Not Forgotten

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Not Forgotten by Jeremy Gabryszak

Revisions by Jeremy Gabryszak

Current Revisions by Jeremy Gabryszak, 7/9/13

12211 N. Oakwood Dr. St. John, IN 46373 Home: 219/484-9778; Cell: 708/217-1702 Email: Š Copyright 2013 Jeremy Gabryszak

INT. TAO’S MANSION - EATING ROOM - EVENING The eating room is a circular dark room with golden dragon designs on the walls. The table is a very large ying yang. RUSSELL TAO is eating a bowl of noodles with chop sticks. Tao is a Chinese man in his early fifties with slicked back salt and pepper hair and a five o’clock shadow. He stands up and greets a BEARDED MAN when he walks into the room. The bearded man is the INVESTIGATOR. The Investigator is a man in his mid-fifties with gray and red hair and beard and pudgy belly. He also wears glasses, has weathered skin, and speaks with an Australian accent. RUSSELL TAO Please sit down. I heard my associates say that you’re from Interpol. INVESTIGATOR Yes I am. I operate out of Sidney but East Asia is my beat, so to say. Why did you summon me here? Remember that I have several operatives. I don’t return and you’ll be arrested. RUSSELL TAO I’m not going to harm you. I don’t know who to talk to. INVESTIGATOR What’s the problem? If it’s your local triads in a dispute, then that’s Hong Kong’s problem. RUSSELL TAO It’s not that. Did you hear about my successor that was killed a year back? INVESTIGATOR Simon Wu. I hear rumors that you were behind it. RUSSELL TAO I wanted him out of the way. That I admit to. But my people didn’t do it. INVESTIGATOR Do you know who did?


RUSSELL TAO Have you ever heard of Project Dawn? The Investigator’s expression goes blank. INVESTIGATOR I’ve heard strong rumors but people never could get any leads. The main clientele that hires them are governments. They’re a supposed spook story. RUSSELL TAO They are not. I hired them to take out my rival. On top of it, they took out his loyal group and the police chief on his payroll. INVESTIGATOR What makes you come forward now with this? RUSSELL TAO I believe someone has hired them to take me out. And I really want out of this life and I’m willing to give you guys anything in return. INVESTIGATOR You’re willing to rat out your organization and sell this group out for a new life. RUSSELL TAO Yes. INVESTIGATOR I’m going to need more information on the supposed Dawn group. RUSSELL TAO I can give that. Russell pulls a piece of paper out of his pocket. RUSSELL TAO (CONT’D) This is part of a code to a briefcase. I have the jade statue where the most of the code is encrypted. The briefcase is at the embassy in St. Petersburg.


INVESTIGATOR I see a number on the other side. RUSSELL TAO That is the combination to my safe. INVESTIGATOR Okay. I’ll contact my superiors and tell them this. They will be happy with what you offer. RUSSELL TAO Thank you. Russell lets out a sigh of relief. The Investigator stands up and walks around the table. He stops behind Russell. The Investigator takes off his glasses and pulls them in half, revealing to small needles. He stabs Russell on both sides of the neck. Russell starts to convulse and foam at the mouth. He then slides out of his chair and dies. The Investigator stands back in the darkness. He removes his hair, beard, and face, revealing it all to be fake. The Investigator throws the false face on the table. He pickpockets Russell’s body and takes the piece of paper and keys. INT. TAO’S MANSION - TREASURE ROOM - CONTINUOUS The mysterious man, who was known as the Investigator, walks through the treasure room that is adorned with ancient Han and Ming dynasty treasures. His face is still not seen. A safe with keypad lock is in the center of the room. He reads the piece of paper he stole from Russell and punches in the code. The mysterious man opens the safe and takes the jade statue. EXT. TAO’S MANSION - BOAT DOCK - CONTINUOUS The man still in the darkness runs up and jumps in the boat. He takes out a knife and pokes his stomach, which deflates. The man starts up the boat and drives away.


EXT. ENGLAND - THAMES RIVER - SIX MONTHS LATER A tourist boat drives slowly down the Thames. People take pictures until they get splashed by two jet skis speeding by. The people scream at the jet ski riders. The riders are EDGAR and ADRIANNA. Edgar is a somewhat chubby British man in his early thirties with short brown hair. Adrianna, 28, is a beautiful American woman with dark brown hair and brown eyes. They slow down by a bridge that is broken in half. ADRIANNA Let’s stop here. EDGAR You do know that we will get in trouble for this. ADRIANNA Oh stop your crying. She docks the jet ski on the right side of the river and disembarks. Edgar starts pulling forward and backing up. He looks and sees that he is not close to land. Edgar pulls forward and turns the ski and backs into Adrianna’s jet ski. EDGAR Shit. Sorry! EXT. THAMES RIVER - BROKEN BRIDGE - SAME TIME Adrianna looks down at the river and laughs. ADRIANNA Take your time, Edgar. I’m not going anywhere. She continues walking down the bridge. Adrianna pulls out her cell phone and reads internet news. She shakes her head in annoyance but she spots something further down the bridge. Adrianna walks forward and sees it is a child’s body. She runs up to it. Adrianna sees it is a little girl with bullet wound in the head. ADRIANNA (CONT’D) Oh my god. Edgar! Get over here!


Edgar struggles to climb up on the bridge. Adrianna starts to cry as she looks at the girl’s body. She looks up and screams. There is a MAN hanging upside down with his hands tied behind his back. He also has gunshot wounds in the abdomen and shoulder and a cut on his head. The man is of the same age as Adrianna. He has a muscular physique and black hair. Edgar runs up to Adrianna and sees the man’s hanging body. EDGAR Adie, you have to cut him down. I don’t want him to fall on his head. Edgar hands Adrianna his pocket knife. She cuts the rope and Edgar catches the man and slowly lowers him down. Adrianna cuts the binds on the man’s hands. CUT TO: EXT. THAMES RIVER - BROKEN BRIDGE - LATER Police and EMT’s have the scene set up. Forensics takes evidence from the scene. The girl’s body is loaded in a body bag. An EMT walks over to the MAN. EMT Give me the defibrillators. The defibrillators charge. EMT (CONT’D) Ready. Clear. The EMT shocks the Man. The Man sits up real fast and punches the EMT in the face. He stands up and kicks a cop trying to stop him. The Man punches another cop but gets strike upside the head with a nightstick, knocking him unconscious. INT. HOSPITAL - ROOM 623 - MORNING - 2 DAYS LATER The Man opens his eyes real slowly. His face cringes. The Man lifts his hands up but they are handcuffed to the bed rails.


THE MAN What head. The Man hears the sound of lighter lighting a cigarette. He looks over and sees a FIFTY SOMETHING MAN WITH GRAY HAIR AND A MOUSTACHE smoking. This man is INSPECTOR CARTER. THE MAN (CONT’D) Who are you? INSPECTOR CARTER I’m Inspector Carter with the Met. But my question is who are you? THE MAN Oh I’’m... INSPECTOR CARTER (interrupting) You took a nasty blow to the head. Well, two the doctor tells me, including the one the bobby gave with his stick. THE MAN It’s not that. My head does hurt but I don’t know. INSPECTOR CARTER You don’t know what? You’re name or how you ended up here? THE MAN Both. I don’t know why I’m here. And I don’t know...don’t know my name. INSPECTOR CARTER Do you know where you’re from? THE MAN No. The Man starts to have a worried look. He sits up but cringes at a pain in his shoulder and stomach. THE MAN (CONT’D) Why am I here? And why am I handcuffed?


INSPECTOR CARTER You were found hung upside down, shot twice and a nasty cut on your head. THE MAN Was I mugged? INSPECTOR CARTER Don’t know. You, by chance, have any kids. A daughter, perhaps. The Man is annoyed. THE MAN I don’t know who the fuck I am or why you fucking handcuffed me. So you think I have any idea if I have any kids? INSPECTOR CARTER You don’t know how you ended up on that bridge? THE MAN What bridge? INSPECTOR CARTER You were hung upside down on Broken Bridge on the Thames. THE MAN I’m in England? INSPECTOR CARTER My accent didn’t give you a hint. And near you was a little girl who had been shot in the head. The Man’s expression changes to shock. THE MAN What? INSPECTOR CARTER A little girl who went missing a month ago. It’s kind of convenient that the man found near her suddenly has a case of Bourne Identity. THE MAN What the fuck is that?


INSPECTOR CARTER The Matt Damon movie where he is the amnesiac assassin. THE MAN I don’t know. Maybe you can get the fucking hint that since I don’t know who I am, that maybe I don’t remember the last movie I saw. INSPECTOR CARTER Sorry I’m a little lost. I never dealt with an amnesiac act before especially one as convincing as yours. THE MAN It’s not an act. I assure you. INSPECTOR CARTER I’ll see about that. After we revive you, you attack two police officers and an EMT. One of my fellow officers thought it was best to put you down with his night stick. Explains the pain in your head. THE MAN I don’t remember that. Can you take these off? INSPECTOR CARTER After I talk with the doctor and run you in the system, I’ll think about it. INT. HOSPITAL - DOCTOR’S OFFICE - MOMENTS LATER The doctor’s office is a small room where the cat scan of The Man is on the lit up screen on the wall. The DOCTOR is a short man in his forties with hazel hair and glasses. DOCTOR Due to the impact on the frontal lobe, he isn’t faking. INSPECTOR CARTER You sure about that?


DOCTOR Look for yourself. From the previous injuries and the current one your man did with the nightstick, a lot of damage has been done. INSPECTOR CARTER Is there a chance his memory might come back? DOCTOR We might never know. Sometimes in these cases, memories never come back. He might just have to make new ones with the memories he has now. INSPECTOR CARTER Why would someone who was unconscious with two GSW’s, and a blow to the head jump up and attack three people when they revive him. DOCTOR That’s what puzzles me. Was he clumsily just attacking anybody? INSPECTOR CARTER No. He fought with somewhat precision. Like he knew how to fight already. DOCTOR That explains the previous injuries. INSPECTOR CARTER What does? DOCTOR You either got someone who is military or a cage fighter? I’m leaning toward cage fighter. Maybe we should stick him in the ring and shock him with the defribillator. Make some good money. Carter rolls his eyes and storms out. The Doctor just laughs.


INT. HOSPITAL - HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS Carter walks right up to INSPECTOR HAMMOND, a beautiful woman in her thirties with her dark red hair tied in a ponytail. INSPECTOR HAMMOND What did the doctor say? INSPECTOR CARTER He’s not playing. Did you run his prints through the system? INSPECTOR HAMMOND Yeah. Nothing. INSPECTOR CARTER Did you contact Interpol? INSPECTOR HAMMOND Yeah. They told us to screw off. They’re more worried about the murders of their unit. INSPECTOR CARTER Let’s book him down at the station and run his mugshot. Maybe he committed crimes under an assumed name. INSPECTOR HAMMOND Then what? INSPECTOR CARTER Put him in the funny house until family comes to claim him or he gets his memory back. INSPECTOR HAMMOND When do you think that’ll be? INSPECTOR CARTER Don’t know. But from what I hear, I think it’ll be safer to keep him in the nuthouse for good. Those wankers will keep him doped up. Prevent another violent outburst. INSPECTOR HAMMOND What name should we book him under? Carter rubs his chin while he thinks. He looks at the television and sees a commercial for a tribute concert for Aerosmith and Steven Tyler is on the screen.


INSPECTOR CARTER What do you think suits him? Steven or Tyler? INSPECTOR HAMMOND He has more of a Tyler look to him. INSPECTOR CARTER Then he’s Tyler then. The Man’s name is now TYLER. INT. LONDON METROPOLITAN POLICE STATION - BOOKING AREA THREE WEEKS LATER Carter and Hammond lead a handcuffed Tyler to the mugshot wall. Tyler faces the camera. The camera takes his mugshot picture. INSPECTOR HAMMOND Face the right. Tyler turns right. INSPECTOR CARTER No idiot. Her right. TYLER Oh, sorry. Tyler turns to his left. His mugshot is taken. Carter stops a technician. INSPECTOR CARTER I want his picture run through the system, A.S.A.P. Carter looks at Tyler with a look of amusement. INSPECTOR CARTER (CONT’D) It’s time for you to go to your new home. INT. MENTAL HOSPITAL - COMMITTING AREA - LATER Carter and Hammond lead Tyler over to the orderlies and the doctor. The CLINIC DOCTOR is a short German man in his early forties with slicked down black hair and beard. He also wears glasses.


CLINIC DOCTOR What seems to be the case here, Inspector? INSPECTOR CARTER This man has amnesia of some sort but he has violent tendencies. I thought he would be safer in here then the Yard. CLINIC DOCTOR You thought right. Is he a danger to himself and others? INSPECTOR CARTER He attacked three people when he was revived and pissed someone off because he was shot twice and had a wound to the head when he was found. So yes to both. CLINIC DOCTOR I’ll take him and maybe the psychiatrist can get through to his broken memories. INSPECTOR CARTER If he starts getting his old memory back, please inform us. ESTABLISHING SHOT - SPACE A satellite orbits the Earth but stops and zooms in on England. Information starts processing. INT. CAPITOL BUILDING - BOARD ROOM - SENATE HEARING ON SPECIAL OPS - SAME TIME EDWARD COLASANTO, a handsome man in his forties with short gray and black hair, sits across from four older gentlemen, SENATORS. SENATOR #1 So Mr. Colasanto, you’re telling me that you deny ever doing operations in Hong Kong. EDWARD Jesus Christ. I don’t do special ops anymore. I’m no longer associated with the Central Intelligence Agency. (MORE)

13. EDWARD (CONT'D) I’m merely a military consultant. It’s better pay and more room for moral objections.

SENATOR #1 Can you explain that? EDWARD That when I knew something was in the wrong, I told that person to fuck himself. SENATOR #2 You mind watching your language, Mr. Colasanto. EDWARD Everybody calls me Ed. You can call me Ed. I’m not an old man. SENATOR #1 We’re not just everybody. We’re the a Senate committee, Mr. Colasanto. EDWARD Okay. I was saying earlier that I consult any government that needs help with an internal problem. If the government is operating on any dubious means, then I simply refuse to help. SENATOR #3 You don’t operate in any of these countries that may hold grudges against the United States. EDWARD As I said before, I’m no longer an operative with the CIA. I don’t do special ops. I just give consultation on how to handle internal problems in secret. SENATOR #4 You don’t supply operatives? EDWARD What operatives? I only have my lawyer and five geeks on computers. I don’t have any triggermen or James Bonds. I’m just a consultant.


