YourFiveFavoriteTowns Family NewspaperDistributed weekly in the Five Towns, Long Island, Queens & BrooklynSeptember 22, 2022 See page 7 Always Fresh. Always Gourmet. Around Communitythe JEP/REN Networking Event a Resounding Success 86 Preparing for a Sweet New Year 84 Teaching Our Children Resilience 72 PAGE 9

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And then work consumes much of my day. And my nights, too. So when will I have the time to stop and think and contemplate the gift given to me last year for a fresh start? When will I have the opportunity to sit down and map out my hopes, dreams, aspira tions and goals for this upcoming year? Will I just be swept up in the frothy waves of the new year rolling in or will I recalibrate, take stock, and come in with a clear picture of what I wish my year to be?
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Yosef Feinerman, MANAGING EDITOR
MostlySunny MostlySunny MostlySunny


Aliza Nugiel
Rachel Bergida
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The responsibility is overwhelming; the possibil ities are astounding.
So, perhaps, this year, I will give myself the gift of a few moments – no cooking, no cleaning, no shop ping, no interruptions – to recalibrate and be certain that I am heading in the right direction. But I will also look back at all the loads of laundry that I fold ed and remember that right now, I am doing what is expected of me.
t was at the end of a random conversation and
Yitzy Halpern, PUBLISHER
Fax | 516-734-0857
Gabe Solomon
That simple sentence stopped me in my tracks. Rosh Hashana! It’s finally here!
As the editor of a newspaper, I have Rosh Hasha na on my mind in the summer since we have to start thinking about things in advance. And although I was preparing divrei Torah, recipes, and articles for publication – all about Rosh Hashana – I really didn’t register that the Yomim Noraim were edging closer. And it hit me at that moment. A new year, a new beginning, an opportunity to beg for all the good that can be bestowed upon us.
Lani White
Shoshana Soroka, EDITOR
P.O. BOX 266
Copy Editor
Dear Readers,
Editorial Assistant
I was saying goodbye when the person I was speaking with wished me a good year. “You should have a nice Rosh Hashana,” she said.
Nechama Wein
Shabbos Zemanim Friday, September 23 Parshas Nitzavim Candle Lighting: 6:32 pm Shabbos Ends: 7:30 pm Rabbeinu Tam: 8:01 pm Weekly Weather | September 23 – September 29 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 65°52° 5872°° 75°65° 5973°° 5671°° 69°54° 5667°° Sunny / Wind ShowersCloudyPartly CloudyPartly

There were at least 20 questions, each one more thought-provoking than the next, ending with the last question of: What do I want written on my tombstone? It was nearing midnight as I perused the questions, and I hurriedly read through them with nary a thought in my mind of attempting to answer them. Another time, I told myself. When I have more time. But when I woke up this morning, of course, there were lunches to prepare and break fasts to be made and mitzvah notes to be written.
But then I realized that Rosh Hashana is not just one (or two) days a year. When we come to Rosh Ha shana, we are bringing with us a whole year packed inside neat little boxes for us to open and show Hash em how we’ve progressed from last year. As a work ing mother, my avodah is not about achieving lofty, kabbalistic goals. My job is about preparing lunches and breakfasts and doing loads of laundry. In do ing so, I am building a family as an integral part of the Jewish nation. I am molding children who love and connect with their Creator and with their fellow Jews. I am shaping them into people who will con tinue the mesorah of our Nation. Every dish that I wash and every carpool that I drive and every dinner that I cook is G-d’s work. It is me doing the job that was assigned to me.
Last night, when researching something, I came across a website that listed questions one should ask themselves before Rosh Hashana. Here were some of the questions posed: When do I most feel that my life is meaningful? What would bring me more happiness than anything else in the world? What are my three most significant achievements/biggest mistakes in the past year? What are my three major goals in life? What practical steps can I take in the next few months toward these goals?
May this year be filled with only good things for you and your families, and may Hashem answer mi sha’alos libchem l’tova Kesiva v’chasima tova, Shoshana

The Jewish Home is an independent weekly magazine. Opinions expressed by writers are not necessarily the opinions of the publisher or editor. The Jewish Home is not responsible for typographical errors, or for the kashrus of any product or business advertised within. The Jewish Home contains words of Torah. Please treat accordingly.
Nate Davis
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Dear Editor,
Dear Editor,
Dear Editor,
I recently went to Poland to put a monument on my grandmother’s grave. She died July 26, 1939, and the Germans came into Poland in September 1939. After the Germans came into Lodz, a monument was never put on her grave. She was buried next to her mother, my great-grandmother.Myfather,whowas the only survivor of his entire family, never went back to Poland. I, being the second generation, felt I had a mission to put a monument on my grandmother’s grave.
Do you feel comfortable eating in a restaurant by yourself? 51% 49% Yes No LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 8 COMMUNITY Readers’ Poll 8 Community Happenings 48 NEWS Global 12 National 30 That’s Odd 45 ISRAEL Israel News 24 Seeing Clearly in the Holy Land by Rafi Sackville 124 A Year of Emunah: Farmers’ Wives Reflect on the Past Shemitta Year 126
The second gentleman was John Crust. He picked me up from the train station and helped me with the monu ment.John introduced me to Tadeusz Ol ubek, a Christian volunteer at the cem etery. Even though I knew the area that my grandmother was buried, I would’ve never found it without Tadeusz’s help. He not only found the grave but also cleaned up the area. I was able to find my great-grandmother’s monument, and he was able to place the two monuments to gether.Going to Poland I had very mixed feelings. I was apprehensive and I didn’t know what to expect. Both my par ents who are Holocaust survivors went through a great deal of trauma, and as a family we lived through this trauma together. I can now go visit my father’s grave and tell him what I’ve done. That
JWOW! 144 Talk 142 Your Business by Yitzchak Saftlas 148
The U.N. is Getting Ukraine Surprisingly Right by David Ignatius 164
CLASSIFIEDS 167 106118
The Wonderful Buzz of the Honey by Rav Yaakov Feitman 106

School of Thought by Etti Siegel 136
Centerfold 96
Notable Quotes 154
The Piercing Cry of the Neshama by Rabbi Daniel Glatstein 108
Will Deterrence Have a Role in the Cyberspace by David Ignatius 162
his mother and grandmother are now to gether and will rest in peace for eternity.
The Chaos Theory: Code Word for G-d By Rabbi David Sutton 120

Dating Dialogue, Moderated by Jennifer Mann, LCSW 130
The Three Stages of Teshuva by Rabbi Shmuel Reichman 102
The Aussie Gourmet: Tsimmes Soup 146
I heard a magical idea from Rabbi Stav of Yeshivat Kerem B’Yavneh, who was recently in the United States, that glorifies the Rosh Hashana experience.
Biblically, Rosh Hashana is Yom HaZ ikaron and Yom Teruah. As Yom HaZich aron, we ask G-d to remember that we were His dreams and aspirations when He created the world. We ask Him to remember that. But because the world is created anew every year, there is a necessity for a Yom Teruah, symbolic of broken-up actions that we must perform to bring G-d close to us. This is a day for G-d to remember us and for us to draw Him close.
To Meet You Face to Face by R’ Yaakov Klein 114
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Several people helped me on my jour ney. One was David from Steindel Mon uments. Together, we designed a stone that would fit into my suitcase. The stone weighed around 50 pounds.
Nora (Nissy) Schnitzer
Famous and Fighting by Avi Heiligman 166
The Show Must Go On by Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., CLC, SDS 175
Biden’s Foolish Inflation Celebration by Marc A. Thiessen 160
Thank you for your interesting and informative publication.
Biden’s MAGA Attacks are Directed at Mainstream Republicans by Marc A. Thiessen 158
Delving into the Daf by Rabbi Avrohom Sebrow 122
Parenting Pearls by Sara Rayvych 138
Connecting the Great Shofar by Rav Moshe Weinberger 100
Better Business by Chaim Homnick 152 Your Money by Allan Rolnick 174
I read with interest “A Whole New World” in last week’s issue, from Rabbi MosheNearWeinberger.theend, on p.82, an alleged story involving Rav Gedalia Schorr zt”l of Torah Vodaath is told, about his last moments, before passing away at a she va brachos after speaking. The problem is that much, if not all, of what is stated is incorrect. For example, it says that he went in a wheelchair – false. It states that he said that the gift Hashem gives to the chassan and kallah is forgiveness, “the husband’s ability to forgive his wife and a wife’s ability to forgive her husband.”
Bringing the Truest You to the Yamim Noraim By Rabbi Benny Berlin 118
Yehuda Levine
Rabbi Wein on the Parsha
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Dear Editor,
The question in your dating column this week should not have been in the dating column; it should have been in your parenting column.

ASincerely,longtime reader
Chani Sussman
My kids know how I love to relax reading your paper with my cup of coffee on Shabbos. This Shabbos, I was quite disappointed and somewhat dumbfound ed ,to be honest. I think that what stories are highlighted on the front page should reflect the essence of the paper and the community that it represents. I under stand that the Queen’s demise was sig nificant to the world, but in my humble opinion, it should not have taken prece dence over other important stories. One such story was that of the untimely de mise of Yanky Meyer, a”h, the founder of Misaskim. Many of us, baruch Hashem, have not needed the help of this worthy
The only thing that parents can do is just close the purse. You can buy pres ents occasionally or even chip in for gifts when there’s a major event (baby, bar mitzvah, graduation) but do not feel the need or pressure to float their lifestyle. This is why they’re adults now and have their own families.
organization, but I have heard firsthand from close friends how important of a role they played in their lives at a time of such pain. My own son-in-law is a Mis askim volunteer and has told me of the chesed that is done daily and hourly, all because of this giant of a man.

The Jewish Observer, after Rav Schorr’s passing related this in a remem brance by Rabbi Nosson Scherman of Artscroll/Mesorah Publications. It can be seen here (p.9) - The Jewish Observer Vol. 14 No. 3 October 1979/Tishrei 5739Agudath Israel of America (
Dear Editor,
I just feel that we all need to give our children the right chinuch and lead by example. If they see the Queen on the front page but need to turn to page 76 to read about a giant of a man, then maybe there is something wrong with the mes sage we are conveying.
They need to learn to stand on their own two feet.
While Rav Schorr spoke of forgiveness, according to authoritative accounts, he spoke of Hashem’s forgiveness of the chassan and kallah, mechilas avonos, which is different from them forgiving each other.
As we are approaching Rosh Hasha na, I hope that we can all be more aware of what is important in our lives and what makes Hashem happy.
May we all have a kesiva v’chasima tova and a gut gebenched yor.
Sheri Zimmermann
These children were obviously brought up looking at what others have, wanting what others have, and getting what others have… it’s a bit too late to change them.
Cover painting, “The Sounding of the Shofar,” by Alex Levin
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Someone from his family also pointed me to the sefer Migdal Ohr, by his son, R. Yitzchok Meir z”l, p. 179, for the same info.Hopefully in the future, people will be more careful to include only accurate, verifiedWishinginformation.youagood year.
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The Week In News
In Puerto Rico, more than 1.18 mil lion of the island’s roughly 1.47 million utility customers still were without power as of early Tuesday. It will be days before power is restored.
Many of those without power also have no water, as rain and flooding impacting filtration systems left only about 35% of customers with water ser vice as of Monday.
By Tuesday it had strengthened into a major hurricane, a Category 3 with sustained winds of more than 111 mph. Its heavy rains were threatening “life-threatening flooding” through afternoon in the Turks and Caicos.
Typhoon Slams Japan
Typhoon Nanmadol made landfall on Sunday evening onto Japan’s southern most island of Kyushu, cutting off power to hundreds of thousands and leading to the deaths of at least two people. One person died when his car filled with wa ter; another perished in a mudslide.
Nanmadol registered as one of the strongest typhoons Japan has ever seen, according to the World Meteorological
Hurricane Maria, when it made land fall five years ago. Still, some are say ing that Fiona could be even worse.
People in these countries still re member the catastrophe wrought by
Fiona is the first major hurricane – Category 3 or higher – of this year’s Atlantic hurricane season.
Hurricane Havoc
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Some were also without electrici ty as 10 electric circuits went offline, emergency management officials said.
Association.Morethan 300,000 households across southwestern Japan have been left without power, prompting local authorities to issue a “special warning” urging residents to seek shelter from the powerful storm.
By Monday evening, parts of Kyushu, Shikoku island and the region of Chu goku experienced rainfall of more than 200 millimeters in 24 hours, with sever al places breaking records for the most rainfall on a September day. Shikoku’s Yanase saw more than 400 mm of rain.

Hurricane Fiona has been wreak ing havoc throughout the Caribbean, leaving 1 million people without run ning water in the Dominican Republic, slashing power lines in Puerto Rico and leaving millions without electric ity, and then slamming into Turks and Caicos on Tuesday.
At least four people have died from the severe weather, including one in the French territory of Guadeloupe, into which Fiona slammed late last week; two in Puerto Rico; and one in the Dominican Republic, according to officials.InPuerto Rico, a 58-year-old man was swept away by a swollen river be hind his home in Comerío and another man in his 30s died in a fire accident that occurred while he was trying to put gasoline in his generator while it was turned on, officials said.

Running water is a major concern for those in the Dominican Republic. As of Monday, at least 1,018,564 customers there had no access to running water as 59 aqueducts were out of service and several others were only partial ly functioning, according to Jose Luis German Mejia, a national emergency management official.
Officials were warning residents of a “large-scale disaster” due to extensive flooding and landslides, urging them to seek shelter in sturdy buildings or move to higher
Nanmadolground.isthe 14th typhoon Japan has experienced this year and comes after the country grappled with record setting heatwaves in June that caused massive power outages to millions of residents in the capital Tokyo and high numbers of heatstroke among the vulnerable elderly.
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Police in Iran have shot and killed at least five people during protests that have been rocking the country. At least 75 oth ers were injured. The protests stem from the death of Mahsa Amini, who was be ing held in police custody and then died.

Earthquake Shakes Mexico
Edited security camera footage re leased by Iran’s state media appeared to show Amini collapsing at a “re-edu cation” center where she was taken to receive “guidance” on her attire.
cent months and have been subjecting women perceived to be wearing “loose hijab” to verbal and physical harass ment and arrest. “Meanwhile in the Middle East”

The UN’s Acting High Commission er for Human Rights Nada Al-Nashif issued a statement on Tuesday ex pressing alarm at “the violent response by [Iranian] security forces” to the demonstrations.Thegovernor of Tehran, Mohsen Mansouri, has accused the protesters of attacking police and destroying pub lic property, claiming in a Twitter post late Monday that the protesters were “fully organized and trained to create disturbances in Tehran.”
“(OHCHR)Newsletter.hasreceived numerous, and verified, videos of violent treatment of women, including slapping women across the face, beating them with batons and throwing them into police vans,” it said.Amini’s death have sparked an out rage of protest across the country. The UN said thousands of people have taken to the streets in cities including Tehran, Isfahan, Karaj, Mashhad, Rasht, Saqqes and Sanandaj to demand justice and ac countability.
On Monday, a powerful 7.7-magni tude earthquake rocked the southwest ern coast of Mexico, killing at least one person. Tremors were reported as far away as Mexico City.
The epicenter was located in Micho acan state, which is home to very few people.
Amini, 22, had been arrested by Iran’s morality police last Tuesday.
Just five years ago, in 2017, an earth quake had hit Mexico City, killing 216 people.
14 Nanmadol is expected to travel to central Japan toward Tokyo over the coming days and will maintain much of its strength as it moves, experts warned.Ferries and bullet train services, as well as hundreds of flights, have been canceled across the country due to the dangerous weather.
In Mexico City, firefighters closed some buildings to the public due to con cerns of collapse.
Protests in Iran
One person lost his life in a shopping center in Manzanillo in the western state of Colima after a fence fell, President López Obrador said on social media, cit ing José Rafael Ojeda Durán, Secretary of theAfterNavy.the quake, there were warnings of a tsunami, although that threat seems to have passed peacefully.

Officials say she died on Friday after suffering a “heart attack” and then fall ing into a coma. Her family says she did not suffer from a heart condition.
Still, waves reaching up to 3 meters (9.8 feet) were earlier predicted to hit Mexico and occur along the Pacific coasts of Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Sal vador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama and Peru.
Iran’s morality police are part of the country’s law enforcement and are tasked with enforcing the strict so cial rules of the Islamic Republic, in cluding its dress code that mandates women wear a headscarf, or hijab, in public.According to the UN Human Rights Office (OHCHR), the morality police have expanded street patrols in re
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Marburg outbreaks since 1967, mostly in southern and eastern Africa. Fatality rates have varied from 24% to 88% in past outbreaks depending on the virus strain and case management, according to the World Health Organization. The host of the virus is the African fruit bat. Those infected develop fever, chills, mus cle aches, and a rash.
asymptomatic, and the person recovered.

Three cases have been confirmed in to tal, of which two were fatal. The third was
Tragedy Quarantineon Bus
Ghana: No More Marburg Virus

China has maintained a strict “zero Covid” policy, putting multiple regions in and out of lockdowns over the last two years. The measures have resulted in extreme situations, such as, in one instance, requiring 20,000 Shanghai bankers to sleep at the office for a number of days amid a breakout.
Organic Matter on Mars
“The Ghana Health Service (GHS) has officially declared Ghana free from the Marburg virus disease out break that was confirmed nearly two months ago,” the presidency tweeted on Monday.Ghana’s government confirmed its first outbreak of the disease on July 17.
In June, President Xi Jinping held firm to his commitment to the policy de spite considerable economic strain.
Twenty-seven people died and anoth er 20 were injured on Sunday when a bus carrying people being quarantined for Covid overturned on a mountain road in southern China. The bus was an official government bus used for transporting people to isolation centers.

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Marburg outbreak was the second in West Africa. The first ever case
This week, Ghana declared the end of an outbreak of Marburg virus, a highly infectious disease similar to Ebola, that was confirmed in July, the president’s of fice
The Perseverance rover, which landed on Mars 18 months ago, has been finding samples of organic matter near the Jeze ro Crater, which may have held a lake and a delta many, many years ago on the Red Planet. These samples may help scien tists determine if humans ever lived on the “ that we have been inves tigating on the delta have the highest concentration of organic matter that we
of the virus was detected last year in Guinea, with no further cases identified.
There have been a dozen major
In contrast, on Sunday, President Joe Biden declare the pandemic “over.”
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A series of missions called Mars Sam ple Return will eventually take the col lection back to Earth in the 2030s.

“This juxtaposition provides us with a rich understanding of the geologic his tory after the crater formed and a diverse sample suite. For example, we found a sandstone that carries grains and rock fragments created far from Jezero Cra ter.”Organic molecules are of interest on Mars because they represent the building blocks of life, such as carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, as well as nitrogen, phos phorous and Perseverance, well as the Curiosity rover, had previously found organic mat ter on Mars. This time, though, it is in a different area on the planet.
The rover investigated the crater floor and found evidence of igneous, or volcanic, rock. During its second cam paign to study the delta over the past five months, Perseverance has found rich sedimentary rock layers that add more to the story of Mars’ ancient cli mate and environment.
parts of the south.
“The delta, with its diverse sedimen tary rocks, contrasts beautifully with the igneous rocks – formed from crystalliza tion of magma – discovered on the crater floor,” Farley said.
The site of the delta makes Jezero Crater, which spans 28 miles (45 kilo meters), of particularly high interest to NASA scientists. The fan-shaped geolog ical feature, once present where a river converged with a lake, preserves layers of Martian history in sedimentary rock, which formed when particles fused to gether in this formerly water-filled envi ronment.
What’s Next in Ukraine?
Since February, Ukrainians have been battling Russian forces for their lives. This week, Ukraine made a suc cessful offensive through most of oc cupied Kharkiv, capturing more ter ritory in one month than Russia has nabbed in five months. The move has galvanized Ukraine’s Western backers as much as it has led to recriminations in Moscow. But what is Putin going to do?As winter is fast approaching, it is imperative for Russia to prioritize its forces. Will it double down on the Donetsk and Luhansk regions? The Russians currently hold about 20% of Ukrainian land, including Crimea and


18 have yet found on the mission,” said Ken Farley, Perseverance project scientist at the California Institute of Technology
mission includes looking for signs of ancient microbial life. Perse verance is collecting rock samples that could have preserved these telltale bio signatures. Currently, the rover contains 12 rock samples.
Russian forces are feeling squeezed in Kherson, as Ukrainian forces cut off resupply across the River Dnipro and target command posts.
Both sides are seeing issues with personnel. Many of Russia’s fight ers are volunteers, and battalions have faced heavy losses. Ukraine has also lost thousands of soldiers, including many from its best units in Donbas.Ultimately, Ukraine’s battlefield success will depend on a continuing and expanded supply of Western hard ware. Meetings in the next few weeks will determine what’s in that pipeline, but inventories in several countries are dwindling.Western nations – including the United States – are concerned that Ukraine will fight back too hard, in some cases, against Russia, using lon ger-range rockets than necessary to hit far into Russia. As such, the U.S. has so far resisted Ukrainian requests for long-range Army Tactical Missile Sys
Taking Donetsk is a taller order now for the Russians. Seven months of war have shown the shortcomings in Rus sian logistics, which will get no easier in wetter, colder weather.
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Raisi HolocaustDoubts
tems (ATACMS) that have a range of up to 300Additionally,kilometers.some Western offi cials fear humiliation for the Kremlin might provoke an unpredictable reac tion, even including tactical nuclear weapons.
“I was told how to dress, not to sit be fore he did, and not to interrupt him,” she said.Additionally, at the end of the hourlong interview, the U.S. network’s team was surprised when “a member of Rai si’s staff reached up and blocked one of our cameramen from shooting our good byes.” CBS added that “another one of our cameramen’s phone was confiscated and held by President Raisi’s security team for two and a half hours.”
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Stahl was prepped on how to con duct herself. She had to wear a headscarf when meeting with the Iranian leader
The population is expected to reach 10 million by the end of 2024, around 15 million by 2048, and 20 million by the end of Among2065.Jews aged 20 and over in Is rael, 45.3 percent define themselves as secular, 19.2% traditional but not very observant, 13.9% are traditional-reli gious, 10.7% are religious, and 10.5% are charedi.The population of Israel grew by around 187,000 people since Rosh Ha shana 2021, at a rate of 1.8%, a slight in crease on last Throughoutyear.the year, 177,000 babies were born in Israel.

The past year also saw the arrival of around 59,000 new immigrants to Isra el — a jump compared to previous years, fueled by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
During the interview, Stahl asked Raisi: “Do you believe the Holocaust hap pened? That 6 million Jews were slaugh tered?”Raisi answered that “historical events should be investigated by researchers and historians. There are some signs that it happened. If so, they should allow it to be investigated and researched.”
Iranian leaders have a long history of Holocaust denial and Holocaust revi sionism.Asked whether he supports Israel’s right to exist, Raisi said, “You see, the
In 1948, when the Jewish state was established, the population of Israel numbered 806,000 people. Since then, 3.3 million people have immigrated to the country, the CBS said.
The interview with Raisi, who took power last year, was conducted last Tues day at the presidential compound in Teh ran.

Ahead of Rosh Hashana, Israel’s pop ulation stands at just over 9.5 million res idents, the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) said in data released on Tuesday.
Life expectancy for men in Israel stood at 80.5 years and for women 84.6 years.
9.5M Strong
According to the statistics, 9.593 mil lion people live in the country. Of those, 7.069 million (74 percent) are Jew ish, 2.026 million (21%) are Arab, and 498,000 (5%) are neither.
In an interview that was aired on Sunday, Iranian President Ebrahim Rai si raised eyebrows when he doubted the Holocaust.Speaking with U.S. reporter Lesley Stahl on CBS’s “60 Minutes,” Raisi also said he couldn’t trust the United States in the nuclear talks and called Washing ton’s sanctions “tyrannical,” days before he headed to New York to take part in the UN General Assembly.
Stahl then said: “So you’re not sure; I’m getting that you’re not sure.” Raisi didn’t challenge that conclusion.

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Irit Lillian, a senior diplomat who has played a key role in Israel-Turkey recon ciliation, will serve as the next ambassa dor to Turkey, the Foreign Ministry an nounced this week.
Since 2018, the Israeli slot for ambas sador to Turkey has been vacant. This week, the post is being filled.
Lillian has been Israel’s charge d’af faires in Ankara since February 2021, during which time both sides have moved slowly to restore full diplomatic relations.In2018, Turkey recalled its ambassa dor and asked Israel’s to leave in protest of Israel’s response to rioting on the Gaza border, in which dozens of Palestinians wereLastkilled. month, the two sides announced that they would be restoring full diplomatic ties after two years of gradual rapprochement, which picked up pace noticeably this year with mutual visits by senior officials.

Asked about the difference between the Biden and Trump administrations, Raisi said, “The new administration in the U.S., they claim that they are dif ferent from the Trump administration. They have said it in their messages to us. But we haven’t witnessed any changes in reality.”Inresponse to Raisi’s Holocaust re marks, Israel’s President Isaac Herzog tweeted a photograph he said he keeps on his desk of Holocaust survivor Dora Dreiblatt Eisenberg’s forearm, tat tooed with her prisoner identification number. Dreiblatt Eisenberg’s arm is shown being held by that of her infant great-granddaughter Daniella Har-Tzvi, against a background of the Israeli na tional“Theflag.numbers speak for themselves,” Herzog posted with the photograph.
Asked about the Abraham Accords, which have seen multiple Arab nations normalize their ties with Jerusalem, the Iranian president replied, “If a state shakes hands with the Zionist regime, then they are also an accomplice to their crimes. And they are stabbing the very idea of Palestine in the back.”
Elsewhere during the interview, Raisi said that while his country wants “justice to be served” for the killing of its Quds Force terror chief Qassem Soleimani in a U.S. airstrike in 2020, it won’t retaliate by assassinating officials in former U.S. president Donald Trump’s administra tion.“That’s the type of the actions that the Americans and Zionist regimes are doing in the world — we are not going to carry out the same actions,” he claimed, even though the U.S. government has charged a Revolutionary Guard member with planning such an assassination.
“We are going into proper, positive bilateral relations that have a wide range of activities, but we know that there are points we don’t agree on,” she said. “We know we are not going into a perfect mar riage.”Lillian’s appointment must now be approved by the government, and – be cause the country is being run by a care taker government – Israel’s attorney gen eral.
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Prime Minister Yair Lapid is slated to meet with Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly in New York on Tuesday. He is set to speak at the as sembly on Thursday.
Military chief Aviv Kohavi added, during a visit to the Nazi death camp Auschwitz in Poland, “You don’t have to be a historian or a researcher to under stand the horrors of the Holocaust — you have to be a human being.
people of Palestine are the reality. This is the right of the people of Palestine who were forced to leave their houses and motherland. The Americans are support ing this false regime there to take root and to be established there.”
Lapid visited Ankara as foreign minister in June, where he met with his Turkish counterpart Mevlut Cavusoglu.
Resuming Ties with Turkey
“Whoever lies and denies the painful and solid truth of history easily lies to day, and will naturally lie in the future,” Kohavi added. “This is another reminder that such people should not be allowed to possess any capacity of any kind for de velopment of weapons of mass destruc tion.”
“From the beginning, it was clear that we were building a process in which we agree to disagree,” Lillian – who was pre viously Israel’s ambassador to Bulgaria and also served as acting ambassador in Australia – told The Times of Israel during an August interview.
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Israel was a long-time regional ally of Turkey before a 2010 commando raid on the Gaza-bound Mavi Marmara, part of a blockade-busting flotilla, left 10 Turk ish activists dead in a violent melee after they attacked Israeli soldiers who board ed the ship.
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A U.S. court has ordered the Leba nese terror group Hezbollah to pay mil lions of dollars in damages to a group of joint Israeli-American citizens who sued, saying they were wounded by the group’s rockets during a war with Israel in 2006. The case was brought under the U.S.

Arab Joint List Splits
After the high-level talks aimed at cementing the countries’ rapprochement, Lapid hailed security cooperation with Turkey in helping foil an Iranian plot to kidnap or kill Israeli nationals in Istanbul.
“Only by exacting a heavy price from those who engage in the business of ter rorism can we prevent the suffering and loss of additional victims to their vio lence,” Darshan-Leitner said in a state ment.Israel and Hezbollah fought a month long war in 2006. Israel pounded targets in Lebanon while Hezbollah launched thousands of rockets at cities and towns in Israel’s north.
Compensating the Victims
ordered Hezbollah to pay damages of $111 million to the plaintiffs.
Anti-Terrorism Act and alleged that Hezbollah caused the plaintiffs physical and emotional injury and damaged their property.Thejudge
The decision to split into separate Hadash-Ta’al and Balad lists came just an hour before final party lists were due to the Central Elections Committee and only a day after the three factions had agreed to run again as the Joint List.

