A Journey of Faith

Walking the Talk
Putting our words into action can make all the difference in a meaningful life.
Our school theme for the 2022-2023 academic year comes from the Book of Proverbs (10:9): “Whoever walks in integrity walks securely.”
Integrity is often framed in terms of right and wrong, or good and evil, or honesty and dishonesty. Acting with integrity is certainly about choosing honesty over dishonesty, but integrity is more than that: it’s doing the right thing simply because it’s the right thing to do. It’s acting with sterling character. It’s acting in accordance with a deeply held belief.
The question of integrity was very close to St. Augustine’s own journey toward God. Augustine wrote “an inward instinct told me to take care of the integrity of my senses, and even in my little thoughts about little matters I took delight in the truth. I hated to be deceived…”

In Augustine’s mind the thought of being deceived or of deceiving was contrary to the search for knowledge, wisdom, and Truth.
His decision to be baptized was not undertaken lightly. Augustine refused to undertake or commit to anything halfheartedly. He either committed and did it with his whole mind and heart or he would not commit. This struggle plunged him into inner conflict because he refused to say one thing and do another.
To exemplify integrity today, one doesn’t need to live a life that leads to a sainthood like Augustine’s. It’s the small acts of integrity along the “restless journey” that keeps us off the “crooked path” that Proverbs mentions.
From the Latin to be intact, or solid, integrity connects perfectly with Austin Prep core values of veritas, unitas, caritas. Assisting someone in need. Confronting injustice. Accepting responsibility for mistakes. Doing the right thing when no one else would. Demonstrating compassion. Exemplifying good virtue.
And that’s why Austin Prep students go on to be leaders in their communities when they graduate from this special place. For more than 60 years, some 6,000 students who became Austin Prep alumni have walked in the footsteps of St. Augustine doing such things. Not just talking the talk, walking the walk.

For 60 years, the story of Austin Preparatory School has been one of transformation. Austin Prep opened its doors to one hundred and ninety-one boys in September 1963. It has evolved into an innovative, co-ed 6-12 grade experience regarded as one of the top independent, Catholic schools in Massachusetts. Today, enrollment is eight hundred and fifteen students.
Through the decades, the mission of Austin Prep has been, and will continue to be, anchored by the journey of Saint Augustine of Hippo and his tireless pursuit of veritas, unitas, and caritas.

Known for his “restless heart,” Saint Augustine’s journey for truth was deliberate and rich with self-reflection and humility. The Austin Prep student journey is led by dedicated faculty, staff and school leaders who are continuously supported by parents, grandparents and alumni families. These remarkable men and women have transformed Austin Prep, creating students who are of good moral character, serve others, lead lives of consequence, and are learning to make valuable connections with the world around them. We prepare students for life beyond 101 Willow Street.
The future of Austin Prep is bright. As James Hickey, Ph.D. serves in his 10th year as Head of School, the tradition of innovation and distinction is reflected in his vision for the future – a commitment to provide an environment of educational excellence that is faith-based, modern, technology-driven, and sustainable for students now and in the years ahead.
Austin Prep’s 60th Anniversary is an opportunity to reflect back on the tremendous growth of the School, and the people and traditions that have shaped the Austin Prep experience.

“Together, we have persevered over the years to reach this exciting time for Austin Prep. With the support of the Board of Trustees and a dedicated community, we have a vision for the future and the opportunity to act before us.”

This is the journey of Austin Prep
~ James Hickey, Ph.D.
1960’s “Where Boys Walked In and Men Walked Out.”
At the invitation of His Eminence Richard Cardinal Cushing, Archbishop of Boston, Austin Preparatory School was established by the Augustinian Fathers of the Province of St. Thomas of Villanova in 1961. The secondary school for boys opened its doors in 1963 graduating its first class of 18 young men in 1966.

Austin Preparatory School Seal

The open book with the words “Tolle Lege” (Take up and read) identifies an Augustinian school, for these words inspired Saint Augustine, and led to his conversion. While the saltire cross symbolizes Saint Patrick, patron of the Archdiocese of Boston, the cross and cozier represent Saint Augustine, the patron of the School. In the upper section the water wheel comes from the arms of the Town of Reading; the two shells are the personal arms of Richard Cardinal Cushing, instrumental in establishing the school.
Originally beneath the shield was a scroll with the motto “in lumine tuo videbimus lumen,” used by Saint Augustine quoting from Psalms, to signify that in knowledge of God we attain to true Knowledge and Wisdom.
When the shield, without the scroll, was placed with the circular periphery, bearing the words “Austin Preparatory School” and “A.D. 1961,” the date of the granting of the charter by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, it became the official seal of the School.
An alternate version of the seal, including the scroll with the motto, is now known as the Head of School’s shield.
1970’s 1970’s

Austin Prep begins to establish its reputation in athletics, capturing numerous league and state championships despite being the smallest school competing in a geographic area with larger and older Catholic and private prep schools. Spearheaded by Dr. Philip Solomon P’72, ’84, the school’s first athletic facility was constructed – a football field, bleachers, and a track. The field is named for the late Father James Seymour, one of the school’s first faculty members and ardent supporter of athletics, and coach of the 1968 golf team, which captured Austin Prep’s first championship.

“Nothing ever comes to one that is worth having except as a result of hard work.”
~ Booker T. Washington, American Educator and Advisor to U.S. PresidentsLanguage Lab during Gary Mackiewicz’s class The building of the bleachers in the stadium Austin Prep football fans cheering on the Cougars Austin Prep football player circa late 1970s

The school continues to evolve and stay at the forefront of education, adapting its curriculum to include the latest technological advances – computers. A middle school for boys in grades 6-8 expands the academic footprint of Austin Prep and introduces the term “lifer” to describe the Austin Prep student enrolled from grade 6-12. Enrollment increases significantly as a result of this addition, with the average graduating class of the 1980s having 133 students.

“The most beautiful sight in the world is a little child going confidently down the road of life after you have shown them the way.”
– ConfuciusThe computer lab in the early 1980s Two of the first middle school students at Austin Prep Aerial of Austin Prep campus in the 1980s 2022 Austin Prep Baccalaureate Mass/Commencement on Fr. Seymour Field 2021 Austin Prep Baccalaureate Mass/Commencement on Fr. Seymour Field Graduation during the ’80s on the lower field Graduation during the ’70s on the lower field
Austin Prep opens its doors to women, graduating its first alumna in 1993. Girls sports enriches Austin Prep’s athletic program, with the Austin Prep girls’ teams quickly establishing superiority among competing schools. Once again on the cutting edge of educational advancements, Austin Prep reorganizes class schedules into 90-min academic periods. The school kicks-off its first capital campaign to build a multi-purpose facility to house sporting events and art productions.

“We educate women, because it changes the world.”~Drew Gilpin Faust, President of Harvard University, 2007-2018 Austin Prep became co-ed in 1992 Kate McHugh’99 receiving her induction into the Athletic Hall of Fame from Tom Enright Kate McHugh’99 during the 1998-1999 winter basketball season The 1995 spring softball team

The campus undergoes its first major construction since the early 1970s, as the Multi-Purpose Facility is completed. Building on this momentum, the school renovates the science laboratories and classrooms to incorporate state-of-the-art technology and equipment. A second capital campaign is underway to renovate the unused monastery wing into art, music and dance classrooms, a technology lab, and the expansion of the Fr. Smith Library and Media Center. Austin Prep begins graduating Legacy families. Coach Bill Maradei, P’11, ’12 and the football team win the MIAA State Championship.

“Faith is to believe what you do not see...”
~ Saint AugustineThe groundbreaking for the Multi-Purpose Facility (MPF), now known as the Richard J. Meelia ’67 Hall Excavation Exterior framing First winter Gymnasium Dedication

Austin Prep celebrates its 50th Anniversary. The school continues to cultivate an exceptional academic reputation, remaining at the forefront of Middle and Upper School education by evolving curricula to allow for electives in the arts. Father Seymour field gets a face lift, with the installation of synthetic turf, lights, bleachers, and the state-of-the-art Connolly Track. The stadium also includes an amenities building complete with restrooms and a concession stand. The Multipurpose Facility is named after Richard J. Meelia ’67,

in recognition of his tremendous generosity to the School and his return to campus for his 50th reunion. The bricks of the Alumni Walkway make a path from the main building to Meelia Hall. The dining hall and kitchen undergo a complete renovation, setting the stage for a comprehensive meal program. The main entrance to McLaughlin Hall, the front foyer, team room and David E. Nelson ’81 Fitness Center all receive complete make-overs. The choir is selected to travel to the Vatican to sing before Pope Francis, bringing the spirit of veritas, unitas, and caritas well beyond 101 Willow Street.

“Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you.”
~ Saint AugustineAerial of the stadium, fall 2018 Students at the long cafeteria tables Students worked in the cafeteria serving lunch Hood milk truck delivers fresh milk daily Matt ’01, Tony P’99,’01, GP’27,’29 Pimentel & Jill (Pimentel) Slye ’99, P ‘27,’29 of Pimentel Construction The newly renovated dining hall, servery, and outdoor patio in 2018

Students further benefit from the introduction of the advisory program and expanded college prep services offered by College Counseling.

Always focused on mission and meeting the needs of the students, Austin Prep facilities and programs continue to develop and increase. The spring of 2021 sees the opening of the Lower Park, an athletic complex providing a field for baseball, lacrosse, field hockey, and soccer as well as six tennis courts. Investments in faculty professional development include opportunities such as faculty traveling abroad to Berlin to enrich the Memory Project, and to the Centre of Archaeology at Staffordshire University.

The Daughters of Mary, known as The Bannabikira Sisters in Uganda, joined the Austin Prep community, deepening the school’s connection to the world at large and broadening perspectives about culture, race and the lived experience of others.

“The love of knowledge & truth should invite us to continue learning. The love of others should compel us to teach.”
~ Saint AugustineAerial of the Lower Athletic Park The new baseball scoreboard Guidance Office, 1980s College Counseling Office, 2020 The Daughters of Mary with Abbot Marc Crilly of the Saint Benedict Abbey, after three of the Sisters made their Perpetual Vows in August
Further fueling the growth of the school, philanthropy exceeds $3 million dollars. This generous investment by the Austin Prep community is utilized to offset technology and safety expenses relative to the pandemic, provide funding for the construction of a multi-purpose science lab including an Anatomage Table, and the renovation of the Chapel of Saint Augustine to reveal the original marble predella and create a center aisle. The additional resources also provide for the addition of the Adeodatus Reflection which students participate in daily to deepen their connection to Saint Augustine.

“One Saturday, unannounced, we (my parents and I) drove to Reading to see Austin. The school was closed and lights were out. We did see someone who appeared to be a janitor cleaning the front entryway. We introduced ourselves. The janitor introduced himself as Arthur Johnson. He eagerly offered to show us around. We were impressed with the language lab, the new science labs and the chapel. At the end of our tour, we learned that the janitor was actually Fr. Arthur Johnson, O.S.A., a school administrator, biology teacher, and later friend and mentor. What Fr. Johnson promised me that day, was that if I came to Austin Prep and worked hard, I would get an education that was second to none.
Austin was for the blue collar and middle class families, who represented the majority of those at the School, a place where, with sacrifice, they could afford to send their children for an excellent education and perhaps advancement. The experience at Austin was neither aristocratic nor entitled. It was bare bones, requiring dedication and hard work from both the Augustinian founders and the students. Nonetheless, the education provided, the life lessons learned, and the opportunities opened were extraordinary.
Fr. Johnson, who was not above washing floors and windows to make this happen, was clearly right in his assessment that day we visited Austin Prep.

Austin Prep adds field hockey to its lengthy list of athletic offerings, with three complete teams. Closing its MIAA run with multiple state championships, Austin Prep enters NEPSAC (New England Preparatory School Athletic Council) poised for success.

During Austin Prep’s 60th Anniversary, the school recognizes and draws upon the storied history and continuum of growth of our School since the doors opened in 1963.
The Austin Prep journey is a distinctive one, and each member of the community can be proud of the narrative they have helped to create. From the late 60’s, when the Augustinian’s faced the threat of closing the school due to increasing costs of maintenance and materials, to 2022 which sees redesign of a science classroom into multi-purpose labs and the renovation of the Chapel of Saint Augustine, the school has continued its journey forward. The parents, trustees, grandparents, alumni, faculty, staff and administration have made the Austin Prep expansion and evolution possible; igniting and sustaining the very heart of Austin Prep students.
Together, the unwavering commitment to mission will continue to chart this journey, manifested in the Augustinian values of Veritas, Unitas, and Caritas.

Journey to A Title
Asked to reflect upon Austin Prep Baseball’s undefeated run to the MIAA Championship, speedy center fielder Brenden Walsh ’22 focused on how the journey started, “During the celebration, I leapt into the arms of Coach (Jonathan Pollard ’97) and screamed ’We won it on the hill, we won it on the hill!’” Walsh had put the team ahead with an inside the park homerun, but in the moment of victory he was thinking about the work his teammates and he had put in on the hill in the off-season.
The hill, Pollard explained, is where every Friday in the summer and fall the entire baseball program must “earn the weekend” in a demanding hour and half workout. The team gathers at the bottom of the slope next to the driveway that leads to their field to do a series of sprints up the hill, and it includes challenges like carrying teammates on their backs. It is an exercise of the mind and character, as well as a physical challenge, that builds resilience and a commitment to the team. The coach believes this workout explains how the team is undefeated on the road since 2018.
The 2-1 victory over Newburyport High School in the championship game at UMass Lowell on June 18 and 25-0 record was the culmination of two years’ work after the Covid pandemic cost the team the entire 2020 season. Since then, the cumulative team record is 44-2.

The 2021 playoff upset became a motivational catalyst for this season’s team. Two-year captain and second baseman Ernie Little ’22, now playing at Wesleyan, said “Losing flipped a switch. We all knew what we had to do starting with fall ball.”
Catcher Matt Chatelle ’22 adds, “Our team culture was about, ’You get what you put in.’ It’s all about the work.” At 6’3” and 225 pounds, he played first base until Pollard asked him to move behind home plate. “Coach invested a lot of time in me. We put the hours in during the off-season to get ready.” Chatelle became the backstop to some of the best pitchers in the state, and he has taken his well-honed skills to Merrimack College.
Evan Blanco ’22, now hurling for the University of Virginia and a major league prospect, said his coaching was outstanding. Pitching coach Jon Whalen brought years of college experience to the task and he emphasized control and smart pitch selection. Blanco shared “I’m more than ready for the next level.”
Jack Iannibelli ’22 had the mound for the final against Newburyport. “I wasn’t nervous. I knew we were prepared,” the current Stonehill freshman recalls. The grandson of another lefty who pitched while in the Army, Iannibelli said “I just enjoyed the moment. There I was with some of my best friends since we started together in the 9th grade.”
The 2022 Austin Prep Baseball team has earned recognition and honors both locally and nationally:

• Only undefeated team in Massachusetts
• 7th- straight CCL Championship
• Back to back CCL Conference Tournament Champions
• Hillie Classic Memorial Day Champions
• Merrimack Valley League Champions
• #1 ranked team in Massachusetts
• #24 ranked team in the United States
The success of the program has been carefully cultivated by Coach Pollard. “Winning isn’t the goal. Developing young men who have great values is the goal. Championships are a by-product. I tell our players that they each should have two goals. First, be such a great person that one day in the future your teammates will invite you to their wedding – the most important day of their life. Second, develop such selfawareness and belief in yourself that when you have your first job interview, you will have total confidence.” Pollard’s winning culture starts there.
Third baseman Jake Zawatsky ’24, and captain-elect from Billerica, said that the commitment to be your best self extends beyond the diamond. “We know we represent not just the baseball team. We are part of the Austin Prep community. That’s a responsibility we take seriously.”

