Austin Prep is rooted in a tradition that extends nearly 1700 years to the work and writings of our patron Saint Augustine. A prolific writer, Augustine was also a seasoned traveler. He was educated at universities across the north of Africa and journeyed up and down the coast of Italy to converse with scholars. Perhaps one of the most famous quotes about travel is attributed to him: “The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page.” Here, Augustine referred not merely to visiting new places but to exploring new ideas and modes of inquiry. The Summer Session at Austin Prep draws on this heritage by providing students the opportunity to discover new perspectives. Austin Prep’s Summer Session likewise draws on the hallmarks of the Austin Prep experience: small class sizes, a customized curricular program, and the instructional leadership of talented faculty. Enrichment offerings will empower students to pursue passions in the humanities and sciences with specialized deep dives designed to engage students and kindle their curiosity. The convivial atmosphere of students learning alongside faculty as they explore new ideas and practice skills will prepare students for the opportunities that await them on campus this fall. Augustine believed in the importance of community and conversation. Summer courses are capped at fifteen students, promoting dialogue among our summer scholars with veteran members of the Austin faculty and ensuring that students and families receive meaningful, instructive feedback to better inform students as they continue their academic journey. An adventure awaits at Austin Prep this summer. We hope your student will travel with us in the 2022 Summer Session.
James Hickey, Ph.D. Head of School
Catalog at a Glance NEW for 2022: Austin Adventures Program Course
Days of the Week
June 13 to June 16
8 AM to 4 PM
June 20 to June 23
8 AM to 4 PM
Days of the Week
Middle School Summer Reading Workshop
T, W, Th
9 AM
Middle School Math Prep
Sr. Justine
T, W, Th
10 AM
Pre-Algebra Review/ Algebra 1 Prep
T, W, Th
10 AM
Algebra 1 Review/ Algebra 2 Prep
M, T, W*
9 AM
Making History Explorations in Science
Virtual Courses: July 5 to 28
* No class on Monday, July 4
NEW for 2022: In-Person Courses: August 1 to 11 Course
Days of the Week
Middle School Math Prep
Sr. Justine
M, T, W, Th
9 AM
Pre-Algebra Review/ Algebra 1 Prep
Sr. Justine
M, T, W, Th
10 AM
Learning Latin
M, T, W, Th
10 AM
Bootcamp-Style Classes: August 15 to 19 Course
Days of the Week
Middle School Study Skills
M to F
9 AM
Upper School Study Skills
M to F
10:30 AM
Intro to the iPad
M, T, W, OR Th
10 AM
Intro to the MacBook
US Faculty
M, T, W, OR Th
9 AM
All times are Eastern Standard Time
Logistics of the Program Inspiring Minds to Inquire Austin Prep’s Summer Session offers a variety of programs to support students on their academic Journey. •
Students learn best by doing - immersive experiences that make learning relevant kindles a spirit of inquiry that motivates students to take risks, pursue passions, and explore their interests. The new Austin Adventures program places students “in the field” as they learn about the world around them by spending time off campus on a series of guided excursions.
Review and bridge-building coursework provide students with a structured opportunity to reinforce important concepts and skills over the summer, sustaining student’s engagement and fluency with Mathematics, World Language, and Reading.
Boot-camp style offerings offer a concentrated experience to bolster student’s skills in organization and study methods or support students in navigating the technology as a tool for learning, organization, and creativity.
New for 2022: The Austin Adventures Program provides an opportunity for students to experience all the wonder that New England has to offer under the guidance of members of the Austin Prep faculty. Students will meet on campus each morning before departing for an action-packed day at local sites, museums, and eateries exploring a central theme in a manner that works best for Middle School learners. Austin Prep’s 1:1 Educational Technology Program places powerful educational tools for research, collaboration, and creation in students’ hands, preparing them to engage with the 21st Century. Technology Workshops for incoming Middle School students on the iPad and for rising Freshmen on the MacBook will equip students with important digital literacy skills that will facilitate their transition to the start of school this fall. 4
Logistics of the Program
Flexible Course Meeting Times Courses follow a synchronous learning model, meaning that students are engaged with faculty in real-time. Students are invited to select courses that pique their interest and learning style - and which meet at times and in a format that will best fit their summer schedule.
The virtual format of July classes permit families to proceed with summer holiday plans and travels. In-person workshops and other experiences provide opportunities for students to connect with peers and teachers on campus or in experiencing incredible sites throughout New England. Course meeting dates and times can be found in the details of each course.
Small Class Size & Constructive Feedback Classes are capped at 15 students, promoting opportunities for students to engage with each other and interact with faculty. The Summer Session Teaching Faculty is dedicated to the growth of each student. In addition to sharing detailed feedback on written assignments, faculty will write a narrative report on each student’s progress at the end of the course to document each student’s experience for their academic portfolio. 5
Logistics of the Program Tuition Program
Austin Rate
4-week Virtual Workshop (12, 1-hour sessions)
2-week In-Person Workshop (8, 1-hour sessions)
1-week Study Skills Workshop (5, 1-hour sessions)
1-day iPad Training Workshop (1, 2-hour session)
1-day MacBook Training Workshop (1, 2-hour session)
Making History (4, 8-hour days, all-inclusive)
Explorations in Science (4, 8-hour days, all-inclusive)
Enrollment With Summer Session courses capped at 15 students, programs will fill on a first-come, first served basis. Courses must have a minimum of five students enrolled by May 1st in order for the class to run. Program tuition is non-refundable.
