The seventh issue of jean

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2017 年 08 月 August 2017 第 7 期 總第 25 期 No. 7 Issue 25

THE JOURNAL OF EAST ASIAN NUMISMATICS 中英雙語 電子季刊 Bilingual (English - Chinese) Digital Quarterly

中國長城 China Great Wall

柏林勃蘭登堡門 Berlin Brandenburg Gate

柏林勃蘭登堡門 Berlin Brandenburg Gate

中國余敏版銀章背面 China Yu Min Version (reverse)

正面圖案相同 Same Obverse Side

2017 年中德建交 45 周年中德友好紀念章 The 2017 Sino-German Friendship Commemorative Medal

本期專題 Features

王海燕的西藏錢幣收藏研究歷程 Wang Haiyan’s Tibetan Coin Collecting and Research 施洛塞尔的亚洲钱币收藏中的西汉酒令筹码 The discovery of some rare gambling coins of emperor Wu 戰壕裏的錢幣藝術 Numismatic Trench Art

德國 Hoyer 版銀章背面 China Yu Min Version (reverse)


2017 年 08 月 August 2017 第 7 期 總第 25 期 No. 7 Issue 25

THE JOURNAL OF EAST ASIAN NUMISMATICS 中英雙語 電子季刊 Bilingual (English - Chinese) Digital Quarterly


Che-lu Tseng



Publisher & Editor in-Chief

Michael H. Chou



Senior Editor

Bruce W. Smith




Yuan Shuiqing



Advertising & Circulation Manager

Wang Yue



聯繫我們 Contact Us 臺北公司 Taipei Office 臺北市南京西路 163 號 1 樓 50-51 室 Room 50-51, No.163 Nan King W. Rd., Taipei 電話 (Tel):886-2-25551761 郵箱 (Email):

上海辦事處 Shanghai Office 上海市普陀區常德路 1211 號寶華大廈 1808 室 Room 1808, Bao Hua Building, No.1211, Changde Rd., Putuo District 電話 (Tel):86-21-62130771 郵箱 (Email):

前言 Foreword Welcome to the 7th edition of the Journal of East Asian Numismatics. Our mission is to promote numismatic exchanges between the East and West. Along those lines, in this issue, we feature an article about the William Gladstone Medal by the famous numismatic researcher Howard Franklin Bowker. Mr. Yuan Shui Qing, our Chinese Editor, has submitted an article in which he interviews Tibetan coin expert and senior researcher Wang Haiyan of Kirin Province. Also in this issue we welcome another guest article about Chinese show pandas by Sebastien Wieschowski, a German editor with many years of experience writing about modern numismatics in the leading publications in Germany. Fred Schwan, numismatic researcher, has submitted an interesting article about Numismatic Trench Art.

歡迎閱讀第 7 期《東亞泉志》。我們的宗旨是促進東西方 之間的錢幣交流。

Our Senior Editor, Bruce Smith, has again provided us with a book review which should be very interesting for our readers. Senior museum Numismatic researcher Thomas Ulhmann of Germany has provided an article on Rare Gambling tokens of Emperor Wu. Mr Zhao Yansheng , former General Manager of China Great Wall Investments Ltd in Hong Kong submitted “Exploring official versions of Chinese Modern Precious Metal Coins.” Mr Sheng Weiren of the National Museum of China provided us with an article on Wu Zhu coin die and casting technology in the Eastern Han Dynasty. Finally, Lu Boxiong has submitted a study of “A set of Fake ‘Da Hei Shi’, the Second Series of RMB Banknotes.” We hope you enjoy these interesting, well-researched articles ! Michael Chou Publisher and Editor in Chief

《東亞泉志》高級編輯史博祿的書評可能會引發諸位讀者 的興趣。資深博物馆钱幣研究家托馬斯·烏爾曼(德國)的文章 為我們介紹了一種罕見的漢武帝時期的行酒令籌碼。前香港中

本期雜誌我們刊登了知名錢幣學家霍華德·佛蘭克林·包 克關於威廉·格拉斯頓紀念章的一篇文章。

國長城硬幣投資有限公司董事總經理趙燕生先生撰寫了一篇關 於中國現代貴金屬幣 “官方版別”的賞析文章。中國國家博物 館藏品保管部副主任盛為人和我們探討了關於國博收藏的建武

中文主編袁水清先生為我們撰寫了一篇吉林西藏幣專家及 資深研究家王海燕先生的一篇採訪稿。 本期雜誌,我們邀請到了具有多年在德國一流出版物上撰 寫現代錢幣文章經驗的塞巴斯蒂安·威斯霍夫斯基先生為我們帶

五銖錢範和東漢時期鑄幣工藝的問題。而盧伯雄先生則為諸位 帶來了一篇關於第二套人民幣 “大黑拾”真假鑒別的精彩文章。 希望這些趣味性與研究性兼備的文章能夠讓諸位讀者喜 歡!

來了一篇關于慕尼黑展會紀念熊貓的文章。另外,錢幣研究學 者,弗雷德·施萬為我們貢獻了一篇關于戰壕錢幣藝術的精彩文 章。


CONTENTS 目錄 Features 專題 Yuan Shuiqing (Xi’an)




Thomas Uhlmann (GER)




Numismatic Trench Art

Fred Schwan (USA)





Wang Haiyan’s Tibetan Coin Collecting and Research 王海燕的西藏錢幣收藏研究歷程 The discovery of some rare gambling coins of emperor Wu 施洛塞尔的亚洲钱币收藏中的西汉酒令筹码

Departments 部門 JEAN Summer 2017 News & Info #3

Bruce W. Smith (USA)




Book Review

Bruce W. Smith (USA)





Yuan Fang (Xi'an)




Sebastian Wieschowski (GER)


《東亞泉志》2017 夏季新聞

The Fourth National Numismatic Collection Exhibition Held in Wuhan 第四屆全國錢幣收藏博覽會在武漢舉行

Column 專欄 Set of Four Medals, 2017 Pieces Struck: Munich Coin Show Panda Returns after 20 Years 一套 4 枚、共鑄造 2017 枚的慕尼黑展會紀念熊貓 20 年後再度回歸 Exploring Official Versions of Chinese Modern Precious Metal Coins 中國現代貴金屬幣“官方版別”探秘 The William Ewart Gladstone Medallion 威廉·尤爾特·格拉斯頓紀念章 An Apparent Relationship Between The 1897 Chehkiang 5-Cents Pattern And The 1899 Anwei 5-Cents Circulation Strike 論 1897 年浙江三錢六分銀幣樣幣與 1899 年安徽三錢六分流通銀幣之間的聯繫 Coin Casting in Traditional Korea 古朝鮮錢幣鑄造 A Set of Counterfeit “Da Hei Shi” Second Series RMB Notes 第二套人民幣“大黑拾”及其真偽鑒定 The Jian Wu Wu Zhu Coin Die and Casting Technology in the Eastern Han Dynasty 館藏建武五銖錢范與東漢時期的鑄幣工藝

塞巴斯蒂安·威斯霍夫斯基(德國) 52 Zhao Yansheng (Beijing)




H. F. Bowker (USA)




Thomas W. Keener (USA)




Don Preifer (USA)




Lu Boxiong (Changsha)




Sheng Weiren (Beijing)


盛為人 (北京)


Departments 部門

JEAN Summer 2017 News & Info #3 Bruce W. Smith (USA)

Tsitsihar Mint No modern coins from Heilungkiang were known until

July 1944 when a brass pattern Heilungkiang dragon half dollar was published in the Shanghai journal, Ch'uan Pi

(Quanbi). Then in 1985 the matching dollar in brass turned up in Germany. No further coins in this series were known,

and it was uncertain whether the dollar and half dollar were

genuine. Then in a June 2014 Kunker auction in Germany, the Heilungkiang 20 cents and 10 cents, both in brass, appeared. Meanwhile, in a June 2012 Kunker sale, a group of more

than 40 dies for Chinese dragon coins and a Sinkiang cash

coin, was offered in a single lot. This lot was sold to Michael Tsitsihar Mint (front)

In the summer of 2017 an Ebay seller in Estonia offered

for sale an old picture postcard depicting two buildings.

According to the Russian inscription on the card, the buildings were the Russian church and the coin mint at Tsitsihar

(Chinese: Qiqihar), the capital of Heilungkiang Province. This is an amazing revelation since previously no mint was known to have ever operated in Heilungkiang - not even a cash coin

mint. Who built this mint, when it was built, and what coins if any it produced is unknown.

The northernmost of the three Manchurian provinces,

bordered by Russia, Heilungkiang was during the Qing

Dynasty an undeveloped preserve for Manchus. In late Qing times, Chinese and Russians began settling in the province, especially after a treaty was signed in 1896 allowing the

Russians to build what became the Chinese Eastern Railway across the province to Vladivostok, and south through Kirin and Fengtien to connect with Port Arthur and Dalien. The railroad was largely financed through the Russo-Chinese

Bank, whose charter allowed it to mint coins to pay railway

workers. In the summer of 1900, Boxer rebels tore up much

of the tracks which had already been laid. Russia sent troops to China, entering Manchuria by land from the north and by river from the south. The Russians occupied the arsenal at Tsitsihar, which had been in operation since the 1880's.

During the Russian military occupation (1900-1905),

work on the railroad was renewed at an excellerated rate, especially during 1901. The Russians also built the Holy

Apostles Peter and Paul church, which was consecrated in

November 1903 and is shown on the postcard. This tells us

that the photograph used for the postcard was taken in 1903 or later, though the mint buildings might have been there earlier.

Chou and in 2016 donated to the Moritzburg Art Museum in Halle (Saale), Germany through the efforts of Michael Chou and Kunker Auction. These dies were produced by the Otto Beh engraving firm on behalf of the L. Schuler machinery

company, which had secured contracts to outfit several mints in China. Among the Otto Beh dies were those for a full set of

five Heilungkiang dragon coins. Documents revealed that Beh had engraved this set of dies in 1899.

Chinese documents show that in 1896 the military

governor of Heilungkiang, En Tse, petitioned the national

government to allow the annual subsidy paid to his province be provided in the form of silver dollars and fractional silver coins of the type made in Kwangtung and Hupeh provinces

[rather than in sycee or cash coins] due to a shortage of coins there. As reported in the North China Herald 14 August

1896, the Board of Revenue ordered that such coins from the Wuchang Mint be sent to Heilungkiang. In 1898 the

province requested that the Kirin Mint make coins for its

use. Judging from this, it is possible that the government

officials in Heilungkiang wished to produce their own coins, ordered equipment and dies from Schuler, and constructed

buildings for the projected mint. These plans were apparently abandoned, perhaps due to the Boxer Uprising in 1900, and no coins were actually struck in Tsitsihar.

A second possibility is that the Heilungkiang coins were

ordered by the Russo-Chinese Bank, under the terms of the

railroad treaty, but for some reason, were never produced. We do know from statements by B. L. Putnam Weale 帕特南·威爾 (Manchu and Muscovite 滿人與俄國人 ; 1904) and Alexander Hosie 謝立山 (Manchuria: Its People, Resources and Recent History; 1902), 滿洲:歷史、人民、資源 both of whom

traveled widely in Manchuria at that time, that the Russo-

Chinese Bank did lease the Kirin Mint during 1901 to produce coinage to pay railroad workers. Interestingly, the center


東 亞 泉 志


Departments 部門 design of the Kirin coins was changed from a flower pot to a

inside banners - and the Kirin gold coins - all dated 1901 and


copper and gold coins at Tsitsihar, inscribed Kirin so they

yin yang symbol during the years Russia occupied Manchuria A third possibility is that the Tsitsihar Mint was not

located in Tsitsihar City, but in the Russian town which grew

up around the railroad, which passed about 15 miles south of the old city, and was called Tsitsihar Station. That land - 14

miles on either side of the tracks - was owned by the railroad under terms of the treaty. According to Weale, who visited Tsitsihar in 1903, the Russians planned to build a Russian town, including an arsenal and powder mill. Perhaps the

Russians did build an arsenal with a small mint attached

during the expanded railroad construction in 1901. What coins would that mint have made? One possibility is the strange,

Russian style, Kirin copper coins with the English inscriptions

all crudely made. Perhaps the Russians planned to produce would be more widely accepted in circulation, but found

their engravers and equipment to be of too poor quality to

be accepted. They might then have asked the Kirin mint to

produce the silver half dollar with English inside banners. The 1901 Kirin copper coins - all extremely rare - are too poorly

made to have been products of the Kirin Mint. The 1901 Kirin half dollar, on the other hand, is too well made to have been

produced by the same mint which produced the copper coins. Under this theory, the Russians tried to open their own mint in Tsitsihar in 1901, found their efforts unsuccessful, and

instead leased the Kirin Mint. Whatever the answer is to this mystery, the author was happy to purchase the postcard.

Inner Mongolia 70th Anniversary Coins

To commemorate the 70th anniversary of the Inner

Mongolia Autonomous Region, China has issued a set of

three precious metal coins. The obverse of each coin displays the state arms of China with the date below. The 100 Yuan

.999 fine gold coin, measuring 22mm and weighing 8 grams (mintage 10,000 pieces), features a horse running to the right, with inscription above in Chinese and Mongolian,

and denomination below. The 50 Yuan .999 fine silver coin, measuring 70mm and weighing 150 grams (mintage 5,000

pieces), depicts a group of dancers with banners, Chinese and Mongolian inscription above, and the denomination below. The 10 Yuan .999 silver coin completing the set, measuring

40mm and weighing 30 grams (mintage 20,000 pieces), has a

complex design showing a horse head, a musical instrument, a long scarf, yurts, a wind farm and a highway. China previously issued coins in 1987 commemorating the 40th anniversary of Inner Mongolia.

South Korea To Stop Using Coins by 2020 According to stories in World Coin News, BBC Radio

and elsewhere, South Korea has begun an experiment aimed at eliminating all coins from active circulation by 2020. The

Bank of Korea announced in April 2017 that consumers could accept their change from cash purchases on debit cards at

specified stores. The only stores mentioned which currently

東 亞 泉 志



participate in the debit change card program are the chains

7-Eleven, E-Mart, Lotte Mart and Lotte Department stores. South Korea's highest denomination coin in circulation, the 500 Won, is worth about U.S. 45 cents; the lowest

denomination note is the 1000 Won, worth about 90 cents.

Departments 部門

Korean Coin Riot of 1978 Another story about South Korean coins was published

in the 28 May 2017 issue of the internet magazine, Esylum, published by the Numismatic Bibliomania Society (an organization of numismatic book collectors; see www.

The 1978 South Korean Commemorative Coin Riot

South Korean coin enthusiast Mark Lovmo of Minneapolis


I've written a new article about South Korea's 42nd World

Shooting Championships commemorative coins (KM #22

and #23), released in 1978. This was South Korea's second

domestically-minted commemorative issue and was made for the International Sport Shooting Federation's shooting event hosted in Seoul that year.

Due to some interesting local circumstances at the time in

Korea, the release of the silver commemorative caused a near riot. When was the last time that you've heard the sale of a

commemorative coin that attracted 20,000 people(!) to show up all at the same time?

The story behind the manufacture and release of

these two South Korean commemorative coins is a roller coaster ride of tight deadlines and inadequacies at the

Mint; all thrown in with a meddling big-shot friend of the president of the country. And if it had not been for a lastminute policyexception, the whole thing might not have

happened at all. Such instability surrounding South Korea’s commemorative coin production was apparently the modal

state of affairs in the late 1970s. Leading up to the 1978 release

of these coins, the Korean Mint was still quite new to advanced coin manufacturing processes involving the production of

What followed, from March to July 1977, were five months

of tedious back-and-forth consultations with Chairman Pak over the coin designs as the Bank of Korea and the Komsco

team got bogged down attempting to satisfy the Chairman’s

desires concerning the coins’ appearance down to the tiniest detail. Having a micromanaging third party inserting itself between the Komsco team and the Bank of Korea was an

unusual and frustrating experience that required an extra

effort on the part of the practitioners involved. Despite this

difficulty, the design team finalized work on two designs that ultimately met with Pak’s approval.

By July 25th, the proposed coins also had the approval of

high quality proof coins, and had particular problems in both

the Governor of the Bank of Korea, Kim Sung-hwan. Governor

for the manufacture of the master dies. Despite the problems,

Championships commemorative issue: A 2,500 Won silver

engraving and in the creation of the critical pieces of tool steel the coins were released on schedule, and the silver coin of this series became an overnight sensation, making them some of

the most popular commemorative coins ever issued in South Korea.

As the planning and design phase for the new

commemoratives got underway, the Chairman for the shooting championships, Pak Jong-gyu, made an urgent request to the

Kim announced that two coins were to make up the Shooting

coin featuring the image of the Muyong mounted archer, and a 500 Won coin displaying the design of the standing rifle

competitor. The 2,500 Won Silver coin design was the work of senior Komsco designers Kang Bak and Jo Byung-soo, while

junior designers, Ryu Taek-soo ( 류택수 ) and Lee Ye-soo ( 이 예수 ) co-designed the images on the 500 Won coin.

During its final review of their event’s commemorative

Bank of Korea that priority be given to the commemorative

coin designs, the Shooting Championships committee

strongly requested that the Mint redouble its efforts to

denomination. The Bank of Korea subsequently changed the

coins being made for the event that he was organizing. Pak have the Shooting Championships coins ready for release

before June 1978 in order not to disrupt the distribution and

marketing schedule for the coins. In response to this request,

the Mint soon shifted the focus of its design work to preparing the shooting championships coins.

requested a change to the coins’ planned diameter sizes and

specifications, enlarging the silver coin’s diameter from 32mm to 35mm, and the value from 2,500 Won to 5,000 Won. The

denomination of the 500 Won coin remained unchanged but its diameter size was also increased, from 30mm to 32mm.


東 亞 泉 志


Departments 部門 Minting and Release of the Coins

At exactly 4 a.m. in the morning of the Bank of Korea’s

Beginning on April 7, 1978 and over the following

30th anniversary, Monday, June 12, 1978, numbers of people

Championships coins according to the mandated mintages

the surrounding neighborhood. They ran to queue up outside

two months, the Korean Mint struck the two Shooting

and finishes for both coins. The Mint determined that the cost per unit to mint the 5,000 Won silver coins was 3,849 won, 62 jeon each; and each of the 500 Won copper nickel coins cost 179 won, 10 jeon.

The minting of the Shooting Championships

commemoratives saw the strictest quality-control measures

applied to South Korean coins up to that time; and accounting for errors and damaged coins, 97.3% of the total coins of the

official mintage were actually issued. These commemoratives

rushed to the Bank of Korea building from various corners of the front doors, released by the lifting of the citywide curfew (one that was enforced from midnight to 4 a.m. nightly in

South Korean cities from September 1946 to January 1982). The crowd had flocked to purchase one of the six thousand 5,000 Won silver coins that were to be sold from the Bank

building that day. The Bank’s remaining allotment of 12,000

silver coins, to be released the following day, were expected to attract an even larger crowd.

What would explain the public’s newfound interest in a

were also unique in that the 5,000 Won coin was South

commemorative coin when people seemed to have cared so

coin of legal tender. The Shooting Championships coins

placed severe restrictions on precious metals imports, the

Korea’s first domestically-minted, and locally-released, silver were also the first South Korean coins to be minted in two

different proof finishes (proof and frosted proof), although

the 500 Won commemoratives, most of which were minted as business strikes, made up the majority of the total coins.

Officials at the Bank of Korea intentionally limited the

total mintage of both coins to 1.1 million; far fewer than the five million total coins minted for the South Korea’s first domestically-made commemorative coin, the 30th

Anniversary of Liberation 100 Won coin that was released in 1975. That experience had taught them that issuing millions

of commemorative coins in a country where citizens were not familiar with the concept of a “commemorative coin” was not exactly a recipe for success. In an effort to avoid repeating the mistake, currency planners had hoped to enhance the

commercial value of the Shooting Championships coins by

striking some of them in silver, and by keeping their numbers to a relatively smaller overall mintage while also striking a

small minority of both coins in different proof finishes. Other

promotional efforts included purposely marketing the coins to foreign visitors attending the shooting event, to other tourists visiting South Korea, and to collectors. Coin Melee

It is hard to believe that the sale of a commemorative coin

in South Korea could have had people lining up all along the street and around the corner. The release of the 42nd World Shooting Championships 5,000 Won silver commemorative coin did just that.

東 亞 泉 志



little about them just a couple of years before? As South Korea coin’s silver content probably had something to do with it, and that fact probably played into another phenomenon that was taking place at the time.

In 1978, many Koreans were benefitting from an improved

economy, and some households were flush with cash from massive remittances sent home by Korean construction

workers in Persian Gulf states, which had contracted Korean

businesses to develop their infrastructure. Back in Korea, legal restrictions did not allow people many choices for investing

any of this new money. Hard assets, such as land, were almost the only options. Indeed, the latter part of the 1970s was

characterized by a real estate boom south of the Han River in

Seoul in which farmers were becoming millionaires overnight by selling their once-inexpensive farmland to developers.

The environment was ripe for the country to experience a

“speculation craze.” Real estate was not the only area where

this speculation fever existed. Precious metals were another. The coins became an instant magnet for investors when

reports surfaced on June 12th about those lucky few who had

purchased one of the new silver coins and then quickly sold it within minutes for a hefty profit.

So when the 4 a.m. curfew lifted the following morning,

all hell broke loose at the Bank of Korea.

To read the complete article, see: The 42nd World

Shooting Championships Commemorative Coins (1978) (

Departments 部門

TAMS Journal on Chinese Tokens and Medals The July-August 2017 issue of Token and Medal Society (TAMS) Journal

contains three articles of interest to Asian collectors. The first is a long article, "Chinese-American Tokens Sampler No. 3" by Jerry F. Schimmel. This is the third part of a series begun in the September-October 2016 issue, offering a

randomsampling of tokens issued by Chinese-Americans, mostly in California. Schimmel is the author of "Chinese-American Tokens from the Pacific Coast" (2009 & 2014), the most comprehensive catalog of such tokens.

The second is an article by Ronald J. Benice on two medals awarded to

Chinese-American Lue Gim Gong (1858-1925) for his prize oranges. Born in a village near Canton, he arrived in the United States in May 1871, living first in Massachusetts. In 1886 he moved to DeLand, Florida where he managed an

orchard. Over the years he developed different varieties of oranges, eventually

selling the rights to one of his oranges to Glen St. Mary Nurseries, which is still

in business today. He was awarded the Marshall P. Wilder Medal in 1911 for the development of one of his oranges. The article describes the two medals and their background.

Finally there is a full page review by James Contursi of the new book,

"Taiwan's Tokens" by Yuan Ming-ta. This 207 page, full color book is the first catalog of Taiwan tokens. See review elsewhere in JEAN .

MegaRed Adds Appendix on Chopmarks The most popular and authoritative catalog of American

coins is "Guide Book of United States Coins" by Richard

Yeoman. Known affectionately as the "Red Book" it has been published annually since 1947. In recent years an expanded and much larger version of the book has been published,

known as "MegaRed". The third edition, released in 2017,

contains among its many appendices, a ten page section with 30 photos on Chopmarks. This section was contributed by

Colin Gullberg, author of "Chopmarked Coins - A History" published in 2014, and editor of the journal "Chopmark News."

Chopmarked Coin Collection In Stacks Bowers Sale Session 6 of the Stacks Bowers auction at Baltimore 31

March 2017 offered 70 lots of chopmarked coins. Most of the

host coins were U.S. Trade Dollars but a number of Chinese dollars were also in the unnamed collection.

Taiwan 1954 Five Chiao Commemorative The first coins for the Republic of China on Taiwan,

minted during 1949-1955, all feature a profile of Sun Yat Sen on the obverse and a map of Taiwan on the reverse. These

coins are all listed in western catalogs as ordinary circulating coins. One of them, however, is different. The aluminum-

bronze 5 chiao (50 cents) dated 43rd year (1954) also has a date below the bust: 5th month 20th day (May 20th). In a

letter of 15 December 1954, Howard Bowker thanks Edward Kann for sending him an example of the coin and asks what it commemorates. On the 19th of December Kann writes

commemoration on the opening of the reorganized Bank

according to information received from there: a) two year

resumption of the presidency."

back: "The date on the 50¢ Taiwan coin signifies two events,

of Taiwan, and b) commemoration of Chiang Kai-shek's


東 亞 泉 志


Departments 部門 Three years later, in the December 1957 Numismatist

article "Coinage of the Chinese Emigre Government", a

supplement to his catalog, compiled with David Graham (a U.S. government official serving in Taiwan), Kann records the coin and mentions its commemorative purpose. The

coin is recorded today by the old Yeoman number, Y535, in the Krause Standard Catalog of World Coins, but not as a

commemorative. According to Kann, the coin was designed

(or perhaps he means engraved) by Mae Pao-koo (Mai Pao-

ku; pinyin Mai Baogu). Oscar Dodson's article on the Taiwan

Mint, "Mint In Exile" (CoinAge Magazine, August 1966), calls

him Mak Po Kuk. I have confirmed that President Chiang was indeed sworn in as president on 20 May 1954. In addition,

the Bank of Taiwan was indeed reorganized on 20 May 1946, so this coin could also have celebrated the 8th anniversary of the bank. The coin did not stay in circulation for very long.

Inflation in Taiwan eventually made the copper in the coin more valuable than the coin itself.

Vietnam Hand Engraved Gold Bar in Hong Kong Sale Silver and gold bars from the kingdom of Annam

(Vietnam) are often seen in coin auctions, but the Stacks Bowers Hong Kong Sale of 14-16 August 2017 offered

something different. Lot 61005 is a one Lang gold bar

weighing 36.2 grams (43x12x5mm in size) inscribed in

Vietnamese: "Tu Duc Nien Tao" (Chinese: Si De Nian Zao)

obverse, and "Hoang Kim Nhat Tien" (Chinese: Huang Jin Yi Qian) on the reverse. What is unusual about this bar is that

it is entirely hand engraved, obverse and reverse. According

to the description, the edge is decorated with a vine or floral design. This piece looked suspicious, but a check of the old standard work, "Annam - Etudes Numismatique" (1905)

by Albert Schroeder (condensed version "Albert Schoeder's Gold and Silver Coins of Annam" (1968) edited by Bernard

J. Palmer and John A. Novak), reveals two series of hand

engraved gold bars. The first (Schroeder 194 and 196) are

undated but attributed to the Ming Mang reign (1820-1840).

The second (Schroeder 396) is inscribed as being from the Tu Duc reign (1848-1883) but in a weight of 10 Lang. The one

Tien bar in the Stacks Bowers sale is from this series. The only other sale of a hand engraved gold bar from Annam recorded

in my files, was sold in a Glendening (London) sale of 30 June 1965. That bar, Lot 26, was a 5 Tien bar. It is unclear why

most of the Annam gold bars are finely made and decorated, while these two series are crudely hand engraved. Perhaps

the engraved bars were privately made or made for private

transactions, while the fancy bars were officially made for tax purposes.

Fred Knust (1944-2017) Cash coin collector and part-time dealer, Fred Knust of

Mason, Michigan passed away on June 20th at the age of 73. Fred attended Yamato High School on Tachikawa Air Force

Base in Japan. He served 25 years in the United States Navy, including four years in Vietnam, retiring as a Lieutenant

Commander. He received a BA degree in Far Eastern Studies

from the University of Michigan, and an MA degree in

Political Science from Michigan State University. He worked

as a statistician for the state of Michigan until his retirement in 1989. He was active in YMCA, Rotary Club and the Boy Scouts of America. Modest and likable, he was a welcome sight at coin shows in the midwest. He will be missed.

James Oliver Sweeny (1917-2012) Another passing in recent years was that of James

Sweeny, author of the book: "A Numismatic History of the

Birmingham Mint" (1981), a history of the Heaton Mint and

its coins, and the definitive two part article: "The Peking Coins of 1900" published in Journal of East Asian Numismatics,

March and May 1995. This article was translated into Chinese by Dr. Che-lu Tseng and published in the JEAN Special

Issue #1 (Taiwan 1995). Other important articles by Sweeny include: "Medals of the Littlest World War - The China

Incident of 1900" (TMS Journal October 1986; reprinted in Medal Collector August-September 1987); "Diaries Reveal

Details on Boxer Siege Medal" (Coin World 24 October 1984;

on a large bronze medal made for survivors of the Boxer siege

東 亞 泉 志



Departments 部門 in Peking); and "The Legation Medal" (Spink's Numismatic

coins in 1967. His collecting focus was coins (and later

medals made at the Heaton Mint in 1896 for li Hung-chang).

denomination from every country in the world from that year.

Circular April 1985; reprint JEAN Summer 1998; on silver

He was also co-author with Robert Turfboer of the two volume work "Tempus in Nummis", an unusual work on numbers, calendars and dating systems of the world's coins.

Born in White Plains, New York, Sweeny graduated from

Clemson A & M University in South Carolina in 1939 with

a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering. He

then moved to Pittsfield, Massachusetts, working for General Electric Company until his retirement in 1976. During 19411945 he served as a major in the signal corps, stationed in

India and Burma. After his retirement he moved to Highlands, South Carolina where he remained the rest of his life. He

was active during those years with development activities at

the South Carolina Botanical Garden at Clemson University. There is a bronze plaque with his image honoring him near the entrance to the gardens.

According to correspondence in the Ward D. Smith

medals) dated or made in the year 1900 -- coins of every

His first letter to Ward Smith, in October 1972, was seeking information on the Peking dragon coins of 1900. He spent

more than 20 years researching this subject, publishing his definitive work on the coins in 1995. Sweeny knew in the

early 1970's that the Howard Bowker collection contained

some of the Peking coins. Ward Smith informed him that the

collection had been willed to the Smithsonian Institution, but they had failed to take possession of it. Sweeny contacted the

Smithsonian several times over the following years about the

Bowker collection but never received a serious response. They finally told him in 1982 that they believed the collection had

been sold to a coin dealer in Taiwan, and Sweeny quit looking for it. Now we know that the Bowker collection had been

resting quietly in California until it was rediscovered in 2008.

Mr. Hebert at the Smithsonian must have been thinking of the Arthur Coole collection, which had been sold in the late 1970's to coin dealer J. S. Lee in Taiwan.

archive (in Bruce W. Smith library), Sweeny began collecting

A Numismatic History of the Birminghan Mint by James Oliver legendary Kann-Sweeny 1900 Peking Restrike Set One Dollar, 50 Cents, 20 Sweeny Cents, 10 Cents, 5 Cents 1900 年(庚子)京局製造光緒元寶銀幣一套 5 枚,原模後鑄品, 詹姆斯·奧利弗·斯維尼著作《伯明翰造幣廠錢幣史》 均為 Kann、Sweeny 舊藏


東 亞 泉 志


Departments 部門

《東亞泉志》2017 夏季新聞 史博祿(美國)

齊齊哈爾造幣廠 四分四厘和一枚黑龍江七分二厘黃銅樣幣出現在德國坤克拍賣 上,而早在 2012 年,坤克公司就曾經將一套 40 多件的中國龍 幣幣模及一枚新疆古錢合為一件拍品上拍,後來這件拍品被冠 軍拍賣公司總裁周邁可買走。2016 年這套幣模被周邁可和坤克 公司捐贈給了德國哈勒市莫裏茨堡藝術博物館。這套幣模是由 L. 舒勒機械公司委託奧托·拜赫公司製造,後經簽訂合約被配 發給了幾家中國造幣廠使用。這套奧托·拜赫幣模中有一整套(5 枚)黑龍江龍幣的幣模。據資料記載,奧托·拜赫生產這套幣 模的時間為 1899 年。 齊齊哈爾中國造幣廠(前)

據中國政府相關記載顯示:1896 年,黑龍江軍事總督 En

2017 年夏天,一位來自愛沙尼亞的賣家在 Ebay 上出售了

Tse 上奏朝廷為黑龍江申請年度補貼,由於當地硬幣短缺的緣




的形式(而非銀錠或古錢)進行發放。據 1896 年 8 月 14 日的《北




1898 年,黑龍江下令吉林造幣廠生產錢幣以自用。由此可見,

未聞。到底是誰在什麼時候建造了這家造幣廠 ? 這裏又曾經生


產過何種錢幣(如果曾經生產過的話)? 目前尚不得而知。

公司訂購了相關的機器和幣模,並開始為新的造幣廠修建廠房。 但後來可能是因為 1900 年義和團運動的爆發,這一計劃被擱置,



時候曾經是未開化的滿族聚居區。清朝晚期,漢人和俄羅斯人 開始在此定居。1896 年《中俄密約》簽訂之後,由於准許俄羅







與俄國人》,1904 年)和謝立山(《滿洲:歷史、人民、資源》)

這所銀行有權利生產錢幣以支付鐵路工人的工資。1900 年夏,

的作品中我們可以得知,中俄銀行在 1901 年為支付鐵路修築





19 世紀 80 年代開始運營的齊齊哈爾兵工廠。


俄軍佔領期間(1900-1905),尤其是 1901 年間,鐵路建




聖彼得使徒教堂,由於這間教堂是於 1903 年 11 月開始開放,

有 15 千米的鐵路穿過齊齊哈爾老城區南部,而根據協議,軌

所以明信片上的這張照片至少應該拍攝於 1903 年或以後,不

道兩側 14 千米的範圍以內都屬於鐵路範疇。威爾 1903 年曾經


到達齊齊哈爾,據他記載,俄羅斯人在當時曾經計劃成立一個 附帶軍火庫和炸藥廠的俄羅斯城鎮。1901 年鐵路擴張期間,俄

1944 年 6 月,上海《泉幣》雜誌上刊登了一枚黑龍江三錢




代幣的傳聞。1985 年,同樣種類的七錢二分黃銅幣出現在德國。

1901 年的吉林金幣及樣式怪異、內圈帶有英文銘文的俄羅斯



全部的真偽也是一個未知數。2014 年 6 月,一枚黑龍江一錢


東 亞 泉 志



Departments 部門 於流通,就在這批錢幣上面刻上了“吉林”字樣。但後來發現

三錢六分由於製作之精良,因此也不可能和 1901 年銅幣出自




1901 年原本打算在齊齊哈爾建立自己的造幣廠,但這一嘗試後

銀幣。1901 年吉林銅幣雖然極為珍貴,但由於其品相之粗糙,


因此絕不可能是吉林造幣廠的產品。另一方面,1901 年的吉林


內蒙古自治區成立 70 周年紀念幣

為紀念內蒙古自治區成立 70 周年,中國人民銀行發行了一

蒙文字樣及面額。最後一枚 10 元 99.9% 純銀紀念幣直徑 40 毫

套 3 枚的貴金屬紀念幣。正面均為中華人民共和國國徽,下標

米,重 30 克(發行量 2 萬枚),背面圖案為馬頭琴、白色哈達,

年份 2017,其中 100 元 99.9% 純金紀念幣直徑 22 毫米,重 8


克(發行量 1 萬枚),背面為蒙古馬造型,並刊“內蒙古自治

刊“內蒙古自治區成立 70 周年”漢、蒙文字樣及面額。此前

區成立 70 周年”漢、蒙文字樣及面額。50 元 99.9% 純銀紀念

中國曾於 1987 年發行過內蒙古自治區成立 40 周年的紀念幣。

幣直徑 70 毫米,重 150 克(發行量 5000 枚),背面圖案為蒙 古族安代舞舞蹈場景,並刊“內蒙古自治區成立 70 周年”漢、

韓國計劃 2020 年終止使用金屬貨幣 《世界錢幣新聞》、BBC 廣播等多家媒體報道:韓國開始


實驗,計劃在 2020 年終止使用一些金屬硬幣。韓國銀行 2017

通硬幣為 500 韓元,折合美金約 45 美分;最小面值的紙幣為

年 4 月宣佈客戶在指定商店進行現金交易是可以使用借記卡收

1000 韓元,折合美金約為 90 美分。

取零錢。目前參與這一借記卡找零計劃的指定店鋪有 711、易

1978 年韓國硬幣騷動 2017 年 5 月 28 出版的電子雜誌 Esylum(有錢幣學書籍收藏機構—— 錢幣學書蟲協會主辦 , 線上閱讀地址上刊登了 另外一個關於韓國硬幣的故事:

1978 年韓國紀念幣騷動 來自明尼阿波利斯的韓國硬幣愛好者 Mark Lovmo 寫到: 我新寫了一篇討論韓國 1978 年發行的第 42 屆世界射擊錦標賽紀念 幣(KM #22 and #23)的文章。這是韓國為當年國際射聯在首爾舉辦 世界射擊錦標賽所鑄造的紀念幣,也是第二套由韓國自行鑄造和發行 的紀念幣。 由於當時某些特殊情況,這套紀念銀幣在韓國發行的時候還引發了 一陣小小的騷動。你聽說過有哪種紀念幣在售賣的時候一下子吸引了 2 万名顧客同時到場搶購嗎?


