Girlfriendonomy FINAL

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Natasha Sajnani

Natasha Sajnani Š 2011 - 2012 BA (HONS) Fashion Public Relations Year 3 - Final Project University of Arts London College of Fashion

Dalliance is defined as a love affairthat’s how we work with brands. We rescue them when they fall, passionately push them in the right direction and enlighten people with the exciting and unique qualities each brand has to offer, giving it the ‘Happily Ever After’ it deserves… Dalliance PR delivers high impact campaigns exclusively focusing on clients across the fashion and beauty sector. Through a dynamic approach, creative thinking, and a passion for success, We reposition each brand in a new, brighter light, enrapturing the right audience, at the right moment.

LUSH is an innovative, fresh and quirky British cosmetics company that are unique for being handmade; developing products that are suitable for vegetarians and vegans. They do not subscribe to animal testing for any of its products and neither are they associated with any supplier engaged in animal testing.

LUSH embraces the responsible treatment of the environment by educating the world with their core values by using quirky names for their products such as, ‘sex bomb’, ‘lust’ and the ‘hottie’s massage bar’.

Their gorgeous stores are decorated in the style of a delicatessen, giving each product a best-before date meaning LUSH products are uniquely fresh- when they reach the customer; they are literally weeks, days or even just hours old. No product is more than 6 months old. LUSH also use sensory stimulation as a promotional technique to entice customers into the wonderful aromatic world of handmade cosmetics.

Ultimate Beauty Delicatessen

Marc Constantine, Founder of LUSH Cosmetics has always been a fan of the environment. He started the company in 1995 after his first company cosmetics-to-go declared bankruptcy.

He decided that there was a need for a new image; the name ‘LUSH’ was selected in a customer contest. LUSH prefers to make products in big kitchens instead of using industrial machines, this philosophy also works out to be more energy efficient. LUSH like to produce cosmetics with a human personalized touch.

60% of everything LUSH make will contain at least one organic ingredient included.

LUSH actively engage staff and customers to raise awareness, they also choose campaign issues that other companies are too afraid to tackle. 100% of the proceeds of their permanent charity product, ‘Charity Pot’ are donated. LUSH support small causes that are harder to raise funds for; not just widely published charities that merely offer them good PR.

Lush Top Five

Lush Top Five LUSH Fresh Handmade Cosmetics craft lavish skin and hair products that are distinguished for their quirky names and enchanting scents. Not only do the wonderful aromas captivate the senses, Lush are committed to being animal and eco-friendly. 1. F.R.E.S.H!! Each product they sell has a sticker with the date the product was made, the name of the person who made it, and the recommended use-by date 2. Low or No Packaging LUSH makes solid shampoo, massage bars, and bubble bath bars that can be sold “naked”, or free of wasteful plastic packaging. 3. In-Store Recycling Program If you bring back 5 of LUSH’s black pots (the containers they use for lotions, creams, masks and some other products) to the store, you can get a free fresh face mask! 4. No Animal Testing Not only does LUSH perform no animal testing, they make sure that the ingredients they source were also not tested on animals. All of their products are vegetarian (and many are vegan!), and they also work with many charities that help animals. 5. Key Values LUSH s key values are consistent and don’t just change with fashions

Competitors In the 1990’s The Body Shop bought out the rights to some of the early formulas of creative genius behind Lush cosmetics, Marc Constantine. In an interview in the TIMES magazine, he mentioned that they “hold the same ideals as Body Shop, but we’ve done it without all the plastic bottles,” The Body Shop is the original, natural and ethical beauty brand. Founded in 1976 in Brighton, The Company has always set its values straight. “Business should be about public good, not private greed”(Anita Roddick) they have upheld their reputation as a brand that follows 5 core values: Support Community Trade, Defend Human Rights, Against Animal Testing, Activate Self-Esteem, and Protect Our Planet. Similar to LUSH, they have the same idea of using natural ingredients to “enhance natural beauty” Presently, the body shop has 2400 stores in 61 countries and is the second largest cosmetic franchise in the world It has a range of over 1200 naturally inspired ethically produced beauty and cosmetics products targeted at different female and male age groups The Body Shop’s Unique Selling Point is the Quality of their products.

Competitors Soap And Glory do not have the same ethical

beliefs as LUSH but are very similar as they both target a younger audience and have some of the most innovative creations and quirky names in the cosmetics industry. Marcia Kilgore was the brain behind FitFlops and Bliss Spas before creating Soap & Glory- a fun and flirty beauty range. ‘At Soap & Glory we believe you don’t have to spend an arm and a leg just to moisturize one’ they have just had the bestselling lip plumper in the UK Sexy Mother™ Pucker- they are determined to prove that you don’t have to be bankrupt to be beautiful. Their USP: AFFORDABLE, QUIRKY AND FUN!

