One Last Shot

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Written by Jeremy Gabryszak

12211 N Oakwood Dr. St. John, IN, 46373 (708) 217-1702 Š Copyright 2014 Jeremy Gabryszak

SCREEN IS BLACK There is the sound of a crowd cheering and the sounds of boxers hitting one another. FADE IN: INT. RESTAURANT - BAR - NIGHT On the big screen television of the bar, two boxers duke it out. One is white and the other is black. The white one is DONAL MCQUEEN (38). He is a well built man with hazel hair and his eye is swollen and bleeding. The black boxer is MICHOD KEBAR. A huge, muscular bald man with a goatee. Donal dodges a couple of punches and jabs Michod in the nose. In the restaurant near the entrance to the bar, a young teenager shadow boxes to Donal hitting Michod with shots to the body and head. MICK MCGUIGAN (15), a teenager with some acne and black hair under a baseball cap, is ecstatic at Donal dominating the fight. The BARTENDER sees Mick standing near the entrance. BARTENDER Kid! You better not stick one foot in here. Mick waves him off and continues throwing fist bumps in the air at Donal’s dominance. BARTENDER (CONT’D) I’m serious! Mick sticks his foot into the entrance and rubs his foot on the bar floor. The Bartender moves from behind the bar and waddles over to the entrance. Mick backs up and dances around. MICK What? I’m in the restaurant. BARTENDER You little smartass. The Bartender goes back behind the bar. Mick goes back to watching the fight.


INT. ARENA - RING - SAME TIME Donal hits Michod with a left hook which causes him to drop to one knee. The REFEREE runs over and starts counting. Michod, using the ropes as leverage, manages to pull himself up at the count of eight. Donal moves in and Michod hits him with a low blow. The referee screams in Michod’s face. Michod nods and quickly moves in and uppercuts Donal. Donal then gets hit with a right cross and falls against the ropes. Michod moves in and starts hitting him with shots to the body. Donal covers his midsection but Michod keeps driving the top of his head into the Donal’s nose and eye. Donal gets dazed and Michod unleashes a four punch combination to his midsection. Donal keels over and Michod hits him with a uppercut, sending Donal to the canvas. Donal starts to slowly pull himself up. Michod yells curses and insults at him. INT. ARENA - RINGSIDE - CONTINUOUS Donal’s TRAINER, a short white haired Puerto Rican man in his sixties, yells to him. A thin man with slicked black hair walks up to the trainer. The man is WARD, Donal’s brother and manager. Ward speaks into the Trainer’s ear. The Trainer shakes his head and Ward points to the ring angrily. Trainer has a look of regret on his face and throws the towel into the ring. INT. ARENA - RING - CONTINUOUS Donal just pulls himself up when the towel lands near him. The referee waves his arms and points to the timekeeper to ring the bell. Michod jumps up and down and the referee raises his hand. Donal looks over at his corner. The trainer walks away with his head hung low. Ward nods his head in approval. Donal hits the ropes and climbs out of the ring.


INT. RESTAURANT - BAR - CONTINUOUS Mick has his hands on the back of his head. His arms drop and his face is blank. The Bartender laughs hysterically and points at Mick. BARTENDER Told ya he was a bum. MICK Fuck off, fatass. Mick walks away, throwing an angry punch in the air. INT. ARENA - LOCKER ROOM - LATER Donal sits on a table, still wearing his trunks. His eye is still swollen and his lip is split open. He has bruises on his cheekbone and jaw. Ward walks in with a smile on his face. He starts clapping. WARD The last hurrah, huh. DONAL I didn’t quit, damn it. Ward pretends to be confused. WARD What do you mean? DONAL Julio knew never to throw in the towel. I would rather be killed in the ring or knocked out cold before giving up. You told him to throw the towel in. Ward closes his eyes tight and nods his head. WARD I’m sorry. DONAL For what? You worried about me?


WARD I’ve been talking with the figures in the organization. The title would be vacant if you went on and won the title fight. You even said you would retire after winning the title fight. DONAL What does that matter? Give these people something great. WARD The people don’t put major money into this organization. A title tournament will cost money. So you making the title vacant will cost money. They will take it back from anywhere if they lose money. Including you. But a Kebar championship will make a lot of money. Besides you made double tonight. DONAL (sarcastic) Wow, I should be celebrating. WARD Yeah, you should. You should be thanking me. DONAL Yeah, here’s my thanks. Fuck you. Donal gets off of the bench and storms into the showers. WARD After everything I did for you! This is how you repay me! I’m not just looking out for me! I’m looking out for you! I don’t want you to get screwed. Ward waves Donal off and storms out of the locker room. When the door opens, there are flashes from cameras and multiple voices from reporters. WARD (O.S.) (CONT’D) No comment! Now get the fuck lost!


INT. ARENA - LOCKER ROOM - SHOWERS - CONTINUOUS Donal rests his forehead on the wall as the water runs down his neck and back. INT. HOUSE - MICK’S ROOM - SAME TIME Mick lays on his bed and stares at the wall. There is a poster for a boxing match. It has Donal and another fighter, MAX SWEENEY, with their arms folded facing one another. Mick gets off of his bed and goes over to his desk. He takes out a tin box that has cash in it. INT. SPORTING GOODS STORE - BOXING AISLE - DAY Mick buys shamrock green boxing gloves, black boxing shoes, black Nike athletic shorts, a jump rope, speed bag, and hand wrap tape. EXT. BOXING GYM - ENTRANCE - CONTINUOUS Mick stares at the entrance, watching boxers walk in. He takes a deep breath and walks toward the entrance. INT. BOXING GYM - 12 YEARS LATER SUPER: 12 YEARS LATER Mick (now 27) works on the speedbag when the trainer puts a list on the wall. He stops and runs over. Mick now has long hair that is slicked back and has a thin beard. TRAINER He’s our team for the upcoming divisionals. Mick runs his finger down the list. He has a look of disappointment and walks away. Other boxers snicker and giggle as Mick walks back to the speedbag. BOXER #1 Hey, don’t worry. We’ll have alternates or jump ropers.


The boxers laugh. BOXER #2 Sorry, the gym doesn’t have time for bums. Mick starts hitting the speedbag more furiously. The boxers walks by him to leave. One of them, MANNY, shoves him into the wall. MANNY Move out of the money train’s way. MICK (under his breath) Motherfucker. Manny turns around and faces Mick. MANNY What’d you say? He slaps Mick across the face. Mick punches him in retaliation. The two get into a fighting stance with the other boxers surrounding them, yelling and cheering. The trainers come out yelling and get in between Manny and Mick. Manny waves Mick off and leaves with the other boxers. TRAINER You need to stop with this constant bickering with others. MICK That asshole keeps giving me shit every time I’m here. TRAINER I know he’s an asshole but he’s the top fighter here. MICK What about me? I beat him every time I’m in the ring. Why can I ever end up on the divisional list? TRAINER You know why. There’s a status quo. You don’t abide by it. Manny does that.


MICK This is ridiculous. What does acting a certain way or dressing or talking a certain way have to do with being a fighter? Your words, clothes, or attitude have nothing to do with fighting style. It don’t mean shit when you enter the ring. TRAINER You would have been the best boxer in the world...back in the old days. I’m sorry, Mick. You can still work out here but there isn’t nothing much I can tell you. MICK Thanks. I really appreciate it. I really hope to one day get on.... TRAINER (interrupting) That’s really nice but we don’t have much time. We all have to meet with the division heads. The trainers leave as Mick stands with his hands on his hips. He hits the speedbag really hard. INT. MCQUEEN GYM - GYM - SAME TIME The sounds of speed bags and punching bags emit as Donal (now 49) stands on top of the stairs looking down at the gym. On the gym floor are four rings, a lot of mirrors, eight speed bags, eight punching bags, a weight lifting area where boxers do curls with dumbbells and do sit ups on a sit up bench, and a huge painted mural of him. Donal stares at the mural which is of him in armor with the championship belt around his waist and he wields a sword. He shakes his head and heads down to the floor. Donal is still in great shape. He smiles and nods at boxers who wave at him. A kid runs up with a piece of paper which Donal signs with a smile. There is some shouting from one of the rings. A young boxer is on the ground with a busted nose. The other boxer in the ring waves the boxer off and dances around. Donal steps into the ring. The gloating boxer points at him.


SHOWBOAT Can I help you, old man? Finally step down from your throne. DONAL This is a training gym. We’re not going to be boxing like we are in the championship here. SHOWBOAT Like you did with Kebar. Donal breathes in through his nose. DONAL You have a membership here. SHOWBOAT No. I’m on a friend’s pass. DONAL Well, it doesn’t account to you anymore so leave. SHOWBOAT What are you going to do if I don’t? Donal goes to turn around and spins back and knock him out with a punch. DONAL I gave you the easy pass but you preferred the hard pass. Donal steps out of the ring and he is greeted with applause. The kid who got an autograph from Donal earlier shows his dad the autograph but the dad just shrugs. Donal shakes his head with disappointment. INT. MCQUEEN GYM - OFFICE - CONTINUOUS Donal peeks in the office and sees Ward inside. Ward’s hairline has receded more. Donal walks in and shuts the door hard. DONAL Ward. WARD Donal. You look good.


DONAL Thank you. Your hair looks great. WARD Fuck off. So how are things with the gym? DONAL Great. Now what are you doing here? You don’t ever stop by unless you need me for something or you want to sell me something. WARD Okay. You know me too well. I have an investment opportunity. DONAL What kind of investment opportunity? WARD Let me make a stock of this gym. The investment will be great. You can start a boxing chain. DONAL Is this foolproof? WARD Maybe. Maybe not. DONAL Not interested. Ward rolls his eyes. WARD Come on D. This can be something great. Your own chain of gyms. This is something that can make us a lot of money. DONAL Us? WARD You but I get some bonus out of this. DONAL Of course.


WARD Don’t walk away from something great again. DONAL Again! I walked away looking like a disgrace that you turned me into so you can make a few bucks. WARD I’m sorry I was looking out for both of us but those few bucks helped you keep this gym up and running. DONAL I don’t need your help. The gym is fine the way it is. I like to have a personal hand in it. I can’t do that with a chain. INT. BAR - NIGHT Mick sits at the bar. He spins a full shot glass with his hand. Mick lets out a defeated breath and takes a drink. ZEKE, the bartender, walks over and refills the glass. Mick waves him off but Zeke puts his hand up. ZEKE It’s on the house. Sorry you failed again. MICK I didn’t fail. It’s just bullshit nowadays. Everything is all about being an ad than being a fighter. It’s like rehashing some stupid... ZEKE (to someone off screen) Hey, Bobby you bastard! Come on over here. Get you set up. Zeke walks away. Mick has a bitter look on his face and downs the shot. He leaves a tip and gets up to leave. On the television screen, Ward is being interviewed by JIM LAMPLEY for an episode of “The Fight Game with Jim Lampley.”


Zeke is talking to his friend and they both laugh at Mick leaving. EXT. SCHERERVILLE, INDIANA - ROAD - LATER Mick walks down the road. He has his hands in his pockets and he looks down. Mick looks over and sees Lake Central High School. He looks back up at a billboard and sees Ward, wearing a fancy suit, is in a fighting stance. It is a billboard ad for McQueen Fighting Promotions. There is a car beep. Mick looks and sees LIAM in his Cadillac. Liam is a Scottish man in his thirties with a beard and wavy brown hair. LIAM Where you headed? MICK Nowhere. LIAM Well, let me drive you. Liam gets in the Cadillac and it drives off. INT. CADILLAC - CONTINUOUS Mick looks out the window. LIAM So I see by your directionless travel, that things are looking down. MICK Yep. LIAM So did the division picks go well? MICK Well, my directionless travel should mean that it didn’t. The asshole didn’t even pick me for me an alternate. LIAM Wow. Who they pick over you?


MICK Manny of all people. LIAM Didn’t you beat him in sparring like ten times? MICK Yeah but I am not their type of boxer. I’m too old fashioned and too into the fighting game. LIAM Wow. Sports nowadays. MICK I know. I’ll just keep training there or else where and hopefully I get picked for something. LIAM I guess that’s the way to go. You ever try MMA? A lot of sports bars got MMA fights all the time. MICK Maybe but I’ve trained to be a boxer for too many years. LIAM Don’t stick to one thing or you’ll be in a rut. MICK I’m already there. We work at a steel plant that we both hate but we need. You still want to be a doctor right? But life has just fucked us both. LIAM I’m still going to try for medical degree when I pay the original loan off. MICK I hope to one day get to the pinnacle of Sweeney or McQueen. LIAM You will.


MICK But my main pinnacle is to stop being a joke to others. I’m already called washed up even though I’m not even thirty. I’m a never was not a has been. ESTABLISHING SHOT - BANK Donal, wearing a nice suit, walks into bank. INT. BANK - MANAGER’S OFFICE - DAY Donal fixes his tie nervously. The bank MANAGER, a chubby man in his fifties with a small moustache and receding hairline, sits down across from him. MANAGER Sorry to keep you waiting, Mr. McQueen. DONAL It’s alright. You called and said it was an emergency. This has something to do with my checks for the equipment bouncing? MANAGER Let me just say before I tell you the reason I called you down here that I’m a huge fan of yours. The Sweeney fight was utter excitement. I always loved your fights. DONAL Thank you. I really appreciate it but I need to know what the emergency is. MANAGER It seems the banker who has handled your property tax and rent has been squandering off with your money. DONAL Excuse me? MANAGER The banker in charge of your finances, a mister Coy, has been embezzling. (MORE)

14. MANAGER (CONT'D) He was arrested this morning but none of the money has been found.

DONAL So what does that mean? MANAGER You have money in your account which I’m talking to the IRS to leave since this was not your personal involvement in the money being stolen. There’s a freeze on your account for the time being. DONAL Why would the IRS want money from me? MANAGER You’re property tax hasn’t been paid in months. DONAL What does that mean? MANAGER Unless you have can come up with four hundred and fifty thousand in ninety days, you will be kicked out of your gym and it will be closed. Donal sinks back in his chair. He rubs his face and rests his elbows on his knees. MANAGER (CONT’D) I’ll give you a minute. Donal rubs his face and hair. INT. BANK - LOBBY - CONTINUOUS Donal walks out, pulling his tie furiously off. A LADY in the lobby makes a call on her cell phone. INT. MCQUEEN PROMOTIONS - WARD’S OFFICE - SAME TIME Ward sits at his desk with his head in his hands. There are two men and one woman sitting down with clipboards across from him.


WARD Okay. We really need a game changer here. The last fight did us great financially but we broke even. We need something that people will really invest into. INTERN #1 That movie Redbelt was a hit. Maybe work in the gimmick with the marble and the handicap. WARD Didn’t see the movie? INTERN #1 Well, there’s a gimmick that the fighters draw marbles. Whoever gets the black marble has to fight with one hand behind their back. WARD And the white marble means your safe? INTERN #1 Yes. WARD Well, I guess that’s okay. I’ll mark it down. Any other ideas? INTERN #2 The Rocky idea? WARD The open invitational to fight the champ. He won’t do it. But I do like the open invitational idea. Anything else? The woman is talking on her cell phone. Ward stands up and walks around the desk. The woman looks up with a look of fright on her face. WARD (CONT’D) Am I interrupting anything? INTERN #3 No. I just heard from my friend at the bank. Your brother just stormed out of there.


Ward has a look of curiosity. He waves her cell phone over. WARD (into phone) Yeah, hello. This is Ward McQueen. Do you know why my brother stormed out of there? Ward’s face lights up. WARD (CONT’D) Is that so? Can you do me a big favor? INT. MCQUEEN GYM - GYM - NIGHT Donal goes to work on the speedbag. He hits it with a hard right hand. There is clapping in the background. It is Ward. DONAL What are you doing here? WARD I thought you had things under control. Do things your way? Well, a little birdy told me that you owe nearly a half a mil in property tax. DONAL You heard that, huh? WARD So I went ahead and took care of it. DONAL Take it back. I don’t want it. WARD It’s been taking care of. Donal hits the speedbag with a hard left hand. Ward jumps at the punch. DONAL So I’m in your pocket again you son of a bitch.


WARD Is this about boxing again? I know you. You still have that fighting drive and you think I killed it. Remember, it was you that wanted to retire. It was you that said you would quit after the Kebar fight. Better yet quit after the championship fight. DONAL But it was you that made me lose. I didn’t quit that fight. WARD And I’m sorry. Can you please take the money for the tax if you accept one condition of mine? DONAL What? WARD Let me help you out time to time. Donal scoffs. WARD (CONT’D) Well, I have a great opportunity coming up that you might be interested in. DONAL What’s that? WARD Watch ESPN tonight and you’ll see. Maybe you can be a trainer. INT. DONAL’S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - LATER The living room is green with a brown leather couch. There are old boxing pictures of greats like Dempsey, Louis, and Schmeling on his walls. A classic boxing championship belt is in a glass case on the mantel over the fireplace. Donal sits on the couch, watching television with his arms folded. ESPN sports comes on. The anchor is a bald black man.


INT. TELEVISION - ESPN SPORTS - SAME TIME ESPN ANCHOR Hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to ESPN sports. Today, we are going to talk to Ward McQueen, younger brother of one time heavyweight champion Donal McQueen and head of McQueen promotions. The camera cuts to a wider shot that shows the anchor and Ward. Ward nods his head at the introduction. ESPN ANCHOR (CONT’D) You have come up with many great boxing gimmicks in the past but you said this is a game changer. WARD That’s right. They aren’t gimmicks. They’re promotions to keep boxing relevant. It’s a great sport from the dawn of the Roman era where the only way to win was to kill your opponent or walk away a coward. ESPN ANCHOR But things have changed. WARD Well, yeah. Ward giggles. ESPN ANCHOR But what is this new idea? WARD I have noticed a lot of raw and untapped talent in the northwest Indiana and northeast Illinois area. Boxing talent that is. So I have put into place with the Indiana and Illinois Boxing commission that a tournament be held. ESPN ANCHOR What kind of tournament? WARD An open invitational for licensed boxers from these regions.


