Red Land

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Red Land by Jeremy Gabryszak

Revisions by Jeremy Gabryszak

Current Revisions by Jeremy Gabryszak, 12/19/13

12211 N. Oakwood Dr. St. John, IN, 46373 Home: 219/484-9778; Cell: 708/217-1702 Email: Š Copyright 2013 Jeremy Gabryszak

ESTABLISHING SHOT - SATELLITE IMAGE OF THE UNITED STATES JOSEPH (V.O.) In the year 2014, the economy of America had collapsed. MONTAGE - AMERICA COLLAPSING -Members of Congress start physically fighting. JOSEPH (V.O.) Both political parties had their own views on how to handle the crisis of America. One side wanted tighter control and lesser rights for the people. The other side wanted the freedom to remain the same. -People fighting on both sides of the border of Texas and Louisiana. JOSEPH (V.O.) Soon the fight between parties turned into the fight between the Democratic Republic of America in the East and the original United States in the West. -Images of gunfire and artillery attacks. JOSEPH (V.O.) What was a disagreement that had spread to the streets had now became a new Civil War for the 21st century. -A missile destroys the U.S. Capitol building. JOSEPH (V.O.) The War ends and Congress is abolished. -In Chicago, the city is surrounded by fences with military checkpoints. There is a political prison set up in Chinatown. Black marketers have closed off Michigan Avenue and Grant and Millennium Park for their black market business. Soldiers flip off guards of the black market. JOSEPH (V.O.) Despite being called the Democratic Republic of America, they are more for the iron fist way of ruling. (MORE)

2. JOSEPH (V.O.) (CONT'D) The Black Market has their own control. They leave the government alone and the government leaves them alone.

-Los Angeles is in ruins. The Seattle space needle is broken in half. Las Vegas is now a ghost town. JOSEPH (V.O.) In the west out of the control of the East, the west is left to rot and no laws are in effect. -Biker gangs run down people on the road. JOSEPH (V.O.) Biker gangs use the lawlessness to oppress the lost souls unlucky enough to be in the West. -A dirty child stands in the middle of a field crying and holding a teddy bear. JOSEPH (V.O.) What America fought to protect is gone. END MONTAGE Back to scene. The screen is black. EXT. MOTEL - EVENING The sun sets over behind a small two floor building. The building is a motel, top floor, and garage, bottom floor. INT. MOTEL - ROOM - SAME TIME A MAN stares out the window. The radio plays on the dresser. FREE RADIO (V.O.) Welcome to another night in the land of the free. Yeah, free to live but not free to survive. On the home front news, two families just trying to emigrate back to their home in Mexico were slaughtered by the Diablos. The man is CORD. Cord is a handsome white man in his mid twenties with a five a clock shadow and a full head of black hair.


He is wearing black boxers. Cord has a USMC brand on his left arm and a faded Chicago flag tattoo on his right arm. He also has a gunshot scar on left side of his chest where his heart should be. The news announcement catches his attention. FREE RADIO Anyone looking to leave the country now should pack up and leave. The Diablos are believed to be heading toward Chicago. CORD I’ll see you there, motherfucker. Cord forcefully turns off the radio. OPENING CREDITS - WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE BY BON JOVI PLAYS Cord puts on black jeans and belt with a square buckle with an eagle on it. The belt has green shotgun shells on the right side of it. Cord grabs a square blade and slides into the belt buckle. He puts on black military boots. Cord puts on a white t-shirt and a shoulder holster with two Colts. He puts on a green military jacket with a name tag. INSERT - NAME TAG CORD BACK TO SCENE Cord grabs a short barreled Mossberg 500 shotgun fitted with front and rear pistol grips, heat shield, and shell holder. He also grabs a gold plated Beretta and leaves the room. EXT. MOTEL - GARAGE - MOMENTS LATER Cord pushes out a pale colored Harley. He starts it up and hops on. RED LAND OPENING CREDITS cont. Cord roars off into the night.


MONTAGE - RIDE ACROSS AMERICA -A shot of the motorcycle wheel. -Welcome to Kansas sign. -Long shot of Cord riding down a country road. -Welcome to Missouri sign. -Cord rides by the destroyed St. Louis Arch. -Welcome to Kentucky sign. -Welcome to Indiana sign. -Cord rides into Gary, Indiana. EXT. GAS STATION - PUMPS - AFTERNOON The gas station looks like an abandoned Speedway. The street sign has a big hole in it and the Speedway sign on the roof hovering over the pumps is faded. On the building, there is an ace of spades painted on it. There are bushes behind the gas station and a small parking lot to the left with some bushes in front of that lot. There is an abandoned shopping plaza on the right of the station. Cord pulls into the station and parks next to one of the pumps. He pulls out his shotgun and looks around. Cord walks inside the abandoned building of the gas station. He sees empty freezers with no power and shelves out of place. There are cob webbed boxes and spoiled food all over the floor. Cord does not see anyone and walks back toward his bike. When Cord is not looking, three figures appear from behind the shelves. Another figure, with a Mohawk and a black strip painted over his eyes, peeks out from behind the building. Cord grabs the gas dispenser and sprays some gas on the ground. He puts it into the motorcycle and fills his tank up. When he puts the dispenser back, Cord hears guns cocking. Cord turns and sees the Mohawk wielding a Desert Eagle.


MOHAWK What are you doing here? CORD Getting gas. Cord looks to the building and sees three men. One of the men is a somewhat heavyset man in his fifties with a bushy gray beard and a red flannel jacket and black ball cap. This man is the BOSS. He wields a double barrel shotgun. BOSS You fucking think you can get free gas here? MOHAWK This is private property. CORD I didn’t see any signs. One of the men standing next to the boss, who is wearing a black tank top, green camo pants, and a green beret, points to the ace of spades. The other man, wearing sniper camo and coverage, points to the sign and then points to Cord. The beret wearing thug wields a silenced MP5 while the other one wields a Colt Single Action Army pistol. CORD (CONT’D) Maybe you should have put some words on that sign. I thought that symbol just describes my luck by trying your prominent food collection. BOSS You are going to leave your bike and weapons. CORD Then what? BOSS You are just going to keep walking and lucky we don’t execute your ass. CORD (sarcastic) Come on? And this used to be a free country.


MOHAWK Sounds like some smart ass Western talk. We don’t take highly to Westerners. BOSS You had your chance to leave so now you’re going to face the consequences. The group starts laughing. Cord starts to push the blade out of his belt buckle. Mohawk looks down at Cord’s jacket and sees the name tag. His face turns to shock. MOHAWK It’s him! The group is confused for a second. MOHAWK (CONT’D) Cord! Before the group has time to react, Cord throws the blade into the bushes in front of the parking lot. He knocks Mohawk’s arm, which is aiming the Desert Eagle, away and wraps it into an arm lock. Cord strikes the Mohawk in the throat and then snaps Mohawk’s arm. He then hits Mohawk with an upward strike which puts Mohawk’s nose into his brain, killing him. Cord spins and grabs a hold of the Desert Eagle. He shoots the Boss in the chest and the other two thugs in the head. Cord walks purposefully towards the withering body of the Boss. BOSS You just wasted a blade. CORD Did I? A man with a skull bandana wrapped around his mouth and wearing a leather jacket with a Diablo emblem on back falls out of the bushes with a blade in his throat. BOSS How did you know?


CORD You think you’re the first asshole gas station I’ve dealt with? BOSS Listen we’re not officially Diablo. CORD (sarcastic) I know. You’re just associates. Cord points to the ace of spades. BOSS What’s your problem? They’re just a biker gang. CORD Yeah, now they are. Used to be an Eastern America army unit. Where are they now? BOSS How should I know? We just stay out of trouble with them by giving free gas. CORD “Right”. And they pay you with military weapons. BOSS I don’t get what you mean? CORD Oh, so some okie old gas station just happens to have a desert eagle, an antique military pistol, and a Recon issued MP5. I guess they just fell off a truck. BOSS How do you know that is Recon issued? Cord takes his jacket off and shows his USMC brand on his left arm. CORD So why don’t you tell me a revised story where you include the truth?


BOSS They haven’t been through here for a while. What’s it to you? CORD Me and their boss have something to talk about. Cord puts his jacket back on and picks up the double barreled shotgun. BOSS People you need to talk to end up dead. CORD You know what? I almost forgot. Cord shoots the Boss in the head, killing him. He collects all the guns and starts his bike up. Cord rides over to the dead Diablo and takes his gun. His gun is a FN P90. Cord rides back to the pump. He takes the dispenser and sets it to spewing out gas continuously. Cord rides out of the lot. He takes out a road flare and throws it at the dispenser. Cord speeds down the road as the gas station explodes into a massive fireball. EXT. NEW MEXICO - ROUTE 66 - EVENING A semi-truck drives down the road. EXT. NEW MEXICO - SMALL MOUNTAIN RIDGE - SAME TIME A MAN with somewhat long blonde hair and blue eyes pulls out a sniper rifle. He is KALE. Kale wears a black jean jacket and jeans. He loads a clip into the rifle. EXT. ROUTE 66 - CONTINUOUS The semi comes upon a sandy ridge. A square part of the ridge falls forward revealing men in desert camouflage and ski masks.


A GE M134 minigun is rolled out. A gunner unloads rounds as the semi rolls past. The rounds obliterate the tires. Another one of the soldiers pulls out a stand alone Cobray 37mm grenade launcher and fires it at the rig. The truck jackknifes. The doors to the trailer open up and a group of men and a woman run out. Behind the people are armed protectors that get killed by sniper fire. The soldiers pull out Heckler and Koch MP5K’s and gun the rest of the men and women down. A woman makes it out of the firing range. Another group of men and women come out of the trailer with their hands up. JOSE and ISABELLA climb out of the cab. There is a loud roar and thunder. A used round vibrates on the asphalt of the road. Over the horizon, a column of motorcycles and two pick up trucks appear. These are the DIABLOS. The iron column stops. One of the soldiers points down the road to the woman running. The head biker rides after the woman. The woman collapses from exhaustion. The biker pulls out a katana. The woman turns around with her hands up. The biker rides by and decapitates the woman. He turns around and grabs the head. The biker rides back to the wreckage. He gets off the bike and throws the woman’s head in front of the surviving group. The biker takes his helmet off to reveal DEACON. Deacon has short blonde hair and blue eyes. Kale rides up to the scene. Deacon fist bumps Kale and hugs him. KALE How did I do? DEACON Little brother, you did wonderful. Deacon looks at Jose with a look of contempt.


DEACON (CONT’D) Where you headed? KALE I’m thinking old Mexico. Deacon shakes his head disapprovingly. DEACON Now I am very disappointed with you Jose. You pack up and travel through here and don’t even bother to say hi. That hurts my feelings. Deacon looks at the other bikers. They get off the bikes and pull out SIG Sauer 556 Patrol Rifles. DEACON (CONT’D) Why would you want to leave this wonderful place? We get to do whatever we want and I protect you guys from unwanted settlers. JOSE Protection. It’s oppression. You kill anyone that heads out on the roads. DEACON Maybe you’re confused by the we can do what we want. Now will you please head back to your home with what beaners you have left. JOSE Fuck you. DEACON You know that every action has a not so good reaction. JOSE I’ll take it. DEACON I’m tickled to hear you say that. Because killing a bunch of people is fun. Diablos! The Diablos aim their guns at the remaining survivors. DEACON (CONT’D) Aim! Last chance.


Jose stands defiant and puts his fist to his chest. DEACON (CONT’D) Thank you. Fire! Diablos gun down the rest of the group, minus Jose and Isabella. ISABELLA You fucking bastard! It is hopeless now. JOSE Shut up! Deacon snaps his fingers and points to one of the bikers that is still sitting. The biker stands up to show that he is a giant that towers over all the bikers. He is six foot and ten inches tall. The biker is DITCH. Ditch wears a jean jacket with the sleeves ripped off and a black bandana. He also has slicked back black hair that goes down to the bottom of his neck and menacing brown eyes. Ditch’s arms are covered with tattoos. DEACON You met my friend Ditch? JOSE No. Not personally. DEACON Ditch, this is Jose. DITCH How you doing? DEACON Ditch, can you squish his wife’s head like an orange? DITCH Yeah, I think I’m able to. DEACON If you please. DITCH Sure. Two of the camouflage clad soldiers grab Isabella and drag her over to Ditch and Deacon.


JOSE Please! Not her! Jose runs to stop them. Deacon slashes Jose’s side with the sword, causing him to collapse. DEACON You rewarded me. So now I’ll reward you. Ditch grabs Isabella and starts squeezing her head. Blood pours out of Isabella’s eyes, ears, nose, and mouth. Isabella gargles on blood and dies. Ditch drops her like a sack of potatoes. Jose cries as the Diablos pour gasoline on him. JOSE I just want to be free. DEACON We’re free. Isn’t that good enough? I know passions burn. And so does this. Deacon lights a match and sets Jose on fire. Jose scream in agony as he burns to death. Ditch taps Deacon on the shoulder. The soldiers that stopped the truck walk up to them. CAMO SOLDIER #1 Where’s our payload? Deacon smiles and nods his head. The Diablos gun down the soldiers. DEACON There’s your fucking payload. Disgruntled National guardsmen. Fucking amateurs. How many missions where we risk our asses for these pricks to take the credit! Pussies. EXT. WISCONSIN - FARM - DUSK Cord walks his bike up on a horse farm. The farm is red with white trim and the house is red but the paint is faded. There are several horses and a few ponies walking around. Two German Shepards and a bunch of puppies lay by the wooded fence.


Cord gets off his bike. The male Shepard growls at Cord. Cord shushes the dog and pulls out a peace of meat from his pocket. He feeds the male and female dogs. A horse walks up to the fence. Cord walks up and pets the horse. He smiles brightly and his eyes glisten with tears. CORD You’re beautiful. Cord looks at the house and sees no lights on. He rolls the motorcycle into the barn. INT. BARN - HAY BALES - EVENING Cord takes his weapons and jacket off. He takes off his belt. Cord lays back on a bale of hay. He looks through the crack of the barn to the outside. Cord sees the male German Shepherd sniff and kiss the horse’s nose when the horse sticks his head over the fence. He smiles and closes his eyes. FADE TO BLACK. INT. BARN - HAY BALES - MORNING There are a lot of children screams that stop when Cord quickly sits up. He is breathing heavily and sweating. Cord lies back down and stares at the wood ceiling. He hears the sound of gun cocking. CORD Seriously. He turns and sees a RED HEADED WOMAN pointing a Winchester rifle at him. This is MEG. MEG What are you doing here? CORD Sorry I was just seeking a place to sleep for the night. MEG You one of them?


CORD One of who? She walks closer and sees the name tag on the jacket. MEG Oh my god. You’re...him? CORD Yes. MEG What are you doing this way? CORD I’m looking for some people. Probably one of “them.” MEG That’s fine. Me and husband can give you some food but you better be on your way. We don’t want those “people” on our land. INT. FARM - KITCHEN - CONTINUOUS FRANCIS, an Irishman with red hair sits at his table, with a double barrel hidden under the table. Meg walks in. MEG No threat. I sent him on his way. FRANCIS What the fuck do you think you’re doing going out there alone with that pee shooter? MEG I can shoot a spider leg off from 200 yards with this pee shooter and I can reload fast unlike your secret weapon. FRANCIS I also have the Colt in my back waistband. What was the situation outside? MEG It was him. FRANCIS Who?


MEG Cord. FRANCIS Cord? You sent a man who claimed to be Cord on his way and he went. It must’ve been. Why did you send him off? MEG He said he’s looking for people. I and, I know for sure, you don’t want him bringing a war on our land. FRANCIS You’re right. Did he steal anything? Are the animals okay? MEG No he didn’t steal anything. Everything is fine. FRANCIS I wonder where he is right now? EXT. WISCONSIN - CREEK - CONTINUOUS Cord throws rocks and pieces of bark into the creek. FLASHBACK - CIVIL WAR DAYS - SCHOOL Cord, with short military cut hair and clean shaven, walks with DANIEL, a ginger haired man of the same age. They both wear black outfits with the American flags sowed into the shoulder. The American flags have the thirteen stars in a circle instead of fifty stars. There is a big “E” in the center of the circle. They walk up to Deacon, in the same attire, who is sitting next to Ditch, who has his sleeves cut off from his shirt. DEACON How did it go? DANIEL Good. CORD Are we sure this is a stronghold?


DEACON Yeah. You calling me a liar? CORD No I just noticed... DITCH (interrupting) I think you are committing insubordination. Refusing to take a direct order is a capital offense. CORD I didn’t refuse an order. I carried it out. I just observed something off. DEACON Ditch, let the man speak. We are all Americans here. Well, Eastern Americans. Are you a Easterner? CORD Yes I am. I just noticed that Daniel and I only took out a few guards. DEACON Well, then the main force will be in for a surprise when they get back. Cord walks away. Daniel follows. DANIEL What’s up? CORD I have a bad feeling about this. DANIEL What do you mean? CORD This isn’t a stronghold. This is a school. Those guards were parents. That’s why I saw more kids than soldiers. Cord starts to run towards the school. DANIEL What are you doing!


