Dark Blood

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Dark Blood by Jeremy Gabryszak

Revisions by Jeremy Gabryszak

Current Revisions by Jeremy Gabryszak, 3/04/2013

WGA Registration: I249808 Š Copyright 2010 Jeremy Gabryszak

THE SCREEN IS BLACK. Words in blood red scroll from the bottom. HARKER (V.O.) (Reading the words) If someone told you that vampires are fiction, is a vampire themselves. You see the fiction tells you that vampires started to exist somewhere between the 18th and 19th century. Actually it goes farther back than that. Like 800 years ago. FADE IN: EXT. MEDIEVAL ENGLAND - CHAPEL - MORNING Sub-title: 1210 A.D. People in medieval garb and knights in their armor head into the chapel. INT. CHAPEL - CONTINUOUS A PRIEST walks by each civilian, giving them church bread and wine. He then walks by the knights and gives them bread and wine. The priest walks back to the front, under a big cross. The priest is THOMAS MAREK. Marek is a fairly handsome man in his thirties with black hair and brown eyes. HARKER (V.O.) It all started with a priest. His name was Marek. First name Thomas. Another priest walks in and hands Marek a bible. This priest is HARKER. Harker is a man in his thirties with short black hair and clean shaven. HARKER (V.O.) That’s me with the bible. Marek gives the sign of the cross. Civilians and knights leave.



A beautiful brunette woman sits in the back. This is MINA. Marek sees her and his face brightens. There is the sound of voices. Marek’s eyes start to roll back and he grasps his ears. His face cringes and the voices stop. HARKER You okay, brother? MAREK Yes, John. HARKER Is it the voices again? MAREK Yes. They are getting worse. Do you believe it is the angels? HARKER Hold your tongue. Do not ever say those words. Do you want the cardinal to burn you at the stake for saying those words? He is the only one that hears the angels. MAREK Why should I be burned? I am more a faithful servant of the lord as he is a tyrant. He should be burned for saying the words he says. He should be burned for fornicating with his numerous wenches. HARKER I am as much a friend as I am a servant of the lord. You need to stop preaching these beliefs. The cardinal has more power and more influence than you. He is the king’s father and I can protect you only so much. Marek sees Mina and nods his head to a room to the right. MAREK I will speak with you later. Will you excuse me? Harker grabs Marek’s arm. (CONTINUED)


HARKER I must recommend that you do not continue with that woman. MAREK What is it you mean by that woman? She is not a demon. I hate how you hypocrites believe it is right for a higher man of power in the service of the lord to have more than one women to service him but it is wrong that I can love one woman. Marek walks over to Mina and leave the room with her. Harker walks out of the church. EXT. MEDIEVAL ENGLAND - CHAPEL - MOMENTS LATER Harker watches through a window as Marek kisses Mina passionately. HARKER (V.O.) I made the biggest mistake ever and it will forever alter the world. MONTAGE - EVENTS THAT TURN MAREK AGAINST SOCIETY -Harker talks to the CARDINAL, a menacing looking, balding man in his late fifties. -Marek is beaten by knights as Mina is arrested. Harker is outside, his head lowered in shame. -Mina is burned at the stake as a beaten Marek is forced to watch in horror. -Marek is chained against the wall with a look of animosity on his face. -Marek snaps a prison guard’s neck and steals his sword. -Marek throws a lantern on a straw roof and starts the building on fire. People run out. Marek rides after them, slashing and decapitating. Marek licks blood off of his sword and lets out a battle cry. -Marek rides his horse at full gallop through a field. -The Cardinal runs by a unsuspecting people. Marek rides after him and knocks him down with his horse. Marek’s strolls up on his horse. (CONTINUED)


Marek looks down at the cardinal with a smile. He pulls the reigns back. The horse stands up on two legs. The cardinal screams as the horse’s front legs come down and crush his skull. -Marek takes his sword and chops the cross at the front of his chapel in a diagonal half. His madonna statue starts weeping blood. Marek rubs his finger on the blood and licks it off. MAREK (to statue) Those tears did not save anyone. END MONTAGE INT. CASTLE - COURTROOM - AFTERNOON Marek stands in the middle of a room, facing the KING and his advisors. The King is a man in his late thirties with long black hair and a beard. There are people on the benches behind Marek. KING It is my fair judgement that you hang until death. May you burn in hell. MAREK Hell. Why would I burn in hell? Because I killed a false prophet, a philanderer, and a tyrant. The people on the benches boo and one old woman spits on Marek. MAREK (CONT’D) Go ahead and boo and spit on me. Go ahead and listen to a liar and a cheat of a king. Fair judgement or your own revenge. KING It is fair under god. MAREK God. I no longer serve god. If god sides with all of you against me, then to hell with god. People start yelling.



MAREK (CONT’D) Shut up! You and God stand and support a man of the cloth who uses his position for debauchery and fornicating with dirty heathens. To hell with all of you and your king. You want to hang me, go ahead. You think death will stop me? It’s just the beginning. I will return. I will come back and I will bring all the forces of darkness with me. England, Europe, the whole world will be wiped off the map. Your beautiful earth will drown in all of your blood. Be ready, when it is all said and done, you will have only two choices. Join me or choose how you die. EXT. ENGLAND - COUNTRY - HILL - SUNSET Marek stands on a stool under a tree. Harker stands on the side with a bible. HARKER I wish it didn’t come to this. I tried to beg for leniency. MAREK I have no more to say to you. You will receive your comeuppance for your treachery. And then you will have to choose between god and me. HARKER I will choose god. May we please get on with it? The EXECUTIONER, a muscular man wearing a black sack over his head with holes for his eyes to see, puts a sack over Marek’s head. He then puts a noose on Marek Marek’s hands are tied behind his back. HARKER (CONT’D) May the holy father ask is the child sorry for the crimes? MAREK No.



HARKER May I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. May god have mercy on your soul. MAREK It is not my soul that is going to be begging for mercy. The rope is tied to the tree branch. Harker nods his head. The executioner kicks the stool out from under Marek’s feet. Marek’s body dangles and kicks around. The body stops shaking and Marek dies. Harker lowers his head, a tear in his eye. CUT TO: EXT. ENGLAND - COUNTRY - HILL - NIGHT The body dangles from the tree. The new CARDINAL, a young twenty something man, walks up to the tree with Harker, carrying a cross on a staff, four priests, and the executioner. All of them are carrying torches. The cardinal pulls out a black book with an upside down cross on it. He scrolls his fingers through each page and taps one page. CARDINAL I believe this is the one. HARKER You believe? I thought you said you done this before. CARDINAL Just in practice. Never in a real exorcism. HARKER (to himself) God help us. Harker mixes a concoction of garlic and silver dust. He puts a flame from one of the torches into the concoction. There is a burst that turns the concoction into smoke. Harker circles the body and Marek’s skin sizzles. (CONTINUED)


HARKER (CONT’D) He’s ready. The cardinal, very badly, reads Latin from the book. He gives the sign of the cross with his hand. HARKER (CONT’D) I think you should use holy water. CARDINAL Priest. Quiet! I know what I am doing. Do not interrupt me again or you will end up like him. The cardinal reads a few more quotes. CARDINAL (CONT’D) I think we are done. Cut him down. The cardinal stands with his chest up, proud of himself. The executioner puts a stool by Marek’s dangling body. The executioner stands on the stool and pulls the sack off of Marek’s head. He cuts the rope and Marek’s body lands square on his feet. Marek’s eyes open, revealing yellow eyes and fangs. He bites into the executioner’s chest. The executioner screams in agony. Marek stops biting. The executioner starts to run but Marek grabs the mask and pulls the execution back. Marek bites into the top of the executioner’s head, blood spraying his face. Marek squashes the executioner’s head. The priests turn around and sees nothing but mist. The priests look around in a frantic manner. Harker pulls out a dagger. Marek appears and punches Harker in the chest, sending him flying back into the tree. One of the priests picks up the staff with the cross on it. Marek stops the priest. He breaks the staff with his foot, leaving a sharp point in the staff. Marek impales the priest and flips him over his head. The second priest gets his head twisted off. The third priest gets broken in half by a back breaker from Marek. Marek knocks the final priest onto this stomach. (CONTINUED)


Marek grabs the priest by the ankles and swings him into the tree full force, smashing the priest’s head. Marek, now sporting red eyes, looks up to the sky and roars. Harker slowly pulls himself up. He pulls out the dagger. Harker turns around to see Marek standing before him. MAREK Kneel or die. HARKER You die. Harker attempts to stab Marek. Marek catches his hand and breaks his wrist. Harker screams in pain. Marek pulls Harker close and bites Harker on the left side of his neck. Marek pulls back and smiles with his bloody mouth and teeth. MAREK I always thought of you as a brother. Welcome to the family. Marek continues drinking and Harker starts to go pale as blood is drained from him. He grabs his cross and the cross makes contact with Marek’s skin. The cross burns Marek’s skin, making him pull away. Harker holds the cross up, causing Marek to cower. Harker grabs the bowl and throws the remaining contents of the garlic/silver concoction into Marek’s face. Marek’s face gets burned and he screams in agony. Marek flies away. HARKER Come back you fucking demon. Harker keels over. He grasps his stomach. Harker moans in pain. His eyes close tightly. Harker’s eyes open revealing he now has yellow eyes. An powerful smell hits Harker’s nose. Harker turns around and sees the priest that was impaled, barely alive. Harker runs to the priest’s side. PRIEST Father, help me. (CONTINUED)


Harker starts to breath heavily. He sits the priest up. Harker pulls the priest’s head to the right and bites the right side of the neck. The priest starts to weakly moan before dying as Harker drinks his blood. Harker drops the body. He stands up totally rejuvenated. His eyes change from yellow to red. HARKER (V.O.) It was then, that I followed my only friend into hell. MONTAGE: HARKER LEARNING THE WAYS OF THE VAMPIRE -Harker steps out into the sunlight and starts to get burned. HARKER (V.O.) Because he died and was exorcised at night, Marek and all the changed people are now creatures of the night. -Flashback of Marek getting burned by the cross. HARKER (V.O.) All evil hearted vampires are weak to religious artifacts due to their rebellion against god. -There is another flashback of Harker’s encounter with vampiric Marek. Harker throws the concoction of silver and garlic into Marek’s face, burning. HARKER (V.O.) Silver and garlic are harmful to vampires as well. -Harker captures a vampire. He stabs the vampire numerous times with a wooden stake until he stabs him in the heart. The vampire’s body burns away. END MONTAGE INSERT-MAP OF EUROPE A spot of red starts engulfing the map.



HARKER (V.O.) While I was discovering ways of fighting this menace, Marek built his army and he was already starting to take over. MONTAGE: MAREK’S PATH OF DESTRUCTION -Marek and his vampire army, made up of Celts, Scots, Mongols, and peasants ride across plains. - Villagers run in horror as the army enters. -A Scot vampire decapitates three men with a Claymore (sword). -A villager gets arrows in both eyes. -Another villager gets an axe into the shoulder, almost severing the arm. -Homes are burned to the ground as a symphony of screams are heard in the background. -Marek stands in the middle of village holding his sword in his right hand. His arms are outstretched in a victory pose. Marek and his army roars. END MONTAGE INT. CASTLE - KING’S CHAMBER - AFTERNOON The king sits on his throne, resting his face in his hand. All of his advisors are arguing amongst themselves. KING Silence! What in god’s name are you arguing about? What do we do with our treasures? What do we do with me? Do you imbeciles seem to care that the devil’s army is cutting a bloody path through our country? People being massacred on a daily basis. This demon’s army is getting bigger every day. Let’s stop worrying about the treasure and worry about how we stop his army. What makes him so unstoppable? Why cant my armies defeat them?



HARKER (O.S.) Because you don’t know their strengths and weaknesses. The king and the advisors are startled by Harker. Harker walks in wearing a black robe with a hood. He removes the hood revealing himself, pale skinned and red eyed. KING How did you get in here? HARKER I have my advantages. KING What do you wish to discuss? HARKER Helping you defeat Marek and his army. KING Do you know how to defeat them? HARKER Well, I am one of them. KING That makes me trust you less. HARKER I may have a demon’s power but I have the heart for god. I know the weaknesses of his minions and I know how to kill Marek. KING We’re listening. HARKER You see that they only attack at night. So we attack in the day. KING You go with us on the attack. HARKER I can’t during the day, if you didn’t happen to notice. KING We will think of something. So we attack at first sun.


EXT. ENGLAND/FRANCE BORDER - CASTLE MAREK - LATE AFTERNOON Knights tie bags of sesame oil on to the gate. Archers ignite their arrows and fire into the bags, exploding the door. Knights ride into the castle. EXT. CASTLE MAREK - COURTYARD - CONTINUOUS Knights ride across coffins that cover the grounds. The King rides in. There is a coffin on a carriage behind him. The King walks over to the coffin. There is a small hole on the side. KING What would happen if I open these coffins? HARKER (O.S.) They will all burn to death. The King nods his head to the knights. The knights open the coffins. All the occupants let out a blood curdling scream as they start on fire and burn up. INT. CASTLE MAREK - CATACOMBS - SAME TIME Marek is sleeping upside down on the ceiling. His eyes pop open. Marek flips onto the ground. SILAS, a blonde man with dead eyes, appears. There is a group of vampires behind him. MAREK Leave. I’ll keep them occupied, sort to speak. SILAS My lord, let us destroy these humans. MAREK No. Carry on my bloodline. Spread your infestation. (MORE)


13. CONTINUED: MAREK (CONT'D) Knowing the king, he will keep me alive to suffer. When it’s the right time, wake me up.

Silas and the group run down a secret tunnel. Marek’s eyeballs turn green and his body fades into mist. EXT. CASTLE MAREK - COURTYARD - CONTINUOUS The King takes a drink of water from a water bearer. KING So is everything good? KNIGHT #1 Yes, your majesty. We have cleared out and killed any vampires we can find. KING What about the catacombs? KNIGHT #1 We haven’t checked their yet. KING Take your group and check them out. KNIGHT #1 I only have four men with me. KING So? He is only one man. KNIGHT #1 I’ll get right on it. The knight nervously waves four knights over to him. They head to a dark doorway across the courtyard. INT. CASTLE MAREK - CATACOMBS - CONTINUOUS The five knights walk carefully into the catacombs with their swords drawn. A greenish mist is in the air. KNIGHT #1 Put our backs to the wall. The knights have their backs against the wall. KNIGHT #2 Will this work? (CONTINUED)


KNIGHT #1 Of course. He will not be able to surprise us. Knight #1 laughs until Knight #5’s head lands in front of him. KNIGHT #1 (CONT’D) Look ou...! Knight #1’s throat is slit. The other knights are startled. Knight #2 gets his head twisted around. Knight #3 gets a hole punched through his chest, a fist print appears in the armor. The last knight swings his sword wildly. The knight’s helmet comes off. The blade of the sword is broken. The broken blade swings down and splits the knight’s head in two. The mist forms into a bubble and reforms into Marek. EXT. CASTLE MAREK - COURTYARD - SAME TIME The king and other knights stare at the entrance of the catacombs, hearing the screams. KING That did not sound good. Send him in! The carriage with coffin is pushed rapidly toward the doorway leading into the catacombs. The carriage crashes, sending the coffin flying down the stairs. INT. CASTLE MAREK - CATACOMBS - MOMENTS LATER The coffin stops. Harker bursts out of the coffin and unsheathes his sword. Harker quickly turns around and blocks a downward strike by Marek. MAREK Hello, my brother. HARKER You are not my brother.



