2021 Summer Session at AP

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Austin Prep is rooted in a tradition that extends nearly 1700 years to the work and writings of our patron Saint Augustine. A prolific writer, Augustine was also a seasoned traveler. He was educated at universities across the north of Africa and journeyed up and down the coast of Italy to converse with scholars. Perhaps one of the most famous quotes about travel is attributed to him: “The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page.” Here, Augustine referred not merely to visiting new places but to exploring new ideas and modes of inquiry. The Summer Session at Austin Prep draws on this heritage by providing students the opportunity to discover new perspectives. Austin Prep’s Summer Session likewise draws on the hallmarks of the Austin Prep experience: small class sizes, a customized curricular program, and the instructional leadership of talented faculty. Enrichment offerings will empower students to pursue passions in the humanities and sciences with specialized deep dives designed to engage students and kindle their curiosity. Introductory and review-style summer courses create a convivial atmosphere for students to practice skills and prepare for the road ahead. Augustine believed in the importance of community and conversation. Summer courses are capped at fifteen students, promoting dialogue among our summer scholars with veteran members of the Austin faculty and ensuring that students and families receive meaningful, instructive feedback to better inform students as they continue their academic journey. An academic adventure awaits at Austin Prep this summer. We hope your student will travel with us in the 2021 Summer Session.

James Hickey, Ph.D. Head of School


Course Catalog at a Glance July 5 to July 29 Course


Days of the Week


Middle School Summer Reading Workshop


T, W, Th

9 AM

Myths, Monsters, and Mayhem


T, W, Th

7 PM

Baseball and 20th Century America


T, W, Th

11 AM

Disease and Human Society


M, W, Th

6 PM

Operation Overlord - Normandy D-Day


M, W, Th

10 AM

Disney Fan Club: Imagineering in a Box


T, W, Th

10 AM

Marine Megafauna


M, W, Th

7 PM

Middle School Math Prep


T, W, Th

9 AM

Pre-Algebra Review/ Algebra 1 Prep


T, W, Th

10 AM

Algebra 1 Review/ Algebra 2 Prep


M, T, W

9 AM

Introduction to Spanish

Spanish Faculty

T, W, Th

8:30 AM

Spanish 1 Review/Spanish 2 Prep


T, W, Th

9:30 AM

Latino Literature/Advanced Placement Prep


T, W, Th

9 AM

Learning Latin


M, T, Th

6 PM

Study Skills 101

College Essay Bootcamp

Middle School Session: August 9 - 13 from 9 AM to 10 AM

August 9 - 11 from 9 AM to 11 AM

Upper School Session: August 9 -13 from 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM

All times are Eastern Standard Time


Logistics of the Program Inspiring Minds to Inquire Austin Prep’s Summer Session offers a variety of programs to support students on their academic Journey. •

Enrichment courses are crafted to animate students’ passion for discovering new topics and practice academic skills. Many of these offerings take a deep-dive, topical approach to a traditional survey-style course. For example, Baseball and 20th Century America examines the major themes of a modern American history course through the lens of America’s favorite pastime.

Review and bridge-building coursework provide students with a structured opportunity to reinforce important concepts and skills over the summer, sustaining student’s engagement and fluency with Mathematics, World Language, and Reading.

Boot-camp style offerings offer a concentrated experience to bolster student’s skills in organization and study methods or support students in navigating critical steps in the college application process.

Flexible Course Meeting Times Courses follow a synchronous learning model, meaning that students are engaged with faculty in real-time. Students are invited to select courses that pique their interest, and which meet at times that will fit within their summer schedule. The virtual format of the classes permit families to proceed with summer holiday plans and travels. Course meeting dates and times can be found in the details of each course. All enrichment and review-style courses will meet for 12, one-hour blocks over the four weeks of July 5 to July 29.


Logistics of the Program

Summer School Credit For students joining our Summer Session from beyond Austin Prep, if approved by a student’s home school, summer school credit may be granted. Students interested in pursuing this option should reach out to Michael McLaughlin, Head of Middle School, at mmclaughlin@austinprep.org, who would be happy to converse with families and with administrators at a student’s home school to discuss this possibility.