東 亞 泉 志


Departments 部門 這套紀念幣的鑄造和發行背後的故事曲折複雜,如過山車





行的紀念幣數量占官方鑄幣總量的 97.3% 。這套紀念幣的獨特


之處就在於其中的 5000 韓元紀念銀幣是第一枚由韓國自行鑄

面臨的不穩定環境就是 20 世紀 70 年代後期韓國社會狀況的真


實寫照。截止到 1978 年紀念幣正式發行,韓國造幣廠在先進

紀念幣中大多數都是普制的 500 韓元紀念幣,但這一套紀念幣





上存在一些問題。儘管如此,紀念幣還是得以如期發行,並迅 速引發轟動,成為韓國史上最受歡迎的紀念幣之一。

韓國銀行有意將兩種紀念幣的發行量都限制在了 110 萬枚, 遠少於第一枚韓國國內鑄造的紀念幣 ——1975 年發行的光復


30 周年 100 韓元紀念幣的 500 萬枚的發行量。之前的經驗讓他

席 Pak Jong-gyu 急切地要求韓國銀行優先為自己的射擊錦標




努力在 1978 年 6 月之前製作好射擊錦標賽紀念幣。為滿足這





還通過有意將紀念幣出售給參與錦標賽的外賓、來韓國的遊客 以及收藏家的做法來進行宣傳和促銷。

接下來就是和 Pak 主席之間關於錢幣設計方面長達五個月 的冗長而反復的討論協商過程。從 1977 年 3 月到 7 月,韓國




Pak 主席滿意。有一個事無巨細的第三方橫亙在韓國銀行和韓

但第 42 屆世界射擊錦標賽 5000 韓元紀念銀幣發行的時候就出



需要付出更多的精力來處理這一局面。儘管困難重重,設計團 隊最終還是拿出了兩個讓 Pak 滿意的作品。

1978 年 6 月 12 日(星期一)是韓國銀行成立 30 周年紀念 日,這一天早上 4 點整,大批民眾從周圍各個角落湧向韓國銀

7 月 25 日,錢幣建議稿得到了韓國銀行行長 Kim Sung-

行。宵禁一結束(韓國從 1946 年 9 月到 1982 年 1 月期間在城

hwan 的批准。他宣佈設計的這套世界錦標賽紀念章將由 2 枚硬

市裏實行整夜宵禁,時間從半夜到淩晨 4 點),人們便爭相跑

幣組成:一枚是 2500 韓元銀幣,正面為韓國墓葬壁畫中的騎

到銀行大門外排隊。當日銀行計劃發售 6000 枚 5000 韓元紀念

射兵圖案;另一枚為 500 韓元,正面為射擊選手立像。2500 韓


元銀幣由韓國造幣公社高級設計師 Kang Bak and 和 Jo Byung-

12000 枚銀幣,預計會吸引更多前來購買的民眾。

soo 聯合設計,初級設計師 Ryu Taek-soo ( 류택수 ) 和 Lee Ye-soo ( 이예수 ) 共同設計了另一枚 500 韓元紀念幣。

為何幾年前還不怎麼關心紀念幣的民眾會突然對這次的紀 念幣產生興趣?當時韓國對貴金屬進口進行了嚴格的管制,紀

在紀念幣的最終審查階段,射擊錦標賽委員會要求紀念幣 的大小和面值做出改變。韓國銀行隨後將一枚紀念幣的直徑由

念幣中的白銀成分或許是引發這次哄搶的原因。除此之外,貴 金屬管制在當時也在韓國還引發了另一種現象。

32 毫米改為 35 毫米,並將面值由 2500 韓元改為 5000 韓元。 500 韓元紀念幣的面值保持不變,直徑由原先的 30 毫米擴展到

1978 年,許多韓國人享受到了經濟發展帶來的紅利。由於 波斯灣的國家和韓國公司簽訂了建設基礎設施的合約,在外打

32 毫米。




從 1978 年 4 月 7 日開始,韓國造幣廠耗時兩個月完成了預



際上,20 世紀 70 年代後期,首爾漢江南部一次房地產熱潮,

5000 韓元紀念幣的造價為 3849 元 32 錢,每枚 500 韓元銅鎳紀


念幣的造價則為 179 元 10 錢。

這種環境自然而然催生了投機熱,除房地產之外,貴金屬幣也 深陷這股浪潮中。6 月 12 日有報道稱,有人幸運地買到一枚新

東 亞 泉 志



Departments 部門 發行的銀幣之後短短幾分鐘之內就以高價轉手,從而獲得了高 額利潤。這之後,這批紀念幣馬上就吸引了大批投資者。所以

完整文章《第 42 屆世界射擊錦標賽紀念幣(1978 年)》 請訪問:

當次日 4 點宵禁結束之後,韓國銀行門口陷入了一片混亂。

《TAMS》雜誌關於中國代幣和紀念章的文章 2017 年 7-8 月 份 的《 代 幣 和 紀 念











公司直到今天還在經營。1911 年,劉

一系列從 2016 年 8-9 月份開始連載,









最 後 一 篇 是 詹 姆 斯· 康 特 西 為

講 述 了 關 於 美 籍 華 人 劉 錦 濃(1858-

Yuan Ming-ta 的新書——《臺灣代幣》


所寫的整頁書評。全書共 207 頁,全



1871 年來到美國之後,劉錦濃先是定



Stacks Bowers 戳及幣藏品拍賣


2017 年 3 月 31 日 Stacks Bowers 舉辦的第六場拍賣中出


現了 70 個戳記幣拍品。這些拍品大多數為美國貿易美元,也

書”的錢幣目錄自 1947 出版以後每年都會再版。近幾年出版


的內容更為翔實豐富的增訂版又被稱之為“大紅寶書”。2017 年第三版的附錄中包含 30 張錢幣戳記圖片,篇幅共 10 頁。這 部分內容由科林·格爾貝利——《戳記幣簡史》(2014 年)的 作者及《戳記新聞》編輯提供。

臺灣 1954 年 5 角紀念幣 1949-1955 年間,臺灣中華民國政府鑄造了第一批硬幣,





枚硬幣在克勞斯《世界硬幣標準目錄》中的號碼為 Y535,但

其他硬幣不同。這種銅鋁合金的 5 角硬幣的鑄造時間為 1954 年,

並沒有被標注為是紀念幣。據耿愛德記載,這枚錢幣是由 Mae

孫中山像下面還標有日期:5 月 20。霍華德·佛蘭克林·包克

Pao-koo 所設計 ( 也有可能是雕刻 ) 而成。而奧斯卡·道德森

在 1954 年 12 月 5 日寫給耿愛德的一封信中感謝他贈與自己一


枚這種 5 角硬幣的樣幣,並詢問對方這枚樣幣是出於什麼紀念

年 8 月,錢幣雜誌)中,將錢幣設計師的名字拼寫為 Mak Po

目的而鑄造的。耿愛德在 12 月 9 日的回信中回答道: “據我所知,

Kuk。經我自己求證,蔣介石確實曾於 1954 年 5 月 20 日宣誓成

鑄造這枚臺灣 5 角主要為紀念兩個事件,一是臺灣銀行重組兩

為中華民國第二任總統。而臺灣銀行也的確曾於 1946 年 5 月


20 日進行重組,因此這枚錢幣也是為紀念銀行重組八周年而鑄。 這枚錢幣並沒有流通很長時間,因為臺灣的通貨膨脹,這枚錢

三年之後,1957 年 12 月的《錢幣學家》雜誌上刊登了一




東 亞 泉 志


Departments 部門

越南手工金條在香港出售 拍賣會上經常會出見到越南金銀條的身影,但 2017 年 8

但應為明命年間(1820-1840)所製。第二種金條(施羅德 396

月 14-16 日的 Stacks Bowers 香港拍賣會上卻出現了一個與

號)越南嗣德年間(1848-1883)造,重 10 Lang,和 Stacks

眾不同的拍品 —— 一塊越南 1Lang 金條,重 36.2 克(大小為

Bowers 拍賣的那塊金條就是同一種。在我收集到的資料中,除

43×12×5mm),拍品號 61005,正面有 Tu Duc Nien Tao 幾個

了這一塊金條之外,另一塊類似的越南手工金條只在 1965 年 6

越南文字,反面為 Hoang Kim Nhat Tien。這塊金條的特殊之

月 30 日的 Glendening(倫敦)拍賣會上出現過,其拍品號為


26,規格為 5 Tien。越南金條大都製作精良、裝飾精緻,但這

然看上去有些疑點,但阿爾伯特·施羅德的 1905 年的《越南






兩種手工雕刻的金條。第一種(施羅德 194 和 195 號)沒有日期,

弗雷德·克努斯特(1944-2017) 密歇根梅森市的錢幣藏家、業餘幣商弗雷德·克努斯特於

治學碩士學位。到 1989 年退休之前,弗雷德一直在密歇根擔

6 月 20 日去世,享年 73 歲。弗雷德曾於日本立川空軍基地的


Yamato 高中接受過教育,在美國空軍服役了 25 年之後(曾在





詹姆斯·奧利弗·斯維尼(1917-2012) 另一位於近年去世的錢幣學家是《伯明翰造幣廠錢幣史》


(1981 年出版,內容涵蓋了喜敦造幣廠的歷史及該廠生產的錢


幣)的作者詹姆斯·斯維尼。他的文章《1900 年的北京錢幣》

於 布 魯 斯·D· 史 密

分為兩部分,分別刊登在 1995 年 3 月和 5 月份的《東亞泉志》


上。這篇文章後被 Che-lu Tseng 博士翻譯成中文,並刊登在




重要的作品還包括: 《1900 年八國聯軍侵華期間的紀念章》 (1986

間 是 1967 年。 他 收

年 TMS 雜誌 10 月刊,1987 年 8-9 月份的《紀念章收藏家》雜

藏 的 重 點 為 1900 年

誌轉載了這片文章) ; 《揭秘義和團運動紀念章背後細節的日記》


(1984 年 10 月《錢幣世界》,講述了關於一枚大型北京義和


團運動倖存者紀念銅幣的故事) ; 《使館紀念章》 (1985 年 4 月, 《斯


賓克錢幣通告》,1998 年《東亞泉志》夏季刊轉載了這篇文章,


內容是關於 1896 年喜敦造幣廠為李鴻章鑄造的一種銀章)。此



並於 1995 年將自己的研究成果整理成一本權威之作。20 世紀


70 年代初,斯維尼得知霍華德·包克的藏品中有一批北京的硬


幣。我的·史密斯告訴他這批藏品將會被捐贈給史密森學會, 但卻沒有交接成功。之後的幾年間,斯維尼聯繫數次史密森學

斯維尼生於紐約白原市,1939 年從南卡羅來納克萊姆森大



在 1982 年,史密森學會告訴斯維尼這批藏品應該是被賣給了

菲爾德,在通用電氣公司任職,並於 1976 年退休。1941-1945





2008 年才被發現。當時史密森學會的赫爾伯特應該是把包克藏


品和亞瑟·科爾的藏品搞混了,這批藏品於 20 世紀 70 年代被


臺灣的 J.C Lee 買走。


東 亞 泉 志



Departments 部門

Book Review By Bruce W. Smith (USA) Collecting and Investing in Struck [Chinese] Copper Coins Unlike Duan's earlier works, this is not a catalog of struck

Chinese copper coins, but a guide to collecting them. The

book is divided into three sections. The first is a brief history of struck copper coins and an introduction to the literature

on the subject, beginning with the English language works by

Ramsden, Ros and Woodward during the first half of the 20th century, and continuing to the numerous Chinese language works published in China and Taiwan since the 1970's. The second section, the main part of the book, introduces the

types and varieties of Chinese struck copper coins, arranged by province. The last section, on collecting and investing in

struck copper coins, contains enlarged photos of rosettes and other decorations to help identify varieties; notes on grading,

cleaning and fake coins; tips on housing and caring for copper coins; and information on coin auctions and numismatic websites.

This work is part of a series of books "Collecting and

Investing in ....." which includes: Struck Silver Coins by

Tang Zhongping (2009) ISBN 9787801785923; Folk Coins

(amulets) by Zhang Ting (2009) ISBN 9787801785602; By Duan Hunggang, Beijing 2009, 192 pages, color photos, 5,000 copies printed. Chinese text. ISBN 9787801785909 soft cover

Ancient Chinese Coins: Sung Dynasty Coins (2011) ISBN

9787539826752; Ch'ing Dynasty Cash Coins (2011) ISBN

9787539826745; and Paper Money of Republican China (2011) ISBN 9787539826738. The last four books are by Shen Hong.

China Financial Bonds By Liu Bo, Hong Kong, 2013, 183 pages, color photos. Chinese text. ISBN 9789624504439 soft cover This book covers an unusual subject, Chinese commercial

(investment) bonds, but the bonds are actively collected in China. The bonds listed here are bearer bonds in the size

and shape of ordinary currency, issued between 1985 and

1992 (except for one 1993 issue), mostly in values from 50 to 1000 yuan. Though some of the bonds were issued by local investment companies and local banks, most were issued by various national banks and their branches, including

the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC), the

Agricultural Bank of China, the Peoples Construction Bank, the Bank of China, and the Bank of Communications. More than 150 bonds are illustrated, front and back, in full color, with charts summarizing the details. Most of the bonds

illustrated are specimens, though others have been issued and cancelled. I suspect all of these bonds are now obsolete and valueless, as China has gone to non-paper digital bonds.


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Departments 部門 Shanghai's Bund and Beyond: British Banks, Banknote Issuance, and Monetary Policy in China 1842 - 1937 By Niv Horesh, Yale University Press, 2009, 240 pages, not illustrated. English text. ISBN 9780300143560 This is a scholarly study of notes issued by British banks

in China, primarily the Chartered Bank and the Hong Kong

and Shanghai Bank. The flyleaf states "Drawing on recently

declassified archival materials, Niv Horesh revises previous assumptions about China's prewar economy, including the extent of foreign banknote circulation, and the economic

significance of the May 30th Movement of 1925". Invoices from the London printer of notes for the Hong Kong &

Shanghai Bank show that the bank was planning to increase its note issue in China in 1925, but as a result of the strike, actually reduced its circulation. Niv Horesh is Lecturer

in Chinese Studies at the University of New South Wales, Australia, and the author of several books and articles on paper money issued by foreign banks in China.

A History of Foreign Banks in Modern China This is more of a technical study than a history of specific

banks. Filled with statistics and tables, with footnotes from more than 170 works. The book concludes with a chart of

over 150 foreign banks which have operated in China (most of

which did not issue currency there), showing their nationality, date of organization, date opened in China, name changes and branches in China.

Jiang Jianqing was born in Shanghai in 1953. He

graduated from Shanghai University of Finance & Economics in 1984 and later received M.A. and PhD degrees from

Shanghai Jiao Tong University. In 1986 he joined the staff of

the Industrial & Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) as a teller. In 1993 he was appointed vice-president of the Shanghai

branch of the bank. Two years later he became president of the Bank of Shanghai, and in 1997 became president of the ICBC Shanghai branch. In 1999 he was promoted to vice-

president of the entire bank, and during 2000-2005 served as president of the bank. Since the bank's restructuring in

2005, he has been the chairman of the board of the bank and Communist Party chief. The ICBC is the world's largest bank By Jiang Jianqing and Jiang Lichang, Beijing 2016, 379 pages (not illustrated). Chinese text. ISBN 9787508649238 hard cover

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by assets and the second largest by market value. Jiang has

been an alternate member of the CPC Central Committee for the 16th, 17th and 18th congresses.

Departments 部門 The Theory and Practice of Contemporary Precious Metal Coins in China

By Zhao Yansheng, Chengdu 2016, 187 pages, only a few illustrations. Chinese text. ISBN 9787550422636 soft cover A companion book to the multi- volume set edited by

Wang Shihong, "China's Recent Precious Metal Coins". This is not a catalog, but a look inside the development of the precious metal coin market in China.

Square and Round, Heaven and Earth: A Display of Mr. Ma Dingxiang's Contributions of Rare Numismatic Materials By Ma Chuande, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Provincial Museum, 2016, 232 pages, photos and rubbings, Chinese text. ISBN 9787550818927hard cover This is a wonderfully illustrated account of items from the

library of Ma Dingxiang which were donated to the Zhejiang

Provincial Museum in Hangzhou. Among the items are books,

periodicals, correspondence, photographs, rubbings and seals. As one of the founding members of the Shanghai Numismatic Society and its secretary, Ma knew many famous collectors

and was able to make rubbings of their most important coins. Among the more unusual items in the donation is a set of

the magazine "Quanbi Zhi You" (Friends of Numismatics), published by Ma Dingxiang during 1983-1984. Only nine

issues were published. Another surprise in Ma's donation is a set of photographic plates of machine struck silver coins

from the Eduard Kann collection taken in 1949 before Kann left Shanghai for the United States. The plates are inscribed

in Chinese and English "Photographs of Chinese Rare Coins

Authenticated by T. S. Ma" (that is, Ma Ting-hsiang). Fourteen plates are illustrated (pages 114-115) but there must be more,

as each plate shows only one side of each coin -- one of which is the blank reverse of a dollar.


東 亞 泉 志


Departments 部門

錢幣書籍推介 史博祿(美國) 《銅元收藏與投資》 段洪剛著,北京,2009 年出版,192 頁,彩圖,印刷量 5000 冊,中文,軟皮封面。 ISBN 9787801785909 與段洪剛之前的作品不同的是,這本《銅元收藏與投資》 並非一本中國機製銅元目錄,而是一部中國銅元收藏指南。全 書分為上、中、下三個部分,上篇介紹了中國機製銅元簡史及 銅元方面的相關著作。著作介紹部分首先推介了 20 世紀上半 葉拉姆斯登、羅斯、伍德華等人的英文作品,之後又介紹了一 大批 20 世紀 70 年代之後中國大陸及臺灣出版的銅元研究方面 的中文作品。中篇按照省份分門別類地介紹了中國機製銅元的 種類與版別,這也是全書最為重要的部分。下篇的內容涉及機 製銅元的收藏與投資,另附有便於區分銅元版式的銅元花紋及 其他裝飾的大圖、銅元品級注釋、銅元的清洗與假幣、銅元的 收藏理念、銅元拍賣資訊及銅元網站等內容。 錢幣收藏與投資叢書系列除了這本《銅元收藏與投資》 以 外 還 包 括:《 銀 元 收 藏 與 投 資》, 唐 中 平 著(2009), 9787801785923;《民俗錢收藏與投資》,張廷著(2009), ISBN 9787801785602;《 宋 代 錢 幣 收 藏 與 投 資》(2011), ISBN 9787539826752;《 清 代 錢 幣 收 藏 與 投 資》(2011), ISBN 9787539826745;《 民 國 紙 幣 收 藏 與 投 資》(2011), ISBN 9787539826738。 最後三本書均為沈泓所著。

《中國金融債券圖錄》 劉波著,香港,2013 年出版,183 頁,彩色插圖,中文, 軟皮封面。ISBN 9789624504439 本書以中國商業(投資)債券這一在中國被踴躍收藏而 又比較冷門的專案為主題。書中列出的債劵,均為中國 19851992 年期間發行的、與普通貨幣同等大小和形狀的無記名債券, 大多數債券的面值均在 50-1000 元之間。儘管一些債券是由當 地投資公司及銀行所發行,但大多數債券還是出自中國工商銀 行、中國農業銀行、中國人民建設銀行、中國銀行以及交通銀 行這些國家銀行及其分支。書中 150 多種債券均附有正反兩面 全彩插圖以及總結性的規格資料圖表。圖示的債券大多為票樣, 也有一些曾經發行過或者已經停用的債券。由於中國早已邁入 數字化債券時代,所以我認為書中的這些紙質債券現在應該已 經停用。

東 亞 泉 志



Departments 部門 《上海外灘及其他往事——1842-1937 年間在中國的英國銀行、紙幣發行與貨幣政策》 尼伍·荷尼夫著,耶魯大學出版社 2009 年出版,共計 240 頁,無插圖,英文。 ISBN 9780300143560 本書是一本學術研究性著作,研究主題為以渣打銀行及香 港上海銀行為主的英國銀行在華發行的紙幣。扉頁上的標注為: “依照新近解禁的檔案資料,尼伍·荷尼夫修正了之前關於中 國戰前經濟情況的假設,內容涉及外國銀行紙幣的流通範圍以 及 1925 年 5 月 30 日罷工運動對經濟領域造成的影響。”從倫 敦印鈔機構為香港上海銀行印刷鈔票的發票來看,這所銀行應 該是打算在 1925 年增加紙幣的發行量,但由於罷工運動的影響, 當時的實際流通量反而有所減少。尼伍·荷尼夫是澳大利亞新 南威爾士大學研究中國問題的一位講師,曾出版過數本關於外 國銀行在中國發行紙幣的書籍及多篇文章。

《近代中國外商銀行史》 姜建清、蔣立場合著 , 北京,2016 年出版,共 379 頁(無 插圖),中文,硬皮封面。ISBN 9787508649238 本書並不是一本記錄個別銀行歷史的書籍,而更多的是一 本專業研究性著作。書中收錄了各種統計資料、圖表以及從 170 多部著作中搜羅到的註腳,結尾部分的圖表記錄了 150 多 家駐華外國銀行(大多都未在中國發行過貨幣)的所屬國家、 成立日期、在華開業日期、名稱變革以及在華分支等相關資訊。 姜建清 1953 年生於上海,1984 年從上海財經大學畢業, 後相繼在上海交通大學取得碩士及博士學位。1986 年,姜建清 進入中國工商銀行任職,並于 1993 年成為了工商銀行上海分 行副行長。兩年之後,他被任命為中國工商銀行副行長,2000 年至 2005 年期間接任行長一職。2005 年銀行改制之後,姜建 清成為了工商銀行董事長兼黨委書記。工商銀行目前是全球資 產規模最大、市場價值第二大的銀行企業。除在銀行任職之外, 姜建清還曾當選過中共第十六屆、十七屆以及十八屆中央委員 會候補委員。


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Departments 部門 《中國現代貴金屬幣的理論與實踐》 趙燕生著,成都 ,2016 年出版,共 187 頁,僅附有幾頁插圖, 中文,軟皮封面。 ISBN 9787550422636 本書系王世宏所著《中國貴金屬幣賞析》系列的姊妹篇。 這並非一本錢幣目錄,而是一本窺探中國貴金屬幣市場發展歷 程的作品。

《方圓乾坤——馬定祥先生捐贈珍貴錢幣資料展》 馬傳德著,浙江省博物館 2016 年出版於杭州,共 232 頁, 中文,硬皮封面。ISBN 9787550818927 本書用大量精美的插圖記錄了馬定祥捐獻給杭州浙江省博 物館的一批包括書籍、期刊、信劄、照片、拓本以及印章等多 個類目在內的藏品。作為中國泉幣學社創始人之一及上海市錢 幣學會的名譽理事,馬定祥結交了眾多知名的錢幣收藏大家, 也因此能夠得到許多他們最為貴重的錢幣藏品的拓本。這批捐 贈品中比較特別的是一套馬定祥於 1983-1984 年間出版的《錢 幣之友》雜誌,僅出版了 9 期。另外一批比較令人意外的捐贈 品是一套耿愛德機製銀幣藏品底片,這些照片拍攝于 1949 件 耿愛德離開上海返回美國之前。底片上標注有中英文的“中國 珍稀錢幣照片,T. S. Ma 授權”(T. S. Ma 為馬定祥)。書 中收錄了 14 張底片(114-115 頁),由於所有底片都只展示了 錢幣的一面,其中一張還是一枚錢幣沒有反面圖案的照片,因 此實際的錢幣底片應該還有更多。

東 亞 泉 志



Departments 部門

The Fourth National Numismatic Collection Exhibition Held in Wuhan Yuan Fang (Xi'an)

Pic.1-1 A group photo of all the participants by Wuhan Fortune Film on July 22, 2017 On July 22 and 23, 2017, the Fourth National Numismatic

Collection Exhibition (Pic.1) was held at the Governor's House of Bashan Night Rain Hotel in Wuhan. It was jointly hosted by the China Collectors Society, the Numismatic Collection

Committee, and the presidium of the National Numismatic Collection Exhibition, and organized by the Coin Branch of

the Hubei Collectors Society. More than 400 visitors from all

around the country braved the intense summer heat to gather for this large-scale numismatic exhibition. All sorts of coins

were on display this time, and the majority were ancient coins. Luo Bojian, the president of the China Collectors Society,

attended the exhibition and delivered a speech at the opening ceremony.

A brief speech was delivered by the president Luo Bojian

(Pic.3), in which he said, "The numismatic culture of China has a long history. In the course of coin protection and

propagandizing, the State-owned collection has always played a dominant role, while the private collection emerging as a

powerful force in Chinese coin collecting has been developing continually. After the reform and opening up, it's the best

time for the private collection to develop. The community of

Chinese coin collectors has been rapidly growing. We are very much at the beginning of the coin collecting, so we should seize this opportunity. Everyone in this room has a great

passion for coin collecting and holds high expectations for the exhibition. I hope that everyone comes full of expectations, and leaves with the best of your favorite coins." Then we

started discussion. The exhibition ended on the afternoon of July 23.

Pic.1-2 A photo of Yuan Shuiqing, the editor of JEAN, in front of the Governor's House of Ba Shan Night Rain Hote


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Departments 部門

Pic. 2-1 The site of the opening ceremony

Pic. 4-2 The solid wooden coin box is welcomed

Pic. 2-2 The meeting place is full of people

Pic. 5-1 The hall is full of people

Pic. 3 Luo Bojian delivering a speech

Pic. 5-2 Attendees are picking their favorite coins

Pic. 4-1 The table of Beijing Gong Bo Coins

Pic. 5-3 Various types of coins

Exchange was a highlight of this exhibition. The large

exchange hall, with bright lighting, covered an area of 1,200

square meters. Around the walls were twenty-six booths(3 X

3 meters); these exhibitors mainly propagandized, introduced and displayed coins (Pic.4). In the center were 152 display

cases; these exhibitors primarily sold coins. Ancient coins,

as the most common kind of coin displayed at the exhibition,

東 亞 泉 志



were exchanged actively. Around 2,000 people per day traded coins, which caused the hall to be very crowded (Pic.5). The

merchants who had not booked booths had to set up stalls in

open spaces inside the exhibition hall. No foreign coin lovers or dealers participated, but foreign banknotes were seen on the bourse floor.

Departments 部門 There were 26 eye-catching booth signs (of 22

corporations), and the exhibits had different features.

Champion Auction and its publication The Journal of East

Asian Numismatics (JEAN) attracted the attention of many visitors. Each corporation had printed its own promotional materials. Companies such as Wuhan Fang Yuan, Henan

Coins and Nanjing Shang Ding displayed a large variety of

their coins. Companies such as Shanghai En Jie, Shanghai Coin Identification, and Sichuan Golden Shield provided advice. A number of companies offered coin grading and

authentication services. Companies such as Beijing Gong Bo

Coins, Modern Coins website and Wen De grading offered onsite identification services. In interesting news, Beijing Gong Bo Coins will act as an agent for the Fourteenth Copper Coin Auction held in Wenzhou in early September. Nanjing Bao

Cui, the first company in China offered coin identification and excess of loss cover services at booth A03.

holds the leading position in our country, and its local coins were shown at booths A23 and A24. Champion Auction

and its publication The Journal of East Asian Numismatics

(JEAN) at booth A19 drew the attention of many guests and collectors. Wang Shihong, a famous Chinese gold and silver

coin collector, visited the booth and exchanged views on the prospects of modern gold and silver coins and the casting

defects of coins as well as the auction item solicitation with Michael Chou, the president of Champion Auction (Pic.6). Ye Tao, the vice president of the National Coin Collection

Exhibition, specially admired the Sino-German friendship

commemorative medal creatively produced by Champion. As the German version of the medal just arrived in Hong Kong,

visitors here had no chance to catch sight of the complete set. The 45th anniversary of Sino-German friendship one ounce

silver medal in sets of two (a Chinese version and a German one) will be sold at a price of 1,198 RMB at the Champion

As the birthplace of Jing-Chu culture in the Yangtze

River Valley, central China's Hubei Province has a profound

cultural background. Numismatic research in Hubei province

Pic. 7-1 A group photo of Yuan Shuiqing, the editor of JEAN, and Xiong Shenpu (right)

Pic. 5-4 Various types of coins

Pic. 6 Wang Shihong had a nice conversation with Michael Chou

Pic. 7-2 The Illustrated Handbook of Versions of Qing Dynasty Coins, Classic Chinese Charms

Pic. 8 The Fourth National Numismatic Collection Exhibition commemorative medal


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Departments 部門 Summer Hong Kong Auction. Xu Tian and several collectors from

Hubei gave high praise to several rare

treasures including two versions of the

1904 Kuang hsu Ku Ping One Tael minted

by Hubei Province, one brass pattern with large script, and one copper pattern with small script. Visitors were eager to read

the 2017 Champion Summer Hong Kong

Auction catalog. The Journal of East Asian

Numismatics (JEAN) is sent to around 10,000 mailboxes. A large number of

collectors came to the booth to register

their contact details hoping that they could soon see the only professional numismatic bilingual (English-Chinese) digital journal in Asia, which has exerted more and more influence.

Pic. 9 Chen Huanlong and his purchased copper coins (15.2 g, 51.3 mm)

The editors of The Journal of East Asian Numismatics

(JEAN) are very concerned about new academic achievements. They communicated with dealers and several authors of books such as The Illustrated Handbook of Versions of Qing Dynasty

Coins , Classic Chinese Charms , Random Talks on Chinese Copper Coins , and Chinese Modern History of Headgear

Tushuo (Pic. 7). In addition, the Fourth National Numismatic Collection Exhibition commemorative medal issued by the

hosts, with a limited mintage of 300 and a weight of 35g, was sold at price of 280 RMB. It was very popular (Pic. 8).

Many different currencies exhibited at 150 booths

covered 4,000 years of history. Among these currencies, ancient coins accounted for nearly half, machine-made

coins and modern currencies separately accounted for two

tenths and three tenths of all the coins. This reflects that the collecting of ancient coins has been a mainstream collecting

area all the time, the number of machine-made coin collectors remains stable, while the community of modern currency

collectors has rapidly grown. The visitors were mostly young and middle-aged people; what they talked about reflects the general trends of the coin market. On the whole, no matter what kind of currency, coins and banknotes in high grades

are very popular and priced very high, which indicates that condition is the key. A visitor said humorously," A coin in

high grade, like a girl who is pretty attractive, has a high price naturally."

In terms of the classification of coins, the ancient coins

mostly got no rating, and little attention was paid to even

high-class ancient coins. Compared with the same period of 2016, the price of Qing dynasty coins has doubled, the price of Chinese Charms has generally been increased, especially

Chinese hanging Charms. Take the Qian Long Tong Bao coin

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Pic. 10 Replica silver coins were openly sold at the exhibition as an example, a coin less than 24 millimeters in diameter

was priced at 5 RMB, a coin 25 to 26 millimeters in diameter was priced at 15 RMB, while a 27 to 28 millimeter diameter

coin was priced at around 500 RMB. A collector from Wuhan bought 30 Yong Zheng Tong Bao coins at a price of 7,100

RMB. The Yong Zheng Bao Nan coin was priced at 10,000

RMB, which had a price of 4,000 RMB in 2016. Of the Song dynasty coins, the Chong Ning Tong Bao coin was sold at a

price of 350 RMB, the Da Guang Tong Bao coin was sold at a price of 1,200 RMB. The Chinese zodiac and Eight Diagrams coin was priced at 800 RMB, the five sub-ka coin with a

design of both felicity and longevity on the reverse, was sold for 1,500 RMB, which had a price of 300 RMB in 2016.

A discriminating collector is lucky to get good coins

ignored at the exhibition. On the next day of this exhibition, Chen Huanlong , a collector of sixty-five years old who has

done much research on pattern money over the past ten years, was very excited to spend 1,500 RMB on a Ji Xiang house

in sixth avenue fan-shaped copper coin, with the inscription

"rui yuan auspiciousness" on the reverse, issued by the bank in the early period of the Republic of China. He said, "It's

Departments 部門 the first time I have seen this coin; it is the only one at the exhibition."(Pic. 9)

The market of machine-made coins showed a trend of

stable increase, the 1914 Yuan Shih-kai portrait plain coin was priced at 680 RMB. The shiny and silvery replica silver coins with natural patina and rust color were exhibited in bulk,

and entry-level collectors could hardly distinguish between a

genuine coin and a replica (Pic. 10). The prices of these replica coins are listed as follows: the 1914 Yuan Shih-kai portrait

replica coin was priced at 150 RMB, the 1920 Yuan Shih-kai

portrait replica coin was priced at 200 RMB, the Yuan Shih-

kai portrait in hat and uniform replica coin was priced at 800 RMB. It can be seen that there is a long way to go to crack down on fake goods.

The price of banknote has rebounded, especially

banknotes of the Republic of China. The top modern

banknotes were expensive, the 1953 ten yuan note (the

RMB. A 30 year old collector with the surname of Lyu who has collected coins for five years, spent 64,000 RMB on

two examples of the 1962 one dime banknote with green

watermark on the reverse issued by the PBOC. He said, "If

like it , it hardly matters if the price is a little bit higher." The youth was particularly keen on the certified currencies, he

told the author that he only collected the currencies certified by American certification companies like PCGS and NGC,

for some reasons the grading of the domestic certification

companies tended to be inauthentic. Although what he said is an isolated comment, it is worth a thought.

The exhibition was so rewarding. According to Cao

Hongguang, the branch president of the Coin Society, a

collector from Nanjing earned nearly 200,000 RMB in sales revenue, a collector from Guangxi earned over 20,000 RMB

in sales on the first day of the exhibition. The participants left with fruitful results.

Soviet Union version), nine into new, was priced at 200,000


東 亞 泉 志


Departments 部門

第四屆全國錢幣收藏博覽會在武漢舉行 圓方(西安)

圖 1-1 全體與會人員合影 2017.7.22 武漢財神影視拍攝 丁酉年盛夏中伏,驕陽似火。來自全國各地錢幣界的 400 多名朋友,冒着酷暑,聚首武漢巴山夜雨大酒店總督府,參加 了為期兩天(7 月 22—23 日)的第四屆全國錢幣收藏博覽會(圖 1)。本屆錢博會由中國收藏家協會錢幣收藏委員會、全國錢 幣收藏博覽會主席團主辦,湖北省收藏家協會錢幣分會承辦, 規模較大,參與者眾多。以古幣為重點的各類錢幣悉數亮相, 成交率較高。中國收藏家協會會長羅伯健出席會議,並在開幕 式上講話。 7 月 22 日上午 9 時,大會開幕式在酒店九樓宴會大廳舉行。 開幕式由湖北省收藏家協會錢幣分會副會長潘登主持,羅伯健、 全國錢幣收藏博覽會主席石肖岩、顧問王世宏,湖北省收藏家 協會主席何正賓、秘書長陳祖坤、錢幣分會會長曹紅光等重要 嘉賓在主席臺就座(圖 2)。東道主致歡迎辭之後,羅伯健會 長發表了簡要講話(圖 3),他說,中國錢幣文化源遠流長, 在保護和傳播中,國有收藏始終占主流,近年民間收藏一直在 生生不息地發展,正是由於這支強大的力量,才對國有收藏起 到很好的輔助作用。中國錢幣收藏愛好者是改革開放後迅速成 長的隊伍,這支隊伍目前還很年輕,但收藏並不年輕,事業才 剛剛起步。而民間錢幣收藏的最好時期是在改革開放之後,我 們應抓住機遇。本屆錢博會正值大暑,熱浪滾滾,在坐的各位 對收藏熱情更高,對大會抱以很大期望。希望大家滿懷期望而 來,滿載心儀錢幣而歸。隨後大會進入交流階段,直至 7 月 23 日下午閉會。 圖 1-2 本文作者留影于巴山夜雨大酒店總督府門前 交流是本屆錢博會的重頭戲。交流大廳 1200 平方米,高大 通透,燈光明亮。26 個 3 米 ×3 米展臺排列四周,各家公司以


宣傳、推介、展示為主(圖 4)。中央是 152 個展櫃,各商戶




交易活躍。每天約有 2000 人次錢幣愛好者前來交流淘寶(圖 5)。

東 亞 泉 志



Departments 部門

圖 2-1 開幕式現場主席臺

圖 4-2 老錢莊實木泉藏用盒受歡迎

圖 2-2 會場座無虛席

圖 5-1 交流大廳熱鬧非凡

圖 3 羅伯健講話

圖 5-2 精心選購心儀錢幣

圖 4-1 北京公博展臺前送評人員較多

圖 5-3 各類錢幣琳瑯滿目

22 家公司的 26 個展臺招牌醒目,展銷品各俱特色,冠軍

特別是北京公博代理 9 月初溫州第十四屆銅元會委拍業務,方




A03 展位。湖北作為長江流域古文明和荊楚文化的發祥地,文


化底蘊深厚,錢幣收藏研究處於全國領先水準,A23、24 的湖




東 亞 泉 志


Departments 部門 的 A19 號展位受到眾多嘉賓和泉友關注。王世宏先生蒞臨該展

152 個展位展銷的各類錢幣歷史跨度 4000 年,品種豐富



題與周邁可總裁交換意見(圖 6);全國錢幣收藏博覽會副主


席葉濤特意欣賞了冠軍創意製作的“中德友好 45 周年”紀念章,


由於德國版貨才到香港,參觀者無緣看到全套。一套 2 枚 ( 中


國版、德國版各一枚 )“中德友好 45 周年”1 盎司銀章售價


1198 元,冠軍香港夏拍會上將售出;許天和幾位湖北藏家參觀


了 2 枚稀世珍品——光緒三十年(1904 年)湖北省造大清銀幣


庫平一兩大字黃銅樣幣與小字紅銅樣幣後,讚歎不已;8 月 20

看,古幣基本未經評級,高檔古幣無人問津,與 2016 年同期


相比,清代錢幣價格上漲 1 倍左右,花錢普遍上漲,特別是掛

行戶已達 1 萬個電子郵箱,不少愛好者聞訊趕來登記聯繫方式,

花錢漲幅更大。以單枚乾隆通寶為例,直徑 24 毫米以下者 5 元,


25 一 26 毫米 15 元,而 27-28 毫米的大樣錢在 500 元左右。武


漢一藏家從一寧夏展櫃以 7100 元購得 30 枚雍正通寶,雍正寶


南 2016 年 1 枚 4000 元,這次會上為 1 萬元。宋錢崇寧通寶以


350 元成交,大觀通寶以 1200 元成交。花錢無所不漲,生肖八

流(圖 7)。此外,主辦方推出的鑄造量 300 枚、重 35 克的第 四屆全國錢幣收藏博覽會紀念銀章每枚售價 280 元,比較搶手 (圖 8)。

圖 7-1 《東亞泉志》主編與《中國銅元散玩散論》作者熊申甫 ( 左 ) 合影

圖 5-4 展交品古幣居多

圖 7-2 《清錢版別圖鑒》《中國花錢圖集》

圖 6 王世宏(右)與周邁可親切交談

圖 8 第四屆全國錢幣收藏博覽會紀念銀章

東 亞 泉 志



Departments 部門 卦錢 800 元;“五子登科”背“福壽雙全”1500 元,而 2016 年僅 300 元。有眼力的玩家在 交流會上幸運撿漏,現年 65 歲的陳煥龍先 生收藏研究移范錢已有 10 年歷史,會議第 二天以 1500 元淘得 1 枚民國早中期錢莊扇 形銅幣——“六馬路吉香居銅元念枚”背“瑞 雲吉祥”錢莊錢,欣喜若狂(圖 9),他說 這種錢是第一次所見,整個會場僅此一枚。 機製幣行情穩中有升,袁像三年普品 680 元。 見有仿製銀元批量露面(圖 10),其銀光閃 閃,包漿、銹色自然,令入門者真假難辨, 叫價:袁像三年 150 元、九年 200 元、戎裝 戴帽簽字版 800 元。可見錢幣打假任重道遠。 紙幣價格有所回升,民國紙幣行情上漲;當 代紙幣精品價格不菲,中國人民銀行 1953 年蘇聯版拾圓九成新 20 萬元。一位 30 歲的 呂姓愛好者已有 5 年玩錢史,以 6.4 萬元將

圖 9 陳煥龍展櫃和他的撿漏錢莊銅幣 ( 重 15.2 克,半徑 34.3 毫米,通長 51.3 毫米 )

2 張中國人民銀行 1962 年背綠水印壹角收入囊中,他說價格高 點無所謂,只要自己喜歡。這位年輕人對評級幣情有獨鍾,他 對筆者講,自己只玩評級幣,且是經美國機構評過的,因為國 內評級幣有照顧關係假幣真評、評分不真實的情況,所以寧願 多花點錢玩美國評級公司的評級幣,對裸幣基本不玩。雖然他 講的情況是個別現象,但值得國內評級機構引以為戒。 此屆交流會收效明顯,據曹紅光會長講,有位南京泉友銷 售額將近 20 萬元;筆者所知報到第一天,有位廣西泉友收入 2 萬多元。可謂是高興而來,滿載而歸。

圖 10 仿製銀元在展會上公開銷售


東 亞 泉 志


Features 專題

Wang Haiyan’s Tibetan Coin Collecting and Research By Yuan Shuiqing (Xi’an) The numismatic history of Tibet has been deeply

influenced by the monetary culture of bordering Nepal. Local money in the form of silver coins had circulated for a long

time in Tibet before being replaced by the renminbi (RMB)

in 1959. To learn more about the monetary history of Tibet,

I interviewed Wang Haiyan, a well-known expert of Tibetan money.