Bare Escentuals specialize in mineral-based cosmetics.

Their central idea is to represent love, understanding and community. They believe in creating make up that is not only flattering, but also good for your skin. They also develop and market products under its i.d. bareMinerals, i.d., RareMinerals brand. Their USP: The Foundation that Started the Makeup Revolutionthey are known as THE mineral make-up brand.

Emerging Trends Anti packaging is a new growing trend, where LUSH is already ahead of the game…

According to Mintel: “Despite an overall rise in the number of new launches, the soap, bath and shower category accounts for a declining share of beauty and personal care launches. The sector lacks excitement and is failing to engage consumers at the point of purchase with its new launches.”

Spending on personal care and toiletries products reached £13.3 billion in 2009, representing a per capita spend of £216.

Inexpensive, feminine treats. Women still want to look good, even when money is tight and a lipstick is a lot cheaper than designer shoes.

With consumers facing depressing news of record unemployment, falling house prices and insurmountable debt levels on a daily basis, the need for escapism via pampering has never been greater.

A Mintel report proved that it is a growing trend amongst society to take on healthier options both to benefit the environment and themselves.

Statistics froma mintel report proved that More than 16 million people (42%) claim to be interested in biodegradable packaging,

Our Findings

We conducted 2 surveys (30 participants each) One was to gather information from women of age 19-40 and the other was to see how LUSH’s current clients see the brand and why they like it, Below are some of our interesting finds:

Even though 86% have heard of LUSH,

over half of them have not purchased Lush products.

LUSH’s major clients range from the age of 19-40. Most of them are female.

23% purchased a LUSH product for a gift rather than for personal use. Astonishingly, 78% of current clients said they were only aware of the ethical campaigns lush engage in

after they started using the product. (Most

said they were attracted to the store because of the products but were initially not aware of the brands ethical values.

Unique Smelling Point What separates LUSH from any other cosmetics company is their unique and prominent smell. LUSH is recognized for the strong aromas that each store creates. However, our research showed that over 85% of women felt lush’s scents were overpowering and this was seen as a flaw. As a result, Dalliance PR conducted a blind test using 3 soaps from their competitors: The Body Shop, Soap and Glory and Radox. Our results proved LUSH to exude the most prominent, enticing and pleasant scent by 78%.

The beginning of 2011 proved to be a difficult period for LUSH as they were forced to close down their website due to a security breach with hackers stealing customer’s card details. This web hacking crisis has created a threat for the future of the company.

“We understand that confidence in us has taken a hit and we have also lost business as a result of closing our website, but we were determined to be open and transparent about this.” - LUSH Cosmetics

Dalliance decided to tackle this problem focusing on one central idea:


Brand Perception Our results show that LUSH is being represented in the wrong light and need to be rescued by Dalliance PR to restore their reputation We also found that:

55% 8 2%

were unaware of LUSH’s new revamped store.

believe that LUSH’s main clients are teenagers.

…and …

6 4%

of women were mesmerized by the store, but too worried to go in as it seen as more of a ‘teenage’ brand. We then asked current lush customers to define the brand using 3 words from a list of 8. These included: quirky, intimate, sensual, fun, eco friendly, fresh, mature and natural. The results were: ‘Quirky’, ‘Fun’ and ‘Eco- Friendly’. We then asked them how they would like to see the brand in the future, providing them with the same list of words, and found that: ‘Intimate’, ‘Fresh’ and ‘Eco-Friendly’ were the top 3 picks.

Upon analyzing these results, it shows that there is a demand in the market for something a little more personal, that the brand can easily relate to, but also maintain as a natural and eco- friendly brand.

The Glitch The recent web-hacking crisis that LUSH was involved in provoked Dalliance PR to conduct an in-depth study to determine the underlying reason to the lack of success for the brand. Dalliance believe that we can help LUSH reach their full potential through conducting a strategic and comprehensive PR campaign.

LUSH have always conducted PR campaigns that only reach out to passionate environmentalists and don’t focus on a broader client base. With the growing number of competitors and LUSH’s recent hit in the trust department, there is a need to respond to these problems with a powerful campaign, as they could potentially lose out on a very lucrative market of women aged 19-40 and could effect the future success of the brand.

Dalliance PR have uncovered LUSH’s main problem. Lush currently focus their PR and Marketing tactics to target teenagers, our survey results show that 90% clients, however, are women aged 19-40. By targeting older women, LUSH would not only enfranchise a broader base, but would attract a less pricesensitive and more loyal consumer. 1) There is lack of awareness to the refurbishment of the store, a tactic used to try and attract a more mature audience. 2)Although LUSH is a renowned brand, they have been clouded by negative perceptions of having overpowering scents. 3) To prevent LUSH from losing further trust from their clients, they need to engage in a campaign which will emphasize their company values : trust, honesty and loyalty. 4) Having spoken to LUSH’s consumer, it is clear that amidst the overcrowded and competitive beauty market, LUSH’s self-proclaimed image of ‘natural and organic’ products, is not strong enough to have been conveyed to the consumer. Dalliance PR have come in to help transform LUSH’s injured reputation, creating a PR vehicle that would build excitement amongst customers, reach new audiences, communicate brand values and regain the trust that was lost.

