Manatee Monthly: August 2022 Edition

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Heyyy manatees!! It’s that time of year again… back to school. I hope your summer has been super fun and full of friends, but now it’s time to really focus in on school and KIWIN’S. There will be so many more opportunities to dive deeper into KIWIN’S and connect with one another, especially with our new incoming freshman! Make sure to get ready for club rush coming up, and welcome new members with open arms. Inclusiveness is one of the most important qualities of our club, so show off our ohana spirit! Thanks again for checking out our newsletter, love yall. Ava Baker, Jet Division KIWIN’S Co-Bulletin Editor 2022-2023

Last but not least, shoutout to Huntington Beach Community Chapter, our newest addition to the Jet Division ohana!! Open up your welcoming love to these new manatees. To them, I know you will fit right in soon enough. Sending so much love to everyone!

more events, September is a great month to help our ohana grow. Be on the look out for club rushes to promote that kiwi spirit!! Help support our ohana by educating others about what we do and the ENDLESS opportunities for growth and leadership. I challenge every member to bring just at least ONE friend to that first KIWIN’S event or the first few meetings.

Hey hey hey manatees! I hope y’all’s first days of school were amazing, and you all have been doing well. Unfortunately, school is back in session, but you know what my favorite part of school is…? KIWIN’S!!!!! More and more opportunities to volunteer are arising; more clubs are becoming active!! Keep an eye out on your home club’s instagram for socials, fundraisers, and


Membership: 500 members Fall Rally Attendance: 100 members Awake-a-Thon Attendance: 60 DCONmembersAttendance: 90 members hours/50003407.037 PTP$270/$2300FUNDS PROJECTGOVERNOR’s$178/$1500FUNDS OTHER$3031/$1000FUNDS

The Membership Recognition Program (MRP) is a chance for YOU as members to get recognized for your hard work. The winners will each receive a pin, depending on the level of recognition. This program's application is due February 14! I hope to see us manatees up on the DCON stage earning the recognition we deserve.


Huntington Beach Community chapter is a new club chartered within the Jet Division as of this month. One unique factor regarding this club is that it's a community chapter. This chapter will not be affiliated with a high school but rather just the overall community. Any high school student could pay membership and become a member of the club. They can be schooledhome or part around the Huntington Beach area.

During the month of August, Edison KIWIN’S held a takeover with HB Kiwanis and raised over $300 for PTP and for our own club. As August comes to an end Edison plans on preparing for club rush and recruiting new members.

Garden Grove

Hi everyone! in the month of august, FV participated in making ptp bears for boys' and girls' club, where we made over 40 to donate. We also collaborated with Edison, Marina, and LQ KIWIN'S for a volleyball tournament and collectively raised $80 for thirst project. FV hosted a separate fundraiser there and earned $60 for the thirst project too. Our last recent event was volunteering at the FV rec center for their annual campout in which we helped out at a variety of stations. On Thursday, we also hosted a Kiwanis takeover with FV Kiwanis and raised $129! our upcoming events are kplay fest. in total, we earned 203.5 hours for august.


For the month of August, Garden Grove KIWIN’S have begun preparing for our annual school club rush. Here, we made flyers and posted it around campus as well as begin to coordinate promotional advertisement to underclassmen. We will be recruiting members at club rush on 9/1 and we look forward to holding our first interest meeting soon after along with a joint social with Garden Grove Key Club.

Fountain Valley

La Quinta

For the month of August LAHS KIWIN’S was able to host a fundraiser for club funds by selling during our back to school night. Another thing would be that we were able to recruit four new board members! We are also planning to sell egg rolls at the September DCM SO BE ON THE LOOK OUT!!

Los Amigos

HEY JET KIWIS!! This month, La Quinta held a Kiwanis Takeover in which we earned $100 for our club and were able to bond with our sponsoring kiwanis. our club volunteered at the movie in the park event where we helped set up the event and run game booths AND at the fv campout event where members had the chance to teach archery, direct the campers, lead games, and more! we’re not done yet! we also had our volleybrawl social with fv, marina, and edison where members participated in a competitive volleyball tournament to take home a cash prize and support the thirst project. overall, LQ garnered over 210 hours this month. be on the lookout for future events and see y’all next month!

