Division 32 July Newsletter

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IN THIS ISSUE 04 greetings 06 committees 07 officer reports 08 key dates 10 dcm recap 11 july dcm 12 icon recap 14 governor 15 int’l vp 16 eliminate gear 17 seattle rally 18 contact info

There are many changes occurring in our division — read on and be informed! For now, due to the lapse in time, the Dragon Scales will not continue. I am still working on a point system— I know that our division has had some issues with this in the past, so please contact me if you have any suggestions. Don’t forget to share this newsletter with the rest of your club :)

STAY CONNECTED www.pnwkeyclub.org www.facebook.com/pnwkeyclub www.twitter.com/pnwkeyclub

GREETINGS from your lieutenant governor Hello Division 32, I hope you all have been enjoying your summer! I know I have—- attending Key Club International Convention in Anaheim, California (see picture on right) has definitely been the highlight of mine. My name is Jenny Feng, and due to the resignation of our previous Lieutenant Governor, I have been appointed as the new Lieutenant Governor of Division 32. I know that this has not been easy on our division, and that the work ahead will not be easy, but I promise you that I will work hard to ensure that this transition is as smooth as possible. Together, we can make sure Division 32 stands strong. In this newsletter, you will find information on our new Committees, how officer reports will now work, the point system, this month’s Divisional Council Meeting, and more. Please read carefully! I can’t wait to meet and work with each and every single one of you. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to contact me at any time! In love and service,

Jenny Feng 4

Lieutenant Governor of Division 32 Pacific Northwest District of Key Club International Fengjenny.ltg32@gmail.com 425-444-4963

A MESSAGE from your immediate past lieutenant governor Hey Baby Dragons! :3 As you all know, I had to resign from my position as your Lieutenant Governor. Please don't feel bad for me because sometimes we have to lose things in life in order to mature. I felt very relieved after announcing my resignation because so many of you expressed such positive things about me as a person, a Key Clubber, and a leader. I especially did not expect a flood of Facebook messages containing encouraging words and gratitude. I didn't realize that I touched so many of my Baby Dragons in such a short amount of time. I was also told repeated that I served our division the best that I could given my circumstance. Not many of you know, but my parents were against me being Lieutenant Governor these past few months. On the bright side, they have embraced my decision around the beginning of June, which I am thankful for, but things still couldn't go how I hoped they would. I just wanted to thank each and every one of my Baby Dragons. :') You all mean everything to me and I wouldn't have been able to serve as Lieutenant Governor if it wasn't for you all. Thank you for choosing me, for believing in me, for trusting in me, for looking up to me, and being flexible with my performance as LtG when you weren't even aware of my situation with my parents. I hope to see you guys work hard for Jenny Feng and improve as Key Clubbers so you all can be the best ones you can be. Like I said way back in January, I walked into Lindbergh’s cafeteria three years ago for my first Key Club meeting. And in one year, I will walk out of Lindbergh’s cafeteria after my last meeting, not as your retiring Lieutenant Governor, but a proud member of Lindbergh’s Key Club and a former leader of Division 32. I am still set on becoming what a dragon symbolizes, a majestic creature that betters the world through its fiery passion for service. I am still that red dragon because I have a fire in my heart and passion, love, and energy coursing through my veins. I will still be part of our family of dragons that share a love for service. And even though I had to resign, I will still be your Mama Dragon that cares unconditionally. This is why I am still in Key Club, and that’s to serve all of my Baby Dragons. Even though it is now July, it is still hard for me to write from my heart. Key Club is still something I love and it continues to set my feelings on fire. And though I can no longer lead this division, I hope my enthusiasm to serve translates though the screen. Good luck to you all on whatever you want to pursue in Key Club or life in general. Again, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for everything. Mama Dragon will be rooting for you guys from the sidelines. <3 Yours always in caring, love, friendship, and service, Morgan Lucena^^ Immediate Past Lieutenant Governor of Division 32



I will be establishing two committees for this upcoming year. This will give our division a chance to work collectively, for key clubbers from different schools to work together, and for us to focus more on certain things. The committee chairs will be appointed, but anyone can join the actual committees. Officers and members alike are encourages to get involved. It will be up to committee chairs to organize and delegate tasks to members.

