YourFiveFavoriteTowns Family NewspaperDistributed weekly in the Five Towns, Long Island, Queens & BrooklynSeptember 8, 2022 See page 7 Always Fresh. Always Gourmet. Around Communitythe PAGES 9 & 77 Community Comes Out in Respect for Milton Storch, a”h 60 It’s Finally Back to School 54 YUConnects Celebrates Its 560th Engagement 56

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And I am where I am supposed to be – doing work and getting things done and then preparing for when they get home and I get to hear all about their day and their teachers and their classmates.
The Jewish Home is an independent weekly magazine. Opinions expressed by writers are not necessarily the opinions of the publisher or editor. The Jewish Home is not responsible for typographical errors, or for the kashrus of any product or business advertised within. The Jewish Home contains words of Torah. Please treat accordingly.
Nate Davis Editorial Assistant Nechama Wein Copy Editor Rachel Bergida Aliza Nugiel Lani White Design & Production Gabe Solomon Distribution & Logistics P.O.
The next morning, the man is so happy, he runs to the rav’s home. “I live in a palace,” he enthuses.
There had been complaints about being bored, and “there’s nothing to do,” and “why can’t we have sushi for breakfast, lunch, and supper,” and “I don’t want to go to the park – again.” There were more trips to the grocery store, and many, many breakfast and lunches and snacks in between to be served. Oh, and lots of random things – like candy wrappers and folded papers – that kept popping up in places that should have been cleared of de tritus.But today, my girls finally went off to school, baruch Hashem, with their fresh uniforms and clean notebooks, and suddenly the house feels so… quiet. And maybe even empty.
For now, I am enjoying the quiet for the next few hours, knowing that my children are where they are supposed to be – learning and chatting with their friends and meeting their new teachers.
266 Lawrence,
Yitzy Halpern, PUBLISHER Yosef Feinerman, MANAGING EDITOR Shoshana Soroka, EDITOR BOX NY 11559 Phone | 516-734-0858 Fax | 516-734-0857 5:00PM Cloudy There’s an apocryphal story about a poor man living in the shtetl. His life is hard. There are many mouths to feed and a small shack to live in. One day, he has enough. He goes to the local rav and pours out his tale of woe, weeping about the constrictive life he leads and the tight quarters his family lives in.
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And then the house won’t feel so empty any more. Wishing you a wonderful week, Shoshana
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“My home is so large and so peaceful, and my chil dren are so well behaved. Rav, I am so blessed.”
I thought of this story this week, as my kids had been home for many days between camp and school. The house had seemed fuller and louder.
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The wise rav has an idea: “Do you have a chick en?” he “Yes,asks.wehave a few.” “Then bring them into your home,” counsels the Therav. man is puzzled but listens to his rav. That night, though, his home feels even tighter, and the chickens don’t stop clucking. It’s hard to hear him day, he’s at the rav again. “It’s unbear able,” he wails. “Do you have a goat?” the wise asks. “Yes,” answers the man. “So bring the goat into your home.” Again puzzled, the man brings the goat into his small home. But that night, the family feels even more squeezed, and the goat keeps trying to eat their clothing. The next morning, the man is at the rav’s house again, begging for relief. But the rav just tells him to bring a sheep into his house, which, of course, ends up making the home feel even smaller. And the next morning, the rav tells him to bring in the cow.
Finally, at his wit’s end, with the cow mooing, and the sheep baaing, and the goat braying, and the chickens clucking, the man tells his rav he’s had“Oh,”enough.says the rav, “then tonight I want you to bring out all the animals and put them in the barn.”
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However, I will concede that even though their relationship was relatively short, and that even though their rela tionship never became very serious, it was, nevertheless, unkind to leave the girlfriend clueless as to the reason for the breakup. Perhaps the guy could have mentioned his reasoning via the person who set them up, or via email.
When writing with a pen, do you prefer to use one with black or blue ink? 56% 44% Black Blue LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 8 COMMUNITY Readers’ Poll 8 Community Happenings 48 Voice Notes: Bringing Your Son to Shul 70 NEWS Global 12 National 35 That’s Odd 41 ISRAEL Israel News 28 My Israel Home 86 Israel’s Shifting Alliances in China’s Battle for World Dominance 88 JEWISH THOUGHT Rabbi Wein on the Parsha 76 The Empathy of Elul by Rav Moshe Weinberger 78 Oneness and Twoness by Rabbi Shmuel Reichman 80 Delving into the Daf by Rabbi Avrohom Sebrow 84 PEOPLE Military Academies by Avi Heiligman 126 FOOD & LEISURE Susie Fishbein is Back 108 The Aussie Gourmet: One Pot Pasta and Meat Sauce 112 LIFESTYLES Dating Dialogue, Moderated by Jennifer Mann, LCSW 92 Creating Miracles for All Children 96 School of Thought 100 Parenting Pearls 102 JWOW! 106 Teen Talk 104 Mind Your Business 114 Your Money 134 It’s All How You Slice It by Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., CLC, SDS 135 HUMOR Centerfold 74 POLITICAL CROSSFIRE Notable Quotes 116 Biden’s MAGA Hypocrisy by Marc A. Thiessen 124 Beware the Emerging Alliance Between Russia and Iran by David Ignatius 120 Ukraine’s Counteroffensive is More Than Just Bravado by David Ignatius 122 CLASSIFIEDS 128 10686

Dear Editor, I enjoy reading the “Dear Navidat ers” column and usually the first re sponse I read is the “Zaidy” point of view and he never disappoints, except this week. Wow! What a response! I would have liked to ask him what does he have against strong women. Have you read the Bible lately? Guess what? They are all “strong women.” Luckily, I read the other responses, and I was re lieved to read the female voices of reason. It made me wonder if such a different point of view can be attributed to the difference in gender perspective. I hope not. Signed by a strong opinionated Jewish woman The Zeidy Responds: Dear Strongly Opinionated Jewish Woman, Thanks for writing. Like you, I found it interesting to read that my fellow col umnists (all women) had very different opinions than mine. After Shabbos, I had actually emailed The Single (Tzipora Grodko), and wrote, “This week, you and I had very different opinions. After reading your piece, it gave me an entirely different perspective, looking at the question from a woman’s point of view.” Let’s re-visit the issue. There is ab solutely nothing wrong with a man or woman who is very highly opinionated. And, there is absolutely nothing wrong with someone who strongly defends those opinions. However, it’s easy to un derstand how a young man, or woman, would not wish to choose a life partner who, after adequately explaining and de fending an opinion, seems incapable of gently ending an argument with a polite, “Let’s agree to disagree.” Further, I continue to believe, very strongly, that it would be foolish to tell a date, “I want to end this relationship be cause I see that your ongoing, never-end ing, online interactions are too obses sively argumentative.” Saying something like that would be hurtful and would likely lead to a very unpleasant and awk wardThisconfrontation.isfardifferent than discussing constructive criticisms, like, “You wear too much cologne,” or “Your gigantic, dangling earrings are driving me crazy.”
Best wishes, The Zaidy (Jeffrey Galler) Dear Editor, I was intensely disturbed by your let ter in last week’s edition. The concept of pushing racist theories to two-year-old kids is beyond bizarre. Which qualified psychologists concluded that kids that young develop racist theories? As my wife says, at that age, they’re trying to figure out how to eat spaghetti and go to the toilet on time.
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But, once again, I cannot fault the guy for deciding to avoid a very unpleasant confrontation.
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I don’t Is there no legal recourse for this? If we taxpay ers support the library, shouldn’t we have a say in what books the library should have? I guess, in a library, no one forces you to read a book that you don’t want. But, controlling the school curriculum by forcing the teaching of anti-racist theo ry to two-year-olds? Don’t parents have some say in their children’s school cur riculum? Is there anything that can be legally done to stop this nonsense? I wish you much success in overcom ing this battle. Thanks for bringing this to our attention, and please update us on anything we can do to assist. This is real ly frightening!
Make your voice heard!

Daniel Feldman Dear Editor, I enjoy reading your paper each week. This week, you wrote a small piece on Gorbachev and the Jews. I’d like to add a story I once Gorbachevheard.and other officials were very concerned about the “brain drain” that would occur in the country if they would allow Jews and other people to emigrate. One time, Gorbachev was speaking to U.S. President Reagan about the brain drain and the fact that so many Jews want to leave the country. Reagan looked at the Soviet leader and said to him, “Well, maybe if you would have treated them a bit better, they would have wanted to stay.”
Wise words from a wise man. Rafael Landau
My parents, grandparents, and un cles were all Holocausts survivors. They were wary of “Goyim” (non-Jews), and they had a background reason for it. They also taught me to be wary of them. The rebbes in yeshiva also supported this notion. But they did not advocate violence against them nor insulting or taking advantage of a non-Jew unless there was a warranted reason, such as if they had done similar action to you, first. My parents understood that Gentiles are around, and we have to learn to deal with them frequently for business purposes and other public settings. Most impor tantly, my parents and teachers (mainly, the secular ones) taught us to “separate the trees from the forest.” Not every Gen tile is inherently harmful. When I lived in an apartment building, my neighbor was an Indian family who had two boys about my age. We frequently played to gether both in their homes and in the park, and we got along wonderfully. The fact that they were Indian and had darker skin wasn’t any thought or concern what soever.The point of my example is that par ents are the first-line teachers of their children. They know their children best and they know what type of family values and structure they want to maintain and relay to their children. To have the gov ernment eliminate this vital control in our schools and libraries is setting off a nuclear bomb, not just a plain fire.

understand legalities.
Be part of TJH’s weekly poll. Email the editor to be included in the weekly poll at

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Chilean voters supported a change, and in June 2021, they cast their ballots again to pick the members for a constituent as sembly.Since then, many worried that the drafted constitution would shift the country too far left. Others thought that it would be difficult to turn into efficient laws. Even some of its supporters on the left wanted adjustments made, with their slogan “approve to reform.” Despite Sunday’s defeat, supporters say that they are working on a new pro cess to rewrite the constitution in a way that would be supported by more Chilean voters.
Chile: RejectedConstitutionLeftist

The proposed change was initiated in 2020 when then-President Sebastien Piñera called a referendum on creating a new constitution amid social turmoil and discontent sparked by a metro fare increase in October 2019. In October 2020, more than 78% of
Chileans decidedly rejected a new, progressive constitution in a vote on Sun day, with 62% of voters rejecting the pro posal; 38% voted in favor. Interestingly, it was rejected in all provinces – even in the more progressive capital of Santiago.
Ten people were killed and 18 others were injured when two men went on a stabbing spree in two small, indigenous communities in the province of Saskatch ewan in Canada on Sunday. The murders shocked the nation, which is seldom the scene of massacres.

The constitution currently in place was written under the dictatorship of Au gusto Pinochet, who ruled Chile with an iron fist from 1973 to 1990. Proponents of the new constitution wanted a break from Chile’s authoritarian past and a document that reflected the interests of communities that, according to them, had been ignored.
Damien Sanderson, 31, one of the killers, was found dead on Monday. His brother, Myles Sanderson, still remains at large.Ina short address from Ottawa, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau called the attacks “shocking and heartbreaking.” “This kind of violence or any kind of violence has no place in our country,” he said.
10 Killed CanadaStabbinginin
The new, leftist constitution was in the making for two years. It had the sup port of leftist President Gabriel Boric and would have significantly extended social rights, increased environmental regula tion, and given the government wider re sponsibility for social welfare programs. It also would have provided full gender parity and added designated seats for in digenous“Todayrepresentatives.thepeopleofChile have spo ken, and they have done so loudly and clearly,” Boric said after the bill was defeated. “They have given us two mes sages. The first one is that they love and value their democracy... The second one is that the people of Chile was not satis fied with the proposed constitution and, therefore, has decided to reject in a clear way at the polls.”
So far, police do not know why the two brothers killed these innocent peo ple in James Smith Cree Nation, an in digenous community with a population of about 3,400 people, and Weldon, a village of some 200 people. The killing spree began in the early morning, with the two murderers banging in doors and killing those inside. In all, they stabbed people in 13 different locations.
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Some locals are blaming drugs and alcohol for the killing spree. Police are saying that some victims seemed to have been targeted; others seemed to have been killed randomly.

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On Tuesday, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson formally tendered his resignation to Queen Elizabeth II, hand ing over power to Liz Truss after he was booted from his position after weather ing the Brexit and Covid challenges. Interestingly, when a prime minister steps down, he or she generally needs to go before the Queen in Buckingham Palace. But this time around, Queen Elizabeth is in Scotland for her summer break; both Johnson and Truss needed to travel there to speak with the Queen regarding the handover of power. Truss, 47, was announced winner of an internal vote of Conservative party members on Monday, after a grueling contest that began in July.
have caused this pumping problem.”

Russia’s state-run oil company Gaz prom, which operates Nord Stream, an nounced last week that it would suspend gas supplies heading westwards indef initely due to pipeline “malfunctions.” Gazprom had initially said it would halt supplies due to “maintenance work” but only until Saturday. The company said it was due to a technical fault, which it blamed on challenges repairing Ger man-made turbines in Canada. Germany and the EU have disputed the technical justification.TheEU has been “preparing for months” for a full cut of Russian gas sup plies, including through new gas storage obligations and a plan to reduce gas de mand in a coordinated manner, an EU spokesperson said. The supply of energy coming from Nord Stream has been at low capacity recently.
Russia Shuts Nord Stream Pipeline

Truss, who touts herself as a free-mar ket liberal, has promised tax cuts to stimulate growth, despite warnings that greater borrowing could make inflation worse. According to a recent poll, only 14 percent of those in the UK believe Truss is the answer to their financial woes.

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Truss is only the third female to fill the prime minister role, following on the heels of Margaret Thatcher and Theresa May.
Europe has been in the midst of an energy crisis since Russia first attempt ed to invade its neighbor on February 24. Many European countries, including the continent’s largest economy Ger many, are very reliant on Russian gas. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zel ensky on Sunday warned Ukrainians and their European allies to prepare for a bleak winter. He accused Russia of
Truss became a member of Parlia ment in 2010. She had campaigned hard against Brexit but eventually supported the deal. She is now tasked to form a gov ernment.Business secretary Kwasi Kwarteng is expected to become finance minister, with attorney general Suella Braverman moved to the tricky brief of home sec retary and James Cleverly to foreign af fairs.The UK is hoping for change. Inflation is rampant and running at 40-year highs of 10.1 percent, with predictions of worse to come and recession as winter bites. Households face an 80 percent increase in gas and electricity bills from October, while businesses warn they could go to the wall from even bigger hikes.
Only when the “collective West” lifts sanctions will Russia open the Nord Stream 1 pipeline, Moscow said this week. In response, the EU accused the Kremlin of weaponizing energy to achieve its aims.
On Monday, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov blamed British, Canadian and EU sanctions for Russia’s failure to deliver gas through the key pipeline that delivers gas from St. Petersburg to Ger many via the Baltic Sea. “The problems pumping gas came about because of the sanctions Western countries introduced against our coun try and several companies,” Peskov said.
“There are no other reasons that could
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fromProtectthe Flu! We come to you! Available Forschools,businesses,individuals,forfamilies,corporations,andothergroups!bothinandoutofoffice! Get your flu shotwithAll NJ + NY ainsuranceccepted! events@bleugloveconcierge.combleugloveconcierge.com917-334-4134@bleugloveconcierge

Jon Minadeo II, a denier of the Holo caust from Petaluma, California, shared far-right propaganda at the gates of Aus chwitz. As such, Polish authorities ar rested him for his hate speech. More than 1.1 million people were killed at Auschwitz alone. In a post shared on Gab, a platform popular with racists, Minadeo said: “Got handcuffed and arrested in Poland today for (((hate speech))) regarding Aushwitz (sic). “Just got released tonight with a fine and my computer was temporarily con fiscated. Life’s good. You can’t keep me down Jews.”
One building manager told the resi dents to stay in their apartments during the quake: “No matter how severe the earthquake is, it can’t be that severe. It’s safest to stay at home.” After the quake, the government of Taiwan offered to send emergency re sponders to aid rescue efforts. China and Taiwan have been in a tense standoff fol lowing a recent visit by U.S. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi to Taiwan. Taiwan’s fire department assembled a 40-person team with one rescue dog and 5 tons of equipment, saying it was ready to deploy if China desired. While U.S. lawmakers have routine ly visited Taiwan for years, China has grown more vocal in its protests. The country argues the visits violate the U.S. One China Policy, which states that the U.S. recognizes the government in Bei jing as the only government of China. It also states that the U.S. will not hold for mal diplomatic relations with Taiwan.
Holocaust Denier – at
20228,SEPTEMBER|HomeJewishThe 16 trying to weaponize the sway it has on the energy markets and run Europe into “poverty and political chaos.”
A 6.8 magnitude earthquake shook China’s southwestern Sichuan province on Monday. At least 65 people died from the of Chengdu is under strict lockdown due to Covid regulations. As such, its 21 million residents were cau tioned not to leave their homes despite the Videosquake. shared on Douyin, China’s ver sion of TikTok, showed people shouting to be let out from behind gated doors. None of the earthquake deaths have been linked to people stuck in buildings, the BBC reported.

China has long claimed ownership over Taiwan, despite the island having its own democratic government. Taiwan split from China in 1949 after Democrat ic forces lost a civil war against the Chi nese Community Party.
The multiple parentheses, known as the “echo,” are used by racists online to indicate to other racists that a person or a group is Jewish. Under Article 13 of the Polish Consti tution, “those whose programs or activ ities sanction racial or national hatred” shall be prohibited. It also bans political parties and other groups that are based on totalitarian ideologies and names Na zism, fascism, and communism as exam ples. Minadeo leads the Goyim Defense League, a network of antisemitic provo cateurs, which parodies the name of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), an orga nization that combats antisemitism and widerHeracism.regularly shares antisemitic vid eos and comments across his social media channels, including a September 3 Telegram clip where he could be seen wearing chains with a Nazi swastika and a Totenkopf – a skull and bones symbol used by members of the SS, or Schutz staffel, which was a paramilitary orga nization under Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party in AccordingGermany.tothe ADL, Minadeo’s or ganization was responsible for at least 74 antisemitic propaganda incidents in 2021.

Earthquake Shakes China

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A tunnel wall had collapsed and flooded the Pinabete mine in the north ern border state of Coahuila on August 3, triggering weeks of around-the-clock rescue efforts to pump water out of the mine and free the men. “We have the clear assignment from the president ... to start immediately, by the method of this open pit, to locate and rescue the bodies of the miners who lost their lives here,” Manuel Bartlett, head of said.
It’s been a bloody summer in Spain. At least 10 people lost their lives this
The process would involve pulling out 5.6 million cubic meters of material from an open pit mine that is expected to mea sure 450 meters long, 320 meters wide, and 60 meters deep. On Sunday, Mexico’s attorney gener al’s office said it had obtained arrest war rants for three individuals it accused of “having allowed illegal coal exploitation activities” at the Pinabete mine.
Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador spoke of a plan to recover the miners’ bodies on August 28. He said that miners’ families would receive gov ernment compensation; many of them live in poverty.
the fact that Russia is turning to the iso lated state of North Korea demonstrates that “the Russian military continues to suffer from severe supply shortages in Ukraine, due in part to export controls andThissanctions.”isnot the first rogue nation to do business with Russia. The Biden ad ministration recently confirmed that the Russian military in August took delivery of Iranian-manufactured drones for use on the battlefield in Ukraine.
North Korea has sought to tighten relations with Russia as much of Europe and the West has pulled away, blaming the United States for the Ukraine crisis and decrying the West’s “hegemonic pol icy” as justifying military action by Rus sia in Ukraine to protect itself.

Russia to Buy Rockets from N. Korea According to a U.S. intelligence finding first reported by The New York Times, the Russian Ministry of Defense is in the process of purchasing millions of rockets and artillery shells from North Korea to aid in its war against Ukraine. An anonymous U.S. official noted that
The White House said last week that Russia has faced technical problems with Iranian-made drones acquired from Tehran in August for use in its war with Ukraine.Russia picked up Mohajer-6 and Sha hed-series unmanned aerial vehicles over several days last month as part what the Biden administration says is likely part of a Russian plan to acquire hun dreds of Iranian UAVs for use in Ukraine.
After attempting to save 10 coal miners that had become trapped under ground a month ago, Mexican author ities said this week that they will work on a search and recover mission to bring up the bodies of the men, a process that could take 11 months.

Fatal Bull-Running in Spain
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national electricity company CFE,

The North Koreans have hinted at sending construction workers to help re build Russian-occupied territories in the country’s east. North Korea’s ambassador to Moscow recently met with envoys from two Rus sia-backed separatist territories in the Donbas region of Ukraine and expressed optimism about cooperation in the “field of labor migration,” citing his country’s easing pandemic border controls.
In July, North Korea became the only nation aside from Russia and Syria to recognize the independence of the ter ritories, Donetsk and Luhansk, further aligning with Russia over the conflict in Ukraine.
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This summer’s victims, who died from injuries sustained while racing through the streets alongside a group of hefty bulls – known as “bous al carrer” in Valencian – were between the ages of 18 and 73. The victims were either gored or trampled by the huge animals. Many others sustained injuries. Bull-running events are a highlight of summer festivities across Spain, with the best known being the San Fermin festi val in the northern city of Pamplona.
24 season in the controversial bull-running festivities that take place throughout the country.Seven deaths occurred in the east ern Valencia region where the practice of releasing bulls into the streets for en tertainment has sparked debate, with the other fatalities taking place in the regions of Madrid, Castilla y Leon and Navarra in the north. In all, since 2015, more than 30 peo ple have lost their lives.
The idea is that a small group of bulls are let loose into a fenced-off area of the streets and hundreds of foolhar dy thrill-seekers run alongside them for a few adrenaline-fueled minutes, in a spectacle that draws thousands of spec tators. In some areas, there are “bous a la mar” races in which the animals and people race to the seashore to attempt to get the bulls to end up in the sea.
“The right to access culture – and all events featuring bulls are absolutely part of that – is sacred within the con stitution,” he added. “And neither the city councils nor the regions have the author ity to ban or organize a referendum” on the fate of such events.
Germanspectacle.Zaragoza, head of the re gion’s Federation of Bull-Fighting Clubs which promotes bull-running events as the Spain’s “most-traditional and au thentic” fiestas, says any move against the tradition would face an uphill battle.
The bull-running festivities may date back to the 13th century. As such, there with many holding onto tradition. Those on the other end of the spectrum feel that the practice has become more danger ous, with too many people losing their lives in the

“They will have to take on Valencia’s love for the ‘bous al carrer,’” he said.
There are towns in Spain, like Sueca and Tavernes de la Valldigna, that refuse to issue permits for the bull-running events. And animal welfare associations have called for the banning of the festivities.

are polarizing opinions about the events,
AssassinationAttempted in Argentina
On Thursday, a gunman approached Argentine Vice President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner with a loaded gun outside her home while she was walking through a crowd. Fernando Sabag Mon tiel failed to fire his loaded weapon after he pointed it at her face. Police say Montiel was arrested last year for “improper use of a weapon.” He had been arrested in 2021 for carrying a large knife in public. Although he was born in Brazil, he has been living in Ar gentina since 1993.
“Cristina is still alive because – for some reason we can’t technically confirm

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On Tuesday, Italian police arrested 35 suspected mafia members. Mafia boss Matteo Massina Denaro has been on the run since 1993. Now, police are trying to get to the boss of the Sicilian Cosa Nostra mafia with a series of raids. The raids focused on alleged mafia members in the province of Trapani in the far west of Sicily. Those arrested are suspected of crim inal conspiracy, extortion, and gambling, among other offences. The operation in volved searches and asset seizures from other suspects, and targeted 70 people in total, the Carabinieri police force said.

26 at this moment – the weapon, which was armed with five bullets, did not shoot al though the trigger was pulled,” Argenti na’s President Alberto Fernández said in a televised address late Thursday. The attack on Fernández de Kirchner, who served as the country’s president from 2007 to 2015 before taking office as vice president in 2019, has shocked the nation and wider region. Supporters of the vice president had been holding rallies near her home for several days to oppose a request by pros ecutors that she serve a 12-year prison sentence for alleged corruption. Last weekend, clashes between her supporters and police injured 14 law enforcement officials and led to four arrests.
Messina Denaro has been sentenced in absentia to a life term for his role in the death of anti-mafia prosecutors Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino, who were murdered in separate incidents in 1992. He is also wanted for his role in bomb attacks in Florence, Rome, and Milan in 1993 which killed 10. On Monday, police in Bergamo in the northern Lombardy region arrested 30 suspected members of the Calabrian ‘Ndrangheta mafia. The suspects were accused of money laundering, racketeer ing, and trafficking stolen goods. Bergamo investigators seized $6.45 million in goods, and one tax authority employee in the region is being investi gated for corruption. Last Thursday, authorities reported the arrest of 202 suspected members and accomplices of the ‘Ndrangheta, includ ing politicians and high-ranking local officials. 22 Years for Russian Journalist Ivan Safronov, a Russian journalist who worked for Kommersant and Ve domosti, had been accused by Russia of passing military secrets to Czech spies. He had denied the charges and rejected a plea bargain. This week, the reporter was handed a 22-year jail sentence after be ing convicted of the charges against him. The trial is the latest in a series of crackdowns on Russia’s independent me dia since the war in Ukraine began. Safronov, 32, was arrested in July 2020, after leaving journalism to work as an adviser to the head of the state space agency.Last week, the BBC’s Russian service reported that the charges are believed to be related to an article Safronov wrote revealing Russia’s sales of SU-35 fighter jets to Egypt, which triggered a diplo maticHeoutcry.wasdetained after being formally accused of divulging state secrets while working for the space agency. Agency of ficials say that Safronov did not have ac cess to state secrets while working there and said the charges did not relate to this work.Safronov’s attorneys have faced pres sure for representing him. Two of them have fled the country. Russia has been cracking down on media since the invasion into Ukraine. In early March, legislators approved a new law imposing 15-year jail terms on anyone spreading “fake news” about the conflict.Media outlets that “discredit the armed forces” also face tough punish ments and prison sentences of up to five years. On Monday, a Russian court revoked the operating licence of Novaya Gazeta, one of the few remaining independent

Mafia UnderMembersArrest

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Lod city council member Fida Sheha da said the situation in the city was out of control, with the women having been attacked not far from the police station.
Troop Bus Under Fire
Col. Meir Biderman, the command er of the 417th territorial brigade, said IDF forces were continuing to hunt for the additional member of the cell. “We won’t rest until we catch all of them,” he said.Last month, shots were fired at an Israeli bus traveling along Route 60, the West Bank’s main north-south highway, near the Ofra settlement. The bus was full at the time of the attack and at least eight bullet holes were found on the bus’s windows and body, but thankfully no in juries were incurred.
tent critic of President Vladimir Putin.
conducting intensive operations in the
The three terrorists, who the IDF said are relatives – a father, a son, and a neph ew – tried to flee after soldiers opened fire on them. Their car caught on fire. The son and nephew, Muhammed and Walid Turkman, of Jenin, jumped out of the vehicle and were arrested. Their father, who is married to an Israeli and holds an Israeli citizenship, is still at large.
The court said the outlet had failed to provide documents relating to a change of ownership in 2006. Its editor, Dmitry Muratov, said the ruling was “a political hit job, without the slightest legal basis.”
On Sunday afternoon, a pickup truck overtook a bus carrying Israeli troops in the Jordan Valley and opened fire, wounding the driver and six soldiers. The three gunmen also tried to pour flamma ble liquid on the bus to light it on fire.

Although police have launched an in vestigation into the murders, Lod’s may or, Yair Revivo, asserts that had the vic tims been Jewish the investigation would receive more attention from police.
“They were quiet neighbors who nev er harmed anyone. We are living in the Wild West, where in the middle of the city of Lod — near the police station and city hall — women are murdered,” She hadaOnsaid.Tuesday morning, Prime Minister
A host of international journalists, including reporters from the BBC, the Times and the Guardian, have also been banned from entering Russia.
20228,SEPTEMBER|HomeJewishThe 28 news outlets in the country and a consis

In efforts to locate the third suspect in Sunday’s attack, security forces are northern West Bank, Tubas, Jenin, and Qabatiya. One Palestinian who shot at soldiers during the operations was killed.
2 Killed in Lod Manar Hajaj and her 14-year-old daughter, Khadra, were killed this week late Monday night in Lod while unpack ing bags from their vehicle. Khadra’s twin was injured in the attack.

