The twelfth issue of JEAN

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2018年10月 October 2018 第12期 總第30期 No. 12 Issue 30

THE JOURNAL OF EAST ASIAN NUMISMATICS 「 中英雙語 · 電子季刊 | Bilingual (English - Chinese) Digital Quarterly」

夏喬士 · 喬治 · 羅伯特 · 羅便臣 Hercules George Robert Robinson

麥當奴 Richard Graves Macdonnell

香港造幣廠,1866-1868 The Hong Kong Mint, 1866-1868

1867 年上海貳錢銀幣 CHINA-Shanghai 1867 Two Mace Silver

本期專題 Features 奇珍軼事 :傳世稀罕的 1867 年“上海贰錢”試鑄銀幣 Only Child of Two Parents: the 1867 Shanghai Two Mace 李鐵生談世界硬幣大獎賽評選和譯介外國錢幣(特別是絲路錢幣)文化歷程 Interview Talking about Coin of the Year Award and Translation and Introduction Translation of Foreign Numismatic Culture Books with Li Tiesheng 南宋金銀鹽鈔交引鋪若干問題研究 Research on Several Issues Regarding Gold, Silver and Salt Exchange Voucher Shops in the Southern Song Dynasty

Welcome to contribute articles. 欢迎投稿 ! Chinese (中文): English (英文):


Chinese Editor



Che-lu Tseng

Yuan Shuiqing



Hans-Henning Goehrum 漢斯 · 亨甯 · 格魯姆

Technical Advisor

US Correspondent



Gu Jun

J. Matthew Brotherton 馬修 · 布拉澤頓


Publisher & Editor in-Chief

Advertising & Circulation Manager



Michael H. Chou

Yotin Ring



Senior Editor

Design Director



Bruce W. Smith

Chen Lin



「 中英雙語 · 電子季刊


Bilingual (English - Chinese) Digital Quarterly 」

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Foreword Welcome to the 12th edition of the Journal of East Asian Numismatics. Our mission is to promote numismatic exchanges between East and West. With the book review of Recalling a century of Changes in World of Finance-Medallic Memories, we offer the elegant preface from the book written by the former long time president and chairman of ICBC , Mr Jiang Jianqing. In this issue we have an article by Chinese researcher Li Xiaoping of Zhejiang Provincial Museum about the gold, silver and salt exchange shops in Southern Song dynasty. Mr Zhao Houzhen, a young Chinese numismatic researcher submits an article about the Ping Jing coins of the Guangxi Dacheng Kingdom. We also continue our series on chopmark coins from the book Chopmarked Coins – A History, by Colin Gullberg. We also welcome two articles from Mr. Steve Feller about Shanghai memory medal and the MPC fest of Port Clinton, Ohio co-authored by Steve Feller and Ray Feller. Steve Feller was the long time editor of the International Banknote Society. We welcome a guest article from Mr. Jeff Garrett entitled “Billionaires Buying Rare Coins”. Jeff is the former President of American

Numismatic Association and Professional Numismatic Guide. Jeff currently serves as an advisory board member of the National Museum of American History, where the National Numismatic Collection is located. Mr. Yuan Shui Qing, our Chinese editor, has submitted an article in which he interviewed researcher and long time coin of the year panal judge Mr. Li Tiesheng. Mr. Li’s many books on modern and Ancient coinage are an important addition to Chinese numismatics. This issue our senior editor Bruce Smith submits an article about the 1867 Shanghai 2 mace pattern which maybe the rarest Chinese machine struck coin , with five known pieces and only two in private hands. I am very honored again to be a member of Krause Publications’ Coin of the Year Nomination Committee and joining the meeting held in Stevens Point this year on October 11-12. Many outstanding coins were selected in the 10 different categories , we look forward to voting on them in November and the Award Ceremony in Berlin at World Money Fair. We hope you enjoy these interesting, well-researched articles!

Michael Chou Publisher and Editor-in-Chief

前 言 歡迎閱讀第12期《東亞泉志》!本刊旨在促進東西方之間



篇,題為《李鐵生談世界硬幣大獎賽評選和譯介外國錢幣 (特別是絲路錢幣)文化歷程》。李鐵生先生所著許多關於





商銀行行長及董事長。 我們雜誌的高級編輯史博祿先生為本期貢獻了一篇與上海 本期我們帶來了浙江省博物館研究員李小萍的文章《南宋




研究者趙後振的《清末廣西大成國平靖錢》。我們還繼續 連載臺北高林先生所著《戳記幣簡史》篇章,繼續往期精

在此敬請讀者關注 :我作為克勞斯出版社“世界硬幣大獎


賽”提名委員會成員,非常榮幸地參加了今年10月11-12日 在斯蒂文斯波恩特舉辦的2018年世界硬幣大獎賽提名會

我們還迎來了國際紙鈔協會原編輯史提夫 · 費勒貢獻的


《“上海灘 · 記憶”紀念章》,以及史提夫 · 費勒、雷 · 費勒




錄》。此外,傑夫 · 加勒特撰寫的《億萬富翁購買稀有錢幣》


為本刊添磚加瓦。傑夫為美國錢幣協會及專業錢幣行業協 會前任總裁,現為美國國家歷史博物館顧問委員會成員。




《東亞泉志》總編輯兼出版人 :周邁可

CONTENTS Features 54

Only Child of Two Parents: The 1867 Shanghai Two Mace


Interview Talking About Coin Of The Year Award and Translation and Introduction Translation of Foreign Numismatic Culture Books With Li Tiesheng


Research On Several Issues Regarding Gold, Silver And Salt Exchange Voucher Shops In The Southern Song Dynasty

Bruce W. Smith Yuan Shuiqing Li Xiaoping

Departments 6

JEAN News and Information

Bruce W. Smith


JEAN Book Reviews

Bruce W. Smith


"Medallic Memories of Hundreds of Years of Financial History" Preface


Correction to Southern Ming Article


Top Gold Coins on Seung Hoi Tan Exhibition and the China Gold Coin Collectors Symposium were successfully held in Shanghai


Update From The 2018 September Long Beach Coin Expo

Jiang Jianqing Bruce W. Smith Yuan Fang J. Matthew Brotherton

Column 91

Chopmarked Coins Chapter 1 Part IIII - The History of Silver in China

118 The Shanghai Memory Medal 132 The MPC Fest of Port Clinton, Ohio 140 Chinese Factional Currency 142 INDOCHINA / ANNAM A Never Seen Before Minh Manng (1820-1840) 144 Billionaires Buying Rare Coins

Colin James Gullberg Steve Feller Steve and Ray Feller Howard F. Bowker Franรงois Joyaux Jeff Garrett

148 Ping Jing Coins of the Guangxi Dacheng Kingdom, Late Qing Dynasty

Zhao Houzhen

156 The Basel Panda Story

Albert M. Beck

目 錄 專題 58

奇珍軼事 :傳世稀罕的 1867 年“上海贰錢”試鑄銀幣








部門 15 《東亞泉志》新聞


27 《東亞泉志》書評


36 《世界金融百年滄桑記憶》序言


40 《南明貨幣制度》一文更正聲明



頂級金幣彙聚上海灘 精品展暨座談會在滬成功舉辦


2018 年 9 月美國長灘錢幣展最新資訊

圓方 馬修 · 布拉澤頓

專欄 105 《戳記幣簡史》第一章第四部分——中國白銀史 125 「上海灘 · 記憶」紀念章

高林 史提夫 · 費勒

136 再聚俄亥俄州克林頓港 美國軍用支付券集會實錄

史提夫 · 費勒 雷 · 費勒

141 中國代幣券——民國時期蘇州文明香燭號郵票代幣券

霍華德 · 佛蘭克林 · 包克

143 越南阮朝明命时期一枚罕見金幣 ——“明命通寶”背“龍文”

法蘭索 · 猶由

146 億萬富翁購買稀有錢幣

傑夫 · 加勒特

153 清末廣西大成國平靖錢


157 1988 年巴塞爾熊貓紀念金章背後的故事

艾伯特 · 迈克尔 · 贝克




JEAN News and Information Bruce W. Smith[USA]

Ch'ien Lung Struck Cash Coin The Ch'ien Lung emperor ruled China from 1736 to 1795 - about a century before minting machinery was available in China. Nevertheless, there are at least five machine struck cash coins with a Ch'ien Lung obverse. The best known is the piece with a triangular center hole and dragon and flower on the reverse. It is often classed as an amulet because of the reverse design and the presence of "pa kua" symbols between the characters on the obverse (pic. 1). Nothing is known for certain about this piece, except that it is common in the United States but was unknown in the far east until the 1970's. It was almost certainly made in the United States during the first half of the 20th century. It may have been made as a souvenir for one of the World's Fairs held in the United States (St. Louis 1904; San Francisco 1914; Chicago 1934) or as a souvenir of one of the Chinatowns in the United States (Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, New York). More recently it has been suggested that the piece is a prize from a radio show called "The Adventurers Club" which was broadcast from Chicago during 1947-1948. The second piece has a square center hole and a Ch'ien Lung obverse. The reverse is inscribed in English: FRUTCHEY SILK SHOP with a serial number below (white metal 29mm). The W. J. R. Frutchey Company was founded in Philadelphia in 1920, with a retail store in New York City under the name Frutchey Silk Shop. This name was registered as a trademark in 1922 and the company was incorporated in 1929. This piece is listed as unattributed in "Alper t's Catalogue of Charge Coins" (2003). An example was offered on Ebay in September 2010. Charge coins were the predecessors of the modern credit card. From the 1890's to the 1960's, many department stores and other retail and service companies issued these "coins" to their customers who had established a credit account with the store. Many of these pieces were oval or key-shaped, but all had the customer's account number stamped in a space left for this purpose, and most had a hole or loop to attach the piece to a keychain or bracelet. For a store selling silk, a copy of an old Chinese coin makes sense. The third piece with a Ch'ien Lung obver se is an advertising piece for Ralph Heaton & Sons, commonly known as the Heaton Mint. This 22mm brass piece has: "RALPH HEATON & SONS BIRMINGHAM ENGLAND around the square hole. According to James Sweeny's 6

Pic. 1

Pic. 2

Pic. 3

"Numismatic History of the Birmingham Mint" (1981), this piece must have been made before 1889 when the name of the company was changed to "The Mint, Birmingham" (no longer owned by the Heaton family). This would date the piece to the late 1880's - precisely the time the Heaton Mint was setting up the Canton Mint to produce struck cash and dragon silver coins. The fourth type of Ch'ien Lung struck cash was found by American collector Daniel Ching in 1978, but was unpublished until its new owner, Bruce Griffith, presented it on the Zeno Oriental Coins Database in April 2016 (www. item 166879), (pic. 2). This 22mm brass piece is a fairly accurate imitation of a late Ch'ien Lung coin from the Board of Works Mint in Peking. The obverse has the character "tung" with an open box head, while the reverse has a short, straight top stroke in the Manchu mintmark. Neither Ching nor Griffith knew what this piece is, but its weight, 4.35 grams, makes it too heavy for circulation.


The fifth type of Ch'ien Lung struck cash may provide a clue to the previously mentioned coin. This one was published by Nicholas Rhodes in the March 1986 Numismatics International Bulletin. Like the previous piece, this brass piece is a good imitation of a Ch'ien Lung coin of the Board of Works Mint (pic. 3). However the calligraphy is different. The obverse has a closed head on the character "t'ung" with an unnecessary dot below the character. The reverse has a long bent top stroke on the Manchu mintmark. This coin would have remained a mystery had it not been for a small piece of paper still attached to the coin with a piece of string. The note is

inscribed: FROM CHINESE JUNK AT BLACKWALL, JULY 1849 . A CASH. 100 STRUNG TOGETHER ON A TOUGH DRIED RUSH ARE CALLED A MACE & THE WHOLE ARE OF THE VALUE OF SIX PENCE ENGLISH. This note clearly refers to the Chinese junk, Keying, which was sailed from China to England and put on display in various ports during 1848-1849. Apparently there were not enough genuine coins aboard to serve as souvenirs and imitations were machine struck somewhere in England. This might also be the origin of the previously mentioned coin.

USA - North Korea Summit Coins The meeting in Singapore bet ween the American president, Donald Trump, and North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un, on 12 June 2018, generated about a dozen different "coins" marking the event. Most were in the form of Challenge Coins, a popular type of medal in recent years. Challenge Coins first appeared among United States military personnel sometime after World War II (despite claims on Wikipedia dating them as far back as ancient times). Small military units or a group of individuals within a military unit, had medals made featuring their unit insignia or name, usually about the size of an old silver dollar (39mm), and distributed them among the members. When one member encountered another member in a bar, he could challenge the other to show his challenge coin. If he could not, he was required to buy drinks for all the members present in the bar. At first these challenge coins were not officially sanctioned but were made for some individuals. Later the military adopted the challenge coin tradition as a means of creating pride within the military unit. Still later challenge coins were adopted by other government agencies and then by groups within the general public, such as fire fighters and police. Today there are a number of companies in the United States and in China which make challenge coins for any purpose. In the United States, challenge coins were made and being sold weeks before the scheduled meeting. Two similar pieces were made for the White House Communications Agency, apparently to be given as gifts to people involved with the summit meeting, and for the White House Gift Shop, to be sold to the general public. According to the White House Gift Shop website, both challenge coins are from the same unnamed designer, are 57mm in diameter, and have a serial number on the edge. Only 250 pieces of the White House Communications Agency (WHCA) piece were struck, but the mintage of the gift shop piece is not mentioned. The coins are silver

colored (probably only silver plated) and have unusual wavey borders (the gift shop calls it scalloped). The gift shop piece was also produced in an unnumbered version (10,000 pieces), possibly marked "SK", reserved for sale in South Korea. When Trump cancelled the meeting in May, the gift shop pieces immediately sold out, as did the first set of medals for the event struck by the Singapore Mint. After Trump changed his mind and decided to attend the meeting, interest in the subject increased, resulting in a number of privately made challenge coins and a second set of medals from the Singapore Mint (which also sold out). The commemoratives made for this event have complicated designs and most are multi-colored, so only a basic description will be provided. Consult the images for the details. Note: since writing this article, additional types of Singapore Summit coins have appeared for sale online.

1. White House Communications Agency. Obverse: portraits of the two leaders in the center, against a background of the two national flags with a jagged edge between them. Surrounding this are a white ring and a red ring, both with inscriptions in English. Reverse: view of Air Force One jet above the White House. Surrounding this is a blue ring with inscription: Visit of the President Donald J. Trump. Serial number on edge. 7





2. White House Gift Shop. Obverse: similar to the WHCA piece, but with different inscriptions in the white and red rings. Small state seals below the portraits. Reverse: view of a dove above the White House with an inscribed red banner above. Surrounding this are a blue ring and a red ring containing inscriptions. Serial number on edge. a. White House Gift Shop. Same but without serial number on edge.

4. Singapore Mint Second Issue. Obverse: USA and North Korean flags vertically in center, surrounded by names of the two countries. Reverse: two hands shaking below signed document. In outer ring, date above, Singapore Summit below. a. Gold 15.5 grams (half ounce), mintage 5,000 pieces subject to change. b. Silver 31.1 grams (one ounce), mintage 15,000 pieces subject to change.

3. Singapore Mint First Issue. Obverse: North Korean and American flags horizontally, with hands shaking below; above: 12.06. 2018 Summit in Singapore. In outer ring, names of the two countries. Reverse: flying dove in center, World Peace, above, colored flowers below. At bottom: The Singapore Mint. a. Gold 27mm 15.5 grams (half ounce), mintage 3,000 pieces. b. Silver 40.7mm 31.1 grams (one ounce), mintage 15,000 pieces c. Nickel plated zinc 40.7mm 20 grams, mintage unlimited.

5. R ystinworks Summit Challenge Coin. Obver se: Singapore sk yline with USA and Nor th Korea flags above horizontally. Outer ring reads: USA - North Korea Summit June 12, 2018 Singapore. Reverse: seal of the president of the United States. Brass 44.5mm 39 grams. Rystinworks is a California company organized about 2000, which manufactures challenge coins, pins and other collectables.


6. State Seals Set. Made in China. Obverse: portraits of Trump and Kim in center against background of the two flags with straight edge between them; their names in outer ring. Reverse: hands shaking below two state seals; date and: Summit In Singapore above. In red outer ring, names of the two countries and: Peace Talks. a. Gold plated zinc 40mm, 3mm thick. b. Silver plated zinc 40mm, 3mm thick. c. Silver plated zinc 40mm. Reverse identical to State Seals Set. Obverse: Kim and Trump standing, shaking hands, against background of standing flags. Their names in outer ring. This piece is identical to the others except for the center design on the obverse.



7. Trump Meeting. Made in China. Obverse: Kim and Trump standing, shaking hands, against background of standing flags. In outer ring: Trump Meeting (with Korean word between) above, seven blocks or books below. Reverse: same outer ring. In center USA and North Korean flags on crossed flag poles; Singapore and date below. Silver plated iron 40mm 3mm thick 27 grams.


8. Gold Plated Set of Three. Made in China. 40mm 3mm thick 28 grams. a. Obverse: Trump and Kim signing documents, flags above horizontally, date and: Summit. In Singapore below. Names of the two countries in outer ring. Reverse: text of document and signatures in center. Inscription in outer ring: New Hope - New Leadership - World Peace - New Era - New Generation. b. Obverse: Kim and Trump shaking hands over small table; standing flags and pottery in background. Names and: Peace Talks in outer ring. Reverse: view of document and flowers in center. Inscription in outer ring: Anyone Can Make War, But Only The Most Courageous Can Make Peace. c. Obverse: Kim and Trump shaking hands across large table; standing flags in background; names and date in outer ring. Reverse: skyline of Singapore, with horizontal flags above, date and: Summit. In Singapore below.





Thailand 1945 Casino Tokens Although the coins of Thailand and the extensive series of Siam gambling tokens are well known to collectors, less well known is a single set of copper-nickel tokens issued for a government controlled Thai casino in 1945. As early as the 1700's there were gambling houses in Thailand run privately and by the government. In the early 1800's the government decided it was inappropriate for it to operate gambling dens, and it turned instead to simply taxing them. By the 1850's the gambling tax provided about 20 percent of the government's income. Nevertheless, around the turn of the century the government decided to put an end to the gambling business, and in 1907 banned gambling everywhere in the country except Bangkok. In 1917 gambling houses were also banned in Bangkok. During the economic depression of the 1930's, Thailand considered a plan to make itself the "Monte Carlo of the Far East" by opening casinos designed to attract foreigners. The first was opened in May 1939 at Hua Hin, a seaside resort town about 125 miles southwest of Bangkok, but it drew few customers and was closed later in the year. Another casino was opened late in 1939 at Hat Yai, a town in the far south of Thailand, on the Kra Peninsula, near the border of Malaya, but it too attracted few customers and closed in April 1940. During the first premiership of Khuang Aphaiwong (19021968), from August 1944 to August 1945, the Ministry of Finance established several casinos in Bangkok and in the provinces. One of these casinos was in Lumpini Park in what is now downtown Bangkok, but at that time contained a Japanese military base. The casino plan, however, drew criticism from the public and the press and all the casinos were closed on 10 June 1945. It is said that these casinos were only open for four months. The tokens are all struck in nickel and all have the same design: a Thai inscription reading "Ministry of

Finance Casino" around a bird on the obverse, with the denomination in a wreath on the reverse. Known denominations are: 1 Baht (25mm); 10 Baht (28mm); 20 Baht (31mm); and 100 Baht (34mm). A set of three values (1, 10, 100) sold in a Stacks Bowers Hong Kong auction in August 2017 for US $720. The most remarkable feature of these tokens is that they all have an incuse serial number on the plain edge. In 1990 Seattle coin dealer, Scott Semans, had a few dozen examples of these tokens in stock. I examined them and recorded the highest and lowest serial numbers for each denomination. Unfortunately I have misplaced that list, but a collector in Thailand has noted that the 1 Baht has 5 digit serial numbers, the 10 and 20 have 4 digit serial numbers, and the 100 Baht has 3 digit serial numbers. It is said that the mintage of the 1 Baht token was 100,000 pieces and that only 500 pieces of the 100 Baht were struck. According to Bangkok collector, Ronachai Krisadaolarn, the Casino Act was part of a plan devised by Premier Khuang and Finance Minister Leng Srisomwongse (in office 10 January 1945 to 31 August 1945), in which profits from the casinos (or at least the one in Lumpini Park) were to be used to provide backing for an issue of 1000 Baht notes signed by Finance Minister Leng but issued without reserve backing. After the casinos were closed unexpected, the government had to sell bonds to provide backing for the note. The government then announced that the public must turn in the notes for savings bonds. According to "World War II Remembered" by Joe Boling and Fred Schwan, Khuang was Finance Minister during 1 August 1944 - 9 January 1945 (apparently concurrent with his office as Premier) and was followed by Finance Minister Leng. In the Krause "Standard Catalog of World Paper Money", Khuang's signature is #19 and Leng's is #20. There is no 1000 Baht note with either of these signatures, but the signatures do appear on regular notes up through 100 Baht, from Series 4B (Pick 39-42); Series 5

Siam 1946 Casino Tokens 10


(Pick 43-52); Series 6 (Pick 53A and 53B); and Series 7 (Pick 54-57). So if the story about using casino profits to back a note issue is true, it must have been for one of these series of notes or an otherwise unknown 1000 Baht note.

For further information see: Gambling, The State and Society in Thailand 1800 - 1945 by James A. Warren (2013).

Japanese Inro From the Ramsden Collection During his life time, Henry A. Ramsden (1872-1915) built a huge collection of Chinese coins and Siam gambling tokens. After his death, the collection was purchased intact by John Reilly Jr. (1876-1931), who had previously purchased the Neil Gordon Munro (1863-1942) collection of Japanese coins. In 1937 Reilly's daughter donated the now massive collection to the American Numismatic Society in New York. Some items from the Ramsden collection were non-numismatic in nature and were later returned to Reilly's daughter. Among these were some Japanese inro.

Inro are small containers worn on the belt in traditional Japanese dress. Often ornately decorated, inro became highly collectable in Japan. Three inro formerly owned by Ramsden turned up in a 29 March 2014 auction by The Cobbs in Peterborough, New Hampshire. All were decorated with realistic images of Chinese coins and charms (lots 220-222), and sold for $325, $225 and $250. For more information visit:

Hankow Volunteers 1938 Counterstamp Among the many medals listed in Eduard Kann's "Illustrated Catalog of Chinese Coins" the last one on plate 195 was a complete mystery until recently. Consisting of an ordinar y Sun Yat Sen memento dollar of the t ype first issued in 1927 (Kann 608; L&M 49; Yeoman 318a), but counterstamped on the obverse HANKOW to the left of the portrait, and 1938 to the right of the por trait. Who made this piece and for what purpose? Kann provides the first clue by labeling the medal "Hankow Volunteers 1938." His own example of the medal was sold as lot 3060 in the third sale of his collection in March 1972. The Lin and Ma catalog illustrate Kann's

counterstamped coin as number 967. A second type of this medal was first seen in a Jess Peters auction in August 1983 (lot 708). This version has the counterstamp on a common 1914 dated Yuan Shih Kai dollar (Yeoman 329; Kann 646; L & M 63), but with HANKOW and the date together in two lines at the base of Yuan's portrait. So far only one example of each type has turned up for sale in the United States. The Yuan Shih Kai piece was sold again in a Heritage auction in June 2005 and h a s n o t been seen since. Kann's Sun Yat Sen version has apparently not been on the market since 1972. The Stacks-Bowers Hong Kong sale in April 2017 contained a Sun Yat S e n c o un te r s t a mp (l o t 72289), but the typeface of the counterstamp is different and there is no hole at the top. This piece sold for 11




$2600 but appears to be a modern forgery. Two sales of these medals have been noted in England; one in 1995 and the other in 2003, but the details are not available. When the Japanese attacked China in 1937, the Chinese capital was at Nanking. As the Japanese advanced toward Nanking, the capitol was moved up the Yangtze River to Hankow, opposite Wuchang. After Nanking was captured, the Chinese capital was moved again to Chungking, but the army decided to make a stand, and a great battle was fought in the Wuhan area from June to October 1938. Long before, the foreign concessions at Hankow had organized a volunteer defense force known as the Hankow Volunteers, to protect the concessions. It was long suspected that the Hankow 1938 medal was connected with this group, but the evidence was lacking. An internet search, however, pulled up information on a British sailor named Stewart Chapman, Stoker 2nd class, written by his daughter, Janice Brady. Her father had served on the British warship HMS Petrel during 1938. She writes: "Four hundred officers and men, along with the crew of HMS Petrel, received mementos for events in Hankow in 1938, from Acting Consul General, Mr. C. E. Whitemore, on behalf of the local British community of Hankow. Each man, including my father, was presented with a silver Chinese dollar stamped "Hankow 1938." Further searching produced a photograph of a ceremony in which British sailors were receiving these medals from the Hankow Consul General, Sir George Sinclair Moss (1882-1959).

From this information we can conclude that the Hankow 1938 medals were privately produced for and distributed by the foreign community of the concessions in Hankow. They were awarded to the 400 men of the Hankow Volunteer Defense Force and to the crew of the ship HMS Petrel. The medals were probably made in Hankow with a mintage between 400 and 500 pieces. Two different types of Chinese silver dollars were counterstamped, but it is unknown whether the two were used for different purposes (for example, one for the military and the other for civilians, or one for officers and the other for enlisted men). The medals are holed at the top for the attachment of a ribbon, though none have been seen with a ribbon. The website: suggests that the ribbon was yellow and black. The majority of the recipients of these medals were probably British subjects, so we may expect to find more of these medals in England than in America.

Chinese Charms The first major work in English on Chinese charms or amulets was published in December 2016. Titled: "The Language and Iconography of Chinese Charms" edited by Alex Chengyu Fang and Francois Thierry, the 302 page work is a collection of 13 articles on various aspects of charms. The authors include: Francois Thierry, well known French authorit y on East Asian numismatics; Alex Fang, well known collector in Hong Kong; Joe Cribb, former curator at the British Museum; Vladimir Belyaev and Sergey Sidorovich, prominent Russian collectors and researchers; Song Jie; Qi Dongfang; Geng Jipeng; Pei Yuanho; Hu Jian; Emmanuel Poisson; and Wang Xiaolin. The work is available in hardcover or as a Kindle eBook. The co-editor, Alex 12

Chengyu Fang, a professor at City University of Hong Kong, received his PhD degree from University College (London) and organized an exhibition of charms in Hong Kong in 2008, for which he wrote a book in Chinese. Also published in 2016, in the January issue of Historia Mundi, was an article: "Amulets and Propitious Coins in China" by Lyce Jankowski (pages 150-163). We mentioned Ms Jankowski in JEAN 2017 #8 for her organization of an exhibit "Chinese Coins From the Scholar's Study" at the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford, England. Ms Jankowski also contributed a 33 page article: "History of the Chinese Collection at the American Numismatic Society" to the 2017 issue of American Journal of Numismatics.


Chinese Tokens and Medals Among recent publications on tokens and medals is the book : "Telephone Tokens of Asia" by Mikhail Iskov and Viktor Khodzhayev. This 184 page work, published in 2015, records 540 telephone tokens from Asia, including China, Hong Ko n g , V i e t n a m , Ta i w a n , S i n g a p o r e , Thailand and Indonesia. Gavan Goh has written a book titled: "The Order of the Double Dragon: Imperial China's Highest Western Style Honour 1882-1912". Published in Brook vale, Australia in 2012, the 100 page book records the numerous classes and varieties of China's best k nown government awarded order. Jonathan Chappell has contributed a 38 page article in the April 2018 issue of Modern Asian Studies, with the awkward title: "Some Corner of a Chinese Field: The Politics of Remembering Foreign Veterans of the Taiping Civil War." The ar ticle contains information on medals awarded

to westerners who participated in the conflict. The article is available online. James Contursi is back again with two articles in the Token and Medal Society (TAMS) Journal. The January-February 2018 issue has his article titled: "Some English Legends on Republic of China Tokens" (pages 3-11). This is the first part of his listing of mostly amusement tokens used in Taiwan, which have English inscriptions. One of the unusual items in this listing is a silver medal issued for the 2000 presidential campaign by Chen Shuibian. It is strange that a Taiwan political campaign medal would be inscribed in English. Contursi's second article in the May-June 2018 issue is titled: "From Some Longitude Away - The Alishan Token" (pages 67-69). This article concerns a token issued by the Travelers Inn, in the mountains of southern Taiwan, near Chiayi, which is reached by a narrowgauge railway.

Priceless Chinese Coin Stolen From Ashmolean Museum A recent inventory of Chinese coins in the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford, England, has revealed that one of the treasures of the collection was stolen from the museum sometime after 1941 but before 2005, and replaced with another coin. The Sung Dynasty coin is inscribed "Huang Sung T'ung Pao" (Huang Song Tong Bao), written in a distinctive ornate style known as "nine fold script." A rubbing of the coin is shown in the 1940 Ting Fu-pao catalog (Fisher's Ding 906 and 907) and in Hartill's "Cast Chinese Coins" (16.119). The coin was issued during Emperor Jen Tsung (Ren Zong) reign period "Pao Yuan" (1038-1040), but because it was considered inappropriate to use the same character twice on one coin (pao), the inscription "Huang Sung T'ung Pao" was used instead. The theft was reported by the museum on 1 October 2018. Chris Howgego, Keeper of Coins at the museum, says the coin may be worth as much as 100,000 pounds (US $150,000), and notes that another example of the coin sold for RMB 952,000 (107,000 pounds) in a November 2010 Beijing auction. The coin stolen from the museum was once owned by Japanese collector, Kuchiki Ryukyo (also known as

Kuchiki Masatsuna 1750-1802), who was perhaps the first to publish the coin in his 1798 book "Wakan Kokon Senkakan" (Ancient and Modern Coins of Japan and China) (Coole J535). Kuchiki was a Japanese nobleman, 13




daimyo at Fukuchiyama in Tamba province. The coin apparently entered the Ashmolean as par t of the Howel Wills collection. For more information contact

Mr. Howgego at: A discussion of this coin can be seen on the Zeno Oriental Coin site: (item 210771).

Hoard of Ancient Hollow Handle Spade Coins Found Xinhua News reported the discovery in July 2018 of a hoard of 504 hollow handle (hollow head) spade coins at a construction site in Sanmenxia, Henan. Buried in a ceramic pot, 434 of the coins were intact when recovered. A brief video about the find shows about 35 of the coins laid out on a table at the local museum. They

have a variety of inscriptions and all are of the type with three parallel lines on the obverse, dating to around 500 BC. According to the report, the hoard was not associated with a tomb. The video can be found at www.newsvideo. su/video/9109860 or on YouTube.

Coins of Burma Cataloged The Early Coins of Myanmar: Messengers From the Past is the title of a recent work by Dietrich Mahlo. The book was published by White Lotus Press in Chonburi, Thailand in 2012 and contains 192 pages. ISBN 9789744801913. White Lotus Press was established in 1972 to publish


and reprint books on Southeast Asia. According to their website, they have 15,000 books in stock, including a few dozen books on numismatics. Visit them at: www.


《東亞泉志》新聞 史博祿[美國]

“乾隆通寶”三角穿孔機製幣 乾隆在位起止時間為1736年至1795年 —— 約在中國出現機 製幣前的一個世紀。然而,奇怪的是,迄今已發現至少5種 正面鑄有“乾隆通寶”字樣的機製幣,其中最廣為人知的一 類,中心為三角穿孔,背面為水波紋裝飾及龍形圖案(圖1)。 由於其背面圖案設計以及正面四個字兩兩之間各夾有一個八 卦卦符,此類錢幣常被歸類為護身符。關於這類錢幣的來 圖1

頭,至今尚不能確定,人們只知道這類幣在美國較為常見, 直至20世紀70年代才出現在遠東地區。幾乎可以肯定的是, 這種錢幣是20世紀上半期在美國鑄造的,當時可能是作為 在美國舉辦的世界博覽會紀念幣(1904年聖路易斯世博會、

1914年三藩市世博會、1934年芝加哥世博會),也有可能 是美國(洛杉磯、三藩市、西雅圖、紐約)的唐人街華人鑄 造的。最近有種說法認為它是芝加哥1947-1948年間一檔名 為《The Adventurers Club》電臺節目的獎品。 圖2

第二類正面鑄有“乾隆通寶”字樣的錢幣為方孔。這種錢幣 的背面鑄有“FRUTCHEY SILK SHOP ”英文字樣,下方 為序號(材質 :白金,直徑 :29毫米)。W. J. R. Frutchey

Company 是 一 家 公 司,1920年 創 建 于 費 城, 英 文 字 所 指 的 商 店 Frutchey Silk Shop 正 是 這 家 公 司 旗 下 的 紐 約零售店。該 店鋪名已於1922年注冊商標,創建 於1929 年。該幣被列入《2003年阿爾伯特代用幣目錄》 (Alpert's

Catalogue of Charge Coins)。2010年9月,eBay 上 就

圖3 拓片


90年代至20世紀60年代,許多商鋪、服務公司或零售店向 持有店內賬戶的顧客發放代用幣。這些代用幣很多是橢圓形






匙扣或手鐲上。對於售賣絲綢的商鋪而言,仿造這類古錢幣 是很有必要的。


1978年發現的,直至2016年4月,錢幣的新主人布魯斯 · 第三類正面鑄有“乾隆通寶”字樣的錢幣為喜敦造幣廠(現

格列菲斯(Bruce Griffith)將之錄入 Zeno 東方錢幣資料庫

名為英國伯明罕造幣廠)鑄造,作為廣告招攬生意之用。 (,編號166879),它才開始出現在世人的 這 類 直徑為22毫 米的黃銅幣在方孔的周圍環有“RALPH


HEATON & SONS BIRMINGHAM ENGLAND” 字 樣。 的晚期乾隆錢高精仿品。該幣為正面方頭通,背出頭短滿文。 據1981年詹姆斯 · 史威尼 (James O.Sweeny) 著《伯明罕




幣廠名變更為“伯明罕造幣廠” (不再為喜敦家族所有)之前 15





來自 Blackwall 的中國帆船。一種現錢。100個串聯在一起

關。 此 幣 最 早 由 尼 古 拉 斯 · 羅 德 斯(Nicholas Rhodes)

。 即為1錢。總值六便士(英國貨幣輔幣單位)

(Numismatics 發 表 於1986年3月 的《 國 際 錢 幣 公 報 》

International Bulletin)。與第四類幣相同,這枚黃銅幣也




錢文與第四類幣的錢文字體不同,正面為角頭通, “通”字


下有多餘的一點 ;背長滿文。如若不是以繩串於錢幣的小紙




“特金會”美朝峰會紀念幣 2018年6月12日,美國總統特朗普與朝鮮領袖金正恩在新加

















(韓國的英文首字母縮寫),在韓國發行出售。 標注有“ SK”






後特朗普改變了主意,決定舉辦會談, “特金會”再次成為






鑄造的“特金會”紀念幣設計複雜,大多數顏色豐富,因此 筆者只能提供基礎描述。欲知更多細節,請看圖片。注 :截





1. 白宮通訊局發行款, 正面:中心為兩國領導人的肖像,背景是兩國國旗,國旗之間用鋸齒邊隔開。外加一個白圈與一個紅圈, 兩個圈內均緣英文字樣。背面:白宮、空軍一號圖案,外有藍圈,緣英文字樣“特朗普總統訪朝”。幣邊有序號,直徑57毫米。



2. 白宮禮品店出售款,正面:與白宮通訊局發行款相似,但白圈和紅圈內的英文字樣與白宮通訊局發行款不同。肖像下方是國 家小徽章。背面:白宮,其上為鴿子圖案,上方緣紅字。外環籃圈和紅圈,圈內銘字。幣邊有序號,直徑57毫米。

a. 白宮禮品店出售款,與“2”同,但幣邊無序號。

3. 新加坡造幣廠第一套“特金會”紀念幣。正面:朝鮮和美國國旗(橫向分佈),下方為兩國領導人握手的圖案,上方緣 “2018.06.12新加坡特金會”字樣。外圈則為兩國英文名。背面:中心為飛翔的白鴿圖案,上方為“和平會談”字樣,下方為色 彩鮮豔的玫瑰圖案。底部字樣:新加坡造幣廠。

a. 金幣,直徑 :27毫米,重量 :15.5克(0.5盎司),發行量 :3000枚。 b. 銀幣,直徑 :40.7毫米,重量 :31.1 克(1盎司),發行量 :15000枚。 c. 鍍鋅鎳幣,直徑 :40.7毫米,重量 :20克,發行量 :不限。

4. 新加坡造幣廠第二套“特金會”紀念幣。正面:中心為朝鮮和美國國旗(縱向分佈),外環兩國英文國名。背面:已簽署檔, 下方為兩國領導人握手的圖案。外圈上方為年份,下方為“新加坡特金幣”字樣。

a. 金幣,15.5 克(0.5盎司),發行量 :5000枚,依具體情況可以增加。 b. 金幣,31.1克(1盎司),發行量 :15000枚,依具體情況可以增加。 17




5. Rystinworks發行款特金會挑戰幣。正面:新加坡天際線,上方為美國和朝鮮國旗(橫向分佈)。外圈緣“新加坡2018年6 月12日美朝特金會”字樣。背面:美國總統章。黃銅,直徑:44.5毫米,重量:39克。Rystinworks是一家加利福尼亞公司,創 建於2000年。該公司鑄造挑戰幣、胸針及其他收藏品。

6. 國家徽章款,中國鑄造。正面:中心為特朗普和金正恩肖像,背景為兩國國旗,中間以直線分開,外圈為兩國領導人英文名。 背面:國家徽章下方為兩國領導人握手的圖案,上方為年份及“新加坡特金會”字樣。紅色外圈為兩國國名及“和平會談”字 樣。

a. 鍍鋅金幣,直徑 :40毫米,厚度 :3毫米。b. 鍍鋅銀幣,直徑 :40毫米,厚度 :3毫米。c. 鍍鋅銀幣,40毫米。背面與 國家徽章款相同。正面:金正恩與特朗普站立握手肖像,背景為豎立的國旗。外圈為兩國領導人英文名。除正面中心的設計, 其他細節均與其他款幣相同。

7. 特朗普會面款,中國鑄造。正面:金正恩與特朗普站立握手肖像,背景為豎立的國旗。外圈上方緣“特朗普會面”字樣(朝鮮 語),下方有七個方狀物或書本。背面:與正面相同的外圈。中心為美國和朝鮮國旗,旗杆交叉;下方為“新加坡”字樣及年份。 鍍鐵銀幣,直徑:40毫米,厚度:3毫米,重量:27克。 18




8. 鍍金三合一套裝,中國鑄造。直徑:40毫米,厚度:3毫米,重量:28克。


a. 正面:特朗普和金正恩簽署檔,上方為國旗(橫向分佈),下方為年份及“新加坡特金會”字樣。外圈為兩國英文名。背面: 檔文本,中心為簽名。外圈緣“新希望 - 新領導關係 - 世界和平 - 新紀念 - 新時代”字樣。

b. 正面 :金正恩和特朗普在小圓桌旁握手,背景為豎立的國旗和陶瓷擺飾。外圈為兩國領導人英文名及“和平會談”字樣。 背面 :中心為檔和玫瑰圖案。外圈緣“任何人都能發動戰爭,但只有最有勇氣的人才能締造和平”字樣。

c. 正面 :金正恩和特朗普在大桌旁握手,背景為豎立的旗幟,外圈為兩國領導人英文名及年份。背面 :新加坡天際線,上 方為國旗(橫向分佈),下方為年份及“新加坡特金會”字樣。

1945年泰國賭場代用幣 泰國錢幣及大量暹羅賭博籌碼在收藏界頗有名氣,而1945










之交,泰國政府決定停止賭場的運營。1907年,政府下令 在曼谷之外的全國各地禁止賭博。1917年,曼谷的賭場也

1944年8月至1945年8月——寬 · 阿派旺(Khuang Aphai-


wong) (1902-1968年)首次任職期間,泰國財政部在曼谷 和其他各省均開設了幾家賭場,其中一家建在隆比尼公園(現





1946 年泰國賭場代幣 19





31日)發起的計劃,法案規定賭場的利潤(至少包含隆比尼 公園賭場的利潤)將用於發行財政部長 Leng 簽署的無儲備

這些代用幣均以鎳為材質,且採用相同的設計 :正面鐫鳥

金支持的1 000泰銖紙幣。爾後賭場運營計劃受阻,政府不




須使用紙幣購買儲蓄債券。喬 · 博林(Joe Boling)和弗雷


德 · 施萬(Fred Schwan)在《二戰回憶錄》中提到,1944


年8月1日至1945年1月9日期間,寬 · 阿派旺任職泰國財政部

10泰銖、100泰銖)組成的紀念幣在 Stacks Bowers 香港

長(兼任總理) ,隨後倫 · 西頌翁接任。在《克勞斯世界紙幣


,倫 · 標準目錄》中,寬 · 阿派旺的簽名版紙幣編號19(#19)


西頌翁的簽名版紙幣編號20(#20) 。雖然1 000泰銖的紙幣

經銷商斯科特 · 塞曼斯(Scott Semans)收藏的幾十枚代



、 值的紙幣上卻有其簽名,包括第4B 套(Pick 編號39-42)


、第6套(Pick 編號53A 和53B) 、 第5套(Pick 編號43-52)

到1泰銖有5位序號 ;10泰銖和20泰銖有4位序號 ;100泰銖

。因此,如果關於使用賭場盈利支 第7套(Pick 編號54-57)




於這些系列中,又抑或是不為人知的1 000泰銖紙幣。

《賭場法案》 曼 谷 收 藏 家 Ronachai Krisadaolarn 認 為,

欲知更多資訊,請參閱詹姆斯 · 沃倫(James A. Warren)

是 由 泰 國 總 理 寬 · 阿 派 旺 和 財 政 部 長 倫 · 西 頌 翁(Leng

(2013 撰寫的《賭博業,泰國1800-1945年國家與社會形態》

Srisomwongse,在位時間 :1945年1月10日 -1945年8月


火遍日本的文玩 :拉姆斯登藏品中的日本印籠 亨利 · 拉姆斯登(Henry A. Ramsden,1872-1915年)一




世後,約翰 · 賴利(John Reilly Jr.,1876-1931年)悉數買


下了拉姆斯登的藏品。早前,賴利還購買了尼爾 · 戈登 · 芒羅


(Neil Gordon Munro,1863-1942年)收藏的日本錢幣。









1938年漢口志願軍銀章加蓋“漢口”英文字樣戳記 耿愛德著《中國幣圖說匯考》中收錄了許多紀念章,書中第



(漢口)英文字樣戳記的 不禁由此推測,蓋有“Hankow ”





銀幣圖樣(耿愛德書編號608 ;林國 明、馬德和書編號49 ;約曼書編

不 過, 筆 者 在 網 上 查 閱 到 一 位 名 叫 斯 圖 爾 特 · 查 普 曼


(Stewart Chapman)的英國水手的資訊。據查普曼的女

側蓋有英文字樣“HANKOW ”

兒詹尼斯 · 布萊迪描寫,她的父親查普曼曾是二級司爐工。

(漢口)的戳記,右側蓋有年份 “1938”的戳記(如圖)。至今

1938年,查普曼在英國炮艦海燕號服役。詹尼斯這樣寫道: “因1938年武漢會戰有功,代理總領事懷特摩爾先生(C. E.




官、士兵以及海燕號的全體船員授予了紀念獎章,包括我父 親在內的每一位船員都收到了一枚蓋有‘漢口 1938’戳記




張頒獎儀式的照片,照片中,當時的漢口總領事喬治 · 辛克


萊莫斯爵士(George Sinclair Moss,1882-1959年)正




1983年8月,傑西 · 皮特斯拍賣會上出現了這枚紀念章的第 二個版別。該版在一枚1914年普通版袁世凱像銀元上加蓋 了戳記(約曼書編號329 ;耿愛德書編號646 ;林國明、馬 德和書編號63),且在袁世凱像底部分兩行鑄“HANKOW ” 英文字樣及年份。截至目前,這兩版紀念章各只有一枚樣章 在美國售出過。袁世凱像銀章這一版自2005年6月海瑞德拍 賣會再次出現並售出後便銷聲匿跡,而

1972年後耿愛德收錄的孫中山像 銀章就沒有在市面出現過。2017 年4月,斯坦科鮑爾斯拍賣行香 港拍賣會上出現帶戳記的孫中山 像 紀 念 章( 拍 品 號72289), 但 戳記字體不同,且頂端無孔洞。斯

基於上述資訊,我們可以得出結論, “漢口1938”年紀念章





紀念章的兩次售賣紀錄 :一次在1995年,另一次在2003年,



(漢口)字樣的戳記, 該章的兩個不同版別都蓋有“Hankow” 但不能確定兩者用途是否不同(例如,其中一版供軍隊使用,

1937年,抗日戰爭全面爆發,國民政府將總部設在南京。 另一版在民間流通。又或者一版專供軍官使用,而另一版在 當日軍侵略的步伐步步逼近南京,國民政府不得不遷都到與









們應該能在英國找到更多的此枚紀念章。 21




中國花錢 2016年12月,首部關於中國花錢(又稱壓勝錢)的英 文著作出版,書名 《中國花錢的語言與造像》。該書由方襯宇與弗朗索瓦 · 蒂埃裡(Francois

Thierry)共同編著,全書共302頁,內有13篇介紹各類中國花錢的文章。 完整的作者名單如下 :法國著名的東亞錢幣學泰斗弗朗索瓦 · 蒂埃裡、香港 知名收藏家方稱宇、前大英博物館館長喬 · 克利伯(Joe Cribb)、俄羅斯知 名收藏家兼研究學者弗拉基米爾 · 貝利也夫(Vladimir Belyaev)、謝爾蓋 · 西多羅維奇(Sergey Sidorovich)、宋捷、齊東方、耿繼朋、裴元博、胡堅、 伊曼紐爾 · 普瓦松(Emmanuel Poisson)以及王小林。該書以精裝紙質版 和 Kindle 電子書形式出售。香港城市大學方稱宇教授是本書作者之一,他 在倫敦大學學院獲得博士學位之後,於2008年在香港舉辦首次中國花錢公 開展,並為此專門撰寫了一本中文書。 《Historia Mundi》2016年1月刊中登載了一篇文章《壓勝錢和中國吉祥錢》 (第150-163頁),作者詹科斯基(Lyce Jankowski)。我們在《東亞泉志》

2017年第8期中提到過詹科斯基(Jankowski)女士,她在英國牛津的阿什 莫林博物館舉辦過一個名為“學術界對中國錢幣的研究”的展覽。詹科斯基 女士還撰寫過一篇長達33頁的文章——《美國錢幣學會中國收藏史》,發表 於2017年《美國錢幣學雜誌》。

中國代用幣和獎章 在近幾年出版的關於代用幣

2018年4月,喬納森 · 查普爾(Jonathan Chappell)在《現




國獎章研究一隅 :紀念參與太平天國運動的外國退伍軍人之

於2015年,由米哈伊爾 · 伊


斯 科 夫(Mikhail Iskov) 與


維克托 · 霍賈耶夫(共同撰寫 而成。全書共184頁,2015

詹姆斯 · 康特西(James Contursi)再次回到我們的視野






國民國代用幣上的一些英國傳奇故事》 (第3-11頁)。他在書


中列出了這些代用幣,都是他在臺灣使用的大部分娛樂專用 幣的第一部分目錄,上面鑄有英文銘文。這一部分目錄上有

加萬 · 高(Gavan Goh) 編

一枚獎章特別引入注目—— 陳水扁2000年競選總統時發行



勳章 :1882-1912年中國封



篇文章為《千里之外 ——阿里山代用幣》 (第67-69頁),文


中描寫了旅行者飯店(Travelers Inn)發行的代用幣。這家





的政府授予獎章,其等級和 種類繁多。 22


阿什莫爾博物館失竊的無價中國錢幣 根據英國牛津阿什莫爾博物館最新存貨清單,有一件博物 館收藏的珍品在1941年至2005年間被盜,實際展示的是取 代這枚失竊錢幣的另一枚錢幣。失竊的這枚宋代錢幣上鑄有 “皇宋通寶”字樣,字體為風格華麗的“九疊篆”,被泉家視 為稀世珍品。該錢幣的摹拓版可在1940年丁福保編《古錢 大辭典》 (《Fisher's Ding》第906頁和第907頁)以及哈 (16.119)這兩本書中找到。 蒂爾(Hartill)的《中國鑄幣》 這枚錢幣是宋仁宗寶元年間(1038-1040年)發行的。考慮 到錢文若用年號“寶元”則兩次出現“寶”字不甚合理,因 此使用“皇宋通寶”作為錢文。2018年10月1日,阿什莫爾 博物館傳出錢幣被盜的消息,博物館的文物保管員克裡斯 · 豪格戈(Chris Howgego)表示,這枚幣的價值可能高達

10萬英鎊(折合15萬美元),他還提到,2010年11月北京拍 賣會還售出了另一枚相同樣式的錢幣,售價為95.2萬元人民 幣(折合10.7萬英鎊)。 日本收 藏家朽木龍橋(又名朽木昌綱,1750-1802年。另

阿什莫爾博物館收藏了。欲知更多資訊,請發送至 Chris.

