Jenai Kavaran Final Portfolio 2010 / 2011

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Jenai Kavarana


Jenai Kavarana Š 2009/2010 BA (HONS) Graphic Product Innovation Year 1 - Portfolio of work University of Arts London London College of Communication

Graphic Product Innovation The title of the course may be confusing; after all it contains two words which conjure up very different and possibly separate activities. ‘Graphic’implies graphic design with connotations of print or digital based communication while the term ‘product’ conjures up images of artefact design. This book is a portfolio of all the work that I have done during the first year of this course.


The Design Toolbox -Research

Our brief for this week was to research a brief from the RSA in a visual way. I looked at the ‘Long Term Care’ section and decided to go visit an old age home and research what assisting technology they would require in order to make life at St. Theresa’s Home fuller. Best practice is shaped by an understanding of people and their needs, and responds to difficult problems in ways that improve and enrich their lives.


The Design Toolbox -Research

This spread shows photographic images that we used as research of St. Theresa’s Home. The photos are memories of the gentleman we interviewed, Michael. I wanted to focus on the whole room so that the audience could see what life is like on a daily basis in St. Theresa’s Home.


The Design Toolbox -Research

Micheal was a remarkable man who has edited over 100 books and still continues to share his knowledge with the world. Initially I expected life at St. Theresa’s Home to be dull and boring, however after speaking to Micheal I discovered that his life was really hectic from book editing to teaching the Spanish nurses English to reading to his partially blind neighbour everyday... I designed this poster to reflect how Micheal is faded away from his youth but he is still the remarkable man he always was. I choose to have Micheal’s books behind him to give a feeling of who Micheal is and what he is about.


Idea Generation - 100 ideas

100 ideas regarding identity - how it can be protected/stolen etc.


Idea Generation - Government

After reading a section of the novel ‘Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said’ by Philip K. Dick, we were asked to come up with 100 ideas on Identity and create our own ending to the section of the story we had just read. I used a series of pictograms to demonstrate a ‘Totalitarian Government’ where every move action that we make is controlled by a higher government due to the introduction of a chip system.


Idea trigger spinner

I created this spinner game to help designers bulldoze their designers block walls and help them innovate and create exciting new ideas. Each card had a different trigger to help designers activate their creativity and ultimately design something brilliant.


Product - Dental Pack

A dental pack to help promote dental hygiene to children after they have visited the dentist. The pack consists of a giant toothbrush with ‘activity bristles’. Each bristle has an activity such as tooth fairy chart, information on how to brush teeth properly etc.

Defining your problem. The Brief. Visioning is creating a motivating view of the future. Picture yourself with an amazing idea, think about the personal rewards you will gain.


The Design Toolbox -Final

everything you will need to inspire you to imagine... The simplicity of my ‘tool-book’ concept will hopefully help manifest the beginnings of great ideas and help all people, designers or not, be inventive and creative by tapping deep into their imagination and giving them the power to believe. It is said that if you limit the selection of tools to the most vital ones, it forces you to be creative and this challenge helps designers come up with their most ingenious ideas. The pages of the book have been left with lots of blank spaces around for the designers to draw and do the activities on. The book is a collection of activities to help use both sides of the brain and help ignite all 5 senses to make sure that designers use all their creativity and talent. The left page features a little snippet of what the toolbook content is like...

Tools for creating Ideas. Idea Generation. There are many ways of creating ideas, but as a designer it is your job to stay ahead of the game and create something exciting, fresh, new and something that will ultimately generate a profit.

- talk, talk talk, talk, talk, talk until you unblock - pause think deeply for a while, take a break - absence thinking - brain storming, with post it notes? - brain writing/drawing - doodle - challenge all parts of the brief - break down the brief, initial ideas - use random words as a stimulus - let your subconcious do the work - think laterally - use action words to inspire you


The Design Toolbox -Final

...because creativity is sensitive, it is promoted by suspending disbelief combining ideas from different disciplines, leaving your comfort zone and defeating of habit by originality. Another example from the toolbook


Straw Bridge Project

This was the first project we were given, our brief was to create a straw bridge made solely from straws, string and pins to go across a distance of one metre and hold a full can of coke. It was a lot harder than it sounds... We worked in groups, I worked with Andrew; however our bridge was not very successful so we presented it along with a video presentation describing the stages we went through and what we did to try and make the structure work.


Three Dimensional Type

When the brief for the three dimensional type project was handed to me, I was so eager to start the project, I had so many ideas I had to carry a small pocket book around with me so that I could write song lyrics and ideas that I thought of where ever I was. Making our favourite song lyrics three dimensional was initially a very daunting task but once I chose the lyrics from Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody, everything just fell into place. The reason I chose these particular lyrics is because I have fond memories associated with this song especially with the lines “Galileo, Galileo, Galileo figaro magnifico!�. Once I started researching what these actual lyrics meant and the reason behind them, the ideas were a lot easier to come up with. My concept for this project was the create a shadow with the type so I used foam board and card to make the letter stand up and a strong light to create shadows, but I used a narrow light like a telescope to represent Galileo and his invention of the telescope in that way, the ascending font size is also meant to be a representation of the telescope shape.


Three Dimensional Type


Three Dimensional Type


Alter Ego Project


Alter Ego Project

Choosing a daily object and giving it an alter ego was an interesting brief so I worked with the most essential daily object, toilet paper,. I used 3 different materials to represent how this changes... If you have been bad the toilet paper becomes sandpaper, if you have been naughty it becomes an anti-slip mat and if you’ve been good, the toilet paper remains the same....


Alter Ego Project

A close up photograph of the 3 severities of out behavior and how they can be reflected in giving toilet paper an alter ego: tissue, anti-slip mat and sand paper, if you’ve been a bit of a ‘hard ass’.


