): Egyptian-born but of Italian descent, BakeriniBooth was an accomplished classical trumpeter who studied music in Florence. He became a bandleader playing jazz at leading hotels and nightclub venues across Europe in the 1930s. With the outbreak of war in Europe in September 1939, the band travelled to India and then Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) for an engagement at Colombo’s Galle Face Hotel. Pursuing work for the band, Mario and Dolly travelled to Shanghai where they formed an18-piece orchestra which was booked for a lengthy season at Shanghai’s Cosmo Club on Bubbling Well Road. However, menacing world events intervened and with the Japanese army poised to invade China’s commercial capital, Mario joined hundreds of expatriate Europeans to flee by sea. He and his wife caught the last British ship to leave Shanghai, the 4,000-ton steamer Anhui, and sailed for Hong Kong, then a British Crown colony. They found Hong Kong’s harbour almost deserted and the wharves empty. With only a few hours’ notice, the 900 passengers were told they were sailing on to Singapore. On the second day of the journey the captain called a full meeting of passengers to announce they were changing course. There had been a change of plan. Now they were heading to Manila.

Dorothy Bakerini-Booth’s health certificate from her brief stay in Shanghai. This is dated 29 November 1941, just before their departure and just before the Japanese attack on Shanghai. (Steve Feller collection)

When the passengers put ashore in Manila Harbour they were already aware that Japanese forces had landed in the north of the country and were heading towards the capital. However, they were taken by surprise by the speed of the advance. On January 2, 1942, the city surrendered and Mario and Dorothy were trapped. Conditions were desperate and cruel in the camp. To continue from the article: Camp records show that there were 390 deaths among internees between January 1942 and March 1945, a death rate of about 10 per cent. Official records show that male internees lost an average of 53 pounds during their 37 months of incarceration at Santo Tomas.

Shanties built in the Santo Tomas Civilian Internment Camp (Wikipedia)


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Column 專欄 Mario died in 1977 after which Dorothy gave his Easter mass music to musician Kel MacIntosh who eventually gave it to the Australian War Memorial. It was from there that the music was used to recreate the camp Easter mass of 1943. The recreated mass was sung in 2013 in Australia. There was a report of a Dorothy M. Bakirini-Booth in Shingle Springs, California at age 85. A postscript.


Near starvation is evident in this picture at liberation in February1945. It is clear what an average loss of 53 pounds per inmate means. General MacArthur himself liberated the camp on February 7, 1945.

The meal coupon from Santo Tomas and the health certificate from Shanghai were obtained a few years ago on E-bay by the author. A few clicks on the internet yielded the story given above. There is still more about Dorothy on the web. To me it is quite amazing what a resource the internet is and what we can learn years after an event. The monthly meal cards for Santo Tomas are listed in my book I coauthored with my daughter Ray entitled Silent Witnesses: Civilian Camp Money of World War II. There it is listed as PH 880 (l). Its value is listed as US$100 in very fine. The book may be obtained for $35 plus postage from the author. He may be contacted at

The liberation of Santo Tomas Civilian Internment Camp is seen to be a jubilant event. (Wikipedia) Back to the article:

Mario and Dorothy Bakerini-Booth, each weighing about five stone (70 pounds!), joined a ship to Australia where they planned to start a new life. The couple made their way to Sydney, found an inner-city bog house and began to make some money from their music.

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Mrs. Dorothy M Bakerini-Booth (Steve Feller collection)

Column 專欄

一張聖托馬斯集中營飯票:記馬尼拉發生的一場悲劇 史蒂夫·費勒(美国) 就在珍珠港事件爆發的同一天,日軍襲擊了菲律賓群 島,由於存在國際日期變更線的緣故,這次侵略的日期 被定格在了 1941 年 12 月 8 日。1942 年 1 月,隨着首都 馬尼拉的失守,整個菲律賓群島在日軍的大舉進攻下迅 速淪陷(科雷希多島於 1942 年 4 月被日軍佔領)。 戰爭地區被拘禁的平民都會被敵軍安置在菲律賓群島 的一處安全地區,這個地方就是馬尼拉的聖托馬斯大學。 在日軍佔領馬尼拉期間,有超過 4000 名平民被囚禁於此, 其中大多數都是美國人。 現在已知的當時在聖托馬斯集中營所使用的流通貨幣 (代價券)就只有一種每月發放的飯票,如下面所示的

這一張。而在這張飯票背後,還有一段跌宕起伏的故事。 這張飯票的所有人是一位名叫桃樂絲·貝克裏尼·布斯 的專業歌手,她有一段非常曲折離奇的經歷。關於這段 經歷的許多細節都是來自刊登在網路雜誌《走向革命》 上亞曆克斯·米切爾的一篇名為《戰俘營裏的彌撒》的文章, 日期是 2013 年 4 月 26 日。文章講述了 2013 年再一次吟 唱復活節彌撒一事,這距桃樂絲的丈夫在聖托馬斯集中 營創作出這首彌撒已經過了 70 年。夫婦二人最終命喪聖 托馬斯集中營的全部經歷也被展現在了讀者面前。除此 之外,這篇文章還披露了一些其他集中營裏所使用的錢 幣方面的細節。


飯票背面細節圖,上面標注此飯票“可在中央食堂吃午餐”。 (史蒂夫·費勒藏品)


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Column 專欄 文章摘錄(縮減版): 貝克里尼·布斯生於埃及,有意大利血統,是 一位才華橫溢的古典小號手。他曾在佛羅倫斯學 習音樂,20 世紀 30 年代,布斯成為了一支樂隊 裏負責演奏爵士樂的領隊,他率領樂隊穿梭於歐 洲各國,在各大高檔酒店和 夜總會裏演奏音樂。 1939 年 9 月,二戰在歐洲爆發,樂隊來到印度 躲避戰亂,之後一行人又輾轉來到錫蘭(今天的 斯里蘭卡),並在那裏的一所名為可倫坡加勒菲 斯的酒店為布斯夫婦舉行了訂婚儀式。 為了給樂隊尋求表演機會,馬里奧和多莉二 人來到了上海。他們在這裏組建了一支 18 人的 管弦樂團,並在長期預定的靜安寺路上的卡斯 摩俱樂部進行表演。然而,戰爭的到來打破了這 一切,隨着日軍入侵中國的經濟之都上海,馬里 奧一行人便和數百位歐洲僑民一道逃往海外。他 和妻子登上了最後一班英國輪船——一艘載重 4000 噸的安徽號蒸汽船,離開上海,前往當時 的英國殖民地——香港。 船駛到香港之後,他們發現香港港口近乎荒 廢,碼頭上面也是空空如也。幾個小時之後,船 上 900 多名乘客被告知輪船將駛往新加坡。航行 的第二天,船長把乘客全部召集起來,告知他們 計畫有變,輪船將改道駛往馬尼拉。

這是桃樂絲·貝克裏尼·布斯在上海短暫旅居時的健康證明。健康 證上的日期為 1941 年 11 月 29,之後沒過多久,日軍便進攻了 上海,夫婦二人也隨即逃往海外。 史蒂夫·費勒藏品

當船上的乘客在馬尼拉港口上岸時,他們知 道日軍已經在菲律賓南部登陸,目前正沖着首都 馬尼拉而來。只不過他們沒有預料到,日軍的速 度竟然如此之快。1942 年 1 月 2 日,馬尼拉淪陷, 馬里奧和桃樂絲落到了日軍的手中。 集中營裏的日子殘酷而絕望。

繼續這篇文章: 據記載,1942 年 1 月到 1945 年 3 月期間, 集中營裏死亡的俘虜多達 390 人,死亡率約為 10%。另有官方記錄顯示,在被困在聖托馬斯集 中營裏的 37 個月裏,男性俘虜的體重平均下降 了 53 磅。

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聖托馬斯集中營裏簡陋的棚屋 (圖片來自維基百科)

Column 專欄 馬里奧於 1977 年離世。就在他去世前,桃樂絲將他 編寫的復活節彌撒一曲交給了音樂家凱爾·麥金托什,而 麥金托什最終把這首曲子送給了澳大利亞戰爭紀念館。 之後,作曲家又在這首曲子的基礎上重新編寫了 1943 年 版本的復活節彌撒曲,2013 年,人們在澳大利亞再次吟 唱了這首新編的彌撒。 關於文章的女主角桃樂絲·M 貝克裏尼·布斯女士,還 有一篇她 85 歲時在加利福尼亞斯普林斯接受專訪的報 導。 後記

圖片來自維基百科 從 1945 年 2 月解放戰俘營時所拍攝的這張照片來看, 當時的俘虜們已經接近餓死的邊緣。平均體重下降 53 磅 的情況不言而喻。 1945 年 2 月 7 日,麥克阿瑟將軍親自率軍解放了聖 托馬斯集中營。