Despite an official apology by thenPrime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Erdogan maintained his rage, accus ing the Jewish state of “keeping Hitler’s spirit alive” during Operation Defensive Shield in July 2014 and calling it a “ter roristPresidentstate.”
In a move that is certain to affect Isra el’s upcoming elections, on Thursday, the Joint List of Arab-led parties announced that it would run in upcoming elections as two separate factions.
The move means that the parties will likely split votes from a fairly small pool
Isaac Herzog visit ed Ankara on an official trip in March and was welcomed in the capital by a full military procession.
Such civil lawsuits brought against terror groups are difficult to enforce. Still, Nitsana Darshan-Leitner, one of the lawyers representing the plaintiffs, said it was an important legal victory against the Iran-backed group.
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Israeli security officials have warned in recent months that the PA is losing control of the northern West Bank, in cluding Nablus.
With Israel seemingly deadlocked politically and entering its fifth elec tion in under four years, potential prime ministers have pinned hopes on pushing smaller parties to unite, keep ing likely supporters from falling below the Netanyahu,threshold.
U.S. ports are beginning to see relief from the backlog that they experienced during the pandemic and beyond.
“The authority has positioned itself as an exclusive agent of the occupation (Is rael) in the face of our Palestinian peo
at PA armored vehicles and the sound of gunfire ringing out across the Nablus city center.The two men detained by Palestinian security services were named as Musab Shtayyeh and Ameed Tbaileh — mem bers of Hamas wanted by Israel.
The rest of the 40 parties to submit candidate lists for the November 1 elec tions over the past two days completed the process with few surprises, though Jewish Home, now led by outgoing inte rior minister Ayelet Shaked, was a rela tively late entrant. The Religious Zionism alliance, including Otzma Yehudit, had added the far-right party Noam to its roster just before submitting on Wednes day.The
In the wake of the arrests, terror groups warned the Palestinian Authority of the consequences of the operation and demanded the immediate release of the men. Hamas issued a statement warning the PA security services against carrying out actions on behalf of Israel.

who is gunning to regain the premiership after being knocked out of power in June 2021, is currently poll
One person was killed on Tuesday when protesters clashed with Palestinian security services over the arrest of two members of the Hamas terror group in the West Bank city of Nablus.
Shtayyeh was part of an armed squad called the Nablus Battalion or Nablus Lions. He was suspected of involvement in recent shooting attacks against Israeli forces and Jewish worshipers at Joseph’s Tomb in Nablus.
A PA official said that the chances Ramallah’s security forces will be able to continue carrying them out without the advancement of a diplomatic ini tiative to end the conflict with Israel “get smaller by the day.”
The two were said to have been top targets in the wake of the killing of AlAqsa Martyrs Brigades commander Ibrahim Nabulsi by Israeli troops during an operation last month.
ing more strongly than Lapid, but neither has been seen to have a clear-cut path to power.
Joint List was first formed in the run-up to the 2015 elections after the vote threshold was raised to four seats, more than any Arab party had managed to get on its own.
“This is a new stain on the [Palestin ian] Authority and the black record of its security coordination,” the terror group said in a statement.
PA and ClashesHamas
Ports Less Busy
Some of the protesters had reportedly set fire to tires and fired into the air. The unrest persisted through the morning, with hundreds of youths hurling rocks

Imports into Long Beach, CA, one of the major ports in the United States, have now fallen for two months. Similar ly, the port of Los Angeles registered the biggest decline in inbound cargo since the early days of the Covid-19 pandemic in August. Together, the twin operations
30 of Arab constituents. With the Joint List polling at six seats before the break-up, it will be a struggle for either Hadash-Ta’al or Balad to garner the 3.25% of votes na tionwide — equal to four seats — neces sary to enter the Knesset.
53-year-old Firas Yaish was the per son killed. According to Palestinian re ports, the Palestinian was a bystander and was shot in the head.
ple,” the statement said.
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Food costs spiked 11.4% over the past year, the largest annual increase since May 1979, according to data released last Tuesday by the Bureau of Labor Statis
Long Beach Mayor Robert Garcia said he’s “hopeful and optimistic” there won’t be major work stoppages stemming from the ongoing labor negotiations.
also grew costli er. Chicken prices jumped 16.6%, while meats rose 6.7%. Fruits and vegetables were up Overall, prices jumped 13.5%. Eating out? Restaurant menu prices increased 8%.
Bexar County Sheriff Javier Salazar is attempting to take on Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. The Democrat from Texas says he is opening an investigation into the two flights of migrants sent to Mar tha’s Vineyard this week by the Republi can governor. It’s unclear, though, what laws could have been broken by putting 48 Venezuelans on private planes from San“IAntonio.believe there is some criminal ac tivity involved here,” Salazar said. “But at present we are trying to keep an open mind and we are going to investigate to find out what exact laws were broken if

Food prices are hard for consumers to grapple with because everyone needs to eat. Still, people are trying to shop smarter. Sales of frozen dinners and en trees have fallen about 11% by volume in August compared to the year prior. Cook ie volumes and volumes of refrigerated juices fell nearly 9% and about 8%, re spectively, in that period. Lower-income
Your grocery bill is now way higher than it was last year – way, way higher.
browsing the supermar
households in particular are skipping items like juice, snacks and candy.
Flight Fight
32 handle about 40% of containerized trade with“You’reAsia. going to start seeing the econ omy cool down a little bit,” Port of Long Beach Executive Director Mario Cordero said in an interview on Bloomberg Tele vision on Monday. “We expect some di minishment in what we’ve seen in this consumer demand in the last year and a
Long Beach is among 29 ports on the U.S. West Coast awaiting the outcome of labor talks between the Internation al Longshore and Warehouse Union –which represents 22,000 dockworkers – and the Pacific Maritime Association, negotiating on behalf of more than 70 employers.Theemployees have been working without a contract since their previ ous pact expired July 1. Both sides have vowed to avoid a repeat of the 2014 nego tiations, which resulted in the U.S. facing nine months of disruptions and shipping delays that only ended after the Obama administration intervened.
most recent data show U.S. con sumer spending and retail sales rising at a sluggish pace, a sign that the high est inflation numbers in almost four de cades are starting to take its toll on the economy. Ports had for months been overwhelmed by an influx of goods that triggered supply-chain logjams and de livery delays, but that is showing signs of abating due to logistics improvements and as interest-rate increases are start ing to cool demand.

ket aisle will notice most food items are far more expensive than they were a year ago. Egg prices soared 39.8%, while flour got 23.3% more expensive. Milk rose 17%, and the price of bread jumped
Food Prices Soar

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34 הבוט המיתחו הביתכ 603 Burnside Avenue, Inwood Site of the future Bingo 5T 1 ONLYDAY

35 LEDSunliteShopliteSukkah Pellah Folding Table Up to 9′8″ wide & 6′9″ high $189.98 Regular $18.99 Water Resistant $23.99 6 ft $29.99 8 ft $49.99 4 ft $34.99 6 ft $49.99 8 ft $79.99 S’chach 5x10 ft $59.99 Deluxe 7x10 ft $69.99 Folding Chair $18.99 FOR

DeSantis’ office responded with a statement that said the migrants had been given more options to succeed in Massachusetts.“Immigrants have been more than willing to leave Bexar County after be ing abandoned, homeless, and ‘left to fend for themselves,’” DeSantis spokes person Taryn Fenske said. “Florida gave them an opportunity to seek greener pastures in a sanctuary jurisdiction that
tonio and put them up at a nearby La Quinta Inn, where she visited daily with food and gift cards. She promised jobs and three months of housing in Wash ington, New York, Philadelphia and Bos ton, according to Henriquez.
Salazar said the migrants had been “preyed upon” and “hoodwinked.”
The migrants were in Martha’s Vineyard for 44 hours before they were whisked away by authorities. Residents of the exclusive enclave said there was no place to shelter them.
offered greater resources for them, as we expected.”TheVenezuelan migrants who were flown to the wealthy Massachusetts is land from San Antonio on Wednesday said they were told they were going to Boston. Julio Henriquez, an attorney who met with several migrants, said they “had no idea of where they were going or where they were.”
Amnesty International cited between 4,500 and 5,000 men, women and chil dren were killed in prisons across Iran, but a former deputy of the Ayatollah later claimed as many as 30,000 may haveSheila,died. a survivor, told Fox News that the U.S. should not try to make any kind of deal with Iran, which she said is “kill ing people in the streets.”
trict includes San Antonio.
that does turn out to be the case.”
As the U.N. proceedings begin, the Organization of Iranian American Communities (OIAC) filled Dag Ham marskjold Park, which sits just across the street from the United Nations building in New York City, with 2,000 photos of victims of the commission.
Thecommission.”lawsuit,filed in
Protesting Iran
Thousands of people – perhaps even 30,000 people – were slaughtered by the Iranian regime in 1988 during the “death commission,” a five month peri od of executions of political prisoners. Many were tortured before their deaths, which have been called a political purge. Because so many people were killed, people were lifted up by forklifts to be hanged by cranes in groups of six. The Iranian regime has consistently denied the

He said a Latina woman approached migrants at a city-run shelter in San An
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Now,killings.the survivors of the death wave are speaking out and expressing their outrage over witnessing Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi attend and speak to the U.N. this week despite his alleged involvement in the commis sion.
“Nobody wants them, so no deal, no negotiations and more sanctions against government,” she said. Sheila is one of 16 plaintiffs who have brought a lawsuit against Raisi for his involvement in the “death the Southern
For now, it’s hard to say that there is a case in court for migrants who boarded the buses willingly.
Some Democrats have urged the Jus tice Department to investigate the flights, including California Gov. Gavin Newsom and U.S. Rep. Joaquin Castro, whose dis
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cause you wonder what that’s doing to the health of the tree.”
He added, “The display shows he was involved in killing 30,000 pris oners, many of them members of MEK and other groups. He was involved in suppressing Iranian people for years and years, so we tell the world he does not represent the Iranian people. The people want regime change,” he contin ued.“You saw the picture of Masha Ami ni, she was killed three days ago by Iranian security forces. There’s an out cry inside Iran as we speak. People are demonstrating against the government as we speak… saying ‘Death to Raisi,’” he said. “We are just echoing Iranian people’s desires, as far as regime change and a having a democratic, non-nuclear Iran.”

New Orleans is now the murder capi tal of the nation – and Starbucks doesn’t want to be there.
The spotted lanternfly only measures around 1 inch. It has characteristic gray forewings with black spots, and red hindwings also with black spots. They feed on a wide range of fruit, ornamen tal and woody trees, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS).Ifallowed to spread across the U.S., they could decimate important trees from over 70 species, including almond, grapes, apple, peach, maple, oak, willow, and pine. When the insects infest a tree, they suck the fluids from the plant tissue, which can eventually kill the plant. These trees being infected could cost the coun try millions of dollars: in New York alone, the wine and grape industry is worth $6.65Signsbillion.atree that has been affected by the lanternflies include oozing or weep ing, a fermented odor, a buildup of sticky honeydew, and sooty mold visible on the plant.Some states, including Delaware and New York, are encouraging residents to stomp on and kill the bugs if they spot them.
“Our stores are windows into Amer ica, and every day, our partners witness the challenges facing our communities – challenges to personal safety and se curity, racism, a growing mental health crisis, and issues magnified by COVID. These challenges play out within our stores – affecting our partners, our com munities, and our customers alike,” Jef fries said.
Murders Spike in New Orleans
“I’ve seen lanternflies build to popula tions where you can’t even see the bark of the tree through the insect bodies,” Em ilie Swackhamer, a plant science expert at Penn State Extension in Collegeville, Pennsylvania, said. “It’s unnerving be
The Invasion of the Lanternfly
The spotted lanternfly, originating from China, is now appearing across the UnitedSwarmsStates.of the invasive insect first appeared in the U.S. in 2014 in Pennsyl vania. But now, the bugs have infested 14 states on the East Coast and in the Mid west: Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Del aware, Indiana, Maryland, Massachu setts, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Rhode Island, Vir ginia, and West Virginia.

Sam Jeffries, a spokesperson for Star bucks, told WWL-TV in New Orleans that the popular coffee chain location on Canal Street was determined to be a “high incident store” and closed recently.
38 District of New York, charges Raisi with genocide, crimes against humanity, ex trajudicial killings and torture, among other crimes. The lawsuit relies on the Alien Tort Statute and Torture Victim Protection Act to try holding Raisi re sponsible.“Ourmessage is that Raisi is a murderer,” Nasser Sharif, president of the California Society for Democracy in Iran, said. “He does not belong in the United Nations. He doesn’t represent Iranian people.”

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investigation into who killed Lee.
“You’ve been open and honest with us about your experience – from what you need to feel your best at work, to the many inspirational and heartfelt exam
“Serial” podcast, was vacated by pros ecutors. Syed has maintained his inno cence in the killing of Hae Min Lee in 1999.
Prosecutors have 30 days to decide whether to pursue a new trial; they are waiting for DNA analysis that they are trying to expedite to determine wheth er Adnan’s case is dismissed or the case is set for trial. That mandate, Mosby noted, is “separate and apart” from the
“Serial” ReleasedConvict
In addition to data from the MCCA, the New Orleans Metropolitan Crime Commission reported a rise in homi cides.“Homicides
The hearing comes nearly eight years after the “Serial” podcast dug into his case, raising questions about the conviction and his legal representa tion. In doing so, the podcast reached a huge audience and set off a true-crime podcasting boom as well as further examinations of the case, including the HBO docuseries, “The Case Against Adnan Syed.”
40 The closure of the store comes as New Orleans has faced an increase in the number of homicides, making it the murder capital of the U.S. According to data from the Major Cities Chiefs Asso ciation (MCCA), homicides have risen in a number of U.S. cities, including New Orleans, over the past year.

are now up 44% com pared with 2021,” the commission said in a crime data report ending on September 18. It also said in a previous report that as of September 11, the city had at least 205 homicides, which is “an increase of 141% compared with 2019 and 46% com pared with last year to date.”
According to an analysis of data from the Wall Street Journal, New Orleans has the highest homicide rate of any city in the U.S. There are 41 homicides per 100,000 residents in the city.
The ruling is a stab in the back for Lee’s
“Thisfamily.isn’t a podcast for me. It’s real life,” Yung Lee, the brother of Hae Min Lee, said in court, adding he felt “be
On Monday, the murder conviction of Adnan Syed, a subject of the popular

ples of how you are creating memorable moments for one another and our cus tomers,” the letter said. “With stores in thousands of communities across the country, we know these challenges can, at times, play out within our stores too. We read every incident report you file –it’s a Thelot.”letter went on to detail a number of new directives Starbucks was imple menting to ensure the safety of employ ees, such as “robust safety training,” “modifying operations,” like closing re strooms, and benefits to support employ ees’ mental health.

For now, Syed will wear an ankle monitor with tracking, according to Becky Feldman, chief of the Sentenc ing Review Unit of the Baltimore City State’s Attorney’s Office.
Prior to the closure of the shop, Star bucks sent out a letter to storeowners discussing safety.
Twenty-three years after he went to prison, “we now know what Adnan and his loved ones have always known, that Adnan’s trial was profoundly and outrageously unfair. Evidence was hid den from him, evidence that pointed to other people as the killers,” Assistant Public Defender Erica Suter, Syed’s at torney and director of the Innocence Project Clinic, said in a statement fol lowing the ruling.
Baltimore prosecutors filed the mo tion last week asking for a new trial for Syed, who has been serving a life sen tence after he was convicted of first-de gree murder, robbery, kidnapping and false imprisonment in connection to the killing of Lee.
In explaining her decision to vacate, Baltimore City Circuit Judge Melissa Phinn cited material in the state inves tigation that was not properly turned over to defense attorneys , as well as the existence of two suspects who may have been improperly cleared as part of the“We’reinvestigation.notyetdeclaring Adnan Syed is innocent,” Baltimore City State’s At torney Marilyn Mosby said following the judge’s ruling. “But we are declar ing that in the interest of fairness and justice he is entitled to a new trial.”
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According to the American Economic Review study, in 2021, the average user spent two and a half hours per day on so cial media.
Now in: Facebook is bad for your health.New research has found a direct link between Facebook use and a “worsen ing” in reports of anxiety and depression among college students.

Makarin said he initially viewed men tal health as “just one more” element of social media use, but after conducting his research, he reflected, “I came to re alize how truly bad the situation is, and that stuck with me.”
While there have been hundreds of studies showing a correlation between social media use and a decline in mental health, researchers say that their unique methodology has allowed them to con
202222,SEPTEMBER|HomeJewishThe 42 trayed” by the state.

Lee’s family is considering filing an appeal but is “still in shock,” their at torney, Steve Kelly, said.
Facebook’s initial 2004 rollout was staggered, with Harvard students gain ing access first, followed by Columbia, Stanford, and Yale universities. Re searchers utilized medical data from these campuses, comparing their mental health surveys with mental health sur veys from college campuses without ac cess to the platform.
“If, in late fall 2004, a freshman at Harvard had Facebook available to him for one semester and a sophomore for two semesters, it appears as though the effect is stronger with the sophomore, who had greater exposure.”
“The effects seem to increase with time,” noted Alexey Makarin, assistant professor at MIT Sloan, another contrib utor to the study.
daily users. More than half the world’s population, 4.3 billion people, maintain at least one social media account.
47 Arrested in Covid SchemeFraud
“Whenever I think it’s over, it’s end ed, it always comes back,” he said.
The study, produced in part by Ro’ee Levy of Tel Aviv University, suggested that “unfavorable social comparisons” were likely to blame for the increase in anxiety and depression among young people.“Today, as we know, all of us recog nize social media platforms very well. They create jealousy, and users find it difficult to understand that what they see online does not necessarily reflect real ity. How much more so 16-18 years ago, when the phenomenon was completely new,” Levy told Channel 12 news.
The study, published by the American Economic Review, discovered that in the first two and a half years of the platform’s existence, college students who had an account on the site were 7 percent more likely to suffer from depression and 20% more likely to suffer from anxiety.
Today, Facebook boasts 2.5 billion
Facebook Bad for Mental Health
“The family is principally interest ed in justice,” he said outside court. “For the past 22 years, the world and they have been told that Adnan Syed is the murderer of their daughter and sister Hae Min Lee. Now the court and prosecutors have a different view. The family seeks truth and a just process andAdnanresult.”and Lee were seniors at Woodlawn High School in Baltimore County in January 1999 when she dis appeared. Her body was discovered in a city forest three weeks later.

Forty-seven people in Minnesota have been charged with conspiracy and other counts in what authorities say is the larg est fraud scheme yet to take advantage of the Covid-19 pandemic by stealing $250 million from a federal program that pro vides meals to low-income children.
firm the link.

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said at a news conference this week. “Our investigation continues.”
A few weeks later, on Thanksgiving Day, Papini resurfaced on a freeway more than 100 miles away from her home. She told investigators that she was kidnapped at gunpoint by two Hispanic women, who tortured and branded her.
Prosecutors say the defendants cre ated companies that claimed to be offer ing food to tens of thousands of children across the state and then sought reim bursement for those meals through the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s food nutrition programs. Few meals were ac tually served; the defendants used the money to buy luxury cars, property and jewelry.“This $250 million is the floor,” Andy Luger, the U.S. attorney for Minnesota,
Earlier this year, the U.S. Depart ment of Justice made prosecuting pan demic-related fraud a priority. The de partment has already taken enforcement actions related to more than $8 billion in suspected pandemic fraud, including bringing charges in more than 1,000 criminal cases involving losses in excess of $1.1Federalbillion.officials repeatedly described
In addition to prison time, the judge ordered Papini to serve three years of supervised probation when she gets out and pay $309,000 in restitution, which the judge said will likely never be paid.
Papini “vanished” on November 2, 2016, while out for a jog in her Redding, California, neighborhood. A massive search was launched for her and family members – including her husband, Keith Papini, who has since filed for divorce –pleaded with the public for information on her whereabouts.
the fraud in Minnesota as “brazen” and decried that it involved a program in tended to feed children who needed help during the pandemic. Michael Paul, spe cial agent in charge of the Minneapolis FBI office, called it “an astonishing dis play of Lugerdeceit.”saidthe government was billed for more than 125 million fake meals, with some defendants making up names for children by using an online random name generator. He displayed one form
“These children were simply invent ed,” Luger noted.
Sherri Papini is heading to jail. The Californian woman had orchestrated an elaborate hoax a few years ago about being kidnapped – even searing herself with a branding iron to mislead author ities about the plan. This week, a judge sentenced the 40-year-old mother of two to serve 18 months in prison – more than double the amount of time federal prose cutors recommended.

Prior to learning her fate, Papini pub licly apologized in court, saying, “I am choosing to humbly accept responsibility.
“I am guilty of lying. I am guilty of dishonor. I stand before you willing to accept, to repent and to concede,” Papini said. “What was done cannot be undone. It can never be erased. I am not choos ing to stay frozen like I was in 2016. I am choosing to commit to healing the parts of myself that were so very broken.”
Papini’s story, though, was all a hoax. She had been staying with a friend all
for reimbursement that claimed a site served exactly 2,500 meals each day Monday through Friday — with no chil dren ever getting sick or otherwise miss ing from the program.
Jail for Kidnapping Hoax
A Long Drink
Due to her rare condition, Gelgi suf fers from limited mobility and struggles with stability when she walks. She also experiences difficulties swallowing and breathing.Thedetermined 25-year-old, who hails from Turkey, uses a wheelchair to get around and a walker for short peri ods.Gelgi says that her height “provides me with easy access to high places and looking down at people from above isn’t a bad thing either!”
The 25-year-old is 7 feet and 0.7 inch es tall. A rare genetic condition, Weav er syndrome, has caused her extreme growth.Gelgi’s lofty status has earned her many awards. She was named the world’s tallest living teenager at one time.

“I like being different from everyone else,” she said.
CrimpGuinnesssaid. rules required Crimp to have a drink at each pub and collect evi dence including receipts and witness sig natures.“The plan was to try and keep it sober for the first 25 pubs,” Crimp said, “but that went out the window 15 pubs in. I had to mix it up a little bit. I tried to drink alcohol in one and non-alcoholic drink in another – trying to space it out,” he said.
“It was easily the hardest thing I’ve ever done. I completely underestimated just how hard it was actually going to be,”
Rumeysa Gelgi is tall and proud.
Nathan Crimp can’t walk a straight line. The English man is now the proud
“The hardest part was constantly
In February, it was confirmed Gelgi held two other records including regis tering the longest finger on a living fe male at 4.40 inches and the longest back on a living woman at 23.58 inches, ac cording the Guinness World Records.
And that’s a tall order.
|202222,SEPTEMBERTheJewishHome 45those weeks that family and friends and authorities had been searching for her.

A Tall Order
Crimp was not alone. He came with a pair of friends with the goal of beat ing the previous record of 56 pubs in 10 hours.Think drinking at loads of places is easy? Think again.
She’s also got the largest female hands with her right measuring 9.81 inches and her left at 9.55 inches.
bearer of the Guinness World Record for having a drink at the most pubs in a sin gle 24-hour period.
Gelgi didn’t always have it easy. She says that she was bullied and teased be cause of her tall stature. Still, she said that has made her a stronger person.
The 22-year-old visited a whopping 67 pubs in Brighton, England, in a mere 17 hours. That’s dedication for you.

Now,error.”Curry is giving back the money.
Fish, a biology professor at West Chester University in Pennsylvania, won the Ig Nobel this year for research ing why ducklings follow their mother in single-file formation. He says it’s about energy conservation. His specialty is studying how animals swim.
It was a slimy trail that led German authorities to a mound of smuggled goods.Customs officials at Duesseldorf Air port said that earlier this month they noticed a large snail in a baggage truck. Initially, they thought it was a toy, until the gastropod began to move.
Talk about the law of diminishing re turns.
By following the trail left by the 20-centimeter (8-inch) snail, they found a bag with a hole, with another snail al ready peeping out of it — possibly prepar ing for a dash for freedom.
The snails were handed to an animal rescue service in Duesseldorf, and the meat was destroyed, customs officials said.“Never in the history of the Duessel dorf customs office has a trail of slime led us to smuggled goods,” said its spokes man Michael Walk.

That’s the premise behind the annu al Ig Nobel awards – that science and the study of certain phenomena can be fun. The Ig Nobel ceremony is held one
“Science is fun. My sort of a tagline is you’re not doing science if you’re not hav ing fun,” he said.
Magnus Gers made a moose “crash test dummy” for his master’s thesis. He noted that many times cars crash into the large animals on Swedish roads and yet automobile makers rarely include animal crashes in their safety testing.
goods store in western Germany.
Google Alert
Sam Curry was a richer man – until he wasn’t.Thestaff security engineer at Yuga Labs had done some work for Google at one point and then he noticed something big in his bank account: $249,999.
In total, officials found six bags con taining 93 giant snails, 62 pounds of fish and smoked meat, and a suitcase full of rotting meat. All had been imported from Nigeria and were destined for an African
month before the Nobel Prizes are an nounced. Winners gather at Harvard University and are awarded in 10 differ ent categories. The prize? A worthless Zimbabwean $10 trillion bill – and the notoriety that you’ve won something fun.Want to know what makes scientists chuckle?Frank

We’ll raise a glass (of water) to you!
That’s a snail of a tale.
Science is Fun
Shigeru Watanabe, another winner, researched the estimated total saliva vol ume produced per day by a typical fiveyear-old.Sounds like really ig-portant concepts that were explored.
Snail Trail
46 having to go to the toilet, which took up the majority of the time,” Crimp said.

The self-proclaimed “hacker” couldn’t understand why he was receiving the dough. Attempting to connect to Google took three weeks until the company ad mitted that the funds were the “result of human

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Father-Son Shofar Workshop at YOSS

his past Sunday, Rabbi Moshe Shonek, eighth grade rebbi at YOSS, led a father-son shofar workshop. They began by learning maarei mekomos on hilchos shofar. Together, they learned the sugya of which kinds of horns are kosher for the mitzvah of shofar. Rabbi Mordechai Kamenetzky expounded on the inyan of shofar and then Rabbi Shonek gave shiur on hilchos shofar. He brought in horns from rams, cows, and many other kosher animals that could be used as a shofar. Rabbi Shonek, a ba’al tokea in his own right, demonstrated the different sounds each horn makes and how the fashioning of the shofar has an impact on halacha.
After the shiur, everyone went outside to make their own shofar. Each talmid was given a raw, uncut shofar, and together with their fathers and grandfathers they cut, drilled, and sanded the shofar until it was kosher and ready for use!

Special thanks to Mr. Vaiselberg for providing the equipment and support needed for this project.
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“This was a great experience for my son and I,” one parent commented. “A real hands-on approach to chinuch!”
Around Communitythe
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cess. The officers worked 24-hour shifts on and off for days. Many workers unfortunately developed sicknesses from the toxic air.
In the Pre1A division under the direction of Rabbi Jer emy Fine, the boys practiced drills for running, tagging, and catching. They are already on track to be all stars!

In the 3rd and 4th grade division, the Jets defeated the Patriots. The Raiders defeated the Falcons with an amaz ing touchdown by Shai Well. The Saints tied the Com
In the 7th and 8th grade division, the Commanders defeated the Eagles with. The Jets defeated the Giants with Zev Brenners 3 picks and consistent flag pulls. The Vikings defeated the Broncos. And the Texans defeated the Patriots with amazing catches and flag pulls by Avi Berger.
Around the Community 5 Towns Flag Football League: Week 2 Central/Yeshiva University High School for Girls Commemorates 9/11
Selichos at Aish Kodesh

ouchdown!Thispast Friday was week 2 of FM Home Loans 5 Towns Flag Football. We had an excel lent, intense, and competitive week of games.
After sharing his story, Deputy Chief McNally opened the floor to all questions, allowing the students and faculty the opportunity to learn more about that day.Meira
Mr. Louis Garza, a retired NYPD detective and Cen tral’s very own security guard, reflected, “Even in the darkest of times, you should look for the helpers be cause there’s always someone who is willing to help.”
Chief McNally and Mr. Louis Garza, a retired NYPD detective and Central’s very own security guard

Thank you to Mrs. April McNally for helping to facil itate the program!
In the 5th and 6th grade division, the Patriots de feated the Jets. The Falcons defeated the Giants with a game winning touchdown by Dovid Sax. The Saints de feated the Dolphins. The Steelers defeated the Vikings. The Seahawks defeated the Packers. The Panthers de feated the Raiders with David Yamar’s game winning touchdown. And the Eagles defeated the Broncos.
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In the 1st grade division, the Patriots defeated the Gi ants with an amazing interception that led to a touchdown by Baruch Samuels. And the Jets defeated the Broncos.
Schuck, a junior, remarked, “Hearing from Mr. McNally was eye-opening. I had never heard a firsthand account from someone who had been through what happened on 9/11. It was amazing to hear how all these incredible people were so brave and did every thing that they could to help save others.”
In the 2nd grade division, the Broncos defeated the Jets. The Vikings defeated the Eagles. And the Giants defeated the Patriots with the help of Shai Makowsky’s amazing short catches.
On Monday, September 12, students at Central had the privilege of hearing from Deputy Chief James Mc Nally, who served with the FDNY during 9/11. Mrs. Amy Katz opened the program with a moving slideshow about the quickly-unfolding events of the morning of 9/11 when the world changed in the span of only 149 minutes. Chief McNally was then introduced, and he de scribed his traumatic experiences from the day, sharing details about his role as a fireman and how he lost many close friends during the attack. He showed the students a metal bolt that someone had kept from one of the Tow ers. Additionally, he described the significance of 9/11 to the FDNY community. Instead of running away from the tragedy, they were running into it, rescuing as many people as possible. Firemen spent many days following the tragedy sifting through the rubble, trying to find hu man remains, which was a long, hard, and tiring pro
manders. The Eagles defeated the Packers. The Giants defeated the Panthers. The Seahawks defeated the Steelers with a TDP by Avrumi Kapnick. The Dolphins defeated the Vikings. And the Broncos defeated the Texans.
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Rav Moshe Zev Katzenstein, Rosh Ye shiva of Yeshiva Gedolah of Five Towns, shared that when the Hashem presented the mitzvah of Shabbos to Klal Yisroel, He instructed Moshe to inform the Jews of this great gift called Shabbos so they will appreciate it. Through learning the laws of Shabbos and preparing for it with anticipation, the participants of Likras Shabbos declare, “Message received!”
The boys enjoyed a delicious catered meal from Oldak Caterers and partici pated in exciting raffles. Prizes includ ed a set of Chumashim, a set of P’nei Yehoshua, an electric scooter, and an electric guitar with an amplifier. There
was even a special raffle for the boys who scored well on the test at the end of the program.
Last year, Far Rockaway/Five Towns boasted five strong groups – three in Far Rockaway, one in Inwood and one in Woodmere. Dynamic rebbeim invest ed heart and soul to make the learning engaging and relevant. Likras Shabbos thanks Rabbi Yonasan Posnick, Rabbi

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Benyomin Jacobi, Rabbi Avrohom Chaim Nobel, Rabbi Yaakov Weinberg, and Rab bi Yosef Richtman for making this year’s sessions so meaningful. The boys now possess a keen understanding of Hilchos Muktzeh.Anestimated 60 boys participat ed in the Grand Siyum, which was held last Sunday in Yeshiva Gedolah of Five Towns. Rabbi Ephraim Perlstein intro duced the event and explained that the laws of Muktzeh are rooted in the Kedu sha of Shabbos, as every davar she’bike dusha needs proper preparation. Sim ilarly, the purpose of Likras Shabbos learning is to prepare for that kedusha.
Likras Shabbos Grand Siyum

Rav Aaron Wahl’s fifth grade talmidim at Yeshiva Darchei Torah, who are learning Gemara Eilu Metzios, measuring a kav of grain that fell in an area measuring four amos

This year’s groups will begin learning Hilchos Shehiya, Chazara, and Hat mana starting erev Shabbos Parshas Noach, October 28, 2022. It is open for boys grades 5-8. For more information or to organize a group in your neigh borhood or shul, please contact Ephraim Perlstein at 646-346-0269 or epmohel@ In the zchus of so many chil dren demonstrating love, respect, and appreciation for hilchos Shabbos, may we merit to see the Yom She’kulo Shab bos very soon.
The cases of the first Mishnah in Bava Metzia came to life in Rav Aaron Wahl’s fifth grade class at Yeshiva Darchei Torah

or 15 years, dozens of boys have greeted Shabbos with a sense of calm and purpose. Likras Shab bos is a national organization which coordinates centrally located erev Shab bos learning programs, in which boys in grades 5 through 8 learn hilchos Shab bos, enjoy delicious kugel, and partici pate in exciting raffles.

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work we all do,” said Rabbi Gobioff. Participating regional directors in cluded: Rabbi Shlomo Crandall, Mid west; Racheli Daniel, Mid-Atlantic; Rab bi Sruli Fried, NJ/PA; Randi Grossman, West Coast; Esther Leah Sandhaus, Southeast; Yaacov Blanshay, Montreal; Rabbi Mordy Rothman, Toronto; Neville
“As a global leader in children’s health support and trauma response, it is criti cal for us to regularly evaluate and assess the current landscape, and strategize for
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hai Lifeline directors from across the United States and around the world gathered in Eatontown, NJ, September 13-14 for Chai Lifeline’s Annual Regional Directors Conference. The twoday program convened directors from New York, New Jersey/Pennsylvania, Mid-At lantic, Southeast, Midwest, and West Coast, as well as Toronto, Montreal, Israel, Belgium, and the United Kingdom.
Mesivta Netzach HaTorah Visits Rav Oelbaum

“EachMaimon.ofour selfless directors brings a unique perspective and is dedicated to helping our children, families, and com munities. It was great to be able to meet with our colleagues from around the world and work together to advance the mission of Chai Lifeline and improve the important
his past Thursday, after Shacharis and regular morning learning, the talmidim and rebbeim of Netzach traveled to Queens for a special shiur on Elul and divrei bracha from Rabbi Noach Oelbaum. After the shiur, the talmidim had the opportunity to ask questions to Rav Oelbaum, seeing firsthand the brilliance and depth of the Rav. Following Mincha and pizza in Queens, the Mesivta headed to Sky Zone in New Rochelle for their an nual beginning of the year team building and fun with rebbeim and friends. in
the future of the organization,” said Rab bi Simcha Scholar, CEO of Chai Lifeline. “This conference is an opportunity for our talented team of directors to connect, share ideas, and explore new ways to broaden Chai Lifeline’s reach, strengthen its impact, and improve services for our families.”Participants
Regional Directors Convene for Chai Lifeline Global Conference
Rabbi Eytan Feiner, rav of the White Shul, speaking at the Tehillim on Klaf global Tefilah Selichos

Goldschneider, UK; Avi Maier, Belgium; and Elad Maimon, Israel. Chai Lifeline is an international chil dren’s health support network providing social, emotional, and financial assis tance to children with life-threatening or lifelong illnesses and their families. To learn more, visit
HALB’s Sports Club, run by Rabbi Lieberman, attended the Jets game last week. Teachers, parents, and students had a great time and had the opportunity to go on the field

heard from a variety of speakers, including Rabbi Scholar, Na tional Director of Client Services Rabbi Mordechai Gobioff, CFO Esther Berg man, CDO Elliot Halperin, CMO Matt Yaniv, and Director of Camp Simcha Na chman

The group, representing more than 6,000 global Chai Lifeline families, dis cussed a wide range of topics, including organizational values and vision, pro grams and services, marketing and de velopment, staff and volunteer training, community engagement, case manage ment, and more.
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A Special Parade at
Around the Community
here are many parades that pass through our streets during the year, but leave it to TAG’s Ganger Early Childhood Division to come up with a unique parade for their talmidos. All kindergarten talmidos were invited to a special Alef Beis Parade of letters to kick off their curricu lum for this coming school year. Did you know? Date palms can tolerate salt and can even be irrigated with ocean water

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Bais Yaakov Ateres Miriam High School Begins Its Inaugural Year
n September 7, the very first ninth grade class of BYAM HS entered the front doors of their new home, lo cated at the Young Israel of Hew lett. They were greeted by music, fanfare and, of course, their prin cipal, Mrs. Ruchie Sokoloff, and Menahel, Rabbi Nosson Neuman. This was after their orientation the previous day, including a re view of their school day with Mrs. Sokoloff and a fabulous G.O. break out created and implemented by Ms. Hodayah Kuighadoush (G.O. Coordinator). It included danc ing and refreshments and gift of a tote bag emblazoned with the G. O. theme “What’s Cooking with G. O. in BYAM HS?” That theme was hinted at in a June teambuilding event that the girls had previously attended at Apron Masters.
the Withyear.”