Wayfinding Project

If you have ever used the subway in Elephant and Castle you will realize that it is far from the utopia it was designed to be. It has to be the most confusing way of getting around anywhere in London, well at least for first timers... When we got a brief to redesign the ‘way finding’ system for Elephant and Castle, I was very excited as we could find a solution to a problem that we all faced on a daily basis... We decided after several brainstorming that the easiest way to find where you needed to go was to look up... Which lead us to the freedom of movement which ultimately lead us to create an arrow/pointing system that would be innovative, creative and a great starting point for a conversation as we planned to make very large scale arrows that would be released into the air to help aid the freedom of flow in Elephant and Castle and make the ‘way finding’ system easier.


Wayfinding Project

These images illustrate our journey whilst creating the arrow. We first used ten meters of paper and decided to put helium balloons to help it fly, but realized the paper was too heavy and amended it by making an arrow out of bubble wrap and orange sugar paper for colour. We were all very optimistic that this huge arrow would be able to lift off the ground with 100 helium balloons, however when we did try this out we discovered that it was quite the opposite as the bubble wrap and tissue paper were still too heavy to be lifted by only 100 helium balloons.


Wayfinding Project

Another problem we faced was that the arrow was too large and 100 balloons did not fillit up completly to maintain a shape so we used just the triangular shape. rather than the whole arrow...


Wayfinding Project


Wayfinding Project


Wayfinding Project


Affordances Project

I really enjoy photography, so when out brief was to take fifty photographs of various affordances’, I decided to set up a mini studio in my dorm room with my desk lamp and two pieces of foam board... I started scavenging my room for affordances and soon discovered that most things (especially daily objects) have affordances that help us with the user interface. I took fifty photographs of affordances around my room and edited the photographs to make them all a similar tone by changing the saturation and the warmth making them appear to have a sepia tone quality. As the lighting I used was too harsh I had to tone down the exposure on the photographs.


Affordances Project

The next brief that we had for our ‘Affordances’ project was to manipulate or change the affordance so that it would manifest a new or different use... It took me a long time to decide what I was going to do and after a lot of research I decided to change the affordance of an elevator as it has been the same rectangle box for pretty much one hundred years now... I took a sarcastic approach to the project and developed a prototype of an elevator that opens up into a flight of stairs... It makes you for wait the usual time and opens up into something completely unexpected. It could be seen as an eco-friendly or sustainable approach to the brief.


Boxing London


Boxing London

As photography is my passion, I decided to take a photographical angle to this project. We were asked to research an area in South London, I was given ‘Montague Close’ an area previously used by the ‘mudlarks’ as they scavenged through the banks of the River Thames... sticking with this historical theme, I came up with a solution of scavenging through layers of photographs that I had taken of the ground, wall (textures) etc... Reliving Montague Close in a mudlark manner.


Boxing London


Boxing London

These images are from a series that I took of shadows of people walking by over the textured ground. The ground to me is a piece of art in its own right and no body seemed to even notice it. I also made a video montage of all the photographs I took whilst researching the ins and outs of Montague Close.


Visual Grammar

Colour theory


Visual Grammar

We were lucky to have Visual Grammar workshops once a week with Mr. Tony Pichard who guided us through basic design principles and strategies by covering a series of exercises. The next few spreads are examples of the work that I did during these workshops.


Visual Grammar


Visual Grammar

In order to learn basic layout principles, we were asked to cut and paste information regarding an exhibition from photocopies of the type in different weights, sizes etc... Each task had certain guide lines, the ones on this spread were to focus on the on of the ‘what, where, who and when’ aspect of the information. We were restricted with this basic size 12 font and had to keep the poster with a portrait layout. These restrictions challenged us to think out of the box and come up with creative solutions.


Visual Grammar


Visual Grammar


Visual Grammar



Before this project, I was not aware of the wonderful world of taxonomy or classification of objects. This was the first time I used the photography studio during this course and experimented with classifying sweets, bulbs, words and autumn leaves in different ways. I used a light source from both sides so that the background would come out as a crisp white, this also created an illusion of two shadows which added an interested dimension to the photographs.



Colour and dairy content

























Screw cap



Bayonet cap



Length of stem







Torn Severity


Noun, a concise saying stating a general truth. ORIGIN Greek apothegma, from apophthengesthai ‘speak out’.


Adjective, describing birds of the order Gallinae, which includes common domestic fowls, pheasants, grouse, and quails. Birds in this category are also called galliforms. ORIGIN - of unknown origin.


Noun, schistosomiasis, bilharzia, bilharziasis (an infestation with or a resulting infection caused by a parasite of the genus Schistosoma; common in the tropics and Far East; symptoms depend on the part of the body infected) 1885–90; < NL Bilharz(ia) the genus of trematode worms causing the disease (after German physician Theodor Bilharz (1825–62), who discovered the genus in 1852) ORIGIN - German


Noun, (pl. cassowaries) a very large flightless bird related to the emu, native mainly to New Guinea. ORIGIN – Malay (Indonesia)


Noun, 1 a wildly ecstatic choral hymn of ancient Greece, especially one dedicated to the god Dionysus. 2 a passionate or inflated speech or text.   — DERIVATIVES dithyrambic adjective. ORIGIN - Greek dithurambos.


noun, informal a remarkable or outstanding person or thing of its kind. ORIGIN - of unknown origin.


