ORGANIZE Brand Guidelines

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ORGANIZE Brand Guidelines

This is your guide to the basic elements that make us, well... Us! Have a read and get to know us better :)

02 24 38 54

Brand Guidelines Standardized Elements Social Media Guides Admin Holy Bible


Brand Guidelines. Use this as a guid e to show everyone and their dogs that you #Giveash*T about organ donation.


Ou r l og o is a valuable asset. We must treat it nicely. Never abuse our logo, it doesn’t have arms so it can’t fight back (our lawyers however are another story).

F on t Our logo is font based and we use Founders Grotesk, Semibold to create it. Make sure it is all caps.

01 Ori g i na l Use this logo if the background is white. Feel free to use this version on printed and online collateral.

02 S tac k e d Use this logo if the background is white and there isn’t enough space for the longer, original version of the logo. Feel free to use this version on printed and online collateral.





Ou r inv e r te d l o go is also a valuable asset. We must treat it nicely too. Never abuse it, it also doesn’t have arms so it can’t fight back (our lawyers however are another story).

01 i nv e r te d O r ig ina l Use this logo if the background is white. Feel free to use this version on printed and online collateral.

02 i nv e r te d S tack e d Use this logo if the background is white and there isn’t enough space for the longer, original version of the logo. Feel free to use this version on printed and online collateral.





Ou r r e d i n v e r te d l o g o is also a valuable asset. blah, blah, blah... you get it by now, we are sure!

01 r e d i n v e r t e d O r ig ina l Use this logo if the background is red. Feel free to use this version on printed and online collateral.

02 re d i nv e r t e d S tack e d Use this logo if the background is red and there isn’t enough space for the longer, original version of the logo. Feel free to use this version on printed and online collateral.





L og o w i th a b u sy backgroun d . ARGH. This happens sometimes... And when it does please make sure you add a simple box around it so that it doesn’t get lost!

01 b oxe d Or ig ina l Always leave the logo with some space to breathe. You can use a white box for darker images and a black box for lighter ones so that the logo stands out.

02 b oxe d S tack e d Always leave the stacked logo with some space to breathe. You can use a white box for darker images and a black box for lighter ones so that the logo stands out.





D o’s an d d o n ’ ts because you wouldn’t wear your right shoe on your left foot...

01 me ll ow y e l l o w We prefer to always use a white, red or black background for our logo. So no yellow.

02 Me a n g r ee n Nope.

03 moo b l u e Yah, no.

04 f r aye d gr ay Seriously, no. No, no, no! Let’s just stick to black, white and red.







53 l og o because you wouldn’t wear your right shoe on your left foot...

01 53 l ogo The 53 logo is precious because of what it stands for. The logo is the number 53 and is made up of 52 dots. This represents how ORGANIZE’s 53 consolidates the existing 52 state registries across the US and turns them into one system.

02 53 l ogo w it h backg r o und Always include the logo with a white background. This can be in a circle or a square.





ou r t yp e face . Print. Foun der s G r ote s k , r e g u la r This is a corporate font. Not that any of us wear suits too often.

Copy: 10-14 points Black: R 0 G 0 B 0 Grey: R 180 G 180 B 180

You can use Founders Grotesk Regular for all copy. Please refrain from using this in caps lock. You will not need to kern this font.

Aa ABC DEFGH I JK LM N O P Q R ST UV WXY Z a b c d e fg h i j kl m n o p q rs t uv wxyz (. , : ; ? ! $ @ * ) 01 2 3 4 5 678 9


ou r t yp e face . Print. Foun der s G r ote s k , s e mi b old This is a corporate font. Not that any of us wear suits too often.

Titles: 16-24 points Black: R 0 G 0 B 0 Red: R 235 G 35 B 35

You can use Founders Grotesk Semibold for the logo and for titles. Feel free to use titles in caps lock. You will not need to kern this font.

Aa A B C D E FG HI JK L M NO P Q R ST U VWXY Z a b c defgh i j k l m no p q rs t uv wxy z (. , : ; ? ! $ @ * ) 01 2 3 4 5 6789


ou r t yp e face . Print + online. B eb a s N e ue , r e g u la r This is a fun font. This is more aligned with our brand sometimes, but use it at your discretion. Please limit using Bebas in any copy smaller than 14points. You should use it when you are trying to make a point or for titles. It is sometimes easier to read this font when you kern it by 100 points.

Aa ABCDE FGHI J KL M NO PQ R ST U V W X Y Z (. , : ; ? ! $ @ * ) 01 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


ou r t yp e face . Print + online. B eb a s N e ue , b old This is a fun font. This is more aligned with our brand sometimes, but use it at your discretion. Please limit using Bebas in any copy smaller than 14points. You should use it when you are trying to make a point or for titles. It is sometimes easier to read this font when you kern it by 100 points.

Aa A B CD E FGH I J K L M N O P Q R STU V W X Y Z (. , : ; ? ! $ @ * ) 01 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


ou r t yp e face . online. M o n t ser r at, r e g u la r This is our online corporate font. If Google designed it, we’re using it! You can use Montserrat Regular for all copy. Please refrain from using this in caps lock. You will not need to kern this font.