Recently named Massachusetts Division 6 Athletic Director of the Year, Patrick Driscoll ’97, said this team is special because of the journey they took together. “Despite Covid, despite a surprising loss the year before, they kept positive all season, focused on their goal.” A teammate of Coach Pollard when they were students together at Austin Prep, Driscoll said this sense of common cause embodies all that is best about the school’s mission. “It’s all about being a servant leader in the spirit of Saint Augustine,” he says.
As Ernie Little reflected, “It was the best feeling ever to win. But bittersweet too, at the same time. We worked very hard together. That’s what I will remember and value most.”
While it is wonderful to celebrate last year’s undefeated season, perhaps it’s more meaningful to recall the commitment and work required to make it happen. Next time you see 40-50 guys “earning their weekends” by running the hill on a Friday afternoon, keep that in mind.
Class of 2022 Commencement:

Austin Prep celebrated the Baccalaureate Liturgy and Commencement for the Class of 2022 on Friday, May 20th on Father Seymour Field. Friends, family, faculty, staff, Austin Prep Board of Trustees and graduates came together for Mass and the conferring of diplomas for members of the Class of 2022.
Celebrant Most Rev. Mark O’Connell, J.C.D., emphasized to graduates the lessons of adapting and change, especially as a result of the challenges presented in recent years by the pandemic. “I was here at the original one of these,” Bishop Mark noted, referencing the 2020 Baccalaureate Mass – the first Austin Prep year end celebration held outside as a dual ceremony – in which he was the celebrant. “Not embracing change leads to loneliness and bitterness. Those who change too much become narcissistic and depressed. It is important to find a balance. This is a skill you learned at Austin Prep during the pandemic which will be with you for the rest of your life.”
Class of 2022 Salutatorian Brendan McCarthy also focused on change, specifically referencing improvements to campus aesthetics and the Dining Hall experience. “Things have changed dramatically for us over the last few years. Changes are not a negative thing, they are an opportunity,” Brendan said. “My new advisor is a godsend and the new teachers we’ve gained more than fill the gap that was left during Covid. I’m proud to say that Austin Prep is a finer institution than when I first joined the Class of 2022, and it’s on an upwards trajectory.”
Like Bishop Mark, Class of 2022 Valedictorian Vikramaaditya Gonuguntla, encouraged classmates to find a balance in life. “By going through hardships like remote learning, we have learned more than any other graduating class that a balance between our well-being and our work is crucial to living a fulfilling life. I know I regret taking harder
classes that sacrificed great times with friends, so take it from me and live your life to the fullest. Our years in college will be hard, but as long as we have fun, we will remember them as the greatest and most rewarding times of our lives.”
Head of School James Hickey, Ph.D. referenced the astonishing literary output of Austin Prep’s patron Saint. Augustine, while extrapolating from those writings two potential pieces of advice to navigate the journey ahead. “First, there is no one in the human race to whom we do not owe love. If we let love prevail, then God is with us on the journey. ’Love one another, as I have loved you.’ Second, we were all made in the image and likeness of God, for God, and the journey we are on is a journey back to God.”
Dr. Hickey continued: “The Augustinian hearts that you have formed during your time at Austin Prep is the center of love, the center of caritas. Go boldly into the world with your Augustinian heart. It is exactly what the world needs to become more just, more loving and more compassionate to create here on Earth, the City of God. Members of the Class of 2022 may your journey be long, may it be happy, fulfilling, meaningful and healthy, and may it bring you to that moment, when your heart is no longer restless, and is resting in the love of God.”
The event included remarks from Board of Trustees Chair, Mr. Daniel Bouchard, P’10, ’14, ’15, who congratulated the Class and reflected on the “unwritten curriculum” that has benefitted his own children as they carved a path for their own lives after they departed Austin Prep. Mr. Bouchard also noted that the Class of 2022 has been collectively awarded more than $28 million in scholarships to some of the top colleges and universities in the United States.
Commencement: The Journey Continues

Three Classes Come Together to Celebrate Their 50th

After unavoidable delays created by the pandemic, the Classes of ’70, ’71 and ’72 were able to gather and celebrate their 50th Reunions.
On May 19th and 20th, over 55 alumni and their guests were on campus to celebrate five decades since their combined graduations. The celebration kicked-off Thursday evening with a reception, class photos, and dinner hosted by Head of School, James Hickey, Ph.D.

Adding to the moment was the presence of Fr. Art Johnson, O.S.A., a founding father and biology teacher, along with Faculty Mentor Roger Stone, who has been at Austin Prep since 1971.

Enjoying a full schedule of events, over the course of the reunion, alumni participated in a Memorial Mass, tours with Green Key Student Ambassadors, lunch in the renovated dining hall, processional for Baccalaureate Mass and Commencement, a gathering at Strega, and a round of golf at Hillview Golf Club.
We look forward to celebrating 50 years with the Class of 1973 on May 18th - 20th.
The Classes 1970, 1971 and 1972 enjoyed the festivities around their 50th Reunion on May 18-20, 2022 Class of 1970 Class of 1972Perpetual Light
Superior General Sister Noelina Namusoke of the Daughters of Mary shared these words of encouragement with the three Bannibaka Sisters who made their Perpetual Commitment to Jesus Christ on August 19th during a Eucharistic Celebration at St. Ann’s Church in Peabody, where the nuns have established their residence with the special thanks to the generosity of Austin Prep families.

Natives of Uganda, Sr. Paskazia Nakitende, Sr. Mary Namutebi and Sr. Maria Gorreth Nassali, our new director of campus ministry at Austin Prep, took their vows surrounded by members of the Ugandan community, fellow Sisters, and administration from Austin Prep.
The joyful celebration at St. Ann’s continued back at Austin Prep as over 125 people enjoyed a meal, beautiful singing from the Sisters, and a spirited performance by a young group of Ugandan dancers.

“You did not choose me, I chose you. And I appointed you to go and bear fruit, fruit that will last.” (Jn 15:16)
This fall Austin Prep undertook a new, school wide program of silent contemplation named after the son of Saint Augustine, Adeodatus, which means “Gift from God.”
At one level, the objective is to ensure that every student has the opportunity to pause and reflect in a few minutes of stillness in the midst of a busy day. More importantly, the Adeodatus program promotes the concept of interiority so important in the Augustinian tradition.
As an Augustinian school, it is important that students explore all aspects of our mission, and that includes the contemplation that God is within us always. Thus, to encounter Him, all of us must turn inward and reflect. In doing so, we find a quality of fulfillment available through silent contemplation. Saint Augustine explained the importance of interiority this way: “Man always before God, God always present in Man.”
The Adeodatus program is part of Austin Prep’s commitment to fulfilling our Augustinian mission through an emphasis on prayer, along with the acquisition of knowledge, and service to others that guide us ever closer to our true selves.
According to Theology Department Chair Dustin Batista, careful thought was given to how Adeodatus should be structured at Austin Prep. “We observed Adeodatus at another Augustinian school during the annual Augustinian Values Institute,” he says, “and adapted what we saw to our own community.” Like other schools, Adeodatus meetings are conducted by juniors and seniors who lead cohorts made up of students from each grade. Peer leadership is essential. “We organize the groups that way so that the reflections offered can be made appropriate to the issues and understanding of students at a given age,” says Mr. Batista.
Mr. Batista trained the group leaders in public speaking before the program began. Some have already been to a SAVI (Student Augustinian Values Institute) conference and have the benefit of a deep dive into the meanings of Veritas, Unitas, and Caritas.

Adeodatus sessions are only minutes long, but what they always offer is meaningful and can resonate in a student’s mind well-beyond those few quiet minutes in the chapel. Each session begins with the student leader introducing a thought related to faith and invites the group to reflect upon it. This can be an event from his or her own life, something in the news, or a philosophical question – the leaders develop the prompts themselves and present them in their own words.
It’s not easy.“Asking a person to stand up in front of peers and share something personal in their life is asking a lot,” Mr. Batista says. “It’s not easy to do that. I am often impressed by the courage of leaders who do not hesitate to reveal personal stories they believe would be helpful. It has also been gratifying to see group leaders thanked and congratulated for sharing of themselves to benefit the community.”
One recent reflection Mr. Batista recalls dealt with students raising money for The St. Jude’s Fund during spirit week. “The leader spoke briefly about the Fund and its mission and then invited the students to think about the larger importance of an act of kindness directed at someone you will never meet.” In another session, the leader discussed the elusive nature of time and the importance of using our limited time wisely. “Both were useful thoughts to spend a few quiet minutes thinking about.”
In a world where everyone is determined to overcome the fear of missing out and constantly tethered to social media on their phones, the Adeodatus program gives each student a silent moment to reflect on what is genuinely important. Ultimately, it is a sanctuary from the noise in our lives to focus on the relationship we have with our God. As we often pray from Saint Augustine’s Confession, “You have made us for Yourself O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in You.”
If you’re interested in learning more about the Adeodatus program, contact Mr. Batista at dustin.batista@austinprep.org.
“Let me know You, O You who know me; then shall I know even as I am known.”
– Saint Augustine
Austin Prep Begins its 60th Anniversary with Convocation Liturgy

On Friday, September 9th, Austin Prep marked the official start of the academic year with the celebration of Convocation Liturgy.

Austin Prep welcomed Bishop Mark O’Connell, Auxiliary Bishop of Boston, as the principal celebrant and homilist. The celebration, open to parents and livestreamed to the school community, also served as the kick-off event for Austin Prep’s 60th Anniversary Celebration.

Complete with the pageantry expected of Convocation – including the procession of students carrying class banners, welcomed by faculty in academic regalia to the sounds of bagpipers – this year’s liturgy also included a parade of flags representing the national heritages of those in our school community. Over 70 national flags were included.
Jackie Brand ’23, School-Wide Student Government President, began the ceremony by addressing her classmates. “Today’s Convocation Mass offers us the opportunity to remember that Jesus tells us that He is present when two or more gather in His name,” Jackie said. “I’m very excited for today as it marks the beginning of what I know will be an incredible year celebrating our 60th Anniversary.”
Bishop O’Connell drew connections between students making serious efforts in their academic pursuits to committing to a life of faith.

“This is a beginning. We all have beginnings. We begin every day. But we also have critical beginnings,” Bishop O’Connell said. “We can all slide by in life, but there is nothing in the world that will change your life more than beginning a journey of faith. Nothing in your life that will bring you more peace, nothing in your life that will bring you more joy.”
Dr. Hickey welcomed parents, grandparents, Trustees, officials from the Town of Reading, and members of the Order of Malta to the Mass. While referencing Austin Prep’s 60th Anniversary and the welcoming of the first students in September 1963, Dr. Hickey made note of the attendance of Fr. Art Johnson, O.S.A., who was instrumental in opening Austin Prep’s doors in 1963, as well as Fr. Peter Gori ’70, one of Fr. Art’s first students.
“Each year we adopt a theme to guide the focus of the academic year. This year’s theme is taken from the Book of Proverbs, ’Whoever walks with integrity, walks securely, but whoever takes crooked paths will be found out,’” Dr. Hickey said. “Integrity is doing the right thing, simply because it is the right thing to do. It’s acting in accordance with deeply held beliefs. It’s acting with sterling character.”
To mark the occasion, School-Wide Student Government Officers Valeria Centinaro ’23 and Fiona Cullen ’23 raised the Class of 2023 banner, which will hang in Richard J. Meelia Hall until being lowered at Baccalaureate Mass in May, 2023.

Meaghen Hamill Serves the Lynn Community
Meaghen Hamill ’06
Everyday, as Senior Director of External Relations and Strategic Communication for the Lynn Community Health Center (LCHC), Meaghen Hamill ’06 has her work cut out for her.
Lynn is one of the Commonwealth’s most diverse cities with one in every three residents being newcomers from around the world. As Lynn’s largest healthcare provider, the LCHC must be ready to communicate in more than 15 different languages with the 40,000 patients it treats, 40% of whom are Lynn residents. Like all health organizations, LCHC is made up of a variety of constituencies beyond the patients they treat. These include the staff, state and local governments, regulatory agencies, community groups, the press, as well as others. Each has its own interests, and each requires a specific communications strategy and ongoing dialogue. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to the programs Meaghen oversees.
Besides her enormous energy, what makes her so effective is the comprehensive base of policy, legislative, and problem-solving experience she has acquired during her eleven-year career. Prior to joining the LCHC, she held several strategic leadership positions, including Chief of Staff to the former mayor of Lynn Tom McGee. “Thanks to Tom, I had a seat at the table, a chance to participate in almost every decision that got made,” Meaghen recalls. “Not only did my experiences working at the State House and City Hall provide me an opportunity to build a unique skill set, my years with the Mayor gave me the confidence I needed to operate and lead in an environment that’s mainly dominated by men.”
She was still working at the Mayor’s Office when the pandemic struck. “There was no playbook for that, but somehow, we managed. It was the same question every day: how do we keep a big city alive and safe? When vaccines became available, the challenge of getting a whole city vaccinated was overwhelming. We knew we couldn’t do it alone, and we quickly partnered with the Health Center to set up a mass vaccination site in Lynn in a matter of weeks.”
This site inoculated everyone from Lynn residents to the employees of local businesses. But Meaghen and her team knew that the site wouldn’t be enough. Using the skills in grassroots organization she had developed while working on political campaigns, the idea
of hiring and training people to go door-to-door was put into action. These teams, another partnership between the City’s Department of Public Health and LCHC, were dispatched to whatever neighborhoods were showing the highest positivity rates.
“The best part,” she says, “is that we also put a mobile vaccination van in the field to support the teams. That way, the doorknockers could say, “Would you like to get vaccinated right now? The van is right down the street!”
This mobile vaccination team was also responsible for vaccinating the residents and employees of Lynn’s public housing, nursing homes, first responders, and students.
This experience was so satisfying that Meaghen decided to change careers and go to work at the LCHC. “The COVID pandemic was bittersweet in a way for me, because I don’t believe I ever would have thought of this career path if it wasn’t for that incredibly challenging time. Yes, the LCHC’s mission is dedicated to providing comprehensive healthcare to everyone in our community, regardless of their ability to pay. But it’s also committed to social justice. I believe in the work we do.”
Coming from Austin Prep and its philosophy of veritas, unitas, and caritas, this resonated with her. “I’ve always wanted to follow a mission-driven career path. This was it.” Of course, helping to implement Lynn’s successful vaccination program is just one example of Meaghen’s ability to get things done. On another occasion early on in her start at the Health Center, she used her knowledge of federal budgeting cycles to secure a million-dollar earmark to fund the construction of their new pharmacy. Although she minimizes this achievement, it demonstrates her unique capabilities. “There are basically two parts to success in government work,” she says. “Knowing how the system functions and having a big network of people willing to help you.”
Spend just a few minutes with Meaghen and you’re struck by the sheer breadth of LCHC’s efforts for the Lynn community. “For example we run a mobile food market,” she says. “We give out approximately 10,000 pounds of fresh food every month to at least 400 patient families. We also have a beautiful recuperation
center for patients who are housing-insecure and lack an appropriate place to recover from surgery. Things like the mobile market and recuperation center may seem unusual, but our community needs them and so we provide them. Part of my job is educating the public about all the services available here.
Another constituency that Meaghen pays close attention to is the staff: doctors, nurses, PAs, therapists, and administrative personnel to name a few. Almost since the first week of the pandemic, staff fatigue has been an issue for every healthcare organization, and the challenge of retaining workers became paramount. To make things more challenging, LCHC has to compete for staff with the many other hospitals in the Boston area. “Keeping staff is a priority, and you’ve got to be creative,” she says. “Words are fine but you have to demonstrate just how much appreciation you feel for the amazing job these professionals
do. Not long ago, we held a block party for everyone on the staff. We shut everything down for two hours, so everyone could attend. That had an impact on the Health Center’s budget, but our leadership team understood its value – and it was worth it.”

Meaghen is blunt on the subject of what she would tell Austin
Prep students interested in pursuing a mission-driven career, “The first thing is to believe in yourself. You can do almost anything if you have faith in your abilities, come what may. Second, you’ve got to prepare. Try not to miss out on too much, you don’t want to have regrets later, but you’ve got to put in the work. Invest in yourself. Opportunities will be there for those who are ready. Lastly, take the time to be grateful to those who invest in you along the way.”
Renee Dudley ’03
Renee Dudley ’03 has a passion for investigative reporting. Her new book, “The Ransomware Hunting Team,” which she co-authored with Daniel Golden, grew out of her investigative work for ProPublica.
For the past four years she has worked as a technology reporter for ProPublica, an independent, non-profit newsroom, and she lives the mission: To expose abuses of power and betrayals of the public trust by government, business, and other institutions, using the moral force of investigative journalism to spur reform through the sustained spotlighting of wrongdoing.
Renee aspired to work at ProPublica for years and jumped at the opportunity to join the staff in 2018. “At ProPublica, reporters can report on one area for months, even years,” she says. “It’s a collaborative environment filled with editors who encourage ambitious stories that highlight wrongdoing and prompt change.”
Renee’s first job was at the Island Packet in Hilton Head, South Carolina. In 2010, she won a Pulliam First Amendment Award for exposing a state law that kept vital public records secret. The law was repealed as a result of her reporting. “The paper had a circulation of about 20,000, but we were eager young reporters, and we treated it like it was the New York Times.”
At the Charleston Post and Courier in 2012, her reporting led to the resignation and indictment of South Carolina House Speaker Bobby Harrell, then one of the state’s most influential politicians. Moving next to Bloomberg News, Renee tackled Walmart, Inc., uncovering questionable accounting and unauthorized sales practices.
One of Renee’s biggest achievements to date is a Reuters series she co-reported about college admissions tests. The “Cheat Sheet” generated public outrage and was named a Pulitzer Prize finalist in 2017 for, as the Pulitzer Prizes committee put it:
“…uncovering a U.S. college admissions process corrupted by systematic cheating on standardized tests in Asia and the complicity of American officials eager to cash in on full-tuition foreign students.”
For the last several years, Renee has been reporting on ransomware, which has escalated from the small-scale hijacking of home computer files to become the world’s most notorious cybercrime with hackers routinely demanding millions of dollars to unlock systems. Every day, attackers shut down services at hospitals, governments, schools and businesses across the globe, demanding cryptocurrency to restore operations.
When she started reporting, Renee was convinced she could find American connections to ransomware, which was often deemed a foreign, unsolvable threat. After digging in, she discovered U.S. companies had sprung up to negotiate and transact ransoms on behalf of victims, effectively keeping ransomware hackers in business. She found that some of those firms even misled victims about their methods, claiming to unlock ransomware-stricken files by using their “proprietary technology” when they were actually just paying hackers and charging victims that amount plus a fee on top.
These firms were part of an “extortion economy” that fueled the rise of ransomware, Renee says. She found that, from insurers to cybersecurity firms, the private sector had little incentive to thwart ransomware. “As it surged, they benefited,” she says. “More ransomware meant more business for them.”
She also found that the U.S. government was slow to respond to the growing threat of ransomware.The FBI couldn’t get a handle on it, advising victims against paying ransoms but typically offering no practical alternative, Renee says.
In Renee’s work you will see that in addition to incisive reporting, she has a gift for finding and describing the human side of the story. One example of that is her ProPublica reporting on the “The Ransomware Hunting Team,” work that became the basis for her new book of the same name.This global band of about a dozen tech wizards is often the only recourse for victims who can’t afford – or refuse out of principle – to pay ransoms to cybercriminals. Without charging for its services, the team has cracked more than 300 types of ransomware, developing tools that victims can use to recover their files without paying hackers.The team has saved an estimated 4 million victims from paying billions of dollars in ransom.
Asked what she would like the Austin Prep community to know about the book, Renee answered: “It’s the story of a band of
self-taught misfits working on your behalf to stop cybercrime. Many come from backgrounds of poverty and abuse that helped galvanize them to fight bullies. It shows how ordinary people can do extraordinary things.”