Harker and Marek block and evade sword strikes from one another. Marek slashes Harker’s stomach but Harker chops Marek’s hand off. Marek’s hand reforms and punches Harker in the face. Harker tries to slash at Marek but Marek catches and breaks the sword. Marek spin kicks Harker onto his back. Harker starts to crawl away. Marek sees a spear on the wall and grabs it. MAREK Any last requests, old friend. Harker turns around and blows silver and garlic dust into his face. Marek starts to choke and struggles to breath. Harker takes a big silver cross and hits Marek on the forehead with it. Marek falls on his back. Harker takes out two silver daggers and nail both of Marek’s hands on the ground. Marek’s feet are tied down with rope soaked in garlic water. Harker pulls out a silver stake filled with blood. HARKER This contains the blood of Jesus and St. Peter. Purest blood to burn out the evilest of hearts. Archers armed with crossbows appear, aiming at Harker. HARKER (CONT’D) What in God’s name are you doing? KING Change of plans. HARKER What? KING I am starting to believe that death is too good a death for him. HARKER It is the only way to stop the infestation. KING Infestation? (CONTINUED)

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HARKER Did you kill all the vampires or just the ones here? KING What? HARKER There maybe others. They can be destroyed or stopped if I kill him. KING They will not be a problem anymore. HARKER You cannot do this. KING You are one of them. Are you not? HARKER Yes. KING We can kill you, too. And how would that look, going to hell, knowing that you could not stop him? HARKER Fine. Lifelong imprisonment. Marek’s throat is slit. The back end of a silver mask is put on the back of Marek’s head. Silver dust is sprinkled on the throat wound. OPENING CREDITS The front of the mask, with spikes where the face goes is brought in. It’s put on Marek’s face and hammered into place. Marek screams in agony as blood spills out of the eye and mouth holes on the mask. His hands are placed together on his chest and a silver dagger is stabbed in place. Leeches are thrown on his body. Marek’s body is put into a silver sarcophagus and the top is put on and nailed shut.


EXT. ENGLAND/FRANCE BORDER - LAKE SIDE - SAME TIME Silas and the other vampires come out of a trap door. The sun is setting. Silas is starting to weep blood. He and the other vampires scream in anger.

TITLE - DARK BLOOD Screen is black. HARKER (V.O.) Marek would lie in his tomb until now. But it wouldn’t be me that would oppose him. EXT. WESTERN ILLINOIS - WESTERN AVENUE - MORNING Sub-title: 800 years later DANNY, a thin but handsome twenty something who resembles Harker and wears glasses, takes a picture of the buildings that line the street. He also wears a silver charm on his neck. On the left side of the street are the classroom buildings Morgan, Waggoner, Stipes. The right side has the two dorms Higgins and Thompson on the end of the street that Danny stands at. The right side also contains the classroom building Horrabin. Danny takes a picture of Waggoner, a tan and black building. He gets shoulder bumped by Arthur. ARTHUR (sarcastically) I’m sorry. Arthur is a blonde jock in his twenties. He is then followed by his entourage. The entourage contains Jack, a chubby Italian man, Hawkings, a man with black shaggy hair and a goatee, and Marcus Renfeld, a man with a buzz cut and a five o’clock shadow. They are all the same age group as Arthur and Danny. JACK Watch it freak. (CONTINUED)


Jack pushes Danny on to his face. Danny starts to angrily push himself up. Hawkings pushes him back on the ground. Danny lies on the ground in defeat for a few seconds. He starts to wheeze. Danny pulls out his inhaler and takes a hit. He gets up and kicks the ground. LUCY runs over to Danny. Lucy is identical to Mina. Lucy is MINA’s reincarnation. LUCY Are you okay? DANNY Yes. Danny looks up at Lucy and his face brightens up. Lucy smiles and rubs some dust off of Danny’s face. DANNY (CONT’D) Thank you. LUCY Someone should talk to those fucking jerks. DANNY Yeah. Uh, I have to go to Military science. LUCY Okay. Hey, you want to go see Raven Friday? DANNY Yeah, sure. I’ll get back to you with times. LUCY Okay. See you after class. DANNY Sure thing. Lataz on the mengies. LUCY Alright. Lucy walks away giggling. Danny waves and walks away with a look of mortification.


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DANNY (talking to himself) Lataz on the mengies? You’re a fucking idiot. Danny continues walking. ARTHUR (O.S.) Hey, Danny? Danny looks across the street at the library. Library is next to Stipes. Jack messes his hair up and puts his arms in his shirt. He starts twirling his head around and mumbling. ARTHUR (CONT’D) It’s your mother. Danny slams his books down and starts to cross the street. He stops when he almost gets hit by a car. Arthur and company laugh at Danny. ARTHUR (CONT’D) Nice one, loser. Tell your mom I said hi. Danny stands there for a second, cars beeping at him. He buries his anger and picks up his books. Danny gets hit in the forehead with a rock. He falls back down, grasping his head. Arthur high fives Jack and walks away with his group. Danny punches the ground and stands back up. His forehead has some blood on it. INT. THOMPSON HALL - CAFETERIA - AFTERNOON Danny, with a medium-sized band-aid on his head, eats grilled cheese. The wall he sits by is a purple and gold mural with some Western Illinois University lettering. Lucy slides into the seat across from Danny. Her happy expression changes to worry. DANNY Hey. LUCY Oh my god. (CONTINUED)


DANNY What? Lucy reaches over and pulls the band-aid back. DANNY (CONT’D) Oh it’s nothing. I fell. LUCY You fell? Those assfucks hit you with a rock, didn’t they? DANNY Don’t worry about it. LUCY I seen those assholes playing basketball. I’m going to say something to them. Lucy starts to get up but Danny grabs her arm. Lucy slowly sits down. Danny still lightly grabs her arm. DANNY Don’t make things worse, okay? LUCY Yeah. Lucy and Danny stare at one another in a moment of silence. Danny lets go and kind of blushes. Lucy smiles at Danny. DANNY I’m sorry. LUCY It’s okay. DANNY I really thank you for being my friend. I would like... LUCY Yes, Danny. DANNY Uh..I would like it to continue. LUCY Oh, okay. I would to. (CONTINUED)

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Lucy gets up and throws her tray away in the trash. Danny sits and stares in the distance. Danny lowers his head and lightly bangs his head on the table. He is unaware that Lucy sees him. She smiles and walks away. Danny is about to take a bite of his sandwich but he drops it. Danny grabs his tray and walks over to the trash. He somewhat angrily throws his tray in the trash. Danny starts to wheeze. He takes another hit from his inhaler. Danny walks through the cafeteria to the elevator area. INT. THOMPSON HALL - ELEVATOR AREA - CONTINUOUS Danny hits the button for the elevator. There are three elevators. To the right is the more than several golden doors for the mailboxes for the dorm residents. Next to the boxes is a window where one of the dorm heads sits in a office. The elevator to the right opens. Danny heads there. Arthur and his group each push Danny aside and take the elevator. ARTHUR This elevator is taken. Danny stands there quiet for a second. The elevator doors close. Danny punches the part of the wall right above the silver square which contains the elevator buttons. The elevator to the left opens. Danny walks inside. EXT. MONMOUTH - BLUE HOUSE - SAME TIME There is an abandoned blue house. It is boarded up. A 1988 blue Cadillac Coupe de Ville pulls in front of it. Two men and one woman step out of the car. The woman is AMBER. Amber is a cute twenty-two year old with brunette hair tied into a pony tail. The two men are CHRIS and TOM.



Chris is a somewhat goofy looking twenty year old with brown hair. Tom is a tall, thin thirty year old with a buzz cut and a goatee. Tom puts on a U.S. Navy baseball cap. He opens the trunk, which contains many weapons. Tom puts on a belt containing stakes. Chris stares blankly at the house. Tom pulls out a black crossbow and a 9 millimeter pistol. He hands Amber a bag containing water balloons. AMBER Water balloons? Thomas, this is fucking ridiculous. What if I drop the bag? TOM Don’t worry. I can handle this whole fucking nest by myself. (to Chris) Take the crowbar and start unboarding the windows. CHRIS Why do I have to fucking take boards off the windows? AMBER Can you just unboard the windows and stop being an ass? CHRIS Why the hell do I have to stay outside all the time? TOM Chris, shut the fuck up. You stay outside because you can’t walk around quietly. You have to bitch about everything and don’t pay attention to things like someone hanging from the ceiling. Okay, so just unboard the windows and stop being a fucking asshole. CHRIS Fine. What bug crawled up your ass? TOM Just you. (to Amber) (MORE) (CONTINUED)

23. CONTINUED: (2) TOM (CONT'D) I’m going to kill him one day and just say I thought he was a vampire.

Amber shakes her head disapprovingly. She and Tom walk into the house. Tom kicks the door open. INT. ABANDONED HOUSE - ENTRANCE - CONTINUOUS Tom walks in slowly. He aims his crossbow. The house is dark at first but light starts come in as boards are removed from windows. Tom slowly walks into the former living room. INT. ABANDONED HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - CONTINUOUS Light starts to come in. There are vampires lying on the floor. Tom pulls out a stake. CHRIS Hey, vampires! Wake up and die you fucking faggots! The vampires start to wake up. Tom stakes one and pulls out the crossbow. TOM Shut the fuck up you fucking moron! Tom and Amber run out of the living room. Amber stops and throws the bag into the air. A dozen water balloons fly into the air and splatter all over the floor. Vampires in the living room all burn to death. INT. ABANDONED HOUSE - ENTRANCE - CONTINUOUS Tom and Amber run out of the living room. Vampires appear on the staircase. Chris stands in the doorway. Tom and Amber both bump him very hard as they run by.



CHRIS What the fuck has you two geeks spooked? A vampire, from the floor above, leaps over the banister and jumps onto Chris. The vampire starts biting Chris who screams in a girl manner. Tom pulls out a pistol and shoots Chris in the head and then the vampire. He then shoots Chris with the crossbow, nailing him and the vampire together. Chris and the vamp fall over and they both explode. TOM Thank god. EXT. MONMOUTH - BLUE HOUSE - CONTINUOUS Tom walks purposefully over to his car. He pulls out a M16A1 with a M203 grenade launcher attachment. Tom fires a whole clip and three grenade rounds into the house, bringing the front frame of the house down. Vampires scream as they are burned to death by the sun getting in. AMBER How long have you had that? TOM A week. INT. T&A COMICS - STORE - LATER Tom and Amber walk in. There are about 8 customers in the store. EGAN and PHIL sit behind the counter. Phil is a light skinned black man and Egan is a fairly handsome Latino man with black hair and a moustache. PHIL How did things go? Where’s Chris? TOM He was let go. PHIL What reasons?



TOM The vampire decided for us. You pick a dumbass to join us again, you’ll be let go, too. Got it. PHIL Got it. He was the only guy that believed in vampires. Chris seemed pretty cool. TOM How much time did you spend with Chris? PHIL A couple of hours. TOM Unbelievable. PHIL Maybe I can come and be support. TOM No fucking way. PHIL What’s the deal with me? It’s not like I’m an idiot. Phil talks to the customer. PHIL (CONT’D) (back to Tom) Tom, this guy is paying twenty bucks for something that is seven. Give him twelve back? Tom stares at Phil for a second and walks into the back. INT. T&A COMICS - WEAPONS ROOM - CONTINUOUS Amber lies down on the tiger skinned couch. The room is all white, including the floor. There is a weapons room that is blocked off by a cage door and counter. Tom puts the crossbow and the belt with the stakes on the counter. Tom lies down on the couch and lies back on Amber. Amber rubs his head. AMBER You okay? (CONTINUED)


TOM Yeah. I just wish I can get rid of all the vampires and just run the store. AMBER Why can’t we just run the store? TOM We can. Until the vampires overrun the world. AMBER Alright, sorry. TOM I’m not mad at you. I’m just mad at the fucking idiot who wouldn’t let Harker kill the main vampire. HARKER (O.S.) Don’t cry over spilled blood. Tom and Amber both jump from the couch and see Harker standing behind them. Harker is wearing a black shirt and pants and a trench coat. AMBER What do you want? HARKER I wish to talk to Thomas. AMBER Tom? TOM Go outside and run the floor. I’ll be out in a moment. Amber walks by Harker and glances back at Tom, who nods at her. Amber leaves the back room. HARKER (sarcastically) Nice job, today. TOM Sorry, it was a fuck up. HARKER No need to apologize. Maybe next time, you bring smart people with you. (CONTINUED)

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TOM Don’t worry. Any news about Marek at all? HARKER That whole area has been ripped apart that I don’t even remember where I lived. Maybe if I have a vision, I can find him. TOM Are you sure that you were supposed to defeat him? HARKER Yeah. The prophecy said the good demon. I am the good demon. Harker turns around to leave. HARKER (CONT’D) While I run my errands, I’ll try to find more vamp spots for you. TOM What errands are you running, if you don’t mind me asking? HARKER Some asshole needs a lesson taught to him in Macomb. Even though, I’m feeling weird about it. TOM About killing a human? HARKER No. About the area. Something about that town makes me feel weird. I’ll get over it. Harker is about to head out the door into the store but stops. HARKER (CONT’D) Mind if I hang here for a few hours? Not a good time for me to head outside. NIKKI, a beautiful Goth-like girl walks in. NIKKI Would you like something to eat?


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HARKER Yeah, a cheeseburger. NIKKI How would you like it cooked? HARKER Very rare. Harker smiles, showing his fangs. INT. T&A COMICS - STORE - CONTINUOUS Tom walks out and greets a customer. He looks over and sees FATHER JOSE. Father Jose is a somewhat handsome twenty something year old Latino man in a priest’s attire. FATHER JOSE I’m normally not seen in a comic book store. It might send the wrong message. TOM We need more holy water. FATHER JOSE For what? TOM Nest cleaning. FATHER JOSE Oh my goodness. I will not give you more holy water for some absurd scheme. You need a psychologist or God. Face it Thomas, vampires do not exist. It’s only a myth perpetrated by Hollywood. I wish you would stop reading these absurd books and read this one. Jose pulls out a bible. FATHER JOSE (CONT’D) You should come to church. Maybe it will put things into perspective for you. TOM I wish you would come with us to see proof. (CONTINUED)


FATHER JOSE I’m very busy. TOM You lying? Jose laughs and leaves the store. INT. MOLINE - CRIME LAB - SAME TIME Agents HELSING and MORRIS. Morris is identical to the evil cardinal at the beginning because he is a reincarnation. Helsing has short hazel hair and big gums. The CRIME LAB TECHNICIAN hands them a report. HELSING What do we got? TECHNICIAN Enough evidence to put those silver spoon brats in jail for life and maybe even the injection. MORRIS Let me just say if that happens. (to Helsing) We need to talk in private. Morris and Helsing both look at the technician oddly. TECHNICIAN Oh, would you like me to leave? MORRIS That would be nice. The technician leaves. Morris starts taking other DNA vials and squirts them into the vials of the murder case. MORRIS (CONT’D) Make sure you’re two hours late. HELSING What are we doing? MORRIS These kids going to jail for life? Fuck no. Their parents are friends with the governor. These kids got a future ahead of him. (MORE) (CONTINUED)

30. CONTINUED: MORRIS (CONT'D) Their fucking future will not be disrupted by some fucking Goth girl being murdered. Who the hell cares about some quiet freak anyway?

EXT. WESTERN ILLINOIS - Q LOT - NIGHT Danny puts a jacket inside the cargo of his Sante Fe. Arthur appears behind Danny and pushes him into the SUV. ARTHUR I’m not done with you yet, weirdo. DANNY Why are you doing this? JACK (mocking) Why are you doing this? ARTHUR You want to know the answer to your question? DANNY Uh, yeah. ARTHUR Because you’re a freak. You’re the son of a certified nutcase and you’re fucking poor. That’s why we don’t like you. Danny punches Arthur in the nose. He gets kicked in the stomach by Jack and kneed in the face by Hawkings. ARTHUR (CONT’D) Beat his fucking ass. DANNY Can’t fight like a man you prick. JACK (mocking) Can’t fight like a man you prick. Hawkings and Jack kick and stomp Danny. Arthur laughs until he’s sprayed in the face by mace. Hawking and Jack get sprayed too. Lucy appears.