CORD I’m going to save those kids. Cord runs into the school and peeks in the small windows on each door and sees children and teachers tied up. He turns to run out when WESLEY, a handsome man in his thirties with short black hair and a five o’clock shadow, smacks across the face with a M249 SAW. FLASHBACK CONT. - BRIDGE Cord is dragged to a bridge over a river. DEACON Ditch did inform you what insubordination is? Trying to stop the detonation or sticking your nose where it don’t belong is the same as insubordination. Deacon hands Daniel a pistol. Daniel looks at it with some confusion. DANIEL What the hell is this for? DEACON Since you didn’t try hard enough to be a good soldier and stop this traitor. DANIEL What do you mean by stick your nose where it don’t belong? DEACON It’s a need to know and you don’t need to know. DANIEL This is just a school, isn’t it? DEACON It’s none of your fucking concern. Now execute this traitor. CORD Don’t worry about it, Daniel. Do as he says. He’ll be in for it when the reckoning comes. Daniel looks at Cord with shock.


DEACON (to Cord) Are you the reckoning? Deacon waves Cord off. DANIEL I’m not going to kill him or anyone unless I get some answers. DEACON Okay. Give my gun back. Daniel hands the gun back. Deacon pretends to look at it and then shoots Daniel in the head. Cord screams and lunges at Deacon. Deacon quickly shoots Cord in the chest. Cord goes down, appearing to be dead. Ditch grabs Daniel’s dog tags and picks up his body. He throws him over the side into the water below. DEACON (CONT’D) Some souvenirs. Deacon laughs. Ditch is about to grab Cord’s. DEACON (CONT’D) Leave his. Call it a poster icon for Don’t Fuck With Me. Wesley and Deacon walk up to Cord’s body. Wesley grabs Cord’s arms and Deacon grabs Cord’s legs. DEACON (CONT’D) Enjoy the swim asshole. They walk to the edge and start swinging Cord’s body. DEACON (CONT’D) Uno. WESLEY Dos. Any last words? DEACON He said them. Here’s mine. Tres. Cord gets thrown over the edge. He floats with his arms outstretched for a few seconds and then hits the water.


DEACON (CONT’D) That was rather enjoyable. FLASHBACK CONT. - RIVER Moments later, Cord bursts out of the water with a state of shock and confusion. He feels the right side of his chest and is more confused. The confusion fades when he sees Daniel’s body. Cord desperately swims over to his body and drags him ashore. While Cord is looking for Daniel’s dog tags, the school blows up and collapses. He looks up at the huge cloud of dust and the sounds of children screaming getting drowned out by the loud rumbling of the building collapsing. BACK TO SCENE Cord squeezes his dog tags with a lot of anger. EXT. WISCONSIN - FARM - MOMENTS LATER Meg pours feed for the horses. Francis walks outside, looking around. He is wielding his double barrel. Francis sees the motorcycle. FRANCIS Where’s he at? MEG Maybe he camped out by the creek because his bike still... Meg gets cut off when she gets shot in the head. Francis runs up to her but gets shot at. A group of Diablos come out of the forest shooting. Each man of the group has Mohawk hairstyles. Francis kills one with a shotgun blast to his chest but he gets shot in the upper thigh and two times in the back. He barely makes it inside his house. EXT. WISCONSIN - CREEK - SAME TIME Cord hears the shooting. He touches his jacket and belt for guns but he does not have any.


CORD Shit. Cord runs through the forest. INT. FARM - KITCHEN - CONTINUOUS Francis struggles but gets his shotgun reloaded. He grabs the Colt out of his waistband. A Diablo kicks the door open and is greeted with a shotgun blast to the chest which sends him flying out of the doorway. Francis shoot three more that try to enter in the head with the Colt. EXT. FARM - FRONT PORCH - SAME TIME Wesley casually walks on the porch with a Heckler & Koch HK69Al Grenade Launcher fitted with a M576 buckshot round. Deacon comes up behind him and startles him. WESLEY Jesus. DEACON What situation do we have here? WESLEY Some asshole farmer. DEACON A farmer? Your too soft with your recruiting. WESLEY What’s that supposed... DEACON (interrupting) You pick too many pussies. You ever hear of the saying that if you want something done, do it yourself. WESLEY Yeah. DEACON Let me rephrase that. If you want a farmer dead, punch a hole through his chest. Wesley smiles and sneaks toward the door.


INT. FARM - KITCHEN - CONTINUOUS Francis hears creaking on the porch and fires into the wall. His gun runs out of ammunition. Wesley walks in. WESLEY All this fuss for a crap farm like this. FRANCIS You don’t belong here. WESLEY Back in the first civil war, Sherman marched through the south destroying everything in his path. We consider this payback. FRANCIS Behold the pale horse, and the name that sat on him was death. And hell followed with him. WESLEY Yeah, yeah, yeah. You should have picked a better prayer. Wesley shoots and blows a hole in Francis’ chest. Deacon walks in, smirking. DEACON They the only ones? WESLEY No. One of the spotters saw a guy head to the creek. DEACON He could be on his way back here. Wesley smiles. WESLEY He could be. DEACON Torch the house. WESLEY What about the barn?


DEACON Leave it. It’ll fall apart eventually. Wesley starts pouring gas into the house. EXT. FARM - FRONT PORCH - CONTINUOUS Deacon walks up with a flare. DEACON If you will. WESLEY My pleasure. Wesley lights it and throws it inside. The kitchen ignites. EXT. WISCONSIN - FARM - CONTINUOUS Deacon gets on his bike. He sees the German shepherds and the horses. DEACON Kill those things. I hate dogs and horses. EXT. WISCONSIN - FOREST - SAME TIME Cord hears more gunfire. He continues running. Seven Mohawk Diablos wait to ambush ahead. One of them steps on a small stick and snaps it. Cord stops and looks around. A machete wielding Mohawk slowly creeps behind a tree Cord is walking up to. He pops out ready to attack but Cord is not there. Cord appears behind the Mohawk. The Mohawk swings the machete but Cord catches his wrist and disarms him. Cord then cuts the Mohawk’s hand off and disembowels him. The second Mohawk attacks but Cord slams the machete into his head. The third Mohawk throws a punch but Cord ducks and snaps his neck. The fourth Mohawk pops out with an axe. Cord pulls the machete out of the dead Mohawk’s head.


The fourth Mohawk slams the axe down which Cord blocks with the machete. Cord stomps the Mohawk’s thigh and pulls the axe out of his hand. He stabs the Mohawk in the genitals with the axe. The Mohawk screams in agony until Cord decapitates him with the machete. The fifth Mohawk jumps on Cord’s back and puts him in a headlock. Cord falls back and slams against a tree. He throws his head back and breaks the Mohawk’s nose. Cord slams him on the ground and crushes his windpipe with a stomp. The last Mohawk pulls out a gun. MOHAWK GUNMAN You have some fancy hand to hand for me? Cord smiles. CORD Maybe. If you’re smart enough to bring a gun instead of physically attacking me, then you’re smart enough to keep your distance. The gunman walks right up to Cord. CORD (CONT’D) Didn’t think so. In a quick motion, Cord knocks the gun hand away with his left hand, pulls the slide of the gun off with his right, he backhands the gunman, and then stabs the slide of the gun into his throat. EXT. WISCONSIN - FARM - MOMENTS LATER Cord runs and stops to catch his breath. He sees his guns on the ground and sees Meg’s dead body. INT. BARN - HAY BALES - CONTINUOUS Cord grabs his guns and loads up. EXT. WISCONSIN - FARM - CONTINUOUS Cord loads up on his guns and sees his bike is still intact. He sees an ace of spades card nailed to the porch.


Cord walks purposefully to his bike. He stops when he sees the bullet riddled bodies of the dogs and horses. CORD Now I’m really pissed off. EXT. WISCONSIN - ROAD - CONTINUOUS The motorcycle flies out of the trees onto the road. Cord speeds down the road. He comes up on the Diablo column. Cord pulls out the shotgun and shoots the gas tank of the bike at the end. The bike blows up, sending the rider flying forward engulfed in flames. At the head of the column, Deacon looks over his shoulder. He nods his head to Ditch. Deacon holds up three fingers, taps them twice on the handlebars of the bike, and then gives Ditch a thumbs up. Ditch nods in agreement and holds up three fingers, taps his own shoulder twice, and then twirls his forefinger. Six Diablos break away from the column and spin around. Cord pulls out the shotgun and shoots the first Diablo off of his bike. He then shoots the front tire of the second Diablo’s bike. The Diablo flies forward and hits the ground. Cord accelerates and runs the Diablo’s head over. He starts to play chicken with the third Diablo. The fourth Diablo rides right up next to the third. Cord gets closer and the third Diablo panics and swerves into the fourth. As they crash into each other, Cord pulls out the FN P90 and mows them down. The fifth Diablo rides on one wheel at Cord. Cord slows down and jumps off his bike as the fifth Diablo crashes into him. He pulls out the shotgun and quickly blows the Diablo’s hand off and then shoots him in the chest. The last Diablo rides at Cord but Cord quickly rolls out of the way. He spins his the bike around and rides at Cord again. Cord goes to fire his shotgun but it is empty. He hurls the shotgun and hits the Diablo in the face.


The Diablo is knocked off and Cord jumps out of the way of the runaway bike. Cord picks up his bike and sees the mirror break off and the headlight is cracked. He points to the mirror and headlight and shakes his head disapprovingly. The Diablo gets up and runs. Cord pulls the blade out of his belt and throws it into the back of the Diablo’s knee. The Diablo screams in agony as Cord drags him over to his bike. Cord starts his bike up and starts to ride away, dragging the Diablo with him. CORD I have a couple of questions. DIABLO #2 Eat shit. Cord starts accelerating. CORD How long can you hang on to my bike? DIABLO #2 What do you want! CORD Where you guys headed? DIABLO #2 I don’t know. I forgot. Cord accelerates more. CORD Maybe this will refresh your memory. DIABLO #2 Okay! Slow down! CORD I will if you answer my question correctly and honestly. DIABLO #2 Chicago. Something about Chicago. CORD What are they doing in Chicago?


DIABLO #2 Black market. CORD A name? DIABLO #2 Uh..I don’t know. CORD I want to go faster. How about you? DIABLO #2 Wait! Steadman. The fucker’s name is Steadman. Okay. CORD Thank you. DIABLO #2 But that’s all I’m going to say and you can fuck yourself. CORD I’m tickled to hear you say that. Cord accelerates more and throws the Diablo off the bike. He flies face first into a tree, killing him. EXT. CHICAGO - BLACK MARKET - EVENING Deacon and Kale walk down an aisle of stands that contain guns. On a pedestal at the end of it with people wearing hooded coats gathered around, STEADMAN stands. He is a man in his thirties with spiky brown hair with blonde highlights. Steadman wears a suit with no tie with the shirt unbuttoned at top to show off the top of his chest. STEADMAN Here it is ladies and gentlemen. For the first time in the Windy City...the AK-47. The Salesman waves an AK-47 over his head. STEADMAN (CONT’D) Come one. Come all. Feast your eyes on the prize. For the gun to kill every motherfucker in the room, here is the AK-47. Price one hundred grand.


The people jeer Steadman and wave him off. The only ones that stay are Kale and Deacon. Deacon smiles and gives a sarcastic golf clap. Steadman jumps down from the pedestal. STEADMAN (CONT’D) You two have a lot of fucking nerve to come back here. You idiots stole that sniper rifle and mini gun from me. I have just enough reason to have the workers hang you by your ankles and slit your throats like butchered cattle. Six men come out from behind weapon stands, wielding pipes and machetes. Kale gets nervous but Deacon does not react to the new threat. STEADMAN (CONT’D) I hear the rail trash on the old red line really appreciate large quantities of meat. Especially...blonde meat. Kale starts sweating and swallows. Deacon smiles. DEACON How do they like brown with blonde highlight meat? STEADMAN You trying to be funny? You don’t have your house here to protect you. DEACON I don’t. But the next best thing. The people who were surrounding the pedestal earlier, take off their jackets to reveal Diablo vests. One of the people is Wesley, wielding a grenade launcher. DEACON (CONT’D) Today’s a good day for a barbecue. What do you think? Steadman waves his goons off and starts laughing. STEADMAN Just kidding. What can I do for you guys? Today is a discount for all armed service members of the civil war and current Diablo members.


DEACON One hundred percent discount? STEADMAN Yeah. Why not? What can I do for you? DEACON Well some of those AK’s sound good. But first some info. STEADMAN Before that, did you guys have a gas station in Gary? DEACON Yeah, why? STEADMAN He took it out. DEACON Who? STEADMAN He. Kale and Deacon have a look of worry on their faces. KALE Cord? You think maybe it was him that tried to kill... DEACON (interrupting) Shut up. STEADMAN What’s up? DEACON Some asshole tried to kill us on one of our “pit stops” STEADMAN Oh boy. KALE You think it was Cord? DEACON You say it was him who took out the gas station?


STEADMAN One of your guys had a square blade in his windpipe. DEACON That would be Cord. And it would have given him good time to get to Wisconsin. But why? STEADMAN Did you piss him off in some way? DEACON I pissed a lot of people off in my time. But I killed them afterwards. Deacon chuckles. STEADMAN What info did you need? DEACON Huh..oh. Well since you told me this news if anyone comes through here asking about us, send him to Yuma. STEADMAN Who would be looking for you? Deacon rolls his eyes. DEACON Think of the info you just gave me and figure it the fuck out. Deacon walks away with Kale and the Diablos following. EXT. CHICAGO - MICHIGAN AVENUE - CONTINUOUS Ditch stands by the bikes. Deacon walks up to him. DEACON It was Cord. DITCH Cord? DEACON That attacked us at the farm. DITCH Really? Do you know why?


DEACON I would ask your informant but his intelligence is focused more on much lighter his hair tips are going to go. DITCH Do you have an idea on why he would attack? Better yet, do we know who he is? DEACON No. Everyone we crossed or crossed me is six feet downtown. DITCH Maybe Cord decided to go after bigger fish. DEACON Maybe. DITCH How are we going to handle this? DEACON I had your informant tell him Yuma. DITCH Yuma? DEACON The only law enforcement they have belongs to us. He’ll keep him preoccupied and then we burn him out. DITCH Then Cord is mine. I want to personally squeeze his brains out of his head. DEACON Of course, my tall friend. EXT. CHICAGO - CERMAK CHECKPOINT - MORNING Cord rides up to a military checkpoint at Cermak exit from I94. He looks to his left at the detention center on the edge of Chinatown. Cord sees a little girl holding her bear staring back at him. He looks forward.


CORD Just to think you wanted to part of this. Cord rides up to the checkpoint. The guard walks up to him. CHECKPOINT GUARD #1 You have papers? CORD No. CHECKPOINT GUARD #1 Where you from? CORD Wisconsin. The guard looks at him suspiciously and then looks down at the name tag on the jacket. His expression changes. CHECKPOINT GUARD #1 What is your business in Chicago today? CORD Maybe catch a movie. Do some trading. CHECKPOINT GUARD #1 (whispering) May I suggest Grant Park? The guard winks and waves him through. Cord nods and rides into Chicago. The guard runs over to the phone and makes a call. EXT. CHICAGO - BLACK MARKET - ENTRANCE - CONTINUOUS Cord rides up to the entrance. The GATEKEEPER walks out. He is a white man in his fifties with long gray hair and wearing a black bandana. The Gatekeeper also has crooked teeth. GATEKEEPER What is your business in Grant Park market today? CORD Hoping to procure some items.


GATEKEEPER There are many items to procure here. But there is a toll to enter. CORD Sure thing. Cord hands him a bag that has the guns that he got from the gas station minus the FN P90. The Gatekeeper smiles. GATEKEEPER Much obliged. CORD How does one get to Arizona safely? GATEKEEPER You want to go to the Red Land? There is a way. It’ll cost you. Cord tries to hand him the FN P90. GATEKEEPER (CONT’D) I already have three at home. Cord takes an annoyed breath. He looks at his bike. Cord points to the bike. GATEKEEPER (CONT’D) That’ll do. You’ll want to take the bullet. The new train that is armored for safe travel through the Red Land. It’s free of charge. You just have to sign a life waiver giving up all possessions here in the East when you die. CORD You mean if? Gatekeeper starts laughing. GATEKEEPER You’re funny. I’ll take care of this bike for you. Run along now. Might I suggest the blonde tipped fella by the AK’s. He had some biker friends there yesterday evening, Mr. Cord. Cord walks purposefully into the black market.


