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Friday, April 12, 2013


News Photo From Japan






❶ Mickey Mouse-painted plane

TOKYO, Japan - Photo taken at Tokyo's Haneda airport on March 29, 2013, shows a Japan Airlines Co. Boeing 777 aircraft painted with illustrations of Mickey Mouse to mark the 30th anniversary of the opening of Tokyo Disney Resort. (Kyodo News)

❷ Fossil of carnivorous dinosaur found in Japan

KUJI, Japan - Photo taken in Kuji, Iwate Prefecture on March 29, 2013, shows Takato Sasaki, a 13-year-old junior high school student from neighboring Aomori Prefecture. A fossil found in Kuji in May 2012 by Sasaki has been confirmed as a toe bone of a Coelurosauria, a carnivorous dinosaur living in the latter part of the Cretaceous period around 85 million years ago, a researcher said the same day. (Kyodo News)

Special Feature

Friday, April 12, 2013



Friday, April 12, 2013

News About Japan

News About Japan

Friday, April 12, 2013



Friday, April 12, 2013

News About Japan

News About Japan

Friday, April 12, 2013



Friday, April 12, 2013

Japanese "B-class" gourmet cuisine

Japanese Restaurant

Kai Sydney

・ Photo : Kai Japanese Restaurant Writing : Ann Nazdo (upper left) The shoga-yaki (stir-fry with ginger) has a richly infused sauce and perfectly tender yet springy meat ($14.50). (upper right) The ten-don, with its crispy batter and sauce-infused rice, comes with mini-udon ($13.50). (lower left) Connoisseurs will be unable to resist the generous portions of the salmon set ($20.50). (lower right) You will be surprised at the size of the tonkatsu (battered pork) set ($14.50).

Shop is at the end of the alley in The Grove

Affordable, chef-quality lunch at a newly refurbished restaurant Enjoy authentic Japanese to your heart's content Neutral Bay is the ultimate place to go if you are craving Japanese food, from traditional noodles or rice dishes to Westernstyle Japanese. You are sure to find most types of Japanese cuisine in Neutral Bay, with plenty of restaurants and take-away stores. In such a competitive battlefield, Kai reopened in February this year with a new slogan, "The restaurant with the authentic chef", and a renewed affordable and quality lunch menu. Kai has a reputation for an uncompromised authentic taste and a desire to bring real Japanese food not only to the Neutral Bay, but eventually to Sydney as well. While this attitude has not changed, their lunch menu has reappeared in a new form that will keep both customers' stomachs and wallets happy! The must-try recommendation has to be the range of donburi (authentic dishes of meat, fish or vegetables over rice) starting from $13.50. Served with a mini-udon, the size of each meal is certainly satisfying. This satisfaction is then followed by the pleasant, nostalgic harmony of carefully selected ingredients and the blend of rice and sauce, which is said to be the foundation of donburi. The fried food is crisp and the cooked meats are very tender, allowing your chopsticks to cut through without any

difficulty. The mini-udon is the ideal and essential match for the main dish. Japanese authenticity can also be created with just bowl of rice and miso soup to accompany the main dish. Pork sh_ga-yaki (stir fry with ginger) is the representative dish and can often be hard to find outside Japan. The pork is fried with onions and chives, mixed with sauce, cut into bite-size pieces and served with rice. Surprisingly, $14.50 includes a tsukidashi (small appetiser) and a chawanmushi (egg custard). It definitely feels like you've been looked after. If you are really indecisive, and just want everything from the overwhelming menu, there is "Kai Special Lunch Set" at $29.50. It's a parade of Kai's classic quality meals, enough to fill anyone at a reasonable price. There are also sushi/sashimi Sets, which makes the decision over lunch just a little more difficult! Driven to continue providing genuine Japanese cuisine, Kai is also introducing dinner course meals from midSeptember. You will be pleasantly surprised that a five-course meal includes an entr_e and a main selection from three different combinations at only $55 per person. Whether it's a filling lunch or an awesome dinner you are hoping for, Neutral Bay is the place to be, day or night.

Further information You can obtain all information you need on travelling to Japan on the JNTO website at

The Kai special lunch set is a parade of classic, quality Japanese cuisine ($29.50).