I had two interviews with Wang Haiyan. We first had

a short talk during the Third National Coin Exhibition on

September 9, 2016, in Zhengzhou (Pic 1). He won the “First

Chinese Top Ten Chinese Collectors” during that exhibition (Pic 2). We had another series of conversations by phone

Pic. 1 The first interview between the author and Wang Haiyan (right). This photo was taken in Zhengzhou on September 9, 2016

on May 8 and May 9. I have summarized the two interviews below.

Wang Haiyan, born in Changchun City, Jilin Province in

1957, and worked in Tibet for 10 years after graduating from Changchun Teachers College in 1982. During that time, he first taught in Lhasa Normal Junior School for three years

and then worked in the archaeological team of the Tibetan

Council of Antiques for seven years. In 1991, Wang Haiyan

was transferred to the Changchun Council of Antiques and

then to the Changchun Museum of Antiques as an associate

researcher in 2000. His rich working experience and a longtime of collecting and researching has made Wang Haiyan a well-known Tibetan coin collector and expert in Tibetan currency history.

1. Mr. Wang, we know you once taught history in Lhasa Normal Junior School from 1982 to 1985. Can you tell us how you became interested in Tibetan coins?

Pic. 2 Wang Shihong (left) gave the“First Chinese Top Ten Chinese Collectors” award to Wang Haiyan on the night of September 10, 2016

Wang Haiyan: I took a flight with my colleagues from

Chengdu to Tibet and registered in the Education Department of the Tibetan Autonomous Region on October 10, 1982. I went to Barkhor Street with my friends on our first day in

Tibet. There, I saw a Tibetan silver coin with a single circle on both sides and bought it for 80 cents. Strangely, I went there

Pic. 3 The ‘Lian Zha Zi’ silver coin, 26.4mm in diameter

several times later but never again encountered a similar

three versions of this type of coin, including the first version

minted by the Tibetan government in The Authorized Brief

with a circle on one side and double circles on the other side;

coin. It was not until I read the record of the first pattern

Account of Balpo , did I realize how lucky I was to find one of

the first silver coins (the third version) minted by the Tibetan government. “There was a shortage of silver coins in Tibet

from 1763 to 1764. To solve this problem, DiMuhu Tuketu, the Regent Prince of Tibet, ordered the production of the ‘Lian Zha Zi’ (written in Sanskrit) silver coin. There were

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with double circles in the center on both sides; the second

and the third version with a circle on both sides (circles are of different sizes)”. Such coins are very rare. No wonder I

didn’t encounter another piece later. From then on, I started to collect Tibetan coins and notes. The precious silver coin I bought is 26.40 mm in diameter, 5.18 grams in weight and

was donated to the China Numismatic Museum in 1997 (Pic 3).

Features 專題 2. Where do you get your coins? Do you have any rare coins or patterns? Wang Haiyan: I used to knock around the market

looking for coins. In these years, I visited every corner of

Barkhor Street and knew all the dealers there. If you want to collect coins, you must be persistent, learn about the

numismatic history of Tibet and know which kinds of coins were produced by which mints. For this reason, I have

searched through a large amount of materials and never

Pic. 4 The copper pattern of a 50 tael silver coin, 34.8mm in diameter

stopped collecting Tibetan coins.

My salary was 105 yuan a month when I first went to

Tibet. To save money for coins, I lived very economically

and usually bought “San Qi”cigarettes which cost only 37

cents. The price of Tibetan coins was very cheap at that time. Collectors could spend 10 cents to buy a copper coin or buy a silver coin for [the price of] three yuan. I spent almost all

Pic. 5 The “24 dots” silver coin (the 61th year of Qianlong)

my money in Barkhor Street buying various Tibetan coins.

Almost all Tibetan coins were/could only be used in Lhasa,

that’s why I could buy so many coins there. Only some copper coins which had been issued in large numbers and silver coins circulated in other regions. After ten years of effort, I have

got almost every version of each Tibetan coin and also bought two dies of coins. Among these coins, there are a dozen of

rare pieces, like one of the two Kangxi 59th year 5 cents silver coins known to exist; two pieces of the Qianlong 61th year silver patterns (only several dozens are known to exist); a

1951 copper pattern of a 50 tael silver coin. Only two 1951

copper patterns have been found and the other one is owned

by the Tibet Numismatic Society. My piece appeared in China

Numismatics in 1992 (Pic 4). I donated all these precious coins to the China Numismatic Museum in 1997.

3. The Qing government never produced any coins in Tibet before the reign of Qianlong (r. 1711-1796). The government officially promulgated the Authorized Regulations of Tibetan Problems in 1793 and ordered the set up of the Bao Zang Bureau to produce “Qian Long Bao Zang” silver coins in Tibet according to specimens issued by the central government. This was the first time that a Chinese authority imitated foreign coins. Are there any Bu Ban coins produced in the 61th year of Qianlong? Wang Haiyan: Those two pieces of Qianlong 61th year

Pic. 6 The “36 dots” silver coin(the 61th year of Qianlong) dots, Qian Long Bao Zang” As there are 24 dots on the edge of

its obverse, this type of coin is also known as “24 dots” (Pic 5). The “36 dots” was produced after the “large character, large pattern”, the “large character, small pattern” and the “small character, small pattern” versions of “24 dots” (61th year of

Qianlong) silver coins. There are 36 small and compact dots on both sides of this coin. Characters on it are regular and tight (Pic 6).

The Bao Zang Bureau got 1 mace and 5 cents Bu Ban

patterns of the “1st year, Jia Qing Yuan Bao” in 1796. The production of the 61th year of Qianlong silver coins then ceased.

4. Are there any fake Tibetan coins or notes on the market? What are the features of these forgeries? Wang Haiyan: Yes, fake Tibetan coins and notes have

silver patterns I mentioned above should be considered trial

been found in the past and still exist now. Tibet’s Dod Dpal

his crown to Jiaqing in July, 1796, (the 61th year of Qianlong).

(also known as the “lion head rising” copper coin) in 1920.

strike coins not Bu Ban patterns. Emperor Qianlong passed This news reached Tibet several months later. But the “24 dots” and the “36 dots” (the 61th year of Qianlong) silver

coins had been produced by Bao Zang Bureau and circulated in the market. The “24 dots” was produced according to the

“large character, large pattern” version of the “69th year, 24

Mint produced the “horizontal character” 1 mace copper coin In 1922, the mint started to produce the “vertical character”

1 mace copper coin. More than 4 million fake coins imitating

these two types of coins were produced in India and then sent to Lhasa. Forgers have been brought to justice.


東 亞 泉 志


Features 專題

Pic. 7 The 1912 5 tam banknote (obverse & reverse), original size: 192mm*108/mm, printed in single color on both sides, mainly printed green, some in variation color between blue and green

Pic. 8 The 1914 Yuan Shikai silver dollar made by the Shenyang Mint Colorful Tibetan banknotes are difficult to forge, but

11 fake 1931 banknotes were found in the interest payment handed over by the noble Ji Buba in the Gyantse region to

the Central Government. Some fake notes were also found in

Lhasa. Later, the government withdrew these 1931 banknotes. After being affixed with the seal of the Prince Regent, real

notes released by the government were put into circulation again. The earliest banknotes issued in Tibet are the 1912 5

tam (Pic 7) and 10 tam. In 1913, 10 tam, 15 tam, 25 tam and 50 tam were released; 50 tam multi-colored banknotes appeared in 1926. The government started to issue new notes with the

high denomination of 100 tam in 1937. All Tibetan notes were withdrawn from circulation from July 15, 1959. Collectors

should be very careful in buying notes issued in these years.

東 亞 泉 志



5. Tibet was peacefully liberated on May 23, 1951. Afterwards, the Chinese People’s Liberation Army brought a large number of 1914 Yuan Shikai silver dollars which were trusted by the Tibetan people to buy materials the Army needed. It is said that the Central Government authorized the Shenyang Mint to forge a number of 1914 silver coins when real ones were used up. What are features of these fake coins? Wang Haiyan: The value of Tibetan currency had

sharply declined before the People’s Liberation Army entered Tibet. At first, people could buy a cow for 100 tael, then they could only buy a small bag of tsamba (a form of porridge) or 20 pieces of cake for the same price. In addition, the quality of silver coins was becoming worse and worse. To make up the deficit, the Central Government ordered the People’s

Liberation Army to bring a large amount of 1914 Yuan Shikai silver dollars to purchase, do charity, pay for service, issue loans and subsidies when Tibetan people had no reliable

money to use. According to statistics, over 1,380,000 silver

coins had been issued as low-interest and interest-free loans for the agriculture, stockbreeding and handicraft industries. The State Council gave the Tibetan government a subsidy of 4,000,000 silver dollars, including 900,000 pieces of well-

Features 專題

Pic. 9 Chinese Tibetan Coins made fake silver coins made by the Shenyang Mint. I have

Pic. 10 Local Currency of Tibet currencies (Pic 10). I have also published some articles in

seen six sealed packs of such fake coins (600 pieces in total)

China Numismatics . Weights and Measures of Tibet and

dies for these forgeries. Now, such fake coins can be easily

same time.

among 2,000 silver coins in a box but I have never seen any found in the market and can be collected.

Characteristics of the fake coins produced by the

Shenyang Mint are: the trianglar-shaped “Yuan”; a thinner

than normal wheat ear; and a long wheat awn, but not the “0” version (Pic 8).

6. You have written two books, Chinese Tibetan Coins and Local Currency of Tibet either by yourself or with others. Can you introduce the brief history of Tibetan currency and the direction of your further research? Wang Haiyan: To make achievements, collectors must

study the history of currency first. This is my experience.

Chinese Tibetan Coins was edited by the Tibetan Autonomous Region Numismatic Society. Zhu Jinzhong, an invaluable expert of Tibetan currency in China was the chief editor

and I was his associate editor. The book was published by

China Book Company in 2002, and is a comprehensive book about Tibetan money (Pic 9). This book won the National

Book Award and the “Jin Quan” Award, the highest prize of numismatic research.

My Local Currency of Tibet was published by the People’s

Publishing House of Qinghai in April 2017. This book briefly

introduces the historical background and versions of Tibetan

China Tibetan Coins won the 4th “Jin Quan” Award at the

The development of Tibetan currency can be divided

into several stages, which are Nepal coins; coins minted

by Tibetan government ( three times); coins minted by the

Bao Zang Bureau, silver coins produced by the Tibetan local government. Various types of coins or versions in different denominations were produced by a lot of mints in Tibet.

Speaking of my further research, I want to finish editing

Encyclopedia of Tibetan Currency first, and then spend three years publishing another book, History of Tibetan Currency .

7. Can you introduce the present situation of Tibetan coin collecting? Wang Haiyan: Generally speaking, the research and

collecting of Tibetan coins still remains at the initial stage. There are about 50 or 60 collectors specializing in Tibetan

currency in China, including over ten scholars in Tibet. Only two of these collectors are real “expert”. There are some

foreign Tibetan coin collectors, such as Nicholas Rhodes (died 2011), the treasurer of British Royal Numismatic Society, and Dr. Volwoods from Germany. Nicolas Roth mainly collects

coins of East Asia including Tibetan coins. Doctor Volwoods


東 亞 泉 志


Features 專題 has passed away. All of his Tibetan coin collection was sold in

As to the austerity of Tibetan government, almost no

Hong Kong. There are also some collectors collecting Tibetan

Tibetan coins had ever been bought back or recovered.

collected by Alexander Boris Lissanevitch, a well-known

For example, 331,013 1951, 5 tael silver coins were minted

coins in Japan, Belgium, Russia and Iran. Some rare items

Tibetan banknote collector, were sold at Hong Kong in April, 2017. Wang Jianzhi, a Hong Kong collector and Li Cai, the doctoral supervisor of Jilin University Geological Institute also have some very precious Tibetan coins. Some young collectors are starting to collect Tibetan coins.

Speaking of research in this field, there is an expert of

Tibetan coins in Hong Kong University. A Russian scholar is

editing a book called Catalog of Tibetan Coins . Overall, there

is a shortage of researchers and research results of Tibetan

coins. More professional scholars and collectors are needed to be found and encouraged.

東 亞 泉 志



Thus Tibetan coins are large in amount but low in price.

to honor the 20th birthday of the 14th Dalai Lama. Tens of

thousands of such coins still exist and the price of each piece ranges from 180 yuan to 200 yuan. A large amount were

issued in the later period when the Tibetan Banknotes were used. Limited quantities of such notes were recovered and

numerous notes exist. Therefore, prices of Tibetan coins and notes are not likely to increase in the short term, which may mean it is time to buy Tibetan money.

Features 專題 名家專訪

王海燕的西藏錢幣收藏研究歷程 袁水清(西安)

世界由貨幣維繫,唯中國西藏地區的商民歷史上習慣用銀 錢。西藏地處中國西部邊陲,與尼泊爾、印度接壤。西藏地區 的貨幣沿革歷史,受尼泊爾地區貨幣文化的影響較多,地方貨 幣的流通時間一直延續到 1959 年才結束,由人民幣取而代之。 為了通過專家弄清西藏地區曾經流通過的貨幣的前世今生,我 對王海燕先生進行了專訪。 對王海燕先生的專訪進行了兩次,第一次是 2016 年 9 月 9 日在鄭州 • 第三屆全國錢幣收藏博覽會期間,因時間關係,僅 短暫交談(圖 1)。此次會上他榮獲“首屆全國錢幣收藏十佳人物” 殊榮(圖 2)。第二次是 2017 年 3 月上旬相約在西安與我長談,

圖 1 本文作者第一次採訪王海燕先生(右) 2016 年 9 月 9 日於 鄭州

他因故改程,我遂於 3 月 8—9 日電話採訪。現將兩次採訪記 錄歸納整理如下,分享同好。 王海燕,1957 年生於吉林省長春市。1982 年于長春師範 學院畢業後進藏,在雪域高原工作 10 個春秋,先在拉薩市師 範專科學校教書 3 年,後在西藏自治區文物管理委員會考古隊 從事考古工作 7 年。1992 年調入長春市文物管理委員會;2000 年調入長春市文博系統。職稱副研究館員。豐富的工作經歷, 持久的收藏和深入研究,使他成為著名的西藏錢幣收藏家暨西 藏貨幣史研究專家。 一 王先生,您曾於 1982—1985 年在拉薩市師範專科學校教歷 史,請問是如何與西藏錢幣結緣的?

圖 2 王世宏(左)向王海燕頒發“首屆全國錢幣收藏十佳人物” 獎 2016 年 9 月 10 日晚

王海燕:我是 1982 年 10 月 10 日和赴藏工作的同志從成都 坐飛機到西藏自治區教育廳報到的。到達第一天和朋友逛八廓 街,看到一枚西藏銀幣,兩面都是單圓圈,非常喜歡,便花 8 角錢買下。後來多次去,再未見到這種版式的銀幣,覺得奇怪。 直到 1987 年在《欽定巴勒布紀略》一書上看到關於西藏地方 政府第一次試鑄樣幣的記載,說清朝乾隆二十八年至二十九年, 即 1763——1764 年,西藏地區所需銀幣出現短缺,攝政王地 穆呼圖克圖遂鑄造梵文“連紮字”字樣銀幣,作為權宜之計。

圖 3 連紮字銀幣 直徑 26.4 毫米 王海燕:我收集的途徑就是經常去市場尋覓,走遍了八廓

試鑄幣有三種版式:1. 幣兩面中間均為雙圓圈;2. 一面中間


為單線圓圈,另一面中間為雙線圓圈;3. 兩面均為單線圓圈,






未遇到。從此我喜愛上收藏西藏錢幣,後來也集藏鈔。那枚珍 稀銀幣直徑 26.40 毫米,重 5.18 克,已於 1997 年捐獻給中國 錢幣博物館(圖 3)。

我剛進藏時每月工資 105 元,生活十分節儉,香煙只吸三 角七分一包的“三七煙”,為的是省錢買錢幣。當時西藏錢幣 市價很便宜,一角錢可以買一枚銅幣,三元錢可以買到一枚銀

二 您是通過哪些途徑收集西藏錢幣的?都收集有哪些珍稀幣





東 亞 泉 志


Features 專題 其他地區不認可。僅發行量較大的銅幣和後來的一些普通銀幣 流通到牧區。我所有的珍稀幣種都是在拉薩買到的。經過十多 年的努力,我的藏幣曾經達到一定數量,各種主要版別基本集 齊,還有兩個錢模。其中珍稀幣十多枚,包括乾隆五十九年五 分銀幣,是全世界已知的兩枚之一;乾隆六十一年銀幣樣幣兩 枚,已知的存世量僅幾十枚;1951 年五十兩銀幣銅樣一枚,目 前僅發現兩枚,還是不同版式,另一枚被西藏錢幣學會收藏。 我的這枚曾撰文刊於 1992 年《中國錢幣》雜誌(圖 4)。這些

圖 4 五十兩銀幣銅樣 直徑 34.8 毫米

珍稀幣都於 1997 年捐獻給中國錢幣博物館。 三 清乾隆以前,中央皇朝政府沒有在西藏鑄過錢,乾隆五十八 年即 1793 年,清廷正式頒佈《欽定藏內善後章程》,命令設 寶藏局,中央政府頒發樣幣,就地鑄造“乾隆寶藏”銀幣,開 中國官鑄仿外國銀幣先河。請問乾隆六十一年有部頒幣嗎? 王海燕:剛才說我收藏有乾隆六十一年銀幣試製幣兩枚,

圖 5 乾隆寶藏六十一年 24 星點銀幣 直徑 28.9 毫米

應屬試鑄幣,但非部頒樣幣。因為 1796 年是乾隆六十一年, 但此年正月乾隆遜位於嘉慶皇帝。數月後,這個消息才正式傳 到西藏,但此時寶藏局已鑄出了“乾隆六十一年”24 星點和 36 星點兩種版別的銀幣,並已在市場流通。其中,24 星點一 錢銀幣是按照“乾隆寶藏六十年”24 星點大樣大字版式開模鑄 出的,因正背邊廓小星點為 24 個,故名(圖 5)。36 星點銀 幣是綜合“乾隆寶藏六十年”24 星點的“大樣大字版”“小樣 大字版”和“小樣小字版”的式樣特徵開模鑄出的。正、背周

圖 6 乾隆寶藏六十一年 36 星點銀幣 直徑 28.9 毫米

廓各分佈 36 個星點,星點小而密,漢字書體端正緊湊(圖 6)。 五 1951 年 5 月 23 日,西藏和平解放。中國人民解放軍帶進和 1796 年寶藏局接到的部頒樣幣是“嘉慶寶藏元年”一錢和 五分樣幣。乾隆六十一年銀幣就停鑄了。

調入大量西藏人民信任的民國三年袁世凱像銀元,購買所需物 資。後來袁像銀幣不敷使用,據說中央人民政府又委託瀋陽造 幣廠專門為西藏仿造了一批成色十足的民國三年袁像銀元。請

四 請問市場上發現有贗品西藏幣、鈔嗎?其特徵是什麼? 王海燕:發現有。西藏幣、鈔造假歷史上和現在都有過。

您談談具體經過以及仿造銀元的特徵。 王海燕:中國人民解放軍開始進藏之前,西藏地方政府發

1920 年西藏奪底鑄幣廠鑄有“橫字”一錢銅幣,俗稱獅子抬頭


銅幣;1922 年,奪底鑄幣廠開始鑄“豎字”一錢銅幣,發現這


兩種銅幣都有假幣。曾有人在印度造,然後送到拉薩,共 400



政赤字,中央人民政府指示進藏部隊帶進大量民國三年袁世凱 像銀元,用於採購、佈施、支付勞務費用、發放貸款、救濟等

西藏彩色紙幣不易偽造,但在 1936 年,在貴族吉布巴上繳

等。據統計,從 1951 年至 1956 年 4 月共發放低息和無息農業、

的江孜地區所收利息款中,發現有 1931 年版的假彩色鈔票 11

牧業、手工業貸款 138 萬多銀元。國務院當時對西藏地方政府


補助 400 萬大洋,包括委託瀋陽造幣廠專門為西藏仿造了銀元


90 萬枚,成色十足。這批仿造銀元的幣模我沒有見過,但是在

發行流通。西藏最早發行的紙幣是 1912 年版五章噶(圖 7)和

2000 枚一箱的大洋中,見過 6 包未拆封共 600 枚。如今在拉薩

十章噶紙幣。1913 年,十章噶、十五章噶、二十五章噶、五十


章噶單色木版紙幣發行。1926 年,五十章噶套色紙幣問世。 1937 年開始發行大面額鈔票一百兩。1959 年 7 月 15 日開始藏 鈔作廢,退出流通。對幾個關鍵年份發行的紙幣購藏時應格外 小心。

東 亞 泉 志



瀋陽造幣廠仿造銀元的特徵是:三角“圓”,麥穗比老的 袁像銀元細,麥芒長,但不是“O 版”,(圖 8)。

Features 專題

圖 7 1912 年版五章噶紙幣(正、背)原大 192 毫米 X108 毫米 雙面單色印刷,主色調綠色,但也有藍色和 綠色之間的幾種色差

由我獨著的《西藏地方貨幣》由青海人民出版社 2007 年 4 月出版。該書概說了西藏地方貨幣產生的歷史背景和幣種及其 版別(圖 10)。另有幾篇研究文章發表在《中國錢幣》雜誌, 其中《論西藏衡製》和《中國西藏錢幣》同時獲第四屆“金泉獎”。 西藏地方貨幣大體分為使用尼泊爾銀幣時期、西藏地方政 圖 8 瀋陽版民國三年袁世凱像銀元 直徑 39 毫米

府三次鑄幣時期、寶藏局鑄幣時期、寶藏局時期地方政府商上 鑄銀幣時期等幾個階段。幣種多樣,面額複雜,版別紛繁,涉

六 先生參與編著和獨著的專著分別是《中國西藏錢幣》和《西


藏地方貨幣》。請講述西藏地方貨幣史略,以及您下一步的研 究方向。

我的研究計劃,一是儘早完成《西藏貨幣大全》的編撰工作; 二是緊張工作 3 年,使《西藏貨幣史》與讀者見面。

王海燕:錢幣收藏只有進入研究層次才能玩出味道,收藏 要出成果必須研究貨幣史,這是我的切身體會。《中國西藏錢

七 請您介紹一下西藏錢幣收藏研究的現狀。

幣》編著者西藏自治區錢幣學會,主編朱進忠,他是國內一個 不可多得的藏幣研究專家;我是副主編。中華書局 2002 年出版, 是一部高水準的全面介紹西藏錢幣的專著(圖 9),獲國家圖

王海燕:總體上講,西藏錢幣的收藏與研究目前還處於低 級階段。



東 亞 泉 志


Features 專題

圖 9 王海燕參與編著的《中國西藏錢幣》


圖 10 王海燕著作《西藏地方貨幣》




有英國皇家貨幣協會司庫尼古拉 . 若斯,他主集東亞錢幣,包


括西藏錢幣;德國的沃爾伍茲醫生已經去世,其西藏錢幣藏品 已全部在香港拍賣;日本、比利時、俄羅斯、伊朗各有一位。




珍稀罕見版別將於 2017 年 4 月在香港 SBPZD 拍賣;香港的王

1951 年十四世達賴喇嘛 20 歲生日,鑄造五兩新銀幣 331013 枚,


存世量幾萬,目前一枚僅 180-200 元。藏鈔後期發行量巨大,


限量收兌,存世量也不小。所以西藏幣、鈔短期價格漲不上去, 也正是愛好者入市的佳機。

東 亞 泉 志



Features 專題

The discovery of some rare gambling coins of emperor Wu Thomas Uhlmann (Germany) The collection Richard Schlösser at the Museum August Kestner, Hannover. One of the most important European collections of Asian coins. Prof. Dr. Richard Schlösser (Pic. 1) (1879 - April 1,

1962) worked in his home town at the “Kunstgewerbeschule

Hannover” as a professor of art. His artistic work can still be admired today at the town hall Hannover in the plaster and gold mosaic arches.

In addition to his profession, he was interested in the

coinage of China and its neighboring countries. During the first decades of the 20th century, he amassed one of the

largest collections of Asian coins. He published several essays

on this subject in various magazines. His most comprehensive work, "China's Coins", published in 1935, is the description of the coin collection of the Franciscan Monastery Museum in Dorsten, Germany. The book also describes pieces from his own collection.

His collection was already organized and identified by

him in 1937. During his lifetime, the Stadtparkasse Hannover museum purchased the collection in 1959 for 36,000 DM

(Deutsch Marks). The collection was immediately handed over to the August Kestner Museum. From the 30th of

Pic. 1 RichardSchloesser1959 2nd form left

October until the 31st of December in 1959 the collection was presented to public under the title "Four Thousand Years of Chinese Money" at the cash office of the Sparkasse.

On July 14, 1959 the Hamburger Abendblatt newspaper


"The city of Hannover has acquired the largest and most valuable collection of Chinese coins in Europe for its Kestner Museum. The collection, which had been ammassed by the now 84-year-old Richard Schlösser, consists of more than 5.000 coins from the period of about 2.000 BC to the present day. In the professional numismatic world the collection is well-known." The newspaper description of the collection as the largest

special collection in Europe only referred to private collections because an even larger collection of Asian coins was already known to be located in the British Museum. However, it is

one of the most extensive collections in this field with a broad range across the history of Chinese coinage. The pieces range from the origins of the cowry shells, their replicas in stone,

Pic. 2 Hamburger Abendblatt newspaper

reidentified and inventoried for the museum. As part of a review and an investigation of the stock of the

August Kestner Museum in Hannover, I had the opportunity to classify, examine and partly re-identify this collection.

Due to the limited time, this could not be completely

bone and bronze money types like spades, knives, and bells

done. Nevertheless, the 6,573 coins are now part of a database

the late 19th and early 20th century. There are also a lot of

references of all coins were checked, supplemented and some

finally to the well-known cash coins and the minted coins of rarities parts of the collection.

In the years 1967-1969, the collection was checked

by Horst Hubert, a sinologist from Heidelberg, and was

made up for the coin collection of the museum. The given coins were even identified for the first time.

From the recently recorded details, it becomes clear that

Richard Schlösser was a very compassionate collector. In


東 亞 泉 志


Features 專題

Pic. 3 Mingsu Qian relation to his own description of his collection of 4,600 coins which can be found in the preface of the book China’s Coins , the collection had increased by another 2,000 coins by 1959 despite the Second World War.

The collection consists of coins from the following

countries: 5,560 Chinese coins, 312 Korean coins, 265

Japanese coins, 169 coins from Annam, 85 coins from Hong

Kong, 11 coins from French Indochina, 5 coins from Mongolia, 2 German-Kiatschou coins, 1 Dutch India coin, 1 medal of the German Empire, 1 medal of the French Republic, 34 undefined Asian pieces and 127 Roman coins.

My special interest was aroused by 8 coins, which

according to the old description, represent very early round coins. In the western literature these pieces can only be

found in the description of the catalogue of Chinese coins of

the British Museum by Albert Étienne Jean Baptiste Terrien de Lacouperie. Although the descriptions there are not very

extensive, Richard Schlösser and Horst Hubert jointly made this interpretation.

With the help and information from Prof. Sven

Günther and Prof. Fu of the Institute for History of Ancient Civilizations, Northeast Normal University, Changchun (China), it was possible for me to identify these pieces correctly.

Similar coins with the Chinese character ' 第 ' were found

at an excavation at grave II in Mancheng, Hebei Province. Due to the archaeological information, the period of origin can be assigned to Emperor Wu of the Han dynasty (141-87 BC).

Emperor Wu is also called the last great emperor of the

Han Dynasty. Under his reign the imperial empire expanded

東 亞 泉 志



further into the northern part of today’s Vietnam and in the east into the territory of today's North Korea.

He also strengthened the empire in its internal

and external political position. Besides that he raised

Confucianism to become the philosophical and political guideline of the state.

During his reign, the coinage changed from the originally

denominated ban-liang coin to the smaller wu-zhu coin. The pieces of the Schlösser Collection are too heavy compared to

the common currency of that time and with a diameter of 33 to 48 millimeters they are also too big. The typeface differs

from the mass and size, clearly from other known coins of this epoch.

In fact these coins never had a real money function.

According to the results of the archaeological evaluation,

these kinds of coins were used to play drinking games, also

called mingsu qian ( 民俗錢 ) (Pic. 3). Two comparable pieces

were part of the exhibition “China's Money” at the Moritzburg

Halle, in Germany in September 2016. These two coins belong to the collection of Joachim Krüger, and Howard Franklin Bowker, and are now part of the coin collection of Halle.

In conclusion, the collection of Richard Schlösser offers

a comprehensive insight into the development of coinage in

East Asia due its large number of early coins, amulets and the variety of the countries of origin.

Hopefully the collection will be published via an online

database or in a museum catalog.

Such a publication would be helpful for everybody who is

interested in Chinese numismatics.

Features 專題

About the authors I am working for the coin cabinet of the Leipzig university and the state cabinet of Sachsen-Anhalt in Halle as an numismatic volunteer.. I have to work on all numismatic fields in Leipzig, because this collection has to be reidentified after the World War Ⅱ . It is done only by numismatic volunteers since 1968. I am the only one since 2010. In Halle I have the opportunity to work with the collection of Howard Franklin Bowker and I feel very honoured to do this. Since the early times of my numismatic interest I have been dealing with Chinese and East Asian coins. The Chinese coin Collection of Prof. Dr. Conrady in the Leipzig was the first bigger Chinese Collection I had worked with. In 2012 we organised a Chinese coin exhibition with the Konfuzius Institute in Leipzig. After that I found my way to the Collection of Richard Schlösser in Hannover.


東 亞 泉 志


Features 專題

施洛塞爾的亞洲錢幣收藏中的西漢酒令籌碼 托馬斯·烏爾曼(德國) (本文所介紹的幾枚行酒令籌碼, 均源自歐洲最有分量的亞洲錢幣藏品之一、 漢諾威科斯特納博物館理查 · 施洛塞 爾的錢幣收藏。) 理查·施洛塞爾博士(圖 1)(1879-1962 年 4 月 1 日)是其家鄉——德國 漢諾威工藝美術學院的一名藝術系教授。時至今日,人們還能在漢諾威市政廳 金箔裝飾的石膏拱廊上欣賞到他的藝術作品。 除自己的專業之外,他還喜歡收集中國及其鄰國的錢幣。在 20 世紀前葉, 施洛塞爾收集了大量的亞洲錢幣藏品,並在諸多雜誌上發表了數篇關於這方面 的文章。出版於 1935 年的《中國錢幣》一書是施洛塞爾最為全面的一部關於中 國錢幣的作品,書中收錄了德國多斯滕聖方濟各錢幣博物館的館藏以及他自己 的一些藏品。 早在 1937 年的時候,施洛塞爾就已經對自己的收藏進行了整理與辨別。 1959 年,漢諾威儲蓄銀行博物館以 3.6 萬馬克的價格將施洛塞爾的原本估價為 4.8 萬馬克的藏品全部買下,之後馬上轉手於科斯特納博物館。1959 年 10 月 30 至 12 月 3 日,這些藏品以“四千年裡的中國錢幣”為主題在銀行國庫向大 眾展出。 1959 年 6 月 14 日,《漢堡晚報》(圖 2)發佈報道: 漢諾威科斯特納博物館迎來了 5000 多枚從西元前 2000 年 至今的中國錢幣,這是全歐洲規模最大也是最為珍貴的中國錢

圖 1 理查·施洛塞爾博士(左二)

幣藏品,其所有者是現年 84 歲的理查·施洛塞爾。這批藏品在 專業錢幣界廣為人知。 由於大英博物館之前就已經有一批規模更大的亞洲錢幣藏 品,所以報道中將這批錢幣描述為“規模最大”指的應該是“規 模最大的私人藏品”。但這批錢幣的確是這一領域種類涵蓋最 廣的藏品之一,其貫穿了中國的錢幣發展歷史,從錢幣起源時 期的天然貝、石貝、骨貝、青銅貝到布幣、刀幣、鐘形幣,再 到知名的銅錢及 19 世紀晚期和 20 世紀初期的機鑄幣應有盡有, 其中還不乏許多珍貴的幣種。 1964-1969 年,海德堡的漢學家霍斯特·胡伯特為博物館 對這批錢幣進行了檢查、重新鑒定和整理。 作為科斯特納博物館藏品檢視工作的一部分,我有幸對這 一批藏品進行了分類檢測以及一部分的鑒定工作。 由於時間有限,我的工作並沒有全部完成。不過 6573 枚錢

圖 2 《漢堡晚報》發布報道

二戰期間,他也沒有停止收藏錢幣,到 1959 年,他的錢幣藏 品又在原先的基礎上增加了 2000 件。 這批藏品的來源各異,共包括:5560 枚中國幣、312 枚韓 國幣、365 枚日本幣、169 枚越南幣、85 枚香港幣、11 枚法屬


印度支那幣、5 枚蒙古幣、2 枚德占膠州灣錢幣、1 枚荷屬印度


幣、一枚德意志帝國獎章、1 枚法國共和國獎章、34 枚未知的


亞洲錢幣以及 127 枚羅馬幣。


其中 8 枚錢幣特別吸引了我注意。據文獻記載,這些錢

人文關懷的收藏家。從他為自己對 4600 枚錢幣的描述(見《中


國錢幣》一書的扉頁,1935 年出版)中我們可以發現,即便在


東 亞 泉 志



Features 專題 理查·施勒塞爾和霍 斯特·胡伯特對這些 錢幣做了一些注釋 , 儘管描述並不十分詳 盡。 多虧了東北師範 大學古代文明史學院 (中國長春)的傅教 授和斯文·京特教授 提供的資訊和説明, 使我得以弄清了這些 錢幣的身份和來歷。 河北滿城漢墓 2 號墓中也出土過這種 帶有“第”字的錢幣。據考古資料記載,這些錢幣的起源可以

圖 3 民俗錢



追溯到漢武帝時期(西元前 141- 前 87 年)。 漢武帝被譽為漢代最後一代大帝,在其統治期間,中國的 疆域向南一直擴展到今越南北部,向東則延伸到今天的朝鮮境 內。

(圖 3)。2016 年 9 月德國哈勒莫里茨堡博物館曾經展出過兩 枚類似的錢幣。這兩枚錢幣之前分別為德國藏家尤阿希姆·克 魯格和美國藏家霍華德·佛蘭克林包克的藏品,現藏于哈勒莫 里茨堡博物館。

此外,漢武帝還提升了當時漢朝在國內外的政治地位。通 過罷黜百家獨尊儒術,漢武帝將儒家思想奉為了全國性的哲學 和政治準則。

理查·施洛塞爾藏品中的大量中國早期錢幣、厭勝錢以及 眾多其他國家的錢幣讓我們對東亞錢幣的發展歷史有了一個全 面的認識。

武帝時期,漢代的錢幣由原先的半兩錢演變為了小型的五 銖錢。而施勒塞爾藏品中的這批錢幣和這一時期普遍使用的錢 幣相比,不僅重量要重得多,其 33-48 毫米的半徑也比當時的

希望未來可以通過網路或博物館目錄讓這些藏品與大眾見 面,這會為廣大中國錢幣的愛好者帶來益處。

錢幣要大。不過錢幣上的字體卻和當時的一般性的流通幣並無 二致。

作者自述: 我,托馬斯·烏爾曼,現任職于萊比錫大學錢幣館。工作之餘, 我還擔任了哈勒薩克森 - 安哈爾特博物館的志願者。 由於錢幣藏品在二戰後急需重新鑒定確認,我在萊比錫不得不 負責錢幣方面的全部工作。自 1968 年起,這些工作全部依靠志願 者完成。而我是 2010 年之後的唯一志願者。 在博物館工作期間,我有機會能參與到霍華德·佛蘭克林·包 克錢幣藏品的處理工作中來,對此我感到十分榮幸。 從對錢幣產生興趣開始,我一直致力於研究中國和東亞錢幣。 萊比錫 Conrady 博士的中國錢幣藏品是我接觸到的第一批大規模的 中國錢幣收藏。 2012 年,我們與萊比錫孔子學院聯合舉辦了一次中國錢幣展覽。 之後,我便接手了漢諾威 Richard Schlösser 藏品的處理工作。


東 亞 泉 志


Features 專題

Numismatic Trench Art Fred Schwan (USA) Soldiers have taken coins as souvenirs as long as there

have been coins. Jump forward a few thousand years and

soldiers (sailors and airmen too) still take home coins and notes as souvenirs of their experiences.