這張聖托馬斯集中營的飯票及上海的健康證明是筆者 幾年前在 E-bay 上面購得。在網路上面稍加搜索之後, 便拼湊成了上面講的這個故事。除此之外,網上還能查 詢到更多關於桃樂絲的資訊。多年前的往事現在竟然還 能在網上尋到蹤跡,這着實讓我驚訝了一番。 關於聖托馬斯集中營裏每月發放的飯票的相關內容 可以在我和女兒拉伊合著的《沉默的證人:記二戰平民 集中營錢幣》一書中找到。本文中提到的是書中編號為 PH880(1) 的飯票,價格為 100 美元(品相良好)。想要 獲得本書的讀者可以聯繫作者索取(, 價格是 35 美元(含郵費)。 (本文作者史蒂夫·費勒為美國錢幣著作協會會員)

解放聖托馬斯集中營歡慶場景 (圖片來自維基百科) 再回到這篇文章: 馬里奧和桃樂絲夫婦當時的體重都瘦到了 5 英石(70 磅)!在被從集中營裏解救之後,夫婦二人登上了開往 澳大利亞的輪船,打算在那裏開始自己的新生活。兩個 人輾轉來到悉尼,在當地的貧民區找了一間小房子,開 始以表演音樂為生。

桃樂絲·M·貝克裏尼·布斯夫人 (史蒂夫·費勒藏品)


東 亞 泉 志


Column 專欄

Sun Yat Sen-Revolutionary Bonds Roger Urce, Howard·A·Daniel III and Bruce W. Smith (USA) Dr. Sun Yat Sen is known as the Father of Modern Asia. He can also be described as an idealist and, probably most appropriately, a frustrated Patriot. He was born in the Chinese village of Cuihen in Kwantung Province, which is near the border with Macau, on 12 November 1866. Once his basic education was completed, he left China in 1879 to join his older brother, Sun Mei, a prosperous merchant, in Hawaii. While there, Sun entered a Christian school in Honolulu, learned English and became exposed to democracy, freedom and justice. In 1883 he went back to China and, in 1887 he entered medical school in Hong Kong. Along with his medical studies, Sun began to exchange ideas with many of other bright students and soon a core group of radicals developed and formed a study group in which they discussed revolution. Sun and his associates took their discussions seriously. Thus the seeds of revolution were sown. After medical school, Sun did, for a time, practice as a physician, but remained loyal to his radical views and the overthrow of the Imperial Qing which had ruled China since 1644. The Dynasty, known also as the Empire of the Great Qing or the Manchu dynasty, held the emperor to the central figure of the government and thus ruled with absolute power. This was in contrast to Sun’s idea of a western style constitutional type of government. Returning to Hawaii in 1894, Sun established the Revive China Society (Hsing-chung-hui) as a first step in making China a republic. Funds were raised by assessing five dollars in dues to all members, selling stock shares and soliciting gifts which included a substantial donation from his older brother, Sun Mei. The funds were used to organize an uprising in Canton in 1895. The uprising failed.

The text reads:

First Military Bond

“US $1 was received, to be repaid US $10 after the Army succeeds. Date 1904. Sun Yat-sen” According to SYS Fund Raising Activities in Hawaii (Hawaiian Journal Vol 32), “The majority of Sun’ supporters were overseas Chinese from the lower middle class.......They were not wealthy, but considering their means, they were the most generous in supporting the revolution.” Between 1900 and 1908 Sun Yat Sen was frequently in French Cochinchina and Indochina creating an organization in the Chinese communities to finance his operations in China against the Manchu Dynasty. The group was named the Tung Men Hui and included a Fund Raising Bureau. There were four branches in Cochinchina, and Indochina: Hanoi in Indochina and Cholon (a suburb of Saigon) in Cochinchina, Phnom Penh in Cambodia and Vientiane in Laos. These branches were some of the most important fund raising branches in the world.

A second uprising, in Waichou in 1900, also required capital and Sun was able to raise funds from Chinese in Hong Kong and, again, relied on his brother. This uprising also failed. In all, between 1907 and 1908 funds were raised for eight more uprising and came from Chinese in Southeast Asia, Europe, Canada, Japan and the United States. None of these uprisings were successful. In 1904, the first military bond was issued in Hawaii.

東 亞 泉 志



$100 French Language Bond

Column 專欄 Many French businessmen were supporting Sun in the hope they would be favored with lucrative business deals when Sun became president of China. Sun’s primary contact in Cholon was Tseng His Chou, an agent for the Bank of Indochina, or the Franco-Chinese Bank, in that city. He may have been the person responsible for commissioning the printing of the French like bonds in 1906. The bonds were likely printed locally in Saigon rather than in France as previously thought.

he formed an alliance with Mariano Ponce who was representative of the Philippine National Movement opposed to the United States. Each was to support the other in their revolutionary efforts. The plan did not succeed and put Sun in risk of alienating the United States where he was still trying to solicit funds. These pieces were sold right up to the time of the revolution in 1911, but Sun Yat Sen himself was considered persona non grata by the French since his revolutionary activities were too much like those of the Vietnamese revolutionaries trying to overthrow the French. According to A Brief Illustrated History of Chinese Military Notes and Bonds, (1982) none of these bonds are cancelled and none were registered with the government and redeemed.

English side of $100 bond

Howard Daniel saw the first of these bonds in 1980 as part of the Hank Barton Collection. They are also listed in Smith-Matravers Chinese Banknotes (SM C257-1) where they are described as “More of a fund-raising device than an actual note, although the bearer is promised payment one year after the establishment of a republican government in China.” The bond is signed by Sun and bears the overprint: “ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS”, of which, according to S/M, three varieties are known. The test is English on one side and French on the other. The bond, initially purchased for $10 or more would be redeemed for one-hundred dollars (piastres) by the Republic of China treasury once the new government was established in Canton. The most common bonds are in AU or CU condition with a serial number beginning with 079, but these are considered scarce. Bonds with serials beginning with 080 and 090, for the most part, appear in lower grades and are considered rare. When Chinese living in Singapore saw the bonds, they, too, wanted to contribute. As word spread, branches of the TMH were opened in Kuala Lumpur, Penang, Jakarta, Bangkok, Rangoon, Mandalay and other cities in SE Asia. Sun also spent some time in the Philippines where

A 1997 Spink Auction of the Chiu Sze Hoi collection of Chinese Banknotes lists one of these bonds with a serial number of 079653 in “extremely fine, rare” with a bid range of HK 5000-6000 ($650-775 US at today’s rates). Another of these bonds is also listed in the 1991 Daniel K.E.Ching Sale conducted by Scott Semans in Long Beach. The description states the bond was issued in French Indochina by Sun to raise money. It is graded F-VF with two small tears and shows a minimum bid of $250. The serial number is in the 079 range. In 1909 (A Brief History of Chinese Military Notes and Bonds-Mrs. Ting), Sun established a bureau of the TMH in San Francisco to raise Funds for the revolution. A series of Republic of China Gold Certificates (Chung Hwa Republic Gold Bonds) were issued in denominations of 10,100 and 1000 dollars. Other reports show these bonds issued in 1894. SM lists only two denominations, $1 and $10 (C-262-1 and 262-2) and reports they were issued in 1896. Research by Bruce Smith finds the notes were actually issued in 1911 in Vancouver, Canada and later that year in San Francisco. His information is based on two sources: Currency of 1911 Revolutionary Period by Wu Chouzhang and Gu Yanpei, 1986; Currency During the Revolution of 1911 by Ma Chuande and Xu Yuan, Shanghai 2002. These colorful bonds, with the flag in the center, are known in 10, 100 and 1000 dollars (gold) denominations.


東 亞 泉 志


Column 專欄 And contrary to Smith Matravers, there is no one dollar denomination known.

$10 bond

The ten dollar denomination is not common but neither is it scarce. One was offered in the Scott Semans Long Beach auction. The listing states the bond was “believed to have been issued in Havaii and/or Vancouver about 1900.” It is described as “rare” with a grade of Very Fine. The minimum bid was $275. The 1997 Spink Auction mentioned previously also lists a ten dollar bond. The catalog description states “...practically uncirculated, thus rare.” The minimum bid was HKD 40005000. Having the low denomination ten dollar bond was good economically because it allowed more Chinese to participate in fund drives. It is known with serial numbers as high as 26000. The piece in the Spink Auction is 14977.