The harmony of the sauce with the tenderness of the beef in the Wagyu-don is just mouth-watering ($17.50).

Kai Sydney Address: The Grove,Shop 13,    166-174 Military Rd, Neutral Bay Phone: 02 9908 7045 Opening hours: Thursday - Sunday (lunch) 12:00pm∼2:00pm Tuesday - Sunday (dinner) 6:00pm∼10:00pm BYO: Fully licensed & BYO (wine only) Accepted cards: EFTPOS, Visa, Mastercard, AMEX and other major cards

Alternatively, visit JNTO Sydney Office self-service Room at Suite 1, Level 4, 56 Clarence Street, Sydney NSW 2000 (About a one minute walk from Wynyard station) Opening Hours: 9:00 - 17:00(Monday - Friday)

The chicken katsu-don's combination of batter, sauce and egg emphasises the traditional taste of Japan ($13.50).

Friday, April 12, 2013

Yellow Pages・Money & Tax Talk・TV Program about Japan

Under the superannuation guarantee scheme an employer must make contributions into their employee’s complying superannuation fund. The amount to be contributed is currently 9% of the employee’s ordinary time earnings. Contributions are required to be made at least quarterly with the quarters being the end of March, June, September and December and must be made within 28 days of the end of the quarter. Employees are able to choose the fund into which their contributions are made but as an employer you should always check that their fund is a complying fund. You can do this on the Superfund lookup website. As an employer it is important that you determine who is an employee for superannuation purposes. The definition of an employee includes workers who fall within the ordinary meaning of employee but for superannuation purposes also includes



people who are employed principally for their labour. This extended definition means that some contractors are employees and as such you are required to make superannuation contributions on their behalf. Also working directors are employees. Once you determine who your employees are, the next step is to calculate their ordinary time earnings. This can be different from their salary and wages. For example, payments for working overtime are salary and wages but are not ordinary time earnings. The minimum superannuation amount is based on ordinary time earnings. An employer is required to keep records to demonstrate compliance with the superannuation guarantee scheme. These records would include the name of the employee, their ordinary time earnings, and the amount of superannuation contributed. Superannuation is also required to be shown on an employee’s pay slip. Failure to pay superannuation can result in the imposition of the superannuation guarantee charge. This consists of the unpaid superannuation, plus interest, plus an administration fee. As a penalty to the employer, no amount of the superannuation guarantee charge is tax deductible. If you would like further information on employer superannuation contributions or any other taxation or accounting issues please contact us.


Friday, April 12, 2013

シドニー日本クラブ(Japan Club of Sydney Inc.) PO Box 1690 Chatswood NSW 2057 TEL: 0421-776-052 / FAX: 02-9412-3434



Friday, April 12, 2013



Friday, April 12, 2013


コラム 生活 【共同通信社】



アニメ「ガラスの仮面ですが」の一場面。レディース姿の北島マヤ C 美 内すずえ / 白泉社 2013( C  2013「ガラスの仮面ですが」製作委員会)


﹁ 面 白 そ う ﹂ を 大 事 に

ちんどん屋 を舞台にした 絵 本「 ち ん ど んや ちんたろ う」 (長崎出版・ 1575円)が刊 行 さ れ た。 独 特の色使いに加え、 「何これ!?」と好奇 心をそそる絵柄で、なじみのない世界に 子どもたちが興味を持ちやすい作品だ。  主人公は小学生の「しんたろう」 。友達 の「かよ」の父親がやっている下町商店街 のちんどん屋の中をのぞき見していると、 父親に見つかる。父親の迫力に動揺し、 その場しのぎで「ちんどん屋になりたいん です」と言ってしまう。かよと一緒に特訓 に励み悪戦苦闘しながら、ちんどん屋の 世界にはまっていく…。  制作のきっかけは、著者の紙切り似顔 絵師チャンキー松本さん(46)のもとに、 妻で挿絵師のいぬんこさん(45)の絵がちん どん屋に合うと声が寄せられたこと。作家や ミュージシャンら多様な人が出入りする2人 のマンションの家に、同じマンションに住む 10歳の男の子がよく遊びに来ていた。 「こん な子が非日常の世界に入っていったら面白い

