Austin Prep Middle School
To Inspire Hearts to Unite, Minds to Inquire, and Hands to Serve. Welcome to the Middle School at Austin Prep, an independent, Augustinian Catholic school. Our school educates students in the tradition of Saint Augustine, one of only four middle schools in North America to do so. Austin Prep’s Middle School program is rooted in our core Augustinian values of veritas, unitas, and caritas - truth, unity, and love. With their inquisitive nature, fierce sense of justice, and a desire to take action, Middle School students are on a quest to learn about the world around them and ultimately shape that world. Middle School is an exciting time when students discover their talents and interests within and beyond the classroom. Students emerge from middle school with the confidence and optimism about the value of educational vigor. A network of accomplished faculty and dedicated mentors shepherd students through this unique period of adolescence as students develop as scholars, athletes, artists, and leaders. Throughout this odyssey, students are appropriately nurtured, challenged, and celebrated as they navigate their path, accelerate their growth, and flourish as young women and men. The journey is one that engages students’ minds, ignites their hearts, and offers real-world opportunities to take action. I invite you to explore Austin Prep’s approach to Middle School.
Michael McLaughlin, Head of Middle School
“You aspire to great things? Begin with little ones.” - Saint Augustine of Hippo Middle schoolers are on a quest to discover their identity and express it. We dive into this exploration in English class through our reading and writing. When a young reader opens a book and finds characters who resonate with him or her, they gain a sense of validation! Reading also serves as a way to experience new places, ideas, and perspectives. As an English teacher, I endeavor to instill a love of books in my students - and by guiding young readers, I am also helping them to discover who they are! Leeann Blais, English Faculty At Austin Prep, we strive to give students the tools necessary to discover how the world works and their role in it. Through interactive and collaborative activities in History, students develop a deeper understanding of the past and a greater appreciation for people and cultures all over the world. By the end of their Middle School journey, our students feel confident in their skills and are eager to add their own story to the world’s. Kristen Donnelly, History Faculty Our middle school Latin students explore the language and culture of ancient Rome, finding the connections between the distant past of the Mediterranean and their everyday life and studies at Austin Prep. One of the most gratifying aspects of my role as Latin teacher is sharing in the wonder and joy of my students as they discover just how many vocabulary words from their other classes have Latin roots, explore Roman daily life with hands-on projects, and take their first steps toward reading Latin literature–a corpus that includes not only the great works of Roman prose and poetry, but also the writings of luminaries like St. Augustine. Cori Russo, World Language Faculty
Advisory at Austin Prep Middle School advisory groups function like families. Eighth graders look out for sixth graders like younger brothers and sisters in sharing their wisdom and experience. Central to this family is the parent figure: a Middle School educator who embraces dialogue and modeling as building blocks of individual student growth. Students’ advisors are their principal advocates and personal mentors, supporting students as they navigate the social, emotional, and academic transitions of Middle School. Advisors partner with families to help students problem-solve, master self-advocacy, and seek out resources and opportunities on campus. Advisory is a daily check-in. Intentional conversations with advisors empower students to set goals, monitor academic progress, and take ownership of their Austin Prep journey. •
10:1 student to teacher ratio
Made up exclusively of Middle School students
Students may opt to stay with their advisor throughout their Middle School years
Advisor acts as both primary parent contact and student advocate
A Curriculum Designed to Educate Citizens of the World Middle School is an exciting time when students discover their talents and interests. The academic program fosters thinking skills that are necessary for 21st Century success. Central to this are students’ choice and voice in their academic program with relevant, real-world applications of course content and skills.Young learners’ ownership over their curriculum invites students to take risks, pursue passions, and ultimately grow. Whether it be learning a World Language like Mandarin, Latin, French, or Spanish or consulting with their English teacher about enrichment reading, students customize their curriculum with the support of their teachers. Faculty are specialists in their academic discipline and are equally enthusiastic about igniting Middle School students’ curiosity and engaging in the learning with them. Classes stimulate curiosity, encourage innovation, and sustain a passion for learning through hands-on experiences. Unique partnerships with area museums, historic sites, and laboratories enable students to apply the lessons learned on campus in the real world. Capstone experiences punctuate the academic year with celebrations of student mastery and achievement. The Sixth Grade Egyptian Museum encourages students to consider the interplay of their Humanities coursework to curate exhibits. Eighth graders practice their World Language in context through visits to cultural sites.The satisfaction of bringing an original novel from imaginative brainstorms to a polished work challenges seventh grade students to not only consume books but to create them. Through a highly personalized curriculum, Middle School students progress towards the ideal that scholarship, spirituality, and character are inseparable attributes of who they are.