Hello!! August was most definitely a big step in reaching our goals. One of the stars of this month was Marina KIWIN’S Takeover where we “took over” our Huntington Beach Kiwanis meeting for a day and fundraised money towards PTP and the rest of the school year! It was so much fun teaching our K-Family about KIWIN’S and holding an exciting sea animal theme jeopardy game. In addition, we helped set up and line judge for Surf City’s PickleBall Tournament. A big collaboration we had was the Marina x La Quinta x Fountain Valley x Edison KIWIN’S VolleyBrawl Tournament where members could sign up to win a cash prize as well as give the other portion of the money to our Governor’s Project. Finally, we had our 7 Leaves Fundraiser and volunteered at Fountain Valley’s Recreational Center with their Movie in the Park Event. In all, it was a pretty festive month and I hope you all look forward to what Marina has to offer in the future!

Hello everyone! For the month of August, OCSA KIWIN’S board been getting ready to start the school year off strong!! We had a small card making event for the elderly over the span of two lunch days. We played games, held icebreakers, and gave out our KIWIN’S tote bag as a prize. One struggle was member participation. However, club rush is just around the corner to hopefully cater towards a more active member status. We’ve finalized posters, fliers, and social media posts for it as well. While we hoped to host a beach clean up event this month, communication with a separate organization has pushed things for September instead. Regardless, we officially have a regular monthly beach clean up set up, with our first clean up in a couple weeks. We cant wait to introduce more people to KIWIN’S in the following month and improve the club!



HEY KIWIS, Segerstrom KIWIN'S had two service events in August. We had our club members help at the OC Marathon on 8/7 where we helped fill cups of water and handed them to the runners. Additionally, we helped clean up and organize materials that people would consider trash so it can be repurposed for building kits for kids. We did this on 8/11 at Child Creativity Lab. We still have an ongoing service event called Cranes for Cancer. We will be making paper cranes to give to cancer patients. Segerstrom had its club rush on 8/31 where we recruited many potential members to our club. Even MANNY THE MANATEE came to support Segerstrom KIWIN'S. Hope to see a lot more members this year!!


Congrats to everyone who applied to District Committees! We are so proud of you <3Thanks to those who came to Jet’s OTC, we hope you all had fun learning how to be a better leader.

Here is the winner of our tshirt design contest! Make sure to be on the lookout for upcoming t-shirt presale on our Instagram page :)

Be on the lookout for your home club’s club rush. Help out by spreading kiwi and ohana spirit! Make sure to help support Jet Division by getting manatee/kiwione-of-a-kindatotebag!It’sonly$5sogetitwhileyoustillcan.

NEW upFUNDRAISERYOGURTLANDcomingsoon!Gomarkitinyourcalendarsandplanwithyourfriendsayogurtlandtriponthe14th;)

CLUB Edison DLT OFFICER Ethan NguyenValley)(Fountain CLUB OFFICER Kaylin Chan (Huntington) MEMBER Khoi Tieu (Marina)

Jessica Nguyen Jet Division Lieutenant jet.ltg@kiwins.orgGovernor(714)489-3622 Nathan Nguyen Edison KIWIN’S ehskiwinspres@gmail.comPresident(714)655-5472 Anneliese Duong Fountain Valley KIWIN’S fvkiwinspresident@gmail.comPresident(657)254-6253 Anh Tran Garden Grove KIWIN’S President (714)877-5375 Nathan Cao La Quinta KIWIN’S lqkiwinspresident@gmail.comPresident(714)907-3326 Kathy Tran Los Amigos KIWIN’S kathyyytr2005@gmail.comPresident(714)553-8317 Amy Do Marina KIWIN’S President (714)599-4845 Chelsea Hahm OCSA KIWIN’S chelsea.hahm@ocarts.netPresident(949)533-5664 Travis Nguyen Segerstrom KIWIN’S President (714)909-4645 Kaylin Chan Huntington Beach KIWIN’S President

Dylan Havo Executive dylanhavo@gmail.comAssistant(714)558-5216 Carissa Loverme Executive lovermecarissa@gmail.comAssistant(714)655-0290 Angelina Nguyen Executive Assistant (714)452-7874 Alyssa Cao Financial cao.alyssa.h@gmail.comAssistant(657)352-9171 Ava Baker Bulletin hbavarey@gmail.comEditor(714)715-8680 Chloe Nguyen Bulletin Jennifer Nguyen Bulletin 21jennguyen@gmail.comEditor(714)450-0634 Ethan Nguyen Media enguyen0303@gmail.comCorrespondent(714)468-9281 Madisen Nguyen Media Correspondent (714)467-8764 Lynn Luong Spirit lynnluongg@gmail.comCaptain(714)251-9975 Diana Nguyen Spirit diananguyengs@gmail.comCaptain(714)220-8988

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