Connexions Business Mag - #7 December 2012 Issue

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C onnexions Business Magazine

Is The World About To End? Create 2013 to be what you want Recognition : Babies cry for it, grown men die for it

Photography by Kerrin Smith

Does your business need a Code of Conduct? Mental and Emotional Focus the Key to Success (Part B) Get Paid what you are Worth

Tony Ryan and Jennie Gorman

From the Editor

From Jennie’s Desk As 2012 comes to an end, with Christmas and a new year looming, I feel that it is time to look back and see what blessings we have had in 2012 and consider what is possible for 2013. This has been a fabulous year for me personally wonderful personal and business friendships developed, business flourishing and moving forward, with a clarity that has new and exciting adventures for the future. MasterMind groups continue to develop and grow. The programme changes and is enhanced with every group and I thank all the members who have helped with this development. Five groups ran this year, all with their own flavours. I have felt honoured to have been witness to some incredible growth and development in so many of the participants. Special thank you for the support from the specialist speakers this year : Helen Bichel, Julie Mason, Brad Hauck, Gabby Button and Libby Butler. I have also enjoyed presenting various subjects to members too. Two groups will continue on into 2013 with another four groups to start. New facilitators will be part of the growth with many new groups commencing outside SE Queensland during 2013. Networking Chats has continued to grow and present some incredible speakers. Special thank you to Andy Monks, Paul Humphreys, Peter Levick, Simone De Haas, Edward Gifford, Jeremy Britton, Josephine Thomson and Tony Ryan. I am grateful for the wonderful thought provoking information these people have brought to members this year. We have settled in well to our venue at Una Vita which has been great owing to challenges earlier in the year.

Business Ideas Brisbane has continued also to give great information to members with wonderful speakers as well. My special thanks go to Paul Humphreys, Natasha Howie, Angela De Palma, Tam Ho, Andy Monks, Brett Chamberlain, Helen Bichel and Geoff Moller for their support and willingness to give good information for small business owners. This year for me with Dale Beaumont and his Business Blueprint programme commenced with a trip to Thailand and three trips to Sydney for conferences. I am in awe of this group of professional people. Dale gives 100% to us all. Our webinars, follow up sessions and general information passed between members has been fabulous. Special thanks to Dale from bringing this all together. Connexions Business Magazine has flourished. This is the 7th issue and I am delighted with the feedback and the calibre of the article writers. If you are interested in being part of this e-magazine, please let me know. Advertising opportunities are there for anyone wanting to be part of this. Over the year I have been privileged to attend other networking groups ‌ TKTN, B2B, Terri Cooper, SHEentrepreneur, North Lakes Business Group to name a few. There are many good groups out there so let me know what you are looking for and I will help you find the RIGHT group for you. I believe networking needs to be niched and it is important you know where your niche is! Not every group is for everyone, so choose wisely where you spend your time and money, and who you spend it with.

May the good times and treasures of the present become the golden memories of tomorrow. Wishing you lots of love, joy and happiness.

Happy Christmas and may 2013 bring you all your wishes and desires!

Networking Chats 12 Nov.12 Photography by Kerrin Smith

Testimonial Page Natasha talks about Masterminding

Networking Chats November 2012 video

Rose Gibbens said: Loved the workshop. Great teaching. Met some excellent new business people with big hearts and a GIVER attitude. Well done Jennie. You added your own special brand of magic and warmth to the day. Rose Gibbens, Paul Humphreys said: “I attended Jennie Gorman’s Setting Goals workshop. She has another one coming up quite soon, and I fully recommend it! You can do goal-setting on your own, and you should continually, but it’s amazing how much better you can do it in a group session with an expert like Jennie facilitating, and you come away with the basis for a REAL plan for the next year. Don’t think about it - just do it! Paul Humphreys , Madonna Robinson said: “Had an amazing one on one Mastermind session with Jennie Gorman today. If you are looking for a professional networking and business mentor, speak to Jennie. Her knowledge of small business is outstanding.” Madonna Robinson May-King Tsang said: If you are a seasoned networker or right at the beginning of your relationship building journey, you will go away from one of Jennie’s workshops and learn something. Thank you Jennie. May King Tsang Gail Timms said: “Thanks Jennie Gorman for such a very informative workshop. It was great to see so many business people there all wanting to learn how to improve what they were doing as well as monetising networking. Your knowledge and wisdom is immense. Again, many thanks.” Gail Timms, Rhonda Brown said: “Thank you Jennie Gorman for the ‘Power Hour’ with me today. During the time together my expectations were met and I now have a direction on how to build my Rhonda Brown Artist business. I realise this will take time, however I am so excited about the process ahead of building a profile and connecting with so many awesome people. Thank you for suggesting so many practical and simple ways to do this. Such a valuable and powerful hour!” Rhoda Brown,

Table of Contents

08 Is the World About To End? by Tony Ryan

The concept of self-fulfilling prophecies is more than just a theory. It is often referred to as the Pygmalion Effect.

10 Create 2013 to be what you want ….

It is now time for reflection on what we achieved and where we didn’t in 2012, whilst looking toward 2013 with enthusiasm and excitement for what we will become not only in ourselves but for our business.

28 Christmas in China

All the teachers had been told not to tell the Christmas story about the birth of Jesus as China is not a Christian country and we could get into trouble by teaching the student about Christianity.

30 Business Principles Series -

Part 2: Maintain An Open Mind

12 Have you stopped to think that your money

If a company is to continue to grow and improve the quality of its products and its market, its leaders must maintain an attitude of open-mindedness.

How would you support yourself if it did? How would you get by if you had no one to turn to and no source of income bar the pension?

Help people think better - don’t tell them what to do. That’s the advice from a new management practice for today’s corporate realities.

could run out long before you need it to; leaving you old, broke, and alone?

14 AUSTISM and EMF’s

‘Radio frequency radiation is the only known toxin, exposure to which is wholly correlated with the repeatedly documented increased incidence of autism.’

16 Responsibility

Consider responsibility as your “response ability” … your ability to respond. Remember “the event is nothing, the way you respond is everything!”

32 The Move to Quiet Leadership

34 Do you know YOUR Why?

Knowing your WHY is one of the hardest questions for most new business owners to answer.

35 MASTERMINDING and how it can help you in your business

Being a sole entrepreneur or business owner, we share very similar characteristics and qualities. We dream big, and enjoy the thrill of success.

18 The Value and Importance of Having a 36 Mental and Emotional Focus the Key to Home Styled for Sale

Successful home and property owners look at styling their home for sale as an investment to get the extra dollar return and quicker sale.

20 RECOGNITION: Babies cry for it, grown men die for it

What does the kitchen hand who works in a run-down café, have in common with the CEO of a multi-million dollar company who sits in a leather high-back chair on the top floor of his own 45-story building?

22 Tough Nuts To Crack - Steeling Your Leadership

Decisive action and strength of mind is needed to crack the tough nuts.

24 Questions - Are the key to a successful life

Don’t get stuck thinking that life is like the ABC’s because in life sometimes Z actually comes before A to get you to the next step. Does your business need a Code of Conduct?

26 Does your business need a Code of Conduct? All businesses even small businesses need a Code of Conduct so employees are clear on the minimum standard of behaviour and conduct expected in the workplace.

Success (Part B)

On most occasions we face emotional and mental obstacles more so than physical issues when performing, yet most spend so much time on physical preparation at the expense of working on these obstacles.

38 Get Paid what you are Worth

One of the biggest struggles small businesses owners, consultants and coaches have is getting paid what they are worth.

40 Authenticity – Are you real or just adopting the latest Marketing Gimmick?

Authenticity is not a marketing strategy. It’s a way of life. Learning to be authentic is not about abandoning insincerity.

42 Naturally Behaving

Most people are too repressed to express themselves because they are overly self-conscious. They become obsessed with worry about what other people might think about them and set about trying to make an impression.

44 Inflammation – Is It the Fundamental Cause of all Disease?

I did a Google search for “Chronic Inflammation and Disease” and got over 10,000,000 results. Obviously it is a hot topic and there is much research being done in this area.