The thousand dollar bond is extremely rare. Bruce Smith reports only noting one in a public sale: Pacific Coast Auction Galleries, Hong Kong, September 1988. The bond, graded in fine condition, sold for $22,000. All the bonds in this series are signed by Sun Wen (another name for Sun Yat Sen) as president, and by Lee Gnone Hap (Chinese signature Li Kung-hsia) as treasurer. Smith suspects he was an overseas Chinese, perhaps living in America. It is not known where these bonds were printed, but the United States or Canada is most likely. One reason, again, according to Smith, these bonds are so rare is that the Chinese government redeemed them in the 1930’s. Donations of $5 or more were redeemed at double the amount donated. A donation of fifty dollars netted the donor one hundred dollars. Mrs. Ting reports, in 1935, the Ministry of Finance issued a National Currency Policy with the intention of clearing up all the debts incurred during the revolution. The Chinese National Party, the Kuomingtang, established a committee and all certificates/bonds registered were redeemed and subsequently destroyed. The final conflict of Sun’s revolution was the Wuchang uprising in October of 1911 where a number of revolutionary factions banded together and staged a coup with the aid of the New Army which had mutinied. They took over the government house offices and the government was eventually defeated thus ending the rule of the Qing Dynasty.

$ 100 bond

The 100 dollar issue is scarce and a good value.

Ironically, Sun Yat Sen was in the United States at the time of the uprising and only learned of its success from newspaper reporters. He returned to China in December and the new Republic of China was born on January first, 1912 with Sun elected to be its provisional president. He held that position until March of 1912 when he stepped down in the favor of Yuan Shikai in an arrangement to insure the abdication of six year old Pui, the last emperor of the Qing Dynasty. Sun Yat Sen died from cancer on 12 March 1925 in Beijing, China.

Face $1000 bond

東 亞 泉 志



Column 專欄

孫中山簽發的中華革命軍軍需債券 羅傑·厄斯 、霍華德·A·丹尼爾三世 、史博祿(美國) 亞洲覺醒先驅孫中山(孫逸仙)是一位理想主義者, 更是一位雖屢屢受挫,但仍矢志不渝的愛國主義者。 1866 年 11 月 12 日,孫中山生於廣東省翠亨村(毗鄰澳門)。 在完成基礎教育之後,孫中山於 1879 年來到檀香山投奔 自己的富商胞兄孫眉。之後,他進入檀香山一家基督教 會學校學習英文,正是在這裡,孫中山第一次接觸到了 民主、自由及公平正義等進步思想。 1883 年,孫中山回國,四年之後(1887 年),他進 入香港一所醫學院學醫。學習間隙,孫中山會同其他進 步同學討論時事,交流思想,不多久,這群激進青年成 立了一個學習小組,認真討論革命變法之事,革命的種 子就此種下。 雖然畢業之後做了一段時間的醫生,但孫中山從未放 棄過推翻清政府的信念。自 1644 年起,大清(或滿清) 在中國建立起來了以皇權為中心、中央絕對集權的封建 專制統治。而這種統治模式同孫中山所信仰的西方立憲 製完全背道而馳。

1904 年,孫中山在夏威夷發行了第一批軍需債券。 票面上的文字為: 此券實收到美金壹圓正,本軍成功之日見券即還本息 拾圓。 據《孫中山在夏威夷的資金籌集活動》(刊登於《夏 威夷期刊》雜誌第 32 期)一文記載:“孫中山的支持者 大都是中低階層的海外華僑……他們雖然並不富裕,但 在支援革命一事上卻非常慷慨,甚至願意傾囊相助。” 1900 年到 1908 年期間,孫中山頻繁往來於法國交趾 支那和印度支那,並在當地的華人社區成立了同盟會, 下設募款會,用來為國內的反清運動籌集資金。孫中山 在兩地一共設立了四所同盟會分會,分別位於:印度支 那的河內、交趾支那的華埠(位於西貢郊區)、高棉的 金邊以及老撾的萬象地區。這幾所支部是當時同盟會最 重要的資金來源地。

1894 年,孫中山重返檀香山,並在那裡建立了第一個 革命團體 —— 興中會,在建立民主共和國的道路上邁出 了堅實的第一步。為籌措革命資金,興中會向每名會員 收取了 5 美元的會費,並開展股票銷售和徵集募捐活動, 孫中山的大哥孫眉也慷慨解囊,向興中會捐贈了大批錢 款。在得到資金上的支持之後,孫中山於 1895 年率領興 中會同仁準備在廣州密謀起義,事泄而敗,逃亡國外。 1900 年,孫中山策劃在惠州舉行第二次起義。除了從 大哥孫眉那裡獲得資助之外,孫中山還從香港的華僑那 裡募集到了大量資金,但這次起義同樣沒有取得成功。 1907-1908 年期間,孫中山先後發動了八次起義,起義經 費均來自東南亞、歐洲、加拿大、日本,以及美國等地 大量華僑的慷慨資助。但這八次起義都以失敗告終。

法文版中國革命政府 100 元軍需債券 孫中山的革命主張獲得了許多法國商人的支持,他們 希望能在孫中山當上總統之後獲得一定的經濟回報。 孫中山在華埠的主要聯絡人是印度支那銀行(又名中 法銀行)的代理商周植生。孫中山有可能就是委託此人 印刷了 1906 年的法文版軍債券,而這種債券的印刷地很 可能是西貢而非之前所猜測的法國。



東 亞 泉 志


Column 專欄 1991 年斯科特·席曼斯於長灘舉辦的丹尼爾·K.E. 陳錢 幣拍賣中也出現過一張孫中山軍用債券。拍品描述中說 這是一張孫中山在法屬印度支那發行的債券,目的是為 籌措軍費。這張債券的等級為 F-VF,票面上有兩處輕微 裂口,起拍價為 250 美元,編號開頭為 079。

英文版中國革命政府 100 元軍需債券

1980 年,霍華德·丹尼爾首次在漢克·巴頓的收藏中見 到 了 這 種 債 券。Smith-Matravers 的《 中 國 紙 幣》(SM C257-1)一書中曾記載:“雖然債券的持有者得到承諾 說中華民國成立一年之後將償還本息,但這種債券並非 實際流通的紙幣,而僅僅是作為募集資金之用。”債券 票面上有孫中山的簽名以及“100 元”字樣的印記,據《中 國紙幣》一書記載,目前這種債券共存在三種版別。英 文版的軍債券一面是英文,另一面是法文。 最初以 10 元認購債券的人,可在廣州新政府成立之 後由中華民國財政部返還本息共 100 元。 各種孫中山軍需債券中,等級為 AU 和 CU、編號以 079 開頭的雖然最為常見,但又極為稀有;以 080 和 090 開頭的債券雖然評級較低,但大多也都比較罕見。

1909 年(據丁張弓良所著《中國軍用鈔票史略》記載), 孫中山在三藩市成立了同盟會募款會。為籌集革命軍費, 孫中山發行了中華民國金幣券,面值為 10 元、100 元及 1000 元。不過另有記載稱這種金幣券實際發行於 1894 年。 Smith-Matravers 的書中只提到有 1 美元和 10 美元這兩種 面值的金幣券 (C-262-1 and 262-2),發行時間為 1896 年。 而經史博祿考證,這種債券應該發行於 1911 年,發行地 點分別為加拿大溫哥華和美國三藩市。這一結論來源於 以下兩本書: 《辛亥革命貨幣》,吳籌中、顧延培著,1986 年出版; 《辛亥革命時期貨幣》,馬傳德、徐淵著,2002 年上 海出版。 這批彩色的金幣券中間印有中華民國國旗,現在已知 的面值只有 10 元、100 元和 1000 元(金)三種,而並 沒有 1 元面值的金幣券存世,這一點同 Smith-Matravers 的記載不符。

債券在新加坡發行的時候,當地華人紛紛出錢認購, 希望能為革命貢獻自己的一份力量。後來消息傳開,同 盟會各分支機搆又在吉隆玻、檳城、雅加達、曼谷、仰光、 曼德勒等東南亞地區相繼成立。 旅居菲律賓期間,孫中山結識了菲律賓抗美民族獨立 運動的領導人馬里亞諾·彭西。二人一拍即合,決定相互 扶持對方的革命事業。但這一計劃非但沒有成功,甚至 還讓孫中山冒了得罪美國的風險,而他當時正打算從那 裡募集革命資金。 這些債券一直發行到 1911 年辛亥革命爆發。由於其 革命行動和越南反法革命之間極大的相似性,使得孫中 山在當時成為了法國政府的眼中釘。 據《中國軍用鈔票史略》(1982 年出版)記載,這些 發行的債券既未作廢也未被政府註冊登記或償還。 1997 年斯賓克 Chiu Sze Hoi 中國紙幣藏品拍賣中曾經 出現了一張編號為 079653 的孫中山軍用債券,“極美品, 稀有”,價格在 5000-6000 港幣之間(按現在匯率約為 650-775 美元)。

