Connexions Business Mag - #5 October 2012 Issue

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onnexions C Business Magazine

My Confessions that Led to Massive Breakthrough BRING IT ON:

How to embrace challenges

How To Increase Your Revenue Without Any New Customers

The Art of Mindful Listening The Secret To Making Your Child Wildly Wealthy YOU CAN NEGOTIATE EVERYTHING!

Jean McDonald-Smith and Jennie Gorman


From Jennie’s Desk As the months roll on faster than ever we come to realise that if we have not created what we wanted for 2012 it will be gone and the time lost forever. So, how are the plans YOU set in for 2012 going? I do hope that you have completed all you wanted to this date and that you are able to now imagine how the upcoming year can support you on your journey. For me I have accomplished more than I had ever imagined. The year has gone so fast and on reflection I am amazed at how much I have achieved and how good I feel about it all. I do hope that you are saying the same as we count down to start preparing for 2013. My calendar for the coming year is filling fast. If you need help and support I will be running a three hour session on ‘Create 2013 To Be What YOU Want’ on Monday 26th November. This is an event where you can vision your coming year using both left and right brain to create a fabulous year ahead. MasterMinding this year has been fabulous with some incredible people participating and achieving their goals in more ways than they imagined. One group on completion of their six months have decided to continue for another six months. Their achievements have been fabulous. I am so blessed and grateful to be given the opportunity to watch people and their businesses grow. To see how they have moved forward and to be part of that process makes my heart sing. There will be more groups commencing in 2013 so if you are interested, let me know. There are some wonderful articles in the October issue and I do hope you enjoy the read. I would love any feedback and support through social media to put this e-magazine into the wider community. If you would like to be an author in upcoming issues, let me know so that I can see if there is a fit. Enjoy your month and have FUN!

Networking Chats – 11th September with Dr. Edward Gifford


Page 06 My Confessions that Led to Massive Breakthrough

Page 25

The most stabilising force behind any business, I believe, is ‘Networking’ or ‘Business Relationship Building’. Page 26

Page 08

BRING IT ON: How to embrace challenges

“Variety is the Spice of Life”

It’s one of my favourite sayings!

6 STARS... A Blueprint for Remarkable Customer Care

A key question stays with me. If it’s so easy why isn’t everybody doing it?

When reading about the success of another person, be it about business or life in general, take notice of Page 27 What Do You Need To Be Creative? those unique qualities. Some think that in order to be creative you need to be artistic.

Page 11

How Earthing can Improve Heart Health: “VITAMIN G” Page 28 Throughout history, humans have walked barefoot and slept on the ground.

Page 12 My Confessions that Led to Massive Breakthrough

We all deserve the wonder and marvel of miracles

Two of the greatest words in our vocabulary are expect and miracle.

Why are you in business? How do you select your clients? Page 30

Page 14

How To Increase Your Revenue Without Any New Customers

The Secret To Making Your Child Wildly Wealthy

What are you doing that is not in alignment with your wealth profile.

The key to selling more products with ease can be best learnt from McDonalds and their famous Happy Meal. Page 32

Success Formula for Networking Events

Page 15

Suffering from the Loneliness Blues?

Crucial questions if you want to get your networking right!

5 tips on how YOU can banish the loneliness blues Page 33 from your business day.

Experiencing China as an International Teacher

I never thought I would be so happy in this new country of mine.

Page 16

15 Ways Rich People Think Differently

Page 18

Page 34 Moving from Hairdresser to Entrepreneur and Author The Art of the Exceptional Facilitator Over the past two decades as Jean’s eco-conscious

The rich think differently to the rest of us.

An exceptional facilitator has the ability to inspire, involve and influence a group to step outside their comfort zone to learn and ‘unlearn’ behaviours.

Page 20

The Art of Mindful Listening

As Epictétus said: ”Nature gave us one tongue and two ears so we could hear twice as much as we speak.”

Page 21

What’s in a story?

How do we recognise these conversational millstones that we continually load ourselves up with?

Page 22

The CORE Principle... a Recipe for Success

Is there a “magic formula” – the secret to success. Does it exist?

business grew and began to span the globe.

Page 36

Are You Open To Learning?

Page 38

You Can Negotiate Everything!

Page 40

Our Contributors

One of the major challenges for entrepreneurs is the resistance to other’s ideas.

Win-Win resolutions can often be achieved. In other matters justice and fairness must prevail.

“Joining Jennie’s Mastermind group has been one of the best business decisions I have made. The Mastermind group has assisted me to get clarity on the tasks I need to be focusing on, they keep me accountable, and I highly value the relationships I have formed with other members. Doing business alone is no fun! So having a “board of directors” to meet with every fortnight to connect with and learn from, has been invaluable. Thank you Jennie for facilitating and sharing your business wisdom with us. If you are a small business owner, I highly recommend you join one of Jennie’s Mastermind Groups.” Jennie’s Top Qualities: Personable, Expert, High Integrity Libby Butler “I had the great pleasure in speaking recently at Jennie’s Mastermind Group and was very impressed with how she has built and empowered her Mastermind members. Jennie is a legend in business networking and is passionate about helping growing people’s business through relationships. If you are looking for help to grow your business, I cannot recommend Jennie highly enough.” Julie Mason “Thank you Jennie for creating the space in your Mastermind Groups so that I could develop the skills I needed to grow my business. The group has the ability to learn and grow from each other under your guidance and supervision. I have gained confidence in my ability in business and through the group have gained new insights and new ways of doing my business. I can recommend this process to others who are wanting to grow their business. Jennie’s Top Qualities: Expert, Good Value, Creative Margaret Wilmink “Jennie is one of those dynamic people that you meet and know you will remember forever. I met Jennie at Brisbane Women quite a long time ago, and then connected through social media. Although I had only met her a few times - I felt very connected to her - which I think is testimony to her charisma. Jennie is passionate about helping people to connect and I can assure you that if you meet her once - you will feel her passion. Thanks Jennie for wanting to help small business people and for being such a positive person to be associated with.” Tatia Power, Online Strategist “Jennie Gorman is a legend, in the deepest sense of the word. Her contributions to the Australian and international business community have made a significant positive difference to countless people. If you needed professional support with the marketing of your product or business, Jennie is your best asset. Ask her to consult for you, and you will see what I mean. She’s brilliant.” Tony Ryan CSP, B Ed

Building a Better Business By Jennie Gorman

The most stabilising force behind any business, I believe, is ‘Networking’ or ‘Business Relationship Building’. I prefer to use the words ‘business relationship marketing’ or ‘business relationship building’ as people around the world often relate the word ‘networking’ with either multi-level marketing or interconnected computer systems. Not only do we need friends and supporters in our personal lives, we also need them in business. There are several reasons for this, and several types of relationships that need to be built. Making money isn’t always the reason. If you are currently in business you know the going can get tough and it’s the community and relationships you build around you that can make the difference between keeping your doors open or having to close them. Another primary reason for relationship building is mutual support and contribution – education and guidance you both give and receive. Every person you meet has something to teach you. Likewise, you have something to teach them. Sometimes, it can be a good idea to get clarity about where you are in your business by making a list of the peripheral people that help, edify, teach, refer, or otherwise help you to grow your business. Who are the people who believe in you and are willing to tell you the truth even when you may not want to hear it? These are your business friends. These people are a very important foundation for your business, especially if you are in small business. People used to refer to the ‘old boys network’, and that is just what relationship building is all about.