LUCY Leave him the fuck alone or you go fucking blind you silver spoon dick. ARTHUR Whatever. Let’s go guys. The three of them walk away, each rubbing their eyes. Danny struggles to sit up. He starts wheezing. Lucy looks up in the cargo and sees Danny’s inhaler. Lucy hands it to Danny. He takes a hit and stops wheezing. LUCY What would you do without me? DANNY What happened to them? LUCY I sprayed them with mace. You alright? DANNY Yeah. My bones are stone. LUCY Is your brain and lungs? DANNY No. Thanks. Why did you help me? LUCY You know why. Danny starts to blush. LUCY (CONT’D) We’re friends. Danny stops blushing and has a look of disappointment. LUCY (CONT’D) What would you do if I wasn’t your friend? Danny stands up, looking more upset. DANNY I get it. (CONTINUED)

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LUCY What? DANNY I’m some fucking charity case. LUCY Danny, why would you...? DANNY (interrupting) Let me just stop you there. The only reason why you’re my friend is because I have asthma and can’t see without my glasses and you would feel sorry if you weren’t around to help me. I’m sorry I would rather die then stick around someone who is just there because they feel sorry for you. Not because their your friend or they like you more than that. Have a good night. Danny puts on his glasses and walks away. Lucy watches Danny walk away and starts to cry. EXT. WESTERN ILLINOIS - BROPHY HALL - CONTINUOUS Danny walks slowly by Brophy. His hands in his pockets and his head lowered in defeat. Brophy is a exercise class building. Danny stops by blue light emergency callbox. He raises his head and starts to turn around. Danny stops when he hears a person moaning in pain somewhere behind him. He heads toward Mackenzie Field. EXT. WESTERN ILLINOIS - MACKENZIE FIELD - CONTINUOUS This is the soccer field of the university. Another Q parking lot is on the left side of it and bushes and trees on the right side. Danny slowly walks onto the field. He looks toward the nearest soccer goal line. Danny sees a man lying on his back and another man on top of him, looking like his is kissing the lying man’s neck. (CONTINUED)


The lying man’s feet slowly kicks. LYING MAN (weakly) Help! The man on top quickly turns around and sees Danny. Danny sees blood on the lying man’s neck and around the top man’s mouth. Danny turns around and runs. EXT. WESTERN ILLINOIS - BROPHY HALL - CONTINUOUS Danny trips by the call box. He quickly but painfully stands up. Danny frantically hits the call button. DANNY (into call box) Hello! Someone is getting attacked! A hand appears and rips the call box off. The attacker is revealed to be Harker. Danny goes to punch Harker but Harker blocks it. Harker pulls Danny close and bites the left side of the neck. Danny gasps as Harker drinks blood. Vampire venom drips off of Harker’s fangs, which enters Danny’s blood stream. Harker pushes Danny away. He sees Danny’s charm. FLASHBACK - HARKER GIVES A CHARM Harker puts a silver charm, the same charm Danny wears, around a beautiful brunette woman with blue eyes. BACK TO SCENE Harker looks at Danny and notices the resemblance between the two of them. He drops him and vanishes. Danny starts to have an asthma attack. He takes a hit from his inhaler. Danny stands up and accidently steps on his own glasses. He starts to jog back. Danny is pretty much blind but he manages to run down the street. He has blood on his neck.


INT. THOMPSON HALL - ROOM 506 - AFTERNOON Danny’s room has tan walls and a double desk against the wall with a window on the right side of it. There is a dresser with a mirror above it next to the door. There is a closet on the left side of the door and one across from it next to the dresser. There is a silver television on top of a black TV stand with a XBOX 360 and games. There are two towers on both sides of the TV filled up with DVD’s. Danny has his neck bandaged. Danny has a cold sweat. He cringes somewhat in pain. Lucy rubs Danny’s hair. Danny wakes up somewhat startled. LUCY Good afternoon. DANNY (tired) What are you doing here? LUCY You passed out in the lobby last night. I called you off of classes for the rest of the day. DANNY I guess you want to take care of me again. LUCY Yeah, because you’re my friend. Not because you’re a charity case. Lucy stands up and paces around the room for a second. LUCY (CONT’D) I can’t believe you’ll think that. I know you like me more than that. After knowing you more, you act nervous around me. DANNY I’m sorry I don’t have more confidence. LUCY It’s okay. I went out with too many assholes. You’re the first nice guy I’ve been with. (CONTINUED)


DANNY It’s too bad we don’t date. LUCY Maybe you should ask. DANNY I should have. I’m sorry about yesterday. LUCY It’s okay. Speaking of yesterday, what attacked you? DANNY What do you mean? LUCY Someone said you got attacked by an animal. You and this other asshole. DANNY It was a man. LUCY I know the other guy was a man but what animal attacked you? DANNY No, a man attacked me. I felt the bite but it felt like something cold went through my veins. Lucy feels Danny’s forehead and cheeks. LUCY You feel feverish. You might be delirious. Good thing you lived and not the other asshole. DANNY What was wrong with the other asshole? LUCY He helped dispose the body of the girl that was murdered last week. DANNY Oh, the library girl.


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LUCY Yeah. Some silver spoon asswipes beat her death and the police “fumbled” the evidence against them. They are now celebrating at some party while they brag about killing her. Marcus’ dumbass is going to celebrate with them. Lucy grabs her purse. LUCY (CONT’D) I have drama classes and hapkido class. Will you be fine the rest of the day? DANNY I’ll be fine. I’ll see you in the morning. LUCY Okay. I’m probably going to stay at my friend Esther’s house anyway. DANNY Don’t worry about me. Lucy smiles and leaves. Danny grabs the remote off of the floor. He turns on the television. It is a breaking news report. NEWS ANCHOR (V.O.) The Davenport eight have been declared not guilty by technicality. But the shocking moment came after the trial. Danny struggles to sit up. Steven, the leader of the group of killers, comes on screen. STEVEN We’ve been cleared but we’re not innocent. We killed her because that dumb idiot had the nerve to tell us to be quiet in the library. We have more money than her and she has the nerve to tell us what to do. She’s some stupid Gothic girl, who the hell cares about them. We did the world a favor. Danny angrily shuts the TV off. He starts to keel over. (CONTINUED)

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Danny falls back on his bed. He grabs his stomach and starts to grunt and moan. Danny suddenly passes out. INT. DAVENPORT - HOUSE UNDER CONSTRUCTION - NIGHT Marcus grabs a Mike’s Hard Limeade from a cooler. He throws it to Steven. Steven pops the top and takes a sip. He holds the bottle up. STEVEN Let’s just thank the police for their wonderful evidence bumbling. He bangs bottles with Marcus and the other members of the Davenport 8. The other members are three women and four men. STEVEN (CONT’D) And to that the Goth bitch. You tell us rich folk what to do, and look where you at now. Everyone laughs. STEVEN (CONT’D) Let’s just face it, we’re untouchable. INT. THOMPSON HALL - ROOM 506 - SAME TIME Danny lies peacefully on his back. His eyes open, revealing yellow eyes. Danny sits up and opens his mouth, showing fangs. He looks at his hand and sees his nails turned into claws. Danny walks up to his window. He opens the window and takes the screen off. Danny sits on the window sill and jumps off. EXT. THOMPSON HALL - CONTINUOUS Danny does a free fall. Before he hits the ground, his body bursts into a swarm of bats. The bats flies toward the full moon.


EXT. DAVENPORT - LATER The party can be seen from up in the sky. The swarm of bats flies down toward the party. EXT. HOUSE UNDER CONSTRUCTION - YARD - SAME TIME COY, a short nerdy looking man with glasses and messed up front teeth, smokes a cigarette. The music is loud from inside the party. He feels a downward wind hitting him. Coy looks up and sees the swarm of bats. The bats swarm Coy and all bite and drink Coy’s blood. Coy’s skin goes white and he drops. The bats start to fly into a circle at the entrance of the party. The swarm reforms into Danny. INT. DAVENPORT - HOUSE UNDER CONSTRUCTION - CONTINUOUS Ryan, a red haired man walks toward the entrance. Danny appears and puts his fist through Ryan’s chest. Ryan shoots blood out of his mouth. Danny throws Ryan through a wall and onto the light and stereo. The lights starts flickering. Marcus starts to have a epileptic seizure. Danny bites Marcus on the left side of the neck and throws him aside. One of the girls starts to scream. Danny cups his hand and hits the girl in the throat and knocks the girl’s head off. He slashes the next girl’s throat with both hands. Blood sprays out of the girl’s throat and blinds Steven’s eyes. Steven reaches around. Danny grabs Steven’s wrist and snaps his wrist to the point where the broken bone pops out. Danny then pushes Steven’s hand back into his throat, causing Steven to stab himself with his own broken bone. Danny grabs the last girl of the group. He military presses her and drops her on a broken board of the wall, impaling her. The last of the group grabs a handheld circular saw. He starts it up and starts swinging it at Danny. (CONTINUED)


The last guy swings it downward but Danny disarms him. Danny then disembowels the last guy with the saw, causing him to gargle blood. EXT. ILLINOIS/IOWA BORDER - I-74 BRIDGE - EARLY MORNING The bridge is green and spans across the Mississippi River. It is a border bridge separating Iowa and Illinois. Cars drive in both directions. Danny is perched on top of the bridge. He looks onto the town of Davenport and looks at the intersection leading back into Illinois. Danny falls backwards, disappearing. A swarm of bats then flies upwards. INT. PARTY UNDER CONSTRUCTION - MORNING Morris and Helsing enter a bloodbath. Sheriff MIKE SEWARD writes down answers to questions he is asking a construction foreman. Mike walks over to Morris and Helsing. MIKE May I help you? MORRIS No, you may not. Leave the scene. MIKE Excuse me? HELSING We’re in charge here. MIKE I’m sorry who are you? Morris and Helsing pull out badges. MIKE (CONT’D) FBI? What does the FBI need with this? MORRIS There was a similar killing in Macomb. A man had died from blood being drained from a bite on the neck. (CONTINUED)


MIKE These people were torn apart. There was maybe one bitten victim. HELSING Okay, what weapon was used in tearing these people apart. MIKE There was a circular saw used on the guy in the corner. MORRIS The other guys? MIKE None. MORRIS What are you trying to say? MIKE The killer or killers used their bare hands. HELSING That’s impossible. MIKE Our tests showed no weapon could do what happened to the other guys. MORRIS Can a human being do that to another? MIKE We haven’t came to the conclusion if it was human or not. MORRIS What hypothesis’ do have? MIKE Uh, it could have been a lion or panther. HELSING So a lion or panther was let loose on the party? MIKE It could be that. (CONTINUED)

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MORRIS What else could it be? MIKE One super strong son of a bitch. INT. THOMPSON HALL - ROOM 506 - SAME TIME Danny lies on the floor. He is still wearing his flannel pajama pants but his shirt is torn up. Danny takes it off and throws it in the hamper. He comes to the realization that he can see. Danny looks around and sees his glasses on the dresser. He puts the glasses on and is pretty much blind. Danny takes his glasses off and sees perfectly. He looks into the mirror and sees his chest. Danny now has a muscular physique. DANNY Holy shit. Danny takes a deep breath. He takes a few more. Danny becomes ecstatic. EXT. WESTERN ILLINOIS - WESTERN AVENUE - MOMENTS LATER Danny, shirtless and wearing Adidas athletic pants, runs jogs down the street. Jack appears and attempts to shoulder bump Danny. Danny knocks Jack out of the way. Jack looks at Danny, surprised. Danny flips Jack off. A girl roller blades by. The roller blader’s attention is drawn to Danny and she runs into a sign. EXT. THOMPSON HALL - ENTRANCE - MOMENTS LATER Arthur, Jack, and Hawkings stand against the doorway. Danny runs up to the door but stops when he sees the three at the door.



ARTHUR We have a problem. You bumped into a friend of mine and didn’t apologize. DANNY Your friend tried to bump me. ARTHUR I don’t care what he did to you because you’re not white collar like us. DANNY Don’t plan to be. ARTHUR You would rather be a nut mother’s boy. DANNY I would rather be my mother’s son then some blonde tight ass who thinks he’s so important because he wears tight pants that choke his balls and has friends that wash his dick daily. Jack runs purposefully at Danny. Danny sidesteps and clotheslines Jack. Hawkings chops at Danny. Danny catches his hand and sweeps him off of his feet. Arthur attempts to punch Danny. Danny punches Arthur’s fist, breaking a couple of Arthur’s fingers. Danny spin kicks Arthur, sending Arthur flying back into the wall. Danny looks at his foot. DANNY (CONT’D) Huh, will you look at that. Danny walks inside, grinning. INT. THOMPSON HALL - ROOM 506 - AFTERNOON Danny has his knees hooked on the bar in the closet, hanging upside down. He hears a knock on the door. DANNY Who is it?



LUCY It’s me. DANNY It’s open. Lucy walks in, not noticing Danny at first. She is wearing a H.I.M. (His Infernal Majesty) shirt and a plaid skirt. LUCY So how you feel...oh my god! DANNY I’m feeling great. Thanks. How are you? LUCY Great. You look...good. DANNY So do you. Danny unhooks his knees and flips onto his feet. LUCY You up to do anything today? DANNY I only have one thing in mind. Danny grabs Lucy and kisses her passionately. Lucy pushes Danny back but pulls him toward her and the kissing resumes. Danny sits her on his bed. He takes her boot and socks off and starts kissing her calf and thigh. Lucy has a look of euphoria. Danny takes her shirt and bra off and starts to kiss her chest. Danny puts her on his bed. They both take the rest of their clothes off and have sex. INT. MORGUE - EVENING Nine tables with body bags are lined up. One of the bags sits up. Claws come through and rip the bag open to reveal Marcus in a vampiric state. He gets out of the bag and slowly walks out of the room. There are succession of screams.


EXT. DAVENPORT - HOSPITAL - CONTINUOUS Marcus gets inside an ambulance, wearing a paramedics uniform. There is a fuzzy sound. SILAS (V.O.) Marcus. I have a job for you. You’re going to England. INT. THOMPSON HALL - ROOM 506 - SAME TIME Danny and Lucy are naked, wrapped up in a green blanket. Danny is on top, still lightly kissing her. Lucy is euphoric. LUCY Oh my god. Two times. DANNY I’m sorry. I thought I should put in overdrive. LUCY It worked. Wow. DANNY I’m not getting tired of hearing that. Lucy smacks his forehead. She starts giggling and kisses Danny again. They roll over and she is on top of Danny. Lucy starts to kiss him passionately. LUCY How about three times? DANNY Works for me. They continue kissing. EXT. ENGLAND - TWO DAYS LATER - NIGHT A Cesna flies over the countryside. Marcus looks through the night vision screen, while a pilot flies. SILAS (V.O.) There.



MARCUS Land there. PILOT There? There’s been a lot of weird activity on a paranormal scale down there. MARCUS Don’t care. Land. The cesna lands. EXT. CASTLE MAREK - RUINS - LATER Two more cesna lands with a excavation team and equipment. The team unloads equipment and set stuff up. PILOT Mind if I ask what we are looking for? MARCUS Treasure. PILOT We all get a cut. MARCUS Oh yeah, you get a cut. INT. CASTLE MAREK - CATACOMBS - LATER Marcus has a chemical flare, looking through catacombs. He sees the coffin. MARCUS The holy grail. Marcus uses a sledge hammer to break a massive stone rectangle with one swing. Inside is Marek’s sarcophagus. Marcus uses a blow torch and opens it up. He sees Marek’s emaciated, almost skeletal, body. Marcus takes the leeches off of Marek’s body. He pulls the stake out of Marek’s chest. Marcus takes a bucket of water and pour it on the body to wash the silver off of him. He then takes the death mask off of Marek.