ESPN ANCHOR Is there an age limit? WARD I would like to say yes but I shouldn’t discriminate age. But all boxers need to be medically cleared. ESPN ANCHOR What kind of prize is the winner looking at? WARD A potential one year boxing contract if boxer is interested and twenty million dollars. ESPN ANCHOR Wow! Twenty million? WARD You heard it yourself. Twenty million. ESPN ANCHOR Amazing. Can I try out? WARD Are you from these regions? ESPN ANCHOR No. WARD Well, when we come to your area with the invitational, you’re more than welcome to join. ESPN ANCHOR Yeah I don’t know if my bosses will like that. INT. DONAL’S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - CONTINUOUS Donal leans forward but his eyes are glued to the television. His phone rings. Donal picks up the phone. DONAL (into phone) Yeah.


WARD (V.O.) So what do you think? Maybe you can train the next heavyweight champ? DONAL You said that there’s no age limit. And you have to be medically cleared. INT. MCQUEEN PROMOTIONS - WARD’S OFFICE - CONTINUOUS Ward is leaning back in his chair with his feet up on his desk. WARD (into phone) Yeah. Why you ask? DONAL (V.O.) Cause I’m not training anybody. Ward’s feet come off the desk. WARD What do you mean? INT. DONAL’S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - CONTINUOUS Donal smiles. DONAL (into phone) Cause I’m going to fight. INT. STEEL PLANT - DAY Mick puts a plate on a press. He yells and the press stamps down and shapes the medal. Mick throws the piece on a very neat pile. A chunky, short man with a short sleeved button shirt and tie walks over. It is the FOREMAN. FOREMAN (mocking) Yo, Rocky? Mick rolls his eyes and turns around.


MICK Yeah? FOREMAN What’s with the quota today? MICK What about it? FOREMAN It sucks. MICK It’s more than it was yesterday. FOREMAN Yeah but it’s not too my liking. My daughter can stamp more than you. MICK Your daughter can weld all these pieces? If that’s case, hire her. FOREMAN Hey! Watch it. My family is too good for this place. MICK What’s your excuse? Liam, off to the side, covers his mouth when he snickers. FOREMAN Whatever you say, Rocky. MICK You keep saying that like it offends me. Rocky was a bum but he went on to great things. FOREMAN Yeah and what’s your excuse? The foreman lets out an annoying laugh and walks off. MICK Got stuck in a rut, working for a short, fat asshole. Mick slams a steel piece on the presser.


INT. STEEL PLANT - BREAK ROOM - CONTINUOUS Mick eats a turkey and cheese sandwich while Liam eats chicken and steak. MICK What’s that? LIAM Maddie made this last night. Tastes just like Hamada. Liam picks up a piece of steak with his fork and holds it out to Mick who eats it. Mick nods his approval as other workers stare at the exchange. Mick looks over at them who just walk away with their hands up or looking in the air. A worker walks by reading a newspaper. WORKER Hey, Mick. You box. Check this shit out. The newspaper is tossed in front of him. Mick reads it and his face lights up. INT. ST. MARGARET’S HOSPITAL - EXAMINATION ROOM - LATER Mick sits in a gown on a table. A DOCTOR walks in. DOCTOR Well, you’re a pillar of perfect health. MICK Thank you. DOCTOR Sent your medical report over and you got your license. MICK Awesome. DOCTOR Just one more thing. A prostate exam. Can you stand up and lean over the table? Mick stands up and bends over. The doctor kneels down.


MICK Hey, what does this have to do w...ah. Mick starts breathing and humming. INT. ST. MARGARET’S HOSPITAL - HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS Mick walks out of the room gingerly. Liam is sitting down and looks up at him with a grin. LIAM You good? MICK Yeah. My prostate is perfect and clean. And I just got anally molested. Mick shakes his head and keeps walking. Liam starts walking next to him, biting his lip. MICK (CONT’D) I will kill you. Liam busts up laughing. INT. NORTHWEST UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL - CONTINUOUS Donal sits gingerly on the table. The Doctor smiles at the report. NU DOCTOR You’re in perfect health. Prostate is good. DONAL (sarcastic) Are you sure? Cause your fingers were probing a little too long. NU DOCTOR Ha ha. Everything looks great and I’m jealous that you look that good for your age. DONAL Thanks. NU DOCTOR It’s just that we’re having a problem with the commission.


DONAL What is it? NU DOCTOR They’re worried about your age. They had to turn down a lot of boxers already due to old age. DONAL I don’t think I’m too old. NU DOCTOR And the commission thinks you’re just having a mid life crisis. DONAL Foreman fought at my age. NU DOCTOR I know but... There is a knock at the door. The Doctor opens it and has a note handed to him. NU DOCTOR (CONT’D) Never mind. You’ve been cleared for a license. DONAL Just like that. NU DOCTOR Maybe they saw the McQueen point of view. The doctor steps outside. DONAL I wonder what McQueen point of view they saw. INT. NORTHWEST UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL - HALLWAY - MOMENTS LATER Donal, now dressed, walks down the hallway and sees Ward with an older gentlemen. WARD Donal, this is Mr. Donaldson from the Illinois Boxing Commission.


MR. DONALDSON Pillar of perfect health. You’re an inspiration for us middle aged guys. DONAL Yeah, I’m glad to hear it. MR. DONALDSON Well, your drive and your brother convinced me so you’ll be already to go. Good luck at the invitational. Donaldson pats Donal on the back and walks off. Donal folds his arms and glares at Ward. WARD What? DONAL What really convinced him to give me a license? WARD I offered him a night with the ring girl. DONAL And she would be okay with that? WARD If she wants a step up to announcer or another great position, then yeah. But she’s very willing. I had a night myself and I’m good. DONAL You’re a real piece of shit. WARD Hey, I just helped you get a license. You think you could have got one on your own. Donal walks off. Ward runs after him. WARD (CONT’D) Listen, I did say you need to accept my help from time to time. I’m making up for the Kebar fight. Donal stops and lets out a long annoyed breath.


WARD (CONT’D) Listen. I’ll withdraw my money if you win the tournament. You can pay off the property tax with the prize money. Hell, buy the whole property so you don’t have to worry about paying it again. DONAL You serious? WARD Yeah. If you lose, you have to accept my help. Maybe I’ll find you work. Be a trainer as well as the gym. Donal nods his head. DONAL Okay. You got a deal. INT. BOXING GYM - LOCKER ROOM - AFTERNOON Mick walks up to a locker. He looks at the lock more closely. MICK What the fuck? Mick storms out of the locker room. INT. BOXING GYM - OFFICE - CONTINUOUS The Trainer is talking with Manny and another trainer. Mick walks in. The other trainer turns away and Manny stands against the wall with his arms folded with smug smile. MICK Why is my lock off? The Trainer nods his head at the other trainer. The other trainer hands an envelope full of cash to Mick. MICK (CONT’D) What’s this? TRAINER That’s all the money you’ve paid to work out here. To be a member. (MORE)

27. TRAINER (CONT'D) We can’t have you as a member anymore if you go through with the tournament.

MICK Why the hell not? TRAINER Because we have Manny entering the tournament and we can’t have you messing that up. MICK What’s to mess up? I’ll still train here. I know I can win this. TRAINER But Manny is the poster boy we really want. MICK Oh god. Cause I don’t showboat. I don’t dress flamboyantly. You guys are so full of shit. You know what I’ll win this tournament and I’ll tell everybody what a fuckover this gym is. Mick throws the envelope at Manny and storms out of the office. INT. MICK’S HOUSE - BACKYARD - LATER Mick starts throwing combinations at a punching bag set up in back. His face grimaces with anger with each hit. Liam walks in the backyard as Mick hits the punching bag with a hard uppercut. Mick is a little out of breath but he breathes in through his mouth and out of his nose to make the breathlessness go away. LIAM You okay? I thought you would be at the gym training. MICK What do you call this? LIAM What happened?


MICK That fucking gym revoked my membership because they want that dickhead Manny in the tournament and not me. The same old shit. Mick starts hitting the speedbag set up next to punching bag. LIAM So what are you going to do? MICK Train myself. I’ve learned a lot over the years and I’m good at adapting. LIAM Some of those people you learned from are from the gym. You might fight them in the tournament. MICK I need this tournament. I’ll find someone or get lucky. LIAM I hope so. Did you hear about Illinois qualifying? MICK No. I’m qualifying in Indiana. LIAM Donal McQueen. Mick stops hitting the speedbag. MICK What about him? LIAM He got an Illinois license and he’s taking part in the Illinois qualifying. MICK No shit. Oh fuck. LIAM What? MICK The winner of Indiana has to fight winner of Illinois.


Liam’s ecstatic face is quickly wiped away. LIAM Shit. I didn’t think about that. Well, let’s see if he even makes it that far. MICK Yeah. Of course. Mick grabs the jump rope and starts jump roping. His face still has worry. INT. RICH EAST HIGH SCHOOL - SMALL GYMNASIUM - AFTERNOON - 2 WEEKS LATER Donal walks in the gymnasium with his bag over his shoulder. There is a small applause while other people do not even pay Donal any attention. Donal walks up to a sheet and signs in. The sign in person shakes Donal’s hand. SIGN IN PERSON It’s an honor to have you here. DONAL Thank you. SIGN IN PERSON You will be at ring 3. Fighting against....oh. Him. The sign in person points to the left. Donal lets an annoyed breath when he sees it was the cocky fighter he laid out earlier. The fighter is hitting some punching mitts. He has a black eye. The fighter smiles and punches the mitts harder. DONAL This is going to be good. INT. RICH EAST HIGH SCHOOL - MAIN GYMNASIUM - CONTINUOUS Donal, wearing his old trunks but new gloves, steps into the ring. The Showboat steps in on the other side. The referee steps in the middle.


REFEREE We went over the rules in the locker rooms. No hits below the belt. No headbutts. I want a good clean fight. Now touch gloves. SHOWBOAT Don’t worry, grandpa. I keep it easy on you. DONAL Likewise. FIGHT - DONAL VS SHOWBOAT Showboat hits Donal with a wild right hook. Donal is staggered by that hit. SHOWBOAT Did that hurt a bit! Now I’m going to get tough you bastard. Showboat throws a left cross but Donal ducks it and hits him in the midsection. Donal follows up with a jab to the mouth. Showboat grunts angrily and starts hitting Donal in the midsection. Donal covers up but gets headbutted, causing a cut on his eyebrow. The referee pushes Showboat away and starts screaming at him. Donal shakes his head and wipes the blood away as the bell rings. Donal sits on the corner as a high school student gives him water. The SCHOOL NURSE puts ointment on the eyebrow. DONAL Hey, how’s it going? SCHOOL NURSE I’m good. You? DONAL Can’t complain. SCHOOL NURSE Aren’t you too old to be doing this? DONAL Yeah. My eye good.


SCHOOL NURSE Needs stitches but you’ll be okay if you don’t get hit there often. DONAL So I’m screwed. The bell rings. Donal stands back up and bangs his fists together. Showboat blows a kiss. Donal swings but misses. Showboat hits Donal twice in eyebrow area. Donal groans in pain. SHOWBOAT I told you, old man. You’ll pay for that little cheap shot you gave me. Want me to get you your walker or did you piss yourself already? Donal giggles and hits Showboat in the stomach. Showboat keels over and Donal hits him with a hard uppercut. He falls back on the ropes and Donal hits him with a left and right hand. Showboat swings but Donal ducks and hits him with a three punch combination to the stomach. Showboat pushes Donal back and attempts a headbutt. Donal sidesteps and hits Showboat with his patented left hook. Showboat spins around and falls on his face, knocked out. The bell rings and the gym erupts in huge cheers and applause. Donal holds his hands up in the air. INT. RICH EAST HIGH SCHOOL - HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS Donal, wearing his street clothes, gets his eyebrow looked at when his phone rings. DONAL (into phone) Hello? INT. ABC STUDIOS - GREEN ROOM - CONTINUOUS WARD (into phone) Congratulations.


INTERCUT GREEN ROOM/RICH EAST HALLWAY DONAL Thank you. WARD You really are convincing on wanting to do it on your own. DONAL I needed this. WARD You needed to get your head kicked in again? DONAL Yep. Funny to say, but I missed it. Training and fighting for something. Being respected. Sure, I got some respect now but the cheers I got. I felt alive again. WARD Well, you’re welcome. So you really don’t need my help with anything. DONAL No. Well, there is one thing. WARD What’s up? DONAL Can you find Arturo for me? WARD Arturo? Why? I thought that family would be persona non grata to you. DONAL His father has been dead for years but he is no different from his dad. If one person can get me into the fighter I once was for this tournament, it’s him. WARD Are you sure? I mean I have some great trainers to help you. DONAL No. I want to do this on my own but I need him.


WARD I’ll look him up. BACK TO SCENE Ward hangs up the phone. He has a slight smirk. There is a knock at the door. A ABC Intern peeks in. ABC INTERN They’re ready for you. INT. ABC STUDIOS - INTERVIEW - LATER The interviewer sits across a news desk from Ward. INTERVIEWER So can you please explain for our viewers how this tournament works? WARD Well, we got qualifying rounds for northeast Illinois held at Rich East High School in Park Forest. My brother and I’s alma mater. The qualifying for northwest Indiana is held at Lake Central. My father’s alma mater. A great boxer but not the pinnacle my brother was. INTERVIEWER Speaking of, your brother has qualified for the tournament. WARD That’s right. When we heard fans say one more match, he decided to give them four more on top of that. INTERVIEWER That is wonderful. Where will locations be for other tournament matches. WARD Well, tickets go on sale tomorrow. So when we announce these locations, you better have your credit cards ready. The quarterfinals of northeast Illinois will take place at UIC Pavilion. (MORE)

34. WARD (CONT'D) The quarterfinals of northwest Indiana will take place at Hammond Civic Center in Hammond, Indiana.

INTERVIEWER Wow. Traffic will be jammed come quarterfinal time. WARD That’s right. Quarterfinals will take place a month from tomorrow when Indiana qualifying is over. Gives boxers time to get in fighting shape for their matches. The semi-final and regional final locations will be in McCormick Place for Illinois and Star Plaza in Merrillville, Indiana for Indiana. The final match where winners of both regions face, will be held at Soldier Field in Chicago. The interviewer’s jaw drops. WARD (CONT’D) A lot of legendary matches have taken place there. It’s time for another classic to take place. INTERVIEWER Well, you heard it here. The final of the tournament will be in Soldier Field in Chicago. Let’s head to Indiana to hear the results from there. INT. LAKE CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL - LOCKER ROOM - AFTERNOON Mick wraps boxing tape around his hands. Manny and a few boxers from the gym walk around a row of lockers. MANNY Well, would you look here. The bum thinks he has a chance in the tournament. Mick finishes the wrapping and grabs his boots, not paying any attention to Manny. MANNY (CONT’D) I see your ma picked out your clothes. I’m talking to you!


Manny shoves Mick into the locker. Mick spins around with his hands up. Manny throws his hands up. MANNY (CONT’D) Come on I fucking dare you! Hit me! Invitational officials run into the locker room and get between the fighters. OFFICIAL #1 Not here! Do it in the gym! MANNY You’re dead meat. Manny leaves with the other boxers following him. Mick lightly bangs his head against the locker. INT. LAKE CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL - MAIN GYMNASIUM - CONTINUOUS Mick steps into the ring. He gets some applause. Mick looks and sees Liam and MADDIE, Liam’s girlfriend in the stands. Maddie is a beautiful brunette in her mid-twenties with glasses. Mick nods his head at them. Manny steps into the ring, dancing around. Mick turns around and nods his head at the water bottle. A student hands him the bottle to drink. MANNY (O.S.) Hey? Mick turns around and gets cheap shotted. The referee yells at Manny. REFEREE #2 You do that again and you’re out, asshole. MANNY Why? I’m cash, baby. The bell rings. Manny low blows Mick. He starts throwing some shots to the body and head. Mick hits Manny in the face with three right hands followed by a left.


Manny low blows Mick again. The referee yells in his face but Manny pushes him out of the way and starts beating on Mick. Mick hits Manny with hard shots to the stomach. After a uppercut, Mick attempts a right hook. Manny ducks and low blows Mick a third time. The referee shakes his head and points to the bell. The bell rings and Manny is disqualified. Mick is keeled over by the ropes, fuming. Manny dances around the ring. CUT TO: INT. LAKE CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL - MAIN GYMNASIUM - CONTINUOUS The board is put up and Mick reads his name under the alternate list. Manny is on the board for the tournament. Some of the boxers hoist Manny in the air, yelling and screaming. They all yell insults at Mick as he storms out of the gym. Ward walks up to the board. He looks at the board with curiosity and shakes his head. Ward walks over to one of the officials. INT. LAKE CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL - TEACHER’S LOUNGE - CONTINUOUS Ward paces back and forth with his hands on his hips. WARD Anybody wanna tell me how that bouncing idiot got into the tournament? He got disqualified which is an automatic zero. OFFICIAL #2 He’s a great fighter. WARD No he isn’t. He had low blow the guy several times just to hit him. OFFICIAL #2 I come from that gym and he’s one of the top fighters.


WARD Why? Cause he’s trying to Muhammad Ali. I see the guy he fought was from that gym. OFFICIAL #2 He left the gym because the gym wouldn’t give him spots on divisionals. The trainers stand by Manny. WARD The trainers? The trainers are jokes. Donal’s old trainer could still beat him as an old man. I’m calling a rematch. Tell Manny to enjoy his spotlight because it’s about to fade out. He wants in, then he has to fight for it. He’ll fight the guy today. OFFICIAL #2 I wanna protest that decision. WARD Why would you? You’re fired. INT. BAR - NIGHT There’s a lot of cheering in the back. Mick looks over his shoulder at Manny and the other boxers yelling and cheering. Zeke brings a cranberry juice over. MICK What’s this? ZEKE From the winner. He said it will help with your period. Zeke walks off laughing. Mick slides the drink away. MAX (O.S.) You don’t know how to move. Mick looks over and sees MAX SWEENEY. Max is a white man in his late forties whose right hand shakes due to Parkinson's and his left foot is a prosthetic due to real foot being amputated. Mick shakes his head but looks back over. Max stares ahead.