In between, innovators began altering (usually by

engraving) coins or incorporating them into larger souvenirs. These alterations move the coins into the realm of trench art.

Some coin engraving was done during the Civil War and even earlier but World War I saw an explosion in the popularity

of what came to be known as trench art in general and coin

trench art in particular. Additionally, that war generated the name for the art form.

Since World War I souvenirs created from the residue of a

conflict are called trench art and such items made using coins are coin trench art (I made that up, but it feels right). All of

this is in spite of the fact that the item probably was not made in a trench and that some of the items might not be art in the eyes of some beholders.

I carefully call these items coin trench art rather than

numismatic trench art. Souvenir notes called short snorters

(Pic. 1) are reasonably well known and they qualify as trench art and together with the coins are numismatic trench art. I

believe that this classification of short snorters as trench art

constitutes a new way to look at them. Of course I also collect

the notes, but today I want to limit our discussion to the coins. The very term "trench art" conjures up visions of soldiers

carving or engraving coins in a fox hole. Not so. Mostly, trench art-and especially engraved coins--were created by skilled

Pic. 1 Hawaii short snorter trench art In addition to the many bracelets and other items

prepared from Australian coinage are partially completed

items with space left for the final customization. These are remainders from souvenir dealer inventories!

Personnel in navy construction battalions (CBs) in the

personnel. They may have been military or civilian, but they

Pacific created many different souvenirs for sale. They had

learned this from Nicholas J. Saunders' great book Trench

create inventory. Jewelers, watch makers, and other craftsmen

usually had the special skills necessary to do the work. I first Art, Materialities and Memories of War and have since found numismatic evidence to support this idea.

Pic. 1 Netherlands East Indies bracelet

Pic. 2 New Guinea Trench Art bracelt

東 亞 泉 志



tools, skills, materials (coins), and (between missions) time to from civilian life could also have gone into the souvenir

Features 專題 business. Finally, local civilian craftsmen in Australia, the

these problems, senior authorities recognized the importance

like New Guinea certainly created and sold souvenirs.

restrict most souveniring.

Philippines, Netherlands East Indies and even unlikely places All of this is not to say that military personnel never

created their own coin trench art. Certainly they did. Although

of souveiring to morale and deliberately did not attempt to Pacific war art

Trench art made in the Pacific theater was so abundant

not a perfect method, we can usually identify such items by

that today it is often called Pacific war art. This is with

"soldier made (coin) trench art" as opposed to "craftsman

Australian coins constitute a very special case. They are the

the quality of the workmanship. I call the lower quality items made." This approach is not meant to disrespect the soldiermade items. Indeed, overall they are scarcer and they have a

special charm. You could limit your collection to the soldiermade items. I, of course, collect both kinds.

There are many additional ways to think about (and, of

course, collect) coin trench art. An important way to group

coin trench art is between those items where the coin or coins are the dominant elements of the item (think bracelets). Of

course then the other category is where the coins are only a small or incidental part of the final item (think ash trays).

Coins are ideal hosts for engraving. They are abundant,

inexpensive, malleable, and often charming or attractive

in their own right. The popularity of making love tokens in the nineteenth century and collecting them in the twenty first century attest to this. Souvenir hunters and creators

recognized this in World War II and produced an amazing array of coin trench art.

Soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines, and coast guardsman

of all ranks wanted engraved coins from many countries in

every theater of operation. Usually they wanted local coins, but sometimes they wanted coins from home but wanted

them engraved with a local theme or message. As but one

example, I have seen Egyptian pyramids engraved on coins from several countries. One of those is on a United States

Liberty Walkinghalf dollar. Ken Barr owns this coin. When

he said that the only way that I could buy it was to buy it from

his estate, I made him write a note on the holder that upon his death it should be sold to me.

Coins made ideal bracelets. The simplest bracelets

had seven or eight coins linked together with a clasp. The

country and dates of the coins were sufficient for a message. Alternatively, custom engraved messages were added to a

center coin or, rarely, to all of the coins. Such bracelets are

actually quite common although since each is unique a large number have found their way into my collection.

Souveiring as it was called was a major activity in World

War II. Soldiers, sailors, and airmen collected just about

everything and there are contemporary reports of collecting (souveniring) activity. It was such a major activity that it

may have contributed to coin shortages in many areas. The

shortages then resulted in emergency issues (usually notes) thus creating more things for us to collect today. In spite of

good cause. World War II trench art coins produced from most commonly-found engraved trench art coins. This is

obviously because of the very large number of Americans

who assembled and trained in Australia before fighting in

the Philippines, New Guinea, Netherlands East Indies and

countless other places in the Pacific. There is a wonderful twist to this. When the coins were to loved ones--as most trench art

coins were--they were going home. Most of the coins had been struck in the United States! This fact was probably not known to the makers and buyers of the items, but adds greatly to my interest in the items today.

Terrible battles were fought on the Island of New Guinea

and surrounding islands 1942-1945. This island that was

little known before World War II was in the headlines around the world during this period. Probably because rather than in spite of this New Guinea coin trench art is actually fairly common. Bracelets, charms, lockets, and other items must

have been created in great quantity because they are not only available today, more importantly they are available and in great variety. Not only could you make a specialty of coin

trench art bracelets, you could make one out of New Guinea trench art bracelets. This are almost always made from the Australian US-minted coins. It is rare to find them from

the coins of New Guinea or other countries. Of course the

mix of common items with rare varieties makes for an ideal collecting speciality.


Rings were often crafted from silver coins. Many coin

collectors are vaguely aware that this can be done, but few

have seen such coin rings. If you are patient, you can tap the

edge of a coin causing it to mushroom over. Then you can drill out the center and have a ring as souvenir of your journey.

When done skillfully, enough of the original coin and even the date will be visible inside the ring! Of course the finished ring can then also be engraved.

Identification coins differ only slightly from other trench

art coins that we have discussed. On these items personal

information is engraved. Usually it is on a coin with one side planed as is usually done with a love token. Alternatively,

the information could also be placed in the fields of a coin. Identification coins tend to be soldier made rather than craftsman made.

A few years ago I found one of the Australian coins

that had been engraved as a prize for winning a regimental


東 亞 泉 志


Features 專題 softball tournament in a very obscure place in New Guinea.

aircraft parts and just about anything imaginable. While

I cannot find it in my office to show you, but I feel that it is

rings, bracelets and the like, they absolutely would never

The trouble is that I found it on a bourse years ago, but now worth of mention as a use that I have not otherwise seen. Coins as minor design elements

Add coins to an artillery shell ash tray and you have

identified time and place without the necessity of engraving.

collectors from the greater trench art world know of coin think of these items constituting a subspecialty and if any of those collectors ever see this article, I am sure that they will be surprised.

As far as I know, there are no trench art shows although

This concept was used on many different items in my

you can (I have) find coin trench art at militaria shows. You

letter opener, cake server, swagger stick, and of course ash

you can find coins in many museums, but in both cases it

collection. I have a salt or pepper shaker (I only have one), trays with coins from several different countries. A favorite

is a jewelry box with a 1944 Australian florin mounted in the

lid. I use this box to house my trench art collection! I just love actually using it in much the way that it was intended.

There is a grass skirt in my collection! Yes, I have a grass

(fake grass I guess) skirt with ten Australian coins decorating

can find trench art in many museums in the same way that is rare to find museums with major collections on display.

Internet auctions provide the most reliable source for coin trench art. You can, and I usually do, find coin trench art

at major coin shows--I really hate divulging this. Look for

dealers who carry love tokens or medals. Do not expect to find a wide selection at any one time, but be sure to look.

the waist band! I could not believe it when I found it at a

militaria show. Neither could I resist it. I looked for a model to wear it, but have not had much luck. Finding trench art

Listening to me might make you think that coins are the

center of the trench art world. No, coins are an extremely

small part of the vast field of trench art. The vast majority of trench art items are made from things like artillery and


I have only been pursuing coin trench art for a few years.

I am certain that I still have much to learn and equally certain that there are some really great items waiting to be found. I

anticipate discussing more numismatic trench in the coming

months and years. In that regard, I will be very happy to hear from you and learn of trench art that readers may want to learn about. Please write

small arms shell cases, fragmentation (often called shrapnel), References: Saunders, Nicholas J. Trench Art, Materialities and Memories of War . Berg, New York, 2003. Waugh, Judy, Trench Art the stories behind the talismans . Australia, 2015.

東 亞 泉 志



Features 專題

戰壕裏的錢幣藝術 弗雷德·施萬(美國) 自硬幣誕生以來,士兵們就有將其作為紀念品的傳統。幾 千年前後,陸軍戰士(也有海軍和空軍)還會把硬幣和紙幣作 為戰場上的紀念品帶回家。 期間,有人開始將錢幣進行改製(通常是在錢幣上雕刻) 或者拣幾枚錢幣組合成一個稍大的紀念品。這種改製就將錢幣 納入到了戰壕藝術的領域。在錢幣上進行雕刻的做法在美國內 戰或更早的時候就已經出現,一戰期間,所謂的戰壕藝術達到 井噴,其中戰壕硬幣藝術尤為興盛。而這種藝術形式的名稱就 是源於這次戰爭。 自一戰開始,戰爭後殘存的紀念品就被称為“戰壕藝術”品, 其中使用硬幣製作的紀念品就被叫做“戰壕硬幣藝術”。儘管 如此,但其中有的紀念品並不是戰壕裏製作出來的,而有的紀 念品在一些旁觀者眼裏甚至都算不上是“藝術”。 謹慎起見,我將這些紀念品稱為“戰壕硬幣藝術”而不是“戰 壕錢幣藝術”。因為除了硬幣紀念品以外還有另一種知名戰壕 錢幣藝術品——Short Snorters(圖 1),這兩種 ( 紙幣和硬幣 ) 紀念品統稱為戰壕錢幣藝術。雖然我也收藏紙幣,但今天我們 只討論硬幣紀念品這一個種類。

圖 1 夏威夷簽名鈔


“戰壕藝術”這個詞會讓人聯想到士兵們在散兵坑裏雕刻 錢幣的畫面。但實際情況卻並非如此,大多數的戰壕藝術品——

上面都為最終成品留有一定的定製空間。而這些半成品均來自 紀念品經銷剩余的庫存!

尤其是錢幣雕刻,都是由專業工匠完成的。這些人中既有士兵 也有平民,但通常都具備專業的雕刻技能。我也是在查閱了尼








圖 2 荷屬東印度群島製作的戰壕硬幣藝術品

圖 3 新幾內亞本地工匠製作的戰壕硬幣藝術品


東 亞 泉 志


Features 專題 度群島(圖 2)甚至是新幾內亞(圖 3)本地的工匠也參與過



太平洋戰爭藝術品就是在太平洋戰區製作的戰壕藝術品, 其數量極為龐大。而這也是有因可尋的。二戰期間的澳大利亞






荷屬東印度群島及眾多其他太平洋戰場之前 , 都會聚集在澳大


利亞接受訓練。當時還有一個有趣的插曲 : 大多來自美國的硬







種產品都是我的收藏目標。 1942-1945 年,新幾內亞及其周邊群島上爆發了激烈的戰 另外還有許多研究戰壕錢幣藝術的方法。其中一個重要的







首飾盒以及其他器物,因為今天這些東西不僅非常常見,而且 種類非常多。你不僅可以專門收藏戰壕錢幣手鏈,甚至單把新



經足夠吸引人,因而非常適合用於雕刻。19 世紀硬幣愛情信物


的盛行及 21 世紀對這種信物收藏的興起都是很好的例證。二




出了大量的戰壕錢幣藝術品。 戒指紀念品 所有的陸、海、空、海軍陸戰隊戰士及沿岸警衛隊隊員在






















種手鏈並不算多麼稀有的東西。我本人就收藏了很多硬幣手鏈。 幾年前,我在新幾內亞的一處地方發現了一枚被雕刻成軍 紀念品製作或收藏是二戰期間的一項重要活動。海、陸、








部門緊急發行了更多的錢幣(通常是紙幣),而這又為我們今 天的收藏活動增加了更多藏品。儘管紀念品搜集活動造成了一





東 亞 泉 志




Features 專題 都是這樣做的。目前我手中有一個裝鹽或者胡椒的罐子(我僅


有一件)、一個開信器、一把蛋糕鏟、一根輕便手杖 , 以及多


個煙灰缸上都是這種將各國錢幣作為裝飾的藝術品。我最喜歡 的還是一個珠寶盒,盒蓋上面裝飾有一枚 1944 年版的澳大利





有硬幣或硬幣藝術品展品(作者本人就曾經見過),但卻鮮有 博物館將硬幣或硬幣藝術品作為主要展品。許多網路拍賣成為



的腰帶上裝飾有 10 元澳大利亞硬幣。我是在一次軍事裝備展






卻一直沒找到合適的人選。 結語 : 尋找戰壕藝術品












參考資料: 尼古拉斯·J·桑德斯:《戰壕藝術——戰爭物資與戰爭記憶》,紐約,2003 年出版。 朱迪·沃:《戰壕藝術——護身符背後的故事》,澳大利亞,2015 年出版。


東 亞 泉 志


Column 專欄

Set of Four Medals, 2017 Pieces Struck: Munich Coin Show Panda Returns after 20 Years By Sebastian Wieschowski (Germany)

During the late 1980s and 1990s, it had become a regular

The Numismata is one of the oldest coin exchanges in

ritual for many coin collectors from southern Germany to

Germany and looks back on a long numismatic tradition.

hope and fear - and finally holding a silver medal with a

Numismatic Society in 1970, it quickly developed as a central

endure endless hours of waiting in line, switching between panda in their own hands. The show Panda medals were bestsellers during the annual "Numismata" coin fairs in

Munich between 1988 and 1997. Twenty years after the last

"Munich Panda", this special product honoring the GermanChinese friendship, is celebrating a surprising rebirth. On

March 4, 2017, the latest Panda medal was presented at the 50th Annual “Numismata” fair (alternatively dubbed the

“Munich International Coin Fair”) in Munich. It is the first

time ever that a show Panda medal has been developed as a

Founded on the initiative of members of the Bavarian

meeting point for coin friends from southern Germany and

the neighboring countries. The first Numismata was carried

out in the “Löwenbräukeller” in the center of Munich in only

400 square meters of space. The area has now grown tenfold

and the coin exchange has moved to the Munich Order Center. In addition to the fair in Munich, Numismata also takes place annually in Berlin, Frankfurt and Vienna.

The idea for the continuation of the Munich trade fair

complete set for an international coin fair. In addition, not

Panda series came about one year ago. During a visit to the

versions of the 1/10, 1/4, 1/2 and 1 ounce. The weight of

a coin dealer from Kaiserslautern, and his colleague Dieter

one, but four medals are included in the set. The box contains the coin is a special feature, since China moved from using

the ounce to the metric system in 2016 for the yearly Panda bullion coin.

The design of the Munich Panda might not only be a

delight for China Panda collectors, but also for animal friends in general. On the front of the medal, you can see a panda

with its baby, lying in front of a bamboo tree. In addition, the weight, purity and the year 2017 are given on the obverse of the medal. The reverse shows a picture of Beijing’s Temple

of the Heaven and the “Frauenkirche” (“Cathedral Church of

2016 ANA World's Fair of Money in Anaheim, Thomas Göbel, Bellmann from Göppingen came up with the idea of bringing

out a German Panda medal. A similar product was also sold at

the fair in Anaheim and sold out after a short time. The design comes from the Shenzhen Guobao Mint, and the coins are sold via the two German coin traders Göbel in Kaiserslautern and

Bellmann in Göppingen. The fascination of the two dealers is apparently shared by many collectors, not only in Germany: A portion of the circulation had already been reserved in advance, with several orders from Asia and the USA.

For many years, the official medals of the Chinese mints

Our Lady”) in Munich, together with the slogan "2017 Munich

remained in the shadow of mainstream German collectors,

were produced at the Shenzhen Guobao Mint in proof quality.

of coin exchanges and trade fairs had already been a decade-

International Coin Show" in English and Chinese. The medals

The mintage is limited to 2017 sets. The sets are delivered in a red coin box with a certificate of authenticity of the Shenzhen Guobao Mint. All medals are individually encapsulated.

東 亞 泉 志



although the issue of commemorative pandas on the occasion long tradition. A silver medal commemorating a coin show

appeared for the first time in 1984 as part of the third Hong

Kong International Coin Exposition. In 1988, the first Munich

Column 專欄 Panda was sold with a mintage of only 1,500 pieces and a

Fair 2016. The medal had a circulation of only 2,000 pieces

pandas were offered in Munich each year with the weight of

coins were introduced during the "World Money Fair”: One

weight of five ounces. Between 1990 and 1997, trade fair

an ounce and mintages between 1,800 and 2,500 pieces. For other coin shows, official editions were made in gold, silver, bi-metals and platinum.

In recent years, the demand for the rare coinage has

increased massively because most mintages are limited in the low four-digit range. Collectors and investors in Germany are now discovering the medals as an attractive collection area

and was sold out quickly. In the year 2017, two special

“traditional” coin show Panda with the weight of an ounce – and a second edition: a “mini” Panda silver coin weighing 8 grams. There were 1,000 pieces of each – and those issues

also sold out in record time. Only two months later, the Berlin Pandas are now traded at twice the original selling price, but

most collectors prefer to keep their treasure rather than sell it. During the beginning of 2017, Panda fans in Germany

with sensational value gains. Since 2012, there have been a

were already waiting for the next silver treasure from China.

such as the ANA World's Fair of Money or the Coin Fair in

had problems to even see the rare silver medals. The dealers

growing number of trade fair pandas, commemorating events Macau. The Anaheim ANA show Panda was a Champion Hong Kong Auction product designed by Shanghai Mint

senior designer Yu Min, the winner of the Krause "coin of

the year" lifetime achievement award this year in Berlin. Yu Min has designed or engraved over 200 Modern Chinese

Coins - including over 40 Panda coins. There were huge lines of collectors at the ANA show who wanted to purchase the

show panda. All of Champion's show pandas for Macau, ANA and Berlin were designed by Yu Min. The Shanghai Mint is a National mint under China Banknote Printing and Minting (CBPM) which is in charge of commemorative gold and

silver coins and also produces the regular Chinese circulation

coinage such as the 1 yuan, 5 chao and 1 chao coins. Shenzhen Guobao, where the Munich Panda was struck, is a mint under supervision of China Gold Inc. and only produces gold and

silver commemorative coins and medals. Of the nine COTY award winners, eight designers and engravers come from a CBPM mint such as Shanghai or Shenyang.

In 2012, the same year of the return of the Panda

show medals to the market, Künker auction house offered

various embossing tools and sample coins from the archive of the Esslingen based company “Otto Beh”, which are

regarded as important documents of the history of Chinese money. Following the donation, the idea arose to design a

commemorative medal and sell it during the World Money

During the Numismata in Munich, however, the collectors had refrained from extensive advertising measures, only a

single poster drew attention to the places where the medals were sold. And so, unlike the Panda editions of the 1990s,

there were no queues before the two sales stands. Many trade fair visitors had learned about the special Panda edition on

the day of the fair, and none of the big numismatic societies

or wholesale dealers in Germany were involved. Many buyers complained about dents and other damages on the medals’

surface, leaving the medals unappealing for grading purposes. And apparently, the mintage number also played a role in the

restrained reaction of the Munich audience. With 2,017 pieces for a trade fair which is usually visited by about 4,000 people,

the coin was not as scarce as the Berlin Pandas with only 1,000 pieces for a fair with 15,000 visitors. This critical feedback from Germany serves as a strong backup for Champion’s

project developing strategy: Champion chooses to work with

numismatic societies such as the Macau Numismatic Society, American Numismatic Association and leading companies

such as Künker Auctions at the World Money Fair to build

demand and interest. Champion works closely with the mint's designer and production team to produce show Pandas with extremely high quality of design and minting methods. This

strategy, combined with strict control of the mintage, has lead to strong aftermarket demand of Champion's show Pandas internationally.

Data on the Munich show Panda: weight (oz)

weight (g)



1/4 oz

7.7759 g

25 mm 33 mm

1.9 mm

31.1035 g

40 mm

2.9 mm

1/10 oz 1/2 oz 1 oz

3.11035 g

15.5518 g

18 mm

1.9 mm

2.3 mm


東 亞 泉 志


Column 專欄

一套 4 枚、 共鑄造 2017 枚的慕尼黑展會紀念熊貓

20 年後再度回歸 塞巴斯蒂安·威斯霍夫斯基(德國)

20 世紀 80 年代末至 90 年代,經常能夠看見這一場景:來



400 平方米。現在,“Löwenbräukeller”的面積已經擴展到當

長的排隊等待之後,最終將一枚銀質熊貓紀念章 ( 簡稱“紀念

年的 10 倍之多,而錢幣交流會的舉辦地也改為了慕尼黑訂購

熊貓”) 買到手中。在 1988 年至 1997 年間舉辦的 Numismata




次慕尼黑展會紀念熊貓的發行已經過去了 20 年的時間,現在, 為紀念中德友好而特別鑄造的新一批紀念熊貓再一次出現在眾


人面前。2017 年 3 月 4 日,最新的紀念熊貓在第 50 屆慕尼黑

程。在參觀 2016 年美國錢幣協會舉辦的安娜海世界錢展之際,

Numismata 年展(知名的慕尼黑國際錢展)上公開亮相。這是




這套紀念熊貓共包含 4 枚(而非一枚),版別分別為 1/10 盎司、


1/4 盎司、1/2 盎司以及 1 盎司。自中國從 2016 年開始將每年





染了很多包括德國錢幣愛好者在內的多國錢幣藏家,其中一部 分錢幣已經被來自亞洲和美國的訂單提前預訂走了。

慕尼黑紀念熊貓的設計或許不只對於中國熊貓幣收藏者們 來說是一個好消息,從整體上看也是所有動物愛好者們的一件





一直是備受德國主流收藏界歡迎。1984 年,第一枚錢幣展會



幣有限公司鑄造,精製,鑄造量 2017 套,紅色包裝盒,單枚

熊貓發售於 1988 年,鑄造量僅為 1500 枚,重 5 盎司。1990


到 1997 年間,每年都有一批展會紀念熊貓在慕尼黑出售,重 量均為 1 盎司,鑄造量從 1800 枚到 2500 枚不等。除此之外,

Numismata 年展是德國歷史最為悠久的錢幣展覽之一,有 着源遠流長的傳統。展會於 1970 年在巴伐利亞錢幣學會會員

還有其他金、銀、雙金屬以及鈀金官方紀念熊貓在另外的一些 錢幣展會上展覽出售。

們的號召下正式創立,後來很快成為德國南部錢幣愛好者與周 邊鄰國錢幣同好們的主要交流聚會場所。第一屆 Numismata

東 亞 泉 志




Column 專欄 導致稀有幣章的需求量激增。收藏家及投資者們發現這是一個

幣章的鑄造量都為 1000 枚,同樣也是以創紀錄的時間迅速售

能獲得高額利潤的行業,於是紛紛被吸引了過來。自 2012 年起,




行的紀念熊貓的數量日益增長。美國錢幣協會安娜海展會紀念 熊貓由香港冠軍拍賣公司出品,設計者為上海造幣有限公司高

德國的熊貓幣愛好者在 2017 年初就已經準備好迎接新一

級工藝美術師及 2017 年克勞斯世界硬幣大獎終身成就獎的獲


得者余敏。迄今為止,余敏一共設計了 200 多枚中國現代幣章,


其中包括 40 多枚的熊貓題材。美國錢幣協會展覽期間,想要



注意。另外,與 20 世紀 90 年代紀念熊貓出售時的盛況不同,


此次出售紀念熊貓的攤位前排隊的人數寥寥。 雖然很多參加



下的國家造幣企業,負責金、銀紀念幣及 1 元、5 角及 1 角等






銀紀念幣和紀念章。9 位世界硬幣大獎的獲得者中有 8 位設計

之一。2017 枚在有 4000 名參觀者的慕尼黑展會上發行的紀念


熊貓,卻不如在有 15000 名參觀者的柏林錢展上發行的 1000


枚熊貓銀章更為珍貴。德國方面的這一重要回饋成了冠軍拍賣 公司項目製定發展戰略的重要參考。冠軍拍賣公司選擇與錢幣

2012 年,紀念熊貓重回市場。同年,坤克拍賣公司將一批






並將其在 2016 世界錢幣展上出售的想法逐漸萌生。紀念章發


行量僅為 2000 枚,而且很快就被搶購一空。2017 年,兩種特




重 1 盎司;第二種是迷你型的熊貓銀幣,重量僅為 8 克。兩種


慕尼黑展會紀念熊貓的相關資料: 重量 (oz)

重量 (g)

直徑 (mm)

厚度 (mm)


25 33









1/4 1





東 亞 泉 志


Column 專欄

Exploring Official Versions of

Chinese Modern Precious Metal Coins Zhao Yansheng (Beijing) Studying coin varities has become popular among

It would be a huge job to comprehensively introduce all

collectors and investors. At least 280 types of modern Chinese

the varieties of Chinese moderncoins in an article so I will

media and the number continues to grow.

A systematic analysis of other versions will be introduced in

coins have been sold at auction or have been reported by the These so-called “modern precious-metal coins” can be

generally classified into several types:

(1) The official version, referring to versions produced

by plaster mold, direct carved mold or incused mold with

different designs and images made in the process of mold

producing. All these versions have been officially recognized or recorded in official announcements or files and thus are known as the official version.

(2) The private version, referring to versions made by

directly carved molds which have been modified many times

in the manufacturing process. Sometimes, images will change

when direct-carved dies are transferred to incused dies or new direct-carved molds will be made after the old ones cannot be

used any more. Coins made by these dies can also be classified as private versions. These versions are not especially designed

but are just the accidental results of master die manufacturing. Most of these coins found by private individuals lack relevant official documents.

(3) Coins of varying quality: Chinese mold-producing

process for modern coins is very complicated.Generally,

molds are made vis a following procedure. A plaster is used

to make a copper mold. Then machine profilingis done which is followed by a directly-engraved mold. This is followed by the manufacture of an incuse mold and then a secondary

mold. Finally a working mold is produced. This was the main manufacturing steps before 2005. Since 2005, the copper

mold and machine profiling were substituted with electronic engraving. From the directly-engraved mold to the working

mold (used for engraving coins) a die needs to be repeatedly pressed, shaped, heat treated, electroplated, sandblasted

and polished. Due to different production conditions and

techniques, the surface of the mold might change a little in

the later stages of mold production. Thus coins made by these molds might show differences in quality.

only focus on some official versions of Chinese modern coins. later articles.

According to official reports, official versions of Chinese

modern coins include: “S” and “Y” versions of the 1987 prooflike gold panda; domestic and international versions of the

2001 proof-like silver panda; “S”, “Y” and “Z” versions of the 29th Olympic Games coins minted and issued in 2006 and 2008.

1. “S” and “Y” versions of the 1987 proof-like gold panda Chinese gold coins were mainly sold on the international

market at the end of the 1980s as the demand was great at that time. Sales of the 1988 proof-like gold panda reached

479,700 ounces, which is still the record for annual sales for

a gold panda issue. To meet market demand, proof-like gold pandas were mainly produced by Shanghai and Shenyang

Mints. Due to different minting conditions and techniques,

there were small variations in the pandas produced by these two mints. The difference of quality was reflected in the

international market. For this reason, the 1987 proof-like gold pandas were struck with marks to track the quality of coins

according to the market feedback. Thus, there are “S” and “Y” versions of the 1987 gold panda; “S” refers to the Shanghai

Mint and “Y” stands for the Shenyang Mint. Strucking marks was proved to be a good way to monitor the quality of coins, but new problems, like an uneven supply and a shortage of

some versions produced at certain periods, appeared. These

problems further tightened the market. To balance supply and demand, the practice of using different marks was adopted

for only one year. From 1988, the old design standard of not using producers’ marks was reestablished.

Two versions of the 1987 1 oz. gold proof-like panda are

shown in Picture 1. Marks of 1/2 oz., 1/4 oz., 1/10 oz. and 1/20 oz. are in the location on the 1 oz. panda shown below.

(4) Unqualified products: Very few unqualified coins will

enter the market. These defective coins can not be classified as a version.

(5) Fantasy issues: Different from the conditions

mentioned above, a fantasy refers to coins made by

individuals for ulterior motives. These coins are not products of any mint but just private fantasy issues.

東 亞 泉 志



Pic. 1 “S” and “Y” versions of the 1987 proof-like gold panda

Column 專欄 The mintage of 5 types of 1987 proof-like gold pandas are shown in the following table 1: Table 1: The mintage of 5 types of 1987 proof-like gold pandas Weight

Shanghai Mint (S)

Shenyang Mint (Y)


1 oz




1/2 oz




1/4 oz




1/10 oz




1/20 oz




2. International versions of the 2001 proof-like silver panda The focus of Chinese gold coin sales was transferred

to the domestic market from the early 21st century. But

problems such as the backflow of overseas products and

domestic sales of export goods became prominent due to

the different prices in domestic and international markets.

To monitor the situation, proof-like gold and silver pandas

became the first coins to be divided into a domestic version

and an international version. Each domestic proof-like panda

Pic. 2 The domestic “D” version and the international version of the 2001 1 oz. gold proof-like panda

was engraved with a “D”, while international pandas had no such marks. Due to complicated reasons, this method

can only reflect the backflow at a certain level but could not

fundamentally solve the problem. At the same time, engraving marks on coins also increased the difficulty of production,

management and balanced supply. Thus, producing domestic and international versions of pandas was only adopted for a year.

Two versions of the 2001 1 oz. gold proof-like panda are

shown in Picture 2. Marks of 1/2 oz., 1/4 oz., 1/10 oz. and 1/20 oz. are in the location as the mark on the 1 oz. panda. Two

versions of the 2001 1 oz. silver proof-like panda are shown in

Pic. 3 The domestic “D” version and the international version of the 2001 1 oz. silver proof-like panda

Picture 3.

The mintage of 2001 proof-like gold and silver pandas are shown in the following table 2: Table 1: The mintage of 2001 proof-like gold and silver pandas (by piece)

Proof-like gold panda

Proof-like silver panda

Shanghai Mint (international)

Shenzhen Guobao (domestic “D” version)


1 oz




1/2 oz




1/4 oz




1/10 oz




1/20 oz








1 oz





東 亞 泉 志


Column 專欄 3. “S”, “Y” and “Z” versions of the 29th Olympic Games commemorative coins The 29th Olympic Games commemorative coins

(hereinafter referred to as Olympic coins) is one of

continuously and massively produced commemorative coins in China. From 2006 to 2008, a total of 2,324,061 pieces,

23 types of gold and silver 29th Olympic Games coins had

been issued, giving a total weight of 3,355,974 ounces of gold and silver. To accomplish the heavy task of making a large

Pic. 6 The second set of 1/3 oz. gold Olympic coins The second set of 1 oz. silver Olympic coins are shown in

Picture 7.

quantity of coins, the Shanghai, Shenyang and Shenzhen

Guobao Mints began to strike coins at the same time. Several die blanks were imported from abroad to solve the problem of insufficient supply. To effectively control the production

quality and to establish a feedback loop for the information

from the market in time, all coins, except for the 10-kilo gold coins which were only minted by the Shanghai Mint, were

engraved with special marks on the reverse. This is how the

“S” (Shanghai Mint), “Y” (Shenyang Mint) and “Z” (Shenzhen Guobao Mint) versions were produced.

The first set of 1/3 oz. gold Olympic coins are shown in

Picture 4.

Pic. 7 The second set of 1 oz.silver Olympic coins Pic. 4 The first set of 1/3 oz. gold Olympic coins

The 1 kilo silver Olympic coin (the second set) is shown in

Picture 8. The first set of 1 oz. silver Olympic coins are shown in

Picture 5.

Pic. 8 The 1 kilo silver Olympic coin (the second set) The 5 oz. gold Olympic coin (the second set) is shown in

Picture 9.

Pic. 5 The first set of 1 oz. silver Olympic coins The second set of 1/3 oz. gold Olympic coins are shown in

Picture 6.

東 亞 泉 志



Pic. 9 The 5 oz. gold Olympic coin (the second set)

Column 專欄 The third set of 1/3 oz. gold Olympic coins are shown in

Picture 10.

The third set of 1 kilo silver Olympic coins is shown in

Picture 12.

Pic. 10 The third set of 1/3 oz. gold Olympic coins The third set of 1 oz. silver Olympic coins are shown in

Picture 11.

Pic. 12 The third set of 1 kilo silver Olympic coins The 5 oz. gold Olympic coin (the third set) is shown in

Picture 13.

Pic. 13 The 5 oz. gold Olympic coin (the third set) The mintage of different Olympic versions are shown in

table 3.

Pic. 11 The third set of 1 oz. silver Olympic coins

Table 3: The mintage of all versions of the 29th Olympic Games commemorative coins Quantity Set

2006 (the 1st set)

2007 (the 2nd set)

2008 (the 3rd set)



Guo Bao Mint

Shanghai Mint

Shenyang Mint





1/3 oz (gold) × 2






1 oz (silver) × 4






1/3 oz (gold) × 2






1 oz (silver) × 4






1 kilo (silver)






5 oz (gold)






1/3 oz (gold) × 2






1 oz (silver) × 4






1 kilo (silver)






5 oz (gold)






10 kilo (gold)




Note: the 2008 10 kilo gold coin has no special mark


東 亞 泉 志


Column 專欄 4. Other versions There are other versions on the market which are worth

being studied and identified.

(1) The 1987 proof gold panda 1 oz., 1/2 oz., 1/4 oz., 1/10 oz. and 1/20 oz. proof gold

pandas were issued from 1986 to 1990. Four versions of

proof gold panda (1/2 oz., 1/4 oz., 1/10 oz. and 1/20 oz.)

Pic. 14 The 1987 1 oz. gold proof panda (with “P”).

were produced in 1993 and 1994. These proof pandas have

the same design as that of the proof-like pandas. Differences between proof-like and proof pandas are not obvious as the

production standard of the proof-like panda was rather high. To distinguish these coins a “P” mark was engraved on the

proof coins. The reverse of the 1987 1 oz. proof gold panda is shown in Picture 14.

Unlike some people, I do not think it is appropriate to

Pic. 15 The 1987 1/10 oz proof-like gold panda (without mark)

call this type of proof panda the “P” version panda. Proof and proof-like pandas should be seen as two completely different types of coins not two different versions of the same kind of

coin although these coins share the same design, weight and size.

(2) The 1987 1/10 oz. gold proof-like panda (without


A kind of so-called “1987 1/10 oz. gold panda (without

mark)” has been circulating on the market for some time. The

Pic. 16 The 2001 small “D” 1 oz. silver proof-like panda

reverse of this coin is shown in Picture 15.

This is an odd coin. First, it meets the quality standard of

proof-like coins and has no obvious differences with the 1/10 oz. gold proof-like coin (with mark) after being compared, but I did not find any production records of this coin after researching. This is contrary to the general knowledge of

production management. It cannot be a pattern either. The number of these coins does not conform to the number of

pandas. Thus these small “D” coins should be considered fantasies forged by someone with ulterior motives. 5. Summary and conclusion Through the above analysis, we can conclude: (1) Collectors and investors usually classify the same

patterns. Thus we should use a more scientific approach or

type of coins with different features into “large versions” and

an easy conclusion. Therefore, this coin should be the called

to compare coins, collectors and investors should be very

look for more evidence to identify this coin, instead of making the “doubtful version”.

(3) The 2001 small “D”1 oz. silver proof-like panda In recent years, small numbers of 2001 small “D” 1 oz.

silver proof-like pandas have started to appear on the market. The reverse of this coin is shown in Pic 16.

This is another strange coin. A certain number of 2001

small “D” silver coins appeared at the same time. Such an unusual phenomenon has raised suspicions among

administrators and many collectors. After visiting many mints and interviewing a lot of mold producers and administrators, I have come to the conclusion that only one set of molds

was used to produce the “D” version of the 1 oz. silver prooflike panda and there should not be any small “D”1 oz. silver

東 亞 泉 志



“small versions”. Although it is a straightforward approach

careful in numismatic research as different features of these versions are caused by different reasons and are of differing significance.

(2) “S” and “Y” versions of the 1987 proof-like gold

panda; international versions of the 2001 proof-like silver

panda; “S”, “Y” and “Z” versions of the 29th Olympic Games commemorative coins issued from 2006 to 2008 are all

official versions and very important types of modern Chinese coins. It is not hard for investors and collectors to find

relevant official documents and to identify these coins. It is

the right time to collect some less popular versions, especially the “S”, “Y” and “Z” versions of the 29th Olympic Games

coins, as their prices are the same in foreign and domestic markets.

