2019-20 Club Resource Guide
Gather with other fans to watch samples of various Anime and discuss or share Manga. Find friends with a similar interest in Japanese animation.
APS Media Open Workshop is an opportunity for students of all grades to participate in a media production workshop. Students who attend will be given a specific project for the block, sometimes including training sessions on Austin Prep's cameras, audiovisual equipment, and software. Works will include short films, interviews, skits, screenplays, and more.
APS Media is Austin Prep's multimedia organization. Students use professional cameras, audiovisual equipment and software to produce news and entertainment videos, podcasts, photography and more. Productions include the news show "Austin in Focus" and award-winning short films, as well as the annual "Austie Awards," a red carpet night of entertainment showcasing and celebrating the student-produced videos from the year. Projects are available on APS Media's website (www.apsmedia.org) and it's YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/c/apsmedia). Members of APS Media Studio are expected to be a part of at least one production per month. Whether students prefer being in front of or behind the camera, producing sketch comedy or investigative reports, they can find a home with APS Media.
This club is for middle school students interested in exploring visual art outside of a class environment. Emphasis will be on enhancing drawing skills while still offering opportunities for student choice in projects. Students will become comfortable with critiquing each other's work and using art vocabulary to discuss what their peers have done. This club would be a great add-on for students taking Middle School Art who want to delve even more deeply into the subject. Alternately, it would be a great introduction to the visual arts for students who are on the fence about signing up for a full class. Come to the Art Room and have some fun with us!
Acrylics, watercolor, charcoal, pastels, and colored pencils are some of the media available to club members. Creativity is encouraged and students are welcome to bring art projects they are currently working on to club meetings. Students may also choose to enter their art in the Scholastic Art and Writing Contest.
Artis is a program where students volunteer each week at an Alzheimer's residence close to campus. We do programming (games, crafts, etc) with the residents one afternoon per week. It works out that students essentially go on a rotation of once every two or three weeks based on volunteer numbers.
Members will have an opportunity to be creative. We will be using watercolors, tempura paint, markers, crayons, and many other arts and crafts materials. Artistic ability is not a requirement.
Meet, discuss issues in space astronomy, new discoveries and take trips to observatories to view celestial phenomena.
Sectionals and lessons after school on 2nd Floor of Saint Augustine Hall. Band this year will include Jazz Band, Concert Band and smaller music ensembles. Band rehearsals will meet after school Mondays & Wednesdays 2:45pm-3:30pm. Sectionals and lessons for beginner and advanced members will meet during Cougar Block days 2, 4, 5, 6, & 7. Band participation is for both Upper School and Middle School students.
The Austin service club offers many different opportunities to serve God by serving others. Students will be able to serve at the Cor Unum meal center, the Little Sisters of the Poor nursing home and Emarc dances. Other opportunities to serve may be added as we discuss our interests as a service club
B.E.A.R. Build Empathy And Respect
This club is for students looking to strengthen their leadership skills while working collaboratively to promote empathy, tolerance, awareness, and understanding. Club members will host community events that emphasize inclusion and respect for all members of the Austin Prep community.
This club is all about girls empowering girls. Based on a program designed by college-age women, this a student led group focusing on building strong, smart, open-minded young women. We will explore stereotypes, identity, women in business, social media, women athletes, cultural trends, and much more.
Best Buddies is the world’s largest organization dedicated to ending the social, physical and economic isolation of the 200 million people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD).
Boys & Girls Club Service Opportunity is an after school, weekly service opportunity for students to tutor, mentor, and spend time with students at the Boys and Girls Club of Woburn. Students will commit to making consistent visits to the Club so that they can build relationships with the students they are helping. Austin Prep students will rotate which weeks they may attend according to the space available in the Austin vans. Students will go after school on Mondays from 3:15-5pm. Transportation provided. (this day is subject to change as the Boys and Girls club finalize their programming schedule).
