At A Glance

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Austin Prep at a Glance 2022 - 2023

Austin Preparatory School


The Journey

» Core values veritas, unitas, caritas—truth, unity, love

» College preparatory curriculum

» Engaging, personalized continuum of learning grades 6-12

» High quality faculty, coaches and championship athletic teams

» Supportive, inspiring and innovative co-curricular program

» A commitment to leadership and Christian service

» A culture of high expectations—scholarship plus character

The Facts

» An independent, Augustinian Catholic day school serving young men and women in grades 6 through 12

» 15 average class size

» Student to teacher ratio is 8 to 1

» 40 hours of Christian service hours are required for graduation

» Approximately one-third of students receive tuition assistance

» Students in grades 6-12 participate in domestic & international travel

» Over 50 athletic teams are offered

» Learning support and health and wellness services available for all

Class of 2022

» 19 AP courses were offered in 2022

» College Counselor to student ratio 1:30

» Standardized test prep class offered junior year

» 100+ College representatives visit each fall

The Outcome

The Austin Prep graduate enters the world guided by the values of veritas, unitas and caritas. The Austin Prep graduate is a life-long learner who enters life as a passionate global citizen, a curious collaborative learner, and a compassionate servant.

The Austin Prep graduate enters the world with lessons and guidance from faculty, staff and administration and with abundant potential to make a significant difference. They bring forward from the Austin Prep Journey the School’s central missions: To inspire hearts to unite, minds to inquire and hands to serve.

*(Excerpt from the Profile of the Austin Prep Graduate adopted Spring 2018)

Austin Preparatory School


Austin Prep offers over 60 clubs and organizations that students have the opportunity to engage and lead in. Below is a snapshot of what is offered.

Academic Decathlon

Acapella Club

Activists of Austin


APS Media Open Workshop

APS Media Studio

Art Club - Upper School

Astronomy Club

Austin Authors

Austin Band

Austin Drama Guild

Austin Service Club

Austin Wellness Association

B.E.A.R. (Build Empathy And Respect)

Best Buddies

Campus Ministry Club Chemistry Society Chess Club

Chinese Club

Chinese Peer Tutors

Choir - After School on Tue and Fri Afternoons Club Sports - Soccer (Weather Permitting) Club Sports - Softball (Weather Permitting)

Culinary Club Dance - Upper School Debate Club

Deca (Business & Entrepreneur)

*Offerings could change from year to year

Disney Club

Eps Aka Event Production Services

French Club

Friends of Rachel Harry Potter Club

Italian Language & Culture

Latin Peer Tutors

Math Peer Tutors

Math Team (US)

Model UN

Model UN - Leadership Multicultural Club

National Honor Society

Physics Club

Psychology Club

Robotics FTC Science Peer Tutors

Sign Language Club

Social Justice Circle

Spanish Club I

Spanish Club Leadership Spanish Peer Tutors

Students for Social Awareness

Super Smash Bros Club

Ultimate Frisbee (Weather Permitting) Yard Games Club

YCAC (Youth Climate Action Coalition)

Fall Sports

Boys Soccer Grades 6 - 12, Middle School, Junior Varsity, and Varsity

Girls Soccer

Grades 6 - 12, Middle School, Junior Varsity, and Varsity

Girls Volleyball Grades 6 - 12, Junior Varsity 2, Junior Varsity, and Varsity

Cross Country Grades 6 - 12, Co-ed

Golf Grades 6 - 12, Co-ed Developmental and Varsity

Spring Sports

Boys Baseball Grades 6 - 12, Developmental, Freshmen, Junior Varsity, and Varsity

Girls Softball Grades 6 - 12, Middle School, Junior Varsity, and Varsity

Field Hockey Grades 6 - 12, Junior Varsity 2, Junior Varsity, and Varsity

Boys Football Grades 7 - 12, Junior Varsity, and Varsity

Cheerleading Grades 6 - 12, Competitive Team and Game Day Cheer

Archery Grades 6 - 8, Co-ed Middle School Intramural

Winter Sports

Boys Ice Hockey Grades 7 - 12, Freshmen, Junior Varsity, and Varsity

Girls Ice Hockey Grades 7 - 12, Junior Varsity, and Varsity

Boys Basketball Grades 6 - 12, Middle School, Freshmen, Junior Varsity, and Varsity Girls Basketball Grades 6 - 12, Middle School, Freshmen, Junior Varsity, and Varsity

