The ninth issue of jean

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2018 年 01 月 January 2018 第 9 期 總第 27 期 No. 9 Issue 27

THE JOURNAL OF EAST ASIAN NUMISMATICS 中英雙語 電子季刊 Bilingual (English - Chinese) Digital Quarterly

夏洛滕堡宮 Schloss Charlottenburg



2018 W 2018 年世界錢幣展覽會·柏林紀念熊貓 ve Panda orld Mone ati y Fair Berilin Commemor

本期專題 Features

《戳記幣簡史》——第一章 中國白銀史 戳記大小 Chopmarked Coins Chapter 1 The History of Silver in China - Chopmark Sizes

王世宏談中國現代貴金屬幣若干問題 Wang Shihong Talking about issues of Modern Chinese Precious Metal Coins


A Most Innovative Coin


THE JOURNAL OF EAST ASIAN NUMISMATICS 中英雙語 電子季刊 Bilingual (English - Chinese) Digital Quarterly


Che-lu Tseng


曾澤祿 Hans-Henning Goehrum 漢斯·亨甯·格魯姆

Technical Advisor

Gu Jun



Publisher & Editor in-Chief

Michael H. Chou



Senior Editor

Bruce W. Smith



Chinese Editor

Yuan Shuiqing



Editor and Europe Correspondent

Sebastian Wieschowski



US Correspondent

J. Matthew Brotherton



Advertising & Circulation Manager

Sandra Liang



Design Director

Chen Lin



歡迎投稿 ! You're welcome to contribute articles.

臺北公司 Taipei Office 臺北市南京西路 163 號 1 樓 50-51 室 Room 50-51, No.163 Nan King W. Rd., Taipei 電話 (Tel):886-2-25551761 郵箱 (Email):

上海辦事處 Shanghai Office 上海市普陀區常德路 1211 號寶華大廈 1808 室 Room 1808, Bao Hua Building, No.1211, Changde Rd., Putuo District 電話 (Tel):86-21-62130771 郵箱 (Email):

Foreword Welcome to the 9th edition of the Journal of East Asian Numismatics. Our mission is to promote numismatic exchanges between East and West. We welcome an important addition to our editorial staff Mr. Sebastian Wieschowski as editor and European correspondent. At the World Money Fair Berlin we will release our first major project together, Panda Coins and Medals for Collectors and Investors in German. We hope this book will help promote collecting of Chinese panda coins and medals in Germany and Europe. Starting this issue of JEAN we will also have articles in German due to the addition of Sebastian. I am extremely excited about this new feature and the expansion of JEAN to German and European readers. Also in this issue we welcome a guest article about the First Strike Ceremony at the German State Karsrule Mint of the New German Polymer 5 Euro coin by Gu Jun. Mr Gu is joining JEAN as a technical advisor, and was Mint Director of China’s Shenyang Mint from 2009-2014 and Party Secretary of China’s Shanghai Mint from 2014-2016. Another addition to the JEAN editorial staff is North American correspondent Matthew Brotherton, an attorney at law and former Assistant to the Governor of Tennessee. Matthew also has experience working with the grading experts at Numismatic Guaranty Corporation and Heritage Auctions. We look forward to Matthew’s regular reports on numismatic markets and important shows. Mr. Yuan Shui Qing, our Chinese editor, has submitted an article in which he inter viewed researcher and collector of Modern Chinese Coins Mr Wang Shi Hong. Mr Wang’s five volume book on Modern Chinese Coins is probably the most important book on this area with the help of many leading experts including mint officials, designers, collectors and dealers. The project took over five years to produce and with a budget of over USD 500,000.

This issue we continue with part II of Chapter 1 from the book on Chopmarks Coins which we published a few years ago by Colin Gullberg. This book was extremely popular with not only chopmark collectors, but also with economic historians. The Chinese translation of the book will increase the reader base for this interesting segment of Chinese numismatics. We also have a report by Ellen Feingold, curator of the National Numismatic Collection of the Howard Bowker East Asian Collection into the National Numismatic Collection and going into the new acquisition case at the Gallery of coins at Smithsonian National Museu20 of American History. The Howard Bowker project is an ongoing project of numismatic research and donations to museums in China, Germany and the United States. Our senior editor, Bruce Smith, has again provided us with a book review which should be very interesting for our readers. Ms Cai Yuman of Sichuan, submitted “The First Sichuan Silver One Dollar Coin”. Korean Banknote specialist Don Pfeifer provided us an interesting article about Korean historic figure Kim Yun Sik and Korean banknotes. The Chinese edition of the Coin of the Year book was released in Beijing on 11/11 at the Beijing International Coin Convention with great success with all eight winning Chinese COTY designers/engravers and 10 Chinese COTY judges present for this event. We look forward to the Coin of the Year Ceremony at the World Money Fair Berlin sponsored by World Money Fair and the Journal of East Asian Numismatics. This year’s award ceremony has a new twist as the overall winner will not be announced before the ceremony, so all ten winners of categories may be the overall winner. With China winning the best circulation coin with the 2016 year of the monkey 10 Yuan, its first win since 2006, should make it even more exciting this year. We hope you enjoy these interesting, well-researched articles! Michael Chou Publisher and Editor in Chief

前 言 歡迎閱讀第 9 期《東亞泉志》。我們雜誌的宗旨是促 進東西方之間的錢幣交流。

一書不僅曾受到戳記幣收藏家的喜愛,也獲得了經濟史家 的青睞。《戳幣記簡史》的中文譯本也將以其中國錢幣的 有趣片段積攢廣泛的讀者基礎。

我 們 熱 烈 歡 迎 塞 巴 斯 蒂 安·維 巧 斯 基 先 生 以 編 輯 和 歐洲站通訊員的身份加入我們的團隊,《東亞泉志》又


添 一 精 英。 在 2018 年 柏 林 世 界 錢 幣 展 覽 會 上, 我 們 將


共 同 發 佈 第 一 個 重 大 項 目, 即 德 文 版《 熊 貓 幣 及 熊 貓


紀 念 章 的 收 集 與 投 資》 出 版 發 行。 我 們 希 望 這 本 書 有


助 於 促 進 中 國 熊 貓 幣 在 德 國 及 歐 洲 的 收 藏。 塞 巴 斯 蒂








同樣,我們也歡迎顧軍先生所作關於聚合物環 5 歐元


硬幣首次鑄幣典禮的客座文章,該紀念幣由德國巴登 - 符


騰堡州造幣廠所鑄。顧先生曾于 2008-2009 年擔任瀋陽造


幣廠廠長,2009-2014 年擔任瀋陽造幣有限公司總經理, 2014 年至 2016 年擔任上海造幣有限公司黨委書記,此次 他將以技術顧問的身份參與到《東亞泉志》的編輯工作中來。 此外,北美通訊員馬修·布拉澤頓也將作為編輯人員加 入《東亞泉志》。馬修·布拉澤頓先生是一名律師,也是

韓國鈔票專家多恩·派珀為我們提交了一篇關於韓國歷 史人物金允植和韓國鈔票的有趣文章。 《世界硬幣大獎賽》中文版已於 2017 年 11 月 11 日在 北京國際錢幣博覽會上進行發售並獲得巨大成功。作品獲


得世界硬幣大獎賽獎項的中國 8 位設計師 / 雕刻師及在京


的 10 位世界硬幣大獎賽評委都出席了本次活動。我們期待


即將在柏林舉辦的 2018 世界錢幣展覽會和世界硬幣大獎賽 頒獎儀式,該儀式由世界錢幣展覽會及《東亞泉志》贊助


聯合舉辦。2018 年的頒獎儀式與往年有所不同,其“年度



《中國現代貴金屬幣賞析》1-5 卷書歷時 5 年,出版總費用

在 10 項不同類別的獲勝者中,“年度最佳硬幣獎”究竟會

達 50 多萬美元。該鴻篇巨制得到了造幣廠領導、設計師、

花落誰家呢 ? 讓我們拭目以待。中國以 2016 年猴年 10 元




2006 年以來在世界硬幣大獎賽中的首次獲勝。相信 2018 年的獎項評選會更加令人興奮。

《東亞泉志》繼續翻譯刊載 2014 年高林所著《戳記幣 簡史》英文版一書第一章第二部分的內容。《戳記幣簡史》

希望諸位讀者能夠喜歡這些集趣味性和研究性為一體 的文章! 《東亞泉志》總編兼出版人:周邁可

CONTENTS Features Chopmarked Coins Chapter 1 The History of Silver in China - Chopmark Sizes

Colin James Gullberg

Wang Shihong Talking about issues of Modern Chinese Precious Metal Coins

Yuan Shuiqing


A Most Innovative Coin

Gu Jun



Departments JEAN News

Bruce W. Smith


JEAN Reviews

Bruce W. Smith


East Asian Coins on Display at National Museum of American History

Ellen Feingold


The Fifth China Coin Expo held at Beijing’s Baoguo Temple Establishment of the China Coin League

Yuan Fang


My First Numismatic Discovery Journey to Beijing: Coin Collectors also Understand Each Other Without Words

Sebastian Wieschowski


COTY Book Release A Night to Remember in the World of Numismatics

Sebastian Wieschowski


Launch of the Chinese Version of the Coin of the Year book in Beijing

Quan Chi


Panda Launch Ceremony: A coin for Collectors, Investors – and the Whole Family Sebastian Wieschowski


First Impressions of the 2017 Macau Numismatic Society Annual Expo

J. Matthew Brotherton


East Asian, Library, Numismatic History Happy Birthday John Reilly!

David Hill


Column The First Sichuan Silver One Dollar Coin (the 1912 issue)

Cai Yuman


Another View on The Peking Mint of 1900

Bruce W. Smith



Don Pfeifer


A Numismatic Triangle Between Asia, Europe and America

Sebastian Wieschowski 145

Coin shows China and Germany: Do Not Be Surprised by These Differences

Sebastian Wieschowski 151

Highlights of 2017 China Gold Coin Market

Zhao YanSheng


目錄  專題 《戳記幣簡史》——第一章 中國白銀史 戳記大小









部門 《東亞泉志》新聞









第五屆全國錢幣收藏博覽會在北京報國寺隆重舉行——聯盟誕生 交流興隆















初次印象:記 2017 年澳門錢幣學會年度博覽會







專欄 第一代川版(1912 年初版)銀幣考



對 1900 年北京造幣廠的另一看法







塞巴斯蒂安·維巧斯基 149


塞巴斯蒂安·維巧斯基 155

中國金幣市場 2017 年大事記



Departments 部門

JEAN News Bruce W. Smith (USA) Fred Weinberg 1989 Shanghai Mint Video

seconds). It is possible that newsreel films were made of the opening of the Shanghai Central Mint in the early 1930's or of the Taiwan Central Mint after 1949, but the writer has never heard of any such films.

Shanghai Mint Annual

(From L) Michael Chou, Fred Weinberg, King L. Chan

In May 1989, American coin dealer Fred Weinberg went to China to sign a contract to promote and distribute the 1990 Dragon and Phoenix gold and silver coins. During a visit to the Shanghai Mint, Weinberg was allowed to video film operations inside the mint, including the striking of gold and silver coins and medals. This may be the first video ever made inside a Chinese mint. The 19 minute long video shows mint workers carefully placing blank planchets, one by one, by hand into the German made machinery, striking them two or three times, then removing the finished item by hand and placing it in a protective plastic holder. Weinberg shot the amateur footage using a large shoulder-mounted video camera. After returning to the United States, the tape was put aside and forgotten until late in 2015, when Weinberg rediscovered the tape and presented it in a talk at the FUN (Florida United Numismatists) convention in January 2016. The talk was filmed professionally by David Lisot and is available for purchase on DVD at his site: Look for the title: Chinese Coin Production in 1989. The video is also available for viewing at: Since the 1980's, David Lisot has made more than 2,000 videos of numismatic lectures and interviews (including at least one of the writer's talks), and has made them available to the public. Two other films from 2016 include: China 2016 Berlin World Money Fair Commemorative Panda (7 minutes 11 seconds); and Rare Chinese Coin Dies Saved to Museum in Germany (5 minutes 51

Shanghai Zaobi is the title of an annual publication produced for employees of and perhaps visitors to the Shanghai Mint. We have seen issues #6 (2014) and #7 (2015), suggesting that publication began in 2009. This is a slick paper, full color, soft cover publication, both issues seen having 96 pages. Most of the content is about important Chinese and foreign visitors to the mint, officers and workers, exhibits, cartoon stories, and weddings, births and other events among the staff. Each issue also has a small section on the history of the mint and a longer section on coins (both precious metal and circulation coins) and medals produced during the year, including mintage figures in many cases. This information on the coins is readily available from other sources, but information on medals is not so easy to find. This publication provides the name of the designer for each medal - though, aluminum ingots strangely, not for the coins. Each issue also contains two or three signed articles about one of the coins or medals. The history section of the 2014 issue has an account and several photos of the reopening of the mint in the early 1950's. One photo shows a large stacks of metal ingots in an outside courtyard. Since these ingots are not locked up in a vault, they must be aluminum ingots to be used for the 1, 2 and 5 fen aluminum coins. The history section in the 2015 issue, celebrating the 95th anniversary of the founding of the mint, opens with a panoramic view of the mint probably taken during the 1930's or 1940's. A timeline history of the mint begins

The Ninth Issue of JEAN


Departments 部門 with a 1920 view of the empty land acquired for the mint site. In 1933 the mint finally began production of coinage. In 1949 the mint was re-established by the Peoples Liberation Army. In 1954 control was turned over to the Peoples Bank of China and the mint was designated State Factory 614. There is a group photo of the original staff of the re-established mint. In 1978 the first precious metal coins were issued and in 1980 the first brass and nickel coins. Look closely on page 32 of the 2015 issue for a photo of Michael Chou in connection with the donation of some Howard Bowker coins to the mint's museum. Both issues contain a photograph of some of Bowker's grandchildren in connection with the donation. For more information, the web address is:

Books On Shanghai Coins And Tokens Money in Shanghai has been the subject of at least six books and numerous articles. Perhaps the earliest was "The Coins of Shanghai" by A. M. Tracey Woodward. Originally published in The China Journal, August 1937, it was reprinted later that year as Monograph #3 of the Bulletin of the Numismatic Society of China. Consisting of 15 pages plus 5 photographic plates, Woodward records the several varieties of the Shanghai 1856 tael and 5 mace coins (Kann 900-910; L&M 589-594); the 1867 Shanghai tael and two mace coins (K. 911-913; L&M 600-602); and numerous tokens which had been issued prior to 1937. During the Japanese occupation (1937-1945) at least 200 new metal tokens were issued. Although this monograph was clearly written early in 1937 (his footnote 15 notes a search done on his behalf of Shanghai archives in November and December 1936), Woodward had actually left China several years earlier and was living in France at the time. Nevertheless he was able to publish in this monograph a sketch made in 1867 by Thomas F. Wade (1818-1895), Secretary at the British Legation in Peking, for a proposed tael coin to be dated with the T'ung Chih reign title. The coin was never made, but Wade's recommendation that any silver coin made for China should be in the kuping (government treasury) scale instead of the tsaoping (Shanghai) scale, was adopted when China's first dragon dollars were made in the 1880's. The first book devoted to Shanghai tokens (or Chinese tokens in general) was: "Shanghai Tan Daijiabi" by Hu Youwen and Sun Junlang, published in 1991. The 139 page, soft cover book records more than 160 metal tokens used in Shanghai, arranged in various categories. Most of the book consists of descriptions of the tokens and historical information on their issuers. This is followed


《東亞泉志》第 9 期

by 30 pages of rubbings illustrating the tokens. Most of the tokens listed were issued during the Japanese occupation (1937-1945) a n d m o s t were used for gambling purposes. However, many were issued for a secondary reason. During the occupation most coinage disappeared from circulation and there was a shortage of small change. The public was willing to accept tokens from gambling places or the bus line rather than accept the small denomination paper money supplied by the Japanese. In 1995, Wu Chouzhong and Zhao Longye produced a 237 page, soft cover book titled: "Zhongguo Daiyong Quan Tulu" which recorded about 500 different local paper notes - mostly from Shanghai and mostly for small denominations, as low as one or two fen (cents). Most of these notes were issued by small businesses, and though most are undated, most were issued during the Japanese occupation. The catalog is arranged in 60 categories according to the type of issuer. Among these categories are: banks, money shops, factories, department stores, cigarette shops, liquor stores, tea shops, food stores, and amusement places. There is also a category for notes which have unused stamps attached in the denomination of the note. Some of the attached stamps are ordinary postage stamps; others are revenue (tax) stamps. Many of these shop notes, from the collection of American collector, Neil Shafer, are listed in the book:

Departments 部門 "World War II Remembered" (1995) by C. Fred Schwan and Joe Boling (pages 48-57); a few are denominated in CRB currency -- that is, notes of the Japanese puppet Central Reserve Bank (pages 726-727). The book by Wu and Zhao is strictly a catalog, with poor quality black and white illustrations and no historical information, but it was the first catalog of these Shanghai local notes. The next book on money in Shanghai came out in 1998 and was a beautiful, full color work in 190 pages titled: "Lao Shanghai Huobi" (English title: Currencies in Old Shanghai). The authors were Ma Chuande, Xu Yuan, Tang Weikang and Fu Weiqun. The most amazing feature of this book is that the text is in both Chinese and English. This is not a catalog but rather a sampling of Shanghai currencies. Most of the book is devoted to banknotes. The seven chapters are: 1) Coins Excavated in the Shanghai Area; 2) Coins of Modern Shanghai (19th century coins and sycee); 3) Paper Money of Chinese and Overseas Chinese Banks; 4) Paper Money of Foreign and SinoForeign Banks; 5) Shanghai Banknotes; 6) Coupons and Chits (privately issued paper scrip and metal tokens); and 7) Central Mint Coins. Two years later, Ma Chuande, Xu Yuan and Hu Youwen produced an entirely new book called: "Shanghai Tan Huobi" (English title: Coinage in Shanghai Bound). A soft cover work containing 513 pages, it is the largest of the money in Shanghai books. This work is a supplement to Ma's "Currencies In Old Shanghai", containing about 250 brief articles (in no particular order) on a specific coin, token, banknote or shop note (coupon). Each article is illustrated by a black and white illustration, but there are also 16 color plates at the beginning of the book. The text is in Chinese with a contents page in English. The English title shown on the cover and spine contains an unfortunate spelling error. The title should read: "Coinage in Shanghai Bund" instead of "Bound", but the meaning of the Chinese title is clear.

Another work in this category is: "Shanghai Huobi Shi" (History of Money in Shanghai) by Pan Liangui. This 357 page soft cover book was published in 2004, and as the title suggests, this is an academic work dealing mainly with banknotes which circulated in the Shanghai area, including Japanese military notes and Japanese puppet banks in China. The book is illustrated with 24 color plates at the beginning, black and white images scattered through the text, and numerous tables of information. Footnotes are used throughout the text but there is no bibliography. The most recent book we have seen on this subject is: "Lao Shanghai Daijiabi Daijiaquan" (English title: The Chips and Coupons in Old Shanghai), published in 2005 by the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences. The chief editor was Pan Junxiang. This is a tall, hard cover work of 280 pages, lavishly illustrated with full color photographs. This is the most comprehensive listing so far published of Shanghai "chips" (metal tokens) and "coupons" (privately issued shop notes or merchant scrip) - recording about 250 tokens and over a thousand coupons. The tokens are all listed in one section (pages 46-71), except for brothel tokens (pages 24-33) and encased postage stamp tokens (pages 243-244). The remainder of the catalog consists of paper merchant scrip arranged into about 25 categories. Each category title is shown in English but there is no English contents page. The categories include: Restaurants, Groceries, Western

The Ninth Issue of JEAN


Departments 部門 Restaurants & Bakeries, Liquor Stores, Department Stores, Snack Shops, Entertainment Places (theaters, nightclubs, swimming pools, and dance halls), Tobacco Stores, Drug Stores, Silk Shops, Banks & Pawnshops, Factories, and Town Associations.

Werner Burger Profile The South China Morning Post (Hong Kong) Post Magazine for 22 October 2017 contained a long article about well known collector and researcher on Qing Dynasty coins, Werner Burger. Written by Edith Terry, the article begins with the confusing title: "Coin Stash That Puts New Spin on China's 100 Years of Humiliation". The title refers to the exchange rate between cash coins and silver. In the 1600's a tael of silver would buy about 1000 cash but by the late 1800's, a tael would buy nearly 2,000 cash. For the past century economists and historians have blamed the fall in value of the coins on a shortage of silver in China due to opium imports. Burger, however, says the real cause was the debasement of Chinese cash by the mints, widespread counterfeiting and large imports of cheap cash from Vietnam. According to the article, Burger, now 81 and confined to a wheelchair due to arthritis, has a collection of Qing dynasty cash coins weighing seven tons and housed in a 5,000 square foot warehouse, along with his numismatic library. Born and educated in Munich, in what was then East Germany, Burger went to China in 1963 to teach German and study Chinese history. Two years later the school in Shanghai where he was teaching closed and he was forced to leave China, settling in Hong Kong where he remains today. His first numismatic book, "Ch'ing Cash Until 1735", published in 1976, was a great work, but was based on Chinese works which were only summaries of Qing dynasty documents. He wanted to examine the original mint reports, but no one knew where they were

or whether they still existed. Burger spent decades trying to find them with no results. Then in 1996 during renovations in Beijing, a wall was torn down revealing millions of Qing dynasty records. Among these were 2,838 volumes of mint records. Burger had 43,742 pages of these records microfilmed and later printed and bound into 60 volumes. From this he began work on the revision and completion of his work on Qing cash coins. The result, released in 2016, was a book weighing over 8 Kg (nearly 18 pounds). Terry writes: "Burger's own theories remain controversial in China, within a small circle of experts in numismatics. In 2003 the China Numismatic Museum in Beijing held a conference on his first book, "Ch'ing Cash Until 1735", published in 1976. The assembled experts were incredulous. "They challenged him" [his wife] Lucy says. "Werner asked - Has anyone in this room seen seven tons of coins? Two million coins? They were just dead quiet. The curator is still laughing about it." Burger is now working with Dr. Florian Knothe, director of the University Museum and Art Gallery at the University of Hong Kong, hoping to establish a research center for Chinese numismatics - the first of its kind in Asia. According to Lyce Jankowski at Paris-Diderot University: "If the museum of HKU is able to secure it,

Werner with his wife Lucy


《東亞泉志》第 9 期

Departments 部門 (2012) Cambodia; Volume 4 (2014) Laos. His books are quite unusual in that they record not only coins and paper money, but also related items such as tokens, medals, telephone cards, bonds, lottery tickets, bullion items and more. Future plans include books on Thailand, Burma and possibly Indonesia. He has long been a contributor to the Krause Standard Catalog books on world coins and world paper money.

Werner (left) is talking with specialists from University of Hong Kong

[Burger's] great collection will bring HKU to the front line of numismatic collections, overtaking the British Museum, the Hermitage, the Bibliotheque Nationale and the Chinese Numismatic Museum." Hong Kong University has accepted the proposal for the research center and is looking for funding for the project.

Sten and Daniel Inducted Into Hall of Fame During 2017 the International Bank Note Society has announced the names of two new inductees into the IBNS Hall of Fame. Howard A. Daniel III, a member of the society since 1971, and internationally recognized expert on the numismatics of Southeast Asia, has been active in the affairs of the society for many years. He served on the Board of Directors during 1996-2000 and again during 2010-2012, and as 1st Vice President during 2000-2002. Daniel served many years in the U.S. Army, including postings in Vietnam and Laos. Since the 1970's he has authored a series of books under the general title: "Catalog and Guidebook of Southeast Asian Coins and Currency." Volume 1 (1975 and 1978) French Issues; Volume 2 Part 2 (1992) Republic of Vietnam; Volume 2 Part 3 (1995 & 2016) Democratic Republic of Vietnam; Volume 2 Part 4 (2009) Socialist Republic of Vietnam; Volume 3

George Jerzy Sten (1912-1967) was IBNS Charter Member #15 and produced one of the earliest catalogs of world paper money. He began the effort with a book titled: "Encyclopedia of World Paper Money" in 1965. This was not a catalog, but a listing of issuers in each country with a guide to identifying issuers. This was especially helpful for notes inscribed in Chinese, Korean, Tibetan, Arabic, Mongolian and other non-alphabetic languages. In 1967 the first two volumes of his "Banknotes of the World" were published, recording notes from countries A through K, including China, Japan and Korea. The manuscripts for the remaining volumes had been completed, but following his unexpected death in early December 1967, his girlfriend stole the manuscripts and Sten's banknote collection, and neither was ever seen again. Born in Warsaw, Poland, Sten was an electrical engineer with the Phillips Electric Company in Poland. When the Germans invaded in 1939, he was commissioned as a lieutenant in the Polish army. After the defeat of the Polish army, he joined the Polish underground and took part in the Warsaw Uprising in 1944. Near the end of the war, he escaped to Germany, where from 1945 to 1950 he served as an interpreter for refugee camps in the British sector of Germany. During this time he took up writing, producing his first book, "Route of a Partisan", about his experiences in the Polish underground. In December 1950 he emigrated to the United States, settling in Chicago, where he worked as an electrical engineer. His second book, "The Outlawed Generation", about life in the German refugee camps, was published while he lived in Chicago, and he also performed a weekly radio show. In the early 1960's he moved to San Francisco, where he met Ward D. Smith, who later formed Shirjieh Publishing Company to publish Sten's world banknotes book and his own book, "Chinese Banknotes."

The Ninth Issue of JEAN


Departments 部門

《東亞泉志》新聞 史博祿(美國) 弗萊德·溫伯格拍攝的1989 年上海造幣廠視頻

《上海造幣》 雜誌 《上海造幣》雜誌是為員工甚至到訪上海造幣廠的訪客 而編撰的年度出版物。如今已經發行到 2014 年刊總第 6 期 及 2015 年刊總第 7 期,也就是說出版物始於 2009 年。這 是一種用銅版紙印刷的全彩色軟封面出版物,兩期都是 96 頁。 大部分內容是重要的中外遊客到造幣廠參觀,官員、工人、 展會、卡通故事、婚禮、員工生日以及其他活動事件。每一 期都有一個關於造幣廠歷史的小版面,以及錢幣和年度紀念 章的大版面(都是貴金屬和流通貨幣),大多有鑄幣數量。 這些硬幣上的資訊很容易從其他來源獲得,但是關於紀 念章的資訊卻不是那麼容易找到的。這份出版物為每一枚紀 念章都提供了設計師的名字——儘管奇怪的是,這並不是為

左起:周邁可、弗莱德 • 溫伯格、陳景林

1989 年 5 月,美國錢幣交易商弗萊德·溫伯格在中國簽

約,以此來推廣和分銷 1990 年龍鳳金銀幣。一次拜訪上海 造幣廠的過程中,溫伯格被允許在造幣廠內拍攝金銀幣和紀 念章的鍛造過程。這可能是在中國造幣廠內拍攝的第一個視 頻。19 分鐘長度的視頻展示了造幣廠工人認真地用手把一個 個空盤子放進德國製造的機器中,時不時擊打兩三下。然後 用手把成品移走,放進塑膠保護託盤中。溫伯格用一架肩扛 式攝像機拍攝業餘鏡頭。

硬幣而設計的。每一期還包含兩到三篇關於其中一枚硬幣或 紀念章的署名文章。2014 年的歷史部分有一篇文章和幾張照 片, 這 些 照 片 是 在 20 世 紀 50 年 代初重新開放鑄 幣 廠 時 拍 攝 的。 其中一張照片拍 攝了外部庭院裡 放着的一大堆金 屬 錠。 由 於 這 些



2015 年,溫伯格重新發現了錄影帶並在 2016 年 1 月的佛羅

險 庫 裡, 因 此 它


們一定是製造 1

談由專業攝影師 David Lisot 錄製,以下連結是購買 DVD 的

分、2 分 和 5 分

位址。標題為:1989 年的中國錢




com/watch?v=HwAPuLIOFNA。 1980 年以來,David Lisot 製作了超過 2000 個錢幣課程


慶賀造幣廠成立 95 周年的 2015 期歷史回顧部分是以攝 於 19 世紀 30 年代或 40 年代的一張全景照片開場。時間線


從 1920 年造幣廠收購的空地開始。1933 年造幣廠開始鑄幣。

放了這些內容。2016 年之後的兩個視頻包括:中國 2016 柏

1949 年人民解放軍重建造幣廠。1954 年造幣廠的控制權移

林世界錢幣博覽會紀念熊貓(7 分 11 秒),保存在德國博物

交給中國人民銀行並更名為國家 614 工廠。造幣廠重建後的

館的罕見中國錢幣錢模(5 分 51 秒)。隨着 1930 年代初上

工作人員一起拍了張大合影。1979 年發行首批貴金屬硬幣,

海中央造幣廠及 1949 年後的臺灣中央造幣廠對外開放,這

1980 年發行首批銅鎳硬幣。請仔細查看 2015 期第 32 頁周




刊登了和捐贈相關的包克孫輩們的照片。欲瞭解更多資訊, 可查看。

10 《東亞泉志》第 9 期

Departments 部門 上海硬幣、代幣相關書籍

1995 年, 吳 籌 中、 趙 隆 業 編

至少有 6 本書籍和數不清的文章是以上海錢幣為主題的。 年代最早的可能是 A.M. Tracey Woodward 所撰寫的《上海 硬幣》。此文於 1937 年 8 月初次發表在《中國期刊》上, 同年晚些時候再版發表於《中國錢幣學會公告》3 號專論。 文章共 15 頁,附有 5 張攝影圖片,Woodward 在此文中記 載了幾種 1856 年上海壹兩五錢銀幣(Kann 900-910;L&M 589-594)、1867 年上海壹兩二錢銀幣(K.911-913;L&M 600-602),以及大量 1937 年之前發行的各種代幣。在日 本人佔領中國期間(1937 年至 1945 年),至少發行了 200 種金屬代幣。雖然這篇專著寫於 1937 年早期(注釋 15 記 錄了本文作者在 1936 年 11 月和 12 月代表上海檔案館所做 的搜索),但 Woodward 早在幾年前離開了中國,寫文章時 居住於法國。然而他依然能夠在這篇專著中囊括了一幅由英 國駐北京大使館秘書長托馬·韋德(Thomas F. Wade)作于 1867 年同治年間擬發行的壹兩銀幣草圖。這種銀幣最終沒有 發行,但韋德提議中國製造的所有銀幣都應以庫平銀(國家 財政)而不是以漕平銀(上海)為度量衡單位,中國的第一 批鑄造於 18 世紀 80 年代的龍元就採取了他的建議。

著的 237 頁平裝 本《 中 國 代 用 券 圖錄》中記載了 大約 500 種不同 的 地 方 紙 幣 —— 其中大多數是來 自於上海的低面 值 紙 幣( 低 至 一 分 或 兩 分)。 大 多數紙幣由小企 業 發 行, 雖 然 上 面沒有日期但基 本上都是被日本 人佔領期間發行的。根據不同的發行者,圖錄將紙幣分為 六十大類,包括銀行、錢莊、工廠、百貨公司、煙酒商店、 茶店、食品店和娛樂場所等。還有一種紙幣面值上貼有未被 使用過的郵票。有些是普通郵票,有一些則是收入(稅)郵 票。美國收藏家尼爾·謝弗(Neil Shafer)所收藏的許多商 店紙幣都記錄在 C. 弗雷德·施萬(C.Fred Schwan)和喬·博 林(Joe Boling)所著的《第二次世界大戰回憶錄》中(48-


57 頁);其中一些紙幣是 CRB 為貨幣單位的,即日本傀儡


中央儲備銀行的票據(第 726-727 頁)。吳籌中、趙隆業編



的 書 是 1991 年


出版的胡幼文和 孫軍烺所著的 《上海灘代價 幣》。這本 139 頁的平裝本書分 門別類的記載了 超 過 160 種 上 海使用的金屬代 幣。此書主要描 述了各種代幣及 其發行者的歷史 資訊。書後還附有 30 頁各種代幣拓片的插圖。書中所列的 大多數代幣均發行於 1937-1945 年間日本人佔領時期,且大 多數代幣都是用於賭博。然而,很多代幣的發行還有其他原 因。在被佔領時期,大多數鑄幣都從流通中消失,導致小面 值零錢出現短缺不足。當時的人普遍願意接受賭場代幣或公 車代幣,而不接受日本人發行的小面值紙幣。

下一本關於 上海貨幣的書是 1998 年出版的 190 頁 彩 版《 老 上 海 貨幣》(英文書名 “Currencies in Old Shanghai”)。 作 者為馬傳德、徐淵、 湯偉康、傅為群。 此書最妙之處在於 是中英文對照本。 這不是一本圖錄而 是上海貨幣的抽樣 集錦。書裡記載的 大多數貨幣為鈔 票。七章內容為:1. 上海地區出土的硬幣;2. 近代上海硬幣(19

The Ninth Issue of JEAN


Departments 部門 世紀硬幣和紋銀);3. 中國本地銀行和海外中國銀行的紙幣;


4. 外資銀行和中外合資銀行紙幣;5. 上海紙幣;6. 優惠券和


單據(私人發行的紙質憑證和金屬代幣);7. 中央政府鑄幣。

著作是上海社 會科學院出版

兩 年 後, 馬 傳 德、 徐 淵、 胡 幼文又合著了一 本全新的書《上 海 灘 貨 幣》( 英 文書名“Coinage in Shanghai Bound”)。 513頁的平裝本, 為上海貨幣書籍 中最厚最大者。 此書是馬傳德所 著《老上海貨幣》 一書的補充,收 集 了 250 篇 關 於某種硬幣、代幣、鈔票或商店紙幣(優惠券)的簡短文章 (無特定順序)。每一篇文章都帶有黑白插圖,而本書開頭 則有 16 張彩色插圖。正文為中文但附有英文目錄。很可惜 的是書的封面和側面的英文標題都有拼寫錯誤。書名應該是 “Coinage in Shanghai Bund”而不是“Bound”,但中文 書名含義明確。

社 於 2005 年 出 版 的《 老 上 海 代 價 幣 代 價 券 》( 英 文 書 名“The Chips and Coupons in Old Shanghai”)。 主 編 潘 君 祥。 這 是 一 本 280 頁厚的精裝硬 皮書,附有豐富的彩色照片插圖。此書是迄今為止最全面的 上海代價幣(金屬代幣)和代價券(私下發行的商店紙幣或 商戶單據)目錄——記載了約 250 種代幣和超過 1000 種代 價券。除了妓院代幣(第 24-33 頁)和包有郵票的代幣(第 243-244 頁)之外,所有的代幣都羅列在同一章節中(第 46-71 頁)。餘下的目錄記載了 25 種不同類型的商戶紙質單 據。每一種類型都附有英文名稱,但正文內容沒有譯成英語。 這些類型包括有:餐廳類,雜貨商店類,西餐廳和麵包店類, 酒莊類,百貨公司類,小吃店類,娛樂場所類(劇院、夜總會、 游泳池和舞廳),煙草店類,藥店類,絲綢店類,銀行和當 鋪類,工廠類,以及城鎮協會類。

另 一 本 是 潘連貴所著的 《 上 海 貨 幣 史 》(History of Money in Shanghai)。 這是一本 357 頁 出 版 於 2004 年 的平裝本書,書 中內容也正如其 名,是一本研究 上海地區流通鈔 票(包括日本軍 隊紙幣和中國的 日本傀儡銀行券)的學術著作。此書開頭有 24 張彩色插圖, 黑白圖片散佈于正文之中,還有大量的資訊表格。正文標注 了腳本但沒有列出參考書目。

12 《東亞泉志》第 9 期

布威爾 簡介 2017 年 10 月 22 日的香港《南華早報郵報》刊登了一 篇關於著名清代錢幣收藏家和研究者布威爾的文章。文章作 者為伊蒂特·特裡,但標題《硬幣藏匿將中國置身於 100 年 的恥辱之中》卻讓人困惑,這其實是指現金硬幣對白銀的兌 換率。在 1600 年代,一兩白銀可兌換 1000 文銅錢;但到 了 1800 年代晚期,一兩白銀能兌換 2000 文銅錢。在過去 一個世紀裡,經濟學家和歷史學家將白銀短缺所導致的硬幣 價值下跌歸咎於鴉片貿易。然而布威爾先生卻認為真正的原 因在於造幣廠鑄造了降低成色的硬幣,假幣的氾濫和從越南 進口了大量的廉價幣。

Departments 部門 根據文章,現年 81 歲由於關節炎不得不依靠輪椅的布 威爾先生收藏了重達 7 噸的清朝硬幣,這些硬幣連同他的錢 幣學藏書一起存放在 5000 平方英尺的倉庫裡。在德國慕尼 黑出生和接受教育(那時慕尼黑還屬於東德)的布威爾先生 于 1963 年來到中國教授德語並學習中國歷史。兩年之後他 任教的上海學校關閉了,他也被迫離開中國大陸,之後一直 留在香港直至今天。他的第一本錢幣學著作《清錢編年譜》 於 1976 年 出 版,是一本偉大 的著作,但此書 僅是清朝文獻的 綜述。他想查看 造幣廠的原始報 告,但沒有人知 道該去哪裡查 看,也無從得知 這些報告是否存 世至今。布威爾 先生花了整整幾


十年去尋找這些 報告但一無所 獲。 直 至 1996 年,北京舊城改造期間拆除了一道牆,在裡面發現了數以百 萬頁計的清代記錄,其中 2838 卷是造幣廠記錄。布威爾先 生把這些記錄中的 43,742 頁製成微縮膠片,之後再列印出 來捆綁成 60 卷。從此,他開啟了修正和完善清朝硬幣記錄 的工作。工作成果於 2016 年發佈,是一本重達 8 公斤(約 18 磅)的書。 特裡寫道:“布威爾先生的理論在中國的錢幣學專家圈 子裡仍有爭議。2003 年位於北京的中國錢幣博物館特地為他 的第一本書《清錢編年譜》舉辦了一次研討會。聚集在一起 的專家對布威爾的理論依舊持疑。”“他們質疑他。”蔡逸 美(布威爾先生的妻子)說道,“布威爾問大家——這個房 間裡的人有誰見過 7 噸重的硬幣?有誰見過 200 萬枚硬幣? 房間裡死一般的寂靜。時至今日館長還拿這件事來說笑。” 布威爾先生目前正與香港大學博物館和美術館館長弗洛 裡安·諾特博士合作,希望能成立亞洲第一所中國錢幣研究


中心。巴黎狄德羅大學的 Lyce Jankowski 認為,如果香港 大學博物館能辦成此事,那麼布威爾先生的豐厚藏品將帶領 香港大學成為錢幣收藏的前沿,將超越大英博物館、冬宮博 物館、法國國家圖書館和中國錢幣博物館。香港大學已經接 受了建立研究中心的提議,正在為這個項目尋求資金。

The Ninth Issue of JEAN


Departments 部門 丹尼爾和斯塔入選世界紙幣協會名人堂

喬治·傑西·斯塔 喬治·傑西·斯塔(1912-1967 年)曾是世界紙幣協會

國際鈔票學會 2017 年宣佈以下兩人入選世界紙幣協會 名人堂。

的第十五位會員,他創作了最早的世界紙幣目錄之一。他在 1965 年開始寫一本書,書名為《世界紙幣百科全書》。這 不是一個目錄,而是每個國家的發行者清單,附有指南便於



霍華德·丹尼爾 1971 年成為世界紙幣協會成員的一員,




會事務。他曾於 1996 年至 2000 年期間擔任董事會成員,

從 A 到 K 國家的注釋,包括中國、日本和韓國。《世界鈔票》

2000 年至 2002 年擔任第一副總裁,2010 年至 2012 年繼

其餘卷的手稿已經完成,然而,天有不測風雲,1967 年 12



越南服役的經歷。20 世紀 70 年代以來,他以“東南亞硬幣


及貨幣目錄指南”為題創作的一系列叢書如下:1975-1978 年第一卷法國問題;1992 年第二卷第二部分越南共和國, 1995 至 2016 年第二卷第三部分越南民主共和國;2009 年 第二卷第四部分越南社會主義共和國;2012 年第三卷柬埔 寨;2014 年第四卷老撾。他所創作的書都別具一格,不僅 僅記錄了硬幣和紙幣,還記錄了代幣、紀念章、電話卡、債券、 彩票、金條等相關物品。在他的未來規劃中,他將以泰國緬 甸甚至印尼為背景,創作更多相關書籍。長期以來,他一直 向克勞斯世界硬幣及紙幣標準目錄投稿。

斯塔出生于波蘭華沙,曾是波蘭飛利浦電器公司的電氣 工程師。1939 年德軍入侵波蘭,斯塔被委任為波蘭軍隊的 一名中尉。波蘭軍隊戰敗之後,他加入波蘭地下組織並參與 了 1944 年華沙起義。在二戰將要結束之時,他逃到了德國 並在 1945 至 1950 年間成為難民營的英文翻譯。在此期間, 他開始創作他的第一本書《黨派之路》,介紹他在波蘭的地 下工作經歷。1950 年 12 月他移民到美國並在芝加哥定居, 在那裡他擔任電氣工程師。在芝加哥居住期間,他的第二本 書《非法的一代》講述了他在德國難民營的生活。他每週都 會播放一次電臺節目。20 世紀 60 年代早期,他搬去了旧金 山並在那裡遇到了沃德·史密斯。他們後來組建了 Shirjieh 出版公司來出版斯塔所著的《世界鈔票》系列叢書和他自己 所寫的《中國紙幣》。

14 《東亞泉志》第 9 期

Departments 部門

JEAN Reviews Bruce W. Smith (USA) Chinas Geld (Chinese Money)

By Thomas Uhlmann, Ulf Drager, and Joachim Kruger, Moritzburg, Germany, 2016, 114 pages, color photos. German text. ISBN 9783861050056. Hard cover.

This book was published in conjunction with the ceremony in which the Moritzburg Art Museum received two donations. The first donation consisted of several dozen dies and punches, made by Otto Beh in Germany, and used to produce primarily Chinese dragon silver coins in the 1890's. The second donation consisted of a selection of Chinese coins from the Howard F. Bowker collection. Both donations were arranged by Michael Chou of Champion Auction Galleries. The text consists of a series of essays by the three authors describing the development of the museum's Chinese coin collection, the donation by the Bowker family, a description of the Otto Beh dies, and a tribute to Michael Chou. One of the treasures of the Moritzburg museum is a silver sycee ingot from the 10th century South China Sea Intan shipwreck.

The Ninth Issue of JEAN


Departments 部門 Local Coins and Old Two Shu Silver Pieces-Classification, Genuine and Spurious Pieces, and Related Studies Roughly the first half of this book covers the well known Japanese rectangular silver ichibu and nishu coins of the 1700's and 1800's (JNDA types 09-47 through 09-57), illustrating and describing their many varieties. The remainder of the book is a study of locally issued silver coins of various shapes from the same time period (JNDA types 09-71 through 09-84). This series includes silver coins and fragments from Akita, Morioka, Kaga, Aizu, Sado and elsewhere. The histories of the different issues are outlined, By Shimizu Tsuneyoshi, Nanryo Coin & Stamp Company, Yamagata, Japan, 2016, 365 pages, black & white photos. Japanese text. Soft cover.

the varieties are illustrated and described, and for some issues a metallurgical study is provided.

Introduction to Cash Coins - Annam Dynastic Coins This is a catalog of officially issued Annamese (Vietnamese) cash coins, from the 900's AD into the early 20th century. Arranged chronologically in the usual Japanese manner (rubbings in boxes with notes appended), there is little text. A rarity guide is provided, shown by a circled number in the upper left corner, based on a scale of 1 to 20 (higher numbers being more common) or a character meaning "rare." The descriptions are given in kanji characters, and so can be understood by Chinese readers, but the notes and historical text are in Japanese. Includes machine struck cash style coins from French Tominaga Masayoshi, editor, Shizuoka, Japan, 2016, two volumes, 178 pages, illustrated with rubbings, Japanese text. Soft cover.

16 《東亞泉志》第 9 期

Indochina, French Cochinchina and Tonkin.

Departments 部門 Panda Coins and Medals for Collecting and Investing Since the first panda coin were issued by China in 1982, the series has become increasingly popular with collectors around the world. Specialized catalogs of panda coins have already been published in Chinese and in English. Now the first German catalog of panda coins will have its premier at the World Money Fair in Berlin in February 2018. The authors are well known German numismatist, Sebastian Wieschowski, who has written over 1000 articles on coins and precious metal investing since 2007, and Michael Chou, owner of Champion Auctions, who has been specializing in Chinese coins since 1996. The book is illustrated with over 1,200 color photos supplied by Numismatic Guarantee

Panda Coins and Medals for Collecting and Investing (Panda Munzen und Medaillen fur Sammler und Anleger) by Sebastian Wieschowski and Michael Chou, JEAN Publishing, 2018, 392 pages, color photographs, German text. Soft cover.

Corporation (NGC). The first pandas, issued in 1982, were actually gold

This new panda book is divided into three main chapters:

bullion pieces intended to compete with the South African

1) Panda Coins with denominations, 2) Coin Show Pandas,

Krugerrand and Canadian Maple Leaf. The following

and 3) Commemorative Pandas. In the extensive text, the

year denominations were added to expand the market to

authors provide many insights into details of the coins and

coin collectors. Also in 1983 a 10 Yuan silver panda was

the market for pandas in Germany. For example, how to

produced for the first time. During 1983-1985 brass 1 Yuan

distinguish which mint made a particular panda -- usually

panda coins were issued and in 1993 a copper 5 Yuan panda

the Shanghai or Shenyang mints, but since 1999 some

was struck, but these experiments did not continue. In

have been struck in Shenzhen. They also note that after the

1984 the first panda coin show medal was issued in sterling

recent change from ounce weights to gram weights, sales of

silver for the Hong Kong International Coin Exposition.

pandas have dropped in Germany. Another topic covered is

Throughout the 1980's and into the 1990's panda medals

the alarming number of fake pandas on the market, mostly

were issued for various coin shows around the world. In

being offered by websites in China, and ways to distinguish

2012 production of coin show pandas resumed. In 1991 a

the fake pieces. The book also reveals that a professional

set of three panda medals, in copper, silver and gold, were

video has been made for China Gold Coin Incorporated

issued for the 10th anniversary of the panda program.

(CGCI) to launch the new 2018 pandas. The film was

Another set of three medals and a 300 Yuan coin were

screened at the Beijing International Coin Exposition in

produced in 2002 for the panda's 20th anniversary.

November 2017. The authors also note that the Chinese

Beginning in 2004 a series of panda gold and silver coins

government has made panda coins tax exempt.

were struck to commemorate the anniversaries of various Chinese banks. Over the years pandas have been produced in gold, silver, copper, bimetals, platinum, palladium and even colorized -- all with a new design every year.

The retail price of Panda Coins and Medals for Collectors and Investors is only 29.95 Euros. The book is available through or through Champion Auctions at

The Ninth Issue of JEAN


Departments 部門

《東亞泉志》書評 史博祿(美國) 《中國貨幣》

《中國貨幣》,湯瑪斯·烏爾曼、沃爾夫·德爾格、約阿希姆·克魯格著,2016 年德國莫里茨堡 出版,114 頁,彩色插圖,德文文本。書號 9783861050056。精裝。

該書的發行與捐贈儀式連同進行。在此次捐贈儀式上, 莫里茨堡藝術博物館收到兩份捐贈品:第一份捐贈品包括幾 十個钱模和沖頭,由德國奧托拜赫公司製作,主要用於生產 19 世紀 90 年代的中國龍銀幣;第二套捐贈品是由收藏家霍華 德·包克捐贈的一套中國錢幣。這兩份捐贈都是由冠軍拍賣 公司的周邁可先生安排的。本文所包含的一系列文章均是來 自這三位作者對莫里茨堡藝術博物館中國錢幣收藏發展史 的描述,包括包克家族的捐贈物,奧托拜赫钱模的描述 以及對周邁可先生的致敬。莫里茨堡博物館的珍品之 一是來自 10 世紀的中國南海印坦沉船的銀錠。

18 《東亞泉志》第 9 期

Departments 部門 《地方貨幣和古南鐐二朱銀判的分類以及關於真贗的研究》 《地方貨幣和古南鐐二朱銀判的分類以及 關於真贗的研究》,清水恒吉著,2016 年日本山形縣南鐐硬幣郵印社發行,365 頁,黑白插圖,日文文本,平裝。 這本書的前半部分大致介紹了日本 18、19 世紀著名的矩形銀幣一步銀和古 南鐐二朱銀 ( 日本錢幣經銷商協會目錄 09-47 至 09-57),圖文並茂地描述了其中 很多品種。這本書的其餘部分是研究同期 當地發行的各種形狀的銀幣 ( 日本錢幣經 銷商協會目錄 09-71 至 09-84)。這一系 列包括來自秋田、盛岡、加賀、會津的銀 幣和碎銀,茶道和其他地方的銀幣和碎銀。 該書概述了各種錢幣的歷史,描繪其種類 並為一些問題提供了冶金研究。

《穴錢入門 安南歷代錢考》 該目錄涵蓋了安南(越南) 從公元 900 年到 20 世紀期間所 正式發行的金属货幣,包括來自 法屬印度支那、法屬交趾支那和 東京的機製錢幣。以慣常的日本 方式按時間排序(拓片在盒子裡 並附加注釋),文字描述较少。 該目錄也提供稀有度指南,以左 上角基於一到二十的數字來表示 稀有度(數字越大表示越普通), 或者直接用字符來表示其罕見程 度。這些文字以漢字的形式給出 《穴錢入門 安南歷代錢考》,冨永昌良、


秋葉鉄雄編集,2016 年日本靜岡泉幣會出


版,兩卷,178 頁,拓片插圖,平裝。

The Ninth Issue of JEAN


Departments 部門 《熊貓幣及熊貓紀念章的收集與投資》

塞巴斯蒂安·維巧斯基、周邁可著,《東亞泉志》發行,2018 年,392 頁。彩色插圖,德 文文本,平裝。

自從 1982 年中國發行了第一套熊貓紀念金幣以來,熊貓

作了另 1 套 3 枚紀念章和一枚 300 元銀鑲金、100 元鉑金硬幣。


從 2004 年開始,為紀念中國各銀行的成立周年打造了一系列

用中英雙語發行。現在,第一本德文中國熊貓幣目錄將於 2018


年 2 月在柏林舉行的世界貨幣展覽會上首次發行。該目錄作者


一位元是著名的德國錢幣獎章收藏家塞巴斯蒂安·維巧斯基, 他從 2007 年以來共撰寫了 1000 多篇有關硬幣和貴金屬投資


的文章;另一位是冠軍拍賣公司總裁周邁可先生,他從 1996


年以來也一直專注于中國近現代錢幣的收藏和研究。該書涵蓋 了由美國硬幣認證公司 NGC 提供的 1200 多張彩色插圖。

細的文本中,作者提供了許多關於德國硬幣和熊貓市場細節的 見解。例如,如何辨別某一熊貓幣是由哪個鑄幣廠製成——通 常是上海或瀋陽的造幣廠,但自從 1999 年以來已經有一些熊

1982 年發行的第一套熊貓幣實際上是一批用來與南非克






年首次發行了面值 10 元的熊貓銀幣。1983 年到 1985 年期間


還連續發行了面值壹圓的熊貓銅幣,1993 年又打造了 5 元熊

它還提到了為慶祝中國金幣總公司(CGCI)推出新的 2018

貓流通銅幣,但是這些試驗沒能繼續。1984 年,香港國際硬

年熊貓幣而製作的視頻。該電影已於 2017 年 11 月在北京國

幣展覽會發行了第一枚標準純銀打造的熊貓紀念銀章。20 世


紀 80 年代和 90 年代的熊貓紀念章都是在世界各地的各種硬 幣展上發行的。2012 年恢復生產錢幣展會熊貓紀念章。1991 年為紀念熊貓金幣發行 10 周年發行了一套包含金、銀、銅三 種質地的熊貓紀念章。2002 年為紀念熊貓金幣發行 20 周年製

20 《東亞泉志》第 9 期

該熊貓幣及熊貓紀念章的零售價僅為 29.95 歐元,收藏家 和投資者可自行選購。可登錄 或登錄冠 軍拍賣公司網址 購閱該書。

Departments 部門

East Asian Coins on Display at National Museum of American History New Donation From the Family of Private Collector Howard F. Bowker Ellen Feingold (USA)

The Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History

The Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History will display selected numismatic objects recently acquired from the collection of Howard F. Bowker beginning Nov. 8. The New Acquisitions case within the “Value of Money” exhibition will show 19 items ranging from fifth? century B.C. Chinese bridge and knife money to 20th-century Chinese money minted in the U. S. The selection is part of a recent donation of more than 380 objects from the Bowker collection of East Asian coins, banknotes and stamps. The collection includes rare modern Chinese coinage such as a 500 cash coin made from copper and tin in 1927 and a silver “Old Man” dollar from 1837, as well as a wide variety of 19th-and 20th-century Japanese and Korean coinage. “The Bowker collection presents an ideal opportunity to explore what numismatic objects can reveal about the historic trade and technological connections between the United States and East Asia” said Ellen Feingold, curator of the National Numismatic Collection. A set of 1902 gilt brass-proof pattern coins also are included in this acquisition. These coins were struck in the U.S. by the Ferracute Machine Co. of Bridgeton, N.J. The coins contribute to the understanding of that connection and further illustrate the ties between North American and Chinese numismatics, economics and trade.

1902 Szechuan Set of Gilt Brass Proof Patterns: One Dollar, 50 Cents, 20 Cents, 10 Cents, 5 Cents. Ex Ferracute Archive Collection

The donation also includes 12 ancient Chinese knives

through material culture.

and 20 pieces of ancient Chinese bridge money. Of the knives, seven are known as “Qi knives” and five are known as “Ming knives.” The newly acquired knives and bridge money will help the museum to tell the full narrative of Chinese numismatics

The Ninth Issue of JEAN


Departments 部門 The Museum gratefully recognizes the generosity of the Howard F. Bowker Family and Michael Chou for their support to promote research and enhanced public access of the National Numismatic Collection through exhibition and digitization efforts. Bowker’s passion for collecting began when he was stationed as a U.S. naval officer in Hànkǒu, Hubei Province, China, following the end of World War I, and he collected more than 10,000 historic East Asian artifacts. East Asian monetary objects have been a part of the Smithsonian’s National Numismatic Collection since the 19th-century. Today, the National Numismatic Collection has strong East Asian representation and is a national resource for the study of East Asian money. The National Numismatic Collection opened the “The Value of Money” exhibition in July 2015, and it links American history to

global histories of exchange, cultural interaction, political change and innovation. “The Value of Money” allows visitors to explore the origins of money, new monetary technologies, the political and cultural messages money conveys, numismatic art and design and the practice of collecting money. Through incomparable collections, rigorous research and dynamic public outreach, the National Museum of American History explores the infinite richness and complexity of American history. It helps people understand the past in order to make sense of the present and shape a more humane future. The museum is located on Constitution Avenue N.W., between 12th and 14th streets, and is open daily from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. (closed Dec. 25). Admission is free. For more information, visit http:// For Smithsonian information, the public may call (202) 633-1000.