東 亞 泉 志



10 元金幣券

孫中山 10 元金幣券既非常見也非罕見。斯科特·希曼 斯長灘拍賣會上曾經出現過一張孫中山 10 元金幣券,其 拍品描述為:“可能是 1900 年左右發行於夏威夷或者溫 哥華”, “稀有品”,非常精美。當時的起拍價為 275 美元。 先前提及的斯賓克 1997 年拍賣會上也售出過一張這 種 10 元金幣券,拍賣目錄中的描述為:“幾乎未使用, 故而稀有”,起拍價為 4000-5000 港幣。 發行面值較低的 10 元債券讓更多的華僑可以參與到 募捐活動中來,這的確是一個明智之舉。目前已知 10 元 金幣券的最大序號為 26000,而斯賓克拍賣會拍出的那 張金幣券的編號是 14977。

Column 專欄

100 元金幣券

孫中山 100 元金幣券為稀有品,價值較高。

1000 元金幣券

孫中山 1000 元金幣券極為稀有。史博祿的文章中只 提到一張曾公開拍賣過的 1000 元金幣券:太平洋海岸拍 賣公司 1988 年 9 月份的香港拍賣會上,一張美品孫中山 1000 元金幣券的售價高達 22000 美元。 所有金幣券上面都有中華革命党本部總理孫文及中華 革命軍籌響局會計李公俠的親筆簽名。據史博祿猜測, 此人很可能是一位美國華僑。目前尚不清楚這種金幣券 的印刷地為何處,但美國和加拿大的可能性最大。

據史博祿考證,孫中山金幣券之所以稀少是因為國民 政府在 20 世紀 30 年代曾經贖回過這種債券。認捐數額 為 5 元及以上金額的債券被政府以雙倍價格贖回,購買 了 50 元金幣券的捐贈人則收到了本息共計 100 元。

了一項清償革命債務的貨幣政策。國民黨當局為此特設 清償委員會對登記過的債券進行償還,並對已經償還的 票券進行銷毀。

孫中山的最後一次起義發生於 1911 年 10 月。在新軍 的幫助下,各大革命勢力聯合起來成功發動政變,佔領 總督府,並最終推翻了清政府在中國的統治。 頗具諷刺意味的是,起義爆發時孫中山人在美國,就 連起義勝利的消息也是從報紙上得知的。同年 12 月,孫 中山回國,1912 年 1 月 1 日,中華民國正式成立,孫中 山當選為臨時大總統。1912 年 3 月,末代皇帝溥儀退位 之後,孫中山辭去臨時大總統職務,讓位袁世凱。 1925 年 3 月 12 日,孫中山先生因癌症在北京逝世。

據丁張弓良記載,國民政府財政部曾於 1935 年出臺


東 亞 泉 志


Column 專欄

The Birth of the Small Denomination Coins of the People’s Republic of China Zhang Weiyan (Shanghai) About the author: Zhang Weiyan (Pic. 1), was born in August, 1925 in Kaiyuan county, Liaoning Province, and is a member of the Communist Party of China. He participated in the revolution as a first class clerk of the Northeast Mint of Shenyang in March, 1948. Later, Zhang won a series of merits while working in Jiamusi (in northeast China) Military Region, the Logistics Department of the Northeast Military Region and the Shenyang Mint and was rewarded the title of the First Class Model of the Logistics Department of the Northeast Military Region (now Shenyang Mint). Mr. Zhang worked as a clerk in the head office of the Printing Bureau of the People’s Bank of China in 1953. Then, he was sent to Zhuqiao Commune in Nanhui County, Shanghai as the deputy leader of the local production team. In 1962, Zhang Weiyan was transferred to the Technical Department of the Shanghai Mint as the deputy section

The background of producing small denomination coins No coins were released when the People’s Bank of China was newly founded in 1948. In 1951, the People’s Bank of China issued the first series of coins (1 fen, 2 fen, and 5 fen) in the People’s Republic of China (PRC). Details such as the metal used for making coins, the design and where the coins should be made, still needed to be considered although some liberated areas that used to be governed by the Japanese puppet state of Manchukuo and the KMT regime, had usable production facilities at that time. Relevant leaders finally chose to make the one fen coin in Shenyang, a city that used to be occupied by Japan and had equipment and techniques for coin production, after careful study and research. In 1953, I was transferred to participate in this work in the production department of the Printing Bureau of the People’s Bank of China. We started our work from scratch.

Determining the design and making dies The hardest and the first step was to determine the design. As our banknote designers had no professional experience in designing coins, they thought it would be appropriate to engrave the national emblem on the coin after repeated studies and discussions. They decided to put the national emblem of the PRC on the obverse of three circulating coins and the denominations (one fen, two fen and five fen) on the reverse. Take the one fen coin for example, two wheat images

東 亞 泉 志



Pic. 1 The author, September, 1984

chief, the deputy leader of the Logistics Section and then as the chief of the Technical Department. He was seconded to Po Sang Bank of Hong Kong in 1983 and retired in May, 1988.

showing the idea that agriculture was the foundation of the nation, surrounded the number “one” while the date “1955” was inscribed at the bottom on the reverse. This simple design plan was reported to the sixth office of the State Council and was approved by Li Xiannian, then the deputy prime minister of the PRC. To get the original draft design of the national emblem, we specially went to Qinghua University to visit well-known professor Lin Huiyin, one of the chief designers of the emblem. Professor Lin recommended Gao Zhuang, to be the maker of the emblem plaster mold and a professor of the Central Institute of Arts and Crafts, to us. Professor Gao was very supportive of our work and gave us his original plaster mold of the emblem. We treated the mold with some special techniques (like dipping it in wax) and made a metal mold out of it. To ensure accuracy, I kept comparing our mold with the original one and sometimes even had to count the wheat grains on the emblem. My eyes and neck were aching after a day of stressful work; but I persisted when thinking of the importance of the work. After being revised several times, our mold was finally approved by the State Council.

Production materials and details of the coin production China didn’t have a well-developed metallurgical industry and was bare of metal resources in the early days after the founding of the PRC. Under such difficult conditions, the Shenyang Mint started to make aluminum

Column 專欄

Pic. 2-1. A 1955 one fen coin made of aluminum-magnesium alloy, 18mm in diameter, 0.67g in weight

Pic. 2-2. A 1956 two fen coin made of aluminum-magnesium alloy, 21mm in diameter, 1.08g in weight

coins. It had the technology to produce coins as some silver coins made in the period of the puppet regime were left in Shenyang. We began with the production of the one fen coins. But the aluminum coins couldn’t circulate for a long time as they easily corroded and wore out. In the end to solve this problem, the Metallurgical Industry Ministry decided to use aircraft aluminum (an alloy of aluminum, magnesium and manganese) to produce the first series of coins.

After the problem was solved, we decided to add more denominations and started to produce two fen and five fen coins. The Shenyang Mint was responsible for making one fen and two fen coins (no two fen coins were made in 1955) while the work of producing five fen coins was given to the Shanghai Mint. The central government decided to invite foreign experts to help us in order to produce more types of coins and improve quality. The Soviet Union was willing to send their experts to help us as the Sino-Soviet relationship was improving at that time. Two experts, Guo Luowen, the deputy director of the Institute of Coinage and Mr. Zhurkin a Russian engineer who was sent to help us. They directed our work for one year. We improved our techniques after the year-long study and were left with automatic feeding machines. The Shanghai Mint started to produce aluminum coins in 1955. The working conditions were very difficult in those days. The Japanese and American printing machines used

Pic. 2-3. A 1955 five fen coin made of aluminum-magnesium alloy, 24mm in diameter, 1.60g in weight

to make coins were produced in the KMT period and often broke down during the production. It was also a very difficult technical problem to print a clear emblem on the surface of the coin. Despite difficult conditions, our workers carried forward in the revolutionary spirit and kept to their work day and night. With the issuance of the first set of coins of the PRC on December 1st, 1957, the work and contributions of the workers of the Shanghai Mint started a new chapter in the history of Chinese coins.

Afterword Coin production was stopped for a while in the early 1960s as the number of circulating coins was reduced at that time. The whole experience setting up minor coin production is deeply engraved in my memory although minor coins have left the stage today. The production of these earliest minor coins of the PRC has become a piece of history and even though these coins might not be widely known, especially outside of China, they are an essential part of the history of Chinese coinage. Likewise, it is the hard work of the workers at that time that laid the foundation of our economy and helped create the splendor of the mint. This article is just some memories of an old bank clerk. I am proud of having been a part of the mint and I want to pay tribute to all mint employees. I wish a splendid future for the coinage of our country!