The British Society - From British ballads and balustrades, tapestries and tiaras, and castles and coaches, the British Society will meet for tea and British treats on Wednesdays of B Weeks. Come ready to talk about the Royal Family as well as British culture and sport. Students participating in the Middle School Summer Study Abroad program are highly encouraged, as are ISCA alumni. #GodSavetheQueen
Student Leadership is the hallmark of campus ministry. Tha Campus Ministry Club allows the students an opportunity to develop, with their peers, a more active faith life. Campus Ministry meetings provide students with opportunities to grow in their faith, get involved in outreach projects, and assume a more vital role in the school wide ministry. Campus Ministry participants take the leadership in our outreach program. It is through their generosity and inspiration that many lives are touched throughout the year.
Chemistry Society provides a forum to enrich and supplement the AP Chemistry curriculum through highlighting topical issues, experimentation and research. Members also work in conjunction with the NHS to provide peer tutoring support for fellow chemistry students. OPEN TO FORMER AND CURRENT AP CHEMISTRY STUDENTS ONLY
The club is open to all students in Austin prep. Activities are based on the decision of the elected student officers plan. All activities are free to members. During the club, students will have the opportunity to eat Chinese food, watch Chinese films, learn Chinese games and culture and more.
Students of all voice types in grades 6-12 are most welcome. No previous choral experience is necessary. Our highly acclaimed ensemble performs at all school liturgies as well as at special events including the annual Lessons & Carols for Christmas concert, the town of Reading's Festival of Lights, the Spring Concert, Open House, and Baccalaureate Mass. Many solo opportunities are available throughout the year, and repertoire covers a wide variety of styles from classical to the modern day. When the Chorus nears a performance, additional and/or extended rehearsals are added to the schedule. We routinely accommodate the after school schedules of Austin student athletes, and they are welcome to join. EMAIL THE MODERATOR IF INTERESTED
The Classics Club will supplement a student's Latin course with activities during and after school: theater, museums, dining and events with Classics Clubs from other schools. CERTAMEN is an interscholastic competition in the knowledge of Greece and Rome for beginner through advanced levels. Team members will practice each cycle in preparation for team meets held after school.
All students are encouraged to participate in a recreational club sport. Individual sports will be offered seasonally. The primary goal is to help students develop basic skills and game techniques and strategies, as well as individual confidence and a sense of team spirit. Teams will be formed at the middle school and upper school levels. Moderators will establish the teams by drawing names at random. Students will compete in tournaments.
All students are encouraged to participate in a recreational club sport. Individual sports will be offered seasonally. The primary goal is to help students develop basic skills and game techniques and strategies, as well as individual confidence and a sense of team spirit. Teams will be formed at the upper school level. Moderators will establish the teams by drawing names at random. Students will compete in tournaments.
Coloring in the newer adult coloring books is an excellent mindfulness activity and stress reliever. This club will expose our students to another tool so they can deal with the stressful times in their lives. Participation is limited to 20 students.
Students join together to share their concerns and ideas for protecting and making our environment better! Club members will discuss serious environmental issues which our country and the world face today. We will learn about current and future innovations which are helping to solve our problems of pollution, energy issues and more! We will brainstorm ideas to help make our own environment cleaner and healthier and then put those ideas into action!
Cougar Academic Training is an opportunity for students to work together in order to improve their time management, note taking, study skills and more. Juniors and Seniors who show strengths in these areas will meet every cycle with an assigned student that needs help with these skills. The meetings are arranged based on individual schedules; both the tutor and tutee are expected to attend all sessions.
Students will collaborate to create a literary magazine. Students will brainstorm, draft, revise, and edit short stories, poetry, and character sketches. Art submissions also welcome! Students will play collaborative games that sharpen their writing skills at each meeting.
The culinary club offers students an opportunity to experience foods from a variety of cultures. Each time the club meets, different students bring in food of a specific cuisine or theme to share with the rest of the club. Throughout the year, all the students will have contributed on multiple occasions, while also getting the opportunity to partake in other seasonal activities. (Officers will meet in B Week)
This activity is open to dancers of all ability levels. We will be studying a variety of dance styles this year, focusing on ballet, lyric, and contemporary in the first semester, and jazz, tap, ballet, lyric, contemporary, and acro in the second semester. All participants will be encouraged to perform in the various talent showcases throughout the school year, including the musical and The Nutcracker in the first semester, and The Austies and the Spring Dance Show in the second semester.