Bowker Donation Highlights

CHINA-HONAN ND (1927-28) 500 Cash Copper Plated Nickel, T border

JAPAN 1874 50 Sen Silver

CHINA-TAIWAN ND (1837) Old Man Dollar, mint mark " 卍 "

CHINA-TAIWAN ND (1853) Ju-I Military Ration

CHINA-KWANGTUNG ND(1889) 50 Cents Silver Pattern, 7.3 reversed pattern

1936 Kwangtung One Cent Copper Pattern with five goats

22 《東亞泉志》第 9 期

Departments 部門

美國國家歷史博物館東亞錢幣展 來自私人藏家包克家族的新捐贈 艾倫·法因戈爾德(美國)


從 2017 年 11 月 8 日開始,史密森國家歷史博物館將精選出一批霍華德·包克捐贈的錢幣藏品進行展覽。展名为“錢幣價值” 的展覽中將展出本次新獲贈的錢幣藏品中 19 個錢幣,包括從公元前 5 世紀的橋形幣、刀幣,到 20 世紀美國鑄造的中國試 打樣幣一應俱全。

本次挑選的展品是最近接受的 380 多件包克藏品捐贈 中的一部分,這批藏品包括東亞硬幣、紙幣以及郵票。其 中既有罕見的中國近代幣,如 1927 年河南省由銅和錫製 成的當 500 文樣幣,及 1837 年台灣的老公銀,也有各種 各樣的 19 世紀和 20 世紀的日韓錢幣。 “包克藏品為探索錢幣是如何展現美國與東亞之間歷 史悠久的貿易與技術聯繫方面,提供了一個很好的機會”, 國家博物館錢幣收藏館館長艾倫·費恩高德如是說。 此次接受的捐贈中還包括一套 1902 年四川省造光緒 元寶鏡面黃銅鎏金樣幣。這套硬幣由美國新澤西州漢立克 納浦廠鑄造。它的入馆既有助於瞭解上面提到的那種聯繫, 又進一步展示了北美和中國的錢幣、經濟和貿易之間的關

包克藏品入館,圖中錢幣為 1902 年四川省造光緒元寶鏡面黃銅鎏 金樣幣一套


The Ninth Issue of JEAN


Departments 部門 另外,此次的捐贈中還包括中国古代 12 件刀幣及 20 件橋

是研究東亞貨幣的一項全國性資源。國家錢幣收藏館於 2015

形幣。刀幣中有 7 把“齊刀”,5 把“明刀”。這些新獲得的

年 7 月開始舉辦“錢幣價值”展,此项展覽將美國的歷史與全




這場展覽,遊客可以探索貨幣的起源、新的貨幣技術、貨幣所 傳達的政治和文化資訊,錢幣藝術和設計以及錢幣收藏的實踐。

博物館真誠地感謝霍華德·包克家族和周邁可先生,多虧 他們的支持,讓我們研究工作進一步得到推動,公眾也能通過 展覽及數字網路更多地接觸到國家歷史博物館的藏品。

通過無與倫比的館藏、嚴謹的調查研究和充滿活力的公眾 宣傳,美國國家歷史博物館探索了美國歷史的無限豐富性和複 雜性。通過幫助人們瞭解過去,讓人們理解現在,進而塑造更

包克對收藏的熱情始於一戰後他在中國湖北省漢口市擔任 美國海軍軍官的那段經歷。他收集的東亞歷史文物達 1 萬多件。

加人性化的未來。博物館位於新南威爾士州十二至十四號街道 之間的憲法大街,每天營業時間為上午十點至下午五點三十分 (12 月 25 日聖誕節閉館 1 天),免費參觀。欲瞭解更多資訊,

自 19 世紀以來,東亞錢幣就成為了史密森國家錢幣收藏 館的一部分。如今,國家錢幣收藏館有着強大的東亞錢幣館藏,

請訪問。想要瞭解史密森學會的 相關資訊,可致電(202)633-1000。


1927-1928 年中華民國河南雙旗伍百文鍍鎳銅質樣幣,T 邊,直徑 45 毫米

1874 年(明治七年)日本五十錢銀幣

1837 年臺灣老公銀,標記“卍”

1853 年臺灣如意軍餉

1889 年廣東省造七三反版光緒元寶庫平三钱六分五釐

1936 年(民國廿五年)廣東省造五羊壹仙銅質樣幣

24 《東亞泉志》第 9 期

Departments 部門

The Fifth China Coin Expo held at Beijing’s Baoguo Temple Establishment of the China Coin League Yuan Fang (Xi’An)

Pic 1 Group photo of conferees, November 12th 2017 in Beijing’s Baoguo Temple

The year 2017 was an important year for Chinese coin collecting. Following the Fourth China Coin Expo in Wuhan City in late July, the Fifth China Coin Expo was

held in Beijing’s grand Baoguo Temple from November 12th to 14th. There were 300 official conferees (picture 1) and more than 10,000 participants in attendance. Following a trend of increased interest in coin collecting, the China Coin Collection League was proclaimed to be established during the Expo. Meeting with each other, exchanging information, and trading actively were hallmarks of the Fifth China Coin Expo.


Pic 2 Mr. Luo Bojian making a speech.

At 9 o’clock of November 12th, the Fifth China Coin Expo was declared open in the square in front of the Baoguo Temple’s main hall. The presidium of the China Coin Expo made an appearance and sat at the rostrum. Mr. Luo Bojian, President of China Association of Collectors, gave a speech (picture 2); Mr. Shi Xiaoyan (picture 3), the Chairman of China Coin Expo and Director of China Collector Association Numismatic Committee, made a speech as well. In Mr Shi’s speech, he reviewed development of the China Coin Expo and made a point

Pic 3 Mr. Shi Xiaoyan making a speech.

The Ninth Issue of JEAN


Departments 部門 about the tremendous progress of Chinese coin collecting in terms of the scale and quality in the past a few years. Following the speech, Mr. Shi announced the establishment of the China Coin Collection League (‘the League’). The core of the League are the presidium of the China Coin Expo, China Collector Association Numismatic Committee and the journal China Collections. In addition, the League is also liaised with various coin collecting organizations and trading markets nationwide. He believed that the Chinese coin collecting would be more popular and would expand further upon establishment of the League. Leading members of the China Coin Collection League are: Chairman Shi Xiaoyan, Consultant Wang Shihong and Dai Zhiqiang, Executive Vice-Chairman Ye Tao and Duan Honggang, Vice-Chairman Wang Chunli, Jia Hui, Wu Yue, Du Jun, Xiao Zhijun, Xu Jian, Li Jun, Zhang Lei, Li Feng, Lu Min, Wang Lijing, Jiang Zehao, Yan Chunya,

Pic 4 Luo Bojian (on right) awarding the license to the China Coin Collection League.

Li Weizhong, Secretary-General Xu Jian (adjunct), Vice Secretary-General Pan Li, Bo Yibing, Yin Min, Wang Dongsheng, Cao Hongguang, Zhang Shudong, Qiu Shuang, Yang Zaipan, Tang Xingbang and Tong Deming. After the applause, Luo Bojian awarded the license to the China Coin Collection League (picture 4) and pointed out that purpose of the League is to provide a better platform for coin collectors nationwide and promote coin collecting. He expected Chinese coin collectors and the market to show a new look, new trend and new achievement and contribute to the development and prosperity of socialistic culture. The 5th China Coin Expo Welcome Banquet was held at the Peking Hotel on November 12th (picture 5). SecretaryGeneral Xujian along with other Chinese numismatics

Pic 5 Shi Xiaoyan and President of Champion Auction Michael Chou making a toast at the 5th China Coin Expo welcome banquet.

leaders were present at the banquet. The executive vicechairman, Ye Tao, stated that the China Coin Collection League is to serve and promote numismatics research, grading, exhibition, information exchange and trading activities (picture 6) in China. The vice-chairman awarded plaques to four numismatic committees and eight numismatic activity centers. The executive vice-president of the China Coin Expo, Mr. Duan Honggang, gave an impassioned speech. The final lucky draw was thrilling. First prize was a set of the books ‘Appreciation of China Modern Precious Metal Coins (volumes 1-5)’ (picture 7). One of the winners, Mr. Sebastian Wieschowski, senior editor of the German journal Münzen Journal, was overjoyed to have won such a wonderful prize.

26 《東亞泉志》第 9 期

Pic 6 Ye Tao making a speech, and leaders of the China Coin Collection League are on stage (from left): Lu Min, Jiang Zehao, Yan Chunya, Zhang Lei, Xiao Zhijun, Shi Xiaoyan, Jia Hui, Du Jun, Li Jun, Wang Chunli.

Departments 部門 (b) The collecting market near Baoguo Temple has a history of 20 years. With shops along the market, the middle area is broad. It is the nationwide trading center of various collectibles in addition to auction companies, and includes all kinds of coins. The China Coin Expo intends to facilitate communication and promote numismatic research. On November 12th, the Expo was crowded: people gathered around the showcases of Beijing Gong Bo (GBCA), Champion Auction House (picture 8), CNCS, and TCIS. The China Numismatic Museum and the central trading area in front of Baoguo Temple were also thronged with people. Business was excellent (picture 9). On the second day, due

Pic 7 Wang Shihong and Dai Zhiqiang present the prize to the five first prize winners (at left is Sebastian Wieschowski, senior editor of the German journal Münzen Journal)

to the cold weather, there was much less trading activities outdoors. It was said that more and more young coin collectors have been joining the field in recent years; however, they have fallen recently due to the large number of fake coins flooding the market. Hence, popularizing knowledge and enhancing appreciation and recognition of coins should be the most important thing nowadays. Tong Deming, who is the vice-chairman of the China Coin Collection League and a numismatist from Shaanxi, advised that good condition is the key of historical coins, and he has observed that price of some coins went up by two to three times compared with last year. For example, he sold 150 good condition Da Quan Wu Shi ( 大泉五十 ) coins for RMB 100 each in a very short

Pic 8 (froom L.) Coin World editer Jeff Stack, Sebastian Wieschowski, Michael Chou, Wang Shihong, Shi Xiaoyan, David Chio.

time. I have also found that the price of Qing Dynasty coins keeps skyrocketing, particularly the Xian Feng large coins. Li Xintai, a 32-year-old collector from Linyi in Shandong Province, began collecting Xian Feng large coins and Qing dynasty charms since he was 20 years old. Evaluated by Beijing Gong Bo, his Xian Feng large coins Board of Revenue 1000 cash [long bao character], scored 80 points, and was worth RMB 35,000, his 100 cash Suzhou mint [hooked character xian], scored 82 points, and was worth RMB 7,500, and the square hole coins made by the Suzhou Mint were valued at over RMB 10,000 each for their delicate workmanship, first-class design and rarity. In addition, his Qing dynasty charms with a diameter of 4548mm are valued at RMB 4,800 each on average. Another collector, Mr. Wang Weiyi, who had retired from the Writers Publishing House and was nearly 70 years old, focuses on Japanese banknotes and Republic of China banknotes. According to him, price increases of these banknotes has been small. For example, the Southeast Asia banknotes issued by Japan had been RMB 5 each and now sold for RMB 10 at most; banknotes with Chiang Kai-shek

Pic 9-1 The lively trading scene.

The Ninth Issue of JEAN


Departments 部門 issued by Republic of China Central Bank are in low supply, and have sold for RMB 200 each; and the banknotes of border areas had been priced at RMB 1,000 each, but now even at RMB 600 it is hard to sell them. He bought a few banknotes of Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei border area at a Hong Kong auction the year before last year with average price RMB 500 each, and now he was quoted RMB 600 but there was very little turnover. On the last day of the Expo, November 14th, I visited two shops in the China Numismatic Museum. One of the owners, Mr. Zhu Donghui, told me that prices of the pre-Qin period coins in good condition was rising, and Qing dynasty charms continue to be in great demand. Besides the shop, he has opened an on-line auction and made good deals online as well. The other owner, Wang Dongsheng, who is 45 years old and has owned the shop

Pic 9-2 The lively trading scene.

since 1997 (picture 10), collects all kinds of historical coins. Numbering the coins in his collection in the many thousands, and he hold personal coin show for many times. From his point of view, more and more people with good knowledge have become coin collectors in the last few years, which has changed the disorderly coin market into a better, more professional place. He said historical coins have just started to demonstrate their true value. He also advised that instead of focusing on conditions and price, collectors should start from the basic knowledge of historical coins to understand the historical background, the craft of casting and understanding the inscriptions. Price increases will depend on the true value of genuine, high-quality coins. The 2017 Chinese coin market is flourishing, and I believe it will be even better in 2018.

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Pic 10 Wang Dongsheng and his coin shop.

Departments 部門


聯盟誕生 交流興隆 圓方(西安)

圖 1 參會者合影 2017 年 11 月 12 日于北京報國寺

2017 年是中國民間錢幣收藏活動高潮迭起的一年。繼 7

月下旬武漢第四屆全國錢幣收藏博覽會之後,時隔不到 4 個月, 第五屆會議又於 11 月 12-14 日在北京報國寺隆重舉行。本屆 參會人員 300 人(圖 1),現場參與交流者 1 萬人次以上。順 應大時世,全國錢幣收藏聯盟宣告成立;相聚集散地,各類錢 幣交流活躍生意興隆,成為第五屆全國錢幣收藏博覽會的亮點 和熱點。

(一) 12 日上午 9 時,第五屆全國錢幣收藏博覽會在報國寺大 殿前院露天廣場隆重開幕,場面十分壯觀。全國錢幣收藏博覽 會主席團成員在主席臺就坐。中國收藏家協會會長羅伯健出席

圖 2 羅伯健講話

並講話(圖 2);全國錢幣收藏博覽會主席、中國收藏家協會 錢幣收藏委員會主任石肖岩致辭(圖 3),他在回顧博覽會的 發展歷程時指出,中國的民間錢幣收藏事業較 4 年前聚首于人 民大會堂之時,在規模、品質上都有了長足的進步,且人才輩出。 接着 他興奮地宣佈:由全國錢幣收藏博覽會主席團、中國收 藏家協會錢幣收藏委員會和 《中國收藏》雜誌社為核心成員, 並聯繫全國各地主要錢幣收藏組織、錢幣收藏市場發起成立的 “全國錢幣收藏聯盟”正式誕生!他預言,有了這個聯盟,中 國的民間錢幣收藏事業會更發達、更興旺。全國錢幣收藏聯盟 領導機構成員為:主席:石肖岩。顧問:王世宏、戴志強。常 務副主席:葉濤、段洪剛。副主席:王春利、賈暉、吳越、杜

圖 3 石肖岩致辭

The Ninth Issue of JEAN


Departments 部門 軍、肖志軍、徐艦、李軍、張磊、李峰、魯民、王莉璟、江則 昊、閆春亞、李偉忠。秘書長:徐艦 ( 兼 )。副秘書長:潘麗、 卞一冰、殷敏、王東升、曹紅光、張樹東、邱爽、楊再盤、唐 興幫、童德明。羅伯健在一片掌聲中為全國錢幣收藏聯盟授牌 (圖 4),並指出,這個聯盟的成立,可以更好地為全國泉友 提供一個活動平臺,以進一步推動全國的錢幣收藏事業。他希 望全國錢幣收藏者以新的面貌、新的風氣、新的成果,為促進 社會主義文化的發展和繁榮做出貢獻。 作為本屆全國錢幣收藏博覽會重頭戲的歡迎晚宴,12 日 晚在“新中國第一宴”舉辦地北京飯店金色大廳舉行(圖 5)。 歡迎晚宴由秘書長徐艦主持,與會的全國錢幣收藏聯盟主席、 副主席集體亮相,與大家見面。常務副主席葉濤代表聯盟發言, 他指出,全國錢幣收藏聯盟的成立,能夠更好地為全國錢幣收

圖 4 羅伯健(右)向全國錢幣收藏聯盟授牌

藏愛好者以及相關企業服務,也能更好推動我們錢幣界的學術 研究、鑒定評級、展覽展銷、交流交易等活動,中國的錢幣收 藏事業會更加紅火、更加輝煌(圖 6)!各位副主席為新成立 的全國錢幣收藏聯盟紙幣委員會、外國錢幣委員會和之前成立 現吸納的 4 個委員會、8 個地方活動中心頒發牌匾。博覽會協 辦方代表、常務副主席段洪剛發表了熱情洋溢的講話。而最後 舉行的抽獎活動扣人心弦,王世宏、戴志強二位顧問為頭等獎 獲得者頒獎,獎品為《中國現代貴金屬幣賞析(第 1-5 冊)》 (圖 7),德國《硬幣評論》雜誌編輯塞巴斯蒂安·維巧斯基 手捧厚重的大獎,喜出望外,他說,抽獎者讀到自己的入場券

圖 5 石肖岩與冠軍拍賣總裁周邁可及外國朋友在歡迎晚宴上祝酒


(二) 建立已整整 20 年的報國寺收藏品市場,如今兩邊店鋪林 立,中間場地寬廣,成為除拍賣公司外全國收藏品的集中疏散 地,各類錢幣自然也從四面八方湧來,通過交易,心儀錢幣又 被愛好者收入囊中。錢博會的重心在於促進交流,推動研究。 本屆錢博會的錢幣藏品交易,從報到的 11 日就已開始,12 日 開幕當天殿內的各家公司如北京公博、冠軍拍賣(圖 8)、華 龍盛世、南京天印等展櫃參觀者較多,中國錢幣館和殿外中心

圖 6 葉濤致辭 與會的全國錢幣收藏聯盟領導成員悉數亮相 左 起:魯民、江則昊、閆春亞、張磊、肖志軍、石肖岩、賈暉、 杜軍、李軍、王春利

交易場區收藏者摩肩接踵,參觀流覽,選購心儀品,討價還價, 交易十分活躍(圖 9)。從 13 日起因寒風襲面,室外攤位交 易人流遂減。 筆者走訪得知,近年入市的年輕錢幣愛好者較多,由於假 幣贗品氾濫,致使望而卻步,看來要使錢幣收藏隊伍擴大,收 藏事業健康持續發展,應把普及錢幣收藏、鑒賞知識放在首位。 就如何挑選泉品和行情分析而言,聯盟副秘書長、陝西錢幣專 家童德明告訴筆者,古幣一定要選品相好的,所謂好,就是坑 口好、鏽色漂亮、錢體規整。現在珍稀品搶手,藏家藏而不露, 待價而沽;一般品中,好品相者價格比去年同期上漲 2-3 倍,

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圖 7 王世宏(左 5)、戴志強(左 4)向五位頭獎幸運者頒獎(左 1 為德國《硬幣評論》雜誌編輯塞巴斯蒂安·維巧斯基)

Departments 部門 他這次帶來 150 枚大泉五十,品相好,100 元 1 枚很快售罄。 筆者觀察,清代古幣價格繼續暴漲,特別是咸豐大錢價格不菲。 32 歲的山東臨沂李鑫泰,20 多歲開始主玩咸豐大錢和清代花 錢,也玩機製幣,他帶的咸豐大錢經公博評級,美 80 分寶泉 當千出頭寶單枚 3.5 萬元、美 82 分寶蘇當百勾咸單枚 7500 元, 蘇局錢因為做工漂亮、穿口規整、版模一流、存世量少,方 孔美品價格已經過萬。清代花錢直徑 45-48 毫米者均價 4800 元 1 枚。另一櫃檯賣主是中年人,出售幣全為經北京公博、湖 州通寶、PCGS 評過級,售價:貨布 80 分 720 元、至正通寶 75 分 1400 元、二十三年船洋 58 分 800 元。他說,現在假幣 太多,玩評級幣放心。從作家出版社退休年近七十的王為一先 生主玩日本紙幣,也玩民國紙幣,他說這些幣種漲幅不大,日 本在南洋發行的鈔票原來 5 元 1 張,現在最多賣 10 元;民國 中央銀行蔣介石頭像券存世量少,200 元 1 張;邊區紙幣從前 1 張 1000 元左右,現在 600 元都不好賣。他前年從香港拍賣 會買的晉察冀邊區紙幣,均價 500 元 1 張,現在叫價 600 元, 鮮有成交。14 日閉會前夕,筆者特意走訪了中國錢幣館兩家 商戶, “歸一閣”藏主朱東輝認為,先秦錢幣部分精品價格升溫, 清代花錢持續火熱。他同時開辦網上古幣定期微拍,成交情況 較好。45 歲的“晉秦源”藏主王東升,1997 年報國寺初建文 化市場時即在此開店,迄今營業史已 20 年(圖 10)。他主玩 中國古錢歷代大系,現有藏品千余件,曾舉辦個人錢幣展無數 次,歷來重視品相及歷代珍稀品種。他認為,隨着這些年大家 對錢幣文化的認知和不斷的提升,湧現出了一批有知識、有能 力的玩兒家和藏家,以前錢幣市場混亂不堪的局面也發生了根 本改變。目前,古錢幣才真正步入體現其真正價值的開始。他 還說,玩錢幣其實不能光看品相和價格,首先要從最基礎的知 識學起,要充分瞭解錢幣的歷史背景,和各鑄錢局的銅質及文 字、鑄造工藝。只有買到真品和精品,才能體現其價格的上升。 上述綜述表明,2017 年仲冬時中國錢幣收藏一片火熱景 象,相信 2018 年春天會更加美好。

圖 8 左起:美國《錢幣世界》资深编辑 Jeff Stack、德國《硬 幣評論》編輯塞巴斯蒂安·維巧斯基、周邁可、王世宏、石肖岩、 趙康池

圖 9-3 交流場面人氣旺盛

圖 10 王東升和他的錢幣店

The Ninth Issue of JEAN


Departments 部門

My First Numismatic Discovery Journey to Beijing:

Coin Collectors also Understand Each Other Without Words Sebastian Wieschowski (Germany) They stand in line for hundreds of meters to obtain a medal as a gift from a US-American coin magazine, they marvel at the new coinage of the Austrian Mint and they get hugged by life-size plush kangaroos and koalas from the Perth Mint- but those people do not come from New York, Vienna or Sydney. The collectors, which I am speaking about, come from places like Beijing, Shenyang or Shanghai. And right in the middle of this, I am standing, the reporter from Germany. And even if I have not heard my mother tongue for almost a week, I do not feel strange in this place because I share the passion for coin collecting with these people. However, a few days before, when I set off into the unknown on a stormy Monday evening, I took a queasy gut feeling with me on my journey to Beijing, where I will visit my very first coin show outside of Germany – and Beijing might not be the easiest destination from a German point of view. While China and Germany have been closely linked for more than 45 years now, the People’s Republic considered far away in the minds of most Germans – not only geographically, but also linguistically and culturally. And there are tons of questions running through my head: Will I find the way from the airport to the hotel in the impenetrable confusion of the Beijing Metro? Will I get run over by a car the first time I cross the street? How should I communicate with the people I want to meet in the coming days? When I embarked on my return trip a week later, almost all questions had been answered: The metro network in Beijing is much larger, but almost as easy to see through as in Berlin or Munich. Road traffic takes some getting used to, but if you do not run blindly across the street, you will not get run over. And if the Chinese and English languages do not find a way to find each other, the easiest thing that helps and says enough is a warm and friendly smile. The "Beijing International Coin Expo" has evolved into a Mecca for coin collectors throughout Asia in recent years. Since 2013, it takes place in a magnificent glass palace in the heart of the Olympic quarter of Beijing. Coin dealers and mints, auction houses and accessory producers have set up their stands in two large exhibition halls. I cannot decipher most of the company names, but on the first tour of the fair I also meet many well-known names: The Austrian Mint has set up a booth in the well-known Alpine Cabine style, made of rustic wood. The Royal Mint from the United Kingdom and the Monnaie de Paris from France have spread their products across their tables. The

32 《東亞泉志》第 9 期

futuristic booths are a bit reminiscent of the large hall at the World Money Fair, where the mints build up a veritable amusement park for coin collectors each year. A few days earlier, the exhibition hall in the "Beijing International Convention Center" looks like a battlefield. Hundreds, if not thousands, of workers are plunging into a sea of dust, scraps of wood and crates, which will be spotlessly bright next day and turned into a sophisticated trade fair venue. They screw, they make room, they plaster - and they conjure up a dream world for numismatists out of nowhere, which is about to exist only for three days and is thereafter almost completely scrapped again. On this first day of my stay in Beijing, I realize how China managed to get on the fast lane in international trade and become a world leader and innovator. The organizers of the fair have spruced up their "Show" (the German word “Messe” is rather sober in German, but much

Beijing International Coin Exposition Venue is under construction

Booth of China Banknote Printing and Minting Corporation

Departments 部門 more glorifying in English) for the international guests. But anyone who takes a closer look, quickly discovers that the fair is in fact a national matter. The visitors mostly come from Asia, much of the hall is occupied by the emerging Chinese banks, mints and trading houses. It is all about China showing off that it is also among the best in the world in terms of numismatics - no matter where you look: You can finddetailed precision minting as well as banknotes with the latest security features everywhere. And the "BICE" is more than a classic coin show: If you want to admire or buy stuff, you can find almost everything that can be made of gold and silver. Also, flatware and jewelry belong to the product range of this special coin show. When the fair started on a Thursday morning, I instantly forget that the mighty marble and glass temple of the “China National Convention Center” is actually located in the People's Republic of China. But I am reminded again and again of this fact by some small details: For example, I learn very quickly that in China, there is obviously some more pomp and glory around when something official happens – just imagine what it was like if the organizers of the “World Money Fair” make a sophisticated entrance to the event site to the music of "Star Trek". While something like this would not be imaginable in Germany, it is pretty common in China - just like the polished rhetoric of the dignitaries that welcome the fair guests at the official opening ceremony. I do not understand any of their words, but I constantly hang on her lips: The Chinese is a beautiful language that seems to include many more accents and pitches than German. My mother tongue, in the contrary, seems rather monotonous in comparison. After the official words are spoken, the hunt for the new and the unknown begins - and the Chinese collectors stand out with a unique passion for coins that could serve as a role model for numismatic markets elsewhere. They rush fearlessly especially towards the booths of the US grading provider s and the mints from Australia, Britain or France. The fact that most companies have not flown in their entire staff, but run the stands with local sellers, may help remove certain obstacles for the local audience. And I witnessed many situations, in front of the Austrian wooden hut, the elegant and minimalist state of the "Monnaie de Paris" or the glass cabinets with British Pounds coins, which make coin collecting one of the best hobbies in the world: Coin collecting also an exchange of culture and language, geography and history. And coin collectors can apparently understand each other even without translation smartphone apps or a higher education in foreign languages.

2017 Beijing international Coin Exposition openning ceremoney

The Austrian Mint

the Monnaie de Paris from France

However, the cosmopolitan flair of this fair also encourages The Royal Mint from the United Kingdom

The Ninth Issue of JEAN


Departments 部門 me to get to know the "real" China - and its collectors, who have been pursuing their hobby far away from modern pop culture. You can find them not only in the sterile and modern convention center, but at a very special location: the Baoguo (temple), a Buddhist temple complex hosts a permanent coin market with many small shops as well as the “5th China Collectors Society Coin Association Annual Show”- if the "BICE" show could be compared to something like the "World Money Fair" with its futuristic trade fair booths in the upscale "Convention Center", the China collectors society coin association annual show would be similar to a regionally based dealer show in Germany like the Numismata. But on this sunny Sunday, the "smaller" trade show is at least as popular and busy as the "big" counterpart – and you can see at both places how alive is the numismatics in China. Hundreds of dealers have spread their goods on small platforms in the freezing cold. Coins and banknotes are piled up in suitcases and bags, tons of collectibles are to be discovered and the wide place fills up with a colorful babble of voices after a short time. You cannot tell how huge the risk of obtaining counterfeit coins actually is at this market- some of the stuff looks suspiciously like the material that looks like rarities and can be found at stunningly low prices in German Internet auctions. But the Chinese obviously do not care about this - young and old come together at the Baoguo Temple, grandparents brought their children and haggle persistently over bargains for their collection. While the focus of the small show in the ancient temple is placed on Chinese cash money and other artifacts from the exciting and mysterious Chinese money history, visitors to the "Beijing International Coin Expo" are keen on modern coins from around the world. They sneak off to any bigger booth to obtain a stamp for a special "coin-pass", they stand in line to obtain a free pattern slab at the major grading companies. A US coin magazine causes tumult and a huge presence of security personnel, because the editors "only" brought 500 medals as a gift for the visitors - far too little for the onslaught of collectors. In Fact, the supposedly unknown from other countries is very familiar to coin aficionados from China in reality – many of them read American and German coin magazines in the Seventies and Eighties which they got from friends abroad. However, the undisputed superstar in Beijing is not a grading service, no magazine publisher and no mint, but a cuddly fellow who shines in gold and silver every year: The Panda has taken the hearts of collectors and investors from all over the world since 1982 on the precious metal coins from China and will appear in 2018 with an up-close

34 《東亞泉志》第 9 期

The Baoguo (temple) "5th China Collectors Society Coin Association Annual Show"

Visitors shall get souvenirs at the booth of China Banknote Printing and Minting Corporation

2018 Panda Coins

Departments 部門 shot of a baby Panda. At the official presentation of the 2018 edition, the show specialists from China make once again clear that they probably lay no claim to becoming the world champions in understatement: The new design is presented via futuristic lighting and dramatic music, a dancing group of children in panda costumes and two moderators with an everlasting smile who praise the innovation from their homeland in shrill tones - their pride becomes clear even without any knowledge of the Chinese language. And it becomes apparent even more a little later when I have the possibility to visit the "5th china collectors' society coin association annual gala" at the Peking hotel, the first five star hotel in Beijing. The festivities at the gorgeous grand ballroom remind me of a top-class movie award ceremony – in China, collectors and designers don’t end up in some shady backroom, but are placed in the bright lights on a grand stage. Speaking of the grand stage – the Coin Show in Beijing was marked by the introduction of a very special book which highlights some of the world-renowned coin designs from China: The Chinese version of the “Coin of the Year” catalogue was officially presented in Beijing. As China had won nine “Coin of the Year” awards in the annual competition, organized by Krause Mishler publishing from the Unites States, Beijing can also be considered as one of the coin capitals in the World. Some of the finest designs of the past three decades were displayed at the booth of Champion Macao Auction, one of the awards’s sponsors. And the booth was also a regular meeting point for some of the greats in contemporary numismatics: David Harper and Clifford Mishler, the two masterminds behind the “COTY” awards, stopped by to sign books. Yu Min, China’s first “COTY” lifetime award winner visited the booth and presented his trophy – as I have many of Yu’s designs in my personal Panda collection, meeting the man behind the coins was a very special moment for me. And the designers of the other winning Chinese coins as well as judges from the past years coming together for an exclusive dinner event during the show and talking about their memories with other coin enthusiasts from all over the world, might have been a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Champion table. From L., Michael Chou the CEO of Champion Auction, David Harper the editor of Numismatic News Yu Min, the senior designer, Clifford Mishler the Coin of the Year founder

Since childhood, the Chinese Panda coin was one of the first and few things that I knew about China until November 2017. After three days at the coin market, I witnessed with my own eyes what I only knew from newspapers and books before: The energetic move of China into the fast lane, the fascination and diversity of Chinese culture - and the vibrancy of coin collecting in China: Numismatics is an integral part of this age-old culture until today and a hobby for hundreds of thousands of Chinese people, which has surpassed short-term trends and changing political circumstances. I hope to see some of the coin collectors and catalog authors, dealers and auction house operators in Germany very soon. They are the future of numismatics, just like you and me, and deserve to be welcomed with open arms in Berlin, Munich or Stuttgart.

The Ninth Issue of JEAN


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Auf numismatischer Entdeckungsreise in Peking: Münzensammler aus Deutschland und China verstehen sich auch ohne Worte Sebastian Wieschowski (Germany) Sie stehen hunderte Meter lang für eine Medaille als Gastgeschenk einer US-amerikanischen Münzzeitschrift an, bestaunen die neuen Prägungen der Münze Österreich oder lassen sich sichtlich belustigt mit einem lebensgroßen australischen Känguru und Koala fotografieren - die Rede ist jedoch nicht von Münzensammlern aus New York, Wien oder Sydney. Die Hobbynumismatiker kommen aus Peking, Shenyang oder Shanghai. Und mittendrin stehe ich, der Reporter aus Deutschland. Und auch, wenn ich seit fast einer Woche meine Muttersprache nicht mehr gehört habe, fühle ich mich an diesem Ort nicht fremd. Denn ich teile mit diesen Menschen die Leidenschaft fürs Münzensammeln. Als ich einige Tage vorher an einem stürmischen Montagabend ins Ungewisse aufbreche, nehme ich jedoch ein mulmiges Bauchgefühl mit nach Peking, wo ich die erste Münzenbörse außerhalb von Deutschland besuchen werde - ausgerechnet in China, das nicht nur geographisch, sondern auch sprachlich und kulturell so weit weg legt. Viele Fragen gehen mir durch den Kopf: Werde ich in dem undurchschaubaren Wirrwarr der Metro den Weg vom Flughafen zum Hotel finden? Werde ich beim ersten Überqueren der Straße überfahren? Wie soll ich mich gegenüber den Menschen, die ich in den kommenden Tagen kennen lernen möchte, verständlich machen? Als ich eine Woche später über China in den Sonnenuntergang fliege, sind fast alle Fragen beantwortet: Das U-BahnNetz in Peking ist zwar deutlich größer, aber fast genau so leicht zu durchschauen wie in Berlin oder München. Der Straßenverkehr ist gewöhnungsbedürftig, aber wer nicht blind über die Straße rennt, wird nicht überfahren. Und wenn Chinesisch und Englisch nicht zueinander finden wollen, hilft meistens ein herzliches Lächeln. Die "Beijing International Coin Expo" hat sich in den vergangenen Jahren zum Mekka der Münzensammler im gesamten asiatischen Raum entwickelt. Seit 2013 findet sie in einem prunkvollen Glaspalast im Herzen des Olympiaviertels von Peking statt. In zwei großen Messehallen haben Münzenhändler und Prägestätten, Auktionshäuser und Zubehörproduzenten ihre Stände aufgebaut. Wie sie heißen, kann ich nicht entziffern. Doch beim ersten Rundgang über die Messe begegnen mir auch viele bekannte Namen: Die Münze Österreich hat einen Stand aufgebaut, stilecht aus rustikalem Holz. Die Royal Mint aus Großbritannien und die Monnaie de

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Paris aus Frankreich haben ihre Waren ausgebreitet. Die futuristischen Messestände erinnern ein wenig an die große Halle der World Money Fair, wo die Prägestätten jedes Jahr einen regelrechten Vergnügungspark für Münzensammler aufbauen. Noch ein paar Tage zuvor ähnelt die Messehalle im "Beijing International Convention Center" jedoch einem Schlachtfeld. Hunderte, wenn nicht gar tausende Arbeiter tauchen den Ort, der bereits am kommenden Tag blitzblank aussehen muss, in ein Meer aus Staub, Holzresten und Kisten. Sie schrauben, sie zimmern, sie gipsen - und sie zaubern aus dem Nichts eine Traumwelt für Numismatiker, die nur drei Tage steht und danach fast vollständig wieder verschrottet wird. Bereits an diesem ersten Tag meiner Reise wird mir bewusst, wie China im internationalen Welthandel auf die Überholspur gelangen konnte.

Beijing International Coin Exposition Venue is under construction

Booth of China Banknote Printing and Minting Corporation

Departments 部門 Die Messeveranstalter haben ihre "Show" (das im Deutschen eher nüchterne Wort wird im Englischen dem Glanz deutlich gerechter) für die internationalen Gäste herausgeputzt. Doch wer genau hinsieht, entdeckt schnell: Die Messe ist eigentlich eine nationale Angelegenheit. Die Besucher kommen fast ausschließlich aus Asien, ein Großteil der Halle wird von den aufstrebenden chinesischen Banken, Prägestätten und Handelshäusern belegt. China zeigt hier, dass es auch in numismatischer Hinsicht zur Weltspitze gehört - egal, wohin man schaut: Überall werden detailverliebte Präzisions-Prägungen sowie Banknoten mit den neuesten Sicherheitsfeatures präsentiert. Und die "BICE" ist mehr als eine klassische Münzenmesse: Zu bestaunen und zu kaufen gibt es fast alles, was man aus Gold und Silber herstellen kann. Auch Bestecke und Schmuck zählen zur Produktpalette. Als am Donnerstagvormittag die Messe beginnt, vergesse ich in dem mächtigen Münzentempel aus Marmor und Glas, dass ich mich in der Volksrepublik China befinde. Doch ich werde immer wieder durch kleine Details daran erinnert: So lerne ich beispielsweise, dass man in China offenbar etwas stärker als in Deutschland auf Pomp setzt, wenn etwas Offizielles passiert - man stelle sich vor, wie die deutsche Fachöffentlichkeit wohl reagiert, wenn die Veranstalter der World Money Fair zur Musik von "Star Trek" in das Berliner Estrel-Hotel einmarschieren. In China ist dies völlig normal - genauso wie die geschliffene Rhetorik der vielen Menschen, welche die Messegäste bei der offiziellen Eröffnungsfeier willkommen heißen. Ich verstehe keines ihrer Worte, aber ich hänge an ihren Lippen: Das Chinesische ist eine wunderschöne Sprache, die offenbar viel mehr Betonungen und Stimmlagen umfasst als das Deutsche, welches mir im direkten Vergleich ziemlich eintönig vorkommt. Nachdem die offiziellen Worte gesprochen sind, geht die Jagd auf Neues und Unbekanntes los - und die chinesischen Sammler fallen durch eine Leidenschaft auf, welche ansteckt. Völlig furchtlos stürzen sie insbesondere auf die Messestände der US-amerikanischen GradingDienstleister sowie Prägestätten aus Australien, Großbritannien oder Frankreich. Dass die meisten Firmen nicht ihr komplettes Personal eingeflogen haben, sondern die Messestände mit Einheimischen besetzen, hilft möglicherweise, gewisse Hürden gegenüber der Fremde abzubauen. Und so geschieht vor der österreichischen Holzhütte, dem eleganten und minimalistisch gestalteten Stand der "Monnaie de Paris" oder den Glasvitrinen mit britischen Pfundmünzen das, was das Münzensammeln zu einem der schönsten Hobbies der Welt macht: Ein Austausch von Kultur und Sprache, Geographie und Geschichte. Münzensammler verstehen sich offenbar auch

2017 Beijing international Coin Exposition openning ceremoney

The Austrian Mint

the Monnaie de Paris from France

The Royal Mint from the United Kingdom

The Ninth Issue of JEAN


Departments 部門 ohne Übersetzungs-App oder ein Hochschulstudium in der Muttersprache des Gegenübers. Das kosmopolitische Flair dieser Messe ermutigt mich jedoch auch, das "echte" China kennenzulernen - und seine Sammler, die fernab der Pop-Kultur seit Jahrzehnten ihrem Hobby. Denn die findet man an diesem Wochenende nicht nur in der sterilen Messehalle, sondern an einem ganz besonderen Ort: dem Baugou, einer buddhistischen Tempelanlage. Hier befindet sich nicht nur ein dauerhaft eingerichteter Münzenmarkt mit vielen kleinen Geschäften, sondern auch die jährliche Münzenmesse der „China Collectors Society Coin Association“, einer landesweiten Sammlervereinigung - wenn die "BICE"-Show im noblen "Convention Center" so etwas wie die chinesische "World Money Fair" mit ihren futuristischen Messebauten ist, dann ähnelt die Messe des Sammlerverbands stark einer regional verankerten Händlermesse wie der Numismata. Und die "kleine" Messe ist an diesem Sonntag mindestens genauso beliebt und gut besucht wie ihr "großes" Pendant - an beiden Orten wird deutlich, wie lebendig die Numismatik in China ist. In eisiger Kälte haben hunderte Händler auf kleinen Podesten ihre Ware ausgebreitet. Münzen und Banknoten sind in Koffern, Stapeln und Tüten tonnenweise aufgereiht und der Platz füllt sich nach kürzester Zeit mit einem bunten Stimmengewirr. Wie groß die Gefahr ist, an dieser Stelle einer Münzfälschung auf den Leim zu gehen, lässt sich nicht sagen - manche der Gepräge sehen verdächtig nach dem aus, was man seit einigen Monaten in deutschen Internetauktionshäusern zu auffällig niedrigen Preisen findet. Doch die Chinesen lassen sich ihr Hobby dadurch nicht kaputtmachen - Jung und Alt kommen im Baoguo-Tempel zusammen, Großeltern haben ihre Kinder mitgebracht und feilschen hartnäckig um ein historisches Schnäppchen für die Sammlung. Während in der Tempelanlage vor allem chinesisches CashGeld und anderes aus der aufregenden und mysteriösen Geldgeschichte Chinas den Besitzer wechselt, haben es die Besucher der "Beijing International Coin Expo" vor allem auf moderne Prägungen aus aller Welt abgesehen, sie lassen sich an jedem größeren Stand einen Stempel in einen "Münz-Pass" drücken und stehen sich die Beine in den Bauch, um bei den großen Gradingfirmen einen Muster-Slab als Geschenk zu erhalten. Am Stand einer USamerikanischen Zeitschrift kommt es zu Tumulten, weil die Redakteure "nur" 500 Medaillen als Geschenk für die Messebesucher mitgebracht haben - viel zu wenig für den Ansturm der Sammler. Das vermeintlich Fremde ist für viele Münzliebhaber in China in Wirklichkeit sehr vertraut - sie haben sch, wie ich im Laufe der Messe immer wieder höre, insbesondere in den Siebziger und Achtziger Jahren

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The Baoguo (temple) "5th China Collectors Society Coin Association Annual Show"

Visitors shall get souvenirs at the booth of China Banknote Printing and Minting Corporation

2018 Panda Coins

Departments 部門

Champion table. From L., Michael Chou the CEO of Champion Auction, David Harper the editor of Numismatic News Yu Min, the senior designer, Clifford Mishler the Coin of the Year founder

amerikanische und deutsche Münzzeitschriften mitbringen oder schicken lassen. Der unangefochtene Superstar in Peking ist allerdings kein Gradingdienstleister, kein Zeitschriftenverlag und auch keine Prägestätte, sondern ein knuffiger Zeitgenosse, der jedes Jahr in Gold und Silber erstrahlt: Der Panda ist seit 1982 auf Edelmetallmünzen aus China zu sehen und erscheint im Jahr 2018 mit einer Nahaufnahme des Tieres. Und bei der offiziellen Vorstellung machen die Chinesen abermals deutlich, dass sie wohl keinen Anspruch auf die Weltmeisterschaft im Understatement legen: Mit einer futuristischen Licht- und Musikshow wird das neue Motiv feierlich enthüllt, zuvor tanzt eine Kindergruppe in Pandakostümen über die Bühne und zwei strahlende Moderatoren preisen in schrillen Tönen die Innovation aus ihrer Heimat - ihr Stolz wird auch ohne Kenntnisse der chinesischen Sprache deutlich.

Der "China Panda" war bis zum November 2017 das einzige, was mich mit China verband. Nach drei Tagen auf der Münzenbörse wird für mich das deutlich, was ich sonst nur aus Zeitungen und Büchern kenne: Wie energisch China auf die Überholspur gewechselt ist, wie faszinierend und vielfältig die chinesische Kultur ist - und dass das Münzensammeln in China ein fester Bestandteil dieser Jahrtausende alten Kultur ist, die kurzfristige Trends und wechselnde politische Verhältnisse gut überstanden hat. Ich hoffe, dass ich einige der Münzensammler und Katalogautoren, Händler und Auktionshausbetreiber bald in Deutschland wiedersehe. Sie haben es verdient, mit offenen Armen in Berlin, München oder Stuttgart empfangen zu werden.

The Ninth Issue of JEAN


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塞巴斯蒂安·維巧斯基(德國) 為了獲得美國《錢幣世界》雜誌贈送的紀念银章,他們耐


心地排着數百米的長隊,他們對奧地利造幣廠的新幣驚歎不已, 他們與真人扮演的袋鼠和考拉抱在一起——這些收藏家並非來









所有的一切都在彰顯着中國在錢幣界也處於世界前列:目光所 及之處,都是精雕細琢的造幣工藝新产品和無處不在的採用了







並不是一個令人輕鬆的目的地。雖然中德建交已經超過 45 周


年了,但中華人民共和國在大多數德國人心目中依然是遙不可 及——不僅僅是距離上,更是語言和文化的隔閡。我腦海中不








手回程之時,幾乎所有的問題都迎刃而解:北京的地鐵交通網 遠比预想的龐大,和柏林或者慕尼黑的地鐵一樣方便乘坐;道 路交通雖然需要一點時間才能適應,但只要不是橫衝直撞,過 馬路時也不會被車撞倒;和語言不通的中國人交流,最簡單有 效的方法就是報以一個溫暖和友善的微笑。 近年來,“北京國際錢幣博覽會”已經成為亞洲各地錢幣 收藏家們的聖地。自 2013 年 10 月以來,世界各大錢幣經銷商、 造幣廠、拍賣行和配件生產商就在位於北京奧林匹克中心附近 的国家会议中心——一座宏偉玻璃宮殿裡的兩個大展廳中設立 了展位。雖然看不懂大部分公司的名稱,但我却在第一次參加 展會時就遇見了許多老面孔:奧地利造幣廠的展位是原木搭建


的阿爾卑斯山木屋風格;英國皇家造幣廠和法國巴黎造币局把 他們的展品擺了滿滿几桌;未來主題的展位元則讓人想起了世 界钱幣博覽會上的造幣廠,他們為錢幣收藏者們建立了一個真 正的主題公園。 在最初的前幾天,北京国家會議中心的展廳看起來就如同 一個戰場。我在开幕的前一天看到,成百上千的工人投身到充 斥着灰塵、木屑和板條箱的海洋當中,要在第二天把這裡轉變 成一個潔淨明亮、精緻高档的交易會場所。他們擰螺絲,騰挪 空間,塗石膏——他們為錢幣界變出了一個夢幻般的世界,雖 然這個世界只能存在三天,之後就幾乎完全報廢。在北京的第 一天,我就領會到了中國為何能夠躋身於國際貿易的快車道從

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Departments 部門 它就會成為一件充滿了榮耀的事情——各位可以腦補一下,就 好比世界钱幣博覽會的組織者們以電影《星際迷航》主題為背 景音樂,打造了一個通向展會的無比精緻的入口。以下的事情 在德國是不會發生的,但在中國卻是稀鬆平常——達官貴人在 官方開幕式上吐着華麗的辭藻歡迎着前來的貴賓。雖然我一個 字都沒聽懂,但我的注意力完全被他們的吐詞發音吸引住了: 漢語的發音和聲調聽起來比德語更加抑揚頓挫,是一門美麗的 語言。相反地,我的母語相較而言似乎比較單調。 在官方致辭完畢之後,一場發掘新生和未知事物的狩獵開 始了——中國的收藏者們對錢幣的高漲熱情應成為世界各國錢 幣界的榜樣。他們亟不可待地簇擁到美國評級服務商和澳大利 亞、英國或法國巴黎造幣局的展位前。大多數的公司選擇與當

2017 北京國際錢幣博覽會開幕式

地賣家一起合作展出商品,這應該有助於減少對本地受眾的妨 礙。我多次親眼目睹了在奧地利的木屋展位前,在優雅和奉行 極簡主義的法国巴黎造币局展位前或是英鎊硬幣的玻璃陳列櫃 前,不需要智慧手機的翻譯軟體或接受過外語高等教育,錢幣 收藏者們也能相互明白對方。這使得硬幣收藏成為世界上收藏 者最棒的愛好之一:硬幣收藏是文化、語言、地域和歷史的交流。 不管怎樣,這個充滿了“世界性”天賦的展會也鼓勵了我 去接觸和瞭解真正的中國和這些有着非主流愛好的錢幣收藏者 們。他們不僅僅只出現在消過毒的現代會議中心,還會去一個


非常特殊的地點“報國寺”——一個佛教寺廟的綜合建築裡有 一個長年的由許多小商店構成的硬幣和纸品交易市場,“第五 屆全國錢幣收藏博覽會”正在此舉辦——如果說以充滿未來感 的交易展位元和上檔次的會議中心為特徵的北京國際錢幣博覽 會是與世界钱幣博覽會相媲美的,那麼由中國收藏家協會錢幣 收藏委員會主辦的全國錢幣收藏博覽會則好比德國的區域經銷 商展會,比如柏林國際錢幣紀念博覽會。 就這個陽光明媚的周日而言,這個“小型”的交易展會至 少和大展會一樣繁忙和受歡迎——兩個展會都能看出中國的錢 幣市場是多麼的生機勃勃。雖然天氣嚴寒,但數百個經銷商 依然把貨物陳列在一個個小平臺上。硬幣和鈔票堆放在手提箱


和手提包裡,這裡有數不清的收藏品,在很短的時間內就充滿 了有趣的各種各樣的聲音。你無法評估在這個市場上買到假幣 的風險到底有多大——有些商品的材質看起來讓人生疑,在德 國的網路拍賣中價格是驚人的低廉。但中國人顯然並不在乎這 些——男女老少都來了,中國的祖父母們帶着他們的孫輩一起 為收藏品堅定地討價還價。 古寺廟裡的小型交易會以中國的現鈔和神秘的讓人興奮的 中國古幣及仿製品為主,而北京國際錢幣博覽會上的參觀者則 熱衷於世界各地的現代錢幣。他們擠進一個個較大展位上以獲 取一枚特別的“硬幣通行證”印章,他們排着隊等候在主要的


The Ninth Issue of JEAN


Departments 部門 評級服務商的展位前以獲得一個免費的硬幣保護盒樣品。來自 美國的《錢幣世界》雜誌的展位前出現了騷動,以致於出動了 眾多安保人員維持秩序,原因就是该雜誌社“只”帶來了 500 枚紀念銅鍍银章作為禮物分發給展會參加者——而這遠遠不能 滿足收藏者們的需求。來自其他國家的人不知道,但中國的錢 幣狂熱愛好者都清楚,他們中的很多人早在七八十年代就通過 國外的朋友讀到了美國和德國的錢幣雜誌。 但是,在北京展會上公認的超級巨星不是評級服務商,不 是雜誌出版社,也不是造幣廠,而是一個個閃耀着金銀光芒逗 人喜愛的傢伙:自從 1982 年以來,熊貓幣就一直是全球收藏 者和投資人的心頭所好,且 2018 年款的熊貓幣更是引入了近 距離拍攝的熊貓寶寶形象。在熊猫币 2018 年新版本的官方發

北京國際錢幣博覽會 Coin World 展位前,參觀者領取紀念品

佈會上,中國的展會專家們再次明確地表示他們不以獲得世界 冠軍為目標:新版本的發佈是以極具未來感的燈光,戲劇性的 音樂,一群穿着熊貓服跳舞的兒童,和兩位臉上帶着永恆微笑 的抑揚頓挫地讚美祖國創新的主持人來共同呈現的——即使不 懂任何中文也能清晰地感受到他們的驕傲。這種感受在稍後參 加的第五届全国钱币收藏博览会欢迎晚宴上則更加明顯。晚會 在北京第一家五星級酒店北京飯店舉行,華麗的宴會廳讓我想 起了曾參加過的一個頂級電影頒獎典禮——在中國,收藏家和 設計師們不躲在什麼黑乎乎的密室裡,而是走到聚光燈下置身 於盛大的舞臺上。 談及盛大舞臺,不得不提起這次北京錢幣展的與眾不同之

2018 年熊貓幣發佈會

處在於引進了一本非常特別的書,這本書突出了來自中國的聞 名世界的錢幣設計師們:《年度錢幣目錄》——《世界硬币大 奖赛》中文版在北京正式發行。中國在由克勞斯米什勒牽頭組 織的年度大獎賽中,先後總共贏得 9 次“年度硬幣”单项大獎, 北京也隨之躋身於全球錢幣中心之一。在過去三十年中設計得 最精美的部分硬幣在世界硬幣大獎賽的贊助商之一——澳門冠 軍拍賣公司的展位上展出。這個展位也是當代錢幣大師們的定 期聚會點。 世界硬幣大獎賽的兩位策劃人大衛·哈珀和克利福德·米 什勒在展位前駐足簽名。余敏,中國第一位世界硬幣大獎賽終

冠軍展位,左起:冠軍總裁周邁可、《世界錢幣新聞》編輯大 衛·哈珀、高級工藝美術師余敏、“世界硬幣大獎”克利福德·米 什勒手拿《世界硬币大奖赛》中文版

身成就獎獲得者也前來參觀並受领了他的獎盃——由於我個人 收集了很多由与敏設計的熊貓幣,能見到他本人對我而言意義







向和變化着的政治環境。我期待着在不久的將來可以和他們中 的某些錢幣收藏家及钱币目錄作者在德國相見。他們是錢幣界

從孩童時代開始到 2017 年 11 月之前,中國熊貓幣是我 第一次接觸到也是僅知道的為數不多的中國事物之一。而僅僅

的未來,就像你和我一樣,值得柏林、慕尼黑或斯圖加特敞開 懷抱歡迎。

在钱幣展会上待了三天之後,我就親眼目睹了之前只能從報紙 和書上看到的事情:活力充沛的中國是如何躋身於經濟發展的

42 《東亞泉志》第 9 期


Departments 部門

COTY Book Release A Night to Remember in the World of Numismatics Sebastian Wieschowski (Germany)

COTY book release dinner party

Eight award-winning coin designers from the past and present, mint leaders from world-renowned companies and journalists from Asia, the US and Europe - the handpicked list of participants made it very clear that this ceremony was not just any conventional book presentation. On the occasion of the introduction of the Chinese version of the Coin of the Year catalog, followers of the legendary competition accepted the invitation to come to Beijing on the occasion of a formal dinner and paid tribute to the successful translation of the "COTY" book. The “COTY” abbreviation has become a kind of the "Academy Awards" (aka “Oscars”) of numismatics in recent years - and one of the inventors of the award in Beijing reported on the origins of the Coin of the Year awards: Clifford Mishler, author of numerous standard reference books and co-developer of the world renowned "KM" coding system for coins, made clear in his speech that an international perception of the "Awards" was still standing in the stars in the first two years - after two consecutive victories by US-American coin designers, there was in fact some suspicion that foreign coin designers had no chance to win the Coin of the Year award. But the opposite was

Clifford Mishler (L) and David Harper

instantly proven in 1986, when Canada received the coveted prize. And in 1987, the award went to Europe for the first time, when Finland minted the most beautiful coin in the world. Since then, the prize has embarked on a journey around the world, reaching its founders' goals: Numismatics and the COTY award should aim to contribute to the exchange between cultures and generations and to recognize

The Ninth Issue of JEAN


Departments 部門 the great art that can be seen on coins around the world. In his speech, Michael Chou, founder of Champion Auction house and the publisher and editor of the Journal of East Asian numismatics (JEAN), reported on his first attempts as a coin collector: His interest in coins was awakened already as a child, Chou delved into the Krause Mishler catalogs for hours: "For me they were like one Bible, they served as a gateway to the world of coins" recalled Chou. At a young age, he became a world coin collector - and through the annual Coin of the Year awards, he discovered many coin programmes that he would otherwise have never seen. "It was a great honor to be inducted into the community of COTY jurors last year and to become the third partner of the COTY ceremony in Berlin this year with the Journal of East Asian Numismatics." Chou thanked many companions, including David Harper, Tom Michael, Maggie Judkins and his close confidant Hans Henning Goehrum, as well as the current German masterminds behind the World Money Fair, Jens Heise-Engelschalk and Barbara Balz. In addition, Michael Chou honored Tom Michael and Sam Vallance of the American publishing house "F & W Media" for providing the license for the Chinese edition of the COTY book and the special medal that was presented in Beijing for the first time. "This year, I also became a member of the COTY Nominating Committee and was allowed to attend the jury meetings in Iola in October of this year. The dinner, alltogether with the great art of Chinese coin designers of the nine winning COTY coins here in Beijing, will be an event to remember for a long time to come." From Michael Chou's point of view,

44 《東亞泉志》第 9 期

Clifford Mishler, David Harper and Michael Chou with coin designs. (From L) Yue Junfeng, Zhang Jiang, David Harper, Luo Yonghui, Wang Fude, Clifford Mishler, Chen Jian, Yu Min, Zeng Chenghu, Bai Wenjun, Michael Chou

Clifford Mishler, David Harper and Michael Chou with Coin of the Year panel judges. (From L) Gu Jun, Wang Xueyang, Chen Jian, Wang An, Clifford Mishler, David Harper, Zhou Weirong, Hu Fuqing, Wang Fude, Michael Chou, Zhang Jun

the celebraton of the COTY Panda book release was just perfectly timed as it happened in the same year of the Panda's 35th birthday. In particular, the presence of Mr. Yu Min, the most well-known Panda coin engraver and Lifetime Achievement Award holder, made the importance of the event very clear. In addition, Michael Chou was pleased that many overseas guests, including Clifford Mishler and David Harper, as well as other journalists and authors from all over the world, attended the event - a great tribute to the coin minting industry in China. According to Michael Chou, the People's Republic is now represented by ten COTY jurors, ranking third after the USA and Germany among the

most important COTY nations. The importance of the event was further underlined by the presence of several dignitaries from the world of Asian numismatics: Zhou Weirong, curator of the Chinese numismatic museum (a part of the Chinese Numismatic Society, which is a division of the People's Bank of China), Zhao Yansheng (former general manager of China Great Wall Investment of Hong Kong, which is a division of China Gold Inc.), Wang An (director of the China Gold Coin Inc.) and Mr. Gu Jun, a COTY technical panel judge and former Chinese National Mint director of the Shenyang mint who currently serves as an advisor to the Journal of East Asian Numismatics.