In “The Ransomware Hunting Team,” Renee and her co-author trace the adventures of these unassuming heroes. Foremost among them is Michael Gillespie, a cancer survivor and cat lover, who got his start cracking ransomware while working at a Nerds on Call store in the town of Normal, Illinois. Other teammates include the brilliant, reclusive Fabian Wosar, a high school dropout from Germany who enjoys bantering with the attackers he foils, and his protégé, the British computer science prodigy Sarah White. Together, they have established themselves as the most effective force against ransomware. The book follows them as they put their health, personal relationships, and financial security on the line to navigate the technological and moral challenges of combating digital hostage taking.
When asked how she got on the path of investigative journalism,
Renee explained, “I went to journalism school, but that isn’t necessary,” she says. “You can learn by doing. Sit in on your local town council meetings and see what stories you can come up with. Then pitch them to your local paper.” Some of Renee’s first clips appeared in her hometown paper, the “Andover Townsman,” while she was still in college.
She explained her process in finding a subject for an article, “Choose something you’re interested in and learn everything you can about it. Immerse yourself and be persistent. Set up Google Alerts. Meet sources in person. That’s what I did with ransomware. The more informed you are, the better questions you can ask.” Renee also shared this advice with several Austin Prep students in January 2022 during Alumni Career Day. At the time of this interview, Renee had just given birth to her third child and was busy promoting her new book.
Note to readers: You can learn more about Renee’s new book, “The Ransomware Hunting Team,” at reneedudley.com


“The transformation of Austin Prep over recent years has exceeded our expectations. Dr. Hickey has elevated the AP experience for current students, and continues to invest in the programs,resources and facility upgrades needed to ensure that the Austin Prep of the future will remain extraordinary in the years to come. As our daugter moves from the Middle School to the High School, we are proud to continue our support for Austin Prep.”
The Austin Prep Fund is the cornerstone of fundraising for the School, and it annually provides resources for innovative programs and ever-evolving priorities for our students.
In 2021-2022, contributions to the Austin Prep Fund totaled nearly $500,000 and reflected record setting levels of participation from our community. The support from 698 parents, grandparents, alumni, alumni parents, friends, faculty, and staff resulted in transformational experiences that will last students their lifetime.

This year, the Austin Prep community will join to celebrate and commemorate the educational and spiritual growth of our students over the last sixty years.
Contributions to the Austin Prep Fund have fueled this growth by providing students with an educational experience rich in faith, scholarship, and character both in the classroom and the enriching unwritten curriculum that happens in all the activities and experiences beyond academics.
PARTICIPATION ..Makes Extraordinary Possible
Excellence in Academics
• Inspirational engagement between students and well-respected, thought leaders including Dr. Crystal Kuykendall’s presentation on the courage, resilience and persistence found in Black history, Holocaust Survivor Kati Preston conversation on resilience and tolerance, and as part of the Saint Augustine Lecturer Series, Father Bill Gabriel of St. Thomas Villanova Parish provided a youthful perspective on Augustinian tradition.
• 150+ classes available to middle and upper school students including 19 Advanced Placement courses w/ an average class size of 16 students.
• 1:1 student to Apple Device program at no additional cost to students.
Commitment to Mission and Inclusion
• A delegation of sophomores selected to represent Austin Prep at the Student Augustinian Values Institute (SAVI), traveling to Villanova Prep in Ojai, California to gain a greater understanding of our shared values and appreciation of the School’s mission.
• An introduction to robotics for middle school students as part of the e-NABLE Project, using newly-purchased 3D printer to engineer prosthetic hands.

• The Adeodatus Program, a school-wide, student-led initiative of daily reflection and our patron saint Augustine’s pursuit of interiority implemented in the Fall 2022.

Student Life, Athletics and the Arts
• 4,678 service hours completed by middle and upper school students attending to the needs of others in neighboring non-profits, churches, and schools.
• 60 clubs, 52 interscholastic teams with 21 varsity sports – including four state championships in 2021-2022 including baseball, girls hockey, boys track (4x400) and golf (individual).

• Over 200 students participated in the performance and fine arts, including Austin Prep’s annual production of The Nutcracker, moved to the Greater Boston Stage Company to elevate the experience for performers and patrons

The future is bright for Austin Prep thanks to the continued generosity of the AP community year over year.
For more information on the Austin Prep Fund and how you can participate, please contact the Director of Annual Giving at Laurie.gillis@austinprep.org.

