Your Name
Your Affiliation with Austin Prep
Nurse Kim
She has been so supportive of me during this transition. She knows everything about my home life and knew that this would be hard for me, so she reached out over email and made sure that I was okay. Then she set up a Zoom conference and we talked for a long time. I felt so much better after talking to her. She really helps me relieve all of my stress. She is truly an amazing woman and I love her so much!
Ms. Dell’Anno
She was very proactive during this time of uncertainty. She always had classes set up and work posted before class even began. I was greatly appreciative of this during the new adventure of remote learning!
They have put in so much time and effort into making us students the best we can be. They’re supportive and encouraging. I couldn’t thank them anymore for what they do.
He has made sure that all of the student - athletes were ok during these times , while there spring season got Mr Pollard and Mr postponed and especially the girls hockey team getting Driscoll there game unfortunately canceled.
Genevieve Rhodes Student
Katherine Millett
Michael Bolduc
Jack Keefe
Person or Group You'd Like to Commend A Brief Description of Why You Are Appreciative
Madeleine Student (6th Fisher Grade)
Mr. McLaughlin, Dr. Hickey, Ms. Brown, Ms. DiPerna, Mrs. Blais, Ms. Varraso, Mr. Regan, and All of these people have worked extremely hard just so I Mrs. Blewitt. could continue learning.
Max Achab
Becuase Austin prep has the chance to do remote learning Mr. Regan is a legend and he is my favorite teacher at Austin Prep. During in 6th and 7th grade the math classes I had with him were unforgettable. I still go by to his room in time to time to say hi to him.
Patrick Fazzolari
Brian Regan and Mr. Pollard
Mr. Pollard is an amazing person to work with. During the baseball OPs meetings they are amazing and the baseball season might be canceled. Mr. Pollard is an amazing guy to, his personality is amazing too. He always has a smile on his face.
Emma Kilbride
Teachers & Staff
Thank you all for being so patient over the last few days and for working hard to make sure that we can continue to learn. We’re all so thankful for you!
julia rice
My parents
Because they do everything for me
In these uncertain times, the communication from Austin Prep’s leadership outlining a plan for e-learning has been phenomenal. The remote learning schedule provides a nice semblance of a routine for the students, as well as a sense of purpose. The teachers are to be commended for adapting to these changes so quickly, in spite of their own unique situations at home. Many have young children at home, yet they continue to show up for our children. I’m sure many of them are worried about friends and relatives and themselves, yet they continue to show up for our children. Finally, the coaches even helped provide a sense of purpose by adding on to Mr. Driscoll’s physical fitness challenge. Coach Mike Collins tasked the girls tennis team to take the fitness challenge to the next level by adding in a mile walk or run and at least 30 minutes of tennis practice, while maintaining social Teachers, distancing requirements. It’s nice to know the whole Administrators and Austin Prep community cares about the well-being of my Coaches daughter. Thank you all so very much!
Joan Ferranti
laura choma
Cheryl Amari
Jennifer Becker
Entire AP faculty
Could not have been an easy task to get the entire AP staff up and running on Zoom. While remote learning is not preferred, I think it's helpful to the students to see their peers and teachers in this very difficult time. I understand too that the entire school has been sanitized. I'm grateful!!
Michael McLaughlin, Michelle Connor, Jill Bonina
Their dedication during this time is quite evident as they quickly had to learn Zoom, coordinate with each other, offer top notch training for faculty, and continue to be there for our questions and concerns. Their patience, understanding, and professionalism does not go unnoticed and deserves commendation. They are Unitas in action!