Spirit Committee

Committee chair applications must be submitted no later than Thursday, July 31st!

Chair Application:

The spirit committee will focus on creating unique cheers, leading our division in chants at rallies and DCON, ideas for spirit gear and props, and icebreakers. Let’s win that spirit stick!

Chair Application: https://docs.google.com/forms/ d/1eStPxUpqNq2r3aCpvTKNMx6V K2gPYEsObMOy1eMlRs8/ viewform

Projects Committee The projects committee will focus on the Eliminate Project as well as Key Club preferred charities. Possibilities: Division 32 merchandise, fundraisers for Eliminate, division wide participation in March of Dimes https://docs.google.com/forms/ d/150PMowDSMrpismjxgDHsC_r4 GXGlbBSbLI3NQbLpvA0/ viewform

With the exception of monthly secretary reports, ALL PREVIOUS DIVISION 32 OFFICER REPORT FORMS ARE NOW VOID. Any responses you submit will not be received by me. I have created new report forms: PRESIDENTS:


The new President report form:

The new Vice-President report form:

https://docs.google.com/forms/ d/1wduPwymzw4xXQ35w901u8OJ6KA5g OvANj4cvMkGD1VU/viewform

https://docs.google.com/forms/ d/1cc56C2LmtALSPehaBWcdfOjPu1ZTd3 WN8ZkhCVLQ12U/viewform

These will be due on the 5th of every month, starting August 5th.

These will be due on the 5th of every month, starting August 5th.



You do not have to submit monthly reports; however, please keep track of the amount in your account for the sake of your secretary.

You do not have to submit monthly reports; however, please continue to create monthly newsletters for your club.

SECRETARIES: Please continue to email your monthly reports to the District Secretary, as well as your lieutenant governor at fengjenny.ltg32@gmail.com.

You are no longer required to submit weekly reports.


KEY DATES July 2014
















August 2014


Seattle Rally Location TBD


11 Spring Board











July DCM w/ D33 Lake Meridian 12:00 PM

31 Committee Chair Applications Due





9 Spring Board



Spring Board

16 Eastside Rally


June DCM Recap

The June Divisional Council Meeting took place on June 22nd at the Old Spaghetti Factory. It was an Officer Installation and Awards Banquet. The 2014-2015 officers have officially been installed, and all outstanding officers and members have been recognized for their commendable service. Congratulations to all officers and members who received an award!


CHALLENGE: Try to bring a non-key

JULY divisional council meeting What: Joint DCM with Division 33, there will be icebreakers, games, food, and a water fight! Our division is assigned to bring main dishes and drinks. Also be sure to bring water guns if you have any, and towels ;) When: Friday, July 25th from 12:00—3:00 PM Where: Lake Meridian Park in Kent OFFICERS: There will be a PCM at 11:30 am. Please make sure that at least one representative from your school is present!

Joint 32/33 July DCM at Lake Meridian, 2012


y clubber friend to the DCM!


KEY CLUB INTERNATIONA ICON 2014 took place in Anaheim, CA. The PNW Tour included two days at Disneyland and lasted from June 30th—July 6th. Congratulations to PNW’S very own Kevin Zhang for being elected as Key Club International Vice President!

“International Convention was like a dream to me. I was given the opportunity to go to be in Anaheim for a week, surrounded by amazing Key Clubbers, including many Key Clubbers that I looked up to (our district board!!!). When I first heard about ICON being in Anaheim, I was mainly excited about getting to go to Disneyland with Key Clubbers. But after having this ICON experience, I know that it was much more than just riding a bunch of rides with a few cool people. The people, the dances, the spirit battles, everything seemed almost too good to be true. Also, the delegates got the chance to vote for our International Board (#votebowl) as well as vote for amendments to the International Bylaws. As our very own Jenny would say, it was "blood-curdling." It was truly an honor to be a part of deciding our international board and our amendments. This convention made me so proud to be a part of the PNW district, home of the mooses (meese?) and our new International Vice President, Kevin Zhang! All in all, International Convention has helped rekindle my passion for Key Club and inspire me to do as much as I can to help eliminate MNT from the world by the end of 2015. ICON has also given me insight as to how Key Club works on a district and international level. Also, through ICON I learned parts of the Canadian anthem. My only regret was not using the 10% off IHOP coupon that was given out to us while I was there. Anyways, I can't wait until next year's TRICON!”