The first week of school was notable at BYAM HS for the rapt attention to new learning skills as

Boruch Hashem that encouraging and exciting start, positivity radiates from staff and students alike. Upcoming events include Open House (for current 8th graders and their parents) scheduled for Wednesday evening, November 2nd, 7:30 PM at Beth Sholom in Lawrence. That will be followed by the Entrance Exam, Sunday, November 6, at 10 AM. For further information about BYAM HS, kindly contact our school office at hsoffice@baisyaa
the girls found their way into their classrooms. They met with new teachers and were acclimated to the impressive variety of subjects, both Kodesh and Chol, and the relatable, warm, and masterful teachers who they are getting to know on a daily basis.“Most remarkable,” commented Mrs. Sokoloff at Parent Orientation this past Monday, “is the cohesive ness that has formed within the class almost immediately. Rarely, in many years of chinuch, have I ever seen such marvelous achdus among ninth graders so early on in

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Students had the opportunity to hear from Rabbi Slomnicki, who, in his multi-media presentation, discussed stu
Assemblywoman Amato to Oppose Seagirt Plan
ssemblywoman Stacey Pheffer
Amato met with school admin istrators and parents to discuss the hazards of the potential Seagirt Bou levard redesign. The city-based project has garnered extreme pushback from local and non-local residents and has been openly opposed by Assemblywom an Pheffer Amato. The Assemblywoman referred to the plan as “nuts” and insist ed that the NYC Department of Trans portation must “go back to the drawing board and create a plan that reflects the will of the community” as the project was moved ahead without community support.
o kick off the year, HANC High School held its annual Opening Ceremony and back to school Senate Event. Seniors, freshmen, and new faculty were introduced to the stu dent body with warm welcomes. Prior to the ceremony, the Class of 2023 received their senior shirts and then made their grand entrance into the auditorium with ruach and excitement. A first at the cer emony was the parade of departments down the aisle, props in hand, celebrat ing the new academic year.
dent commitment to academics, extra curricular, and to their personal lives.

HANC High School Back in Action
Lev Chana is very excited to have their own Grow Torah Garden this year! Grow Torah enables students to experience the awe and wonder of nature while connecting the miracle of Hashem’s world to the parsha, yomim tovim and middot tovot

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HANC students were treated to a pizza lunch and a dessert buffet of Rita’s Italian Ices and popcorn organized by the Student Senate. It was so nice to see everyone again after the summer vaca tion. We can’t wait to see what this year has in store for us.
The student body also heard from Student Senate Co-Presidents Oriel Atias and Lea Bassali who each ad dressed the students and informed them of the many exciting ideas and events that the senate has in store this coming school year.
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Rochel Levy, Five Towns mom of an 8-year-old Cen ter participant, boasts of her gratitude and appreciation for The Special Children’s Center, which has literally been life-altering. “I’m not exaggerating when I say that my life revolves around when the Center is open,” Mrs. Levy exclaims. “My son is safe and happy and sur rounded by positive energy. The staff gets it, and they deliver fabulously for the kids. The positive impact on the families cannot be explained to someone who
The Special Children’s Center Now in The Five Towns
In Yeshiva Ateres Eitz Chaim’s Life Skills Program, the talmidim had the opportunity to learn the skills of note-taking from one of the best, Honorable Ronald Goldman, Village Administrator-Clerk/Treasurer of
L’Shana tova u’mesuka!
hazal teach, “Eino dome reya l’shmiah,” one cannot compare hearing about something to ac tually seeing it. Yeshiva Ateres Eitz Chaim gives their talmidim this unique opportunity, when learn ing about different concepts, providing the talmidim with incredible hands-on experiences. When learning about the special minhagim, such as Tashlich and the Rosh Hashana Simanim, the talmidim experienced an amazing “hands on” lesson. They were treated to a spe cial boating ride where each talmid had the opportunity to catch his own fish and use it for the “Siman.” They also enjoyed an awesome shiur on the boat learning and discussing many topics in Chazal about fish, rivers, and oceans.
After triumphantly piloting the program in New
hat does the wife of a world-famous singer, the niece of a renowned rosh yeshiva, and 750 special-needs children and their families have in common? One place that brings light into all of their lives: The Special Children’s Center.

Honey is sweet, but it is much sweeter when you ex perience the process. Talmidim enjoyed a tour at Rock land Bee Tours to learn about the process of how bees
With their highly-trained and motivated staff, all members of the Center’s team (children, parents, and staff) benefit from their programming including after school, Sundays, legal holidays, integrated daycare, inhome programs and community habilitation in making an unbelievable mark on these precious lives.
doesn’t live our reality. It has been nothing less than life-changing.”JulieSaal, mother of 6-year-old Center attend ee, also agrees. “The Special Children’s Center of the Five Towns is a loving, energetic, and exciting space for my son while simultaneously providing myself and the rest of my family a respite to recharge.”
Since its inception in 1996, found ers Jenine Shwekey and Chaya Bender knew that they needed to fill a void in servicing local differently-abled kids during afterschool hours as well as Sundays so that their families could continue to thrive and function while raising their special needs child. Their motiva tion dated back to high school when, as teenagers, they volunteered working with special-needs children for many hours each week. These experiences not only left Jenine and Chaya with a strong impression, but they also served as the impetus for their life’s mission – helping special neshamos of Klal Yisrael.
Talmidim were also zoche to hear divrei chizuk and bracha before the Yomim Noraim from the Krula Reb be in Williamsburg. The Rebbe was thrilled to meet the talmidim and encouraged the Yeshiva to continue their “hands-on” educational trips.
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Now in their new 14,000 square-foot facility (for merly Life Fitness in Lawrence), the Five Towns branch of The Special Children’s Center hosts a huge sensory gym, music room, art room, movement room, and class rooms for Jewish learning – with more to come! Please look out for our GRAND OPENING, when we will welcome the community to celebrate and share in our beautiful new home. For more inquiries on how to be a part of The Special Children’s Center (as a participant, volunteer, or donor), please call/text 917-780-5012 or email
Jersey and then in Brooklyn seven years ago, The Cen ter answered the call for help from parents in the Five Towns.
make honey. They also learned why we specifically use honey, as opposed to other sweet things, on Rosh Ha shana.
Hands-On Learning at Yeshiva Ateres Eitz Chaim

Members of the Five Towns community joined together at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Rabin Rahmani to help YATAR, an authorized division of the Israeli police force

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SKA’s Class of 2027 is off to a great start!
works directly with the freshmen, fo cused on each girl’s individual strengths and talents combining to make the Class of ‘27 one of the best yet. The new stu dents also took the time to write letters to themselves reflecting on their hopes for their year, opening their correspondence in the final month of school.
In addition to Ms. Flaumenhaft, SKA’s Freshmen Experience was also enhanced by the presence of Director of Student Programming Rabbi Yosef Zakutinsky, who organized this amazing event, Dean of Students Mrs. Shira Englander, 9th Grade Level Advisors Mrs. Tzippy Calm, Mrs. Rachel Josef and Mrs. Gabby Shul tz, and SKA’s Student Council members and their advisor, Ms. Sydney Daitch.

Getting To Know You: SKA Freshmen Experience
he ninth graders of the Stella K. Abraham High School for Girls had a wonderful opportunity to start the school year in a relaxed and convivial atmosphere at their Freshmen Experience held on Wednesday, Sep tember 14, on the beautiful grounds of Camp Kaylie. Spending time making new friends and meeting administrators and grade level advisors in a cozy setting gave the girls a comfortable foundation to their first year of high school. The getaway was a great way for the grade to bond! Building Balloon Towers and Bucket Brigade competitions togeth er with other games, activities and work shops enabled the girls to once again mingle and meet students from other elementary schools. “Grade Achdut,” a session presented by SKA Associate Principal Ms. Elena Flaumenhaft, who
Assemblywoman Stacey Pheffer Amato, Mayor Ben Weinstock, Trustee Izzy Wasser, Pesach Osina, representative of the NYC Council Speaker Adrienne Adams, and Pinny Hikind of the NYC Comptroller’s Office at the local Chasdei Lev food distribution event this week

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Shulamith SWO Back-to-School Carnival
Did you know?

Date palm trees need at least 100 days of 100 degrees heat and plenty of water to produce the best quality fruit
Leibowitz, the Baal Tokeah at Kehilas Ahavas Yisrael, brought his shofar to school for an interactive workshop. The girls listened attentively as he practiced blowing all of the kolos, and they were amazed by how much effort it takes to make the sounds come out just right.

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he girls at Bais Yaakov of the Five Towns have been preparing for Rosh Hashana with plenty of hands-on learning experiences! From tasting apples dipped in honey to learn ing the brachos we make on all of the si manin, the students are going to be more than ready to enthusiastically participate in every aspect of the Yom Tov.
ouncy houses, cotton candy, face-painting – oh my! Shulamith SWO hosted a back-to-school car nival to welcome new and returning stu dents on Sunday, September 18.

It was wonderful to see all the smil ing faces of our students and their fam ilies, energized and excited for the year ahead.
The talmidos were treated to a very special visitor this week. Chaim Shalom
The turnout was incredible! Hun dreds of participants enjoyed the many exciting attractions and carnival booths, run by our own SHS students.
A Sweet Start for BY5T
The girls are eagerly entering the Yomim Noraim with great excitement thanks to the creativity and commitment of their amazing moros.

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beim, as they sung, enjoyed cholent, kugel and candy and experienced the joy and ruach of Shabbos together as one class. The spirit continued the next morning, as a lively Shacharis, kiddush and intriguing shiurim highlighted the day. After a scrumptious Shabbos lunch with zemirot and singing, students continued forming unbreakable friend ships with one another and learned
Upon arrival, students unpacked, davened Maariv, and headed to the gym for “Wacky Olympics.” Students faced off in shiur-vs.-shiur competitions in a variety of events, in which every stu dent had a unique role. The night was far from over, as students enjoyed a latenight barbecue and basketball in the gym

DRS Freshmen Shabbaton
he excitement was palpable as freshmen at DRS Yeshiva High School eagerly boarded the buses on Thursday evening, ready to head to the annual Freshman Shabbaton, held at Camp Kaylie. “The goal of the Shab baton is for everyone meet each other and create a sense of achdut with in the grade in an enjoyable and fun way,” said DRS Menahel Rabbi Yisroel Kaminetsky to the freshman class.
First graders in Mrs. Esther Parnes’ CAHAL class at Yeshiva Ketana of Long Island play a “Touch and Read” matching game to help improve reading fluency and decoding skills.

MTA talmidim and parents gathered together to learn about the Yomim Noraim
All 100 members of this year’s fresh men class – the largest in the school’s history – headed into Shabbos unified as one with tremendous energy and unity. After davening and a festive seuda with zemirot and divrei Torah, the freshmen enjoyed a DRS-style tisch with Rabbi Kaminetsky and their reb

together in the Beis Medrash. Follow ing Mincha and Shalosh Seudos, stu dents gathered for an inspirational and memorable kumzitz, joining together to usher the Shabbos out with song, achdut and ruach. Following a beau tiful Maariv and Havdalah, students boarded the busses and left the Shab baton with a dose of ruach and achdut for the year to come.
with their new friends. Students woke up Friday morning, eager for the events to come. After Shacharis, breakfast and shi ur with the freshmen Rabbeim, students took to the gridiron for a competitive flag football tournament, while bonding with new friends. After the tournament, the class enjoyed the camp’s spacious fa cilities, and went go-carting, swimming and played sports before preparing for an amazing Shabbat to come.
Cedarhurst Mayor Benjamin Weinstock and Trustees Ari Brown, Israel Wasser and Daniel Plaut along with DA Anne Donnelly attended a press conference for all Nassau Villages calling on the Governor and State Legislature to repeal bail reform

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SL’s regular season began, and there were some memorable per Theformances!daykicked off with K/P Soccer, where David Ghoori had a hat trick to lead team Simcha Day Camp over Gour met Glatt. Shimmy Greenspan had 2 goals in Home & Stone’s game against Hewlett Auto Body. In K/P Hockey, Yumi Ehrlichman was the game MVP of the morning matchup.
slate featured some great games. Additionally, every boy received a hockey water bottle courtesy of JSL and Town Appliance. In 1st Grade Hockey, Judaica Plus and Built by Nate tied 3-3. In 2nd/3rd, JNT tied Sharona Beck Re alty after a three-round shootout. Yosef

partment. He spoke to the class about being an Orthodox Jewish police offi cer and specifically about the role he played as an EMT on the scene during 9/11. The boys found his stories to be fascinating and tremendously moving. The boys then wrote letters to first re sponders and members of the military, thanking them for their brave service to our country and for keeping us safe.

In 6th-8th, 5 Towns Central held on to defeat BayRock Insurance 7-5 be hind Yechiel Taitlebaum’s hat trick. Posh Home & Bath escaped with a 6-5 victory over Wieder Orthodontics. Five Towns Orthodontics shut out JNT 5-0. JSL is the premier local sports league for boys from Darchei, YKLI and across the community. Games are played each Sun day indoors in local gyms. Winter Reg istration opens soon for the next season that starts in December. Visit to see more info about the league!
en of Queens prepare spiritually for the Rosh Hashana holiday. (Special thank you to the Aminov and Sofiev families.) Rabbi Geller spoke at several different places in the Fresh Meadows and Jamai ca Estates neighborhoods. Each lecture was met with enthusiasm as people took the messages to heart.
Although these second-grade boys are not old enough to remember the events of September 11th, the lessons learned in Mrs. Sebag’s class, as well as their firsthand interaction with Inspec tor Taylor, will be etched into their mem ories forever.
The children at Gan Chamesh enjoyed a hands-on, fun-filled Rosh Hashana fair that helped them to internalize the meaning of Rosh Hashana using all their senses. The Rosh Hashana fair is an innovative experience where children explore, experiment, and love to learn in a meaningful way.

Ezra Academy –A Weekend of Chizuk
YOSS Honors Our Heroes
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The afternoon slate of basketball games kicked off with a 14-8 win for team Maidenbaum. Eli Oratz was the game MVP. Triple Net Group held off Is land Roofing 20-14. In 4th/5th, Alpert Financial snuck past Town Appliance 1715. 925 Sterling defeated Carving Block 22-14.
In 6th-8th Basketball, Game MVP Eli Davidowitz scored 7 straight points in the last 1:30 of play to give Paradigm the narrow win over Wieder Orthodon tics in a back-and-forth game. Aviv Sha tay continued his JSL dominance from last season with a monster performance, leading 5 Towns Pediatric Dentistry to 64 points in their win over 5 Towns Or thodontics!Thehockey
Although this was not a typical planned and sponsored Ezra event, as Mashgiach Ruchani, Rabbi Elie Geller (and family) put forth tremendous efforts to reach out to and positively affect the extended Ezra family whenever possible. Ezra Academy thanks the Gellers for go ing above and beyond.
In 4th/5th, Gavriel Abittan scored 4 goals to give 5 Towns Pediatric Den tistry the win over 925 Sterling. Benji Somerstein of Alpert Financial scored a hat trick against Town Appliance. Cheskel Jeidel scored 2 goals for Auto Click against Meat & Board.
Wielgus had an incredible effort in goal and Aaron Silverman played great de fense to give Paradigm the 5-2 win over ARG. Elegant Lawns shut out Posh Home & Bath 3-0.
The JSL Regular Season Tips Off
rs. Sebag’s second grade class at YOSS learned about the terrible events that took place on September 11, 2001. They spent time remembering the day and honoring its heroes. They read the book Fireboat , written by Maira Kal man, which tells the true story of the John J Harvey, a decommissioned 1930’s fire boat that went back into ac tion on that day and was used to save lives and put out the fires at the site where the buildings collapsed. The class was then visited by the renowned Inspector Richie Taylor. Inspector Taylor is the highest ranking frum po lice officer in the New York Police De
s the Yamim Noraim approach, the Queens students and alumni of Ezra Academy were treated to a special weekend of chizuk with the Mashgiach Ruchani of the Yeshiva, Rab bi Elie Geller, beginning with a young couple’s shiur on Thursday evening, Sep tember 15, at the home of graduates Ga briel Borokhov (class of ’19) and Abigail Aronova-Borokhov (class of ’19), and con tinuing through Shabbos with beautiful onegim and seudot where words of Torah were shared and singing could be heard for miles. The meals were hosted by graduates and families of Ezra Academy who wanted to help the men and wom
Around the Community
In 1st/2nd grade indoor Football, Yehuda Yakubov had an incredible slid ing touchdown for Westwood Realty in their game against The Rebbe’s Choice. Gavriel Selengut of team KolSave made a one-handed catch against team ARG.
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Parents are encouraged to register for

the Parenting Matters weekly support group, Effective Parenting of Teens and Young Adults, Group #12, which will be starting this fall. To register or learn more about upcoming Madraigos’ Par enting Matters programs, please contact Mindi Werblowsky at mwerblowsky@ or 516-371-3250 x 112.
his past Monday evening, Madrai gos, the organization that tire lessly works to meet the needs of the community, held an educational event for the community, an initiative of its Parenting Matters program. The event, held in Young Israel of Lawrence Cedarhurst, featured Rav Chaim Aryeh Zev Ginzburg, shlita, rav of the Chofetz Chaim Torah Center of Cedarhurst, as well as Matis Miller, LCSW ACT, DBTLBC, Founder and Director of The Cen ter for Cognitive & Behavioral Therapy of NewRabbiJersey.Dov
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Madraigos Presents “How To Help Our Children Develop Resilience”
One parent remarked, “It was very en lightening. I am walking out with a new mindset and an array of practical tools to help strengthen and guide my children.”
Around the Community
which can instill that resilience in chil dren. He explained the danger involved in enabling negative behaviors in their children and the importance of letting them learn how to deal with the little frustrations that come their way as a way of preparing them for real-world chal lenges. Matis’s words were inspiring and practical as he offered concrete sugges tions to everyone in the room.
A therapist who attended comment ed, “I see from my clients that this topic specifically is one which needs to be talk ed about more and Madraigos filled that exactMrs.need.”Mindi Werblowsky, LCSW, Clin ical Director, Madraigos, commented, “This event was borne from the ques tions that we are hearing from our clients and our desire to provide them with the answers and resources they are seeking. We are just here to assist them on their journey.”
Overall, the feeling at this Parenting Matters event was learning and growth for parents and professionals alike. Madraigos extends sincere hakaros hatov to the event’s speakers as well as the ven ue for enabling us to continue servicing our community.

The event continued with a special presentation from Matis Miller, LCSW who focused on strategies and skills
Silver, Founder and Ex ecutive V.P., Madraigos, welcomed the attendees and thanked the people who helped bring the program to fruition. The first speaker, Rabbi Ginzburg, shl ita, focused on the concept of resilience in the Torah. He shared countless stories about his experiences with raising chil dren which highlighted the importance of building a strong future generation.

|202222,SEPTEMBERTheJewishHome 73 HoRav Moshe Faskowitz Rosh HaYeshiva HoRav Avraham Yitzchok Menahel NOW IdealBeautifulforVariety&forAPPLICATIONSACCEPTINGPostEretzYisroelCollegeBochurimofShiurimandSchedulesAllLevelsofLearningDormitoryscheduleforthoseattending Queens College, Just 5 minutes away B E IS M E DR AS H P R O G R A M Join our Kollel of Outstanding Yungeleit $10,000/YEAR FOR 10FirstMONTHSSeder 5 Days/Week K O R O R I F A MI L Y K O L L E L

smell, borei isvei besamim. Stu dents who chose to bring their herbs home had the ability to do another mitzvah with them by using them to season their food. In this way, the herbs can be included in the bracha over the food as well, and Mercaz Academy appreciates the number of mitzvot that have grown in our gar den along with the produce.
tween the agricultural cycle and the cycle of the year. Farmer Menuchah mentioned the shalosh regalim, the three festivals that are associated with a specific harvest time.
Mercaz Academy students also picked sprigs of rosemary, sage, and basil and performed the mitzvah of making a bracha on the beautiful
GrowTorah at

Last week’s parsha, Ki Tavo, tells of the mitzvah of bikkurim and the importance of sharing portions of our harvest with those in need, so Farmer Menuchah discussed how we could achieve the values of this mitzvah. Mercaz Academy students of all ages realized that they can give tzedakah in the form of fresh pro duce from our GrowTorah garden to people who are hungry. Students harvested golden, ripe squash to be donated to those in need. Farmer Menuchah will bring them to the food pantry at the Jewish Family Services in Teaneck, NJ, along with harvests from many other schools’ GrowTorah gardens.
Talmidim from Yeshiva Kol Torah celebrating a seudas hoda’ah upon Rabbi Opoczynski’s safe return to yeshiva

ercaz Academy’s GrowTo rah program has started, and the Mercaz students reaped the benefit. Farmer Menu chah Schuman arrived for her first outdoor lessons connecting conser vation and agriculture to the Torah portion and holidays. Students from nursery through sixth grade learned about Torah and the natural world, with different methodology and content but the same significant lessons.
The fifth and sixth grades sug gested many occasions where To rah and nature intersect, includ ing Mishnah Zeraim, dealing with laws of agriculture; Gan Eden, and the trees growing there; and the midrash of how Har Sinai flow ered when the Torah was given. A student cited a pasuk remembered from the Torah reading, etz chaim he lamachazikim bah , comparing the Torah to a tree of life.
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With Rosh Hashana approach ing, connections were drawn be


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with this year’s theme of “Let’s Grow Together,” the students at HANC have begun tending to the newly planted Grow Torah Garden where the children will be participating in lessons connecting the weekly Parsha to agricul ture and sustainable farming. Grow To rah aims to cultivate a more passionate, compassionate and sustainable future driven by Torah values. The organization develops experiential environment edu cation programs for Jewish institutions throughout the country. This national program has planted gardens for sev en schools and five camps and provides
magnificent mural depicting our Torah values. Every person in the school was given the opportunity to add their own letters and flourishes of color and the collective effort created a truly unique work of art that will be hung promi nently in the school hallway.

ate a school- wide original work of art. Demonstrating his multi-disciplinary conceptual art skills, Rabbi Moully explained that all of our energy ema nates from the Torah. To illustrate this concept, each student was invited to spray paint on a large canvas to create a
t was an eventful week at the Sam uel and Elizabeth Bass Golding Ele mentary School in West Hempstead. Heralding the upcoming holiday of Rosh Hashana, the school welcomed Tzivos Hashem’s Shofar Factory to give their annual presentation to the sixth graders on how a shofar is created. Thanks to the generous support of the HANC PTA, the shofar factory has become an annual tra dition that truly rings in the Yamim No araim.Inkeeping
Later in the week, the entire stu dent body participated in a unique art experience. Through a grant from the Grandparent Giving Circle, with a goal to provide special and unique programs for the students, HANC welcomed the famous Pop Art Rabbi, Rabbi Yitz chok Moully, who engaged each and every child in the school to help cre
Around the Community

guidance in maintaining the gardens and in teaching the children about the impor tance of caring for the plants in Hashem’s magnificent world. Thanks to a generous donation from HANC’s Grandparents Giving Circle, the school is privileged to have seven large planters filled with flow ers and herbs that the students are now stewarding and curating under the guid ance of Mrs. Rachel Steinberg, HANC Library Media Specialist. The students will be given monthly lessons connecting Torah and nature by Mrs. Michal Wasser, Assistant Principal, and Mrs. Lisa Lowy, Director of Admissions. As the year pro gresses, the students will get to see how their efforts help affect the growth of the communal garden.
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HANC Prepares for the New Year

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The Marion and Aaron Gural JCC has been providing a wide range of services to our community for over four decades. Through our Jewish Women’s Leader ship Council (JWLC), and our Kadima program for single Jewish parents, we are acutely aware and particularly sen sitive to the needs of the older singles in our neighborhood. To that end, this
past weekend, we hosted a Game Night for Orthodox Jewish singles ages 50-65, where over seventy singles from neigh borhoods near and far attended.
Some of the singles were divorced, others widows, and some never married but they all came with smiles on their faces and an appreciation for an evening planned just for them. The program in cluded light refreshments and a wine tasting event courtesy of Spruce d ‘Vine in Cedarhurst, entertainment by Daniel Stroock and a JCC moderator who spoke to the large crowd with warmth and hu mor about dating experiences and the audience’s take on what works and does not.“Thank you for arranging such a fun
ried after meeting at our last mixer sev eral years ago.
hat comes to mind when someone asks you if you know of any singles? Perhaps your brother who is just starting to date or your best friend’s daughter who has been dating for a Unfortunately,while. there are singles out there of every age and older singles often get relegated to the backs of our minds.
and well-organized event,” one grateful single“Thisexclaimed.was a long-overdue and much-needed program,” exclaimed yet another participant.
classmates and make new friends. Stu dents relaxed before returning to the Dining Hall for a barbeque dinner.
A highlight of the evening was a game show “Let’s Make a Deal” hosted by Rabbi Hulkhower. Students competed in various challenges and were coaxed to decide between monies earned and mystery prizes. The Freshmen then took advantage of the beautiful fields, playing sports before lights out.
The second day of the retreat began with tefilla, a hearty breakfast, and mean ingful learning sessions. This was fol lowed by an amazing group team-build ing activity of boat building. Everyone had an awesome time and made new friends.
Once the group arrived at Camp Nageela, Rabbi Hulkower welcomed the class and encouraged them to take ad vantage of the opportunity to bond with
The evening ended with more con versation, the exchange of numbers, and sincere expressions of appreciation by the Thesingles.large group of JCC volunteers who worked hard on the program and wanted so much for it to be a success in cluded Debra and David Brody who mar
JCC Cultural Arts Director Rachayle Deutsch explains: “We don’t know if any matches will have been made tonight. If so, wonderful! What we were more in terested in is that the older singles feel good about themselves and enjoy an evening out. We hope many good things emerge from tonight’s program, includ ing networking and new friendships. We hope tonight’s participants will realize that they are in our minds and in our thoughts. They are not forgotten.” To find out more about this or any other of our JCC events, call the JCC at (516)569-6733 or visit our web site
Yashar koach to Rabbi Daniel Mezei, Director of Student Life, and his team, Rab bi Judah Hulkhower and Rabbi Aharon Friedler for organizing the entire program. Thank you to Rabbi Slomnicki, Ms. Zuck er, Mr. Smus, Ms. Ganchrow and to grade mechanchim Mrs. Jenna Zelka and Rabbi Nafi Orlofsky for joining the retreat. This event could not have been possible without the team of senior advisors: Ben Goldstein, Devorah Woznica, Dovid Rahmanou, Lea Bassali, Nava Talitian, Oriel Atias and Te hilla Rabanipour.
cussed strategies of taking back that con trol. Utilizing Catherine Price’s “How to Break Up With Your Phone,” a piece pri marily geared toward adults, the groups considered achievable, sustainable steps to move in a positive direction.
The whole school then gathered for a finale to the program, where the ini tiative was officially launched. They were encouraged to join a WhatsApp chat to build momentum, where each participant could post when she com pleted her hour. The chat is populated by students and faculty, all working to gether to make this habit stick. Feed back has already been exceptionally positive, with students reporting that they have rediscovered hobbies long ago discarded and have found time in their day for responsibilities previous ly relegated to the sidelines of their schedules.
Around the Community
he HANC High School Class of 2026 was inaugurated into high school at the annual Freshman Retreat last Monday and Tuesday, Sep tember 12 and 13, at Camp Nageela in Fallsburg, NY. The students participated in two days of amazing activities, enter tainment and “just getting to know one another.” The trip was chaperoned by administrators, mechnachim, and mem bers of HANC’s Student Life Team.
HANC High School Freshman RememberingRetreatAll Our Singles at the Gural JCC SHS JOHing Strong Did you know? When a boy is born in Oman, the family plants a date tree
“It was much more entertaining and offered more comfortable ice-breaking talks than any other event I have been at,” claimed another enthusiastic attend ee.
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The retreat started with an incredible hike in the Englewood Cliffs, where stu dents challenged themselves by climbing steep stone steps that descended to “Pea nut Leap Cascade.” Students were awed by the beautiful waterfalls and cliffs surrounding them, and took pictures at lookout points along the path. They finished their morning with a delicious pizza lunch at Sheli’s in Monsey, NY, and relaxed on the bus as they made their way to Dave and Busters in the Palisades mall. Students spent their time shooting hoops, playing video games and amass ing tickets to buy items at the concession.
HS launched “Just One Hour” last week, a powerful and game chang ing initiative that capitalizes on the openness to change and growth we all experience at this time of year, as the Yamim Noraim approach. The idea is to commit to one hour a day during which you put away your phone, reclaiming your control over it. It doesn’t have to be the same hour every day, and it doesn’t require any public commitment; this is simply an opportunity for students and faculty alike to recognize that as behold en as we sometimes are to our devices, we are stronger than the impulse to con stantly check our screens.
JOH was introduced in teacher-led small group sessions, during which stu dents shared their struggles with over coming the attachment to their phones. They recognized that to some extent it had taken ownership of them and dis

|202222,SEPTEMBERTheJewishHome 79 Timeless ChinuCh ConTemporary eduCaTion BAIS YAAKOV FIVE TOWNS הבוטהקותמוהנש MRS. BRACHA WRONA MENAHELES MRS. RINA PLUTCHOK PRESCHOOL DIRECTOR LAWRENCE,15INFO@BY5T.ORG516-500-BY5TFROSTLANENY11559 As we embark on a year toBY5Tbeginnings,wonderfulofnewwouldlikewisha הבוט המיתחו הביתכ to the facessmilesMayfamilies.ourofacommuity,entirewithdeepsensegratitudetopioneeringthesweetontheofour תודימלת continue to shine bright all year long. SAVE THE DATE - 2023-2024 OPEN HOUSE - SUNDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2022 - STAY TUNED FOR MORE DETAILS

man for heading the beautiful decor. A big thank you to our incredible sponsors who made this event possible: Yael and Ari Cukier, Sara Honikman, Perel Ash, Devorah Wachsler, Arthur and Leah Gut man, and Daniella Graff.
hulamith mothers enjoyed a beau tiful and inspiring evening at our annual SWO kickoff event, featur ing speaker Jackie Bitton, who was abso lutely captivating! We are so grateful to Elisheva and Avishai Neuman for open ing their home to us and to Ahava Feld
Shulamith ECC
Thursday was another wonderful and action-packed day. Students participated in a variety of activities such as water col oring, keychain crafting, and a delicious salad-making “Chopped” style compe tition. Hodaya Yaacobov expressed how meaningful minchah by the lake was. “Looking at the water and seeing how Hashem created everything made me feel so connected to Hashem,” she said.
Before dinner, Mrs. Zerykier gave the girls an inspiring Torah chat. With Rosh Hashana approaching, students were given the tools on how they can continue to become their best selves this year. The day ended with a moving and meaning ful kumzits. Ms. Greenberg shared how wonderful it was to see “all the girls com ing together and how much of their heart they gave to each activity.” The memories made on this year’s retreat will surely be the stepping stones to a wonderful and growth-filled year at YSZ HS for Girls!
As Rosh Hashana approaches, the children are immersed in the sights, smells and sounds of the upcoming Chag. They use all of their senses to learn about apples and honey. Using tools of inves

shows that young chil dren learn best through hands-on ex periences, the children are given many opportunities to examine a real shofar in
Naomi Mordukhaev, a sophomore, ap preciated how each activity allowed the girls to bond together while at the same time allowing them to work on their team-building skills. Students then par ticipated in what many considered the highlight of the retreat. Students en gaged in a ropes course activity that truly encapsulated the theme of retreat. For many students, the ropes course was new and unchartered territory. With the encouragement and positivity radiating from both grades, many students con quered their fears and walked away feel ing empowered and strong.

ip the apple in the honey…”. The beginning of the new year is as sweet as honey at Shulamith Early Childhood Center. The children are delighted to be reunit ed with their friends and devoted morot. Each day at Shulamith ECC brings new opportunities to learn and discover in ev ery curriculum area.
the classroom science center and think about where it came from. A real Ba’al Tokeyah, Mr. Hillel Tuchman, came to Shulamith ECC and showed the chil dren many different shofarot; from a tiny shofar to a very long twisty one. As the
The rest of the night was spent reflect ing, relaxing, and sharing how accom
children sat in rapt silence, Mr. Tuchman blew all of the different kolot for them.
Sweet Beginnings at
The children at HANC’s Early Childhood Center in West Hempstead are preparing for the New Year

YSZ HS for Girls Kicks Off Year With Student Retreat Shulamith SWO Kickoff Event
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We at Shulamth ECC wish the com munity a shana tova u’metukah; a won derful year filled with sweetness, good health and happiness for all.
plished everyone felt. Morah Balakhaneh shared how much nachat it gave her to see how “mature, deep, and real each of the students’ reflections were.”

n Wednesday, September 14, stu dents arrived bright and early to YSZ HS for Girls in Queens and boarded a bus for a trip they knew they would soon not forget. With Mrs. Zerykier, Morah Balakhaneh, and Ms. Greenberg in tow, students looked forward to feeling the warmth and encouragement that YSZ is famous for in a new and exciting ven ue. The retreat was located in beautiful and scenic Pennsylvania where students could participate in many different types of bonding activities. These activities fo cused on team building, fostering friend ships, and motivating students to step out of their comfort zones. With the theme of “stretching yourself,” students had the opportunity to find and hone their own unique strengths and abilities.
As soon as the students arrived at the SkyTop Lodge, they were led by grade to the first set of activities. Freshmen were tasked with boat building, while sopho mores participated in a scavenger hunt.
tigation, our young scientists examine a variety of colored apples from peel to core and use rich adjectives to describe the differences in taste. They taste the sticky honey and watch its slow drip in complete fascination. They compare the taste of honey to pickles and spicy potato chips and conclude that they want to ask Hashem for a sweet new year, not a sour or spicy
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via Foti, currently living in Chicago. The personal account of how Mr. Gochin visited the killing pits of Lithuania and discovered that Noreika was behind it, converges with Ms. Foti’s story as she learns about her personal history. Ms. Foti’s story has been published in her book, The Nazi’s Granddaughter: How I Discovered My Grandfather Was a War Criminal, and tells the shocking story of how she discovered that her childhood hero, her grandfather, Jonas Noreika, was actually a war criminal involved in the deaths of some 14,000 Jews (many in the town of Telsai whose survivors later transplanted to the Telz Yeshiva) includ ed the Lithuanian relatives of Mr. Go chin. The Lithuanian government and people have not come to terms with their atrocious past and have made Noreika a national hero, named schools named af ter him, and have monuments honoring his Mr.memory.Gochin spoke to the Rambam students about the horrific history of anti-Semitism in Lithuania and how centuries of lies about Jews sowed the
seeds of hatred. When the opportunity to murder Jews presented itself thanks to the Nazis, Mr. Gochin remarked that “in a typical village there was fifty-per cent participation in the killing of the Jews and the rest of the Lithuanian peo ple did nothing.”
The assembly was informative, mov ing, and the message from Mr. Gochin to never forget, get involved, and fight for
the truth is paramount. He concluded by saying that “not honoring the memories of the dead would be killing them all over again.”Rabbi
Zev Meir Friedman, Rosh Me sivta of Rambam, who introduced the film and Mr. Gochin, also pledged on be half of Rambam that they would do their part to let the Lithuanians know that they have not forgotten.
Grant Gochin is leading the fight against Lithuania’s Center for the Study of the Genocide and Resistance of Resi dents of Lithuania, or Genocide Center. They posit that Lithuanian Nazi collab orator Jonas Noreika was actually an an ti-Nazi hero in disguise. Gochin, howev er, maintains that Noreika was “directly responsible for the murder of his rela tives in Šiauliai” and calls for Genocide Center apologies and the end of “equivo cations of Holocaust denial.”
The Battle Over Holocaust Memory in Lithuania Comes to Rambam

Around the Community

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The nature of Mr. Gochin’s film fol lows his quest for justice and how it is paralleled by the story of a writer, Sil
n Thursday, the students at Ram bam were honored to see a sneak peek of the opening minutes of an incredibly important film: “J’Accuse!: A Cry from the Killing Pits of Lithuania.” One of the makers of the film, Grant Gochin of Los Angeles, addressed the students about the horrors that befell Lithuanian Jews during the Holocaust and what he and others are doing to set the facts straight and bring justice to the memory of those who were murdered.
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Candidate for Governor, Lee Zeldin, on the campaign trail in Monsey, NYShulamith students are getting ready for Rosh Hashana

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he sounds of the shofar are heard loud and clear in the halls of IVDU 5 Towns as the students and staff are busy preparing for Rosh Ha shana. The students have been busy learning all the different minhagim of Rosh Hashana and the importance of them. The students in Morah Frumit and Morah Karina’s classes have been tasting all different kinds of apples and voting on their favorite ones. They have been using a multi-sensory approach to learning about the upcom ing Yom Tov; tasting the foods, feeling the bumpy and smooth shofar, and coloring their own arts and crafts projects. Morah Tova’s students have made beautiful honey dishes that will adorn their yom tov tables. Rab bi Maman has been teaching the older boys about teshuva and how we ask for forgiveness from Hashem and from our friends.

