Connexions Business Mag - #4 September 2012 Issue

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onnexions C Business Magazine

Who is Dale Beaumont? The Basics in Building Lasting Relationships Ten Tips for Becoming a Great Listener Copywriting During a Recession Finding Your Flow the Easy Way‌ 7 Keys to Writing Winning Grants

Dale Beaumont and Jennie Gorman


From Jennie’s Desk Spring has surely sprung with the flowers, the birds and the bees doing their thing! We are so blessed to have the warmth coming back into our lives (even though here in Brisbane we do not get a lot of cold), it is nice to be basking in the warmth again, sitting outside in the sunshine for both work and play! My life has changed so much in the last few months with the discovery of ‘earthing’. I have grounded well and truly, and am grateful to be finding the affects amazing! Greg Menz has a story in this magazine which will explain a little about earthing and overcoming stress. Please contact him if you want to understand the most primal of all things we can do as humans to ground ourselves in this world of electrical magnetic frequencies (EMF’s) to be more productive in our lives. Over the last year I have been working with Dale Beaumont (see cover photo and article inside) which has created a profound movement forward in my business. Thank you Dale for the opportunity to realise my dreams as they come closer into reality, with a new business about to create some ripples around the globe! Dale has produced 16 books and runs an incredible programme around Australia and NZ a few times a year … a not to be missed event (and it is FREE) for all those serious about growing their businesses into the future. Dale is a generous presenter who can change your business in one day with the information he imparts. My fifth MasterMind Group for the year started on the 14th September. I have been privileged to have spent time with the most amazing business entrepreneurs who are all determined to move themselves and their businesses to the next level. Supporting people to reach their goals and dreams is my reason for being in this life, and I am amazed at the fortitude of so many incredible people. Networking Chats and Business Ideas Brisbane are growing and creating great opportunities for those who see them and take advantage of what is being presented to them at this time. Thank you to our speakers for the month in Brett Chamberlain, Simone De Hass and Edward Gifford for their support in the development of attendees to the events. I am very privileged to have the opportunity to do one-on-one mentoring sessions with some outstanding and forward thinking people. I love the opportunity to help people open their minds to the possibilities around them and help support them to create what they want from their lives. All the article writers here have businesses and services that have incredible opportunities for people looking for what they offer. I am happy to give an endorsement on anyone who is presented in this e-magazine. Please enjoy the reading presented this month and I do look forward to your feedback. Enjoy and have FUN!

Networking Chats, August 2012


Page 06

Who is Dale Beaumont

Dale Beaumont is widely recognised as the expert for those that want to “build profile” fast and make more money.

Page 08 The Basics in Building Lasting Relationships

Building relationships with people that will last, create win-win connections and who will become your ‘raving fans’ are all based on few simples rules.

Page 10 3 Ways to Understanding Your Competitive Position

Page 24

How Positive Are You

Page 26

Budgeting Tips

Page 28

Financial Planning The Path to a Secure Financial Future

To turn negative thoughts into positive ones you need to first realise they are simply distortions of reality.

MONEY is one of the biggest causes of relationship breakdowns and it also can be frittered, scattered, lost, wasted or spent on big-ticket items that have small ticket value.

The best way to avoid financial difficulties is to control your own financial destiny.

You need to consider which factors are going to influence your business. There are three aspects Ten Tips for Becoming to consider in helping you decide whether you can Page 30 compete or not. a Great Listener Listening is one of the most important skills you can Page 12 Telemarketing Can Be Cost learn if you wish to build your business and career.


Page 13

6 Ways to Use Video in Recruitment

Page 14

Autism in the Workplace A guide for Employers

Page 18

Five Simple Email Tips Your Market Will Thank You For

Page 20

Tove Vine’s story in China, Making a Difference...

Telemarketing is one of the services that you can Page 32 outsource successfully to the Philippines. Find out the 6 secrets to using video for your business. Master these for on-line success.

Copywriting During a Recession Get a Bigger Why

During tough times, money is still spent ... it is just being spent differently and according to the dominant values of the time.

Page 34

Finding Your Flow the Easy Way…

What are you doing that is not in alignment with your wealth profile.

As more adults with autism are entering the workforce than ever before, the issues involving autistic people Page 36 Wear Your Underwear and the workplace are being redefined to benefit both on the Outside employees and employers. If you want to soar over destruction and mayhem to achieve great heights, then perhaps it’s time for you Page 16 What is Creativity? to start using superpowers that will be productive Being creative is seeing the same thing as everybody for your business. else but thinking of something different.

Follow these five simple tips for more compelling, enjoyable and valuable emails to create a community of happy followers online.

Page 38

STRESS: Do you Suffer From Any of These Common Ailments?

Page 39

The House Sitting Experience

Imagine if some or all of your symptoms could be improved, or eliminated, through the simple act of connecting your body to earth’s gentle surface energy.

Imagine what life would be like if you had no rent to pay, no mortgage and no utility bills waiting for your money each month.

My exciting new life in China continued to develop. It was such an amazing feeling to be treated like a ‘super star’ everywhere I went. Page 40 7 Keys to Writing Winning Grants You’ve done your research, planned the project and have quotes in hand. Now you need to write that Page 22 Creative Strategies for grant application. So, what are the keys to writing Improving Traffic to your Website that winning application? No matter the primary goal of your website, there is one aspect which is common to almost all websites – Page 42 the need for traffic.

Our Contributors

Scott Collins said “I have known Jennie for a very long time, however it wasn’t until this year we have actually done business together. I can tell you that I waited way too long to work with “Jennie”, Australia’s premier networker and business builder. Jennie’s does business with a generous, warm and professional approach. Jennie’s years of experience shine through which is evident through her mastermind program, I have been attending the program for the past 3 months and my completion rate and task planning has never been this clear for a “high yellow” “deal maker/supporter”. If you want to grow your business and increase your network then I highly and strongly recommend Jennie Gorman.” Wellness Innovations, Margaret Wilmink said “Thank you Jennie for creating the space in your Mastermind Groups so that I could develop the skills I needed to grow my business. The group has the ability to learn and grow from each other under your guidance and supervision. I have gained confidence in my ability in business and through the group have gained new insights and new ways of doing my business. I can recommend this process to others who are wanting to grow their business.” Andy Monks said “I’ve attended a number of Jennie’s events and am a subscriber to her email newsletters. I’ve found all of these to be extremely valuable. Jennie is a warm and committed person. Her dedication to connecting people is inspiring and the source of a lot of success for people. Jennie is one of the people leading the way in networking and bringing business owners together and finding valuable information to help them achieve success.” Jenni Madison said “Jennie Gorman is a pleasure to know and a pleasure to work with. A consulting session with Jennie is inspiring, practical, down to earth and valuable on many levels. Jennie’s consulting services have guided me towards creating an incredible business network, as well as an inspirational promotional business model, with ideas and strategies that expanded the vision. Whilst working on the creative possibilities, Jennie was also able to support our ideas with contacts and network synergies which have become priceless to me and my business. Her contribution lays within her knowledge and expertise in the areas of building relationships, networking, promotions and event management. As a social and ethical advisor, Jennie’s willingness to serve and help others is unlimited and unconditional, she is a gift to many within the world of business and promotional events. I am so fortunate to know Jennie and continuously grateful to be working with her.”