SENATOR #1 Do you in anyway offer consultant services to organized crime? EDWARD That’s absurd. I only handle foreign consultation. I never do domestic and I’ll never help organized crime in any way shape or form. That’s a problem for the FBI and the police. I’m insulted you even think of accusing me of that. SENATOR #3 Calm down, Mr. Colasanto. EDWARD I won’t calm down if you keep doing nothing but accusing me. SENATOR #2 We’re not here to judge you. We need information that can help us deal with whoever is responsible for supposed operations in countries that no clearance was given to operate in. Many of these countries are ones that you have consulted. EDWARD I’m sorry for my outburst. I have not heard any peep or chatter about operations in the countries that I’ve been in. SENATOR #4 Have you ever consulted with any countries that have grudges against the United States? EDWARD Which ones? There are many. You have to be specific. SENATOR #4 Iran. North Korea. Pakistan. EDWARD Never. They have their own means to handle their own problems. The Senators talk amongst themselves. Edward’s cell phone buzzes.


Edward reads a text. INSERT - TEXT MESSAGE URGENT SITUATION OUT OF LONDON. CONTACT IMMEDIATELY BACK TO SCENE The Senators stop. EDWARD Listen. Just because some asshole got wiped out by his own people or they got drunk and took a tumble down the stairs, it doesn’t mean that I had something to do with it. I’m going to plead the fifth if anymore questions revolve around my supposed involvement in organized crime or special ops. SENATOR #3 That won’t be necessary. EDWARD Why’s that? SENATOR #1 You answered all of our questions and we see no further evidence to question you or detain you. You’re dismissed. EDWARD Thank you. Edward walks out of the room. EXT. CAPITOL BUILDING - STEPS - CONTINUOUS Edward walks with his lawyer, KIRK. Kirk is a skinny man in his late thirties with curly brown hair and glasses. EDWARD What a bunch of fucking fossils. KIRK I don’t know why you didn’t want me in there.


EDWARD They had nothing on me. They wanted to see if some accusations, true or not, was going to make me sweat. And they didn’t succeed. KIRK You didn’t tell them anything? EDWARD Just that I was on the verge to plead the fifth if they keep accusing me. KIRK Very good. Do you think they’ll stop investigating you? EDWARD Hell no. This is just a warning that they’re on to me. Whatever. KIRK Do you have any guys good with accidents? Edward has a slight grin. EDWARD Why do you ask? KIRK Maybe. Kirk nods his head at the building. Edward laughs out loud. EDWARD You really are nuts. That will only draw them on me more if I whack out those four corpses. Edward and Kirk get in a limo. INT. LIMO - MOMENTS LATER EDWARD Well, that would give me time to hide out in East Europe or Venezuela if I eliminate them. KIRK Want to make the call?


EDWARD I don’t have anyone good with accidents anymore. KIRK I thought... EDWARD (interrupting) I did. I had to get rid of him. Plus, my only good operative has a specialty with suicide. It would seem odd if these old quakes all committed suicide. KIRK We can dig up false dirt? Falsify a medical test? Edward’s phone rings. EDWARD I’ll think about it. (answers the phone) Hello. I was in the middle of a fucking Senate hearing. I can’t answer the phone while they’re talking to me. I don’t care what the emergency is. Edward holds his hand over the speaker and rolls his eyes. He takes his hand off. EDWARD (CONT’D) (into phone) Stop your fucking rumbling. What do I care about a fucking amnesiac in London? Why do I care that he’s American? I don’t have anyone there. Fine. Put his picture through. Shut the fuck up and put his picture through. Edward hangs up the phone. There is a beep. Edward flips open the phone and sees Tyler’s mugshot picture on his message. He reacts with shock. Edward hurriedly makes a call. EDWARD (CONT’D) (into phone) I have a medical problem. (MORE)

18. EDWARD (CONT’D) I need the doctor. I don’t care if he’s in Chicago! Put me through.

Edward lets the phone fall out of his hands. KIRK What’s wrong? EDWARD I’m going to need a flight to Chicago and then to London. INT. CHICAGO - STUDIO APARTMENT - NIGHT On the bed is a dead woman that was strangled with a colorful cloth. A MAN IN HIS MID THIRTIES WITH SHORT BLOND HAIR uses tweezers to stick blood and skin under the dead woman’s finger nails. The man is PATRICK. He is wearing surgical gloves and wearing cloth bags on his feet. Patrick then places a fingerprint on the glass shower door. He also places a strand of hair on the drain and more hair on a comb. In the center of the living room, a man is standing on a chair with a noose around his neck. His hands are secured behind his back with velcro cuffs. PATRICK Here’s the story. You killed her when you found out she was married and hung yourself. The husband will be happy. Patrick speaks with a British accent. VICTIM Listen. I can make you rich. I paint. I got an opening that will make me about half a mill. It’s all yours when you let me go. PATRICK I don’t like splashy art. Patrick starts rocking the chair and the chair falls over and his victim dies by hanging. Patrick’s phone rings and he answers it.


PATRICK (CONT’D) (into phone) Hello. EDWARD (V.O.) We got a problem. A sudden outbreak has occurred in London. You’ll find the details in your car. Grant Park garage. Midnight. INT. GRANT PARK GARAGE - B SECTION - MIDNIGHT Patrick walks into the garage. He takes out keys and hits the button and hears a beep from a green 2012 Charger. Patrick walks up to it and opens the passenger door. He takes off the door card. In a sealed pouch are a British passport, London Airways ticket to London, driver’s license, and sealed red flat envelope. Patrick puts the door card back and gets into the car. INT. CAR - CONTINUOUS Patrick opens up the envelope and sees the picture. PATRICK This is impossible. EDWARD (O.S.) Is it? PATRICK I shot him twice and hung him upside down. He should have bled to death. EDWARD Should of died is not the same as dead. Yes, you knocked him unconscious with the butt of the gun to his head. You should have shot him in the head. PATRICK Your exact instructions were to prolong his death so he’d learn a lesson when he died. Edward opens his mouth to speak but nods his head with a look of disappointment.


EDWARD You’re right. PATRICK Is he hiding out there in London? EDWARD Yes. He’s in a mental hospital. PATRICK Was he talking about the group? You or me? EDWARD No. According to the police report by the two detectives and the doctor, he suffered a serious head injury from you and the cop who clubbed him. He has amnesia. PATRICK So he won’t remember me? EDWARD Yeah. It’ll be a walk in a park. Use your toy on him. PATRICK Why? EDWARD It’s easily a piece of scrap metal that you can find on the street. He got depressed that he was released before he figured things out and he slit his own throat. PATRICK Sounds good to me. What about the doctor? EDWARD The doctor only knows that he’s a John Doe and has a head injury. As far as reports go, they usually get misplaced. Same for police files. PATRICK The cops? EDWARD Cops wonder in the Yardie neighborhood and get killed all the time. Get my drift.


PATRICK I’ll work something up. EDWARD Good. Saves me being hired to handle the Yardie problem. INT. MENTAL HOSPITAL - CELL - SAME TIME Tyler paces his cell. The cell has green walls and floor. The bed, the frame, and the sheets are white. There is a toilet in the corner. The door is padded but has a window. An orderly named MARK walks up to the door. Mark is skinny thirty something man with short black hair and a goatee. MARK Get to sleep. TYLER I’m having trouble. MARK I’ll make you fucking sleep then. Don’t give me any trouble or I’ll crack your skull worse than that cop did. Tyler stares Mark down. MARK (CONT’D) You say something? TYLER I’m thinking. MARK That’s bad for your health. CLINIC DOCTOR (O.S.) What’s going on? MARK Oh, nothing. Making sure he’s okay. Mark sneers at Tyler. The doctor walks up to the window.


CLINIC DOCTOR Sleep can help with your headaches. Maybe some memory lapses might occur. TYLER Thank you. Tyler lays down and drifts off into sleep. EXT. LONDON METROPOLITAN POLICE STATION - PARKING GARAGE EARLY MORNING Hammond and Carter walk up to their car. Patrick appears out of the darkness and startles them. INSPECTOR CARTER Jesus Christ! PATRICK (in American accent) I’m sorry. I don’t mean to startle you but I heard you guys had an amnesiac recently in your custody. INSPECTOR HAMMOND Yeah. Who are you? PATRICK I’m sorry. I’m Connor Wilkes, Interpol. I’ve been on the hunt for a known drug trafficker. Here’s his picture. Patrick shows them a picture of Tyler. INSPECTOR CARTER Well shit in a bag and punch it. I knew something was off about him. PATRICK Where is he now? INSPECTOR HAMMOND The funny house. PATRICK I’m sorry I’m a dumb ignorant American. INSPECTOR CARTER Mental health clinic.


PATRICK Thank you. I have more facts on his military background in my car if you would like to take a look. INSPECTOR CARTER Would I? Carter and Hammond follow Patrick to an open trunk. They peek in and see nothing but it is lined with plastic. INSPECTOR CARTER (CONT’D) What the fuck is this? Patrick shoots Carter in the head with a silenced pistol and shoots Hammond twice in the chest. Carter’s body falls most of the way into the trunk while Hammond falls halfway in. Patrick checks the area and pushes both bodies into the trunk and takes off. INT. MENTAL HOSPITAL - CELL - SAME TIME Tyler sleeps. He starts sweating and breathing heavily. DREAM SEQUENCE - HIT IN THE EMBASSY A waiter is smoking by a balcony overlooking the river. Tyler appears behind and stabs him in the back of the head. Tyler changes into the waiter’s outfit and throws the body over the balcony into the water. He walks into the embassy ballroom and sees two men, one in a Russian officer’s suit and another wearing a black suit and glasses. They talk to each other leave the room through a back door. Tyler puts the drink tray down and follows. He comes up to an office door and hears the men talking to each other. INTERPOL HANDLER #1 (O.S.) So this is the suitcase that he just dropped off here? RUSSIAN OFFICER #1 (O.S.) It is encrypted. Get this. The man is some crime boss in Hong Kong who hired these guys. He said he can help with decrypting this for us.


INTERPOL HANDLER #1 (O.S.) Name? RUSSIAN OFFICER #1 (O.S.) Russell Tao. INTERPOL HANDLER #1 (O.S.) Good. We got Sergei, his group, and these fucking assassins by the balls now. Tyler kicks the door opens and shoots both men in the head with a silenced pistol and takes the suitcase. BACK TO SCENE INT. MENTAL HOSPITAL - MINIMUM SECURITY WARD - CONTINUOUS Mark and NORRIS, a black British man, walk down to the cell right across from Tyler’s. MARK What do you think of her? NORRIS Me likey. MARK The funny thing is about fucking a crazy bird. When they cry rape, it is believable to say they’re crazy. The two laugh and open the door. MARK (CONT’D) Oh darling. Time for your treatment. The GIRL backs up against the wall in fear. DREAM SEQUENCE - THE RESCUE Tyler, in a soldier’s uniform, picks a lock and sees a guard with his back turned. The guard is watching a little girl. Tyler snaps the guard’s neck and waves the girl over to him. The little girl is the dead girl that was found by Tyler but she is alive in this dream. Tyler and the little girl sneak down a hallway. He stops by a door and picks the lock.


There is nobody in the room but the room has a viewing window into an interrogation room. An interrogator wearing the same uniform as the officer killed in the embassy beats up a man tied to a chair. When the interrogator checks his reflection in the mirror on his side, Tyler aims and shoots the interrogator in the face. He frees the man tied up but his face is not shown. The trio run down a hallway to a maintenance room with a green brick wall that stands out in a red brick room. Tyler places an explosive on the green wall and blows a hole that leads to the sewers. The trio run through it. The little girl stops and hugs Tyler. LITTLE GIRL You saved my life. When Tyler lets go, he sees the little girl has a bleeding bullet wound in the head. There is a quick flash of her being shot on the bridge. BACK TO SCENE INT. MENTAL HOSPITAL - CELL - SAME TIME Tyler sits up real fast. He is breathing heavily and sweating profusely. Tyler looks around in confusion but then he hears crying and screaming. He gets out of bed and looks out the viewing window and sees Norris raping the female patient. Tyler opens the door and walks across the hall. TYLER Hey! MARK Are you fucking kidding me? Who the fuck told you to leave your cell? TYLER Leave her alone. MARK You’re going to learn to mind your own business.


TYLER You’re going to leave that girl alone now. MARK Well then it’s time for your treatment. Mark pulls out his nightstick and swings it at Tyler but Tyler catches it. He looks at the nightstick and his expression changes to blank. Tyler hits the palm strikes Mark’s wrist to disarm him of the nightstick. He then punches Mark in the face three times, causing his nose to bleed. Tyler kicks him against the wall and throws the nightstick, hitting Mark in the forehead. He then grabs Norris and throws him against the wall. Norris tries to pull his pants up. Tyler grabs Norris’ stun gun and shocks his testicles. INT. MENTAL HOSPITAL - MINIMUM SECURITY WARD - CONTINUOUS Tyler helps the female patient out of the cell. She starts crying more when she sees four orderlies and runs in the opposite direction. Tyler sees the four orderlies walking purposefully towards him. TYLER They were raping her. Norris struggles to pull his pants up as he crawls toward the door. NORRIS Get him! Tyler turns around to face Norris when Orderly #3 and #4 grab a hold of him. ORDERLY #3 Got him. Tyler turns to get out of #3’s grasp. He hits #3 in the throat. Tyler then puts #4 in an arm lock and head lock and swings him into the wall. Orderly #5 charges Tyler but Tyler puts him down with a side kick.