Column 專欄 (3) The 1987 1 oz. gold “P” proof panda is not the same

type of coin as other 1987 proof-like pandas and should not be classified as a variety. This often happens to other coins too. (4) It should be noted that for some similar versions,

like the 1987 1/20 oz. gold panda (without mark), are in

circulation with other official versions right now. Actually, there are a large number of similar “versions” of modern

coins. The existence of these coins is contrary to the general

rule of modern coin production. Their authenticity also cannot be proved due to a lack of evidence. Thus, these coins should be called “doubtful versions” and need to be further studied and identified.

(5) Some versions on the market, like the 2001 small “D”

1 oz. silver proof-like panda, have been proved as fantasies or forgeries. These deceptive versions are minted or reproduced using advanced techniques. Collectors and investors should be careful when identifying these coins.

(6) As different versions are of different investmen value,

it is a complicated and confusing to study coin versions.

Collectors and investors should keep a clear mind, think

independently and avoid paying too much attention to profit. Only by understanding techniques of coin production and the definition of variety, studying reasons of variance and

looking for evidence, can a numismatic scholar or collector

keep making contributions to the research of coin varieties.

techniques, some forgeries are very convincing and can be

hard to be distinguished from real ones. Driven by ulterior

motives, some people deliberately cheat customers by making up stories and selling or making fake coins. There are also

a few media professionals who abandon their professional

ethnic and speak for forgers and their fake coins. Under such

circumstances, collectors and investors should be very careful and try not to fall into the trap of “a lie repeated 1000 times becomes truth”.

(7) The study of numismatic varieties is one of the hottest

areas of numismatics. The positive force of exploration and market chaos exist at the same time. There have been 280 types of official varieties which have appeared in auctions

or been reported by the media that can be clearly identified while many other unofficial varieties that are too difficult to be distinguished by collectors and investors. Chinese

commemorative coins have a history of only 38 years. Many original production materials still exist and many people

who participated in production can still be interviewed. I

think executives should organize expert groups to study and

distinguish varieties of coins, especially private versions, and to provide clear guidance to numerous collectors through

studying the background of the emergence of these coins. This article has been reprinted from China Numismatics ,

2nd volume, 2017 (the 145th volume in total).

What should be noted is that with the development of Main References:

1. Album of Precious Coins of the People’s Republic of China , edited by China Gold Coin Incorporation and published by Southwestern University of Finance and Economics Press; 2. Illustrated Catalog to Honor the 25th Anniversary of Commemorate Gold Pandas , edited by Shanghai Gold Coin Investment Co., Ltd.; 3. A Brief Introduction of Numismatics , written by Dai Zhiqiang, 3rd issue of China Numismatics , 2010; 4. The Theory and Practice of Contemporary Precious Metal Coins in China , Zhaoyansheng, published by Southwestern University of Finance and Economics in China. (Note: All data of total mintage numbers come from main references mentioned above. Other specific data of varieties are the result of my research after visiting mints and interviewing producers. Here, I want to thank the Shanghai Mint, the Shenyang Mint, the Shenzhen Guo Bao Mint, Chen Caigui, Fang Maosen and others for helping me in writing this article. All data and materials in this article are for reference only.)


東 亞 泉 志


Column 專欄

中國現代貴金屬幣 “官方版別” 探秘 趙燕生(北京) 近些年來隨着錢幣市場的不斷發展,深入研究錢幣的版別






報道的版別已經多達 280 多種,並且還有繼續增長之勢。


深入研究和甄別這些現代貴金屬幣的版別及所謂的版別, 大致可分為以下幾種情況:

從官方公佈的資料看,目前我國現代貴金屬幣的“官方版 別”主要有 1987 年鑄造發行的普製熊描金幣的 S 版和 Y 版, 2001 年鑄造發行的普製熊貓金銀幣的國內版和國際版,2006

(1)官方版別:官方版別是指,從發行需要出發,在模具 製造過程中,通過在石膏模或直雕模或陰文模上設計加工不同

年至 2008 年鑄造發行的“第 29 屆奧林匹克運動會貴金屬紀念 幣”中的 S、Y、Z 版。

標誌產生的版別。這些版別都有正式的公告和資訊,得到官方 認可,可稱為“官方版別”。

一 1987 年普製熊描金幣的 S 版和 Y 版


20 世紀 80 年代末期,我國金幣市場銷售的主戰場在境外,


市場需求潛力很大。例如 1988 年號普製熊貓金幣的年銷量曾


達到 47.97 萬盎司,按年度計算是目前為止歷年銷售的峰值。










同造幣廠的品質狀況,1987 年鑄造的普製熊貓金幣使用了不同 的企業標誌。其中上海造幣廠的標誌為“S”,瀋陽造幣廠的



製造過程相對比較複雜,2005 年以前每個幣種的模具大致要經


過:“石膏模”→“銅型”→“機械仿形雕刻” →“直雕模”→“陰


文模”→“二原模”→“工作模”等加工程式。2005 年之後銅



術措施只採用了一年,從 1988 年開始又恢復了無廠標的鑄造



熱處理、電鍍、噴砂、拋光等多道工序。在這個過程中由於生 產條件和操作技術不穩定,在鑄幣模具後期的生產加工環節中

1987 年兩種 1 盎司普製熊貓金幣的版別見圖 1。1/2 盎司、


1/4 盎司、1/10 盎司和 1/20 盎司普製熊貓金幣廠標的鑄造位


置與 1 盎司普製熊貓金幣的廠標位置相同。

(4)殘次品:殘次品是指,由於壓印模具使用不當,同時 出廠品質檢驗時又沒有被檢出,使極少數不合格產品流入社會, 這種情況與版別毫不相關,應稱為“殘次品”。 (5)臆造品:臆造品是指,它不屬於以上版別分類中提到 的任何一種情況,而是由民間人士出於某種目的,使用特殊手 段,自己改製的產品。這些所謂的“版別”並非造幣廠所為, 而是民間炮製的“臆造品”, 或稱為“戲作幣”。

東 亞 泉 志



圖 1 1987 年 1 盎司普製熊貓金幣的 S 版和 Y 版示意圖

Column 專欄 1987 年五種普製熊貓金幣不同版別的鑄造數量見表 1。

表 1:1987 年號普製熊貓金幣個版別鑄造數量統計表(單位:枚) 規格




1 盎司




1/2 盎司




1/4 盎司




1/10 盎司




1/20 盎司




二 2001 年普製熊貓金銀幣的國內版和國際版 進入 21 世紀以後,我國金幣市場的銷售重心已經轉向國 內。但由於境外市場和國內市場存在市場交易價格差異,使得 境外產品回流和出口轉內銷的問題比較突出。為監控這種回流 狀況,首先從鑄造量最大的普製熊貓金銀幣開始進行嘗試,將 2001 年的普製熊貓金銀幣分為國內版和國際版。其中的國內版 在每枚普製熊貓金銀幣背面的左下方分別鑄有凹形字的“D”字, 而國際版沒有特別標誌,並由此形成兩種不同版別。我國金幣 市場的境外產品回流問題,由多種複雜原因造成,從產品標誌

圖 2 2001 年 1 盎司普製熊貓金幣“國內 D 字版”和 " 境外無 字版 " 示意圖

上進行區分,僅能在某種程度上洞察回流的狀況,但無法從根 本上解決問題,同時增加了生產管理和均衡供貨的難度,因此 普製熊貓金銀幣的國內版和國際版也僅嘗試了一年。 2001 年 1 盎司普製熊貓金幣的兩種版別見圖 2。1/2 盎司、 1/4 盎司、1/10 盎司和 1/20 盎司普製熊貓金幣版別的鑄造位 置與 1 盎司普製熊貓金幣的廠標位置相同。2001 年 1 盎司普製 熊貓銀幣的兩種版別見圖 3。 2001 年普製熊貓金銀幣不同版別的鑄造數量見表 2。

圖 3 2001 年 1 盎司普製熊貓銀幣“國內 D 字版”和 " 境外無 D 版 " 示意圖

表 2:2001 年版普製熊貓金銀幣個版別鑄造數量統計表(單位:枚) 上海造幣有限公司(海外版)

國寶造幣有限公司(國內 D 版)


1 盎司




1/2 盎司




1/4 盎司




1/10 盎司




1/20 盎司








1 盎司







東 亞 泉 志


Column 專欄 三 “第 29 屆奧林匹克運動會貴金屬紀念幣”中的 S、Y、

奧運會(第二組)2 枚 1/3 盎司金幣的版別示意見圖 6。

Z版 “第 29 屆奧林匹克運動會貴金屬紀念幣”(以下簡稱奧運 幣)項目,是我國鑄造發行規模較大的連續型項目之一,2006 年至 2008 年共計發行包括金幣和銀幣在內的 23 個幣種,總枚 數 2,324,061 枚,總重量 3,355,974 盎司。由於這個項目 主題的意義重大,市場影響力很強,在整個項目的策劃、設計 過程中,集中了我國美術界和造幣企業的集體智慧,進行了卓

圖 6 奧運會(第二組)2 枚 1/3 盎司金幣版別示意圖

奧運會(第二組)4 枚 1 盎司銀幣的版別示意見圖 7。

越的創作和組織工作。由於這個項目的鑄造數量相對集中和繁 重,上海造幣有限公司、瀋陽造幣有限公司和深圳國寶造幣有 限公司同時承擔了鑄造任務。另外為了解決鑄幣胚餅供應不足 的難題,也從國外進口了部分鑄幣胚餅。面對以上組織生產的 複雜形勢,為了有效監控鑄造成品的產品品質,及時回饋市場 流通資訊,除 10 公斤金幣由上海造幣有限公司獨家鑄造沒有 特殊標誌外,其他幣種均由三家造幣廠同時參與,並在每一個 幣種背面的某個位置分別鑄有不同的廠標。其中上海造幣有限 公司的標識為“S”,瀋陽造幣有限公司的標識為“Y”,深圳 國寶造幣有限公司的標識為“Z”,由此每個幣種都形成了三 種不同版別。 奧運會(第一組)2 枚 1/3 盎司金幣的版別示意見圖 4。

圖 7 奧運會(第二組)4 枚 1 盎司銀幣版別示意圖

奧運會(第二組)1 枚公斤銀幣的版別示意見圖 8。

圖 4 奧運會(第一組)2 枚 1/3 盎司金幣版別示意圖 奧運會(第一組)4 枚 1 盎司銀幣的版別示意見圖 5。

圖 8 奧運會(第二組)1 公斤銀幣版別示意圖

奧運會(第二組)5 盎司金幣的版別示意見圖 9。

圖 5 奧運會(第一組)4 枚 1 盎司銀幣版別示意圖

東 亞 泉 志



圖 9 奧運會(第二組)5 盎司金幣版別示意圖

Column 專欄 奧運會(第三組)2 枚 1/3 盎司金幣的版別示意見圖 10。

奧運會(第三組)1 枚公斤銀幣的版別示意見圖 12。

圖 10 奧運會(第三組)2 枚 1/3 盎司金幣版別示意圖 奧運會(第三組)4 枚 1 盎司銀幣的版別示意見圖 11。 圖 12 奧運會(第三組)1 公斤銀幣版別示意圖 奧運會(第三組)5 盎司金幣的版別示意見圖 13。

圖 13 奧運會(第三組)5 盎司金幣版別示意圖 圖 11 奧運會(第三組)4 枚 1 盎司銀幣版別示意圖

奧運會項目不同版別的鑄造數量見表 3。

表 3:第 29 屆奧林匹克運動會貴金屬紀念幣各種版別鑄造量統計表 鑄造數量 組別










1/3 盎司金幣 ×2





1 盎司銀幣 ×4





1/3 盎司金幣 ×2





1 盎司銀幣 ×4





1 公斤銀幣





5 盎司金幣





1/3 盎司金幣 ×2





1 盎司銀幣 ×4





1 公斤銀幣





5 盎司金幣





10 公斤金幣

2006 年(第一組)

2007 年(第二組)

2008 年(第三組)



說明:2008 年發行的 10 公斤金幣無特殊廠標


東 亞 泉 志


Column 專欄 四 關於其他所謂版別的甄別 在以上所述的現代貴金屬幣品種中,目前市場還流傳着一 些其他所謂的版別,值得厘清、研究和甄別。 (一)1987 年熊貓精製金幣 在 1986 年 至 1992 年 期 間, 每 年 還 鑄 有 1 盎 司、1/2 盎 司、1/4 盎司、1/10 盎司和 1/20 盎司的五種精製熊貓金幣。 在 1993 年和 1994 年兩年中,每年還鑄有 1/2 盎司、1/4 盎司、

圖 14 1987 年 1 盎司精製熊貓金幣(P 字)

1/10 盎司和 1/20 盎司的四種精製熊貓金幣。以上幣種均採用 與普製熊貓金幣相同的圖案。由於我國普製熊貓金幣的鑄造技 術標準相對較高,與精製幣雖有差別,但這種差異並不十分明 顯。為了便於在市場流通中進行明顯區分,在上述精製幣的相 應位置均標有“P”標記。1987 年 1 盎司精製熊貓金幣的背面 圖 15 1987 年 1/10 盎司普製熊貓金幣無字版示意圖

示意見圖 14。 在目前的市場中,有些人士將這種精製幣俗稱為“P”版, 似有不妥。主要理由是,雖然這些相同圖案和相同規格的幣種 分別標有不同的標誌,但由於精製幣和普製幣是兩個完全不同 的幣種,因而不存在相同幣種的版別問題。 (二)1987 年 1/10 盎司普製熊貓金幣無字版 一段時間以來,市場上一直流傳着一種無任何標記的 1987 年 1/10 盎司熊貓金幣,俗稱“1987 年 1/10 盎司熊貓金幣無字 版”。這枚金幣的背面照片見圖 15。

圖 16 2001 年 1 盎司普製熊貓銀幣“小 D 臆造幣”示意圖 五、歸納和小結

這枚金幣的出現比較奇特。首先它的品質等級應該屬於普 製幣標準,通過使用一般技術手段對比觀察,與具有廠標的


1/10 盎司普製金幣沒有明顯區別。但是,通過查閱大量檔案資






數量級完全不符。如何認定這枚“1987 年 1/10 盎司熊貓金幣”




找實證,不宜輕易做出結論,因此可稱為“存疑版別”。 (2)1987 年 鑄 造 發 行 的 普 製 熊 貓 金 幣 的 S 版 和 Y 版、 (三)2001 年 1 盎司普製熊貓銀幣的“小 D”版

2001 年鑄造發行的普製熊貓金銀幣的國內版和國際版、2006

近些年來市場上開始小批量出現 2001 年 1 盎司普製熊貓銀

年至 2008 年鑄造發行的“第 29 屆奧林匹克運動會貴金屬紀念

幣的“小 D 版”,這枚銀幣的背面示意見圖 16。

幣”中的 S、Y、Z 版,均為“官方版別”,是我國現代貴金屬 幣版別大家族中的重要組成部分。這些版別在官方公佈的資訊




盲點,應該屬於最容易甄別的版別。其中特別是“第 29 屆奧


林匹克運動會貴金屬紀念幣”中的 S、Y、Z 版,目前市場關注

加工和管理人員,最終的結論是,當時生產“D“字版 1 盎司




“小 D”版的任何可能。根據以上情況判斷,所謂的“小 D 版” 完全是市場中的別有用心之人,經過精心構思的“臆造幣”或“戲



東 亞 泉 志

標誌“P”字的 1987 年精製熊貓金幣,它與相應的普製熊



Column 專欄 種中也比較常見。

發展,有些製假和改製技術已經可以做到以假亂真,增加了甄 別的難度。而有些人在不當動機驅使下利用資訊的不透明和不



同時流通的還有一些與之相關的所謂版別 , 例如:“1987 年


1/10 盎司熊貓金幣無字版”。實際上在目前眾多的所謂現代貴




別的集中特點是,有違我國現代貴金屬幣的一般生產管理規律, 又缺乏充足的實證,應該屬於“存疑版別”,需要錢幣界的有 識之士進一步對此進行研究和甄別,最終得到更科學的結論。

錢幣的版別研究是錢幣收藏文化的重要支撐點,也是錢幣 收藏市場最值得關注的熱點問題之一。從當前我國現代貴金屬 幣的版別研究現狀看,在民間既有勇於探索的積極力量,也存



們是“臆造幣”或“戲作幣”。例如 2001 年 1 盎司普製熊貓

體報道的 280 多種現代貴金屬幣版別來說,官方版別比較明確,

銀幣的“小 D”版就是典型案列。這些所謂的版別均為市場人





屬幣僅有 38 年的發展歷史,造幣企業生產一線的檔案資料還 應存在,有些當事人也還健在。從探秘版別狀況、總結生產經驗、











有利的實證,為錢幣的版別研究不斷做出貢獻。在錢幣版別的 研究中,值得廣大收藏投資者警惕的是,隨着現代模擬技術的

本文轉載於《中國錢幣》2017 年第 2 期(總第 145 期)

主要參考文獻: 1. 中國金幣總公司編《中華人民共和國貴金屬紀念幣圖錄》,西南財經大學出版社出版; 2.《紀念熊貓金幣發行 25 周年圖錄》,上海金幣投資有限公司; 3.《錢幣學概述》,戴志強著,《中國錢幣》雜誌 2010 年第 3 期; 4. 趙燕生編著《中國現代貴金屬幣的理論與實踐》,西南財經大學出版社 2016 年 1 月第 1 版。 (說明:在本文中披露的各幣種總數量資料,來源於“主要參考文獻”。各造幣廠的版別分解資料是作者深入各企業查證核實的 結果。在撰寫本文過程中,得到上海造幣有限公司、瀋陽造幣有限公司和深圳國寶造幣有限公司以及陳貴財、方茂森等先生的大 力支持和幫助,在此表示感謝!本文提供的資料和資料僅供參考。)


東 亞 泉 志


Column 專欄

The William Ewart Gladstone Medallion By H. F. Bowker (USA)

The American Numismatic Society has in its Museum a

small gold Medallion which seems not to have been previously published, having a distinct East Asian historical and

numismatic connotation. The in¬scriptions on this medalet, only 16.5 millimeters in diameter, are as follows:

Obverse: Crown/This Gold/Discovered in/Sycee Silver/

The Prize of British/Arms, in China/was Extracted/at H. M. Mint/March/1842

Reverse: The R T Hon./W. Gladstone/Master/by a


Process First/Applied to the Public/Service and to the/Benefit of British/Commerce Under/the R T Hon./J. C. Herries/1829


It was struck in the Royal Mint of England from gold

parted from silver which had been delivered to the British

government in settlement of the "ransom” of the city of Canton amounting to six million Mexican dollars, as stipulated in the notification dated 20 January 1841 of Captain Charles Elliot

and confirmed by the Convention of Chuenpi This agreement

commemorate the increment in value which accrued to the British government from the unanticipated presence of the

substantial amount of gold which was found to be present in the Chinese silver.

J. C. Herries (1778-1855) had been Master of the Royal

Mint from 1828 to 1830, and the date "1829" on this piece is that when the mint instituted a new process for the recovery of gold from silver.

Several biographies of the British Prime Minister, William

Ewart Gladstone (1809-1898) were consulted but no mention was found that he had ever been Master of the Mint during his earlier days. It remained for a numismatic publication, The Numismatic Chronicle, to identify the "W. Gladstone"

of the medallion as the famous Prime Minister. Under date to2 2 February, 1844, the following note was found in this publication:

The list of donors to the Library and collections of the Society

between Elliot and the Chinese Imperial Commissioner

is as follows: among them the Council would more particularly

the British and Chinese governments. Kishen was degraded

of the Mint, who presented a complete set of proof coins of her

Kishen on 30 January 1841, was later disavowed by both

notice the Right Honorable William Ewart Gladstone, the master

and left Canton in (chains on 12 March, his property was

Majesty, from the Five Pound piece to the farthing.

confiscated and he was condemned to death. However, his

sentence was not carried out, but he was re¬turned to Canton for further negotiations with the British. In May 1842 his

sentence was commuted and he was banished to the Amur

front¬ier. Later after the Treaty of Nanking, which was more onerous to the Chinese than the Convention, he was sent to

Lhasa as Chinese Resident to Tibet, and later was said by Huc and Gabet to have been Viceroy in Szechuan. Elliot estimated that the silver sycee obtained for the "ransom" of Canton

had amounted to 150 tons, and this medalet was struck to

東 亞 泉 志



Gladstone served as Master of the Mint from 1841 to


We are indebted to Mr. John Walker, Keeper of the

Department of Coins and Medals at the British Museum for particulars relating to J.C. Herries and Gladstone.

Numismatic Chronicle , volume 7, April 1844 - January

1845, p. 39.

Column 專欄

The Curator, Department of Coins & Medals British Museum, London Sir: The Museum of the American Numismatic Society in New York has a small medallet of which: I enclose a photograph. I am attempting to put together something of its significance for publication in their museum notes. I should like to obtain some information as to the J.C. Herries, and the date 1829 which appear on its reverse. I have sufficient information relative to the rest of its inscriptions, but the great disparity in the dates “1842” and“1829” appearing on the obverse and reverse is indeed puzzling. If Herries was a government official, I should like to know in what capacity he served. It would be appreciated if you would be so good as to return the photograph with your reply. Thanking you in advance for any information you can give me in the premise, I remain Yours truly, H. F. Bowker Consultant in East Asian Numis¬matics, Smithsonian Institution

Department Of Coins and Medals CM/W. 25th April, 1963 H. F. Bowker, Esq, 1716, Gouldin Road, Oakland 11, California, U.S.A. Dear Sir, In reply to your letter of the 12th April John Charles Herries, 1778-1855, was Master of the Royal Mint here in 1828-1830. William Gladstone, the famous politician, was Master of the Mint l841-1845. In March 1829 the Mint started recovering gold from silver. In 1842 Gladstone insisted on correcting or exchanging many weights throughout the country. No doubt your little medalet refers to such things. Yours faithfully, John Walker Keeper


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Column 專欄

威廉·尤爾特·格拉斯頓紀念章 霍華德·佛蘭克林·包克(美國)


J. C. 赫裏斯(1778-1855)曾於 1828-1830 年間擔任過皇



過。其直徑僅為 16.5 毫米,幣面上有如下銘文。


正面:皇冠 / 黃金 / 發現於 / 英國部隊 / 在中國得到的 / 戰利品 / 銀錠 / 提煉於 /H.M 造幣廠 /1842 年 /3 月

在關於英國首相威廉·尤爾特·格拉斯頓(1809-1898)的 生平傳記中,我沒有找到任何提到他曾經在職業生涯早期擔任 英國皇家造幣廠廠長的記錄。錢幣雜誌《錢幣編年》中則把這

背面:R T Hon./W. 格拉斯頓 / 廠長 / 在一次 / 初次應用

枚金章上的 W. 格拉斯頓(W. Gladstone)描述為“知名首相”,

於公共事業 / 以及 / 英國商業 / 利益 / 以 R T Hon./J.C. 赫裏

在 1844 年 2 月 22 出版的《錢幣編年》雜誌中有這麼一段記載:



斯的名義 /1829 年

圖書館捐贈者及學會藏品名單如下:其中,委員會特別要 這枚金章為英國皇家造幣廠所鑄,其所使用的黃金材料是 從英國政府在廣東問題上收到的 600 萬墨西哥銀幣賠款中提煉

提到的一位是造幣廠廠長 —— 威廉·尤爾特·格拉斯頓閣下。他 為女王陛下捐贈了一整套精製幣,面值從 5 英鎊到法新不等。

的。這批賠款在 1841 年英國艦長查理·義律頒佈的通告以及 後來《穿鼻協定》中都有記載。但義律和中方的欽差大臣琦善 於 1841 年 1 月 30 達成的協定並沒有得到中英兩國政府的承認。

(1971 年 2 月英鎊實行新的貨幣進位制之前 ,1 英鎊 =20 先 令 ,1 先令 =12 便士 ,1 便士 =4 法新。——編者注 )

琦善之後被撤職查辦,離開廣東(當年 3 月 12 日,琦善被革 職鎖拿,查抄家產,定為死罪)。但是對他的降罪並未實施, 之後琦善又回到廣東,繼續與英國方面進行談判。1842 年 5 月,

格 拉 斯 頓 就 任 英 國 皇 家 造 幣 廠 廠 長 的 時 間 為 1841 年 至 1845 年。

琦善獲得赦免,後被發往黑龍江。在比《穿鼻條約》更為苛刻 的《南京條約》簽訂以後,琦善前往拉薩任駐藏大臣,之後,


據 Huc 和 Gabet 二人書中的記載,他又被任命為四川總督。

先生為我們提供的關於 J.C. 赫裏斯以及格拉斯頓的詳細資訊。

據義律估算,英方從廣東賠款中所獲的銀錠總額高達 150 噸。 英國政府意外從這批中國銀錠中發現了大量黃金,為紀念此事, 英方便鑄造了這種金章。

東 亞 泉 志



《錢幣編年》,1844 年 4 月 -1845 年 1 月第七期,第 39 頁:

Column 專欄

倫敦英國皇家造幣廠幣章部門負責人: 先生: 紐約美國錢幣學會博物館藏有一枚小型獎章,信中我附上了這枚獎章的照片。我打算將這枚獎章的相關意義及資 訊整理成文,以便發表在博物館的說明上面。 因此,我想瞭解一些關於 J.C. 赫裏斯以及獎章正面年份“1829”的相關資訊。關於其他銘文我現在已經有了充分

的資訊,但獎章正反兩面 1842 和 1829 這兩個截然不同的年份着實讓我感到不解。如果赫裏斯曾在政府部門工作過的 話,我想知道他曾經擔任過什麼職位。

如果您能再回復中附上相關照片,我將不勝感激! 希望能收到您的回復,再次先提前表示感謝! 您誠摯的 史密森學會東亞錢幣顧問霍華德·佛蘭克林·包克

致美國 加利福尼亞 奧克蘭 11 號

Gouldin 路 1716

史密斯學會幣章館 H.F. 包克先生 CM/W

1963 年 4 月 25

包克先生: 關於您 4 月 12 日來信中提到的問題,我的回答是:約翰·查爾斯·赫裏斯(1778-1855)確于 1828-1839 年間擔任

過皇家造幣廠廠長一職。而知名政客威廉·格拉斯頓也于 1841-1845 年期間接任過這一職務。1829 年 3 月,造幣廠開 始了從銀錠中提取黃金的工作。1842 年,格拉斯頓堅持在全國範圍內對許多幣章的重量做出更改。您在信中提到的那 枚獎章應該就是當時的產品。 您誠摯的, 英國博物館幣章部門管理人 約翰·沃克


東 亞 泉 志


Column 專欄

An Apparent Relationship Between The 1897 Chehkiang 5-Cents Pattern And The 1899 Anwei 5-Cents Circulation Strike By Thomas W. Keener (USA)

China-Chehkiang 1897 (Year 23) 5 cents pattern in silver, not in Kann, unique in silver The purpose of this article is to offer evidence that

The Chehkiang year 23 pattern series is incredibly rare,

may explain how it came to be that the province of Anhwei

much more so than previously known undated patterns

the 5-cent piece. Just why Anhwei Province did not produce

and reference records, it is now known that one of each

produced a single silver coin in Kuang Hsu year 25 (1899), any other coins in the series has never been explored or

explained, but this subject can be addressed by someone else. One of the premier authorities in the Chinese silver coin

series, Eduard Kann, avoided the subject of the single Anhwei silver coin in 1899 in hisIllustrated Catalog of Chinese Coins. Kann wrote only that "there is a ... 25th year of Kuang Hsu (coin for Anhwei Province)... but same consists of a lonely 5-cents piece only.” He also noted that, "while records

of production are incomplete or scarce with most of the

provinces, the coinoutput of silver pieces from the Anking mint is missing altogether.” The issuanceof a single coin

was simply accepted, and the lack of mint records was good reason to avoid questioning how that came to be.

Just over 50 years have passed since Kann published his

book on Chinese coins. In that time, the changing relationship between China and the rest of the world has resulted in much greater access to, and interest in, the rich variety of coins

used in China over its history. An incredible number of major finds have come to light, some of which have changed our

understanding of the nature of coins in China. Among these are two previously unrecorded Kuang Hsu year 23 pattern series of dragon silver coins for Chehkiang Province and

for Anhwei Province. These may offer some insight into the origin of the year 25-dated Anhwei 5-cent silver coin.

東 亞 泉 志



listed as kann 119i through 123i. Based on recent auction denomination (Dollar, 50-cents, 20-cents, 10-cents, and 5-cents) was struck in silver. The dollar and 50-cents

coins were sold as lots 207 and 208 in the 1991 Superior

auction 苏佩瑞欧 of the Goodman collection. The 20-cents coin was misidentified as year 25 and sold as lot 141 in the

1994Taisei-Baldwin-Gillio Hong Kong auction of the Ng Yin Booncollection. The 10-cents coin was sold as lot 474 in the 1994 Taisei-Baldwin-Gillio Singapore auction. Finally, the

coin which initially called attention to the year 23 Chehkiang silver series, the 5-cents, sold as lot 548 in the 1988 Money Company Hong Kong auction.

In addition to the Chehkiang series above, there is now

evidence a similar series was struck for Anhwei Province in year 23. Thus far, only the Anhwei silver dollar, 50-cents,

and 20-cents Kuang Hsu year 23 coins have been identified

in auction. The silver dollar and 50-cents were sold as lot 794 in the 1986 Money Company Hong Kong International Coin

Exposition. A gold plated silver dollar coin was sold as lot 424 in the 1983 Money Company Hong Kong International Coin

Exposition, and reference was made in the text to yet another gilt silver coin. Finally, the 20-cents coin was sold as lot 685

in the 1991 Scott Semans auction of the Dan Ching collection

陈丹尼 . In the accompanying text, reference was made to one other known to exist.

Column 專欄 A comparison of the auction catalog

photographs for the Chehkiang and

Anhwei series shows the following: the calligraphy style of the obverse of the

dollar coins and the 50-cents coins for

the two provinces is virtually identical. The Anhwei dies differ because they

have the letters ASTC in the field while

the Chehkiang dies do not. The obverse dies for the 20-cents coins for the two provinces, however, are completely

different. The most immediate visible difference in the dies for the 20-cents

coins is the small diameter of the beaded inner circle of the Anhwei obverse when compared to the Chehkiang obverse.

Taken together, the above suggests that

there is a very strong likelihood some of the obverse dies for the two provinces

figure 1 China-Chehkiang 1897 (Year 23) 5 cents 30x magnification

year 23 patterns were created by the same company, or individual.

With this as a background, your

attention is called to the two enlarged photographs. Unless looked at with

care, one might easily think they are

two photographs of the obverse of the same coin. They are not. Enlarged 30X, the photograph on the top is the obverse of the rare Chehkiang 5-cents year 23 pattern (figure 1).

The photograph at the bottom is the obverse of the relatively common

Anhwei 5-cents year 25 circulating coin (figure 2). What does not show clearly on these two photographs is that each

shares the following characteristics: the second stroke in the character SHENG

(province) in the legend of each coin is

figure 2 China-Anhwei 1899 (Year 25) 5 cents 30x magnification

missing (see calligraphy representation, figure 3); and, the Manchu word Pao in the inner field of each coin has a weak/ crumbled area in exactly the same spot

(figure 4), suggesting same die punch or hub was used in their manufacture (see figure 5).

One must be concerned about

altered coins as the character for 5 is

easily converted to the character for 3 by simply removing two lines. Proof that the Chehkiang 5-cents year 23

is not just an altered example of the

figure 3 Normal calligraphy for SHENG

figure 4 Manchu word PAO

Character SHENG missing stroke


東 亞 泉 志


Column 專欄

figure 5 China-Chehkiang 1897 (Year 23) 5 cents slightly larger than actual size Anhwei 5-cents year 25 is easily seen on the two photographs:

but the obverse dies, with the date, had to be discarded. Coin

the number 3 on the Chehkiang photograph, while it points at

5-cents coin by the use of the erro Candareens on the reverse

the base of the character for year points above the base for

the base of the number 5 on the Anhwei coin. It is this point,

however, that suggests what may have been done to create the Anhwei year 25 5-cents silver coin.

It is suggested that the following may have happened.

The mint bureaus of the adjoining provinces of Chehkiang and Anhwci contracted with the same company to have

pattern obverse dies made for a series of year 23 dragon

silver coinage,and with different companies or individuals

to have the reverse dies made (they are all different in many major respects). The Chehkiang dies were used to strike

probably one set of silver coins and one set of brass coins (the brass 5-cents and 20-cents are known) in preparation for

Chehkiang's Hangchow mint going into production. According to Kann, the Hangchow mint was closed in 1898 shortly after opening and the machinery shipped to Peking. Kann says

two more mints were opened in Hangchow, one in 1903 and

one in 1905. It is possible the reverse dies were subsequently

used to strike the circulation coins over the next several years,

東 亞 泉 志



striking using the reverse dies is supported in the case of the of both the pattern coin and the later circulation issue.

The Anhwei mint reportedly started production in 1897

and halted production in 1899. While there may be more

year 23 Anhwei patterns to be discovered, it would appear there was a problem with the 20-cents die that had to be

corrected by preparing a new die. Afterwards, a number of different obverse designs, dated and undated, were used during the short 2-year period the Anking mint was in

operation. It is therefore suggested that obverse dies for the year 23 5-cents pattern had been prepared, perhaps used to strike a trial issue, and then recut for use two years later as

year 25 dies. The character for 3 was recut to become a 5. The

similarity between the Chehkiang and Anhwei obverses of the 5-cent coins would support this. Why this was not done with the other dies cannot be answered.

This article is reprinted from The Journal of East Asian

Numismatics, Summer 1996, Vol.3 No.2.

Column 專欄

1897 年浙江三錢六分銀幣樣幣 與 1899 年安徽三錢六分流通銀幣之間的聯繫 托马斯·W·基纳(美國)

光緒二十三年(1897 年)浙江省造光緒元寶庫平三分六釐銀質樣幣,耿愛德目錄無此幣,孤品 筆者撰寫本文的目的,是為解釋為何安徽省在光緒二十五


年(1899 年)只生產了一枚三錢六分孤品銀幣。之前從未有人

七分二厘以及三分六厘)均曾被鑄造過。1991 年蘇佩里歐·古


德曼收藏拍賣專場中第 207 及 208 號拍品即為光緒二十三年七


錢二分及三錢六分銀幣。1994 年鮑德溫馬德和嘉裡奧 Ng Yin Boon 藏品香港聯合專場的第 141 號拍品為一枚光緒二十三年



著的《中國幣圖說匯考》一書中,也沒有解釋安徽 1899 年三

二十五年。而同年的鮑德溫 - 馬德和 - 嘉裡奧新加坡拍賣會

錢六分孤品銀幣這一問題。他只是提到:“光緒 25 年 ......(安

上拍出的 474 號拍品,是一枚光緒二十三年七錢二分銀幣。而




1988 年金錢錢幣公司香港拍賣會上出現過,拍品編號為 548。

銀幣產量的記錄卻全部不見了。”人們只是接受了只發行過一 枚銀幣的這種情況,而造幣廠鑄造記錄的缺失,則為不去深究 這一現象存在的背後原因提供了一個很好的理由。

除上面提及的浙江銀幣之外,目前有證據表明安徽省在光 緒二十三年也鑄造了一批類似的銀幣。目前已在拍賣會上出現 的只有光緒二十三年安徽省造七錢二分、三錢六分、一錢四

距耿愛德出版《中國幣圖說匯考》才過去 50 多年(注:

分四厘銀幣。七錢二分及三錢六分銀幣在 1983 年金錢錢幣公

本文寫於 20 世紀 90 年代)。這期間,中國同世界關係發生了

司香港國際錢幣展上售出,拍品號為 794。1986 年金錢錢幣




為 424,拍品的附文中提到還存在另外一枚類似的鍍金銀幣。


1991 年 Scott Semans 舉辦的陳丹尼藏品拍賣專場中的第 685





些線索。 對比浙江和安徽兩種光緒二十三年銀幣在拍賣目錄中的圖 浙江光緒二十三年銀幣樣幣極為稀有,甚至比之前耿愛德


書中編號為 119i-123i 的那一批無年份的樣幣還要稀有的多。





東 亞 泉 志


Column 專欄 而兩省所鑄一錢四分四厘銀幣所使用的 正面幣模則完全不同,最直觀明顯的一 處是,安徽造一錢四分四厘銀幣正面的 內珠圈直徑,小於同面值浙江銀幣正面 的內珠圈直徑。綜上所述,安徽、浙江 兩省所鑄光緒二十三年銀幣樣幣正面圖 案所使用的幣模,很有可能是出自同一 家企業或個人。 在瞭解了這些之後,你可以看一下 這兩張放大的圖片。如果不仔細看,我 們很容易會認為這兩張都是同一枚硬幣 的正面照片,其實不然。若把這兩張照 片放大 30 倍後你會發現,上邊的這張是 稀有的浙江光緒二十三年三分六厘銀幣 樣幣的正面照片(圖 1),而下邊這張

圖 1 浙江光緒二十三年三分六厘銀幣樣幣

是相對普通的安徽光緒二十五年三分六 厘流通銀幣的正面照片(圖 2)。之所 以難以區分,是因為照片中的這兩枚幣 均有以下幾個特徵:兩枚幣上的“省” 字第二筆缺失(圖 3);錢幣內圈的滿 文“寶”字上面均在相同位置有一處缺 失(圖 4),所以這兩枚幣是由同一個 幣模沖頭打造而成(圖 5)。 只需兩筆就可以將錢幣上的漢字 “五”改為三,所以我們要特別注意變 造幣的存在。但上面這兩張照片很容易 就可以看出浙江光緒二十三年三分六厘 銀幣並非是由安徽光緒二十五年三分六 厘銀幣變造而成,因為:浙江三分六厘 上的“年”字在“三”字之上,而安徽 三分六厘上的“年”字則與“五”字持平。 但這也暗示了安徽光緒二十五年三分六

圖 2 安徽光緒二十五年三分六厘流通銀幣

厘銀幣在鑄造過程中曾經發生過什麼。 當時的情況可能是這樣的:浙江和 安徽這兩個相鄰省份的造幣局在當時聯 繫了同一家企業為光緒二十三年龍銀幣 系列生產正面圖案的樣幣模具,而背面 模具則各自聯繫了不同的企業或個人(兩 省背面模具有很多不同)進行生產。為 迎接浙江杭州造幣廠開工生產,當時浙 江省有可能使用了這些幣模生產了一套 銀幣和一套黃銅幣(現在已知的有黃銅

東 亞 泉 志



圖 3“省”字正確寫法


圖 4 滿文“寶” 一處缺失

Column 專欄

圖 5 浙江光緒二十三年三分六厘銀幣樣幣(圖片比實物略大) 三分六厘和一錢四分四厘)。據耿愛德書中記載,1898 年,剛




另據他記載,杭州在 1903 和 1905 年又新設了兩家造幣廠。可



二十三年 5 分樣幣正面幣模被用於試打,後來幣模被改刻,以






面圖案的相似之處上得到證明。但為何是改刻幣模而不是和其 他錢幣一樣新造一批幣模的原因我們現在還不得而知。

據說,安徽造幣廠於 1897 開鑄,後於 1899 年停產。儘管 可能還存在更多的光緒二十三年安徽樣幣,但看起來似乎因為

本文原載於《東亞泉志》1996 年夏季刊,第 2 期第 3 卷


東 亞 泉 志


Column 專欄

Coin Casting in Traditional Korea By Don Preifer (USA) 1894. Billions of these coins were cast


bysome 50 different departments of

Korea is a small peninsular country

thegovernment. Records show that for

whose population is composed of a

theone hundred won denomination,

single ethnic group descended from the

some 15million pieces were cast within

nomadic tribes of North Asia. Until the 20thcentury, Korea had a strict caste

system with an absolute monarch at the top, supported by a learned class, the

Pic. 1 Kon Won Chung Bo

Yang-ban ( 两班贵族 ). The majority of

The Bank of Korea once possessed some

impact on Korean culture, but there are

Pic. 2 Chosen Tong Bo

invasions, climate et al.

is what is implied by the large number

lived series ofcoins produced from 996

Pic. 3 Sang Pyong Tong Bo

(998-1392). Theearliest of these is

Tong Bo” (Pic. 2) series (orthodox

“Lasting Original Heavy Treasure”). It has the same inscription as acoin

produced during China's T'ang Dynasty, but with the additional characters Tong Guk (Lit., “Eastern Country”) added

to the reverse. All coin production was banned in Korea during the period of Mongol domination (1231-1364), but

wasresumed, if somewhat sporadically,

during Korea's Yi Dynasty (1392-1910). Notes

high as 50% in 1679, and as low as

counterfeiting operations, at least, that

of it being influenced by its neighbor,

the Kon Won Chung Bo (Pic. 1) (Lit.,

Seigniorage profits were as

potential, there were a large number of

coin casting (Korean: Ko-Ju), much

to 1105 A.D. during the Koryo Dynasty

3,137 unique examples of this series3.

