Journey Magazine, Fall 2019 and 2018-2019 Annual Report 12.16.19

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AN INDISPENSABLE ANCHOR Marla Pascucci-Byrne, P’26 Photo Credit: George Martell

Annual Report 2018-2019

Photo Credit: Massachusetts State Police Office of Media Relations

On Responsibility and Authority In life, one of the great challenges is being responsible for something without having the ability to guarantee the best outcomes. It can be very frustrating. Fortunately, in our Nation, in this Commonwealth, and within the Austin Prep community, we are all free to make decisions that impact the most valuable asset anyone owns – our reputations. And our reputations flow from our word. It’s the only thing that human beings possess of any real value.

Austin Prep prepares students to walk in the footsteps of Augustine and discover their Why. That Journey of the “restless heart” is pursued in community united in “mind and heart” through authentic, candid, intellectual, and mutually respectful interaction. In my considered judgement, that unbending dynamic creates the right conditions for our students, faculty, coaches, parents, and the freedom to make the right decisions (and be held accountable for them) to advance the Journey in the service of others.

When it comes to deciding how we act as individuals, we have the freedom and the authority to make good choices and behave accordingly. It is a gift and a responsibility for each of us. The life and teaching of St. Augustine have been studied for centuries, including the 21st century. As a young man, St. Augustine was a rogue and his lifestyle choices did not always align with the traditional concept of being a “saint.” In many ways, he was far from it. In his early years, he enjoyed the immoderations of life and it wasn’t until he was about 31years old that he converted to Christianity and realized that a life of indulgence was not the way he was meant to live. Once he converted, he spent the rest of his life as both an earnest student and an earnest teacher in search of Wisdom, the Divine Truth, for which every heart is restless to find.

“what does love look like? It has the hands to help others. It has the feet to hasten to the poor and needy. It has eyes to see misery and want. It has the ears to hear the sighs and sorrows of men. That is what love looks like.”

As Augustine wrote,

Here’s to a great year at Austin Prep, full of responsible choices, full of love, and full of finding our Why. Sincerely,

The writer Mark Twain once said, “the two most important days in your life are the day you are the born and the day you find out why.”

James Hickey, Ph.D., P’22, ’23, ’24

Fall 2019


“Feature Story”

Photo Credit: George Martell


Fall 2019

An Indispensable Anchor Four years ago, Marla Pascucci-Byrne, P’26, began giving her student advisees an anchor at the beginning of the school year. She explains, “The circle at the top of the anchor represents their circle of teachers, friends, and interests. It’s my job to ensure that their circle stays full. The stem of the anchor is like a cross, which is the symbol for our mission of Veritas, Unitas, and Caritas. Together, we’ll embody those values in everything we do. And the arms of the anchor, well, they look like a smile to me, which is how I want our students to feel at Austin. These anchors are small, so they can be tied on a student’s backpack or carried in their pocket as a reminder that their Advisory and I will always be their anchor. Not only while they’re here at Austin Prep, but long after they’ve gone out into the world.” As a senior at Saint Anselm College, “Mrs. P” had a capstone project for her Education course that involved a phone call that changed her life. “I called the principal of Austin Prep, Paul Moran, and asked him for a quote to put into my paper, as the school had just gone co-ed. We had a great conversation and he asked me to bring the paper with me when I came to interview for a position at Austin Prep. I was so thankful he took a chance on a new graduate; I started as a substitute and was hired the following year to teach seventh grade English and Theology.” Marla remembers her first years at Austin Prep as being incredibly exciting, yet challenging. Fortunately, mentors like the late Frank McCarthy, Vin Parrella, Roger Stone, and Celia Barletta provided

valuable guidance based on their years of expertise. The students themselves provided their own version of assistance. “When did I know I’d succeeded? One of my beloved students quoted my favorite writer to me – “Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, ‘To succeed is to know that one life has breathed easier because you have lived.’ Rest assured, Mrs. P, that life was mine.” I was touched beyond belief. It meant the world to me to hear the words of my favorite writer, the person for whom my daughter is named, had encircled us together.” Today, more students than ever are glad to tell you how their teacher is succeeding. “She brought the book to life,” exclaimed Damon Kruppa ’20, referring to his teacher’s favorite novel, The Great Gatsby. “I’m more of a math student, but Mrs. P’s English class was my favorite by far. She brought us to Newport to see the mansions because it connected to our studies and she loves the 1920’s so much. Now, we all do.” Alumnus Drew Garland ’07, who had Mrs. P as a sophomore, reflected, “Her class is where I found my love of reading. Her passion for literature was intense and she shared it. She showed us how great The Great Gatsby really is.” Marla has had an equally large influence as an Advisor. Meghan Anderson ’20 sees her as being especially tuned in to her students. “She’s always thinking about what will be engaging and important for us. But more than that, she’s always there to listen

Fall 2019


Photo Credit: George Martell

and help.” “She keeps us grounded,” said fellow advisee Ryan Noyes ’21. Ava Intoppa ’24 has worked with Mrs. P in both dance and drama; “She’s energetic, inspirational, and passionate about all of the arts. I went to elementary school with her daughter, so she’s always been like a teacher to me, even before I had a class with her.” Grace Choma ’18, is studying photojournalism at The New School in New York City, a path she believes began when Marla helped her decide to spend a semester at The Oxbow School in Napa, CA. “She encouraged me to apply and helped me with my portfolio. She’s a loving and supportive person and I owe so much of my success and my future career to her.” Drew Garland continues, “I don’t know where I would be without her guidance as a mentor and a friend.” From the beginning, Austin Prep has been very special to Marla. “This school radiates Unitas,” she says. “When I wanted to start a dance program, Austin was still mostly male, but the former Headmaster encouraged me to follow that dream. True, our first dance studio was a classroom that held batting cages, but it didn’t matter. Over the years as the program grew, so too did the investment in the Arts, and through the talents and support of former Board Chair Tony Pimentel, P’99, P’01, we got a beautiful Dance Room for practicing and Richard J. Meelia Hall for performing. When Dr. Hickey arrived at Austin Prep, he revamped our Arts program by making it an academic department. I was honored to be appointed as Chair. I’m 4

infinitely grateful for his commitment, investment, and trust. It was a dream come true.” She pauses, “Every day, I teach the two things I love, English and dance, right across the hall from each other. How wonderful is that?” Wonder is in the air as the holiday season approaches, and with it, one of Austin Prep’s most beloved traditions, The Nutcracker. For more than 15 years, it has played to enthusiastic audiences; in the beginning, it was a small program of selections from the ballet, but it has grown into a full-length production. No students are cut from joining the show, and it welcomes cameo appearances from the Headmaster, faculty members, and alumni. English Department Chair Nicole Putney P’26 says that Marla has always done a superior job of advocating for the arts, while Drew Garland recalls that Marla used The Nutcracker to build bridges between the arts and athletics by recruiting non-dancing athletes. “I was sort of a troublemaker, and she wanted to give me a detention. I pleaded with her that detention would make me miss a team practice. ‘Fine,’ she said, ‘but someday you’re going to do me a favor.’ That favor turned out to be dancing the lead in The Nutcracker.” One might think that Marla has already accomplished enough for several careers. Her peers are quick to point out that she is doing it all while raising a family. Nicole Putney noted, “She

Fall 2019

Photo Credit: George Martell

“Her class is where I found my love of reading. Her passion for literature was intense and she shared it. She showed us how great The Great Gatsby really is.”

does a great job of being a mom and a professional. We all struggle with stepping in and out of those roles, but Marla makes it look easy.” “Marla gets it,” said Band Director and colleague Joe Leary. “What we do in the arts here is unlike anything I’ve ever seen before.” Working at Austin Prep has anchored Marla as well. “It’s a great blessing that I am able to work in a school and have a hand in shaping my own childrens’ experience,” Marla says. “My daughter is a sixth-grader now, and she sees the school as a magical place. My son will graduate in 2030. I look forward to seeing what Austin Prep looks like then; with all the amazing growth I’ve seen, I know it will be even more special.” When asked to recall her most unforgettable student, Marla smiles and says, “There have been far too many, but,” she adds, “every one of them asks me, ‘I’m your favorite, right?’” “And I always say yes. And I always mean it.”

Drew Garland ’07

Fall 2019


Prepared For the Next Journey On May 25th, 130 new graduates began the next phase of their Austin Journey as young alumni during the 55th commencement in the School’s history.

“As you travel into the world beyond this campus, my advice, my hope, and my prayer, is that you will use the presumption of goodness, the presumption of good intent as a basis of how you conduct yourself, how you interact with human beings, how you sustain your outlook on the world,” he said. “Be confident in what you have been taught.”

The commencement exercises were preceded on Friday with a Baccalaureate Mass conducted by the Most Reverend Mark O’Connell, JCD, Auxiliary Bishop of Boston and Titular Bishop of Gigthi. Reverend O’Connell urged the graduates to make faith their priority as they enter college. “Let faith be the foundation of all you do as proud alumni of this school.”

This year’s keynote speaker was the Honorable Daniel F. Loughry ’69.

Echoing the Augustinian ideal of “One mind, one heart, intent on God”, the Reverend’s words resonated deeply with everyone in attendance.

Judge Loughry, who served as a United States Administrative Law Judge in the Social Security Administration, as well as in other judicial posts, stressed the graduates’ responsibility to apply the moral education they acquired at Austin Prep.

In his remarks, Headmaster James Hickey, Ph.D. P’22, P’23, P’24 focused on the value of believing something good about someone, rather than bad, when you have the choice of doing either. At a time of pervasive mistrust and deep divisions in America, Dr. Hickey’s message was particularly relevant.

“Each of us has an obligation to be kind, considerate, compassionate and helpful,” he told them. “I hope that you will retain and, more importantly, put these lessons into practice throughout your lives as you run into the twists and turns that come to all of us.” Class of 2019 valedictorian Kelsey Sherriff of Arlington, encouraged classmates to look to new adventures and opportunities. “There are many unknowns to be explored,” she said. “We are faced with the same situation that all of us faced four years ago, and that is starting over.”


Fall 2019

Salutatorian Alexia Andrikopoulos of Reading told her fellow graduates “Austin Prep has instilled in us values of truth, community and love to use in the next chapters of our lives. It is our duty as alumni to bring these values with us wherever we go on our next journey.” As always, the graduation exercises were a profound expression of Austin’s core values: Veritas, Unitas and Caritas. All 130 Class of 2019 graduates were accepted to a wide variety of four-year colleges and universities.

Fall 2019

“Be confident in what you have been taught.”


College Matriculation 2019 American University

Quinnipiac University

Arizona State University

Roger Williams University

Assumption College

Rutgers University - New Brunswick

Bentley University

Sacred Heart University

Boston College

Saint Anselm College

Boston University

Saint Louis University

Bryant University

Saint Michael’s College

California State University, Northridge

Simmons University

Clarkson University

Skidmore College

Clemson University

Springfield College

Colgate University

Stonehill College

College of The Holy Cross

Syracuse University

Connecticut College

Tilton School

Curry College

Tufts University

Elon University

Union College

Emerson College

University at Buffalo The State University

Emmanuel College

of New York

Endicott College

University of Alabama

Fairfield University

University of California, Los Angeles

Fordham University

University of California, Santa Barbara

High Point University

University of California, Santa Cruz

Indiana University at Bloomington

University of Colorado Boulder

Ithaca College

University of Connecticut

Kenyon College

University of Kentucky

Lasell College

University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Loyola University Chicago

University of Massachusetts, Boston

Loyola University Maryland

University of Massachusetts, Lowell

Lynn University

University of New England

Marist College

University of New Hampshire at Durham

Marymount Manhattan College

University of Notre Dame

Merrimack College

University of Rhode Island

New Hampton School

University of Southern Maine

Northeastern University

University of Vermont

Northwestern University

Virginia Tech

Pennsylvania State University

Wentworth Institute of Technology

Pennsylvania State University - Harrisburg

Westfield State University

Providence College

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Purdue University


Fall 2019

AUSTIN PREP CELEBRATES JUBILARIANS David Meehan ’69 was speaking for his fellow alumni when he wrote, “If there was one common thread woven within my class, I’d have to say it was their kindness and empathy toward one another. I had forgotten about that trait over the years and I thank you for allowing me to experience it again during our Reunion.” David was just one of twenty-seven alumni from the Class of 1969 who reconnected with the feelings of Unitas and Caritas that are so characteristic of gatherings at the School, during their 50th Reunion, May 24-26, 2019. The Class of 1969 convened at Austin Prep for a weekend that began on Friday with a Baccalaureate Mass celebrated by The Most Reverend Mark O’Connell, JCD, Auxiliary Bishop of Boston. This was followed by a reception at the alumni family-owned Bunratty Tavern in Reading Center. Saturday, Headmaster James Hickey, Ph.D, P’22, ’23, ’24 and Trustees hosted the class at a luncheon prior to the Commencement Exercises, when the alumni processed with their class banner into Richard J. Meelia Hall.

Later, the Jubilarians were given a tour of the campus by Green Key Student Ambassadors. Jubilarian Dan Loughry ’69 commented on the weekend, “Austin is a real community. It’s on a strong footing; progress never seems to stop. It’s a joy to see and experience it all.” On Sunday, the alumni met for a mass in memory of classmates who had passed away. This was followed by breakfast in the new dining hall. The experience concluded with a round of golf at nearby Vesper Country Club. A member of the Class of 1969 later summed up his reunion experience, “As years have passed, I haven’t been very mindful of what’s been happening at Austin. Once in a while, an Augustinian will ask me what’s up at Austin and I haven’t had much of an answer. Now I can say that I’m so excited and so proud to be an alumnus of the school, and that the school is in strong hands and seems positioned to carry on the legacy that the founding fathers envisioned.” We look forward to welcoming back the Class of 1970 for their 50th Reunion for the weekend of May 15-17, 2020.

Fall 2019


Mission Accomplished Last June, as soon as the Austin Prep softball team arrived back on campus with their newly won MIAA Division 3 State Championship trophy in hand, they immediately headed to their home diamond for one last time together. As a family. It had been a journey three years in the making. After dropping the final game of the year twice before to Western Massachusetts winners Turner’s Falls, the Cougars finally tasted victory against the Thunder. As Headmaster James Hickey, Ph.D. P’22, P’23, P’24 summed up the experience in a congratulatory letter to the whole school, “the third time’s a charm.” Head Coach Frank Sorrenti called it a team of destiny. “We finally finished it,” the coach exclaimed. “It was a long road, but the team came together and kept getting better and better.” Pitcher Serena Gilbride ’19 kept opponents in check until her battery mate, catcher Frankie Frelick ’20, hit a two-run double to right field en route to the 3-0 victory.


