Connexions Business Mag - #8 February 2013 Issue

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C onnexions Business Magazine

Take your business to a whole new level “Money Isn’t Everything!” Facets of Diamond Service Lost your creative flow? The Problems with Business Cashflow Why would I need a Business Coach? Harness the Power of the Blogosphere

Dave Shire and Jennie Gorman Photo by Larry Lim

From the Editor This month I am welcoming a new facilitator to my Business MasterMind Groups. Dave Shire, on the front cover with me, has accepted the invitation to be a part of the Connexions Unlimited Business MasterMind Groups as a facilitator. I welcome him to the team and look forward to his input and experience in supporting our groups in 2013. As we move to the middle of the second month of 2013 I realise the value of TIME and how precious it is! It seems months since Christmas and the beginning of the new year, yet it was only a few weeks ago! I remember not believing that one day I would know that the most important thing we had would be Time ‌ the one thing we cannot get back or replace. I wonder if others value it as much as I do now! Business this year started off early for those around me. I have never known networking groups to start within a week of new year, with events buzzing with excitement as to what was going to happen in 2013. It appears that

we were all ready and willing to move forward fast and furiously as soon as possible with no excuses about holidays and children! My year has really commenced with a big BANG! New mastermind groups up and running, networking events fuller than usual and opportunities to speak at different events coming up in the near future. The articles in this issue are pertinent to those in small business and I do hope that you gain some good insights from what is offered here. I am always happy to discuss article inclusion by anyone who wishes to send in articles that they feel could be beneficial to our readers. There are opportunities for advertising too, so let me know if this is something that you would like to be part of in future issues. See the Advertising Schedule at the end of the magazine. I look forward to having your feedback.

Natasha talks about Masterminding

Testimonials Rhonda Brown said: “Thank you Jennie for the ‘Power Hour’ session

together. After that short space of time I came away with a clear and concise direction that I need to follow to build the profile that I would like. This then will easily follow on to monetising my building relationships and networking. Your systematic approach to networking successfully is a process when consistently followed will have a dynamite impact on my Rhonda Brown Artist business. During the time you gave me strategies to market and promote my business that are very cost effective (and MOSTLY FREE). Also you opened up my mind to other exciting possibilities that not only will bring in further business, it will also build fabulous ongoing relationships. At the moment I’m in the process of implementing these ideas and I look forward with great excitement to growing my art business to endless possibilities.” I highly recommend Jennie Gorman to anyone who needs help to get their new business off the ground or an existing business that needs to grow further. Jennie is a woman of integrity, warmth and humour and you feel that she cares about you and your business.

Madonna Robinson said: “I just want to say thank you Jennie Gorman

for your workshop The Power of Relationship Marketing. I have heard this concept bandied around for some time now and although I understand the concept and certainly the value of building business relationships, yours was the first that actually gave me the ‘how to.’ Many people adopt concepts like ‘relationship marketing’ and sometimes they even provide you with some strategies, but they don’t ‘walk the talk and that is the difference with you. You follow through and your approach is consistently applicable. I have wasted a considerable amount of my valuable time networking because I never knew the why. I will never look at networking in the same way ever again and I have already started utilising your methods with favourable results. Thanks to you, I am now starting to realize the real power in relationship marketing. Thanks Jennie.”

Contents Page Page 6

Take your Business to a Whole New Level

Page 8

One Minute Per Week… Go Get the Business You Seek! Professionally Managed Business

Page 10

“Money Isn’t Everything!”

Page 12

Facets of Diamond Service

Page 14

The 7 Most Common Mistakes Business Owners make online and what you can do to avoid them like plague!

Page 16

New Year Checklist – The Five Keys to Marketing Success

Page 18

Wherever You Are, Be There

Page 19

Lost your creative flow? What can you do to get your creative mojo back?

Page 20

Do You Leave Networking to Chance?

Page 22

The Problems with Business Cashflow

Page 24

Chinese New Year in China

Page 26

EMF’s that Heal, EMF’s that Harm

Page 27

Top Ten Sales Tips for 2013

Page 28

Earthing – One of the Secrets of Life

Page 30

Who is Aina Notoa?

Page 32

Give your Spirit the Gift of Inspiration

On International Woman’s Day 2013

Page 34

Why would I need a Business Coach

Page 36

Blogging for Your Business Harness the Power of the Blogosphere

Page 39

About Networking Chats

Page 40 Upcoming Events

Networking Chats 12 Feb 2013 Photo by Larry Lim

Take Your Business to a whole New Level by Jennie Gorman

Business masterminding It is important when looking to There are many questions that creates relationship building find the right group for you and need answering too before deyour business, that you look ciding on a suitable group. Here as never before. for a group that has the right niche and a structure around it that will fulfil what your needs are. Remember, masterminding is not a coffee group, it is not a coaching or mentoring session, or networking group. Components of these may happen as a result of needs within the group at times, but the main focus is on keeping everyone accountable to achieve their goals to move to the next level in their business.

So, you may ask why and how does this happen? I believe, when one joins a mastermind group that is about confidentiality, trust, authenticity, accountability and support, it is then that true business relationships have the opportunity to develop to a level not usually seen in business. The reason is that the group creates an energy all their own, that will not only support but sustain its members by providing a safe People regularly ask me ‘What is space to be ‘real’. it? Why would we need to do it? How do I build them? When and If you have the above ingredients, where can I use them?’ etc. My a mastermind group is a group answer is simple. Do you want that allows its members to really to move you and your business be who they are. As I mention to the next level? If the answer often to my network, there is is no, then masterminding is not no difference between personal for them. If they say yes, then it life and business life in small is a matter of why do you want to business today. When one has move to the next level and what its challenges, it will show in the are you prepared to do to make other, as the cracks open up, if that happen? I suggest people the member is totally authentic. do one of my small surveys to see A good business mastermind if Business MasterMind Groups group will move and push each can help them achieve what they member to be their best, to really want. I suggest that you extend themselves, to open up take a look at this link and see if their peripheral vision to be the you qualify: best that they can. Click Here

are some of the usual questions that people ask … take a look and see if this criteria is for you. Click Here

Business MasterMinding is very powerful, many of my participants will attest. If you want to find out more take a look at the videos written testimonials on my site. Click Here Whatever you decide to do in your business, I wish you well and may you succeed to where you want to go with your business in the future.

If you still want to ask some questions, contact me on 0414 278 344.

6 Connexions Business Mag

2013 February


One Minute Per Week... Go Get the Business You Seek!

Professionally Managed Business by Anthony Davis

Valued Information is the difference between an ‘owner or family managed’ business and a ‘professionally managed’ business? Simply stated, it is the difference between the reliance on ‘gut feel’ and the availability and use of ‘valued information’ in making decisions to guide the business. In the beginning most of the decisions made by ‘start-up’ business owners is based on ‘gut feel’. It is often the reason we go into business in the first place. So when does it change?

