FED GOV CON - GovCon Cold Calling: 5 Ways To Warm Up Your Approach

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FED GOV CON Webinar Wednesdays 2019 Series JSchaus & Assoc. Washington DC +1–202–365–0598

About Our Webinars: - Every Wednesday; - Complimentary; - Recorded; - YouTube & our Website; - No Questions

About Us:

Professional Services for Federal Contractors - GSA Sched; - SBA 8(a); - Proposal Writing; - Pricing; - Contract Administration; - Business Development

Advertise With Us! We offer newsletter & webinar advertising. CONTACT: Mallory.Flowers@ jenniferschaus.com for more information.

About Our Speaker: AMBER HART Education: BS Conflict Analysis and Resolution & Global Affairs | GMU Company Name: The Pulse of GovCon # of Years Federal Gov Con Experience: 10

About Our Speaker: LISA SHEA MUNDT Education: BA/MA Writing, Rhetoric, Technical Comms | JMU Company Name: The Pulse of GovCon # of Years Federal Gov Con Experience: 10

GovCon Cold Calling: 5 Ways To Warm Up Your Approach

2019 – Fed Gov Con Webinar Series - Washington DC JSchaus & Associates

Table of Contents 1. Call with a Purpose 2. Introduce Yourself at an Event 3. Start a[n] online dialogue 4. Submit RFIs/Market Research 5. Make it Easy

This content was developed by The Pulse of GovCon

2019 – Fed Gov Con Webinar Series - Washington DC JSchaus & Associates

1: Call with a Purpose DON’T  Don’t just call a Contracting Professional, Federal Program Manager or OSDBU Representative out of the blue with nothing to say except “hi”  Don’t ask Federal Representatives to tell you about upcoming opportunities  Don’t call and not leave a voicemail

DO  Do your homework! You need to know: -If they have purchasing power -What they’ve bought historically -Their mission -Upcoming opportunities  Have your relevant elevator pitch memorized and ready! Know your capabilities that fit the mission. Know your value proposition/differentiators  Listen more than you talk

This content was developed by The Pulse of GovCon

2019 – Fed Gov Con Webinar Series - Washington DC JSchaus & Associates

2. Introduce Yourself at an Event DON’T  Don’t overstay your welcome at their table or booth  Don’t skip context clues and assume that they will remember who you are  Don’t just leave your card and expect them to reach out


 Once you find out who you’re selling to, see if they're hosting any industry days or small business sessions – and go  Get involved in social events/awards functions to meet Government officials  Do follow-up after the event and say it was nice to meet them

This content was developed by The Pulse of GovCon

2019 – Fed Gov Con Webinar Series - Washington DC JSchaus & Associates

3. Start a[n online] dialogue DON’T  Don’t overstep your boundaries  Don’t send inappropriate personal messages (don’t be creepy)  Don’t steal content and pass it off as your own  Don’t shy away from your opinions (they’re what makes you unique!)


 Be [appropriately] active on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook  Write a relevant content where a customer can interact with you online  Do observe, analyze and understand what industry is sharing to improve

This content was developed by The Pulse of GovCon

2019 – Fed Gov Con Webinar Series - Washington DC JSchaus & Associates

4. Submit RFIs/Market Research DON’T  Don’t name your electronic marketing documents so that it cannot be found “Capabilities Statement" or "Acronym“  Don’t submit general white papers to multiple agencies


 Do name your electronic marketing documents so that it can be easily found [Company Name] [acronym, if any] [Niche] [Set-Asides] Capabilities  Be purposeful in your submissions  Follow-up and be persistent

This content was developed by The Pulse of GovCon

2019 – Fed Gov Con Webinar Series - Washington DC JSchaus & Associates

5. Make It Easy


DON’T  Don’t be inconsistent – follow-up when you say you will follow-up  Don’t force your customers to identify methods of acquisition  Don’t have unrealistic spending expectations  Don’t leave unidentifiable voicemails

 Do your research and identify how your target customer can find you fast and leverage it (GSA Schedules, etc.)  Do have your past performance references and references available  Do have your SAM profile up-to-date

This content was developed by The Pulse of GovCon

THANK YOU! JSchaus & Assoc. Washington DC hello@JenniferSchaus.com www.JenniferSchaus.com +1–202–365–0598 Speakers: Amber Hart/Lisa Shea Mundt Email: pundits@pulsegovcon.com

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