AB C D E F GH IJKL M N O P Q R S T U VW X Y Z abc d efg hi j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z (. , : ; ? ! $ @ * ) 01 2 34 5 6 7 8 9


ou r t yp e face . online. M o n t ser r at, b old This is our online corporate font. If Google designed it, we’re using it! You can use Montserrat Bold for all titles. Feel free to use titles in caps lock. You will not need to kern this font.


AB C DE F G HI JK L MN O P QR STU V W X YZ a b cd ef g hi jkl m n op q rst u v w x y z (. , : ; ? ! $ @ * ) 01 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


ou r c ol o r s a r e f e a rless. They are what gives us our personality, they also help us stand out from a sea of blue and green.

01 r e d R 235 G 35 B 35 Used to highlight the word ORGAN in the logo and for titles and things that need to stand out or be highlighted

02 b l ac k R0G0B0 Used for IZE in the logo and important text.

03 w h i te R 255 G 255 B 255 Used in the inverse version of the logo. We also pay homage to white as we like our work to breathe (which is why you will notice all the white space around our work).

04 g r ay / s ilv e r R 180 G 180 B 180 We use this for text and things that don’t need to stand out as much.







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Standardized elements. Letter heads, signature grids, business cards, thank you notes, product mock ups.


L e t t e r h e a d mo ck ups. Grids, spacing, alignment - words that turn us on.

Grid 20mm boarder, equal spacing You can just copy and paste the letter head layout into InDesign / Word and keep within those guides for your text. Keep all the spacing between images etc. THE SAME.

Ti tl e s / s u b-t it l e s Founders Grotesk, Semi Bold Red. Caps lock, 16 - 24 points

C opy Founders Grotesk, Regular Can be used in gray or black, 10 - 14 points

i mag e s We love images. Just plain and simple Try and break up text with images, we prefer pages with space and images... Even if it’s copy heavy (Greg).


Sequia apitiur itatem aut a voluptae. Ad quaspe ped quam, tem re sitia dolo ipsum, occae possimperum, alias rerem fuga. Ehent inctemquaero berisit inis que nimusam esequunt eat esci te volla explatinctum qui a qui berumquis aut pro es dem recea voluptatiae volorum essit expliciti imenis sit, ommoles exceperum volumqui volorum vella peratat urerum volo venis ellat res nulpa conem sust esequib usapelecusa nosandit velestio beri volupta tenitem doluptur as int ut latibusant. Ut aceste et verferc hiciae lab is dolluptatum quo te nusamet que dolupta spictotae volor reptatur atem. Si doluptae quas sita consequis a non neturit liberiae prorehe nditatem. Quas aces con proratem fugit aut fugit archicat vel et volori dolorror re voluptam, utem rem re ped mossunt.

THIS IS A SUB-SECTION Iqui corrum repedic aboraep elecae sunt que essi ommollor re nus dem que magnima gnimagnatem assum que parchita parunt as doluptatas expellit doluptatio dit listem voloreprepta por accum voluptat aut fugitas vel mosam, qui aut lacest precea veles apidundi re con nonsed qui de essinum aut aperrum velibusae natibus, omnimol oriates ea sequiat a nienimi lluptatur architate dit atem arciis sit as atio officia asperio offici dolorerspel iliquam vellore mporepe plitatemque doloribus repereres doluptat occumquis ero conest ipiscia nihiciate ne doluptatquat lam, quiaestiae. Ut alitatu ritiur aliquamustia sam am, officid ut et quiduntiis et alit omnimod istem. Et maios rest, exceperi alit reratam esti vollam re vollum recerat aut delloritae experat emporeseque pre, sit et omnimagnis consend ellaboriore cuptaquia que laboresti de conserc iantur sequi a ipiene nihillu ptatius dem sum eaque exped quis mo dolor aut archilis autendi onsequa sinulluptas dolupturibus sersper eprersped que delesenihil ipsae. Name nonsequo tem idelecesenim soluptatur, eatur, od mos cusae pos int re ateni inullabore volo offic torem lantius aut et fuga. Pudis es eum enim nonseque vent, odi tem dic toremquatis net quis est et eumque sit, etur alit quam venim dio eum que ni blant pta si debis andit volore nis etustru.

Offic tet hilitatur sum eaque mi, torumque ilicil most re laborup tatiam hita ea dolupta tquate que lat fugiti rest liquat.

omnistis debis et que pe officaerit aut optis assitatatiis eos unturib eribus ea exerecero moluptat.

THIS IS A SUB-SECTION Ribernatur? Pudipsant ad mi, sunt accupie nistem sam apiti volupta tiumque porehenihil es exceprerio dolorem simus, quunt inulpar umendam quibus quo ipit qui blabor rerum que que vollaboreium aut aborae non re natem restion sequunt venihiti dolore, quas sitia audis mos inctum eaquidest pel ipsam quam volupta si debis andit volore nis etustrum id qui aribustem sitias aligendam quiam landand usaestem. Dae plitat as velenite quo dolorro vitatendelit mi, occusdam, offictu rerunt et ligenditia aut odicatur anis int eos dolum, abore nus nessimpedit pre nus et que volor andit untios eiunt aut veriaturit voloreped et rem. Ut la eaquos ex endaectias diorepe rumquisquam voloreped mos eturia quatur si omnis.

