Portfolio 2023 Jesslyn Hosena

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+62 812 1371 7278


Jesslyn Hosena!
with more than 6 years experience as
art director and graphic designer.

Curriculum Vitae


Bachelor of Arts

Bina Nusantara University



Intern - Jr. Art Director Y&R Indonesia (2015-2017)

Jr. Art Director Havas Indonesia (2017-2018)

Achievement Silver

TVC #AdaAQUA Jepang for Film Category, Citra Pariwara 2017

Art Director Ogilvy Indonesia (2018-2019)

Art Director Tokopedia (2019-2022)

Art Director - Creative Lead Stockbit (2022 - present)

Finalist Young Spikes Indonesia 2018

Digital Category

Ps Ai Pr Ae
Skills Illustration

Pond’s x Maudy Ayunda

The brief was to revamp Pond’s image from somber to bold to grab millenials’ attention back. For this, they used colorful packagings for the first time and partnered up with one of Indonesia’s young hottest pop stars: Maudy Ayunda.

Brand: Pond’s Agency: Ogilvy |


POND’S x Maudy Ayunda

A bright and colorful TVC, showing the diversity of Indonesian women with different skin types, skin colors, and personalities. Each variant is an answer to different necessity.

Scan to watch the video


It’s Claytime!

Introducing a new clay variant that is not a mask but cleansing foam. Showing the uniqueness of the product with the punchline: It’s Claytime!. It can be a double meaning, first to show that this is your time to start using the ‘hip’ clay. Second, it’s time to pamper yourself with the soft clay foam.

Scan to watch the video



Beauty & Fashion

Mini Campaign

Various mini campaigns for beauty and fashion category

Brand: Tokopedia

Tokopedia: Untuk Perempuan Hebat

A beauty mini campaign intended to celebrate different personas of Indonesian women. It was launched on March, with the kick off during Hari Perempuan Nasional. The mini campaign also collaborated with several brands to support their for-good initiatives

| Mini Campaign

Tokopedia: Bling It On!

A clean but also playful look to showcase different types of jewelleries, combined with witty headline to create a fun yet still elegant-looking key visual.

| Mini Campaign

Various key visual for different beauty and fashion brands, with different themes and style of designs.

| Various Outputs

New King’s Chicken

A project to grand launch the new King’s Chicken flavours from the famous fast food restaurant Burger King.

Brand: Burger King Agency: Bukahati |

TVC 03

Ayam di Burger King?

Burger King is famous for their delicious, juicy burgers. But what about the chicken? In this commercial, we want to introduce the new King’s Chicken that is as juicy and good as Burger King burgers. Scan to watch the video


Zwitsal Relaunch

Digital Campaign

in 2018, Zwitsal decided to revamp its brand tone, from somber to more cheerful.

Brand: Zwitsal Agency: Ogilvy |


Zwitsal usually went with soft and somber direction in terms of mood and tones. In this relaunch, we want to revamp the whole look of Zwitsal, starting with using bolder color and a more playful tone. Using doodles as the background set to highlight the bond between parents and kids.

| Digital Campaign
to watch the video rute hebat
Responsible for ideation, art direction, graphic design.



#AdaAQUA series is a campaign from AQUA that highlights on "mild dehydra tion causes lack of focus and concentration", showing how important it is to

Brand: AQUA Agency: Y&R Indonesia


The objective is to show what is the effect of mild dehydration through a witty scenario. This one of Ada AQUA TVC series won Silver on Citra Pariwara 2017, film category.

Responsible for story ideation, art direction.

| Campaign
Scan to watch the video

A series of key visuals for Out of Home materials.

Responsible for art direction.

| Campaign

Serbu Tengah Bulan

Digital Film

SOS (Serbu Ofifcial Store) is a campaign fromTokopedia Official Store, that gives stacking discount on the middle of the month


The objective was to drive people to get the urgency to buy products from SOS because the promo has stacking discounts, a saver on “tanggal tua” (middle of the month period)

Responsible for art direction, ideation, and graphic designing.

Scan to watch the video

Tokopedia Nyam!

Digital Campaign

As one of the youngest players in the food delivery service, Tokopedia Nyam needs to create a bold campaign in order to create a bang, as the name “Nyam” isn’t yet friendly to the ears of public.