“There continues to be a crazy wave of violence raging in this country, especial ly in the Arab community, and I am sorry to say this, but the country is not waking up,” Revivo told Ynet. “If this number of murders were in the Jewish community, the country would come to a standstill,” he said.“This is a violation of the security of all the residents of the country — Jews and Arabs alike — and what infuriates and makes my blood boil is that these vile killers have no inhibitions. It is not about criminals who kill criminals, but people who are helpless and incapable of defending themselves, and it is simply terrible,” Revivo said.
But authorities are dealing with a surging crime wave gripping Israel’s Arab communities. Investigators said the shooting could be linked to a disagree ment involving Hajaj’s husband.
The incidents came amid rising vi olence in the West Bank. On Friday, a soldier was stabbed in Hebron, and there have been numerous stone-throwing at tacks on Israeli civilians driving in the West Bank in recent days.
|20228,SEPTEMBERTheJewishHome 29

Instead, the Kin family brought the mother’s body to Israel to have her in terred here. Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi Da vid Lau, who was made aware of the case, attempted to block the funeral in Israel, leading to a legal dispute. However, as the remains were already in the country awaiting burial and after Kin’s family made certain pledges to advance the di vorce, Rabbi Lau ultimately relented, and the funeral went ahead as planned.
20228,SEPTEMBER| 30 Yair Lapid held talks with security offi cials on the murders, as well as the gen eral problem of rising crime in the Arab community, according to a statement from the premier’s office. “The acts of violence and murder harm the citizens’ sense of security and their daily routine,” the statement read, adding that police would be working in Lod “to prevent acts of revenge” as well as increasing their presence in other socalled “mixed cities.”
According to the Abraham Initiatives, a group campaigning against violence in the Arab community, at least 75 Arabs have been killed in violent crimes in Is rael so far this year, 71 of whom were cit izens of the country. Lod is a “mixed” city, where Jews and Arabs both live. It was the scene of Arab riots last summer.
Kin’s father is still alive, but the 89-year-old is in poor health. It is for this reason that Ralbag’s attorney went to Is rael’s High Court, hoping to get a ruling in advance of any burial.
Another such measure, which is ex ceedingly rare and used only in extreme cases, is to bar the family of a recalcitrant husband from receiving a Jewish buri al. The Rabbinical Council of California utilized the measure against Kin in 2010 — nearly a decade after he was first or dered to give Ralbag a divorce — prevent ing his mother from receiving a Jewish burial in the United States when she died in 2019.
In an effort to get Meir Kin to give his wife Lonna Ralbag a get, the Chief Rab binate has ruled that Kin’s family cannot be buried in Israel.
Get Refuser Can’t Be Buried in Israel
Although Kin has not granted Ralbag a Jewish divorce, he filed for a civil di vorce from Ralbag in California. He got remarried in 2014 after receiving ap proval from a beit din, although many do not agree with the beit din’s ruling.
Police chief Kobi Shabtai said in a statement that the probe into the Lod murders was a “top priority” for the force and that law enforcement presence in the city would be bolstered.
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Ralbag hailed the court’s decision. “I am deeply thankful to the Chief Rabbin ate for this miraculous decision, which proves that I am not alone and that the people of Israel are with me. I very much hope and pray that this decision will help set me free after nearly two decades, u t h F l o r i d a & I s r a e l . A t t h e e n d o f 2 0 2 1 , F u t u r e C a r e s o l d 1 0 0 % o f t h e c o m p a n y ’ s s h a r e s t o t h e M y F u t u r e E S O P , s o e m p l o y e e s n o w o w n t h e e n t i r e c o m p a n y T h e M y F u t u r e E S O P i s d e s i g n e d t o p r o v i d e i t s e m p l o y e e s w i t h t h e o p p o r t u n i t y t o s h a r e i n F u t u r e C a r e ’ s s u c c e s s b y g i v i n g t h e m s t o c k i n t h e c o m p a n y E v e r y d a y y o u w o r k h e r e b e c o m e s a n i n v e s t m e n t i n y o u r l o n g t e r m f i n a n c i a l f u t u r e , w i t h m o r e m o n e y e a r n e d t h e l o n g e r y o u w o r k
We're Coming to the FIVE TOWNS... . . . a n d w e ' r e h i r i n g ! W E ’ R E N O W E M P L O Y E E O W N E D & O P E R A T E D . C o n s i d e r i n g a m o v e i n t h e f u t u r e ? T a k e y o u r j o b w i t h y o u W e h a v e o f f i c e s i n B r o o k l y n , L a k e w o o d , M o n s e y , S c r a n t o n , H o u s t o n , S o

Kin has refused to give his wife, who lives in NY, a get for the past 19 years. “This shows that the State of Israel, as the state of the Jewish people, will do everything with every tool at its dis posal, even unconventional ones, to help chained women,” Moriya Dayan, an at torney for Yad La’Isha, told The Times of Israel.
Rabbinic authorities in the United States have attempted to pressure Kin into granting Ralbag a get by excommu nicating him, preventing him from being counted in a prayer minyan and other wise taking part in religious life.

|20228,SEPTEMBERTheJewishHome 31

50 Years Since Munich
20228,SEPTEMBER|HomeJewishThe 32 even if the only motivation behind these actions are his desire to properly respect his parents and family and to spare them from the potential consequences of this decision. I also hope that this decision will help other women trapped in these situations,” she said.
Jail for Cleaning Spy

Last year, the house cleaner at De fense Minister Benny Gantz’s private res idence was caught stealing secrets and documents and passing them along to Iran. Now, Omri Goren, 38, will be serv ing three years in jail as part of a plea deal reached with the prosecution. He was found guilty of attempting to pass on information to an enemy en tity. Under the plea deal, the espionage charges that were originally included in the indictment were dropped.
“As head of state of this country and in the name of the Federal Republic of Germany, I ask your forgiveness for the
“Who says it was the Iranians? It was hackers on Telegram,” Goren told report ers while appearing in court via video link in However,December.his interrogation suggest ed that he was well aware of the hackers’ Iranian affiliation, saying he had planned to trick them by collecting their money without providing them with anything. “If they would have waited a few days before arresting me, they’d see that I’m not a spy. I wanted to trick the Iranians and take their money without sending them any photo or documents,” Goren said during his interrogation, according to Channel 12. Goren was arrested in November last year. According to the indictment, he had contacted hackers from the Iranian-affil iated group Black Shadow on Telegram and offered to provide them with infor mation about Gantz in exchange for mon ey. He also reportedly offered to plant a bug on Gantz’s computer, asking for $7,000 in return. The indictment detailed how Goren took photographs of Gantz’s desk, com puter, phone and tablet; a closed safe and a shredder; pictures of Gantz and his family; and a copy of the minister’s local property tax payments. After his arrest, it was discovered that Goren had an extensive criminal history, with five convictions and four prison sen tences for a variety of crimes, including two bank robberies. This prompted the Shin Bet to launch an internal probe to determine how Goren, who was hired before Gantz entered politics, had been permitted to continue working for him once he became defense minister. In its findings, the agency acknowl edged “procedural failures in the way that Omri Goren’s security check was conducted,” citing issues with work flow procedures, professional activities and oversight mechanisms that it said “should have discovered the mistake af ter it happened.”
Goren largely admitted to the allega tions against him throughout the inves tigation but repeatedly denied that he knowingly offered to help Iran.

“[Goren] is not a spy, and this isn’t a spying scandal,” said attorneys Gal Wolf and Anat Yaari, Goren’s representatives from the public defender’s office, af ter his sentencing. “This is about a man who found himself entangled in debt and identified a security breach.”
On Monday, the presidents of Israel and Germany marked 50 years since the murders of 11 Israeli athletes who were slaughtered by Palestinian terrorists at the 1972 Munich Olympics. During the commemorations, Berlin asked for for giveness from the families of the victims and admitted responsibility for a litany of failings.“Wecannot make up for what has happened, not even for what you have ex perienced and suffered in terms of defen siveness, ignorance and injustice. I am ashamed of that,” said German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier.

|20228,SEPTEMBERTheJewishHome 33

20228,SEPTEMBER|HomeJewishThe 34 inadequate protection afforded to the Israeli athletes at the Olympic Games at Munich and the woeful investigation afterward. That it was possible for what happened to Steinmeier’shappen.”apology came after a bit ter fight by bereaved relatives for Berlin to own up to mistakes that enabled the massacre and for appropriate compensa tion.Last Wednesday, a deal was finally reached with the victims’ families and the German government. In the agree ment, Berlin is to provide 28 million euros ($28 million) in compensation. It also – for the first time – saw the Ger man state acknowledge its “responsibil ity” in failings that led to the deaths of the OpeningIsraelis. his remarks, Steinmeier read out the names of the murdered Is raeli athletes, who he said came with hope to compete in the Games. “All hope ended in a nightmare,” he continued. Steinmeier also acknowl edged the “catastrophic” German rescue operation, in which some hostages and a German policeman were killed, along with five of the hostage-takers. “Today, 50 years on, many questions, far too many questions, remain unan swered… The attack was followed by years of decades of silence and blocking out… that too is a failure,” he said, call ing for a continued “search for answers” about the attack and its aftermath. President of Israel Isaac Herzog spoke after his German counterpart. “Even 50 years after the murder of 11 Israeli athletes here… There is still pain and the pain is unending,” he said, refer ring to the families. Herzog noted that the Israelis athletes “were brutally murdered in cold blood by a Palestinian terror organization just be cause they were Jews; just because they were Israelis.
“For us, as a people and as a country, this massacre has always been a national disaster,” he said, adding that the Olym pics would “never be the same again” for Israelis. Herzog added, “This was not a Jew ish and Israeli tragedy, it was a global tragedy,” he said. “The world must never forget: the war on terror, everywhere and always, must be fought with unity, deter mination, and assertiveness. The future of human society depends on us sanctify ing the good and at the same time, repu diating and vanquishing evil. Antisemi tism, hatred, terror.”
ed. Shortly after, the International Olym pic Committee decided that the “Games must go on,” a decision that has been widely criticized for its callousness. Ankie Spitzer’s husband was killed 50 years ago. “I came home with the coffins after the massacre,” Ankie said. “You don’t know what we’ve gone through for the past 50 years.”
Recently, Israel released guidelines for those coming into the West Bank, requiring foreign nationals to notify Is raeli authorities if any of them start a re lationship with a Palestinian in the West Bank. This week, due the Biden administration and European governments, Israel has revised those guidelines.TheCoordinator of Government Ac tivities in the Territories (COGAT), the Defense Ministry body responsible for Palestinian civil affairs, originally pub lished a draft of “Procedure for entry and residence of foreigners in the Judea and Samaria area” in February. The rules were set to take effect in July but were de layed by petitions to the Supreme Court. The updated document removed the requirement that a foreigner who starts a relationship with a West Bank resident after entering the territory must notify Israeli authorities within 30 days of their engagement, wedding, or living together.“Aforeigner married to a resident of the Area, or forming a couple with one, must proceed to make arrangements… before arriving at the Area. If the rela tionship starts after the foreigner arrived at the Area, then the authorized COGAT official must be informed in writing within 30 days of the relationship’s start. At the same time, an application must be submitted to the Palestinian Authority for formalizing the status,” the original draft had stated.

Israel GuidelinesRelationshipDrops
to pushback from
After the murders of the Israeli ath letes, the Games were initially suspend

|20228,SEPTEMBERTheJewishHome 35The new draft also allows for the ex tension of foreigners’ visas from 90 days to 180 days. In addition, COGAT removed quotas on visiting lecturers and students at Palestinian universities, originally set at 100 teachers and 150 students. Despite the changes, and the release of the revised guidelines, U.S. Ambassa dor Tom Nides says the U.S. continues to “have concerns with the published proto cols.”
“Our family is not surprised by this outcome since it’s obvious to anyone that Israeli war criminals cannot investigate their own crimes. However, we remain deeply hurt, frustrated and disappoint ed,” the family said in a statement. It also reiterated its call for an independent U.S. investigation and a probe by the Interna tional Criminal Court.

“It is important to ensure all of these regulations are developed in coordina tion with key stakeholders, including the Palestinian Authority,” he said. “I fully expect the Government of Israel to make necessary adjustments during the pilot period to ensure transparency as well as the fair and equal treatment of all US cit izens and other foreign nationals travel ing to the West Bank.”
On Monday, the Israel military said there was a “high probability” an Israe li soldier accidentally killed veteran Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh during an operation in Jenin nearly four months ago, based on its investigation into the incident. The 51-year-old Palestinian-Amer ican journalist, who was wearing a vest marked “Press” and a helmet, was killed during clashes between Israeli troops and Palestinian gunmen while covering an Israeli military operation in the refu gee camp in the northern West Bank on May 11.

Initially the IDF thought that Pales tinian gunmen were responsible for the shooting. Later, it acknowledged that a stray bullet coming from an Israeli sol dier may have killed her. On Monday, a military official told re porters that a soldier had been identified who had “with very high likelihood” shot the journalist by mistake. “He misidentified her. His reports in real-time point to a misidentification,” the final findings of its probe, the IDF said it was still “not possible to unequivocally determine the source of the gunfire” that killed Abu Akleh, but that “there is a high probability that Abu Akleh was accidentally hit by IDF gunfire fired toward suspects identified as armed Palestinian gunmen during an exchange of fire in which life-threatening, wide spread and indiscriminate shots were fired toward IDF soldiers.” Abu Akleh was highly respected in the Arab world for her decades covering Palestinians and other Arab communi ties.Her family criticized the investiga tion, saying on Monday that the army “tried to obscure the truth and avoid re sponsibility” for the killing.
More Findings in Journalist’s Death
On Friday, the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation was sued by Black Lives Matter Grassroots, which ac cused a foundation executive of stealing $10 million worth of donations from the organization.Thelawsuit says BLM Global Network Foundation board member Shalomyah Bowers siphoned off the money into his own “personal piggy bank.”

the officer said, speaking on condition of anonymity.Basedon
BLM Exec Stole Millions
“When more than 300 movement leaders, as well as BLM Founders, insist ed that he resign from GNF,” the com plaint says, “he continued to betray the public trust by self-dealing and breach
Paul is a graffiti artist. He was also BLM’s head of security, according to article from April.
It’s always been hard to commute to and from work if you work or live in New York City. Now, it seems like the Big Apple is home to the nation’s worst com, an online resume-building site, New York City has the most stressful commute in the na tion, with negativity in a whopping 45% of Twitter posts from people heading to and from work in the city.
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Jersey City is just behind the Big Ap ple in the terrible commute category with 43% of tweets about commuting featur ing negativity.
Earlier this year, a court filing said that Patrisse Cullors, once the executive director the Global Network Foundation, sent her brother $840,000 from funds received through donations to the move Cullors had given her brother Paul money earmarked for “professional se
A recent study conducted by scien tists at UC San Francisco has found that the brains of the elderly of those who were physically active contain more of a specific type of protein known to enhance the connections between neu rons and help maintain healthy cogni tion.“Our work is the first that uses hu man data to show that synaptic protein regulation is related to physical activity and may drive the beneficial cognitive outcomes we see,” says lead study author Kaitlin Casaletto, PhD, an assistant pro fessor of Whileneurology.several studies have doc umented the benefits of exercise on brain performance among mice, consistent results among humans have been harder to attain. To research this topic, Dr. Casaletto collaborated with William Honer, MD, a professor of T HUSKY BOYS LINE DESIGNED Shop online

New York City also accounts for a huge percentage of the nation’s public transit commuters, with 38.5% living in the NYC/metro area.

The legal battle is the latest financial controversy within the BLM organiza
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The complaint characterizes Bowers as a “rouge administrator, a middleman, turned usurper” after having been en trusted to collect donations on behalf of Bowers’ actions have forced the foun dation to undergo “multiple investiga tions by the Internal Revenue Service and various state attorneys general, blaz ing a path of irreparable harm to BLM in less than eighteen months,” the lawsuit
According to the report, more than one million commuters come in and out of the city each day for work, with census data estimating that around 600,000 of those people are so-called “super-com muters,” people who spend 90 minutes or more each day traveling to work.
Exercise Staves Off Dementia
The Global Network Foundation, founded in 2013, is a nonprofit dedi cated to advancing BLM ideology after three organizers came together to create a Black-centered political movement. Black Lives Matter Grassroots is an or ganization affiliated with the foundation that represents all BLM chapters nation
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According to the complaint, Bowers “managed to steal control of” the Glob al Network Foundation and became its sole board member and officer. He made more than $2.1 million from the Global Network Foundation within the span of less than eight months, the lawsuit says.
The study was published in Alzhei mer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association
“It may be that physical activity ex erts a global sustaining effect, support ing and stimulating healthy function of proteins that facilitate synaptic trans mission throughout the brain,” Dr. Hon er explains.

The Mill fire — one of at least three sizable California wildfires to ignite in the last few days — came as a massive heat wave roasted the West, parching the landscape. Excessive heat warnings are in effect across much of the state. Los Angeles County firefighters on Saturday were continuing to battle a fire near Castaic that had consumed more than 5,000 acres. Another fire, east of San Diego, led to evacuations and closed the Tecate Port of Entry at the border withWithinMexico.two hours of the Mill fire ig niting in Weed on Friday, the blaze had grown to more than 900 acres. By Saturday, the blaze had grown to 3,921 acres and left multiple civilians in jured, Cal Fire authorities said. Weed was devastated in September 2014 by the Boles fire, a relatively small but intense blaze that consumed 165 homes and other buildings in the small community.Thetown is roughly 30 miles south east of where the McKinney fire raged this summer and became California’s largest blaze in 2022, killing four people and burning more than 60,000 acres.
37psychiatry at the University of British Columbia. The research team used data provided by the Memory and Aging Project at Rush University in Chicago during their study. That project tracked the physical activity habits among a group of elderly adults – all of whom also agreed to donate their brains for analysis after “Maintainingdeath.the integrity of these connections between neurons may be vital to fending off dementia, since the synapse is really the site where cognition happens,” Dr. Casaletto adds. “Physical activity – a readily available tool – may help boost this synaptic functioning.” Researchers admit it was surprising to see the beneficial effects extend be yond just the hippocampus – the mind’s memory center – to additional brain re gions associated with cognitive function.
A wind-whipped fire that erupted near a defunct lumber mill in Northern California exploded on Friday into a fast-moving inferno. The flames burned homes and forced thousands of people to evacuate in Siskiyou County.

Officials in a Maryland county near Washington, D.C., that has had its dead liest month in decades say they will strictly enforce a curfew aimed at keep ing teens off the streets at night.
Mill Fire ThroughRoarsCA
gela Alsobrooks
County police investigated 24 killings in the month of August alone. Strict enforcement of the curfew will take effect starting next weekend and will last for at least the next 30 days. The curfew requires teens under 17 to be off the streets between 10 p.m. and 5 a.m. Sunday through Thursday, and between 11:59 p.m. and 5 a.m. on Fridays and Sat urdays.During a news conference, Also

MD County Will Have Youth Curfew
Prince George’s County Executive An made the announcement during the Labor Day weekend in which at least four people were killed by gun vi olence in the county, including a 15-yearold from Washington, D.C., who was killed during a shooting at a convenience store Saturday night. Another 15-yearold who was wounded in the same shoot ing is in critical condition, and a baby girl who was shot in an apartment in Glenn Dale remains hospitalized.
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While there are competing services at FedEx, the US Postal Service and Ama zon’s own delivery service, none of them have the capacity to handle more than a small fraction of the 21.5 million US packages that UPS moves daily.

The union has not gone on strike against UPS since a nearly two-week protest in 1997. If the union does go on strike, it would be the largest strike against a single business in nation’s his tory.The Teamster union’s new presi dent, Sean O’Brien, won his office earli er this year by making the UPS contract a central focus of his campaign. He has vowed to make UPS pay Teamster mem bers far more this time and he often talks about a $300 million strike fund the union has accumulated to pay members in case they go on strike.
What can brown do for you? It seems like it does a lot. An estimated 6% of the nation’s gross domestic product is moved in UPS trucks every year. Online shop ping has made UPS workers almost ubiq uitous to every street and doorstep. And even more than the individual consumer, negotiations are set to be gin in the spring between UPS and the Teamsters Union ahead of their current contract’s expiration at the end of July 2023. But before the talks have even started, labor experts are predicting that the drivers and package handlers will go on strike.“Thequestion is how long it will be,” said Todd Vachon, professor of Labor Re lations at Rutgers. “The union’s president ran and won on taking a more militant approach. Even if they’re very close [to a deal], the rank and file will be hungry to take on the company.” If that happens, a strike at UPS would affect nearly every household in the country,
|20228,SEPTEMBERTheJewishHome 39brooks pointed to an “eye-popping” 430 arrests of juveniles this year — nearly double the number last year. “At this point, these kids don’t just need a hug; they need to be held account able,” Alsobrooks said. “I know it’s not a popular thing to say, but it’s a fair ques tion: Where are their parents? Where are the aunties, where are the uncles and other family members who are responsi ble for them?” Of the 84 juveniles arrested for car jacking offenses this year, 55 had prior arrests and 34 had prior arrests for a previous violent crime or a gun offense, according to Prince George’s County Po lice Chief Malik Aziz. He called the num ber of juveniles who are being repeatedly arrested “deeply troubling.”

The average pay for UPS delivery
halting deliveries of what we see as essential items to running a house hold.About 350,000 Teamsters work at UPS as drivers and package sorters out of a global workforce of 534,000 perma nent employees. And that’s growing fast — the company has added some 72,000 Teamster-represented jobs since the start of the pandemic.
drivers is $95,000 a year, with benefits such as a traditional pension plan, worth an additional $50,000 a year. UPS’ semi-tractor drivers are paid even more. That’s far higher than most wages at Fe dEx and Amazon, where many drivers work for small independent contractors. The current contract expires next summer on August 1. O’Brien vows the union will not grant any kind of contract extension past that deadline. And he added that on top of improved pay and benefits, the union will demand better working conditions, including adding air conditioning in the panel trucks used for UPS deliveries which the union says poses a health risk for drivers.
Alaska has steered clear of green crabs – until this summer. In July, an intern found a shell of a European green crab on the shoreline of the Metlakatla Indian Community in Alaska. Since then, many more were dis covered.Thediscoveries are concerning for those in the maritime arena.
Green Crabs Come to Alaska
UPS delivers many goods found in stores andContractoffices.
UPS Workers May Strike?
20228,SEPTEMBER|HomeJewishThe 40


telltale sign for identification is
Cold Comfort
Alaska, which has less than one-tenth of Washington’s population and more than 10 times the coastal shoreline, is preparing now for what promises to be an expensive and complicated struggle. “Green crab really can explode and dominate ecosystems,” said Linda Shaw, a wildlife biologist for the National Oce anic and Atmospheric Administration based in Juneau, Alaska. “The implica tions are huge for Alaska.” The European green crab has been a pest in American waters for some 200 years, but it remained an East Coast-only menace until the late 1980s, when it was discovered in San Francisco Bay, likely transported by humans in bait or in pack aging. They were discovered in Washing ton in Green2016.crabs are a shore species with long legs. Their bodies can grow to about four inches in width, and their color can vary. On the West Coast, these crabs can be easily confused for native species. A that they feature five spines next to each eye. Alaskan fisheries are among the most productive in the world. Seafood is a multi-billion dollar economy. Many indigenous communities, including the Metlakatla, rely on the region’s shore lines for shellfish.
A Brazilian man has a freezer to thank for keeping him alive. Romualdo Macedo Rodrigues, a fish erman, was fishing in a boat in August when the boat developed cracks and started taking on water. Eventually, the boat sank off the coast of northern Bra zil. Rodrigues managed to jump inside a floating cooler before it floated away. That cooler was his rescue buoy for 11 days, until a group of fishermen found him and took him to shore. After he was rescued, Rodrigues was taken to a hospital in Suriname and was kept for a few days because he didn’t have proper“INow,documentation.he’sbackinBrazil.wasbornagain.Ithought I wouldn’t be telling this story, but I’m back here,” he said.“Iwas desperate. I thought my end was coming. But thanks G-d, G-d gave me one more chance,” Rodrigues told Record TV. “I saw it (the freezer) wasn’t sinking. I jumped (inside it), it fell to one side and kept Rodrigues,normal.”ironically, doesn’t know how to “Sharksswim.were surrounding the freez er, but they went away. I thought (I would be attacked). I stayed on the top (of the freezer), I didn’t sleep – I didn’t sleep. I saw the dawn, the dusk, asking G-d to send someone to rescue me.” Eventually water started to creep inside the freezer, and he said he used his hand to scoop it out. Rodrigues didn’t have food or water

Gov. Jay Inslee issued an emergency proc lamation to eradicate or prevent green crabs from spreading in Washington state waters. The state fish and wildlife agency assigned a crab “incident commander,” and its Legislature forked over $8.5 million in emergency funding to repel its invasion.
41The green crab is a notorious invasive species that has reshaped U.S. ecosys tems and hammered East Coast com mercial fisheries for decades. The discov ery of the species in Alaska represents a profound risk in a state that accounts for about 60% of the nation’s seafood harvest. Green crabs are almost impossible to get rid “They’reof. like marine locusts,” said Genelle Winter, the tribal communi ty’s invasive species program director, outlining how the creatures could de grade the area’s coastal shorelines, eat the Dungeness crab tribal members rely upon for meals, and destroy the area’s eelgrass habitat for salmon — the foun dation of the Metlakatla economy. Efforts to thwart green crab popula tions elsewhere have required incredible investment and effort. Earlier this year,

Agudah has played a key role in advocacy and implementation efforts of school choice programs for more than two decades.
Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Affairs Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Torah Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Government Services Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Services Legal Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Projects Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Government Affairs Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Government Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Torah Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Services Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Services Legal Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Affairs Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Government Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Services Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Torah Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Government Affairs Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Government Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Services Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Affairs Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Torah Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Government Services Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Services Legal Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Projects Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Religious
Substantial Equivalency Substantial equivalency, an aggressive effort by the state government to encroach upon the autonomy of New York yeshivos, came back with a vengeance this year, with proposed regulations which would allow officials to impose their values on our mosdos haTorah. The Agudah sprang into action, helping to generate well over 250,000 comments from across the country and registered their firm opposition with the State Education Department.
Kosher USDA Summer Food
When the Russian-Ukrainian war broke out, Jewish refugees needed a safe haven that would contribute not only to their physical wellbeing but their spiritual wellbeing as well. The Vaad Hatzalah was able to hit the ground running in record time, raising and disbursing incredible sums of money, provisions, and daily essentials in a responsible and accountable manner.
Yahalom YahalomNJ is a resource center launched in response to the increased demand by parents of children with special needs, to help them obtain the appropriate resources and guidance. The Yahalom team is staffed by dedicated individuals with years of experience in the special needs community. We provide referrals, clarity on the many, many available service providers, peer-to-peer support, support groups, and sibling programs to offer validation to our families and siblings. We also run periodic events for parents to network, learn, and gain valuable support. The success of YahalomNJ inspired the New York and Chicago chapters of Agudah to open their own local branches, both of whom provide such support for families of children with special needs. School Choice More than $100 million in state scholarship funds is currently going to pay for Jewish day school tuition across the country.
20228,SEPTEMBER|HomeJewishThe 42 Government Affairs Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Government Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Services

We advocated for expansion of Summer Food programs, including food boxes, and then worked with USDA officials and state agencies to ensure that the new law was implemented quickly and efficiently. These free meals saved families approximately $50 per child per week.
Nonprofit Security Funding Agudah is one of the main groups advocating for nonprofit security grants across the country. Those efforts were rewarded with $360 million for a federal grant program, as well as increases in security funding, or new programs in New York, Illinois, andColorado,Massachusetts,California,Maryland.
Last year we called upon our members and supporters to help us become “a stronger Agudah,” and we pledged to do our part in helping build “a stronger Klal Yisroel”. Baruch Hashem, we at Agudath Israel have delivered on our pledge. We upgraded our advocacy efforts, expanded our Torah projects, and grew our national network… all of this, and much more, thanks to your support. Some of the issues we were able to address over the course of the year: Vaad Hatzalah for Ukrainian Jewry
It’s issues like these that we are called upon to solve, across the country. The results of the Agudah’s efforts are widespread, and our work has impacted thousands of lives, livelihoods, and the ability for our nation to live freely and openly in this medina shel chesed. When Klal Yisroel needs us, we must step up to answer their call. And with your support, we will. WE DID
|20228,SEPTEMBERTheJewishHome 43Government Affairs Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Services Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Services Legal Projects Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Government Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Services Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Affairs Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Projects Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Government Affairs Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Government Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Services Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Torah Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Services Legal Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Affairs Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Projects Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Government Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Services Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Services Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Services Legal Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Services Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Services Legal Projects Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Government Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Services Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Affairs Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Projects Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Government Affairs Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Government Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Services Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Torah Religious Discrimination Government Affairs Constituent Services Legal Advocacy Torah Projects Religious Discrimination Please donate generously to your state or community campaign, or to our national effort 42 Broadway, 14th Floor, New York, NY 10004 970-578-7664 This Tuesday & Wednesday September13&14 This Tuesday & Wednesday, let us come together and show our support. There’s so much to accomplish, and together we will! IF WE WON’T SPEAK UP FORYISROELKLAL WHO WILL? You You Heart.Works
Stop AroundMonkeying
Chichi, the chimpanzee, managed to escape from her enclosure at a Ukrainian zoo last week. Thankfully, zookeepers were able to bring the ape back to the zoo in Kharkiv after she was found in a park. But Chichi got to ride home in style. Zookeepers had followed the primate, and Chichi approached one of the work ers when it started to rain. The zookeeper put a yellow raincoat on the chimp and wheeled her back to the zoo on the seat of aChichibicycle.was one of numerous animals evacuated earlier in the Russian invasion from Feldman Ecopark, an outdoor zoo in the Kharkiv region that was deter mined to be dangerously close to targets of Russian shelling. Despite the war, Chi chi is still monkeying around.

on her Twitter page this week that during a segment on the monsoons in Pakistan, she had noticed a fly buzzing around the newsroom. She was concerned it would get in the way of the camera. But Nasser need not have been worried. The fly had other interests: Nasser herself. “The next thing I knew, it was in my throat,” Nasser said. She recalled that she could feel the fly “fluttering in the back of my throat” and that it “wasn’t going down — it was just stuck!”But viewers wouldn’t have noticed. Nasser professionally took the insect in stride, paused, gulped, and then re sumed her news story. On Twitter, she shared a video of the incident.“Sharing because we all need a laugh these days. Turns out it’s not just @ford nation, I swallowed a fly on air today,” Nasser wrote, referring to a recent in stance in which Ontario Premier Doug she
swallowed a fly. Perhaps she’ll cry… Forget It
The small town of Sheldon wants to open a time capsule this weekend at the celebration of its 150th anniversary, but they have one small problem: no one seems to remember where the time cap sule is “We’reburied.trying to find instructions on exactly where it’s at before we just start digging,” said Sheldon Chamber of Com merce Director Ashley Nordahl. “We think we know where it is, but to dig up concrete in the park when we have such a big event going on, we’re just postponing that to a little bit later in the year.”

On the Fly Farah Nasser is a dedicated news an chor. She won’t let anything spoil her job of giving over the news – not even unwel come insects that get in the way of doing so. The Canadian news reporter revealed

“I was thinking about my kids, my wife. Every day, I was thinking about my mother, my father, all my family. It gave me strength and hope ... but at the mo ment I thought there was no other way,” he told Record TV.
Finally, after 11 days at sea, Rodrigues heard sounds of salvation. “I heard a noise, and there was a boat on top of the freezer. Only they (the oth er fishermen_ thought there was no one there. Then they slowly pulled over, my vision was already fading, then I said, ‘My G-d, the boat.’ I raised my arms and asked for help.” He is grateful to be alive. “That freezer was G-d in my life. The only thing I had was the freezer. It was a miracle.”
20228,SEPTEMBER|HomeJewishThe 44 to keep him alive.