#6 tries to hit Tyler but he blocks the hit. Tyler then chops his neck and uses the momentum to flip him onto his side. Norris gets up and punches Tyler in the back. He tries to hit Tyler again but he ducks and elbows Norris in the stomach. Tyler then punches Norris in the nuts and grabs him by his hair and ear and flips him on his side. #5 gets up again and charges Tyler but Tyler clotheslines him. Mark tries to hit Tyler with the nightstick. Tyler catches the arm and twists his wrist. Mark screams in pain as Tyler kicks his shin, knocking him down to one knee. He then takes the nightstick and hits Mark in the ear, knocking him out. Tyler starts to get dizzy and falls against one of the walls. FLASHBACK - RUSSIAN HALLWAY FIGHT Tyler, wearing a Russian police uniform, walks out of a room and dodges a nightstick attack by another police officer. He grabs the cop’s wrist and palm strikes his arm, breaking it. Another cop aims an AK-47 at Tyler. Tyler sidesteps and grabs the gun. He pulls the gun to where the strap is around the cops neck and drives his knee into the cops back, snapping his neck. Tyler then guns down five more cops that arrive and then the cop whose arm he broke. BACK TO SCENE Tyler comes to his senses but gets shot by two tranquilizer darts. He turns and sees the shooters were the doctor and another orderly. Tyler passes out and falls to the ground. INT. MENTAL HOSPITAL - RECREATION ROOM - AFTERNOON Tyler, in a straight jacket restrained to a wheelchair, drools as he stares out of the window. The doctor stares at him with subtle confusion. An ASSISTANT brings him the phone.


CLINIC DOCTOR Thank you. Has Mark and his group finally been escorted from the building? ASSISTANT Yes they have but they’ve been walking around the area. CLINIC DOCTOR I’ll call our police “connection” and have them taken care of. The doctor dials. CLINIC DOCTOR (CONT’D) (into phone) Yes, Inspector Carter? INT. CAR - SAME TIME Patrick speaks with his regular accent. PATRICK (into phone) No this isn’t. I’m Inspector Woodward, Scotland Yard. INTERCUT CAR/RECREATION ROOM CLINIC DOCTOR Oh. Inspector Carter and Hammond told me to call them with progress. PATRICK Progress on the amnesiac. CLINIC DOCTOR Yes. How do you... PATRICK (interrupting) I’m their superior on this case. Unfortunately they were murdered by Yardie scum this morning. So all inquiries go directly to me. CLINIC DOCTOR Oh, okay. I’m so sorry. Well, he made some progress this morning. PATRICK He remember something?


CLINIC DOCTOR Subconsciously, yes. PATRICK What the hell does that mean? CLINIC DOCTOR He got into an altercation with a group of orderlies this morning. Well, I shouldn’t say altercation. More like he stopped the six of them from assaulting a female schizophrenic patient. PATRICK Six? CLINIC DOCTOR He fought and beat all six of them. It was like he was trained. I remember Inspector Carter stating that possibility that this man maybe military. Patrick has a slight grin. PATRICK Have you told anyone this? CLINIC DOCTOR No. Just you. The six orderlies have been let go but they’re pacing the alleys across the street. Maybe some intimidation tactic. Can you do something about that? PATRICK No problem. I’ll take care of your troublemakers and in the meantime, don’t talk to anyone about your findings or discoveries with your patient. CLINIC DOCTOR Will do. PATRICK Matter of fact, I have a release order being sent through. CLINIC DOCTOR Release order?


PATRICK Yes. I’m faxing it over now and my superior on this case will come talk to you when you sign off. He’s American from Interpol. We’ve been in collaboration on a case involving a crime ring that the amnesiac may or may not have links to. CLINIC DOCTOR Okay. I’ll keep my schedule open. The doctor hangs up. BACK TO SCENE Patrick hangs up. He looks through his mirror at Edward. PATRICK It seems our friend made a few enemies. EDWARD If he has an amnesia as bad as they say, then maybe you’ll get paid and not even have to get your hands dirty. PATRICK What about you? EDWARD I’m trained to handle twenty SAS and a hundred doctors. I haven’t got my hands dirty since I threw my wife down those basement stairs. I’m pretty excited. Did you bring the items I asked for? Patrick hands Edward a plastic bag. EDWARD (CONT’D) Thank you. INT. MENTAL HOSPITAL - DOCTOR’S OFFICE - LATER A fax is handed to the doctor. Edward walks in. EDWARD Hello. I’m Inspector Bodie.


CLINIC DOCTOR You’re the Interpol superior? EDWARD That I am. Well, let’s get down to brass tactics. He is not part of the crime. It seems you’re patient actually is an AWOL marine. Maybe that’s why he may have ended up on Interpol radar. CID wants us to do their damn work. I’m here to bring him home to the American military authorities and I’m sorry for any trouble he may have caused. CLINIC DOCTOR No trouble here. Finally somebody knocked those knuckleheads around. EDWARD That’s good. My Yard associate would’ve handled this but he’s in the middle of the murder case of his colleagues. But I did have him send a uniform to take care of your knucklehead problem. CLINIC DOCTOR Thank you. EDWARD Can we finish this up? I got a red eye to New York and I’m hoping to get our friend over there to meet with the military doctor. Not that I’m doubting your country’s medical skills but the military brass want to be sure for themselves. CLINIC DOCTOR Understood. You want to lead him out? EDWARD No. Let him walk out and my Yard associate and I will meet him around the corner. I would lead him out of here but me and him don’t have wonderful history. I worry I might spring a memory. He actually served under me at one time. That’s why I took the case.


CLINIC DOCTOR I guess I understand. The doctor signs the release form. Edward looks and sees there is no view from the outside into the office. He discreetly puts on surgical gloves. CLINIC DOCTOR (CONT’D) Here you go. Glad we can do business. Edward shakes the doctor’s hand. The doctor looks down at the gloves with confusion. EDWARD Have a heroin problem I see? Edward quickly pulls out a taser and shocks the vanes of the doctor’s wrist until he foams at the mouth. He pulls out a syringe and rolls up the doctor’s sleeve. Edward injects tainted heroin into the doctor. EDWARD (CONT’D) Thank you for your help. You’re the doc, doc. Edward takes off his gloves and puts them in his pocket and leaves the office. INT. MENTAL HOSPITAL - COMMITTING AREA - CONTINUOUS Edward walks by the front desk and hands him the release form. EDWARD He is to be released immediately. EXT. MENTAL HOSPITAL - FRONT GATE - CONTINUOUS Edward walks up to Patrick. The guard is a fat, balding man who chews on a toothpick. EDWARD Pay him handsomely? PATRICK Yes. Edward knocks on the booth’s window.


EDWARD Remember. Down that alley. The guard nods his head with a big grin. EDWARD (CONT’D) Spread some currency to the laid off orderlies. Maybe tell them to bring some weapons. Patrick has look of confusion. EDWARD (CONT’D) It might help there chances before our friend has an “episode.” Patrick has a slight grin. CUT TO: EXT. MENTAL HOSPITAL - FRONT GATE - EARLY EVENING Tyler, wearing a white t-shirt, black jeans, and a black jean jacket, walks out. He lets out a confused sigh. Tyler smiles at the guard at the gate. The guard smiles and points to the alley. TYLER That way? You sure? The guard nods his head. TYLER (CONT’D) Thank you. Tyler confusingly but purposefully walks toward the alley. EXT. LONDON - ALLEY - CONTINUOUS Tyler looks up at the walls and behind him as traverses down the alley. He hears movement up ahead. Mark, Norris, and the four orderlies appear. Norris has a gun, #3 has a large kitchen knife, #4 has a aluminum baseball bat, #5 has a pipe, and #6 has a crowbar. MARK Remember me, asshole? Tyler has a slight look of fear.


NORRIS Let’s see if you try that Liam Neeson shit against our new hardware. Norris aims the gun at his head. NORRIS (CONT’D) Don’t worry. I’m not going to shoot you. They’re going to beat you to death. Mark walks up and pulls out a butterfly knife. He flips out the blade. MARK Me and my friend sharpened the knifes so when you die, we’ll feed you to the wolves at the zoo. Mark walks up closer. Tyler closes his eyes and breathes in through his nose. He opens his eyes and the killer expression returns. Tyler chops Mark’s elbow, causing the arm to bend. He forces Mark to stab himself and flips him on his face. Norris aims the gun to shoot. Tyler deflects the gun away and pulls the slide off. He then stabs Norris in the throat, killing him. #3 tries to stab Tyler but Tyler grabs the arm and pulls him forward. He then chops #3 across the throat and snaps his neck. #4 swings the bat down but Tyler catches the bat and swings it down and sweeps #4 off of his feet. Tyler takes the bat and confronts the other two. #5 tries to swing the pipe but Tyler knocks the pipe away and hits #5 across both sides of his face and on top of the head. #6 swings the crowbar down. Tyler blocks the attack and pulls the crowbar out of his hand. He hits #6 across the face with the bat and on top of the head with the crowbar. Tyler continues to beat #6 with the crowbar and bat until he is dead. His cold expression fades into shock. Tyler throws the bat and crowbar away and runs out of the alley. He is unaware that Patrick saw the whole episode.


Patrick walks up to the group and shoots the still living three members in the head with the silenced pistol. EXT. LONDON - STREET - CONTINUOUS Tyler runs out into the street, bumping into people who curse at him. TYLER I’m sorry. Tyler continues walking. He stops by the window of an arcade. A police car drives by and Tyler turns around and ducks his head. He looks through the window and sees the game Silent Scope. FLASHBACK - TYLER SNIPER ASSASSINATION Tyler punches a man in the back of the head, knocking him unconscious. He then opens the window. Tyler pulls overs a black case and opens it to reveal parts of a rifle. He assembles it and aims it at the Russian police headquarters across the street. Through the scope, there is a meeting of four military officers and two regular Interpol agents. Two of the military officers and one of the Interpol agents are the men Tyler killed in his other dreams. One of the military officers walks around the table talking to the others. He stops to take a breath of air when Tyler shoots him in the chest. BACK TO SCENE Tyler backs away and bumps into Patrick. TYLER (CONT’D) I’m sorry. PATRICK (in American accent) No I’m clum...Phillip? TYLER I’m sorry? PATRICK It’s me. Patrick. Your brother. Tyler starts to smile.


PATRICK (CONT’D) Oh my god. They weren’t kidding. TYLER Who? PATRICK The doctor. They told me that you had amnesia. I’ve been looking all over for you. TYLER I’m so sorry. They let me go but I still haven’t remembered anything. PATRICK Where have you been? TYLER I don’t know. I didn’t even know my name is Phillip. PATRICK Jesus. I’m sorry. We all were worried because we haven’t heard from you since Iraq. TYLER I was in Iraq? PATRICK Yeah, two tours and you left the army in 2009. That was the last I’ve heard of you until I get a call from the American embassy in London saying that here you were here but humpty dumpty had a great fall. TYLER I’m sorry. I know I don’t remember anything but I’m sorry, regardless. PATRICK Okay. I need to use the washroom. TYLER Yeah. So do I.


INT. WASHROOM - MOMENTS LATER Tyler has a look of relief as he pees in the urinal. Patrick pretends to wash his hands while he actually slides surgical gloves on. He then pretends to dry his hands under the dryer while he slides a small blade out of his sleeve. Patrick silently walks purposefully toward Tyler. TYLER So is Dad still alive? I’m sorry I don’t remember him either. PATRICK (in his original accent) I don’t matter anymore. TYLER What? Patrick attempts to stab Tyler in the neck but Tyler catches Patrick’s arm and elbows him in the nose. He then back kicks Patrick into the sink. TYLER (CONT’D) What the fuck are you doing!? Patrick slashes at Tyler but he jumps back and dodges each blade attack. He tries to stab Tyler in the chest but Tyler disarms him and punches him in the nose. Patrick’s nose starts to bleed. He wipes the blood away and attempts to punch Tyler but he blocks it and counterattacks with a punch to the stomach. Patrick bends up real fast, hitting Tyler in the nose with his head. He kicks Tyler against the wall. Patrick throws another punch at Tyler but Tyler sidesteps causing Patrick to punch a dent in the wall. Tyler grabs Patrick’s arm and punches him in the elbow and elbows him in the side of the head. Patrick cradles his ear and then attempts to head butt Tyler. Tyler sidesteps and forearms Patrick in the face. Patrick’s nose bleeds more profusely. He sees the blade and dives for it. Tyler kicks the blade away and puts Patrick in a headlock. Patrick stands up and throws his head back, hitting Tyler in the nose.


Patrick side kicks Tyler and back hands him. He charges at Tyler and spears him into the wall. Tyler grunts and repeatedly elbows Patrick in the back. Patrick lifts Tyler up and flips him on his back. Tyler throws his leg up and kicks Patrick in the face. He gets up and Patrick punches him in the face and roundhouse kicks him in the back. Tyler breathes heavily as lies his face against the wall. PATRICK I’ll wait to your comfortable. You sure about your amnesia because only you could make me bleed. Tyler starts to stand up straight. PATRICK (CONT’D) It don’t matter. You should’ve just followed us. I know it’s too late to say but I never liked you. I did respect you though. Good bye. Patrick attempts another roundhouse. Tyler spins around and catches the foot. He stomps Patrick’s free knee, breaking it. Tyler punches the knee of Patrick’s kicking leg. Patrick screams in pain as Tyler puts him in a headlock and falls back on the ground. Tyler’s face grimaces as he pulls back and snaps Patrick’s neck. He breathes heavily as he lets Patrick go. Tyler stands up and stumbles out of the bathroom. INT. LONDON - SHELTER - MIDNIGHT Tyler sleeps on a cot, covering himself with his jean jacket. He is lying on his back with his head turned to the right. Tyler’s eyes open. FLASHBACK - INTERROGATION ROOM RESCUE The rescue where Tyler shoots the interrogator through the class is replayed. This time, the person being rescued is Patrick. BACK TO SCENE


Tyler opens his eyes and turns his head to look up at the ceiling. He closes his eyes again. FLASHBACK - BRIDGE Tyler stands in front of the little girl. TYLER You know this isn’t what we do. Patrick shoots Tyler in the shoulder and stomach. BACK TO SCENE Tyler sits up real fast. EXT. GATWICK AIRPORT - PRIVATE HANGAR - SAME TIME Edward walks in with a solemn look of his face. There are three men and a woman standing by a van. One of the men, a Russian man in his late thirties with semilong brown hair and a full beard. He is SERGEI The other men are PAVEL, a bald man with tattoos on his neck and a star on the right side of his head and VIKTOR, a skinny Georgian with short black hair and a moustache with a five o’ clock shadow. The woman is IRINA, a blonde Russian woman in her late twenties. Edward walks up to the group. SERGEI Hello, my friend. EDWARD Hello, comrade. Edward and Sergei shake hands. SERGEI I’m sorry to drag you out here to my hangar but you can imagine my surprise when you told me of the termite problem that your exterminator claimed to get rid off but came back and tore half my house down. EDWARD I know. I put too much faith in said exterminator.