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The most important thing in any business is your attitude and the extent of your daily communication skills. This will show how you maintain your integrity and reputation. Consider all your business communications as a stepping stone to not only the person you are communicating with but all the people they know as well. Word of mouth is a powerful tool to harness. Referral is the easiest way to build a good and solid foundation for any business, and the repeat business that comes from it strengthens it. It is far easier (and cheaper) to keep an existing client than look for a new one! Nurture the opportunities that come your way by providing something of value. It never hurts to be the first person to put something on the table. It builds trust in a world where trust is often challenged. While you do need to look after your cash flow, it can be a good idea to sometimes consider opportunities that won’t make money, because sometimes these opportunities build dynamic pathways to larger financial avenues. A good example of this is the female publicist who began working with a fairly unknown author but had faith in his abilities. As it turned out, this author was a fountain of contacts within the media industry - to other well-known authors, and to additional businesses. The work performed by the publicist for free, for this one person, became the best advertising ever generated for her business. In turn the relationship she built with the author became bonded for life through goodwill.

Let’s consider the possibilities for you to find and build more business relationships. What organisations do you belong to, discussion lists, open forums, breakfast networks etc? I’ve heard too many times from business owners that they do not have time to join groups and ‘socialise’. Believe me, you don’t have the luxury not to, especially if you have a small business. It’s not only’s vital. The most important business-building tool is your business card. This is your shop window. It may be the one thing that makes someone contact you. I am surprised at the numbers of people who either don’t have a business card or don’t present professionally or don’t have the proper information on them. Your card must give all your contact details as well as information of what you do and what services you offer.

Another way to support your business is to find someone whom you trust to give the same service and professionalism as yourself, who has a complimentary business. You can then support each other in what we call co-operative business building. This is very effective and time saving. If you haven’t already started to build your network, it’s time to locate the organisations in your industry and start making friends. It will pay you back one hundred fold. Building relationships in business is in effect building your business, so consider it time well spent and get started today!

Jennie Gorman

runs Business Relationship Building workshops and consults one-on-one in Brisbane or via Skype.

The one-day courses provide all the basics to get your business moving. For more information contact Jennie at Connexions Unlimited on 0414 278 344

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BRING IT ON: How to embrace challenges Have you ever read a business success story and began comparing specific facts to isolated details of your own situation? His parents got divorce when he was young, so did mine…she changed her career three times before starting her own business, me to…we both have the same last name!

Understand that even successful entrepreneurs need to overcome obstacles. Here are examples: • One year after Tim Pethick launched his business, 16,000 bottles of nudie fruit juice were being purchased everyday. However, his success was interrupted when, in 2004, Pethick’s manufacturing plant mysteriously burnt down. As he was forced to stand outside the factory and watch it burn, Pethick turned to his Marketing Director and said: “Well, tomorrow we’d better start looking for another factory.” Less than a year later, Pethick rebuilt the company bigger, stronger and more profitable than it was before.

Sometimes we do this to marvel at the similarities, other times we do it to convince ourselves that we too have what it takes to be successful. To start a business or to continue on a path to success is a vulnerable act, which may result in failure. By seeking out similarities with successful people we are essentially seeking out a reason to embrace that • Trevor Choy, founder of Choy Lawyers, is an vulnerability. example of entrepreneurs demonstrating resilience. Choy had a partner, who was also a friend, who The thing is, successful entrepreneurs and business stole a large sum of money that sent the company owners come from a range of backgrounds, with into insolvency. Today, Choy Lawyers are regarded different experiences and a myriad of strengths as Australia’s leading experts on advertising and and weaknesses, just like you. However, what branding law. distinguishes successful entrepreneurs from everyone • Suzi Dafnis, founder of Pow Wow Events, lost else are their unique characteristics or qualities. $40,000 on her first venture, which put her into a hole that took two years to get out of. Today the I started thinking about this after I published my company occupies more than 50 per cent of the first book in the ‘Secrets Exposed!’ Series. Flicking market in the financial education and personal through the pages, I asked myself ‘what did I learn development segment. from this book?’ After interviewing over thirty of Australia’s successful entrepreneurs, the single • After a messy divorce, Sandy found herself biggest factor that stood out was the quality $100,000 in debt, with two small children to support on a $15,000 a year government benefit. After – resilience. founding her multi-million dollar business, Wildly In other words, successful entrepreneurs have Wealthy Women, Sandy now teaches tens of the ability to bounce back. They aren’t necessarily thousands of people from over 88 countries about the power of attracting wealth. more knowledgeable or have more experience, but they do understand that every challenge they • For property investor, John Fitzgerald, owner face has the purpose of helping them grow and of JLF Corporation, his challenges began at a very young age. His father died when he was eight, he was develop. sent to a boarding school when he was ten (where For me, this is what the entrepreneur is all about. the first two or three years were tough), and at For them, it is about overcoming obstacles, beating seventeen he found himself on the Gold Coast, alone, setbacks, and moving forward. They have the attitude with one knapsack and a couple of hundred dollars. and the mindset to say: ‘Bring it on!’ whenever they Since then, he has bought, sold and developed more than 5,000 properties and his business consists are faced with a challenge. of 22 companies and turns over $100 million per year.

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For me, examples like these capture the true spirit of the entrepreneur. Not only are they resilient, but they embrace the challenges and obstacles placed before them. Entrepreneurs understand that obstacles will always be there, so to be successful you need to become accustomed to challenges. And if you can’t, you need to learn because problems and setbacks are as certain as taxes and death in the business environment. One of the best ways to handle challenges and obstacles is to ask yourself questions. Some questions to help you adopt a more positive approach to challenges include: • What can I learn from this? • What’s great about this challenge? • What am I willing to do to make it the way I want? • How can I enjoy this process?

Understand that overwhelmed with frustration and lack of options, we forget to ask these questions. You need to constantly ask these questions in order to change the way you perceive challenges. When you are able to view challenges positively, you will also be able to identify the opportunities and benefits that come from them.

In Summary Next time you’re reading about the success of another person, be it about business or life in general, take notice of those unique qualities. If you want to compare yourself with these people, then look at qualities rather than circumstances. Are you motivated like them? Do you have a passion? Can you communicate well? And perhaps more importantly: are you resilient? Know that smooth seas never made a skilled sailor, so learn to embrace challenges.

Do you feel like you’re working too much and not making enough money?

Don’t Let Your Business Become a “Dinosaur” That’s why at my new event, the

“New Rules of Business”,

I’ll guide you through the strategies with… “Step 1, Step 2, Step 3 and DONE” instructions.

10 Connexions Business Mag

How Earthing can Improve Heart Health: “VITAMIN G” The Missing Link in Heart Health and Overall Wellness. This excerpt is taken from Dr. Stephen Sinatra’s Heart, Health and Nutrition Newsletter, Feb.2010. He is a fellow of the American College of Cardiology and the American College of Nutrition. I thought his comments on earthing were well worth sharing with you. “For years I have been writing and speaking about energy medicine, or electro medicine as the future of healing illness. With Earthing, I believe I’ve found one of the specific ways - if not the key one - in which this will come to pass. Like all living beings, humans are bio-electrical creatures. The brain, muscles, and heart are electrical organs, and the trillions of cells that make up our bodies are constantly transmitting and receiving energy as they carry out the biochemical processes that give us life. As you may guess, health problems can occur when these electrical circuits begin to misfire. Malfunctions in heart’s circuitry, for example, may lead to an irregular heart rhythm, some of which can be deadly.