Networking Chats 12 Dec.12 Photography by Kerrin Smith

Is The World About To End?? by Tony Ryan

I recently overheard a group of people in conversation. To a person, they were lamenting the state of the world today. In most circles, we’d call them prophets of doom. And the pending holocausts (at least in their minds) seemed to be something that they wanted to see. Blowed if I know, but they appeared to be getting their kicks out of believing that something terrible is imminent. Part of the issue, for me, is that this group of people live in one of the most affluent countries on the planet, every one of them has (reasonably) stable employment, and, as far as I could tell, they seemed to be quite healthy. Well, physically anyway. In the most literal sense of the expression, they really do need to get a life. Now don’t get me wrong here. Perhaps there will be a series of difficult issues up ahead. I’m no Pollyanna; and I support the contentions that the world presently is carrying too much debt, and that we need to act on global warming immediately, and that there are still massive gaps between the haves and have-nots on a wide variety of resource issues. However, I also know that the collective human spirit, when suitably inspired, will overcome anything. Without exception. Our history is replete with examples of this application of spirit. However (and it’s a BIG however), it’s still a matter of individual and collective choice as to whether or not we make the effort to release that spirit. We each, and together, create our own lives through the choices that we make every day. Here’s an abject reality. If you think that your life is going to be miserable, it probably will be.

Here’s another reality. If 7 billion people think that the world has a miserable future, then it probably will be. The concept of self-fulfilling prophecies is more than just a theory. It is often referred to as the Pygmalion Effect. The self-fulfilling prophecy, in other words. If you are convinced that something is going to happen, it actually is more likely to occur. You will sub-consciously (and sometimes even consciously) create situations that are more likely to take place. So, given all of that, I have two questions for you: Q.1. Out of ten, what would you predict the next five years of your life to be like? (one would be horrendous, five would be OK, ten would be extraordinary) Q. 2. Out of ten, what would you predict the next five years of life on this planet to be like? I’m giving myself a 9.5, and the world a 9. And you know what? I’ll bet that, for me, it’ll probably be about right. So what are your scores? And here’s my very specific point about all of this. What’s the average score for all of humanity right now? Because, whatever it is, that’s probably where we’ll end up. And that’s why, when I overhear groups of people in conversation, I would hope to hear people talking about inspiring possibilities, in which we will collectively release our human ingenuity and spirit. In your very next dialogue, please focus on the inspiration of solution. And encourage others to do the same. Blog: 8 Connexions Business Mag

2012 December - 2013 January 9

Create 2013 to be what you want …. by Jennie Gorman

It is now time for reflection on what we achieved and where we didn’t in 2012, whilst looking toward 2013 with enthusiasm and excitement for what we will become not only in ourselves but for our business. Goal setting has been around for a very long time. It gives one the opportunity to consider what they want now and in the future. If we don’t have goals our lives will go downhill very fast. We need, as humans, something to look forward to in the future, no matter how big or how small. So, what are you wishing for your future? What advantages are you going to create for yourself? Have you started to write down what you want from 2013 yet? If not, it is time to think about it so that you can take the RIGHT action steps to achieving your dreams. If you put your wants and needs onto paper, you will find that they will eventuate, more often than not, sometime in the future. I was fortunate to have spent time and learned some very basic rules from Jim Rohn, known as the ‘business philosopher of the 20th century’. Jim taught me valuable structures around goal setting to make sure I was on-purpose in my life. I have done my best to adhere to much of what he taught and now teach many of his principles myself.

Jim Rohn said goals must be: ‘Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-sensitive. I really like this acronym SMART, because we want to be smart when we set our goals. We want to intelligently decide what our goals will be so we can actually accomplish them. We want to set the goals that our heart conceives, that our mind believes and that our bodies will carry out.’ For me, using the framework that Jim Rohn created of SMART goal setting makes sense. To achieve what we want to achieve, we need to make sure that each goal, be it for the short term (90 days) or long term (10 years) we need to understand the components that are necessary to make the goal become reality. Let’s take a closer look at each of the components of Jim’s SMART goals and see if they are your parameters too… Jim Rohn’s first thing was always to be Specific: ‘A SMART goal is specific. Goals are no place to waffle. There’s no place to be vague. Ambiguous goals produce ambiguous results. Incomplete goals produce incomplete futures. When we are specific, we harness the power of our dreams and set forces into action that empower us to achieve our goals. We then know exactly what it is we are shooting for. There is no question. As we establish our priorities and manage our time, we do so for a specific goal to achieve the results we expect. There is no wondering or guessing. The future is locked into our minds and we see it – specifically – and that is powerful! Never underestimate just how important it is to have very specific, concrete goals. They act as magnets that draw you toward them!’

For those in south east Queensland, I am running a workshop on Thursday, 17th January on ‘Create 2013 to be what you want … ‘. For more information go to : or email me at

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Then Jim would want to know if it was MEASURABLE. ‘Always set goals that are measurable. I would say “specifically measurable” to take into account our principle of being specific as well. Our goals should be such that we know when we are advancing and by how much. Whether it is by hours, pounds, dollars or whatever, we should be able to see exactly how we are measuring up as we proceed through the journey of life using our goals. Could you imagine if you didn’t measure your goals? You would never know which way you were going or even if you were going anywhere!’ The next thing you need to ask yourself, is it ATTAINABLE? This is where many of us make the error in goal setting. It is easy to be unrealistic when it comes to what is and what isn’t attainable in any set time. Jim suggests … ‘One of the detrimental things that many people do – and they do it with good intentions – is to set goals that are so high they are unattainable. Yes, it is very important to set big goals that cause your heart to soar with excitement, but it is also imperative to make sure that they are attainable. In the next section we talk about being realistic. So what does it mean to be attainable? An attainable goal is one that is both realistic but also attainable in a shorter period of time than what you have to work with. Now when I say attainable, I don’t mean easy. Our goals should be set so they are just out of our reach; so they will challenge us to grow as we reach forward to achieve them. After the next paragraph, I will give you an example of a goal that is both attainable and realistic.’

‘ The root word of realistic is “real.” A goal has to be something that we can reasonably make “real” or a “reality” in our lives. There are some goals that simply are not realistic. You have to be able to say, even if it is a tremendously stretching goal, that yes, indeed, it is entirely realistic — that you could make it. You may even have to say that it will take x, y, and z to do it, but if those happen, then it can be done. This is in no way to say it shouldn’t be a big goal, but it must be realistic. This is to a great degree, up to the individual. For one person a goal may be realistic, but for another unrealistic. I would encourage you to be very honest with yourself as you do your planning and evaluation. Perhaps it would be good to get a friend to help you (as long as that friend is by nature an optimist and not a pessimist). This can go a long way toward helping you know what is realistic.’ Example of Attainable and Realistic: Knowing that perhaps you could use a bit of help differentiating attainable and realistic, here is an example: You are overweight and have 150 pounds to lose to get to your proper weight. Is that goal attainable? Yes, considering that you also make it realistic. For example, it isn’t realistic to think you can do it in 5 months. 18-24 months would be realistic (with hard work). Thus, losing 150 pounds in 2 years is both attainable and realistic, while losing 150 pounds in 5 months is neither attainable nor realistic.

It is easy to set goals for our future, but how realistic and achievable are they in the time you have set to achieving? Jim would say that for a goal to come to fruition it must be REALISTIC. Here is the reason that New Year’s Resolutions don’t work or last very long.