Frankie remarked that the 24-2 season was the result of building a close-knit bond on and off the field that was strengthened by hard work and intentional team building. “Austin Prep is about Veritas, Unitas, and Caritas and we really exemplified those values,” says the Duke University-bound senior captain-elect. Coach Sorrenti added that the team was also extraordinary for another reason. “This was a team of good softball players, but they were also exceptional athletes.” One such well-rounded two-sport athlete was shortstop Ella Saracco ’19 who also played for the state finalist girls hockey team and is now playing hockey for St. Michael’s College in Vermont. “She always seemed to have a dirty uniform because of her aggressive play in the field.” commented Sorrenti. Ella said about the team “It was all about having tight bonds with each other. We built a close relationship on and off the field regardless of our age difference.” Center-fielder Lauren Sablone ’20 also runs indoor track and her speed showed both stealing crucial bases, as well as tracking down long fly balls.

Fall 2019

Lauren, an AP “Lifer,” who started playing on the varsity softball team in the 8th grade said the team had a sense of unfinished business and went into the season determined to win. “We found our identity during the season and believed in ourselves,” recalls the senior who plans on playing for Princeton University after graduation. Athletic Director Pat Driscoll ’97 has seen many outstanding teams during his career as former Cougar player and coach. “This team had an incredible ride. When they got off that bus and headed to the field for a final time together on their diamond, that said it all.” Coach Sorrenti reports he has high hopes for the upcoming season as well. “Every year we graduate some great players, but somehow new students step up to the challenge. We are starting to see young women apply to Austin because of our successful sports teams and they want to be a part of it.” At Austin Prep, winning is becoming a family tradition.

Austin Prep 2019 CHAMPIONSHIP SOFTBALL Team Roster

Fall 2019



A FAMILY TRADITION Samantha Cila ’11 When her drill instructor at the Massachusetts State Police (MSP) Academy escorted Samantha Cila, Austin Prep Class of 2011, to the board showing soon-to-be graduates their new badge numbers, everyone’s was in the mid -1000’s. Except hers. She had been assigned 340, the badge number of her late father, Trooper Vincent Cila, who was killed in a motorcycle crash while on duty in 2005. For Samantha, who was a child at the time, following in her father’s footsteps in law enforcement became a lifetime goal. She and her sister Nicole, Austin Prep Class of 2013, were raised by their mother Cheryl in Wakefield. Samantha’s talent in youth basketball caught the eye of an interested family friend at the Bay State Games who suggested that private school might be an option for high school. Accepted at several schools, Samantha chose Austin Prep because she would have the opportunity to play multiple sports along with getting an exceptional education. Graduating as team captain in both basketball and softball, she was recruited by Endicott College where she could also pursue her dream of a career in law enforcement by majoring in criminal justice. After graduation, while working for a private security firm, she took the MSP entrance exam. She earned a high score and was accepted. A new class, the 84th Recruit Training Troop, began at the MSP Academy in New Braintree in central Massachusetts on January 21, 2019. Of the 236 who were originally accepted, 204 candidates started on day 1. Samantha was one of the 171 trainees to successfully complete the intensive and physically demanding 23-week training. Because of her demonstrated leadership, she was also elected by her peers to carry the class banner at their commissioning ceremony on June 27th at the DCU Center in Worcester. 12

Samantha credits her experience at Austin Prep for much of her success. “I learned teamwork and leadership in sports at Austin.” She also learned how to work hard and focus, skills that were essential when competing with male classmates at the State Police Academy. “Whether waking up every morning at 5:30 a.m. or deciding to shave my head to save valuable time, instead of just cutting it shorter, I knew how to be disciplined and to sacrifice in order to achieve my goal.” In many ways the MSP and Austin Prep share much in common. Austin Prep helped prepare Samantha to lead a life of service, instilling in her the values of Veritas, Unitas and Caritas (truth, unity, and love). Her career as a Massachusetts State Trooper enables her to fully live-out these values while also following the State Police code of community, integrity, character and tradition. Samantha draws on lessons learned at Austin Prep while on the road; “I treat others the way I would like to be treated. When I pull up to a driver, I imagine it’s my mother behind the wheel. Nobody wants to be yelled at. Even when you need to arrest someone, I never forget it’s a person, just like me.”

V Trooper

incent Cila

She is looking forward to Austin Prep’s annual Blue Mass for First Responders celebrated on November 1st. It is a wonderful tradition at Austin Prep to honor and thank local first responders including alumni, parents, and Reading police and fire departments. “It will be great to take part this year and to feel so connected in my new role to so many family friends and colleagues.” The Blue Mass will be even more meaningful for Samantha as she wears Badge #340 in honor of her dad.

Fall 2019

, 65th

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Photo Credit: Massachusetts State Police Office of Media Relations


Cila , 84th


Fall 2019



THE LEADER OF PATRIOT NATION Justin Zolot ’08 When Justin Zolot ’08 and his parents were looking for middle school options before the start of sixth grade, he remembers feeling something special about Austin Prep.

reminded him of Austin Prep, and when it came time to graduate, he was recruited by the Chi Psi national office in Nashville, Tennessee to serve as a mentor and to work organizing chapters at different schools across the country.

“I just had a sense about the place that I could do anything there and explore everything.”

“It was a real adventure travelling around and moving to a different region, away from family. I was also fortunate because I had played American Legion baseball in Massachusetts with Mike Yastrzemski who was playing for Vanderbilt University at the time, and he and the team were very welcoming.”

Justin, an Austin Prep ‘Lifer,’ did just that and has enthusiastically continued a life of exploration and community-building ever since. It also helps when you are as naturally outgoing and energetic as Justin.

But other than that, he was on his own when it came to a social life.

“I loved Austin Prep School and was able to participate in a lot of activities.” From Austin Ambassador to Peer Leader to Latin Club, Italian Club, and National Honor Society officer, Justin was always busy. He also served as captain of the cross-country team and played varsity baseball. When it came time to choose a school after Austin Prep, the left-handed pitcher drew the attention of the baseball coach at Union College, where he went on to study and play for four years.

Without going into the details of the next five years, today there are 3,200 registered members of the Nashville Chapter of the New England Patriots Fan Club. Justin also set up a club Facebook page and other social media links which quickly caught the attention of the marketing team in Foxborough.

Coincidentally, Union is also the historic home where several national Greek fraternities were founded, and before long, it was natural for Justin to become a brother at Chi Psi where he served as treasurer among other duties. “Sometimes people have the wrong idea of the ‘frat bro’ cliché,” Justin explained. “But for me it was about caring for others, community volunteering, and being responsible. When I was elected treasurer and in charge of the entire house budget, that was a real learning experience I still find useful today.”


“I approached a local pub and said if they would promise to show the Pats’ games, I would promise the crowd.” Armed with little data other than a sense that between local colleges, military bases, and corporate headquarters, there must be a few New England fans around, Justin set out to create an official fan club that would gather together on Sundays to watch the Patriots.

At Union, he continued his interest in Latin and Greek and majored in the Classics, a highly regarded department at the New York liberal arts college.

Justin said the Chi Psi chapter at Union was like a family that

That is until he had an idea one Sunday afternoon in the fall while looking for a place where he could watch his beloved New England Patriots on television.

When the National Football League decided to move their annual new player draft, traditionally held in New York City, to explore other markets, Nashville was an obvious choice because of its lively social and country music scene. The Patriots soon reached out to their ‘man in Nashville,’ who organized a group to welcome new players when they were chosen. In fact, dressed in his trademark Patriots suit, Justin was asked to announce one of the team’s official draft selections on national television.

Fall 2019

“I was nervous when a team rep spontaneously asked, but after years giving presentations in class at Austin Prep and Union, I figured I could do it.” That self-confidence also came into play when Justin decided it was time for a career change. “I really did not have a ton of contacts, so I got a job as an Uber driver. Nashville is a growing hub for national businesses. I figured if I was around the airport early every morning, I’d meet an executive flying in who might have a job to offer.” Sure enough, being in the right place at the right time, armed with self-confidence, a solid resume, proven track record, and his outgoing personality, Justin made the right connections and landed a job with Postmates.

Everyone at Austin Prep understands that all of us are on our own journeys, whether educational, spiritual, professional or personal. It also helps to be enthusiastic and open to new adventures. That’s a concept a former Austin Prep Latin student and college Classics major might appreciate. Having ‘enthusiasm’ means displaying positive energy. But the word derives from the ancient Greek ‘En Theo,’ literally meaning to have God inside, or to be full of Grace. Whether playing baseball, leading a fraternity, cheering for the Patriots, or motivating a start-up sales team, Justin’s journey is a profile in enthusiasm that can only be cheered.

Today Justin leads part of a sales team for the national delivery logistic company, headquartered in San Francisco and operating in 2,900 cities across the country. Fall 2019



DEEP DIVING INTO LIFE Melissa Cronin ’09 That push from Nealon was all she needed to head to the Big Apple. NYU proved to be the perfect combination of academic, professional and personal growth. While graduating Magna Cum Laude and Phi Beta Kappa, Melissa earned a degree with a double major in Journalism and Environmental Studies.

Imagine taking a trip that starts as a young girl entering the water off the coast of Maine and ending up at the Galapagos Islands. All before you are thirty years old. No, it’s not a Jules Verne adventure. It’s the real-life voyage of Melissa Cronin ’09, journalist, ocean explorer, marine biologist, and conservation activist. Melissa started charting her course from a vacation island that was also a thriving lobster fishery. It was there that she realized the sea wasn’t there just to provide summer fun and enjoyment. Rather it was a place where the ocean was a livelihood for generations of families and, as a result, needed to be understood, respected and protected. Today Melissa is a Ph.D. candidate at the Conservation Action Lab at University of California, Santa Cruz, studying ecology and evolutionary biology. Her father Bob graduated from Austin Prep with the class of 1972, following his brother Barry ’70. So, when it came time for the North Reading native to attend high school, Austin Prep was a natural choice. She recalls rigorous classes in the sciences, and the humanities as well. She loved her writing classes, philosophy, and four years studying Latin with Mr. Stone whom she remembers fondly and who also taught her father. Melissa credits Austin Prep with providing her with a solid academic foundation along with a moral compass that continues to guide her work today. A member of the National Honor Society at Austin Prep, Melissa had choices for college, but it was a dare from her History of Religion and Philosophy teacher Mr. Nealon, that had a huge impact. “I was deciding between studying at Boston University and New York University,” she recalls. “He said he guessed I’d go to BU since it was a ‘safer’ choice.”

She also had a number of freelance writing opportunities since New York was home to a number of publications. After graduation she spent several years as an environmental journalist covering wildlife, climate and politics for Slate, The New York Times, Grist, Salon, Popular Science, The Nation, and others. Wanting to literally dive deeper into her subject matter, Melissa was named National Science Foundation Fellow and started her six-year doctoral program in California’s Monterrey Bay. As a National Geographic Young Explorer, she says she seeks to bring science communication into her research, “both as a topic of investigation and as a tool to promote the importance of conservation.” Her primary focus is on the fishing industry and on fisheries ‘bycatch,’ the collateral damage that happens when big nets are used often resulting in unintended catches, endangering entire species of fish. She is particularly interested in manta, devil rays, and fin sharks. Her studies have taken her to by-catch hotspots from Alaskan streams, to the Sea of Cortez, to the Eastern Tropical Pacific Islands. It was there, diving in the Galapagos, that she happened to come across giant sea lions and once surprised a black tip reef shark, both without incident. “It’s moments like those when I realize I’m really a scientist pursuing a dream. I feel so fortunate.” “It was at Austin Prep that I became obsessed with non-fiction writing and how one can use evidence-based stories to make a difference.” Melissa is clearly making a difference both as a writer and as a scientist. “It’s a journey I hope to continue to follow for life.”

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Fall 2019

Photo Š Jason Heilman Fall 2019


Grandparents Day 2019

The inaugural Austin Prep Grandparents Day on Wednesday, May 1, 2019 brought grandparents from as far as Venezuela to campus to spend the morning with their grandchildren.The morning included breakfast in the dining hall, followed by a prayer service in Richard J. Meelia Hall, then visits to classrooms with students to meet faculty and advisors. One grandparent described her morning as feeling “like Christmas.� A very special thank you to Austin Prep parents who helped bring grandparents to campus. This was truly a day of Veritas, Unitas and Caritas in action at Austin Prep.


Fall 2019

The Annual Memorial Scholarship Ceremony & Luncheon

The Annual Memorial Scholarship Ceremony and Luncheon was held on Wednesday, May 15, 2019. Scholarship benefactors and student recipients enjoyed lunch together followed by the awarding of the memorial scholarships. Memorial scholarships have been made possible by family and friends wishing to honor the memory of a loved one. Headmaster James Hickey, Ph.D., P’22, ’23, ’24 commented “Austin Prep is grateful to benefactors who help keep us inspired to enrich the legacy they are a part of.”

2019 Memorial Scholarship Awards The Ross A. Alameddine ’05 Memorial Scholarship Riley McHugh ’20 The John V. Aliberti ’70 Memorial Scholarship Olivia McDonald ’22 The Thomas N. Callahan ’10 Memorial Scholarship Katherine Morin ’20 The Kristen M. Corbett ’08 Memorial Scholarship Madeleine Rinklin ’20 The Francis J. Cummings Memorial Scholarship Damon Kruppa ’20 The Michael R. Darwin ’82 Memorial Scholarship Jacqueline Plante ’22 The Francis T. Duggan Memorial Scholarship Molly Dugan ’21 Conor Peterson ’21 The Alyce and Fred Gilfeather Memorial Scholarship Arianna Shalhoub ’22 The James M. McGonagle, II ’01 Memorial Scholarship Colby Medeiros ’22 The George “Matt” Miller Memorial Scholarship David Olson ’21 The Alyssa Nanopoulos ’08 Memorial Scholarship Zoe Karoub ’21 The David E. Nelson ’81 Memorial Scholarship Brianna Fountain ’21 The Herbert W. Peterson, Jr. & Claire M. Peterson Scholarship Katelin Stone ’21 The Aristedes “Artie” C. Speros, Jr. ’85 Memorial Scholarship Caroline Plante ’20 The William H. Turner Scholarship Ashley Murdock ’21 Fall 2019


Class Notes

Send us an update on your life, your work, your Journey.

David Cormier ’67 is enjoying retirement

Gary Arivella ’68

having recently returned to Punta Gorda after an Alaskian glacier cruise with his three children, their spouses and four of his eight grandchildren.

Larry Thiel ’78 joined current parent and fellow alum Jim Peterson ’76 for lunch and a tour of the campus in June.

John Hoell ’67 has retired after 45 years practicing dentistry. Congratulations, John!

Jim Glocking ’77 recently retired after

a long career with several pioneering tech companies. When he is not tending to his blueberry and tomato plants on his Westminster, MA property he can be found hiking and skiing in the mountains of New Hampshire and Utah with his wife Catherine, or playing guitar and mandolin with his American String band.