Noun, the dried root of a South American shrub, used as an emetic and expectorant drug. ORIGIN - Tupi-Guarani, ‘emetic creeper’. (Paraguay)


Noun, a style of Nigerian music characterized by the use of guitars and variable-pitch drums. ORIGIN - perhaps from a Yoruba word meaning “dance” (West African)


Noun, (pl. same or kudus) a striped African antelope, the male of which has long spirally curved horns. ORIGIN - Afrikaans. (South Africa)


Noun, (Biblical) A book in the Old Testament of the Bible. Sometimes abbreviated as Eccl. or Eccles. (often abbreviated Ecc) (Hebrew: Kohelet, variously transliterated as Kohelet, Qoheleth, Koheles, Koheleth, or Coheleth) is a book of the Hebrew Bible. The English name derives from the Greek translation of the Hebrew title. ORIGIN – Hebrew (Isreal)


Noun a title or form of address for a young German woman. ORIGIN - German, from FRAU.


Noun, a quantity representing the power to which a fixed number (the base) must be raised to produce a given number. ORIGIN - from Greek logos ‘reckoning, ratio’ + arithmos ‘number’.


Noun, a brittle silver-grey metallic element used in some steels and other alloys. ORIGIN - from Greek molubdos ‘lead’.




Adjective, literary ignorant.   — DERIVATIVES nescience noun. ORIGIN - from Latin nescire ‘to not know’.


Adjective, 1 (of the voice) resonant and impressive. 2 (of writing or style) pompous. ORIGIN from Latin ore rotundo ‘with rounded mouth’.


Noun, chiefly historical (in India) a large cloth fan on a frame suspended from the ceiling, worked by a cord or electrically. ORIGIN - Sanskrit, ‘wing’.


Adjective impractically idealistic or fanciful.   — DERIVATIVES quixotically adverb quixotism / kwikstiz’m/ noun. ORIGIN - from the name of Don Quixote, hero of Cervantes’ romance (1605-15).


Adjective showing great or excessive fondness for one’s wife. DERIVATIVES uxoriousness noun. ORIGIN - Latin uxoriosus, from uxor ‘wife’.


Noun, Something that takes the place of another. In the 17th century often applied to rulers as representatives of God. someone appointed by a ruler as an administrative deputy


Noun, Beads of shells strung in strands and used by American Indians as money

Xenophobia Rip Van Winkle tongue is the only edged tool that grows keener with constant use. Washington Irving 1783-1859: The Sketch Book (1820) ‘Rip Van Winkle’ ORIGIN – US


Adverb & adjective Music with sudden emphasis. ORIGIN - Italian, ‘using force’.

Noun, intense or irrational dislike or fear of people from other countries. DERIVATIVES xenophobe noun xenophobic adjective. ORIGIN - of unknown origin.


Noun, a sweet-scented essential oil obtained from the flowers of a tropical tree, used in perfumery and aromatherapy. ORIGIN - Tagalog.

Zarathustrian Taradiddle

Noun, A taradiddle is a lie or fib, Tol-lol is a slang word for “rather good”. ORIGIN - of unknown origin.

A follower of Zarathustra (also known as Zoroaster); Relating to or characteristic of Zarathustrianism (also known as Zoroastrianism) ORIGIN - Persia


LATIN Nescient Uxorious Orotund

PARAGUAY Ipecacuanha

UNKNOWN Xenophobia Quixotic Taradiddle Rip Van Winkle Vicegerent Gallinaceous Humdinger



GERMAN Bilharzias Fräulein ITALIAN Sforzando

GREEK Apophthegm Dithyramb Molybdenum Logarithm AFRICA Juju Koodoo





Mapping out a day in your life using just pictograms is more of a challenge that it sounds... What activities do you focus on? How many pictograms will you have? Eventually I decided that as the brief was to present it as an A1 poster, I would have four rows of six pictograms, adding up to twenty four pictograms, one or each hour. I started by mapping out what a regular Friday is for me and began hand-drawing the pictograms. I split a circle into twenty-four sections and coloured in the appropriate sections. However, the twenty four piece circle was confusing due to people’s perceptions of a clock face. Using the same pictograms, I split the circle into twelve and added a dimension of colour to represent day and night. The main idea was to create a universally recognizable series of pictograms that represented a day in the life of Jenai. I used Illustrator to put all the pictograms together and create the clock faces so that the poster could be printed out on A1 rather than have a series of images stuck onto a large poster. I edited the scanned pictograms to give them a finished look.





For my sensor walk I decided to look at the numerous sensors that we come across on a daily basis which is why I focused on the sensors from the Elephant and Castle tube station to Baker Street. It is evident that there were a number of CCTV cameras in operation on the underground... I tried to focus on the sensors rather than people and saturated the image to give it an eyrie feel. I put these images into a video and added Michael Jackson’s - Somebody’s watching me - to emphasize how every move of ours in being watched in a tube station. Our brief was to post our journey on the GPI wiki to get some feedback, I posted in on ‘youtube’ too and got some very positive feedback from the video.





For the sensor brief, I decided to create a bass reducer for our dorm room as using an arduino sensor and some basic technology. When the sensor senses a vibration (from the level of music) the green light goes on, but once the vibrations increase as the volume is turned out the light goes red indicating that the music is too loud and need to be turned down so that one doesn’t disrupt their neighbor. As this is only a prototype I used foam board and some anti-slip material to create a basic shape that only exposes the LED lights rather than the big, black and chunky arduino sensor. The graphics on the prototype are simple and are there for visual purposes only.




Vegetarian vs. Non-Vegetarian

We were asked to research a sub-topic of anything to do with ‘The Way We Eat, so being a vegetarian I immediately decided to research Vegetarianism... I looked at the reasons why people choose to become a vegetarian including: spiritual, religious, health and moral. When I was asked to come up with my own brief for this project I decided to look at the UK’s Vegetarian Society and ask them if they had any design requirements. However, as they are not too active within the society I decided to re brand the society as I feel the logo, web site and advertisements do not suit the motive behind the society.