This activity is open to dancers of all ability levels. We will be studying a variety of dance styles this year, focusing on ballet, lyric, and contemporary in the first semester, and jazz, tap, ballet, lyric, contemporary, and acro in the second semester. All participants will be encouraged to perform in the various talent showcases throughout the school year, including the musical and The Nutcracker in the first semester, and The Austies and the Spring Dance Show in the second semester.
The Debate Club provides an opportunity for interested students to develop their critical thinking and public speaking skills through a series of formal debates on topics to be chosen by club members. Each debate will feature teams presenting affirmative and negative arguments on a proposed resolution. Those club members not participating in a particular debate are expected to observe and provide constructive comments that help everyone improve their skills.
This club is for upper school students interested in making a difference in their community. Throughout the year, we will send letters to local businesses asking them to switch to more environmentally friendly alternatives, for example plastic bags to paper bags. We will also promote green habits within our school, and maybe start Austin Prep’s first student-run garden!
A telenovela is a soap opera containing loads of drama. This club will write, direct and produce episodes of a telenovela that will be shared within the school community. Students are needed to create the set, film, edit and perform in cameo appearances as well. All students who study or speak Spanish are welcome to join. This is a creative way to integrate Spanish skills with technology and just to have fun!
Students will engage in enrichment exploration of topics in physics that cannot be covered in sufficient detail in class or that a student might like to pursue on his/her own. Seniors will be available to help less advanced students who are experiencing difficulty in their class. Activities will include helping the instructor set up and break down laboratory exercises in addition to testing lab exercises for possible use in the classroom curriculum. Field trips to area labs may be scheduled after school depending on student interest.
EPS, Event Production Services will meet to plan for upcoming AP events. An after school commitment is also needed for various school events
French Club I encourages students taking French to appreciate the culture of both France and other world francophone countries by sampling typical cuisine, celebrating customs and holidays, viewing videos, and playing games that reinforce French vocabulary, history, and geography. The Club is open to students in French 1 and 2.
The goal of the French Club II is to encourage student participation in activities, games and trips, which will stimulate an interest in the French language, culture and daily life. Various activities may include watching French movies, trips to French restaurants, and a cheese tasting party, Christmas party and chocolate fondue. This club is limited to students in French III, IV and V.
The goal of Friends of Rachel is to encourage its members to continue and uphold the ideals set forth by Rachel's Challenge. All of the members strive to make the school community a welcoming and supportive environment. This is done with a variety of service and recreational activities. All students are encouraged to participate.
The goals of the gardening club will be to expose members to the basics of gardening as well as some of the specialized techniques for growing plants in less-than-ideal conditions, for example, using grow lights terrariums, or hydroponics. We also hope to beautify the Austin environment with our plants and to provide some home-grown herbs for use in the kitchen.
NOW OPEN TO UPPER SCHOOL STUDENTS TOO! Come and nerd out with fellow Potter-loving individuals! In this popular club, we can look forward to lots of fun, stress-free activities like sorting each other into houses, holding a House Cup, chatting about the books/movies, playing related games with prizes, and maybe even playing some Quidditch.
The History Club will offer an opportunity for students to meet and share a common interest in the study of history. Students will discuss current events and their connection to history, view movies that connect to historical events and provide school support for various months of celebration and important annual events. Participation is limited to 20 Upper School students
The purpose of this club is to use video analysis as a training tool to demonstrate the importance of working as a team and enhance hockey IQ. This section is only available to Middle School Students
The purpose of this club is to use video analysis as a training tool to demonstrate the importance of working as a team and enhance hockey IQ. This section is only available to Upper School Students
This is an activity for middle and upper school students who want help with Latin, and they may sign up for an upperclassman tutor in Latin. Meetings are arranged at the convenience of both students, but the tutee is expected to attend faithfully, notifying the tutor if they will be absent. Room 406 and 402 are available for meetings, but sessions may be held anywhere in the school building. Students wishing a Peer Tutor should ask their Latin teacher to bring them to Room 406 during any day. Peer tutoring of younger students will also fulfill the service requirement for upper school students considering the National Latin Honor Society.
Do you know how to knit, crochet, weave, or loom-knit? Or would you like to learn? This club is for students who want to make things to help the world. This would include making hats for the homeless or afghans for kids who are sick. Do you have a talent that would make 4 good that you are willing to teach others - such as quilting or card-making? You are welcome to join as well. This club will meet once a week to make things for others who need them. Please bring your talents, desire to learn, and ideas about where we can make 4 good!