It can start on day one or day one thousand. Until the founder realises that the future cannot and must not rely solely on their ability to have the correct ‘gut feel’, nothing changes. The business owner who makes the decision on day one has a distinct advantage over all the other players in their area of business as they are starting from the outset to ‘professionally manage’ their business.

It changes when the Founder makes the ‘mental shift’! There is no other way to describe it. It is also when the technician moves to become a ‘business manager’.


Connexions Business Mag

Anthony Davis

Limited Numbers

BMMG #3 - Friday, 1, 15 & 29 Mar; 12 & 26 Apr; 10 & 24 May; 7 & 21 Jun; 5 & 19 Jul; 2 Aug, 2013 BMMG #4 - Wednesday, 6 & 20 Mar; 3 & 17 Apr; 1, 15 & 29 May; 12 & 26 Jun; 10 & 24 Jul; 7 Aug. 2013 ________________________________________

Call Jennie on 0414 278 344 2013 February


“Money Isn’t Everything!” by Desley Arnold

As Zig Zigler said – “But…. It’s right up there with oxygen!” What is wealth? Most Australians do not have enough money to retire on, and live independently in the manner that they would like to. In fact some experts say that less than 5% of the population can finance their own retirement with their own retirement fund. These days’ people are living longer, and even at a retirement age of 65 years, most retirees need to be able to fund 20 or 30 years of retirement. if you had put aside sufficient funds for retirement, the cost of living will grow and unless you have strategies in place, what may have been sufficient at retirement will not be 10, 20 or 30 years later. None of us want to live in abject poverty.

plan this right and look at it purely as a vehicle to create wealth. You can have a go at it yourself, many have and do – you only have to start a discussion at a BBQ to hear the horror stories, or you can use professional services of experienced people, who do all the work for you, provide you with the How, What and Where of Property Investing, and work with you to build your property portfolio safely while increasing your current financial position.

I’m not talking about living on the streets, but simply having to live fortnight to fortnight, you know what I’m talking about; we see it on TV nearly every week. And who really wants to work until your 65 anyway! If there was a way that you could create more wealth right now, using the assets that you currently have, without stretching your current cash flow – would that interest you? Success leaves clues, and if we were to look at the wealthy people of the world, they have either inherited wealth through property, increased their wealth through property, or created their wealth through property – so why can’t you! Don’t think Estates and Motel chains, but lets look at the solid need for quality housing here in Australia. We are not talking about the 30 year old house in the next suburb that you can do up yourself and have the tenants from hell in – lets

10 Connexions Business Mag

Street Tested Methods from a Home Grown Property Expert

Call Desley Arnold Today! 07 3870 4002

Facets of Diamond Service by John Milne

Throughout history one or two ideas have taken business or science to the next level. In 1458 Belgium jeweller and diamond cutter Lodewyk van Berken from Antwerp invented a diamond polishing wheel the Scaif. It revolutionised cutting. In 1947 Copywriter Frances Gerety coined a phrase for the giant De Beers Company, “A Diamond Is Forever.” To this day it remains the company motto. Facets of diamonds bring out the brilliance of each gem. What can the fascinating world of diamonds teach us about service excellence? FIRE is the passion you have for an industry or profession. Yesterday we met an experienced hospitality professional Peter who was preparing to open a new Mexican restaurant near our home. Peter spoke of his love for food preparation and presentation in passionate terms. Fire is the love of your work that is genuine and deep. People can see it in what you do and in what you say. They see it in the first minute. Love your work.

LUSTRE is a soft glow or shine that comes from the essence of a person. It’s like the gentle colours of lights on an international aircraft. It shows a gem at its best. Likewise with these qualities you can display your business or organisation at its best. You can win new guests or clients, service the regulars and keep them loyal. Whether people shop or work with you online or in person, they expect the same high level of care and attention. Shine now! Each of these four facets of diamond service work together. You become a valuable gem adding value to your business, school or organisation. Keep growing and polishing each facet to keep it at its best. By investing in yourself and your learning you are building on each facet. Promotion and progression will be possible.

BRILLIANCE is the technical knowledge and the practiced skills that allows you to perform consistently at a high level. It involves study at college or university, street knowledge learnt on the job and lessons learnt in the University of Hard Knocks. It takes keen observation, active listening, top team work and fine attention to detail. Be in the know! SPARKLE is the personality and attitude you bring to every task, assignment or project. It glistens like Christmas lights drawing crowds to the business or practice. Compare this with the person who sees work as a chore, something to be endured. People with sparkle invite people in, serve them well and make them want to come back. Light the spark.

12 Connexions Business Mag


John Milne 18.12.12

6 Star Customer Service Workshops: 0448357626 Visit : leadershipdownunder



Only six people will get the opportunity to be part of this group, so you need to act now if you are interested. Do you wish to move your business to the next level for 2013? Would you like help to generate a large number of ideas for solutions to any challenges you are experiencing? Are you wishing to have input from other business people into your business? How would you like to have your business dissected in a creative way? creati Are you looking for new contacts to support you? Do you have ideas you would like to share with others? Would you like to have your business brainstormed by other business people?

There will be only 6 businesses prooled over the 6 months so be quick to book in.

Apply NOW! Click on the application form or Visit our website

The 7 Most Common Mistakes

Business Owners make online, and what you can do to avoid them like the plague! by Sanjiv Gurram

My name is Sanjiv Gurram and I’m the Chief Marketing Strategist at Enliven Media Corporation. Today we’re going to cover the 7 most common mistakes business owners make online, and what you can do to avoid them.

1. Not Using A Professional

But before we get into that, I’m going to tell you a little about myself and why you should listen to me.

What happens when you don’t?

I’m an author, international speaker, and chief marketing strategist at Enliven Media. I’ve helped hundreds of business owners around the world increase their sales and profits by 45-60% in 60-90 days using low and no cost marketing strategies. To give you just 2 examples, my team created $1 million dollars of extra sales for an energy company by applying one of our strategies in 8 just short weeks. We worked with a local restaurant to increase the amount of repeat customers by 47% in just 5 weeks.

Let’s think about this for a second.. You use an accountant to do your taxes, you use a lawyer to look after your legal affairs.

You aren’t going to get the right advice and right solution for your problem - do you agree? So when it comes to getting your business online and making the most of the internet to generate more leads, more sales and more profits for your business doesn’t it make sense to use the professionals who can provide YOU the right advice for your business? When it comes to online marketing professionals, they usually come in 3 forms.

The first is the graphic designer and their job is to make sure your online presence looks fantastic.

We work with SME’s, government organisations and large corporates where the goal is to increase profits and get your key message out to your target market.