Who is Dale Beaumont? Dale Beaumont is widely recognised as the expert for those that want to “build profile” fast and make more money. With an obvious track-record of personal success, Dale is now a sought-after speaker and teaches others how to quickly become a micro-celebrity in their field. Dale is also the author of 16 best-selling books, which have collectively sold over 250,000 copies. Incredibly, 11 of those books were published in a single year, a feat that earned him the title ‘Australia’s Most Prolific Author’. As a result, Dale has been interviewed on Sunrise, Today Show, Mornings with Kerri-Anne, Cheez TV, Ten News, ABC Radio, Radio 2UE as well as being featured in over one hundred newspapers and magazines, including Wealth Creator, My Business Magazine, AFR Boss and Virgin’s In-flight magazine. So if you are looking to build profile and fas track your personal and business success, then pay close attention to exactly what Dale Beaumont has to say. Now if you what to know the full story, go ahead, keep reading… Born in Sydney in June 1981, growing up Dale Beaumont participated in a number of sports and at the age of nine was selected for the elite NSW Gymnastics Squad. Training 34 hours per week, he soon learnt the value of discipline, hard work, having a coach and most importantly, delayed gratification. After six years of intensive training, Dale changed his sporting focus to competitive aerobics so that he could spend more time on his studies and pursue other interests. In 1998 he became the 6

National Aerobics Champion and the youngest Australian to compete at the World Aerobics Championships in Tokyo, Japan, where he placed eighth. After finishing high school, Dale began attending various personal development and success seminars where he learnt from people such as: Jim Rohn, Michael Rowland, Bob Proctor, Robert Kiyosaki, John Maxwell, Brandon Bays, Brad Sugars, Mark Victor Hanson and many others. At the age of nineteen, together with his good friend Brent Williams, Dale wrote his first book titled The World at Your Feet, and co-founded Tomorrows Youth International, which runs educational and self-development programs for 13 to 21-year-olds in five countries. Their flagship ’2-Day Empower U Program’ is still running to this day and over 23,000 young people have now been impacted by this life-changing event. In 2004, Dale created KAPOW Media with friend Matthew Dillon, a boutique Public Relations (PR) agency to attract media attention and get wider exposure for his work with teenagers and youth. After 6 weeks and some 30 stories later, the phone started ringing and over the next three years KAPOW Media generated over $5 million worth of free media exposure for the handful of clients it worked with. Then in 2005 Dale created the ‘Secrets Exposed’ series – a collection of books that take people up-close and personal with hundreds of highly successful people in a range of different topic areas. With his first ‘Secrets Exposed’ book released into stores in November 2005, to-date a total of fifteen ‘Secrets Exposed’ books have been successfully released, with a total of 250,000 copies sold.

Incredibly, eleven of those fifteen books were published in 2007 alone, a feat that is unrivalled by any Australian author. In addition, the ‘Secrets Exposed’ series has been sold in bookstores across Australia and throughout New Zealand, Singapore, Malaysia and Brunei – receiving exceptional feedback from readers everywhere. This led to Dale being interviewed several times on National Television and featured in well over one hundred newspapers and magazines. These remarkable achievements, coupled with the speed in which Dale released his books, prompted hundreds of calls and emails from people – all desperate to discover his fresh and innovative publishing system. Unable to handle the growing list, Dale created Get Published Secrets, a content-rich DVD and CD product that reveals his fresh and innovative publishing system to aspiring authors all over the world. Then to further support this group, Dale developed and became the host of Get Published TV – the first dedicated TV Show on the Internet for people that want to write, publish and market their own best-selling book. Now with over 100 Videos available to the public for Free, Dale is turning heads and receiving amazing feedback from both viewers and some big names in the book publishing arena.

Then in August 2009 Dale was asked to deliver a keynote presentation covering 15 different ways that individuals and companies can propel their profile and boost their profits. Dale’s talk was such a hit that not only did three other people book him on the spot speak to their teams, but attendees virtually demanded that Dale create a special program to reveal all of his secrets. Within weeks Dale had developed “Profile Accelerator” – a 4-Day training program designed to equip others with all of skills needed to; sky-rocket your profile, boost your credibility and unlock the hidden profits to your personal and business success. Moving forward Dale Beaumont is very excited because he is writing another two new books – books that he believes will have a significant effect on people’s lives. So look out for more news and updates. Finally, but most importantly, Dale is a family man. He lives in Sydney, Australia with his wife Katherine and two young sons.

Another notable venture is the creation of the Secrets Exposed Club – a private, members-only portal where you can access literally hundreds of audios, videos, books and interviews from some of the world’s most successful people.

Check for Available books: CLICK HERE New Rules of Business is held around Australia and in NZ. To find out more go to


The Basics in Building

Lasting Relationships by Jennie Gorman

Building relationships with people that will last, create win-win connections and who will become your ‘raving fans’ are all based on few simples rules. Firstly, you need to establish trust. I ask you, do you trust yourself and your ability to make good judgments? Trust is all about knowing yourself and how authentic you come across to people meeting you for the first time. Do you give the feeling to others that you are someone who can be relied upon and can keep their word? Do you have faith and belief in others? Can you be relied upon to do the right thing? These are all questions one needs to ask oneself when looking at the basics in relationship building. By trusting someone it does not necessarily mean that that person is trustworthy. Being too trusting without thinking about it carefully can sometimes be dangerous. There are people who gain trust and then break it, so you need to use discretion on where you give your trust.

For more information on Masterminding, go to


I believe that building your credibility is the next thing to look at when creating solid relationships. Credibility is how your words and deeds are seen by others. Are you trustworthy and do you have the expertise on the subject you are talking about? To gain credibility in the business world you need to prove it firstly by the way you act as well as knowing that the information you pass on is correct and reliable. People will view you by the company you keep and what is perceived as your established reliability. How you treat others is a reflection on you as a person. It has been said that ‘one should treat others as they would like to be treated’. I personally disagree with this statement. I believe that we ‘should treat others as they would like to be treated’. This is far better from my perspective, as the first way is assuming that the person has the same values as you yourself. The way I would like to be treated would be very different from many other people. Take for example, the giving of a gift. How many times have you been given a gift by someone who gives what they like and is their taste, but quite contrary to your own? It is very easy to assume what others like.

The only way to truly know what someone likes is to listen to what they say, watch how they live and observe how they do things. I believe that making a habit of acknowledging people is a wonderful attribute to have. Making others feel good and worthwhile helps create a relationship. We are not aware, I believe, on what is going on in others lives and praise or kindness can change a person’s life dramatically if they are someone who does not get enough of this in their life. It must be sincere though and come ‘from the heart’. Observing people and acknowledging what they are doing or have created can be very powerful. It is important that we create win-win situations in all our relationships. To remember important dates and significant events in another’s life can show your awareness of them. Isn’t it nice to be remembered on your birthday or anniversary or if your work mates and friends acknowledge something you have done well?

We are sometimes very aware of what is not necessary to remember, and all too often forget the significant times in people’s lives. Bringing joy and happiness to others life can be very easy and simple. Like a smile, it is free! If you want to create solid lasting relationships, be prepared to invest time and energy into that relationship. Take the first step … don’t wait for the other to take that first action. Relationships that last and are productive for both sides are worth the time and energy that one needs to put into them. So remember these attributes: trust, credibility, the way you treat and acknowledge others, by remembering important dates and events as well as investing time and energy, are all the basic ingredients to building relationships that last forever.


3 Ways to Understanding Your Competitive Position By Leon Jay

You need to consider which factors are going to influence your business. Here are three aspects to consider in helping you decide whether you can compete or not… 1. Pricing Influence Perhaps the most common way for businesses to compete is on price. Undercutting works, but may not be the best tactic. Although this may sound counter intuitive, sometimes increasing the price can also increase the number of sales. You must educate your customers about why your product costs the amount it does. Break it down and spell out exactly what the benefits are. Remember, one simple way to increase your price point is to create an authority status for you or your company. Alternatively, maybe you have found a way to undercut the current competition. Many business have succeeded by finding ways to out price their competition while still providing a quality product or service. If so, make sure you explain why, so that people will understand how you are able to beat everyone else and not cut corners. (Otherwise they may be skeptical.) 2. Quality How easy is it for another company to come in and copy what you have done—to replicate your business model? You must think about this in the beginning, and assume other companies will copy you. How can you differentiate yourself and make yourself stand out from future copy cats? 10

Your brand plays a big part in this. If your customers believe the experience they have with your product has certain benefits, they’ll be more likely to stick around when new players come in. What type of position do you wish to hold in your market? Which strategic benefit will your product have? And which strategic benefits will other companies have, that you won’t? 3. Marketing In business you need customers. Your ability to get customers will be largely dependent on your marketing ability. Good marketing will not only help generate new prospects, but also to pre-sell them. Ironically this pre-selling is best done through education, not selling. Teach prospects through your marketing why your product or service is best. For offline businesses this is where the internet can provide huge potential. It is also where information products can provide a lot of opportunity for backend products or services. The sad truth is there are many great products out there that never make a cent because they had poor marketing. Think about the power each of these factors has. How can you structure and improve your business so you maximize the potential of each of these key areas? The above is a small excerpt from my book “Do Less Work, Make More Money” claim your free digital copy here (Valued at $37.95).