EXT. CHICAGO - BLACK MARKET - MOMENTS LATER Cord walks down the aisle towards the stand where Steadman is checking his inventory. Some of the other gun salesman hide when they see Cord. Steadman turns around and sees Cord. STEADMAN Happy morning to you, Cord. Some customers of mine were inquiring about your recent activities in the democratic east. CORD Really? STEADMAN Deacon, Kale, Wesley, and the rest of the Merry Men of Sherwood. I guess your the dastardly Sheriff of Nottingham. CORD Where are they? STEADMAN That’s too easy. Just tell you and send you on your merry way. I want to be rewarded with a Diablo patch. I figured I only know one way. The six goons from before come out with the pipes and machetes. STEADMAN (CONT’D) Beat him to death. Then chop him up. The rail trash is getting the special tonight. Cord ribeye. The pipe wielders step up. The first pipe wielder swings at Cord’s side but he steps forward and catches the pipe wielding arm in an arm lock. Cord turns and snaps the wielder’s wrist and takes the pipe. He then finishes him off by smashing the wielder’s cranium with his the pipe. Cord twirls the pipe in his hands. STEADMAN (CONT’D) Fuck the plan. All of you kill him!


The five goons left all take swings but Cord parries each attack with his pipe. One of the machete wielders tries to attack but Cord parries his blow and kicks him back. The second pipe wielder swings again but Cord ducks and hits his knee with the pipe. Cord finishes him off but wrapping the pipe around his throat and snapping his neck. The last pipe wielder slams the pipe down but Cord blocks the attack with this pipe. Cord grabs the pipe out of the wielder’s hand and beats him to death with both pipes. The machete wielder that was kicked down gets back up and swings at Cord. Cord blocks the attack and disarms him of the machete. The second machete wielder runs forward to attack but Cord stabs and disembowels him. He takes the dead man’s machete and cuts half the arm off of the machete wielder he disarmed earlier. The last machete wielder attempts several swings but Cord parries and counter attacks. Steadman jumps on Cord’s back but Cord slams his head back into Steadman’s nose, breaking it. The machete guy prepares to slam the machete down on Cord but Cord slams his machete into the man’s testicles. The man gasps as Cord pulls the machete out and sticks it into the man’s chest. Steadman pulls out a double barrel and blows off a piece of the machete. CORD Great. It looks like I brought a knife to a gun fight. STEADMAN Goodbye head. Steadman aims and pulls the trigger. There is a click. Steadman has a look of surprise. CORD Hello balls. Cord kicks him in the nuts. He grabs Steadman by the shirt collar. CORD (CONT’D) Where are they?


STEADMAN Fuck off. Cord puts his two fingers into the space between the eyebrow bone and above the eyeballs. Steadman screams. CORD Right here is a special nerve. Dig any deeper and hold for any longer then you go blind. I hear black marketeers or the city folk don’t take kindly to blind assholes. Then it’s the red line for you. Blind or not, the rail rash love porterhouses with blonde tips. STEADMAN Okay. Okay! Please take your fingers out of my eyes please. Cord lets him go. STEADMAN (CONT’D) What was the question again? Cord raises his fist as if to punch Steadman. STEADMAN (CONT’D) Oh right, Yuma. CORD Yuma? STEADMAN Yes, Yuma. In Red Land. CORD Thank you. STEADMAN Anything else? CORD Yeah. Call your friends and tell them I’m coming. STEADMAN Who are you? CORD I’m the reckoning. Cord walks away. Steadman runs past the still alive machete wielder that had half his arm cut off.


He hits an alarm button. STEADMAN See how you deal with my personal security, asshole. EXT. CHICAGO - MICHIGAN AVENUE - CONTINUOUS Cord is walking down what used to be Michigan Avenue. He sees the empty stores and Columbia College buildings. Cord shakes his head with mild disgust. He hears what sounds like a loud boat horn behind him. Cord turns around and sees a bus barricaded with barbed wire and steel mesh windows. A bunch of guys hang out the windows, banging bats and pipes on the sides. Steadman is driving the bus. STEADMAN (on the speaker) Hey asshole. I brought some more friends for you to play with. We’ll have to see what’s left of you after you pancaked by my fun bus. The bus starts to accelerate. Cord starts running with the bus slowly starting to gain on him. He continues running and runs onto the sidewalk. The bus swerves off the street on the sidewalk. CORD You got to be fucking kidding me. Cord continues running. He tries to run into the entrance of the abandoned Van Buren station but the bus crashes through it. Cord continues running down the street. Steadman struggles turning the bus to continue on its course after Cord but he succeeds. Cord runs onto the sidewalk on the other side of the street. Steadman drives on the sidewalk, plowing through old street signs and concrete flower pots. Cord sees Millennium Station up ahead. He starts to run faster and Steadman accelerates. Cord sees the stair banister of the stairs leading down. He jumps on the banister and slides down into the station.


Steadman slams on the brake but crashes into the entrance. He gets thrown through the front window and rolls out into the street. INT. MILLENIUM STATION - DEPARTURE BOOTH - MOMENTS LATER Cord walks up to the armored booth. The BOOTH ATTENDANT is a somewhat heavy set man with brown hair. BOOTH ATTENDANT Can I help you? CORD Yeah. I was thinking of heading out West. BOOTH ATTENDANT Oh really. You have a preference? CORD I was thinking Yuma. I like the warm climate. BOOTH ATTENDANT That’s Red Land. You sure about that? CORD Yeah. BOOTH ATTENDANT Okay. You need to sign this life waiver, saying that you are going on your own accord and any possessions left in the Windy City will automatically be donated to the people and black market. CORD I don’t have any possessions here so you don’t have to worry about that. BOOTH ATTENDANT You have any items that you’re taking with you to Red Land. Something that will save your life. Cord opens his jacket to show his Colts and the Golden beretta. He also holds up the shotgun.


BOOTH ATTENDANT (CONT’D) You’ll fit right in. One free ride to Yuma. A ticket is dispensed and Cord takes it. INT. TRAIN - BED QUARTER - MOMENTS LATER Cord, shirtless, sits in Indian style on the floor, cleaning his guns. EXT. YUMA - TRAIN STATION - EARLY MORNING The train pulls away, showing only Cord standing alone on the platform. He jumps down and starts heading toward town. INT. BLACK MARKET - SECRET PHONEBOOTH - MOMENTS LATER Steadman, with cotton balls in his nose, walks in with his head leaned back. The machete wielder who had his arm cut off picks up the phone when it rings. EXT. ROUTE 66 - SAME TIME Deacon is on a satellite phone that has a Diablo logo on it. DEACON (into phone) Hi. Dumbfuck number two. Please put dumbfuck number one on the phone. INT. BLACK MARKET - SECRET PHONEBOOTH - SAME TIME The one armed man hands Steadman the phone. STEADMAN (to machete wielder) You can’t hand me the phone with the other arm. Steadman chuckles annoyingly. STEADMAN (CONT’D) (into phone) Speak. I don’t have all day.


INTERCUT ROUTE 66/SECRET PHONEBOOTH DEACON You can change your fucking plans when I call. STEADMAN Oh sorry, Mr. Deacon. I had no idea it was you. DEACON What part of tell Cord I was in Yuma did you think meant try and fail to kill him? STEADMAN I’m sorry. I was looking...hoping to be part of your group. DEACON Really? Part of my group? What part of your tiny frosted tipped, fucking pea brain tells you that you can be part of our group. We have real fighters and real smart people. Your are none of that. STEADMAN All the weapons and information I give you? DEACON That you try to kill me before giving it to me? That’s one reason you’ll never be in my group. STEADMAN And the other? DEACON I just don’t like you. STEADMAN If I can tell you something that Cord told me, would that change your mind? DEACON I’m listening. STEADMAN He said that he’s coming to Yuma and he said that he’s the reckoning.


Deacon has a look of subtle recognition. DEACON Okay. I like you again. Are you in your secret phone booth? STEADMAN Yes. DEACON Is the guy he left alive there with you? STEADMAN Yes. Do you need us kill Cord or something? DEACON Something. Deacon is handed an I phone with a green button on the touch screen. He hits the green button. The secret phonebooth with Steadman and the one armed goon blows up. BACK TO SCENE Deacon smiles. DEACON (CONT’D) That actually put a smile on my face. DITCH Same here. KALE Where next? DEACON Yuma. KALE Is he going to be there? DEACON If he has the hard on for me that I’ve been told he has, yep. The Diablos get on their bikes and start to ride away.


EXT. YUMA - TOWN - MORNING Cord walks into the town. The buildings look like an Old West town. People stop and watch Cord as he walks by. The SHERIFF comes out of the Sheriff’s office. He is a white man in his fifties with close cropped salt and pepper hair and a handle bar moustache. Sheriff walks up to Cord. SHERIFF Welcome to Yuma. CORD Thank you. Never really seen a town with an actual Wild West architecture. SHERIFF We built it this way after the East destroyed the old town back in ‘15. Sheriff looks at the town with a look of admiration. He looks back at Cord and is gaze is drawn to the name tag. Sheriff reaches out and pulls the jacket collar away to see the full name of the tag. SHERIFF (CONT’D) Cord? CORD Just a name I picked up. SHERIFF Really. Funny there’s supposedly a Cord who has been causing trouble all over what used to be America. CORD Yeah I heard of him, too. SHERIFF What’s your business in Yuma? CORD Waiting to meet some old friends. SHERIFF You or these friends won’t be looking to make any trouble in my town, would you?


CORD No. SHERIFF Good. Enjoy your stay. How long is your stay? CORD Just til my friends get here. So a day maybe. SHERIFF Sounds good. You should bunk up at the Blackjack at the end of the street. CORD Cool. SHERIFF Talk to Jane, she’ll help you out. Food, lodgings and maybe some company. Sheriff lightly punches Cord’s arm. CORD I’ll keep that in mind. SHERIFF Well, Jane is not the company so I wouldn’t dare ask. CORD Thanks for the warning. Cord walks down the street. The Sheriff smiles and heads into his office. INT. YUMA - SHERIFF’S OFFICE - CONTINUOUS The Sheriff sits down at his desk. He picks up his phone and calls. SHERIFF Yeah, he’ll be at the Blackjack until his “friends” arrive. He should be there tomorrow morning. He hangs up. The Sheriff’s deputy EYEBROWS walks in. Eyebrows is a balding man in his early forties with big front teeth and bushy eyebrows.


EYEBROWS What a fucking mess! SHERIFF Problems? EYEBROWS Yeah. The god damn wreck of truck and bodies that prick left on the highway. I know he’s our friend but he’s going too far. SHERIFF Yeah and if we decided to leave it, the people will rise up and take us out because they’ll think we’re incompetent or we’re in league with the Diablos. EYEBROWS But we are... SHERIFF Shut up. Is the mess cleaned up? EYEBROWS Yeah. SHERIFF Okay, good. I need your help with something. EYEBROWS What? SHERIFF There’s a new face in town for the day. EYEBROWS So? SHERIFF He bears a certain name on his name tag. A C name. EYEBROWS Cord? SHERIFF Yeah. He is giving me this condescending tone that he’s not but I want you to shake up the nest and see if it is.


EYEBROWS And what if it is? SHERIFF Then come back here and tell me. Then we wait for our friend to show and take care of it. EYEBROWS He better not destroy the town. SHERIFF Let him. I’m tired of wearing this piece of shit tin on my chest. EXT. BLACKJACK - ENTRANCE - MOMENTS LATER Two DEPUTIES confront a boy and his dog. Deputy #1 grabs the boy and starts whipping him with a belt. Deputy #2 starts kicking the dog and laughing. The boy starts crying. Deputy #1 then throws the boy against the dumpster. DEPUTY #1 Fucking brat. Tired of seeing that mutt on the street. Eyebrows fucking told you. CORD (O.S.) I have a problem with that. Cord snatches the belt from Deputy #1’s hand and kicks him in the stomach. He starts whipping Deputy #1 with the belt. Deputy #1 swings and attempts to punch Cord. Cord wraps his belt around #1’s neck and arm and throws him against the dumpster. CORD (CONT’D) I don’t give a shit what Eyebrows or eyeballs says. I see you touch this boy or this dog again and I’ll blind you and Eyebrows. Cord turns around and sees Deputy #2, standing there frozen. He walks toward the deputy and jerks his body as if he is going to attack. The deputy runs face first into the wooden post of the entrance. Cord walks toward the entrance.


BOY Thank you mister. CORD Don’t mention it, kid. INT. BLACKJACK - BAR - AFTERNOON Cord walks into the bar. Bar patrons stare at him as he sits down at the bar. JANE walks into the bar area and walks up to Cord. She is a beautiful Goth woman of the same age with short black hair with green streaks, black t-shirt, green plaid skirt, fish net stockings, and boots. JANE How can I help you stranger? She looks at his jacket name tag. CORD Whiskey if you got it. Some steak, too? JANE Sure thing. Jane leaves a bottle of Irish Whiskey. CORD How much? JANE Free for what you did earlier. CORD Thank you. Jane brings him a plate with a ribeye. Cord looks at it with surprise. CORD (CONT’D) Real cattle beef? JANE Yeah. We hunt other animals but we get the occasional lucky cow that strays near here. CORD Can I sit at a table?


JANE Sure. There’s an open one in the corner. CORD Perfect. Cord takes his jacket off and scratches his left arm, revealing the USMC brand. Jane sees it and smiles. JANE I see where all the special training comes from. Cord nods and brings his plate and bottle to the table in the corner of the eating area. INT. BLACKJACK - EATING AREA - CONTINUOUS Cord cuts a piece of steak and eats it. He has a look of euphoria on his face. Cord continues eating. He cuts another piece but feels something on his leg. Cord looks down and sees CAL. Cal is a Chocolate Labrador with grey around his mouth and paws. It rests his head on Cord’s leg, looking up at him. Cord smiles and cuts a piece of steak and feeds it to Cal. CORD Pretty good isn’t it. Eyebrows walks in and looks around. He sees Cord and walks up to the table. Eyebrows has a look of annoyance when he sees Cal sitting there. He walks up to the table and kicks Cal away. Cord lets out an annoyed and somewhat angry sigh and drops his fork and knife. EYEBROWS Jane, I thought I told your goofy looking ass to keep this dog out of here. JANE Fuck off Eyebrows.


EYEBROWS Don’t fuck with me. (to Cord) And you. You don’t have a problem with mutts being by your table? CORD I do have a problem with that but why does the dog have to leave. Eyebrows’s face brightens with anger. He attempts to punch Cord but Cord catches his fist. Cord then grabs Eyebrows by the balls. Eyebrows screams in pain. CORD (CONT’D) I hate people who kick dogs. Cord leads Eyebrow towards the door. CORD (CONT’D) How would you like if I kicked you? Cord lets him go and kicks him out the door. People stop and look. CORD (CONT’D) I hate people who are cruel and assholes. Cord walks purposefully out of the room. Jane’s breath is nearly taken away. INT. BLACKJACK - ROOM - EVENING Cord takes his jacket and shirt off and lies down. There is a knock on the door. He gets up and answers the door to reveal Jane. Jane smiles but her attention is drawn to Cord’s bare chest. CORD Can I help you? JANE Yes. I’m sorry. I was checking out..uh I mean..I’m checking on your Sorry. CORD Okay. Thank you.


JANE Are you alright? Need anything like food or female company? CORD No I’m okay. JANE Oh. Jane has a look of disappointment. JANE (CONT’D) We have guys also. CORD What? No I’m okay. I don’t need any company. Besides, I rather have you as the female company any ways. JANE Well, I provide. I don’t service. CORD Okay, then. I’m going to sleep. Cord shuts the door. He peeks through the peep hole and sees her almost walk into a wall but then down the hallway. Cord smiles and lies back down. CORD (CONT’D) Maybe that sight would give me some good dreams. EXT. BLACKJACK - DUMPSTER - MIDNIGHT Jane throws a few trash bags into the dumpster. Cal sits down and watches her. She smiles and pets his head and rubs his face. Cal turns and starts growling. Jane turns and sees Eyebrows and the two deputies. JANE Can I fucking help you? Bar’s closed. EYEBROWS That’s not what I have a problem with. (MORE)

49. EYEBROWS (CONT'D) My problem is you letting that fucker have a free bottle for beating up my boys here. They were just doing their job. I don’t like dogs on the street or in establishments.