Earthing – or grounding as it is called – is about reconnecting to this basic energy. Grounding is a familiar term in the electrical world. It is the common practice of connecting equipment and appliances to the earth in order to protect against shocks, shorts and interferences. As it applies to people, grounding provides a way for the energy of the Earth to flow into the body. The positive, rejuvenating effect it has on the immune system and nervous systems, the heart and the rest of the body – and even the aging process itself – is significant and sorely needed. Just as the sunlight provides us with vitamin D, the Earth provides us with another essential ingredient. Call it vitamin G if you will - “G” for grounding. The Sinatra Solution: My advice now to patients, friends, and family is to add Earthing – as much as you can work into the day – to their health routine. It’s powerful medicine, regardless of whether you use it for prevention or therapeutic purposes.”

The Story of Earthing’s Discovery. Throughout history, humans have walked barefoot and slept on the ground – oblivious to the fact that the earth’s surface continually sends a subtle electrical signal to the body that helps govern its systems. Modern living has taken us away from many aspects of Nature. We no longer sleep on the ground, and the widespread wearing of insulating rubber soled shoes has disconnected us from this energy and its health benefits.

For further information on earthing you can go to

The products there are available through me. At present I am in the process of getting a web site organized. For prices and information my contact details are as follows.

Email: Mob: 0434 544 834

Greg Menz: B.App.Sc. / Alexander Technique. Ground Zero Health

Connexions Business Mag 11

My Confessions

that Led to Massive Breakthrough - Part 1 I vividly remember a scene in the second Matrix movie when the Frenchman was explaining - Choice and Consequence; or Cause and Effect. This dialog has stuck with me ever since I watched the movie. In this scene, he discusses choice, but we do not have the power to choose our consequence. He discusses the true power is in “Why!” What is your “Why?”

Luckily, I had a great friend, Christina, who reminded me that I had choice. She reminded me that I had the power to choose what I thought about, what I focused on, how long I dwelt on something, how I reacted to something and who was a part of my life. At first, she simply challenged me with questions like:

Once you understand your “Why,” you can then choose your actions to support this. The challenge in life is that most people do not understand his/ her “Why.” Without this understanding, we are essentially powerless because we base our decisions on emotions, feelings and the influence of others in that moment.

• Why did you let yourself feel that way; • That’s interesting, why did you react that way;

This is also true in business. Why are you in business? How do you select your clients? (That is right, how do you select your clients? Too many people just accept anyone who agrees to give them money even if they are not a good fit for you.) What kind of client service do you give? How do you become EXCEPTIONAL! If you do not base your CHOICE in your WHY, then your choices are random, and far too often they are reactionary. And, sometimes you give your WHY or purpose away to another person by letting them determine your WHY for you. This is very dangerous! I recently found myself in this situation, and I had convinced myself that I was in control. The reality was that many of my decisions were based on the emotions, whims and decisions of another person. I found myself unfulfilled, unhappy and stressed to the MAX. For months, I found myself going through motions, feeling sorry for myself, and wondering what else life could throw at me. (This is for another discussion, but the Law of Attraction was strongly at work here.)

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• Why do you choose to think that;

For weeks, we had been talking about Attraction, Choice, Respond versus Reaction, and Happiness. One day, she asked me to discuss and coach her on a specific business idea. The funny thing is that when we met, we decided to walk and talk, and the focus of our discussion became the Power to Choose. And, this is when she asked me my most revealing question And, the most enlightening question was, so you have been frustrated about this all day, why? And, what do you have to do to change the way you feel? Christina asked me this question almost off the cuff, but it penetrated to my very core.

(Ouch... And, I was frustrated for most of one day because a client wanted her website to be EXCEPTIONAL, and she kept making adjustments to the photos on her site!) Now, go figure that, a client has listened to me about being exceptional, and I choose to get frustrated! Oops! I doubt if she even realized the impact of the conversation.

I rushed home, and started to pull out old books and notes from seminars that I had attended over the past two decades. I was like WOW!! I really have given away my power to choose. As soon as I decided to eliminate the toxic thoughts, influences and people in my life - a peace overcame me. I was able to focus on my WHY, something I had forgotten as I was rushing to put out fires and please others. This sent me on a massive EVALUATION of my business and my life. If you can relate to this, you will definitely want to bookmark this blog and read next week’s post as I share with you the specific steps I took to make a major breakthrough in my life, how I did it, and within a few short months changed the entire outlook of my business and life.

To your success, Jesus Balderas The Coach

P.S. I recently had a client who was working

with a high profile business person who was causing chaos in my client’s life. He treated my client as if she owed him something, and he kept dangling carats of big business. This was causing her great stress, and I shared my story and some strategies with her that I am going to share with you next week. Once she dealt with this person and situation, she was instantly relieved and her business grew almost instantly.

Visit BBI Today!

How To Increase Your Revenue Without Any New Customers By Samantha Lyttle

In the world of marketing everyone focuses on getting more customers. This is obviously an important part of growing any business, however what’s so often overlooked is how you can increase your revenue today before you even get one new client! This means that you can start making more money in your business now, instead of waiting for your new marketing tactics to kick in. For today, let’s take a quick look at how to do this using the #1 way to increase your revenue without any new customers: by selling more products to your existing customers. Selling More Products With Ease The key to selling more products with ease can be best learnt from McDonalds and their famous Happy Meal offer. Let’s say you have 4 main products and services that you currently sell as one off items. Ask yourself how you could bundle up your products and services to offer a more complete package to your customers and in the process, provide greater value and a more complete service.

Here’s A Few Tips To Get Started: • Try bundling up your offerings into 3 or 4 differently priced packages going from least expensive to most expensive. • Put products and services together that complement each other and provide a greater outcome for your customer. • If you only sell once main service, eg: a consulting session, sell a bundle of 6 or 12 sessions instead of just one session. • Come up with a price point for each package that is more economical than if they were to buy each item separately. • If possible, offer a bonus for your more exclusive packages and always think value, value, value! Just like McDonalds asked, “why sell a cheeseburger when we can sell a complete Happy Meal?”, you can ask your customers if they would like to “upsize” their existing purchase into more complete package that offers them greater value too. This one simple strategy when done well, can add a large increase to your bottom line, so give it a try!

Samantha Lyttle, Director of Market Launch Want more free marketing tips from Samantha? Click here for access to a Free Step-By-Step “How-To” on Positioning Yourself As The Expert

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Suffering from the Loneliness Blues? By Anthony Turner

Whilst working with small business clients recently I noticed a common recurring theme where many expressed feelings of loneliness in their businesses. Most clients – and particularly those working from home –stated how they had become acutely aware of the time they spend on their computers or in their ‘sheds’ and how little social interaction they have. Surprisingly even owners of retail shops and tradespeople working in people’s homes spoke about how they too noticed people interaction was missing from their daily lives. So the purpose of this article is to offer 5 tips on how YOU can banish the loneliness blues from your business day.

Tip 1- use the 45 minute method of working – i.e. break down bigger tasks or projects into activities that

take around 45 minutes to complete OR take a break from larger tasks every 45 minutes to refresh yourself.

Tip 2 –make sure you work on what’s important rather than just

doing STUFF. We all have lots of tasks (STUFF) to do but these activities aren’t always the best use of our time and in fact, many are a complete waste of time, energy and effort.