MAX (CONT’D) Take a picture. It’ll last longer. MICK Holy shit. You’re Max Sweeney. MAX I was. Mick walks over and sits next to him. MICK Man I remember the McQueen fight. It’s my all time favorite. You and him were my inspirations. MAX I could tell. I didn’t move around in my fights also. One of Manny’s boxers walks over and stumbles into the bar. Zeke is off to the side, cracking up. BOXER #3 Well, it is rude not to accept the champ’s drink. Especially if it’s going to help with your menstrual problems. MICK Get the fuck out of here. The boxer cracks up laughing on the bar. Max’s drink gets knocked over. MAX You mind? You knocked over my drink. BOXER #3 Who are you? His dad? Oh wait...didn’t you use be Max Sweeney. It’s common for losers to hang out with one another. The boxer notices Max’s hand. BOXER #3 (CONT’D) You shaking in our presence? MAX It’s my Parkinson’s.


The boxer takes a drink and spits it on Max’s shirt. Max takes a deep breath and punches the boxer with his left hand, knocking him out. Zeke runs from behind the bar. ZEKE Max! Get the hell out of this bar! You don’t attack my friends here! MAX I feel sorry for you that you have these morons as friends. Max gets up and limps out. Mick gets up and follows. ZEKE You going to pay for your drinks, Mick? MICK I didn’t drink nothing. Plus your bar sucks. Mick follows Max out. INT. MICK’S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - LATER Mick sits and watches ESPN highlights which shows the tournament bracket. He leans forward to look at a space with question marks where Manny’s name is supposed to be. Mick’s phone rings. MICK (into phone) Hello? Yes this is he. You’re shitting me? INT. MAX’S HOUSE - MORNING Max’s house is a small boxing gym with a small apartment upstairs. Mick looks around. MICK Hello? Mick looks curiously at a speedbag. He starts hitting the speedbag.


A smile creeps up on his face but it fades away when a gun is pressed to the back of his head. Mick slowly turns around and sees Max with holding a gun with his good hand. MAX What the fuck are you doing here? MICK I got a rematch against Manny. Winner enters the tournament. I really need your skill set. MAX My skill set? MICK You’re training? You said I don’t know how to move. Teach me. MAX Not interested. MICK I’ll pay you half the money. Hell, I’ll give you eighty percent of hit. I’m not really after the money. I just want to show that I can go.... MAX Go the distance. MICK Yes. If I go from there, great. If not, oh well. I just want to show people that I’m no bum. Max nods his head. He lets out an annoyed breath. MAX Why only eighty percent of the money? MICK I have bills to pay off. Max shakes his head. MAX I’ll do it. I have conditions. You do everything I say. No questioning, no joking, and no refusing. Everything. (MORE)

41. MAX (CONT'D) The week of the big fight, you live in this gym.

MICK Deal. MAX You better be ready for this. I’m no pussy trainer like that old gym of yours. MICK I hope not. Max chuckles. MAX When’s the Manny fight? MICK Tonight. MAX I won’t train you hard since you’ll need all your energy for tonight. But the week’s leading up to tournament, you’ll hate that you wanted to be a boxer. INT. LAKE CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL - MAIN GYMNASIUM - NIGHT Mick walks to the ring with Max, wearing a black fedora, limping behind him. He steps into the ring. Manny storms to the ring from the other side. He steps through the ropes, mumbling and cursing. Mick and Manny meet in the center of the ring. The referee talks to both of them. Mick holds his gloves out to touch gloves but Manny shoves him. MANNY What! I’m cash, bitch. The bell rings. Manny steps forward, mouthing off, and Mick knocks him out with a right hook. The referee rings the bell. The timekeeper looks at his watch and his eyes go wide. Ward sits in the crowd with a grin on his face.


WARD My brother is the big name of Illinois invitational. Now this guy is the talk of Indiana. Can’t wait for these two to meet. Mick and Max step out of the ring. They are met by the Trainer from the old gym. TRAINER Mick, baby. Man, I didn’t know how good you were. But why don’t we let by gones be by gones and come back to the gym. The gym really needs you. I’ll train you personally. MICK Wow. Now that I knocked out your idiot boxer and I got some heat, you want me back. I don’t need the gym. Mick goes to walk past but the Trainer grabs his shoulder. TRAINER I was trying to be nice. Just letting you know that I qualified for this tournament and I’ll be on your ass like... MICK White on rice. Go for it. Mick and Max walk away. INT. DICK’S SPORTING GOODS - MMA SECTION - NEXT DAY AFTERNOON ARTURO, a moderately handsome Latino man of the same age as Donal, tests wrapping a fighting hand wrap around a kid’s hand. ARTURO (to kid) Simple as that. Keep it tight but not too tight where you cut off circulation. The kid runs off with hand wrap, right past Donal. Arturo has a look of surprise on his face. ARTURO (CONT’D) Hey.


DONAL Hey. Can we talk for a minute? ARTURO Got a lunch in ten minutes. Let’s go to Chic-Fil-A. EXT. CHIC-FIL-A - BENCHES - CONTINUOUS There is a tray with empty fry and sandwich containers between Arturo and Donal. They both drink from their pop cups. DONAL I should’ve listened to what your father was trying to say but I just let all the animosity get to my head. ARTURO I’m touched and a little surprised you’d apologize and spill like that. You may hate to admit it but you got a lot of your brother’s traits in you as well. DONAL I do hate to admit that you’re right. The two laugh. ARTURO So I hear you entered that tournament? DONAL You did? ARTURO It’s all over the news. The heavyweight champ makes his big return. Why now? DONAL Need the money. Banker handling my property tax took off with money so I got to pay for it. IRS says so. ARTURO Typical tax shit. How much you owe?


DONAL Almost half a mil. ARTURO Holy shit. And how much is the tournament going to pay you? DONAL Twenty million. Half of which goes to the trainer of my choice. ARTURO Who’s that? DONAL Someone who helped me out a lot. Someone I really trust. Donal lowers his head to focus his eyes on Arturo. Arturo shakes his head. ARTURO No. No! Absolutely not. DONAL Why? ARTURO I haven’t trained anyone in months. Why you think I manage at Dick’s? No one was interested in learning old school. They wanted the flashier places. DONAL But the edge is still there. ARTURO No. DONAL Come on. Like riding a bike. ARTURO Yep. Like riding a bike. Why you doing this? DONAL Told you. Need the money.


ARTURO You could have asked your brother. There was that time where you were extremely desperate and had no choice. DONAL It’s that...I don’t know. I feel so disrespected sometimes. I see some people who actually praise me and people who praise me because they have to. ARTURO What do you mean? DONAL Cause I’m a legend. Other than that, I’m just a joke to them. They praise me one minute and moment I turn my back, they’re laughing. I want to show that I still got it. ARTURO Well, I can help with that. Ready for some hard training. DONAL Always. ARTURO Got a place where we can train. DONAL My own gym. ARTURO Why would people disrespect a guy who owns his own boxing gym. The two laugh and high five. INT. MICK’S HOUSE - BACKYARD - SAME TIME Maddie and Liam sit on a bench as Mick leans against house. MADDIE So Max said he’d train you? MICK Yep. Better than any training that gym did.


LIAM You might have to fight that old trainer in the tournament. He might use what he taught against you. MICK Well, he taught me jack shit so I have no worries there. If I happened to learn anything, Max will change that. MADDIE You sure you’re ready for this? MICK Yeah. I have been waiting for this moment since I was fifteen. It’s here and now. LIAM What if you get discovered and go from the tournament? Spend the rest of your life getting your head bashed in. MICK I’ve been dreaming of being a fighter. It’s now. If I lose that feeling after the tournament, then I’m done. If I get discovered, then excellent. MADDIE But what if you end up like Max? Would you be ready for that? MICK The foot and kidney is from diabetes. I take care of myself in that department. LIAM She means the Parkinson’s. MICK It’s battle wounds. I’ll be ready for them. MADDIE What if we’re not? We love watching the fights but it’s different seeing our friend taking the beating.


LIAM You want to be a joke your whole life? MICK I’m already a joke, Liam! People laugh at me wherever I go. They talk shit under their breath whenever I walk by. They never let me finish talking. Everyone talks over me like everything I say is unimportant and useless. Mick takes deep breaths but his eyes are watered. MICK (CONT’D) This is my dream. I want to achieve it but I want to be someone important in the meantime. I want people to actually acknowledge me like I am a person of some importance and not a fucking joke. I want people to listen what I have to say. I want my words and actions to be important to others. Mick lightly bangs his head against the punching bag. MICK (CONT’D) Let me have this opportunity. Let me win this. If I get really hurt or feel I’m losing my edge, then I’m done. Please stand by me with this. LIAM Will do. MADDIE We’re always with you. We’ll stand by you more if we got some free tickets. Mick laughs. MICK I’ll see what I can do. Max, carrying a bag, appears at the gate. Maddie and Liam are stunned. MAX So this is the house?


MICK Yeah. Or do you want me to live at yours? MAX My house is for training only. No one lives there. I’ll stay here to make sure you stay on track. Liam jumps up and goes to grab the bag. Max jerks back. MAX (CONT’D) What the hell you doing? LIAM Thought with your condition, you would want me to help you. MAX Help me? What condition? LIAM Diabetes and Parkinson’s. You have only one foot and one kidney. MAX And two arms. I can carry this. LIAM Your arm’s shaky. MAX And I have a good one to punch with, get away from me. (to Max) Friends? MICK Corner help. MAX Corner guy. Oh for fuck’s sake. Well, you work for me as well. LIAM How’s that? MAX You work in the corner. I run the corner. Catch my drift. LIAM Sounds good.


MAX (to Mick) Five o’clock tomorrow morning. MICK Five? MAX That’s a question. MICK No I’m just making sure. I’ll set my alarm. MAX No bother. I’ll be your alarm. INT. MICK’S HOUSE - BEDROOM - EARLY MORNING Mick lays on his back with his forearm over his forehead. The clock says ‘4:00 A.M.’. Water is splashed onto Mick, causing to sit up. MICK What the hell! MAX Time to train. Mick wipes his face and looks at the clock. MICK Hey, you said five o’clock. MAX So I can’t tell time. So I lied. You slept well, right? MICK Yeah. MAX Let’s go. EXT. MICK’S HOUSE - STREET - CONTINUOUS Max limps out of his house with Mick following. The house is a dark shade of green and the roof is black shingled but some shingles are torn up. Max looks at the roof.


MAX You need to reshingle that roof? MICK Don’t have the money for it. MAX To buy shingles? MICK To have a person do it. I don’t know how to do it. MAX It’s not that hard. Hell, I should make that part of your training. Max gets in his car. Mick is trying to open the passenger door. MICK Max, it’s locked. MAX (from inside car) Oh, I’m driving. You’re running. MICK What? You know how far it is to your house. MAX What did I say about complaining? MICK I’m not complaining. Fine, I’ll run. Mick shakes his head and mouths off under his breath. He starts jogging in the street. Max starts to slowly drive. MAX Hey! Pick it up. MICK I’m pacing myself. MAX Oh really. Max accelerates and bumps Mick with the car. Mick jumps up.


MICK Hey! What the fuck are you doing? Mick starts running full blast. Max laughs in his car. EXT. MAX’S HOUSE - CONTINUOUS Mick runs and stops and sits down by the door. Max pulls up to his house. He pushes himself out of the car with some difficulty. MAX You’re still here? MICK Yeah. You could have busted my leg with that car. MAX Good. Maybe that’ll convince you to drop this foolish dream. MICK If you thought it was foolish, why agree to train me. MAX Cause I’m hoping that I’ll knock some sense into your head. I loved the fight game, too. But it has it’s rewards. Max shows Mick his Parkinson’s afflicted hand. MICK I’m sorry. But I need this tournament. MAX Fine. But don’t sit too long, you’ll cramp. MICK You do? MAX What did I say about questioning me? I did have two feet at one time you jackass. I did the same thing. Try sparring with cramped legs. It sucks.


MICK You did say I need to learn. MAX Well, you can’t learn sitting on a sidewalk. INT. MCQUEEN GYM - GYM - SAME TIME Donal throws punches at boxing mitts held by Arturo. He throws a couple of punches and ducks swings by Arturo. Donal throws punches with each of Arturo’s dialogue. Arturo holds the mitts in position for each hit. ARTURO Jab. Jab. Cross. Hook! Right jab. Left cross. Left jab. Right jab. Uppercut. Right cross. Left cross. McQueen hook! After Donal throws the left hook, Arturo shakes his hand. ARTURO (CONT’D) God damn. You need me to train you. So don’t break my hand. DONAL Sorry. It just feels good to get back into things. Donal steps out of ring and grabs the jump rope. He jump ropes the entire time talking. ARTURO You worried about the tournament? DONAL Always worried. It helps. ARTURO What about Indiana? DONAL I’ll worry about it when I get there. ARTURO You mean if? DONAL When.


ARTURO I hope you don’t fight that McGuigan kid. DONAL Who? ARTURO The one who got the fastest knockout. Five seconds. The opponent didn’t get his second word of trash talk about before McGuigan cleaned his clock. DONAL So what do I have to worry about? Cause he’s young. ARTURO Cause Max is training him. Donal stops jump roping. DONAL Max Sweeney? ARTURO Yep. One in the same. DONAL I thought he was out of the fight biz. Cause of the Parkinson’s and diabetes. ARTURO He’s training the kid. DONAL I wonder what the kid did to convince him. INT. MAX’S HOUSE - LATER Mick hits boxing mitts held by Max. Max moves to the right and slaps Mick a few times. Mick knocks the mitts away. MICK What the hell was that? MAX What?


MICK You moved on me. MAX Yeah. The boxer is not going to stand still and let you hit him. Plus, you move like an elephant. You need to move to hit these guys. MICK Foreman didn’t move. MAX The way Foreman hit, he didn’t need to worry about moving. But how did he lose to Ali. Ali kept moving in circles until Foreman was tired. I got one foot and can move circles around you. Mick nods his head and puts his hands up. He starts throwing punches. Max goes to move. Mick quickly tries to move with him and his feet get tangled, causing to trip onto the rope. Max smacks him in the head as he falls on the rope. MAX (CONT’D) You’re footwork is awful. You need to move like a dancer. You know what, I need to make a call. MICK What call? MAX No questions. You need help with your feet movement. MICK You want me to dance? MAX I can’t teach you footwork with only one foot. FADE IN: INT. MAX’S HOUSE - CONTINUOUS Max and Mick spar in the ring.


MICK So what kind of food do I eat? MAX I’ll buy you some new food. You eat a lot of garbage. You are in great shape but you’re breathing sounds like a pregnant yak. MICK Yeah yeah. MAX A lot of chicken. Fish. Rice. Eggs. Sausage and bacon are on every now and then basis. Cut down on your bread intake. It’s not bad for you but it can still be a hassle to the body. Steak when you’re good. MICK When I’m good? What am I a dog? Max steps back. MAX You know about my brother, right? Mick nods his head. MAX (CONT’D) You know how he got pancreatic cancer. Tons and tons of red meat. It made him big but he had no speed to him. When the disease hit him, he might as well just shot himself. Chicken will serve you good. Max and Mick start sparring again. MICK Chicken, it is. How about a steak today? I’ve been good. MAX You’ve been questioning and whining too much. DANY (O.S.) Hello? MAX Time out for a sec.


Max stops and nods his head. Mick looks over and sees DANIKA, or DANY. Dany, 25, is a beautiful auburn haired girl with hazel eyes. She smiles at Mick. MICK Hi. Mick gets hit in the face by Max. He falls over but quickly gets back up. MAX (sarcastic) That’s the fastest I knocked down has gotten back up. You’re learning. MICK What the hell was that for? MAX Never take your eyes off an opponent. MICK You said time out. MAX (sarcastic) Oh when your opponent says time out, the match can stop for a sec? Max goes to say something but Mick hits him. MICK (smug) Never take your eyes off your opponent. Max turns around and punches Mick in the face, knocking him senseless. MAX My eyes were on you just then smartass. DANY Is that him?


MAX Can’t you tell by the crappy footwork. CUT TO: INT. MAX’S HOUSE - CONTINUOUS Mick does a little tap dance. He rolls his eyes as he does it. DANY I’m sorry is this annoying you? MICK No I would love this if I’m trying out for An American In Paris but I’m training for a boxing match. DANY Max told you that you couldn’t question or be a smartass. MICK He didn’t say anything about being a smartass. DANY Well, I’m telling you not to be a smartass. And I’m part of your training. MICK Okay. I’m sorry. DANY Show me how you move in a boxing match. Mick throws some punches and slides his feet to move around. DANY (CONT’D) Wow. You might just trip and knock yourself out. Mick drops his hands and shakes his head. MICK Man, this is something unorthodox. DANY What do you think my father did with Max when he trained?


MICK Your father? DANY Max’s trainer. He met my mother late in life and I was a surprise. MICK A happy surprise? DANY Yeah. What about you? MICK I must’ve have been when I was left at the hospital. DANY So is this why you fight? MICK I guess. This is all I ever really knew besides movies. DANY Well, you really suck. That’s what me and Max are here for. MICK So you’re going to help him train me? DANY You think he can dance around. Mick busts up laughing. He starts doing a Fred Astaire like tap dance. Dany stares wide eyed. Mick stops and holds his arms out in a victory pose. MICK What did you think? DANY Great. Like Astaire in his senile days. MICK Wow. What do you expect? I move like a tank. DANY I’ll fix that.