Veritas . Unitas .
Honor Roll of Donors
Austin Prep is grateful to the following benefactors for making contributions during the 2021 – 2022 fiscal year, July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022.
The Lumen Society
$10,000 +
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Bouchard P’10, ’14, ’15
Atty. & Mrs. Steven M. Burke ’77 Catholic Schools Foundation, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Connolly ’83 P’15, ’20
Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Cummings ’73
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Cushing P’23
Mr. & Mrs. Damian N. Dell’Anno P’10, ’12, ’14
Mr. Jay Perault and Mrs. Erin DeRoche P’23
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Dinunzio P’24, ’28
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Duff Jr. ’67
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Flynn ’83
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Hanley P’26
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Happeny P’19, ’23 Fidelity Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Labriola P’26, ’26
The Daniel F. and Margaret MacAdam Loughry Charitable Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Martinelli P’28
Mr. & Mrs. George Massaro GP’25
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Meissner P’21, ’24
David and Anne O’Donnell Family Foundation
Dr. Maryanne O’Donnell P’20, ’22, ’23, ’25
Dr. Gary J. Pare & Mrs. Mercedes Guiance P’17, ’20
Pimentel Construction Company
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Pimentel ’01
Mr. David D. Quirk ’84
Mr. & Mrs. James Rech P’22, ’24, ’27
Mrs. Mary Jane Restuccia GP’19, ’23 State Street Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Harry R. Sverdlove P’14, ’15
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Urick P’19, ’23
Mr. Frank Vigorito Sr. and Atty. Jeanette Quiles Vigorito P’27
Michael & Vincenza Vinciullo Charitable Foundation Trust
Workday Foundation
Drs. Anthony and Serena Zizza III P’26
The Austin Patrons $5,000 to $9,999
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Baroud P’24
Dr. Michael J. Barry ’79
Dr. Maria Blewitt & Mr. Stephen Blewitt
Dr. Charles M. Brain ’68 and Ms. Maureen Murphy-Brain
Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Bravo P’18, ’20
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Callahan ’87, P’25
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cobb P’17, ’20
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn P. Corbett P’08
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Driscoll ’97
Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Duggan ’72
Atty. & Mrs. William C. Geary ’75
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Gilgan GP’26, ’27
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Grealish ’90
Mr. & Mrs. Adam Griffith P’28
Dr. & Mrs. James Hickey P’22, ’23, ’24, ’27
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hueston P’21
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Kennedy P’23
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Loporchio P’23
Dr. Nuning Murphy Lynch P’27
Mr. & Mrs. Davin MacKenzie P’28
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander T. May P’19
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Pimentel P’99, ’01
Mr. Jonathan Pollard ’97 and Mrs. Lindsay Fitzgerald
Drs. Ruben and Emma Reyes P’24, ’26
Mr. & Mrs. Mark VanderZouwen P’24
Blanche M. Walsh Charity Trust
Kevin & Cam Welch P’25
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Young P’24, ’24
The Austin Society
$1,000 to $4,999
Anonymous (3)
Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Addor ’85
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Albano P’26
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Ardito P’18, ’21, ’21, ’22, ’23
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Bartley ’78 P’21, ’23
Dr. & Mrs. George Bashirians P’26
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Becker P’21, ’24
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Bianchi P’22, ’23
Dr. & Mrs. Mark Bradshaw P’25
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Brand P’23, ’23
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Brosnan Sr. P’21, ’22, ’26
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph X. Bruno ’75
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Buck P’26
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Burke ’81 P’13, ’17
Mr. & Mrs. Terence M. Burke ’75 P’06, ’07, ’10
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cacciatore Sr. P’24
Mr. Ronald E. Cahill ’82 and Ms. Anne Estabrook
Mr. & Mrs. John Caron P’24, ’25
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Chabra P’19, ’20
Atty. Ralph Joseph Cinquegrana ’70
Atty. Kevin Thomas Cronin ’67 and Ms. Mary Jane Cleary
Mr. William P. DeLuca IV ’00
Mr. Brian E. Sensale ’93 and Mrs. Megan Deluhery P’27
Mr. & Mrs. John B. Donahue ’79
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Donahue ’77
Mr. Paul M. Dradransky ’86
Dr. & Mrs. William R. Driscoll ’89
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel M. Dunn ’70
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Dyment P’26
Mr. & Mrs. George Eisenhauer P’25, ’27
Mr. Michael Esten
Mr. John F. Flynn Jr. ’67
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur V. Ford ’66
Mr. Daniel Foley and Mrs. Marissa Fox-Foley P’26
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Gagne P’23, ’23
Mr. & Mrs. John Gallagher P’25
Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. Genovese ’76 P’10
Mrs. Laurie Gillis
Mr. & Mrs. Serry Gouveia P’23
Dr. & Mrs. Himanshu Gupta P’21, ’24
Mr & Mrs. Jonghoon Han P’20
Mr. & Mrs. David Harris P’24, ’27
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Herrick P’26
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Higgins P’25
Mr. Edmund E. Hoell ’70 and Ms. Carole E. Center
Dr. John C. Hoell ’67
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Holmes P’24, ’25
Dr. Thomas J. Hynes Jr. ’67
Mr. & Mrs. Pasquale Iapicca
Mr. & Mrs. David Intoppa P’24
Mr. & Mrs. Carl D. Jaena P’19, ’22, ’26
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Jasinski P’08
Mr. Kevin Kerrigan ’89
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Knowlton ’78
Mr. Paul S. Lyman Jr. ’71
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Maguire III ’66
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Malley P’25
Barbara Marchetti - C-Suite Corp
Mr. John F. Martin ’85 and Ms. Stacey L. Turner
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Martin P’25, ’27
Mrs. & Mrs. Jill and Melissa May-Broyles P’23
Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. McAuliffe ’78
Mr. & Mrs. Shawn McNinch P’23
Mr. Paul R. Mirabella ’88
Dr. & Mrs. Richard P. Morel ’84
Ms. Siobhan Murphy P’27
Maj. & Mrs. Timothy J. Murphy ’85
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Napolitano P’22
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred A. Nelson Jr. P’73, ’75, ’81
Mr. & Mrs. John Robert O’Connor P’26
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel O’Neill P’21, ’23, ’26
Mr. & Mrs. John Pagliuca P’26
Mr. David J. Pasquale ’89
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Rhodes P’20, ’25
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Riordan P’23, ’26
Mr. Richard W. Robbins ’70
Dr. Gregory S. Robinson and Mrs. Colleen C. Boggs P’20
Mr. Austin Dundin and Atty. Elena Rosnov-Dundin P’26
Mrs. Gail Saunders P’22
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Sciacca Jr. ’75 P’13
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Soep P’24, ’24, ’27
Dr. & Mrs. David P. Solomon ’72
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Strachan GP’21, ’22, ’26
Lawrence S. Sykoff, Ed.D
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Veno ’85
Mr. & Mrs. Stefan Vounessea P’18, ’21, ’25
Mr. & Mrs. David Walsh P’26
Mr. Michael J. White ’71 and Ms. Jane Desforges
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Zarella ’77
Mr. & Mrs. John Zirpolo P’24
The Head of School’s Circle
$500 to $999
Mr. & Atty. Stanley Alger III P’21
Mr. & Mrs. Chad Battaglia P’22, ’25
Mr. Andrew J. Becker ’21
Mr. & Mrs. David Bianco P’26, ’27
Mr. & Mrs. David Blessing P’23, ’26
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Boksanski P’27
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick F. Bruno ’72
Mr. & Mrs. Brian S. Cann Jr. P’19, ’23
Mr. Brian D. Carr ’97
Mr. & Mrs. Pierre Charchaflian P’22, ’27
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Connelly P’27
Mrs. Michelle J. Connor P’25, ’28
Mr. & Mrs. Noah Coons P’22, ’24
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Costa P’17, ’20, ’24
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Costello ’75
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Croteau Jr. P’20, ’23
Mr. & Mrs. John A. DeMarco P’95
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Derrah P’84, ’85, ’87 GP’14
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph DiNanno Sr. P’23
Dr. & Mrs. Steven R. DiSalvo
Mr. & Mrs. James Doherty P’22, ’24
Mr. & Dr. Daniel Doherty P’22
Mr. Richard P. Donovan ’70
Mr. Alfred T. Doughty Jr. ’75
Mrs. Anne M. Dumas GP’18
Mr. & Mrs. James Dynan ’85 P’28
Mr. Louis Fantozzi and Mrs. Jennifer Fantozzi ’97,P ’28
Mr. & Mrs. Tyler L. Fleming P’28
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Gedaminsky P’24
Mr. Michael P. Genovese ’10
Mr. Jared E. Gentilucci ’00
Mr. & Mrs. Ulysses Gilchrist P’23
Mr. & Mrs. Fredric R. Gilfeather ’69
Ms. Jean E. Gilmore P’17, ’19
Mr. & Mrs. Bala Krishna Gonuguntla P’22
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Guanci ’92
Mr. & Mrs. George J. Hamilton P’12
Mr. Timothy J. Hannigan ’71
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Harkins
Mr. & Mrs. Brian L. Harris ’91 P’28
Mr. Timothy B. Igo ’95
Mr. & Mrs. Claudel Jeannot P’25
Mr. Lawrence P. Connolly and Ms. Eileen P. Kavanagh P’05
Mr. & Mrs. Vin Kelly P’23
Mr. & Mrs. David Klovee P’24, ’25
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Knowlton P’78, ’81
Ms. Paula Kotchian GP’23
Mr. & Mrs. Armen Kourkounian P’22, ’25
Mr. & Mrs. Rick D. Lee GP’23
Mr. Alex J. Lehmann ’06
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Liwanag P’25
Mr. Daniel J. Lyddy ’81
Mrs. Shirley A. MacKenzie P’99, ’03
Mr. & Mrs. James MacQuarrie GP’20, ’23
Mr. & Mrs. John Maggiacomo P’26
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Mastrocola P’19
Mr. Graeme McGinley and Ms. Jacqueline Hamilton P’25
Dr. R. Kathryn McHugh ’99
Mr. Michael C. McLaughlin
Mr. Timothy J. Mello ’96
Mr. & Mrs. Kurtis J. Meyer ’77
Mr. Thomas Mooney and Ms. Andrea Heil P’20, ’22
Mr. John J. Newton ’67 †
Mr. & Mrs. Kyle Oliver P’28
Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore J. Perruccio ’71
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Quinn P’25
Mr. & Mrs. Philip G. Quinn Jr. ’71
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Reddy P’16, ’18
Mr. & Mrs. William Reidy
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Rioux ’67
Dr. & Mrs. Paul G. Robertie ’69
Mr. & Mrs. M. Robert Rose ’69
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Sarney P’28
Dr. & Mrs. Russell C. Scaduto Jr. ’73
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Spognardi
Mr. & Mrs. Steven M. Swanson ’73
Jessica Swindell and Stephan Weynicz
Dr. & Mrs. Paul D. Teague ’76 P’07, ’10
Mr. Kirk Titcomb and Ms. Jaime Davis-Titcomb P’26
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred G. Trani ’67
Mr. Steven H. Tufo ’80
Mr. & Atty. Robert Vigneaux P’26
Mr. & Mrs. John Weber P’18, ’20, ’22
Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Westervelt P’11, ’14
Mr. & Mrs. W. J. Woodford Jr. ’75
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Zappala ’70
The Century Club
$100 to $499
Anonymous (12)
Adam & Nancy Aiken P’27
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Aldrich ‘01
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Alexandris P’20
Mr. Bob Alfieri and Mrs. Laura Santini P’23
Ms. Frances Amenta GP’22, GP’25
Mr. & Mrs. Giovanni Aquino P’20, P’25
Fr. Patrick Armano
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey F. Aronis ’87
Mr. & Mrs. Scott C. Arthur, Sr. ’79
Mrs. Noreen Aufiero GP’20, GP’21
Mr. Michael L. Baccari ’03
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Bachner GP’21
Mr. & Mrs. Eddie Baker P’25
Ms. Celia A. Barletta
Scott and Jeanine Barlow P ‘22, ‘24
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Barone P’25, ’27
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew N. Barr P’07
Mr. & Mrs. Brian F. Barrett ’74
Mr. & Mrs. Brian P. Barrett P’13, ’24
Mr. & Mrs. John Barry GP’18, ’22
Ms. Michele Bartalini P’27
Mr. Dustin Batista
Mr. Donovan Beckel and Ms. Nicole Trudeau P’23
P. Stephan and Ellen Bedrosian P’14
Ms. Susan E. Belanger
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony P. Biscardi ’88
Mr. & Mrs. John Bitler GP’23, ’28
Mr. John B. Blottman III ’78
Mr. Eric Boardman P’25
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bolduc P’20
Mr. Matthew J. Bouchard ’15
Mrs. Natalia Boukharov
Mr. Douglas F. Bouvier ’05
Mr. Thomas Brady and Ms. Jeanette Rosa-Brady P’24
Mr. & Mrs. Roger F. Breakey Jr. ’75
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Brennan P’24
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Brezner P’25
Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Briggs Jr. ’92
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Brosnan GP’21, ’22, ’26
Mrs. Lisa M. Bruce P’10, ’11, ’17
Mr. & Mrs. John Burke P’26
Ms. Carolyn G. Burkett ’10
Mr. & Mrs. John Burnham Jr. P’26, ’28
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Burns P’18, ’22
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Burns P’08
Mr. William Burns ’22
Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Buzay P’27
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Callahan
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Callahan P’10, ’12
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher A. Capone ’88 P’28
Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Carchia ’87
Mr. & Mrs. George Carey Jr. P’22
Mr. James D. Carregal ’10
Mr. John W. Carregal ’07
Mr. Joseph M. Carregal ’05
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Carregal P’05, ’07, ’10
Mrs. Bernice Caruso P’90, P’93, ’99 GP’20, ’22
Mr. Steven J. Caruso Jr. ’11
Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Caruso P’11, ’20
Mr. Joseph P. Cavazzoni ’68 and Ms. Marcia Dumas
Mr. Gabriele Centinaro and Mrs. Lina Garcia P’23, ’25
Ms. Christine Cerretani
Mrs. Maria Chapian P’24, ’26
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred F. Chase Jr. ’78
Mr. Cole P. Choma ’20
Ms. Grace S. Choma ’18
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Christopher P’25, ’28
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Ciampa ’76
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey T. Cirace ’72
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Clarke P’21, ’23
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Clay III P’24
Mr. John Fiorante and Ms. Victoria Clifford-Fiorante P’22
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Cloonan ’70
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Cohn P’23
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Colannino P’22
Claudia Colannino
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Collier ’81
Dr. & Mrs. Corey Collins P’19, ’22, ’25
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Coneeny ’76
Dr. Richard W. Conron Jr. ’84 and Ms. Kristin Abbruzzi
Mr. & Mrs. David Cory P’23
Mr. Vincent X. Costello P’07
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Cotter P’24
Mr. Pierce O. Cray & Dr. Catherine Sheils P’17
Mr. & Mrs. Joshua Crowley P’23
Mr. & Mrs. James V. D’Agostino P’86, ’88
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Danese P’26
Ms. Karen Davis P’24
Ms. Andrea Day
Mr. & Mrs. Cameron Deane P’27
Mr. Emilio DeAngelis and Mrs. Christine DiGiovanni P’20
Ms. Alexandra M. Dell’Anno ’12
Dr. Damon Demady and Dr. Holly Mason
Mr. Gaetano DeNardo and Mrs. Nicole Adiletto DeNardo P’27
Ms. Judy DeNardo
Mr. & Mrs. Paul F. Denaro P’03, ’05
Mr. & Mrs. Michael DeRoche P’23, ’24
Mr. & Atty. Ralph Devito Jr. P’27
Dr. & Mrs. George A. DeVito Jr. ’68
Mr. James J. Dillon III ’69
Mr. & Mrs. Louis S. DiRupo ’82 P’11, ’14
Mr. Erik Doetsch and Ms. Melissa Rinaldi P’25, ’26
Mr. & Mrs. Paul L. Doherty ’72
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Doherty Jr. P’07, ’11, ’12
Mr. William C. Donovan III ’93
Mrs. Amy K. Doucette ’98
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Dowd ’69 P’01, ’05
Mr. & Mrs. Allen R. Drelick
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Driscoll ’70
Mr. William H. Drugan Jr. ’71 and Ms. Colleen Collins-Drugan
Mr. & Mrs. Terrance Dugan P’21, ’23
Mr. Robert J. Dunlavey ’74
Mr. & Mrs. Mevzad Durakovic P’28
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Duran P’04
Mrs. Judith Dyment GP’26
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Edgar P’26