Business card design

I was in touch with the founder of the society, Liz and she was a great help as she gave me constant feedback on the designs I was sending her - it was like working with a live client. This page shows the various logo options I sent to Liz, she replied back saying that the Vegetarian Society of the UK is focused more on the letter ‘V’ rather than ‘VS’ and she liked the logo above as she feels the curve of the V with that font was most similar to their existing logo. She liked the use of the strong green and the leaf pattern which immediately tells the audience it is green, eco-friendly and a vegetarian society compared to their rather ambiguous current logo.


Vegetarian vs. Non-Vegetarian

As I was re branding the Vegetarian Society it was important for me to redesign their letter head and envelope. I started by de constructing a regular envelope and looking at the way it folds and fits together, which is when it dawned on me that by making the envelope and the letter head two different entities I was wasting paper and as the Vegetarian Society wants has many ‘green’ initiatives I came up with a design for the letter head and envelope that is double sided which enables them to use just one sheet of paper for the two purposes. I would envision this paper to be recycled paper, maybe with a slight texture. These pages show the front and back net of this design.

The Vegetarian Society of UK

Home About Us Latest Lifestyle Food Info Cordon vert Veg approved Young veg

The Vegetarian Society of the United Kingdom is the oldest vegetarian organisation in the world. It is an educational charity promoting understanding and respect for vegetarian lifestyles.. Read More >

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Being a vegetarian is a choice...


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The Vegetarian Society of the United Kingdom Registered Office: Parkdale, Dunham Road, Altrincham, Cheshire, England WA14 4QG

The Vegetarian Society of UK

Home About Us Latest Lifestyle Food Info Cordon vert Veg approved Young veg

The Vegetarian Society of the United Kingdom is the oldest vegetarian organisation in the world. It is an educational charity promoting understanding and respect for vegetarian lifestyles.. Read More >

Click on the animls to find out about factory farming

The Vegetarian Society of the United Kingdom Registered Office: Parkdale, Dunham Road, Altrincham, Cheshire, England WA14 4QG

The Vegetarian Society of the United Kingdom is the oldest vegetarian organisation in the world. It is an educational charity promoting understanding and respect for vegetarian lifestyles.. Read More >

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The Vegetarian Society of UK

Home About Us Latest Lifestyle Food Info Cordon vert Veg approved Young veg

The Vegetarian Society of the United Kingdom is the oldest vegetarian organisation in the world. It is an educational charity promoting understanding and respect for vegetarian lifestyles.. Read More >

If slaughterhouses Vegetarian - that’shad an glass wallsword the whole old Indian meanworld vegetaring would lousy be hunter. I ian. Thethat human has think if abody person no more need for cows’ wants to remain vegmilk than it does for etarian, dogs’ milk,they’re horses’ just milk, going to havemilk. to go or giraffes’

Registered Charity no. 259358 Registered company no. 959115

Home About Us Latest Lifestyle Food Info Cordon vert Veg approved Young veg

Being a vegetarian is a choice...

The Vegetarian Society of the United Kingdom Registered Office: Parkdale, Dunham Road, Altrincham, Cheshire, England WA14 4QG

The Vegetarian Society of the United Kingdom is the oldest vegetarian organisation in the world. It is an educational charity promoting understanding and respect for vegetarian lifestyles.. Read More >

Click on the animls to find out about factory farming

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Home About Us Latest Lifestyle Food Info Cordon vert Veg approved Young veg

The Vegetarian Society of the United Kingdom Registered Office: Parkdale, Dunham Road, Altrincham, Cheshire, England WA14 4QG

The Vegetarian Society of the United Kingdom is the oldest vegetarian organisation in the world. It is an educational charity promoting understanding and respect for vegetarian lifestyles.. Read More >

Registered Charity no. 259358 Registered company no. 959115

Home About Us Latest Lifestyle Food Info Cordon vert Veg approved Young veg

The Vegetarian Society of the United Kingdom is the oldest vegetarian organisation in the world. It is an educational charity promoting understanding and respect for vegetarian lifestyles.. Read More >

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If slaughterhouses Vegetarian - that’shad an glass wallsword the whole old Indian meanworld vegetaring would lousy be hunter. I ian. Thethat human has think if abody person no more need for cows’ wants to remain vegmilk than it does for etarian, dogs’ milk,they’re horses’ just milk, going to havemilk. to go or giraffes’

Registered Charity no. 259358 Registered company no. 959115

Being a vegetarian is a choice...

The Vegetarian Society of the United Kingdom Registered Office: Parkdale, Dunham Road, Altrincham, Cheshire, England WA14 4QG

The Vegetarian Society of the United Kingdom is the oldest vegetarian organisation in the world. It is an educational charity promoting understanding and respect for vegetarian lifestyles.. Read More >

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Home About Us Latest Lifestyle Food Info Cordon vert Veg approved Young veg

If slaughterhouses Vegetarian - that’shad an glass wallsword the whole old Indian meanworld vegetaring would lousy be hunter. I ian. Thethat human has think if abody person no more need for cows’ wants to remain vegmilk than it does for etarian, dogs’ milk,they’re horses’ just milk, going to havemilk. to go or giraffes’

The Vegetarian Society of the United Kingdom is the oldest vegetarian organisation in the world. It is an educational charity promoting understanding and respect for vegetarian lifestyles.. Read More >

Registered Charity no. 259358 Registered company no. 959115


If slaughterhouses Vegetarian - that’shad an glass wallsword the whole old Indian meanworld vegetaring would lousy be hunter. I ian. Thethat human has think if abody person no more need for cows’ wants to remain vegmilk than it does for etarian, dogs’ milk,they’re horses’ just milk, going to havemilk. to go or giraffes’


Being a vegetarian is a choice...