Departments 部門

COTY Book Release A Night to Remember in the World of Numismatics Sebastian Wieschowski (Germany)

COTY book release dinner party

Neun preisgekrönte Münzgestalter aus unterschiedlichen Generationen, dazu Führungspersönlichkeiten von Münzprägestätten aus aller Welt sowie Journalisten aus Asien, den USA und Europa – die handverlesene Teilnehmerliste machte deutlich, dass es sich bei der Zeremonie nicht um irgendeine herkömmliche Buchpräsentation handelte. Anlässlich der Vorstellung der chinesischen Version des „Coin of the Year“-Katalogs sind Wegbegleiter des legendären Wettbewerbs der Einladung nach Peking gefolgt, um anlässlich eines feierlichen Abendessens die erfolgreiche Übersetzung des „COTY“Buchs zu würdigen. Die Abkürzung ist in den vergangenen Jahren zu einer Art „Oscar“ der Numismatik geworden – und einer der Erfinder des Preises berichtete in Peking von den Anfängen der „Coin of the Year“-Verleihungen: Clifford Mishler, Autor zahlreicher Standardzitierwerke und Mitentwickler der weltweit anerkannten „KM“-Kennziffern für Münzen, machte in seiner Rede deutlich, dass eine internationale Wahrnehmung des „Awards“ in den ersten beiden Jahren noch in den Sternen stand – denn nachdem zweimal in Folge US-amerikanische Münzgestalter mit dem „Coin of

Clifford Mishler (L) and David Harper

the Year“-Preis ausgezeichnet wurden, bestand durchaus der Verdacht, dass ausländische Münzdesigner ohne Chance blieben. Das Gegenteil wurde jedoch bereits 1986 bewiesen, als Kanada den begehrten Preis erhielt. Und 1987 ging die Auszeichnung erstmal nach Europa, als Finnland die schönste Münze der Welt vorlegte. Seitdem hat der Preis eine Weltreise angetreten und erreicht jedes Jahr

The Ninth Issue of JEAN


Departments 部門 aufs Neue das Ziel seiner Gründer: Die Numismatik soll zum Austausch zwischen Kulturen und Generationen beitragen und die großartige Kunst würdigen, die auf Münzen in aller Welt zu sehen ist. In seiner Rede berichtete Michael Chou, Gründer des Auktionshauses “Champion”, von seinen ersten Gehversuchen als Münzensammler: Bereits im Kindesalter wurde sein Interesse an Münzen geweckt, Chou vertiefte sich in die ”Krause Mishler”-Kataloge: “Für mich waren sie wie eine Bibel, wie ein Tor zur Welt der Münzen”, erinnerte sich Chou. In jungen Jahren wurde er zum Weltmünzensammler – und durch die jährlichen “Coin of the Year”-Verleihungen entdeckte er viele Münzentwürfe, die er sonst nie gesehen könnte. “Es war eine große Ehre, im vergangenen Jahr in die Gemeinde der COTY-Juroren aufgenommen zu warden und in diesem Jahr zum dritten Partner der COTY-Zeremonie in Berlin zu werden.“ Chou dankte vielen Weggefährten, darunter David Harper, Tom Michael, Maggie Judkins sowie seinem engen Vertrauten Hans Henning Goehrum sowie den deutschen Strippenziehern der „World Money Fair“, Jens Heise-Engelschalk sowie Barbara Balz. Zudem würdigte Michael Chou Tom Michael und Sam Vallance vom britischen Verlagshaus “F&W Media” für die Bereitstellung der Lizenz für die chinesische Ausgabe des COTY-Buches und die dazu gehörige Medaille. „In diesem Jahr wurde ich auch Mitglied des ‘COTY Nominating Committee‘ und durfte an dem

46 《東亞泉志》第 9 期

Clifford Mishler, David Harper and Michael Chou with coin designs. (From L) Yue Junfeng, Zhang Jiang, David Harper, Luo Yonghui, Wang Fude, Clifford Mishler, Chen Jian, Yu Min, Zeng Chenghu, Bai Wenjun, Michael Chou

Clifford Mishler, David Harper and Michael Chou with Coin of the Year panel judges. (From L) Gu Jun, Wang Xueyang, Chen Jian, Wang An, Clifford Mishler, David Harper, Zhou Weirong, Hu Fuqing, Wang Fude, Michael Chou, Zhang Jun

Verfahren in Iola im Oktober diesen Jahres teilnehmen. Das Dinner mit der großartigen Kunst der chinesischen Münzgestalter der neun siegreichen COTY-Münzen hier in Peking wird ein Ereignis sein, an das man sich noch lange erinnert.” Aus Sicht von Michael Chou wurde ein besonders passender Rahmen durch den 35. Geburtstag der Panda-Münze gesetzt. Insbesondere die Anwesenheit von Yu Min, dem wohl bekanntesten PandaMünzen-Graveur und LebenswerkPreisträger, mache die Bedeutung der Veranstaltung deutlich. Außerdem

freute sich Michael Chou, dass zahlreiche Gäste aus dem Ausland, darunter Clifford Mishler und David Harper sowie weitere Journalisten und Autoren aus aller Welt, der Veranstaltung beiwohnen konnten – dies sei eine große Anerkennung für die münzverarbeitende Industrie in China. Die Volksrepublik ist nach Angaben von Michael Chou inzwischen mit zehn COTY-Juroren vertreten und damit nach den USA und Deutschland auf Platz drei der wichtigsten COTY-Nationen.

Departments 部門

《世界硬幣大獎賽》中文版發行: 錢幣界一個值得銘記的夜晚 塞巴斯蒂安·維巧斯基(德國)

晚宴現場,周迈可發表演講 一份由八位獲獎的錢幣設計師,中国著名鑄幣廠的領導者, 和來自于亞洲、美國、歐洲的記者們一起精心挑選的參加者名 單,清楚地顯示了此次典禮絕不僅僅是圖書發行的一個慣例。 值此中文版《世界硬幣大獎賽》發行之際,世界硬幣大獎賽的 追隨者們受邀出席 2017 年 11 月 11 日在北京舉辦的隆重晚宴, 並一起向此書致敬。 近年來,世界硬幣大獎已相當於錢幣學界的奧斯卡金像獎。 世界硬幣大獎賽其中的一位創立者米什勒先生,同時也是眾多 錢幣參考工具書的作者和世界聞名的硬幣 KM 編碼系統的聯合 開發者,在北京舉行的“年度硬幣”盛會上的講話中明確提到 這個獎項的“國際化”。他说,在設立之初並不令人信服—— 連續兩屆的獎項均頒給了來自美國的硬幣設計師,這引發了外


國硬幣設計師根本沒有機會贏得“年度硬幣”大獎的質疑。而 在 1986 年,這個讓人夢寐以求的獎項頒給了加拿大設計師,


人們的質疑才開始逐漸打消。1987 年,這個獎項首次頒給了


歐洲,因為當時的芬蘭鑄造了世界上最漂亮的硬幣。從那時起, 該獎項就如其創始人所期望的那樣漂洋過海開始了一次環遊世


The Ninth Issue of JEAN


Departments 部門 總編輯,就其首次嘗試硬幣收藏的經歷 發表了演講:當他還是個孩童時就已經 對硬幣產生了興趣,之後他花費數個小 時鑽研了《Krause Mishler》目錄。“對 我來說,這本書就如同聖經一般,把我 引向了通往硬幣世界的道路。”周先生 回憶道。在他年少之時,就已經開始收 藏世界各國的硬幣,之后通過每年一度 的“年度硬幣”大獎發現了許多自己原 本根本沒機會見識的硬幣。“去年我很 榮幸地成為了世界硬幣大獎賽的評委, 並和《東亞泉志》一起成為今年在柏林

米什勒、哈珀、周邁可與作品曾榮獲過世界硬幣大獎榮譽的中國錢幣設計師們合影。 左起:岳俊峰、張江、哈珀、羅永輝、王福德、米什勒、陳堅、余敏、曾成滬、白文均、 周邁可

舉辦的世界硬幣大獎賽的第三方合作夥 伴。”在演講中,周先生向很多同行致謝, 包括大衛·哈珀、湯姆·邁克爾、麥琪· 猶大和他的密友漢斯·亨寧·格朗姆, 以及本屆世界貨幣博覽會的德國策劃人 延斯·海斯·恩格爾沙克和芭芭拉·巴 爾茨。此外,周迈可還特別鳴謝了英國 出版公司 F & W Media 的湯姆·邁克爾 和薩姆·瓦蘭斯,正因為他們的努力我 們才獲得了《世界硬幣大獎》中文版的 出版許可和首次在北京展出特別纪念章

米什勒、哈珀、周邁可與到會的世界硬幣大獎賽中國評委合影。左起:顧軍、王雪陽、 陳堅、王安、米什勒、哈珀、周衛榮、胡福慶、王福德、周邁可、章軍

的許可。 “今年,我也成為了世界硬幣大獎






10 月在 Lola 舉行的評審會議。這次晚宴,


生 , 中國錢幣博物館 ( 中國錢幣学會团

將連同 9 枚獲獎硬幣的中國設計師們所


体成員 , 隸屬于中國人民銀行 ) 館長;






中文版的發行時間非常完美,因為 2017



年正好也是熊貓幣發行 35 周年。尤其

審委員會中有 10 名評委來自中華人民









48 《東亞泉志》第 9 期

Departments 部門

Launch of the Chinese Version of the Coin of the Year book in Beijing Quan Chi (Xi’an)

Pic. 1 Chinese edition of Coin of the Year, November 2017, Volume: 2000, thirty-twomo, Price RMB 68. Sponsored by Michael Chou, President of Champion Auction house and Coin of the Year panel judge, translated by the editorial team of the Journal of East Asian Numismatics (JEAN), and published by China Finance Publishing House, the Chinese edition of the Coin of the Year book (COTY) (picture 1) was released at the 2017 Beijing International Coin Expo (November 10th to 12th, 2017). Clifford Mishler and David Harper, who are the founder and manager of COTY respectively, made personal appearances to celebrate the event and presented the 2017 Lifetime Achievement Award in Coin Design to Mr. Yu Min (picture 2), the senior coin designer of Shanghai Mint Co. Ltd. More than fifty people were present for the book launch ceremony, including Jeff Starck and Sebastian Wieschowski,the senior editors of American numismatic publication, Coin World, and German numismatic portal Muzen Online, respectively, awardwinning coin designers (picture 3) that are from China Gold Coin Incorporation, Shanghai Mint Co. Ltd, Shenyang Mint Co. Ltd and Shenzhen Guobao Mint, COTY jurors from China (picture 4), and well-known modern coin collectors and research specialists.

Pic. 2 Mr. Clifford Mishler and Mr. David Harper presenting the award to Mr. Yu Min.

Pic. 3 Mr. Mishler, Mr. Harper and Michael Chou with the award-winning Chinese coin designers. From left to right: Yue Junfeng, Zhang Jiang, Harper, Luo Yonghui, Wang Fude, Clifford Mishler, Chen Jian, Yu Min, Zeng Chenghu, Bai Wenjun, Michael Chou.

Pic. 4 Clifford Mishler, David Harper and Michael Chou with COTY panel judges from China. From left to right: Gu Jun, Wang Xueyang, Chen Jian, Wang An, Clifford Mishler, David Harper, Zhou Weirong, Hu Fuqing, Wang Fude, Michael Chou, Zhang Jun.

The Ninth Issue of JEAN


Departments 部門

Pic. 5 Michael Chou making a speech at the launch ceremony. On the left translator Chen Jinglin.

Pic. 6-1 Author of Coin of the Year, Donald Scarinci.

Michael Chou made a short speech during the book release ceremony (picture 5). He reported that COTY was initiated by Krause Publications in 1984, and its goal is to reward the international figures who make outstanding contributions to coin design and engraving. COTY has become the most important award in the past 34 years. The COTY awards consist of the ‘Coin of the Year’ and ten other special awards. The award-winning coins are remarkable for their design, artistry and beautiful strikes. Since 2009, the COTY ceremony has been held in at the Berlin World Money Fair. In 2015, Donald Scarinci (picture 6-1), an American modern art medal authority, noted lawyer, collector and numismatist, wrote the English version of Coin of the Year – Celebrating Three Decades of the Best in Coin Design and Craftsmanship (picture 6-2) containing all awardwinning coins from 1984 to 2015. For the benefit of Chinese readers who account for a quarter of the world’s population and millions upon millions Chinese coin collectors, Champion Auction house obtained the license for the Chinese edition of the COTY book from Krause Publications after the 2017 Berlin World Money Fair, and then asked the author to supplement the award-winning coins of 2016 and 2017 and add a publisher’s note and preface to the book. Afterwards it organized the translation, proofreading and publication. It took six months to accomplish all of the work, and finally the Chinese edition was released at the 2017 Beijing International Coin Expo. At the end of his speech, Michael Chou made his point that 2017 was a special year for Chinese numismatics and he considered it to be the perfect time to present the Chinese version of the COTY book, as 2017 was the 35th anniversary of the first Chinese Panda coins. It is known that the Chinese edition is a major improvement of information for Chinese collectors as it

50 《東亞泉志》第 9 期

Pic. 6-2 the original version of Coin of the Year, sexto-decimo.

reveals the huge diversity of world coins over the past 34 years from 1984 to 2017. In total, it includes 301 (sets of) award-winning coins from 61 countries. The countries with more than 10 award-winning coins are: The United States (36 coins), Austria (35 coins), Canada (24 coins or sets of coins), France (17 coins), Australia (16 coins), Britain (13 coins). China only has 9 winning coins and fails to be in the top ten. With its long-standing reputation, the ‘Coin of the Year’ award is the dream of every country. So far there have been 16 countries which have won the COTY award, and all of the winning coins are considered classic, exquisite and inspiring. The ‘Coin of the Year’ award has been won by the United States (6 times), Italy (5 times), France (4 times), Austria (3 times), Canada, Finland, Britain and South Africa (twice each), and Albania, the Isle of Man, Bermuda, Belarus, Mongolia, Latvia, Israel and Netherlands (once each) respectively. The book not only has enhanced images but also larger text for ease of reading. Reading the book is like a journey through a garden full of memorable coins and an indulgence in non-stop pleasures. For example, on page 94 it records the 2002 ‘Coin of the Year’, the United States’ $1 commemorative silver ‘Founder of the New World’ coin, featuring a helmeted navigator's head representing Leif Ericson on the obverse and a Viking ship on the reverse (picture 7), very inspiring. The coin won the ‘Most Historically Significant Coin’ award in the same year. For another example, on page 136 it records the 2007 Mongolian 500-Tugrik ‘Wildlife Protection - Gulo Gulo (wolverine)’ artificial crystal coin (picture 8), with its unique craftsmanship and style; the coin won ‘Best Silver Coin’ in the same year. To promote the release of the Chinese edition of the COTY book, The Journal of East Asian Numismatic (JEAN) produced the first COTY-licensed COTY Beijing panda

Departments 部門 medal in conjunction with the Shanghai New Century commemorative coin mint. A total of 300 silver and 200 brass piedfort coins were issued. Designed and engraved by Mr. Yu Min, the medals are very elegant. On the obverse reads in Chinese characters ‘2017 Launch of Chinese edition Coin of the Year’, with a background of a panda eating bamboo and Beijing Temple of Heaven and the inscription ‘Beijing’ in Chinese. It also shows geographical features of the initial venue. On the reverse, there are bright star emblems above, “launch ceremony” in English below, and the symbol of COTY, a floral decoration in the middle, along with the inscription of the award time frame “2014-2017" and launch date "2017-11-11". Overall, the medal is very creative (picture 9-1, 9-2). It is the first medal ever authorized by Krause Publications. 2. Displaying award-winning coins in shoppe. During the Beijing International Coin Expo, COTY award winning coins at Champion Auction’s booth and included but was not limited to five of the 9 award-winning coins of China (picture 10), 18 award-winning coins from 10 different countries including the United States, Albania, the Bahamas, Austria, Liberia, Germany, Mongolia, Latvia and the Cook Islands, and 15 medals in 5 categories: the commemorative medal of the Chinese edition of the COTY book launch ceremony, the Panda commemorative medal of the American Numismatic Association, the Panda commemorative medal of the Macau Numismatic Association, the China-Germany Friendship Panda commemorative medal, the Panda commemorative medal of Berlin World Money Fair. The chance to see the coins made the visitors want to own the Chinese edition of the COTY book (picture 11). 3. Inviting dignitaries for a book signing. Clifford Mishler, David Harper and Yu Min present at Champion Auction’s booth to sign books (picture 12-1, 12-2), making the Chinese COTY book a collector’s item.

Pic. 8 the 2007 Mongolian 500-Tugrik ‘Wildlife Protection Gulo Gulo (wolverine) artificial crystal coin (obverse and reverse).

Pic. 9-1 The silver panda medal of the Chinese edition of the COTY book (obverse and reverse)

Pic. 9-2 The copper panda medal of the Chinese edition of the COTY book (obverse and reverse)

4. Book recommendation. The Chinese editor of the Journal of East Asian Numismatics (JEAN), Mr. Yuan Shuiqing, made a tremendous presentation of book recommendation

Pic. 7 the 2002 Coin of the Year winner, the United States’$1 commemorative silver coin ‘Founder of the New World Lev Erickson’ (Obverse and Reverse).

Pic. 11 Numerous visitors in front of Champion Auction’s booth.

The Ninth Issue of JEAN


Departments 部門

Best Crown Coin 1984 “Year of the Dog” 20-yuan Silver (minted in year 1982), China

Best Gold Coin 1985 “Panda” 100yuan Gold (minted in 1983), China

Best Silver Coin 1985 “Panda and Cub” 10-yuan Silver (minted in 1983), China

Most Historically Significant Coin 1985 “Marco Polo” 5-yuan Silver (minted in 1983), China

Best Silver Coin 1990 “Year of the Dragon” 100-yuan Silver (minted in 1988), China

Best Silver Coin 1995 “Peacocks” 150yuan Silver (minted in 1993), China

Best Gold Coin 2003 “Panda” 500yuan Gold (1 ounce) (minted in 2001), China

Best Silver Coin 2003 “Mogao Grottoes” 20-yuan Silver (minted in 2001), China

Best Gold Coin 2006 “Maijishan Grottoes” 2000-yuan Gold Coin (minted in 2004), China

Pic. 10 The award-winning coins of China (obverse and reverse), underlined in red are the display coins of Champion Auction.

Pic. 12-1 Mr. Mishler and David Harper signing books.

52 《東亞泉志》第 9 期

Pic. 12-2 Mr. Yu Min signing books.

Departments 部門 online at the Fifth National Coinage Fellowship of Modern Gold and Silver Coins on November 10th and at the Macau International Coin Forum, November 25th (picture 13). 5. Packaging sale. It is sold for RMB 800 for one Chinese version COTY book and one silver medal. One visitor bought 7 books (with medals) from the Champion Auction booth, and then sold some of them in United States for USD$500. At the Macau Coin Expo hold in late November, 20 were sold in just two days. Inner Mongolian numismatist Mr. Li Tiesheng, who had been a member of the COTY jury for 10 years (1999 to 2009), had the original English version and called his old friend Mr. Mishler (picture 14) to ask for a Chinese version. Without hesitation Michael Chou agreed to give Mr. Li one as gift. 6. Be c o m ing an a u ct i o n i t e m . C ha m pi o n A uc ti o n collected related auction items in order to test the market reaction of the Chinese version of the COTY book and its commemorative medal. According to the auction on November 26th, the hammer price of lot #308 which included a signed Chinese version of the book and a Chinese version of the silver launch commemorative medal was USD$345; the hammer price of lot #309, a Chinese version silver launch commemorative medal NGC PF70 sold for USD $437; and the hammer price for lot #311, a Chinese version copper launch commemorative medal was USD $529. The results were far higher than expected. Apparently, collectors find favors of the Chinese version of COTY among the many other Chinese versions of numismatic books. In my point of view, there are five significant strengths of the book: 1. It helps to spread the publicity of COTY in China, a populous and vast country. Chinese who don’t understand English can read the Chinese version now.

Pic. 13 Mr. Yuan Shuiqing making a presentation on book recommendation at the Fifth National Coinage Fellowship of Modern Gold and Silver Coins.

Pic. 14-1 Mr. Mishler receiving a call from Mr. Li Tieshen during dining. From the left: Michael Chou, David Harper, Clifford Mishler, Gu Jun, Yuan Shuiqing, Sebastian Wieschowski.

2. It inspires the mints, particularly the mints from China, to do their best to compete for more awards, and enhance their reputation and profit. 3. It gives Chinese coin designers and engravers access to worldwide award-winning coins helping them to have enlightened thoughts and expanded horizons so that they can present more competitive and attractive products in future. 4. It helps collectors to have a complete picture of the award-winning coins over the years, and assists them to achieve their collection goals. 5. The book is knowledgeable and will be an essential reference book for researchers, collectors and auctioneers. Furthermore, the books with signatures are collectable.

Pic. 14-2 Mr. Li Tiesheng (on the right) with Mr. Clifford Mishler at the 2005 American Numismatic Association.

The Ninth Issue of JEAN


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《世界硬幣大獎賽》中文版在京首發及其逸聞 泉癡(西安)

圖 1《世界硬幣大獎賽》中文版 2017 年 11 月出版 印量:2000 開本:32 開 定價:人民幣 68 元

圖 2 米什勒、哈珀向余敏授獎


大獎賽評委周邁可策劃,《東亞 泉志》編輯部翻譯,中國金融出 版社出版的《世界硬幣大獎賽》 中 文 版( 圖 1), 於 2017 北 京國際錢幣博覽會期間(11 月 10-12 日)隆重首發。世界硬幣 大獎賽項目創設人克利福德·米 什勒、經理人大衛·卡爾·哈珀 蒞臨祝賀,並向 2017 年錢幣設 計類終身成就獎獲得者——上海 造幣有限公司設計雕刻師余敏頒

圖 3 米什勒、哈珀、周邁可與作品曾榮獲過世界硬幣大獎榮譽的中國錢幣設計師們合影。左起: 岳俊峰、張江、哈珀、羅永輝、王福德、米什勒、陳堅、余敏、曾成滬、白文均、周邁可

獎(圖 2)。來自美國《錢幣世界》 和德國《硬幣評論》的資深編輯 Jeff Starck、塞巴斯蒂安·維巧 斯基,中國金幣總公司、中國錢 幣博物館、上海造幣有限公司、 瀋陽造幣有限公司、深圳國寶造 幣有限公司作品曾榮獲世界硬幣 大獎的設計雕刻師(圖 3),世 界硬幣大獎賽中國評委(圖 4), 以及知名現代金銀幣收藏家、研 究專家等共計 66 人出席了首發 儀式。

54 《東亞泉志》第 9 期

圖 4 米什勒、哈珀、周邁可與到會的世界硬幣大獎賽中國評委合影。左起:顧軍、王雪陽、 陳堅、王安、米什勒、哈珀、周衛榮、胡福慶、王福德、周邁可、章軍

Departments 部門

圖 5 周邁可在中文版首發式上致辭, 左為翻譯陳景林

圖 6-1《世界硬幣大獎賽》作者唐納 德·斯卡林奇

圖 6-2《世界硬幣大獎賽》原著(16 開)

周邁可在首發儀式上發表了熱情洋溢的致辭(圖 5),他 說,世界硬幣大獎賽是克勞斯出版社 1984 啟動的項目,旨在 獎勵在硬幣設計雕刻及收藏研究方面做出突出貢獻的國際人 士。迄今已 34 年,成為國際硬幣領域最重要的賽事。目前設 有最重要的“年度最佳硬幣”獎和 10 個專項獎,每年評選出 的獲獎幣,成為代表世界硬幣設計、藝術和技藝最高成就的標 誌,因而舉世曙目。自 2016 年起,頒獎儀式永久入駐柏林世 界錢幣展。2015 年,美國現代藝術紀念章領域的權威人士, 著名律師、收藏家、錢幣學家唐納德·斯卡林奇(圖 6-1),

圖 7 美國 2000 年“新大陸發現者萊芙·埃裡克森”1 美元紀念銀幣(正、反)

以自己豐富的收藏為基礎,出版了英文版《世界硬幣大獎賽—— 紀念硬幣設計與工藝的黃金三十年》(圖 6-2),圖集囊括了 1984-2015 年世界硬幣大獎賽全部獲獎作品。為方便占世界 人口 1/4 的中國及海外華人中的千百萬錢幣愛好者閱讀這本佳 作,2017 年柏林世界錢幣展之後,冠軍拍賣首先通過克勞斯 出版聯繫獲取中文版出版許可,又請作者增補了 2016、2017 兩年獲獎幣內容,添加了引人入勝的出版說明和前言概述,隨 後組織人力翻譯、校對,同時聯繫出版事宜,僅 6 個月時間, 終使中文版趕在 2017 北京國際錢幣博覽會上發行。他最後說,

圖 8 蒙古國 2007 年“野生動物·狼獾”500 圖格里拉 人工水晶鑲嵌紀念銀幣(正、反)

2017 年是中國錢幣特殊的一年,在中國熊貓幣發行 35 周年之

美國 6 次,意大利 5 次,法國 4 次,奧地利 3 次,加拿大、芬蘭、


英國、南非各 2 次,阿爾巴尼亞、馬恩島、百慕大、白俄羅斯、


蒙古國、拉脫維亞、以色列、荷蘭各 1 次。書中不僅將作品圖 片放大,並有一頁文字介紹。品讀這本圖文並茂的精品圖書,



1984-2017 年 34 年間世界硬幣殿堂的精華,琳琅滿目,異彩

例如,94 頁 2002 年“年度最佳硬幣”得主美國 2000 年“新

紛呈。共有 61 個國家的設計雕刻大師創作的 301 枚(組)硬

大陸發現者萊芙·埃裡克森”1 美元紀念銀幣,正面是航海家

幣獲獎,獲獎幣 10 枚以上的國家分別是:美國 36 枚,奧地


利 35 枚,加拿大 24 枚(組),法國 17 枚,澳大利亞 16 枚,

7);該幣同時獲得“最佳歷史意義幣”獎。再如 136 頁蒙古

英國 13 枚。我們中國僅 9 枚,未能躋身前列。久負盛名的“年

國 2007 年“野生動物·狼獾”500 圖格里拉人工水晶鑲嵌紀念


銀幣,工藝獨特,獨具一格(圖 8);該幣同時贏得“最佳銀幣”

有 16 個國家的經典之作,均精美絕倫,令人百看不厭。其中


The Ninth Issue of JEAN


Departments 部門 為做好中文版發行工作,冠軍拍賣獨出心裁: 1. 製作紀念章。委託中國唯一民營造幣廠——上海新世紀 紀念幣製造有限公司鑄造了《世界硬幣大獎賽》中文版首發 1 盎司熊貓紀念章,發行量:銀質 300 枚,黃銅質 200 枚。精 製鏡面。由余敏設計雕刻。正面為“2017 年世界硬幣大獎賽 中文版首發”中文字樣,主景為熊貓食竹和北京天壇組合圖, 表明首發式的地域特色,並刊有“北京”二字。背面上部有璀 璨的星象徽群星薈萃,底部為首發式英文,中間主景圖為世界 硬幣大獎賽標誌和裝飾花卉,獲獎時段“1984-2017”及首發

圖 9-1 世界硬幣大獎賽中文版首發銀質紀念章(正、反)

時間“2017-11-11”,極具創意(圖 9-1、9-2)。這是第一枚 由克勞斯出版社正式授權的紀念章。 2. 專櫃展出獲獎幣。北京國際錢博會期間 , 在冠軍拍賣的 A022 展位,展出中國獲獎幣 9 枚(圖 10)中的 7 枚,外國美 國、阿爾巴尼亞、巴哈馬、奧地利、賴比瑞亞、德國、蒙古國、 拉脫維亞、科克群島 10 個國家 18 枚獲獎幣,還展出世界硬 幣大獎賽中文版首發紀念章、美國錢幣協會熊貓紀念章、澳門

圖 9-2 世界硬幣大獎賽中文版首發黃銅紀念章(正、反)

中國 1982 年“壬戌(狗)年 ( 立犬圖 )”20 元紀念銀幣,獲 1984 年“最佳克朗幣”獎

中國 1983 年熊貓 100 元投資金幣, 獲 1985 年“最佳金幣”獎

中國 1983 年熊貓 10 元投資銀幣, 獲 1985 年“最佳銀幣”獎

中國 1983 年“馬可 · 波羅”5 元紀念銀幣, 獲 1985 年“最佳歷史意義幣”獎

中國 1988 年“戊辰(龍)年”100 元 紀念銀幣,獲 1990 年“最佳銀幣”獎

中國 1993 年“古代名畫·孔雀開屏”150 元紀念銀幣,獲 1995 年“最佳銀幣”獎

中國 2001 年熊貓 500 元 投資金幣(1 盎司),獲 1995 年“最佳金幣”獎

中國 2001 年“石窟藝術·敦煌莫高窟”20 元紀念銀幣,獲 1995 年“最佳銀幣”獎

中國 2004 年“中國石窟藝術·麥積山 石窟”2000元紀念金幣, 獲 1995 年“最 佳金币”獎

圖 10 世界硬幣大獎賽中國獲獎幣(正、反)畫框者系冠軍拍賣展出品

56 《東亞泉志》第 9 期

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圖 11 冠軍展位參觀者眾多 錢幣學會熊貓紀念章、中德友好熊貓紀念章、德國柏林世界錢 幣展熊貓紀念章共五類 15 枚。使參觀者一睹獲獎幣真容,更 加渴望得到中文版(圖 11)。 3. 名家簽名。特邀米什勒、哈珀、余敏到冠軍展位簽名售 書,增加了中文版珍藏版的收藏價值(圖 12-1、圖 12-2)。 4. 會議推介。《東亞泉志》主編袁水清分別在 11 月 10 日晚易金在線舉行的現代金銀幣第五屆全國幣友聯誼會、11 月 25 日澳門國際錢幣論壇上進行了精彩推介演講(圖 13)。 5. 配套發售。一本中文版和一枚紀念銀章售價人民幣 800 元,一參觀者一次性從冠軍拍賣北京錢博會展位購走 7 套,又

圖 12-1 米什勒、經理人大衛·卡爾·哈珀正在簽名

將部分在美國以每套 3000 元人民幣的價格售出;11 月下旬澳 門錢幣展交會暨冠軍 2017 澳門拍賣會期間,兩天時間售出 20 套。曾榮任世界硬幣大獎賽評委 10 年(1999-2009 年)的內 蒙古錢幣學家李鐵生購有一本英文版原著,得知中文本發行, 稱讚“誠乃佳舉”,請求購買一本,並與正在用餐的老友米什 勒電話問候(圖 14),周邁可當即答應贈送這位老評委書章 一套。 6. 列為拍品。為瞭解中文版及其紀念章的市場反應,冠軍 拍賣特意徵集到相關拍品。11 月 26 日的拍賣結果顯示,編號

圖 12-2 余敏在簽名

The Ninth Issue of JEAN


Departments 部門 308 的一本簽名中文版和一枚中文版首發銀章,成交價 345 美 元;309 號 NGC PF70 中文版首發銀章成交價 437 美元;311 號一枚中文版首發黃銅紀念章成交價 529 美元。出乎意料。 顯然,在迄今出版翻譯的諸多中文版泉著中,《世界硬大 獎賽》中文版會廣受青睞。筆者認為其出版的意義可歸納為以 下五點: 1. 使世界硬幣大獎賽這一國際性的優秀硬幣評選活動在幅 員遼闊、人口眾多的中國傳播,不懂英文的世界華人都可以讀 懂它。 2. 獲獎幣是專家從成千上萬枚硬幣中認可的精品幣,可激 勵各國造幣廠特別是中國的幾家造幣廠不遺餘力地爭取多獲獎

圖 13 袁水清在第五屆全國幣友聯誼會上作推介宣傳

項,以提高聲譽和收益。 3. 便於中國錢幣設計雕刻人員從獲獎幣圖集中汲取營養、 得到啟發,從而拓展設計創作思路,提高技藝,多出精品。 4. 世界硬幣大獎賽年度最佳硬幣和 10 個專項獲獎幣,是 硬幣收藏家及愛好者夢寐以求、趨之若鶩的追求目標,這本書 可使他們一窺全貌,進一步尋求自己喜愛或缺少的幣種。 5. 這本書集觀賞性、知識性於一體,必將成為研究者、收 藏家乃至拍賣行業人士案頭必備的參考讀物。有幸得到的簽名 書更具收藏價值。

圖 14-2 李鐵生(右)2005 年在美國錢幣協會年會上與米什勒 合影

圖 14-1 宴請克勞斯貴賓時接到李鐵生電話 左起 : 周邁可、哈珀、米什勒、顧軍、袁水清,塞巴斯蒂安·維巧斯基攝

58 《東亞泉志》第 9 期

Departments 部門

Panda Launch Ceremony:

A coin for Collectors, Investors – and the Whole Family Sebastian Wieschowski (Germany) Futuristic music like in a Hollywood movie, blazing flashes of light and a children's dance group in panda costumes - the "China Gold Coin Incorporation" has tried everything to gain viewers’ attention during the official launch of the new Panda investment coins. And they have succeeded: the new mintage program for the year 2018 was solemnly presented on November 11th in Beijing with lots of pomp and creativity. In a epic video presentation, the CGCI made clear what the panda is for China nowadays: the silver and gold coins are much more than a means of payment, but a collector's item and investment product in one - and a symbol connecting generations. The movie takes the audience back to ancient times and points at the five thousand year long history of Chinese coins. It makes clear that China has presented the world with countless beautiful coins, which have become a part of the World's cultural heritage. And the Peoples Bank of China takes this history as a starting point for a bright future of Chinese numismatics. The national treasure "Panda" is the symbol for innovation and precision in coin production. The role of the Panda coins is further highlighted in the presentation. Chinese Panda Gold and Silver commemorative coins, as legal tenders of the People's Republic of China, are depicted as authoritative and commemorative for both collection and investment and as a numismatic ambassador of China for the whole world. After having the main aim of earning hard currencies in the Eighties, the Panda is now a symbol of culture of gold and silver. With a fine design, annual different images, the Panda has become well known in the world. It is especially the good craftsmanship in every detail that make every Panda coin a piece of art. "Each coin is manufactured in dozens of working processes, layers of experience, in pursuit of perfection and harmony in all details", the China Gold Coin Incorporation states in the presentation video.

The Chinese Panda coins are unique witnesses of the advancements in minting technology: According to the presentation, concave refractive methods were used in the early 1980s in order to perfectly present the black and white color textures of the Panda. The next step came in the middle of 1990s, when innovative sand blasting processes were used for the first time. And 2018 will be the first year in which new lasermade multiple frosting and defrosting treatment will be used in order to highlight the black and white color of the Panda, its hair texture and its exquisite facial expression. The 2018 Panda will be the final edition in the ten-year design span and it has perfectly continued the style of the recent years. High precision engraving, sandblasting and shiny lettering make the Temple of Heaven even more majestic and artistic and the Panda animal is shown in very realistic fashion: The 2018 Panda shows a bamboo

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Departments 部門 eating baby panda with bamboo forest in the background, depicting the calm and happy living of Pandas in nature. Aside from those technical facts, China Gold Coin Incorporation also used the official 2018 Panda launch to give some insights into the political importance of the numismatic products. For a prosperous and strong nation, the growing demand for investment and collection products has led the Ministry of Finance and the State Taxation Administration of China to release a tax exemption in order to further promote Panda coins for investment and collection purposes. And the CGCI works closely together with the commercial banks and even tries out the buy-back of Chinese Panda gold coins. The effects of this innovative policy can already be seen, as the official Panda 2018 launch ceremony makes clear: The

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video shows how the Chinese Panda coins make their way into everyone’s life: Several Chinese people are shown with the Panda coin from their respective year of birth. A family is presented with the grandparents collecting Panda coins and the granddaughter presenting the newest Panda coins - the coins do not only carry the pursuit of people to culture, wealth, emotion and inheritance, they also connect people from all genders and generations.

Departments 部門

Offizielle Panda-Präsentation:

Eine Münze für Sammler, Investoren und die ganze Familie Sebastian Wieschowski (Germany) Futuristische Musik wie in einem Hollywood-Film, flammende Lichtblitze und eine Kindertanzgruppe in Panda-Kostümen - die "China Gold Coin Incorporation" hat alles versucht, um beim offiziellen Launch der neuen PandaAnlagemünzen auf sich aufmerksam zu machen. Und das ist ihnen gelungen: Das neue Auflageprogramm für das Jahr 2018 wurde am 11. November in Peking mit viel Pomp und Kreativität feierlich präsentiert. In einer epischen Videopräsentation machte die CGCI deutlich, was der Panda für China heute bedeutet: Die Silber- und Goldmünzen sind viel mehr als ein Zahlungsmittel, sondern ein Sammlerstück und Anlageprodukt in einem - und ein Symbol, das Generationen verbindet. Der Film führt das Publikum zurück in die Antike und verweist auf die fünftausendjährige Geschichte chinesischer Münzen. Es wird deutlich, dass China der Welt unzählige schöne Münzen präsentiert hat, die Teil des Weltkulturerbes geworden sind. Und die „People‘s Bank of China“ nimmt diese Geschichte als Ausgangspunkt für eine glänzende Zukunft der chinesischen Numismatik. Der nationale Schatz "Panda" ist das Symbol für Innovation und Präzision in der Münzproduktion. Die Rolle der Panda-Münzen wird in der Präsentation weiter hervorgehoben. Chinesische Panda Gold- und Silber-Gedenkmünzen, als offizielles Zahlungsmittel der Volksrepublik China, werden als maßgebend für Sammler und Investoren und als numismatischer Botschafter Chinas für die ganze Welt dargestellt. Nach dem ursprünglichen Hauptziel, in den Achtzigern harte Währungen zu verdienen, ist der Panda heute ein Symbol einer eigenständigen Kultur von Gold und Silber. Mit einem feinen Design, jährlich verschiedenen Bildern, ist der Panda in der Welt bekannt geworden. Es ist vor allem die gute Verarbeitung in jedem Detail, die jede Panda-Münze zum Kunstwerk macht.

"Jede Münze wird in Dutzenden von Arbeitsprozessen, Erfahrungsebenen, Streben nach Perfektion und Harmonie in allen Details hergestellt", erklärt die China Gold Coin Incorporation im Präsentationsvideo. Die chinesischen Panda-Münzen sind einzigartige Zeugen der Fortschritte in der Münztechnologie: Laut der Präsentation wurden in den frühen 1980er Jahren konkave Refraktionsmethoden verwendet, um die schwarzweißen Farbstrukturen des Panda perfekt darzustellen. Der nächste Schritt erfolgte Mitte der 1990er Jahre, als erstmals innovative Sandstrahlverfahren zum Einsatz kamen. Und 2018 wird das erste Jahr sein, in dem neue lasergestützte Multi-Frost- und AuftauBehandlungen eingesetzt werden, um die schwarze und

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Departments 部門 weiße Farbe des Panda, seine Haarstruktur und seinen exquisiten Gesichtsausdruck hervorzuheben. Der Panda von 2018 wird die letzte Ausgabe in der zehnjährigen Designspanne sein und hat den Stil der letzten Jahre perfekt fortgesetzt. Hochpräzise Gravuren, Sandstrahlen und glänzende Schriftzüge machen den Himmelstempel noch majestätischer und künstlerischer und das PandaTier wird sehr realistisch dargestellt: Der Panda 2018 zeigt im Hintergrund einen Bambus-essenden Babypanda mit Bambuswald, der ruhig und fröhlich das Leben von Pandas in der Natur darstellt. Abgesehen von diesen technischen Fakten nutzte die China Gold Coin Incorporation auch den offiziellen Start von Panda 2018, um einige Einblicke in die politische Bedeutung der numismatischen Produkte zu geben. Für eine wohlhabende und starke Nation hat die wachsende Nachfrage nach

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Investitions- und Kollektionsprodukten dazu geführt, dass das Finanzministerium und die staatliche Steuerverwaltung Chinas eine Steuerbefreiung erlassen haben, um die Panda-Münzen für Investitions- und Sammlungszwecke weiter zu fördern. Und die CGCI arbeitet eng mit den Geschäftsbanken zusammen und erprobt sogar den Rückkauf von chinesischen PandaGoldmünzen. Die Auswirkungen dieser innovativen Politik sind bereits sichtbar, wie die offizielle Panda 2018-Eröffnungszeremonie verdeutlicht: Die Videos zeigen, wie die chinesischen Panda-Münzen in jedermanns Leben Einzug halten: Mehrere Chinesen werden mit der Panda-Münze aus ihrem jeweiligen Jahr gezeigt Geburt. Eine Familie wird mit den Großeltern präsentiert, die Panda-Münzen sammeln, und die Enkelin präsentiert die neuesten Panda-Münzen - die Münzen tragen nicht nur das Streben der Menschen nach Kultur, Reichtum, Emotion und Erbschaft, sie verbinden auch Menschen aus allen Geschlechtern und Generationen.

Departments 部門

熊貓幣盛大發行: 一枚值得收藏家、投資人和家庭擁有的硬幣 塞巴斯蒂安·維巧斯基(德國) 好萊塢電影般來自未來的音樂,閃耀亮眼的光芒,穿着熊貓服舞 動的孩子們——中國金幣總公司盡其所能地在新款熊貓幣發行 盛典上吸引大眾的目光。他們成功了! 2018 年款熊貓幣於 2017 年 11 月 10 日在北京隆重呈現,盛況空前,創意無限。 中國金幣總公司用一部史詩般的電影——《把“國 寶”帶回家》向大眾展示了熊貓幣對當代中國的重 要意義:金銀鑄造的熊貓幣是中國貴金屬紀念幣 中的第一大家族,兼具收藏和投資的雙重屬性, 還代表着世代傳承。在中國長達五千年的貨幣歷 史中,中國已向世界呈現了無數美麗的錢幣,這 些錢幣是世界文化遺產寶庫的一部分。如今,中 國人民銀行以歷史為起點,把中國錢幣引向一個 更燦爛的未來。將國寶“熊貓”與錢幣融為一體, 是中國鑄幣行業的一項創舉,也代表了造幣人一種 精雕細琢的精神。 發行盛典上進一步強調了熊貓幣的意義。中 國熊貓金銀紀念幣除了是中華人民共和國的法 定貨幣,也是官方發行的具有收藏和投資意 義的紀念幣,更是中國的“錢幣大使”。在 20 世紀 80 年代作為硬通貨的熊貓幣現今是 金銀文化的象徵。熊貓幣以其精美的設計, 寶寶,描畫了大自然中熊貓平



節的精湛工藝更使得每枚熊貓幣都成為一件藝 術品。“每一枚硬幣都經過了幾十道工序,是多 年鑄幣經驗的疊加,一切細節力求完美和諧。”中 國金幣總公司在呈現視頻中如是介紹。

除了以上關於技術手段的介紹, 中國金幣總公司還藉着 2018 年熊貓幣官 方發佈會對錢幣產品的政治性提供了一些見解。

的確,中國熊貓幣見證了鑄造技藝的提升:在 20 世紀 80




射技術。進入 90 年代中期,首次使用了當時創新的噴砂工藝。


而 2018 年款的新產品第一次採用新型鐳射多重冷凍和解凍處


理技術,更能彰顯熊貓的黑白色調、毛髮紋理和逼真的面部 表情。

正如同 2018 年款熊貓幣官方發佈會所強調的,這項創新 政策的效果已經體現:電影記錄了熊貓幣是如何滲透到每個

2018 年款的熊貓幣是十年跨度設計的最終版本,並將延






又時新:2018 年款熊貓幣展示了一隻在竹林中吃竹子的熊貓


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First Impressions of the 2017 Macau Numismatic Society Annual Expo J. Matthew Brotherton (USA)

The ribbon cutting activity

When I first learned from my business partners, Rick Stelzer (Co-Founder of PMG, the world’s largest thirdparty grader of US and world currency) and Jerica Rogers, and our close personal friend, Michael Chou (Owner of Champion Auctions, which has operated numismatic auctions in Macau and Hong Kong since 1996 and is also Publisher/Editor-in-chief of the Journal of East Asian Numismatics) that I might have an opportunity to travel to Macau for the 2017 Macau Numismatic Society Annual Expo, I must admit that I was very excited! As an American numismatist born in Tennessee (Land of Elvis and Jack Daniels) who loves to travel, but had never been to Asia before, the chance to experience the heralded Macau numismatic show is one that I could not pass up. On my flight to China, I reflected back on fond memories of my childhood and recalled the first ever coin show in which I attended with my father, the 1988 ANA Coin Show in Cincinnati, Ohio. At that show, the first coin I ever purchased was the 1988 Cincinnati ANA Silver Show Panda Medal, so the Chinese Panda series has always held a special interest to me. Now, at the age of 39 I was finally getting to visit and see the Chinese numismatic scene for the first time. For those readers that have never been to Macau, I will be the first to tell you that Macau offers so much more than being just an international gaming town with mega casinos. Prior to the start of the coin expo, Rick Stelzer,

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From L., Yuan Shuiqing, Rick Salzberg, J. Matthew Brotherton

A part of the exhibition

Departments 部門 Glen Jorde (Co-Founder of PMG), and myself explored the city and were particularly impressed with the historical Portuguese colonial district within walking distance of the coin expo. Touring highlights included the Ruins of St. Paul’s (a 17th Century church and college) and Monte Fort, a Jesuit military stronghold built in the 16th Century. The coin expo started off with the ribbon-cutting ceremony, and my expectations were immediately surpassed with the warm and friendly reception that a stranger from the West received from Mr. David Chio, Mr. Yuan Shui Qing, Mr. Lu Ganzhou and the entire membership of the Macau Numismatic Society. Mr. Yuan Shui Qing (research advisor for the Macau Numismatic Society and Chinese editor for the Journal of East Asian Numismatics, founded in Taiwan in 1994 and which is now the leading bilingual Asian numismatic publication now in English and Chinese and in a digital format) was gracious enough to personally walk me through the numerous numismatic exhibits on display at the coin expo. All of the exhibits were impressive, especially the modern Chinese coin collection by Mr. C.S. Wong (Chairman of the Macau Numismatic Society). The extravagant floral arrangements donated by the Macau Numismatic Society to greet guests of the coin show was a pleasant and welcoming tradition that I was not accustomed to in the United States. That evening I experienced the Macau Numismatic Society’s Banquet dinner and what a feast it was! The banquet was held at one of Mr. C.S. Wong’s restaurants and every year around three hundred Macau Numismatic Society members and their guests attend the festive event. The annual dinner started off with a traditional roasted baby pig for good fortune, and our special international table was presented with a special French red wine from Chateau Haut-Brion imported by Mr. C.S. Wong himself. To be honest, I thought I might lose weight on my first trip to Asia, but after about the 18th course of the banquet (I lost count after that)…I knew this was not going to be the case….what a feast that I will always remember!!! During the banquet I sat next to Jeffrey Wai, an accomplished numismatist from Singapore, and we discussed current numismatic trends in the Asian and US markets and became friends instantly. The evening was full of door prizes, great food, and goodwill with lasting friendships being made between members of the Macau Numismatic Society and their guests.

The Macau Numismatic Society Annual Expo was a truly international experience, as I met dealers not only from all over Asia, but the world. Next to my table was Denny Huhn (Owner of House of Coins from Hamburg, Germany), Dieter Starck (Owner of MDS from Munich, Germany), and Catia Silver (Owner of Numismatica Diamantino from Lisboa Portugal), all accomplished numismatists having an extensive display of world modern coins. It was educational to see the “Silk Road” display and various exhibits of Macau and Chinese coins and currency provided at the show. I especially liked looking at the various ancient Chinese spade and knife money which I found particularly fascinating. I quickly picked up on some Chinese numismatic customs, and learned that 8’s are good and 4’s are bad when it comes to numbers on coins and currency! The excitement expressed by all in attendance over the release of the China 2017 Macau Commemorative Pandas, and book-signing by C.H Tang and David Chio’s Currency of Macau: A Complete Reference for Banknotes and Coins was great to see. I was also impressed by many of the customers attending the show, whom displayed proper numismatic etiquette and all seemed pleased with vast variety of numismatic items offered from the dealers and prized collectibles offered at the Champion Macau Auction…all of which were performed professionally and first class! In all, my first experience at the 2017 Macau Numismatic Society Annual Expo was a joyous and memorable one. I would like to thank again Michael Chou for inviting me and being a tremendous host, and give a special thanks to all members of the Macau Numismatic Society for their hospitality and putting on a world class show. Next year is the Macau Numismatic Society’s 30th Anniversary and there plans to be even more special additional events added to next year’s coin expo in early December of 2018…which I am excited about and already planning to attend!!! I am looking forward to my next visit to Macau, and keeping in touch with the many numismatic friends that I made on this trip. If ever in the United States, specifically Sarasota, Florida, please stop by our coin shop and say hello to Rick, Jerica and myself, as we hope to be able to repay the tremendous hospitality that we received in Macau!

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About Auther J. Matthew Brotherton, was born in East Tennessee, and is a proud graduate of The Citadel, the Military College of South Carolina (B.A. Political Science, summa cum laude), London School of Economics (MSc International Relations), and the University of Tennessee College of Law (Juris Doctorate). Matthew has over 10 years experience as a practicing estate law attorney in Tennessee in which he has advised clients on how to best handle their particular numismatic collections. Prior to that, he served as the Assistant to the Governor for the State of Tennessee. At an early age, he was introduced to the coin and collectible trade shows by his father and has an appreciation for the history and beauty of numismatics. Matthew has completed the PNG University of Rare Coins program in which he spent time working with the numismatic grading experts at NGC and with the collectible experts at Heritage Auctions. He is a member of the ANA, FUN, GNA, NGC, PCGS, PMG, and is licensed to practice law in Tennessee and the Federal District of East Tennessee. He is the owner of Estate Collectibles Group located in Sarasota, Florida with his business partners, Richard A. Stelzer and Jerica W. Rogers.

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初次印象:記 2017 年澳門錢幣學會年度博覽會 馬修·布拉澤頓(美國)

2017 年澳門錢幣學會年會開幕式剪綵活動


力廠商評級機構“紙幣評級”聯合創始人)和傑瑞卡·羅傑以 及我們的好朋友周邁可(冠軍拍賣行所有人,自 1996 年起在 澳門和香港從事錢幣拍賣,《東亞泉志》出版人和總編輯)那 裡得知我將有機會參加 2017 年澳門錢幣學會年度博覽會時, 我真的非常興奮!作為一名出生在田納西州(艾維斯和傑克 丹尼爾斯的土地上)的美國錢幣收藏家,我熱愛旅行,但卻從 沒去過亞洲,我怎麼可能抗拒得了去澳門參加錢幣展會的誘惑 呢?在飛往中國的飛機上,我不禁想起了我美好的童年時光和 父親帶着我第一次參加錢幣展的情景。那是 1988 年在俄亥俄 州辛辛那提舉辦的 ANA 錢幣展,我人生中購買的第一枚硬幣 是 1988 年款的西西那提 ANA 銀質熊貓紀念章,所以我對中 國的熊貓幣系列一直懷有特殊的興趣。如今,在 39 歲這年,

左起 :袁水清、Rick Salzberg、J. 馬修 · 布拉澤頓

我終於能夠前往中國並親身經歷中國的錢幣展交活動。 沒去過澳門的讀者們,我在此迫不及待的告訴你們,澳門 絕不僅僅是一個擁有大型賭場的國際博彩城。在錢幣博覽會開 始之前,我和裡克·施特爾策還有格倫·霍爾德(“紙幣評 級”的聯合創始人)一起探索了這個城市。錢幣博覽會會址附 近的歷史景點——曾經的葡萄牙殖民區給我們留下了非常深刻 的印象,值得一去的景點包括聖保羅(17 世紀的教堂和學院) 遺址和蒙特堡(一個建於 16 世紀的耶穌會軍事要塞)。錢幣 博覽會剪綵儀式開始,大衛·趙(康池)先生、袁水清先生、


呂幹洲先生和所有澳門錢幣學會會員們熱情和友好地接待了 我,遠遠超出了我這個西方陌生人的期待。袁水清先生(澳門


錢幣學會學術顧問,1994 年成立於臺灣的領先亞洲的雙語錢


The Ninth Issue of JEAN


Departments 部門 尤其是黃志成先生(澳門錢幣學會名譽會長)所收藏的中國現







就學到了一些中國的錢幣習俗,比如貨幣上的數字 8 代表了好


意頭而 4 則是個糟糕的數字!與會人士對於中國 2017 年款澳

行,每年約有 300 名澳門錢幣學會會員和客人們參加。晚宴






(Chateau Haut-Brion)。坦白地說,原本我以為自己會在首


次亞洲之旅中瘦下來,但在第 18 道菜肴(之後我就不再數了)




這真是一次永生難忘的晚宴!宴會期間,我的鄰座是一名來自 新加坡的頗有成就的錢幣收藏家傑佛瑞·韋,我們熱烈的討論 了亞洲和美國當前的錢幣市場趨勢,馬上成為了朋友。這是一 個洋溢着扣人心弦的抽獎氣氛,盡情享受美味佳餚,善意和友 誼長存的夜晚。

總而言之,我在 2017 年澳門錢幣學會年度博覽會上的初 次體驗是愉快和難忘的。我在此對周邁可邀請我前來參會和熱 情慷慨的接待表示感謝!也特別感謝澳門錢幣學會的所有會員 們,他們熱情好客並給我們呈現了一場世界級的展覽。2018 年是澳門錢幣協會成立 30 周年,年度錢幣博覽會將增加更多


的特別活動,並計劃於 2018 年 12 月初舉辦……我對此非常



鄰桌的丹尼·胡恩(德國漢堡“錢幣之家”的老闆 ) 迪特爾·


施塔克(德國慕尼克 MDS 的老闆),和來自葡萄牙里斯本的


Catia Silver( 迪亞曼蒂努錢幣公司的老闆),他們都是有所




作者簡介 馬修·布拉澤頓,出生於田納西州東部。系南卡羅來納州 軍事學院(政治學文學士,優等生)榮譽畢業生,倫敦政治經 濟學院國際關係學理科碩士,田納西大學法學院博士。馬修在 田納西州具備超過 10 年的執業律師經驗,為他的客戶如何處 置錢幣收藏品提供最佳建議。在此之前,他曾擔任田納西州州 長助理。在很小的時候,他的父親就將他引入硬幣的世界,並 帶他參加各種硬幣收藏交易會,啟發了他如何欣賞錢幣的歷史 性和藝術性。馬修完成了 PNG 大學稀少硬幣專業的學習,學 習期間他與“硬幣認證公司”的錢幣評級專家們和“遺產拍賣 行”的收藏專家們共事。他是美國錢幣協會、佛羅里達州美國 錢幣紀念獎章收藏家協會(Florida United Numismatist)、喬 治亞州錢幣協會(Georgia Numismatic Association)、硬幣 認證公司 ,PCGS(Professional Coin Grading Service), 以及紙 幣評級公司的會員,並持有在田納西州和東田納西州聯邦區執 業的律師牌照。他和商業夥伴裡克·施特爾策以及傑瑞卡·羅 傑是佛羅里達州薩拉索塔市 Estate Collectibles Group 的老闆。

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Departments 部門

East Asian, Library, Numismatic History

Happy Birthday John Reilly! David Hill (USA) A while back I stumbled onto this great homemade card in the John Reilly, Jr. papers and have been waiting for February 3 to wish Mr. Reilly a happy 141st birthday. It was made by his daughter Frances (born in 1912), sometime in the late 1910s. Two decades later, in 1937, she would formally donate his Far Eastern collections to John Reilly, Jr. the ANS. During World War II, Frances was living in Hong Kong with her husband when the city fell to the Japanese. She was imprisoned there for nearly a year, finally coming home in late 1942. She died in 2001. Remembered warmly as “Long John” by his Princeton classmates, the six-foot-four John Reilly once lent “his lanky southern paw to the varsity pitching staff” of the college. The result was one long inning, with 17 bases on balls and 23 hits—and a game that had to be called when they ran out of daylight (according to his class’s 50th anniversary reunion book, anyway). He was only associated with the ANS for twenty years or so (19101931), serving as treasurer and governor, but his contributions were enormous, Books in the Reilly library and his presence can certainly be felt today, not only in the ANS’s prized collection of Far Eastern coins, but also in his personal papers and library of books that reside in the ANS Rare Book Room. In the ANS Library, we have begun to catalog his mostly nineteenth-century books, producing records with titles and authors in both Roman and Chinese characters, and noting various forms, including English and pinyin.

Homemade birthday card from John Reilly’s daughter This work is being done by ANS member and volunteer Christopher (Zhengcheng) Li, a recent graduate of Sotheby’s Institute of Art. Christopher is making many interesting discoveries along the way, including some that update the findings of Arthur Braddan Coole, published in The Encyclopedia of Chinese Coins, 1967 (an updated version of his Bibliography on Far Eastern Numismatics, 1940), the standard bibliographical reference for Far Eastern numismatics.