ORGANIZE 242 W 30th Street, Suite 806, New York, NY 10001



S i g nat u r e Gr i d . We have a specific way we like Jenna and Greg’s signature to be laid out. Don’t worry you can copy + paste it :)

01 p hoto s i g nat ur e wit h t it l e Images may vary depending on layout. All images have saturated versions. You would use this if the document is formal and being sent out to the masses. And whenever Jenna tells you to add it in at the end of a doc obv!

02 p hoto s i g nat ur e wit h t it l e + d e ta il s Images may vary, saturated version on file. You would use this at the bottom on a document for a funder or someone that would need to follow up with Jenna and Greg personally. Def not the 8000+ list we have from Life is Beautiful #StalkersArentCool

03 S i gnatu re wit h t it l e Signature with Co-Founder Title Sometimes, Jenna and Greg’s pretty faces aren’t required... but their titles are. Use this whenever Jenna tells you to add it in at the end of a doc obv!

04 l on e ly s ig nat ur e Simple signature with name Sometimes the signature feels lonely, and you need to let it be. Everyone needs their space.







B u s i ne s s ca r d s + E m a il Sign at ure . FYI all professionals have business cards and e-signatures

B u s i ne s s c a r d s Our business cards are square shaped. 2” x 2” We never want to conform to the standardized versions of anything we do so our business cards stay true to our spirit and are 2 inches x 2in. The front has all the relevant information and the back shows off our awesome logo - we even break it up in case people don’t get it and think we are a closet / kitchen organizational company #weirdos PS. We expect people to personally sign their cards (makes it look more... Personal!)

E ma i l s i gnat ur e s Look at how marvelous our e-signatures are that’s because it looks like it’s on paper. Gmail makes it surprisingly hard for you to add a signature, so here is a guide on how to make a stunning signature, easily! 1. Design in InDesign 2. Zoom in and take a high res screen shot 3. Upload it Online ( 4. Go to Gmail settings 5. Scroll down to signature 6. Insert Image from web 7. Copy paste your postimage link 8. Resize to medium 9. Done and done! You can take a photo of a signature on a page and then ‘Image Trace’ in Illustrator to convert the signature to a vector. We can use this to steal all your money one day *insert evil laugh*.



t hank yo u n o te s. organize employees are required to be super polite... like southern polite when it comes to giving thanks!

E n v e l op e 5.75” x 4.28” with a silver foil lining inside #yum We buy our fancy envelopes from Jam Paper. Make sure you are stocked up because these babies run out quickly!

Th a nk you ca r d 4.25” x 5” printed double sided and empty inside Printed on Linen Paper using Red and Black ink.


Re t ur n a ddr e s s Always on the right side in a straight line You get a prize for neatness so #MakeItCount.

cir cl e reason s There are 2 card options, one with *Shit* and without it. Jenna likes to circle the appropriate words for the card.

I n si de t h e c a r d Thin black pen, cursive handwriting You get a prize for neatness so #MakeItCount.


Pr odu ct m o ck u p s. These help show off our tech in a way that is so professional, even we stand back in awe.

C ol l e c ti on You can include mock ups as part of a collection. We use Apple products as their mock ups are readily available online. We need to make sure the mock ups are updated periodically.

F l at moc k u p / imac Depending on how formal the document needs to be we can use a flat more graphic version or a realistic version.

F l at moc k u p / ipa d The flat mock ups can be used with or without the shadow.

i p hon e There are many different models and colors we can use, so what we usually do is create mock ups in a variety of styles.


08 34

key images.Sometimesit’saboutthebeautiful art of copy and pasting... here are some images you can CTRL+C+V with #Yourewelcome




Social Media guidelines. Use this as a guide to tell the world that you #Giveash*T about organ donation.


L a ng uag e. Fresh and cheeky. Supporting characteristics: approachable, personable, natural and positive.


A s i s us ua l ly t he ca s e , if we a r e s pe a k ing - w e wan t p e op le t o l is t e n. We wa nt t o be “he a r d”, no t “r ead”, so w e th ink it s be s t t o s pe a k l ik e huma ns. Nov e l c on cept, huh? W e hav e a g r e at t e a m o f pe o pl e (l ik e yo u d id n’ t already k now t hat ), but, if we d o it r ig ht, yo u wo n’ t be able to te ll who is s pe a k ing - jus t t hat we ’ r e s ay ing s o m eth in g s ma r t, f unny, che e k y a nd f r e s h. • WE are always a WE and never an I or a ME - you know... “no I in team” and all that business. • We LOVE getting people to THINK. We want people to think about taking action, saving lives, saving the world, etc. So, everything we say is with intention and purpose, we spit the facts and give people the spark to be a part of the solution! • So after we get people thinking, lets tell them what to do. We call this a “call to action” (CTA), whatever it is just make it clear - “Register.” Use #DonateMyParts “Like us” “Love us”, you get the idea. This works for some posts, and not so much for others, especially when you run out of Twitter characters or can only “link in bio” on Instagram, but do it when it feels right and can include it in our overall message. General rule of thumb? Lets aim for 30% of our posts including an actionable CTA. • We also really like people to smile, so lets keep things light. Keep the stats and facts happy, none of that death and disease talk. If we can avoid it - avoid it like the plague (GET IT?) 4 08 0

E ngag e m e n t. So, the Internet... What are we supposed to do with it?