注 :朽木是日本丹巴省福知山一帶的貴族之姓)曾收藏過 聯繫豪格戈先生。您可以


查找俄國的東方古錢幣資料庫(Zeno Oriental Coin)流覽

古今泉貨鑒 》一 書中記載 此幣的人(Coole J535)。此幣


顯然是作為豪厄爾 · 威爾斯(Howel Wills)藏品的一枚被




迪特裡希 · 馬婁(Dietrich Mahlo)的新作《緬甸的早期錢


幣 :來自過去的信使》,于2012年在泰國春武裡府的白蓮出




白 蓮 出 版 社 成 立 於1972年, 負 責 出 版 或 再 版 東 南 亞 書

“羊” “宋”等近十種,但正 的35枚空首布幣。面文有“武”

籍。 據 其 官 網 介 紹, 他 們 共 有1.5萬 本 庫 存 書, 其 中


包 括 幾 本 與 錢 幣 學 有 關 的 書, 具 體 請 訪 問 網 址 www.



YouTube 上搜索即可查詢相關報導。





JEAN Book Review Bruce W. Smith[USA]

Recalling a Century of Changes in World Finance - Medallic Memories

Recalling a Centur y of Changes in World FinanceMedallic Memories by Jiang Jianqing, Volume 1, Beijing 2018, 402 pages, color photographs, Chinese text, ISBN 9787508686417 hardcover. This is the first volume in a set of books on the history of the world's most important banks. This volume is divided into twenty chapters, each following the history of a single bank, its predecessors and related banks. These twenty essays are illustrated with medals, from the author's 1,500 piece collection, which were issued by or relate to the banks discussed. Among the banks covered in the first volume are: Citibank (First National City Bank of New YorkInternational Banking Corporation); Goldman Sachs; Bank of England; Banque de France; Israel Discount Bank; Bank of Boston (and related banks); Banque de Paris & des Pas Bas; Credit Foncier de France; National Bank of Greece; Banco Ambrosiano ("Vatican Bank"); Banco di Roma; and Banco Nacional Ultramarino (Portuguese Overseas BankMacau). Chapter 19 is on banking museums around the world. Volume two, containing another twenty essays will be published soon, and volume three has already been written. Jiang notes in the introduction of the book that collecting world bank medals led him to discover that only five of


the top twenty world banks in 1913 have survived to the present. He also found that there are "some banks with medals but without written history, banks with history but without any medals, banks with a lot of history but few medals, or banks with a lot of medals but little known background ....... many of the issuing banks have ceased to exist and are utterly forgotten." He states that his 1,500 bank medals represent hundreds of banks in 50 to 60 countries and he hopes to establish a space to exhibit them. Jiang Jianqing (born Shanghai 1953) is also the author of "A History of Foreign Banks in Modern China" (2016), which was reviewed in JEAN 2017 #7. Jiang began his banking career in 1979 working in a small branch of the Peoples Bank of China. In 1984 he graduated from Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, and later received masters and doctoral degrees from Shanghai Jiaotong University. In 1984 he began work as a teller at the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC). Advancing rapidly at the bank, he became president of the Shanghai branch in 1997, and has served as the president and chairman of the board since 2000 and 2005. ICBC is now the largest bank in China and the world, and becomes one of the 500 leading enterprises in the world rankings.


Tokens of Korea 1960-2000 Tokens of Korea 1960-2000 by Patrick R. O'Donnell, Raleigh, North Carolina, 2016, 54 pages, color photos, English text. ISBN 9780692695210. Soft cover. This is the first catalog in English of Korean tokens not issued by the United States military. U.S. military tokens for Korea have been listed in books by James Curto (1970), by Paul Cunningham (1998), and by John Kallman (circa 2008), who lists chits in addition to metal tokens. O'Donnell himself also produced "United States Military Tokens of Korea" in 2017, but the book under review here records non-military tokens. The work is divided into five chapters: 1) Amusement and Hotel Tokens; 2) Bus Tokens; 3) Trade Tokens; 4) Military Tokens (for the Korean military); and 5) Brothel Tokens. Reference numbers are assigned to each token and there is a price guide at end of the book. The author notes in the Foreword that most of these tokens were used in slot machines, for the purpose of obtaining hard currencies (dollars and yen) from foreigners. Korean nationals were prohibited by law from playing the machines. The tokens were first used in the late 1950's and most were out of use by 1980. The best known of these tokens are the Walker Hill issues. Though widely thought to be a U.S. military facility, Walker Hill was a casino and resort opened in 1963 and operated by the Korean government.

The first bus tokens were issued in Seoul in 1977 and later in other major cities including Chungju, Inchon, Kwangju, Kyunggido, Masan, Pusan, and Ulsan. The Seoul tokens were discontinued in 1999, and the last bus tokens, those from Daegu, were withdrawn in 2008. Bus use declined drastically after 1980 due to the development of subway systems. Tokens of Korea and United States Military Tokens are both available online from Amazon.

From Commercial Loans to National Government Bonds: A Study of Early Chinese Domestic Bonds 1894-1949 & From Taiwan Coastal Defense Loans to National Government Bonds: Enumerating Early Chinese Foreign Loan Bonds 1874-1949

From Commercial Loans to National Government Bonds: A Study of Early Chinese Domestic Bonds 1894-1949, by Tai Hsueh-wen, Taipei, 2017, 316 pages, color photos, Chinese text. ISBN 9789864773015. Soft cover.

Fr om Taiw an C o ast al D efense Lo ans to National Government Bonds: Enumerating Early Chinese Foreign Loan Bonds 1874-1949, by Tai Hsueh-wen, Taipei, 2017, 316 pages, color photos, Chinese tex t. ISBN 9789864773022. Soft cover. 25




This two volume set is a survey of Chinese bonds from the late 19th century to 1949. Volume One, on domestic loan bonds, is divided into four parts: 1) Ch'ing Dynasty Bonds; 2) Republican Bonds 1912-1927; 3) Republican Bonds 1927-1949; and 4) Others. Similarly, Volume Two, on foreign loan bonds, is divided into three parts: 1) Ch'ing Dynasty Bonds; 2) Republican Bonds.; and 3) Other Categories. Both works have full color photos of the bonds, often enlarged to point out varieties and signatures, and black & white photos of people and places connected with their issue. This is the latest in a long line of works on Chinese bonds. As far back as 1934, noted collector of Chinese coins and paper money, Eduard Kann (1880-1962) had published a book titled: "The History of China's Internal Loan Issues." This was not a catalog, but a history of Chinese domestic

bonds, filled with details about why they were issued and by what authority, the denominations issued, and amounts redeemed up to 1934. Some Chinese domestic bonds were also recorded in "Chinese Banknotes" (1970) by Smith and Matravers; in "A Brief Illustrated History of Chinese Military Notes and Bonds" (1982) by Mrs. S. P. Ting; and in "World War II Remembered" (1995) by Schwan and Boling. But serious interest in collecting and recording Chinese bonds, especially bonds for the foreign loans, began in the 1970's, after a brief hope they would be redeemed following President Nixon's visit to China. The pioneering w o r k s w e r e p r o d u c e d i n G e r m a ny : " Hi s t o r i s c h e Wertpapiere - Volume 2 - Chinesische" (1976) by Ulrich Drumm and Alfons Henseler (German text) and "China's Foreign Debt" (1983) by Wilhelm Kuhlmann (English text).

Gambling, The State and Society in Thailand 1800-1945 Gambling, The State and Society in Thailand 1800-1945, by James A. Warren, London, 2013, 264 pages, a few black & white photographs. English text, ISBN 9780415536349 hard cover; 9781138956360 sof t cover (2015). Also available as an eBook. This is a scholarly study of organized gambling in Thailand, from the 1600's to the 1940's. Though not a numismatic work, the book does explain the background in which the well known Siam porcelain tokens were used. From the late 16 0 0's into the earl y 18 0 0's , gambling houses were run both privately and by the Thai government. In the 1820's King Rama III withdrew the government from the gambling business and established a tax farming system in which individuals could bid for a license to run a gambling house in a specific place in return for paying a fixed amount of tax every year. Although the Thai government felt that gambling was inappropriate, by the 1850's about one fourth of the government's revenue came from the gambling tax. Most of the gambling house owners and most of the customers were ethnic Chinese, which is why almost all of the tokens are inscribed in Chinese. The highest bids for a gambling license were made for those towns with large Chinese populations, such as Bangkok, Songkhla, and Ratchaburi. In the early 1900's, public opinion turned


against the gambling houses, and by 1917 all of them had been closed. The book is based mainly on Thai language sources and newspaper accounts. Both printed and kindle versions of this book may be found on Amazon.


《東亞泉志》書評 史博祿[美國]

《世界金融百年滄桑記憶》 一部記載在幣章中的銀行興衰史



共 402頁, 彩 色插 圖, 中文, 國 際 標 準 書號978-7-5086-



尚存”, “在撰文過程中,有章無史、有史無章、史多章少、 章多史少,都成了寫作的瓶頸……但是歲月蹉跎、時光荏









收藏的1500枚銀行專題紀念章中遴選出銀行發行的或與銀 行緊密相關的紀念章、紀念幣,將其圖片插入,輯成此系列



《東亞泉志》2017年第7期書評欄 (2016年版)作者之一。

行—— 國際銀行公司),高盛公司,英格蘭銀行,法蘭西銀












葡萄牙大西洋銀行(國家海外銀行——澳門分行) 。第19篇


為各國銀行及金融博物館紀念章閑拾。第20篇為終結的歐 元區各國紀念幣章追思。本系列書籍卷二亦為20篇,即將 出版 ;卷三正在撰寫中。





《1960-2000年間韓國代金券》 《1960-2000年間韓國代金券》,Patrick R. O'Donnell 著, 北卡羅來納州羅利市,2016年,共54頁,彩色插圖,英文, 標準書號9780692695210,平裝本。 本書為第一本不是由美國軍事 機構 發行的英 文 版韓國代 金 券 目 錄。 在 James Curto 所 著 書(1970年 )、Paul

Cunningham 所著書(1998年)和 John Kallman(2008 年)所著書中都收錄了在美使用的韓國代金券,此外還有金 屬代金券。O'Donnell 本人也在2017年鑄造了在美使用的 韓國代金券,但我們在本文中將之歸為非軍事代金券。 書中共分5個篇章 :1. 娛樂和酒店代金券 ;2. 汽車代金券 ;

3. 貿易代金券 ;4. 軍用代金券(專為韓國軍事機構發行); 5. 妓院代金券。參考編號詳見每一枚代金券,且書的結尾 是一份價格指南。作者在序言中提到,這些代金券大部分








的是 Walker Hill 發行的代金券。儘管被廣泛視為美國的軍


事工廠,Walker Hill 是1963年開設的一家賭場和度假村, 由韓國政府運營管理。


《從息借商款到愛國公債,細說中國早期對內 公債(1894-1949)》

《從臺灣海防借款到愛國公債,歷數早期中國 對外公債(1874-1949)》


《 從 臺 灣 海 防 借 款 到 愛 國 公 債, 歷 數早 期 中國 對外公 債

1949)》,戴學文著,臺北,2017年,共316頁,彩色插圖, (1874-1949)》,戴學文著,臺北,2017年,共316頁,彩 中文,國際標準書號9789864773015,平裝本。 28

色插圖,中文,國際標準書號 9789864773022,平裝本。




查。第一本書圍繞國內借款公債展開探討,分為4個篇章 :

金額。史密斯與馬特拉弗斯合著的《中國紙鈔》 (1970年)、

1. 清代公債 ;2. 民國時期公債(1912-1927年);3. 民國時

臺灣的丁張弓良著《中國軍用鈔票史略》 (1982年)及施萬

期公債(1927-1949年)4. 其他公債。 同樣,第二本書圍

(C.Fred Schwan)與喬 · 博 林(Joe Boling)所著的《第

繞對外公債展開探討,分為3個篇章:1. 清代晚期公債;2. 民


國時期公債 ;3. 另類的對外公債。兩本書中都插入了完整的 彩色債券圖,放大部分通常是為了突出版別或簽名,間或插

收 集並記錄中國公 債,尤其是對外公 債的興趣始於20世


紀70年代,在尼克 森 總 統訪華 後,對中國公 債 感興 趣的 人們只是希望能夠贖回這些中國公債。這些最早的中國公


債 是在 德 國 製作 的, 具體參見 Ulrich Drumm 與 Alfons

在1934年,著名的中國錢幣和紙鈔收藏家愛德華 · 耿愛德

Henseler 合 著 的 德 文 版《Historische Wertpapiere -


Volume 2 - Chinesische》 (1976年)以及高文(Wilhelm

國內債發行史》。 愛德華所著的這本書不是一本目錄,而是



《泰國賭博業紀實,1800-1945年泰國國家和社會形態》 《泰國賭博業紀實,1800-1945年泰國國家和社會形態》 , 詹 姆 斯 · 沃 倫(James A. Warren) 著, 倫 敦,2013 年, 共264頁, 若 干 黑 白 插 圖, 英 文, 國 際 標 準 書 號

9780415536349(精 裝本),9781138956360(2015年, 平裝本),提供電子書。 這是一本關於17世紀至20世紀40年代泰國賭博業的學術研 究著作。此書並非錢幣學作品,但書中明確解釋了廣為人知 的暹羅瓷器代幣的使用背景。17年代末到19年代早期,賭 場由私人和政府運營。19世紀20年代,泰國國王拉瑪三世 下令政府撤出賭博業務,並建立了稅收農業系統,個人可以 通過這個系統競標在特定地點經營賭場的許可證,作為回 報,每年支付固定數額的稅款。儘管泰國政府不承認賭博的 合理性,但事實上截至19世紀50年代,政府約有1/4的稅收 來自賭博稅。而賭場的多數運營者和客戶都是華人,這就是




中標人只鎖定那些擁有大量華僑的城鎮,諸如曼谷、宋卡、 拉差汶裡府。20世紀初,公眾輿論一致反對開設賭場,因

亞馬遜上可以購買此書紙質版和 kindle 版。





“ Medallic Memories of Hundreds of Years of Financial History ”Preface Jiang Jianqing[Shanghai]

- Metal Memories of 100 Years of Financial History - Preface

foreign banks. It was a story about Citibank and Travelers Insurance triggered by a large bronze medallion of Citibank. At that time, the raging subprime mortgage crisis prompted readers to be interested in such articles about banks’ history. Therefore, under the seduction, urging, and coercion of the editors of magazine Expert, I gathered information from all sorts of sources, like building a tower by collecting sand from everywhere, and then completed the two volumes. "Money cannot withstand the power of guns and banks cannot afford the responsibility of the rise and fall of politics. If we attribute the failure of the Paris Commune to their failure of not having timely occupied the Banque de France, then why did Napoleon, who founded and controlled the Banque de France, lose the Battle of Waterloo? The vicious inflation in Germany and Hungary accelerated the collapse of the incumbent governments so that totalitarian forces came to power, but it was only a catalytic factor rather than a causal relationship." Jiang Jianqing

Time passes quickly like a white pony's shadow across a crevice. When I finished the last article of the first two volumes of Medallic Memories of Hundreds of Years of Financial History and began to write this Preface, I suddenly discovered that a full six years have passed between writing the first and the fortieth articles of the volumes. I remember that The Hero Who Lost the Little Red Umbrella was my first article on the history of 30

The first article was inspired by the bank’s medallion, which naturally leads onto the history of the bank. The writing style was relatively light, quite readable and knowledgeable. However, I did not expect that this would later increase my own trouble because the editors of the magazine later insisted on keeping this writing style, which greatly enhanced the difficulty of writing such articles. When writing the later articles, I encountered cases such as banks with medallions but without written history, banks with history but without medallions, banks with a lot of history but few medallions, or banks with a lot of medallions but little known history. These have all become bottlenecks in my research and writing. Although many banks around the world have issued medallions for major events during their impor tant periods of development, yet after so many years of vicissitudes, these commemorative medallions have long been lost in the oblivion. Fortunately, the world of the Internet is flat. Laboriously, I searched and purchased these medallions through eBay and Taobao to meet my writing needs as much as possible. Suddenly at one point, I


History is a learning that makes people clever. Ancient Chinese said that using history as a mirror can help people to predict the rise and fall of nations. Former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill said that the farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see. Bank history is a science that keeps bankers vigilant. In the hundreds of years of financial development, a great deal of vicissitudes and changes have taken place, and so many once-famous banks have appeared and then disappeared after a short time, just like comets crossing the night sky before disappearing into the universe. So many financial institutions existed for a short time before being annihilated and entering into oblivion. So many once-obscure banks accumulated strength like the sea accumulating small trickles, and finally becoming famous and powerful institutions with hundreds of years of history. The winners and losers together make the history of global banks. Their stories have dissipated with the wind, but fortunately, their medallions have survived. We can now whisk away their dust from centuries and read

their details. These medallions help us to trace back the historical streams and various branches of the banks that are not frequently visited; to inspire us and seek out the old archives of the banks that are familiar and unfamiliar, existent and non-existent; to guide us through the depths of the financial jungle and return to the merger and acquisition stories about financial behemoths preying on the weak. The purpose of reviewing history is not for nostalgia, because all history is contemporary history. Although the financial past is unbearable to some extent, yet wise men love history and are good at summing up experiences to avoid repeating the same mistakes. The history of global financial turmoil over the centuries has profoundly reflected changes in global political structure, national strengths, and economic geography. It is like a mirror reflecting the changes of economic strength and financial power. The changes of global superpowers from Portugal to Spain, to the Netherlands, to the United Kingdom, to France, Germany and to the United States are inseparable from the exchange of swords and gunfire. The battlefields of economics and finance bear no smoke but are similarly fierce. The decline after culmination, the changes of hundreds of years, and transformations of economic and financial powers of big countries reflect the complex and profound background of the changes in the global economic and political landscape. The analysis of the long-term or fundamental determinants of a country’s financial evolution is inseparable from the analysis of changes in the political economy and financial strength of the countries and its position and influence in global structure. The successive acquisition and loss of the industrial, economic and financial dominance of the United Kingdom and the United States have also testified that economics determines finance. Such is the general law of the emergence, development, prosperity, and decline of the global financial industry. Only five of the world’s top 20 banks in 1913 have survived until now, which is the best evidence of such a law. Changes in prosperity are frequent. I lamented in the book that after we see that London eventually gave up its financial hegemonic position and see that banks chase after each other, we cannot be assured that one institution can always be at the top forever. So many financial powerhouses lost in their pursuit for the top position, but we cannot say who is the winner because the game has not yet ended. Only these medallions are here to stay. They silently witnessed the fickleness of global politics, economic ups and downs, and financial changes in the past hundreds of years.

- Metal Memories of 100 Years of Financial History - Preface

discovered that although the earliest bank medallions were issued more than 200 years ago many of the issuing banks have ceased to exist or have been completely forgotten, but these hard medallions have been cast into ineradicable memory. Such is a financial world that no one has ever chartered. I was swiftly touched by a strong desire to identify them, understand them, and restore the history although they had been written in dozens of different languages. When reading these beautiful bank medallions, I often drifted into deep thought. I understand that, similar to the history recorded on bamboo and wooden slips, what I research into is the history of global banks recorded on medallions. Alas, how many historical memories of financial vicissitudes are recorded on these medallions, and how much one could interpret from these historical experiences into realistic meanings! This unique history by medallions is a perfect combination of history and art. The compilers of this history are brilliant stars including famous bankers and master artists, who participated in its "writing" and left their own individual "fingerprints" on the hard medallions. Throughout the evolution of human civilization, we see that more than 3,000 years ago, history was recorded on bamboo slips in China, and for nearly 1800 years, history has been recorded on paper. Yet for this unique global bank history book recorded on metal, it is only a history of several hundred years, because it was in 1585 that the casting of the first commemorative medallion was made in France, and banks’ commemorative medallions appeared even later. However, this does not hamper that fact that they shed a dazzling light on the brightest era of global financial industry, and that the history inscribed on metal makes them even thicker than they feel.

John Keynes once said that if history is explored from the perspective of currency, then the entire history will be subverted. Obser ving and interpreting the world 31




- Metal Memories of 100 Years of Financial History - Preface

from the perspective of financial history can help us have more multidimensional, more detailed, and more profound understanding of world history. The watershed of a more rapid economic growth in the world appeared around 1820. The famous American scholar William Bernstein described the economic growth of Western powers as a cake in his book The Birth of Plenty. He compared the four elements of success (property rights, scientific rationalism, capital markets, and technological innovation in communication and transportation) to “flour, eggs, yeast and sugar”. In the absence of property rights, there would have been no savings, and then the capital market would not have appeared. Without scientific rationalism, finances would be still struggling under the shadow of medieval religions . Yet , the commercialization of innovation and creativity requires financial transformation. Capital markets provide financial support for the infrastructure needed for economic development. Finance and capital drive the development of the economy and thus advance the world. The development of finance, if lagged behind, will inevitably pull the hind legs of social economic development. But economics is the foundation, finance is the end, so, as an old Chinese saying goes, fur will not survive without skin. The main force determining the development of the world is not finance, and its role should not be overstated. I wrote in the articles that money cannot withstand the power of guns and banks cannot afford the responsibility of the rise and fall of politics. If we attribute the failure of the Paris Commune to their failure of not having timely occupied the Banque de France, then why did Napoleon, who founded and controlled the Banque de France, lose the Battle of Waterloo? The vicious inflation in Germany and Hungary accelerated the collapse of the incumbent governments so that totalitarian forces came to power, but it was only a catalytic factor rather than a causal relationship. Finance is like water, water can carry a boat yet it can also overturn it. The rapid development of human society over the past centuries has benefited from the development of finance, but crisis also stems from this. Since the advent of financial activities, crisis have appeared, whether it be the ancient Roman currency crisis, bans on borrowing in the Middle Ages, Tulip Bubbles, the South Sea Bubble, the US securities crisis in 1929, Latin American financial crisis in the 1990s, the 1997 Asian financial crisis, the subprime mortgage crisis after 2007, and the European sovereign debt crisis. The financial crises, like waves, have hit the reefs of social and economic stability, and have repeatedly appeared and never died. All financial history is a history of crises. Risks, like the shadow of bankers, are ubiquitous and dependent. Risks and profits are like the face of the same person in Picasso's Cubist paintings. 32

When the bankers see a smiling face celebrating the profits, another side of the face is sullen and shows risks. In the past centuries, the sufferings of banking industry have warned people not to forget about risks and not to fall into the former’s wrong direction. Due to the fragility of the banking system itself, almost all losers lost the battle from risk. Therefore, keeping a strong hold on risks is the bottom line of excellent bankers, and prudent management is the only way to build a centuryold bank. The bankers’ club does not admire 100-meter sprinters but respects marathon champions. History is strikingly similar, but mankind is always forgetful. The days when the weather is so beautiful often cause bankers to forget the past disasters. The tragic financial story of the day before yesterday became the cruel reality of yesterday, again and again. Today, financiers are still writing tomorrow's history. If we do not respect the laws of the market and do not respect the laws of finance, then the financial mistakes committed today will evolve into tomorrow’s regrets. Although the historical environment has changed, it is not the same water that passed in the river yesterday. All history or a famous university cases tell the stories of yesterday's winners or losers, but the failures of people who mimic past experiences mechanically may still happen. We cannot predict the future. We really do not know when, where and why the next great financial tsunami will come from, but history is "smart learning". I believe that reading history can help us to think deeply, understand the essence, grasp the "common sense" and laws of finance, and make rational comparisons and decisions. In my book, I also elaborated on the development of the global bank industry and systems, put forward research and thoughts on this topic, and left many topics for further study. The temples of ancient Greece and ancient Rome used to play the role of a bank. Religions played an important role in the development and containment of financial industry; the evolution of the gold standard and its influence on China; the birth of stock exchanges and several major stock exchange crises. At this time when Bitcoin is so hot, we hear discussions about whether the central bank system is still needed, or whether the function of currency issuance should be monopolized. Friedrich Hayek’s free banking opinions are still respected by a few scholars. The era of free banking in the United States and Scotland, as well as the system of “denationalization of currency” and “free money”, are still admired by some people. So I believe that if they read again the history of Federal Reserve of the United States and why the Fed became the Third Bank of the United States will help them understand this issue. The story of the Soviet Union’s International Economic Cooperation Bank and the People’s Bank of Moscow


Could it be some historical genes from the past? The thrifty Scottish bankers are famous all over the world, leaving behind many popular anecdotes. This may be due to the geographic environment in which Scotland is saddled with. Disadvantages and dilemmas often form the catalyst for building a banker's self-respect, selfreliance, and diligent traits. Successful banks in the world have their own respective success stories, while failing banks tell the same experiences of failure: plaguing political, social, and economic crises, government interventions in financing, excessive credit growth, distorted development concepts, blind expansion abroad, and dysfunctional internal control of risks. In the process of reading and writing, I have been more in awe of the operations of a bank. If you want to make big money, you should open a bank; if you want to lose big money, you should also open a bank. This book details the transformation of many foreign banks from small to large, from weak to strong, and vice versa. The stories of BNP Paribas, Société Générale, Groupe Caisse d'Épargne; the divergent roads of the two Old Ladies in Europe; the overseas legends of Boston Bank of America and its connections with China; the origins of banks in Greece, Spain, Israel and Romania; the past and present lives of the note-issuing bank in Macao. The times lead to the birth of heroes, and banks too. The book also elaborates on the mergers and acquisitions of many international banks, their mergers and acquisitions, and the success of those who became more successful, or the failure of those who encountered more failures. The Spanish bank BBVA has only 150 years of history but has experienced more than 150 mergers and acquisitions, and is so far the leader in the Latin American market. HSBC is also a king of financial mergers and acquisitions, and has achieved dominance of international banking. However, in recent years, it has quietly changed its motto from "World’s Global Bank" to "World’s Leading Bank", which may reflect the shift of its global strategy. The ‘Acquisition of the Century’, where Citigroup acquired the Travelers Group and left a red mark on its logo, left the question mark about whether it is inappropriate for insurance companies to acquire banks. Fortis Group celebrated its success of its ‘Merger of the Century’, but unfortunately fell on its banquet of celebration. After Deutsche Bank first acquired and then sold the Deutsch Postbank, we see that it might have been a strategic mistake from the beginning. The Wells Fargo unfortunately put the horse before the carriage, lamenting that this gifted financial student failed in fighting operational risks. The financial reform process of the Soviet Union and Russia showed their early indifference to financial laws and then recent disregard of financial risks, which appears to be polar opposites, and shows that they lack a profound

- Metal Memories of 100 Years of Financial History - Preface

reveals the peculiar history of financial war during the Cold War and the indelible era of overseas finance of the Soviet Union, which will deepen our understanding of financial competitiveness as a major component of national competitiveness. The painful lessons of Latin American financial reforms will help us understand the consequences of populism and financial regulation. The flourishing development of global bank museums can teach us the necessity of financial education. From the birth, evolution, differentiation, and demise of the modern savings bank system, to the development and growth of credit cooperation movements and institutions, we can understand why cooperative and savings banking systems for small and micro enterprises gradually declined in many countries. We can also learn about the past, present and future of the non-sovereign currency the euro, and about its risks. While the criticisms on too big to fail and regulatory policies have tightened, global banking sectors have run counter to the criticisms; bank concentration continues to increase in Israel, Canada, the United States, and major economies in the world. But, only China is moving in the opposite direction. Who is right and who is wrong? Why is it that dramas involving greed and fear, fraud and credulity continue to be staged? Why is the over loosening of financial supervision will cause serious consequences? In writing, I have been and still am confused by these historical and practical topics. Human societ y has experienced numerous f in an c i al c r i s e s , w hi c h b r o u ght ab o u t e c o n o mi c collapses, social unrest, polarization between rich and poor, moral downfalls, and great harm to the international community. Despite countless political attacks and numerous regulatory rectifications, the financial industry is still strong and continues to grow. Since capital is the driving force for the development of modern history, its role in promoting human society, economy, and corporate entities is irreplaceable. If there had been no financial boost, humanity may still remain in the dark and stagnant times of the Middle Ages. The germination of capitalism could not have grown, and human history would be rewritten. History shows a set of values, and this set does not go away with the wind. It has left deep impressions on man’s mind and even planted genes. One senior European politician told me that it is necessary to understand why the Germans persistently insisted on the fiscal austerity of European countries after the European sovereign debt crisis. Because after the first World War, the Germans suffered retaliation for the war and faced hyperinflation; people were in dire conditions, and thus Germans had a particular memory about financial crisis, while other European countries had no such experience. Similarly, the Bank of England is more than 300 years old, but it is still strong. Why is Britain's financial system and financial market still in a leading position globally today?





understanding of the essence of finance. Financial liberalization is a double-edged sword. If it is used well, it can promote the efficiency of the financial sector and promote economic growth. If not, it can cause instability in the financial system and negatively affect the economy. The radical advancement of financial reforms in the period when external conditions are not in place will also create enormous financial risks. Financial reforms must be coordinated with other economic and regulatory reforms. Financial over-indulgence, lack of regulatory c apacit y, lack of public par ticipation and market constraints may lead to social and economic shocks and financial crisis. The stories of the rise and fall of many banks have been a testament to these notions.

- Metal Memories of 100 Years of Financial History - Preface

The bir th, development, and demise of finance are inseparable from financiers. This book tells the story of the Medici family in Italy and the era of bank revivals in Europe. It tells the story of Scotsman William Paterson, the originator of the world’s first central bank who worked for the financing platform of British wars. It tells the story of Henri Germain, founder of Credit Lyonnais, who developed a small bank that served the textile industry into one of the best global banks at the turn of the century in 1900. He founded and influenced the theory of a bank’s separate operations, and until today the shadows are still felt by bankers. It describes the humble origin of Goldman Sachs, and how the German immigrants Goldman and Sachs created a great company and a split family. It tells the story of Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken (SEB) whose owners broke the curse and enjoyed five generations of wealth. It tells the horror story of the Vatican’s bankers. It tells the story of Hitler's “brilliant financial achievements” and how he plundered finance and was ruined by finance. It tells the truth about the fighting between Alexander Hamilton, founder of the central bank of the United States, and Thomas Jefferson, an American President, whose disputes were due to their differences about the founding philosophy of the United States and not due to some conspiracy theories. It tells the story about Friedrich Wilhelm Raiffeisen, who was a German Utopian Socialist that engaged in realizing credit cooperative theory, and the touching story of Henry Duncan, an Englishman who encouraged poor farmers to help themselves through small savings. It tells the story about the financial career of Sir Thomas Gresham, after whom Gresham’s Law is named, and Isaac Newton. It tells the story about Napoleon who created the Banque de France and financial capabilities of his nephew. Although the rise and fall of finance and financiers cannot be separated from the political environment of the times, yet it is also inseparable from the financier's characters and efforts. Telling the stories of financiers can make the somewhat boring financial history appear with some flesh and blood, 34

so that the factors of people behind the thrilling financial stories are revealed. People may better understand the contingency and inevitability of the historical process. This book also introduces another group of people. They have achieved brilliant achievements in the history of art design, sculpture, or currency, and have enjoyed great reputations. They should not seem to appear in the writings of financial history, but their names have been permanently engraved in this particular financial history book consisting of financial medallions. Among them, the stars are brilliant, and many have won the Rome Art Award. They were frequent visitors to the Temple of Venus, and were favored by the goddess of art. However, they also unconsciously came to the Temple of Juno Moneta (it was said to be the earliest mint of the Roman currency, and its name was source of the word ‘money’). In ancient Greek times, the Temples of Gods used to play the role of banks, and the earliest art displays were also conducted in the temples. It seems that art and banking have long been intertwined. In ancient Greek and Roman times, the use of silver coins and sculptural arts have been developed. After the historical inheritance and development, during the first Industrial Revolution with the invention of the contour carving machine, the art of numismatic seals became the best combination of relief art and medallic imprint technology. The medallion's cast material is rich and varied, including gold, silver, copper, iron, aluminum and alloys of different proportions. The selection of themes is very extensive. The perspectives were very diverse and the art practices are quite free, attracting many masters to participate in the design of the medallions. The masters expressed their artistic interests, tastes and emotions in the world of coin-shaped medallions. At that time, Europe was at the center of global arts. There were various schools of arts preaching neo-classicalism, romanticism, impressionism, postimpressionism, modernism, cubism, and surrealism. The constant emergence of various artistic trends has greatly promoted the development of the art of painting and sculpture, and has also had a tremendous impact on artists engaged in the creation of commemorative medallions. The sculptors' exquisitely designed engraving works on the medals played an important role in the Art Nouveau movement. Many of the pioneers of sculpture art were adept at medallion design, and they exerted their genius and imagination to mobilize all artistic expressions such as oil paintings, drawings, prints, and sculpture, and they have given full play to the physical properties of metals including their flexibility, extension, color, and luster. The art forms of sculpture are real and imaginary, dense and sparse, masculine and feminine. Thus the art of medallions shows rich cultural, historical, practical and philosophical implications. The artists’ pursuit for


Writing these articles takes time and effort. Taking on the responsibility of bank management, I had limited time to write these, and this was my biggest constraint. Thus, I found that the ancient people were quite wise to point out that one should make full use of time particularly at three places: in bed, on the toilet, and on the road. When I was on business trips, especially when travelling long distances, I found it particularly easy to concentrate. Ever y time, I watched fewer on-board movies, slept fewer hours, and I let myself engage in “wild fantasies” in the air over 30,000 feet. I was taken away from the complexity of the everyday business, and was immersed

in the reminiscence of financial history and buried in the keyboard. I especially enjoy these moments. Compared with the ever-changing economic disciplines, the history of banks is particularly "unpopular", and in China there are few published books that focus on history of banks, especially of foreign banks, and even if there are any, they are only about a few famous foreign banks. The study of the history of foreign banks lacks both depth and breadth. In historical studies, the commonly used methods are reading into historical texts, theoretical analysis, and comprehensive investigations. Bank history is also related to politics, economy, and culture in history, so it is a kind of cross-disciplinary study. Due to my intermittent writing, this book is like a notebook of the history of banks and is somewhat fragmented. I tell the stories of banks, and sometimes present some theoretical induction or commentary in the texts. I made particular efforts to prove the evidence on the textual research and strive to be accurate. In the process of writing this book, I was deeply troubled by the scarcity of Chinese materials about the history of banks around the world, so I was looking to purchase materials around the world. Fortunately, the internet has made the world smaller. I have accumulated hundreds of English versions of foreign bank history over the years and I have created a small special library for future studies of foreign bank history.

- Metal Memories of 100 Years of Financial History - Preface

perfection is maximized by their artistic charm and romantic temperament. In the past 200 years, the art of medallions was pushed to its peak. The medallions have great artistic value and are a concentrated expression of the level of design and casting techniques in western countries. Sculpture has created a large number of eternal artistic treasures. These medallions have not only conquered us with their wonderful combination of art and technology, but also with the indelible character of the metal, solidifying the financial vicissitudes of the hundreds of years in their physical form, leaving us eternal historical evidence of the history of the banking industry. These famous sculpture artists include: Daniel Dupuis of France, Louis Alexander Burton, Luis Oscar Rudy, Charles Piller, Frederic Weir, Lambert Du Marais, Abel Lafleur; Benjamin Wynn of the United Kingdom, Enrique Monjode of Spain, Julio Kilenyi of the United States, Pogozhelskii of Russia and others. Although there are many fine art coins in other themes, there are very few medallions with finance as their theme. Inadvertently, I brought together 1,500 bank medallions, involving hundreds of banks in 50 or 60 countries. After finishing three books on them, I envisage the establishment of a small financial museum (room) where I can put these medallions together for public display. We can imagine that in the future, many bankers in other countries from around the world will be excited to find such a museum in China. They will be amazed at their bank’s medallions. Many of the medallions may be issued by the predecessors of their banks. The museum could be a sacred hall for the bankers to find their roots in history and revisit their bank’s past. They will feel the wonderful financial culture. Knowledge is obtained by reading into “things”, and he who has “extensive knowledge” of the world is truly a wise man. Here, history is no longer texts in words, but a reappearance of true feelings. In the meantime, bankers could feel as if standing at the source of the bank's history, and see its surging momentum ahead.

Since the birth, growth, and prosperity of New China's financial industr y, the vicissitudes of world finance could provide valuable experience for the development of Chinese banking industry. Today, China’s banking industry has become one of the biggest in the world's financial industry, and ICBC is now the leader in global banks. We can learn from the past, and the development of modern banking cannot be separated from the support of historical and cultural heritage. If we forget the history of banking industry, we will not be able to profoundly understand the present and correctly move to the future. It is of great significance for China to better promote the development of its modern banking industry by sorting out the world’s precious financial and cultural heritage, discovering the achievements of financial civilization created by predecessors, and reviewing the successes and failures of the financial industry and learning the lessons. I hope that this book will be inspiring for banking practitioners, financial managers and financial history researchers. Such is the preface. March 2018





《世界金融百年滄桑記憶》序言 姜建清[上海]

《 世 界 金 融 百 年 滄 桑 記 憶 》序 言








行的古老幣章時,我常常陷入沉思。然 後我明白了,這是一部由金屬幣章編撰









承擔政治興衰的重任。 如果將法國巴






蘭西銀行, 那麼創立並掌控法蘭西銀






此, 金融在這裡只是催化因素, 它與



政治之間沒有因果關係。” ——姜建清











、淘寶等搜尋、購買,儘量 貝(eBay)









人說 : “以史為鑒,可以知興替。 ”英國



“你能看到多 首相溫斯頓 • 邱吉爾說 :



遠的過去,就能看到多遠的未來。 ”銀







是1929年 的 美 國 證 券 危 機、20世 紀



90年 代 的 拉 丁美 洲 金 融 危 機、1997








常、經濟興衰沉浮和金融風雲激蕩。 ”

機就像海浪一樣,一波一波地衝擊着 社會經濟穩定的礁石,而且從未消亡。

成海,吹盡狂沙始到金,最終成為金融 凱恩斯曾經說過 : “如果從貨幣的角度

所有的金融史都是一部風險史 —— 風











的認識。 ”世界經濟快速增長的分水嶺






廉 • 伯恩斯坦在經濟史著作《繁榮的背


















則沒有儲蓄,資本市 場難 為“ 無米 之
































能過分誇大。我在文中寫道 : “金錢不





















《 世 界 金 融 百 年 滄 桑 記 憶 》序 言


我在書中也對世界銀行業及其制度發 展的軌跡做了闡述,進行了研究、思考,

了經濟對金融的決定性。這是全球金 融業產生、發展、強盛和衰落的一般


並留下了許多有待進一步研究的課題 :









重要作用 ;金本位的沿革過程,以及對

文中感歎地寫道 : “冷觀倫敦金融霸主


當時中國的影響 ;證交所的誕生經歷



和幾次重大的股票市場危機 ;在比特 37

















“熔爐” 。


《 世 界 金 融 百 年 滄 桑 記 憶 》序 言


和其他經濟與監管領域的改革配套進 行。金融過度放任自流,缺乏監管能力,


世界上 成 功 的 銀 行 各 有各 的 成 功 故



事, 失 敗 的 銀 行 卻 體 現 出 相 似 的 失



敗 經歷 :政治、社會、經濟危機的殃












家族傳奇及歐洲的銀行復興時代 ;講



述了蘇格蘭人威廉 • 佩特森為英國戰爭



融資而造就了世界中央銀行的鼻祖 ;講



述了法國里昂信貸創始人亨利 • 熱爾曼


或相反的輪回 :法國巴黎銀行、興業



銀行、松鼠儲蓄銀行的興盛故事 ;兩個



歐洲“老婦人”銀行的相異道路 ;美國






源 ;希臘、西班牙、以色列和羅馬尼亞



等銀行的起源成長 ;澳門發鈔銀行的







分裂的家庭 ;講述了瑞典北歐斯安銀行



打破魔咒,富過五代 ;講述了梵蒂岡上



帝的銀行家的驚駭故事 ;講述了希特勒


牙對外銀行(Banco Bilbao Vizcaya


類可能還停留在中世紀的“黑暗時代” ,

Argentaria, 簡 稱 BBVA) 僅 有150

于金融的歷史 ;講述了美國中央銀行創





仍在拉美市場稱雄。滙豐銀行也 是金






然而其近年悄然從“全球 的地方銀行”

的內容 ;講述了空想社會主義信用合作


改為“全球的領先銀行” ,這是否也反







人亨利 • 鄧肯的感人故事 ;講述了“劣









生涯 ;講述了創建法蘭西銀行的拿破崙














劍 :運用得好可以促進金融部門效率



的提高,促進經濟增長 ;反之則會使







想” “遠思漫想”,遠離人世間的繁雜,




















早羅馬貨幣鑄造地,貨幣名稱 money



的來源 )。在古希臘時代神廟曾充當銀




些名留史冊的藝術大師包括 :法國的丹



尼爾 • 杜普伊斯、路易士 • 亞歷山大 •

濟、文化,交 叉性較強。由於斷斷續


伯 頓、 路 易士 • 奧 斯 卡 • 魯迪、 查 理



斯 • 皮勒、弗雷德里克 • 威爾儂、蘭貝



爾 • 杜馬萊斯、阿貝爾 • 拉弗勒,英國



的本傑明 • 懷恩,西班牙的安立奎 • 蒙



霍德,美國的尤裡奧 • 吉蘭尼,俄羅斯





















小的金融幣章博物館(室) ,想到今後



































《 世 界 金 融 百 年 滄 桑 記 憶 》序 言






理特性發揮到極致。 雕塑藝術中的虛









聚 意。 每 次在 飛 機 上 少看幾 部電 影,






Correction to Southern Ming Article In JEAN Issue #11 (2018) we published an article: "Coinage of the Southern Ming Dynasty" by Bruce W. Smith. That article was written many years ago and originally published in JEAN #10 (1996) with 10 pages of illustrations. Our reader, Zhang Yangang, in Xian has written to point out that recent research in China makes some changes necessary regarding the "Ta Ming T'ung Pao" (Da Ming Tong Bao) coinage. According to Zhang, the Daming Tongbao coins with the characters "Hu" or "Gong" on the reverse were issued by the Prince of Lu (Zhu Yihai) in Zhejiang Province as stated in the article. However, the coins with blank reverses were issued by Chiang Hsiang (Jiang Xiang; died 1649), a Chinese general stationed at Tatung, Shansi (Datong, Shanxi), who rebelled against the Manchus toward the end of 1648, in support of the Prince of Lu. This is why the Tatung Mint was replaced by the Yangho Mint in 1649. No doubt Chiang's coins were made at the Tatung Mint while it was under his control. The biggest surprise is that the Daming Tongbao coins with the character "Shuai" on the reverse, were actually minted in Kansu (Gansu) Province by Muslim rebels Mi-la-yin and Ting Kuo-tung (Ding Guodong), both of whom died in 1649. Mi-la-yin and Ting began their rebellion against the Manchus in May 1648, in support of the Ming. They quickly captured Kanchow, Liangchow and Lanchow, but were unable to take the garrison city of Kungchang. Manchu forces captured Mi-la-yin's stronghold of Kanchow in the spring of 1649 and took Ting's stronghold of Suchow in December 1649, ending the Muslim uprising in the northwest. For more information on the uprisings by Chiang Hsiang, Mi-la-yin and Ting Kuo-tung, see "The Great Enterprise" by Frederic Wakeman (1985) pages 799-823. Bruce W. Smith 2018.10

《南明貨幣制度》一文更正聲明 《東亞泉志》2018年第03期(總第11期)刊發了我的《南明貨幣制度》一文。此文為多年前舊稿,曾載于《東亞泉志》1996 年第10期,帶10頁插圖。 西安讀者張彥剛在讀完刊發於總第11期的《南明貨幣制度》後,向編輯部來信指出,大明通寶的研究已取得新進展,明通寶 背“工” “戶”是魯王朱以海於浙江所鑄,光背是大同總兵姜鑲反正時所鑄(注 :姜鑲,1648年支持魯王並起兵反清,1649 年卒) 。這也是1649年大同府鑄錢局更名為陽和鑄幣局的原因,光背錢即是姜鑲任大同總兵期間在大同府鑄錢局鑄造的。 張先生同時指出,背“帥”大明通寶是甘肅米喇印(1649年卒)、丁國棟(1649年卒)回族反清起義時所鑄。經查有關資料,

1648年5月,米喇印和丁國棟反清起義運動爆發,起義軍迅速佔據甘州,隨即攻克涼州、蘭州,但始終無法攻克清軍守備 森嚴的鞏昌。1649年春,清軍佔領了米喇印的甘州大本營,同年12月俘虜了撤往肅州的丁國棟,至此西北部的回族反清起 (1985年)第 義以失敗告終。查看更多有關薑驤反正,米喇印、丁國棟起義的資訊,請參考魏斐德《洪業 : 清朝開國史》



2018 年 10 月



Fig 1 A group photo taken in front of the Shanghai Yintai Cultural Artifacts Co., Ltd. after attending the Top Gold Coins on Seung Hoi Tan Exhibition.