The Ninth Issue of JEAN


Departments 部門

東亞·在圖書館·錢幣史 約翰·賴利生日快樂 大衛·希爾(美國) 不 久 之 前, 我 在約翰·賴利的文 獻上偶然發現了這 張很棒的自製賀 卡,我就一直在等 着2月3日的到 來以祝賀賴利先生 141 歲誕辰。這張 生日賀卡是由他生 於 1912 年 的 女 兒 弗 朗 西 絲 在 1910 年代末期親手製 作。二十多年後, 她 在 1937 年 將 父

約翰 · 賴利

親的遠東藏品正式捐贈給美國錢幣公司。二戰期間,弗朗西絲 和丈夫在一起生活在日軍佔領下的香港。她被囚禁了將近一年, 最後於 1942 年年底回家。她在 2001 年辭世。 約翰·賴利身高 6 英尺 4 英寸,他普林斯頓大學的同班同 學親切地稱之為“高個子約翰”。約翰曾經在大學運動代表隊 做左手投手隊員,那場棒球賽耗時很長一直打到日落時分,打 出了 17 個報送球和 23 個安打球。(據他們班 50 周年同學紀 念會書籍記載)。他在美國錢幣協會以出納和主管的身份工作 了僅僅 20 年(1910-1931 年),但是他的貢獻不容小覷,直 到今日,不論是憑着美國錢幣協會的珍貴遠東收藏硬幣,還是 珍藏本儲存 室的個人文 獻 及 書 籍, 我們依然可 以感受到他 的存在。 賴利圖 書館和文獻 似乎一直源 源不斷地產 約翰 · 賴利女兒自製的生日賀卡

70 《東亞泉志》第 9 期


出寶藏。我寫過一篇文章是關於 1893 年賴利 17 歲時在世界 哥倫比亞展覽拍攝的照片。在這裡,人們可以找到更多關於賴 利和他的遠東錢幣藏品。

Features 專題

Chopmarked Coins Chapter 1

The History of Silver in China - Chopmark Sizes Colin James Gullberg (Taipei) Chopmark Sizes First, as far as I know there is no definite reason that has been proven to explain why the sizes of chops changed. Some thought it was simply fashion, like the width of men’s neckties, but from the evidence we can see that most cobs have simple smaller chops (including simple relief chops). Pillars are a mixed bunch with both small and large chops. Relief chops, often complex, are also common on pillar dollars. The portrait Carolus dollars in the 1772-1810 period almost always have simple, small chops. These were known to have been counterfeited by mints in Canton and thus one theory states that larger chops returned after 1820 to better secure the trust of the silver-using public. The large chops appear to have dominated after about 1850. Dr. Tseng Che-lu52 has put forth the thesis that smaller chops were used from the cob era (starting in the 1600s) through until about 1840 or so. Numerous hoards found in China seem to confirm the use of small chops on cobs. Joe Cribb53 wrote about the aforementioned discovery of several small hoards in Fujian Province in the early 1970s, one of which contained coins with small chopmarks. The hoards contained coins mainly dated from the 1640s to the 1650s. Dr. Tseng claimed that the small chops continued until the 1830s when the shipments of opium increased, silver prices started to rise, and silver flowed out of China. Even though the price of silver was in long–term decline worldwide (see Graph 1, page 16), in China it was rising vis-à-vis the copper cash, which was the daily use coin for most Chinese (see Graph 3, page 55). This meant the economic burden was increasing for most Chinese peasants as taxes were due payable in silver. This price rise encouraged counterfeit Spanish coins to enter the market which necessitated larger chops (which would uncover more of the underlying coin when struck). The rising silver prices (and increased number of counterfeits) caused the Chinese to insist on payment

in pillar dollars, which were known to have good silver. The shroff handbook shows several pages of forgeries and how they were made and how to detect them – several of which I have included in the section on counterfeits in the final chapter of this book. The demand for pillars, and later portraits, meant the price of these dollars exceeded other newer motifs (such as the Mexican Cap & Rays) for decades after. Dr. Tseng stated that the already circulating portraits and pillars started to be chopped with large chops as the imports of opium increased and silver prices rose in China. Dr. Tseng also noted that the large chops seem to have been used in the Canton and Fujian regions of China only. Shanghai seems not to have adopted them. Further evidence for this proposition comes in the form of a hoard54 discovered in 1999 during some excavation work by the Shanghai Municipal Electricity Company. The hoard contained 467 portrait dollars dated from 1773-1811 along with four sycee from the Tongzhi period (1861-1875) with the youngest bearing the date 1870. Thus it can be deduced the hoard was likely buried in 1870 or soon after. A sizable number of the portrait dollars were chopped and all of these bore small chops. None had the larger chops common of the period (around 1870). Why weren’t large chops used in Shanghai? Dr. Tseng speculates that the level of education and culture was higher in Shanghai and thus there was a cultural aversion to damaging the coins too much by excessively chopping them. The Cantonese shared no such aversion. Most common trade dollars (U.S. trade dollars, British trade dollars, etc.) were introduced after 1865 and are found with large chops. From the evidence of the Shanghai hoard mentioned above we must conclude that many of these were chopped in Canton (Kwangtung) or Fujian.


Tseng, Che-lu; Hsuan Ho Coin Magazine, vol. 25-26, Taipei (Feb.-Mar. 2000), See an English version at: http://www.sycee-on-line. com/Foreign_silver_coins.htm 53 J.E. Cribb; op. cit., p. 180-84 54 Qianbi Bolan, Shanghai Numismatic Society Association vol.25 2000/03. From: coins.htm

The Ninth Issue of JEAN


Features 專題 Finally, in the early twentieth century, the last three decades of chopping, especially in the 1920s and 1930s, chops tend to be small, perhaps reflecting the area where the chopping was done or merely the slow decline of chopping as China established its Republican dollar and the assorted foreign coins slowly left circulation. Some coins have very small chops, some large, but few coins are seen heavily chopped. Hopefully, future research and new discoveries of hoards will improve our information on the timelines of chopping. Until that time Dr. Tseng’s thesis will remain conjecture only. The other theory on the varied sizes of chops considers the date of the host coins. The pillar coinage of Mexico can be found with both small and large chops. As it is well-known that coins in the past circulated far longer than they do today so you have to believe that the pillar dollars were still circulating a century later when large chops came into vogue. Some people find this unlikely that so many pillar dollars would survive clean until the 1850s. They think that there are too many pillars with large chops to make this hypothesis plausible. It seems unlikely that so many coins would survive in China for a century only to get chopped after 1850. If they had been circulating in the early 1800s alongside the portrait dollar, too, we should

see plenty of examples of pillar dollars covered with small chops like we find with the portraits. We do not. In the East, initially the new milled pillar coinage was of such a high quality that it disappeared from circulation quickly and the cobs circulated, 55 but obviously many did survive the melting pots and building a complete set of chopmarked Mexican 8 reales is quite feasible. The 8 reales from Bolivia (Potosí) and Peru (Lima) are also available chopped but in far fewer numbers than those from Mexico. Along China’s southeast coast the milled pillar dollar was known as the “floral (or “tulip”) edge silver” [花邊銀], the “two candles silver” [雙灼銀], and the “two candles tulip edge silver” [雙灼花邊銀]. It was given the “two candles” name due to the two pillars on the reverse which resembled two candles in a temple. Many of the 8 reales survive in very high grades (XF, AU) even when heavily chopped. Which is another reason to doubt the hypothesis that they survived over a century of use in either Mexico or China before being chopped with large chops. As mentioned the minor coins can be found with chopmarks but are far less common. The 1 and 2 reales can be found, the 4 reales is very scarce (I am not sure why) and I have only seen a handful of ½ reale coins with chopmarks.

10 Mexico 1763 (late style round 6 over old style 6) MO M.F. 8 Reales, KM-105, R-7.

The 1763 8 reales pictured above has several small chopmarks, but also a couple of larger relief chops that many collectors find more interesting. These relief chops are often found on pillars but not on the following portrait dollar coins. It seems as if they had disappeared by 1772


or so. The following coin is a 1 reale which has been holed and plugged. It is common to find holed minors as in several countries they were carried on strings for convenience.

F. Craig, Jr.; Coinage of the Viceroyalty of El Perú – an Overview, from: The Coinage of El Perú, (W.L. Bischoff, ed.), (1989), p. 7

72 《東亞泉志》第 9 期

Features ĺ°ˆéĄŒ

11 Mexico 1736 MO M.F. 1 Reale, KM-75.1, R-6.

12 Mexico 1748 MO M. 2 Reales, KM-86.1, R-6.

The previous two minor coins, both from the Rose collection, show an interesting mix of Chinese and pseudo-Chinese chops. The following 1 reale from Guatemala is exceptionally

rare. It was the first year of the issue. Guatemala was still issuing cobs when Mexico changed to milled pillar dollars which were not introduced in Guatemala until 1754. There is one large chop in the center of the reverse.

13 Guatemala 1733 J. 1 Reale, KM-3, R-2.

The Ninth Issue of JEAN


Features 專題 Peru started minting milled pillar dollars in 1751, nineteen years after Mexico City. Production ended in 1772, one year after it had ceased in Mexico.

14 Peru 1768 LM J.M. 8 Reales, KM-A64.2, R-7.

1772 Carolus Portrait Dollar In 1772, Spain effected a change in the design and silver content of its coins. The “bust” or “portrait” dollar56 was introduced and (by way of secret decrees) the fineness of the pillar dollar fell from 0.917 (0.7980 oz. of pure silver) to 0.903 (0.7858 oz. of pure silver) for the Carolus dollar. The portrait dollar was probably the most widelyused coin in history. Many were countermarked in a wide variety of countries around the world. Chinese referred to them as “Buddha head silver” [ 佛 頭 銀 ],“Buddha face silver” [ 佛 面 銀 ] or “barbarian silver” [ 番 銀 ]. Since the Chinese could not read the Latin inscriptions on the coins and Chinese cash coins never carried the portrait of the emperor, the Carolus portrait was taken to be some sort of Buddha effigy. These coins (and the following assorted portrait dollars) were called the four-work silver [ 四 工 ] as the Roman number I looked the Chinese character 工 [gong or “work”] and the king’s name was written “Carolus IIII.” The Ferdinand VII dollar was hence known as the “two-work silver” [ 二工 ]. Two of the reasons for the large numbers of portrait dollars were the expanding trade between China and the


West, and the United States’ entrance into large scale trade in China. The Americans were obliged to bring Mexican silver to Canton until they could use negotiable bank drafts starting in 1810-11.57 American port records show nearly $70,000,000 of Mexican silver to have been shipped between 1805 and 1818. 58 Much of the silver brought by Americans was re-exported to India, sometimes without even opening the bags.59 The increased trade with China was a result of the increasing demand for tea in the West. In contrast to China’s complicated bimetallic system, the imported silver dollars were standardized in form, weight, and fineness. Hence they proved to be far more convenient as media of exchange than the traditional silver ingots or sycee. The nineteenth century witnessed widespread use of silver coins in place of silver bullion as media of exchange.60 Over the period of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries the Carolus dollar penetrated the interior of Guangdong, Fujian, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Anhui provinces.61 In the first quarter of the nineteenth century, the Carolus dollar was “the basic circulating coin in foreign commerce at Canton.”62 By 1830, because of its convenience and its

It was also called the “Carolus” dollar as Spain’s Charles III (Carolus III) was pictured on the coin 1772-1788 followed by Charles IV from 1788-1808. Confusingly, it is also sometimes referred to as the “pillar dollar” due to the two pillars flanking the Spanish coat of arms on the reverse. The Chinese called it the “benyang” or “standard dollar” [ 本洋 ]. In addition, the term “Carolus dollar” usually refers to all the portrait dollars, under several Spanish kings. I will call it the “portrait” or “Carolus” dollar (or 8 reales) throughout this book. 57 M. Greenberg; British Trade and the Opening of China 1800-42, (1951), p. 161 58 Yen-p’ing Hao; The Commercial Revolution in Nineteenth-Century China, (1986), p. 29 59 M. Greenberg; op. cit., p. 159 60 Yen-p’ing Hao; op. cit., p. 35 61 T. Shiroyama; China During the Great Depression – Market, State, and the World Economy, 1929-1937, (2008), p. 17 62 M. Greenberg; op. cit., p. vii

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Features 專題 reputation for consistency, the dollar was used in the domestic commerce as well as accepted for tax payments in certain areas.63 Until 1856, the local currency in the Yangzi Delta was the Carolus dollar. However, the supply of Carolus dollars had dried up by the 1840s. As a result, the local value of the dollar in China attracted premiums of 20-30%.64 There are huge numbers of chopmarked examples of the 8 reales available. In general, small chopmarks dominate the period, especially before 1810 or so. Occasionally, you will find a coin with small chopmarks and a few large ones, but I, like Dr. Tseng, believe the larger chops were

applied later, perhaps after 1830 or 1840 when large chops came into vogue. Below is a fairly typical example of a low-grade portrait. Most of these coins are from the Mexico City mint but this one is from Lima, the second most popular mint. Notice the large number of small chopmarks peppering both sides of the coin. The Lima mint had reduced the fineness of its coins in 1786 to 0.8958 and by 1793, many minors were only 0.85 fine, some far lower.65 According to Kann these lower silver content coins were shunned by the Chinese.66 Nevertheless, many, including the Lima 8 reales pictured below, were accepted and chopped.

15 Peru 1789 Lima I.J. 8 Reales, KM-78a, R-7.

Other mints and minors also turn up, but a collector could do no better than an incomplete type set for coins from Mexico, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Guatemala, and Spain – the six countries from whence chopmarked portrait coins exist.

16 Mexico 1799 MO F.M. ½ Reale, KM-72, R-3. Even though this tiny ½ reale contains 0.0490 oz. of silver, it has been chopped by three different shroffs.


Yen-p’ing Hao; op. cit., p. 36 T. Shiroyama; op. cit., p. 18 65 F. Craig, Jr.; op. cit., p. 17 66 E. Kann; op. cit., p. 130 64

The Ninth Issue of JEAN


Features 專題 Guatemala portraits come up for sale now and again, but they are one of the tougher mints to find chopmarked coins from (but not as tough as Santiago). A very nice example of a Guatemala 8 reales with large chops is to be

found on the inside cover to this book (photo 2). Another example is this severely-chopped Guatemala 8 reales pictured below; nevertheless, the G mintmark is still clear and recognizable.

17 Guatemala 1772 G P. 8 Reales, KM-36.1, R-3.

The following is an interesting Santiago, Chile 8 reales, also severely chopped. Curiously, some of the chops are much larger than the typical of the period, which leads me to believe that perhaps these were applied at a later date,

either because the coin entered China much later that its mintage date would suggest, or it did in fact circulate in the early 1800s (there are a few small chops visible) but continued to circulate for much longer.

18 Chile 1787 Santiago D.A. 8 Reales, KM-31, R-3.

The following coin is a very rare Chile 2 reales minted in 1810. Not many Chile 8 reales made it to China; even fewer minors made it and survived. The Carolus dollar was so popular that newspapers continued to quote its value as late as 1911, almost 100 years after the last one was issued. The Carolus dollar


D.H. Leavens; Silver Money, (1939), p. 95

76 《東亞泉志》第 9 期

was discontinued in 1821 in Mexico (although some regional mints issued portrait dollars during the War of Independence period), which supplied most of China’s portrait dollars. The portraits were so well-liked that only chopped portrait dollars were accepted for many transactions.67

Features 專題

19 Chile 1810 PTS F.J. 2 Reales, KM-74, R-2.

In fact, Carolus dollars were so sought-after that local acceptance of them at a premium over their silver content was well established in Canton during the eighteenth century. In 1815, the British East India Company’s records indicate that the price of sycee was very low, a 7 or 8 percent discount in terms of the dollar. As the purity of sycee was generally considered to be 8 percent better than dollars, this would mean a difference of 15 or 16 percent between sycee and dollars when one purchased sycee at Canton and shipped it to Calcutta for sale. Actually, quoting prices in numbers of dollars as opposed to weight did result in some export of sycee in exchange for the dollar. To prevent the exporting of sycee in 1829 the Daoguang Emperor (also: Tao-kuang) (r. 1821-51) prohibited the importation of silver dollars and decreed that prices not be quoted in numbers of dollars but only by weight and fineness. Yet un-chopped dollars continued to pass at a premium relative to their silver content.67 In fact, Carolus dollars were so sought-after that local acceptance of them at a premium over their silver content was well established in Canton during the eighteenth century. In 1815, the British East India Company’s records indicate that the price of sycee was very low, a 7 or 8 percent discount in terms of the dollar. As the purity of sycee was generally considered to be 8 percent better than dollars, this would mean a difference of 15 or 16 percent between sycee and dollars when one purchased sycee at Canton and shipped it to Calcutta for sale. Actually, quoting prices in numbers of dollars as opposed to weight did result in some export of sycee in exchange

for the dollar. To prevent the exporting of sycee in 1829 the Daoguang Emperor (also: Tao-kuang) (r. 1821-51) prohibited the importation of silver dollars and decreed that prices not be quoted in numbers of dollars but only by weight and fineness. Yet un-chopped dollars continued to pass at a premium relative to their silver content.68 I have found the vast majority of the portrait dollars to be from the 1772-1811 period. I have encountered far fewer chopped specimens of portrait dollars minted after this date. I believe the reason was the changing world economic conditions that were occurring in the early nineteenth century. First, after 1804 little or no silver was sent from Europe to Canton by the British East India Company (EIC). In 1806, for the first time the amount of silver generated by opium sales exceeded the cost of Chinese goods purchased. Now Britain no longer had to send silver to China. Instead silver was flowing in the other direction, creating the firstever trade deficit for China.69 In 1806-09, $7m of silver flowed from China to India. From 1818-33, one-fifth of the total exports from China was treasure.70 In the early nineteenth century, opium imports from India increased, and the global demand for China’s silk and tea decreased. At the same time, because of the diminishing supply of Latin American silver, the high silver prices in China relative to those in Europe in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries disappeared. As a result, China saw a net outflow of silver from 1809 to 1856, which was devastating to the country’s economy. The total amount


D.H. Leavens; Silver Money, (1939), p. 95 Yen-p’ing Hao; op. cit., p. 37-38 69 E.J. Dolin; When America First Met China, (2012), p. 121 70 M. Greenberg; op. cit., p. 10 68

The Ninth Issue of JEAN


Features 專題 of silver exported has been estimated at $367.5m (181456) with the highest annual outflow averaging $17.5m in 1847-56.71 Graph 3 (see page 55) shows the effect of this outflow as the silver-copper cash ratio rose to dramatic new heights. Domestically, as the tax burden in terms of silver increased (peasant taxes were payable in silver but incomes were in copper cash), social disturbances erupted throughout the empire. The confrontation with Great Britain over the opium trade issue culminated in the first Opium War (1839-42).72 The rise of the Taiping Rebellion (1850-64) and the near overthrow of the Qing can be partly linked to this fall in the supply of silver and its subsequent price rise. In the rest of the world, economies fared no better. South America’s economy was in a slump from 1810 and Mexico’s GNP declined continuously from 1810 until the 1860s. American silver was being squandered in European wars and this was a significant cause of the wars of independence in Latin America. Chile became independent in 1817, Peru and Mexico in 1821, and Bolivia in 1825. Most of Latin American was fighting for independence from Spain from about 1810. The situation

was very costly for both the government coffers and the mining industry. Not only was the cost of war devastating; during the Mexican War of Independence, many mines were flooded causing production at some mines to come to a standstill for years. In Europe, silver was scarce. France was dealing with the end of the Napoleonic Wars. England faced increasing shortages of silver coins. When a Spanish ship carrying 3,000,000 Carolus dollars was captured the English government authorized the Bank of England to counterstamp them as the 1804 bank dollar. A few of these pieces made it to China and can be found with chopmarks. England also officially sanctioned the countermarking of Spanish portrait dollars with a small countermark of the English monarch George III. There are two types: one, a small oval shaped countermark; the other, a larger octagonal countermark. The oval type is far more common, but there are quite a few counterfeits in the market.

20 Great Britain ND (1797) Type I countermark, 5 Shillings KM-634 (Host: Mexico 1792 MO F.M. 8 Reales, KM-109), R-3.

The following coin is quite rare. This is partly because the host coin is a Lima, Peru 8 reales which is far rarer than the Mexican 8 reales. Bolivian 8 reales exist as well.

71 72

M.H. Lin; China Upside Down – Currency, Society, and Ideologies, 1808-1856, (2006), p. 85 [see p. 84-85 for detailed figures] T. Shiroyama; op. cit., p. 16

78 《東亞泉志》第 9 期

Features 專題

21 Great Britain ND type II countermark, 5 Shillings KM-658 (Host: Peru 1800 Lima I.J. 8 Reales, KM-97), R-2.

Scotland also countermarked Spanish 8 reales, with private firms doing the countermarking. All of these pieces are quite rare, and chopmarked examples especially so. I know of three Scottish countermarked coins with chopmarks; all must be considered unique.

Rose owned one, a Rothsay Cotton Works countermark on a Mexican 8 reales. The coin is now in the British Museum.

22 Scotland ND (1811) Rothsay Cotton Works countermark, 4 Shillings 6 Pence, KM-CC-100 (Host: Mexico 1796 MO F.M. 8 Reales, KM-109), R-1 (unique). Photo courtesy ©Trustees of the British Museum.

This Glasgow Bank countermark on a Mexican 8 reales is also likely to be unique as there are fewer than 40 known examples of the Glasgow Bank countermark in existence.

23 Scotland ND (1811) Glasgow Bank countermark, 5 Shillings, KM-CC-44, (Host: Mexico 1808 MO T.H. 8 reales, KM-110), R-1 (unique).

The Ninth Issue of JEAN


Features 專題 The third Scotland countermarked 8 reales that I know of is a ND (1811) J. Muir Manufr./Paisley countermark, 5 Shillings, KM-CC-87 (host: Mexico 1809 M O T.H. 8 Reales, KM-110), R-1, sold by the Money Co. (Hong Kong) in 1986 (lot 888). In addition to the British Isles, Carolus dollars were countermarked in a very large number of countries including many of the islands throughout the West Indies, the Azores, the Philippines, Brazil, and Australia to name but a few. Some of these countermarked Carolus dollars made it to China and were chopped.

The Brazilian state of Minas Gerais countermarked Spain dollars in circulation in the state in 1808. Countermarks were struck on both sides of the coin, marking the coin at 960 reis even though the silver in the coin was only worth 750 to 800 reis. I have seen several of these as they made their way to the Far East, likely in boxes of Peruvian and Bolivian 8 reales. A nice example of the Brazilian Minas Gerais countermark is below. The countermarking was carried out in 1808-10 on a variety of Latin American dollar coins.

24 Brazil – Minas Gerais ND (1808) countermarks 960 Reis, KM-242, (Host: Bolivia 1806 PTS P.J. 8 Reales, KM- 73), R-3.

In 1811, Spanish courts ruled coins should bear the “natural” bust of the king rather than the armored or adorned bust. The coin pictured below is a Spanish 8

reales from 1809 minted in Seville. Chopmarked Spanish coins are far rarer than Mexican, Peruvian or Bolivian.

25 Spain 1809 S CN 8 Reales, KM-466.4, R-4.

A few mainland Spanish coins also made it to China. Notice the large style chopmarks suggesting that either

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small chops had died out or it was chopped in an area (or time) of China when large chopmarks dominated.

Features 專題 1810 War broke out in Mexico in 1810 and over the next decade five additional mints were opened. Independence came to Mexico in 1821. A few of these War of Independence coins made it

to China and were chopped. Precise numbers are difficult to ascertain, but they are all scarce. I have included one example, a very crude Durango Mint 8 reales.

26 Mexico War of Independence (Royalist) 1816 D M.Z. 8 Reales, KM-111.2, R-2/3.

Brazil was discovered by the Portuguese in 1500. It was never a major producer of silver, but it was a major supplier of gold to Europe. Apart from the odd Carolus

8 reales with a Minas Gerais 960 reis countermark (see picture 24) few of the standard Brazilian coins are found with chopmarks.

27 Brazil 1815 B. 960 Reis KM-307.1, R-2.

Rose had one in his collection. Coin 27 is from the Ron Waddell collection.73 The 960 reis was 0.8960 fine giving an actual silver weight (ASW) of 0.7746 oz. of pure silver.

Interestingly, the Brazilian 960 reis appears in the Taiwanese shroff handbook, proving that it did make its way to Taiwan and China in the nineteenth century. The Taiwanese called it the “balloon silver” [氣球銀] (chi-chou yin) .


If you are interested in the story of how Mr. Waddell obtained the coin pictured see: R. Waddell; Coins for my Collection, Chopmark News, vol. 6, issue 1 (January 2000), p. 6-7

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Features 專題

In the United States, the Carolus dollar also circulated and it was not until 1873 that the U.S. issued its own trade dollar for use in the Orient. As mentioned, American clipper ships were engaged in an increasingly profitable trade with China. The largest China merchant in New York in 1824 stated that out of his $1,311,057 exports to China that year, nearly $900,000 was in the form of specie, and the American port records show nearly $70,000,000 in coin to have been shipped between 1805 and 1818.74

The following coin may have been in one of those early shipments. It is a USA draped bust dollar with heraldic eagle reverse. I have seen four or five other examples. Most likely the coin was shipped with a shipment of U.S. trade dollars in the 1870s, as the chops are large and another example of the draped bust dollar (the Hal Walls coin) has chops similar to ones I have seen on 1880s Mexican Cap & Rays 8 reales.

28 USA 1799 One Dollar, KM-32, R-2/3.

Below is an interesting 8 reales from Argentina. The general type was introduced in 1813 after Argentina had broken away from Spanish rule in 1810. The coin was in the Rose collection and was pictured in his book Chopmarks . Rose speculated75 that a ship stopping for water and stores may have stopped in Buenos Aires where the coin was picked up. The coin was light as compared to the Carolus dollar (0.7793 oz. of pure silver vs. 0.7980 74 75

Yen-p’ing Hao; op. cit., p. 29 F.M. Rose; op. cit., p. 14

82 《東亞泉志》第 9 期

oz. of pure silver for the Carolus) but it was obviously accepted by more than one merchant. I know of only one other, which was sold in Taipei in September, 2006, making it a very rare coin chopmarked. One collector searched for twenty years for an example never finding one. As it appeared in the shroff handbook many more examples must have made their way to Asia; many must have been melted into sycee in the nineteenth century.

Features 專題

29 Argentina 1826 R.A. P. 8 Reales, KM-20, R-2.

Taiwanese called the coin the “head with sun shadow” [人頭日影] or the “long lace” [長花邊]. Dr. Tseng Che-lu

speculates that like other Taiwanese chopped coins it has repeated chopmarks; in this case 万 万, and E E.

1822 The year 1822 was an eventful one. Brazil declared independence September 7, 1822, becoming the Empire of Brazil. Two months later, much of Canton was burned to the ground after a major fire swept through the port on November 1, 1822, which had started in a bakery. Seven thousand shops and all the Canton factories were destroyed in the fire (the port was destroyed by fire again in 1841 and also in 1856). And Mexico started to mint its first coins since gaining its independence from Spain in 1821. This was the short-lived Iturbide Empire.

The first Mexican coin minted after achieving independence from Spain was the Augustus 8 reales. Mexico was renamed the Empire of Mexico with Augustin de Iturbide as emperor. He reigned less than one year (May 19, 1822 – March 19, 1823) and the Iturbide coinage was minted for a short two years with few pieces making it to China, and even fewer surviving. The coin pictured below is one of the very few chopmarked Empire of Iturbide coins known. It was from the Rose collection and he considered it to be one of the prize coins in his collection.

30 Mexico 1822 MO J.M. 8 Reales, KM-304, R-2/3.

The Ninth Issue of JEAN


Features 專題 The Iturbide dollar shows the eagle’s head similar to the combs of a rooster, thus this coin became known as

“chicken money” [雞錢] by the Chinese on China’s east coast and is pictured in the shroff handbook.

Mexico suffered as an independent country. No European nation was willing to recognize Mexican independence and most broke off economic ties, as they valued mainland Spanish ties more. After the end of the Mexican War of Independence, the country was politically divided as it tried to recover from more than a decade of fighting.76 Mexico adopted new coin designs after the end of the reign of Augustin de Iturbide. The Chinese, conservative by nature, were not accepting of the new coins at first, but they were gradually accepted in Canton. The Spanish portrait dollars were preferred for a long time and although nominally a bullion coin, they traded at a premium to the Mexican Cap & Rays, a coin of the same weight.77

to be known as the “Cap & Rays” 8 reales. The Chinese came to refer to the coin as the ying-yang or ying-yin [鷹 洋 or 鷹銀] (eagle dollar or eagle silver).

1825 Mexico Cap & Rays 8 Reales The first coin of the new Republic of Mexico was minted in 1823. The new coin featured an eagle holding a snake perched on a cactus on the obverse78 and a cap with the word LIBERTAD inscribed along the edge of the cap. Rays of sunlight were coming from behind the cap. This has come to be known as the “hooked neck” 8 reales. The hooked neck was known to Chinese shroffs, but was quickly replaced, in 1825, with a modified eagle design. Interestingly, it was former Emperor Augustin who was responsible for both the Mexican flag and the adoption of the eagle with a snake on the cactus, which was the old Tenochtitlan symbol for Mexico City. The coin has come 76

The Cap & Rays is, without a doubt, the most commonly found chopmarked coin due to its very long run, large mintage and the large number of pieces exported from Mexico to China. It was minted in fourteen different mints for 75 years, until 1897, when the denomination (but not the design) was changed to the peso. Some of these mints were short-lived (the mint at Catorce only produced coins dated 1863 and the Estado de Mexico Mint at Tlalpan produced for only three years) but the total production was enormous. It was the backbone of the China trade for the second half of the nineteenth century and well into the twentieth. It was countermarked for use in a large number of Asian countries including Thailand and Japan. Some of these countermarked coins returned to China and were chopped. The vast majority of Cap & Rays are from the final twenty years of production. From 1877 to 1891, 79% of the Cap & Rays production was exported. The coin was produced as a commodity (exporting bar silver was illegal in Mexico and the metal is heavy to transport hence the need for so many mints) and the majority of production went to where the highest demand was – China. Eventually, the Mexican 8 reales became the preferred form of silver in Asia as is attested by the premium it demanded over the

Wikipedia D.H. Leavens; op. cit., p. 96 78 The eagle side is usually thought of as the reverse as the date and assayer and mintmark is what is important to most collectors; but in fact the eagle side has the words “Republica Mexicana” making it the obverse. 77

84 《東亞泉志》第 9 期

Features 專題 U.S. dollar, which stood at 5% in San Francisco in 1852 but had reached 16% by 1859.79 For the chopmarked coin collector, most production that was shipped to China came from the mints in Alamos, Chihuahua, Culiacan, Durango, Guadalajara, Guanajuato, Mexico City, San Luis Potosí and Zacatecas. I have found that the most common by far are from Mexico City and Zacatecas. While later date (after 1875) Cap & Rays are plentiful, the earlier dates are very hard to come by. Part of this was due to the turmoil of Mexico’s economy and political situation at the time (from 1821 to 1857, fifty different governments ruled the country). In addition to the declining flows of Mexican silver, China was seeing more and more Indian opium being imported into Canton. As a result of the opium trade, by about 1826, China experienced an unfavorable balance of trade virtually for the first time in her history. This produced in turn a net outflow of specie out of the country. According to a conservative estimate, there was a net inflow of $74,700,000 from 1801 to 1826, but a net outflow of $133,700,000 from 1827 to 1849. Given the fact that China’s silver stock was around one billion dollars in the early nineteenth century and that one-third of it was in circulation, the massive exodus of silver represents a sharp reduction in China’s money supply.80

In addition, British old-China hands pointed out that by the 1820s, China’s foreign trade was based increasingly on bills and notes instead of silver. American traders started to use the new financial instrument of bills for credit arrangements in the late 1820s. 81 The need for silver currency fell. Although American merchants were profiting from the China trade, paying for Chinese goods remained a challenge. Through 1825, specie and bullion were used for 75 percent or more of the purchases made in Canton, which frustrated merchants because silver was scarce, and using it tied up precious capital. This currency drain diminished drastically in the late 1820s with the use of another financial instrument – the bill on London. American merchants would obtain a credit or advance from a British bank and then take that paper “bill” to Canton, where it was negotiable. The Americans could sell the bill to British opium dealers for silver and use the silver to purchase goods, or they could give the bill to the hong 82 merchants in exchange for goods. The Americans then sold the goods in the United States or other ports and used the proceeds to pay off the advance, plus interest.83 These bills added to the money supply, hence the demand for physical silver gradually fell.

31 Mexico 1848 DO R.M. 8 Reales, KM-377, R-7. The huge variety of dates, mintmarks and assayers make completing a complete Cap & Rays set impossible (but fun to attempt).


M. Dunigan and J.B. Parker; Resplandores, (1997), p. xiii-xiv Yen-p’ing Hao; op. cit., p. 121-22 81 Ibid., p. 73-74 82 A “hong” [ 行 ] is the Chinese term for a commercial establishment or House of foreign trade in China. The first known use of the term was in 1726. 83 E.J. Dolin; op. cit., p. 167-68 80

The Ninth Issue of JEAN


Features 專題 This period was one of the worst, economically, in the entire Qing dynasty. The economy, in 1827-28, was in depression. Cotton prices were terrible.84 Between 1829 and 1840 only $7.3m in silver was imported while nearly $56m in dollars, gold, and sycee was exported. The main reason of this trade deficit appears to be increased opium imports.85 In terms of quantity, the Cap & Rays overshadowed the Carolus dollars in China’s monetary sector only after the 1850s. Although the Mexican dollar became the standard coin in Hong Kong as early as 1842, its wholehearted

acceptance in China was relatively late. British merchants were much irritated by the refusal of the Chinese to accept the new “Independent” or “Republican” dollars, or Spanish dollars bearing the image of Ferdinand VII at the same value as the old Carolus dollars.86 The American merchant Augustine Heard, Jr., recalled that during the first decade of the treaty system, “the Mexican dollar came very slowly into use – and only at a discount.”87 While the Cap & Rays 8 reales are plentiful, the minor coins are extremely hard to come by. Below is a 4 reales, one of a very few I have seen.

32 Mexico 1847 ZS O.M. 4 Reales, KM-375.9, R-3.

Each of the Spanish and Portuguese colonies in Latin America gained independence between 1810 and 1825. The final one was Peru/Bolivia (at the time one nation). In 1821 Peru was the final holdout of the Spanish in Latin America. The Spanish were finally defeated at the Battle of Ayacucho (1824). Before Lima fell, the Lima Mint’s machinery was moved to Cuzco for one year (1824). The minting of Spanish dollars lasted a mere year and soon after, the republicans took over Cuzco, thus ending Spain’s coinage in South America.88


M. Greenberg; op. cit., p. 90 Ibid., p. 142 86 Ibid., p. 159 87 Yen-p’ing Hao; op. cit., p. 40 88 F. Craig, Jr.; op. cit., p. 19 85

86 《東亞泉志》第 9 期

The single year issue of the Cuzco makes the 8 reales particularly hard to find with chopmarks. Perhaps this one is unique; I know of no other. For the Chinese, the Roman “II” contained in the obverse legend (FERDIN VII) looked like the character “工” (gong or “work”) hence the coin was called “二工銀” (two work [工] silver) by the Chinese, just like the Carolus IIII dollar was known as the “four-work silver.”

Features 專題

33 Peru 1824 Cuzco G. 8 Reales, KM-117.2, R-7. Image courtesy Daniel F. Sedwick, LLC.

After the departure of the Spanish from the Americas, newly established nations introduced their own coinage, often celebrating their new-found independence and freedom from Spain. Although there is far more variety in these coins as opposed to collecting the earlier Spanish coinage with its minimal differences, far fewer of these coins seemed to have made it to China and were chopped (or did not survive the melting pots). Some can be found with a few years of search, others rarely appear.

In 1822, Peru issued its first non-Spanish coin. The coin has the words “Peru Libre” (“Free Peru”), and two figures representing “justice” and “virtue” flanking a column; significant changes from the Spanish coins that had come before. In the final year of the war some of these coins were countermarked by royalists with a large crown above the date 1824. Both types should be considered quite scarce with chopmarks.

34 Peru 1822 Lima J.P. 8 Reales countermarked by Royalist 1824 crown, KM-130 (Host: KM-136), R-3.

The Central American Republic (modern day Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and a small part of Mexico) was a short lived republic (1823-39). From its independence in 1821 it was a part of Mexico but formed its own republic after the fall of Iturbide of Mexico. It was an unusual nation – one without a permanent


capital, army or treasury. Its population was only 1.5 million and it was poor.89 It did issue some handsome coins, and a few made it to China and were chopped. They are all very rare. In the late nineteenth century, shroffs in Taiwan called this coin the “sun’s shadow 88 silver” [日影 八八成] due to its 0.8800 level of fineness.

C. Krause and C. Mishler; Standard Catalog of World Coins – Spain, Portugal and the New World, (2002), p. 140

The Ninth Issue of JEAN


Features 專題

35 Central American Republic 1839 NG M.A. 8 Reales, KM-4, R-3. This 8 reales minted in Guatemala has a single chopmark “ 天 ” [tien which means “sky” or “heaven”] on the lower reverse, below the 8.

Below is the coin’s illustration in the shroff handbook. The character between the two images of the coin is an old way in Chinese to write “88” and appears as:

88 《東亞泉志》第 9 期

Features 專題

《戳記幣簡史》——第一章 中國白銀史 戳記大小 高林(台北) (上接第 8 期)

期(1862-1874 年)的銀錠,最早的可追溯到 1870 年,因此 這些錢幣應該都埋於 1870 年後。其中相當一部分的肖像銀幣


都帶有戳記,而且都是小戳記。這段時期(1870 年前後)錢







文戳記的也都是柱狀銀幣。1772-1810 年發行的卡洛斯肖像銀 幣常帶有簡單的小型戳記,因為這種銀幣後來遭到廣州的鑄幣

1865 年後,美國、英國等地的錢幣開始進入中國,而且

廠大量偽造,所以有理論認為,1820 年後回歸的大型戳記是


為了更好地保證大眾對銀幣的信心。大概在 1850 年以後,大


型戳記開始佔據市場主流。 最 後,20 世 紀 早 期 是 戳 記 標 誌 最 後 的 30 年, 特 別 是 臺灣錢幣專家曾澤祿博士認為卡伯錢幣時代(1600-1840

1920-1930 年代。戳記再度變小,除了表示戳記地外,這種趨

年)主要流行的是小型戳記,52 在中國發現的大量小型戳記錢


幣正是這一理論有力的佐證。Joe Cribb 上文提到的 20 世紀


70 年代初在福建發現的數枚錢幣藏品中就有帶小型戳記的錢


幣,53 這些錢幣的歷史可追溯到 1640 到 1650 年前後。曾博


士講,1830 年以前小型戳記一直是主流,之後隨着鴉片大量


流入中國,白銀外流,銀價暴漲。雖然世界範圍內的銀價長期 下跌(見圖 1,第 16 頁),但中國的情況則正好相反,相對


于大多數中國人最常使用的貨幣——銅幣來說(見圖 3,第 55





後,柱狀錢幣依然流通了一個多世紀。有人認為到了 19 世紀


50 年代應該已經沒有這麼多無損的柱狀錢幣,太多的大型戳


記柱狀錢幣並不切合實際。1850 年後,這麼多錢幣想在中國


流通只有打戳一條路。如果它們在 19 世紀早期曾和肖像錢幣





錢幣的價值遠高於後來出現的新幣種,如墨西哥花邊鷹洋。 在遠東地區,新鑄幣廠首批發行的柱狀錢幣往往會因為其 曾博士指出,隨着中國的鴉片進口量上升,銀價飛漲,流 通的肖像銀幣和柱狀銀幣開始打上大型戳記。

高品相而很快從流通中消失现在,55 不過許多也會從熔爐中倖 存下來。收集一整套帶戳記的墨西哥 8 裡亞爾銀幣並非不可能。 來自玻利維亞(波托西)和秘魯(利馬)的 8 裡亞爾銀幣也是



1999 年上海電力公司挖掘出的錢幣證實了這一假設,54 錢幣


中包含 467 枚 1773-1811 年發行的肖像銀幣以及 4 塊同治時


52 53 54 55

曾澤祿 《宣和幣鈔》雜誌,第 25-26 卷,台北,英文版請至 J ·E ·克裏布《中國福建發現的大量 17 世紀西班牙銀幣》,摘自《錢幣寶藏》,皇家錢幣學會 1977 年出版,第 180-184 頁 《錢幣博覽》上海錢幣學會第 25 期,2000 年 3 月,詳情請至: 小 F·克雷格《秘魯總督轄地硬幣——一部概述》,摘自《秘魯錢幣》(W·L·畢肖夫編著),1987 年,第 17 頁

The Ninth Issue of JEAN


Features 專題 許多 8 裡亞爾銀幣即使在重戳之下依然能保持 XF、AU(精

輔幣雖然常帶戳記,但數量卻不多。1 裡亞爾和 2 裡亞爾的銀


幣還偶有發現,但 4 裡亞爾的銀幣基本絕跡(我也不明白確切



圖 10 墨西哥 1763 年 MO M.F. 8 裡亞爾銀幣(新版與舊版),KM105,R-7

1763 年發行的 8 裡亞爾銀幣除了數個小戳記外,也有一 對陽文戳記,引起了許多收藏家的興趣。這對陽文戳記常見於

記也漸漸消失了,下圖是被打孔和塞芯的 1 裡亞爾銀幣,打孔 後的輔幣可以方便地用繩子穿起來,在個別國家相當常見。

柱狀錢幣,肖像錢幣則沒有這種現象。1772 年以後,這種戳

圖 11 墨西哥 1763 年 MO M.F.1 裡亞爾銀幣,KM-75.1, R-6

圖 12 墨西哥 1763 年 MO M. 2 裡亞爾銀幣,KM-86.1, R-6 上圖兩種輔幣是羅斯的藏品,印有中文和異體字中文戳記。

90 《東亞泉志》第 9 期

Features 專題 下圖的瓜地馬拉 1 裡亞爾銀幣是相當稀有的第一版銀幣。直到 1754 年墨西哥的柱狀銀幣流入前,瓜地馬拉仍在發行玉米穗 銀幣。這種幣的背面中心有一個大戳記。

圖 13 瓜地馬拉 1733 年 J. 1 裡亞爾銀幣,KM-3, R-2 秘鲁 1751 年開始生產柱狀銀幣,比墨西哥晚了 19 年。生产结束时间为 1772 结年,比墨西哥晚了一年。

圖 14 秘魯 1768 年 J.M.8 裡亞爾銀幣,KM-A64.2, R-7

1772 年卡洛斯四世肖像銀幣

的“工”,而卡洛斯四世(Carolus IIII)就被稱為“四工”, 斐迪南七世(The Ferdinand VII)就被稱為“二工”。

1772 年 , 西班牙更改了銀幣的設計樣式和含銀量,依照秘 密法令開始發行“半身像”和“頭像”幣。柱狀銀幣含銀量 56


從 91.7%(0.7980 盎司純銀)跌落到 90.3%(0.7858 盎司純銀)。

規模進軍中國市場。在 1810、1811 年可以使用銀行匯票前,57




示,1805-1818 年間,58 共有近 7000 萬美元的墨西哥銀幣被







戳記幣之所以又被稱作卡羅勒斯銀元,是因為 1772 年至 1778 年間該錢幣上印有查理三世(卡羅勒斯三世)的頭像,隨後的 1788 年至 1808 年該錢幣上又印有查理四世頭像。可能會造成困惑的是,戳記幣有時會被稱作“雙柱”,這是由於它兩側為兩

根平直的立柱,其下置一盾形徽記。 57 M· 格林伯格著《1800-1842 年的英國貿易與中國開放》,第 1951 年版,第 161 頁。 58 59

郝延平著《19 世紀中國商業革命》,1986 年,第 29 頁。 M· 格林伯格著,同上,第 159 頁。

The Ninth Issue of JEAN


Features 專題 對茶葉的需求導致中西方貿易額不斷上升。與中國複雜的

1810 年以前,8 裡亞爾的銀幣上也有大戳記,但大致都是



因此,比起傳統的銀條銀錠,銀元自然更為方便。19 世紀,銀

我認同曾博士的看法,即大型戳記要等到 1830 年或 1840 年




18-19 世紀,卡洛斯銀元已經在廣東內陸、福建、江蘇、浙江、 61

安徽等地流通。 1825 年之前,卡洛斯銀元是廣州外貿交易的 62

主要貨幣。 到 1830 年,憑藉其便利性和穩定性,銀元已經 63

以下是一個非常典型的低品相肖像幣。這種銀幣大部分都 來自墨西哥城的鑄幣廠,但這枚卻來自第二大熱門產地秘魯。 請注意硬幣兩邊滿布的小戳記。1786 年,利馬鑄幣廠將銀幣

成為國內的主要商業貨幣並成為了局部地區的認證稅幣。 到

純度減到 89.58%,而到了 1793 年,許多輔幣的純度甚至不達

了 1856 年,它已經成為了長三角地區的通用貨幣。然而,由

85%。65 根據耿愛德表示,這些低質的銀幣都沒有流入中國。66

於 1840 年後銀元供應萎縮,中國的銀元價格飆升了 20-30%。64

不過許多輔幣,如下的利馬 8 裡亞爾銀幣都進入了市場,打上 了戳記。

圖 15 秘魯 1789 年 I.J. 8 裡亞爾銀幣,KM-78a, R-7 我們也能見到其他鑄幣廠出產的輔幣,沒有什麼比集齊一套墨西哥、秘魯、玻利維亞、智利、瓜地馬拉和西班牙的硬幣更棒了, 這是六個有肖像戳記幣的國家。

圖 16 墨西哥 1799 年 MO F.M. ½ 裡亞爾銀幣,KM-72, R-3。 儘管這枚小小的半分銀幣含銀量只有 0.0490 盎司,卻依然帶有三家錢幣商的戳記 60

郝延平著《19 世紀中國商業革命》,1986 年,第 35 頁。


城山智子:《大蕭條時期的中國 - 市場 . 國家與世界經濟 (1929~1937)》,2008 年,17 頁。 M· 格林伯格著,同上,vii。

62 63 64

郝延平,同上,第 36 頁。

城山智子,同上,第 18 頁。


小 F·克雷格,同上,第 17 頁。


E·耿愛德,同上,第 130 頁。

92 《東亞泉志》第 9 期

Features 專題 瓜地馬拉的肖像幣雖然不時出現,但它們算得上是很少打 上戳記的鑄幣廠之一了(僅次於聖地牙哥)。典型的例子就是

有許多戳記的瓜地馬拉 8 銀幣如下圖所示。即使戳印打得很重, 幣面的“G”字標籤仍然清晰可辨。

本書內側封面的瓜地馬拉 8 裡亞爾銀幣(圖 2)。另一個例子

圖 17 瓜地馬拉 1772 年 G P.8 裡亞爾銀幣,KM-36, R-3 下圖是一枚非常有趣的智利聖地牙哥 8 裡亞爾銀幣,幣上 的戳記多不勝數。奇怪的是,有些戳記比這個時期常見的戳記

錢幣進入中國的時間太晚,又可能是它的確是在 19 世紀初流 通(可以看到有少量的小戳記),但一直流通了很長一段時間。


圖 18 智利 1787 年聖地牙哥 D.A.8 裡亞爾銀幣,KM-31, R-3 以下這枚是非常罕見的鑄造於 1810 年的智利 2 裡亞爾銀幣。流通到中國的 8 裡亞爾銀幣並不 多,而面值小的裡亞爾則更少了。

圖 19 1810 年智利 PTS FJ. 2 裡亞爾銀幣,KM-74,R-2

The Ninth Issue of JEAN


Features 專題 加羅拉銀元非常受歡迎,以至於在最後一枚銀元發行過後

美洲白銀供給量持續減少,17 世紀和 18 世紀曾出現的中國銀

約 100 年,即 1911 年末,還有報紙刊登這種貨幣的報價。加

價高於歐洲的現象消失了。 結果在 1809-1856 年間中國的白

羅拉銀元於 1821 年在墨西哥停止使用(雖然個別區域性造幣



年期間中國出口的白銀總量為 367.5 萬美元,其中 1847-1856


年年均淨流出 1750 萬美元,為歷年最高。71 如圖表 3(見第


55 頁)所示,淨流出帶來的後果就是銀銅現金比價上升到一個 新的高度。而在當時中國國內,由於白銀短缺導致稅賦壓力上

事實上,加羅拉銀元非常吃香,18 世紀時廣東這種銀元


的價格甚至高於其本身含銀量的價格。據 1815 年英國東印度



衝突在第一次鴉片戰爭(1839-1842 年)時達到高潮。72 太平

的價格低 7% 到 8%。由於銀錠的純度比銀元高 8% 左右,這

天國的崛起(1850-1864 年)和清政府的垮臺一定程度上與白

意味着在廣東買了銀錠再倒賣到加爾各答就可以賺到 15% 到


16% 的差價。事實上,這種以銀元個數而不是以含銀量的計 價方式的確引發了一些出口銀錠到他國換取銀元的套利行為。


為了阻止銀錠的流出,在 1829 年道光皇帝(在位時間 1821-

1810 年開始衰退,墨西哥的國民生產總值從 1810 年到 19 世

1851 年)禁止進口銀元並規定銀元的價格只能基於重量和精

紀 60 年代持續下跌。歐洲戰爭消耗了大量美洲的白銀,這是


拉丁美洲獨立戰爭爆發的一個重要起因。智利於 1817 年宣佈



獨立,秘魯和墨西哥在 1821 年獨立,玻利維亞是在 1825 年 獨立的。自 1810 年左右開始,大多數拉美國家為了脫離西班

就筆者研究而言,絕大多數的肖像銀元都是在 1772 -1811



重負擔。 戰爭不僅僅耗費大量金錢,在墨西哥獨立戰爭期間,

本人以為其中緣由是 19 世紀早期世界經濟環境的變化。


首先,自 1804 年之後大英東印度公司(EIC)就幾乎沒有


再從歐洲向廣東輸送過白銀。1806 年,鴉片出口創造的白銀



載着 300 萬個加羅拉銀元的西班牙船隻,政府隨即命令英格蘭


銀行在這些加羅拉銀元上打上戳記並作為 1804 年的貨幣發行。

白銀開始流出而不是流入中國。1806-1809 年,價值 700 萬美


元的銀子從中國流向印度。691818-1833 年,流出的白花花的 銀子高達 1/5 的中國出口額。70

英格蘭政府還批准在西班牙銀元的肖像上再打上一個英國 國王喬治三世的小頭像戳記。這種戳記分為兩種:類型一是橢

19 世紀早期,從印度進口的鴉片數量持續增長,而全球範 圍內對中國絲綢和茶葉的需求卻在下降。與此同時,由於拉丁


D·H·利文著《白銀貨幣》,1939 年,第 95 頁。


郝延平,同上,第 37-38 頁。


埃裡克·多林《美國與中國最初的相遇》,2012 年,121 頁。 M· 格林伯格著,同上,第 10 頁。


圓形戳記;類型二則是大一些的八邊形戳記。帶有橢圓形戳記 的銀元更為常見,但市場上有不少這種銀元的仿冒品。


林滿紅:《中國之逆轉:世界銀荒與嘉道鹹秩序 1808-1856》,2006 年,85 頁,(詳細資料見於 84、85 頁)。


城山智子,同上,第 16 頁。

94 《東亞泉志》第 9 期

Features 專題

圖 20 1797 年(無日期)大不列顛帝國類型一戳記硬幣:5 先令銀元 KM-634 (宿主硬幣:1792 年墨西哥 MO F.M. 8 裡亞爾 KM -109), R-3 以下這種硬幣非常罕見。部分原因是宿主硬幣為 8 裡亞爾的秘魯利馬硬幣,此種硬幣數量遠遠少於墨西哥 8 裡亞爾硬幣。玻 利維亞 8 裡亞爾硬幣也有存世的。

圖 21 大不列顛帝國類型二戳記硬幣(無日期):5 先令 銀元 KM -658 (宿主硬幣:1800 年秘魯 8 裡亞爾利馬,KM-97),R-2 蘇格蘭的私人公司也曾經在西班牙 8 裡亞爾銀元上打有戳 記。所有這些硬幣都是很罕見的,帶有戳記的更是如此。我所

羅斯就擁有其中一枚,是 Rothsay 棉紗廠在一枚墨西哥 8 裡亞爾上戳記的。這枚硬幣目前收藏在大英博物館。

知道的蘇格蘭戳記硬幣有 3 個,每個都是獨一無二的。

圖 22 1811 年蘇格蘭 Rothsay 棉紗廠的戳記硬幣:4 先令 6 便士,KM-CC-100 (宿主硬幣:1796 年墨西哥 MO F.M. 8 裡亞爾,KM-109),R-1 (僅此 1 枚) 照片由大英博物館提供

The Ninth Issue of JEAN


Features 專題 這枚格拉斯哥銀行在墨西哥 8 裡亞爾銀元上戳記的硬幣很可能也是獨一無二的,據目前所知存世的格拉斯哥銀行戳記硬幣只 有不到 40 枚。

圖 23 1811 年(無日期)蘇格蘭格拉斯哥銀行戳記硬幣:5 先令 KM-CC-44 (宿主硬幣:1808 年墨西哥 MO T H. 月 8 裡亞爾,KM-110),R-1(僅此 1 枚)

我所知道的第三枚蘇格蘭戳記 8 裡亞爾硬幣是 1811 年 J.