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Can Be Cost Effective By Angela De Palma

Telemarketing is one of the services that you can outsource successfully to the Philippines. Western Companies have been outsourcing their customer service and outbound telephone sales to the Philippines for many years now. The implications of this are that there are many highly skilled and trained people that leave the BPO corporations to work from home and make more money as independent contractors. When you are choosing a telemarketing contractor the following are what to look out for: * What type of accent they have and will that be a good fit for interaction with your potential clients; * What type of campaigns have they worked on * What successful results they obtained in previous campaigns; * What they require to be successful at their job and can they identify what this is; * Can they launch into a mock conversation based on a previous campaign quickly and easily; * Do they communicate with ease and confidence; * Their English language skills.

A very good candidate is someone that meets all of the above criteria.


Also avoid working with a contractor if they have:

* A poor internet connection; * They leave you hanging in the interview and don’t answer all of your questions; * If they have no facility to have a video skype interview. It is important to be able to see the contractor you are hiring at least during the very first interview.

You can expect to pay somewhere between $5 and $8 an hour for an experienced and successful home based telemarketer from the Philippines. Successful campaigns take more than a successful contractor however, they require a lot of thought and planning from yourself as to what is the primary outcome of the call and your overall strategy. A bad list can determine the success or failure of the campaign as can in some cases a very saturated and competitive market. If this is the case you really need to craft a compelling offer for your target market and devise a campaign centred around the offer. In many cases a lot of innovation may be required to make it work. If you need any help with developing a successful campaign, with telemarketing scripts, lead generation and or recruitment call us.

0414 707751

6 Ways to Use Video in Recruitment by Paul Humphreys

1. A company can use an online, unlisted YouTube video describing the position. Instead of just placing a job ad in the paper or on Seek etc, they can also link the ad to the online video made by the employer who then describes the position, and also the type of person they are looking for. It’s a very powerful way for jobseekers to know who they want to approach for a position. 2. Video Resumes – A candidate can get a video resume professionally done for potential employers, post it online as an unlisted YouTube Video, and when they email their application and paper resume in, they also include a clickable link to their video resume. This helps the employers see and hear the person, and assess them much better than from paper, and it starts to build a relationship before they even meet in person. 3. Video Job Interviews – These can be done via Skype and are getting increasingly popular as a way to screen candidates. It’s a way to interview candidates faster, both locally and in more remote locations, even from overseas.

5. Video Induction – Once the new candidate has joined the company he is given a video induction starting from the CEO/Owner and including other managers or relevant staff members who have something valuable to contribute. Proper inductions are not always done due to staff being busy, and a new employee often has to sink or swim. With an induction video, every new employee gets the same information, and in a full and complete way, as well as meeting staff in person. 6. Video training – Once the candidate has been through the induction, there can be a series of videos to accompany the normal paper training manuals. It makes learning so much easier and more effective. The advantage of this is that is systemizes the training, and while not replacing live training, it adds a valuable component to it, in that the new person can watch the training videos time after time to allow for maximum learning. The process is based on spaced repetition which is very effective in integrating new learnings.

4. How should a candidate prepare for a video job interview? The candidate should treat this type of Skype interview like a face to face, and dress well and act accordingly. Make sure there is no distractions in the background, and that you won’t be disturbed during the interview.

by Paul Humphreys


Autism in the Workplace A guide for Employers By Michelle Ovens

As more adults with autism are entering the work force than ever before, the issues involving autistic people and the workplace are being redefined to benefit both employees and employers.

• Difficulties understanding verbal instruction • Inflexibility to routine changes • Repetitive and obsessive behaviours may

A study conducted at The Oxford University in the UK highlighted the statistical challenges people on the Spectrum face.

• Sensory processing issues can often times

Only 20% have continuous full time employment 30% have continuous part time employment 50% have unstable employment or continuous unemployment And probably, most challenging for people on the Spectrum would be independence and confidence. The study found over 50% of people with an ASD diagnosis had difficulty travelling to unfamiliar locations by themselves. Common Workplace Challenges Finding a job and succeeding is a challenge for anyone. Yet, for a person with autism, the transition into the job market and into a job environment presents a few more challenges due to communication and social difficulties. Common workplace challenges faced by people with autism include:

Problems fitting in the general workplace environment, especially if the workplace is not familiar with the needs of people with autism

Misunderstandings due to mind-blindness or problems understanding others’ emotions and providing inappropriate responses


cause conflict at the work environment interfere with work performance

• Some co-workers and employers may not be sensitive to the needs of people with autism

Both autistic employees and their employers can overcome all of these challenges through training. Employers who want to provide a true equal opportunity job environment can learn about autism and creating an appropriate work environment through training programs that are available through many autism support organizations such as The Jamie I Am Foundation. Autistic adults seeking employment can also enrol in programs available through non-profit organizations and autism advocacy groups that teach life and job skills to help ease the transition into a work environment.

Do you know why people with autism are great employees? Here are four good reasons to employ them …

• they are exceptionally loyal • they have precise attention to detail and strict

adherence to routine practices and procedures

• they will move heaven and earth to ensure they are doing

the correct thing as they have an inbuilt ‘ethical’ code

• they will rarely gossip as their focus is their task, not socialising.

The Jamie I Am Foundation for Autism Awareness,

Education and Advocacy has programs to help both employers and employees understand the challenges associated with Autism Spectrum Conditions and their related conditions.

For more, contact Michelle Ovens, Adv Dip NT, ATMS on 0450 929 212


What is Creativity? By Kerstin Rheinlander

Well, that is a massive question to ask! I wanted to So what is the simple answer to my question then? know more and searched the internet for answers. Boy, did I get answers! Anybody can be creative as long as you bring quality to the activity. It is an attitude and an So what is creativity? Wikipedia gives the inner approach at how you look at it to generate most pragmatic answer: “It is the intention or something new. Every human being is creative origination of a new thing (product, solution, art we are all born that way. Just watch the children work, literary work, joke etc.) that has value.” and you will see they have pure creativity shining through with everything they do and it is all done Being creative is seeing the same thing as in a playful and fun way. everybody else but thinking of something different. I have also found scientific studies on What happens to that pure creativity? US - Society. the subject “Creativity” from various universities We destroy the creativity by forcing social beliefs around the world but their explanations were on our children, distracting them and turning too drawn out for any average human being them onto the path of economics, politics and to understand. I was not aware that the word ambition. We do not give them the choice to “Creativity” is worth of so much study. There continue to be creative. When ambition enters the you go, today I have been educated otherwise. picture, creativity disappears completely. WOW, that is a lot to take in but so true. I recently told a friend about my choice to follow creative path. Her first comment was: “I do not have a creative bone in my body”. I beg to differ! 16

Everybody is creative we just forgot how to be creative, yet we exercise this skill on a daily basis. At lot times creativity gets placed equal with the term ART, but that is so far from the truth.

For me personally, my creativity is the joy that fills my day. Yes, I love art, travel and cooking but I appreciate the fact that I can try out new things and techniques, combine the old with the new creating something completely different as a • Creativity is when your kids ask you “What’s for result. Some new creations may be failures but dinner?” and you whip up a delicious meal with that is ok as it gets filed under “nice try – but what you could find in the fridge and pantry. does not work” and I move on to the next trial. • Creativity is when you plant the most beautiful The possibilities are just endless, that is the world garden admired by everybody. we live in. • Creativity is when you throw a surprise birthday party for your best friend. So, why all the drawn out explanation and • Creativity is when you lovingly decorate your research? Christmas tree. • Even Creative Accounting is a skill that some I just wanted to remind you to look at your day enjoy as long as they can manipulate numbers. and enjoy the creative flow - yes it is happening at this moment. My creativity has produced yet another painting. What has your creative product of the day been?

