1. Tour Existing Facilities & Conduct Site Observation
2. Establish Diverse Stakeholder Group
3. Conduct Stakeholder Interviews
4. Conduct Visioning Session Based on Insights from Interviews
5. Create a Communication Plan
6. Establish Design
1. Tour Existing Facilities & Conduct Site Observation
2. Establish Diverse Stakeholder Group
3. Conduct Stakeholder Interviews
4. Conduct Visioning Session Based on Insights from Interviews
5. Create a Communication Plan
6. Establish Design Pillars
Employees Returning to the Office
Employees Returning to the Office
Fast Paced Project
Creative Right Sizing Concepts
Workplace Revival: A Return to the Office
This plan represents one of many possible solutions for construction phasing and employee staging. Our goals when creating this plan included maintaining a usable building entry, vertical circulation, and available restrooms on each floor during each phase.
Disclaimer: Final phasing plan & schedule to be developed by General Contractor. This phasing plan is schematic only.
“Staging Area” refers to any swing space to be determined by TFS.
Options: DC2 Level 1, DC2 Level 2, or Work From Home (WFH).
Phase 1: D1 Cantina, Garden Room, Fitness Room, West Wing Level 2
§ Move employees in Phase 1 areas from D1 Level 1 & Level 2 to staging areas
§ Build out Phase 1 areas
§ Estimated construction duration: 24 weeks
Phase 2: D1 Lobby, Feature Stair, Executive Suite, East Wing Level 2
§ Move employees from D1 Level 2 East Wing to completed D1 Level 2 West Wing
§ Any remaining employees in D1 Level 2 East Wing move to staging areas
§ Executives move to completed D1 Level 2 West Wing for staging
§ Build out Phase 2 areas
§ Estimated construction duration: 24 weeks
Phase 3: DC2 Renovation
§ Move employees in DC2 Level 2 to staging areas
§ Executives return to completed Executive Suite D1 Level 1
§ Build out DC2 Level 2
§ Estimated construction duration: 16 weeks
Phase 4: D2 Renovation
§ Staged employees move to completed Phase 3 area
§ Employees move from D2 to staging areas
§ Build out Phase 4 area
§ Estimated construction duration: 14 weeks
Phase 5
§ Employees move to completed D2 area from staging areas
§ DC2 Level 1 is open for future build-outs. Not in Scope
5 included in phase 4
For more information on cost breakdowns per phase, including Move Costing, refer to page 36