JANE Well boo hoo. People like dogs and they don’t like you. EYEBROWS Well when the Diablos return when the sun rises later, people won’t say shit about how I feel on things. JANE Diablos? EYEBROWS Yeah, they’re back to burn your new friend to ash. Jane rolls her hand into a fist, cracking her knuckles. EYEBROWS (CONT’D) But for now. You need to pay the fine. How about a blowjob? JANE How about a spit shine? Jane spits in Eyebrows’ eye. He backhands her but she kicks him back. The deputies charge at Jane. She trips Deputy #1 and catches Deputy #2 in an arm lock. Eyebrows puts Jane in a headlock. EYEBROWS Hey guys. Better punishment. Beat that mutt’s head in. The deputy’s start to kick the dog, who cries in pain. Deputy #1 spreads his legs in a fake stretch. A foot rises up between his legs and kicks Deputy #1 in the balls. Deputy #1 screams and the foot pushes him headfirst into the dumpster. Deputy #2 sees the mysterious assailant is Cord.


CORD Now the odds are fair. Jane grabs Eyebrows by a pressure point in his wrist and back kicks him. She hits Deputy #2 in the face with a non-lethal palm strike and then knees him in the face. Cal jumps on Eyebrows and starts to attack him. Cord looks at Jane’s legs. CORD (CONT’D) That’s the best way to get knocked out. Jane is confused but looks at her legs. She looks back at him with annoyance. JANE Thanks for the compliment. (to Cal) Cal. Seize. Cal stops and runs back to her. Eyebrows starts to sit up, brushing himself off. EYEBROWS You crazy bitch. Jane steps on Eyebrows’ testicles. He groans in pain. JANE What the fuck did you call me? EYEBROWS (painfully) Nothing. I’m sorry. What do you want? JANE Never touch me or my dog again. Eyebrows nods his head quickly. She takes her foot off and Eyebrows runs off. Cord goes to walk way. JANE (CONT’D) Hey wait. Is your name really Cord? CORD Yes. JANE What’s your full name?


CORD Nunya. JANE Nunya? CORD None of your business. Leave it at that. JANE Okay that was rude. What are you hiding? Cord walks away. Jane grabs his shoulder and forcefully turns him around. Cord knocks her hand away. Jane attempts to punch but Cord blocks it and pushes her away with his forearm. Jane sidekicks Cord in the stomach and attempts a roundhouse but Cord blocks it. He rushes and holds her against the wall, his forearm against her throat. CORD I see you’re hiding a secret... Cord looks at her left arm and sees the bottom part of a Delta Force tattoo. CORD (CONT’D) Delta? JANE Before America went to hell. I came out here and my brother Daniel stayed in the army of the East. He disagreed with something his unit did and they killed him. CORD Really? JANE Yeah. They decided to blow up a school filled with children of the Western army. His friend tried to stop them and they killed both of them and threw them both in the river. CORD Why they kill your brother?


JANE Because he defended his friend. He was loyal, even to someone who got him killed. Cord slowly backs away. His face is completely blank. JANE (CONT’D) Then the unit became the Diablos. They’ll be here tomorrow. Cord slowly walks away. Jane notices his demeanor. JANE (CONT’D) Did you know them? My brother or his friend. CORD Maybe. A long time ago. Cord stumbles back into the hotel. INT. BLACKJACK - ROOM - MOMENTS LATER Cord lies under the covers. He tosses and turns, hearing screams in his head. Cord sits up real fast, screaming and crying. FADE OUT. INT. BLACKJACK - ROOM - MORNING Cord is asleep. There is knocking and barking outside the door. CORD Okay. Okay. Shut up! The knocking and barking continues. CORD (CONT’D) What the fuck. Cord gets out of bed. He puts his pants on and answers the door to Jane smiling. JANE Oh please. Don’t put your pants on my account.


Cord looks down and sees Jane is wearing black and white plaid short shorts. CORD And I thought you weren’t the nightly company. JANE Huh? CORD I see your enhancing your assets. Jane looks down and rolls her eyes. JANE No. I’m wearing these to kick ass and not give people fan service. CORD Fan service? JANE From anime where girl’s show some goodies off. CORD I never watched anime. JANE You don’t know what you’re missing. There’s one playing on television downstairs. I’ll see you when you’re ready. Jane walks away with Cal. CORD Hey, ready for what? And who’s ass are you going to kick? Jane? EXT. YUMA - TOWN - SAME TIME The Sheriff, Eyebrows, and the two Deputies wait at the entrance of town. The Diablos ride in and stop. People see them and run inside. Deacon gets off of his bike and walks up to the Sheriff. DEACON What’s happening in Mayberry, Sheriff?


SHERIFF Just a lone visitor is enjoying some food and friendship at the Blackjack. DEACON Friendship with who? EYEBROWS Jane. Some dumb former military Goth bitch. You can kill her, too. DEACON What did she do? SHERIFF (laughing) Beat up, Eyebrows. Deacon starts laughing. EYEBROWS It’s not fucking funny. SHERIFF You can burn that fucking place to the ground. It’s caused me no end of trouble. DEACON One thing at a time Sheriff. Is Cord in there? SHERIFF Yeah. DEACON Okay. Let’s go! The Diablos follow Deacon as he heads down the street. INT. BLACKJACK - EATING AREA - MOMENTS LATER Cord walks down and sees the eating area is empty except for Jane and Cal. Jane sits on the bar, lightly banging her feet against it. The anime Golgo 13 plays on the television. CORD I’m surprised you guys get tv out here.


JANE It cost a desert pirate an arm and a leg to get it. CORD So this is anime? Cord folds his arms and watches the television. On the television, there is a scene of a guy being executed with a gunshot to the head. Cord starts to have flashbacks of Daniel’s execution. Jane notices Cord’s body language. DEACON (O.S.) Cord! Cord snaps out of it. Jane hops off the bar and looks out the window. JANE They’re here. EXT. BLACKJACK - DUMPSTER - CONTINUOUS A Diablo soldier armed with a M4 Carbine searches by the dumpster and back door into Blackjack. There is a creaking sound from above. The soldier quickly looks up and sees Cord jump down onto him. EXT. YUMA - TOWN - CONTINUOUS Deacon waves over Wesley. WESLEY What’s up? DEACON Get the party crasher ready. If they don’t come out in ten minutes, burn them out. DITCH I heard Cord and this girl is in there. DEACON Yeah. Jane.


DITCH I’ve seen her before. I like her. Deacon smiles. DEACON When they come out, they’re yours. DITCH For? DEACON To kill him with your bare hands and to fuck her. And kill her. Ditch smiles. DITCH Sounds good. DEACON Hey Cord! You got ten minutes or my friends are going to burn you and your new girlfriend out. We’re not going to shoot you. Some of my associates want to see if you are as good with your hands as they say you are. Also, they want to show the girl how good they are with their hands. Deacon looks back and winks. INT. BLACKJACK - EATING AREA - CONTINUOUS Jane pulls out a sniper rifle from behind the bar. She lets Cal out the back door. Jane aims out the doorway and fires. EXT. YUMA - TOWN - SAME TIME A Diablo next to Deacon gets shot in the head. Blood splatters Deacon’s face. He spits blood out of his mouth and wipes his eyes, laughing. DEACON Good one. So is that a no? CORD (O.S.) Deacon!


Deacon has a look of familiarity on his face. He slowly turns around and sees Cord. Deacon’s lips tremble and shock comes over his face. DEACON No. You? It can’t be. DITCH Declan! WESLEY Aleman! EXT. BLACKJACK - EATING AREA - CONTINUOUS Jane lowers his rifle. JANE He’s alive? He’s Cord. EXT. YUMA - TOWN - SAME TIME DEACON Once you’re gone, you don’t come back. I put a bullet in your heart. Let me put more! Kill him! The Diablos fires at Cord who runs out of harms way. Wesley pulls out a grenade launcher. WESLEY Time for the party crasher. Wesley fires rounds, blowing up the buildings. Cord runs past, barely escaping the explosions. Wesley runs out of ammunition before he can fire at the Blackjack. Cord hurls himself through the window. INT. BLACKJACK - EATING AREA - CONTINUOUS Cord lands and sits up. CORD Now I see why they call it window pane. He stands up and cracks his back. Cord brushes glass off of himself.


Jane walks up to Cord and punches him. JANE You fucking bastard! You got my brother killed. Jane punches Cord again. She attempts to punch him one more time but Cord blocks it and holds her arm behind her back. CORD No I didn’t. That Aryan motherfucker killed him. I didn’t ask or force your brother to do anything. I don’t want to do this right now. I really need your help. Jane breaks out of Cord’s hold. JANE This isn’t over EXT. YUMA - TOWN - CONTINUOUS Deacon rolls his eyes. DEACON Fuck this. Three around the back and two through the front. Three Diablos run to the alley out back. There is machine gunfire. DEACON (CONT’D) You guys get in? The two heading towards the front stop. DEACON (CONT’D) Hello? (to the two Diablos) What the fuck are you standing there for? The two run to the door and get thrown back by a shotgun blast. Deacon lets out an annoyed sigh. DEACON (CONT’D) Wesley, get the party crasher ready. Wesley starts to load the launcher when he stops.


WESLEY Fuck there’s a jam. DEACON Send everyone. All the Diablos get off their bikes and run towards the door. INT. BLACKJACK - EATING AREA - CONTINUOUS Cord sees the large group of Diablos heading toward the Blackjack. CORD You have a lot of gasoline in here. JANE Yeah, in the back. Cord runs back and pulls out large drums of gasoline. He pokes holes in them and lets them spill out. Cord starts to pour a trail to the back door. JANE (CONT’D) What are you doing? CORD Um, do you have fire insurance? Jane glares at Cord. JANE Wait for me. Jane runs out the back door. She grabs her black jean jacket on the way out. EXT. BLACKJACK - DUMPSTER - CONTINUOUS Cord and Jane sneak up the hills on the back of the Blackjack. CORD Oh shit, I don’t have flares. Jane smiles and pulls out a flare gun from her jacket. JANE Always plan ahead.


CORD That’s what the overabundance of gasoline is for? Jane fires the flare gun. EXT. YUMA - TOWN - SAME TIME Deacon starts walking up to the building he turns and sees the flare coming down. Deacon looks at the Blackjack with shock. DEACON Wait! The flare hits and ignites the gas which blows up the Blackjack, killing most of Diablos. Deacon is sent flying back by the explosion. He screams in anger as he takes his jacket, that is somewhat engulfed in flames, off. DEACON (CONT’D) Cord! Deacon gets on his bike and takes off. What’s left of the Diablos, which includes Wesley and Ditch, follow. Cord appears from behind one of the burning walls of one of the buildings that Wesley destroyed with his grenade launcher. He shoots the last two Diablos of the column. Cord runs up to the bikes and grabs one of them. He hops on and rides after the Diablos. Eyebrows takes a long chain with a large knot and throws it at the back wheel of the bike that Cord is riding. The chain latches on and the knot forces the bike to stop, sending Cord flipping over the handlebars. Cord painfully but quickly gets up. The Sheriff, Eyebrows, and the two Deputies walk up slowly with their guns trained on Cord. CORD What the fuck are you doing!? SHERIFF I told you that I didn’t want any trouble.


CORD They just destroyed the town. SHERIFF We don’t give a fuck about the town. We want our patches and there is only one way that we are shoe ins. Cord lets out a annoyed sigh. SHERIFF (CONT’D) Don’t worry. We’re not stupid enough to get close to you. CORD At least, I’m going to be killed by geniuses. The four lower their guns. SHERIFF There’s a story I heard about you. CORD Well, I spoke too soon. The Sheriff rolls his eyes. SHERIFF I heard that one time in Texas, you quick drawed five guys. EYEBROWS Yeah, with a solid silver Beretta. CORD You mean solid gold Beretta. Yeah, I heard that story before. The gun looked a little bit like this one. Cord holds his jacket open to show the golden beretta in his waist band. The four raise their guns at Cord again. The Sheriff waves their guns down. SHERIFF Get out your pistols. Eyebrows and the Deputies look at him confused. SHERIFF (CONT’D) Get out your pistols! I want to see if the legend is true.


Eyebrows and the Deputies throw their guns down and pull out their pistols. SHERIFF (CONT’D) Let’s be fair. Put them in our waistbands. The four put the pistols in their waistbands. Cord spits to his side. CORD I warn you. Some legends are true. The four laugh and go to draw their guns. Cord is quick on the draw and shoots all four of them: Both deputies in the head, Eyebrows in the eye, and the Sheriff in the chest. The Sheriff is dying while the other three are dead. Cord walks up to the Sheriff. CORD (CONT’D) Where are they going? SHERIFF Some outpost out of town. There’s a small trading point and this ranch that serves as relay hideout to their main one. I don’t know where that is. Honest. They do supply runs on Route 66. That’s all I know. CORD That’s all I need. Cord shoots the Sheriff in the head, killing him. EXT. RED LAND - DESERT - LATER Cord and Jane walk through the desert. Jane lets out an annoyed sigh and stops. Cord stops when he sees Jane stopped. CORD Let’s go. I don’t want to hang out here in the open. JANE I’m not going anywhere. I told you that this is not over.


CORD You want to kill me. Go right ahead. Then you can kill all those bastards. If you don’t mind waiting, I’ll kill them and you can kill me then. I can’t live with this shit anymore. JANE Oh and I can? My brother got killed helping you and you can’t live with it. CORD I did not ask him to help me! I could have done what I needed to do on my own and got killed doing it. He could have followed Deacon’s orders and killed me if he wanted to. I really wish he did. Cord’s voice chokes up. His eyes are glistened with tears. Cord is about to say something but waves it off and walks quickly ahead. Jane runs after him. JANE Wait. CORD You want to go back or go back to your family, please do. I can’t guarantee your safety where I’m going. Cord takes a deep breath as he fights back more tears. He wipes the tear on his face. Jane grabs his shoulder and turns him around. Cord looks away. Jane lightly pulls his face back and hugs him. JANE I’m sorry. I didn’t know that it meant so much to you as it did for me. CORD You have a place we can lay low?


JANE Yeah. I have a cabin and my dad lives right near what used to be Las Vegas. CORD Tim? JANE You know him? CORD He trained me. He was as much a father to me as he was you guys. JANE I don’t know if he has those same feelings about you now as he did before. CORD I don’t blame him. Jane takes the lead and they walk off. CORD (CONT’D) Where did Cal go? JANE He finds his way back to my dad. INT. JANE’S CABIN - BEDROOM/KITCHEN - NIGHT The cabin is only two rooms. One room has a small kitchen and bedroom and the other room is a bathroom. Cord takes apart and cleans his guns. INT. JANE’S CABIN - SAME TIME Jane stands still in the shower letting the water run on her back. She starts crying. INT. JANE’S CABIN - BEDROOM/KITCHEN - CONTINUOUS Cord stops and walks up the door and puts his ear against it. He lowers his head in shame and lies against the door. When the shower stops, he walks away from the door. Cord sets up a sleeping bag on the floor.


Cord takes his shirt and pants off and gets in the sleeping bag and lies down. Jane comes out of the bathroom, wearing only a towel. She drys her hair with a hair dryer. The dryer stops. JANE You listen to a lot of naked girls cry in the shower? CORD Huh? JANE I can hear as well. CORD Sorry. You okay? JANE I am now. Spent most of my miserable existence in that fucking dump putting up with sexist comments just waiting for the day I can kill the guy I felt responsible for my brother’s death. All this time, I blamed the wrong guy. CORD It happens. We all blame the wrong people. Cord lies on his side, still facing her. She stands up about to take the towel off. JANE Do you mind? CORD I never mind a naked woman. JANE (annoyed) Turn around. Perv. Cord lies on his other side, smiling. Jane rolls her eyes and takes her towel off and quickly gets under the covers of the bed. JANE (CONT’D) Okay. You can look now. Cord turns back.


JANE (CONT’D) Sorry. I don’t have a lot of sleeping wear here and it’s always hot out here. CORD I understand. It does get hot out here. Cord lies on his back and closes his eyes. JANE You can sleep in the bed if you want. CORD I thought you weren’t female “company”? JANE I’m not. I thought you would be more comfortable in the bed. As long as you stay on your side. CORD I move in my sleep. JANE So? CORD I don’t want to accidently touch you in my sleep. Even though, I’ll probably enjoy it. JANE Well, if you’re asleep. I’ll just nudge you. CORD If I play asleep? JANE Then I’ll twist off you’re manhood. CORD Thanks for the warning. Cord gets out of the sleeping bag. He grabs a small pipe on the floor and puts it on the half point of the bed. Cord smiles and gets under the blanket.


JANE Thank you. EXT. DIABLO RANCH - WELL - EARLY MORNING Deacon is pacing back and forth, with a .357 Long nose revolver. A DOCTOR is trying to bandage burns on his shoulder. DEACON Are you done yet? DOCTOR Well, if you hold fucking still for a second. Deacon shoots the doctor in the head. DEACON Get me another one. This one’s sprung a leak. Kale and Wesley walk up to Deacon. DEACON (CONT’D) Well? KALE We looked everywhere. DEACON So where’s the bodies? WESLEY We didn’t find them anywhere. DEACON Then you didn’t look everywhere then. Because they just didn’t go invisible in the middle of the fucking desert! Continue. KALE What? DEACON Let me spell it out you two shit for brains. I want you to comb this entire fucking desert. Even Death Valley if you have to. Kale rolls his eyes and waves Wesley with him. The two leave.