Our Vision for Lush



Natural Personal

Trustworthy Innovative

Handmade Fresh Daring


The Solution Dalliance PR will reposition LUSH to the appropriate market, by cleverly emphasizing the brand’s caring and close personality based on one central idea- trust. In doing this, we must make sure that we do not snub their current loyal customers, hence continuing to maintain the fundamental values being a fresh and natural brand as well as keeping the ambience light and quirky but in a more mature light. LUSH will also generate awareness on the maturing of the brand. Dalliance will mend the negative perception of LUSH holding overpowering scents by focusing on the natural and fresh ingredients used, highlighting the refurbishment of the stores to cater to a broader audience. LUSH will encourage the audience to embrace the idea of trust to set time set aside to connect with the one person that every woman needs in their life- girlfriends! With our guidance, LUSH will be seen as a brand that connects people together through the use of their eco- friendly products and values.

Trust Friendships Key Ingredients Trust is the core foundation upon which a friendship is built. A supportive ear or helping hand can help a woman in many ways. Studies have proven that women who have strong social support tend to be happier and healthier. sharing feelings or just being able to talk to a friend is all it takes to make stress a feeling of connection and well-being. Maintaining good communication tends to be a problem for many women as demands of work, children or other commitments may take over the time that was previously free to pursue friendships. LUSH realize the importance of having the support of girlfriends and the importance for women to make an effort to develop social support in their lives.

Girlfriendonomy The overall campaign will be called ‘Girlfriendonomy’ and will focus on re-creating lost trust in the company as well as mending the brand’s reputation, focusing on a more mature market of 19-40 year old women, while embracing their ethical values.

Girlfriendonomy Philosophy Girlfriendonomy will highlight the importance of trusting in friendships and how regular communication can be a big stress reliever- as psychologists have proven. The Foundation of friendship is based on trust. Women ‘get it.’ We need our girlfriends, Best friends or even sisters. LUSH pride on being the reason for brightening moods and bringing relaxation into the lives of many.


brand with personality. brand that is loyal. brand that is caring. brand that is unique.

LUSH acquires all the important qualities in a friend. After all, Every girl needs one.

In order to meet these goals, the ‘Girlfriendonomy’ campaign will need to meet these 6 objectives:

Campaign Objectives

Reposition LUSH by building campaigns that are targeted at the 19-40 female consumers, generating a desire for LUSH products and create an innovative and uplifting platform upon which the brand are able to stand out from their competitors through using strategies that highlight one central idea- trust. Reinforce and embrace lush’s values and promote them in a new, fresh and innovative way that makes them stand out. Restore their reputation as a responsible, natural and most of all, trustworthy brand. Promote LUSH’s products as an accessible way to relish in friendships and inspire the target audience to cherish and nurture these relationships, through setting time aside to connect using LUSH products. Promote LUSH’s products as the having the freshest, most natural ingredients on the market, and initiate a desire for the leading brand in fresh, handmade cosmetics. Raise public interest and awareness about environmental issues, and promote LUSH’s core brand values as an ethical and eco-friendly brand, who provide an accessible way in which their consumer can demonstrate their ethical and social responsibility.

Tactic One A flash mob is an unexpected performance act that is used of entertainment and/or satire purposes. They are commonly used in means of organizing social media, products and telecommunication campaigns by spreading awareness. A flash mob of women dressed as Cyndi Lauper will gather on South Molton Street, London to sing and dance to ‘Girls just want to have fun’. The 80s pop icon also recently proved to have no traits of a ‘diva’ by calming a crowd of angry travellers who were stranded at the Buenos Aires Airport on Friday by leading them in a sing-along of her hit songs. As tempers flared over flight cancellations and delays, Cyndi, 57, commandeered an airport microphone and belted out her hit song, ‘Girls Just want To Have Fun.’ LUSH have taken this opportunity to commission Lauper to serenade on-lookers with a surprise song. To ensure safety, and for added effect lush will create a giant bathtub filled with Lauper’s choice of scent which will be hung above the store where Lauper will enter in the middle of the song and start singing. This is the first step lush will take to create a buzz and spark interest of women today- stressed and needing something different to look. This fun and on trend event will spark up media attention which will be featured in various outlets.