1808 年,巴西米納斯吉拉州在西班牙銀元打上戳記後在本

Muir Manufr./Paisley 的戳記硬幣,5 先令,KM-CC-87 (宿主

州內流通。銀元兩面均有意即面值為 960 裡斯的戳記,雖然銀

硬幣:1809 年墨西哥 MO TH. 八裡亞爾,KM-110),R-1,

元本身的含銀量只價值 750 至 800 裡斯。其中幾枚戳記幣可能

在 1986 年由 Money & Co. (Hong Kong) 賣出。

是跟秘魯和玻利維亞的 8 裡亞爾銀元一道被運到了遠東,我才 有幸得以目睹。

除了不列顛群島之外,很多國家都在加羅拉銀元上打有戳 記,包括西印度群島各國、亞速爾群島各國、菲律賓、巴西和 澳大利亞,在此僅舉幾例。其中的一些帶戳記的加羅拉銀元流

以下是一枚保存完好的巴西米納斯吉拉州戳記幣。這種戳 記多出現在 1808-1810 年間各種拉美銀元上。


圖 24 1808 年(無日期)巴西米納斯吉拉州戳記幣:960 裡斯,KM-242, (宿主硬幣:1806 年玻利維亞 PTS PJ. 8 裡亞爾,KM-73),R-3

1811 年,西班牙法庭規定硬幣上只能刻國王真身半身像, 不能雕刻身穿盔甲或修飾過的國王半身像。以下這枚硬幣是

96 《東亞泉志》第 9 期

1809 年在塞利維亞鑄造的西班牙 8 裡亞爾。 帶有戳記的西班 牙銀元較墨西哥、秘魯或者玻利維亞銀元稀少得多。

Features 專題

圖 25 1809 年西班牙 S CN 8 裡亞爾銀幣,KM-466,R-4 西班牙本土的一些硬幣也流入到了中國。更大的戳記意味着要不就是當時小戳記已被淘汰要不就是正值大戳記在中國流行時 打上的。

1810 年 1810 年墨西哥爆發了戰爭,緊接下來的 10 年間新開了 5 家造幣廠。墨西哥在 1821 年獲得獨立。有一些獨立戰爭時期

幣都是非常稀缺的。以下是其中一個例子—— 一枚 Durango 造幣廠生產的工藝粗糙的 8 裡亞爾銀幣。


圖 26 1816 年墨西哥獨立戰爭(保皇黨)8 裡亞爾銀幣, KM-111,R-2/3 巴西是葡萄牙人在 1500 年發現的。巴西從來都不是白銀 生產基地,但它是歐洲黃金的主要來源地之一。除了比較怪異

的帶有米納斯吉拉州 960 裡斯戳記的加羅拉 8 裡亞爾銀元(見 圖 24)外,幾乎沒發現什麼有戳記的典型巴西硬幣。

圖 27 1815 年巴西 960 裡斯銀幣 KM-307.1,R-2

The Ninth Issue of JEAN


Features 專題 羅 斯 曾 收 藏 過 一 枚 這 種 硬 幣。27 號 硬 幣 來 自 於 Ron 73

有趣的是,巴西的 960 裡斯硬幣出現在了臺灣的鑒定手冊

Waddell 的收藏品。 960 裡斯相當於含銀 89.60% 重,實際含

之中,這恰好證明了巴西 960 裡斯銀幣的確在 19 世紀時流入

銀量(ASW)為純銀 0.7746 盎司。


加羅拉銀元在美國也曾經流通過,直至 1873 年美國才發




中國之間的貿易越來越有利可圖。1824 年,紐約最大的中國

能在 18 世紀 70 年代時和美國貿易銀元一起運過來的,因為上

貿易商聲稱該年他向中國出口的 1,311,057 美元中,有近 90

面是個大戳記。另一個波紋半身像銀元(Hal Walls 硬幣)上面

萬美元是硬幣。美國港口記錄則顯示在 1805-1818 年間航運了

的戳記類似于我曾見過的 18 世紀 80 年代墨西哥“帽子和光柱”8


近 7000 萬美元的硬幣。 以下這枚硬幣很可能就是早期航運


圖 28 1799 年美國 1 圓銀元,KM-32,R-2/3


D·H·利文著《白銀貨幣》,1939 年,第 95 頁。


郝延平,同上,第 29 頁。

98 《東亞泉志》第 9 期

Features 專題 以下這枚有趣的銀元是阿根廷八裡亞爾。阿根廷在 1810


年脫離西班牙統治後於 1813 年採用了通用型硬幣。這枚硬幣

2006 年 9 月在臺北售出,是非常罕見的戳記幣。有位收藏家


搜尋了整整 20 年但一枚都沒找到。基於臺灣的鑒定手冊中記


載了此種銀元,更多的此類銀元應該流入了亞洲在 19 世紀被


補給淡水和用品的船帶來的。 這枚硬幣比加羅拉銀元輕(純


銀 0.7793 盎司,少於加羅拉的 0.7980 盎司)但顯然不止一家

圖 29 1826 年阿根廷 R.A.P. 8 裡亞爾銀幣, KM-20,R-2 臺灣人稱以下這種銀元為“人頭日影”或“長花邊”。曾澤祿博士推測就像其他臺灣的戳記幣一樣,這種硬幣也是重複戳記, 比如“萬萬”和“EE”。

1822 年 1822 年是個多事之秋。巴西於 1822 年 9 月 7 日宣佈獨立,


是為巴西帝國。兩個月之後,在 1822 年 11 月 1 日,一場從烘



帝國。他在位時間還不夠一年(1822 年 5 月 19 日至 1823 年

7000 家商鋪和所有廣州港的工廠都在這場大火中變為灰燼(廣

3 月 19 日),伊圖比德硬幣也只短短地鑄造了兩年,其中少

州港在之後的 1841 年和 1856 年又曾兩次被大火摧毀)。這


一年,墨西哥開始鑄造自己的第一批硬幣,它剛在 1821 年脫





F ·M·羅斯著《戳記》,1987 年,第 14 頁。

The Ninth Issue of JEAN


Features 專題

圖 30 1822 年墨西哥 MO J.M. 8 裡亞爾銀幣,KM-304,R-2/3










析。76 在奥古斯丁執政結束之後,墨西哥採用了新的硬幣設計。




D·H·利文著《白銀貨幣》,同上,第 96 頁。

100 《東亞泉志》第 9 期

Features 專題 1825 年墨西哥“帽子和光柱”8 裡亞爾銀元 新墨西哥共和國的第一枚硬幣是 1823 年鑄造的。新硬

晚些時候(1875 年後)生產的“帽子和光柱”銀元存世




經濟和政治局勢動盪不安(1821 年至 1857 年間共有 50 個國


出。 這就是“勾脖”8 裡亞爾銀幣。 中國的錢幣鑒定人熟知


Hooked neck,但很快地這種硬幣在 1825 年被改良過的鷹版



果就是中國於 1826 年前後經歷了歷史上前所未有的對外貿易




年至 1826 年間淨流入 7470 萬美元,但 1827 年至 1849 年淨


流出共為 1 3370 萬美元。鑒於中國的白銀儲備在 19 世紀初期 約為 10 億美元,其中 1/3 作流通使用,那麼大量白銀外流意



常見的戳記幣,大量的鑄幣材料和硬幣從墨西哥出口到中國。 在整整 75 年間共有 14 家造幣廠鑄造過這種硬幣。直到 1897

此外,熟悉舊中國情況的英國人指出,在 18 世紀 20 年代

年其幣值單位(而不是設計)被改為比索。14 家不同的造幣廠

之前中國的對外貿易日益依賴紙幣而不是白銀。18 世紀 20 年

中,有一些存活時間很短(卡托爾賽的造幣廠只生產了 1863


年的硬幣,特拉爾潘的墨西哥州造幣廠只生產了 3 年的硬幣)


但總產量龐大。在 19 世紀後半期這些銀元是中國貿易的支柱, 一直流通到了 20 世紀。包括泰國和日本在內的許多亞洲國家



國商品的支付方式對他們而言是一個挑戰。就 1825 年而言,


75% 或許更多廣州港的交易是以銀元和金塊的方式結算的,這 種支付方式讓外國商人很頭痛,因為白銀稀缺所以用白銀支付

絕大部分的“帽子和光柱”銀元產自停產前的 20 年間。

會佔用他們很多資金。在 18 世紀 20 年代末,隨着另一種金融

從 1877 年到 1891 年間生產的 79%“帽子和光柱”銀元都出








西哥 8 裡亞爾銀幣成為亞洲最受歡迎的白銀載體,這能從相對


于美國銀元的溢價得到證實:1852 年時在三藩市的溢價是 5%,

付給中國公司換取商品。82 接下來美國人在美國或其他港口將

而到了 1859 年溢價達到了 16%。79

商品轉手賣掉,用所獲收益支付預付款和利息。83 這些金融票 據也是一種貨幣供應,因此對白銀現貨的需求逐漸下降。

戳記幣收藏者的大多數藏品產自位於阿拉莫斯、吉娃娃、 庫利亞卡、杜蘭戈、瓜達拉哈拉、瓜納朱托、墨西哥城、聖路 易波托西和紮卡塔克的造幣廠。目前為止,我發現最常見的是 產自於墨西哥城和紮卡塔克的銀元。



“墨西哥共和國”的字跡恰恰讓它成為正面。 79

鄧尼根和派克:《光芒》,1997 年,13-14 頁。


郝延平,同上,第 121-22 頁。


同上,第 73-74 頁。


“行”一詞首次使用於 1726 年,它是一個用來描述中國商業機構和外貿處的中文術語。 83 埃裡克· 多林,同上,第 167-168 頁。

The Ninth Issue of JEAN 101

Features 專題

圖 31 1848 年墨西哥 DO R.M. 8 裡亞爾, KM-377, R-7 多種多樣的日期、鑄幣廠印記和鑒定者,使得收集一套完整的“帽子和光柱”銀元成為不可能完成的任務 (但不妨體驗一下嘗試的樂趣) 1827-1828 年間中國經濟陷入大蕭條。這一時期是清朝 84


經濟最糟糕的時期之一。棉花的價格低得嚇人。 1829 年至


1840 年間,只進口了 730 萬美元的白銀,卻出口了將近 5600

的西班牙銀元和老加羅拉銀元有等同支付價值。86 美國商人


Augustine Heard 回憶道,在通商口岸條約簽訂的最初 10 年裡,




18 世紀 50 年代之後,中國的”帽子和光柱”銀元終於在

雖然帽子和光柱 8 裡亞爾數量充足,但低值硬幣卻很難收

數量上遠超加羅拉銀元。雖然香港早在 1842 年就全面接受了

集得到。以下是一枚 4 裡亞爾銀幣,是我所見過的為數不多的



圖 32 1847 年墨西哥 ZS O.M. 4 裡亞爾銀幣, KM-375,9,R-3 1810-1825 年間,西班牙和葡萄牙殖民地紛紛獨立。最後

西班牙人把利馬造幣廠的機器設備搬到了庫斯科(1824 年)。

一個獨立的是秘魯 / 玻利維亞(當時是一個國家)。1821 年,





最終在阿亞庫喬(1824 年)一戰中落敗。在利馬城陷落之前,

84 85 86

M· 格林伯格著,同上,第 90 頁。 同上,第 142 頁。 同上,第 159 頁。


郝延平,同上,第 40 頁。


小 F·克雷格,同上,第 19 頁。

102 《東亞泉志》第 9 期

Features 專題 僅僅一年的庫斯科鑄幣歷史使得帶有戳記的 8 裡亞爾銀幣 特別難得一見。就我所知,以下這枚很可能是唯一存世的一枚。

“II”看起來很像漢字“工”,因此中國人又稱這種硬幣為“二 工銀”,就像加羅拉 IIII 銀元被稱為“四工銀”一樣。

對中國人而言,硬幣正面刻印文字 (FERDIN VII) 中的羅馬數字

圖 33 1824 年秘魯庫斯科 G. 8 裡亞爾,KM-117.2,R-7。圖片由 Daniel F. Sedwick. LLC 提供


1822 年,秘魯發行了它第一枚非西班牙硬幣。硬幣上刻有


“Peru Libre”(自由秘魯)字樣,硬幣兩邊刻有分別代表“正






“1824”上戳蓋了一個大皇冠。以下兩種類型的戳記幣都是很 罕見的。

圖 34 1822 年秘魯利馬 J.P. 8 裡亞爾銀幣,被保皇黨人蓋以 1824 皇冠戳記,KM-130( 宿主硬幣:KM-136),R-3


只有 150 萬人口並且很貧窮。89 不過它的的確確鑄造和發行了



和國(1823-1839 年)。自 1821 年獨立以來,它曾是墨西哥

這些硬幣都非常珍稀。19 世紀晚期,臺灣的錢幣鑒定人把以下


這種硬幣稱為“日影八八成”,因為它們的純度是 88%。



克勞斯和米什勒,《世界硬幣標準目錄——西班牙葡萄牙和新世界》,2002 年,140 頁。

The Ninth Issue of JEAN 103

Features 專題

圖 35 1839 年中美洲共和國 NG M.A. 8 裡亞爾銀幣, KM-4,R-3 這枚在瓜地馬拉鑄造的 8 裡亞爾銀幣反面下方有“天”字戳記,就在“8”字下面 以下是鑒定手冊裡的硬幣圖繪。兩幅圖之間的漢字是“88”,是一種中國早期民間的“商業數字”寫法,表現為:


104 《東亞泉志》第 9 期

Features 專題


Wang Shihong Talking about issues of Modern Chinese Precious Metal Coins Yuan Shuiqing (Xi’An) Modern Chinese precious metal coins refer to the precious metal coins made and issued after the founding of the People’s Republic of China on October 1, 1949. These include the well-known Panda coins and all other kinds of precious metal commemorative coins. Mr. Wang Shihong is a collector and researcher of modern Chinese precious metal coins (picture 1), a winner of the ‘Nick Brown coin collection contribution award’ and the ‘2014 Annual Character Award”. His 5-volume set book ‘Appreciating Modern Chinese Precious Metal Coins’ (picture 2) is known as the encyclopedia of modern Chinese precious metal coins. On July 23, 2017, I interviewed Mr. Wang Shihong, who is 85 years old, on the last day of the Fourth China Coin Collecting Expo in Wuhan (picture 3).

Wang Shihong, born in Shanghai in September 1932, was an accountant. In 1952, responding to the government’s call to “go to the most needed and hardest

Pic 2 Mr. Wang Shihong’s ‘Appreciation of Modern Chinese Precious Metal Coins’ (volumes 1-5)

place of the motherland” helped by supporting the establishment of financial industry in Northwest China. Wang Shihong was assigned to work in the Zhangye City branch of the People’s Bank of China (Gansu Province).

Pic 1 Mr. Wang Shihong in 2011

He worked in Zhangye City for 30 years and in 1981, he moved back to Shanghai to help the establishment of the Baosteel Group. In 1991, he was in charge of the set-up of Baosteel Finance Enterprises. He successively held the positions of general manager of Baosteel Group Finance Company, the chairman of Huabao Trust Company, and the chairman of Union Securities Company on behalf of the Baosteel Group. He retired in 2002 after having worked in finance for 50 years. At present, he holds the position of honorary president of the China Trust Industry Association and consultant of the China Collector Association

Pic 3 The author (left) interviewing Mr. Wang Shihong on July 23, 2017 at the Wuhan Hong Guang hotel

Numismatics Committee.

The Ninth Issue of JEAN 105

Features 專題

Pic 4 “Romance of the Three Kingdoms” commemorative gold coins, series 1 “Peach Garden Oath”, 5-ounce gold coin, diameter 60mm, issued volume 99, issued in 1995, from Mr. Wang Shihong’s collection


Mr. Wang you must be very fond of coin collecting to be

there are other views, and further discussion is required.

presented in the Fourth China Coin Collections Expo.

From my point of view, a ‘modern Chinese precious metal

How did you get connected with modern Chinese precious

coin’ is a special renminbi (RMB) made from a precious

metal coins? Which channels do you get your coins from And

metal and issued by the People’s Bank of China with a

which collection is the most valuable to you?

limited mintage after the founding of the new China in

Wang Shihong: The China Coin Collecting Expo is a grand gathering of numismatics. It is helpful to learn about new things, current trends and outstanding issues, so as to propose solutions; that’s why I still take part in the Expo no matter how hot the weather it is. Speaking of my love affair with coin collecting, I worked in the finance industry for 50 years and often dealt with coins. I think as long as something is crafted beautifully, no matter if it is a coin or a banknote, it is collectible. After the 1980s, most of my collecting focused on commemorative coins issued by the People’s Bank of China. I purchased them from China Gold Coin Incorporation at a reasonable price. The majority of my collection is valuable, such as the inventions of ancient China commemorative coins issued since 1992, which are small-sized gold coins, 25 in total; the 5-ounce Romance of the Three Kingdoms commemorative gold coins issued since 1995 (picture 4); the 1-ounce Twelve Chinese Zodiac commemorative platinum coins issued since 1981, 12 in total, are some of my favorites.


1949. Its theme is based on traditional Chinese culture. It is national currency, protected by law. The coins are artistic treasures worth investing in and collecting. Modern Chinese precious metal coins are distributed by China Gold Coin Incorporation.


According to dealers, the collecting market for modern Chinese precious metal coins has shown a downward

trend for many years. The main reasons are the retail prices are too high There has been almost no appreciation at all in the short-term, so it is impossible to earn money through collecting so some collectors have quit the market. Secondly, the poor quality of some modern gold and silver coins has also discouraged collectors’ desire to buy. Lastly, the price of precious metal coins sold by banks is higher. What do you think about the above reasons? Wang Shihong: Besides the three points you just made, I think there are other reasons. The most important one is that China’s economy is under an adjustment period, and the price of gold has fallen significantly. Along with recovery of

The numismatics expert Zhao Yansheng has studied the development of Chinese precious metal coins since

1998 and did ground-breaking work in quantitative analysis. He believes that modern Chinese precious metal coins are an art commodity for collecting and investment, but they are present in the form of money. Can you please talk about the

the country’s economy, more and more people are collecting coins, and exploring the artistic value of gold and silver coins. I think the price of modern Chinese precious metal coins will rise in the long run. To seize the opportunity, you should buy low and hold for the long term, and I believe that the price will increase greatly.

definition, nature and issuance principles? Wang Shihong: Mr. Zhao Yansheng has done tremendous work in the study of modern Chinese precious metal coins. He has published a few books, and his definition of modern Chinese precious metal coins is relatively sound. Of course,

106 《東亞泉志》第 9 期


We have found that some colorized Chinese precious metal coins have faded and lost their colors, and some

original colorized coins have had problems such as striking defects, spots and scratches. All of the problems have a

Features 專題 negative impact on the beauty and artistic value of the coins,

the coins is recognized, more people will participate in the

which damages the desire of collecting and investing. Can

collection and investment of the coins; then the value of

you please talk about these problems and the solutions?

modern Chinese precious metal coins will be reflected in the

Wang Shihong: Indeed, these problems do exist. For example, some of the coins bought from China Gold Coin Incorporation in my early years have faded and are of poor quality. In recent years, some of the gold and silver coins have developed white spots two months after purchase.



The modern Chinese precious metal market is divided into primary and secondary markets. The primary

market, which deals with the issuance of new coins, was

In contrast, I bought two silver coins issued in Taiwan

launched in September 1984. Commercial banks were

more than 20 years ago, and they are still as good as new.

introduced into the market in 2002. Coins bought from

I think the main cause of the poor quality is the low purity

the China Gold Coin Incorporation in the early years have

of the material and poor workmanship; a secondary cause

appreciated; however, most collectors buy their coins from

is inappropriate storage. The mints should work hard on

the secondary market, such as the stamp, coin and phonecard

improving production quality, which is the key in solving the

trading market, auction and e-commerce platforms, etc. The


government doesn’t provide an exit strategy. Can you please talk about the issues and solutions of the secondary market?


Designing and engraving are the cornerstones of

Wang Shihong: The problem you talked about is very real.

artistic value of modern Chinese precious metal coins.

It is true that there is no exit strategy of modern Chinese

Mirror surfaces, sand-blasting, high anaglyph, partial gold-

precious metal coins. The so-called exit strategy refers to

plating, color pad printing, laser and surface sulfureting;

batch selling and a national-level trading market. It has

all of these new technologies enrich the shape of precious

become a major issue hindering the development of gold and

metal coins and add beauty. Can you please talk about how to

silver coins. I think we should study the problem and find a

choose and collect coins from a cultural perspective?

solution. The problem will be solved eventually; it is just a

Wang Shihong: Thanks to the new striking technology, modern precious metal coins are much better looking nowadays. So far, there have been 10 themes: pandas, animals and plants, the 12 zodiac signs, major memorial events, celebrities, arts and literature, traditional culture, religious culture, the Olympic Games and sports, World Heritage and sights, science and environment protection and other series. So, there are lots to choose from. You can collect whatever you like.


matter of time.


Since 2004, modern Chinese precious metal coins haven’t won any Coin of the Year (COTY) prizes. Can

you please talk about the reason. Wang Shihong: Yes, it is true that the international awards won by China have been less than the U.S., Austria, Germany and Canada. However, the situation is changing. For example, the designer and engraver Yu Min from Shanghai Mint Co. Ltd. won the 2017 Lifetime Achievement Award in Coin

It is not good enough that collectors of modern Chinese

Design of COTY. I think there are quite a few reasons why

precious metal coins are rich people; collecting should

China hasn’t won any COTY awards for years. These include

involve ordinary people, which would require the appearance

the quality of the products, design, and lack of promotion.

of the coin to be enhanced. So I think, we need to study the

With improvements in the above problems, I believe there

artistic value of the coins. What’s your point of view of this?

will be more coins winning awards in the future.

Wang Shihong: I don’t think the price of modern Chinese precious metal coins reflect their artistic value, which is mainly due to the fact that its artistic value has not been


Due to various versions, the market prices of modern Chinese precious metal coins is quite different. In

recognized yet. There is no systematic study of the artistic

particular, the price difference between error and genuine

value, and I think it is necessary to set up a task group to

versions is large. Academically there is an official version and

find out what is convincible. My plan is to cooperate with a

civil version. In your point of view, what are the standards to

university in Shanghai to study the artistic value of modern

distinguish the versions?

precious metal coins, write a book based on the research output and publicize it widely. When the artistic value of

Wang Shihong: Some of the same variety China modern precious metal coins do have differences. I haven’t studied

The Ninth Issue of JEAN 107

Features 專題 exactly how many versions there are. In general, different

an important achievement of modern Chinese numismatic

versions won’t affect the price except for error version. For

research. Do you think the book is adequate? Do you have a

example, the price difference between the error version and

plan for another book?

genuine version of 5-ounce “Dragon and Phoenix” colored silver coin is huge (picture 5).


Wang Shihong: Because of continuous issuance of modern precious metal coins, it is necessary to update the book periodically. I am 80 years old and unable to afford such a

Your book ‘Appreciation of Modern Chinese

workload any more. My plan is to hand over the task to the

Precious Metal Coins’ presents a comprehensive

China Gold Coin Incorporation, and they are happy to take it.

development the history, catalog and relevant materials of

As for any inadequacies of the book, I think the readers will

modern Chinese precious metal coins through a detailed

have their judgement. It is normal for a great work like this to

description of 2.5 million words and 2000 pictures. It is

have drawbacks.

Picture 5-1 The genuine version of “Dragon and Phoenix” colorized silver coin (obverse and reverse), specification: same with the error version, issued volume 11800

Picture 5-2 Picture 5-1 error version of “China Peking Opera Art” (series 2), 5-ounce “Dragon and Phoenix” colorized silver coin (obverse and reverse), specification: 90mm ×40mm, on the obverse the year 2000 was mistakenly used for 2001, on the reverse the “ 剧 ” of “ 中国京剧艺术 ” (China Peking Opera Art) lacks of one stroke (see segment of the picture), certificate number 2000-j-22

108 《東亞泉志》第 9 期

Features 專題


王世宏談中國現代貴金屬幣若干問題 袁水清(西安) 中國現代貴金

王世宏,1932 年 9 月生於

屬 幣, 指 1949 年

上海,高級會計師。1952 年響

10 月 1 日 中 華 人









支行工作,在張掖工作前後 30


個年頭。1981 年回滬參加寶鋼


建設,1991 年負責組建寶鋼金








董事長,2002 年退休。先後從事金融工作 50 年。現任中國

獎 ”“2014 年 度 人物獎”獲得者, 特別是他主編的一

圖 1 王世宏先生 2011 年照

圖 2 王世宏先生主編的《中國現代貴金 屬幣賞析》(第 1-5 冊)


套 5 冊《中國現代貴金屬幣賞析》鴻篇巨制(圖 2),被譽為 中國現代貴金屬幣資訊、資料的百科大全。為聽取專家對中國 現代貴金屬幣生產、收藏、研究方面的真知灼見,2017 年 7 月 23 日,筆者在第四屆全國錢幣收藏博覽會(武漢)閉幕前夕, 對 85 歲的王世宏先生進行了專訪(圖 3)。

一 王先生 , 武漢市是江城火爐 , 您頂着酷暑蒞臨第四屆全 國錢幣收藏博覽會,可見您對中國民間錢幣收藏事業的支持和 熱愛程度。請問您是如何與中國現代貴金屬幣結緣的?您的錢 幣藏品是通過哪些管道收集的?最珍貴的是哪件? 王世宏 : 全國錢幣收藏博覽會是錢幣界的盛會,通過親臨

圖 3 本文作者(左)採訪王世宏先生 2017 年 7 月 23 日于武 漢洪廣大酒店

會議,可以瞭解中國民間錢幣收藏的許多新鮮事、當前動態以 及存在的突出問題,從而提出解決建議,所以儘管時值暑天, 我還是趕來參加 。說起與錢幣收藏的不解之緣,主要是我從 事金融工作 50 年,經常與錢幣打交道,覺得無論是硬幣或紙 幣,製作精美,承載着祖國的貨幣文化,應當留一些,從而愛 上錢幣收藏。20 世紀 80 年代以後,我重點收藏中國人民銀行 發行的貴金屬紀念幣。大部分是從中國金幣總公司購買的,價 格合適。我現在的錢幣藏品大部分較為珍貴,如自 1992 年開 始發行的中國古代科技發明發現系列紀念帀 1-5 組中的小規格 金幣,共 25 枚;自 1995 年開始發行的《三國演義》系列紀

圖 4 《三國演義》系列紀念幣第 1 組中的《桃園三結義》5 盎 司金幣,直徑 60 毫米 ,發行量 99 枚,1995 年發行,王世宏 先生收藏

The Ninth Issue of JEAN 109

Features 專題 念幣 1-3 組中的 5 盎司金帀(圖 4);自 1981 年開始發行的 中國十二生肖系列紀念幣中的 1 盎司鉑金帀,共 12 枚;等等。

五 設計和雕刻是構成中國現代貴金屬幣藝術價值的基石, 鏡面、噴砂、高浮雕、局部鍍金、彩色移印、鐳射、表面硫化 等新的工藝和技術,豐富和發展了貴金屬幣的形態,增加了美

二 業界專家趙燕生從 1998 年開始系統研究中國貴金屬幣 市場的發展問題,在定量分析方面做出開創性工作,他認為中 國現代貴金屬幣是一種以貨幣形式出現,以貴金屬為載體,用 於收藏或投資的藝術商品。請您談談中國現代貴金屬幣的定義、 屬性及發行原則是什麼? 王世宏 : 趙燕生先生在中國現代貴金屬幣理論研究方面作 了大量工作,出版有好幾本著作,他對中國現代貴金屬幣下的 定義比較科學。學術界也有其他觀點,探討正在深化。我認為“中 國現代貴金屬帀”是新中國成立後,由中國人民銀行限量發行 的,其題材具有中華民族文化紀念意義的,用貴金屬製造的特

感。請問如何從文化價值角度出發,選擇和追逐自己喜愛的幣 種? 王世宏 : 國家發行的現代貴金屬帀,由於採用了新的鑄造 工藝和技術,從審美角度看,好看多了。迄今為止,其題材有 十大類:大熊貓及動植物系列、十二生肖系列、重大紀念性事 件系列、傑出人物系列、文學及藝術系列、傳統文化系列、宗 教文化系列、奧林匹克及體育運動系列、世界遺產及名勝風光 系列、科技環保及其他題材系列等。所以選擇性較大,每個收 藏者的愛好各有不同,可以根據自己的喜愛選擇題材,收集自 己喜歡的幣種。

種人民幣。它屬於國家貨幣,受國家法律保護,是具有收藏與 投資價值的藝術珍品。現代貴金屬帀由中國金帀總公司總經銷。

六 中國現代貴金屬幣的收藏,不能僅成為有錢人參與購買 的藝術品,要吸引廣大人民群眾參與。這就需要增強其吸引力,

三 據錢幣市場金銀幣經銷商講,中國現代貴金屬幣收藏 市場缺乏持續發展的動力,市場多年低迷,主要原因,一是散 戶拿到的價格高,即使放一年半載,也幾無升值,故無法“以 錢養藏”,有些藏家也“玩不動了”!二是部分現代金銀幣品 質差,有褪色、斑點問題,影響了收藏者的購買欲望;三是通 過銀行營業網點購買的貴金屬幣,價格也較高。您認為分析的 對嗎? 王世宏 : 我認為當前市場低迷的原因,除了你講述的三點 以外,更重要的原因,是國家經濟處於調整期,世界金價大幅 度下調。今後隨着國家經濟逐步復蘇,錢幣收藏隊伍不斷擴大,

使人一見就愛不釋手。所以需要專門研究它的藝術價值。您在 這方面有何打算? 王世宏 : 現在,中國現代貴金屬帀的價格,遠沒有反映它 的藝術價值,主要是它的藝術價值還沒有被大家認可。它的藝 術價值,反映在哪些方面,還沒有系統的資料。我認為要設專 題,系統研究,形成有說服力的依據。我打算與上海某大學合 作,專題研究貴金屬幣的藝術價值。這是一項系統工程。屆時 出版專著,廣為宣傳,待大家認可了現代貴金屬帀的藝術價值, 就能吸引更多的人來參與收藏與投資,此時,中國現代貴金屬 帀的藝術價值,就會逐步反映出來。

金銀帀藝術價值的發掘,從長遠來看,中國貴金屬帀市場價格 會回升。只要把握時機,逢低購進精品,長期持有,我相信增 值潛力一定會很大。

七 中國現代貴金屬幣市場分為一級市場和二級市場,主 要承擔發行的一級市場從 1984 年 9 月啟動,2002 年起引入 商業銀行參與銷售。凡早期從金幣總公司買的幣無不升值。但

四 我們發現,中國彩色貴金屬幣已經出現不同程度的褪 色和掉色現象,本色幣還出現壓鑄缺陷、斑點、劃痕等諸多問 題,使幣面美感和藝術價值受到影響,繼而挫傷了收藏、投資 的積極性。請您談談產生這些問題的原因及解決辦法。 王世宏 : 這個問題的確存在,包括我早年從中國金幣總公 司買的,也有褪色和品質差的幣種。近年有些金銀幣才買了兩 個月,就出現白斑。我買有兩枚臺灣發行的銀幣 20 多年了,

廣大收藏者基本是從二級市場,如郵幣卡市場、拍賣會、電子 商務平臺等管道買的。市場無國家級退出機制。請您談談兩級 市場目前存在的問題及解決的途徑。 王世宏 : 你說的問題很現實,中國現代貴金屬帀缺乏退出 機制,所謂退出機制,是指大批量賣出,缺乏國家級的交易市場。 這是影響金銀帀發展的一大因素。我認為應該立題研究,找到 解決問題的方案。這個問題最終會得到解決,只是時間問題。

完好如初。造成貴金屬帀的品質問題,我認為最主要的是材料 純精度不夠及加工粗糙,其次是保管不善。所以要提高品質, 造幣廠應從生產品質上下功夫,這是關鍵。

110 《東亞泉志》第 9 期

八 自 2004 年起,中國的現代貴金屬幣就沒有繼續在世界 錢幣大獎賽中獲得殊榮,請您分析一下原因。

Features 專題 王世宏 : 是的,我國現代貴金屬幣拿到的國際獎項,和美國、

十 您主編的《中國現代貴金屬幣賞析》,通過 250 萬字


的詳細闡述,2000 餘幅圖片的真實呈現,系統全面梳理了中

變。2017 年上海造幣有限公司的設計雕刻師余敏獲得本屆世






計、專題宣傳等多種原因。隨着以上問題的改進,相信未來會 有更多的幣種獲得這方面的殊榮。

王世宏 : 由於我國現代貴金屬帀每年還將不斷發行,所以 這本書必將延續編輯發行,我已八十高齡,不能再承擔此事。

九 中國現代貴金屬幣個品由於版別的不同,其市場交易 價明顯有差異,而錯版和正版的價格相差則更為懸殊 。學術 界有官方版別與民間版別的說法。您認為區分版別的標準是什

我打算把此事交給中國金帀公司來辦,他們表示樂於接收。至 於這本書有那些不足,廣大讀者會作出評論。這樣一部巨著沒 有缺點是不可能的。

麼? 王世宏 : 中國現代貴金屬帀的版別,就一個品種而言,有 的是有差異的,究竟有多少版別有哪些差異我沒有研究過,一 般來說不會影響它的價格。但錯版除外,如《龍鳳呈祥》5 盎 司彩色銀幣錯版與正版價格相差懸殊(圖 5)。

圖 5-1 5 盎司《龍鳳呈祥》彩色銀幣正版(正、反)規格:同錯版,發行量:11800 枚

圖 5-2 中國京劇藝術(第二組)5 盎司《龍鳳呈祥》彩色銀幣錯版(正、反) 規格:90 毫米 ×40 毫米,正面紀年 2000 誤為 2001,背面“中國京劇藝術”的“劇”字少一豎(見局部圖),證書編號 2000-j-22

The Ninth Issue of JEAN 111

Features 專題

A Most Innovative Coin Gu Jun (Shang Hai)

Pic 1 The first polymer coin “Planet Earth” was issued in Germany

Pic 2 A new coin series “Climate Zones of the Earth” On December 8th of 2017, in Karlsruhe, Germany, it was

and outer ring are metal materials (copper and nickel alloy).

raining outside with the foulest chill in the air. But at

Data shows that the annular non-metallic material is of a

the Baden-Wuerttemberg Mint, strong glowing warmth

metal-like performance for striking, has stable chemical

permeated everywhere.Guests from banks, mints, mint

and electric-magnetic properties with the thermoplastic

equipment suppliers such as the industry gathered together

properties at the same time, and can meet the processing

to witness the birth of a prestigious German polymer coin,

and mechanical properties of the coin. This annular non-

"Subtropical Climate Zone". The first strike ceremony

metallic polymer has both aesthetic and anti-counterfeiting

of the second coin in the series of "Climate Zone of the

functions, and the color of anti-fake particles added in the

Earth" commemorative coin was being held in the Baden-

material will change with the light. After the product was

Wuerttemberg Mint.

issued, it was warmly welcomed by coin collectors around

The first polymer coin, "Planet Earth", was issued on

the world.

April 14, 2016, in Germany. This is the first time a coin

A new subject-the "Climate Zone of the Earth" series was

using metal and non-metallic materials together had been

launched in 2017, using the same material combination

launched (as shown in figure 1). This product was

model. The first coin of this series is the "Tropical Climate

developed over eight years by the German ministry of

Zone" commemorative coin with a red polymer ring (as

finance, state of Baden-Wuerttemberg mint, Bavaria mint,

shown in figure 2a). In the next few years, there will be

and several scientific research units. The ring material is a

four coins launched with orange, light green, light blue, and

non-metallic macromolecule polymer, and the inner core

purple polymer rings (as shown in figure 2b).

112 《東亞泉志》第 9 期

Features 專題

At the first strike ceremony, Mr. Klaus Meyer-Steffens,

Westfälische Technische Hochschule contributed, a new

representing the European vending machine association,

mintable polymer was developed. This enables the machines

talked about the advantages of the new polymer coin

to measure the two metals completely separate from each

in vending machines. The polymer is characterized by

other, which leads to a significantly higher accuracy of

its high level of counterfeit protection, for it offers the


possibility of integrating overt, covert and latent security features for counterfeit detection. These features make the German polymer coin just as secure as a banknote. The overt counterfeit feature is its attractive, translucent colored polymer ring, which is also minted in the process and thus exhibits the same relief as the metal. Immediately recognizable to every user, this security feature is virtually impossible to imitate by today’s counterfeiters. It would be easy to add a latent security feature through enriching the polymer ring by nanopigments, which–to name just one of the many possibilities–which only become visible in UV

Schuler, one of the world's leading makers of coinage equipment, has developed an assembly facility for these commemorative coin blanks. This equipment is similar to a circulation coin striking press, with three improvement conveying mechanisms outside the frame which fill rings, cores and polymers into their respective channel. In turn, according to the software the inner core, polymer composite ring, outer ring will be fitted into the final finished blanks, and then the blanks can be sent to the striking press where coins are struck to final products. The difficulty of blank


assembly equipment lies in how to efficiently and precisely

It is easy to leave people coin anti-counterfeiting technology

compound together. Therefore, Schuler’s research and

for the future of infinite daydream space. In fact, the

development team has been working closely with the mint.

polymer material has won two international technical

Success took many years. It is said that only an excess of


more than 200 tons of force is required to separate the inner

A realistic application is that polymer coins can be used in ATMs or vending machines to ensure higher security.

assemble the inner core, polymer ring, and outer ring

core and the polymer ring from the outer ring, which is far from the fabricator.

This extra security would not go hand in hand with high

The Managing Director of both the Baden-Wuerttemberg

costs for the vending industry, as there would be no need to

mint and Stuttgart mint, Dr. Peter Huber, is very proud of it

replace existing hardware systems, as they could be simply


reprogrammed. Nowadays, ATMs and vending machines are used everywhere and are constantly increasing in number. We encounter them at the express checkout in the supermarket as well as when buying tickets for public transport or paying the parking fee. We fill up our tanks at the unmanned fuel station outside of working hours and buy a drink or a snack from the vending machine installed on the platform before continuing our journey. After the insertion of a coin all these machines check whether it is genuine or fake. To this end, they use precisely tuned sensors to measure the properties of the material of the coin. The bi-metallic coin had already provided a higher level of security for vending machines, as it allowed the testing the properties of two metals. However, since the sensors are extremely finely tuned and therefore cannot process the minimal reactions that occur at the transitional zones where the two metals meet, misinterpretations were made occasionally. This problem was addressed in the working group mentioned above. In eight years of research, to which also the Leibnitz Institute at the Rheinisch-

“We are ready for producing it as a circulation coinage. The new technology has now also been field-tested for mass production.” Assistant Undersecretary Walter Leibold, himself an ardent collector of West German (FRG) coins, added: “With the ‘Climate Zones of the Earth’ coin series, we have not only an innovative and highly beautiful collector’s product, but also one which is of the highest significance for monetary history. Imagine that in the not too distant future the technology that we see here as a feature of collector coins might also be used for circulation coins. Probably not in Germany first, but in one of the many other countries for which our State Mints of Baden-Wuerttemberg produce circulation coins and commemorative coins. We are proud of this enterprise, which is being perceived abroad as an ambassador of Baden-Wuerttemberg’s technological performance.”

The Ninth Issue of JEAN 113

Features 專題

Pic 3 A new coin series “Climate Zones of the Earth” After the ceremony, Assistant Undersecretary Walter Leibold

As a matter of fact, the new polymer material coin has

set the first assembly machine for the blanks in motion,

already won two international professional awards for the

followed by the minting press for the commemorative coins’

technologically most innovative coin. This is a milestone in

proof version. At the proof press he then struck the initial

coinage history (as shown in figure 4).

proof specimen (as shown in figure 3). The second was struck by Klaus Meyer-Steffens and the third by Patrick Niesel, the artist who was responsible for the design of the obverse.

Pic 4-1 (from L.) Walter Leibold, Klaus Meyer-Steffens, Peter Huber, Michael Chou, Gu Jun, Patrick Niesel

114 《東亞泉志》第 9 期

Pic 4-2 Gu Jun, Michael Chou, Dieter Merkle

Features 專題

創意經典之作 顧軍(上海)

圖 1 德國“行星地球”紀念幣 銅鎳合金聚碸

圖 2 德國“熱帶氣候”系列聚合物環紀念幣 2017 年 12 月 8 日,德國卡爾斯魯厄,冬天的細雨散發着

帶氣候”紀念幣(如圖 2a 所示),在隨後幾年將陸續推出帶橘黃、

陣陣寒氣,但是在巴登 - 符騰堡造幣廠內卻處處洋溢着濃濃的

淺綠、淺藍和紫色等其他四種顏色聚合物環的紀念幣(如圖 2b



集一堂,共同見證舉世矚目的德國聚合物環“地球氣候帶”系 列紀念幣中的第二枚“亞熱帶氣候”的首鑄儀式的隆重舉行。

在首鑄儀式上,代表歐洲自動售貨機協會的 Klaus MeyerSteffens 談到了新型聚合物硬幣在自動售貨機中的優勢。該聚



於 2016 年 4 月 14 日正式發行,德國率先推出世界上第一款金


屬與非金屬材料結合的銅鎳合金普通紀念幣(如圖 1 所示),


該產品是由德國財政部、巴登 - 符騰堡州造幣廠、巴伐利亞州














變化。該產品發行後,受到世界各國錢幣收藏愛好者的熱捧和 追逐。

一個很現實的應用是,聚合物環硬幣可以在自動取款機或 自動售貨機中使用并保證其更高的安全性。這種額外的安全措



球氣候帶”系列紀念幣,2017 年推出了首枚紅色聚合物環 “熱


The Ninth Issue of JEAN 115

Features 專題

圖 3“亞熱帶氣候”紀念幣 取款機和自動售貨機隨處可見,而且數量在不斷增加,例如我 們在超市快速結賬時、乘公共交通買票時、在路邊購買飲料或 零食或者支付停車費時,都可以遇到這樣的機器。所有這些機 器在插入一枚硬幣後都會檢查它是真品還是贗品,為此,在機 器中使用了精確調諧的感測器來測量硬幣材料的性能。1 歐元 和 2 歐元這兩種雙金屬硬幣已經為自動售貨機提供了很高的安 全特徵,因為機器可以測試出兩種金屬的不同性能。然而,由 於感測器非常精細地調諧,因此無法處理在兩個金屬接觸的過 渡區發生的最小反應,因此偶爾會產生誤讀的信號。在 8 年的 研究中,萊布尼茨研究所 (Leibnitz Institute at the RheinischWestfalische Technische Hochschule) 開發出了新的微型聚合 物。這使得機器能夠精確地測量出兩個完全分離的金屬與聚合 物介面處的特徵電磁信號,從而大大提高了測量的準確度。

圖 4-1(後排左起)Walter Leibold、Klaus Meyer-Steffens、 Peter Huber、周邁可、顧軍與 Patrick Niesel 在紀念幣首鑄現 場合影

世界著名的造幣設備製造商 SCHULER 公司專門為這種紀 念幣研發了坯餅裝配設備。這種設備類似流通幣壓印機,外部 有 3 台提升送料機構,外環、內芯和聚合物環通過送料機構進 入到各自的輸餅通道,依次按內芯、聚合物環、外環的順序複 合成最終的坯餅成品,然後這種坯餅就可以送到通用的壓印機 進行硬幣成品的壓印了,為大批量生產奠定了基礎。坯餅裝配 設備的難點就在於如何高效、精密地把內芯、聚合物環、外環 複合在一起,為此 SCHULER 公司的研發團隊與造幣廠密切配 合,歷時數年才研發成功。據稱,得施加 200 噸以上的力才能 將內芯和聚合物環與外環分離,這也是造假者所遠不能及的, 只能望幣興歎。

圖 4-2 (左起)顧軍、周邁可與 SCHULER 公司技術總監 Dieter Merkle 來賓們在紀念幣首鑄現場合影 國家,都有我們的巴登 - 符騰堡州的造幣廠生產流通硬幣和紀

因此,巴登 - 符騰堡州造幣廠廠長(同時也是斯圖加特造


幣廠廠長)Peter Huber 博士對此感到十分的自豪 :“我們已經 準備好將它應用於流通硬幣,我們為此已經做了大批量試驗。”

儀式結束後,副部長 Walter Leibold 先生首先啟動了坯餅 裝配設備,隨後壓鑄了第一枚精製紀念幣;第二枚是由 Klaus

巴登 - 符騰堡州財政部副部長 Walter Leibold 先生自己就 是一個硬幣的熱心收藏者,他在致辭中說 :“‘地球氣候帶’

Meyer-Steffens 先生壓鑄,設計這枚紀念幣的藝術家 Patrick Niesel 先生壓鑄了第三枚(圖 3)。

系列硬幣,使我們不僅有一個創新的、高度精美的收藏產品, 而且這還是貨幣史上最重要的產品之一。想象一下,在不遠的





經典之作(圖 4)。

116 《東亞泉志》第 9 期

Column 專欄

The First Sichuan Silver One Dollar Coin (the 1912 issue) Cai Yuman (Sichuan) More than one hundred years have passed since the first silver Sichuan one dollar coins were produced in 1912, and over the past 100 years, scholars and collectors have devoted themselves into the study of Sichuan coins. Many questions regarding Sichuan coins remain like when was the exact time these coins began to be produced? When did they were cease to circulate in the market? How many types were made? Why was their weight 25.6 grams instead of 26.5 grams? The rapid development of information technology in the age of Internet has laid the foundation for solving these questions surrounding Sichuan coins.

Pic 1 Dian Guo Dian Min


ccording to statistics, a total of 70,000,000 Sichuan one dollar coins were produced. The question is, among these which was the first type of Sichuan dollar? The Chengdu Mint produced various types of Sichuan one dollar coins from April 1912 to 1935 when the Sichuan government was reorganized. The stages that the production of Sichuan dollar experienced include: the Dong Xiuwu period (March to December,1912); the Hu Jingyi period (January 1913 to February 1915); the Chen Huan period (March 1915 to June 1916); the Cai E period (July to August 1916); the Luo Peijin and Dai Kan periods (September 1916 to July 1917); the Zhou Daogang period (July to November 1917); the Liu Cunhou period (December 1917 to February 1918); the Xiong Kewu period (March 1918 to July 1920); the Lv Chao period (July to September 1920); the Liu Cunhou period (September 1920 to March 1921); the Zeng Ziwei period (April 1921); the Liu Chengxun period (May 1921 to March 1923); the Liu Wenhui period (April 1923) and the Deng Xihou period (1928 to 1930). Production was stopped for four years from 1923 to 1928. Coins made before 1923 are known as the old “Han” (the character “ 漢 ”) type while products after 1928 are the new “Han” type. In addition, there are the warlord and the Red Army types. The former are coins produced by mints set up by warlords and local powers like Liu Cunhou (Da County); Liu Wenhui (Yaan County); Lai Xinhui (Hejiang County); Tian Songyao (Santai County); Li Jiayu (Suining County) and others. The Red Army type refers to the 380,000 imitation pieces made by the Red Army after its fourth front troop arrived in Sichuan in 1933. Our question is which of these coins is the first of Sichuan dollar? It is known that the Sichuan one dollar coin made by the Chengdu Mint can be classified into three general types which are the Dian Guo Dian Min (both the character Guo “ 国 ” and the character Min “民 ” have two extra dots, short

Pic 2 Dian Guo Wu Dian Min

Pic 3 Guo Min Wu Dian

for “two dots”, Pic 1 ); the Dian Guo Wu Dian Min (the character Guo “ 国 ” has an dot and the character Min “ 民 ” has no dot, short for “Guo with dot”, Pic 2) and Guo Min Wu Dian (both Guo and Min have no dot, short for “no dot”, Pic 3). Which is the earliest type? In folklore, there was a saying that at the beginning of the warlord period, both the national government and the people in Sichuan were rich and thus the character Guo (“ 国 ”, refers to nation ) and Min (“ 民 ”, refers to people) were engraved with extra dots (a symbol of wealth). In the middle of the warlord period, the people in Sichuan lost their wealth but the national government was still rich. Therefore the dot on the character Min was removed. In the end, both the government and the people had no money and the dots were all removed. This argument can be confirmed in materials from Sichuan University and Southwest University of Finance and Economy. The first and the earliest type could be any of these three types.

The Ninth Issue of JEAN 117

Features 專題


irst, let’s assume the “two dot” is the first Sichuan dollar.

The “two dots” type can be classified into the Gao Zao type (a radical of the character Zao, “ 造 ” looks like the character Gao “告 ”, Pic 4),the Niu Kou Zao type (the top of the character Zao looks like the character Niu “牛 ”, Pic 5) and the connected Kou Zao (the top of the radical Gao connects with the bottom Kou, Pic 6 ). The Gao Zao type can be further classified into a thin line version and a thick line version. The connected Kou Zao type can be further classified into upward Min version (the top of the character Min “ 民 ” runs upward, Pic 7), the downward Min version (the top of Min runs downward, Pic 8) and the flat Min version (the top of Min is flat, Pic 9). According to the writing style of the character Han ( 汉 ), the Sichuan dollar can also be classified into the ancient seal scrip Han version (ancient Han version for short), the straight Han version (Pic 10) and the vertical Han version (Pic 11). From the inscriptions, weights and writing styles of the characters, we can assume the dates and producers of these coins. The character Han ( 汉 ) represents the Three People’s Principles of expelling foreign invaders, rejuvenating the China of Han nationality and the founding the Democratic Republic of China (Pic 12), which suggests that these coins must have been made by some revolutionist. The weight of the Sichuan dollar is different from that of the Sichuan dragon coin and could only be used in Sichaun province. This means that the designer or producer of these coins must know something about economics. Important warlords or governors around the Revolution of 1911 in Sichuan include: Yang Shukan, Zhang Peijue, Xie Chi, Xia Zhishi, Lin Shaoquan, Zhu Zhihong from Chongqing and Zhao Erfeng, Pu Dianjun, Zhu Qinglan Yin Changheng and Luo Lun from Chengdu. As the first type of the Sichuan dollar was produced by the Chengdu Mint, the governors of Chongqing can be excluded. Among those who had governed Chengdu, Zhao Erfeng was killed, Pu Dianjun and Zhu Qinglan fled Sichuan. The remaining two officers, Yin Changheng and Luo Lun were actual governors of Sichuan. Dong Xiuwu was the head of a Sichuan district office during the reign of Yin Changheng and Luo Lun. According to related records and the memoirs of Xiong Kewu, “all files and proposals must be checked and approved by the district office” when “Luo Wen was ill”. In fact, all affairs of the Sichuan government were handled by the military-executive leader Dong Xiuwu and his team from December 9, 1911 to September 1912. The first Sichuan dollar was produced during that time. After combing all relevant materials, I speculate that the Sichuan dollar was most likely designed or produced by Dong Xiuwu or Yan Kai. Dong Xiuwu, (born in Bazhong) went to Japan to study at Meiji University at public expense in 1904. He was selected as a member of the appraisal department

118 《東亞泉志》第 9 期

Pic 4 Gao Zao

Pic 5 Niu Kou Zao

Pic 6 connected Kou Zao

Pic 7 upward Min

Pic 8 downward Min Pic 9 flat Min

Pic 10 straight Han

Pic 11 vertical Han

Pic12 character Han

Pic 13 Yin Changheng (tallest in the middle), Dong Xiuwu (right one)

after joining the Chinese Revolutionary Alliance in 1905. In 1908, Dong graduated from Japan’s Chuo University majoring in political economics and returned home a year later. In 1911, he went back to Sichuan to deal with the affairs of the Chinese Revolutionary Alliance’s Sichuan branch. From his experiences we can see that Dong Xiuwu was a revolutionist and might be equipped with knowledge of economics. Another officer, Yan Kai, was born in Huayang and got the title of Ju Ren (a successful candidate in the imperial examinations at the provincial level in Ming and Qing dynasties) in 1902. In 1904, Yan became a Jin Shi (a successful candidate in the highest imperial examinations) and was granted a position in the Imperial Academy editing. Later, he was sent to Japan to study economic law at Tokyo Imperial University by the government and went back to serve as a royal lecturer in 1908. After returning home, Yan Kai once went to Guangxi and then to Sichuan to work as the director general of the

Features 專題 Sichuan Railway Protection Society. His sister married Yin Changheng, the military governor of Sichuan. He maintained a good relationship with Dong Xiuwu who was the executive governor of Sichuan at that time (Pic 13). When he was a child, Yan liked to copy the Cuan Long Yan Bei (a copybook). His calligraphy was highly appraised by Japanese calligraphers when he studied in Japan. The inscriptions (south part) on the Railway Protection Monument were written by Yan Kai. (the east part of the monument is in cursive script; the west part is in official script; the north part is in seal script). The writing style of many characters like Jun (“军 ”), Yin (“ 银 ”), Yuan (“ 圆 ”), Zhong (“ 中 ”), Min (“ 民 ”), Zao (“ 造 ”), Nian (“ 年 ”) and Yuan (“元 ”) on the Gao Zao type (with thin lines) resemble these inscriptions on the monument. But Yan Kai was a royalist instead of a revolutionist and was never exposed Sun Zhongshan’s 18-star flag before the Revolution of 1911. Thus it is most likely that the Sichuan dollar was designed by Dong Xiuwu (He was the only Sichuan officer who had been exposed to both Sichuan silver coins and the 18-star flag and was capable of designing coins. Yin Changheng might design silver coins with the weight of 26.5 grams as he knew little about economics; Wu Yuzhang had not been the governor of Sichuan; other governors of Chengdu: Yang Shukan, Zhang Peijue, Xie Chi and Xiong Kewu, also knew nothing about economics; and Fang Shengtao was just an assistant of Dong Xiuwu. These people could not have designed the Sichuan dollar). The character Han “ 汉 ” might have been written by Dong Xiuwu while other characters should have been written by Yan Kai. The character Han on some type is curved and resembles ancient seal script, thus is named “seal script Han”. The seal script Han: the first step of rejuvenating the China of the Han nationality is using traditional Chinese characters. The oldest Chinese scripts are oracle bones (Jia Gu Wen) and Jin Wen (bronze inscription).The seal script was used in the Qin dynasty while official script was the dominant writing style in the Han. It is very likely that revolutionists would use the character “Han” in one of the oldest writing styles (oracle and Jin Wen were not well developed) to show their determination of rejuvenating the China governed by the Han majority. Thus the Han seal script type might be the first type of the Sichuan one dollar coin. (Among “two dots” coins, the character “Han” on the Gao Zao version, the upward and downward Min versions are curved and look like seal script. Therefore these three versions might be the earliest type of the Sichuan dollar. From the exact shape of the character ‘Han’ on these three versions, we can infer that the Gao Zao version appeared earlier than the upward Min version and the downward Min version, Pic 14). The ill-shaped Yuan (the character “ 圆 ”, Pic 15): the ill-

Pic 14-1 the character “Han” in one of the oldest writing styles

Pic 14-2 the character “Han” on the Gao Zao version

Pic 14-3 the upward Min version

Pic 14-4 the downward Min versions

Pic 16-3 threestroke Yuan by Yan Kia

Pic 15 ill-shaped Yuan

Pic 16-1 three-stroke Yuan

Pic 16-2 four-stroke Yuan

shaped Yuan on the Gao Zao version looks like the ancient variant of the character Yuan and was written by Yan Kai. The three-stroke Yuan (“ 元 ”, Pic 16): The early threestroke Yuan version was made by the Chengdu Mint. The writing style of the character Yuan looks exactly like the inscriptions on the monument written by Yan Kia in Chengdu’s Wenshu temple. The characters, Gao and Zao: the “two dots” Gao Zao type can be further classified into the thin line version and the thick line version. The characteristics of the former include: a three-stoke Yuan, upward Min, fifteen degree right slanted flower with defects, and clearly-engraved Gao and Zao. The three-stroke Yuan on the later is not clear. As the years passed, lines on Gao Zao coins gradually increased. Lines arranged around the character Han and were divided into four parts. The biggest numbers of lines on Sichuan one dollar coins are 68-73 (vertical lines) and 44-43 (horizontal lines) and the smallest are 64-63 (vertical lines) and 39-38 (horizontal lines). The writing style of Zao (“造”) also changed over time. At first, the major radical of Zao looked like the character Gao “告”, then the bottom of this part extended and looked like the character Niu “ 牛 ”. In the end, this radical connected with the bottom part of the character Zao. Banknotes issued at the same period also proved that Gao Zao appeared before Niu Kou Zao and the connected Kou Zao. The top of the character Zao on the 10 cash note issued by Sichuan Bank in March 1912

The Ninth Issue of JEAN 119

Features 專題 looked like the character Gao (Pic 17) while this part on notes released in April looked like the character Niu (Pic 18). The Zao with a Gao-shaped radical also appeared on the Dahan notes used by the Sichuan military government released in December, 1911 (Pic 19). These notes proved that the production of the Gao Zao version started before April 1912. Thus we can infer that the Gao Zao version was the earliest made type and the Gao Zao version with thin lines appeared before another version with thick lines. The number of Gao Zao thin line coins is half of the number of thick line coins. According to the date of production, the thick line and thin line versions are also named the Dong Xiuwu Gao Zao thin line version (from March to May, 1912 when Yin Changheng was the governor of Sichuan and Dong Xiuwu was responsible for the production work of Chengdu Mint) and the Dong Xiuwu thick line version (from June to December, 1912 when Hu Jingyi governed Sichuan. Dong Xiuwu was still the governor of Chengdu government at that time). The mint continued to produce coins after Dong Xiuwu quit his job in September. In December 1912, the Chengdu Mint was taken over by the Treasury of the Republic of China.

Pic 17 the character Zao in March 1912

Pic 18 the character Zao in April 1912

(Note: some scholars believe the Gao Zao type is a transitional product between the Sichuan dragon coin and the official Sichuan silver coin). The fifteen degree right slanted flower: flowers on Sichuan dollars differ in angles and size. The fifteen-degree, rightslanted flower was firstly produced. The slanting angle then became 5 degrees. Later, the upright flower appeared. In the end, the flower slanted 15 degrees to the left (Pic 20). Flowers on early coins have artificial damage. The upward Min: the writing style of upward Min appeared in Cuan Bao Zi Bei (a monument with inscriptions) which was the contemporary work of Cuan Long Yan Bei mentioned above. Thus the character Min (“民 ”) might also be the work of Yan Kai. The last stroke of Min looked like a bee’s stinger. Other indirect evidence suggests that the “two dots” Gao Zao version is the first type of the Sichuan one dollar coin. According to historical records, people in Chengdu collected the first type of the Sichuan dollar as amulets or instrument for skin scraping as these coins were made from Buddhist instruments from the Golden Summit Temple on Emei mountain. Therefore a large amount of the first minted Sichuan dollars were reserved. As the quantity of Gao Zao coins is larger than any other version, the Gao Zao version should be the first type of the Sichuan one dollar.

120 《東亞泉志》第 9 期

Pic 19 the Zao with a Gao-shaped radical also appeared on the Dahan notes

Pic 20-1 the flower slanted 15 degrees to the right

Pic 20-2 the flower a little slanted to the right

Pic 20-3 the flower in the middle

Pic 20-4 the flower slanted 15 degrees to the left

Column 專欄 The number of lines: unlike most silver coins which were inscribed with the same number of horizontal lines on right and left sides but different numbers of vertical lines on the top and at the bottom, Gao Zao coins were inscribed with different numbers of vertical and horizontal lines on four sides. For example, the number of top vertical lines on a Gao Zao coin is 68, while the number of its bottom vertical lines is 73. The difference of vertical numbers on other silver coins would be less than 3. This suggests that the standard of line numbers had not been determined when the Gao Zao coins were produced (Pic 21). Later, the number of lines was fixed and the difference between vertical lines was prescribed to be less than 3 for a good appearance or other purposes. The first type of Sichuan one dollar coins were produced after the last set of Sichuan dragon coins. Therefore, there should be many similarities between the first Sichuan dollar and the Sichuan dragon coin as the technique of making these two types of coins did not change much. As the inner circle and edge of the Gao Zao edition resembles those of the Sichuan dragon coin, the Gao Zao version should be the first type of the Sichuan one dollar.