Gary Arivella ’68 served in the U.S. Army for eight years. Upon discharge he went to work for New England Telephone, went through several of their sales and eventually landed at Avaya and retired in 2001 as a Senior Consultant. Gary went to work at Carousel Industries and retired in 2018 as a Senior Design Engineer. Married to Kathleen with 3 children, Todd, Kevin and Kim and 3 grandchildren, Brogan, Cadence and Kensington, Gary and Kathleen are avid travelers and recently spent 5 weeks in Italy connecting with some lost family.


Fall 2019

Chris Morris ’85 returned to campus on April 23, 2019 as the keynote speaker for the National Honor Society Induction. Thank you for being part of the evening, Chris!

Tim Bennett ’94 is General Counsel at

Fulcrum Capital, an investment company specializing in distressed, illiquid and special situation assets. He resides in Andover with his wife and three children and is a Vice President of the Andover Hockey Association.

John Cuoco ’04 was honored as

Outstanding Reporter – General Assignment at the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences’ 42nd Boston/New England Emmy Awards on April 24, 2019. John is a general assignment reporter for WHDH Channel 7 Boston.

Sarah McMahon Gurry ’07 recently Michael Iorio ’03 was recently promoted

to Assistant Vice President of Enrollment and Director of Admission at Saint Anselm College in Manchester, New Hampshire. Michael, who is also a St. A’s alum, has worked at the college since 2007.

accepted the position of Head Athletic Trainer at Tabor Academy in Marion, MA. Sarah, her husband Jon and daughter Eleanor now reside in Marion.

Grace Ferri ’14 was awarded The F. John

Bargoot, MD Memorial Scholarship from the Boston North Cancer Association. Last year she graduated magna cum laude from Boston University with a Biochemistry & Molecular Biology degree with distinction in Research. This year Grace will be in her second year at Boston University School of Medicine, and is President of the Premedical Honor Society. In addition to her academic success, Grace is an accomplished singer, participating in musical theater, performing the National Anthem at hockey games, and a soloist at her church. She is also a children’s choir coordinator, a confirmation retreat leader and a vacation Bible school counselor. Grace also finds time to tutor inner city students in Chemistry, and she is an Emergency Medical Technician.

Sisters and Matignon High School coaches

Meredyth Lamm ’12 and Nicholas Bailey ’12 attended the 71st Annual Sara Mandell ’05 graduated the two year

residency program in Advanced Education in General Dentistry at Fort Bragg, NC and earned a Masters in Oral Biology from the Uniformed Services University in June. In July, Dr. Mandell was promoted to the rank of Major and moved to her next duty station, Fort Hood, TX.

Primetime Emmy Awards, hosted by the Television Academy in Los Angeles on September 22, 2019. Bailey is a Stage Manager and Lamm is the Post Production Coordinator at “The Daily Show with Trevor Noah” in New York. “The Daily Show” was nominated for Outstanding Variety Talk Series.

Fall 2019

Alyssa McLellan ’14 (right) and Briana McLellan ’12 (left) returned to campus

with their team to challenge the Austin Prep Girls Varsity Volleyball team in September. Austin Prep Coach Meghan Harkins coached Alyssa when she was a Sophomore at Austin


Meghan Phelan ’14 is currently in her

1st year at Suffolk Law School and living in South Boston. She recently finished a year long internship at the State House with the Judicial Nomination Commission in Governor Baker’s office as part of the comprehensive vetting process for applicants to become Judges at all levels throughout the Commonwealth.

Reunion Recap

Engagements & Weddings

Alumni Hockey Charity Challenges Men’s Game, April 27th

Andrew Kiezulas ’99 proposed to Bryn

Alumni Hockey Charity Challenges Women’s Game, April 27th This summer Bridget Kelley ’18 interned at Action for Boston Community Development (ABCD), a non-profit human services organization in Boston. She worked in the special events department and assisted with planning ABCD’s events and fundraisers, raising money for youth programming. During the internship, Bridget volunteered at Field of Dreams, a softball tournament at Fenway Park that benefits ABCD’s summer jobs program for inner city youth. Bridget is currently a sophomore at the University of Notre Dame.

Summer Gathering at Bunratty Tavern on July 18 & August 22

Father/daughter legacy family Jim ’76,

Gallagher on August 19, 2019 at Kettle Cove in Cape Elizabeth, ME. A hidden gem, they highly recommend Kettle Cove sunset picnics with a stop by Kettle Cove Creamery. The couple is planning a 10/10/2020 wedding in Padanaram Village, MA.

Tara Carlson ’03 married Gordon Tam on Saturday, June 1, 2019 at Cratloe Church in County Clare, Ireland. The reception was held at Dromoland Castle. They currently live in Singapore.

P’19,’21 and Maggie’19 Peterson were recently spotted at the renowned Red Arrow Diner in Manchester, NH. Maggie is a freshman at Saint Anselm College in Manchester, NH.

Katelyn Sawyer-Lajoie ’06 married

Summer Gathering at Bunratty Tavern on July 18 & August 22


Fall 2019

Anthony Nocella on June 21, 2019 at Blissful Meadows Golf Club in Uxbridge, MA. The couple honeymooned in Aruba and are currently building their forever home in Berlin, MA. Austin Prep alumni and hockey teammates Kate Connolly, Danielle Laspina, and Danielle Deldotto celebrated the big day with the Katelyn and Anthony!

In Memoriam †

Agnes (Brady) Thornton, mother of Thomas ’69, Robert ’72 and John ’77 Thomas Meuse ’69 Louise Berthel, mother of Hillary Hurst Bush ’03 Barbara Ross, mother of Brian ’67

Clancy Main ’08 proposed to Shannon

Zac Countie ’10 married Maggie Middleton on August 18, 2019 in York, ME. The couple honey-mooned in the Riviera Maya, Mexico.

Anthony “Sid” Malvarosa, grandfather of Danielle Bacon ’06 Ruth Lyman, mother of Paul ’71 and Jeff ’80; aunt to Don ’73 George A. Weber, father of David ’81, Mark ’83 and John ’84

Dow on July 21, 2019 in the Boston Public Garden. They look forward to celebrating with family and friends at a later date.

Teresa Dell’Anno, mother of trustee Damian Dell’Anno and grandmother of alumni Nicholas ’10, Alexandra ’12, and Damian ’14 Linda (Maradei) Bruno, mother of faculty Michele Brewer, sister to faculty and retired coach Bill Maradei Zack Mundy ’10 married Val Zielinski,

September 14, 2019. Zack and Val will make their home in Glastonbury, CT.

Nelson S. Burbank, friend of Austin Prep Mary O’Brien, grandmother of Kristin O’Brien Kelley ’94 Michael Hannon, father of Mark Hannon ’88

Alumni Mark Kaliris ’10 and Kaitlin O’Connor ’11 were happily married on August 10, 2019 in Boston’s Seaport. Their bridal party included James Carregal ’10, Anthony DeNisco ’10, Diane Kaliris ’07, James O’Connor ’16, Jonathan Richard ’10, and Matthew Van Liere ’10.

Nancy Malonson, mother of Lori-Anne ’00 and Michelle ’03

Classmates AJ Bruce ’11 and Olivia Foley ’11 were married on June 29, 2019. The couple celebrated with family and friends at Birch Hill Farm in Gilford, NH.

Brandon Hartt ’10 and Katie Achilles were married on May 18, 2019 in Kansas City, MO. They will make their home in Decatur, IL.

Stay in touch. ***Special thank you to Austin Prep’s “Wedding Banner Guy,” Anthony DiNisco ’10 for bringing the alumni banner to many of these wedding celebrations. Fall 2019

Email Jennifer Hodgdon, Director of Alumni Relations and Giving, at


Future Austin Prep Cougars* Bridget (Monagle) Kent ’01 received her Ed.D. from NOVA Southeastern University and is currently the assistant principal at the Hurld Wyman Elementary school in Woburn, MA. Bridget and her husband, Bobby welcomed their first child, Declan Robert Kent, into the world on August 8, 2019.

Marc Gigliotti ’03 and his wife Jessie

welcomed Brooke Joelle on September 15th, weighing 7 lbs. 2 oz. Brooke is named after her beloved uncle Joel. Big sister Addy and big brother Jackson are very excited to welcome little Brooke into their family!

Connor James Fitzpatrick is sporting his new Austin Prep onesie. His parents are Kristin (Boyce) ’03 and James Fitzpatrick. Go Cougars!

Katie (Carney) ’03 and her husband

Brian Flanagan are happy to announce the arrival of their 3rd child Nash Patrick Flanagan into the world on September 19th. His big sisters Hailey and Riley are so in love, and smothering him with all hugs and kisses!

Gwen Danforth became a big sister to Amelia Kathleen at 9:35 a.m. on July 14, 2019. Proud parents are Shannon (Kent) ’03 and Duane Danforth. Miss Amelia weighed 7 lbs. 13 oz. and was 19.5 inches long.

Renee (Boutiette) ’04 and her husband

greeted daughter Paige Teresa on March 23, 2019. “Big sister Rose loves her little sister so much already!”

Nassar Jabour ’03 and his wife Rachel Taft

celebrated Father’s Day with the arrival of their son Judah James Jabour on June 16, 2019.


Fall 2019

Lucas John Sherr arrived on May 12, 2019 weighing 7 lbs. 8 oz. He was welcomed by alum parents Dan Sherr ’05, Danielle (Orlandella) Sherr ’05 and big sister Penelope.

Ashley (Herendeen) ’05 and Benjamin Phillips welcomed William John Phillips on June 7, 2019. The family lives in Brooklyn, New York.

JT Harold ’05 and Lindsey Monahan

welcomed a baby girl, Lyla Sol Harold on July 7, 2019 at 1:22 a.m. Lyla weighed 8 lbs. 11 oz. and was 20 inches long. “We are so in love with our baby girl!”

Kate (Flynn) ’06 and Justin Rosini are

proud parents to their first child, Teagan Elizabeth. Teagan arrived on August 26, 2019 weighing 8 lbs. 5 oz. “She is absolutely amazing!”

Ashley (McCarthy) ’05 and Nick Leo

became new parents to Carmelina Antonia on June 13, 2019. Carmelina arrived at 9:59 a.m. weighing 7 lbs. 3 oz. and was 18.5 inches long.

Allison (Roy) ’08 and Steve DeLuca ’08 welcomed Aubrey James into their

family on September 23, 2019. Big sisters Ella and Ava are head over heels in love with their baby sister!

Benjamin Henry Fuller arrived on May 16, 2019 to thrilled alumni parents Nicole (Saia) ’09 and Nate Fuller ’09.

Joe Diaz ’11 and Vicky Diaz welcomed

Joseph Alexander Diaz, Jr. on September 30, 2019. Joseph, Jr. weighed 4 lbs. 7 oz. and was 17 inches long.

Cillian Martin Campbell McKinnon arrived to first-time parents Kathleen Campbell ’09 and Nolan McKinnon on August 21, 2019 at 10:05 a.m. Cillian weighed 8 lbs. and measured 21 ½ inches.

Stay in touch. *Please let us know if there is a new Austin Prep Cougar in your family and we will send you an official Austin Prep baby onesie! Email Jennifer Hodgdon, Director of Alumni Relations and Giving, at Fall 2019



Uniting Hearts

Inquiring Minds

Serving Hands

Gifts that Give Back 2018-2019 In recent years, Austin Prep has enjoyed an upward trajectory of success felt in all aspects of our community. The opportunity to advance our mission and continue a tradition of excellence with endless educational possibilities remains our focus. With greater levels of philanthropic support, the multitude of opportunities for our students and teachers are limitless. It is because of your generosity that the Austin Prep experience is always on the journey from good to great.

ANNUAL FUND $244,956

All gifts to the Annual Fund, regardless of amount, make a difference.

The Austin Prep Annual Fund Tradition Given the multi-dimensional qualities of our school, tuition dollars alone are never sufficient to fund all the extra opportunities that are uniquely aligned with the Austin Prep Journey. With Annual Fund contributions, we enrich the quality of life for our students and their teachers, and allow for unique and distinctive learning opportunities.

Annual Fund and Mission Our mission is to inspire hearts to unite, minds to inquire and hands to serve. The mission of Austin Prep is paramount in all we do, and serves as the guiding light in our commitment to our students as they pursue their own individual Austin Prep Journey. Because of the opportunities afforded us by our Annual Fund, we are able to support our mission and advance excellence.

Annual Fund Dollars at Work 2018-2019 During the past academic year, Austin Prep’s Annual Fund dollars supported an incredible range of programs and projects for our community, including these and many more: • • • • • • • • •

Completed renovations of two Middle School classrooms. Installed new lighting and flooring in the first floor corridor of McLaughlin Hall. Purchased library drafting equipment for our Maker Space. Purchased new dance costumes for Nutcracker soloists. Assisted with the funding for need-based financial aid for deserving students. Purchased two new mini school buses for student activities and athletics. Renovated Richard J. Meelia Hall Plaza. Completed Dining Hall Patio, including outdoor seating. Increased our professional development budget, and continues to support competitive faculty salaries.

Annual Report 2019

RESTRICTED (scholarships)



(Donations Marked for a Specific Purpose. Includes Igniting Hearts, Transforming Lives.)