-Jessica Lou, Vice President of Kentridge Key Club

AL CONVENTION 2014 “International Convention was the most fantabulous experience of my life! It honestly was one of the most surreal weeks of my life. It honestly felt so perfect that I wouldn't be surprised if I woke up one day and none of it was true. The "kool kids klub" (the Key Club district board), who I felt were almost otherworldly and intimidating to talk to, all of a sudden became such close friends to me, and I felt like I actually mattered. It truly showed to me what being a Key Clubber is all about, and what a true leader of Key Club is. The convention itself was also a testament to why Key Club is the biggest service organization in the world. It showed me the huge diversity in the different people who are a part of Key Club everyday. Looking at the ridiculous size of the behemoth that is the CNH District was truly humbling. However, it showed to me how grateful I should be to be part of the most spirited division in all of Key Club. At ICON, I could basically feel the enthusiasm and dedication to Key Club rub off on me. And the workshops actually shown me how I could make a difference. I HIGHLY recommend anyone who can go to ICON, to try and go. It was truly a defining moment in my Key Club career, and it has prepared me to be ready for everything that's going to happen in my upcoming term.”

-Bryan Raganot, Vice President of Kent-Meridian Key Club

ICON 2015 will take place in Indianapolis, Indiana, where Kiwanis was founded! In honor of Kiwanis’s 100th birthday, “TRICON” will also be Kiwanis and Circle K’s International Conventions. Hope to see you there!


A message from your PNW governor

Hey Key Clubbers, Summer is finally here, and I hope all of you are kicking back and relaxing after a long school year’s end. All of you have put so much effort into the last school year, from taking AP and IB classes, to being in multiple clubs and activities, to all of your endless community service that you have done. To the seniors a special congrats on finishing high school, you guys have worked especially hard. I hope the memories of the last years in high school will carry with all of you, and I hope you know all the service you have done in the last few years, has been changing the lives of others. To the club members, remember that when the sun is out, it is a great chance to grab a few friends and serve, and that service doesn’t end when the school year does! Continue all of your hard work because when you give a little love, you get a little love back, when you give a lot of love, you get a lot of love back. The amount of effort you put into serving is the amount you get back, from seeing a smile from the kid who just got a card at children’s hospital, to packing a meal for a hungry family who lives in the neighborhood. The more and more you serve, the more and more you will see the community being affected, by the love and service you give to it. Remember that when you serve, give your whole heart to the project or fundraiser, and the results will soar. You are the change, with every good deed you do, no matter how big or small, it helps the people around you. From right around the corner to half way around the world, you guys are truly admirable. You give more than anyone could ever see or know, you guys don’t wish that you had the power to change the world, you know you have the power to change the world. Thank you all so much, and just remember, what you share with the world is what the world keeps of you.

Lisa Antonio, Pacific Northwest District Governor


A message from your International VP

Hello Pacific Northwest District Key Clubbers! Over this past week, I along with 39 other PNW Key Clubbers and six Kiwanis chaperones had the opportunity to attend the 71st annual International Convention in the vibrant city of Anaheim, California. While there, we had the opportunity to attend educational workshops, meet Key Clubbers from across the world, and elect the 2014-2015 Key Club International Board. I am truly humbled and honored to announce that I was chosen out of a field of four other highly qualified candidates to be your next International Vice President. My biggest support throughout the entire journey, from the moment I decided to run until my name was announced on stage, was the entire Pacific Northwest District. So let me take this time to thank every single one of you- all 13,000+ members. It was your support that got me through not only ICON week but the months leading up to it. Thank you to everyone that messaged be “good luck� and to all of those that congratulated me afterwards. Even though many of you did not attend ICON 2014, I still felt as if all of you were alongside me. I look forward to personally thanking many of you as I travel to some of the upcoming area rallies. To all the graduating seniors, even though I will not have the opportunity to serve you for this upcoming year, I hope that many of you will decide to join Circle K in college and eventually Kiwanis. Once again, THANK YOU to the mighty Pacific Northwest District! I look forward to yet another fantastic year of service, friendship, and growth not only for Key Club International but also for our district! In Service,