Girls Ski Team

Grades 6 - 12, Varsity

Boys Ski Team Grades 6 - 12, Varsity

Swimming Grades 6 - 12, Co-ed

Indoor Track & Field Grades 6 - 12, Co-ed

Dance Team Grades 6 - 12, Competitive

Boys Lacrosse Grades 6 - 12, Middle School, Junior Varsity, and Varsity

Girls Lacrosse Grades 6 - 12, Junior Varsity 2, Junior Varsity, and Varsity

Boys Tennis Grades 6 - 12, Developmental and Varsity

Girls Tennis Grades 6 - 12, Developmental and Varsity

Outdoor Track & Field Grades 6 - 12, Co-ed

Austin Prep Athletics competes as a member of the New England Preparatory School Athletic Council (NEPSAC).

ATHLETIC OFFERINGS Austin Preparatory School

Austin Preparatory School


What is Cougar Block?

Cougar Block is a period during the academic day when student clubs and activities meet.There are over 60 academic, non-academic, and athletic organizations at Austin Prep and students choose the activities in which they would like to participate at the Club Fair at the start of the academic year.

Are there ways to help me make new friends?

There are plenty of opportunities to make new friends! From new student orientation, clubs and activities, fall sports and art electives, the co-curricular programs in which you choose to participate will provide plenty of opportunities to make lasting friendships. In addition, every newly enrolled student is paired with a “buddy” with similar interests, which is led by the Admissions Office.

Are teachers available for assisting students after school?

Absolutely! The faculty at Austin Prep have office hours for extra help every week. If you cannot attend office hours, teachers are more than happy to schedule a meeting time with you that accommodates your schedule.

Where can I get extra help with classes?

You can schedule review meetings with your teachers during their office hours for all of your classes, attend peer tutoring sessions, and even register for study hall during Cougar Block.

Can I participate in more than one extracurricular activity?

Definitely! We encourage you to do so! From clubs and activities during Cougar Block to after school extra-curricular activities, Austin Prep has a wide variety of options and many of our students are highly involved in school activities outside of the classroom.

Are there opportunities to participate in intramural team sports?

Yes. Austin Prep wants you to explore your interests, including trying new sports, as part of your educational experience.

How does the advisory work at Austin Prep?

When students enroll at Austin Prep, they are assigned an advisor who they meet with four days a week during Advisory period. To assist in developing a strong and trusting relationship, once you enter upper school, you will have the same advisor until you graduate. Our middle school students meet with their advisor four days a week during advisory period but when they transition into the upper school they are assigned a new upper school advisor.

How does the technology program work?

At the beginning of the academic year, middle school students are provided with a school iPad and upper school students are provided with a school MacBook through our Technology Department. If any issues arise or the students need more training, our Tech Team is always ready to help.

Austin Preparatory School


Is it difficult to make Varsity sports teams?

Although our Varsity teams are very competitive, about 85% of our student body participates in our Athletic Program, playing sports is optional but encouraged. At Austin Prep, there is a strong emphasis on athletic development, intramural opportunities, and skill development to assist students.

How does Austin Prep define a successful student?

We expect students to take full advantage of everything the school has to offer and explore their interests in all co-curricular offerings. Our new students quickly learn that the Austin Prep campus is full of life and exciting activities all the time.

Are there leadership opportunities for students?

Yes! Our students serve their school community as leaders in a number of ways. These experiences support the acquisition of independent thinking, collaboration and communications skills. All students are invited to join Student Government and participate in planning and organizing programs, such as Class Congresses and school-wide dances. Other opportunities include Unitas Leadership Academy (Upper School students by invitation), Cubby Cares (Mentorship Program), Green Key Ambassadors (Admissions), and Captains Council (Athletics).

Are there social activities for students?

The student experience during the academic day and after school is very important. As such, we have a variety of fun, social events for students, such as class-wide retreats, school dances, and many off-campus activities, including international trips.

Austin Preparatory School


How often do teachers communicate with parents about academic progress?

With Austin Prep’s average class size of 15 students, teachers are able to communicate effectively and proactively about academic progress in a customized way.Throughout the quarter, teachers communicate through a variety of methods – via electronically and in person – to highlight exceptional work and areas of concern. Also, as part of the Advisory Program, parents receive a letter from a student’s advisor twice a year. When report cards are released at the end of each quarter, there are no surprises, as detailed, personalized comments provide a narrative of each student’s academic journey each term.