The second kind is the techie, and they’ll make sure your online presence is fully functional and has all the bells and whistles. The third way you can go is to use a marketing professional.

Now let’s get to those mistakes business owners make, and what you can do to avoid them.

Getting a marketing professional, you’ll get a presence designed to increase your sales and profits.

14 Connexions Business Mag

There is however a very rare fourth option. That is to use a team that include a graphic design team to make your marketing visually appealing, a technical team to ensure your marketing has all the bells and whistles and a Marketing team who use proven marketing strategies to increase your sales and profits online. Here at Enliven Media to have specialist teams in all 3 disciplines to ensure our clients always receive marketing that is visually exceptional, technically brilliant and geared to skyrocket our clients profits. 2. No Clear Objective I see this mistake more than any other. The lack of a clear objective for your online marketing is the difference between having a presence that is going to create more leads and profits for you and throwing your money down the drain. Always start with your objective what is it? Is your objective to get your name out there? Is your objective to brand your business better?

Is your objective to use the internet to bring you more business and create a return on your investment? Or is your objective all 3? Before we do any work with a client, this is the first question we ask. This helps us discover the best way to help our clients achieve their objectives, and create a massive return on their online advertising investment. 3. Not Capturing Your Visitors Details This is another one I see all the time and it just makes me cringe! You go to all the trouble of getting people to your online properties, whether it be your website, your Facebook page or a youtube video and then after putting in all the effort of getting them there, I see business owner’s not capturing their details! Why is this important? Let me explain.

A killer offer is an offer that is so unbelievably irresistible that your target market can’t help but to give you their details to contact them.

Imagine if we could ensure that your leads receive 7-12 contact points from your business to increase your sales and profits.

We implement this online by using our innovative Autopilot lead capture system so you can keep in touch with your prospects.

Now imagine if we could help you do this on autopilot…

4. Not Following Up Your Leads This is a huge mistake business owners make every day. Sometimes there is just so much to do, that you forget to keep in touch with your leads after a couple of contact points. I’m going to let you in on a massive secret. 80% of sales occur between 7 and 12 contact points. That means that if you aren’t in touch with your leads at least 12 times, you are throwing 80% of your sales down the drain!

Put yourself in the shoes of the person visiting your website for the first time.

If you just implemented this one strategy to your business, you’ll see a massive increase in your sales conversion numbers and profitability.

There’s a good chance they don’t know you, or your business, so they don’t trust you. If they are not willing to give you their details, then there is no way you are going to do business with them.

I was working with one client who has a building and construction company and by just implementing this strategy of just getting back in touch with leads he was able to bring in $ 50,000 of profit in under 1 hour!

So how do you entice people to give you their details?

Imagine if you could do something similar with your business?

You have to implement what we call a “Killer Offer”.

Now imagine if we could make this simple and easy for you….

That’s exactly what we do with our innovative autopilot lead contact system. We ensure that your prospects receive between 7-12 pieces from you at optimally timed intervals to make sure you aren’t bombarding them, yet making the decision to do business with you easier! How much time would you save, and how many more sales would you be able to generate? More of The 7 Most Common Mistake Business Owners Make Online and What you can Do to Avoid Them Like Plague! Next Month...

Simply go to and put in your details to receive a Full Online Marketing Audit.

2013 February 15

New Year Checklist – The Five Keys To Marketing Success by Samantha Lyttle

Is it time to re-evaluate your marketing for 2013?

4. Be someone worth following

Here’s a quick checklist of my five main keys to marketing success so you can be sure you’re on the right path:

If you want to create impact and influence in your market place then you must be someone worth following. How can you demonstrate greater leadership in your marketplace in 2013?

1. Tap into your market’s genuine desire 5. Don’t reinvent the wheel for a solution Everything you do in your marketing should be with the main aim of tapping into your market’s genuine desire for the solution you offer to their problem. If you’re struggling to get leads or clients it may be because you’re not really focusing on what they really want (their genuine desire). Increase your results in 2013 by keeping the focus on what they want, not on what you want to give them!

This last key is essential as without it, it’s almost impossible to keep on top of the other four keys. Trying to figure everything out on your own is not only a waste of precious resources but also a sure way to burn yourself out! Remember, everything you want to achieve in your business for 2013 has already been mastered by someone else out there, so surround yourself by good mentors and the right education and you’ll speed up your path to success!

2. Add value, then add more value! Your market cares about how much value you can add to their lives. Ask yourself, how can you add more value to your market place through your marketing activities in 2013?

3. Build relationships There’s a well known saying which goes “the money is in your list”. While this is true I believe the money is really in your relationship with your list! Without the relationships in your business, your marketing will lack momentum and results. How can you focus on building relationships in 2013?

Samantha Lyttle is the founder of Women’s

Business Bootycamp™ - a marketing program with a difference for women entrepreneurs. For more free juicy tips for your biz. 16 Connexions Business Mag

2013 February


Wherever You Are, Be There by Jim Rohn

One of the major reasons why we fail to find happiness or to create unique lifestyle is because we have not yet mastered the art of being. While we are home our thoughts are still absorbed with solving the challenges we face at the office. And when we are at the office we find ourselves worrying about problems at home. We go through the day without really listening to what others are saying to us. We may be hearing the words, but we aren’t absorbing the message. As we go through the day we find ourselves focusing on past experiences or future possibilities. We are so involved in yesterday and tomorrow that we never even notice that today is slipping by.

Jim Rohn and Jennie Gorman 1997

We go through the day rather than getting something from the day. We are everywhere at any given moment in time except living in that moment in time. Lifestyle is learning to be wherever you are. It is developing a unique focus on the current moment, and drawing from it all of the substance and wealth of experience and emotions that it has to offer. Lifestyle is taking time to watch a sunset. Lifestyle is listening to silence. Lifestyle is capturing each moment so that it becomes a new part of what we are and of what we are in the process of becoming. Lifestyle is not something we do; it is something we experience. And until we learn to be there, we will never master the art of living well. 18 Connexions Business Mag

Lost your creative flow? What can you do to get your creative mojo back? by Kerstin Rheinlander

In recent weeks my creativity has taken a nose dive to a point where I got really frustrated about the lack of results. So what happened? I guess life happened. But everything was flowing so well what could have possibly changed this? Usually our life runs in a smooth rhythm, at least most of the times. You think everything is just perfect and then a curve ball is thrown your way. Suddenly all the parameters that made up this perfect creative environment are out of balance. It only takes one of these parameters to be disturbed and your creative flow takes a tumble too. A writer would call it a writer’s block, a painter would call it an artistic block or other creative professionals would call it lack of ideas and inspiration. So what can you do to get the creative juices flowing again? First of all sit down and identify which of your parameters is out of balance Ie, partnership, job situation, health, wealth, friends, family, skills. Take time to reflect on what is different from when you were in the flow. Don’t be too critical, this is a simple fact finding exercise. Write down any thoughts that come to mind without any judgement. Once you are clearer which aspect of your life has changed slightly you can start addressing this one area. Start taking little creative steps to get your parameter back into balance. Most importantly these little steps should include a fun factor that will ultimately have a positive effect on you.