Tip 3 - To keep your mojo alive I recommend you keep

yourself energetic through exercise. I have a client who goes for a walk/run every lunch time to recharge his batteries and to break up the tedium of being stuck at a computer all day.

Tip 4 –stay focused on your goals, the reasons WHY

you’re doing what you do. Some clients use visible reminders of WHAT they are working for. It doesn’t really matter what you use just as long as you keep reminding yourself WHY you choose to do what you do.

Tip 5 - make sure you plan time with people into your

day,every day. This could be a regular meeting with your business coach or advisor, going to networking events, planning to see key customers or making appointments to see potential new customers. So the bottom line is if you’re feeling lonely – get out and meet some people. Connexions Business Mag 15

15 Ways

Rich People Think Differently By Sarah O’Carroll, Business Editor,

THE rich think differently to the rest of us. You need look no further than mining magnate Gina Rinehart with her “get out of the pub”comments or billionaire Clive Palmer’s plans to build Titanic II to see that. The author of How Rich People Think, Steve Siebold, recently told the Business Insider the differences between how rich and average people think are numerous and extreme.

Here are 15 of his top insights: 1. Rich people think selfishness is a virtue Average people feel they need to save the world and put others before themselves which is keeping them poor. Rich people take the attitude that if they don’t help themselves first they can’t help anyone else. 2. Rich people have an action mentality You wouldn’t see a rich person lining up to play the lottery (even before they were rich). Average people are always waiting on someone else to help them get rich - the Lotto, Government, friend or spouse – but it only keeps them poor. Rich people take action and spend time solving problems. 3. Rich people favour specific knowledge over formal education Average people believe the road to riches is through doing masters and doctorates. Rich people are generally rich because they have made money selling a specific knowledge they have acquired.

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4. Rich people dream of the future Rich people spend a lot of time looking into the future, setting goals and looking forward to what lies ahead. Average people dwell on the past which often holds them back by making them unhappy or depressed. 5. Rich people think about money logically Average and well-educated people can fall into the trap of thinking about money emotionally and just wanting to retire comfortably. Rich people maintain a logical relationship with money viewing it as a tool that represents options and opportunities. 6. Rich people follow their passion Oprah Winfrey said it – you’ve got to follow your passion and do what you love. Rich people find a way of getting paid for doing something they love. Average people earn money doing things they don’t love. 7. Rich people aim high Average people set low expectations to avoid disappointment whereas rich people set huge expectations and follow their dreams. 8. Rich people believe you have to “be” someone Average people on the other hand believe you have to “do” something to be rich and focus on immediate results. Rich people continuously focus on bettering themselves and learn from success and failures. 9. Rich people use other people’s money Average people believe they need their own money to make money whereas rich people have no problem using other people’s.

10. Rich people live below their means It seems contradictory to the above statement but rich people adopt the attitude of getting rich so you can afford to live below your means. Average people live beyond their means.

13. Rich people would rather be educated than entertained Average people are the opposite. They read novels, tabloids and entertainment rather than continuously educating themselves after school.

11. Rich people teach their children how to be rich Average people teach their children how to survive whereas rich people teach their children from an early age about the world of haves and have nots.

14. Rich people surround themselves with like-minded people Average people think rich people are snobs and have a negative attitude towards the super rich. Rich people steer clear of the doom and gloom attitudes and people – adding fuel to the fire of the “snob” label.

12. Rich people don’t let money stress them out Average people do. Rich people find peace of mind in wealth and are not afraid to admit that money can solve most problems – allowing them to make more money. Average people see money as a continuous battle and necessary evil they have to endure.

15. Rich people focus on earning Average people focus on saving and miss big opportunities by trying to live frugally. Rich people constantly focus on the big picture – and how to earn the big bucks.

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The Art of the Exceptional Facilitator A 3 ACT play – an on YOUR Feet experience! By Denise Archie

We believe that an exceptional facilitator has the ability to use their 3’I’ Muscles™ – to inspire, involve and influence a group to step outside their comfort zone to learn and ‘unlearn’ behaviours that are useful to themselves. In 2004, we facilitated our advanced facilitation course and by popular demand we have updated and tweaked one of our premier programs. The Art of the Exceptional Facilitator was originally conceived and created with Sean Rhodes, a friend and co facilitator of 20 years.

At Coaching College we believe there are 11 keys to the roles and responsibility of the exceptional facilitator: 1. YOU are an EDUCATOR and as such work with your knowing by being in the present state at all times. 2. As an educator, whenever YOU stand in front of a group or hold the floor–the group immediately considers you either consciously or unconsciously their leader for that duration of time. 3. As their leader, YOU become the role model. YOU set the standard, the tone and the culture for that particular group. YOU actually give permission to or for behaviour that ‘turns up’ in the group. 4. To encourage ‘open and trusting conversations’ 5. To ensure the very core of YOUR being is learner centred 6. Clarity of YOUR communication is the response YOU receive 7. YOU MUST hold every person in the learning space ‘as able to achieve success’ 8. That all learning happens outside our comfort zone 9. Ensure the ‘learning gradient’ is working with every learner. 10. To establish rapport and work with the energy of the group – the synergy 11. Debrief the group to integrate the learning and build the powerful action plan

Why A 3 ACT Play?

Most educators are have a tendency to enjoy being on stage. So here is your chance to perform. Our course gives participants a chance to really stretch their possibility thinking of themselves and their participants in terms of learning. Our courses all come with a WARNING; be prepared to be challenged, have fun and learn. We would like to officially congratulate Jennie who has remained true to her passion for Networking and building relationships. What a champion!

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The Art of Mindful Listening by Simone de Haas, Cre8tive Catalyst

In any kind of connecting situation you have with other human beings you are communicating. Whether it is a simple informal conversation, a meeting, a sales pitch, or a presentation in front of an audience, communication is a two-way process. The listener’s role is as central to the communication process as the speaker’s role. Real communication and connection occur when the speaer AND listener participate in the process.

Here are 6 steps you can use to become a mindful listener: 1. Listen for understanding, not responding. As listeners we think about 500 words per minute while the normal speaking rate is about 125 to 150. That creates a lot of room for communication to break down. Filling your head with your own thoughts or responses stops you being present. And, you may miss valuable information because you’ve already moved on. Listen to the entire message and then respond. 2. I heard this... is that what you meant? Ask more questions. Paraphrase what you’ve heard... “What I heard you say is this. Is this what you meant?” Ask a question of interest to demonstrate that you are really listening to what is being said.

3. Self-Aware. Observe your own and other people’s listening habits. Ask yourself what it feels like when someone really listens to you and when they don’t. Do you exhibit any of the behaviours you find annoying? And acknowledge yourself for listening habits you have that do work for you. 4. Triggers. Become aware of your personal filters and triggers and what shuts your listening down. Each of us is a product of our upbringing, culture and life experiences. As you listen, remain open to what you are hearing and withhold evaluation or judgment. 5. Empathy. When we listen with empathy, we listen with the whole being. Empathy is a respectful understanding of what others are experiencing. Learn to listen for the sub-text: What’s not being said? What’s most important to the speaker? 6. Non-Verbal. Approximately 92% of all communication is non-verbal. This is where the mindful listener is able to pick up a host of clues as to what the speaker is communicating beyond the words. Are the speaker’s non-verbal and verbal communications congruent? We all need to feel that we are being heard and understood. So, try out any of these suggestions and you will experience more of a connection to those around you.