SERGEI And you believe the rumors that he has amnesia? EDWARD A trauma doctor confirmed it but it don’t explain how he has these fits where he’s as unstoppable as before. Do you have him? Edward points to the van. Sergei nods his head and opens it to reveal a body bag. Edward zips it open to reveal Patrick’s dead body. He rubs his face but keeps his hands over his mouth. SERGEI Sorry about your man. You’re lucky my contacts found him first. EDWARD If I was so lucky, your contacts would not have a reason to find this man because he would be flying back to London with me. Son of a bitch! Edward punches a dent into the door. SERGEI Calm down, my friend. Now is not the time for irrational decis... EDWARD (interrupting) Irrational decisions? My irrational decision is the reason why that fucking Interpol unit didn’t throw your ungrateful Russian ass in the Hague. Maybe I can send your stupid Russian ass to that little village in Chechnya. I bet they’re dying to see you. SERGEI I’m not being ungrateful. I really like to know how you’re handling this. EDWARD I’m hooking up into the uplink of CCTV broadcast to see if he pops up anywhere.


SERGEI Then you kill him. EDWARD Then I kill him. SERGEI What do you want to do with him? Sergei points to Patrick’s body. EDWARD Burn him. He doesn’t exist anyway. Edward starts to walk away. Oh, if you your clean handle the as a loose

SERGEI start to lose control of up. Then I need to problem. I might see you end as well.

EDWARD Funny. I’m starting to feel the same about you. INT. LONDON - INTERNET CAFE - AFTERNOON Tyler walks in and sits down at a computer. He reads a small card and logs in. Tyler reads the BBC homepage. He clicks the local crime news. Tyler looks down the list and has look of disappointment. TYLER What the fuck? Tyler sees a link and clicks it. INSERT - HEADLINE MASS YARDIE ARRESTS CONTINUE IN RESPONSE TO COP MURDERS BACK TO SCENE Tyler looks at the pictures of the murdered cops and sees it is Carter and Hammond. He falls back in his chair. Tyler sees another link that catches his eye.


INSERT - HEADLINE ACCLAIMED DOCTOR’S DEATH ATTRIBUTED TO HEROIN OVERDOSE BACK TO SCENE Tyler sees it is a picture of the doctor from the mental hospital. TYLER Jesus. Who the hell are these people? Tyler scoffs. TYLER (CONT’D) Who the hell am I? Tyler sits and rubs his bottom lip with his forefinger. He nods his head and clicks the International link. INSERT - CRIME HEADLINE NO LEADS IN ASSASSINATIONS OF INTERPOL UNIT Tyler reads the news report and the descriptions of each person’ murder. He continues reading and reads a paragraph about the Russian crime boss the unit was after. Tyler sees a picture of Sergei. FLASHBACK - TYLER MEETS SERGEI Sergei hands Tyler a large sealed flat red envelope. SERGEI You sure you can kill these men? TYLER Yes. BACK TO SCENE Tyler gets out of his chair and bumps into Adrianna, the girl who found Tyler and the dead little girl at the beginning. ADRIANNA I’m sorry I’m...oh my god. Adrianna has a look of fear.


TYLER I’m sorry it’s my fault but...what? ADRIANNA It’s you. TYLER You know me? ADRIANNA You were on the bridge. TYLER Do you know my name? ADRIANNA No. I’m sorry I don’t really... Adrianna tries to walk away but Tyler stops her. TYLER Please. I need to know. I have no idea who I am. Adrianna lets out an annoyed sigh. ADRIANNA What am I a shit magnet for men? Tyler looks confused. ADRIANNA (CONT’D) I attract losers. TYLER So was I loser before? ADRIANNA Let’s not talk here. EXT. INTERNET CAFE - ENTRANCE - MOMENTS LATER Tyler stands by the door, with his hands in his pocket. Adrianna comes out with two coffees. ADRIANNA I didn’t know how you take it. TYLER Neither do I. Tyler takes the coffee and drinks it. It burns his lip and he cradles it.


TYLER (CONT’D) It’s good. ADRIANNA For some tough nutcase, you’re such a pussy with coffee. TYLER Thanks. So what are you on vacation? ADRIANNA No. What makes you say that? TYLER American in London. ADRIANNA No. It started as a vacation but it became home. TYLER How’s that? ADRIANNA It’s a long story. TYLER I like to hear it. You’re the first person that I spoke to for more than five minutes without trying to kill me or die. Adrianna has a shocked look. ADRIANNA I think my story ain’t shit compared to what yours sounds like. TYLER So do you know my name or not? ADRIANNA Not. I found you and this dead girl on a bridge and called the police. That’s all. Before I knew it, you were revived and started hitting the first person to get within a foot of you. TYLER Thanks. Thanks for the coffee as well.


Tyler starts to walk away. ADRIANNA Hey, where are you staying? TYLER The shelter. ADRIANNA That place will kill you. I have a comfy couch and some clothes at my place. TYLER Thanks but dresses or tight pants don’t really work for me. ADRIANNA What? No. My ex-boyfriend still has clothes at my apartment. TYLER Would he mind? ADRIANNA I haven’t seen him in two years so I guess so. Two tough looking British men walk up to Adrianna and Tyler. They are both bald and wearing Manchester United shirts. LESTER Hey, you yankee cocksucker. Adrianna turns as he puts his hand in his jacket. Tyler quickly takes the cap off of his coffee cup and throws the coffee in his face. Lester screams in agony as CLARKIE pulls out a knife. He tries to stab Tyler but deflects the hand and chops the wrist, causing Clarkie to drop the knife. Tyler then elbows Clarkie in the forehead. Lester tries to punch Tyler but Tyler blocks it and palm strikes him in the nuts. Lester moans in agony. Tyler pushes his head into Clarkie’s face, knocking both of them senseless. TYLER Now who sent you? ADRIANNA Probably their father.


TYLER Who’s that? ADRIANNA Well, when we get out of here. I’ll tell you. Adrianna starts to lightly jog away, giggling. Tyler follows her. INT. ADRIANNA’S APARTMENT - LIVING ROOM - EVENING The walls and couch is white. There is a glass coffee table held up by black stands. There is a 50 inch plasma on the wall. Adrianna and Tyler sit on the couch. She stares at him as he inspects the room. TYLER So you rich? ADRIANNA Me? No. I wish. This is my boyfriend’s apartment. He was rich. TYLER Was? ADRIANNA He disappeared about two years ago. I keep his stuff here in case he ever returns but two years, it seems unlikely. TYLER What about tweedledee and tweedledumb earlier? Adrianna laughs. ADRIANNA They’re his brothers. His whole family think I had something to do with it so they come around and push me around. TYLER They ever come here?


ADRIANNA No, they never knew where he lived so they assault me at my jobs. See. Adrianna pulls her shirt down to show her shoulder. There is a scar. TYLER Now I feel more better that I kicked their asses. ADRIANNA I thought you beat them up to defend my honor? TYLER I actually thought they were there to kill me. ADRIANNA Really? Tell me your story now. TYLER Well, it’s really short. ADRIANNA So it won’t take long? Tyler has a nervous giggle as Adrianna smiles at him. TYLER I woke up in a hospital with no knowledge of my name or home. After that, I get thrown into a mental hospital. Six assholes try to rape a female patient whose only crime was being schizophrenic. Suddenly, I start fighting with speed and skill I never knew I had. ADRIANNA I seen your skill. Cool. TYLER Thanks. After that, I’m let go without even finding an answer and the same assholes try to attack with weapons and I kill half of them. Adrianna is speechless.


TYLER (CONT’D) Then a guy who claims to be my brother tries to cut me to pieces. I snapped his neck. The most fucked up thing is that when I look to see if there is any news about a dead beaten man in a bathroom, there isn’t a peep about it. There is a peep that anyone who knows any more info about me other than I have no name ends up dead. ADRIANNA I grew up in foster homes my whole life. That’s why I left America. It did nothing but bounce me around like a pinball. Every year, a new name and new identity. TYLER What’s your point? ADRIANNA You ain’t the only American stuck in London without any fucking clue to who they are. Tyler smiles and extends his hand. TYLER I’m Tyler. ADRIANNA Tyler? Really? TYLER That’s the only name the cops gave me. ADRIANNA I’m Adrianna. CUT TO: INT. ADRIANNA’S APARTMENT - LIVING ROOM - EARLY MORNING Tyler sleeps on the couch. Adrianna, wearing pajama pants and green t-shirt, sneaks by and walks into the kitchen. She grabs a carton of milk and drinks out of it. Adrianna keeps looking at Tyler.


DREAM SEQUENCE - CAR BOMB ASSASSINATION Tyler runs through a sewer and climbs out a manhole. He sees a soldier peeing in the corner. Tyler pulls out wire and strangles him. He puts on the uniform and walks around the corner of the building. Tyler walks across the street to a car parked on the curb. TYLER (in Russian) Car inspection. Another soldier nods his head. Tyler opens up the trunk and hooks a bomb into the ignition. Tyler climbs back into the sewer and runs a few yards ahead. He looks up to another manhole. Tyler moves the cover and sees the car is right above the manhole. He hooks a bomb to the gas line. Tyler runs away. Both cars explode BACK TO SCENE Tyler sits up, breathing and sweating heavily. Adrianna is startled and spits some milk out. He turns quickly to see a frightened Adrianna. TYLER (CONT’D) Sorry. A bad dream. Tyler lies back down. Adrianna walks up to the couch. She pats his feet. ADRIANNA Scoot your feet. Tyler sits up as Adrianna sits down. ADRIANNA (CONT’D) If I know anything about amnesiacs, it’s that dreams are actually memory lapses. You being that frightened means that it was bad memory. TYLER I’ve been having a few.


ADRIANNA What kind of memories? TYLER Killings. ADRIANNA Killings? TYLER I’ve been having dreams of killing military officers and Interpol agents. Now I read a news report that these people I dreamed of killing actually were assassinated. In the same way I dreamed it. Then the assassin I killed in the bathroom I also remember him as the man who shot me on that bridge. ADRIANNA Oh my god. TYLER I remembered too late. I killed what could have been another clue. ADRIANNA Why don’t you try and sleep more? Later we can go back to the bridge. TYLER I prefer to do this myself. If these guys are good at making assassinations look like anything but, then it won’t be safe. ADRIANNA You remember how to take care of them? TYLER I do it all by instinct. You know the quickest way I can get to that bridge? ADRIANNA Try the Underground. INT. LONDON UNDERGROUND - SCHEDULE SCREEN - AFTERNOON Tyler, wearing a Union Jack flag t-shirt and blue jeans, reads the screen. He looks at the times.


Tyler happens to look at his reflection and sees a guy in a black suit communicating with someone. He looks over his shoulder and the black suit pretends to look at his watch. Tyler walks away from the screen and sees the black suit start to follow. INT. LONDON UNDERGROUND - ESCALATOR - CONTINUOUS Tyler is riding down the escalator. The man from before is joined by two other men in black suit. Tyler gets off the escalator to a hallway that only runs left and right. He looks down the right hallway and sees another black suit. Tyler walks quickly down the left hallway. INT. LONDON UNDERGROUND - PILLAR ROOM - CONTINUOUS Tyler walks into a room of pillars that leads to the rail. He looks behind him and sees nobody. Tyler continues walking until five black suits come out from behind the pillars. Four of them were the ones he noticed before. A new guy pulls out a knife. All five black suits surround Tyler. One of them walks up to Tyler. TYLER Who are you? BLACK SUIT #1 It don’t matter. Get...! Black suit #1’s scream is cut off by Tyler’s strike to his throat. #1 chokes and dies. Black suit #5 stands back and pulls out a gun. The other three charge Tyler. Each black suit throw punches and kicks but Tyler blocks all hits. Tyler head butts black suit #2 in the chest and uses his forearms to drive him into the wall. He punches black suit #2 in the chest and stomach a few times and in the face. Tyler then snaps his neck.


Black suit #3 pulls out a knife and slashes at Tyler. Tyler dodges each attack and catches the knife wrist. He twists the wrist until #3 lets it go. Tyler then slashes up black suit #3’s stomach and chest and stabs him to death. Black suit #5 starts to get nervous. He starts shooting but Tyler sidesteps and lets black suit #4 get shot to death. Tyler then kills #5 by throwing the knife into his chest. He backs up against one of the pillars. Tyler starts to shake his head disapprovingly when he hears clapping. He looks around and sees Edward standing in front of the path to the rail. Tyler starts to have a look of familiarity. EDWARD You really don’t remember me, do you? TYLER Who are you? EDWARD I’m your puppet master. The one who pulls the strings. Your lifeline. Your one and only God. TYLER What do you want? EDWARD You were my prodigal son and now you’re the fly in my ointment that just turned into thorn in my side. TYLER Well, this bullshit you keep throwing at me is really a pain in my ass. You keep trying to kill me instead of giving me answers. EDWARD I’m not here to give you answers. I’m just warning you that there’s no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Only pain. Food for thought. There is the sound of a crowd moving in behind him. Tyler looks over his shoulder and looks back to see Edward is gone.


