3A Urban Housing Jessicaa Gaudi Cowan
Design gn Booklet
Figure Ground Plan Glasgow Merchant City 1:2500
Masterplan. 1: 1250
Small Family
Couple/Single Parents
Large Family
Maisonette style flat. 120m2
Single storey flat. 60m2
Large Single storey flat. 120m2
Social areas on the first floor, private areas on the second.
Integrated Kitchen, Dining, Living space.
The living space is cut into 2 sections with adult orientated and child-centric spaces. The childrens bedrooms open out with sliding doors to connect with the kitchen dining area.
Bed recess area in the hall to accommodate temporary accommodation or space for a small library or office space depending on the needs of the family. It can be sectioned off with screens.
Open plan living spaces and useable space maximisation sliding doors. Double height break out space, access from one side through living room.
Access to one communal break out space through the living room. Communal space to create a safe play space for all the children in the building and allow parents to relax and develop relationships with their neighbours.
The parents bedroom and living space is placed on the opposite side of the flat with a family bathroom in between. The spaces is another bedroom, varied function space and laundry room. Position of flat typologies in section.
6th Floor Top floor of Maisonettes.
5th Floor Ground floor of Maisonettes. Communal space. 4th Floor Single story largee and small flats. Communal space. e. 3rd Floor Single story largee and small flats. Communal space. e.
2nd Floor Top floor of Maisonettes. onettes.
1st Floor Ground floor of Maisonettes. Communal space. e.
Commercial Ground und Floor.
Block plan composition 1:1000
Block plan 1:200
------------------------------------------------------------------------Concept Development diagrams----------------------------------------------------------------------
Safety in level. In our masterplan we decided to vertically develop the site. This lended itself readily to families. By creating elevated play spaces it allows for children to be out doors but with less of the risks of traffic and lack of super vision.
Early Parti Diagram.
The idea of a permeable wall of residential accommodation was a key concept that developed from the beginning of the project because of its situation between two active spaces in the Merchant city; Trongate and Merchant square. A link between these had to be respected but privacy still respected.
Visual links are maintained between social spaces of the flats sharing a communal space. All of which can be covered with curtains when privacy is required. More private areas of the house are kept deeper in the plan. This is to encourage a community among the families in the block as well as dynamic play spaces and versatile layouts.
Maisonette 2nd Floor
Maximising useable space with sliding doors opening the bedrooms onto the landing. Landing is generously sized to allow useful space for functions. A bed recess space adds to the sleeping capacity of the flat. This area can be seperated with screens to provide temporary accommodation. The Juliet balcony into the breakout space maintains the connection of social spaces inside and outside the home. This can be covered with a curtain for privacy.
Small Flat
Integrated Kitchen, Dining, Living space. Access to one communal break out space through the living room. Communal space to create a safe play space for all the children in the building and allow parents to relax and develop relationships with their neighbours.
Large Flat
The living space is cut into 2 sections with adult orientated and child-centric spaces. The childrens bedrooms open out with sliding doors to connect with the kitchen dining area. The parents bedroom and living space is placed on the opposite side of the flat with a family bathroom in between. The spaces is another bedroom, varied function space and laundry room.
Laurieston Glasgow
Elder and Cannon Aesthetic. Tenemental influences. Materials. Technology
Schotts 1&2 Netherlands
S333 Architecture Modular approach. Permeable arraangement. Range of flat types. Social issues tackled.
East Elevation 1:200
North Elevations 1:200
South Elevation 1:200
In Context on Trongate Visualisation
Maisonette Flat Visualisation
Couples/Singles Parents Flat Visualisation
Large Family Flat Visualisation
Section 1:50
Communal space section.
Part Elevation 1:50
6th Floor Top floor of Maisonettes.
5th Floor Ground floor of Maisonettes. Communal space. 4th Floor Single story large and small flats. Communal space. 3rd Floor Single story large and small flats. Communal space.
2nd Floor Top floor of Maisonettes.
1st Floor Ground floor of Maisonettes. Communal space.
Commercial Ground Floor.
Core Principles MAXIMISING NATURAL LIGHT. - Extensive southern exporsure to reduce artificial
lighting, create “sun buffer zones� and utilise solar gains.
The site is surrounded by the buzzing Merchant city. We decided to create a permeable barrier around the residential area to create a semi-private threshold and preserve the established civic space adjacent to Merchant square.
Create a more self sufficient economic community with greater immunity to economic depression; can resist commecial retraction to Buchanan street.
Try to combat the effects of gentrification with a variety of housing types and prices but offering spaces for communal intergation between inhabitant types and privacy to encourage new communities to flourish.
Vertical planes of pedestrian infrastructure to indicate levels of privacy and allow for a semmi-private courtyard.
We decided to create an avenue connecting the Merchant city to Trongate creating a link between the two areas.
Group Masterplan Merchant City, Glasgow
Jessica Gaudi Cowan
Year 3
Residential 2nd floor and above
Commercial street level Permeable barrier between residential area and Trongate. Maintains principles of old masterplan. Inhabited close connecting pairs of flats/ break out space. Compensate for smaller internal spaces.
Edited Masterplan Merchant city, Glasgow
Jessica Gaudi Cowan
Year 3
Preserves the existing civic square.
2 primary bedrooms 1 secondary. Second floor. Spacious open plan living area and circulation spaces suitable for small families.
Mezzanine Floor Landing 2 bedrooms Study/multipurpose space
North, East and West solar exposure. Utilises southern light to with large glass balconey. Communal inhabited glas close access. Visual connection between social areas of the flats.