Ford swallowed a bee while on camera. I don’t know why
It’s been a while since anyone has seen the box of history, which was buried
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One reader left a review for others who take out the book: “I loved this book. It stole my heart and made me cry. When you find tear stains, you will know they are mine. Enjoy.” But there’s a lot less personal papers found in library books, including playing cards, a bubble gum wrapper, a coupon for pizza, and – obviously – bookmarks. “I love my attitude problem” declares one. McKellar hopes her project inspires people to dive into books at their local library, because you never know what you’ll find: maybe an old baby photo, a ticket to a 2004 Oakland A’s game, or a map of Japan, all of which were found in a library book, she said.
“I put out a call to other library staff, just to see if anybody had anything they’d be willing to share, and was just totally
other people’s little col
Sounds like librarians have their own sense of fun.
So far, McKellar has added 370 ar tifacts to the library’s online collection — but she said she has a couple hundred more to “Thereupload.aredefinitely some favorites –anything that’s created by a kid I think I love,” she said.
Take the drawing by one child of his “robot dad” father. Or the note from one child: “Dear librarian, those three kids over there are making too much noise, and I can’t read and my friend can’t do his Onehomework.”noteshe uploaded is from a par ent: “Sweet dreams my love bug. Have a good night and sleep well.”
Sharon McKellar is a librarian who loves a good book. McKellar loves col lecting what she finds in books – not just words, but stuff that’s been stuffed inside the Thetomes.librarian at Oakland Public Li brary has been collecting these forgotten mementos for years. Now, she’s finally found a use for all the old family photos, notes, coupons, recipes and concert tick ets she’s collected over the years.
20228,SEPTEMBER| 46 50 years ago during Sheldon’s centennial celebration. Five decades later, no one in the small town in Iowa is certain where it is.Townspeople were looking forward to digging up the capsule and placing new items inside before reburying it. For now, the town plans to celebrate birthday, but they are holding off on the time capsule event until workers can locate it. To do that, the city will hire a company with an underground radar system that helped a nearby city find its time capsule earlier this year. Sounds like it’s gone but not forgot What’s In a Book?
inundated with lections of things they had found,” Mc Kellar told CBS News. “So, as soon as I realized it wasn’t just me who had these things and enjoyed these things, it was an easy decision to keep it going.”
McKellar has started the “Found in a Library Book” project – an online data base of all the things found in books at the Oakland, California, library. It start ed out as her personal collection, she said, but it grew when other library staff started submitting artifacts, too.
Did you know? Pencil sales increased by 700% in London in 2008 due to the popularity of Sudoku puzzles. PLEASE CONTACT US TO SCHEDULE A PRIVATE MEETING. TUESDAY, SEPT. 13TH - 8:15 PM The White Shul 728 Empire Avenue, Far Rockaway MONDAY, SEPT. 12 Young Israel of North Woodmere 634 Hungry Harbor Road, North Woodmere Gedaliah Borvick Ruthie Yudin My Israel Home Meir Dombey Avi Nefoussi Yigal Realty IsraTransfer Currency exchange expert Josh Portman Real Estate Attorney ISRAEL REAL ESTATE IN 2022: HOW TO BUY SMART MAGNIFICENT NEW PROJECTS JERUSALEM, NETANYA, RAMAT BEIT SHEMESH RSVP +972-54-623-0099gborvick@gmail.comwww.myisraelhome.comOptional

“You just have a sense of shared space in a way. So even if you don’t know what book this thing came from, even if you’re not the one who found it, you still have a sense that this person is in the same community as me or was in the same community as me, using the same re sources,” McKellar said.

|20228,SEPTEMBERTheJewishHome 47 SHABBOS SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY MishnahMaaserSheniPerek43-4 MishnahMaaserSheniPerek45-6 MishnahMaaserSheniPerek47-8 MishnahMaaserSheniPerek49-10 MishnahMaaserSheniPerek411-12 MishnahMaaserSheniPerek51-2 FRIDAY MishnahMaaserSheniPerek53-4SEPTEMBER 10THSEPTEMBER 16TH THIS MISHNAHWEEK’SYOMISCHEDULE: The Eishes Chayil Yamim Noraim Treasury by Rabbi Dov Weller is for women who want to enrich and enhance the upcoming Yamim Tovim (and take a few well-earned minutes from holiday prep!). It’s for women staying home with their children on Yom Tov and for women enjoying a few quiet minutes in shul. Indeed, it is for every Jewish woman as she looks forward to a healthy, happy, and prosperous year. Insights and Stories on Elul, Rosh Hashanah, and Yom Kippur Also from this bestselling author: The Eishes Chayil Candle Lighting Treasury The Eishes Chayil Haggadah NEW! GREAT GIFT! 40 Days of Caring includes: · The “Daily Dilemma”: A short, relatable shemiras halashon scenario emerging from an everyday situation. · “Growing One Day Greater”: A few brief paragraphs providing an insight into speech and its impact on our relationships. · “Go for It”: A daily practical step for us to implement. A 40-Day Mission … Countless Blessings! A special section of 120 true stories that bring the power of shemiras halashon and ahavas Yisrael to life.A Project of chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation INSPIRING JEWS ... ONE BOOK AT A TIMENew from AVAILABLE AT YOUR LOCAL HEBREW BOOKSELLER >> WWW.ARTSCROLL.COM | 1-800-MESORAH (637-6724) ISRAEL >> ARTSCROLLISRAEL.CO.IL | GITLERBOOKS.CO.IL EUROPE >> LEHMANNS.CO.UK In these stories, you will truly see how people — children and adults, famous men and women and people “just like us” — honor their parents in the most amazing ways! SPECIAL KIBBUDHALACHOSSECTION:OFAVVA’EIM Heartwarming Stories for Teens! NEW! THE JACOB ROTH EDITION THE TIFERES LEAH SARAH EDITION

20228,SEPTEMBER|HomeJewishThe 48 Around Communitythe A New Zman at Yeshiva Darchei Torah

Talmidim of Mesivta Chaim Shlomo on the first day of the zman
Rav Yaakov Zukerman, second grade rebbi at Yeshiva Darchei Torah, blowing a shofar for his class Rav Avrohom Bender, menahel, welcoming talmidim on the first day of Yeshiva Darchei Torah Happy faces at Yeshiva Darchei Torah

Photos by MHB
A glimpse inside the beis medrash of Yeshiva Darchei Torah during the first week of the zman

Rav Yaakov Bender, Rosh HaYeshiva, Yeshiva Darchei Torah, in conversation with Rav Shloime Eisen and Rav Meir Safdieh, maggidei shiur, at Mesivta Chaim Shlomo Rav Avrohom Nusbaum, menahel, addressing the talmidim of Mesivta Chaim Shlomo on the first day of the zman

Rav Yaakov Bender, Rosh HaYeshiva, greeting talmidim on Yeshiva Darchei Torah’s first day of elementary school classes, last Thursday morning.
Rav Shlomo Avigdor Altusky, Rosh Yeshiva, individually greeting the talmidim of Yeshiva Darchei Torah’s Beis Medrash Heichal Dovid on the first day of Elul zman.

Rabbi Fogel, principal of Mercaz Academy, dancing with students on opening day Did you know?

Pencils were originally round. Manufacturers changed pencils’ shape due to users’ frustration with them rolling off surfaces.
20228,SEPTEMBER|HomeJewishThe 50 Around the Community
he new zman started this week at Yeshiva Kol Torah in Inwood with an impressive group of talmidim enrolled and shteiging in ninth and tenth grade. With new rebbeim and newly expanded classrooms, this second year promises to be even better than the first.
R ain couldn’t dampen the enthu siasm of students and staff at the newly minted Mercaz Acad emy on a day of firsts. On Tuesday, Sep tember 6, the school opened for its first day of classes ever as Mercaz Acade my, the newly independent Jewish day school in Plainview, Long Island. As they were welcomed into the school, students, staff, and parents danced to live music and posed for photographs memorializing the first day of school as well as their positions as the first class es ever at Mercaz. New beginnings call for a ribbon-cut ting ceremony, and each class, repre sented by a student new to the Plainview campus, used the ceremonial scissors to cut its own ribbon, opening the gateway to a new year of study and to launch the new school. “Mercaz has prioritized and expand ed its educational offerings from our pre decessor,” explained Rabbi Kalman Fo gel, principal of Mercaz Academy. “We’ve created a new position of assistant prin cipal for general studies and we’re inten sifying instruction of Hebrew language, while increasing our focus on education al technology, our resources for students who are non-typical learners, and phys ical education, among many other new initiatives.”“We’renot at all surprised by all the spirit at our opening celebration,” add ed Gary Katz, chairman of the school’s Board of Trustees. “Parents have re sponded so enthusiastically to our new school and our innovations, and our enrollment from preschool through sixth grade has increased substantial ly. We even have a waiting list for en rollment.”Students of families attending Mer caz Academy span a wide spectrum of religious affiliation and levels of family observance, and come from 18 different communities in central Long Island. “Many of our students began their edu cation in public school, but chose our day school for its nurturing atmosphere and educational excellence. Parents also ap preciate our strong sense of community,” said Rabbi Fogel. Mercaz Academy will continue cel ebrating its opening on September 11, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., when it will host a free, family-oriented day of fun for eigh teen-plus communities.
The Kol Torah is Growing Mercaz Academy Opens Its Doors

|20228,SEPTEMBERTheJewishHome 51

Rabbi Feuer is well known for his focus on growth in learning, while inculcat ing an excitement and passion for limud haTorah, both as Mara d’Asra of YIWB Shaar Hashomayim and as Learning Di rector at Camp Agudah. As we, at YKLI, consistently aim for our talmidim to strive for excellence, not only in learn ing, but also in hanhaga, we are thrilled to have Rabbi Feuer as the trailblazer of this position to infuse our talmidim with his vibrant and enthusiastic ta’am In order to enhance our Junior High division, and fully prepare our students for Mesivta and beyond, we are delighted to welcome Rabbi Avi Schulman to Yeshi va Ketana of Long Island, where he will serve as Mashgiach to our older boys.
20228,SEPTEMBER|HomeJewishThe 52 Yeshiva Ketana of Long Island is constantly on the forefront of meeting the needs of our grow ing and changing community of the Five Towns and Far Rockaway. With this in mind, we proudly welcome Rabbi Eliezer Feuer, shlita, to our yeshiva, who will as sume the position of Manhig Ruchani.
Around the Community

MTA welcomes its talmidim back to yeshiva

Rabbi Schulman’s energetic and animat ed personality, as well as his mastery in chinuch hanbanim, are warmly received at Mesivta Ateres Yaakov, where Rab bi Schulman is a Magid Shiur, and he is known to retain a sincere kesher with his talmidim long after they graduate. We look forward to having Rabbi Schulman use his skill set and personality to guide and mold our boys to become genuine and ehrlich Bnei Torah. With the continued expansion of our third track, and in an effort to accom modate the growth all around us, we welcome Rabbi Yisroel Brenner, Rabbi Boruch Danzger, and Rabbi Yaakov Will ner to our illustrious group of rabbeim. We also welcome our new teachers: Mrs. Chinskey, Mrs. Cooper, Ms. Gorfinkel, Mrs. Heimlich, Mrs. Paull, Mrs. Pearl man, and Mrs. Simantov. As we enter the year of taf-shin-peygimmel and a brand new school year, Yeshiva Ketana of Long Island is excited to add so many new talented individuals to our remarkable staff. With abundant Siyata Dishmaya, we look forward to a year of tremendous growth in Torah learning, along with unparalleled aca demic success.
YKLI Growing With the Community Rabbi Zvi Bajnon, shlita, Rosh Yeshiva, blowing shofar on the first day of school at Yeshiva Ketana of Long Island Luxurious Mansion Perfect For Getaways & Simchos! Call Kia today to book your getaway! Marlborough, 860.455.6057/engagedct@gmail.comCTVrbo#2248396 Sleeps 30+ Comfortably Kosher Catering Available Sefer Torah, Siddurim, & Chumashim (available upon request) Shabbos Lamps in Every Room Eiruv On Property Seasonal Pool & Hot Tub 5 Acres

|20228,SEPTEMBERTheJewishHome 53 To accomodate a larger crowd we will be temporarily relocated to a larger venue located in the heart of Far Rockaway at Ateres Avos 635 Oak Dr. Under the leadership of Rav Sruli Gold, shlit"a Join us in Tefillah this year with Davening led by Eitan Katz Chevras Noam Siach Ben Lutz Baal Shachris Scan for seats

As one thousand students walk through the doors of Yeshiva of Central Queens (YCQ) on the first day of the 2022-2023 school year, you can feel the students’ anticipation. After a very long summer, they are eager to reunite with old friends, meet new friends, and get to know their new teachers who will in struct, guide, and support them this year. A lot of chang es are in place at YCQ this fall, including additional ac tivities, new and innovative curriculum, and brand-new classrooms for our youngest students in pre-school.

Welcome to SKA!
The Results campaign is scheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday, September 13 and 14, in the days when we gather zechusim to merit a blessed year ahead. It will A team of honorees and raisers are already working to secure donations and help ensure that this mission will bring the desired results.
Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman gave opening remarks before former President Donald Trump addressed the Zeldin for Governor event at the Chera home in New Jersey this weekend Assemblywoman Nily Rozic (D-Fresh Meadows) partnered with two local organizations, Yesodot and Shalom Ima, for a back-to-school giveaway for children and single parent families in Fresh Meadows. She is photographed with Rabbi Nasirov of Congregation Bet-El of Jamaica Estates and Mazal Matayev of Shalom Ima.

Entering high school can be daunting but the in coming ninth graders of the Stella K. Abraham High School for Girls found their Freshmen Ori entation on Tuesday morning, September 6, warm and welcoming!Thenew SKA students had the opportunity to meet and socialize with their classmates, administration and grade level advisors, while learning to navigate their new school. The ninth grade parents had their own orienta tion the previous week. The SKA sophomores, juniors and seniors enjoyed their own wonderful grade picnics last week, which launched the school year off to an exciting start.
When a procedure, appointment, test result or truly anything needs to be expe dited; when a novel treatment or difficult transport needs to be arranged; when the biggest expert in their respective field needs to be brought on board; when a family is lost on how to proceed; Refuah Helpline is the address they turn to for the positive results they hope for. And all this is only a result of the sup port from a generous nation that contin ues to lend a hand to their brothers and sisters in crisis. This year, Refuah’s grow ing mission demands increased funding and it is expected that Klal Yisroel will step up with generosity to ensure that every Yid receives this crucial assistance.
20228,SEPTEMBER|HomeJewishThe 54 Around the Community T
Welcome to SKA
Global Jewish Community Prepares For Historic “Results” Campaign to Support Refuah Helpline and Cholei

he Refuah Helpline organization needs no introduction. The group that was originally established by the renowned Mrs. Hanna Landau has over the past decade grown to boast a team of dozens of caseworkers and sup port staff working around the clock on behalf of our community’s sick. If Refuah Helpline’s offices are a bustling hub of activity all year round, the pace has only picked up in recent days as the organization readies for its annual Elul campaign that will fund their life-saving efforts in the year ahead. Since all crucial services are provided at no charge and no patient is ever turned away, this drive powers the Refuah Helpline team and the unparal leled results they have become known for.This year’s initiative is aptly titled “Results,” an ode to the remarkable and often unimaginable results brought about by their efforts. These services take many forms, all designed to max imize results and minimize anguish. Cholei Yisroel and their families have come to rely on their Refuah caseworkers to expertly handle the myriad medical is sues that they are forced to grapple with, R”L. From the day that they first receive the difficult news, and often even well be fore that, the Refuah Helpline team takes their hand and guides them through this notoriously complex world — with life al tering results.
The 36-hour campaign will be hosted on as well as over the phone at 845.606.9222.
FirstYisroelDay of School at YCQ

“We are blessed this year with excellent staff and fac ulty, many new to the community,” reports Rabbi Mark Landsman, principal of YCQ. “Yeshiva of Central Queens is filled with students who are ready and eager to learn. Our building is newly and beautifully renovated. My hope for the YCQ 2022-2023 School Year is simcha, she fa, mazal, nachat, hatzlacha, and shalom. We look for ward to watching our students grow in middot, Torah, mitzvot, general studies, and the fun and engagement of learning.”


The entire staff and administration of Shulamith Early Childhood Center wishes all the children in the community a wonderful start to the school year and a bracha that Hashem should grant us all a year of good health, happiness, and growth.
Off to a Good Start at Shulamith ECC

To learn more about these programs and the many resources of YUConnects visit, follow on Instagram, Facebook or LinkedIn, and search “YUConnects CandiDate” wher ever you get your podcasts.
Long before the first day of school, the devoted staff of Shulamith ECC was in the building setting up the classrooms, stocking the shelves with attractive edu cational materials, and planning a re search- based curriculum that is handson, active and fun. The teachers also participated in pro fessional development workshops that enhanced their ability to create a positive and emotionally safe environment for all of the banot in their classrooms. At Shu lamith ECC, we know that a child’s inner wellbeing has a direct effect on learn ing and development. The teachers dis cussed new strategies and techniques to enhance the happy, family-like environ ment in school so that the children feel comfortable learning and growing.
A Busy Month at YUConnects
A networking meeting
he morot at the Shulamith Ear ly Childhood Center are ready to greet their young charges with a hug and a smile as well as a whole slew of new, up-to-date ideas to help the chil dren achieve their maximum potential in all of the developmental domains.

20228,SEPTEMBER|HomeJewishThe 56 Around the Community Kids start school. Thoughts turn to upcoming yomim tovim. Our weather becomes a bit cool er. At YUConnects, however, this month brings additional warmth – kindling new matches and warming the hearts of many dating Celebratingcouples.its560th engagement, the YUConnects team continues to change the course of relationships through a combination of outstanding education al programming and innovative ways to create more meeting opportunities. The YUConnects program is open to the entire Jewish community and recog nizes that investing in healthy relation ships will lead to substantial dividends ensuring strong and happy marriages. To that end, their popular CandiDate podcast offers its listeners candid con versations on the Jewish dating scene with experts and influencers in the field. Released twice each month with over 40,000 downloads and 37 episodes, Can diDate is educational, entertaining and perfect for those who are dating or want to improve their own interpersonal rela tionships.Themost recent two releases are especially engrossing and feature Reb betzin Slovie Jungreis Wolff on “First Impressions” and Rabbi Dovid M. Cohen on “Positivity and Perseverance” – both certainly relevant for this time of year. Many more insightful episodes will be released later this fall. At the heart of the YUConnects or ganization is a cadre of nearly 100 vol unteer matchmakers (connectors) who work tirelessly making suggestions and mentoring the thousands of singles with in the network. Part of the continuing mission of YUConnects is to maintain standards of professionalism and sensi tivity of its matchmakers. “Seven Habits of Highly Effective Shadchanim,” a zoom class, was offered this week by master matchmakers Malky Galler and Kim Sol omon as a continuing series of helpful courses.Dr.Efrat Sobolofsky, director of YU Connects, commented that these classes “bring our connectors together to learn, exchange tips and hone their own skills as they guide our daters into meaningful relationships.”Agrowing presence in Israel, this month also includes a Midrasha for fe male daters in partnership with the OU Israel and Alit and YUConnects’ own YS (Yeshiva Seminary) Links program. And, one week before Rosh Hasha na, a major world-wide event, the Glob al “Meet the Matchmaker” initiative, is unveiled. Men and women will have the opportunity to have personal zoom meetings with dozens of devoted match makers, from California to Israel. “The better our Connectors know members and those wishing to date, the more tar geted suggestions can be made,” pointed out Mindy Eisenman, YUConnects Staff Connector. “It’s simple. It’s produc tive. It is yet another example of how we look for multiple ways to build relation ships!”The Yamim Noraim are often referred to as “days of awe.” May the actions and work of YUConnects turn the upcoming weeks into days of dates, engagements and days of smiles and “aahhs!”

|20228,SEPTEMBERTheJewishHome 57 Community-wideCPR COURSE ACHIEZER IS PROUD TO PRESENT A Thursday, September 15th 7:30 PM Separate classes for men and women. RSVP Required: or 516-791-4444 ext. 113 ADULT CPR CHILD CPR DEFIBRILLATION ADULT AND PEDIATRIC CHOKING PROCEDURES All classes are free of charge thanks to the generosity of our sponsors Additional Classes Added due to Popular Demand! Course Instruction by

An Inside Look at My Story
I don’t think I ever intended to specif ically write for kids. I’ve written a lot for adults – mainly in Mishpacha magazine – and I’ve ghostwritten books for adults. I also wrote a few serials for kids in Mish pacha’s Teen Pages and The Circle that morphed into novels. I found that those were the projects that really brought me joy. It didn’t feel like work. What makes writing for children so uniquely rewarding?
Did you know? The average size tree will make approximately 300,000 pencils.
20228,SEPTEMBER|HomeJewishThe 58 Around the Community Kids — parents, too! — are all rav ing about My Story: Stories about kids just like you, by popular author Zivia Reischer. They’re loving the stories, and they’re loving see ing the unique challenges of young peo ple’s lives through the eyes of kids just likeWethem.talked to Zivia Reischer about kids, writing, and the incredible power of stories.

As the author of My Story — let’s talk about your story. What led you to write for children?
I think it’s because it gives them a voice. They read the story and they’re like, Yesss! Exactly! It expresses what they feel but couldn’t express on their own. Sometimes, the story gives them insight into people or experiences — now they understand what’s going on around them. When that happens, that new knowledge becomes part of them. They carry that insight with them for the rest of their lives, and it shapes the way they interact with the world — that’s what we mean when we say they “grow.” It’s very special to be able to be part of that pro cess.
My Story has such a varied range of stories, some of them very relatable for children, and others very unusual. Is there any common thread in all the kids’ narratives? I think they’re all experiences that were very meaningful, maybe we can even say life-altering. In every story, something in the kid’s life changed for ever. Some of the stories are very intense, like the one about a kid discovering that his mother has MS. But even those that are less dramatic, like the twin who stops wearing clothing matching to her sister, are built around a moment of real clarity and deep insight that really changed the kid.You have to remember that kids don’t have a lot of autonomy. Adults have the privilege of making decisions about im portant things in their lives, but kids mostly get told what to do — go here, go there; we’re switching you to a different school; you can’t buy that; you can’t do that. When you read these stories, it’s in credible to see how kids find the magic spot where they do have a choice about what to think or do or feel, and how strong they can be.

What are some of the issues that the kids touch upon in My Story?
The stories fall into two categories: experiences that are universal and expe riences that are unique. You know how every class or every family has that one challenging child who gets all the at tention and rewards, and the other kids think, I’m doing the right thing, and no one pays any attention to me? And you know how kids always want the new/ cool/brand name whatever? And lots of kids — especially girls — know what it feels like to be dropped by a friend. All those scenarios are included in the book, as well as many other common experi ences. But some of the stories are about things that are much less common: there’s a kid who’s adopted, a kid who ac cused of doing something they didn’t do, a kid who gets stuck in middle of a river. Some stories are about kids facing a rare, tough choice, or about being stuck in dra matic, unusual situations. Kids love stories — especially stories about other children their age. Where does the power of a story come from? When you read a story, your heart is open. You have no vested interest in the outcome. The choices of the characters can’t hurt you, and if everyone in the story fails/flops/dies, no problem, your life will continue as normal. That secu rity lets you read the story without any defenses. Your guard is down. But the magic is that by the time you get to the end, you are literally absorbed in the sto ry — it is no longer a story about distant characters; somewhere in the story you find yourself, and it becomes about you. Whatever the character achieves, you feel like you achieved. And whatever the character learns, gains, or accomplishes, becomes part of you too. The power isn’t in the story. The pow er is in you. The story reveals it. Which of the stories touched you the most? This is a pick-your-favorite-child kind of question. Maybe it’s the stories where the kids accomplished something I don’t think I could have done, like the girl who has to choose between her family and her friends. I was also very moved by the kids who are growing up with tough circum stances, like the kid with two homes. But I think the most inspirational stories are about kids who overcame real problems and morphed into a stronger, better ver sion of themselves. Isn’t that what we all really want?
Because Kid Has a Story.
|20228,SEPTEMBERTheJewishHome 59 AVAILABLE AT YOUR LOCAL HEBREW BOOKSELLER >> WWW.ARTSCROLL.COM | 1-800-MESORAH (637-6724) ISRAEL >> ARTSCROLLISRAEL.CO.IL | GITLERBOOKS.CO.IL EUROPE >> LEHMANNS.CO.UK I was just standing there, watching all the action in that huge echoing room, and my stomach started hurting again. I turned to my father and blurted, “What if the plane crashes?” Moshe, age 10 In My Story, kids share their stories in their own words. You’ll find boys and girls who face their fears, fight for what’s right, and figure out how the world works. You may evenfind yourself.
Mordy never does what he’s supposed to do, and he gets all this nosh and prizes. Maybe I should stop doing my homeworkandthenthey’llgivemeasodacantoo. Shloimy,age10NEW! From Children’sPopularAuthor ZIVIA REISCHER of Mishpacha Magazine I anymore?didn’thappened.howfigurecouldn’toutthishadWhyTziporawanttobemyfriendIhadn’tdoneanythingwrongtoher. Why did she drop me like that? Adina, age 12

Chessed Shel Emes and the commu nity have arranged for Mishnayos to be learned for Milton’s neshama. Sholem Klein reiterated to TJH that this was a joint effort in helping to bring a proper kevurah to a Jewish man. He thanked the detectives and officers at the 101 Precinct of the NYPD, the medical examiner’s office, the JCCRP, Achiezer, Chessed Shel Emes, and members of the RNSP Shomrim for their involvement. And, of course, to members of the com munity who felt connected to Milton and came to be me’laveh him. May his neshama have an aliyah and may it be a zechus for the community.
Chessed Shel Emes jumped in to de fray the costs. On Wednesday, the word was sent out for the community to join in the chessed of giving Milton a respectful levaya. More than 200 people came out to the White Shul in Far Rockaway. “He must have had a special zechus,” Sholem noted, “to have such a large showing at his levaya. He must have done something really amazing in his life time.”Rabbi Eytan Feiner spoke at the leva ya. He exhorted the community to open their hearts to those around them and questioned why we hadn’t heard of Mil ton – one of our Jewish brothers – before the Mr.tragedy.Richie Altabe, president of the JCCRP, said Tehillim. Rabbi Joel Kaplan chanted the “Kel Maleh Rachamim.” Councilwoman Selvena Brooks-Pow ers came to pay her respects. Throngs of people escorted the meis down the street on the way to the cem etery. Milton was buried in a cemetery in Woodridge, NY, where 40 men joined together in the darkness to make sure he was buried in a respectful manner.
A True Chessed Shel Emes Community Comes Out in Respect for Milton Storch, a”h

Sholem Klein, coordinator of the RNSP Shomrim, told TJH that RNSP members, the JCCRP, Achiezer, Chessed Shel Emes, and local businessman Re uven Guttman frantically started to do their own research to determine if Milton was Jewish or not. Finally, after days and countless hours of research, on Tuesday morning, they managed to track down Milton’s twin sister, who was living in Florida. Sholem Klein had to break the tragic news to her that her brother had passed away. They also got in touch with Mil ton’sAfternephew.speaking with Milton’s sister and determining that Milton was, in deed, Jewish, the sister told Sholem that they wanted a Jewish burial for Milton but did not have any money for it.

20228,SEPTEMBER|HomeJewishThe 60 Around the Community On Shabbos morning, August 27, Milton Storch, 59, was sitting outside his favorite bodega on Beach 20 Street in Far Rockaway. Locals said that Mr. Storch was a kindhearted gentleman, who would sit on his walk er and enjoy his coffee in the mornings while chatting with passersby. But on that day, Milton’s life was mowed down by Kiani Phoenix, 26, who intentionally drove her car onto the side walk after fighting with her friend. Un able to move out of the way due to his disability, Milton was killed. Although the story was publicized on the media, no family came forward to claim Milton’s body. But local askanim, who heard of the story, said that Mil ton’s name sounded Jewish – and they thought that Milton was Jewish despite being listed as a Christian. Research, though, needed to be done – and it had to be done quickly. The medical examiner’s officer and the city cannot hold bodies indefinitely. If no one would claim Mil ton’s body, the city would bury him in a generic grave.

|20228,SEPTEMBERTheJewishHome 61

Don’t miss it!
The Tehillim being recited will be per akim kof and kuf lamed, followed by the tefilla of Acheinu Beis Yisrael. The limud of the sifrei Chofetz Chaim will be from Dirshu’s Daf HaYomi B’Halacha program that is currently learning the laws of Bir chas Hashachar. It will comprise the first se’if in siman 52. The mussar limud from the sefarim of the Chofetz Chaim will be from the sixth perek of the sefer Shmiras Halashon
Dirshu Yom Limud and Tefilla participants at Yeshiva Darchei Torah, Far Rockaway, 2021
20228,SEPTEMBER|HomeJewishThe 62 Around the Community
By Chaim Gold The Chofetz Chaim’s yahrtzeit is an eis ratzon. There is perhaps no one in recent generations who did so much to help and enrich Klal Yisrael –both in sur mei’rah and asei tov. Whether it is the sefer Chofetz Chaim that brought to the forefront of Klal Yisrael’s agenda the importance of being careful with one’s speech, or Ahavas Chessed that codified all the halachos of chessed, or, of course, the Chofetz Chaim’s magnum opus sefer Mishnah Berurah that continues to be the foundational daily halacha sefer in Klal Yisrael, we are still today being spiritually enriched by the Chofetz Chaim. Certainly, the Chofetz Chaim, through his sefer Li kutei Halachos on hilchos korbanos in the Beis Hamikdash, also brought the concept of tzipisa l’yeshua, longing for the yeshua, to the forefront of public consciousness. Thus, there is no doubt that the day of his yahrtzeit is a tremendous eis ratzon, an opportune time for tefilla and for invoking rachmei shomayim on behalf of all Jews. Indeed, if there was ever a time that Klal Yisrael needed to unite in a massive outpouring of tefilla and achdus; if there was ever a time when tens of thousands of tinokos shel beis rabban needed to come together to invoke rachmei sho mayim, that time is now!
School Programs
That is why Dirshu’s 8th Annual Inter national Yom Limud and Tefilla, to be held on 24 Elul/September 20, the Chofetz Chaim’s yahrtzeit, can’t come sooner. This year’s Yom Limud and Tefilla will showcase a special videocast with divrei chizuk by leading Gedolei Yisrael including HaGaon HaRav Moshe Shtern buch, shlita, Raavad of the Eidah Hacha reidis; HaGaon HaRav Shimon Galei, shlita, well-known mashpia and Rosh Kollel; HaGaon HaRav Reuven Elbaz, shlita, Rosh Yeshivat Ohr Hachaim; and HaGaon HaRav Nissan Kaplan, shlita, Rosh Yeshivas Daas Aharon. The event, that will be launched on motzoei Shab bos Parshas Ki Savo, September 17, will also feature inspiring words by Dirshu’s Nasi, Rav Dovid Hofstedter, shlita. The videocast will be chaired by Rav Zev Smith, shlita. One of the highlights of the videocast promises to be the never-before-seen historical footage of Rav Michel Yehuda Lefkowitz, the unforgettable rosh yeshia of Yeshiva Ponovezh L’Tzeirim, address ing a group of Acheinu students during the month of Elul. Acheinu is the kiruv arm of Dirshu, and the boys had come to Rav Michel for chizuk in advance of Rosh Hashanah. The video cast will be available to hear on a dedicated au dio-line and a USB will also be available for viewing by contacting Dirshu’s offic es. It will also be available on a number of otherUndoubtedly,platforms.the video and divrei chizuk from the Gedolim in honor of the Chofetz Chaim’s yahrtzeit and in ad vance of the upcoming Yomim Noraim will serve as an ideal way to prepare and derive chizuk for the Yom Hadin
The Yom Limud and Tefilla was es tablished by Dirshu eight years ago spe cifically to bring Klal Yisrael together on the auspicious occasion of the Chofetz Chaim’s yahrzeit right before Rosh Ha shanah in unified tefilla on behalf of Klal Yisrael and to encourage the continued learning of the Chofetz Chaim’s sefarim that have such power to invoke rachmei shomayim. Organizers of the Yom Limud and Tefilla clearly tapped into the innate feeling of every Jewish neshama in these extraordinary times when Klal Yisrael is facing unprecedented chal lenges. This concentrated effort in tefil la and achdus was designed to arouse heavenly mercy in the zechus of the hei ligeh Chofetz Chaim who was so moser nefesh to promote these ideals amongst KlalOnYisrael.theYom Limud and Tefilla, Jews throughout the world will gather to recite specific perakim of Tehillim and learn segments from the sefarim written by the Chofetz Chaim, the Mishnah Ber urah and the Sefer Shemiras Halason.

Simultaneously, a unique program will take place in more than 300 cities across the world with many hundreds of yeshivos, chadorim and Bais Yaakovs participating.Theremarkable, school-age program designed by Dirshu is sure to have a tre mendous impact on tens of thousands of children both in major Jewish centers and in places far from Yiddishkeit hubs. Created with the singular goal of con necting children to the teachings and life of the Chofetz Chaim, the program offers some hilchos Rosh Hashanah togeth er with hashkafa and mussar as taught by the Chofetz Chaim and compiled into an age-appropriate, user-friendly, easy-to-understand booklet replete with magnificent illustrations, rare stories of the Chofetz Chaim and a brief history of the Chofetz Chaim’s yeshiva. Dirshu has made these extremely compelling, artfully designed booklets in both English and Yiddish for three differ ent age groups: grades 1-3, 4-5 and 6-8. The captivating stories and graph ics are sure to motivate the children in each age group to read and be inspired. In addition, the combination of riveting graphics and clarity of the lessons has been hailed by leading menahelim and mechanchim as a tremendously success ful way of bringing alive the lessons of the Chofetz Chaim. In their effort to reach tinokos shel beis rabban from across the spectrum, Dirshu has designed a vivid Yiddish version of the booklet for Chassidishe chadorim with tailormade illustrations. Along with the booklet, all chil dren will be gifted with a professionally produced CD replete with remarkable lessons and stories about the Chofetz Chaim. The English-speaking students will receive a CD by Rabbi Yoel Ferber while the Yiddish speakers will be enter tained by Rav Leibish Lish. Throughout the diverse communi ties across the United States and Cana da, a wide range of more than 150 boys’ and girls’ schools, chadorim and Bais Yaakovs that truly represent the entire panoply of Orthodox Jewry, has signed up for the Yom Limud and Tefilla school programs. They include schools from communities such as Monsey, NY; Lake wood, NJ; Brooklyn, NY; Manhattan, NY; Toronto, Canada; Houston, TX; Bal timore, MD; Cleveland, OH; Waterbury, CN; Phoenix, AZ; Passaic, NJ; Denver, CO; Boston, MA; Los Angeles, CA; and Providence, RI, as well as countless Chassidishe schools in Brooklyn, Lake wood, and Monsey. This is aside from schools, chadorim and Bais Yaakovs throughout Eretz Yisra el and Europe who will also participate in the Yom Limud and Tefilla. According to Rabbi Gershon Kroizer of Dirshu, “Hun dreds of schools in Eretz Yisrael, North America and Europe encompassing hun dreds of thousands of children will par ticipate in the Yom Limud and Tefilla utilizing the unique content provided to commemorate the auspicious day. The impact on young boys and girls learning about the Chofetz Chaim will be both huge and unparalleled,” he exclaimed. With Rosh Hashanah nearly upon us, we realize what a monumental Yom Hadin we are facing. The world is an extremely unstable place. Klal Yisra el needs you to daven together with hundreds of thousands throughout the world on Dirshu’s Yom Limud and Tefilla, and you need the words of the Gedolim broadcast on the videocast for guidance and chizuk in advance of the New Year.
Leading Yisrael to Address Dirshu’s 8th International Yom Limud and Tefilla of Thousands Throughout the World to Unite in Learning and Tefilla On Behalf of Klal Yisrael
|20228,SEPTEMBERTheJewishHome 63

Cross Dedicates New Touro University Campus

Heights: Thursday, September 15, at Jewish Children’s Museum, 792 EasternMonsey:Pkwy.Sunday, September 18, at The Atrium Ballroom, 401 NY-59 Lakewood 2: Monday, September 19, at Tashbar of Lakewood, 82 Oak St. For more information and for sponsor ship opportunities, please contact Rabbi Yossi Eliav at or call 646-860-9165.