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Elbeery P’21
Mr. William C. Elliott and Mrs. Carol L. Burrows P’02
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher T. Ellis P’20, ’24
Mr. & Mrs. Randall Ellis P’27
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Elwell Jr. ’69
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Emerton P’25
Dr. & Mrs. Darryl V. Esakof
Mr. Folker Machic and Ms. Monica Espinoza P’27
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Fahey
Dr. & Mrs. Paul F. Fallon ’80
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Fanuele P’22, ’24, ’26
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Farmer GP’22
Ms. Elizabeth C. Farrell and Mr. Marc P. Pascucci
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Farris P’24
Mr. Vincenzo Fazzolari and Mrs. Sheila Hanson-Fazzolari P’22
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Fergusson P’25
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Ferranti P’24
Mrs. Kelley A. Ferretti P’23, ’25, ’27, ’28
Mr. & Mrs. Mark R. Ferri P’14, ’17, ’23
Mr. & Mrs. Karsten Fetten P’22
Ms. Catherine Figucia GP’22, ’24
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Flahive GP’23, ’26
Mr. Michael J. Flynn ’17
Mr. David Forsythe GP’26
Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Fothergill P’06, ’09
Mr. & Mrs. John Fountain GP’21, ’25
Mr. John R. Furey ’73
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Gangemi P’24, ’25
Mr. Richard Wilson and Mrs. Alison Garcia Wilson P’28
Mr. & Mrs. John Garrison P’20, ’23
Ms. Joan Gatto GP’24
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Gildea P’22
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Gildea P’27
Mr. & Mrs. David S. Gonsiorowski ’68
Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Gordon Jr. ’72
Mr. & Mrs. Serry Gouveia P’23
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Gracilieri P’28
Ms. Maura Graham P’26
Mr. Donald B. Greenlaw Jr. ’76
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Grohe P’23, ’26
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Guthrie P’22, ’28
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Haddock P’22
Ms. Samantha N. Hall ’05
Mr. H. William Hamilton and Mrs. Carol Galluzzo-Hamilton P’18, ’22
Ms. Mia H. Han ’20
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Hatem Jr. ’79
Mr. Robert P. Hennessy
Mr. & Mrs. David Higginbottom P’22
Mrs. Jennifer A. Hodgdon
Mr. Jeffrey Hodgin ’89
Mr. Michael J. Hodgin ’90 P’24
Mr. & Ms. Frank H. Hoff ’86
Mr. & Mrs. David I. Hoffses
Mr. Benjamin R. Hubbell ’95 and Ms. Melissa N. Pratt
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Hulse P’22
Ms. Paula Humen
Mr. & Ms. John Hyland P’25
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Jalbert P’22, ’23
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Janian P’26
Mr. Gaurav Jetly Jr. and Mrs. Pushp Gandha P’23
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Jette P’24
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Joyce P’17, ’18, ’20
Mr. Raymond Kabunga
Mr. & Mrs. Drew H. Kalton P’10, ’12
Ms. Bonnie Karoub P’21, ’23
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Kavka P’28
Ms. Jennifer Keating P’25, ’26
Mr. John Keith
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Kelley
Ms. Barbara Kelley P’78, ’79, ’82
Mr. Charles J. Kiezulas ’70 P’99
Mr. Colin Kiley
Mr. & Mrs. John Kiley
King Painting, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Armen Kourkounian P’22, P’25
The Kovacev Family
Mr. & Dr. Ronald Landen P’23, ’26
Dr. & Mrs. David Langenau P’26
Mr. Huy Nguyen ’99 and Mrs. Van Le P’22
Atty. Elizabeth A. Leahy ’02
Mr. Jason W. Leatherman ’87
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Letourneau ’88 P’17
Mr. Barry N. Levine ’71
Ms. Mary H. Little ’01
Mr. & Mrs. R. T. Luther III ’79
Mr. Donald O. Lyman ’73
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Macdonald P’94
Mr. & Mrs. Edward G. MacKenzie ’99
Mr. Gary E. Mackiewicz
Ms. Mary Ellen Mackin
Fr. Iain G. MacLellan, O.S.B. ’74
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Macone P’10, ’13
Mrs. Kathleen Mann
Mr. William F. Maradei P’11, ’12
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Martin ’70
Mr. Eduardo Matute and Mrs. Mayra Hernandez P’24
Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Mayer P’09
Mr. & Mrs. John P. McAnespie II ’80
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel McAuley Jr. P’24
Atty. Daniel McCarthy and Ms. Veronica Tucker P’19, ’22
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin McCarthy P’16
Mrs. Rita M. McCarthy P’00, ’97
Mr. & Mrs. David G. McConnell ’73
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McCraw P’23
Mr. Gavin McKay
Mr. David L. McNeil ’94
Mr. David McPherson
Mr. & Ms. David Meehan GP’23
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Meehan Sr. ’67
Mr. & Ms. George Megaloudis P’26
Mr. & Mrs. Marc Mercier P’25
Atty. & Mrs. John Miele
Atty. & Mrs. Edward Mikolinski P’25
Mr. Kevin M. Miller ’84
Mr. & Mrs. William V. Monagle Jr. P’01
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Moran P’10, ’13
Mr. & Mrs. Marc Moretti P’25
Mr. Todd Moriarty
Mr. & Mrs. Duane Morin P’20, ’22, ’24
Mr. John A. Morley and Ms. Jennifer Karp P’15
Mr. & Mrs. Peter F. Mueller Jr. ’79
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Murphy P’27
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Murphy P’25, ’26
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Murphy II ’81
Mr. Kevin Neal P’22, ’24
Mr. & Mrs. Louis A. Nicotra ’70
Mr. & Mrs. James K. Noonan ’71
Dr. & Mrs. Mark Novas P’26
Mr. & Mrs. Tim O’Brien P’26
Mr. & Mrs. David O’Donnell P’24
Mr. & Mrs. John M. O’Donnell ’77
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth V. O’Toole P’03, ’07
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Ogonowski ’75
Mr. & Mrs. Kyle Oliver P’28
Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Oneschuk P’13
Mr. John M. Otis ’76
Mr. & Mrs. Ken D. Ottariano ’71
Ms. Karen Otto
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Ouellette P’19, ’25
Mr. & Mrs. Dave Pacheco Sr. P’23
Mr. & Mrs. David Palmer P’26
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Parrella ’77
Marla Pascucci-Byrne P’26
Mr. & Mrs. Tony Patti P’21
Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Paulsen P’96, ’98
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Pendergast III ’70
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Percival II ’90
Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Peterson ’71
Mr. & Mrs. Curtis J. Paparian ’09 ’09
Mr. Robert G. Peterson Jr. ’04
Atty. & Mrs. Robert G. Peterson Sr. ’75 P’04, ’06, ’08
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony C. Petrillo P’10
Nathan ’93 and Nicole Piccini
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard S. Pienta P’20
Mr. Jason Slye and Mrs. Jill Pimentel-Slye ’99
Mr. Vincent Piro P’26, ’28
Mr. & Mrs. Kirk Pitta P’28
Ms. Glenda Portillo P’23
Mr. Eric D. Previte ’96
Dr. & Mrs. Steven R. Previte P’96
Mrs. Nicole Putney P’26, ’28
Mr. Michael V. Pytlinski ’82 and Ms. Sharon M. Kieffer
Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Quinn Jr. ’72
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Quinn
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Rand III ’79
Dr. James Reid and Dr. Jill Fleming P’25
Mr. & Mrs. James Reynolds
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Ricci P’15, ’20, ’22
Lynel & John Rinklin, III P’20
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Rizza P’24
Ms. Brianna K. Robbins
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Robbins P’25
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Robinson Jr. ’79
Mr. & Mrs. John Roderick P’22
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Rossi P’25
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Rudolph Jr. P’23, ’25
Ms. Zakia Russo
Mr. Michael Ryan III and Mrs. Sara Panarello P’25
Mr. John Vincent & Mrs. Lauren Sabella
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Saindon P’17
Mrs. Virginia M. Samalis P’93, ’99
Mr. Matthew E. Samler ’01
Mr. & Mrs. Duane R. Sandler
Mr. James A. Santagate ’86
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Sarto ’68
Ms. Nika R. Schena P’18, ’23
Mr. Joseph A. Sciacca ’13
Mr. & Mrs. Carlo Senices
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Shaffer P’25
Mr. & Mrs. Chester V. Shea III ’70
Dr. & Mrs. Marc Sibella P’27
Mr. & Mrs. David Simmons P’24, ’25
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Simons Sr. P’25
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Small P’94
Mr. & Mrs. Walter A. Smith Jr. ’70
Mr. John T. Smolak Jr. ’15
Mr. & Mrs. Todd W. Solomon ’88
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Spanks ’69
Mrs. Marie Spellman GP’22, ’24
Mr. & Mrs. Adam Sperling P’22, ’25, ’27
Mr. Roger F. Stone
Mr. & Mrs. William Sullivan P’27, ’27
Mr. Edmund J. Sullivan III ’68
Ms. Joan Surabian GP’23
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Sweeney P’24
Mr. & Mrs. John Tavano P’21, ’25
Dr. Joseph B. Taylor ’71 and
Ms. Marie C. Brennan-Taylor P’09
Mr. Paul T. Tenney
Mr. Theodore E. Thomas III ’82
Mr. & Dr. Brian Thompson P’24, ’25
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Thornton ’69
Ms. Denise Topham-Williams P’23, ’26
Mr. & Mrs. George J. Toscano Jr. ’68
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Tower III P’09, ’11
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Tracy P’23
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Trant P’19, ’21, ’23
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Tremblay GP’24
Mr. & Mrs. William Trodden P’24
Dr. & Mrs. Patrick Trojer P’23, ’28
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Tshudy P’24, ’26
Mr. Stephen Van Beaver
Mrs. Catherine Villa
Mr. & Mrs. Armando Villarroel P’24, ’26
Mr. John Vincent & Mrs. Lauren Sabella
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Voica P’24, P’26
Dr. & Mrs. Michael David Walkenstein ’69
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Wallace P’93, ’96
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Walsh
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Watt ’00
Dr. & Mrs. John M. Wells ’78
Dr. Kenneth Wells ’80
Mr. Christopher White and Mrs. Christina Sanchez P’26
Mr. & Mrs. Niels Wijnaendts van Resandt P’24
Mr. Stephen L. Willett ’68 and Ms. Emer McCourt
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Williams P’96
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Woods GP’20, ’22, ’24
Mr. & Dr. Edward Wright P’25
Mrs. Kathleen Yannetti GP’26
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Young P’24, ’24
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Zawatsky P’24
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Zdrojewski P’16
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Zerfas ’75
$1 to $99
Mr. & Mrs. David Albrecht P’24
Mr. Devin M. Aquino ’20
Mr. & Mrs. Gary S. Arivella ’68
Ms. Muriel A. Baillie ’15
Ms. Kerry Barrett
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Barry
Mr. Anthony J. Benning
Atty. Thomas F. Birmingham ’67 † and Ms. Selma Botman
Leeann Blais
Mrs. Sara Bonica
Mr. Jack Brady
Ms. Stephanie L. Bramante
Ms. Catherine A. Bravo ’20
Mrs. Michele Brewer
Ms. Anya Budzinski
Mr. & Mrs. Brett Budzinski P’26, ’28
Mr. & Mrs. John Buser P’26
Ms. Karen Callahan
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Camasso ’73 P’05
Mr. & Mrs. Pete Cannistraci
Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Capraro P’02, ’05, ’97
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Caputo P’21, ’24
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Carbone P’20, ’24
Mr. John Lawrence Carew ’67 and Ms. Judy Bralove
Ms. Diana Carlson ’12
Mr. William Loveland and Ms. Jennifer Carr-Loveland P’25
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Casale P’26
Mr. Robert Wopperer and Ms. Kate Cavanaugh P’26
Ms. Meghan Chapman
Mrs. Stephanie Choate
Ms. Nicole A. Cila ’13
Ms. Avalina G. Clemente ’15
Mr. Donald J. Cloonan ’83
Mr. Michael Collins
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Connolly P’80, ’83 GP’15, ’20
Mr. Joseph A. Connolly ’15
Patrick Costello
Mr. Kevin G. DeBenedetto
Ursula and Brian DellaPorta P’25
Mr. & Mrs. Peter DeLuca
Dr. Abbey E. Denaro ’05
Mr. Joseph A. Desjardins
Mrs. Kimberly DiCesare P’25
Mr. & Mrs. Albert J. DiPerna P’08
Ms. Samantha DiVito
Fr. Raymond Dlugos, O.S.A.
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Donahue ’80
Mrs. Heather Dwyer
Mr. Joey Dwyer
Ms. Jeannine Esposito
Mr. & Mrs. Noel A. Farah P’05, ’06
Ms. Kelly Feeney P’27
Mrs. Kasey Field
Richard ’90 and Linda Filadoro P’22, ’23
Michelle Flaherty
Mr. Michael E. Flanagan ’81 and Ms. Sheila M. Patterson
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Ford P’26, ’28
Mr. James J. Frackleton ’08
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Gallozzi P’23
Ms. Jennifer Gaudette
Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Golini ’71
Ms. Laura E. Graf ’11
Mr. Reginald A. Joseph and Mrs. Cheryl Grant P’17, ’23
Ms. Kayla M. Greenwood
Ms. Taylor Grohe ’23
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Haggis P’26
Ms. Jennifer A. Hanson ’94
Ms. Elizabeth A. Hart ’22
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Hartel P’86
Mr. Douglas H. Hayman ’67
Mr. Charlie Hickey ’27
Mr. Jared Hickey ’24
Ms. Madeline V. Hickey ’22
Ms. Marguerite R. Hickey
Mr. Patrick J. Hickey ’16
Mr. Ryan Hickey ’23
Mr. Samuel A. Hilario ’05
Mr. Gregory Harmon and
Ms. Tammy Hughes P’23
Ms. Anya Huston
Mr. Brendan A. Jaena ’22
Mr. Cameron Jaena ’26
Mr. Colin D. Jaena ’19
Mr. & Mrs. R. K. Kearney ’70
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Keon P’84, ’85, ’93
Mr. Steven E. Kintigos
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Knowles P’24, ’27
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Lafferty P’23, ’25
Mrs. Sandra Laquidara
Mr. Joseph Leary
Ms. Renee D. Leavitt ’16
Mr. Joseph B. Lehmann and Dr. Jeanne Velde P’06
Ms. Ashley E. Leo ’05
Dr. & Ms. Michael Lescault
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh M. MacKenzie P’04, ’09, ’10
Nicholas Marchetti ’17
Mrs. Nicole Marley
Ms. Anastasia O. Mastrocola ’19
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel F. McCarthy ’78
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy McCusker P’28
Ms. Lauren M. McGonagle ’05
Mr. Kevin McPherson
Ms. Carol Megna
Mr. John J. Mericantante III ’67
Dr. & Mrs. Brian Millett P’24
Mr. & Mrs. Gino P. Molettieri P’25
Mr. Jaycob Morales
Ms. Emily Morris
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Mothon ’66
Mr. Matthew S. Mulcahy ’10
Ms. Nancy Mulcahy P’10, ’14
Mr. Michael W. Murphy ’70
Mr. Francis X. Murray ’81
Mr. Daniel J. Napolitano ’05
Mr. Michael T. Nuttall ’05
Mr. Patrick L. O’Connor ’15
Mr. & Mrs. John J. O’Donoghue ’80
Mrs. Bianca Pasciuto
Mr. & Mrs. Peter R. Pasquale P’20
Ms. Alison Perault ‘23
Atty. & Atty. James M. Peterson ’76 P’19, ’21
Ms. Martha Pokwa P’22
Ms. Marit Pywell P’27
Ms. Allyson M. Quinn ’14
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin L. Quinn P’12, ’14
Ryan Quinn ’12
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence D. Rakers P’14, ’16
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Remick
Ms. Nicolle R. Renick
Mr. Andrew N. Reusch Jr.
Fr. Jorge Reyes O.S.A.
Mr. Ryan T. Roche ’15
Ms. Julia N. Roselli ’15
Ms. Nancy Rosenthal
Ms. Kayla C. Russell ’21
Mr. Brian J. Russo ’09 and Mrs. Caileigh Feldman
Ms. Kristin Saccoccio P’25
Ms. Isabella H. Saracco ’19
Mr. Jonathan H. Saurman ’14
Mr. & Mrs. James Scutellaro GP’24
Mr. Jordan Shapiro and Mrs. Cynthia Mills-Shapiro
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sherry P’24, ’27
Mr. & Mrs. Duane Sigsbury P’25
Ms. Brenda J. Simblaris
Mrs. Danielle Smith
Mr. John Devlin and Ms.Yvette Story P’24
Mr. Keith Shearer and Ms. Stefanie Stote P’22
Mr. Connor Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Sullivan P’06
Mr. Zheng Sun and Ms. Lin Wu
Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell Surowiec P’25, ’27
Mr. & Mrs. Reynolds Sylvester Jr.
Ms. Victoria P. Thorpe ’15
Ms. Alicia Varraso
Dr. Paul Vecchione
Ms. Lesley Velardo
Ms. Alyssa E. Vounessea ’21
Mrs. Diane B. Walker P’04
Dr. PoChun C. Wang
Ms. Jillian Whitney ’23
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory R. Whittaker P’19
Mr. Alexander Williams
Mr. Stephen Williams
Mr. Adam Zona
Matching Gifts Program
Apple Ball
Bank of America
Blue Sky Tower
BNY Mellon
Eaton Vance Investment Counsel
EMD Millipore Corporation
Fidelity Charitable Foundation
F5 Networks
Huron Consulting Group
Nuance Communications
ORIX Foundation
State Street Foundation
VM Ware
Wellington Management Company
Wells Fargo Matching Gifts Program
Double your impact today!
Many employers have Matching Gift Programs and will match charitable donations made by their employees. These programs are critical to philanthropy at Austin Prep. To find out if your company has a matching gift policy, email: APmatchinggifts@austinprep.org.