The Vegetarian Society of the United Kingdom Registered Office: Parkdale, Dunham Road, Altrincham, Cheshire, England WA14 4QG

The Vegetarian Society of the United Kingdom is the oldest vegetarian organisation in the world. It is an educational charity promoting understanding and respect for vegetarian lifestyles.. Read More >

Registered Charity no. 259358 Registered company no. 959115


If slaughterhouses Vegetarian - that’shad an glass wallsword the whole old Indian meanworld vegetaring would lousy be hunter. I ian. Thethat human has think if abody person no more need for cows’ wants to remain vegmilk than it does for etarian, dogs’ milk,they’re horses’ just milk, going to havemilk. to go or giraffes’


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Being a vegetarian is a choice...


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Registered Charity no. 259358 Registered company no. 959115


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Home About Us Latest Lifestyle Food Info Cordon vert Veg approved Young veg


If slaughterhouses Vegetarian - that’shad an glass wallsword the whole old Indian meanworld vegetaring would lousy be hunter. I ian. Thethat human has think if abody person no more need for cows’ wants to remain vegmilk than it does for etarian, dogs’ milk,they’re horses’ just milk, going to havemilk. to go or giraffes’

Being a vegetarian is a choice...

The Vegetarian Society of the United Kingdom Registered Office: Parkdale, Dunham Road, Altrincham, Cheshire, England WA14 4QG

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Registered Charity no. 259358 Registered company no. 959115


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The Vegetarian Society of UK

Being a vegetarian is a choice...

The Vegetarian Society of the United Kingdom Registered Office: Parkdale, Dunham Road, Altrincham, Cheshire, England WA14 4QG

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If slaughterhouses Vegetarian - that’shad an glass wallsword the whole old Indian meanworld vegetaring would lousy be hunter. I ian. Thethat human has think if abody person no more need for cows’ wants to remain vegmilk than it does for etarian, they’re just dogs’ milk, horses’ milk, going to havemilk. to go or giraffes’


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The Vegetarian Society of UK


Click on the animls to find out about factory farming

Click on the animls to find out about factory farming



The Vegetarian Society of UK

If slaughterhouses Vegetarian - that’shad an glass wallsword the whole old Indian meanworld vegetaring would lousy be hunter. I ian. Thethat human has think if abody person no more need for cows’ wants to remain vegmilk than it does for etarian, dogs’ milk,they’re horses’ just milk, going to havemilk. to go or giraffes’

Registered Charity no. 259358 Registered company no. 959115

Being a vegetarian is a choice...

The Vegetarian Society of the United Kingdom Registered Office: Parkdale, Dunham Road, Altrincham, Cheshire, England WA14 4QG

The Vegetarian Society of the United Kingdom is the oldest vegetarian organisation in the world. It is an educational charity promoting understanding and respect for vegetarian lifestyles.. Read More >

The Vegetarian Society of UK


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Home About Us Latest Lifestyle Food Info Cordon vert Veg approved Young veg


If slaughterhouses Vegetarian - that’shad an glass wallsword the whole old Indian meanworld vegetaring would lousy be hunter. I ian. Thethat human has think if abody person no more need for cows’ wants to remain vegmilk than it does for etarian, dogs’ milk,they’re horses’ just milk, going to havemilk. to go or giraffes’

Being a vegetarian is a choice...

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Registered Charity no. 259358 Registered company no. 959115


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Being a vegetarian is a choice...

The Vegetarian Society of the United Kingdom Registered Office: Parkdale, Dunham Road, Altrincham, Cheshire, England WA14 4QG

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The Vegetarian Society of UK


If slaughterhouses Vegetarian - that’shad an glass wallsword the whole old Indian meanworld vegetaring would lousy be hunter. I ian. Thethat human has think if abody person no more need for cows’ wants to remain vegmilk than it does for etarian, they’re just dogs’ milk, horses’ milk, going to havemilk. to go or giraffes’


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The Vegetarian Society of UK


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Click on the animls to find out about factory farming

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Registered Charity no. 259358 Registered company no. 959115

Being a vegetarian is a choice...

The Vegetarian Society of the United Kingdom Registered Office: Parkdale, Dunham Road, Altrincham, Cheshire, England WA14 4QG

The Vegetarian Society of the United Kingdom is the oldest vegetarian organisation in the world. It is an educational charity promoting understanding and respect for vegetarian lifestyles.. Read More >

The Vegetarian Society of UK


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Home About Us Latest Lifestyle Food Info Cordon vert Veg approved Young veg


If slaughterhouses Vegetarian - that’shad an glass wallsword the whole old Indian meanworld vegetaring would lousy be hunter. I ian. Thethat human has think if abody person no more need for cows’ wants to remain vegmilk than it does for etarian, dogs’ milk,they’re horses’ just milk, going to havemilk. to go or giraffes’

Being a vegetarian is a choice...

The Vegetarian Society of UK

Home About Us Latest Lifestyle Food Info Cordon vert Veg approved Young veg

Registered Charity no. 259358 Registered company no. 959115


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The Vegetarian Society of UK


If slaughterhouses Vegetarian - that’shad an glass wallsword the whole old Indian meanworld vegetaring would lousy be hunter. I ian. Thethat human has think if abody person no more need for cows’ wants to remain vegmilk than it does for etarian, they’re just dogs’ milk, horses’ milk, going to havemilk. to go or giraffes’

The Vegetarian Society of the United Kingdom Registered Office: Parkdale, Dunham Road, Altrincham, Cheshire, England WA14 4QG

Registered Charity no. 259358 Registered company no. 959115


Vegetarian vs. Non-Vegetarian

The Vegetarian Society of UK

Home About Us Latest Lifestyle Food Info Cordon vert Veg approved Young veg

The Vegetarian Society of the United Kingdom is the oldest vegetarian organisation in the world. It is an educational charity promoting understanding and respect for vegetarian lifestyles.. Read More >

Click on the animls to find out about factory farming

If slaughterhouses Vegetarian - that’shad an glass wallsword the whole old Indian meanworld vegetaring would lousy be hunter. I ian. Thethat human has think if abody person no more need for cows’ wants to remain vegmilk than it does for etarian, dogs’ milk,they’re horses’ just milk, going to havemilk. to go or giraffes’

Being a vegetarian is a choice...


