the intertwine forest unit A see thoo jun hoe jeff.
understanding the theme >
site findings >
concept >
process >
final concept >
task 01_narration
tangible items
theme_levels of intimacy intimacy _ physical (tangible) _ emotional (intangible)
intimacy means distance and proximity, to put into plain english, “nearness” of an object or thing. intimacy is the ultimate meaning of atmosphere that it cannot be seen but can be felt in a particular space and time.
theme_light on things light _ shadow _ object _ reflection
light is the source of life, it gives shadow to objects, and reflection to objects that reflects to our vision. if there is no light, shadow cast by objects does not exists and we would lose our vision as object needs light in order to be seen. light equally contribute the atmosphere of an object or entity.
01_article_Peter Zumthor “atmosphere” _intimacy and light
certain objects creates or evokes a sense of intimacy which is an emotion. similarly atmosphere is a combination of multiple elements to evoke the emotion of a human. in order to achieve emotions, human must be able to percept and relate an object to a particular memory.
= emotion and intimacy forms when object touches us in a certain time and space, that creates an intimate relationship between living and non-living things.
01_article_Peter Zumthor “atmosphere” _levels of intimacy
perception emotion
light + object = vision
light + object = shadow
light + object + vision = reflection
“where there is light, there must be shadow, where there is shadow there must be light. there is no shadow without light and no light without shadow.... we do not know if the socalled Little People are good or evil. this is, in a sense, something that surpasses our understanding and our definitions. we have lived with them since long, long ago-- from a time before good and evil even existed, when people’s minds were still benighted.” Haruki Murakami, 1Q84
figure from left to right, ds4 final project, the power of reflection by Lorie Pope
01_article_Peter Zumthor “atmosphere”_light on things
texture and form
texture and form
combination and similarities of the two themes combining as one entity called “atmosphere” color
bubble diagram to show the relationship of multiple related topics
01_article_Peter Zumthor “atmosphere”_combination
tangible and intangible
behavior of light
visual and memory
harmonize land nature and people
01_article_Peter Zumthor “atmosphere�_deconstructive ideas
01_scattered steps
02_steps of life
01_article_Peter Zumthor “atmosphere”_initial ideas of drawing and models
03_nature’s hill
04_overlapping steps
02_article_Peter Zumthor “atmosphere”_kwong tong cemetery site in sequence
as the site is located at the heart of kuala lumpur, which is a urbanize district with noise polution with motorise vehicle and pedestrian. in comparison, the site is a peaceful, serene and quiet land that it a constrasting difference. below are mind maps for further interpretation the ideas. keywords “disconnect” from the urban industrial
“constrast” between site
creates intimacy proximity and distance
the proximity and distance of the urban gives peacefulness to the site portal to another realm that is “quiet” “peaceful” “serene” urban
portal illustration of idea and a view of new and old tombs overlooking kuala lumpur
02_article_Peter Zumthor “atmosphere”_site findings relation with theme_levels of intimacy
on the subject of light, open land tomb are fully open without shading but with few trees on different areas. cremated remains are stored inside in a enclosed space with orientation of the space facing a open view. in this constrast we see two different types of space but with the same concept of openess that gives life and light. keywords “envelope” with vegetation “open” of the tombs
“enclose” of the cremated remains
creates intimacy absorption / contrast
the proximity and distance of the urban gives peacefulness to the site portal to another realm that is “quiet” “peaceful” “serene”
internal view of monument to commemorate the heroic fighters in world war II, aerial view of the tombs with surrounding vegetation and proposed site with vegetation enveloping the site
02_article_Peter Zumthor “atmosphere”_site findings relation with theme_light on things
the ideation is to create and blend the two topics together two form a new creation, therefore, the model has three main elements. the site, the theme and the contrast. 1 interconnect 3
2 evolution of ground 3 enclosed light play 4 enclosed hill step 5 scattered to linear 6 spiral linear 7 tower of light
proximity of the urban context
contrast 6
03_model ideation process
vegetation as barrier
evolution of tombs sections narration ancient > medieval > present _ top left to bottom right
04_mockup model 01
steps of life narration each levels represent different realm from below is the living and above is the dead. in contrast the living is somewhat now peaceful or lock with the system but the dead is free and life remains peaceful.
04_mockup model 02
04_final model combination of ideation
the model will have two main parts one is a scattered arrangement which derived from the site tomb arrangement and the linearly arranged grid represent the new tombs and collumbarium that is has a very close proximity due to lack of open space. within the model gleam of light may shine through the model.
model variations
05_final concept
05_different view different story sketch
there are two pattern that describe two separate stories but it is intertwine and connected to each other as shown above. 1. the living pattern has lines that intersect in the middle to create flow of life. 2. the dead pattern line intersect creating an envelope represent rebirth. 3. intertwine pattern
05_beacon stick position and pattern
sketch model views
evolution grid
05_final model elements
memorials of deceased
plan_interconnect of above and below
relationship with the dead which is below and the living which is above with curve line represent flow of life which imprison by the linear aranged grids
the rapid change of humanity with it architecture change
shawdow cast by the model creates a foresty unnerving mood and uncertainty represents the afterlife
05_different view different story
progressive shadow
06_study model
06_overall study model
shadow progression ends
06_representation of the model
06_model making process
hand making
the intertwine forest beacon model +
06_final model
each lines represent the memories of the deceased. when light hits the model it creates a flare effect represent hopes and dream. each lines arrange from high to low that signifies a gradient hill.
two most significant view of the model. the top and the side view. as it represent the site, theme and intentions. top to bottom : top view represent the evolution of tomb where it is scattered arrangement to the more grid like simple layout, side profile reflects our reality in our current architecture landscape, which is hierarchy in buildings due to land scarcity.
06_final model
06_final model
06_final model_close up
06_final model_shadow angle
shadow cast by the beacon and grid creates depth and gradient that evokes a sense of spirituality being. as the model is lifeless without light, and light is life that creates shadow casting above and beyond our understanding of life
06_final model_shadow reflection
in these four images shown, the similarities connection in themes are presented with one keyword, “envelope� why is that? as the shadow getting closer and longer cast by the light, the darker shadow it gets thus creating a sense of intimacy where the darkness is intimacy where the light is serenity, which represent tombs are the lightness and darkness is the origin of peace.
06_final model_atmospheres
ar518_design studio v project 01_task 01