Pic 21 the standard of line numbers had not been determined

Pic 22-1 “Guo with a dot” vertical Han version

Pic 22-2 “one and a half” dot vertical Han version

econd, if we assume the “Guo with a dot” is the first type, it does not make sense because:

The earliest type of “Guo with a dot” coin is the vertical Han version which were produced after the “two-dots” vertical Han coins (Pic 22). (Note: the “one and a half” dot coins were produced between these two types of coins, Pic 23)

Pic 23-1 a dot

Pic 23-2 a half dot

Pic 23-3 without dot

The last type, “Guo with a dot” coin is the “cut flower” version. If “Guo with a dot” was the earliest type, the existence of “no dot, cut flower” type (Pic 24) cannot be explained. Thus the “Guo with a dot” type should have been produced after the “two dots” but before the “no dot” type. Therefore, the “Guo with a dot” cannot be the first Sichuan dollar.


hird, it does not make sense either if we suppose the “no dot” is the first type of Sichuan dollar.

The techniques: the first type of the Sichuan one dollar was produced with advanced techniques after production of the Sichuan dragon coin. At first, the production had not been controlled by the government. Later, the production of the first type got back on track under the supervision of Xie Zhengquan commissioned by the Treasury of Beiyang government. Under the supervision of the central and local governments as well as other related departments,

Pic 24-1 “no dot, cut flower” type

Pic 24-2 “Guo with a dot, cut flower” type

Pic 25 the quality of the last coin was not very good

Pic 26 50 cent silver coins issued at the first Sichuan dollar

The Ninth Issue of JEAN 121

Column 專欄 the quality of the first edition could be ensured. As the production of the last Sichuan dollar was only monitored by Chenli, a member of the 28th army military committee, the quality of the last coin was not very good. Defects can often be found on these coins (Pic 25). The quality of the first coin is much better than the last one. The quality of the “two dots” is also better than the “no dot” coin. Therefore, the “no dot” cannot be the first variety of the Sichuan dollar. The date: “Min” and “Guo” (“ 民 国 ”) with two extra dots can be found on the 1912 lion silver and copper coins and the first Sichuan military government 50 cent coin issued at the same time as the first Sichuan one dollar was produced. In the summer of 1912, Yuan Shikai appointed Yin Changheng to raise an army for suppressing the rebellion in Tibet and Hu Jingyi as the acting governor of Sichuan. To pay the military expenditure, Yin Changheng ordered the Chengdu Mint to produce the 1912 lion silver and copper coins. Guo and Min with two extra dots were also found on other 50 cent silver coins (Pic 26) issued at the same time as the first Sichuan dollar. Thus the “two dots” type produced during this time should be the first variety of the Sichuan dollar. The date: “Min” and “Guo” (“ 民 国 ”) with two extra dots can be found on the 1912 lion silver and copper coins and the first Sichuan military government 50 cent coin issued at the same time as the first Sichuan one dollar was produced. In the summer of 1912, Yuan Shikai appointed Yin Changheng to raise an army for suppressing the rebellion in Tibet and Hu Jingyi as the acting governor of Sichuan. To pay the military expenditure, Yin Changheng ordered the Chengdu Mint to produce the 1912 lion silver and copper coins. Guo and Min with two extra dots were also found on other 50 cent silver coins (Pic 26) issued at the same time as the first Sichuan dollar. Thus the “two dots” type produced during this time should be the first variety of the Sichuan dollar. The 100 cash copper coin can also prove the “two dots” is the first variety of the Sichuan dollar. Although records about the weight of the 100 cash differ the eighth volume of Chengdu Cultural and Historical Material mentioned the weight of the 1913 100 cash copper coin as five qian (a unit of weight) and 8 fen (another unit of weight). However, the Currency and Finance of Sichuan during the Republic of China recorded that 100 cash copper coins produced before 1920 in Chongqing weighed eight qian. The weight of the 100 cash was gradually reduced over time. The 1924 100 cash only weighs six qian. Nevertheless, Guo and Min with two extra dots were found on most 100 cash copper coins heavier than 22 grams. The 1913 100 cash copper coin resembles the first type of the Sichuan dollar in size, shape and design (Pic 27).

122 《東亞泉志》第 9 期

Pic 27 Guo and Min with two extra dots were found on most 100 cash copper coins heavier than 22 grams

Pic 28-1 Guo and Min with Pic 28-2 Guo and Min with two extra dots coin produced two extra dots coin produced in 1913 in 1914

Pic 28-3 two kinds of 200 cash coins were inscribed with a Guo and Min with two extra dots Another piece of evidence is the big 200 cash first made in 1913 by the Sichuan Mint. A total of 1,956,103 pieces of big 200 cash were coined during that year. All such 200 cash coins were inscribed with a Guo and Min with two extra dots (the downward Min, Pic 28). The weight: according to historical records, the first of the Sichuan dollar weighed 25.6 grams (silver coins produced before 1923 were recorded in old units of weight due to the shortage of silver during the 1911 Revolution). The silver content on the new “Han” coins [re]produced in 1928 was raised to 23 grams. The average weight of the “no dot” is over 25.8 grams. We can infer that it contains about 23.011 grams (25.8×89.191%=23.011) of silver. Thus the new“Han” should be the “no dot” variety. Imitations made by warlords: the warlord editions are imitations of Sichuan dollars made by the Chengdu Mint when the garrison system was established in 1924. As

Column 專欄 fake coins are copies of the latest version of real ones, the warlord edition should be imitations of the latest new Han Sichuan one dollar coin made by the Chengdu Mint in 1924. As “Min” and “Guo” on most warlord coins have no extra dot, the “no dot” should be the new “Han” variety which were produced later than the “two dots” version. The amount: as most old Sichuan dollars were brought out of Sichuan (the outflow of silver coins from Chongqing reached 27,400,000 yuan at that time), silver dollar coins could hardly be found in the market. Ninety percent of money used in Sichuan at that time was silver 50 cent coins. Against this backdrop, a large amount of new“Han” one dollar coins were produced and then became the dominant currency in Sichuan. As the number of “no dot” is the largest, it is likely that the “no dot” is the new “Han” type. There is no direct relationship between designs of the Sichuan old “Han” and new “Han” silver coins. If we assume the “no dot” is the first coin produced and the “two dots” Gao Zao is the newer “ Han” issue, the similar designs of right slanted (15 degree) flower, the “bee’s stinger” Min (“ 民 ”) on other coins produced later cannot be explained. This assumption does not hold.

Pic 29-1 the Bank of Sichuan issued subsidiary notes in denominations of 10 cents in 1949

The 21th Arsenal and Chengdu Mint respectively restarted the production of silver coins in areas under the KMT regime on July 31 and August 1, 1949. At the same time, the Bank of Sichuan issued subsidiary notes in denominations of 1 cent, 5 cents, 10 cents, and 50 cents. According to relevant records, these notes shared the same design with the Sichuan new “Han” silver one dollar coin. As the “Guo” and “Min” on these notes had no extra dot (Pic 29), we can infer that the “no dot” is the new “Han” type.


ourth, there is an irrefutable evidence to support the “two dots” Gao Zao is the first form of the Sichuan dollar. The 1913 Sichuan one dollar had been described as a “rare coin” in the Standard Catalog of World Coins (1989) and the Standard Catalog of Chinese Coins (February, 1991). After years of hard research and study, I finally got a chance to have a look at a real 1913 Sichuan one dollar. Lot 0489, a 1913 Sichuan one dollar (Pic 30) was sold at the First Stamp and Coin Auction organized by the Beijing Hanhai company on May 17, 2011. The characteristics of this coin include: First, “Guo” and “Min” with two extra dots; Zao (“ 造 ”) with a radical of Gao (“ 告 ”) ; Nian (“ 年 ”) with a slanted dot; illwritten Yuan (“ 圆 ”) ; Fu (“ 府 ”) with a upper dot and others.

Pic 29-2 the Bank of Sichuan issued subsidiary notes in denominations of 50 cents in 1949

The Ninth Issue of JEAN 123

Column 專欄 Second, except for the date this piece is almost the same as the 1912 “Gao Zao” silver coin with thick lines. Third, the number of lines on this piece is the same as that on the 1912 thick line Gao Zao one dollar. The difference between the number of vertical lines on this coin proves it was one of the earliest Sichuan one dollar coins produced before the standard was set. I speculate that the Chengdu Mint under the control of Dong Xiuwu had planned to produce the 1913 Sichuan 1 dollar which resembled the 1912 Sichuan 1 dollar in 1913. But this plan was canceled when the Treasury of the Republic of China sent Xi Zhengquan to replace Dong Xiuwu as the governor of the mint. The new type of Sichuan 1 dollar were equipped with many “central” characteristics (managed by central officers following the steps of the Central Mint , named by the Central Treasury, annual reports and the production plan should be sent to the central government and others). Thus this 1913 Sichuan 1 dollar is an irrefutable evidence to support that the “two dots” Gao Zao is the first edition of Sichuan 1 dollar.

The Treasury of the Republic of China appointed Xi Zhengquan as the head of the Chengdu Mint on December 1912 and changed the name of the mint into the Sichuan Branch Mint of the Treasury. From then to the outbreak of wars among warlords, the production, cost, plans and quality of supervision work of the mint must be reported to the Treasury and controlled by the central government every year. The characteristics of the first variety of the Sichuan one dollar coin includes: seal script Han(“ 汉 ”); the ill-shaped Yuan (“ 圆 ”), Zao (“ 造 ”) with a radical of Gao (“ 告 ”) ; right slanted (in 15 degree) flower; upward Min (“ 民 ”); more than 44 vertical and horizontal thin lines. Therefore, we can draw the conclusion that the 1912 “Gao Zao” silver coin with thin lines is the first issue of the Sichuan one dollar produced when Dong Xiuwu governed Sichuan from March to June, 1912.


n conclusion, the “two dots” should be the first Sichuan dollar. Its designs, like the flower, the character Min (“民 ”)the upward Min appeared before the downward Min) and the character Han (“ 汉 ”, the vertical Han appeared after the straight Han) changed over time. The “two dots” vertical Han version is a transitional product between the “two dots” versions and the “Guo with a dot” type (with vertical Han). The “Guo with a dot” type includes the “Si ( 四 ) with a small opening” version, the flat “Han”, the “Jun with a slanted top part” and the “disconnected flower” version which is the last type of old “Han” one dollar. The “no dot” type with the new type of Han is the last Sichuan dollar.

124 《東亞泉志》第 9 期

Pic 30 1913 Sichuan one dollar

Column 專欄

第一代川版(1912 年初版)銀幣考 蔡雨蔓(綿陽) 中國四川川版銀幣(以下簡稱“川版”)從 1912 年誕生 到現在已經近 100 年,折算成時間也已經有幾代人了,而川 版的身世至今仍是一个谜。它是什麼時間誕生的?又是怎麼發 展的?以及又是怎麼結束的?它的兄弟姊妹有多少?它的子孫 共有多少代?它的重量為什麼只有 25.6 克而不是 26.5 克?為 什麼 10 個川版就有 9 個別?……問題一個接着一個,一直困 繞着 100 年來的學者和收藏家。也有許多有志之士致力於它 的研究,取得了一些研究成果,特別是網路時代資訊的迅速發 展,為一一解開川版的眾多秘密奠定了基礎。

圖 1 點國點民版

據統計川版共生產了 7300 多萬枚,在 7300 多萬壹圓銀 幣中,誰是第一代川版呢? 史料顯示,成都造幣廠生產的川版從 1912 年(民國元年) 4 月開鑄以來,至 1935 年(民國 24 年)四川省政府改組時, 銀幣鑄造作輟不常,而且所造種類版別相當複雜。經歷了董修 武時期(1912 年 3 月 - 6 月尹昌衡、1912 年 6 月 -12 月胡景 伊)、胡景伊時期(1913 年 1 月 -2 月謝正權、1913 年 3 月 -1915

圖 2 點國無點民版

年 2 月)、陳宦時期(1915 年 3 月 -1916 年 6 月)、蔡鍔時 期(1916 年 7 月 -8 月)、羅佩金、戴戡時期(1916 年 9 月 -1917 年 7 月)、周道剛時期(1917 年 7 月 -11 月)、劉存厚時期 (1917 年 12 月 -1918 年 2 月)、熊克武時期(1918 年 3 月 -1920 年 7 月)、呂超時期(1920 年 7 月 -9 月)、劉存厚時期(1920 年 9 月 -1921 年 3 月)、曾子唯時期(1921 年 4 月)、劉成 勳時期(1921 年 5 月 -1923 年 3 月)、劉文輝時期(1923 年 4 月)、鄧錫侯時期(1928-1930 年)。其中停鑄時間最長一 次長達 4 年之久(民國 12 年停鑄民國 17 年初恢復鑄行)。 以這次停鑄和重鑄為界限,劃分川版為舊“漢”字和新“漢” 字川版,即民國 12 年停鑄前所造為舊“漢”字,民國 17 年 初恢復鑄造後的為新“漢”字。與新“漢”字銀幣同時伴生的 還有川版雜版銀幣,它是由地方實力派人物、軍閥等各自設廠 鑄造,如達縣劉存厚、雅安劉文輝、合江賴心輝、三台田頌堯、 遂甯李家鈺等等,一方設廠,八方效仿,僅成都周圍各縣的造 幣廠已達數十家。因此,造幣廠生產的銀圓除了成都、重慶版 外,還有大量軍閥版川版,甚至 1933 年中國工農紅軍第四方 面軍入川後,為了戰略需要也仿製了 38 萬枚紅軍版。要從其

圖 3 國民無點版 在四川民間和許多回憶錄中對點國點民、點國無點民、國 民無點有這麼一個說法:在戰亂初期四川是國家有點(財富)、 民眾有點(財富),中期四川是國家有點(財富)、民眾則無 點(財富),到最後則是國家也沒有(財富)、民眾也無(財富)。 這種點國點民製造在先、點國無點民其次、國民無點最後的坊 間傳說並非是空穴來風。這點可以從四川大學和西南財大的資 料中和以下推理也得到印證。 第一代川版無非有三種可能:1)要麼點國點民版在先;2) 要麼點國無點民版在先;3)要麼國民無點版在先。

中分離出第一代川版就要從以下幾點入手分析。 我們現在知道的川版成都造幣廠版分為點國點民(圖 1)、 點國無點民(圖 2)、國民無點(圖 3)三大版式,這是大家 公認的。這些誰先誰後呢?

1. 假設第一代川版是點國點民版,即點國點民版在先。 點國點民版中又怎麼分先後呢?點國點民版分為告造版 (圖 4)、牛口造版(圖 5)、連口造版(圖 6)。這些又是 誰先誰後呢?告造版分為告造細線、告造粗線;牛口造版是

The Ninth Issue of JEAN 125

Column 專欄 過渡;連口造分為高頭民版(圖 7)、低頭民版(圖 8)、平 頭民版(圖 9)或者古篆漢、直頭漢版(圖 10)、豎頭漢版 (圖 11)。這些版又是誰先造的?我們可以從川版上的文字、 重量、風格上找到是誰主持、參與和設計方面的線索。川版上 有 18 圈和代表“驅逐韃虜,恢復中華,建立民國”革命意義 的“漢”字(圖 12),說明川版具有革命性,應該由懂革命 的人設計的;同時其重量不同于四川龍版,只能在四川地方流

圖 4 告造版

圖 5 牛口造版

圖 6 連口造版

圖 7 高頭民版

圖 8 低頭民版

圖 9 平頭民版

圖 10 直頭漢版

圖 11 豎頭漢版

圖 12 徽代國徽

通,具有創新性,設計者也應該懂經濟。辛亥革命前後主川的 要人有:重慶的有楊庶堪、張培爵、謝持、夏之時、林紹泉、 朱之洪,成都的有趙爾豐、蒲殿俊、朱慶瀾、尹昌衡、羅倫。 重慶的人沒有來成都造幣廠,成都的趙爾豐被殺、蒲殿俊和朱 慶瀾逃跑、最後尹昌衡和羅倫主政。據《大漢軍政府總政務處 簡章》記載“本處為一切政事之總匯,凡出入文牘及發佈命令 皆須經過本處始為有效”,證明董修武任總經理的總政務處有 較大權力。據熊克武回憶:“羅倫病,不克治事,規劃處置, 專決于修武。”這說明實際上從 1911 年 12 月 9 日—1912 年 9 月之間,四川軍政府中的一切政務均由軍政部長董修武及其 領導班子決定。川版是在董修武任職期間誕生的。從許多資料 最後都匯總到兩個人身上,即董修武和顏楷。董修武,巴中 人,1904 年保舉官費留學日本,就學日本明治大學。1905 年 參加孫中山創立的同盟會,被推選為評議部評議員,懂政治。 1908 年畢業于日本中央大學政治經濟科,也懂經濟。1909 年 回國,1911 年回四川主持同盟會四川工作,深知孫中山先生 的三大國策。顏楷,華陽人,童生入學,壬寅年舉人,1904 年科舉連捷進士,大卷列前 10 名,呈皇帝御覽,入翰林院編 修。後公派進日本東京帝國大學法政系,攻讀政法。1908 年 考試優異,學成回國,授侍講銜。其自幼工書法,潛心臨摹爨 龍顏碑文,在日本時候深得日本書法家崇拜,奉為聖手。回國 後,先到廣西後回四川,參加四川保路同志會,任幹事長。顏 楷之妹嫁與軍政府尹昌衡都督。尹昌衡主軍、董修武主政(圖 13)。董修武、顏楷關係甚好。顏楷書法以爨顏碑文字體為主, 題寫魏體碑文(東面為草書、西面為漢隸、北面為篆書)。而

圖 13 尹昌衡中間高者、董修武右一












強的川版是由董修武設計(在 1912 年初的四川既懂銀幣的四 川庫平、重量、成色理論,又懂孫中山的革命十八星旗,而且




卻不懂經濟,要他設計多半要設計成與川龍一樣重的 26.5 克








126 《東亞泉志》第 9 期

Column 專欄 表達“恢復中華”的決心。所以最先出現的第一代川版應該是 “古篆漢”(金文、甲骨文並不成熟)(圖 14-1)。在川版中, 要數“點國點民小字版告造”、“點國點民小字版極密版”、 “點國點民小字版低頭民”三種“漢”的筆畫更加扭曲、更加 “篆”。特別是“點國點民小字版告造”中的“漢”顯得更蒼 老些、更古樸些。故可以看出“點國點民小字版告造”要比其 他兩種要早一些。從這點看順序上是:“點國點民告造”(圖

圖 14-1 古篆漢

圖 14-2 點國點民 告造“篆”漢

圖 14-3 點國點民高 頭民版的“篆”漢

圖 14-4 點國點民 低頭民的“篆”漢

圖 16-3 顏楷留文 三筆元

圖 15 蹩腳圓

圖 16 -1 三筆元

圖 16-2 四筆元

14-2)→“點國點民高頭民版”(圖 14-3)→“點國點民低 頭民”(圖 14-4)。 (2)“蹩腳圓”:“蹩腳圓”的“圓”(圖 15)同樣古老的, 是川版中唯一的。這是“圓”的異體字,出自有深厚國文基礎 功底的高手顏楷,有翰林儒家風格。從這點看順序上是:“點 國點民告造”→“點國點民高頭民版”。 (3)“三筆元”(圖 16):早期的成都造幣廠版“三筆元” 不同于後期的軍閥“三筆元”。早期的“三筆元”潤韻有加、 一蹴而成,更具有魏碑的風骨,與顏楷在成都文殊院中碑刻留 文風格一模一樣。第一代四川軍政府壹圓銀圓也應該有早期的 “三筆元”。從這個順序上是:“點國點民告造”→“點國點 民高頭民極密版”→“點國點民低頭民”。 (4)“告造”:“點國點民告造”分細經緯線版和粗經 緯線版兩種,前者的基本上都是“三筆元”、全部都是“高頭民”、 中花是明顯的 15 度右斜中花、斜中花還有缺損、 “告造”也明顯, 裂印也很深。後者的“三筆元”有些並不明顯,“告造”在後 期出現了“告”字延長,呈“牛口”造,已經接近極密版的“連 口”造了。呈現出“告造”→“牛口”造 →“連口”造的不可 逆的發展順序,這主要是由於連續地修模造成的。將所有的“告

圖 17 1912 年 3 月的“告”造

造”排列在一起可以看得出“點國點民小字版告造”細經緯線 版的發展順序是從高到低、從多到少。現在最多的經緯線是 68-73 44-43,最少的是 64-63 39-38。民國元年 3 月由四川銀 行發行的“當拾銅圓拾枚錢票”上書寫的“造”為“告”造(圖 17),而 4 月後的“當拾銅圓拾枚錢票”上書寫的“造”則為“牛 口”造了(圖 18)。而 1911 年 12 月“大漢四川軍政府用銀票” 上書寫的“造”也有“告”造(圖 19)。此書均為顏楷書寫, 也同時是由董修武領導下的四川軍政府頒發,有可比性。這至 少證明紙幣在 1912 年 4 月間“告”造開始改為“牛口”造的,

圖 18 1912 年 4 月的“牛口”造

“告”造在先。這也說明“告”造在元年 4 月前就開始生產了。 因此,從“告”字的生產順序上看是:“點國點民告造” 細經緯線版 → 粗經緯線版 →“點國點民極密版”。 “告造”分細經緯線版和粗經緯線版兩種,從存世量來看 細經緯線版要比粗經緯線版少一半,結合 1912 年四川政局也 分尹昌衡時期(3 月 -5 月)和胡景伊時期(6 月 -12 月)兩個 時期,而這兩個時期中成都造幣廠大都是由董修武負責,因此

圖 19 1911 年 12 月“大漢四川軍政府用銀票”上的“告”造

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Column 專欄

圖 20-1 15 度右斜中花

圖 20-2 微右斜中花

圖 20-4 15 度左斜中花

圖 20-3 正中花

“告造”細經緯線版和粗經緯線版兩種就可以稱為:1912 年 3 月 -5 月董修武(尹昌衡時期)的告造細線版,1912 年 6 月 -12 月董修武(胡景伊時期)的告造粗線版。9 月董修武辭職後, 造幣廠仍然按照原定的計劃生產。1912 年 12 月成都造幣廠收 歸中華民國財政部。 現在有學者認為:“告造”是聯繫川龍和川版的橋樑,上 連川龍下接川版,是過渡。 (5)15 度右斜小中花:中花有左右斜、大中小之分。中

圖 21 告造粗線版中外觀極 不協調的經線數

圖 22-1 點國點民的豎頭漢版

花的發展順序是逆時針的,先 15 度右斜小中花(圖 20-1) →5 度 右 斜 小 中 花( 圖 20-2)→ 正 小 中 花( 圖 20-3)→15 度左斜小中花(圖 20-4)。其中 15 度右斜小中花是最早出現 的。同時早期的中花於右下角還有人為的缺損。如果中花的發 展順序是順時針的則解釋不走。 (6)“高頭民”:“高頭民”因“國民”的右上角有折 角突出而得名。這是《爨龍顏碑》中沒有的。折角來源於早 五十三年《爨寶子碑》。這兩塊碑是同時代的作品。應該出自 即熟悉《爨寶子碑》骨風又精通《爨龍顏碑》的文體風格的碑

圖 22-2 點國點民的豎頭漢版到點國無點民豎頭漢版的過渡 版——點國半點民的豎頭漢版

書聖手顏楷,是有高古風範的文字。“民”的最後一筆向上的 “鉤”成蜂尾的刺狀,出現在“點國點民告造”版和“點國點 民小字版極密版”中,後者要更加明顯些。 (7)還有一個間接證據,根據歷史記載第一代川版使用 了峨眉山金頂寺的銅質法器為原料,因此許多成都市民對這批 來自金頂佛殿有靈氣的銀圓情有獨鐘,大都收藏保管起來,進 行開背刮痧,用於消災避難,在最困難的時期也沒有使用。這 也是現在告造銀圓比較好找的主要原因。

圖 23-1 點民

圖 23-2 半點民

圖 23-3 無點民

(9)第一代川版是緊接着最後一批川龍生產的。雖然字體、 圖案發生了變化,但由於人員仍然是原來的人馬,機器仍然是 原來的機器,因此其工藝應該變化不大。“告造”的細經緯線

(8)“告造”的經緯線與其他所有銀圓的經緯線有明顯 的區別:大多數“告造”的經緯線是 4 組不同的數字,而其他

中 15 度右斜小殘中花版中的內齒、邊齒與川龍的內齒、邊齒 非常接近,有明顯的繼承關係,而且緯線數越高的越相似。

銀圓的經緯線一般都是上下經線數字不同、而左右緯線數字相 同。這說明“告造”生產是遵守了一定的生產規律,但是這些 規律不是非常嚴格,如有枚幣的上經線數為 68,下經線數為 73,相差 5 條。而其他銀圓的上下經線數相差不會超過 3 條。 這也間接說明,在早期的設計生產過程中還存在摸索過程(圖

2. 假設先有點國無點民版、再有點國點民版或者國民無點 版,這就講不通了。 (1)因為在點國無點民中最早出現的是豎頭漢版,而點



也就改為後來的上下經線數相差不會超過 3 條的設計方式,而

點國無點民豎頭漢版上面是點國點民的豎頭漢版(圖 22),


中間有個過渡版——點國半點民版(圖 23)。

128 《東亞泉志》第 9 期

Column 專欄 (2)點國無點民版中最後一批是點國無點民斷中花版, 如果國民無點版中是第一代川版的話,那麼國民無點版斷中花 版又怎麼解釋(圖 24)? (3)點國無點民版上有點國點民、下有國民無點,只能 在中間。 因此,點國無點民中不可能是第一代川版。 3. 假設先有國民無點版、再有點國無點民版、最後才是點

圖 24-1 國民無點斷中花版

國點民版,則更講不通了。 (1)技術水準:第一代川版應該是接着龍版生產的,技 術水準應該比較高,雖然在開始一段時間中處於相對無政府狀 態,但是在隨後的北洋政府財政部委派謝正權的監管下恢復正 規生產狀態。造幣廠受中央、省部、廠方多方面監管,而最後 一批川版只服從 28 軍委任陳離,在技術監管應該比第一代鬆 散,工藝要差些,如許多字有出須現象、經緯線一般都出頭現 象等(圖 25)。因此,第一代川版要比最後的新漢字壹圓銀 幣技術品質要高些,點國點民版在整體上要優於國民無點版。

圖 24-2 點國無點民斷中花版

即國民無點版在後。 (2)時間的參照:1912 年夏,因西藏發生暴亂,袁世凱 委尹昌衡為征藏軍總司令,由胡景伊代理四川都督。尹昌衡組 織西征軍,親征藏邊,使用造幣廠銀料和機器製造 1912 年醒 獅銀幣銅幣充作軍費。1912 年醒獅銀幣銅幣與藏幣一樣是以 重量定面值,其“民國”二字為點國點民。第一代川版與同個 時期頒發的大金屬幣有第一代四川軍政府 5 角銀幣,它們之間 的“點國點民”在時間上也有可比性。5 角銀幣製造時間比較長、

圖 25 國民無點版的字出須、 圖 26 早期五角點國點民 經緯線出頭、內齒漏印等技 術粗糙問題

生產比較混亂。如果第一代川版是國民無點版的話,5 角銀幣 為什麼基本上都是點國點民版(圖 26)。難道 1912 年生產的 點國點民版 5 角銀幣要照 1927 年生產的點國點民版 5 角銀幣 來設計?如果先有國民無點版的話,參照的時間點就解釋不走 了。因此,1912 年醒獅銀幣銅幣、第一代四川軍政府 5 角銀 幣“點國點民”可以證明川版是“點國點民”在先。 100 文銅元生產雖然也比較混亂,但是歷史記載中有不一 樣,成都文史資料 8 輯中提到 1913 年 100 文銅元為重量為 5 錢 8 分,而西南財經大學出版社《民國時期四川貨幣金融紀

圖 27 重量在 22 克以上的 1913 年 100 文“點國點民”銅元 與第一代川版在大小、形態、風格上非常接近

事》中提到的重慶生產的 100 文銅元 1920 年前的 100 文銅元 是 8 錢重,而後來減為 7 錢,生產的重量越來越輕,在 1924 年生產的 100 文重量為 6 錢。不管怎麼樣,重量在 22 克以上 的 100 文銅元發現絕大多數是“點國點民”。以後生產的 100 文銅元又都是照 1913 年重 100 文“點國點民”銅元生產的, 而重量在 22 克以上的 1913 年 100 文“點國點民”銅元與第 一代川版在大小、形態、風格上非常接近(圖 27)。因此, 1913 年 100 文銅元“點國點民”可以證明川版是“點國點民”

圖 28-1 1913 年生產的直纓 為“點國點民”

圖 28-2 1914 年後仿 1913 年 直纓的曲纓也為“點國點民”

The Ninth Issue of JEAN 129

Column 專欄 在先。 大 200 文是四川造幣廠 1913 年開始生產的,當年產量達 到 1956103 枚,之後又陸續生產多年。現代研究已經證明, 1913 年首先生產的是直纓(圖 28-1),後來才開始生產曲纓 (圖 28-2)。但是無論是 1913 年生產的直纓還是 1914 年後 生產的曲纓均為“點國點民”,而且是低頭民。大 200 文的“點 國點民”可以證明川版是“點國點民”在先(圖 28-3)。 (2)重量:根據資料記載,第一代川版是以川平 7 錢 2 分為標準生產的,重量為 25.6 克。而新“漢”字川版銀幣是

圖 28-3 大 200 文曲纓和直纓正面

在頂着社會上方方面面的壓力,特別是重量不足的壓力下開始 生產的。在 1923 年以前生產的銀圓使用的是舊制,即以辛亥 革命時因為銀源緊張乃改法定庫平重量為市重量,而 1928 年 (民國 17 年)複開工後鑄幣重量均增加至標準純銀 23 克重量。 從這點推斷,國民無點版的平均重量都是在 25.8 克以上,按 照 25.8×89.191% = 23.011 克,與新“漢”字銀圓的重量和成 色是一樣的。而告造版平均重量 25.6 克,平均重量要輕于國 民無點版。為反過來證明新“漢”字銀圓就是國民無點版。證 明國民無點版在後。 (3)軍閥模仿:在 1912 年之後的 5 年中,由於防區製 沒有形成,沒有軍閥版。軍閥版是 1924 年後軍閥防區製成熟 時,為了軍餉和防區政治需要而模仿同時期的成都造幣廠壹圓 川版銀幣生產的。1924 年的成都造幣廠川版是新“漢”字銀幣, 為了能夠流通沒有風險,就像現在製造假人民幣要按照 2005 年版 100 元的製造而不按照 1980 版甚至不按照 1999 年版的 生產一樣,軍閥版中一般都按照新“漢”字銀幣生產。如果新“漢” 字壹圓銀幣是點國點民版的話,為什麼正規軍閥版中罕有點國 點民版?而最多的卻是國民無點版。證明國民無點版在後。

圖 29-1 1949 年銀圓券壹角

(4)規模數量:根據記載,1928 年時候,四川 90% 使 用和流通的是 5 角銀幣,市面上沒有壹圓銀幣。舊“漢”字壹 圓銀幣大部分因為之前申匯被運出四川。數年來,僅從重慶流 出四川的銀錢就達 2740 萬元。新“漢”字壹圓銀幣就是在整 個四川沒有壹圓銀幣這個事實上開始生產的。因此,新“漢” 字川版銀幣就成了整個川版銀幣的“主打”幣,與國民無點版 是現在整個壹圓銀幣的“主打”幣是非常吻合的。即國民無點 版在後。 (5)新“漢”字川版銀幣與舊“漢”字川版銀幣整體比 風格是相對獨立的。如果國民無點版生產在先,那麼又有什麼 幣是相對獨立的新“漢”字川版銀幣呢?按照這個推理,告造 版就應該是新“漢”字川版銀幣。如果告造版是新“漢”字川 版銀幣的話,告造通過 15 度右斜小中花、蜂尾民與點國點民 版高頭民版聯繫又怎麼解釋得走?故先有國民無點版、再有點 國無點民版、最後才是點國點民版是講不通的。

130 《東亞泉志》第 9 期

圖 29-2 1949 年銀圓券伍角

Column 專欄 (6)1949 年 7 月 31 日和 8 月 1 日,國民黨統治區重慶 21 兵工廠和成都造幣廠先後恢復銀圓生產,同時四川省銀行 發行 1 分、5 分、1 角、5 角的銀圓輔助券。根據記載,銀圓 輔助券均是以新漢字川版銀幣為圖案設計的。而 1949 年四川 省銀行發行 1 分、5 分、1 角、5 角的銀圓輔助券上面的壹圓 銀幣圖案均是國民無點版(圖 29)。 4. 鐵證:第一代川版是點國點民版告造版、蹩腳圓 關於中華民國二年川版曾經在 1989 年版《世界硬幣標準 目錄》和 1991 年 2 月版《中國硬幣標準目錄》中提到並列入 珍稀,只是沒有見過實物。經過幾年來的艱苦的川版斷代研究, 終於在一次偶然中等到了第一代川版的鐵證。 2011 年北京瀚海四季拍賣首屆郵品錢幣拍賣會 5 月 17 日 會 0489 號拍品為“中華民國二年川版”川版(圖 29)。其特 點有助於川版的斷代。其特點有: (1)點國點民、□□ 中、告造、斜點年、斜帽漢、蹩腳圓、 上點府,風格與“民國元年告造”粗經緯線版一模一樣,只是 年號和線條數目不同。 (2)“告造”粗經緯線版,與“民國元年告造”粗經緯 線版只差年號不一樣。 (3)經緯線為 45-40 33-31,與“民國元年告造”粗經緯 線版的線條數目有重疊,而且經線數相差 5 條,符合早期不規 範管理的造幣特點。 通過觀察民國二年川版,看來(董修武管理)成都造幣廠 原來是曾經打算從 1913 年開始生產“民國二年”川版的,而 且這種“民國二年”川版在很多方面還是“民國元年”的特點, 是元年川版的延續,後來由於 1912 年 12 月中華民國財政部 委派謝正權(宣統元年廷試四川舉人)接收成都造幣廠,結束

圖 30 中華民國二年川版 中央造幣廠的方式管理等等)的川版,也就是我們後來見到的 川版。因此,民國二年四川軍政府川版銀圓證明了“民國元年 告造”粗經緯線版就是(董修武)在 1912 年下半年到年底期 間生產的。這也能夠證明告造生產在先。 正確的結果是:先有點國點民版告造,通過 15 度右斜小 中花傳到點國點民版高頭民版,高頭民版通過低頭民版和直頭 漢版傳到豎頭漢版,點國點民版豎頭漢版傳到點國無點民版豎 頭漢版。點國無點民版豎頭漢版又通過小開口四傳到點國無點 民版大方頭版,然後是中方頭版、小方頭版、平頭漢版,直到 點國無點民版斜頭軍版,然後到點國無點民斷中花版,結束舊 “漢”字壹圓銀幣。最後才是新“漢”字川版銀幣國民無點版。 1912 年 12 月中華民國財政部委派謝正權接收成都造幣 廠,改名為“財政部四川造幣分廠”。從此成都造幣廠隸屬於 財政部,其生產量、生產成本、生產計劃和品質監督均要每年 上報,嚴格遵守北洋政府財政部控制貨幣品質和數量的各種規 定進行生產,直到軍閥混戰開始。 第一代川版應符合:“古篆漢”、“蹩腳圓”、“告造”、


□□ 中、15 度右斜小中花、“高頭民”、細經緯線、造幣廠經


緯線在 44-44 以上。因此推論:“告造”細(經緯)線版是


1912 年 3 月 -6 月董修武主川時期生產的第一代川版。

The Ninth Issue of JEAN 131

Column 專欄

Another View on The Peking Mint of 1900 Bruce W. Smith (USA)

Sheng xuanhuai was not only an representative advocate of the westernization movement of the late Qing Dynasty, but also a prestigious politician, enterpreneur and philanthropist. He was credited as the father of Chinese industry, the originator of Chinese merchant as well as the initiator of higher education. Sheng Xuanhuai created ten kinds of “Chinese first”, that is, the first civilian joint-stock enterprise(Chinese Merchants Steamship Navigation Company), the first Chinese telegraph office, the first inland river steamboat company, the first trunk railway (Hankou-Beijing railway), the first Chinese iron and steel conglomerate (Hang-Zhi-Ping company), the first higher normal school (Nan Yang Public School, nowadays university of Communications), the first public library, the first modern university (Beiyang college, nowadays Tianjin University) as well as the Red Cross Society of China. Mr. Sweeny’s article on the Peking Mint of 1900 and its coins is a fine piece of work and an important contribution to our knowledge of the development of modern mints in China. Both this article and Richard Wright’s commentary assume that the mint was set up by the Chinese government to be a central mint or a model mint. I would like to suggest the possibility that the mint was not set up by the government at all, but by an individual. In 1897 the Chinese industrialist and government official, Sheng Hsuan-huai (also known as Sheng Kung-Pao), was granted permission by the Ch’ing government to set up the first modern Chinese bank. The Chinese name of this bank was Chung Kuo T’ung Shang Yin Hang (S/M C293) which means” Chinese Bank of Commerce”, but the English title used on its notes was “Imperial Bank of China” (Pick A36-A55). Some historians claim that this was a government bank, but in fact, Sheng set up this bank to help finance a scheme to build a railroad. Part of its capital was raised from investors, but the remainder was put up by the Chinese government. The bank was run by business people but the government had the right to oversee its operations. In its charter, the Chinese government also granted to the bank the right to issue coinage. In his original memorial requesting to set up a bank, Sheng had suggested the minting of machine struck silver coins denominated in ching p’ing taels (the tael used in Peking). Its charter, however, stated that the type of coinage to be minted would be decided later. The notes issued by the bank’s Peking branch are in fact denominated in ching p’ing taels, but no ching p’ing tael coin is known.

132 《東亞泉志》第 9 期

The location of the Peking Mint of 1900 next to the Imperial Bank, raises the possibility that the mint was really set up by Sheng Hsuan-huai or officers of the bank to produce coinage as allowed in its charter. This is further suggested by the small size of the mint. Sweeny and Wright suggest that the mint was probably equipped with only two or three stamping machines. This would have made it the smallest modern mint in China (Canton had 90 stamping presses; Kaifeng had 8 presses), and certainly unable to be a central mint producing coins for the whole country. Three presses would have been enough to supply the area around Peking, but there was already an active mint nearby in Tientsin (the Peiyang Mint). Furthermore, if this was to be a central mint or a model mint, why weren’t its coins inscribed “Empire of China” or “Board of Revenue” or with some other official sounding name? A series of coins inscribed with the name of a city seem quite unofficial. Finally, if this was an official government mint, we should have found some mention of it in Ch’ing government records. For more information on Sheng and his bank, see Albert Feuerwerker’s book “China’s Early Industrialization: Shentg Hsuan-huai and Mandarin Enterprise”, Harvard University Press 1958. Chapter 6 section 4 is on the Imperial Bank of China. A two volume collection of Sheng’s letters and telegrams dealing with modern industry in late Ch’ing China was published in Taiwan in 1933 by the Institute of Modern History (Academia Sinica). The editors were Wang Erh-min and Alice Lun Ng. Sheng’s papers are apparently in Hong Kong. In 1990 the Chinese University of Hong Kong began a research project on Sheng’s unpublished papers. A search of these papers might provide more information on the Peking Mint of 1900.

Column 專欄

Legendary Kann-Sweeny 1900 Peking Restrike Set(5) CHINA-PEKING 1900 Siver Restrike Set (5), all Ex Kann Sweeny Collection, with Kann’s coin envelope: One Dollar, L&M6A, K233, NGC MS61;50 Cents, L&M7A, K 234, NGC MS61; 20 Cents, L&M8A , K 235, NGC MS63;10 Cents, L&M9A, K236, NGC MS61; 5 Cents, L&M10A, K237, NGC MS61. Plate Coin of "TOP CHINESE COINS-SILVER COINAGE - Silver Edition". The 1900 Peking Dragon Silver Dollar series is famous among c ollector s of Chinese c oins. Eduard Kann published information about the Peking Dollar for the first time in his 1954 catalog. In 1995, The Journal of East Asian Numismatics published James Sweeny’s article on the Peking 1900 coins based on his extensive research of over 20 years. Sweeny estimate of 10-15 sets of the 1900 Peking restrikes appears high; we suspect the correct number is closer to 10 overall sets. In the 2011 book, Top Chinese Coins– Silver, the 1900 Peking series was elected as the number one series of Chinese struck coins. In Kann’s account of how the dies were bought and sold, it seems that the final sale of the Peking Dragon Dollar dies was to the Shanghai collector, Chen Ren-tao, who moved to Hong Kong in 1947. Four dies for these coins (the 10 Cents die is missing, currently on display at Liaoning Provincial Museum in Shenyang) and Chen’s other collected items were purchased in the early 1950’s from Chen Ren-tao for HKD 900,000 by a directive of the Chinese Premier Chou En Lai to the Chinese Culture Ministr y Zheng Zhenduo. The dies are currently on display at the China National Museum (former as National Museum of Chinese History) in Beijing. This 1900 Peking set was sent with the other Kann specimen of the 1900 Peking dollar to the chief curator of the British Royal Mint, G. Dryer, for metallurgic testing and study in 1981. The coins owned by Kann and sold in the 1971 auction may be the earliest restrikes from the original dies as they are sharper in detail than any other examples we have seen. Sweeny purchased this set of coin and assigned it to the Champion in 1995, which was then sold at the price of 46,000 dollar at the special auction of Sweeny. Now, after almost 20years, the owner of this set consigns it to Champion again to give the collector an opportunity to get a glimpse of the precious coin in the history of Chinese coin.

These pictures and texts are taken from Macao Champion auction catalogue Lot 332. Realized price: 414,000 dollar.

The Ninth Issue of JEAN 133

Column 專欄

對 1900 年北京造幣廠的另一看法 史博祿(美國)

盛宣懷(1844 年 11 月 4 日—1916 年 4 月 27 日),洋 務派代表人物,著名的政治家、企業家和慈善家,被譽 為“中國實業之父”、“中國商父”、“中國高等教育 之父”。 盛宣懷創造了 11 項“中國第一”:第一個民用股份制企 業輪船招商局;第一個電報局中國電報總局;第一個內 河小火輪公司;第一家銀行中國通商銀行;第一條鐵路 幹線京漢鐵路;第一個鋼鐵聯合企業漢冶萍公司;第一 所高等師範學堂南洋公學(今交通大學);第一個勘礦 公司;第一座公共圖書館;第一所近代大學北洋大學堂(今 天津大學);創辦了中國紅十字會。

Sweeny 先生寫的關於 1900 年北京造幣廠及其錢幣的文

1900 年的北京造幣廠位於皇家銀行的隔壁,這就增加了

章 ( 原载《东亚泉志 1995 年 1 期》),是一篇很好的文章,


對於我們瞭解中國造幣廠的發展是有重要帮助的。Sweeny 和


Richard Wright 先生都在自己的文章中認為北京造幣廠是由中

的小規模上進一步得到證實。Sweeny 和 Richard Wright 先生

國政府所建,作為一個中央造幣廠或者造幣廠模型 ( 应是“类

認為造幣廠可能只有 2-3 台印刷用機器。這使它成為中國最小

型”,因模型是根据实物、图样放大或缩小而制作的样品 )。

的現代造幣廠(廣州有 90 台印刷機器,開封有 8 台印刷機器),



1897 年,中國工業家及政府官員——盛宣懷(也叫盛公

然 3 台印刷機器對於供應北京周圍地區的鑄幣已經足夠了,但 是在天津附近其實早就有一家造幣廠了(北洋造幣廠)。

保)獲得清政府的許可建立第一家中資銀行。這個銀行的中文 名字是中國通商銀行(S/M C293),但是它的紙幣上印的英


文名字卻是“Imperial Bank of China”(中國皇家銀行)(見











更 多 關 於 盛 宣 懷 及 其 銀 行 的 資 訊, 請 參 見 Albert


Feuerwerker 的書《中國早期工業化——盛宣懷和官督商辦企


業》,哈佛大學 1958 年出版,第 6 章第 4 部分 中國皇家銀




1933 年由中央研究院近代史研究所在臺灣出版。編輯是王爾


敏和吳倫霓。盛宣懷的文章顯然是收存在香港。1990 年,香 港中文大學開始研究盛宣懷從未出版的文章。對於這些文章的 研究可能會給我們提供更多關於 1990 年北京造幣廠的資訊。

134 《東亞泉志》第 9 期

Column 專欄


Kann-Sweeny 舊藏 1900 年庚子京局銀幣一套 5 枚 1900 年(庚子)京局製造光緒元寶銀幣一套 5 枚,原模後鑄品, 均為 Kann、Sweeny 舊藏,附 Kann 收藏時的原始錢幣套:

七錢二分,L&M6A,K233,NGC MS61;三錢六分,L&M7A,

K234,NGC MS61;一錢四分四釐,L&M8A,K235,NGC

MS63;七分二釐,L&M9A,K236,NGC MS61;三分六釐,

L&M10A,K237,NGC MS61。

此幣正是第二版《中國近代機製幣·銀幣》所用之錢幣原品。 京局庚子銀幣在中國近代機製幣收藏界中非常有名。耿愛德 1954 年的 《中國幣圖說彙考》 書中首次披露了這套京局銀幣的資訊。 1995 年,James Sweeny 在《東亞泉志》發表了根據他花了 20 多

年廣泛研究經驗而寫的題目為《京局庚子銀幣 1900 系列》的文章。 他推斷 1900 京局庚子銀幣原模復鑄量約為 10-15 套。據我們估

計不會超过 10 套。2011 年出版的《中國近代機製幣精品鑒賞》 一書中,1900 年京局庚子銀幣被評選為中國近代機製幣第一名。


幣鋼模最後賣給了上海收藏家陳仁濤,陳氏於 1947 年移居香港。 20 世紀 50 年代早期,時任國家總理的周恩來下令給中國文化部

鄭振鐸,最終以 90 萬港元的價格收購陳氏所有的珍品 , 包括了此

四套鋼模(缺一角鋼模 , 現藏於遼寧省歷史博物館),而此四套鋼


亮相 2014 年 11 月 30 日冠軍澳門拍賣會的這套京局庚子銀

幣曾和耿愛德的另一枚京局庚子銀幣樣幣於 1981 年送至英國皇

家造幣廠館長 G. Dryer 手中進行檢測和研究。這套幣最初為耿愛

德收藏,於 1971 年拍賣會上售出。與其他所見的京局銀幣相比,


復鑄幣。Sweeny 購買了這套幣,1995 年委託給冠軍拍賣,在那

場 Sweeny 專場拍賣會上以 4.6 萬美元的價格賣出,如今時隔近

20 年之後,藏家又將這套銀幣委託給冠軍拍賣,让收藏者們一睹 中國錢幣史上這套珍貴的錢幣。

圖文摘自 2014 年 11 月 30 日冠軍澳門拍賣會目錄 Lot 332,成交 價 414,000 美元。

The Ninth Issue of JEAN 135

Column 專欄

KIM YUN SIK Don Pfeifer (USA)

Bank of Chosen notes and Kim YunSik Except for the fractional currency, the majority of the Bank of Chosen notes printed between 1914 and 1945, carry the portrait of adistinguished looking Korean gentleman. These are the same bank notes that the Japanese used in their expansionist drive into Northern China. The Chinese refer to these notes as "LaotouPiao" or "Old Man Money".1 The Old Man is meant to portray longevity, and its associated trait of accumulated wisdom. The portrait's model is believed to have been Kim YunSik (1835-1920). Kim YunSik was a ninth generation descendant of Chief State Councilor, Kim Yuk (1580-1658), a progresive politician during the reign of King Hyojong (r. 1650-1660). Kim Yuk was the leading advocate for the adoption of copper currency In Korea. In order to help acquaint Korea with the use of coins, he imported 150,000 Chinese coins. These were probably Shun Chih Tung Pao coins, which are still commonly found in Korea. His efforts helped to permanently establish the Sang Pyong Tong Bocoinage series.2 As a youth, Kim YunSik was talented and showed great promise, and, as a member of a prestigious and wealthy family, He received the best education that was available.

His tutors were some of the greatest scholars and some of the most influential men of the time. In 1879, at the age of 44, he passed the Taegwa ( 大 科 ), the highest level of the examination system for government service. In 1881, Kim undertook a mission to China whose purpose was ostensibly to lead a group of 60 Korean students and apprentices to be trained in weapons manufacture at the Tientsin Arsenal. But he was secretly instructed to discuss with the Chinese, the proposed treaty of amity and trade between the United States and Korea.3 Kim was the first to talk to the Chinese about Korea's need for a foreign advisor. In June of 1882, he stated, "We urgently need someone who is thoroughly familiar with international relations, Western languages, and commercial affairs". On Nov. 18th, 1882, Paul Georg von Mollendorf was hired and became the first European to occupy a high position in the Korean court. Besides his duties in the Korean Foreign Office, Mollendorf held a post as the head of the Maritime Customs Service. He advised and actively supported the decision of Queen Mins political faction to mint large amounts of Tangochon (value 5 chon) coins.4

Editorial office of People’s Bank of China: A HISTORY OF CHINESE CURRENCY (16TH CENTURY BC-20 CENTURY AD), A HISTORY OF CHINESE CURRENCY (16TH CENTURY BC-20 CENTURY AD), P.145 2 James B Palais, Confucian Statecraft and Korean Institution Syuhyongwon and the Late Choson Dynasty, Pp. 855-876 3 Key-hiuk Kim, The Last Phase of the East Asian world Order-Korea Japan, and the Chinese Empire-1862-1882, Pp.311 & 320 4 Martins Deuchler, Martins Deuchler, Confucian Gentlemen and Barbarian Envoys-the Opening of Korea 1875-1885 Pp. 159-182 1

136 《東亞泉志》第 9 期

Column 專欄 The tangochon coins were meant to alleviate the government's financial diffculties but ultimately they caused widespread inflation.5 Their weight was too close to the older 1 and 2 Mun coins. On March 14th, 1884, Mollendorf was called upon to serve as the chief of the new mini, the Chonhwan-guk. He brought in two German minting experts and a technician. They produced several trial coins based on the old Tangochon, but these were discarded for lack of originality. They are consequently very rare, and most Korean collectors are forced to buy reproductions if they want to fill the empty holes in their collections. Mollendorf also imported modern minting machinery through the German firm of Heinrich Constantin Edward Meyer& Co., which arrived in Inchon in October of 1885. This included three coining presses, two pairs of rollers, one screw press, an automatic scale, an eight horsepower engine and a Lancashire boiler. He designed 14 new coins, but it’s unclear if any of his designs were ever coined. His tenure at the mint ended on Oct 17th, within days of receiving the new equipment. There were however two, very rare, trial pieces that were struck during Mollendorf's tenure, but the information about these two pieces is extremely ambiguous. One reference source states: "Two essay coins also were supplied; they were designed by H. Kraus, a former Mint Director of Germany's Grand Duchy of Hesse. These essays, dated in the Chinese Sexagenary Cycle, were struck in Germany from dies made by Held, the Court Engraver of Magdeburg.6 Another reference states: Later, in 1884 (the 21st year of king Kojong), Mollendorf engaged some engineers from the Government Mint in Japan to produce five-chon copper coins and one yang silver coins for sample use, imprinting the year mark Ulyu (1884) on their reverses and..." 7 This second source was later amended to: "...Mr. Mollendorf... He hired some engineers from the Government Mint in Japan to produce five chon tin coins and one yang tin coins for sample use. They were imprinted with the year Ul-yu (1884) on their reverse side..."8 What the true story is, we can’t be sure,

but it’s doubtful that someone in Germany could provide an essay that would be both aesthetically and symbolically acceptable to the Koreans. There are also the time constraints of traveling to and from Germany, that need to be dealt with. Of course, it's entirely possible that we are discussing four different coins. Korea had a long suzerain association with China, so it is not surprising that Ch'ing China was deeply disturbed when Japan dispatched armed troops to Korea in 1882. China agreed with the Korean Envoy Kim YunSik, then still in Tientsin, on the necessity of sending troops to confront the Japanese. A force of 4,500 soldiers was immediately dispatched to Korea and arrived on Aug. 20th.9 Kim accompanied an advance force of 2000 soldiers and received the temporary appointment of "guide to the Chinese troops."10 Commanding the Chinese forces was Yuan Shih-KAI who eventually became the first president of the Chinese Republic and his image appears on a number of China’s silver and gold coins as well as the currency.11 The fact that Kim YunSik was pro-Chinese, did not escape the notice of the Japanese. During a royal audience in November of 1884, the Japanese Foreign Minister, TakezoeShinichiro, used abusive language to Kim YunSik and others because of their allegiance to China.12 Towards the close of 1882, a Foreign office was established for the first time to deal with increasing relations with foreign powers, and Kim YunSik was appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs. From Jan. 22, 1885 until July 22, 1887, Kim YunSik served as the president of the Foreign Office. Kim was just one of many who argued against allowing missionaries into Korea.13 And yet we find that, on at least one occasion, he entertained the missionary community.14 His opposition to Queen Min's pro-Russian policy led to his loss of official position and he was banished to Mach’on in 1887. Upon her murder by the Japanese, on Oct. 8, 1895, he regained his political stature.

Woo-keun Han, The History of Korea, p. 391 Alan D. Craig, The Coins of Korea and an Outline of Early Chinese Coinages p. 60 7 The Bank of Korea, The History of Korean Money, p. 132 8 The Bank of Korea, Korean Money, p.126 9 ki-baik Lee, A New History of Korea, p. 2734 10 Martina Deuchler, Confucian Gentlemen and Barbarian Envoys-the Opening of Korea, 1875-1885, p.133 11 Qian Jiaju, A History of Chinese Currency (16th Century BC-20 Century AD), P. 42, 48 & 78 12 Martina Deuchler, Confucian Gentlemen and Barbarian Envoys-the Opening of Korea, 1875-1885, P. 206 13 Martina Deuchler, Confucian Gentlemen and Barbarian Envoys-the Opening of Korea, 1875-1885, p. 153, 259 14 L. H. Underwood, MD, Fifteen Years Among the Top-Knots or Life in Korea, p. 11-12 5 6

The Ninth Issue of JEAN 137

Column 專欄 In 1895 a treaty of alliance was signed between Japanese Minister OtoriKeisukeand Kim YunSik. This alliance required Korea to help Japan win the war against China. The Sino-Japanese War ended with a treaty of peace signed at Shimonoseki on April 17, 1895.15 This treaty stipulated that China was to regard Korea as an independent nation. The following year, in honor of this new freedom, King Kojong (r. 1864-1907) changed his name to Konyang, meaning "Founded Superior". Several new coins were cast to commemorate the occasion. These included a five fun, a one chon and a five chon, not to mention several variations in wording and metallic content. These coins were not made for circulation and all are extremely rare. So rare that the Korean Dealers Catalog has a picture of the one fun, but uses drawings for the rest of the illustrations. Bank of Korea books on the history of Korean Coinage don't show, or even mention, any of these coins. Not only were these the first Korean commemorative coins, but they were also the first Korean coins to use regnal dating. The following year, on Aug. 17th, King Konyang promoted himself to "Emperor" and took the name Kwangmu meaning, "Military Illustriousness". The title of " Emperor” was exactly what the Japanese wanted to spite the Chinese, but the name "Military Illustriousness", did not sit well with the Japanese. It's also at this time, that the name of the country on the coinage is amended to include the word, "Great". Kojong was also the first Korean king/emperor to issue commemorative medals in the Western sense. These include medals celebrating Kojong's 50th birthday, and his reign of 40 years, amongst others. Prior to this, commemorative medals did not state what was being celebrated, and were mostly covered with propitious words which vaguely referred to the celebrated event. These earlier commemorative pieces are generally listed as amulets.17 Beginning in April 1900, Korea's first system of Orders and Decorations was established. These closely follow the Japanese system of Orders of Merit.18 If you think that all the name changes are confusing, it gets worse. It really begins with the death of King Choljong (r. 1849-1864) and the fact that he died without leaving an heir to the throne. Yi Myong-bok’a twelve year old boy was

Independence Arch

elected to ascend the throne and he took the name of Yi Hyong. The title of King Kojong is actually his posthumous name. Occasionally you will find him referred to as Yi Taewang, meaning King Yi. Because of his age, his father, Yi Ha-eung, was given the title "Heungseon Daewongun" and he became the defacto regent. The Taewongun, as he is more commonly known, is important to Korean numismatists because it is he, who caused the Tangbaekchon (Equal 100 chon) coins, to be cast in 1866. It's assumed that Paul Georg von Mollendorf wasn't aware of the Tangbaekchon disaster. If he had, he might have advised the Queen Min faction differently concerning the casting of Tangochon in 1883. The Taewongun ruled the county until King Kojong assumed full power in 1874, but even then, he continued to be an important factor in Korean politics until his death on Feb. 22nd, 1898. Kim YunSik was the official author of the Taewongun's epitaph.19 The Japanese forced Emperor Kojong to abdicate the throne on July 19-20, 1907. Another important sign of Korea's new found freedom resulting from the Treaty of Shimonoseki occurred on Nov. 21, 1896. In the past, Chinese Envoys to Korea were officially received at a special gate called the "Yongunmun". It was torn down and replaced with the "Independence Arch". This arch is a recurring theme on the Republic of Korea's coins and currency. Where it originally signified independence from China, it now signifies independence from all nations. (You will get an argument from Korean students about the relationship between Korea and the USA.)