Around the Community

Scenes of the beginning of the school year at HAFTR

Rosh Hashana Preparation at IVDU 5 Towns

Rivka Lock, coordinator of the entire event, was thrilled with the outcome. She reported, “So many of the participants were enthused about the quality of the crowd. There were many big players of the industry there, and there were dis cussions of deals going on all over. I can’t even count how many people left telling me that it was really worth their coming.”
Stay tuned soon for an announcement on the date and location of JEP/REN8.
sponsors. Yoel Zagelbaum of Riverside, who presented the award to Steven Vegh, said, “We are proud to partner with JEP and Camp Nageela and all the good work theyKevando.”

JEP/REN A Resounding Success
Michael Schick, who is president of JEP-Long Island, once again present ed a masterful spread of delicious food, paired with fine wines. For Michael, “Bringing together real estate leaders who are on top of their field, to help Jew ish kids who are striving to grow, is the best thing I can do.”
ne of the original charity-spon sored real estate networking events in NY, JEP/REN, reached a new level of impact this year. Last week, about four hundred people from the real estate field spent an evening in Manhat tan networking, making business con nections, enjoying great food and drink, and ultimately benefiting JEP and Camp Nageela.
Each year, JEP/REN presents an award to someone from the real estate industry, who exemplifies the ideal of using their talent and resources to bet ter people’s lives in both real estate and philanthropy. This year’s awardee was Steven Vegh, of Westwood Realty. The award is named after Mark Ramer, who was a Camp Nageela board member and used his creativity to find many ways to help children and families.
The event will have many long-lasting effects. Of course, there are the potential deals that could come to fruition. There is also the effect that the funds raised will have on Jewish children. Rabbi Da vid Shenker, Director of JEP/Naggela said, “This event highlights the strength of the JEP/Nageela concept – to harness the power of community to support our youth. With the funds raised at REN7, we are hiring a camper recruitment special ist who will work with our volunteers and participants to introduce them to our unique approach to Jewish camping.”

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clients and potential clients to a classy venue with upscale food and a focus on business. As the event drew closer, the word began spreading in the media that a must-go event was happening, and the reservations started pouring in. The excitement really grew when it was an nounced that Steven Vegh, of Westwood Realty, would be receiving the Mark Ra mer Building People Award. By the after noon before the event, registration had to be closed.Thelongtime main sponsors of JEP/ REN, Meridian Capital and Riverside Abstract, were joined by over 20 other
Tague of Media Sponsor The Real Deal said, “The Real Deal was proud to partner with JEP/REN and had a great time attending. We met great people in real estate and can’t wait to partner again on a larger scale”
In the weeks leading up to JEP/ REN7, the excitement kept building as more and more sponsors jumped on board. The sponsors wanted to use the event to spread their influence and bring
Around the Community
Returning to his foxhole, Ari put his equipment bag back on when he suddenly felt something dripping out from under neath his combat vest. Fearing he was hit, Ari’s fellow soldiers checked to see if Ari was shot. But what they found was a larger mortar fragment that had landed in Ari’s foxhole and penetrated his equip ment and water bag.
The prize will be awarded to activists who have dedicated themselves to build ing Eretz Yisrael and defending the Jew ish Afterpeople.much deliberation, it was unanimously decided that the most wor thy recipients for the first prize would be two people who have selflessly dedicat
Miriam Fuld, Ari’s wife, said, “My Ari was so excited and proud to see the great work Ari and Jeremy were doing on the Arugot farm when he visited there in 2017. Ari and Jeremy love the land and people of Israel. They are builders of Is rael, Zionist activists, and teachers of Torah. It was obvious they had to be our first recipients of The Ari Fuld Lion of ZionOnPrize.”Ari’s fourth Yahrzeit, Sunday, 7 Tishrei 5783 (October 2, 2022), The Ari Fuld Lion of Zion Prize 2022/5783 cere mony will be held live in Gush Etzion and livestreamed online for all to see. Other new and major projects that are in the works will also be announced.
Heroism was one of Ari’s defining characteristics. Protecting Israel, Juda ism, and the Jewish people, whether in combat, on the streets, or on social media was always paramount to Ari Fuld.
The Ari Fuld Project is working not just to support IDF reservists, security units, and spread Ari’s popular “Grill & Torah” series and Torah teachings but to help other Zionist activists and defenders of Israel succeed in their missions, too.

The Ari
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Announcing Fuld Lion of
Zion Prize 2022/5783
To donate and to view the livestream, go to:
But on 7 Tishrei 5779 (Sept. 16, 2018), while shopping in Gush Etzion, Ari was stabbed in the back by an Arab terrorist and mortally wounded. Ari’s last act of heroism was to chase down and shoot the Arab terrorist before the terrorist could harm the next victim he was running to stab. Ari was posthumously awarded the very rare Medal of Valor by the Israeli police.Ari’s family and friends established The Ari Fuld Project to continue Ari’s mission and to keep his memory alive.
We hope you join our mission and help support The Ari Fuld Project so we can continue spreading Ari’s message and his projects and continue to award The Ari Fuld Lion of Zion Prize well into the future.
t was the Second Lebanon War. A battalion of IDF soldiers was moving forward on a city street as enemy fire rained upon them from a position above them. Ari Fuld and his unit ran into the field of fire to assist those soldiers. After 30 minutes, Ari’s unit was called back to help their own platoon, when some of the soldiers who had stayed behind sus tained wounds from mortar fire.
The incident in Lebanon strengthened Ari’s conviction that he had to redouble his efforts to teach Torah, support IDF sol diers, and defend the Jewish people.
ed their lives, time, money and efforts to building the Land of Israel and teaching Judaism to the masses, exemplifying the exact message Ari always worked to convey.The Ari Fuld Project is proud to an nounce that this year’s recipients are Jer emy Gimpel and Ari Abramowitz, part ners in building the Arugot Farm in Gush Etzion.In2017, Ari Fuld visited the fledg ling farm, just after they had started to build and protect this strategic region of then-barren land in Gush Etzion. Even then, it was evident that what they were doing was amazing but also incredibly challenging.
The Ari Fuld Project is proud to an nounce The First Annual Ari Fuld Lion of Zion Prize for 2022/5783.
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Learning for Life at Lander College for Men Beis Medrash L’Talmud
at Lander get a fully integrated experi ence. Premed and bio students start the first day of class learning the Rambam’s thoughts on key medical issues.
What are your goals for the students at Lander College for Men Beis Medrash L’Talmud?
We are deeply committed to enabling students to pursue professions al taha ras hakadosh, through our convergence of the yeshiva and the career track.
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What do you view as your most important role at the yeshiva?
Up Close with Rosh HaYeshiva Rav Yonason Sacks

Our talmidim are at a crossroads in their lives. They are poised to get married and embark on professional careers. These are likely the most significant decisions they will ever make, with far-reaching ramifications. My key role is to guide them as they make these choices and to prepare them for life as a ben Torah and all that entails – from interacting with their wives to anticipating challenges in the workplace and balancing personal and communal responsibilities. I and the other Lander rebbeim are not just teaching Gemara, we are showing them how to live a life where Torah values inform all they do.
What new programs and initiatives are you launching for those seeking to spend more time learning, even as they pursue college studies and career preparation?
A rosh yeshiva, rebbe, leading po sek, rav and author of over 40 seforim, Rabbi Sacks shares his thoughts on pre paring students for a real life that fuses Torah study, professional success, eth ical conduct and family and communal responsibilities. He talks about varied programming to serve a diverse student population and new initiatives designed to meet the needs of students who wish to devote more time to Torah learning while still pursuing college studies.
What are the defining features and unique offerings students can find at Lander College for Men Beis Medrash L’Talmud?
tudents who spend a year or two learning in Israel post high school often feel that is where they grow to become their best selves. Many are con cerned they will lose their momentum when they return to begin what their par ents may call “real life.” Rabbi Yonason Sacks, Rosh HaYeshiva of Touro’s Lander College for Men Beis Medrash L’Talmud, is passionate about helping his talmidim continue their personal and spiritual growth trajectory once they touch down in the States.
talmidim have constant face time with their rebbeim.
First and foremost, we know our stu dents are looking for a continuation of their Israel experience. They seek high level learning, a connection with rebbeim, and an immersive yeshiva environment. When a student says, “I feel like I’m in Eretz Yisrael,” that is the biggest compli ment. We work to offer this full-service one-stop yeshiva, combined with college and professional tracks. The students
Personal relationships with our rebbeim is another hallmark of Lander College for Men Beis Medrash L’Talmid. Each rebbe is creative and talented, and most important, they all want to forge those meaningful connections that will outlast the students’ time at the yeshiva. Our
My talmidim are like my children. When they leave, we still consider them a part of the yeshiva family and we stay in touch for years. More than 400 alumni come back to daven at the yeshiva for the Yomim Noraim, and our annual alumni family events draws nearly 800 people.
In addition to Masmidim, we now of fer the College 2nd Seder Program which offers students the opportunity to learn an optional 2nd seder, in addi tion to morning and night sedarim. The
This year, we launched a new Mas midim Program, headed by veteran mechanech Rabbi Yosef Sonnenschein who is our menahel. This program is for those who want to dedicate more time to serious learning beyond their regu lar daily learning schedule. It is struc tured to enable these talmidim to build in additional sedorim into their schedule without interfering with their college studies. The Masmidim meet for an af ternoon seder on Sundays, Tuesday, and Thursdays when they learn a set limud of Gemara bekiyus of the Yeshiva’s Ma sechta. Additionally, they have a special mishmar seder once a week as well as a machshava chabura given by rotating Masmidim to develop their speaking skills and ability to present on topics in Torah and machshava.
2nd seder program runs throughout the week during the 1st period of college classes and students work their college courseload into different time slots.
For students who choose to spend ad ditional time learning after graduating college, we offer a Beis Medrash gap year that enables non-semicha students to learn full time after college, before enter ing the workforce or pursuing graduate and professional studies.
I believe integration is vital – we don’t create walls between the Torah learning and college classes. The Lander dean, Dr. Moshe Sokol, and I communicate daily and work to create a holistic environment where our values are reflected in all sec ular studies. The curriculum and extra curricular activities are all conducive to growth as a ben Torah.
The students finish their college studies and enter the workforce. How do you prepare them to incorporate Torah study into their professional lives, once they are no longer in the yeshiva?
Part of what we teach is how to balance and integrate the different aspects of our lives. We talk to students about what may arise and how to handle these challenges from halachic and hashkafic perspectives. We give shiurim that cover shidduchim, marriage and chinuch. We focus on the Torah’s perspective on these issues so they gain clarity and understand where it dif fers from norms of today’s society.

At Lander College for Men, our Smi cha program attracts future congre gational rabbis and rebbeim as well as future dentists, doctors and business professionals who seek to attain this knowledge and proficiency for them selves and their future families.
We also offer a broad range of shiurim so students can learn at a level that’s right for them. We have nine different shiurim, so everyone finds the right fit.
We talk often about their future lives as husbands, professionals, baalei batim and bnei Torah and how to manage all those roles. One of my talmidim shared that being at Lander College for Men and juggling college, learning, lab, and night seder was the best preparation for life as it taught him how to balance multiple re sponsibilities and was truly a model for what he encountered later on in life. For more information, visit
One of the unique requirements at Lander College is for all students to take a full semester of shiurim where they learn the halachos of their major and fu ture career, whether it be business and finance, psychology, or medicine.
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Yehuda didn’t waste any time. After he got off the phone, he called me up and told me the entire story.
and ask her. Let me know what she says.”
Now it just so happened that Yehuda and Itamar had gone to the same yeshiva together and had known each other for years.
My daughter Sara had been dating for a long time. I felt as if I’d become ac quainted with every shadchan in Eretz Yisrael, and all of them had become my personal friends. Though I had tried for a long time to narrow down what Sara was looking for, the only thing I knew for sure was that the boy had to be a fluent English speaker and not Israeli-born. At some point, I realized that I didn’t know what to do anymore. I no longer felt com fortable calling shadchanim when my daughter was so unclear about what she wanted.Oneafternoon, I traveled to the Kosel to pour out my heart to Hashem.
“But Yehuda,” I said, “you know what the problem is going to be?”
“Who, Mommy?”
Avigail was expecting a baby at the time, and clearly something had gone wrong. It looked like Avigail was going to lose the baby.
• • • •
So I called Sara and told her that someone had expressed interest in meet ing her.
“The doctor who took care of Ariel in the And“Doesn’t“But“Tellhospital.”himyes!”he’sIsraeli.”matter.”itdidn’t.
I was very impressed that Sara would take so much money — money that she had planned to use for herself — and use it for something else. But there was no question in her mind that this was what she wanted to do.
Sara was there for him when he woke up and cried because he was in a strange place, and she was there to hold him and comfort him. Every morning, the doctor
n London. On Broadway. In an American army base in the Philip pines during the Second World War. Wherever there are Jews … there are sto ries. And wherever there are stories … there is Rabbi Nachman Seltzer, keeping us spellbound and inspired.
“Hi,“Hello?”isthis Yehuda?”
“I cannot do this anymore,” I said to Hashem. “I don’t know what she wants, and neither does she. You, however, know exactly what she wants. Please send him!”
The word “date” comes from the Greek word daktylos, meaning finger
About eight months after his birth, Ariel developed an infection and had to be hospitalized. With four other chil dren at home, it was very complicated for Avigail to stay with him at the hospi tal during the nighttime hours. To ease the load, Sara stayed in the hospital with Ariel during the daytime hours and slept overnight with him as well.
It’s actually quite amazing how many stories Rabbi Seltzer finds. Even more amazing is how amazing those amazing stories are!
The situation took a twist in a differ ent direction a few months later. We had been scheduled to go to the
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Sara was naturally thrilled by the turn of events and went out of her way to develop a relationship with her nephew.
• • • • •
I davened for a while longer and then I left the Kosel, satisfied that I had told Hashem what I’d come to say.
• • • • •
A few days later, Avigail’s husband Ye huda received a phone call.
“So, what can I do for you?”
“Speaking. Who is this?”
“This is going to come as a little bit of a surprise,” the doctor said, “but I would appreciate it very much if you’d be willing to ask your in-laws if they would look into me as a prospective husband for your sis ter-in-law.”“Youmean the sister-in-law who stayed with my baby at the hospital?”
Have an Amazing Story for You! 4 ArtScroll/Mesorah Publications

Did you know?
• • • • •
would make his rounds and ask the fam ily members what had occurred during the night. Since Sara was the family member who had been with Ariel, it was she who gave the doctor the report. After a week, Ariel recovered from his infec tion. The doctor gave him a clean bill of health and permission to return home. With her nephew back in his daily rou tine, Sara returned to her life, too.
• • • • •
In I Have an Amazing Story for You! 4 , we will read, in fascinating detail, about one woman’s near-death experi ence. We will watch the legendary Rav Yitzchok Dovid Grossman dancing – on a sidewalk on Broadway. We will discov er almost unbelievable hashgachah pra tis in a shul whose aron kodesh was, for no apparent reason, locked on Shabbos afternoon.Andas we read the incredible stories, we will find ourselves uplifted, inspired and, yes, amazed.
Beit Shemesh home of one of our daugh ters for a Chanukah party that night and were already on the way when Sara’s phone rang. She answered, and her face froze. There was no question in my mind that she’d just received bad news — the only question was, what kind. When she finally got off the phone, she told us, “To night’s plans are changed. The party is not happening at Avigail’s house.”
From time to time, I think about my daughter’s shidduch and how it came about. I think about the fact that she’d always insisted that Israelis weren’t for her and how she ended up marrying one. I think about the fact that I told Hash em that I didn’t know what to do and asked Him to take over – and He did. Of course, I also think about the fact that my daughter took all the money she’d in tended to give to tzedakah as a merit for herself and gave it instead as a merit for her sister and unborn nephew. And how that baby was the one who actually intro duced her to her husband.
We asked her what had happened. She explained that our other daughter had called to tell us that Avigail had just been taken to the hospital.
She then turned to her brother, who was also in the car, and suggested that he do the same.
By Rabbi Nachman Seltzer
“It’s your baby’s doctor, Itamar.”
“Thank you for taking such good care of my baby,” Yehuda told his old friend.
• • • •
“Yes, I know. Itamar is Israeli, and Sara only wants someone English-speak ing.”“Exactly.”“Still,maybe tell Sara what happened
The following is one story from the book, titled The Direction Change.
Baruch Hashem, the baby survived. His parents called him Ariel.
“You’re very welcome.”
I think about all these things from time to Thentime.Ismile. Because it is just so ob vious that there is Someone up there run ning the world.
• • • • •
- As heard from Sara’s mother
As we drove toward Beit Shemesh, I could see that Sara was lost in thought. Soon she turned to me and said, “I’ve been saving up my money for a while. I’d planned on making a major donation to one of the big tzedakah sites in the merit of finding my zivug soon. But now I think I’m going to change my mind and donate the money as a zechus that Avigail’s baby should be born healthy and complete.”
“Yes. I’ll send you my resume, and of course you can check with our rebbeim whom I’ve kept in touch with over the last ten years…”
An Expression of Gratitude

We are currently at the height of the days of mercy and atonement, when Hakadosh Baruch Hu showers Klal Yis rael with love and closeness and grants us the process of teshuvah.
You shall take of the first of every fruit of the ground that you bring in from your Land that Hashem, your G-d, gives you (Devarim 26:2).
The foundation of the mitzvah of bikkurim is expressing gratitude to Hashem. When a person carries that precious first fruit of his crop to the Beis HaMikdash, he recalls that these fruits — along with all other delights of Olam Hazeh — are gifts of his Creator, and this insight fills him with profound sentiments of gratitude to Hashem. The mitzvah of bikkurim thus illustrates the overriding imperative of hakaras hatov to Hakadosh Baruch Hu for the count less miracles and wonders that He per forms for us every moment of every day, and conversely, the gravity of spurning His everlasting kindness. Moreover, just as the mitzvah of bikkurim highlights our obligation to feel and express grat itude to Hashem, it likewise points to our moral duty to express appreciation to our fellow man.
shuvah 1:1): “Among the great kindnesses that Hashem bestows upon His creations is preparing for them a path to rise from their lowly actions and flee the abyss of sin… And if they sinned greatly and re belled against Him, He still does not close the doors of repentance to them.”
Now, we can still be enriched by Rav Nosson Tzvi’s teachings in the new Rav Nosson Tzvi Speaks, published by ArtScroll/Mesorah. This volume con tains the aforementioned shmuessen, carefully chosen and adapted for print. As you read these beautifully thoughtout pieces, you will be treated not only to Rav Nosson Tzvi’s chiddushim but also those of his rabbeim, Rav Chaim Shmu levitz and Rav Chaim Kamiel, whose teachings influenced him so greatly.

Kovetz He’aros (Yevamos Ch. 21 §24) notes that whereas the repentance of a gentile takes effect at the time that he re pents and impacts his future so that he will not be punished in Olam Hazeh, the repentance of a Yid works retroactively as well, erasing his misdeeds as if he nev er sinned at all.
Had the world been created for life in Olam Hazeh alone, there would have been no purpose in the concept of teshu vah. Yet Man’s purpose in this world is to prepare for Olam Haba, as Chazal teach that this world is compared to a corridor to Olam Haba (Avos 4:16).
Let us examine why Hashem saw fit to create the power of teshuvah and what we can learn from His ways.
The following is an excerpt from the book relevant to this time of year.
ll who were privileged to attend the Erev Shabbos shmuessen of Rav Nosson Tzvi Finkel zt”l, rosh yeshiva of Yeshivas Mir Yerushalayim, understands that it was much more than a simple parasha shiur. The experience for every English-speaking bachur was that of the warmth and love of a father sharing his love of Torah. With his trade mark smile and delight in Torah, Rav Nosson Tzvi would share thoughts on the parsha and personal insights on life.
Chumash from the Beloved Mir
Rav Nosson Tzvi Speaks on Rosh Hayeshivah
Man experiences many ups and downs throughout life and can be con sidered “alive” during his good periods and “dead” during his difficult periods. His temperament and feelings shift con stantly, especially since the yeitzer hara baits him day and night. Yet Man’s duty is
Few people in our time have had such a profound influence on adults and talmi dim as Rav Nosson Tzvi. That an “Amer ican boy from Chicago” could not only become the head of a great yeshiva but make it the largest Torah institution in the world would be astounding enough. But that he did so while delivering shi urim and despite a severe physical hand icap is what made him one of the most beloved and inspiring Torah leaders in the Thisworld.collection of his Chumash shmuessen are profound and illuminat ing. They show us how to achieve major levels of ameilus and hasmadah, and lofty levels of bein adam lachaveiro, urging us to seek and achieve greatness. They will help us feel and, yes, emulate
the achrayus, ahavas haTorah and aha vas Yisroel that defined Rav Nosson Tzvi.
Rabbeinu Yonah writes (Shaarei Te
Teshuvah is an unparalleled gift from Hakadosh Baruch Hu.
• • • • •
Indeed, so many miss Rav Nosson Tzvi. His warmth. His authentic caring for every talmid; indeed, for every Jew. His ahavas haTorah, his vision, his humility, and his extraordinary determination not to let a debilitating illness stop him from teaching – and building – Torah.
This is an incredible idea, as logic dictates that a person who sinned and rebelled against Hakadosh Baruch Hu should be undeserving of any clemen cy. Yet Hakadosh Baruch Hu, Who is a loving and compassionate Father, be queathed to His children the priceless gift of teshuvah, which uproots sins ret roactively at their source, and we must value this deeply.
Some believe that hakaras hatov means repaying a kindness to another, yet its true definition is actually discern ing the kindness that someone did on your behalf, and this recognition is truly the greatest recompense that the giver can receive from the recipient. The same applies to the hakaras hatov that we owe Hakadosh Baruch Hu; the very recogni tion of the kindness that He performs for us every hour of every day is the ultimate manifestation of hakaras hatov
to choose life — u’vacharta bachayim — and this is a recurring choice that pres ents itself every day anew. It’s a choice we face every morning as we recite Modeh Ani, and a choice we face before every te fillah, and during every moment of life.
Life in this world is about choosing be tween good and evil: If Man chooses good, then he merits to enter Olam Haba — which is the ultimate objective of teshuvah.
Published by ArtScroll/Mesorah Publications Did you know? There are more than 200 varieties of dates
The novelty of teshuvah is not that a sinner can erase his sins, as this is but a consequence of teshuvah. Rather, it is the fact that a person who sinned previously, but now faces new choices at each and ev ery juncture, can still choose the proper path. And it is this choice and yearning for spiritual life that bring about the era sure of his sins.
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Cheeriomagnetism – n. The quality of cereal that causes the last five Cheerios in the bowl to clump together.
Memnents - n. The small broken pieces at the bottom of an M&M bag
Chipfault (chip’ fawlt) - n. The stress point on a potato chip where it breaks off and stays behind in the dip.
Yankel was talking to his psychiatrist.
Flosstitution - v. Using anything other than real floss to clean between your teeth.
Carcreak - n. Those crackling, tinkling, creaky noises your car makes after you park and turn it off.

“I had a weird dream recently,” he said. “I saw my mother but then I noticed she had your face. I found this so worrying that I immediately awoke and couldn’t get back to sleep. I just stayed there thinking about it until 8 AM. I got up, made myself a slice of toast and some coffee, and came straight
Proposed Additions to the English Language Gotta Be Kidding

202222,SEPTEMBER|HomeJewishThe 96 1. *
Thedream?”psychiatrist was silent for a moment, and then said, “What? One slice of toast and coffee? Do you really call that a breakfast?!”
Phonesia (fo nee’ zhuh) - n. The affliction of dialing a phone number and forgetting whom you were calling just as they answer.
Carperpetuation (kar’pur pet u a shun) - n. The act, when vacuuming, of running over a string at least a dozen times, reaching over and picking it up, examining it, then putting it back down to give the vacuum one more chance.
here. Can you please help me explain the meaning of my
Destinesia (des tin e sha) - n. When you go somewhere, and then upon arrival you forget why you went there.
TJH Centerfold
Bowlikinetics (boh lih kih neh’ tiks) - n. The act of trying to control a released bowling ball by twisting one’s body in the direction one wants it to go.
Mittsquinter - n. The guy who looks into his baseball glove after dropping the fly ball, as if he dropped the ball because something was wrong with his glove.
Aqualibrium (ak wa lib’re um) - n. The point where the stream of drinking fountain water is at its perfect height, thus relieving the drinker from (a) having to suck the nozzle, or (b) squirting himself in the eye.
Flopcorn (flop’ korn) - n. The un-popped kernels at the bottom of the cooker.
Intaxication - n. Euphoria at getting a tax refund, even though it was your money to start with.

Ellacelleration - n. The mistaken belief that buttonpressingrepeatedlytheelevatorwillmakeitgo faster.

doses that it combatcansystemthethroughpasseseitherdigestiveorthebodyit.2)D
a. 19 pounds b. 23 pounds c. 47 pounds d. 52 pounds
1) D - That is right, apple seeds do contain the compound amygdalin, also known as Vitamin B17. This compound can produce cyanide. However, it is not dangerous to eat apple seeds because the cyanide that is being released is usually in small enough
8) B
6. What is the science of apple called?growing
Wisdom Key: 6-8 correct: Crunch…crunch. You really know your apples from your oranges!3-5correct: You are not exactly a pomologist but not bad.
|202222,SEPTEMBERTheJewishHome 97
a. Granny Smith b. Red Delicious c.d.FujiGolden Delicious e. Answers:
3) A - Apples float because they are 25% air.

3. Apples are made up of 25 percent of which substance?
4) C
5) D - China not only makes the most Apple Inc. products, it also produces 43 million tons of edible apples a year; the U.S. produces 41 million tons of apples
annually.6)B7)A-The average American eats 19 pounds of apples per year. That comes out to approximately 65 apples. So, you have your work cut out for you, my friend!
4. How old is an apple tree when it begins to bear fruit?

0-2 correct: Is that apple seed cyanide getting to your brain?
2. Approximately how many varieties of apples are there around the world?
a. 2 to 3 years b. 4 to 5 years c. 6 to 8 years d. 10 to 12 years
a. 250 b. 600 c. 2,000 d. 7,500
Apple Trivia
a. Fulvic acid b. Copper c. Lycopene, which is a cancerpreventative phytonutrient d. Vitamin B17, which is a cyanide-containing molecule
1. What is contained in an apple seed?
a. Air b. Oil c. Vitamin C d. Acid
a. Apiology b. Pomology c. Atmology d. Onomasiology
a. Guatemala b. Mexico c. Vietnam d. China
7. How many pounds of apples does the average American eat annually?
8. What is the most grown apple?
5. The U.S produces the secondmost apples in the world. Which company produces the most apples annually?