Tyler runs out of there. People walk in and start to scream when they see the dead bodies of the black suits. EXT. PARKING GARAGE - MOMENTS LATER Tyler is walking by a row of cars. He keeps looking over his shoulder. Tyler brushes his hand against a Land Rover. He has a weird feeling. Tyler looks through the windows and sees a silver metal suitcase. FLASHBACK - EMBASSY KILL After Tyler kills the military officer and the Interpol agent, he takes a silver briefcase. BACK TO SCENE Tyler elbows out the back window. He grabs the suitcase. ADRIANNA (O.S.) Tyler. Tyler turns around quickly to see Adrianna. TYLER What the fuck are you doing here? ADRIANNA I followed you. We’re you about to steal that car? TYLER No I needed to get this. Why did you follow me? ADRIANNA Because you have no memory and I wanted to make sure you didn’t get lost. TYLER Thank you. ADRIANNA Did you miss your train?


TYLER Yeah but I didn’t miss the five assassins that tried to kill me. ADRIANNA Holy shit. What happened? Tyler lets out an annoyed sigh and looks at Adrianna. ADRIANNA (CONT’D) Oh, never mind. What’s in the briefcase? TYLER I don’t know. It triggered a bad memory so it’s something that can be important. A man in a gray suit appears from behind a car. He pulls out a silenced pistol and aims it. Adrianna sees him. ADRIANNA Tyler! The man attempts to shoot Adrianna in the head. Tyler puts the suitcase quickly in front of Adrianna’s face to block the shot. He then throws the suitcase at the gray suited man’s face. The case breaks the man’s nose, who screams in agony as the result. Tyler quickly runs over and turns the gun on the gray suit, shooting him several times. He grabs the case and turns around to see Adrianna having a panic attack. She faints as Tyler walks back to her. He catches her in his arms. Tyler carries her in his arms as he carries the suitcase in his fingers. INT. ADRIANNA’S APARTMENT - LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Tyler is in dark blue plaid boxers. He gets under the blanket on the couch and lies back. Adrianna walks in, wearing a Clash t-shirt as a sleeping gown. Tyler sits up when she walks up to the couch.


TYLER You okay? ADRIANNA Yeah. Can I have ask you a favor? TYLER Sure. Anything. You saved my life today. ADRIANNA More you saved mine than I saved yours. Can you sleep with me? Tyler has a look of surprise. TYLER Excuse me? ADRIANNA I feel a lot safer if I sleep next to you. Tyler smiles and stands up. TYLER Oh. Sure. INT. ADRIANNA’S APARTMENT - BEDROOM - CONTINUOUS Tyler lies down in the bed on his back. Adrianna gets into the bed, smiling at Tyler as she lies down. ADRIANNA Thank you. TYLER Your welcome. Adrianna turns on her side. FADE IN: INT. ADRIANNA’S APARTMENT - BEDROOM - MIDNIGHT Adrianna is still awake, facing the wall. She looks over her shoulder and sees Tyler asleep with his hands locked behind his head. Adrianna turns and rests her head on Tyler’s chest. Tyler’s arms come down and hold her.


Adrianna smiles and cuddles with him more. DREAM SEQUENCE - DREAMING OF THE LITTLE GIRL Tyler stands in front of the little girl on the bridge. LITTLE GIRL You’ll keep me safe? There is a flash and the little girl is dead on the ground. Tyler is hung upside down when a figure hits him really hard in the forehead with the butt of a pistol, knocking him unconscious. BACK TO SCENE Tyler sits up into a hug from Adrianna. He is breathing heavily and hugs her back. ADRIANNA It’s okay. INT. ADRIANNA’S APARTMENT - KITCHEN/DINING ROOM - MORNING The room is gray with black trim. The table is gray with metal lining, sealed to the floor. Tyler has the suitcase opened. He is looking at a password screen of a black laptop. Tyler rubs his mouth when Adrianna walks in. He smiles at her entrance. TYLER Morning. ADRIANNA Good morning. Did you sleep anymore? TYLER Yeah. Thank you. How about you? ADRIANNA I slept pretty good. I felt safe. Thank you. TYLER I felt pretty safe as well. Adrianna walks around to look at the screen.


ADRIANNA What’s this? TYLER Answers. ADRIANNA To your amnesia? TYLER Everything. My name, where I’m from, and the dreams. ADRIANNA (sarcastic) Did you forget the pass code? Tyler giggles. TYLER Fuck off. Adrianna leans down to look at the screen. ADRIANNA Can I try something? TYLER Sure. Adrianna starts typing away at the keyboard at a rapid pace. She starts a hacking program which accesses the computer. ADRIANNA Walla. Tyler looks at the screen and then at Adrianna with surprise. TYLER How did you... ADRIANNA (interrupting) Don’t ask. Let’s just say it’s a gift that got me a little extra money to live in London and a 4.0 grade point average. Tyler looks at the screen and sees an ad for a jade statue. TYLER Why would there be an ad for a jade statue on a off the books wet squad computer?


ADRIANNA Maybe that’s the clue to accessing the computer. Adrianna’s words start repeating in Tyler’s head. FLASHBACK - RUSSEL TAO MURDER Russel Tao’s murder at the beginning is replayed. This time when the Investigator takes off his fake beard and face, his face is shown to be Tyler’s. BACK TO SCENE Tyler is still staring at the screen. ADRIANNA Tyler!? He gets startled. TYLER What? I’m sorry. ADRIANNA Another memory. TYLER Yeah. The statue does access it. A gangster got a hold of it as a bargaining chip to rat out whatever this group is. ADRIANNA What was his name? TYLER Russell Tao. ADRIANNA Russell Tao. The Triad boss from Hong Kong that was assassinated a six months back. He had a way of accessing their database? TYLER It’s a way of hiring. ADRIANNA How did you know he had it?


TYLER Because he told me right before I killed him. Adrianna pulls a chair over and sits down next to Tyler. Tyler pounds on the table, startling her. He stands up and leaves the room. Adrianna hits a link that shows an old man standing outside a country house. INT. ENGLAND - COUNTRY HOUSE - DINING ROOM - SAME TIME The OLD MAN from the picture sips tea as he sits at his table. He is ROTH. Roth is man in his sixties with short salt and pepper hair. ROTH I would offer you some but I hear you don’t like tea. It is revealed that he is talking to Edward. EDWARD Sorry I never adapted the taste of it. ROTH Then why do you prefer working in the United Kingdom if you can’t get a tongue for the nation’s drink? EDWARD Cause this part of the world has more balls than America does. There is always someone willing to have somebody rubbed out. ROTH I created this program for the use of taking down the queen’s enemies. EDWARD Then you came to me when I was a spook and said you wanted to go international. I told you that a lot of countries have chicken shit ways of handling things. ROTH This is another sales pitch for our loan outs to organized crime.


EDWARD It’s always been clean. We use useless idiots as couriers and dispose of them afterwards. No one ever meets us and we always have ways of covering our tracks. ROTH Make deaths look like anything but. EDWARD Exactly. Who’s willing to investigate a drunken crime boss falling down the stairs? ROTH I’ve heard those words before. EDWARD Yours except you stated the political enemy we do away with and not a crime boss. ROTH And the money is good? EDWARD Excellent. You think you would be able to pay for your luxury in the country? ROTH I’m always grateful to you, Edward. You took my cub and made him a lion. EDWARD And I’m always grateful to you, Dad. Edward stands up and kisses him on top of the head. EDWARD (CONT’D) He’ll be coming here. I’m sure of it. ROTH Let him. I still have some mileage in my engine. Roth pulls out silenced Ruger. ROTH (CONT’D) Your Christmas present to me.


EDWARD Of course. I’m still going to leave a few of my guys here just in case. ROTH If you believe they’re necessary? EDWARD They’re good. Not as good as you though. ROTH Or you. Edward salutes Roth and leaves. Roth looks at a cabinet in the corner and the jade statue is in there. INT. ADRIANNA’S APARTMENT - LIVING ROOM - MOMENTS LATER Tyler sits on the couch, with his elbows rest on his knees and his face buried in his hands. Adrianna walks in and sits next to him. She starts to rub his head. TYLER I’m afraid. ADRIANNA About what? TYLER In the Underground, there was a man there. I don’t quite remember him but he sure as hell knew me. ADRIANNA Do you think he’s connected to this group? TYLER He’s the mastermind. Or that’s what he told me. Only pain. ADRIANNA What? TYLER He said that there’s no gold at the end of the rainbow. Only pain. Tyler rubs his face.


TYLER (CONT’D) The problem is that the only memories I have are bad ones. I want to find out who I was but I’m afraid that it’s someone more evil than they are. ADRIANNA You can’t say that. TYLER I kill by instinct. Adrianna lightly grabs his chin and pulls his face to look at her. ADRIANNA Your a good man now and that’s all that matters. Tyler slowly leans forward and kisses Adrianna. She is somewhat startled but then she kisses him back. Adrianna pushes him away and stands up from the couch. She walks into the kitchen. INT. ADRIANNA’S APARTMENT - KITCHEN/DINING ROOM - CONTINUOUS Tyler walks in. Adrianna has her hands rested on the counter. TYLER I’m sorry. I just... Adrianna turns around and grabs the waist band of his boxers and pulls him towards her. They kiss passionately. Adrianna sits up on the counter and wraps her legs around Tyler. He carries her out of the room, still kissing her. INT. ADRIANNA’S APARTMENT - BEDROOM - CONTINUOUS Adrianna lies down on the bed. Tyler gets on the bed and starts kissing up her legs. She takes his boxers off and he takes off her Clash t-shirt night gown off. Tyler continues kissing her stomach and chest as he takes her bra off. Adrianna takes her panties off and the two have sex. FADE IN:


INT. ADRIANNA’S APARTMENT - BEDROOM - NIGHT Adrianna and Tyler are naked under the covers. He lies on her chest and she has her arms wrapped around him. Tyler wakes up. He gets off of her and sits up on the edge of the bed. INT. ADRIANNA’S APARTMENT - KITCHEN/DINING ROOM - MOMENTS LATER Tyler, wearing blue jeans, sits at the table. He reads the info on the jade statue and the picture of Roth. FLASHBACK - TYLER AT THE COUNTRY HOUSE Tyler walks through the country house. Edward is talking at the table with Russell Tao. Roth walks down the stairs and greets Tyler. ROTH My son tells me you show great promise. Tyler looks over at the cabinet and sees Edward taking the jade statue out and handing it to Russell. BACK TO SCENE TYLER That’s it. INT. ADRIANNA’S APARTMENT - BEDROOM - CONTINUOUS Adrianna is still sleeping peacefully. Tyler lightly caresses her lips and kisses her. He walks out of the room. Adrianna wakes up and sits up, still covering herself. She looks around and hears the door shut. Adrianna wraps the blanket around herself like a gown and looks out the window. She sees Tyler catching a cab and leaving. INT. RANGE ROVER - SAME TIME Edward is asleep in the backseat when his phone rings. He answers.


EDWARD (groggy) Hello? SERGEI (V.O.) Hello, comrade. EDWARD Sergei? SERGEI (V.O.) Yes. The problem you said you would handle seems out of your control. EDWARD What? SERGEI (V.O.) Don’t strain yourself. I’ll take care of your problem and put it on your bill. The phone disconnects. EDWARD Hello? Hello!? Fucking commie. You’re going to have to drive faster. EXT. M23 MOTORWAY - SAME TIME The Range Rover starts to drive faster, flying down the highway. EXT. TRAIN STATION - MORNING The train pulls away to reveal Tyler, wearing a black navy pea coat and a knit cap. EXT. COUNTRY HOUSE - HILLS - AFTERNOON Tyler lies on his stomach, watching the house through binoculars. He sees a guard walking circles around the roof terrace. A guard sits on the hill, smoking. Another guard does a patrol around the house. Roth comes to the window and looks down at the ground. He then looks straight at Tyler’s position.


Roth smirks and waves Tyler to come in. Tyler is confused but crouch walks on the hill until he’s behind the guard smoking on the hill. He quickly walks and slides down the hill. Before the guard can react, Tyler puts the guard in a headlock. He groans in pain as the guard’s cigarette falls onto Tyler’s hand. The guard passes out. Tyler rubs his hand and crouch runs toward the house. EXT. COUNTRY HOUSE - YARD - CONTINUOUS The guard patrolling the house looks towards the hill and sees no one. Tyler quickly appears and stomps the guard’s knee. The guard screams in agony until Tyler slams his head twice against the wall of the house. Tyler pulls a gun out of the guard’s shoulder holster. Tyler hears a creak on the terrace and quickly spins around and shoot the terrace guard in the head. INT. COUNTRY HOUSE - DINING ROOM - CONTINUOUS Roth sits down at the table. The jade statue sits on the table in front of him. Tyler walks in, aiming the gun at him. ROTH Sit down. Tyler sits, still aiming the gun. ROTH (CONT’D) I have arthritis in both of my wrists. I’m not as fast as I used to be. You don’t need that. Tyler lowers the gun a little bit. ROTH (CONT’D) If you want to get some answers out of me, put it away. I won’t talk with a gun in my face. Tyler sets the gun down on the table. Roth sets the Ruger on the table.