Woonsang Choi, The Fall of the Hermit Kingdom, P. 26 Alan O. Craig, The Coins of Korea and an Outline of Early Chinese Coinages, p. 76-77 17 Edgar J. Mandel, Trial Listing Korean Charms and Amulets 18 James W. Peterson, Orders & Medals of Japan and Associated States, p. 69-87, 111 19 Ching Young Choe, The Rule of the Taewongun 1864-1873 Restoration in Yi Korea, p. 14 15 16

138 《東亞泉志》第 9 期

Column 專欄 A pro-Russian cabinet gained control of the Korean government in 1896, and a year later they permanently banished Kim YunSik to Cheju Island. However, ten years later, in 1907, a pro-Japanese cabinet decided to free him from exile. His election lo the Chungch'uwon, an advisory council to the government, brought him back into politics. He came into contact with a number of influential Japanese, including Ito Hirobumi, the first Japanese Resident General of Korea. The KukchoPogam, "Precious Mirror for the (Yi) Dynasty", are the official chronicles of the Yi Dynasty. It contains the daily records in a condensed, chronological order, of the worthy sayings and exemplary deeds of each kings reign and is designed to be a mirror for future kings. Kim YunSik was on the editorial staff for the 4th edition, possibly at the wish of Ito Hirobumi, when it was commissioned in 1908. Approximately 10% of the text was changed, including the removal of posthumous names of Korean Kings granted by the Ming Emperors of China, and the replacement of the title of King (Taewang) to that of Emperor (Hwangje). In theory this placed all of the Yi Dynasty kings/Emperors on an equal footing with those of China. The 4th edition was published in 1909.

The KukchoPogam

The head of the Editorial commission was Yi Wan Yong, a notorious Japanese collaborator, who is not only known as one of the “Five Traitors" because of the part he played in the signing of the Japanese protectorate, but also because, as the Prime Minister of Korea, it was he who signed the annexation treaty that extinguished the sovereignty of the Korean Nation.20 At least 10 of the 20 odd editors of the KukchoPogam received titles of nobility from the Japanese in 1910, including Kim YunSik who was made a Viscount. Kim also received 50,000 Yen in bounty from the Japanese. All the time of the annexation, he was serving as Taejehak, Director of the Chungch’uwon, but he soon resigned from the position. He later became a renowned scholar at Keijo (Seoul) University. The ex-emperor Kwang Mu (r. 1864-1907) died suddenly on Jan. 20th, 1919. His funeral was scheduled to be performed in the Japanese Shinto style on March 3rd. Tension on the peninsula was high. There were rumors that the old emperor had been poisoned by the Japanese. Two days before the funeral, the country erupted in a nearly spontaneous demonstration against alien rule. Initially, Kim YunSik did not participate in the anti-Japanese



Peter Duus, The Abacus and The Sword, The Japanese Penetration of Korea, 1895-1910. p. 192-3, 240-1

The Ninth Issue of JEAN 139

Column 專欄 "independence Movement" of March 1,1919, but on March 28th, he and Viscount Yi YongJik, sent a petition to the governor-general and to the prime minister of Japan, demanding the independence of Korea "in accordance with the wish of heaven".21 This action, by these two elder statesmen, caused other, elder confucianists to join ranks with the demonstrators. Kim YunSik was subsequently stripped of the title "Viscount" and sentenced to three years probation. This was a rather mild punishment compared to what was done to thousands of other Korean patriots. Take for example the story of Yu Kwan-sun. She was a 16 year old girl who led a demonstration in the small town of Anae. They arrested her, beat her beyond recognition and stabbed her to death in her cell. Fifteen members of her family were also slaughtered.22 On 8-14-1975, the Republic of Korea issued a 100 won coin that portrays Yu Kwan-sun, holding the Korean flag and waving her arm to motion others to follow. Even today, “March 1” has a special meaning to all Koreans, both North and South of the DMZ. The Republic of Korea, Order of National Security Merit Medal, fourth class is called the SAM IL (literally: three one or March 1) medal. The Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea has a monthly SAM IL award to workers in the publishing and news fields.23

Republic of Korea issued a 100 won coin

Kim YunSik wrote a number of books during his lifetime, and because of the positions he held in government and his deep involvement in both domestic and foreign historical events, his books have a particularly unique value to historians.24 "He died on Jan. 22nd, 1922, at the age of 88. As always, I’m always interested in hearing your comments. I can be contacted at my Email address: DFIFER @E ARTHLINK.COM

Dae-yeol Ku, Korea Under Colonialism: The March First Movement and Anglo-Japasese Relations, p.75 Sohn Pow-key, Kim Chol-choonand Hong Yi-sup, The History of Korea, p.265 23 David L. Cabral Orders and Decorations of the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea, p.32 24 Tai-jin Kim, A Bibliographical Guide to Traditional Korean Sources, p. 550-554 21 22

140 《東亞泉志》第 9 期

Column 專欄

金允植及朝鮮王朝貨幣若干事 多恩·派珀 ( 美國 )

圖 1 朝鮮銀行券及金永植肖像 除了輔幣,1914 年至 1945 年間印製的大多數朝鮮銀行券

名義上是率領一支由 60 名韓國學生和學徒組成的團隊,前往





朝鮮銀行券稱為“老頭票”或“老人錢”。1 老人畫像呈現了長壽, 及積累的智慧等相關特徵。人們認為這幅畫像的原型是金永植 (1835-1920 年)(圖 1)。

金永植是第一位和清廷談及朝鮮王朝需要一名外交顧問的 使臣。1882 年 6 月,他說道:“我們迫切地需要一名完全熟 悉國際關係、西方語言和商務的人。”1882 年 11 月 18 日,

在 1650-1660 年朝鮮王朝國王孝宗執政期間,一名支持

前德國駐天津領事保羅·喬治·馮·莫倫多夫(Paul George

進步的政治家金堉(1580-1658 年)擔任領議政。金永植是金

von Mollendorf)被聘用,成為在朝鮮朝廷身居高位的第一位



為了幫助朝鮮半島的人民熟悉使用銅錢,金堉引進了 15 萬枚




常見。金堉致力於協助長久性建立常平通寶貨幣系列。2 鑄造當五錢,原本是為了緩解朝廷的財政困難,結果卻導 年少時,金永植很有才華,有人預言前程遠大。作為名門

致了普遍的通貨膨脹。5 當五錢的重量非常接近於 1 文和 2 文


的舊幣。1884 年 3 月 14 日,莫倫多夫被任命為朝鮮王朝典



1879 年,金永植 44 歲時,通過了朝廷任職資格考試系統的最



缺乏創意而被廢棄,故存世幣非常稀少。大多數韓國收藏家如 果想集齊他們的藏品,便不得不購買仿製幣。

1881 年,金永植肩負了出使中國的使命。此行的目的, 注釋 1

中國人民銀行《中國歷代貨幣》編輯組編:《中國歷代貨幣(公元前十六世紀至公元二十世紀)》,第 145 頁。 詹姆斯·B·帕里斯:《儒家治國之道和朝鮮名士:柳馨遠和朝鮮王朝末年》,第 855-876 頁。 3 金基赫:《東亞世界秩序的最後階段——朝鮮、日本和大清(1862 年至 1882 年)》,第 311、320 頁。 4 瑪蒂娜·德赫賴爾:《儒家紳士和外國使臣——1875 年至 1885 年朝鮮對外開放》,第 159-182 頁。 5 漢宇瑾:《韓國的歷史》,第 391 頁。 2

The Ninth Issue of JEAN 141

Column 專欄 莫倫多夫還通過德國的海因裡希·科斯坦丁·愛德華·邁


爾公司引進了現代鑄幣機器,1885 年 10 月鑄幣機器抵達仁川。




一個八馬力的引擎,和一隻蘭開夏式火管鍋爐。他設計了 14




金允植是親華派的事實,被日本人察覺到了。1884 年 11 月,

幣廠的任期於 10 月 17 日結束,正在此期間新機器才到。儘 管如此,在莫倫多夫的任期內,還是有兩枚(非常罕見)試鑄

近 1882 年,為了處理與外國勢力日益增強的關係,朝鮮




為 1885 年 1 月 22 日至 1887 年 7 月 22 日。許多人主張反對

前任總監 H. 克勞斯設計的”。

允許傳教士進入朝鮮,金允植只是其中之一。13 而我們發現, 至少有一次,他招待了宣教團。14 金允植反對明成皇后的親俄


政策,致使他丟了官職,並於 1887 年被流放到忠清道沔川。



1895 年 10 月 8 日,在明成皇后(閔妃)被日本人殺害之後,

另一本參考書中說,“後來,1884 年(高宗皇帝即位第 21 年),


莫倫多夫從日本的政府造幣局聘請了一些技術生產人員,鑄造 了五錢(Chon)銅幣和一兩(Yang)銀幣作樣幣使用。這些

1895 年, 金 允 植 與 日 本 外 交 部 長 大 鳥 圭 介(Ōtori

錢幣背面雕刻了年份標記 UI-yu(1884 年)……” 第二本參



本贏得與大清的戰爭。1895 年 4 月 17 日,第一次中日戰爭(甲

政府造幣局引進了一些技術生產人員,鑄造了 5 錢和 1 兩的錫

午戰爭)結束,在日本下關港市簽下《馬關條約》。15 該條約

錢作樣幣使用。這些錫錢背面刻有年份標記 UI-yu (1884)……”8


哪種記載是真實的 ? 我們不能確定。但德國有人能鑄造這樣的

宗(1864—1907 年在位)為了紀念朝鮮王朝的新獨立,改年






的,是需要商量的。當然,我們正在討論的這四種不同的錢幣, 都是完全有可能的。

這些紀念幣面額包括五分、一錢和五錢,在銘文和金屬含 量方面的些許變化並未提及。這些紀念幣不是用於流通,所有

清朝和朝鮮王朝曾有很長時間的宗藩關係。1882 年日本

版別都極其罕見。朝鮮經銷商目錄上,只有一張 1 分錢幣的照







支由 4,500 名士兵組成的軍隊前往朝鮮,於 8 月 20 日抵達。9


金允植接受臨時任命“清軍嚮導”,隨同 2,000 名清軍的前置 部隊回到朝鮮。10

1897 年(建陽二年)8 月 17 日,國王高宗自稱“皇帝”, 建年號“光武”,意為“武力光復”。皇帝的尊號,其實是日

注釋 6

阿倫·D·克雷格:《朝鮮錢幣與中國早期貨幣概要》,第 60 頁。 韓國銀行:《韓國貨幣史》,第 132 頁。 8 韓國銀行:《韓國貨幣》,第 126 頁。 9 李基白:《韓國史新論》,第 2734 頁。 10 瑪蒂娜·德赫賴爾:《儒家紳士和外國使臣——1875 年至 1885 年朝鮮對外開放》,第 133 頁。 11 中國人民銀行《中國歷代貨幣》編輯組編:《中國歷代貨幣(公元前十六世紀至公元二十世紀)》,第 42、48 和 78 頁。 12 瑪蒂娜·德赫賴爾:《儒家紳士和外國使臣——1875 年至 1885 年朝鮮對外開放》,第 206 頁。 13 瑪蒂娜·德赫賴爾:《儒家紳士和外國使臣——1875 年至 1885 年朝鮮對外開放》,第 153、259 頁。 14 莉莉亞斯·H·安德伍德:《動盪的 15 年——朝鮮人民的生活》,第 11-12 頁。 15 文索·喬伊:《隱士王國的衰亡》,第 26 頁。 16 阿倫·D·克雷格:《韓國錢幣與早期中國貨幣概要》,第 76-77 頁。 7

142 《東亞泉志》第 9 期

Column 專欄 本人想借此來冒犯大清天威。(當時大清天子尊稱皇帝,朝鮮 王朝作為附屬國,其國王也號稱皇帝,則為亂了位次。)但年 號“光武”讓日本人並不滿意。也在這時,貨幣上的國名多了 一個“大”字,即“大韓帝國”。(甲午戰爭後,李氏王朝放 棄朝鮮稱號,改國名為大韓帝國,以示自己的獨立。) 高宗也是首位發行西方意義上的紀念章的朝鮮王朝國王 / 皇帝。在這些紀念章中,有高宗 50 歲誕辰紀念章,和高宗執政 40 周年紀念章。在這之前,紀念章上都沒有標明所慶祝的事件, 大部分隻刻了吉祥語,含糊的提及所慶祝事件。這些早期的紀 念章一般被列為花錢。17 從 1900 年 4 月開始,大韓帝國建立了

圖 2 獨立門


出去。(你還會從朝鮮學生那裡聽到關於朝鮮和美國關係的爭 如果你認為所有皇帝年號的更改已令你感到困惑,還有更


混亂的事情。始於朝鮮王朝國王哲宗(1849-1864 年在位)駕 崩時無嗣,儲位空缺。年僅 12 歲的李命福(Yi Myong-bok)

1896 年親俄派內閣控制了朝鮮朝廷,一年後他們將金允


植永久地流放到濟州島。然而,十年後,也就是 1907 年,親



其父李是應,被封為“興宣大院君” (HeungseonDaewongun),



影響力的日本人,包括日本的第一任朝鮮總督伊藤博文(Ito Hirobumi)。

對韓國的錢幣收藏家來說,大院君是一位重要的人物,也 更廣為人知,因為是大院君使當百錢(Tangbaekchon,相當

《 國 朝 寶

於一百錢)在 1866 年得以鑄造。人們認為保羅·喬治·馮·莫

鑒 》 ——“ 李 氏


王 朝 的 寶 鏡”,

1883 年閔妃派系鑄造當五錢時(Tangochon),他也許已向


他們提出了不同的建議。大院君一直把持朝政,直到 1874 年




人物,直到 1898 年 2 月 22 日去世。金允植是大院君墓誌銘

按 時 間 順 序, 每

的官方作者。19 1907 年 7 月 19 日至 20 日,日本人強迫朝鮮



每一代國王執政 時的至理名言和

1896 年 11 月 21 日,朝鮮王朝因《馬關條約》而獲得新 獨立的另一個重要標誌性事件發生了(“獨立門”正式開工建 設)。過去,中國清朝的使節來到朝鮮時,朝鮮王朝國王都在 一座特別的城門“迎恩門(Yongunmun)”正式迎接。迎恩 門被拆除,並在原址上修建了“獨立門”(圖 2)。獨立門是 大韓民國硬幣和紙幣上反復出現的主題。起初它意味着朝鮮王 朝從中國大清朝獨立出去,現在卻意味着朝鮮從所有國家獨立

事 蹟, 以 此 為 明 鏡, 供 後 代 國 王 借 鑒。1908 年, 可能出於伊藤博 文 的 期 望, 金 允 植被委任該史書

圖 3《國朝寶鑒》二十六

第四版的編纂史官。書中的內容被修改了大約 1/10,包括刪

注釋 17

愛德格·J·曼德爾:《韓國花錢試樣集》。 詹姆斯·W·彼得森:《日本及聯繫邦的勳章和獎章》,第 69-87、111 頁。 19 崔清英:《1864 年至 1873 年大院君攝政:李氏王朝的復辟》,第 14 頁。 18

The Ninth Issue of JEAN 143

Column 專欄 除了由中國明朝皇帝授予朝鮮王朝歷任國王的諡號,並修改了 朝鮮王朝國王的尊號為皇帝。從理論上,這將李氏王朝的所有 歷代國王和中國的皇帝都放在了平等的地位。該書的第四版於 1909 年出版。 大韓帝國國史編纂委員會的總禦史李完用,是一個臭名昭 著的親日派。此人被稱為“五個賣國賊”之一,不僅因為他與 日本簽訂了《乙巳保護條約》,而且還作為大韓帝國的總理簽 署了喪盡國家主權的《日韓合併條約》。20 1910 年,《國朝寶鑒》 的 20 位編輯史官中,至少有 10 位史官,被日本人授予貴族頭 銜,而金允植也被授予子爵的爵位。金允植還得到日本人的賞 賜 50,000 日元。在朝鮮王朝被日本吞併的整個時期,金允植擔 圖 4 三一运动中被捕的朝鮮民眾

任中樞院的議長——大提學(Taejehak),但很快他就辭去了這 個職務,後來成為漢城(今首爾)大學的一名著名學者。 1919 年 1 月 20 日,先王高宗(1864 -1907 年在位)突然駕崩。 3 月 3 日他的葬禮被安排以日本神道教的禮節舉行。朝鮮半島 的局勢隨之高度緊張。此時流言四起,有傳言稱老國王高宗是 被日本人毒死的。在葬禮的前兩天,朝鮮爆發了一次近乎自發 的抵抗外國統治的示威運動。起初,金允植並沒有參加 1919 年 3 月 1 日的反日“獨立運動”(圖 4),但於 3 月 28 日,他和

圖 5 大韓民國發行的 100 圓韓幣

李榮直子爵,向日本總督和總理遞交了奏摺,奏摺曰按照上天 21

的旨意要求朝鮮獨立。 這兩位資深政治家的行動,帶動了其 他地位較高的儒家們,一起加入了示威者行列。

義。在大韓民國,國家安全榮譽勳章四等功被稱為“三一”勳章。 而朝鮮民主主義人民共和國則設置了“三一”月度獎,授予在



與成千上萬的其他朝鮮愛國者的遭遇相比,金允植所受刑罰較 輕。以柳寬順(Yu Kwan-sun)的事蹟為例,她是一個 16 歲的女孩,




把她打得面目全非,並在牢中刺死了她。她的 15 位家庭成員也

們有着非常獨特的價值。24 1922 年 1 月 22 日,金允植逝世,享


全部被殺害。 1975 年 8 月 14 日,大韓民國發行了 100 圓的

年 88 歲。

韓幣,幣面有柳寬順的肖像,高舉大韓民國的國旗,揮舞着胳 膊,號召其他人參與示威遊行(圖 5)。時至今日,“三月一日” 對所有的朝鮮人(三八線的南邊和北邊)來說都有着特殊的意

一如既往,我總是有興趣聽到你們的評論。我的聯繫郵箱 是 DFIFER@E ARTHLINK.COM。

注釋 20

彼得·達斯:《算盤與劍,1895 年至 1910 年日本入侵朝鮮》,第 192、240 頁。 具大業:《殖民主義統治下的朝鮮:三一運動以及英日關係》,第 75 頁。 22 孫寶基、金哲春和洪李燮:《韓國歷史》,第 265 頁。 23 大衛·L·卡布拉爾:《朝鮮民主主義人民共和國的勳章和獎章》,第 32 頁。 24 房兆楹:《阿薩密朝鮮文獻圖書館——注記目錄》,第 550-554 頁。 21

144 《東亞泉志》第 9 期

Column 專欄

A Numismatic Triangle Between Asia, Europe and America Sebastian Wieschowski (Germany)

Hong Kong, Munich, New York - hardly a day goes by without Michael Chou being seen on a Facebook photo aboard a plane. But Chou is not travelling in his fulltime role as president of the iAsure group and owner of the auction house "Champion", but as a numismatic ambassador: In recent years, the passionate coin collector has gained an excellent reputation around the world as a promoter of numismatic cooperation and friendship between the cultures. Whether you're taking a look at the World Money Fair in Berlin or the World's Fair of Money in the US, Michael is well known everywhere and welcomed warmly like an old friend from childhood days. The current state of the intercontinental triangle, which Chou has forged over the past few years, has been particularly visible during the "Beijing International Coin Expo": With Chou's support, the team of the US numismatic magazine "Coin World" came to Beijing to present his first Chinese-language edition. While the US journalists had a tough time at their booth to serve the demand for free magazines and medals, a journalist colleague from Germany captured the spectacle on camera. And next door, the booth of "Champion Auction" became a prominent meeting point for numismatic veterans like the founders of the "COTY Award", Clifford Mishler and Dave Harper. Michael Chou has been investing a lot of time and money into promoting numismatic projects for years and has created a platform that provides the foundation for an international network and close cooperation between Asia, America and Europe. With his partners in the USA, Germany and China, Chou has set up numerous projects over the past few years that would not have been possible without his commitment - the donation of historically important Chinese minting tools to the Museum Moritzburg in Halle has remained in special memory. The “Otto Beh dies” are considered one of the most interesting artifacts of German minting history and could have landed in dubious hands, but Michael Chou preserved the legacy by purchasing the dies and handing them over to a German museum. Chou's German partner and friend Ulrich Künker, who also sells the coveted panda medals from "Champion Auction" in Germany with his auction house, played a major role in this project. The integration of key players in the national numismatic markets into his projects is clearly one of the success factors and generates a lot of credibility. This became very apparent during the First Strike Ceremony of the “Sino German Friendship” medal on June 30th at the Berlin

Coin World Beijing International Coin Exposition Exclusive Special Edition and medal

Coin World table

Michael Chou, David Harper, Yu Min, Clifford Mishler

The Ninth Issue of JEAN 145

Column 專欄 state mint in the heart of the German capital. Even though Germany might have some of the strictest security rules, the guests of the ceremony could walk freely through the production area and take a close look at the minting machines. The event was joined by dignitaries from Europe and overseas, with the Chinese ambassador Shi Mingde giving a very personal and authentic speech about his experiences as a diplomat for over 30 years. The medals were distributed by the Chinese embassy as a symbol of friendship and a special treasure that one might keep forever. When looking at Michael Chou’s work, it might be surprising that he usually keeps himself in the background. For example, the COTY dinner in Beijing, for which Chou gathered 66 numismatic dignitaries, focused not on Chou, but put the COTY jurors and coin designers in the bright spotlight. And if you look back at the Beijing show, it’s the pictures of the frenzy at the "Coin World" booth, which will be remembered for a long time - and anyone who knows Michael Chou can estimate with whose help the US-American coin magazine was capable to receive the prominent place for their booths next to China Bank Note Printing and Minting Corp. When asked about this, Michael prefers to say: “Nothing happens with coincidence.” One might add: Nothing happens without the little help from good friends. It is quite sure that in 2018, Michael Chou should again be regularly seen on selfie pictures in airplanes when he embarks on another numismatic journey. Not only will a new panda medal be presented at the World Money Fair in Berlin, but also the first German-language book on China Panda coins and medals. Chou contributed not only hundreds of photos and page by page background information, but made as a co-author for the best conditions for a success of the Panda catalog, with which an additional contribution to the German-Chinese numismatic friendship is achieved.

Chairman of 《Coin World》 Rick Amos and his wife attend the dinner party

146 《東亞泉志》第 9 期

China Yu Min version Sino-German friendship commemorative silver medal, mintage 3,000

German Hoyer version Sino-German friendship commemorative silver medal, mintage 3,000

Michael Chou (left) and Ulrich Künker (right) presenting Chinese Ambassador Shi Mingde with the very first set commemorating 45 years of Sino-German friendship

(froom. L) King L. Chan, Wang Shihong, Clifford Mishler, Zhou Weirong attend the dinner party

Column 專欄

Ein numismatisches Dreieck zwischen Asien, Europa und Amerika Sebastian Wieschowski (Germany)

Hongkong, München, New York - es vergeht kaum ein Tag, an dem Michael Chou nicht auf einem Facebook-Foto an Bord eines Flugzeugs zu sehen ist. Chou ist jedoch nicht in seiner hauptberuflichen Funktion als Präsident der iAsureGruppe und Besitzer des Auktionshauses "Champion" unterwegs, sondern als numismatischer Botschafter: In den vergangenen Jahren hat sich der leidenschaftliche Münzensammler in aller Welt einen exzellenten Ruf als Förderer der numismatischen Zusammenarbeit und Freundschaft zwischen den Kulturen erarbeitet. Egal, ob man auf die "World Money Fair" nach Berlin schaut oder die "World's Fair of Money" in den USA, überall ist Michael wohlbekannt. Der aktuelle Zustand des interkontinentalen Triangels, welches Chou in den vergangenen Jahren geschmiedet hat, war besonders gut während der "Beijing International Coin Expo" zu beobachten: Mit Chou's Unterstützung war das Team der US-amerikanischen Zeitschrift "Coin World" nach Peking gekommen, um seine erste chinesischsprachige Ausgabe zu präsentieren. Während die US-Journalisten an ihrem Stand alle Hände voll zu tun hatten, um die Nachfrage nach kostenlosen Heften und Medaillen zu bedienen, hielt ein Journalisten-Kollege aus Deutschland das Spektakel im Bild fest. Und nebenan, am Stand von "Champion Auction", gaben sich numismatische Veteranen wie die Gründer des "COTY-Award", Clifford Mishler und Dave Harper, die Klinke in die Hand. Michael Chou investiert seit Jahren viel Zeit und viel Geld in die Förderung numismatischer Projekte und hat eine Plattform geschaffen, welche die Grundlage für ein internationales Netzwerk und eine enge Zusammenarbeit zwischen Asien, Amerika und Europa bietet. Mit seinen Partnern in den USA, Deutschland und China hat Michael Chou in den vergangenen Jahren zahlreiche Projekte auf die Beine gestellt, die ohne sein Engagement nicht möglich wären - in besonderer Erinnerung ist die Schenkung historisch bedeutsamer chinesischer Prägestempel geblieben, die Chou an das Museum Moritzburg in Halle stiftete. Maßgeblichen Anteil an diesem Projekt hatte auch Chou's deutscher Partner und Freund Ulrich Künker, der mit seinem Auktionshaus auch die begehrten Panda-Medaillen aus dem Hause "Champion Auction" in Deutschland vertreibt. Die Einbindung von Schlüsselakteuren aus den nationalen numismatischen Märkten in seine Projekte ist eindeutig einer der Erfolgsgeheimnisse von Michael Chou und schafft viel Glaubwürdigkeit. Dies wurde besonders deutlich während der Erstabschlagszeremonie der "Sino German

Coin World Beijing International Coin Exposition Exclusive Special Edition and medal

Coin World table

Michael Chou, David Harper, Yu Min, Clifford Mishler

The Ninth Issue of JEAN 147

Column 專欄 Friendship" Medaille am 30. Juni in der Staatlichen Münze Berlin im Herzen der deutschen Hauptstadt. Auch wenn Deutschland einige der strengsten Sicherheitsvorschriften hat, konnten die Gäste der Zeremonie frei durch die Produktionshalle gehen und die Prägemaschinen genau unter die Lupe nehmen. Die Veranstaltung wurde von Würdenträgern aus Europa und Übersee begleitet, wobei der chinesische Botschafter Shi Mingde eine sehr persönliche und authentische Rede über seine mehr als 30 Jahre andauernden Erfahrungen als Diplomat hielt. Die Medaillen wurden von der chinesischen Botschaft als Symbol für Freundschaft und einen besonderen Schatz, den man für immer behalten könnte, verteilt. Auffällig ist bei dem Wirken von Michael Chou, dass er selbst sich meist im Hintergrund hält. So standen beispielsweise bei dem feierlichen COTY-Dinner in Peking, für das Chou etwa 80 numismatische Würdenträger versammelte, die COTY-Juroren und Münzdesigner im Mittelpunkt. Von der Messe werden zudem vor allem die Bilder des Ansturms auf den Messestand von "Coin World" in Erinnerung bleiben - und wer Michael Chou kennt, kann sich ganz genau ausrechnen, mit wessen Hilfe die US-amerikanische Münzzeitschrift den prominenten Platz direkt neben der China Bank Note Printing und Minting Corp. erhalten hat. Auch im Jahr 2018 dürfte Michael Chou wieder regelmäßig auf Selfies in Flugzeugen zu sehen sein. Auf der World Money Fair in Berlin wird nicht nur eine neue Panda-Medaille präsentiert, sondern auch das erste deutschsprachige Buch über die China Panda Münzen und Medaillen. Chou steuerte dafür nicht nur hunderte Fotos und seitenweise Hintergrundinformationen bei, sondern sorgte als Co-Autor für beste Voraussetzungen für einen Erfolg des Panda-Katalogs, mit dem ein zusätzlicher Beitrag zur deutsch-chinesischen numismatischen Freundschaft erreicht wird.

Chairman of 《Coin World》 Rick Amos and his wife attend the dinner party

148 《東亞泉志》第 9 期

China Yu Min version Sino-German friendship commemorative silver medal, mintage 3,000

German Hoyer version Sino-German friendship commemorative silver medal, mintage 3,000

Michael Chou (left) and Ulrich Künker (right) presenting Chinese Ambassador Shi Mingde with the very first set commemorating 45 years of Sino-German friendship

(froom. L) King L. Chan, Wang Fude, Clifford Mishler, Zhou Weirong attend the dinner party

Column 專欄

亞洲、 歐洲 、美國錢幣學界的三角友誼 塞巴斯蒂安·維巧斯基(德國) 香港 - 慕尼克 - 紐約,周邁可幾乎每年都穿梭於這三個城市 之間。但周先生並非每次都是以愛秀集團總裁和冠軍拍賣行所 有人的身份出行,更多的時候他是作為一名錢幣學界的代表: 近年來,這位富有激情的著名錢幣收藏家載譽世界各地,致力 於促進不同文化間錢幣學界的合作和友誼。不論是在柏林還是 在美國舉行的世界錢幣博覽會上,周先生都大名鼎鼎,像童年 時代的老朋友一樣大受歡迎。 錢幣學界洲際三角的現狀,這也是周先生過去幾年中一直 致力於開創的,可以透過“北京國際錢幣博覽會”一窺究竟: 在周先生的支持下,美國錢幣學雜誌《Coin World》的團隊飛 來北京呈現他們的第一本中文版雜誌。當這些來自美國的新聞 工作者在展位上分身乏術地分發免費雜誌和紀念銀章時,一位 來自德國的同行在鏡頭前捕捉到了這一幕。而他們隔壁的“冠 軍拍賣”展位則成為了資深錢幣學人士的重要會面點,比如世 界硬幣大獎賽的兩位創始人克利福德·米什勒先生和大衛·哈

《Coin World》2017 年北京國際錢幣博覽會宣传页及纪念章

珀先生的到來。 多年以來,周邁可為促進錢幣學國際交流投入了大量的時 間和金錢,並搭建了一個亞洲、美國和歐洲之間緊密合作和促 進國際友誼的基礎平臺。與在美國、德國和中國的合作夥伴一起, 周先生在過去幾年裡成功運作的項目不勝枚舉。沒有他的奉獻 和努力,這些項目是不可能實現的。例如,中國歷史上具有重 要地位的造幣模具捐贈給了位於德國哈雷市的莫里茨堡博物館。 Otto Beh 德製中國幣模被認為是德國造幣歷史上最有趣的文物 之一,但曾經一度有可能會落入不可靠人之手,多虧周邁可買 下了這一歷史文化遺產並將其交給了德國博物館,周先生在德 國的合作夥伴和朋友 Ulrich Künker 先生在此次事件中也扮演了

《Coin World》展台前的一幕

重要角色。Ulrich Künker 先生的拍賣行和冠軍拍賣的德國分公 司合作,曾經成功地出售了讓人夢寐以求的熊貓紀念章。 周先生的成功秘訣之一,是讓國家級別的重要人物參與到 他的項目中,這為他贏得了很高的信任度。這一點在 2017 年 6 月 30 日位於德國首都的柏林國家造幣廠舉辦的第一屆“中德友 誼”紀念章典禮中尤為突出。雖然德國人有非常嚴格的保安條 例,但前來參加典禮的來賓們可以在生產區自由參觀並近距離 地觀看造幣設備。歐洲和海外的眾多政要們都參加了此次活動, 中國駐德大使史明德先生在儀式上就他 30 多年的外交官經歷作 了精彩的個人演講,並頒發了象徵着中德友誼的值得永久珍藏 的紀念章。


The Ninth Issue of JEAN 149

Column 專欄 而讓人驚訝的是,周邁可在運作項目時通常更願意隱身於 幕後而不是出現在台前。例如,在北京舉行的《世界硬幣大獎賽》 中文版首發儀式晚宴上,周先生聚集了約 66 名錢幣學界的重要 人物,而晚宴的焦點全集中在大獎賽的中國評委和錢幣設計師 身上。如果回顧一下北京展會的照片,你會看到圍繞着“Coin World”展位的人們是多麼的狂熱。正是在周先生的幫助下,這 家美國錢幣雜誌才得到了緊挨着中國印鈔造幣總公司展位的位 置。每當被問及此事,周先生總是回答:“純屬巧合。”但我 們都知道,這一切肯定離不開好朋友們的用心幫助。

中德建交 45 週年紀念熊貓章——中國版

可以肯定的是,在 2018 年,我們還會在 Facebook 上看到 周邁可為錢幣學界奔波時在飛機上的自拍。在來年舉辦的柏林 世界錢幣博覽會上,不僅會展出首枚新的熊貓紀念章,還將會 呈現第一本德語版的關於中國熊貓錢幣和紀念章的書。周先生 不僅為此書貢獻了數百張照片和大量的背景資訊,還是熊貓紀 念章目錄的合著者,這為此書的成功出版奠定了基礎。中德的 錢幣學界友誼從此更上一層樓。

中德建交 45 週年紀念熊貓章——德國版

《Coin World》董事長 Rick Amos 及其夫人出席 2017 年 11 月 11 日北京《世界硬幣大獎賽》中文版首發儀式

周邁可(左)與 Ulrich Künker(右)同中國駐德國大使史明 德展示首套中德友好 45 周年紀念章

左起:陳景林、王世宏、克利福德·米什勒、周衛榮出席《世 界硬幣大獎賽》中文版首發儀式

左起:王福德夫人、王茗芸、孟黎、王雪阳、罗永辉出席《世 界硬幣大獎賽》中文版首發儀式

150 《東亞泉志》第 9 期

Column 專欄

Coin Shows China and Germany:

Do Not Be Surprised by These Differences Sebastian Wieschowski (Germany) In times of globalization and the international numismatic friendship between China and countries like Germany or the United States of America, there should not be much difference between a coin fair in Beijing, Berlin or Washington. But in fact, there are different collection cultures in the aforementioned countries, which are also reflected in the design of a coin show. In particular, collectors should pay attention to the following details: Product Range: Have you ever seen a pure silver teapot which has a height of 50 centimeters? If not, you will find what you are looking for in Beijing - because the "Beijing International Coin Expo" is more than just a numismatic show. The burgeoning middle class in China is looking for ways to invest apart fro m stocks and bonds. Often, historical symbols from the Chinese lunar calendar are poured into all imaginable forms of gold and silver. Some things look strange from a German point of view, but more and more Chinese are obviously fond of precious metal extravagances. In Germany, on the other hand, the focus of the fairs is clearly centered on historical coins related to German History: the German Empire (1871-1919), the Weimar Republic (1919-1933), the Third Reich (1933-1945) and the D-Mark coins of the Federal Republic of Germany (1949 2001) and the German Democratic Republic (1949 - 1990) are the main collection areas. In addition, euro coins are very popular, but demand has declined in recent years.

card for cashless payments. But most trade fair visitors have a small bundle of colored bills in their pockets. Internet usage: Speaking of the topic of "smartphones" - without the text messaging service "WeChat", there is almost nothing left in China. Compared to its main competitor "WhatsApp", the app has turned into a multimedia wonder weapon. User groups and fan pages keep the Chinese collectors in contact with each other. And any visitor who wants to get a free gift at the fair, must subscribe to the "WeChat" profile of the donor. Caution to foreigners visiting a Chinese coin show: "WhatsApp" and other Internet services such as "Facebook" or "YouTube" are not available in China, the "Great Firewall of China" prevents legal access. Many visitors to China use socalled "VPN clients", with which they practically dig a tunnel to a foreign server - but they should remember that this technology is illegal. In Germany, the internet is no big thing during coin shows, collectors still make heavy use of the classic coin catalog for their search for information. Many of them use a decade old copy, which they bring to every show. However, it is striking that the circulation numbers of numismatic magazines and catalogs are sharply declining - free information, forums and especially Facebook groups win importance as an information source.

Payment methods: The Chinese apparently have a close relationship to their own banknotes and coins - but in everyday life, they hardly use the colorful bills with the eternal chairman Mao and the Yuan coins. Instead, the smartphone is always at hand: services such as "Alipay", developed by the inventor of the trading platform "Alibaba", make paying easy, even on the coin show floor. Even small sales stands of amateur sellers accept the virtual wallet with internet connection.

Customs Regulations: When visiting most of the international coin exchanges such as the ANA “World’s Fair of Money” or the Berlin “World Money Fair”, foreign visitors will find it easy to export the new additions to their coin collection - for example, when traveling to and from the United States, up to € 10,000 may be taken in and out and the amount also applies to gold and silver coins: Gold and silver bullion coins are estimated with the current metal price. That means that in the moment, about 8 ounces of gold or 20 kilos of silver are allowed to be stowed in the suitcase.

Meanwhile, the old say "Cash is king" applies until today. Mobile payment methods are hardly common, payment by card at a fair is unusual. Germans seldomly use their credit

The situation in China is, however, different: The maximum allowance is already reached with two ounces of gold or silver. In addition, no historical coins may be exported.

The Ninth Issue of JEAN 151

Column 專欄 If you stick to the rules, you do not have to fear any complications at the Beijing airport and will be treated with respect as the customs clearance itself is uncomplicated and meets international standards. However, when customs officers detect historical coins or non-declared precious metals, it can become very uncomfortable and expensive for the traveler. Gender: German coin shows are, even if you can see female collectors here and there sporadically, firmly in man's hand - according to estimates of industry insiders, about 95 percent of all coin collectors in Germany are male and older than 60 years. In China, this is different: at the fair in Beijing, it was apparent that many young couples were present and especially trading the popular “coin passports” is clearly a women's domain. There are probably no tangible numbers, but compared to Germany, the Chinese audience is much more diverse in terms of age and gender. Dealers: When walking around the show floor, one could have the impression that the "Beijing International Coin Expo" is in fact an exhibition of banks - because the many commercial banks in China occupied at least a third of the whole venue. All the major banks were present at the show for a special reason: A very large percentage of coins are sold through the Chinese banks, resulting in a very strong attendance at the show - which would not happen in Germany, as no bank would show up at "World Money Fair" or "Numismata". Precious metals coins are distributed in Germany by special wholesale dealers like "pro aurum" and "Degussa". Those are privately organised companies which are not part of the banking sector, but regular trading houses. With bullion shops in every major city in Germany, those companies and hundreds of smaller competitors make it easy for every German to obtain Gold and Silver during the regular saturday city center shopping tour. Manners: Even if Chinese and Germans share many characteristics, there are always small surprises. Every visitor from abroad is likely to rub his ears in wonder when he hears the announcement "no spitting!" from the

152 《東亞泉志》第 9 期

hall loudspeakers at the Beijing show. –Is is important to point out that the Chinese government tries to change the behavior of their people in the sense of public health for several years. They are trying to banish loud whistling not least in favor of the puzzled tourists, but many Chinese still clean their nose with a loud and (for European ears) quite disturbing sound. But it is good to report that most visitors at the coin fair apply upscale manners. Speaking of manners, European guests should pay attention to a very important detail if they don’t want to upset their Chinese counterpart: The business card is presented with a slightly bent posture and - most importantly - with both hands. Mints and designers: Some of the most crowded and frequented booths in Beijing were occupied by the offical mints which produce the Chinese collectors coins and medals. With the exception of the State Mint of Berlin, you would rarely find any German mint company at a coin show in Germany. And the same applies to the designers: While many designers from the Chinese mints graced the Beijing show with their presense due to awards given during the event and are welcomed by the crowd like pop stars, German coin designers do not normally show up at a coin show - maybe because they are, other than in China, freelance artists and not permanently employed by a specific mint. Grading: While Germans are still struggling to accept the idea of the so-called "third-party grading" by companies like NGC or PCGS, coins in hard plastic holders (so-called "slabs") in China have been completely normal for about ten years - but the US American market leader has stared only a few years ago to gain a foothold in the Chinese market. There are dozens of grading service providers in China such as CNAG or CCAC. However, their counterparts from the USA have one huge advantage: America enjoys a high reputation, not least because of the charm offensive of US President Donald, who is particularly controversial in Europe. While slabs in Germany can only be found at specialist dealers, in China they are standard equipment for every professional coin retailer.

Column 專欄

Münzenbörsen in China und Deutschland im Vergleich: Lassen Sie sich von diesen sieben überraschenden Unterschieden nicht aus der Ruhe bringen Sebastian Wieschowski (Germany) In Zeiten der Globalisierung und der internationalen numismatischen Freundschaft zwischen China und Ländern wie Deutschland oder den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika sollte es eigentlich keine großen Unterschiede zwischen einer Münzenmesse in Peking, Berlin oder New Washington geben. Doch tatsächlich gibt es in den einzelnen Ländern besondere Sammelkulturen, die sich auch in der Gestaltung einer Messe niederschlagen. Sammler sollten insbesondere auf die sieben folgenden Details achten: Produktpalette: Haben Sie schon mal einen 50 Zentimeter großen Teekrug aus purem Silber gesehen? Wenn nicht, werden Sie in Peking fündig - denn die "Beijing International Coin Expo" ist mehr als eine reine Münzenbörse. Die erstarkende Mittelschicht in China sucht nach Wegen abseits von Aktien und Anleihen, um ihr Geld zu sichern und zu vermehren. Oft werden dafür historische Symbole aus dem chinesischen Mondkalender in alle erdenklichen Formen aus Gold und Silber gegossen. Manches wirkt aus deutscher Sicht kitschig, doch immer mehr Chinesen leisten sich offenbar gern solche Extravaganzen. In Deutschland liegt der Fokus der Messen dagegen ganz klar auf historischen Münzen mit Bezug zum Heimatland: Das Kaiserreich (1871 - 1919), die Weimarer Republik (1919 - 1933), das Dritte Reich (1933 - 1945) sowie die D-Mark Münzen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (1949 - 2001) und der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik (1949 1990) sind die wichtigsten Sammelgebiet. Daneben liegen Euro-Münzen hoch im Kurs, die Nachfrage hat in den vergangenen Jahren allerdings abgenommen. Bezahlformen: Die Chinesen haben offenbar ein inniges Verhältnis zu ihren eigenen Scheinen und Geldstücken - doch im Alltag nutzen sie die bunten Scheine mit dem

ewigen Vorsitzenden Mao und die Yuan-Münzen kaum. Stattdessen ist das Smartphone immer griffbereit: Dienste wie "Alipay", entwickelt von dem Erfinder der Handelsplattform "Alibaba", machen das Bezahlen kinderleicht, auch auf der Messe. Sogar kleine Stände von Hobby-Händlern akzeptieren die virtuelle Geldbörse mit Internetempfang. In Deutschland gilt weiterhin: "Cash is king". Mobile Bezahlformen sind kaum verbreitet, die Bezahlung mit Karte auf einer Messe unüblich. Wenn überhaupt, nutzen Deutsche zum bargeldlosen Bezahlen ihre Kreditkarte. Doch die meisten Messebesucher haben ein kleines Bündel an bunten Scheinen in der Tasche. Internetnutzung: Wo wir gerade beim Thema "Smartphone" sind - ohne den Kurzmitteilungsdienst "WeChat" geht in China so gut wie gar nichts mehr. Die App hat sich im Vergleich zu ihrem wichtigsten Mitbewerber "WhatsApp" zu einer multimedialen Wunderwaffe entwickelt. Über Nutzergruppen und Fanseiten bleiben die Chinesen miteinander in Kontakt. Und wer auf der Messe ein Gastgeschenk bekommen möchte, muss das "WeChat"-Profil des Schenkenden (kostenlos) abonnieren. Vorsicht: "WhatsApp" sowie andere Internetdienste wie "Facebook" oder "YouTube" sind in China nicht verfügbar, die "Great Firewall of China" verhindert den legalen Zugriff. Viele China-Besucher behelfen sich mit sogenannten "VPNClients", mit denen sie praktisch einen Tunnel zu einem ausländischen Server graben - sie sollten jedoch bedenken, dass diese Technik illegal ist. In Deutschland halten die Sammler für die Suche nach Informationen immer noch dem klassischen Münzkatalog die Treue. Viele besitzen das Exemplar, welches sie mit auf die Messe nehmen, seit Jahrzehnten. Auffällig ist jedoch, dass die Auflagen von Münzzeitschriften und

The Ninth Issue of JEAN 153

Column 專欄 Katalogen seit Jahren deutlich zurück gehen - kostenlose Informationsquellen, Foren und insbesondere FacebookGruppen gewinnen als Informationsquelle an Bedeutung. Zollbestimmungen: Beim Besuch der meisten internationalen Münzenbörsen haben die ausländischen Besucher leichtes Spiel, wenn sich ihr Budget im gutbürgerlichen Rahmen bewegt so dürfen beispielsweise bei Reisen in die USA oder zurück jeweils bis zu 10.000 Euro ein- und ausgeführt werden, unter diese Höchstgrenzen fallen neben Bargeld auch gleichgestellte Zahlungsmittel: Gold- und Silberanlagemünzen werden mit dem aktuellen Metalpreis veranschlagt. Doch während derzeit etwa 8 Unzen Gold oder 20 Kilo Silber im Koffer verstaut werden dürfen, ist bei China-Reisen bereits bei zwei Unzen Gold oder Silber das zollfreie Maximum erreicht. Zudem dürfen keine historischen Münzen ausgeführt werden. Wer sich an die Regeln hält, muss am Flughafen in Peking keine Komplikationen fürchten, die Zollabfertigung ist unkompliziert. Wenn allerdings bei der Prüfung historische Münzen oder unangemeldete Edelmetalle zum Vorschein kommen, kann es allerdings für den Reisenden unangenehm und teuer werden. Geschlechter: Deutsche Münzenbörsen sind, auch wenn hier und dort vereinzelt auch weibliche Sammler unterwegs sind, fest in Männerhand - laut Schätzungen von Brancheninsidern sind etwa 95 Prozent aller Münzensammler in Deutschland männlich und älter als 60 Jahre. In China ist dies anders: Auf der Messe in Peking waren auffällig viele Paare unterwegs und der Handel mit den beliebten Münzpässen ist ganz klar eine Frauendomäne. Es gibt dazu wohl keine handfesten Zahlen, aber im Vergleich zu Deutschland wirkt das

154 《東亞泉志》第 9 期

chinesische Publikum im Hinblick auf Alter und Geschlecht deutlich diverser. Umgangsformen: Auch wenn Chinesen und Deutsche viele Charaktereigenschaften teilen, kommt es immer wieder zu kleinen Überraschungen. So dürfte sich jeder Besucher aus dem Ausland verwundert die Ohren reiben, wenn er über die Hallenlautsprecher die Durchsage "no spitting !" hört - denn auch wenn die chinesische Regierung im Sinne der Volksgesundheit seit Jahren versucht, lautes Schnäuzen nicht zuletzt zugunsten der verwunderten Touristen aus der alltäglichen Geräuschkulisse zu verbannen, wird in China weiterhin gerotzt, was das Zeug hält. Zumindest in der Halle wird der regelmäßige Hinweis jedoch gehört, hier zählen gehobene Umgangsformen. Ganz wichtig: Die Visitenkarte wird mit leicht gebeugter Körperhaltung und - ganz wichtig - mit beiden Händen überreicht. Grading: Während sich die Deutschen noch mit dem Gedanken des so genannten "Third Party Grading" durch Firmen wie NGC oder PCGS anfreunden, sind Münzen in Hartplastikhaltern (sogenannten "Slabs") in China seit etwa zehn Jahren völlig normal allerdings versuchen die USamerikanischen Marktführer erst seit ein paar Jahren, auf dem chinesischen Markt Fuß zu fassen. In China gibt es dutzende GradingDienstleister - sie heißen CNAG, CCAC oder ABCD. Ihre Gegenparts aus den USA haben jedoch einen Vorteil: Amerika genießt - nicht zuletzt durch die Charmeoffensive des insbesondere in Europa umstrittenen US-Präsidenten Donald - ein hohes Ansehen. Während Slabs in Deutschland nur an spezialisierten Händlerständen zu finden sind, gehören sie in China zur Standardausstattung eines jeden Händlers.

Column 專欄

錢幣象徵着中國和德國:無須驚訝之間的差異 塞巴斯蒂安·維巧斯基(德國) 這是個全球化的時代,中國和各國之間,例如與德國和美


國,建立了錢幣學的國際友誼,按理而言,在北京、柏林和華 盛頓不同城市間舉行的錢幣展覽會不應有太大的區別。但實際







通過“微信”與用戶組(群)和粉絲群(朋友圈)保持聯繫。 誰想要在錢幣展會上獲得免費禮品就必須先關注禮品贈送人的

展品範圍:你見過 50 釐米高的純銀茶壺嗎?沒見過的話,



國,“WhatsApp”和其他互聯網社交軟體諸如 Facebook 或


YouTube 都是無法使用的,因為中國的防火牆阻止了對這些




很多人使用的“VPN 用戶端”(實際上是通





越來越多的中國人喜愛這種金屬 而在德國的錢幣展會中,


沒人把互聯網當回事。收藏 但在德國所舉辦的錢








(1871-1919 年 )、 魏 瑪


共 和 國 時 期(1919-1933




1945 年) 的 古 幣, 以 及 德 意


志 民 主 共 和 國 時 期(1949-1990

降——它們受到了免費資訊和論壇 的衝擊,尤其是 Facebook 群組已成為

年)的硬幣,和德國聯邦共和國時期 (1949-2001 年)的馬克硬幣。另外,歐元


硬幣也非常普遍,但收藏需求近年有所下降。 海關規章:在大多數的國際錢幣展交會上,例如國際錢幣 付款方式:中國人貌似離不開本國的紙幣和硬幣,但在日





價值不超過 10,000 歐元的現金和金幣銀幣(其價值是根據當


前的金價或銀價估算的)。換言之,按照目前的價格,大約 8


盎司的黃金或 20 公斤的白銀可以合法地裝在行李箱裡帶進或



擬錢包。 然而,中國的情況卻有所不同:最高限額僅為 2 盎司的黃 但在德國,“現金為王”這句古老的諺語依舊適用。移動






The Ninth Issue of JEAN 155

Column 專欄 了古幣或未經申報的貴金屬,情況則會變得讓人難受且會付



鼻涕時仍然發出擾人的聲音(在歐洲人聽來)。不過也有好 消息,錢幣展上的絕大多數參觀者還是比較彬彬有





在德國 95% 的錢幣收藏者都是 60






會上 有 許 多 年 輕 夫 婦 的 身 影,尤其是“硬幣通行證”

造 幣 廠 和 設 計 者: 在










國,除了柏林國家造幣廠, 很少會見到其他的德國造幣







國的商業銀行佔據了至少 1/3 的展位。 所有主要的銀行都參加了展會是出於一個特殊

會,他們在展會上接受頒獎,受到明星般 的熱烈歡迎。但德國的錢幣設計師通常不會出席







何一家銀行會參加世界錢幣展 覽會或柏林世界硬幣大獎賽

評 級: 雖 然 德 國 人 還 難




(NGC) 或 Professional

的, 比 如“Proaurum”

Coin Grading Service






在中國,近 10 年以來人們








此,PCGS 這個美國市場的領軍




站穩腳跟。中國本土的評級服務商就有十 幾家,例如 CNAG 或 CCAC。然而,這位來自美











156 《東亞泉志》第 9 期

Column 專欄

Highlights of 2017 China Gold Coin Market Zhao Yansheng (Beijing) 1

4 On December 31, 2016, the state council of the

On February 13, according to information, the

People’s Republic of China sent an administrative

Public Security Bureau in Dingzhou City, Hebei Province

reconsideration decision [Guofu (2016) #960] to the

cracked a criminal case of counterfeit gold and silver

claimant Yang Songlin, making a final ruling on the

coins. A total of 9,301 fake gold and silver coins were

application for the disclosure of varieties and quantities

found, with total value of nearly 7 million RMB. The case

of back-to-melted gold and silver coins. This is the first

is under trial.

time that coin collectors, based on the provisions of the “Administrative Reconsideration Law of the People’s Republic of China” and the “Regulations on Disclosure


of Government Information of the People’s Republic

On February 16, according to media reports,

of China”, can use the rights granted by law to require

the stock of a gold coin distribution center located

information disclosure of coinage volume and back-to-

in Liulichang Street in east Beijing was stolen. Total

melting quantities of gold and silver coins.

number of gold and silver coins stolen was 1,023 and weighted 34.459 kilograms and had a total cost value RMB 11,925,700. The case was solved on February 21,


and three suspects were arrested. This is the largest On January 19, the third meeting of the ‘Clean-

up and Reorganization of Various Trading Places’ was

value of any burglary in China’s gold retail system. The case is under trial. (any update? It has been 10 months)

held in Beijing. The meeting mobilized support and deployed manpower for the recheck action in the next stage. On August 2nd, the meeting of the ‘Clean-up and


Reorganization of Various Trading Places’ issued the

On April 4, Dubai Gold and Commodities Exchange

notification of the meeting minutes of ‘Clean-up and

(DGCX) announced that a “Shanghai Gold” futures

reorganization of stamp, coin and phonecard trading

contract had officially been launched in Dubai. It was

places’ (Restructuring Liaison Office [2017] #49), making

the first time that futures in the international finance

further deployment to clean up and rectify the trading

market were RMB-denominated and priced based on

markets. Most of the stamp, coin and phonecard trading

“Shanghai Gold”.

places have been shut down or closed for reorganization.

7 3 On February 13, sponsored by Zhao Yansheng, for the first time a questionnaire entitled “Culture and Art Value of China Modern Precious Metal Coins” was launched on February 13 at the gold coin market. There were 436 people participating in the questionnaire, including China domestic social culture experts, art experts, coin designing and engraving experts, famous numismatists and coin collectors. The event ended on May 31, and a total of 457,656 pieces of information were collected, which was followed by analysis and research. The analysis report of the questionnaire will be released after the 2018 Spring Festival.

On April 28, sponsored by the Japanese Mint, the award ceremony of the 2016 International Coin Design Competition was held at the Tokyo International Coin Exhibition. “Lost Home”, designed by Zhong Chengxin from Shenzhen’s Guobao Mint Co. Ltd., won the Gold Award for Best Coin.

The Ninth Issue of JEAN 157

Column 專欄 8

On June 2, commercials for the Panda gold coin


On October 20th, according to the media “Loving

played during prime time on CCTV 1, which was an

Collection Consultation” (in Chinese:《爱藏收藏咨询》),

effort of China Gold Coin Corporation to promote Panda

a coin dealer in Guangzhou defrauded RMB10 millions

gold coins with the assistance of CCTV media.

of goods by taking advantage of credit term. There have been similar cases in the Beijing coin market, too. From experience, it happens more frequently when the coin market is in the dumps.

9 On July 12, China Gold Coin Corporation (CGCC) issued an important notice to its franchisees: for all trading in the CGCC system, franchised dealers and authorized dealers of Panda coins must comply with the law and pay taxes accordingly. Tax-free transactions of slabbed or graded coins are not permitted. Otherwise, CGCC will trace accountability. Wrong-doing is at the dealer’s own risk. If CGCC finds any customer selling the Panda gold coin at a premium over the initial issue

12 On October 22, a third-party information exchange website which intended to provide realtime information of trading price and rating of modern Chinese precious metal coins was on trial. It is an attempt to promote information transparency of the gold coin market in China.

price of the day, purchase qualification of the dealer will be terminated immediately. CGCC will punish the franchised dealers according to the franchise contract,


and disqualify the tax-exempt status of authorized dealers of Panda coins.


On October 30, the People’s Republic Bank of China - Currency, Gold and Silver Bureau and the China Banknote Printing and Minting Corporation issued the “Urgent Notice on Strengthening Administration of Coin Derivatives” (CGS Bureau On October 6, sponsored by the People’s Bank of China - Currency, Gold and Silver Bureau, and organized by the China Banknote Printing and Minting Corporation, the national tour for the 60th anniversary of the first Renminbi Coin Release was held in the Shanghai Library. The exhibition covered four sets of circulation coins issued, 108 ordinary commemorative coins in 96 varieties, and 2000 precious metal coins in multiple series. After the first exhibition in Shanghai, which lasted from October to November, other four tours will be held in Nanjing, Shenyang, Xian and Chengdu, one after another. The first issuance of RMB metal coins was on December 1, 1957.