As Epictétus said: ”Nature gave us one tongue and two ears so we could hear twice as much as we speak.”

20 Connexions Business Mag

What’s in a story? By Chris James What’s in a story? Well, when they are our ‘old stories’ about ourselves that we are in a habit or pattern of repeating in conversation, they can be extremely destructive and don’t help us at all in our daily lives, especially when we are really want to let go of our past and start to live life fully, for ourselves in the present.

It is not such a big leap then to feel that there is not just a physical quality to feeling sound in our body, but also an energetic quality that affects us. Once we start to build a more ‘conscious’ presence within ourselves and our body, we can start to feel the effects that our words and conversations have.

Do you find that when you meet people you often embark upon what almost feels like a ‘prepared speech’ about yourself, and not expressing the true you? Do you say things about yourself in conversations that belittle yourself, or pump yourself up? These can be called ‘stories’, or “patterns of expression’, and they are like a series of self-destructive little vocal bombs that we let off inside and outside of ourselves every day.

It’s like we are continually building up a restricting energetic deposit in the pipes or arteries of our expression, until our expression itself becomes limited and damaging.

How do we recognise these conversational millstones that we continually load ourselves up with? Well, it really helps when we start to feel more connected to our body, which could be called being ‘present’, being aware of what we are truly feeling, and what is ‘going on’ within ourselves and around us. When speaking it is very useful to begin to be aware of how we can actually feel the vibration of our words in our body. When kids start to explore their voices it’s great to get them to feel their voices in their body. They hold up their hands and yell “wow” and yes, wow they can feel the ‘pulse’ or vibration of their voice in their hands. Working with adults in a similar way, it’s not long before everyone can feel that their voice CAN be felt all the way through their body. This really does open people up to a new awareness of their voice. What was always, in a sense, a ‘2 dimensional’ relationship with sound and voice, that is, it just comes out of our mouth and our voice box, is expanded to a more ‘3 D’ experience, that involves our whole body. This can be the start of re-connecting with ourselves and feeling a lot more of what is going on within us.

Neuroscientists can now measure that prolonged exposure to negative expression in general literally peels away neurones from the part of the brain called the hippocampus, affecting ‘neuroplasticity.’ Neuroplasticity is the ability of the brain to reorganise itself and develop new connections – literally our ability to be flexible and expansive, thereby affecting the way we live, learn and evolve. In other words, continued exposure to negative expression causes the deterioration of the brain’s neuroplasticity and a ‘shutting down’ occurs. What are your favourite stories? Just pause for a moment and contemplate what you say about yourself (or others). Once we start to re-connect with ourselves our body and our expression, we can start to identify these patterns or stories, and this starts to bring a great ‘spring clean’ effect to our words and speech. Our expression starts to feel lighter, we are not dragging ourselves down with our own words, and we begin to feel what it is like when we express from who we truly are (the 4th dimensional effect). And this is the start of a whole new world of expression. Sounds Wonderful Pty. Ltd. PO Box 4219, Goonellabah, NSW 2480. AUSTRALIA TEL. +61 (0)2 66283308

Moments - an Inspirational Album by Chris James

Connexions Business Mag 21

The CORE Principle... a Recipe for Success Jeff Withers (Red River Journey) Is there a “magic formula” – the secret to success. Does it exist? Possibly. However, let me introduce what I call the CORE Principle.

Confidence: Confidence is the driving force behind performance. Increased confidence leads to increased success, which increases confidence, then success, and so on … a cyclic effect. An individual lacking in confidence may see success as the result of “luck” rather than skill/ability, making them more at risk of feeling over-whelmed, stressed, poorly focused, lacking concentration and even fearing failure. Individuals who are consistently “on the mark” trust their abilities, and don’t allow past mistakes to impede performance. They leverage self-confidence to engage the power of their beliefs and attitudes to create a consistently strong performance.

The more confidence you have in your abilities – and yourself – the more likely you will execute a strong performance … all the time.

22 Connexions Business Mag

Overcoming roadblocks: Confidence can be very fragile. It is often built up or weakened purely as a result of “signals” being sent from significant others, family, past experiences and even from within. Those struggling to grow/maintain their confidence consider these common roadblocks. High expectations – “All or nothing” mentality – if expectations are set at an unrealistically high level it can be a recipe for failure. Self-doubt – Having “butterflies” prior to an important event is normal – letting it grow to nervousness and fear can be detrimental to a good outcome. Listening to others – Receiving a “tongue lashing” from a friend, family or partner can greatly impact on self-confidence. Not believing you can do it – Start to wonder why the effort to work hard should be made in the first place, as the end result is “obvious”. Negative past experiences – Individuals who utilise their past negative experiences to influence present challenges often fail to focus on the task at hand. Perfectionism – Failure to accomplish “perfectionist expectations” creates doubt in place of belief … “am I really as good as I thought I was”? Lack of belief in method/mechanics – To not fully believe you have the best skills/resources and so on can seriously undermine confidence.



Individuals who experience confidence-related issues are not necessarily destined for failure.

The first step to greater confidence starts with keeping a journal of the times you think confidently as opposed to doubting your ability. Identifying when/how the confident versus doubting thoughts occur can serve toward developing a plan of action to move forward.

Consider the following: Quality practice – Apply the principle of focused attention instead of the more “normal” long hours of hard slogging. Believe in your ability – Believing you have put in a solid effort, and trusting yourself to “do the job at hand”, will lessen the potential for tension and nervousness. Seek positive people – Individuals who surround themselves with people who demonstrate positive beliefs can find they are more likely to be (strongly) supported rather than belittled. Success breeds success -- Surround yourself with people who are successful. Discover what they do well, and how they do it; learn from how they handle mistakes. Quality coaching/instruction – Find a coach/mentor who understands the importance of physical skills, but also helps you build mental toughness. Fitness routine – A regimen for body and mind heath, once established, can boost your confidence in achieving your goals.

Next, keep a journal of what you have done well in the past. This can reinforce the belief that the skills to perform well actually do exist, and build trust that your abilities will lead to improved performance. Your confidence can be greatly improved though positive self-talk. Practice using statements like:

• I have earned the right to act with confidence. • I use errors/mistakes as opportunities to grow. • I will keep my composure even when a mistake is made.

• I will seek to utilise only confidence-boosting thoughts.

• I am in control of my thoughts, beliefs and abilities. • No-one else can control how I perform. Be proactive … accept responsibility for your own thoughts and beliefs. Remember, success builds confidence, confidence leads to success, and ... yes, it really is a cycle.