Brand: Tokopedia


Pujasera, Pusat Jajan Sejuta Rasa, is a mini campaign to showcase the wide range of food available in Tokopedia. Using an illustration with vivid colors to distinguish each variety of food clearly.

| Tokopedia Nyam: Pujasera

The Digital Video version of Pujasera, focusing on the wide range of food and the analogy of easy delivery. Responsible for ideation, art direction and illustration

| Tokopedia Nyam: Pujasera

Nyam Syndrome Initiative

Journey: Scan the barcode Get pop up message of Nyam Syndrome Get directed to Tokopedia Nyam microsite

Cheeky key visuals where we don’t show foods to advertise Nyam. Instead, consumers are “diagnosed” with Nyam Syndrome where they can’t see the food. The cure to this syndrome is Tokopedia Nyam.

| Initiative

Tinder: Cari Jodoh

Pitch Campaign

Brand: Tinder Agency: Ogilvy |

To kick-off their launch campaign in Indonesia back then, Tinder needed a campaign that was close to home, relatable, but at the same time culturally relevant 08

Redefine the term “Jodoh” and the purpose of Tinder application in Indonesia. Not limited to hook-up only, you can find almost every soulmate or jodoh you’ve been dreaming of. Be it “Jodoh Makan Duren”, “Jodoh Nge-band Bareng”, or the conventional “Jodoh Sehidup Semati”.

Rute Hebat

Young Spikes Indonesia 2018 Finalist

The objective is to change people’s perception to the disabled through the hype of Asian Para Games, as there’s a lack of knowledge of disability and the fact that Jakarta is not a disabled-friendly city.

09 Background Asian Par It is an international Challenge Lack of knowledge disabled-friendly Objective To change Asian Par

will be held in Jakarta on 6 - 13 October 2018. sports competition for the disableds. disability and the fact that Jakarta is not a . perception to the disableds through the hype of a starting point.


Asian Para Games will be held in Jakarta on 6 - 13 October 2018. It is an international sports competition for the disableds.


Lack of knowledge of disability and the fact that Jakarta is not a disabled-friendly city.

Asian Para Games held in Jakarta on 6 - 13 October, 2018. Based on the reserach, Jakarta is actually not a disabled-friendly city. It was such a shame for disabled pedestrians who intended to watch the game. Through the hype of Asian Para Games, the campaign was aimed to change people’s per-


To change people’s perception to the disableds through the hype of Asian Para Games as a starting point.

Hexos: Dilan

Digital Film
Brand: Hexos Agency: Ogilvy |

Creating scenarios that are close to home to the target market with the help of rip-offs of Dilan and Milea

to watch the video

Festival Kreasi +62

Digital Campaign

The objective is to create a campaign with a strong local tone to it to grab the attention of young adult buyers.

Brand: Stockbit


Key Visuals

‘Jamet’ and ‘Alay’ trends were resurfacing amongst +62 Netizens, especially in this Tiktok era and around the younger generation—target market of Festival Kreasi +62. We saw this as an opportunity to tap the trends into the campaign, visual-wise and copy-wise.

That’s why the visuals aren’t that far off from mundane local things we encounter almost everyday: stiker angkot, iklan tembok, lukisan truk, etc.

Responsible for art direction, ideation, illustration, and graphic designing.

| Key Visuals

Funvesting: Investing Can Be Fun!

Various works from Stockbit

The objective is to show that you can have fun too while investing and trading. Investment doesn’t always have to be intimidating.

Brand: Stockbit


Creating a visual that can be relatable to the target market: workers and professionals who want to achieve more.

Responsible for art direction, ideation, digital imaging, and graphic designing.

Various key visuals with the objective of showing people that investing doesn’t have to be scary.

Responsible for art direction, ideation, digital imaging, and graphic designing.

| Key Visuals

Various key visuals to show the benefit of using Stockbit as your investment application.

Responsible for art direction, ideation, digital imaging, and graphic designing.

| Key Visuals

Initiatives 13

Introducing LG TV’s latest technology: Time-Machine, where you can record your favorite shows and watch them later. A series of cheeky key visuals, illustrating “sequels” of some of the most iconic movies and shows.

Responsible for art direction, graphic design.

| Initiative
| Initiative

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