Kerstin’s Blog CLICK HERE

All these actions take a lot of thought and creation. That is real creativity as all these actions are carried out joyfully and lovingly and each time something new and wonderful is the result. So creativity is not a right brain action, it actually starts as a very constructive and logical thought in the left brain.


Five Simple Email Tips

Your Market Will Thank You For By Samantha Lyttle

Are your emails adding to the clutter of your client’s inbox? Follow these five simple tips for more compelling, enjoyable and valuable emails to create a community of happy followers online. 1. Have a conversation with your reader I’ve worked with a lot of clients who write their emails like it’s a corporate business letter. It’s important to let any old beliefs you might have around what doing business“should sound like” go out the window and instead start to think of your emails as a friendly conversation. 2. Be as specific to the needs of your list as you can be If it’s not adding value to your market, then don’t include it in your emails. Be specific to only what is relevant and valuable to your database and they’ll thank you for it!

4. Keep it short and sweet Some of the best emails I’ve ever read are only one or two lines long. They have a warm greeting, they get straight to the point and then they sign off. Your market will not only appreciate your short emails but they’re more likely to get read as well. 5. When your emails do need to be longer always include a P.S. Readers often scroll straight to the bottom of emails to skim through rather than reading it word for word. By summarizing the most important part of your email within your PS, you can be sure that your reader doesn’t miss out on a thing!

3. Use a compelling subject line to increase your open rate One of the fist challenges for business owners is to get your emails opened. You can have the best email ever but if your market isn’t opening them then there’s no point in sending it.The answer is to think of each email subject line as it’s own individual headline. 18

Samantha Lyttle is the director of Market Launch, and is dedicated to working with micro business to create greater impact and influence in their marketplace all on a shoestring budget. If you’re ready to market your business with greater passion and purpose then contact her today at or access your FREE marketing training CLICK HERE

Find out how outsourcing can save you thousands in your business each month Angela De Palma E: M: 0414 707 751 Skype: angelamariadepalma

For more information on outsourcing and how it works Call or visit our website


Tove Vine’s story in China, Making a Difference... Continued from Issue #3 My exciting new life in China continued to develop. It was such an amazing feeling to be treated like a ‘super star’ everywhere I went and so many people looking at me in amazement saying “you are so beautiful”. I was yet to learn that Chinese people think everyone with white skin is beautiful but it was still nice to be told. I was born to teach children. I loved every day in the classroom with my students. I am also happy to say that my efforts has been noticed and recognized by the company due to many positive feed backs from parents, so I have now been given additional teaching hours in schools where the parents had complained about the foreign teacher and I was sent there to “smooth the ruffled feathers” and teach the beloved children. Of course that gives me additional income as I am paid well for it. The Guangzhou Autumn is upon us - Yes indeed - after 8 weeks of very hot humid weather we have finally found some relief in the cooler Guangzhou autumn weather. We can actually now go for a walk for 10 min and not become wet due to perspiration. I am very lucky though I have a fully air conditioned apartment and my class rooms are air conditioned as well. I am so lucky. Other teachers live in an apartment where only the bedrooms are air conditioned and teach in classroom without air conditioned. The Mid Autumn Festival was on the 18 September (Full Moon Festival) and I was told “after the Mid Autumn Festival the cool weather will be coming” It took a long time getting here. The mid autumn Festival was interesting to observe - the leading up to the Festival reminded me of our Christmas - lots of lantern decorations, huge fruit bowls and baskets to be purchased in shops and also lovely “moon cakes” . I did buy a pretty little lantern just to feel I was part of the celebration, of course the wonderful fruit I made sure I had and I received a beautiful gift pack of assorted “moon cakes” 20

from the school where I teach. The Moon cakes are “marzipan like” with different fillings such as egg yoke, nuts, fruit e.g. - It is a bit of “pot luck” what you find inside the moon cake. They are very nice but very fattening and filling. I must admit I did not eat many of them - I gave most of them away. Due to my busy schedule and activities in the classrooms I have lost almost 10 kg while I have been here and feel so much better for it so I don’t want to eat food that does not help me to be healthy and fit. Last Sunday Aipusen (the Canadian company I work for) was invited to enter their foreign teacher to a “Friendly sports day” to compete against the Guangzhou local government’s employees -” the foreigners against the locals” . There were other foreign companies that had been invited as well so there were a large number of people. There were three sports - Soccer, Tennis and Orienteering. I was chosen for Orienteering and we were driven by bus to a mountain called Baiyun mountain in the outskirts of Guangzhou just next to the airport - yes a mountain next to the airport - properly not very safe I would say - but “I have been told” (this is my disclaimer - I have been told so many things and often the stories do not agree - so in future I will always add - “I have been told” ) they are building a new airport away from the mountain.

We were all given a new very smart red t-shirt and a small hand towel and arrived on top of the mountain to be briefed about our challenging task of navigating around the mountain. I was excited as I love navigating and reading maps and I think I am rather good at it. I know men think women can’t read maps - but I can. I was partnered up with Peter - my “bodyguard” (a guy I met at the TESOL course in Brisbane and we both got a job at the same Training college in Guangzhou). To our greatest surprise we came in first of all the foreigners - came in number 3 overall. Two Chinese teams beat us - but the reason they beat us was because they knew the Mountain well as it was their usual Sunday walking outing (well this is our story and we are sticking to it). We were so amazed and surprised - we had no idea what we did to place ourselves first. I guess we just read the map and followed it to the best of our ability. The next team arrive back at least 30 min after us. For our efforts we received a lovely trophy - which I promptly gave to Miss Yang (the Director of Aipusen, the Training College) to place in the office. It was presented to us on stage in front of hundreds of people at the presentation celebration at the end of the day which was held back in Guangzhou at a sports arena where all the Local Government officials were represented. We were entertained by dragon dance and “ladies fan dance”. Both very colourful and beautiful. Different nationalities entertained by singing songs from their homeland and the teachers from Aipusen sang the Beatles song “ What would you do if I sang out of tune” - We rehearsed 5 minutes before we went on stage so you can imagine how professional it was. Well we weren’t too bad - at least we sang loud and hopefully nobody heard that we sang out of tune!!! - We received generous applause anyway. All together a wonderful day for which I am very grateful, as once again I made two wonderful new friends. The lady Chastity who organized the Orienteering - a stunning young lady who for some reason took an instant liking to me and wanted to be my friend and I also met her mother - a lovely little Chinese lady who was just delightful. I was invited to have dinner with them so now I need to find a spare

few hours in my busy schedule. I made friends also with a fantastic young Chinese man named Alan and his girlfriend Joanne. Alan is a University student - 21 years old. It constantly amazed me that young people can be bothered speaking to me but I have been told there is a saying in Chinese - roughly translated into English as such “It is a great honour to be in the present of an old wise person” - Isn’t that wonderful. Alan’s parents live in a little village 3 hours bus ride west of Guangzhou and he has invited me to come home with him to visit his parents. He said “ My parents would love to met you” So that will be another adventure. (Another chapter in my book) He has also offered to be my personal guide when I go and visit a wonderful area called Guilin which is well known to foreigners as it is so beautiful. I have been told ( disclaimer) that 3 lakes and two rivers flow through the mountain area and creates brilliant scenery . Tove in China Making a difference.