Girls Just Wanna… Flash Mob? 1st June 2011 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 6 words, one colorful image- Cyndi Lauper. The 80’s legend joins LUSH cosmetics as we embark on a new direction to launch their fresh and exciting campaign- GIRLFRIENDONOMY. For 16 years, we have been showering you will bundles of love and affection, and generating public awareness on environmental issues that we are oh-so-passionate about! This time, however, were trying something DIFFERENT. With the creative minds at Dalliance PR, we are going to bring in the summer with some fun, laughter and hopefully some groovy dance moves! We wont say much more, the rest is left to your imagination. Bring your girls and a huge smile to South Molton Street on the Wednesday June 1st, 2011 for this once in a lifetime opportunity to see Cyndi Lauper LIVE. To feel more of the LUSH, or for any further queries, contact: Dalliance PR manager Natasha Sajnani 07702273933

Tactic One Objectives:

TARGET MARKET: 1) General Public/ On Lookers 2) Women from the 80’s era 3) Members of the press

This stunt not only appeals to new and existing customers, it will create a buzz amongst the general public. The stunt will get people talking about the brand’s personality and will excite and enthuse them to look forward to LUSH’s next move. Media angles: The Daily Mail and Mail Online- this will be a small feature with photographs and YouTube video of the event. Stylist will mention LUSH’s launch on their outgoing pages, with a picture of the event. The sun online will feature images and a small article on the event. BBC1 radio with Fearne Cotton (weekdays from 10-12.45) on her weekly feature “we love Mondays”- a show which motivates people to be happy on a Monday by introducing exciting events or new movies out in the cinema. Fearne will talk about the LUSH flash mob, explaining the campaign’s motive to bring a smile to peoples faces and make her listeners anticipate LUSH’s upcoming stunts.

Girlfriend and the LUSHiou

Tactic Two

us Factory

LUSH will create a special edition Girlfriendonomy lush bomb, out of 200, 25 will contain a lucky token that will obtain the winner a trip for him/her plus a friend to explore the magical lush factory. The winners will gather together at the end of the month and will be given a half a day tour of the factory. These lucky winners will then also be given the chance to learn how to make these handmade products using only the finest ingredients. To target social media and generate a buzz online, Lush will hold a challenge to the girlfriend duo’s. This will allow LUSH to interact and engage with the customers online. As they have a big online following, creating this buzz and sense of competition will allow lush to do something they haven’t done before- have someone else create their product. It is very personal and lies on the fundamental beliefs of LUSH- happy people making happy products. What more could represent this that the love of best friends inventing something together? The challenge: A best friend duo to come up with the most unique and alluring product that they have learned from their educational day. The girlfriends that invent the most innovative scent/ product will get the chance for their picture to be featured on the product (just like all of LUSHs creators) and the product will be sold as a limited edition. The event will be covered exclusively by Glamour Magazine. The winning Girlfriend Duo will get the opportunity to be featured in a double page spread, speak about their friendship and it’s importance, speak about the LUSH event as well as a chance to get a make over and photo shoot from the Glamour experts.

The LUSH factorHave you got what it takes? 1st June 2011 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: LUSH is a company that is all about bringing people closer together. Girlfriendonomy is aimed to reach the hearts of many women, implementing the importance of trust in close relationships. We are delighted to announce that 25 out of 200 special edition lush bombs will contain a lucky token for someone to win the chance of a lifetime! The winner and a friend will obtain a half a day tour of the lush factory, learn how products are created using only the freshest and finest ingredients, and that’s not even the best part. Lush is holding a challenge to the most creative girlfriend duo’sto create the most unique and alluring product using the techniques that they have learned from their day! The winning duo will have their picture featured on the product AND the product will be sold as a limited edition in stores, globally! The event will be covered exclusively by Glamour Magazine, which will feature a double page spread on the best friend duo, including a photo shoot and glamour make over! A highly anticipated and coveted event is upon us! Let the game BEGIN! To feel more of the LUSH, or for any further queries, contact: Dalliance PR manager Natasha Sajnani 07702273933

Tactic Two Objectives:

TARGET MARKET: 1)Women aged 19-40 2) Best Friend Duos 3) Members of the press

Girlfriendonomy and the LUSHious Factory aims to engage new as well as existing customers to buy into the LUSH brand through highlighting main campaign idea of bringing friends closer together. This tactic aims to encourage the concept of ‘trust’ with LUSH consumers as well as the brand by revealing the truth about how the products are made. This will not only emphasize the use of natural and fresh ingredients in LUSH products, but will re-introduce people to LUSH’s strong values.