I am very grateful for one less worry during this difficult time. With elderly parents that I can’t visit, a husband who works in the financial services industry, and sons who like to be active I was concerned about the transition to going online with everyone working from home. It has actually been so easy. Advisors have reached out to help, Dr Hickey, Faculty communication has been great, and I can’t believe how & Staff structured we have been in the house. I haven’t had to
parent of a senior
give the concern of school one thought after Wednesday, the boys are in a great routine right now; parents at other schools can’t say that. We are very appreciative to Austin Prep. I believe that it is particularly difficult to be in charge during a time like this, and I am very grateful for the administrators who have stayed up late watching the news, planning for the distribution of lap tops (while keeping us all far apart), and overseeing this movement to online classes. Not only have they been mobilized to help facilitate these things, they have offered (of their own accord) to be there by Zoom, phone, email, or text for each and every one of us should problems arise. Not only have they done these things, they have done them (often) with smiles on their faces and warmth in their voices. Honestly, I have felt reassured, cared for, and appreciated during this whole experience. I came to Austin 14 years ago and can tell you that there is NO WAY I could have foreseen anything like this. Nor could I have known that I would come to love this place and the people in it so very much. It makes be proud to be a part of the Austin Family. Leeann Blais
God Bless.
Eileen Caruso
Father Armano
His emails have been very comforting. For such a small crew, they have achieved such enormous things! Not only have they completely hit the ball out of the park with how quickly they had to get the computers for the teachers up and running, they got them all to us in about an hour's time! INCREDIBLE. They deserve extra applause for everything that they have done during this crisis, but they also deserve a shout out for what they do on a day to day basis. It can't be an easy thing to provide support to an entire school who has gone one to one, help out at our many events, and maintain the VAST world that is our "network."
Leeann Blais Olivia Caruso
Faculty Student
I am so proud of them, and very, very, grateful for their The IT Department talents and hard work! Dr. Hickey & Staff
The letter to the class of 2020 brought tears to my eyes because we are so cared about. If we can’t celebrate
traditionally, I know we will find new ways to. Thank you!
Jill Harrison Julie Gilchrist Julie Gilchrist
Nicole Prince Emma Devlin
Michael McLaughlin
Mr. Mclaughlin always finds the time to find the positive spirit in his work. He conveys the notions of gratitude and attitude. I heard his voice the other day as my child was listening to some online class/guidance. His cheerful talk is an important factor at this difficult time. I am grateful to all the classroom teachers who put together classes on short notice, and who worked through teaching online.
Mr. A.
He invited the kids to a Friday evening Zoom just to chat and have fun and connect!
All AP staff
For your amazing effort pulling together an online classroom to keep the kids connected, calm and engaged!
I’m so impressed with how quickly you have been able to convert your lessons to an online platform. My daughter is really happy to be back in school and I’m really grateful for all of your hard work.
The white Austin Prep community
I am appreciative of you guys because you do everything in your power to make sure everyone is safe and gets the best academic experience they can get.
All the teachers but especially Cheryl Amari
I'm stunned at the speed and efficiency these classes were up and running for everyone. Ms. Amari reached out about the freshmen class and has just been so pleasant and cheery and creative. A real pleasure to communicate with.
Dr: Hickey & Staff
Everyone has gone above and beyond in keeping communication open at all levels in such a challenging time in everyone’s lives!
Austin Prep Faculty
As a new family to Austin Prep, we are greatly appreciative of the efforts that the school has provided in order to bring online schooling to our son (freshman) during these uncertain times. It has provided a sense of structure in a seamless manner. Aside from the valuable education piece this has provided, the communal feeling of him being able to connect and see his teachers and classmates on a daily basis is actually just as important if not, more. AP is blessed with wonderful compassionate teachers who show they care a great deal about their students. Mrs. Harkins, Mrs. Sherry, and Mrs. Putney to name a few, have shown great support, empathy and some guidance as we have navigated through the first few months. After completing his first semester, at AP, we feel settled
Parent Parent
Alice Miller host parent Eileen Caruso
Pamela Blessing
into our new family community. Staying connected and positive through the next weeks will be very important. Thank you for all that you do!