Top Gold Coins on Seung Hoi Tan Exhibition and the China Gold Coin Collectors Symposium were successfully held in Shanghai Yuan Fang[Xi’an] The Top Gold Coins on Seung Hoi Tan Exhibition and the China Gold Coin Collectors Symposium were successfully held in Shanghai on September 22, 2018. This exhibition was held to present the collection results of Chinese modern precious metal coins, analyze the cause of market weakness and find the solution. The events were co-sponsored and initiated by famous modern precious metal coin collectors in China, they are Ding Feng, Yang Songlin, Zhang Ronghua, Chen Yong, Chen Haomin and Gao Huaibin (these names are listed in the order of the number of strokes in the surnames). Collectors Wang Shihong, Ge Zukang, Yao Zhiyuan and Wang Jinlong were the consultants. Representatives of the collection field, business operators and media associates attended the events. Some distinguished guests came from foreign countries, a total of 76 people, also participated, including the new President of the World Money Fair Gitta Kunker, the General Manager of the New Zealand Mint Mark Sutton, the CEO of the Numismatic Guaranty Corporation

of America (NGC) Steven R. Eichenbaum. The Deputy General Manager of China Gold Coin Incorporation Zhang Xiangjun and the Secretary-general of the China Gold Coin Market Professional Committee Liu Hong were invited to attend these two great events and made important speeches. The events were supported by the National Association of Financial Market Institutional Investors, China Everbright Bank Shanghai Branch, World Platinum Investment Council and Hong Kong Champion Auction Company. The opening ceremony of the Top Gold Coins on Seung Hoi Tan Exhibition was held in the franchise store of Shanghai Yintai Cultural Artifacts Co., Ltd. at 10:00am on September 22 (Fig 1), which was hosted by Zhang Ronghua, and inaugurated by Wang Shihong and Liu Hong (Fig 3). Wang Jinlong delivered a speech during the opening ceremony (Fig 2). The collections, consisting of 156 varieties and 439 pieces, were provided by 12





Fig 2 Wang Jinlong giving a speech.

Fig 3 Liu Hong (left) and Wang Shihong inaugurated the exhibition.

Fig 4 The 10th anniversary 1991 China gold panda, 5 kilograms, with both obverse and reverse.

Fig 5 1992 ancient Chinese scientific and technological inventions and discoveries 1 kg gold coin, series 1 with the pattern of the compass and seismograph on the reverse. 42

Fig 7 The 1993 gold coin, portrait of Dr. Sun Yat Sen and pattern of “the world community is equally shared by all” described by Dr. Sun Yat Sen, with both obverse and reverse.

Fig 6 The 12th anniversary 1992 Chinese zodiac commemorative gold coin, 1 kilogram, with both obverse and reverse.


important modern gold and silver coin collectors. The following are some of the most attractive exhibits: The 10th anniversary 1991 China gold panda, 5 kilograms, mintage 10, with a current market price of over 20 million yuan (RMB yuan, the same as below). It is the world's largest and most precious gold panda, the “coin king” of Chinese modern gold and silver coins (Fig 4). In addition, the 5th to 35th anniversary commemorative coins were also exhibited as a full set;

gold coin, mintage 68, the only gold coin with round square hole in the issuing history of Chinese modern precious coins (Fig. 8); The 1997 Qi Baishi 1 kilogram silver coin officially issued version, mintage 188, was on display together with the extremely rare error version for the first time, which was a feast to the visitors’ eyes (Fig 9); The 2000 1 kilogram gold panda, mintage 68;

The gold, silver and platinum commemorative coins on the theme of Ancient Chinese Scientific and Technological Inventions and Discoveries were fully exhibited for the first time, with 87 coins consisting of five sets. This series is the only complete set of commemorative coins on the theme of Ancient Chinese Scientific and Technological Inventions and Discoveries in the world (Fig 5);

A full set of China gold panda (1982-2018), 37 sets consisting of 184 pieces, total weight 2178.8 grams;

T h e 12 t h a n n i v e r s a r y 19 9 2 C h i n e s e z o d i a c commemorative gold coin, 1 kilogram, mintage 20, with a current market price of approximately 5 million yuan, was the first legal Chinese zodiac coin containing a full set of 12 zodiac animals (Fig 6);

1988-1999 12 Zodiac 1 ounce platinum coin.

The 1993 gold coin, portrait of Dr. Sun Yat Sen and pattern of “the world community is equally shared by all” described by Dr. Sun Yat Sen, mintage 99, 5 ounces, with the current market price of about three million yuan (Fig 7); The 1993 100th anniversary of the birth of Mao Tse-tung gold coin, mintage 100, 5 ounces; The 1995 100th anniversary of the birth of Xu Beihong gold coin, mintage 100, 5 ounces; The 1998 vault protector of the Tang dynasty 1 kilogram

Fig 8 The 1998 vault protector of the Tang dynasty 1 kilogram gold coin, with both obverse and reverse.

The first series (the year of 1995), the second series (the year of 1996) and the third series (the year of 1997) 5 ounces gold coins minted with the patterns of the Chinese classical literature The Romance of Three Kingdoms;

All these exhibits have significant series, delicate designs, small mintage numbers and high values. The exhibition is the first concentrated display of superior Chinese modern precious metal coin of the collectors. On that day, the Shanghai Yintai franchise store attracted a lot of attention. The exhibition hall was very crowded, people standing shoulder to shoulder. Everyone was busy communicating with and learning from each other. Members from the expert team of the Preparatory Committee also explained and introduced the culture and history of China gold coins to the visitors, thus everyone benefited greatly during the whole process (Fig 10). In addition, the Preparatory Committee arranged a visit to the Bank Museum, so that everyone could understand the development of modern Chinese banks and the splendid numismatic culture (Fig 11).

Fig 9 The 1997 Qi Baishi 1 kg silver coin officially issued version (the reverse on the left) and the error version (with reverse). 43





Fig 10-1 Photobomb

Fig 10-2 On site explanation given by experts

Fig 11 Photos taken with foreign friends after visiting the Bank Museum, from right: Yuan Shuiqing, Gao Wei, Feng Zhimiao, Chen Yong, Michael Chou, Mark Sutton, Gitta Kunker.

Fig 13 The seats of the rostrum (from right to left): Gao Huaibin, Ding Feng, Chu Ruitao, Zhang Ronghua, Yang Songlin, Zhao Yansheng, Chen Yong.

The China Gold Coin Collectors Symposium was held in the conference room of China Everbright Bank Shanghai Branch at 1:00 pm (Fig 12). It was hosted by Zhang Ronghua and Yang Songlin (Fig 13). Zhao Yansheng, Chen Yong, Yan Changli, Gao Huaibin, Ding Feng, Ge Zukang, Wang Jinlong, Yao Zhiyuan, Wang Shihong, King Lam Chan, Michael Chou and Gitta Kunker gave speeches. There were other persons who gave speeches at the dinner party (Fig 14). The contents of these speeches can be summarized into three points:

collectors investing in these items thus leading to a fall in investment.

(1) The current situation. Chinese precious metal coins are cultural and artistic items highly praised by investors. The gold coin market has achieved brilliant results in the past. Coins issued from 1979 to 1999 have increased in value, and their investment benefits are prominent. However, since the latter half of 2011, the market has generally shown a downward trend; and the competition has intensified, prices of some coins have fallen sharply. From the list of 80 exhibits with sharp falling prices selected by the conference attendees, the range of the fall was 30%-83%. The continued decline in prices has damped the enthusiasm of collectors, resulting in fewer

(3) Suggestions for solving these problems. Recognize the general direction of the spiral development of China's gold coin market and build confidence for its development. Establish a Chinese Modern Precious Metal Coin Collectors Association or Research Association as soon as possible. We suggest the People's Bank of China review the project, the judging team may recruit some collectors and experts to participate. We may also continue to issue classical themes such as The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, bronzes, etc. Meanwhile, we can reduce the mintage and issue more 5 ounces coins to meet the needs of collectors. It is recommended that

(2) Reasons of the current situation. The reasons can be analy zed as follows: af fected by the economic environment; excessive minting, too many projects, monotonous patterns, and few attractive new products; the price of the primary market is higher than expected, thus causing the secondary market to be unprofitable, leading to significantly reduced investment enthusiasm.


Fig 12 Representatives attending the symposium, photos taken at China Everbright Bank Shanghai Branch. The second row of the seats (from right): Zhang Ronghua, Michael Chou, Gitta Kunker, Mark Schutton, Zhang Shuyang, Zhang Xiangjun, Wang Shihong, Ge Zukang, Liu Hong, Wang Jinlong, Zhao Yansheng, King Lam Chan, Yao Zhiyuan.

Fig 14 Mark Sutton talking about the meeting at the dinner party.

the China Gold Coin Incorporation should launch more delicate designs and produce more high quality products. The pattern designs, especially designs for the Panda Coin, need to have a breakthrough. Besides, establishing a national trading platform and an exit mechanism to lower the issuing price of the primary market. Other suggestions such as increasing publicit y ef for ts, carrying out various public collection, exhibition and sales activities, and condensing and developing a team of collecting-investors. Deputy General Manager Zhang Xiangjun expressed congratulations on the holding of the exhibition and the symposium, he then pointed out that this time’s events were accurate in the market analysis. Meanwhile, he hoped that everyone can join together. At the same time, he reiterated that the China Gold Coin

Fig 15 Deputy General Manager Zhang Xiangjun delivering a speech.

Incorporation will continue to implement a policy of total control, providing innovative and qualified products. They will also make some structural adjustments, through which they will provide momentum for participants and the entire market (Fig 15). Aimed at regaining confidence, pooling strength, taping exquisite products, and creating a better future, a proposal letter was issued to the attendees after the conference. We believe, as long as the management and the China Gold Coin Incorporation cooperate with each other with their best efforts and work together to eliminate the outstanding contradictions and solve the problems existing in the current market, China's gold coin market will have a better future. (Image courtesy: Shanghai Yintai Cultural Artifacts Co., Ltd.)





圖1 與會者參觀精品展後在上海銀泰門前合影

頂級金幣彙聚上海灘 精品展暨座談會在滬成功舉辦 圓方[西安] 為展現中國民間現代貴金屬幣精品收藏成果,分析市場疲軟





收藏家提供,共展出156個品種439枚。主要展品 :最耀眼








的“幣王” (圖4);此外,熊貓5周年至35周年周年紀念幣也


全系列展出 ;中國古代科技發明發現金、銀、鉑紀念幣5組

錢幣博覽會總裁吉塔 · 昆克、全球最大私人造幣廠德國慕尼


黑米勒造幣廠總裁亞曆克斯 · 韋格納、新西蘭造幣廠前廠長


馬克 · 修頓、美國錢幣評級公司 NGC 總裁斯蒂文等共計76









年5盎司金幣 ;發行量100枚的1995年徐悲鴻誕辰100周年

5盎司金幣 ;發行量68枚的1998年大唐鎮庫1公斤金幣,為







圖2 王金龍致辭

圖3 劉洪( 左)、王世宏為精品展揭牌

圖4 1991年中國熊貓金幣發行10周年5公斤金幣( 正、 背)

圖5 1992年中國古代科技發明發現第一組1公斤金幣指南針、 地動儀( 背)

圖7 1993年孫中山先生“天下 為公” 5盎司金幣( 正、 背)

圖6 1992年中國生肖紀念幣發行12周年1公斤金幣( 正、 背)







2000年1公斤熊貓金幣 ;中國熊貓金幣大全套(1982-2018


年)37套184枚,合計重2178.8克 ;中國古典文學名著《三




金幣 ;1988-1999年十二生肖1盎司鉑金幣,等等。均題材


意義非凡,設計鑄造精美,發行量較少,價值高,堪稱民間 (11)。 收藏的頂級現代貴金屬幣首次集中亮相。


圖8 1998年大唐鎮庫1公斤金幣( 正、 背)

圖9 1997年國畫大師齊白石1公斤銀幣正版( 左,背)、錯版(背)

圖10-1 爭相拍照

圖11 参观银行博物馆后与外国友人合影 右起 :袁水清、 高 伟 、冯志苗、陈永、周迈可、 马克 · 修顿、 吉塔 · 昆克

圖10-2 專家現場講解

圖13 主席臺就坐者( 從右至左):高懷賓、 丁峰、褚銳濤、 張 榮華、 楊松林、趙燕生、陳永


下午1時, “中國金幣民間座談會”在中國光大銀行上海分



藏家和專家參與 ;經典題材如《三國演義》、青銅器等應接


續發行 ;壓縮發行量 ;增加5盎司規格幣種,以滿足收藏家

金龍、姚之元、王世宏、陳景林、周邁可、吉塔 · 昆克先後



圖案設計特別是熊貓幣要有突破 ;成立國家級交易平臺,建

歸納為三點 : (一)現狀。中國貴金屬幣是收藏投資者喜愛










跌幅精品”名錄看,跌幅在30%-83% 之間。行情持續下跌




明顯減少。 (二)原因。受經濟大環境影響 ;發行盤子過大,


項目偏多,圖案單調,極具吸引力的精品少 ;一級市場定價




情銳減。 (三)出路。認清中國金幣市場螺旋式發展的大方


向,樹立信心。儘快成立中國現代貴金屬幣收藏家協會或研 (圖片為上海銀泰文化藝術品有限公司提供)

圖12 參加座談會的代表在光大銀行上海分行合影。 第二排就座者 ( 右起 ) :張榮華、 周邁可、 吉塔 ·昆克、馬克· 修頓、張曙陽、張向軍、王世宏、葛祖康、劉洪、王金龍、趙燕生、陳景林、 姚之元

圖14 馬克 · 修頓在晚宴上談參會感受

圖15 張向軍副總經理在講話





Update From the 2018 September Long Beach Coin Expo J. Matthew Brotherton [USA]

On site photo of 2018 September Long Beach Coin Expo

The September Long Beach Coin, Currency, Stamp & Sports Collectible Exposition was recently held from September 6th-8th in sunny Southern California. For those readers unfamiliar with the Long Beach Coin Exposition, it is normally one of the largest coin shows in the United States (usually always the largest show on the West Coast) and it is held three times a year with one show in the Winter, one show at the beginning of Summer, and finally one towards the end of Summer. The city of Long Beach, California lies about a half-hour taxi ride from Los Angeles (or longer depending on the LA traffic). The West Coast weather could not have been more perfect for this September show with everyday in the mid-70’s (Fahrenheit/mid 20’s Celsius) with perfect blue skies, no humidity and a nice breeze from the Pacific Ocean always present. The coin expo is held at the Long Beach Convention Center which is located right alongside the Long Beach Pier hosting a wide variety of restaurant and entertainment options. Nearby tourist attractions within walking distance of the convention center include the RMS Queen Mary, a retired ocean liner and museum ship, and the famous Waterfront Aquarium of the Pacific which features touch tanks and a shark lagoon.

The September Long Beach Expo hosted over 400 coin, currency, stamp, sports card, and other collectible dealers from all over the world. Particularly fascinating and on display at the show was the “Tyrants of the Tyrrhenian and Adriatic Seas” Collection containing around 400 50

historic coins of Italy and Sicily and valued in excess of eight million dollars. These rare and ancient coins are truly a numismatic treasure and a beauty to behold. This Long Beach-exclusive exhibit is the third of a series of exhibits from the “Tyrant Collection” which is the world’s most valuable rare coin collection in private hands. Also on display at this show was the “J & L Commemorative Collection” which contains the finest known 144 coin complete set of U.S. silver commemorative coins in the world. These U.S. commemorative coins were minted by the U.S. Mint from 1892 to 1954 with each coin celebrating a significant event or occasion in U.S. history. The J & L set contains 27 of the single finest U.S. commemoratives ever graded, and 77% of the coins are

Tyrant Collection on site presentation


Highlights of Tyrant Collection

“Top Population” coins, making the set a must-see event. In conjunction with amazing coins and currency, the Long Beach Expo also hosted the 24th Annual 2018 World Olympic Collectors Fair. This is a long-standing, annual gathering of Olympic stamp, coin, pin and memorabilia collectors from around the world. For those readers who love Olympic memorabilia or just the Olympic Games in general, I highly recommend one to attend this event.

The Long Beach Coin Expo shows are usually very busy for dealers with lots of public traffic and collectors and this September show was no exception. I, along with my business partner Richard Stelzer of Estate Coin & Jewelry Galleria out of Sarasota, FL shared a table with Glen Jorde (Lake Region Coin & Currency of Devil’s Lake, ND) and we all stayed busy throughout the show. It was particularly great to see longtime numismatic friends like Michael Lou, our collector friend from Macau, and Dr. Frank Laiacona of East-West Collectibles stop by and talk coins and currency. Our readers will be glad to know that particularly hot amongst numismatic items at this Long Beach show for us was vintage and modern Chinese currency, and Southeastern Asia currency as collectors continuously browsed our inventory of these items and made purchases. Our good friend, Michael Chou, Owner of Champion Auctions, was set up right next to us and had an amazing display of Asian coins and currency, including highlights of the “Norcal Collection” that are to be sold in Champion’s upcoming Macau auction on Nov. 25th at the Sofitel Macau Pointe 16. The “Norcal Collection” is a collection of Chinese coins built by an American collector in China during the 1930’s and 1940’s, and the collection has remained together since the coins left China in 1948 to the United States. The Champion Auction display of the “Norcal Collection”

garnered a lot of collector interest, especially the NGC MS 58 Auto Dollar (dot on the door variety) as well as several other high grade scarce type early Chinese Dollar size coins. The “Signature Auctions” hosted by Heritage Auctions during the Long Beach Coin Expo were a success and realized approximately $18.8 million dollars with highlights that included a 1915-S Panama-Pacific $50 Octagonal gold piece (NGC MS64, 1 of 645 distributed at the 1915 Pan-Pacific Expo) that realized $90,000 dollars and a 1895 Proof Morgan Dollar (NGC PR65 w/CAC, 1 of 880 minted and only issue of the Morgan Dollar at the Philadelphia Mint in 1895) that realized $87,000 dollars. All in all, the September Long Beach Coin Expo proved to be a success as usual. It is an extremely welcomed sight to see that Chinese and Southeastern Asia coins and currency are heating up again, especially it appears with West Coast U.S. collectors. Upcoming, we have the Macau Numismatic Society’s 2018 International Show on Nov. 22nd-25th with the opening ceremony at 17:30 P.M. on Nov. 22nd, the annual coin show from 11:00 A.M. to 18:30 P.M. on Nov. 23rd-25th, and the International Forum from 14:00 P.M. to 17:00 P.M., all at the Kam Pak Community Center. The Macau show will culminate with the Champion Auction, highlighting the amazing “Norcal Collection” will take place on Nov. 25th at the Sofitel Macau Pointe 16. I am also excited to report that this year’s Macau show will see the return of the Champion MNS Macau cruise on the evening of November 24th, an event not to be missed and historically enjoyed by all! My business partner, Richard Stelzer will be in Macau which promises to be an excellent show, very exciting auction, and hopefully sees the continued recent hot streak of Asian coins and currency! Until next time, I wish you all the best in your numismatic pursuits and if ever in the Sarasota, Fl area be sure to stop by and say hello!





2018 年 9月美國長灘錢幣展最新資訊 馬修 · 布拉澤頓[美國]


9月6 - 8日,長灘錢幣、貨幣、郵票及運動藏品展在陽光明

。該系列包括全球知名的144枚 展出了“J & L 紀念幣系列”






或是對這些歷史事件或場合的慶賀。J & L 系列由27枚美國


最佳紀念幣組成,其中有77% 的紀念幣被評為“最受歡迎


紀念幣” ,是本次長灘展會上不可不看的亮點。除了展出硬








運紀念品或剛好是奧運會“發燒友” ,不妨前往參與體驗。

中心附近的旅遊景點,如皇家郵輪瑪麗王后號 —— 一艘退 役的遠洋客輪,退役後成為郵輪博物館兼水上旅館,以及著 名的太平洋海濱水族館—— 在這裡您可以近距離接觸坦克並 在環礁湖賞鯊。 此次長灘幣展吸引了來自世界各地的400多名參展商,參展 商展出了各自收藏的錢幣、貨幣、郵票、運動卡及其他藏品。 含大約400枚意大利和西西里古幣的“第勒尼安海和亞得里 亞海暴君”系列尤為引人入勝,其總價超過800萬美元。這 些罕見的古幣兼具財富價值和觀賞價值。

“暴君系列”兩河流域專題集藏特展是本次長灘展的第三站, 被譽為目前世界上價值最高的個人錢幣集藏系列。此外,還


“ 暴君系列”現場展示


“ 暴君系列”亮點 來往不絕的收藏家,川流不息的車輛,長灘幣展呈現出一如

博覽會645枚幣之一,NGC MS64)實現了9萬美元的交易



自佛羅里達州 Estate Coin & Jewelry Galleria 的理查 · 施

的880枚摩根美元之一,NGC PR65 w/CAC)實現了8.7

特爾與北達科塔州魔鬼湖 Lake Region Coin & Currency


的葛籣 · 喬頓。整個展會期間我們都非常忙碌,但是也見到 了醉心泉學的一些老朋友——邁克爾 · 盧、從澳門趕來的收


藏家朋友以及東西方藏品收藏家弗蘭克 · 萊克拉博士。大家











11月24日14:00-17:00將在此 舉行國際論壇會。11月25日,

菲特酒店拍賣的 Norcal 藏品系列。這套藏品是20世紀30



澳門拍賣會,屆時將重點推出 Norcal 藏品系列。11月24日




晚宴之旅,一場不容錯過的盛會。我的商業夥伴理查 · 施特 爾也將參加本次澳門展會。火爆的拍賣現場,持續看好的亞

冠軍拍賣展出的 Norcal 藏品贏得了許多收藏家的青睞,尤


其是 NGC MS 58汽車幣(車門有點)以及其他幾枚品相極




碩,實現了大約1880萬美元的交易額。其中,1915-S 巴拿







Only Child of Two Parents: The 1867 Shanghai Two Mace Bruce W. Smith[USA] Among the many Chinese silver coins recorded in Kann's Illustrated Catalog of Chinese Coins (1954), one seems like an orphan, as there are no other coins like it. This coin, recorded as Kann 913 (L&M 602), has the English inscription: TWO MACE SHANGHAI 1867 around the British crown on one side, and the Chinese inscription: Shang Hai Erh Ch'ien (Shanghai Erqian) around an eight pointed star on the other side. The 27mm, reeded edge coin weighs 7.28 grams (112.4 grains) and strangely is recorded in Pridmore's Coins of the British Commonwealth of Nations (1965) as number 317 under Hong Kong. As it turns out, this is not a Chinese coin at all but a pattern made at the Hong Kong Mint as part of a proposed coinage for use in collecting Chinese customs duties at the Treaty Ports opened to foreign trade. The Hong Kong Mint was authorized in 1863 but did not get into production till 1866. The mint's director was Thomas W. Kinder (1817-1884), a British engineer, who continued as director of the mint after it was sold and moved to Osaka (see: Thomas William Kinder and the Japanese Imperial Mint 1868-1875, by Ray S. Hanashiro, Brill Publications 1999). The mint's only die engraver, Henry Sheard, was appointed in June 1865. He, too, went with the mint to Osaka, but was dismissed at the end of 1874 along with Edward Wyon and the other foreigners who worked at the Osaka Mint. Before his appointment to the Hong Kong Mint, Sheard had worked for several years as an engraver for Watt & Company at Birmingham, England. By 1866 it was clear that the Hong Kong Mint could not be financially successful making coins for Hong Kong alone. Plans were made to either sell the mint to the Chinese government or to seek a contract to make coins for the Chinese. The issue of whether to make a tael or dollar coinage was considered. Out of this, the Royal Mint in London produced in 1866 a pattern tael and half tael, but with the strange denomination of "one dollar 20 cents 200 millets" (that is, one dollar 22 cents), which was the value of a tael at that time, though the type of tael was not specified. Both denominations have a portrait of Queen Victoria on the obverse. The reverse of the tael has three crowned shields surrounded by the denomination (Pridmore 198; 39mm, no date); the half tael had the same design on both sides but without an inscription (Pridmore 236; 32mm, no date). Both were engraved by L. C. Wyon, but neither is mentioned in the Kann or Lin-Ma catalogs. For better illustrations, see Joe Cribb's Money In The Bank 54

The Hong Kong Mint, 1866-1868 (1987) page 34. This design was, of course, rejected by the Chinese government because of the Queen's portrait. In May 1867 the Chinese government agreed to accept the newly minted Hong Kong dollar coins for customs payments at the Treat y Por ts. The mint, however, continued to experiment with a tael coinage because customs duties were paid in taels. One series of patterns made as a result was the so-called Hong Kong Shanghai taels of 1867. This series was to have included fractional coins in values of 1/2, 1, 2 and 5 mace, but only the 2 mace value was actually struck. The tael coins in this set, with and without rays around the dragon (K911-912; L-M 600601), are well known, and as Kann points out, the word "Shanghai" in the inscription refers not to the city, but to the Shanghai tael, also known as the tsao ping tael. The English inscription should read: One Shanghai Tael, but that inscription would not fit properly with the design. It is not so obvious that the 2 mace coin belongs to this set because there was no room for the words "Hong Kong", but documents from the mint establish the connection. The first extensive study of the Hong Kong Shanghai coins was A. M. Tracey Woodward's article, "The Coins of Shanghai", published in the August 1937 issue of the China Journal (of Arts & Sciences). This was apparently Woodward's last numismatic article. He left Shanghai in July 1930 to retire in his recently purchased estate near Bordeaux, France, but returned to Shanghai following the Japanese invasion in 1937. Winding up business there and in Singapore, he died on board the ship while returning to France in March 1938. Woodward's information was based on an interview with a former employee of the Hong


Kong Mint in 1922 and on some documents in the British Public Records Office (PRO) in London. He establishes that the two types of 1867 taels were both made at the Hong Kong Mint as was a 2 Mace coin not mentioned in the archival documents he quoted. The documents mention that eleven examples of the tael coin were sent to Peking for examination in May 1867. Woodward also says that only five examples of the 2 Mace coin were struck and that when the project was cancelled, the coins were ordered destroyed. The British Colonial Secretary retained one of the coins as a souvenir and the other four were supposedly destroyed. This information apparently came from the former mint worker. Woodward then traces the ownership of the only known 2 Mace through three owners till he was able to buy it from a London auction in March 1922. He notes, however, that at least one more example escaped the melting pot, as he bought a second specimen in 1928. The second extensive study of the 1867 Hong Kong Shanghai coins was: "The Hong Kong Mint Taels-A Reappraisal" by Richard Wright, published in Spinks Numismatic Circular Volume 88, November 1980. Wright summarizes Woodward's findings and reveals that additional records on the subject have been found in the Public Records Office in London. Quoting from these documents, Wright concludes that contrary to Woodward's claim, the 1866 and 1867 patterns were produced at the request of the Hong Kong government, not the Chinese, and that they were not rejected because of the design, but simply because the Chinese government had no interest in a silver coinage. He finds that the tael coin was engraved by Sheard, but though produced as early as May 1867, it was not shown to the Chinese until near the end of that year. Though the 2 Mace coin is not mentioned in the correspondence, it is mentioned in the Hong Kong Mint quarterly report for August to October 1867. The dies for the 2 Mace were engraved during that period. More interesting, however, is the list of "worn out dies" in that report. The list includes two obverse and two reverse dies for the 2 Mace, and for the Tael-two obverses and one reverse. We may speculate that the two obverse Tael dies were one with rays and one without rays, and that the same reverse die was used for both. If only 11 coins were struck with these dies, why were they "worn out". It is also unclear why two pairs of dies were made for the 2 Mace but only one pair for the Tael, and why the 2 Mace dies were worn out after striking only five coins. Most likely a larger number of both coins were struck, perhaps hundreds, and a few of the best were selected for presentation. The rest would have been melted.

Look ing at sur v i v ing examples of the Hong Kong Shanghai coins, as Kann notes, the 2 Mace is rarer than either of the Tael varieties. The 2 Mace has appeared in public sales ten times since 1950, but some of these are certainly the same coin. The first example of this coin to be recorded was a souvenir retained in 1867 by the British Colonial Secretary in Hong Kong, William T. Mercer (18211879). This coin passed to Hyman Montagu (1844-1895), a London lawyer, and sold as Lot 191 in one of the 1890's Sotheby sales of his collection. The coin was purchase by British collector, J. B. Caldecott, and it was sold as Lot 284 of his collection in June 1912. The coin was purchased at that sale by a "British nobleman" as Woodward calls him. After the nobleman's death, it was sold in a March 1922 auction by Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge, to A. M. Tracey Woodward. We can label this as Coin A. When Woodward bought the 2 Mace in 1922, he believed it to be unique. But in 1928 he bought a second example, which we can label Coin B. As recorded in correspondence between Howard Bowker and Eduard Kann, Woodward's widow was trying to sell his coin collection in December 1949. Kann revealed that he had tried in 1938 to arrange the sale of the collection to the Chinese government, but was unsuccessful due to the war with Japan. In 1950 the collection was divided between Hans Schulman and another New York dealer named Friedberg. In a November 1950 letter to Bowker, Kann wrote that he was allowed to pick through the silver coins in the collection and buy what he wanted in return for cataloging the remainder for Schulman. Kann was not shown the gold coins, which were probably picked over by Don Keefer and or King Farouk. What coins were left were included in two Schulman sales in April 1951 and April 1952. Kann included a list of what he bought from the Woodward collection in that November 1950 letter to Bowker. Among the rarities was the 1867 Shanghai 2 Mace. Woodward's second 2 Mace was not in either sale of the Woodward collection, so it must have been sold to another of Schulman's favorite customers before the sale. The most likely buyer would have been Don C. Keefer, a prominent and wealthy collector in Chicago or Farouk, the King of Egypt. After Farouk was deposed, the military government of Egypt put his coin collection (and other collections) up for sale through the London auction firm of Sotheby & Company. The sale of the coins took place over nine days in February and March 1954, even though many lots contained 20, 50, 100 or more coins. One of those lots included a Shanghai 2 Mace, along with 15 other coins. This may have been one of the Woodward coins but there is no way to be sure.





The fir st s ale of the Eduard Kann collec tion was conducted in a joint sale by Hans Schulman and "Quality Sales Corporation" (Abner Kreisberg and Jerry Cohen) in Los Angeles during June 1971. Most of the best coins were in this first sale. The second Kann sale (September 1971) and the third sale (March 1972) were conducted by "Quality Sales Corporation" and contained many duplicates (actually Kann varieties). Kann's example of the 2 Mace coin was in the first sale and the third sale. This was certainly one of Woodward's coins but we don't know whether it was Coin A or Coin B. It was purchased in the first Kann sale by California coin dealer, DC, who was unable to place it immediately with a collector, and consigned it to Illinois coin dealer, Jess Peters. Peters published a special China Fixed Price List in January 1972, which consisted mostly of coins from the first two Kann sales, including DC's 2 Mace. The coin did not sell

in the fixed pricelist and was consigned to the third Kann sale, where it was purchased by Hong Kong collector, H. Chang. In 1976, Chang sold it to the NC collection for $10,000-the highest price ever paid up to that time for a coin smaller than a half dollar. Thus the NC example of the Shanghai 2 Mace can be traced back to the Woodward collection-though we don't know whether it is Coin A or Coin B.

NC Collection, NGC Proof 66

Present Location of Known Examples of the 1867 Shanghai 2 Mace • Shanghai Museum, Acquired 2008 from the Haru Chang (Honghsi Art Museum) Collection. • Samsung Museum Korea, Acquired 2003 from the Lin Wei-chia Collection (Taiwan). • Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank Money Museum, Seen 2011 but origin unknown. • NC Collection, Acquired 1976 ex E. Kann, ex Tracey Woodward. • Taiwan Doctor's Collection, Acquired 1995 ex Irving Goodman Collection.

Recorded Auction Sales Since 1950 • Sotheby King Farouk Sale February-March 1954 Lot 2414 (not illustrated). • Glendening Sale November 1969 Lot 222 (illustrated; plaster cast) sold 320 pounds ($770). This coin belonged to Brazilian collector A. V. Corsino.

• Schulman - Quality Sales Kann Sale June 1971 Lot 1037 (illustrated) sold $1000. • Jess Peters Fixed Pricelist January 1972 Lot 593 (illustrated; not noted as ex Kann) no sale. • Quality Sales Kann Sale 3 March 1972 Lot 2109 (illustrated; formerly in Kann Collection) $1510. Note: The two Kann sales and the Peters list are all the same coin; now in the NC Collection.

• NASCA Sale August 1978 Lot 1998, sold for $5500 (high price for a minor coin). In 1946 this coin passed through the hands of St. Louis coin dealer, B. G. Johnson, apparently to dealer Wayte Raymond.

• Money Company Sale September 1986 Lot 1039 (illustrated). Note: Sold to Lin Wei-chia in Taiwan.

• Superior Galleries Irving Goodman Sale May 1995 Lot 745 (illustrated; enlarged) sold $36,000. Note: Sold to Taiwan Doctor's Collection.

• Champion Auctions November 1997 Lot 61 (illustrated) sold $34,500. Note: Ex Lin Wei-chia Collection. Sold to Mr. Chen in Taiwan. In 2003 Michael Chou arranged its sale to Samsung Museum.

• Huachen Sale (Beijing) Fall 2003 (illustrated) sold RMB 270000 ($32,600). Note: Ex Haru Chang Collection. Sold to Shanghai Museum. 56


From this listing it would seem that Woodward's statement that only five coins were produced may be correct. Most likely five coins were selected from a larger number actually struck and the rest were melted. The five selected samples were supposed to be melted after the project was abandoned, but it seems that they all survived. There are still four coins unaccounted for: A. Farouk Sale 1954 B. Glendening Sale 1969 C. NASCA Sale 1978 D. Money Company 1986 It is possible these are all the same coin, but more likely they are earlier sales of the five presently known coins. At present only the NC example can be traced back before these sales.

The Old Shanghai 2 Mace Forgery In the first edition of Kalgan Shih's "Modern Coins of China" (1949), Shih records the Shanghai 2 Mace as C10-9, but states: "No genuine piece has shown up. The one herein illustrated is possibly an imitation-[shown] merely for reference." In the unreleased second edition of the book (1951), Shih shows a different illustration for C10-9, saying: "It is said that a smaller number of this experimental pattern has survived than the one tael coin, hence [it is] much more valuable." He illustrates the original picture as C10-11, and notes: "A forgery inserted

Shanghai real 2 mace "Modern Coins of China" C10-9

here for comparison." Comparing the photographs, we can note the differences between the genuine coin and the one Shih considers a forgery. English side: The lettering is thinner in the forgery than in the genuine coin. The numeral 1 in the date has a slanted top stroke in the forgery, but is horizontal in the genuine coin. The forgery has a raised dot in the center of the two stars; the real coin has solid stars. There are differences in the decoration of the crown. The forgery has more dots along the top of the crown. Chinese side: In the character "erh" at the top, the forgery has a smaller dot, while the genuine coin has a longer dot. Both versions are well made but slightly different. The forgery is just as rare as the genuine coin. I was able to find only two examples of the forgery - the one shown in the Shih catalog and one offered for sale in a 1958 pricelist by J. P. Randall. Randall purchased the Don C. Keefer collection after Keefer's death in 1954, but he clearly thought the coin he was offering was an imitation. However, since the Hong Kong Mint Report states that two obverse and two reverse dies were made for the Shanghai 2 Mace, is it possible that both versions are genuine? There are recently made, well done forgeries of the 2 Mace on the market today but the writer has not examined one. They are frequently seen on Ebay.

Shanghai fake 2 mace "Modern Coins of China" C10-11





奇珍軼事 :

傳世稀罕的 1867 年“上海贰錢”試鑄銀幣 史博祿[美國]

耿愛德所著的錢幣學著作(1954年) 《中國幣圖說匯考》收 錄了許多中國銀幣,其中一枚銀幣看似孤品,因為再也找不 出一枚與之相同的銀幣了。此幣在耿愛德書中的編號是913 (在林國明與、馬德和編著的《中國金銀幣目錄》書中編號 為602),直徑27毫 米,齒邊,重 量7.28 克(112.4 格令), 背 面 鐫 有 英 國 皇 冠, 環 列“TWO MACE. SHANGHAI

1867”英文字樣,正面外圈為“上海貳錢”四字,下方有兩 顆五角星。然而,普利德摩爾(Pridmore)所著的(1965 年) 《英聯邦國家錢幣目錄》卻將此幣歸類為香港錢幣,編 號 317。事實證明,此幣非中國錢幣,而是香港造幣廠鑄造 的樣幣,作為對外貿易過程中通商口岸徵收中國關稅時擬用 的錢幣。

香港造幣廠,1866-1868 年



為湯瑪斯 · 威廉 · 金達(1817-1884年)。湯瑪斯是一名英國

刻師的資訊。更多插圖資訊,請參見1987年喬 · 克力布(Joe


Cribb)所著的《香港滙豐銀行藏品圖錄》(Money in the

長一職(參見 Ray S. Hanashiro 所著《Brill Publications

Bank-The Hongkong Bank Money Collection)第34頁。

1999》之篇章《湯瑪斯 · 威廉 · 金達和日本造幣廠,1868-


1875年》)。該 造幣廠的唯一 一名雕 刻 師 亨 利 · 希爾 德 於






華 · 懷恩及其他幾名在大阪造幣廠工作過的外籍員工。在湯


瑪斯到香港造幣廠上任前,希爾德已在英國伯明罕 Watt &


Company 做了數年的雕刻師工作。









書中編 號911-912 ;林國明、馬 德 和書中編 號600-601)。



200厘” (即1元22分)的奇怪面值,該面值折合當時的市價






着三個帶皇冠的盾徽(Pridmore 198 ;39毫米,無年份),

(香港)一詞而難以確定“上海貳錢”是 鑄“Hong Kong”

半兩幣(Pridmore 236,32毫米,無年份)與壹兩幣正反


面設計相同但是沒有銘文。這些幣都是 L. C. Wyon 雕刻的,





幣》 ,刊發於《中國科學美術雜誌》1937年8月刊,作者特


,這篇文章是伍 雷西 · 伍德華(A. M. Tracey Woodward) 德華撰寫的最後一篇錢幣學文章。1930年7月,伍德華退休





“上海貳錢”公開拍賣次數不下十次,其中 自1950年起,




1867年為駐港英屬殖民地大臣威廉 · 提 · 莫爾西(William T.




作為紀念品珍藏起來。接着這枚幣在1890傳到海曼 · 猛塔古


(William T. Mercer,1844-1895年)手中,海曼是一名倫














賣行將這枚幣賣給了特雷西 · 伍德華。我們暫且將這枚幣標


注為“甲幣”。1922年伍德華買下這枚“上海貳錢”銀幣後, 他確信這枚幣絕對是稀世罕見的。1928年,伍德華又購得



考》,詳見理查 · 懷特所著《斯賓克錢幣通報》第88卷1980 年11月版。懷特在文中總結了伍德華的研究成果,並寫了倫

霍華德 · 包克與愛德華 · 耿愛德在往來書信中寫到,1949年




信中述及 : “1938年,我本欲安排將藏品售予中國政府,無


奈抗 戰 爆發,只得作罷。”1950年,漢 斯 · 舒爾曼(Hans


Schulman )與另一名名為弗裡德伯格的紐約交易商買下了




事, “我可以挑選伍德華藏品中的銀幣並從中買下自己想要




錄”。耿愛德在信中並沒有提到金幣,伍德華的金幣可能是 被唐 · 基弗(Don Keefer)或法魯克買走了。所謂“舒爾曼



10月的季刊中能找到有關“上海貳錢”的文章, “上海貳錢” 拍賣會上流拍的藏品。在1950年11月寫給包克的信中,耿 的模具就是在那段時期鑄造的。更加有趣的是, “上海貳錢”




兩個正面和兩個背面的模具,以及“上海壹兩”的兩個正面 及一個背面的模具。結合前文描述,我們可以推測, “上海



錢” ,因此第二枚“上海貳錢”一定是在伍德華藏品出售之




腰纏萬貫的收藏家唐 · 基弗,也有可能是著名的埃及國王法






克的錢幣藏品拍賣持續9天,含20元、50元、100元等各面 59





幣是加利福尼亞錢幣交易商 DC 在首次耿愛德藏品拍賣會


上購得的,DC 在買下這枚幣後未能馬上將它賣給收藏家,


而是經過 DC 委託將它賣給了伊利諾州的錢幣交易商傑西 · 皮特斯( Jess Peters)。1972年傑西 · 皮特斯編撰的《中國

愛德華 · 耿愛德 藏品的首次拍賣會由漢斯 · 舒爾曼和

銀幣出售目錄》 (China Fixed Price List)出版,書中收編

Quality Sales Corporation( 阿 布 那 · 克 雷 斯 伯 格 和 傑

了耿愛德首次拍賣與第二次拍賣的藏品,包括 DC 買下的這

瑞 · 科恩)於1971年6月在洛杉 磯 共同舉 辦,最 好的幾 枚


幣都是在 這場 拍賣會上售出的。第二 次(1971年9月)與


第 三 次(1972年3月) 耿 愛 德 藏 品 拍 賣 由 Quality Sales

年,張璜以10000美元的價格將它賣給了 NC collection,

Corporation 舉辦,其中有幾枚仿品(實際上是耿愛德版



們可以推斷 NC 買下的“上海貳錢”就是伍德華藏品中的一




已知存世的1867年“上海貳錢”收藏地 • 上海博物館,2008年購得,原為張秀青(鴻禧美術館)藏品 • 韓國三星美術館 ,2003年購得,原為林偉傑藏品(臺灣) • 香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司金錢博物館 ,2011年展示,未見原幣 • NC Collection,1976年購得,原為愛德華 · 耿愛德及特雷西 · 伍德華藏品 • 臺灣 Doctor's Collection,1995年購得,原為伊文 - 古德曼藏品 圖為 NC 藏品,NGC Proof 66

1950年後“上海貳錢”拍賣記錄 • 1954年2月 -3月蘇富比拍賣行,法魯克國王藏品拍賣會,拍品號2414(無插圖) • 1969年11月葛籣迪甯藏品拍賣會,拍品號222(有插圖,石膏模),成交價320磅(770美元),該幣原屬巴西收藏家 A. V. Corsino 藏品 • 1971年6月漢斯 · 舒爾曼 - Quality Sales 拍賣會,耿愛德藏品,拍品號1037(有插圖),成交價1000美元 • 1972年1月傑西 · 皮特斯《中國銀幣出售目錄》,拍品號593(有插圖,沒有提到是耿愛德藏品),流拍 • 1972年3月 Quality Sales 耿愛德藏品(有插圖,曾為耿愛德藏品),1510 美元 注 :兩次耿愛德藏品拍賣及皮特斯目錄所載皆為同一枚幣, 現屬 NC Collection

• 1978年8月 NASCA Sale,拍品號1998,成交價5500美元(輔幣以高價售出)。1946年該幣經聖路易斯錢幣交易 商 B. G. Johnson 之手賣給 Wayte Raymond

• 1986年9月金錢公司拍賣會 ,拍品號1039(有插圖) 注 :拍品競得者臺灣林偉傑

• 1995年5月頂級畫廊 Irving Goodman Sale,拍品號745(有插圖,放大版),成交價 $36000 注 :拍品競得者臺灣 Doctor's Collection

• 1997年11月冠軍拍賣,拍品號61(有插圖),成交價34500美元 注 :曾為林偉傑藏品, 拍品競得者臺灣陳先生,2003年周邁可先生安排將該幣賣給三星美術館

• 2003年秋季北京華辰拍賣會(有插圖),成交價人民幣270000元(32600美元) 注 :曾為張秀青藏品, 賣給上海博物館




本插錄的上海貳錢銀幣編號為 C10-11,並附加注釋“此為




施嘉幹認為是仿幣的兩枚幣之間的差別 :

被熔毀了。項目中途被棄,這5枚幣原本是要被銷毀的,但 後來它們似乎都被保存下來了。另有出現在下列拍賣會上的

• 英文銘文 :仿幣字體比真幣細瘦。

4枚幣不知來源 :

• 仿幣年份中的數字1是出頭一筆為傾斜字體,但在真幣中出 頭一筆是水平的。

A. 1954年法魯克藏品拍賣會 ;

• 仿幣兩顆星圖案中間是一個凸起的圓點,真幣星星中間是

B. 1969年葛籣迪甯藏品拍賣會 ;


C. 1978年 NASCA Sale ;

• 仿幣與真幣上的皇冠裝飾不同。仿幣皇冠頂部的圓點多於

D. 1986年金錢公司拍賣會。


• 中文銘文 :真幣的“貳”字上一點比仿幣長。 它們有可能都是同一枚幣,更有可能是早于現存5枚幣售出 的樣幣,但無論情況如何,我們現在只能探究到 NC 藏品中



我能知道的仿幣也只有兩枚,一枚在施嘉幹的書中有記載, 一枚曾出現於1958年蘭德爾(J. P. Randall)撰寫的拍賣目


錄中。1954年唐 · 基弗去世後蘭德爾買下了唐 · 基弗的藏品, 蘭德爾認為自己手頭的“上海貳錢”是仿幣。但是,鑒於《香



嘉幹將 “上海貳錢”編號為 C10-9。在書中,他還補充說明:


“我們看到的都不是真幣,此書圖錄的可能是仿幣 [ 示圖 ] 只 作為參考。”在第二版書中(1951年第二版未發行版本本),


“這套樣幣中貳 施嘉幹更換了 C10-9的插圖,並加以說明 :

幣,仿幣在 Ebay 上屢見不鮮,筆者尚未對這些幣進行過深









Famous Interviews

Interview Talking About Coin Of The Year Award And Translation And Introduction Translation Of Foreign Numismatic Culture Books With Li Tiesheng Yuan Shuiqing[Xi’an] Currency has been essential in commercial activities since ancient times and is the ever-lasting research topic for coin collectors and scholars. As a well-known senior scholar in this field, Li Tiesheng has translated and introduced foreign numismatic books for more than 20 years after his retirement and has been a good example for all currency researchers (Pic 1). Since the reform and opening up, Chinese have been more and more eager to learn about foreign monetary cultures and have accelerated the research of coins. More and more people are becoming interested in collecting foreign coins and the translation of numismatic books has promoted the communication and cultural exchanges between China and other countries. Chinese started to collect foreign coins very early but the research work began late. Although "foreign coins" had appeared earlier in Hongzun’s Quanzhi (Coinage) published in 1149 (the Southern Song dynast y), no detailed deep research results and clear records had been found in books of foreign currencies later until the Republic of China. Coins and translated books of foreign research results are necessary in the study of foreign currencies. Li Tiesheng, has made great contribution in the translation of foreign numismatic books and in making the research of foreign coins more popular. L i T i e s h e n g w a s b o r n in Ya n g z h o u c i t y, Ji a n g s u province in 1932 and graduated from the Department of Mechanical Engineering of Tsinghua University in 1952. He was a visiting scholar studying in University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology from 1980 to 1982. For years, Li Tiesheng has worked in industrial production, higher-education and economic and technical management in northeast of China and Inner Mongolia. He had been the deputy president of Inner Mongolia Numismatic Society, member of China Numismatic Society Academic Committee, editor of Chinese Coinage and a member of jury judge of Coin of the Year Award reward (1999-2009) since he retired in 1992. In 2005, Li was given the President’s Award of ANA. He devoted himself to the translation of foreign 62

Pic 1 A photo of Li Tiesheng taken in 2017 numismatic books in his senior old age and has published 15 types of books (some were translated or coauthored with others) (Pic 2) and over a hundred ar ticles in newspapers and magazines. His A Delighted Talk About World Coins and Coins of Ancient Persian Empire won gold awards of the 2nd and the 4th Gold Coin Award respectively. I travelled from Xi’an to Hohhot Huhehaote to have a talk with him about his study of coins in late December, 2017. First, Mr Li, as a student of engineering, how did you become interested in studying coins and devote yourself into introducing the culture of foreign western coins to the Chinese? Li Tiesheng: I entered this field all by accident. After the reform and opening up, I was selected as a visiting scholar to study in the Depar tment of Mechanical Engineering in University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology. A professor of mechanics in our department, Dr Michael Robinson was an amateur of Myanmar coins. A few Chinese scholars, including me, often talked about history, geography and currency of the Orient with him in the caferoom. Under the influence and guidance of him, I read the Standard Catalog of World Coins published by the Krause Publications and many


Li Tiesheng (1994.04)

Li Tiesheng (2001.05)

Li Tiesheng (2006.12)

Li Tiesheng (1995.02)

Li Tiesheng, Fu Weici (1997.02)

Li Tiesheng, Qian Jiaquan Liang Yibin, Li Tiesheng (2001.10) (2002.04)

Li Tiesheng (2008.10)

Li Tiesheng (2011.09)

Li Tiesheng, Fu Weici (1999.02)

Li Tiesheng, Fu Weici (1999.07)

Li Tiesheng (2004.10)

Li Tiesheng, Qian Jiaquan (2005.01)

Li Tiesheng (2013.03)

Pic 2 Books written by Li Tiesheng (1994-2013)

Li Tiesheng (2013.10)

types of numismatic magazines. I had looked through all coin collections in museums and visited all coin shops and markets available in London. This is how I become interested in coins. I can’t say it’s my “fate” but there was some invisible “chance force” that had driven me.