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The Vegetarian Society of the United Kingdom Registered Office: Parkdale, Dunham Road, Altrincham, Cheshire, England WA14 4QG

Registered Charity no. 259358 Registered company no. 959115

Above is the website graphics that I designed to revamp their current website as I feel that their current website is bland, boring and doesn’t really look like it has anything to do with being a vegetarian. I kept all the designs very simple and used the bold green colour and leaf pattern to bring out the essence of being a vegetarian. The panel on the right hand side of the website would change colours (from green to red) which essentially would act of vegetarian and non vegetarian perception filters where the green filter filters out the non vegetarian opinion/ fact and vice versa. The left page features this concept using a series of images... I also came up with an advertising campaign with the same concept of perception filters shown on the next spread. I received very positive feedback for this concept.

There areare innumerable Animals my friends... health benefits and I don’t eat of myeating friends. meat, to say, for example, I’ve been a vegetarian forit serves as a fabulous source years and years. I’m not of high quality proteins, judgemental about othwhich a single vegetarian ers aren’t, feel I foodwho is not able Itojust provide. cannot eat all orthe wear living It contains essential amino acids that the body creatures.

There areare innumerable Animals my friends... health benefits and I don’t eat of myeating friends. meat, to say, for example, I’ve been a vegetarian forit serves as a fabulous source years and years. I’m not of high quality proteins, judgemental about othwhich a single vegetarian ers aren’t, I just feel I foodwho is not able to provide. cannot eatall orthe wear living It contains essential amino acids that the body creatures.

Being a vegetarian is a choice... Make an informed one.

Being a vegetarian is a choice... Make the right one.

For more information, visit

For more information, visit




Vegetarian vs. Non-Vegetarian

Vegetarian - that’s If slaughterhouses hadan glass old Indian wordworld meaning walls the whole would lousy hunter. The I think that be vegetarian. human body has no wants more need for if a person to recows’ milk than it does for main vegetarian, they’re dogs’ milk, horses’ or just going to havemilk, to go giraffes’ hungry. milk.

Vegetarian - that’s If slaughterhouses hadan glass old Indian wordworld meaning walls the whole would lousy hunter. The I think that be vegetarian. human body has no wants more need for if a person to recows’ milk than it does for main vegetarian, they’re dogs’ milk, horses’ or just going to havemilk, to go giraffes’ hungry. milk.

Being a vegetarian is a choice... Make the right one.

Being a vegetarian is a choice... Make the right one.

For more information, visit

For more information, visit

The page on the left has examples of the Vegetarian Society’s current campaign... Right, how the campaign actually works. As you can see they are pretty grey and boring, there is nothing exciting about them, even the text which says: ”Every lunchtime I order pie and two veg, and until now I had absolutely no idea. Thanks to the Vegetarian Society, I now know that fish are not vegetables. Vegetarians don’t eat animals, birds or fish. To find out more contact the Vegetarian Society on 0161925200 or visit” The adverts are unoriginal and are aesthetically not pleasing either... My concept for a new adverts for the vegetarian society feature opinion filters with overlaid green and red text with opinions and facts about being a vegetarian and the harmful effects of non-vegetarians such as factory farming. It could be applied in a magazine/billboard/leaflet/website etc. Liz said she was very impressed with this idea and would actually consider using this campaign provided it isn’t too expensive.

There areare innumerable Animals my friends... health benefits and I don’t eat of myeating friends. meat, to say, for example, I’ve been a vegetarian forit serves as a fabulous source years and years. I’m not of high quality proteins, judgemental about othwhich a single vegetarian ers who aren’t, I just feel I food is not able to provide. cannot eatall orthe wear living It contains essential amino acids that the body creatures. requires.

Being a vegetarian is a choice... Make the right one. For more information, visit


Vegetarian vs. Non-Vegetarian

There areare innumerable Animals my friends... health benefits and I don’t eat of myeating friends. meat, to say, for example, I’ve been a vegetarian forit serves as a fabulous source years and years. I’m not of high quality proteins, judgemental about othwhich a single vegetarian ers who aren’t, feel I food is not able Itojust provide. cannot eat or wear living It contains all the essential amino acids that the body creatures. requires.

Being a vegetarian is a choice... Make an informed one. For more information, visit

being a vegetarian is a choice...

we just hope you’re making the right one.

vegetarian society of london

VEG vs. NON VEG It’s a choice. Make the right one.

vegetarian society of london


v v

v v

Vegetarian vs. Non-Vegetarian

being a vegetarian is a choice... we just hope you’re making the right one.

vegetarian society of london

being a vegetarian is a choice... we just hope you’re making the right one.

vegetarian society of london

This ‘greater than / less than’ idea was the other advertising campaign that I sent to the Vegetarian Society... The feedback that I received for this campaign was not pleasant as Liz felt that this could be perceived as ‘non-vegetarians are stronger/better than vegetarians’. This was not the motive behind the concept, the basic idea behind this was the use a simple mathematics term that we are all familiar with - the crocodile mouths and make them go head to head as there is a huge debate regarding the contentious issue of the reasons behind being a vegetarian, its health benefits moral value etc. With both campaigns I wanted to audience the get the idea that being a vegetarian is a choice as I didn’t want to oppose anything onto them however, I hope they make the ‘right/green choice.


o if d d. o t e t t c a e l h g W e n or d e s u b a g is bein







The Southwark vulnerable adult abuse hand book cover





s t l u d a g n i d r a u g lt u d a Safe n a k n you thi


Sothwark Council -Abuse


REPORT ABUSE 0845 600 1287 ONE

vulnerable adult is abused every


hours in Southwark.