MONTAGE - MICK’S TRAINING -Max and Mick spar. Mick throws some punches which land but others miss Max who dodges and counter punches. Max throws some punches. Mick dodges a couple but still gets hit. -Mick and Dany stand side by side doing the same type of tap dance. Mick still has some stiffness to his dance while Dany dances more loose. -Mick hits boxing mitts. He goes to quickly move and almost trips. Max shakes his head. -Mick does the jump rope. He gets three jumps before it gets caught on his foot. -Mick tries crossing the rope and gets his feet tangled and he falls over. -Mick tries whipping the rope during the jump rope and hits himself in the shin. Dany sits and laughs at him. -Mick tries sliding really fast in a circle. He successfully does a quick circle. Dany claps enthusiastically and Max does a more subtle clap. Max shakes his head and glares when Dany hugs Mick. -Mick hits boxing mitts. He quickly slides to the left without losing his rhythm of punching. Dany cheers from ringside. Mick smiles at her but gets smacked in the head by Max. MAX Pay attention. -Mick does the jump rope. He crosses the jump rope and whips it. He tosses the jump rope and holds his arms up in a victory pose. Dany jumps into a hug from him. Their faces are very close together but they stop hugging and laugh it off. -Max and Mick spar. Mick hits Max with some good punches and successfully dodges Max’s punches. Max throws some punches which connect but Mick quickly slides to the left and throws punches. Max has a look of shock on his face. MAX (CONT’D) I’m impressed. You’re ready? MICK Hell yeah. MAX First, we got to take a look at some possible future competition.


INT. UIC PAVILION - SEATS - NIGHT Mick, Dany, and Max sit in the crowd. People cheer from punches. Mick cheers as well. MAX You can’t cheer this. Unless, you want to cheer him while he’s beating your brains in. I made that mistake once. MICK Sorry. I remember that fight with him. It was the best ever. MAX Who did you cheer to win? MICK No one. I didn’t care who won. I liked you both. Max nods his head. Mick does a little cheer with his arm so Max cannot see. Max slaps him upside the head. INT. UIC PAVILION - RING - CONTINUOUS Donal is against the rope, getting his midsection pummeled by a young blonde fighter. The fighter backs up and Donal hits him twice in the face. The blonde fighter goes to the midsection again but Donal quickly moves to the right to get out of the way. Donal hits him with a cross which knocks him against the ropes. He hits the blonde fighter in the face with two left hands and left jab to the midsection, causing the fighter to keel over. Donal hits the fighter with a right uppercut and finishes him off with his patented left hook. The crowd stands up cheering. Mick squints as he stares at the ring. Max looks at the ring and back at Mick. EXT. MAX’S HOUSE - LATER Mick knocks on the wall as Max struggles to sit on the porch.


MICK Need help? MAX No I don’t need help. I got one foot. I’m not crippled. MICK Close enough. Max chuckles. MAX I noticed you were studying Donal. MICK I’ve studied him for most of my life. His midsection is his weakest. But you keep going there and eventually he’ll evolve in the fight. He’ll welcome the attack and move away. He always moves to the right. MAX So what do you do? MICK If I eventually fight him, move quickly to the left and throw a quick punch. Stun him and hit him a few more times. MAX What’s his finish? MICK Always a punch to the gut, an uppercut, and his left hook. If I can not be dazed by his uppercut, I can duck the left hook and go for the midsection hard. Then give him my right hook. MAX You’re learning. You ready for your fight? MICK Yeah. MAX Good. You can make up on your promise to your old teacher.


MICK Glad to. INT. HAMMOND CIVIC CENTER - RING - NEXT DAY - NIGHT Mick, with a cut on his eyebrow, is against the ropes. The Trainer from earlier starts hitting him in the midsection. Mick quickly weasels off the ropes and hits Trainer with a quick jab to the side of his head. The bell rings. TRAINER Hey. Trainer hits Mick with a cheap shot. Mick goes to lunge at Trainer but the referee and Liam hold him back. INT. RING - CORNER - CONTINUOUS Mick sits down angrily on the stool. Liam starts to clean and put ointment on the eyebrow cut. MAX You’re improving. You have your moments of still moving like a damn giraffe. MICK Jesus, make up your mind. I’m a pregnant yak. A tank. Now a giraffe. MAX Great feet movement though. You got to be different. You play his game and he plays you to win. You want to win this and knock him out. Just do what we discussed. MICK Good. MAX A little word of advice. Switch it up. Remember my first fight against McQueen. How did I pound on him? Played a little magic with him. MICK Okay. I know what you mean. The bell rings.


INT. HAMMOND CIVIC CENTER - RING - CONTINUOUS Trainer throws a few punches at Mick who dodges them. Mick quickly slides to the left and hits Trainer in the face three times. Trainer goes to cover his face and Mick hits him twice in the midsection. When Trainer stops covering his face, Mick hits him with two right jabs to the face. When Mick goes to hit Trainer with a third jab, Trainer dodges his head to the right where Mick hits him with a left cross. He falls against the ropes where Mick hits him once to the body and once to the head. Trainer throws out a wild punch that misses. Mick hits him with a shot to the body, a left jab, and Mick’s right hook which knocks the Trainer to the ground. The referee starts counting as Trainer slowly stands up. The referee talks to Trainer who nods his head but Trainer falls back over. The referee signals the bell. Mick jumps in the air and walks over to hug Max and Liam. Dany jumps on the ring apron and hugs Mick. INT. HAMMOND CIVIC CENTER - CROWD - CONTINUOUS Some of the audience are leaving while others are clapping and cheering. Donal is in the audience. He rubs his chin and has a look of uncertainty. Donal starts to leave with the other audience members. INT. HAMMOND CIVIC CENTER - RING - CONTINUOUS Max pats Mick on the back as he gets his hand raised. He looks out to the crowd and sees Donal. Max makes eye contact with Donal. He looks at Donal and back at Max with worry. INT. MICK’S HOUSE - BACKYARD - DAY Mick walks out the door with a bag of garbage. Dany leans against the boxing bag with her hands in her jacket pocket. MICK Hey you.


DANY What’s all that? MICK Garbage for the week. I do take out my garbage like every man. We, fighters, aren’t Neanderthals. Mick opens the gate and puts the bag in the can. MICK (CONT’D) So are we training today or we off? DANY We’re off today. Give you break after getting lucky in the last fight. MICK Lucky? I was moving and shaking in there. DANY Yeah, after Max yelled at you. MICK Well played, miss. So what’s your story? With Max? DANY He raised me after my father died. My mother bailed because she didn’t see enough money in the boxing training game and didn’t want the money waster of raising a child on her own. MICK So when did you get into dance? DANY Max. He pushed me into it. Didn’t want me to end up like he ended up. He wants the same for you. MICK Well, he should know that this is all I know. I don’t know anything else. DANY You can go back to school for something.


MICK Well, when I win the tournament, I’ll give it some consideration. DANY You seem so sure? MICK All these guys are just going out there ready to wail on someone for money. I just want to win. I’m afraid every time I step into that ring. I use that when I fight. I learned from some shitty teachers but my old hero put me on the right track. DANY Your old hero? MICK Max. When I started watching boxing, my hero was Max Sweeney. My second hero was Donal McQueen. Dany has a look of surprise on her face. MICK (CONT’D) I wasn’t lying when I said that I didn’t cheer for anyone in that match. I didn’t care who won as long as one of them was the champion. DANY So you use this little kid sense when you fight and you think it will help you win? MICK Worked so far. DANY It’s ridiculous. MICK Could be. What are you doing tomorrow night? DANY (confused) What? Nothing, why?


MICK No reason. Want to go to dinner with me? DANY Seriously? I’m scolding you and trying to tell you that you can be killed and your answer is asking me to dinner. MICK I’m taking your scolding very personally and I can only snap back with taking you to dinner. Maybe make you pay for half of it since I’m so irked. Dany busts up laughing. DANY Well, sure. Dany walks to leave. MICK The dinner is a date, though. DANY Oh. Okay. Dany leaves with a big smile. Mick does a little boxing dance around the punching bag. MICK McGuigan throws a few lefts. Mick hits the bag with three left jabs. MICK (CONT’D) Now for the knockout. Mick throws a right hook. He does a little victory dance with throwing little punches. There is giggling outside the fence. DANY (O.S.) You are so cute. You know I can see you, right? Mick’s face goes blank. MICK Didn’t know that. See you tomorrow.


Mick goes inside the house and bangs his head on the door. INT. MAX’S HOUSE - NEXT DAY Mick throws fast punches at the boxing mitts. MAX Time. Very good. You’re getting better. It’ll serve you right for the tournament in the early stages but you better hope you improve in the later stages. MICK I think I will. Is it okay to go out tonight? I’m not drinking but I have a engagement tonight. MAX You mean the dinner? Mick is speechless for a second. MAX (CONT’D) Dany told me all about it. MICK If it’s going to be a problem, I’ll... MAX (interrupting) Why would it be a problem? She’s a grown woman and I can’t control her life. You seem like a great guy. You fuck around in any way then you can find other training. MICK I won’t. I’m not like that. MAX Good. Cause then I’ll punch your skull in. MICK Deal. Mick steps out of the ring. MAX What are you going to do at the end of the tournament?


MICK Don’t know yet. MAX You better have her in consideration if you decide to make something serious out of this. MICK What do you mean? MAX Relationship. I had to really convince her to help me here. She really likes you but she’s worried that you’re going to end up like me. You have to be prepared that she might drop you like a bad habit if you decide to make a career out of this. MICK I never thought about that. MAX Give it some thought. You have to ask yourself what’s really important. This dream or the rest of your life. Mick stares at the wall. MONTAGE - TRAINING/LIFE/TOURNAMENT ADVANCMENT -Donal does a one armed push up with each arm on a medicine ball. He then follows up with full pushup on the medicine ball. -Mick does reverse sit ups. -In the quarter finals, a fighter throws two punches but Donal bobs his head side to side to dodge both punches. He hits the fighter with his finisher (left jab to gut, right uppercut, and left hook) and wins by knockout. -Mick covers his midsection as his opponent keeps trying to hit him. He quickly backs up and hits him with a left jab. Mick ducks a hook and hits the guy with a right hook to the ribs and a jab to the stomach. He then finishes the guy off with his right hook. The crowd cheers and Mick blows a kiss to Dany at ringside. Max shakes his head but chuckles. -Donal walks down the street and gets hounded for autographs.


-Mick is walking with his arm around Dany’s shoulder when some kids run up wanting autographs. Mick is ecstatic when he signs them. -Donal is in a pool doing pool punches with thirty five pound dumb bells. -Mick is doing pull ups. He struggles at the last one. Max nods his head. MAX Great. When your arm feels better, do them one handed with each arm. MICK What are you nuts? MAX Little bit. -Mick lays down on a couch and grunts as Dany climbs on top of him. -Mick does one armed pull ups with his right arm. MICK I did it. MAX Man, you’re nuts. MICK You did it as well. MAX I’ve never done that before. MICK What? MAX Not once. Mick shakes his head. -Donal has his legs tied around a railing and he does sit ups. After a few, he holds onto the railing. ARTURO What’s wrong? DONAL I think you forgot I’m almost fifty.


ARTURO Come on. George Foreman did this. DONAL Foreman didn’t do this. ARTURO Didn’t do what? Donal laughs and goes back to doing more sit ups. -Mick does sits up off of the apron of the ring. Dany sits on his feet. He struggles with one. MICK I can’t do no more. DANY Do two more and we’ll call it. MICK I don’t think I can do one. Dany looks around as Mick lies back, hanging upside down on the apron. DANY Do two more and I’ll take my shirt off. Mick quickly does one and then struggles but manages to get another sit up. He has a big smile on his face. DANY (CONT’D) You feel that sense of achievement? MICK No I’m waiting for you to give me the reward. Dany scoffs and moves, causing Mick to slide off onto the floor. DANY Oh my god. Are you okay? MICK Peachy. I just might have bruised my back. -In the semi-finals, Donal gets hit in the midsection but it barely fazes him. He pushes the opponent back and hits him but the bell rings. Donal sits down and drinks some water.


ARTURO You see why the sit ups help. DONAL Hell no. I was just retracting my stomach like Houdini. ARTURO Whatever, asshole, you got this. Donal goes out and starts trading punches with his opponent. -Mick has the same situation with his opponent hitting his midsection. He pushes the opponent back and hits him with a jab and a cross. Mick moves in and hits him with his right hook. The opponent falls against the ropes. He does not go down but when the referee talks to him, the opponent shakes his head and the referee signals the bell. Mick walks over and fist bumps his opponent. MICK Good match. OPPONENT Let’s do it again sometime. MICK (chuckling) We’ll see on that. -Donal and his opponent stand next to one another. The announcer walks into the ring. ANNOUNCER Judges cards are tallied and the winner by unanimous decision. Donal McQueen! The crowd has a loud pop. Donal’s head drops and he lets out a breath of relief. He hugs his opponent and pats him on the back. Donal then hugs Arturo. He looks over and sees Ward at ringside who gives him a thumbs up. Donal barely gives a head nod. END MONTAGE INT. MCCORMICK PLACE - DRESSING ROOM - NIGHT The locker room is mainly the employee locker room of McCormick Place. Donal sits in running pants and a t-shirt. His face is bruised up and his lip is busted. Ward walks in, clapping.


WARD Bravo. Man, I should say you still got it or you got the stuff back but I believe you never lost it. DONAL Thanks. What are you doing here? WARD What? I can’t watch my brother’s match. Like old times. DONAL Until you were waiting to throw in the towel to make some money. Ward lets out an annoyed breath. WARD Okay. I guess I deserved that. But that’s not why I’m here. DONAL Why are you here? WARD I want you to work harder. I want you to make it to the finals. The money is not on you losing but on you facing Mick McGuigan. DONAL The kid from Indiana? WARD Yeah. Everyone is pushing for that final match. Man, the money we would make on this. I can promote the hell out of it. You’re both Irish. You have the left hook and he has the right. The young gun versus... DONAL (interrupting) The old gun? WARD You said it. Not me. The next guy should be a easy win. Don’t you think.


DONAL He’s pretty tough. It’ll be hard but I think I can do it. WARD I know you’ll be able to. Donal shakes his head. DONAL Motherfucker. WARD What? DONAL You’re not paying the guy off. I can beat him but I want to earn that win. You’re damn sure not paying McGuigan off if he does make it. I can beat these guys but I want to fight to win. WARD I’m just trying to help. DONAL I believe you make more money by me pulverizing guys. How much you think we’ll lose when the fix is in? You know how some of those fighters are. They get one bit snippy about their pay and they threaten to expose the match. WARD It won’t happen like that. DONAL It won’t happen at all. Let me win this. For the first time in my life, I feel great again. I feel like I’m still useful and not some disposable has been. Ward bites his lip and nods his head. WARD Alright. It’s on you. Remember you’ll owe if you lose. DONAL You’re the best motivation.


INT. MCQUEEN PROMOTIONS - WARD’S OFFICE - LATER - NIGHT Ward sits at his desk with his feet on the desk. He is talking into the phone with a beaming smile on his face. WARD (into phone) I told you this would be a great money maker. What did the commission say? Oh that’s amazing. No, Soldier Field is the right place to have this. As much as I would love the Pontiac, due to how much we loved Wrestlemania three, but Soldier is the jewel of this whole area. The intern, who had the idea of the tournament, runs in. Ward holds up his finger. WARD (CONT’D) (into phone) I got to go. An emergency meeting just got called. Okay, bye. Ward hangs up the phone. WARD (CONT’D) You better have good fucking reason that you’re barging in here. INTERN #3 Estevez is out. WARD Who is Estevez? INTERN #3 He is, or was going to be your brother’s opponent in the finals. WARD What happened? INTERN #3 Too injured. He won by disqualification but his opponent really laid into him. The only thing we can do is to have an alternate take his place which wouldn’t be fair to a lot of fighters or we can have Estevez’ opponent move ahead. (MORE)

75. INTERN #3 (CONT'D) But with Estevez’ opponent, we’re getting pushed for a bigger venue.

WARD Really? How big? INTERN #3 United Center. WARD Holy shit. Who’s the opponent? INTERN #3 Kebar. Ward’s jaw drops. WARD Oh my god. I had no idea he was in the tournament. Imagine how the clout we can get with this. INTERN #3 So okay Kebar? WARD Okay him. I’ll tell my brother or Arturo. INT. MCQUEEN GYM - OFFICE - MOMENTS LATER Arturo tosses a tennis ball against the wall when the phone rings. He answers. ARTURO (into phone) Hello? WARD (V.O.) Who the hell is this? ARTURO Who the hell is this? WARD (V.O.) Arturo? ARTURO Yeah. WARD (V.O.) Yeah.


ARTURO What do you need? WARD (V.O.) Where’s my brother at? ARTURO He went out on a personal errand. Anything I can help you with? WARD (V.O.) Does it sound like I want your help? ARTURO What does this refer to? If it’s the finals coming up, then I do have a say in it as well since I’m his trainer. INT. MCQUEEN PROMOTIONS - WARD’S OFFICE - CONTINUOUS Ward rubs his forehead. He loosens his tie. WARD (into phone) Estevez is out. His opponent fucked him up too much that the doctor won’t clear him to fight. His opponent who he beat by disqualification will take his place. INT. MCQUEEN GYM - OFFICE - CONTINUOUS ARTURO (into phone) Who’s the opponent? There is some breathing. ARTURO (CONT’D) Ward, you motherfucker. You better not put Donal in a bad situation. WARD (V.O.) Kebar. Arturo rubs his face.