Marek’s face is skeletal and bat like. His eyes are gouged. Marcus bites his wrist, opening it up. He lets some blood sprinkle into Marek’s mouth. Marek lets out a dusty gasp. Marcus falls back in fright. The Pilot walks down. PILOT We have to go in five. The pilot walks toward the sarcophagus. He sees Marek’s body and his disappointed. PILOT (CONT’D) This is our treasure. Marek’s hand grabs the pilot’s head and pulls him into the sarcophagus. Blood sprays out. The EXCAVATION BOSS comes down. He is a stern looking German man in his forties. EXCAVATION BOSS We better get paid handsomely. Marcus appears behind the boss. The boss turns around and is startled. MARCUS Change of plans. You’ll pay but it won’t be handsomely. Marek, in a demonic form, appears and bites the boss. Marek drops the boss and heads outside. There is some shooting and yelling. EXT. CASTLE MAREK - RUINS - CONTINUOUS Marcus comes out of the catacombs. He sees seven dead bodies on the ground. He sees a naked man feeding on a woman. The man turns around and is revealed to be Marek, his youth regained. Marek moves at superhuman speed up to Marcus. He grabs Marcus by the throat and lifts him up. MAREK Who...are...you? (CONTINUED)


MARCUS My name is Marcus. I’m a vampire. I was told to release you by Silas. MAREK Silas? Marek slowly looks around. He looks like he just got out of bed. Marek lowers Marcus. MAREK (CONT’D) Why did you wake me? MARCUS I had a vision that it was time for you to rule the world. MAREK What day is it? MARCUS Tuesday. MAREK What year? MARCUS 2010. MAREK 800 years? MARCUS What? MAREK I have been in there for 800 years. MARCUS I don’t know how long you were there but what mission do we have now? MAREK What? MARCUS Who are we after? MAREK An old friend... (CONTINUED)

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Marek closes his eyes and smiles. He reopens them. MAREK (CONT’D) ...And his son. INT. THOMPSON HALL - SECOND FLOOR - LAUNDRY ROOM - SAME TIME Lucy is loading clothes into the dryer. Danny appears behind Lucy. He wraps his arms around her waist and kisses her neck. Lucy looks back and kisses Danny on the lips. DANNY I’m going to get something to drink. You want anything? LUCY No. Danny sidesteps out of the room. Lucy laughs. INT. THOMPSON HALL - SECOND FLOOR - RECREATION ROOM CONTINUOUS Danny puts his money into the machine and hits Pepsi. A Pepsi can drops. Danny takes the can and opens it up. He starts taking sips of it as he walks toward the couch and television. INT. THOMPSON HALL - SECOND FLOOR - LAUNDRY ROOM CONTINUOUS Lucy sits down at a table. She feels under the table and accidently cuts her hand, causing it to bleed. INT. SECOND FLOOR - RECREATION ROOM - SAME TIME Danny smells something overwhelming. He drops his pop. Danny starts to feel a weakness in his stomach. INT. SECOND FLOOR - LAUNDRY ROOM - CONTINUOUS Lucy bends down, looking for something. She does not notice Danny stumbling in.



Danny sprouts fangs and his eyes turn yellow. He shakes his head a few times. Danny’s face suddenly changes back to normal. He runs out of the room. Lucy turns around when she hears something. LUCY Danny? Danny! EXT. THOMPSON HALL - ENTRANCE - CONTINUOUS Danny runs outside. He flies upwards, not realizing that Arthur, Jack, and Hawkings saw him. INT. MOLINE - ALLEY - LATER A GIRL runs down an alley being chased by a GANG. She trips and one of the gang members, FLACO, tackles her. Flaco takes out his knife and starts to slice her shirt. FLACO Sorry, baby. I like it rough. The other gang members laugh. Another gang member backs up and grabbed by his head and pulled up. The gang stops and looks around. The gang member’s body parts rain down on the remaining gang members. An eerie mist forms in the alley. FLACO (CONT’D) Where the fuck did this mist come from? A gang members throat gets slit and another’s head falls off. The last remaining gang member starts shooting. His shooting arm gets broken in three places. The gang members arm is bent backwards to the point that the gun is aimed at himself. The gang member is forced to shoot himself in the chest and stomach until he runs out of bullets. Flaco jumps up and runs away, pulling his pants up while he runs. Danny flies down and drop kicks Flaco into the path of a speeding bus and gets run over. Danny is now wearing a black shirt, pants, shoes, and trench coat. (CONTINUED)


Danny walks over to the frightened would be rape victim. DANNY Get lost. If you’re down here again, I’ll cut you up myself. The woman runs out of the alley. Time somewhat slows. Danny hears a slow whistle sound getting louder. He turns and sees an arrow coming at him. Danny sidesteps and it nails into the wall. He sees Tom aiming a crossbow at him. Danny turns around and sees Amber with two custom M1911 .45 ACP pistols. TOM Look honey, we got one. DANNY One what? AMBER Fanger, suckhead, blood fiend, or vampire. DANNY I’m not against you guys. I was just ripping these gang bangers apart. Danny starts walking toward Tom. Tom cocks the crossbow to load another bolt. TOM One more fucking step and your toast. DANNY I just saved that girl. These guys would have raped and killed her if it wasn’t for me. AMBER Could be fooling us? DANNY I’m not fooling you. Amber cocks the hammers of the guns back. AMBER I’m going to shoot two silver and garlic bullets into your back. (CONTINUED)

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Amber shoots him twice. Danny staggers a bit and drops. Amber lowers the weapon. Danny, with superhuman speed, stands up and runs up to Amber. Danny knocks the guns away and pushes her back into a dumpster. Tom shoots a bolt from the crossbow. Danny quickly turns around and catches the bolt. He bends it and throws it aside. Danny points up and flies away. Tom looks up, stunned and amazed. His attention goes back to Amber. Tom runs over to her. EXT. UNIVERSITY CIRCLE - TRAIL - LATER Danny lands on the trail. He know is wearing a Punisher Tshirt, blue jeans, and white Nikes. Harker appears from behind a tree. Danny is startled by Harker’s appearance. DANNY You? You’re the one that bit me. HARKER I’m more than that. DANNY What more are you? HARKER Tell me about your mother. DANNY Don’t fucking talk about my mother. She have may have been a nut job but she was still my mother. HARKER Why was she a nut job? DANNY She told me that my father was a vampire and freaked about hunters coming to kill me. The state threw her in Manteno and she died there. I was ridiculed all my life cause of it.



HARKER She was right. DANNY About? HARKER Your father was a vampire. DANNY What? HARKER I’m your father, Daniel. Danny runs and charges at Harker. Harker rolls his eyes. He sidesteps and trips Danny. Danny gently pushes himself up. HARKER (CONT’D) I have a lot of work to do. Danny stands up. DANNY I don’t believe this. You don’t look that much older than me. HARKER I was not much older than you when I was turned. DANNY How long ago? HARKER 800 years. I’ve been living through centuries, waiting for the time that I can kill Marek. DANNY Marek? HARKER The first. He was a priest that went against God when a woman he loved was burned at the stake by people claiming she was a heretic. He went on a killing spree and was captured. We executed him but the church believed he was possessed so they performed an exorcism. (MORE) (CONTINUED)

53. CONTINUED: (2) HARKER (CONT'D) The cardinal said the wrong scripture and he became a vampire. I lived through the attack obviously.

DANNY Where’s he at? HARKER Buried somewhere in England. I lost track. DANNY The three of us are the only vampires? HARKER No, some got away. A lot of vampires have made Quad cities home. DANNY Why haven’t they made any big appearances? HARKER Because me and some others have found them and wiped them out. DANNY One at a time? HARKER No. They live in nests. DANNY Nests? Where are they located? HARKER Most of the substantial nests are in the Quad Cities. For some reason, vampires saw this as a superior portal for vampires. DANNY Portal? HARKER In a way, this is a great launching point for a vampire invasion. DANNY Who else takes care of these nests? (CONTINUED)

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HARKER I have vampire hunting units that clear them out. You probably might not ever see them. DANNY I don’t think so. I ran into two of them in Davenport. Weekend warriors. HARKER You killed them?! DANNY No, I just disabled one momentarily. The other was just stunned. HARKER You have to control yourself around regular humans. DANNY I will. I have only killed certain people and I have not changed any more. HARKER You’re only half vampire. In order to become a full vamp, you need to feed on innocent blood. Did you feed on any of the people? DANNY Yeah. HARKER What vein did you bite? DANNY Right. HARKER Good. If you bite the left vein and don’t behead them, they will become a vampire? Danny hides an expression of horror on his face. FLASHBACK : PARTY MASSACRE Danny bites Marcus on the left vein and tosses him aside. BACK TO SCENE (CONTINUED)


DANNY What about my weaknesses? HARKER When you become a full-timer, your only weakness is sunshine. Now, the only weakness is being half human. DANNY I need to get back to Lucy. HARKER Don’t tell her about your affliction. DANNY Why can’t I? HARKER Don’t want her going crazy. Harker flies away. Danny is stunned for a second and then heads toward Thompson Hall. Harker hovers in the air, watching Danny head into the building. A feeling comes over him. Harker has a look of horror on his face. HARKER (CONT’D) He’s back. EXT. MACOMB - MUNICIPAL AIRPORT - SAME TIME There is a landing strip, three half circle hangars, an office which looks more like a trailer, and a tower. They are surrounded by farm land. A cesna comes into the horizon. INT. MACOMB - AIRPORT OFFICE - CONTINUOUS There is a desk with a chalkboard with flight times behind it. Under the desk is a well dressed man ripped in half. There is a corner table with a laptop with a flight map on it. A decapitated head is next to the laptop.


INT. AIRPORT - TOWER - CONTINUOUS A AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLER sits at a desk with his feet on the desk. He has a similar laptop like the dead man in the office. The controller is wearing a red flannel, khaki shorts, black boots, and a white T-shirt. He sees the cesna coming in. CONTROLLER (into microphone) Airport office, this is tower. I have a cesna coming in from the south. There is static. CONTROLLER (CONT’D) Airport office? The controller steps outside. He gets grabbed by Silas, the loyal vampire servant of Marek’s from medieval times and Marcus’ spirit guide. Silas lifts him up and throws him off the tower to his death. SILAS All clear! The cesna flies low over the field and crashes. Marek and Marcus fall out of the sky and land on their feet on the runway. Silas lands in front of Marek. He drops to his knees. SILAS (CONT’D) My master, you have returned. MAREK Yes I have. Marek holds out his hand, wearing a new silver skull ring. Silas kisses the ring. MAREK (CONT’D) Why have you taken so long to release me? SILAS The king and his bloodline watched your tomb until the Revolutions of the British colonies. By then, the castle collapsed and I lost track. (MORE)


57. CONTINUED: SILAS (CONT'D) When I picked up track again, there was a presence that was blocking me and the group from entering. So I sent Marcus to dig you out.

MAREK Marcus? Thank you. I don’t say that very much. Welcome to the family. Marcus bows. EXT. MOLINE - ALLEY - EARLY MORNING Mike questions the would-be rape victim. He writes stuff down on a note pad. Helsing and Morris arrives. MORRIS What do you think of serial killing now, Sheriff? MIKE I want to be in on the investigation. HELSING No, you just report what you find and stand there with your nice Tshirt and badge. While you’re at it, fuck off. MIKE This is my area. I patrol the Quad cities. MORRIS I’m a federal agent. I outrank you and the governor of this great state you fucking flat foot. Mike starts to get in Morris’ face. MORRIS (CONT’D) I would back up if you don’t want to be on parking duty. Mike nods his head and turns around. He is walking away when he sees Tom waving him over. Mike looks back at the agents to see if they see Tom. When he is certain, Mike walks over to Tom. (CONTINUED)


TOM I know who really killed these guys. MIKE Let’s talk over there. Tom and Mike walk over to Tom’s Cadillac. TOM It was a vampire. MIKE (annoyed) Get the fuck out of here! Mike starts to walk away but Tom stops him. TOM What about the murders in Davenport? You ever figure out how those people were ripped to shreds by someone’s bare hands. Mike looks at Tom confused for a second but then the expression changes to certainty. TOM (CONT’D) I’m going nest cleaning pretty soon. You should come with to see our proof. Tom gets in his car and drives away. He is unaware that Helsing and Morris have seen him and have taken pictures of his license plate. INT. THOMPSON HALL - FLOOR 17 - MORNING The hallway is tan with a multi-colored mural saying Floor 17. All the room doors are brown with pink paper fish that contains the names of the rooms occupants. Danny stops by Lucy’s door. He knocks and Lucy answers. Lucy has a look of disappointment. DANNY I’m sorry. LUCY Where did you go?



DANNY I started to feel real sick. So I ran to the health center. The only place I can think of. LUCY And you couldn’t come to the laundry room and tell me this? DANNY I didn’t need you to take care of me all over again. I also believed that it might be contagious. LUCY It’s okay to everyone on the street sick but not me. DANNY I don’t like a lot of the people on the street. Lucy giggles. DANNY (CONT’D) Am I forgiven? LUCY I don’t know. DANNY What do I have to do to gain your forgiveness? Lucy grabs Danny by his belt and starts pulling him into the room. DANNY (CONT’D) Oh, I see. I think this will be the best forgiveness ever. Danny gets pulled into the room. The door slams shut. EXT. US. 34 - LATER A silver 1967 Shelby GT500 Mustang speeds down the road. INT. CAR - SAME TIME Lucy is ecstatic driving, while Danny sits back, obviously nervous. She looks over at Danny.



LUCY Is my driving making you nervous? DANNY (sarcastic) No, you serious? Go faster. LUCY Sure. She pushes the accelerator down more. Danny glues himself to the seat more. DANNY Holy shit. Lucy starts laughing. EXT. T&A COMICS - LATER The car breaks hard in the parking lot, causing Danny to have whiplash. Lucy and Danny get out. LUCY God, I love my car. DANNY You look good driving it. What’s this place? LUCY T & A comics. DANNY You wanted to go to a porn store? LUCY It’s not a porn store. Danny raises his eyebrow. LUCY (CONT’D) The T and A is the first initial of the owners names. Tom and Amber. DANNY You know them? LUCY They have a blog where they talk about their vampire hunting exploits. (MORE) (CONTINUED)

61. CONTINUED: LUCY (CONT'D) It’s all fake but they’re good to read. Especially this morning’s blog.

DANNY What was this mornings? LUCY They came across a vigilante vampire. Danny’s expression changes to worry. DANNY Really? Lucy notices Danny’s expression. LUCY You okay? DANNY I’m fine. Let’s check this place out. Danny and Lucy walk in. INT. T&A COMICS - STORE - CONTINUOUS Lucy walks in and heads to the Manga section. Danny heads to the graphic novel section, looking over his shoulder and checking the room as he walks. Danny looks at a WALKING DEAD novel. He looks up at a camera. INT. T&A COMICS - WEAPONS ROOM - SAME TIME Tom polishes the crossbow he used the night he encountered Danny. Amber lies on a pack of ice. She looks over at the camera monitor and sees Danny on the monitor. AMBER Thomas! Look! Tom runs over to the monitor and sees Danny reading the novel. Amber jumps up from the couch. They both run out of the room.