I am in balance

One day your inspiration is abundant and on another non-existent. Don’t give up, your blocks are happening for a reason. Be Inspired! –

Here are some creative things you can do to get your creative spirit back: 1. Write a mission statement (this will be a reminder about your core reason - read it daily) 2. Live in the present moment and enjoy the now. Think of the best place to be 3. Find happiness in little things, in the details in the mundane 4. Explore creative blogs; they are full of inspirational ideas 5. Start writing a journal keeping track of your daily emotions and observation, they may be a clue to your current creative block 6. Continue to ask questions and take time to reflect on these questions, the answers will come 7. Do something that is completely out of your comfort zone, conquer a fear 8. Make an inspiration board and add things, cards, photos etc that you enjoy. 9. Watch an inspirational movie. 10. Meet with your friends to have a good laugh doing something silly 11. Write about your favourite topic 12. Play make-believe like a child 13. Widen your horizon by learning a new word, new skill etc. 14. Look at old things from a new perspective by taking photos 15. Do something nice for a friend or a stranger 16. Always indulge yourself in inspiration - you can never have too much 17. Choose one keyword that will be your guiding word for a year, ie. Happiness, contentment, laughter, inspiration, dream, believe, achieve and many more. 18. Create your imaginary perfect world and visit often. Dare to dream on your vision board! 19. You are never too old to play, so play a team sport, a board game, play hide ‘n’ seek, etc 20. Make a list of your personal goals that you want to achieve or inspire you personally. Start today!! 21. Make a list of all your achievements and be amazed of what you have already accomplished. 22. Meditate - just sit down and breathe for a while to free some space inside.

2013 February 19

Do You Leave Networking to Chance? by Jennie Gorman

Doors often open where you thought there would be no doors; and where there wouldn’t be a door for anyone else. As business people, I know you know how important networking is for your business growth. Is YOUR networking building YOUR business though? We never know where a door will open, do we? Every new meeting is just like this. It may open a door straight away, or that person knows someone who needs your services or could help you.

Many who attend networking events, enjoy the experience but don’t attract more clients or increase their business profits. They don’t even build a new relationship from the experience! Don’t expect because someone likes what you do, that they will be keen to catch up for coffee or for more information. They may exchanges business cards with you BUT nothing comes of it. This in NOT their fault! If this happens to you, consider what you did or didn’t do to make this a reality! Why wait for the other person. If you liked them and thought you had synergy,

make the contact yourself. Do this within the first 24 hours of your meeting. So, be pro-active, and make contact if you liked them and felt they were someone you would like to know for your clients. If you want to have a good relationship with someone, you need to put in too! Maybe the other person is unaware of how to follow up and what is necessary after an event. It is important to become aware of why you went to the event. • Did you have a plan and a goal prior to going? • What did you do at the event? • What follow up did you do afterwards? • Did you stay with people you know because it was hard to get out of your comfort zone? • Did you introduce yourself to someone you didn’t know? • Did you introduce someone else to someone they didn’t know. If you want to turn networking into profits you need to create relationships with right people. They may not even be aware of the potential of knowing you.

exchanged business cards, I suggest you make contact within a couple of days of the actual meeting via email or a phone call. You can then follow them up to arrange to get together to learn more about what they are wanting help with, for their business! If you want to form a genuine relationship, you need to put in firstly. Listen to what they need and then see if you can help them get it! Take your networking from ordinary to extraordinary. Not only is networking an essential life skill, it is also the most basic business building tool in today’s competitive market. Networking accounts for more than 87 per cent of all business in the market place today.

• So, how effective a networker are you? • Do you leave your networking to chance?

If you want to learn the ‘how to’ of networking contact Jennie for more information.

Most people don’t do business after a first time meeting. If you

20 Connexions Business Mag

2013 February


The Problems with Business Cashflow by Dave Shire

As business owners we are being told how we can improve our bottom line and if we follow a certain sequence of steps and use certain methods we will achieve the likes of Richard Branson sitting on a beach. While a lot of this advice is true, it may not always work best for your business and may cause you to end up running around in circles with no real improvement. Finding the right advice for your business can be hard with the amount of information there is and we don’t have the same access to good sound business advice that we used to have. I remember years ago businesses were able to ask their accountant and banker about their business and be given good advice.

We will discuss this in more detail in future articles. But for now think about your business model: 1. what work gets done, how long does it take on average 2. how much and how long does it take to get paid 3. what are the outgoing expenses and bills that need to be paid and when do they need to be paid These three things start to form your business cashflow cycle and can help you better understand the movement of cashflow in your business. Once you start to get a handle on the business cycle we can take a look at the next article in which we will discuss 7 key drivers of cashflow.

These days I am hearing more that accountants need to focus on the taxation and compliance side of your business. They are becoming less likely to help you look forward in your business and offer the business advice some of the old school accountants might be able to do. Likewise with bankers, they are the experts in streamlining your banking products and online banking systems, but often they don’t have the same experience (and authority) as the previous bank managers. A CFO for a large company helps bring together the systems and helps develop a financial strategy for the business to move forward with clarity and direction. A solution for businesses who don’t have a CFO The first key is to understand your business cashflow cycle. The cashflow cycle is not only looking at how much cash is coming in and going out, but the timing of the cash movement.

22 Connexions Business Mag

Dave Shire

Part time CFO, speaker and trainer in business cashflow

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 2013 February 23

Chinese New year in China by Tove Vine

The Chinese New Year holiday, which is also called Spring Festival in China, falls late January/early February each year. All shops and buildings are decorated with red lanterns and Happy New year’s greetings painted in beautiful Chinese script on a red paper hang outside all building and private apartments. Wishes for the New Year such as “Good Health” and “Lots of Money” are decorated.

Children are especially excited as they get ‘lucky money’. All adults are obligated to give each child in their families and indeed also friend’s children a red envelope with money inside. The children eagerly collect the red envelopes and in return wish the giver “Good Health”. They then quickly give the money to their mother for safe keeping. The money is NOT spent by the children but put into the bank to help pay for the child’s education.