• When our dedicated and loyal fans and followers reward us with their attention (likes, comments, follows, tags, etc), we reward back. Immediately. Or, I mean, within a reasonable amount of time - lets aim for an hour. • •A wise man once said, “you are defined by the people you follow on Instagram” - I’m pretty sure thats how it went. Either way, lets keep who we follow clean and on brand. This doesn’t mean we can’t go fishing for fans by following John and Jane Doe, but every now and then we go through and clean it up. • •Retweets, shares and reposts have to play by the rules, too. Keep ‘em on brand and from people we don’t mind tying our name to. Think @Buzzfeed and @ HuffingtonPost, not @ILiveInMyParentsBasement or @ HannibalLover

08 42

#Has htag Ga me S tron g. Given that #hashtags are the backbone to our social declarations, we want to make sure we set the stage and do it right.


W e k e e p t r ack o f a l l o r ga n d o no r r e l at e d ha s htags in 53, s o if yo u co me up wit h a ne w o ne , be s ur e to m ake n ote s o we ca n a d d it t o t he sys t e m. S o me o f our goto’s :

# D o n at e MyPa rt s ( duh ) # R eGi ft MyLi fe # Or ga n Don orT h ough # L at e N i gh t Orga n Don or # Or ga n Don or # I AmA n Orga n Don or • We #playnice and #makefriends by using #hashtags from our fellow organ donor and OPOs #DonateLife (appendix A has all the goods) • Get in the convo and use #trending #hashtags • #Dontgo #hashtag #crazy #nobodylikes #trytofigureoutwhatyouaresaying


08 44

Fac e b oo k. the book of faces can be tricky sometimes, but these tips will help make sure your post sticks! yah:


ya a s:


w ho ar e o ur face bo o k l ik e r s ? • W omen • G e n X • L OV E all th i ngs organ d onati on • F ri end s and fam of organ transplant rec i pi ent s and donors • M ed i c al and Ac ad emi c i nsti tuti ons • T eam Supporters - W e h av e a good amount of fans ( age 18- 35) th at are f ri end s and supporters of t he p e ople th at make us amaz i ng. W h i le th ese p e op l e m ake up a maj ori ty of our Li kers, our opport unit ie s l i e i n tappi ng i nto th e abov e. Wh at a r e we tryi ng to d o w i th Fac ebo o k ?

t ips a nd t r icks :

• Keep In Touch: We use Facebook to keep in touch with our people. • They want to understand a little more about who we are? We use it to tell them all about how amazing we are. They have questions? We give them all the answers. • Share: Our main clique on Facebook is what we call the “Choir” - as in “preaching to the choir”. The Choir loves to hear stories about organ donations, organ recipients, organ transplant, organ everything, so we definitely want to give them what they want, but lets be sure to give our ORGANIZE 2cents with each post. • Find a cool organ donor article? Share it. An inspiring video? Post it. Someone else post something interesting? Share it. Did we do something extraordinarily amazing? Post it.

• #TrendingHashtags aren’t really a thing on FB, so when we use #FourthofJuly or #SuperBowl or #EveryMajorNationalEvent get bucketed in with everyone else using that hashtag, so #LetsNot • Posting one to four times a week gets us 71% higher engagement • Think your post is extra special? Have a very clear and direct C2A? Lets promote it! With proper permission and approval, we should be putting money behind any Facebook post we think will really drive engagement. This should be run by the team before making the decision. • Remember K.I.S.S.? Ya, well 80 characters or less gets 66% higher engagement • Lets ask the audience. Asking questions in our posts gets us double the comments. 08 46

T w it t e r. the twittersphere can be tricky sometimes, but these tips will help make sure your post sticks! yah:

ya a s:


Getting dinner reservations tonight is hard, registering to be an organ donor isn’t. #DonateMyParts

Huge fan of @ organ_ize working to solve organ donor crisis. Declare your support rt #DonateMyParts

Grand Strand and Pee Dee Area Folks: TEAM SC Members and Volunteer Dennis Murphy joins LifePoint’s Mark Johnson on...

Valentine’s Day is National Organ Donor Day. Share more than your heart this Valentines! organize. org #donatemyparts @organ_ize

Tears flow as transplant recipients meet donors. #DukeTransplant @Duke_Medicine #DonateLife news/showcase/...

We <3 stories like these “6-day-old Mesa baby gets heart transplant in Phoenix azc. cc/1DY9xdn via @ azcentral”

No one wants to have a loved one die, but through your grief up to 8 lives can be saved or transformed. Sign the Organ Donor Register NOW!