Media Angles: The event will be covered by Glamour Magazine and will exclusively feature a double page spread on LUSH’s campaign. A description of what went on, pictures as well as a special page on the winning best friend duo will grace the pages of the magazine. Glamour magazine is the leading women’s lifestyle magazine and in the second half of 2010, the magazine’s circulation was 500,591. These figures will be taken as an impression for the approximate number of readers that will see the article. Stylist – ‘Out Going’- this will be a short reminder on what’s the challenge is on and how it works, encouraging readers to indulge in this one-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The Daily Mail and Mail Online- this will be a small feature with photographs and YouTube video of the event.

Tactic Three

Stop! Click, LUSH, Flash!

LUSH will commission a stunt that will be an interactive way to generate a buzz and familiarize lush amongst the public. Five TFL bus stands across the country will be re-designed by LUSH where the seating arrangement, instead of benches, will be comfortable mint green and gold velvet regal looking chairs to emphasize the importance of being pampered like a LUSH princess. The best part? While you wait for your bus, a massive Photo booth by the seats will enable people to inject a little fun while waiting. Whether taking a photo with a stranger or your sister, LUSH’s goal for this is to connect people together. The photos will print within seconds, with a LUSH Girlfriendonomy logo to go with it. The design of the bus stop as well as the photo booth could be a icebreaker/conversation starter where a little curiosity and joy can make two people interact - and eventually be friends. Even it is while waiting for the bus stop. LUSH is a brand that isn’t scared to take risks, doing something bold is nothing new for them, by interacting with the public lush engage in methods to enhance their mood, they are also grabbing the attention of positive press. These Bus Stands will be located in 5 major cities in the UK: London, Manchester, Nottingham, Brighton, Birmingham

Picture PerfectThe LUSHByfactorthe BUS STOP! Have you 15th gotJunewhat 2011 it takes? 1st June 2011 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: How often do you think to yourself, “wow, this is such a waste of time” whilst waiting for the bus to arrive. Lush has not only LUSHtois pamper a company is all peoplethecloser decided youthat whilst youabout waitbringing by providing most together. Girlfriendonomy is aimed to reach the hearts of royal many comfortable, lush chairs (more like thrones!) in the most women, the importance of trust close relationbus stop,implementing there is also another fun element to getinsociety to unite ships. with one another. We are to announce thatwe 25want out ofto200 edition Wedelighted at lush have decided that seespecial UNITE. lush bombs will contain a lucky token for someone to win the chance of a lifetime! The winner and a friend will obtain a half STOP, CLICK, LUSH, FLASH! a day tour of the lush factory, learn how products are created using only the freshest and finest ingredients, and that’s not even Be camera ready in these major cities- London, Manchester, the Birminghambest part. Nottingham, Brighton and for you’re in for one cheesy surprise. Lush is holding a challenge to the most creative girlfriend duo’sto create unique using the techFive TFLthe busmost stands acrossand thealluring country product will be re-designed into niques that they have learned from their day!be photo cosy, mint green and gold velvet chairs, beside it will will booths that The winning duo will have their picture featured on the productPhoto ANDbooths the product will be sold as stops a limited edition stores, will be placed by bus around theseincities, globally! highlighting the importance of trust and connect with one an also give people the opportuother (even with strangers). It will The will be covered exclusively bythe Glamour Magazine, nityevent to capture their memories at even most random mowhich will feature a double page spread on the best friend duo, ments! Perfect for workaholics and busy mums, it’s the quickest including a photo shoot and glamour make over! way to infuse some fun into your daily routine. A highly anticipated and coveted upon us!anticiA simple way to enhance your daylook event out foristhe most thecoming game BEGIN! pated bus Let stops, to a city near you! To feel feel more more of of the the LUSH, LUSH, or or for for any any further further queries, queries, contact: contact: To Dalliance PR PR manager manager Dalliance Natasha Sajnani Sajnani Natasha 07702273933 07702273933

Tactic Three Two Tactic Objectives: The idea is to enrapture the attention of thousands of people, with one solid method: putting a smile on people’s faces. LUSH is all about seeing and feeling the happiness surround the lives of many, this stunt will hope to generate a positive perception of the Brand as well as highlight it’s strong values.


1)Women aged 18-40 1)Best General Public 2) Friend Duos 3) Members of the press

Media Angles: Metro - News feature including interview with LUSH employee and more in-depth information on the campaign itself. Daily mail- small news feature and picture of the stunt with information on the campaign as well as the public’s positive response. Manchester Evening News- News feature including pictures, information on the campaign and positive reaction from the public. Birmingham City News- A short feature and interview with people waiting for the bus to report the influences. The Argus- Brighton and Hove’s local newspaper- a long feature, including images of the stunt, a brief history of LUSH and an introduction into the brand new Girlfriendonomy campaign. The Nottingham post- pictures and short feature on the stunt. BBC radio 1 – Update from Fearne Cotton (weekdays from 10-12.45) on her weekly feature “we love Mondays”- a show which motivates people to be happy on a Monday will talk about LUSH’s unique stunts and go more in-depth about the Girlfriendonomy campaign.