The covenant of the rainbow exists to remind us of the wonders of the natural world in which we are temporary guests. The covenant of history, of which the Jewish people is the primary example in the human story, reminds us of the Creator’s involvement in human affairs, unseen but omnipresent.
Judaism does not have two sets of rules, one for the elite and the other for the masses.
We see throughout Tanach that kings and prophets were held to the same standards and requirements of the cov enant that apply to the ordinary citizen as well. The power of the covenant is all encompassing and embraces all genera
for the Jewish people.
whochop the wood and draw the water. No one is excluded from the terms of the covenant and no one is allowed the luxury of assuring one’s self that Jewish destiny will not apply to him or her.
Judaism does not have two sets of rules, one for the elite and the other for the masses. It is an equal opportunity
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gendered by the force of the covenant is justified and real. But the covenant has an optimistic and hopeful side to it, in its promise of redemption and restitu tion to greatness and tranquility.
n emphasizing once again the eter nal validity of G-d’s covenant with the Jewish people, Moshe addresses his words to the entire nation. All class es of society are included in the cove nant – the heads of the people, the judg es, the wealthy and powerful, the poor, menial and manual laborers, and those
We are a covenantal people. And though we each possess freedom of will, the terms of the covenant control our national destiny and our personal lives as Shabbatwell.shalom shana tova.
By Rabbi Berel Wein

Unlike other faiths that have differ ent rules and mores for their clergy than they do for the lay population, Judaism does not even recognize the existence of a clergy class. There is no separate Shul chan Aruch for rabbis. The covenant binds and governs us all equally.
tions – those that have gone before us, those that are currently present, and those that will yet come after us. This is the key to understanding the Jewish story from the time of Moshe until today.
The Torah recognizes the nature of human beings. It knows that we all pro crastinate and make rational excuses for our shortcomings. Therefore, the con cept of the covenant is a necessary facet of all human existence and especially so

faith. Its leaders, be they temporal or spiritual, are bound to the same code of behavior. There may be exceptional peo ple in every generation, but there are no exceptions to the efficacy of the covenant on all of Israel.
The covenant is the great net which encloses us all, even those who some how have convinced themselves that they swim freely in the waters of life. The binding, and many times, tragic effects of the covenant are part of the Torah readings of this week’s parsha and that of last week as well. The events that befell the Jewish people over the last century amply show that the dread en
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Connecting the Great Shofar with the Small Shofar

n Parshas Nitzavim (Devarim 29:11), the pasuk says that Moshe, on the last day of his life, brought the entire Jew ish people together “that you may enter into the covenant and oath…” Why was this necessary? In last week’s parsha, Ki Savo, Moshe had already gathered every one together to induct them into a cove nant (ibid. 28:69): “These are the words of the covenant…” What is the purpose of these two Separately,covenants?howare these two cove nants related to Rosh Hashana? Parshas Nitzavim is always read before Rosh Hashana. The Gemara (Megillah 31b) explains why the blessings and curses of Parshas Ki Savo are read before Rosh Ha shana – to ensure that one year’s curses are finished before beginning a new year. But it does not explain why Parshas Nit zavim, which comes after Ki Savo, is also read before Rosh Hashana. Rabbeinu Nissim Gaon, zt”l, and others therefore ask why Chazal instituted that Nitzavim is read before Rosh Hashana. How does it help us prepare for Rosh Hashana?
Parshas Nitzavim
We can now understand the nature of Moshe’s comfort of the Jewish people based on Rashi’s explanation (on ibid. 12):
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Based on this, we can also understand the beginning of next week’s parsha, Parshas Vayelech (Devarim 31:1): “And Moshe went and spoke all of these words to the entire Jewish people.” All of the commentaries ask: Where did Moshe go? What was the purpose of going to the Jew ish people on that occasion? According to the Seforno, “He was inspired to comfort the Jewish people over his [impending] death.” How did he comfort them? He was telling them: In a short time, I will die. Everything I prayed for was to enter Eretz Yisroel. But Hashem did not answer my prayers. I am the head of the nation, its leader – ostensibly I might be considered the greatest Jew. But even I make mis takes, suffer setbacks, and endure suffer ing. Even I am punished for my sins. But I know that “the Eternity of the Jewish people will not die” (Shmuel I 15:29). An individual Jew may have his failings, but the Jewish people as a nation will make it to the end. They are eternal.
“When the Jewish people heard the [nine
By Rav Moshe Weinberger Adapted for publication by Binyomin Wolf
Because of this eternal national cov enant, Rav Soloveitchik writes (Al HaTe shuva, 132), “In connection with the ho liness of the Avos, this sanctity passes by inheritance from Avraham and from Moshe. No sinning person has the power to destroy this vision. The covenant was given over to the totality of the Jewish people…and there is no power that cannot nullify it.” This was how Moshe comforted us after we heard all of the curses that would befall us. He was telling us that no matter what happens, Hashem would never sever His connection with us. We would always remain connected with Him, and no matter what happens, our light would shine again.
Rashi explains Moshe’s words of consolation following the curses of last
One of my rebbes, Rav Yoshe Ber Soloveitchik, zt”l, explains in his sefer Al HaTeshuvah – On Repentance that there are two levels to the holiness of the Jew ish people: the sanctity of the individual and the sanctity of the nation. Parshas Ki Savo, with all of its particular blessings and curses, contains the covenant be tween Hashem and the individual Jew. But Nitzavim contains Hashem’s cove nant with the Jewish people as a nation – “in order to establish you today to Him as a nation…” (Devarim 29:12).

week’s parsha: “Because Hashem has spoken to you and sworn to your fathers not to exchange their children for another nation, He therefore binds you with these oaths…” To strengthen this irreplace able connection with the Jewish people, Moshe gathered everyone together, even the babies. The Ramban (on ibid. 10) ex plains this: “And he mentions even the babies… to bring them into the covenant because the covenant was even being en tered into with the future generations…” Because the covenant of Parshas Nitza vim was with the entire nation, not sim ply all of the individual Jews of the time, it was possible to bind even generations which had not yet been born.
ty-eight] curses [in Parshas Ki Savo]… their faces turned white and they said, ‘Who can possibly endure these?’ Moshe [therefore] began to appease them.” But how did he comfort them? He did not re move those serious and difficult curses. But based on what we have said, we now understand that he was comforting them as a People, as a nation. He was telling them that with all of the individual suf fering that Jews might endure, Hashem’s covenant with the Jewish people as a na tion would be eternal. He said, according to Rashi (ibid.), “You have angered the Omnipresent many times, but He did not destroy you, and indeed, you still stand before Him… Just as the day exists [even though] it becomes dark, it shines again. So too, G-d has made light for you, and He will make light for you again in the future.”
From the Fire
In life, there is the “great shofar” men tioned in Shemonah Esrei, “Sound the great shofar of our liberation,” and there is the “small shofar.” Indeed, if there is a great shofar, it implies that there must also be a small shofar. Rav Kook explains (Igros Haraya II p. 326), “[During] the [shofar] blasts… one must contemplate the fact that the primary strength of the holiness of the Jewish people lies in the eternal world. The root of their holiness is there… This is the simple [shofar blast – tekiyah] before [the broken-sounding shevarim and teruah blasts]. But this
And the small shofar is each Jew’s indi vidual existence. Rav Kook is teaching us that the former must illuminate the latter. We must have both in order to be whole. The simple, deep sound of the tekiyah is our eternal national destiny. That is our great shofar, the holiness of the Jewish people as a nation. As the haftorah after Tisha B’Av says, “Nachamu, nachamu ami – be comforted, be comforted, my nation.” And as we say in Shemonah Es rei every day, “Return to Yerushalayim,
Rav Moshe Weinberger, shlita, is the found ing Morah d’Asrah of Congregation Aish Ko desh in Woodmere, NY, and serves as leader of the new mechina Emek HaMelech.
great shofar of our national destiny, with all of its hope and promise. This is the greatestUnfortunately,comfort. many Jewish people live with only one of these two shofars. Some Jews feel very connected to the wellbeing and future of the Jewish peo ple. They follow the news, feel the pain of our people, and recognize that their destiny is bound up with the rest of the Jewish nation. But when it comes to the small shofars of their lives, they do not
power [of the nation’s holiness] must manifest itself in the character traits and in one’s actions [the shevarim teruah of life]. From the root [the tekiyah], the personality traits and actions [the she varim teruah blasts] are rejuvenated.”
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The great shofar is our national existence.
An individual Jew may have his failings, but the Jewish people as a nation will make it to the end.
Your city, with mercy” and “Sound the great shofar of our liberation.” We con tinually return to our national vision. But the Torah teaches us to join together our own individual small shofars, the details of our lives with all of our failings, diffi culties, successes, and suffering, with the
rectify those with the light of the great shofar. They do not keep Shabbos, eat kosher, or concern themselves with the details of halacha.
And there are other Jews who empha size all of the fine points of halacha. They worry about their own parochial concerns and try to rectify their own personal re ligious lives. But they never concern themselves with the wellbeing, destiny, or future of the Jewish people as a whole.
The time has come to join together the covenants of Ki Savo with Nitzavim, the welfare of the individual with the welfare of the nation, the great shofar with the small shofar, and the sanctity of the part with the sanctity of the whole. May we merit to make this connection and thereby see the actualization here on earth of that which we say in Shemonah Esrei during Minchah on Shabbos, “You are one, and Your name is one, and who is like Your nation Israel, one nation in the land.”
That is why these parshios are read before Rosh Hashana. When we are filled with a fear of “who will live and who will die” and everyone is consumed with his own circumstances and personal suffer ing, Hashem comforts us by causing us to hear Parshas Nitzavim, in which we are reminded that Hashem made an eternal covenant with us as a nation. We no lon ger look to our own personal salvation as our sole source of hope. Rather, we look to and live for our national vision, our people’s wondrous future. The covenant of Parshas Nitzavim between the Master of the World and His beloved, between Hashem and the Congregation of Israel, will never be abrogated.
turning to? The Gemara (Kiddushin 39b) explains that Hashem created teshuva before creating the world itself. What is the meaning of this enigmatic statement, and what lessons and implications does it have for us as we proceed through the teshuva process?
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The shofar is a wake-up blast, meant to shake us from our stupor and return us to our true self. When we hear the shofar’s piercing cry, we yearn to re turn to our source, to our higher selves. The word “shofar” shares a root with “l’shaper,” to perfect and beautify. Strik ingly, it also shares a root with “mei sha fir,” the amniotic fluid which surrounds the fetus while in the womb. When we blow the shofar, we are reminded to im prove and perfect ourselves, to return to our fetal state of perfection we once knew, to return to our true selves.
The second stage of teshuva goes be yond the limited self, turning the focus from individual to community.
We have brief moments of inspiration, but they soon fade into oblivion, only to be resuscitated for a few more days the next year in the hopes that somehow this year might be different. However, there is another option, a way to actually make this year different. By truly understand ing this time of year and fully tapping into powerful themes, we can we can turn what was previously fleeting inspiration into lasting, eternal change.
By Rabbi Shmuel Reichman
from this transcendent realm, you were birthed into the physical world with the mission to actualize everything you were shown in the womb, while in your perfect, primordial state.
This three-step guide is the practical process of teshuva. However, the essence of teshuva is the deep foundation for these three steps and understanding this essence is the key to truly transforming ourselves through these three steps.
In essence, your job in this world is not to create yourself, but rather to rec reate yourself; to re-attain your original state of perfection, as you were shown by the malach. This time, however, it must be done through free will, by choosing to become great. Only by overcoming chal lenge and difficulty, only by asserting your willpower, can you fulfill your true potential. In essence, our entire life is a story of teshuva – returning to our origi nal, higher, and true self.
There are three stages of genuine te shuva:The first is individual teshuva, where by we return to our higher selves, our fe tal selves, our true selves.
The Rambam, in discussing the laws of teshuva, states that someone who re moves himself from the Jewish commu nity has no share in Olam Habah (the
True Teshuva: Returning to Your Higher Self

Three Stages of Teshuva
• One must then transition into the present and strongly feel the pain of their mistake, regretting it wholeheartedly;
Rosh Hashana: The Three Stages of Teshuva

• Finally, one must look towards the future and resolve to never commit this same mistake again.
Self-Mastery Academy
The Deeper Themes of Teshuva Elul and Rosh Hashanah center around the concept of teshuva, and Par shas Nitzavim is clearly linked to this theme as well. The pesukim in Nitza vim discuss the theme of teshuva, the importance of choosing life – choosing what is right and connecting ourselves back to Hashem. As Parshas Nitzavim is connected to the transition from Elul into Rosh Hashana, let us delve into the idea of Teshuvateshuva.literally means “return” –but whom, or perhaps what, are we re
he birth of a new year is a time of reflection and resolution, when hope and inspiration fill the air. We dream about what this upcoming year holds in store for us, how we can make the rest of our life the best of our life. We all have ideas, ambitions, and aspirations that we yearn to bring to fruition, and the new year gives us “permission” to revis it these goals and breathe new life into them. For a brief moment, everything is crystal clear, we see our purpose and our path with vivid clarity. However, there is an underlying frustration that accompa nies this time period as well. If we reflect honestly, we often realize that our new year’s resolutions are awfully similar to those of last year, and the year before, and the year before…
Genuine teshuva is not just about selftransformation; it’s about self-expression, returning to your true and higher self. As the Gemara (Niddah 30b) states, while we were in the womb, we were in a perfect and transcendent state of being, and a malach teaches us kol ha’Torah kulah. As the Vilna Gaon explains, this refers to the deepest realms of Torah, a transcen dent Torah that lies far beyond this world, beyond the confines of space and time. This Torah is the very root of reality, and you were granted complete understand ing of its every detail. Not only were you shown this level of Torah, but you also learned your specific share of Torah –you were shown your unique purpose in the world and how your unique role fits into the larger scheme of the human sto ry as a whole. You were given a taste of your own perfection, of what you could, should, and hopefully will become. And
The Rambam (Hilchos Teshuva 1:1) discusses the three-step process of te shuva:•First, one must reflect on their past and acknowledge that a problem exists;
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Rabbi Shmuel Reichman is the author of the bestselling book, “The Journey to Your Ul timate Self,” which serves as an inspiring gateway into deeper Jewish thought. He is an educator and speaker who has lectured internationally on topics of Torah thought, Jewish medical ethics, psychology, and lead ership. He is also the founder and CEO of Self-Mastery Academy, the transformative online self-development course based on the principles of high-performance psychology andAfterTorah.obtaining his BA from Yeshiva Uni versity, he received Semicha from Yeshiva University’s RIETS, a master’s degree in ed ucation from Azrieli Graduate School, and a master’s degree in Jewish Thought from Ber nard Revel Graduate School. He then spent a year studying at Harvard as an Ivy Plus Scholar. He currently lives in Chicago with his wife and son where he is pursuing a PhD at the University of Chicago.
all three forms of teshuva this Rosh Ha shana and seal ourselves in the Book of Life, the book of true existence.
The three themes of the Rosh Ha shana davening are Shofros, Zichronos, and Malchuyos. Shofros relates to the blowing of the shofar, Zichronos relates to remembering seminal events from
We can now explain the Gemara which states that teshuva preceded Cre ation. This not merely a chronological phenomenon; this is a fundamental prin ciple: teshuva is the root of this world, all of existence is created with the purpose of returning to its source, to fully reflect its absolute root, Hashem Himself.
To invite Rabbi Reichman to speak in your community or to enjoy more of his deep and inspiring content, visit his website: Shmuel

Jewish history and Hashem’s covenant with the Jewish People, and Malchuyos is the process by which we crown Hash em TheKingshofar represents one’s individ ual spiritual yearning. It is a haunting, wordless cry that returns us to our high er self, our fetal self. Zichronos refers to the concept of memory, building upon this same theme. Memory represents tracing something from the present back into the past. It is an exercise in sourc ing something back to its root. On Rosh Hashana, as we discuss the Akeidah and other seminal moments in Jewish his tory, we connect back to our collective self, the root soul of all of Klal Yisrael. Malchuyos is where we crown Hashem as our Melech, our King. We declare Hashem to be the source of everything, our ultimate root.
The third stage of teshuva is return ing to our absolute root and source, to the Source of all sources, to Hashem Himself. The Nefesh Ha’Chaim refers to Hashem as the “Neshama shel nesha mos ,” the Soul of all souls. Hashem is the root of existence, the absolute root of all our souls. Our entire journey through life is about sourcing our existence back to Hashem – this is the ultimate teshuva.
World to Come). In other words, even if this person keeps all of Torah and mitzvos and is an upstanding Jew, if he disconnects himself from the commu nity, he loses his eternal existence. This requires explanation. After all, this per son didn’t commit a heinous or evil act; he merely chose a life of isolation. Why should this warrant such extreme pun ishment?Theanswer
unplug a light bulb from its electric cir cuit, the light extinguishes, if a soul is disconnected from its root, it ceases to exist. This is not a punishment, merely a consequence.Thisisthesecond stage of teshuva, returning to our collective self, to the single soul of Klal Yisrael.

is profound. As human beings, we begin our lives as complete ly self-centered creatures, perceiving ourselves as isolated, separate, and dis connected from everyone else. As we progress through life, we learn to break down those walls and psychological barriers, recognizing that we are part of a bigger self, a collective self, a higher consciousness. At root, all of Klal Yis rael is one, an interconnected self. Each of our individual neshamos are part of a bigger whole, like individual cells that make up a single human body. A central aspect of the experience of Olam Habah is experiencing yourself as part of Klal Yisrael, as part of your true, collective reality. If, however, one disconnects themselves from Klal Yisrael, they have uprooted themselves from reality itself and simply cannot exist. Just as if you
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While all three of these themes are connected to all three forms of teshuva, Shofros most deeply reflects our indi vidual teshuva, Zichronos most deeply reflects our collective teshuva back to our collective self, and Malchuyos most deeply reflects our ultimate teshuva, sourcing ourselves back to Hashem Himself.Maywe be inspired to fully actualize
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Another approach to the bee honey
To conclude with a final analogy, there is much said on Rosh Hashana about remembering and forgetting. We actually hope that Hashem will forget the bad and recall only the good. Perhaps, fol lowing the example of the Klausenberger Rebbe, if we can bring ourselves to think of Hashem as the Benevolent G-d Who does only good for us, whether we always understand or not, our Creator will recip rocate as well. He will look away from our sins, accept our teshuvah and see only the good in us, which is really our true es sence. This, too, is the quiet song of the bee and its honey. Although all we see is some times a sheretz and its sting, it provides us with a savory and luscious condiment that can take the edge off anything negative we might have thought or felt. This is what the Chassidim based upon kabbalah refer to as mamtik es hadinim – sweetening the rigors of justice.
By Rav Yaakov Feitman are sometimes no better than the bee who gathers from many sources but comes out kosher and sweet in the end.
Buthoney.still, why even give preferential treatment to something which required this laborious process? Why not just har vest the dates, and their honey will be in stantly available? The answer is that bee honey goes to the heart of what Rosh Ha shana is all about. We don’t claim or even think for a moment that we have been completely pure all year long. However, the honey into which we dip is a reminder that everything can be changed, even that which began impure and seems to be yot zi min hatamei. The honey speaks to us even as it reminds the heavenly court that we change for the better at every stage of our lives. In fact, as we know, (Berachos 34) baalei teshuvah are on a higher level than those who have never sinned. The bee honey, therefore, acts as a subtle and sub liminal incentive for us to do a complete and effective teshuvah.
lmost everyone dips the challah into honey on Rosh Hashana. We all want a sweet year. Some also dip into salt; some do not. However, no one – at least that I know of – uses date honey. We all use bee honey, which has actual ly become quite expensive, so maybe we should switch, since not only is date hon ey also called devash in the Torah, but in fact it is one of the Seven Species by which Eretz Yisrael is praised and factors into the order of blessings on various fruits. Fur thermore, it would seem that date honey should be preferable because it was never a forbidden food. On the other hand, bee honey begins its existence as a yotzi min hatamei – a derivative of something non kosher (Bechoros 5b). Come to think of it, why is bee honey permitted at all, let alone as the centerpiece of our Rosh Hashana eve meal? The Gemara’s answer (ibid 7b) to this last question is that although the date honey is made from the date itself, the bee honey is not made from the body of the bee. It is the result of a great deal of gathering in which the busy bee engages, from various fruits and other sources. It then digests the results, expelling it in its final form of delicious and completely ko sher

issue is based upon a question raised by the Klausenberger Rebbe, zt”l. He asked why we wish each other a good and sweet year. Surely it would be sufficient to wish each other a good year. Why sweet? He an swers, and we cannot forget who is. The rebbe was one the great heroes of Churban Europe, known as the Holocaust. He was beaten to a pulp countless times and was moser nefesh to remain as pure and sin less as he was in his Chassidic court before
May Hashem truly send us a sweet New Year in every way, allowing us to serve Him with joy and pleasure through out long and productive lives, replete with Torah accomplishments and true gratitude for Hashem’s constant brachos.
Torah Thought
andOninterpretations.anotherlevel, this approach may help us understand the order of the shofar sounds. It has been explained that the first tekiah represents the straight perfection with which Hashem created man. Shlomo Hamelech says (Koheles 7:29) that Hash em made human beings yashar, which means straight as an arrow. However, then we act improperly and broken, represented by the shevarim. But then we do teshuvah with a broken heart, not broken actions, and we are restored to the last tekiah ,which is straight once again. This is the lesson of the bee honey as well. It is not like the date honey which stays the same throughout. The bee honey goes through a dynamic and even wrenching process, but it emerges sweet, pure, and totally kosher despite where it’s been.
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the war. Yet, he never uttered a complaint or, G-d forbid, blasphemous thought. He therefore concludes that we as Jews are obligated to thank Hashem for the “bad” as well as the good” (Berachos 54a). Just giving the blessing of “good” or even “hap py” could be misinterpreted as asking for a year where we thank Hashem and bless him despite what is happening. That’s why
we add the “sweet.”
This could also be the answer to our question about the bee honey. Although we would certainly prefer to be good all the time and receive openly beneficent bless ings constantly, we dip the challah into bee honey. This reflects the reality that we are not yet perfect. We do our best, try our hardest, and then ask Hashem to remem ber that we are sometimes no better than the bee who gathers from many sources
Rav Yaakov Feitman is the rav of Kehillas Bais Yehudah Tzvi in Cedarhurst, NY.
The Wonderful Buzz of the Honey
but comes out kosher and sweet in the end. Interestingly, Rav Dovid, the Lelover Reb be, always said that we “ask for a good year with Kiddush Levanah letters.” By this he meant that just as we recite Kiddush Le vanah in the dark of night and so require cards with large visible letters, we ask for Hashem to grant us a year which will be obviously good, not just with explanations
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Let us try to uncover the inner dimension of the mitzvah of shofar.
The Brisker Rav wonders why this is considered a unique and special quality of the Bnei Yisrael, since even non-Jews can pray to Hashem. Moshe Rabbeinu mentions the special quality that is unique to the Bnei Yisrael: “For which is a great nation.” Moshe Rabbeinu could have mentioned a mitzvah such as tzitzis, tefil lin, talmud Torah, mezuzah, or Shabbos, which is tru ly unique to Klal Yisrael; the umos ha’olam don’t have these. Why choose tefillah, which belongs not only to the Jewish people but also to the umos ha’olam? On the rare occasion in the Torah that Moshe Rabbeinu de clares the uniqueness of Klal Yisrael, he chooses the one mitzvah that is applicable to non-Jews as well!
of Nineveh were mispallel to the Ribbono Shel Olam and Hashem accepted their tefillos. Clearly, then, tefil lah is not a feature unique to the Bnei Yisrael. Moshe Rabbeinu is discussing the distinctive quality of Klal Yisrael, and he picks one of the few mitzvos enjoyed by all mankind.
The Gemara discusses the type of horn that can be used for the mitzvah of shofar on Rosh Hashanah.

When Shlomo HaMelech inaugurated the first Beis HaMikdash, he asked Hashem to accept the prayers of non-Jews who would come there to pray. On Yom Kip pur we read Maftir Yonah, and we learn that the people
When the Kohen Gadol enters the Kodesh HaKo dashim on Yom Kippur he does not wear his bigdei za hav, golden vestments, to do the avodah. The reason for this is based on the principle of ein kateigor naaseh
by Rabbi Daniel Glatstein
and dear friend, is applicable only to the Bnei Yisrael. Bilaam is pointing out that this level of closeness, this endearing friendship exists solely between Hashem and KlalTheYisrael.
Ibn Ezra, however, interprets this phrase differ ently, stating that Bilaam is highlighting something else entirely. He says that Bilaam is bothered by the fact that the Bnei Yisrael have the mitzvah of tekias shofar. That is what he envied: the mitzvah of shofar.
Let us endeavor to discover the meaning behind Moshe’s praise of the Bnei Yisrael. One of the pesukim we recite in Mussaf on Rosh Hashana, as part of Sho faros, is a verse in Parshas Balak When Bilaam speaks about the admirable qualities of Klal Yisrael, he says: “He [Hashem] perceived no iniquity in Yaakov, and saw no perversity in Yisrael. Hashem, his G-d, is with him, and teruas melech bo — the friendship of the King is in him ( Bamidbar 23:21). Klal Yisrael’s special status is that teruas melech bo
What is meant by teruas melech? To which special trait in Klal Yisrael does this term refer? Rashi explains the term to mean “chibah and rei’us, love and friend ship.” Bilaam was jealous of the fact that the Jewish people are blessed with the friendship of the Ribbo no Shel Olam. Hashem is the Borei, Creator, Manhig, Leader, and Mefarneis, Provider, for the umos ha’olam as well, but the concept that Hashem is teruah, a close
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The Shofar of Rosh Hashana
n Parshas Va’eschanan, Moshe Rabbeinu declares the praise of Klal Yisrael. “For which is a great na tion that has a G-d Who is close to it, as is Hashem, our G-d, whenever we call out to Him?” ( Devarim 4:7). Moshe Rabbeinu is saying that Klal Yisrael is a great nation because we have the gift of tefillah — the ability to call out to Hashem and know that He will answer us.
Hashem is Our Teruah
The Right Horn for the Best Defense
Of all the mitzvos of the Torah, of all the mitzvos that Klal Yisrael does that demonstrate the greatness of the Jewish people, why, asks the Brisker Rav, is the one mitzvah Bilaam selects the mitzvah of shofar? Why is this the one mitzvah that Bilaam is jealous of? What is unique about the mitzvah of shofar that Bilaam singled it out as the catalyst for his ire?
In Selichos we say, “ For My House will be called a house of prayer for all the peoples” ( Yeshayah 56:7).
The Piercing Cry of the Neshama
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Furthermore, Rashi in Rosh Hashana , in explaining the two views as to the halachically correct shape of the shofar, cites pesukim in support of each respective posi tion — the very same pesukim quoted in Yevamos Rashi applies the pesukim that the Gemara used to explain how a person should stand as he prays to the shape the shofar should have on Rosh Hashana. Rashi writes that the position that holds that the shofar should be bent maintains that the more a person bends his face toward the ground while he is davening , the better, which is sourced in the pasuk, “My eyes and My heart shall be there” ( I Melachim 9:3); that is, when a person davens, his eyes and his heart should be bent downward. This opinion would likewise hold on Rosh Hashana that the shofar should be bent. The dissenting opinion holds that the shofar should be straight, as the pasuk states, “ Let us lift our hearts with our hands” (Eichah 3:41). This is the very pasuk from which the view emanates
However, this seem to be at odds with the principle the Gemara stated with regard to the bigdei zahav that were worn outside of the Kodesh HaKodashim, that we are concerned with ein kateigor naaseh saneigor only in the Kodesh HaKodashim. The shofar is not blown in the Kodesh HaKodashim, it is blown in the shul, so why do we employ the principle of ein kateigor naaseh sa neigor when it comes to choosing the appropriate horn to use as a shofar?
Interestingly, this same machlokes is found in the Gemara with regard to how a person should stand while davening Shemoneh Esrei. Should a person daven with a bent-over posture, with his eyes cast downward as a sign of a humble mindset, or should one daven standing upright, with one’s eyes toward the heavens as he dav ens, because as one stands before Hashem he should be standing straight, not bent?
Does Hashem Listen to the Shofar?
Bent or Straight
There is a machlokes as to whether the shofar should be bent or straight. The Gemara explains the two view points.One opinion is that on Rosh Hashana, the more bent and humble one’s mindset, the better it is. Therefore, the shofar should be bent. The other opinion is that on Rosh Hashana a person’s outlook and mindset should be straight, and therefore the shofar should be straight as well.The shape of the shofar is intended to resemble the kind of da’as a person should have on Rosh Hashana. Should one feel humbled and bent over, or should one
focus on being straight and upright, rather than bent?
Ein Kateigor Naaseh Saneigor
The Gemara then asks, why then does the Kohen Gadol wear the gold vestments on Yom Kippur when he is not in the Kodesh HaKodashim? Why does the Kohen Gadol wear the golden vestments when performing oth er parts of the avodah? Why present the opportunity to remind Hashem about the Cheit HaEigel? The Gemara answers that our only concern of ein kateigor naaseh saneigor is in the innermost Sanctum, the Kodesh Ha Kodashim, lifnei v’lifnim. Outside of the Kodesh HaKo dashim, however, we are not concerned that the Kohen Gadol’s defense will unintentionally serve to prosecute.
For this very reason, the horn of a cow or bull can not be used on Rosh Hashana to fulfill the mitzvah of shofar. Here, too, the Gemara employs the principle of ein kateigor naaseh saneigor. Using the keren, horn, of a cow would remind Hashem of the sin of the Golden Calf at a time when we want Hashem to be considering only our merits. We avoid using a horn that could re mind Hashem of the Cheit HaEigel and would serve as a prosecuting agent rather than as a tool for the defense.
The Deeper Meaning of Tekias Shofar
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It is apparent, then, that blowing the shofar is in it self tefillah. Blowing the shofar is not an interruption of tefillah — it is tefillah! The sound of the shofar is tza’akah, it is crying out to Hashem.
The sefer Hararei Kedem of Rav Michel Shurkin advances that from this sugya in Rosh Hashana, we glean a significant yesod. If the shape of the shofar is akin to our posture during tefillah, clearly there is an other, deeper, component to the shofar! It shows us that the shofar is, in fact, a cheftzah shel tefillah and tekias shofar is an aspect of prayer! More than just produc ing stirring sounds to listen to, it is actually a form of tefillah
that one should be in a completely erect position when davening. Therefore, on Rosh Hashana, one should uti lize a straight shofar.
The sefer Hararei Kedeim uses this to explain why ein kateigor naaseh saneigor applies to the shofar even though the shofar is not used in the Kodesh Ha Kodashim. The Rambam writes that when one stands to daven Shemoneh Esrei, he should envision himself as if he were standing directly in front of the Shechinah. Further, the Rambam adds that when one davens, his heart should be meditating about Hashem, as if standing before Him in Heaven.
saneigor, the prosecutor cannot be the advocate. The gold vestments are a reminder of the sin of the Eigel HaZahav, the Golden Calf. Gold, which would serve as a prosecuting agent before Hashem and which would remind Hashem of the Cheit HaEigel, cannot now be employed by the defense. Wearing gold into the Kodesh HaKodashim on Yom Kippur would be a reminder of Klal Yisrael’s aveirah and could sway the judgment of Yom Kippur against us. To forestall this possibility, the Kohen Gadol does not wear gold.
I would add an even more explicit support to this idea. The Shulchan Aruch tells us that when one dav ens Shemoneh Esrei he should have intention toward Yerushalayim, toward the Beis HaMikdash, and toward the Kodesh HaKodashim. The Mishnah Berurah ex plains that this means that one’s frame of mind should
ed are You, Hashem, Who hears the sound of the teruah of His people, Yisrael, with compassion.”
It is tefillah without utilizing the faculty of speech.
The Gemara answers that since the mitzvah of sho far is employed as a favorable remembrance of the Bnei Yisrael before Hashem, it is as if it is being used in the Kodesh HaKodashim. What does this mean? The shofar is not permitted to be blown in the Kodesh Ha Kodashim — and, in fact, no one, not even the Kohen Gadol, even entered the Kodesh HaKodashim at all on Rosh Hashana. How does the fact that the shofar’s pur pose is as a remembrance cause it to be considered as if it were being blown in the Kodesh HaKodashim?
There is an important principle employed in tefill ah. When the Anshei Knesses HaGedolah arranged the text of our prayers, they did not randomly choose nice words to be incorporated into the tefillos Each word of the Shemoneh Esrei is based on a pasuk in Tanach. This is especially true of the chasimos, conclusions, of the brachos. However, there seems to be an exception to this rule. The bracha of Shofaros, recited as part of Mussaf on Rosh Hashanah, contains wording that does not seem to appear anywhere in Tanach. We conclude the bracha of Shofaros by say ing, “For You hear the sound of shofar, and listen to the teruah, and there is none like You…. Bless
During Shemoneh Esrei, one should be thinking that he is standing in Shamayim, and he should consider himself as if he is standing directly in front of Hashem. When the shofar is sounded, it is also tefillah, and, just like Shemoneh Esrei, it is to be viewed as if it were be ing sounded directly before Hashem, as if it were being blown in Shamayim. This, posits the Hararei Kedem, is equivalent to standing lifnei v’lifnim in the Kodesh HaKodashim! It is as if the shofar is being blown in the actual Kodesh HaKodashim! No wonder we can apply the principle of ein kateigor naaseh saneigor to the shofar! It is considered tefillah, and tefillah is regarded as taking place in the Kodesh HaKodashim
However, there is no source in Tanach for the concept that Hashem listens to our shofar-blowing. Further more, what is the meaning of this bracha? Hashem is not the One Who listens to the teruah — it is we who are required to listen to the teruah! That is our mitzvah of shofar on Rosh Hashana: to listen and hear the sounds of the shofar. The Rambam writes in at least eight placesthat there is a mitzvah for us to hear the sound of the shofar on Rosh Hashana. What do we mean when we say that Hashem listens mercifully to our teruos?
This concept is further reinforced by the fact that we sound the shofar during Shemoneh Esrei One does not shake his lulav and esrog during Shemoneh Esrei; it would be highly inappropriate. One cannot even give tzedakah while davening Shemoneh Esrei Yet, minhag Sefard does blow shofar during Shemoneh Esrei Min hag Ashkenaz does not blow shofar during the silent Shemoneh Esrei, but the shofar is sounded during chaz aras hashatz. This, too, is a deviation from the norm. During the chazzan’s repetition of Shemoneh Esrei one is not permitted to perform other mitzvos; even learn ing Torah is not allowed. During the chazzan’s repeti tion, one must pay full attention to the words the chaz zan is saying, as if he himself were davening Shemoneh Esrei. How then can we blow the shofar during Shem oneh Esrei and during chazaras hashatz?
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HaKadosh Baruch Hu be attentive to the pierc ing cry of our shofar, accompanied by all of our tefillos and accept them with mercy and good will, and may we all merit a gut gebentched yahr
Rabbi Daniel Glatstein is the Mara D’asra of Kehilas Tiferes Mordechai in Cedarhurst, NY, and author of numerous seforim in Lashon Hakodesh and in English for ArtScroll. He is an international lecturer and maggid shiur. His thousands of recorded shiurim are available on, podcast, his website rabbidg. com, and other venues.
This article has been reprinted with permission from The Mystery and The Majesty by Rabbi Daniel Glatstein, published by Artscroll.