• W ho a r e o ur T wit t e r f o l l o we r s ? • I nf luenc ers • F ellow busi ness/i nd ustry sti f f s • T i m e sensi ti v e • G e n X and Mi llenni als Wh at a r e we tryi ng to d o w i th twit t e r ?

t ips a nd t r icks :

• Interact: Lets get in the conversation on Twitter. We want to favorite the good stuff and any mentions, and then of course retweet the really good stuff. We also follow influencers so we can keep up with the convos and interact as much as possible.

• We get new followers all the time - when we get one that looks like a human being and not a robot or fisher - we give them an immediate DM; thanking them for the follow and support and encouraging them to use #DonateMyParts. Have fun with the DM, make it customized when you can so they know the message is coming straight from our heart.

• Share: Same with FB. Lets tweet links to great articles and all the things we are learning along the way. Between Google Alerts, social feeds and our own browsing, we should have plenty of articles and links to share on Twitter - at least one a day.

• “Thanks for the follow, John! Help spread the word and show your support for organ donation by using #DonateMyParts <3” • “Hi Felecia, thx 4 the follow & 4 supporting organ donation Now get all those bacon-loving friends of yours 2 do the same with #DonateMyParts” Felecia’s profile said she was “lifelong bacon maven” • #hashtags double engagement, but lets avoid more than double the #hashtag... #twoisenough • Tweets with pics get 150% more retweets • Twitter is most active during the day, so aim for 8am to 7pm. Keep those west coasters in mind, too.

08 48

in s tag ra m. it can be tricky sometimes, but these tips will help make sure your post sticks (and gets lots of like)! yah:


ya a s:


• W ho a r e o ur ins tag r a m f o l l o we r s ? • M i llenni als • O R GANI Z E lov ers • T i m e sensi ti v e

What are we trying to do with instagram?

t ips a nd t r icks :

• Show-off: This is where we show off the ORGANIZE brand. We have fun and take pictures along the way. We find really cool pictures that we think perfectly represent us or organs donation that are super rad. The internet blows up and we find a way to tie it back to your organs. Whatever it might be, we ORGANIZE it and put it on our Instagram page.

• Light images receive 24% more engagement than dark images. • Images IRL received 30% more engagement. • Throw a few #hashtags on each images, but lets not go overboard with more than five.

• Keep tabs: With #hashtags we can really keep an eye on what others are doing. We watch #organdonor, #donatemyparts, etc to make sure we see who is doing what and get involved with a follow, like or comment when we can. Watching what others are doing also helps inspire and create content.

08 50

ke y m e s s ag e s. buckets are awesome.

K e y me s s age s Everything we post will have a message. #WeAreDeepLikeThat We will think of these key messages as buckets that we can measure our posts against. Sometimes a post can be greedy and fall into multiple buckets, we don’t mind greedy posts.


Re gi s te r: • “Register at” • “The DMV is a thing of the past” • “Cheapest way to be a philanthropist”

Declare: • “Use #hashtag to show your support” • “Tell the world you want to be an organ donor and use #hashtag” • “Show us your love for your organs and use #hashtag”

E d u c ate : • “Did you know your kidney does this?” • “Organ donors can save up to 8 lives” • “Follow Caleigh and learn about her fight for air”

A c ti vate : • “Don’t be an asshole with your organs” • “Shop ORGANIZE” • “ORGANIZE wants to go out of business”

08 52


admin holy bible. or the qur’an or the book of mormon or the torah or the avesta or the vedas or the Tipitaka or the book of the dead or the Kojiki or the Dianetics or the Jain Agamas or the Guru Granth Sahib or the Bhagavad Gita or The Spirits Book or the Tao Te Ching or the Bahá’í literature ( you get t h e p oi n t ri gh t ? ) # a m en. 54

g e ne r al co n tacts. call me. beep me. if you wanna reach me.

Je n n a Je n n i f er Sh ie l d s A r n old July 1, 1981 cell: (305) 609 4587 home: (212) 255 4020

Eme r g en cy C ontac t: Husband - Jeremy Goldberg (646) 228 5338 Uncle - Matt Guenther (201) 924 9036 Insurance - Aetna

NYC A ddr ess: 344 W 23rd St. 1A New York, NY 10011

Ho m e A ddr es s : 1470 Creek Rd. Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 (215) 938 8448

B eac h A ddr e s s : 214 82nd Street Sea Isle City, NJ 08243

B l o o d t y pe AB +


Greg G r e g o ry Lyo ns s e ga l a k a g r e g S e ag ul l June 13, 1984 cell: (914) 565 1879

E me r g e ncy Co ntact: Mother - Monica Segal (914) 646 5373 And Jenna :)

Home A d d r e s s (* he us e s th i s a s his pr ima ry a d d r e s s ): 7 Puritan Rd Rye, NY 10580

NYC A d d r e s s : 163 North 6th Street, #A6, Brooklyn, NY 11211

F t La ud e r da l e A d d r e s s : 914 S. South Lake Drive Hollywood, FL 33019

B l ood t y pe AB +

ta r e n ta r e n l e e ta l mag e October 04, 1988 cell: (520) 370 3867

E me r g e ncy Co ntact: Mother - Christy Talmage (520) 971 2553 And Jenna / Greg :) Friend - Sydney Kramer (917) 566 9033 Insurance - Oscar

NYC A d d r e s s 157 Hart Street, Floor 3, Brooklyn, NY 11206

Bl o o d t y pe AB +

no t e s Donated left kidney in 2011 (what you doing in 2011?) 1 cat called Ruca (1 because if she gets 2 she will officially be a cat lady).

of f i c e h o u r s. all day, erryday?