December 12, Networking Chats Video

Continue reading on page 45... 2012 December - 2013 January 11

Have you stopped to think that your money could run out long before you need it to; leaving you old, broke, and alone? by Janeece Giraldo

How would you support yourself if it did? How would you get by if you had no one to turn to and no source of income bar the pension? Like many women you may struggle to answer these questions. After all, we know from research that women generally work and earn less than men, and that they are less likely to take control of their finances (and lack the motivation to do something about it). Unfortunately, many women ARE finding themselves struggling financially in later life. You may even know women who live off the pension and have no cushion to fall back on. This is a common scenario – and it could easily happen to you. Of course, the likelihood of you living a fulfilled and satisfying life after retirement depends entirely on your financial habits and circumstances before retirement… In short, does your money run out before your month does? If so, then it’s more than likely that it will also run out before your life does. Ask yourself a couple of these quick questions: • Do you live in hope that your super will support you after retirement? • Do you often find yourself using your credit card for bills with the intention of repaying it when you can? • Do you live week-to-week, pay-check-to-pay check (and is your account close to empty by the end of the week)? • Do you often suffer from overdrawn fees? • Do you miss out on small pleasures because of your fears regarding money? If you can say yes to any of those questions, then you are in the right place…

12 Connexions Business Mag

You see, even though many women do struggle financially in later life, there are also many women (from all walks of life) who live financially comfortable lives before and after retirement. Many of these women start from a base similar to yours. In our experience, your attitudes to money and finances are learned from your parents, your partners, your friends, and your circumstances. The beauty of this is that positive financial behaviours can be learned as a replacement for the negative financial behaviours you may have picked up from these places. What does this mean for you? Essentially, this means that if you do have negative financial habits, beliefs, or behaviours, you can replace them with positive ones. If you are willing to take action and take control of your finances then you (and your family) can reap the rewards. Here’s how we can help you get the ball rolling… At WIN Financial, we operate regular Wealth Coaching for Women Courses that can answer all of your questions about money, and show you how to take control of your finances. These courses show you how you can go from your current financial circumstances to a financially prosperous and confident lifestyle. Best of all, these courses are affordable, informative, and guaranteed to be worth your time – or your money back.

For more information go to:

2012 December - 2013 January 13

AUTISM and EMFs by Donna Fisher

‘Radio frequency radiation is the only known toxin, exposure to which is wholly correlated with the repeatedly documented increased incidence of autism.’ - Dr Robert C Kane PhD 2004

The autistic-child syndrome, first noticed in 1943 by well known child psychiatrist Dr Leo Kanner, has had an alarming increase in recent years, which parallels the staggering increase in artificial EMFs - the silent and invisible electromagnetic fields that permeate our lives. American advocacy groups call autism ‘fastest growing developmental disability in the United States’. Dr Darold Treffert calculated a rate of autism of less than 1 in 10,000 during the 1950s in the USA. By 1966 Dr Victor Looter found the rate of autism to be 4.1 per 10,000 children. With the spread of residential electrification during the 20th century dirty electricity – unwanted radio frequencies riding along the wiring - weaved its way along the electrical wiring in all countries. The way our electricity was produced changed in the mid-1970s which created higher levels of dirty electricity which parallels with cases of autism soaring again during the 1980s and 1990s. USA statistics report by 1997, autism rose to 1:500, by 2007 - 1:150 and by 2009 - 1:91. Dr Robert Becker cautioned back in 1990 that ‘the apparent onset of autism as a clinical condition in the early 1940s does coincide with the marked increase in our usage of electromagnetic energy’. He believed it was vitally important to determine whether autism is the result of exposure to abnormal EMFs, either during the final stages of foetal life or at the early newborn stage.

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The younger the person exposed to radiation/ EMFs the more concern there is about biological effects. Foetal tissue along with breast tissue is the most sensitive tissue and the most sensitive to artificial radiation which is why women are asked if they are pregnant before x-rays are taken. Now we must also ask: “What is the GS measurement in your workplace and your home, particularly where you sleep?” What was the employment of the mother and father whose child has been diagnosed with autism? What is the GS measurement at the wall socket where they work in their employment and also in their home, in particular where the mother sleeps at night when she is pregnant? What is the GS measurement of the wall socket in the child’s room after the child is born? In 2003 the Republic of Kazakhstan very quickly mandated to protect its workers from dirty electricity at 50GS. The highly respected professor of Medicine and Science Dr Vladimir Kozlovsky of Kazakhstan suggests that women who are pregnant should not be exposed to computers at all. As the scientists in Kazakhstan developed the Russian space and nuclear weapons programs it would be wise to heed their caution on this potent carcinogen.

Considering removing dirty electricity with STETZERiZER filters has shown changes in children with autism, removing these undesirable radio frequencies should result in a clearer picture of autism. These filters which plug into wall sockets in homes and workplaces capture these unwanted radio frequencies. A recent pilot research study has shown higher rates of babies born with autism where the mothers’ sleeping locations had high levels of radio frequency electromagnetic radiation. There is some anecdotal evidence that autistic children improve if the power quality in their environment is improved. Filtering the electrical environment can improve the power quality. Pregnant women working at computers in a dirty electrical field need to take precautions. Miscarriage is a known effect from undesirable electrical environments. If the foetus does survive it may explain why the list of new mental health disorders of the children of today is growing and increasing in numbers. When dirty electricity was removed from a workplace the pregnant women stopped miscarrying and those who could not fall pregnant managed to fall pregnant soon after. It is also a concern that pregnant women are often in indoor employment where they are under artificial lighting for such long periods of time. This situation is compounded by being exposed to dirty electricity inside buildings which alters the body’s natural electrical system leaving our bodies at risk from attack from other toxins. Heavy metal toxicity is known to be involved in autism and radio frequency radiation has been shown to redistribute heavy metals in the body. The introduction of electricity and electric lighting has kept many indoors during the day when our bodies should be absorbing sunlight at the appropriate time. Sunlight is composed of a variety of energies that are transmitted to Earth in the form of natural EMFs, the basic component from which all life originates, develops, heals and evolves. Vitamin D deficiencies in pregnant women and the rise in autism is another current area of research.

“What is your nmol/L measurement?” Avoiding and addressing heavy metal toxicity and the various artificial EMFs combined with optimum Vitamin D levels are increasingly being seen as important factors in the prevention and treatment of autism and autism spectrum disorders. Dirty electricity and vitamin D deficiency are known to impair DNA repair mechanisms. EMFs have also been shown to cause changes in the way DNA works and breaks. In what was considered a major breakthrough in April 2009 researchers found that DNA changes affecting genes related to early brain development are involved in as many as 15 percent of cases of autism. Are we now witnessing the downstream effects due to earlier generations being affected by the rise of these artificial EMFs? Asbestos was first discovered as a cause of illness in the early 1900s and classed as an occupational hazard as far back as 1936 yet it took until 1995 for its manufacture, use and export to be banned. What will be the human cost be if we continue to expose the highly sensitive brain to artificial and uncontrolled EMFs?

For more information contact Donna at

2012 December - 2013 January 15

Responsibility by Anthony Davis

Jim Rohn said, “You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself. That is something, the one thing, you have charge of.” When you take responsibility, life becomes easier! By accepting what is happening currently – your business is booming, your business is quiet, etc. - you are taking responsibility. This is the first step in overcoming challenges and creating new opportunities. When things are not going your way, the best way to turn it around is to take full responsibility. Only then is it possible to change. Without responsibility, blame takes over and spreads negative energy in all directions. Consider responsibility as your “response ability” … your ability to respond. Remember “the event is nothing, the way you respond is everything!” What can you see around you that you would like to change? Look inside yourself and see where you can take more responsibility around this matter and ... CHANGE! eg. If you would like more Ideal Clients – how many ‘Ideal Clients have you asked for referrals? TAKE RESPONSIBILITY TODAY!

For more information : 1800 242 366 16 Connexions Business Mag

The Value and Importance of Having a Home Styled for Sale

Style – Invest- Profit by Christine Marshall

On Saturday 10 April on the ABC Radio Real Estate Show ahome that was takingmonths to sell,although it was in a popular area near the city of Brisbane it had little interest and only a few viewings and offers in the mid $400.000s. The property eventually sold for mid $5,000.00 with over 38 viewing over a two/three week period.

‘How’ They owners took a new approach to re-market the property by having their empty property styled for sale. They chose to have the property completely Styled by hiring in new furniture that made the house look lived in and inviting with little or no work to be done. They also chose a new Real Estate Agent who knew the area, the target market, and what it takes to sell property in-today’s competitive real estate market.