Delivery guys on bikes ride along the streets loaded with cherry trees and mandarin trees which are used to decorate homes just like our Christmas tree. They are very beautiful. Huge flower markets are created in every suburb of the cities where people can buy lots of flowers to decorate their homes. There is a feeling of spring in the air even though usually the weather is still rather cold in certain parts of Northern China. In the southern part where I live you start to see signs of spring. Shops are filled with many different delicacies beautifully displayed in very pretty boxes to attract buyers. Snacks are very popular and it is a must to have a beautiful display of snacks on the coffee table for visitors when they call. Chinese New Year is very similar to Christmas in Western countries with lots of food, snacks and drinks and getting together with family. In China it happens on the last evening of the old year. On this evening most families seem to gather in one of the millions of restaurants around the cities where they enjoy togetherness, delicious Chinese food and wishing each other ”Good health” and “Lots of money” for the New Year.

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Click Here to visit Miss Tove’s Page

The children have a well deserved 4 week holiday which is mostly enjoyed at home playing computer games or watching TV (if they are lucky), even though lots of time is taken up by doing lots of homework given to them by their teachers. Chinese New Year is the time when migrant workers travel home to visit their families. Migrant workers are people from poor villages who cannot make a living in the village so the husband and often also the wife leaves to find employment in the big cities such as Beijing, Shanghai or Guangzhou (the 3 largest cities in China). The children are left to be brought up by the grandparents in the village. Only once a year do they go home to see their children. Millions of people travel at this time and it is often very difficult to buy a train or bus ticket as they get sold out quickly. Buses and trains are the means of transport the millions of migrant workers use. They do not earn enough money to fly, so they spent often 3 to 4 days on trains or buses to make the long way back to the village in central and western China.

2013 February 25

EMFs that Heal, EMFs that Harm by Donna Fisher

We have evolved in natural electromagnetic fields (EMFs) as we are electromagnetic beings. Our brain, our heart, and the trillions of cells in our bodies all depend on sending and receiving the body’s naturally produced electromagnetic signals. In medicine, the electrocardiogram (ECG), magnetocardiogram (MCG), electroencephalograph (EEG) and magnetoencephalograph (MEG) are used to measure these electric and magnetic fields in the body for diagnostic purposes. It is crucial that these natural bodily signalling processes are not altered or damaged yet other forms of EMFs have been artificially created which are foreign to human evolutionary experience. Today we are able to measure and take precautions from these uncontrolled EMFs whether they are ELF EMF, Transient EMF or RF EMF. The most promising area in medicine today is the use of controlled electromagnetic energy for healing with several EMF technologies and devices being used to heal. Many non-invasive therapies are currently in use, treating millions of people for pain relief and relief of ailments. With the rapid increase in non-invasive electromagnetic energy treatments, the need to go ‘under the knife’ is lessening.

Unlike traditional cancer treatments, controlled EMFs are now also being used as non-invasive cancer treatments targeting only cancer cells, leaving healthy cells intact so fewer side effects,

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increased quality of life with less morbidity, and better functional and cosmetic outcome are achieved. All light in the world from the brilliant yellow hues of sunflowers to the burnt scarlet shades of sunsets, consists of electromagnetic waves: electricity; magnetism; and light working in tandem and therapies based on electrical and magnetic waves are now being utilised. Light therapy is now not only treating skin cancers but just recently more serious forms of cancer with the highest frequency light not able to be seen by the naked eye.

The way of the future is our understanding of EMFs which will be a major factor in preventing ill-health: limiting exposure to the hazardous uncontrolled EMFs and the controlled use of the EMFs that heal.

For more information,

contact Donna at

Top Ten Sales Tips for 2013 by Emma Monro

You’ve probably seen heaps of Top Tens already for the year, but if you’re in sales, this is the one for you. And let’s face it, we have all been on holidays. Some of us may have exercised our bodies and spent a little bit of time planning for the future. Not many of us would have exercised our sales muscle though (unless you count haggling over a pair of denim jeans in a department store.) If we are going to make this month count, and not build momentum slowly and start making sales sometime in February (blurgh), then we need to shake off the fuzz and take action. The first thing we need to do is have a serious look at the past 12 months, identify the areas that need improvement, then create an action plan to implement... immediately. So, which of the following tips from the video will help you create a stronger business? 1. Be consistent in your message. After some challenging years, your customers are adverse to uncertainty. Provide them with consistency and they will thank you for it. 2. Understand your clients needs. Ask quality questions at an appropriate time.

5. How does your customer want to buy from you? 6. Challenge the status quo. If this is the way ‘things’ have always been done, but it hasn’t been examined in 20 years, have a look at it. Challenge the norm. If you do that and still decide nothing needs to change, then at least you can be confident that it is the best. 7. Understand your territory. Really understand it. Research it, keep data on it, analyze it. 8. When and how do you use technology with your clients? 9. Follow up and follow through. This is an age old challenge for business owners and their sales teams. 10. Bring your personality. Communicating via the internet makes it difficult to connect with an individuals personality, so when you do meet in person, make sure you bring your personality and let it shine through. I would suggest picking 3 per month to focus on. You will notice an immediate difference in those areas, for that month. By the end of the quarter you will have overhauled your sales process and set sail on a prosperous 2013.

3. Watch your language. How long has it been since you took a long, hard look at what you are saying to your clients, and how is it being received. 4. Give solutions to your clients. If you truly understand your clients needs, give them the right solution for them, it may not necessarily be yours.

Emma Monro - YOSM 2013 February 27

Earthing – One of the Secrets of Life? by Greg Menz

I believe that living in harmony with ourselves and the environment is most definitely one of the great secrets of life, and one of the most often violated, in so many ways. The Chinese had a whole philosophy built around it, the 81 passages of Lao Tzu’s classic guide to leadership, influence and excellence, the Tao Te Ching.

George’s book is about the bio-electrical nature of all living cells, whether that is human, plants or animals. His theory could be summarized with this threefold principle: • Life is created by radiation • Maintained by radiation • Destroyed by oscillatory disequilibrium.

Our bodies also must achieve harmony and balance for optimal health. In allopathic medicine we call it homoeostasis. In eastern philosophies it is symbolized by the well known Taoist Yin Yang symbol. To achieve that balance requires adherence to some fundamental principles of life, and ignorance of these principles will have a negative impact on our health over time. Whilst doing some research on how important Earthing is to our natural functioning, I came across this reference to it in a book called The Secret of Life, written way back in the 1920’s by a Russian physicist and engineer, George Lakhovsky. “When local living conditions are exceptionally bad or variable, it is possible, as I have shown, to re-establish, or rather “tune up” the electrical constants of the cell by means of appropriate substances in harmony with the physical and chemical nature of the soil of the habitat. At night time the sleeper might be connected with the soil by means of an appropriate Earth Connection, and in the daytime, footwear might be used to hold a metallic plate in the sole or heel, thus establishing electrical contact between the foot and the soil.”