Deacon turns around and sees a boy in a bucket above the well. He puts a roll of barbed wire in the bucket. Deacon puts on iron gloves and pulls out a strand of wire. He puts it in the boy’s hand. DEACON (CONT’D) You want to be a good little boy and live. I’m going to pull this entire roll through your hands. If you don’t let go, you live with some medical attention. If not, then you will be another boy that fell in the well. Except there’s no big news story for you. The boy starts to cry. Deacon starts pulling the wire. The boy’s cries get louder as the wire cuts his hands. Deacon has a mischievous grin. The roll almost gets to the end of the roll. DEACON (CONT’D) Almost home. The boy lets go. DEACON (CONT’D) Oops. Deacon smiles and lets out a falling whistle. He shoots the rope holding the bucket, sending the bucket and the boy plummeting to the bottom. The boy screams as he falls. INT. JANE’S CABIN - BEDROOM/KITCHEN - MOMENTS LATER Cord is sitting up, screaming. Jane is out of the bed, with the blanket wrapped around her with a look of fear on his face. Cord rubs his face and hair. CORD I’m sorry. Jane sits on the bed next to him. JANE You still dream about the war?


CORD The war. The school. Everything. JANE You even have nightmares about killing those scum. CORD You kill anything and you have nightmares about it. That makes you human. JANE If you don’t? CORD Then you become Deacon. Jane’s attention is drawn to the scar on Cord’s chest. She touches it. Cord’s hand lightly grabs hers and holds it for a second but lightly pushes her hand away. JANE How is it possible? CORD A birth defect that was never diagnosed. JANE You’re heart is on the other side of your chest? CORD Yep. JANE So where did you go after the school? FLASHBACK - DECLAN BECOMES CORD Cord stumbles through the forest and comes across a dead body with same type of clothes that he is wearing now. He dresses up in the clothes and buries his military outfit. CORD (V.O.) I came across a dead rebel in the forest as I searched for some help. He was wearing a military jacket that read “Cord.”


JANE (V.O.) So that’s where Cord came from? FLASHBACK - CORD’S TAIL CONTINUED Cord rests on a boat and it comes into port at New Orleans. A nurse fixes his wounds. A Diablo attacks the nurse and starts tearing her clothes. Cord punches the back of the Diablo’s head and snaps his neck. CORD (V.O.) Yeah. I put on his clothes and sailed down the Mississippi to New Orleans where there was a refugee medical post. After getting healed, I saved the nurses from a rapist Diablo and they asked my name. I gave them Cord because Declan Aleman was supposed to be dead. JANE (V.O.) And that’s when the legend started. FLASHBACK CONTINUED Cord walks into a Cherokee camp. The Cherokees teach Cord how to fight with other weapons. CORD (V.O.) Yeah. I used my training and further training with the Cherokees to kill any Diablo I came across. FLASHBACK CONTINUED Cord, how he looks now, walks out of the Cherokee camp and purposefully out to the desert. BACK TO SCENE Cord lies down and Jane then lays her head on his chest. EXT. JANE’S CABIN - BACK YARD - MORNING Cord sweeps sand off a heavy board. He lifts the board up to reveal a weapons cache, including a rocket launcher. CORD A rocket launcher? I’m impressed. You’re father trust you with holding his toys.


Jane giggles. JANE Who says these are my father’s? Cord raises his eyebrow and has a slight smirk. EXT. DIABLO OUTPOST - AFTERNOON Jane walks up, wearing the same outfit she had in the Blackjack the night she met Cord, to the outpost. The outpost is a small hut with windows and a no crossing sign and spike strip covering the road. There are two Diablos guarding. They both tap each other when they see Jane walking up to the outpost. Jane walks up with a big smile on her face. JANE Hello boys. Kale wanted to thank you for your hard work. OUTPOST GUARD #1 He did? JANE Yes. OUTPOST GUARD #2 And how is he going to reward us? JANE Wait here and I’ll right back with how. Jane walks away and looks over her shoulder smiling back at the guards. The guards giggle and jump around. OUTPOST GUARD #1 I’ve been waiting for a big bang. JANE And here it is! Cord pops up with the rocket launcher. He fires and obliterates the shed, killing the two guards.


EXT. ROUTE 66 - CONTINUOUS The convoy rolls by. It is made up of a military truck carrying explosives and guns, two pick up trucks in the front and back of the truck, and six bikes: three leading the convoy and the other three watching the back. Kale is one of the three bikers at the front. There is still smoke back in the distance from the blown up outpost. Kale looks through his rearview mirror at the smoke. He makes a call on his phone that is connected to headphones in his helmet. DEACON (V.O.) What’s up? KALE We’re running ahead of schedule but can you send Wesley or Ditch to check out the outpost. There’s a massive cloud of smoke. DEACON (V.O.) Okay. I’ll check it out. You worry about the payload. On a stone ridge overlooking the road where the convoy is coming up. Cord and Jane lay on their stomachs watching the convoy. JANE That’s Kale. CORD Who? JANE Deacon’s brother. CORD Excellent. Let’s give Deacon a little payback. Jane has a small radio looking apparatus next to her. When the convoy is parallel to them, Cord points to Jane. She flips a switch. There is a piercing sound emitted. The radio and Kale’s phone go dead. KALE What the fuck?


Cord picks up a heavy rock. When the convoy nears it end, he throws the rock and hits the last biker of the convoy in the face. Cord jumps down and gets on the newly unoccupied bike. Jane throws down a grappling hook and chain. Cord rides after the other two of the bikers at the back of the convoy. He hooks one end of the chain onto the back of the bike on the right. Cord throws the hook in the back wheel of the left bike. The hook rolls in the tire and the wheel stops, causing the bike to stop and sending the rider flipping over the handle bars. The bike on the right tries to accelerate but the chain latched on pulls the bike to a quick stop and slams the bike on its side. Cord rides up to the two pick ups. He jumps on the gate of the bed. The passenger seat gunman turns around and Cord ducks down so he is not seen. Cord slowly climbs over the gate and rolls in the bed. The passenger seat gunman turns around to see a gun barrel. He gets shot in the head. The driver reacts and starts swerving towards to the other truck. Cord uses this opportunity and jumps into the bed of the other truck. He shoots both passenger and driver. Cord breaks the back window and slides into the truck. He pushes the dead driver out and takes over driving. The dead passenger falls against Cord. CORD You are beautiful, but no thanks. Cord swerves over and pushes the other truck to the rock wall. Jane, with a backpack, jumps from the ridge into the other truck and then jumps into the truck Cord is driving. The driver of the other truck pulls a gun and points it at Cord. Cord smiles and points ahead. The driver looks ahead and freaks out when he sees a small boulder. The truck hits the boulder and flies. The truck lands and flips forward. Cord drives after the military truck. Jane opens her backpack to reveal a bomb. She sets it and throws the bomb into the military truck.


Cord drives by and gives thumbs up to the two people in the front. The bomb explodes and the explosion rips through the entire truck. CORD (CONT’D) I need you to take over! Jane climbs on the side and gets in the driver seat. He skirt somewhat flies up, showing off black underwear. Cord smiles and opens up the side door and starts to climb to the front of the truck. CORD (CONT’D) Nice panties. I figured black. Jane swerves into the stone wall, lightly banging Cord against it. CORD (CONT’D) Ow! JANE (sarcastic) Sorry. It was an accident. Cord shakes his head disapprovingly. He gets on the hood of the truck. Jane speeds up to the truck on the right. Cord jumps into the bed. He pulls a gun on two in the truck. There is a car honk and Kale wraps a chain around Cord’s neck. Cord fires and hits the passenger in the head. Kale manages to disarm Cord of his gun. Cord gets thrown headfirst into the back window, cracking the window more. Kale tries to stomp Cord’s head but Cord moves and Kale’s foot goes through the window, startling the driver. Cord low blows Kale and puts him in a headlock. Kale elbows Cord in the sternum and whips the chain upward, hitting Cord in the forehead. Cord’s head starts to bleed. Kale whips the chain at Cord again but dodges the attacks. The chain whips at Cord again but he hits the chain with his hand and the chain wraps around his hand. He starts punching Kale in the face with his chain wrapped fist.


The driver of the truck swerves over to the other truck. The impact sends Cord falling out of the truck. Cord quickly grabs on to the side of the bed of the other truck. One of the bikers in front decelerates and grabs onto the side of the truck Cord is on. Jane drives up on the ridge. She manages to get ahead of the two trucks. The other truck, not realizing their own biker is of the truck, swerves over to try and crush Cord. his legs up and rolls into the bed before the two smash against each other, crushing the biker that side.

on the side He swings trucks was on the

The passenger in the truck hangs out the window and aims his gun at Cord. Jane jumps out of the truck she is driving. She jumps down on the roof of the truck Cord is in and kicks the passenger hanging out the window. The passenger gets caught hanging upside down from the window. She flips into the driver seat and kicks the driver out of the seat, causing him to swerve and crush his companion hanging out the window. Jane yanks the driver out and starts driving the truck now. Kale knocks on the back of the window. The driver hands him a shotgun. Cord throws his buckle blade into the hand of Kale. Kale screams in agony as Cord jumps on the edge of the truck bed. Cord jumps and drop kicks Kale out of the truck bed. Kale flies out of the truck and lands on a big rock, smashing the back of his head. The truck that Jane was driving before finally crashes off the ridge and into the path of the truck Cord jumped into to. The driver swerves back at Jane’s truck. Cord jumps in the bed and Jane speeds off. The enemy truck driver sees the crashed truck too late and crashes into it, sending the driver through the windshield. The truck starts to flip forward. Jane speeds past the lone biker who was oblivious to the chaos that transpired. Cord smiles and throws a cross lug wrench.


The wrench hits the biker in the face, causing him to crash. The driver sent through the windshield and the biker groggily stand up and are quickly crushed by the flipping truck. Cord gets in the truck and looks down at Jane’s leg, with a devious smirk. CORD Talk about some fan service. Jane rolls her eyes and punches Cord in the arm. As the truck drives away, Deacon, Wesley, and Ditch ride up to the wreckage of the convoy. Ditch and Wesley check on the fiery wreck of the military truck. The fire sets off more ammunition, causing them to run away. Deacon rides up to Kale’s body. There is a big smear of blood and skull against the rock. Kale has a blank stare and blood coming out of his mouth, nose, and eyes. A vulture lands by Kale and starts pecking at his fingers. Deacon angrily pulls out his gun and shoots the vulture. His hands tremble as he rubs Kale’s face. DEACON Kale? Deacon starts shaking Kale’s body. Tears build up in his eyes. DEACON (CONT’D) Kale? No! Wesley and Ditch run up to Deacon. DEACON (CONT’D) I want that motherfucker dead. If he thinks we’re even, he’s dead wrong! EXT. TIM’S CABIN - FRONT - EVENING The truck pulls in front of a reddish brown cabin. The door swings open and a SIXTY SOMETHING MAN WITH MILITARY CUT GRAY HAIR WITH A HINT OF BROWN comes out with a shotgun and Cal by his side. The porch light is on but Cord stays back in the dark when he walks up.


TIM I don’t know what the fuck you want but you’re not getting it here. JANE Dad. Jane walks up. TIM Jane? Oh my goodness. What are you doing here? Jane and Tim hug. TIM (CONT’D) Oh god I missed you. And you mind explaining the outfit. JANE You know that Diablos were going after any military personnel on this side of the country. I had to improvise. I like it though. Tim shakes his head and rolls his eyes. TIM As long as your happy. Who’s that? JANE Please don’t be mad. He saved me from them. TIM Who? Cord walks out of the darkness with his head down. He slowly looks up, revealing his face. Tim is, at first, confused but his face registers recognition. TIM (CONT’D) Declan? CORD Yes, sir. TIM I thought they killed you along with Daniel. I heard you took one in the heart.


CORD I thought I did but they missed. I know that you want nothing to do with me but I have nowhere else to go. Tim walks up to Cord. He grabs and squeezes the collar of Cord’s jacket. Tim’s face is angry but his face melts into happiness. His eyes are filled with tears as he pulls Cord into a hug. TIM I thought I lost you. Cord is confused but returns the hug. INT. TIM’S CABIN - KITCHEN - CONTINUOUS Tim and Cord stare at each other at the table. Cal sits in the middle. He looks over at Tim. TIM How you been? CORD Good. Cal looks back at Cord and back at Tim. TIM Where were you all this time? CORD All over. Mainly New Orleans and Mexico. Also, trained and lived with the Cherokees. TIM That’s not far from here. Why didn’t you come to see me? Cal looks back at Cord. CORD I needed them to think I was pushing daisies. I knew they’d be watching you so it was dangerous if I came here.


TIM What like I can’t handle myself in a “situation.” CORD I know you can. Cal looks back at Tim. TIM So you’ve been cutting a path through the Diablos? CORD Yeah, I’ve heard something like that. TIM You hear anything about a Diablo convoy being taken out this afternoon. I hear Deacon’s little brother got killed. Cal looks at Cord. CORD Yeah I heard that one, too. TIM Cut the bullshit. Your little fucking guerilla campaign just became a full on fucking war moment Kale flatlined. That’s why I’m armed at any person who comes to the door. Deacon has been on the war path looking for you two. (to Jane) That’s right, miss. He’s looking for you, too. It seems he wasn’t alone in your convoy attack. JANE They killed Daniel. You forget about that. TIM I’ve never forgotten about your brother! I’m sorry I don’t want any harm coming your way if I decide to go Charles Bronson on all those pieces of worm shit. Tim gets up and rests his hands on his side.


TIM (CONT’D) Get what you need and go somewhere else. JANE Fine. TIM Not you. You can stay as long as you need. (to Cord) You. I want gone. You’ve brought nothing but trouble to me the moment I promised your father that I would take care of you. CORD I never wanted any of this to happen. I never wanted Daniel to help me. I’d prefer he kill me then him die because of me. Cord walks out of the cabin. JANE You can’t send him out there alone. They’ll kill him. TIM He can handle himself. JANE Well, I’m not sending him out there alone. Jane storms out. EXT. TIM’S CABIN - FRONT - CONTINUOUS Cord sits in the pick up, staring straight ahead. Jane gets in the pick up next to him. CORD Get out. You need to stay here. JANE You need my help. CORD No, it’s not safe. Your brother helped me and look what happened.


JANE That was his choice and this is mine. CORD No it’s mine. Get what you need and go to Phoenix if it’s still a stronghold. JANE It is. CORD Go there. You can’t go with me. JANE Why do you worry about my welfare? CORD Because I care about you too much! Cord seems shocked by that revelation. Jane is just as shocked. She opens the door and gets out of the truck. He starts the truck and drives away. Jane’s confused face is bathed in the red and white glow of the busted tail lights. As the truck drives away, Jane starts to cry as Cal barks and somewhat whines. JANE Don’t worry boy. I don’t know if he’s coming back. EXT. ROUTE 66 - LATER Cord drives up to a ridge overlooking the carnage. He jumps down and looks at the wrecks of trucks and bikes. Cord looks around and sees no bodies. CORD Great. They cleared them out. A sting grenade drops by Cord. He jumps away from the blast but gets hit with the rubber balls. Cord gets up slowly. There is small welts on the side of his neck and a couple on his cheek. DEACON (O.S.) Hurts doesn’t it?


Cord slowly turns around and sees Deacon sitting on the ridge. DEACON (CONT’D) Remember when we set those off on the crowd in Kansas City. No matter how tough or how built the man was, these were the ultimate kryptonite to anyone. Deacon jumps down from the ridge. Cord quickly but painfully walks up to Deacon. DEACON (CONT’D) Oh come on. Cord throws a punch but screams in pain. DEACON (CONT’D) Yeah, those stingers don’t help your punches. Deacon hits Cord in the nose. Wesley and Ditch appear. DEACON (CONT’D) Ditch, join in. DITCH Thank you. Ditch lifts Cord off of his feet by his jacket collar and throws him hard against the ridge wall. Wesley whips out a baton and hits Cord across the shin and hits him on top of the head. Cord is semi conscious. CORD Just fucking kill me. DEACON Oh, you’re punishment is more severe. Let’s take him back to the palace. EXT. ROUTE 66 - MORNING Jane runs up to where Cord was last. She finds Cord’s jacket. Jane holds it to her face and notices tire treads leading north. She turns and sees the truck that Cord was driving.