Tactic Four LML (Lush.My.Life) LUSH will create a separate blog on their website urging women to come together using social media. LML will be an easily accessibly Online community where people can “tweet” about their most LUSHious moments. Fun, Friendly and Flirtatious. LML’s Social networking feature is easily accessible through a web interface. A separate link on the main LUSH Website will direct Girlfriends to a whole new world where friendship is at the tip of your fingertips.

The blog will be split into sections:

‘LUSH my life’: An overall introduction into the campaign

LML: people ‘tweet’ about their most LUSHious moments

RUSH 4 LUSH information on your latest LUSH products BUZZ 2 LUSH : hard to find, difficult to leave and impossible to forget ‘- Discussion, tips and advice on friendship

‘LUSH 4 LIFE’: games and quizzes


Wonderful World of Women 15th June 2011 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: LUSH is proud to announce the new edition to their family- A micro site that helps women tackle relationship problems (from intimate to friendship), provides expert advice, allows them to ‘tweet’ your feelings as well as communicate with others. This fun, friendly and flirtations community will be known as ‘Lush My Life’ (LML)- to access this wonderful world of women simply go on the LUSH UK website : and look for that tab that says Lush My Life (LML) or for a direct link go on To feel more of the LUSH, or for any further queries, contact: Dalliance PR manager Natasha Sajnani 07702273933

Tactic Four Objectives:

TARGET MARKET: 1)Women aged 18-40 2) Members of the press 3) Social media enthusiasts

The goal for the micro-site is for LUSH to encourage women to engage with each other online by creating a fun, flirty and friendly environment. Enabling women to confess their deepest secrets (emphasizing the concept of ‘trust’ within a community), seek advice or tips and connect and feel like they belong to a community where they are not alone with the every-day problems they face. Media Angles: BBC 1’s Fearne Cotton will recommend women to incorporate this method of online communication to relate to other women, understand how to solve problems and most importantly- gain assurance that they are not alone. LML will be announced in Stylist magazine’s Scoop Pages as being the ‘fun, flirty and friendly way of communicating’ to other women- teaching women numerous thingsfrom flirting techniques to product advice to dealing with stress- its an all in one way of creating new friends and letting huge weights off their shoulders.



In Girls We L

Tactic Five


A modern day confession booth, located in lush’s flagship store- with one goal in mind: to be the shoulder to lean on. This confession booth will allow people to speak their sorrows, confess what is bothering them and seek advice all ensuring that the information is kept confidential. LUSH will be flying in Dr. Irene S Levine, a journalist, psychologist and professor at the New York University. Dr Levine is also the genius behind ‘Best Friends Forever- a book that deals with friendship ‘break-ups’ through the use of personal testimonials of thousands of women. By hiring a specialist who deals with women’s problems ranging from beauty dilemmas, personal issues as well as relationship advice, it will allow woman to feel more confident in confiding in a stranger. This will give women the opportunity to speak out and let problems or confessions off their chest, emphasizing the importance of being open and learning to trust someone.

‘In Girls We LUSH

2nd August 2011

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Lush brings you a chance to relieve your problems, a take that weight off your shoulders (and no, were not just talking about our lavender scented bombs!) We are giving you the opportunity to confess it all. Ever had a secret you were dying to reveal but just couldn’t? Is something on your mind? Or do you have a problem you would like to seek advice on? Whatever your need, lush has come to realize that in every person’s life they will face hardship. No matter what the size of your problem, query or simply if you want to vent- lush are here to help you! A modern day confession booth will be located in lush’s flagship store- with one goal in mind: to be the shoulder to lean on. Lush will be flying in the author of world-renowned book ‘ Best Friends Forever- surviving a break-up with your best friend’ Dr. Irene S. Levine. Dr Levine will provide a professional opinion and expert advice in the privacy of the confession booth. This will give women the opportunity to speak out and let troubles off their chest, emphasizing the importance of being open and learning to trust someone, whilst ensuring that all information is kept confidential. YOU deserve to be stress-free. Your thoughts and worries hide away your happiness, so allow LUSH to spark that fire in your heart and bring you warmth through a clear conscience! To feel more of the LUSH, or for any further queries, contact: Dalliance PR manager Natasha Sajnani 07702273933

Tactic Five Objectives:

TARGET MARKET: 1)Women aged 19-40 2) Members of the public 3) People seeking advice/tips 3) LUSH existing clients

For people to be able to trust someone else, they must be able to trust themselves. A method created to clear people’s conscience, the confession booth will be designed to not only reel people into the store, create a brand awareness as well as awareness on the campaign; it will also allow people to release their inner most painful thoughts, problems, desires creating a subconscious level of trust for the LUSH brand itself. Media Angles: Stylist- ‘Out Going’ – information about the stunt and pictures of the confession booth. The guardian online (theguardian. image gallery of people lining up for confession booth, information on the Girlfriendonomy campaign encouraging people to go to the LUSH store to try it out for themselves.