Sounds heavy, I know, but simply put, it means that life is bio-electrical in nature, and that we ignore this principle at our peril. If you are suffering with health issues, have you ever considered that, just maybe, a lack of understanding and application of the power of Earthing might be having a major impact? Think about it, but more importantly, do yourself a favour and look into it. It might just be the very best thing you can do for your health. For more information see the link below. To your health.

Greg Menz

B.App.Sc / Alexander Technique 28 Connexions Business Mag

2013 February


Who is Aina Notoa? by Aina Notoa

Born in Samoa, raised in New Zealand and now residing in Australia - Aina Notoa is a Mother of 6, an Author and Founder of Gr8 Women Pty Ltd. Lead by a prompting, Aina took the leap of faith in 2010 and resigned from her full-time role to work from home and around her children. Aina has 14 years of experience in the corporate sector in IT and now serves the world by uniting women globally through the power of story with Gr8 Women.

Gr8 Women

was created purely from a simple concept of sharing stories to empower women to grow. The inception of Gr8 Women began with 8 friends having dinner to now inspiring both women and men internationally from 22 countries worldwide. Through story we have the strength to educate, empower and inspire women to stand in their greatness…and most importantly through story we can heal. Gr8 Women has Gr8 Women Guardian representatives in Africa, India, New Zealand and Pakistan to aid the empowerment and rise of the struggling, oppressed, and imprisoned women. In 2007 Aina had a near death experience after the delivery of her twin girls. In 2010 Aina went through a separation and in 2011 Aina and her family were impacted by the Queensland Floods and lost everything. Now in 2013, Aina is more empowered than ever before to lead struggling women to rise in faith to their greatness – living their life purpose. Through Gr8 Women we have been able to capture the stories of women in Retirement Homes here in Brisbane, Australia right through to aiding women in India and Pakistan to celebrate International Women’s Day and Mother’s Day for the very first time in history. Gr8 Women is here to serve and to create global impact.


Connexions Business Mag

Give your Spirit the Gift of Inspiration on International Women’s Day 2013 by Aina Notoa

Make this the day when you indulge your spirit a little with the gift of inspiration – by sharing in the uplifting stories from our very special guests: Manal Al- Sharif | Melinda Tankard-Reist | Lindy Chen A Saudi Arabian Activist, an Australian Advocate and an International Trade Guru… put them together and you have an incredibly diverse collection of enlightening experiences to share in. Struggle and success take many forms. Whether it’s fighting oppression in male-dominated societies, standing up for the rights of young women or designing a business around your main passion in life, these types of stories cross international borders. Why? Because they are stories of the feminine spirit – a spirit we all possess. A spirit we can all share in the power of. And a spirit we can all connect with and nurture and see that it expresses itself in positive actions. Manal Al-Sharif “Women’s rights are not a special interest or a privilege. Women rights or lack of them affects the whole society! Societies that keep women in the back seat will always be on the wrong side of history.” Manal Al-Sharif is best known for being behind the women’s right to drive campaign in Saudi Arabia in 2011, using social media to distribute her message. While this may not seem revolutionary in Australia, in Saudi Arabia it certainly was – and she has been detained and released by authorities on numerous occasions. It cost her job with a leading international oil company, but she says “I am happier and more filled with purpose than ever.”

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Featured in the New York Times and praised for her work by Amnesty International, she has since become involved in campaigns in support of imprisoned Saudi, Filipino and Indonesian women. In addition to recently receiving the Václav Havel Prize for Creative Dissent she has received recognition from the following: • Foreign Policy Magazine – in the Top 100 Global Thinkers (2011) • Forbes – in the list of Women Who (Briefly) Rocked (2011) • The Daily Beast – as one of the Fearless Women of the year (2012) • Time magazine – as one of the 100 most influential people of 2012 Melinda Tankard-Reist “Society is plastered with hyper-sexualised messages and images. In media, billboards, toys, games, magazines, clothing…. this is contributing to an environment which is increasingly harmful to girls.” Melinda Tankard-Reist is an Author, Speaker, Media Commentator, and Advocate for women and girls. She is a columnist with Melbourne’s Sunday Herald Sun – Australia’s largest circulation newspaper; appears as a regular guest on Channel 7’s Morning Show; and has appeared on ABC’s Q&A and The Gruen Sessions, as well as many other TV and radio programs. She is author/editor of four books and is named in the Who’s Who of Australian Women and the World Who’s Who of Women. She passionately speaks out against “sexploitation” – where corporations, advertisers and marketers objectify women and sexualise girls to sell products and services – and defends the rights of women and girls that fall victim to this mindset.

Lindy Chen A Maths Genius raised on a Secret Chinese Military Base who became an International Trade Guru. Founder of a world-leading Chinese product sourcing company and Author of ‘Import From China. How To Make A Million…and Not Get Burnt!’ you may have seen Lindy Chen in business publications such as The Courier Mail and BRW magazine. But life wasn’t always so successful. Growing up in Communist China, her father earned $1.34 per week to raise a family of six. Raised on a secret and remote Chinese military base, her prodigious talent for maths and thirst for education helped her escape her poor background. In 2002 she migrated to Australia and, following early struggles to find a job, she is now one of the leading authorities on doing business in China, developing her company ChinaDirect Sourcing into a world leader from start-up capital of $2000! Her inspirational will to learn, succeed and take on new challenges have been behind her success, but she is not resting on her laurels. Her personal goal is to provide education scholarships for 1,000 underprivileged children in China by 2017. • State Finalist – Telstra Business Awards 2012 • Finalist – Young entrepreneur of the year Brisbane 2011, 2010 • Finalist – My Business Awards 2011, entrepreneur of the year 2011 • Winner – Australian Small Business Champion Awards, Entrepreneur of the Year 2009 • Women In Business Queensland Businesswoman of the Year Awards 2010 ’09, 08 and ‘07 • Australian Institute of Management’s Management Excellence Awards 2008

Gr8 Women Inspire is on International Women’s Day Thursday 7 March 2013 At the Auditorium of the

University of Southern Queensland in Springfield, Brisbane

You don’t have to be female to be inspired by women’s stories and to celebrate

International Women’s Day – Everyone is welcome. Why not bring your partner!