WARD (V.O.) Tell my brother you welcome in preparation for his thank you. ARTURO Why would he thank you? WARD (V.O.) Cause this is making up for what I did last time. Just don’t be your father and throw the towel in. Arturo hangs up the phone and throws it against the wall. He rubs his hair really rough. ARTURO Fuck. EXT. GROCERY STORE - PARKING LOT - LATER Max limps as he pushes the cart. He opens his hood and grunts as he lifts a bag into the trunk. DONAL (O.S.) Want some help with that? Max turns around and sees Donal, who smiles back. MAX No. I’m not crippled. How are you, McQueen? Max and Donal shake hands. DONAL Just fine. MAX Congrats on the finals. You and Estevez. DONAL Thanks. Congrats to your boy. O’Shea is going to be a tough one. MAX How so? DONAL Three time Brigades champion. No joke.


MAX Sure isn’t. DONAL You think your boy will be ready? MAX I won it once. I know the training they do. I’ll get him prepared. DONAL You better hope so. Or it’ll serve him better to lose. Make him think he accomplished something. MAX Why you so worried about Mick? Worried you’re going to have to fight him? That’s if you win your division. DONAL I think I can. If I can’t, then I can’t. MAX So you stop by to say hello or you trying to scare me into making Mick back down? DONAL You always think so low of me. MAX Maybe it’s the family you come from. DONAL Listen. My father didn’t end your trainer’s career. He just did his job and your trainer managed to get his retina detached. My brother didn’t run you out of the business. The doctors did. I just want to know why you train the kid against me. MAX That’s not why I’m training the kid. Yes, he wants to win the tournament and I want to help him win. (MORE)

79. MAX (CONT'D) But I’m trying to show him that he shouldn’t throw his life at that ring. I don’t want this to happen to him.

Max shows Donal his Parkinson’s afflicted hand. Donal looks down. DONAL That wasn’t my fault. You had many fighters hit you in the head. How can you be sure that I caused that? MAX Maybe it was when you beat my fucking brains in. DONAL So you think your shitty performance in our fight was my fault? I didn’t tell your wife to leave you. She just left cause you weren’t the cash cow she thought you were. Everyone knows about her. That’s why she went to fucking Kebar and looks like a Barbie Doll. Max slams his trunk. He breaths in and out. DONAL (CONT’D) And I didn’t tell you to put your hands down and let me bash your head in. I did my job. You gave me an opening and I took it. You gave me some good hits as well. And for the record, I don’t give a shit what my brother said, but I wanted our rematch. I wanted to fight you when your head and body was a hundred percent. I wanted to fight the real you. MAX But the tests that your brother was so keen on administering stopped that. DONAL Your finger was twitching constantly and your motor skills were half assed. I was concerned. (MORE)

80. DONAL (CONT'D) I’m not Kebar who just wanted to destroy every opponent and not care about what the repercussions would be. But you can’t blame every problem on me. I didn’t tell you to be a stubborn ass and not take your insulin. That was you. The foot and kidney are on you.

MAX Well, my head is a hundred percent but my body is eighty percent. How about let’s settle it right now? Max gets in a fighting stance. Donal bites his lip and rubs his forehead. DONAL I don’t want to. MAX You scared? DONAL Yeah I am. I don’t want to hurt you anymore. MAX I let myself get hurt last time. You think I care this time? DONAL I care. Okay. I just wanted to ask one thing. That’s all. MAX What’s that? DONAL If this is some vendetta against me, let me know. MAX It isn’t. How do we know that you’ll make it to finals at Soldier Field? DONAL We don’t. Max just shrugs his shoulders. Donal nods his head. DONAL (CONT’D) It was great seeing you.


MAX Sorta likewise. Donal chuckles as he walks away. MAX (CONT’D) I still got my left jab you know. DONAL And I still got ringing in my head from it. EXT. MCQUEEN GYM - ENTRANCE - EVENING Donal pulls up to the gym. He looks curiously out the window at Arturo sitting on the stoop. Donal steps out of the car. DONAL What’s up? ARTURO We need to talk. DONAL Okay. Let’s go inside. ARTURO Are you willing to go all the way with this? DONAL What? ARTURO Take on any opponent. To win. DONAL Yeah. I need to prove to everyone that I can still roll. I’m no has been who just appears to wave his arms and shake hands at boxing matches. Guys who people just cheer cause it’s the respectful thing to do. ARTURO Ward called when you were gone. Estevez is out. He won his semi final match by disqualification but he’s really hurt. Doctors won’t clear him.


DONAL So what does that mean? I got a bye. ARTURO Ward thinks it will lose money if you were given a bye. Plus, he thinks he’ll be accused of nepotism. DONAL So what then? ARTURO Estevez opponent is given reinstatement back into the tournament and your venue got changed to United Center. DONAL Who was his opponent? ARTURO Kebar. Donal looks down but a smirk comes over his face. ARTURO (CONT’D) Are you smirking? I’m telling this as this is bad news. DONAL For you, maybe. For me. I can really get it back. ARTURO (frustrated) Get what back! DONAL I let that Kebar match take everything away from me! Better yet, I let Ward take it away from me. My career and more importantly, my pride. My soul. I lost it all in that fight. Every time I walked down the street after that fight, people just shook their heads at me. They kept calling me a bum and punk. I wasn’t a bum then and I sure as hell ain’t one now! I’m not a punk. And I’ll show Kebar just how pissed off he made me all these years.


ARTURO If Ward didn’t tell my father to throw the towel, Kebar would’ve killed you. He killed two fighters after that. You have to think about that. He could kill you or injure you severely than you intend to. I get the hint that Kebar heads that route and I will call it. I don’t care if you want to fight me afterwards or kill me but I will not watch you get killed in that ring. Is that understood? Donal reluctantly nods his head. ARTURO (CONT’D) You go against that and I’m done. Even if you do by, some miracle, win, you train yourself for the final match. DONAL I’ll do whatever you need. INT. MAX’S HOUSE - DAY Max has a tennis ball launching machine. He fires a ball and Mick quickly ducks it but falls over. MAX That’s a knockdown. MICK Why are we doing this? Mick gets hit in the chest by a ball. MICK (CONT’D) Ow! MAX Your final opponent is a Brigades Champion. Three times. This is what they do. You’ll learn my stuff but you have to be fast with this guy. You can’t rely on dancing and powerful right hooks. A ball flies by and Mick ducks it. Mick nods and gets hit in the mouth.


MICK Son of a bitch! Max launches two more. Mick dodges one but gets hit by the other. MAX Use your eyes. Be quick on your toes. MICK I’ll give it my best. A ball hits him in the stomach. MAX Your best sucks. I’ll make you a deal. I’ll lighten up on this when you can dodge thirty balls. MICK Like being in a locker room. A ball hits his shoulder. MICK (CONT’D) Damn it! MAX Oh and we’ll start over if you get hit. MICK Oh come... A ball hits him in the knee. MAX Now. Counting down. MONTAGE - MORE TRAINING -Donal jump ropes. ARTURO You need speed as much as power. -Donal moves around a bag, hitting it. -Max dodges two balls and goes to smack a third but gets hit in the sternum.


MICK (sarcastic) Don’t tell me. Again. Max launches a ball which hits Mick in the nuts. Another ball is launched and hits Mick on top of the head. He gets hit with a few more. MAX You’re getting pummeled. MICK No shit! A ball hits his thigh. -Donal walks down an aisle throwing lower hooks while carrying dumbbells. -Donal runs down the street. -Mick dodges more tennis balls. He smacks the next few and punches one back at Max. Max dodges it and nods his head. He fires one more but Mick dodges it and throws a right hook at the air. -Donal does arm raises with heavy chains. -Max has a tennis ball tied to string on his finger. He throws it out at Mick who dodges it. -Donal picks up a full keg and slams it. INT. MCQUEEN GYM - GYM - EVENING Donal is unwrapping his hands. ARTURO You ready for tomorrow? DONAL Hell yeah. ARTURO So what are you going to do tonight? DONAL Might just take a walk around the city.


ARTURO If you stop at a bar, short light beer. Only one. DONAL Will do...Dad. Arturo lightly smacks Donal on the head. EXT. CHICAGO - E ILLINOIS STREET - CONTINUOUS Mick, Liam, Maddie, and Dany walk out of the theater. Mick has his arm around Dany as Liam swings around a traffic light pole. LIAM Now that was a good movie. Definitely seeing that twice. MADDIE Who would’ve known that Cumberbatch can do a British Die Hard and be a cool, badass action hero. MICK He kind of is an action hero as Sherlock. Did action hero stuff as Khan. LIAM How bad ass was Thorin and Mark Strong? MICK Thorin? You mean Richard Armitage. MADDIE You do know he’s Thorin as well. MICK Damn. I knew that voice was familiar. LIAM I never knew his name. DANY He was Guy of Gisborne on Robin Hood. Mick puts his finger up.


MICK And Lucas North on Spooks. DANY That wasn’t his real name though? MADDIE Oh! John Bateman. MICK Correct! LIAM I need to see more BBC shows cause I have no idea what the fuck you’re all talking about. The group laughs and walks into PJ Clarkes. INT. PJ CLARKES - ENTRANCE - CONTINUOUS A Maitre ’D walks over. MAITRE ‘D How many with your party? MICK Four. The Maitre ‘D goes to snap his fingers but looks back at Mick. MAITRE ‘D By chance, are you Mick McGuigan? MICK Yeah. MAITRE ‘D We have a nice table for you. Good luck. I got my Star Plaza ticket already. MICK Thanks. MAITRE ‘D By the way, your possible future opponent is in the bar. Mick has a look of confusion until he looks over and sees Donal sitting down, reading.


MAITRE ‘D (CONT’D) Right this way. Mick still standing when Dany nudges him. DANY You okay? MICK Yeah. DANY How about we go set up at the table and you go talk to him? MICK Yeah? DANY Yeah. Just tell me what you want to drink first. MICK Sprite. No ice. And if food orders are taken, steak medium rare with two lobster tails. I think I’ve been good. DANY Okay. Go. Dany gives him a playful shove. Mick has a smile on his face that quickly vanishes when his group walks away. He nervously walks toward the bar. INT. PJ CLARKES - BAR - CONTINUOUS Donal reads a newspaper with a cartoon picture of himself as a punching bag and a cartoon rendition of Kebar with anvil fists hitting him. Mick walks up to the table. MICK Hello, sir. Mr. McQueen. DONAL Hey. So you’re McGuigan. The new me. MICK Well, I don’t think that.


DONAL You’re Max’s protegee though. You learning a lot? MICK Yeah I am. More than I ever have. DONAL Sit down. Mick sits down across from Donal. He is breathing nervously. DONAL (CONT’D) I saw the fight at Hammond Civic Center. You’re really good. MICK Thank you. It means a lot coming from you. DONAL I’m your idol or something? Well, like a great idol, I’ll impart some sage advice or call it wisdom if you want. You are a great fighter. All fighters now care about is selling products or trying to be like Ali but not you. I respect that. You do work hard and you listen to everything Max tells you because he’s a great fighter. The best fighter I ever went against. Mick nods his head and extends his hand. Donal shakes it. DONAL (CONT’D) But now I’m going to give you some truth. I don’t care if you continue fighting after this tournament or not. Max thinks you shouldn’t and I think you should listen to that. You are a great fighter and you can be a great contender someday but listen here. If we meet in the ring, I will not hold back. I know you are a great boxer and it will be an honor to duke it out with you. But if I get the opportunity, I will knock you the fuck out. Mick’s face is blank. DONAL (CONT’D) You may go.


Mick stands up and walks out of the bar. INT. TRAIN - LATER Liam and Maddie sit in chairs. He is asleep with his head back while Maddie is asleep with her head on his shoulder. Dany has her head against the wall sleeping. Mick has his head rested against the window. He stares at the towns and life passing him. Dany opens her eyes and watches him. EXT. MICK’S HOUSE - STREET - CONTINUOUS Mick lets out a breath as he unlocks the door. MICK You staying over tonight? DANY You want me to? MICK Yeah. That’s why I’m asking. DANY What did McQueen say to you? MICK Just good luck in the fight. Have a good future. Usual older boxer younger boxer shit. DANY You barely ate tonight and were quiet the whole way to the train station. MICK Okay. He told me that I was a great fighter but he was going to knock me the fuck out and I should get out when this is over. DANY Why don’t you listen to him? MICK Because I don’t want to. For the first time, I’m in the big leagues. (MORE)

91. MICK (CONT'D) I always wanted to be a fighter who was admired and respected and now I’m there. I can go farther than this tournament. I fought my whole life and that’s all I know.

DANY You can try to learn other things? MICK I don’t have it in me anymore. DANY All you want is their love? All those fight fans? You think they’ll care when you get hurt or killed? MICK No else has. DANY Me! You ever think about that? About us? MICK Of course I do. DANY Well as much as you love fighting, I don’t. Max really needed my help but I only got on board when he said that it was only for tournament. I love you very much. Mick has a stunned look on his face. MICK I love you, too. DANY Maybe I care more because I said it. But I saw what fighting turned Max into and I don’t want that to happen to you. I need to know are you going to make a career out of this? MICK Most likely...yes. I’m sorry. DANY Then I’m sorry, too. Dany walks away.


MICK Where you going? Dany? It’s late let me give you a ride. DANY (O.S.) I’m fine. Mick lowers his head and walks inside. INT. MICK’S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - CONTINUOUS Mick leans his forehead against the door. He steps back and punches the wall. Mick slides to the floor and sits against the wall. The punched hole above his head. INT. MAX’S HOUSE - NEXT DAY - AFTERNOON Mick has a determined look on his face as he hits the boxing mitts. His face winces a couple of times as he hits with his right hand. Max puts the mitts down. MICK What’s up? MAX Let me see your hand. MICK What? MAX You heard me. Mick takes off his gloves and shows his hands up, palms up. MAX (CONT’D) Turn them over. Mick turns them around and Max notices a slight bruise on right knuckle. He feels the bruise. MAX (CONT’D) It’s not broken but it’ll probably mess with you. What’d you hit? MICK The wall.


MAX You told her what she didn’t want to hear, didn’t you? MICK Yeah. MAX You can’t let it cloud your head. MICK I won’t. Let’s go. Max raises the gloves. Mick puts the gloves on and starts hitting with a lot of anger. MAX Calm down. An angry fighter can be ripped apart easily. MICK I’m not angry. Mick continues hitting the mitts with the same anger. Max moves the mitts and starts hitting Mick in the head. MICK (CONT’D) What the fuck are you doing! MAX See an angry fighter can be picked apart easily. I got one foot and one kidney not to mention Parkinson’s and I just pummeled you. Mick takes the gloves off and throws them down. MAX (CONT’D) I told you this would happen. She hates fighting. Why do you want to do this so bad? MICK Cause I’m stupid! I don’t know anything else. I had to fight so much in my life that it’s all I know. But now I don’t know about that anymore. I’m lost. I need to win this and see. MAX I’ll help you win. But I don’t want to go any further than that. (MORE)

94. MAX (CONT'D) Like her, I don’t want to see another fighter end up like I did. I fucked myself. You have the chance to do better.

MICK I don’t even know if I can believe that. MAX You have to have a clear head. You go in there with your head clouded and you will get it knocked off. Look what happened with me and McQueen. I loved my wife even though she didn’t love me back. I let it get to me so bad that I let it get to me in the ring and McQueen kicked my ass. MICK I can try. MAX Trying is not good enough. Well, if it is, try like hell. MICK Okay. Mick starts hitting the mitts a little lighter. Max’s eyes start shuttering. The mitts lower. MICK (CONT’D) Hey. You alright? MAX Yeah. A little winded. Mick starts hitting the mitts more but Max collapses. MICK Max! INT. UNITED CENTER - LOCKER ROOMS - LATER - NIGHT Donal, with a black with gold trim robe on, hits the wall with black boxing gloves. Arturo leans against the wall with his arms folded. Donal grunts and growls.


ARTURO You ready? DONAL For twelve years? What do you think? Donal is led out. INT. UNITED CENTER - RING - CONTINUOUS The cheers of the crowd are deafening. ANNOUNCER enters the ring and is handed cue cards. COMMENTATOR #1 (V.O.) Welcome everyone to HBO sports special presentation of the Northeast Illinois finals of the McQueen Invitational. Through some medical circumstances, McQueen’s original opponent Manolo Estevez had dropped out of the tournament leading way for the rematch twelve years in the making. COMMENTATOR #2 (V.O.) I know, Jim. The tension today is unmistakable. These two men still have hatred for one another ever since Kebar’s controversial victory over McQueen in McQueen’s last match back in 2002. The bell rings. COMMENTATOR #1 Let’s go to Michael Buffer at the mike. ANNOUNCER Ladies and gentlemen, tonight we will be seeing the biggest grudge match in boxing history. This grudge match has been twelve years in the making. And now it is here. Are you ready? Boxing fans, are you reeaaddyy? For the thousands in attendance and the millions watching around the world on HBO sports. From the Windy City of Chicago, Illinois. Llllets’s get to ready to rumbllleee!


INT. UNITED CENTER - ARENA - CONTINUOUS The crowd explodes in cheers. “Shoot to Thrill” by AC/DC plays. Donal walks out. He spins with his fist in the air. Donal high fives a few fans before entering the ring. INT. UNITED CENTER - RING - CONTINUOUS Donal jumps around and does a little dance. He smiles and shakes the announcer’s hand. INT. UNITED CENTER - ARENA - CONTINUOUS “It’s a Fight” by 3 6 Mafia plays. Some fans cheer but mostly boo when Michod, Donal’s opponent in the beginning, walks out. Michod wears a dark blue robe that has the hood over his head. He walks by fans and raises his fist up like he is going to back hand them. INT. UNITED CENTER - RING - CONTINUOUS Michod steps through the ropes. He takes his hood off and has a smug smile as he walks up and is face to face with Donal. MICHOD Nice to see you again. I was looking for another head to knock off. DONAL Well, you might try new things like going to sleep. The referee steps in the middle of the fighters and they back up. ANNOUNCER Ladies and gentlemen, this is a 10 round final match of the Illinois sectional of the Ward McQueen Boxing invitational. In the red corner to my right, wearing black laced with gold and weighing in at two hundred and ten pounds. Fighting out of the Windy City, Chicago, Illinois.