Jane runs up to it and sees the keys are still in the ignition. She starts the truck and drives north. EXT. CAESAR’S PALACE - OUTDOOR ARENA - DAY There is a ring with a cage surrounding it in the middle. The arena seats are filled with grungy people. There are several men and women wearing Diablo vests and jackets. Everyone is cheering loudly as Diablos, including Ditch, on bikes ride circles around the arena. A pickup truck drives through the arena entrance. Wesley is driving a pickup truck. On the bed is Deacon sitting in a seat wearing a crown. He has two women sitting on each leg. Deacon pushes them off and stands up with his arms raised. Wesley opens his door and stands on the edge of the door frame, fist pumping. Wesley hands Deacon a microphone. DEACON (into microphone) Yeah! The crowd cheers more. DEACON (CONT’D) Hello, all you motherfuckers. The crowd continues cheering but now they are stomping their feet, too. DEACON (CONT’D) All of you have suffered. Some of the true followers have suffered from lack of food and entertainment. Some of you have suffered so we can get food and entertainment. Deacon giggles. DEACON (CONT’D) But we all looked for something or someone to blame. We have found that someone. Ladies and Gentlemen, my gift to you. Hailing from the dark recesses of hell. (MORE)

84. DEACON (CONT’D) For the first time fighting in the great Deacon’s Palace. Cord!

Cord, with no jacket and shirt, is handcuffed. He is pushed through the entrance. The crowd boos and throws popcorn and garbage at him. He is pushed up to the door of the cage. Wesley unlocks the handcuffs. He looks over his shoulder with a smirk at Deacon. Wesley headbutts Cord and Cord is pushed into the cage. He quickly turns around but the cage is locked. Wesley smiles at an angry Cord. DEACON (O.S.) (CONT’D) Well, here he is! Cord looks up and sees Deacon sitting on a throne overlooking the cage. Deacon nods his head. DEACON (CONT’D) My brother died pretty quickly. I can’t promise the same for you. People start cheering loudly. Cord looks at the entrance and sees a bald CHINESE man with a tiger and dragon tattoo on his chest. DEACON (CONT’D) Ladies and gentlemen! All the way from the Orient. He came across the polluted Pacific Ocean just for the opportunity to kick this fucker’s head in. Sung Loo! SUNG LOO steps into the cage. FIGHT SCENE - SUNG LOO VS CORD Sung Loo immediately round house kicks Cord in the head, knocking Cord on the ground. Cord quickly pushes himself up and ducks to avoid a spin kick. He follows up with a round house to Loo’s chest. Loo flips back up. He runs and attempts a bicycle kick. Cord sidesteps to avoid the kick and clotheslines Loo out of mid air.


Loo painfully but quickly sits up but Cord kicks him hard in the mouth causing Loo to spit a stream of blood out. Cord then stomps down, crushing Loo’s trachea, killing him. BACK TO SCENE Two Diablos with machine guns aim their guns at Cord. Two other Diablos drag Loo out of the ring. Only the Diablos in the crowd boo as the rest of the crowd is silent. Deacon stands up with a look of annoyance. DEACON (CONT’D) Well, you beat one of the best. One. Let’s move to medium difficulty. The crowd starts cheering. DEACON (CONT’D) All the way from Hamburg, Germany. Don’t ask me how I got him here. Gunther Brakus. GUNTHER walks slowly out of the entrance. The top of his head has small spikes while all sides of his head is bald. He is very tall and muscular. Gunther steps in the cage. GUNTHER (in German) For soon to be deceased, I salute you. Gunther salutes Cord. CORD (in German) You seem so sure. Gunther is stunned but then he smiles. GUNTHER (in German) I’m an optimist. CORD (in German) You mean an idiot. FIGHT SCENE - GUNTHER VS CORD Gunther grabs Cord’s neck with both hands. Cord tries to bend and pulls Gunther’s fingers off but they are too strong.


Gunther laughs until Cord chops down and knocks Gunther’s arms away. Cord then tackles Gunther and slams him against the cage. Gunther puts Cord in a waist lock and throws him. Cord yells in pain when he lands hard on the mat. Gunther walks quickly up to Cord. Cord pushes himself up quickly and kicks Gunther’s knee, causing him to drop down to one knee. He then elbows Gunther on the neck. Gunther punches Cord in the balls. He quickly grabs him into a fireman’s carry and slams him on his back. Gunther pulls Cord onto his feet by his hair. He then punches Cord in the face twice. Cord’s cheek and lip is bleeding. Gunther military presses Cord over his head. GUNTHER (in German) Ha. Still feel on top of the world. I’m going to bring you down. CORD Oh shit! Gunther throws Cord. Cord slams against the cage, rolls off the rope, and slams on the mat. Cord rolls on his side, painfully. He groan in pain. Gunther stomps his foot down. Cord quickly rolls out of the way and stomp his foot to kick Gunther in the balls. Gunther attempts a punch. Cord catches his arm and snaps the arm by bending it backwards. Gunther is screaming in agony as Cord stomps Gunther’s lower back, causing him to arch back. Cord punches him in the back of the neck and puts him in a reverse sleeper. He punches and elbows Gunther in the sternum and snaps Gunther’s neck. BACK TO SCENE Cord drops to one knee as Gunther is dragged out of the ring.


DEACON (O.S.) It looks like he is getting tired. That means the last participant going to have an easy time. Cord pushes himself up and stands up. He spits blood off to the side. CORD I’ll be even more ready if it’s you. DEACON Sorry I have men to get their hands dirty. There’s a word for guys like me. CORD Pussy? DEACON Leader. (into microphone) Ladies and gentlemen. The main event. This man has killed, raped, burned, and maimed people from the East to the West. He was on death row in the East but death row inmates are Diablo recruiting posters. The Diablos cheer. DEACON (CONT’D) The Ultimate Solution. Bleeder Skaggs! Cord turns to look at the entrance. A tall, muscular man with short military cut jet black hair walks out. He has five o’clock shadow and has cuts on his arms like a tally. DEACON (CONT’D) How many of those cuts were women and children that didn’t get killed in that school? BLEEDER steps into the cage. He waves to the crowd who cheers loudly. Bleeder stands and salutes Deacon. Deacon salutes back.


BLEEDER (to Cord) Well, if it isn’t everyone’s favorite traitor. Cord cracks his knuckles as he balls his hands up into fists. DEACON Cord. Cord turns around to look at Deacon and Bleeder runs and drop kicks Cord back into the cage. DEACON (CONT’D) (laughing) Not important. Bleeder quickly kicks Cord in the stomach and punch Cord across the mouth. Cord attempts to punch Bleeder. Bleeder blocks the punch and elbows Cord’s knee as he tries to kick. He follows up with a hard elbow to Cord’s stomach. Bleeder holds Cord by the neck and knees him in the face. He then slams Cord’s head against the cage. Bleeder attempts another kick but Cord blocks it and runs his forearms into his chest to push him back. Cord sidesteps to avoid a side kick. He catches the leg and punches his knee. Bleeder hobbles back. Cord blocks a right and left punch and counter attacks with punch to the nose. Bleeder attempts a side kick with his good leg. Cord catches the leg. He punches and elbows the knee. Cord quickly spins to the ground. He punches and elbows Bleeder’s bad knee. Bleeder collapses, screaming in pain. Cord grabs his arm. He pulls his arm up and twists and snaps Bleeder’s wrist. Bleeder is screaming in agony. Cord puts his foot on the side of Bleeder’s neck. He stomps down on Bleeder’s neck, snapping it and killing him. The two armed Diablos walk in the cage but are now armed with tasers. They shoot Cord. Cord convulses and collapses to the ground.


INT. ROUTE 66 - SAME TIME Jane is driving. The truck spudders and dies by a knocked over mileage sign that tells drivers how many miles to Las Vegas. She opens the hood and a large cloud of smoke emits. JANE Fuck. She grabs a book bag and walks past the sign. Jane is unaware that a Diablo is following her. INT. DIABLO RANCH - TORTURE ROOM - CONTINUOUS Cord is kicked and punch by a group of Diablos with Wesley cheering them on. Deacon walks in with a razor, Bowie knife, and clippers. DEACON In old Maze prison, they used to kick Bobby Sands ass and then forcefully wash and cut his hair and beard. Since you’ve washed recently, we have to cut and shave you. But let’s kick your ass a little more first. Wesley joins in, whipping Cord with his belt. He wraps the belt around his neck and holds him on his knees. Cord’s face is beaten and bruised. Deacon starts sawing chunks of Cord’s hair with the knife. Cord cringes as Deacon pulls more. DEACON (CONT’D) Please fight some more because it makes it better. Deacon continues sawing. EXT. DESERT - SAME TIME Jane jogs through the desert. She hears movement behind her and quickly pulls out a butterfly knife. Jane turns around quickly with the blade drawn but there is no one there. She turns back around and sees a Diablo standing there.


Jane is about to attack but the Diablo falls on his face, with a tomahawk in the back of his head. CHEROKEE INDIANS pop out from behind rocks, with guns drawn. Jane tosses the knife into the already dead Diablo body. She puts her hands up. EXT. DIABLO RANCH - BACK YARD - CONTINUOUS The yard is pretty much sand with tiny patches of dying grass. There is a big wooden post in the middle of it. Diablos drag Cord to the post and stand him up. They put his back against the post and tie his hands behind his back. Cord’s beard is shaved off but he has a few cuts on his cheek and chin. His hair is now shorter but chopped up. Deacon walks out with a sharpened file from a nail clipper. He walks up to Cord smiling and quickly slashes Cord’s side with it. Cord screams in pain. DEACON You like that? It’s Chinese. There like paper cuts but they hurt like hell. CORD You want me to be in severe pain? Deacon grabs Cord by the throat and gets in his face. DEACON Nothing will be as severe as seeing your brother dead and you couldn’t even say good bye. CORD Try watching your brother get his head blown off, just because he wouldn’t follow some asshole’s order to kill me. Deacon lets go. DEACON Is that it? If it means anything to you, I am really sorry. I didn’t find no pleasure in killing him. Why do you think Ditch holds on to his dog tags? (MORE)

91. DEACON (CONT'D) It’s to remember what a good soldier he was. You’re a good soldier if you’re willing to question authority when it’s the right time.

CORD But it wasn’t the right time when he questioned yours? DEACON It’s never the right time if you disobey me. Deacon nods to Cord. The two Diablos cut Cord’s hands loose. They turn Cord around and tie his hands around the post, exposing his back to Deacon. CORD While you’re over there, you can kiss my ass. Deacon starts laughing. DEACON Your ass is the least of my worries. A whip is handed to Deacon. DEACON (CONT’D) (speaking in a stereotypical southern accent) It’s time for a whipping boy. Deacon starts whipping Cord’s back. Every lash makes Cord scream louder. EXT. DESERT - SAME TIME Tim, wearing an armored vest with ammunition and wielding an AK-47, runs through the desert. He hears the screams coming from the distance. Tim runs toward the screams. EXT. DIABLO RANCH - BACK YARD - CONTINUOUS Cord is semi conscious and leaning against the post. There are several lashes on his back and they are bleeding.


Wesley cuts the binds and Cord fall on his back. He moans weakly. Deacon stands over him. CORD (weakly) What’s next? DEACON The most severe death I can find. Can I tell you a story? CORD (weakly) I’ve been tortured all day. What’s more going to do? DEACON You’ve been to church before right? If not, there was a high priest Ciaphas. A Jewish high priest. CORD I’ve heard of him. DEACON Well, Jesus comes along preaching the word of God. Ciaphas saw this as a threat to his power. He cared about his power as much as I did about Kale. And since you have become a threat to that power, I figured a death that would really suit you. (to Diablos) Crucifix him! EXT. ROUTE 66 - MOMENTS LATER An abandoned tow truck sits. Cord’s hands, waist and legs are tied to the cross part of the back. Barbed wire is wrapped around Cord’s head. The wire starts to make his head bleed. EXT. DIABLO RANCH - BACK YARD - CONTINUOUS Six Diablos are cleaning blood off the post and ground. One of the Diablos goes to grab a bottle of bleach.


Tim appears behind him and snaps his neck. He pulls a knife out of the sheath of the Diablo he just killed. Tim throws the knife into another Diablo’s forehead. He shoots three Diablos down and leaves one alive. TIM Where is he? DIABLO #3 Fuck off. Tim shoots him in the crotch. The Diablo screams. TIM That’s one. You got the other one and your dick. What’s next? DIABLO #3 Oh you mean your personal Jesus. We gave him the same treatment. Except this time there won’t be no earthquake to destroy the temple. Tim shoots the Diablo in the head. He looks at the ground and manages to see a trail leading out of the yard to the road. TIM The fucking convoy. God damn it. Tim runs towards the road. EXT. ROUTE 66 - CONTINUOUS The sun starts to beam down at Cord. He is bleeding and sweating profusely. A vulture flies down and starts to peck at Cord. It climbs down to his chest and starts climbing on his chest. The vulture continues pecking at Cord. Cord head butts the vulture and bites into his neck, killing it. He hears footsteps walking up to him. DANIEL (O.S.) So how’s it hanging? Cord looks over and sees Daniel looking up at him. CORD (weak) Danny?


DANIEL Yeah. How is it you end up in these dumb ass situations? CORD Cause I’m a dumb ass. Isn’t it obvious? Daniel pulls the crown of barbed wire off. He starts cutting the wires that hold Cord onto the cross of the truck. Cord falls off, straight onto his face. DANIEL Whoops. Daniel turns him over. CORD I’m sorry. I should be dead now. It’s you that should be doing this. Not me. I should have just let him blow up the school. Besides that, you should have killed me. Cord passes out. Daniel was only an hallucination and it was actually Tim who cut him down. INT. TIM’S CABIN - TIM’S BEDROOM - NEXT MORNING There is a sound of screams and collapsing but gets cut off when Cord sits up real fast. He has bandages wrapped around his head and torso. Cord gets out of bed gingerly. Tim walks in and stops him. TIM Hey, hold on chief. You lost a lot of blood. CORD I know. How did I get it back? TIM I have a freezer out back with spare blood. There’s the occasional nomad that comes through here with chunks taking out of him. CORD I guess I’m so lucky. Cord looks around.


CORD (CONT’D) Where’s Jane? I need to apologize. TIM Someone got her. CORD What? Tim hands Cord a lock of green hair that is tied to a white feather. Cord breathes a sigh of relief. CORD (CONT’D) She’s okay. If there’s one place where she can be safe out in Red Land, it’s there. TIM How do you know? CORD They took me in. The Cherokees. TIM I got your weapons from the truck. CORD Won’t need him. Well, the golden Beretta will help. Got it? TIM What the hell you talking about? There wasn’t any Beretta. Gold, you say? Cord raises his eyebrow. Tim rolls his eyes and pulls out the Beretta from behind his back. TIM (CONT’D) Your back should be healed by now. Cord starts unwrapping the bandages on his torso. EXT. DESERT - AFTERNOON Cord runs through the hills and sees a stray horse. He smiles and walks up to it.


EXT. CHEROKEE RESERVATION - CONTINUOUS The reservation is a trailer park surrounded by barbed wire fence. On the sign above the entrance to the reservation, two skeletons in Diablo clothing are nailed to it. There is a small mountain on the left of the reservation. Cherokees armed with rifles and machine guns are patrolling the mountain. There is a loud whistle and the Cherokee gunmen aim their guns. Cord rides up slowly on the horse he came across in the desert. He is carrying a white flag. Cord stops at the entrance and looks up at the Diablo skeletons on the sign. CORD Yep. Real safe. Cord dismounts and walks into the reservation. CORD (CONT’D) (in Cherokee) I am Cord. You took me in and showed me the way and I used these ways to fight the enemy on the outside. Out of one of the trailers, a CHEROKEE MAN WITH LONG BLACK HAIR WEARING A WHITE SHIRT, BLACK VEST, AND BLUE JEANS appears. He walks up to Cord. CORD (CONT’D) (in Cherokee) Hello, Joseph. JOSEPH Hello, brother. You seem to be well. Not too crazy about the haircut. CORD Yeah. Some of your sign guys saw to my hairstyle. JOSEPH Did they see to your head dressing as well? CORD Yeah. They saw me as a new Jesus. And like Him, I came back.


JOSEPH What is it you need from us? CORD You got a woman here? JOSEPH We have lots of women here. CORD A white woman. Kind of Goth. JOSEPH Oh, her. She’s beautiful. Yours? CORD Yeah. Cord is taken by surprise and then a rush of happiness comes over his face. CORD (CONT’D) Yes she is. I didn’t think about it til now. JOSEPH I’m glad brother. But there’s a fee of fair trade. CORD Sure. Cord pulls out the golden Beretta and presents it to Joseph. JOSEPH I remember when I handed it to you as a tool of justice. And now you hand it back to me to get your woman back? I’m really moved. Joseph whistles. From the trailer right across from Joseph’s trailer, Jane is brought out by two Cherokee. She sees Cord and runs to him. Jane jumps into his arms. Cord groans in pain. JANE Oh my god, I’m sorry. They told me you were dead. CORD I was. I’m starting to think I have nine lives. Well, seven now.