Creative Strategies for Improving Traffic to your Website No matter what the primary goal of your website (selling products, promoting services, providing information, generating leads, etc..) , there is one aspect which is common to almost all websites – the need for traffic – usually the more the better. One of the best ways to get traffic to your site is obviously via search engines, but many traditional Search Engine Optimisation “tactics” designed to improve rankings and increase traffic are no longer effective. Changes in the way that Google and other search engines determine which sites should rank for which keywords, are changing regularly. SEO strategies such as Content Amalgamation (gathering content from other sites and combining and restructuring it for use on yours), or aggressive Link Building (generating large numbers of links from 3rd party sites) - which used to be effective - can now actually have a negative impact on your rankings. Search Engine Algorithms are Changing The “job” of search engines is to provide the best possible results for any given search query. If they fail to produce useful results users will start to look elsewhere for their web searches. Google and other search engines are getting smarter at recognising websites that use strategies to artificially raise their profile in an attempt to improve rankings and traffic, and essentially most tactics designed to “trick” the search engines into providing good rankings are ultimately doomed to fail.

Andy Henderson is an SEO Consultant

and runs a training organisation (In a Day Training Workshops – providing hands on training to guide you through the process of creating and managing your own WordPress website. 22

How Can You Improve Rankings So how should you go about improving their rankings and traffic for your website? The approach I recommend is deceptively simple…. Give users something that is actually useful…. If you focus on strategies designed to help your users (rather than tricking the search engines), your rankings and traffic WILL improve – guaranteed, and you will not suffer dramatic drops in rankings at some stage in the future when the search ranking algorithms change again. What Do Your Users Want ? The type of content that you provide on your site will depend on the product/service you offer and the target market you are trying to reach. But whatever it is, it needs to be : • Unique – DON’T Copy and Paste content, write it yourself (or have someone write it for you). If necessary find some good content elsewhere and rewrite it in your own words. • Keyword Rich – your content MUST contain the keywords and keyword phrases you are trying to rank well for… If you don’t even mention a keyword on your site, how can you hope to be found for it in search results. • Useful - there are a whole lot of things that can allow your content to be considered useful including: Informative, Entertaining,Educational, Controversial, Funny, Shocking, Thought Provoking, Emotional, Cute, etc… Ultimately though, the one rule to remember is if it is good for your users, it will be good for your rankings.

Confidence ‘Tricks’

Settle Yourself Hints to make you look and sound more Walk slowly and deliberately to where you will say your first words. Like with breathing, the confident from Kevin Ryan. control you exert over yourself physiologically is replicated psychologically. Water Always have a glass of water handy. It is invaluable If you have them, take the time to arrange them so to: 1. Stop the dry mouth feel that accompany you will be most able to see them when required. nervousness for some of us 2. Break the cycle if you feel that you’re starting Look up and make eye-contact with 2-4 people in different parts of the room who you know will to ‘race’ or talk too fast 3. Create a dramatic pause while looking confident be supportive of you. You will have selected these people beforehand. Only when you feel confident enough to take a chance with others’ reactions Breathing As you are seated in the 5 minutes before you to you should you vary your eye-contact from speak, concentrate on slow, deep, controlled your pre-chosen group. breathing. This will have the effect of stopping Do everything you can to give yourself complete your mind from ‘racing’. When you reach your speaking position and settle control over the first 30 sec. of your presentation, yourself, take a good, slow deep breath as you because if this goes well, it’s most likely that the smile at everyone before saying your first words. rest of it will go well. “We took away with us simple strategies to give us confidence, to be persuasive and for speaking ‘off-the-cuff ’ in a fun and upbeat presentation.” Kathryn LÉstrange, HR Services, Brisbane City Council


How Positive Are You Jeff Withers (Red River Journey)

Everyone knows they are supposed to be positive and discourage negativity. However, for most of us, thoughts just seem to “happen” before we even know it. But, thoughts don’t just happen – you think them! Part of the problem is that negative thinking can become a habit– and no-one is immune. So, the issue is … people find it hard to be convinced that negative thinking has a detrimental effect on their performance. If they could understand the enormous advantages that accrue to those who continually focus on positive thoughts, would this make a difference to their world? Positive thinking is an approach to life in general, focusing on the positives in any situation rather than the negatives. It means thinking well of yourself rather than constantly putting yourself down. It means thinking well of others dealing with them in a positive way. It means expecting the best from the world, trusting it.

There are six characteristics of a positive attitude. 1. Inner motivation 2. High standards 3. Self-to-self comparisons 4. Chunking down goals 5. Creating flexible time frames 6. Personal involvement

Studies made in 1953, 1984, 1990, 1993 and 2002 suggest that positive thinkers are more likely than negative people to stay healthy into middle age and to have successful careers. They are half as likely to quit their jobs, 30 times more likely to be happy, and on average add 7.5 years to their life span (Positive Thinking, S Quilliam 2003). A positive mental attitude is deliberately looking for the good in a situation, while also holding an expectation for the best.

Consider this: • Negative thinking = unhappiness and failure • Neutral thinking = apathy and under-achievement • Positive thinking = happiness and success 24

A positive mindset can be associated with: • Success in undertaking creative tasks • Engaging originality • Being more receptive to possibilities

According to Barbara Frederickson, “positive emotions do more than make us feel good; they also expand our thinking, help us generate new ideas and encourage us to consider other possibilities”. So, are you a positive person, or is there “room for improvement. It’s important to acknowledge here that, while it’s not “bad” to be slightly negative sometimes, for people seeking to achieve a positive outlook is certainly an advantage. To turn negative thoughts into positive ones you need to first realise they are simply distortions of reality. It is your defensive thinking that makes it seem as it is. To overcome this, get into the habit of analysing your thoughts to see where you have misinterpreted things and therefore the source of your negativity. Re-balancing thoughts in this fashion creates a shift of emotion, starting you on a different path of thinking on a long-term basis - a good place to be headed.


BUDGETING TIPS By Janeece Giraldo

MONEY is one of the biggest causes of relationship breakdowns and it also can be frittered, scattered, lost, wasted or spent on big-ticket items that have small ticket value.

2. Do a credit card check. Visit or to find out if there are better offers. Organising a balance transfer can save you thousands in interest and then can be put towards paying off the principle.

It is also one of life’s greatest tools. It can buy convenience, freedom, fun experiences, memorable 3. Don’t be fooled by marketing that says “90 days events, and all sorts of things that make life more interest-free”. This only applies if you pay off your card in full every month. Avoid penalties when comfortable. you forget to pay on time by setting up a direct Why spend so much of your life working if you debit to your card. don’t use your earnings in a way that empowers 4. If you can control your credit card use, don’t you and fulfils your vision for your life? stop using it but be smart. A good loyalty program When you focus on the big picture and set yourself can give you some nice rewards. goals – you are energised to organise your finances and the following 50 tips will assist you to save 5. Be wary of using a redraw facility for everyday bills unless you are making extra repayments. It and organise your money. makes no sense to pay off quarterly council rates bills over a 30-year loan. PERSONAL FINANCES

6. Check your mortgage options with a mortgage broker. There are a variety of loans available that 1. Before you can save you must work out how your average bank will not tell you about. much money you have and how you spend it. You need a realistic budget. Budgeting tools are available 7. Package all personal finance accounts under one roof to get a fee discount. at all bank websites. 26