10% in 18144. Because of the profit

Korea has a very long history of

China. Korea started with ten, short-


accounted for 1,205,957,578 pieces . So

still recognized as subsidiary coinage2

as can be expected, has had a major

Buddhism, Neo-Confucianism,

coinagefrom Aug. 1905 until Nov. 1909

even as late as 1920, cast coins were

Sangnom or commonerclass. China,

such as: Shamanism, Geomancy,

1867). Government withdrawal of cast

many of these coins had been cast, that

the population was comprised of the

numerous factors that havecontributed,

a sevenmonth period (Nov. 1866 to May

Amongst others, there is the “Chosen characters) of 1423, the “Chosen Tong Bo” series (Palbun clerkly characters) of 1625-33, and the “Sip chon Tong

Bo” series whose date of manufacture

is unknown but hotly debated amongst collectors and scholars. But the series

that best represents the casting process of traditional Korea is the “Sang Pyong

Tong Bo” (Lit., “Always EvenCurrency”) series produced almost continuously

of beheadings that took place. Some

government agencies even authorized wealthy merchants to cast coins.5

In addition to the coinage, millions

of charms and amulets were also cast,

some by government bureaus but many by private individuals.6 They share a

number of similar characteristics with coins, including; general size, weight, materials, usage, intrinsic value, etc.

In fact the Korean word for amulet or charm is Pyolchon, literally, “special coin” or “separate coin”.

from 1633 until the Kabo reform of

Edgar J. Mandel. CAST COINAGE OF KOREA, p. 15. Government-General of Chosen, ANNUAL REPORT ON ADMINISTRATION OF CHOSEN 1935-36. p.69. 3 Alan D. Craig, THE COINS OF KOREA AND AN OUTLINE OF EARLY CHINESE COINAGES, p. 45. 4 James B. Palais, POLITICS AND POLICY IN TRADITlONAL KORLA, p. 167. 5 Won Yu-Han, DEVELOPMENT 'OF KOREAN MONEY, p.61. 6 Edgar J. Mandel, TRIAL LISTING KOREAN CHA RMS AND AMULETS, p. 1. 7 Won Yu-Han, A STUDY ON THE INTRODUCTION OF GERMAN COINAGE TECHNIQUES TO KOREA, Pp. 4-11. This article states that it draws much of its information from an early article, "A KOREAN MINT" contained in the Korea Review, No. 3, Vol. 5, May 1903. This article primarily details the minting techniques of a facility in the 1880's have been unable to locate a copy of this earlier article. For an almost exact description of the casting techniques found in Won Yu-Hans article see. Homer B. Hulberts book, THE PASSING OF KOREA, Pp. 234-240, and also Alan D. Craigs book, p.28. 1 2

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Column 專欄 There are very few historical

The mint building was typical of

records that detail the casting process7.

Korea's pre-modern structures. It was

significant changes in the casting

with openings in the roof to emit smoke

But it is believed that there were no

a long, low roofed, thatched structure

process, from the time of its original

introduction from China, until the 31st year of King Kojongs Reign (1894),

when the last casting facility, which

was located in Pyongyang, was closed.

Coinage: Description and Materials The majority of the Sang Pyong

Tong Bo series was issued in values

of One Mun and Two Mun, but a Five

Mun was added in 1883 and a Hundred Mun (Pic. 4), a little earlier in 1867. The shape of the coin was based on Chinese symbolism, with the outer

circular rim representing the Dome of Heaven, while the square center hole represented the Earth. They are also indicative of the internal rectitude

of government personnel, with their

external and accommodation, and yet they present no rugged corners with

which to annoy those with whom they

come in contact.8 On the coins obverse were the four Chinese characters for

and fumes. It contained a cement Pic. 4 Sang Pyong Tong Bo, Hundred Mun The material used for the coinage

varied widely, with different copper

alloys including, light coloured Korean copper, Japanese copper, Chinese

copper, brass, inferior brass along with iron, lead and some rare examples

in silver and pewter. It is also known

that were cast. The reverse side of the coin varied widely, but in general,

there was a single character at the top

of this is undoubtedly tied to the fact that Korea's techniques for mining

and refining copper ore were far from 9 mature . The only three formulas or

near-formulas that I could find are:

a) 6 pounds copper, 3 pounds tin,

and 1 pound of wax;

b) a high percentage of base iron

with the copper content only 30-40% of its total weight, and

c) 6 parts copper to 4 of lead.

10, 11 & 12

In addition many of the reverse sides

carry additional numbers, words and/

or symbols, which often show a pattern, but for what purpose, nobody knows.

furnace were bellows through which air was pumped to increase the furnaces thermal output.

At another part of the mint, fine

foot wooden box. The sand was packed and smoothed over. An iron plate with molds of coins set in rows was pressed into the sand surface in order to make sand molds for one side of the coin.

Pattern coins or what collectors call

“sead” coins or “mother” coins, which are used in pressing the mold, are

slightly larger and slightly different in

detail, in order to leave an impression

that allows for shrinkage. The same was done for the opposite side of the coin,

in a different box. This is similar to the

cope and drag system found in modern

The Casting Process In planning for a particular variety,

If this wood sample passed inspection

value to the right and/or left of center.

crucible was placed. Attached to the

in (or rammed) by human foot power

the government which authorized the there was an indication of the coins

10 inches in diameter into which the

coins of the same denomination. Some

melted down to make smaller sized

the master die carver would execute a

casting. On the 2, 5, and 100 mun coins,

of the furnace was a round hole about

sand was placed in a shallow 3.5X 1.5

(occasionally a second character at the bottom) which indicated theagenoyof

3 inches above ground. On the flat top

that the earlier larger coins were often

Sang Pyong Tong Bo, which remained the standdard for the billions of coins

furnace about 5 feet underground and

sample of the coin-to-be in a soft wood. by the agency planning to manufacture it, a few trial specimens were cast in

copper and in rare instances in silver or pewter. When all the necessary

approvals were obtained a mat-shed was built and minting began.13

sand castings. The two boxes were

placed sand surface to sand surface and bound together with wire. No mention is made as to the moisture content of

the sand or if there was anything added to the sand such as binders. There is

also no mention of gates or risers. The

sand must have had some permeability to allow for the escape of gases. The downsprue was placed along the

section line of the mold. Molten metal was poured from the crucible into the

downsprue between the two boxes. As


CA.S. Williams, OUTLINES OF CHINESE SYMBOLISM AND ART MOTIVES, pp. 72-76. Won Yu-Han, DEVELOPMENT OF KOREAN MONEY, op. cit., p.77. 10 Won Yu-Han, A STUDY OF......, OPCIT, P. 5. 11 The Bank of Korea, KOREAN MONEY p. 126. 12 Martina Deuchler, CONFUCIAN GENTLEMEN AND BARBARIAN ENVOYS, p.195. 13 Alan D. Craig, op. cit., p.45. 8 9


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Column 專欄 the metal cooled, additional material could be pulled from the downsprue,

effectively acting as a riser. Once cooled, the boxes were separated to reveal a

number of coins along a central stem,

or what Western collectors call a “Coin 14

Tree” (Pic. 5). lt's interesting to note

that the traditional Korean name for

cast coinage is “Yopchon”, literally “1eaf Money”.15

The coins with their traditional

round shame and square center holes

were removed from the tree. The main truck of the tree was returned to the

crucible, while the coins were mounted on a square iron bar through their

center hole in a long row. These iron

bars were placed in a grooved wooden frame set horizontally about 2 feet

above the ground so that the edges (with the separation lines from the mold) could be filed smooth.

The coins were then removed from

the bars and placed in baths of fine

sand and water. Here they were moved around by the employees feet in an effort to polish them.

The polished coins were strung on

straw ropes in bundles of up t0 1000 pieces, with a knot separating each

100 coins. A single cash string of 1000 pieces was called “Ilgwan” (lit., “one

string”) and was, in 1875, equal to two

Japanese Yen, roughly $2.00 in the U.S. The strings of cash were then taken to the counting shed where the amounts were registered by denomination in the coinage book. From here they Notes 14

were escorted under guard to some designated point.

As can be seen, there was no

instrument for measuring the weight and sizes of the coins. In fact, it was

found that the size of the coins could be encroached upon with impunity, and, in time, the size of the larger

denomination coins made late in the dynasty were nearly the same size as lower denomination coins produced in the earlier years of the dynasty.

Eventually, no differentiation was made between the different denominations in the open market.16 In Aug. 1894, the Korean government formally

declared the value 5 coins equal to the value 1 coins.17 Since no special skills were involved, almost anyone could be employed in the trade, and, as a

result, illegal coin-making was rampant during the declining days of the Yi

Dynasty. Even with the introduction of modern coinage in 1888, casting was

the primary means for counterfeiting

machine struck coinage. The 1/4 Yang

( 二钱五分 ) nickel coins are an excellent example of this. When the Japanese

began withdrawal of these coins, they

paid 2 1/2 sen ( 钱 ) for a good one and 1

Pic. 5 Coin Tree

economy, nickels were quoted as:

when Koreans, in an effort to get back

sen for a bad one.18 On the open market 1) Government nickels;

on their feet, melted old shell casings

2) First-class counterfeits;

3) Medium counterfeits, and

4) Those passable only after dark.

and started a huge post-war brassware 19

It is believed that the casting of

amulets and charms continued well

war (1950-53), casting was revived


Reprinted from Journal of East

Asian Numismatic Winter 1997.

into the 20th century. After the Korean

While Chinese and Japanese coin trees are rare, Korean coin trees are not known to exist in any collection in the world, including the Bank of Korea collection. 15 We must be careful not to put too much emphasis on this coincidence. For instance, in A CONCISE HISTORY OF CHINESE ECONOMIC THOUGHT by Hu Jichuang, on page 326, he writes "As a result, copper coins became thinner and thinner-so thin they could be blown away by the wind, floated on water, or easily broken by hand. 16 Alaiz D. Craig, op. cit., p.46. 17 Homer B. Hulbert, HULBERTS HISTORY OF KOREA, VOLUME 2, p. 270. 18 Bank of Chosen, ECONOMIC HISTORY OF CHOSEN, p.53. 19 Angus Hamilton, KOREA, p.97.

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Column 專欄 Bibliography · Bank of Chosen, ECONOMIC HISTORY OF CHOSEN, compiled in commemoration of the decennial of the Bank of Chosen, Seoul, Chosen, 1920. · Bank of Korea, KOREAN MONEY, Published by the bank, 1982. · Alan D. Craig, THE COINS OF KOREA AND AN OUTLINE OF EARLY CHINESE COINAGES, privately published, 1955. · Martina Deuchler, CONFUCIAN GENTLEMEN AND BARBARIAN ENVOYS, THE OPLNING OF KOREA, 1875-1885, University of Washington Press, 1977. · C. T Gardner, THE COINAGE OF KOREA AND THEIR VALUES, originally printed in “JOURNAL OF THE CHINA BRANCH OF THE ROYAL ASIATIC SOCIETY”, Vol. XXVII (1892-93). Reprinted by Scorpion Publishers, 1976. · Government-General of Chosen, ANNUAL REPORT ON ADMINISTRATION OF CHOSEN 1935-36, Dai-Nippon Printing Co.,Ltd., Tokyo, Japan. · Angus Hamilton, KOREA, Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, 1904. · Homer B. Hulbert, HULBERT'S HISTORY OF KOREA, Vol. 2, Hillary House Publishers Ltd., New York, 1962. · Homer B. Hulbert, THE PASSING OF KOREA, Yonsei University Press, Seoul, Korea, 1969, Pp. 234-240. · M. lchihara Ph.D., COINAGE OF OLD KOREA, as published in the NUMISMATIC AND PHILATELIC JOURNAL OF JAPAN, starting in Vol. III, No. 1 (Jan. 1914) until Vol. III, No. 6. (June 1914). Edited by H. A. Ramsden F. R. N. S. · Edgar J .Mandel, CAST COINAGE OF KOREA, Western Publishing Co. Inc., Racine, Wisoonsin, 1972. · Edgar J. Mandel, TRIAL LISTING KOREAN CHARMS AND AMULETS, privately published, June 1968. · James B. Palais, POLITICS AND POLICY IN TRADITIONAL KOREA, Harvard University Press, 1975. · Bruce W. Smith, A SIMPLIFIED GUIDE TO KOREAN CASH COINS, Published in the East Asia Jounnal, 2nd quarter, 1982, Vol. 1, No. 2, Pp. 40-61. · R. B. White, NOTES ON KOREAN CASH, Published in the East Asia Jounnal, 3rd quarter, 1982, Vol.1 , No. 3, Pp. 58-65. · C.A.S. Williams, OUTLINES OF CHINESE SYMBOLISM AND ART MOTIVES, Dover Publications, Inc. New York, 1976 edition · Won Yu-Han, DEVELOPMENT OF KOREAN MONEY, article in ECONOMIC LIFE IN KOREA. Si sa Yong O Sa Publishers, Seoul, Korea, 1982. · Won Yu-Han, A STUDY ON THE INTRODUCTION OF GERMAN COINAGE TECHNIQUES TO KOREA, an article published in the Korean Journal, Nov. 1974, Pp. 4-11.


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Column 專欄

古朝鮮錢幣鑄造 唐·普雷菲爾(美國)


月)打造而成的。單是政府從 1905 年 8


月至 1909 年 11 月收回的錢幣數量就達



到了 12 億 595 萬 7578 枚(1)。由於鑄造

的遊牧部落發展而來。直到 20 世紀,朝

量如此巨大,直到 1920 年,鑄幣還被當

鮮仍然是一個等級製度森嚴的絕對君權 國家,君主之下有受過教育的兩班貴族,



。朝鮮銀行之前曾經存有 (3)

3137 種這一系列的不同樣幣

了數百萬枚花錢和厭勝錢,有些為政府 部門所鑄,但大多還是出自私人組織(6)。

其余受統治的大部分為平民。除預料之 中深受中國薰陶之外,朝鮮文化的形成


這些花錢和厭勝錢和真正的流通幣有許 1679 年朝鮮的鑄幣稅高達 50%,到



了 1814 年, 稅 率 下 降 到 只 有 10%








朝鮮造幣(朝鮮語:Ko-Ju)不僅歷 史悠久 , 而且深受鄰國中國的影響。朝


鮮鑄幣的開端是公元 996-1105 年高麗王


引進錢幣鑄造到高宗 31 年平壤最後一批

幣。其中最早的一批為乾元重寶(圖 1),


幣上銘文與中國唐代乾元重寶別無二致, 只在背面增加了“東國”二字。蒙古統 治時期(1231-1364)朝鮮終止了錢幣鑄

圖 1 乾元重寶 背“東國”




造,李氏王朝(1392-1910)期間又恢復 鑄造(雖說是零星鑄造)。除乾元重寶外,


還有 1423 年的朝鮮通寶(真書錢)(圖 常平通寶多為小平、折二,1883 年

2)、1625-1633 年的朝鮮通寶(隸書錢),

又 增 加 了 當 五 這 一 面 值, 再 之 前 還 有

以及鑄造年份不詳但在錢幣藏家和研究 家之中引發熱議的十錢通寶。但最能體 現朝鮮古代造幣技術的錢幣還是常平通

圖 2 朝鮮通寶(真書錢)

1867 年的當百錢(圖 4)。其外形與中 國錢幣一樣,均為代表天圓地方的圓形

寶(圖 3),其鑄造時間從 1633 年一直


持續到 1894 年的甲午更張為止。朝鮮的


50 多個不同政府部門負責鑄造了數十億


枚常平通寶錢幣。據記載,在 100 種有

造成不便(8)。錢幣正面為“常平通寶” 四個漢字,十幾億枚錢幣均沿襲這一樣

面值的錢幣中,共有 1500 萬枚錢幣是 在七個月內(1866 年 11 月至 1867 年 5

圖 3 常平通寶


注释 (1)

愛德格·J·曼德爾:《朝鮮鑄幣》第 15 頁。 朝鮮政府:《1935-1936 朝鮮政府年度報告》第 69 頁。 (3) 艾倫·D·克雷格:《朝鮮硬幣及早期中國錢幣概述》第 45 頁。 (4) 詹姆斯·B·帕拉斯:《古朝鮮的政治與政策》,第 167 頁。 (5) Won Yu-Han:《韓國錢幣的發展》,第 61 頁。 (6) 愛德格·J·曼德爾:《韓國花錢式樣集》,第 1 頁。 (7) Won Yu-Han:《關於韓國引進德國造幣技術的研究》,第 4-11 頁。這篇文章中提到其許多內容均來自之前《韓國月刊》1903 年 5 月第 3 期第 5 卷刊登的《一間朝鮮造幣廠》一文,文章主要介紹了 19 世紀 80 年代朝鮮造幣廠的造幣技術,文章已不可見, 想要瞭解詳細造幣資訊的讀者可以參考 Won Yu-Han 的文章或霍默·B·赫爾伯特的《韓國往事》第 234-240 頁,以及艾倫·D·克雷格 所著書的第 28 頁。 (8) C·A·S·威廉姆斯著:《中國的象徵符號及藝術母題綱要》,第 72-76 頁。 (2)

東 亞 泉 志



Column 專欄 當時的造幣廠是典型的朝鮮前現代 時期的建築,茅草屋頂狹長而低矮,上 面留有一個煙霧通風口。屋內有一個水 泥熔爐,地上部分高五英尺,地下部分 為三英尺,爐子的平頂上有一個直徑為 圖 4 常平通寶户大當百

體上都是頂部一個漢字(有的在底部還 有一個漢字),代表授權鑄造此幣的官員。 折二、當五和當百在中間靠左或右的位 置標有面值,另外還有很多錢幣的背面 通常另標有表示樣幣的數位、文字或符 號,但其中原因至今無人知曉。 用於鑄造錢幣的材料種類各異,除 各種銅合金鑄幣外,還有淺色朝鮮銅、 日本銅、中國銅、黃銅、次級鐵銅合金、 鉛以及極少數由銀和鉛錫合金製造的稀 有樣幣。另外,早期的大規格錢幣通常 會被熔化並重鑄成同等面值的小規格錢 幣。毫無疑問,這種情況表明了當時朝 鮮的採礦和精煉技術還非常落後(9)。我 能找的當時鑄幣的配比公式或類公式只 有三個: a) 6 磅銅、3 磅錫以及 1 磅蠟; b) 大比例的原生鐵與占總重量 30%40% 的銅; c) 銅六鉛四(10、11、12)。

十英寸的圓孔,用來盛放坩堝。爐子連 着一個風箱,用來鼓風,使爐火旺盛。 造幣處的另一個地方有一個裝着細 沙、大小為 3.5 英尺 ×1.5 英尺的淺木 盒子。盒子裡的沙子由工人用腳踩平壓 實。裝有成排幣模的鐵板被壓到沙子表 面,用來製作錢幣單面的沙模。用來壓 製模具的錢樣(有的收藏家將其稱之為 “鑄母錢”或“母錢”)要稍微大一點 或在細節上略有不同,以便為收縮脫模 預留空間。另一面模具製作也是這個流 程,只不過是在另一個盒子中完成的。 這一過程與現代沙鑄的處理傳送系統類 似,兩個盒子的沙面對沙面用鋼絲綁在 一起。但並未提及沙子的水分含量以及 裡面是否添加了諸如粘合劑之類的東西。 另外澆口和冒口也沒有提及。使用的沙 子必須有一定滲透性,以便透氣。澆鑄 口的位置沿着幣模的剖面線。 之後,把熔化的金屬從坩堝中倒到 兩個盒子中間的澆口中,等金屬冷卻之 後,就可以把多餘的材料從作為冒口的

鑄幣過程 當計劃鑄造某種錢幣時,原模雕刻

圖 5 清代光緒通寶大型 4 枝錢樹,寶泉 局,共 68 枚小平






西方藏家將其稱之為“錢樹” (圖 5)(14)。






之後,工人們會把這些錢幣從鐵柱 上取下來,然後放到裝有細沙和水的盆

的審核,那就會用銅、極少時候也會使 用銀或鉛錫合金試鑄幾枚樣幣。當各種






裡。他們用腳挪動盆子,以便對錢幣進 一步進行打磨。

注释 (9)

同上,Won Yu-Han《韓國錢幣的發展》,第 77 頁。 同上,Won Yu-Han《關於韓國引進德國造幣技術的研究》,第 5 頁。 (11) 韓國銀行:《韓國貨幣》,第 126 頁。 (12) 瑪蒂娜·多伊希勒:《儒家君子和蠻族外使——記 1875-1885 年朝鮮開國》,第 195 頁。 (13) 同上,艾倫·D·克雷格:《朝鮮硬幣及早期中國錢幣概述》第 45 頁。 (14) 儘管中國和日本錢樹已經很稀有了,朝鮮錢樹卻無一件存世,即便韓國銀行藏品中也未見其蹤影。 (15) 要注意不要太過於強調這一巧合。比如,胡寄窗在其所著的《中國經濟思想史簡編》(第 326 頁)中提到:“所以,銅幣開 始變得越來越薄,可以被風吹走,可以浮在水面上,甚至輕易就可以用手掰斷。” (10)


東 亞 泉 志


Column 專欄 打 磨 好 的 錢 幣 被 用 草 繩 穿 起 來,


1. 官方鎳幣;

1000 枚為一捆,每 100 枚打一個繩結。

1894 年 8 月,朝鮮政府正式宣佈將五兩

2. 一等偽造幣;

這 種 1000 枚 錢 幣 紮 成 的 錢 串 被 稱 為



3. 中等偽造幣; 4. 差強人意的錢幣。(19)

“Ilgwan”(意為:一串錢)。在 1875 年,







局面。即便 1888 年引進了近代造幣技術,

已 知 持 續 到 20 世 紀。 朝 鮮 戰 爭 以 後




據 說, 朝 鮮 花 錢 和 厭 勝 錢 的 鑄 造

















原載於《東亞泉志》1997 年冬季刊

參考文獻 ·《朝鮮經濟史》,朝鮮銀行十周年紀念之作,朝鮮,漢城,1920 年。 ·《韓國貨幣》,韓國銀行 1982 年出版。 ·《朝鮮硬幣及早期中國錢幣概述》,1955 年艾倫·D·克雷格個人出版。 ·《儒家君子和蠻族外使——記 1875-1885 年朝鮮開國》,瑪蒂娜·多伊希勒,華盛頓大學出版社 1977 年出版。 · 原刊載于《皇家亞洲學會中國分會期刊》第 27 期(1892-93),C·T 加德納著,1976 年為 Scorpion 出版社重印。 · 朝鮮政府,《1935-1936 朝鮮政府年度報告》,大日本出版有限公司,出版于日本東京。 ·《朝鮮》,安格斯·漢密爾頓著,查理斯·斯克裡布納父子公司,1904 年出版於紐約。 ·《赫爾伯特朝鮮史》第二卷,霍默·B·赫爾伯特著,Hillary House 出版有限公司,1962 年出版於紐約。 ·《韓國往事》第 234-240 頁,霍默·B·赫爾伯特著,延世大學出版社 1969 年出版于韓國首爾。 ·《古朝鮮錢幣》,M·lchihara 博士著,刊登於《日本錢幣集郵期刊》第 1 期卷 3(1914 年 1 月)至第 6 期卷 3(1914 年 6 月), H. A. Ramsden F. R. N. S. 編輯。 ·《朝鮮鑄幣》,愛德格·J·曼德爾著,西方出版有限公司 1972 年出版於威斯康辛州拉辛市。 ·《韓國花錢式樣集》,愛德格·J·曼德爾著,1968 年 6 月自行出版。 ·《古朝鮮的政治與政策》,詹姆斯·B·帕拉斯著,哈佛大學出版社 1975 年出版。 ·《朝鮮古錢簡要指南》,史博祿著,刊載于《東亞週刊》1982 年第 2 季度第 2 期卷 1,40-61 頁。 ·《朝鮮古錢注》,R·B·懷特著,刊載于《東亞週刊》1982 年第 3 季度第 3 期卷 1,58-65 頁。 ·《中國的象徵符號及藝術母題綱要》,C·A·S·威廉姆斯著,紐約丹佛出版有限公司 1976 年版。 ·《韓國錢幣的發展》,Won Yu-Han 刊載于《韓國經濟生活》的一篇文章,Si sa Yong O Sa 出版社 1982 出版于韓國首爾。 ·《關於韓國引進德國造幣技術的研究》,Won Yu-Han 刊載於 1974 年 11 月《韓國月刊》第 4-11 頁的一篇文章。

注释 (16)

同上,艾倫·D·克雷格:《朝鮮硬幣及早期中國錢幣概述》第 46 頁 .。 霍默·B·赫爾伯特著:《赫爾伯特朝鮮史》第二卷,第 270 頁。 (18) 朝鮮銀行:《朝鮮經濟史》,第 53 頁。 (19) 安格斯·漢密爾頓著:《朝鮮》,第 97 頁。 (17)

東 亞 泉 志



Column 專欄

A Set of Counterfeit “Da Hei Shi” Second Series RMB Notes Lu Boxiong (Changsha)

The Second Series of RMB “Da Hei Shi” (obverse)

I am the deputy director of the Judicial Identification

Center of the Hunan Collectors Association and appraiser of

stamps and banknotes for the Hunan Higher People’s Court.

In April 2017, I conducted a judicial authentication for a batch

of banknotes with my colleagues. This authentication included 62 well-preserved second series RMB 10 yuan notes (known as “Da Hei Shi”, meaning the “big black 10 cash”). After

careful observation, we concluded that none of these notes were genuine. The counterfeits were all well printed with

clear images and characters and felt like real notes. Collectors

unfamiliar with the second RMB series might well be deceived

Pic. 1-A The picture taken after the identification (obverse)

by these convincing fake notes.

These fake “Da Hei Shi” notes had no differences in

appearance with each other. To make it easier for readers to identify them, I have divided them into A, B and C versions

according to different printing institutions in which they were produced.

The A version, with a ‘shining’ watermark (Pic

1-1: the obverse; Pic 1-2: the reverse; Pic 1-3: the

Pic. 1-B The picture taken after the identification (reverse)


This is an overprinted note printed with uncoated paper,

with clearly-printed colorful images and characters on both sides. This version feels and looks like real notes under

natural light, but if observed against light, one can easily find the national emblem watermark was printed over the note

with white ink on the fake note. Both the shining emblem and the date “1953” under it are fake watermarks.

The B version has a fluorescent watermark on the

obverse (Pic 2-1: the note under natural light; Pic 2-2: the note under fluorescent light)

Pic. 1-C The picture taken after the identification (watermark)


東 亞 泉 志


Column 專欄

Pic. 2 Pictures taken after the identification

Another overprinted note printed with uncoated paper

with clearly-printed colorful images and characters on both sides. This version feels and looks like real notes under

natural light. The serial number is missing on the obverse.

The watermark, the date “1953” and four five-pointed stars are located in the four corners of the note will shine under fluorescent light.

The C version has fluorescent watermarks on

both sides (Pic 3)

This is an overprinted note printed with uncoated paper,

similar to the B version, but with serial numbers on the

obverse. This version also looks like real notes under natural

Pic. 3 Other pictures taken after the identification

age of 60 regard this RMB set as a symbol of wealth. Whoever has a bunch of “Da Hei Shi” (about 100 pieces) would be

considered a wealthy man, both in the past and at present.

The value of one “Da Hei Shi” note equaled the living costs of a family of three for half a month or the payment of a rural

labor for half a year. The middle-aged, that is anyone under the age of 60, may have heard of these notes but never had the chance to use this money. Collectors born in the 1970’s and 1980’s are eager to get an example pf a high-value “Da Hei Shi” note. The “Da Hei Shi” notes are very rare so it is

not surprising to see their prices have climbed in the past few years.

Some collectors say the “Da Hei Shi” notes are special

light. The watermark, the date “1953” and four five-pointed

as these 1953 10 yuan RMB were the first set of banknotes

light. The image of workers and farmers on the obverse gives

Speaking of this, I have to introduce the well-known “Su San”

stars located in the four corners will shine under fluorescent

off a purple fluorescent glow. There is a light emblem-shaped seal on the right side of the reverse.

These three versions have some shared characteristics:

first, they were made of special uncoated paper which is

usually now used to make certificates; second, all these fake notes have shining watermarks giving a fluorescent effect. Actually, the watermark of the national emblem on a real

“Da Hei Shi” is made by changing the density of paper fibers

during the papermaking procedure. The watermark does not shine nor has it a fluorescent effect. In addition, there is no “1953” printed under the watermark.

The “Da Hei Shi” (the second series of RMB) is very rare

and very popular among collectors. Those who are over the

東 亞 泉 志



printed in the Soviet Union under commission of China.

notes (three types of notes printed in the Soviet Union). There are three series of “Su San” notes, including the 1953 10 yuan, 5 yuan and 3 yuan, all printed in Soviet Union. The “Su San” 10 yuan is the so-called “Da Hei Shi”. The first set of high

denomination RMB notes had many varieties and could easily be counterfeited at the beginning of the founding of the PRC. When designing the second set of RMB to replace the first

ones and to solve the problem of fake notes, leaders of China decided to authorize the Soviet Union government to print

the second set of RMB because of our technology limitations. After the deterioration of Sino-Soviet relations, the printing

of the “Da Hei Shi” and two other types of notes were stopped in the Soviet Union. Although one 10 yuan note is not worth much today, it was worth a lot in those days when China

was a poor country and people lived at a very low standard.

Column 專欄 According to The History of Currency Releases in New China , most withdrawn “Su San” notes were transported by military forces to paper mills to be destroyed on the orders of the

central government. Against such a backdrop, only a few “Da Hei Shi” survived. Thus these collectable notes become the

target of counterfeiters. Since the 1990s, various types of real and fake notes have appeared on the market.

It is difficult to identify “Da Hei Shi” notes. There are

many varieties of fake “Da Hei Shi” notes in the market,

Pic 4-A

some are imitations made by our enemy states, some are

produced by domestic counterfeiters. Only people equipped with professional knowledge of the features and printing

techniques of the “Da Hei Shi”, can an appraiser tell fake notes from real ones. Early counterfeits are difficult to

identify as these notes were expertly printed with advanced techniques by enemy states with the purpose of disrupting the economic order of China. But there are still some

differences between real notes and fake ones. For example,

Pic 4-B

the counterfeit shown in picture 4-1 cannot be called as a

“Da Hei Shi” (big black note) as it was printed in blue. Some notes, like picture 4-2, were printed in black like real ones

but have unusual watermarks of the national emblem with

some political meanings. Fake notes in the early and middle

periods were not well-produced and can be easily identified at sight by looking at the watermarks (Pic 5). These plain-paper

notes were produced through techniques of color copying and offset printing. Anyone with even a little knowledge of the

Pic. 4-C Another fake watermark

“Da Hei Shi” notes can easily identify them. With the wide

application of high technology in the printing industry, ways

of making fake notes have been improving. Fake “Da Hei Shi” notes produced with advanced CNC devices and by electronic technology look exactly like real notes. Many fake notes

can be found in the market, but most of these counterfeits are not clearly printed and have a dark background. The

designs of these notes are different with those on real notes

and the watermarks are printed with colorless ink. Knowing these features, we can easily distinguish fake “Da Hei Shi”

notes (Pic 6). Nevertheless we still have to use sophisticated

equipment and professional methods to undertake scientific identification when encountering well-printed counterfeits. To identify fake notes, we first need to know the three

main features of real “Da Hei Shi” notes.

First, to promote economic construction and to further

stabilize the financial order by reforming the currency system at the beginning of Chinese socialist period, the second series

of RMB notes showing distinctive features of Chinese socialist construction were issued. Portraits of a worker and a farmer

were printed on the 10 yuan note (the largest denomination). The obverse depicts a male worker who is pointing forward

Pic 5-A Fake watermark

and a female farmer who is holding a bunch of rice stalks and looking in the direction to where the worker is pointing. This

image reflects the harmonious worker-peasant alliance as the Communist Party of China leads our people to promote the

development of industry and agriculture. The clear theme and the story behind these notes easily brings out memories of

people who have experienced that stage of China’s history.


東 亞 泉 志


Column 專欄 Second, the “Da Hei Shi” is one of the first sets of notes

printed with the advanced intaglio and wiring printing

technology of the Soviet Union. With images of figures, the national emblem, decorations and watermarks and three-

dimensional characters well printed on special paper, the set can really be regarded as one of the most exquisite series of Chinese notes.

Third, the “Da Hei Shi” is one of the first expanded

banknotes (210mm×85mm in size) issued in a large

denomination. This set was made using four-color offset and two-color emboss printing techniques and carries Chinese,

Mongolian, Uighur and Tibetan characters. It circulated for only nine years and was destroyed after being withdrawn.

These features may explain why the “Da Hei Shi” is so coveted Pic. 6-A A counterfeit with a dark background

by collectors.

Next, I will introduce three tips for identifying real notes. First, real notes were made of cotton fiber paper which

was flexible and specially for printing money and will quickly recover their strength after absorbing water. They have clear and connected decorations at the bottom and will make a

tinkling sound after being shaken (Pic 8) while the sound of shaking fake ones is dull.

Second, figures printed with intaglio and wiring printing

techniques on real notes leave a three-dimensional effect (Pic 9) while fake notes printed with offset printing technology

Pic. 6-B A watermark printed with colorless ink

Pic. 8-A An enlarged section

Pic. 7 A real “Da Hei Shi” note

東 亞 泉 志



Pic. 8-B The enlarged (30 times) portraits of the farmer and the worker on a real note

Column 專欄 have no such effect. For example, every single hair on the forehead of the female farmer on real notes is very clear while hairs on fake notes are very fuzzy. Portraits of the

peasant and the worker still appear very clear and have a

three-dimensional effect after being enlarged 30 times. If

you enlarge a counterfeit 20 times, you will find lines which comprise the portraits are comprised of blurry and flat (Pic 10).

Third, the national emblem watermark on real notes

is fixed and has a sense of depth with five translucent five-

pointed stars (Pic 11). Most counterfeits have poorly-made watermarks printed with translucent ink and only with

traces of an impression. Some fake notes do not even have

a watermark on the surface. The five-pointed stars on these

Pic. 11-A A real watermark (obverse) under natural light

imitations are black and have no sense of depth.

In conclusion, features of real “Da Hei Shi” notes include:

intaglio printing; clear images, continuous background lines; a translucent national emblem watermark and five-pointed

stars; a strong sense of depth and high transparency in a hard plastic cover under a light at night (Pic 12). Lines of images

on fake notes are not continuous, are unclear, have different thicknesses and diverge under a magnifying glass. Besides,

real notes were made through overprinting images on cotton

fiber money paper in the Soviet Union, have no special marks

but have an extended white edge. The decorations and images on the obverse feel raised to the touch (though this sensation

Pic. 11-A A real watermark (obverse) under natural light

lessens on older notes). Some specialists of “Da Hei Shi” serial numbers told me that there are mainly six groups of serial

numbers, each including six types (all consist of a three-letter prefix and a seven-digit number).