He was jealous of the purity of the yearning that lies in the deepest recesses of the heart of a Jew, the desire that emanates from the power of the tefillah of the shofar.
We possess a faculty that is used consistently throughout the year, and not always in the right way. At times, we use our mouths to speak lashon hara, rechi lus, motzi shem ra, sheker, etc. The last thing we want to do on Rosh Hashana is remind Hashem of the im proper ways in which we have used our mouths over the past year. There is probably a much greater concern of ein kateigor naaseh saneigor with regard to our own mouths than there is for the Eigel with which our an cestors had sinned. When our tefillos come up to Hash em on Rosh Hashana, beseeching Hashem, “Z achreinu l’chaim,” the malachim will highlight the other words our mouths have said, words we are likely less than proud of, and which may steer our judgment in an unfa vorable direction.
Rabbi Shlomo Wahrman points out that this explains the tefillah, “ May the utterances of our lips be pleasing unto You, Al-mighty, Most High and Uplifted, Who un derstands, and gives ear, Who perceives and listens to the sound of our shofar blast .” This tefillah starts with a reference to tefillah: “Areshes s’faseinu, May our tefillah be sweet to You.” We then ask Hashem to listen to the sounds of our shofar blasts, l’kol tekiyaseinu. Which are we asking Hashem for?
The Tandem of the Shofar and Tefillah
The answer is that since sounding the shofar is a form of tefillah, it is really only one request: We are ask ing Hashem to listen to our tefillos in all their forms — in the form of the shofar blasts and in the form of the words that we pray with our mouths.
Why Do We Need the Shofar’s Tefillah?
Rosh Hashana is a day in which we spend many hours davening to Hashem. What does the tefillah of the shofar add to the numerous tefillos we already recite?
An original thought was presented by Rabbi Isaac Bernstein, a renowned rav and master orator. The Ge mara says that teruah can be translated as either a moan or a wailing. Either way, it is a form of crying: a tefillah. The tekiah serves a different purpose. In Tehil lim, we say, “Halleluhu be-seika shofar, praise Hashem with the tekiah of the shofar.” Tekiah is shevach, praise of Hashem.
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The Beis HaLevi offers a very profound approach.
We therefore are gifted with a form of tefillah that bypasses the mouth. The Beis HaLevi writes that the shofar is tefillah that arises from the depths of the heart, and it does not use the mouth in the same manner that it had been used to commit the aveiros that involve speech. Its tefillah goes straight from the heart to Hash em. It can be termed a quadruple bypass — bypassing the larynx, tongue, teeth, and lips — and it allows our tefillos to come before Hashem without the downside of being offered through the same vehicle that had been used for sin. It is tefillah without utilizing the faculty of speech. The shofar is the cry from the heart of a Jew.
And the heart of a Jew is holy and pure.
We know that a person is always supposed to first praise Hashem and only then begin to daven. Therefore, we first blow a tekiah, as praise of Hashem. This is then followed with the teruah, which is the actual tefillah of the shofar: either a moan or a wailing. Then, since tefill ah also concludes with shevach to Hashem, we conclude with a second tekiah. Each tefillah of the shofar, each teruah, is sandwiched between two tekios, two praises of Hashem. Thus, the blowing of the shofar follows the halachic format of tefillah.
Bilaam’s Jealousy Explained
But the heart of a non-Jew does not have this deep-rooted innate desire to serve Hashem and do His will. When the heart of a non-Jew is tapped and its de sires are revealed, it would not prove to be as worthy and meritorious.
As we noted above, tekias shofar is the mitzvah of which Bilaam was envious. Why specifically the shofar? We have many mitzvos. We also asked why Moshe Rab beinu praised the Bnei Yisrael by focusing on a unique ability of Klal Yisrael: the koach ha’tefillah. But nonJews can also pray, so why is this a praise of Klal Yisrael?
The shofar is a unique, special type of tefillah. It is a cry to Hashem m’umka d’liba, from the deepest recesses of the heart. The content of this cry to Hashem depends on what is in the heart of the person who is sounding the shofar. Innately, the heart of a Jew contains the deepest desire to serve Hashem. When a person does not agree to divorce his wife and beis din rules that he should, “kofin oso ad sheyomar rotzah ani, we force him until he says that he wants to give the get.” The Rambam ex plains that even though he is being forced, this person’s get is still considered as having been given of his own will, because, deep down, every Jew has the same desire: Ritzoneinu la’asos ritzonecha, Our will is to do the will of Hashem.Whenthe shofar is in the mouth of a Jew, sounding teruos to Hashem, what emanates from his heart is pure desire to serve Hashem and do His will. The tefillah of the shofar is therefore the purest of tefillos
On Rosh Hashana, as we stand before Hashem being judged, we daven extensively, hoping for a good year. We do not want to use any items that may remind Hash em of our aveiros, and that is why, as we mentioned above, we don’t use a shofar made from a cow’s horn. We apply the principle of ein kateigor
naaseh saneigor, which also explains why the Kohen Gadol would not serve in the Kodesh HaKodashim while garbed in his gold vestments. Both the shofar of the cow and the gold garments would remind Hashem of the sin of the Eigel. We do whatever we can to avoid recalling and highlighting aveiros we may have committed in the past, so that they cannot be held against us.
The tefillah of the shofar, which comes m’umka d’li ba, is the deepest, most intense desire of a Jew: namely, to come closer to Avinu she’baShamayim, to do the will of Hashem. This is what Bilaam envied. He was jealous of the purity of the yearning that lies in the deepest re cesses of the heart of a Jew, the desire that emanates from the power of the tefillah of the shofar. This unique ness of our spiritual character and DNA is what made Bilaam envious.
Tekiah is the Praise
be as if he were physically standing in the Beis HaMik dash, in the Kodesh HaKodashim. He must envision himself as standing in the Kodesh HaKodashim as he davens. By the same token, blowing the shofar, too, should be imagined as if it is taking place in the Kodesh HaKodashim. Using a shofar that recalls the sin of the Eigel would then be inappropriate, because ein kateigor naaseh saneigor would apply.
This, perhaps, is also the special power of tefillah that Moshe Rabbeinu referred to when he said, “For which is a great nation that has a God Who is close to it, as is Hashem, our God, whenever we call to Him?” ( Devarim 4:7). The tefillah of the shofar that emanates directly from the neshama of the Jew is the form of tefillah that exemplifies the praise of Klal Yisrael.
When we recite the bracha of Shofaros, we conclude by stating, “Ki atah shomea kol shofar u’maazin teru ah.” Where in Tanach does it say that Hashem listens to the sound of the shofar? It is the pasuk that states, “ O Heeder of prayer, unto You does all flesh come” (Tehillim 65:3).May
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On the surface, this event seems tragic, perhaps even barbaric. What a heart-wrenching scene! Can you imag ine how Adam and Chava, conscious of their sudden sep arateness, must have felt in their new state of disunity?
In the Rosh Hashana davening, we say, “Hayom ha
ras olam, today is the birthday of the world.” However, as we know, the world was actually created on the 25th of Elul. (Midrash Rabbah , Devarim) Rosh Hashana was the day not of creation’s genesis, but of the origin of Man, as well as his swift failure to align with the ideal for which he was created – the sin of the Eitz HaDaas. The tzaddikim teach that the way in which the first man and woman were created holds a deep secret that touches on the very premise of their existence and the emanation of the physical realm.

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Chazal reveal (Berachos 61a, Bereishis Rabbah 8a, Zohar Shemos 55a) that, originally, Adam and Chava were created as a single being, unified at the back and facing away from one another. After breathing life into this human, named “Adam,” Hashem placed it in a deep slumber (the “tardeimah,” described in Bereishis 2:21) and proceeded to saw the halves apart in a process re ferred to as the “nesirah,” producing two separate beings – the male “Adam” and the female “Chava.”
As troubling as this problem is, it becomes magnified when we understand the wider significance of this event. In addition to the historical reality of Adam and Cha va’s existence, the first man and woman are interpreted as symbols for all masculine and feminine energies in their manifold expressions throughout the entirety of existence. Chief among these expressions, of course, is the relationship between Hashem and His nation, Am Yisrael, who are compared to lovers throughout Shir HaShirim and as bride and groom in the context of Matan Torah (see Rashi to Devarim 33:2, and Taanis 26b). Looking back at the “nesirah,” the sundering apart, that produced the separate beings of Adam and Chava through this new, more expansive lens (see Zohar Vol. 3, 132b), we naturally grow all the more confused. For what purpose did Hashem choose to create the illusion in
How much they must have yearned for the total oneness they previously experienced? Can you imagine the sense of loss and incompleteness they must have experienced as only half a picture when they had had previously re flected the image in all of its glory? The question begs: How could the infinitely compassionate Creator be so cruel to the crowning jewel of his creation?
As the summer comes to a close and we approach the threshold of a new year, we are gifted a pe riod of reflection, a unique time of introspection. The very name “Rosh Hashana” implies that this special day is bound up with the “rosh,” the head, and its capacity for meaningful cognition. More broadly, Tosafos (Rosh Ha shana 27a) synthesize the contrasting opinions of Rebbe Eliezer and Rebbe Yehoshua regarding the date of the world’s creation by teaching that although the world was created in Nissan, Tishrei captures the energy of the mo ment the Primordial Thought arose in Hashem’s Mind to create the world; the formative spark that preceded the creative action. Before launching into the next 12-month cycle with which our all-too-brief time on this earth are marked, Rosh Hashana grants us the opportunity to pause, to think deeply about the purpose of our pas sionate pursuits, to turn inward and assess the degree of our alignment with the underlying ideals upon which our lives are founded. In this essay, with Hashem’s help, we will endeavor to explore a foundational perspective on some of life’s most important questions through the lens of the glorious day of Rosh Hashana itself.
To Meet You Face to Face
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Wishing all of Am Yisrael a kesiva v’chasimcha tova and a gut gebentchte yohr!
In Asher Yatzer, we say, “Im yipasei’ach echad mei’hem, oh yisaseim echad meihem, ee efshar l’hiska yeim v’laamod lifanecha afilu sha’ah achas – if one of them (the bodily cavities) were to be punctured, or if one of them were to be sealed, it would be impossible for us to exist and to stand before You.” Now, if we drop the word “ ee,” and select only the words “Efshar l’hiskayeim v’laa mod lifanecha, It is indeed possible to exist and to stand before You!” we find another set of four words whose opening letters spell “Elul”.
around and engaging with Hashem, we soon begin pur suing a variety of different goals, making calculations that do not align with our grand mission. This funda mental error is encapsulated within every cheit, every sin, which involves man prioritizing his own will over the Will of Hashem, choosing to face the world instead of using the human condition as a tool which enables him to turn around to face his Creator. Indeed, the word “cheit ” literally means “to miss” – to turn away from the “yashrus” with which Hashem created us and veer off our charted path into the labyrinth of “varied calcu lations.”
and begin to seek personal gain, “varied calculations” instead of the joy of “straightness,” “Ul’yishrei lev, sim cha.” (Tehillim 97:11)
As the introduction of sin into creation, Adam and Chava’s eating from the Eitz HaDaas Tov V’Ra is the root of all subsequent deviations from the will of Hashem. Only a few hours after their creation and emblematic separation from one another, Adam and Chava are un able to maximize on the opportunity afforded them by their circumstances. Instead of collectively serving as an “eizer k’negdo,” “helping” Hashem to reveal His G-dli ness in the lower realms and thus perceiving, relating to, and achieving intimacy with Him in the deepest possible way, they stumble over the challenge inherent to the ego
The progression of events during the sixth day of Cre ation and the speed with which Adam and Chava failed seem quite discouraging. Reflecting upon this almost immediate descent into spiritual ruin causes us to won der. Is it possible that the opportunity to live in align ment with the purpose of Creation and relate to Hashem face to face is eclipsed by the challenge of our illusory independence? Is it possible that we are simply unable to leverage our situation as individual beings outfitted with a separate consciousness and freedom of choice in order to grow close to Hashem? Perhaps the draw toward egotistic pursuits and physical gratification is simply too powerful!
which a part of Himself, a “cheilek Eloka m’maal,” would perceive itself as a separate consciousness – existing as an autonomous being experiencing life in an indepen dent realm? Wouldn’t it have been better for our collec tive national soul, “Knesses Yisrael,” which manifests within each Jewish individual (represented by Chava), to have remained part and parcel of the infinite light of Hashem (represented by Adam), subsumed within His Being? In more direct terms, what is the ultimate pur pose of Creation and Am Yisrael’s role within it?
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The tzaddikim explain that the same is true about the relationship between the Jewish nation and their Source, the Infinite One. In their pre-creation state, Am Yisrael were one with Hashem, “kudsha b’rich hu v’Yisrael kulo chad.” However, this ultimate unity produced a state of annihilating nullification so great that the Jewish soul was bereft of the capacity to perceive Hashem. Absorbed within Him, we were so entirely overwhelmed by His Presence that we couldn’t possibly grasp His Glory. When Hashem constricted His Essence and made room for a seemingly separate creation within which human beings with an apparently independent consciousness could abide, this “sawing apart” afforded the Jewish soul with the remarkable ability to turn themselves around and gaze into the eyes of Hashem like the two keruvim atop the Aron who capture this relationship, meeting face to face. (See Zohar, Vol. 3, 44b.)
As a result of the ostensibly tragic concealment of Hashem’s Presence and distancing from us, we are grant ed the opportunity to engage with the created world in accordance with the guidelines and perspectives of the Torah, encountering Hashem and forging an even deeper level of unity. This, then, is perhaps the underpinning of the entire Jewish enterprise: it is our task, duty, and privilege to use our apparent independence for the pur pose of willfully and joyously “turning ourselves around” to construct a deep and direct relationship with our Cre ator.Unfortunately, the circumstances that afford us this great opportunity also present a grave challenge. Ironi cally, should we so choose, the independence of our in dividual consciousness can enable us to connect with Hashem in a way that is face to face; it also makes it possible for a Jew to fall prey to the illusion and continue marching in the opposite direction. Freedom to choose, the benchmark of our individuality, can quickly become slavery to egotistic gratification, the deification of our sense of self. Indeed, the pasuk tells us that while “G-d created Man straight, they sought our varied calcula tions.” (Koheles 7:29) Formed for the purpose of using our independence for the singular purpose of turning
The answer to this existential question is as fun damental as it is deep. It is certainly true that as a single conjoined being, Adam and Chava en joyed an incredible degree of closeness. But as close as they were, this level of intimacy was limited and could bear no fruit; connected at the back, Adam and Chava could never see each other face to face. Paradoxically, it was their physical detachment that allowed for a far deeper connection to be forged, that opened vistas of depth, passion, and understanding that could have never otherwise been achieved.
On the very day of both Chava’s creation and humani ty’s first disastrous encounter with the ego, Hashem has
On Rosh Hashana, we are permeated by an infusion of Hashem’s belief in our ability to fulfill the purpose of Creation. As the cry of “HaMelech” fills our souls, we find ourselves repositioned on the path of our essential holiness, our wanderings a thing of the past. Looking up from our siddur with tear-filled eyes, we find our selves enveloped by the majesty of Hashem’s Presence, the depth of His Desire to bond with us, to express His Love for us face-to-face. And we, too, are reminded that no matter the odds, and come what may, we can suc ceed, we shall succeed – “netzach Yisrael lo yeshakeir.” (Shmuel I, 15:29)
We are all familiar with the various mnemonics for which the word “Elul ” may be seen to represent. “Ani L’Dodi V’Dodi Li ” and “Es Levovcha V’es Levav ” are among the more famous of these rashei teivos, but there are many others as well. One of the most unique, which I heard from my father, shlita, is found in an unlikely place: the bracha of Asher Yatzar.
Rosh Hashana is the shining re sponse to this bleak sentiment.
The days of Elul, which culminate in the recalibration and existential clarity of Rosh Hashana, echo with this foundational message: “Efshar l’hiskayeim” – despite the challenges involved, it is indeed possible to exist with a separate consciousness, having been sawed away from your essence in Hashem and placed within a physical universe seemingly detached from the spiritual realm, and yet “v’laamod lifanecha” – to stand before You, Hashem, using all of life an opportunity to encounter You, face to face.
Looking up from our siddur with tear-filled eyes, we find ourselves enveloped by the majesty of Hashem’s Presence, the depth of His Desire to bond with us, to express His Love for us face-to-face.
R’ Yaakov Klein is an author, musician, and lecturer devoted to sharing the inner light of Torah through his books, music, and lectures. He is the founding director of Eilecha, a UK-based organization focused on creating opportunities for spiritual growth and experiential education in the local community and beyond.
granted us the gift of recalibration, an opportunity to recapture the sense of “yashrus ” with which we were created. Before launching into a new year with all the facets of experience the future holds, we pause to re connect with the premise of all, the prayer with which all of our pursuits in the physical realm are intended to reverberate: “Our G-d and the G-d of our forefathers, reign over the entire universe in Your Glory, be exalted over the entire world in Your Splendor… let everything that has been made know that You are its Maker, let ev erything that has been molded understand that You are its Molder, and let everything with a life’s breath in its nostrils exclaim: ‘Hashem, G-d of am Yisrael, is King, and His Kingship rules over everything!’” (Shemoneh Esrei for Rosh Hashana)
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And yet, this is not the end of Ye huda’s story, since we all know he lat er became the leader of the tribe, the progenitor of our nation’s kings, and the namesake of our religion, our iden
This revelation sheds new light on Yehuda’s name. The Torah tells us that Leah gave her fourth son the name “Ye
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tity! How does he accomplish this re markable turnaround? The answer, the hidden gemstone of the story, is that he does teshuva precisely in the area in which he sinned.
Jews are called “Yehudim,” Jews. We are named after Yehuda. Collectively, it is incumbent upon us to live up to our name. Surely, we should be thankful (“modeh ”) to Hashem for the many blessings we have. That is easy. But let us not forget that sometimes, no matter how painful or difficult, no matter what the ramifications, we should be willing to face up to our own truths.
It is being truthful to others – and even more importantly, to ourselves –that will unlock our ability to under stand, empathize, and offer compassion for others. However, we all know that the lofty idea of emes is challenging to practice, especially once we have been negligent, spiteful, and committed wrongdoing.Evenone of the originators of the twelve Shevatim of Israel, the great Yehuda, found himself in a truth quan dary. Bereishis 38:1 says, “And it was at that time, that Yehuda went down from his brothers…” Rashi comments there that the idea that Yehuda “went down” is that his prestige declined in his brother’s eyes after Yehuda told them to sell their brother Yosef. This decline oc curred when they realized it would have been better to just come clean to their father Yaakov and tell him the truth about what had transpired between them and their brother.
In the uncomfortable episode with his widowed daughter-in-law Tamar, he doesn’t take the easy way out this time by lying. Instead, Yehuda emerges as the leader of the family, a person wor thy of rule, because he admits the truth to others and to himself. “She is more righteous than I,” he famously declares (Bereishis 38:26).
Sparks of Light
On the Yamim Noraim, we strive to identify what choices have fostered truth in our lives over the past year and what choices have not. We seek out be haviors that will bring us closer to our true purpose in the world and the bar riers in our way, what caused us to hurt others and do wrong, and what has im proved our relationships and aided us in doing good. Truth can act as a beacon of light and thereby bring compassion, but only if we choose to view it as a purify ing element.
hy is it that emes is consid ered one of Hashem’s 13 fa mous characteristics of com passion? After all, it would seem that truth might often lead to precisely the opposite. Truth can often reveal individ uals’ darkest motivations and actions, generating harsh judgment and criti cism from those around them. And yet, we find truth front and center in Jewish law and liturgy, dotted throughout the Yamim Noraim davening, detailed and codified down to minutia in Jewish law. Bnei Yisrael’s identity is interwoven in the fabric of peace and truth.
In choosing this course of deceit, Yehuda failed the test of leadership causing himself to “go down” (Bereishis 38:1) in the eyes of his brothers and es sentially become the first member of the family to be sent into “galus.”
huda” because “this time, I will thank (modeh) G-d.” But perhaps we now have a complementary insight to the name of Yehuda. The word “modeh” can mean “to thank,” but it can also mean “to ad mit” or “to acknowledge.” By acknowl edging that he is the father of Tamar’s unborn child, he performs an act of “ac knowledgment” or “admission.”
it’s possible that Yehuda was afraid to face the truth. He was scared that if Yo sef would return to his father, he would undoubtedly tell Yaakov the entire grue some story of the pit and the maltreat ment at the hand of his close kin, thus damning the brothers and especially Yehuda in the process. Better to cover up the story by silencing Yosef, by mak ing him disappear before he could turn the other brothers in for their misdeeds.
With this willingness to acknowl edge the truth, Yehuda, the first Jew to enter galus, was declared to become the father of the Moshiach, the final, ulti mate heralder of geulah.
Bringing the Truest You to the Yamim Noraim
When analyzing why Yehuda didn’t suggest lifting Yosef out of the pit and returning him to their father unharmed,
Emes has the power to heal if we let it transform us and elevate our lives, thus changing us and helping us emu late Hashem in His compassion.

Rabbi Benny Berlin is the rabbi of BACH Jewish Center located in Long Beach, New York. For more information, visit: https://
By Rabbi Benny Berlin

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A Midrash says that this pasuk refers to Yosef HaTzaddik It depicts the slight fault he exhibited when he was impris oned — a flaw that Hashem judged ac cording to the standard expected of this exalted figure. Yosef’s mistake was that he relied too heavily on the advocacy of the wine steward, his fellow inmate in Pharaoh’s dungeon. Because Yosef told the wine steward, who was slated to be released, to remember him to Pha raoh, Yosef was forgotten for two more years. Asking this favor might seem like hishtadlus, but for Yosef, who felt Hash em’s Presence so keenly, it showed an inappropriate feeling of dependence on others. Because Yosef illustrated that he thought that the wine steward could get him released from the dungeon, Hash em showed him otherwise.
This is fairly obvious with regard to the weather, but it applies to memory as well: Why is a certain phrase sud denly forgotten mid-speech?
The article “Why Can’t Scientists Accurately Predict the Weather?” re lated that in the 1960s an MIT mete orologist named Edward Lawrence
coined the term “the butterfly effect” to explain why meteorologists could never predict the weather with 100 percent certainty. He stated that a butterfly flapping its wings in Asia could actually alter the weather in New York, due to all the unpredict able factors set in motion.
who notes that our brain can recog nize items more easily than it can retrieve them. For example, if you were sent to the store to buy a spe cific type and brand of peanut but ter, you may not be able to recall the
hovos HaLevavos quotes the following pasuk : “Praise worthy is the man who has made Hashem his trust and turned not to the arrogant and to strayers after falsehood” (Tehillim 40:5).
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name “Skippy, natural, chunky pea nut butter.” But if you were shown two jars, you’d be able to identify the correct one. The article reports that we have an untold amount of infor mation stored in our brain, but we can’t always retrieve what we want — and the scientists don’t know why. Science throws its collective hands
father of the Chaos Theory, a set of scientific principles used to de scribe highly complex systems, such as weather, that can’t be predicted with complete accuracy. Even with all the technology available, meteo rologists can accurately predict the weather only about twelve hours in advance. “Chaos theory” is their name for their inability to account for all the factors that lead to a spe cific outcome.
Any time we hear scientists saying, “We don’t know why” or “We can’t explain it,” that is code for G-d.
When we stop to consider the wine steward’s forgetfulness, another ques tion emerges. How and why are some things remembered while others are for gotten? We might think this is random, but it is totally in the hands of Hashem.
An article entitled, “Why Do We Forget Things,” published in the magazine Scientific American, ques tions how our mind, which can store myriad mem ories, some times fails us when we try to recall specific things.The arti cle points to a study by Ed ward K. Vogel,
We should be aware that any time we hear scientists saying, “We don’t know why” or “We can’t explain it,” that is code for G-d.
What science calls “Chaos Theory,” the Torah calls Hashem’s unfathom able intelligence. Scientists realize that “chaos” can break any natural rule and cause any outcome; they simply cannot admit that chaos is not really chaos. It is Hashem running His world: pure hashgachah pratis.
The Chaos Theory: Code Word for G-d
This article was excerpted from A Daily Dose
Lawrence is also known as the
up at another unpredictable phenome non — the weather.
That is our point. We do our hishtad lus, put forth the effort, call the buyer, apply for the job, speak to the shad chan, talk to the “wine steward” who can put in a good word for us, but — is he going to remember our name at the right time? That’s in the hands of G-d, and that’s the bitachon approach to the “Chaos Theory.”
Mishlei (16:1) expresses this concept: “To man belongs the arrangements [of thoughts in] his heart, but from Hash em comes the tongue’s reply.”
By Rabbi David Sutton Jewish Thought of Bitachon by Rabbi David Sutton, ArtScroll/Mesorah.

There are certain areas in which Hashem outwardly shows His control, and weather is one of those areas. We can try to predict it but it’s all in Hash em’s hands.

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Rebbe Yehoshua ben Levi responded to Rebbe Shimon Bar Yochai that rainbows were indeed seen in his lifetime. Whereup on, Rebbe Shimon Bar Yochai exclaimed, “You cannot possibly be Ben Levi.” Ben Levi was righteous enough to save the en tire world in his merit. The GEmara con cludes that, in fact, no rainbow was seen during Rebbe Yehoshua ben Levi’s lifetime.
The Chida writes that we find a prece dent for lying for the sake of humility. The Gemara (Bava Metzia 23b) says that if a Talmid Chacham is asked if he is an expert in a particular tractate of Talmud, he is allowed to lie and say that he is not. The natural tendency of a person is to focus on his accomplishments and ignore his weak nesses. A humble person doesn’t want to fall into this trap. Therefore, he is allowed to lie rather than bring unwanted attention and focus to one of his successes.
Yet the commentators are puzzled, that practice is understandable in this world. In the World To Come, everything will be re vealed. There will be no need for humility. Whatever a person achieved or whatever he failed at will be crystal clear. A person can not be arrogant in the World To Come, be cause it will be impossible to focus solely on one’s achievements when his shortcomings will be self-evident. Why, then, did Rebbe Yehoshua Ben Levi feel the need to lie about the Therainbows?conversation took place soon after Rebbe Yehoshua Ben Levi entered into Gan Eden. The Gemara notes that he didn’t have to go through the normal process of death. He entered Gan Eden alive. The Chochmas Hamitzpun therefore suggests that Rebbe Yehoshua Ben Levi’s conduct had not yet changed to reflect his new home! He was continuing the humble practices that he employed while he was still living as a mor tal. Humility was so ingrained into his na ture that he practiced it even in Gan Eden!
He writes further, “But if you live for external achievement, years pass and the deepest parts of you go unexplored and unstructured… You figure as long as you are not obviously hurting anybody and people seem to like you, you must be O.K. But you live with an unconscious boredom, separated from the deepest meaning of life and the highest moral joys.” Who can argue withOnethis?word that is missing from his arti cle though is G-d. He talks of being moral. But moral using what gauge? Say, for ex ample, a woman withstands unbelievable temptation. She displays tremendous for titude and strength of character to refrain from entering into an inappropriate rela tionship. Certainly, she can be assured of having a great eulogy! Not so fast, accord ing to Brooks! One of the “positive” traits Brooks recommends emulating is that of a woman who had the “courage” to go into an inappropriate relationship. The woman in our example could have struggled her en tire life working on her eulogy resume. Yet how dismayed will she be to discover that at the end of her life, the morals had changed! That is the fallacy of leaving Hashem out of a discussion about morals. Torah values
Still, Brooks does make other good points in his article. His first example of a trait that can be learned is that of humility.
never change. They are timeless. Morals based on man’s whims are fleeting and subject to change.
Rebbe Yehoshua Ben Levi certainly be longs on the list of people to learn positive character traits from.
The Gemara records (Kesuvos 77b) that Rebbe Yehoshua Ben Levi met the great sage Rebbe Shimon bar Yochai in Gan Eden. Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai im mediately challenged Rabbi Yehoshua: “Are you the famous son of Levi that is so well-known for your righteousness? Tell me, did a rainbow ever appear during your lifetime?”Hashem promised after the Great Flood that he would not destroy the entire world again. The rainbow is a sign to remind
Rabbi Avrohom Sebrow is a rebbe at Yeshiva Ateres Shimon in Far Rockaway. In addition, Rabbi Sebrow leads a daf yomi chaburah at Eitz Chayim of Dogwood Park in West Hemp stead, NY. He can be contacted at ASebrow@
us of Hashem’s promise. However, a holy tzaddik can save the world with his mer it alone. There is no need to remind us of Hashem’s promise, because even without the guarantee, the merits of the tzaddik would save the world. During Rebbe Shi mon Bar Yochai’s lifetime, rainbows were not seen. According to Rebbe Yehonoson Eibshitz, this does not refer to the standard rainbow but some other rainbow-like sign. The Rema writes that it does indeed refer to the common rainbow. The Rema explains that Hashem promised us after the Flood that the world would continue following the laws of nature. He wouldn’t suspend them to bring a flood. A rainbow is a natural phenomenon and is an indication that the world is following the natural order. During Rebbe Shimon Bar Yochai’s lifetime, a great miracle happened. The common rainbow was not seen. The laws of nature were sus pended, yet Hashem still did not bring a flood. This demonstrated that the merit of Rebbe Shimon Bar Yochai sufficed to save the entire world from destruction.
By Rabbi Avrohom Sebrow
“But all the people I’ve ever deeply ad mired are profoundly honest about their own weaknesses. They have identified their core sin, whether it is selfishness, the desperate need for approval, cowardice, hardheartedness or whatever…. They have achieved a profound humility, which has best been defined as an intense self-aware ness from a position of other-centered ness.”We have written previously a similar idea. Humility is not deceiving oneself into denying his strengths. Instead, it is being brutally honest and seeing the entire pic ture.
He only told Rebbe Shimon Bar Yochai that a rainbow was seen because he didn’t want to show off.
avid Brooks, a columnist for the New York Times, wrote an article entitled “The Moral Bucket List.” Soon after it was published, it climbed to number one on the list of New York Time’s most emailed articles. David Brooks comes to grips with the realization that there is more to life than material success. Upon witnessing individuals who have ex celled at refining their character traits, he writes, “But I confess I often have a sadder thought: It occurs to me that I’ve achieved a decent level of career success, but I have not achieved…that generosity of spirit, or that depth of character.” From the comments on his article, the vast majority concur with his sentiments. He laments that our genera tion is too focused on perfecting our career resumes but not our eulogy resumes. This resonates with the public at large who have a craving for more meaning in their lives.
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A G-d-Based Moral Bucket List