16. Store charge cards have high interest rates worse than most credit cards. Always clear the 8. Check your credit file. Banks, retailers and debt that has the highest interest rate first. credit providers use the data to determine whether to lend you money, and errors on the 18. Reduce the number of credit cards you have. file can cost you. Phone Veda Advantage on 1300 This may save on fees and maximise rewards 762 207, or visit Every time program benefits. you approach a bank direct they automatically 19. When shopping with your card, try to use the do a credit check before talking to you. “credit” option where possible - this can save on 9. With home insurance, you can often lift your transaction fees. excess to reduce the premium. Just be aware that if you have a claim, you have to cop the high excess. HOUSEHOLD 10. Read the policy to see what you are covered for and what is excluded. Most insurers will only 20. Don’t buy lunch, take your own. Make your offer a replacement to the agreed value. own sweets and puddings, and make your own cleaning products from vinegar and bicarbonate 11. Look at combining policies with one insurance of soda. Don’t buy takeaway – Jamie Oliver’s 30 provider which may then allow you to be eligible Minute Meals show that you can cook an amazing for a multi-policy discount. and healthier meal in the same time that it takes to get takeaway. 12. Do not treat your insurance renewal as simply another bill. Compare and possibly save with 21. Set air conditioners to 24C - ensure that all another insurer. Update your policy. ASIC says windows and doors are closed and consider 80 per cent of people are under-insured. home insulation .Take four-minute showers or less. Use the bath infrequently to save water and 13. Having income protection insurance is vital. install a water tank. Life insurance and income protection is sometimes cheaper through your super fund. 22. Use energy-saving light bulbs on illuminate areas where you need light. 14. Beware on line life insurance policies. The less questions they ask upfront the more likely 23. Don’t pass up a good cup of coffee but avoid they are to reject a claim. Your experienced expensive takeaways. Buy a coffee plunger. At Financial Planner knows which companies are $15 for a bag of your favourite coffee, you’ll get more likely to pay at claim time. about 21 cups from it, saving about $50. When we travel we take a stainless steel coffee plunger and our favourite coffee. CONSUMER TIPS 24. Buy birthday and Christmas presents early, 15. Mobile phone charges are competitive and perhaps during the mid-year sales. change frequently, so review your call spending and check with your telco and an independent 25. Don’t take your children shopping, as it can dealer for a better deal. Consider a mobile cap end up costing you money. plan, but beware of higher calls charges. 26-50 Tips in our next Issue 27

Financial Planning The Path to a Secure Financial Future By Amanda McCall

It’s a sobering thought that during our working lifetime, many of us will earn a million dollars or more - but will only manage to keep a small fraction of it for ourselves. Instead of accumulating part of our hard-earned income for the future, it’s all too easy to spend it on luxuries and unnecessary items. In a strange twist of logic, ‘saving for the future’ is something we always put off until later. The best way to avoid financial difficulties is to control your own financial destiny. Sound financial planning is absolutely necessary for anyone who wants to enjoy a secure financial future - no matter what they want to achieve in life and no matter how much money they earn. And while it’s never too late to start, the oldadage still stands – the earlier you start, the better off you are in the long run.

So how can you ensure a successful financial future? Step 1: Work Out Your Financial Goals Before you set out on any journey, it’s important to know your destination. This is also true for financial planning. Decide where you want to go with your financial plan and start moving towards your goals. Establish some short term goals to achieve along the way to ensure you stay motivated in reaching your ultimate goals. Step 2: Work Out A Budget and Stick To It! The next step is to work out where your money is going, and how much you can afford to put aside for your future. If you find that you spend less than you earn, you can put the surplus into longer term savings – but if you spend more than you earn, it’s time to take action and cut back on unnecessary spending. Step 3: Establish a Financial Plan Once you have established your budget, you need to set realistic, achievable savings and investment goals, based on your long term financial needs and objectives. This is essentially what financial planning is all about. A formal financial plan is along-term financial strategy that aims to create your wealth and maintain it,protect it and manage it throughout your life.


There are certain elements that are critical to any financial plan. It must be flexible enough to be altered as your financial needs change; it should include life and income protection insurance to protect your wealth in case of sickness or death; it must have a good spread of investments - to minimise the risk of a negative return; and it must be reviewed regularly. The key is to ensure you are comfortable with your financial plan - that it’s not too ‘risky’ for your liking, and is carefully constructed to match your particular needs.

It pays to consult a professional Although planning for your immediate and long-term financial security is the key to a comfortable lifestyle, it’s certainly not a job for the uninitiated or uninformed. There are no easy guidelines for selecting the best or safest investment, and the constantly changing regulations and investment conditions can make planning and maintaining your financial affairs a very difficult task without professional assistance.

For more information, please contact:

Amanda McCall

Authorised Representative Plan 2 Pty Ltd Mobile: 0412 447544

It pays to consult a qualified financial planner to help you plan your financial strategy; one who has access to a wide range of investment funds and can tailor a financial plan according to your particular needs and goals. Don’t forget, it’s never too early or too late to start planning for your successful financial future.

Video Interviews


Paul Humphreys

Services: • Video Testimonials • 30-60 Second Commercials • Promotional Business Interviews • Video Coaching Address: PO Box 534, Chermside South Qld 4032 Phone: 0406 942 421 Email: Website:

Testimonial from Allan Pease 29

Ten Tips for Becoming a Great Listener© by Jennie Gorman

One of the greats in good listening skills was the American writer Dale Carnegie. How true this quote by him is to me! “You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.” Dale Carnegie Listening is one of the most important skills you can learn if you wish to build your business and career. I mean REALLY listening! After years of developing my contacts and watching people creating relationships it has become noticeable that people generally are more interested in talking about themselves, rather than listening to the conversation around them. So, master listening skills and see how much more informed and supportive you can become as a result. Really listening is showing you are interested in the speaker giving them a feeling of being heard. By being a listener, you will draw people to you like a magnetic force, which in turn will give you your credibility. By listening well you will be able to support them to achieve what they are wishing to achieve. How often are you in conversation and note that the other person isn’t really listening? How do you feel when this happens? Maybe insulted or disrespected? Was the subject you were talking about interesting to the listener? Were you rattling on about nothing and only making conversation? Or, were you just wanting the space so you could talk about yourself? Research shows that, on average, we can hear four times faster than we can talk, so we have the ability to sort ideas as they come in … and be ready for more. 30

Here are some of my tips for becoming a better listener. 1. Be present – it is really important that the speaker feels that they are being heard. So, stop what you are doing and give your attention to the person. Sometimes this isn’t always possible if someone speaks when you are in the middle of doing something. It is quite often obvious to the speaker if you are not listening as they will see your body language, your eyes glossed over or even feel you are thinking about something else. This happens in close family relationships often. If you are in a business conversation, you can’t afford to allow this to happen. So keep focused on the person! 2. Eye contact with the speaker – the first thing you need to be aware of is that making good eye contact with the speaker gives them the feeling that you are interested in them and what they are saying. It is important that you let them feel this as this will support your relationship to grow stronger. This is where you can show respect for them. 3. Let the other person speak first – by allowing the person you are with to be the first to speak makes them feel respected and lets them know you are interested in what they are about to say. Ask them the question first to get them speaking if necessary. 4. Listen to what they are saying – it is really obvious when someone isn’t listening as they will not always answer correctly or add in incorrectly to the conversation. Being genuine and sincere with your listening will show through to the speaker. To be a good listener you need to maybe do nothing else at the time of being in conversation. Sometimes this is not always easy if you have been interrupted when you were doing something. 5. Allow the other person to speak until they are completed – butting in when someone is speaking is rude and may of us do it without thinking at times. Children need to learn this skill when they are young to grow the habit.

6. Respond when appropriate with a question – ask open=ended questions so you can draw out your answers eg ‘Why do you think that?’ Or ‘I find that interesting, can you tell me more?’ Do not ask yes or no questions as you won’t get the answers you want or need. 7. Ask opening questions that are non-judgemental. Start with who, what, how, when, where and why. 8. Keep an open mind. Wait until the speaker is finished before deciding that you disagree with what they are saying. Try not to make assumptions about what the speaker is thinking as you may be very wrong. 9. Become Engaged - Ask questions for clarification, waiting until the speaker has completed talking. That way, you won’t interrupt their train of thought. After you ask questions, paraphrase their point to make sure you didn’t misunderstand. Start with: “So you’re saying…” 10. Listen with your heart – if you are really listening, the other person will sense it even if they don’t feel it. This will create connectedness and you will make the person who is speaking feel appreciated, interesting, respected and worthy.

Face-to-face communication is still the foundation of many business relationships and good listening skills are an essential part of this communication. People feel more important when they perceive they are being heard. A good listener can build trust, empathy and understanding by practicing and improving listening skills. The ability to listen and being heard is getting rarer as our lives are spent more and more on our computers. Good listening makes for more open communications and can prevent many problems before they start.


Copywriting During a Recession Get a Bigger Why by Ingrid Cliff

While the politicians may debate about the words to describe our economy, the reality for most people and businesses is that things are tough. As a result, people are changing their buying behaviour and many businesses are hurting. During tough times, money is still spent ... it is just being spent differently and according to the dominant values of the time.