Cord looks at Jane’s face and caresses it. CORD (CONT’D) Let’s go. (to Joseph) It’s cool to leave right. JOSEPH Sure. Many people accidently wonder into our lands. The ones who don’t mean to, we send them on their way with food. JANE And the ones that do mean to? JOSEPH See the sign. Joseph walks back to his trailer. EXT. JANE’S CABIN - LATER Cord and Jane ride up to the cabin on the horse. They dismount and walk up to the door. Jane lies against the door. Cord walks up to her. JANE Did you mean what you said earlier? CORD Yes. JANE You love me? CORD Yes. Jane and Cord kiss passionately. They stop. CORD (CONT’D) I guess I can take my pants off on your account now. Jane giggles. JANE And I guess I’m your female company tonight. The two kiss and walk inside the cabin.


INT. JANE’S CABIN - BEDROOM/KITCHEN - CONTINUOUS Jane and Cord take each others clothes off and have sex. FADE IN: INT. JANE’S CABIN - BEDROOM/KITCHEN - NIGHT Jane is wearing Cord’s jacket. Cord has the white sheets covering the lower half of his body. He holds her in his arms. She runs her finger up and down his chest. JANE They really whip you? CORD Yeah. JANE At least, they didn’t whip your ass. That would be a shame. CORD At least, the Cherokee’s didn’t shave your head. That would be a shame, too. JANE Shave my head? CORD Yeah. The accidental wanderers get their head shaved. JANE Don’t tell me. The purposeful wanderers get scalped? CORD What a racist? What makes you think Indians scalp everyone? JANE Oh I’m sorry. What do they do to the purposeful wanderers? CORD Scalp them. Cord giggles. Jane rolls her eyes and smacks Cord on the head.


They starts kissing passionately. He runs his hand up her thigh as he rolls on top of her. Cord starts kissing her neck as Jane smiles in ecstasy. EXT. DESERT - EARLY MORNING Jane walks up to a cactus and cuts off pieces of it. A sting grenade lands by her but it explodes before she can react. INT. JANE’S CABIN - BEDROOM/KITCHEN - SAME TIME Cord sits up and sees that Jane is not there. He quickly puts his boxers and pants on and run outside. EXT. DESERT - CONTINUOUS Cord runs up with his shotgun drawn. He looks around and sees a back pack loaded with pieces of cactus. CORD Jane! Cord’s jacket lies nearby with some blood on it. INT. TIM’S CABIN - KITCHEN - CONTINUOUS Tim makes himself some tea. Cord bursts in. Tim is startled and accidently spills some tea on himself. TIM Declan..ow! Shit. CORD She’s gone. TIM Did she wander back to the Cherokee’s again? CORD No. This is near her cabin. TIM Why were you at her cabin this early? Cord is somewhat speechless.


TIM (CONT’D) I don’t want to fucking know. It’s your guys business. Do you know where the last place she was? CORD Getting pieces of cactus. Her bag was there but she wasn’t. I found this in the bag. He pulls out an ace of spades card. CORD (CONT’D) That means they got her. TIM Why is it when you do things your way, my children got to be the ones paying for it. Cord walks up and gets into Tim’s face. CORD Is that what you think happened? I didn’t want this. Daniel, yes is my fault. I couldn’t stop my conscience and he died because of me. There is not a day that goes by that I wish we can trade places. I didn’t want this to happen to her. Tim lowers his head and shuts his eyes. He nods his head. TIM You sounded just like my son there. CORD I loved Daniel as a brother. I love Jane more than that. We need to find her. TIM I’ll go look for her. Stay here in case they come back with demands or I get back. CORD And if you don’t come back? TIM Then you go look for her. CORD I should help you.


TIM I’ve always been a better tracker than you and you’ll just be a distraction. CORD What am I supposed to do? Tim grabs a pistol and some ammo. TIM Cut your hair because. That looks ridiculous. INT. DIABLO BASE - HEADQUARTERS - AFTERNOON Jane is thrown down by Deacon’s feet. He stares out the window. She has a cut on her eyebrow and a couple small welts on her cheek. DEACON Boy, does your family sure know how to crash a good shindig. JANE What? DEACON First, you cause trouble for my law enforcement. Then you help that fucknut destroy my cargo and kill my brother. JANE You killed my brother. DEACON And I’m really sorry about that. He was a good soldier but I have a pet peeve against people who tell me no. JANE And you handle that by killing people? DEACON Do you know a better way?


JANE I don’t know. Maybe I’ll feel better when you die. DEACON Oh really. Maybe you’re boyfriend will feel better when the crows have at his eyes. Maybe they’ll make crucifixes with Cord on it instead of Jesus. Ditch and Wesley walk up behind Jane. DEACON (CONT’D) I promised my friends here a good time. (To Ditch) Don’t kill her. Entertain yourself but leave her alive. I want to send her father a message what happens when he raises assholes that don’t mind their own fucking business. Also tell him to pay a visit by the old convoy and pray to the new messiah. Just hope he hasn’t passed on yet. Ditch and Wesley drag Jane away. WESLEY Please fight. It makes it better. INT. DIABLO BASE - CELL - CONTINUOUS Jane is thrown into the cell. Ditch walks up to her. DITCH I only want one thing. Unzip my pants now. JANE Unzip your own pants. Ditch back hands Jane, causing her lip to bleed. DITCH Do as I say, you bitch. Jane, crying, unzips Ditch’s pants. Ditch’s face starts to have a euphoric look on his face. There is a bite and a rip and Ditch screams in agony. Wesley walks and sees that Jane bit Ditch’s penis off.


Wesley starts laughing hysterically. WESLEY Good one, baby. (to Ditch) You see this wouldn’t have happened if you just knocked her out. Wesley kicks her in the face and starts kicking and punching her. EXT. DESERT - LATER Tim is look at the ground attentively as he walks. A pick up truck drives by. Tim runs for cover. Wesley throws a severely beaten Jane out of the truck bed. WESLEY Message from a mutual friend! Asshole! Get some kicks on Route 66. Maybe you can say goodbye to your surrogate son before him and Jesus share death stories. Tim goes to draw his pistol but Wesley quickly draws his Desert Eagle and shoots him three times in the chest, killing him. A passenger in the pick up is suddenly shot. Cherokee Indians on horses ride up, howling and shooting. The truck speeds off with Wesley ducking down. INT. DIABLO BASE - MEDICAL WARD - SAME TIME Ditch screams as the doctor inspects the damage. DOCTOR #2 It’s not repairable. She ripped the right areas. DITCH What does that mean? DOCTOR #2 I’m going to seal the area up. No dick for you. DITCH What! Wesley walks in as the doctor prepares a big hot iron.


WESLEY Oh shit. Wesley starts cracking up. There is a loud sizzle followed by Ditch screaming in agony. DITCH That bitch tore off my dick. Wesley cracks up more. DITCH (CONT’D) Fuck you Wesley! I’ll squeeze your fucking head you asshole. WESLEY (laughing) Okay. It’s too bad you can’t squeeze the other head. Ditch tries to get up but the pain of the iron makes him fall back. WESLEY (CONT’D) Settle down Ditch. Don’t be a dick. Wesley walks out of the room, his laughter emanates down the hallway. INT. TIM’S CABIN - BATHROOM - MOMENTS LATER Cord runs his hand through his chopped up hair. He starts the clippers. JOSEPH (O.S.) Cord! Cord drops the clippers and runs out of the bathroom. INT. TIM’S CABIN - JANE’S BEDROOM - CONTINUOUS Cord runs in and sees Jane, with her face bruised up and bloody, getting a blanket put on top of her by Joseph. JOSEPH Those assholes did this. Cord kneels down beside her. CORD (whispering) Jane?


JANE (weakly) Hi. I bit that big fucker’s dick off. Cord starts to chuckle but it turns into crying. JANE (CONT’D) I tried. Did I do good? CORD Yes. You did real good. Joseph waves Cord to the hall as a Cherokee woman tends to Jane. JOSEPH They killed your friend. CORD Tim? JOSEPH I didn’t get there in time. CORD Deacon? JOSEPH No. The stupid looking dark haired one. CORD Wesley. JOSEPH What are you going to do? CORD I need my box. JOSEPH It’s exactly where you left it. The woman comes back crying and screaming in Cherokee. CORD What is it? JOSEPH Your woman has severe internal injuries. A lot of internal bleeding. We don’t have the tools to stop it.


CORD What exactly are you saying? JOSEPH We can’t stop the bleeding. Cord walks up to the bed as Joseph leads the Cherokee woman out of the room. Jane weakly smiles. JANE Am I going to be okay? CORD You’re going to be fine. JANE (crying) Liar. CORD I know. Cord starts to tear up as he kisses Jane’s cheek. He closes his eyes tight and a tear rolls out of his eye onto Jane’s cheek. Jane has a beautiful but blank look. JANE You ever hear the one about the light when you die? CORD Yeah. JANE It’s beautiful. But why is my dad here? Jane closes her eyes and dies. Cord buries his face on her neck, crying. EXT. TIM’S CABIN - BACKYARD - LATER Cord stands and stares at two freshly buried graves. EXT. CHEROKEE RESERVATION - MORNING Cord ferociously digs up a grave and pulls a black rectangular box out. He opens it up to reveal a camouflage Special Forces commando outfit with his real last name on the name tag.


INSERT - NAME TAG ALEMAN BACK TO SCENE Cord forcefully pulls the medical wrapping around his forehead off. INT. TRAILER - BATHROOM - CONTINUOUS Cord stares blankly at himself in the mirror. He picks up the clippers and buzzes the rest of his hair off. Cord puts on the commando suit and walks out. EXT. TRAILER - FRONT - CONTINUOUS Joseph pulls a tarp away to reveal a newly fixed up black Harley with a minigun set up on the front. JOSEPH They still think your dead. So you got the element of surprise. May our ancestors guide you. And there’s a fail safe surprise but make sure you run the bike into a huge group. Joseph hands Cord a detonator. Cord gets on the bike. Joseph puts his hand on Cord’s shoulder. JOSEPH (CONT’D) You do know what Confucious said about revenge. In the path of revenge, one must dig two graves. Cord starts the bike. CORD They’re going to need to dig several more. The engine roars as he speeds down the path out of the reservation. ESTABLISHING SHOT - DIABLO BASE The base is actually MGM Grand. There is a newly formed lake that surrounds Las Vegas, making it pretty much an island.


On the outside of the city, a gunman walks back and forth on the edge of the lake. On the other side is a dock where two sentries are posted. One is throwing knives into a dartboard and the other is patrolling the path leading to the dock. EXT. DIABLO BASE - DOCK - NIGHT The patrolling sentry hears rustling in the bushes. He peeks in the bushes but does not see anything. The sentry turns around and Cord pops out and wraps a rope around his neck and pulls him into the bushes. The knife thrower hears the rustling and looks to see his compatriot. He walks away from his throwing range. The knife thrower turns around to see Cord throw a knife into his forehead. Cord pulls out two silver cans and puts a camouflage face paint on. He then slowly submerges himself in the water of the moat and goes under. MONTAGE - CORD SILENTLY TAKES OUT DIABLOS AROUND MGM GRAND -Cord slowly comes out of the water and comes onto the base. -The black motorcycle is rowed across on an abandoned wooden raft. Cord is under the raft leading it. The guard walks up to the raft and inspects the bike. As he looks down to check the ties on the bike, Cord quickly pops out of the water and sticks a knife into this throat, causing blood to spill out. -A Diablo sleeps in a machine gun nest. He has a sledge hammer resting on the sandbags near him. Cord picks it up and slams it down on the Diablo’s head, killing him. -Cord walks out from behind a column and drives his knee into a Diablo’s back, breaking his spine. The dead Diablo carries an old six shooter Colt. Cord takes it. -Another Diablo peeks out a window and gets a knife through the top of the head. -Cord hooks his legs on a bar on the ceiling and pulls himself up to hide up high. When a Diablo walks by, Cord hangs upside down and wraps cellophane around his face, suffocating him. -Using a silenced MP5 from the suffocated guard, he aims at a Diablo smoking. Another Diablo walks up and stands next to his comrade.


Cord fires three shots and the bullets go through the smoking Diablo’s head and into his friends head, killing them both. He takes their Berettas and clips. -Cord sabotages the fuel lines of all the bikes and trucks in the motor pool, causing a sea of gasoline to form. -A Diablo hears the noise and starts walking toward the motor pool. Cord pops out from behind a truck and palm strikes him in the face. He spins in the air and throws his leg around the Diablo’s neck and snaps it. Cord sees an M4 Carbine w/grenade launcher attachment. -Cord pours a gasoline trail that leads to the motor pool. BACK TO SCENE INT. DIABLO BASE - HEADQUARTERS - CONTINUOUS The room is an old casino manager’s office. Deacon and Ditch play at a blackjack table. There are three Diablos in the background. DEACON Blackjack. DITCH Fuck. Deacon collects the money when he looks out the window and sees fire coming towards the motor pool. DEACON What the fuck! Deacon looks at the fire and then down at his bikes. He then looks up and sees Cord sitting on the motorcycle. Cord points his finger like a gun and the motor pool goes up in flames. Bikes and cars explode. The explosion blows out the windows, sending Deacon and Ditch flying to the floor. When the dust settles, they stand up and look out the window. EXT. DIABLO BASE - YARD - CONTINUOUS Cord loads a grenade shell into the launcher and aims it at them.


CORD The reckoning has come. Cord fires the grenade round at the window. INT. DIABLO BASE - HEADQUARTERS - SAME TIME Deacon and Ditch dive out of the room as the room explodes, killing the other three. EXT. DIABLO BASE - ENTRANCE - CONTINUOUS Several Diablos run out and hunch down from the explosions. There is the loud roar of a motorcycle engine getting closer. The headlight goes on, followed by the fire from the barrel of the minigun firing. They are all shredded by the gunfire. Diablos run up to the glass double doors. The minigun fire shatters the glass and rips the Diablos apart. Cord rides through the entrance. INT. DIABLO BASE - FRONT DESK - CONTINUOUS Cord through the MGM Grand lobby. A lone Diablo stands in the entrance to the casino. Cord stops and revs the engine. He starts pulling the trigger but the minigun just whines as it is empty. Cord accelerates and jumps off the bike. The bike hits the Diablo and him and the bike ride into the casino. INT. DIABLO BASE - CASINO - CONTINUOUS The Diablo who was hit flips over the bike and bike slams on his side. A large group runs up to their injured comrade. They all stand right next to the fallen bike. The Diablos pull out their guns. Cord pulls out a detonator and walks away. They quickly look at the bike. DIABLOS Shit! Cord presses the button and the bike explodes. All the Diablos are burned and blown away.


Some flip in the air onto slot machines and others fly into a wall. INT. DIABLO BASE - HALLWAY - SAME TIME The load explosion and the walls shaking makes Deacon jump. DEACON What the fuck was that? A room down the hallway explodes. There are several screams. DEACON (CONT’D) Jesus H Christ. Ditch runs up behind him. DITCH What is going on? DEACON What the fuck do you think? It’s him! DITCH Can’t be. We crucifixed him. He should be dead by now. I mean he was sort of dead when we left him. DEACON Have you checked on the body? DITCH No. I mean he was kind of dead. DEACON Listen here, you big fuck! I need him to be dead now. Not kind of dead, not sort of dead, but fully dead! DITCH I’ll see to it myself. DEACON Don’t bother. Deacon pulls out a walkie talkie. DEACON (CONT’D) (into walkie talkie) Wesley!?


WESLEY (O.S.) Yeah! DEACON (into walkie talkie) Get your shock troops down here now! WESLEY (O.S.) Will do. DEACON (into walkie talkie) Make sure he’s fully dead. WESLEY (O.S.) You have nothing to worry about. INT. DIABLO BASE - ARMORY - CONTINUOUS Wesley and twenty others wear black commando outfits with ammo vests. They all wear white and black on their face. Wesley’s face is painted white with a red stripe across his face. He puts on a knit cap. They are all handed load silenced M4 Carbine’s and MP5’s by the ARMORER, a man with long black hair and beard and wearing a black shirt, jeans, and cowboy boots. Wesley loads a M249 SAW. He also takes a katana and ties the string of the sheath on his chest. Wesley takes out a LAW and hands it to one of the men. WESLEY Gentleman. Be on your guard. And shoot to kill. Remember he’s a little pissed about beating that bitch almost to death so he won’t be on his A-game. INT. DIABLO BASE - CASH CAGE - CONTINUOUS Cord kicks open the door and pulls out the two Berettas. He fires two handed, killing a group of Diablos. INT. DIABLO BASE - CASINO - CONTINUOUS The guns run out of ammo and Cord walks purposefully out into the casino. Four Diablos run up.