I often talked about my idea of collecting coins and impressions experienced in Britain after I returned home. As the coupon system was still not completely canceled at that time, some people couldn’t understand my feeling and would say: “Collecting? Trip? What a nonsense! ”

I was once invited with a Chinese delegation to the home of a professor of metallography in Northern Ireland Queen’s University. After dinner, all family members took out their “collections” and shared with us. Their daughter, eight or nine years old, showed us her butterflies, their son (twelve or thirteen) displayed his toy trains. His wife’s collection was precious sea shells while the professor himself collected old miner’s lamps. We talked happily in a cultural atmosphere. I was deeply impressed and realized that each one of us should not only have a job but also a hobby that could make us happy.

But they didn’t expect how rapidly China could develop after the reform and opening up. After the problem of hunger was resolved, collecting and travelling became more and more popular. I returned home at the age of 50 and had been busy teaching and working since then. When I retired at the age of 60 (I was then the director of Science and Technology Committee of Inner Mongolia) I started to think about how should I spend the last span of my life. God knew how much time I had left. It would be pity if I died soon but if 63




I could live another twenty or thirty years, wouldn’t it be more pity to just waste these years and doing nothing? With this in mind, I began to translate foreign numismatic books and have published 15 books in these years (6 books of modern coins were co-authored translated with other people). It’s indeed a surprise that I, who used to be a thin and weak young man can live up to the age of 80s. I focused on the introduction of modern coins in the first decade after my retirement and then transferred to introduce foreign ancient coins (especially ancient coins along the Silk Road) in the next decade. While professor Peng Xinwei believed that world coins consisted of western and eastern coins, I think the system of world coins should be classified into: the Mediterranean coins represented by Greek and Roman currencies; the South and South-east Asian coins represented by Indian money; the Islamic coins represented by Arabian currency and the oriental coins represented by Chinese coins. The first and the second types are the emphasis of my translation and introduction, while Islamic coins is the field I never get into. All I wrote translated are popular basic books. for the public and may have promoted the development of Chinese numismatics in some way. I may be doing what is called “border-crossing research”. I often heard some one murmured in some seminars: who is this Li Tiesheng? Is he a archaeologist? a professor of finance or foreign language? Every time I would answer them quietly in my mind: No, I am not an expert. My major was engineering, used to be a teacher of forging and had long worked in departments of economy and technology management. I entered this field by accident and maybe should be called an explorer of foreign coins? Second: as you had worked in the jury of Coin of the Year award, can you introduce the background, the judging procedure and the present situation of this award? Li Tiesheng: About 30 years ago I , for the first time read the Standard Catalog of World Coins published by Krause Publications. This series was my enlightening reading material and has become my main reference books since then. My Condensed Catalog of World Coins published in 1994 was actually an abridged summarized and reedited edition of Krause catalogs.The book was printed three times within three years. A total of 7,500 volumes had been sold. The publication of this book, in some way encouraged Chinese readers to learn about and collect modern world coins. Besides the Standard Catalog of World Coins, World Coins News is another material that 64

Pic 3 Mishler, the sponsor of Coin of the Year (left) and Li Tiesheng (2005)

I have subscribed for a long time. The Coin of the Year award was sponsored by Clifford Mishler, the Chairman of Krause Publications in 1984. In 1998, I complained to him that is it was unfair that there was only one judge (Zhu Chunde, the deputy general manager of China Gold Coin Incorporation) from China, a country of 1.3 billion population. He replied to me that “we decide to invite you as one of our jury after consideration discussion” (I was then the member of the Academic Committee of China Numismatic Society and one of the leaders of the Foreign Coin Committee). This was the beginning of my ten years’ experience of being the judge of Coin of the Year on behalf of the China Numismatic Society. I flew from Eastern America to San Francisco and met Mr Mishler and Mr Harper at the Annual Meeting of ANS in July 2005 (Pic 3). Since 2009 I transferred my focus to study to foreign ancient coins and recommended Wang Dan to be my successor.


Being a member of the jur y for ten years made me realized that sixty or seventy members of the jury were composed of representatives of numismatic societies, mints, journalists medias as well as numismatists and bankers invited by the Krause’s Publications. The nominated coins were selected by special groups from coins issued by every country in the world. Ten types of coins would be selected in the first round of voting while the COTY would be determined from these ten coins in the second round. The winner chosen from thousands of coins issued every year would undoubtedly be the best of the best. Therefore, this award is also known as the “Oscar Academy Award” of coins. Once being selected as the Coin of the Year, the coin would have a rapidly rising price and enjoy a popularity boom. Besides the Krause’s Coin of the Year, the List of Most Popular Coins hosted by Deutsches Münzen Magazin and the Best Designed Coin, the Most Innovative Coin and the Best Craft awards sponsored by other mints are also wellknown but not as popular as the COTY. Third, before 2017, no Chinese coin had had the honor to be Coin of the Year in 35 years and only 9 pieces which you jokingly summarized as “a dog three pandas; a dragon and a peacock; two Buddhas (the Buddha of Mogao Caves and the Buddha of Maiji mountain), one foreigner(Marco Polo)” won COTY awards. What is the gap between our coins and COTY winners and can you give us some suggestions? Li Tiesheng: Chinese coins have been nominated for several times and have won about ten rewards of COTY in only 20 years. I think this achievement has already been a great success and should be affirmed and celebrated. But we can’t ignore the gap between Chinese coins and western coins. I think there are some causes of the gap. First, the dif ference between eastern and western n u m i s m a t i c c u l t u r e s . Ta k e t h e P e k i n g O p e r a commemorative coin series for example, western judges may feel confused: why the portrait of Guan Yu is red while the face of Bao Gong is black? Second, it was only about thirty years ago, China started its commemorative coins business. We don’t have enough experience in this field and haven’t developed our own features. Improper orders from upper levels interfered with the independent and creative work of designers and engravers, which has proved to be a systematic cause. Third, Chinese judges are the “minor group” in the jury. At first, there were only one or two Chinese judges and even

now the number is up to less than eight or nine. For this reason, we have a little voice in determining the winner of COTY. Therefore, I think that on one hand, we should try our best, and on the other avoid caring too much about the result. Generally speaking, COTY is a reward based on western culture and views and it can hardly be clearly explained why eastern coins are not always popular with the judges (among all winners, there are very few Japanese coins, only one piece of Indian coin and no Islamic coin). But the good news is that our Art commissions of Coins and Medals have started to host activities to select our own awards of coins. It is a good beginning and a positive attempt. These activities in line with the selection of international awards (winners will be recommended to compete for international awards) will promote the exploration of new design st yles with Chinese characteristics and attract the attention of the public. Fourth, you have devoted yourself into translating and introducing foreign numismatic books in English and cross-cultural exchanges after your retirement. From 1994 to 2013, you have published 15 types of numismatic books (six are co-authored). Can you share with us your experience of translation and difficulties you met with during this process? Li Tiesheng: as I have mentioned, modern foreign coins was the emphasis of my research in the first decade. Then I transferred to study ancient coins (especially coins along the Silk Road). The main difficulties I met were the shortage of reference materials (records and pictures) and language barrier during my twenty years of translation. We have a long history of currency, a large amount of numismatists, collectors and numismatic books in China but have little knowledge of foreign currencies. My translation relied on foreign books, magazines, catalogs and assistance of friends overseas. Luckily, I often went abroad to visit my relatives in those days and had the chance to look up materials in foreign libraries, especially in the UPenn library. I recorded this experience in over thirty articles and self-published the Sunset Twilight-My Twenty Years of Numismatic Translation in 2014 to express my gratitude to people who had helped me. I felt sorry for my readers as there were errors and omissions in every book due to my poor knowledge of Chinese history and literature. But it’s too late to send the errata to them as these books had been published. Fifth, eight of your books (Condensed Catalog of World 65




Coins, A Delighted Talk About World Coins, Sequel of A Delighted Talk About World Coins(2), World Coin Collection, A Delighted Talk About World Coins (3), Episode Three, A Delighted Talk About World Coins (4), Episode Four, Olympic Commemorative Coins, A Delighted Talk About World Coins (5) Episode Five) are about modern coins in the world while the rest seven (Appreciation of Coins in Ancient Greece and Rome, Byzantine Coins, Coins of Ancient Persian Empire, Ancient Coins in Central Asia, Indian Coins, Coins of Ancient Greece and Coins of Ancient Rome) introduce ancient foreign coins. Why did you change the focus of your research as I know there are not many Chinese who are studying ancient foreign coins? Li Tiesheng: I transferred to study ancient coins for two reasons. First, I was totally attracted by coins of ancient Greece and Rome. The glamorous historical background, culture and charming techniques hidden in these coins are highlights of the western numismatic culture and the origins of modern numismatics. Yet we know little about these coins which have been regarded as the focus of collecting and research in western countries. I published Appreciation of Coins in Ancient Greece and Rome in 2001 and Coins of Ancient Greece and Coins of Ancient Rome in 2013. In my mind, China Numismatic Society should not only be a research institute of Chinese coins but should be a Chinese institute studying international coins also. Besides Chinese coins, we should learn about foreign coins too. Only in this way, will we avoid losing touch with the “outside world”. Most of time I could realize the knowledge gap between me and foreign numismatists when I discussed talked with them. The study of coins of Chinese minority groups started by China Numismatic Society in 1980s was another reason. The First Seminar of Coins Along the Silk Road was hosted in Dunhuang in 1990 and the research group of the Silk Road coins hosted by Gansu Numismatic Society was set up during that time. Several seminars had been hosted since then, which further promoted our communication with foreign numismatists studying coins along the Silk Road. But generally speaking, our discussion at the seminar were mainly about coins along the Silk Road from Changan (Xi’an) to Xinjiang due to the limitation of language barrier and the shortage of references records. But the main part of the Silk Road, which goes from Xinjiang to Central Asia, Persia, Middle East and then to the east coast of Mediterranean, is beyond China’s borders. For this reason, I volunteered to introduce “coins along the Silk Road outside China” from west to east at the seminar. When I published Byzantine 66

Coins in 2004, most Chinese were not familiar with the Byzantine Empire, not to mention their coins. Luckily, I got the support of Yang Guangsheng, the former Chinese ambassador in Greece and the Beijing University Greek Culture Center. Zhu Xiaoyuan, the professor of Beijing University History Department invited me to give a lecture about coins in ancient Greece and Rome in his college (he saved two class hours for me to deliver my speech). I still remembered my first words were: As a student of Tsinghua University, I feel a bit nervous to give a speech here in Beijing University. In 2005, I visited and donated my book to the Byzantine Research Center of Harvard University in Dumbarton Oaks in Washington with my American friend, Howard Daniel III. Deborah Brown, the director of its library museum told me this was the first Chinese book about Byzantine coins they had received. The research center had spent 30 years to edit the most authoritative catalog of Byzantine coins (6 volumes). My book, which was priced at 16 yuan and had been sold at the price of 8 yuan on a secondhand-book website, is now saled marked at an incredible price of 180 yuan! Later, I edited and published Coins of Ancient Persian Empire on the basis of David Sellwood’s book (he is a British scholar of Sassanid coins) in 2006. I became the member of the delegation of China Numismatic Society and visited Iran in July 2006. Under the arrangement of Liu Zhentang, the Chinese ambassador in Iran (he is also a collector of coins), we visited many places of interest and museums of coins in Iran. In December, 2006, I attended the Ancient Coins Along the Silk Road International Seminar hosted by Shanghai Museum to express thanks for Du Weishan (Roger Doo) and his wife’s donation and met more scholars in this field both from China and abroad. As the “crossroad intersection” of the Silk Road Ancient Central Asia was the multi-cultural meeting point. I published Ancient Coins in Central Asia, in 2008. Due to the shortage of references records and time constraints, I was not completely satisfied with this book (the most important part-coins of the Islamic Empire- was deleted). But to my surprise, the book sold very well. Some readers from Xinjiang bought large amounts of copies and some collectors rushed to buy coins auctioned on websites according to pictures in this book. Soon, all books were sold out. Now, you can find the electronic edition on the internet or buy illegally pirated versions on the market (I asked a friend to buy a illegally pirated book as a souvenir in Beijing). Now, the legal legitimate edition which was priced at 25 yuan is sold at the price of 150 yuan.


In 1991, I joined the UNEP delegation to investigate the desertification desert improvement and the ecological crisis of the Aral sea in central Asia. We first arrived at Ashkhabad Ashgabat in Turkmenistan and crossed the Karakum desert to the delta of Amu and Syr rivers (the ancient Khwarezm). Then, we visited Urgench (all citizens of the city that had been killed by the Mongol invaders army), Khiva Kiva and then followed the Amu river up to Chardzhou Qarshi near Bukhara Buxoro. We saw the deserted river bank, burning pits of natural gas, herdsmen wearing huge wool hats and ruins of ancient Islamic tombs. I didn’t start to study coins of central Asia at that time and knew nothing about Islamic coins. I bought some small minor silver coins at the local bazaar and saw various silver coins used by local women as decorations. Later, we arrived at the well-known experimental station for controlling desertification and finally reached Mary (the ancient Merv), the destination of this trip.

are not absolutely right. Certainly, my books may inspire or help some collectors in some way, but there will be other writers if I hadn’t published these books.

After publishing Byzantine Coins, Coins of Ancient Persian Empire, Ancient Coins in Central Asia, I thought that I had finished my plan of introducing coins along the Silk Road outside China. However, some friends encouraged me to make a further step and continue to introduce Indian coins. I knew it was a task beyond my capacity but had to put a brave face to continue this job. I went to America twice to search look for materials and spent three years to find all record I needed. But it still remained an impossible job as the languages related to Indian coins were too complicated. How could I understand Greek, Kharoshthi, Brahmi, Devanagari, Arabian, Persian and some languages in southern India at the same time? Luckily, Richard Plant’s book gave me huge help. The cultural communications between China and India in our long history are of great significance. The story of Journey to the West is familiar to every Chinese. However, we seem to lose sight of the cultural communication with India due to frictions between the two nations in modern times. I didn’t expect Indian Coins would sell well and just printed a small amount of copies. But now, the price of this book has raised to 180 yuan on the Internet.

Anyway, I am too old to start a new journey. I will use a poem to express an old man in his 80s’ feeling.

Actually, I didn’t expect that Chairman Xi Jinping would propose the Belt and Road Initiative in 2013 when I was translating books of coins along the Silk Road. It is an unexpected happiness for me to see these coins become a hot topic today. To endless invitations from various aspects, I can only reply that: “I am too old to follow this “young” fashion.” A friend from Sichuan once said: “we will not find our way or spend more years in studying and collecting coins along the Silk Road without your books.” I think his words

Sixth, as one of the earliest scholars studying coins along the Silk Road, what’s your research focus at present? Can you give a brief introduction of the field of your research? Li Tiesheng: There are a lot of articles, essays and special magazines of coins along the Silk Road at present but no systematic work introducing the monetary history of countries along the road. Invited by China Gold Coins I have published almost a half of my Brief Monetary History of the World and the Well-known Coins series. I hope I can organize this series into a guide book of world coins for my readers later. I also hope that there will be some historians who can correct mistakes after reading this book.

Your Mission Ellen M. H. Gates If you are too weak to journey Up the mountain steep and high, You can stand within the valley, While the multitudes go by. You can chant in happy measure, As they slowly pass along; Though they may forget the singer, They will not forget the song. Seventh, translating foreign numismatic books is one of the most important ways of promoting exchanges of monetary culture and develop our own culture. I have read all your books and translated editions of The Minted Ten Cash Coins (written by Woodward) and Coin of the Year (written by Donald Scarinci). What’s the current situation of the translation of foreign numismatic books in China and what do you think should we do to promote the translation of numismatic books? Li Tiesheng: China has strengthened cultural exchanges with the world after the building of socialism with Chinese characteristics entering into a new stage. The world wants to know China and we want to know the world too. But generally speaking, I think in the field of numismatics, the world knows more about us than we know about the world. There are many young, well-educated collectors and dealers who speak fluent foreign languages and can 67




afford buying foreign coins. They should have made greater contributions to the publicit y of Chinese numismatic culture if they hadn’t been burdened by their work or other trifles. Besides a book of general history, we should also walk faster to edit books to introduce the monetary histories of our neighbouring countries. So far as I know, there have been some relevant books such as Currencies in the History of Vietnam edited by Yunan Numismatic Society years ago; Illustrated Catalog of Coins of Korean Peninsula written by Wu Wenlin, Wu Zhenqiang and Wang Guizen and Appreciation of Coins in Southeast Asia edited by Chen Gongyin, Guan Jiaxiang, Tang Feixiao and


Chen Lin from Guilin Numismatic Society but no similar books introducing the monetary histories of Russia and Japan has been published. The compilation of reference books, such as EnglishChinese or Chinese-English dictionaries of numismatics, to set standards for cultural communications is also very important. The compilation of such dictionaries has been discussed for more than 20 years but no institute nor writer has stood out and accepted this job. Hope some private institutions or individuals can complete the task someday!



李鐵生談世界硬幣大獎賽評選和 譯介外國錢幣(特別是絲路錢幣)文化歷程 袁水清[西安]

從古到今,國與國之間一旦發生商貿等經濟活動,貨幣必然 融通其中。這為收藏研究外國錢幣的愛好者留下無窮盡的探 究課題。李鐵生先生退休後以驚人的毅力,20餘年如一日, 伏案譯介外國錢幣著述,是一位泉界所熟知的勤耕不輟的 年長學人,為我們樹立了學者典範(圖1)。 我們知道,開放的中國要求國人更多地瞭解世界各國錢幣文 化,取長補短,為我所用。現今,中國正在加快外國錢幣收 藏研究步伐,外國錢幣收藏研究隊伍日益壯大,中外錢幣著 作頻繁互譯使橫向交流日益擴大和深化。


圖1 李鐵生先生近影(2017年)

宋洪遵於1149年編撰的《泉志》就已將“外國品”列為一類, 但直至民國時出版的涉及外國錢幣的著作還是語焉不詳,缺

李鐵生 :完全是偶然。改革開放後,1980年我被選拔赴英




學教授魯賓遜博士(Dr. Michael Robinson)業餘卻是一


位緬甸錢幣專家。當時赴英的中國學者屈指可數,我們在咖 啡休息室裡,不免常聊及東方歷史地理和錢幣瑣事。在他的









任內蒙古錢幣學會副會長,中國錢幣學會多屆學術委員, 《中





(圖 於外國錢幣文化譯介工作,已出版書籍15種(部分合著)





子收藏玩具火車 ;教授夫人收藏珍稀海貝 ;教授本人收藏古


老煤礦礦燈。談笑風生中,一股濃郁的文化氣息撲面而來。 使我深深感到 :每個人不但需要有一份“養家糊口”的職業,



2017年12月下旬,對這位仰慕已久的耆老進行了筆訪。 回國後,我曾多次談起對國外收藏和旅遊的深切感受。當時 一 李先生,您是學理工的,是什麼機遇和緣分使您進入錢

全國各種票證還未完全取消,有人便頗不以為然地說 : “什







李鐵生 (1994.04)

李鐵生 (1995.02)

李鐵生、傅惟慈 (1997.02)

李鐵生、傅惟慈 (1999.02)

李鐵生、傅惟慈 (1999.07)

李鐵生 (2001.05)

李鐵生、錢家權 (2001.10)

梁貽斌、李鐵生 (2002.04)

李鐵生 (2004.10)

李鐵生、錢家權 (2005.01)

李鐵生 (2006.12)

李鐵生 (2008.10)

李鐵生 (2011.09)

李鐵生 (2013.03)

李鐵生 (2013.10)

圖2 李鐵生譯介著作一覽


總的說來,退休後前10年以介紹外國近現代錢幣文化為主 ;



不可擋。 彭信威教授認為世界錢幣由西方和東方兩大體系構成。我體 我50歲回國,隨之忙於教學和工作。60歲退出行政崗位(內

會世界錢幣文化有四大體系,即 :以希臘羅馬為代表的地中

蒙古自治區科學技術委員會主任)。當時我想 :退休後進入

海錢幣文化 ;以印度為代表的南亞東南亞錢幣文化 ;以阿拉



漫長。如果退休不幾年就“走”了,實在遺憾 ;但如果多活 了二三十年,但什麼事也沒幹,又豈不浪費?所以就根據自






6部為合著)。年青時身體頗為瘦弱的我,竟不知不覺地活到 了80多歲。



現在常說“跨界”一詞,我也算是一個小例吧。在一些錢幣 研討會上,常聽到有人在小聲嘀咕 :從哪兒鑽出來個李鐵生, 是學歷史考古的,貨幣金融的,外國語言的?我心裡暗想 : 嘿,哪也不是,我不是科班,純屬雜牌。學的是機械,教的 是鍛壓,長期工作在經濟和科技管理部門。可算是偶然落入 錢幣,特別是外國錢幣這個“坑”裡的一名探索者吧。 二 您曾擔任世界硬幣大獎賽評委10年,請介紹一下世界硬 幣大獎賽產生的背景、當年的評選機制、參與國數及在世界 範圍的認可度。 李鐵生 :30多年前,我第一次讀到克勞斯出版社的《世界硬 幣標準目錄》,它成了我瞭解和接觸世界近現代錢幣的啟蒙 讀物和主要參考書。1994年我編寫了《世界硬幣圖錄精編》, 事實上是克勞斯目錄一書的縮編。3年內3次印刷了7500冊, 對當時國內讀者瞭解和收藏近現代世界錢幣起了一定的促進 推動作用。我不但每年購買克勞斯目錄,而且長期訂閱《世 界錢幣新聞》。1984年克勞斯出版社在主席米什勒(Clifford

Mishler)倡議下,創辦了世界硬幣大獎賽。1998年,我向 米什勒抱怨 :13億人的中國,世界硬幣大獎賽評委會中只 有1名中國評委(中國金幣總公司副總經理朱純德先生)是 否不太合適。他當即回信 : “經研究後,擬請 您擔 任評 委 會評委(當時我是中國錢幣學會學術委員,外幣委員會負 責人之一)。”就這樣,我代表中國錢幣學會擔任了10年評 委。2005年7月,我由美國東部專程飛抵西部三藩市,在美 國錢幣協會年會上會見了米什勒先生(圖3)和哈珀(David

Harper)先生。2009年後因我主要注意力轉向外國古錢幣, 推薦王丹先生繼任。

圖3 世界硬幣大獎創辦人米什勒(左)與李鐵生先生(2005 年)

在參加評委的10年中,我瞭解這是一個由克勞斯出版社出面 邀請世界錢幣學會、造幣廠、錢幣學家、銀行家、新聞媒體

三 2017年之前的35年中,中國製造的硬幣尚未能榮獲“年






高窟、麥積山),一個老外(馬可 · 波羅)。請分析一下差距

大獎幣(Coin of the Year,COTY),即“年度最佳硬幣”。


這個獎項常被美譽為硬幣“奧斯卡”獎。因為每年全世界新 發行的硬幣數以千計,獲獎幣無疑是其中的精品。某枚幣一

李鐵生 :從我參加評委10年和多年的觀察,我認為中國硬幣


在短短20年內能獲得近10項類別獎,數十次提名獎,已是 巨大的勝利和成功,值得肯定和慶賀。

目前除了美國克勞斯出版社舉辦的世界硬幣大獎外,還有《德 國錢幣雜誌》舉辦的讀者“最喜愛硬幣排行榜”,以及其他



我個人理解原因在於 :











現不少遺漏、不妥和錯誤之處。但我已無法將這長長的勘誤 表送達每位讀者手中。

(二)我國正式發行、收藏紀念幣才30多年,起步較晚,經 驗不足,還沒有探索出和形成自己的特色。各方面限制和上

《世界硬幣圖錄精編》 《世 五 在出版的先生15種錢幣著作中,




全》《世界硬幣趣談 . 三集》《世界硬幣趣談 . 四集》《世界奧 林匹克紀念幣》《世界硬幣趣談 . 五集》8種介紹當代世界硬

(三)我們在評委會中是少數。從一 個到幾個,到現在的


八九個,還沒有抱成團和擁有“話語權”。這是數量的局限。 《古波斯幣》《古中亞幣》 《印度幣》《古希臘幣》《古羅馬幣》 均介紹外國古代貨幣。請問,中國收藏研究外國古代錢幣的 所以我個人認為正確的態度是 :既要努力爭取,又不過分在


意。因為總的說來,這是從歐美文化觀點出發的評獎(日本 幣很少得獎,印度幣僅一枚,伊斯蘭幣空缺)。有理說不清,

李鐵生 :我從譯介外國近現代錢幣轉向古代錢幣,有兩方面


原因。一是古希臘羅馬幣本身對我確有無比的誘惑和吸引力。 公元前5世紀到公元5世紀,希臘幣和羅馬幣所展現的歷史、


“不證自明”。它們既 文化、技藝風采,可以說“人見人愛”






無知。2001年我編著的《古希臘羅馬幣鑒賞》出版,2013 年彩版《古希臘幣》《古羅馬幣》出版。我個人認為 :中國

四 先生退休後為推動中外錢幣文化交流不遺餘力,以己英










李鐵生 :前面已談到,在我譯介外國錢幣文化過程中,前10





之路貨幣研討會,成立以甘肅省錢幣學會為組長單位的中國 錢幣學會絲綢之路貨幣課題組。此後又召開多次研討會,並












東到地中海東岸。所以我便自告奮勇地說 : “我來試試介紹’









細節。表達我的感謝之心,感恩之情 ;也表達了我對廣大讀





幣》講座(他讓出自己的兩個課時) 。記得我登上北京大學


講堂的第一句話是 : “我是清華大學工科學生,今天登上北 京大學講堂,真是班門弄斧,有點腿肚子發軟!”

《拜占庭幣》《古波斯幣》《古中亞幣》這三本書所涉及的內 容本已基本概括了絲綢之路的“境外段”。初步完成原定計

2005年,我在美國友人丹尼爾(Howard Daniel III)的陪

劃,松了口氣。不料,還有不少泉友鼓勵我繼續前行,說 :



心。圖書館主任布朗 (Deborah Brown) 女士接受了我的贈









是望洋興嘆,無從下手。幸有英國普蘭特( Richard Plant) 先生的著作,給了我決定性的幫助。中國 - 印度這兩個亞洲

接 着 ,我 在 參 考 英 國 薩 珊 幣 學 者 塞 爾 伍 德( D a v i d

文明大國間漫長的歷史文化交往影響之巨大毋庸諱言, “西

Sellwood)著作的基礎上,編著的《古波斯幣》於 2006 年


出版。2006 年7月我參加中國錢幣學會訪問伊朗代表團。在




密細緻安排下,飽覽了伊朗古老的名勝古跡和錢幣博物館的 珍貴收藏。2006 年12 月我參加了上海博物館為答謝杜維善







成了 “熱門”。各方來訪來邀絡繹不斷,我只能回答:絲路 “火” 了,老李“老”了。

古波斯的下一站是古中亞(兩河間地和七河地區),這是絲 綢之路的“十字路口”,也是多元文化交匯之地。2008年我

一位四川泉友曾說 :如果沒有李老這幾本書,在絲綢之路錢






對”。 “對”的是老李的這幾本書確實給一些泉友開了“眼”,


清了“道”,激發了“雅興”; “不對”的是,此乃大勢所趨,



版,市場有紙質盜版書(我也托友人在北京買了一本留念)。 原價人民幣25元的書,現在網上炒到150元人民幣。

六 先生是較早涉獵絲綢之路錢幣的學者之一,請問您近年 的研究重點?中國目前收藏研究這一專題的現狀及存在問題



治理和鹹海生態危機。我們首先抵達土庫曼斯坦的阿什哈巴 特,然後穿越卡拉庫姆沙漠來到阿姆河和錫爾河三角洲(古

李鐵生 :目前有關絲路錢幣的著作,包括各種文集、專刊並








半。我希望它能彙集成書,作為一部簡明通俗的世界錢幣 (也





飾銀幣。然後我們又來到著名的治沙實驗站,最後在馬雷 (古







李鐵生 :我國進入新時代中國特色社會主義建設新階段,中

一位年逾八十的老人的心情 :

外文化交流日益廣泛深入。世界要瞭解中國,中國也要瞭解 世界。錢幣當然不能例外。總的說來,在錢幣領域,我感到



如果你無力攀登險峻山峰, 漫長的旅途對你過於沉重。








你可以盡情地引吭高歌。 他們可能忘記那歌手,




(作者 :埃倫 · 蓋茨 試譯 :李鐵生)

會編撰的《越南歷史貨幣》,吳文林、吳振強、王貴箴合著 的《朝鮮半島錢譜》,桂林錢幣學會陳功印、關家祥、唐飛宵、

七 弘揚華夏錢幣文化特色,加強世界錢幣文化交流是中國






銅元》和唐納德 · 斯卡林奇《世界硬幣大獎賽——紀念硬幣



交流的基礎工具書,如《英 - 漢 / 漢 - 英錢幣詞典 / 詞彙》。






Research On Several Issues Regarding Gold, Silver And Salt Exchange Voucher Shops In The Southern Song Dynasty Li Xiaoping[Hangzhou]

Fig 1 Photos of positions indicated in the gold and silver sycee (original photo from Records of Lin'an).





S ycee has many dif ferent shapes and fascinating inscriptions. What I want to discuss here are the rare and attractive gold and silver sycees which can be traced back to the Southern Song dynasty. These sycees have rectangular chopmarks, which contain various inscriptions, informative or brief descriptions about the type of the sycee, the name of the gold or silver shop, even the name of the shop owner. It also might include the name of the shop's silversmith or goldsmith and the location of the shop (Fig 1). Well, you may ask the following questions: what is a gold and silver shop? What kind of business did a gold and silver shop undertake in the Southern Song dynasty? Were these gold and silver shops located in Lin'an, the capital of Southern Song dynasty? 1. Brief History Of Gold And Silver Shop Gold and silver trading has a long history. During the Warring States period, gold had been commonly used by emperors and aristocrats. Gold ornaments and gold coins such as the Yuan Jin gold cube money and gold cake was precious. After the Qin dynasty and the Han dynasty, silver objects became more and more popular. Gold and silver were used to make objects. Besides, they became value-preserved items and could be used as currency in some special areas. There is no doubt that a large group of gold and silversmiths is the basic requirement for the rapid development of gold and silver ornaments. Before professional gold and silversmiths appeared, slaves who came from noble families worked as gold and silversmiths. When gold and silver ornaments became popular, a large number of folk craftsmen who specialized in making gold and silver ornaments emerged. In the Northern Wei dynasty, the gold and jade store was born. According to the Biography of Li Anshi contained in the Book of Wei, volume 53, “Imperial emissaries came to our country from south of the Yangtze River, the emperor ordered the nobles to take out their treasures and trade with the emissaries. The emperor even presented his own treasures for trading. The imperial emissaries could trade freely in our country. If they had any questions about prices, they would go to the gold and jade store to ask for more details.”1

1 2 3


During the Tang dynasty, because of the strong national strength and developed industry and commerce, the social status of gold and silversmiths improved, and gold and silver shops were gradually established. In the article Panasea of At-home Laymen Wang in one of the volumes of Anecdotes of Tang Dynasty, Gao Yanxiu recorded “there is a Yan Shou workshop (in Chang'an, today's Xi'an) who manufactures gold, silver and jade”. 2 Gold and silver shops in the Tang dynasty mainly conducted the business of making gold and silver ornaments, as well as selling gold and silver ornaments, jewelry, jade, raw gold and silver (raw gold and silver refers to gold or silver that can be used as currencies, such as gold sycee, silver sycee, and gold cake). Due to the booming business of gold and silver, a new gold and silver certificate authority was born. Later, in the Five dynasties, silver shops that specialized in silver trading emerged.3 2. The reason for the establishment of gold, silver and salt exchange voucher shops Gold and silver shops were known as gold, silver and salt exchange voucher shops in the Song dynast y. These shops were private financial institutions but with more or less an official nature, and were established under the unique financial system of the Song dynasty. The emergence and development of these shops were closely related to the disensary system, the goods and tax turnover and input policy. In other words, as a result of the Ruzhong political system, the gold, silver and salt exchange voucher shops were established. The Ruzhong political system was originally made by the government of the Song dynasty, the government r e c r ui te d m e r c h ant s to p r o v i d e f o o d an d gr ain s designated for northwestern border areas. Then the government issued vouchers to the merchants and the merchants used the vouchers as evidence to withdraw money from the capital or other places in the country. The merchants were also allowed to come and pick up tea, salt, and fragrant drugs instead of cash. As time went on, the scope of the Ruzhong political system gradually expanded. Whether it was food or cash provided by a merchant, or anything that the government needed, or whether it was traded along the border, in the capital or other places of the country, all such transactions permitted by the government can be concluded as “Ruzhong”.

Biography of Li Anshi, volume 53, Book of Wei. Gao Yanxiu, Panasea of At-home Laymen Wang in one of the volumes of Anecdotes of Tang dynasty. Kato shigeshi, A Study of Gold and Silver in the Tang and Song Dynasties.


As exchange voucher was a kind of negotiable security, it was a certificate directly issued by the government to the merchants who were doing business following the Ruzhong system, and based upon this voucher the merchants went to the places designated by the government to pick up tea, salt, and fragrant drugs. So, first the businessman provided food or grain to designated border areas, and thereafter the government gave the businessman an exchange voucher as a payment certificate. Merchants took this voucher to the capital to withdraw cash or exchange goods including tea and salt. In order to prevent money or goods from being falsely claimed, merchants had to ask a reliable shopkeeper for guaranty before withdrawing cash or picking up goods. As the shop managed by the shopkeeper belonged to a franchise store managing trade and taxation, the shopkeeper had to use the property as a mortgage if he wanted to become a guarantor. If the shopkeeper failed to do so, he had to compensate the government. As a result, gold and silver exchange shops emerged. Gold and silver exchange shops functioned as guarantors, sellers and exchangers at the same time. So you may ask who was allowed to establish such kind of shop? The answer is, of course, the rich merchants living in the capital city. Besides, why was a guarantor needed? What actual benefits will a guarantor secure for the merchants? First of all, as a guarantor for the merchant, it is necessary for the merchants to pay gold and silver shops a certain amount of money as a guarantee. Secondly, some merchants did not engage in the salt and tea business, after exchanging salt and tea vouchers in the franchise store, they might have taken the voucher to the gold and silver shop to be sold. Because of common interests, gold and silver shopkeepers collaborated with officials of the franchise store to share the profits. On the one hand, if the gold and silver shop manipulated sales, bought the items at a low price but sold at a high price, both parties would obtain a large profit. Just as analyzed by Dai Yixuan in the Study on the Salt Voucher System in the Song Dynasty, “the purpose of setting up a gold and silver shop by the merchant is to keep gaining profits through tea and salt vouchers.”4 There is a similar record in the Summary of the Traditional Customs of the Song Dynasty (food topic volume) “The gold and silver shop bought the items at a low price but sold them at a high price to make

4 5 6 7 8

a big profit”.5 It can be seen that the gold and silver shops brought huge profits to the shopkeeper and officials of the franchise store. The gold and silver shops first appeared in the middle of the Northern Song dynasty, these shops were mainly set up in Kaifeng, the capital of the Northern Song dynasty. According to the book written by Meng Yuanlao which was entitled The Northern Song Dynasty Capital City Scape and Life Situations, “Situated on the east of the main street was Tang's gold and silver shop.”6 In the same book, volume three, he wrote “Situated on West Street, near Jing Kuang's pharmacy, is Wang Zao's gold and silver shop.”7 In the same book, volume two, read “There is an alley where gold and silver coins are traded. The building is majestic and the facade is vast. More amazingly, every time the transaction amount reaches more than 10 million yuan, it is really a shocking news for all of us.”8 The above records indicate that, gold and silver shops had developed quite prosperously at that time, and there had been a business of converting money to gold and/or silver or exchanging vouchers. In other words, this kind of gold and silver shop established following Ruzhong system in the Northern Song dynasty had become an important part of business transaction. 3. The prosperity of the gold and silver shop in the capital Lin'an After Lin'an was officially established as the capital of the Southern Song dynasty “People came to Lin'an from all directions”. The rapid increase of urban population expanded the demand for various consumer goods and promoted the commercial economic development of Lin'an city. Due to the expansion of urban areas and the increase in the number of shops, in the imperial street of Lin'an city (today's Middle Zhongshan Road), three commercial areas were formed, located in the southern, northern and central parts of the imperial street respectively. The southern part of the imperial street was located in and around Hefang Street, covering the area of the north of the imperial palace and from Ningmen Gate to Chaotianmen Gate. This was a new emerging commercial district in the Southern Song dynasty. It was close to the imperial palace and the noble mansion, thus the customers had strong commercial purchasing power. Extending from Guanxiangkou to Yangbatou and located

Dai Yixuan, The Study on the Salt Voucher System in the Song Dynasty.

Summary of the Traditional Customs of the Song Dynasty (food topic volume) volume 32. Meng Yuanlao, The Northern Song Dynasty Capital City Scape and Life Situations. ibid, volume 3.

ibid, volume 2.





in the middle of the Imperial Street was the most bustling commercial center, where all industries and businesses gathered, and of which many shops were closely connected. According to Eastern Capital: A Dream of Splendor written by Wu Zimu, there were more than 120 famous big stores in the city. For the north of the city, the business center is in the area of Peng Bridge to Zhong An Bridge and Guan Bridge. Among many of these popular shops, there was a special shop called gold, silver and salt exchange voucher shop (also known as a gold and silver shop in the Song dynasty).In the book City Scenes of the Southern Song Dynasty written by Naide Weng, “The original city street extends from the south of Hefang Street (Fig 2), hundreds of gold and silver shops opened along the street.” 9 According to the record, during the reign of Emperor Ningzong, there were hundreds of gold and silver shops in the most prosperous commercial street of Lin'an (today's Hangzhou), Lin'an was the capital of the Southern Song dynasty. In the thirteenth volume of Eastern Capital: A Dream of Splendor, it was also recorded that there were many gold and silver shops along the street.10 At the same time, it also listed some famous gold and silver shops in Lin'an city, such as Shen's gold and silver shop, Zhang's gold and silver shop, Deng's gold and silver shop near Dr. Lee's bridge. Generally speaking, we can confirm from these records that there were more than 100 gold and silver shops in Lin'an. Gold and silver shops had already become important commercial shops in the capital city and gradually developed into a certain scale.

from this record, gold and silver coins and cash coins were displayed in the gold and silver shops, which were to be exchanged into salt banknotes or tea banknotes.11 Usually, these banknotes cannot be exchanged into Chinese cash coins immediately, some were sold by merchants. Gold and silver shops also conducted the business of purchasing salt banknotes and tea banknotes which were bought at a low price but sold at a high price. This was a good way for shop owners to earn profits. In addition to using copper, such kinds of business can be operated through gold and silver. “Anyone who intended to pay in cash or in gold or silver should pay within period after receiving receipts or signing a contract.”12 This was a part of the relevant regulations when merchants brought gold and silver or cash to a gold or silver shop in Hangzhou to exchange it for banknotes. According to the records, the merchant who brought cash or gold or silver to Hangzhou for exchange must be given a receipt or sign a contract that can be used as a certificate for a tax exemption. The purpose of the tax exemption was to attract more merchants to do business in banknotes. Moreover, gold and silver had large values but were small in size, they were easy to carry and they were the most suitable currency for large quantity banknote transactions.

4. Business conducted by gold and silver shops in the Southern Song dynasty In the Southern Song dynast y, new business that exchanged banknotes of governmental proprietar y products were added while retaining the business of gold and silver shops of the previous dynasty. That is to say, the scope of business conducted by gold and silver shops covered the sale of banknotes, the purchase and exchange of gold and silver currency, making of gold and silver ornaments and sycee. As recorded in the books of City Scenes of the Southern Song Dynasty and Eastern Capital: A Dream of Splendor, “Gold and silver and cash coins displayed in the shop are known as Kanduo money in Chinese,” we may conclude

9 10




Fig 2 Southern Song dynasty 1 tael gold leaf chopped with “Hefang Street Xigaozhi Shop”

Naide Weng, City Scenes of the Southern Song Dynasty.

Wu Zimu, Eastern Capital: A Dream of Splendor, volume XIII.

Naide Weng, City Scenes of the Southern Song Dynasty and Wu Zimu, Eastern Capital: A Dream of Splendor, volume XIII. Summary of the Traditional Customs of the Song Dynasty (food topic volume), volume 5


As the capital of the Southern Song dynasty, Lin'an developed well in the industry and commerce, residents were happy and wealthy. However, the government used gold and silver in offerings and sacrifices, levying taxes, paying military expenses, disaster relief, giving rewards and paying official salaries. All these efforts eventually led to a large amout of gold and silver flowing into the market. At that time, gold and silver were used as precious metals and calculated by weight. Relatively speaking, silver was more widely used at that time, as people used silver directly or indirectly for food, clothing, accommodation and tr ansp or t ation . A s gold and sil ver had to b e exchanged into copper coins when doing business, gold and silver shops became the best place to exchange gold and silver. “The gold and silver shop set up special transaction prices for rare gold and silver. In addition to referring to the price at that time, the gold and silver shop calculated ordinar y gold and silver based on their variety and weight. In this process, additional procedure fees were charged. After that, the transaction parties began to exchange coins. When they exchanged gold into silver or exchanged silver into gold, they used the same method.”13 As described by Kato Shigeshi (Japanese) in his book A Study of Gold and Silver in the Tang and Song Dynasties. The “precious gold and silver” described by Kato Shigeshi were all well cast gold and silver ornaments. Prices of ordinary gold and silver ornaments or gold and silver were determined by the purity and weight when they were used as currencies. Transactions between coins, gold or silver can be concluded as sales or exchanges. Gold and silver were deemed as commodities when they were bought and sold as property. When gold was exchanged into silver or silver was exchanged into gold, they were used as currencies. The national revenue of the Song dynasty mainly came from land taxes, forced labor [corvé], local revenues and revenue collected from governmental proprietary products controlled by the government and any other taxes. Some of them were exchanged into gold and silver and contributed to the imperial court, which prompted the rapid development of the capital city and other provinces. To meet the market demand, gold and silver sycees were produced. The production of gold and silver had been mentioned in the books City Scenes of the Southern Song Dynasty and Eastern Capital: A Dream of Splendor. In the above mentioned books, “all craftsmen” meant factories, silversmiths and goldsmiths, “carving” meant gold and

13 14

silver carving. This shows that the setting up of factories for producing gold and silver ornaments and currency was an important business conducted by gold and silver shops. This can be proved by the discovery of gold and silver sycees of the Southern Song dynasty. 5. The inscriptions on the gold and silver sycee suggest the locations of the gold and silver shops Most of the silver and gold sycees in the Southern Song dynasty, especially the gold and silver sycees made in Lin'an, were chopmarked. Usually, there are six chopmarks on each sycee, which were divided into three positions, the top, the middle and the bottom. Some chopmarks had the characters “silver sycees for circulation in the capital” or “silver for circulation in the capital”. Some chopmarks suggested the weight of the gold or silver, the name of the gold and silver shops, the name of the shop owner, the name of gold or silversmith. Some contained the names of the streets or bridges, for example: west of Babei Street, east of Babei Street, west of Banan Street, the east of Banan Street, south of Badong Street, Baxi, Shixi, Wire Lane, Firewood Lane (Fig 3), Water Lane, east of the Cat Bridge (Fig 4), east of Jianqiaobei Street, Temple Bridge, north of Kuapu Bridge, Chaotianmen Lane, north of Hefang Street, in front of the capital's tax authority, Batou Lane, west of Jiedong Bridge, west of Jiedong Street. Batou was a very important place in Lin'an at that time. Because it was the head of the dam preventing rivers from flooding, hence the name.14 Batou was located in

Fig 3 Southern Song dynasty 25 taels silver sycee chopped with “Firewood Lane Ding Sanlang”

Kato shigeshi, A Study of Gold and Silver in the Tang and Song Dynasties.