INT. T&A COMICS - STORE - CONTINUOUS Tom and Amber step out onto the floor, right by the cult movie section. He looks over at Nikki and Egan. Tom points to his eye and points to Danny. Nikki, Egan, and Tom start walking slowly and purposefully toward Danny. Lucy is looking at the cult movies and sees the trio heading toward Danny. Danny is unaware. LUCY (whispers to herself) Danny. Danny quickly looks up at her with worry. Lucy is surprised that Danny heard her. Danny looks to his right and sees Tom heading toward him. Danny looks to his left and sees Nikki and Egan walking toward him. Amber appears behind Danny. AMBER You came to the wrong fucking store, vamp. Danny turns around and sees Amber, who is wielding a silver knife. Tom darts toward Jeremy. Tom suddenly stops his tracks and starts convulsing. He falls. It is revealed that Lucy shot Tom with a taser. Lucy pulls out a big bottle of chemical mace. LUCY This has a very large spraying radius and will fucking blind everyone of you. AMBER This is none of your business. LUCY You guys are ready to kill my boyfriend. I’ll make it my fucking business. Lucy steps on Tom to get over to Danny. Danny slowly walks away. Egan stands in his way. (CONTINUED)


LUCY (CONT’D) Hey, Jeffery Dean Morgan, get the fuck out of his way. Egan looks at Lucy and slowly nods his head approvingly. He backs away and lets Danny walk by. Danny and Lucy hurry out of the store. INT. T&A COMICS - WEAPONS ROOM - CONTINUOUS Tom and the crew walk in. Amber helps Tom lie on the couch. Tom still shakes a little bit. The phone rings. TOM He’s only half. NIKKI What’s that? TOM He wouldn’t be in the day light if he was a full vamp. Harker appears out of the darkness. HARKER Right. Tom and the crew are startled. TOM Dude, why the fuck are you always at my place in the daytime? HARKER Where do you think I sleep during daylight hours? TOM Great. What should we do about that half vamp. HARKER His name is Daniel. Not half vamp. TOM You know him. HARKER I should. He’s my son. (CONTINUED)


TOM You made him. HARKER It was an accident. I bit him when he caught me killing one of those preppy killers. I was going to finish him off but then I realized who it was. TOM How? HARKER Face and blood. Same blood as me. TOM He’s killing people. You do know that? HARKER Yeah, evil people. Why do you think he hasn’t changed yet? Tom takes his glasses off and rubs his eyes. TOM Any word on vampire resting places? HARKER I’m still looking. EXT. WESTERN ILLINOIS - Q LOT - LATER The mustang pulls in. Danny and Lucy step out of the car. Lucy stares at Danny with a blank expression. Danny looks back at her. DANNY What? LUCY What the fuck was that? At the store? DANNY I don’t know. Maybe a case of mistaken identity. LUCY Who did they think you are? (CONTINUED)


DANNY Maybe someone who did them wrong? LUCY She said half vamp. DANNY They’re fucking insane. LUCY Okay. I’m just remembering what you told me about your mother. She said your father was a vampire and now some supposed vampire hunters believe you are a vampire. DANNY They’re probably on drugs. They were in back for a while. Lucy rubs her face. LUCY Maybe you’re right. I’m sorry. Lucy walks over and hugs and kisses Danny. Lucy heads across the street to Thompson. Danny stands by the mustang, confused. MAREK (V.O.) Daniel. Danny looks around and sees nothing. MAREK (V.O.) Over here. Danny looks across the street, to the field by Thompson Hall. He sees Marek, standing there. Danny and Marek stare each other down. EXT. UNIVERSITY CIRCLE - FIELD - CONTINUOUS Danny walks slowly up to Marek. Marek is wearing sunglasses and sunblock. MAREK How you doing chief? DANNY You must be Marek. (CONTINUED)


MAREK That’s right. DANNY Sunblock? MAREK The only way I can walk outside. I thought it was a beautiful day and decided to take a look at how the world has changed since 1210. DANNY 800 years. MAREK That’s right. I came here with the purpose of killing you and your father. But I thought why not tempt fate. My prophecy said kill you guys and then lay waste to the whole world. DANNY The humans can kill you in the day time. MAREK Oh, no. A druid priest has a black cross that if I recite the Latin text that changed me, it can give me the ability to walk in the daylight. We will be unstoppable. DANNY There’s groups of people that will stand in your way. MAREK Like who? The hunters. I’m killing them first. The other side effect of the ceremony is that we will now be impervious to silver and garlic. DANNY You wipe out the hunters and then kill me and my father. MAREK You’re father, of course. You try being locked up for 800 years and see how you feel about the asshole that put you there. (CONTINUED)

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DANNY What about me? MAREK I don’t want to kill you. When you killed those Ivy league pricks and that gang. You have style. Far superior to my own. I want you to own to join me. We can lay waste to the armies a lot faster. You can even keep your loved one. DANNY Lucy? MAREK Yeah. Be together forever and ruling parts of the empire. How do you like South America? Maybe France? You two can fuck endlessly on those beaches and live like kings and queens. I can bring your mother back if you want. DANNY My mother? MAREK She’ll be fine. No more mental illness or despair. She’ll be young and youthful, just like you remembered her before the later unpleasantness. Danny drops to one knee. A tear starts to roll out of his eye. Marek kneels down in front of him. MAREK (CONT’D) I know you hated your father for what he did. He turned your mother into a muttering and messy nutcase. Made you ridiculed your whole life. You still want to protect him? Let me know. Marek walks away. He looks over and sees Lucy. Marek stops dead in his tracks. He takes his sunglasses off and stares at Lucy. MAREK (CONT’D) Mina. (CONTINUED)

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Marek’s skin starts smoking. He quickly flies away. EXT. WESTERN ILLINOIS - LIBRARY - MOMENTS LATER Arthur, Jack, and Hawkings stand by the entrance. They push people as people walk in. Marcus appears wearing sunglasses and sunblock. MARCUS Hey, guys. ARTHUR Marcus, I thought you were dead. MARCUS I am. How would you guys like to make a lot of money and get revenge for some friends of ours that died horribly? JACK Sounds good to me. INT. THOMPSON HALL - ROOM 1705 - LATE AFTERNOON Lucy sits on her bed, wearing a True Blood T-shirt and black and red women’s boxers. Danny walks in, wiping a tear out of his eye. Lucy looks up at Danny. LUCY Oh my god. Are you okay? DANNY Yeah. Lucy hugs Danny. LUCY I’m sorry I brought up your mother. DANNY It’s okay. I have something to tell you. LUCY What is it? DANNY My mother wasn’t crazy. (CONTINUED)


LUCY About what? DANNY The day I got bit. It wasn’t an animal. It was a man. LUCY A man bit you? DANNY It was my father. LUCY Your father?! DANNY He’s a vampire. He bit me and let me go when he realized who I was. The reason my asthma is better and I have 20/20 vision is the vampire venom. LUCY Vampire venom? DANNY It turned me. Half vamp. I’m supposed to drink innocent blood and it will change me into a full vamp. LUCY I’m sorry but this sounds ridiculous. Maybe the bite has made you delirious. DANNY How do you explain the comic book store owners? LUCY You said you didn’t know what they were talking about. DANNY I lied. I’ve killed many bad people. I encountered them when I slaughtered a group of rapists. I also killed the jocks that murdered that library girl. LUCY What? (CONTINUED)

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DANNY The day after I was bit, when I was really sick. I watched the news coverage of those fucking assholes. I got really angry and I got sicker. I passed out and then woke up on the floor the next day with my shirt in tatters. I had no idea how my shirt got ripped up and how I rolled on the floor and didn’t wake up. There was blood all over the shirt. I was confused for a second until the night on the second floor. LUCY What about that night? DANNY You cut yourself. LUCY Yeah. DANNY The smell of the blood got overwhelming and then I changed. I was ready to feed on you but I controlled it. Then I killed the gang. LUCY What about the hunters? DANNY They tried to kill me that night but I disabled them. LUCY This sounds fucking crazy. Danny looks at Lucy, confused. LUCY (CONT’D) I think you need to see a doctor. You are going crazy. Danny still stands there, the same expression. Lucy stands up and hugs him. She starts kissing his neck. LUCY (CONT’D) I’ll stand by you, no matter what. (CONTINUED)

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Lucy looks in the mirror and sees only her and no Danny. She lets go and backs away from Danny. Danny walks toward her and she moves quickly to get away from him. DANNY What? LUCY There’s no fucking reflection! DANNY What? LUCY You have no fucking reflection. Danny walks toward the mirror. He doesn’t see himself. Danny waives his hand around but there is still no reflection. DANNY It is true. Vampires really don’t have any reflection. Even half vamp. LUCY It’s all true. Danny hears a scream. DANNY You hear that. LUCY No. He hears the scream again. DANNY I got to go. Danny runs to her window. He opens it and jumps out. Lucy runs to the window and sees Danny fly away. EXT. MACOMB - FOREST - NIGHT Marek stands by a tree. He looks at his watch and looks up at the sky. Marek smiles when Danny drops down. (CONTINUED)


MAREK I was waiting for you to drop in. DANNY Where’s the girl? MAREK Yeah, where is the girl? A vampire girl walks out of the shadows with a gleaming grin. MAREK (CONT’D) Oops. You’re too late. Not too late to accept my offer. DANNY I’m sorry, but I kindly decline. MAREK Well, I won’t be so kind, then. I guess you never loved your mother at all. DANNY It didn’t matter if she was a nutcase or a normal, she was still my mother. I might have been ridiculed my whole life but my life was very fucking satisfying. MAREK Fucking? You use that word with every sentence. Well, strong words but very fucking useless. Marek flies at Danny. Danny flies up to meet Marek. Marek dropkicks him in mid air, sending Danny crashing into a tree. Marek lands in front of Danny and lifts him up by his throat. He throws Danny over the trees. INT. MACOMB - COUNTRY ROAD - CONTINUOUS A bus is driving by. Danny flies down and smacks off of the bus. Marek picks up Danny and whips him into a another incoming car. The car stops and the driver steps out.



DRIVER What the fuck you think you’re doing? Marek sprouts his fangs. The driver’s eyes pop wide open. DRIVER (CONT’D) Not my business. The driver jumps back into the car and drives away, running over Danny’s ankles. Danny screams in pain. Marek picks up Danny by his throat. MAREK Did you think I would and let you turn down walk away? You’ll die the hands of the same wish to save.

sit idly by my offer and horribly at people you

Marek stands behind Danny and bends his head to the left, revealing the right side of the neck. MAREK (CONT’D) Mind if I take a sip? Marek bites Danny and starts drinking blood. Danny struggles but to no avail. Marek pulls away, blood all over his mouth. MAREK (CONT’D) Don’t worry about your loved one? She’ll be my new wife. I’ll bring her old memories back and we’ll be reunited. DANNY What? MAREK You’re love will become my love again. DANNY What the fuck are you talking about? MAREK Not important. Have fun with him. Arthur wraps a pure silver chain around Danny’s neck. The silver burns Danny, making him weak. (CONTINUED)

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Hawkings and Jack use chains around Danny’s wrists. MAREK (CONT’D) If you’re confused to why the silver is hurting you? It is because those hunters have half assed silver, not pure silver like me. I have so much of it that I can become a multi-billionaire. I can become a tycoon but ruler sounds much better. Marek walks away. The trio drags Danny into the forest. EXT. MACOMB - FOREST - CLEARING - CONTINUOUS Danny is strung up in the air. He has a silver chain wrapped around his neck and chest. A BALD MAN whips him repeatedly. Arthur, Jack, Hawkings, and three OTHERS have drinks and cheer the beating on. Arthur staggers over to Danny, taking a sip of Skull Vodka. ARTHUR My three friends are friends of the people you killed. So I hope enjoyed your life while it lasts you fucking freak. The three others are two gang members named LUIS and HECTOR. Luis has short black scruffy hair and a lazy eye and Hector has slicked back black hair. The last guy is JASON, a blonde, chubby man with a big nose. ARTHUR (CONT’D) My bald friend is going to put you out of your misery. The bald man pulls out a pure silver stake. Danny is lowered down. A fist punches through the bald man’s chest. The bald man is thrown at Arthur and the others. Harker stands in the man’s place with his fangs sprouted. HARKER Anyone touches a fucking hair on my son’s head, you’ll be ripped the fuck apart. (CONTINUED)


The group runs through the forest. Arthur stands there alone. HARKER (CONT’D) You want to try me. Harker smiles. ARTHUR This ain’t over. HARKER Yes it is. Arthur runs through the trees, following his friends. Harker unties Danny, burning his hands on the chains. HARKER (CONT’D) Shit. Pure fucking silver. That asshole. Harker slings Danny over his shoulders and runs away at superhuman speed. INT. THOMPSON HALL - ROOM 1705 - LATER The door flies open, startling Lucy. Lucy jumps up when she sees Harker carrying Danny in. LUCY What the fuck happened! HARKER He was beaten. LUCY Who the fuck are you? HARKER I’m his father. LUCY Oh my god, the legends are true. HARKER What legends? LUCY The vampire legend. The priest that built the army and tried to take over the country. The legend was that he was a vampire.



HARKER You’re right. LUCY Does the priest exist? HARKER Who do you think did this? LUCY Jesus. Will he survive? HARKER He’s only half vamp. He will heal tomorrow morning. Harker looks at Lucy’s face a little bit more. He is suddenly distracted by her. HARKER (CONT’D) Jesus. You’re fucking identical. LUCY What? HARKER Nothing. You have any types of bandages. LUCY No. Do you want me to get some? HARKER Yes. INT. MOLINE - FEDERAL BUILDING - PARKING GARAGE - SAME TIME Morris and Helsing walk up to their Crown Victoria. They open the trunk and put their guns into it. Morris turns around and is scared out of his wits by Marek. Helsing is startled as well. MORRIS Jesus, I didn’t even fucking hear you come up. Marek shows his fangs. MAREK I have an advantage.



HELSING What are you? MAREK I go by many names. Blood sucker, leech, creature of the night, or... MORRIS Vampire. HELSING Holy shit. I didn’t know you guys were real. MORRIS Are you responsible for the murders we’ve been investigating? MAREK No. There is another vamp. A half vamp. HELSING Half vamp? MAREK Half human, half vampire. MORRIS Is he the one responsible? MAREK I’m very sure he is. MORRIS What do you want from us? MAREK In a couple of days, I’m planning on taking over the world. I will start with wiping out Western Illinois University along with the rest of the town of Macomb. If that goes well or doesn’t, I need a girl for my ceremony. MORRIS What ceremony? HELSING What girl?


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MAREK The girl’s name is Lucy Dombkins. She is the reincarnation of my wrongly murdered love. To answer Mr. Morris’ question, the ceremony will expel all of my weaknesses and make me and my vampire army indestructible. If you help me at least get the girl and help with killing this renegade vamp, you will be kings. How does Cuba and Cabo San Lucas sound to you? Helsing and Morris look at one another with grins. HELSING Cuba sounds good to me. MORRIS Cabo sounds really good. Tell us a time? MAREK 7 o’clock, Halloween night. MORRIS Anything else? MAREK Would you happen to know the names of anyone who claims to be a vampire hunter? MORRIS A matter of fact, I do. Thomas Anders. MAREK Who? MORRIS He’s a blogger who talks about his vampire hunting exploits. We seen him talking to a sheriff about the murders. MAREK What sheriff is that? MORRIS Michael Seward. MAREK Would you happen to know their home numbers? (CONTINUED)

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MORRIS Sure. Anything else? MAREK Is there any priests that have anything to do with vampire hunting? HELSING Yeah, Anders has been talking to a Galesburg priest about vampires. Father Jose Velazquez. MORRIS Would you like us to detain them? MAREK I have something better in mind. INT. THOMPSON HALL - ROOM 1705 - MOMENTS LATER Harker sits on a chair, watching Danny sleep. HARKER I wanted you since I was mature enough to think about children. I’m glad that you turned out normal. My only regret is that your mother pined over me that bad that people committed her. I’m sorry you were ridiculed your whole life because of me. I was just scared. DANNY Scared of what? Danny’s eyes open. Harker is somewhat startled and upset. HARKER That you’re mother would die peacefully of old age. After that, you would live your life and die an old man. DANNY That’s what you’re afraid of? HARKER My fear was that you would die a very old man and there I would be at your side, the same age. I couldn’t live with that. (MORE) (CONTINUED)

80. CONTINUED: HARKER (CONT'D) I tried to leave you. What do you know, fate put you right in my fangs.

DANNY It helped me get better. HARKER This is all my fault. DANNY What? HARKER You and the whole vampire thing. I betrayed a friend and sent his love to her death. He is evil because of me. This whole thing happened because of me. Lucy comes back in with bandages. She starts cleaning Danny’s wounds. Harker turns to leave. MONTAGE: MAREK REBUILDING AN ARMY -Silas goes down a line of people, biting the left side of the neck. -Silas and Marcus dig up graves. Marcus takes vials of blood and starts pouring it in the dead bodies’ mouths. The bodies reanimate. -Marek stands on a abandoned stage looking over several dozen vampires. MAREK I think this is good enough for now. When we wipe out this area, the next areas will give themselves to us in fear. END MONTAGE EXT. WESTERN ILLINOIS - MACKENZIE FIELD - LATER Marek stands on the field, staring at the trees. Harker appears behind him. Marek looks over his shoulder and sees Harker.