Only 1/4 cases are reported.

With this brief we were asked to look at or local council and see what initiatives they are undertaking. When I first visited the Southwark council’s website, I was astonished to read some of the facts of adult abuse and even more shocked by the news that one vulnerable adult is abused every thirty-six hours here in Southwark. As a resident of Southwark I was not aware of these high figures and I also didn’t know the various types of abuse there are... Intrigued by this issue I decided to focus this brief on abuse in Southwark and come up with a projection on the Elephant and Castle shopping center as everybody walks past that side of the mall to get to and from the Elephant and Castle tube station and the majority of the bus stops. It is also a dark alleyway as there it is in constant shadow and the lighting there is quite poor when it gets dark. This makes it a perfect place for a projection. Usually when I walk past that side of the mall when it gets dark I tend to walk quicker as I get quite paranoid around there if no one else is around and it is this sense of urgency and fright that makes this location perfect for this sort ark ip due to the issue it covers. Southwof projection ersh

s Partn ding Adult Safeguar

South Safegu Adults Partner


ONE Sothwark Council -Abuse

vulnerable adult is abused every

THIRTY SIX hours in Southwark.

Only 1/4 cases are reported.

Abuse is EVERYONE’S business... REPORT ABUSE 0845 600 1287


Sothwark Council -Abuse

The plan was the projections on the model was to project a video that I made of silhouettes that change however, it looked better when I projected each silhouette of abuse individually. Another idea that I had was to have a motion sensor that triggers a projection every time someone walks past it. This would alert the people interacting with this projection and would catch their attention and make them read the billboard with the information regarding adult abuse.


Bricks Archive

Integrated in out Personal Professional Development (PPD) course we were asked to collect an archive of something that fascinated us. This eventually lead to an exhibition at LCC of A1 posters that each of us designed. My poster (left) consisted of 2 layers, the bottom layer was an A1 print out of a photograph of a typical brick wall with some information on the bottom that spoke about exactly what I was looking at with my archive and the top layer was a sheet of acetate with a cut out stencil of the main information of the poster. I placed the poster with a spotlight focused onto it so that the shadow could be cast on the 100 brick wall. The next few spreads feature a snippet of a magazine that I made with my 700 word essay on why I decided to collect bricks.


Bricks Archive A brick is a block of ceramic material used in masonry construction, usually laid using mortar. You might wonder what a girl like me is doing going around London taking pictures of the floor, of bricks… how absurd. Well let me tell you, IT IS NOT ABSURD, it’s just me taking something we all step all over and transforming it into something beautiful and to some, inspirational. I am forcing you to look at something from a different perspective. “Creativity requires disconnection (from the expected) in order to make a connection (a discovery)” - Tim Parsons


Bricks Archive


Bricks Archive

Creativity is all about perception, and it is this sensitivity that helps us perceive something differently to what other people would expect. Each brick has a character and all these characters make up the streets of London. There’s new bricks, old bricks, big bricks, small bricks and bricks on top of bricks… what I’m trying to say is that it is this layering of the ground, trying so hard to make it even, that is fascinating to me. The first thing that comes to your mind when I say “Dubai” would probably be something shiny and new, for example the Burj Al Arab or the Burj Khalifa. Dubai is all about persona of having the biggest, largest, shiniest and newest… the pavements are even with new interlocking tiles, the roads are flat with new tarmac, but there’s a certain charm that is lacking, a certain genuineness… but I guess that all comes with age. Dig into one of Dubai’s pavements and you will find sand however, dig deep into one of London’s pavements and you will find history, stories, layers of different materials creating a strong foundation for us to walk on. You will find a mixture of materials as the councils cover potholes and try to even the pavements, polish them and make them new again. Of course, London is full of tourist attractions that you ‘must see’. But not my London. My London is different. It’s where I walk, dream and relax. To love London, you have to love bricks. But not just any bricks. Most of London is built from “London Stocks”, a mottled yellow, flinty-hard brick that lasts for hundreds of years. You have to touch brick walls, prayerfully, imagining the hand that laid each brick in place, for twopence an hour, all these years ago. Sometimes, you have to count bricks until you are overwhelmed. You have to wonder how many bricks make London. You have to be grateful, to the men, to their skill, and to the bricks themselves. They are London.


Bricks Archive


Bricks Archive


Bricks Archive


Bricks Archive

If bricks could talk, what would they say? Bricks have been on London streets since the early 20th century and by 1935 London Bricks produced 1,500 million bricks a year, that’s 1,500,000,000! The bricks would tell us stories of the history of London, how the landmarks were built, the people, how we have changed from generation to generation, the styles etc… and wouldn’t that be a story to hear? It is this notion of new vs. old that is so appealing to someone like me who has never experienced something as remarkable as the streets of London. Basically with this archive, I have tried to portray what the streets look like through my eyes by taking photographs of the ground and certain bricks that I find intriguing and editing the photographs so that they are ambiguous and look like works of art rather than, well bricks. Though, the concept of recreating a section of the ground and showing it to an audience in a new light has been done by the Boyle Family, my archive is more personal and impromptu per say. It is merely a collection of the different textures and layers we walk all over. It’s all about the experince of the soles of your feet touching the soul of the street… The photographs should give the audience (you) a spatial understanding of the size of the various bricks so that you can differentiate between the various types.


