This project is about climate change and the impact it is having on forests.
Objective Design an online gallery of practitioners whose work advances the following UN Global Goal: Life on Land and create a platform to showcase their work and impact on achieving the goal.
To show awareness about the Earth’s forests and how we can help protect and restore them. I wanted to use a black and white film aesthetic to show the true beauty of nature within the photographs.
This project is a redesign of Stumptown Coffee’s Sustainability and Impact Report.
Pick a company/organization and redesign their CSR report or annual report.
Stumptown Coffee started in Portland, Oregon, and bloomed into a hip brand of what coffee is today. It is not only about the coffee; it is about the conversations you have while enjoying your hot beverage. Stumptown had just come out with its first report and needed a redesign to make it look more professional.
This project is about everyday vampires socializing and dating in the modern age.
This project is intended for vampires to create relationships and to connect socially with each other. Vampires do not have the same opportunities as mortals when it comes to dating. They need to come out into the light and tell everybody who they are. It is time for vampires to have a place where they can find long-lasting relationships.
I explored this topic by asking the question, what if vampires existed as a part of everyday life, and how would they find other vampires looking to date? I have always been fascinated with vampire movies and TV shows and wanted to create a story about them. I researched many different types of vampires and created three deliverables that were suited for an everyday vampire looking to date.
Vampire Persona No. 1
Besides the fact that she is half vampire and half mortal, Lilith is a typical teenager. She is very edgy and does not fit in with the humans at her high school. She also really wants to date but has no way to connect with other vampires her own age.
Vampire Persona No. 2
Alice is a vampire but more importantly, she is a successful businesswoman. She started her own bar in Puget Sound close to the university. It is the place to be on the weekends. The party never ends. She is too busy to date anyone because she is always working.
Vampire Persona No. 3 Xander is a very old vampire who works as a lab assistant at the local blood lab. He is very social and is always on the go but wants to try a serious relationship.
This project is about redesigning an illustrated book about different road trips around the world.
Pick a book and redesign it. Coffee table books are good examples as they usually have large images and include all the components, such as text, captions, titles, subtitles, and so on. The goal is to redesign sample spreads, not the whole book.
Epic Drives of the World was chosen because I wanted to take the reader on an adventure. I tried to make the pictures come alive so that the reader would be able to experience these new places.
This project is about exploring your dreams with type. The movie posters were ideas based on the type experiments.
Explore your dream state as a place to experiment with type. After experimenting, design three movie posters.
I explored many different types of materials to create an illusion of a dream state. From my experimentation, I ended up in moving a different direction from where I started. I chose the movie The Pink Panther and started experimenting with a fun but sophisticated style.
This project is my undergrad photography thesis.
The camera is often utilized as a tool of representation, objectification, manipulation, and abstraction, but photography is typically the medium that is most closely associated with representing reality. My pictures call into question this very notion by embracing and pushing further the precarious relationship between the recorded world and reality.
Whether utilizing reflective materials such as mylar and mirrors; or collaging pictures printed and then reprinted to create an illusion of depth on a flat surface; or finding what seems to be unlikely, uncanny reflected light and shadow in the world; my pictures distort and disguise reality and offer a new version, in which our relationship with reality and ability to read the real is dubious.
My working process includes two modes of intervention: first, what is captured by the camera; and second, what is created through collages. Seeking out light and spaces that are a balance of humanity and nature, in my unmanipulated photographs, I either hunt for illusions and make pictures at angles that create a feeling of disorientation; or I intervene in the landscape with reflective materials and objects that create line and division, with the aim of abstracting space.
In my collage work, the manipulation of photographs is done in camera to create the illusion or perception of layering images. Pictures are printed in multiples at various sizes, cut up, and pasted together to create layers or planes, which I then piece together in compositions that mimic my photographs made singularly with a camera.
Both photographs and collages are installed and exist together so that the viewer contemplates these constructed spaces in and out of the camera, which may look digitally altered but are not. My aim is to call into question photography’s relationship with representation and reality.
To my family — Mom, Dad, Josh and Lizzie
Thank you so much for your support and unconditional love. I would not have been able to finish this journey without you. You always told me to follow my dreams and reach for the stars. I am able to pursue my goals because of all the love and support you have given me.
To my instructors — Mary Scott, Phil Hamlett, Hunter Wimmer, John Nettleton, Sandra Isla, Jeremy Stout, David Hake, and James O’Hara
Thank you so much for pushing me to achieve work that I am proud of. You gave me more confidence not only in myself but also as a designer. I entered the program without much of a graphic design background, but each one of you has taught me things about design that I am grateful to have learned.
To my dearest Simon
Thank you so much for just being there. Your love and support have given me the greatest incentive to do my best.
To my friends I made at the Academy
Thank you for helping me when I truly needed it the most. I thought I was alone on this journey but realized we were all in this together. I did not even think it was possible to make friends via Zoom, but I am so glad that I did.
Jenny Rodriguez
School Academy of Art University
School of Graphic Design
79 New Montgomery St
San Francisco, CA 94105
Major Master of Arts
Graphic Design and Digital Media
Mary Scott
GR 700 Portfolio
Book Title
Franklin Gothic URW
Adobe Stock Images
Peter James
Rita Leistner
Printing and Binding
Paper Stock
Mohawk Superfine paper, eggshell finish, 100# text