O ur o b jec t i v e i s to d e s i gn a c omf o r ta bl e l if e s t y l e f o r al l o f o ur e mp l oye e s. W e have ou t l ine d t he wo r k we e k wi t h a spec i f i c s ta r t/ e nd ti me . Ho we v e r , O RGA NI Z E i s a s ta rt u p which me a ns it s a l l ha n ds o n dec k a ll of the ti me . I f yo u h av e d e a d l i ne s th at r e qu i r e yo u co me t o wo r k ea r ly o r stay late , p l e a s e a d j u s t acco r d ing ly.

1 0 - 6 , M o n day - F r i day. Lunch hour can be taken whenever throughout the day (its flexible in the event there are doc appointments, etc)

Sum m e r F r i days s ta r t on L a b or Day t hr o ug h Me mo r ia l Day. 9 a m - 1 p m. However, if you still have items in your Asana that are incomplete, you will need to finish them before you head out early.

Ho st i n g a m e e ti n g When we’re hosting a meeting early in the morning, everyone needs 20 mins early.


s c he du l i n g. this is hella important yo. we schedule calendar invites for everything... evveeerryytthhiiinnggg. k? All ORGANIZE employee's personal calendars should appear as 'busy' on the General ORGANIZE calendar. Each employee should have their own calendar in the General ORGANIZE calendar with visible appointments (eg. Jenna meeting w/ Ogilvy) • Header: Name of Person (s) and (company); Name of ORGANIZE employee(s) • Location: Exact street location, name of bldg if applicable, floor/suite number, cross streets and pref phone number of person we're meeting w/ or their exec admin • Time: Obvious • Calendar: ‘ORGANIZE’ ( • Alert: Set alert 20 mins before meeting • Note: Its helpful to put the context of the meeting in the note section. IF you are inviting other people outside of ORGANIZE (which is likely) than be very careful about the summary. Provide three bullets (or more if necessary): • Introduced by Joe Smith • Interested in organ donation • Medical background • If you are unclear of the context then include the last conversation based email that we had. • Send confirmation email 24 hours before the meeting to confirm the event.


Co nf e r e nce Ca l l In Numbe r : 209 647 1000 / 443999# If its a call with someone (no conf call number) always get their number to call - they should never call us….gives us the flexibility of being late by a few mins…which we always are.

G o o g l e Ha ng O ut L ink : ctjsi3ops85e9oj0ruri21cd6a8 Address: ORGANIZE (BeeSpace) 242 West, 30th Street (Between 7/8th Ave) Suite #806 New York, NY 10001 R e s e rv ing a r o o m: At BeeSpace, you can reserve the Conference Room (C) or the Library (L) by adding it to the BeeSpace Google calendar that is shared by all the incubees. Make sure you specify which room you want and what incubee you are reserving it for. More details are not necessary.

08 58

t r ans p o r tati o n s che d ulin g. this is a bit more complicated, but totes doable if you follow these simple steps! Pre f er r ed Se a rc h E n g i ne :

Che ck - IN:

Kayak AND Southwest, Jet Blue & Virgin Notes: Last three airlines aren’t queried on the Kayak platform.

Set an alarm for 24 hours in advance to check all passengers in. Notes: It is particularly important to do that for SouthWest airlines as it determines our seat choice.

Seat pr e f er e nc e : Jenna = Window Greg = Window Notes: If they’re flying together, book Window and Aisle. Hopefully nobody will select the middle seat and they will get the whole row.

Le ga l N a m e s : Jenna = JENNIFER S ARNOLD Greg = Gregory Lyons Seagull Notes: Please make sure you put their legal names and not Jenna and Greg.

C a l en da r I n p u t: Title of Event: Airport to Airport (i.e. JFK - SFO) Address: Airline Name, Reservation Code & Seat # Notes: When recording a flight that departs in a DIFFERENT time zone than EST make note in the notes section that says the exact time that the flight departs from the departure city and in parentheses note the EST. Sometimes Jenna/Greg don’t change the time on their computers when traveling so its important that all events are super clear what the time of departure is… in every time zone.

F r e q ue nt F ly e r Inf o r mat io n - Je nna Delta: FF# 2312996941 / PW: 4587 American: MERGED W USAIR / Name: Jennifer / 11X66w0j PW: lar19027 JetBlue: Email: / Password: lar19027 2037644731 Emirates Airlines: EK148 479 682 / Online PW: 1470creek United Airline: DG248076 Southwest Airlines: 101-025-3403 Spirit Airlines: 222337975 USAir: MERGED W AA / 9C4L340 Continental: dg248076 / PW: 4587


C A R R E N TA L You can make as many car rentals as needed, if we don’t ever show up we aren’t charged. Notes: Don’t ever purchase the add’l insurance, we’ll likely pay with an Amex which covers insurance and then when we return the car we will put it on an ORGANIZE card.