Cord draws the wild west pistol and shoots them dead. He swings the M4 Carbine around from his back into his hands. Cord loads another grenade round. A group of Diablos are clustered in an elevator bank. He fires the grenade launcher. The explosion incinerates a few and sends others flying and on fire. Cord loads another round and sees a glass elevator coming down. Diablos in the elevator shoot the glass. They shatter the glass with butt of their guns and start firing down at Cord. Cord ducks behind a pillar. When a few guns stop firing, Cord spins around the pillar and fires the launcher and blows apart the elevator. The elevator cable snaps and what’s left of the car crashes to the ground. Cord sees a door leading to the stairs. INT. DIABLO BASE - STAIRWAY - CONTINUOUS Cord aims his Carbine up the stairs. He walks up the stairs and shoots two Diablos running up the stairs. A third one appears on the downstairs. Cord quickly pulls out the buckle blade and throws it into the Diablos’ throat. There is the static of the walkie talkie. Cord snatches it off of the belt of one of Diablos that was shot to death. DEACON (V.O.) What the fuck is going on out there! Sounds like a god damn war going on. Cord snatches the walkie talkie. CORD (into walkie talkie) You listening? DEACON (V.O.) Who is this? You? CORD (into walkie talkie) I told you it was going to be bad when the reckoning arrived. Option A or B? Option A, you can shoot yourself. Cause that’s the only quick death you’ll get.


DEACON (V.O.) What’s option B? CORD I’m going to shoot you to pieces. Balls first. Cord smashes the walkie talkie against the wall. He goes to reload the two Berettas. Cord has one loaded when a Diablo jumps on him and tries to grab his gun. He hits the Diablo in the teeth with the unloaded gun. The Diablo screams with a bloody mouth and Cord pushes him through the door to the second floor. INT. DIABLO BASE - 2ND FLOOR - CONTINUOUS Cord empties his clip from the loaded gun into the Diablo’s stomach. He then kicks the Diablo over the railing, sending him falling back to the casino floor. Cord looks and sees the gun he had is gone. He peeks over the railing and sees the gun next to the Diablo’s body. Cord reloads the other gun. He hears a distant elevator ding. Cord sees men in black spread out across the floor. He backs into the stairwell. INT. DIABLO BASE - CASINO - MOMENTS LATER Wesley has two men with him. He waves them to the left and right. The two men split up. Wesley looks at all the dead Diablos. WESLEY What a fucking waste? Wesley looks up at the balcony overlooking the casino and whistles. Some of the men look at Wesley. Wesley holds up five fingers and then points to the balcony. Five men run to the stairway door that Cord entered earlier. INT. DIABLO BASE - 2ND FLOOR - MOMENTS LATER The five men are up on the balcony. They are aiming down at the casino and up in the air.


WESLEY (O.S.) Anything? SHOCK TROOPER #1 Nothing. WESLEY (O.S.) Sizemore, is Cord Spider-man or something? SHOCK TROOPER #1 No, why? WESLEY (O.S.) Then what the fuck are you looking up in the air for? Three of the shock troopers start walking further down the balcony. A door is kicked open. They turn and are riddled with Carbine fire. Cord quickly looks to the left and shoot the other two with the Beretta. INT. DIABLO BASE - CASINO - SAME TIME Wesley and the others duck down. WESLEY Get men up there! Three of the shock troopers run to the stairway door. Two more run up firing at Cord. A third follows carrying the LAW. INT. DIABLO BASE - 2ND FLOOR - CONTINUOUS Cord sees the three running on the floor shooting. He sees the one carrying the LAW. Cord shoots and kills two of the three. He shoots and kills the LAW carrying guy but the guy fires the rocket when he falls back. The rocket hits the ceiling. After a big explosion, a huge chunk of debris falls down. Cord jumps over the railing, firing the Carbine. The three that ran up the stairs to sneak attack Cord run out of the door Cord came through earlier.


The three shock troopers try to fire at Cord but get crushed by the falling debris caused by the LAW rocket. Cord runs toward the slot machine area. INT. DIABLO BASE - SLOT MACHINE - MOMENTS LATER Six shock troopers search through the slots. One stops by two garbage cans stacked on one another. The can on top falls off, revealing Cord with the Wild West Colt. The shock trooper quickly turns but gets shot in the head. The other five start firing in the area where their comrade was killed. Two fire at the two garbage cans. They go to reload. One gets shot in the head. The other one turns around and gets shot twice in the chest by Cord who is hiding on top of one of the slots. He jumps off and runs out of the area. Music suddenly turns on and a bi-plane display flies back and forth over the area. One of the shock troopers aims up at the plane. A rope is lassoed onto the plane. The other end is noosed around the trooper’s neck. He is pulled into the air and swings back and forth with the plane until he is shot in the head. The last two shock troopers in the area bump into each other. They both spin around. One shoots the other to death. SHOCK TROOPER #2 Oh shit! WESLEY (V.O.) What is going on!? SHOCK TROOPER #2 I shot one of our guys. He’s hunting us down. Who the fuck is this guy? CORD (O.S.) You’re worst nightmare. The trooper spins around and starts shooting. There is no one there.


CORD (O.S.) (CONT’D) I’m over here! The trooper starts shooting up slots to his left. He quickly back against the slots to his right and kneels down. The trooper quickly reloads his MP5. He looks at the slots above him and to his left. The trooper looks right and sees a pillar across from the bathroom alcove. He sees part of a boot sticking out. The trooper crouch walks carefully, so he does not make noise. He stops and sets his MP5 on a couch and aims. The trooper smiles with an evil grin. SHOCK TROOPER #2 Good night, asshole. The wild west revolver barrel appears and aims at his neck. CORD (O.S.) Good night, asshole. The hammer is cocked back and the gun fires hitting the trooper in the neck, killing him. Cord sits up from the couch. He throws the pistol away. Cord walks toward the pillar with a slight limp because he is not wearing a boot on his right foot. He takes the boot and puts it on. INT. DIABLO BASE - CASINO - MOMENTS LATER Cord walks out of the slot area. Wesley and the final four shock troopers aim their guns at him. WESLEY No sneak attack. No quick draw. CORD No. Plus, I don’t have my golden gun anymore. WESLEY Where is it? CORD I traded it for something important.


WESLEY Oh right. Too bad you didn’t make that trade again. How is our little hellion? Cord cracks his knuckles as he balls his hands up into fists. WESLEY (CONT’D) Really? Wow. Sorry about that. Maybe I should’ve fucked her harder. Cord is about to walk up to them but they aim their guns higher. Wesley keeps giggling but sees Cord is not backing down. WESLEY (CONT’D) You’re fucking stupid. There is no way that this is going end well. We can shoot you to death or we can beat you to death. Or... Wesley pulls out his katana. WESLEY (CONT’D) I can cut your head off. A real warrior’s death. I don’t know. You’ve died painfully and you’ve died easily. I don’t know what to do with you. Since you look so mad, will settle for painfully. Wesley waves his hand down. The four troopers lower their rifles and toss them at their side. One of the troopers tries to drop kick Cord but Cord sidesteps and punches in mid air. Another trooper punches Cord in the side. Cord collapses in pain. The other two kick Cord and now all four start pummeling Cord. Wesley twirls the sword in his hand. WESLEY (CONT’D) Enough of that! Hold him up. One of the troopers puts Cord in a headlock, holding him up. Two stand on each side of Cord. Wesley stabs his sword. Cord quickly throws his head back and breaks the nose of the trooper behind him.


Cord kicks the trooper in front of him in the face. He pulls his left arm free and sticks his thumb into the eye of the trooper on his left. Cord pulls the trooper to his right in front of him and kicks him into the blade of the katana. The trooper gets impaled and killed. Cord turns to the trooper to the left and gouges the trooper’s eyes out with his thumbs before snapping his neck. He back kicks the trooper with a broken nose. Wesley quickly pulls his blade out of the trooper he inadvertently killed. He swings his sword at Cord. Cord ducks and Wesley accidently cuts off the head and hands of the trooper with the broken nose. The last trooper charges at Cord. Cord ducks and flips the trooper onto his back. He then jumps onto the trooper, crushing his rib cage. Wesley starts slashing and swinging the katana at Cord. Cord dodges and ducks the sword swings. Wesley then slashes Cord’s side. WESLEY (CONT’D) I can’t think of the best way to kill you. What was it you said about killing Deacon? Balls first. Wesley swings the sword from down low. Cord catches the blade between his hands. His hands bleed as he painfully brings the blade up. Cord then pulls the sword out of Wesley’s hands and throws the sword twirling in the air. Wesley looks up at the sword. Cord hits Wesley in the throat. Wesley struggles to breath as Cord stomps and twists his boot on Wesley’s balls. He pulls a hunched over Wesley into the path of the falling sword. The sword goes through Wesley’s chest. Wesley spits out blood. Cord pulls a dying Wesley’s head up by his hair. He hits Wesley across the jaw.


INT. DIABLO BASE - ARENA - HALLWAY - MOMENTS LATER There is a noise of movement down the hall. Cord heads down the hallway and gets booted in the face. The katana slides out of his hands. Ditch appears and grabs Cord and throws him out into the arena. EXT. DIABLO BASE - ARENA - CONTINUOUS Cord slowly gets up as Ditch limps purposefully towards him. DITCH Remember me, asshole. It’s time for me and you to rumble. Cord hits his chest. CORD I’m right here. Come and get it. FIGHT SCENE - CORD VS DITCH Ditch throws a punch but Cord ducks it and hits him in the face. The punch doesn’t faze Ditch as he spits blood into Cord’s eyes. Ditch grabs Cord by the throat and throws him. He walks quickly towards Cord and stomps his foot down. Cord grabs the foot and tries with all his strength to push his foot away. Ditch puts more strength into his leg and pushes down more. Cord screams as he lifts Ditch’s foot and then he stomps Ditch’s knee. He then pushes Ditch’s foot off, causing him to fall on his back. Cord slides over by Ditch and puts him in a headlock. Ditch uses his free hand to hit Cord’s ribs. Ditch hits the ribs a few more times causing Cord to let go of the headlock. He kicks Cord in the face. Ditch stands up and cradles his groin. Cord runs and attempts to drop kick Ditch but he punches Cord out of the air. He cradles his stomach and spits out blood. Ditch limps up to Cord and grabs him by the shoulder and belt. Ditch hoists Cord over his head and throws him into the stands. Cord moans when he hits the seats hard.


Cord then gets picked up and swung into the stair rail, hitting his upper back and head. He starts to stumble in a daze. Through his eyes, Cord sees three Ditch’s standing in front of him. He starts swinging wildly, hitting nothing. Ditch moves in circles around Cord, laughing. Cord throws an elbow but Ditch grabs Cord by the throat and choke slams him on the stairway. Cord starts breathing heavily. Ditch stands over him. He grabs Cord by his hair and throws him back onto the arena floor. DITCH See. You’re not as tough as they say you are. Cord tries to get up but Ditch kicks him in the face. Suddenly, Cord starts hearing fuzzy voices in his head. DITCH (CONT’D) I give you some credit. Any other asshole would have quit by now. You just keep on coming. Ditch takes a deep breath. DITCH (CONT’D) Man, I’m starting to get tired. I never get tired when it comes to beating people to a pulp. It’s even harder with a messed up groin. Ditch’s words fade into Cord’s head. He suddenly starts hearing Jane. JANE (V.O.) I bit that big fucker’s dick off. Cord smiles. DITCH You see, when it comes to fighting, I always do watch my opponent and see where their weakness is at. I guess fucking that bitch made you weak in a way. Cord sits up real fast and stands up, almost falling to his knees.


DITCH (CONT’D) You got some left in the tank? CORD Yeah. DITCH As a last request, you get a free hit. CORD You watch your opponent for weakness. I listen! Cord stomps Ditch’s crotch. Ditch screams in agony and Cord then knees him in the face. Ditch kicks Cord in the stomach and starts squeezing Cord’s head. He lifts Cord up and Cord grunts as he is able to grab Ditch’s thumb and fore finger. With all his strength, he is able to pull Ditch’s fingers away and snap them. Ditch lets go and Cord, using his thumbs, gouges Ditch’s eyes out. Cord then hits Ditch in the throat with a jumping, spinning back kick. Ditch falls on his back, struggling to breath. Cord then starts stomping on Ditch’s head. He sees images of Danny’s dead body in the river, Tim’s grave, and Jane as they pull a sheet over her beaten body. Cord keeps stomping until he crushes Ditch’s skull. He sees Danny’s dog tags on Ditch’s vest. Cord forcefully takes them. CORD (CONT’D) These don’t belong to you. INT. DIABLO BASE - ARMORY - MOMENTS LATER The elevator dings as it arrives at the floor. The doors opens and the elevator is riddled with machine gun fire. There are about 12 Diablos with guns aimed at the elevator. The one closest walks cautiously toward the elevator with gun aimed. He walks in and searches in a circle and aims high. The Diablo shrugs his shoulders when the blade of the katana pierces through the ceiling and into the top of his head.


The other Diablos try frantically to reload their gun when Cord bursts down from the ceiling in front of the elevator. Cord runs and starts slashing each Diablo down with the katana. Cord finishes off the last guy by chopping his leg off and stabbing him as he falls down. Two more burst out of the armory. He quickly pulls the sword out the dead Diablo’s chest and decapitates the two living ones. The Armorer bursts through the door with an FN P90 in both hands. Cord rolls toward him and swings the sword upwards into the Armorer’s genitals. He pulls the sword out and finishes the Armorer off by cutting his head in half. Cord takes both FN P90’s and walks purposefully into the armory. He grabs a double barrel shotgun as he goes through some double doors. INT. DIABLO BASE - VIP ROOM - CONTINUOUS Deacon loads an MP5 when he hears yelling and then shooting. His eyes go wide and he flips a table over. Two Diablos take position on his left and right side. INT. DIABLO BASE - HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS Cord walks purposefully down the hallway. He shoots with both hands, riddling Diablos with gunfire. Cord’s guns run out of ammo and he takes an MP5 and continues his slaughter. He kicks open a door and riddles a whole group, screaming and cursing in anger. INT. DIABLO BASE - VIP ROOM - CONTINUOUS Deacon is sweating and breathing heavily. He wipes sweat off of his head when a Diablo bursts into the room. Before the Diablo can open his mouth, bullet holes burst through his chest. The lights in the hallway go dark. The lights go on briefly to reveal Cord, crouching down and taking aim. The Diablos next to Deacon each get shot in the head. The lights go out again. Deacon fires his whole clip into the hallway.


He reloads and the lights go back on to reveal no one there. Deacon cautiously walks out into the hallway with his gun aimed. The lights go out again. Deacon jumps. CORD (O.S.) Jumpy, are we? Deacon falls against the wall and puts a flashlight on the MP5. He aims the flashlight down the hall and back behind him. CORD (O.S.) (CONT’D) You really think that’s going to save you. DEACON Fuck you. CORD (O.S.) Her death wasn’t quick. And it won’t be for you. DEACON Where are you!? CORD (O.S.) For such an experienced soldier, you really don’t have eye in the back of your head. Deacon gets flicked on the ear. He jumps and screams as he fires frantically. Deacon starts breathing heavily as he reloads the gun. His eyes start to tear up. CORD (O.S.) (CONT’D) Crying? I cried once. But it was for a purpose. Not because I was scared. Fear is a choice that I don’t make. You’re death is a choice I will happily make. DEACON Yeah. Come out and I’ll make that choice for you, as well! Cord starts laughing but he is still not seen. CORD (O.S.) There’s a word for you besides stupid.


DEACON Leader! Soldier! Warrior! CORD No. Deacon quickly turns and the light flashes on Cord. DEACON Gotcha! Deacon pulls the trigger. CLICK. Cord shows Deacon the ammo clip. Deacon looks at the gun and sees the clip is gone. The lights of the hallway go back on. Cord pulls the MP5 out of Deacon’s hands and aims the double barrel at his genitals. CORD Dead man. Cord fires, blowing Deacon’s genitals away. Deacon screams and loses his voice so it is nothing but a gasp and squeak. CORD (CONT’D) I took away your main toys. You’re voice and your dick. Cord reloads and puts the gun into Deacon’s mouth. He cocks both hammers back. CORD (CONT’D) Now you just have to suck on this. Uno. Dos. DEACON (with gun in his mouth) Last words? CORD You just said them. And here’s mine. Tres. Cord fires, blowing the top half of Deacon’s head off. EXT. LAS VEGAS - STREET - MOMENTS LATER Cord slowly walks out. His head is covered in blood. Cord looks around, with a blank expression. He wipes some of the blood off of his face.


Cord starts to break down. He falls on his knees and buries his face into the ground. Cord lifts his head up. His face is a blank expression and he walks away. EXT. MONUMENT VALLEY - LATER Cord walks through the valley. Tim and Danny’s dog tags are wrapped up in his hand. Jane’s dog tags hang around his neck. THE END

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