Home Styling? Home Styling is the act of preparing a private residence for sale in the real estate marketplace. The goal of home styling is to make a home appealing to the highest number of potential buyers, thereby selling a property more swiftly and for more money. Styling techniques focus on improving a property’s appeal by transforming it into a welcoming, attractive product that anyone might want to purchase and call their own.

History Styling a home has always been part of the home owner’s responsibility. It was often as simple as keeping the grass cut and picking up dirty clothes.

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The seller’s agent would recommend actions if the owners did not understand the elements of presentation and what turned potential buyers from making an offer on their property, it was up to the homeowner to take action or not!! The Late-2000s recession turned real estate into a buyer’s market, wherein sellers look for any advantage to make their property stand out. Research (based on surveys of real-estate agents) states that home styling can reduce a listing’s time on the market by one third to half, and can fetch the reserved asking price or above than other homes not styled for sale with poor or no presentation. In Britain and America, home styling is sometimes referred to as Home Staging or Property Presentation. The techniques have been televised on television shows such as House Doctor, 60-minute makeover and many others. In Australia we have adopted both terms Home Styling and Home Staging. Many of use have watched TV Lifestyle shows such as Selling Houses Australia and the Block that shows property presentation is everything, by restoring and styling a property it helps get the higher asking price and/or sells faster.

Style, Invest, Profit ‘Why’

For home and property owners who are considering what are the benefits of investing in home styling, I can’t repeat enough times ‘styling reduces the amount of time a house is on the market and it helps to bring a higher price’. Remember, ‘investing in home styling is to make a home sell faster while getting you the maximum price’ making styling for sale a sound investment.

While some homeowners and property developers may look at home styling as an unnecessary cost when selling properties they often find their properties sitting on the market for months. When an offer eventually comes in they often accept a much lower price than anticipated. Investing in having a property “The cost of hanging onto a home longer than necessary can impact on how you move on with styled for sale would have saved them thousands. your life”. Successful home and property owners look at styling their home for sale as an investment to get the Using home styling investment tools and techniques extra dollar return and quicker sale. It’s important that are designed to help you move on with your to have a benchmark for home styling to assess life when you have: why investing in property styling can work for you. • Bought else where • New Job location Home styling really works. I’ve styled properties • Need to move quickly due to financial issues that have sold in 3 days and three weeks before • New school term going to Auction. The sellers were amazed at the • Separating offers and quick turn around by just making an in• Downsizing/ Retiring formed and constructive decision to invest in hav• Holidays ing their home styled for sale. “ You can’t afford to have your home sit on the For further information on having your home styled for sale, you can contact Christine. market for 6 months or more”

M: 0404 043 689 Meta - Home Styling Solutions E: 2012 December - 2013 January 19

RECOGNITION: Babies cry for it, grown men die for it by Dale Beaumont

What does the kitchen hand who works in a run-down café, have in common with the CEO of a multi-million dollar company who sits in a leather high-back chair on the top floor of his own 45-storey building? They both crave recognition! No matter where you are working, how much you earn or how hard you work, at the end of the day people crave recognition. People need to feel that they are important, that they matter and that they mean something. They want acknowledgement that cries: “Yes, I can see you, and I’m glad you’re here.” There’s a common perception among entrepreneurs and business owners that people are motivated by money. While the majority of people go to work in exchange for dollars, the truth is, if hard work was rewarded with beans then very few of us would still be doing it. However, money is not as big of a motivator for going to work as you may think. Various studies into the reasons why people leave their jobs have concluded that money’s influence is not that great. In fact, money struggles to make the top five reasons why people leave their jobs and rarely appears in the top three. Is this a product of a modern business environment? Perhaps not. In a highly-regarded study by Lawrence Lindahl in the 1940s, bosses and their employees were asked to list ‘What motivates the employees?’ Employees placed “appreciation of a job well done” at the top of the list, whereas bosses placed this characteristic at eight. Bosses listed wages as number one and promotion as number two. Similar results have been reproduced in the 80s and 90s. A more current study also explored the effectiveness of job-based incentives. ‘A personal thank you’ followed by ‘a note of appreciation from the manager’. Money didn’t even make the top five.

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Misconceptions of money being the ideal means to keep employees happy, productivity up and staff turn-over to a minimal may prove to be costly. High staff turn-over in particular will drastically affect you bottom line. Although difficult to quantify, studies suggest that every time an employee leaves you’re going to lose around 1½-2½ times the person’s annual salary, be them an entry level employee or senior management. So people want recognition: they want to know that their ideas are important, that there opinion is valued. They want to learn, grow and be challenged. And what’s more, recognition can be just as effective as giving someone a pay rise of $10,000. By this I mean, it is impossible to stand in front of a photocopier and duplicate hundred dollar notes. But you can photocopy awards and letters of acknowledgements repeatedly. By acknowledging an employee, you are essentially executing the impossible by printing $10,000 in the form of recognition. And it’s free!

So if recognition can motivate your employees and keep them happy, increase productivity, help retain staff and save you money in the process, why don’t people do it?

Answer: business owners think they understand their employees. Business owners sometimes forget that their commitment and hard work towards their business is not always going to be reciprocated by their employees. You have made sacrifices and you are willing to dedicate your life to helping your business grow, because it is yours. People don’t just want to be paid for their work – they want more.

Here are seven ways to recognise and reward people:

In Summary

1. Trophies and gifts Celebrate all business occasions or benchmarks. These may include particular milestones or sales targets. And don’t forget service awards. Recognise employees who have demonstrated loyalty and commitment to your company.

Be imaginative when recognising and rewarding your staff. Flowers, gift certificates, movie tickets – the possibilities are endless, so try to be unique and original. Understand that employees want more than just monetary rewards, and recognising their efforts through other means will have long term benefits.

2. Promotions People like to be challenged and will appreciate further training. Promotions are an ideal way of rewarding employees because people want responsibility and do not want to grow tiresome of the work they’re performing.

And a rule of thumb: criticise in private, recognise in public. Be sincere and don’t point out faults in character but in action. If you can do this effectively, you will not have to clean up any blood or tears in your business, because when it comes to recognition: babies cry for it and grown men die for it.

3. Compliments Do not underestimate the value of a compliment or a kind word. Compliments are a personal way to recognise great work and will keep you in touch with your employees. 4. Benefits Reward staff by providing company benefits that they can enjoy. This may include a new gym or child-care center or better working conditions such as air conditioning. 5. Wish list Give employees the choice about what they receive. Perhaps it’s a day-off or a new iPod. Crossing an item off an employee’s wish list sends the impression that you value their contributions to the business. 6. Training opportunities People want to be challenged. Provide your employees with further training opportunities to ensure they maintain interest in the job, and to allow them to grow with the business. 7. Give back time Reward employees with time-off or holidays. High demanding jobs can take its toll on employees and affect performances. No one will benefit from over-worked employees, and after-all, their hard work is for the success of the business.

Dale Beaumont is a young entrepreneur and the creator of the ‘Secrets Exposed’ series. Having now released over 15 best-selling business books (available in bookstores across Australia or from Dale has been featured in all forms of the media and has become a sought-after speaker. To discover more about Dale books, read his blog or to download other free articles and resources. 2012 December - 2013 January 21

Tough Nuts To Crack Steeling Your Leadership by John Milne

When I was a boy, Christmas was my favourite time of year. I looked forward to the stocking that would magically appear at the foot of my bed. Amongst the lollies, toys and gadgets were a bag of nuts with one hard round one waiting for the nut cracker. With my dad’s old hammer, I chased the runaway nut seeking greater skill and accuracy to taste its fruit. With practice and perseverance it came in a feeling of satisfaction and delight. In your job you will find tough nuts to crack. It may involve personality conflicts, toxic environments, rumours and gossip, social media attacks, budget blowouts or attacks on authority. How can you develop the skills and focus to allow you to taste the rewards of achievement and personal growth?