Lin Zhengqiu, The Capital of the Southern Song Dynasty (Lin'an).





the central section of Imperial Street around Shixifang, which was the most prosperous commercial district in that area. We can often see inscriptions of positions in the sycee, such as in the west of Babei Street, and in the east of Babei Street. Through textual research, we can get a general idea of the name of these positions and the gold and silver shops’ locations. Xiuyi Lane lies to the north of Shixi Street and to the west of General's Bridge. It was also known as Lingjiao Lane or Meat Market Lane, for it was a Meat Market in Lin'an. Batou was also the location of the famous amusement park Dawa in Lin'an. In addition to chopping the sycee with “in the west of Babei Street”, there were other characters in the chopmarks, for example, Han's mansion, Cao's mansion, Su's mansion Han Wulang, Su and Han's mansion Zhang Erlang. These typical names were chopped into the same sycee, which suggests the above mentioned gold and silver sycee shops, Han's mansion, Cao's mansion, Su's mansion Han Wulang, Su and Han's mansion Zhang Erlang were located in the west of Babei Street. The east of Babei Street, the north of Batou Street and the east of Imperial Street were located between the area of Xianfu Lane and Lanling Lane. Xianfu Lane located to the east of Imperial Street and was opposite to Shixi Lane, commonly known as Badong Lane. Lanling Lane was located to the east of Imperial Street and north of Xianfu Lane. It was called Water Lane in the Song dynasty. In front of Xianfu Lane, there was a bridge called Water Lane Bridge. There were many shops on both sides of the bridge. Along with the chopmark that read “east of Babei Street”, there were other chopmarks, such as “Zhao's

Fig 4 Southern Song dynasty 25 taels silver sycee chopped with “east of Cat Bridge Wu Yilang” 80

shop”, “Shen's shop”, “Chen's shop”, “Zhao and Sun's mansion” and “Zhao's mansion”. This shows that these gold and silver shops were located east of Babei Street. Meanwhile, west of Banan Street was Shinan Lane. Before Lin'an served as the capital city of the Southern Song dynasty, there was a trade market in Lin'an. The market was located on the west side of Pingjin Bridge, and Shinan Lane was on the south side of the city, hence the name (‘shinan’ means the south side of the city). It is said that when Su Shi served as the prefecture of Hangzhou city, he established a medical clinic (hospital) here. In the Southern Song dynasty, Huimin North Bureau was also established here to sell medicines. Along with the chopmark that read “west of Banan Street”, there were other chopmarks on the same sycee, such as “Xiangwulang”, “Wei's mansion”, “Cao and Chen's mansion”. These chopmarks suggest the positions and the names of gold and silver shops. It shows that located in these areas there were corresponding gold and silver shops. The famous restaurant Wujian Pavilion was near the district east of Banan Street and Xianfu Lane which was east of Shinan Lane. From the location, we may discover that Jin Sanlang's gold and silver shop was located east of Banan Street. In other words, Jin Sanlang's gold and silver shop was located in Xianfu Lane. To the south of Badong Street was located in Xianfu Lane and east of Imperial Street, opposite Shixi Lane, was a street commonly known as Badong Lane. In front of the lane there was a Cat Bridge (Pingjin Bridge), also known as Cat Bridge Lane. Located there was Yao Qilang gold and silver shop. Baxi was also known as Shixi Lane or Baxi Lane because it was in the west of the old city, hence the name (‘shixi’ means in the west of the city). The West River flows through Shixi, and there are three bridges, so this area was called Three Bridges Street, which was the most densely populated downtown area with many famous stores. According to the Eastern Capital: A Dream of Splendor, Shen's gold and silver shop and Zhang’s gold and silver shop were in Baxi. Baxi was also part of the location of famous amusement park Dawa in Lin'an. There are some chopmarks on the sycee, such as Baxi Wang Erlang and Baxi Lu's mansion. In addition to chopping names with “Ba”, there were many chopmarks inscribed with the name of the lane, the street, the shop or the bridge such as Shixi Shop. Shixi refers to Shixi Lane, and Shixi Shop refers to a gold and silver shop established within Shixi Lane. The wire lane was located in Xiuwen Lane, to the north of Guan Lane and west of Hongfu Bridge. In the Southern Song dynasty, the central administration of civil buildings-Jiang Zuo Jian (Official


authority) was set up here. Therefore, it was called Jian Lane. Wire Lane was located here, maybe because arms production and the military authority office was set up here. Gu's shop, Lin Liulang's shop and Chen Erlang's gold and silver shop were located in Wire Lane. Firewood Lane was located to the east of Imperial Street. There was Firewood Stacking Bridge to the northeast of Changqing Lane. Under the bridge was the largest firewood trading market, also known as Firewood Lane. Ding Sanlang Gold and Silver Shop was in Firewood Lane. Water Lane was located in the Lanling Lane, east of Imperial Street and north of Xianfu Lane. This was called Water Lane in the Song dynasty. There was a bridge called Water Lane Bridge, and there are many shops along the bridge. All the gold and silver shops were opened by Wang Erlang. To the east of Cat Bridge was Xianfu Lane, because there was a cat bridge (also named Pingjin Bridge) in front of the lane, so east of Cat Bridge was also known as Cat Bridge Lane. Wu Yilang's gold and silver shop was located on the east side of the bridge. And “jianqiao” in the name of “east of Jianqiaobei Bridge” was a bridge on the river in the east of Lin'an city. Situated on the east side of Fule Lane and the east of Jianqiaobei Bridge, Ma Erlang’s Gold and Silver Shop was located. The temple bridge was probably named Xianlin Temple Bridge, which was a bridge across the river and was located to the east of Xianlin Temple next to the Wensi Academy. There was Jiasi gold and silver shop near the bridge. The north of Kuapu Bridge was located on the east side of Lin'an city, near the security gate. Zhangbai Yilang Gold and Silver Shop was located on the northern side of the bridge. Batou Corner was located in the Shixi Lane. Shixi Lane was also known as Baxi Lane. It was in the west of the old city, hence the name. This place was at the head of Jianghai Dam, so it is known as ‘The Dam Head’. Located there were Han Silang's Gold and Silver Shop and Zhao and Sun's Sold and Silver Shop. Chao Tian Men Lane was located in the same place as today's drum tower. Zhang Jun was the king of Qinghe county in the Southern Song dynasty. The place where he lived was named North of Hefang Street. It lay between a western section of Hefang Street and east of Taiping Lane. Hefang Street still exists today. Although these two silver sycees do not clearly indicate the name of the gold and silver shops, through them we may find the original casting place of these silver sycees. There are some special chopmarks, for example: In front of the capital's tax authority. The capital's tax authority


Wu Zimu, Eastern Capital: A Dream of Splendor, page 116.

was the government authority in charge of the capital city tax. It was located in Changqing Lane, east of Imperial Street. Because there Firewood Bridge was on the northeast side of the lane, it was also known as Firewood Bridge Lane. Taihe Restaurant was built near the bridge, and the capital's tax authority was on the north side of the lane. The gold and silver shop here was called Zhao and Sun's Gold and Silver Shop. I have seen a silver sycee chopped with ‘Western River Lane’. The Western River was a major river in Lin'an. One of the rivers that flowed through the city's Shixi Lane and merged with the Three Bridges River. As the name implies, The Western River Shop was a gold and silver shop located along the western river.15 As Western River was very long and has many branches, it is an enigma at which part of the Western River was the Western River Shop located. However, from the fact that the gold and silver shops in Lin'an city were concentrated in the middle of Imperial Street, it was likely located next to the three bridges in Shixi Lane. According to the records of Wu Zimu, to the south of Shixi Lane was Shen's Gold and Silver Shop and Zhang's Gold and Silver Shop.15 From silver sycees of the Southern Song dynasty, we can find many chopmarks, such as Kangle Lane in Wenzhou, Guangping Bridge in Jiaxing, north of Zhenhuai Bridge in Nanjing, Jiankang Imperial Street, Zhenjiang in Jiangsu, Guangzhou in Anhui, Xiangyang in Hubei, and the southern cities in Guangdong (Fig 5). This indicates that some gold and silver shops were opened outside the capital city.

Fig 5 Southern Song dynasty 25 taels silver sycee chopped with “south of Guangdong Munian Jiulang”





6. Secret of casting gold and silver sycees revealed by chopmarks of the sycees E xc ept chopmarks showing the name of the streets and lanes of the gold and silver shops, the name of the bridges and the positions, “silver sycees circulate in the capital” or “silvers circulate in the capital”are the most common chopmarks on silver sycee in the Southern Song dynasty. Sycees with these two kinds of chopmarks were produced by the gold and silver shops in the capital city. In the Southern Song dynasty, silver coins were cast into the shape of sycee. In the book Research Guide to Interpretation and Discussion of Sycees, Hu Sansheng recorded “ W hen s il ver smi ths ar e m ak ing silver sycee nowadays, the weight of the large sycees they made was 50 taels, the middle size was 25 taels, and the small size 12.5 taels. These ingots were called silver sycees.”16 In addition, there were a small amount of shenyin, xishen and zhengshen that circulated in the capital. Shenyin, xishen and zhengshen refers to the fineness of the silver. Some silver sycees have weight chopmarks, there are 50 taels chopmarks, 25 taels chopmarks, and 12.5 taels chopmarks. The 50-tael chopmarked sycee weighted 18002000 grams, the 25-tael chopmarked sycee measured 900-960 grams, and the 12.5-tael chopmarked sycee measured 400-500 grams. There is usually no weight chopmarks on gold sycee except for the 25 taels. In fact, there are six categories of weight chopmarks, including 1, 2, 6, 10, 25, and 50 taels. The actual weight of a 1 tael chopmarked sycee was 36-40 grams, a 3-tael chopmarked sycee was about 96 grams, a 6-tael chopmarked sycee weighted about 280 grams, a 10-tael chopmarked sycee weighted 340-400 grams, a 25-



tael chopmarked sycee weighted 930 grams, and a 50-tael chopmarked sycee weighted 1800-2000 grams. T h e s al e an d exc h an g e o f g o l d a n d s il v e r w a s a s s e s s e d o n i t s authenticit y and relative merits. T h e r e h av e b e e n m any w ay s to identify gold and silver since ancient times. The most important method is to have various gold and silver color standard samples for comparison. At the same time, when mak ing gold and silver sycees, the fineness must also be identified. Therefore, we found " ver y gold", " ver y re d gold", "nine por tion and four li" chopmarks on the gold sycees of the Southern Song dynast y, and "real flower silver", "flower silver", "silver infiltration", "fine infiltration" and other chopmarks on the silver sycees. These chopmarks indicate the fineness of the gold and silver. Sometimes, gold and silver sycee w ill b e c h o p p e d w i th th e n am e of the person identified, such as "The inspection is completed by Kang Duanyi", or "The inspection is completed by Ye Shiwu". This reflects that gold and silver appraisal is one of the indispensable services of gold and silver exchange shops. The chopmarks of cer tain shops and houses on gold and silver sycee are the names of the gold and silver shops . The name of the shop is usually the surname of the owner of the shop. Usually there are surname with one character and surname with two characters. Surname with one character mainly includes the shops of Zhao, Zhu, Chen, Shen, Lin, Ding, Gu, the houses of Su, Han, Wu, Zhao, Nie, Wang, Sun, Lu, Song, the shops of Ding Sanlang, Nie Erlang, Cheng Erlang. Surname with two characters mainly include Xu and Zhao’s Shop, Chen and Cao’s House, Sun and Wu’s House, Zhao and Wang’s Family,

Hu Sansheng, Research Guide to Interpretation and Discussion of Sycees.

Chen and Li’s Family, Zuo and Gao’s Family, Tu and Lin’s Shop, Zhao and Sun’s House, Xue and Li’s House, and Shi and Yuan’s Shop. When a shop’s name consists of surname with two characters, it indicates that this was a partnership shop. Chopmarks such as Chen Erlang, Su’s House Han Wulang, Shi Sanlang (Fig 6) often indicates the name of the shop owner, goldsmith or silversmith. There are other Japanese and Korean names in the chopmarks, such as Chenzhang Erlang, Xiang Wulang, Ni Liulang, Ba Xi Wang Erlang, Zhao’s house Han Er lang, Ba Xi Xia Silang, B a B ei Liang Y ilang, Li Liulang,

Fig 6 Southern Song dynasty gold bar chopped with “Shi Sanlang”


Wangtian Xilang, Yao Qilang, Liu Wulang, Wu Yilang, Ding Sanlang, Zhangbai Yilang, Wang Liulang and Ma Erlang. Chopmarks on the sycees indicate the fineness, the name of the shop, the name of the goldsmith or silversmith, which not only improved the credibility of the gold and silver shops, but also showed the reliability of the fineness. This could increase the reputation of the shop and had an advertising effect (Fig 7), and shows that there were more than 100 gold and silver exchange shops in Lin’an who were competing with each other. 7. Conclusions The gold and silver shop in the Southern Song dynasty is a gold and silver shop with special functions. It differs from the former Tang dynasty, the Five dynasties, and the Yuan, Ming and Ching dynasties. Apart from gold and silver trading, making and appraisal, gold and silver shops in the Southern Song dynasty participated in the monopoly business activities of government monopoly products. It specifically assumed transactions such as trading, exchange of the cash notes of securities issued by the financial institution of the Southern Song dynasty, which is the financial institution of the Southern Song dynasty. At the same time, it also exchanged and traded gold, silver and copper coins, gold and silver, and successfully realized the exchange of roles between gold and silver products and currency, which could be bought and sold as well as exchanged. The gold and silver exchange shops had many features of financial institutions and are the earliest official and private financial institutions in China. The financial system of the Southern Song dynasty’s government continuously required that local counties and

Fig 7 Southern Song dynasty 25 taels pure gold sycee chopped with “Xiang Wulang”

counties provide large amounts of gold and silver goods on various projects each year. This made gold and silver shops in various places, especially Lin’an’s, undertake a large number of tasks to make gold and silver sycee to meet the needs of all states and counties. The inscriptions on these gold and silver ingots show the names of gold and silver shops, the names of gold and silver shopkeepers or gold and silver craftsmen, street names, etc. These inscriptions tell us that these gold and sycee came from different gold and silver exchange shops, and thus testified to the basic facts of the roughly 100 gold and silver exchange shops that existed in Lin'an at the time.

| About the Author |

Ms. Li Xiaoping is a researcher in the Zhejiang Provincial Museum, a member of the Zhejiang Provincial Cultural Relics Appraisal Committee, deputy secretary-general of the Zhejiang Numismatic Society, and deputy chairman and secretary of the China Numismatic Society Gold and Silver Currency Professional Committee.

She has been engaged in the study of the history of Chinese currency for more than 30 years. She mainly studies ancient Chinese gold and silver currency and modern currency. Ms. Li was given the Numismatic Award by the Chinese Numismatic Society. Her works include

The Splendor of Gold and Silver, Ming Dynasty Taxation Silver Sycee, Modern Chinese Currency Coin Guide, National Treasures Unknown to the World, and The History of Silver, These were

published in domestic and foreign professional newspapers and magazines.





南宋金銀鹽鈔交引鋪若干問題研究 李小萍[杭州]

圖1 金銀鋌的地名銘文所顯示方點陣圖( 原圖采自《 咸淳臨安志》) 84










,還給我們帶來了一個又一個問題 :鑄造金銀貨幣 名(圖1)




的金銀業務?這些金銀交引鋪都位於京城臨安的什麼地方? 由於“交引或鈔引”是一種有價證券 , 是由官府直接發行給 一 金銀鋪的歷史追溯

入中的商人 , 再由商人到官府指定的地點取茶鹽香藥等物的






務為了防止冒名領取 , 要求商人必須請有實力的鋪戶作保,


方可領取。而且這種交引鋪戶是隸屬於榷貨務 , 要以物產作


抵押 , 才能充作保人。一旦失保 , 要向官府賠償。於是專門 從事交引擔保買賣兌換的金銀交引鋪應運而生。那麼,什麼





器飾的流行,民間產生了一批真正從事金銀器飾打造的工匠。 北魏時已產生了經營金銀玉石的金玉肆。 《魏書》卷五三《李


安世傳》記載 : “國家有江南使至,多出藏內珍物,令都下




有些商人,他們並不從事鹽茶等專賣品的買賣,在榷貨務換 取鹽茶鈔後,就可以拿到金銀交引鋪出售。於是,金銀交引






士神丹》載有“(長安)延壽坊鬻金銀珠玉者”。 唐時金銀店



戴裔煊《宋代鈔鹽制度研究》中分析的那樣 : “商人開設交


引鋪之目的,固在乎蓄茶鹽鈔引以射利。”4《宋會要 · 食貨》


中也有類似的記載 : “交引鋪以賤價取之,坐獲厚利。”5由此 可見 , 交引鋪給金銀鋪商和榷貨務官員帶來了巨大的利潤。 3


金銀交引鋪最早出現在北宋中葉,主要集中在於京師開封。 二 金銀鹽鈔交引鋪產生的原因

據孟元老《東京夢華錄》卷二宣和樓前省府宮條記載 : “大街




“西大街,荊筐 銀鋪。”6同書卷三大內西掖門外街巷條記載 :



話說,宋代的入中制度催生了金銀鹽鈔交引鋪的出現和發展。 “南通一巷,謂之界身。並是金銀彩帛交易之所。屋宇雄壯,

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

《魏書》,卷五三《 李安世傳》。 高彥休 : 《 唐闕史》, 卷下《 王居士神丹》。 加藤繁 : 《 唐宋時期金銀之研究》。 戴裔煊 : 《宋代鈔鹽制度研究》。 《宋會要 · 食貨》 三九之三二)。

孟元老 : 《 東京夢華錄》, 卷二。

同( 6), 卷三。









了以錢易金銀和兌換鈔引的業務。這說明這種在北宋入中制 度下產生的金銀交引鋪,已經成為大商人的一個組成部分。

耐得翁《都城紀勝》和吳自牧《夢粱錄》等文獻所記載的, 金銀鈔引交易鋪內陳列着金銀和現錢,是準備兌換、算請鹽

三 京城臨安金銀交引鋪的繁榮

茶鈔引的 : “門列金銀及見錢,謂之看垛錢,此錢備入納算

南宋定都臨安後, “四方之民雲集二浙”。城區人口的迅速增







易外,還可以用金銀交易。 《宋會要 · 食貨五》榷貨務建炎三


“詔 :客人願于行在送納 年(1129年)十月二十五日條記載 :






給鈔引”。12 這裡說的是商人攜帶金銀或現錢到杭州榷貨務






公據或合同也是免稅的證書。免稅是為了更多地吸引買賣鈔 引的商人。而且金銀值大體積小,攜帶方便,是大宗鈔引交



耐得翁《都城紀勝》記載 :“都城天街,舊自清河坊南,則呼 南瓦北。謂之界北。中瓦前。謂之五花兒中心。自五間樓北至 官巷。禦街南,兩行多是上戶。金銀鈔引交易鋪。僅百餘家。”9 這裡記述了甯宗端平年間京城臨安(杭州)最繁華商業街上 有百余家金銀交引鋪。南宋末年吳自牧《夢粱錄》記錄了南 宋臨安的風俗,包括藝文、建置、山川、市鎮、物產等許多方面。 在其卷十三鋪席也記載了在御街兩行多為金銀交引鋪 :“杭 州大街,自和甯門權子外,一直至朝天門外清河坊(圖 2)。南 至南瓦子北,謂之界北。中瓦前。謂之五花兒中心。自五間樓 北至官巷。御(街)南,兩行多是金銀鈔引交易鋪。”10 同時還 記述了臨安城各處的一些著名的金銀鋪名,如沈家張家金銀 交引鋪、李博士橋鄧家金銀鋪。由此可知,在京城臨安的禦街 南部五間樓北至官巷兩行有 100 多家金銀鈔引交易鋪。金銀 交引鋪已經是城市中主要商業店鋪,並逐漸形成了行市。

四 南宋金銀鹽鈔交引鋪的經營業務 南宋金銀交引鋪的經營範圍在保留前朝金銀鋪的各項業務的 基礎上新增了兌換政府專賣品鈔引的經營業務。也就是說其

8 9





同(6),卷二。 耐得翁 : 《 都城紀勝》。 吳自牧 : 《夢粱錄》, 卷十三鋪席。 同(9)( 10)。

《宋會要 · 食貨五》

圖2 南宋清河坊西高直鋪一兩金頁子



諸作匠爐鞲”就是講的金銀打造。 “諸作匠”意為有好幾個


“鞲”即 打造工廠和工匠, “及 ”即 鏤,指的是金銀雕刻,









加滕繁(日) 《唐宋時代金銀之研究》中談到 : “金銀鋪對於

五 金銀鋌的銘文揭示金銀交引鋪的所在地








換銀,銀兌換金的時候,也是同樣的情形辦理。” 加滕繁所












換時,它就是一種貨幣。 “霸頭”是臨安當時有一個很重要的地名。又稱壩頭,因遠 宋代國家財政收入主要是通過田賦、徭役、地方的上供、政







以及與之相伴出現的金銀交引鋪大致的位置 :霸北街西,意

要。 《夢粱錄》中的“諸作打及爐鞲”和《都城紀勝》中的“並


圖3 南宋柴木巷丁三郎貳拾伍兩銀鋌

圖4 南宋貓兒橋東吳一郎貳拾伍兩銀鋌

13 14

加滕繁( 日): 《 唐宋時代金銀之研究》。 林正秋 : 《 南宋都城臨安》。 87






府肉市所在地,有肉市巷之名。臨安著名的遊藝場 ——大瓦









因坊前有貓兒橋(平津橋) ,又稱貓兒橋巷。橋的東面有“吳 一郎”金銀交引鋪。薦橋北街東,薦橋是臨安城東大河上的







時叫水巷,坊前有一橋,名水巷橋,橋畔商店雲集。經常與 霸北街東戳記一起在出現在銀鋌上的有“趙鋪” “沈鋪” “陳

跨浦橋北,位於臨安城東保安門附近。 “張百一郎”的金銀

鋪” “趙孫宅” “趙宅”等戳記。顯示這些金銀交引鋪是位







交引鋪。 “朝天門裡”即現在的鼓樓。 “清河坊北”是南宋大 將清河郡王張俊居此而得名,相當於現在的中山中路相接的


河坊街西段及東太平巷一帶。 “清河坊”地名至今仍在沿用。





相五郎、韋宅、曹陳宅等金銀交引鋪。 還有一些特殊的戳記,如 :都稅務前,都稅務是掌管都城稅 霸南街東,從方位上看,霸南街東在市南坊東面的賢福坊,


著名酒樓 ——五間樓就在附近,現發現與“霸南街東”相伴












三橋街。是臨安店鋪最密集的鬧市區,名店林立。 《夢粱錄》




著名遊樂場 ——大瓦的所在地。有“霸西王二郎”和“霸西

15 鋪和張家金銀交引鋪。(吳自牧《夢粱錄》鋪席116頁)另外,


還有一些方位的名稱,如 :街東橋西、街東面西等,不好 確定具體地點,但從上面的金銀交引鋪名可以知道其地點。


如 :街東橋西有“蘇宅韓五郎”,而蘇宅韓五郎是在霸北街

如: “市西陳鋪”,市西即市西坊, “市西陳鋪”意思是金銀

西的銀鋌上常見,所以可以認定街東橋西就在霸北街西。 街


即御街,橋有可能是修義坊內的橋。再如 : 街東面西有“霸


西夏四郎”, 霸西,即市西坊。御街的東面,面西是店面向西。

將作監一度設在這裡,故名監巷,鐵線巷就在此坊內,可能 是與坊內設有監管軍火生產機構 —— 軍器監有關。 “顧鋪”


和“林六郎” “陳二郎”的金銀交引鋪就開設在鐵線巷裡。




吳自牧 : 《 夢粱錄》, 鋪席116頁。


湖北襄陽、廣東城南(圖5)等地名。這說明在京城以外也 開設了金銀鋪。

六 京銷鋌銀等戳記透露的金銀交引鋪鑄造金銀鋌的秘密 除了顯示該金銀交引鋪地目標臨安的街巷名,橋名和街區方 位名的戳記外, “京銷鋌銀” “京銷銀”是南宋銀鋌中最為常 見的戳記銘文,意思是京城金銀交引鋪銷鑄的鋌狀白銀。在 南宋,白銀貨幣被鑄造成鋌的形狀。胡三省《通鑒釋文辨 談》中記載 : “今人治銀,大鋌五十兩,中鋌半之,小鋌又 半之,世謂之鋌銀。”16此外,還有少量的京銷滲銀、京銷細 滲、京銷正滲等。滲銀、細滲、正滲都是指白銀的成色。據 《居家必用事類備要全集》戊集《寶貨辨偽》記載滲銀有多 種 :細滲銀99.3%,鹿滲銀99.2%,斷滲銀98.5%,無滲 銀97.5%。 圖5 南宋廣東城南木念九郞廣州經制庫銀貳拾伍兩銀鋌 銀鋌的重量,有重 50 兩、重 25 兩、重 12 兩半等戳記。實測

50兩重1800-2000克。25兩為900-960克。12.5兩為400500克。金鋌除 25兩外,通常沒有重量戳記,實際有1兩、3 兩、6兩、10兩、25兩、50兩六種之分,實測1兩重36-40克,

3兩是96克左右,6兩是280克左右,10兩是340-400克,25 兩是930克,50兩是1 800-2 000克。 買賣、兌換金銀都必須要鑒定其真偽和優劣。自古以來鑒定 金銀就有許多方法,其中最主要的方法是備有各種金銀成色 的標樣,以比較觀察之標準。同時,在打造金銀鋌牌時,也必 須鑒定其成色。因而我們在南宋金鋌金牌金葉子上發現有的 “十分金” “十分赤金” “九分四厘”戳記,在銀鋌上發現有 “真花銀” “花銀” “滲銀” “細滲”等戳記銘文。這些戳記表 示了金銀的成色。有時還會寫明驗定成色的人員名,如“燒驗 “燒驗訖 葉師武驗”等。這反映了金銀鑒定 訖 康端義驗訖” 是金銀交引鋪不可缺少的業務之一。

金銀鋌上的某某鋪和某某宅的戳記是金銀鋪名。通常是用 金銀交引鋪的主人的姓氏,有單姓雙姓兩種。其中單姓主要 有趙鋪、朱鋪、陳鋪、沈鋪、林鋪、丁鋪、顧鋪、蘇宅、韓宅、 吳宅、趙宅、聶宅、王宅、孫宅、陸宅、宋宅、丁三郎鋪、 聶二郎鋪、程二郎鋪等,雙姓主要有徐趙鋪、陳曹宅、孫武 宅、趙王家、陳李宅、左郜宅、屠林鋪、趙孫宅、薛李宅、 石元鋪等。雙姓的鋪名表明是合夥制。 金銀鋌上的“陳二郎” “蘇宅韓五郎” “石三郎” (圖6)等戳 記通常顯示是金銀鋪主人或金銀匠名。有舊日韓陳張二郎、


圖6 南宋石三郎金條,重39克

胡三省 : 《 通鑒釋文辨談》。 89




相五郎、倪六郎、霸西王二郎、趙宅韓二郎、霸西夏四郎、 霸北梁一郎、李六郎、王天錫郎、姚七郎、劉五郎、吳一郎、 丁三郎、張百一郎、王六郎、馬二郎等多種。

在金銀鋌上砸上標明成色、鋪名、工匠名等多種內容的戳記 不僅可以提高金銀鋪的信譽,顯示其成色的可靠性。而且有 彰明店名、擴大知名度,具有一定的廣告效應(圖7)。這也 符合當時京城臨安有100多家金銀交引鋪彼此間都有競爭的 規律。

七 結論 南宋金銀交引鋪是具有特殊功能的金銀鋪,它與前朝唐、五 代和後朝的元、明、清單純的金銀店、銀肆、銀鋪、銀樓的 最大差異就是除了經營金銀買賣、打造及鑒定外,不同程度 圖7 南宋相五郞十分金貳拾伍兩金鋌

地參與了政府專賣品的壟斷經營活動。具體承擔了由南宋政 府財政機構 —— 榷貨務發行的有價證券“鈔引”的買賣、兌 換等交易行為。同時,還進行了金銀與銅錢、金與銀的兌換 和買賣業務,進而成功地實現了金銀的商品與貨幣兩種屬性 之間的角色互換,既可以買賣,又可以兌換。已具備了金融



的需要。而這些金銀鋌所顯示的金銀鋪名和金銀鋪主或金 銀匠名以及街巷地名等銘文則給訴我們這些金銀鋌來自于不





| 作者簡介 |

李小萍, 女, 系浙江省博物館研究員、 浙江省文物鑒定委員會委員、 浙江省錢幣學會副秘書長、 中 國錢幣學會金銀貨幣專業委員會副主任委員兼秘書長。 從事中國歷史貨幣研究30餘年,主要研究中國古代金銀貨幣和近代機製幣。曾榮獲中國錢幣學會“ 金 《明代賦稅銀錠考》 《中國近代機製幣圖典》 《塵封千年的國家寶藏》 《銀 泉獎”。主要著作《金銀流霞》 的歷程》 等等, 大量論文刊登於國內外專業刊物。



Chopmarked Coins Chapter 1 Part IIII - The History of Silver in China Colin James Gullberg[Taipei]

1856 The Shanghai Tael The year 1856 was the year the Shanghai tael was adopted. Until that year, banks used to keep books in Carolus dollars. Since it had been nearly fifty years since the last Carolus dollar had been minted, the supply in China was declining, and their market value rose considerably above the intrinsic value. It was decided to do away with the Carolus dollar as money of account and to substitute for it the Shanghai sycee tael.129 The Shanghai tael was only a unit of account; it was not an actual physical coin. By 1863 the Carolus dollars were quoted in proportion to the tael, but, because of their convenience in trade and ease of carrying them into the upcountry, the Carolus dollars always carried a premium, sometimes as high as 15 percent above their value as mere silver.130 Even though there were many different taels in use in China over the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the Shanghai tael was the most important as it was the currency of China’s most important port and the basis for 75 percent of all of China’s trade.131 The Shanghai tael was abolished in 1933.

1856-1860 The Second Opium War China was involved in a second Opium War which ended as badly for China as the first, with the burning of the emperor’s summer palace and the Xianfeng Emperor (r. 1851-1861) retreating from Peiking (Beijing). The Western powers forced China to open ten more ports to foreign trade, establish foreign missions in Peiking, allow foreigners to travel in the previously banned Chinese interior and legalize opium.

One important effect of the war was it led to increased technological modernization in China, including the construction of new arsenals and machine factories with steam power and machinery to make modern weapons for defense.132 Many of these arsenals would later mint dragon coins.

1859 Comstock Lode Discover One of the most important moments in the stor y of silver in China was the discovery, in Nevada in 1859, of the Comstock Lode. Previous to this discovery, the United States provided less than 1% of the world’s silver supply. Because of the Comstock Lode find (and other finds in the Western United States) this increased to 20% in the 1860s and 40% in the 1870s and 1880s. Most of the silver was produced in the western territories of Nevada and Colorado, neither of which was represented in Congress.133 (Nevada became a state in 1864 and Colorado in 1876.) The discoveries of silver in the USA meant that the USA and Mexico produced about 65% of the world’s silver by the 1870s; while the entire British Empire only produced 15%.134 This huge increase in the supply of silver had a significant impact on the world’s monetary situation. In China, the impact was two-fold. First, as China was on the silver standard, Chinese goods became increasingly cheaper as silver supplies increased and silver’s price relative to gold fell. Second, taxes, which were payable in silver, became less burdensome for Chinese peasants. As the demand for silver decreased but the supply continued to increase, the price of silver spiraled downward from the mid-nineteenth century on. China could not control changes in the international price of silver. Silver was a commodity, and its market price was determined by

E. Kann: The Currencies of China, 2nd ed., (1975), p. 81 Yen-p’ing Hao: The Commercial Revolution in Nineteenth-Century China, (1986), p. 39-40 131 D.H. Leavens: Silver Money, (1939), p. 92 132 R.N.J. Wright: The Modern Coinage of China 1866-1949 - The Evidence in Western Achieves, (2012), p. 52 133 D.H. Leavens; op. cit., p. 39 134 Ibid., p. 7 129 130





supply and demand factors, irrespective of China’s economy.135 Another change in China came following the second Opium War. The Treat y of Peking, signed in 1860, allowed for foreigners to travel and trade in inland China (previously banned) and opened more ports to trade. China, especially its coastal cities, entered into a more peaceful and prosperous era. Thanks to the rapid expansion of China’s foreign trade after the 1860s, native banks in the treaty ports grew in both number and gross capitalization. In Canton, for example, the number of banks increased from 68 in 1873 to 120 in 1930. There were 100 native banks in Tientsin in 1867 and more than 300 by 1899. In Hankow there were about 20 Shansi banks and 50 money shops in the port during the late 1870s. In Shanghai, the largest treaty port, from 1858 to 1903, the average capital of a native bank tripled and the combined capital of all native banks quadrupled.136 Each of these banks or money changers would have had shroffs chopping the coins they came in contact with. Undoubtedly, this is one reason why so many different chops can be found on coins from the period 1860-1910. Much of the silver in China was being traded for silk and tea, which was facing a growing demand from the West. The tea business in Foochow (Fuzhou) generally operated on a grand scale; to accomplish this, it was essential to have large sums of cash on reserve. “To have a good

supply of (Mexican) dollars on hand” enabled a merchant to respond to the Foochow market quickly, especially during the opening of the tea market.137 Because silver was light in proportion to its value, many tea-men took sycee and silver dollars with them to the tea districts. Regular silver dollars were welcome in the interior, but the debased ones, called “broken money,” were often rejected.138 Of course, external as well as internal political events like the American Civil War and the Meiji Restoration in Japan affected trade from specific countries, but overall the period was one of expansion. Two coins first minted in the early 1860s that can be found with chopmarks are the Indian rupee with the crowned Queen Victoria (first issued in 1862 under KM473) and the Peru one sol from 1893. The one sol was first used in South Peru in 1864 and was called the “seatwagon silver” (or “driving a wagon silver”) [ 坐車銀 ] by the Taiwanese shroffs. The sol was lighter than the Mexican 8 reales; the sol was 0.9000 fine (0.7234 oz. of pure silver), but the rupee was 0.9170 fine (0.3438 oz. of pure silver). However, the Taiwanese shroffs listed the Indian rupee of 1862 at 90% silver. Both coins are obtainable with chops although the Indian rupee is less common than the young head type of 1840.

63 British India 1879C [Type A bust, Type I rev] One Rupee, KM-492, R-5.

Tseng Che-lu: The Spirit and Culture of Taiwan Coinage, (2004), p. 109, 36 Yen-p’ing Hao, op. cit., p. 49-50 137 Ibid., p. 144 138 Ibid., p. 151 135




64 Peru 1893 Lima T.F. One Sol, KM-196.26, R-4/5.

1866 Mexico Maximillian One Peso The year 1866 marked the birth of two interesting but very short-lived coins: the Mexican Maximillian peso and the Hong Kong dollar (and half dollar). The Mexican coin was a two year issue (1866-67), struck at three mints, and shows a portrait of the newly installed emperor Maximillian. Maximillian I was installed emperor of Mexico by the French who had invaded Mexico in

1861. Many foreign governments, however, refused to recognize the new emperor. At the end of the American Civil War the United States aided Mexican Republican forces. Maximillian’s government collapsed in 1867, one year after the French had pulled out of Mexico. He was executed in 1867.

65 Mexico 1866 MO One Peso, KM-388.1, R-3. The coin also marks a change of denomination from the 8 reales of the previous Cap & Rays coinage to the peso. Interestingly, six other Mexican mints continued to mint the Cap & Rays 8 reales throughout the Maximillian reign, perhaps indicating the old Mexican Republic had not yet been completely subsumed into the new Mexican Empire. The Maximillian peso is rare chopmarked. I know of five and estimate that there are probably fewer than twenty in existence. All of the known chopmarked varieties were minted in Mexico City.

1866 Hong Kong Dollar As Hong Kong was Britain’s principal port in China, it seemed that a standardised and uniform coin would be a boon to trade in the area. In support of his proposal to mint the Hong Kong silver dollar, Sir Hercules Robinson, governor of the colony, pointed out in 1863 that the Mexican dollars were not only the sole legal tender of payment in Hong Kong but were also in wide circulation in China. They passed current in large quantities in Canton as well as in Shanghai, and “in the silk districts 93




of central China payment had to be made in undefaced Mexican dollars which were at a high premium.” This statement was borne out by the personal observation of the American missionary-diplomat, S. Wells Williams. Commenting on the monetary situation in Shanghai in 1863, he wrote: “The former fancy of the natives for Carolus dollars has passed over to clean (i.e. undefaced) Mexican dollars, which now bear a high price.”139 The Hong Kong Mint was opened in 1866, but the Chinese discounted the new Hong Kong dollar against the betterknown Spanish-American dollar partly because in Hong Kong, in 1863, the Mexican dollar had been made legal tender, giving it an official edge against the new unknown Hong Kong dollar. The Mexican 8 reales was a far better internationally known coin. On top of these, the Hong Kong dollar was three grains lighter than the Mexican 8 reales and thus was less welcomed by the Chinese who would only accept it at a discount.140 A n o t h e r r e a s o n w h y t h e H o n g Ko n g d o l l a r w a s unsuccessful, perhaps, was the rumor among Chinese that they would be liable to criminal prosecution if they chopped the coin bearing Queen Victoria’s head.141 Of course, chopping went on in Canton and some of these chopped Hong Kong dollars may have flowed back into the colony, since there was nothing the Hong Kong authorities could do to stop it. Nevertheless, the fear of punishment contributed to the reduced circulation of this coin.

Banknotes issued by HSBC, organized in 1864, also became widely accepted in the 1860s and largely replaced silver dollars.142 Very quickly it became apparent that the only way to ensure a profit for the mint was to persuade the Chinese government of the benefits of having a countrywide struck coin (i.e. banning all other foreign silver coins) – produced solely by the Hong Kong mint.143 However, in a letter to the Hong Kong mint authorities, the Chinese replied that they did not need a standardized silver coin and China had an adequate paper currency. They were happy to let the Hong Kong dollar enter China, along with all the other foreign silver coins, but this was not what the Hong Kong mint wanted-they needed a monopoly. The letter killed the Hong Kong mint.144 The mint sold all the machinery to the Japanese in 1868. In total, 2,108,054 Hong Kong dollars were produced. Minor were also produced including a two-year run of half dollars. Chopped Hong Kong dollars do come up for sale but you may have to wait a year or two before you find one. The half dollar (1866-67) is far rarer, as is the 50-cent piece (1890-94). Hong Kong minor coinage started in 1863 and continued until modern times. Apart from the period when the Hong Kong Mint was open (1866-68) all Hong Kong minor coins were minted in Britain. They, too, can be found chopped.

66 Hong Kong 1866 Half Dollar, KM-8, R-3.

Ibid., p. 140 E. Kann; op. cit., p. 141 141 D.H. Leavens; op. cit., p. 99 142 Ibid., p. 99 143 R.N.J. Wright; op. cit., p. 52 144 Ibid., p. 150 139 140



67 Hong Kong 1867 One Dollar, KM-10, R-4.

1867 Chile Peso In 1867, Chile introduced a new peso design. This new design (KM-142.1) followed a somewhat similar design (KM-129) which had been used for seven years previously. I have seen a few of these pesos with chopmarks, but none of the earlier KM-129. One reason may be the KM142.1 was minted for a longer period (1867-91) and in far

greater numbers. Nevertheless, like all Chilean coins, it is a fairly difficult coin to find with chopmarks. Both of these coins appear in the shroff handbook, both bearing the same name of “chicken” silver [ 雞鷹銀 ].

68 CHILE 1877 Peso, KM-142.1, R-4.

1869 Mexico Balance Peso After the fall of the Mexican Empire in 1867 and the reestablishment of the Mexican Republic, the government decided to introduce a new dollar-sized coin, the “Balance Scales” peso (“Balanza”), which equalled 100 centavos. It was first minted in Mexico City and Oaxaca in 1869 with an additional five mints starting production in 1870. The


Yen-p’ing Hao; op. cit., p. 42

coin had a smaller diameter than the 8 reales (37 mm as opposed to the 39 mm of the 8 reales), but was assayed in Shanghai and found to have 1.5% more silver than the old 8 reales.145 The peso did not last long. The balanza peso was abandoned in 1873, but the balance scales motif was kept for other minor coinage denominated in centavos.





Some writers have speculated that Mexico abandoned the balanza because China did not like the peso’s new design and size. Rose believed that the extreme defacement of one balanza in his collection in which the balance motif had been chiseled off was proof that the Chinese did not like the coin. I have seen many balanzas, however, that were only lightly chopped and I have seen coins other than the balanza with features chiseled off (I have such a coin in my collection - a British trade

dollar). Thus this theory does not seem to hold water. The Chinese Imperial Maritime Customs (IMC) approved the use of the new Mexican peso for payment of duties in 1875;146 however, by this time the design had already been abandoned for two years. The balance and scales peso is fairly easy to find chopmarked although it is not nearly as common the Cap & Rays 8 reales.

69 Mexico 1873 CN P. One Peso, KM-408.1, R-7.

1870 Japan One Yen With the fall of the Tokugawa government and the restoration of Emperor Mutsuhito (who was given the name Emperor Meiji in 1868, a new era of modernization started in Japan. In Japan, it was felt that Japanese coins lagged behind the sophisticated modern coinage of the West so the government decided to procure western machinery and expertise to upgrade Japanese coins. The Japanese government bought machinery from the Hong Kong Mint after its introduction of the Hong Kong dollar failed, and installed it in Osaka. Production started in Meiji Year 3 (1870). The name “yen” was given to the coins which weighted 416 grains of 0.900 fine silver giving a net weight of 374 2/5 grains of silver or 26.9568 oz. (0.7800 oz. of pure silver) - exactly the same as the Hong

The first “sun” yen only lasted one year, 1870, although it was likely minted over several years (all dated year 3). The minor coins bear other dates. It is a beautiful coin and there are a reasonable number of chopped examples, so a collector should be able to locate one in time. The minors are far harder to find with chopmarks. Picture 70 is a 50 sen from Meiji Year 4 (1871).

Ibid., p. 42 [From: Circular no. 48, Dec. 31, 1875, IMC Documents Illustrative of the Origin,Development, and Activities of the Chinese Customs Service (Shanghai 1937) I, 350]



Kong dollar, but lighter than the Mexican 8 reales. The coin’s purpose was to replace the Mexican 8 reales in circulation at the time. Naturally, the lighter weight failed to dislodge the Mexican dollar from Japan; nevertheless, some of these coins made it to China and were chopped.


70 Japan Meiji Year 4 (1871) 50 Sen, Y-4a.1, JNDA-01-13, R-4.

1872 Guatemala Peso Guatemala has a long history of minting coins. Most of these coins stayed in Guatemala, but a few made their way to China over the centuries. Almost all are scarce or even rare. The peso, however, which used a motif first introduced in 1872, seems to be more common than any other Guatemalan coin. I do not know why. Perhaps it is because they were somewhat similar in design to Peru’s one sol at the time (both using a seated liberty motif). Perhaps it was because of the higher mintages

in the 1890s. Whatever the reason, I have seen several chopmarked late date (in the 1890s) Guatemala pesos, which leads me to think a shipment or two must have made its way to China in the 1890s. I own two, both dated 1894, and I have seen several others. Below is my 1894 Guatemala peso in uncirculated condition that came from the F.M. Rose collection. It has one Chinese chop and the Latin letter “G” or perhaps “C”.

71 Guatemala 1894 One Peso, KM-210, R-6.

1873 United States Trade Dollar The United States trade dollar is, for many collectors, the only chopmarked coin of interest. It was minted for use in East Asia for only six years (1873-78) with an additional seven years of proof only coins (1879-85). Even though the U.S. trade dollar was struck for only six years it is quite a challenging set to collect, containing issues from three

mints, two separate types of both obverse and reverse dies, mintmark overstrikes, and double dies. It is possible to complete a series of chopmarked U.S. trade dollars but it is not easy, as a couple of the years are in very limited supply. It is also a coin with a very interesting history.





Due to the falling price of silver, the United States, along with France and Germany, ended bimetallism in 1873. The gold standard was adopted in the U.S., and silver was no longer freely minted. Minor coins eventually became convertible into gold up to $10 (in 1879), but silver dollars remained inconvertible.147 The reason why this happened was because of the huge amounts of silver being dug up in the Western United States. At a fixed 16 to 1 silver to gold ratio and the mint producing both silver and gold dollars for circulation, it was simple to arbitrage the two metals by having silver coined into dollars, which the mint did free of charge, and buying gold dollars with these. By melting and reselling the gold dollars and using the proceeds to buy more silver to be coined, a significant margin of profit could be obtained. The 16 to 1 ratio, therefore, was not supportable. The silver coins in use (thalers in Germany, 5-franc pieces or “écus” in France, and dollars in the USA) were legal tender but de facto token, as the value of their silver content had plummeted along with the world price of silver after 1873.148 America decided to end production of its dollar coin. Politically this was a bombshell for many western states who were major silver producers. The Act that ended the silver standard and free coinage became to be referred to as “the crime of ’73”. Naturally, western politicians put forth several bills to have the U.S. government purchase silver for coining. In 1873, the U.S. mint issued the first U.S. coin that was not legal tender in the USA – the trade dollar. The purpose of the trade dollar was to gain acceptance in Asia and eventually, it was hoped, replace the Mexican 8 reales as the standard coin of trade. Another goal was to squeeze out the Mexicans as they were demanding up to an 8% tax on the purchase of their 8 reale coins. In 1873, silver dollars had disappeared from circulation in the U.S. and there was no incentive to mint any (as a gold dollar was in use) except for the China trade. To ensure the success of the U.S. trade dollar the Americans decided upon the idea of a higher silver content. The coin was 420 grains (or 27.215 grams) of 0.900 fine silver, giving it a net silver content of 378 grains as compared to 377.25 grains for the Mexican 8 reales. It was also subject to free coinage. Since Mexico had an export duty on its 8 reales the trade dollar would be cheaper than the Mexican even with the higher silver content.

T. Sargent and F. Velde; op. cit., p. 314 Ibid., p. 318 149 E. Kann; op. cit., p. 130-33 147



The American trade dollar was well-received throughout Asia, and quickly became a serious threat to the Mexican dollar. Two things, however, happened to turn the tables on the U.S. trade dollar. First, even though the coin was not intended to be used as legal tender in the U.S., the coin contained the inscriptions “United States of America” and “One Dollar” leading many to think that it was for domestic American usage. As previously mentioned the relative value of silver was falling, but some people continued to use the trade dollar even though in the United States they traded below the gold dollar and the dollar bank note. Thus an arbitrage situation occurred where one could buy trade dollars at bullion prices and pay workers with these cheaper “dollars.” The recipients would spend them at face value, with merchants and others taking a loss when they subsequently were forced to sell them at a discount to banks. This practice was widespread. Originally the new Coinage Act of 1873 stated the trade dollar was legal tender up to $5 but this provision was removed on July 22, 1876, as its value had fallen to about 86 cents in gold, and larger quantities had returned to the United States to circulate. Second, in Asia, the higher silver content sent many to the melting pot. Gresham’s Law, the economic law that states the bad money will force out the good, made sure the “good money” (U.S. trade dollars) was driven out of the system while the “bad money” (lesser weight Mexican dollars) were used for commerce.149 Q. David Bowers has studied and researched the United States trade dollar at length. It is worth repeating what he found here: During the first several years, coinage of trade dollars was done at the Philadelphia, Carson City, and San Francisco mints. In 1873 and 1874 the pieces met with an enthusiastic reception abroad. At the Calcutta Mint in India, 23,000 trade dollars were received during the first three months of 1874. In Peiking (Beijing), China, it was announced that the trade dollar would be the official coin for trade in that country and would replace the Mexican silver peso of lighter weight. Demand for the trade dollar continued in 1875. During


that year Superintendent LaGrange of the San Francisco Mint noted: ‘At no time since the commencement of the present calendar year has the mint been able to accumulate a surplus of trade dollars, and the public demand has not been fully met. The limited capacity of the Mint and the unusually large coinage of gold, which is given preference over silver, has materially abridged the supply of this international coin at San Francisco, but the favorable introduction of the trade dollar into China has most effectively destroyed the use of the Mexican silver dollar as the medium of exchange between this city and the ports of the Chinese Empire. The city banks report an excessive demand for trade dollar exchange. The coinage capacity of the new Mint, shortly to be occupied, will, it is hoped, fully meet the requirements for all gold and silver coins. Great care has been given in the manufacture of the trade dollar to reach the closest approximate perfection in assay value, weight, and execution…’ Despite earlier reports of shortages and rosy predictions for its future, the trade dollar was reported as “fast becoming a drug on the market” in 1876. The San Francisco Chronicle noted: ‘Our banks and money broker offices are becoming glutted with them. Their greater intrinsic value as well as their novelty threatened for a while to crowd the familiar half dollar and the handy quarter out of sight. Chinamen remitting their hard-earned savings to their far distant land would have nothing but trade dollars. Oriental commerce was, and still is to a large extent, conducted on the solid basis of this bright, new, and ringing silver representation of value. But the orient, like San Francisco, is beginning to find that it is possible to be surfeited with even so much coveted a treasure as the trade dollar. The result is that a reaction has set in against the coin on this market, it no longer enjoys a preference over other silver. On the contrary, although a trade dollar is intrinsically worth eight cents more than two half dollars the two halves will sell in the street from a half to three quarters of a cent more than

the dollar. The reason for this is primarily because of the superabundance of the latter. But there is another reason which is not generally understood. Halves and quarters of the coinage of the United States are legal tender for all debts up to a certain amount; the trade dollar is not legal tender at all for any amount. It is merely a stamped ingot, having a certain value, like an ounce of gold, diamond, or a bushel of wheat. It is a commodity, the value of which fluctuates according to the supply and demand.’ 150 On February 19, 1887, legislation was passed which provided for the redemption of trade dollars which had not been mutilated. Over eight million pieces came back to the treasury, including about two million which were returned from China.151 When the U.S. government decided that it would not accept chopped trade dollars for recoining into Morgan dollars, many of the 2 million that had returned to the USA from China returned. Records show that in 1884, 225,500 trade dollars were exported, 1,073,150 in 1885, and 354,288 in 1886. The three year total of 1,625,938 represented about 80% of the amount that had been returned.152 The intended results from the trade dollar, despite an initial enthusiastic reception, were not realized. Many of them circulated in the United States later at a discount from face value.153 For the chopmarked collector, certain dates are incredibly common, while a few have fewer than ten or twenty known specimens. If your primary source of information is Rose’s Chopmarks you will find a possible error here. Rose lists the two key dates to the chopmarked series are first, the 1878- CC (with only six known154) and second, the 1873-P. Rose claimed155 the next hardest to find is the 1874-P followed by the 1876-P. He also stated the 1875P is “fairly plentiful with chops.” These observations are directly contradicted by evidence from other sources. Trade dollar specialist, David Reimer, states that he found the 1875-P to be the rarest followed by the 1878CC and the 1873-P. Another specialist, James Sneddon, also agrees. He wrote (speaking of the 1873-P), “I know

Q. D. Bowers; The History of United States Coinage: As Illustrated by the Garrett Collection, (1979), [From: Personal correspondence of Oscar Hugh LaGrange, Superintendent of the San Francisco Mint and a San Francisco Chronicle article of 1876], p. 275 151 Ibid., p. 275 152 J.M. Willem, Jr.; The United States Trade Dollar – America’s Only Unwanted, Unhonored Coin, Self-published, New York, (1959) [Reprinted in: Chopmark News, vol. 2, no. 4 July 1992], p. 26 153 Q. D. Bowers; op. cit., p. 222 154 For a complete list of all known 1878-CC chopmarked trade dollars see: J. Sneddon; Six Verifiable Chopmarked 1878-CC Trade Dollars, [Reprinted in: Chopmark News, vol. 6, no. 4 October 2000], p. 12 150


F.M. Rose; op. cit., p. 25





it is no common date, but there is no way it is the second rarest chopmarked trade dollar.”156 Even the “Trade Dollar Man,” James Vernon Epps,157 perhaps the most famous collector of the series, listed the four rarest chopmarked dollars as the 1878-CC, then the 1875-P (Type I), 1875-CC (Type II) and fourth the 1873-P. Most people concur; the 1875-P, along with the 1878-CC, are the hardest to find chopmarked. Why would Rose write the 1875-P was fairly plentiful? My only explanation is poor proof-reading. He

simply mixed the dates up in his manuscript and never caught the mistake. Few collectors have assembled a complete set of United States trade dollars (both clean and chopped), but one who has is David Reimer.158 Mr. Reimer currently has the highest ranking registry set of trade dollars at PCGS. Below are the two rarest American trade dollars in the series.