C A R SERV I C E Carmel: 212 666 6666

TR A I N / pw: lar19027 Member number: 7031002277

60 08

T hank yo u f o r yo u r in t erest E m a il T e m p l ate .



Thank you so much for your interest in ORGANIZE As mentioned, we’re focused on solving the organ donation crisis in the US by:

Detailed Deck: http://deck. ExecutiveSummary/ ExecutiveSummary.php

1) Increasing the places people can register as organ donors (95% of all registrants happen at the DMV) 2) Creating a single donor registry for the entire country (there are current 52 registries that are not inoperable). Here is a detailed deck, or a simplified two pager (Username: First & Last Name - please write their names here, Pw: Organize). This is last quarters update (please update this with the most recent one). We are listed on INC Magazine’s 35Under35, O Magazine tagged ORGANIZE as one of the top healthcare breakthroughs of 2014, and we’re described as “the company to end the organ donation crisis” by FastCo. We are currently partnering with Wharton’s School of Business Economics & Public Policy, Health & Human Services and Google. We are happy to elaborate on our strategy with anyone who might be interested in learning more...we love talking about the topic! Looking forward to continuing the conversation. Best, Name


Last Quarters Update: Mailchimp Link of Latest Campaign Inc Magazine 35U35 carolyn-cutrone/35under-35-organize-gregsegal-and-jenna-arnold. html O Magazine http://deck.organize. org/pdf/OMagAug14/ OMagAug14.pdf Fast Co http://www.fastcoexist. com/3025482/can-thisnew-startup-end-theorgan-donor-shortageforever

S c he du l i n g E m a i l Tem plat e

Hey/Hi/Dear First Name, Lovely to e-meet you. I just wanted to jump in to help coordinate a time for you to connect with Jenna / Greg / ORGANIZE during the week of 00/00. Here are some time slots that work for us: Monday 00/00: 11:00am - 2pm 4pm - 6pm Tuesday 00/00: 11:00am - 2pm 4pm - 6pm Wednesday 00/00: 11:00am - 2pm 4pm - 6pm Thursday 00/00: 11:00am - 2pm 4pm - 6pm Friday 00/00: 11:00am - 2pm 4pm - 6pm Do let me know what day and time works for you and I will be sure to send you a calendar invite. We would be happy to host you at our office (30th and 8th Ave, NYC) / circulate a conference line / circulate a Google Hangout link. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require anything else. Thanks, Name

08 62

C onf ir m ati o n E ma i l T e m plat e ( t o b e s e nt 24 h r s b e f o r e m e et in gs)

Hello First Name / Team, Just wanted to confirm that you are still available for your call / meeting at TIME at this location / using this number. Please do let me know if you have any questions. We are looking forward to our continued conversation. Thanks, Name


In t e r e ste d i n I n te rviewin g In t ern C and i date Te mp l ate

Hey Intern,


BeeSpace passed along your CV to us and we think you would be a great fit for ORGANIZE. Here is a detailed deck, or a simplified two pager (Username: Your Name, Pw: Organize). This is last quarters update.

Detailed Deck: http://deck. ExecutiveSummary/ ExecutiveSummary.php

We are listed on INC Magazine’s 35Under35, O Magazine tagged ORGANIZE as one of the top healthcare breakthroughs of 2014, and we’re described as “the company to end the organ donation crisis” by FastCo.

Last Quarters Update: Mailchimp Link of Latest Campaign

Please let me know what your availability is this week as we would love to have you in for an interview at our office. Our address is: ORGANIZE (BeeSpace) 242 West, 30th Street (Between 7/8th Ave) Suite #806 New York, NY 10001 Name

Inc Magazine 35U35 carolyn-cutrone/35under-35-organize-gregsegal-and-jenna-arnold. html O Magazine http://deck.organize. org/pdf/OMagAug14/ OMagAug14.pdf Fast Co http://www.fastcoexist. com/3025482/can-thisnew-startup-end-theorgan-donor-shortageforever

08 64

In t e r n O n - B oa r d i n g Em a il T e m plat e Welcome to ORGANIZE! We are super excited to have you intern with us. Before all the fun work starts let me on-board with three things we literally LIVE ON. 1. Evernote We use this to store everything. So all the documents, notes etc. that you make during your time at ORGANIZE should be store in organized folders (I can walk you through some) 2. Asana This is where all your tasks and to do list will live. You can add people to follow your task / assign it to different people etc. - All tasks, regardless of size, should be put in ASANA - Everyone should have their own folders (tbd w/ Jenna) that Jenna/Greg are invited to. Folders likely include: Admin - this is where one would put tasks related to paper work, vacation days, office tasks, appointments, travel logistics for J/G. Marketing - social media related, content creation related - Due dates should always be set unless its a reoccurring task - Due dates need to be met. If someone else sends you a task and the due date is tight, discuss w/ them in the body of the task. Suggest alternative dates and reason behind it. - All notes related to each task should be in the body of the task itself - Tasks are complete only when the FINAL product/assignment is completed or delivered. 3. Skype As we work in a collaborative space when you work with your head phones on, everyone will see that as ‘Your door is shut’. When your door is shut, we advise people to respect that by messaging you via Skype. Our Skype names are: Jenna Arnold: jennaarnold Greg Segal: gregsegal13 Taren Talmage: taren.talmage