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Doctor Zvi lifted his head and looked at me with a glint in his eye. “She thinks you look quite handsome without glass es? Tell her she ought to see me as soon as possible. She might be having trouble with her vision.”
I was wearing a cloak, lying on the table. Marked above my right eye was a black cross, I was covered by a heavy sheet, they were swabbing my eye with alcohol, when the doctor walked in. He took a look at my already operated eye and said, “You’ve got an infection. I’m not operating. I’ll give you drops.”
There are doctors in Israel who do have efficient gatekeepers, but there are those who enjoy being autonomous, and when they do, the inevitable clutter and discombobulation occurs. My eye doctor uses the occasional post-it notes to keep his appointment diary orderly, but once I left the medical center, I realized that I’d have to initiate the process of reschedul ing myself, and I recalled the day he had called me months before when he com mented, “Who are you? I don’t remember you because I have so many patients.”
It took me a moment to register. When I did and asked him when we could re schedule, he replied nonchalantly, “End of November.” That took me longer to register.“How do I arrange that?” I asked him.
“The second is that she thinks I look quite handsome without glasses.”
Rafi Sackville, formerly of Cedarhurst, teaches in Ort Maalot in Western Galil.
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I then discovered his secretary was an ex-student of mine. I WhatsApped her. She immediately replied. It took her a couple of days to coordinate with him, but she eventually got back to me with the happy news that my second cataract pro cedure would take place a week after my return from New York, some two months after the first.
The point isn’t my eye. In fact, it has nothing to do with me. It’s the cavalier
“I’ve got two things to say,” I told him. “The first is that I should learn to listen to my wife,” to which he readily agreed.
should have listened to my wife. A year ago, I told her about my increas ing difficulties seeing long distanc es. For months, I dismissed her pleas to make an appointment with the eye doctor in Nahariya.ItwasJune by the time I saw Doctor Zvi. He informed me I needed cataract surgery in both eyes. He initially told me he wouldn’t be able to operate until August unless there was a cancellation, which there was the following day. He called me to tell me. I was surprised to hear his voice, as I was in the naive belief his secretary would call instead.
After he’d finished the procedure, I asked him when I could do the right eye (it was worse than the left). He told me he’d speak to me the following day when I came for a checkup. I did just that, but he wasn’t certain and asked me to contact him.The number he gave me took me on a circuitous route back to his recorded announcements. I tried another number, and it did the same thing. I tried calling from the private number he’d called me from, but that also went unanswered.
The Israeli health experience can of tentimes feel like a game of unnecessary risk. Why is it that the roll-out of the Covid vaccine was run like a military op eration and yet dealing with a specialist

I started to worry. We were flying out to New York to visit our kids, and I want ed the appointment penciled in before we left. I tried emailing, but he didn’t answer. I tried calling the hospital he worked in but got the same result.
Before I had a chance to gather my thoughts, I was lying on a bed in an op erating theater in a medical center at the Check Post in Haifa.
He was in the middle of telling me that I had his email address when he caught himself and told me, “I’ll call you.” That had a sound of non-believability about it.
“I’m here for a hair transplant. Make me
Israel Today
Doctor Zvi was in a jovial mood. He asked me what I thought after he proudly announced I now had 20/20 vision.
Seeing Clearly in the Holy Land

Upon entering the clinic at the Check
I laughed aloud. Walking outside, I caught the smell of the Mediterranean a short block away. I looked around at the tree-lined street. Nature had nev er looked so beautiful and so clear.
By Rafi Sackville
Heblond.”replied almost instantly, “I’m sor ry, but if I’m taking the hair off your chest, it’s all white.”
Post in Haifa on the given date, I told the doctor that he was impossible to contact directly. When he reminded me he’d given me his email, I pointed out that were he to check his inbox, he’d find three emails from me.
“Ah, the drops have worked well,” said Doctor Zvi as he prepped for the opera tion. Then he went through his checklist; I was asked my name, then my personal identity number, then he asked me why I was there. I couldn’t resist.
The following morning, I took off the bandages, and within a day I was amazed at how clear the world looked. I had a fol low-up call that afternoon.
can often boil down to a hit or miss series of negotiations?Thisallhappened on a Tuesday. I wasn’t a happy camper through the fol lowing day. Then, on Thursday morn ing, my former student WhatsApped me saying there’d been a cancellation and “would next week be okay?”
Before I knew it, I was back on the same operating table.
way business is regularly done in Israel that oftentimes has me questioning the efficacy of the system. In New York or Melbourne, the point person, the secre tary, acts as a barrier between doctors and their patients. They direct traffic. They keep calendars clutter-free. They maintain order.
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Not everybody shares her approach, though. To some, it is a real decision – and a hard decision. Ker ren Koch of Moshav Tekuma and Chagit Eskozido of K’far Maimon, settlements in the Negev near Gaza, for example, like most, if not all, of their neighbors, always relied on heter mechira, the questionable heter that al lows the State of Israel to sell the land to non-Jews for the year of Shemitta. When they changed their ways and began keeping Shemitta laws, some of their neigh bors thought they were crazy or making a big mistake. They felt that Shemitta observed not through heter mechira was an archaic mitzvah, not relevant to today.
“It was a bad year for us,” Chagit admits. “We lost all our money. My husband was even consider ing leaving farming altogether, at that point. But I encouraged him to speak to the rabbi who told him, ‘Don’t worry, leave the greenhouses you’re renting in the moshav nearby, build new ones on your property in Kfar Maimon, and everything will be okay.’ And that’s what happened. We built new greenhouses and grew cherries, cabbages, cucumbers and watermelon and, baruch Hashem, we did well.”
Deciding to keep Shemitta is one thing, but follow ing through on it despite the fears and difficulties is quite another.
Chagit shares that it was her husband’s idea origi nally to keep Shemitta. When they were first married, they were not farmers, but after the Jews were chased out of Gush Katif, Chagit’s husband felt a yearning to return to the land, his roots. His father was a farmer, and he felt strongly about not only settling the land but actually working it. That’s when they decided to pur chase a farm in K’far Maimon, a moshav (settlement) near Gaza. Their first year farming was actually a Shemitta year, but not knowing any better, they did the heter mechira like everybody around them.
A Year Emunahof
or some farmers and their families, keeping Shemitta according to Jewish law is not a ques tion. “Do I keep Shabbat?” asks Ayalet Hacohen of Yitzhar in the Shomron. “Do I dress tzanua? It’s the same thing with Shemitta. It is a mitzvah like every other mitzvah that I have to keep.”
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However, after that incident, Chagit’s husband learned about the proper way of observing Shemitta and kept urging Chagit to join with him in keeping it. But Chagit was afraid, especially because of their ini tial challenges. The next Shemitta cycle came around,
and they did not observe Shemitta because still Chagit was very nervous. But her husband persisted. And then, she shares, this past Shemitta cycle, the Keren Hashvi’is organization (an organization that supports farmers in Israel that observe Shemitta) contacted them and explained how they financially help farmers who keep Shemitta.
The challenges of keeping Shemitta
Whether they went into it because they felt obligat
Everyone agrees that farming is a difficult profes sion and farming in the land of Israel is perhaps even harder because of the sometimes extreme weather con ditions. You have to have emunah (faith) just to be a farmer here. But, even though you may theoretically know it’s beneficial for the land to rest, watching your land lay fallow for an entire year, watching the green houses and vineyards go into disrepair and become overgrown, watching ripe produce rot on the field or become damaged from people removing it at all hours of the day requires another level of emunah altogether.
“So, finally, I said OK,” relates Chagit.
Farmers’ Wives Reflect on the Past Shemitta Year

“He came home and asked us if we could keep Shem itta as his bar mitzvah present! We were amazed (in a good way) by his request and decided to agree to it.”
BY MAlkiE SchulMAn
It was actually the Kochs’ 13-year-old son who con vinced them to keep Shemitta properly. It was his bar mitzvah, shares Kerren, and he had read a story in a children’s newspaper about someone who kept Shem itta and experienced blessing from it.
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From the beginning, Keren observes, she saw mir acles big and small. For example, Kerren is a teacher and wanted to teach while in the U.S., so she had to apply to do that through the sochnut (Jewish agency).
“Of course, we post signs with rules but not ev erybody listens to them, and we can’t be there 24/7 watching to make sure,” says Ayalet. “Sometimes peo ple will leave the gate open, and animals will come in and damage the water pipes.”
to do“Actually,”that. Ayalet continues, “when we started farming, a lot of people told me that you will see mir acles when you keep Shemitta. But I can’t say that’s what happened with us.”
ed like every other mitzvah in the Torah or because they were willing to take on the mitzvah for the first time, the challenges of keeping Shemitta can be daunt ing. Ayalet compares preparing for Shemitta to erev Shabbat when we’re bustling around trying to get all the last-minute things done because on Shabbat we can’t do the work anymore. Just multiply that by 365, and you get the picture. It’s a lot of work, she explains, for example, in the Hacohens’ case (they have a flour mill and vineyards), trimming all the vines in the vine yard as much as possible to minimize damage, finding place to store their wheat, and then the actual work of storing it so it doesn’t get ruined.
In fact, one Shemitta year, the Hacohens lost a lot of money. At that point, in the sixth year, the year before Shemitta, they bought double the amount of wheat because they weren’t going to be growing wheat during Shemitta.

“Usually, it takes them a year to process all the pa perwork but, in our case, not only did it go smoothly, but it only took a month. Which, for anybody familiar with Israeli bureaucracy, is truly miraculous!”
Some people claim they’ve seen miracles from the beginning, and others say they see blessing, yes, but miracles, no.
“I knew it would be too hard for my husband to stay at home and watch the farm fall apart; he’s so connected to the land,” shares Kerren, “so I suggested we go to America for that first Shemitta.”
Another challenge is that during Shemitta, anybody is allowed to come to the fields and pick the fruit or vegetables. Not everyone is careful to make sure not to damage the vines or the stalks when they remove the produce. Sometimes, much damage is done, and the farmers can only stand by and watch.
Chagit admits it was scary when they first started. Their oldest son got married that August before Shem itta, and she and her husband were very tense, wonder ing how they would pay their bills for the coming year especially with the added expense of the wedding. It was also a leap year, which made things harder for the year after Shemitta. There is only a limited amount of growing time until winter begins, Chagit explains, and when Shemitta falls out on a leap year, then Rosh Hashana comes out later and the winter comes ear lier so there is less time to prepare the land for the
Nevertheless, none of these women and their fam ilies have any regrets that they have chosen to keep Shemitta – this year and any other year.
Ayalet insists, “It’s enough that we’re doing what we’re supposed to be doing, observing a very import ant mitzvah in the Torah. We feel blessed to be able

Then she continues, “My husband got a job in se curity with El Al in America. However, after he was working for them for a while, they demanded he work on Shabbat.”Kerren’shusband said, “I did not decide to keep Shemitta so I could come to America to work on Shab bat!”
He was fired but the executive in the El Al office was so impressed by his convictions that she said she was going to ensure he got paid as if he was still their employee. Not only that, but it was at that point that Keren Hashvi’is called, not even knowing that he was in America, and asked him to work for them (in the U.S.).
Perhaps the hardest part is seeing your land after Shemitta and thinking, “Oh my gosh, where are we going to start? It’s so overwhelming just thinking about all the work involved.”
Other risks include the possibility losing your buy ers. Stores and vendors may decide to go elsewhere for their produce if they can’t buy from a farmer for a whole year. It’s the same with trying to find farm workers after Shemitta year. Nobody is going to hang around for a year if you have no work for them. It becomes a challenge after each Shemitta to find new workers.“This year, the government promised to send us new workers,” shares Kerren, “but not for another six months! That’s not helpful, so my husband is planning on switching the types of organic fruits and vegetables we will grow that don’t require as many workers.”
Farm work goes by seasons. In every season, there are different farming tasks to be done. Once that sea son passes, the opportunity passes as well. Especially once winter arrives, a lot of opportunities are over for that year. So, if Rosh Hashana comes early the year of Shemitta or late the year after Shemitta, it makes a difference in how much time you have to prepare the land for the Shemitta year and for the year afterwards.
Miracles Big and Small
Then there is the expense for bringing the land back up to snuff – to repair the greenhouses, the vineyards, it all costs money. But, emotionally, at least, perhaps the hardest part is seeing your land after Shemitta and thinking, “Oh my gosh, where are we going to start? It’s so overwhelming just thinking about all the work involved.”
“My husband said, ‘Don’t worry, it’ll be fine’ but it turns out it wasn’t fine. We had to sell it at a loss,” saysKerren,Ayalet. on the other hand, has seen miracles through their Shemitta observance.
She also maintains that the whole experience of keeping Shemitta for her is about having a real rela tionship with Hakadosh Baruch Hu. It’s not about re ward and punishment; it’s the next level up. It’s not about if I’m good and do what you say, you’ll give me a candy. It’s about – I love you even though I don’t un derstand what’s going on. Even though, I may think, this is not how it should be, it’s understanding that yes, this is how it should be.
“I see
Eventually, Avi bought his own farm and slowly added his own greenhouses and vegetables. Neverthe less, he continued to work on the Kochs’ farm. When

Kerren and her husband, Avichai, share another miracle story. After their first Shemitta, nobody was interested in buying produce from them anymore. They had already found other farmers willing to supply them during Shemitta year. Avichai reports walking through his field shortly before the end of the Shemit ta, looking at all the devastation, and wondering how they were going to make the money to pay for all the repairs. Not long afterwards, he relates, he received a call from one of his customers, a businessman who sold organic vegetable baskets to vendors all over the country.“Hegave me a list of organic vegetables that he wanted me to grow for him. He said he would pay for everything – the repairs, the seeds, the greenhouses, he would cover all our losses. Then he asked me to teach his brother, Avi, how to grow organic vegetables and he paid me for that as well.”
A Year of Faith
“The response from Jews around the world has been amazing and has given me so much chizuk and koach ,” Chagit avers. “We could not have done it without the Jews in chutz l’Aretz , they are for sure all shutafim (partners) with us.”
has been tremendously strengthened but not only in Hakadosh Baruch Hu. They feel that through obser vance of Shemitta, their faith in their fellow Jew has been renewed as well. Coming to America and going around speaking to different Jewish communities around the country was so heartwarming, says Kerren.
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All the women we spoke with report their emunah
Wherever they go and speak, Jews ask them to give them a blessing.
she does admit to being a bit concerned about where their new workers will come, Kerren, nev ertheless, feels confident it will all work out.
Kerren feels the same way. “We were not impacted in any terrible way because we could not work the land for the year. It’s true, we couldn’t buy everything we normally do, but we always have a lot of guests for Shabbat and we were still able to do that.”
Another unexplainable incident, bordering on the miraculous, occurred with the Kochs’ pumpkins. A few months before Rosh Hashana prior to this past Shemitta, Avichai planted pumpkins in his green houses. When he went to harvest them a few weeks before Rosh Hashana, he saw there were so many of them, much more than he had anticipated. He called the seed company and asked them to come down to see what had happened; he said he wanted to use the same variety of seed again! When they came down and measured the field, they discovered that the yield was double what he would’ve normally gotten with that variety. Nobody had any scientific explanation for it.
“I have taken upon myself every Friday before I light candles to pray for all those who’ve given me their names,” shares Chagit. She’s also taken upon herself to recite birchot hashachar (the morning blessings) every day. “It has been a very spiritual year for us, and we are grateful we merited this mitzvah for our family and, b’emet, for all of am Yisrael.”
“I feel that this bracha of being able to marry off two of my children comes from keeping Shemitta. We began the Shemitta marrying one son off and ended Shemitta with the marriage of our second son.”
“I loved the Shabbatot where we met wonderful and supportive people. It was like we were all in this mitzvahChagittogether.”addsthat when they decided to keep Shem itta, she thought it was a mitzvah just for the benefit of her family. After this experience of keeping Shemitta, she understands that it is a mitzvah for the whole am Yisroel.
“I spoke to them and explained that we saw such blessing seven years ago, this time it will also be fine. And it Althoughwas.”
Ayaletfine.shares a different perspective in the faith and miracle department. Not seeing miracles from observing this mitzvah has only served to strength en her emunah, she maintains. It brings home the idea that none of us have any clue what’s going on in this world, why Hashem does what He does. What we might think is bad for us may be exactly what is good for us. We may see that soon or never (in this world).
The other women echo a similar sentiment. De spite the many problems and issues still to be over come now that Shemitta is over, they all firmly assert, it will be
Avichai asked him why he was still working with him on his farm, he replied, “The bracha I see on your farm, I have never seen on mine.”
followingHowever, soon as they re-committed to their original commitment to properly observe Shemitta, she says, she calmed down. She “knew” Hashem would take care of them. And now at the end of Shemitta this year, their second son got married.
Kerren says she and her husband feel their faith has been greatly strengthened. But, she says, their children, now that they’re older, were worried about what would happen to them financially.
Another bracha or miracle, Chagit claims, is that they actually had parnassa for the year even though her husband was not farming the land.
“These kind of experiences (where I didn’ t see the miracle),” stresses Ayalet, “are what brought me to a higher level of emunah than I had. I see Hashem walk ing with me, holding my hand, giving me a smile even when it’s hard. That’s my biggest takeaway.”
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Dating Dialogue WouldWhat You Do If…

Moderated by Jennifer Mann, LCSW of The Navidaters
Since I was little, I have always wanted to fit in, but as much as I try to, it backfires (if I get too close to a friend and she’d come over, she’d see my family, realize I don’t have a life like everyone else’s normal lives). I went to sem in Israel for a year, and it was the most amazing experience. I could just make friends and be myself without having to worry about people knowing my family. I’m going back to Israel for shana bet, but as I try to think about shidduchim, I shut down. Thinking about all the potential rejection because of my family is enough to make me want to stay single forever. Is there anything I can do that could help me? Thanks in advance.
I feel like I’m tainted by my family. My father is socially awkward, and my siblings are what most people would call “weird.” I had to beg my parents to send me to the mainstream school because that’s where most of my neighborhood sends.
- Rivka
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Disclaimer: This column is not intended to diagnose or otherwise conclude resolutions to any questions. Our intention is not to offer any definitive conclusions to any particular question, rather offer areas of exploration for the author and reader. Due to the nature of the column receiving only a short snapshot of an issue, without the benefit of an actual discussion, the panel’s role is to offer a range of possibilities. We hope to open up meaningful dialogue and individual exploration.
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The Panel
The Zaidy
the therapist, you will be able to choose some strategies for dealing with your own shidduchim. Invest in yourself first so that you are in a strong position to deal with shidduchim.
Let me reassure you that people from time. marriedfamilies“weird”getallthe
Further, consider the following: You seem to have made some wonderful friendships while living abroad, in Israel. When these new friends eventually meet
stories, go out and ask couples you meet what their backstory is. You will be very surprised! Rivka, Hashem takes care of singles with all types of families and back grounds, not just run-of-the-mill stereo typicals.Myadvice to you is soak up shana bet! Dating should not be on your radar before you’re emotionally ready for it. In addition to growing in your Yiddishkeit, work through your relationship with your family and your relationship with yourself. Nurture your self-worth and build your self-confidence. You will come to realize that your family is a mere puzzle piece within the masterful grand plan your life has yet to become.
Lastly, it sounds like there is probably a lot more going on than you feel comfort able sharing. I always recommend a good cup of therapy as it can help facilitate all these goals that are important towards life enhancement and discovery.
The Single
(I feel certain that at least one of my fellow columnists will recommend that you see a therapist. If you choose to do so, subsequently, when a young man wants to date you and asks, “So, are you seeing someone?” you’ll be able to answer, “Yes, a therapist.”)
Instead of viewing your father’s so cial awkwardness with embarrassment, how about viewing it with affection and amusement? Instead of thinking of your self as tainted by your unusual family background, how about viewing yourself as exceptional and remarkable for becom ing such an incredible young lady, in spite of your family background?
our question reminded me of one of my favorite quotes: “Everybody is some one else’s weirdo.” How true?! Your family might be weirder than some, but that does not make you unmarriageable! Chances are there is someone out there waiting for an amazing, worked-through young wom an like yourself.
When you are truly ready, you will feel confident to start dating without your fam ily feeling like shackles holding you down.
ews flash to Rivka: Every family has some eccentricities, or some weird family members, or some embarrassing skeletons in their closets.
The Rebbetzin
ivka, I feel bad that you feel that your family is “weird” and that this is harm ing you in shidduchim. Your family may be dysfunctional, out of the box, living a life different than your community’s norms, and some members may have serious is sues. They may simply wear the wrong clothes. I don’t know. You are using very loose terminology.
Tzipora Grodko
eeling limited from opportunities be cause of circumstances out of your con trol can feel very painful.
Dr. Jeffrey Galler
Yes, of course, some families can seem more bizarre than others. But, what wor ries me is that you, personally, might be so insecure about your family that it affects how you present yourself to others. Please don’t be insulted, but it’s very possible that your difficulty making friends has more to do with your own insecurities than with your family’s weirdness.
Relying on society or nature to “meet your bashert” is discrediting G-d’s influ ence in your life. The same G-d Who gave you your family is the same G-d Who will get you married. It’s not “harder” for Him because of your package. HE gave YOU that package. Nobody else can interfere with His plan.
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The Shadchan
There are so many topics I want to ad dress here. Firstly, it sounds like you feel trapped by your family reputation. The best way to learn happiness and self-con fidence is through acceptance of what life has given you. I know it’s not easy, but it is truly life changing. To learn how to develop a positive relationship with the things that make you “different” or are “challenging” and find a way for them to fit comfortably in yourSecondly,life. a true friend should not be ditching you if your family is simply awk ward or comes with an unconventional flavor. A true friend will only respect you more and appreciate who you are despite your differences. The same works for a life partner as well (which brings me to my third topic).
Rebbetzin Faigie Horowitz, M.S.
Michelle Mond

How many times do you hear stories of couples with incredibly colorful back grounds describing their path to finding their bashert? If you haven’t heard these
I suggest that you go to someone expe rienced in your school and/or shul commu nity who knows your family. This could be a teacher, principal, rav, or school guidance counselor. Ask them for a recommenda tion for a therapist to help you deal with shidduchim and more. It will be helpful to you to understand your family better and to understand your own reaction to them. Then, together with the support of
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The Navidaters
I believe you may have some trauma around all the rejection you’ve experi enced in your life, and understandably so. And so, when you think about dating, you are shutting down because you go into somewhat of a “freeze” state. For what
or very similar fears as they look toward dating.They are wondering, Will anyone love me? Am I even worthy? Am I loveable? Do not hide. Love yourself so hard solely for yourself. And also, to attract someone who will love all the parts of you. And be there for you, to help you when your family is getting you down; when life is getting you down. Love yourself so much and know your inherent worth so you at tract someone who will feel the same way about you.
We live in a society of trying to “fit in.” In many Orthodox circles (I think it’s worse in NY than anywhere else, but feel free to let me know of other places where it’s this bad), people spend their lives try ing to fit into the box and removing them selves from anyone who does not fit into the box. For what it’s worth, so many of us can’t stand the box. So much nonsense
get to know and appreciate you, it won’t really matter when they eventually meet yourPleasefamily.take to heart William Shake speare’s sonnet (#116), “Let me not to the marriage of true minds admit impedi ments.” Professor David Ginsberg explains what that means: When two friends feel a strong kinship or attraction to each oth er (“Marriage of true minds”), they won’t allow minor impediments or drawbacks (like unusual family backgrounds) hin der that closeness.
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it’s worth, let me reassure you that people from “weird” families get married all the time. Your work is to work through this “shut down” and to love yourself... hard! And also, to accept your family.
I can feel the shame you’re carrying around. When I feel shame, I often rec ommend the book The Gifts of Imperfec tion by Brene Brown. It’s an oldie but a goodie. Brene Brown is a shame research er. You may find the book helpful. I’d also like to recommend Love Warrior by Glen non Doyle Melton. Glennon is a person. An amazing person who has lived and ex perienced and feels deeply, and she shares her story to help others feel better about theirs. I just reread her book for the ump teenth time last Shabbos, and she always helps me get myself in emotional order.
Jennifer Mann, LCSW is a licensed psychotherapist and certified trauma healing life coach, as well as a dating and relationship coach working with individuals, couples, and families in pri vate practice at 123 Maple Avenue in Cedarhurst, NY. She also teaches a psychology course at Touro College. To set up a consultation or to ask questions, please call 718-908-0512. Visit www. for more information. If you would like to submit a dating or relationship question to the panel anonymously, please email You can follow The Navidaters on FB and Instagram for dating and relationship advice.
P.S. Wishing the readership a shana tovah u’metukah! Every now and again, when I introduce myself in varying so cial settings, I will get a “You’re Jennifer Mann? The one who writes the column? We love reading your column on Shabbos!” I can’t tell you how much this means to me to be let into your homes every Shabbos. I love that I have this platform to bring at tention and awareness to different dating and relationship issues and to spread my message which is twofold and always the same: Trust your intuition! And, you are worthy!
is going on inside of these boxes that at this point in my life, you couldn’t pay me to get anywhere near that box! That box is stifling. And believe me, there is a lot of suffering going on inside of these boxes! When you stop trying to fit into that box (and that box is different for all of us), and you work toward acceptance of your self and surrender to the realities of the life and the path Hashem has put you on, you breathe. You inhale. Deeply. And you lift your head up and look around. And you see others who for their own reasons have either given up trying to get in, or who had no interest in it at all, from the beginning. And let me tell you… those are some of the wisest, kindest, most accepting, most beautiful souls on Hashem’s earth. They have no agenda other than to love you and accept you. (There are so many agendas inside some of these boxes, I hear they’ve hired secretaries to take notes and keep a log!) And P.S., some of them are very much accepted in the box’s tightknit circle, and have access, and come and go as they please, but they know the truth: one’s val ue is not determined by the people in the box and G-d certainly does not live in that box. G-d is everywhere. The people in that box don’t have the exclusive rights to G-d. Because Hashem is outside the box, too! I am wondering how many people reading this right now at their Shabbos tables or on their couches are thinking, I feel the same way as Rivka. Rivka, I be lieve so many people relate to you in their own ways. So many people have the same
your family, they won’t stop being your friend. Instead, these new friends are like ly to think, “Wow, it’s incredible how my amazing, good friend, Rivka, turned out so great, in spite of her unusual family.”
Dear ThankRivka, you for writing! I really like your question at the end of your email. Is there anything I can do that could help me? While you are away and individuat ing from your family, creating your own identity and looking at the very adult next chapters of your life, shidduchim and mar riage, I suggest being in therapy for the en tire year, as a gift to yourself. In therapy, you will process your experience of your family, your role in your family, how you differ from your family, what it has been like for you to be a member of your fami ly; you will process all the rejection you’ve experienced as a result of your family, and you will learn to love yourself so much that your focus naturally shifts from Oh no! How am I going to get married with my weird family in tow? to: I deserve a man who is going to love me and my weird family! And I will not settle for anything less! (And journal... journaling is one of the greatest ways of working through our thoughts and feelings.)
And, once they
So, when you return after your second seminary year, perhaps you should consid er not living at home. Instead, think about renting an apartment with a couple of your girlfriends. Then, when you start dating, young men will have met you, dated you a few times, and gotten to know and admire you before actually meeting your family.
Have a wonderful shana bet! I think that may be the best thing you could have done for yourself; giving yourself the op portunity to work on yourself in your own space. Enjoy every second, and please feel free to write back and update us as you move along on your journey!
Every family has eccentricities,some or some weird family members, or closets.skeletonsembarrassingsomeintheir
Pulling It All Together
Heed the advice of George Burns, who suggested, “Happiness is having a large, loving, caring, close-knit family in anoth er city.”
Dating and Relationship Coaches and Therapists
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By Etti Siegel
Dear Mom, You don’t say what grade your daughter is in, but being anxious for school is common for all age children!

Mrs. Etti Siegel holds an MS in Teaching and Learning/Educational Leadership and brings sound teaching advice to her audiences culled from her over 35 years of teaching and administrative experience. She is an Adjunct at the College of Mount Saint Vincent/Sara Shenirer. She is a coach and educational consultant for Catapult Learning, is a sought-after mentor and workshop presenter around the country, and a popular presenter for Sayan (a teacher-mentoring program), Hidden Sparks, and the Consortium of Jewish Day Schools. She is a frequent contributor to Hamechanech Magazine and The Journal for Jewish Day School leaders. She will be answering your education-based questions and writing articles weekly for The Jewish Home. Mrs. Siegel can be reached at
Here are some tips:
Dear Etti, I couldn’t wait for school to start! The kids were home with out a schedule, and it was so hard. Now, my daughter is suddenly hav ing stomachaches, and I can’t deny that she is probably anxious about school. My neighbor can’t stop telling me how excited her kids are, but even school supply shop ping didn’t help get my daughter in the mood. How can I help her look forward to going back? - Mom of an anxious child
4. Do what you can to make the unfamiliar more familiar. Try to introduce your child to some other children who will be in her class, if possible. Don’t be shy; do this for your child. Chances are that the other parents will be happy you reached out! Take your child to see the school; your child might be intimidated by the new situation (preschool, junior high, high school) and just being familiar with the building will help alleviate the fear of the unknown.
2. Just listen. Find ways your children can share their thoughts and don’t dismiss their concerns or try to fix the issue they are bringing up. Often, children just want to work it out for themselves, which they do out loud with a trusted adult. You can guide them in a neutral way by repeating information back and asking them if they have any ideas on what they could do about it. Show confidence in your children’s ability to think it through. Don’t add to their anxiety with leading ques tions. “Are you worried about the lunchroom? About having Mrs. Bellings?” They might not have thought about those issues…and now they will!
Dr. Rachel Busman, a clinical psychologist who spe cializes in anxiety, says that for most children, this ner vousness will pass. Parents should be supportive without making the anxiety worse.
3. Pick times to talk/listen that are not put
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Let’s work together, home and school, to make it a stress-free school year!
Jane D. Hull, Governor of Arizona (1997–2003), Sec retary of State of Arizona (1995–1997), famously said: “At the end of the day, the most overwhelming key to a child’s success is the positive involvement of parents.”
5. Read some stories about starting school with your anxious preschooler. I Go to School by Rikki Benefield is an example of a “social story” that is calming for children. Social Stories are stories that help a child know what a situation will look like, feel like, and helps children understand what is expected of them in the situation. Though it was developed by Carol Gray in the late 1980’s for autistic children, parents and teachers all over find that such stories help children with anxiety. You can find books about going to the dentist, going to shul, going to a zoo, and going to a wedding in your local Judaica store.
While many are excited, like your neighbors, some children are uneasy. Is your child enter ing a transition year (Pre1A, middle school, junior high school?) Is your child going to a new school? Is there a chance the classes will be mixed, and she is worried about not being with her friends?