Small Class Size & Constructive Feedback All classes are capped at 15 students, promoting opportunities for students to engage with each other and interact with faculty. The Summer Session Teaching Faculty is dedicated to the growth of each student. In addition to sharing detailed feedback on written assignments, faculty will write a narrative report on each student’s progress in the class to document each student’s experience for their academic portfolio. 5

Logistics of the Program Tuition 4-week courses are $600 per course. Tuition for students enrolled at Austin Prep in the 2021-2022 academic year is $300 per course. The five-hour Study Skills 101 course is $400. Families will receive a personalized action plan for student success stemming from an assessment of student study habits. Tuition for Austin Prep students is $200. The 3-day College Counseling seminar is $600. Students will receive a thorough review with notes, suggestions, and feedback on their personal or supplemental college essay. Tuition for Austin Prep students is $300. For questions about tuition, please contact Allyson Jaena, Manager of Student Accounts, at ajaena@austinprep.org.

Enrollment With Summer Session class sizes capped at 15 students, courses will fill on a first-come, first served basis. Courses must have a minimum of five students enrolled by June 15 in order for the class to run.




English Middle School Summer Reading Workshop: Brush up on your reading comprehension skills and get started working on your summer reading assignments at the same time. Work with an experienced teacher to set yourself up for success as you explore the 2021 Austin Prep Middle School Summer Reading Selection. Students will read the novel together, while also discussing and analyzing the literary elements of plot, setting, characterization, and theme. Students will start the written summer assignment in the class, with the expectation that they continue to workshop and edit the assignment independently upon completion of the class. Additionally, faculty will help students learn new vocabulary, analyze sentence structure, and fill in gaps in their learning to set them up for a successful entry to a new school year in September. Instructor: Alex Dell’Anno ‘12, English Faculty Class Meetings: T, W, & Th at 9 AM

Myths, Monsters, & Mayhem: Cerberus, the Minotaur, Charybdis, Scylla, the Gorgons, the Furies, and the Cyclopes. These fearsome creatures from Greek mythology tested the creativity, cunning, and courage of heroes like Hercules, Odysseus, and Perseus. Students will uncover and make connections between these myths and the largely unknown or misunderstood world of the Ancients Greeks and Romans. A special focus will be directed on the explanation of natural and man-made phenomena and how the lack of scientific knowledge led to these amazing stories. Intended for Upper School students. Instructor: Nick Quinn, World Language Faculty, Latin Class Meetings: T, W, & Th at 7 PM


History Baseball and 20th Century America: How did baseball - the "national pastime" - reflect broader elements of American culture during the 20th century? We’ll round the bases with topics like: Babe Ruth and the Roaring Twenties, Jackie Robinson and the color barrier, 1950s expansion of MLB to the West Coast, the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League, and the emergence of free agency in the 1970s. Intended for Upper School Students. Instructor: Ed MacKenzie ’99, History Faculty Class Meetings: T, W, & Th at 11 AM

Disease & Human Society: From the Plague of Athens to the current pandemic, diseases have continually impacted human societies. In this course, we'll take an in-depth look at the impact of various outbreaks, through primary and secondary sources. Students will participate in historical role-play activities that will challenge them to think about how people respond to major societal disruptions. Intended for Upper School Students. Instructor: Jess Swindell, History Faculty Class Meetings: M, W, & Th at 6 PM

Operation Overlord - Normandy D-Day: On 6 June 1944, nearly 7,000 ships caring close to 160,000 soldiers approached the coast of Normandy, France. What happened next would be a turning point that changed the course of the War and 20th Century history. This course will include in-depth activities and discussions related to the D-Day invasions and Normandy Campaign of World War 2 including a brief history of the region, preparations for landing, stories/perspectives from the invasion, and the historical legacy of D-Day. Intended for Upper School students. Instructor: Jon Whalen, Humanities Faculty Class Meetings: M, W, & Th at 10 AM 9

Science, Technology, & Mathematics Disney Fan Club – Imagineering in a Box: Come together with other superfans of the “World of Walt” and work in teams to develop your own theme park. Students will work collaboratively through this online curriculum to create their own worlds, engineer attractions, and create fantastic characters. At the end of the unit, students will have a design portfolio to share with other Disney enthusiasts. Intended for Middle School Students Instructor: Nicole Putney P’26, ’28 English Chair Class Meetings: T, W, & Th at 10 AM