TYLER Talk. ROTH You can take a man out of the killer but you can’t take the killer out of the man. Tyler looks at the statue. TYLER Is that it? ROTH You mean is this the ‘X’ on the map that will get you your treasure. TYLER That’s not the ‘X’ I’m looking for. There is only one ‘X.’ Who am I? ROTH Who are you indeed? I remember you from the prep school. “Teach me how to kill.” I remember those exact words. TYLER I was a killer then? ROTH Yes. One of the best after myself and my son. You were the best at accidents. Three mob bosses go to a retreat and in one day, one blows himself up at his stove, another drops a weight on his throat, and the other of alcohol poisoning. The most powerful men in the world and the FBI thought God loved them that day. Tyler rubs his forehead. ROTH (CONT’D) You wiped out a whole triad and made it look like a gang war. Eastern Europe was your best work. You had Interpol running scared. No one messes with Sergei. Little did they know it was our best assassin giving him the fearful reputation.


TYLER The dreams were memories. ROTH Like I said. Even with amnesia, you can never forget. You think I forget the people I killed. All the Russian, Chinese, Vietnamese, Irish. We never forget. TYLER I want out of this. Roth laughs. ROTH There is a way out. Maybe stand still and let them shoot in the head. Other than that, you have to kill me, Edward, and Sergei or there is no way out. TYLER You guys are fucking animals. Roth laughs harder and starts to cough. ROTH (sarcastic) Please stop. You kill me. Tyler and Roth both grab their guns but Roth aims his first. ROTH (CONT’D) I guess I am still pretty fast. You’re just as bad as all of us. All the things you done for us and you dare call us animals. You’re the alpha animal of the group. Patrick was the omega. That’s why he didn’t kill you and it was easy for you to kill him. TYLER I’m not like that anymore. ROTH What are you going to do when you get your old memories back? You think this noble facade will keep up when you continue the rest of your life with two halves of the same hemisphere at war with each other.


TYLER What about the little girl? ROTH That was her fault. TYLER She was a fucking child! Tyler sits up real fast, knocking the chair over. ROTH She should have just knew the place she put herself into and she wouldn’t be dead. TYLER What do you mean? ROTH Sergei runs a child prostitution ring. That Interpol unit was looking to bust him and they got their break when that little girl came to them. Then that coward Chinaman Tao decided to get a conscience and hand over the briefcase. These certain briefcases are handed to anyone that hires us. It’s where the client gives the target and pays the amount. Tyler’s eyes fill up with tears. ROTH (CONT’D) Sergei wanted the unit taken out and the girl brought to him personally to be dealt with. Patrick attempted but failed so he paid us a half a billion dollars for the best. Tyler’s expression starts fading into anger. ROTH (CONT’D) You get where I’m going with this. You did a spectacular job until you got soft and tried to protect that girl. TYLER Maybe I decided that there was a line that was crossed.


ROTH My son crossed that line when he shot that little bitch. FLASHBACK - BRIDGE Tyler lies on the ground after Patrick shoots him. The little girl is shot in the head and the shooter is Edward. Sergei claps enthusiastically. SERGEI Now we are lifelong friends. BACK TO SCENE ROTH I guess it’s starting to come into place. TYLER I’m out of this forever. You want to stop me then I’ll kill all of you. Roth puts the gun to his head. ROTH I’m not going to give you that satisfaction. By the way, Sergei is sending some friends to take care of your woman. Roth shoots himself in the head which stuns Tyler. Tyler runs out of the house. INT. ADRIANNA’S COUNTRY HOUSE - ATRIUM - EVENING The house is beautiful but the walls are faded and staircase is dusty. Adrianna walks in with a suitcase. She sighs as she looks around. Something catches her attention down the hall. Adrianna walks down the hall and sees the back doors and windows that look out on the patio. She sees a man sitting on the bench outside.


EXT. ADRIANNA’S COUNTRY HOUSE - PATIO - CONTINUOUS Tyler sits on the bench, staring into the distance. Adrianna, unaware of the identity, comes outside. ADRIANNA Who are you? Tyler wipes his eyes and turns around. Adrianna’s fear turns to shock. ADRIANNA (CONT’D) How did you find this place? TYLER This laptop can find anyone. Tyler nods at the closed laptop. ADRIANNA Why did you leave? TYLER I needed answers and I found them. Tyler opens the laptop where there is a picture of him. Adrianna reads the laptop. ADRIANNA I don’t understand. TYLER It’s a group. They...We are killers. Adrianna reads some more and she has a look of surprise. ADRIANNA That was you in Hong Kong? The gang war? TYLER It wasn’t a gang war. I just took shots at both sides and let the chaos ensue. ADRIANNA Does it say anything about your dreams? TYLER You were right. They were memories, not dreams.


Tyler stands up. TYLER (CONT’D) I killed six good men and let a little girl die so a pimp could exploit more children. Tyler looks down. Adrianna slowly puts the laptop down and walks up to him. TYLER (CONT’D) You should have left me to die. ADRIANNA Don’t say that... TYLER (interrupting) I’m dangerous. You can read it on the computer. You seen what I can do with my instincts. Imagine what will happen when I get my memories back in full. ADRIANNA It doesn’t matter what you did before. It matters what you do now. Adrianna caresses Tyler’s face. They start to kiss when they hear a car in the distance. TYLER You expecting anyone? ADRIANNA No. TYLER Anybody know about this place? ADRIANNA My boyfriend and Edgar. TYLER What about those two asshole brothers of your boyfriend? ADRIANNA I don’t know. He might have said something to them before. TYLER I’ll check it out. Wait inside unless it’s Edgar.


Tyler runs into the woods behind the house. Adrianna runs inside. EXT. ADRIANNA’S COUNTRY HOUSE - GATES - CONTINUOUS Clarkie and Lester take shotguns out of the trunk of their car. CLARKIE Are you sure about this? LESTER This bitch killed him and I want to take care of her. Fucking yank is living in his homes and living off of his money. A car pulls up behind them. The headlights blind them. Edgar gets out. EDGAR What are you guys doing? LESTER None of your fucking business, Edgar. EDGAR Why can’t you leave her alone? CLARKIE Because she killed our brother and made him disappear. EDGAR She didn’t kill your brother. LESTER Then who did? EDGAR (speaking in a Russian accent) I did. Edgar quickly pulls out a silenced .22 and shoots Lester in the head. The doors of Edgar’s car opens to reveal Pavel, Viktor, and Irina. EDGAR (CONT’D) And they made him disappear.


A tall, muscular Russian appears behind Clarkie. He is BULL. He hits Clarkie in the back of the head. Bull lifts Clarkie up and kills him with a backbreaker. EDGAR (CONT’D) (in Russian) Good work (in English to Irina) You sure he could handle the American. IRINA Of course. He’s one of our top underground cage fighters. EDGAR This American is far more deadlier than your Moscow slum fighters. IRINA He’s also Spetnaz and has many personnel kills in Chechnya. Ninetyfive percent with his bare hands. EDGAR Oh. Then I guess he’ll do. Irina nods to Pavel. Pavel whistles and four men wearing black ski masks and camouflage with silenced AK-47’s run through the gate. Edgar gets into the car with Irina, Pavel, and Viktor and they drive toward the house. Three of the ski-masked soldiers run and surround the house. One of the ski-masked soldiers stands guard near the gate. Tyler appears behind him. The soldier quickly turns around and Tyler punches him the throat. He stomps the soldier’s knee and pulls the AK-47 to where the strap is around his neck. Tyler twists the strap around and puts his knee into the soldier’s back to strangle him. He pulls the soldier into the bushes. INT. ADRIANNA’S COUNTRY HOUSE - ATRIUM - MOMENTS LATER Adrianna paces by the stairs. There is a knock on the door. She walks toward the door and quickly peeks out the peep hole. Adrianna is confused but slowly opens the door.


EDGAR (in his British accent) Hi. ADRIANNA Hi. What are you doing out here? EDGAR I haven’t talked to you in a while so I stopped by your place and the landlady said you would be heading to the country so I figured here. ADRIANNA Who are they? EDGAR Okay. I lied. They came to see me. They’re CIA. They have some information on your friend. Adrianna, with some reluctance, backs up and lets Edgar, Pavel, Irina, and Viktor in. ADRIANNA You guys don’t look like CIA. IRINA (in American accent) They’re undercover with the Russian Mafia. Well, they were. Can we talk in the kitchen? Adrianna leads the group into the kitchen. Bull silently walks in and walks up the stairs. INT. ADRIANNA’S COUNTRY HOUSE - KITCHEN - CONTINUOUS Adrianna sits down and offers them chairs. The group sits down. ADRIANNA I would offer you coffee but it’s spoiled. I haven’t been up here in almost two years. IRINA How do you keep it so immaculate? ADRIANNA My boyfriend had a maid who cleaned this place up. (MORE)

75. ADRIANNA (CONT'D) I guess she never got the memo about him disappearing.

IRINA And you haven’t seen your boyfriend in two years? ADRIANNA How did you know that? (to Edgar) Did you tell them? IRINA We’re the CIA. What if I told you that your new friend had something to do with it? ADRIANNA What? IRINA Your boyfriend stumbled upon something that he wasn’t supposed to stumble on and your new friend neutralized him. ADRIANNA (crying) How do you know that? IRINA We’ve been investigating him for two years. We believe your boyfriend was his first kill. ADRIANNA You’ve let this happen for two years? IRINA We never had any tangible evidence until now. That’s why we are here. We need to know where he is. ADRIANNA I don’t know. I really don’t know. The last I seen of him was last night. IRINA So you fucked him then? ADRIANNA I guess you can say that.


IRINA Okay. Will start from there and give your boyfriend’s family satisfaction? ADRIANNA Huh? IRINA The top suspect in his disappearance was you and it would fit better that you killed yourself. Viktor walks in with a .38 snub nosed. IRINA (CONT’D) (in her Russian accent) That’ll do. Adrianna goes to stand up and Viktor kicks her off of her feet and back into the chair. Pavel and Edgar hold her into the chair and kick her shins, so the bottom part of her legs wrap around the chair legs. ADRIANNA Edgar! What are you doing! EDGAR (in his Russian accent) The name’s Yuri. And sorry about your boyfriend. His last words were only that I don’t hurt you. I can make that promise. They can’t. Irina forces the gun into the hand. IRINA Don’t fight. It’ll be so much easier and I don’t want you to shoot yourself in a spot where it will take a while. There is a loud crash. Edgar pulls out the .22 that he killed Lester with and runs out of the kitchen. INT. ADRIANNA’S COUNTRY HOUSE - ATRIUM - CONTINUOUS Edgar sees the soldier killed by the gates, hanging in the doorway that leads to the patio.


INT. ADRIANNA’S COUNTRY HOUSE - KITCHEN - SAME TIME Tyler rushes in and rams Irina into the wall. He disarms her and smacks her across the nose with the gun. Tyler backhands Viktor and violently slams his head into the wall. He quickly grabs a cutting board off the counter and throws it at Edgar. It hits him in the back and knocks him to the floor. TYLER Run! Adrianna runs out the same way Tyler ran in. The three masked soldiers from outside run to the kitchen window and take aim. TYLER (CONT’D) Shit. Tyler runs out of the kitchen and the soldiers open fire. He runs through a garden, slightly covering his face from the flying glass and wood splinters caused by the gunfire. INT. ADRIANNA’S COUNTRY HOUSE - ATRIUM - CONTINUOUS Tyler sees an aerosol can and quickly grabs it. He throws himself through a window next to the door. EXT. ADRIANNA’S COUNTRY HOUSE - FRONT PORCH - CONTINUOUS Tyler sees a dusty can of beans on the porch. He has a somewhat disgusted look but grabs the can. Tyler sets the can on a small ledge and pulls out the aerosol can. He locks the nozzle of the can so it sprays continuously. Tyler lights a lighter and puts the flame in front of the spray which turns it into a impromptu flamethrower. He slides the can in front of the flame. Tyler hides around the corner of the house. One of the masked soldiers walks slowly to the front porch. He sees the can of beans vibrating. As he slowly creeps up to the ledge, the can explodes and splatters his face with beans. The soldier wipes his eyes to see. When he gets his vision back, he sees the gun barrel and gets shot in the head.


Tyler runs around the corner where there is a ladder leading up to the roof. He slowly climbs up it and runs into the first open window. The other two masked soldiers see Tyler run inside and they follow suit by running through the front door. INT. ADRIANNA’S COUNTRY HOUSE - ATRIUM - CONTINUOUS The two masked soldiers crouch walk into the entrance. Edgar pops out and aims his gun. When he sees the soldiers, he lowers his gun. EDGAR (in Russian) What the fuck you idiots? MASKED SOLDIER #1 (in Russian) He ran inside from the upstairs. Edgar looks up at the ceiling. EDGAR (in Russian) You stay down here. Edgar points to the other soldier. EDGAR (CONT’D) (in Russian) You upstairs. INT. ADRIANNA’S COUNTRY HOUSE - SECOND FLOOR - SAME TIME Tyler uses the reflection of a piece of glass to look down the stairs. He turns and sees Adrianna down the hall. Tyler gives her a “What the fuck” look. Adrianna shrugs her shoulders. Tyler rolls his eyes and sees a paper bag near her feet. He nods to it. Adrianna sees it. Tyler hears the creak of the stairs. Tyler turns and sees a closet with holes in it. He gets inside and is about to shut the door.


TYLER (whispering) The bag. Adrianna looks at the bag and shrugs her shoulders. Tyler blows air out of his mouth and pounds his fist against his hand. Adrianna nods her head approvingly. She slowly grabs the bag and inflates it. Tyler peeks through the hole in the closet and sees the masked soldier slowly making his way up the stairs. Adrianna pops the bag, making a loud bang. The soldier runs up the stairs, his attention to the left. Tyler fires through the hole, hitting the soldier in the head. Tyler bursts out of the closet and aims down the stairs and shoots the last masked gunman in the head. INT. ADRIANNA’S COUNTRY HOUSE - ATRIUM - SAME TIME Edgar jumps when the masked gunman falls dead. EDGAR (in Russian) Bull! INT. ADRIANNA’S COUNTRY HOUSE - SECOND FLOOR - CONTINUOUS Bull appears. Tyler fires at Bull but he sidesteps and kicks the gun out of Tyler’s hand. Tyler punches him in the nose, but it has no effect. He side kicks Bull in the stomach. Bull hunches over for a second but stands back up straight and smiles. TYLER Fuck. Bull runs and spears Tyler against the wall. He starts slamming Tyler repeatedly against the wall, causing the wall to cave in. Bull slams Tyler one more time, sending him through the wall. He pulls Tyler back by his foot.