Decisive action and strength of mind is needed to crack the tough nuts. 1. Accurate, reliable recognisance and scanning. Go and see yourself or receive a reliable first hand report. Pick up all the clues. Look for patterns and trends. Create early warning signals. Build your own profile of events. 2. Comprehensive data flow in numbers and in stories. Use data cleverly by combining both quantitative and qualitative data. Use it responsibly. 3. A multi-skilled rapid response team at the ready. Assemble a talented team of specialists who have both expert knowledge and a proven can do ability. Delegate thoughtfully to make results more certain. 4. Timely action and interventions. Before small problems grow; try to nip them in the bud. Take preventative measures .Confront critics early. 5. Recovery and restoration. Pick up the pieces of the changes you have hammered out. This may involve new systems or strong emotions. A leaders’ actions, to crack the tough nuts, in times of crisis and in moments of calm, determine their credibility and standing in the organisation and in the wider community.

Call John Milne: Executive Coaching through directed discussion 0448357626 Web Shop:

22 Connexions Business Mag

2012 December - 2013 January 23

Questions - Are the key to a successful life by Jesus Balderas “The Coach”

I love this picture and quote. It really does say it all. Have you ever found yourself stuck, and you keep trying the same thing over and over again and it doesn’t quite work. That has happened to me often in my personal life and business. Sometimes, it is important to stop, and ask yourself a new set of questions and use your imagination. Don’t get stuck thinking that life is like the ABC’s because in life sometimes Z actually comes before A to get you to the next step. I find that when I don’t allow myself time to stop and breath, I do not tap into my imagination or creative self. So take time every day to be still and think about your biggest opportunities and greatest challenges. And, when you are doing this, keep asking yourself questions that can provide you with the solutions. My greatest successes have come when I do this. The solutions come more quickly.

Keys to asking quality questions: 1. Be solution focused rather than focus on the problem. 2. Consult your Mastermind Group with your Opportunity or Problem. 3. Research this issue. 4. And, ask yourself if by doing this, is it going to bring you closer to your goals or not. (If not, you may consider not doing it.)

To your success,

Jesus Balderas “The Coach” 24 Connexions Business Mag

2012 December - 2013 January 25

Does your business need a Code of Conduct? by Mandy Cann

Many business owners, especially small business owners can easily overlook the importance of a Code of Conduct in the workplace. Human Resource Consultant, MANDY CANN breaks down how and why having a Code of Conduct in place can help you avoid unnecessary employee discrepancies that may arise in then future. All businesses even small businesses need a Code of Conduct so employees are clear on the minimum standard of behaviour and conduct expected in the workplace. The Code is an essential part of the employment relationship where it sets clear, indisputable boundaries of behaviour and expectations for both the employee and employer. The Code plays an important role in setting the culture of the business but also informs employees of the way in which you, as the employer, want to do business. A working Code of Conduct needs to be done in consultation with your employees, you want ownership of the Code in your workplace. In drafting a Code areas to be included are: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

treatment of other employees treatment of customers/clients harassment discrimination conflicts of interest compliance with the law compliance with company policies drugs and alcohol use internet and email use private business on company time confidentiality of company information honesty quality of work health and safety environmental issues

26 Connexions Business Mag

As small businesses are time poor the Code of Conduct can make staff management easier and save time in the future as it is linked to the performance management system. A good case example is when an employee takes another job at night and is fatigued during the day being unable to do their job effectively, you would relate the performance management session to the Code of Conduct where they are expected to get prior approval for employment outside of your business. The external employment should have no effect on the performance of duties in your business which includes effects from a safety/fatigue management perspective. Finally just remember that the Code applies to everyone even you the business owner! If you would like to discuss how a Code of Conduct would benefit people management in your business, call Mandy on 0401 665 981.

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Christmas in China by Tove Vine

I enjoyed my first Christmas in Guangzhou, all the new and exciting experiences. Even though China is not a Christian country there was Christmas in the air. The shops were bulging with Christmas decorations, Christmas snacks and gifts. Fake Christmas trees were seen everywhere, decorated in the most distasteful way. English Christmas songs were played in the large department stores and restaurants throughout the month of November and December. Red Santa hats were seen everywhere. Yes indeed everywhere you went you would see people wearing red Santa hats such as hotels, hairdressers and restaurants. Of course the Western restaurants and fast food places such as Pizza Hut, McDonald, KFC and Starbucks (which are here in millions) all got into the Christmas spirit wearing Santa hats. Some of the Santa hats had long blond braids hanging down on each side and it was really strange to see a Chinese face and long blond braids hanging from the Santa hat. It didn’t seem to match. All teachers were teaching normal hours on Christmas day 25 December but I made sure Christmas day was a lovely day spent in the classroom. Jean, my TA, and I played educational games with the students and sang Christmas songs such as ‘Jingle Bells’ and ‘We wish you a Merry Christmas’. I had also prepared Christmas cards and a Christmas gift for each student. I told them Santa had brought the gifts flying in his sleigh pulled by 9 reindeers across the sky. All the teachers had been told not to tell the Christmas story about the birth of Jesus as China is not a Christian country and we could get into trouble by teaching the student about Christianity. That made me a little sad. I found that none of the young students or indeed older students as well, knew why we celebrate Christmas. “It is the most important Festival in Western Countries” I was told. I would say “Yes but why?” No one could tell me. In years to come, when the Chinese government became a little more relaxed about Christianity in China, I would have a wonderful time telling my students the real story about why we celebrate Christmas.

28 Connexions Business Mag

As the teacher were teaching Christmas day we decided to get together on boxing day for a Western Christmas and a teacher from Canada had found a restaurant which catered for a Canadian Western Christmas meal which was delivered to her apartment so we had a lovely Boxing day sharing gifts and eating delicious Canadian Christmas dinner. We finished the Christmas celebration by going to a wonderful Chinese dim sum restaurant sharing a meal of a selection of delicious dim sums. The night between 25th and 26th December all large department stores go through a huge transformation. I am sure little elves comes into the shop during the night disgusted like Chinese workers, removes all Western Christmas decorations and replaces them with Chinese New Year Decoration. Another huge shopping frenzy starts for everything the Chinese people need for the Chinese New Year celebration.

Tove Vine Miss Tove’s English School Teacher of English as a Second Language

Ruida Building 39 HuangPu Dadao Tian He District Guangzhou, Guangdong Province South China - Miss Toves English School 2012 December - 2013 January 29

Business Principles Series Part 2: Maintain An Open Mind by Caroline Miall

If a company is to continue to grow and improve the quality of its products and its market, its leaders must maintain an attitude of open-mindedness. They will ask their customers as well as all team members for feedback and ideas to help the company to continue its pattern of growth.

Understand that it isn’t always going to be positive, but know that most often it’s the negative criticism (assuming its constructive) that will make for the biggest positive change to your business.

As a Business Owner it’s wise to always be on the lookout for ways to keep current and competitive. Often these opportunities may first present themselves as unwanted challenges. Being open to change in your business and being willing to adapt to circumstances will make you more viable and resilient in the long run. In whatever capacity you employ your staff, they are often your main contact with your client and the public. They are the most valuable asset you have. They are also going to be the only ones, who know nearly as much about your business as you, and sometimes more! Ensure you choose the most qualified and enthusiastic people you can, and listen to what they have to say. Staff who are valued for their opinion, and feel they have a voice in an organisation will stay with you longer, and be better representatives for you, and will likely work harder. Then value the ideas as part of why you hired them. Don’t fall into the trap of feeling that only the compliant staff member is always the best one. And remember, if you use an idea from a staff member, make sure you acknowledge them for it! It’s not always easy to hear criticism or negative feedback, but it is a great deal easier to receive when you have specifically asked for it. Actively seek feedback/criticism and make it count, so that you will never hear it as a complaint against the business, which is far worse.

30 Connexions Business Mag

Collaborate with your industry fellows. You may be in competition with one another, but ultimately, those with the same goals as you, in the same industry, are going to be in a unique position to understand your challenges. Sharing information, ideas and solutions will help you with your problems as much as it will help others. A collaborative approach will help increase the profile of the industry, stabilise a fair rate for professional painters, and strengthen the trade for all involved in it.