72 USA 1878-CC Trade Dollar, KM-108, R-7.

73 USA 1875-P Trade Dollar, KM-108, R-7.

1874 Japan One Yen Japan ceased production of the “sun” yen after only one year. It restarted production in 1874 (Meiji 7) with a modified coin. The sun was replaced with “ 一 圓 ” (“one yen”) on the reverse side. The weight and fineness were unchanged. This new coin, however, was only issued for two years before it too was replaced with the Japanese trade dollar (“boeki gin”), which was in competition with

J. Sneddon; U.S. Trade Dollar Rarity Scale, [From: Chopmark News, vol. 6, no. 4 October 2000], p. 13 J.V. Epps; Our Most Misunderstood Coin - The U.S. Trade Dollar, [Reprinted in: Chopmark News, vol. 6, no. 4 October 2000], p. 37 158 Mr. Reimer’s chopmarked trade dollar set is viewable here: 156 157


the newly minted United States trade dollar. The trade dollar was minted for three years until it was stopped in 1877; the one yen returned in 1878. Production continued until 1887 (Meiji 20) when the coin’s size shrank slightly to 38.1 mm (from 38.6 mm). Neither the weight nor the silver content changed. This second smaller type was minted until 1914.


Bet ween 1871 and 1897 (when Japan adopted the gold standard), more than 165 million silver yen were produced, 110 million of which were shipped abroad. Until the appearance of the British trade dollar in 1895, the silver yen (along with the Mexican 8 reales) served as the principal currency of the Straits Settlements, and was widely used in the ports of China, Korea, French IndoChina, and Thailand.159

The Japanese yen is ver y common with chopmarks, especially the later years (the smaller type minted after 1887). The two earliest dates (1874 and 1875; Meiji years 7 and 8) are the only scarce dates in the series, but these years can also be found with chops. Many collectors believe, however, a complete date set may be impossible. Collector Everett Jones, a Japanese yen specialist, spent over twenty-five years trying to complete the series (with and without the gin countermark) without success.160

74 Japan Meiji 35 (1902) One Yen (small size), Y-A25.3, JNDA-01-10A, R-7.

1875 Japan Trade Dollar

In 1875 , p r o d u c t i o n o f th e o n e y e n c e a s e d , a n d production of the Japanese trade dollar commenced. The trade dollar was heavier than the one yen at 420 grains (vs. 416 grains for the yen) - the same as the U.S. trade dollar. The coin’s name was changed to “boyeki gin,” or “trade silver.” The government had wanted to drive the Mexican dollar out of Japan but the effect was the opposite of the government’s intention, and the undesired Mexican coins

flowed into Japan replacing the heavier Japan trade dollar. The government came to the conclusion that the trade dollar should be dropped and a lighter yen reintroduced. Production of the trade dollar ended in 1877. Japanese trade dollars are easy to find chopped. Like the yen, usually it is the reverse side that has been chopped.

75 Japan Meiji 8 (1875) Trade Dollar, Y14, JNDA-01-12, R-7. 159


T. Shiroyama; op. cit., p. 19 See: E. Jones; Chopmarked Rarity Scale: Japanese One Yen, [From: Chopmark News, vol. 16, issue 1, March 2012], p. 29





There are a number of very rarely chopmarked coins from the late 1870s and early 1880s. These pieces were not normally used in the trade with China, but have been found with chopmarks. The first is a 20-cent piece from Mauritius. Several of these exist with chops. Mauritius was on the route between Europe, around the Cape of Good Hope and across the Indian Ocean, so it is conceivable that sailors could have picked these coins up during a stop on the

island. They were British in design and almost identical to the Hong Kong and Straits Settlements 20-cent pieces. Since these were both important posts in the China trade, it is not surprising that some of their coins were chopped. It is somewhat strange that only the 20-cent seems to be found with chops. Rose had two in his collection, and considered it very rare. Even more have come to light since he published Chopmarks. I would still classify them as scarce.

76 Mauritius 1877H 20 Cents KM-11.1, R-3.

1878 USA Morgan Dollar The next interesting non-trade coin is the American Morgan dollar. Production of the Morgan dollar started in 1878, the final year of the American trade dollar. It was made for American domestic use, not for the Chinese market, and had less silver than the trade dollar. The trade dollar had not been a success, but western mining interests wanted the government to purchase silver in order to keep prices high and miners employed. Hence Congress passed the Bland-Allison Act of 1878. The act stated the U.S. government had to purchase between $2m and $4m worth of silver per month. The act also allowed the price to be set above the market rate. The Bland-Allison Act was in force for 12 years, and the forced purchases accounted for 60% of U.S. silver production.161 Much of this was turned into one dollar coins, many of which sat uncirculated in the Treasury.




D.H. Leavens; op. cit., p. 39 E. Kann; op. cit., p. 130-33

The new dollar, nicknamed the “Morgan dollar” after its designer George Morgan, was at par with the gold dollar, even though intrinsically it was worth less. The government abandoned the trade dollar and, in 1887, gave a six month window to allow for people to redeem trade dollars, which were not legal currency in the United States, at par for Morgans. After melting it was found a total of $28,276,888 was never returned from China or redeemed for Morgans.162 Even though the Morgan dollar was not a trade coin, some naturally made their way to China and can be found with chopmarks. The one pictured below has genuine chopmarks but several I have seen have unusual large relief chops of simple Chinese words. I would exercise caution before claiming these to be bona fide chopmarks.


77 USA 1880-S One Dollar, KM-110, R-4. The Honduras peso is an interesting coin. I know of two with chopmarks-both currently in the Rich Licato collection. One is pictured on page 138 showing a

reversed “S” in the lower area of the reverse. The coin below is definitely chopped and must be considered extremely rare.

78 Honduras 1885 One Peso, KM-52, R-2/3.

One of the rarest chopmark coins is the Hawaiian dala (dollar) of 1883. It was a single year issue for use in Hawaii only. And even though Hawaii was a stop for some trans-Pacific ships most of the Hawaiian dollars were

melted. Perhaps only 46,000 out of 500,000 survived. It is the only Hawaii coin known to have chopmarks and is very likely unique.

79 Hawaii 1883 One Dala (Dollar), KM-7, R-1. 103




1885 The French Indo-China Piastre de Commerce In 1885, France began production of its Piastre de Commerce (trade dollar) in Paris. This coin was to be used in its Southeast Asian colony of Cochin-China where the Mexican 8 reales had been the standard. The coins, minted 1885-1890, had the same weight and fineness as the American trade dollar and Japanese yen, both of which had slightly more silver than the Mexican 8 reales.

Predictably, the “good” French coins were hoarded or melted while the “bad” Mexican coins circulated. The weight was dropped from 27.2150 to 27.0000 g. (the weight of the Mexican 8 reales) in 1893, resulting in the ASW to decrease from 0.7875 to 0.7812 in 1895 (the piastre de commerce was 0.900 fine). This was below the Mexican dollar’s standards.

80 French Indo-China 1900A Piastre de Commerce (Trade Dollar), KM-5a.1, R-7. This is the reduced weight coin as can be seen on the reverse legend stating the coin is 0.900 fine, 27 g. The lower silver content had the desired effect of driving the Mexican dollar out of Indo-China. Between 1895 and 1903, over 55 million were struck. They were adopted in Yunnan as well as in Indo-China. In 1903, the GovernorGeneral of Indo-China banned the importation of Mexican dollars and in 1905 the Mexican dollar ceased to be legal



Ibid., p. 134

tender in the French colony.163 Production ended in 1928. The French Indo-Chinese piastre is a very easy coin to find with chopmarks and should sell for 10- 20% less than a clean coin, slightly above its bullion value.


《戳記幣簡史》第一章第四部分——中國白銀史 高林[台北]




1859年內華達康斯塔克礦的發現是中國白銀史上最為重要 時刻之一。在此之前,美國的白銀供應量僅占全球白銀供




世紀60年代達到了20%,70、80年代的時候更 是上升到


40%。 其中大多數白銀都出產於內華達和科羅拉多的西部,





種計價單位。到1863年,卡洛斯銀元都被換算成“兩”來 計價,但由於其在貿易中的便利性及方便帶入內陸的特性,

美國發現銀礦意味着19世紀70年代世界65% 的白銀都是出






而中國受到的影響則是兩面性的 :首先,由於中國採用的是 儘管19、20世紀中國使用了很多不同的以“兩”計價的錢幣,


但作為中國最重要的港口與貿易額占全國貿易75% 的商業

國商品的價格變得極為低廉 ;但另一方面,由於以白銀支付,









對中國來說,第二次鴉片戰爭的結局同第一次一樣慘烈 :圓


明園被燒毀,咸豐帝 (1851-1861年 ) 倉皇出京,西方列強







60年代以後中國外貿的迅速擴張使得條約中開放的商埠所 在地的銀行數量及總資本量出現了增長。比如,在廣東,銀


行的數 量由1873年的68家擴 展到1930年的120家。1867




動力的機器用以生產現代防禦武器。 其中許多兵工廠後來




129 130 131



134 135

E·耿愛德著《中國貨幣論》,第二版,1975 年,第81頁。

郝延平著《19 世紀中國商業革命》,1986 年,第39-40頁。

D·H·利文著《白銀貨幣》,1939 年,第92頁。

《1866-1949 中國現代幣——西方發現的證據》(2012),第52頁。 R.N.J. 賴特: D·H·利文著《白銀貨幣》,1939 年,第39頁。


《小變化帶來的大麻煩》(2002),第36頁。 T.薩爾金特、F.維爾德:





上海本地錢莊的平均資本額上漲到了原先的3倍,所有本地 136


票號的總資本額則增至了4倍。 所有的銀行或錢莊在與錢幣




這也是為什麼在1860-1910年的錢幣上能見到這麼多不同戳 兩枚始鑄於19世紀60年代早期的銀幣上可見戳記。這兩枚


銀幣一枚是維多利亞女王像 ( 帶冠 ) 印度盧比(始鑄於1862 由於西方對絲綢和茶葉的需求量的上漲,中國的大量白銀都




種狀況下,儲備大量現金是必須的。 “手中掌握大量 (墨西哥)



(0.7234盎司純銀),盧比的含銀量為0.917 (0.3438 量為0.9




的含銀量標注為90%。 白銀本身的重量要輕於其本身的價值,因此很多茶商會帶着 銀元、銀錠到茶市上。普通的銀幣在內陸很受歡迎,而品質 138




63 英屬印度 1879 年 C ( A 類胸像 , 第 1 種反面圖案 ) 1 盧比 , KM-492 , R-5 。

64 秘魯 1893 年利馬 TF1 索爾 , KM-196 , R-4/5 。




郝延平著《19 世紀中國商業革命》,1986 年,第144頁。 同上,第151頁。


1866 年馬克西米連1比索

克西米連國王頭像。1861年,法國人入侵墨西哥之後任命 馬克西米連一世為墨西哥國王。不過,許多外國政府都不承







65 墨西哥1866年馬克西米連1比索,KM-388.1,R-3。





續生產8裡亞爾,這也可能表明當時原先的墨西哥共和國並 未全部被墨西哥帝國所吞併。

1866年,香港造幣廠開業,但中國人卻把這種香港銀幣折 價換成了更加知名的西班牙 - 美國銀幣,其中一部分原因是






爾則是更加知名的國際貨幣。此外,香港銀元比墨西哥8裡 亞爾要輕3格林,因此也就更加不受中國人歡迎,只有折價















溢價的墨西哥銀元。美國大使衛三畏在經過自己的觀察之後 也支持了羅便臣的這一說法。在評論1863年上海的貨幣狀

1864年成立的 HSBC 所發行的紙幣在19世紀60年代同樣

況時,他這樣寫道 : “當地人先前對於卡洛斯銀元的追捧轉


139 140 141


郝延平著《19 世紀中國商業革命》,1986 年,第140頁。


D.H.李文斯,同上,第99頁。 同上,第99頁。







說中國政府生產一種全國性的機製幣——也就是唯一由香 港造幣廠生產的錢幣——是有利可圖的(也就是說要禁止其 143


他所有外國銀幣的使用)。 不過,在給香港造幣廠的一封




中國的紙幣已經足夠使用。他們樂意讓香港銀幣和其他外國 銀幣一起進入中國,但這並不是香港方面想要的回應,他們









66 1866香港半圓,KM-8,R-3。

67 1867香港壹圓,KM-10,R-4。

1867年智利比索 1867年, 智利引進了一種 新 的比索 設計。 這 種 新 式 設計




(KM-129)。我見到過一些帶有戳記的智利比索,但是沒有 一枚是早期的 KM-129。其中一個原因可能是 KM-142.1生 143



R.N.J.賴特,同上,第52頁。 同上,第150頁。


68 1877年智利1比索,KM-142.1,R-4。

1869年墨西哥天平比索 1867年墨西哥帝國覆滅,後重新建立起了墨西哥共和國,共


( Balanza”), 和國政府決定引入一種新的硬幣——天平比索“











1.5%。 這種比索並未流通太長時間,到1873年即被棄用, 以用來繳納關稅146,不過當時天平圖案已經被棄用有兩年之 但幣面上的天平圖案還是被後來以生丁為面值的輔幣所沿


用。 帶戳記的天平比索很容易尋得,但卻也沒有另一種8裡亞爾 有些作者認為墨西哥之所以棄用天平比索是因為這種硬幣的


69 1873墨西哥天平1比索,KM-408.1,R-7。




同上,第42頁。來自:1875年12月31,第48號 IMC《中國近代海關歷史檔彙編》第一卷,350(上海1937)。





於墨西哥8裡亞爾。硬幣的生產初衷是為取代當時流通的墨 西哥8裡亞爾,不過由於品質較輕,這種銀幣並未能將墨西





當時,日本人意識到日本的硬幣落後於複雜的西洋現代幣, 所以當局決定向西方購買機器及學習造幣技術用以改進日本






年),日本開始生產硬幣。這種硬幣被稱之為“圓” (yen),


重416格令,純度0.9,銀量淨重374 2/5格令或26.9568盎




70 大日本明治四年五十錢,Y-4a.1,JNDA-01-13,R-4。

1872年瓜地馬拉比索 瓜地馬拉有着悠久的造幣歷史。其中大多數都留在了當地,






他瓜地馬拉錢幣要常見一些。我不知道這其中因由,但有可 能是因為這些硬幣的設計在某些方面與當時的秘魯索爾比較



來自 F.M. 羅斯的藏品。幣面上有一個中文戳記以及一個拉


丁字母戳記,可能是 G,也可能是 C。




71 1894瓜地馬拉1比索,KM-210,R-6。







1878年),之後,又生產了7年的精製版本(1879-1885年)。 幣——貿易美元。其發行的目的是為了使其在亞洲獲得認可, 由於生產時間短暫,收藏工作就變得比較有挑戰性,共有3





時會索要高達8% 的稅。

幣種類。由於生產時間短,數量有限,收集一套帶戳記的美 國貿易幣並不容易,但也卻並非完全不可能。

1873年,銀幣在美國已經不見蹤影,除生產用於和中國進 行貿易的銀幣外,美國造幣廠當時都沒有意願生產銀幣(由









格林,而墨西哥8裡亞爾銀元的純銀含量為377.25格林。另 外,美國貿易銀元還受到自由鑄幣權的限制。由於墨西哥會





負責生產,因此只要生產銀幣就能輕易的從這兩種金屬上 面獲得套利。造幣廠可以隨意生產銀幣,用這些銀幣去購買







用,但由於幣面上標有“美利堅合眾國” “一圓”等字樣,所


白銀的價值隨着國際銀價一路狂跌, 當時使用的銀幣(德












T. Sargent and F. Velde 同上,第314頁。 同上,第318頁。








據報道稱,在1876年,貿易銀元“很快就成為了滯銷貨”。據《三 藩市年志》記載:

一開始,1873年頒佈的《貨幣法案》規定貿易銀元是價值 高於5美元的法定貨幣,但1876年7月22日,這條規定被廢





之一美元造成了威脅。將自己的血汗錢漂洋過海寄回家的中國人 手裡也都是這種貿易銀元。東方的貿易曾經、並且現在也在很大









在人們已經對市面上的貿易銀元出現了反感,而這種錢幣也不再 比其他銀幣更受歡迎了。相反,儘管貿易銀元的本身價值要比兩

Q. 大衛 · 鮑爾斯多年以來一直致力於美國貿易銀元的研究工


作,有必要將他的發現在此重申一遍 :

易銀元要高出二分之一或四分之三美分。而後者的氾濫是造成 這種現象的主要原因。但還有另外一種不為人普遍理解的原因。


半美元和四分之一美元是美國的法定貨幣, 可以用來償還某一定












易幣。國庫接收了超過800萬枚的貿易銀元,其中約有200 萬枚來自中國151。當美國政府決定不再接收帶戳記的貿易銀











中國城市和港口交易媒介的地位被大大限制了。城裡的銀行錢 莊在貿易銀元兌換方面需求量過剩。人們希望即將可以投入生




易銀元的生產極為用心,只為在分析值、重量及製作方面達到近 趨完美的效果。”

對戳記幣收藏家來說,某些年份的戳記貿易幣非常常見,而 有的則僅存不足10枚或20枚的樣幣。如果你以羅斯的《戳




(內容出處:奧斯卡·休·拉格蘭奇的私人信件往來,三藩市造幣 Q.大衛·鮑爾斯:《美國錢幣史——如加勒特藏品所示》(1979)

廠負責人以及1876年《三藩市年志》中的文章),第275頁。 151



小 J.M. 威勒姆 : 《美國貿易銀元——美國唯一一種無人問津、默默無聞的錢幣》,私人出版,紐約(1959年) (重印於 :1992






記》一書為參考的話,你可能會發現其中的一處錯誤。羅斯 154


)和1873-P 兩個年份的戳記系 155

依次為:1878-CC、1875-P(第一種),1875-CC(第二種) 以及1873-P。大多數人都認為1875-P 與1878-CC 是最難

列分別列為第一和第二珍稀的品種。他聲稱 1874-P 是第

找的戳記貿易幣。那為什麼羅斯會在他書中表示1875-P 的

“戳 三難找的品種,1876-P 則緊隨其後。他還說1875-P 系列


記數量龐大” 。這些與其他人的說法完全背道而馳。貿易銀


幣專家,大衛 · 雷默聲稱1875-P 是最珍貴的戳記貿易銀元, 其次是1878-CC 和1873-P。另一位專家詹姆斯 · 史萊登也


: 我知道這個年份的 贊同這一說法, (關於1873-P)他寫道 “

記的版本),但大衛 · 雷默就是其中之一。158最近,他的一套


貿易銀元被 PCGS 評出最高分。下圖就是這套貿易銀幣中


為“貿易銀元大師”的詹姆斯 · 弗農 · 艾普斯




72 美國1878-CC戳記貿易美元,KM-108,R-7。

73 美國1875-P 戳記貿易銀元,KM-108,R-7。





156 157



《美國戳記貿易銀元稀有程度》(出自:2000年10月《戳記新聞》6卷,4號)第13頁。 J.史奈登:

《我們最受誤解的錢幣-,美國貿易銀元》(重印於:2000年10月《戳記新聞》6卷,4號)第37頁。 J.V.艾普斯:






1874年日本一圓 僅一年之後,日本停止了“太陽”一圓銀幣的生產。1874年








所取代(boeki gin),以便和新出產的美國貿易銀幣競爭。


貿易銀生產了三年,1877年停產,隨後,日本一圓銀幣重 新開始生產。到1887年(明治二十年),日本一圓銀幣的大







比較罕見的類型,但上面也可見到戳記的蹤影。不過,很多 收藏家相信,要收藏一整套年代完整的戳記日本一圓銀幣有



74 大日本明治三十五年(1902年)一圓(小型),Y-A25.3,JNDA-01-10A,R-7。

1875年日本貿易銀元 1875年,日本停止生產一圓硬幣,轉而開始鑄造日本貿易




與美國貿易銀元持平。這種銀幣的名字被改為貿易銀,日本 政府本想通過這種貿易銀將墨西哥銀幣逐出日本市場,但事










T. Shiroyama,同上,第19頁。

《戳記稀有程度——日本一圓》(出自:2012年3月《戳記新聞》第16卷,第1期)。 E.鐘斯:


75 大日本明治八年(1875年)貿易銀幣,Y-14,JNDA-01-12,R-7。










76 1877模裡西斯20分,KM-11.1,R-3。

1878年美國摩根美元 接下來介紹的一種有趣的非貿易硬幣是美國的摩根美元。

西方採礦業希望政府繼續購買白銀。於是國會通過了1878 年布蘭蒂埃裡森法案。該法案規定政府每月需採購200萬















以其設計者喬治 · 摩根命名的摩根美元在面值上與金幣保持








化之後,人們發現未能從中國流回或者未被兌換的貿易銀元 的價值共計為282萬7萬6千8百88美元。162

77 1880年美國1美元,KM-110,R-4。


處反印的“ S”形戳記。下圖這枚硬幣上的戳記明顯,並且

兩枚帶戳記的洪都拉斯比索,目前都是瑞奇 · 裡卡多的藏品。



78 1885年洪都拉斯1比索,KM-52,R-2/3。











79 1883夏威夷1元,KM-7,R-1。

1885年法屬印度支那皮阿斯特貿易銀幣 1885年,法國開始在巴黎生產皮阿斯特貿易銀元,打算將 “良幣”被積壓、熔毀,而“劣幣”墨西哥8裡亞爾則繼續流 其投入到法國在亞洲的殖民地交趾支那使用,而墨西哥8裡





0.7875下降到0.7812(純度為0.9), 這比墨西哥銀幣的標



80 1900年法屬印度支那A皮阿斯特貿易銀元,KM-5a.1,R-7。背面的銘文標記這枚銀幣的含銀量 為0.900,重27克,由此可見這是一枚重量降低之後生產的銀幣。




沒有戳記的銀幣便宜10%-20%, 略高於其本身的價值。

雲南及印度支那都接納了這種銀幣。1903年,印度支那總督 下令禁止進口墨西哥銀元,到1905年,墨西哥銀元不再作為



法定貨幣在法國殖民地使用。 1928年,貿易銀元停產。







The Shanghai Memory Medal Steve Feller[USA]

Section of the Shanghai Memory medal depicting friendship between a Jewish refugee and a Chinese woman. Note the diagonal mezuzah (Jewish religious item) on the door frame behind the ladies. 118


The World War II Holocaust is well known and its primary effect was the murder of 6,000,000 people, mainly European Jews. Certainly, less well-known is the fact that some fortunate Jews from Europe were able to escape by fleeing to Shanghai. The Chinese people helped save about 18,000 European Jewish lives after the establishment of the “Hongkew Ghetto.” It was not like the German ghettos that either had walls or fences, armed guards, and the like but in this case it refers to a section of Shanghai, poor but not a walled-in area.

The Shanghai Ghetto

according to Wikipedia:

There has long been a strong foreign presence in Shanghai which became an international city over time with various treaties and settlements controlled by foreign powers such as the British, Americans, French, and Russians. At its peak in 1918 there were 19 distinct treaties with foreigners. To this day this influence remains in Shanghai, through for example, the Bund waterfront area. After Jews started arriving in the late 1930s and after Japan had invaded Shanghai a ghetto was established. Wikipedia described the ghetto by: The Shanghai Ghetto, formally known as the Restricted S e c to r fo r S t a te l e s s R e f u g e e s , w a s a n a re a o f approximately one square mile in the Hongkew district of Japanese-occupied Shanghai (the southern Kongku and southwestern Yangpu districts of modern Shanghai). The area included the community around the Ohel Moshe Synagogue but about 23,000 of the city's Jewish Refugees were restricted or relocated to the area from 1941 to 1945 by the Proclamation Concerning Restriction of Residence and Business of Stateless Refugees. It was one of the poorest and most crowded areas of the city. Local Jewish families and American Jewish charities aided them with shelter, food, and clothing. The Japanese authorities increasingly stepped up restrictions, but the ghetto was not walled, and the local Chinese residents, whose living conditions were often as bad, did not leave. There were various groups of Jews in Shanghai including those from Sephardic (typically Southern Mediterranean) and Ashkenazic (Eastern European) origins. Most of these Jews remained in Shanghai until the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948. Emigration there led to most Jews leaving Shanghai until there were only about 100 in 1957. Many well-known people were among this group that lived in Shanghai during the war. These include,

• Aaron Avshalomov,a Russian composer. • Chales K. Bliss, whose Chinese experience inspired him to create Blissymbols. • W. Michael Blumrenthal, served as the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury. • Morris Cohen, known by his nickname Two-Gun Cohen, he served as bodyguard and aide-de-camp to Sun Yatsen, eventually becoming a Chinese general. • Shaul Eisenberg, who founded and ran the Eisenberg Group of Companies in Israel. • Eduard Glass, a Austrian chess master. • Eric Halpern, a cofounder of the Far Eastern Economic Review and its first editor. • Otto Joachim, a German composer. • Vivian Jeanette Kaplan, Author of the book Ten Green Bottles. • Francis Mankiewicz, a Canadian film dire ctor, screenwriter and producer. • Peter Max, an American pop artist. • Lotte Lustig Marcus, psychologist in Carmel, California. • Michael Medavoy, a Hollywood executive at Columbia, Orion and TriStar Pictures. • Rene Rivkin, an Australian financier. • Jakob Rosenfeld, more commonly known as General Luo, who spent nine years overseeing health care and who served as the Minister of Health in the 1947 Provisional Communist Military Government of China under Mao Zedong. • Otto Schnepp, a professor at University of Southern California. • John G. Stoessinger, a Distinguished Professor of Global Diplomacy at the University of San Diego • Stephan Sulke, a Swiss musician. • Ge orge Szekeres, a professor of mathematics, University of New South Walses. • Laurence Tribe, Professor of Law, Harvard Law School, Carl M. Loeb University Professor. • George Zames, a control theorist and professor at McGill University, Montreal, Quebec.




COLUMN / ĺ°ˆćŹ„

Details about the Shanghai Memory Medal

Obverse and reverse of the 2013 one ounce of 0.999 silver Shanghai Memory medal. The highly symbolic medal was designed by Rocky Zhao and his father Qiming Zhao.


Booklet produced by the Spungen Family Foundation for the Shanghai Memory event of August 16, 2013.

Pamphlet description of the medal included on a scroll that came with the medal.

A Shanghai Memory event was organized by the Florence and Lawrence Spungen Family Foundation and Danny Spungen on August 16, 2013 in Skokie, IL USA. To honor the survivors of the Shanghai Ghetto who had come to the event from near and far Danny arranged, through a great effort, an official Chinese governmental commemorative medal to be minted and sold. The medal was designed by Rocky Zhao and his father Qiming Zhao both of whom did a marvelous job. According to Danny it was produced in .999 gold (570 one-ounce

and 36 five-ounce minted) and 0.999 silver (5773 oneounce produced) and served as a fundraising activity and remembrance of the event. The event and its significance were described in a specially prepared booklet and an included scroll, see images below. Further, Danny arranged to have a guest speaker, Ms. Manli Ho, daughter of the diplomat Dr. Feng Shen Ho who saved many lives while serving as China Consul General in Vienna just before World War II.


Scroll that came with the Shanghai Memory medal.

Box cover for the 5 ounce gold medals (image courtesy of Danny Spungen)

A description of the box cover.

The medal was packaged in a lovely wood and glass box that included the scroll; the scroll has also been imaged and is shown here; the booklet further describes the scroll and that description is shown here as well. Also depicted is the box cover used for the five ounce gold medal, in this case it is #1 of 36. A document that explains the cover follows the box cover. The medal’s obverse depicts a wonderfully symbolic scene of a Chinese lady helping a Jewish refugee girl with an umbrella; this is symbolic of refuge from the war. The refugee has a panda doll representing China and a dog as her companions. The reverse shows a scene of Shanghai that includes the Yangtse River and the European-style Bund. The boat on the river is the SS Conte Biancamano (one of the steamer ships that carried refugees from Europe to Shanghai). A sculptural recreation of the images of the ladies on the coin was unveiled in Shanghai on August 25, 2015. It is located in the courtyard of the newly reopened White Horse Inn-a place of celebration and social activities inside the ghetto area now it is at the site of the Shanghai Jewish Refugees Museum.

Sculptural representation of the refugee image on the Shanghai Memory medal (image from Danny Spungen). 121



COLUMN / ĺ°ˆćŹ„

Special details of the Shanghai Memory medals (Image courtesy of Dany Spungen).

Further Reminders of the Shanghai Ghetto The United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA) was active in China as well as its successor organization the International Refugee Organization (IRO). A prescription for a medicine issued by the IRO is shown below. Also, the American Joint Distribution Committee (AJDC) was active in Shanghai. Its headquarters building is shown in the picture. There is a large philatelic connection to the ghetto as well. Letters are known to have arrived there and postal items were sent from there. Two interesting covers are shown in the pictures below. The first contained a letter sent from Germany to a Jewish refugee in Shanghai before the formal establishment of the ghetto. Note that it went via Siberia in 1940. This was during the small window of time in WWII before the invasion of the Soviet Union by Germany on June 22, 1941. On the back of


Site of the American Joint Distribution Committee in Shanghai (Wikipedia)

the envelope are names that have been crossed off-my belief is that these were family members and friends who successively read the letter. Note the German and Chinese censor marks.


The other letter is represented by an envelope that was sent from Shanghai to Chicago, IL USA. It was sent by a Shanghai refugee Rabbi Dr. Georg Kantorowsky to a medical doctor Dr. Josef Behr on February 6, 1941. Rabbi Kantorowsky lived on Kungping Road. The internet has revealed some interesting information on Rabbi Georg Kantorowsky. The book Once They Had a Country: Two Teenage Refugees in the Second World War by Muriel R. Gillick revealed that Rabbi Kantorowsky was born in 1883 in Germany. The book further informed me that the rabbi crossed the Soviet Union to go to Japan and thence to China where he ended up living in Shanghai. Before that in November 1938, after the Night of Broken Glass (Kristallnacht) in Germany, he spent six weeks in Sachsenhausen, a German concentration camp. The Jewish Congregation B’nai Emunah (in San Francisco, CA, USA) has a direct connection to this story. From its own online history, we learn that its name is Hebrew for The Children of Faith, and that it was formally established in 1949. Most of the founding members were refugees from Nazism and survivors of the Holocaust. In particular, many of the founding members had spent the war years in Shanghai and arrived in San Francisco as their port of entry into the United States. The founding rabbi of the Congregation was our letter writer Dr. Georg Kantorowsky who retired in 1968. Shortly after he died on November 11, 1972 at age 89. Thus, this humble envelope has quite a story behind it. The Shanghai Ghetto was one of the few places European Jews could escape to. Thanks to the Spungen family and China there is a numismatic reminder of those hard days when Chinese people helped preserve a remnant of a dying people. In 2001 the aforementioned Ambassador Dr. Feng Shen Ho was named a Righteous Among the Nations by a grateful State of Israel for issuing over 1200 visas that allowed Jews to leave Austria and escape to Shanghai.

International Refugee Organization (IRO) prescription from Shanghai after the establishment of the People’s Republic of China.

Face of a letter sent from Germany to the Shanghai Ghetto. Note the via Sibirien (German for Siberia) notation as this was sent before the German Invasion of the Soviet Union.




COLUMN / ĺ°ˆćŹ„

Back of an envelope sent from Germany to the Shanghai Ghetto. Note the via Siberia notation as this was sent before the German Invasion of the Soviet Union.

Face of an envelope sent from the Shanghai Ghetto to Chicago, IL, USA.

Back of an envelope sent from the Shanghai Ghetto to Chicago, IL, USA. Note that Rabbi Dr. Georg Kantorowsky was the sender. The letter was sent February 2, 1941 well before the Pearl Harbor attack of December 7, 1941.



「上海灘 · 記憶」紀念章 史提夫 · 費勒[美國]

“上海灘·記憶” 紀念章描繪了一名猶太難民與一名中國女性之間的友誼。 請注意人物身後門框上斜掛的門柱聖卷 (一種猶太教用品) 。













仍留在上海。此後上海出臺新移民政策,大多數猶太人就離 開了上海。1957年,上海只剩下大約100名猶太人。

為了幫助逃亡上海的猶太人,中國人在上海虹口區建起了“上 海隔都”,居住於此的約1.8萬名歐洲猶太人由此獲救。儘管



士。 《維基百科》將之描述為“上海隔都著名倖存者”,名單


如下 :


- 俄羅斯作曲家阿龍 · 阿甫夏洛穆夫(Aaron Avshalomov)。


- 查理斯 · 布力斯(Chales K. Bliss),他在中國的經歷激勵




- 維納 · 邁克爾 · 布魯門塔爾(W. Michael Blumrenthal),




- 莫里斯 · 科恩(Morris Cohen),綽號“雙槍 · 科恩”,他曾 擔任孫中山的保鏢和侍從官,後來成為中國國民革命軍少將。


- 紹爾 · 艾森伯格(Shaul Eisenberg),他在以色列創立了



“上海隔都”的描述 :

- 愛德華 · 格拉斯(Eduard Glass),奧地利國際象棋大師。 - 埃裡克 · 哈爾彭(Eric Halpern), 《遠東經濟評論》創始

上海隔都, 又稱“ 無國籍難民限定居住區”, 是日本佔領下的


上海虹口區一塊面積約為1平方英里的猶太區( 在今上海的虹口

- 奧托 · 若阿基姆(Otto Joachim),德國作曲家。

區南部與楊浦區西南部), 包括摩西會堂附近區域。 1941年至

- 薇薇安 · 珍妮特 · 卡普蘭(Vivian Jeanette Kaplan), 《十

1945年期間, 依據《 關於無國籍難民限定居住與業務經營限



- 法蘭西斯 · 曼凱維奇(Francis Mankiewicz),加拿大電

難民們住進了該市最貧窮、最擁擠的區域。 當地猶太人家庭和


美國猶太人慈善團隊為他們提供了庇護所、 食物和衣物作為

- 彼得 · 馬克斯(Peter Max),美國流行藝術家。

援助。 雖然日本方面的限制逐漸增加, 但是並沒有在隔都周圍

- 洛特 · 勒斯蒂格 · 馬庫斯(Lotte Lustig Marcus),加利

築起圍牆, 而且當地許多中國居民的生活條件也同樣惡劣, 他



- 邁克爾 · 梅達沃伊(Rene Rivkin),好萊塢哥倫比亞影業 公司即三星影業高管。



- 雷內 · 裡弗金(Rene Rivkin),澳大利亞金融家。

- 斯特凡 · 蘇爾克(Stephan Sulke),瑞士音樂家。

- 雅各 · 羅森菲爾德(Jakob Rosenfeld),許多人稱他為“羅

- 喬治 · 塞凱賴什(George Szekeres),新南威爾士大學數




- 勞倫斯 · 特賴布(Laurence Tribe),哈佛法學院法學教授。

- 奧托 · 施奈普(otto Schnepp),南加州大學教授。

- 喬治 · 紮梅斯(George Zames),坐落於魁北克蒙特利爾

- 約翰 · 斯托衣辛格(John G. Stoessinger),聖地牙哥大



“上海灘 · 記憶”紀念章詳述

2013 年“上海灘 · 記憶”1 盎司 999 純銀紀念章正反面。這枚極 具象徵意義的紀念章是由趙檣及其父趙啟明設計的。

2013 年 8 月 16 日,史朋根家族基金會為紀念此次盛會製作的 《上海灘記憶》小書冊。








尼 · 史朋根組織的盛大活動在美國伊利諾州的斯科基拉開了


帷幕。在丹尼 · 史朋根的悉心安排下,為商議鑄造並出售將




教倖存者們不遠千里齊聚一堂參與這場盛會。 “上海灘 · 記 憶”紀念章的設計者是趙檣與他的父親趙啟明,事實證明, “上海灘 · 記憶”紀念章置於透明玻璃效果的木盒中,盒中 他們出色地完成了這一創作。據丹尼 · 史朋根回憶,作為募






問世。這此盛會及其影響還出現在一本特製小書冊中, “上


海灘 · 記憶”紀念章卷軸證書中對此亦有所描述(詳見下列

“上海灘 · 記憶”紀念章卷軸證書

5盎司金章的木盒( 圖片來源 :丹尼 · 史朋根)




“上海灘 · 記憶”紀念章的正面圖案生動再現了一名中國婦女 為一個在滬避難的猶太女孩遮風擋雨的場景。圖中猶太女 孩手抱熊貓玩具,陪伴她的還有一條小狗。背面則展現了 黃浦江畔萬國建築林立的上海灘,江面上為郵輪 SS Conte

Biancamano(將猶太難民從歐洲帶往上海的其中一艘蒸 汽船)。

2015年8月25日, 《風雨同舟》雕塑展現在世人眼前,它正 是“上海灘 · 記憶”紀念章圖案的再現。該雕塑位於當時上 海新開張的上海長陽路舟山路口白馬咖啡館廣場,是二戰期 間猶太難民在上海的重要聚會場所,當時居住在上海隔都 的猶太難民經常在此舉辦慶祝或其他社交活動。

根據“ 上海灘 ·記憶”紀念章圖案創造的《 風雨同舟》雕塑( 照 片由丹尼 · 史朋根提供)。

紀念章上有許多具有象徵意義的細節,曾有篇新聞稿解析了該紀念章上的細節 :

“ 上海灘 · 記憶” 紀念章上的特別細節( 圖片來源 :丹尼 · 史朋根) 129




有關上海隔都的更多資訊 聯合國善後救濟總署(UNRRA)及其繼任機構國際難民組 織籌備委員會 (IRO) 過去曾頻繁參與中國的救濟活動。下圖 是國際難民組織籌備委員會開具的處方。 此外,美猶聯合救濟委員會(AJDC)也經常參與上海的救 濟活動。上圖為美猶聯合救濟委員會總部大樓。

據悉,上海隔都地區信件往來頻繁,有寄往上海隔都的信 件,也有從上海隔都寄出的信件記錄。以下兩張圖片分別是 兩封信的封面。第一封信是上海隔都正式建立之前從德國 寄往上海的一封信,收信人是住在上海隔都的一名猶太難

上海猶太聯合委員會舊址(《 維琪百科》)

民。如果你稍微留意封面文字,還會發現這封信在1940年 曾途經西伯利亞,而且這封信寄出時間距離1941年6月22 日德國突襲前蘇聯即第二次世界大戰爆發不到一年。信封的 背面有用墨水畫掉人名的痕跡,我認為畫掉的人名所對應的 都是讀過這封信的人,這些人彼此之間抑或是家人抑或是 朋友。請注意,信封上還有德國和中國的審查蓋戳標誌。

從另一封信的信封上,我們不難看出,這封信從上海寄往 美國伊利諾州芝加哥。這封信於1941年2月6日由居住在上 海隔都的喬治 · 康脫羅斯基寄給醫學博士約瑟夫 · 貝爾。寄 件人喬治 · 康脫羅斯基當時住在昆平路。 我們可以通過互聯網查到更多關於拉比 · 喬治 · 坎多羅夫 斯基的信息。在穆里爾 · 吉利克寫(Muriel R. Gillick)撰 寫的書中(書名《他們也曾有國有家 :二戰期間的兩名青年 猶 太 難 民 》Once They Had a Country: Two Teenage

Refugees in the Second World War),作者透露,喬治 · 康脫羅斯基於1883年出生在德國。據書中闡述,喬治 · 康 脫羅斯基途徑蘇聯到達日本,然後從日本來到中國,最後留 “碎玻璃之夜” 在上海生活。在此之前,且在1938年11月德國 (前譯“水晶之夜”)後,他在德國薩克森豪森集中營待了六 個星期。

Congregation B'nai Emunah 猶太教會(位於美國加利福 尼亞三藩市)與前述書中人物有着直接的聯繫。據該教會的 官網描述,該教會之名源自希伯來語,意為“信仰之子”,且 該教堂是在1949年正式建立的,其大多數創始成員都是僥 倖逃脫納粹屠殺的倖存者。對此特別值得一提的是,他們

中華人民共和國成立後來自上海的國際難民組織籌備委員開 具的處方



三藩市。該教會的創始人便是吉利克書中提及的喬治 · 康脫

日,喬治 · 康脫羅斯基去世,享年89歲。因此,這個不起眼





者在前文中提到的何鳳山先生被以色列授予 “國際正義人士”

根家族和中國方面的無私幫助,才會有今日的“上海灘 · 記





從德國寄往上海隔都的一封信。 這封信在德國突襲蘇聯之前 寄出, 曾途徑西伯利亞( 德語中的西伯利亞寫法是 Sibirien)。

从德国寄往上海隔都的一封信的信封背面。 这封信在德国突 袭苏联之前寄出, 曾途径西伯利亚。


從上海隔都寄往美國伊利諾州芝加哥的信封背面。值得注意的 是, 拉比 · 喬治 · 坎多羅夫斯基博士是寄信人。 這封信是早在 1941年12月7日珍珠港襲擊事件之前的1941年2月2日寄出的。

(翻譯校訂 :上海電視臺外語頻道記者吳依娜)





The MPC Fest of Port Clinton, Ohio Steve and Ray Feller[USA]

(From left to right): Marsha Bordner, Col. Harold Brown, Tuskegee airman, Ray Feller, and Steve Feller.

Ray and Steve Feller celebrate the release of their book, Silent Witnesses: Civilian Camp Money of WWII, at a Fest.

Ray Feller with Neil Shafer, dean of World Paper Money, at MPC Fest XIX, May 2018.

T he Fes t celebrated t he bir t hday of R ay's daughter Ramona Feller.



Shown above are some recent $50 notes.

Every Spring, military money enthusiasts gather together in Port Clinton, OH for the amazing MPC Fest. It is an absolutely one-of-a kind show for people in numismaticsparticularly those who are interested in the numismatic history of military conflict and military service. The show is part-educational, part-reenactment, and all comradery. The weekend always goes too quickly, leaving everyone with new friendships, new knowledge, and new items.

On the Thursday before the Fest begins there is a dinner and some kind of sporting event. This past year there was a shooting competition with the winner (Al Glaser) crowned at the awards ceremony on Saturday night.

May. This means that all personnel eat all meals together, attend talks, sing together, toast together, and sign short snorters. It is usual for several books to be launched at the Fest including, amazingly enough, a book released each year on Fest currency itself! Yes, there have been many issues of MFC (Military Fest Certificates), designed to function at the Fest as MPC did in the various military theaters after World War II. Always, the currency is rendered cleverly. They are usually designed by David Schwan, Fred Schwan’s nephew. Be careful! There seem to always be compromises to the MFC, often (as in, 100% of the time) resulting in a currency conversion! This leads to the introduction of a new series, carefully documented in the MFC books by Al Glaser.

By Friday, the Holiday Inn Express is starting to bustle. There is a bourse, and though it is small, high-quality items are available from the ten or so dealers who set up for the 50-60 attendees.

Another book, now a regular Fest feature, is the MPC Fest Yearbook written by Kris and Cuneyd Tolek.

There are also specialized groups that meet including attendees who study Japanese Invasion Money (JIM) and war bonds from around the world. These groups can be seen engaging in exciting conversation, often with some show-and-tell.

F r i d ay n i g h t b e g i n s w i t h t h e o f f i c i a l w e l c o m e , introductions, and the start of the March Madness trivia competition (which is called March Madness no matter the month of the Fest). The winner of the Fest March Madness is crowned as the National Champion of Military Numismatics and joins a distinguished group of collectors who have won the award.

Friday is also the day when various groups explore the Port Clinton area for lunch or to see historic sites along Lake Erie. Once the Fest begins Friday evening, no one leaves the Holiday Inn Express, which transforms into Camp Leo

Saturday morning we all awake to the same alarm, set by HQ, to ensure that we make it to chow early enough for the battalion photo. Everyone is assigned a company and arrives in their company’s colors, brandishing their company standard. Festers are all assigned duties and 133




A recent MFC bond for $160. The bond features David Seelye and Ray and Leonardo Feller. participate actively in making sure the weekend goes smoothly. Several festers are always in charge of selling raffle tickets, purchased in MFC, which often have some truly exciting prizes. There are many aspects of the Fest that serve as a reenactment of military tradition. These include the singing of military songs, the selling of specially designed bonds, using MFC, using ration cards, using paybooks, challenging each other with challenge coins, and one year even a visit from the Red Cross Doughnut Dollies! After breakfast and photos, the briefings begin. At its core, over the course of a single weekend, it is home to an impressive array of talks and presentations known as “staff briefings.” We usually have 20-30 of these, with topics ranging across history. Last year’s top presenter award went to Jim Downey, who went through a man’s personal history by looking at his medals. It was so compelling-there were tears! Other presentations shared stories about Merci Boxcars after WWII, items found in local coin shops, a French resistance hero, Canadian bonds, fantasy counterstamps, an Ebay treasure, and a secret PO Box. There were new discoveries shared and personal narratives explored.