Pic. 11-B A real watermark (reverse) under natural light

Pic. 10 The enlarged (20 times) portraits of the farmer and the worker on a fake note

Pic. 11-C Watermarks under different lights


東 亞 泉 志


Column 專欄 PS: The Roman numbers on notes and their

corresponding Arabic numerals corresponding Arabic

numerals: 1-I, 2-II,3-III, 4-IV, 5-V, 6-VI, 7-VII, 8-VIII, 9-IX, 10-X.

Table showing the six known groups of serial numbers.

Pic. 12 A real note under a light at night











































(This table is only for reference. The same numbers can be found on imitations and notes)

東 亞 泉 志



Column 專欄

第二套人民幣“大黑拾”及其真偽鑒定 盧伯雄 (長沙)

第二套人民幣“大黑拾”(正面) 筆者是湖南省收藏家協會文物司法鑒定中心副主任,湖南 省高級人民法院備案郵票、錢幣鑒定師。2017 年 4 月,我們受 理了一批錢幣、文玩藏品的司法鑒定。提請鑒定的錢幣中竟有 62 張第二套人民幣壹拾圓券(俗稱“大黑拾”),且品相尚佳, 令筆者大吃一驚。經專家組鑒定後,62 張“大黑拾”沒有 1 張 是真的,全部是不同版本的仿製工藝品。從仿製的水準上看, 印製品質確實精美,不僅圖文較淸晰,而且還有手感,對不識 廬山真面目的人來說,倒還是有些蒙蔽性。

圖 1-1 仿品正面

這些假“大黑拾”正面、反面的圖文視覺大同小異,但經 鑒定後細分,屬於三種不同的版本,也就是說它們出自三個不 同的印製單位。為便於讀者區分,特將其編序為A版、B版、 C版分別介紹。 A版,放光芒浮水印(圖 1-1 正面,1-2 背面,1-3 浮水印) 該版本為膠版套印,雖然正背面圖文清晰、色彩斑斕,且 具手感,自然光下目視看不出什麼,一旦將鈔對光觀看,就可 發現固定的國徽浮水印系後天用無色(白)油墨凸印,並且設

圖 1-2 仿品背面

計的國徽上方放光芒,下方嵌“一九五三”,純屬臆造的壓跡 浮水印。 B版,正面螢光浮水印(圖 2-1 自然光,2-2 螢光下顯示) 該版本為膠版套印,雖然正背面圖文清晰、色彩斑斕,且 具手感,自然光下目視看不出什麼,但正面沒有冠號。在螢光 燈下會顯示浮水印的光芒線和 “-九五三”有螢光,票面的 四角均還顯示-顆帶螢光的五角星。 C版,正反面螢光(圖 3)

圖 1-3 仿品浮水印


東 亞 泉 志


Column 專欄

圖 2-1 自然光下的顯示

圖 2-2 螢光下的顯示

圖 3 C版,正反面螢光






于這張 1953 年版的拾圓人民幣,是我國委託蘇聯印製的,並






所謂蘇三券,就是指由蘇聯印製的 3 張人民幣,分別是 1953 年版的 10 元、5 元、3 元券,其中的 10 元券便是我們常說的“大










對於新舊幣值改革後,讓投放到市場的這 3 種中高值主幣不易


被人偽造,中國領導人基於這樣的考慮,才把它交給蘇聯老大 哥印製。後來由於中蘇關係惡化,“大黑拾”連同另外兩張鈔



世少市價昂貴,而它的誘惑力卻非常惹人喜愛,60 歲以上的老

1 張 10 元券雖然在今天顯得是微不足道,而在當年卻是-筆財



刀(100 張)“大黑拾”,簡直就是-位小土豪。你要知道 20


世紀 50 代中到 60 年代初,1 張“大黑拾”是城鎮一家三口半






故事。而 60 歲以下的中年人雖然聽說過,但未使用過更沒有

法分子自然會對其進行造假謀取暴利,從 20 世紀 90 年代到現

見過。而當今的“70 後”和“80 後”,特別是收藏愛好者,


都想擁有這張人民幣中的大幅票王或號稱很霸氣的“大黒拾”。 終究是僧多粥少,物稀為貴,造就了它連年不斷的高漲市值, 這一點對於收藏愛好者來說幾乎是眾人皆知的事情。

對於“大黑拾”的真假鑒別,相對而言是一門較複雜又專 業的技術。複雜是指假“大黑拾”版本多,既有國外敵對國家 的老仿,又有國內不法份子的早、中、近期的仿品。專業是指

東 亞 泉 志



Column 專欄 對真“大黑拾”的特徵和印製工藝技術知悉。早期的“大黑拾” 造假,多為敵對國家為擾亂我國經濟秩序,因其是有意造假, 並且是運用國家機器,所以印製水平就比較高,在辨別上就有 一定的難度。當然與真鈔相比畢竟不是原版印刷,在某些方面 還是有差別的。如圖 4-1 是某國印製的假鈔,這不能稱為“大 黑拾”,因為刷色是藍黑色。還有一種票面刷色類似“大黑拾”, 而在國徽浮水印上蓄謀了某種政治目的,如圖 4 - 3。而早、 中期的國內造假就顯得拙劣,一些不法份子直接利用普通的紙 張,採用彩色複印和平版膠印技術來製造,這種造假手法低劣,

圖 4-1 某國印製的假鈔

只要稍微瞭解“大黑拾”的,都能夠輕易地鑒別出來,特別是 浮水印一眼就可識破(圖 5)。近期隨着高科技在印刷行業的 廣泛應用,造假的手法也不斷換代,他們利用較先進的數控設 備和電子技術印製的高仿類 “大黑拾”,面市後很有欺騙性, 市場上甚至有成刀成捆的這類假鈔。而這些假鈔多數網底較深, 清晰度差,對接花飾變異,浮水印是用無色油墨印刷的,故容 易辨別(圖 6)。當然也有印製得比較好的,我們不得不通過 精密的分析設備和專業的檢驗方法來對其進行科學性鑒別。 鑒別“大黑拾”的真偽,渉及不少的專業性知識,首先我

圖 4-2 假鈔票面刷色類似“大黑拾”

們要知道它的特點和特徵。其主要特點涵蓋三個方面。 一是為了推動新中國社會主義初期的經濟建設,以改革舊 幣製,進一步穩定市場的金融秩序,作為發展國家經濟建設的 第二套人民幣,在票面主題圖案的設計上,重點體現的是新中 國的社會主義建設風貌。特別是第二套人民幣中最大面額的壹 拾圓券,展現的是一工一農人物的半身肖像,主景是男工人用 手指向前方,女農民捧着一束豐收的水稻,眼睛朝着手指的方

圖 4-3 假鈔水印

向望去,體現了工農聯盟和諧相處,寓意中國在共產黨的領導 下,正沿着大力發展工農業生產的方向前進着。其時代的主題 思想非常強烈,對經歷了的過來人來說,它承載的往事歷歷再 現。 二是在人民幣發行史上,屬於首次由蘇聯代印的 3 張紙幣 之一,其印製工藝技術先進,圖案顏色新穎,採用的是當時先 進的凹版和接線印刷技術,其圖案、文字凹凸感較強,特別是“大 黑拾”主圖上的人物線條非常流暢清晰,專用鈔紙上的固定浮 水印清晰明瞭,背面實印的國徽和花飾連慣,經放大後觀察, 井然有序,實為第二套人民幣中的印製精品(圖 7)。 三是在已發行的人民幣紙鈔中,“大黑拾”屬於大票幅的 首款加長版,票幅為 210 毫米 X85 毫米;印刷工藝為膠印四色、 凹凸印版各二色;有漢、蒙、維、藏四種文字;流通時期短, 從發行到停用僅 9 年;回收銷毀較徹底,存世量稀少。 “大黑拾”惹人喜歡的三個特點,是造就其本身價值的優勢。 所謂特徵, “大黑拾”也表現在三個方面。

圖 5 假水印


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Column 專欄 1. 真“大黑拾”採用的是高級棉纖維專用印鈔紙,鈔票紙 張彈性和吸水復原性很好。辨別真偽可以從紙幣的紙張着手,- 看票面網底印刷的花飾線條連接順理成章,無斷裂且清晰,而 假鈔一般網底有斷線和雜亂的狀況(圖 8)。二是通過聲音來 辨別,用手持鈔票抖動時會發出清脆而且餘音很長的聲音,而 紙張不對的假鈔,則聲音是略脆並伴有沉悶聲。 2. 真“大黑拾”採用凹版印刷與接線印刷技術,票面人物 線條的立體感很強(圖 9)。仿製品一般採用膠版印刷(平印 或平凹印),做不出真品的凹版立體效果來。特別是正面女農 民額頭上的幾縷頭髮,真鈔每根都很清晰,而偽製品大多是糊 成一片。從看女農民額頭幾根頭髮絲的清晰程度,可以區分出 很多假鈔。真鈔工農像特寫放大 30 倍佈線非常淸晰,線條交 替有序,立體感強。高仿鈔工農像特寫放大 20 倍佈線模糊, 線條交替重疊,立體感差(圖 10)。

圖 7 真券

圖 8-1 局部特寫

圖 6-1 高仿券

圖 8-2 底紋花式錢

圖 6-2 高仿券

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圖 8-3 凹版底紋放大



Column 專欄 3. 真“大黑拾”的國徽浮水印是固定的,而且國徽裡面的 五角星浮水印,無論用什麼方式透(逆)光看,5 個五角星呈 半透明狀,整個國徽很有層次感(圖 11)。仿製品的國徽浮水 印非常低劣,很多都是壓出來的痕跡或用半透明油墨印上的, 甚至很多低劣的連浮水印都沒有。高仿的“大黑拾”,國徽中 的 5 個五角星顏色發黑,沒有層次感。 總之,真“大黑拾”的凹版印刷特徵明顯,線條清晰,網 底線條連續不斷,特別是工農人物的佈線立體感極強;國徽線 條和 5 個五角星呈半透明狀,具有很強的層次感,用無色硬塑 套夾鈔在晚上的燈光下看,其紙張和刷色的透明度效果很清楚 (圖 12)。假幣在放大鏡下線條會發散,時斷時續,粗細不均 勻,模糊不清。真“大黑拾”系蘇聯代印,無特別暗記,棉纖

圖 11-1 國徽水印層次感強

維鈔紙凹凸套印,加長型大白邊。觸摸正背面字體花紋及圖案, 有強烈的凹凸感,較舊品則手感要差些。據專門研究“大黒拾” 冠號的愛好者披露,已發現的冠號基本上只有五組,毎組 6 個 冠號,均為三字冠、七(流水)號碼,具體如下。

圖 11-2 五角星呈半透明狀

圖 9 真券 圖 11-3

圖 10 高仿券

圖 12


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Column 專欄 已經確定存在的 6 組冠字表(羅馬數字對應的阿拉伯數字):











































其冠號在鑒定中只僅作參考,因為仿製的假幣或供欣賞的 工藝品,也會採用已在流通中發現的冠號。“大黒拾”的發行 量僅 30 個冠號,在流通幣中屬於量不大的品種。

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附:羅馬數字順序與阿拉伯數字順序對照:1- Ⅰ,2- Ⅱ, 3- Ⅲ,4- Ⅳ,5- Ⅴ,6- Ⅵ,7- Ⅶ,8- Ⅷ,9- Ⅸ,10- Ⅹ

Column 專欄

The Jian Wu Wu Zhu Coin Die and Casting Technology in the Eastern Han Dynasty By Sheng Weiren (Beijing)

Pic. 1 The Jian Wu Wu Zhu Coin Die, National Museum of China Collection In 40 AD, Liu Xiu, the Emperor Guang Wu ordered

resumption of the production of Wu Zhu coins at the

suggestion of Ma Yuan. The stack -casting technology of the Xin Dynasty was improved to produce coins in the Eastern

shaped mortise and tenon joints near the edge of the master die. A crossed stiffener on the reverse divided the dies into

four parts. Twenty seven characters, “ 建武十七年 (41) 三月丙

申 , 大(太)仆监掾苍 , 考工令通 , 丞或 , 令史凤 , 工周仪造 ”

Dynasty. Most Eastern Han Dynasty metal master dies we

(Jian Wu Shi Qi Nian, San Yue Bing Shen, Tai Pu Jian Yuan

pieces of such master dies were recorded in books written by

Yi Zhou Zao. Editor’s Note: This is a list of titles of officials

have found are horizontal stack-casted dies. More than ten

our ancestors or have been found after the foundation of the

PRC. One of the most representative is the Jian Wu 17th year master die donated to the National Museum of China by Luo

Bozhao. This is a round-cornered rectangle master die, about 13.5cm in height, 8.3cm in width and 1.53cm in thickness.

There are four small dies on the top half and bottom half and a downsprue in the center. The small dies on are 2.6cm in

diameter with a 1cm wide square hole. Obverse dies are wider but lower than reverse ones. Raised inscriptions in seal script were engraved on these dies.

In its inscription, the crossed “ 五 ” (Wu) and “ 铢 ”

(Zhu)with a round upper part are typical characteristics

of the Eastern Han Wu Zhu coin. There are five pairs of nail-

Cang, Kao Gong Ling Tong, Cheng Huo, Ling Shi Feng, Gong ordered to assist in the coinage project. ) in seal script were

inscribed in two lines on the two parts of the left and there is a

raised mountain-shaped image on each part of the left side (Pic 1). The Kao Gong officer recorded in the inscription which was under the leadership of Shao Fu in the Western Han Dynasty and Li Tai Pu (Editor’s Note: Shao Fu and Li Tai Pu are also titles of officials) in the Eastern Han Dynasty was mainly

responsible for making arms, weaving and other chores but

not for producing coins according to History of Han Dynasty,

Officers, Minister Coachman. The Kao Gong might be ordered to be temporary accountable for making coins due to their

rich experiences accumulated from the long-term metal arms production.


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Column 專欄 “Yuan” is the common title of adjutants at that time. The

title, “Tai Pu Jian Yuan” can hardly be found in historical books but are often mentioned in inscriptions of Eastern

Dynasty bronzes. For example, there is an inscription on the

bronze crossbow of the 5th year of Yan Xi which was recorded in Rong Geng’s Records of Inscriptions in Bronzes of Han Dynasty (Volume 6): In August, the 5th year of Yan Xi……, produced

under the supervision of Guo, the Liu Shi Ji;Li Bin the Gong; Han Zhong, the Shi; Zhang Si, the Yuan; Zhao He, the Cheng; Wu Chang, the Ling and another Guo, the Tai Pu Jian Yuan. Thus the “Tai Pu Jian Yuan” should be an adjutant of Tai

Pu who was responsible for the production of Wu Zhu coin dies. “Cheng” and “Ling Shi” mentioned in the inscription

are assistants of Kao Gong Ling. The tradition of Wu Le Gong Ming (an approach of engraving the producer’s name on his production) was continued to ensure the quality of master

until “ 七 ” replaced

later. However,the fact that

the old style of “ 七 ” is rarely known by the public.


In History of Qin, October of the 42th year of the Emperor

dies in the Eastern Han Dynasty.

Zhao appeared before September. But two Octobers of the 48th year of the Emperor Zhao were recorded one after

The master die of Jian Wu Wu Zhu had been listed in

many coin catalogs of the Qing Dynasty, such as Li Zuoxian’s Ancient Coins; Liu Tizhi’s Correction of Inscriptions and Luo

another. The later October (the 10th month) should be

mistaken for July (the 7th month). Similar mistakes can often be found in other historical books and materials. According

Zhenyu’s Illustrated Catalog of Ancient Vessels and Dies. The

in the inscription of the master die was explained as the

number “twenty”, meaning it was produced in the 20th year of Jian Wu in some of these catalogs.This explanation continued to be used by numismatists in the Republican period. In 1941, Zheng Jiaxiang also interpreted the

Pic. 2 seven is written as

as twenty in his

Research of Wu Zhu Coins published on The Chinese Numismatics Bimonthly, Issue 6, which then attracted the attention of Luo Bozhao.

to Meng Zi, Wan Zhang Pian: “Yu recommended Yi to the God and died in the 7th year of his reign”. However, the words

about the same event in Historical Records: the History of the Xia Dynasty are: “In the 10th year, Emperor Yu died on his eastern

tour in Kuaiji”. The number “seven” might be mistaken as “ten” in Historical Records.

After quoting the statements of predecessors, Luo Bozhao

started to express his own thoughts: as the production of

Wu Zhu coins was restarted in the 16th year of Jian Wu, the on the Jian Wu master die should be explained as

After discussion and study, Luo Bozhao soon wrote

an article Research of the Date of Jian Wu Wu Zhu with

17 (meaning it was made in the 17th year). According to the

Numismatics Bimonthly, Issue 7 in 1942. In this article Luo

the Geng Yin day, the Ren Chen day and the Yi Wei day all

calendar recorded in Biographic Sketches of Emperor Guangwu,

comprehensive references published in The Chinese

appeared in June of the 20th year of Jian Wu. If the Geng Yin

in the inscription should be

pointed out that the

the number “seventeen” not “twenty”. He said: the number

day is the first day of June, the Yi Wei day should be the 15th

of the Qin Dynasty. In the Han Dynasty, the writing style of

in the March of the same year. If the Yi Wei day is the 30th

“twenty” as written as “ 廿 ” on “ 焛 ”(Lin) and bronze spades “twenty” changed a little but was never written as


Then, he quoted Duan Fang’s (an expert of epigraphy

in the Qing Dynasty ) notes in his article Pictures of Ancient Jades,the Sundial of the Han Dynasty: seven is written as

and ten is written as

(Pic 2). Study results of Liu Shipei,

(a professor at Beijing University) were also used by him to

prove his opinion. Liu said: the old writing style of ten is was the ancient “seven” engraved on all (or ) while Qin and Western Han vessels. The old style of “seven” was

continued to use at the beginning of the Eastern Han Dynasty


day of the same month and there should be no Bing Shen day day of June, we can infer that there should be no Bing Shen day in the March of the same year either. This conclusion is

contrary to the inscription which recorded that the Bing Shen day appeared in the March of that year. For this reason,

recording the date doesn’t refer to the 20th year. But if

we explain

as the 17th year, everything will make

sense. According to Biographic Sketches of Emperor Guangwu:

a solar eclipse appeared on the Yi Hai day of February in the

17th year of Jian Wu. The day after the Yi Hai day of February is Bing Zi, the first day of March and the day of Bing Shen

should be the 21th day of March. Thus we can be sure the date

Luo Bozhao, Research of the Date of Jian Wu Wu Zhu published on The Chinese Numismatics Bimonthly, Issue 7, page 4

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Column 專欄 on the master die is the 21th day of March in the 17th year of

Jian Wu1. Luo Bozhao’s article was full of convincing evidence

and soon accepted by the numismatic world. Later studies on

master dies of Jian Wu Zhu coin were all based on this article. Except for the arrangement of characters, inscriptions

are almost the same on every unearthed vessel of the 17th

year of Jian Wu. According to the arrangement of characters, master dies of the 17th year of Jian Wu can be classified

into three types: the first type has the largest number, with

the character “ 申 ” (Shen) in the first line and the character

“ 史 ” (Shi) in the second line locating above the horizontal

stiffener; the second type has the character “ 申 ” (Shen) below

the horizontal stiffener and the character “ 史 ” (Shi) above

the stiffener; the character “ 申 ” (Shen) and the character

“ 史 ” (Shi) on the third type of master die are all below the

horizontal stiffener. These three types are all standard official master dies with polishing scratches of the Eastern Han

Dynasty and reflect the level of workmanship at that time. Molds made from the copper master die of the 17th year

of Jian Wu have many benefits: the rounded rectangle shape makes it easier for clay molds to be piled up; the symmetric

design avoids the mistake of producing coins with the same image of the obverse or the reverse side and the height

difference between the obverse die and the reverse die is

convenient for coins to be pulled off. Official Eastern Han

master dies that have been found are all products made in the 17th year of Jian Wu with the same shape and inscriptions. Although all master dies were produced in March of the

17th year of Jian Wu, the differences in size, the character

arrangement and workmanship of these dies indicate they

were not made at the same time in the same place. There are

also other two kinds of master dies made in the 2nd year and the 16th year of Jian Wu. According to History of the Later

Han: Biography of Emperor Guang Wu, the order of making Wu Zhu coins was given on the Jia Chen day of December in the 16th year of Jian Wu. But it was not until March of the 17th year of Jian Wu that master dies were prepared by related departments and the production of coins was put on the

agenda. Therefore these master dies of the 2nd year and the 16th year of Jian Wu cannot be real.

The regulation and execution system of Wu Zhu coin

production in the Eastern Han Dynasty was different

from that of the Western Han Dynasty. The production

and regulation of currency were controlled by the central government and in charge of an officer titled Shang Lin

Pic. 3 The official master die with the crossed stiffener but no inscription on the reverse San Guan under the leadership of Shui Heng Du Wei in the

Western Han Dynasty. The regulatory agency and executive agency of coin production were independent in the Eastern

Han Dynasty. Jin Cao, the offier under Zhong Yang Tai Wei was responsible for the macro-regulation while the specific

power of making coins was delegated to local governments2. Clay coin molds of the Eastern Han Dynasty were

made from axisymmetric master dies of bronze, ceramic or other materials. This technology was the stack-casting of

axisymmetric one-sided dies. There is a downsprue in the center of the line of symmetry and symmetrical designs,

grooves, tenon and mortise joints on the master die. Molds

made from such master dies were identical. A certain number of coins could be made just by stacking the combined molds. To ensure the standardized shape and quality, the central

government uniformly produced bronze master dies, among

which the bronze master die of Wu Zhu coin in the 17th year of

Jian Wu is one the most representative and standard products produced by advanced techniques. It should be noted that

there would be a gap between the combined dies, which might left traces on the downsprue or grooves of the coin tree made from them3.

There are other master dies of the Eastern Han Dynasty

which are slightly different from the official versions

mentioned above. One is almost the same and delicate as the official ones with the crossed stiffener but no inscription on the reverse (Pic 3). The other has obverse and reverse dies

on each side of the downsprue but no stiffener on the reverse

Xu Chengtai, Study of Coin Production and Regulatory Agency in the Eastern Han Dynasty, Journal of Wuahn University: the Humanities Edition, May, 2000 3 Ma Juncai, Techniques of Coin Casting in the Six Dynasties and Research on Coins and Coin-Making Technology During the Six Dynasties, the Phoenix Press, 2005



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Column 專欄

Pic. 4 Master die without stiffener on the reverse (Pic 4). The last type has obverse and reverse dies on each

side of the downsprue and four “X” and “ 丫 ” shaped grooves in the center (Pic 5). The tenon and mortise joints on master

Pic. 5 Obverse and reverse dies on each side of the downsprue and four “X” and “ 丫 ” shaped grooves in the center

dies are also different, some are rectangle and others are

triangle. Besides, there are some special masters of distinctive local characteristic, such as the clay mold unearthed in the

two images of coin dies on each side of the downsprue, which

in 1980 and the master die found in Zhangfa Mountain,

the direction of combined dies with the structure of origin

Zhanqiao Commune, Yuhang County Zhejiang Province

Qianshan County Anhui Province in 1977. Both are dies with

laid the foundation for the later technology of controlling

symmetry and the composition of diagonal lines of square.

About the author: Sheng Weiren, born in 1964, has been working in the National Museum of Chinese History (now known as the National Museum of China) since 1988. As the deputy director of Collection Storage Department of National Museum of China, he has long been engaged in the protection and research of cultural relics. He has paticipated in editing Calligraphy Collection of the National Museum of China series, the illustrated book, National Museum of China and other books. Sheng Weiren has also edited servral books as chief editor, such as Pictures of Chinese Celebrities in Past Dynasties. Complete Set of Antiques Donated after the Foundation of the PRC:the Volume of Items Donated by Sun Zhao’s Children.

東 亞 泉 志



Column 專欄

館藏建武五銖錢范與東漢時期的鑄幣工藝 盛為人 (北京)

圖 1 東漢建武十七年五銖銅母範(面、背),中國國家博物館藏

東漢建武十六年 (40),光武帝劉秀聽從馬援的建議,重新



驗,而賦予的臨時之責。 “掾”是副官佐或官署屬員的通稱, “太



於前人著錄和新中國成立後發現的計有 10 余方,其中以羅伯




式最為典型。此式母範為圓角長方盤形,長 13.5 釐米左右,


寬 8.3 釐米左右,厚 1.53 釐米左右,中流散鑄法澆鑄,澆注


道居範中心,兩側分佈錢模,正、背各 4 枚,交錯分佈,外側


的 4 枚與臨近澆注道的邊緣相連,以邊緣處連接點做支槽。錢


模直徑 2.6 釐米,穿寬約 1 釐米。面模寬緣,呈漫圓狀;背模


略窄,且高於面模,陽文篆書。“五”字交筆彎曲,“銖”字 “朱”旁上橫圓折,形體寬放,字文清晰,該文字特徵被視為









沿用,1941 年鄭家相先生在《泉幣》雙月刊第 6 期發表《五



各有一山形凸起紋(圖 1)。銘文中提及的考工,西漢時屬少府,






撰文《建武五銖範年月日考》,發表於 1942 年的《泉幣》第 7


東 亞 泉 志


Column 專欄 期,指出“



十七。羅先生此文從先秦錢幣銘文中的二十均作“廿”入手:“考 古文二十均作廿,見焛、離石圓足布文,”聯繫到漢:“即至 漢代,書法容有變更,亦無以


論點,又先後以清末金石學家端方《古玉圖考·漢日晷》的注釋: “七字作‘

’,十字作‘ ’(圖 2) 。”北京大學教授

劉師培關於七與十的考證:“鐘鼎古文凡‘十’字均作‘ ’, 文姬匜,或‘ ’,聘鐘作‘ ’ 曶鼎與甲主諸文相似。其 ’形者,均系古文七字。秦器及西漢之器,莫不皆然。 有‘ 東漢初年,七字仍沿古體,厥後七字行而


圖 2 《古玉圖考·漢日晷》的注釋








種母範,但據《後漢書 • 光武帝紀》記載,建武十六年十二











未當為六月十五日。逆上推之,是年三月無丙申之日。假定乙 未為六月三十日,逆上推之,是年三月,亦無丙申日。今據范 明明有三月丙申,則十十非二十年,又可證焉。試以十七年推之,

東漢沿襲西漢的五銖錢製,但其鑄幣的管理和執行模式有 所不同,西漢時的貨幣管理和鑄造權歸於中央,由水衡都尉下






而具體的鑄造權則下放到地方郡縣 2。

三月二十一日也 1。”羅伯昭先生的考證步步深入,絲絲入理, 確鑿可信,所以其觀點迅速為錢幣界認同,此後錢幣界同仁都 是在羅伯昭先生的研究基礎上對建武五銖錢範進行深入探索。

東漢鑄幣基本使用臥式疊鑄母范翻子範的技術鑄幣。鑄幣 沿用了新莽時期已經出現並日益成熟的軸對稱式單面子範疊鑄 法,即以一個平面為軸對稱形狀的銅、陶或其他質地的母範為


























支槽一般會有範背跑銅痕跡 3。

注释 1 2 3

羅伯昭:《建武五銖範年月日考》,《泉幣》第七期,第 4 頁。 徐承泰:《東漢時期貨幣鑄造及管理機構的探討》,武漢大學學報人文社會科學版 2000 年 5 月。 馬俊才:《六朝鑄錢技術探討》,《六朝貨幣與鑄錢工藝研究》,鳳凰出版社,2005 年。

東 亞 泉 志



Column 專欄 東漢傳世母範中,還有形製同前面的官式五銖範而細節有 所不同的,這有幾種情形,一種是範面與前面提到的官式五銖 范相同,錢模面、背相間,製作極為精緻,但範背只有十字加 強筋而沒有銘文的 ( 圖 3);一種是錢范上錢模面、背各居澆注 道一側,雙圓柱形澆注道,范背無加強筋 ( 圖 4);一種是錢范 上錢模面、背各居澆注道一側,中間四枚支槽呈“X”形、靠 近范邊緣的成“丫”形 ( 圖 5) 的。各種範上的榫卯形狀也不同, 有長方形和三角形兩種。另外還有一些具有地方特色的範式, 譬如 1980 年浙江余杭縣沾橋公社出土的陶質臥式疊鑄子範, 1977 年安徽潛山縣彰法山出土的臥式疊鑄母範,均為澆注道兩 側各兩枚錢模的四錢範模,此類範式為後來利用原點對稱和正 方形對角線構圖控製合範片方向的工藝奠定了基礎。

圖 4 錢范上錢模面、背各居澆注道一側,雙圓柱形澆注道, 范背無加強筋

圖 3 範背只有十字加強筋而沒有銘文

圖 5 錢范上錢模面、背各居澆注道一側,中間四枚支槽呈“X” 形、靠近范邊緣的成“丫”形

作者簡介: 盛為人 1964 年生人,1988 年進入中國歷史博物館(今中國國家博物館)保管部工作至今,長期從事文物保管和研究工作, 現任藏品保管部副主任。曾參加《中國歷史博物館藏法書大觀》磚瓦陶文卷和墓誌卷、《中國國家博物館》圖冊等編撰工作, 主編《中國歷代名人畫像譜》《新中國捐獻文物精品全集—孫照子女卷》等書。


東 亞 泉 志


TOP CHINESE COINS 2nd Edition 《中國近代機製幣精品鑒賞》第二版 Price( 售價 ):US $100 Plus Postage( 不含郵費 )

In June 2010, Top Chinese Coins Vol. 1 was published by iAsure Group and the The Journal of East Asian Numismatics (JEAN). Top Chinese Coins Vol. 1 offers an in-depth summary of the final results from the Top Chinese Coins Survey, a landmark event held in winter 2009 to search for the 10 most valuable Chinese struck coins. Coins submitted for review were judged by their rarity, historical importance, artistic appeal, condition, market value and group identity. The deluxe bound book offered details on the Top Chinese Coins Survey as well as high-quality pictures, price trends, degrees of rarity and historical context of the 60 top Modern Chinese Coins.

Top Chinese Coins , Vol. 1 had a limited print run of 1000, leaving many numismatists and enthusiasts unable to purchase a copy of their own. In response to high demand, iAsure has made certain that the second volume which released in June 2011 will be available to a much wider audience. While Top Chinese Coins Vol. 1 included gold, silver and copper coins, the second volume highlights the great range of silver coins. It will also add summaries from auction sales that list pricing, degree of rarity, pedigree and grades. 2010年6月,愛秀集團和《東亞泉志》出版了《中國







品鑒賞•銀幣版》 (簡稱《銀幣鑒賞》)。

趨勢、珍稀度解析和背景故事等,在錢幣業界引起巨大 的轟動和反響,備受讚譽,被譽為“全景式展現中國珍 稀機製幣的重要鑒賞書籍”。

由於頁面所限,第二版刊載60枚中國銀幣精品的重 要資訊,在第一版的基礎上有多方面改進和加強。《銀 幣鑒賞》在最受歡迎和好評的照片拍攝和排版下更多功









If required, please contact Champion Auction 如果需要請與我們聯繫冠軍拍賣公司 Tel:021-6213 0771 Email:

Chopmarked Coins - A History 《戳記幣簡史》 Colin Gullberg 高林

Price ( 售價 ): US $50 Plus Postage ( 不含郵費 ) The book Chopmarked Coins- A History by Colin Gullberg is funded by iAsure Group. The softcover book is 187 pages in length, 210mm×285mm, fourcolor printing. It covers the history of foreign silver coins that circulated in China from 1600 to 1935 and contains images of some 150 coins. Gullberg includes firstperson accounts, summaries of all modern sources of knowledge on the subject and scans from a shroff’s handbook (circa 1890). It is the first English- language book on the subject since 1990 and only the second English language book on the subject.

愛秀集團贊助出版發行的 戳記幣英文專著《戳記幣簡 史》為軟裝本,正文內容187 頁,開本210mm×285mm, 四色印刷,闡述了1600年至 1935年間中國流通的外國戳記 銀幣概況,作者高林先生採用 第一人稱敘述,總結了現代有 關戳記幣的詳盡知識,並配有 某錢莊的手冊(約1890年)掃 描插圖和150多張戳記幣高清 圖片。本書是1990年之後的第 一本戳記幣英文專著,也是有 史以來的第二本戳記幣英文專 著。

Chinese And Foreign Papermoney Errors 《華洋怪鈔—中外錯體紙幣賞析圖鉴》 David Chio 趙康池 Aguang Chan 陳耀光

Price ( 售價 ):MOP $300; RMB 240; US $30 Plus Postage ( 不含郵費 ) In December 2015, this book was released by Macau Numismatic Society and edited by David Chio and Aguang Chan. A total of 1,000 copies was printed, 200 in hard cover and 800 soft cover. The book is 323 pages of full color A4 size 210×285 mm and features over 300 error notes and 800 photos. Notes from Chin dynasty to modern times and more than 10 countries and region is covered. The books also cover causes of errors, background information on the printing process and authenticity of errors. This is the first book in Chinese to feature this type of information on error notes and its collection.

该书由澳門錢幣學會於2015年 12月出版,趙康池、陳耀光編著。 印行1000冊,其中精裝本200冊, 平裝本800冊。是書全彩精印,小 A4开本,210mm×285mm,323 頁,選錄了中外錯體紙幣300多 種,圖片800多張,涵蓋中國自清 末到現今使用的紙幣,涉及中外十 多個國家和地區。本書對中外錯 體、錯版、變體等紙幣的成因、歷 史背景和辨偽,實事求是地作了係 統的、科學的分析與歸納,並介紹 了印鈔基本步驟和印鈔過程中所產 生的“另類”紙幣,補充了不少紙 幣收藏的基礎知識。可以說,本書 是首本對錯體紙幣進行全方位論述 的著作。

If required, please contact Champion Auction 如果需要請聯繫冠軍拍賣公司 Tel: 021-6213 0771 Email:

Appreciation of Modern Precious Metal Coins in China (Volume 1-5), edited by Wang Shihong, a famous Chinese gold and silver coins collector has been issued recently. This series of books were published by Encyclopedia of China Publishing House (ECPH), supervised by Coin Collection Committee, the branch of China Association of Collectors(CAC), and printed by Shanghai Artron Graphic Arts Company Limited. Ma Delun, former deputy governor of the People’s Bank of China, wrote the forward, and Dai Zhiqiang, the first curator of China Numismatic Museum, wrote a report for this series. When it comes to the main purpose of this book, the chief editor Wang Shihong says, “It is hoped that this series of books can provide relevant knowledge of modern gold and silver coins in China comprehensively and systematically and carry forward the excellent culture of our motherland, so that readers can have a more particular knowledge of the history and connotations of gold and silver coins, and better appreciate their artistic value.” He also hopes to attract more enthusiasts to participate in the investment and collection of gold and silver coins, gradually expand the size of collecting team, improve the brand effect of Chinese gold and silver coins and enhance their influence at home and abroad in order to realize a faster development of Chinese gold and silver coin industry.” Writing this series of books, Appreciation of Modern Precious Metal Coins in China (Volume 1-5), is a systematic project, so we set up the expert advisory committee and the editorial board. It took the Chinese professional elite team more than five years to compile these books. This series of books reveal the development of modern precious metal coins in China through the exclusive interviews with the decision-makers, designers, carvers, and coin collectors, as well as a large number of firsthand information rarely known by the people. This series of books is an encyclopedia of modern precious metal coins in China. With unique academic perspective and simple words, this series gives a full explanation of processes of project selection, design, production and so on, and also

Contact Information (for purchasing purposes): Domestic

Shanghai Hong’an Culture Communication Co. Ltd. Pay before delivery. Payment should be remitted to Hongkou subbranch of Shanghai branch of the Bank of Communications. The post office remittance is also acceptable. Account Number: 310066030018170238495 Contact Person & Phone Number: Luo Fei, 17717536767

International Price: 160USD (without postage)

Contact Person:Wang Yue Phone Number: 15000120957; 021-62130772 Email:

Appreciation of Modern Precious Metal Coins in China (Volume 1-5)

Wang Shihong, chief editor of Appreciation of Modern Precious Metal Coins in China

make an intensive study of their cultural value, collectiing characteristics of precious metal coins. As a combination of authority, historical events, groovy knowledge, artistry, technicality, and readability, Appreciation of Modern Precious Metal Coins in China, not only serves as references for academic researchers and financial workers, but also as a standard work showing modern precious metal coins in China from an overall perspective for collectors of gold or silver coins. This series is 235mm X 290mm in size, octavo, with, composed of 5 volumes, containing about 2.5 million words and 2,000 pictures which are all exquisitely printed according to the original drawings. All the Chinese modern precious metal coins issued by People’s Bank of China from 1979 to 2014 are included in these books. Besides, related materials, such as the development history of modern precious metal coins in China, comparison table of classified catalog of modern precious metal coins in China, and materials about gold or silver coins, are also recorded in appendix. In order to promote the spread and popularization of professional knowledge of gold or silver coins and to release the readers’ economic burden, the chief editor, Wang Shihong takes the compilation, publication of this series of books as a public welfare undertaking. Expenses, such as compiling and management expenses, all come from selfless devotees who are interested in Chinese gold or silver coins. Therefore, the price of these 5 books is 160 USD (without postage), containing only costs of publication, printing, and issue. At the same time, the brass commemorative medal designed by the famous designer Luo Yonghui for the issue of Appreciation of Modern Precious Metal Coins in China will also be issued at the price of 450RMB for each.