2012 December - 2013 January 31

The Move to Quiet Leadership by Josephine Thomson

Help people think better - don’t tell them what to do. That’s the advice from a new management practice for today’s corporate realities. Josephine Thomson outlines the strategies for what has been labelled ‘quiet leadership’. It’s a complex and stressed out world in corporations large and small. Most workers are juggling dozens if not hundreds of emails a day, delivering results under significant time pressures, working on half a dozen big projects, dealing with politics, resources, difficult customers and all sorts of challenges. There is uncertainty, constant change, unexpected breakdowns and the odd calamity. And along comes a leader who wants to get them doing things differently. Changing an individual’s behaviour is not that different from managing a change process within a complex system such as a large company. In any change process you need a clear vision, to know exactly what your goals are before you start. You need to plan things out carefully and develop a realistic timetable, and you need people responsible for specific elements of the plan. For change to happen you need to make the whole change process, every part of it including the goals, plans, roles and milestones very explicit. Explicit means every component of the change process is clear and well understood by everyone, not just implicit, with people expecting others to understand what’s happening when this is not the case. Step one is to let them do all the thinking. ‘Ideas are like children: there are none so wonderful as your own’ Chinese fortune cookie, Killington, Vermont, Feb 2005 The best way to help others succeed is by helping them think things through for themselves. You are there on the sidelines cheering and supporting, but they are doing the thinking about the issues. Your focus is on helping them develop their commitment to thinking, helping them crystallize their thinking and encouraging them to make new connections. The key reasons why a self-directed approach is so powerful when we are helping people think anything through are:

32 Connexions Business Mag

To improve thinking: Firstly, we have to think things through ourselves before we decide to take any kind of action, and before we really ‘learn’ anything. ‘Self directed’ is the only way we learn, think, invent, create, problem solve, visualise, rethink, re-engineer, you name it, it all happens within a process of making our own connections. It comes down to whether we help people think better, or we get in the way of their thinking. If we want people to think better, then we should use the self-directed approach. To improve the quality of ideas: Somehow we believe we can think for people, when the reality is that no two brains are even remotely alike. What we think someone should be doing is just what our brain might want to do, but rarely has any relevance to how other people’s brains work. So if we want to improve the quality of people’s ideas, the quality of their thinking, our best option is to learn to help them process ideas better. For example, helping people crystallize ideas better, or find relationships between ideas, or prioritize ideas. To increase people’s motivation: When people make connections in their own mind there is a tangible release of energy, a discernible ‘aha’ moment that fills us with a desire to do something. On a physical level, this aha moment releases chemicals in the body to prime it for action. The energy created by insight is an important energy source to be harnessed. In the workplace there are many drains on our energy, including restrictions, policies and politics holding people back from expressing themselves. There is also often poor lighting, long hours, hundreds of emails every day, and many things people would much rather not be doing. As a leader we need to harness every possible energy source that might inspire better performance, and letting people come up with their own ideas is a deep well of motivation. As the quote says,’Ideas are like children: there are none so wonderful as your own’.

It’s less effort for everyone: When you try to think for people it takes a lot of mental energy on your part. We have to think really hard, and we almost always come up with the wrong answer for that person. The other person then spends their energy fending off your ideas instead of generating their own thoughts, then you start again and try something else... all told, there is quite a lot of wasted energy for both parties.

a self-directed approach. Giving people an answer does little but continue their dependence on you. Self-directed learning is a way of thinking, not just a strategy or technique. It’s a commitment to always help the other person do as much as possible of the thinking according to the way their wiring is set up - a commitment to getting them to make the connections themselves.

It’s faster: Many leaders think it’s their job to tell people what to do, to have the answers, to be the source of wisdom. Yet from watching hundreds of managers learn some basic coaching techniques and applying them, it is absolutely clear that in the same dialogue, you will get to an outcome, specifically an outcome where someone is going to take action in some way, in a fraction of the time using a self-directed approach than you would by making suggestions.

Of course there are times when a directive style is required in management. Firing people, and life or death emergencies, will require another approach. However, in general day-to-day work, if you want to improve people’s thinking, the rule of thumb is to get them doing the thinking about the issue rather than to think for them. Sounds simple enough, yet somehow this is a long way from the approach that happens day to day in most workplaces. Changing leaders’ styles to this new way takes more than just reading. It requires the creation of new wiring in individuals and in whole groups. The good news is that it can be done. It just takes some time and commitment, and of course, a lot of self directed learning.

Anytime someone comes to you wanting help thinking anything through, you have an opportunity to use a self-directed learning approach. This is when people say things like: ‘What do you think I should ...’, ‘I’m not sure what to ...’, ‘I really want to... but I’m not....’. These are statements that say people want help with their thinking. When you start to listen out for them you may notice that these dialogues are very common. They are happening constantly between management, peers and reports, right across every organization. That is not to suggest that in every conversation when someone says something like this you start using this approach. There are plenty of times when you don’t have ‘permission’ to have this kind of dialogue. People may just be venting anger or frustration and the last thing they are ready to do is think more deeply at that moment. A useful ‘flag’ for using a self directed approach is to pause any time we feel ourselves about to give advice, about to tell people what we would do or, want to share our experience or opinion. If it is appropriate to do this, it’s generally going to be appropriate to use a self-directed approach. People, especially long time managers, often ask when a self directed approach is the right approach and when should we be using other approaches. Managers often complain about constantly having to solve their people’s problems for them and, sometimes, it is the manager more addicted to this than the staff. If you want people’s thinking to improve, always use

Many people, when they first hear of this idea, feel there is some merit in the principal but are not yet ready to make the leap and take this on as a way of communicating. Quiet leaders, like any great coach, know that the most important factor necessary to create positive and sustainable change in others is to get the other person to come to an idea for themselves. You can learn more about this in Dr David Rock’s book, Quiet Leadership. Having twice survived cancer, including a brain tumour,

Josephine Thomson

shares her personal insights with people confronting their fears. Josephine is devoted to helping people overcome barriers as they reconnect with life and learn to express their authentic selves. 2012 December - 2013 January 33

Do you know YOUR Why? © Jennie Gorman 2012

Knowing your WHY is one of the hardest questions for most new business owners to answer. I find in my MasterMind Groups that most people who have been in business some time still can’t answer this question. I believe that if you do not understand the WHY of your business (and your life), what you want and what legacy you can leave behind, your why is not big enough to sustain you and your business in the long run. Being in business today is hard for solo and small business entrepreneurs and most often they have to do nearly everything themselves. Usually it is one person working hard to do the roles of up to 8 people. We all have our own innate gifts. These are the things we do without thinking and wonder at times why we get paid to the do them as they are so easy for us. It is the other things we have to do that aren’t easy and we struggle with, that have to be done, that take us out of our flow. For me, one of the most difficult parts of my business to contend with is the accounting side which is the most important part if I want to get paid! I now understand that this is not my innate gift so I need a good book keeper and an accountant to look after these things for me, explaining what I need to know and understand if my business is to be successful.

This is why outsourcing in business can change your world, allowing you the time to work on and with your innate gifts that you have to present to the world. So, getting back to your WHY! If your why makes you cry, you know you are doing what you need to be doing. When I talk about my WHY, I can’t help but cry, because for me it is my overwhelming passion and reason for being alive. I want to share this with others to give them the opportunities to achieve what they want to achieve, especially when it isn’t in their flow. We are all born with something special and often it is our hobby initially… until one day we realise that we have a special something that we can share with others. Whatever that is, and if it is all consuming, you will most likely find that this is the WHY that you have been blessed to have and to share. Only you can know your WHY. This is something that you need to sit with, think and write about, being aware of where your consciousness is and what you feel. What is your cause and belief? What inspires you to be who you are? Does it brings tears to your eyes? What brings up an overwhelming feeling in your heart that almost chokes you at times? Understand that, and you will know your WHY! 34 Connexions Business Mag


and how it can help you in your business by Natasha Howie

Being a sole entrepreneur or business owner, we share very similar characteristics and qualities. We dream big, and enjoy the thrill of success. We are ambitious, creative and resourceful. We are powerful creators who sculpt and shape our own destinies, and through our businesses, customers and staff have an underlying need to make a difference.

8 months in, I am so grateful to be part of my Business Mastermind Group. The referrals from the group so far have more than covered the cost of joining the group, which is extremely cost effective anyway.