If your company is eligible, request a matching gift form from your employer, and send the completed form signed with your gift, and we will do the rest!
We invite you continue your support through the 2022-2023 Austin Prep Fund at www.austinprep.org/support-austin-prep or by scanning the QR code with your phone.

With the 2022-2023 academic year upon us, we must maintain our goal of sustaining the education of students. It is a moral obligation we are committed to fulfill.
Austin Prep’s Annual Day of Giving
April 7, 2022
The Austin Prep 4th Annual Day of Giving raised over $150,000 for the Austin Prep Fund. Thank you! With a theme of Austin Prep Proud, the entire Austin Prep community rallied together to contribute to the Austin Prep Fund – an event that generated 30% of all dollars raised for the Fund last year. This tremendous show of support resulted in 400 donations from parents, alumni, trustees and faculty and reflects the power and possibility of a community rooted in veritas, unitas, and caritas.
Annual Day of Giving By Consituency

The generosity of the Austin Prep community is incredibly appreciated. As part of the 2022 Day of Giving celebration, parents, alumni and grandparents who were on campus the afternoon of April 7th were surprised with Austin Prep-branded macaroons from the Development Team, as a thank you for their continued support and participation.

#AustinProud #APparticipation

Social media was buzzing with activity on the Day of Giving! From alumni to athletic teams, our Austin Prep Community shared their posts reflective of their Cougar Pride.

Tribute Gifts
gifts are a thoughtful way to remember a loved one or mark a milestone. The following people had contributions made in their name.
In Honor of Riley Abbott ’23
MMr. & Mrs. John Bitler GP’23
In Memory of John Aliberti ’70
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Driscoll ’70
In Honor of Austin Prep Field Hockey Program
Ms. Brianna Robbins
In Honor of the Austin Prep mental health program and Dr. Bill Driscoll ’89
In Honor of the Austin Prep staff and employees that I had the pleasure to work with
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Wallace P’93, ’96
In Honor of Aiden Becker ’24
Mr & Mrs. Brian Becker P’21, ’24
In Honor of Andrew Becker ’24
Mr & Mrs. Brian Becker P’21, ’24
In Memory of Shane Boyle ’11
Ms. Laura F. Graf ’11
In Memory of Linda Bruno
Mr. William F. Maradei P’11, ’12
In Honor of Cassidy Cannistraci ’29
Mr. & Mrs. Pete Cannistraci P’29
In Memory of Gerard J. Caruso P’90, 93, ’99, Mrs. Bernice Caruso P’90, ’93, ’99, GP’20, ’22
In Memory of Ralph Ciampa Sr., Kay Ciampa & Ralph Ciampa Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Ciampa ’76
In Honor of Payten Cole ’25
Ms. Andrea Day
In Memory of Diane Costin
Ms. Kelley A. Ferretti P’23, ’25, ’27, ’28
In Honor of Zack Cotter ’24
Mr. & Mrs. James Scutellaro GP’24
In Honor of Samuel DeAngelis ’20
Mr. Emilio DeAngelis and Mrs. Christine DiGiovanni P’20
In Memory of Mr. Robert F. Deziel Sr. GP ’24,’27
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sherry P’24, ’27
In Honor of Mary Driscoll P’89,’92,’97,’03
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Driscoll ’97
In Memory of George R. Dumas GP’18
Mrs. Anne M. Dumas GP’18
In Memory of Mr. Enright
Ms. Mary H. Little ’01
In Memory of Mary & Jack Farrell
Ms. Elizabeth C. Farrell and Mr. Marc P. Pascucci
In Memory of Ellen Filadoro P’90, ’94, ’97, GP’22, ’23 Richard ’90 and Linda Filadoro P’22, ’23
In Memory of Joe Fucarile ’69
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Dowd ’69 P’01, ’05
In Honor of Stephen & Patricia de Garavilla P’98, ’00, ’01 Mrs. Amy K. Doucette ’98
In Honor of Annie Hamilton ’22
Mr. & Mrs. John Barry GP’18, ’22
In Memory of Eberhardt von Haunalter
Ms. Brenda J. Simblaris
In Honor of Bob Hennessy
Mrs. Jennifer A. Hodgdon
In Honor of Tim Hynes
Dr. Thomas J. Hynes Jr. ’67
In Honor of Art Johnson O.S.A.
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Dowd ’69 P’01, ’05
In Memory of Michael Kaper ’80
Dr. Kenneth Wells ’80
In Honor of Jim Knowlton ’78
Mr. & Mrs. David I. Hoffses
In Honor of Frank Mastrocola P’19
Ms. Anastasia O. Mastrocola ’19
In Memory of Frank McCarthy
Mr. & Mrs. David I. Hoffses
In Memory of Peg McDonough
Mr. Gary E. Mackiewicz
In Memory of Annette Melchionda
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Meehan Sr. ’67
In Memory of George “Matt” Miller
Mr. Roger F. Stone
In Honor of Alfred E. Nelson P’73, ’75, ’81
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred A. Nelson Jr. ’73
In Memory of Calvin Pardee IV, GP’23
In Memory of Joan Percival P’90
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Percival II ’90
In Memory of Herbert W. Peterson and Claire M. Peterson P’73, ’75, ’76,’79, GP’04, ’06, ’08, ’19,’73,’21
Mr. Robert G. Peterson Jr. ’04
In Memory of Robert Pike
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Dowd ’69 P’01, ’05
In Honor of Lee Poulin ’23
Mr. & Mrs. Rick D. Lee GP’23
In Honor of Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Soep P’24, ’24, ’27
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Remick
In Honor of Roger Stone
Mr. & Mrs. Peter DeLuca
In Memory of Michael Sverdlove ’14
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Barletta P’28
In Honor of Christopher Trodden ’24
Scholarships, Funds, Donors
The Ross A. Alameddine ’05 Memorial Scholarship
Established by the Alameddine family in memory of their son and brother, Ross, a graduate of the class of 2005. Ross was known for his quick wit, humor, insightfulness, and kindness. He had a love of music and performance, as well as a passion for languages and computer technology. The scholarship recognizes a student who has excelled academically in languages and has an interest in computer technology.
Mrs. Natalia Boukharov
Dr. Abbey Denaro ’05
Ms. Samantha N. Hall ’05
Ms. Ashley Leo ’05
Ms. Lauren McGonagle ’05
The Austin Scholars Program
The Austin Scholars Program is made possible due in part to the commitment of individual benefactors, foundations, our administration and Board of Trustees. We rely on the generosity of a number of benefactors whose support of The Austin Scholars Program helps to provide scholarships to deserving inner city students who otherwise would not be able to benefit from the Austin Prep experience.
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Burke ’81 P’13, ’17
Ms. Samantha DiVito
Ms. Paula Humen
Dr. & Mrs. Richard P. Morel MD ’84
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Rioux ’67
Thomas N. Callahan ’10 Memorial Scholarship
Established by the family and friends of Thomas N. Callahan, Tommy will be remembered for his magnetic personality, great sense of humor and contagious smile. A “Lifer” (Grade 6-12) and honor student who participated in many sports and clubs during his time at Austin Prep, he thrived on his academic success and passion for the sciences.
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Callahan
Ms. Karen Callahan
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Callahan P’10, ’12
Mr. & Mrs. Louis S. DiRupo ’82 P’11, ’14
Ms. Jeannine Esposito
Mrs. Jean Farrell
Mrs. Sandra Laquidara
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh M. MacKenzie P’04, ’09, ’10
Mr. Gavin McKay
Mrs. JoAnna Mooney
Ms. Nancy Rosenthal
Mr. Stephen Van Beaver
The Francis J. Cummings Memorial Scholarship
Established by the family in memory of Francis J. Cummings, father of two Austin Prep graduates, grandfather of three graduates, Francis Cummings believed deeply in the value of Catholic education, encouraging all his children to attend Catholic schools.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Cummings ’73
The Michael R. Darwin ’82 Memorial Scholarship
Established by the family and friends of Michael R. Darwin ’82. During his time at Austin Prep, Michael was a National Honor Society member, class officer, and football player.
Mr. & Mrs. Louis S. DiRupo ’82 P’11, ’14
Established by the Gilfeather Family in memory of their parents who embodied the ultimate Christian expression of friendship in their displays of compassion and offers of support for those in need.
Mr. & Mrs. Fredric R. Gilfeather ’69
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Maguire III ’66
The Francis G. McCarthy Memorial Fund
Established by friends, family members and Austin Prep faculty in memory of Frank McCarthy, a beloved faculty member at Austin Prep. He was instrumental in the implementation of process writing and peer editing in Austin Prep’s curriculum. The Francis G. McCarthy Writing Center, named in his memory, allows students to share, discuss, and critique each other’s work with ease on any type of written assignment. Contributions to the fund go toward improvements and updates to the Writing Center.
Mrs. Rita M. McCarthy P’97, ’00
Established by the family and friends of Jim McGonagle, a beloved member of the Class of 2001 who is remembered for his contribution to family, classmates, and teammates.
Mr. William C. Elliott & Mrs. Carol L. Burrows P’02
The George “Matt” Miller Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship has been established by Linsey and Matthew Pimentel ’01 in honor of longtime faculty member George “Matt” Miller and his decades of teaching service to Austin Prep and its students.This scholarship seeks to provide assistance to deserving students based on academic merit and economic need. It also recognizes students who have demonstrated leadership abilities and a commitment to their community.
Mr. & Mrs. Scott C. Arthur Sr. ’79
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Costello ’75
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Dowd ’69 P’01, ’05
Mr. Michael E. Flanagan ’81 and
Ms. Sheila M. Patterson
Mr. Donald O. Lyman ’73
Mr. & Mrs. David G. McConnell ’73
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Murphy II ’81
Mr. Francis X. Murray ’81
The Mary E. Mullin Memorial Scholarship
Established by the Friends of Austin to honor Mary Miller, long standing member of the Friends, and made in memory of her mother, Mrs. Mullin. As a college graduate, Mary Mullin was a member of that elite class of women in her day. She preached the value of education to her sons and daughters who in turn transferred that value to their own children. Four of Mrs. Mullin’s grandsons are graduates of Austin: Peter ’81, Mark ’83, Kevin ’84, and Geoffrey ’90. Mr. Kevin M. Miller ’84
The David E. Nelson ’81 Memorial Scholarship
Established by the family and friends of David E. Nelson ’81, to honor David’s memory. He was a gifted athlete and positive student leader always proud to wear the green and white. He was the youngest of three Austin Prep graduates, preceded by Fred ’73 and Ron ’75.
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Murphy II ’81
Mr. Francis X. Murray ’81
Gifts to scholarships contribute to the growing strength of the Austin Prep Scholarship Endowment. We are grateful to all who have donated.
and Recipients
David F. O’Donnell Memorial Scholarship
Established by the O’Donnell and Little families in memory of Dave, a loving grandfather to five Austin Prep students. Dave was a man of faith, devoted to his family, a proponent of education and had a proud competitive nature in athletics.
David and Anne O’Donnell Family Foundation
Herbert W. Peterson, Jr. and Claire M. Peterson Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship has been established by the Peterson Family, including; Cynthia A. (Peterson) Kilday, Nancy E. (Peterson) Devlin, Stephen P. ’73, Robert G. ’75, James M. ’76, and Michael T. Peterson ’79 to honor their parents who believed in and encouraged Catholic Education for all of their children and fostered the beliefs in hard work, commitment and family.
Atty. & Atty. James M. Peterson ’76 P’19, ’21
TheArthurandMarthaPimentelGP’99,’01Memorial Scholarship
Established by the Anthony J. Pimentel family in memory of their mother and grandmother, Martha Pimentel, who embodied the ultimate Christian expression of friendship in her displays of compassion and offers of support for those in need. The scholarship hopes to honor her memory by acknowledging those students who strive for academic excellence and community service. Two of her grandchildren are Austin Prep graduates.
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Pimentel P’99, ’01
The Aristides (Artie) C. Speros, Jr. ’85 Memorial Scholarship
Established by the family and friends of Artie Speros ’85. Artie was a beloved member of the Class of 1985 who is remembered for his contribution to family, classmates and teammates. During his time at Austin Prep, Artie was the Class President, while also involved with the Ski Team and French Club. The scholarship seeks to honor Artie’s memory by recognizing a deserving student who has demonstrated leadership abilities and financial need.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Addor ’85
Mr. John F. Martin ’85 and Ms. Stacey L. Turner
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Veno ’85
The Michael G. Sverdlove ’14 Memorial
The Michael G. Sverdlove Memorial Scholarship was established in the summer of 2019 by the family and friends of Michael G. Sverdlove, Class of 2014. Michael was an avid soccer player, member of the National Honors Society, and a member of the French National Honors Society. He celebrated life to the fullest, and his charisma, cherished friendships, and laughter will forever-shine.
Mr. & Mrs. Harry R. Sverdlove P’14, ’15
The William H. Turner Memorial Scholarship
This award has been established by Mrs.Lillian Turner and her family in honor of her husband, Mr. William H. Turner. Mr. Turner and his wife saw four sons (Patrick ’72, William ’73, Francis ’81, and Christopher ’83) graduate from Austin Prep. He nurtured family life by co-creating a loving and supportive environment. He fostered academics, religion, dignity, service, athletics and good moral character. This award recognizes a deserving current student who shows strong academic discipline and demonstrates a good work ethic.
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Turner, Jr. ’73
Memorial Scholarship Recipients
!The Ross A. Alameddine ’05 Memorial Scholarship
Emily Sousa ’23
The John V. Aliberti ’70 Memorial Scholarship
Brendan Morin ’24
The Thomas N. Callahan ’10 Memorial Scholarship
Katherine Millett ’24
The Kristen M. Corbett ’08 Memorial Scholarship
Fiona Doherty ’25
Anna Ryan ’25
The Francis J. Cummings Memorial Scholarship
Allison Jenks ’25
The Michael R. Darwin ’82 Memorial Scholarship
James Holmes ’24
The Francis T. Duggan Memorial Scholarship
Colleen Simmons ’25
The Alyce and Fred Gilfeather Memorial Scholarship
Emma Losolfo ’24
The Margot E. Girodet Memorial Scholarship
Lily O’Neill ’23
The Scott J. Heseltine ’82 Memorial Scholarship
Jonathan Burke ’24
The James M. McGonagle, II ’01 Memorial Scholarship
Alana Bradley ’25
The George “Matt” Miller Memorial Scholarship
Isabel Henderson ’25
The Alyssa Nanopoulos ’08 Memorial Scholarship
Michael Simmons ’24
The David E. Nelson ’81 Memorial Scholarship
Ryan Hodgin ’24
Bree Anderson ’25
The David F. O’Donnell Memorial Scholarship
Fiona Hyland ’25
The Herbert W. Peterson, Jr. & Claire M. Peterson Memorial Scholarship
Marissa Gallozzi ’23
The Martha and Arthur Pimentel GP’99, 01 Memorial Scholarship
Christopher Trodden ’24
The Aristides “Artie” C. Speros, Jr. ’85 Memorial Scholarship
Lillian Harmon ’23
The Michael G. Sverdlove ’14 Memorial Scholarship
Kylie McDonald ’24
The William H. Turner Scholarship
Lauren Neal ’24
The Austin Prep Teachers Association Scholarship
Isabella Fountain ’25
For a complete list of scholarships, please visit our website at www.austinprep.org
Igniting Hearts, Transforming Lives
Through a 10-year community wide philanthropic effort, in support of Dr. James Hickey’s vision, Austin Prep’s campus has seen more physical improvements since the original building was completed in 1963. Complimenting the enhancements to the facilities has been the greatest expansion of curricular and co-curricular activities since the doors opened 60 years ago. Our entire educational community is deeply grateful for the generosity of our donors who have helped build a greater Austin Prep. The growth in programming has been driven by donations to the Austin Prep Fund. Simultaneously, the two phases of the Igniting Hearts, Transforming Lives Capital Campaign have improved the students’ experience through the expansion and renovation of classrooms, common areas, and athletic facilities.
The ambitious Phase II of Igniting Hearts, Transforming Lives Capital Campaign began in 2017. This next step coincided with the commencement of the strategic initiatives for the Upper and Middle Schools to ensure the curriculum and pedagogy remained true to an innovative and dynamic college prep program. The first benefit of Phase II was the complete makeover of the dining hall. The well-worn 45-year-old cafeteria was transformed into an inviting dining hall, and it has become a hub of community activity. The dining experience was further elevated by the modernization of the kitchen to provide a new menu with fresh, healthy dining options, while making lunch inclusive to the entire student body. The next step in Phase II was to deliver funding for the construction of the lower athletic complex. The Regis Paul Little Memorial Field serves 18 teams with the opportunity to train and compete on a fully lit, multi-purpose turf field that hosts baseball, field hockey, lacrosse, and soccer. The lower athletic complex also includes six courts for the tennis program. Phase II reached completion by raising funds for the repurposing of a standard classroom on the science wing to convert it into a multi-use lab for physical, chemical and life sciences. The new lab includes an Anatomage Table that offers students the opportunity to explore human anatomy digitally in a manner once only possible with cadavers.
With the conclusion of the Igniting Hearts, Transforming Lives Capital Campaign, Austin Prep’s ambition remains to build a school on the principles of faith and reason to best serve our students deep into the 21 st Century. The renovation of learning spaces and the updating of the infrastructure to ensure the school building will provide students with a superior, inspiring educational facility for decades to come will be central to the next campaign. This ten-year journey for Austin Prep was made possible by the generosity of the community members who invested in Austin Prep to ensure the next 60 years will be bright, and all of us are deeply grateful for their sacrifice, support and commitment. A true community effort produced this great leap effort, and the next decade should prove to be even better.
Austin Prep launched The Igniting Hearts, Transforming Lives Capital Campaign to meet the needs of the students. The overarching goal was to improve the scholastic experience through the renovation of facilities while also increasing endowments for tuition assistance and scholarship to keep an Austin Prep education accessible. The success of Phase I was marked in 2015 with the opening of Austin Prep’s fully renovated stadium. Father Seymour Field serves as home turf for the field hockey, football, lacrosse, and soccer teams with new lights, stands, and other amenities. The stadium also contains the Connolly Track where the track and field team trains and holds meets.