Five Towns/Far Rockaway: Monday, September 12, at TAG, 444 Beach 6th St.

Around the Community
“H e said to me, ‘The day you leave is the day you will die.’” Rachel came from a broken Jewish family. Her parents had a messy divorce, and by the time she was seven years old, they had both abandoned her and she was living in an orphanage. Years later, Rachel was married to an Arab man. She was trapped, a hostage in her own home. There was no one to turn to, no one to help her, no one to save her. She was beaten, stabbed, and threatened with murder – until Yad L’Achim rescued her. Rachel’s story is unlike any you have ever heard, and now women in the tristate area have the opportunity to hear it live, in person, as she is coming to Amer ica for the first time. Beginning Sunday, September 11, Rachel will be speaking for seven nights in seven cities (see details below or at Her tale of triumph over darkness and evil is transformational.Unfortunately, Rachel is one of many Jewish women trapped in Arab villages. These young Jewish girls, often from troubled backgrounds, are groomed by Arab men, who may be posing as Jews. They offer the girls gifts and attention, which soon turns to terror. Women in these marriages are routinely subject ed to depraved violence and abuse. The years pass, and their children are raised as Arab Muslims and taught to hate Jews. “It is almost impossible for a Western er to imagine how totally trapped these women are,” says Rabbi Yossi Eliav, Yad L’Achim’s Director of Special Projects and the organizer of Rachel’s speaking tour. “Some of them live like prisoners, wit “One woman did not have access to a phone for 32 years, so she had no way to call for help,” says R’ Nesanel Gantz, Di rector of Yad L’Achim in America. Yad L’Achim, founded in 1950, has rescued thousands of imprisoned wom en and their children. The operations are conducted with the utmost secrecy, as the lives of the women, their children, and all operatives are at high risk. Once a rescue is complete, Yad L’Achim provides safe shelter for the women and their children and supports their reintegration into society. Thou sands more Jewish women and children are still trapped in these conditions to day.Rachel’s story is truly unlike any you have heard before. In fact, when she shared it on a Zoom call with the Yad L’Achim staff in America in preparation for the live events, everyone was brought to tears. The events will also feature an incredible video of a rescue as well as a surprise guest. You will be inspired, amazed, and uplifted—don’t miss it. Tickets can be purchased at the door or reserved in advance: visit www.yad or call 718-633-0776.
Doors open at 7:30 p.m. on all nights.
Cross River Bank has donated $5 million to dedicate the new Tou ro University campus being built at 3 Times Square, Touro President Dr. Alan Kadish announced last week. Touro is naming the campus, where it will lease space for the next 30 years, the Cross River Campus of Touro University to honor the generosity of the bank. Cross River CEO and founder Gilles Gade is a member of the Touro board of directors. “Touro is incredibly grateful to Mr. Gade and Cross River Bank for this gift that will enable our students to learn in a modern, state-of-the-art environment with a rich campus life,” said President Kadish, “Cross River is a pioneer in the banking industry as Touro continues to be an innovator in higher education. We thank Mr. Gade and the Cross River Board for their commitment to philan thropy, for taking the lead with this vi sionary gift and most of all, for their friendship. Their support will ensure that Touro’s groundbreaking programs and educational offerings in so many exciting fields continue well into the future.” Renovations on the campus are ex pected to be completed in December 2022, and the campus will be home to Touro’s NYSCAS undergraduate pro gram as well as a number of its graduate schools and the Touro College of Phar macy. Boasting state-of-the-art labs, student lounges and a kosher café, the ultramodern, urban campus is located at the crossroads of the world, near all major mass transit for NYC and the met ro area. As a leader in interdisciplinary educa tion, Touro will now offer its students op portunities to take advantage of pathway programs from undergraduate to gradu ate and professional schools. “Our new campus will become a vehi cle for student growth and success. With world class faculty in so many fields sit uated in one central location, there will be more opportunity to exchange ideas, collaborate and learn together,” contin ued Dr. Mr. Gade, ““Higher edu cation is critical to career success, and we are proud to support Touro’s mission of providing superior quality education in tandem with the Jewish ideals of service to the community. At Cross River, our motto is ‘doing well by doing good,’ and we share those values with Touro.”
River Bank
By Shoshana Weintraub
Boro Park: Wednesday, September 14, at Bais Yaakov High School, 4420 15thCrownAve.
A Hostage in Her Own Home
20228,SEPTEMBER|HomeJewishThe 64
Lakewood: Tuesday, September 13, at Tashbar of Lakewood, 82 Oak St.
Event locations:
Flatbush: Sunday, September 11, at Yad Yosef, 1036 Ocean Pkwy.
Additionally, he has learned privately with tens of boys in the Five Towns and Far Rockaway and has earned a golden reputation for his warmth, understand ing, and patience. Currently, he gives a Amud Yomi shiur every morning and is a long-time member of the night kollel of Beis Medrash of Cedarhurst.

The entire YOSS Hanhallah wishes Rabbi Rotbardt much hatzlacha. Welcomes Pre-1A Rebbe
The incoming classes to the YOSS ECC are lucky to have Rabbi Rotbardt as their rebbe, as they will undoubtedly experience a year of growth in learning and skill-building, as they set on their life-long journey through Torah, parsha, moadim, and Yiddishkeit. “I am proud to once again join the YOSS Family,” Rabbi Rotbardt said, “and I have tremendous hakaras hatov to the hanhala for the warmth that they showed me now and in the past at YOSS.”
Guess who’s coming to town? Good guess..but no! It’s not UncleTheMoishy!EarlyChildhood Center at Yeshi va of South Shore is excited to introduce our new Pre-1A Rebbe, Rabbi Feivish Rotbardt.Rabbi Rotbardt has already been a part of our YOSS family in the past as an elementary school rebbe and will fit right back in to the YOSS family. Additionally, he served as a CAHAL Rebbe in the YOSS building. (His father is also an alumnus of the original Yeshiva Toras Chaim in East New York where Rav Binaymain Kamenetzky, zt”l, was a rebbe.) Raised here in the Five Towns, he learned in Yeshiva Sh’or Yoshuv followed by seven years learning in HaRav Biny omin Forst’s Kollel and in the Mechan chim Kollel of Yeshiva Darchei Torah.
id you hear the news?
|20228,SEPTEMBERTheJewishHome 65Around the Community D


The Data
A recent Netanyahu campaign video shows the former prime minister going to a grocery store in Jerusalem’s Malha Mall. Standing next to an apple stand with a crowd of frustrated shoppers gath ered around him, the opposition leader declares: “We’ll lower prices to assist you! Mortgages have increased! The gasoline – have you heard? We’ll also lower [the price of] gas. Do you want it to decrease?”
A Price Comparison
According to a poll by the Israel De mocracy Institute at the end of May, the most pressing issue for Israelis currently is the high cost of living, with 34% listing it as their top concern. In third place, af ter security, Israelis are concerned about increases in the cost of housing, another inflation-related issue.
Netanyahu’s campaign video contin ues at a bakery and a gas station, where he bemoans the increase in prices across the board, vowing that, if elected, he will reduce the rising prices plaguing Israel’s working class.
Around the Community As the cost of living in Israel rises, the country’s struggling working class wonders how it will survive the Rosh Hashanah holiday. A unique op portunity to donate to Meir Panim is still available before time runs out. With another Israeli election on the horizon, opposition leader Benjamin Ne tanyahu has focused on a critical issue for struggling Israelis: inflation. Polling data shows that Israel’s inflationary price hikes are a priority issue among his constituen cy, and so Netanyahu is focusing his cam paign efforts on lowering prices and the cost of living for everyday Israelis.
20228,SEPTEMBER|HomeJewishThe 66
The Campaign Promise
This Rosh Hashana, Israel’s Poor is Becoming Poorer Call for a free estimate: MICHAEL GUBERMAN (917) 681-1213 SERVICING THE GREATER 5 TOWNS COMMUNITY FOR OVER 15 YEARS SERVICE CALLS: RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL Installations • Maintenance • Repairs SHOMER SHABBOS EXPERIENCED RELIABLE

The cost to fill up a full tank of gas in Israel is among the highest in the world, practically double the already high cost of gas in the United States. Israelis pay ing over $9 per gallon watch with jealou sy as Americans complain about paying $5 per Israel’sgallon!Electricity Authority recent ly announced a 9.6% price increase be ginning this month, with significant consequences for lower-income Israelis. Families struggling to pay already high electricity bills will now face an even greaterWithburden.rising prices crushing the low er class, the Finance Ministry tried to subsidize bread but was recently forced to raise prices to mollify Israel’s baker ies, who have themselves struggled with flour shortages and price hikes due to the war in Ukraine. As always, the people hurt the most by price hikes are those in Israel’s struggling lower class. That is why charitable organi zations like Meir Panim are a vital safety net for the most vulnerable Israelis. A Silver Lining Meir Panim provides warm meals to Israelis who need them through their country-wide network of Restau rant-Style Soup Kitchens. To minimize waste and costs, the organization ac quires about half of its food from local hotels that would otherwise throw out perfectly edible and delicious food, and its staff includes many dedicated volun teers. Nevertheless, Meir Panim bears many costs that are only increasing due to inflation, including food, transport, storage, cleaning, rent, and utilities for their restaurant-style soup kitchens. They rely 100% on private donations. A Wave of Hunger This Rosh Hashana, Meir Panim ex pects an unprecedented influx of hungry families unable to afford essential food items. To ensure every family receives the meals they require for the High Hol idays, it is critically important for Meir Panim to raise additional funds. Accord ing to tradition, G-d determines on Rosh Hashana how much money each of us will make in the coming year. Tradition ally, many people donate charity to wor thy causes before the holiday begins, as it is their last chance to be judged favorably by G-d.Now is your chance to help Israel’s poorest families at the time they need it most. Help feed a hungry family in Israel this new year by donating to Meir Panim today.
Netanyahu asked rhetorically. “Yes!” the crowd answered in unison. “So vote for us!” he said with an optimistic grin.
nticipation is mounting for JE PREN 7, the JEP/Camp Nagee la real estate networking event that will give the real estate community a unique opportunity to make quality, lasting business connections. JEPREN will be held this Tuesday, September 13, at New York City’s premier rooftop bar: 230 Fifth Avenue. The venue offers breathtaking views with a backdrop of the Empire State Building and the New York City JEPRENskyline.isopen to owners, investors, lenders, contractors, builders, managers, vendors, and others in the real estate field. The event offers attendees the op portunity to meet people in the industry, including many from large, prestigious firms. The list of sponsors and attendees reads like a “Who’s Who” in real estate. Major sponsors include Meridian Cap ital, Riverside Abstract, The Real Deal - New York’s Real Estate News, DHPH, Newmark and other industry stalwarts. “I’ve been attending JEPREN for several years, and I look forward to the real estate networking while support ing a unique and special organization,” said Meir Krengel of TBG Funding. “You can’t beat great food, drinks and net working with industry leaders.” “I have made some solid business connections that landed real deals” says Aryeh Smith. This year’s venue and sponsor list gar nered added interest. “230 5th is a great location for this year’s event and we are all excited about the new venue,” said Jef frey Edelman Esq. The event will feature fine dining by Michael Schick as well as wine pairing, a mixologist, and an open bar. There will also be swag for attendees and raffles throughout the evening. JEPREN will benefit JEP/Camp Nageela, an organiza tion that introduces Jewish youth to their heritage and teaches them how to be joy fully Jewish. “I’m honored to support an amazing organization where the funds really go to support outreach for teens that has a proven track record for over 30 year,” says Eli Sklar of Guaranteed Rate. “The spirit at Camp Nageela is in credible,” says JEP’s founder and direc tor, Rabbi Dovid Shenker. “We have kids from all over the United States coming together, learning, and growing in a Jew ish environment. The effect on the chil dren’s lives is very enduring. Four weeks in Camp Nageela gives the kids a Jewish identity and pride that carries on forev er.” Camp Nageela is situated on a mag nificent 45-acre campus in Sullivan County, where campers take in the atmo sphere while they engage in stimulating activities such as boating, horseback rid ing, sports, swimming, and much more. Many of the campers return for years and eventually join the staff. “I’ve discov ered who I wanted to be as a person,” one camper-turned-counselor says. “It’s hard to imagine what my life would be without CampRabbiNageela.”Dovid and Basi Shenker appre ciate the real estate community’s support for JEP/Camp Nageela. They wax poet ic, “While real estate builds homes, JEP builds Jewish futures.” To join industry leaders as a corporate sponsor of JEPREN, contact Rivka Lock at or at 323.314.8773. To register as an attendee, visit JEPREN.ORG.

By Frimet Blum
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Bringing Your Son to Shul –Is It Time?

Yeshaya Kraus, LCSW is a writer, speaker, and therapist working with parents, men with relationship challenges, and couples. He is based in Far Rockaway and can be reached at
By Yeshaya Kraus, LCSW Voice N tes
“All the other boys his age come to shul.” The problem with this answer is that it’s missing a “therefore.” Others do it, and then we need to see a logi cal jump to your son specifically. Yes, there is what to be said about the idea of doing what others are doing, but this is not about the other boys. It’s about your son, and what’s best for him in his development. “He should meet friends from the neighborhood.” This is actually a very valid reason. Although it may not be thought of as such, shul is one of the few officially sanctioned social outlets for the frum man. Expanding your son’s social circles to include people in his neighborhood in a communal environ ment sets the stage for a future of social interactions in the same setting. “He just bothers everyone at home.”
“W hen should I start mak ing my kid come to shul?” This is a question that comes up a lot, usually between the ages of seven and ten. There are certain aspects of being a therapist that can shed some light on how to come to an answer and how to make it happen smoothly and successfully when it is time to bring your son along with you. Keep in mind that there are halachic guidelines to consider as well. Before discussing anything else, consider why you want your son to come to shul. Speaking with different fathers will yield a bunch of different answers, including, “Well, he’s old enough and he should be going,” to “I want him to start getting used to it.” Each of these answers deserve discussion by them selves, and we’ll try to give some atten tion to a “Well,few.he’s old enough, and he should be going.” Any answer that includes the word “should” needs a little extra intro spection. What makes you think this is what your son “should” be doing? Is this the age you were when your father started bringing you? Are other boys his age going? Ask yourself the proper ques tions, and you may discover that the an swer of “he should be going” is a smoke screen for other, potentially deeper, an swers. This is not to say that the answer isn’t valid, but you won’t know that until you get past the smoke screen. “I’d like him to learn what it’s like to be in shul for davening.” If this is your reason, you may want to consid er whether he’s old enough to daven for an extended period of time and what he might be doing in shul if he’s not. Un less your shul has youth groups, he may find himself roaming the halls/grounds unsupervised, or inside disturbing the davening. Consider bringing him to a shorter tefilla. He may have patience for that and won’t run the risk of having to keep himself occupied. This also keeps him away from the impression that “davening is long and shul is boring.”
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This is, not surprisingly, very common, especially with older boys. It may be a reason to start bringing him along with you on Shabbos morning, even if he himself isn’t ready to sit and dav en. Make sure you bring things to keep him occupied. If he ends up hanging out with other boys in the same boat, check in on him periodically. This way, he knows you’re watching, and you’ll feel more secure in knowing what he’s up to and who he’s with. If he’s not ready for that, you may be able to help things out by changing the dynamic at home. Easier said than done and certainly not for this discussion. Your son may be capable of sitting through davening, or coming to shul nicely, davening a bit, and not disturb ing for the rest. You may have decided it’s a good idea to bring him. The one catch is that he’s not interested. In situ ations like these, a little incentivization works very well. When coming up with an incentive, it’s important to choose something together that isn’t huge, is finite, and will help your son acclimate to the point where he doesn’t need the incentive to continue the behavior. One father I worked with arranged for his son to earn a piece of a shtender (side panels, top panel, molding, etc.) for each time he came to shul. After about ten times, the boy had earned a shtender and was happy to come to shul. No fur ther incentivization was needed. Part of our role as fathers is to help our sons develop a healthy relationship with their sense of ruchniyus, with the parts of our day that help us to connect to Hashem. It’s important to do it care fully and in a way which makes them feel enthused and ambitious, not resent ful, and ambivalent. If we truly consid er what’s best for them and what their needs are, we will, b’ezras Hashem, be successful.
It’s about your son, and what’s best for him in his development.
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MessageSchool Machine

To make excuses for why your child did not do his/ her work - Press 2
If you want us to stop giving homework on Thursday night - Press 6 If you want to know why we have a half day every half day- Press 7 To complain about school lunches - Press 8 To complain about bus transport - Press 9
J J J Son: I’m not going back to school ever again Mother: Why not?
To ask why you didn’t get information that was already enclosed in your newsletter and several letters posted to you - Press 5

Son: It is not a zero, mum. The teacher ran out of stars, so she gave me a full moon instead!
To complain about what we do - Press 3 To scream at staff members - Press 4
Hello! You have reached the automated answering service of your school. In order to assist you in connecting to the right member of staff, please listen to all the options before making a selection:
J J J Mother: Son, why does your geography exam have a big zero over it?
Teacher: Could you please pay a little attention? Student: I’m paying as little attention as I can.
To give a lame excuse about why your child is absent - Press 1
Son: In two things: I got forty in reading and sixty in spelling.
Son: Hey, Mom, I got a hundred in school today. Mom: That’s wonderful! What did you get a hundred in?
Son: The teacher doesn’t know a thing; all she does is ask questions!
Have you heard about the teacher who was cross-eyed? She couldn’t control her pupils!
J J J Teacher: James, where is your homework? James: I ate it. Teacher: Why? James: You said it was a piece of cake!
J J J Child: Today, my teacher yelled at me for something I didn’t Mother:do.What was that? Child: My homework!

IfLASTLY:yourealize this is the real world, and your child must be accountable and responsible for their own behavior, classwork, homework and that it’s not the teacher’s fault for your child’s lack of effort: Hang up and have a really wonderful day!

Now I surely will not plague you With such words as plaque and ague. But be careful how you speak: Say break and steak, but bleak and streak; Cloven, oven, how and low, Script, receipt, show, poem, and toe. Hear me say, devoid of trickery, Daughter, laughter, and Terpsichore, Typhoid, measles, topsails, aisles, Exiles, similes, and reviles; Scholar, vicar, and cigar, Solar, mica, war and far; One, anemone, Balmoral, Kitchen, lichen, laundry, laurel; Gertrude, German, wind and mind, Scene, Melpomene, mankind. Billet does not rhyme with ballet, Bouquet, wallet, mallet, chalet. Blood and flood are not like food, Nor is mold like should and would. Viscous, viscount, load and broad, Toward, to forward, to reward.
Query does not rhyme with very, Nor does fury sound like bury.
Dearest creature in creation, Study English pronunciation. I will teach you in my verse Sounds like corpse, corps, horse, and worse. I will keep you, Suzy, busy, Make your head with heat grow dizzy. Tear in eye, your dress will tear. So shall I! Oh hear my prayer. Just compare heart, beard, and heard, Dies and diet, lord and word, Sword and sward, retain and Britain. (Mind the latter, how it’s written.)
And your pronunciation’s OK When you correctly say croquet, Rounded, wounded, grieve and sieve, Friend and fiend, alive and live. Ivy, privy, famous; clamor And enamor rhyme with hammer. River, rival, tomb, bomb, comb, Doll and roll and some and Strangerhome. does not rhyme with Neitheranger,does devour with Soulsclangor.butfoul, haunt but aunt, Font, front, wont, want, grand, and grant, Shoes, goes, does. Now first say finger, And then singer, ginger, linger, Real, zeal, mauve, gauze, gouge and gauge, Marriage, foliage, mirage, and age.
Sea, idea, Korea, area, Psalm, Maria, but malaria.
Youth, south, southern, cleanse and clean. Doctrine, turpentine, Comparemarine.alien with Italian, Dandelion and battalion. Sally with ally, yea, ye, Eye, I, ay, aye, whey, and key. Say aver, but ever, fever, Neither, leisure, skein, deceiver. Heron, granary, canary. Crevice and device and aerie. Face, but preface, not efface. Phlegm, phlegmatic, glass, bass. Ought, out, joust and scour, scourging. Ear, but earn and wear and tear Do not rhyme with here but ere. Seven is right, but so is even, Hyphen, roughen, nephew Stephen, Monkey, donkey, Turk and jerk, Ask, grasp, wasp, and cork and work. Pronunciation (think of psyche!) Is a paling stout and spikey?
Won’t it make you lose your wits, Writing groats and saying grits? It’s a dark abyss or tunnel: Strewn with stones, stowed, solace, Islingtongunwale,andIsle of Wight, Housewife, verdict and indict. Finally, which rhymes with enough, Though, through, plough, or dough, or Hiccoughcough?has the sound of cup. My advice is to give up!
Time to brush up on your English pronunciations

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Dost, lost, post and doth, cloth, loth. Job, nob, transom, oath.
Chasing Chaos
Though the differences seem little, We say actual but victual. Refer does not rhyme with deafer. Foeffer does, and zephyr, heifer. Mint, pint, senate and sedate; Dull, bull, and George ate late. Scenic, Arabic, Pacific, Science, conscience, scientific. Liberty, library, heave and heaven, Rachel, ache, moustache, eleven. We say hallowed, but allowed, People, leopard, towed, but vowed. Mark the differences, moreover, Between mover, cover, clover; Leeches, breeches, wise, precise, Chalice, but police and lice; Camel, constable, unstable, Principle, disciple, label. Petal, panel, and canal, Wait, surprise, plait, promise, pal. Worm and storm, chaise, chaos, chair, Senator, spectator, mayor. Tour, but our and succor, four. Gas, alas, and Arkansas.
“The Chaos” is a poem which demonstrates the irregularity of English spelling and pronunciation, written by Gerard Nolst Trenité (1870-1946), also known under the pseudonym Charivarius. It first appeared in an appendix to the author’s 1920 textbook Drop Your Foreign Accent
Parshas Ki Teitzei
The hidden things belong to an inscrutable Heaven, but it is our task to do the best we can.

It is not that the Torah is unaware of the causes of the problems that it de scribes. Rather, the Torah always “de scends into the exploration of the human psyche” and always presumes that in spite of all of its warnings, commandments and values, human beings – good decent peo ple – fall prey to weaknesses and do not wish to gaze at the consequences of their behavior.Ifallof the preceding parshiyot of the Torah did not impress the reader regard ing how to raise children, how to enter and conduct a marriage, how to treat other human beings with dignity and re spect, then repeating these lessons now is almost useless. The Torah merely points out for us that the facts, the results of life and our previous behavior in it, speak for themselves in the results that now face and challenge us. We already know the causes for these problems. The Torah now wishes us to see the results for ourselves as they manifest themselves in our lives. There is also an element present in our lives that always remains inexplicable to human reasoning and understanding. The greatest, smartest, and most wonder ful parents sometimes raise dysfunction al if not even monstrous offspring. The example of Yitzchak and Rivka with Ei sav or of King David with Avshalom rise beforeAndus.the opposite situations occur as well, where people of dubious character and sinful behavior raise children of out standing merit such as Terach with Avra ham or Lavan with Leah and Rachel. In short, quick and easy judgments as to the causes of family behavior in these mat ters are not in place. There are too many variables and the freedom of choice en trusted to every human being, for good or for better, remains paramount in human behavior.Therefore, perhaps the Torah does not dwell upon the deeper causes of the dysfunctional and wrongheaded behavior that it describes in the parsha. Instead, it concentrates upon the behavior itself and its resultant problems and consequences.
The hidden things belong to an inscru table Heaven, but it is our task to do the best we can to follow the general prin ciples and values as well as the specific commandments of the Torah and pray to G-d for success and achievement. Shabbat shalom.
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his week’s Torah reading begins with all the ills that can befall a domestic society. These include lust and exploitation of other human be ings, especially women by men in a dom inant male society, unhappy marriages, dysfunctional families and disputes over inheritances that wreck family life. Se riously troubled, rebellious, and violent children that defy all authority, especially parental authority, is also discussed. We are all witness, almost daily, to these cir cumstances in our general and specific societies.TheTorah in this parsha deals only with the treatment of the symptoms and not with the pathology that lies behind the problems. It attempts to protect the abused woman, to bring order into the rights and priorities of potential heirs and to punish the wayward son. Yet it does not directly comment on the underlying causes that generate these heartbreaking problems.
By Rabbi Berel Wein

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The Empathy of Elul

The Ramak continues that the pasuk in Yeshaya 63:9 is written one way but read differently. It is read, “In all of their pain, it pained Him, tzaar lo [written with a vav],” but it is written “tzaar lo, it did not trouble Him” [written with an aleph]. Hashem feels our pain because we are so close to Him. This pasuk also alludes to the month of Elul because the two ways of reading the pasuk, lo with a vav and an aleph, are the same as the letters that spell Elul.
Adapted for publication by Binyomin Wolf Parshas Ki Teitzei
e are in the midst of our efforts to prepare ourselves for Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur throughout the month of Elul. Our sages have found a number of allusions to the month of Elul in the Torah, including in the mitzvah of yibum, levirate marriage, in which one brother marries the widow of his childless, deceased brother. In this week’s parsha, the Torah tells us that the purpose of the surviving brother’s yibum marriage is that “the firstborn son who will be born [of the yibum relationship] will up hold the name of his brother, and his name will not be erased from the Jewish people” (Devarim 25:6). This is made even clearer the first time this mitzvah is mentioned in the Torah, when Yehuda instructed his son Onan to marry his brother Er’s widow Tamar (Bereishis 38:8). Yehuda told him, “Come to [marry] the wife of your brother and perform yibum with her to establish progeny for your brother.” Establishing a Jewish person’s name and legacy among the Jewish people is really what we are cel ebrating at every joyous occasion, whether it is an engagement, marriage, birth, bris, or bar or bas mitzvah. But Onan did not want to participate in that. The pasuk says about Onan (ibid. 9), “And Onan knew that the children would not be his [lo lo]…” Our sages see in the words “lo lo, not his,” as an allusion to the month of Elul, which shares the same letters. But what is the connection between the month of Elul and the mitzvah of yibum, and, more particu larly, Onan’s desire not to do a mitzvah to uphold his deceased brother’s name in the JewishDuringpeople?Elul, there is a custom to study the sefer Tomer Devorah by Rav Moshe Cordovero, zt”l, the “Ramak.” Tomer Devorah explains we can work to emulate G-d’s thirteen attributes of mercy which we read at Tashlich on Rosh Hashana, and by doing so, draw down a manifestation of those attributes from Above. The fourth attribute is “the remnant, she’eiris, of His inheritance.” The Ramak points out that the word “she’eiris, remnant” is connect ed to the word “she’ar, blood relative.” The Ramak writes: The Holy One Blessed is He conducts Himself with the Jewish people in the fol lowing way: He says, “How will I act with the Jewish people when they are my rel atives, I have a blood relationship with them?” They are G-d’s match and He calls them “My daughter,” “My sister,” and “My mother.” As Chazal explain, the pasuk “Yis roel, nation which is his relative,” means that He is literally a relative with them and they are His children. That is what “The remnant [she’eiris] of His inheritance” means, which is an expression of a blood relationship. In the end, they are His in heritance. That is why the pasuk says, “If I punish them, it will hurt Me…”
And the Jewish officers the Egyptians used as enforcers over the Jewish slaves ex hibited this remarkable trait as well. The pasuk says that after Pharaoh increased the Jewish people’s workload by forcing them to collect their own straw (Shmos 5:14), “And the officers of the Jewish people who Pharaoh’s taskmasters had appointed over them were beaten…” According to the Midrash (Shmos Raba 5), “They sacrificed themselves for the Jewish people and they endured beatings in order to lighten their
The fact that Hashem considers us “blood relatives,” as it were, His “empathy” for us is the root of our ability to rejoice in each other’s simchahs and cry for each oth er’s suffering. That is why, whenever a Jew suffers, even one who is far from being a tzaddik, Hashem says (Sanhedrin 46a), “My head hurts, My arm hurts.” We are so intimately connected to Hashem, that He considers us part of his “body,” so to speak. We all know the story that Reb Areye Levin, zt”l, told the doctor, “My wife’s foot is hurting us.” The real trick is living with the consciousness that this is not simply a beautiful idea or a nice slogan. The fact that we are intimately connected to our Father Above, and, by extension, other Jews, is a reality that must inform the way we relate to Hashem and other Jews.
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Empathy and the Foundation of the Exodus Rav Joseph Albo, zt”l , in his Sefer Haikarim (2:14), explains that G-d feels “pain” when we suffer. He took the Jewish people out of Egypt using this trait when He said (Shmos 3:7-8), “I have surely seen the suffering of my nation which is in Egypt, and I have heard their cry be cause of their slave drivers, for I know their pains and I descended to save them from the hands of Egypt…” Rav Elyah Lopian, zt”l, as recorded in the sefer Lev Eliyahu (Vol. 1, p. 98), teaches that Hashem wanted to infuse this ability to empathize and identify with others into the DNA of our nation. He therefore redeemed us with that trait. Hashem even chose a redeemer who possessed that quality. The first thing Moshe did when he grew up was to exhibit this ultimate marker of maturi ty and responsibility, as the pasuk (Shmos 2:11) says, “Moshe grew up and went out to his brothers and saw their burdens…” Rashi explains that this means “he directed his eyes and his heart to be pained for them.”
By Rav Moshe Weinberger
The Ramak then continues by explain ing what this attribute of G-d’s means for us: “This is how a person must conduct himself with his friend. All Jews are blood relatives to one another, because all souls are part of one totality. Each one has a portion in the other… This is why all Jews are responsible for one another, be cause each one contains part of everyone else within him.