Kevin Zhang Kevin Zhang Key Club International Vice President zhangkevin2015@gmail.com 360.250.3999

Left: International President Maria Palazzolo



DISTRICT GOVERNOR Lisa Antonio Division 28 lisaantonio.dgov@gmail.com


DISTRICT SECRETARY Ik Hoon Jung Division 65 ijungpnwsec@gmail.com DISTRICT TREASURER Aneesh Pappu Division 56 apappu97@gmail.com DISTRICT EDITOR Jenny Zhang Division 32 editorjennyzhang@gmail.com CONVENTION CHAIR Cleo Tsang Division 32 pnwconventionchair@gmail.com DISTRICT ADMINISTRATOR John Jay jmjay@comcast.net ASSISTANT DISTRICT ADMINISTRATOR Tom Saunders tom@saunders-appraisal.com

District Project Director: Ben Scranage Communications Director: Anav Gagneja Membership Growth: Suvir Copparam K-Family Relations: Athena Sok


President: Justin Danao Justin.danao118@gmail.com Vice President: Jessica Tiamzon jessicatiamzon@gmail.com Secretary: Lisa Lai liissaa425@live.com Treasurer: Efrain Velasco efrainvelasco97@yahoo.com Bulletin Editor: Kenji Nicholson kenjilee102@gmail.com


President: Cindy Truong cindytruong1717@gmail.com Vice President: Jacquelin Huang jacquelinhuang@live.com Secretary: Constance La constancexla@gmail.com Treasurer: Crystal Tam crystaljtam8@msn.com Bulletin Editor: Jonathan Dieu jman6768@gmail.com


President: Emily Ly smartyrice@gmail.com Vice President: Bryan Raganot time4eggs@yahoo.com Secretary: Elise Nguyen Nguyen.elisexkm@gmail.com Treasurer: Kimberly Ly itsKimberlyLy@hotmail.com Bulletin Editor: Kelsey Tran kelseysaywha123@gmail.com Public Relations: Calvin Nguyen calvinnguyen356@yahoo.com


President: Nancy Tran tran.nancy@aol.com Vice President: Sarah Turner skturner011@gmail.com Secretary: Truman Ngo Hieuasdfghjkl@gmail.com Treasurer: Peter Da peterda6@gmail.com Bulletin Editor: Connor Chinn Chunwenfei97@gmail.com


President: Emily Yoshioka eyoshi14@gmail.com Vice President: Carina Tran carinatran16@yahoo.com Secretary: Kim Anh Tran Kimtran.79@gmail.com Treasurer: Tony Vo ttvo1022@gmail.com Bulletin Editor: Kim Tran kimthegrandmaster@gmail.com


President: Natalie Cerna ncerna77@gmail.com Vice President: Katarina Hunt khulagirl@gmail.com Secretary: Katie Sherick ksherick855@go.tahomasd.us Treasurer: Danae Golding danaegolding@gmail.com Bulletin Editor: Anne Sweeney Smiley.sweeny@msn.com


President: Michelle Nguyen Michelle.N261@gmail.com Vice President: Jessica Lou Jlou.xu@gmail.com Secretary: Kathleen Nguyen Nguyen.Kathleen@rocketmail.com Treasurer: Naomi Cho Naomi.cho@hotmail.com Bulletin Editor: Denny Tran denny-tran@hotmail.com Historian: Jojo Saunders SaundersnotSanders@gmail.com


President: Zia Wanalista zwanalis@gmail.com Vice President: Hieu Nguyen hieutnguyens@gmail.com Secretary: Abbie Descargar abbie0728@comcast.net Treasurer: Bannysa La Torre Banbeasa@yahoo.com Bulletin Editor: Alexa Agustiano alexa.agustiano@yahoo.com


THANKS FOR READING! -Jenny Feng Lieutenant Governor Division 32 Pacific Northwest District Key Club International

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