We live and breathe self-empowerment… yet, no matter how motivated we are, how experienced we are, or how much success we have accomplished… there are times where being in business seems to be overwhelming. There is always so much more we need to do in our business. With the rapid advancement of the web, social media and communication technologies, there is always so much more to learn and keep up with. There are times when we feel trapped working in our businesses, knowing full well that we desperately need to be working on our businesses.

I have fabulous colleagues in my group whom I have grown to respect and appreciate greatly. They are extremely supportive of me in my business… it’s like having my own board of directors, sounding boards, confidants, and close group of friends.

My business acumen has gone to a whole new level and my mind has been opened up to many new possibilities and insightful viewpoints.

Masterminding has such power and magic in it, and Jennie Gorman does such an excellent job at facilitating and hand selecting the right group mix. I would highly recommend Business Mastermind Group as a MUST for all business owners who want to rapidly grow and expand their business.

Being a business owner can be isolating and challenging, and may feel like no one else understands. So what is the solution? Personally, I have paid the big bucks for business coaches and consultants with varying results… nothing that has made a significant impact outside of my own hard work and ingenuity. When I joined Business Mastermind Groups, I really didn’t have any idea as to the potential impact it would make on my business and on my life. 1300 884 155 2012 December - 2013 January 35

Mental and Emotional Focus the Key to Success (Part B) continued from Issue 6 By Jeff Withers

Think back for a moment on your performance at an event where things didn’t go as planned. What got in the way – poor concentration, bad mood, nervousness, self-doubt, poor discipline, lack of enthusiasm (you get the idea). Was there any physical reason you didn’t perform as hoped? On most occasions we face emotional and mental obstacles more so than physical issues when performing, yet most spend so much time on physical preparation at the expense of working on these obstacles.

So many people struggle with success, either on the way up, or simply trying to stay there. How can you control this focus, turn it on and up at will, use it to reach inside to push that little bit further. The key to being your best is to train your mind and emotions as well as your body. Your emotional and mental focus is always being tested. However, while training your body to utilise key physical skills and behaviours is reasonably “easy”, mental and emotional responses and habits are very difficult to change. So, for top performances to be consistently achieved, a blend of approaches that trains all three elements – physical, mental and emotional – is necessary.

36 Connexions Business Mag

Ask yourself this: ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ►

How good am I at concentrating, especially under pressure? How would I rate my self-discipline? How motivated am I to do something and do I really believe I can do it? Do I have a sense of positive self-expectancy when doing something? How influential is my self-talk – my internal dialogue - when engaging with others? Can I create a picture in my mind what I need to achieve before I start do something? When I am about to “perform”, what do I feel, and where is this feeling inside me? How determined and persistent am I when things are not going to plan?

Your responses are not as important as this question… what are you going to do with what you have discovered about yourself. There are a number of positive qualities that are found in champions across all sports as well as in the business world? They all relate to “self” – awareness, esteem, control, motivation, expectancy, image, discipline and projection.

Interestingly, every one of these qualities is grounded in mental or emotional elements – they are not physical, but they do have an overbearing influence on the outcome of physical performance. If I have given you food for thought, then great, but not great enough, because that is only the first step.

Jeff Withers, Personal Change Architect

0409 063 239

2012 December - 2013 January 37

Get Paid what you are Worth by Steve Major

One of the biggest struggles small businesses owners, consultants and coaches have is getting paid what they are worth. Pricing our services is a huge opportunity but also one that generates a lot of fear and uncertainty. We don’t want to be too expensive and not get any work but also we don’t want to be too cheap and be working flat out and not getting ahead. Pricing is one of the 4 P’s of marketing along with product, place and promotion yet too often we do not consider price as a marketing strategy. It gets neglected yet if we unleash the power of pricing there are huge profits available but importantly we can then really achieve what we want to do in business. So what are some of the problems that are holding us back....

If we are pricing ourselves too cheap we will attract cheap clients. Part of being a premium brand is the that the price reflects the quality. An important element of this signaling is the practice of discounting. When we give a discount we are sending a signal. I believe we should never discount. If necessary add more value - don’t reduce the price. What is your story? The most powerful brands in the world have created a story, a narrative or an identity around which people follow or attach themselves too. Harley Davidson has mastered this story. As has Apple, Moleskine and even Starbucks (in the USA). Now those of us in small business say but that is easy for the big guys. I believe it is easier for us. We need to have a story around our service or products to which the clients can identify. This builds our pricing power.

There is both and art and a science to setting a price for what we do. Often time though we get caught simply into putting a time basis to the setting a price i.e. I need to earn $x per hour or per day. People are never buying our time. They are buying the results, the solutions to their problems. If that takes 5 mins or 5 days it does not matter. The value lies in the solution not the time. Therefore we need to get away from time.

Now for the big one. What is the true value of what you do? Do you know how to clearly articulate the essence of the value of your services and products. Not the features or benefits but the real value. Important part of this question is a tough question. Do you truly believe in the value of what you do? That is a confronting question but please think hard about it. If you struggle to articulate the value then you might be struggling to be convinced of the value yourself. That is a bold statement but the problem for us in setting prices is ourselves.

We need to remember that price is a signal. Through the price we set we are sending a signal to the market as to what they can expect. What signals are being sent by your pricing?

The keys to getting paid what you are worth are (1) clearly articulating your value (2) developing a compelling story and (3) understanding the art and science of pricing.

Free video course available - Get Paid what you are worth 38 Connexions Business Mag

About Jennie... Margaret Wilmink says: Jennie, I just wanted to let you know what being a part of your Mastermind Group has done for me. When I came into the group I thought I knew where my business was going, I felt it was on track and still wanted to be part of the process to achieve a goal I had set.

Network Marketing is still a business not really understood by all and yet there was the ability, with the group’s business competence, to be able to support me and give me ideas to expand my business. That is the power of Mastermind - the collective intelligence and the willingness to support others in the group, the ability to share because of the confidentiality within the group. Where else can one get a group of people working together to support each other’s business?

The interesting thing that happened through the process was that my goal was not achieved and Thank you for the space to the learning was that I had set a goal that was not grow myself and my business. within my ability to achieve at that particular time. I have learned that I needed to work on my business rather than in it. The group challenged me to think differently about where my business was going. The process of your Mastermind Group gave me the ability to clarify where I was and what I needed to do to get to where I wanted to be.

Margaret Wilmink

Authenticity – Are you real or just adopting the latest Marketing Gimmick? by Trish Jenkins

Authenticity is not a marketing strategy. It’s a way of life. Learning to be authentic is not about abandoning insincerity. It’s learning to let our professional guard down to show more of who we really are. That engenders trust, an essential ingredient for business. If you treat authenticity as simply a marketing strategy, you will be easily found out. Your online presence will confirm or betray you. For example, a financial planner wanted to connect with me online. In my speaking business, I teach Due-Diligence. The first step in checking someone out is to look for inconsistencies in their online presence. I found his personal profile page and was disgusted at the content. Not only did I not friend him, I would not trust him in business either. He was clearly not what he presented. Instead of “creating” an authentic online presence, be the quality person you want to project. If the real you is offensive, touchy or not skilled enough, do honest personal or professional development, so your authentic self is a good business prospect! You don’t have to be perfect, just be genuine. Authenticity requires the courage to be vulnerable. It’s a key to overcoming Adversity. Not everyone will like the “real you.”

Well, newsflash, not everyone liked the one dimensional professional “you” either. Being real will build your network and customer base because it will build trust. When I came home from 8 months in prison, I was broken. I had a manuscript for a book that would warn others not to be fooled by a fraud as I had been. Yet I was afraid to publish. I feared disapproval and ridicule. Finally I decided my message was more important that my pride. If anyone was to find out, it had to come from me! I had to be totally authentic and therefore, vulnerable. To my surprise and delight, people responded positively. Today, when I speak on keys to overcoming adversity; the evidence is both on and off-line. I even have pictures to prove it! When your brand, your promises and your delivery are consistent with your character and personality, you will attract your kind of customers. Be brave and show people who you are. You know they are only one click away from finding out anyway...