Tactic Six


To celebrate the Launch of the Girlfriendonomy Campaign - LUSH will host a high-tea event exclusively with female members of the press. This will be held at a private room of the The Met Bar at the Metropolitan hotel in London as they have found a way to add a contemporary twist to this chic british tradition. LUSH will highlight the importance of trust & communication in friendship and introduce Girlfriendonomy- lush’s new edition to their family. Each female member of the press will be given a plus one to their invite- urging them to bring their best friend. LUSH will engage in a series of trust games and also introduce the importance of communication in friendship. One of these activities will also encourage to lend a helping hand as one of LUSH’s core beliefs being making people happy- LUSH will remind people how giving they are and will get each ‘team of girlfriends’ to pack individual care packs which LUSH will go around donating to homeless people (a simple bag that includes basic necessities that LUSH could easily provide- shampoo, deodorant, soap etc) this will be a fun game. The aim will for the ‘GF’ team to pack the most amount of ‘goody care packs’ when given a limit of 10 mins. The team with the most packs win. LUSH will then go around the around the UK donating care packs to the homeless.

Strictly for women: Lush T E Aser an afternoon of tea, fun and games! 2nd August 2011 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: To conclude what has been a long, friendly and feminine journey- LUSH cosmetics would like to exclusively and cordially invite female members of the press and one lucky lady you consider your ‘girlfriend’ to an afternoon of pure indulgence. We would like to present each woman with a token of our appreciation, through showering you with our lush values. To celebrate the success of the Girlfriendonomy Campaign, this afternoon high-tea event will be held at the chic and trendy Met Bar at the Metropolitan Hotel, London. The afternoon will start off with an introduction and conclusion into the campaign and will also engage in a series of trust games and introduce the importance of communication in friendship. We won’t give away much more (there are lots of surprises in store for you!!) - but here’s a hint: as LUSH love helping those in need, their will be an activity that is guaranteed to make you feel good about lending a helping hand! Once again, at LUSH we are all one big family and would like to thank you for all your support and hope that we have brought some bubbles into your lives, fizzed your problems away and moisturized your dull, dry days. To feel more of the LUSH, or for any further queries, contact: Dalliance PR manager Natasha Sajnani 07702273933

Tactic Six Objectives:

TARGET MARKET: 1) Female members of the press (magazines, newspapers, TV and Radio)

To promote lush as being the most caring and trusting brand in the cosmetics and bath industries. by targeting strictly members of the press it will emphasize LUSH’s encouragement to relish in friendships. By creating a fun and relaxing day and indulging in delicacies, LUSH hope to create a positive relationship and maintain a good reputation amongst the press. Media Angles: As this is an event that is strictly created for the members of press themselves, there is potential of generating a huge amount of publicity. Ultimately, the goal is that the campaign will be featured in at least 80% of the media that attend the event. The invitation list will consist of all the major media outlets around the country.

Tactic 1 – Flash Mob Hire professional dancers – £3,500 Costumes- £1,500 Cyndi Lauper- £105,000 Cyndi Lauper’s Styling Crew- £5,000 Musical equipment (Microphone, speakers, etc) – £4,500

Total: £119,500 Tactic 2 – Girlfriend and the LUSHious Factory Limited edition LUSH bombs- £ 800 (four pounds for one bomb, 200 bombs in total) 25 Tokens inside lush bombs - £ 200 Extra ingredients- £600 Photographers- £250

Total: £1,850 Tactic 3- Stop! Click, LUSH, Flash! Photo booth rental- £700 Designer to help with bus stop decoration - £500 Chairs and props to accessorize- £ 800

Total: £2,000

Total (Approx


x.) – £133,185

Tactic 4- Micro Site Website designer -£ 350

Total: £350

Tactic 5 – Confessions Dr. Levine- £3,000 + paid expenses, approx. £2,00 (including hotel and airfare) Building confession booth£500

Total: £5,500

Tactic 6- High Tea Renting of private room£300 High tea per person - £35 Tools for lush ‘care packs’£ 400 Photographers- 250

Total: £735

JUNE 2011

JULY 2011





June 1- Lush showers South Molton street with colour and happiness as the Girlfriendonomy Campaign kicks off with a bang- Flash Mob. June 2nd - press releases for the campaign have been sent out. June 3rd - pictures of the stunt are sent to newspapers and pictures have been uploaded on the website and facebook page. June 29th - LUSH announces the Girlfriend and the Lushious Factory Challenge on their website.