The crowd cheers loudly. ANNOUNCER (CONT’D) He is a former heavyweight champion of the world. Donal. The Hurricannnee. McQueen. Donal lets his robe drop and he kisses his glove and holds his fist in the air. His trunks are the same color as his robe. The crowd eats it up. ANNOUNCER (CONT’D) And in the blue corner to my left, wearing blue laced with black and weighing in at two hundred and thirty pounds. Fighting out of New York City. He is also a former heavyweight champion of the world. Michod. Hands of Steelll. Kebar! The crowd boos more intensely. MICHOD Yeah! Fuck you! The announcer gets out of the ring. The referee waves both boxers back to the center of the ring. REFEREE We went over all the instructions in the locker room. No hits below the belt. No head butts. I’m talking to you Kebar. Kebar holds his hands up with a phony innocent look on his face. REFEREE (CONT’D) I want a good clean fight. Now touch gloves and let the best man win. MICHOD He will. No worries about the gym. You can still work for me when I buy it. You can be my towel bitch. Donal and Kebar bang gloves together. FIGHT - DONAL VS KEBAR


The bell rings and Kebar starts it off with a hard left hook followed by a right. He goes for another hook but Donal ducks it and counters with a hard hook to the ribs. Donal follows up with right jab to the face. He hits Kebar with his left hook but Kebar is just dazed. Donal curses himself but continues after Kebar. He works Kebar into ropes and hits him a few times in the midsection. When Kebar covers his midsection, Donal hits him in the face a few times. Kebar grabs him into a hug and bangs his head on the side of Donal’s head. Kebar spins around, pulling Donal with him and pushes him against the ropes. He then hits Donal hard on both sides of his rib cage. Kebar then hits Donal with a hard jab to the midsection and a hard cross to the face. The bell rings to signal end of match. Kebar hits Donal with another hard cross to the head, knocking Donal down. Arturo jumps in the ring but gets held back by the referee. MICHOD (CONT’D) What! You want to do something bitch! ARTURO Cheap shotting motherfucker. Donal uses the ropes to pull himself up. Arturo helps him to the stool in the corner. Donal cradles his head for a second. Arturo looks at his face. ARTURO (CONT’D) You see okay? DONAL Yeah. Arturo holds up two fingers. DONAL (CONT’D) I see two of your fingers. ARTURO Where are we right now?


DONAL On a stool. Arturo chuckles. ARTURO You need to go back to what we were learning. Go back to switching it up. But hit a little harder. Don’t be afraid to use a little strength. Don’t use all of your strength but give your punches a little oomph. -The girl carries a card for Round 2 -Donal hits a few shots to Michod’s body then quickly hits a few shots to his head. -Arturo pats Donal on the back. -Kebar’s trainer screams in his ear. Kebar’s face has a snarl as he stares Donal down. -Donal and Kebar trade blows in the middle of the ring. -Girl carries the card for Round 3 -Donal is pummeled in the corner. -Donal is in the corner getting water dumped on his head. Arturo is yelling at him. -Girl carries the card for Round 4 -Donal hits Kebar a few times in the head. Kebar ducks and low blows Donal. The referee yells at Kebar who pushes him out of the way. Kebar then hits Donal with a left jab and right hook to his head, knocking him down. -Donal pulls himself up as the referee counts. He stands up and nods his head when asked to continue. -Girl carries the card for Round 5 -Donal’s midsection gets pummeled. Kebar quickly drives the top of his head into Donal’s nose. Blood spills out. Kebar hits him twice in the face and once in the ribs. The bell rings. Kebar hits him in the ribs again. COMMENTATOR #2 (V.O.) Oh man! Is Kebar looking to get disqualified or is he really looking to destroy McQueen here?


COMMENTATOR #1 (V.O.) I do not know. I never seen Kebar have this much of a vicious streak but I will say I am impressed by the vigor and resiliency of McQueen here tonight. -Donal sits in the corner. Arturo presses on the side. ARTURO God damn it. Your ribs are broken. DONAL You want to scream it louder. Michod can’t hear you. ARTURO He doesn’t need to hear me! He can see it! I’m calling it. DONAL No! I am not going to let this asshole step on me again. ARTURO I told you that if I get a hint that he may hurt you seriously, I’m calling it! DONAL I can handle this. ARTURO Fuck. Go and fight but remember what I said. Donal jumps back into the fight. Ward runs over. WARD What the fuck is going on? ARTURO He wants Kebar to kill him. WARD You keep a straight head on. He doesn’t have a straight head on. You throw it in if he’s getting killed in there. -Girl carries card for Round 6. -Donal hits Kebar in the stomach then in the face. He shakes it off and grabs him.


Kebar hits Donal in the side and he winces. He gets a sick smile on his face. Kebar pushes Donal back and headbutts him. The referee jumps in front. REFEREE That’s it! You do that one more time and you’re done! MICHOD Yeah, fuck you! Who’s going to fight if he can’t? Michod pushes Donal into the ropes and hits him with a hard right to the ribs. He then hits Donal with an uppercut. Kebar hits Donal another time in the ribs which causes him to keel over. He then punches Donal in the head which causes him to drop to one knee. Kebar then punches Donal to knock him to the ground. The bell rings. Arturo helps Donal over to stool. -Donal groans in pain. ARTURO That’s it. Ref comes over, I’m telling him you’re done. DONAL No! Ward jumps up on apron. WARD Donal! Stop this! I’ll pay the tax property off. You don’t owe me anything! DONAL Looking out for your payday again! WARD Damn it! I don’t want you to get killed! I’m looking out for you! Please, quit this. DONAL Let me try one more round. Ward rolls his eyes with a groan. WARD Fine! You start getting killed and the towel goes in! That’s it!


ARTURO I told you if you pull this shit, I’m done! Arturo hands Ward the towel and storms off. COMMENTATOR #1 (V.O.) Oh my god! McQueen’s trainer has just left ringside. COMMENTATOR #2 (V.O.) His brother Ward will have to serve as his trainer now. I do hope McQueen gives up. He is taking a horrible beating in this match. But he won’t quit. -Girl carries card for Round 7 -Donal favors his left side. When Kebar moves into attack, Donal attacks Kebar’s left side. He hits Kebar with hard shots to the side and ribs. When Kebar goes to cover his side, Donal hits him in the face. -Girl carries card for Round 8. -Donal uses the same technique. Kebar is dazed and Donal attempts his patented left hook. Kebar ducks and hits Donal in the broken rib. Donal screams in pain as Kebar uppercuts him and pushes him into the corner. He starts pummeling Donal in the corner, causing Donal to fall to the ground. -Arturo is watching from the locker room television. He has fingers locked behind his head. Arturo shakes his head with disapproval. -Donal goes to push himself up. He can’t hear the noise of the crowd. Kebar stands by, cursing and mouthing off to him. The referee counts in slow motion. Flashes of the disapproving people appear in his mind. Insults are heard in his mind. He pushes himself up to one knee. -Ward jumps up on the apron and throws the towel. -Donal catches it and angrily throws it out of the ring. Ward yells at him. Donal moves into the ring. Kebar goes to punch at Donal’s ribs. Donal sidesteps and gives him a hard right cross to the side of his head. He then sidesteps a jab and jabs Kebar in the nose. Donal follows up with a cross to Kebar’s chin. His face is full of anger as he hits Kebar with hard crosses on both sides of the ribcage. Kebar keels over and gets nailed with a right uppercut. Donal screams with rage as he hits with Kebar with four left hooks. The fourth hook knocks Kebar out.


BACK TO SCENE The referee waves his arms and signals the bell. The crowd explodes into applause. Ward covers his mouth. His eyes are full of surprise and tears. INT. ST. MARGARET’S HOSPITAL - WAITING ROOM - CONTINUOUS Mick watches the finish on television. He sits down and leans his head against the wall. Mick has a blank look on his face. A NURSE walks in. NURSE Mr. McGuigan? MICK Yes? Mick runs up to the nurse. NURSE He’s stable. MICK What happened? NURSE He wasn’t keeping up on his insulin again and his kidney was experiencing complications. MICK Will he be okay? NURSE He needs to stay the week. MICK A week? I have the fight in a few days. I need him. NURSE I’m sorry. He needs to stay here. We have worries that his other kidney is failing. He might be fine in a week but there’s the long run. MICK What happens?


NURSE A guy with his condition along with the Parkinson’s, could hurt him. His kidney can totally fail and he would need a transplant but with his medical problems, it will be unlikely. He could have diabetic shock and end up in coma. Mick rests his hands on his hips. He has a defeated look on his face. EXT. MICK’S HOUSE - BACKYARD - CONTINUOUS Mick sits on his porch. Liam opens the gate. LIAM Did you see McQueen beat Kebar? Liam’s cheerfulness subsides as he sees Mick staring at the gate. LIAM (CONT’D) Is everything alright? MICK Max is in the hospital. He is okay for now but he keeps up with trying to train me, then it could hurt him. It’s over. Mick stands up and picks up a tennis ball and hurls it at the fence. It bounces and nearly hits Liam. LIAM Hey! MICK Sorry. I don’t know what to do. LIAM Use everything he taught you. MICK I need him in the corner. LIAM I’ll be there. Mick has a slight smirk.


MICK Thank you. If I win, what then? Train myself. How am I going to beat McQueen then? I push them all away. My parents. Dany. Max. LIAM Max didn’t do anything he didn’t want to do. He wanted to push you to win so you can stop. MICK Stop? LIAM Every fight you win, you’re happy and ecstatic. But that fighting side of you is defeated with each fight. MICK What are you trying to say? LIAM You keep saying that you want to continue with fighting after the tournament but I have the feeling that you don’t. After the tournament, it will be enough. Mick scoffs. He then lowers his head. MICK You’re probably right. But I need to win this. So I know. LIAM Let’s make a deal. Better yet, make a deal with Max. You win this and you have the choice to continue. You lose and you’re done. MICK That sounds good. LIAM Go see Max once and then knock that Navy asshole out of the Radisson. MICK Will do.


INT. ST. MARGARET’S HOSPITAL - MAX’S ROOM - DAY Mick walks in and sees Max sleeping. Max opens his eyes and has a hurt smile on his face. MAX I thought you would be training. MICK Can’t. I need my trainer. MAX Well, I got to listen to the doctors this time. MICK I know. I’ll try my best in this fight. MAX You always give your best in the fights. But you give your worst as well. That idiot Liam stopped by. MICK Did he? MAX What’s the wager you guys are talking about? MICK He’s under the impression that my fighting instinct is getting further and further deflated in each tournament round. He says if I win, then I will have the choice to continue boxing. He believes I won’t. Maybe he’s right. MAX If you lose? MICK Then I quit. Well, it’s everyone else’s choice if I continue boxing but I know you all will tell me no. MAX He’s right. Remember that you have to have a clear head in that fight. This guy adapts easily. He catches one flaw or gets one hint that your mind is elsewhere and you’re done. (MORE)

107. MAX (CONT'D) Keep Dany and better yet, keep me out of your head.

MICK I’ll try. MAX God help you if you don’t try hard enough. MICK Then I’ll improvise. Mick and Max shake hands. Mick walks out of the room. INT. ST. MARGARET’S HOSPITAL - HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS Mick lets out a breath and he nearly breaks down. He wipes the tears from his eyes. Mick breaths in through his nose and his face has a look of determination. INT. STAR PLAZA - SHOW ROOM - TWO DAYS LATER - EVENING The room is set up like a packed arena. A ring is set up in the middle of the floor. COMMENTATOR #1 (V.O.) Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the beautiful Star Plaza in Merrillville, Indiana inside the luxurious Radisson Hotel. This is finals of the Northwest Indiana sectional. COMMENTATOR #2 (V.O.) That’s right, Jim. All eyes are watching tonight as the new young sensation in boxing, Mick McGuigan will take on Beckett O’Shea. If McGuigan wins tonight, we will see the dream match of McQueen and McGuigan. COMMENTATOR #1 (V.O.) Hey, battle of the m... COMMENTATOR #2 (V.O.) Don’t even say it.


“Smells Like Teen Spirit” by Nirvana plays. Mick enters, wearing a black hoodie, shamrock green boxing gloves, black Nike boxing shorts and shoes. Liam walks next to him, carrying a towel and bucket. They do a little jog up to the ring. Mick steps into the ring and holds his fist in the air to cheers. “Boom” by POD plays in the arena as BECKETT O’SHEA enters. O’Shea has spiky hair that is dyed completely lime green along with his beard. He wears lime green boxing gloves, running pants, and baggy jacket. O’Shea runs and jumps around in the air, followed by cheerleaders. Mick and Liam look at one another. O’Shea does a cartwheel despite having boxing gloves on. MICK This guy won the Brigade championship three times? LIAM He was a high school cheerleader before the Navy. MICK Makes sense. O’Shea does a cheerleader dance as he rips his running pants off to reveal Navy embroidered boxing shorts. He rips his jacket off and continues dancing with the cheerleaders. LIAM Maybe we should... MICK Have gotten some cheerleaders. LIAM Maddie. Dany. Liam’s smile quickly disappears. LIAM (CONT’D) I’m sorry. MICK Don’t worry about it. O’Shea jumps on the apron and leaps over the ropes, almost falling on the canvas.


LIAM Imagined if he knocked himself out. MICK It would be nice. Mick takes his jacket off and steps into the center of the ring. Everything is silent to him. MATCH - MICK VS O’SHEA The bell rings. O’Shea throws a few punches that Mick easily dodges. O’SHEA You learned from Max! MICK Yeah! O’SHEA You learned well. O’Shea throws a jab which Mick dodges but he gets hit with hook. O’SHEA (CONT’D) Not well enough. Mick shakes it off and starts to throw some punches of his own which O’Shea dodges. O’Shea throws a jab which Mick quickly sidesteps and hits O’Shea in the face. O’Shea shakes his head and starts throwing quick punches. Mick miraculously dodges them and starts hitting him a few times in the midsection. O’Shea quickly covers his midsection, just to receive a few hits to the face. The bell rings. Mick sits in the corner. Liam looks at his face. Mick drinks some water. LIAM You were slipping a little in the at round. MICK He brought up Max. LIAM Keep that shit out of your head.


MICK Okay. LIAM Let him cheer and dance around and then knock his block off. Mick chuckles. MICK (in a Sylvester Stallone voice) Okay. Mick. Liam slaps him on top of the head. -Round 2 card. -Mick alternates body and head shots. -Round 3 card. -O’Shea pummels Mick in the corner. Mick grabs him into hug but O’Shea pushes him off and pummels him some more. -Mick looks around, distracted as Liam yells at him. -Round 4 card. -Mick dodges and ducks punches. He hits O’Shea a few times. O’Shea hits him right back. -Round 5 card. -O’Shea goes to hit Mick in the midsection, causing Mick slide over and punch him on the side of his head. -Round 6 card. -Mick hits O’Shea with shots to the body. He goes for shots to the head but O’Shea evades them and hits Mick a few times in the face. -Round 7 card. -Mick dodges a punch, just to get hit with another. He ducks a punch and gets uppercutted. Mick gets hits twice in the face before receiving a right cross which knocks him to the ground. -Mick has images of Max and Dany appear before his eyes.


MICK (V.O.) (CONT’D) I know I said if I lose, that I’ll quit. I can’t lose here. I need to go all the way. But he knows everything now. Mick quickly pulls himself up, using the ropes. REFEREE You good! MICK Yeah. The bell rings. O’Shea points. O’SHEA I got your ass in the next round! Mick nods. -Mick sits down gingerly on the stool. Liam checks his face. LIAM Your lip is busted. MICK Fix it. LIAM What the fuck is happening in there? MICK He’s adapting. He knows what I’m doing. Shit. LIAM You got to keep your head clear. MICK I can’t. He’s got me beat and he knows it. LIAM Cancel that shit now. You can think of something. Remember something that Max may have not taught you. Mick has a look of realization on his face. MICK Improvise.


LIAM What? MICK Improvise. Mick has a big grin on his face. He stands up and moves back into the ring. LIAM Oh shit. What’s he going to do now? -Round 8 card. -Mick moves in. He throws light punches at O’Shea. He quickly dodges and moves out of the way of O’Shea’s punches. O’Shea has a determined look on his face. COMMENTATOR #1 (V.O.) I was worried about McGuigan but it looks he figured something out. -In the hospital room, Max sits up, watching the fight. MAX What the fuck are you up to? -Mick starts doing a little tap dance. O’Shea is confused and looks down. Mick hits him with three jabs. -At Buffalo Wild Wings, Dany is working as a waitress. She stands in the background, watching the fight. -Mick smiles and puts his hands down. O’SHEA What the hell you doing? MICK Come on. Free hit. Mick taps his chin. The crowd starts laughing. COMMENTATOR #2 (V.O.) What in god’s name is going on? I never seen anything like this. O’Shea throws a punch which Mick dodges. O’SHEA You said free hit!


MICK I won’t hit you back but that doesn’t mean I’m going to let you hit me. O’Shea throws some hooks but Mick jerks his head back to dodge them. MICK (CONT’D) Come on, bad guy. You ain’t so bad. Brigades champion, my ass. You’re a cheerleader. O’Shea angrily throws a punch but Mick ducks and hits him hard in the ribs. He follows up with a hard hit to the midsection. Mick then throws an uppercut. He sidesteps a wild jab to hit O’Shea with hard left jabs to the face. Mick moves in and throws his right hook and knocks him out. The bell rings and Mick jumps into a hug from Liam. The crowd erupts in cheers and applause. -Everyone in Buffalo Wild Wings scream and cheer. Dany jumps up and down, clapping. She has tears in her eyes. -At the nurses station, doctors and nurses cheer and yell. Max peeks out the door. MAX Oh really. Don’t watch the fight. I don’t think anyone is. (to the screen) You smart ass. -In the ring, O’Shea walks up and shakes hands and hugs Mick. O’SHEA Good luck in Chicago. MAX Good luck at the next Brigades. O’SHEA I’ll send a ticket. MICK I’d like that. END FIGHT


INT. ST. MARGARET’S HOSPITAL - HALLWAY - DAY Mick, with bruises on his face, walks down the hallway with flowers. Dany comes out of Max’s room and bumps into him. DANY Oh. Hi. MICK Hi. DANY You look good. MICK You think so. Bruises bring out my eyes. Dany has a slight chuckle. MICK (CONT’D) So I’m in the finals. DANY I know. I watched the match at work. MICK Really? Where you work now? DANY A restaurant. MICK Hooters? Mick has a sly grin. DANY Buffalo Wild Wings. MICK Maybe I’ll stop in some time. DANY Yeah...well you probably want to see Max. MICK Yeah. Yeah. Of course. It was great seeing you. DANY Same here.