Total Giving $874,398


Honor Roll of Donors Austin Prep is grateful to the following benefactors for making a contribution during the 2018 - 2019 fiscal year, July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019. The Lumen Society $10,000 +

Atty. & Mrs. Konstantinos Andrikopoulos P’19, P’23 Augustinian Provincialate Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Bouchard P’10, P’14, P’15 Mr. & Mrs. Eric A. Braciska P’14, P’16 Mr. Nelson Burbank †† C-Suite Corporation Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Callahan P’10, P’12 Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Cummings ’73 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Flynn ’83 Mr. & Mrs. Scott Hampoian P’18, P’20, P’23 Dr. Daniel P. Little P’20, P’22, P’23 Atty. & Mrs. Mark J. MacDougall ’74 The Meelia Family Foundation Pimentel Construction Company Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Pimentel P’01, P’99 Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Pimentel ‘01 Mr. David D. Quirk ‘84 Mrs. Maryjane Restuccia GP’19, GP’23 Sage Dining Services, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Andrew N. Tucker P’19 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Urick P’19, P’23 Vertex Pharmaceuticals Mr. Hong Liang Zheng & Ms. Ruifang Shen P’21

The Austin Patrons $5,000 to $9,999

Anonymous Alumni Hockey Charity Challenge Dr. Michael J. Barry ’79 Blanche M. Walsh Charity Trust Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Blewitt Atty. & Mrs. Steven M. Burke ’77 Mr. Frank A. Capone, Jr. ’85 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Carregal P’05, P’07, P’10 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P. Choma P’18, P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Philip R. Crimmins ’69 Daniel F. & Margaret MacAdam Loughry Foundation Devereaux Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Duggan ’72 Atty. & Mrs. William C. Geary ’75 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hueston P’21 Mr. & Mrs. James F. Lordan, Jr. P’12, P’16, P’18 Mr. & Mrs. James Mangano P’17, P’20 Dr. & Mrs. Charles J. Przyjemski P’94 Mr. Peter Smith

The Austin Society $1,000 to $4,999

Anonymous (3) A/D Sales Mr. & Atty. Stanley Alger III P’21 Andover Hockey Association Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Ardito P’18, P’21, P’21, P’22, P’23 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Aveni P’19 Bank of America Mr. & Mrs. Brian Becker P’21, P’24 Atty. & Mrs. Charles R. Bennett, Jr. P’94, P’97 Mr. & Mrs. John H. Bodette P’16, P’21 Ms. Jill C. Bonina Mr. & Mrs. Roger C. Boucher P’20 Dr. Charles M. Brain ’68 & Ms. Maureen Murphy-Brain Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Brosnan P’21, P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Terence M. Burke ’75 P’06, P’07, P’10 Mr. Ronald E. Cahill ‘82 & Ms. Anne Estabrook Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Callahan ’87, P’25 Mr. Joseph M. Carregal ’05 Dr. & Mrs. Gerard A. Centrella ’82, P’15, P’19, P’20 Mr. Bruce A. Cerullo P’08


Mr. & Mrs. David Cerveny P’19, P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Mark Chabra P’19, P’20 Atty. Ralph Joseph Cinquegrana ’70 Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Connolly ’83 P’15, P’20 Mr. & Mrs. William R. Cronin ’72 P’09 Cummings Properties, LLC Delta Kappa Epsilon Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Depalma Mr. & Mrs. Mark R. Desrochers P’19 Mr. Paul M. Dradransky ’86 Mr. & Mrs. Patrick A. Driscoll ’97 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel M. Dunn ’70 Mr.Theodore Dysart, Sr. & Mrs. Elise Cutler-Dysart P’21 Fidelity Foundation Mr. John F. Flynn, Jr. ’67 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur V. Ford ’66 Mr. & Mrs. Pasquale Formica ’69 Mr. & Mrs. William N. Geary GP’21 Mr. & Mrs. Fredric R. Gilfeather ’69 Mr. & Mrs. Serry Gouveia P’23 Mr. & Mrs. William F. Green P’10, P’12, P’13, P’17, P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Oliver Guillaumin Mr. Edmund E. Hoell ’70 & Ms. Carole E. Center Dr. John C. Hoell ’67 Mr. & Mrs. David Intoppa P’24 Joseph P. Donahue Charitable Foundation Trust Mr. Kevin Kerrigan ‘89 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Kwiatek P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Loporchio P’23 Mr. & Mrs. James P. Maguire III ’66 Mr. & Mrs. David Manganaro P’19 Mr. John F. Martin ’85 & Ms. Stacey L. Turner Mr. & Mrs. Chuck Martin P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Alexander T. May P’19 Dr. Rebecca Kathryn McHugh ’99 Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence P. McQuaid ’81, P’09, P’14 Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth V. Miselis ’69 Atty. & Mrs. Michael E. Mone GP’18, GP’20 Mr. Thomas Mooney & Ms. Andrea Heil P’20, P’22 Mr. & Mrs. John J. Moynihan P’05 Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Murphy, MD ’85 Mr. & Mrs. Steven Napolitano P’22 Mr. John J. Newton ’67 Oracle Corporation Dr. Gary J. Pare & Mrs. Mercedes Guiance P’17, P’20 Mr. Andrew Parece ’79 & Ms. Mary Splaine Renaissance Charitable Foundation Mr. Richard W. Robbins ’70 Dr. & Mrs. Paul G. Robertie ’69 Dr. Gregory S. Robinson & Mrs. Colleen C. Boggs P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Roselli, CPA P’15, P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Schiela P’24 Mr. Nicholas R. Shultz ’14 Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Silva P’20, P’22 Mr. George H. Simmons, Jr. ’70 State Street Foundation Mr. Andrew Sverdlove Dr. Lawrence S. Sykoff Mr. & Mrs. Mark Vander Zouwen P’24 Mr. & Mrs. John Weber P’18, P’20, P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Westervelt P’11, P’14 Mr. & Mrs. Kevin White P’20 Mr. Michael J. White ’71 & Ms. Jane Desforges Mr. Yongcheng Yu & Ms. Rong Ruan P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Zarella ’77

The Headmaster’s Circle $500 to $999

Anonymous 406 Ventures Management, LLC JNB & Associates Mr. Abe Achab & Ms. Yvonne Garcia P’19, P‘25 Annual Report 2019

Mr. & Mrs. Greg Alexandris P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Brian F. Barrett ’74 Mr. & Mrs. William E. Bartley ‘78 P’21, P’23 Ms. Susan E. Belanger Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Bravo P’18, P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Patrick F. Bruno CPA ’72 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph X. Bruno CPA ’75 Mr. & Mrs. Brian S. Cann, Jr. P’19, P’23 Mr. & Mrs. David A. Collins ’80 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Coneeny ’76 Mr. Lawrence P. Connolly & Ms. Eileen P. Kavanagh P’05 Mr. & Mrs. Glenn P. Corbett P’08 Darb Mechanical Plumbing & Heating Mr. & Mrs. Damian N. Dell’Anno P’10, P’12, P’14 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony DeMarco P’21 Mr. & Mrs. John A. DeMarco P’95 Mr. Richard P. Donovan ’70 Mr. & Mrs. George R. Dumas GP’18 Ms. Christina K. Falcos ’06 Mr. Louis Fantozzi & Mrs. Jennifer Fantozzi ’97 Mr. Jonathan Pollard ’97 & Mrs. Lindsay Fitzgerald Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Fothergill P’06, P’09 Mr. & Mrs. Roy Gagne P’23, P’23 Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Gedaminsky P’24 Mr. Michael P. Genovese ’10 Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. Genovese ’76, P’10 Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Gerry ’67 GW&K Investment Management, LLC Dr. & Mrs. James Hickey P’22, P’23, P’24 Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Higgins P’24 Dr. Thomas J. Hynes, Jr. ’67 Mr. Timothy B. Igo ’95 Mr. & Mrs. Carl Jaena P’19, P’22 Col. & Mrs. James A. Knowlton ’78 Mr. & Mrs. Roger Kruppa P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Lee A. Laws P’22 Mr. Joseph Llorens & Mrs. Cindy Wang P’23 Hon. & Mrs. Daniel F. Loughry ’69 Mr. & Mrs. Keith G. Lucy P’14, P’15 Mr. & Mrs. William G. MacKenzie P’99, P’03 Mr. & Mrs. Vito A. Marchetti P’17 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Mastrocola P’19 Ms. Janine Marie McCarthy P’18 Mr. & Mrs. James M. McGonagle P’99, P’01, P’05 Mr. & Mrs. Alfred A. Nelson, Jr. P’73, P’75, P’81 Mr. & Mrs. James P. Ogonowski ’75 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Ouellette P’19, ‘25 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Reddy P’16, P’18 Mr. & Mrs. Scott Rhodes P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ricciardelli, Jr. P’21 Mrs. Lisa Rothenburger S & H Engineering Ms. Claire Sanborn Ms. Katherine Sanborn Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Sciacca, Jr. ’75, P’13 Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey D. Sheehy P’08 Mr. & Mrs. Sarabjit Singh P’17 Mr. & Mrs. John J. Spanks ’69 Mr. Howard Strachan Mr. & Mrs. Steven M. Swanson ’73 Ms. Jessica C. Swindell & Mr. Stephan A. Wenicz Dr. & Mrs. Paul D. Teague ’76, P’07, P’10 Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence A. Thiel ‘78 Mr. Derek Vachon & Ms. Kimberly Dukeshire -Vachon P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Eric P. Verner ’90 Mr. & Mrs. Nathaniel Williams P’19

The Century Club $100 to $499

Anonymous (6) Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Addor ’85 Mr. & Mrs. Steven Albanese P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Vince Albert

Alpha Chi Omega Headquarters Applied Materials Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Giovanni Aquino P’20 Mr. & Mrs. John R. Ardizzoni P’19 Fr. Patrick Armano Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Axelrod, MD P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Warren D. Azevedo ’76 Ms. Celia A. Barletta Mrs. Joan Bartley Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Beaulieu, Sr. P’22 Mr. Donovan Beckel & Ms. Nicole Trudeau P’23 Mr. & Mrs. P. Stephan Bedrosian P’14 Mr. Jose Bernal & Ms. Ivonne Magdaleno-Bernal P’18, P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Kurt W. Bimmler P’04, P’09 Atty. Thomas F. Birmingham ’67 & Ms. Selma Botman Ms. Stephanie M. Blais ’14 Ms. Julianne Bloise Mr. John B. Blottman III ’78 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Boback Mr. & Mrs. Byron Bolanos Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bolduc P’20 Ms. Cecilia M.l Bole ’14 Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Bramante P’19, P’20 Ms. Michele L. Brewer Mr. & Mrs. Robert Glasgow Briggs, Jr. ’92 Mr. Timothy Brown Mrs. Lisa M. Bruce P’10, P’11, P’17 Mr. Arthur M. Brussard P’85 Mr. Francis T. Buckley IV ’12 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Burke ’81, P’13, P’17 Mr. & Mrs. James Burnham P’18, P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Burns P’08 Dr. Hillary J. Bush ’03 Ms. Lia Capozzi Ms. Elaina Caron Mr. Brian D. Carr ’97 Mr. Steven John Caruso, Jr. ’11 Mrs. Bernice Caruso P’90, P’93, P’93, P’99, GP’20, GP’22 Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Caruso P’11, P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Paul Casey P’19, P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Catalano P’12, P’14, P’18 Mr. & Mrs. Frederick L. Cavanaugh, Jr. P’96, P’97, P’98, P’01, P’03 Mr. Gabriele Centinaro & Mrs. Lina Garcia P’23, P‘25 Certified Cleaning Co., Inc. Mr. Marc E. Chapdelaine ’95 Ms. Catherine Charry ’14 Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Ciampa ’76 Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Ciardiello P’21 Mr. John P. Cogswell & Ms. Meghan Frey P’19 Ms. Katherine Laura Connolly ’05 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Connolly, Jr. ’72 Mrs. Michelle Connor Dr. Richard W. Conron, Jr. ’84 & Ms. Kristin Abbruzzi Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Constantine ’69 Mr. & Mrs. Noah Coons P’22, P’24 Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Cortese Mr. & Mrs. David Cory P’23 Ms. Antonietta Costanzo Ms. Linda Costanzo P’23 Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Costello P’20, P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Mark Costello ’75 Mr. & Mrs. Darrin M. Courtney P’18, P’22 Mr. Pierce O. Cray & Dr. Catherine Sheils P’17 Atty. Kevin Thomas Cronin ’67 & Ms. Mary Jane Cleary Mr. & Mrs. Richard Croteau, Jr. P’20, P’23 Mr. & Mrs. James V. D’Agostino P’73, P’86, P’88 Mr. & Mrs. Andrew James de Garavilla ’00 Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Dearth P’02 Mr. & Mrs. John A. DeNisco P’10, P’12 Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Derrah P’84, P’85, P’87 Dr. & Mrs. George A. DeVito, Jr. ’68 Mr. & Mrs. A. Joseph DiBiase ’78 Mr. & Mrs. Albert J. DiPerna P’08 Mr. & Mrs. Louis S. DiRupo ’82, P’11, P’14 Fr. Raymond Dlugos, O.S.A Mr. & Mrs. Paul L. Doherty ’72 Mr. & Mrs. James B. Donohoe ’77 Mr. William C. Donovan III ’93 Ms. Celena Dopart Mr. & Mrs. Peter Doucette Ms. Laura Doucette Mr. Alfred T. Doughty, Jr. ’75 Mr. & Dr. John Douglass, Jr. P’19 Mr. & Mrs. James P. Dowd ’69, P’01, P’05 Mr. & Mrs. John M. Driscoll ’70

Mr. & Mrs. William R. Driscoll ’89 Mr. & Mrs. Terrance Dugan P’21, P’23 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher T. Ellis P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Al. Elwell, Jr. ’69 Mr. Stephen Matthew Emery ’05 Dr. & Mrs. Darryl D. Esakof Mr. Michael C. Fahey Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Fanuele P’22, P’24, P’26 Mr. Vincenzo Fazzolari & Mrs. Sheila Hanson-Fazzolari P’22 Mr. & Mrs. David Feinberg Mr. & Mrs. Noel Fennessy P’24 Mr. & Mrs. Mark R. Ferri P’14, P’17, P’23 Mr. & Mrs. Karsten Fetten P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Fone P’25 Mr. & Mrs. Dean Freeman P’15, P’18, P’20 Mr. John R. Furey ’73 Mr. Robert E. Gagnon, Jr. ‘76 Ms. Yvonne Gallant Mr. & Mrs. Christopher John Gautreau ’89 Mr. & Mrs. Norman P. Gautreau P’87, P’89 Mr. Jeremy Robert Gauvain ’10 Mr. Jared Edward Gentilucci ’00 Mr. & Ms. Todd Geraty P’16, P’19, P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Gildea P’22 Mr. Irwin Ginsburg Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Glynn P’81, P’82 Mr. & Mrs. David Stanley Gonsiorowski ’68 Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Gordon, Jr. ’72 Mr. Peter Gori, OSA ’70 Mr. Florian Gregorczyk Ms. Nicole Grinstead Ms. Maria Christina Gritz ’05 Mrs. Sarah P. Meier P’23 Mrs. Melissa B. Guite Dr. & Mrs. Himanshu Gupta, MD P’21, P’24 Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Guthrie P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Eric Haddock P’22, P’26 Ms. Diane Hall P’20 Mr. & Mrs. George J. Hamilton P’12 Dr & Mrs. Hany Hanna P’22 Dr. & Mrs. Ed Hardiman P’24 Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Harkins Ms. Mackenzie Harper Mr. & Mrs. William Harper Mr. & Mrs. Brian L. Harris ’91 Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Hatem, Jr. ’79 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur A. Hennessey III ’87 Mr. Robert P. Hennessy Mr. Charles E. Heseltine Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Hickey P’16, P’20 Mrs. Jennifer A. Hodgdon Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Hodgin ’89 Mr. Albert R. Hodgin P’89, P’90 Mr. & Mrs. Jim Holmes P’24 Mr. Benjamin R. Hubbell ’95 & Ms. Melissa N. Pratt Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Jasinski P’08 John Q. Adams III, C.S.B. Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Joyce P’17, P’18, P’20 Ms. Mary Kamelle P’19, P’21 Mr. & Mrs. A. James Kazmer P’18, P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Roger Kelesoglu P’23, P’24 Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Kelley Ms. Elizabeth B. Kelley P’78, P’79, P’82 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Kelly ’69 Ms. Jannette Kling P’19 Mr. & Mrs. David Klovee P’24, P‘25 Mr. & Mrs. Leonidas C. Kourkoulos P’14 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kwolyk P’02 Mr. Timothy Lane Mr. & Mrs. Andrew C. Layman P’09, P’11 Atty. Elizabeth A. Leahy ’02 Atty. & Mrs. David J. Leavitt ’88 Mr. Alex J. Lehmann ’06 Mr. Joseph B. Lehmann & Dr. Jeanne Velde P’06 Dr. & Mrs. James M. Lindsay ’77 Linnane Insurance Agency Ms. Lynne Lipton Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Litster Mr. David Lundgren Mr. Paul S. Lyman, Jr. ’71 Mr. Donald O. Lyman ’73 Mr. Peter J. Macione P’91 Mr. Gary E. Mackiewicz Annual Report 2019