Math Competition Club is a place where we will review competitions that we want to participate in for fun and prestige! Most of the competitions are free and online. Our first competition is "So You Want to be a Mathematician" top prize $10,000. Compete for the love of math and money!
Students who are willing to help other students with their math- please see moderator.
Students who are willing to help other students with their math- please see moderator.
Compete against other schools in the region while sharpening your math skills. The Math Team will meet to prepare for the six monthly competitions of the Massachusetts Mathematics League. The contests are held at participating schools.
Compete against other schools in the region while sharpening your math skills. The Math Team will meet to prepare for the six monthly competitions of the Massachusetts Mathematics League. The contests are held at participating schools.
34 students in 17 teams of 2 players, face off and play floor hockey.
Model United Nations, also known as Model UN or MUN, is an extracurricular activity in which students typically role-play delegates to the United Nations and simulate UN committees. Thousands of middle school, high school, and college students across the country and around the world participate in Model United Nations, which involves substantial researching, public speaking, debating, and writing skills, as well as critical thinking, teamwork, and leadership abilities. There is an application process for participation in this club - See the Moderator for more details.
Model United Nations, also known as Model UN or MUN, is an extracurricular activity in which students typically role-play delegates to the United Nations and simulate UN committees. Thousands of middle school, high school, and college students across the country and around the world participate in Model United Nations, which involves substantial researching, public speaking, debating, and writing skills, as well as critical thinking, teamwork, and leadership abilities. There is an application process for participation in this club - See the Moderator for more details.
The Movie Club will meet once a week to view and discuss the life of teenagers as seen in American films and television series. Participation is limited to 15 students
Do you like mythology? Do you know all the Greek & Latin gods? Have you ever wondered about mythological references in movies and what they mean? If you answer YES to any of these questions, then Mythology Club is open to you! We shall dive into the basics of mythology, why it was created, and how it continues to play major roles in our lives. We'll view select movies about mythology and discuss their place and intention in today's society. We'll answer all your questions about mythology and promote myth appreciation in a casual classroom setting. Join us!
Qualified sophomores, juniors and seniors will receive applications for the selection process after the first semester of the school year. Membership is limited to only those students who are selected and inducted into the NHS on the basis of their character, leadership, scholarship and service. Members are required to actively participate in a minimum of two major N.H.S. sponsored service projects whilst maintaining the high standards involved in the selection criteria. Meetings are mandatory.
Candidates eligible for selection to this chapter must be in the first semester of seventh or eighth grade and have been enrolled for at least one full year at Austin Preparatory School. Upon meeting the grade level, enrollment, and grade average standards, candidates shall then be considered based on their service, leadership, citizenship, and character.
OPEN GYM 6th & 7th Grades OPEN GYM 8th Grade
The New England Club is an outing club, which sponsors trips for hiking, mountain hiking, canoeing, skiing, and snowshoeing. Regular attendance is expected. Students will need to participate in a minimum of two outings by the end of the year. Participation is limited to 20 students. There will be opportunities for non club members to participate in trips during the year. The Gym will be open for non-organized recreational play such as pickup basketball, soccer, and Nerf sports. Based on Meelia availability
The Gym will be open for non-organized recreational play such as pickup basketball, soccer, and Nerf sports. Based on Meelia availability Do you love to be creative but are frustrated by your lack of artistic skill? Do you want to come relax and express your creativity by finding time to PAINT BY NUMBER! Simply bring in a kit, and enjoy. By the end of the year, we should all have a lovely bit of art to enjoy Play-Doh can be a meditative practice for students and they'll LOVE it! As a club, Play-Doh can be used to meditate, but also to create art, relax, socialize and just PLAY! There was a recent article about the value of play and how we are losing that as a culture. This is a chance for students to play and take a break from school work. It is a way to reduce stress and anxiety. Fun and non-competitive activity helps to create a space for students to share, reflect, and have “down-time” which is so desperately needed. It also helps students cope with whatever is going on in their life in a healthy way. And….who doesn’t like Play-Doh! It often reminds us of our childhood and a simpler time!