Dany starts to walk away, rubbing her face. Max lets out an annoyed breath. MICK Dany. Dany turns around. MICK (CONT’D) I miss you. DANY Mick... MICK I do. You and Max, mainly you, were on my mind that whole fight. That’s why I almost lost. DANY What was with the dance? MICK I thought of improvising and the first person that came to mind was you. DANY It was horrible dancing. MICK It did distract him. DANY That it did. But I told you about the fighting. MICK I have a wager with Max. If I lose, I’m done with boxing. DANY What if you win? MICK I don’t know. Liam and Max tell me that the fighting spirit is decreasing with every fight. Maybe it is. DANY Why now all of a sudden?


MICK Since I met you, I feel I have the something to lose more than myself. I know it’s a lot to ask but can you be at the Soldier Field fight. Dany goes to open her mouth but Mick puts his hand up. MICK (CONT’D) Before you say no, it is possible that I may call it quits even if I win. I just need to know I accomplished something. That’s all I need. Yeah, there’s fans that love you but there is always the people that actually care. DANY I can’t tell you how to run your future. I’ll think about it. MICK Okay. Hope you really consider this. DANY Are you quitting for me? MICK Maybe. Or maybe you showed me that I was more than a fighting bum. Maybe I don’t want to hurt Max anymore with stress and worry. Dany and Mick hug. Mick buries his face on her shoulder. INT. ST. MARGARET’S HOSPITAL - MAX’S ROOM - CONTINUOUS Mick walks in, empty handed. MAX I thought I saw you with flowers. MICK I gave them to Dany. MAX Oh I’m sure she appreciates get well flowers. MICK I threw the sign away.


MAX So that was improvising, huh? MICK Yep. MAX You got lucky. MICK I know. MAX What happened? MICK Didn’t listen. Let everything get to me and I gave him time to figure me out. MAX But you figured your way out though. MICK If Liam didn’t say think of something you hadn’t taught, I never would have thought about the dancing. Mick chuckles. MAX So you’re ready for McQueen? MICK I’m scared shitless. MAX That’s good. You’re always supposed to be scared shitless. It’s the fear that can help you adapt. You go in there all cocky and he’ll break you down. MICK What am I going to do about training? MAX Use my house. You remember everything I taught and that buddy of yours seemed to help you out. (MORE)

118. MAX (CONT'D) But you have to have a clear head when fighting this final match.

MICK Maybe I’ll get lucky. MAX No. Chances are he watched your fight. He’ll figure out what you’re doing and clean your clock. Mick nods his head. MICK I heard the match might get moved back so McQueen can heal a hundred percent. Give me time to train more. Hopefully you can be better in time. MAX I don’t know this time. This time, I don’t think I can push it. Mick nods, defeated. MICK Maybe you’ll be able to, at least, be there to watch the match. Max smiles. MAX I’ll see what I can do. INT. SHERATON HOTEL - BALLROOM - LATER - DAY Photographers take pictures of the table at the front of the room. At the table is Donal and Mick with Ward in between them. WARD Ladies and gentlemen, please. I know I announced that I pushed the fight back by a few months but each fighter is banged up and I want them a hundred percent and medically cleared to fight. REPORTER #1 What’s the purpose of this?


WARD I want the fight to be fair. I want a grueling contest and I can’t have that with one fighter injured and the other is not. REPORTER #2 People say your actions in the Kebar fight were a pure form of nepotism. WARD That’s bull. I am too things in this world. A promoter but also a brother. I tried to stop the fight so my brother wouldn’t get seriously hurt or killed. But he said no and I had to respect his wishes to continue. REPORTER #3 So this stalling tactic is not nepotism? WARD This isn’t stalling. I not only want to have a fair match but I want to give all of you a great fight. You have a great fighter from the past versus a great fighter for the future. REPORTER #1 Since the fight is delayed, what’s the possible date for this final match? WARD According to doctors, both fighters will be hundred percent by February. I want to give each fighter a month or so to train so they’ll be ready to clash. The date in mind is March seventieth. There is some commotion. WARD (CONT’D) Please, people. I want you to forget Rumble in the Jungle or Thrilla in Manilla. I want you all to be ready for...


Ward nods off screen and a drape behind falls to reveal a huge fighting poster. The poster has Donal and Mick facing off with their fists up like they are ready to fight. There is a four leaf clover in the middle with a match title. INSERT - MATCH TITLE ST. PATRICK’S DAY MASSACRE BACK TO SCENE INT. SHERATON HOTEL - BALLROOM - CONTINUOUS There is an applause. Ward points to a female reporter. REPORTER #4 Why this title? WARD Because both fighters are Irish. They have Irish blood. They each wield a hook. McGuigan with his right and McQueen with his left. Both hooks will clash. It will be a massacre and what better day for these Irish warriors to clash than the most sacred day for all Irish men and women. St. Patrick’s day. Reporters start talking again. REPORTER #1 I was wondering if we can ask the fighters some question. WARD Sure. REPORTER #1 Mick, who do you think is in better shape? MICK I am. He’s okay. Everyone, including Donal laughs. REPORTER #4 McQueen, you feel any fear going to this match?


DONAL Yeah I’m scared. I’m scared I might hurt him too much. The crowd laughs. MICK I’m scared you might hurt yourself. More laughter. REPORTER #4 Mr. McGuigan? MICK Mick. Please. REPORTER #4 Okay. Mick. How does it feel to be fighting on a fight of this stage? MICK I’ve been waiting for this my whole life. REPORTER #2 Who were some of your idols in fighting growing up? MICK Max Sweeney and Donal McQueen. REPORTER #1 I understand that Max Sweeney was training you for this tournament. MICK That’s right. REPORTER #1 He’s been hospitalized. Is he going to be able to train you for this fight? MICK I don’t know yet. But I hope so. REPORTER #3 Is Arturo Vasquez still training you, Donal? Donal looks down for a second.


REPORTER #3 (CONT’D) Donal? DONAL I’m sorry. What was the question? REPORTER #3 Your training? DONAL Everything still running good. Donal smiles but looks back down. INT. SHERATON HOTEL - HALLWAY OUTSIDE BALLROOM - CONTINUOUS Donal puts on his jacket and stands by the elevator. Mick walks up and stands next to him. MICK Great press conference. DONAL What’s up? MICK I was just saying good press conference. DONAL Oh. Thanks. You as well. How’s Max doing? MICK Good. He might be able to train me. DONAL What if he can’t? MICK Then I’ll train myself. DONAL Good luck to that. MICK Aren’t you up the same creek as me? DONAL I am but I’m more experienced than you and I fought Max so there’s nothing he can teach that I don’t already know. (MORE)

123. DONAL (CONT'D) And I’m not holding back even if you don’t have training.

Mick backs up. MICK I don’t want your pitty or your reluctance in the fight. Fyi, I’m not holding back either. And to repeat the wisdom you bestowed on me, you give me an opening and I’ll lay you the fuck out. I’ll see you on St. Patrick’s day. Mick walks off. Donal stares at him walking away. His face is blank but a slight smile comes over his face as he nods his head with approval. INT. DICK’S SPORTING GOODS - MMA SECTION - NEXT DAY Arturo puts gloves up on the shelf. Two WORKERS walk by. DICK’S EMPLOYEE #1 Hey, Arturo? Don’t you got a fight to train someone for? ARTURO Nope. DICK’S EMPLOYEE #2 Figures. Well, you have three boxes of boxing tape to unload. ARTURO Silas is on it. DICK’S EMPLOYEE #1 Well, I gave him a break. Pussy. They walk off laughing, annoyingly. Arturo breathes through his nose as he angrily slams a plastic bin of gloves on the shelf. He rests his head on the shelf. DONAL (O.S.) (to workers) Hey, you know where the weights would be at? Arturo looks up and over his shoulder to see Donal.


DICK’S EMPLOYEE #2 Sure. Ask the senior citizen there. The two workers laugh. DONAL That senior citizen you’re referring to had never been knocked out in a fight. The only loss he ever suffered was a decision. Plus, senior citizen would be more like seventy you jack off. DICK’S EMPLOYEE #1 Whatever, old man. McGuigan is going to kick your ass. The employees walk away laughing. Arturo barely nods his head at Donal. DONAL (to Arturo) Can we talk outside when you get a break? EXT. DICK’S SPORTING GOODS - ENTRANCE - CONTINUOUS Arturo leans against the wall with his arms folded. Donal has his hands in his pockets. He can barely look up at him. ARTURO How’s the ribs? DONAL Getting better. ARTURO Well, congratulations. And nice press conference. DONAL You saw it? ARTURO ESPN. Donal smirks. ARTURO (CONT’D) So you talk to the kid at all?


DONAL Yeah. I talked to him before the finals of our sectionals and press conference. ARTURO What’d he say? DONAL It’ll be an honor to face me. I told him that it would be an honor for me as well but I’ll knock his ass out if given the opportunity. ARTURO And what’d he say to that? DONAL Likewise. The two laugh. DONAL (CONT’D) I know you’re pissed at me about that fight. Ward is, too. ARTURO You could have been killed or seriously injured. DONAL I know. But I told you. You know what it was like. When you had your last fight, you lost by a decision. But I bet, every now and then when people snicker at you, it just eats at you. Arturo nods. DONAL (CONT’D) That’s what it was like. If I gave up again, I’ll just be a joke to everyone. Boxing. Myself. ARTURO So is that why you came here? To apologize and explain things? DONAL No. I need you. ARTURO I told you...


DONAL (interrupting) One more time. Just one more time. And that’s it. If by luck I get another match, which I highly doubt, I’ll do it myself. I need your help. I can’t do it without you and you know these young fighters better than me. Arturo rubs his face. DONAL (CONT’D) You’re in charge. If you think I’m going to get killed, you toss it in. Don’t even listen to me. Better yet, I only need to five mil to buy the property so I can own my gym. The rest is yours. ARTURO You’d be willing to do that. DONAL Yes. ARTURO Fifteen million dollars? DONAL Did I stutter? ARTURO No you didn’t. Just to let you know, I’m going to hurt you with this training. You need to not only have strength but a lot of speed and endurance. DONAL I wouldn’t ask for anything better. INT. MAX’S HOUSE - AFTERNOON Mick angrily punches the punching bag. MAX (O.S.) You do know that McQueen won’t stand still, right? Mick looks over and sees Max. Max shakes his head.


MAX (CONT’D) Thought you would learn better than that. And what did I say about fighting pissed? MICK That the fighter can easily break me apart piece by piece. Mick walks over and hugs him. MICK (CONT’D) So you’re out? MAX Yep. MICK Are you going to be able to help? MAX Yeah. Doctors said not too much stress but fuck them. Plus, I brought some help. Mick looks over and sees Dany and Liam. MAX (CONT’D) Now. You win this fight and the choice is yours to continue fighting. But I really want you to consider that this is it. MICK All I’m really concerned about is beating McQueen. MAX Well, stop standing around. Let’s get to it. Before the fight, cut your hair and shave that shit off. MONTAGE - FINAL TRAINING -Mick does work on the speed bag. -Donal does work on the speed bag. -Donal hits the boxing mitts held by Arturo. -Liam holds the mitts that Mick hits as Max calls out punches. -Donal does sits ups.


-Mick does sit ups. -Donal runs the bleachers at a baseball stadium -Mick runs along the lakefront on Lake Shore Drive. -Mick throws punches as he practices his footwork. -Donal practices jump roping. -Donal and Mick both do reverse sit ups. -Mick does arm raises with dumb bells. -Mick does one armed pull ups with both arms. -Donal does pull ups. -Donal spars with Arturo. He dodges the quick punches thrown at him and he hits Arturo with every punch he throws. -Mick dodges tennis balls. -Donal runs hard up the bleachers. -Mick breaks into a fast sprint. He gets near the boats and stops. He does a little boxing dance. -Donal stands at top of the bleachers and looks off into the distance. Soldier Field is visible. -Mick is on the lakefront, looking at exactly the same thing. -Split screen of the two pointing. EXT. SOLDIER FIELD - LATER - DAY Fans stands outside cheering. Signs are held up which signifies which fighter they are behind. A HBO SPORTS reporter stands outside with a microphone. The cameraman sets up the camera. HBO SPORTS This is pitiful. All these idiots standing around just to see two guys beating the fuck out of each other. Some old guy beating up some young punk or a young guy whooping an old guy. This is fucking ridic...


CAMERAMAN We’re on. HBO SPORTS (tone change) Welcome, fight fans. To beautiful Soldier Field on this wonderful St. Patrick’s Day. Thousands of fight fans have clamored to this jewel of the lakefront to see an historic boxing bout take place. Not since the infamous Long Count fight of Tunney and Dempsey has their been a fight of this magnitude. INT. SOLDIER FIELD - LOCKER ROOM - LATER Mick, wearing his zip up hoodie and running pants, sits against the wall. Max walks in, carrying a box. Mick is now clean shaven and his hair is now cut short. MAX You meditating? MICK Yep. MAX Well, don’t meditate for too long. I got something for you. Mick stands up and looks at the box Max has. Max opens it and Mick’s face is blank. MICK That’s yours. MAX It was. Today, it’s yours. Give McQueen a little blast from the past. MICK With pleasure. INT. SOLDIER FIELD - CONTROL BOOTH - EVENING Ward looks at the screens. There is a HBO sports countdown on the corner of the screen where a movie is playing.


Two monitors have Donal and Mick on them. They are both getting their hands wrapped. WARD Record this. This will be great for the dramatic tension. Both fighters exuberating a calm before the storm. Technicians flip switches. INT. SOLDIER FIELD - LOCKER ROOM B - NIGHT Donal, wearing gold trunks with black trim and gold gloves, punches the wall. He puts on a gold robe. Arturo rolls up a towel and puts it on his shoulder. ARTURO Isn’t that the one you wore when you won the championship? DONAL Yep. ARTURO Thinking too far ahead. DONAL I always do. INT. SOLDIER FIELD - LOCKER ROOM - CONTINUOUS Mick, wearing a celle green laced with silver robe, hits Max’s hands. A SOLDIER FIELD WORKER walks in. SOLDIER FIELD WORKER It’s time. Mick nods his head. He walks out with Max. INT. SOLDIER FIELD - ARENA - CONTINUOUS The seats are packed with screaming fans. COMMENTATOR #1 (V.O.) Man, listen to this crowd.


COMMENTATOR #2 (V.O.) We’ve had ticket scalpers on the prowl since early morning. No one wants to miss this fight. COMMENTATOR #1 (V.O.) Well, it’s for free on HBO. COMMENTATOR #2 (V.O.) But some people want to be in person for the occasion. The announcer enters the ring. The fans stand on their feet, cheering loudly. COMMENTATOR #1 (V.O.) Let’s go to the ring with Michael Buffer. INT. SOLDIER FIELD - RING - CONTINUOUS The announcer waves around. ANNOUNCER Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to HBO sports boxing main event. Brought to you by Ward McQueen promotions. Tonight, we will experience the most anticipated match in the history of professional boxing. This is the finals of the invitational. Are you ready! The crowd cheers and stomps their feet. The pandemonium is great. ANNOUNCER (CONT’D) Boxing fans, are you rrreeeadddy! COMMENTATOR #1 (V.O.) I think the fans are, Michael. ANNOUNCER Then for the thousands in attendance and the millions watching around the world on HBO/Pay Per View. From Soldier Field in the heart of the Windy City of Chicago, Illinois! Lllllet’s get ready to rumbllleee!


INT. SOLDIER FIELD - ARENA - CONTINUOUS “Rock You Like a Hurricane” by the Scorpions plays. Donal walks out. He holds his fist in the air with a big smile on his face. Donal slaps fan’s hands as he walks by. Donal enters the ring and holds his fist in the air and walks to all sides. Fans are going nuts. “Warrior’s Code” by Dropkick Murphys plays. Mick walks out, with the hood of his robe over his head. Mick holds his fists in the air and slaps fans hands as he walks by. He throws little air punches as he makes his way toward the ring. INT. SOLDIER FIELD - RING - CONTINUOUS Mick takes his hood off as he jumps around. On Donal’s side of the ring, Arturo and Donal have looks of confusion. ARTURO Didn’t he wear that in your championship fight? DONAL Yep. ARTURO Great for thinking ahead. The announcer stands in the middle of the ring. ANNOUNCER Ladies and gentlemen in blue corner to my left. Wearing gold laced with black. Weighing in at two hundred and eight pounds. He is a former heavyweight champion of the world. Fighting out of this great city of Chicago, Illinois. He is Donal. The Hurricannnee. McQueen. Donal slips his robe off and kisses his glove and waves to the audience. ANNOUNCER (CONT’D) In the red corner to my right. Weighing in at two hundred and five pounds. Wearing celle green laced with silver. (MORE)

133. ANNOUNCER (CONT’D) He is well known for the quickest knockout in this tournament. Fighting out of Schererville, Indiana. He is Mick. The Warriorrr. McGuiiigannn.