Mid August - All limited edition bath bombs have been sold and messages via facebook and the LUSH website has been sent to all who purchased the item (details of people who purchased the special edition item were noted down.)

October 1st- Glamour Magazine exclusive October 5th- Images of event are uploaded on facebook page, website, twitter and are sent to various media outlets.

July 2nd - LUSH stocks up on the Limited edition bath bombs. July 20th -LUSH website announces how many bath bombs have been sold so far.

September 1st- An email reminder of the event is sent out to all winners. September 2nd- Press releases are sent out. Septmeber 13th- Lush order new, fresh ingredient for winners September 15th- Preparation in the LUSH factory for the event. September 16th- Girlfriend and the LUSHious Factory event takes place September 20th- Winners of challenge go on glamour photo shoot

November 1st- Lush announce their next stunt on their facebook page, website and twitter. November 2nd- Press releases are sent about the Stop Click Lush Flash stunt November 3rd- design team start to work on the bus stop make-overs after midnight, photo booth is placed in all 5 cities. November 4th- Stop Click LUSH flash is in action. November 6th- images are sent to press November 7th- images are uploaded to LUSH website, facebook and twitter. November 30th- Lush dismantle decorations

Calendar DECEMBER 2011



MARCH 2012

APRIL 2012

MAY 2012

December 3rd- Lush announce the launch of their website- first 100 ‘likes’ on the page receive LUSH goody bag. December 4th- press releases are sent for LUSH MY LIFE- Girlfriendonomy blog December 7th- lush my life launches on the lush website.

February 6th - Confession booth is built in the lush store February 7th - Dr. Levine flys in from New York and checks into the hotel. February 8th- Launce of In LUSH we trust February 14th- Valentines special- encouraging people to confess their inner desires, infidelities, heartbreaks etc. February 15th- Dr. Levine leaves, Confession box gets dismantled. February 17th- photos are sent to press

April 3rd- LUSH send out invites to press for the ‘LUSH-TEAser’ event April 29th- LUSH-TEAser event takes place at the metropolitan hotel in London.

January 15th- Lush sends press releases of ‘In Lush We Trust’ stunt.

March 7th - Pictures are updated on Girlfriendonomy blog. March 21st - Summary of images of overall campaign sent to all media outlets

May 1st- Press packs are donated to homeless people and photos are uploaded on the website May 4th- Pictures of the event are sent to members of the press along with a thank you note and a summary of the campaign. May/ June- LUSH uploads all pictures on the girlfriendonomy website and ends the campaign with a video that highlights all the events, stunts and challenges that was commissioned for the campaign. The video will be viral on Youtube.

Magazines Glamour

Tel: 020 7499 9080/3517 Alessandra Steinherr Beauty Director Email: Philippa Pearne Beauty Writer Email: Vicki Norton Beauty Editor Email:


Amy Molloy Features Writer Email: Tel: 020 7437 9011


Olivia Falcon Health and Beauty Director Email: Tel: 020 7152 3041


Emma Smith Beauty Director Email: Tel: 020 7150 7000

Harpers Bazaar

Julia Brenard Senior Fashion Assistant Tel: 020 7439 5000


Kelly Gilbert Beauty and Health Editor Tel: 020 7499 9080

Marie Claire

Zoe Robertson Beauty Communications Director Email: Tel: 020 3148 7481

Woman’s Weekly

Ceiri Odriscoll Junior Features Writer Email: Tel: 020 3148 5000

The Guardian

Kira Cochrane Women’s Editor Email: Tel: 020 3353 2000

In Style

Lisa Durant Beauty Director Email: Tel: 020 3148 7412

Absolute Brighton

Maureen Hunter Shine Features/Design Email: Tel: 0845 389 0662

All About Soap

Laura Morgan Acting Features Writer Email: Tel: 020 7150 7148

Media List Stylist

Nottingham Evening Post


Manchester Evening News


Birmingham Post

Joanna McGarry Beauty Director Email: Tel: 020 7611 7900 Kate Turner Beauty Editor Tel: 020 7439 5416

The Daily Mail

Julia Lawrence Features writer, Femail Email: Tel: 020 7938 6000 Kate Melhuish Fashion and Beauty News Editor Email: Tel: 020 7938 6000

Metro UK

Bel Jacobs Style and Beauty Editor/Acting Features Editor Email: Tel: 020 7651 5286

The Sun

Lauren Naylor Online Beauty Editor Tel: 020 7782 4000

Claire Catlow Features Editor Tel: 01159 482 000 Dianne Bourne Diary Editor Email: Tel: 01612 112 212 Alison Jones Writer for Living Magazine Email: Tel: 01212 345 028

Radio BBC Radio One

Tamsin Morgan Publicist Email: Tel: 020 7765 2627

In The Press

In The Press

Cyndi Lauper: Getting her groove on for LUSH cosmetics?

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