學術性和可讀性於一體,不僅是學術研究者和金融工作者完 整的參考資料,也是金銀幣收藏者全面瞭解中國現代貴金屬 幣全貌的權威著作。 《中國現代貴金屬幣賞析》叢書的尺寸為 235mm X 290mm,8 開,全套共 5 本,約 250 萬字,累計有近兩千餘幅圖片 ( 所 有金銀紀念幣圖譜均按原大精印 )。 《中國現代貴金屬幣賞析》 收錄了 1979——2014 年中國人民銀行發行的所有中國現代貴 金屬紀念幣,而且還在附錄部分刊載了“中國現代貴金屬幣 發展簡史”、中國現代貴金屬幣分類目錄對照表及金銀帀相 關資料等。

《中國現代貴金屬幣賞析》主編王世宏先生 由中國大百科全書出版社出版,中國收藏家協會錢幣收藏委 員會監製,上海雅昌藝術印刷有限公司承印,中國人民銀行 讀後感,中國著名金銀幣收藏家王世宏主編的《中國現代貴 金屬幣賞析》( 第 1—5 冊 ) 已經出版發行。

負擔,王世宏主編把該書的編寫與發行當作一項公益事業來 做,所有編寫費用、管理費用等,全部由熱心中國金銀幣事 業的無私奉獻者捐贈解決,書價只含出版、印刷、發行等費用, 全書五冊定價僅 950 元(國際售價 160 美金,不含郵費)。同時, 還發行由著名設計大師羅永輝設計的《中國現代貴金屬帀賞 析》發行紀念大銅章,每枚定價 450 元。

王世宏主編在談及組織編寫《中國現代貴金屬幣賞析》主要 目的時表示:希望通過本書全面、系統地介紹中國現代金銀 幣的相關知識,弘揚祖國優秀文化,使廣大讀者能進一步瞭 解金銀幣的歷史和內涵,提高大家對其藝術價值的賞析能力, 以吸引更多的愛好者參與金銀幣的投資與收藏,逐步擴大金 銀幣的集藏隊伍,提高中國金銀幣的品牌效應和海內外影響 力,促進中國金銀幣事業的更快發展。 編寫《中國現代貴金屬幣賞析》是一項系統工程,為此,成 立了專家顧問委員會、編輯委員會,由中國專業精英團隊耗 時 5 年多時間精心編著。全書通過對決策者、設計師、雕刻師、 以及錢幣收藏家們的專訪,以大量鮮為人知的第一手資料, 揭示了中國現代貴金屬幣的發展脈絡與軌跡。 《中國現代貴金屬幣賞析》以其獨特的學術視角,樸素的敘 述文字,多角度、全方位地展示了中國現代貴金屬幣的選題 立項、設計雕刻、工藝製作等過程,同時在文化價值、收藏 屬性等方面做了較為深入的探討,是中國現代貴金屬幣資訊 資料的百科大全。

國內 欲購者請與上海宏盎文化傳播有限公司聯繫,款到發貨 書款請匯交通銀行上海分行虹口支行或郵局匯付 賬號 310066030018170238495 聯絡人:駱 飛 電話:17717536767 國外

售價:160 美元(不包含郵費) 欲購者請與冠軍拍賣上海辦事處聯繫 聯絡人:王 月 電話:15000120957 郵箱

冊)發行 1—5



《中國現代貴金屬幣賞析》 第 (


Shanxi Sycee 《陝西銀錠》 By Li Jiong

作者:李炯 Price (售價):RMB ¥398

Shanxi Sycee was published by Shanxi Media Group’s Sanqin Press in July 2015. It was written by Mr. Li Jiong, a collector and researcher of Shanxi sycee from Yulin, Shanxi. Mr. Li collected 600 varieties of Shanxi sycee over a ten–year period and after comparing and analyzing many collections of Shanxi sycee, he decided that there was a need for a professionally researched book on the subject.

the silver currency of Shanxi Province. Mr. Dai remarked that “This book is a professional work of research of Shanxi sycee. Mr. Li has taken advantage of local sources in his research and has made a great achievement in numismatic research. It covers all development stages of Shanxi sycee including its infancy, development, widespread adoption and its final discontinuation.”

Mr. Li has classified Shanxi sycee into six categories: 50 taels boat-shaped ingots, officially minted sycee, commercially minted sycee, Shanxi stamp remittance ingots from other provinces, odd-shaped sycee, and a sixth ‘other’ group of sycee. This book comprehensively shows the conditions of the circulation of Shanxi silver currency in the late Qing Dynasty and early Republic Period. This book also examines the social conditions including politics, economics, culture, and customs of that period. The president of the Xi’an Branch of The People’s Bank China Guo Xinming and prominent collector Dai Zhiqiang both wrote prefaces for this book. They remarked that this book was a masterpiece of Shanxi numismatics and filled a space in the research of

The book is A4 size and is 260 pages long with two additional trifold pages. It is printed in full-color and is illustrated with good quality graphics of Shanxi sycee. It was published by Shanxi Media Group’s Sanqin Press in July 2015. Buy from website: cgi?id=1648 (Note: the book is signed by the author) Contact: Mr. Li Jiong Cell Phone: 15529990006; 15667811786 Email: 為:五十兩船形銀錠、官鑄銀錠、商鑄銀錠、外省陝槽、 陝西異形銀錠、存疑待考銀錠六大類,全面展示了清末 民國時期陝西省白銀貨幣的通行現狀,側面反映了這一 時期政治、經濟、文化、民俗等方面的社會面貌。本書 由中國人民銀行西安分行行長郭新明、 著名錢幣學家戴 志強先生並序。郭序指出:《陝西銀錠》的出版,恰逢 我國 “一路一帶”戰略構想提出之際,是陝西錢幣研究 的又一力作,填補了陝西白銀貨幣研究的空白。戴序認 為《陝西銀錠》是一部有關陝西地方銀錠的專譜、專著, 李炯先生立足本鄉本土,充分利用和發揮地域優勢,十 年磨一劍,揚長避短,求實務實,走了一條錢幣集藏研 究的“捷徑”,一條成功之路。全書採用以文為主,以 圖為輔的串聯方式,揭示陝西銀錠產生、發展、興盛、 衰落的全過程。 该書大 16 開本,126 克雅粉全彩精印,幣圖清晰逼真, 共計 26 萬字,260 余頁,亦附三折拉圖兩幀。作者首次 在銀錠圖片旁附陜槽銘文複原印章一方。圖文並茂,值 得珍藏。

《 陝 西 銀 錠》 由 陝 西 出 版 傳 媒 集 團 三 秦 出 版 社 于 2015 年 7 月正式出版發行。作者李炯先生是陝西榆林 本鄉本土的銀錠收藏、研究者,他用十年時間,收藏了 600 餘種陝西銀錠。通過大量實物藏品的比對分析,作 者首次提出建構陝西銀錠分類學研究,將陝西銀錠分類

錢幣天堂網發售 登錄 可獲得作者簽名書 聯絡人:李炯 購書電話:15529990006;15667811786 郵箱

Unofficial Banknotes Issued in Jiangxi Province By Xu Anmin Price :RMB ¥298 Unofficial Banknotes Issued in Jiangxi Province was written by prominent paper money collector Xu Anmin, and was published in December 2014 by Jiangxi People’s Press, with the support and planning of the Jiang Xi Banking Industry. The unofficial banknotes cataloged in this book were issued by local administrative agencies, banks and organizations (such as local armed forces, cooperatives) etc. The face value of these paper notes was the same as that of the national legal currency which was circulated in some defined regions. The book is illustrated with pictures of 185 of the banknotes issued in Jiangxi Province, of which 25 were issued in the Qing Dynasty, 11 by local administrative agencies, 15 by local armed forces, 19 by chambers of commerce, and 88 by money houses and business houses. In addition, there are 21 local gold dollar coupons, 4 silver coupons, and 2 special money. Additionally, there are about 30 printing blocks and anticounterfeiting seals. The 200 physical coupons are from the author’s collection. This is the first time these precious coupons, some of which are unique, have been published.

comments were mainly on the collectors’ errors, value,

The book is divided into the following sections:

star-rating, collection methods, current existing condition and personal target.The postscript presents author ’s 20

the foreword, brief introduction, catalog, comments,

years collecting experience, his star-rating and calculating

references and postscript.The guide defines the scope

method, which will help collectors.The references include

and the time of the research and collecting and the

the relative historical resources, monographs and research

definition of unofficial banknotes. This is the first time

articles from modern times.In additional, the author

these banknotes have been categorized according to their

verified the authenticity of physical bonds which need to

different features. A brief introduction was also given

be proved. He also wrote another two articles about the paper money: “The Research of Banknotes Issued by Wu

to each chapter of the book.The General Introduction includes features, the development of unofficial banknotes, the rise of collecting these notes and the research achievements for unofficial banknotes. The pictures of the banknotes, local gold coupons ( 金圆券 ), local silver coupons ( 银 圆 券 ), special money, printing blocks and anti-counterfeiting seals are illustrated in the book. The book comprehensively describes each physical coupon of the banknotes. Many ancient stories were discovered such as the words of celebrities, family rules, poetry and prose from the script and pattern of the banknotes.The

Zheng-Yuan Private Bank of JianYi (Feng Cheng City) ”, and “Remark on 1896 Banknotes Issued by Kiangsi Official Silver Bank Again ”. This book is 281 pages long and has more than 300 colorful pictures of the banknotes. It is printed in A4 size on colorful bronze paper with a fine binding. It is a professional book for collecting and researching the unofficial banknotes issued in Jiangxi. It is sold by Xinhua Book Stores all over the country at a price of 298 yuan.

《江西民間鈔票》 作者:徐安民 售價:RMB ¥298





年 12 月由江西人民出版社出版發行。該書收集的實物












185 張,其中清代鈔票 25 張,基層行政機構鈔票 11 張,


地方武裝鈔票 15 張,商會鈔票 19 張,錢莊商號鈔票

20 多年收藏實踐經驗的親身感悟和思想提煉,并創造

88 張,地方金圓券 21 張,地方銀元券 4 張,特殊幣 2 枚。


另有,鈔版及防偽印章 30 余件。書中所錄選的 200 多


件實物券,均來自作者 20 多年的私人收藏品。在這些





考證,并專門撰寫《劍邑吳正元錢號票考略》和《光緒 丙申年“江西官銀號”銀錢票再議》等文章,提出作者


觀點,供讀者參閱。該書圖文并茂,大 16 開本,全彩


銅牌紙印刷,精裝幀,281 頁,300 多幅實物原大彩圖,






書店經銷,定價 298 元。


Artist Yu Min Was Given the Lifetime Achievement Award by Krause Publication Coin of the Year Award Committee

Editor of World Coin News David C. Harper (L.) and Chinese Embassy Culture Department Secretary Dr. Li Gang

Shanghai Mint Co., Ltd senior designer Yu Min is watching CCTV News live

A Lifetime Achievement Award in Coin Design was given to Yu Min of the Shanghai Mint Co., Ltd., Feb. 4 at the Coin of the Year Award ceremony at the World Money Fair in Berlin, Germany.

He began designing and engraving coins in 1980 and participated in the entire development process of gold and silver Pandas as a designer and engraver since the frst gold panda coin was issued in 1982.

The trophy was accepted by Dr. Li Gang, Secretary of the Culture Department of Embassy of People’s Republic of China to the Federal Republic of Germany.

His 1983 silver Panda won the Best Silver Coin award in the 1985 Coin of the Year competition. He has designed and engraved over 200 Modern Chinese coins including over 40 commemorative Panda coins, including the 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012 and 2013 gold and silver commemorative Panda coins, over the years. Mr Yu Min may hold the world record for the number of coins designed/engraved by a artist for a modern mint.

Yu Min is the first Asian Designer to win the award , the previous three edition of the award went to Herbert Wahner of Austria, Maria Carmela Colaneri of Italy, and Heinz Hoyer and Sneschana Russewa-Hoyer of Germany. Giving the award was David C. Harper, editor of World Coin News, founding sponsor of the award. The award is also sponsored by the World Money Fair. The publisher of the Journal of East Asian Numismatics, Michael Chou, introduced Dr. Li. His publication is the third sponsor of the Coin of the Year Awards and it prepared a biography of Yu Min. Yu Min graduated from Shanghai Arts and Crafts School inAugust 1980 and entered the Shanghai Mint (now known as the Shanghai Mint Co., Ltd) to design and to engrave coins in the design and pattern shop at the same year. From February to June 1996 he went to Russia and studied in the Sculpture Department of Repin Academy of Fine Arts. He was enrolled as a member of the China Sculpture Institute in July 2004.

The 2009 Panda coin designed by Yu Min was named the Best Commemorative Coin by a German magazine. Among commemorative coins, he designed and engraved the portrait of Chairman Mao on the circulating coin to Mark the 100th birthday of Mao Tse-tung. It was very diffcult to engrave a raised image of the chairman to be struck on a very hard nickelclad steel coin. Yu Min accomplished this after repeated trials. In the selection process of the 2008 Beijing Olympic coins, Yu Min’s design was one of the finalists and his four joint engraving designs (the fencing, pentathlon, archery and soccer coins) were adopted by the head offce of Bank of China.

See Us at Long Beach 9/6~9 Table 866

Macau Numismatic Society 2017 International Show

11/23-26 2017 Kam Pek Community Centre

11/26/2017 Champion Macau Auction 10:00 ~ 17:00 Consignment by 9/30

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For Consignments, please contact Michael Chou Phone: 86-13701793363 1-6462709988 86-21-62130771 Fax:852-3007-4311

Chinese Numismatic Forum VI Macau SAR China

Special Release of China 2017 Macau Commemorative Pandas

Mother’s Day Panda Designed by Yu Min Shanghai Mint’s First Heart Shape Panda Special Collectors Piedfort Edition (50g) 300 mintage 2016 Macau Numismatic Society Annual Expo Commemorative Panda

2017 World Money Fair Berlin Commemorative Panda

2016 ANA World's Fair of Money Anaheim Commemorative Panda

2017 World Money Fair Berlin Tri-Metallic Commemorative Panda

Mish International Monetary Inc. Mish國際錢幣公司 Specialists in 專營 Pandas since 1982 1982年起發行的熊貓幣 China Modern since 1979 1979年起發行的中國現代金銀幣 World Coins since 1964 1964年起專營世界錢幣

Looking To Buy?想買? Our inventory and knowledge has been available to both our colleagues and collector clients since coins of the People’s Republic of China first reached the world market in 1979. 自1979年中國現代金銀幣首次進入國際市場后,Mish 國際的員工及其藏家客戶積累了豐富的庫存和專 業的錢幣知識。

If you are looking for a particular China coin, chances are we have it, or may be able to recover it from an original buyer we sold it to years ago at first distribution. 想買中國幣?我們或許恰好有;也許多年前我們賣過,現在或許還能從原始買家手中買回來。

Looking To Sell?想賣? In this world of instant experts and brokers, Mish International is still your best choice to handle the purchase of your prized coins in this fast-changing market. Well-capitalized, truly knowledgeable and accommodating, we buy both single pieces and major collections at fair value with no delay, no limits and no excuses. 瞬息萬變的市場環境,Mish 國際仍是助您銷售錢幣的最佳選擇。雄厚的資金實力,專業的錢幣知識, 出色的協調能力,我們同時收購單枚幣和大型收藏,價格合理,快速付款。

Since 1964 始於1964

Here today. Here tomorrow 攜手今日 共贏明天 Mish International Monetary Inc Mish國際錢幣公司 1154 University Drive Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA 美國加州門羅帕克大學路1154號,郵編94025 Phone(電話):(650) 324-9110 Email(電郵)


Covers China 中國特別報道

The Numismatic Industry Leader Since 1960 始於1960年,錢 幣行業領導者

For Your Complimentary Coin World Special Edition Visit Us at the

Beijing International Coin Exposition! Nov. 8-11, 2017 2017年11月8-11日北京國際 錢展上我們將免費贈閱 《錢幣世界》中國特別版!


For Daily, Monthly and Weekly Coverage Visit

New Polish Dealer selling on MA-Shops 波蘭 Podlaski Gabinet 錢幣公司在 MA-Shops 網站上線

Podlaski Gabinet 公司簡介: Marek Melcer’s Podlaski Gabinet Numizmatyczny has been oficially established in the year 2000. From the beginning our company’s main mission has been aimed at reliable coin evaluation and coin grading. Since 1999 we have organised fifteen professional numismatic auctions together with the Poznanski Dom Aukcyjny. Throughout all these years, we have gained a substantial experience in the coin trade and coin grading. We are the first Polish company (and the only one in three) invited to join a prestigious German Organization Der Verband der deutschen Münzenhändler e.V affiliating associations that deal with only licensed numismatic sales. We help collectors in creating and building up their coin collection. We are in close partnership with many numismatic companies and auction houses both in the country and abroad. What is more, we are actively present at the majority of important exchanges and numismatic auctions. It allows us to professionally represent our clients and purchase numismatic items on their behalf and with the highest level of expertise. Visit the shop:

馬雷克·梅爾徹爾的 Podlaski Gabinet 錢幣公司成立於 2000 年。自 一開始我們公司便主營真實可信的錢幣鑒定和評級業務。 1999 年,我們和波茲南斯基拍賣行一起辦了 15 場專業錢幣拍賣會。 這些年來,我們已經在錢幣交易和錢幣評級方面獲得了大量的經驗。 我們是唯一一家波蘭公司(三家中的唯一一家),受邀加入著名的 德國錢幣機構——德國硬幣經銷商協會,只從事授權錢幣的交易。 我們幫助收藏家創建他們的錢幣收藏集,和國內外諸多錢幣公司和 拍賣行有密切合作。更重要的是,我們積極地參加大多數重要的錢 幣交流會和拍賣會。這讓我們擁有高水準的錢幣專業知識,專業代 表我們的客戶選購錢幣。 流覽網店:

Nice coins offered by this dealer 優質品相錢幣在售:

August II Thaler 1717, Dresden mint. US $4,150.00 Silver 45 mm, weight 29,30 g. Catalogue References: Kopicki 11119 R4, Kaminski 629, Gumowski 2106 Very attractive and rare thaler minted to commemorate the death of the mother of Frederick Augustus I, Anna Sophia. 1717 年奥古斯特二世 1 泰勒,德累斯顿造币厂 4,150.00 美元 银质,直径 45 毫米,重量 29.30 克 目录参考:科皮斯克 11119 R4,卡明斯基 629,顾莫乌斯基 2106。 非常受欢迎的一枚珍稀泰勒,纪念弗雷德里克·奥古斯塔斯一世的 母亲安娜索菲亚的逝世。

1/2 Rouble 1819 NC RUSSIA US $3,500.00 Weight: 10.36 g Diameter: 28.00mm Catalogue References: Bitkin 163, KM C# 129. Condition: Scarce in this condition. 1819 年 1/2 卢布,俄罗斯北卡罗来纳 3,500.00 美元 重量 10.36 克,直径 28.00 毫米 目录参考:比特金 163,KM C# 129。 品相:罕见。

German New Guinea 5 Marks 1894 2,125.00 US$ Weight: 27.77 g Diameter: 38.00 mm Catalogue References: KM 5 1984 年德属新几内亚 5 马克 2,125.00 美元

Australia 100 dollars 2010 P. High Relief Koala 1,650.00 US$ Weight: 31.10 g Diameter: 27.00 mm Catalogue References: KM 1469. Diameter 27 mm, 1 Oz. Gold. Certificate PCGS PR 69 DCAM, scarce, low mintage 2000 pcs. Proof – High Relief

重量 27.77 克,直径 38.00 毫米

2010 年澳大利亚高浮雕考拉 100 澳元

目录参考:KM 5

1,650.00 美元 重量 31.10 克,直径 27.00mm 目录参考:KM 1469。直径 27 毫米,1 盎司金币。 PCGS 证书 PR69 DCAM,稀有,铸币量少至 2000 枚,高浮雕精制 币

Stater Kingdom of Macedon US $2,500.00 Ancient Greece. Kingdom of Macedon. Philip II 359-336 BC. Gold 17 mm, weight 8,58 g., Amphipolis mint. Obverse: Laureate head of Apollo right. Reverse: Charioteer driving biga right, holding kentron in right hand, reins in left; ivy leaf below horses. Catalogue references: Le Rider 70. 马其顿王国斯塔特 2,500.00 美元 古希腊,马其顿王国,菲利普二世(公元前 359-336) 金质,直径 17.00 毫米,重量 8.58 克,安菲波利造币厂 正面:阿波罗的戴桂冠头像,侧面向右 反面:御者右手持肯特隆显微硬度计,左手握缰绳,驾驶战车,向 右前行。战马下方为常春藤叶。 参考目录:骑士 70

OPEN YOUR MA-SHOP and sell to 300.000 collectors. 打开 MA-SHOP 网站, 向 300,000 收藏家出售钱币吧!

East Asia Journal 1984 Issue 《東亞通寶》第 1 期 1984 年發行

First Issue of JEAN digital edition January 2016 Issue 《東亞泉志》電子雜誌第 1 期 2016 年 1 月發行

《東亞泉志》電子雜誌第 1 期在線閱讀: 第 2 期 在線閱讀: 第 3 期在線閱讀: 第 4 期 在線閱讀: 第 5 期 在線閱讀: 第 6 期 在線閱讀:

入會申請表 Application Form 申請日期 Application date: 申請會員類別:

本地會員 Macau Member

Membership applied for:

外地會員 Non Macau Member

姓名 Name:

性別 Gender:

證件號碼 ID No.:

出生日期 Date of Birth:


住址 Add.:

職業 Occupation:

錢幣收集範圍 Interst:

聯絡電話 Phone Number:


會費 新會員需交付:入會費 MOP500.00 New membership fee: MOP 500.00

本會宗旨:團結錢幣愛好者,推動錢幣之收藏及研究 介紹人 Referee:(需我會兩位成員推薦 two members of the Society) 會員姓名編號 Member No: 會員姓名編號 Member No: 此欄由澳門錢幣學會填寫 (Filled by the Society only): 新會員入會日期: 新會員編號: 1)新會員需認同本會宗旨。 New members should comply with the Society regulations. 2)入會申請人需填妥本申請表、交 1 張相片及繳納相關入會費用。 Please attach one photo and pay the membership fee. Add: AV. DR. RODRIGO RODRIGUES. 600E-P105 FIRST INTERNATIONAL COM. CENTER, MACAU Tel: (853)2833 4556 Fax: (853)2830 4772 Email:

地址:澳門羅理基博士大馬路 600E-1 樓 P105 室 電話:(853)2833 4556 傳真:(853)2830 4772

余敏榮獲克勞斯出版社世界硬幣大獎評委會頒發的 終身成就獎

《世界錢幣新聞》主編 David C. Harper(左)和中國駐德國 大使館文化部秘書李剛

上海造幣有限公司高級工藝美術師余敏在觀看 CCTV 新聞 頻道

本屆世界硬幣大獎頒獎典禮於 2 月 4 日在德國柏林的世界錢

1993 年獲工藝美術師任職資格,並被聘為工藝美術師。2004


年 7 月,被中國雕塑學會吸收為會員。

得者是上海造幣有限公司的設計雕刻師——余敏。 余敏從 1980 年從事錢幣設計雕刻至今已 30 年,從 1993 年聘 中華人民共和國駐德意志聯邦共和國大使館文化部秘書——

為工藝美術師至今也已 23 年。從 1982 年發行第一枚熊貓金


幣起,至今已有近三十年歷史。余敏作為設計雕刻人員參與 並見證了熊貓金銀幣發展的整個過程。

余敏是首位獲得這項大獎的亞洲錢幣設計師,前三屆終身成 就獎的獲得者分別是:奧地利的赫爾伯特 • 韋納、意大利的瑪

由余敏設計雕刻的 1983 版熊貓銀幣獲得了 1985 年世界硬幣

利亞 • 卡梅拉 • 柯蘭納瑞以及德國的 Heinz Hoyer 和 Sneschana

大獎最佳銀幣獎,這些年,余敏一共設計和雕刻了 40 多枚紀

Russewa-Hoyer 夫婦二人。

念熊貓,包括 2005、2006、2008、2009、2010、2012 和 2013 熊貓金銀幣。余敏為現代造幣廠設計和雕刻的錢幣數量之多,



的大衛 •C• 哈珀負責頒發,而世界錢幣展也是本屆獎項的贊助 商之一。

他所設計的 2009 版熊貓幣被德國錢幣雜誌評為最佳紀念幣。

《東亞泉志》出版人周邁可先生為李博士做了一下介紹。 周

紀念幣方面,余敏設計並雕刻了毛澤東誕辰 100 周年流通紀




浮雕是一個近乎苛刻的任務,經過多次實驗之後,余敏最終 圓滿完成任務。

余敏 1980 年 8 月畢業於上海工藝美術學校(中專)。同年進 上海造幣廠(上海造幣有限公司前身)設計製模車間從事錢

在 2008 北京奧運幣的競標中,余敏的設計成為了入圍了最終


的決賽圈。余敏與他人合作的設計(擊劍、五項全能、射箭、 足球)也在競標被中國銀行選中。

1996 年 2 月至 6 月期間,赴俄羅斯列賓美術學院雕塑系進修。

9 月 6-9 日冠軍拍賣參展長灘錢幣展銷會 展位 866 如有疑問,請與周邁可先生聯繫,郵箱: 電話:86-13701793363 1-6462709988 86-21-62130771 傳真:52-3007-4311

由余敏負責設計、上海造幣廠生產的第一枚心形紀念熊貓 母親節特別收藏加厚版紀念熊貓(50g),鑄造量 300 枚

50 克的峨眉山面有金 頂佛光

30 克

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大唐西市 2017 夏季藝術品拍賣會 閒居方物 - 張衛東先生錢幣收藏專場 2017 DATANG WEST MARKET ART SUMMER AUCTION Zhang Weidong’ Coin Collection

北京景星麟鳳國際拍賣有限公司成立於 2010 年,2016 年 併入大唐西市文化產業投資集團,是以經營中國文物藝術品 為主的綜合性拍賣公司,每年定期舉辦春季、秋季大型拍賣 會,不定期舉辦季令拍賣會。其以金屬材質文物藝術品拍賣 著稱拍壇,尤以銅鏡拍賣為國際拍賣領域翹楚。 繼 8 月 20 日在大唐西市藝術品中心成功舉辦大 唐西市 2017 西安夏季藝術品拍賣會珠寶玉石專 場和玉清山房文玩專場拍賣之後,大唐西市 2017 夏季藝術品拍賣會之張衛東先生錢幣收藏專場將 於 9 月 17 日在北京天雅古玩城開拍;易拍全球、 藝狐在線、雅鑒三大藝術品拍賣專業網站同步線 上拍賣,上拍 525 個標的、605 件古泉珍品,囊 括咸豐元寶當千直鞏、光緒當十雕母、祺祥重寶 當十等名品大珍。

預展時間 (Preview time): 9 月 15-17 日 (September 15 to 17) 拍賣時間 (Auction time): 9 月 17 日(星期天)13:00-20:00 (pm 13:00-20:00 Sunday, September 17) 預展及拍賣地點: 北京天雅古玩城 10 層展廳 Preview & Auction Venue: 10th floor of Tianya Antique Castle in Beijing 聯繫電話 (Contact):

15901021329 程盼盼 (Cheng Panpan); 18053001939 孔祥可 ((Kong Xiangke)

《东亚泉志》电子杂志 《东亚泉志》为冠军拍卖公司总裁周迈可和著名钱币学专家史博禄于1994年创办, 是一本学术性钱币研究专业杂志。旨在让广大钱币收藏家、研究学者更深入地了解钱 币知识,让世界各地的读者更好地了解中国深厚的钱币文化。 杂志高级编辑史博禄1951年生于美国密苏里州圣路易斯市,为密苏里大学历史系学 士,哈佛大学中国研究专业硕士。1974-1977年在克劳斯出版社任《世界钱币新闻》 助理编辑,参与《世界硬币标准目录》与《世界纸钞标准目录》编辑工作。史博禄拥 有30多年的收藏和研究中国钱币的丰富经验。他在《东亚泉志》上发表的研究文献极 大地丰富了中国钱币的知识内涵。 《东亚泉志》于1994年7月份问世,在20多个国家发行,广受欢迎,长期占据许多重 要图书馆书架的显著位置,包括美国国家博物馆史密森尼学会、大英博物馆、哈佛燕 京图书馆、哈佛大学、耶鲁大学、哥伦比亚大学、斯坦福大学、康奈尔大学和美国钱 币学会、美国钱币协会。杂志刊发过不少有重要学术价值的文章,如詹姆斯•史威尼 写的《1900年京局银元》、史博禄写的《徐世昌刻字纪念章》和《民国二十五年和 民国二十六年之中国银元故事》、汤姆•基纳写的《1897年浙江三分六厘样币和1899 年安徽三分六厘流通币的关系》以及曾泽禄写的《台湾老公银伪品》等。 2015年5月,周迈可决定于2016年1月复刊《东亚泉志》为电子季刊,中英双语。内 容以披露最新钱币收藏研究成果、推介泉界成功人士的事迹为主。主要栏目有学术研 究、人物专访、鉴赏争鸣、拍卖回顾、重要信息等。聘请著名钱币研究学者袁水清担 任中文主编。袁水清,1948年生,大学金融专科毕业,从事银行工作30多年。中国 钱币学会会员,陕西省钱币学会常务理事,西安市收藏协会常务副会长。同时聘请国 内外知名的钱币学者、收藏家及专业人士加入,如美国华人钱币学者曾泽禄、美国纸 钞专家弗雷德·施万、美国东南亚钱币专家霍华德·丹尼尔、德国中国现代币研究学者 塞巴斯蒂安·威斯霍夫斯基、香港中国现代金银币研究学者陈景林、台湾钱币学者周 建福、《戳记币简史》作者台湾东吴大学加拿大籍高林教授等。 从2017年起,《东亚泉志》加盟由克劳斯在德国柏林世界钱币展览会期间举办的 “世界硬币大奖”颁奖活动。

《东亚泉志》2017年免费订阅,如果需要,请把您的邮箱发到! 《东亚泉志》第一期在线阅读

The Journal of East Asian Numismatics In 1994, The Journal of East Asian

Relationship between 1897 Chekiang 5-Cents Pattern and 1899

Numismatics (JEAN) was founded by

Anhwei 5-Cents Circulation Strike” by Tom Keener, and “A Forgery

Michael Chou, the CEO of Champion Auction and Bruce Smith, a noted numismatist. It is a professional numismatic academic journal whose mission is to educate collectors and researchers on the subjects of Chinese numismatics, culture and history.

of Taiwan’s Old Man Dollar” by Dr. Che-lu Tseng. In May 2015, Michael Chou decided to start issuing the journal again starting in January 2016. The famous numismatic researcher Mr. Yuan Shuiqing will be chinese chief editor. He is a member

Bruce Smith, the chief editor of JEAN, was born in 1951 in

of China Numismatic Society, serving as executive director of

St. Louis, MO. He received his BA in history from the University

the Shenxi Numismatic Society and executive vice president of

of Missouri St. Louis; and his MA in China studies from Harvard

the Xi’an Collectors Association. As a numismatic researcher, he

University. In 1974-1977, he worked for Krause Publications

was chief editor of Collections and China Numismatics. He has

as Editorial Assistant on World Coin News and as cataloger for

published over 100 numismatic research articles and the masterpiece

Standard Catalog of World Coins and Standard Catalog of World

The Elite of Monetary History of China. Other distinguished

Paper Money. He was a full time coin dealer 1977-1987. In

contributors from home and abroad are numismatists, collectors and

1988-1989, he studied in China as a student of China Studies in

coin dealers, including Bruce Smith (author of Howard Franklin

Chengchow (Zhengzhou) University, Henan province. In 1991-1993,

Bowker – Numismatic Pioneer), Colin Gullberg (Canada, author

Mr. Smith was a graduate student at Harvard University. In 1994-

of Chopmarked Coins – A History), Wang Chunli (China, author

1998, he was the editor of The Journal of East Asian Numismatics

of Illustrated Catalog of China’s Jilin Province Silver Coins and

(JEAN). Bruce Smith has been a collector and researcher of Chinese

Illustrated Catalog of Chinese Gold & Silver Coins), Chinese

coins for over 30 years. His published research in JEAN has added

American senior numismatist Dr. Che-lu Tseng, senior numismatic

immensely to the body of knowledge for Chinese coins.

scholar of China modern gold and silver commemorative coins King

The first issue of JEAN was released in July 1994, and the last issue (18th issue) in 1998. Most articles were written in English,

L. Chan (Hong Kong), senior numismatist Chien Fu Chou (Taiwan) and CEO of Beijing Coins website Richard Guo.

the remainder in Chinese. The journal was distributed in over 20

It will be a quarterly, bilingual e-journal, covering the latest

countries, and remained a mainstay on many important library

numismatic research, interviews with famous collectors, auction

shelves, including the Smithsonian Institution, the British Museum,

reviews, and general news. The Journal's distribution is now over

the Harvard Yenching Library, Harvard University, Yale University,

5,000, including over 2,000 in Greater China region.

Columbia University, Stanford University, Cornell University, the ANS (American Numismatic Society), and the ANA (American Numismatic Association). The journal enjoyed great popularity and many important articles were published in JEAN, including “Peking Coins of 1900” by James Sweeny, “More on the Hsu Shihchang Medals with engraved names” and “The true story of China’s 1936 and 1937 Silver Dollars” by Bruce Smith, “The Apparent

Starting in 2017 , Journal of East Asian Numismatics is a cosponsor of Krause's Coin of the Year Award Ceremony in Berlin with World Money Fair. You are welcome to subscribe, submit articles for publication, and advertise in the upcoming JEAN. The 2017 subscription is free of charge. Please send your email to

2017-2018 JEAN Advertising Rate 2017-2018 Issue

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US $800 (¥ 5,500)

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US $800 (¥ 5,500)

Issue 10



US $375 (¥ 2,500)

US $1,250 (¥ 8,500)

US $250 (¥ 1,680)

US $800 (¥ 5,500)

Issue 11



US $375 (¥ 2,500)

US $1,250 (¥ 8,500)

US $250 (¥ 1,680)

US $800 (¥ 5,500)

* PX: 300 * full page (A4): 210×297mm * 1/2 page: 210×148mm

Contact JEAN Shanghai Office Tel: 021-62130771 Email:

東 亞 泉 志 《東亞泉志》電子雜誌簡介 《東亞泉志》為冠軍拍賣公司總裁周邁可先生和著名錢

2015 年 5 月,周邁可先生決定于 2016 年 1 月復刊《東

幣學專家史博祿先生于 1994 年創辦,是一本學術性錢幣研




究專業雜誌。旨在讓廣大錢幣收藏家、研究學者更深入地了 解錢幣知識,讓世界各地的讀者更好地了解中國深厚的錢幣

雜誌高級編輯史博祿先生 1951 年生於美國密蘇里州聖

路易斯市,為密蘇里大學歷史係學士,哈佛大學中國研究專 業碩士。1974-1977 年在克勞斯出版社任《世界錢幣新聞》 助理編輯,參與《世界硬幣標準目錄》與《世界紙鈔標準 目錄》編輯工作。1977-1987 年全職進行錢幣交易。19881989 年在中國鄭州大學留學,主修中國研究課程。1991-

1993 年在哈佛大學攻讀碩士。1994-1998 年任《東亞泉志》 總編。史博祿先生擁有 30 多年的收藏和研究中國錢幣的豐

富經驗。他在《東亞泉志》上發表的研究文獻極大地豐富了 中國錢幣的知識內涵。

袁水清,1948 年生,大學金融專科畢業,從事銀行工作 30 多年。中國錢幣學會會員,陝西省錢幣學會常務理事,西安 《西部金融 • 錢幣研究》雜誌的責任編輯,《中國錢幣界》 雜誌主編。多年來他傾力于中國貨幣史和錢幣學的研究,發

表過近百篇錢幣研究文章;2012 年,出版了匯集中國古今 錢幣的鴻篇巨製《中國貨幣史之最》。同時聘請國內外知名 的錢幣學者、收藏家及專業人士加入,如《霍华德 • 富兰克 林 • 包克——錢幣學研究先驅者》作者史博祿先生、《戳記 幣简史》作者高林先生、《熊貓金銀幣收藏指南》作者皮特 • 安東尼先生、《中國吉林銀圓圖譜》和《中國金銀幣目錄》 作者王春利先生、美國華人資深錢幣學者曾澤祿先生、香港 中国现代金银币资深研究学者陳景林先生、台灣資深錢幣學 者周建福先生、美國現代金銀幣資深經销商羅伯特 • 米什先

《東亞泉志》于 1994 年 7 月份問世,1999 年停刊,

發行了 18 期。雜誌中大部分文章是英文,只有少部分是中文, 在 20 多個國家發行,廣受歡迎,長期佔據許多重要圖書館


博物館、哈佛燕京圖書館、哈佛大學、耶魯大學、哥倫比亞 大學、斯坦福大學、康奈爾大學和美國錢幣學會、美國錢幣 協會。雜誌刊發過不少有重要學術價值的文章,如詹姆斯 •

生、美國東南亞錢幣專家亞當 • 比亞吉先生以及北京錢幣 網总裁郭嘉華先生等。 復刊后的《東亞泉誌》為電子季刊,中英双语。內容以 披露最新錢幣收藏研究成果、推介泉界成功人士的事跡為 主。主要欄目有學術研究、人物專訪、鑒賞爭鳴、拍賣回顧、 重要資訊等。 從 2017 年起,《東亞泉志》加盟由克勞斯在德國柏林

史威尼寫的《1900 年京局銀元》、史博祿寫的《徐世昌刻 字紀念章》和《民國二十五年和民國二十六年之中國銀元故 事》、湯姆 • 基納寫的《1897 年浙江三分六釐樣幣和 1899

年安徽三分六釐流通幣的關係》以及曾澤祿寫的《台灣老公 銀偽品》等。


《東亞泉志》2017 年免費訂閱,如果需要,請把您的 郵箱發到 !

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