コラム 生活 【共同通信社】

のでは。今は子どもが冒険できる所が少 ない」 とストーリーを考えたという。  絵本ではちんどん屋の事務所の舞台裏 も細部まで描き、にぎやかなタッチと なっている。 「絵本は駄菓子のイメージ」 といういぬんこさんの考えを反映させて いるという。 「自分の子ども時代を思う と、駄菓子のパッケージがよみがえって 懐かしい。教育的なことより、子ども目 線で描きたかったんです」   「 『よく分からないけど面白そう』とい う感覚を大事にしてほしい」とチャン キー松本さんといぬんこさん。 「よから ぬ出会いや味わったことのない経験が、 成長のきっかけになります」と話してい る。

「ちんどんや ちんたろう」を手に談笑するチャンキー松本さん (右)といぬんこさん = 東京都内

Friday, April 12, 2013


����    初回はいつもこの価格!


ヘアカラー or パーマで平日に お越しの方全員に、

ジェルネイル $100 相当を→$69 でできるバウチャープレゼント !! Kayo Japanese Hair design:

カルジェルネイル $85 → $59  グリッターラメ $75 → $49 ジェルネイル  グリッターラメ フレンチネイル $95 → $68  ラメライン ★いずれもスワロフスキー使用ネイルアート含む $110 → $88

全員、日本人スタイリストのヘアサロン。1 人 1 アイラッシュエクステンション    人の個性を生かした独自のスタイルを作ってくれ (つけ放題) ます。初回はカット+カラーor パーマで平日に来 Monthly Special Nail 20∼30%OFF!!   店するとフリートリートメントのサービスも。 TEL: 02-8021-8902 KayoJapaneseHairDesign (数種類ある Special Design から選んで頂きます☆)

営業時間 電話



Friday, April 12, 2013



Friday, April 12, 2013



Friday, April 12, 2013


Friday, April 12, 2013


住所 営業時間 電話



Friday, April 12, 2013


撮影日和 シドニー在住「撮影コーディネーター」 の日々を綴ります。


マック近藤  プロフィール : 愛知県生まれ。旅行 会社、オーストラリア政府観光局を 経て 1990 年オーストラリアに漂流、 以後撮影コーディネートを手がける。 今までにかかわったプロジェクトは 300 本以上。現在はシドニー在住。 オーストラリアニュースサイト 「Actus News」主宰。

コラム 生活 【共同通信社】

Friday, April 12, 2013


スポットレンタル 好評実施中 !


スペ 店週末

も 却して 日に返 す。 曜 ま 月 だけ りて た 借 い に み し 金曜日 でお楽 の料金 日 3 泊 2


も パック ドラマ ! す ありま ) 日 $8 8 泊 (7

おすすめ Pick Up!!!



Friday, April 12, 2013



Publisher Takayuki Takahashi

TEL: (02) 9909 0111 FAX: (02) 9909 0888

TEL: 02 9261 0479 Suite 305, L3, 332 Pitt St, Sydney

TAB看板が目印の 「FURTUNA HOUSE」 ビルの3Fです


TEL: 02 9908 4110 Shop 3, 99 Military Rd, Neutral Bay

$2 OFF

初回ご利用のお客様に限らせていただきます 無料で会員証をお作りします 有効期限 : 2013年 4月末日

TEL: 02 9411 2256 226 Victoria Ave., Chatswood

TEL: 02 9279 3990 フィリピン航空ビル1st Floor, 49 York St, Sydney

Friday, April 12, 2013









ビジネス ��������


投稿頂いた内容は、全て ジェンタに帰属いたします。



Friday, April 12, 2013


Friday, April 12, 2013


TEL:(02) 9247-4554 電話を まずはお


Level 4, 58 Pitt St., Sydney




Friday, April 12, 2013


Friday, April 12, 2013

News in Australia

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Friday, April 12, 2013




割引チケット発売中 タロンガ動物園 $35 さらにお得な コンビネーション パスもあるよ !

*パトちゃん会員価格。 非会員価格$42.90

マダムタッソー $24 ワイルドライフシドニー


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