The beauty of a Jew who puts others’ concerns over his own is illustrated by a story told by Reb Shlomo Carlebach, zt”l, about the Chozeh, the Seer, of Lublin: The Chozeh needed a haircut before yom tov like anyone else. But everyone knew about the Chozeh’s spiritual sensitivity and were afraid to touch the Chozeh’s head, lest he be unworthy and somehow disturb the Rebbe’s holiness. All of the barbers in Lu blin spent several days before each yom tov fasting, praying, and doing teshuva in the hopes that whomever the Chozeh chose for his haircut would be worthy enough for the Chozeh to tolerate his haircut. Just before one particular yom tov, the Chozeh’s assistants, as usual, gave notice to the barbers to begin preparing themselves to cut the Rebbe’s hair. When the day ar rived, the barbers lined up outside of the Chozeh’s room. The first barber approached the Rebbe’s chair. But when he touched the Rebbe’s head, although the Rebbe did not intend to insult him, he cried out in pain. He quickly left the room, feeling horrible that he had hurt the Rebbe. The other bar bers saw how quickly he left, without giv ing a haircut, and they became even more afraid. The second barber went into the room and the same thing happened. As soon as he touched the Rebbe’s head, the Rebbe screamed out in pain. The process repeated itself until they ran out of barbers. They did not know what to do in order to arrange a haircut for the Rebbe for yom tov. But someone told one of the Rebbe’s as sistants that he saw a strange-looking Jew on the streets of Lublin, a traveler, who car ried a sign around his neck that said, “I’m a barber and a little bit of a doctor.” After discussing the matter among themselves, they concluded that it was worthwhile to at least try to determine whether this Jew could cut the Rebbe’s hair. Perhaps he was an upright person. When they approached the man about cutting the Chozeh’s hair, they asked him whether he would cut the Rebbe’s hair. Once they assured him that it was a paying job, they asked him if he knew whose hair he was about to cut. He said that he did not but that it did not mat ter. He was capable of cutting anyone’s hair. They told him that they were about to bring him to cut the hair of the Chozeh of Lublin. Unfazed, he answered, “Okay, everyone needs a haircut. So does the rab bi. And I’m a barber. No problem. Please bring me to him.” He entered the Rebbe’s room without any preparation.
The man and the Chozeh looked at one another, and the Rebbe saw the barber’s lit tle sign and smiled. It seemed the Chozeh already liked this barber. He took out his old scissors and the Rebbe’s assistants be gan covering their eyes, not relishing the scream they were about to hear. But when the barber touched the Rebbe’s head, he sighed and said, “A mechaya, a pleasure!”
Rav Chaim Volozhiner zt”l’s son, in his introduction to Nefesh Hachaim, said in Rav Chaim’s name that he repeatedly re minded his children that the purpose of their lives is to do good things for other people. We do not live for own sake. Rather, we live for other Jews’ sake.
The fact that we are intimately connected to our Father Above, and, by extension, other Jews, is a reality that must inform the way we relate to Hashem and other Jews.
And with every single snip, the Rebbe con tinued to enjoy himself, repeatedly saying, “A mechaya!” As soon as the haircut was over, the man simply left. The Rebbe’s assistants followed him, “Sir, sir! Can we ask who you are? Where are you from?” But he simply answered, “You can see on my sign. I am a barber.” Apparently, he did not want to say anything about himself. They formulated a plan, however, to find out more about him. They invited him to a local establishment that served alcoholic beverages. Once he had enjoyed a couple of drinks and they saw that he was in a good mood, they asked him again, “Tell us who you are. When every other barber in Lublin touched the Rebbe’s hair, he screamed out in pain, but when you cut his hair, it was a mechaya. We have never seen anything like that. What is yourEvenstory?”with a couple of drinks, however, he did not want to talk about himself. But they persisted and asked him repeatedly, “Tell us about yourself. Who are you?” Fi nally, the barber told them that he had done one thing that may be able to explain why the Rebbe was able to tolerate his haircut. He stood up, pulled up the back of his shirt, and they saw that his entire back was cov ered with horrible, disgusting welts. They chassidim recoiled and asked him, “What happened? What is that?” So he told them the following story: I travel from place to place. I am a barber and a little bit of a doctor. I cut people’s hair and do what I can for them. In one town, I saw some sort of commo tion. When I approached, I saw that the non-Jewish authorities were dragging a man away from his family, and his wife and children were screaming. I asked someone standing there what happened, and they told me that something had been stolen in the town. And as the authorities always did, they blamed the Jews and grabbed the first Yid they found. They were going to take him away and give him 100 lashes for his “crime.” The man was so skinny and small that I realized he would die. He would not be able to survive. And because I am a little bit of a doc tor, I figured that I am healthy and some what stronger so that I would probably survive 100 lashes. Also, no one would marry me anyway. I have no wife or chil dren. And even if I am wrong and I die of my injuries, at least I would not leave behind a widow and orphans as this man would. So I walked over to the police and told them, “You have the wrong man. I did it.” I was a strong man, and I truly thought I could handle it. But those wick ed people beat me with such strength that after ten lashes I was sure that I was going to die. I cried out to Hashem, “You know I am not doing this for myself. I am doing it for this man, his wife, and children. I accepted these lashes only because that man is a Jew and I am a Jew and one must help another Jew. So please Hashem, have mercy and let me not die.” And I do not know how I survived. Ev ery blow felt harder than the one before. But somehow, I endured one hundred lash es. And that is why I walk with a limp and why my back looks this way. But thank G-d, I amWhenalive.the Chozeh saw this Jew, he saw someone who did not turn away from oth er Jews. This Jew had every reason to run. But he took a beating for another Jew. The Chozeh felt that in the deepest way. His hands and his entire existence were filled with sacrifice for other Jews. Just like Hashem says, “I am with them in their pain,” “My head hurts, my arm hurts,” and calls us His “blood relative,” may we also merit to see other Jews in this way. Let us dance at their weddings like the bride and groom are our own children, sisters, or brothers. Let us cry and daven for other Jews’ pain like we ourselves are suffering. And let us not turn away from other Jews when they are in a time of need. And in that merit, may we see the final redemption just like we did in Egypt in the merit of Moshe’s and the Jewish officers’ acts of self-sacrifice for other Jews.
The Chozeh and the Barber
[the Jewish people’s] load.” Hundreds of them were killed because they did what ever they could to lighten their brothers’ burdens. Because these Jewish officers could not live a life of relative ease while their fellow Jews suffered, they awakened the attribute of “the remnant, she’eiris, of His inheri tance” Above. By caring about their broth ers’ pain, they brought down Hashem’s mercy, and, consequently, the redemption itself. That is why Hashem first revealed Himself to Moshe in a burning bush, which Rashi explains (Shmos 3:2) was meant to convey “I am with them in their pain.” Hashem said (Rashi on ibid. at 7), “I set My heart to contemplate and to know their pain and I did not cover my eyes, nor did I conceal My ears from their cries.” The mitzvah of yibum in this week’s parsha, whereby a brother does the selfless act of bringing Jewish souls in the world not for his own sake, but to uphold his childless brother’s name among the Jew ish people, reminds us not to be like Onan, who felt “the children would not be his…”
Rav Moshe Weinberger, shlita, is the founding Morah d’Asrah of Congregation Aish Kodesh in Woodmere, NY, and serves as leader of the new mechina Emek HaMelech.
Rav Kook, zt” l, teaches about a person who has internalized this attitude as fol lows (Oros Hakodesh 30): There are those who sing the song of the nation. A person in that category goes out of the sphere of his own private concerns, which he finds to be insufficiently broad, in which idealism does not dwell. He longs for mighty heights and cleaves, with a refined love, to the totality of the Jewish people. He sings its songs, feels its pain, delights in its rectification, and delves into the pure, supernal depths of its past and future. He investigates, with love and wisdom, the depths of its inner spiritual heart.
Rather, Hashem calls on us to recognize that not only are we His “flesh and blood,” so to speak, but that the Jewish people are literally one corpus. We must turn around the letters “lo, lo” to spell “Elul,” by rejoic ing in other Jews’ successes, mourning for their tragedies, and not turning a blind eye to their needs.
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Oneness and Twoness
ne night, four students stayed out late, completely disregard ing the test they had the next day. Before school the next the morn ing, they hatched a brilliant plan to avoid taking the test. They covered themselves with grease and dirt and went to the principal’s office. They told him all about how their car had gotten a flat tire the previous night on their way home from a wedding and how they had to spend the whole night pushing it home. The principal listened attentively to their tale of woe and kindly offered them a retest on the following day. The stu dents gratefully accepted the offer and spent the whole night studying in antic ipation of the test. When they arrived at the principal’s office the next morning, he separated them into four different rooms before handing them their test papers. The test had only two questions: What is your name? (1 Point) Which tire popped? (99 Points)
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The Power of Truth Truth is powerful, crucial, and one of the core values in Judaism. Without truth, we lack a higher purpose, a foundation to our existence. When Klal Yisrael heard the ultimate truth at Matan Torah – the Aseres Hadibros (Ten Commandments) –they embraced their lofty mission in this world.We are commanded to treat every pasuk and word in the Torah with equal awe and respect,and yet there is a prevail ing custom to stand in shul as the Aseres Hadibros are read, seemingly attributing unique significance to them. The Aseres Hadibros are carved above the Aron (Ark) in almost every shul, and we view them as the foundation of the Torah. What is it about these words that merit special treatment?Inorder to understand the centrality and importance of these Ten Command ments, we must delve into their deeper meaning.Oneunique feature of the Luchos is that there were two sets given to us. The original was created by Hashem and giv en to Moshe, whereas the second set was hewn by the hands of Moshe. However, the difference between these two sets is not simply practical; the two sets of Luchos are fundamentally different. As the Beis Halevi explains, the first Luchos were a transcendent, angelic, other-world ly form of Torah. The entirety of Torah She’bichsav and Torah She’baal Peh was contained within these tablets, and all of it was clear and accessible. After the Cheit Ha’egel, Klal Yisrael lost access to this Torah, and the second set of Luchos provided a relatively limited and human form of Torah (Beis Halevi, derush 18). However, the transcendent reality intro duced through the giving of the first set of Luchos remains, and it is worth under standing the impact of this set. Matan Torah vs. Creation of the World Hashem created the physical world by expressing the infinite oneness of the spir itual world into a physical world of mul tiplicity. This world of multiplicity masks the underlying oneness of creation, and it takes great effort to discover and reveal this oneness. Avraham Avinu undertook a lonely spiritual journey toward recog nizing and living this truth, but it wasn’t until Matan Torah that the entire world recognized it. When Hashem gave us the Torah, He reconnected the physical world of multiplicity back to its transcendent source of oneness. As such, all of Klal Yisrael received nevuah and experienced the infinite truth of reality. This idea explains a strange pasuk re garding Matan Torah. The pasuk says that when Hashem gave us the Torah, “ro’im es ha’kolos,” we “saw the sounds” (Shemos 20:15). We generally don’t see sounds, we hear them. What, then, does this mean? As we have previously discussed, the spiritual concept of seeing is the idea of observing something as it is in a complete ly static state. When you see a picture, you
By Rabbi Shmuel Reichman

Building on the concepts we have just developed, we can now understand the uniqueness of the Aseres Hadibros in re lation to the rest of the Torah. Many as sume that the Aseres Hadibros are sim ply the ten most important mitzvos in the Torah, which is why they receive special attention. However, there is much deeper significance to these specific ten mitzvos.
Whenever a person performs a mitzvah, they express their adherence to the first of the Aseres Hadibros by acknowledging Hashem’s existence and their commit ment to fulfilling His will.
81 grasp the entire image instantaneous ly. There’s no process of constructing or building the picture in your mind; every thing is just there, at once, with no effort. The spiritual concept of hearing, however, reflects movement and a progression of understanding. Hearing requires effort; it necessitates the reconstruction of bits of sound into words and meaning. This world — Olam Hazeh — is a place of movement, a place of hearing. The transcendent spiritual realm, Olam Haba, is a place lacking movement. It is a place of static perfection, a place of seeing. Matan Torah was an Olam Haba experi ence that occurred in this world. We all became prophets, transcending the phys ical world of time and space, experiencing the infinite spiritual nature of reality. In such a dimension, there is no hearing or movement, only sight. Therefore, sounds weren’t heard, they were seen.
The Aseres Hadibros, and by extension Matan Torah, begin with the letter aleph. The Maharal explains that beis, the sec ond letter of the aleph-beis, represents the concept of multiplicity and twoness. Its numerical value is two, connected to the multiplicity of our physical world. Aleph, on the other hand, is the letter of oneness — transcendence and spiritual ity, reflecting Hashem and the spiritual dimension. Aleph is the very first letter in the aleph-beis and has the numerical value of one. It is a silent letter, reflecting its spiritual, transcendent nature. It also reflects spiritual elevation, as expressed in many words that have the word “aleph” (aleph, lamed, peh) as their root (shoresh). “Le’aleph” means to teach, elevate, or lift to a higher spiritual dimension; “aluph” refers to the highest-ranking military po sition; and “eleph” is the highest number in the Hebrew decimal system. The Torah begins with the letter beis, because Parshas Bereishis begins by de scribing Hashem’s creation of the physical world, the process of Hashem’s oneness becoming expressed into multiplicity. This process is most appropriately encap sulated by the letter beis — the letter of twoness that stems from oneness. While the creation of the physical world reflects the finite expression of oneness into multiplicity, Matan Torah was exactly the opposite. The experience of Torah being brought into this world was an ascension from twoness to one ness. This was an experience of Hashem Himself — an unparalleled experience of truth, oneness, and the transcendent spiritual dimension of reality. The Aseres Hadibros therefore begin with an aleph, the letter of oneness and transcendence.
(The Aseres Hadibros begin with the words: “Anochi Hashem.”) Emanation

Anochi vs. Bereishis The nature of Matan Torah is indi cated in the very words used to describe it. The original creation of the physical world is introduced with the word “Bere ishis,” which begins with the letter beis.
Rav Tzadok explains that just as the 613 mitzvos emanate from the Aseres Hadibros, all of the Aseres Hadibros, and by extension, all the mitzvos in the Torah, emanate from the first of the Aseres Had ibros, “Anochi Hashem.” This first dibrah declares Hashem’s existence and establishes the necessity of our faithfulness to Hashem and his will.
Rav Tzadok continues by explaining that the second dibrah, the prohibition of avodah zarah (idolatry), is the root of all mitzvos lo saaseh (negative com mandments). When one denies the will of Hashem, transgressing a negative commandment, he distances himself from Hashem, serving himself instead. This is an abstracted form of avodah zarah, as idolatry is the concept of betraying our loyalty and relationship with Hashem. On a deeper level, when one violates a lo saas eh, it is also a violation of the first dibrah, Anochi Hashem , as this root mitzvah contains within it all of avodas Hashem When one fails to acknowledge Hashem, they squander the opportunity to fulfill the first dibrah of building a loving con nection with our Creator. However, there is a major problem. If the Luchos are an expression of the one ness of Torah and the root of our connec tion to Hashem in this world, then why are the dibros split into two separate groups, the right side and the left side? Why fragment the ultimate expression of oneness into two separate pieces? In our next article, we will delve deeper into this topic in order to build a paradigm through which we can answer this question on a profoundly deep level. Rabbi Shmuel Reichman is the author of the bestselling book, “The Journey to Your Ul timate Self,” which serves as an inspiring gateway into deeper Jewish thought. He is an educator and speaker who has lectured inter nationally on topics of Torah thought, Jewish medical ethics, psychology, and leadership. He is also the founder and CEO of Self-Mastery Academy, the transformative online self-de velopment course based on the principles of high-performance psychology and Torah. After obtaining his BA from Yeshiva Uni versity, he received Semicha from Yeshiva University’s RIETS, a master’s degree in ed ucation from Azrieli Graduate School, and a master’s degree in Jewish Thought from Ber nard Revel Graduate School. He then spent a year studying at Harvard as an Ivy Plus Scholar. He currently lives in Chicago with his wife and son where he is pursuing a PhD at the University of Chicago. To invite Rabbi Reichman to speak in your community or to enjoy more of his deep and inspiring content, visit his website: Shmuel
Matan Torah was an Olam Haba experience that occurred in this world.
Rashi explains that the Aseres Hadi bros include the rest of the mitzvos with in them (Shemos 24:12). These Ten Com mandments are the fundamental root mitzvos, and the other 603 mitzvos ema nate from these ten root categories. [Rav Saadia Gaon describes at great length the breakdown of the mitzvos into their re spective categories. It’s also fascinating to note that there are 620 letters in the Aseres Hadibros, reflecting the idea that the 613 mitzvos and the sheva mitzvos B’nei Noach are all contained within these ten root categories.]

|20228,SEPTEMBERTheJewishHome 83 Plumbing Training Center Dedicated ל”ז ןהכה לכימ לאיחי ןב המלש םהרבא נ”על ל”צז ןויצ ןב םחנמ םייח ‘רה ןב םהרבא ‘רה נ”על ALL BORO CONSTRUCTION MR. & MRS. URI & KAUFMANESTHER MR. & MRS. CHAIM SHOLOM & RIVKY LEIBOWITZ Associate Dean’s Office MR. & MRS. MOTTY & JACOBOWITZHADASSA Promenade Vestibule MR. & MRS MORDECHAI & ELISHEVA ROSEN Illumination of New Beis Medrash MR. & MRS. ARI & SCHWARTZDANIELLA MR. & KEYVANMRS.&ANNRABBANI MR. & MRS. SHMULI & MIRIAM MENDEL Sha’ar of New Beis Medrash קחצי לאומש ןב הירא השמ נ”על ל”ז ןמדעירפ יולה MR. & MRS. MENASH & MIMI ORATZ Basketball Court in Elementary School Gym MR. & MRS. SHIA & ELANA OSTREICHER Beis MedrashVestibuleBuilding Mr. & Mrs. Simcha & Shani Applegrad Mr. & Mrs. Barry & Paula Bokow Mr. & Mrs. Berel & Sherry Daskal Mr. & Mrs. Binyomin & Leah Einhorn Mr. & Mrs. Naftoli & Chani Einhorn Mr. & Mrs. Yechiel & Sima Feifer Mr. & Mrs. Michael & Mimi Fragin Mr. & Mrs. Evan & Chaya Sara Genack Rabbi & Rebbetzen Chaim Aryeh Zev & Avigail Ginzberg Mr. & Mrs. Samuel & Beverly Goldberger Mr. & Mrs. Tzali & Chana Shira Gutman Mr. & Mrs. Ari & Aliza Haas Mr. & Mrs. Moshie & Naomi Horn Mr. & Mrs. Shlomo & Kayla Horowitz Mr. & Mrs. Menachem & Elisheva Jacobowitz נ”על The children, bochurim, and all 45 neshamos of the Miron tragedy, Lag Baomer 5781 ל”צז רדנב םהרבא ברה ןב דוד ‘ר ג”הרה נ”על ל”ז יולה בקעי ברה תב היח היתב תינברהו ה”ע יכדרמ ןב גילעז נ”על ה”ע םולש עטנ ןב רזעלא השמ נ”על ה”ע השמ ןב דוד נ”על ה”ע לאקזחי ןב ןתנ השמ ‘רה ה”ע םהרבא ןב לארשיו Mr. & Mrs. Mordechai & Shana Jacobs Mr. & Mrs. Jeff & Tamar Landy Mr. & Mrs. Yosef & Vivi Moskowitz Mr. & Mrs. Yitzy & Rivky Orbach Mr. & Mrs. Ephram & Ilana Ostreicher Mr. & Mrs. Mutty & Bracha Ribowsky Mr. & Mrs. David & Sima Rosenfeld Mr. & Mrs. Dovid & Chani Roll Dr. & Mrs. Zvi & Dina Schreiber Mr. & Mrs. David & Debbie Seltzer Mr. & Mrs. Andrew & Stephani Serotta Mr. & Mrs. Marvin & Judy Sigler Mr. & Mrs. Morris & Devora Smith Mr. & Mrs. Yehuda & Mindy Zachter ה”ע ןיוועל יולה לארשי נ”על ה”ע ןלפק היתב עבשילאו Beis VestibuleMedrashEntrance MR. & MRS. ALON & GOLDBERGERCHANIE Sha’ar of New Beis Medrash MR. & MRS. NACHUM & FUTERSAKHENNY MR. & MRS. URI & DEVORAH DREIFUS Ner Tamid THE BLOOM FAMILY לארשי ‘ר נ”על ה”ע ןהכה ןימינב ‘ר ןב MR. & MRS. NACHMAN & ESTHER GOODMAN Entrance of Beis Medrash Building RABBI & MRS. TUVIA & CHANA GOLDSTEIN Classroom in the Weiss Vocational Center ה”ע דוד בקעי ןב הדוהי ןמחנ נ”על ה”ע רשא הדוהי תב האל ותשאו ה”ע המלש ןב ביל בקעי נ”עלו Dedication of Rosh Kollel’s Office THE K TEAM Yeshiva Darchei Torah’s new capital project will encompass a Mesivta Beis Medrash and its first-ever Residence Hall. The Beis Medrash building will be comprised of 34,200 total square feet on 4 Stories and will serve 500 talmidim in grades 8-11. It will contain 15 Classrooms. The 43,000 square foot Residence Hall will contain 68 dormitory rooms serving 271 talmidim. To choose from a wide selection of sponsorships at all levels, please contact: Rabbi Zev Bald 718.868.2300 ext. zbald@darchei.org232 Rabbi Baruch Rothman 718.868.2300 ext. brothman@darchei.org406 Get in on the ground floor of this monumental project.

Draining the Swamp
Some suggest that in situations in volving kavod habriyos, human dignity, there is no need to differentiate between the two cases. Kavod Habriyos is so im portant that in limited scenarios it even overrides a Torah precept. Not being able to use a toilet can be equivalent to a great loss. However, typically this would only come into play regarding a toilet and not a sink.
By Rabbi Avrohom Sebrow Very often, the Gemara pairs to gether totally unrelated topics be cause they have one common de nominator. Recently on the daf, we had a collection of unrelated beraisos. The only reason they were listed together is that in each case Rav Yosef said to follow the opinion espoused in the beraisa. A beraisa discusses a situation where someone’s gutter on his roof becomes clogged (Kesuvos 60a). Rain is threat ening to flood his house. Nochum Ish Galya says that one may clear the gutter on Shabbos provided he complies with two conditions.
The first is that he must employ a shinui, a deviation from how the gutter is usually cleared. In this sce nario, he should clear the blockage with his foot. The second condition is that he should clear the blockage when no one is looking. Rav Yosef says the halacha is in accordance with Nochum Ish Galya, and so it is codified in the Shulchan Aruch. The reason a shinui, deviation, must be employed is that clearing the gutter on Shabbos involves a biblical Shabbos prohi bition of Tikun Maneh or Makeh B’Patish. The clogged gutter was not functioning. Clearing the gutter makes it operation al. The upshot is that repairing a broken utensil on Shabbos involves a Torah pro hibition. Chazal do not have the authority to waive a Torah prohibition even due to great loss. However, in this case, clearing the gutter on Shabbos with one’s foot, a shinui, turns the Torah prohibition into a rabbinic one. Due to the impending loss from flood, Chazal waived their rabbinic prohibition.Arelated issue is clearing a sink drain or toilet that became clogged on Shab bos. The Kovetz Halachos (32:12) rules unequivocally that one may even use a plunger to unclog a drain or toilet on Shabbos. The Be’er Moshe likewise rules that it is permitted lechatchila. Rav Shlomo Zalman, zt”l, suggests that a pipe that has a clog is still a func tional pipe; it’s just dirty. It is similar to a bottle that has something in its neck that prevents the contents from emptying. We don’t view the bottle as broken; there is merely something preventing it from being used. Nevertheless, Rav Shlomo Zalman, zt”l, was only willing to permit unclogging a sink or toilet in a time of greatTheneed.Minchas Yitzchak likewise per mitted unclogging a toilet on Shabbos in a time of great need. However, he rec ommended that it would be preferable to find a gentile to do it. If none are avail able, one should employ a shinui. He sug gested that a plunger that is usually used with two hands should be used with one’s weaker hand only. If this is not possible, one can use his stronger hand instead of bothRavhands.Moshe Feinstein, zt”l, has a more nuanced approach. If the toilet or sink clogs often, then it can be cleared in the usual manner. If they only clog occasion ally, then a shinui should be used. If a clog only rarely occurs, then one should not clear the drain at all. One can ask a gentile to clear the drain if there is a great need. The upshot is that the Kovetz Hala
Several suggestions have been offered to differentiate between the two scenar ios that would explain the unclogging of a sink as well. Typically, a house gutter does not become clogged overnight. It is a slow and steady process. Therefore, the homeowner should have been proactive and taken care of it before Shabbos. Con sequently, we are only lenient regarding a gutter in the event of a great loss. (In in surance terminology, there is a difference between wear and tear and a sudden loss.) Rav Shlomo Zalman, zt”l, suggested that the gutter being discussed had an opening on a roof. It became clogged to the point that the opening is level with the roof. With such a clog, where the open ing of the gutter is somewhat hidden, we view the gutter as virtually non-existent. Therefore, unclogging it is tantamount to creating a new gutter, a Torah prohibition. Typical home clogs, though, are just some thing stuck somewhere in the middle of a pipe. The pipe is still a pipe but with dirt in theThemiddle.Minchas Yitzchak suggested that the difference lies in the quality of the clog. A severe clog can render a pipe or gutter virtually non-existent. However, typical home clogs are not severe. The Gemara was discussing a severe clog in the gutter. Hence, to be lenient, a threat of major loss was required. Still, others suggest that the Gemara is discussing a gutter that was clogged because plants were growing in the gut ter! The roots of the plants managed to find purchase on the gutter walls. Since the clog is coming from the body of the gutter itself, we view the gutter as totally broken. However, if dead plant material would have found its way into the gutter, the rabbanim would have been lenient even without a great loss. A clog in the home is equivalent to dead plant material in a gutter and has the same halacha. For a clear ruling, speak to your Rav. Rabbi Avrohom Sebrow is a rebbe at Yeshiva Ateres Shimon in Far Rockaway. In addition, Rabbi Sebrow leads a daf yomi chaburah at Eitz Chayim of Dogwood Park in West Hemp stead, NY. He can be contacted at ASebrow@

chos, the Be’er Moshe, Rav Shlomo Zal man, the Minchas Yitzchak, and Rav Moshe Feinstein all permit unclogging a drain or toilet on Shabbos in some cir cumstances. (It is the halachic equivalent of a royal flush.) Yet, the Gemara cited above discussed a very similar situation of a clogged gutter. There, it was only per mitted to unclog it with a shinui to prevent a great loss! Why would unstuffing a toilet be permitted even without a great loss?
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|20228,SEPTEMBERTheJewishHome 85 דסב

Today, Mishkenot Sha’ananim is part of the charming Yemin Moshe neighborhood, named after Sir Moses, and contains a guest house, convention center, and music center – and the famous windmill has been converted into a museum. Touro’s sizable donation was revolutionary, as it launched the establishment of modern Jerusalem.

The epitaph on Touro’s tombstone ac curately and succinctly summed up his achievements: “By righteousness and integ rity he collected his wealth. In charity and for salvation he dispensed it. The last of his name, he inscribed it in the Book of Philan thropy, to be remembered forever.”
Touro lived an extremely modest life and resided in a small apartment despite his staggering financial success. However, his frugality did not extend to charity, as he generously donated large sums of money to a diverse array of causes. In the 1840s, Touro befriended Ger shom Kursheedt, who helped Tour rekindle his long-dormant spirituality and return to religious observance. Furthermore, toward the end of his life, Touro often correspond ed with the scholarly Rabbi Isaac Leeser of Philadelphia. As Touro never married, Kursheedt and Leeser encouraged him to create a lasting legacy by leaving signifi cant funds in his will to support Jewish causes. When Touro died in 1854, his will set the benchmark for Jewish philanthro py. The will disposed of over half a million dollars in charity, a huge sum in those days, and provided funds for nearly every synagogue that existed in the U.S. Further more, substantial bequests were granted to a wide range of charitable institutions that supported people of all races and religions. In addition, the will bequeathed a major gift to aid the Jews in the land of Israel, and Touro’s friend Sir Moses Mon tefiore was appointed as executor to over see the project. Montefiore bought ten acres of land and established Mishkenot Sha’ananim (literally “tranquil dwellings,” from Isaiah 32:18), the first Jewish neigh borhood built outside the walls of Jerusa lem’s Old City. The complex included res idences, a windmill, plus communal and religious facilities.