Danielle Rich
Mrs. Piccini
Mrs. Piccini has turned the online school into more than doing school from home. She asked my classmates and I to look at this as a challenge and conquer it with grace and determination. She validated our feelings of sadness, as it is hard for me and other seniors, and ensured us it is okay to be bummed while also telling us that during this time we have to appreciate what we can control. She encouraged us to be there for those who need us during this time. I appreciate how she changed my perspective and how she is spreading so much positivity. For developing a solid framework of transition to remote learning whilst allowing latitude in the methodology to delivery a continued high standard of education excellence to our students.
Elizabeth Farrell
Elizabeth Farrell
For her exceptional leadership and guidance of the Mrs. Maria Blewitt Science Department.
Cecilia Hall
Dr Hickey, Father Armano, and the teachers
Over my last four years at Austin Prep, I have learned many valuable lessons. I have learned that if I work hard, nothing is impossible, I have learned to make the most of every opportunity, and I have learned that there is always light in dark times. Currently, we are living in the unknown. This is a time of uncertainty and fear. Never in a million years did I think there would be the possibility that I would not graduate high school like the rest of my family did, or attend my senior prom as I have been dreaming about since I was a kid. Being a senior and a student council member, I knew the exciting adventures the rest of the year had in store. It is devastating to hear the daily news because the effects of the virus seem to be getting worse and worse. The entire senior class is currently in a state of shock, desperate to go back to school and see our friends and teachers before the year ends. This situation is something new to the world and our Austin Prep community but we get to choose how we let this pandemic affect our lives. We could see it as something that is tearing our country and our world apart, or we could choose to see the light. Recently I heard reports of dolphins and wildlife returning to the canals in Venice, where they had not been seen for years. In the midst of the tragedy in Italy, there are beautiful life forms dancing in the water, seemingly shedding light on dark times. The pollution in the canals is said to have gone down and the air is clearer. In China, the smog has
cleared up because of the factories that are closed. These are the stories we aren’t looking for in the news but we need to if we are going to survive this. I refuse to see this break from school and life as a bad thing, maybe the world just needed a second to breathe. The earth is in the process of healing itself and we don’t even realize that. My career at Austin Prep has taught me to not give up hope. Even when things seem to be going in the wrong direction, they always work themselves out. I want to thank Dr. Hickey for keeping us all updated on his thought process. I want to thank Father Armano for keeping our entire community in his prayers and encouraging us to do the same. Finally, I want to thank my teachers for attempting to give the students hope, while giving us a challenge on days where we find ourselves with nothing to do. If I have learned anything from my short yet long time away from school, it is that I have to appreciate the people who are supporting me every day and never take anything for granted. We are a strong community and I know we can make it through these difficult times. Keep your heads up Austin Prep, don’t forget we’re all in this together.
Cecilia Hall
Dr Hickey, Father Armano, and the teachers
Over my last four years at Austin Prep, I have learned many valuable lessons. I have learned that if I work hard, nothing is impossible, I have learned to make the most of every opportunity, and I have learned that there is always light in dark times. Currently, we are living in the unknown. This is a time of uncertainty and fear. Never in a million years did I think there would be the possibility that I would not graduate high school like the rest of my family did, or attend my senior prom as I have been dreaming about since I was a kid. Being a senior and a student council member, I knew the exciting adventures the rest of the year had in store. It is devastating to hear the daily news because the effects of the virus seem to be getting worse and worse. The entire senior class is currently in a state of shock, desperate to go back to school and see our friends and teachers before the year ends. This situation is something new to the world and our Austin Prep community but we get to choose how we let this pandemic affect our lives. We could see it as something that is tearing our country and our world apart, or we could choose to see the light. Recently I heard reports of dolphins and wildlife returning to the canals in Venice, where they had not been seen for years. In the midst of the tragedy in Italy, there are beautiful life forms dancing in the water, seemingly shedding light on dark
times. The pollution in the canals is said to have gone down and the air is clearer. In China, the smog has cleared up because of the factories that are closed. These are the stories we aren’t looking for in the news but we need to if we are going to survive this. I refuse to see this break from school and life as a bad thing, maybe the world just needed a second to breathe. The earth is in the process of healing itself and we don’t even realize that. My career at Austin Prep has taught me to not give up hope. Even when things seem to be going in the wrong direction, they always work themselves out. I want to thank Dr. Hickey for keeping us all updated on his thought process. I want to thank Father Armano for keeping our entire community in his prayers and encouraging us to do the same. Finally, I want to thank my teachers for attempting to give the students hope, while giving us a challenge on days where we find ourselves with nothing to do. If I have learned anything from my short yet long time away from school, it is that I have to appreciate the people who are supporting me every day and never take anything for granted. We are a strong community and I know we can make it through these difficult times. Keep your heads up Austin Prep, don’t forget we’re all in this together. I appreciate JP, Mr. Driscoll, and Mr. Desjardins for their encouragement of our activity while we stay at home, this has really helped me stay on track with my workout routine and I’m so thankful for that. I also truly appreciate the entire faculty for taking the time to learn and set up the online learning process, I know it takes a lot to understand and use something new, so thank you!