It is a Catered Event! Lucky Door Prizes valued at $500 + Gift Bags! Confirm your attendance NOW by clicking on link below

Only $67,

Tables of 20 at $1000 Saving $340! Trade Tables $120! Please Note:

30% of ALL Ticket Sales will be gifted to

Remote Attendance Gr8 Women Inspire is a global event Gr8 Women India and Gr8 Women Pakistan taking part! 2013 February 33

United Nations Women Australia

Sign Up Now

Why would I need a Business Coach? by Jesus Balderas

Every great performer, whether an elite athlete, business legend or performing superstar, is surrounded by coaches and advisors. As the pace in the world of business increases and becomes more and more competitive, it is becoming increasingly difficult to keep up with changes in your industry, let alone the latest innovations in sales, marketing, and management strategies. Having a Business Coach is no longer a luxury … it has become a necessity. On top of all this, it’s difficult to get a truly objective answer from yourself. Clearly you can survive in business without the help of a coach, but it’s almost impossible to reach your maximum potential! 5 Reasons Why You Need A Business Coach... 1. Business Coach can show you how to get Maximum Profits in Minimum Time. You’re working too many hours and pretty sure that if you left for a vacation, your business would face certain disaster because it doesn’t run if you aren’t there. A BBI Coach will teach you a new way of organizing your time and manage your clients. This system will allow you to eliminate what you dislike doing, increase what you love doing, and improve your best results. It is very important that you understand the value of YOUR time and structure your practice for optimum results. Many entrepreneurs end up giving their life away to their business because they do everything, and dramatically limit their income because they are focused on $10 an hour activities. Has this ever happened to you? With these findings, you will then start the process of balancing all areas of your life. One client recently changed her life by applying these principles to her business – she cut her work load in half, but increased her income. She also took off 6 months to start a family, and she still drew a salary from her business.

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2. A Business Coach can create more profits in your business. Do you know that there are greater profits in your business, but you can’t seem to locate them no matter what you do? Your BBI Business Coach can show you the only three ways to increase your profits today. Once you understand these principles, your BBI Coach will apply 113 proven profit and money making strategies. 3. A Business Coach will help you re-connect or rediscover your Passion. So often in business, business owners forget why they started their business. They get caught up in all the day to day aspects of the business, and forget why they loved the business in the first place, and what they wanted from the business. A BBI business coach will take you through our Life Management System to help you rekindle and find your passions. When you reconnect with your passion, your business will explode because you will focus only on the activities which you are excel in.

4. A Business Coach creates accountability. Have you ever hired a personal trainer or enlisted a friend to exercise with? Why? The main purpose is to push you harder than you would push yourself and to hold you accountable to your program and goals. Ultimately, it is to get the results you desire in your exercise program. In business, we need the same kind of partner that holds us accountable to our own goals. A BBI Business Coach will guide you through a goal setting session which will be the basis for your accountability. By doing this, your Coach will get more out of your business, you will be more profitable and focus on the things that you want to. 5. A Business Coach provides an expert second opinion. Have you ever had a solution staring you in the face, but you couldn’t see it because you were too close. Well, your BBI coach can see the forest for the trees, and is an expert who isn’t blinded or trapped into thinking only what the industry does. Your Business Coach will ask you the tough questions that will get you out of your box after being in business for so many years. And, a Business Coach will keep you on track as well as navigate around the changes in the economy and your market.

Jesus Balderas Business Coach 2013 February 35

Blogging for Your Business Harness the Power of the Blogosphere by Krishna Everson

As online marketing has expanded with the growth of social media for ALL types of businesses, so has the potential for blogging. For the uninitiated, blogs are simply an online web log or diary, where the most recent entry (or post), appears at the top. These posts can be easily categorised so your visitors can find more of what they are interested in at the touch of a keystroke. As a business owner, blogging provides you with a vehicle to connect more deeply with your audience, where and when they are seeking information online. It provides you with a timely opportunity to demonstrate your unique value and engages your ideal client in the process, simultaneously attracting the attention of the search engines.

point of difference. Ideas can be found in the questions your customers ask, the considerations that your prospects must make before purchasing, and day to day observations that occur in your business. Factual information can be made more interesting using stories that are easily to relate to, that take your reader on a journey. Some of the questions to ask yourself include: What questions are my ideal clients asking about? What research does my typical client do before making their choice? How can I demonstrate my expertise about topics clients show interest in? How can I demonstrate how my business is different from others, in a way that benefits the customer?

The challenge for business bloggers, especially in the early stages, is that it seems like an overwhelming, time intensive task. Whilst it is true that it takes time to write a quality blog, it is much easier than you think. This is because you already have intimate knowledge about your line of business, and access to plenty of material in your head and on your hard drive, which can be crafted into compelling and interesting reading for your target audience. Coming up with Blog Ideas Blog ideas are everywhere. In the past they would have been drafted into static web pages such as frequently asked questions and lengthy product and service descriptions, but now they can be crafted into an endless stream of content that demonstrates your expertise, and highlights your

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So how do you turn an idea into a blog post? A common barrier to blogging is the belief that you are no good at writing. Now, that may be true for some (outsourcing the job might be a good choice for you), but, I believe that if you keep your structure simple, useful, to the point and easy to understand, you can create some really valuable blog content with a minimum of pain.

The key to simplifying the article writing process is to break it down into manageable chunks. Good examples of this are: 10 Tips for (meeting new friends, starting a conversation, choosing a colour scheme) Frequently asked questions about (adopting, buying a new car, finding a network) 5 Myths About….(cancer treatment, dieting, the best time to get married) 7 Ways to Find…..(inner peace, a new partner, the right table setting, a new home) This is just the tip of the iceberg, there is a lot more where that came from! Whatever your area of expertise, you have things to share, and there are people seeking that information. Make it easy for them! It may as well come from you, not your competition.

Your Business Blog Checklist        

Write for your audience (understanding your ideal client intimately is key) Use a captivating headline. Have an interesting opening. A statement about a current trend that relates to your topic works well here. Use subheadings to break up blocks of text so it’s easy to read Keep your content relevant to the purpose of your website Incorporate relevant keywords customers are seeking in online searches such as Google Make sure that readers can comment easily (quality comments and conversation can create valuable SEO) Sign off with a concluding statement and a call to action that continues to engage (e.g. subscribe to my newsletter, add a comment below, give me a call, book an appointment, get a free sample, etc)

Blogging is here to stay and will continue to evolve. Now is the time to harness its power and connect with your audience more than ever before. Are you ready? If you are ready to blog for your business,

Krishna Everson

has teamed up with Connexions Unlimited to deliver a full day Blogging for Business Workshop in Brisbane on February 19. See website for event details.