Anonymous (9)
Ms. Cheryl Amari P’25
Atty. & Mrs. Konstantinos Andrikopoulos P’19, ’23
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Ardito P’18, ’21, ’21, ’22, ’23
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Ardizzoni P’19
Dr. Paul G. Arrigg P’12, ’14, ’19 Augustinian Provincialate

Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Bancroft P’15, ’18
Ms. Susan E. Belanger
Atty. & Mrs. Charles R. Bennett Jr. P’94, ’97
Mr. Paul E. Bimmler ’09 Biogen Idec
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony P. Biscardi ’88
Ms. Stacey R. Bishop BlackRock, Inc
Mrs. Leeann Blais
The donor list on these pages represent those who have pledged their support to the Igniting Hearts, Transforming Lives Capital Campaign to date (October 21, 2022). We are deeply grateful for their generosity and for the support of the greater Austin Prep community throughout this capital campaign!Victoria Tenreiro ’25 Alexandor Vigorito ’27 receives Communion from Fr. Armano
Dr. Maria Blewitt & Mr. Stephen Blewitt
Ms. Julianne Bloise
Mr. John B. Blottman III ’78
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Bodette P’16, ’21
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Bouchard P’10, ’14, ’15
Mr. Douglas F. Bouvier ’05
Dr. Charles M. Brain ’68 and Ms. Maureen Murphy-Brain
Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Bravo P’18, ’20
Mr. & Ms. Gregg Brewer
Mr. & Ms. Kevin Buck P’26
Mr. Nelson Burbank †
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Burke ’81, P’13, ’17
Atty. & Mrs. Steven M. Burke ’77
Mr. & Mrs. Terence M. Burke ’75, P’06, ’07, ’10
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cacciatore Sr. P’24
Mr. & Mrs. Brian S. Cann Jr. P’19, ’23
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher A. Capone ’88 P’28
Mr. Frank A. Capone Jr. ’85
Mr. & Mrs. John Caron P’24, ’25
Mr. James D. Carregal ’10
Mr. John W. Carregal ’07
Mr. Joseph M. Carregal ’05
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Carregal P’05, ’07, ’10
Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Caruso P’11, ’20
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick L. Cavanaugh Jr. P’01, ’03, ’96, ’97, ’98
Mr. Bruce A. Cerullo P’08
Mr. & Mrs. David & Laurie Cerveny P’19, ’21
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Chabra P’19, ’20
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Childs
Mrs. Stephanie Choate
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P. Choma P’18, ’20
Ms. Paige M. Christie ’11
Christopher J. Murphy Memorial Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Clark P’21
Class of 2023
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cobb P’17, ’20
Mrs. Claudia A. Colannino
Mr. & Mrs. Noah Coons P’22, ’24
Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Connolly ’83, P’15, ’20
Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. Cortese P’91
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Croteau Jr. P’20, ’23
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Crowley C-Suite Corp.
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Cushing P’23
Mr. & Mrs. Damian N. Dell’Anno P’10, ’12, ’14
Mr. & Mrs. Peter DeLuca
Mr. & Mrs. William P. DeLuca III P’00, ’04, ’08, ’12
Mrs. & Mr. Nancy Der Sarkisian
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew P. Diapella ’98
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Dinunzio P’24, ’28
Mr. & Mrs. Albert J. DiPerna P’08
Mr. & Mrs. Louis S. DiRupo ’82, P’11, ’14
Ms. Samantha DiVito
Fr. Raymond Dlugos, O.S.A.
Mr. & Dr. John Douglass Jr. P’19
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Dowd ’69, P’01, ’05
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick A. Driscoll ’97
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Driscoll
P’89, ’92, ’97, ’03, GP’24
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Duff Jr. ’67
Mr. & Mrs. Terrance Dugan P’21, ’23
Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Duggan ’72
Eaton Vance
Mr. Michael Esten
Mr. Louis Fantozzi & Mrs. Jennifer Fantozzi ’97, P’28
Ms. Elizabeth C. Farrell and Mr. Marc P. Pascucci
Fidelity Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Filadoro ’90, P’22, ’23
Mr. Sean Finn
Ms. Alison Fish
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Flynn P’08
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Flynn ’83
Ms. Jessica Foster
Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Fothergill P’06, ’09
Mr. & Mrs. Dean Freeman P’15, ’18, ’20
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Frelick P’20
Ms. Alexandra A. Garcia-Mata and Mr. Stephen W. DeYoung
Mrs. Emily Gatti
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Geary ’75
Mr. Gene Gebolys and Ms. Jacqueline Corrado Gebolys P’17, ’17, ’19
Mrs. & Mr. Eugenia T. Georges
Mr. Aaron M. Giard
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gilbride P’19, ’22
Mr. & Mrs. Fredric R. Gilfeather ’69
Ms. Jean E. Gilmore P’17, ’19
2019 Golf Tournament
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Golini P’23
Mr. & Mrs. Max Gouveia P’13, ’16, ’20
Mr. & Mrs. Serry Gouveia P’23
Mr. Charles D. Gracy
Ms. Deborah J. Gray
Ms. Kayla M. Greenwood
Mr. & Mrs. Adam Griffith P’28
Dr. & Mrs. Himanshu Gupta P’21, ’24
GW&K Investment Management, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Peter K. Hajjar
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Hampoian P’18, ’20, ’23
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Hanley P’26
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Harkins
Mr. & Mrs. David Harris P’24, ’27
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Hartel P’86
Mr. Shenghua He
Dr. & Mrs. Paul F. Healy ’66
Mrs. Erica T. Hedrick
Mr. Robert P. Hennessy
Mr. Peter Shapiro and Ms. Kelly Herrity
Dr. & Mrs. James Hickey P’22, P’23, ’24, ’27
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Higgins P’24
Mr. Edmund E. Hoell ’70 and Ms. Carole E. Center
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hueston P’21
Mr. & Mrs. James Iannibelli P’22, ’24
Mr. & Mrs. David Intoppa P’24
Ms. Rosette Jacobson P’12
Mr. & Mrs. Carl D. Jaena P’19, ’22, ’26
Mr. Chan W. Jeong and Ms. Myung J. Kang P’18
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Joyce P’17, ’18, ’20
JNB & Associates
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel F. Kelly P’19
Mrs. Terese Kennealy GP’10
Ms. Cara M. Kennedy
Mr. Kevin Kerrigan ’89
Mr. Steven E. Kintigos
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Kruppa P’20
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Labriola P’26, ’26
Ms. Lori Lambert-Osburn and Mr. Robert Osburn
Mr. Timothy Lane
Mr. Alex J. Lehmann ’06
Ms. Jessica Lenci
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Lidoski Jr. P’17, ’19
Dr. Daniel P. Little P’20, P’22, ’23, ’25
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Loporchio P’23
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Luongo P’21, ’24
Dr. Nuning Murphy Lynch P’27
Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. MacDougall ’74
Mr. & Mrs. Edward G. MacKenzie ’99
Mr. Gary E. Mackiewicz
Ms. Sally A. Maijenski
Mr. Konstantinos Mamakos and Dr. Angela Karogiannis P’26
Mr. & Mrs. James Mangano P’17, ’20
Mr. William F. Maradei P’11, ’12
Mr. William L. Maradei Jr. ’11
Barbara Marchetti P’17- C-Suite Corp.
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Martin ’70
Mr. & Mrs. David Maurand
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander T. May P’19
Mr. Paul W. Mayo P’01
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin G. McCadden P’16, ’19
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin McCarthy P’16
Dr. R. Kathryn McHugh ’99
Mr. & Mrs. Paul G. McKie P’16, ’17
Mr. Michael C. McLaughlin
Ms. Briana N. McLellan ’12
Mr. Konstantinos Mamakos and Dr. Angela Karogiannis P’26
Mr. & Mrs. James Mangano P’17, ’20
Mr. William F. Maradei P’11, ’12
Mr. William L. Maradei Jr. ’11
Barbara Marchetti P’17- C-Suite Corp.
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Martin ’70
Mr. & Mrs. David Maurand
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander T. May P’19
Mr. Paul W. Mayo P’01
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin G. McCadden P’16, ’19
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin McCarthy P’16
Dr. R. Kathryn McHugh ’99
Mr. Michael C. McLaughlin
Ms. Briana N. McLellan ’12
Mrs. Sarah P. Meier P’23
Mr. & Mrs. Paul G. McKie P’16, ’17
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Meissner P’21, ’24
Atty. & Mrs. John Miele
Mr. Matthew Milliken
Mr. & Ms. Hratch Minassian P’26, ’29
Mr. Nicholas J. Mulcahy ’14
Mr. Charles Mwangi P’25, ’26
Mr. & Dr. Shirish Nadkarni P’18
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel T. Niles ’85
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Noga P’12
Dr. & Mrs. Mark Novas P’26
Mr. & Mrs. David † O’Donnell
GP’20, ’22, ’23, ’25
Dr. Maryanne O’Donnell
P’20, ’22, ’23, ’25, ’29
Oracle Corporation
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Ouellette P’19, ’25
Mr. & Mrs. John Pagliuca P’26
Dr. Gary J. Pare and Mrs. Mercedes Guiance P’17, ’20
Mr. Andrew Parece ’79 and Ms. Mary Splaine
Mr. Gwansoo Park and Ms. Sein Yoon
Mr. Vincent Parrella
Mr. Peter Byrne & Mrs. Marla C. Pascucci-Byrne P’26
Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Paulsen P’96, ’98
Mr. Jay Perault and Mrs. Erin DeRoche P’23
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Peterson ’76 P’19, ’21
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony C. Petrillo P’10
Mr. & Ms. Nathan W. Piccini ’93
Pimentel Construction Company
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Pimentel P’99, ’01
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Pimentel ’01
Mr. Derek Piper
Mr. & Mrs. Kirk Pitta P’28
Mr. Jonathan Pollard ’97 and Mrs. Lindsay Fitzgerald
Mr. & Mrs. Aaron P. Price ’91
Dr. & Mrs. Charles J. Przyjemski P’94
Mrs. Nicole Putney P’26, ’28
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Quinn P’25
Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Quinn Jr. ’72
Quirk Construction Corporation
Mr. David D. Quirk ’84
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence D. Rakers P’14, ’16
Mr. William Ralls & Mrs. Siobhan Donofrio
Raytheon Company
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Reddy P’16, ’18
Mrs. Mary Jane Restuccia GP’19, ’23
Mr. Andrew N. Reusch Jr.
Drs. Ruben and Emma Reyes P’24, ’26
Mr. & Mrs. James Reynolds
Dr. Gregory S. Robinson and Mrs. Colleen C. Boggs P’20
Ms. Holly M. Robinson ’13
Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Roselli P’15, ’20
Mr. & Mrs. Louis V. Rubino P’18, ’19
Mr. & Mrs. Gary H. Ruping ’80 P’16, ’18, ’18
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred A. Sablone III P’18, ’20
SAGE Dining Services, Inc.
SalemFive Charitable Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Duane R. Sandler
Mr. & Mrs. Steven B. Santos
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Schiela P’24
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Sciacca Jr. ’75 P’13
Mrs. Heather Scott
Ms. Jeanne Shanley DiPietro
Ms. Meg K. Shannon
Mr. Nathan F. Sherr ’07
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sherry P’24, ’27
Ms. Nicole A. Siciliano
Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Silva P’20, ’22
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Smith
Ms. Christie S. Spadafora ’02
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Spengler
State Street Foundation
Mr. Roger F. Stone
Mr. & Mrs. Guy Strazzere P’19
Mr. & Mrs. Steven M. Swanson ’73
Ms. Jessica C. Swindell and Mr. Stephan A. Wenicz
Ms. Jamie L. Schefen
Mr. & Mrs. Marc D. Theriault P’15, ’17, ’19, ’19, ’22
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew N. Tucker P’19
Mr. & Mrs. Curt Underwood P’27
Ms. Susan M. Vacanti
Mr. Derek Vachon and Mrs. Kimberly Dukeshire-Vachon P’21
Mr. & Mrs. Mark VanderZouwen P’24
Dr. & Atty. Ricardo A. Vanegas P’21, ’24
Mr. & Mrs. Eric P. Verner ’90
Mr. Frank Vigorito Sr. and Atty. Jeanette Quiles Vigorito P’27
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Vinal
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Wallace P’93, ’96 Michael & Vincenza Vinciullo Charitable Foundation Trust
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Walsh P’18, ’22
Dr. PoChun C. Wang
Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Westervelt P’11, ’14 Winn Street Service
Mr. & Mrs. Nathaniel Williams P’19
Mr. Tong Xing and Ms. Xiaoxia Su P’18
MrMs. Ruifang Shen P’21
Drs. Anthony and Serena Zizza III P’26
Austin Prep Celebrates Consecutive Years of Giving
35+ Years Giving
Dr. Michael J. Barry ’79
Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Briggs Jr. ’92
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Connolly P’80, ’83 GP’15, ’20
Mr. Donald B. Greenlaw Jr. ’76
Mr. & Mrs. David I. Hoffses
30-34 Years Giving
Ms. Celia A. Barletta
Mr. John B. Blottman III ’78
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph X. Bruno ’75
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Burke ’81 P’13, ’17
Mr. & Mrs. Terence M. Burke ’75 P’06, ’07, ’10
Dr. Richard W. Conron Jr. ’84 and Ms. Kristin Abbruzzi
Mr. & Mrs. Louis S. DiRupo ’82 P’11, ’14
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Dowd ’69 P’01, ’05
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel M. Dunn ’70
Mr. & Mrs. Fredric R. Gilfeather ’69
Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Golini ’71
Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Gordon Jr. ’72
Mr. Robert P. Hennessy
Mr. Edmund E. Hoell ’70 and Ms. Carole E. Center
Dr. John C. Hoell ’67
Mr. & Mrs. David I. Hoffses
Dr. Thomas J. Hynes Jr. ’67
The Daniel F. and Margaret MacAdam
Loughry Charitable Foundation
Mrs. Shirley A. MacKenzie P’99, ’03 (Mr. William MacKenzie †)
Fr. Iain G. MacLellan, O.S.B. ’74
Mr. John F. Martin ’85 and Ms. Stacey L. Turner
Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. McAuliffe ’78
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Ogonowski ’75
Mr. & Mrs. Ken D. Ottariano ’71
Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Paulsen P’96, ’98
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Pendergast III ’70
Dr. & Mrs. Steven R. Previte P’96
Mr. Richard W. Robbins ’70
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Small P’94
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Spanks ’69
Dr. & Mrs. Paul D. Teague ’76 P’07, ’10
25-29 Years Giving
Atty. & Mrs. Charles R. Bennett Jr. P’94, ’97
Atty. & Mrs. Steven M. Burke ’77
Mr. Ronald E. Cahill ’82 and Ms. Anne Estabrook
Atty. Kevin Thomas Cronin ’67 and Ms. Mary Jane Cleary
Mr. & Mrs. James V. D’Agostino P’86, ’88
Mr. & Mrs. John A. DeMarco P’95
Dr. & Mrs. George A. DeVito Jr. ’68
Mr. Paul M. Dradransky ’86
Mr. Timothy J. Hannigan ’71
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Hatem Jr. ’79
Mr. Ernest J. Landry P’94
Mr. & Mrs. R. T. Luther III ’79
Mrs. Rita M. McCarthy P’97, ’00
Mrs. Anne M. Merrill P’93
Mr. Paul R. Mirabella ’88
Mr. & Mrs. William V. Monagle Jr. P’01
Mr. & Mrs. James K. Noonan ’71
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Pimentel P’99, ’01
Dr. & Mrs. Paul G. Robertie ’69
Mrs. Virginia M. Samalis P’93, ’99 (Mr. Thomas A. Samalis †)
Mr. Roger F. Stone
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Thornton ’69
Mr. & Mrs. John D. White ’69
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Zerfas ’75
20-24 Years Giving
Anonymous (2)
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew N. Barr P’07
Mr. & Mrs. Kurt W. Bimmler P’04, ’09
Dr. Maria Blewitt & Mr. Stephen Blewitt
Mr. Peter F. Blottman ’82
Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Capraro P’02, ’05, ’97
Mr. John Lawrence Carew ’67 and Ms. Judy Bralove
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Carregal P’05, P’07, P’10
Mr. Lawrence P. Connolly and Ms. Eileen P. Kavanagh P’05
Mr. Vincent X. Costello P’07
Dr. & Mrs. William R. Driscoll ’89
Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Duggan ’72
Mr. Robert J. Dunlavey ’74
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Elwell Jr. ’69
Dr. & Mrs. Paul F. Fallon ’80
Mr. Louis Fantozzi and Mrs. Jennifer Fantozzi ’97, P’28
Mr. John F. Flynn Jr. ’67
Atty. & Mrs. William C. Geary ’75
Mrs. Judith G. Hanley P’98
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Hartel P’86
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Jasinski P’08
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Kelley
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Kelly ’69
Mr. Kevin Kerrigan ’89
Mr. Joseph B. Lehmann and Dr. Jeanne Velde P’06
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Macdonald P’94
Atty. & Mrs. Mark J. MacDougall ’74
Mr. Gary E. Mackiewicz
Mr. & Mrs. John P. McAnespie II ’80
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel F. McCarthy ’78
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Meehan Sr. ’67
Mr. Kevin M. Miller ’84
Mr. Ronald R. Nelson ’75
Mr. John J. Newton ’67 †
Mr. & Mrs. John M. O’Donnell ’77
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth V. O’Toole P’03, ’07
Mr. David J. Pasquale ’89
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Percival II ’90
Mr. Michael V. Pytlinski ’82 and Ms. Sharon M. Kieffer
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Sarto ’68
Dr. & Mrs. Russell C. Scaduto Jr. ’73
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Sullivan P’06
Mr. & Mrs. Steven M. Swanson ’73
Dr. Joseph B. Taylor ’71 and Ms. Marie C. Brennan-Taylor P’09
Mrs. Sharon A.Thiel (Mr. Lawrence Thiel ’78 †)
Mr. & Mrs. George J. Toscano Jr. ’68
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Tower III P’09, ’11
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred G. Trani ’67
Dr. & Mrs. Michael David Walkenstein ’69
Mr. Stephen L. Willett ’68 and Ms. Emer McCourt
15-19 Years Giving
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey F. Aronis ’87
Dr. Charles M. Brain ’68 and Ms. Maureen Murphy-Brain
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Burns P’08
Mr. Frank A. Capone Jr. ’85
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher A. Capone ’88 P’28
Mr. & Mrs. John G. Carlson P’03
Atty. Ralph Joseph Cinquegrana ’70
Mr. & Mrs. Damian N. Dell’Anno P’10, ’12, ’14
Mr. & Mrs. Paul L. Doherty ’72
Mrs. Amy K. Doucette ’98
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Driscoll ’70
Mr. & Mrs. Noel A. Farah ’05, ’06
Ms. Elizabeth C. Farrell and Mr. Marc P. Pascucci
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Flynn ’83
Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Fothergill P’06, ’09
Mr. John R. Furey ’73
Mr. Benjamin R. Hubbell ’95 and Ms. Melissa N. Pratt
Mr. Edward G. Igo ’69 P’94, ’95, ’04
Mr. Timothy B. Igo ’95
Mr. & Mrs. Roland K. Jacobson P’95
Ms. Barbara Kelley P’78, ’79, ’82 (Mr. Paul Kelley †)
Mr. & Mrs. Edward G. MacKenzie ’99
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Macone P’10, ’13
Mr. William F. Maradei P’11, ’12
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. McCarthy P’97
Mr. & Mrs. David G. McConnell ’73
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Moynihan P’05
Maj. & Mrs. Timothy J. Murphy ’85
Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Oneschuk P’13
Marla Pascucci-Byrne P’26
Nathan ’93 and Nicole Piccini
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence D. Rakers P’14, ’16
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Reddy P’16, ’18
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Rioux ’67
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Rivotto P’09, ’12, ’16
Mr. & Mrs. Eric P. Verner ’90
Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Westervelt P’11, ’14
10-14 Years Giving
Anonymous (1)
P. Stephan and Ellen Bedrosian P’14
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony P. Biscardi ’88
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Bouchard P’10, ’14, ’15
Mr. Robert G. Boyle and Mrs. Debra A. Kuczynski P’11
Mrs. Elaine M. Buckley P’02
Mr. & Mrs. Edmund F. Burke ’67
Mr. Brian D. Carr ’97
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Costello ’75
Mr. Pierce O. Cray & Dr. Catherine Sheils P’17
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Dearth P’02
Mr. & Mrs. Peter DeLuca
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Derrah P’84, ’85, ’87 GP’14
Dr. & Mrs. Louis DeVito Jr. P’02, ’05
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Dignan ’70
Mr. & Mrs. Albert J. DiPerna P’08
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Doherty Jr. P’07, ’11, ’12
Mr. Richard P. Donovan ’70
Mr. William C. Donovan III ’93
Austin Prep is grateful to the following benefactors for continuing their support during the 2021– 2022 fiscal year, July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022.
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Driscoll P’89, ’92, ’97, ’03
Mr. William H. Drugan Jr. ’71 and Ms. Colleen Collins-Drugan
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Duff Jr. ’67
Mrs. Anne M. Dumas GP’18
Mr. Vincenzo Fazzolari and Mrs. Sheila Hanson-Fazzolari P’22
Mr. & Mrs. Mark R. Ferri P’14, ’17, ’23
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Frommelt P’07, ’11
Mr. & Mrs. David S. Gonsiorowski ’68
Fr. Peter Gori, O.S.A. ’70
Mr. & Mrs. Steven D. Goulas Jr. ’80
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Guanci ’92
Mr. and Mrs. George J. Hamilton P’12
Dr. & Mrs. Ronald M. Iorio P’03
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Joyce P’17, ’18, ’20
Mr. & Mrs. R. K. Kearney ’70
Mr. & Mrs. Scot D. Kenworthy P’08, ’12
Mr. Charles J. Kiezulas ’70 P’99
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Knowlton ’78
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen V. Landry ’73
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew C. Layman P’09, ’11
Mr. Paul S. Lyman Jr. ’71
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Martin ’70
Dr. Anthony F. Massaro ’79
Mr. Paul W. Mayo P’01
Mr. & Mrs. James G. Moran P’93
Mr. John A. Morley and Ms. Jennifer Karp P’15
Mr. & Mrs. Louis A. Nicotra ’70
Mr. & Ms. Vincent Parrella
Atty. & Atty. James M. Peterson ’76 P’19, ’21
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony C. Petrillo P’10
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Pimentel ’01
Mr. Jonathan Pollard ’97 and Mrs. Lindsay Fitzgerald
Mr. & Mrs. Brian C. Regan P’20, ’22
Dr. Gregory S. Robinson and Mrs. Colleen C. Boggs P’20
Mr. & Mrs. M. Robert Rose ’69
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Sciacca Jr. ’75 P’13
Mr. Brian E. Sensale ’93 and Mrs. Megan Deluhery P’27
Mr. & Mrs. Todd W. Solomon ’88
Jessica Swindell and Stephan Weynicz
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Wallace P’93, ’96
Mr. & Mrs. W. J. Woodford Jr. ’75
5-9 Years Giving
Anonymous (7)
Mr. & Atty. Stanley Alger III P’21
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Ardito P’18, ’21, ’21, ’22, ’23
Fr. Patrick Armano
Mr. Michael L. Baccari ’03
Mr. Alexander J. Bailey ’05
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Bancroft P’15, ’18
Mr. & Mrs. Jason T. Banfield ’86
Mr. & Mrs. Brian F. Barrett ’74
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Barry P’12, ’13, ’13, ’15, ’ 17, ’18, ’20, ’23
Mr. Donovan Beckel and Ms. Nicole Trudeau P’23
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Becker P’21, ’24
Ms. Susan E. Belanger
Mr. Anthony J. Benning
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Bianchi P’22, ’23
Ms. Stacey R. Bishop Leeann Blais
Mrs. Sheilah A. Boghos P’08
(Mr. John Boghos †)
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick R. Boyle P’16, ’16
Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Bramante P’19, ’20
Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Bravo P’18, ’20
Mr. & Mrs. Gregg Brewer
Mr. Jeffrey J. Brine ’88
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Brosnan Sr. P’21, ’22, ’26
Mrs. Lisa M. Bruce P’10, ’11, ’17
Mr. Arthur M. Brussard P’85
Mr. & Mrs. Francis E. Burke Jr. ’71
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. Burke P’11
Ms. Carolyn G. Burkett ’10
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Burns P’18, ’22
Mr. William J. Burrows ’02
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Callahan P’10, ’12
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Callahan ’87 P’25
Mr. & Mrs. Brian S. Cann Jr. P’19, ’23
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Carbone P’20, ’24
Mr. Joseph M. Carregal ’05
Mr. Steven J. Caruso Jr. ’11

Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Caruso P’11, ’20
Mr. Joseph P. Cavazzoni ’68 and Ms. Marcia Dumas
Mr. Gabriele Centinaro and Mrs. Lina Garcia P’23, ’25
Mr. & Atty. David Cerveny P’19, ’21
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Chabra P’19, ’20
Mrs. Stephanie Choate
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P. Choma P’18, ’20
Ms. Paige M. Christie ’11
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Ciampa ’76
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Clarke P’21, ’23
Atty. & Mrs. John F. Cohan ’82 P’15
Claudia Colannino
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Connolly Jr. ’72
Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Connor P’25, ’28
Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Constantine ’69
Mr. & Mrs. Noah Coons P’22, ’24
Mr. & Mrs. Charles B. Correia P’81 GP’23, ’23
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Costa P’17, ’20, ’24
Patrick Costello
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Croteau Jr. P’20, P’23
Ms. Alexandra M. Dell’Anno ’12
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew P. Diapella ’98
Mr. & Mrs. A. J. DiBiase ’78
Fr. Raymond Dlugos, O.S.A.
Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Dolan III ’69
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Donahue ’80
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Donahue ’77
Mr. Alfred T. Doughty Jr. ’75
Mr. & Mrs. Allen R. Drelick
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher T. Ellis P’20, ’24
Mr. & Mrs. Karsten Fetten P’22
Richard ’90 and Linda Filadoro P’22, ’23
Mr. John Fiorante and Ms. Victoria Clifford-Fiorante P’22
Ms. Alison Fish
Mr. & Mrs. Tyler L. Fleming P’28
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur V. Ford ’66
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Gagne P’23, ’23
Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. Genovese ’76 P’10
Mr. Jared E. Gentilucci ’00
Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Gerry ’67
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Gildea P’22
Mr. & Mrs. Serry Gouveia P’23
Ms. Laura E. Graf ’11
Ms. Kayla M. Greenwood
Mrs. Sarah P. Meier P’23
Mr. & Mrs. Raghvendra Gupta P’23
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Guthrie P’22, ’28
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Haddock P’22
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Haggerty P’86
Mr. H. William Hamilton and Mrs. Carol Galluzzo-Hamilton P’18, ’22
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Hampoian P’18, ’20, ’23
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Hanley P’26
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Happeny P’19, ’23
Mr. & Mrs. David Harris P’24, ’27
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Hazel ’83
Dr. & Mrs. James Hickey P’22, ’23, ’24, ’27
Mr. & Mrs. David Higginbottom P’22
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Higgins P’25
Mrs. Jennifer A. Hodgdon
Mr. Jeffrey Hodgin ’89
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hueston P’21
Mr. & Mrs. David Intoppa P’24
Mr. & Mrs. Carl D. Jaena P’19, ’22, ’26
Ms. Mary Kamelle P’19, ’21
Mr. Edward Kelley III and Mrs. Patricia Corrigan P’18
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Keon P’84, ’85, ’93
Mr. Steven E. Kintigos
Mr. Joseph Leary
Mr. Alex J. Lehmann ’06
Mr. & Mrs. Kent Lenci
Dr. & Ms. Michael Lescault
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Letourneau ’88 P’17
Dr. Daniel P. Little P’20, ’22, ’23, ’25
Mr. Edward F. Lohoski Jr. ’69
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Loporchio P’23
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Luongo P’21, ’24
Mr. Donald O. Lyman ’73
Barbara Marchetti - C-Suite Corp
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Mastrocola P’19
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander T. May P’19
Atty. Daniel McCarthy and Ms. Veronica Tucker P’19, ’22
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Harkins
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McCraw P’23
Mr. & Mrs. James McDonough P’22
Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. McGloughlin ’70
Dr. R. Kathryn McHugh ’99
Atty. & Mrs. John L. McKee ’91
Mr. Michael C. McLaughlin
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence P. McQuaid ’81 P’09, ’14
Mr. Timothy J. Mello ’96
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas P. Merrill ’93
Mr. & Mrs. Kurtis J. Meyer ’77
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Monagle Jr. P’16
Mr. Thomas Mooney and Ms. Andrea Heil P’20, ’22
Mr. Michael J. Moran
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Moran P’10, ’13
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Napolitano P’22
Mr. & Mrs. John C. O’Donnell ’67
Mr. John M. Otis ’76
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Ouellette P’19, ’25
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Parrella ’77
Dr. Gary J. Pare and Mrs. Mercedes Guiance P’17, ’20
Mr. Michael P. Parolin ’75
Atty. & Mrs. Robert G. Peterson Sr. ’75 P’04, ’06, ’08
Mr. & Ms. Kirk Pitta P’28
Mrs. Nicole Putney P’26, ’28
Mrs. Mary Jane Restuccia GP’19, ’23
Mr. Andrew N. Reusch Jr.
Drs. Ruben and Emma Reyes P’24, ’26
Mr. & Mrs. James Reynolds
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Robinson Jr. ’79
Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Roselli P’15, ’20
Mr. & Mrs. Brian G. Ross ’67
Mr. & Mrs. Duane R. Sandler
Ms. Jamie L. Schefen
Mrs. Heather Scott
Mr. & Mrs. Chester V. Shea III ’70
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sherry P’24, ’27
Mr. & Mrs. Walter A. Smith Jr. ’70
Mr. John T. Smolak Jr. ’15
Mr. & Mrs. Adam Sperling P’22, ’25, ’27
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Sport
Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Stephens ’83
Lawrence S. Sykoff, Ed.D
Mr. Prisco Tammaro P’17, ’22
Mr. Joseph M. Teague ’07
Ms. Michelle E. Teague ’10
Mr. & Mrs. Marc D. Theriault P’15, ’17, ’19, ’19, ’22
Mr. & Mrs. David P. Travis P’98
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Urick P’19, ’23
Mr. & Mrs. Mark VanderZouwen P’24
Mr. & Mrs. Stefan Vounessea P’18, ’21, ’25
Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Wadzinski ’87
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Peter Walsh P’19, ’21
Dr. PoChun C. Wang
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Watt ’00
Mr. & Mrs. John Weber P’18, ’20, ’22
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory R. Whittaker P’19
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Williams P’96
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Zappala ’70
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Zdrojewski P’16
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel B. Zonderman P’20

Thank you to all of the golfers who joined us on the greens on May 23rd!

Oh What Fun! 2021 Signature Event
The Signature Event took place on Saturday, December 4th, 2021 and was another wonderful evening in support of Austin Prep. The parent community celebrated the Christmas spirit with the theme of “Oh What Fun...” Nearly 300 people attended in support of programs and initiatives for students and faculty.

Although the Tuition Raffle winner was not in attendance, Dr. Hickey was able to connect with Dr. Dan Little P’20, ’22, ’23, ’25 to inform him he was the winner of this year’s Tuition Raffle. Congrats, again, Dr. Little!
Thank you to alumnus Mr. Joey Carregal ’05 for serving our auctioneer!
A special thank you to Mrs. Mannie Gouveia P’23, who worked tirelessly as the event chair. After a year away, Mannie successfully managed many challenges presented as a result of the pandemic, and hosted yet another great event. Thank you, Mannie!

Class Notes

Scott Pond ’71 retired from Harvard Vanguard-Atrius Health where he was a clinical pharmacist. He resides in Franklin, MA.

Russ Scaduto ’73 was recipient of the 2022 Career Citation Milestone Award from Penn State University for his 1999 publication in Biophysical Journal entitled Measurement of mitochondrial membrane potential using fluorescent rhodamine derivatives. It was cited over 900 times per Scopus in August 2022. Russ retired as Professor Emeritus from Penn State in 2018.

Jill (Pimentel) Slye ’99 is now an Austin Prep parent. Children Hunter ’27 and Addison ’29 joined the community this year. #APLegacyFamily

Meghan Phelan ’14 graduated from Suffolk Law School in May 2022. She was the Lead Editor for the Journal of Health and Biomedical Law and became a published legal author. She has worked for the Judicial Nominating Commission, the Suffolk County District Attorney’s Office as a student prosecutor as well as being an intern for an Associate Justice in the Superior Court. She earned Pro Bono honors, won the Distinguished Brief Award for legal writing and is a member of the Phi Delta Phi International Legal Honor Society for being in the top third of her graduating class. She has accepted a position with the downtown Boston Law Firm of Rubin and Rudman in their Litigation Department.

Rick ’96 and Colleen (Owens) Graham ’96 traveled with their family to Paris in the spring for a hockey tournament. Pictured in AP spiritwear are current students Jaxson ’27 and Cooper ’29, sister Sydney and Rick. #APLegacyFamily
Kathleen (Petrino) DiCato ’02 resides in Wakefield, MA. She is a Special Education teacher in North Reading Public Schools. Kathleen and her husband are expecting their third child in 2023, joining big brothers Jake and Luke.

Caty Flagg ’16 is in her first season on the women’s ice hockey staff as an assistant coach for the 2022-23 season at Wilkes University Athletics.

Austin Prep alum Grant Smith ’19 is president of the Virginia Tech Cybersecurity Club and in the Army ROTC. Recently his Corps of Cadets Cyber team competed in the U.S. Department of Energy Cyberforce competition and finished in the top 15% among 141 teams.

This national competition between colleges and universities pitted groups tasked with defending critical infrastructure from simulated attackers
“Our scenario required us to assess and secure Vita Vehiculum manufacturing, an exclusive solar power run manufacturing plant,” Smith reports.
Engagements & Weddings

In the fall of 2022 Katie Pelland ’18, started working on her VMD at the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Veterinary Medicine. She plans to specialize in emergency and critical care.

“This competition allowed me to learn more about Amazon World Service cloud infrastructure (AWS) configuring and reading logs, SIEM setup and usage, and configuring group policies, and more.
Serena Gilbride ’19 will be First-Year Head Softball Coach of the Northeast Reign 12-Under team based in North Reading. Serena is following in the coaching footsteps of her father Dr. Robert Gilbride, who coached her travel team the East Boston Waves. Ms. Gilbride helped pitch the 2019 Austin Prep Softball team to their State Championship victory in 2019.
Damon Kruppa ’20 has been accepted into the Economic Honors Program at Holy Cross. “This program consists of a research methods class next spring and the opportunity to work 1:1 with a professor next fall as I create my own research project. I look forward to showcasing my findings at the Academic Conference in the spring of my senior year!”
Arpitha Sharma ’21 will be joining Liberty Mutual Insurance for the summer of 2023 in their Finance Internship Program. Arpi is currently a sophomore Economics-Finance Major at Bentley University.
In the continued spirit of caritas, Lauryn Hanafin ’22 and her Skyhawk teammates and coach volunteer their time teaching Bridgewater Girls Hockey. Pictured in their Stonehill jerseys are Austin Prep of 2022 classmates Maeve Carey, Lauryn Hanafin, and Kathryn Karo.

on September 30th at The Heritage Club at Bethpage in Plainview, NY. Groomsmen included his brother Ryan Taylor ’09 and Austin Prep classmates: Eric Barbas ’13, Justin DeMichaelis ’13, Evan Fay ’13, John Cronin ’13, and Sean Pickens ’13.
Drew Garland ’07 married Caitlin Feigenbaum at Ocean Edge Resort and Golf Club on May 21, 2022 surrounded by family and friends. Nicole Cherubino’10 married Liam Gately in Newport, RI on May 22, 2022. Taylor ’13 Kelly MeehanNewlyweds Jack ’14 and Tiffany Meaney shared their wedding day surrounded by the love of friends and family. Jack says “We are especially blessed to be with those I was so fortunate to cross paths with during my time at Austin Prep.” The wedding party included Jack’s 2014 classmates Thomas Freni, Jonathan Saurman, and PJ McNelly. Pictured are all of the Austin Prep alumni attendance at the wedding.

Future Austin Prep Cougars

Eliya Roshan Patel arrived at 7.0 lbs. and 19.5 in. on September 1st. She joins big sister Layla and thrilled parents Sheetal (Kumar) ’05 and Roshan.

Matt Centore ’13 and his wife Katelyn welcomed their first child Louis James on September 4th. He weighed 7 lbs. and was 19 in. long. The family is feeling very blessed.

Luca John arrived on September 13th to proud parents Patricia and Mike Genovese ’10. Luca is the grandson of Peter Genovese ’76.
Coner Michael Donohue at 1- year-old. Grandson of Pat Iapicca, Campus Safety OfficerReunions & Visits
Whether on break from school or just passing through town, we love it when our alumni visit!

“Five decades of friendship” is how Al Zappala ’68 describes being with this group of men. “I have known John Sarto ’68 since Holy Rosary Grammar School and Austin Prep. John went on to the AIr Force and Vietnam after Austin Prep. He is a loving father, grandfather now. Gary Arivella ’68 and I went to Holy Rosary Grammar School, Sacred Heart School for Boys and then Austin Prep where we played football together. He is a loving husband, father and Nanno. Bill Dixon has been part of my life since grade 11. We attended Sacred Heart, Austin Prep and Saint Francis College together. Greg Caliri was part of the Sacred Heart crew, followed by Austin Prep. Like Bill, he was only at AP for a few years, but we have remained friends for a lifetime.
On October 30th, Mike McCarron ’73, Steve Garvey ’73 and Casey McNamara ’73 attended an AP football game in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the 1972 football team Division 3 State Championship win over Columbus. Not only was it a 26-0 win, it was the final Austin Prep team to play in the Catholic Central League.

Members of the Class of 1985 took to the greens in Brooklyn, Michigan in August. Steve Linehan, Mike Addor, Stephen Thompson, Tim Murphy, John Martin and Tim Larkin (missing from photo) enjoyed beautiful weather and plenty of reminiscing on the course. These life-long friends do their best to get together annually.

’79 returned to Austin Prep for a visit with Bob Henessy, Gary Mackiewicz, and Roger Stone. Bernie is recently retired from IMB, having served as a chemical engineer for years.

Augustine of Hippo (354–430), in Confessions

In Paradisum
Richard Alfoni, Class of 1966
Michael Baldassarre, Sr. Father of Michael Baldassarre Jr. ’84
Terrence Banville, Class of 1970
Thomas Birmingham, Class of 1967
Scott Conroy, Class of 1987
Rosamond Janine Dorrance, Mother of Elizabeth Dorrance ’00
Rose T. Drelick, Mother of Al Drelick, AP staff
Peter Farfas, Father of Peter Ross Farfas ’09
Joseph P. Hickey, Father of James Hickey, Head of School. Grandfather of Madeline ’22, Ryan ’23, Jared ’24 and Charlie ’27
Robert J. Jenkins, Father of Robert Jenkins Jr. ’71 and Gregory ’75 Jenkins
Kevin W. Lawless, Class of 1967
Mary Lynch, Mother of Michael Lynch ’98
Joseph M. Massaro ’81, Brother of Anthony Massaro ’79
Fr. Thomas Murnane, O.S.A., Former Headmaster

Karen O’Conner, Mother of Will O’Conner ’26
Christopher Riordan, Father of Ema ’23 and Kaitlyn’26 Riordan
Catherine Spengler, Mother of Mark Spengler, AP staff
Peter Stratis, Father of Gregory Stratis ’83
Francesco Vigorito, Brother of Alexandor Vigorito ’27
During his time at the school, Fr. Murnane served as Latin teacher and Department Chair, Guidance Counselor, Moderator of: Careers Club, Spirit Club, Class of 1969, Cheerleaders, Alumni Association, and Assistant Head of School. Ultimately, Fr. Murnane was the Headmaster of Austin Prep from 1969-1970.
This list contains the names shared with us as of January 20,2023. If you would like to list a loved one in Journey Magazine or have Mass Intentions said in their memory, please contact Jennifer Hodgdon, Director of Alumni Relations and Giving at Jennifer.hodgdon@austinprep.org
You have made us for Yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless, until they rest in You.Reverend Thomas M. Murnane, O.S.A. arrived at Austin Prep in 1965. He held both a Bachelor’s degree and a Masters in Education degree from Villanova, followed by a Masters from Augustinian College.
101 Willow Street Reading, MA 01867-1599

Address Service Requested
The Office of Alumni Relations will continue to share Austin Prep updates with our alumni community via email. Don’t miss out on class updates or what is happening around campus. If you are not sure that we have your current contact information, please visit www.austinprep.org/alumni/stay-connected and share your current information with us.
Austin Prep Alumni
Share your JOURNEY
We want to follow your journey beyond Austin Prep. Please share your updates including academic and athletic accomplishments, career milestones, marriages, birthdays and any of life’s other big announcements. We want to celebrate YOU! www.austinprep.org/alumni/stay-connected
Are you getting married? The Office of Alumni Relations will lend you an Austin Prep banner for photos at your wedding.
Did you recently welcome a new cougar into your family? Let us know and the Office of Alumni Relations will send along one of our Austin Prep baby onesies.
Office of Alumni Relations
Jennifer Hodgdon, Director of Alumni Relations & Giving, jennifer.hodgdon@austinprep.org
781-9444900 ext. 852

Save-the-date for these upcoming 2023 events:
March 25+26, Spring Musical: Chicago at Greater Boston Stage Company
March 30, Day of Giving
April 29, Athletic Hall of Fame at Austin Prep
May 18, 50+ Year Reunion Celebration at Austin Prep
May 18 – 19, 50th Reunion: Class of 1973 at Austin Prep
May 22, Annual Austin Open Golf Tournament at Indian Ridge Country Club, Andover
September 15, 60th Anniversary Gala at Burlington Marriot
Classes ending in 3 & 8 will celebrate reunion years in 2023
If you are interested in being part of the planning for your class reunion, please contact Jennifer Hodgdan at jenniferhodgdon@austinprep.org by June 1.
To learn more about upcoming events and happenings, please visit www.austinprep.org/alumni

SUPPORT Austin Prep
For 60 years, Austin Prep has created an academic experience to meet the ever-changing needs of its students in the classroom and beyond. This is an accomplishment made possible through the School’s unwavering commitment to veritas, unitas and caritas and the continued support and generosity of the Austin Prep community – of parents, grandparents, alumni and friends.
The Austin Prep Fund is the cornerstone of fundraising at Austin Prep, and provides annual, flexible dollars for key programs and priorities, and the funding to address unforeseen needs throughout the year. Your gift makes an indelible impact on current students, as well as future students. Your gift makes extraordinary possible at Austin Prep.
www.austinprep.org/support-austin-prep or simply scan the QR code with your phone.

Alumni are welcome to return to 101 Willow Street for an exclusive tour of updates.