At the recently concluded nineteenth Fest, held in early May 2018, the keynote address was given by Col. Harold Brown, a Tuskegee Airman; he was one of the famed African-American airmen who saved many in bombers from certain death in WWII. The Tuskegee airmen served in Italy among other places. After his inspiring talk he signed copies of his book. After the training sessions have ended and we have enjoyed another meal together, we have our awards ceremony. These include appreciation for everyone who helps put the Fest together, the sharpshooter competition winner, the National Champion of Military Numismatics, the Bob Olson award for the best trainer, and the Ray Toy award for meritorious service or achievement in the field of military numismatics. These awards are respected and honored. On Saturday night, there are a few options: you could try to get some rest, review auction items, continue conversations with colleagues, watch a featured film, or participate in the poker tournament. The poker tournament is full of banter. The winner is presented with a large Fest savings bond and the much-desired poker bracelet. We Fellers have three bracelets between the two of us, but they were all won by Ray.


From the beginning of the Fest, money is collected for the American Numismatic Association’s Summer Seminar classes (yes plural) on military numismatics. No group its size gives out as many scholarships as this. Again, we see that knowledge is the most important value of the group. S u n d ay m o r n i n g t h e a c t i o n c o nt i nu e s w i t h t h e Smulczenski Charity auction. The auction is headed up by David Frank, who manages a group of hard-working Festers to create an incredible auction. The relatively low 10% juice is used to fund scholarships. The Fest concludes after lunch Sunday, followed by a trip to a local historically interesting place. As we stated at the beginning there is no event like this that we are aware of. Every need is taken care of for the weekend. It is exhilarating and exhausting at the same time. It’s an incredible bargain. For a single person it is a few hundred dollars for housing, food, and the Fest. You will be spoiled and pampered by the staff of the hotel. Your spouse or friend will also be treated royally by Fred’s wife Judy. A whole article could be written about what the self-named Tiger Lilies are up to while we are talking numismatics. It is a wonderful weekend. The Fest is always over too quickly. One leaves the Fest with treasures-renewed life-long friendships, medals, items purchased at the bourse or the auction, MFC scrip, bonds, books, lyrics to patriotic songs, and much knowledge.

Harold Brown's book.

We urge you to come next year and join the Fest Family. We promise you won’t regret it. A special Fest is being planned since it will be the twentieth successive Fest. To keep in touch with the Fest community subscribe to the MPC Gram for free by sending an email to Fred at:

Festers about to enjoy lunch (left to right) Danny Spungen, Ray Feller, Alla Fedner, Greg Fedner, and David Frank.





再聚俄亥俄州克林頓港 美國軍用支付券集會實錄 史提夫·費勒 雷·費勒[美國]

從左往右 :瑪莎 · 博多納( Marsha Bordner)、 來 自塔斯基吉的飛行員哈羅德 · 布朗上校、 雷 · 費勒 和史提夫 · 費勒。

雷 · 費勒和史提夫 · 費勒正在慶祝新書《 沉默的見 證者 :二戰中平民集中營的錢幣》出版。

世界紙幣權威專家尼爾·莎弗(Neil Shafer)與雷·費 勒在2018年5月第19屆軍用支付券集會上的合影。

參加集會的眾人 為雷 · 費勒的女兒拉莫娜 · 費勒 (Ramona Feller )慶生。











發行的軍用支付券。這些集會用幣是由弗雷德 · 舒萬(Fred


Schwan) 的 侄 子大 衛 · 舒 萬(David Schwan) 設計 的,


且使用方式非常靈活。有一點要提醒大家,由於軍需代金 券經常折價,而且往往(百分之百)會導致更換集會用幣,


這就意味着會推出新的集會用幣系列,艾爾 · 格拉斯曾將此



舉辦過一場射擊比賽,艾爾 · 格拉斯(Al Glaser)奪冠並在 週六的頒獎典禮上領取獎項。

軍用支付券 集會還 發 行了一本 書, 由克 裡 斯 · 托 勒(Kris

Tole)和克庫雷 · 托勒克(Cuneyd Tolek)合著的《軍用支 週五,智選假日酒店呈現出一派忙碌的景象。藏品交易活動


如火如荼地進行着,雖然規模不大,但交易的都是高品質藏 品。現場約有10名賣家和50-60名參加者。

週五晚首先舉行了正式的歡迎介紹會,隨後是“瘋狂三月知 識競賽” (稱為“瘋狂三月”並不代表舉辦集會的月份在三





債券的小組織。 週六早晨,我們在叫早服務中醒來,以便大家有充足的時間 在週五這天,還有一些小團體沿着伊利湖結伴探尋克林頓港



揮舞自己所在團隊的旗幟。大家在接受分配的任務後積極履 行職責,以確保活動的順利進行。有些集會人員的任務是銷











一款最新發行的軍需代用券,面額為160美元,圖中人物從上至下為大衛 · 席勒、雷 · 費勒、里昂那多 · 費勒。

給卡、付款單,使用挑戰幣挑戰其他參加者。有一年,我們 甚至還迎來了紅十字會“甜甜圈娃娃團”的訪問!


在整個週末的活動過程中,最核心的部分是集會成員聚在一 起深入交流並上臺演講,這一環節被稱為“成員彙報” ,這樣 的彙報通常有20-30個,主題涵蓋各個歷史話題。去年,吉 姆 · 唐尼(Jim Downey)獲得了“最佳演講者”的稱號。唐 尼以獎章作為演講的出發點,爾後回顧獎章持有人的故事, 他的演講十分打動人心,引得聽眾潸然淚下。其他演講者也 各自講述了精彩的故事,包括二戰後“感謝號”車廂的故事、 當地錢幣店鋪淘到的商品、法國抵抗組織英雄人物、加拿大 債券、新奇的戳記、易貝網(eBay)上出售的某件珍品、神 秘的郵政信箱。在這裡,人們共用新發現,探索奇人趣事。 在此次軍用支付券集會上,塔斯基吉的飛行員哈羅德 · 布朗 (Harold Brown)上校為大家做了重要演講。他是著名的 非裔飛行員,在意大利等地執行過任務,二戰中曾拯救許多 被擊落的戰機飛行員。發表完鼓舞人心的演講後,他還現 場簽售自己的新書。



哈羅德 · 布朗的新書。


集會參加者午餐前合影(從左到右):丹尼 ·史龐根(Danny Spungen)、雷 ·費勒(Ray Feller)、 艾拉 ·福德勒( Alla Fedner)、格雷格 ·福德勒( Greg Fedner)、大衛 ·弗蘭克(David Frank)。



優勝獎、 “最佳國家級軍事錢幣研究者獎”,以及為最優秀的 教官頒發的“鮑勃 · 奧爾森獎”、為軍事錢幣學領域做出傑出


貢獻或成就的仁人志士頒發的“雷 · 托伊獎”,這些獎項代



足各種需求。放鬆身心,愉悅心情,性價比超高。如果你是 一個人來參加集會,你只需帶上數百美元的食宿餐飲費即可





賽趣味十足,獲勝者將會獲得令大家“垂涎欲滴”的獎品—— 一張大集會儲蓄券和撲克手鏈。我們二人(筆者)共得到三



參加者對於錢幣學的獨到觀點。總之,你將在此度過一個 愉快的週末。

自初次舉辦至今,美國軍用券支付集會都會為美國錢幣協會 暑期研討班(不只一個班)籌集資金,作為其軍事錢幣學項








衛 · 弗蘭克(David Frank)的帶領下,在場人員踴躍參與,


拍賣現場火爆。此次拍賣所得利潤的10% 作為前文提到的


項目獎學金。 欲及時獲取最新資訊,請發送郵件至:MPCgram@yahoo. 周日,午餐過後,集會活動宣告結束。集會成員們興高采烈

com 訂閱美國軍用支付券節目,可免費訂閱。 139




Chinese Factional Currency Howard F. Bowker[USA]

The hoarding of minor metallic currency and the shortage of fractional paper currency due to war conditions in China has caused various expedients to be devised to alleviate conditions. With the fall in value of the Yuan dollar, the nickel coins are worth more for their value as metal than their face value. Various methods have been reported to supply the lack of minor currency, including tokens made from the ubiquitous kerosene tins in Kiangsi Province, and the use of postage stamps in the Shanghai area. We illustrate herewith one of the private issues of postal fractional currency which is being used in Soochow. These were issued by the Wen Ming Store, and the one and five-cent values from which the illustration was made are from the Museum of the American Numismatic Society of New York. The paper backing upon which the postage stamps are


mounted in folded transparent tissue, is largely taken up with the printed advertisement of the firm responsible for the issue. The five characters above the stamps, Yu piao pi hsuan, is freely translated as “Stamp Currency Certificate.” To the right of the stamps the characters read “Used according to the value of the stamps,” while on the left the translation warns, “Keep clean, of no value if soiled.” The two rows of characters between the pointing hands state, “When 10 cents have been accumulated, can be exchanged for 10 cents in currency.” The balance of the face and the reverse is taken up with advertising enumerating the products handled by the store. We are indebted to Professor Wang Chi-chen of Columbia University for the translation. Note: This article was originally published in "China Clipper" (China Stamp Society) April 1940 and in "Stamps" magazine July 1940.


中國代幣券 民國時期蘇州文明香燭號郵票代幣券 霍華德 ·佛蘭克林 ·包克[美國]




滿了大量商家借此推銷該店商品的印刷廣告。郵票上方是 “郵






寫着“積滿十分向本號換輔幣壹角”字樣。除此以外的其餘 位置及代幣券的反面都是商家用來推廣該店商品的廣告。

我們在此以蘇州使用的民間自發代幣券——郵票代幣券為 例,這是一家名為“文明香燭號”的商家印發的代幣券,票




館館藏。 注 :本文曾發表於《中國飛剪號》 (美國中華集郵會)1940 年4月刊及《集郵》雜誌1940年7月刊。





INDOCHINA / ANNAM A Never Seen Before Minh Manng (1820-1840) François Joyaux[France]


A golden unpublished Annamese coin bearing the name of Minh Mạng (1820-1840) and the legend Long Văn will be auctioned next month of November. For this reign, this type was only known in silver. Right now, this golden type is known for the reigns of Minh Mạng (1820-1840), Tự Đức (1848-1883), Thành Thái (1889-1907) and Khải Định (1916-1925).

MDC Monnaies de Collection auctions in Monaco, will present in its 15th November 2018 auction (lot 1099), an Annamese gold coin of the reign of Minh Mạng (1820-1840), which seems to us unpublished. It can be described as follows: Right (pic. 1 averse): Minh Mạng thông báo ( 明命通寳 ) “Minh Mạng common coin”; sun with rays at the center, beading and ornament on the outskirts. Left (pic. 1 reverse): Long Văn ( 龍 文 ), Dragon sapèque; dragon front view; sun with rays at the center; to the right and to the left the two prints Long and Văn clouds in the middle; beading and ornament on the outskirts, same as on the other side.

Pic. 1 diameter 35 mm, weight 11,19 g

For this reign, we know the same type in silver (Schroeder n° 187 et 188), but not in gold. The punches are different. As a result, the series of gold presentation coins with legend Long Văn 龍 文 , Dragon sapèque, started under the reign of Minh Mạng (1820-1840). Currently, as far as this gold series is concerned, we therefore know Long Văn coins for the reigns of :

Minh Mạng 1820-1840

Tự Đức 1848-1883

1 Type

3 Type

Pic. 2 Edge big dots

Thành Thái 1889-1907

Duy Tân 1907-1916

Khải Định 1916-1925

4 Type

2 Type

1 Type

One of them is written with PIERRE

Drawing, no coin known

Which is writen PIERRE

It is not impossible that we will discover, in the future some for the reigns of Thìệu Trị (1841-1847), Đông Khánh (18851889), or even Bảo Đại (1926-1945).

(University Professor (e.t.) at the French National Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilizations)



越南阮朝明命时期 一枚罕見金幣—— “明命通寶”背“龍文” 法蘭索 · 猶由[法國]

一枚正面錢文“明命通寳” (明命,越南阮朝聖祖仁皇帝年號,1820-1840年)、背面“龍文”銘文

的未發行越南金幣將於11月拍賣。此前,較為常見的明命時期越南錢幣為銀幣。如今,不僅是明命 時期(1820-1840年),嗣德(1848-1883年)、成泰(1889-1907年)、啟定(1916-1925年)年間 的金幣也逐漸為世人所知。

2018年11月15日,MDC 錢 幣 公司 拍 賣 會 將 在 摩 洛 哥 舉 辦。屆時,拍賣會上將拍賣一枚此前沒有發行過的明命時期 (1820-1840年)越南金幣,拍品號為1099。該幣描述如下: 正面(圖1左):面文四字直讀“明命通寳”,即“明命時期通用 的貨幣”;中心是太陽光芒線 ;周邊是珠圈和花紋裝飾。 背面(圖1右):飛龍圖紋 ;中心是太陽光芒線,右、左分列

圖1 直徑35毫米,重量11.19克

“龍” “文”二字 ;點綴雲圖 ;周邊與正面相同,亦為珠圈和花 紋裝飾。 邊緣為大圓點(圖2)。 同 樣 是 明 命 時 期 的 錢 幣, 我 們 對 銀 幣 瞭 解 較 多 (《Schroeder》187-188頁),但是對金幣還不甚瞭解。兩 者的衝壓工藝也不盡相同。


圖2 邊緣大圓點

定以下時期曾鑄過“龍文”錢文金幣 :

明命时期 (1820-1840年)

嗣德时期 (1848-1883年)



成泰时期 (1889-1907年)

維新时期 (1907-1916年)

啟定时期 (1916-1925年)




其中有一種寫有 PIERRE 之名


寫有 PIERRE 之名

將來,我們或許會發現更多不同時期的明命通寶金幣,比如紹治時期(1841-1847年)、同慶時期(1885-1889年)、保大時 期(1926-1945年)。 (作者為法國國家東方語言文化學院外籍大學教授)





$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $BUYING $ $RARE $ COINS $ $ $ $ $ $ BILLIONAIRES $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Jeff Garrett [USA]

What is motivating 'smart money' to turn to numismatics? One of most interesting and impactful developments in numismatics in recent years has been the activity of a few incredibly affluent collectors. These collectors spend more on individual coins than your average collector spends in a lifetime. At least three of these mega-collectors have spent over $100 million on their rare coin collections. We have all read the headlines about how rare coins at the high end of the market have been selling in record numbers, and at sometimes-record prices. Individuals, such as the three mentioned above and others, are the primary reason.

These so-called mega-collectors are not just buying million-dollars coins. They are actively building sets of United States, World and Ancient coins. They want the finest available and will spend to get them.

These collectors have been ver y for tunate in the last several years, as quite a few legacy collections have been offered at auction. These are collections individuals spent many decades building. Collections such as that of Eric Newman saw coins offered that had not been available since the 1930s. Many individual coins in amazing condition sold for stunning prices as a result of competition among these super rich collectors. Everyone likes to know what so-called “smart money” is doing in the way of investments. Stock market pundits listen and parse ever y statement from the “Oracle of Omaha,” Warren Buffett, looking for clues to his investment strategy. There is little doubt that these individuals who have invested vast sums in the rare coin market are “smart.” I have met a couple of these folks and I can safely state they are driven, super-smart, and think long-term. The question is: Why have they invested so heavily into the “hobby of kings” - numismatics?


After speaking with one of these collectors, and others who know them, one common theme is a love of history. All seem to really appreciate the tangible links to history that numismatics provides. Whether it is a coin issued by Alexander the Great, or a coin that had the personal involvement of George Washington, the historical aspect provides a strong magnet of interest. Rare coins are closely tied to many of the most important historical milestones of our country. Also, the financial history of our nation is closely reflected in these artifacts as well, which is, for obvious reasons, of interest to the extremely wealthy.

There is also little doubt that these individuals think rare coins are an underpriced asset class. It would be hard to imagine anyone spending these huge sums on rare coins unless they thought it was a good investment. They may be buying the coins due to a love of history, but like all serious collectors, they hope their financial commitment to the hobby will prove to one day be a great investment. There is ample reason to think rare coins are underpriced at current levels. Truly great coins sell for millions of dollars, but truly great art sells for hundreds of millions. One super rich collector stated that he could purchase a world-class coin collection, but a world-class art collection is beyond the reach of even the average billionaire. It’s an interesting perspective that only the super-rich would ponder. Another factor is that even with the increased demand from the mega-collectors, some iconic coins have been selling for surprisingly low prices recently. The finest known 1913 Liberty Nickel sold at auction last month for around $4.5 million. As stunning as this sounds for a rare coin, it last sold for $5 million over ten years ago. The recent discovery of an 1854-S Half Eagle generated tremendous press, but the coin sold for just a little over


$2 million. This is well below what many thought the coin would bring (though its buyers quickly resold it after the auction, presumably for a profit). The 1854-S Half Eagle is a regular issue rarity, and one of only two in private hands. Other examples of market weakness among super expensive coins can be found by reviewing recent auction results. I believe that one of the biggest factors in the interest in rare coins of the super-rich, has been the incredible increases in net worth among the wealthy. The stock market, real estate and business in general are at alltime highs in many cases. One wealthy collector stated to me that he was selling assets that he thought were over-priced and buying assets that he thought were underpriced – rare coins. You can also factor in that interest rates remain low, and it is impossible to invest money in fixed income at favorable rates. Finally, as incredible as at seems, these collectors also like competing with one another for having the best sets in the set-registry programs. One collector’s stated goal is to surpass Eliasberg as the number one collection of all time. This is ambitious, to say the least, but there is little doubt to his commitment. When top pop, finest-known examples of even mundane coins show up at auction, the prices realized can stun

Described as "the discovery of a lifetime," Numismatic Guaranty Corporation authenticated and graded as NGC XF 45 the fourth-known 1854-S Half Eagle.

everyone. These serious collectors love the competition and recognition that set-registry collecting provides. The average collector may think this has little to do with their collecting activity, but as stated above, it’s always good to observe the activity of “smart money.” The gigantic sums these collectors have infused into the hobby in recent years has impacted nearly every part of the rare coin market. Many wonder how the rare coin market would look if these folks had not fallen in love with coins. I hope their investments prove to be wise, and other wealthy individuals follow their lead. Want to see more articles like this? Subscribe to the free NGC Weekly Market Report. This article was published on September 6, 2018.

Jeff Garrett, founder of Mid-American Rare Coin Galleries, is considered one of the nation’s top experts in U.S. coinage - and knowledge lies at the foundation of Jeff’s numismatic career. With more than 35 years of experience, he is one of the top experts in numismatics. The “experts’ expert”, Jeff has personally bought and sold nearly every U.S. coin ever issued. Not a day goes by that someone doesn't call on Jeff Garrett for numismatic advice. This includes many of the nation’s largest coin dealers, publishers, museums, and institutions.

Jeff Garrett has authored many of today’s most popular numismatic books, including Encyclopedia of U.S. Gold Coins 1795–1933: Circulating, Proof, Commemorative, and Pattern Issues; 100 Greatest U.S. Coins; and United States Coinage: A Study By Type. He is also the editor for The Official Redbook: A Guide Book of United States Coins.

Jeff plays an important role at the Smithsonian Institution's National Numismatic Department and serves as consultant to the museum on funding, exhibits, conservation and research. Thanks to the efforts of Jeff and many others, rare U.S. coins are once again on exhibit at the Smithsonian Institution’s Museum of American History. Recently, Jeff was asked to serve on the Board of Advisors for Smithsonian Museum of American History.

Jeff has been a member of the prestigious Professional Numismatic Guild (PNG) since 1982 and has served as President of the organization. In 2015, he was elected to serve at the 59th President of the American Numismatic Association, the largest coin collector organization in the world. 145




$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 億萬富翁購買稀有錢幣 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 傑夫 ·加勒特[美國]













是喬治 · 華盛頓參與其中的錢幣,錢幣的歷史淵源及故事引









極推動美國和世界錢幣市場發展,包括古錢幣。巨富收藏家 們想要買到最頂級的藏品,並且願意花高價去購買。

這些收藏家認為稀有錢幣屬於低出售價的資產類別。對於 普通人而言這是不可思議的,竟然有人將巨額資金花費在稀





的藏品實屬幸運。比如埃裡克 · 紐曼(Eric Newman)這




難以購到。隨着巨富收藏家之間愈演愈烈的競爭,許多具有 絕佳品相的個人錢幣藏品以驚人的價格售出。

我們有充分的理由相信,目前的稀有錢幣售價確實被低估了。 一枚稀有錢幣售價數百萬美元,但真正罕見的藝術品售價可



士聆聽並解析被譽為“奧馬哈先知”的沃倫 · 巴菲特所做的






“聰明錢”投資者,我可以肯定地說,這些人執著努力、聰 明過人、目光長遠。



造成這種情況的另一個原因是,儘管巨富收藏家的購買需求 有所增加,仍有一些珍貴的錢幣以低得驚人的價格售出。最 典型的例子是上個月拍賣會上以近450萬美元的價格售出的

1913年自由女神頭像鎳幣。這事聽來簡直令人難以置信,這 是一枚稀有的錢幣,它在十年前的售價是500萬美元。


已知存世第四枚1854年S版五元金幣,由NGC鑒定並評級為 NGC XF 45,且被描述為“一生難遇的發現”



買下它後又立即將之轉售)。1854年 S 版五元金幣是常規


最 近 發 現的一枚1854年 S 版 五 元金幣 帶來了不小的“轟

發行的稀有錢幣,也是兩枚在私人手中收藏的鷹幣之一。我 們還可以通過查看近期拍賣成果,找到價值斐然的錢幣成



錢幣也能拍出令人驚詫的價格。這些收藏家喜歡競相爭奪並 獲得評級藏品。普通收藏家可能認為這種舉動與他們的收







告訴我,他正在出售他認為售價達到頂峰的資產然後去購買 他認為售價過低的資產——稀有錢幣。巨富收藏家之所以這





們的投資是明智的,還會有更多富有的私人收藏家追隨他們 的腳步。

除此之外,這些收藏家之間也喜歡相互競爭角逐評級最高 的藏品。如果某位收藏家說他的目標是購得超越 Eliasberg (想要閱讀更多類似文章嗎?請訂閱 NGC 每週市場報告,免 的藏品,這可是一直以來最受追捧的頭號藏品。不得不說,

費的哦。本文發表日期 :2018年9月6日。)

傑夫 · 加勒特,Mid-American Rare Coin Galleries 創始人,美國錢幣界資深專家。具 備扎實錢幣學知識及逾35年行業經驗的傑夫是錢幣學領域的頂級專家之一。享有“專家 中的佼佼者”之譽,傑夫親自買賣幾乎所有已發行的美國硬幣。許多人都會向傑夫諮詢錢 幣學方面的難題,包括全國最大的硬幣交易商、出版商、博物館及其他機構。 傑夫是當今最受歡迎錢幣書籍的作者,包括《1795-1933年美國金幣百科全書 :精製流通 紀念樣幣版》《100種最佳美國硬幣》《美國造幣 :分類研究》。他還是《官方紅皮書 :美 國錢幣指南》的編輯。 傑夫在史密森尼學會國家錢幣部門擔任要職,並任博物館顧問,提供資助、展覽、保護 和研究工作。在傑夫及眾人的努力下,罕見美國錢幣再次出現在公眾視野,並于史密森尼博物院美國歷史博物館展出。 現今傑夫擔任史密森尼博物院美國歷史博物館顧問委員會董事。 自1982年以來傑夫一直是著名的專業錢幣行業協會(PNG)成員,並曾任該協會總裁。2015年,傑夫當選為世界上最 大的錢幣收藏家組織美國錢幣協會第59任總裁。





Ping Jing Coins of the Guangxi Dacheng Kingdom, Late Qing Dynasty Zhao Houzhen[Suzhou] Historical Background During the period of the Taiping Revolution, Heaven and Earth Society leaders Chen Kai and Li Wenmao established a new kingdom. When they settled in Guiping city, Guangxi province, the capital city of the new kingdom, they launched an armed uprising to overthrow the Dacheng Kingdom. It is the largest and longest peasant uprising that had ever erupted in the south after the Jintian Uprising of the Taiping Kingdom of Heavenin the mid-19th century. Specifically, the insurrectionary army swept through both Guangdong and Guangxi province and lasted for 12 years. On June 10, 1854 (the fourth year during Xianfeng’s reign), He Liu (also known as He Lu) rebelled in Shilong Town, Dongguan County. On July 5th, Chen Kai and others revolted in Foshan, followed by Li Wenmao in the northern city near Guangzhou province. Successively, Chen Kai and Li Wenmao led their armies and joined hundreds of thousands of troops they were uprising in the southwestern counties of Guangzhou and headed westward into Guangxi province along the West River. In June 1855, the Qing army’s siege in Wuzhou was broken through and troops approached the walls of Xun prefecture (situated in Guiping). On September 27, Xun prefecture was conquered. By then the influence of insurgents had been widely felt. Troops reached and conquered Gui county to the southwest, and conquered Wuxuan, Xiangzhou and Liuzhou to the northwest. Thereafter, they returned in triumph, and successively conquered Pingnan and Teng counties in the east and finally encircled Wuzhou town. Gaining one victory after

another, Chen Kai and Li Wenmao chose Xun prefecture as the center, established new regime,created new national system and sent princes to different manors under the system of enfeoffment. They also established a kingdom named Dacheng and picked the era name as Hongde. Xun prefecture was chosen as the capital and the name was changed to Xiujing. Chen Kai claimed himself as the Zhennan King but was soon renamed as Pingxun King. He chose to settle in Xiujing and established king, duke, marquis, marshal and other political positions. Government organizations at all levels were established, government offices were set up, officials were appointed and taxes were arranged to be collected. On March 15, 1857, Li Wenmao captured Liuzhou. The rebel army was victorious and captured Liucheng (today located south of Liucheng), Luocheng, Qingyuan and Rongxian. Li Wenmao established the Ping Jing King Mansion in Liuzhou (later was renamed Longcheng Mansion). He created several political positions, such as prime minister, governorand general. Governors assumed offices in those states and counties that they conquered. As for the military, the troops were compiled into front camp, back camp, lef t camp, right camp, and middle camp. In addition, there were designations for the imperial guard, Ever Triumphant Army, Immortal Army and Pray Army. For the economy, the authority paid attention to restoring production, developing commerce, and self-casting the Ping Jing coin. Li managed the country in an orderly manner.

Ping Jing Tung Bao, Ping Jing Sheng Bao Ping Jing coins are divided into two types, Ping Jing Tung Bao and Ping Jing Sheng Bao. There is only one kind of Ping Jing Tung Bao, which has a Chinese character Zhong ( 中 ) in seal script on the reverse (Figure 1). The diameter is much smaller than the Ping Jing Sheng Bao, and this coin has the most common calligraphy among all Ping Jing coins with appropriately proportioned characters. All the characters below show different Ping Jing Sheng Bao coin styles. The word Jing ( 靖 ) in Ping Jing Tung Bao is not skewed, and the character inscribed on the reverse


was in the form of seal script, this is ridiculous. In the Ming dynasty and Qing dynasy, seal script is uncommon.

fig. 1 Ping Jing TungBao with the character of Zhong (中)on the reverse, 22.5 mm in diameter


Ping Jing Sheng Bao has seven kinds of characters on the reverse, characters with “front camp”, “back camp”, “left camp”, “right camp”, “Ever Triumphant Army” and “imperial guard” (from Figure 2 to Figure 8). As for Ping Jing Sheng Bao, according to the different written style of “Bao” on the obverse, it can be divided into Bao with thin strokes and Bao with broad strokes. Among them, the broad stroke version with “right camp” and the character “front camp”, “left camp”, “Ever Triumphant Army” and “imperial guard” only exist in broad strokes version. “Back camp” and “Middle camp” exist in both versions, Bao with thin strokes version and Bao with broad stokes version (Figure 9 and Figure 10). Thus, Ping Jing Sheng Bao has seven kinds of characters and nine varieties in total. All Ping Jing coins are subdivided into many small varieties according to text features and shape characteristics ranging from big to small and long to broad. Please see the table below:

"Bao with thin strokes" version and "Bao with broad strokes" version, Ping Jing Coins

fig. 2 Ping Jing ShengBao with "Front camp" on the reverse, 27.3 mm in diameter

fig. 3 Ping Jing ShengBao with "Back camp" on the reverse, 27.2 mm in diameter

fig. 4 Ping Jing ShengBao with "Left camp" on the reverse, 27 mm in diameter

fig. 5 Ping Jing ShengBao with "Right camp" on the reverse, 27.1 mm in diameter

fig. 6 Ping Jing ShengBao with "Middle camp" on the reverse, 26.8 mm in diameter

fig. 7 Ping Jing ShengBao with "Ever Triumphant Army" on the reverse, 27.1 mm in diameter

Characters on the reverse Front Camp

Bao with thin strokes

Back Camp Left Camp

Right Camp

Middle Camp


Ever Triumphant Army Imperial Guard Seal script "Zhong (中)"

Bao with broad strokes None


None None


fig. 8 Ping Jing ShengBao with "Imperial guards" on the reverse, 27.5 mm in diameter 149





fig. 9 Ping Jing ShengBao, Bao with thin strokes and "back camp" on the reverse, 27 mm in diameter

fig. 10 Ping Jing ShengBao, Bao with broad strokes and "Middle camp" on the reverse, 27.3 mm in diameter

Some experts and scholars have proposed different views on Ping Jing coins. In their view, the Ping Jing King was militarily weak and such a large regime consisting of five camps or sevenarmed forces is considered impossible. Also, from the local chronicles of Guangxi and Xunzhou, it can be seen that Liuzhou City was captured by Zhennan King Hongying Zhu of Shengping Heavenly Kingdom of Heaven and Earth Society in February of the seventh year of Xianfeng, instead of Ping Jing King Li Wenmao. In this regard, the author searched the article entitled Dacheng Kingdom Uprising in the Taiping Kingdom of Heaven Period published by Lin Zhijie, who worked in the Guangxi literary history editorial department of Guangxi Social Sciencein 1999. According to the record, on March 15, 1857, Li Wenmao succeeded in occupying Liuzhou Prefecture, and troops of Zhu Hongying from ZhennanKing of Shengping Heavenly Kingdom once joined in the Li Wenmao Department of Liuzhou of Da Cheng Kingdom in October 1857. Hongying Zhu, King of Sheng Ping Heavenly Kingdom, did not capture Liuzhou. In the early years of the Republic of China, Records and Study on Ancient Coins compiled by Qian Wuzhen’s predecessors mentioned that he discovered the monument of Kaiji Chen of the Dacheng Kingdom in Liuzhou, Kaiji Chen lived in the fourth year of Xianfeng’s reign. It’s known that Chen Kai of the Heaven and Earth Society revolted in Guangxi and claimed himself as king. At the same time, Li Wenmao and others revolted in Guangzhou and claimed himself as Ping Jing King who met with Chen Kai for the Northern Expedition, attacked Liuzhou, and casted Ping Jing Sheng Bao and Ping Jing Tong Bao. Some scholars have determined that this monument is fake since the fourth year of Xianfeng’s reign is not the year Li claimed himself as Ping Jing King in Guangxi. Moreover, the author analyzes, that the inscription refers to the time of Chen Kai Uprising, not the year Li claimed himself as Ping Jing King in Guangxi, because of the sentence “At the same time, Li Wenmao, who is leader of Guangzhou Uprising” time refers to the fourth year of Xianfeng’s reign. The conclusion that can be drawn is that the inscription of “the fourth year of Xianfeng’s reign” refers to the time of the uprising, and there is no evidence for the false monument. In recent

years, the author has collected relevant information, participated in doing research in the market and now making the following summing up for your reference. 1. Ping Jing coins have mostly been discovered in Hunan and Guangxi, especially in Xiangtan in Hunan province and Guilin in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, according to relevant records. 2. The Dacheng Kingdom is an organization under the control by the Heaven and Earth Society whose halls tend to adopt the character Sheng ( 勝 ), such as Taisheng Hall, Hongsheng Hall, Hengsheng Hall, Liansheng Hall, Desheng hall, Yisheng Hall and Jusheng Hall. The character Sheng is often used by various departments of Heaven and Earth Society. 3. There are many organizations under the Heaven and Earth Society, including the front, back, left and right. Then, in the Hunan and Guangxi areas the rebel army of the Heaven and Earth Society and Sanhe Society was said to divide the military units into front, back, left and right camps for governance. The above governance structure is not exclusive to the Tai Ping Heavenly Kingdom. A fivecamp pattern was also applied by some small scale rebel units of the Heaven and Earth Society. According to the governance structure of the Qing dynasty’s troops the Heaven and Earth army recorded in Heaven and Earth Army Catalogue: Five individuals makes a ‘Wu’, the leader of Wu is responsible for assaulting, defeating the enemy, winning the war and passing the victory report to four members of five pawns; Five Wu makes a ‘Liang’, whose head manages five Wu leaders namely strong, brave, majestic, perseverant, and mighty, with a total of 25 people; Four Liang is a ‘pawn’ whose chief manages four Liang heads namely East, West, South and North, with a total of 104 people;


Five pawns are a brigade whose general manages pawn chiefs; namely one, two, three, four and five, with a total of 525 people; Five brigades makes a division whose general manages the front camp, back camp, left camp and middle camp, with a total of 2,625 people (actually 2,630); Five divisions are an army whose commander manages the front camp, back camp, left camp, right camp, and middle camp, with a total of 13,125 people (actually 13,155); Above the army commander, there are super visors, general systems, generals, commanders, inspectors, prime ministers, and even the military commander. The Dacheng Kingdom used the five-camp pattern.

Ping Jing Coin Collection The Ping Jing coin is the only coin related to the army structure in Chinese history. It is unique and valuable for collectors. For a long time it has been controversial whether the Ping Jing coin is money that was used in circulation. According to Applications of Ping Jing Coins published by Ning Wang from Jiangxi province in August 1998 in Shaanxi Finance, Ping Jing coins were not used for circulation, but acted as a letter of trust in the form of a token. In the Republic of China, the famous coin dealer Dai Baoxiang (the younger brother of Dai Baoting) spent 20 years completing a collection of Ping Jing Coins, from Shanghai to Wuhan and to Changsha, then into the barren lands of Guangdong and Guangxi. Dai publicized the result in the offprint Ancient Coins Essential in 1941. Although they are capable of searching for ancient coins from all corners of the country, the Dai brothers still needed over 20 years for collecting ancient coins in old Shanghai era. The Ping Jing coin set is one of the most difficult sets to compete even though it only consists of eight coins. Currently Chen Guangyang from Singapore and a Japanese collector have completed the set. However, Chen Hongxi from Taiwan collected four types in the heyday of his collection career and Shi Cheng also from Taiwan spent almost 40 years to collect the whole set. Hence, it is very challenging to complete a set of Ping Jing coins. The author thinks that anyone who obtained an ‘Ever Triumph Army’coin, the most difficult coin, can finish the set.

Identification of Ping Jing Coins It is hard to study the coins of secret societies in the late Qing dynasty, the nature and identification of these coins are the most difficult parts to study. Some issues remain to be discussed. In terms of identification, high quality counterfeit Ping Jing coins can be regarded as a typical example of “yellow tiger coin”. Many coin collectors dare not topurchase or acquire this coin. The Ping Jing coins have been discovered in Guangxi, Guangdong, Hunan, and Jiangsu provinces. High quality counterfeit products are flooded all over the world. There isn’t any good way to identify Ping Jing coins. There is only one method for identification, getting the physical object, collecting the relevant materials, and obtaining some simple information through comparative research. At present, the most reliable identification method is referring to the map attached to the book Coins of Taiping Kingdom of Heaven (1983 edition, 1994 edition) co-authored by Ma Dingxiang and Ma Chuande. Coins not matching the description and photoes of the book are fake, said senior collector Shi Chengyi from Taiwan. Coin rubbing pictures in the book Coins of The Taiping Kingdom of Heaven (by Ma Dingxiang, Ma Chuande), were mainly cited from the book A Numismatic Record of Old Coins Newly Edited in Shōwa Era and the book The Charts of the Past Dynasties Ancient Coins (by Ding Fubao), and rubbings collected by Ma Dingxiang for many years in the Immense Storehouse of Rubbings (Wan Ta Lou, Ma Dingxiang's study room). The book Coins of the Taiping Kingdom of Heaven almost covered all coin rubbing information of Ping Jing coins (Coins minted in the period of Ping Jing King-Li Wenmao). By careful comparison, readers could have a deep understanding of Chinese character style on Ping Jing coins. For the publishing of the book New Textual Research into Coins of The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom ( 太平天國錢幣新考 ), the author made every effort to collect all existing color photos of Ping Jing coins, with obviously authentic photos as the first requirement. The book and the photos in it have been selected and reviewed many times by expert collectors at home and abroad. With the color photos of the authentic Ping Jing coins in this book, readers may see the mint style and copper features of the Ping Jing coins. For one example, one stroke of Bei ( 貝 ) was missing in the Chinese character Bao ( 寳 )in the coin Ping Jing Tung Bao ( 平 靖 通 寳 ); for another example, on the reverse of the coin Ping Jing Tung Bao, the clearness of the characters “ 右 營 ” is obviously less than that on the obverse (Figure 11); and to give one more example, copper spots are always found on the edge of Ping Jing coins (Figure 12), all of these above features are not likely to be found on any other kinds of coins. It is impossible to imitate the real ones. 151



COLUMN / ĺ°ˆćŹ„

fig. 11-1 Ping Jing ShengBao "Right Camp", wordson the reverseare missing or blurred. 27.1 mm in diameter


fig. 11-2 Ping Jing ShengBao "Right Camp", wordson the reverseare missing or blurred. 27.2 mm in diameter



fig. 12-1 Ping Jing Coin, copper spots on the upper part of the edge, 27.1 mm in diameter fig. 12-2 Ping Jing Coin, copper spots on the right side of the edge, 27.1 mm in diameter fig. 12-3 Ping Jing Coin, copper spots on the left side of the edge, 27.1 mm in diameter

About the author:

Zhao Houzhen was born in Pei county, Jiangsu province in 1987, and has a college degree. He has been fond of collecting ancient Chinese coins since his childhood. He is especially interested in collecting and researching the coins of the

Taiping Kingdom of Heaven and other secret societies of the Qing dynasty. As a member of the China Numismatic Society and the Beijing Numismatic Society, he has published many research articles in various journals, such as China Numismatics, and Chinese Collection. He has also published a special monograph A New Study on Taiping Kingdom of

Heaven Coins, and Baosu's Coin Collection co-authored with Wang Yang. 152


清末廣西大成國平靖錢 趙後振[蘇州] 歷史背景 太平天國時期廣東天地會首領陳開、李文茂建都于廣西桂







王,駐秀京。分封王、公、侯、元帥等職位。建立各級政 權機構,設立官署,定各級官職,徵收賦稅。

1854年(咸豐四年)6月10日,何六(又稱何祿)等首先 在東莞縣石龍鎮豎旗舉義。7月5日,陳開等在佛山舉義,














平靖通寶、平靖勝寶 平靖錢分為“平靖通寶”和“平靖勝寶”兩種,平靖通寶錢


僅背篆書“中” (圖1)一種,直徑較平靖勝寶錢小很多,但

狹寶版,而“前營” “左營” “長勝軍” “御林軍”只見狹寶版,


“後營” “中營”既有狹寶版,又有闊寶版(圖9、圖10),這

錢文風格有一定差異, “靖”字沒有歪歪斜斜,其背文書以




勝寶錢有背“前營” “後營” “左營” “右營” “中營” “長勝

版。見下表 :

軍” “御林軍” (圖2至圖8)7種,平靖勝寶錢按面文“寶” 平靖錢狹、闊寶版示意表 背面文字



闊寶版 無

後營 圖1 平靖通寶背篆書“中”,直徑22.5毫米

左營 右營

無 無


圖2 平靖勝寶背“前營”,直徑27.3毫米








圖3 平靖勝寶背“後營”,直徑27.2毫米

圖6 平靖勝寶背“中營”,直徑26.8毫米

圖4 平靖勝寶背“左營”,直徑27毫米

圖5 平靖勝寶背“右營”,直徑27.1毫米

圖7 平靖勝寶背“常勝軍”,直徑27.1毫米 圖8 平靖勝寶背“御林軍”,直徑27.5毫米

圖9 平靖勝寶背“後營”狹寶版,直徑27毫米

圖10 平靖勝寶背“中營”闊寶版,直徑27.3毫米


1. 平靖錢多發現于湘桂一帶,據相關資料記載,以湖南的湘



二月攻佔柳州城的是天地會升平天國鎮南王朱洪英,而非平 靖王李文茂,據此對平靖錢提出過不同觀點。對此筆者查閱

2. 大成國是天地會的政權,天地會的山堂喜用勝字,如太




等。 “勝”為天地會各系山堂命名慣用字,天地會鑄錢用“勝”



南王朱洪英部下黃金亮部隊曾在1857年10月投靠大成國柳 州李文茂部,由此可見升平天國鎮南王朱洪英並沒有攻佔柳

3. 天地會組織架構中常有前、後、中、左、右之分。當時湘

州。民國初期錢無咎前輩編撰的《古錢考略》記載 : “最近







制規模及《太平軍目》中記述的太平軍編制 :

通寶兩品。”曾有學者依據“咸豐四年”和“廣西稱王”時間 不符斷定此碑為偽作,而筆者分析,碑文所指為陳開起義時

五人為伍, 伍長管衝鋒、 破敵、 制勝、奏捷四伍卒 ;


五伍為兩, 兩司馬管剛強、 勇敢、 雄猛、 果毅、 威武五伍長,


25人 ;


四兩為卒, 卒長管東、西、 南、 北四兩司馬, 104人 ;


五 旅 為師, 師帥管前營、 後營、 右營、 左營、 中營五 旅帥,


五卒為旅, 旅帥管壹、 貳、 三、 肆、伍五卒長, 525人 ; 2625人( 實應為2630人);



五 師為軍, 軍帥管前營、 後營、 左營、 右營、 中營五 師帥,

的圖譜,只要與圖譜不符,幾乎都是假的。 《太平天國錢幣》






平靖錢拓片資料,讀者仔細對比,可以對平靖錢的文字風格 有較深的認識;筆者在2013年出版《太平天國錢幣新考》時,


傾盡所能去找迄今發現的所有平靖錢的實物彩圖,選圖第一 要求是實物大開門,經過和國內外資深藏家交流鑒定進行多


次篩選,才定稿定圖,書中搜羅了所見平靖錢大部分真品彩 圖,讀者仔細對比觀察可以掌握一些平靖錢的鑄造風格、銅




律 ;再例如,平靖勝寶背“右營”中有相當一部分錢背面字







民國時期,著名的錢幣商戴葆湘 ( 戴葆庭胞弟 ),從上海追 到武漢長沙,再轉進兩廣深入不毛之地,前後花了20年才完 成這一套平靖錢的收藏,並將此一成果發表於1941年的單 行本《古錢學綱要》。以戴氏兄弟遠走江漢搜羅古錢的能力, 而且是老上海時代都要花上20年時間,平靖錢一套雖然只 有8枚,但可稱為最難集全的套錢了。當今新加坡陳光揚、

圖11-1 平靖勝寶背“右營”,背面字口弱,直徑27.1毫米

日本某收藏家各收藏到一套,而臺灣陳鴻禧全盛時期曾經收 得四種,臺灣施誠一先生耗時將近40年才集得全套,可見 平靖錢集成全套絕非輕鬆之事,筆者認為得“長勝軍”者可 得大全套。

平靖錢的鑒定辨偽 圖11-2 平靖勝寶背“右營”,背面字口弱,直徑27.2毫米 清末會黨類錢幣課題有一定的難度,會黨錢幣的性質、鑒定 等等都是難點,甚至很多結論有待商榷。在鑒定上, “平靖” 錢高仿堪稱清“黃老虎”典範,很多錢幣收藏愛好者不敢購 買接觸,甚至稱“無從下手”。平靖錢在廣西、廣東、湖南 甚至江蘇均有發現,偽品、高仿已經氾濫至全國各地。平靖 錢的鑒定,沒有什麼太好的辦法,只有上手實物並收集相關




圖12-1 平精錢邊郭上部的流銅斑 直徑27.1毫米


圖12-2 平靖錢邊郭右部的流銅斑 直徑27.1毫米

傳德合著《太平天國錢幣》 (1983版、1994版)書中所附

圖12-3 平靖錢邊郭左部的流銅斑 直徑27.1毫米


作者簡介 趙後振, 1987年生, 江蘇沛縣人。 大專學歷。 中國錢幣學會會員、 北京市錢幣學會會員。 自幼喜好中國歷代古錢收藏, 尤專

注於太平天國錢幣、 清末會黨錢幣收藏與研究, 多篇研究文章發表在《 中國錢幣》《 中國錢幣界》《 中國收藏》 等期刊, 出版 有個人專著《 太平天國錢幣新考》, 及與汪洋合著的《 寶蘇泉匯》。





The Basel Panda Story Albert M. Beck[Switzerland]


It was in 1988. The Basel Coin Show has developed to a prestigious numismatic world exhibition. A lot of European and american dealers have taken part among them leading whole sale dealers from the UK and from the US. As founder and organiser of the Basel Coin show I had a close collaboration with the numismatic department of the Swiss Bank Corporation (UBS). Mr. Christian Winterstein, former Chief of its numismatic department had the idea to issue for he Basel coin show a special gold panda medal depicting the famous Basel Spalentor (symbol of the Basel City) on the obverse and the Chinese panda on the reverse. The numismatic department of the Swiss Bank corporation worked out the deal with the China Gold Coin Incorporation. It was first foreseen to strike 2'000 pieces and to provide international whole sale dealers with half of the mintage. Due to a lack of time 1'000 pieces only were struck and brought in a last minute action to Basel. The Basel Panda had a weight of one ounce and a fineness of 999/1000 pieces of gold. Only one hour and 25 minutes after the opening of the fair, the complete mintage was sold out. Those who came a little later could only get the medal from dealers. And also those pandas were sold out quickly, because each dealer got only ten pieces. The price rose in hourly steps. Many traders even tried to buy back gold pandas from the visitors. At 10 o'clock, a company from New York offered 1000 swiss francs for a gold panda, the price increased half-hourly to 1200 and 1250 swiss francs. 156


Albert Michael Beck at the Basel commemorative gold medals releasa ceremony

On the exchange floor, the Panda changed hands for 1300 and 1400 swiss francs. But anybody who resisted the temptation of a quick profit could look forward to sensational value increases of a much larger range. A visitor who lined up a second time has discovered a different mark on the medal. One with Au (gold) with mintage of 230 and the other with error Pt (platinum) mintage of 770. A short notice in the numismatic press made the buyers of the the Basel Panda believe to have a rarity. The German coin dealer "MDM" offered the gold panda from Basel for 4175 Deutschmarks (around 2000 US-Dollars) in January 1989 in an advertisement in "Deutsches Münzen Magazin", the purchase price was 3550 Deutschmarks. In 2017, NGC rated the medal between 3600 and 4600 US-Dollars.


1988 年巴塞爾熊貓紀念金章背後的故事 艾伯特 · 迈克尔 · 贝克[瑞士]

“Au” (金)版

“Pt” (鉑)版

這一年是1988年。由於瑞士巴塞爾國際硬幣周展銷會已經 發展成為著名的世界錢幣展會,英國、美國等許多領先歐美 參展商參與其間。我作為巴塞爾國際硬幣周展銷會的創始人 和組建者,與瑞士銀行(UBS)貨幣發行部門密切合作。該 部門前任首席執行官克利斯蒂安 · 溫特斯坦先生(Christian

Winterstein)萌發了新的想法,他打算在巴塞爾國際硬幣 周展銷會上特別推出熊貓金章。熊貓金章正面圖案為中國 大熊貓,背面圖案為中國長城及瑞士巴塞爾著名建築斯巴倫 門。最終,瑞士銀行貨幣發行部門與中國金幣總公司共同合 作將這一想法變成現實。 該金章原計劃試鑄2000枚,其中有一半提供給国际經銷商。

艾伯特 · 邁克爾 · 貝克在巴塞爾金章發行儀式上


99.9% 金,所以展出的也只有這1000枚金章。 此次展銷會开幕后仅1小时25分钟,所有鑄造金章即售罄。



(金) ( “Au”正版共鑄230枚) , 文不同 :一枚銘文有“Au”


(铂) ( “Pt”錯版共鑄770枚) 。錢幣界 另一枚銘文有“Pt”




這款熊貓金章身價倍增。德国錢幣经销商 MDM 於1989年1






上刊登的广告上,熊貓金章的购买价格为3550 馬克。2017


年,NGC 将這枚熊貓金章的價格定为3600至4600美元。 157

WOPA+ The leading stamp new issue internet platform, is expanding its offer in the coin market.