How do I interact with my child’s advisor?

Your child’s advisor is the chief advocate and your family’s principal liaison to Austin Prep. Parents meet with their child’s advisor at Back to School Night and the First Quarter Advisor Conferences and receive letters detailing their child’s engagement with our core values of veritas, unitas, and caritas. Advisors are kept apprised of students’ academic progress so that they can serve as a knowledgeable resource for you and your child.

How do I interact with my child’s classroom teachers?

Parents begin the academic year at our annual Back to School Night where they have the opportunity to meet and hear from each of their child’s teachers. Teachers welcome parents to ask questions about the curriculum and pedagogy. Throughout the year, different academic departments provide additional avenues for parents to remain fully engaged.

What support is available if my child is experiencing adjustment issues?

Austin Prep has a number of resources to support our students in a number of ways. Above all, each student’s advisor is an important resource for students and families. Also, our Health and Wellness Counselors provides one-on-one counseling and facilitates group meetings throughout the year. Our Chaplain, School Nurse,Teaching and Learning Specialist and Director of Mission and Inclusion also provide additional support. Additionally, Upper School peer tutors work individually with students for test preparation and skill development with major academic concepts.

What activities encourage my child to become involved in leadership programs?

Our students serve their school community as leaders in a number of ways that support their growth as independent, self-actuated young people. All students are invited to join Student Government and participate in planning and running programs, including Class Congresses and school-wide dances. Specific organizations, such as the Unitas Leadership Academy, provide outlets for students who have been identified with leadership qualities to build upon them by participating in various on and off campus exercises aimed at cultivating their leadership abilities. Students have leadership opportunities to steer the direction of clubs and mentor younger students. Eighth grade students are able to serve as “big brothers and sisters” to sixth and seventh grade students.

Are there opportunities for parents to volunteer time and provide expertise?

Yes! There are many opportunities for parents to become actively involved in the Austin Prep community through our Parents Association, Signature Event, and Parent Ambassador Program.

How does the school cultivate positive study and research skills?

Study and research skills are taught in context. As teachers prepare students for assessments, they discuss and review specific study strategies for students. Long-term projects introduce students to planning, research, presentation, and source attribution.

How does Austin Prep’s technology program facilitate learning?

Our technology program provides students with an incredible tool to access texts and other resources to enhance classroom learning. Teachers use technology intentionally, balancing time spent on this important skill with other academic skills, emphasizing collaboration, discussion and debate. Students are taught to appreciate that technology is an important part in the acquisition of knowledge and the development of skills.

Can modest athletes participate in organized team sports?

Austin Prep wants students to explore their interests, including trying new sports to broaden their full educational experience. There are multiple opportunities for intramural team sports during Cougar Block, along with at least one ‘no cut’ team every season.

Is there an orientation program for new parents?

To help new parents connect to our community and meet current families, we host an Accepted Parents Dinner, New Parents Social,Welcome BBQ and introduce them to Parent Ambassadors.

How does Austin Prep prepare a student throughout the educational journey?

The Austin Prep graduate is a life-long learner who enters life as a passionate global citizen, a curious collaborative learner, and a compassionate servant.

Visit (Encouraged)

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Tuition Assistance

FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQS): PARENTS Austin Preparatory School 2023 - 2024 APPLICATION PROCESS Application Checklist Submit Inquiry Pay Application Fee $75 Student
your visit. Demographic Information Photo Student & Parent Questionnaire Supporting Documents Current English or History Teacher Recommendation Current Math or Science Teacher Recommendation School Administrator Recommendation (Optional) School Transcript (Current and Previous Academic Year) Graded Writing Sample (Encouraged)
Middle School: Austin Prep accepts scores from the MSEE, SSAT, & ISEE Upper School: Austin Prep accepts scores from the HSPT, ISEE, & SSAT
More information is provided on our website under Tuition and Value. Submit Inquiry online at 101 Willow Street Reading, MA 01867 | Phone: (781) 944 - 4900 @AustinPrep @AP_MiddleSchool @AustinPrepAD austinprepschool austinprepmiddleschool austinpreppad Austin Preparatory School FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA

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