Tyler kicks Bull three times in the face. The third kick sends Bull reeling backwards. Tyler flips back up onto his feet. He walks purposefully up to Bull. Tyler angrily head butts Bull. Bull is a little dazed and Tyler head butts him two more times, breaking his nose. Bull kicks Tyler back against the railing of the stairs. He attempts to chop Tyler but Tyler moves out of the way, causing Bull to chop part of the railing in half. BULL (in Russian) Don’t fuck with me. I’m Spetsnaz. TYLER (in Russian) I shit out Spetsnaz. Bull attempts to punch but Tyler ducks and counterattacks with a punch to the ribs. He follows it up with an elbow to the back of the head. Tyler then slams Bull’s head into the wall. TYLER (CONT’D) (in Russian) I think I have the feeling to take a shit right now. Bull throws his head back and hits Tyler in the face. He then elbows and back kicks Tyler. BULL (in Russian) Sorry but from this angle, things might look my way. Tyler punches Bull in the balls. TYLER (in Russian) How are things from that angle? He elbows Bull on the neck. Bull starts to moan but Tyler knees him in the face, causing more blood to pour out of his nose. TYLER (CONT’D) (in Russian) Wow. It bleeds.


Bull gets into a fighting stance. TYLER (CONT’D) (in Russian) You do know how this is going to end right? BULL (in Russian) No. Tell me? TYLER (in Russian) I’m either going to beat you to death or break your neck. Take your pick. Bull starts throwing punches that Tyler blocks. He throws in high knee that hits Tyler in the chin. Bull runs and tackles Tyler’s knee. He flips Tyler on his back. Tyler is dazed and struggles to move. FLASHBACK - TYLER’S MEMORY OF BULL Tyler, while meeting with Sergei, looks to his left and sees Bull’s right broken knee snapped back into place. BACK TO SCENE Bull lifts Tyler over his head. BULL (in Russian) What will break first? Your amnesia or your body. TYLER Oh shit. BULL (in Russian) I’ll break you. TYLER Not a fucking chance. Before Tyler is slammed across Bull’s knee, he quickly puts Bull in a headlock and uses the momentum to flip Bull on his back.


TYLER (CONT’D) Oh wiseguy. Tyler pokes Bull in the eyes. Bull throws Tyler off of him and rubs his eyes in anger. Tyler backs up by the stair rail. Bull charges but Tyler leapfrogs over him. Tyler then spins in mid air and stomps on Bull’s right knee, breaking it. Bull screams in agony and Tyler chops him in the throat, causing him to choke. TYLER (CONT’D) Bull. Meet the fucking horns. Tyler side kicks Bull into the rail he broke earlier. Bull flies and lands on the lower rail, breaking his back. TYLER (CONT’D) Now you’re broken. Bull then slides off the rail and lands on his head, snapping his neck. Edgar appears and puts the .22 to Tyler’s head. TYLER (CONT’D) I guess this is how it ends, fat man. Edgar slaps the butt of the gun on Tyler’s neck. Tyler falls to his knees, his face contorting from the pain. EDGAR God did I have my feelings about you. TYLER Do you have premonitions? EDGAR Why the fuck do you ask at a time like this? TYLER You killed Adrianna’s boyfriend, for what? You needed to integrate yourself into her life because she has the tendency to stumble upon a fuck up?


EDGAR No. I wanted her for my own. I couldn’t stand the boyfriend so I just remembered that I’m a Russian mobster and I had him taken care of. TYLER That was so stupid because you just given me a premonition. EDGAR And what’s that? TYLER She’s going to kill you. Edgar laughs out loud. EDGAR You make me laugh. TYLER You ain’t going to be laughing when she rips your heart out of your chubby chest. Edgar’s happiness fades to anger. Tyler smiles and pokes Edgar’s belly. TYLER (CONT’D) Hoo hoo. Edgar hits Tyler in the head with the butt of the gun, cutting his eyebrow. EDGAR Any more jokes, funny man? TYLER No you knocked them out of me. EDGAR Good. Now get the fuck downstairs. Edgar leads Tyler down the stairs. Adrianna comes out of a hiding spot and sees the .38 that Tyler dropped during his fight with Bull. She pulls a double barrel shotgun out of the closet. Adrianna hears something fall behind her and she looks at it with a smile.


INT. ADRIANNA’S COUNTRY HOUSE - KITCHEN - MOMENTS LATER Edgar pushes Tyler into the kitchen. Pavel and Viktor grab his arms. TYLER Hey, I remember you guys from somewhere. Viktor, Irina, and something with a ‘P.’ The group laughs. TYLER (CONT’D) I got it. Penis. Pavel punches Tyler in the stomach. EDGAR You built yourself up to take a lot of punishment. TYLER Killing you bunch of assholes is good cardio. IRINA You killed Bull. TYLER That’s good weight lifting. EDGAR Where was it at? Tyler looks confused. EDGAR (CONT’D) I got it. Edgar punches Tyler in the abdomen where he was shot at the beginning. Tyler cries out in pain as he keels over. Pavel and Viktor pull him back. Tyler’s face and eyes are red. EDGAR (CONT’D) Not so much a funny guy now. Edgar grabs Tyler’s shoulder where it was shot. Tyler screams in agony. TYLER What the fuck do you want to know?


EDGAR Nothing. This is just a lot of fun. And maybe your screams will bring Adrianna running here. Where is she? TYLER I sent her running to get help. Edgar squeezes harder. Tyler grinds his teeth. EDGAR I don’t think so. By the way, where’s the gun you had before. TYLER Your bull kicked it out of my hands. EDGAR I want Adrianna and I want the gun. TYLER You got plenty of guns and I don’t know where she ran to. EDGAR You told me she ran to get help. Bad boy. Edgar squeezes harder. Tyler cries out. EDGAR (CONT’D) Pavel, he called you a penis. Pavel punches Tyler in the same part of abdomen again. EDGAR (CONT’D) Irina, give me your gun. We’re going to make it look like he was in so much physical and mental pain that he could not figure out who he was that he committed suicide. Irina smiles and hands him the gun. They let Tyler go and he collapses to his hands and knees. EDGAR (CONT’D) This was the top assassin in the world. Now look at him. The group giggles. Edgar pulls Tyler’s head back by his hair.


EDGAR (CONT’D) We’ve been looking for advancement in our group and now it’s come. PAVEL Lights out for you, humpty dumpty. Edgar puts the gun to Tyler’s head. ADRIANNA (O.S.) Stop! Adrianna appears with her hands behind her back. The group aims their guns at her. EDGAR What do you have behind your back? ADRIANNA Just this. Adrianna shows her hands are carrying a Fluttershy puppet. The group laughs. IRINA What the fuck is that? PAVEL My Little Pony. Fluttershy. VIKTOR You would know that penis. Pavel gets angry and raises his hand as if he wants to punch Viktor who laughs and pretends to be scared. EDGAR Okay. Knock it off. Why do you have that? ADRIANNA It’s something that means a lot to me. EDGAR Your boyfriend’s last gift. Sorry about that but he did go out like a champ. Adrianna smacks Edgar who back hands her hard. Tyler gets up and is about to charge Edgar but Viktor and Pavel aim their guns at him.


EDGAR (CONT’D) Whoops. Edgar kicks Adrianna in the side. Tyler pushes Viktor and Pavel away but Edgar puts the .22 to Adrianna’s head. TYLER Don’t! EDGAR These little heartfelt excursions always gets some innocent people killed. TYLER Okay. You got me. Do whatever you like to me. Rip my arm off. Tear my heart out while it’s still beating. Anything. Just stop hurting her and let her go. EDGAR I’ll do you one better. I’ll kill you before I kill her. So you won’t have to see her die. It will be quick, I promise. Well, for her. Not for you. TYLER Okay. Adrianna starts crying. Tyler looks down at her. TYLER (CONT’D) I don’t regret you finding me. You’re the one person that showed me that I can be good. If you are the last girl I slept with, it was the best. Adrianna smiles. EDGAR Enough of this. Edgar puts the gun to Tyler’s head. ADRIANNA Wait. Can you spend a couple of minutes with Flutter? Tyler looks at her confused and she slightly winks.


EDGAR What do you mean? ADRIANNA A puppet show. The group laughs. PAVEL I want to see this asshole give us a puppet show. EDGAR Okay. Adrianna carefully hands Tyler the Fluttershy. Tyler rolls his eyes and puts his hands in the puppet. His expression suddenly changes to happiness. TYLER Okay. Let’s have a show. Pavel, Viktor, and Irina’s face brightens up. TYLER (CONT’D) (in Fluttershy voice) Hello. (his own voice) Hi, Fluttershy. It’s time for a show with these Russian mobsters. (Fluttershy voice) Yah. (own voice) I know. Let’s tell them a joke. PAVEL Yeah. Let’s hear a joke, Fluttershy. VIKTOR Pussy. TYLER (Fluttershy voice) Hey, that’s not nice you dirty piece of shit. Oops. Didn’t mean to curse there. (own voice) It’s okay. (Fluttershy voice) Can I tell a dirty joke? (own voice) Shoot. (MORE)

89. TYLER (CONT'D) (Fluttershy voice) Why didn’t Edgar cross the road? (own voice) I don’t know, why? (Fluttershy voice) Because his dick got stuck in Arabus.

Everyone except Edgar laughs. TYLER (CONT’D) (Fluttershy voice) I’m starting to think that me, Irina, and Adrianna are the only girls who guys have seen in forever. IRINA Yeah, that’s true. Everyone continues laughing. Edgar’s face contorts with anger. Tyler nods the puppet at Edgar. TYLER (Fluttershy voice) Especially this chubby fuck. Where do you get your clothes, Commies R Us. Tyler turns and winks at Adrianna. TYLER (CONT’D) (Fluttershy voice) Would you guys like me to spit a rainbow? PAVEL Hey, Rainbow Dash spits rainbows. VIKTOR Seriously? TYLER (Fluttershy voice) I spit a bigger rainbow. Want to taste my rainbow? The Russians, except Edgar, clap enthusiastically. Tyler looks at Edgar’s gun and winks at Adrianna.


TYLER (CONT’D) (Fluttershy voice) Here’s a taste. Tyler shoots Irina and Viktor in the head with the .38 concealed in the Fluttershy puppet. Adrianna kicks Edgar’s gun away and runs away. Tyler throws the puppet at Pavel who catches it. He steps forward and kills Pavel with a palm strike to the nose. TYLER (CONT’D) Lights out for you, penis. Tyler hears the sound of a gun cocking. He slowly turns around to see Edgar aiming the .22 at him. EDGAR Now it’s the end of the line. No more jokes and no more chances. TYLER You wasted your chance by talking your heart out. EDGAR Huh? A shotgun blast blows a hole through Edgar’s chest. Edgar falls forward to reveal Adrianna aiming the double barrel. Adrianna lowers the gun and drops it. She collapses and starts crying. Tyler runs over and hugs her. INT. ENGLAND - COUNTRY HOTEL - BEDROOM - MIDNIGHT Tyler looks at his wounds and notices a little bleeding on his shoulder wound. He cleans it with a first aid kit. Tyler hears the shower start running. He walks over to the bathroom door and opens it. Tyler sees Adrianna sitting on the floor of the shower naked, with her arms wrapped around her knees. INT. COUNTRY HOTEL - BATHROOM - MOMENTS LATER Tyler undresses and gets into the shower. He sits behind Adrianna and wraps his arms around her.


Adrianna smiles and leans back on him. INT. COUNTRY HOTEL - BEDROOM - LATER Tyler and Adrianna are naked under white covers. She is on top of him, kissing him. FADE IN: INT. COUNTRY HOTEL - BEDROOM - EARLY MORNING Tyler stands and looks out the window. Adrianna is asleep and wakes up. She slowly sits up, with the blanket wrapped around her. Adrianna stands up and walks up to Tyler. She lightly caresses his back. ADRIANNA What are you thinking about? TYLER We can’t have a life together unless I end this. ADRIANNA What do you mean? TYLER They will be expecting a call. I got to lead them back to the house and get them. As long as they are alive, you aren’t safe. ADRIANNA What about you? TYLER I need answers. I cannot live my life knowing that my old me can pop out at the worst moment. Adrianna gets in front of Tyler. ADRIANNA You don’t have to do this. We can go anywhere.


TYLER And they have people everywhere. There may be a time where I cannot protect you. I can’t live with that. Tears start to roll out of Adrianna’s eyes. She rests her head on Tyler’s chest. Tyler lightly caresses her hair. EXT. ADRIANNA’S COUNTRY HOUSE - PATIO - AFTERNOON Adrianna, wearing black jeans, white T-shirt, and Tyler’s pea coat, stands with her arms folded as she watches Tyler digging graves. The bodies of Edgar, Pavel, Viktor, Irina, and Bull are laid next to one another. ADRIANNA What about the masked commandos? TYLER I have something better planned for them. INT. ADRIANNA’S COUNTRY HOUSE - KITCHEN - CONTINUOUS Tyler makes explosive charges. Adrianna walks in and is stunned by the bombs on the table. ADRIANNA Where did you get all that stuff? TYLER This was all in their trunk. Are you really attached to this house? ADRIANNA Why? TYLER Cause I might cause some destruction. ADRIANNA Go ahead. He really hated this house and so do I. TYLER So it’s okay?


ADRIANNA Yeah. I need your word on something. TYLER Sure. ADRIANNA That after you stop these guys. This is it. No more. Tyler stops working on the bombs and looks up at her. ADRIANNA (CONT’D) Because I’m not going to have a life with you if you are going to keep up this lifestyle. TYLER You don’t have to worry about anything. I’m done with this. I just want this to be over and the only way that old man said it would be is if I kill them. Tyler stands up and loads Edgar’s silenced .22. TYLER (CONT’D) I need to get set up. ADRIANNA What do you need me to do? TYLER Get as far away from here as possible. ADRIANNA I’m not going to do that. TYLER These guys are trained killers. I’m the only one that can take them. ADRIANNA Then you need to promise me something else. TYLER What now? ADRIANNA You come back or I’m not leaving.