Rev. Iain G. MacLellan, O.S.B. ’74 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas K. MacMillan ’73 MacMillan Law Offices Mr. Alexander A. Maffeo ’18 Mr. & Mrs. James Mahoney, Sr. P’22 Mr. George C. Malvey P’05, P’10 Mr. William F. Maradei P’11, P’12 Mr. & Mrs. James W. Martin ’70 Ms. Cynthia Martin Ms. Marisa A. Massaro P’79, P’81 Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Mayer P’09 Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. McAuliffe ’78 Mrs. Rita M. McCarthy P’00, P’97 Mr. & Mrs. David G. McConnell ’73 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McCraw P’23 Mr. & Mrs. James McDonough, CPA P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen McGovern Mr. & Mrs. Paul G. McKie P’16, P’17 Mr. Michael C. McLaughlin Mr. & Mrs. Keith Medeiros P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Kurtis J. Meyer ’77 Microsoft Mr. Paul R. Mirabella ’88 Mr. & Mrs. William V. Monagle, Jr. P’01 Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Moran P’10, P’13 Mr. John A. Morley & Ms. Jennifer Karp P’15 Mr. Eugene Mullen Ms. Justine Musto Mr. Kevin Neal P’22 Mr. Ronald R. Nelson ’75 Mr. Huy Nguyen ’99 & Mrs. Van Le P’22 Mr. Giovanni Nicolai & Mrs. Silvia Alberta P’24 Mr. & Mrs. James W. Noga P’12 Mr. & Mrs. James K. Noonan ’71 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth W. Noyes ’85, P’19, P’21 Mr. & Mrs. John M. O’Donnell ’77 Mr. & Mrs. John C. O’Donnell ’67 Ms. Jocelyn F. O’Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth V. O’Toole P’03, P’07 Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Oneschuk P’13 Mr. & Mrs. Ken David Ottariano ’71 Mr. & Mrs. Curtis J. Paparian P’09, P’09 Mr. Vincent Parrella & Ms. Mary Ellen Parella Mr. & Mrs. David A. Parrella ’77 Mr. David J. Pasquale ’89 Mr. & Mrs. Peter R. Pasquale P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Pendergast III ’70 Atty. & Atty. James M. Peterson ‘76, P’19, P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony C. Petrillo P’10 Ms. Nancy L. Petrillo Mr. Nino J. Pingaro ’16 Mr. & Ms. Paul E. Pirro Ms. Cynthia Pitta Ms. Toni Pommet Dr. & Mrs. Steven R. Previte P’96 Mr. & Mrs. Aaron P. Prince ‘19 Mrs. Nicole Putney P’26 Mr. Michael V. Pytlinski ’82 & Ms. Sharon M. Kieffer Mr. Ferase M. Rammo Raytheon Company Mr. & Mrs. Brian C. Regan P’20, P’22, P’24 Mr. & Mrs. James Reynolds Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Rioux ’67 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Rizza P’24 Mr. David Robichard & Mrs. Barbara Bosco Mr. & Mrs. M. Robert Rose ’69 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Rossetti Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Russell P’12, P’14, P’18 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Saindon P’17 Mrs. Virginia M. Samalis P’93, P’99 D. A. Santos Mr. Jonathan H. Saurman ’14 Mr. & Mrs. Scott W. Shaw P’14 Mr. & Mrs. Chester V. Shea III ’70 Ms. Alla Shikhanovich Mr. & Mrs. Michael Simonelli P’19, P’20 Mr. Malcolm Simpson & Dr. Louise Williams P’19, P’21, P’23 Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Skiffington P’09 Mr. & Mrs. James W. Small P’94 Mr. & Mrs. Walter A. Smith, Jr. ’70 Mr. & Mrs. Todd W. Solomon ’88 Mr. & Mrs. Adam Sperling P’22, P ‘25 Mr. Roger F. Stone


Mr. Stephen Sullo P’19 Synopsys, Inc. Dr. Joseph B. Taylor ‘71 & Ms. Marie C. Brennan-Taylor P’09 Mr. & Mrs. Jason Tebbens Mr. Paul T. Tenney Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Thornton ’69 Mr. & Mrs. George J. Toscano, Jr. ’68 Mr. & Mrs. Alfred G. Trani ’67 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Trant P’19, P’21, P’23 Mrs. Lillian M. Turner P‘72, P’73, P’81, P’83 Ms. Mary Vardaro Mr. & Mrs. Michael Vinal P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Vinchesi P’15 Mr. & Mrs. Henry T. Wadzinski P’87 Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Wadzinski ’87 Dr. & Mrs. Michael David Walkenstein ’69 Mr. & Mrs. William J. Watt ’00 Mr. & Mrs. Mark C. Widzinski P’07, P’11 Mr. Dennis Wiest Mr. Edward Williams Mr. Ian Wood Mr. & Mrs. W. John Woodford, Jr. ’75 Mr. & Mrs. Steven Zanni P’22 Mr. & Mrs. John A. Zerfas ’75 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel B. Zonderman P’20

Benefactors $1 to $99

Anonymous Mr. Christopher Aldrich Ms. Cheryl Amari P’25 Mrs. Carol Ann Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Anthony M. Arcari, Jr. ’84, P’15 Mr. Michael L. Baccari ’03 Mr. & Mrs. William Bachner P’21 Ms. Danielle F. Bacon ’06 Mr. & Mrs. Andrew N. Barr P’07 Mr. Anthony Benning Mr. & Mrs. Anthony P. Biscardi ’88 Ms. Stacey R. Bishop Mrs. Leeann Blais BNY Mellon Mr. Eric Bordua Mr. Matthew J. Bouchard ’15 Ms. Laurie Boucher Mr. Sean P. Brennan Mrs. Susan Brennan Mrs. Kaitlyn Brenninkmeyer Mr. & Mrs. Harry Brochinsky Mrs. Elaine Marie Buckley P’02 Mr. Ryan Burke Ms. Carolyn Grace Burkett ’10 Ms. Catherine M. Butler Mr. Brian J. Callahan ’12 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher A. Capone ’88 Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Capraro P’97, P’02, P’05 Mr. John Lawrence Carew ’67 & Ms. Judy Bralove Mr. & Mrs. John G. Carlson P’03 Mr. & Mrs. Gerard A. Caruso ’90, P’20, P’22 Mr. Joseph P. Cavazzoni ’68 & Ms. Marcia Dumas Mr. Robert Y. Chapman III & Mrs. Helen D. Maioriello Mr. & Mrs. William D. Chase P’13 Mrs. Li Chen P’22 Mrs. Stephanie Choate Ms. Paige M. Christie ’11 Mrs. Claudia A. Colannino Ms. Kelcey Moon Conley ’14 Mr. & Mrs. James J. Connolly P’80, P’83 Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Costello Ms. Molly Cowen Mr. & Mrs. Richard Crowley P’15, P’18 Mr. Michael M. D’Isola P’12 Mrs. Dorothy A. Darwin P’82 Mr. Peter DeLuca Mrs. Nancy Der Sarkisian Mr. & Mrs. Matthew P. Diapella ’98 Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Dolan III ’69 Mr. & Mrs. James A. Donahue ’80 Ms. Kristen M. Donnelly Ms. Jennifer Donohue Mr. Jonathan M. Dorman ’98 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen D. Dorrance P’00


Mr. Allen R. Drelick Mr. & Mrs. William H. Driscoll P’89, P’92, P’97, P’03 Mr. William Henry Drugan, Jr. ’71 & Ms. Colleen Collins-Drugan Mr. Robert J. Dunlavey ’74 & Ms. Sheila McEntee Ms. Gwendolyn L. Durkee Ms. Marianne Dwyer Mrs. Ashley Eldridge Mr. William C. Elliott & Mrs. Carol L. Burrows P’02 Mr. & Mrs. Noel A. Farah P’05, P’06 Ms. Elizabeth C. Farrell & Mr. Marc P. Pascucci Jean Farrell Mr. & Mrs. Philip T. Feir P’13 Mr. Ryan P. Feir ’13 Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Filadoro ’90, P’22, P’23 Ms. Alison Fish Mr. Tyler L. Fleming Mr. & Mrs. Brian J. Ford Ms. Laurie J. Francis Ms. Kimberly Freda Ms. Doreen A. Fuller P’09, P’13 Mr. Gary Garber & Mrs. Catalina Moreno P‘25 Ms. Emily Gatti Ms. Lauren Germano Ms. Nena Marie Giandomenico ’14 Ms. Carole E. Gladstone Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Golini ’71 Ms. Laura E. Graf ’11 Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Grealish P’90 Ms. Kayla M. Greenwood Dr. Blythe Grossberg Mr. & Mrs. John C. Guanci ’92 Mr. H. William Hamilton & Mrs. Carol Galluzzo-Hamilton P’18 Mrs. Judith Gorman Hanley P’98 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Hanlon P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Hartel P’86 Ms. Kathryn Haughn Ms. Rachel M. Havey ’18 Mr. Douglas H. Hayman ’67 Ms. Emily M. Heffernan ’09 Ms. Nicole R. Hemme ’14 Mrs. Catherine L. Hersey ’00 Mr. David I. Hoffses Mr. Carl Humphreys Mr. Pasquale Iapicca Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Ippolito P’04, P’08, P’13 Mr. Stephen J. Ippolito II ’04 Ms. Carolyn R. Ivanoski Mr. Colin D. Jaena ’19 Mr. & Mrs. Drew H. Kalton P’10, P’12 Mr. & Mrs. R. Kevin Kearney ’70 Mr. Gary Keck Ms. Kathleen Keys Mr. Steven E. Kintigos Ms. Lori Lambert-Osburn Ms. Alyssa L. Laslovich Mr. Joseph Leary Mr. James Lemieux Ms. Jessica Lenci Dr. Michael Lescault Ms. Li Li Mr. Charles M. Ludwig ’10 Mr. & Mrs. Peter Luongo P’21, P’24 Mr. & Mrs. R. Thomas Luther III ’79 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Macdonald P’94 Mr. & Mrs. Bruce J. MacGregor P’11, P’15 Mr. & Mrs. Edward G. MacKenzie ’99 Ms. Sally A. Maijenski Mr. & Mrs. David Maurand Mr. James McArdle Mr. & Mrs. Daniel F. McCarthy ’78 Ms. Nancy McCauley Ms. Elizabeth R. McDermott ’13 Ms. Victoria M. McDermott ’16 Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. McGloughlin ’70 Atty. & Mrs. John L. McKee ’91 Ms. Marissa L. McLaughlin ’03 Ms. Alyssa A. McLellan ’14 Mr. & Mrs. Donald McNeice P’09 Mr. & Mrs. William J. Meehan, Sr. ’67 Mr. & Mrs. Eric G. Meyer Ms. Meg Michaels Dr. Kathryn M. Morawski ’04 Mr. John J. Murphy Annual Report 2019

Ms. Anne Murray Mr. & Mrs. Andrew C. Nanopoulos P’05, P’08 Ms. Emily Navarrete Ms. Julie Neil Mr. & Mrs. David M. O’Brien ’85 Mr. Michael O’Brien Mr. Kevin A. O’Toole Ms. Maryann Olive Mr. John M. Otis ’76 Ms. Katie Partridge Mrs. Marla C. Pascucci-Byrne P’26 Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Paulsen P’96, P’98 Mr. Robert G. Peterson, Jr. ’04 Mr. & Mrs. Nathan W. Piccini ’93 Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence D. Rakers P’14, P’16 Mr. Joseph Reed Mr. Andrew N. Reusch, Jr. Ms. Brianna K. Robbins Ms. Holly M. Robinson ’13 Mr. & Mrs. James J. Robinson, Jr. ‘79 Ms. Marisa Rosenthal Ms. Shannon Rosenthal Ms. Michela Russo Mr. & Mrs. Duane R. Sandler Ms. Jamie L. Schefen Ms. Tina Schiavone Mr. Marc D. Schwartz, CPA Ms. Amy Schwartzkopf Mrs. Heather Scott Mr. & Mrs. Dennis M. Sheils P’08, P’10 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sherry P’24 Ms. Nicole A. Siciliano Mr. & Mrs. Paul Sledzik Mr. John T. Smolak, Jr. ’15 Ms. Alessandra T. Sorrentino ’12 Mr. & Mrs. Mark Spengler Mr. & Mrs. Jason Sport Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Stanley Mr. Brendan J. Sullivan ’13 Ms. Alessandra T. Sorrentino ’12 Mr. & Mrs. Mark Spengler Mr. & Mrs. Jason Sport Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Stanley Mr. Brendan J. Sullivan ’13 Mr. Prisco Tammaro & Ms. Linda J. Price-Tammaro P’17, P’22 Mr. Robert Taylor Mr. Steven Taylor Mr. Joseph M. Teague ’07 Ms. Michelle E. Teague ’10 Mr. & Mrs. Lorenzo Tenreiro P’23, P‘25 Mr. & Mrs. Marc D. Theriault P’15, P’17, P’19, P’19, P’22 Mr. Theodore E. Thomas III ’82 Ms. Mary L. Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Todisco P’18, P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Phillip E. Touchette P’05 Dr. & Mrs. Ricardo A. Vanegas P’21, P’24 Ms. Alicia Varraso Ms. Donna Viera Mr. & Mrs. William J. Wallace P’93, P’96 Dr. Pochun C. Wang Ms. Carolyn D. Warner Ms. Janet Weiss Wells Fargo Mr. & Mrs. Gregory R. Whittaker P’19 Mr. Stephen Williams Mr. & Mrs. Seth A. Wizwer ’94 Mr. Dane Worden & Mrs. Kathryn Worden ’05 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Stephen Zerfas ’71

†† Deceased

*The information in this Annual Report has been proofed and every effort is made to ensure its accuracy. Please let us know of any updates or changes, Office of External Affairs, 781-944-4900

Tribute Gifts

Tribute gifts are a thoughtful way to remember a loved one or mark a milestone. The following people had contributions made in their name.

In Memory of Vito W. Adamo, Jr.

In Memory of Raymond F. Dlugos, Sr.

Mr. & Mrs. Peter R. Pasquale P’20

Fr. Raymond Dlugos, O.S.A.