The Psychology Club aims to promote awareness and prompt discussion on different topics within the field of psychology. The club is not limited to psychology students and is open to anyone with an interest in psychology.
Learn about how to make a variety of products the pure and natural way. Club members will have the opportunity to select which products to make each club cycle. Some of the products that we will create could include shampoo, mouthwash, bath bombs, facial cleansers, makeup remover, and lip balm. Learn why going ‘pure and natural’ is good for the environment and your health in the process. Participation is limited to 20 students.
Brainteasers that exercise and develop brain power. Activities are useful in helping students develop critical and creative thinking skills, as well as building their vocabulary. Are you ready to challenge your mind and compete head-to-head with robots? Then check out the FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) http://www.usfirst.org/roboticsprograms/ftc FTC offers students the opportunity to build robots, learn computer programming and compete in an alliance format against other teams. The mission of the FIRST program is to inspire young people to be science and technology leaders, by engaging them in exciting mentor-based programs that build science, engineering and technology skills, that inspire innovation, and that foster well-rounded life capabilities including self-confidence, communication, and leadership. FTC is Upper School students year long 7am-8am Tuesday and Thursday along with Friday A+B cougar block.
The summary for SeaPerch: https://www.seaperch.org/about SeaPerch is an innovative underwater robotics program that equips teachers and students with the resources they need to build an underwater Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) . Students build the ROV from a kit comprised of low-cost, easily accessible parts, following a curriculum that teaches basic engineering and science concepts with a marine engineering theme. The SeaPerch Program provides students with the opportunity to learn about robotics, engineering, science, and mathematics (STEM) while building an underwater ROV as part of a science and engineering technology curriculum. Throughout the project, students will learn engineering concepts, problem solving, teamwork, and technical applications.
SeaPerch is All Grades second semester only 7am-8am Tuesday and Thursday along with Friday A+B cougar block some weekend meetings as well for practice at the Reading YMCA. SeaPerch is an innovative underwater robotics program that equips teachers and students with the resources they need to build an underwater Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) . Students build the ROV from a kit comprised of low-cost, easily accessible parts, following a curriculum that teaches basic engineering and science concepts with a marine engineering theme. The SeaPerch Program provides students with the opportunity to learn about robotics, engineering, science, and mathematics (STEM) while building an underwater ROV as part of a science and engineering technology curriculum. Throughout the project, students will learn engineering concepts, problem solving, teamwork, and technical applications.
RPG Club will feature a host tabletop role-playing games such as Dungeons and Dragons and Pathfinder. In this club, one experience these games for themselves. The stress of the school day will be taken away with the immersion of the imaginary worlds featured in this club’s activities. As students join this club, they will find a group of people to be their partners in playing these games, forging new connections between the Austin Prep community.
The human mind and heart are drawn to God through truth, goodness, and beauty. The Sacred Arts Club offers students the opportunity to explore the beauty of the sacred arts. We will examine notable achievements of religious artists through their paintings, sculpture, architecture and music.
Discuss and watch various science fiction and fantasy movies and shows, from Star Trek and Star Wars through Princess Bride and Lord of the Rings.
During meetings there will be demonstrations of paper-crafting skills and techniques after which members will have the opportunity to try out the techniques and skills. Each meeting participants will leave with a finished product (card, Scrapbooking page, etc). Many meetings surround a theme (holiday, birthday, etc.) or event (graduation, etc.). Club members are encouraged to bring their ideas to club meetings.
The goal is to teach students how to sign and communicate with the deaf. The class will be relaxed and lots of fun.
Nashoba Ski and Snowboarding Club is a five week program that begins the week after Christmas break. This club is open to both middle school and upper school students. We travel via coach buses from Austin to the Nashoba Valley Ski Resort. We leave Austin at 2:45 and return at 7:15. Having the club run on Monday is perfect as students can prepare homework ahead and will only have one class of homework if they complete their work on the weekend. This club is open to all levels of skiers. There are lessons available for beginners and a terrain park for the experienced. Rentals are also available.