WOPA+ aims to continue steadily expanding and

improving its offer, providing the best available service in terms of quality, reliability, value and friendliness to its customers and to be a fair and trustworthy business partner.

Good news for coin collectors around the world: WOPA+,, the innovative and successful Internet platform that currently allows thousands of stamp collectors in more than 100 countries to buy new issues from dozens of major postal administrations around the world on one site at face value, is rapidly expanding into the coin new issue market. This means that coin collectors anywhere in the world are now able to buy new coin issues directly from their respective issuing authorities at the official issue price, without any mark up from intermediaries, thus making substantial savings. On WOPA+ coin collectors can buy coin new issues from all participating countries in one single purchase, with one payment, in the currency of their choice. Moreover WOPA+ offers a loyalty program that allows its customers to collect points that can be redeemed for valuable prizes. Currently WOPA+ offers the possibility of ordering coins from 8 issuing authorities and expects to substantially increase this number in the course of 2018. Glendon Martinez, managing director of WOPA+, declared: “ At WOPA+ we are committed to offer all coin collectors the most convenient and effective way to purchase coin new issues from reputable issuing authorities around the world. At the same time we are offering all major Mints and Central Banks the possibility to reach our ever growing collector database with an efficient and tested Internet site, which has recently been completely revamped and is continuously improved. We are devoting all our energy and resources to reach more and more collectors anywhere in the world. We are convinced that putting in direct contact issuing authorities and coin collectors is benefitting everyone. E-commerce is one of the greatest business success story of the 21st century and we are proud to participate in it in thanks to cooperation with our collector subscribers and issuing authorities worldwide”. WOPA+ was founded in 2011 and has expanded its offer consistently for the last seven years. It now has more than 50’000 products on his site and 30’000 email subscribers. More recently, in October 2017, WOPA reinvented itself with a completely revamped new website, with more products and new features to make the shopping experience even better. 158


領先集郵線上平臺 錢幣業務推出 新舉措

WOPA+ 旨在持續擴增業務, 為顧客提供最優質的服務,最公正的價格。 我們期待成為顧客值得信賴的朋友, 成為可靠的商業合作夥伴。

全球錢幣收藏家們請注意,好消息來襲 :

獨具創新特色的線上平臺 WOPA+(世界線上集郵代理機構 www.wopa-成功再推新舉措,全球一百多個國家的集郵愛好者將由此受益, 今後更能直接從網上各主要郵政管理機構全球網點購得售價僅為郵票面值 的新品。此外,WOPA+ 近期將此舉推廣到錢幣領域。 此舉意味着僅用官方發行的售價,世界各地的錢幣收藏家以後都能直接 從當地的錢幣發行機構購買新發行的錢幣,無須額外支付任何仲介費,如 此一來可以節省一筆費用。 通過 WOPA+,錢幣收藏家可購買所有與 WOPA+ 合作的國家最新發 行的錢幣,直買直賣,一次付費,購買時還可自行選擇付款貨幣。

WOPA+ 還面向客戶推出了獎勵積分制度,客戶在消費的同時累積積分, 積分可用來換取有價值的獎品。 目前,WOPA+ 已與8個錢幣發行機構達成合作,顧客可嘗試從這8個 機構下單,2018年 WOPA+ 有望進一步增加其合作發行機構的數量。

WOPA+ 董事總經理格蘭登 · 馬蒂內(Glendon Martinez)表示: “ WOPA+ 致力於為錢幣收藏家提供最便捷有效的管道購買全世界範圍內知名錢幣發 行機構發行的新幣。與此同時,我們向所有重要的造幣廠和中央銀行提供 一個有效且經過檢測的網站,使其得以通過此網站獲取不斷更新的與收藏 家有關的資料。近期我們已對資料庫進行徹底的改造並不斷更新。我們正 竭盡努力動用我們全部的資源滿足越來越多來自世界各地收藏家的需求。 我們確信,錢幣發行機構與錢幣收藏家直接洽談能使各方受益。電子商務 是21世紀最成功的商業案例,能夠參與其中,我們深感自豪。誠摯感謝信 任我們的收藏家及與我們合作的錢幣發行機構。 ”

WOPA+ 成立於2011年,過去七年中,WOPA+ 不斷發展其業務。如今 WOPA+ 網站出售產品已超過5萬件,往來郵件用戶逾3萬人。2017年10月, WOPA+ 再次別出新意,原有網站徹底改造成全新的網站,新網站新增產 品和特色,以期為顧客帶來更好的購物體驗。


TOP CHINESE COINS 2nd Edition 《中國近代機製幣精品鑒賞》第二版 Price( 售價 ):US $100 Plus Postage( 不含郵費 )

In June 2010, Top Chinese Coins Vol. 1 was published by iAsure Group and the The Journal of East Asian Numismatics (JEAN). Top Chinese Coins Vol. 1 offers an in-depth summary of the final results from the Top Chinese Coins Survey, a landmark event held in winter 2009 to search for the 10 most valuable Chinese struck coins. Coins submitted for review were judged by their rarity, historical importance, artistic appeal, condition, market value and group identity. The deluxe bound book offered details on the Top Chinese Coins Survey as well as high-quality pictures, price trends, degrees of rarity and historical context of the 60 top Modern Chinese Coins.

Top Chinese Coins , Vol. 1 had a limited print run of 1000, leaving many numismatists and enthusiasts unable to purchase a copy of their own. In response to high demand, iAsure has made certain that the second volume which released in June 2011 will be available to a much wider audience. While Top Chinese Coins Vol. 1 included gold, silver and copper coins, the second volume highlights the great range of silver coins. It will also add summaries from auction sales that list pricing, degree of rarity, pedigree and grades. 2010年6月,愛秀集團和《東亞泉志》出版了《中國







品鑒賞•銀幣版》 (簡稱《銀幣鑒賞》)。

趨勢、珍稀度解析和背景故事等,在錢幣業界引起巨大 的轟動和反響,備受讚譽,被譽為“全景式展現中國珍 稀機製幣的重要鑒賞書籍”。

由於頁面所限,第二版刊載60枚中國銀幣精品的重 要資訊,在第一版的基礎上有多方面改進和加強。《銀 幣鑒賞》在最受歡迎和好評的照片拍攝和排版下更多功









If required, please contact Champion Auction 如果需要請與我們聯繫冠軍拍賣公司 Tel:021-6213 0771 Email:

Chopmarked Coins - A History 《戳記幣簡史》 Colin Gullberg 高林

Price ( 售價 ): US $50 Plus Postage ( 不含郵費 ) The book Chopmarked Coins- A History by Colin Gullberg is funded by iAsure Group. The softcover book is 187 pages in length, 210mm×285mm, fourcolor printing. It covers the history of foreign silver coins that circulated in China from 1600 to 1935 and contains images of some 150 coins. Gullberg includes firstperson accounts, summaries of all modern sources of knowledge on the subject and scans from a shroff’s handbook (circa 1890). It is the first English- language book on the subject since 1990 and only the second English language book on the subject.

愛秀集團贊助出版發行的 戳記幣英文專著《戳記幣簡 史》為軟裝本,正文內容187 頁,開本210mm×285mm, 四色印刷,闡述了1600年至 1935年間中國流通的外國戳記 銀幣概況,作者高林先生採用 第一人稱敘述,總結了現代有 關戳記幣的詳盡知識,並配有 某錢莊的手冊(約1890年)掃 描插圖和150多張戳記幣高清 圖片。本書是1990年之後的第 一本戳記幣英文專著,也是有 史以來的第二本戳記幣英文專 著。

Chinese And Foreign Papermoney Errors 《華洋怪鈔—中外錯體紙幣賞析圖鉴》 David Chio 趙康池 Aguang Chan 陳耀光

Price ( 售價 ):MOP $300; RMB 240; US $30 Plus Postage ( 不含郵費 ) In December 2015, this book was released by Macau Numismatic Society and edited by David Chio and Aguang Chan. A total of 1,000 copies was printed, 200 in hard cover and 800 soft cover. The book is 323 pages of full color A4 size 210×285 mm and features over 300 error notes and 800 photos. Notes from Chin dynasty to modern times and more than 10 countries and region is covered. The books also cover causes of errors, background information on the printing process and authenticity of errors. This is the first book in Chinese to feature this type of information on error notes and its collection.

该书由澳門錢幣學會於2015年 12月出版,趙康池、陳耀光編著。 印行1000冊,其中精裝本200冊, 平裝本800冊。是書全彩精印,小 A4开本,210mm×285mm,323 頁,選錄了中外錯體紙幣300多 種,圖片800多張,涵蓋中國自清 末到現今使用的紙幣,涉及中外十 多個國家和地區。本書對中外錯 體、錯版、變體等紙幣的成因、歷 史背景和辨偽,實事求是地作了係 統的、科學的分析與歸納,並介紹 了印鈔基本步驟和印鈔過程中所產 生的“另類”紙幣,補充了不少紙 幣收藏的基礎知識。可以說,本書 是首本對錯體紙幣進行全方位論述 的著作。

If required, please contact Champion Auction 如果需要請聯繫冠軍拍賣公司 Tel: 021-6213 0771 Email:

Appreciation of Modern Precious Metal Coins in China (Volume 1-5), edited by Wang Shihong, a famous Chinese gold and silver coins collector has been issued recently. This series of books were published by Encyclopedia of China Publishing House (ECPH), supervised by Coin Collection Committee, the branch of China Association of Collectors(CAC), and printed by Shanghai Artron Graphic Arts Company Limited. Ma Delun, former deputy governor of the People’s Bank of China, wrote the forward, and Dai Zhiqiang, the first curator of China Numismatic Museum, wrote a report for this series. When it comes to the main purpose of this book, the chief editor Wang Shihong says, “It is hoped that this series of books can provide relevant knowledge of modern gold and silver coins in China comprehensively and systematically and carry forward the excellent culture of our motherland, so that readers can have a more particular knowledge of the history and connotations of gold and silver coins, and better appreciate their artistic value.” He also hopes to attract more enthusiasts to participate in the investment and collection of gold and silver coins, gradually expand the size of collecting team, improve the brand effect of Chinese gold and silver coins and enhance their influence at home and abroad in order to realize a faster development of Chinese gold and silver coin industry.” Writing this series of books, Appreciation of Modern Precious Metal Coins in China (Volume 1-5), is a systematic project, so we set up the expert advisory committee and the editorial board. It took the Chinese professional elite team more than five years to compile these books. This series of books reveal the development of modern precious metal coins in China through the exclusive interviews with the decision-makers, designers, carvers, and coin collectors, as well as a large number of firsthand information rarely known by the people. This series of books is an encyclopedia of modern precious metal coins in China. With unique academic perspective and simple words, this series gives a full explanation of processes of project selection, design, production and so on, and also

Contact Information (for purchasing purposes): Domestic

Shanghai Hong’an Culture Communication Co. Ltd. Pay before delivery. Payment should be remitted to Hongkou subbranch of Shanghai branch of the Bank of Communications. The post office remittance is also acceptable. Account Number: 310066030018170238495 Contact Person & Phone Number: Luo Fei, 17717536767

International Price: 160USD (without postage)

Contact Person: Champiom Auction Phone Number: 021-62130771 Email:

Appreciation of Modern Precious Metal Coins in China (Volume 1-5)

Wang Shihong, chief editor of Appreciation of Modern Precious Metal Coins in China

make an intensive study of their cultural value, collectiing characteristics of precious metal coins. As a combination of authority, historical events, groovy knowledge, artistry, technicality, and readability, Appreciation of Modern Precious Metal Coins in China, not only serves as references for academic researchers and financial workers, but also as a standard work showing modern precious metal coins in China from an overall perspective for collectors of gold or silver coins. This series is 235mm X 290mm in size, octavo, with, composed of 5 volumes, containing about 2.5 million words and 2,000 pictures which are all exquisitely printed according to the original drawings. All the Chinese modern precious metal coins issued by People’s Bank of China from 1979 to 2014 are included in these books. Besides, related materials, such as the development history of modern precious metal coins in China, comparison table of classified catalog of modern precious metal coins in China, and materials about gold or silver coins, are also recorded in appendix. In order to promote the spread and popularization of professional knowledge of gold or silver coins and to release the readers’ economic burden, the chief editor, Wang Shihong takes the compilation, publication of this series of books as a public welfare undertaking. Expenses, such as compiling and management expenses, all come from selfless devotees who are interested in Chinese gold or silver coins. Therefore, the price of these 5 books is 160 USD (without postage), containing only costs of publication, printing, and issue. At the same time, the brass commemorative medal designed by the famous designer Luo Yonghui for the issue of Appreciation of Modern Precious Metal Coins in China will also be issued at the price of 450RMB for each.

學術性和可讀性於一體,不僅是學術研究者和金融工作者完 整的參考資料,也是金銀幣收藏者全面瞭解中國現代貴金屬 幣全貌的權威著作。 《中國現代貴金屬幣賞析》叢書的尺寸為 235mm X 290mm,8 開,全套共 5 本,約 250 萬字,累計有近兩千餘幅圖片 ( 所 有金銀紀念幣圖譜均按原大精印 )。 《中國現代貴金屬幣賞析》 收錄了 1979——2014 年中國人民銀行發行的所有中國現代貴 金屬紀念幣,而且還在附錄部分刊載了“中國現代貴金屬幣 發展簡史”、中國現代貴金屬幣分類目錄對照表及金銀帀相 關資料等。

《中國現代貴金屬幣賞析》主編王世宏先生 由中國大百科全書出版社出版,中國收藏家協會錢幣收藏委 員會監製,上海雅昌藝術印刷有限公司承印,中國人民銀行 讀後感,中國著名金銀幣收藏家王世宏主編的《中國現代貴 金屬幣賞析》( 第 1—5 冊 ) 已經出版發行。

負擔,王世宏主編把該書的編寫與發行當作一項公益事業來 做,所有編寫費用、管理費用等,全部由熱心中國金銀幣事 業的無私奉獻者捐贈解決,書價只含出版、印刷、發行等費用, 全書五冊定價僅 950 元(國際售價 160 美金,不含郵費)。同時, 還發行由著名設計大師羅永輝設計的《中國現代貴金屬帀賞 析》發行紀念大銅章,每枚定價 450 元。

王世宏主編在談及組織編寫《中國現代貴金屬幣賞析》主要 目的時表示:希望通過本書全面、系統地介紹中國現代金銀 幣的相關知識,弘揚祖國優秀文化,使廣大讀者能進一步瞭 解金銀幣的歷史和內涵,提高大家對其藝術價值的賞析能力, 以吸引更多的愛好者參與金銀幣的投資與收藏,逐步擴大金 銀幣的集藏隊伍,提高中國金銀幣的品牌效應和海內外影響 力,促進中國金銀幣事業的更快發展。 編寫《中國現代貴金屬幣賞析》是一項系統工程,為此,成 立了專家顧問委員會、編輯委員會,由中國專業精英團隊耗 時 5 年多時間精心編著。全書通過對決策者、設計師、雕刻師、 以及錢幣收藏家們的專訪,以大量鮮為人知的第一手資料, 揭示了中國現代貴金屬幣的發展脈絡與軌跡。 《中國現代貴金屬幣賞析》以其獨特的學術視角,樸素的敘 述文字,多角度、全方位地展示了中國現代貴金屬幣的選題 立項、設計雕刻、工藝製作等過程,同時在文化價值、收藏 屬性等方面做了較為深入的探討,是中國現代貴金屬幣資訊 資料的百科大全。

國內 欲購者請與上海宏盎文化傳播有限公司聯繫,款到發貨 書款請匯交通銀行上海分行虹口支行或郵局匯付 賬號 310066030018170238495 聯絡人:駱 飛 電話:17717536767 國外

售價:160 美元(不包含郵費) 欲購者請與冠軍拍賣上海辦事處聯繫 電話:15000120957 郵箱

冊)發行 1—5



《中國現代貴金屬幣賞析》 第 (


Unofficial Banknotes Issued in Jiangxi Province By Xu Anmin Price :RMB ¥298 Unofficial Banknotes Issued in Jiangxi Province was written by prominent paper money collector Xu Anmin, and was published in December 2014 by Jiangxi People’s Press, with the support and planning of the Jiang Xi Banking Industry. The unofficial banknotes cataloged in this book were issued by local administrative agencies, banks and organizations (such as local armed forces, cooperatives) etc. The face value of these paper notes was the same as that of the national legal currency which was circulated in some defined regions. The book is illustrated with pictures of 185 of the banknotes issued in Jiangxi Province, of which 25 were issued in the Qing Dynasty, 11 by local administrative agencies, 15 by local armed forces, 19 by chambers of commerce, and 88 by money houses and business houses. In addition, there are 21 local gold dollar coupons, 4 silver coupons, and 2 special money. Additionally, there are about 30 printing blocks and anticounterfeiting seals. The 200 physical coupons are from the author’s collection. This is the first time these precious coupons, some of which are unique, have been published.

comments were mainly on the collectors’ errors, value,

The book is divided into the following sections:

star-rating, collection methods, current existing condition and personal target.The postscript presents author ’s 20

the foreword, brief introduction, catalog, comments,

years collecting experience, his star-rating and calculating

references and postscript.The guide defines the scope

method, which will help collectors.The references include

and the time of the research and collecting and the

the relative historical resources, monographs and research

definition of unofficial banknotes. This is the first time

articles from modern times.In additional, the author

these banknotes have been categorized according to their

verified the authenticity of physical bonds which need to

different features. A brief introduction was also given

be proved. He also wrote another two articles about the paper money: “The Research of Banknotes Issued by Wu

to each chapter of the book.The General Introduction includes features, the development of unofficial banknotes, the rise of collecting these notes and the research achievements for unofficial banknotes. The pictures of the banknotes, local gold coupons ( 金圆券 ), local silver coupons ( 银 圆 券 ), special money, printing blocks and anti-counterfeiting seals are illustrated in the book. The book comprehensively describes each physical coupon of the banknotes. Many ancient stories were discovered such as the words of celebrities, family rules, poetry and prose from the script and pattern of the banknotes.The

Zheng-Yuan Private Bank of JianYi (Feng Cheng City) ”, and “Remark on 1896 Banknotes Issued by Kiangsi Official Silver Bank Again ”. This book is 281 pages long and has more than 300 colorful pictures of the banknotes. It is printed in A4 size on colorful bronze paper with a fine binding. It is a professional book for collecting and researching the unofficial banknotes issued in Jiangxi. It is sold by Xinhua Book Stores all over the country at a price of 298 yuan.

《江西民間鈔票》 作者:徐安民 售價:RMB ¥298





年 12 月由江西人民出版社出版發行。該書收集的實物












185 張,其中清代鈔票 25 張,基層行政機構鈔票 11 張,


地方武裝鈔票 15 張,商會鈔票 19 張,錢莊商號鈔票

20 多年收藏實踐經驗的親身感悟和思想提煉,并創造

88 張,地方金圓券 21 張,地方銀元券 4 張,特殊幣 2 枚。


另有,鈔版及防偽印章 30 余件。書中所錄選的 200 多


件實物券,均來自作者 20 多年的私人收藏品。在這些





考證,并專門撰寫《劍邑吳正元錢號票考略》和《光緒 丙申年“江西官銀號”銀錢票再議》等文章,提出作者


觀點,供讀者參閱。該書圖文并茂,大 16 開本,全彩


銅牌紙印刷,精裝幀,281 頁,300 多幅實物原大彩圖,






書店經銷,定價 298 元。

See Us at Beijing International Coin Exposition 11/9-11 [Fri.] - 7 [Sun.]


Nov. 25 Champion Macau Auction 11.23-26 2018 Kam Pek Community Centre

Macau Numismatic Society 30th Anniversary 2018 International Show

11/22 11/23-25 11/24 Address

17:30 11:00-18:30 14:00-17:00

Macau Numismatic Society Opening Ceremony & Dinner Macau Numismatic Society Annual Expo Macau Numismatic Society International Currency Forum Kam Pek Community Centre

11/24 Address


Macau Numismatic Society & Champion Dinner Cruise Leave from Macau Ponte 16

11/25 Address


Champion Macau Auction 6F Promenade, Sofitel Hotel Macau at Ponte 16

Macau Numismatic Society Opening Ceremony

The First Strike of Aug. 6, 2018 Macau Numismatic Society 30th Anniversary Expo Panda at Shenzhen Guo Bao Mint, Ltd.

Macau Numismatic Society International Currency Forum

President of the Macau Numismatic Society David Chio is holding the first striking commemorative panda

Special Release of 2018 Macau Numismatic Society 30th Anniversary Expo Panda

1 oz. Gold 5 KG Gold


Artist Yu Min Was Given the Lifetime Achievement Award by Krause Publication Coin of the Year Award Committee

Editor of World Coin News David C. Harper (L.) and Chinese Embassy Culture Department Secretary Dr. Li Gang

Shanghai Mint Co., Ltd senior designer Yu Min is watching CCTV News live

A Lifetime Achievement Award in Coin Design was given to Yu Min of the Shanghai Mint Co., Ltd., Feb. 4 at the Coin of the Year Award ceremony at the World Money Fair in Berlin, Germany.

He began designing and engraving coins in 1980 and participated in the entire development process of gold and silver Pandas as a designer and engraver since the frst gold panda coin was issued in 1982.

The trophy was accepted by Dr. Li Gang, Secretary of the Culture Department of Embassy of People’s Republic of China to the Federal Republic of Germany.

His 1983 silver Panda won the Best Silver Coin award in the 1985 Coin of the Year competition. He has designed and engraved over 200 Modern Chinese coins including over 40 commemorative Panda coins, including the 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012 and 2013 gold and silver commemorative Panda coins, over the years. Mr Yu Min may hold the world record for the number of coins designed/engraved by a artist for a modern mint.

Yu Min is the first Asian Designer to win the award , the previous three edition of the award went to Herbert Wahner of Austria, Maria Carmela Colaneri of Italy, and Heinz Hoyer and Sneschana Russewa-Hoyer of Germany. Giving the award was David C. Harper, editor of World Coin News, founding sponsor of the award. The award is also sponsored by the World Money Fair. The publisher of the Journal of East Asian Numismatics, Michael Chou, introduced Dr. Li. His publication is the third sponsor of the Coin of the Year Awards and it prepared a biography of Yu Min. Yu Min graduated from Shanghai Arts and Crafts School inAugust 1980 and entered the Shanghai Mint (now known as the Shanghai Mint Co., Ltd) to design and to engrave coins in the design and pattern shop at the same year. From February to June 1996 he went to Russia and studied in the Sculpture Department of Repin Academy of Fine Arts. He was enrolled as a member of the China Sculpture Institute in July 2004.

The 2009 Panda coin designed by Yu Min was named the Best Commemorative Coin by a German magazine. Among commemorative coins, he designed and engraved the portrait of Chairman Mao on the circulating coin to Mark the 100th birthday of Mao Tse-tung. It was very diffcult to engrave a raised image of the chairman to be struck on a very hard nickelclad steel coin. Yu Min accomplished this after repeated trials. In the selection process of the 2008 Beijing Olympic coins, Yu Min’s design was one of the finalists and his four joint engraving designs (the fencing, pentathlon, archery and soccer coins) were adopted by the head offce of Bank of China.

AUCOFFRE.COM was founded in 2009 by its French CEO and founder, Jean-François FAURE. ​is an online platform for private investors worldwide to buy and sell vault stored gold and silver coins. The Company has some 20,000 customers, 4 tons of vaulted gold, 11 tons of vaulted silver, 25 employees​ ​and​ ​a​ ​turnover​ ​of​ ​35​ ​millions​ ​euros​ ​worth​ ​in​ ​2015. At the end of 2011, decided to strike its own coin, one oz fine gold Vera Valor (with a title of 999.9%°). It has been the gold coin the most sold in France, Belgium and Switzerland in 2012. More than 35,000 Vera​ ​Valor​ ​coins​ ​have​ ​been​ ​sold​ ​since​ ​it​ ​was​ ​launched. Since then, decided to diversify its production and started to strike various editions of Vera coins (1/10 oz gold Vera Max Collector, 1 oz Vera Silver and so on …). More than 400,000 Vera Coins have been struck since its initial creation, which makes the first private Mint in France. In 2015, decided to strike a Map Coin Collection promoting small territories. The Company started to strike the first legal tender Vera Silver one ounce Zanzibar with a facial value of 1000 shillings of Tanzania (50,000 coins). These coins were sold quite quickly and the customers were even asking for further editions. Gibraltar is the second territory to be represented : 50,000 one oz Vera Silver and 5,000 one oz Vera Valor will be struck​ ​with​ ​legal​ ​tenders. In 2013, launched the VeraCash, the first and unique debit card that is backed by physical gold, the Vera Valor - unlike other debit cards that are backed by cryptocurrencies or dematerialised currencies. For the VeraCash, it is the physical gold that will determine the exact amount spent based on the gold price. Through the VeraCash card and the mobile application, it is also possible to send VeraCash units to another user as a means of payment : a VeraCash unit equals​ ​one​ ​unit​ ​of​ ​the​ ​national​ ​currency. and wish to put forward the true values of physical gold​ ​and​ ​silver​ ​whether​ ​in​ ​physical​ ​coins​ ​or​ ​as​ ​a​ ​means​ ​of​ p ​ ayment.

Mish International Monetary Inc. Mish國際錢幣公司 Specialists in 專營 Pandas since 1982 1982年起發行的熊貓幣 China Modern since 1979 1979年起發行的中國現代金銀幣 World Coins since 1964 1964年起專營世界錢幣

Looking To Buy?想買? Our inventory and knowledge has been available to both our colleagues and collector clients since coins of the People’s Republic of China first reached the world market in 1979. 自1979年中國現代金銀幣首次進入國際市場后,Mish 國際的員工及其藏家客戶積累了豐富的庫存和專 業的錢幣知識。

If you are looking for a particular China coin, chances are we have it, or may be able to recover it from an original buyer we sold it to years ago at first distribution. 想買中國幣?我們或許恰好有;也許多年前我們賣過,現在或許還能從原始買家手中買回來。

Looking To Sell?想賣? In this world of instant experts and brokers, Mish International is still your best choice to handle the purchase of your prized coins in this fast-changing market. Well-capitalized, truly knowledgeable and accommodating, we buy both single pieces and major collections at fair value with no delay, no limits and no excuses. 瞬息萬變的市場環境,Mish 國際仍是助您銷售錢幣的最佳選擇。雄厚的資金實力,專業的錢幣知識, 出色的協調能力,我們同時收購單枚幣和大型收藏,價格合理,快速付款。

Since 1964 始於1964

Here today. Here tomorrow 攜手今日 共贏明天 Mish International Monetary Inc Mish國際錢幣公司 1154 University Drive Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA 美國加州門羅帕克大學路1154號,郵編94025 Phone(電話):(650) 324-9110 Email(電郵)

Hong Kong Auction

of Chinese and Asian Coins & Paper Money March 25-28, 2019 | Hong Kong Consignment Deadline: January 22, 2019 August 19-21, 2019 | Hong Kong Consignment Deadline: June 14, 2019 CHINA-EMPIRE. Yuan Dynasty. 2 Kuan, 1335-40. P-UNL. PCGS Very Fine 25.

CHINA. 1,000 Yuan, 1993. Lunar Series, Year of the Cock. NGC PROOF-69 ULTRA CAMEO.

Realized: USD $84,000

Realized: USD $43,200

MALAYA AND BRITISH BORNEO. Board of Commissioners of Currency Malaya & British Borneo. 10,000 Dollars, 1953. P-7s. Specimen. PMG About Uncirculated 55 Net.

CHINA. Szechuan. Pattern 30 Cash, ND (1904). PCGS AU-53 Secure Holder.

Realized: USD $504,000

CHINA. Chihli (Pei Yang Arsenal). Dollar, Year 22 (1896). NGC MS-62.

CHINA. Kiangsu-Chingkiang. Pattern 20 Cash, CD (1906). PCGS SP-64 BN Secure Holder.

Realized: USD $504,000

Realized: USD $180,000

Realized: USD $36,000

SINGAPORE. Board of Commissioners of Currency. 10,000 Dollars, ND (1973). P-8A. PCGS GSG About Uncirculated 50 OPQ.

Realized: USD $24,000

CHINA-FOREIGN BANKS. Banque de L’Indo-Chine. 1 Dollar, 1902. P-S436s. Specimen. PCGS GSG Choice Uncirculated 63.

Realized: USD $24,000

CHINA. Reversed Dragon Pattern Dollar (Type II), Year 3 (1911). PCGS SP-64 Secure Holder.

Realized: USD $156,000

GREAT BRITAIN. 5 Guineas, 1692. William & Mary (1689-94). PCGS MS-62 Secure Holder.

Realized: USD $204,000

CHINA. Yunnan Sanchuo Bianding. Provincial Three Stamp Slab Ingots. 10.5 Tael Ingot, Year 12 (1808).

Realized: USD $24,000

GREAT BRITAIN. Triple Unite, 1642. Oxford Mint. Charles I (1625-49). NGC MS-61.

Realized: USD $108,000

JAPAN. 20 Yen, Year 3 (1870). NGC MS-62.

Realized: USD $63,000

Contact Us for More Information Today! Unit 1603, 16/F, Mira Place Tower A, No. 132 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong Telephone: 852.2117.1191 Email: 1231 East Dyer Road Ste 100, Santa Ana, CA 92705 • • 949.253.0916 California • New York • New Hampshire • Hong Kong • Paris

钱币世界 市场

安全可靠地 购买硬币 您收集和买卖硬币的一站式目的地


East Asia Journal 1984 Issue 《東亞通寶》第 1 期 1984 年發行

First Issue of JEAN digital edition January 2016 Issue 《東亞泉志》電子雜誌第 1 期 2016 年 1 月發行

2018.11.9-11 北京國際錢幣博覽會

11/25/2018 冠軍澳門拍賣會 11.23-26澳門金碧文娛中心

澳 門 錢 幣 學 會 成 立 30 周年年展 2018

11/22 11/23-25 11/24

17:30 11:00-18:30 14:00-17:00

澳門錢幣學會國際年展剪綵儀式及晚宴 澳門錢幣學會國際年展 澳門錢幣學會國際錢幣論壇 澳門金碧文娛中心




澳門錢幣學會和冠軍拍賣郵輪晚宴 從澳門十六浦出發





冠軍澳門拍賣會 澳門十六浦索菲特酒店六樓會議室

澳門錢幣學會 2016年會開幕儀式

2018年8月6日澳門錢幣學會成立30周年紀念熊貓在深圳國寶造 幣有限公司舉行首打儀式

澳門錢幣學會 2016國際錢幣論壇


2018年澳門錢幣學會紀念熊貓首發 慶祝澳門錢幣學會成立30週年

1盎司金 5公斤金

入會申請表 Application Form 申請日期 Application date: 申請會員類別:

本地會員 Macau Member

Membership applied for:

外地會員 Non Macau Member

姓名 Name:

性別 Gender:

證件號碼 ID No.:

出生日期 Date of Birth:


住址 Add.:

職業 Occupation:

錢幣收集範圍 Interst:

聯絡電話 Phone Number:


會費 新會員需交付:入會費 MOP500.00 New membership fee: MOP 500.00

本會宗旨:團結錢幣愛好者,推動錢幣之收藏及研究 介紹人 Referee:(需我會兩位成員推薦 two members of the Society) 會員姓名編號 Member No: 會員姓名編號 Member No: 此欄由澳門錢幣學會填寫 (Filled by the Society only): 新會員入會日期: 新會員編號: 1)新會員需認同本會宗旨。 New members should comply with the Society regulations. 2)入會申請人需填妥本申請表、交 1 張相片及繳納相關入會費用。 Please attach one photo and pay the membership fee. Add: AV. DR. RODRIGO RODRIGUES. 600E-P105 FIRST INTERNATIONAL COM. CENTER, MACAU Tel: (853)2833 4556 Fax: (853)2830 4772 Email:

地址:澳門羅理基博士大馬路 600E-1 樓 P105 室 電話:(853)2833 4556 傳真:(853)2830 4772

余敏榮獲克勞斯出版社世界硬幣大獎評委會頒發的 終身成就獎

《世界錢幣新聞》主編 David C. Harper(左)和中國駐德國大使館文化部秘書李剛

上海造幣有限公司高級工藝美術師余敏在觀看 CCTV 新聞頻道


1996年2月至6月期間,赴 俄羅斯列賓美 術學院雕塑系進修。








工藝美術師至今也已23年。從1982年發行第一枚熊貓金幣起, 至今已有近三十年歷史。余敏作為設計雕刻人員參與並見證了



就 獎 的 獲 得 者 分 別 是 :奧 地 利 的 赫 爾 伯 特 •韋 納、 義 大 利 的 瑪 利 亞•卡 梅 拉•柯 蘭 納 瑞以 及德 國 的 Heinz Hoyer 和


Sneschana Russewa-Hoyer 夫婦二人。

獎最佳銀幣獎,這些年,余敏一共設計和雕刻了40多枚紀念熊 貓, 包 括2005、2006、2008、2009、2010、2012和2013



大衛•C• 哈珀負責頒發,而世界錢幣展也是本屆獎項的贊助商


之一。 他所設計的2009版熊貓幣被德國錢幣雜誌評為最佳紀念幣。 《東亞泉志》出版人周邁可先生為李博士做了一下介紹。周先生 的《東亞泉志》不僅贊助本次的世界硬幣大獎,同時也準備了一



幣中的毛澤東頭像一面。在非常堅硬的鎳包鋼產品上製作浮雕 是一個近乎苛刻的任務,經過多次實驗之後,余敏最終圓滿完



造幣廠(上海造幣有限公司前身)設計製模車間從事錢幣設計雕 刻工作。

在2008北京奧運幣的競標中,余敏的設計成為了入圍了最終的 決賽圈。余敏與他人合作的設計(擊劍、五項全能、射箭、足球) 也在競標被中國銀行選中。

由余敏負責設計、上海造幣廠生產的第一枚心形紀念熊貓 母親節特別收藏加厚版紀念熊貓(50g),鑄造量 300 枚

50 克的峨眉山面有金頂 佛光

30 克

30 克的峨眉山面沒有金 頂佛光

50 克



形紀念熊貓。其中銀質熊貓共生產1000枚,品質為30克 ;金質

冠軍公司美國經銷商 Jerica,電話 :941 952 0100 ;郵箱 :


鑄造量為300枚,每枚熊貓上均打有編號。正面圖案為母親節 康乃馨、熊貓母親和倆個熊貓寶寶 ;背面圖案為熊貓故鄉——

地 址 :佛 羅 里 達 薩 拉 索 塔34236,1650大 道,Estate Coin


and Jewelry Galleria 公司。













AUCOFFRE.COM 成立於 2009 年,其創始人兼法國總裁是讓·弗朗索瓦·福爾。 AUCOFFRE.COM 是一家為全球私人投資者提供庫存金銀幣交易的網上平臺。 公司大約有 2 萬名顧客,4 噸黃金庫存,11 噸白銀庫存,25 名員工。2015 年 成交額達到 3500 萬歐元。 2011 年底,AUCOFFRE.COM 決定自鑄錢幣——1 盎司純金金幣 Vera Valor(意為“真實的價值”, 含金量為 999.9%°)。2012 年,在法國、比利時 和瑞士,Vera Valor 已成為銷量最大的金幣。該金 幣自發行起,銷量已超過 35,000 枚。 此後,AUCOFFRE.COM 決定使產品多樣化,開始鑄造各種版別的 Vera 錢 幣——1/10 盎司 Vera Max 金質收藏幣、1 盎司 Vera 銀幣等。Vera 錢幣自誕 生以來,鑄造量已超過 400,000 枚, 因此成為法國的第一私營造幣廠。 2015 年,AUCOFFRE.COM 決定打造一個宣傳小塊領土的地圖幣收藏集, 開始鑄造第一種法定貨幣——桑吉巴 1 盎司 Vera 銀幣,面值為 1000 坦尚 尼亞先令,鑄造量為 50,000 枚。這些 Vera 銀幣很快被搶購一空,很多顧 客甚至還想購買這種幣的更多版別。具有代表性的第二塊領土是直布羅陀, 也將鑄造此種法定貨幣—— 50,000 枚 1 盎司 Vera 銀幣和 5,000 枚 1 盎司 Vera Valor 金幣。 2013 年,AUCOFFRE.COM 發 行 了 VeraCash 金 卡——唯一也是首個消費實物黃金 Vera Valor 的借 記卡。和其他的借記卡不同,其他的借記卡消費的 是加密數位貨幣或虛擬貨幣。對於 VeraCash 金卡來 說,按照黃金價格,用實物黃金來確定用戶所花費 的確切金額。通過 VeraCash 金卡和移動應用,將 VeraCash 的金額發給另一用戶,也能成為一種支付 方式。一個單位的 VeraCash 錢幣等於一個單位的該 國貨幣。 不論是作為實物錢幣,還是一種支付方式, 和 都希望體現實物黃金和白 銀的真實價值。

《东亚泉志》电子杂志 《东亚泉志》为冠军拍卖公司总裁周迈可和著名钱币学专家史博禄于1994年创办, 是一本学术性钱币研究专业杂志。旨在让广大钱币收藏家、研究学者更深入地了解钱 币知识,让世界各地的读者更好地了解中国深厚的钱币文化。 杂志高级编辑史博禄1951年生于美国密苏里州圣路易斯市,为密苏里大学历史系学 士,哈佛大学中国研究专业硕士。1974-1977年在克劳斯出版社任《世界钱币新闻》 助理编辑,参与《世界硬币标准目录》与《世界纸钞标准目录》编辑工作。史博禄拥 有30多年的收藏和研究中国钱币的丰富经验。他在《东亚泉志》上发表的研究文献极 大地丰富了中国钱币的知识内涵。 《东亚泉志》于1994年7月份问世,在20多个国家发行,广受欢迎,长期占据许多重 要图书馆书架的显著位置,包括美国国家博物馆史密森尼学会、大英博物馆、哈佛燕 京图书馆、哈佛大学、耶鲁大学、哥伦比亚大学、斯坦福大学、康奈尔大学和美国钱 币学会、美国钱币协会。杂志刊发过不少有重要学术价值的文章,如詹姆斯•史威尼 写的《1900年京局银元》、史博禄写的《徐世昌刻字纪念章》和《民国二十五年和 民国二十六年之中国银元故事》、汤姆•基纳写的《1897年浙江三分六厘样币和1899 年安徽三分六厘流通币的关系》以及曾泽禄写的《台湾老公银伪品》等。 2015年5月,周迈可决定于2016年1月复刊《东亚泉志》为电子季刊,中英双语。内 容以披露最新钱币收藏研究成果、推介泉界成功人士的事迹为主。主要栏目有学术研 究、人物专访、鉴赏争鸣、拍卖回顾、重要信息等。聘请著名钱币研究学者袁水清担 任中文主编。袁水清,1948年生,大学金融专科毕业,从事银行工作30多年。中国 钱币学会会员,陕西省钱币学会常务理事,西安市收藏协会常务副会长。同时聘请国 内外知名的钱币学者、收藏家及专业人士加入,如美国华人钱币学者曾泽禄、美国纸 钞专家弗雷德·施万、美国东南亚钱币专家霍华德·丹尼尔、德国中国现代币研究学者 塞巴斯蒂安·威斯霍夫斯基、香港中国现代金银币研究学者陈景林、台湾钱币学者周 建福、《戳记币简史》作者台湾东吴大学加拿大籍高林教授等。 从2017年起,《东亚泉志》加盟由克劳斯在德国柏林世界钱币展览会期间举办的 “世界硬币大奖”颁奖活动。

《东亚泉志》2017年免费订阅,如果需要,请把您的邮箱发到! 《东亚泉志》第一期在线阅读

The Journal of East Asian Numismatics Bilingual (English-Chinese) Digital Quarterly In 1994, The Journal of East Asian Numismatics (JEAN) was founded by Michael Chou, the CEO of Champion Auction and Bruce Smith, a noted numismatist. It is a professional numismatic academic journal whose mission is to educate collectors and researchers on the subjects of Chinese numismatics, culture and history. Bruce Smith, the chief editor of JEAN, was born in 1951 in St. Louis, MO. He received his BA in history from the University of Missouri St. Louis; and his MA in China studies from Harvard University. In 19741977, he worked for Krause Publications as Editorial Assistant on World Coin News and as cataloger for Standard Catalog of World Coins and Standard Catalog of World Paper Money. He was a full time coin dealer 1977-1987. In 1988-1989, he studied in China as a student of China Studies in Chengchow (Zhengzhou) University, Henan province. In 1991-1993, Mr. Smith was a graduate student at Harvard University. In 1994-1998, he was the editor of The Journal of East Asian Numismatics (JEAN). Bruce Smith has been a collector and researcher of Chinese coins for over 30 years. His published research in JEAN has added immensely to the body of knowledge for Chinese coins. The first issue of JEAN was released in July 1994, and the last issue (18th issue) in 1998. Most articles were written in English, the remainder in Chinese. The journal was distributed in over 20 countries, and remained a mainstay on many important library shelves, including the Smithsonian Institution, the British Museum, the Harvard Yenching Library, Harvard University, Yale University, Columbia University, Stanford University, Cornell University, the ANS (American Numismatic Society), and the ANA (American Numismatic Association). The journal enjoyed great popularity and many important articles were published in JEAN, including “Peking Coins of 1900” by James Sweeny, “More on the Hsu Shih-chang Medals with engraved names” and “The true story of China’s 1936 and 1937 Silver Dollars” by Bruce Smith, “The Apparent Relationship

JEAN Online Links 《東亞泉志》在線閱讀

1th Issue 2th Issue 3th Issue 4th Issue 5th Issue 6th Issue 7th Issue 8th Issue 9th Issue 10th Issue 11th Issue

between 1897 Chekiang 5 Cents Pattern and 1899 Anhwei 5-Cents Circulation Strike” by Tom Keener, and “A Forgery of Taiwan’s Old Man Dollar” by Dr. Che-lu Tseng. In May 2015, Michael Chou decided to start issuing the journal again starting in January 2016. The famous numismatic researcher Mr. Yuan Shuiqing will be chinese chief editor. He is a member of China Numismatic Society, serving as executive director of the Shenxi Numismatic Society and executive vice president of the Xi’an Collectors Association. As a numismatic researcher, he was chief editor of Collections and China Numismatics. He has published over 100 numismatic research articles and the masterpiece The Elite of Monetary History of China. Other distinguished contributors from home and abroad are numismatists, collectors and coin dealers, including Bruce Smith (author of Howard Franklin BowkerNumismatic Pioneer), Colin Gullberg (Canada, author of Chopmarked Coins-A History), Chinese American senior numismatist Dr. Chelu Tseng, Steve Feller former international banknote societ y editor, senior numismatic scholar of China modern gold and silver commemorative coins King L. Chan (Hong Kong), senior numismatist Chien Fu Chou (Taiwan) and CEO of Beijing Coins website Richard Guo. It will be a quar terly, bilingual e-journal, covering the latest numismatic research, interviews with famous collectors, auction reviews, and general news. The Journal's distribution is now over 5,000, including over 2,000 in Greater China region. Starting in 2017, Journal of East Asian Numismatics is a co-sponsor of Krause's Coin of the Year Award Ceremony in Berlin with World Money Fair. You are welcome to subscribe, submit articles for publication, and advertise in the upcoming JEAN. The 2019 subscription is free of charge. Please send your email to


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東亞泉志 電子季刊 · 中英双语


2015年5月,周邁可先生決定于2016年1月復刊《東亞泉誌》,聘請 著名錢幣研究學者袁水清先生擔任主編。袁水清,1948年生,大 學金融專科畢業,從事銀行工作30多年。中國錢幣學會會員,澳門



雜誌高級編輯史博祿先生 1951年生於美國密蘇里州聖路易斯市,

錢幣研究》雜誌的責任編輯, 《中國錢幣界》雜誌主編。多年來他

《東亞泉志》為冠軍拍賣公司總裁周邁可先生和著名錢幣學專家史 博祿先生于1994年創辦,是一本學術性錢幣研究專業雜誌。旨在

為密蘇里大學歷史係學士,哈佛大學中國研究專業碩士。19741977年在克勞斯出版社任《世界錢幣新聞》助理編輯,參與《世界 硬幣標準目錄》與《世界紙鈔標準目錄》編輯工作。1977-1987年 全職進行錢幣交易。1988-1989年在中國鄭州大學留學,主修中國 研究課程。1991-1993年在哈佛大學攻讀碩士。1994-1998年任《東 亞泉志》總編。史博祿先生擁有30多年的收藏和研究中國錢幣的 豐富經驗。他在《東亞泉志》上發表的研究文獻極大地豐富了中國 錢幣的知識內涵。

協會常務副會長。退休后,歷任《收藏》《古泉園地》《西部金融 • 傾力于中國貨幣史和錢幣學的研究,發表過近百篇錢幣研究文章 ;

2012年,出版了匯集中國古今錢幣的鴻篇巨製《中國貨幣史之最》。 同時聘請國內外知名的錢幣學者、收藏家及專業人士加入,如《霍 华德 • 富兰克林 • 包克——錢幣學研究先驅者》作者史博祿先生、 《戳記幣简史》作者高林先生、美國華人資深錢幣學者曾澤祿先生、 國際紙鈔收藏協會前任總編輯 Steve Feller、香港中国现代金银 币资深研究学者陳景林先生、台灣資深錢幣學者周建福先生、美國 東南亞錢幣專家亞當 • 比亞吉先生以及北京錢幣網总裁郭嘉華先生

《東亞泉志》于1994年7月份問世,1999年停刊,發行了18期。雜 誌中大部分文章是英文,只有少部分是中文,在20多個國家發行, 廣受歡迎,長期佔據許多重要圖書館書架的顯著位置,包括美國國 家博物館史密森尼學會、大英博物館、哈佛燕京圖書館、哈佛大學、

等。 復刊后的《東亞泉誌》為電子季刊,中英双语。內容以披露最新錢 幣收藏研究成果、推介泉界成功人士的事跡為主。主要欄目有學術 研究、人物專訪、鑒賞爭鳴、拍賣回顧、重要資訊等。

耶魯大學、哥倫比亞大學、斯坦福大學、康奈爾大學和美國錢幣學 會、美國錢幣協會。雜誌刊發過不少有重要學術價值的文章,如詹

從2017年起, 《東亞泉志》加盟由克勞斯在德國柏林世界錢幣展覽

姆斯 • 史威尼寫的《1900年京局銀元》、史博祿寫的《徐世昌刻字


紀念章》和《民國二十五年和民國二十六年之中國銀元故事》、湯姆 • 基納寫的《1897年浙江三分六釐樣幣和1899年安徽三分六釐流通 幣的關係》以及曾澤祿寫的《台灣老公銀偽品》等。

《東 亞 泉 志》2019年免費訂閱,如果需要,請把您的郵箱發到 !

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