Pic. 3 from Left: Zhang Yuequn, Zhang Weiyan, Peter Anthony, Michael Chou


東 亞 泉 志


Column 專欄

中華人民共和國小面額金屬貨幣誕生記 張維研(上海)

作者簡介:張維研(图 1),生於 1925 年 8 月,遼 寧省開原縣人。中國共產黨黨員。1948 年 3 月參加革 命工作,任瀋陽東北區行造幣廠一等行員,之後分別 在東北佳木斯军区、東北軍區後勤部工業處、沈阳造 币厂立小功一次,獲東北軍區後勤部工業處一等模範 殊榮;1953 年後任人民銀行總行印製局科員,後下放 上海南匯縣祝橋公社擔任生產隊副隊長;1962 年調任 上海造幣廠技術科副科長、後勤組副組長、技術科科 長等職;1983 年借調香港寶生銀行工作(副廠級幹部), 至 1988 年 5 月離休。


图 1 作者照 (1984 年 9 月) 交給了我們,我們對其進行了浸臘等特殊工藝處理,然 後以此為基礎製作金屬模具。為了保證模具圖案的絕對

中國人民銀行於 1948 年成立後,起初未發行過硬幣。


出於國家經濟戰略的部署,大約從 1951 年起,中國人民










相關領導研究、調研,日本侵佔地區 —— 瀋陽擁有製造 金屬硬幣的設備和技術力量,條件較為合適,便決定首 先在瀋陽生產壹分硬幣。1953 年,我被抽調至中國人民 銀行印製局生產處鑄造科參與此項工作,當時完全是從 “零”開始,白手起家。


製造的材料和生產中的具體情況 中華人民共和國成立初期,冶金工業不發達,國家處 於困難時期,各種金屬資源缺稀。根據社會主義國家條件, 開始生產純鋁幣,由瀋陽造幣廠生產。瀋陽敵偽時期留 下一部分銀元,擁有製造條件,技術力量尚可,就首先 生產壹分硬幣。可是純鋁幣容易腐蝕,圖紋容易磨損,







遂擬定了 3 枚流通硬分幣的正面圖案均為中華人民共和





2-1)、貳分硬幣(图 2-2)由瀋陽造幣廠製造(1955 年


沒有製造貳分硬幣——編者注),伍分硬幣(图 2-3)由













東 亞 泉 志



Column 專欄 指導,我國的造幣技術水準有所提高。蘇聯專家走了以後, 給我們留下了由手工加料升級到自動加料的設備。 1955 年起,上海造幣廠開始生產鋁分幣,當時使用 設備是國民黨時期遺留的幾臺日式與美式印花機。由於 設備陳舊,經常出現故障,有時機器一罷工就只能停產, 工作條件也非常艱苦。為確保國徽圖案花紋飽滿清晰, 在技術上也面臨巨大的困難,但我們的員工卻毫無怨言,

圖 2-1 1955 年壹分鋁鎂合金幣,直徑 18mm,重 0.67g

發揚革命精神,日夜不停地堅持生產。1957 年 12 月 1 日, 新中國第一套硬幣發行,上海造幣廠員工為此所做貢獻 也隨之銘刻青史,永遠也不會被遺忘。

後記 20 世紀 60 年代初,由於市場貨幣流通量縮小,硬幣 就暫停生產一段時間。在今天的社會,小面額流通硬幣

圖 2-2 1956 年貳分鋁鎂合金幣,直徑 21mm ,重 1.08g

已退出歷史舞臺,漸漸淡出了人們的視線,但這些經歷 卻深深地銘刻在我的記憶之中。它是新中國最早製造小 面額流通硬幣的一段歷史。一枚枚硬幣就像一名名造幣 員工,雖不張揚,卻不可或缺。正是由於他們的無私奉 獻和辛勤工作,才奠定了我們國家的經濟基礎,鑄就了 造幣公司的榮耀輝煌。謹以此文回顧一下作為一名老銀 行工作者的 " 當年那些事 ",身為印鈔造幣系統員工感到 自豪(圖 3),並向所有造幣員工表示敬意,願國家的 造幣事業永葆輝煌。

圖 2-3 1955 年伍分鋁鎂合金幣,直徑 24mm,重 1.60g

圖 3 2013 年皮特 . 安東尼採訪張維研時合影 左起:張躍群、張維研、皮特·安東尼、周邁可


東 亞 泉 志


Column 專欄

Charles Tanant Coin Collection Bruce W. Smith (USA)

Charles E. Tanant in Wenzhou, 1920

Charles E. Tanant, a native of France, entered the Chinese Imperial Maritime Customs service in 1886. This suggests he was probably born in the 1860's but we have no information on his early life. After training, he received his first posting in July 1887 as Fourth Assistant at the Chinese border town of Mengtze in Yunnan Province. He was still there in 1892. In 1894 he was working in the Peking office. He was promoted to First Assistant in April 1901, by which time he was apparently serving in Lungchow, near the border of Vietnam, in Kwangsi Province. In 1903 he took leave from that post and returned to France. In 1904 he was Acting Commissioner of Customs at Shashi, a port on the Yangtze River in Hupeh Province. He was appointed Acting Commissioner at Chungking in Szechuan in January 1907 and was still there in 1908. By 1911 he was serving as Acting Commissioner at Nanning in Kwangsi Province, but by 1914 he was back in Mengtze with the rank of full Commissioner. During 1917-1919 he was Commissioner of Customs at Wenchow in Chekiang Province. His last posting was at the small town of Santuao in Fukien, from which he retired in October 1923 after 36 years of service.

東 亞 泉 志



When Tanant took leave in 1903 he traveled overland from China to Paris, sending postcards home as he traveled through Asia and Europe. A stamp collector acquired about 90 of these postcards and published a book about the journey. Late in life, while stationed at Wenchow, he married a Chinese woman from Chekiang who bore him a daughter. During his career in the Customs service, he built an excellent collection of Chinese struck and cast coinage. Some of the coins from his collection were given to him by his Chinese counterparts in the Customs service and in the Chinese Postal service (part of Tanant's duties in the smaller ports was as postmaster). Charles Tanant’s Chinese coin collection was kept in the south of France for over 90 years. The Tanant collection includes imperial coins from Anhwei, Chihli, Chekiang, Hupeh, Hunan, Kiangnan, Kirin, and Szechuan provinces as well as coins from the Republican period. Many of the coins are in the highest levels of preservation, graded by third party grading services PCGS and NGC and include many rarities. This is a unique opportunity to obtain coins from the Charles Tanant collection which were acquired through his travels in China.

Column 專欄 Charles Tanant Coin Collection

Dec. 3 2016 Champion Macau Auction, Lot 005 CHINA-ANHWEI 1898 50 Cents Silver (ASTC), L&M200, Y44.1, PCGS MS64. Estimate: US $20,000-40,000

Dec. 3 2016 Champion Macau Auction, Lot 010 CHINA-ANHWEI 1898 10 Cents Silver (ASTC), L&M202, Y-42.3, PCGS MS65. Highest graded coin by PCGS. Estimate: US $3,000-6,000

Dec. 3 2016 Champion Macau Auction, Lot 019 CHINA-CHIHLI 1897 20 Cents Silver, L&M446, Y63.2, PCGS MS63. Highest graded coin by PCGS. Estimate: US $5,000-10,000

Dec. 3 2016 Champion Macau Auction, Lot 055 CHINA-KIANGNAN ND(1898) 20 Cents Silver, Reeded Edge, L&M212B, Y143, PCGS MS63. Estimate: US $3,000-6,000

Dec. 3 2016 Champion Macau Auction, Lot 056 CHINA-KIANGNAN 1898 10 Cents Silver, Small Character Variety, L&M221, Y142a, PCGS MS66. Highest graded coin by PCGS. Estimate: US $2,000-4,000

Dec. 3 2016 Champion Macau Auction, Lot 057 CHINA-KIANGNAN 1898 10 Cents Silver, with large characters, L&M221, Y142A.1, PCGS MS65. Highest graded coin by PCGS. Estimate: US $3,000-6,000

Dec. 3 2016 Champion Macau Auction, Lot 058 CHINA-KIANGNAN 1898 10 Cents Silver, Encircled Dragon, L&M221a, Y142.1, PCGS MS64. Estimate: US $5,000-10,000

Dec. 3 2016 Champion Macau Auction, Lot 096 CHINA-REPUBLIC 1912 Sun Yat Sen Memento 20 Cents Silver, L&M61, Y317, PCGS MS66+. Estimate: US $3,000-6,000

Champion Macau Auction Online:


東 亞 泉 志


Column 專欄

查爾斯·譚安中國錢幣收藏 史博祿(美國)

查爾斯·譚安 1920 年于溫州

1886 年,法國人查爾斯·譚安進入中國大清海關任職。 我們無法找到其早年生平的相關記載,只能從這一資訊 推測出此人可能生於 19 世紀 60 年代。1887 年,譚安經 培訓之後首次被派往雲南省的邊境城鎮蒙自關擔任第四 署理稅務司,並在那裡一直待到 1892 年。1894 年,他 被調到北京總稅務司公署,1901 年 4 月升任“頭等幫辦 中班”,當時的工作地點是廣西省龍州關,毗鄰越南。 1903 年,譚安從此職位上卸任,返回法國。1904 年,譚 安遠赴湖北沙市(長江上的一個港口),就任當地的海 關署理稅務司一職。 1907 年 1 月,譚安前往四川重慶擔 任署理稅務司,並在那裡一直待到 1908 年。1911 年, 他又調任廣西南寧署理稅務司一職,並於 1914 年被正式 授予“稅務司”之銜,重回蒙自關負責工作。1917-1919 年, 譚安來到浙江,擔任溫州海關稅務司。他的最後工作地 是福建三都,並於 1923 年 10 月在那裡退休,結束了自 己在中國長達 36 年的職業生涯。