In Memory of Ross Alameddine ’05

In Honor of Elizabeth Dorrance ’00

Mr. Joseph M. Carregal ’05 Ms. Marianne Dwyer

In Memory of Antonio Alberta & Antonietta Gentilucci

Mr. Giovanni Nicolai and Mrs. Silvia Alberta P’24

In Memory of Sharkie Alexander Mrs. Nancy Der Sarkisian

In Honor of Michael Aveni Cummings Properties, LLC

In Honor of Leeann Blais Mr. & Mrs. David Klovee P’24, P’25

In Honor of Jack Brosnan ’22 Mr. Howard Strachan GP’21, GP’22

In Honor of TJ Brosnan ’21 Mr. Howard Strachan GP’21, GP’22

In Memory of Shane Boyle ’11 Ms. Laura E. Graf ’11

In Honor of Bridget Burns ’08 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Burns P’08

In Memory of Gerald J. Caruso P’90, P’93, P’93, P’99, GP’20, GP’22 Mr. & Mrs. James P. Dowd ‘69 P’01, P’05

In Honor of Cole Choma ’20

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P. Choma P’18, P’20

In Honor of Grace Choma ’18

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen D. Dorrance P’00

In Honor of James “Jay” Dowd ’69 Mr. & Mrs. Nathan W. Piccini ‘93

In Memory of Theresa Duchesne Fr. Patrick Armano

In Honor of Tom Enright

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Luongo P’21, P’24

In Memory of Joseph & Mary Fanale Mr. & Mrs. James P. Dowd ‘69 P’01, P’05

In Memory of Ellen Filadoro P’90, P’94, P’97, GP’22, GP’23 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Paul Filadoro ‘90 P’22, P’23

In Honor of Alexander Fiorante ’22 Anonymous

In Memory of Nancy D. Gagnon Mr. Robert E. Gagnon, Jr. ‘76

In Memory of Richard Garchinsky Mr. Anthony Benning

In Honor of Isabel Geary ’21 Mr. & Mrs. William N. Geary GP’21

In Honor of Kayla Greenwood Mr. & Mrs. Roger C. Boucher P’20

In Honor of Robert “Bob” Hennessy Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Coneeny ’76

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P. Choma P’18, P’20

In Memory of Anthony Joseph

In Memory of Ralph A., Kay, & Ralph C. Ciampa

In Memory of Peter Kannler ’98

Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Ciampa ’76

Mr. & Mrs. James P. Dowd ’69, P’01, P’05 Mr. Jonathan M. Dorman ’98

In Memory of Frank McCarthy Mr. & Mrs. Christopher A. Capone ’88 Mr. David I. Hoffses

In Honor of Sarah Meier Mr. & Mrs. Roger C. Boucher P’20

In Memory of George “Matt” Miller Rev. Iain G. MacLellan, O.S.B. ’74 Mr. William F. Maradei P’11, P’12 Dr. Rebecca Kathryn McHugh ’99 Mr. Roger F. Stone

In Memory of Andrew Oneschuk Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Oneschuk P’13

In Honor of Brian Regan Mr. & Mrs. Roger C. Boucher P’20

In Memory of James Regan P’94, GP’20, GP’22, GP’24 Mr. & Mrs. Brian C. Regan P’20, P’22, P’24

In Honor of The Reusch Family & The MacPherson Family Mr. Andrew N. Reusch, Jr.

In Honor of Brianna Robbins Mrs. Melissa B. Guite

In Honor of Colleen “Coco” Robertson Mr. & Mrs. Roger C. Boucher P’20

In Memory of Sara J. Sclafani Mrs. Marla C. Pascucci-Byrne P’26

In Memory of Ron & Edna Stoll Mr. & Mrs. Brian C. Regan P’20, P’22, P’24

In Honor of Roger Stone Ms. Celia A. Barletta Mrs. Jennifer A. Hodgdon Mr. Theodore E. Thomas III ’82

In Honor of Nicole Sullo Ms. Jannette Kling P’19

In Memory of Rita De Coste

In Memory of Brian Kelley ’78 Ms. Elizabeth B. Kelley P’78, P’79, P’82

In Memory of Phillip C. Todisco ’80

In Memory of Mary F. Costello

In Memory of Valerie Anne Kelly P’69, P’73, P’78

In Memory of Antonio Torrice ’69

Ms. Marianne Dwyer

Atty. & Mrs. John L. McKee ‘91

In Memory of Alyssa Denapoil Mr. & Mrs. Dennis M. Sheils P’08, P’10

In Honor of Mrs. Nancy Der Sarkisian Mr. & Mrs. Mark Chabra P’19, P’20

Mrs. Carol Ann Anderson Mrs. Joan Bartley Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Cortese Mr. & Mrs. James P. Dowd ’69, P’01, P’05 Ms. Yvonne Gallant Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Stanley

In Memory of Dr. Pasquale DiPasquale

In Memory of Paula Macione P’91

In Honor of Maureen Diperna

In Honor of William “Coach” Maradei P’11, P’12

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick A. Driscoll ’97 Devereaux Foundation

Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Todisco P’18, P’21

Mr. & Mrs. James P. Dowd ’69, P’01, P’05

In Memory of Andrew B. Williams Mr. Edward Williams

In Memory of Lucy Yntema

Mr. & Mrs. James P. Dowd ’69, P’01, P’05

Mr. Peter J. Macione P’91

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Burke ’81, P’13, P’17 Annual Report 2019


Scholarships, Funds and Donors Gifts to scholarships contribute to the growing strength of the Austin Prep Scholarship Endowment. We are grateful to all who have donated. The Ross A. Alameddine ’05 Memorial Scholarship

The Francis J. Cummings ’73 Memorial Scholarship

Established by the Alameddine Family and named for their son and brother, Ross, who will be remembered for his kind and caring nature, his rich sense of humor and his love of music and performance. The scholarship recognizes a student achieving in language and technology.

Established by the family in memory of Francis J. Cummings, father of two Austin Prep graduates, grandfather of three Austin Prep graduates, Francis Cummings believed deeply in the value of Catholic education, encouraging all of his children to attend Catholic schools.

Ms. Christina K. Falcos ’06 Mr. Dane Worden & Mrs. Kathryn Worden ’05

Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Cummings ’73

The Michael R. Darwin ’82 Memorial Scholarship

The John V. Aliberti ’70 Memorial Scholarship Established by the Class of 1970 in memory of their classmate, Dr. John V. Aliberti, who will be remembered for his kindness, friendship, and his ability to make everyone smile.

Established by the family and friends of Michael R. Darwin ’82. During his time at Austin Prep, Michael was a National Honor Society member, class officer, and football player. Mrs. Dorothy A. Darwin P’82

Mr. & Mrs. John M. Driscoll ’70

The Alyce and Fred Gilfeather Memorial Scholarship The Austin Scholars Program The Austin Scholars Program is made possible due in part to the commitment of individual benefactors, foundations, our administration and Board of Trustees. We rely on the generosity of a number of benefactors whose support of The Austin Scholars Program helps to provide scholarships to deserving inner city students who otherwise would not be able to benefit from the Austin Prep experience. Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Burke ’81, P’13, P’17 Ms. Celena Dopart Mr. & Mrs. R. Kevin Kearney ’70 Mr. & Mrs. Andrew C. Layman P’09, P’11 Mr. & Mrs. William G. MacKenzie P’99, P’03 Mr. Gary E. Mackiewicz Mr. Michael C. McLaughlin Mr. Ronald R. Nelson ’75 Renaissance Charitable Foundation Synopsys, Inc.

Established by the Gilfeather Family in memory of their parents who embodied the ultimate Christian expression of friendship in their displays of compassion and offers of support for those in need. Mr. & Mrs. Fredric R. Gilfeather ’69

The Scott J. Heseltine ’82 Memorial Scholarship Established by the family and friends of Scott J. Heseltine ’82 who served as a class officer. Andover Hockey Association Mr. Charles E. Heseltine

The Francis G. McCarthy Memorial Fund

The Kristen M. Corbett ’08 Memorial Scholarship Established by the family and friends of Kristen Corbett in memory of Kristen, a member of the Class of 2008 who is remembered for the joy and love she brought to all who knew and loved her. She was a bright student, beloved by her teachers, friends, family, and teammates on the Girls Hockey Team.

Established by friends, family members and Austin Prep faculty in memory of Frank McCarthy, a beloved faculty member at Austin Prep. He was instrumental in the implementation of process writing and peer editing in Austin Prep’s curriculum.The Francis G. McCarthy Writing Center, named in his memory, allows students to share, discuss and critique each other’s work on any type of written assignment with ease. Contributions to the fund go toward improvements and updates to the Writing Center. Mrs. Rita M. McCarthy P’97, P’00

Alumni Hockey Charity Challenge Dr. Kathryn M. Morawski ’04


Annual Report 2019

Thomas N. Callahan ’10 Memorial Scholarship

May 15, 2019 marked the first time the Thomas N. Callahan ’10 Scholarship was awarded. The 2019 recipient Katherine Morin is a member of the Class of 2020. Established by the family and friends of Thomas N. Callahan. Tommy will be remembered for his magnetic personality, great sense of humor and contagious smile. A “Lifer” (Grade 6-12) and honor student who participated in many sports and clubs during his time at Austin Prep. Thomas thrived on his academic success and passion for the sciences.

Ms. Laurie Boucher Mrs. Susan Brennan Mr. Timothy Brown Mr. Francis T. Buckley IV ’12 Ms. Catherine M. Butler Mr. Brian J. Callahan ’12 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Callahan P’10, P’12 Certified Cleaning Co., Inc. Mr. & Mrs. John A. DeNisco P’10, P’12 Jean Farrell Mr. Jeremy R. Gauvain ’10 Ms. Mackenzie Harper Mr. & Mrs. William Harper Mr. James Lemieux Mr. & Mrs. James F. Lordan, Jr. P’12, P’16, P’18 Mr. Charles M. Ludwig ’10 Ms. Cynthia Martin Mr. James McArdle Mr. & Mrs. Donald McNeice P’09 Mr. Eugene Mullen Ms. Julie Neil Ms. Marisa Rosenthal Ms. Shannon Rosenthal S & H Engineering D.A. Santos Mr. Steven Taylor Ms. Christina Vardaro Mr. Daniel Vardaro Ms. Mary Vardaro Ms. Donna Viera A special thank you to the following individuals above and beyond for their support in establishing this scholarship: Ms. Karen Callahan Mr. Mark Callahan and Mrs. Christine Callahan & Family Ms. Chelsea Nardone Mr. Irwin Rosenthal & Mrs. Nancy Rosenthal

The family of Tommy, as he is fondly remembered, wishes to extend their gratitude to all the people who supported their fundraiser that made this fund possible (including many Austin Prep alumni and families).

Annual Report 2019


The James M. McGonagle II ’01 Memorial Scholarship Established by the family and friends of Jim McGonagle, a beloved member of the Class of 2001 who is remembered for his contribution to family, classmates, and teammates. Mr.William C. Elliott & Mrs. Carol L. Burrows P’02

The George “Matt” Miller Memorial Scholarship This scholarship has been established by Linsey and Matthew Pimentel ’01 in honor of longtime faculty member George “Matt” Miller and his decades of teaching service to Austin Prep and its students.This scholarship seeks to provide assistance to deserving students based on academic merit and economic need. It also recognizes students who have demonstrated leadership abilities and a commitment to their community. Alumni Hockey Charity Challenge Mr. & Mrs. Mark Costello ’75 Mr. Donald O. Lyman ’73 Mr. & Mrs. David G. McConnell ’73 Pimentel Construction Company

The Herbert W. Peterson, Jr. and Claire M. Peterson Memorial Endowed Scholarship This scholarship has been established by the Peterson Family, including: Cynthia A. (Peterson) Kilday, Nancy E. (Peterson) Devlin, Stephen P. ’73, Robert G. ’75, James M. ’76, and Michael T. ’79 Peterson to honor their parents who believed in and encouraged Catholic education for all of their children and fostered the beliefs in hard work, commitment and family. Atty. & Atty. James M. Peterson ’76, P’19, P’21

The Aristides (Artie) C. Speros, Jr. ’85 Memorial Scholarship Established by the family and friends of Artie Speros ’85. Artie was a beloved member of the Class of 1985 who is remembered for his contribution to family, classmates and teammates. During his time at Austin Prep, Artie was the Class President, while also involved with the Ski Team and French Club.The scholarship seeks to honor Artie’s memory by recognizing a deserving student who has demonstrated leadership abilities and financial need. Mr. John F. Martin ’85 and Ms. Stacey L.Turner

The Alyssa L. Nanopoulos ’08 Memorial Scholarship Established by the family of Alyssa L. Nanopoulos ’08. Alyssa, a beloved member of the Class of 2008, is remembered for the love she had for her family, friends, and community. During her seven years at Austin Prep, where she never missed a day of school, Alyssa was involved in Big Sister and was inducted into the National Honor Society during her sophomore year. She also participated in Service Club, Latin Honor Society and served as a Senior Leader. This scholarship honors Alyssa’s memory by recognizing a deserving student who has demonstrated academic merit, economic need and active service. Mr. & Mrs. Phillip E. Touchette P’05

The Paul Sullivan ’75 Memorial Scholarship

The David E. Nelson ’81 Memorial Scholarship

William H. Turner Scholarship Award

Established by the family and friends of David E. Nelson ’81, a gifted athlete and positive student leader who was always proud to wear the green and white. He was the youngest of three Austin Prep graduates, preceded by Fred ’73 and Ron ’75. The scholarship seeks to honor David’s memory. A/D Sales Alumni Hockey Charity Challenge Mr. Carl Humphreys Mr. & Mrs. Stephen McGovern Mr. & Mrs. Alfred A. Nelson, Jr. P’73, P’75, P’81 Mr. & Mrs. Paul Sledzik Mr. Ian Wood Mr. & Mrs.W. John Woodford, Jr. ’75

Established by the Sullivan Family and the Class of 1975 and named in memory of Paul H. Sullivan ’75, who will be remembered as a loving and caring husband, father and friend. A longtime Boston media personality, Paul was both the class clown and Class President during his days at Austin Prep.The scholarship will recognize a freshman (ninth grade) student of Austin Preparatory School who has demonstrated academic merit and economic need, and who has an eagerness to learn, and to participate in activities such as class leadership and/or journalism/writing. Dr. & Mrs. James M. Lindsay ’77

This award has been established by Mrs. Lillian Turner and her family in honor of her husband, Mr. William H.Turner. Mr.Turner and his wife saw four sons graduate from Austin Prep. He nurtured family life by co-creating a loving and supportive environment. He fostered academics, religion, dignity, service, athletics and good moral character.This award recognizes a deserving current student who shows strong academic discipline and demonstrates a good work ethic. Mrs. Lillian M.Turner P’72, P’73, P’81, P’83

The Barbara Zarella Memorial Scholarship Established in loving memory of his mother by Joseph Zarella ’77 to honor the role every mother has in her child’s successful completion of high school.The award is presented to a senior with four years of perfect attendance at Austin Prep. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Paul Zarella ’77


Annual Report 2019

Michael G. Sverdlove ’14 Memorial Scholarship

On March 9, 2019, the Sverdlove family and the Austin Prep community lost Michael Sverdlove ’14 to a tragic accident in Israel. Harry, Michael’s father described his son in the hours after learning of Michael’s passing, “Michael was, and will always be, glorious. He loved and he connected. He searched and he struggled. His soul was gentle and unbearably bright. Most of all, my son celebrated life. He celebrated the people in his life. The way he could connect to people around the world was inspiring and awesome.” The Michael G. Sverdlove ’14 Memorial Scholarship was fully-established this summer by the family and friends of Michael G. Sverdlove, Class of 2014. Michael was an avid soccer player, member of the National Honors Society, and a member of the French National Honors Society. He celebrated life to the fullest, and his charisma, cherished friendships, and laughter will forever-shine.