So what does this mean for your copywriting? So what does that mean for your marketing and copywriting? 1. Build your trustworthiness. In tough times, you need to increase your credibility before people will trust you enough to spend with you. This means you need to increase your social proof that you are trustworthy and have a great product. Some ways to do that are through increased testimonials and social media interaction.


2. Tone down the hype and snake oil sales. I am seeing less screaming headlines and strong highlighter in direct response long copy sales, and more subdued language that focuses on all of the facts. 3. Put your face to things. There has been an increase in businesses using video on their websites to sell and promote their products. The ones with great results include key business owners or employees personally showing their expertise or talking about their product or service. 4. Demonstrate massive value for money. During tough times, people need a strong reason to spend their money. They need a bigger emotional “why�, backed up by logical reasons as to how this purchase supports their values or needs. Increase the value of your offerings rather than decreasing your costs. 5. Test everything. The old ways are no longer working for many businesses. Test to see what works now, and adjust your course based on the feedback you get.

NETWORKING TIPS Business Cards … your cards are the most important part of your tool kit. They are your shop window. Make sure if you are a small business person that you have your photo on the card, the font size is big enough for everyone to read and that you have all your details there .eg name, business name, postal address (not home address), email, website, mobile number and something about your business so people know what you do. Name Tags … always place your name tag on the right hand side. This makes it easier for people to see your name, if they don’t remember, when they shake your hand, in their peripheral vision. Follow Up … if you want to get to know a new acquaintance make sure you make contact with them 24 hours after your first meeting. Follow up is the most important part of networking and crucial if you want to build strong on-going relationships.

Keeping relationships alive … have you met with a networking acquaintance/friend in the past fortnight so you can continue building the relationship? Networking meetings … do you have a scheduled plan of action for your networking? Attending networking events … are you a regular at your chosen events? This is important if you want to be seen as stable, supportive and a contributor. Do you arrive early and make time at the end of a networking event to develop new and on-going relationships? To learn more tips and learn the secrets of networking, get a free copy of the e-course ’21 Days to Become a Better Networker’.

Upcoming Events Tuesday 18th September

Power Hour with Jennie

Tuesday 25th September

Business Ideas Brisbane

Saturday 29th September

Power of Relationship Marketing Workshop

Tuesday 9th October

Networking Chats


Finding Your Flow the Easy Way… For fifteen years I was a successful entrepreneur, enjoying a level of accomplishment many others strive for and never attain. There was only one problem — I was tired, frustrated and miserable. Very hands-on from day one, I ran myself ragged developing two businesses, a nursing recruitment company, the other a home nursing service. Not only did I create the businesses, I also managed them and had my fingers in marketing, sales and recruiting. I was so busy, trying to do everything! I ran on adrenaline and was exhausted. I put in twelve-hour days at the office, sometimes on weekends, and that doesn’t count all the hours I spent on the phone at home after I closed up shop. Worst of all, I was terribly unhappy. I didn’t get to spend nearly as much time as I would have liked with my family and friends, and in the end I was deriving no great joy or satisfaction from the job itself. Financially, my businesses were successful. But that “success” brought me no real degree of happiness, personally or professionally. Life was hectic, and I was coming home from work drained, every day.


Frustrated and tired, I decided to sell my businesses. Shortly afterward, I discovered Wealth Dynamics, and soon all the misery of my previous fifteen

years made sense. I was invited to attend a seminar with Roger Hamilton — an introduction to Wealth Dynamics profiling. Roger’s presentation really resonated with me, and I realized why I’d been having such a hard time running my two businesses. After doing my Wealth Dynamics profile, I learned that I was a Creator. That’s why running the businesses took a lot of my energy. I loved inspiring my team and sharing all the big picture ideas I had to grow and expand the businesses, and I loved creating the strategies and processes, but I kept finding myself involved in the day-to-day activities too. Managing a business and a team is definitely not my natural flow as a Creator. What are you doing that is not in alignment with your wealth profile. To find your flow and take the hard yards out of running your business take the wealth dynamics test today

By Helen Bichel,

Email me: Ph: +61 419 025 825



Some superpowers you need for business success By Dale Beaumont

Picture this: an eerie place overwhelmed with blackness where the only source of light is the fiery blazes of upturned cars. And it flickers off the tiny shards of glass that spreads itself over footpaths lined with chalky silhouettes of deceased citizens.

Margaret Lomas, founder of Destiny Group, says “when you start a business of your own, your first goal should be to get out of it.” Your success of your business should not deteriorate when you are not there. This is the difference between being ‘self employed’ and being ‘in business.’ So, your first goal in business should be to make yourself invisible.

Imagine this. But not for too long, as you know that thieves lurk within every shadow and that chaos should always be expected. Then spare a thought Flight for those who prevent it. Those dedicated few who While it is important to pay attention to detail, ensure we all like to call SUPERHEROES. that you also consider the big picture. This will help you gain perspective and clarity. Do not be afraid to We have all thought about how life would be as stand back or adopt a bird’s eye view of your business. superheroes with superpowers. However, to avoid chaos within a business we must do more than Douglas Foo, Singapore-based founder of Apex-Pal just think. We must act. Successful people have the International, understands that it is not only important ability to utilise their special skills and talent to steer to have a big picture of your company, but also their business in the right direction and away from “a good overall picture of the developments and destruction. changes in the world and how these changes affect the company.” Some of the most important lessons he’s learnt in business have to do with clarity. Sometimes in order to gain an overall picture and a Here are some superhero powers that you can use to sense of clarity, you need to take flight. prevent disorder and anarchy within your business. Danger Sense Laser Vision Successful people are able to see danger in advance. Remain focused. Once successful people have defined Their ability to detect challenges and obstacles before their aims and outcomes, they zero in on that one they occur allow them to make decisions and take thing. Make up your decision and stick to it. the necessary action to avoid complications. According to property developers, Gary and Jenny Leather, focus is an important element of their success and a piece of advice they offer to others. Stop your mind from wandering by focusing on your goals. “We’ve also discovered that you need to be very precise about what you want and why you want it.” Invisibility Business success requires effort, dedication and sacrifice. But lets face it – you don’t want to be working hard for your entire business career. 36

Brad Sugars, Action Coach Chairman, believes that in today’s business world everything is about handling change – either it will happen to you, or preferably, you will make it happen. He says “be proactive and know what’s going to happen because you’re the one making it happen.” Like most entrepreneurs Brad has made many mistakes, sometimes having to start all over again with nothing. However, you need to develop a sense for danger and minimise these mistakes. Successful people are able to predict events or circumstances that will put their business in danger.

Incredible Strength To operate a business, you will require incredible strength. There will be times when you need to go beyond the call of duty to achieve your goals and overcome the challenges and obstacles that impede your path to success. In 2001, Cleanevent founder, Craig Lovett, made a mistake that almost resulted in the loss of everything, including his business and house. After growing relaxed with the smooth running of his business, Craig failed to capitalise on this success because there was money around and business was doing great. “We soon gained a debt base,” says Craig, however, when our bank pulled out its support and disappeared, “the company was left to survive on its own…” Craig demonstrated extraordinary strength in rebuilding his business and he is now considered one of the most successful event and venue cleaning businesses in the world. Super Stretch Do not be afraid to stretch beyond your comfort zone. When you move outside your comfort zone you will experience fear, but from that fear you will grow and achieve success.

