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Seawater air-conditioning Airport Curacao Curacao Airport Holding

Ir. Gilbert Gouverneur Director Ecopower International March 2012 Curacao Durable Energy Conference

Content •Ecopower International •Background Island systems •SWAC Facts •Airport project •Status and Planning

Introduction • Ecopower International is a development and advisory firm with a focus on renewable energy-related opportunities. • Our team consists of senior international renewable energy and financial services experts with over 10 years of experience with development, finance and construction of a.o. Wind Power, Wind-Diesel Hybrid and Seawater Airconditioning projects. • Our mission: To contribute to improving sustainability by developing sustainable energy and related projects, while optimizing sustainable social and economical development.

Characteristic of Caribbean Island Nations • High dependence (over 90%) on foreign fossil fuels • Mainly diesel generation (HFO some LFO) • High percentage of export earnings spend on oil products • Exposed to negative impacts of climate change (sea level rising, hurricanes, floods, coral reef in danger) • Abundant (untapped) local (renewable) energy sources • Islands are naturally the first places where alternative energy solution become feasible. We should use that in our advantage – (SWAC Airport and Aqualectra, Ecopark Curacao, Wind Diesel Bonaire and TNO Aruba).

Island resources • Solar

(intermittent, day and night, backup needed)

• Wind

(intermittent, no wind days, backup needed)

– All islands have plenty of sun – Every moment of the day 10.000 times the energy we needed reaches the earth – Many island have reasonable to good wind (Hurricane risk)

• Ocean

(No backup needed)

– All islands have the ocean (OTEC, Tidal) – Seawater air-conditioning

• Hydro power

(No backup needed)

– Belize, Cuba, Dominica, Jamaica, St Vincent and Suriname)

• Bio mass and Waste to Energy backup needed)

(dependent on amount waste/bio mass, No

– Most island have bio mass potential, all have a waste problem

• Geo Thermal

(No backup needed)

– Some islands have geo thermal possibilities (St Lucia, Dominica, St Kits)

• Oil and Gas

(No backup needed)

– Some islands

Island Solutions

Energy cost (HFO at 100USD/bbl) Price USD/kWh* Diesel HFO

0.19 - 0.25

Diesel LFO


Price with Backup*

Gas Engine LNG

0.15 - 0.18


0.09 - 0.13

0.19 - 0.23 Back-up needed

Solar PV

0.20 - 0.24

0.25 - 0.28 Back-up needed


0.17 - 0.23


0.30 - 0.50

No Backup- needed

* Equivalent centralized energy production costs (thus no end-user energy costs)

Seawater air-conditioning Introduction • Many businesses approximately 70% of total energy consumption is cooling. With the high electricity tariffs and the proximity to the ocean, Seawater air-conditioning seems a logical option for the Airport Complex. • An additional benefit, making it a potentially perfect fit for the CAH vision, is that Seawater air-conditioning has the potential to serve as a source for an Eco Park for high-end research, development and exploitation of aquaculture, agriculture and other spinoff activities like ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC). • Aqualectra and CAH have decided to coordinate the development of the respective SWAC projects (maximize synergy),

Seawater air-conditioning Project: Initial dimensions • Proven technologies • Replace conventional A/C completely or partially • Several sites (Hawaii, Bora Bora, Japan & New York) • Hurricane and tsunami resistant • • • • •

3000 Ton AC Seawater intake line: 6 km, 850m depth, 6 C Effluent line: 100 m depth Pump station and shore landing: 600 m2 Distribution system: – Length main distribution line: 8500m – Length secondary distribution line: 1500m

Airport seawater air-conditioning project

Seawater air-conditioning Facts/value drivers • SWAC is Basic Infrastructure providing up to 70% of the total energy (30% will be electricity). • Reduce energy consumption for cooling with 13.5Million kWh (90%) per year. – Reduction of the dependence of fuel imports (thus foreign currency expenditure) – Save ca.3.0 Million liter fuel per year (ca. ANG 2.0-4.0 Million/year, depending on fuel type). – Save roughly 1.0-2.0MANG/year in cross subsidies by the other consumers to the preferential tariff. – Reduction of GHG emissions of approx. to 11.000 tons CO2 per year (Equivalent to 1,750 cars). – Eliminates use of refrigerants and other cooling tower chemicals.

Seawater air-conditioning Facts/value drivers • First hour clients benefits: – Long term low price guarantee – Long term reduction in customer’s cooling cost of up to 50%. – Stable and predictable cooling cost for 15 years, not subject to oil price volatility.

• SWAC is a reliable, renewable and quiet alternative. • Possibilities for research, development and exploitation of: – Aquaculture and Agriculture using the clean water from deep sea – Desalination, Water Bottling and ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC).

Seawater air-conditioning Current status and Planning •

Project development phase: –

– – – –

Signing required commitment with minimal number of (first hour) customers • CTEX (committed) • CAP (final approval phase) • Other potential customers: Meteo, NAATC and Curinde, FOL, Coast Guard, Hato handling, Swissport, KLM, Goddard etc. Start Engineering process incl. high resolution seabed survey Permitting incl. environmental impact assessments Construction contracting Structuring and Financing

Financial closure and start construction phase Q3-Q4 2013

Start Operations approx. Q4 2014

Sea Water Air-Conditioning, SWAC The first step to a great potential for the Curacao and the rest of the Caribbean

OTEC and Eco Park

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