Arts the Austin Prep Way Students grow through risk-taking. Their active imaginations and sense of wonder take flight in the Department of Art and Design. Elective courses allow students to exercise choice and voice and be immersed in a creative environment of like-minded peers. Course offerings give students more than a foundation; they provide a project - or production-based curriculum with authentic audiences with whom students share their creations. Concerts, performances, recitals, and gallery openings provide authentic venues for our young artists to showcase their talent and interact with the faces and spaces of the artistic world. Students have the opportunity to discover diverse interests by having a choice and voice in exploring interests such as: •
Acting and Stagecraft
Art History
Music Theory
Contemporary Dance
Technical Theatre
Digital Art
Topics in Technology
Athletics that Complement the Education of the Whole Person Austin Prep Middle School Athletics is an incredibly unique and diverse program. With at least one no-cut sport each season, students have the opportunity to be physically active and part of a team throughout their Middle School years. Austin Prep provides opportunities and pathways for all students to participate at the level of competition of their choosing, all of which add to our unwritten curriculum. For student-athletes looking to compete at an age appropriate level, experience the social benefits of being on a team, or simply try a new sport, Austin Prep offers a variety of middle school specific athletic programs. Middle School Offerings: Winter Spring Fall Boys Basketball Boys Lacrosse Archery Girls Basketball Softball Boys Soccer Swimming Girls Soccer Baseball Field Hockey For student-athletes looking to compete at the highest level, Austin Prep is one of very few schools whose Middle School students are eligible to take part in Upper School athletics. With many Upper School athletic programs offering freshman, junior varsity, and varsity levels, Middle School students are sure to find the opportunity to tryout for a level that aligns with their competitive spirit and athletic ability. Upper School Offerings: Winter Spring Fall Boys Basketball Baseball Cheerleading Girls Basketball Boys Lacrosse Cross Country Cheerleading Girls Lacrosse Field Hockey Dance Team Softball Football Boys Ice Hockey Boys Tennis Golf Girls Ice Hockey Girls Tennis Boys Soccer Indoor Track Outdoor Track & Field Girls Soccer Boys Skiing Girls Volleyball Girls Skiing Swimming
From Willow Street to the World Adventure awaits Middle School students as they extend their classroom lessons with travel opportunities in the United States and abroad. Travel opportunities for our students are one of our strongest examples of what we refer to as the “unwritten curriculum”. These tailored odysseys are designed with Middle School students’ curiosity and enthusiasm in mind. Learning about different cultures, walking in the footsteps of history, and meeting peers from across the globe open students’ eyes to a much bigger world filled with possibilities and simply cannot be replicated in a traditional classroom setting. Constitutional Underpinnings How do citizens participate responsibly in a democratic republic? This question drives the eighth grade Civics program as students explore how and why an informed and engaged citizenry is critical to American society. The grand finale of this course is a tour of Washington, D.C. The action-packed itinerary includes visits with historians, legislators, and other public servants who bring the democratic process to life. Across the Pond A unique summer study abroad experience in the United Kingdom immerses students in British culture and history. Racing in the Stadium at Olympus, translating ruins in Pompeii, and raising voices in song at the Vatican rank among other recent Middle School language and cultural journeys. Travel offers transformational experiences found in no book nor classroom.
“The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.” - Saint Augustine of Hippo
When your Middle School Journey at Austin Prep concludes you will be ready for the challenges of Austin Prep’s Upper School. Some of our Middle School students, by the time they reach their senior year at Austin Prep, become part of a special cohort of students who pass our way and are affectionately known as “lifers” - students who spend seven years at Austin Prep! It’s not lost on the “lifers” that they’ll never spend as much time at any other school. Whether you enter our Middle School in the sixth grade or some point thereafter, by the time the faculty celebrate the milestone of your transition to high school, you will be well prepared and well positioned for continued success. The “Prep” in Austin Prep alludes to preparation for the next step. For some it’s being prepared for high school. For others it’s being prepared for college. Yet for others it’s being prepared for life. In reality they are all correct because Austin Prep prepares you for the voyage ahead, a journey that is unique to you. An enduring journey in the footsteps of St. Augustine, an Austin Prep education is steeped in a heritage that is more than1,600 years old. Some have observed that the life of Augustine is a “life interrupted” - a life that goes in a direction you have not planned. In thinking about enrolling at Austin Prep and learning with Augustinian educators, you have taken your first step in the direction of your own “life interrupted.” St. Augustine loved community - a hallmark of Austin Prep. In that spirit, I invite you to join our community - and our journey. In the spirit of veritas, unitas, and caritas,
James Hickey, Ph.D. P’22,’23,’24,’27 Head of School
Austin Preparatory School 101 Willow Street Reading, MA 01867-1599
Contact Us Phone: 781-944-4900 Email:
Austin Preparatory School is an independant, Catholic school in the Augustinian tradition serving young men and women in grades 6-12 Austin Preparatory School
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