Connexions Business Mag 23

These are the Eight Ways to Create Wealth 1. The Creator Builds innovative products

Examples: Steve Jobs, Walt Disney, Richard Branson

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2. The Star Builds an influential brand

Examples: Oprah, Paul Newman, Bill Clinton

3. The Supporter Builds high performance teams

Examples: Steve Ballmer, Jack Welch

4. The Deal Maker Brings deals together

Examples: Donald Trump, Rupert Murdoch

5. The Trader Buying and selling commodities Examples: George Soros

6. The Accumulator Buying and holding assets

Examples: Warren Buffet, Paul Allen

7. The Lord Controlling cash flow producing assets Examples: Lakshmi Mital, IngavarKamprad

8. The Mechanic Creating a duplicatable system Examples: Michael Dell, Ray Krock

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What’s Your Wealth Profile? 24 Connexions Business Mag

“Variety is the Spice of Life” By Debbie Ducic

It’s one of my favourite sayings! So when we are asked what it’s like to live in other people’s homes, surrounded with unfamiliar furnishings and decorations, I have to admit that I LOVE the experience. It’s just so interesting to look at the photos of family and friends on the wall and wonder what kinds of relationships are involved and the stories that are hiding behind the canvas. Finding my favourite spot to hang out in the different places we move into or deciding on the best piece of art or collectable in the house is quite enjoyable. Getting to know the quirks and personalities of Mac, the dog, or GT, the cat, is fun... although sometimes a challenge. But one of the things I really enjoy most about the house sitting and travel lifestyle is NOT what most people would guess. In fact it has nothing to do with the house itself, or the pets, but it has to do with the surroundings. For example... where the home is situated, the land around it, the trees, flowers, gardens, bush, parks, rivers, ocean, mountains, wildlife, etc. I am constantly amazed and delighted, from one place to another, by the surprises in store! For example, our most recent house sit started in late autumn. Surrounded by sandy grounded bush land, the land was getting ready for the onslaught of winter; still green, but not much to get excited about. There was an arbor, heavy with barren vines. I had no idea this would blossom into profuse clusters of the most gorgeous and aromatic lavender coloured cascades of wisteria blooms.

What a Gift! Imagine a flower garden, fruit orchard or vegetable garden at your disposal without even knowing about it until you move in... without all the hard work? What a gift! Just one of the fabulous and unique features of the House Sitting Experience!

Connexions Business Mag 25

6 STARS...

A Blueprint for Remarkable Customer Care By John Milne

A key question stays with me. If it’s so easy why isn’t everybody doing it? Let’s begin.

• Grow a remarkable customer service mindset.

Every person is encouraged to have a remarkable service mindset that puts the guest, client or customers needs first every time. It focuses on being remarkable not just ordinary, average, easy going, near enough. Excellence begins at the top and grows throughout the business. Be exceptional in all your dealings. Go the extra mile to make each customer service experience memorable for all the right reasons. Exceed expectations often. Be passionate in doing your personal best work. Keep your energy levels high at all shift. Look exceptional be exceptional!

• Create a positive team culture. Inspire each other

in working, teaming, engaging, and wowing your guests. Always deliver on promises. Great teams are made up of great team players; people who listen to their coach and deliver the goods every time. Write shared values that guide every person in their actions at work. Learn and live the team values every day. Be a great team player. Look after your mates. Hold high standards. Whether you’re experienced or new; keep learning how to do your job better. Add value. No matter how you feel; be positive! Show a spirit of helpfulness. Care deeply about team performance and about team members.

• Live the 3 P’S of service. The three P’s of service make a complex task simple. 6 Star Service is Personal, Prompt and Precise. These three elements form the foundation of the exceptional service you offer. Personal service makes each guest feel special. The welcoming smile, the preparations always ready; the listening ear; all set the stage for a satisfying and memorable customer service experience. How you deal with the unexpected

26 Connexions Business Mag

colours every memory. Timely service matters most. By standardizing most processes you build in efficiencies and sales. Hold the standard of excellence you reach. Complete service alone satisfies; make it welcoming, speedy, and complete.

• Do the little things well. Aim for perfect execution

of each task. Skill yourself in each part of your job or role. Small personal touches thrill each guest. Surprise your clients and guests by anticipating their every need. Make each action flow naturally into the next. Be proud of your work environment and your brand.

• Build customer loyalty. Your quality work

matters. It can invite repeat business. It can make each customer or guest an enthusiastic fan who talks up your business wherever they go. Imagine the dollar value of growing goodwill. You are the brand. You are its ambassador in your suburb or town. 6 Star Service is your best competitive advantage. Know that passion gives you purpose. 6 Star Service sells when you excel. Enjoy your work. Reap the rewards.

• Turn complaints into compliments. The way you

accept and deal with complaints determines your reputation and guest loyalty. It is vital to fix not fudge when complaints are raised. It is easy and common for people to downgrade your standing via social media. Listen in a sincere and focussed way. Identify and remedy the problem. Make up for the unmet expectations in a positive way that leads to compliments after the episode. 6 Star Customer Care means design, intent, training, teamwork and a positive attitude every day.

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Kerstin Rheinlander Some think that in order to be creative you need to be artistic. Let’s get this straight for once and for all – creativity has nothing to do with being artistic. It has something to do with the fact that you are creating something new with items that you already have at your disposal. Einstein summed it up as follows:” The secret to creativity is knowing to hide your sources and integrate existing ideas in a novel way.” A lot of people will still say: “But I am not creative!”. That may be true but only because they have not given themselves the right environment nor the permission to be creative. So what is fundamental to being creative? You need to set the right environment. Create a space where you can reflect in peace and quiet, be curious and be inspired. How do you create space? Go for a walk in the woods without music blaring through your headphone and without your phone or other distractions and just focus on your thoughts. Or create the space at home by lighting a candle, burning some incense and putting on some soothing music. With the right mood setting the energy will flow from a deeper space, you will find joy in the creation and you will be mindful throughout the process. So to be creative is basically to be connected. What else to remember? Creativity takes no excuses, it ignores any rules, it allows yourself to look at things from a different perspective, it is free of judgement (forget what anyone else says).

The 5 ways to think creative are:

1. Relax 2. Don’t be scared – it is ok to fail as this is the quickest way to discover success or something new 3. Have a goal in mind – establish a direction and see where it takes you – go with the flow and your intuition. 4. Become part of your environment and full of awareness for the present moment: quiet and calming vs. noisy and stressful – Inspirations can be found everywhere 5. Take Action: do something – write, paint, connect with others – just follow through on your ideas. Without action there is no creativity!

So, how are you going to tap into your creativity? I started with a yoga session this morning, followed by a health fruit shake, then the peace and quiet of my creative space in the warming sun. See the result below!

Kirsten’s Blog Connexions Business Mag 27

We all deserve the wonder and marvel of miracles By Dr. John Hinwood

Two of the greatest words in our vocabulary are expect and miracle. These words awaken the power of expectation and make possible the enriching qualities of hope, desire, enthusiasm and excitement that unfold into a rewarding and purposeful life. By expanding our level of expectation, we expand and increase our miracles. Our level of expectation sets the limits for our life. If we only expect a little then that’s exactly what we get. We can change ourselves and the world by our level of expectation. Miracle is a big word and to some, expecting a miracle would seem ridiculous but then that depends on your worldview, your mindset and your understanding of miracles. Here’s my description of a miracle: “A miracle is a wonder or a marvel. Miracles can be big or small, and they all have the effect of changing a person’s perception on life. Many people expect miracles to be huge and be related to God or some higher power but most miracles are every day events such as seeing a baby smiling for first time or an act of kindness by a stranger. These are the miracles that are most remembered because they are spontaneous, emotionally connected and have a lasting impact.” Miracles are everywhere, all around us. They happen every day and the key to finding them is to be aware of them. Personally I have seen hundreds of miracles in people of all walks of life and I have experienced many in my own life. Now I spend a great deal of time educating people around the world to prompt them to think about the miracles in their lives. Over the past 25 years I’ve handed out over 90,000 little white cards to people throughout the world. The cards have just three words written on them: EXPECT A MIRACLE.