Ground Floor Hall Bathroom Bedroom Open plan living room Kitchen Balconey
Total floor area 101.52m2
3 Bedroom flat 3A Residential Development Glasgow, Merchant City
Jessica Gaudi Cowan
Year 3
East Section
Template Heading Secondary Heading
Jessica Gaudi Cowan
Year 3
External high line / terrace
3rd to 5th floor plan
Second floor plan
Feasibility Study 3A Residential Development Glasgow, Merchant City
Jessica Gaudi Cowan
Year 3
Jessica Cowan
Total Floor area (m2)
1,350 m2
Construction Cost (£/m2)
£971 /m2
Consultants Fees (10% of 3)
Land Acquisition Costs (20% of 5)
Legal + Agent Fees (2% of 7)
Marketing (1% of 7)
Finance Costs (10% of 10)
Developers Profit (20% of 12)
Number of Flats
PETER WELSH 23/10/14
£1,310,850 £131,085 £1,441,935
£1,782,232 £178,223 £1,960,455 £392,091
£2,352,546 18 Flats £130,697 Each
Ground Floor
Commercial Units and entrance/services
Jessica Gaudi Cowan
Year 3
Level 1 & 5 Lower Mezzenine floor plan
Jessica Gaudi Cowan
Year 3
Level 2 & 6 Upper Mezzenine floor plan
Jessica Gaudi Cowan
Year 3
Level 3 & 4
Single level 2 and 4 bedroom flats
Jessica Gaudi Cowan
Year 3
Flat typology layout
Jessica Gaudi Cowan
Year 3
Facade sample Masonry colours not representative*
Jessica Gaudi Cowan
Year 3
Roof Parapet Jessica Gaudi Cowan
Year 3
Steel frame Construction. Composite deck floor slab. Deep facade for sun shading. Light shelf to maximise natural daylighting. Integrated planter. 102.5mm engineering brick 50mm air gap Stainless steel wall ties DP+ Vapour barrier 50mm Insulation 100mm unfired clay brick 100mm wood based insulation 12mm unfired clay board floor covering 100mm rigid insulation 100mm Composite flooring 200mm sound insulation between beams
Rough section Wall to floor detail
Jessica Gaudi Cowan
Year 3
Solar Strategy Solar shelf to maximise light
Jessica Gaudi Cowan
Year 3
3A Urban Housing Jessicaa Gaudi Cowan
Structural ctural Booklet
Ground floor detail. 1. 1.
1. Triple glazed window unit. PVC frame with insulated cavity closer below. 2. Steel Stud framing filled with hemp insulation.
3. Wall composiiton: 102.5mm Maonry 50mm Air gap Breather membrane 25mm Rigid wood fibre board 400mm Hemp insulation 25mm Clay board Interior Screen.
9. 8. 4.
4.Steel Stud framing filled with hemp insulation.
5. 6.
5. 150mm Rigid wood fibre board 6. 200mm Concrete floor slab
7. 300mm Concrete ground bearing slab 8. Weep hole 11. 9. Floor tiles 10. Concrete piled strip fondation. 11. Compacted hardcore.
First floor detail. !. 180mm Precast concrete slab spanned between ventilated masonry columns that make up the facade. It is clad in brick slips
2. Facade planter. Planter consists of Soil, 100mm gravel (50mm along the exterior edges) root barrier, Filter membrane and 100mm drainage layer.
2. 3. Masonry trough flashed with zinc and lined with a waterproof membrane. 4. Small gutter for excess water. 5. Insulated Cavity closer for fire safety.
8. 4.
6. Weep hole. 7. 250mm deep steel beam with hemp insulation between the secondry structure. 8. 140mm Composite decking. 9. Wall composition 102.5 masonry, 50mm air gap, breather membrane, 25mm rigid wood fibre board, 400mm hemp insulation, clay board. 10. Triple glazed unit, PVC sill. 25mm Clay board with screed interior finish. 11. Masonry supporting angle bracket spanned between masonry columns that make up the facade.
7. 5.
6. 11. 10.
1. 180mm Precast concrete slab
spanned between ventilated masonry columns that make up the facade. It is clad in brick slips
2. 200mm Precast concrete Parapet. 1.
3. Wall composition 102.5 masonry, 50mm air gap, breather membrane, 25mm rigid wood fibre board, 400mm hemp insulation, clay board.
4. Zinc Flashing down the inside of the Parapet over 25mm weather boarding and Waterproof membrane.
5. Green roof 150mmm soil lined with 100mm gravel (50mm around the periphery) 6. 100mm drainage layer on top of 150mm Waterproof insulation and Waterproof membrane.
7. 140mm Composite floor deck. 8. 250mm deep steel beam with hemp insulation between the secondry structure.
9. . Triple glazed unit, PVC sill. 25mm Clayboard with screed interior finish.
10. Masonry supporting angle bracket spanned between masonry columns that make up the facade. Weep hole in Masonry.
9. 11.
Terrace wall detail. 1. 1. Triple glazed window unit. PVC cill with insulated cavity closer below. 2. Wall composition 102.5 masonry, 50mm air gap, breather membrane, 25mm rigid wood fibre board, 400mm hemp insulation, clay board.
3. 100mm Concrete external surface screed. 4. 160mm Rigid insulation. 5. 140mm Slimdek 6. 140mm Composite decking 7. Weep hole with Breather membrane over rigid insulation. 8. 250mm deep steel beam with hemp insulation between the secondry structure.Clay board with screed interior finish.
7. 3.
4. 5. 8.
Terrace parapet detail. 1. 1700mm Glass ballustrade. 2. Masonry support braket. 3. 100mm Concrete exterior surface screed. 4. 160mm Rigid insulation. 5. 140mm Slimdeck. 6. Wall composition 102.5 masonry, 50mm air gap, breather membrane, 25mm rigid wood fibre board, 400mm hemp insulation, clay board.
4. 5. 6.
Structural model