Marine Megafauna We will investigate the four major classifications of megafauna - seabirds, marine mammals, sea turtles, and sharks! Research and creativity will be encouraged as we “dive” into the ocean to encounter some of the thousands of species living there. Current issues affecting marine animals such as Invasive Species, Pollution, and Warming Oceans will also be explored. Prerequisite: Biology. Intended for Upper School Students. Instructor: Anjali Bhardwaj, Science Faculty Class Meetings: M, W, & Th at 7 PM


Science, Technology, & Mathematics Middle School Math Prep: This course would review number properties and working with percentages, fractions, and decimals, as well as graphing points on a coordinate plane. Intended for students entering grades 6 and 7. Instructor: Meghan Chapman, Mathematics Faculty Class Meetings: T, W, & Th at 9 AM

Pre-Algebra Review / Algebra I Prep: This course would review slope and graphing, as well as working with equations, combining like terms and solving one and two step equations. Students in this course should have completed Pre-Algebra. Instructor: Michele Brewer, Mathematics Faculty Class Meetings: T, W, & Th at 10 AM

Algebra I Review / Algebra 2 Prep: This course will explore quadratic functions and factoring to help prepare students for Algebra II Honors. Students in this course should have completed Algebra 1. Instructor: Alison Fish, Mathematics Faculty Class Meetings: M, T, & W at 9 AM


World Language Introduction to Spanish: Students will focus on learning greetings, introductions, numbers, telling time, dates, asking for help and weather. The class will focus on fluency, pronunciation, and forming simple sentences. Students will review these concepts by drawing on key study skills for learning a new language. In the end, the students will produce a travel brochure marketing a Spanish or Latin American vacation package in the country's local currency. Instructor: World Language Spanish Faculty Class Meetings: T, W, & Th at 8:30 AM

Spanish 1 Review/ Spanish II Prep: Students will review and build on Spanish 1 coursework as they apply previously learned vocabulary about classroom, academic courses, school/leisure activities, family, friends, and clothing. Students will share food preferences, practice key grammatical concepts learned in Spanish 1, notably the present tenses (including stem-changing verbs). The class will also focus on learning the present progressive and reflexive verbs. The course will conclude with students creating an interactive commercial in Spanish to promote a clothing line. Prerequisite: Spanish 1. Instructor: Linda Sherry P’24, ‘27 World Language Faculty: Spanish Class Meetings: T, W, & Th at 9:30 AM

Latino Literature/Advanced Placement Prep: Students will gain greater comfort and proficiency in using the Spanish language while learning about the beautiful Latino culture. Students will read and discuss passages from authors like Esmeralda Santiago, Sandra Cisneros, Diane Guerrero, and Junot Diaz. Various forms of media including video and podcasts will be used. This course will be an immersive class conducted mainly in Spanish and is intended for students who have completed Spanish III or are heritage speakers. Instructor: Lisa Theriault, P’15, ‘17, ‘19, ‘19, 22, World Language Faculty: Spanish 12 Class Meetings: T, W, & Th at 9 AM

World Language Learning Latin: Rome was the epicenter of the ancient Western world. It was the administrative, cultural, and economic capital of a vast and powerful empire which gave rise to many of the laws, technologies, and institutions that continue to impact modern life. The Latin language likewise provided a basis for modern languages like French, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian, and Spanish. Learning Latin provides students with the keys to discovering more about the Roman world and its enduring influence. Initiate your study of the language by exploring familial relationships and the Roman household as you begin to learn about Latin grammatical structure. Students will learn more about Latin pronunciation, translation, and best practices for learning a new language. Intended for incoming MS students or US students beginning Latin 1. Instructor: Nick Quinn, World Language Faculty: Latin Class Schedule: M, T, & Th at 6 PM.