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Many people I give a card to, regardless of their station in life, turn the card over to find it blank on the back, with no name, no advertising, no gimmick; purely a message of hope. After a pause, I say: “Would you like a miracle?” They almost always say: “Oh yes!” It’s amazing to see the change in peoples being upon receiving the card and reading the words: “Expect A Miracle”. It’s a simple message to digest. Most of us in our various lives are conditioned to expect the worst but the simple of act of expecting the best (a miracle) can be enough to turn around the lives of people for the better. Some people who receive the card show a glimmer of hope that it’s possible for their life to be better than it is right now. It can be a hugely uplifting event for some. Our expectation can change from doom and gloom to a miracle state in the time it takes to register a new thought.

Video Interviews


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Testimonial from Allan Pease Connexions Business Mag 29

The Secret To Making Your Child Wildly Wealthy By Janeece Giraldo

How do you encourage your children to A multimillionaire friend told me that he grew up have good financial habits and at what age on a farm in England and his father was a vet. He had certain chores that he had to complete each day do you start? One of my observations is that when you get several three year olds together and give them a bag of sweets each – some will scoff them all down and ask for more – some will share them with everyone and expect nothing in return – some will have one or two and put the rest away for later. My further observation is this is how they will treat their money in later life. So the question then is – how do you encourage your children to have good financial habits and at what age do you start? My experience is that no matter what you do - sometimes their own instincts rule no matter what. However a method that several have tried and found effective is to ask children to undertake certain tasks for no reward – like making their bed – tidying their room. Then for a small sum or a treat or an activity that they enjoy – to take on other chores like washing up – setting the table etc. This provides them with a sense of responsibility for their actions as well as a financial or other reward for ‘work’.

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for no reward – then there was a book of varying jobs for varying dollar values. One afternoon he decided that he wanted to purchase the latest gadget for early teens – so he went to the book and found the greatest rewarding job and finished it that afternoon. The job entailed moving a whole pile of heavy rocks from one part of the farm to the other. He puts this reward for effort down to his extremely high work ethic and his attitude that the more you work the higher you get paid. By the way he didn’t finish Grade 10. At what age do you get them started – this will vary depending on the child – but the sooner the better. If you make cleaning up the toys as much fun as it is for them to create the mess in the first place – this is a good start. Again bribery and corruption work extremely well. One key to this is working out the right time to do this and not waiting until they are tired and grumpy. Get them into the habit of making a part of play time - cleaning up time. Personalities always come to the fore here as outlined above – and some children are very happy to clean and tidy up until say aged 10 and suddenly they hate it.

Ask them what they would like to do in the time allocated – provide them with some choices – and get them involved in the decision making process – then you set the agenda and include the things that are important to you but possibly not to them. Sell it to them on the basis that if you have to do all the work there will be less time to do more enjoyable things. On the other hand if they assist you with the chores then there will

be more time to do the things you enjoy doing together. This provides them with a confidence in making decisions and shows them that with every decision that involves fun and enjoyment – also comes activities and/or consequences that are not as much fun. These lessons will be invaluable when it comes to their finances and other major decisions in later life.

This is one of the topics that I cover in my Wealth Coaching For Women course. As a reader of this article, within the next 3 days, you are entitled to

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Success Formula for Networking Events By Jennie Gorman

The most obvious thing as a networker I notice when going to networking events is that most event goers are not aware of how they can make networking work successfully for themselves and their business.

Do not leave the event until you have achieved what you went there to do! Don’t be pushy in regards to your business, you are there to learn about the other attendees firstly!

I believe that there are four things you need to do and understand before networking will reach your expectations.

The most important part of any event is what you do after you leave and go back to your office. Make sure you email people you have met that you feel you would like to know better and see again. It is very important that you send a nice friendly email WITHOUT any promotion on what you do in your business. One of the first turn off’s is when someone emails to say ‘nice to meet you, here is what I do’. That type of email gives you the license to hit the delete button!

The first being is to know what, where, why and who your niche market is. What are you looking to achieve when you are going to events? Are you aware of who you are needing to meet for your future success? Why do you want to be in that marketplace? Do you know where you need to be to meet those business people? These are really crucial questions if you want to get your networking right! Once you are aware of these four questions you can then set out to achieve what you want in the most cost and time effective way. Word of mouth marketing is not a ‘hit and miss’ experience. There is a formula that I believe will bring success once you know your niche and move to that area for your connections. Prior to going to any event you need to have goals on what you wish to achieve during the time you are there. Are you setting goals and making sure that they come to fruition. It is important that you accomplish what you set out to do and do not leave the event until you have achieved it. Socialising is very important and you are there to meet new people, so don’t spend the time with people you already know and have developed a relationship with already. Your time with people you know needs to be limited to at least a third of your event time. Be aware of people who appear not to know anyone and support them to meet others. This will help you move into new circles of attendees.

32 Connexions Business Mag

Networking is all about relationship building and giving without expectation on return. Your first priority is to learn as much as you can about the person you are making contact with, asking them for more and deciding if you wish to meet them again on a one-on-one basis or at a future event. It is important that the email you send states what your intentions are in regards to learning about them. Remember, you do not know who they know or you may be looking for someone for your network who does what they are doing or you may just want to know them better and develop a personal business relationship with them. We all have different reasons for our networking and it is very easy to just turn up and expect things to happen. Networking is all about the ACTION you take to make it worthwhile for you and your business future. For more information please contact Jennie on 0414 278 344 or go to the website to find out how you can do her workshops, be mentored, be a MasterMinder or join one of her many networking groups.

Experiencing China as an International Teacher By Tove Vine

I never thought I would be so happy in this new country of mine. I have taken to this city as a “duck to water. Yes indeed I can imagine myself here for several years. I am very keen to learn more Mandarin and Aipusen had arranged Mandarin lesson for the teachers- I had already learned many Mandarin words before arriving. I had my phase book with me all the time and had an arrangement with several shop owners in the neighborhood. Every time I would come to the shop they teach me a Chinese word and I teach them an English word. In the first few weeks I was often asked by friends from around the world how difficult it was to get a job as a teacher in China. Well In fact it was so easy. Simply, study for TESOL certificate (can be done online) and pass the exam. Place your resume on ‘Dave’s ESL website’ and wait for job offers from around the world. On Dave’s ESL website ( there are also jobs you can apply for. Had I known it was so easy I would have done it years ago. So many wonderful things happened to me and I am sure it is because I have opened my heart to this country and the people. I never stop smiling and I must bend down and wave and say ‘nihao’ to all the little babies and children I walk past. This is always to the delight of the parents or grandparents. None of the other teachers did that. One of the other teachers actually said to me rather sarcastically “why do you do that”? I said “because I love children”. I had decided I will follow my own drum - I would be very strong and not do anything just to be part the “the gang”. As much as I wanted to be friendly with the other teachers I still didn’t want to do things I didn’t enjoy or agree with, just to be part of the group. I would just say no and go and do my own thing. I wanted to make it my own experience and not the experiences others choose for me. I am the oldest of all the teachers. Sitting in the meeting room at Aipusen surrounded by the young teacher (a total of 40 teachers were employed by Aipusen at that time) and feeling part of the group was an amazing feeling for me. I felt so young and alive. I had been worried that the younger teacher would exclude me because of my age but that was not the case.