TYLER What do you mean? ADRIANNA You survive or I stay here. TYLER I’ll try. ADRIANNA Then I’m staying. TYLER Okay. I will be back. I promise. ADRIANNA You better. Tyler hugs Adrianna and kisses her on the head. FADE IN: INT. ADRIANNA’S COUNTRY HOUSE - FRONT PORCH - MOMENTS LATER Tyler stares off into the distance. The laptop sits on the ground behind him. Tyler opens it up and types on it. TYLER Let’s make sure none of you assholes get away from this. INT. COUNTRY HOUSE - DINING ROOM - SAME TIME Edward stares at Roth’s dead body. Sergei appears behind him. SERGEI I’m sorry about your papa my friend. Edward rubs his eye. EDWARD Yeah, so am I. How did your errand boys make out? SERGEI I don’t know. Haven’t heard anything. Sergei’s phone rang.


SERGEI (CONT’D) (in Russian) Hello. Yes. Good news. Sergei hands up the phone. SERGEI (CONT’D) Good news. A post on your special website came straight from your special laptop. EDWARD What is it? SERGEI A party at the American girl’s house with the guest of honor, the cockroach. A wave of happiness comes over Edward’s face. EDWARD Well, let’s go. I’ll bring some guys so it’s safe. SERGEI I still want to cut a piece for a trophy. EDWARD Wouldn’t have it any other way? EXT. ADRIANNA’S COUNTRY HOUSE - GATES - NIGHT Two black cars pull into the grounds. Two masked commandos are standing against both halves of the large gate. One of them waves the cars in. It is revealed that they are tied up to fence by fishing line. The one waving has fishing line tied to his wrist. The line leads over the wall to Tyler, hiding under a sniper camouflage blanket. He pulls the string back and forth to simulate a waving hand. Adrianna runs from across the street through the gate. She drops down right next Tyler. Tyler pops out and makes her almost scream but he quickly puts a hand over her mouth. TYLER (whispering) What the fuck are you doing?


ADRIANNA (whispering) You might need my help. TYLER Really? You told me that you were going to leave. ADRIANNA I lied. TYLER I might lie, too. I don’t know what’s going to happen. I might not make it but I meant what I said. ADRIANNA I know. I love you. Tyler runs ahead. He has a look of anger and sadness. Tyler’s angry face cannot cover up the tears building up in his eyes. Adrianna sees a rusted hammer by the gate. She smiles and grabs it. EXT. ADRIANNA’S COUNTRY HOUSE - FRONT PORCH - CONTINUOUS The cars stop at the front porch. Two more commandos are stationed against both sides of the doors. Edward and Sergei get out of one of the black cars. They walk with bounce in their steps through the door. Two men in black suits get out of their car, followed by four more similarly clad men in the other car. Kirk slides out of the second car and starts to walk towards the gate. EXT. ADRIANNA’S COUNTRY HOUSE - GATES - MOMENTS LATER Kirk stands in the road, smoking a cigarette. Adrianna sneaks up on Kirk. She grabs a heavy log and attempts to swing at him. Kirk blocks the log attack and back kicks Adrianna. She punches him across the mouth. He licks his lip and lets out a pleasurable moan and kicks her down.


KIRK Good hit, baby. You probably thought I was some big nerd. The fact is I was Marine Force Recon. You should see the damage I’m going to do with my knuckle. Adrianna quickly pulls out the hammer. She swings the hook end of the hammer at Kirk. It smashes his glasses and destroys his eye. Kirk screams in pain as he falls down and dies. ADRIANNA You have battlefield strategy to pull that out of your fucking eye? INT. ADRIANNA’S COUNTRY HOUSE - KITCHEN - SAME TIME Edward and Sergei walk in. There is a note on the table. Sergei walks up to read it as a look of worry comes over Edward’s face. He backs out of the room as Sergei reads the letter. INSERT-LETTER DEAR DR. FRANKENSTEIN. NO ONE HERE BUT YOUR MONSTER. HOPE YOU ENJOY THE PARTY. -LOVE NOBODY. BACK TO SCENE Edward backs up and hears the scream in the distance. EXT. ADRIANNA’S COUNTRY HOUSE - FRONT PORCH - SAME TIME Three of the black suited men inspect the commandos. They get distracted by Kirk’s death scream. The commando’s fall over on their side. The three get shot to death by silenced gunfire. Gunfire fires through the glass on the door. INT. ADRIANNA’S COUNTRY HOUSE - ATRIUM - SAME TIME Edward jumps on the ground to avoid getting shot. Sergei crawls out.


EDWARD What do we do? SERGEI Not my problem. Yours. Sergei runs out the door. EXT. ADRIANNA’S COUNTRY HOUSE - PATIO - CONTINUOUS Sergei jumps into one of the cars and speeds off. The other three black suited men run up to the door. EDWARD (O.S.) Where is Kirk!? BLACK SUIT #2 Probably dead. EDWARD (O.S.) Get out there and get him. The three step off the porch. Tyler quickly appears. He stabs one black suit in the neck and slits his throat. Tyler then throws the knife into the neck of the next black suit. Tyler then quickly pulls out the .22 and shoots the last black suit in the chest and head. He looks down at the dead body with some disdain. Tyler walks away from the house. He pulls out a detonator and presses the button. Three explosions go off. Tyler jumps down. Adrianna falls to the ground screaming. INT. ADRIANNA’S COUNTRY HOUSE - ATRIUM - CONTINUOUS Tyler, with the gun drawn, slowly moves into the house. The doors are blown off. There is a huge chunk blown out of the stairway. Sounds of creaking comes from the ceiling. The kitchen is destroyed. Edward pops out and disarms Tyler of the gun.


Edward hits Tyler in the forehead with the gun. He aims his gun at Tyler but he sidesteps and quickly crosses his hands and dislocates Edward’s wrist. Tyler kicks the .22 into what is left of the kitchen. He sidekicks Edward against what is left of the stairway. Tyler attempts to punch Edward but Edward parries the punch and hits Tyler in the ribs. Edward follows up with an elbow to the back of Tyler’s head. He then slams Tyler’s head against the wall. Tyler elbows Edward in the sternum. He spins around to punch Edward but he blocks the hit and palm strikes him in the face. Edward then follows up with a knee to the stomach and elbow to the upper spine. Tyler attempts a punch but Edward catches his arm in a wrist lock and hits him in the nose. Edward has a look of confidence on his face. EDWARD You really don’t remember a god damn thing. Edward stomps Tyler’s face, causing his nose to bleed more. EDWARD (CONT’D) You really want out. Then I got your one way ticket right here. Edward attempts to stomp Tyler again but he catches the foot and punches Edward in the nuts. Tyler punches Edward in the forehead. Another explosion above goes off. Edward falls against the wall. A ceiling beam swings down and hits Tyler in the head, knocking him to the ground. Tyler’s ears are ringing and he is slightly dazed. He rolls up on his side. Tyler looks at Edward with anger on his face. FLASHBACK - TYLER’S REAL MEMORIES Tyler, wearing a suit and overcoat, is handed a red sealed envelope. Sergei, wearing miner clothes, is crying into a tissue.


SERGEI These bastards run the group. They have my daughter. Tyler opens the envelope and sees the picture of the little girl from the beginning. SERGEI (CONT’D) That’s her. Please return her safe and kill those bastards. You sure you can kill these men? Patrick looks at the envelope’s contents while Edward pulls Tyler aside. Sergei has a lecherous grin behind his tissue. TYLER It doesn’t sound right. Interpol? EDWARD How do you think these assholes run their business without being busted. Most of those guys are higher ups and it’s up to guys like us to clean up the mess. TYLER You trust this guy? EDWARD Yeah. You should too. This job gets done with great results and your set. You’re getting rid of more bad guys of the world. Tyler nods his head approvingly. BACK TO SCENE INT. ADRIANNA’S COUNTRY HOUSE - ATRIUM - SAME TIME Tyler gets onto one knee. Edward stands up and cradles his jaw. FLASHBACK - MEMORY OF THE BRIDGE RETURNED There is a quick montage of the Interpol group hits. A boat pulls up to the broken bridge. Patrick and Tyler climb on it and see three cars. They both pull the little girl up onto the bridge.


Tyler carries the little girl as Patrick walks over to greet Edward. He puts the little girl down as Sergei gets out of his car. The little girl screams. LITTLE GIRL I thought you were going to protect me from them. Tyler looks at Edward with confusion. TYLER What the hell is this? EDWARD Sorry about lying to you but the rules of the assignment still apply. TYLER I killed innocent cops and not a slave ring. EDWARD Yeah but you’ll get paid very handsomely for it. Maybe that will cure your depression. The little girl hides behind Tyler. TYLER I don’t do business with the likes of him and I’m not handing her over to her death. EDWARD I thought you would be smarter. Suit yourself. Patrick shoots Tyler in the shoulder and abdomen. Sergei hands a pistol to Edward. SERGEI Why don’t you handle this? Show me your with us. Edward looks at the gun. He smiles and shoots the little girl in the head. SERGEI (CONT’D) Now we are lifelong friends!


Tyler weakly screams. Patrick and Pavel walk over and take Tyler’s shoes, socks, and shirt off. They ties his hands behind his back and tie up his ankles. Viktor and Edgar hang Tyler upside down. Blood pours downward from the wounds, dripping by both sides of Tyler’s head. Edward walks up to Tyler with a look of disappointment. EDWARD I thought you would get on the winning team. I don’t have room for bleeding hearts. Now your a pig for the slaughter. Patrick knocks Tyler out with a whack across his forehead with the butt of his pistol. BACK TO SCENE INT. ADRIANNA’S COUNTRY HOUSE - ATRIUM - SAME TIME Tyler stands up and is now angry. Edward pulls a knife out of an ankle holster. He attempts to stab Tyler but Tyler stops the arm. Tyler chops Edward’s forearm and takes the knife. He slits Edward’s wrist and punches him in the chest. Edward falls back against a wall. Tyler throws the knife at Edward but he slaps it away. TYLER I only need one memory. That’s how to kill you, asshole. Edward attempt to punch Tyler but Tyler blocks it and runs his shoulder into his chin. Tyler then stomps Edward’s shin, making him scream. He then hammer fists Edward on top of the head. Tyler then sidekicks Edward through the blown out doorway into the blown up kitchen. INT. ADRIANNA’S COUNTRY HOUSE - KITCHEN - CONTINUOUS Tyler blocks another hit from Edward and punches him in the stomach. He forearms Edward in the face.


Tyler attempts to choke him but Edward knocks Tyler’s arms away and grabs him by the throat. Adrianna slowly walks up to the doorway of the kitchen. Tyler knocks Edward’s arm away. He punches Edward’s ear and attempts to elbow the back of his head. Edward dodges the hit and spins behind Tyler. He puts him in a headlock. Edward turns Tyler to the window where they can see each other’s reflection. EDWARD I want you to see this. So maybe in the next life you’ll remember it. I’ll give the same treatment for your girlfriend. Tyler screams in anger. He punches the window and grabs a shard. Tyler quickly slices Edward’s arm to release himself from the headlock. He slashes Edward’s stomach and chest. Tyler attempts to stab Edward in the heart. Edward blocks it but Tyler palm strikes the shard in. Edward gasps and slowly falls back. Tyler picks up the .22 he kicked into the kitchen and aims it at Edward. TYLER I want you to look at this and remember it in the next life. He shoots Edward in the head, killing him. Tyler stares at Edward’s body. Adrianna walks in and Tyler turns to her. She walks carefully up to him. Adrianna slowly takes the gun from Tyler’s hand and throws it away. Tyler raises his hand, making Adrianna cower. He lightly touches Adrianna’s face and caresses it. A tear comes out of his eye. Adrianna steps forward and hugs him. ADRIANNA It’s okay. Let’s go home. The two walk out of the kitchen.


EXT. ENGLAND - COUNTRY ROAD - MIDNIGHT Sergei is driving but the car dies. He looks at the gas meter and sees it is empty. Sergei looks around the car and sees a bullet hole in the gas tank. A black van pulls up and quickly stops. Men from inside throw a black bag over Sergei’s head and pull him inside. EXT. CHECHNYA - VILLAGE - A DAY LATER A huge metallic box lands in the center of the village. It opens up and a tied up Sergei rolls out. He tries to yell but he has a rag tied around his mouth. A woman points to him and yells. CHECHNYAN WOMAN It’s Sergei Dragovich! The woman grabs a club and a group of men with butcher knifes, kitchen knifes, and machetes walk up to Sergei. Sergei’s eyes pop wide open as he lets out a muffled scream. INT. HEATHROW AIRPORT - DEPARTURE TERMINAL - SAME TIME Tyler sits down, staring straight ahead. Adrianna rubs the back of his head. He turns and smiles at her as she sits next to him. ADRIANNA So what else did you order on that computer? TYLER For Sergei to have a return trip to Chechnya. New identities. ADRIANNA Identities? Tyler shows her his new American passport. Adrianna looks at it and smiles. ADRIANNA (CONT’D) Steve Rogers. Really?


TYLER I guess I always been a Captain America fan. Adrianna looks at her passport. ADRIANNA Elektra? Are you kidding me? TYLER It suits you. Adrianna shakes her head. TYLER (CONT’D) I’m a bigger Daredevil fan. The two get up and head toward the gate. ADRIANNA Maybe we should do that when we get to America. TYLER What’s that? ADRIANNA Comic books. Maybe run a store. It’s something of you that’s human. TYLER Sounds good. ADRIANNA Just don’t kill stuck up customers. TYLER I’ll try my best. The two laugh as they walk through the gate. The gate closes.


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