406 Ventures Management, LLC Mr. & Mrs.Vince Albert Alpha Chi Omega Headquarters Mr. & Mrs. Anthony M. Arcari, Jr. ’84, P’15 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony P. Biscardi ’88 Ms. Stephanie M. Blais ’14 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Boback Mr. & Mrs. Byron Bolanos Ms. Cecilia M. Bole ’14 Mr. & Mrs. Harry Brochinsky Ms. Lia Capozzi Ms. Elaina Caron Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Catalano P’12, P’14, P’18 Dr. & Mrs. Gerard A. Centrella ’82, P’15, P’19, P’20 Mr. Robert Y. Chapman III and Mrs. Helen D. Maioriello Ms. Catherine Charry ’14 Ms. Kelcey Moon Conley ’14 Ms. Antonietta Costanzo Ms. Molly Cowen Darb Mechanical Plumbing & Heating Delta Kappa Epsilon Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Depalma Mr. & Mrs. Louis S. DiRupo ’82, P’11, P’14 Ms. Jennifer Donohue Ms. Laura Doucette Mr. & Mrs. David Feinberg Ms. Kimberly Freda Ms. Lauren Germano Ms. Nena Marie Giandomenico ’14 Mr. Irwin Ginsburg Ms. Carole E. Gladstone Ms. Nicole Grinstead Mr. & Mrs. Oliver Guillaumin Ms. Rachel M. Havey ’18 Ms. Emily Margaret Heffernan ’09 Ms. Nicole R. Hemme ’14 Mr. Stephen J. Ippolito II ’04 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Ippolito P’04, P’08, P’13 Ms. Carolyn R. Ivanoski John Q. Adams III, C.S.B. Mr. Gary Keck Ms. Kathleen Keys Linnane Insurance Agency Ms. Lynne Lipton Mr. & Mrs. Keith G. Lucy P’14, P’15 Mr. David Lundgren Mr. & Mrs. Bruce J. MacGregor P’11, P’15 Mr. Gary E. Mackiewicz Ms. Nancy McCauley Ms. Alyssa Ann McLellan ’14 Mr. & Mrs. Eric G. Meyer

Annual Report 2019

Ms. Meg Michaels Ms. Anne Murray Ms. Justine Musto Ms. Emily Navarrete Ms. Maryann Olive Ms. Katie Partridge Mr. & Mrs. Peter R. Pasquale P’20 Ms. Nancy L. Petrillo Mr. & Ms. Paul E. Pirro Ms. Toni Pommet Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence D. Rakers P’14, P’16 Mr. Ferase M. Rammo Mr. Joseph Reed Ms. Brianna K. Robbins Mr. David Robichard & Mrs. Barbara Bosco Ms. Holly M. Robinson ‘13 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Rossetti Mrs. Lisa Rothenburger Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Russell P’12, P’14, P’18 Ms. Michela Russo Ms. Claire Sanborn Ms. Katherine Sanborn Mr. Jonathan H. Saurman ‘14 Mr. Marc D. Schwartz, CPA Ms. Alla Shikhanovich Mr. Nicholas R. Shultz ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Simonelli P’19, P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Skiffington P’09 Mr. Peter Smith Mr. Brendan J. Sullivan ‘13 Mr. Andrew Sverdlove Ms. Mary L. Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Vinchesi P’15 Ms. Janet Weiss Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Westervelt P’11, P’14


Igniting Hearts, Transforming Lives Our Igniting Hearts, Transforming Lives Campaign is a capital campaign that will fulfill the school’s designated priorities in a phased approach. The focus of our campaign is to improve campus infrastructure, enrich academic programs, increase tuition assistance and scholarships to keep an Austin Prep education accessible, and to expand our energy-saving techniques. Phase I was completed in May 2016. Phase II is an effort to build an even greater Austin Prep for tomorrow and is vital to the School’s continued growth. We are excited to announce that thanks to the generosity of so many, we have made tremendous progress in Phase II with over $1.6 million raised in support of our $3 million goal. In particular, this phase of the campaign addresses student-centered enhancements to the campus and physical space. The donor list below represents those who have pledged their support to the Igniting Hearts, Transforming Lives Campaign, Phase II to date (November 6, 2019). We are deeply grateful for their generosity and for the support of the greater Austin Prep community during the Igniting Hearts, Transforming Lives Campaign Phase II launch. Anonymous (3) Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Ardito P’18, P’21, P’21, P’22, P’23 Augustinian Provincialate Dr. Michael J. Barry ’79 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Blewitt Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Bouchard P’10, P’14, P’15 Mr. Douglas F. Bouvier ’05 Dr. Charles M. Brain ’68 & Ms. Maureen Murphy-Brain Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Bravo P’18, P’20 Mr. Nelson Burbank †† Atty & Mrs. Steven M. Burke ’77 Mr. & Mrs. Brian S. Cann, Jr. P’19, P’23 Mr. James D. Carregal ’10 Mr. John W. Carregal ’07 Mr. Joseph M. Carregal ’05 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Carregal P’05, P’07, P’10 Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Caruso P’11, P’20 Mr. & Mrs. David Cerveny P’19, P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Mark Chabra P’19, P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P. Choma P’18, P’20 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Clark P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cobb P’17, P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Connolly ’83 P’15, P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Noah Coons P’22, P’24 C-Suite Corporation Mr. & Mrs. Damian N. Dell’Anno P’10, P’12, P’14 Mr. & Mrs. Patrick A. Driscoll ’97 Mr. & Mrs. Terrance Dugan P’21, P’23 Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Duggan ’72 Mr. Louis Fantozzi & Mrs. Jennifer Fantozzi ’97 Mr. & Mrs. Karsten Fetten P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Flynn ’83 Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Frelick P’20 Atty. & Mrs. William C. Geary ’75 Mr. Gene Gebolys & Ms. Jacqueline Corrado Gebolys P’17, P’17, P’19 Atty. & Mrs. Todd A. Gerety P’16, P’19, P’22 Ms. Jean Elizabeth Gilmore P’17, P’19 Mr. & Mrs. Max Gouveia P’13, P’16, P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Serry Gouveia P’23 Mr. & Mrs. Scott Hampoian P’18, P’20, P’23 Dr. & Mrs. James Hickey P’22, P’23, P’24


Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Higgins P’24 Mr. Edmund E. Hoell ’70 & Ms. Carole E. Center Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hueston P’21 Mr. & Mrs. James Iannibelli P’22, P’24 Mr. & Mrs. David Intoppa P’24 Mr. & Mrs. Carl Jaena P’19, P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Joyce P’17, P’18, P’20 Mr. Kevin Kerrigan ‘89 Mr. & Mrs. Roger Kruppa P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Lidoski, Jr. P’17, P’19 Dr. Daniel P. Little P’20, P’22, P’23 Atty. & Mrs. Mark J. MacDougall ’74 Mr. & Mrs. James Mangano P’17, P’20 Mr. & Mrs. James W. Martin ’70 Mr. & Mrs. Alexander T. May P’19 Dr. Rebecca Kathryn McHugh ’99 Mr. David O’Donnell GP’20, GP’22, GP’23 Dr. Maryanne O’Donnell P’20, P’22, P’23 Oracle Corporation Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Ouellette P’19, P’25 Mr. & Mrs. Calvin Pardee P’23 Dr. Gary J. Pare & Mrs. Mercedes Guiance P’17, P’20 Mr. Andrew Parece ’79 and Ms. Mary Splaine Atty. & Atty. James M. Peterson ’76 P’19, P’21 Pimentel Construction Company Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Pimentel ’01 Mr. Jonathan Pollard ’97 & Mrs. Lindsay Fitzgerald Mr. David D. Quirk ’84 Mr. William Ralls & Mrs. Siobhan Donofrio P’22 Dr. Gregory S. Robinson & Mrs. Colleen C. Boggs P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Roselli, CPA P’15, P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Alfred A. Sablone III P’18, P’20 Sage Dining Services, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Schiela P’24 Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Silva P’20, P’22 Mr. Derek Vachon and Ms. Kimberly Dukeshire-Vachon P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Mark VanderZouwen P’24 Michael & Vincenza Vinciullo Charitable Foundation Trust Mr. & Mrs. Michael Vinal P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Walsh P’18, P’22 Mr. Hong Liang Zheng & Ms. Ruifang Shen P’21 †† Deceased Annual Report 2019


2018 Parents Association Signature Event Another Smashing Success The 4th Annual Parents Association Signature Event continued its successful run on November 2, 2018. With amazing auction items, nearly 250 parents attending the event and the 3rd Annual Tuition Raffle, the event raised more than $50,000!

Austin Prep is grateful to the parents on the Signature Event Committee for their hard work and dedication.

On behalf of Parents Association President Susan Ardizzoni P’19, Event Co-Chairs Michelle Walsh P’19, P’21 and Mannie Gouveia P’23, and the Signature Event Committee, we thank all of the volunteers who helped in ways big and small – from beautifully arranged baskets, to decorating the event space, and the solicitation and collecting of donations – all of which helped make the event an overwhelming success.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack and Susan Ardizzoni P’19, Mrs. Lesa Botti P’21, Mrs. Dana Burnham P’18, P’20, Mr. Jim Burns P’18, Mrs. Lin Chabra P’19, P’20, Mrs. Laura Choma P’18, P’20, Mrs. Gina Defilippo P’22, Mrs. Patti Domingo P’21, Mrs. Maureen Fennessy P’24, Mrs. Gillian Fisher P’22, P’26, Mr. Tyler Fleming, Christy Galatis P’19, P’22, Mrs. Karen Goscinak P’20, Mrs. Mannie Gouveia P’23, Mrs. Jessica Hampoian P’18, P’20, Mrs. Maryellen Iannibelli P’22, P’24, Samantha Klipper P’20, P’21, Kathy Lopes P’22, Kathy Mahoney, P’21, Dayna Meissner, P’21, Mrs. Liz Napolitano P’22, Mrs. Amy Nedroscik P’19, P’22, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Peterson ’76 and Mrs. Kim Peterson P’19, P’21, Mr. and Mrs. Skip and Lenora Rose P’19, Mrs. Jennifer Smith P’19, P’21, Mrs. Veronica Tucker P’19, P’22, Mrs. Kim Vachon P’21, Mrs. Michelle Walsh P’19, P’21, Mrs. Michele Williams P’19.

The Committee includes:

Thank you to Ms. Jackie Delucca P’25 for the wonderful photos!


Annual Report 2019

Signature Event Attendees Mr. & Mrs. Jim Abbott P’23 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Ardito P’18, P’21, P’21, P’22, P’23 Mr. & Mrs. John R. Ardizzoni P’19 Mr. & Mrs. Chad Battaglia P’22, P’25 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Bayusik P’18, P’24 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Beaulieu, Sr. P’22 Mr. Donovan Beckel & Ms. Nicole Trudeau P’23 Mr. & Mrs. Brian Becker P’21, P’24 Ms. Suzanne Blanco P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Bono P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Bravo P’18, P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Todd Brisbois P’21, P’24 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Brosnan P’21, P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Brown P’21 Mr. Robert Burke & Ms. Eileen McAnneny P’19 Mr. & Mrs. James Burnham P’18, P’20 Mr. & Mrs. James W. Burns P’18, P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Brian S. Cann, Jr. P’19, P’23 Mr. & Mrs. Gerard A. Caruso ’90 P’20, P’22 Mr. & Mrs. David Cerveny P’19, P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Mark Chabra P’19, P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P. Choma P’18, P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Philip Clarke P’21, P’23 Mr. John P. Cogswell & Ms. Meghan Frey P’19 Mr. & Mrs. Ivan Cohen P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Colannino P’22 Dr. & Mrs. Corey Collins P’19, P’22, P’25 Mr. & Mrs. Sean Connors P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Noah Coons P’22, P’24 Mr. & Mrs. Darrin M. Courtney P’18, P’22 Mr. David Crisafi & Mrs. Jill Harrison P’24 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Croteau, Jr. P’20, P’23 Mrs. Gina DeFilippo P’22 Mr. David DiFillippo Mr. & Mrs. John DiFranco P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Frank DiPrizio P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Francis Divito P’22 Mr. & Dr. Daniel Doherty P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Erik Domingo P’21

Mr. & Mrs. Terrance Dugan P’21, P’23 Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Farrell, Jr. P’16, P’19, P’23 Mr. & Mrs. Noel Fennessy P’24 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Ferranti P’24 Mr. & Mrs. Mark R. Ferri P’14, P’17, P’23 Mr. & Mrs. Karsten Fetten P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Douglas R. Finnegan ’79, P’12, P’19 Mr. John Fiorante & Ms.Victoria Clifford-Fiorante P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Fisher P’22, P’26 Mr. Louis Francoeur & Ms. Shelley Pan P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Paul Galatis P’19, P’22 Mr. H. William Hamilton & Mrs. Carol Galluzzo-Hamilton P’18 Mr. Gary Garber & Mrs. Catalina Moreno P’21, P‘25 Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Gedaminsky P’24 Mr. & Mrs. Ulysses Gilchrist P’23 Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Gildea P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Craig Gillespie Mr. John Goodwin & Mrs. Jennifer Silver P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Goscinak P’20 Mr. & Mrs. Serry Gouveia P’23 Mr. & Mrs. Eric Haddock P’22, P’26 Mr. & Mrs. Scott Hampoian P’18, P’20, P’23 Dr. & Mrs. James Hickey P’22, P’23, P’24 Mr. & Mrs.Timothy Higgins P’24 Mr. & Mrs. Jim Holmes P’24 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hueston P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Brian Keefe P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Roger Kelesoglu P’23, P’24 Mr. & Mrs.Timothy J. Kiley P’15, P’16, P’19 Mr. & Mrs. Hal Klipper P’20, P’22 Mr. & Mrs. David Klovee P’24, P’25 Dr. & Mrs. Manuel Lopes P’22 Mr. & Mrs.Vincent Loporchio P’23 Mr. & Mrs. James Mahoney, Sr. P’22 Mr. & Mrs. James Mahoney, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Al Maitino, Jr. P’24 Ms. Maria Malin P’22 Mr. Eric Marks P’23 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Matthews P’25