Authenticity tips Do:

Inject your personality into your business Live up to your brand’s promises in life and business Realise every post, every rant, every nasty snipe is a reflection of you and your business Apologise when necessary, and sometimes when not necessary Be gracious under attack (from less authentic sources)


Let it all hang out Express every stupid or angry thought to a public forum Subject people to your profanity, unless absolutely sure it appeals to your niche Publicly vilify or undermine someone you have a grievance with Criticise your competition Be afraid to be yourself

Trish Jenkins

is a speaker and author on fraud warning signals and overcoming adversity.


to receive Chapter Four “How Predators Choose their Prey,” from her book “Weapons of Cash Destruction: Protect Your Fortune from Fraud.”

2012 December - 2013 January 41

Naturally Behaving By John Mulvey

Most people are too repressed to express themselves because they are overly self-conscious. They become obsessed with worry about what other people might think about them and set about trying to make an impression. Getting focus off self is the only way to be natural and express your true self. First thing in the morning is a good way to start, by standing naked in front of the bathroom mirror and accepting your reflection. Until you can do that and be satisfied with what you see, then being completely at ease in any company will remain a challenge. Doing the best you can with what you’ve got, and covering up of course with suitable clothing, will enable you to face the world and focus on other people. Worrying about you hair, or if your tie is straight, shoes polished, nails clean and wearing appropriate jewellery is a waste of time once you’re in the real world. Of course neatness is important, but the time to attend to that is before you go out and about. Meeting and greeting ought to be about having your focus on the other person or people. What other people think about you is really none of your business and beyond your control. In fact, most people are too concerned worrying what other people are thinking about them to be thinking about you! Behaving in a natural manner means showing emotion and letting yourself go. Laugh if you’re amused, show excitement if aroused, display passion about your chosen sport. Take a risk that the real you will be acceptable and allow people to see behind the mask. Learn to express your feelings in the open and throw off the cloak of fear that holds most people back. Don’t set out to make an impression if you want to be accepted for who you are. The only way for that to happen is to be you and express yourself honestly.

42 Connexions Business Mag

Behaving naturally and expressing yourself is the path to heartfelt communication. In fact, communication seldom takes place unless the message comes from the heart. Free yourself by suspending belief and giving you the chance to experience life. You’ll begin to discover all manner of things about yourself and others. By being you, those in the world around you will feel free to express themselves more completely. You might start the, ‘It’s O.K. to be me’ society. Getting to know who you really are; what you are capable of and able to do will be revealed when you start behaving naturally in public. Discarding long held beliefs based on upbringing, environment and other people’s influence is a journey well-worth commencing. Give way to the urge to express who you are and how you feel about relationships, finance, spirituality and success. This is the path to happiness because happiness is the way, and being happy about the capacity to express exactly what you feel will set you free.

Creative Presentations

2012 December - 2013 January 43

Inflammation – Is It the Fundamental Cause of all Disease? By Greg Menz

I did a Google search for “Chronic Inflammation and Disease” and got over 10,000,000 results. Obviously it is a hot topic and there is much research being done in this area. Acute inflammation is part of the bodies healing mechanism and is characterized by redness, swelling, pain, and heat. It is the way our body heals itself. There is another type called chronic inflammation, and this is where a lot of the research is being done. It is low grade and systemic and is being thought of as a potential driver of so many of our well known chronic health problems, from auto immune disorders, heart problems, strokes, cancer, Alzheimer’s and so on. It is potentially a huge problem but there is an easy way to test for it. It is called C-reactive protein and it is produced by the liver in response to this inflammation. Elevated levels can be a precursor to heart attacks or strokes. It is a simple test and has been around a long time, so next time you are at your doctors getting your cholesterol checked, or your general health, ask for a CRP test. It will give an indication of your inflammatory status. It is not definitive but can be useful.

How To Dampen Inflammation Down

Well, the usual friends are involved here. • Diet – eat healthily and consume plenty of foods that are grown. Get an adequate amount of Omega 3. • Don’t smoke and avoid passive smoking where possible. • Obesity – a major problem. Find ways to reduce your weight to a healthy level. There is plenty of information available on how to achieve this. • Control your stress levels and keep them at a minimum as much as possible. • Exercise • Get quality sleep and take time out for relaxation. • Learn to breathe more deeply. As well, there is now a new kid on the block, which can also help greatly in the inflammation stakes. It is called EARTHING. Earthing is very simple, very powerful, and very cost effective. For those people who find Lifestyle changes difficult, Earthing is an answer to your prayers because no changes are necessary! How good is that!

To your health,

Greg Menz B.App.Sc. / Alexander Technique. Editor’s Note: Earthing has changed my life … from chronic inflammation to NO inflammation in days! No need for pills or patches anymore!

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2012 December - 2013 January 45

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46 Connexions Business Mag

Continued from page 9... Final SMART goal setting rule is understanding what the actions are that need to be done to accomplish the goal you have set and want to achieve.. Where are you at in your life ow? Is the season right for you to achieve your goal at the time you have set? This was a very valuable thing for me to learn and understand.

You start working on it because you know there is an end. As time goes by you work because you don’t want to get behind. As it approaches, you work diligently because you want to meet the deadline. You may even have to break down a big goal into different measured parts time frames. That is okay. Set smaller goals and work them out in their own time.’

The final thing when setting goals is very important and one that many forget. Jim always said : A SMART goal has a TIMELINE.

Here is a great video on Goal Setting with Jim Rohn. I believe it is worth the time to watch:

‘Every goal should have a timeframe attached to it. I think that life itself is much more productive for us as humans because there is a time frame connected to it. Could you imagine how much procrastination there would be on earth if people never died? We would never get “around to it.” We could always put it off. One of the powerful aspects of a great goal is that it has an end, a time in which you are shooting to accomplish it.

Be sure to spend some reflection time to make sure your goals fit the SMART parameters. What are your action points associated with them. Put a real engine in your goals to charge them with power to help you accomplish your dreams.

UPCOMING EVENTS: Networking Chats Tuesday 15th January 10am -12noon events/94849972/ Create 2013 to be what you want …. Thursday 17th January 9.30am – 12.30pm events/93458532/ Binary Sexology Tuesday 22nd January 10am – 4pm events/94922942/ Business Ideas Brisbane Thursday 24th January – 2pm – 4pm

2013 MASTERMIND GROUPS NEW Brisbane Groups: WEDNESDAY group: 9.30am - 12.00pm Jan 16 & 30 | Feb 13 & 27 | Mar13 & 27 Apr 10 & 24 | May 8 & 22 | Jun 5 & 19 THURSDAY group: 9.30am - 12.00pm Feb 21 | Mar 7 & 21 | Apr 4 & 18 May 2, 16 & 30 | Jun 13 & 27 | Jul 11 & 25 NEW Gold Coast Group: WEDNESDAY group: 9.30am - 12.00pm Jan 23 | Feb 6 & 20 | Mar 6 & 20 | Apr 3 & 17 May 1, 15 & 29 | Jun 12 & 26

2012 December - 2013 January 47

List of Contributors Anthony Davis

Caroline Miall

Christine Marshall

Dale Beaumont

Donna Fisher

Greg Menz

Janeece Giraldo

Jennie Gorman

Jeff Withers

Jesus Balderas

John Milne

John Mulvey

Josephine Thomson

Mandy Cann

Natasha Howie


Steve Major

Tony Ryan

Tove Vine Miss Tove’s English School Trish Jenkins

Disclaimer: The opinions and viewpoints expressed in Connexions Business Magazine do not necessarily represent those of the editor, staff or publisher or any Connexions Unlimited staff or related parties. The publisher, Connexions Unlimited personnel are not liable for any mistake, misprint or omission. All information contained in Connexions Business Magazine is intended to inform and illustrate and should not be taken as financial, health, legal or accounting advice. You should seek professional advice before making any business related decisions. We are not liable for any losses you may incur directly or indirectly as a result of reading Connexions Business Magazine. Reproduction of any material or contents of the magazine without written permission from the publisher is strictly prohibited.

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