Austin Adventures
Austin Adventures Making History: History is all around us - and students will have the opportunity to deepen their appreciation of important sites, people, and movements in New England by visiting several sites and become a part of history through their participation in a number of hands-on programs and workshops. Sample outing highlights may include such sites as: -
Plimouth Patuxet Museum - Cape Cod Historic Deerfield – Deerfield, Massachusetts Fort Addams & The Breakers - Newport, Rhode Island Strawbery Banke Museum - Portsmouth, New Hampshire The Freedom Trail - Boston
Program tuition includes transportation, admission to all sites, a midmorning snack, and lunch each day. Note: program capacity is 13 students. Instructor: Jack Brady, History & English Faculty Dates: June 13 to June 16
Austin Adventures Explorations in Science: With its world-class labs, hospitals, and research facilities, the Greater Boston area is a hub of scientific discovery and innovation. Students will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in several scientific disciplines by visiting sites, conducting experiments, participating in field research, and conversing with fellow scientists. Sample outing highlights may include such sites as: -
The Boston Aquarium (Marine Life) and the Stone Zoo (Zoology) Museum of Science with a screening at the Mugar Omni Theatre McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center (Space Science) Maritime Science Center & Aberjona River (Aquatic Ecosystems)
Program tuition includes transportation, admission to all sites, a midmorning snack, and lunch each day. Note: program capacity is 13 students. Instructor: Aprille Hibbard, Science Faculty Dates: June 20 to June 23
Courses & Workshops
English Middle School Summer Reading Workshop: Brush up on your reading comprehension skills and get started working on your summer reading assignments at the same time. Work with an experienced teacher to set yourself up for success as you explore the 2022 Austin Prep Middle School Summer Reading Selection. Students will read the novel together while also discussing and analyzing the literary elements of plot, setting, characterization, and theme. Students will start the written summer assignment in the class with the expectation that they continue to workshop and edit the assignment independently upon completion of the class. Additionally, faculty will help students learn new vocabulary, analyze sentence structure, and fill in gaps in their learning to set them up for a successful entry to a new school year in September. Virtual Session: July 5 to 28, Tuesdays through Thursdays, 9 AM
Mathematics Middle School Math Prep: This course would review number properties and working with percentages, fractions, and decimals, as well as graphing points on a coordinate plane. Intended for students entering grades 6 and 7. Virtual: July 5 to 28, Tuesdays through Thursdays, 10 AM In-Person: August 1 to 11, Mondays through Thursdays, 9 AM
Pre-Algebra Review / Algebra I Prep: This course would review slope and graphing, as well as working with equations, combining like terms and solving one and two step equations. Students in this course should have completed Pre-Algebra. Virtual: July 5 to 28, Tuesdays through Thursdays, 10 AM In-Person: August 1 to 11, Mondays through Thursdays, 10 AM
Algebra I Review / Algebra 2 Prep: This course will explore quadratic functions and factoring to help prepare students for Algebra II Honors. Students in this course should have completed Algebra 1. Virtual: July 5 to 27, Mondays through Wednesdays, 9 AM
World Language Learning Latin: Rome was the epicenter of the ancient Western world. It was the administrative, cultural, and economic capital of a vast and powerful empire which gave rise to many of the laws, technologies, and institutions that continue to impact modern life. The Latin language likewise provided a basis for modern languages like French, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian, and Spanish. Learning Latin provides students with the keys to discovering more about the Roman world and its enduring influence. Initiate your study of the language by exploring familial relationships and the Roman household as you begin to learn about Latin grammatical structure. Students will learn more about Latin pronunciation, translation, and best practices for learning a new language. Intended for incoming MS students. In-Person: August 1 to 11, Mondays through Thursdays, 10 AM
Prepped for Austin Prep
Study Skills 101: In Study Skills 101 you will learn tips and tricks that will help you succeed in any subject. From study techniques about what to study and how to study it to time management and organization, this five-hour course will help you start the year strong. Middle School Session: August 15 –19 at 9 AM Upper School Session: August 15 – 19 at 10:30 AM
Intro to the iPad & Intro to the MacBook: Austin Prep offers a 1:1 program for students with iPads in the Middle School and MacBooks in the Upper School. In this workshop, students will explore Google Drive and Google Classroom, email, agendas, and Austin Prep’s learning management system Veracross through a series of activities that will help them get “prepped” for Austin Prep this September. Students may select 1, 2-hour session August 15, 16, 17, or 18 at 10 AM Course is offered in-person only and will be available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Meet Some of Our Summer Faculty Jack Brady As a history teacher, Jack Brady is committed to exposing his students to the primary sources - from ancient documents to historical sites – in which the subject is grounded. Having taught American History in two of the most important states in the development of the United States, Virginia and Massachusetts, Jack has led numerous trips to historical sites across these two commonwealths. Giving students the opportunity to physically engage with History in their own "backyards" is a fantastic way to foster a passion for the subject. Jack is devoted to telling engaging stories that explain why History matters to young people today and is excited to continue that calling on site this summer.
Stephanie Choate Stephanie Choate has a passion for sharing classic literature with students in a way in which students can relate. During the academic year, Stephanie teaches courses like Shakespeare in Film, Monsters in British Literature, Adolescent Psychology in Literature, and Passing in Literature. Stephanie was the inaugural recipient of the Austin Prep Summer Sabbatical Grant and spent multiple days working with educators and directors at Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre in London to recast her own teaching of Shakespeare and is the 2021 recipient of the Lumen Award, the highest recognition granted to a member of the faculty. Stephanie is a trained executive function tutor and serves as Dean of the Senior Class.
Alex Dell’Anno, ‘12 Alexandra Dell’Anno is an enthusiastic reader of young adult literature and believes that finding the perfect book can offer an escape from the world for a little while. During the academic year, Alex teaches 6th and 8th grade English. She enjoys working with students to help cultivate their love of reading and writing!