Property investor, Peter Comben, was employed as a primary school teacher for sixteen years before he realised that he was in a comfort zone. “[I] had grown accustomed to the security that a salary provides. So, I took leave without pay to try something different…” In an effort to challenge himself and stretch his abilities, Peter left his job and pursued his passion for property. In Summary If you want to soar over destruction and mayhem to achieve great heights, then perhaps it’s time for you to start using superpowers that will be productive for your business. Determine what you want to achieve then decide what undies go best with your tie or blouse, because when it comes to business there is nothing wrong with wearing your underwear on the outside. Dale Beaumont is a young entrepreneur and the creator of the ‘Secrets Exposed Club’. Having now released over 16 best-selling books, Dale has been featured in all forms of the media and has become a sought-after speaker. To claim your 5 FREE Bonus Gifts Valued at $197 or read Dale’s Blog, please visit;


STRESS: Do you Suffer

From Any of These Common Ailments? • Poor sleep • Stress • Chronic pain – particularly neck and back. • Low Energy • High blood pressure and poor circulation • Muscle tension and headaches. be improved, or eliminated, through the simple act of you connecting your body to the earth’s gentle surface energy. What if it could be that simple? Would that get you attention?! We are so conditioned these days to high tech equipment and tests to tell us what is wrong with us, and often we are left without satisfactory answers, very little improvement in our condition, and a growing sense of frustration. But what if the answer to at least much of our health problems really was that simple? Well, for more than 10 years now, thousands of people around the world-women, men, children and athletes-have been incorporating Earthing into their daily routines and the results have been extraordinary.

Observations and research to date are indicating the following benefits. • Reduces or eliminates chronic pain. • Lowers stress and promotes calmness. • Improves blood pressure and flow- thins blood. • Neutralizes the cause of inflammation. This improves or eliminates many of the symptoms of disorders with an inflammatory pathway. • Relieves headaches and muscle tension. • Helps protect the body against EMF’s. • Helps prevent bed sores and dramatically improves healing. • Improves sleep in most cases. • Normalizes the body’s biological rhythms. • Recovery from intense athletic activity is accelerated.

What Does Earthing Do?

Not bad considering that all you are doing is re-connecting back to the earth. It always works and you will usually feel better, often very rapidly (within 24 hours or less). It can be as simple as walking barefoot along the beach, sitting outside with bare feet or walking around as much as possible, with bare feet, outside. These days, though it can be difficult to get all that outside time, there is another choice. The use of conductive devices that will allow you to be earthed whilst sleeping or working inside, thereby protecting you from environmental EMF’s whilst giving you the benefits of the Earth’s natural healing energies. Sound too good to be true doesn’t it? Only this time it truly is TRUE! 38

Greg Menz B.App.Sc. / Alexander Technique.


Email: Mob: 0434 544 834 For any further information or enquiry on conductive products use the above contact details.

The House Sitting Experience

by Debbie Ducic

Imagine what life would be like if you had no rent to pay, no mortgage and no utility bills waiting for your money each month. What would life be like if you had the freedom to travel from time to time, not as a tourist, but with the opportunity to actually spend some quality time “as a local” and truly experience the people, places and cultures by living amongst them. How would it feel if you were free of the burden to work your life away “just to pay the bills” and create an adequate income doing what you love wherever you are?

When we talk to people about the house sitting / pet sitting life, certain questions keep coming up:

Sound too good to be true?

I’m guessing you may have similar questions and many of them are answered on our website, Facebook, Google Plus, etc. But I would be happy to come back to each issue of this incredible magazine to share more of the House Sitting Experience with you! What would you like to know?

While I admit not everyone is in the position to live this dream and not all have the mindset or the desire to embrace the uncertainty that this lifestyle affords, for those who allow themselves to open up to the possibilities, the House Sitting Experience is a very real and fulfilling way to live life! I know first-hand, since my husband and I have been living it for over two years and have no desire to stop. In fact we are so passionate about it that we decided help others discover how it works and provide resources to help make it a reality for themselves.

“How do you find the homes you sit?” “Do you get paid?” “What do you do in between sits?” “What’s it like living in other people’s homes?” “What’s the wildest pet you’ve ever cared for?” “How do the home owners trust you enough to hand over their homes and pets to strangers?” “What’s the best and worst homes you’ve taken on?”

Debbie Ducic

aka GutZy Woman, aka Happy House Sitter 39

7 Keys to Writing Winning Grants You’ve done your research, planned the project and have quotes in hand. Now you need to write that grant application. So, what are the keys to writing that winning application? 1. Outcomes, outcomes, outcomes Grants are all about knowing and understanding the outcomes that the grant provider is aiming to achieve. Ensure up front that your grant application addresses these, and provides evidence that your project will deliver or contribute to these outcomes. Nearly all the tips here relate to demonstrating you can deliver on those outcomes. 2. Check out previous grant recipients Get a feel for the types of projects that have received the grants in the past. Most grants offer lists of these on their website – check them out, get a sense of the range of things that meet their criteria and the amounts provided by the grant for different types of projects.


3. Make contact – more than once! Ring the contact number provided and have a chat about what you are planning. It is important to confirm that the project you are proposing, and the entity applying for the grant meets their criteria. You don’t want to go to all the trouble of putting it together and get tripped up over the eligibility criteria. You can also find out other useful information, like: the types of applications they usually receive, organisations they come from, how many are successful etc. The more you build rapport and get to know this person, the more information you will have to finesse your current – and future applications. This person will probably not be the decision maker, but they are employed to assist in getting quality grants through the door.

4. Its about community All grant offerings out there come down to providing community benefit. Your application needs to be explicit in how your project provides this. And by community, that means the larger community – its not enough that it will be of benefit to your own community or group. If it is government, they are seeking benefits delivered to the wider community – grants, after all, are being paid out of public money. It is also beneficial if there are promotional opportunities, and often these are stipulated. It’s similar with a corporate offering: they are wanting to promote the goodwill of their company and what it is providing to the community. For them, grants and sponsorships are an alternative to mainstream advertising. 5. Partner Grants carried out in partnership with other organisations stand a higher chance of being selected, so look for entities to collaborate with – if could be an organisation in your supply chain, someone with specialist expertise required for the projector a not for- profit organisation to whom you are providing the products or services. If there is a research component, universities are often keen to partner up. Partnership is also the current buzz word in government in these lean times. There is often a co-contribution that needs to be made with the grant – partnering helps to spread that investment, which may be contributed in the form of funds, products or work in kind. Of course, the partnering arrangement needs to be good for everyone.

6. Letters of support This is one of the first things you need to get going with. At least three letters of support is a rule of thumb – but check the application for how many are required. Often your local member and Council or are happy to provide letter, but they usually need a couple of weeks to turn it around, or a letter from the organisation or community group you are serving is good – and one also from their peak or over arching body. For all requests, make personal contact with the person, or their office and follow up with an email. Be sure to include some suggested text they can use in their letter, to make their job of responding as easy as possible. 7. Language Finally, wording and terminology make a difference. Once again, it comes back to meeting outcomes – and a sporting grant will express those in different ways to an arts grant,and it is best to respond accordingly. Again, this can be picked up from the documentation if you read for it, noting key words and phrases to use.

For further useful grant links, visit the grants page on VisionDesign’s website

There you have it: the seven keys for getting grant funding coming in. Next month’s article will focus on finding the right grant for your project. Janis Hanley is the principal consultant for VisionDesign which specialises in community based projects and policy development. Janis has a passion for local heritage places and museums. Contact Janis by emailing All the very best of luck with securing that grant! 41

List of Contributors Amanda McCall

Andy Henderson

Angela De Palma

Debbie Ducic

Greg Menz

0434 544 834

Ingrid Cliff

Jeff Withers

Janeece Giraldo

Janis Hanley

Jennie Gorman

Kerstin Rheinlander

0448 958 366

Leon Jay

Michelle Ovens

Paul Humphreys

Samantha Lyttle

Tove Vine

Disclaimer: The opinions and viewpoints expressed in Connexions Business Magazine do not necessarily represent those of the editor, staff or publisher or any Connexions Unlimited staff or related parties. The publisher, Connexions Unlimited personnel are not liable for any mistake, misprint or omission. All information contained in Connexions Business Magazine is intended to inform and illustrate and should not be taken as financial, health, legal or accounting advice. You should seek professional advice before making any business related decisions. We are not liable for any losses you may incur directly or indirectly as a result of reading Connexions Business Magazine. Reproduction of any material or contents of the magazine without written permission from the publisher is strictly prohibited.

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