ANNUAL FUND MAKING AN IMPACT Last year Austin Prep’s Annual Fund supported a wide range of programming and investments. This is just a sampling of generous donations at work: HEALTH, SAFETY, FAMILY ASSISTANCE, AND COVID-19 REQUIREMENTS: • 6 electrostatic backpacks. • 6 thermal temperature scanners. • Enhanced HVAC systems.
ANNUAL FUND What Is It? Annual Fund gifts make up the difference between what the average tuition provides and the actual cost to continuously broaden educational opportunity. Such gifts are unrestricted in that that they are used to advance the school’s mission in all areas and improve the quality of the educational experience. The Annual Fund Investment With additional funds, investments are made in the professional training and development of our teachers and curriculum innovation to keep the educational journey modern and inspiring for all students. The Annual Fund Is an Annual Opportunity Each year we discover new ways to provide a high quality educational experience. The Annual Fund provides the financial resources for teachers to pursue new opportunities that broaden the scope of the learning process, giving each and every student the tools to harness their full potential.
• HEPA filters in classrooms. • Tuition assistance to current students and families facing financial difficulties. • Technology infrastructure upgrades to support remote teaching and learning. TEACHING AND HYBRID LEARNING: • 28 whiteboards, 5 portable whiteboards and 21 ProAV whiteboards. • Increased the professional development budget to support remote teaching and learning. STUDENT LIFE: • 2 state of the art nets for new field hockey program. • New costumes for advanced dance program. • 2 portable indoor/outdoor nets for the volleyball program.
Annual Fund 2020-2021
• Purchased 14 iMAC’s for Media iMac Lab.
Uniting Hearts Inquiring Minds Serving Hands
The Austin Prep Annual Fund Tradition Most independent schools rely upon additional revenue to cover the costs of delivering an outstanding educational experience, and Austin Prep is no exception. Offering a dynamic learning environment staffed by the best trained, dedicated, and experienced faculty requires resources beyond tuition.
The Annual Fund vs. Tuition The Annual Fund helps Austin Prep remain a competitive option within Northeastern Massachusetts and Southern New Hampshire in respect to the tuition we charge per student. Limiting tuition increases each year allows Austin Prep to be a compelling educational option to more families, thereby increasing the funnel for mission-aligned applicants. Also, Annual Fund donations are tax deductible to the extent that the law allows, whereas tuition payments are not.
Together, We Prepare Our Students for the Future Austin Prep invites all of our current parents, grandparents, trustees, faculty, staff, alumni, foundations, corporations and friends to help support and advance the mission of Austin Prep through direct support of the Annual Fund. Our collective responsibility continuously enhances the level of excellence and the reputation of our institution and ensures its future success. Through Annual Fund support, Austin Prep provides access to exceptional teachers, small classes and extraordinary opportunities for our students, both inside and out of the classroom. This outstanding experience translates into more personal attention, and increased intellectual stimulation for every student.
Making an Impact
The Annual Fund and Volunteering to Help
The Annual Fund supports five areas: Austin Support: Your gift is applied to the area most in need.
Austin Prep respectfully asks all of our potential supporters to consider making Austin Prep their top philanthropic priority. Every dollar provides a stable foundation upon which students build lifelong skills and acquire the finest basic human values.
Tuition Assistance: Scholarships and financial assistance help to keep an Austin Prep education accessible.
Volunteering to help our advancement team with Annual Fund activity is welcome at all times. The gift of time and talent is priceless. If you are interested in helping us with the Annual Fund program this year, please contact Ms. Susan Belanger, Assistant Head for External Affairs, at
Academics: Curriculum, instruction, faculty professional development, access to on campus and remote learning, independent study and research opportunities, science and technology. Arts & Student Life: Leadership training, extracurricular activities, campus ministry, diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives, speakers series, and art and design. Athletics: 23 interscholastic sports and 50 teams.
In the end, the Annual Fund allows Austin Prep the financial flexibility to sustain the unprecedented level of excellence that our students deserve.
THE ULTIMATE GOAL: 100% Participation in Their Future Each year, we have the opportunity to advance the mission of Austin Prep. Our Augustinian values of veritas, unitas, and caritas and our tradition of educational excellence drive our priorities. With higher and higher levels of support, the opportunities for our students and teachers are limitless. Together we make a difference. No gift is too small, the impact is collective. Austin Prep is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit private, Catholic independent day school. Gifts to Austin Prep are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.