The Spanish Club is an opportunity to practice and expand your knowledge of Spanish language and culture through a variety of activities such as games, music, movies, news, crafts and more. Spanish Levels 1 & 2. Participation is limited to 15 students
The Spanish Club is an opportunity to practice and expand your knowledge of Spanish language and culture through a variety of activities such as games, music, movies, news, crafts and more. Spanish Levels 3,4 & 5. Participation is limited to 15 students
This group is open to upper school students who have completed Spanish 2, with preference given to students who are current members of la Sociedad HispĂĄnica HonorarĂa (Spanish Honor Society). Members of the club will act as tutors for other Spanish students. Students who would like this assistance may drop in as help is needed or may be paired with a specific tutor on a regular basis.
Student Council School-Wide Officers will facilitate a meeting with all class level officers, a MS representative, Class Deans, and Class Moderators to discuss upcoming initiatives.
Interested Middle School Representatives will meet with Mr. McLaughlin to discuss upcoming initiatives
School-wide Student Council Officers meets with the Student Activities Coordinator to discuss upcoming initiatives. Limited to the four school-wide Student Council officers only
Elected Upper School Student Council Officers meet separately (by class level) with their Class Dean and Moderator to discuss upcoming initiatives
Home Base is a Red Sox organization and Mass General Hospital Program that helps veterans overcome the invisible wounds of war. Students for Home Base is a new addition to the this program with the goal to encourage students and schools to become more involved in this effort. The Students for Home Base Club will meet every other week to discuss ideas in which we can raise money to help organize different activities like whale watches and fishing trips for veterans and their families. This is a great opportunity for students to give back to our country's veterans!
Our goal is to bring students together to discuss major human and civil rights issues on a local and global scale. Empowering students to believe they can make a difference and encourage others to do the same is one of our main focus areas. Students of Courage is a debate oriented course that helps to educate and train students of the modern generation about the art of utilizing language and vocabulary skills to produce strong and effective arguments for real world situations. The club is designed to allow students, who have little to no experience with professional debating, to advance their knowledge of how to make a convincing and persuading argument while also being able to back up their claims with accountable facts. Students are also trained in the art of dominating a topic while having the option to belittle an opponent’s argument, all the while maintaining and calm and collective nature.
Super Smash Brothers is a platformer fighting game which is age appropriate with the ESRB (Entertainment Software Rating Board) with it being rated for everyone 10 and up. Through this club, you can learn about new skills like Unitas, organization, and other things that you might not have known about. Enter the arena with this fun Smash Brother centered club. Super Smash Bros is a platformer fighting game for the Nintendo Switch. Our club will focus on the latest installment of the series Super smash brothers ultimate. This club will hold strategies, clips and many more! We will also have several tournaments throughout the year! We will be providing Switches for people to play on so you do not have to own one to play, but if you have one and a copy of the game feel free to bring it!
The basic purpose of dance technique/cardio club is to teach Austin Prep’s dancers the mechanics of dance and build up their strength. The dance technique portion will teach students who don’t dance outside of school how to do things properly, therefore making learning choreography easier and more efficient. Many of the dancers may not dance, but our goal is to help students understand how to do steps and do them correctly. The cardio part of our club will build up dancers’ endurance and strength. It will make learning technique much easier if the muscles needed for dance are strong. It will help students stay healthy and build up muscle.
The Legend Open Workshop is an opportunity for students of all grades to participate in a journalism workshop. Students who attend will be given a specific journalism prompt for the block, with quality submissions being used for The Legend, Austin Prep's student newspaper. Works will include reports, long-form pieces, listicles, podcasts, videos, and editorials on topics ranging from sports and entertainment to event coverage and student life.
The Legend is Austin Prep's student newspaper and journalism organization. Produced since the 1960's, The Legend publishes multiple physical newspaper editions, as well as content online at APS Media's website www.apsmedia.org. Members of The Legend Studio are expected to produce at least one piece of content per month. Anyone passionate about writing, editing, photography, graphic design, reporting, and broadcasting is always welcome!
During Yoga Club meetings participants will learn Hatha yoga fundamentals in a comfortable, non-competitive environment. Once basic poses become familiar, participants are encouraged to come to the club with an idea of yoga postures that they would like to practice. As we build upon our knowledge week after week, consistent attendance is required. The best part: rest pose at the end of club! Mats & yoga blocks will be provided. Requirements: comfortable clothing (girls should wear leggings under skirts) & a flexible mind (not body) Participation is limited to 20 students.