My IsraelHome Money Can’t Buy Me Love
Gedaliah Borvick is the founder of My Israel Home (, a real estate agency focused on helping people from abroad buy and sell homes in Israel. To sign up for his monthly market updates, contact him at gbor

By Gedaliah Borvick
20228,SEPTEMBER|HomeJewishThe 86 We recently sold a lovely apart ment on Judah Touro Street, in Jerusalem’s Yemin Moshe sec tion. This led to a lively WhatsApp group conversation about the life of Judah Touro. Born in 1775 in Newport, Rhode Island, Judah was the son of Isaac Touro, the spiri tual leader and cantor of the Newport Jew ish community. The famous Touro Syna gogue was built in 1763 and is the oldest synagogue in the United States. Following Isaac Touro’s death in 1783, Judah’s mother, Reyna, moved the family to Boston to live with her brother Moses Michael Hays. Hays was a prominent civ ic leader and a successful merchant who founded Boston’s first bank. After Reyna died in 1787, Moses and his wife Rachel raised the Touro children and mentored them in Judahbusiness.wanted to marry his cousin Catherine Hays, but Uncle Moses – de spite admiring Touro’s integrity and tal ent – forbade the marriage. In 1798, Mo ses attempted to snuff out the romance by sending Judah on a lengthy trading voyage to the Mediterranean, hoping that their relationship would dissipate. However, absence made the heart grow fonder, and their love only deepened. Determined to end the relationship, Hays dismissed Tou ro from the family business and prohibited his daughter from ever speaking with him again. In 1802, an embittered but determined Judah Touro settled in New Orleans and opened a store where he sold food and oth er items from New England. His business blossomed, thanks to the tremendous re gional growth powered by the 1803 Loui siana Purchase (in which the U.S. doubled its size), and he became a prominent mer chant, shipowner, and real estate mogul.
The will disposed of over half a million dollars in charity, a huge sum in those days, and provided funds for nearly every synagogue that existed in the U.S.
With a surprising touch of romantic flair, Touro’s will included a bequest to his cousin Catherine Hays, “as an expression of the kind remembrance in which that es teemed friend is held by me.” Heartbreak ingly, Catherine passed away – also unmar ried – just a few days before Touro’s death.
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PosItIonIng In the Indo-PacIfIc
From a broader perspective, the docking of Kemalreis and the Sherman at Haifa, the headquarters of the IDF’s navy, is the latest event to highlight Israel’s growing stra
At the micro level, the visit by Kemalreis marked the final stage in Turkey’s slow but now basically complete reconciliation with Israel. The two countries had ban ished each other’s ambassadors back in 2018 during a spat of escalated violence in Gaza. The incident had been the final straw in years of diplomatic tensions going back to the Mavi Marmara incident in which ships originating from Turkey attempted to break Israel’s blockade on the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip.
But like any plan of this scale and geographic scope, China needs allies. And what better place to turn than the countries disenchanted with, and now blinded by hatred toward, the United States?
The strategic partnership signed with Russia during the last Winter Olympics and the so-called national Cooperation Agreement penned with Iran last year are both important examples of this trend. These nations are assets both militarily and economically and are looking for ways to maximize their national power in spite of the U.S.-centric system. China’s significant foothold in Tal iban-controlled Afghanistan, a country rich in natural resources and critical to the BRI network, is an ongoing instance of a country rejected from U.S. policy favor that turned to the Chinese alternative.
tegic importance at the international level.
20228,SEPTEMBER|HomeJewishThe 88 In the early morning hours of September 3, a Turkish warship quietly sailed into the port of Haifa.The TCG Kemalreis, a Barbaros-class frig ate, is one of the most advanced in Turkey’s navy, armed with advanced rocket batteries, cutting-edge anti-missile systems, and aircraft launchpads.According to an IDF spokesman, the Ke malreis would dock in the port for several days in order to “demonstrate presence.” The official added that the visit to Haifa was part of Turkey’s involvement in joint maritime missions in concert with other navies operating in the region. In fact, Kemalreis did not arrive in Israel alone. It was accompanied by the USS Forrest Sherman destroyer which it had joined for “NATO-relat ed” drills in the Middle East.
But people who deal with global security for a liv ing don’t spend too much time thinking about catalysts. Rather, they think about conditions.
In many ways, the arrival of Kemalreis in Israel was routine.Israel hosts foreign forces – especially NATO alliance troops – regularly in many capacities. But far from being a run-of-the-mill incident, the Kemalreis’ visit was actually a milestone in regional geopolitics – in more ways than one.
many ways has already been seen in the context of the war in Ukraine. It could be argued that all the roots of this devel opment go back decades, and many of them clearly do. However, much clarity on this issue can be gained by assessing just the very recent period. the chInese alternatIve The Chinese have been yearning for global domi nance for a long time. By now, everyone knows this. However, there’s often some confusion on how China is going about this exactly.
Anyone who has even a faint memory of high school history knows that it was the assassination Astro-Hun garian Duke Ferdinand that started the First World War. But the same novice could also tell you that Ferdinand’s killing was not the reason behind the conflict – that credit goes to the seething tensions and century-old rivalries between European powers that had reached a fever pitch by the early 20th century. Catalysts happen all the time. The question is, are the conditions set for any one of those matches to ignite a conflagration?Fromthatperspective, nations (the ones with sav vy leadership, that is) are constantly on the lookout for these emerging conditions and, more importantly, where they fit into that interconnected web.
It’s an indication of the solidification and reshuffling of important alliances, all taking place right now across the globe. And, as has been the case in many times past, Israel is finding itself, to a large extent, in the middle of it all.
The most important geopolitical development in re cent years has been the growing conflict between what can be broadly described as the Atlantic-Western states and Indo-Pacific eastern nations. These are the condi tions being set up for international conflict, which in
When conflict is discussed in the layman’s realm (i.e., the media), people are often discussing the immediate causes of the tensions. Which event “triggered” a war, or what incident “started” the shooting. In other words, the conversation tends to revolve around catalysts.
Beijing’s strategy is not limited to out-producing the United States in its thousands of slave-driven factories or hacking the Pentagon for secret files. Those methods play important roles. But the main objective of China is to create a whole new global commercial system that can function as an alternative to the one currently controlled and dominated by the West. Projects like the much-laud ed Belt Road Initiative (BRI) and the Pakistan Economic Corridor all form the staples of this plan.
Israel's shIftIng allIances In chIna's Battle for World domInance

The U.S. and Israel launched Strategic High-Level Dialogue on Technology this summer
During the past year, there have been several esca lations in the conflict between the U.S. and China as it pertains to Indo-Pacific dominance. Biden sent his de fense secretary to strategize with Indonesia, the Philip pines, and Japan all over the span of 12 months. There are strong indications that deals have been, or are in the process of being, brokered for mutual defense coopera tion with all of those countries. Visits to the region by State Secretary Blinken and House Speaker Pelosi last month were without a doubt meant to facilitate and ad vance these dealings. All of this culminated in recent news of Washington authorizing yet another massive weapons sale to Taiwan. America is essentially telling its allies it is ramping up the pressure on China and that leaders need to choose sides. This message has not been lost on BackIsrael.inJuly, the United States and Israel announced the launch of a Strategic High-Level Dialogue on Tech nology, designed to enhance bilateral technology coop eration, especially in the fields of artificial intelligence. This announcement was a thinly veiled signal that Israel was pulling back from its innovation program with China in favor of a similar deal with the U.S. China, as would be expected, responded harshly to this news. According to Jerusalem officials, the Israeli ambassador to Beijing, Irit Ben-Abba, was summoned in early August by Liu Ji anchao, head of CCP’s international affairs department, to “remind” Ben-Abba of the value of Israel’s cooperation in Chinese technological development and the “impor tance” this cooperation had for the two country’s future relations.Israel, however, has not backed down from its an ti-China direction.
But perhaps the strongest indication of Israel’s de cision to go ‘all in’ with the anti-China stream occurred last week in Tokyo.
During their visits to Israel, then-U.S. National Security Advisor John Bolton in 2019 and then-U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in 2020, both of whom worked for the most pro-Israel president in recent memory, issued stern warnings that China’s growing role in strategic sectors of Israel’s economy risked harming U.S.-Israel security ties. This issue came to a head during Israel’s previous government led by Naftali Bennett. Interactions between Bennett and U.S. President Biden were strongly marked by the China issue. Whereas Israel wanted to approach China primarily as an economic partner and increase its ties with the country, the consensus view in Washington increasingly sees China as a global strategic rival— mili tarily, economically, and technologically.
Israel’s forced realIgnment Trade between Israel and China exploded in the 1990s and reached the $10 billion mark over a decade ago.From Beijing’s perspective, the most important as pect of its commercial relationship with Israel is in the sphere of technological development. This means both assisting China on that front, as well as incorporating Chinese components into Israel’s infrastructure. Israel’s Innovation Authority currently runs a program dubbed the China-Israel Industrial R&D Cooperation Frame work. The initiative works on areas spanning from med ical technology to autonomous drones. All of this has made the United States uneasy. In Washington, this is not even a partisan concern.
Policymakers in Jerusalem had for years succeeded in playing both sides – capitalizing on Chinese coop eration, while maintaining its favorable status visa vie Washington.
In late July, outlets reported that Israel had awarded a tender to the Indian firm Adani Group to privatize the commercial port of Haifa, despite competing bids from Chinese companies. The $1.2 billion deal strongly sig naled Israel’s intentional movement away from Chinese cooperation on major infrastructural projects, which, in many ways, is an about-face from its earlier policy.
China's foreign minister met with the Taliban last summer

On August 30, Defense Minister Benny Gantz signed a defense cooperation pact with his Japanese counter part.“Our countries share [a] common goal,” said Gantz at america is essentially telling its allies it is ramping up the pressure on china and that leaders need to choose sides.
That time is over.
89 Not all countries cooperating with Beijing are doing so due to a fallout with Washington. Some, perhaps the majority, chose that path out of pureThispragmatism.isthestory of the African states the likes of Botswana, Burundi, Rwanda, Cameroon, the DRC, and Mozambique that sold their souls to the CCP in return for promises of infrastructural development and busi nessHowever,loans. states that deal closely with China do not necessarily do this out of desperation. Many are simply making a rational economic choice. After all, China is the second largest economy in the world. This was, and has been, the gist of Israel’s relation ship with Beijing.
Israel's Benny Gantz signed a defense exchange memorandum with his Japanese counterpart last week

90 the signing ceremony, “defending our homes [and] seek ing peace and stability.” Gantz concluded his remarks by emphasizing that the new pact will enable “cooperation between Israel and Japan in developing military tech nology and knowledge sharing.” Japan is, of course, China’s oldest traditional rival in the region. Tokyo has been keeping a close watch on Beijing’s territorial grabs in the South China Sea and ag gression toward Taiwan in recent years. Four years ago, concerns over China forced hyper-pacifist Japan to take a complete shift on defense policy. The military expan sion that has taken place since then has been the largest in the country since World War II. Israel’s decision to enter such a pact with Japan has immense symbolic sig nificance and could have practical ramifications in the event of a Pacific war involving China. Israel In the mIddle Far from being a mere reactionary player in this on going global alignment, Israel is actually a very import ant motivating factor for other nations involved with a stake in the conflict.

For a country already reeling from economic instability, Tur key needs to make sure it isn’t betting on the losing team. Second, and a factor closer to home, over the summer, Israel demonstrated with undeniable evidence that its alleged friend, Iran, was running as sassin cells in its territory. The resultant joint operations between Turkey and Israel not only helped uncover those cells but also saved the lives of several targeted Israelis. It is for this reason that Turkey allowed one of its pre mier warships to sail along with a U.S. destroyer and to dock in a country it had severed relations with just four years ago.
First off is Turkey’s reali zation that its ties to the Rus sian-Sino axis are going to have costs – costs it will likely have to pay for in the near future as the Indo-Pacific conflict escalates.
Consider Turkey’s rollercoaster of political allyship in recent years. Just a few years ago, Ankara hosted a summit with Russian and Iranian leaders to discuss how they would jointly undermine U.S. policy in the Middle East. Shortly afterward, Turkey decided to flagrantly disregard its NATO membership and purchase high-tech weapons systems from Russia. It is no co incidence this period coincided with Turkey’s diplomatic break from Israel. What is different today that Turkey is willing to switch course? Well, a few things have changed.
The U.S. throwing around its weight is always an im portant factor for anything geopolitically related. But at the end of the day, people who live in these regions have to deal with the other people living next door.
This pattern of Israel strengthening its ties with In do-Pacific stakeholders can be seen now across several regions, from Turkey, to India, to Japan, and is expand ing by the day.
Israel has firmly become a central player for securi ty on the global stage, affecting conflicts far beyond its immediate regional concerns. Let us hope that role isn’t tested more than it has already been.

Turkey's Kemalreis warship docked in Haifa earlier this month

Support and resources for new and veteran Mechanchim H arav Shaya Cohen, a talmid of Harav Henoch Liebowitz, has been trailblazing in the world of chinuch for close to 50 years. He founded Teach to Reach which has worked in conjunction with Torah Umesorah and other organizations, is under the guidance of Harav Reuven Feinstein, Harav Sholom Kaminetsky, and Harav Aaron Lopiansky, shlit”a.
|20228,SEPTEMBERTheJewishHome 91 516.295.5700 “How can I help my students create a connection to Yiddishkeit that will last a lifetime Even Rebbeim and Moros have questions. Teach to Reach has answers. Inspiring a Relationship with View these resources, and many more at: Our comprehensive Resource Library of and print resources was created for Rebbeim and Moros like you, who are looking to create a significant and lasting impact on the lives of your students – in a time-saving manner. (RESOURCE CATEGORY 2/9) Inspiring our students to develop and expand their relationship with Hashem is the formula for a lifelong commitment to Yiddishkeit. Topics Covered In This Category: Cultivating A Relationship With Hashem The Paralyzing Effects of Fear The Critical Need For Context For This Relationship An Imperative - Passionate Relationship with Hashem G ET T O T H E H E A TR

Disclaimer: This column is not intended to diagnose or otherwise conclude resolutions to any questions. Our intention is not to offer any definitive conclusions to any particular question, rather offer areas of exploration for the author and reader. Due to the nature of the column receiving only a short snapshot of an issue, without the benefit of an actual discussion, the panel’s role is to offer a range of possibilities. We hope to open up meaningful dialogue and individual exploration.
Dating Dialogue WouldWhat You Do If…
I’m dating now and my prospects are, to say it nicely, not my caliber. I’m being set up with BTs (I’m an FFB) and other types of guys I wasn’t looking for before getting divorced. This is not the type I’m looking for. Why start now? But I am feeling pressure from friends and family to be more open. I feel like it’s not fair. This was never the plan. I feel I should be able to find what I was looking for originally before I got married. Isn’t that valid?

Moderated by Jennifer Mann, LCSW of The Navidaters
20228,SEPTEMBER|HomeJewishThe 92
I got engaged during the corona shutdowns. The guy I met seemed to be like an incredible, deep, thoughtful guy, and our dating was limited to outdoor lounges. Fast forward to now. I am divorced, and I can’t even believe I’m in this position. After we got married, I noticed almost immediately he has severe social anxiety and OCD. We tried working through it, but it was way too much for me. The fact that he hid it from me added to everything as I could not respect him.
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First, instead of depending upon being “set up,” why not go out and meet eligi ble, appropriate men on your own? Con sider bypassing our antiquated shidduch system and become a visible presence at synagogue, educational, charitable, and work-related events; or sign-up for singles’ weekends, like those sponsored by YUCo nnects. Second, when dating your first hus band, you completely missed his rather se vere, hidden negatives. When you are now dating guys that you feel are “not the type you’re looking for,” is it possible that you are completely missing their wonderful, hidden positives? A baal teshuva didn’t choose his for mer life. He is the product of his birth and upbringing. Some of my dearest friends could be categorized as BTs, and they are wonderful husbands, fathers, and friends. Imagine the strength of character, pas sion, and dedication it takes to completely change one’s lifestyle and become Ortho dox. To my way of thinking, that sounds like great marriage material. Good luck, and I really hope that you will soon find true, lasting happiness.
The Shadchan Michelle Mond Iam so sorry for the difficulties you have gone through and continue to go through due to this divorce. I know you feel this was never part of the plan and one big mistake. I assure you, though, Hashem does not make any mistakes. I have heard countless times from happily married second-time-arounders that it took a failed first marriage to amend pri orities to be open to the kind of person they married the second time. In this lifetime, you will never under stand why you had to go through this diffi cult stage of life. I urge you to resolve the feelings that are saying, “It’s not fair” and “things should have turned out differently.”
Just the fact that you look down upon BT suggestions as “not my caliber” shows me that you have not learned a crucial lesson. Think about a senior in high school named Leah who is studying for her math exam. Mistakenly, Leah studies the wrong notes that had been given to her by a friend, and she fails. She keeps harping on the fact that she would have aced the test had she been given the proper studying materials by her friend. The teacher gives the option to re-take the test over summer vacation but she won’t take the teacher up on it be cause it will ruin her summer plans. She’s in denial! She won’t graduate if she does not change things around, yet she sticks her feet in the ground. You would right ly say, News flash: your summer plans weren’t supposed to happen if this is the situation you are in! Leah’s number one priority should be retaking the test during the summer and changing around her plans. Forgoing good suggestions from differ ent backgrounds on the premise that it’s not what you wanted in the beginning of your dating journey is not an appropriate excuse. Meet someone be cause they are an amazing person and have fantastic husband potential. If you would like to remarry, you must work through the denial and become more accepting of potential suitors. The Single Tzipora Grodko What an extremely difficult challenge you have been given. It takes brav ery, tremendous courage, and an incredible amount of hard work to move forward. You deserve the best, and Hashem has someone specific that will be delivered into your life the moment the expiration date has passed for this extremely challenging life test. I can hear your pain and understand your desire in trying to protect yourself as best as you can. Being “openminded” does not mean settling. Openminded sim ply means suspending assumptions and judgements on your suspicions, in order to determine if this person has the values you’re looking for, regardless of the package it comes in. The Zaidy Dr. Jeffrey Galler Your letter saddened me. You’ve gone through a very rough time, and the painful af termath continues to affect your prospects.Dr.Samuel Johnson wittily remarked that seeking to mar ry for the second time after a disastrous first marriage represents the “triumph of hope over experience.” (James Boswell’s Life of Samuel Johnson, 1791) However, you are hurting, and it’s in appropriate for me to joke about it. At this point, you don’t need humor; you need compassion and advice, so here goes:
The Rebbetzin Rebbetzin Faigie Horowitz, M.S. Please reread your query. You come across as not having processed your experience.Itisnormal to grieve the loss of one’s dreams. Coming to terms with your new reality is another part of the journey. De veloping your own identity and strengths will happen if you invest in yourself with professional support. You can come out of this episode stronger, deeper, and more mature. You will then be more successful at making independent decisions. Grow and become yourself with help.
20228,SEPTEMBER|HomeJewishThe 94 The Panel
Pulling It All Together
Dating and Relationship Coaches and Therapists
Things are how they are because of a won derful ending you’re not privy to see yet.
Thank you for writing into the panel. I am deeply sorry for your pain. To have been deceived in the way you were is what is not fair. When you mar ried your ex-husband, you did not know that he had severe social anxiety and OCD. Most men and women who entered a mar riage with a critical piece of information withheld feel anger, rage, and ultimately distance from their partners. Sometimes this can be worked through and the marriage can be saved, and sometimes it can not. Feeling that this is “unfair” is com pletely natural and understandable. You’re right. Your choice in life partner was made based on his lie. He took something precious away from you: your decision. And he manipulated you into marrying him. Being led to the biggest decision of your life based on lies and manipulation is significant, and if you aren’t already in therapy to process this and all you have been through in such a short amount of time, I suggest you go now. (A word to everyone dating. Though many may disagree with me, and that is fair because this is a free country, in my humble opinion, honesty is the best policy. I know it’s hard to reveal something that feels embarrassing or shameful, especial ly in light of the pressure and stigmas in the frum shidduch world and how so many of us are taught that our humanness is shameful (which it isn’t! Big lie! That’s the big lie!), tell the truth about yourself. Tell it fairly early on. The person who is meant for you is going to love you not despite it, but because of it! Lying creates distance. Honesty creates intimacy. The big lie being
The Navidaters
You deserve the opportunity to be loved completely sans hiding. told is that your secret makes you unlove able and therefore in order to be loved you must hide. The truth is that you can love all the parts of yourself, and you not only don’t have to hide, but the right person is going to celebrate you! And you deserve the oppor tunity to be loved completely sans hiding. And lying is so unfair to the other person. It justI’mis.)going to be very real with you. Looking for a “type” did not pan out so well for you. Sometimes, when we are looking for a “type,” we are wearing some pretty strong blinders and may not see something incredible standing right before us. If you are wearing the same blinders (using the same lens) to date this time around that you used last time, you may want to con sider getting a new pair. You are allowed to want to marry an FFB (frum from birth). We cannot help what we naturally want. It is the way you speak about FFBs and baalei teshuva that is somewhat concerning and may benefit from a re-evaluation on your part. A baal teshuva makes a decision to become religious on his/her own. The path a baal teshuva walks is often a hard one –going against their parents, keeping Shab bos alone, enduring their familial relation ships and friendships changing because of their choice. Your feeling that someone like this is beneath you is of concern.
3. In therapy, or on your own, explore the idea of taking a break from dating while you process your dating, marriage, and di vorce and consider what you are looking for this time around. Though I was duped by my ex-husband, is there anything I am re sponsible for? What was my outlook going into the marriage? What have I learned about myself from this experience? How will I grow from this?
See if you notice any patterns or similari ties in the concerns and advice. Sometimes we can’t see ourselves but the people who love us can. If you trust these people, you may want to consider working on this.
For example, he is honest, he is easygoing and kind. He is the kind of person who will be my teammate. He will hold my hand when I have a cold and talk with me when I get into a fight with my best friend. He and I will be best friends.
A few practical suggestions for you:
2. Go for therapy to process what you’ve been through. Unpack it.
4. Make a list of the qualities you are looking for in the man you will marry and visualize and write about the kind of marriage you want. This is not a list about hashkafah and the kind of job he has and what he looks like. This is a list about his character and the way he will treat you and the kind of relationship you want to be in.
Wishing you all the best, Jennifer
|20228,SEPTEMBERTheJewishHome 95 Jennifer Mann, LCSW is a licensed psychotherapist and certified trauma healing life coach, as well as a dating and relationship coach working with individuals, couples, and families in pri vate practice at 123 Maple Avenue in Cedarhurst, NY. She also teaches a psychology course at Touro College. To set up a consultation or to ask questions, please call 718-908-0512. Visit www. for more information. If you would like to submit a dating or relationship question to the panel anonymously, please email You can follow The Navidaters on FB and Instagram for dating and relationship advice.

1. Make a list of all the concerns and advice your family and friends are giving you right now. For example, Meira told me I’m too picky. Dad said I need to be more openminded. Josh told me to really get to know someone for who he is on the inside.

I’ll call him “M.” I observed him as he sat quietly on a chair just watching and listening. “M” and I have known each oth er since kindergarten when he would cry, sometimes even sob, daily for hours on end. No matter how hard the teacher tried, he would not be consoled. That Friday it was the same – he was off to the side alone and apathetic. No surprise there.Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed that as the tempo of the music started to quicken and become more upbeat, “M” started to tap his foot, first one then the other. A few moments later, “M” stood and soon his hands joined in. First his feet, then his hands and, just like that, his whole body was swaying and joining the pulsating rhythms of the other dancing children.
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I turned to “M” and motioned for him to go up front and onto the stage. I wanted to encourage him to dance upfront so that everyone could watch him perform. On his way to the stage, he turned back to me for assurance. I smiled broadly, encouraging him with a stage whisper, “You can do this.” He slowly nodded his head in response. Very slowly, as is his way, “M’s” dancing feet propelled him forward. “M” continued improvising to the mu sic as he danced forward, feet flying to the rhythm of the music. His two teachers, amazed at the sight of his metamorphosis, smiled with encour agement and took videos. We all looked at each other and nodded our heads with tears rolling.Who knew? Who knew? As “M” mounted the stairs, I worried that some of the kids would rush the stage after him. This did not happen. Every per son in the room that day, stood quietly mes merized by “M’s” fabulous performance; as a school community, we were humbled by his Heretalent.was the authentic “M” waiting to emerge; “M” was no longer that crying re served shy little boy: let me introduce you to “M” superstar Dancer!” What has to happen for that import ant switch to turn on and thereby allow a child’s potential to shine bright? As educators, the chance to peel the protective layers under which students struggle can occur on a daily basis. Using the tools we have been taught from the very many staff development courses we take and our own firsthand experience working with children, teachers can be the vehicle that helps to create miracles for all children. Watching and crying as “Bojangles” danced his way to the stage, I witnessed a magnificent breakthrough. For days after I beheld “M” dancing, I kept replaying the moment in my head. I discussed what I’d seen with my husband Bob and lamented, how can I ever retire? I would deeply miss this glorious op portunity to witness an awakening. Why would I deny myself these joyous experi ences?For the entirety of my long and satis fying teaching career, I have greeted each day as an opportunity to make a difference. For Jews around the world, Rosh Hasha na marks the dawn of a new year and the opportunity to do better. For teachers and children, the year begins in September and ends in June. The child in us remembers going shopping for new school supplies and shoes.While it’s still about school supplies, more often today a new pair of the latest brand of popular sneakers is preferred. With the onset of the new year, for me and most educators, there is nothing com parable to the experience of satisfaction that comes from working with children; it never gets old. The feeling of satisfaction while writing a first sentence in a pristine notebook using a sharply pointed pencil brings pure joy. A teacher’s ability to inject a passion for scholarship in a young boy or girl can be compared to no other skill imparted.Asweapproach the start of school, it is important to take the time needed to plan goals that will ensure that our students get what they need to be academically and emotionally successful; it demands time, patience, and a lot of heart. It is a must that teachers be mindful of the limited time that they have to help students grow into their potential.Asparents and educators, it is incum bent upon us to use our shared time judi ciously and wisely. Every single child that I have ever taught worked harder, played better, and danced, danced, danced, when he or she felt confident in my support of his or her needs.
At first, when the whole program was introduced, there were some kids who held back and rolled their eyes; “this is so nerdy,” they would say. It’s not that way anymore. I would say that participation is close to 85 percent; a good number. The kids get pumped for Shabbos. Sitting in the auditorium very week, I derive huge pleasure from watching the now enthusiastic involvement of the chil dren. Even die-hard “know it alls” and “too cool for school” boys sing their hearts out. I cannot say that every single kid gets into it; certainly not the lone third grade boy sitting just to the left of me recently.
As a teacher, I have learned that a child flourishes when they can feel love and sup port. Children need to feel safe in order to make mistakes. These last few COVID years have tested our abilities to confront the aftermath of isolation and fear. It is now more important than ever that we create supportive environments for children to re learn and learn lessons about how to play and work together at school. We get just one shot at making a differ ence; we should not and cannot waste it. Looking forward to welcoming Shabbat at school, wishing everyone a great new school year, and excited to see how all of the “M’s” have grown this summer. Barbara Deutsch is currently the associate principal at HANC 609 and a longtime reflec tive educator, parent, grandparent, and new great-grandparent. Even after all these years, she still loves what she does and looks forward to working with kids every single day. She is vacationing in Israel for the summer.
School of Thought
Creating Miracles for All Children

As I witnessed open-mouthed and in amazement, “M” morphed into Bojangles, the noted jazz dancer.
Friday mornings at school, there is a huge celebratory program to usher in Shabbat. The children are divided into two shifts, Kg to 3rd and 4th to 6th grades. The rabbi leads the kids through fa miliar and new songs, some raffle prizes are distributed and a d’var Torah is shared. A highlight for me is the recognition of mid dot for acts of kindness.
By Mrs. Barbara Deutsch
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By Etti Siegel DearHomeworkEtti, can cause real prob lems in my family. My otherwise sweet kid becomes surly and rude. This makes me irritated, and I am probably not reacting as nicely as I should.Ilove summer mostly because there is no homework! Do you have any advice for me? -NoSigned,HW Please Dear No HW Parent, I get it. Homework can be a real source of conflict for some parents and their chil dren. You did not provide me with much information, so I will share a few thoughts with you from behind the teacher’s desk. First of all, nobody likes to feel less than smart. Your child may be struggling in school, and when he comes home, he has to do more of what makes him feel bad about himself. That would make anyone act Butsurly!why does he feel less capable than his Ifpeers?your child is not doing well in one area, perhaps a tutor might help. It is not always a great idea for a parent to work with a struggling child. A children need a parent to be unconditionally there for them, and when parents help with a child who “doesn’t get it,” tension can cause a rift in the relationship. A tutor is usually knowledgeable in both the subject matter and in motivating your child. Sometimes a homework helper is a good idea. This is an older child who acts like a big brother or sister and does home work with your child at a set, prearranged time. This works if your child just needs some one-on-one extra attention, which in some houses is not available in the eve ning hours. Some older elementary school students are willing to take on the task at babysitter rates, which is a lot less expen sive than a tutor. This is only a good idea of your child needs attention, not real ac ademic assistance.
Etti Siegel holds a MS in Teaching and Learning/Educational Leadership and brings sound teaching advice to her audiences culled from her over 35 years of teaching and ad ministrative experience. Etti was an Adjunct Professor at Aspen University and at Concor dia College of NY and is now an Adjunct at the College of Mount Saint Vincent/Sara Shenir er. She is a coach and educational consultant for Catapult Learning and HigherSchools/ FACTS Education Solutions, is a sought-after mentor and workshop presenter around the country, and a popular presenter for Sayan (a teacher-mentoring program), Yachad/OU, Hidden Sparks, and the Consortium of Jewish Day Schools. She is a frequent contributor to Hamechanech Magazine and The Journal of Jewish School Leadership. She will be writing weekly for The Jewish Home. Mrs. Siegel can be reached at
Some children might prefer getting homework done right away; “getting it overSomewith.”children do their homework on the bus Whateverhome.your child’s homework time looks like, remember something import ant: homework is not meant to be busy work, so the practice is obviously neces sary to keep your child’s skills up. If home work time is a struggle, turn to your child’s teacher and begin the discovery process. Why is your child so frustrated? If he could do the work easily, he would. Hatzlacha! Mrs.Etti
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Your child may be struggling in school, and when he comes home, he has to do more of what makes him feel bad about himself.

If your child seems to find reading challenging, consulting with the teacher might give you an idea of the class level and how you might boost your child’s pro ficiency. Since reading is at the core of all schoolwork, struggling with reading can make all school-related tasks so much harder.You might want to rule out a learning or processing issue, or a hearing or vision issue, as any of these could be the reason for frustration. The earlier a child gets help, the quicker (sometimes months in stead of years) the matter is resolved.
Some children need a snack before tackling homework, while others might just need to play a bit.
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When Parents Don’t Agree Parents don’t always agree, and that is completely normal. We are two differ ent people and are intended to have two different opinions. Rather than expect parents to think similarly, we should as sume the default will be conflicting ideas.
Importance of Unity Whenever there is more than one per son in a room, there is naturally more than one opinion. Mothers and fathers are very different people, and we view the world from very different perspectives.
There is a clear benefit from more than one way of seeing an issue, in addition to the natural strengths each parent brings to theWhenequation.parents come to an agreement about an issue before answering their child, they are providing a united front and a sense of security. When parents disagree, bicker, or give conflicting re sponses, it creates confusion in a child.
Importance of Guidelines Rules and regulations may not be popular, but they prevent mayhem and create a sense of comfort. Your child may be upset that you don’t let them bike three miles for a slice of pizza at mid night, but parents are given the unpop ular task of ensuring their child’s safety. In addition to preventing children from engaging in dangerous behaviors, having clear guidelines creates a sense of security for our youth. They learn what they can do, can’t do, and that someone older and more responsible is taking care of them. Knowing there is someone they can rely on as they cluelessly navigate this world gives them a sense of security in their lives.
This is all easier said than done as emotions can quickly cause conversa tions to get heated. Additionally, when parents are having shalom bayis issues, then even the tiniest of issues becomes the biggest debates. It may be a prudent decision to call in a third party or pro fessional to help parents learn to com municate effectively and make decisions. Adults are entitled to their feelings, but children can’t become korbanos. We love our children and would never want to hurt them. Making an effort to stick to the problem at hand and stand united before our children is one way to show our children we care about them.
Ultimately, once a decision is made, we need to stand together when present ing it to our children. It doesn’t matter if we fully got our way or are completely happy, our kids don’t need to know that.
Recognizing this reality, when we an ticipate we won’t agree, it’s better to have that discussion before answering a child. This allows the parents to present their answer as a strong, united front and not a disorganized, uncertain one. Often, it’s better for this discussion to take place behind closed doors. While ideally parents shouldn’t argue, they cer tainly need to avoid doing so in front of their children. If you anticipate it’s going to get heated, then excuse yourselves for the discussion. In addition, stay away from smaller ears if the discussion will involve information they shouldn’t be privy to. There can be many conversa tions that are important to have yet are not appropriate for your child to hear. It’s wise to pick your talking space carefully. It’s amazing how powerful a child’s hearing can be when they really want to find out information; adults call it eavesdropping. Also, if chas v’shalom parents are yelling, then kids can’t help but Thisnotice.paragraph is just my humble ad vice based on personal experience. Most issues that parents will be presented with aren’t that important in the long run. It’s the exception – rather than the norm – that parents are faced with truly life-altering verdicts. When these day-today questions come up, it’s often better to lovingly yield to your spouse than it is to make everything a major discussion. Save those brownie points for when it truly matters to you.
When parents present conflicting an swers, it erodes the feelings of comfort we’re trying to encourage.

Creating a United Front
Now they don’t know which parent to listen to and they are unsure of what is expected of them. It need not be a big issue; even some thing small like whether they can go to a friend on Shabbos afternoon can become a big issue when there is parental con flict. Disagreement not only wastes time and energy, it also creates bad feelings for everyone and creates an emotionally unhealthy environment for a child.
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When children see parents can’t agree, it diminishes some of the respect they have for the adults in their life. Tak ing a step back, we can readily see how a child could view adults that squabble.
CommunicationTeaching Skills
By Sara Rayvych, MSEd D ad says one thing, Mom says an other, and their child is caught in the middle. It can be confusing and upsetting for children when their parents give conflicting answers. Alter natively, some children take advantage of the situation and manipulate it. Neither of these situations are ideal. As parents, we have the obligation of creating a stable environment for our children. Part of physical and emotional stability is knowing a parent is present and in charge. They may not always like our rules and regulations, but they do like the safety of knowing we’re watch ing over them and taking responsibility.
Our children learn from us. We can be the model of what they should emulate or what they should avoid, chas v’sha lom. Every day they interact with their siblings, peers, and neighbors. Know ing how to solve conflicts and come to a mutually beneficial decision is a skill they can use now and in their future re lationships.Mayour homes continue to be a place of comfort and security for our youth as they navigate their way through child hood and a new school year. Have a peaceful Shabbos! Sara Rayvych, MSEd, has her master’s in general and special education. She has been homeschooling for over 10 years in Far Rock away. She can be contacted at RayvychHo
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Answered by arotating roster of teachers, rebbeim,clinicians, and peers (!), teens will behearing answers to many questionsthey had percolating in their mindsand wished they had the answers for.