Click Here

Krishna Everson is the founder of Healthy Marketing, helping business owners to use their passion to market with purpose and connect with their ideal client. A marketing, Wordpress and blogging coach, Krishna breaks it down into manageable chunks to make marketing doable, for even the most time strapped entrepreneur! Download your free 53 page Healthy Marketing Guide at our website. 2013 February 37

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About Networking Chats ‘Networking Chats’ “ I love the dynamics and mix of this group. Everyone’s stories and achievements and goals are so motivating and exciting! Thank you everyone for sharing and thank you everyone for being so friendly. Most of all thank you Jennie Gorman, you are an excellent and engaging speaker. ” — Kerrin Smith

‘Networking Chats’ “ This forum is the best way to learn the principles of a good networker. People always learn more in a fun and enlightening environment The company is great and so is the venue!!!” — Gail Timms

Fabulous - It was wonderful to meet new, focused and inspirational people. I look forward to reconnecting and learning more about the other members. Excellent information shared in the presentation by Natasha Howard - more time to consolidate the key points would have been fabulous. — Christine McKee

One of the best mornings I have had since my arrival in Australia - three years ago!. Natasha’s talk was everything (or actually so much more) than I had hoped for. Incredibly generous of her to share all that valuable information and to put the notes online. Thank you to Margaret for making sure I kept being introduced to new people, and thank you, Jennie - for organising this ‘chat’. I met beautiful people, heard amazing stories and received good advise. it doesn’t get much better than that, now does it? — Renate Moerman

‘Networking Chats’ “ If you want to build your profile in a relaxed atmosphere then this is the place to be - If you are a new networking person then this environment will help you to develop your confidence in meeting others whilst developing your interpersonal skills ” — Lee Stemm 2013 February 39

UPCOMING EVENTS: Blogging for Business Workshop | Facilitated by Krishna Everson 19 February 2013 @ 9:00am - 4:00pm Blogging is a cost effective and powerful way to establish yourself as an expert in your field, connect with new clients then keep them coming back and grow your email mailing list.

But how do you get started?

Topics covered in this full day interactive session • Plan compelling content that will get your readers interested and keep them coming back for more. • Write your blog posts so they’re fast to read and easily understood. • How to decide what to write about and choose the right blogging topics. • How to come up with hundreds of great blog post ideas. • How to create compelling headlines • Enhancing your blog with images and video • Finding new readers and promote your blog to a wider audience. • How to promote your blog on Twitter and Facebook. Don’t forget to bring your Laptop, this workshop is fully interactive! Only 8 participants accepted so book ASAP! Book now by visiting

Krishna Everson is a marketing strategist and trainer affectionately known as the ‘clarity queen’ because of her knack for simplifying the marketing process for business owners and entrepreneurs.

Business Ideas Brisbane | Facilitated by Jennie Gorman 26 February 2013 @ 2:30pm - 4:30pm We are a group of small business people getting together to network, exchange ideas, etc. Speaker: Dave Shire will speak about Fast Tracking Financial Strategies for 2013. With many years as a business banking trainer and solid understanding of business financials, Dave’s job was to make business analysis easier to understand for bankers. These days Dave is helping businesses find hidden cashflow and playing the role of a part time CFO and bringing together the banker, accountant and bookkeeping to form a structured financial strategy.

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In this session he will talk about: • Getting the right financial strategy • Current trends for small businesses and how you might be able to benefit from them • Difference between cash flow and profit • Risk free strategies to improve your business. Book today and you can walk away with fresh tools to work with your business! Come along and share your business ideas and/or get some new ones. Even seasoned pros can learn new things by connecting with other successful business entrepreneurs . The Pineapple Hotel, 706 Main Street, Kangaroo Point

Brisbane Small Business Mastermind Group | Facilitated by Jennie Gorman

Commencing 1st March 2013 @ 9:30am - 12:00pm Gold Coast Small Business Mastermind Group | Facilitated by Jennie Gorman

Commencing 6th March 2013 @ 9:30am - 12:00pm Small business masterminding is for those who are: • start-up businesses • relatively new to business • SME’s needing a group of business owners who can help and support each other to move forward fast. Learning all the new skills from web creation, social media, marketing, financials, client acquisition, data base creation etc are all new learning curves for people who haven’ t been in business for a long time.

BMMG #3 - Friday, 1, 15 & 29 Mar; 12 & 26 Apr; 10 & 24 May; 7 & 21 Jun; 5 & 19 Jul; 2 Aug, 2013 BMMG #4 - Wednesday, 6 & 20 Mar; 3 & 17 Apr; 1, 15 & 29 May; 12 & 26 Jun; 10 & 24 Jul; 7 Aug. 2013 INTERESTED? Contact Jennie on 0414 278 344 or click here to email

The Benefits for anyone being part of this group are many: • your own individual ‘Board of Directors’ • business accountability & advisory board • personal and business development • achieving two ’90 Day Action Plans’ • specialist speakers • being with like-minded people • maximum leverage • unique process of MasterMinding • design goals with passion and legacy • develop your Business Vision and Mission • better business focus and clarity • support to solve your challenges in one session • AND never be alone in business Let this process support you, keep you accountable and give you the opportunity to have a business that shines.

Networking Chats | Hosted by Jennie Gorman 12 March 2013 @ 10:00am - 12:00pm The focus of the Networking Chats MeetUps is to support SME’s develop better trust-based relationship building/networking skills so that they can build more lasting relationships. Our speaker is Geoff Moller on ‘Creating a profitable 3D business with Intellectual Property (IP)’ Did you know that IP has been described by the Financial Times as one of the key drivers of business competitiveness in the 21st century! One of the greatest challenges in business today is building or establishing a brand and not protecting it or worse, finding out that a ‘Trademark’ already exists, and it’s NOT yours. Geoff will be sharing the secrets to securing a trademark and protecting your IP without all the stress.

Don’t miss this informative session by Geoff Moller: • What is Intellectual Property? • Is your brand really your own? • What’s a trademark? • Have an idea? What happens next? • Real case studies. • AND MORE!! Join us a for a bumper packed session from Geoff Moller an IP Professional and Management Consultant. So, book in, come along, share your business ideas and/or get some new ones. Even seasoned pros can learn new things by rubbing shoulders with other successful entrepreneurs. Una Vita - Inspirational Coffee The Hub, 14 Ashtan Place, Banyo Bookings:

2013 February 41

C onnexions Business Magazine

Editor : Jennie Gorman

Photography : Larry Lim (Cover and Networking Chats Photos)

Graphic Design : J. Anne Delgado

List of Contributors Aina Notoa

Anthony Davis

Dave Shire

Desley Arnold

Donna Fisher

Emma Munro

Greg Menz

Jennie Gorman

Jesus Balderas

John Milne

Kerstin Rheinlander

Krishna Everson

Samantha Lyttle

Sanjiv Gurram

Tove Vine Miss Tove’s English School

Disclaimer: The opinions and viewpoints expressed in Connexions Business Magazine do not necessarily represent those of the editor, staff or publisher or any Connexions Unlimited staff or related parties. The publisher, Connexions Unlimited personnel are not liable for any mistake, misprint or omission. All information contained in Connexions Business Magazine is intended to inform and illustrate and should not be taken as financial, health, legal or accounting advice. You should seek professional advice before making any business related decisions. We are not liable for any losses you may incur directly or indirectly as a result of reading Connexions Business Magazine. Reproduction of any material or contents of the magazine without written permission from the publisher is strictly prohibited.

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