Prepped for Austin Prep (Boot Camp Style Offering) Study Skills 101: In Study Skills 101 you will learn tips and tricks that will help you succeed in any subject. From study techniques about what to study and how to study it to time management and organization, this five-hour course will help you start the year strong. Instructor: Stephanie Choate, English Faculty Middle School Session: August 9 –13 at 9 AM Upper School Session: August 9 – 13 at 10:30 AM


College Counseling (Intensive “Boot Camp” Style Offering) College Application and Essay Boot Camp: Join Austin Prep's College Counseling Team as we help you gain the necessary tools and confidence to craft your college essay. The qualitative side of the application process remains to be a critical component in the admission review process, particularly as we continue to navigate COVID times. This three-day boot camp will tackle how to best approach your personal narrative including any supplemental essays. We'll also begin work on your Common Application including the Activities section to highlight your extracurricular achievements. Day 1: Introduction to the Common Application & Essay Jumpstart the boot camp by engaging with area college representatives who will share their first-hand experience on the importance of the essay. We will also introduce the Common Application and provide you with an overview of the essay prompts which will help you to start thinking about your own narrative. Day 2: Common Application Activities section and the value of supplemental essays within college applications Brush up that resume of clubs, extracurricular activities, sports, work, volunteer, and any other type of involvement. We'll begin to highlight your achievements on the Common Application activities section. We will then provide you with examples of well-constructed essays and discuss why they stood out. Day 3: Draft your college essay Keep writing! Your final essay draft will be reviewed by the College Counseling team who will provide you with suggested edits and feedback. Instructor: Office of College Counseling Sessions: August 9 - 11 from 9 AM to 11 AM 15

Meet Some of Our Summer Faculty Anjali Bhardwaj Anjali Bhardwaj has a passion for marine life and practical experience in marine science and oceanography. She has worked with over 30 different species of birds as a bird trainer at Southwick’s Zoo and then as a penguin aquarist at the New England Aquarium. Her Master’s research focused on the growth of clown anemone fish. In addition to her work at Austin Prep as a chemistry and marine science teacher, Ms. Bharwaj is a teaching fellow for conservation biology at Harvard University.

Stephanie Choate Stephanie Choate has a passion for sharing classic literature with students in a way in which students can relate. During the academic year, Choate teaches courses like Shakespeare in Film, Monsters in British Literature, Adolescent Psychology in Literature, and Passing in Literature. Choate was the inaugural recipient of the Austin Prep Summer Sabbatical Grant and spent multiple days working with educators and directors at Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre in London to recast her own teaching of Shakespeare. Choate is a trained executive function tutor and serves as Dean of the Senior Class.

Jon Whalen Jon Whalen is a dedicated international teacher with over a dozen years experience in secondary education as a member of the faculty of the International School of Brussels. During his time in Europe, Mr. Whalen led learning-lab tours for his students through Normandy with a special focus on the Allied efforts to turn the tide of WWII along with cultural expeditions through the Loire Valley.


THE AUSTIN PREP ADVANTAGE THE JOURNEY Core values veritas, unitas, caritas—truth, unity, love College preparatory curriculum Engaging, personalized continuum of learning grades 6-12 High quality faculty, coaches and championship athletic teams Supportive, inspiring and innovative co-curricular program A commitment to leadership and service A culture of high expectations—scholarship plus character

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THE FACTS • • • • • • •

Average class size is 16 students Student to teacher ratio is 10 to 1 40 hours of community service hours are required for graduation Approximately one-third of students receive financial assistance Students in grades 6-12 participate in domestic & international travel programs 55 athletic teams are offered Learning support and health and wellness services are offered to all students

CLASS OF 2019 • • • •

100% are attending four-year colleges and 97% received scholarship money 66% scored the highest rating of 4 or 5 on Advanced Placement exams 19 AP courses were offered in 2019 $14 million was awarded in college scholarships

THE OUTCOME The Austin Prep graduate is prepared to enter the next phase of education with the values of veritas, unitas and caritas. The Austin Prep graduate is a life-long learner who enters life as a passionate global citizen, a curious collaborative learner, and a compassionate servant. The Austin Prep graduate enters the world with lessons and guidance rom faculty, staff and administration and with abundant potential to make a significant difference. They bring forward from the Austin Prep Journey the School’s central mission: Inspire hearts to unite, minds to inquire and hands to serve. *(Excerpt from the Profile of the Austin Prep Graduate adopted Spring 2018) 17

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