Broad Oaks Farm

The buzzwords viral marketing and viral advertising refer to marketing techniques that use pre-existing social networks to produce increases in brand awareness or to achieve other marketing objectives (such as product sales) through self-replicating viral processes. It can be word-of-mouth delivered or enhanced by the network effects of the Internet. Viral promotions may take the form of video clips, interactive Flash games, advergames, ebooks, brandable software, images, or even text messages. Broad Oak farm have been in the business for over 82 years and its this heritage, hard work and perseverance that makes them a premium sausage brand. Our Brief was to get the name of Broad Oak Farms out into the public and what better way to do that than to create a viral commercial? This is a viral commercial that we made to represent the naivety of how sausages are actually made... On our page ( we encouraged our viewers to submit their interpretation of how sausages are made.


Broad Oaks Farm

We were asked to work in groups of 3 which, made it perfect for us to work together as the characters in the viral commercial... The best part of this whole process for me was the editing of the video as I learnt how to use Adobe After Effects and got more comfortable with video as a medium.

CV and Scholarship application letter

To Whom It May Concern: Having recently completed my first year of my BA (HONS) degree in Graphic Product Innovation at The London College of Communication (LCC) part of the University of Arts London (UAL), I am proud to say that I have achieved the academic grades that I was aiming for as I received 90% on all my work so far which was the highest in my year group. The course is everything I expected it to be and so much more. It is challenging, thrilling, creative, competitive and exciting. I feel so honored to have been given the opportunity to be taught by the professionals at my college and to be surrounded by creatively inclined individuals on my campus as we are able to discuss and share ideas about projects. The reason I am writing to you, is to request you to consider my application for financial assistance this year 2010/2011 so that I can continuing thriving, learning and get one step closer to achieving my degree. I sincerely request you to give me your financial support to enable me to complete my education at an excellent institution like London College of Communication. I would be happy to provide you with any financial documentation that you require from my parents. Please do let me know a time that is convenient for me to speak to the relevant person in your organization so that I can present my request in person or on the phone. If you require any additional information please do not hesitate to contact me at my address or telephone numbers below‌ Looking forward to hearing from you soon, Yours sincerely, Jenai Kavarana Email: / Mobile London: +44 (0) 7500 831180 Mobile Mumbai: +91 98 701 57854 Residence Mumbai: +91 22 2372 2950 Address Mumbai: 15-3 Rustom Baug Byculla, Mumbai 400- 027 India

JENAI KAVARANA Ciriculum Vitae DOB: 10.10.1989 Nationality: Indian Address: 15-3 Rustom Baug Byculla, Mumbai 400 - 027, India Mobile: +44 (0) 7500 831 180 (London) +91 9870 157 854 (Mumbai) Res: +91 22 2372 2950 (Mumbai) Email:

Education and Qualifications

2009- Present – University of Arts London, London College of Communication BA (HONS) Graphic Product Innovation 2007-2009 – Jumeirah College 3 A Levels, Art (A), Product Design (A), Business Studies (B) 2000-2007 – Jumeirah College 10 GCSEs, including English (A), Maths (A), Science (B), Art (100% - A*), Graphic Products (A*) (All grade B and above)

Skills Networking and Communication: •I have strong communication, management and presentation skills. •Having lived in the UAE (Dubai) for the past 13 years, I have learnt to communicate, understand and live peacefully with people from different cultural backgrounds. Creativity: •I am able to communicate visually too as I am currently pursuing a BA (HONS) degree in Graphic Product Innovation (2D and 3D design) at the London College of Communication. •I enjoy writing and sharing my experiences. Modeling/TV experience Work: •Modeled for the past 5 years, Semi-Finalist in Femina Miss India 2008, Finalist in Miss India Worldwide 2008. Modeled for prestigious brands such as MAC, L’Oreal, Manish Malhotra, Grazia (Middle East), Marie Claire (US), Nestle (Middle East)… •Reality show Hydra Executives contestant from the India Team – top 3 (July 08). •Music Video for “Unlock your life” – Ash Hamman feat. Jenai Kavarana (co-wrote the song and was featured in the video). •Winner of Telelife Trendsetters - Representing Middle East in the Miss India Worldwide Pageant in Feb 09 (June 08).

Teamwork: •Enjoy working in a team environment as I can learn new skills from my peers as well as working independently. Self Motivation and Management: •I always push myself to be the best person I can be weather in academics or in a work environment. I also manage my time well. Willingness to Learn: •I am ready to acquire new skills through my employment, as I strive to be the best. I am also a fast learner and tend to hone my skills to perfection. People Skills: •I believe I am a people’s person, I am confident in myself and believe that helps me relate to people from all walks of life, which will help me in sales. •I have volunteered countless hours with children with special needs at a support group in Dubai as well as the Center for Special Needs. Providing excellent Customer Service: •My philosophy of sales is that the customer comes first, this skill will help me focus on the customers needs and wants and help me cater to them appropriately. Fast and Efficient IT: •Confident in Photoshop, In Design and Illustrator. MS Word, PowerPoint and Excel.

Interests Advertising and communication: •I am fascinated by the world of advertising and enjoy looking at what makes or breaks advertisements. Design: •I am really interested in design as there is so much to learn and so many ways one can communicate an idea or product. I enjoy the whole design process from the brief to the improvements. Fashion: •Due to my previous modeling work, I believe I have developed an eye for fashion and enjoy spotting new trends. I also believe that I am able to dress people according to their body shape and size.

Work Experience Jul-Aug 2010, 1 month Internship Vogue India, Art department Jun-Jul 2008, 2 month Internship INK Advertising agency, Dubai UAE

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