ORGANIZE: Evernote: evernote/guide/mac/ Asana: Skype: en/

C onT D. .. Couple of things that we’re picky about: 1. ORGANIZE should always be capitalized (when you’re talking about the company) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. Calendar: - All ORGANIZE employee’s personal calendars should appear as ‘busy’ on the General ORGANIZE calendar. - Each employee should have their own calendar in the General ORGANIZE calendar with visible appointments (i.e. Jenna meeting w/ Ogilvy) Header: Name of Person (s) and (company); Name of ORGANIZE employee(s) Location: Exact street location, name of bldg if applicable, floor/suite number, cross streets and pref phone number of person we’re meeting w/ or their exec admin Time: Obvious Calendar: “ORGANIZE General” Alert: Set alert 20 mins before meeting Note: Its helpful to put the context of the meeting in the note section. IF you are inviting other people outside of ORGANIZE (which is likely) than be very careful about the summary. Provide three bullets (or more if necessary): - introduced by joe smith - interested in organ donation - medical background Conference Call in Number: (209) 647 1000 / 443999# ORGANIZE (BeeSpace) 242 West, 30th Street (between 7/8th Ave), Suite 806, New York If its a call with someone (no conf call number) always get their number to call - they should never call us….gives us the flexibility of being late by a few mins… which we always are. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3. Note Taking - Notes should live in appropriate Evernote Notebook (state, campaign, etc). Each applicable employee should have access to that notebook or have an identical notebook in their stack - Note title: Date, Participants, Topic (i.e. “4/11/14, Bob, Jane, Jenna, Jenai, Partnership w/ OPO”) - Get as many notes down as possible and then clean up language/copy post call - Important bullets should be highlighted in a different color - Outstanding questions or areas to dive deeper should also be highlighted - Always have next steps at the bottom of the note w/ responsible persons name in parentheses - Next steps per person should immediately be put in ASANA - IF there is a follow-up call w/ a continuation of the SAME topic, add the new date in the body of the note and take notes as outlined above - Include relevant URLs and a hyperlink Hope this isn’t too overwhelming - don’t worry we’ll get you all set up and are happy to answer all your questions (big, small, silly). See you soon. Name

08 66

S oc ia l M e d i a / Ma r k e t in g In t ern T e s t T w e e ts / S o ci a l Post s T em plat e

Hey #TrailBlazer aka First Name,


Thanks so much for sending your application to intern with us. We would obviously be ecstatic to have you with us but would love to see what your understanding of our brand is.

Detailed Deck: http://deck. ExecutiveSummary/ ExecutiveSummary.php

At ORGANIZE, we’re focused on solving the organ donation crisis in the US by: 1) Increasing the places people can register as organ donors (95% of all registrants happen at the DMV) 2) Creating a single donor registry for the entire country (there are current 52 registries that are not inoperable)

Inc Magazine 35U35 carolyn-cutrone/35under-35-organize-gregsegal-and-jenna-arnold. html

Here is a detailed deck, or a simplified two pager (username: Your Name, pw: Organize). This is last quarters update.

O Magazine http://deck.organize. org/pdf/OMagAug14/ OMagAug14.pdf

We are listed on INC Magazine’s 35Under35, O Magazine tagged ORGANIZE as one of the top healthcare breakthroughs of 2014, and we’re described as “the company to end the organ donation crisis” by FastCo.

Fast Co http://www.fastcoexist. com/3025482/can-thisnew-startup-end-theorgan-donor-shortageforever

We are currently partnering with Wharton’s School of Business Economics & Public Policy, Health & Human Services and Google.

Facebook: https://www.facebook. com/Organize

HOMEWORK: We would LOVE you to come up with 5 Tweets and 2 Facebook posts that you think are on brand (PS. we think we’re super sassy). Just in case you haven’t liked, re-tweeted, followed us already: Facebook / Twitter / Instagram / Pinterest #organ_ize #YOLT #DonateMyParts Super excited to see what you come up with, Name


Twitter: organ_ize Instagram: organ_ize Pinterest: https://www.pinterest. com/organ_ize/

In t e r n R e j e cti o n E m a il T em plat e

Hey First Name, Thank you so much for coming in to see us... we LOVE who you are, what you do and how passionate you are... Really appreciate the time you took to apply for an internship at ORGANIZE. We have finalized our selection process and reviewed your application. However, we have chosen another candidate for the Fall Intern position. Thank you for considering an internship at ORGANIZE. I encourage you to reapply to next year’s program or check our website for other opportunities. Best wishes in your career pursuits, Sincerely, Name

08 68

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