158 《東亞泉志》第 9 期

[2017] #166), requiring to immediately stop the unauthorized promotion of derivative products connected to the design of the Renminbi, stop the sale of derivatives with the RMB symbol that may cause misunderstanding, stop using the names of the People’s Bank of China, China Banknote Printing and Minting Corporation or China Gold Coin Incorporation to promote sales, stop simulating coins by metals, and stop printing signature certificates of leaders of the People’s Republic Bank of China and China Banknote Printing and Minting Corporation for derivative sales. Above is an urgent notice issued by the People’s Bank of China to prevent misunderstandings in selling coin derivatives by its affiliated companies.

Column 專欄 14


2017 Beijing International Coin Expo

On November 11, the release ceremony of the Chinese edition of Coin of the Year book (COTY) was held in Beijing. In the ceremony, on behalf of COTY’s panel of judges, Clifford Mishler presented the 2017 Lifetime Achievement Award in Coin Design to Mr. Yu Min, the senior coin designer of Shanghai Mint Co. Fifth China Coin Collector Fellowship

November 10-12, the 2017 Beijing International Coin Expo was held in the Beijing National Convention Center with 248 domestic and foreign exhibitors. According to incomplete figures, in the whole year of 2017 there were at least 38 coin expos, trade fairs and seminars held in China. These included the Fifth

Ltd. Eight Chinese coin designers who had won COTY awards and eight COTY panel judges who are from China were present for the award ceremony. COTY was initiated by Krause Publications in 1984 and has become the most influential and important coin award worldwide. (The 2017 COTY awards were held in Germany).

China Coin Collector Fellowship, the 2017 Beijing International Coin Expo and the Fifth China Coin Expo.

The Ninth Issue of JEAN 159

Column 專欄

中國金幣市場 2017 年大事記 趙燕生(北京) 1 1 月 1 日,2016 年 12 月 31 日中華人民共和國國務

5 2 月 16 日,據多家媒體報道,北京琉璃廠東街一家


金幣經銷中心發生金庫盜竊案,被盜金幣和銀幣共 1023

960 號),對申請人提出的有關申請公開金銀幣返熔品種

枚,計 34.459 公斤,成本價值 1192.57 萬元人民幣。2


月 21 日這起盜竊案告破,抓獲三名嫌疑人。這是中國金





家最高行政機關就收藏者普遍關心的金銀幣實鑄量和返 熔量資料進行的資訊公開申請和行政覆議活動。

6 2

4 月 4 日,迪拜黃金與商品交易所(DGCX)宣佈“上

海金”期貨合約產品在迪拜正式上線。這是以人民幣為 1 月 19 日,清理整頓各類交易場所部際聯席會議第三


計價單位,以“上海金”為基準價的合約在國際金融市 場上首次應用。

頓“回頭看”活動做出動員和部署。8 月 2 日,清理整頓 各類交易場所部際聯席會議發出“郵幣卡類交易場所清理 整頓專題會議紀要”的通知(清整聯辦〔2017〕49 號), 對清理整頓郵幣卡類交易場所做出進一步部署。到目前為


止,絕大部分與郵幣卡相關的交易場所已經停業整頓或退 市。


2 月 13 日,首次由趙燕生主辦的 “中國現代貴金屬

幣文化藝術價值”問卷調查活動於 2 月 13 日在我國金幣 鐘承辛設計作品《Lost Home》(失去的家園)

市場舉行啟動。參加這次活動的有國內社會文化專家、藝 術及美術專家、錢幣設計雕刻及鑄造管理專家、著名收藏

4 月 28 日,由日本造幣局主辦的 2016 年國際硬幣

家及研究專家和錢幣收藏愛好者共計 436 人。這次活動至 5 月 31 日結束 , 共彙集和生成了 457656 條評價資料,有 關資料研究分析工作接續展開。已經完成的“中國現代貴 金屬幣文化藝術價值”問卷調查分析報告,將於 2018 年

設計大賽(ICDC)在東京國際錢幣展銷會會場舉行了頒 獎典禮,中國深圳國寶造幣有限公司設計師鐘承辛設計 的《Lost Home》(失去的家園)榮獲最佳作品金獎。



2 月 13 日,根據群眾舉報,河北定州市公安局破獲

8 6 月 2 日,中央電視臺第一套節目黃金時段開始播放

一起偽造金銀紀念幣案件,查獲偽造的金銀幣共計 9301


枚,案值近 700 萬元。目前案件正在審理中。


160 《東亞泉志》第 9 期

Column 專欄


11 7 月 12 日,中國金幣總公司向各特許經銷商發出重

10 月 20 日,據《愛藏收藏諮詢》報道,廣州一家


錢幣經營商利用賒銷方式詐騙貨款 1000 萬元人民幣。





級幣進行免稅交易,如出現上述違規操作,總公司將追 究其責任,一切後果自負。一旦發現有客戶通過封裝、 評級對熊貓普製金幣超過當天金幣公司發佈的初始發售 價格進行分銷銷售,立刻終止其特許經銷商或熊貓幣經



10 月 22 日,以協力廠商視角出發,用於動態查詢




資訊平臺開始上線試運行。這是提高中國金幣市場市場 訊息透明度的新嘗試。

10 13

10 月 30 日,中國人民銀行貨幣金銀局向中國印鈔 造幣總公司和中國金幣總公司發出《關於加強錢幣衍生 品管理的緊急通知》(貨金銀〔2017〕166 號),要求 立即停止未經人民銀行批准的涉及人民幣圖樣的衍生品 銷售推介行為;停止銷售標注有人民幣符號,可能引起 誤導的衍生品;停止使用中國人民銀行、中國印鈔造幣 總公司和中國金幣總公司名義推銷的行為;停止利用重 10 月 6 日,由中國人民銀行貨幣金銀局主辦、中國


印鈔造幣總公司承辦的人民幣硬幣發行 60 周年全國巡展




套、普通紀念幣 96 個品種 108 枚、貴金屬紀念幣多個


系列 2000 餘枚。上海首展之後,在 10 月至 11 月期間


陸續在南京、瀋陽、西安和成都四地進行巡展。中華人 民共和國人民幣金屬幣於 1957 年 12 月 1 日開始發行。

The Ninth Issue of JEAN 161

Column 專欄



2017 北京國際錢幣博覽會開幕式

《世界硬幣大獎賽》中文版 11 月 11 日,《世界硬幣大獎賽》中文版發行儀式 在北京舉行。期間,克利福德·米什勒先生代表《世界 硬幣大獎》評委會向上海造幣有限公司設計雕刻師余敏 先生頒發 2017 年度“終身成就獎”。有八位作品榮獲 過克勞斯大獎榮譽的中國錢幣設計雕刻師和八位世界硬 第五屆全國錢幣收藏博覽會開幕式

幣大獎賽中國評委參加了這次頒獎活動。 “世界硬幣大獎” 由美國克勞斯出版社和《世界硬幣新聞》于 1984 年聯

11 月 10-12 日,2017 北京國際錢幣博覽會在北京 國家會議中心舉行,國內外參展單位 248 家。據不完全 統計,2017 年在國內舉辦的具有一定規模的各種錢幣博 覽會、展銷會和交流會不少於 38 次,例如中國金銀幣愛 好者第五屆幣友聯誼會、2017 中國國際錢幣(北京)展 銷會和第五屆全國錢幣收藏博覽會等。

162 《東亞泉志》第 9 期

合發起,是目前世界上規格最高和影響範圍最大的硬幣 評選活動。

See us World Money Fair Berlin 2/2-4 Table B1

TOP CHINESE COINS 2nd Edition 《中國近代機製幣精品鑒賞》第二版 Price( 售價 ):US $100 Plus Postage( 不含郵費 )

In June 2010, Top Chinese Coins Vol. 1 was published by iAsure Group and the The Journal of East Asian Numismatics (JEAN). Top Chinese Coins Vol. 1 offers an in-depth summary of the final results from the Top Chinese Coins Survey, a landmark event held in winter 2009 to search for the 10 most valuable Chinese struck coins. Coins submitted for review were judged by their rarity, historical importance, artistic appeal, condition, market value and group identity. The deluxe bound book offered details on the Top Chinese Coins Survey as well as high-quality pictures, price trends, degrees of rarity and historical context of the 60 top Modern Chinese Coins.

Top Chinese Coins , Vol. 1 had a limited print run of 1000, leaving many numismatists and enthusiasts unable to purchase a copy of their own. In response to high demand, iAsure has made certain that the second volume which released in June 2011 will be available to a much wider audience. While Top Chinese Coins Vol. 1 included gold, silver and copper coins, the second volume highlights the great range of silver coins. It will also add summaries from auction sales that list pricing, degree of rarity, pedigree and grades. 2010年6月,愛秀集團和《東亞泉志》出版了《中國







品鑒賞•銀幣版》 (簡稱《銀幣鑒賞》)。

趨勢、珍稀度解析和背景故事等,在錢幣業界引起巨大 的轟動和反響,備受讚譽,被譽為“全景式展現中國珍 稀機製幣的重要鑒賞書籍”。

由於頁面所限,第二版刊載60枚中國銀幣精品的重 要資訊,在第一版的基礎上有多方面改進和加強。《銀 幣鑒賞》在最受歡迎和好評的照片拍攝和排版下更多功









If required, please contact Champion Auction 如果需要請與我們聯繫冠軍拍賣公司 Tel:021-6213 0771 Email:

Chopmarked Coins - A History 《戳記幣簡史》 Colin Gullberg 高林

Price ( 售價 ): US $50 Plus Postage ( 不含郵費 ) The book Chopmarked Coins- A History by Colin Gullberg is funded by iAsure Group. The softcover book is 187 pages in length, 210mm×285mm, fourcolor printing. It covers the history of foreign silver coins that circulated in China from 1600 to 1935 and contains images of some 150 coins. Gullberg includes firstperson accounts, summaries of all modern sources of knowledge on the subject and scans from a shroff’s handbook (circa 1890). It is the first English- language book on the subject since 1990 and only the second English language book on the subject.

愛秀集團贊助出版發行的 戳記幣英文專著《戳記幣簡 史》為軟裝本,正文內容187 頁,開本210mm×285mm, 四色印刷,闡述了1600年至 1935年間中國流通的外國戳記 銀幣概況,作者高林先生採用 第一人稱敘述,總結了現代有 關戳記幣的詳盡知識,並配有 某錢莊的手冊(約1890年)掃 描插圖和150多張戳記幣高清 圖片。本書是1990年之後的第 一本戳記幣英文專著,也是有 史以來的第二本戳記幣英文專 著。

Chinese And Foreign Papermoney Errors 《華洋怪鈔—中外錯體紙幣賞析圖鉴》 David Chio 趙康池 Aguang Chan 陳耀光

Price ( 售價 ):MOP $300; RMB 240; US $30 Plus Postage ( 不含郵費 ) In December 2015, this book was released by Macau Numismatic Society and edited by David Chio and Aguang Chan. A total of 1,000 copies was printed, 200 in hard cover and 800 soft cover. The book is 323 pages of full color A4 size 210×285 mm and features over 300 error notes and 800 photos. Notes from Chin dynasty to modern times and more than 10 countries and region is covered. The books also cover causes of errors, background information on the printing process and authenticity of errors. This is the first book in Chinese to feature this type of information on error notes and its collection.

该书由澳門錢幣學會於2015年 12月出版,趙康池、陳耀光編著。 印行1000冊,其中精裝本200冊, 平裝本800冊。是書全彩精印,小 A4开本,210mm×285mm,323 頁,選錄了中外錯體紙幣300多 種,圖片800多張,涵蓋中國自清 末到現今使用的紙幣,涉及中外十 多個國家和地區。本書對中外錯 體、錯版、變體等紙幣的成因、歷 史背景和辨偽,實事求是地作了係 統的、科學的分析與歸納,並介紹 了印鈔基本步驟和印鈔過程中所產 生的“另類”紙幣,補充了不少紙 幣收藏的基礎知識。可以說,本書 是首本對錯體紙幣進行全方位論述 的著作。

If required, please contact Champion Auction 如果需要請聯繫冠軍拍賣公司 Tel: 021-6213 0771 Email:

Appreciation of Modern Precious Metal Coins in China (Volume 1-5), edited by Wang Shihong, a famous Chinese gold and silver coins collector has been issued recently. This series of books were published by Encyclopedia of China Publishing House (ECPH), supervised by Coin Collection Committee, the branch of China Association of Collectors(CAC), and printed by Shanghai Artron Graphic Arts Company Limited. Ma Delun, former deputy governor of the People’s Bank of China, wrote the forward, and Dai Zhiqiang, the first curator of China Numismatic Museum, wrote a report for this series. When it comes to the main purpose of this book, the chief editor Wang Shihong says, “It is hoped that this series of books can provide relevant knowledge of modern gold and silver coins in China comprehensively and systematically and carry forward the excellent culture of our motherland, so that readers can have a more particular knowledge of the history and connotations of gold and silver coins, and better appreciate their artistic value.” He also hopes to attract more enthusiasts to participate in the investment and collection of gold and silver coins, gradually expand the size of collecting team, improve the brand effect of Chinese gold and silver coins and enhance their influence at home and abroad in order to realize a faster development of Chinese gold and silver coin industry.” Writing this series of books, Appreciation of Modern Precious Metal Coins in China (Volume 1-5), is a systematic project, so we set up the expert advisory committee and the editorial board. It took the Chinese professional elite team more than five years to compile these books. This series of books reveal the development of modern precious metal coins in China through the exclusive interviews with the decision-makers, designers, carvers, and coin collectors, as well as a large number of firsthand information rarely known by the people. This series of books is an encyclopedia of modern precious metal coins in China. With unique academic perspective and simple words, this series gives a full explanation of processes of project selection, design, production and so on, and also

Contact Information (for purchasing purposes): Domestic

Shanghai Hong’an Culture Communication Co. Ltd. Pay before delivery. Payment should be remitted to Hongkou subbranch of Shanghai branch of the Bank of Communications. The post office remittance is also acceptable. Account Number: 310066030018170238495 Contact Person & Phone Number: Luo Fei, 17717536767

International Price: 160USD (without postage)

Contact Person: Champiom Auction Phone Number: 021-62130771 Email:

Appreciation of Modern Precious Metal Coins in China (Volume 1-5)

Wang Shihong, chief editor of Appreciation of Modern Precious Metal Coins in China

make an intensive study of their cultural value, collectiing characteristics of precious metal coins. As a combination of authority, historical events, groovy knowledge, artistry, technicality, and readability, Appreciation of Modern Precious Metal Coins in China, not only serves as references for academic researchers and financial workers, but also as a standard work showing modern precious metal coins in China from an overall perspective for collectors of gold or silver coins. This series is 235mm X 290mm in size, octavo, with, composed of 5 volumes, containing about 2.5 million words and 2,000 pictures which are all exquisitely printed according to the original drawings. All the Chinese modern precious metal coins issued by People’s Bank of China from 1979 to 2014 are included in these books. Besides, related materials, such as the development history of modern precious metal coins in China, comparison table of classified catalog of modern precious metal coins in China, and materials about gold or silver coins, are also recorded in appendix. In order to promote the spread and popularization of professional knowledge of gold or silver coins and to release the readers’ economic burden, the chief editor, Wang Shihong takes the compilation, publication of this series of books as a public welfare undertaking. Expenses, such as compiling and management expenses, all come from selfless devotees who are interested in Chinese gold or silver coins. Therefore, the price of these 5 books is 160 USD (without postage), containing only costs of publication, printing, and issue. At the same time, the brass commemorative medal designed by the famous designer Luo Yonghui for the issue of Appreciation of Modern Precious Metal Coins in China will also be issued at the price of 450RMB for each.

學術性和可讀性於一體,不僅是學術研究者和金融工作者完 整的參考資料,也是金銀幣收藏者全面瞭解中國現代貴金屬 幣全貌的權威著作。 《中國現代貴金屬幣賞析》叢書的尺寸為 235mm X 290mm,8 開,全套共 5 本,約 250 萬字,累計有近兩千餘幅圖片 ( 所 有金銀紀念幣圖譜均按原大精印 )。 《中國現代貴金屬幣賞析》 收錄了 1979——2014 年中國人民銀行發行的所有中國現代貴 金屬紀念幣,而且還在附錄部分刊載了“中國現代貴金屬幣 發展簡史”、中國現代貴金屬幣分類目錄對照表及金銀帀相 關資料等。

《中國現代貴金屬幣賞析》主編王世宏先生 由中國大百科全書出版社出版,中國收藏家協會錢幣收藏委 員會監製,上海雅昌藝術印刷有限公司承印,中國人民銀行 讀後感,中國著名金銀幣收藏家王世宏主編的《中國現代貴 金屬幣賞析》( 第 1—5 冊 ) 已經出版發行。

負擔,王世宏主編把該書的編寫與發行當作一項公益事業來 做,所有編寫費用、管理費用等,全部由熱心中國金銀幣事 業的無私奉獻者捐贈解決,書價只含出版、印刷、發行等費用, 全書五冊定價僅 950 元(國際售價 160 美金,不含郵費)。同時, 還發行由著名設計大師羅永輝設計的《中國現代貴金屬帀賞 析》發行紀念大銅章,每枚定價 450 元。

王世宏主編在談及組織編寫《中國現代貴金屬幣賞析》主要 目的時表示:希望通過本書全面、系統地介紹中國現代金銀 幣的相關知識,弘揚祖國優秀文化,使廣大讀者能進一步瞭 解金銀幣的歷史和內涵,提高大家對其藝術價值的賞析能力, 以吸引更多的愛好者參與金銀幣的投資與收藏,逐步擴大金 銀幣的集藏隊伍,提高中國金銀幣的品牌效應和海內外影響 力,促進中國金銀幣事業的更快發展。 編寫《中國現代貴金屬幣賞析》是一項系統工程,為此,成 立了專家顧問委員會、編輯委員會,由中國專業精英團隊耗 時 5 年多時間精心編著。全書通過對決策者、設計師、雕刻師、 以及錢幣收藏家們的專訪,以大量鮮為人知的第一手資料, 揭示了中國現代貴金屬幣的發展脈絡與軌跡。 《中國現代貴金屬幣賞析》以其獨特的學術視角,樸素的敘 述文字,多角度、全方位地展示了中國現代貴金屬幣的選題 立項、設計雕刻、工藝製作等過程,同時在文化價值、收藏 屬性等方面做了較為深入的探討,是中國現代貴金屬幣資訊 資料的百科大全。

國內 欲購者請與上海宏盎文化傳播有限公司聯繫,款到發貨 書款請匯交通銀行上海分行虹口支行或郵局匯付 賬號 310066030018170238495 聯絡人:駱 飛 電話:17717536767 國外

售價:160 美元(不包含郵費) 欲購者請與冠軍拍賣上海辦事處聯繫 電話:15000120957 郵箱

冊)發行 1—5



《中國現代貴金屬幣賞析》 第 (


Shanxi Sycee 《陝西銀錠》 By Li Jiong

作者:李炯 Price (售價):RMB ¥398

Shanxi Sycee was published by Shanxi Media Group’s Sanqin Press in July 2015. It was written by Mr. Li Jiong, a collector and researcher of Shanxi sycee from Yulin, Shanxi. Mr. Li collected 600 varieties of Shanxi sycee over a ten–year period and after comparing and analyzing many collections of Shanxi sycee, he decided that there was a need for a professionally researched book on the subject.

the silver currency of Shanxi Province. Mr. Dai remarked that “This book is a professional work of research of Shanxi sycee. Mr. Li has taken advantage of local sources in his research and has made a great achievement in numismatic research. It covers all development stages of Shanxi sycee including its infancy, development, widespread adoption and its final discontinuation.”

Mr. Li has classified Shanxi sycee into six categories: 50 taels boat-shaped ingots, officially minted sycee, commercially minted sycee, Shanxi stamp remittance ingots from other provinces, odd-shaped sycee, and a sixth ‘other’ group of sycee. This book comprehensively shows the conditions of the circulation of Shanxi silver currency in the late Qing Dynasty and early Republic Period. This book also examines the social conditions including politics, economics, culture, and customs of that period. The president of the Xi’an Branch of The People’s Bank China Guo Xinming and prominent collector Dai Zhiqiang both wrote prefaces for this book. They remarked that this book was a masterpiece of Shanxi numismatics and filled a space in the research of

The book is A4 size and is 260 pages long with two additional trifold pages. It is printed in full-color and is illustrated with good quality graphics of Shanxi sycee. It was published by Shanxi Media Group’s Sanqin Press in July 2015. Buy from website: cgi?id=1648 (Note: the book is signed by the author) Contact: Mr. Li Jiong Cell Phone: 15529990006; 15667811786 Email: 五十兩船形銀錠、官鑄銀錠、商鑄銀錠、外省陝槽、陝 西異形銀錠、存疑待考銀錠六大類,全面展示了清末民 國時期陝西省白銀貨幣的通行現狀,側面反映了這一時 期政治、經濟、文化、民俗等方面的社會面貌。本書由 中國人民銀行西安分行行長郭新明、 著名錢幣學家戴志 強先生並序。郭序指出:《陝西銀錠》的出版,恰逢我 國 “一路一帶”戰略構想提出之際,是陝西錢幣研究的 又一力作,填補了陝西白銀貨幣研究的空白。戴序認為《陝 西銀錠》是一部有關陝西地方銀錠的專譜、專著,李炯 先生立足本鄉本土,充分利用和發揮地域優勢,十年磨 一劍,揚長避短,求實務實,走了一條錢幣集藏研究的“捷 徑”,一條成功之路。全書採用以文為主,以圖為輔的 串聯方式,揭示陝西銀錠產生、發展、興盛、衰落的全 過程。 该書大 16 開本,126 克雅粉全彩精印,幣圖清晰逼真, 共計 26 萬字,260 余頁,亦附三折拉圖兩幀。作者首次 在銀錠圖片旁附陜槽銘文複原印章一方。圖文並茂,值 得珍藏。

2015 年 7 月《陝西銀錠》由陝西出版傳媒集團三秦 出版社正式出版發行。作者李炯先生是陝西榆林本鄉本 土的銀錠收藏、研究者,他用十年時間,收藏了 600 餘 種陝西銀錠。通過大量實物藏品的比對分析,作者首次 提出建構陝西銀錠分類學研究,將陝西銀錠分類為:

錢幣天堂網發售 登錄 可獲得作者簽名書 聯絡人:李炯 購書電話:15529990006;15667811786 郵箱

Unofficial Banknotes Issued in Jiangxi Province By Xu Anmin Price :RMB ¥298 Unofficial Banknotes Issued in Jiangxi Province was written by prominent paper money collector Xu Anmin, and was published in December 2014 by Jiangxi People’s Press, with the support and planning of the Jiang Xi Banking Industry. The unofficial banknotes cataloged in this book were issued by local administrative agencies, banks and organizations (such as local armed forces, cooperatives) etc. The face value of these paper notes was the same as that of the national legal currency which was circulated in some defined regions. The book is illustrated with pictures of 185 of the banknotes issued in Jiangxi Province, of which 25 were issued in the Qing Dynasty, 11 by local administrative agencies, 15 by local armed forces, 19 by chambers of commerce, and 88 by money houses and business houses. In addition, there are 21 local gold dollar coupons, 4 silver coupons, and 2 special money. Additionally, there are about 30 printing blocks and anticounterfeiting seals. The 200 physical coupons are from the author’s collection. This is the first time these precious coupons, some of which are unique, have been published.

comments were mainly on the collectors’ errors, value,

The book is divided into the following sections:

star-rating, collection methods, current existing condition and personal target.The postscript presents author ’s 20

the foreword, brief introduction, catalog, comments,

years collecting experience, his star-rating and calculating

references and postscript.The guide defines the scope

method, which will help collectors.The references include

and the time of the research and collecting and the

the relative historical resources, monographs and research

definition of unofficial banknotes. This is the first time

articles from modern times.In additional, the author

these banknotes have been categorized according to their

verified the authenticity of physical bonds which need to

different features. A brief introduction was also given

be proved. He also wrote another two articles about the paper money: “The Research of Banknotes Issued by Wu

to each chapter of the book.The General Introduction includes features, the development of unofficial banknotes, the rise of collecting these notes and the research achievements for unofficial banknotes. The pictures of the banknotes, local gold coupons ( 金圆券 ), local silver coupons ( 银 圆 券 ), special money, printing blocks and anti-counterfeiting seals are illustrated in the book. The book comprehensively describes each physical coupon of the banknotes. Many ancient stories were discovered such as the words of celebrities, family rules, poetry and prose from the script and pattern of the banknotes.The

Zheng-Yuan Private Bank of JianYi (Feng Cheng City) ”, and “Remark on 1896 Banknotes Issued by Kiangsi Official Silver Bank Again ”. This book is 281 pages long and has more than 300 colorful pictures of the banknotes. It is printed in A4 size on colorful bronze paper with a fine binding. It is a professional book for collecting and researching the unofficial banknotes issued in Jiangxi. It is sold by Xinhua Book Stores all over the country at a price of 298 yuan.

《江西民間鈔票》 作者:徐安民 售價:RMB ¥298





年 12 月由江西人民出版社出版發行。該書收集的實物












185 張,其中清代鈔票 25 張,基層行政機構鈔票 11 張,


地方武裝鈔票 15 張,商會鈔票 19 張,錢莊商號鈔票

20 多年收藏實踐經驗的親身感悟和思想提煉,并創造

88 張,地方金圓券 21 張,地方銀元券 4 張,特殊幣 2 枚。


另有,鈔版及防偽印章 30 余件。書中所錄選的 200 多


件實物券,均來自作者 20 多年的私人收藏品。在這些





考證,并專門撰寫《劍邑吳正元錢號票考略》和《光緒 丙申年“江西官銀號”銀錢票再議》等文章,提出作者


觀點,供讀者參閱。該書圖文并茂,大 16 開本,全彩


銅牌紙印刷,精裝幀,281 頁,300 多幅實物原大彩圖,






書店經銷,定價 298 元。


Artist Yu Min Was Given the Lifetime Achievement Award by Krause Publication Coin of the Year Award Committee

Editor of World Coin News David C. Harper (L.) and Chinese Embassy Culture Department Secretary Dr. Li Gang

Shanghai Mint Co., Ltd senior designer Yu Min is watching CCTV News live

A Lifetime Achievement Award in Coin Design was given to Yu Min of the Shanghai Mint Co., Ltd., Feb. 4 at the Coin of the Year Award ceremony at the World Money Fair in Berlin, Germany.

He began designing and engraving coins in 1980 and participated in the entire development process of gold and silver Pandas as a designer and engraver since the frst gold panda coin was issued in 1982.

The trophy was accepted by Dr. Li Gang, Secretary of the Culture Department of Embassy of People’s Republic of China to the Federal Republic of Germany.

His 1983 silver Panda won the Best Silver Coin award in the 1985 Coin of the Year competition. He has designed and engraved over 200 Modern Chinese coins including over 40 commemorative Panda coins, including the 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012 and 2013 gold and silver commemorative Panda coins, over the years. Mr Yu Min may hold the world record for the number of coins designed/engraved by a artist for a modern mint.

Yu Min is the first Asian Designer to win the award , the previous three edition of the award went to Herbert Wahner of Austria, Maria Carmela Colaneri of Italy, and Heinz Hoyer and Sneschana Russewa-Hoyer of Germany. Giving the award was David C. Harper, editor of World Coin News, founding sponsor of the award. The award is also sponsored by the World Money Fair. The publisher of the Journal of East Asian Numismatics, Michael Chou, introduced Dr. Li. His publication is the third sponsor of the Coin of the Year Awards and it prepared a biography of Yu Min. Yu Min graduated from Shanghai Arts and Crafts School inAugust 1980 and entered the Shanghai Mint (now known as the Shanghai Mint Co., Ltd) to design and to engrave coins in the design and pattern shop at the same year. From February to June 1996 he went to Russia and studied in the Sculpture Department of Repin Academy of Fine Arts. He was enrolled as a member of the China Sculpture Institute in July 2004.

The 2009 Panda coin designed by Yu Min was named the Best Commemorative Coin by a German magazine. Among commemorative coins, he designed and engraved the portrait of Chairman Mao on the circulating coin to Mark the 100th birthday of Mao Tse-tung. It was very diffcult to engrave a raised image of the chairman to be struck on a very hard nickelclad steel coin. Yu Min accomplished this after repeated trials. In the selection process of the 2008 Beijing Olympic coins, Yu Min’s design was one of the finalists and his four joint engraving designs (the fencing, pentathlon, archery and soccer coins) were adopted by the head offce of Bank of China.

AUCOFFRE.COM was founded in 2009 by its French CEO and founder, Jean-François FAURE. ​is an online platform for private investors worldwide to buy and sell vault stored gold and silver coins. The Company has some 20,000 customers, 4 tons of vaulted gold, 11 tons of vaulted silver, 25 employees​ ​and​ ​a​ ​turnover​ ​of​ ​35​ ​millions​ ​euros​ ​worth​ ​in​ ​2015. At the end of 2011, decided to strike its own coin, one oz fine gold Vera Valor (with a title of 999.9%°). It has been the gold coin the most sold in France, Belgium and Switzerland in 2012. More than 35,000 Vera​ ​Valor​ ​coins​ ​have​ ​been​ ​sold​ ​since​ ​it​ ​was​ ​launched. Since then, decided to diversify its production and started to strike various editions of Vera coins (1/10 oz gold Vera Max Collector, 1 oz Vera Silver and so on …). More than 400,000 Vera Coins have been struck since its initial creation, which makes the first private Mint in France. In 2015, decided to strike a Map Coin Collection promoting small territories. The Company started to strike the first legal tender Vera Silver one ounce Zanzibar with a facial value of 1000 shillings of Tanzania (50,000 coins). These coins were sold quite quickly and the customers were even asking for further editions. Gibraltar is the second territory to be represented : 50,000 one oz Vera Silver and 5,000 one oz Vera Valor will be struck​ ​with​ ​legal​ ​tenders. In 2013, launched the VeraCash, the first and unique debit card that is backed by physical gold, the Vera Valor - unlike other debit cards that are backed by cryptocurrencies or dematerialised currencies. For the VeraCash, it is the physical gold that will determine the exact amount spent based on the gold price. Through the VeraCash card and the mobile application, it is also possible to send VeraCash units to another user as a means of payment : a VeraCash unit equals​ ​one​ ​unit​ ​of​ ​the​ ​national​ ​currency. and wish to put forward the true values of physical gold​ ​and​ ​silver​ ​whether​ ​in​ ​physical​ ​coins​ ​or​ ​as​ ​a​ ​means​ ​of​ p ​ ayment.

Mish International Monetary Inc. Mish國際錢幣公司 Specialists in 專營 Pandas since 1982 1982年起發行的熊貓幣 China Modern since 1979 1979年起發行的中國現代金銀幣 World Coins since 1964 1964年起專營世界錢幣

Looking To Buy?想買? Our inventory and knowledge has been available to both our colleagues and collector clients since coins of the People’s Republic of China first reached the world market in 1979. 自1979年中國現代金銀幣首次進入國際市場后,Mish 國際的員工及其藏家客戶積累了豐富的庫存和專 業的錢幣知識。

If you are looking for a particular China coin, chances are we have it, or may be able to recover it from an original buyer we sold it to years ago at first distribution. 想買中國幣?我們或許恰好有;也許多年前我們賣過,現在或許還能從原始買家手中買回來。

Looking To Sell?想賣? In this world of instant experts and brokers, Mish International is still your best choice to handle the purchase of your prized coins in this fast-changing market. Well-capitalized, truly knowledgeable and accommodating, we buy both single pieces and major collections at fair value with no delay, no limits and no excuses. 瞬息萬變的市場環境,Mish 國際仍是助您銷售錢幣的最佳選擇。雄厚的資金實力,專業的錢幣知識, 出色的協調能力,我們同時收購單枚幣和大型收藏,價格合理,快速付款。

Since 1964 始於1964

Here today. Here tomorrow 攜手今日 共贏明天 Mish International Monetary Inc Mish國際錢幣公司 1154 University Drive Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA 美國加州門羅帕克大學路1154號,郵編94025 Phone(電話):(650) 324-9110 Email(電郵)

Stack's Bowers and Ponterio Presents Highlights from Our April 2018 Hong Kong Auction of Chinese and Asian Rarities! Auction: April 2-4, 2018 Location: The Mira Hotel Hong Kong Honan Pattern 500 Cash ND (Ca. 1927-28)

Anhwei “EIVE” Cash Reeded Edge ND (Ca. 1902)

State of Qi Four Character Knife Warring States Period (400-220 BC)

Shantung Pattern 20 Cash Year 22 (1933)

Featured Highlights from the Q. David Bowers Collection of Chinese Copper Coins and Qi Knives Include:

Anhwei Square Hole 10 Cash (1902-06)

Shantung “Mi” 10 Cash ND (Ca. 1904-05)

State of Qi Five Character Knife Warring States Period (400-220 BC)

Anhwei “Flying Dragon” 10 Cash Reeded Edge ND (1902-06)

Pattern 10 Cash ND (1914) Signed “L. Giorgi”

State of Qi Six Character Knife Warring States Period (400-220 BC)

Anhwei 10 Cash Military Token ND (1902)

Pattern 10 Cash ND (Ca. 1914)

Call or email a consignment specialist today to discuss consigning your personal collection or individual coin and paper money items.

Pattern 20 Cash Year 10 (1921)

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Bangko Sentral ng Philippines 1998 Commemorative 100,000 Piso Banknote

New Polish Dealer selling on MA-Shops 波蘭 Podlaski Gabinet 錢幣公司在 MA-Shops 網站上線

Podlaski Gabinet 公司簡介: Marek Melcer’s Podlaski Gabinet Numizmatyczny has been oficially established in the year 2000. From the beginning our company’s main mission has been aimed at reliable coin evaluation and coin grading. Since 1999 we have organised fifteen professional numismatic auctions together with the Poznanski Dom Aukcyjny. Throughout all these years, we have gained a substantial experience in the coin trade and coin grading. We are the first Polish company (and the only one in three) invited to join a prestigious German Organization Der Verband der deutschen Münzenhändler e.V affiliating associations that deal with only licensed numismatic sales. We help collectors in creating and building up their coin collection. We are in close partnership with many numismatic companies and auction houses both in the country and abroad. What is more, we are actively present at the majority of important exchanges and numismatic auctions. It allows us to professionally represent our clients and purchase numismatic items on their behalf and with the highest level of expertise. Visit the shop:

馬雷克·梅爾徹爾的 Podlaski Gabinet 錢幣公司成立於 2000 年。自 一開始我們公司便主營真實可信的錢幣鑒定和評級業務。 1999 年,我們和波茲南斯基拍賣行一起辦了 15 場專業錢幣拍賣會。 這些年來,我們已經在錢幣交易和錢幣評級方面獲得了大量的經驗。 我們是唯一一家波蘭公司(三家中的唯一一家),受邀加入著名的 德國錢幣機構——德國硬幣經銷商協會,只從事授權錢幣的交易。 我們幫助收藏家創建他們的錢幣收藏集,和國內外諸多錢幣公司和 拍賣行有密切合作。更重要的是,我們積極地參加大多數重要的錢 幣交流會和拍賣會。這讓我們擁有高水準的錢幣專業知識,專業代 表我們的客戶選購錢幣。 流覽網店:

Nice coins offered by this dealer 優質品相錢幣在售:

August II Thaler 1717, Dresden mint. US $4,150.00 Silver 45 mm, weight 29,30 g. Catalogue References: Kopicki 11119 R4, Kaminski 629, Gumowski 2106 Very attractive and rare thaler minted to commemorate the death of the mother of Frederick Augustus I, Anna Sophia. 1717 年奥古斯特二世 1 泰勒,德累斯顿造币厂 4,150.00 美元 银质,直径 45 毫米,重量 29.30 克 目录参考:科皮斯克 11119 R4,卡明斯基 629,顾莫乌斯基 2106。 非常受欢迎的一枚珍稀泰勒,纪念弗雷德里克·奥古斯塔斯一世的 母亲安娜索菲亚的逝世。

1/2 Rouble 1819 NC RUSSIA US $3,500.00 Weight: 10.36 g Diameter: 28.00mm Catalogue References: Bitkin 163, KM C# 129. Condition: Scarce in this condition. 1819 年 1/2 卢布,俄罗斯北卡罗来纳 3,500.00 美元 重量 10.36 克,直径 28.00 毫米 目录参考:比特金 163,KM C# 129。 品相:罕见。

German New Guinea 5 Marks 1894 2,125.00 US$ Weight: 27.77 g Diameter: 38.00 mm Catalogue References: KM 5 1984 年德属新几内亚 5 马克 2,125.00 美元

Australia 100 dollars 2010 P. High Relief Koala 1,650.00 US$ Weight: 31.10 g Diameter: 27.00 mm Catalogue References: KM 1469. Diameter 27 mm, 1 Oz. Gold. Certificate PCGS PR 69 DCAM, scarce, low mintage 2000 pcs. Proof – High Relief

重量 27.77 克,直径 38.00 毫米

2010 年澳大利亚高浮雕考拉 100 澳元

目录参考:KM 5

1,650.00 美元 重量 31.10 克,直径 27.00mm 目录参考:KM 1469。直径 27 毫米,1 盎司金币。 PCGS 证书 PR69 DCAM,稀有,铸币量少至 2000 枚,高浮雕精制 币

Stater Kingdom of Macedon US $2,500.00 Ancient Greece. Kingdom of Macedon. Philip II 359-336 BC. Gold 17 mm, weight 8,58 g., Amphipolis mint. Obverse: Laureate head of Apollo right. Reverse: Charioteer driving biga right, holding kentron in right hand, reins in left; ivy leaf below horses. Catalogue references: Le Rider 70. 马其顿王国斯塔特 2,500.00 美元 古希腊,马其顿王国,菲利普二世(公元前 359-336) 金质,直径 17.00 毫米,重量 8.58 克,安菲波利造币厂 正面:阿波罗的戴桂冠头像,侧面向右 反面:御者右手持肯特隆显微硬度计,左手握缰绳,驾驶战车,向 右前行。战马下方为常春藤叶。 参考目录:骑士 70

OPEN YOUR MA-SHOP and sell to 300.000 collectors. 打开 MA-SHOP 网站, 向 300,000 收藏家出售钱币吧!

East Asia Journal 1984 Issue 《東亞通寶》第 1 期 1984 年發行

First Issue of JEAN digital edition January 2016 Issue 《東亞泉志》電子雜誌第 1 期 2016 年 1 月發行

入會申請表 Application Form 申請日期 Application date: 申請會員類別:

本地會員 Macau Member

Membership applied for:

外地會員 Non Macau Member

姓名 Name:

性別 Gender:

證件號碼 ID No.:

出生日期 Date of Birth:


住址 Add.:

職業 Occupation:

錢幣收集範圍 Interst:

聯絡電話 Phone Number:


會費 新會員需交付:入會費 MOP500.00 New membership fee: MOP 500.00

本會宗旨:團結錢幣愛好者,推動錢幣之收藏及研究 介紹人 Referee:(需我會兩位成員推薦 two members of the Society) 會員姓名編號 Member No: 會員姓名編號 Member No: 此欄由澳門錢幣學會填寫 (Filled by the Society only): 新會員入會日期: 新會員編號: 1)新會員需認同本會宗旨。 New members should comply with the Society regulations. 2)入會申請人需填妥本申請表、交 1 張相片及繳納相關入會費用。 Please attach one photo and pay the membership fee. Add: AV. DR. RODRIGO RODRIGUES. 600E-P105 FIRST INTERNATIONAL COM. CENTER, MACAU Tel: (853)2833 4556 Fax: (853)2830 4772 Email:

地址:澳門羅理基博士大馬路 600E-1 樓 P105 室 電話:(853)2833 4556 傳真:(853)2830 4772

余敏榮獲克勞斯出版社世界硬幣大獎評委會頒發的 終身成就獎

《世界錢幣新聞》主編 David C. Harper(左)和中國駐德國 大使館文化部秘書李剛

上海造幣有限公司高級工藝美術師余敏在觀看 CCTV 新聞 頻道

本屆世界硬幣大獎頒獎典禮於 2 月 4 日在德國柏林的世界錢

1993 年獲工藝美術師任職資格,並被聘為工藝美術師。2004


年 7 月,被中國雕塑學會吸收為會員。

得者是上海造幣有限公司的設計雕刻師——余敏。 余敏從 1980 年從事錢幣設計雕刻至今已 30 年,從 1993 年聘 中華人民共和國駐德意志聯邦共和國大使館文化部秘書——

為工藝美術師至今也已 23 年。從 1982 年發行第一枚熊貓金


幣起,至今已有近三十年歷史。余敏作為設計雕刻人員參與 並見證了熊貓金銀幣發展的整個過程。

余敏是首位獲得這項大獎的亞洲錢幣設計師,前三屆終身成 就獎的獲得者分別是:奧地利的赫爾伯特 • 韋納、義大利的瑪

由余敏設計雕刻的 1983 版熊貓銀幣獲得了 1985 年世界硬幣

利亞 • 卡梅拉 • 柯蘭納瑞以及德國的 Heinz Hoyer 和 Sneschana

大獎最佳銀幣獎,這些年,余敏一共設計和雕刻了 40 多枚紀

Russewa-Hoyer 夫婦二人。

念熊貓,包括 2005、2006、2008、2009、2010、2012 和 2013 熊貓金銀幣。余敏為現代造幣廠設計和雕刻的錢幣數量之多,



的大衛 •C• 哈珀負責頒發,而世界錢幣展也是本屆獎項的贊助 商之一。

他所設計的 2009 版熊貓幣被德國錢幣雜誌評為最佳紀念幣。

《東亞泉志》出版人周邁可先生為李博士做了一下介紹。 周

紀念幣方面,余敏設計並雕刻了毛澤東誕辰 100 周年流通紀




浮雕是一個近乎苛刻的任務,經過多次實驗之後,余敏最終 圓滿完成任務。

余敏 1980 年 8 月畢業於上海工藝美術學校(中專)。同年進 上海造幣廠(上海造幣有限公司前身)設計製模車間從事錢

在 2008 北京奧運幣的競標中,余敏的設計成為了入圍了最終


的決賽圈。余敏與他人合作的設計(擊劍、五項全能、射箭、 足球)也在競標被中國銀行選中。

1996 年 2 月至 6 月期間,赴俄羅斯列賓美術學院雕塑系進修。

由余敏負責設計、上海造幣廠生產的第一枚心形紀念熊貓 母親節特別收藏加厚版紀念熊貓(50g),鑄造量 300 枚

50 克的峨眉山面有金 頂佛光

30 克

30 克的峨眉山面沒有 金頂佛光

50 克



紀念熊貓。其中銀質熊貓共生產 1000 枚,品質為 30 克;金質熊

經銷商 Jerica,電話:941 952 0100;郵箱:jericainternational@

貓為 100 枚,重 8 克,另外還有特別收藏版 50 加厚克銀質熊貓,。

鑄造量為 300 枚,每枚熊貓上均打有編號。正面圖案為母親節康 乃馨、熊貓母親和倆個熊貓寶寶;背面圖案為熊貓故鄉——四川

地址:佛羅里達薩拉索塔 34236,1650 大道,Estate Coin and


Jewelry Galleria 公司。




展會熊貓曾在 2014 年 6 月的澳門錢幣學會年展、2016 年 7 月的


柏林世界錢幣展以及 2016 年美國錢幣協會展覽上取得過巨大的

499 美元的價格購得這種母親節特別收藏加厚版紀念熊貓,附帶


2016 年澳門錢幣學會國際年展紀念熊貓

2017 年柏林世界錢幣展覽會三色銅紀念熊貓

2016 年美國錢幣協會安娜海年會紀念熊貓

2017 年柏林世界錢幣展覽會三色銅紀念熊貓

AUCOFFRE.COM 成立於 2009 年,其創始人兼法國總裁是讓·弗朗索瓦·福爾。 AUCOFFRE.COM 是一家為全球私人投資者提供庫存金銀幣交易的網上平臺。 公司大約有 2 萬名顧客,4 噸黃金庫存,11 噸白銀庫存,25 名員工。2015 年 成交額達到 3500 萬歐元。 2011 年底,AUCOFFRE.COM 決定自鑄錢幣——1 盎司純金金幣 Vera Valor(意為“真實的價值”, 含金量為 999.9%°)。2012 年,在法國、比利時 和瑞士,Vera Valor 已成為銷量最大的金幣。該金 幣自發行起,銷量已超過 35,000 枚。 此後,AUCOFFRE.COM 決定使產品多樣化,開始鑄造各種版別的 Vera 錢 幣——1/10 盎司 Vera Max 金質收藏幣、1 盎司 Vera 銀幣等。Vera 錢幣自誕 生以來,鑄造量已超過 400,000 枚, 因此成為法國的第一私營造幣廠。 2015 年,AUCOFFRE.COM 決定打造一個宣傳小塊領土的地圖幣收藏集, 開始鑄造第一種法定貨幣——桑吉巴 1 盎司 Vera 銀幣,面值為 1000 坦尚 尼亞先令,鑄造量為 50,000 枚。這些 Vera 銀幣很快被搶購一空,很多顧 客甚至還想購買這種幣的更多版別。具有代表性的第二塊領土是直布羅陀, 也將鑄造此種法定貨幣—— 50,000 枚 1 盎司 Vera 銀幣和 5,000 枚 1 盎司 Vera Valor 金幣。 2013 年,AUCOFFRE.COM 發 行 了 VeraCash 金 卡——唯一也是首個消費實物黃金 Vera Valor 的借 記卡。和其他的借記卡不同,其他的借記卡消費的 是加密數位貨幣或虛擬貨幣。對於 VeraCash 金卡來 說,按照黃金價格,用實物黃金來確定用戶所花費 的確切金額。通過 VeraCash 金卡和移動應用,將 VeraCash 的金額發給另一用戶,也能成為一種支付 方式。一個單位的 VeraCash 錢幣等於一個單位的該 國貨幣。 不論是作為實物錢幣,還是一種支付方式, 和 都希望體現實物黃金和白 銀的真實價值。

《东亚泉志》电子杂志 《东亚泉志》为冠军拍卖公司总裁周迈可和著名钱币学专家史博禄于1994年创办, 是一本学术性钱币研究专业杂志。旨在让广大钱币收藏家、研究学者更深入地了解钱 币知识,让世界各地的读者更好地了解中国深厚的钱币文化。 杂志高级编辑史博禄1951年生于美国密苏里州圣路易斯市,为密苏里大学历史系学 士,哈佛大学中国研究专业硕士。1974-1977年在克劳斯出版社任《世界钱币新闻》 助理编辑,参与《世界硬币标准目录》与《世界纸钞标准目录》编辑工作。史博禄拥 有30多年的收藏和研究中国钱币的丰富经验。他在《东亚泉志》上发表的研究文献极 大地丰富了中国钱币的知识内涵。 《东亚泉志》于1994年7月份问世,在20多个国家发行,广受欢迎,长期占据许多重 要图书馆书架的显著位置,包括美国国家博物馆史密森尼学会、大英博物馆、哈佛燕 京图书馆、哈佛大学、耶鲁大学、哥伦比亚大学、斯坦福大学、康奈尔大学和美国钱 币学会、美国钱币协会。杂志刊发过不少有重要学术价值的文章,如詹姆斯•史威尼 写的《1900年京局银元》、史博禄写的《徐世昌刻字纪念章》和《民国二十五年和 民国二十六年之中国银元故事》、汤姆•基纳写的《1897年浙江三分六厘样币和1899 年安徽三分六厘流通币的关系》以及曾泽禄写的《台湾老公银伪品》等。 2015年5月,周迈可决定于2016年1月复刊《东亚泉志》为电子季刊,中英双语。内 容以披露最新钱币收藏研究成果、推介泉界成功人士的事迹为主。主要栏目有学术研 究、人物专访、鉴赏争鸣、拍卖回顾、重要信息等。聘请著名钱币研究学者袁水清担 任中文主编。袁水清,1948年生,大学金融专科毕业,从事银行工作30多年。中国 钱币学会会员,陕西省钱币学会常务理事,西安市收藏协会常务副会长。同时聘请国 内外知名的钱币学者、收藏家及专业人士加入,如美国华人钱币学者曾泽禄、美国纸 钞专家弗雷德·施万、美国东南亚钱币专家霍华德·丹尼尔、德国中国现代币研究学者 塞巴斯蒂安·威斯霍夫斯基、香港中国现代金银币研究学者陈景林、台湾钱币学者周 建福、《戳记币简史》作者台湾东吴大学加拿大籍高林教授等。 从2017年起,《东亚泉志》加盟由克劳斯在德国柏林世界钱币展览会期间举办的 “世界硬币大奖”颁奖活动。

《东亚泉志》2017年免费订阅,如果需要,请把您的邮箱发到! 《东亚泉志》第一期在线阅读

The Journal of East Asian Numismatics Bilingual (English-Chinese) Digital Quarterly

In 1994, The Journal of East Asian Numismatics (JEAN) was founded by Michael Chou, the CEO of Champion Auction and Bruce Smith, a noted numismatist. It is a professional numismatic academic journal whose mission is to educate collectors and researchers on the subjects of Chinese numismatics, culture and history. Bruce Smith, the chief editor of JEAN, was born in 1951 in St. Louis, MO. He received his BA in history from the University of Missouri St. Louis; and his MA in China studies from Harvard University. In 19741977, he worked for Krause Publications as Editorial Assistant on World Coin News and as cataloger for Standard Catalog of World Coins and Standard Catalog of World Paper Money. He was a full time coin dealer 1977-1987. In 1988-1989, he studied in China as a student of China Studies in Chengchow (Zhengzhou) University, Henan province. In 1991-1993, Mr. Smith was a graduate student at Harvard University. In 1994-1998, he was the editor of The Journal of East Asian Numismatics (JEAN). Bruce Smith has been a collector and researcher of Chinese coins for over 30 years. His published research in JEAN has added immensely to the body of knowledge for Chinese coins. The first issue of JEAN was released in July 1994, and the last issue (18th issue) in 1998. Most articles were written in English, the remainder in Chinese. The journal was distributed in over 20 countries, and remained a mainstay on many important library shelves, including the Smithsonian Institution, the British Museum, the Harvard Yenching Library, Harvard University, Yale University, Columbia University, Stanford University, Cornell University, the ANS (American Numismatic Society), and the ANA (American Numismatic Association). The journal enjoyed great popularity and many important articles were published in JEAN, including “Peking Coins of 1900” by James Sweeny, “More on the Hsu Shih-chang Medals with engraved names” and “The true story of China’s 1936 and 1937 Silver Dollars” by Bruce Smith, “The Apparent Relationship between 1897 Chekiang 5 Cents Pattern and 1899 Anhwei

JEAN Online Links 《東亞泉志》在線閱讀

The First Issue

5-Cents Circulation Strike” by Tom Keener, and “A Forgery of Taiwan’s Old Man Dollar” by Dr. Che-lu Tseng. In May 2015, Michael Chou decided to start issuing the journal again starting in January 2016. The famous numismatic researcher Mr. Yuan Shuiqing will be chinese chief editor. He is a member of China Numismatic Society, serving as executive director of the Shenxi Numismatic Society and executive vice president of the Xi’an Collectors Association. As a numismatic researcher, he was chief editor of Collections and China Numismatics. He has published over 100 numismatic research articles and the masterpiece The Elite of Monetary History of China. Other distinguished contributors from home and abroad are numismatists, collectors and coin dealers, including Bruce Smith (author of Howard Franklin Bowker-Numismatic Pioneer), Colin Gullberg (Canada, author of Chopmarked Coins-A History), Wang Chunli (China, author of Illustrated Catalog of China’s Jilin Province Silver Coins and Illustrated Catalog of Chinese Gold & Silver Coins), Chinese American senior numismatist Dr. Che-lu Tseng, senior numismatic scholar of China modern gold and silver commemorative coins King L. Chan (Hong Kong), senior numismatist Chien Fu Chou (Taiwan) and CEO of Beijing Coins website Richard Guo. It will be a quarterly, bilingual e-journal, covering the latest numismatic research, interviews with famous collectors, auction reviews, and general news. The Journal's distribution is now over 5,000, including over 2,000 in Greater China region. Starting in 2017, Journal of East Asian Numismatics is a co-sponsor of Krause's Coin of the Year Award Ceremony in Berlin with World Money Fair. You are welcome to subscribe, submit articles for publication, and advertise in the upcoming JEAN. The 2017 subscription is free of charge. Please send your email to

The Second Issue The Third Issue

The Fourth Issue

The Fifth Issue

The Sixth Issue


The Seventh Issue The Eighth Issue

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Issue 12



US $500 (¥ 3,500)

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US $1,000 (¥ 6,500)

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* full page (A4): 210×297mm

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東亞泉志 電子季刊 · 中英双语


2015 年 5 月,周邁可先生決定于 2016 年 1 月復刊《東亞泉誌》,

家史博祿先生于 1994 年創辦,是一本學術性錢幣研究專業雜誌。

聘請著名錢幣研究學者袁水清先生擔任主編。袁水清,1948 年生,


大學金融專科畢業,從事銀行工作 30 多年。中國錢幣學會會員,



雜誌高級編輯史博祿先生 1951 年生於美國密蘇里州聖路易 斯市,為密蘇里大學歷史係學士,哈佛大學中國研究專業碩士。 1974-1977 年在克勞斯出版社任《世界錢幣新聞》助理編輯,參與《世 界硬幣標準目錄》與《世界紙鈔標準目錄》編輯工作。1977-1987 年全職進行錢幣交易。1988-1989 年在中國鄭州大學留學,主修中 國研究課程。1991-1993 年在哈佛大學攻讀碩士。1994-1998 年任 《東亞泉志》總編。史博祿先生擁有 30 多年的收藏和研究中國錢 幣的豐富經驗。他在《東亞泉志》上發表的研究文獻極大地豐富了 中國錢幣的知識內涵。

歷任《收藏》《古泉園地》《西部金融 • 錢幣研究》雜誌的責任編輯, 《中國錢幣界》雜誌主編。多年來他傾力于中國貨幣史和錢幣學的 研究,發表過近百篇錢幣研究文章;2012 年,出版了匯集中國古 今錢幣的鴻篇巨製《中國貨幣史之最》。同時聘請國內外知名的錢 幣學者、收藏家及專業人士加入,如《霍华德 • 富兰克林 • 包克—— 錢幣學研究先驅者》作者史博祿先生、 《戳記幣简史》作者高林先生、 《熊貓金銀幣收藏指南》作者皮特 • 安東尼先生、《中國吉林銀圓 圖譜》和《中國金銀幣目錄》作者王春利先生、美國華人資深錢幣 學者曾澤祿先生、香港中国现代金银币资深研究学者陳景林先生、 台灣資深錢幣學者周建福先生、美國現代金銀幣資深經销商羅伯特 •

《東亞泉志》于 1994 年 7 月份問世,1999 年停刊,發行了 18 期。 雜誌中大部分文章是英文,只有少部分是中文,在 20 多個國家發行, 廣受歡迎,長期佔據許多重要圖書館書架的顯著位置,包括美國國 家博物館史密森尼學會、大英博物館、哈佛燕京圖書館、哈佛大學、 耶魯大學、哥倫比亞大學、斯坦福大學、康奈爾大學和美國錢幣學會、 美國錢幣協會。雜誌刊發過不少有重要學術價值的文章,如詹姆斯 • 史威尼寫的《1900 年京局銀元》、史博祿寫的《徐世昌刻字紀念章》 和《民國二十五年和民國二十六年之中國銀元故事》、湯姆 • 基納 寫的《1897 年浙江三分六釐樣幣和 1899 年安徽三分六釐流通幣的 關係》以及曾澤祿寫的《台灣老公銀偽品》等。

米什先生、美國東南亞錢幣專家亞當 • 比亞吉先生以及北京錢幣網 总裁郭嘉華先生等。 復刊后的《東亞泉誌》為電子季刊,中英双语。內容以披露最 新錢幣收藏研究成果、推介泉界成功人士的事跡為主。主要欄目有 學術研究、人物專訪、鑒賞爭鳴、拍賣回顧、重要資訊等。 從 2017 年起,《東亞泉志》加盟由克勞斯在德國柏林世界錢 幣展覽會期間舉辦的“世界硬幣大獎”頒獎活動。 《東亞泉志》2017 年免費訂閱,如果需要,請把您的郵箱發 到 !

JEAN Online Links











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第 10 期

4 月 30 日


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第 11 期

7 月 30 日


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第 12 期

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