MAREK Remember the one time when England was mostly grass and trees. Sure a few villages and castles but mostly forest and fields. I found it beautiful. The cities and the villages now look ridiculous. Maybe when I take over, I’ll tear all this what do today’s humans say, bullshit down. Harker jumps on Marek. Marek easily knocks Harker off of him. Marek grabs Harker and slams him on a fence. With superhuman speed, Marek punches Harker with several punches to the torso and face. Marek pulls out a silver chain and wraps it around Harker’s neck and the fence, chaining him on the fence. Marek pulls out a pure silver stake. MAREK (CONT’D) Brother, I so wished you would be on my side. Now, I will stake you with this. Before you die, I want you to know that I won’t be so pleasant with your fucking son. HARKER I get the special treatment? Marek bites Harker and drinks his blood. Harker gets more weaker. MAREK Yeah because you’re more respectful. I guess the prophecy was wrong. HARKER It’s right. Marek looks confused for a second but then he angrily stabs Harker in the heart with the stake. Harker screams in agony as the stake is driven in. MAREK Now what was so right about the prophecy? HARKER That my son is going to kill you.


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Harker smiles. Marek looks stunned for a second but gets startled when Harker’s body burns into nothing. Marek is unaware that the stake filled with holy blood that Harker had intended to use before had fallen on the ground where Harker once stood. CUT TO: EXT. WESTERN ILLINOIS - MACKENZIE FIELD - MORNING Danny, healed fully, walks toward the spot where Harker disintegrated. Danny puts his hand on a the burned section of the fence where his father once stood. Danny’s eyes fill up with tears. He starts shaking his head disapprovingly. Danny then screams. His screams echos. EXT. MACOMB - LAKE OUTSIDE WESTERN ILLINOIS CAMPUS - SAME TIME There are several bats in a tree. One of them, lets out a screech, almost like a laugh. INT. T&A COMICS - WEAPONS ROOM - AFTERNOON Tom sits at the counter, reading a comic of THE LOSERS. The phone rings. TOM (into phone) Yeah? HARKER (V.O.) I found a marsh in Rock Island. There are some people in process of becoming vamps. You have to go at night. TOM (into phone) Why night? HARKER (V.O.) Because of the swamp lights. That’s the only way you can see them.



TOM (into phone) It will be dangerous but we can be there. HARKER (V.O.) Bring everyone. TOM (into phone) I can only spare Nikki, me, and Amber. Phil and Egan will stay behind to hold the fort down. HARKER (V.O.) Right at T & A comics? TOM (into phone) Where else? Are you drunk? HARKER (V.O.) A little bit. Is there anyone else that knows about our thing? TOM (into phone) I told Mike and Jose. HARKER (V.O.) Where’s Jose at? TOM (into phone) First Methodist in Galesburg. Why? HARKER (V.O.) Just wondering. Let Mike come with you tonight. TOM (into phone) Let’s give him hell tonight. HARKER (V.O.) Oh, yes. There will be hell. The phone hangs up. INT. MACOMB - HIDING PLACE - SAME TIME Silas hangs up the phone and smiles devilishly.


INT. THOMPSON HALL - ROOM 1705 - AFTERNOON Danny walks in the room. Lucy sits at her desk, reading. Lucy turns around and runs over to Danny. LUCY Are you alright? I woke up and you were gone. DANNY I felt a presence bringing me to Mackenzie Field. LUCY What happened? DANNY My father is dead. Marek killed him. LUCY I’m so sorry, honey. Danny hugs Lucy. LUCY (CONT’D) What do we do now? DANNY I don’t know. I guess I need to be at full vampire to fight him. That means I have to take innocent blood and never come out in day time until this thing is done. The phone rings. Lucy walks over and answers it. LUCY Hello. Yes, I believe I can. Lucy hangs up the phone. LUCY (CONT’D) My friend Jamie has asked me to meet her for swimming laps. DANNY Go. I’ll be fine. I’ll just sit here or in my room and just sulk. LUCY I don’t want to leave you here like this. (CONTINUED)


DANNY Lucy, I didn’t really know the man. I am a little out of it because my father is dead but he was more of a stranger and cause to my problems. I guess I feel closure and somewhat relief. Go ahead, maybe I’ll stop by to watch you swim. LUCY See me in a bikini? I have an American flag one. DANNY Patriotic and sexy. Danny and Lucy kiss and giggle. DANNY (CONT’D) I need to read up on some stuff and I’ll be over there. Lucy leaves. Danny sits on the bed and rests his head on the wall. Danny starts to see flashes. DREAM SEQUENCE: DANNY LEARNS THE VAMPIRE PROPHECY Danny walks through a beautiful garden with light green roses. DANNY (CONT’D) Beautiful. He sees his mother. The same beautiful blue-eyed woman from Harker’s past. MOTHER Hello, Daniel. DANNY Mom? MOTHER It’s good to see you. DANNY The same. There are so many things I need to say to you. MOTHER He needs to say some things to you. (CONTINUED)

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Danny turns around and sees Harker in human form. MOTHER (CONT’D) He might have disappointed you but he had good reason. He loves and cares for you more than you think. Your father knew if he remained alive, he would be obstacle in your fight against Marek. DANNY I don’t understand. MOTHER Your father needed to die in order for you to succeed. Now go to him. Danny stands up. His body slides over to Harker. HARKER Hello, Daniel. DANNY Dad? HARKER The prophecy states that the second coming of the good demon can destroy the bad one. DANNY It means only I can kill Marek. HARKER You have to become full vampire in order to fight Marek. DANNY Anything else I need to know? HARKER Even if you kill Marek, you will stay a vampire. You need to die to put vampirism into extinction. DANNY Is there no other way? HARKER None. You need to go. Right now. DANNY Why?


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HARKER The hunters and the priest are in danger. Suddenly quick snapshots of Tom, Mike, Amber, Phil, Egan, Nikki, and Father Jose being killed by vampires flash in front of Danny’s eyes. HARKER (CONT’D) Before you go, I left a gift for you where I died. BACK TO SCENE Danny jumps up from the bed. He runs over to the window and quickly opens it. EXT. STUDENT RECREATION CENTER - MOMENTS LATER Lucy walks up to the entrance, carrying her duffel bag. She looks up and sees a horde of bats flying above. LUCY Glad to see he went for a fly. Lucy walks in and does not notice Arthur and his group standing by a bush. INT. REC CENTER - SWIMMING POOL - CONTINUOUS Lucy, now in a bikini, walks up to the sign in desk. SIGN IN May I help you? LUCY My friend Jamie is waiting for me. SIGN IN There is no one in there but you can go right ahead. Lucy goes in. The sign in guy watches her until she is out of sight. The sign in guy gives a signal to Arthur, who leads his group into the swimming pool area. EXT. ROCK ISLAND - MARSHES - SAME TIME The blue Cadillac pulls up. A cop car stops behind it. (CONTINUED)


Tom, Amber, and Nikki get out of the Cadillac. Mike gets out of the cop car. MIKE Are we going to see some vampires today? TOM Quite possibly. Tom and the hunters head toward the marsh. Mike leans against his car, smoking a cigarette. Tom comes to the water. He sees four empty boxes. Each of them has a smiley face painted in blood. Tom is suddenly startled. TOM (CONT’D) Let’s get the fuck out of here. Four vampires jump out of the marshes. Tom gets tackled by one while Amber and Nikki are held off by two. The fourth vampire attacks Mike. Mike shoots the vampire numerous times with his side arm. The fourth vampire is barely fazed by the volley of bullets. Mike is stunned. Mike pulls a night stick out of the car and tries to hit the vampire. The vampire breaks it with a single chop. The vampire grabs Mike but Mike stabs him in the heart. The vampire burns to ash. MIKE No fucking way. Tom stabs his vampire to death. There are two vampires left. Nikki sprays garlic spray in the face of one vampire and Amber finishes him off with a shot to the eye from her Colt. The last vampire appears. She knocks Amber’s and Nikki’s weapons away and pushes them both away. Nikki lands in the water and Amber lands on her shoulder on the road. Amber struggles to move quickly as the vampire runs toward her. Amber closes her eyes as the vampire leaps in the air.


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Suddenly, Danny, in vampire form, bursts out of the water and grabs the vampire. Danny violently slams her down and bites and shreds her throat, killing her. Danny stands up and Tom aims a crossbow at Danny. Nikki and Amber each hold Colts and aim at Danny. DANNY Enough! I’m not a fucking threat. I’m here to help. I just fucking saved your life and you still think I am a monster. TOM I was able to kill the vampire without your help. DANNY Took you long enough. TOM Look in your back. Danny looks in his back and sees the crossbow bolt stuck on his back. He pulls it off and looks at the bolt. TOM (CONT’D) We had it handled. DANNY This was a diversion. TOM What? Danny runs out of the marsh and turns into a horde of bats. The horde flies away. EXT. WESTERN ILLINOIS - SKY - LATER The horde flies downward toward the Recreation center. INT. REC CENTER - SWIMMING POOL - MOMENTS LATER Lucy finishes another lap. She stops by the edge of the pool and she gets grabbed by her hair. Arthur holds a knife to Lucy’s eye. ARTHUR We’re going to play a game.



LUCY Please leave me alone. JACK (mocking) Please leave me alone. ARTHUR You’re going to hold your breath until I see fit or I stick this in your eye. LUCY Help! The group laughs as the Sign in guy walks in. SIGN IN Is everything okay? ARTHUR Sure. Would you like to stay for the contest. SIGN IN Sure. INT. SWIMMING POOL - UNDERWATER - CONTINUOUS Arthur sticks Lucy’s head under the water. Lucy has a look of desperation as she struggles. Suddenly, Arthur’s arm, holding Lucy in the water, falls into the water. Then his head flies into the water. Then Jack’s head flies into the water. There are screams heard from the outside of the water. Hawkings jumps in the water. Suddenly, he starts getting pulled back and yanked out of the water. His head falls in followed by his torso, arms, and legs. Luis’s head gets knocked in. Hector’s upper torso falls in. Jason drops into the pool in front of him. Lucy is startled when she sees Jason’s body. His head is twisted backwards. When the body spins around, Lucy sees Jason’s frightened face. Lucy quickly swims upward.


INT. REC CENTER - SWIMMING POOL - CONTINUOUS Lucy comes out of the water, coughing. She starts to climb out of the water when the sign in guy falls on his head in front of her. Lucy falls back into the water. Suddenly, Danny drops in front of Lucy. Danny looks up at Lucy. Lucy is somewhat scared but amazed at Danny’s vampire form. Danny lifts Lucy out of the water and starts to carry her. He flies upwards with Lucy in his arms. INT. GALESBURG - CHURCH - PRIEST QUARTERS - SAME TIME Jose signs some documents. He hears a noise in the background. INT. GALESBURG - CHURCH - PEWS - CONTINUOUS Jose walks out into the pew area with a candle. He gives the sign of the cross when he walks by the very large crucifix. Jose continues walking toward the door. He turns around and sees all the crosses in the church are covered. A vampire jumps from the balcony with church organ. He lands on Jose. Jose breaks the candle on the vampire’s head. He pulls out his crucifix and presses it on the vampire’s forehead, burning him. Jose then grabs the vampire by the neck and drives his head into the holy water fountain. The water boils and smokes as the vampire is drowned in the fountain. Jose pulls the vampire out and the vampires head is disintegrated. JOSE Thomas was right. Now holy father it is time that I must do my part in the war against the demons. INT. THOMPSON HALL - ROOM 1705 - MORNING Lucy and Danny sleep. There are hordes of screams. (CONTINUED)


DREAM SEQUENCE: VISION OF THE FUTURE Macomb is wiped out. Lucy is in a trance and then she turns back into Mina. Mina and Marek embrace. Marek then bites the left side of Mina’s neck. Marek pulls away and smiles at Danny with a bloody mouth. Danny is crucifixed on a black cross. Marek and his armies are read the same Latin scripture that changed Marek. The sun starts to rise. Danny looks over and sees the torn apart bodies of Amber, Nikki, and Father Jose. He also sees Phil impaled on a large spike and Tom’s head stuck on a smaller spike. Danny also sees Egan hanging from a tree. He then looks over at a sign written in blood. INSERT-SIGN ON THIS DAY, OCTOBER 31ST, 2010, VAMPIRES REIGN AGAIN BACK TO SCENE The sun fully rises. The vampires are euphoric as the sun has no effect on him and Danny’s body burns to dust. END DREAM SEQUENCE Danny sits up real fast. Lucy sits up, too. LUCY Are you okay? DANNY What’s today? LUCY Halloween. DANNY It’s tonight. LUCY What is? DANNY Marek’s attack. LUCY What are you going to do? (CONTINUED)

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DANNY I got to go to the comic store. LUCY The comic store? They’ll kill you. DANNY Not if I can give them the proposition of killing all the vampires. Danny puts on a shirt and jeans. LUCY Can you promise me one thing? DANNY What? LUCY Please return from this. DANNY I will. INT. T&A COMICS - WEAPONS ROOM - AFTERNOON Tom is wiping his glasses with a cloth. He puts the cloth away and goes back to carving stakes. Phil is trying to tie a bow and arrow. Egan snatches the bow and puts the string on. Amber lies on a couch, nursing her left shoulder. She sits up when Danny walks in. AMBER Tom. Tom quickly grabs a stake and Phil aims the bow and arrow at Danny. Nikki appears behind Danny and puts a Webley Revolver to his head. DANNY I’m unarmed and unvamped. TOM You better have a good fucking reason you’re here or I can give the word for Phil to shoot you with a bow and Nikki to put one in the back of your head.



DANNY I’m in human form. TOM We can’t be too sure. DANNY I didn’t come here to wipe you guys out. I came here to ask, are you guys only equipped for nest cleaning? AMBER What do you mean? DANNY If there was a small vampire attack on a town, could you combat it? NIKKI Yeah, if there was such an attack. DANNY I had a vision. TOM A vampire vision? DANNY Yes. A small army is going to attack my campus. It is meant to kill me but they want a massacre. It starts with Macomb. PHIL You don’t watch the news much do you? DANNY Sorry. I was saving my girlfriend from being murdered by human symphathizers. What happened? PHIL There has been many suspicious deaths where the bodies disappeared. Alas, humans being turned. DANNY (to Tom) Marek has already tried to kill me. (CONTINUED)

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PHIL Marek? TOM You saw Marek. I thought he was imprisoned somewhere. AMBER Who’s Marek? TOM The very first. I’ve been trying to find him for a while. His death would stop vampirism for good. NIKKI All vampires will die? TOM Except the vampire that kills him. It’s been prophesied. Harker was going to kill him. We would lend support. AMBER Where’s Harker anyway? DANNY Marek killed him. TOM What!? Okay, how the fuck are we supposed to kill Marek? DANNY You don’t read prophecies right. Harker...I mean, my father told me the prophecy said the second coming of the good demon. It meant the second generation of the good vampire. TOM You? DANNY Yeah. I need innocent blood to be able to fight him. TOM You ain’t getting it from us. DANNY I need to be at full level to fight him. (CONTINUED)

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TOM What about the other thing? DANNY What? TOM The sacrifice. You do know that you will have to die to make sure this is not just a waste of time. DANNY I know. AMBER How does your girlfriend feel about that? DANNY I haven’t told her. Okay, are you guys going to help or not? I can take Marek and some groups of vampires. I can’t fight an army. I need support. You guys we’re going to support my father when he wanted to wipe out Marek and his minions. Do the same for me now. NIKKI Okay, what the hell? PHIL If we get to kill a lot of vampires, I’m in. AMBER Sounds good. TOM You already know my answer. So do you any advice for us in this campaign? DANNY Watch the left side of your neck. The vein there is the main vein vampires need to turn you. TOM You have evidence of that. Egan walks in behind Phil. EGAN I do. (CONTINUED)