I’d like to commend JP, Mr. Driscoll, Mr. Desjardins, and the entire faculty
Barbara Ricci
I am so thankful my children attend this school. The timely and transparent updates by Dr. Hickey are informative and helpful during these trying times. Father Armano’s daily prayers and meditation during these time is so much appreciated. The online learning provided by the staff, though not perfect is at least providing learning and connection for my children. Even my two sons say thank god we have online class as there is not much to do to break up these days of social distancing. I have been a parent at Austin Prep for 12 consecutive years and I am thankful that we are fortunate to be able to send Entire Austin Prep them here as I feel like they are safe and their best Staff interest is always at the forefront.
Brenda Ackerley
Parent of Ryan '22
Teachers, Thank you for all that you've done to keep students Administration and learning and feeling connected to the school community!
Juliana Iannibelli
Lisa A Carey
Kendall Burke
Monica Andrellos
It has been encouraging to see how quickly the teachers were able to shift gears, and adjust to online learning. We appreciate all that you do every day but are especially grateful at this difficult time.
The AP teaching staff and administrators.
Thank you for all taking extra time to create new forms of lesson plans for the students, helping them to stay on track. Although this may not be the ideal setting , I do believe it is so important for the students to be in touch with their classmates and teachers. Keeping with some sense of routine. I truly feel this is helping them navigate through a very crazy time right now. Thank you all again for all you do for the students. Be safe and be well! Don’t forget to wash your hands:)
They've given us the tools all year, they have given us every opportunity to succeed wether it be coming in early or staying late they often times sacrifice a lot of personal time and family time to help us grow as an Austin Prep community. My aunt always says that teaching is the most thankless job in the world and I believe that as a community we can start to change that. Our teachers are using everything they can to ensure we get an education including teaching us from home. They are the reason we are all still going so to them I say this, you are all more appreciated than you know!
Parent of Sage and Demitrius Andrellos
All the faculty that put together the online classes for our children.
In such a short period of time, Austin Preps faculty thought about on how to make the lives of our children more normal again. While we all navigate through this global crisis, our blessed children were thought of and their needs and desires with how will life be normal again were met in a quick and thorough manner. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart Austin Faculty for bringing teaching and the Austin community together againâ?¤
Parent '25
The quick and effective implementation of the online learning platform is so impressive and greatly appreciated. They have managed to provide structure and some normalcy during this challenging time. Mr. Mr. McLaughlin McLaughlin has even personally reached out to check in and Middle School with us as one of his advisees. It's clear that the AP faculty community is working tirelessly for our kids. Thank you!