東 亞 泉 志



1903 年,查尔斯·譚安從中國出發前往巴黎,在遊歷 歐亞期間,譚安向家裡寄出了大量的明信片。一位郵票 藏家收集了 90 多張譚安此行的明信片,並將其編輯出版 成冊。後來,譚安在溫州就職期間,曾迎娶當地的浙江 女子為妻,在溫州組成了一個“中西合璧”式的家庭, 後來他們有了一個中法混血的女兒。

在中國海關任職期間,譚安搜集了大量的中國鑄幣, 其中一些錢幣是由其郵政及海關署的同僚所贈(譚安也 曾在一些小的港口城市擔任過郵政司)。查尔斯·譚安的 這些中國錢幣收藏在法國南部某地一直保存了 90 多年。 其中既有大清帝國時期的安徽、北洋、浙江、湖北、湖南、 江南、吉林、四川等地的錢幣,也有很多中華民國時期 的錢幣。很多錢幣被 PCGS 和 NGC 等協力廠商評級機構 評出了最高分,很多還是很稀有的錢幣。多年中國任職 和遊歷的經歷讓查尔斯·譚安獲得了大量的中國錢幣收藏, 此次拍賣正是將這些錢幣收入囊中的一次絕佳機會。

Column 專欄 查爾斯·譚安藏品賞析

2016 年 12 月 3 日冠軍澳門拍賣會,拍品號 005 1898 年(光緒二十四年)安徽省造光緒元寶庫平三錢六 分銀幣 (ASTC),L&M200,Y44.1,PCGS MS64。 估價:US $20,000-40,000

2016 年 12 月 3 日冠軍澳門拍賣會,拍品號 010 1898 年(光緒二十四年)安徽省造光緒元寶庫平七分二 釐銀幣(ASTC),L&M202,Y-42.3,PCGS MS65。PCGS 評級最高分。 估價:US $3,000-6,000

2016 年 12 月 3 日冠軍澳門拍賣會,拍品號 019 1897 年(光緒二十三年)北洋機器局造二角銀幣, L&M446,Y63.2,PCGS MS63。PCGS 評級最高分。 估價:US $5,000-10,000

2016 年 12 月 3 日冠軍澳門拍賣會,拍品號 055 1898 年江南省造光緒元寶庫平一錢四分四釐銀幣,老江 南,齒邊,L&M212B,Y143,PCGS MS63 估價:US $3,000-6,000

2016 年 12 月 3 日冠軍澳門拍賣會,拍品號 056 1898 年(戊戌)江南省造光緒元寶庫平七分二釐銀幣, 小字版,L&M221,Y142a,PCGS MS66。PCGS 評級最高分。 估價:US $2,000-4,000

2016 年 12 月 3 日冠軍澳門拍賣會,拍品號 057 1898 年(戊戌)江南省造光緒元寶庫平七分二釐銀幣, 大字版,L&M221,Y142A.1,PCGS MS65。PCGS 評級最高分。 估價:US $3,000-6,000

2016 年 12 月 3 日冠軍澳門拍賣會,拍品號 058 1898 年(戊戌)江南省造光緒元寶庫平七分二釐銀幣, 龍面有圈,L&M221a,Y142.1,PCGS MS64。 估價:US $5,000-10,000

2016 年 12 月 3 日冠軍澳門拍賣會,拍品號 096 1912 年孫中山像開國紀念銀幣貳角,L&M61,Y317, PCGS MS66+。 估價:US $3,000-6,000

冠軍澳門拍賣會網拍網址 :


東 亞 泉 志


TOP CHINESE COINS 2nd Edition 《中國近代機制幣精品鑒賞》第二版 Price( 售價 ):US $100 Plus Postage( 不含郵費 )

In June 2010, Top Chinese Coins Vol. 1 was published by iAsure Group and the The Journal of East Asian Numismatics (JEAN). Top Chinese Coins Vol. 1 offers an in-depth summary of the final results from the Top Chinese Coins Survey, a landmark event held in winter 2009 to search for the 10 most valuable Chinese struck coins. Coins submitted for review were judged by their rarity, historical importance, artistic appeal, condition, market value and group identity. The deluxe bound book offered details on the Top Chinese Coins Survey as well as high-quality pictures, price trends, degrees of rarity and historical context of the 60 top Modern Chinese Coins.

Top Chinese Coins , Vol. 1 had a limited print run of 1000, leaving many numismatists and enthusiasts unable to purchase a copy of their own. In response to high demand, iAsure has made certain that the second volume will be available to a much wider audience. While Top Chinese Coins Vol. 1 included gold, silver and copper coins, the second volume highlights the great range of silver coins. It will also add summaries from auction sales that list pricing, degree of rarity, pedigree and grades. 2010年6月,愛秀集團和《東亞泉志》出版了《中國





幣,定名為《中國近代機製銀幣精品鑒賞•銀幣版》 (簡



趨勢、珍稀度解析和背景故事等,在錢幣業界引起巨大 的轟動和反響,備受讚譽,被譽為“全景式展現中國珍 稀機製幣的重要鑒賞書籍”。

由於頁面所限,第二版刊載60枚中國銀幣精品的重 要資訊,在第一版的基礎上有多方面改進和加強。《銀 幣鑒賞》在最受歡迎和好評的照片拍攝和排版下更多功









If required, please contact Liu Jinling 如果需要請聯繫劉金玲小姐 Tel:021-6299 3235 Email:

Chopmarked Coins - A History 《戳記幣簡史》 Colin Gullberg 高林

Price ( 售價 ):US $50 Plus Postage ( 不含郵費 ) The book Chopmarked Coins- A History by Colin Gullberg is funded by iAsure Group. The softcover book is 187 pages in length, 210mm×285mm, fourcolor printing. It covers the history of foreign silver coins that circulated in China from 1600 to 1935 and contains images of some 150 coins. Gullberg includes firstperson accounts, summaries of all modern sources of knowledge on the subject and scans from a shroff’s handbook (circa 1890). It is the first English- language book on the subject since 1990 and only the second English language book on the subject.

愛秀集團贊助出版發行的 戳記幣英文專著《戳記幣簡 史》為軟裝本,正文內容187 頁,開本210mm×285mm, 四色印刷,闡述了1600年至 1935年間中國流通的外國戳記 銀幣概況,作者高林先生採用 第一人稱敘述,總結了現代有 關戳記幣的詳盡知識,並配有 某錢莊的手冊(約1890年)掃 描插圖和150多張戳記幣高清 圖片。本書是1990年之後的第 一本戳記幣英文專著,也是有 史以來的第二本戳記幣英文專 著。

Chinese And Foreign Papermoney Errors 《華洋怪鈔 -- 中外錯體紙幣賞析圖鉴》 David Chio 趙康池 Aguang Chan 陳耀光

Price ( 售價 ):MOP $300; RMB 240; US $30 Plus Postage ( 不含郵費 ) In December 2015, this book was released by Macau Numismatic Society and edited by David Chio and Aguang Chan. A total of 1,000 copies was printed, 200 in hard cover and 800 soft cover. The book is 323 pages of full color A4 size 210×285 mm and features over 300 error notes and 800 photos. Notes from Chin dynasty to modern times and more than 10 countries and region is covered. The books also cover causes of errors, background information on the printing process and authenticity of errors. This is the first book in Chinese to feature this type of information on error notes and its collection.

该书由澳門錢幣學會於2015年 12月出版,趙康池、陳耀光編著。 印行1000冊,其中精裝本200冊, 平裝本800冊。是書全彩精印,小 A4开本,210mm×285mm,323 頁,選錄了中外錯體紙幣300多 種,圖片800多張,涵蓋中國自清 末到現今使用的紙幣,涉及中外十 多個國家和地區。本書對中外錯 體、錯版、變體等紙幣的成因、歷 史背景和辨偽,實事求是地作了係 統的、科學的分析與歸納,並介紹 了印鈔基本步驟和印鈔過程中所產 生的“另類”紙幣,補充了不少紙 幣收藏的基礎知識。可以說,本書 是首本對錯體紙幣進行全方位論述 的著作。

If required, please contact Champion Auction Liu Jinling 如果需要請聯繫冠軍拍賣公司劉金玲小姐 Tel: 021-6299 3235 Email:

Shanxi Sycee 《陝西銀錠》 By Li Jiong

作者:李炯 Price (售價):RMB ¥398

Shanxi Sycee was published by Shanxi Media Group’s Sanqin Press in July 2015. It was written by Mr. Li Jiong, a collector and researcher of Shanxi sycee from Yulin, Shanxi. Mr. Li collected 600 varieties of Shanxi sycee over a ten–year period and after comparing and analyzing many collections of Shanxi sycee, he decided that there was a need for a professionally researched book on the subject.

the silver currency of Shanxi Province. Mr. Dai remarked that “This book is a professional work of research of Shanxi sycee. Mr. Li has taken advantage of local sources in his research and has made a great achievement in numismatic research. It covers all development stages of Shanxi sycee including its infancy, development, widespread adoption and its final discontinuation.”