Connexions Business Mag 33

Moving from Hairdresser to Entrepreneur and Author By Jean McDonald-Smith

As a former hairdresser turned entrepreneur and author, Jean McDonald-Smith thrives on inspiring others to live a more fulfilling and purposeful life. From studying a wide variety of interests - such as eco-conscious living, business networking and social intelligence skills - to managing her multi-million dollar Eco-Homes business, Jean throws herself full-heartedly into her work to provide up-to-date information and quality products for her clients. First introduced to eco-conscious living by an associate, Jean made a decision to convert her entire home over to products with no harmful chemicals and it later set the platform for her book, How to Save the Planet from Your Bathtub. Jean’s motivation came as a result of 16yrs of chemical exposure in an industry which seriously compromised her health. She explains, “As I started doing research I was shocked to discover the harmful chemicals I was using in my studio were the exact same chemicals being used in baby care & children’s products today. Many have been linked to allergies, eczema, cancer and birth defects. I felt consumers and parents needed to be aware of this information and know how to make wiser choices.” Over the past two decades as Jean’s eco-conscious business grew and began to span the globe, she was often asked about the secret behind her success. This prompted her to share the business model which it was built on in her book Billion Dollar Blind Spot. It also includes a full chapter on networking skills to help business owners and solo-entrepreneurs to improve their bottom line results, as well a detailed explanation of why Robert Kyiosaki refers to this system-for-success as ‘The Business of the 21st Century’. What’s next? Jean explains that her favourite quote came from a fridge magnet… ‘We are not here to see through each other, we are here to see each other through’. As a way of paying her knowledge and experience forward she is currently in the process of completing her third book titled, Chameleon Quotient… social signalling for business of the 21st Century - written to inspire business owners to develop greater adaptability through heart-centred leadership skills and an understanding of the new science of human relationships. Jean says, “When I learned these skills it altered my way of thinking and helped to shape my current life view as a leader and entrepreneur”. For more information about her books or to have Jean speak at an event, visit the following – 34 Connexions Business Mag


Successful networkers: • never forget their goals and always work towards them; • are adaptable to changing situations and making decisions along the way; • believe in themselves and what they are doing; • do not get disheartened by others’ lack of enthusiasm for their goals; • spend their time wisely; • are up-to-date with topical changes and how these will affect their business; • remember people’s names; • keep their names and business in front of others on a regular basis; • are never seen without business cards; • always arrive early and stay on after any function; • are known for their integrity in the marketplace; • give good referrals; • give without expectation.

Jim Rohn quote: ‘Repetition is the mother of all skills!’

Are You Open To Learning? By Geoff Kirkwood

One of the major challenges for entrepreneurs is the resistance to other’s ideas. Ego, past experience, time availability, listening skills and even testosterone (for almost half of business entrepreneurs)…. all get in the way of us learning new things. Given that no one person has all the answers and that virtually every challenge has already been solved by someone somewhere, the wealth of knowledge available is amazing. No matter what your problem is, someone else has an answer that will work for you and your issue. So, are you listening? One of the questions I ask of new clients is “are you teachable?” – are you open to ideas and suggestions from others and have you learnt from others in the past? This will give me an indication as to whether I engage with them… or not! About 5 years ago I was asked to write a story about something my favourite teacher had taught me. Immediately I flashed back to my English/History teacher in High School who taught me (and the rest of the class) his definition of friendship. Of course that was when, as a 14 year old boy I knew everything. That lesson is still crystal clear in my memory and is my yardstick for friendship.

e-Learning Website 36 Connexions Business Mag

Over the last 3 years since selling my previous business I have looked for the best available information that can help small to medium businesses market themselves better. By better I mean with more leads, more transactions, more profits, more free time… whatever you measure as being more in your interests. The result of working with my Canadian partners is an e-learning website that brings the worlds best in marketing to SME’s at a time and price that is convenient and affordable. There is valuable information from the worlds best and interestingly that demonstrates an aspect of the title of this article – are you open to learning. Given that some of the material comes from America (as well as Canada and Australia) there have been people who say “I don’t like the American voice on some of the webinars and videos”! Sounds to me like someone who is not teachable. Mind you the same people will regularly watch American TV series and movies, listen to American singers and buy American products. So I wonder…. “are you teachable?” And if not, how much is it holding you back from achieving your dreams? What justification are you using to block out learning from others? Are you too proud to ask for help?

Geoff Kirkwood is recognised as one of Australia’s top experts in the area of referral marketing hence his title – The Referral Master®. He has spoken in seven countries on the topic and is best known for his presentation “How To Build Million Dollar Relationships”. He is now a sought after mentor with his “45 minutes and you buy the coffee” sessions that have changed the lives of many business people, hence his passion for mentoring. He is featured in the newly released book “Millionaire Mentors”. Additionally Geoff helps business people build million dollar online businesses and has a 2nd book due out late in 2012 on “online marketing”. Based in Brisbane, Geoff relaxes singing in a community choir, running his own dinner party competition called Men Who Cook, reads up to 50 books a year and is a member of the National Speakers Association of Australia.

Connexions Business Mag 37



My wife Mercedes is one of the greatest negotiators and bargain hunters I’ve met. She can buy a two dollar bar-b-q for one dollar. The finely honed skills she shows at the marketplace or the antiques showcase can be readily transferred to the workplace or the property market. Grow intimate product knowledge. In every occupation or profession, expert product and process knowledge is essential. New team members need to learn this quickly. Show clear intent to buy, sell, act or decide. Confidence breeds confidence. It inspires desire and direction. Able negotiators and bargain hunters know true value. Being certain of the real value of the proposal strengthens confidence and assurance in the dialogue. Make an offer you can accept. Be realistic in making your first or subsequent offers. Wild offers invite scorn. Create a timeline that invites a response. Draw a timeline to build in an urgency to commit or to close. Be ready with a counter offer. As in board games, think ahead several moves to keep the momentum in your court. Maintain the relationship. Throughout the intense concentration and conversations maintain the most positive relationship possible. A reasonable yet strong manner is best. Win Win resolutions can often be achieved. In other matters justice and fairness must prevail.

Call John Milne today for Executive Team Coaching: 0448357626 (C)John Milne 29.9.12

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Upcoming Events Monday 22nd October

Power Hour with Jennie

10am, 12noon, 2pm, 4pm - Clayfield (one-on-one mentoring via Skype or face-to-face)

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Monday 5th November

The Power of Relationship Marketing workshop – 9.30am – 5pm West End

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Tuesday 13th November

Networking Chats 10am – 12noon

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List of Contributors Anthony Turner

Chris James

Dale Beaumont

Debbie Ducic

Denise Archie

Geoff Kirkwood

Greg Menz

0434 544 834

Janeece Giraldo

Jean McDonald-Smith Jeff Withers

Jennie Gorman

Jesus Balderas

John Hinwood

John Milne

Kerstin Rheinlander

Samantha Lyttle

Simone de Haas

Tove Vine

Disclaimer: The opinions and viewpoints expressed in Connexions Business Magazine do not necessarily represent those of the editor, staff or publisher or any Connexions Unlimited staff or related parties. The publisher, Connexions Unlimited personnel are not liable for any mistake, misprint or omission. All information contained in Connexions Business Magazine is intended to inform and illustrate and should not be taken as financial, health, legal or accounting advice. You should seek professional advice before making any business related decisions. We are not liable for any losses you may incur directly or indirectly as a result of reading Connexions Business Magazine. Reproduction of any material or contents of the magazine without written permission from the publisher is strictly prohibited.

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