Sherene Lague
Thank you Mr. McLaughlin, Mrs. Blais and Ms. Chapman for the informative emails you sent this week. I felt very prepared to help Malerie get started on her online learning journey. Austin Prep’s response to the Coronavirus outbreak was swift and reassuring. I am extremely impressed by the fact that with only two days to prep, an online learning experience was implemented. Thank you all for your dedication. I am sure you have put in some very long days. You are the best of the best, and Middle School in times like these, that becomes very apparent! Administration and God bless, Teachers Sherene Lague, P’25
All the teaching staff, their leader Dr. Hickey and their supporters
When I walk by my daughter’s room ( who is a senior) I can hear her conversing with other students and her teachers. And it’s an academic conversation, trust me I know the difference between Xbox and FaceTime conversations. I appreciate the continued learning experiences she will need to strengthen her mind for college. Routine is such a comfort and Austin is keeping these kids in a positive momentum that will pay off when they need it. I am so grateful for our daughter’s entire AP career.
Robin Loporchio Parent
Mr. Adeboye
Today after school was over, knowing the kids were likely bored from having to stay put, Mr. Adeboye reached out to them for an early evening zoom session where he was able to encourage community and laughter with jokes and storytelling. He even incorporated extra help in this session too! All this on a Friday after school! My daughter was laughing long after it ended- an emotion we desperately need in times like these! Thank you Mr. A!
Maria Mangano
i would like to commend the entire staff and anyone involved in getting the online classes up and running. This week went very smoothly and with much communication. Thank you for all of the effort that
We appreciate the efforts that were put into place to conform to the current situation. The teachers, advisors, and staff have been very supportive and communicative to make this online adjustment go smoothly. Among the many disappointments these seniors are having and will probably have, the best of efforts are being made to keep everyone up to date, safe and positive. There are just some things that are out of our control. Prayers to all..
Pamela Miller Jenks
Parent of a Senior
was put into place during this stressful time. Stay positive and healthy:) Traci Medeiros
Sheeba Arnold
All Staff
I am very appreciative of all the time and effort you are putting into keeping my child learning. Thank you all so very much!
Dr. Hickey, Mr. McLaughlin, and the entire faculty and staff
Thank you for launching the remote teaching in such a timely and efficient manner! A big shout out to Mr. Maradei for advisory, Father Patrick for sharing the reflection and prayers and to Mr. Driscoll for the 21 day workout challenge! The way all of you have adapted to this situation is fantastic. My daughter said after the first day of classes at home, she felt like she saw all her friends. She wants to get back to school. She says she loves AP. We even did a drive by today. Thank you.
Debra Sullivan
The whole staff at AP
Elizabeth Farrell
For his pastoral guidance - particularly with the “Moment Fr. Patrick Armano of Reflection� emails each morning.
Gwen Lawson
Gabrielle Agrippino
Cheryl Bourque
I'm thankful for online classes with the AP's teachers. The connection is more important today than it ever was before. I give the school and the teachers a lot of credit for putting this together so quickly for our students. It's engaging and gives my son something to think about during the day. Thank you! Stay healthy and safe!
AP staff
Thank you for your dedication to our students. You have all gone above and beyond during this difficult time! We are grateful to be a part of this community. Stay safe!
Teachers and staff.
Teachers and Advisors, especially, the way they have communicated with the students through home schooling. I'm so appreciative, as well of Dr. Hickey for his constant communication and updates and Fr. Armano for his spiritual emails and prayers. I hope we can get through this quickly and efficiently, so we can see our seniors who have worked so hard wear their cap and gown and walk across that stage. A special shout out to Mrs. Petrillo my sons advisor. She's wonderful!! Thank you to all of you.
Faculty & Staff
Thank you all for this tremendous coordination and communication to enable remote teaching and learning! Very impressive success and to have all the technology ready almost immediately after the announcement. In
conversations, I haven’t come across another school so organized and prepared. Having Zoom has allowed the students to still see and connect with classmates and teaches and feel less isolated during this stressful time. With gratitude from the Bourque family and best wishes for all to stay healthy. Many thanks!
Collins family
Parent ‘21
Entire community
Through this entire experience Paul’s education is one thing we have not had to worry about! Nothing has been interrupted from classroom to spiritual, to workouts! We are so grateful to all. You’ve covered everything! Thank you!