T hank you so much for writing in! I think your question is a very important one because it’s one that many of us have. Whether in middle school, high school, or even after, our friendships can go through manyThechanges.thingis, we tend to view change as something bad when it doesn’t have to be. The big thing about change is that it’s scary, it’s unexpected, and it can make us feel out of control, things none of us like to feel. However, change is unavoidable, and as crazy as it sounds, it’s a constant in our lives. Think about it. The shift from one grade to the next, making new friends, switching schools, and even going from school to camp. All of these are examples of events, big and small, that change who we are. Even if the change isn’t noticeable, it’s still there and it makes a major impact in shaping who we are. With all that being said, I completely understand how frustrating this situation must be. Not only did you not see this coming, but now you are afraid you’re going to lose your best friend and so of course all you want is for it to go back to the way it was before, because it was so good.
This summer, though, for different reasons, we didn’t go to camp together. I stayed home and worked in a day camp. My friend went to sleepaway camp. We kept up – talked on the phone and texted – but since she’s gotten back, I feel like it’s not the same. I’m very stressed. We’ve been best friends for years, but now she seems to have less time to get together and is on the phone and texting her camp friends a lot when we’re together. What can I do to make things go back to the way they were?
As situations in life change, it’s so important that you take it and make the best of it.
by Daniella Quinn
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teen talk
As much as you want to go back to the way things were before, I want you to try to let that idea go. The way you described your friend ship, it’s hard for me to believe she would
My best friend and I have been best friends since third grade. (We are now going into eighth grade.) We walk to school together and study together after school most days. On Shabbos, we get together with other friends, but everyone knows that when they invite one of us, they should invite both of us to any event – we are always together.
Dear Teen Talk, Teen Talk, a new column in TJH, is intowardsgearedtheteensourcommunity.
Daniella is originally from Houston, Texas, and recently moved to Baltimore, Maryland, after a year of seminary in Israel. She currently works in a school while studying for a degree in psychology.
If you have a question or problem you’d like our columnists to address, email your question or insight to , subject line: Teen Talk.

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walk away from you that easily. The two of you have been friends for years, and that’s not something either of you should just give up. At the same time, comparing the friendship to what it was is only going to hurt it more. As situations in life change, it’s so important that you take it and make the best of it. Yes, your friendship now may be dif ferent but different does not have to be a bad thing. It’s important to remember that a friendship is made up of individuals, mean ing that at the end of the day you are both your own people. When one person changes, so to speak, the friendship changes, and I’m going to say this as many times as I can: it’s not a bad thing! It sounds like your friend had an amazing summer, and I’m sure, all stressed feelings aside, you are so happy for her. I want you to imag ine if you were in her shoes. She just came back from camp, and she is on such a high. She made new friends, new memories, and that is so special for her. You, too, would be on this high had you been in her place. It may feel like she doesn’t have room for you in her life right now, but it’s hard for me to believe that that is the case. I think that it’s very possible that she just misses camp and the experiences she had, and she is trying to connect to it as much as she can. She would love to talk to you about her summer, and I think it would mean the world to her if you asked about it.
Are you a teen with a question?
By Miriam Liebermann, MSW

So many fabulous discussions and conversations. So many insights gleaned from my wise friends.
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JWOW! is a community for midlife Jew ish women which can be accessed at www. for conversa tion, articles, Zoom events, and more.

So many fabulous discussions and con versations. So many insights gleaned from my wise friends. Thank you, Tzirel! Thank you, Libby! Thank you, Mina! Thank you, Chavie! This has always been a group of growing women, growing together, blos soming, bearing beautiful fruits. What a nachas to watch the young ones grow up and return with spouses and families. What a Andthrill!Esther, my perfect neighbor, taught me years ago to read nonfiction. Forty years ago, many of us were still busy with our Redbook, Good Housekeeping and Read er’s Digests. Our literature would soon de velop, but it took a while. Esther, G-d bless her, expanded my world exponentially. I’m forever grateful! I’m incredibly grateful to all my country friends. Each one individually enhanced my summer experience. Each friendship expanded my world further. Thank you, Hashem, for placing us in the perfect summer setting, and it was perfect! Hodu l’Hashem. And I do hope to keep in touch. May we all meet up at joyous occasions, G-d willing! I loved those years. But at this point in time, I no longer want to sit in the car for hours coming and going. I have absolutely no desire or inclination to maintain two households during the summer, especial ly without proper cleaning help. And our cottage is up a hill, a relatively steep hill that has amazingly gotten steeper over the years. I no longer want to walk up that hill again and again. I just don’t want to shlep our groceries up the hill again and again –or our suitcases. Enough is enough. Thank fully, my dear husband is in agreement with me. That’s a big deal! Probably though, the most important factor is that thankfully we now live in Lawrence. There’s no need to run away every summer. We have our gloriously col orful garden that brings us enormous joy. And we have our neighbors’ gardens that I enjoy immensely. Thank you, Kayla and Blima Chaya! We have our lovely backyard, which we enjoy every evening. We have our red robins! We have our neighbors, our friends, our fabulous shuls. And with copious thanks to Miriam, Susan and Es ther, I’ve been swimming regularly during the summer months with my dear friend Debby. What an enormous act of chessed it is to welcome friends to your pool. So exceedingly gracious and generous of you! May you be blessed, ad bli dai. We have our beaches and our boardwalks. What a blessing! Hodu l’Hashem! There’s a time for everything. It was time for us to move on. I’m so grateful that we’ve done so. My very wise mother, a”h, would say, “All good things come to an end.” I would add: “New ends lead to new begin nings.” A new chapter has begun! Hodu l’Hashem ki tov ki l’olam chasdo.
t’s been 40 years since we first sum mered in Quaker Hill Cottages in Monroe. We raised our children there. We acquired fabulous friends. We are for ever grateful. It was the perfect summer setting for our family. But then a strange thing happened. One day, I grew up. Our children grew up. We began to go only for Shabbosos, and that worked well for several years. We enjoyed our cottage, the lovely Shabbos atmosphere, our dear friends. But as of this year, we have gracefully bowed out, and instead, our children moved in and a splendid time was had by all. I have the most beautiful memories; the many acts of kindness that I greatly benefited from. I remember when I came down to the pool with our youngest; he was an infant at the time. He simply did not stop crying. Fryde came over and said, “Miriam, you need to take him to a doctor. Go home, get dressed. I’m coming to pick you up in 20 minutes.” And so she did. The good doctor actually sent us off to the hos pital with Hatzalah. G-d bless you, Fryde! I remember when I was suffering from a very painful back episode and Yehudis took me to the chiropractor. I remember when we experienced a tragic loss in our fami ly. I had to travel overseas for the levaya. Sharon drove me to the highway to meet up with my brother. I remember when I was quite ill and un able to function properly. Esther and Pen ina did my laundry for me. Now this was during the early years before we had our own washing machines and dryers. They marched down the hill with our family’s laundry. What a huge chessed at the time! I remember when my dear friends decided that my wardrobe needed a bit of sprucing, and they then took me shopping. Thank you dear Cirel, Fryde, Esther and Penina. How thoughtful of you! I will always recall how exceedingly gracious my dear friends were to my moth er, a”h. Mother, widowed at a young age, joined us often for Shabbos, from the very start, 40 years ago. All greeted my mother with such warmth and affection. This was probably the greatest chessed of all and warmed my heart so. And Gali, my dear, dear Gali. Gali and I had been closest of friends after we met as teenagers in Camp Chedvah. Sadly, we had lost touch with each other for several years. Thankfully, Gali joined the Quaker Hill family, and we quickly revived our friendship – till 120! I’ve learnt quite a great deal from my summer friends. Yehudis, anticipating our empty nest years, looming up ahead, would advise us already a decade ago, “Get a life!” Goldie encouraged me to care of my health. Make sure you have your annual physical and carry through with all the recommen dations. Thank you, Goldie! Miriam was my summer neighbor for several years. She is absolutely passionate over chinuch for high school girls. How many hours we spent discussing this topic. And I’m pleased to report, I believe I absorbed a bit of her passion. Thank you, Miriam!
Summers, Past and Present
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Tell us more Palette
As we sifted out the ones that we knew had no possible potential, the recipes went through a rigorous testing process. This is where the fun began for the community. Dozens of volunteers came together to reproduce the recipes and offer them at tasting parties, where they were evaluated and selected based on the overall response. These parties were lots of work and lots of fun.
By Mi M i Zakon
108 MZ: Wow, it’s been more than twenty years since The Ko sher Palette revolutionized the way we cook — and the way we eat. Let’s take a look back: how did this incredibly suc cessful project come to be?
SF: The project was supposed to be a community cookbook, like so many before it. My co-editor, Sandra Blank, and I had a feeling that what was missing for us personally in the kosher cookbook market could also speak to the larger public. We wanted a modern, elegant, healthful, and beautifully photographed book that represented the way we cooked and entertained. Martha Stewart and Ina Garten ran that table in the non-ko sher world, and we wanted to see it happen for the kosher community. We believed in the project and raised the seed money to fund it from com panies like Nabisco and M & M Mars that had recently become kosher.
sary Edition — and why every kosher kitchen needs a copy.
Most people’s copies are so used and loved that they are food-splat tered, tattered, and falling out of their bindings. Seeing this gorgeous, larger size (read: bigger font for older eyes), wipeable, padded cover will mean many will want this modern-looking reboot. More importantly, people from the generation that grew up on this food will want it for their own adult tables. Parents will want to gift it to their children and in-law children so they can continue making the food that has become their beloved family staples.
about The Kosher
Revised Anniver
More than 200 cooks, from eight different communities, contributed recipes to the book. How did you decide which recipes to include?
There’s only one thing better than eating a Susie Fishbein dish — and that’s talking to Susie about kosher gourmet food, her cookbooks, and this week’s release of the Kosher Palette Anniversary Edition.

Once we had that that initial investment, generous school supporters got on board and underwrote the rest, so that we had the ability to produce the groundbreaking edition that was the original Kosher Palette. It was part chutzpah, part mazal, and being in the right place at the right time.
Twenty-two years ago, the Jewish world went through an extraordinary — and delicious — revolution with the publication of The Kosher Palette, coordinated by Susie Fishbein and Sandra Blank. The Kosher Palette sold over 80,000 copies, and Susie went on to become the bestselling author of the Kosher By Design series, changing the way we cook and the way we eat.
The recipes are just that good. They have stood the test of time and have become beloved parts of people’s family history and lore. Your amazing culinary journey began with The Kosher Palette and took you to so many different venues, so many varied food and entertaining ideas. Please share a few stories about your culinary adventures. This book showed me that I loved the world of cookbooks. It gave me a fork in the road from the path I was on as a 4th grade public school teacher and launched me into my career. ArtScroll and I went on to produce the best-selling Kosher by Design se ries. Half a million copies later, and having given a road map to so many young talented chefs who came after me, it is a source of personal endless joy. It also allowed me to be a guest in hundreds of homes across the country, where I gave cooking demos and got to enjoy meeting fans and hearing their stories I got to hear what they loved or were looking for in future books. My craving for more varied tastes took me across the world, where I now lead culinary tours a few times a year to Israel and Italy. I was an invited guest to the White House, appeared at Epcot at Disney, and launched a cooking school for kids — really so many new and exciting opportunities. This career has been a living dream, and I am so grateful for the opportunities it has presented to me. This is always a tough question for cookbook au thors — what are your favorite recipes in The Kosher Palette? The Rosemary London Broil (great on the BBQ or stovetop, so it’s an all-year winner), Creme Brulé French Toast (the re quested breakfast in bed for each of my kid’s birthdays), Dairy Noodle Ring (my mother-in-law’s), and Bok Choy and Strawber ry Mango Salad, always stars on any buffet. I could keep going but I bet we are out of space.
|20228,SEPTEMBERTheJewishHome 109was quite an achievement. Why do you think it was so incredibly well received? I think it was received by the tens of thousands who pur chased it because just like Sandra and I were looking for this book, which answered the need for how we cooked and enter tained, so were so many others. The recipes were tested to the point of being foolproof, so reliability helped people feel con fident in the recipes. They were just a delicious collection that became the talk of every town. Once you tasted that Strawberry Mango Salad, you had to have the recipe! As the introduction to the Anniversary Edition mentions, this is more than “just a cookbook. It’s a celebration of kosher hospitality, an enduring hall mark of Jewish life.” There are anecdotes and tips about hosting, table settings, home entertaining, com plementary wines, and spectacular centerpieces and table settings. When The Kosher Palette was original ly published, taking such care with presentation was almost unheard of. How did you get so many amazing ideas to share with others? It may have been unheard of in print, but Jewish people love to set a beautiful table, and we do so every week for Shabbat and holidays. Parties in those days were often made in your own home, be it kids’ birthdays or other life milestones, so home entertaining ideas spoke to people as well. How do you explain the fact that though it was published in 2001, The Kosher Palette is still so remark ably contemporary?

◊ 3 cloves fresh garlic, chopped ◊ 4-6 pounds beef brisket ◊ 1½ cups red wine ◊ 2 tablespoons dry onion soup mix
Preheat oven to 500°F. Heat oil in a skillet over medium-high heat. Add onions and garlic; sauté for 15 minutes or until lightly browned.Spoon onions into a large roasting pan; add brisket, fat-side up. Pour wine over meat, cover, and bake for 30 minutes.Combine soup mix, tomato paste, brown sugar, and water in a small bowl; pour over meat. Arrange carrots, parsnips, apricots, and prunes around meat. Reduce oven temperature to 325°F. Bake for 2½ to 3 hours, covered, or until brisket is veryRemovetender. from oven and let stand for 20 minutes. Re move brisket from pan and slice thinly across the grain.
Slice bok choy into bite-size pieces, including the stems. Combine bok choy, scallions, sunflower kernels, and almonds in a large bowl. Toss gently with dressing. Add ramen noodles just before serving to prevent them from becoming soggy. Yield: 8 to 12 servings.
Rinse rice under cold running water. Combine rice and water in a medium pot over medium-high heat. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, and simmer, covered, for 30 to 40 minutes, or until tender. Drain and set aside. Heat oil in a large, heavy pot over medium heat un til melted. Add onions and sauté until translucent. Add garlic and mushrooms; sauté for 3 minutes. Add flour, whisking until smooth. Cook for 2 minutes, whisking constantly. Gradually add stock; cook over me dium heat for 10 minutes, whisking constantly, or until mixture is thickened and bubbly.
Bok Choy Salad
Remove seasoning packets from ramen and set noo dles aside. Combine seasoning, sugar, oil, vinegar, and soy sauce in a cruet or jar. Cover tightly and shake vigor ously. (Dressing may be prepared in advance.)
Meat or Parve While serving this soup at a dinner party, I actually lost one of my guests. He was later found in the kitchen scraping the bottom of the soup pot. So, by all means, make this delicious soup recipe just keep a running head count of all your guests.”
Brisket may be prepared 2 days ahead. Cover and refrigerate unsliced brisket, vegetables, fruit, and sauce.
The Kosher Palette

Stir in wild rice, creamer, and nutmeg. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Cook over medium heat for 5 minutes. Adjust seasonings, if desired. To serve, sprinkle with chopped parsley. Yield: 6 servings.
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◊ ½ cup wild rice, uncooked ◊ 1¼ cups cold water ◊ 4 tablespoons canola oil ◊ 2 medium onions, peeled and chopped ◊ 3 cloves fresh garlic, minced ◊ 1 pound mushrooms, sliced ◊ 1/3 cup all-purpose flour ◊ 5 cups warm chicken stock or vegetable stock ◊ 1 cup nondairy creamer or nondairy milk of choice ◊ Freshly grated nutmeg ◊ Kosher Salt ◊ Freshly ground black pepper ◊ Garnish: chopped fresh parsley
Arrange meat slices on a platter; spoon fruit and vege tables around brisket. Skim fat from pan drippings; discard fat. Spoon pan sauce over meat; sprinkle with parsley.
◊ 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil ◊ 4 onions, peeled and sliced
◊ 2 tablespoons tomato paste ◊ 2 tablespoons brown sugar ◊ ¼ cup water ◊ 2 carrots, peeled and cut into 1½-inch pieces ◊ 2 parsnips, peeled and cut into 1½-inch pieces ◊ ½ cup dried apricots ◊ ½ cup dried pitted prunes ◊ ¼ cup chopped fresh parsley
Parve ◊ 2 (3-ounce) packages ramen noodles, Oriental flavor ¾ cup sugar ◊ ¾ cup extra virgin olive oil ◊ 1/3 cup white vinegar ◊ 2 teaspoons soy sauce ◊ 3 heads bok choy ◊ 2 bunches scallions, chopped ◊ 1 (7.25-ounce) jar sunflower kernels ◊ 3 cups sliced almonds
Mushroom and Wild Rice Soup
To serve, slice meat thinly and place into a roasting pan. Remove and discard solid fat from sauce; spoon sauce, vegetables, and fruit over slices. Cover and bake at 325°F for 30 minutes or until meal is thoroughly heated. Yield: 8 servings.
A Taste of
HELP. Discover a Classic Work — And Watch Your Own Tefillos Soar! VOLUMENEW!
The guidance and principles of Shaar HaBitachon (Reliance on Hashem) of Chovos HaLev avos, written nearly a thousand years ago, continue to resonate today. As a work of one of the early Rishonim, Chovos HaLevavos quotes and alludes to the full range of Tanach and the Talmud. A reader can easily lose track of the author’s complex thought, and miss his point. In this work, Rabbi Eliyahu Meir Klugman, a Rav and maggid shiur, who has taught Shaar HaBitachon to scholars and layman, selects the guidance and principles of Shaar HaBitachon, using the author’s own words. The Concise Shaar HaBitachon addresses the countless perplexing challenges that confront every Jew in the contemporary world. For any Jew who wants to come closer to Hashem, The Concise Shaar HaBitachon is required reading.


Also includes a comprehensive topic and source index Vol. 1 contains the first four She'arim (Gateways) of the sefer, covering the following topics, among others:
Published over 250 years ago by Rav Alexander Ziskind of Horodna, Sefer Yesod VeShoresh Ha’Avodah outlines the kavanos, the intentions we should have before performing any mitzvah. It also brilliantly describes the intensity and kavanos we should have in our prayers, and the deeper meaning of specific tefillos. This volume includes a phrase-by-phrase translation, elucidation, detailed explanatory notes and a summary at the end of each chapter. Finally, we can bring the author’s passion, fervor and holiness into our own lives, and into our own mitzvos and tefillos, profoundly deepening our connection to prayer and to our Creator. Of course, we daven. Of course, we say the words. But have you ever wanted to bring authentic passion and fire to your tefillos? Have you ever wanted to truly feel connected to Hashem through your mitzvos?

SHAAR 3 Inspirational thoughts to elevate Pesukei DeZimra and guidance on how to properly pronounce the words of tefillah. SHAAR 4 Kavanos to enhance our recitation of Birchos Krias Shema and kavanos for Krias Shema itself.
The Easiest Way to Study or Review Shaar HaBitachon
How to attain awe and love of Hashem and constantly find opportunities to serve Him through the mind and heart. SHAAR 2 How to best perform mitzvos, berachos, and tefillos from the moment we awaken. The importance of davening in a shul and treating it with respect.
One Pot Pasta and Meat Sauce
By Naomi Nachman In
Ingredients ◦ 2 pound ground beef ◦ 1 medium onion, chopped finely ◦ 2 garlic cloves, minced ◦ 4-5 cups water ◦ 6 ounces tomato paste ◦ 24 oz jar crushed tomatoes (I use

It’s back to school this week, and there is so much to do. I am trying to keep my cooking (and the mess that goes with it) as simple as possible, while also giving my family some good, old-fashioned comfort food. The Wonder falls under that category – and this one is a real winner. I used to love it when I came home from school as a child, and this dish would be simmering in my mother’s kitchen. Tuscanini)
In a large skillet with tall sides, add onions and garlic, and sauté until soft.
2. Push the onions and garlic to the side and add ground beef; cook until beef is browned; use a wooden spatula to break apart while cooking. Drain off fat.
The K tchen
Naomi Nachman, the owner of The Aussie Gourmet, caters weekly and Shabbat/ Yom Tov meals for families and individuals within The Five Towns and neighboring communities, with a specialty in Pesach catering. Naomi is a contributing editor to this paper and also produces and hosts her own weekly radio show on the Nachum Segal Network stream called “A Table for Two with Naomi Nachman.” Naomi gives cooking presentations for organizations and private groups throughout the New York/New Jersey Metropolitan area. In addition, Naomi has been a guest host on the QVC TV network and has been featured in cookbooks, magazines as well as other media covering topics related to cuisine preparation and personal chefs. To obtain additional recipes, join The Aussie Gourmet on Facebook or visit Naomi’s blog. Naomi can be reached through her website, or at (516) 295-9669.

4. Add pasta and gently incorporate it so sauce covers the pasta. Cover and reduce heat to a simmer for 20 minutes or until pasta is cooked through and sauce has thickened. Stir every 3-4 minutes while simmering. Add water to the bottom if the sauce starts to dry and stick to the pan.
◦ 1 tsp oregano ◦ ½ tsp dried basil ◦ ¼ tsp black pepper ◦ 1 box favorite pasta
3. Add tomato paste, crushed tomato, water, oregano, basil, and black pepper; mix well to combine ingredients; bring to a boil.
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“WD” stands for wholesale distribu tion. We’re a design innovation strategy firm that helps primarily independent distributors remain relevant and profit able in this age of disruption. In this age of Amazon and digital transformation, how do these businesses truly compete? That’s the business that we are in. We help these organizations rethink their strategy, vision, culture, value proposi tion, and business model, and how they develop leaders in their organization. We do that through our speaking, through our workshops, through our online courses. We have the only innovation summit for distributors in the country called “Unleash Innovation Summit.” And then, more recently, we had the We Supply America tour which we’ll talk about soon.
20228,SEPTEMBER|HomeJewishThe 114 Dirk Beveridge: “Every Business is About People” Mind Y ur Business On a recent 710 WOR “Mind Your Business” broadcast, Yitzchok Saftlas spoke with guest Dirk Beveridge, founder of UnleashWD. * * * When you were a kid in school, did you ever envision running the opera tion that you now run? When was the “aha moment” that kind of catapulted you to where you are today? I had kind of a rocky road on the road to where I ended up today. I wasn’t the best student in college. I went to school at Western Illinois University, and one day, the Dean of the Business School called me up and said, “Dirk, you’re the end of the baby boomers. Our enrollment is going down. In fact, we’re losing money every day we’re open. I don’t know if we’d ever be able to survive if you decided to leave Western Illinois.” But then he looked at my grades and said, “But Dirk, starting next semester, we’re going to try and make it without you.” So, I had a little bumpy road. My father owned a small industrial laundry down in Belleville, Il linois, and he packed me in a car and sent me down there. I worked for a summer in a hot, grimy, greasy, dirty industrial laun dry with these butcher rags. Man, you’re making me sweat now just thinking about it. It was that moment that I said, “Dirk, you better get serious. You’ve got more than this.” I’ve spoken with so many great lead ers over the years, and they all seem to have such a story. John Sculley, CEO of Pepsi and Apple, he talked about driving the Pepsi truck around and what he learned through that. Can you imagine?
T his column features business insights from a recent “Mind Your Business with Yitzchok Saftlas” radio show. The weekly “Mind Your Business” show –broadcasting since 2015 – features interviews with Fortune 500 executives, business leaders and marketing gurus. Prominent guests include John Sculley, former CEO of Apple and Pepsi; Dick Schulze, founder and Chairman Emeritus of Best Buy; and Beth Comstock, former Vice Chair of GE; among over 400+ senior-level executives and business celebrities. Yitzchok Saftlas, president of Bottom Line Marketing Group, hosts the weekly “Mind Your Business” show, which airs at 10pm every Sunday night on 710 WOR and throughout America on the iHeartRadio Network.

Yeah, it’s a journey. When you talk about John Sculley driving a truck and “can you imagine,” you know what my response is? I absolutely can imagine that. Because driving a truck or working in a hot, dirty laundry, there’s dignity in those jobs. And I have, like you, the ut most respect for individuals doing those jobs. As you know, I spent all last summer (and we’re about to do it again) out on the road, crossing this country to 34 different businesses. I’ve had a chance to meet the pickers in the warehouses, the people on the receiving dock and everywhere. I have got to tell you something. For every job, there’s dignity in it and there’s respect to it. I will tip my hat to every driver and everybody in those jobs.
Let’s talk about UnleashWD. What service do you provide out in the marketplace?
The fourth phase is now we must ac tually craft that vision. What are we going to become tomorrow in terms of our cul ture, value proposition, business model, etc.? We need to put pen to paper and be able to articulate that future reality that we really believe is possible with commit ted effort.
Number one, it comes down to realiz ing how they want to lead. We truly have to think about how we want to lead. One of the things that came out of our pan demic is we’ve developed what we call this “Noble Calling of Leadership As sessment.” We’ve identified seven ethos of leadership: people, family, ownership mindset, customer centricity, expertise, and profit. You can take each of those seven ethos and put them on the scale of controlling, managing, leading, and noble calling. I think, in order to communicate, the first thing I have to do as a leader is understand “how am I leading today?” and “what’s my ambition to become a leader?” That’s number one. Number two is that it comes down to vision. It comes down to: do you, as a leader, truly having a vision for your or ganization, because most leaders I have had a chance to interact with haven’t been able to articulate where they’re taking their organization. Let’s talk for a minute about executive vision.
Let’s talk about corporate culture. How critical is it, in today’s day and age especially, to remind a team of the mission, vision, and purpose?
The second phase is, we must get our arms around the pace and the confluence of change. As leaders, we truly have to ac knowledge and feel the reality of change and its impact on how business is going to be done. I’d be willing to bet nobody truly believes that the future is going to be less digital tomorrow than it is today. We use a model called “STEEP,” and it says, let’s look at social, technological, economic, environmental, and political issues.
How does a leader go about commu nicating and executing their vision?
115 Coming out of the pandemic, with the challenges of attracting and retain ing great talent, talk about the role of leadership in 2022. Last summer, I spent 97 days in an RV on the We Supply America tour, driving over 16,599 miles to 35 different states, visiting 34 different businesses. And as I did that, I didn’t know what I was going to learn because I had never done anything like it before. But that’s what innovators do – you go, and you figure it out. And so, I’ll tell you two fundamental lessons that came out of that tour that I think relates to, the very nature of lead ership is changing more rapidly than any of us really Numberrealize.two,Ibelieve that business at its core, is not just about the product and the service that we sell. At its core, every business is about people. It’s about the human beings that we touch and interact with every single day. So, to your question about leadership, what I found is that leadership is evolving from a third stage to a fourth stage. In the past, our fathers and mothers were taught to lead through fear, through con trolling nature, legislating, and all that, and there are still some businesses that do that. In the second stage, it evolved from controlling to managing. We have processes in place, we’re getting products out the door, we’re profitable. We man aged it so that the status quo was main tained. That evolved over the years to leadership, where we truly lead through vision and strategy. And we still need to do all that. But what I learned is that this fourth stage, what I call “noble leader ship,” is all about purpose and impact. It’s about helping the individuals on your team, not just to be productive for the sake of the job and the sake of the busi ness. But I believe going forward in this post-pandemic world, as leaders, we have to rethink it. It’s about helping unleash the human spirit, so that every individual on our team fulfills their potential.
How will they potentially change the rules of how work is going to be done?” This is a lot of thinking, dialogue, and research, but in the end, a leader needs to place a bet on the future that they envision and then create scenarios around what’s go ing to be required to seize opportunities around that envisioned future.

Cheryl Conley, the chief futurist for Ford Motor Company, said, “We can never re ally know what’s going to happen.” But if you spend your time looking at the forces along that STEEP model, then you can start to get your hands around the po tential of what might happen. Phase three is, we have to start looking to the future. We need to start connect ing the dots and ask ourselves, “Which of these forces are going to make their way into our marketplace, our customers’ businesses, our suppliers’ businesses?
Would it be wrong to say that it’s ev erything? I did a presentation a couple of weeks ago and the presenter before me was a demographer. He made the state ment that HR is going to be bigger than finance going forward. Just think about that. We talked about these disruptive forces and the like, but I think there’s a new pillar that we need to be thinking about, what I call the “people forces.” Coming out of this pandemic, our em ployees have been impacted greatly. It’s been generations since people have been impacted in this way. And you think about everything from the hybrid work environment, to polarizing social and political views, to the shifting meaning of work-life balance, and we can go on, but the fact is, individuals are coming out of this pandemic different. I think that is going to impact our culture in a huge way goingAsforward.individual leaders, we need to think about our culture deeper than we ever have. Every business has a culture, the question is, has it been intentional or not? In many businesses, the culture hasn’t been intentional, it’s just evolved. And if we continue to just allow it to evolve because of this swirl that’s around us, we’re gonna have a hard time attract ing and retaining the people we need to sustain and grow our businesses profit ably going forward.
As a public speaker, what is a good tip that you could share with everyone for when they get on the stage? My philosophy is it’s my job, it’s my responsibility to craft the perfect pre sentation. It’s my job to understand up front the objectives of that meeting, the audience, their mindsets, their challeng es, their obstacles, what they’re think ing about their business. And I need to understand my specific assignment that I’m being hired for and then it’s my job to go into all the research, critical thinking tools, and the stories that we have. And then it’s my job to craft that perfect pre sentation that drives inspiration to a new way of thinking. That gives individuals that spark to say, “You know what? I can be better tomorrow than I was today.” My goal at the end of a presentation is that, as I walk off stage, one executive looks across the room to the other and mouths, “That was perfect.” That’s what we strive for every time and that’s what I think every speaker should strive for. “Last summer, I spent 97 days in an RV on the We Supply America tour, driving over 16,599 miles to 35 different states, visiting 34 different businesses.”
Executive vision is absolutely critical. Without vision, there is no change or in novation. If we cannot articulate where we are today as an organization, we’re going to be pulled back to status quo. Visioning, in my mind, is a fourphase process. The first phase is what I call leadership mindset. If you’re a public company, and you’re driven by quarterly earnings, forget about a vision, because your decision making is going to be driv en by those quarterly results. So, you’ve got to start with your mindset and ask, “Do I believe in long-term thinking?” And we also must ask ourselves, “Do we truly believe we can impact and shape our fu ture?” Because in these disruptive times, some people are going to conclude that “it’s all out of my control and I can’t really shape the future.” Well, I’m here to say that you can shape the future.
– Ibid. But if you think that Trump is Hitler, what’s a few thousand deaths to keep him from killing millions?
Come again? That means that they were willing to sacrifice lives to keep Trump from looking good.
- Brandon Dalaly of Detroit who had chips placed under his skin to automatically open his house door and Tesla
– Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis
Notable Quotes
20228,SEPTEMBER|HomeJewishThe 116
“Say What?!”
And I’m just sick of seeing him. I know he says he’s going to retire. Someone needs to grab that little elf and chuck him across the Potomac.
- Ibid. Unless Dr. Fauci, retirement or not, decides to seek asylum in some remote, obscure foreign country whose Powerball jackpot is 287 chickens and a goat, and therefore will not enforce a subpoena from the United States Congress, then Dr. Fauci, retirement or not, is going to be spending a lot of time in front of congressional committees.

- Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA)
The widely respected statistician, Nate Silver, claims that liberal public health elites pressured Pfizer to delay fast track approval of its Covid vaccine until after the 2020 election to deny Trump a win before the public got to the polls. Whatever you think about the vaccines, we are talking about people who believed that the vaccines would work, yet they still wanted them withheld from the public. Now, who’s worse than Hitler?
- Ibid. People like Fauci saying that his lockdowns didn’t cause any permanent damage to any young kids… I got news for you: it did, and we are going to reap those rewards across the whole country for years and years and years because they treated kids so poorly.
– Ibid.
– Greg Gutfeld, Fox News
Nate Silver is no Trump fan, but he points out that Trump’s action likely saved hundreds of thousands of lives and the delay would have killed tons. Those people’s names still probably would have ended up on the Dems’ voting rolls.
So after that was inserted and the swelling went down, I’m able to open up the front and back door of my house. I can walk up to people and have them tap their phone to my hand and instantly transfer my contact information in my portfolio, my Covid vaccine card.
It’s a perfect back-up. You can never forget it, it never breaks – something that won’t fail you.
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– Editorial by the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette criticizing Pres. Biden’s divisive speech last Thursday night A narrative has taken hold, driven by Democratic successes in special elections, most recently in Alaska, and by marginally rising poll numbers, that Biden and the Democrats are recovering.

-Daniel Berman, AMAC
- President Joe Biden the morning after he read a speech on a teleprompter in which he declared that Trump and his supporters were a threat to democracy, when asked by reporters about that declaration In a primetime speech Thursday, delivered in front of Philadelphia’s Independence Hall lit in ghostly red, President Joe Biden cast the most strident opponents of his administration as enemies of American democracy. In doing so, Mr. Biden pushed an already perilously divided and intolerant society closer to the brink, using rhetoric similar to the very people he was calling out.
This whole concept that a good guy with a gun will stop the bad guys with a gun — it doesn’t hold up… We don’t need guns on our streets. We don’t need people carrying guns in our subways. We don’t need people carrying guns in our schools. We don’t need people carrying in our places of worship. We don’t need them carrying them into bars or restaurants. Because that only makes people less safe.
- President Joe Biden during a primetime speech outside Independence Hall in Philadelphia last Thursday night
This alleged recovery correlates in the minds of Biden and his team with their decision to abandon efforts to win over swing voters in favor of mobilizing their own base, especially on divisive issues like abortion. As a result, the Biden White House has adopted a strategy of deliberate polarization.
118 So here are 5 coal miners pushing a battery car to the coal mine to charge up. This just shows you coal miners are good people and will go out of their way to help anyone, friend or foe.
I don’t consider any Trump supporter to be a threat to the country.
– NY Gov. Kathy Hochul announcing new tougher gun measures
- Republican state Sen. Randy Smith on Facebook writing about five West Virginia coal miners who pushed an electric vehicle that ran out of power near their coal mine We must be honest with each other and with ourselves. Too much of what’s happening in our country today is not normal. Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic.

- Texas Gov. Greg Abbott announcing that he will now be shipping migrants to Chicago I really believe this is why G-d gave us two arms — one for the flu shot and the other one for the COVID shot.
- Conservative commentator Ben Shapiro On the subject of bouncing around in future careers, let me say I am now like one of those booster rockets that has fulfilled its function, and I will now be gently re-entering the atmosphere and splashing down invisibly in some remote and obscure corner of the pacific. Like Cincinnatus, I am returning to my plough.
- President Biden’s coronavirus adviser Ashish Jha

- White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre when confronted with her comments that the 2016 election was stolen, after Pres. Joe Biden said that anyone who claims that elections are stolen is a fascist There is a reason Democrats are eager to keep Trump at the center of the conversation: half of independents say Trump is a major factor in their vote, and they’re breaking 4-1 for the Democrats. Republicans shouldn’t play that game. If they do, they’re cruising for a bruising.
– NYC Schools Chancellor David Bank announcing that on snow days, learning will be done remotely for New York City schools So, sorry kids! No more snow days, but it’s gonna be good for you! - Ibid.
119 I’m not going to go back to where we were or what happened in 2016.
– Outgoing UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson in his final farewell speech outside 10 Downing Street Genuinely cannot believe this is a car on my idyllic west village street. It is a …TANK, and I don’t want to live in a war zone.- Tweet by New York City Democrat politician Ryder Kessler showing a picture of a Suburban parked on his block in Greenwich Village Wait til the street cleaning truck comes down your block during alternate side, you’re gonna Funnyfaint. you progressives are fine with gangs , violent crime , open drug scenes , tents on sidewalks But THIS you can’t tolerate? Oh my. You poor dear. It’s a wonder you’ve managed to survive this long in this shockingly cruel world. Tweets in response To continue providing much-needed relief to our small, overrun border towns, Chicago will join fellow sanctuary cities Washington, D.C., and New York City as an additional drop-off location. Mayor Lightfoot loves to tout the responsibility of her city to welcome all regardless of legal status, and I look forward to seeing this responsibility in action as these migrants receive resources from a sanctuary city with the capacity to serve them.
With the new technology that we have – that’s one of the good things that came out of COVID – if a snow day comes around, we want to make sure that our kids continue to learn.
Beware the Emerging Alliance Between Russia and Iran B

eware the emerging Tehran-Mos cow alliance: Russia has begun using Iranian-made drones in the Ukraine war, and Iran has offered to share its financial networks to help Russia evade sanctions, according to Western intelli gence officials.
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“It shows a lot of desperation on the Russians’ part that they’re dependent on the Iranians here,” the senior administra tion official said. Right now, struggling to match the flow of weapons from the United States and its NATO allies into Ukraine, Russia can’t afford to be so picky. That serves a shortterm need. But it puts Russia in an even more isolated and dangerous place.
For Russia, struggling to maintain mo mentum in Ukraine after six months of brutal conflict, the new Iranian assistance could be a game-changer, the intelligence officials warn. “This is not just a tactical al liance,” explained one official. With China and India refusing to sell weapons to Rus sia, Iran could become an essential pipeline for weapons and money.
By David Ignatius

To bolster Russia’s depleted weapons inventory, Iran has begun delivering “hun dreds” of suicide drones, according to the intelligence officials. These drones would probably be part of the “Shahed” series, about the size of a U.S. Predator, which Iran has used successfully in Iraq and Syria. U.S.-Iran tensions have been escalating sharply, even as the two countries appear to be nearing a deal to revive the nuclear agreement. Iranian-backed proxies staged a complex drone strike Aug. 15 on a U.S. base in al-Tanf, in southern Syria. No Americans were killed or wounded. But it was a bold attack, and the U.S. Central Command announced Tuesday that the United States had retaliated with “precision airstrikes” on a base near Deir-ez-Zor used by groups associated with Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.
The U.S. apparently isn’t willing to budge on the IAEA investigation issue. “We have communicated to Iran, both in public and private, that it must answer the IAEA questions….. Our position on that is not going to change,” White House National Security Council Coordinator John Kirby saidIran’sWednesday.othertwo demands also appear to be nonstarters. Tehran had asked Wash ington to remove the IRGC from its list of terrorist groups, but the Biden administra tion flatly refused. And the Iranians want assurance that a subsequent U.S. adminis tration wouldn’t withdraw from the deal, as President Donald Trump did. Biden obvi ously can’t commit a subsequent president, and Congress wouldn’t pass such a pledge.
IAEA Director General Rafael Gros si had said the day before that his agency wouldn’t halt the probe unless Iran cooper ated. “Give us the necessary answers, peo ple and places so we can clarify the many things needed for clarification,” Grossi said.
Political Crossfire
The budding Moscow-Tehran alliance adds a new obstacle to renewing the 2015 nuclear agreement. U.S. officials remain convinced that its limits on Iranian enrich ment of uranium would bolster the security of both the United States and Israel. But Tehran has demanded concessions, outside the framework of the agreement, that the Biden administration has so far refused to make.The most important Iranian demand is that the United States press the Interna tional Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna to halt its investigation of undeclared nuclear sites. “No deal will be implemented before the IAEA Board of Governors PERMA NENTLY closes the false accusations file,” a spokesman for the Iranian negotiating team tweeted Tuesday.
(c) 2022, Washington Post Writers Group
“They know all the tricks in the book,” in terms of evading sanctions, the intelli gence official said of Iran. Iran can tap its existing infrastructure network of shell companies and other financial institutions in this sanctions-busting campaign. Irani an financial aid for Russia would be even easier if sanctions against Tehran are lifted as part of a renewal of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, the intelligence officials warned.
The Biden administration has been warning for more than a month about the danger that Iran would supply drones to Russia. National security adviser Jake Sullivan told CNN on July 15 that Iran was “preparing to provide Russia with several hundred UAVs, including weapons-capa ble UAVs” and that a Russian delegation had examined a “showcase” of drones at an Iranian airfield. Iran promptly assured Ukraine’s foreign minister that the U.S. re ports were false.
To expand Russian-Iranian economic ties – and build a framework for evading sanctions – Russia has sent executives from Gazprom and other companies to Tehran, according to an article Tuesday in Politico. Iranian economic officials have also visited Moscow. “Under what traders call a ‘swap’ arrangement, Iran could import Russian crude to its northern Caspian coast and then sell equivalent amounts of crude on Russia’s behalf in Iranian tankers leaving from the Persian Gulf,” Politico noted.
Russia’s drone deal with Iran is a sign of how serious Moscow’s weapons-supply problems have become after six months of war in Ukraine. Intelligence officials say that Moscow was initially hesitant to reach out to Tehran, whose leaders it mistrusts and whose nuclear ambitions it has consis tently opposed. Russia likes to think that it’s a superpower that doesn’t need help from a troublesome neighbor.
“We are going to protect our people and strike those responsible, including the IRGC, if they keep this up,” a senior admin istration official said last Wednesday.
The Russians have, in fact, been rush ing to put the Iranian drones over the bat tlefield. “During the last several weeks, Russian officials conducted training in Iran as part of the agreement for UAV transfers,” an NSC spokeswoman told me Wednesday. She also noted that Russia this month had launched an Iranian “Khayyam” satellite, which has “significant spying capabilities.”
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Political Crossfire
As Russia has struggled with Ukraine’s fierce resistance, it has increasingly turned to mercenaries from a private army known as the Wagner Group. Their corpses are easy to recognize on the battlefield because they wear distinctive “Grim Reaper” badg es with the slogan “Death is our business – and business is good” and “I don’t believe in anything. I’m here for the violence.” That grotesque, cynical brutality cap tured the spirit of Putin’s war. But after six months, the assault has stalled, and for Russia, the business of death doesn’t look so good. 2022, Washington Post Writers Group
Ukraine’s Counteroffensive is More Than Just Bravado

The best defense is a good offense, as military strategists have argued for cen turies. And if Ukraine’s drive toward the coast succeeds, it will restore the country’s economic viability by relieving pressure on its port city of Odessa. Moreover, it could threaten Russia’s occupation of Crimea by cutting into the land bridge that connects to the Russian-controlled Donbas region in the east. Ukrainian and U.S. officials won’t talk about details of the assault plan. As Zel ensky said in his speech, “You won’t hear specifics from any truly responsible per son.” But it’s clear from public sources that the Ukrainians are trying to push Russian forces back from the Dnieper River, toward Kherson, and pressing toward Zapor izhzhia, east of Crimea, toward the Sea of Azov. Other thrusts in different parts of the country are likely, too.
Ukraine’s other big advantage in this new phase of the war is the “partisan” campaign behind the lines against the Rus sian occupiers. U.S. military commanders warned their Russian counterparts to ex pect this brutal irregular warfare, based on the U.S. experience in Iraq and Af ghanistan. Russian officials didn’t listen, and now they’re facing attacks they don’t see coming and can’t root out, despite all their firepower. Every Ukrainian with a cellphone is an artillery spotter or intelli genceThiscollector.partisan campaign, like the HI MARS precision fire, is a product of U.S. planning and training of Ukrainian forces. Since 2014, U.S. Special Operations forces have been teaching the Ukrainians how to fight an occupying army – using special units like the ones that were so effective against al-Qaeda and Islamic State fight ers.Gen. Richard Clarke, who is retiring this week as head of U.S. Special Opera tions Command, explained in an inter view how the United States built up its Ukrainian special operations forces (SOF) counterparts in anticipation of a coming campaign against Russian invaders.
“We will oust them to our bor der,” Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky pro claimed about Russian troops in a speech last Monday, marking Ukraine’s Indepen dence Day. “It is time for the Russian mil itary to flee.” As Ukraine mounts a new counterof fensive in the southern part of the country, Zelensky’s bravado risks setting expecta tions too high. In truth, Ukraine probably won’t liberate its territory this year, or even next. Still, as Ukrainian forces push toward the Black Sea coast, Zelensky is delivering a defiant response to President Vladimir Putin’s claim that Ukraine is not a real country. Not only can Ukraine survive, it also can regain some of its occupied land.
By David Ignatius

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Ukraine’s opportunity now is that U.S.-supplied High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS) and other pre cision weapons have allowed the Ukrainian military to target Russian rear headquar ters, ammunitions dumps, bridges, and other transport nodes. The days when the Russians could sit back near the border and lob missiles at Ukrainian cities are over. “The target set is command and con trol nodes,” explains one U.S. official. “The Russians are struggling in a big way.” The Russian military is disoriented because of the pounding they’ve received, U.S. officials believe. Analysts estimate that Russia has lost thousands of offi cers, including hundreds of colonels and dozens of generals. The relentless attacks have forced Russian commanders to keep moving headquarters posts, adding to their command and logistical problems.
The relentless attacks have forced Russian commanders to keep moving headquarters posts, adding to their command and logistical problems.
To prepare to repel the Russian inva sion, each Ukrainian SOF brigade last year created and trained a “resistance compa ny” recruited from the local population in areas such as Kherson, Zaporizhzhia and the Donbas that were likely to be Russian targets. As a result, Clarke said, “if you’re a Russian soldier today, your head must be on a swivel because you don’t know where the threat is. They can’t look at any Ukrainian and know if that person is an enemy.”This guerrilla war has produced a grim body count among pro-Russian officials in the occupied areas. In the past few weeks, pro-Russian officials have been killed or injured by car bombs, roadside bombs, poison, and shotguns.
“What we did, starting in 2014, was set the conditions,” Clarke recalled. “When the Russians invaded in February, we’d been working with Ukrainian SOF for seven years. With our assistance, they built the capacity, so they grew and they grew in numbers, but more importantly, they built capability,” in both combat assaults and information operations.
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Biden’s MAGA Hypocrisy
Democrats spent more than double on ads promoting Mastriano than the MAGA Republican spent himself.
By Marc A. Thiessen
Political Crossfire

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I n his prime-time address from outside Independence Hall last week, President Biden warned that “MAGA Republicans represent an ex tremism that threatens the very founda tions of our republic.” If Biden really be lieves that, then why is the Democratic Party he leads spending tens of millions of dollars to help MAGA Republicans win GOP primaries?

The same week that Biden delivered his hyperbolic address, the Senate Ma jority PAC of Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., was buying TV ads in New Hampshire attacking main stream Republican Chuck Morse as the choice of “Mitch McConnell’s Washing ton establishment” in an effort to boost a pro-Trump candidate, retired Army Gen. Don Bolduc – because Democrats think Bolduc will be an easier gener al-election opponent for vulnerable Sen. Maggie Hassan, D-N.H. But polls show that Hassan leads Bolduc by only four points – which means he is in striking distance of winning on Election Day. Democrats are doing the same thing in races across the country. In Mary land, the Democratic Governors Asso ciation (DGA) spent nearly $2 million on ads to boost Dan Cox, the Trumpbacked candidate for governor, in an effort to block a more centrist candi date backed by outgoing Republican Gov. Larry Hogan, a Trump critic. Cox – who urged Donald Trump to seize voting machines in 2020 and tweeted that then-Vice President Mike Pence was a “traitor” – won the primary with the DGA’s help. In Illinois, the DGA and Democratic Gov. J.B. Pritzker spent a whopping $35 million on ads to boost Trump-backed Illinois state Sen. Dar ren Bailey over centrist Aurora Mayor Richard Irvin – helping Bailey win the GOP gubernatorial nomination. In Pennsylvania, Democratic state Attorney General Josh Shapiro spent $840,000 on TV ads boosting MAGA Republican state Sen. Doug Mastria no in the GOP gubernatorial primary, calling him one of “Trump’s strongest supporters” and highlighting his 2020 election denial. Democrats spent more than double on ads promoting Mastri ano than the MAGA Republican spent himself. (“I’m going to have to send him a thank-you card,” Mastriano said.) A recent Emerson College poll shows Mas triano within three points of Shapiro in the gubernatorial general election. Democrats have also tried to help election deniers defeat Republicans who voted to impeach Trump for his role in the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot. In Michigan, the Democratic Congressio nal Campaign Committee (DCCC) spent $425,000 on ads boosting Trump-en dorsed John Gibbs over Rep. Peter Meijer, R-Mich., who voted to impeach Trump last year – labeling Gibbs as “too conservative” for Michigan. In Cal ifornia’s 22nd Congressional District, a toss-up district, the House Majority PAC spent more than $110,000 on ads to elevate election denier Chris Mathys over Republican Rep. David Valad ao, who also voted to impeach Trump. “David Valadao claims he’s Republican – yet David Valadao voted to impeach President Trump,” the Democratic ad declares. If they really believe that the MAGA movement represents a threat “to the very soul of this country,” as Biden claims, why would House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and the Democratic Par ty’s official campaign arm help MAGA candidates defeat Republicans who vot ed impeach Trump for his role in Jan. 6? That’s not all. In Colorado, Dem ocrats spent more than $4 million to boost election denier Rep. Ron Hanks – who attended the Jan. 6 rally that pre ceded the U.S. Capitol riot – in an effort to stop his more mainstream opponent Joe O’Dea from winning the nomination for the U.S. Senate. Despite millions in Democratic-funded ads, O’Dea won the GOP primary by nine percentage points. Pelosi’s House Majority PAC and oth er Democratic PACs also spent nearly $300,000 to boost MAGA Republican Lori Saine in Colorado’s 8th Congres sional District in a failed effort to stop more moderate front-runner Barbara Kirkmeyer, a state senator. In all, the Colorado Sun reports, Democrats spent nearly $7 million to elevate MAGA Re publican candidates for House, Senate and governor’s races – about $4 million more than Republicans spent on their ownThisprimaries.issheer hypocrisy. In his speech, Biden ominously warned that MAGA Republicans are “working right now, as I speak, in state after state to give power to…election deniers to un dermine democracy itself.” Yet he failed to mention that, in state after state, Democrats are working to boost them as well. How can Biden tell us with a straight face that MAGA Republicans pose a “threat to our personal rights, to the pursuit of justice, to the rule of law, to the very soul of this country” while his party spends tens of millions to help them win primaries – and thus, poten tially, elected office? Biden’s strategy of labeling the GOP as “extremists” is a cynical ploy to dis tract Americans from his serial failures in office. The lesson is clear: Biden and the Democrats don’t care about protect ing democracy; they only care about pro tecting their hold on political power.
(c) 2022, Washington Post Writers Group
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There are five federal service acade mies in the United States that offer un dergraduate degrees while training ser vicemen and women to be commissioned officers. The oldest is West Point, which is the home to the United States Mili tary Academy. During the Revolution ary War, it was a garrison for the Conti nental Army, and in 1779, it became the headquarters for General Washington’s command. Benedict Arnold soon took over command of the fort, and it became known as Fort Arnold. After Arnold com mitted treason and switched sides, the garrison was then called Fort Clinton.
By Avi Heiligman M ilitary academies are a rela tively recent concept. From ancient times through the Middle Ages, a soldier or officer went through military training designed to make them effective on the battlefield. Many nobles became commanders of armies, but there was no formal officer training. It wasn’t until the Italian Mili tary Academy in Turin was established in 1678 that an educational institution was set up to prepare future officers for life in the military and beyond. Here is the history behind some of these academies that produced some of the most famous people in America.
The United States Naval Academy was established in 1845 in Annapolis, Maryland. Secretary of the Navy George Bancroft founded the academy on the site of a former army post. There, seven professors taught the first class of fif ty students a curriculum that included math, navigation, gunnery, chemistry, philosophy, English and French. The students are currently known as mid shipmen and can number 4,000 at any given time. In 1933, the Naval Academy began awarding Bachelor of Science de grees and today offers 18 major fields of study. The Naval Academy services both the U.S. Navy and the U.S. Marine Corps. The Jewish chapel is named after Com modore Uriah Levy who became famous for abolishing the flogging of sailors. Notable alumni include President Jimmy Carter. Graduating with the class of 1946, Carter went on to serve on submarines and worked under Jewish Captain Hyman Rickover on the nuclear submarine program. Rickover, known as the “Father of the Nuclear Navy,” was an Annapolis midshipman. He graduated in 1922 and is known as one the most important naval figures during the 20th century.
Notable alumni include General Stonewall Jackson, who served in the Mexican American War before switching allegiance to the Confederates during the American Civil War. Ulysses Grant grad uated in 1843 and became the command er of the Union Army. He led the army to final victory and in 1868 was elected as president. Future President Dwight D. Eisenhower graduated in 1915 and be came supreme Allied commander of the Allied armies in western Europe during World War II. Astronauts Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins were both West Point graduates and were on the Apollo 11 mission that landed on the moon.
Before Colonel Sylvanus Thayer, who is known as the father of the military acad emy, actually became the superintendent in 1817 there were two other heads of the academy. One of them was Joseph Gardner Swift who, along with Simon Magruder Levy, was the entire the first graduating class of West Point in 1802.
Over 50 astronauts attended the Na val Academy, including Apollo 13 com mander Jim Lovell. Lovell graduated in 1952 and became a test pilot before joining NASA and piloting the ill-fated Apollo mission that incredibly safely brought back the crew to Earth. Alan Shepard graduated in 1944 and served during World War II in a destroyer be fore becoming an astronaut. He flew as one the Mercury Seven, becoming the first American to fly into space and later commanded Apollo 14 on their success ful moon landing in 1971. Several athletes also graduated from Annapolis, including basketball hall of famer David Robinson. Hall of Fame quarterback Roger Staubach attended the Navy and in 1964 was drafted by the Dallas Cowboys a year before he gradu ated. After graduating, he chose to serve in Vietnam over a stateside assignment.
Cadets celebrating graduation at the United States Air Force Academy

20228,SEPTEMBER|HomeJewishThe 126 Forgotten Her es Military Academies
Several of the Founding Fathers, in cluding George Washington, John Ad ams, and Alexander Hamilton, pushed for the creation of a military institution that would teach the art of warfare. In 1802, President Thomas Jefferson signed legislation establishing the U.S. Military Academy in West Point. There were twelve cadets in 1802 and, with no time period as to when they would finish their studies, graduation came at different times. Over the years, an es tablished curriculum was put in place, and the academy became an accredited four-year institution with graduations in the spring. The first superintendent was Jon athan Williams, a colonel who, while serving at West Point, also became the commander of the Corps of Engineers.
Over 50 astronauts attended the Naval Academy, including Apollo 13 commander Jim Lovell.
Levy and Swift graduated in about 19 months with Swift officially being the first cadet to graduate. Swift later wrote about Levy that he was a “member of a responsible Jew family of Baltimore and formerly a sergeant in Capt. [Benjamin] Lockwood’s Company of Infantry and thence promoted to cadet for his merit and mathematics attainments.”
He was there for a year as a Supply Corps officer before returning to the U.S. and served out his four year commitment to the Navy. In 1969, he joined the Cowboys as a 27-year-old rookie and arrived just in time for training camp. Staubach won two Super Bowls with the Cowboys and was named the MVP of Super Bowl VI. The United States Air Force Academy senhower, it modeled its curriculum off of West Point and Annapolis under Su perintendent General Hubert Harmon. At first, it was located in Denver before the campus at Colorado Springs was selected and ready for classes. The first class graduated in 1959. In 1964, Presi dent Lyndon Johnson expanded the size of the academy and almost doubled in General Susan Helms. She was from the first class of women to graduate at the academy, flew on five space shuttle mis sions, and holds the record for the lon gest spacewalk at almost 9 hours. The two other service academies are the Coast Guard Academy in New Lon don, Connecticut, and the Merchant Ma rine Academy in Kings Point, New York. graduates have earned medals for brav ery on the battlefield and others have contributed in important ways for the good of their country. Avi Heiligman is a weekly contribu tor to The Jewish Home. He welcomes West Pointthe United States Naval
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MDS REGIONAL NURSE: 5 Towns area Nursing Home management office seeking a Regional/Corporate level MDS Nurse to work in our office. Must be an RN. Regional experience preferred. 2-3 years MDS experience with good computer skills required.
Position is Full Time but Part Time can be considered. Great Shomer Shabbos environment with some remote options as well. Email: weeks)forSubstituteLOOKINGofficejob2019@gmail.comFORFULLTIMEPRE-SchoolAssistant!8:45-3:15GreatAtmosphereInfo@BY5T.orgCAHALISSEEKINGALimudaiKodeshteacherthreemiddleschoolgirlsinaFarRockawayBaisYaakov,tocoverformaternityleave(approximatelysixstartinginSeptember.Call516-295-3666forinformation

A YESHIVA IN QUEENS is looking for an experienced part/ full time secretary, 2-year-old morah, kindergarten morah, kindergarten morah assistant and Pre-1A English teacher for the 2022-2023 school year. Nice and timely pay. Please email resumecall/textto or718-971-9799.
20228,SEPTEMBER|HomeJewishThe 132
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CAHAL IS SEEKING AN ASSISTANT Teacher, P/T or F/T for a Kindergarten boys class in West Hempstead and an Assistant Teacher P/T afternoons for a 4th-5th grade girls Limudai Kodesh class in the Five Towns. Send resume to, call 516-295-3666
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Allan J Rolnick is a CPA who has been in practice for over 30 years in Queens, NY. He welcomes your comments and can be reached at 718-896-8715 or at
Japan’s National Tax Agency launched a campaign dubbed “Sake Viva!” to encourage young people to . . . drink more. The contest invites teams of up to three people, ages 20-39, to submit a busi ness plan to revive the drinking culture. These could include marketing campaigns targeting young people or even tapping artificial intelligence and the metaverse. (Does virtual drinking lead to virtual hangovers?) Not surprisingly, there’s been a backlash on social media, and none of the country’s alcohol producers have jumped in to support the campaign. There’s actually a hidden lesson here. (There always is.) Alcohol taxes are easy to avoid – just don’t drink. (Or mooch off your friends.) But lots of bigger tax bills – like taxes on capital gains from selling appreci ated assets – can also be easy to avoid. So call us before you make any big financial moves, and we’ll give you a reason to lift a glass for a (moderate) toast!
By Allan Rolnick, CPA Governments have love-hate rela tionships with the activities they hit with so-called “sin taxes.” These include drinking, smoking, and the stuff that’s just been legalized in some states –weed. On the one hand, none of it is re ally good for you. On the other, cigarettes and alcohol are genuinely addictive, and we all have that one Falstaffian friend who truly believes that Moon Pies, Ring Dings, and Ho Hos are an official food group. Take alcohol, for example. Americans spend about $250 billion per year on the stuff, and it generates 4 million jobs. It also kills 93,000 of us every year. The CDC estimated (back in 2010!) that it cost the economy $249 billion annually in lost workplace productivity, healthcare spending, vehicle collision costs, and law enforcement. If you showed up on Shark Tank with a new product for relaxing after work, gave it a clever name like “booz” or “hüch,” and asked for a million dollars to get it FDA-approved, the sharks would laugh in your face. What do we do about it? Prohibition doesn’t work, so we tax it. The federal tax on hard liquor is $13.50 per proof gal lon. Wines typically pay $1.07 per gallon. (Sparkling wine pays $3.40/gallon – it turns out that if you’ve got something to celebrate, so does Uncle Sam.) Beer taxes range from $18 per barrel for the mac ro-swill that comes from vats the size of Rhode Island down to 3.40$ per barrel for the smaller brewpubs popping up in the gentrifying urban neighborhoods where hipsters hang out. Those taxes raise about 10 $ billion/year. State and local governments raise another 8$ billion in alcohol taxes, with billions more in regular salesAttaxes.thesame time, governments try to discourage the sort of binging that leads to blackouts and regrettable mug shots. The Department of Health & Human Services finances campaigns reminding parents that their kids overhear them, and your state Department of Transportation uses roadside signs to discourage drinking and driving on holiday weekends. At least, that’s how we roll. But Japan is taking a different approach. As the country’s population ages, her citizens are drinking less. Gone are the glory days when The Economist wrote that drunken salarymen tottering home after a night’s karaoke were as much a feature of the country as sushi and bullet trains. COVID work-from-home policies accelerated the trend as young people discovered they could trade “hangovers” for something called “mornings.” Overall consumption has dropped by %25. That, in turn, means that alcohol taxes have dropped from %5 of the government’s total revenue to just %1.7. That’s a big drop. But surely the govern ment wouldn’t encourage people to drink more just to scare up a few yen in taxes. WouldRecently,they?
20228,SEPTEMBER|HomeJewishThe 134 Your Money Cheers
But surely the government wouldn’t encourage people to drink more just to scare up a few yen in taxes. Would they?

The tide just came in really close un expectedly and washed away the giant sandcastle your kid spent all day build ing.The sand in your bathing suit has accumulated and is starting to feel so cumbersome that you feel like you’re set to start a sandbox at home.
alk about a microcosm of life. So, the weather is perfect for a delightful day at the beach…. You know what I mean – it’s deli ciously hot enough to get wet in the ocean and to feel completely comfort able in those wet things all day and yet not so unbearable that you will fry. A day where the wind is too nonexis tent at home, yet at the beach there is a breeze that provides the gentle cooling of an overhead fan and still is not whir ring around in gusts that blow the sand in your face or your stuff around.
By Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., LMFT, CLC, SDS

Rivki Rosenwald is a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist working with both couples and individuals and is a certified relation ship counselor. Rivki is a co-founder and creator of an effective Parent Management of Adolescent Years Program. She can be contacted at 917-705-2004 or at rivkiros
It’s How You Slice It
The sand is hot-ish, but you’re pre pared with your trusty flip flops as a solidThedefense.waves are just the right height to enjoy riding and jumping, and the undercurrent is not strong. There is even a food concession nearby that actually even sells some kosherAndfood.the“piece de resistance” – there are “clean” bathrooms nearby, too. So, this is all amazing! But those little rocks and shells are prickling at your feet as you walk into the ocean. And those supposedly dead jellyfish are starting to wash up on the shore. Don’t’ they look ominous to you?! The umbrellas are solidly in the sand, but the sun is moving, and you can’t move them at all.
And that, my friend, is the way to deal with life’s microcosm and thus make your macrocosm marvelous!
There’s the wonderful – and the wondering – of what just happened. Whether it’s the beach, the job, the marriage, or the friendship, etc., there will be the great and the grating. Yippee and yich! Well, how do you want to play this thing?Do you never want to venture out because life is unpredictable? That’s the reality. G-d made an in teresting world. We can’t say we’re not interested because it ain’t perfect. Anyway, sometimes, predictable is boring.Also – more importantly – maybe we can find a different enjoyment from things. For instance, we can learn to appreciate the skills of refocusing that we can demonstrate when the charmed goes to challenging. That, too, can be a way to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat.Whether it’s the beach or any other place we find ourselves, we can certainly embrace and enjoy the fabulous and on top of that find a way to flip the unfor tunate or the fatal.
And the lotion you applied that said 100 SPF is starting to feel like it was just a 5!Such is a microcosm of life….
There’s the wonderful – and the wondering – of what just happened.
|20228,SEPTEMBERTheJewishHome 135 Life C ach
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