Annual Report 2019

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel McAuley, Jr. P’24 Atty. Daniel McCarthy & Ms.Veronica Tucker P’19, P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Rick Meissner P’21 Mr.Thomas Mooney & Ms. Andrea Heil P’20, P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Steven Napolitano P’22 Mr. & Mrs. David A. Nedroscik P’19, P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Marcus Nickerson P’13, P’19 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel O’Neill P’21, P’23, P’26 Mr. & Mrs. Dennis O’Neill P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Oostman P’24 Mr. & Dr. Michael Palumbo P’24 Atty. & Atty James M. Peterson ’76, P’19, P’21 Atty. & Mrs. John Timothy Phelan P’14 Mr. William Ralls & Mrs. Siobhan Donofrio P’22 Dr. & Dr. Ruben Reyes P’24, P’26 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Rizza P’24 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Rose P’19 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Russell P’21, P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Lee C. Sullivan P’15, P’19 Mr. & Mrs. James Sullivan P’21, P’23, P’24 Mr. & Mrs. Lee C. Sullivan P’15, P’19 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Tauro P’24 Mr. & Mrs. Keith Terry P’22 Mr. & Mrs. Andrew N.Tucker P’19 Mr. Derek Vachon & Ms. Kimberly Dukeshire-Vachon P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Mark VanderZouwen P’24 Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Peter Walsh P’19, P’21 Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Wilcox P’23, P’25 Mr. & Mrs. Nathaniel Williams P’19 Mr. & Mrs. William Withycombe P’22, P’25 Mr. & Mrs. John Zirpolo P’24 Office of External Affairs


Golf Tournament Raises Over $80,000 Thank you to all of the sponsors, auction item and raffle prize donors, golfers, dinner guests and volunteers for making the 32nd Annual Austin Open Golf Tournament the most successful one to date! The tournament raised over $80,000 ($10,000 increase from the 31st Annual Tournament). Net proceeds from the tournament will be used to help fund the expansion of parking on campus at Austin Prep. Our parent, past parent and alumni golfers enjoyed a beautiful day at Indian Ridge Country Club in Andover. The sold-out afternoon flight kicked off at12:00 noon. One of the highlights of the event was the Varsity Shot, where players from Austin Prep’s championship golf team took a fifth swing for each foursome and a chance to record that score. Michael Simonelli ’19 and Michael Strazzere ’19 took the Varsity Shot. Following the day of golf, guests enjoyed a cocktail reception, buffet dinner, raffles and silent auction. The tournament ended with a spirited live auction with guest auctioneer & trustee Joey Carregal ’05. 40

Congratulations to our winning golfers: • 1st 1st Place Team (51): Garrett King, Nick Moscaritolo, Jack Ronan, and Patrick Ronan • 2nd Place Team (57): Chris Frommelt P’07, P’11, Bob Pendergast, Dave Pearce, and John Pendergast • Closest to the Hole #7: Jim Peterson ’76, P’19, P’21 (4 feet) • Closest to the Hole #16: Scott Hampoian P’18, P’20 (5 feet, 3 inches) • Longest Drive - Men: Stephen Peterson ’73 (332 yards) • Longest Drive - Women: Anna Molettieri P’25 (175 yards) We are grateful to the members of school leadership and staff for their help, and we are especially grateful to our golf committee, parent and student volunteers.

Committee & Volunteers Mr. Joseph M. Carregal ’05, TR Mrs. Paula Fanuele P’22, P’24, P’26 Mrs. Jessica Hampoian P’18, P’20 Mrs. Cindy Hickey P’22, P’23, P’24 Mr. Michael Simonelli ’19 Mrs. Amy Sperling P’22, P’25 Mr. Michael Strazzere ’19 Mr. Andrew Tucker P’19

Annual Report 2019

Austin Preparatory Staff Fr. Patrick Armano Ms. Susan Belanger Mrs. Claudia A. Colannino Mrs. Michelle Connor Mrs. Laurene M. Costello Mr. Patrick Driscoll ’97 Mrs. Ashley Eldridge Mr. Tyler Fleming Mrs. Patricia A. Fothergill P’06, P’09 Mr. Brad Harkins Dr. James Hickey P’22, P’23, P’24 Mrs. Jennifer Hodgdon Mrs. Allyson Jaena P’19, P’22 Mrs. Marissa McLaughlin Mr. Michael McLaughlin Mrs. Judy D. Reynolds Ms. Brianna Robbins Mr. Steve Silverthorn Mr. John Weber P’18, P’20, P’22

Sponsors 3Step Sports A & L Corporate Coach, Inc. All Owners Drain Cleaning, Inc. Armor Door & Lock, Inc. Austin Prep Teachers Association Austin Prep Board of Trustees B & L Mechanical and Consulting The Belanger Family - Sue, Shannon, & Shayla The Bennett Family - Charles, Maureen, Timothy ’94 & Christopher ’97 Bill Deluca Auto Group: Chevrolet, Buick, and GMC The Blewitt Family Bunratty Tavern The Cambridge Network Capone Landscaping, Inc. Caras & Shulman, PC CCS: Community Counseling Services Comak Brothers, Inc. Constant Temperature Systems, Inc. Cora Operations Inc. DeMoulas Foundation Dodd House Gift Shoppe LLC Douglass, Edgerly & Bessom Funeral Home The Driscoll Family - Bill ’89, Mark ’92, Patrick ’97, Joanna ’03 Five-O-Promo Frommelt Equipment Company Garrick-Santo Landscape Co. GTA Co., Inc. Gronk Fitness Humboldt Storage & Moving Dr. James Hickey & Family J. G. MacLellan Concrete Co., Inc. Jim Mangano, Developer Joe’s Welding, LLC In Memory of Jim Brine III ’82 - visit the foundation in his honor LaPlume & Sons Printing Co., Inc. Latham Law Office, LLC LSS Consulting Group, LLC Lumen Wealth Management Manzi Bonanno & Bowers McKenna & Partners Strategic Communications

McLane Middleton Metalcrafters, Inc. Metropolitan Pipe Miano Construction Mintz, Levin -Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky, & Popeo New England Stampede/Nor’Easters Baseball Northern Business Machines NRT Bus, Inc. The Oostman Family The Peterson Family Pimentel Construction Co. - Title Sponsor Quirk Construction Corp. Reading Cooperative Bank Reading Rotary RSM US LLP RYBO Inc. S G Mechanical, Inc Sage Dining Salem Five Charitable Foundation Sanitrol Building Maintenance Security Design Inc. Shea Concrete Products Simply Elegant Catering Specialized Roofing Co., Inc. Spencer, Sullivan & Vogt - Architecture Preservation Stoneham Bank Tarpey Insurance Group Thrivent Student Resources The Tucker Family - Andrew & Martha WB Mason Winn Street Equipment Sales Yeuell Name Plate & Label YMCA - Burbank Branch

Golfers & Dinner Guests Mr. Michael Adams Mr. John Ardizzoni P’19 Mr. Dave Arsenault Mr. Chad Battaglia P’22, P’25 Mr. Michael Baxter Mr. Larry Bearce Mr. Brendon Bell Mr. Brian Bond Mr. Thomas Brady P’24 Mr. Jeffrey Brine ’88 Mr. Joseph Brine ’83 Mr. Steve Brown Mr. Sean Buckley Mr. John Caron Mr. Corey Carter Mr. Bryan Cedorchuk Mrs. Laura Choma P’18, P’20 Mr. Matt Combau Mr. Tom Comeau Mr. Harry Conforti Mr. Michael Costa ’05 Mr. Leo Creegan Mr. Michael Croke Mr. & Mrs. Leo Crowe ’83 Mr. Garry Cuneo P’04 Mr. Frank D’Agostino Mr. Joe Daly Mr. Timothy Daneau Mr. Joseph DiMare Mr. Roffi Donabedian Mr. Michael Dooling Mr. John Douglass, Jr. P’19 Mr. John Driscoll ’70

Mr. Patrick Driscoll ’97 Mr. Andrew Edelstein Ms. Carole Ellstein Mr. David English Mr. John Farrell Mr. John D. Farrell P’02, P’06, P’06 Mr. Stephen Ferranti P’24 Mr. Jack Ferren Mr. Mark Fiato Mr. Adam Fish Mr. Christopher Frommelt P’07, P’11 Mr. Matt Frommelt Mr. Paul Gagne ’88 Mr. Jim Gailpeau Mr. Brian Gallagher ’72 Mr. James Gallagher Jr. ’70 Mr. Gene Gebolys P’17, P’17, P’19 Mr. & Mrs. Fredric Gilfeather ’69 Mr. Keith Gostanian Mr. Matthew Guthrie P’22 Mr. Nicholas Hampoian ’18 Mr. Scott Hampoian P’18, P’20, P’23 Mr. Joe Hanlon Mr. Raymond Hanlon P’20 Mr. Mark Hanson Mr. Timothy Higgins P’24 Mr. Al Holland Mr. Rich Hovasse Mr. Murray Johnson Mr. John Kelly Mr. Garrett King Mr. Dan Klucznik Mr. Thomas Klucznik P’16, P’18 Mr. Chris Kucher Mr. Daniel Kwiatek P’22 Mr. Erik Lawson P’22 Mr. Wayne Lawson Mr. Bob Leblanc Mr. Edward LeFlore Mr. Shawn MacLean Mr. Alexander Maffeo ’18 Mr. Ryan Mahan Mr. Tom Mahoney Mr. Al Maitino Jr. P’24 Atty. Leigh Martinson P’21, P’24, P’26 Mr. Stephen Matthews P’25 Mr. Kier McDonough Mr. Lawrence McQuaid ’09 Mr. Lawrence McQuaid ’81, P’09, P’14 Mr. Michael McQuaid ’82 Mr. Walter Miller Mr. Charlie Miraglia Mr. & Mrs. Gino Molettieri P’25 Mr. George Morris Mr. Nick Moscaritolo Mr. Lucas Mulkern Mr. Cole Murphy ’18 Mr. Robert Murphy Mr. Brian Murtagh

Mr. Alfred Nelson, Jr. P’73, P’75, P’81 Mr. Ronald Nelson ’75 Mr. JT Nichols Mr. Ralph Nichols Mr. Matt O’Dorety Mr. Randy Ortiz Mr. David Palmisano Mr. Tom Patch Mr. Dave Pearce Mr. Bob Pendergast Atty. James Peterson ’76, P’19, P’21 Atty. Robert Peterson, Sr. ’75 P’04, P’06, P’08 Atty. Stephen Peterson ’73 Mr. Daniel Petty Atty. John Phelan P’14 Mr. David Pilleri Mr. Anthony Pimentel P’99, P’01 Mr. Matthew Pimentel ’01, TR Mr. T.J. Pompei Mr. Richard Poulin P’23 Mr. Michael Prisco Mr. Brian Raimo Mr. Stephen Reddy P’16, P’18 Mr. Frank Rizza P’24 Mr. Randy Robbins Mr. Jack Ronan Mr. Patrick Ronan Mr. Graham Ronks Mr. David Rufo Mr. Robert Ryan P’97 Mr. Matthew Sacco ’18 Mr. Stefan Sargeant Mr. Greg Saschuk Mr. & Mrs. George Saurman ’83 P’14 Mr. John Seale Ms. Kathleen Shea Mr. Jason Slye Mr. Jim Smyly Mr. Adam Sperling P’22, P’25 Mr. Michael Stephens ’83 Mr. Michael Stone Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Stratis ’83 Rev. Francis Sullivan Mr. James Sullivan P’21, P’23, P’24 Mr. Ian Tinkler P’21 Mr. Andrew Tucker P’19 Mr. Martin Tucker Mr. Chris Urick Mr. Joseph Urick P’19, P’23 Mr. Chris Veglas Mr. Jim Veglas Mr. Paul Velardo Mr. Tony Vigna Mr. Nathaniel Williams P’19 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Young P’24, P’24

Save the Date rd Annual Austin Prep


Golf Tournament

Indian Ridge Country Club May 18, 2020

Annual Report 2019


AUSTIN PREPARATORY SCHOOL 101 Willow Street Reading, MA 01867-1599

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We want to follow your Journey beyond Austin Prep. Please share updates including academic and sports honors, career milestones, marriages, births or any of life’s other big announcements. Send a Class Note or update your contact information to continue to receive updates.

November 27th – 30th, Reunion for classes Join fellow classmates and alumni at our upcoming events. ending 4 & 9: We look forward to celebrating

Dining Hall, Austin Prep – Free

with alumni! Pre-registration is required for all reunion events. Checkout our website and Facebook to register for your class reunion today!

Wednesday, November 27th – Class of 2019 Alumni Breakfast: 10:00 a.m.,


January 24, 2020 – Career Day 2020: Alumni will share their experience in a variety of professions with current students during this highly engaging morning at Austin Prep! To learn more about the professions being showcased on Career Day 2020, please contact Jennifer Hodgdon, Director of Alumni Relations & Giving at jennifer.hodgdon@


Friday, November 29th – Reunion for Classes of 1974, 1979, 1984, 1989, 1994 & 1999: 6:30 – 7:00 p.m., Tours of Austin Prep


7:00 – 9:30 p.m., Alumni Reception $40 registration includes: open beer & wine bar, appetizers, tours, gratuity & processing fee.

Merrimack College, North Andover, MA

Saturday, November 30th – 5th Reunion: Class of 2014: Sissy K’s, Faneuil Hall,

May 18, 2020: The 33rd Annual Austin Open Golf Tournament: Indian Ridge Country

4 Commercial Street, Boston, 8:00 – 10:00 p.m. $32 registration includes: open bar for 2 hours*, appetizers, and processing fee.*Bar opens to public and becomes cash/charge at 10:00 p.m.

Club, Andover, MA

Austin Prep Alumni


WEDDINGS & ONESIES! Are you getting married? The Office of Alumni Relations will lend you an Austin Prep banner for photos at your wedding. Did you recently welcome a new cougar into your family? Let us know and the Office of Alumni Relations will send along one of our new Austin Prep Cougars onesies.

April 25, 2020: Alumni Hockey Men’s and Women’s Charity Challenges: Gallant Rink,

Saturday, November 30th – Reunion for the Class of 2009 & Class of 2004: Lansdowne Pub, 9 Lansdowne Street, Boston, 7:00 – 10:00 p.m., $40 registration includes: private room/bar for 2 hours, appetizers, 2 drink tickets, live band, gratuity and processing fee.

May 15 – 17, 2020: 50th Reunion Weekend for the Class of 1970: There will be something for everyone as we celebrate the 50th reunion for the Class of 1970, including: Baccalaureate Mass, Informal Gathering at Bunratty Tavern, Headmaster’s Reception, Commencement Exercises, Campus tours with Green Key Student Ambassadors, Class of 1970 Reunion Dinner, Memorial Mass & Breakfast. More details forthcoming via mail, email and social media in January 2020!

Contact Jennifer Hodgdon, Director of Alumni Relations & Giving, at or 781-944-4900 ext. 852

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