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Egan pulls his shirt collar down to reveal vampire bite marks on the right side of the neck. EGAN (CONT’D) I was in Puerto Vallarta with some friends and my girlfriend Natalie. We met a guy named Silas. He had dead eyes and blonde hair. Something was off about him. Me and the group hung out on the beach at night. Silas shows up with two guys. They attacked. My friends were turned but not me. One of them bites the right side of my neck but I had garlic bread at dinner so it repelled them. Silas raped and drained Natalie. Egan kicks open a box. The box contains a silver and black repeating crossbow with a drum clip and a golden cross shotgun containing silver shells containing holy water. EGAN (CONT’D) I made these. I was saving them for a special occasion. Tonight seems about right. Egan picks up the shotgun and cocks it. EGAN (CONT’D) I think it’s about time for some fucking payback. DANNY Do we have anybody else? TOM Yeah. INT. APARTMENT - LIVING ROOM - SAME TIME Mike sits on his couch. He is taking night sticks and sharpening the ends of them into stakes. His radio is on. The song Rooster by Alice in Chains plays. EXT. T&A COMICS - BUNKER - LATE AFTERNOON Nikki, Tom, Amber, Phil, and Jeremy are all wearing camouflage outfits. Egan slings the shotgun over his shoulder and cocks an arrow into the crossbow. (CONTINUED)


Tom sits down at a table with an AN/PRC-77 Portable Transceiver on it. TOM (to Phil) Has anyone responded? PHIL I haven’t checked in a while. TOM Really? You’re worthless. EGAN Cook, Will, McHenry, Dekalb, and the Davenport sector will be here in an hour. PHIL Oh, I forgot about them. They called. EGAN Is our water blessed? Father Jose and Mike walks in. Jose is carrying a bag. MIKE Hey. FATHER JOSE Hello my son. Mike is confused by Father Jose’s presence. TOM (to Mike) Mike, this is Father Jose Velazquez. MIKE Hey, Father? You know what’s going on? FATHER JOSE After last night, yes. I’m here to bless your water and hopefully, join you in this spiritual crusade. TOM You’ve come prepared. Father Jose opens his bag, revealing small bottles of holy water, stakes, and a large silver cross. (CONTINUED)

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MIKE Got a big enough cross there, father? FATHER JOSE My son, I hate using foul language. But in this case, I don’t fuck around when it comes to vampires. There is no cross big enough when it comes to Lucifer and his minions. PHIL So you ready to sin, Father? FATHER JOSE Phillip, I’m killing demons, not people. There is no sinning here. Tom grabs a squirt gun. TOM Any water you have, bring to Jose. Egan walks over to Jose. At the same time, truck loads of people with similar weaponry shows up. EGAN Is there a size limit on blessing? FATHER JOSE Not at all. Jeremy points to something in the distance. JEREMY What about that? Father Jose smiles. FATHER JOSE I think I can work with that. Tom walks over. TOM Is everything alright? EGAN Yeah. We have to get going. We only have an hour before sundown. Father Jose pulls out a bible.


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FATHER JOSE Let us pray. The group kneels. FATHER JOSE (CONT’D) Holy Father, please bless these holy avengers in their important battle against the Devil’s army. Please bless the water they carry as it is your sword that pierces the demon’s unholy veil. Please bless the large vessel that your son Egan has acquired as it will carry the holy fire that burns the hell hounds from the surface. Father Jose says a scripture in Latin. FATHER JOSE (CONT’D) I believe we are ready Thomas. TOM Let’s go! Tom twirls his finger. All the hunters get in their vehicles. Tom, Jose, Amber, Nikki, and Phil get in a UPS package van. Egan walks past the van. TOM (CONT’D) Hey, where you going? EGAN I’ll follow. I have another weapon I like to use. Egan points to something in the distance. Tom looks the same direction. TOM Will it work? EGAN Padre said it would. TOM Let’s just hope the Lord works his mysterious way tonight. Egan walks away. Mike jogs over to Tom. MIKE Hey, have you ever been in combat? (CONTINUED)

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TOM Of course, I’m a navy diver. Mike looks at Tom confused for a second and then shakes his head disapprovingly. EXT. MACOMB - LAKE OUTSIDE WESTERN ILLINOIS CAMPUS NIGHT The sun goes down and a full moon rises. A horde of bats flies in a circle out of a tree and reforms into Marek. Silas climbs out of the ground. SILAS Is today the day? MAREK Yes it is Silas. Time to wake up the troops. Silas closes his eyes. An ominous sound is emitted. Suddenly, several groups of vampires walk out of the lake. The army heads toward the campus. MAREK (CONT’D) I love those calm little moments before the storm. INT. THOMPSON HALL - ROOM 1705 - SAME TIME Lucy sits on her bed, staring at the television. Danny walks in. Lucy jumps up and hugs him. DANNY Are you okay? LUCY Fine. I was worried that they might kill you. DANNY No. LUCY Can’t we just leave here and go where Marek can’t find us?



DANNY Marek has powers. He needs me dead in order for his plan to go through. My father is dead but I’m more of a threat. If I run, he’ll get more powerful and cut a bloody path through the world until he kills me and takes you. LUCY Why does he want me? DANNY I don’t know. He talked about you like you were the love of his life. Maybe your a reincarnation of something? I need to try something. Can you trust me? LUCY Sure. Danny puts his hands on Lucy’s head. Danny’s face cringes and he drops to his knees, bringing Lucy down with him. Lucy is crying as Danny moans in pain. Danny lets go, breathing heavily. LUCY (CONT’D) Oh my god! What did you just do? DANNY You were his lover back then. LUCY What? DANNY 800 years ago, you were his lover that my dad told me about. It was her death that caused all of this. LUCY So it was revenge? DANNY Revenge against the world he felt turned against him and her. Maybe he felt the devil was a better backing tool. LUCY Would you do the same?


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DANNY Do what? LUCY If someone killed me, would you go down the same path? DANNY I would slaughter the whole world if they were responsible. Lucy and Danny have a passionate kiss. Danny pushes her away. DANNY (CONT’D) There is something I need to tell you. In the prophecy, the good vampire that kills the bad one and wipes out all the rest, will still remain a vamp. LUCY What does that mean? DANNY In order for vampirism to cease, the good vampire has to die. LUCY (tearfully) No. Why? DANNY It just has to be. LUCY So you’re going to kill yourself? DANNY If I’m not able to, I need you to kill me. LUCY I won’t. I will not! You can’t make me! DANNY If you won’t, the hunters will. The RA bursts into Lucy’s room. R.A. I need you all to remain secure in your dorms. There is something terrible going on. (CONTINUED)

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DANNY Huh? What is it? R.A. You won’t believe me if I told you. DANNY Why don’t you try me? EXT. WESTERN ILLINOIS - MURRAY STREET - NIGHT Students and security run around in a frenzy. There are hordes of screams. Vampires grab random people, biting them and tearing them apart. Silas and Marek walks calmly through the chaos. MAREK I love this. I could rule the place with the right amount of decapitation. Marek snaps a frantic student’s neck. SILAS Be the new Vlad the Impaler. Marek backhands Silas. MAREK Vlad the Impaler was the new me. He was a pussy compared to what I can do. Impaling was the shocking new murder. To me, that’s Tuesday. A security guard runs at Marek wielding a nightstick. Silas blocks the hit and palm strikes the guard’s head completely off. MAREK (CONT’D) Nice one. EXT. WESTERN ILLINOIS - CHARLES STREET - FRAT HOUSE SAME TIME Ten vampires stand outside a frat house. They walk toward the house. Four go around the sides of the house, two on each side. Three jump from the ground onto the roof and the other three walk through the front door. (CONTINUED)


The three on the roof jump into the chimney. Several blood curdling screams emit. Blood splatters window. A frat brother attempts to jump out the window. A vampire catches him and pulls him back inside. EXT. WESTERN ILLINOIS - WEST ADAMS STREET - CONTINUOUS A cop car, containing a police man and woman pull up. POLICEMAN Control, there is no riot or killings going on here. CONTROL (V.O.) Head over to Murray and Char...AAAHHH! POLICEMAN Control! Silas jumps on the hood. He shatters the windshield with his foot. Silas pulls the policewoman out and bites her. The policeman tries to get out but Silas crushes his skull with a stomp. SILAS (to police man) You should wait for your fucking turn! MONTAGE - VAMPIRE’S ATTACK ON CAMPUS -A guy and girl get into a car and lock the door. A vampire rips the roof open and pulls them out. -A bus pulls over to a stop across the field from Higgins Hall. A group of vampires land on the bus. They break through the windows and slaughter everyone inside. One of the vampires gets in the driver seat and proceeds to start running over students in the street and sidewalk. -A car tries to speed out of campus. Silas slashes the tires as it drives by, causing it to flip. Vampires pulls the occupants out of the car. -A police sniper is on top of Morgan Hall. He pulls out a walkie talkie. (CONTINUED)


SNIPER (into walkie talkie) Where do I shoot to kill? MIKE (V.O.) In the heart and head. SNIPER (into walkie talkie) Roger that? The sniper starts killing vampires in the street. SNIPER (CONT’D) Don’t worry kids. They ain’t gotta a chance against me. Three vampires appear on the edge of the roof. VAMPIRE #1 Hello. All three grabs the sniper and throw him off the roof. Then the three jump off the roof, all crushing the sniper’s body. One of the vampires gets shot in the head and heart. The other two look out at Thompson and Higgins Hall. VAMPIRE #1 (CONT’D) There’s a sniper team on both buildings. Apparently, some cops know more than they should. I’ll take Thompson, you take Higgins. The two vampires turn into a horde of bats and each attack the sniper teams, killing them. - Marek is confronted by four McDonough County sheriff’s wielding shotguns. Marek grabs a shotgun and impales the first sheriff, sending the sheriff flying over his head. He puts his fist through the chest of the second sheriff and slashes the throat of the third. Marek kills the last one with a back breaker. MAREK This is so easy. Is there no hope for this town? END MONTAGE


INT. TRUCK - SAME TIME Egan is driving a fuel truck behind the van containing the rest of the team. He turns the dial on the CB. RADIO (V.O.) We need the National Guard. We have a situation here and the local police and Sheriff’s outpost have been wiped out. We need a fucking nuke if we got it. There’s fucking vampires. No! Please God! Aaaahh! The radio line goes dead. Egan pulls out a walkie talkie. EGAN (into walkie talkie) Tweek, this is Gold, over. TOM (V.O.) Got you Gold, what’s the situation? EGAN (into walkie talkie) We need to put pedal to the metal. Just picked up a message from a recently deceased officer from Macomb and he used the V-word. TOM (V.O.) What about the rest of the police. EGAN (into walkie talkie) In dispose, or in other words, they’re all fucking dead. TOM (V.O.) Pull up radar. Egan pulls over a laptop. He moves a bunch of screens around. There is a layout of Macomb. He taps one corner of the screen to get the campus of Western Illinois University. He taps a orange square on the screen and gets a temperature screen. EGAN (into walkie talkie) I have the temp screen. (MORE) (CONTINUED)

108. CONTINUED: EGAN (CONT'D) We have a mass circle of low body temperature on the block of Murray and W. Adams Street. There are some patches on Charles and the areas of Higgins and Thompson Halls.

TOM (V.O.) We start with the mass circle. EGAN (into walkie talkie) What about the small patches? TOM (V.O.) Hope our friend comes through. INT. THOMPSON HALL - ROOM 1705 - SAME TIME Danny sits on the ground, his back resting on the side of the bed. Lucy paces back and forth. LUCY You have the power to fight them, right? DANNY Yeah. Lucy, sit down. Lucy sits down next to him. Danny puts his arms around her and kisses her head. DANNY (CONT’D) I can’t just sit here and let him kill everyone. I know I might not like some people, but everyone deserves to die on their own terms. Danny stands up and heads to the door. Lucy jumps up and grabs his hand. LUCY What about the other thing? DANNY Other thing? LUCY You have to die to stop them all? DANNY Yeah. (CONTINUED)


LUCY Does it have to be that way? DANNY I’d like nothing more than live forever to wipe out the evil of the world. LUCY What’s wrong with that? DANNY Would you join me? Would you forever? Answer me that. How you like that you go through centuries, outliving friends family, and never being able have children?

live would and to

LUCY I would hate it. DANNY I won’t be able to change. I could have a child with you and I would outlive the both of you. You both die old men and women while I stay the same age. I can’t live with that and I can’t live with the chance that another vampire will rise and do the same thing over again. LUCY So is this what you want? DANNY This is what I have to do. Danny hugs Lucy and kisses her cheek gently. DANNY (CONT’D) I want you to live your life. Danny slowly lets go of Lucy. He opens the door, still holding on to Lucy’s hand. Danny’s hand slowly slides off of Lucy’s. EXT. WESTERN ILLINOIS - WESTERN AVENUE - MOMENTS LATER Marcus, the bully that freed Marek, drinks a wine glass of blood and spits it in the air. The mist of blood rains on his face. (CONTINUED)


Marcus smells the air. He gets angry and turns around to look at Thompson Hall. MARCUS Danny. EXT. THOMPSON HALL - ENTRANCE - SAME TIME Danny seals the door. Lucy appears at the window, next to the door. She puts her hand on the window. Danny puts his hand on the spot where Lucy’s hand is on the other side. Other students stand at the window. Danny closes his eyes for a second and opens them. He looks up at Lucy and sees her and the other students looking behind Danny, fear in their eyes. Danny turns around and sees about a dozen vampires standing on the trail. He turns around and faces Lucy. Danny balls his hands up into fists, cracking the knuckles. He closes his eyes. DANNY I feel the vampire within me. It flows through my blood and down the drain to the surface. It’s time for the power to arise and kick a lot of motherfucking ass. Danny unwraps his hands. His nails grow into claws. Danny’s eyes close tighter and his body jerks like something is crawling up his spine. He starts to growl. Danny’s eyes open to reveal yellow eyes and he sprouts fangs. He turns around to face the vampires. Danny walks toward the trail. EXT. UNIVERSITY CIRCLE - TRAIL - CONTINUOUS Danny heads down the trail. Vampires start to growl. DANNY Who wants to dance? MARCUS Get him! (CONTINUED)


The first vampire tries to attack Danny. Danny sweeps him off of his feet and crushes the vamp’s heart with a palm strike. The second vampire tries to do a 540 kicks. Danny catches the vamp’s head in mid air and twists it, killing him. Danny locks his fingers into an point and puts his hand through the next vamp’s chest, ripping the heart out. Danny bites into it, causing him to go into a psychotic frenzy. EXT. WESTERN ILLINOIS - WEST ADAMS STREET - MOMENTS LATER Vampires still chase students. The hunter’s truck speeds down the street. There are two very large posts under both headlights. The ends of the posts are sharpened to be very large stakes. The truck brakes very hard, impaling two vampires on each stake, killing them. The back of the van opens. The team jumps out and runs into battle. Tom walks towards the edge of the van and jumps down. He pulls out a squirt gun and pumps it. TOM Time to rock and roll. EXT. UNION HALL - PARKING LOT - MOMENTS LATER Egan pulls into the parking lot. He lines the tank up with the hill overlooking Hanson Field. Students run up the hill, some make it and some are pulled back and ripped apart. Egan opens up the tank and drenches the hillside with gasoline. Egan pulls out a flare. EGAN Anyone who is still human, get the fuck off the hill. God, please bless this flare and help create holy fire to burn the hillside. Egan lights the flare and throws it on the hill. The hill ignites, burning vampires to death. EGAN (CONT’D) Amen.


EXT. WESTERN ILLINOIS - MURRAY STREET - SAME TIME Amber pulls out a garlic bomb. He rolls it in the middle of a group of vampires. The bomb goes off, burning all the vampires to ash. Tom squirts vampires he comes across, burning them to ash. Nikki shoots vampires in the chest. One vampire grabs a hold of her. GRABBING VAMPIRE I’m hungry. NIKKI Then eat something. She pulls out a ball of garlic and puts it into the vamp’s mouth and uppercuts him. This causes the vampire to bite and ingest the garlic. The vamp has smoke coming out of his mouth and he burns from the inside out. EXT. WESTERN ILLINOIS - WESTERN AVENUE - CONTINUOUS The vampire driving the bus, continues to run people over. Egan appears on top of Morgan Hall, shooting two vampires with his cross shotgun. EXT. MORGAN HALL - ROOF - CONTINUOUS The horde of bats from before fly at Egan. He pulls out a big bottle of holy water. Egan pops the top a little open and it starts spraying water. He pulls out a silver lighter and lights the water. This turns the bottle into a impromptu holy flame thrower. Egan incinerates the bats. Egan then ties a rope to his bow and fires it into a tree, on the street below. He pulls the rope tight and ties it tight around the air conditioning unit on the roof. Egan takes out a pair of nunchaku. He throws it over the rope and zip lines down into the street.