Mick takes his robe off, revealing trunks of the same color and celle green gloves, and holds his fists in the air. He starts walking to the middle of the ring the same time Donal does. The referee steps into the middle of the ring. FINAL REFEREE Okay. Even though this is the finals, same rules still apply. No hits below the belt. No elbows. No headbutts. I want a good clean fight. Now touch gloves and come out swinging. DONAL (to Mick) Hope you brought your dance shoes. MICK They’re ringside along with your walker. The two touch gloves. They both back up. FINAL MATCH - DONAL VS MICK -The bell rings. Mick hits Donal with a left and right hand. COMMENTATOR #1 McGuigan starts it off with a two punch combination. Mick throws a right jab but Donal parries it and counters with a left cross. Donal hits Mick with a right hook. Max curses at ringside. Donal throws another punch but Mick ducks and hits Donal twice in the midsection. He follows up with a left hook that sends Donal into the ropes. Mick pounces and hits Donal with a three punch combination: one to the face, to the body, and left hook to the face. Mick backs up with a smug smile.


MICK Steal my punch and I’ll steal yours. Donal bounces off the ropes and hits Mick hard in the ribs. He then hits him with a right hook. DONAL Your right hook ain’t shit. Mick hits Donal with the right hook. Donal falls to his knees but the bell rings. MICK What about now? -Mick sits down. He cracks his jaw. Liam checks his teeth. MAX Are you seriously fucking checking his teeth? MICK I’m curious. MAX Stop getting cocky in there. It’s no different from when you’re angry. He’ll pick you apart. MICK I knocked him down. MAX When the round was over. Just stick to what we talked about. Use some speed hits and then hit him with power. -In Donal’s corner, Arturo cleans blood off of Donal’s lip and eyebrow. DONAL How is it? ARTURO Not too bad. Kept up pretty good with him. DONAL Max trained him. He’s too familiar.


ARTURO But keep a clear head. You keep thinking like that and he’ll change it up on you. DONAL Okay. ARTURO Stop stealing his punch. DONAL Yes, Dad. Arturo lightly smacks Donal on the back of the head. -Ring girl walks around with the Round 2 card. -Mick alternates punches to the body and head. Donal hits him back with a few jabs. -Donal spits water into the bucket. ARTURO He’s doing the alternating shit again. Let him hit you once. Wherever he hits you, know where the next hit will be. -Round 3 card. -Mick hits Donal in the midsection. He goes for the head punch but Donal sidesteps and hits Mick in the face. Donal follows up with a two hit combination to the midsection. Mick hits Donal in the face and goes to the body. Donal moves around the punch to hit Mick on the side of the head. -A cue tip is used to clean blood off his eyebrow that is split. MAX What the hell happened? MICK He figured me out. -Round 4 card. -Donal has Mick against the ropes, hitting him in the midsection. Mick quickly slides away and hits Donal twice on the side of the head. When Donal is able to face him, he gets hit twice in the face. He falls into the corner. When Mick moves in, Donal quickly moves and pushes Mick into the corner.


The referee yells at Donal but he moves around the referee and starts pummelling Mick in the corner. As the bell rings, he hits Mick with a hard cross to the face. Mick is dazed for a second. -Liam helps Mick back to the corner. They use smelling salts to help wake him more. MICK (CONT’D) Holy shit. My fucking head is spinning. Liam holds the smelling salts some more. MICK (CONT’D) Ugh! Knock it off. I’m fine! MAX Are you good to continue? MICK Yeah. MAX If your bell is rung too much, I’m calling it. MICK I said I’m good. Mick bangs his fists together. -Round 5 card. -Mick is hit with a hard right and sprawls against the ropes. Donal hits him with a few jabs to the face and then a couple of hooks to each side of his ribcage. Mick quickly slides to the right but gets nailed with an uppercut. Some blood spills out of his mouth. Donal hits him with a few jabs to the eye. -Mick’s eye lid is split. He gets it stitched up by Liam. Max looks at his upper lip. MAX You bit into your lip. MICK Shit. I know. LIAM It was a pretty good uppercut.


MICK No shit it was. Do you need to stitch my lip? MAX No. I’m using the ointment. Max rubs some ointment on the upper lip. The ref walks over. FINAL REFEREE How’s that eye looking? LIAM He’s good. FINAL REFEREE Better be or I’m stopping it. -In Donal’s corner, a sponge of water is squeezed above his head. The water washes over his face. ARTURO That was fucking amazing. You keep this shit up and you’re knocking him out. DONAL I know. He’s giving me too many opportunities. ARTURO Knock him out quick before he plans something else. COMMENTATOR #2 (V.O.) My god. This is an action packed blood fest. These two fighters are pulverizing one another. COMMENTATOR #1 (V.O.) Hate to say that McGuigan got pulverized in that last round. -Round 6 card. -Mick sidesteps a punch and counters with a jab to the face. He ducks a hook and hits Donal in the ribs. Mick follows up with another hit to the face. ARTURO He’s doing it again! Predict the punch! Max’s eyes go wide.


MAX Mick! Don’t! Mick goes for a body shot when Donal slides to the right and hits Mick with two jabs to the face. Donal fakes a hit to the face but hits Max a few times in the midsection. He then hits Mick with a hard jab to the sternum area. Mick keels over and gets hit with a hard uppercut. As Mick is jerked back up by the uppercut, Donal nails Mick with his left hook. Mick hits the ground hard. -In the front row, Dany cries as Mick starts to crawl to the ropes. -Mick starts pull onto the ropes. He sees his mouthpiece and struggles to put it back in. The referee counts down. MICK (V.O.) This can’t be it. If you want this to be your last, you’re going to see this all the way. Get up. Mick grabs the second rope and pulls himself up more. He then gets the top rope and pulls himself to his feet. The referee runs over. FINAL REFEREE Are you good! MICK Hell yeah! COMMENTATOR #1 (V.O.) Oh my goodness. I have never seen anything like this. Mick has got up after getting hit with McQueen’s final three punch combination. Donal’s face is blank. Mick hits his chest with both hands. -Donal shakes his head and comes at him. He hits him with a few light jabs to the head but Mick moves when Donal goes for the body. When Donal is able to face Mick, he gets hit with a three rights and then a left. The bell rings. -Mick walks over and sits down on the stool. He drinks and spits out water. Max and Liam look at one another. Liam just shrugs his shoulders. MAX (to Mick) You mind explaining what that was?


MICK Showing him that I’m not out yet. MAX I never got up from that combination. How’d you do it? MICK Told myself that I wasn’t done yet. MAX You want to keep going? MICK Yep. Max puts Mick’s mouthpiece in. -Round 7 card. -Mick alternates shots to the body and head. After a another shot to the body, he goes for the head shot but Donal parries it and hits him a few times. Mick tries the same strategy but after a head shot, he fakes a shot to the body and hits Donal a few more times in the head. -In the corners, the mood is different. Mick gets patted on the back while Donal is getting yelled at by Arturo. -Round 8 card. -Donal has Mick in the corner and is pummeling him. Mick pushes him back and hits him with a two hits to the face and once to body. Donal starts to grab Mick to work him back into the corner. Mick quickly weasels out of it and hits Donal with a few hits to the side. He hits Donal which causes him to fall back into the corner. Mick pummels him with head shots and shots to the ribs. As Donal stumbles out of the corner, Mick hits him with his right hook and knocks him to the ground. -Donal starts to slowly but painfully push himself up. Mick stands by his corner and looks down at him. The arena spins from his dizziness. Donal starts to push himself up. Arturo rolls up the towel. He shakes his head and puts the towel back down. Donal grits his teeth and starts to slowly push himself back up. He stands on his feet as the bell rings to signify the end of the round. -Ward watches the monitor. His hands are clasped together in prayer. -Round 9 card.


-Donal and Mick trade punches. After Mick hits Donal a few times, Donal bounces back and hits Mick a few times. When Mick hits Donal in the midsection, Donal retaliates with a punch to the face. Donal tries his finishing three punch combination. After Mick is hit with an uppercut, he stands there dazed as Donal moves in. Donal throws the left hook but Mick ducks it. COMMENTATOR #2 (V.O.) He ducked it! Mick hits Donal real hard in the ribs. Donal keels to the side but backs up to avoid getting hit with Mick’s right hook. Donal hits Mick with two jabs and a cross, all hitting Mick’s hurt eye. Blood pours down the right side of Mick’s face. Mick is able to throw another right hook. Donal does not move back enough and gets his nose clipped by the hook, causing blood to spill out. The bell rings. -Donal sits down. DONAL I think he broke my fucking nose! Arturo pops it back into place. Donal groans in pain. ARTURO It’s fixed. DONAL You should’ve thrown the towel in. I don’t know if I can do it. I don’t think I can beat him. ARTURO You’re doing good. You’re keeping up with him. Even if this is the last fight I train you for, this was a great ride. All you have to do is to keep doing what you’re doing. You want to finish this or no mas. DONAL Mas. I can finish this. ARTURO Go for the eye. You blind him and the left hook is yours. Donal holds his left hand up and Arturo slaps it. -Mick winces as Liam fixes the eyelid.


LIAM Eye ain’t looking good. MICK You should call it. I don’t know if I can do it. MAX You’ve already done it. MICK I think this maybe it when it comes to boxing. MAX Then it’s it. And it was great. It’s better to go out on top. MICK Will my eye stay good for this? LIAM It’s one more round. Try fighting southpaw. Maybe that’ll help. Max raises his eyebrow. LIAM (CONT’D) I seen Rocky a thousand times. Sue me. MAX (to Mick) It’s your choice. You can stop right now and everything you’ve done will be accomplished. You made it to the pinnacle. Dany told me that you said I was your hero. Mick looks to the crowd at Dany. Dany has tears in her eyes but she is smiling. MAX (CONT’D) You’re mine. You got the match that I wasn’t able to get. What do you say? MICK This maybe the last fight but I need to finish it. I’m going in. MAX Alright.


-Round 10 card. -Both Mick and Donal stand up at the same time. COMMENTATOR #2 (V.O.) This is the final round of this great battle. COMMENTATOR #1 (V.O.) It’s been a hard fought battle for each fighter. COMMENTATOR #2 (V.O.) But now we’re at the end of it. The referee points at both fighters who nod. FINAL REFEREE Let’s get it on! Mick and Donal move toward the middle of the ring. Mick holds his fist out and Donal fist bumps him. COMMENTATOR #1 (V.O.) Now that is a great sign of respect. Mick throws the first punch that gets deflected. Donal follows up with a jab to the eye. Max and Liam both curse at ringside. Mick shakes his head and hits Donal with a cross. Mick hits Donal with shot to the body. When Donal covers his midsection, Mick attacks the head. Donal dodges a punch and hits Mick in the ribs but Mick manages to hit Donal back with left hook. Donal stumbles and Mick hits him a few times which sends him back to the ropes. Mick pummels Donal against the ropes. Donal pushes him back and hits him a few times in the face. Donal moves in for a body attack but Mick slides to the left and attacks Donal’s side with a couple of punches to the kidney and side of head. Donal manages to spin to the right and hit Mick hard in the ribs. Mick retaliates with a left cross and right jab. He goes for another jab but Donal ducks and hits him with a punch to the stomach and sternum. Mick manages to hit Donal with a hard right cross. Donal then hits Mick with his left hook.


Mick stumbles and hits Donal with right hook. Donal is knocked down but Mick falls down as well. COMMENTATOR #2 (V.O.) They’re both down! They both crawl toward the ropes. Both manage to grab on the ropes and start to pull themselves up. Both men manage to get to their feet but Donal drops to one knee. Mick manages to stand up and he looks down at Donal. MICK (to Donal) Hey? Want to keep going. DONAL Yeah. Mick pulls Donal to his feet. COMMENTATOR #1 (V.O.) What the... COMMENTATOR #2 (V.O.) He just pulled McQueen up. Max’s face is stunned. Mick smiles and taps his head. FINAL REFEREE You can’t do that. MICK It’s my last match. I just did. Mick winks at Max who shakes his head but cannot help but grin. MICK (CONT’D) Let’s go. Donal hits Mick a few times and Mick hits him back. Donal continues throwing punches but Mick dodges them. Mick throws punches that Donal dodges and sidesteps. Donal counters and hits Mick a few times. Mick and Donal trade punches until the bell rings. The two hug. DONAL You’re crazy.


MICK I watched you too much. Donal pats Mick on the back as he walks to the corner. BACK TO SCENE Max is leaning on the ropes. MICK (CONT’D) You alright? MAX I’m good now. The two hug. Max hugs Liam and Maddie who are both surprised by the hug. Dany jumps on the apron with tears in her eyes. She still has a bright smile. The two kiss and the audience cheers. Donal is back in his corner, smirking. ARTURO You should have gotten a girl so you can kiss. DONAL What do I need a girl for? Donal nods his head and grabs Arturo into a bear hug and kisses him on the cheek. People laugh. ARTURO Get the fuck off of me! The referee waves the two into the center of the ring. The announcer stands between them. ANNOUNCER Judge #1 scores it ninety nine ninety eight, McQueen. Judge #2 scores it ninety nine ninety eight McGuigan. Judge #3 scores it ninety nine ninety eight with the winner by split decision. Donal! The Huricannneee! McGuigan! The referee holds Donal’s hand up. Mick smirks and nods his head approvingly. The crowd cheers and stands on their feet. Donal and Mick shake hands.


DONAL That was the best fight I ever had. MICK Glad I can give it to you. DONAL Want to do this again? MICK DONAL You sure? MICK I think I had my fair share of fighting. DONAL That’s good. Donal holds Mick’s hand up. The crowd’s pandemonium increases. Max stands against the ropes. His eyes look tired but his face has a look of satisfaction. Ward steps through the ropes. He pats Donal on the back. WARD Good job. I never doubted you. DONAL Of course, you did. WARD I wanted to. The brothers chuckle and hug. EXT. CEMETERY - LATER - DAY Mick stands with his hands in his jacket, looking solemnly at a tombstone. MICK (V.O.) About five weeks after my last fight, Max had a relapse and slipped into a diabetic coma. He died two days later. Mick kisses his hand and touches the tombstone.


MICK (V.O.) Despite the short time I had with him, he was the closest thing I had to a father. He taught me everything I know including my biggest lesson. Not to let the fight destroy me. INT. MCQUEEN GYM - OFFICE - LATER Donal signs some paperwork with the bank manager from the beginning. The manager smiles. MANAGER Mr. McQueen. You are now the proud owner of this half of the block. What is your plan with this? DONAL Put in a parking lot. MANAGER Is it true your trainer bought an estate in Costa Rica? DONAL He always loved it. MANAGER At least you guys are getting your money’s worth. The manager laughs. Donal leans back in his chair and stares at the wall. There are posters from his fights along with articles framed. One of the papers is the sports page of the Chicago SunTimes. The picture is Donal raising Mick’s hand. INT. MCQUEEN GYM - GYM - CONTINUOUS Donal walks the floor. The kid’s father who stuck his nose at him earlier, smiles and nods his head. Donal nods and rolls his eyes as he walks past. The Showboat from earlier hits the punching bag. He runs up and shakes Donal’s hand.


SHOWBOAT I’m doing everything you asked. Anything else? DONAL Stop kissing my ass. Try insulting me. SHOWBOAT Okay. The fight was fixed. DONAL That’s better. There is some punching sounds in the ring. A fighter hits the mitts that are on a trainer’s hands. DONAL (CONT’D) How’s the new guy doing? The trainer turns around and is revealed to be Mick. MICK Got a lot of anger in his hits. Got to break him of that. DONAL I trust you will. Dany walks in with a bag of food. DANY Who’s hungry? MICK Me. DONAL Me too. FIGHTER Can I eat? MICK Not this stuff. You got to eat clean. And stop the eye rolling. The fighter nods his head and shadow boxes. Ward runs through the doors. WARD Donal!


DONAL Yeah. I’m right here. WARD Oh. You’re not going to believe this. Remember when you had to drop out of the golden gloves tournament? DONAL Yeah I had pneumonia. WARD Well the current golden gloves champion thinks you’re nothing for not winning it. He wants to challenge you. DONAL (skeptical) Me? WARD Yeah. Get this at the U of I football stadium. We’re already looking at a sell out. DONAL Man, I don’t know. Mick moves over by the tennis ball machine. Fighters standing around move away with smirks on their face. DONAL (CONT’D) He’s too fast. A tennis ball hits Donal in the side. DONAL (CONT’D) What the hell! MICK You worried about speed? Another tennis ball hits Donal. DONAL Stop! MICK There’s no stopping. You want to be able to handle speed.


Mick whistles and the boxing mitts are tossed to him. He walks in front of Donal. MICK (CONT’D) Let’s get to work. Donal starts laughing. INT. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS FOOTBALL STADIUM - LOCKER ROOM LATER - EVENING Donal, wearing his black robe and gloves, hits Mick’s hands. MICK You ready? Mick rubs some oil on Donal’s forehead. DONAL I’m getting too old for this. MICK Aren’t we all? Dany walks in. DANY It’s almost time. MICK Alright. DANY Mick. Can I talk to you for a second? Mick looks at Donal who nods his head. Donal has an appreciative smile at Mick walking out. He starts to shadow box. INT. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS FOOTBALL STADIUM - HALLWAY CONTINUOUS Mick walks outside. MICK What’s up? DANY So is he ready?


MICK Yeah he is. I’m sorry I never got out of the fight game. DANY Are you kidding? I’d rather see you in the corner than in the ring. I brought you something for luck. MICK What? Dany hands Mick a bag. It has Max’s fedora in it. Mick’s eyes glisten. DANY Thought you would need some of his guidance out there. MICK I love you. Mick kisses her and is about to walk back into the locker room. DANY You ever regret not going through with fighting after the tournament? MICK Not one bit. Because I had something great waiting for me even if there wasn’t fighting. INT. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS FOOTBALL STADIUM - TUNNEL CONTINUOUS Donal walks up to the entrance. He sees the ring through the tunnel. Mick walks up and puts the fedora on. Donal glances over with a look of surprise on his face. MICK Won’t hurt. The music plays and the two walk through the tunnel to massive applause and cheers.


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