Mr. Li has classified Shanxi sycee into six categories: 50 taels boat-shaped ingots, officially minted sycee, commercially minted sycee, Shanxi stamp remittance ingots from other provinces, odd-shaped sycee, and a sixth ‘other’ group of sycee. This book comprehensively shows the conditions of the circulation of Shanxi silver currency in the late Qing Dynasty and early Republic Period. This book also examines the social conditions including politics, economics, culture, and customs of that period. The president of the Xi’an Branch of The People’s Bank China Guo Xinming and prominent collector Dai Zhiqiang both wrote prefaces for this book. They remarked that this book was a masterpiece of Shanxi numismatics and filled a space in the research of

The book is A4 size and is 260 pages long with two additional trifold pages. It is printed in full-color and is illustrated with good quality graphics of Shanxi sycee. It was published by Shanxi Media Group’s Sanqin Press in July 2015. Buy from website: cgi?id=1648 (Note: the book is signed by the author) Contact: Mr. Li Jiong Cell Phone: 15529990006; 15667811786 Email: 五十兩船形銀錠、官鑄銀錠、商鑄銀錠、外省陝槽、陝 西異形銀錠、存疑待考銀錠六大類,全面展示了清末民 國時期陝西省白銀貨幣的通行現狀,側面反映了這一時 期政治、經濟、文化、民俗等方面的社會面貌。本書由 中國人民銀行西安分行行長郭新明、 著名錢幣學家戴志 強先生並序。郭序指出:《陝西銀錠》的出版,恰逢我 國 “一路一帶”戰略構想提出之際,是陝西錢幣研究的 又一力作,填補了陝西白銀貨幣研究的空白。戴序認為《陝 西銀錠》是一部有關陝西地方銀錠的專譜、專著,李炯 先生立足本鄉本土,充分利用和發揮地域優勢,十年磨 一劍,揚長避短,求實務實,走了一條錢幣集藏研究的“捷 徑”,一條成功之路。全書採用以文為主,以圖為輔的 串聯方式,揭示陝西銀錠產生、發展、興盛、衰落的全 過程。 该書大 16 開本,126 克雅粉全彩精印,幣圖清晰逼真, 共計 26 萬字,260 余頁,亦附三折拉圖兩幀。作者首次 在銀錠圖片旁附陜槽銘文複原印章一方。圖文並茂,值 得珍藏。

2015 年 7 月《陝西銀錠》由陝西出版傳媒集團三秦 出版社正式出版發行。作者李炯先生是陝西榆林本鄉本 土的銀錠收藏、研究者,他用十年時間,收藏了 600 餘 種陝西銀錠。通過大量實物藏品的比對分析,作者首次 提出建構陝西銀錠分類學研究,將陝西銀錠分類為:

錢幣天堂網發售 登錄 可獲得作者簽名書 聯絡人:李炯 購書電話:15529990006;15667811786 郵箱

Unofficial Banknotes Issued in Jiangxi Province By Xu Anmin Price :RMB ¥298 Unofficial Banknotes Issued in Jiangxi Province was written by prominent paper money collector Xu Anmin, and was published in December 2014 by Jiangxi People’s Press, with the support and planning of the Jiang Xi Banking Industry. The unofficial banknotes cataloged in this book were issued by local administrative agencies, banks and organizations (such as local armed forces, cooperatives) etc. The face value of these paper notes was the same as that of the national legal currency which was circulated in some defined regions. The book is illustrated with pictures of 185 of the banknotes issued in Jiangxi Province, of which 25 were issued in the Qing Dynasty, 11 by local administrative agencies, 15 by local armed forces, 19 by chambers of commerce, and 88 by money houses and business houses. In addition, there are 21 local gold dollar coupons, 4 silver coupons, and 2 special money. Additionally, there are about 30 printing blocks and anticounterfeiting seals. The 200 physical coupons are from the author’s collection. This is the first time these precious coupons, some of which are unique, have been published.

comments were mainly on the collectors’ errors, value,

The book is divided into the following sections:

star-rating, collection methods, current existing condition and personal target.The postscript presents author ’s 20

the foreword, brief introduction, catalog, comments,

years collecting experience, his star-rating and calculating

references and postscript.The guide defines the scope

method, which will help collectors.The references include

and the time of the research and collecting and the

the relative historical resources, monographs and research

definition of unofficial banknotes. This is the first time

articles from modern times.In additional, the author

these banknotes have been categorized according to their

verified the authenticity of physical bonds which need to

different features. A brief introduction was also given

be proved. He also wrote another two articles about the paper money: “The Research of Banknotes Issued by Wu

to each chapter of the book.The General Introduction includes features, the development of unofficial banknotes, the rise of collecting these notes and the research achievements for unofficial banknotes. The pictures of the banknotes, local gold coupons ( 金圆券 ), local silver coupons ( 银 圆 券 ), special money, printing blocks and anti-counterfeiting seals are illustrated in the book. The book comprehensively describes each physical coupon of the banknotes. Many ancient stories were discovered such as the words of celebrities, family rules, poetry and prose from the script and pattern of the banknotes.The

Zheng-Yuan Private Bank of JianYi (Feng Cheng City) ”, and “Remark on 1896 Banknotes Issued by Kiangsi Official Silver Bank Again ”. This book is 281 pages long and has more than 300 colorful pictures of the banknotes. It is printed in A4 size on colorful bronze paper with a fine binding. It is a professional book for collecting and researching the unofficial banknotes issued in Jiangxi. It is sold by Xinhua Book Stores all over the country at a price of 298 yuan.

《江西民間鈔票》 作者:徐安民 售價:RMB ¥298





年 12 月由江西人民出版社出版發行。該書收集的實物












185 張,其中清代鈔票 25 張,基層行政機構鈔票 11 張,


地方武裝鈔票 15 張,商會鈔票 19 張,錢莊商號鈔票

20 多年收藏實踐經驗的親身感悟和思想提煉,并創造

88 張,地方金圓券 21 張,地方銀元券 4 張,特殊幣 2 枚。


另有,鈔版及防偽印章 30 余件。書中所錄選的 200 多


件實物券,均來自作者 20 多年的私人收藏品。在這些





考證,并專門撰寫《劍邑吳正元錢號票考略》和《光緒 丙申年“江西官銀號”銀錢票再議》等文章,提出作者


觀點,供讀者參閱。該書圖文并茂,大 16 開本,全彩


銅牌紙印刷,精裝幀,281 頁,300 多幅實物原大彩圖,






書店經銷,定價 298 元。

Mish International Monetary Inc. Mish國際錢幣公司 Specialists in 專營 Pandas since 1982 1982年起發行的熊貓幣 China Modern since 1979 1979年起發行的中國現代金銀幣 World Coins since 1964 1964年起專營世界錢幣

Looking To Buy?想買? Our inventory and knowledge has been available to both our colleagues and collector clients since coins of the People’s Republic of China first reached the world market in 1979. 自1979年中國現代金銀幣首次進入國際市場后,Mish 國際的員工及其藏家客戶積累了豐富的庫存和專 業的錢幣知識。

If you are looking for a particular China coin, chances are we have it, or may be able to recover it from an original buyer we sold it to years ago at first distribution. 想買中國幣?我們或許恰好有;也許多年前我們賣過,現在或許還能從原始買家手中買回來。

Looking To Sell?想賣? In this world of instant experts and brokers, Mish International is still your best choice to handle the purchase of your prized coins in this fast-changing market. Well-capitalized, truly knowledgeable and accommodating, we buy both single pieces and major collections at fair value with no delay, no limits and no excuses. 瞬息萬變的市場環境,Mish 國際仍是助您銷售錢幣的最佳選擇。雄厚的資金實力,專業的錢幣知識, 出色的協調能力,我們同時收購單枚幣和大型收藏,價格合理,快速付款。

Since 1964 始於1964

Here today. Here tomorrow 攜手今日 共贏明天 Mish International Monetary Inc Mish國際錢幣公司 1154 University Drive Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA 美國加州門羅帕克大學路1154號,郵編94025 Phone(電話):(650) 324-9110 Email(電郵)

入會申請表 Application Form 申請日期 Application date: 申請會員類別:

本地會員 Macau Member

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會費 新會員需交付:入會費 MOP500.00 New membership fee: MOP 500.00

本會宗旨:團結錢幣愛好者,推動錢幣之收藏及研究 介紹人 Referee:(需我會兩位成員推薦 two members of the Society) 會員姓名編號 Member No: 會員姓名編號 Member No: 此欄由澳門錢幣學會填寫 (Filled by the Society only): 新會員入會日期: 新會員編號: 1)新會員需認同本會宗旨。 New members should comply with the Society regulations. 2)入會申請人需填妥本申請表、交 1 張相片及繳納相關入會費用。 Please attach one photo and pay the membership fee. Add: AV. DR. RODRIGO RODRIGUES. 600E-P105 FIRST INTERNATIONAL COM. CENTER, MACAU Tel: (853)2833 4556 Fax: (853)2830 4772 Email:

地址:澳門羅理基博士大馬路 600E-1 樓 P105 室 電話:(853)2833 4556 傳真:(853)2830 4772

The Journal of East Asian Numismatics In 1994, The Journal of East Asian Numismatics (JEAN) was founded by Michael Chou, the CEO of Champion Auction and Bruce Smith, a noted numismatist. It is a professional numismatic academic journal whose mission is to educate collectors and researchers on the subjects of Chinese numismatics, culture and history. Bruce Smith, the chief editor of JEAN , was born in 1951 in St. Louis, MO. He received his BA in history from the University of Missouri St. Louis; and his MA in China studies from Harvard University. In 1974-1977, he worked for Krause Publications as Editorial Assistant on World Coin News and as cataloger for Standard Catalog of World Coins and Standard Catalog of World Paper Money . He was a full time coin dealer 1977-1987. In 1988-1989, he studied in China as a student of China Studies in Chengchow (Zhengzhou) University, Henan province. In 1991-1993, Mr. Smith was a graduate student at Harvard University. In 1994-1998, he was the editor of The Journal of East Asian Numismatics (JEAN). Bruce Smith has been a collector and researcher of Chinese coins for over 30 years. His published research in JEAN has added immensely to the body of knowledge for Chinese coins. The first issue of JEAN was released in July 1994, and the last issue (18th issue) in 1998. Most articles were written in English, the remainder in Chinese. The journal was distributed in over 20 countries, and remained a mainstay on many important library shelves, including the Smithsonian Institution, the British Museum, the Harvard -Yenching Library, Harvard University, Yale University, Columbia University, Stanford University, Cornell University, the ANS (American Numismatic Society), and the ANA (American Numismatic Association). The journal enjoyed great popularity and many important articles were published in JEAN , including “Peking Coins of 1900” by James Sweeny, “More on the Hsu Shih-chang Medals with engraved names” and “The true story of China’s 1936 and 1937 Silver Dollars”

by Bruce Smith, “The Apparent Relationship between 1897 Chekiang 5-Cents Pattern and 1899 Anhwei 5-Cents Circulation Strike” by Tom Keener, and “A Forgery of Taiwan’s Old Man Dollar” by Dr. Che-lu Tseng. In May 2015, Michael Chou decided to start issuing the journal again starting in January 2016. The famous numismatic researcher Mr. Yuan Shuiqing will be chief editor. He is a member of China Numismatic Society, serving as executive director of the Shenxi Numismatic Society and executive vice president of the Xi’an Collectors Association. As a numismatic researcher, he was chief editor of Collections and China Numismatics. He has published over 100 numismatic research articles and the masterpiece The Elite of Monetary History of China . Other distinguished contributors from home and abroad are numismatists, collectors and coin dealers, including Bruce Smith (author of Howard Franklin Bowker – Numismatic Pioneer ), Colin Gullberg (Canada, author of Chopmarked Coins – A History ), Peter Anthony (USA, author of Gold and Silver Panda Coin Buyer’s Guide ), Wang Chunli (China, author of Illustrated Catalog of China’s Jilin Province Silver Coins and Illustrated Catalog of Chinese Gold & Silver Coins ), Chinese American senior numismatist Dr. Che-lu Tseng, senior numismatic scholar of China modern gold and silver commemorative coins King L. Chan (Hong Kong), senior numismatist Chien Fu Chou (Taiwan), prominent American modern coin dealer Robert Mish, Southeast Asia numismatic expert Adam Biagi and CEO of Beijing Coins website Richard Guo. It will be a quarterly, bilingual e-journal, covering the latest numismatic research, interviews with famous collectors, auction reviews, and general news. A bound volume will be printed at the end of each year. You are welcome to subscribe, submit articles for publication, and advertise in the upcoming JEAN .

* The 2016 subscription is free of charge. Please send your email to

Advertising fee on JEAN in 2017 won’t change if contract is renewed before December 31st, 2016! 2017 Issue

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* PX: 300 * full page (A4): 210×297mm *1/2 page: 210×148mm

Contact JEAN Shanghai Office Liu Jinling (Advertising & Circulation Manager) Tel:021-6299 3235 Email:

東 亞 泉 志 《東亞泉志》電子雜誌簡介 《東亞泉志》為冠軍拍賣公司總裁周邁可先生和著名 錢幣學專家史博祿先生于 1994 年創辦,是一本學術性 錢幣研究專業雜誌。旨在讓廣大錢幣收藏家、研究學者 更深入地了解錢幣知識,讓世界各地的讀者更好地了解 中國深厚的錢幣文化。 雜誌高級編輯史博祿先生 1951 年生於美國密蘇里州 聖路易斯市,為密蘇里大學歷史係學士,哈佛大學中國 研究專業碩士。1974-1977 年在克勞斯出版社任《世界 錢幣新聞》助理編輯,參與《世界硬幣標準目錄》與《世 界紙鈔標準目錄》編輯工作。1977-1987 年全職進行錢 幣交易。1988-1989 年在中國鄭州大學留學,主修中國 研究課程。1991-1993 年在哈佛大學攻讀碩士。19941998 年任《東亞泉志》總編。史博祿先生擁有 30 多年 的收藏和研究中國錢幣的豐富經驗。他在《東亞泉志》 上發表的研究文獻極大地豐富了中國錢幣的知識內涵。 《東亞泉志》于 1994 年 7 月份問世,1999 年停刊, 發行了 18 期。雜誌中大部分文章是英文,只有少部分是 中文,在 20 多個國家發行,廣受歡迎,長期佔據許多 重要圖書館書架的顯著位置,包括美國國家博物館史密 森尼學會、大英博物館、哈佛燕京圖書館、哈佛大學、 耶魯大學、哥倫比亞大學、斯坦福大學、康奈爾大學和 美國錢幣學會、美國錢幣協會。雜誌刊發過不少有重要 學術價值的文章,如詹姆斯 • 史威尼寫的《1900 年京 局銀元》、史博祿寫的《徐世昌刻字紀念章》和《民國 二十五年和民國二十六年之中國銀元故事》、湯姆 • 基 納寫的《1897 年浙江三分六釐樣幣和 1899 年安徽三分

六釐流通幣的關係》以及曾澤祿寫的《台灣老公銀偽品》等。 2015 年 5 月,周邁可先生決定于 2016 年 1 月復刊《東 亞泉誌》,聘請著名錢幣研究學者袁水清先生擔任主編。 袁水清,1948 年生,大學金融專科畢業,從事銀行工作 30 多年。中國錢幣學會會員,陝西省錢幣學會常務理事, 西安市收藏協會常務副會長。退休后,歷任《收藏》《古 泉園地》《西部金融 • 錢幣研究》雜誌的責任編輯,《中 國錢幣界》雜誌主編。多年來他傾力于中國貨幣史和錢 幣學的研究,發表過近百篇錢幣研究文章;2012 年,出 版了匯集中國古今錢幣的鴻篇巨製《中國貨幣史之最》。 同時聘請國內外知名的錢幣學者、收藏家及專業人士加 入,如《霍华德 • 富兰克林 • 包克——錢幣學研究先驅者》 作者史博祿先生、《戳記幣简史》作者高林先生、《熊 貓金銀幣收藏指南》作者皮特 • 安東尼先生、《中國吉 林銀圓圖譜》和《中國金銀幣目錄》作者王春利先生、 美國華人資深錢幣學者曾澤祿先生、香港中国现代金银 币资深研究学者陳景林先生、台灣資深錢幣學者周建福 先生、美國現代金銀幣資深經销商羅伯特 • 米什先生、 美國東南亞錢幣專家亞當 • 比亞吉先生以及北京錢幣網 总裁郭嘉華先生等。 復刊后的《東亞泉誌》為電子季刊,中英双语,每 年年底出版合订本。內容以披露最新錢幣收藏研究成果、 推介泉界成功人士的事跡為主。主要欄目有學術研究、 人物專訪、鑒賞爭鳴、拍賣回顧、重要資訊等。

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