EXT. WESTERN ILLINOIS - WESTERN AVENUE - CONTINUOUS Egan zip lines over the bus and drops onto the roof. A vampire pops up from inside the bus and gets staked by Egan. Egan runs toward the front of the bus. He dangles over the side by the driver’s window. The vampire driving sees him and gets startled. EGAN Mind if I drive? The driver opens the door and jumps out. He gets shot with the cross shotgun and disintegrates before he hits the ground. Egan tosses a garlic grenade into the bus. It kills all vampires inside. Egan slides into the window and takes over the bus and stops it. He steps out of the bus and lights a cigar. Egan pulls out his crossbow and loads a drum clip onto it. He runs between the library and Stipes hall. EXT. WESTERN ILLINOIS - CHARLES STREET - SAME TIME A McDonough County sheriff cruiser pulls up. Mike steps out wearing a black Batman shirt and jeans. He carries a silver long nose .357 Revolver with bullets with crosses carved on top. His belt also has extra ammo and nightsticks with the ends sharpened into stakes. A vampire runs toward Mike. MIKE (sarcastically) Hi. He stakes the vampire. Mike draws the revolver and kills three more vampires with shots to either the eye or heart. Tom runs over, throwing water balloons filled with holy water. Father Jose stakes a vampire and then hits a couple more with the large silver cross. He bashes another vamp’s head in.



FATHER JOSE (while bashing the head in) The power of Christ compels you! Students go inside their houses and break broomsticks in half. Other students fill up buckets with water and throw garlic in it. Now, the students join forces with the hunters and start killing vampires. A red pick up truck speeds down the street. A flannel-coat wearing man, with a shotgun is in the bed. He shoots vampires as the truck passes by. Silas appears and slashes the driver side tires as the truck passes by. The truck turns over on it’s side, sending the gunner flying out of the truck. Silas jumps in the air and lands, crushing the gunner’s head completely. He walks towards the hunters. Silas throws students aside like nothing. He kicks Father Jose off of his feet. Silas also backhands Mike, sending him flying back into a car door. He throws Tom aside and grabs Nikki and Amber by the throat. Phil runs up behind him with the cross. Silas disables him with a back kick. A crossbow bolt goes through Silas’ right arm. He drops Amber and Nikki and screams in agony. Another bolt goes through Silas’ shin. He looks over and sees Egan aiming the crossbow at him. Egan takes the cigar out of his mouth and blows out smoke. He puts the cigar back in and walks over with the crossbow aimed at Silas. Silas starts to limp away but he is held off by students wielding crosses and stakes. Egan walks over and hits Silas across the mouth with the butt of the crossbow. Silas crawls away. Egan kicks him over on his back. He stands on Silas’ chest and pours a bottle of holy water and garlic down Silas’ throat. Silas starts to burn from the inside. His body and head expands and explodes. Egan looks at the shocked group. (CONTINUED)

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JEREMY What the fuck are we waiting for? There’s some more vamps to kill. MONTAGE - THE COUNTERATTACK -Amber draws two katanas and starts to slice vampires apart. -Egan is killing vampires with the shotgun and the crossbow. -Father Jose gives the sign of the cross and puts sunglasses on. He pulls out a AK-47 and a shotgun. He starts to wipe out groups of vampires. -Tom and Phil throws water balloons and then pull out the squirt guns -Frat boys hold down a couple of vampires as the frat leader stakes them with a broken paddle. -Mike, Amber, Nikki, and Egan, each with two 9 millimeter Berettas, shoot vamps in the head. -A large contingent of vampires are forced onto Hansen Field. Hunters gets on the bleachers and start shooting and throwing holy water into the field turning the field into a vampire kill box. END MONTAGE EXT. UNIVERSITY CIRCLE - TRAIL - SAME TIME Danny is biting a vampire, draining him. There are about ten more bodies lying around. Marcus backs up away from Danny, breathing frantically. Danny looks up and sees Marcus. Danny smiles and wipes blood off of his mouth. He and Marcus jump into the air and fly at one another. They both connect and fall to the ground. Danny picks Marcus up and swings him into a tree. Marcus flips over Danny’s head and lands behind him. Marcus bites Danny’s neck. Danny grabs Marcus and flips Marcus back over. Danny puts Marcus in a reverse sleeper hold and snaps his neck. Danny bites Marcus’ throat, drinking blood. Marcus gasps as he is sucked dry. (CONTINUED)


Danny finishes Marcus off with a backbreaker. He looks up and sees Marek on the roof of Waggoner Hall. Marek points at him and he flies away. EXT. THOMPSON HALL - ENTRANCE - CONTINUOUS Tom and Phil remove the seals on the doors. Lucy and everyone walk out. There are loud booms of cheers from the surviving student population. Lucy starts to look for Danny but she gets grabbed by Morris, the crooked FBI agent from earlier. She is put into a FBI car and driven away. Lucy pounds on the window and screams. Danny hears the scream and sees the car driving away. DANNY Lucy! Tom and the other hunters make their way through the crowd to Danny. The crowd then backs away in fear by Danny’s presence. TOM He’s with us. (to Danny) What happened? DANNY They took her. TOM They’re luring you into a trap. DANNY That and Lucy is Mina reincarnated. TOM Who? DANNY The woman that was executed and caused Marek to become the way he is. I’m going. TOM You be careful. Will be there in a hour?



DANNY Fine but you leave Marek to me. Danny flies straight up. TOM (to his group) Let’s go. Tom and everyone jump in their van. Egan drives up in a bus. JEREMY (to the crowd of students) Whoever has vampire killing weapons and is able to fit on the bus, come along then? Several students with stakes and guns get on the bus. Egan drives off, following Tom’s van. EXT. WESTERN ILLINOIS - MACKENZIE FIELD - CONTINUOUS The hunter’s van and Egan’s bus drive by. Danny lands near the spot where Harker died. He kneels down and picks up the holy blood filled stake. DANNY Thank, Dad. Now I have a gift for Uncle Marek. EXT. MOLINE - MISSISSIPPI DOCKS - MIDNIGHT Lucy, wearing a white dress, is tied down on a Gothic looking bed. There is a black cross, hovering over the board. Marek appears with a vampire on each side. All around the docks are crooked SWAT members led by Morris and Helsing. Marek takes his shirt off. A druid priest appears. DRUID PRIEST The first part of the ceremony. Consummate. Marek gently cradles Lucy’s head. He lightly lifts her head up. LUCY What are you doing to me? (CONTINUED)


MAREK Come to me Mina. LUCY I’m not Mina. MAREK Not yet. Marek forcefully kisses her. He rips the bottom part of her dress and spreads her legs. Marek pulls her toward him. MAREK (CONT’D) You might say no no. But soon you’ll say yes yes. EXT. DOCKS - SNIPER POST - CONTINUOUS A SWAT sniper looks through the scope at Marek consummating. He hears footsteps. SWAT SNIPER Hello. Danny grabs the sniper’s head and bends him backwards. He picks up the rifle and aims it. DANNY You motherfucker. He fires. EXT. DOCKS - CEREMONY - SAME TIME A bullet goes through Marek’s neck. MAREK Aww! You piece of shit! Marek zips up his pants and grabs a local SWAT guy. He feeds on him to heal himself. MAREK (CONT’D) You’re shooting me from afar. Don’t want to face me like a vampire. DANNY (O.S.) Over here, dipshit.



Everyone faces Danny perched on the edge of a container. Danny jumps down. DANNY (CONT’D) Lucy, come here. Lucy runs over to Danny. MAREK Mina, I thought you loved me. LUCY I’m not Mina! DANNY She’s going to leave and go home. This is between you and me. MAREK Funny you should say that because I’m not a fair type of guy. Morris? Morris shoots Danny with a dart. Danny starts to convulse and drops to his knees. Danny’s eyes turn back to brown and his fangs turn back into regular teeth. He looks at his nails and sees he does not have claws. DANNY (very weak) What happened? MAREK It’s a new serum that I created that can turn a vampire temporarily human for a short time. It even works on me. It gives Morris and Helsing enough time. Helsing appears with a 12 gauge pump shotgun and Morris appears with a MP5. Helsing shoots Danny twice in the chest, mortally wounding him. Lucy cradles his head, crying hysterically. LUCY No! I love you. You hear me. I love you. Don’t die now. Lucy sees a small knife in Danny’s boot and pulls it out. She throws it into Helsing’s throat, killing him. (CONTINUED)

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Morris laughs at Helsing dying. MORRIS Thanks for the help, darling. More for me then. Morris shoots Lucy several times. Danny lets out a weak cry. Lucy lays on her back, coughing up blood. Danny drags himself over to her. DANNY Baby, I’m here. LUCY (weakly) Hey, honey. Are you okay? DANNY Yeah. I’ll bring you back. I’ll try everything. LUCY Don’t. I think I’m ready now if you are. Danny starts to heal when the half-vampire reemerges back inside of him. He cradles Lucy. Lucy lightly rubs his face. LUCY (CONT’D) You know what you need to win. I love you. DANNY (tearfully) I love you, too. Danny pulls Lucy to him slowly. He looks as if he might bite the left side of Lucy’s neck but then he bites the right side. Tears roll out of Danny’s eyes as he drinks Lucy’s blood. He puts Lucy down lightly as the tears turn into blood. Danny’s stomach pulls. He punches a hole in the concrete. Danny’s eyes close tightly. His face cringes. Danny starts to roar. His eyes open to reveal red eyes. Danny stands up defiant and heads toward the ceremony stage. A SWAT member shoots Danny with a shotgun. (CONTINUED)

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Danny hunches over but he stands up again. He spits out pellets from the shotgun shells. Danny grabs the shotgun and impales the SWAT member. Two more SWAT members run toward Danny. Danny grabs them and smashes their heads together, killing them. He gives another SWAT member a backbreaker, killing him. A sniper shoots at Danny. He dodges the bullet. The scope is on Danny’s head. Danny smiles and vanishes and then reappears right in front of the sniper. He pulls out both the sniper’s eyes and throws him into the river. Danny flies back. The two vampire guards of Marek jump down to meet Danny. One of the vampires emits electricity on his finger tips. Danny blocks all strikes and then rips the vampire’s throat out. The other vampire sees what Danny did to his companion and stakes himself. Morris appears with a dart gun. Danny grabs the gun out of Morris’ hands and shatters it with a punch. Morris looks down at Helsing’s body. He pulls the knife out of Helsing’s throat and tries to stab Danny. Danny snaps Morris’ wrist. He military presses Morris. Danny bites into Morris’ side and slowly rips him in half. He roars as blood splashes his face and goes into his mouth. MAREK Thanks for the help. I never really liked him. He reminded me of someone I hated long ago. Marek jumps down and uppercuts Danny into the air. He then jumps up and dropkicks Danny in mid air. Marek flies down and grabs Danny by his throat and throws him across the dock. Danny starts to get up but Marek elbow drops onto Danny. Marek picks up Danny and suplexes him. He grabs Danny by his ankles and swings him into one of the containers. Marek picks Danny up and gives him a backbreaker. Danny is beaten. (CONTINUED)

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Marek pulls a sword off of his mantle. MAREK (CONT’D) This is the sword that you were supposed to kill me with. Now, I’m going to kill you with. And then, the ceremony will be complete. I will walk in the daylight for the first time in 800 years. I will turn your beloved Lucy into my beloved Mina. There is not a fucking thing you can do about it. Face it, you fight just like your faggot father. Both a couple of fucking wimps. Your father was pretty easy. LUCY (V.O.) Danny, please. Danny, get up! Marek slams the sword down but Danny catches it with his hands. Danny slowly stands up. DANNY My turn. Danny knocks the sword away and back hands Marek, sending him flying. He jumps down and crushes Marek’s rib cage, which heals immediately. Marek jumps up, angrily. He tries to slash Danny but Danny blocks each one. Marek jumps in the air and is met by a spinning back kick from Danny. He walks over to Marek and crushes his skull. Marek’s skull reforms. He checks to make sure his head is okay. MAREK You dumb ass. I can’t be hurt. DANNY I forgot. Danny runs at Marek. Marek goes to punch Danny but Danny sidesteps and spins to get behind him. Danny pulls out two syringes of the anti-vampire serum and sticks them in Marek’s neck. He injects it. Marek becomes human. Danny picks Marek up and throws him into the side of the container.


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Danny picks up Marek and punches him repeatedly in the stomach and face. He back hands and punches Marek in the face numerous times, disfiguring Marek. Danny hits Marek with a spinning roundhouse kick. He drives his foot into Marek’s back, breaking his spine. Danny drags Marek over to the altar. The druid priest tries to stop Danny but Danny kicks him off the dock. Danny kicks the black cross over and it starts on fire. The cross burns quickly into dust. Danny pulls a silver dagger and slits Marek’s throat. He puts the death mask back on Marek’s face. Marek screams in agony as blood drips down from the eye holes. Danny nails Marek’s hands down with the daggers, putting him in a Christ pose. Danny pulls out a bowl and mixes a concoction of silver, garlic, and holy water. The smokes makes Marek’s skin sizzle. Danny then pours the concoction on Marek’s head. The death mask smokes. Danny pulls out the stake with holy blood. He stabs Marek in the heart and turns the top to release the blood into Marek’s body. Danny pulls the stake out and sees smoke and light come out of the hole. Marek screams in agony. Danny gives the sign of the cross. He says a scripture in Latin. Marek starts convulsing as Danny continues talking Latin. Suddenly, a smoke cloud in the shape of a bat comes out the hole in Marek’s body. The cloud roars at Danny. Danny throws holy water at it. DANNY (CONT’D) Daysmas, Rayana, Egonay. Danny breaks the holy water bottle on the cloud. There is a loud shriek and the cloud dissipates. Marek sits up real fast. MAREK Daniel, please don’t kill me.


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DANNY Sorry I don’t do requests. Danny picks up the sword and decapitates Marek. A light emits from the entrails from the decapitated head. Marek’s body explodes into nothing. MONTAGE: VAMPIRISM CEASING TO EXIST. -A line of coffins in a room, start on fire. -Yellow eyed vampires turn back into humans. They stare at one another confused. -Vampires banging on the door of Higgins Hall. They all start choking and burn into dust. -Three vampires chase girls down the path behind Morgan Hall. One of the them burns into dust and the other two change back into human. The two humans then get beat up by the girls they were chasing. END MONTAGE EXT. DOCKS - CEREMONY ALTAR - EARLY MORNING Danny sits on the edge of the dock, cradling Lucy’s body. The sun starts to rise in the distance. Danny takes Lucy’s cross out of his pocket. He stands up and wraps the cross around his right hand. Danny outstretches his arms, like he is welcoming something. The sun rises more and its ray come across the water. Danny closes his eyes. The sun rises all the way and the light hits Danny. Danny cringes in pain. CUT TO: EXT. DOCKS - CEREMONY ALTAR - SAME TIME The cross falls on Lucy’s chest. Tom and the hunters show up. Amber and Nikki check on all the dead bodies. Mike grabs the Druid priest when he climbs back up on the dock. (CONTINUED)


Mike arrests the Druid. Tom walks over to the edge of the dock where Lucy’s body is. He sees dust blowing away. TOM Good job, Danny. Tom walks away. Father Jose walks over and starts to pray. FATHER JOSE Daniel, thank you. You’re in a better place now. In slow motion, Father Jose walks away with the group. FADE TO: EXT. DOCKS - CEREMONY ALTAR - MOMENTS LATER The ghostly spirits of Danny and Lucy walk by everyone. They hold hands as the walk into a light filled doorway. FADE TO BLACK. THE END

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