“At the end of the day, the most overwhelming key to a child’s success is the positive involvement of parents.”
6. Write or draw a story with your child about the experience coming up. You do not have to be an artist to have your child call you one! If you really can’t draw, cut pictures out of magazines, newspapers, or find pic tures online, and make your own Social Story!
7. Be a partner to the teacher. If your child has an issue that the school can help with, tell the teacher when he/she calls, or con tact the school. Teachers are grateful to know of issues your child struggles within advance. This helps them understand your child quickly, instead of wasting pre cious months as he/she figures the matter out for them selves. Present the issue neutrally so the teacher does not subconsciously label your child. The teacher is doing an amazing job, teaching your child and trying to make a difference; make sure they are not working in the dark.
ting the child on the spot. I used to find that time in the car was a great chance to have my child share, be cause I was not focusing on her and therefore she felt less judged and could talk freely. Washing dishes was another time that I had a different fo cus, so a younger child might stand near me or sit on the counter near me and talk and an older child might choose to dry dishes and share.
1. Don’t project your anxiety. Are you feeling anxious, and your child is picking up on those vibes? There is stress when beginning the school year. The return to routine; the expectations on the parents for supplies, snacks, lunch, and uniforms in some schools can be a lot to deal with. Anxiety can be contagious!
8. Help your child fit in during learning time. It is hard for your child when she does not have her homework done, or he does not have the permission slip filled in. Being different than the class in this way causes anxiety. Check that your child has his/her sup plies. Supplies will need replenishing.
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The truth is that, like most mile stones, each child will reach this one at their own time. It’s really not that dif
By Sara Rayvych, MSEd
Provide Accommodations
many more options available.
Children will usually find it helpful to sit with an adult. At times, the same gen dered parent is unable to attend. Grand parents, aunts/uncles or family friends are usually willing to have your sweet little one join them. It may feel uncom fortable to ask, but shul can be very lonely for a child sitting by themselves.
any years ago, I overheard a conversation involving a gen tile who had just heard that Yomim Noraim seats are usually pre paid. Her shock was obvious until the details were more thoroughly explained. What most surprised her was finding out just how many hours we are spending in those prepaid seats. She assumed we had a brief prayer session or two, not that we spent hours davening together with emo tion and do the math, it quickly becomes apparent that we spend many hours davening, especially during these upcoming Days of Awe. Many easily find meaning in these hours of silent devotion, while others find it more challenging.
This is the big question, and it’s im portant that we ask it. It’s easy to assume that a child is ready just because a child is a certain age, the parent is ready, or the kids need a Shabbos morning outing.
ferent from walking, talking, or riding a bike in that age is merely a suggestion. More important than their birthday is attention span and emotional readiness.
Can your child control themselves from talking, singing, whistling, stomp ing their feet, or any other method of noise production? It’s amazing how the smallest of bodies can produce the loud est of Trynoises.tothink of what shul attendance involves and use your best judgment to see if your child meets those criteria. Of ten a child needs a little longer – some times just months – before they’re ready to join the adults.
Schools provide accommodations all the time; parents can, too. Some children are not ready to attend shul like an adult but can be present for some, or all, of the tefilla. With some minor accommodations, these children can be slowly brought into the beautiful world of shul attendance. I’ll make a few suggestions, but there are
Is Your Child Ready?
There is no preset age that indicates shul readiness nor do the needs of the parent mean the child is prepared. It goes with out saying that a makom tefilla is not a babysitting service. A child who is cur rently jumping off the bookshelf at home may do similarly in a shul.
Parenting Pearls Shul Beginnings
Rosh Hashana seemed like the per fect time to begin this discussion due to the central role our makom tefilla will play over these upcoming yomim tovim. B’ezras Hashem, members of our kehillos will be spending hours in their assigned shul seats. Even those unable to attend throughout the year make an extra effort at this time. Those unable to be present for tefillos will still come for shofar blowing, often with very little ones tagging along.
Choose a shorter tefilla. As important as Shabbos Shacharis is, it can be too long for some children. If your child has lim ited sitting time, you may want to pick a shorter option. Mincha is generally the shortest, and kabbalas Shabbos involves lots of singing. Some children are thrilled by the singing and dancing of Shabbos davening, but others may find the noise overwhelming. Use your child’s person ality as a Gaugeguide.yourchild’s limits and consider allowing them to attend only part of the tefilla or take a break in the middle. A brief walk in the hallway can do wonders to help an antsy child regroup. In school, many teachers will give bouncy students an errand or quick stroll to help them re focus.
Some shuls are more child-friendly than others. I am not paskening as to whether or not you should switch your makom tefilla, just acknowledging that some children may benefit from a more child-friendly environment.
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cepts and urge you to address those to your family’s personal rav. In this arti cle, I would just like to bring up some of my personal thoughts and experiences regarding children and davening in shul.
Davening involves a lot of time spent in one place quietly (or saying nothing more than the tefilla). Can the child sit still? Sitting in a chair for long periods of time is harder than we assume. Kids are used to lots of movement and sup pressing that can be impossible for some youngsters.
It is every parent’s dream to sit in shul alongside their child dressed in their Shabbos or yom tov best. While it’s a source of nachas every parent awaits, for others, the reality hits hard. Those parents may find their child’s Shabbos outfit no longer looks so fine after the chocolate cake was discovered. Per haps their child thinks shul ends after the candy-man has given the requested treat. Knowing when and how to bring children to shul is an important chinuch decision.Iamnot a rav nor have I ever been confused for one. I am certainly not here to pasken any of these important con

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Even children old enough to have their own seat for davening will benefit from a little prior preparation. Ideally, your child will have already become comfortable with sitting during Shabbos davening before attempting yom tov tefillos. Still, the tefillos are longer, and there are oth er differences such as shofar, birkas ko hanim and prostrating on the floor. You also may want to introduce your child to the prayers that are unique to the yom
lenge. Often, one baby cries and a toddler decides to imitate the tekiyos. Here, too, a little preparation can go a long way. Try to not skip the pre-shofar nap – I know it’s hard. Bring any pacifiers, snacks, or drinks your children may need. As men tioned before, avoid messy snacks and dispose of trash.
tov. Most likely, the school has already covered this part, but it never hurts to make sure your child remembers.
Ensure your child isn’t hungry, thirsty, or tired. If they are any of the above, then it’s unfair to expect positive behavior. It may be helpful for some children to have a (non-messy) snack with them. Please make sure any wrappers or trash are dis posed of properly.
It’s customary for everyone to hear shofar, and even young children will make a timely appearance during daven ing. Keeping little ones quiet for the du ration of shofar blowing is a yearly chal
Youngerblowing.children enjoy acting out
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and rehearsing what they will do. You can practice walking into a room quietly and sitting or standing while listening –whatever you anticipate they will need. You can even make pretend shofar noises. Physical cues such as showing you have your finger over your lips can silently re mind them to be quiet. Many youngsters benefit from placing their own finger over their lips as an extra reminder.
Slightly older children may want to hold an adult’s hand or remain nearby. The crowds can be scary for some youngsters, and some children may become fearful.
Joining the kehilla, our voices united in tefilla, is a special experience we all want to share with the next generation. Maintaining a positive atmosphere will make our children want to come back again and again. May Hashem answer all our tefillos l’tova.

I want to wish all of klal Yisroel a won derful year of simcha, bracha and nachas from our children – kesiva v’chasima tova!
Children don’t inherently know how to behave in shul and need to be educated beforehand on what to expect and how to act. New shul-goers should be given ad vanced preparation before the big day arrives – even if they only will drop in for shofar
Most shuls have a second series of te kiyos and that can be helpful for parents. One year I had a child that was sick (and contagious!), and a thoughtful neighbor was brave enough to blow shofar in my home. There are many options for fami lies with children that will permit every one to be inspired by the tekiyos.
Many adults find it distracting when children run around in shul or create a ruckus. Someone makpid on hearing 100 kolos will find it very upsetting to miss even one because of a child making noise. Additionally, it may not be good for the child’s chinuch to think a makom tefilla is “hefker.”
Sara Rayvych, MSEd, has her master’s in general and special education. She has been homeschooling for over 10 years in Far Rock away. She can be contacted at RayvychHome

Feeling Prepared
Shofar Tips
Children are a tremendous bracha, and nothing in the above paragraph is meant to detract from that, chas v’sha lom. It’s important for us to first look at the issue from the eyes of the other mis pallelim before we discuss this topic.
It goes without saying that a makom tefilla is not a babysitting service.
Little ones are usually calmer when closer to a parent. Holding your child or wearing them in a carrier can help.
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-Chani and Avigayil R.
In Parshas Terumah, Hakadosh Baruch Hu says to Klal Yisroel, “V’asu li mikdash v’shachan ti b’socham, And let them make Me a sanctuary, that I may dwell among them.” Hashem told us that He would like for us to build houses of worship, so that He can rest His Shechina upon
Dear Teen Talk,

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We are two sisters writing. We would be very grateful if you gave us some insight on how to resolve our predicament.
We found that we had more kavanah and were able to get through all the tefilos without getting sidetracked. The fancy clothes, crying kids, and people talking incessantly are the distractions that we have been able to avoid. Furthermore, as much as we know it’s holy, we found ourselves spacing out, at times, over the few hours we were there. Last year, even though our shul was offering seating, we opted to daven at home. Once again, it was a very fulfilling experience.
We know our parents will be disappointed with us if we decline their offer. In addition, our grandmother will be with us for yom tov. We know she loves to go to shul and will likely be upset with us if we don’t join her. As these days are fast approaching, time is of the essence and we would like some hadracha for this situation.
My father, Harav Yonasan Binyomin Jun
By Mrs. C. Isbee
Teen Talk
Let’s give you some background as to why we feel this way. Two years ago, due to COVID restrictions, we davened at home for Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur for the first time.
us. When we assemble all together in a building designated for praying to our Creator, we elevate ourselves. One of the reasons why Hashem’s Shechina settles on those who gather in shul to daven is because of the achdus (togetherness) of the congregants, as it says in Sefer Mishlei, “B’rov am hadras melech, In multitudes, there is the glorification of Hashem.” When we assemble together to serve Hashem, the impact it has on Him is so great. We are the chosen nation gath ering in scores, in groups across the universe; of course, Hashem’s glory is revealed, then!
Dear Chani and Avigayil, I appreciate the importance you place on proper tefillah. The Yomim Noraim, The Days of Awe, are a time of serious introspection. This is the time where we aim to do our due diligence in making the most out of our connection to the Ribbono Shel Olam.
It’s understandable why you believe your davening is more potent at home versus at shul. Your desire to concentrate without any interfer ence is commendable. Since the unfortunate vi rus erupted, it sounds as though you have made peace with davening at home and have reached great heights in doing so.
ings) was missing, as well as hearing the recita tion of the kaddish by mourners. The feeling of detachment from our brethren being unable to congregate together in a mikdash me’at was real. We longed for the day when we could gath er together again and proclaim our allegiance to Hashem in unison.
Teen Talk, a new column in TJH, is intowardsgearedtheteensourcommunity. Answered by arotating roster of teachers, rebbeim,clinicians, and peers (!), teens will behearing answers to many questionsthey had percolating in their mindsand wished they had the answers for.

I remember clearly the days when we were homebound due to COVID restrictions. Even though it was a very difficult pe riod, I do have some special memories, specifically congregating together in my dining room to daven. I also remember how sad it was not to be exposed to the complete te fillah that normally takes place only when gath ering in shul. There was no leining (reading of the Torah out loud) to listen to. The beautiful melodies of Chazaras Hashatz (repetition of the prayers by the chazzan) were absent. Duchening by the kohanim (recitation of the priestly bless
Men rush to daven with a minyan three times a day, even though davening b’yechidus is allowed. Surrounded by ehrliche Yidden in talleisim, hearing the “kolos” (voices) of tefillah, answering “Amen,” listening to the rav’s speech, and even noticing the majestic aron kodesh are all part of the spiritual experience of shul.
Now that the Yomim Noraim are almost here, we are faced with a dilem ma. Our parents would like to buy shul seats for us for Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, however, for various reasons, we are more comfortable with davening at home.
How fortunate you both are to have your grandmother staying with you for yom tov! What a nachas it would be for her to have you both sitting beside her during davening. As she is older, and I’m sure wiser than you, there is so much you can learn from her. Even walking to shul together can jumpstart the experience into something memorable. It’s a time where you can ask her to share her early memories of going to shul as a young girl.
1. Being in the presence of Hashem’s Shechina in His dwelling place
I find myself singing the sweet songs of my youth as I prepare for the yomim tovim. Hum ming “K’vakaras Edro” or “V’chol Maaminim,” or “Ochila La’Kel” as I cook, bake, and set the table transports me to the mikdash me’at on 8101 Avenue K. Even though, the building is no longer our family shul, and it’s been many years since I davened there, the tefillos are alive within me. The appreciation I have for the Yo mim Noraim is so very strong because of my ex periences davening at shul. This cherishment
11. Understanding what Yizkor is all about; thus appreciating your loved ones
And so much more….

9. Listening to the leining
14. Building a repertoire of the holy tunes of the many tefillos
Are you a teen with a question?
If you have a question or problem you’d like our columnists to address, email your question or insight to , subject line: Teen Talk.

12. The opportunity to observe others’ ka vanah and learn from them
Yo will be at home. I can tell you, though, that your davening at that time will be much more significant and meaningful if you have the background and foundation of shul davening.
greis, zt”l, was the rav of the shul, Yeshiva Ateres Yisroel, in the Canarsie section of Brooklyn, NY. We were fortunate to live on the block of our shul. My experiences of davening in shul as a child till I married and moved away are precious and shaped who I am today. I fondly remember my friend, Jennifer, knocking on my door every Shabbos and yom tov morning to get me out of bed to go to shul with her. Sure, we could have davened at home, but the feeling of kedusha that came from being part of a group serving Hashem together gave greater strength and meaning to our tefillos.
As illustrated above, the experience of dav ening in shul is incomparable to that of davening at home. Only the Bais Haknesses experience can provide you with:
3. Valuing koach hatefilla of the tzibbur (group)4.Hearing the voices of the congregants as they ask Hashem for rachamim (mercy) and praise Him for all that He has done
5. Listening to the chazzan repeat over the davening6.Answering Amen Yehai Shmai Rabbah to the kaddish
Be”H, you both will marry and have families. During the times of raising young children, you will probably not be able to venture out to dav
8. Gleaning the messages of the rav’s speech first-hand
Mrs.Sincerely,Chayala Isbee
Mrs. Chayala Isbee is a long-time educator and school counselor at Bais Yaakov of Baltimore.
13. Noticing the klei kodesh and structural beauty of this mikdash me’at
10. A greater appreciation for what you learn in limudei kodesh at school, such as Chu mash and Navi as you hear the Baal Korei lein
Chani and Avigayil, I want to wish you a kes ivah v’chasima tova. Your desire to do the right thing is definitely appreciated by Hakadosh Baruch Hu. Hashem will surely listen to your heartfelt tefillos and grant you a sweet year.
As the rabbi’s daughter, my job every Yom Kippur was to give the Yizkor cards out to the women. The memories of observing them with tears in their eyes is something that will forever be etched in my memory. Being grate ful that I had my beloved parents while leaving during Yizkor is a deep emotion that I remember vividly. I would return to my seat in shul, re newed and ready to daven with more sentiment andIfervor.alsoremember how exciting it was to learn parshas hashavua every week in my alma ma ter, Prospect Park Yeshiva, knowing that I would eventually be hearing the corresponding leining while at shul in its melodious tune on Shabbos. As important as it to go to shul on Shabbos, how much more worthwhile and significant it is for you girls to attend on the Yomim Noraim! Listening to the haunting melodies of the chaz zan, especially during U’nesaneh Tokef, Kol Ni drei, and of course during the Kaddish at the outset of the Shemona Esrei stirs the soul. The sounds of the shofar awaken us to do teshuva. Is there a better way to have the kavanah that you desire than by observing elderly women, espe cially the Holocaust survivors, wiping the tears from their red-rimmed eyes?
7. Taking in the duchening
simply cannot be attained by davening at home. As far as the distractions you may have in shul, I get it. Yes, there are people wearing fancy clothes. Sometimes, there could be crying ba bies. And unfortunately, sometimes, there may be people talking in shul. Truth be told, we are supposed to wear our finest to shul as our King is being exalted there. Most people who go to shul, go there to daven. If there is talking, you can always move to another side. If you feel it’s excessive and poses a problem, perhaps you can speak to the rav or the gabbai about addressing the both indicated, you’ve encountered times when you zoned out, and it was hard for you to keep up nor be in sync with the daven ing. Certainly, the more consistently you attend shul services, the greater your ability to keep pace will be. Davening with a minyan at shul is a most glorious experience! There is so much more than enunciating the words of the tefilos that takes place there. Once your attendance is more consistent, instead of drifting off, you will “be in the moment” as you appreciate all that is happening. There is a “seder” throughout the davening. You will surely heed to maintain proper attention as you listen to the Chazzan saying over the tefilos. You will be aware when to say “Zos HaTorah” as they hold up the Torah at Hagbah. You will take in, not just the lein ing, but the haftorah and the recitation of the brachos of the haftorah, as well. And, you will treasure Birkas Kohanim as you notice the Levi yim lining up to wash the Kohanim’s hands.
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2. Assembling as one group all doing the same thing at once: serving Hashem
In the meantime, I will continue to write letters – occasionally. As I clear out the clutter of my desk and shelves during this period of “getting things done” (which includes cleaning and throwing out), I will hold onto the old and new stationery and keep it where I can find it. Even if it is not used ev ery day, or even every week, or even so much during the summer, I know it will be used – someday.
JWOW! is a community for midlife Jewish women which can be accessed at for conversation, articles, Zoom events, and more.

By Miriam Hendeles
is about to go out of business, I do be lieve writing letters has diminished. So even though I still enjoy browsing the card section at the supermarket, and I still own a package of personalized thank-you cards, I tend to only occa sionally write by hand.
and stationery that we filled with our thoughts in handwriting – are a relic of the past. That for the receiver, the plea sure of reading and re-reading a letter is a thing of the past – unless one takes the time to print out an email received, something many don’t bother to do.

Postcard and Letters from the Past
I want to hold onto the fantasy that my own grandkids will be going to camp someday and will write me “Dear Omi” letters.
One of my aunts has gathered all of my maternal grandmother’s letters – skillfully handwritten or typed with her typewriter – into a large binder for all the grandchildren. Many of those let ters were written specifically during the summer period of the Nine Days before the fast day of Tisha B’Av.
destroyed almost 2,000 years ago. Some people claim letter writing – as we know it with paper, pen, envelope, stationery and postage stamp – is on the decline. These people bemoan the loss of writing by hand. They say letters – those cards, aerogrammes (remember them??)
As my Oma (grandmother) had said, “The Nine Days are a perfect time for getting these things done - -organizing pictures, writing letters, cleaning draw ers.” Ever the practical one, she viewed the Nine Days as a time to accomplish. Things that we would normally push off now we can finally do, because so many pleasurable things (swimming, listen ing to music, shopping) are off limits to Jewish people who are mourning the destruction of the Holy Second Temple
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Well, all kidding aside, I like to think letter writing will never really fade com pletely away. That there will always be a need for writing by hand. That there will always be kids and adults who write to each other by hand. (Positive or nega tive news!) I guess I am in slight denial regarding the death of the letter as we know it (just as I am in denial of the de mise of the print in books and newspa pers to be replaced by digital formats –Kindle and the like). I want to hold onto the fantasy that my own grandkids will be going to camp someday and will write me “Dear Omi” letters.
I think back to the summer times of my childhood and how I would sit on my bed in sleepaway camp during rest peri od and write long letters to my parents, family and cousins. I recall the excite ment of tearing open a letter from my mom during lunch time when we got our mail and reading my mom’s news and thoughts.Nowadays, if a kid writes a letter from camp, it is a sign of maladjustment! (I once heard a camp director declare that to a parent who complained the kid never wrote letters.)
Others claim that letters are still alive and well – not to worry; they are just displayed these days in a different format: the e-mail or text format which one shoots off to cyberspace with the simple press of the send button. Although it is unlikely that Hallmark
s the summer fades away, my mind turns to letter writing. Letters that we send – to friends, family and acquaintances. Thank you cards, postcards, congratulations mes sages, sympathy notes, and newsy let ters to loved ones expressing caring and what is going on. The summer is that time – when we tend to write more letters. Kids are in camp, families go on vacation, and the desire to keep up in writing is Lettersprevalent.thesedays are written (actu ally typed) and sent off as a computer email. Letters in the “old days” (read: my days) were written by hand with care, using a pen or pencil. They were placed in an envelope, sealed and sent off with a stamp. The receiver of the letter had the opportunity to read and re-read the let ter, thus relishing the connection and the relationship between reader and writer.Both of my grandmothers were avid letter writers. And during the summer, they tended to write – or type (on their typewriters!) – more letters than usual.
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Bring to a boil and then lower to a simmer. Cook for on low for 3 hours.
◦ 3 large loose carrots, sliced
In the same pot, lower heat to medium and add 1 tablespoon oil; sauté onions until translucent.Addcarrots, sweet potatoes, and dried prunes and sauté for five minutes.
◦ 2 tablespoon canola oil, plus 1 tablespoon
◦ 2 medium onions, cut into half-moon rings
◦ Salt and pepper to taste
Naomi Nachman, the owner of The Aussie Gourmet, caters weekly and Shabbat/ Yom Tov meals for families and individuals within The Five Towns and neighboring communities, with a specialty in Pesach catering. Naomi is a contributing editor to this paper and also produces and hosts her own weekly radio show on the Nachum Segal Network stream called “A Table for Two with Naomi Nachman.” Naomi gives cooking presentations for organizations and private groups throughout the New York/New Jersey Metropolitan area. In addition, Naomi has been a guest host on the QVC TV network and has been featured in cookbooks, magazines as well as other media covering topics related to cuisine preparation and personal chefs. To obtain additional recipes, join The Aussie Gourmet on Facebook or visit Naomi’s blog. Naomi can be reached through her website, or at (516) 295-9669.

◦ 1 tablespoon cinnamon
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◦ 3 sweet potatoes, small cubed
Tzimmes Soup
Add the briskest back to the pot along with crushed tomatoes and 8 cups of broth.
The soup makes a large quantity, so you can set some aside to freeze for Sukkot.

◦ 8 cups broth
◦ 2 cups crushed tomatoes
I developed this recipe a couple months ago in preparation for the upcoming chagim. I am so excited that I can finally reveal this recipe. It’s a great twist on the traditional tzimmes by making it into a soup. I am sure you will want to add this to your menu repertoire.
◦ 1 teaspoon cumin
Heat the canola oil in a large soup pot over a high flame. When the oil is hot, sear the brisket for a few minutes on each side until it forms a nice brown crust.
By Naomi Nachman
◦ 1 teaspoons kosher salt
Remove meat from pot and shred it with two forks. Add the meat back to the pot and bring back to boil.
◦ 2 pounds second cut brisket or strips of flanken on the bone
◦ 1 tablespoon sumac
◦ 1 cup dried prunes, pitted
Remove from heat and set aside.
In a small bowl mix sumac, cinnamon, salt, and cumin and then rub the mixture all over the brisket.
In The K tchen
|202222,SEPTEMBERTheJewishHome 147 meat depGlatt Kosher Top Quality Meat & Poultry 1913 Cornaga Avenue • Far Rockaway • T. 718-327-4700 F. 718-327-4701 E. Sun: Fri:Thur:Wed:Tue:Mon:7-87-87-87-97-117-2hrbeforezmanHours:Store Order www.RockawayKosher.comororders@RockawayKosher.comOnline:byEmail:specialsmyweeklyfavorite לארשי בלח major deals takeoutgrocerydairy-frozencandy/noshbakeryhouseholds • Atlantic Beach • Long Beach • The Rockaways • Belle harbor We now offer deliveries to the following areas לארשי בלח fresh cut fruits take a peek at our everyday special prices produce 3ONLYDAYS Sep 21, - Oct 4, PRODUCE SPECIALS WEDNESDAY THRU FRIDAY Wednesday, Sep/21/22 thru Friday Sep/23/22 Specials Are Running From Wednesday Sep/21/22 Thru Tuesday Oct/4/22. Produce Sale Effective Sep/21/22 Thru Friday Sep/23/22 We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities, While Supplies Last. Not Responsible For Typographical Or Photographic Errors. No Rain Checks. BEEFFINISHEDGRAIN-RANCHTEVYA’S $0.79 Givat YogurtYogolite All Flavors 5 Oz $4.69 Lieber’s Snackers 13.70 Oz $5.49 Kedem Grape Juice Reg & Lite 50.70 Oz $15.99 Mehadrin LebenChocolate (Family Pk) 12 Pk $19.99 Haolam CheeseAmerican 108 Slice $8.99 Lb Pickled 2nd Cut BeefCorned $8.99 Lb 1st PastramiCut $15.99 Lb Tongue Cooked And Cleaned, Heat & Serve $8.99 Lb Dry RoastFrenchRubbed Easy InstructionsSimple $15.99 Lb Honey Mustard TongueBeef Cooked & Cleaned, Just Heat & Serve $15.99 Lb Sweet & Sour TongueBeef Cooked & Cleaned, Just Heat & Serve $16.99 LB ROSEMARY GARLIC RIB ROASTEYE $16.99 LB CRUSTEDHORSERADISH RIB ROASTEYE $16.99 LB HONEY GARLIC ROASTFLANKEN *BONELESS* $16.99 LB GARLIC STIR FRY ROASTFLANKEN *BONELESS* Signature Oven Ready Premium Marinated / Seasoned ROAST For Yom Tov • SURPRISE YOUR GUEST • ENHANCE YOUR TABLE • TREAD YOUR SELF $7.99 BroilLondonShoulderLb $7.99 Lb Silver Tip Roast $9.99 Lb SteakFlank $5.99 Lb ShoulderGround (Super Lean) $12.99 Lb *Beauttiful Marblized* Roast(Brick)French Real Tom Tov Treat $29.99 Lb Baby ChopsLamb GelatiLarge$5.50 Meat Specials till Friday, Sep 23More Specials In Store 3/$5CocaCola All Flavors 2 Ltr Limit 8 $12.99 Wesson OilCanola 128 Oz 3.49 Domino Sugar 4 Lb $5.99 Haddar Honey 32 Oz $4.99 Royal Crown 9 “ PlatesPlastic 100 Ct Limit 4 $7.99 Klein’s Dairy CreamIce All Flavors 56 Oz $14.99 Nescafe CoffeeChoiceTaster’s 14 Oz Limit 4 $19.99 Silktouch TissuesFacial (By The Case) Limit 2 Wednesday Only $1.79 Gefen Cholent Mix 16 Oz 2/$4 Gefen Semi ChipsChocolateSweet 9 Oz $1.09 Lieber’s SauceTomato 15 Oz 4/$5 Goodman’s MixSoupOnion 2.75 Oz 2/$3 Near East PilafRice 6.09 Oz $1.89 Libby’s PiePumpkinMix 15 Oz 5/$5 Simply Lev Pearl Barley 16 Oz $0.99 Mayim Chaim Seltzer Flavored Only 1 Ltr 2/$3 Lieber’s Pie Crust 6 Oz $2.99 Lieber’s HeartsWhole Of Palm 14.46 Oz $2.19 Tabatchnick Broth Chicken, Beef & 32VegetableOz 5/$5 Bumble Bee Chunk Light Tuna WaterIn 5 Oz 4/$5 Ronzoni Spaghetti&SpaghettiThin 16 Oz $3.19 Pereg Bread & CrumbsPanko 14 Oz $4.99 Quaker Cap CrunchN 12.60 Oz $3.79 Gm Honey CheeriosNut 10.80 Oz $5.99 Haddar Honey Wheat Braids Pretzels Tub 24 Oz $3.49 Betty Crocker Fruit By The Foot Variety & Tie Dye 4.50 Oz $2.99 Paskesz Tid-Bitz Chocolate Chip & Oat N Crax 6 Oz 2/$5 Paskesz Alpha Bites Vanilla & Chocolate 10 Oz $1.39 Carmit ChocolateWhite 3 Oz 3/$1 Happiness Taffy Strip (By The Case) .88 Oz $2.99 Paskesz Sour Chews Berry Mix & Sour 12 Oz $1.69 Manamim WafersCube Choc & Hazelnut 7.05 Oz $0.59 Lieber’s Mini O’s Chocolate Only 2 Oz 5/$2 Lieber’s ChipsPotatoHoney .75 Oz 6/$2 Lieber’s ChipsPotatoDashers .75 Oz 5/$2 Shwartz ChipsTortilla Reg & Bbq 1 Oz 3/$2 Pandora SheetsCookie 16 Oz 5/$1 32 Oz ContainersLoose3/$1 $4.49 Dining Collection Cutlery Fork, Soup & Tea Spoons, 400 Ct $0.69 Ner Mitzvah CandleMemorial 1 Day $5.99 Backerman’s Mini CookiesHoney 10 Oz $6.99 Stern’s Pastry To Go Brownie Blast 9 Ct $6.99 Pas Black & White Cookies 15 Oz $5.49 Rebbe’s Choice Spicy Sriracha Kichel 6 Oz $1.09 Chobani YogurtGreek All 5.3ozFlavors $1.99 Farms Creamery Margarine 16oz $3.19 Fresh & Healthy CheeseCottage 16oz $2.99 Fresh & Healthy CheeseCream 8oz $3.29 Haolam CheeseMuenster 6 Oz $2.89 Kineret ToppingSpray 8.80 Oz $3.79 Bodek SquashButternut 24oz $2.79 Gefen GarlicCrushed 2.80 Oz $6.99 Beleaf FloretsCauliflower 24 Oz $7.69 Kosher Us BeefPelmeni 16 Oz $5.49 Ta’amtti BourekasPotato 28.20 Oz $11.49 Macabee Family Pack BagelsPizza 18 Pk $10.95 Stop Wok & Roll Barbecue Beef Delight With White Rice $11.99 Old Williamsburg SalmonSmoked 8 Oz $7.49 Tirat Zvi Turkey Breast All Flavors 12 Oz $3.19 Golden Taste DipMatbucha 7 Oz $69 BananasLb $.89 Ea CarrotsCello $2.99 Ea CauliflowerFresh $2.29 Ea 3 Lb OnionsYellow $.99 Lb Loose PotatoesIdaho $1.09 Lb PeppersGreen OrangesFresh4/$5 $.99 Lb Gala Apple SlicedFresh$6.49JulienneVegetables MangoFresh$7.99Sliced FruitFresh$10.99MixedPeppersMixedFresh$6.99Diced 2 WEEK CIRCULAR

* *
When I got married, my father-in-law sold wine. I was learning in yeshiva and knew nothing about wine. I used grape juice for the seder because I couldn’t stomach the wine. One of my brothers told me that it’s much better to use wine than grape juice to do the mitzvah cor rectly, and so I decided to start drink ing wine. And what I discovered wasn’t that I didn’t like wine; I just can’t drink bad wine. Concord is not a wine really. It’s grape juice that has sugar added to it and is fermented so there is a lot of alco
his column features business insights from a recent “Mind Your Business with Yitzchok Saftlas” radio show. The weekly “Mind Your Business” show –broadcasting since 2015 – features interviews with Fortune 500 executives, business leaders and marketing gurus. Prominent guests include John Sculley, former CEO of Apple and Pepsi; Dick Schulze, founder and Chairman Emeritus of Best Buy; and Beth Comstock, former Vice Chair of GE; among over 400+ senior-level executives and business celebrities. Yitzchok Saftlas, president of Bottom Line Marketing Group, hosts the weekly “Mind Your Business” show, which airs at 10pm every Sunday night on 710 WOR and throughout America on the iHeartRadio Network.
YS: My understanding is that when you came into OnlineKosherWine. com, it was to deal with succession. Can you share some tips for transi tioning a business from one genera tion to the next?
to make sure that it fits in within the pa rameters of what you’re trying to do.
If you fast forward up until the mid‘60s, that’s pretty much all there was. In fact, when I was a kid, you went to the seder and you had Concord, Mulago, Cream Red (if you were lucky), or may be natural sweet, and you basically had a stomachache by the end of the seder.
might have been what happened.
Let’s talk about wine itself – the expe rience of people that enjoy wine and the range that is out there for people to enjoy.
honest. He didn’t say anything unless he knew for a fact that it was true. And if he didn’t know for sure it was true, he would tell you that. There’s nothing more valu able than that. Respecting that is going to make it a lot easier for you to take over because it shows a willingness on your part to listen. After all, this person has spent 25-30 years building up the busi ness, they don’t want to see you crash it into the wall. So, they’re going to want to feel confident in your ability.
Ask yourself, “Am I listening to what they’re saying?” After you start having your own management style, if they come to you to say, “You know what? I think you might be better off doing it this way,” you have to pay attention. That’s really the primary common sense in knowing how to deal with people. Of course, a new per spective is always valuable, but you have
n a recent 710 WOR “Mind Your Business” broadcast, Yitzchok Saftlas (YS) spoke with guest Ruvane Ribiat (RR), president of Online*
Well, people euphemistically con sider traditional wine (for the seder, for kiddish) as being sweet wine. Actually, I don’t think there’s a lot of truth to that. I’ve spoken to people who came from Eu rope before the war, and the wine they had was not sweet. It was a drier one. I suspect that when people came to the United States, the only grapes they could find in the Italian market were concord grapes. Well, concord grapes are table grapes, and you have to keep on adding sugar until it’s palatable. I think that
RR: You have to respect the vast amount of experience and wisdom that whoever handed it over to you has. In this case, it was my father-in-law, a very easy person to respect. He was extremely knowledgeable, and above all, extremely
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Ruvane Ribiat: The BusinessofWine
Mind Y ur Business

|202222,SEPTEMBERTheJewishHome 149

hol in it. However, people like it. People are selling a lot of Manischewitz and a lot of Kedem Concords; there’s nothing wrong with that. But there’s so many other options available. I mean, you get probably over 1,200-1,300 differ ent kinds of brands and wines that are available. Countless Cabernets, almost as many Merlots, a bunch of Pinot Noirs and Malbecs. There’s no real reason why anybody has to settle for wine they can barely stomach. All these wines could be fit to the way you like things, the way your taste is, and to what you’re eating.
businesses. Just the idea of knowing that customers are what your purpose is. You’re there for them. You’re there to provide them with a service. Once you understand that, the transition is much more understandable.
Have you seen any major shifts in the wine industry over the last 10-20 years?
If somebody asks me if I tried the dif ference between, let’s say, one vintage of a lower end wine and another vintage, no. Because when it comes to wines that are, $15, maybe $20 a bottle, the winemaker styles the wines to be con sistent. I’ll give you an example. If you take Manischewitz Concord, one a bottle from 1990 and another from 2020, they should taste identical. Their labs are that good. Well, there’s no reason for me to try the Manischewitz. I know what it tastes like. That’s the same idea here.
The second thing is that the baal te shuva movement has had a tremendous impact on the wine industry. I get phone calls all the time from people, “When I wasn’t frum, I drank this wine. Is there anything like that available?” Usually, I’d have to tell them no. But now there are so many wines that used to not be available that are now available. And it’s driven the kinds of big categories themselves higher, because it’s not just the people that are chozer b’teshuva that are interested. We’re getting orders from people in Monroe, Williamsburg, Crown Heights. These people are Chas sidim that are much more interested in higher end kosher wine. I can’t begin to tell you the amount of wine that some people buy because they just like wine, and it doesn’t make any difference. You have wine stores in Williamsburg and
Can you share a strategy for when a company transitions from brick-andmortar to online?
When you’re talking about a brickand-mortar, you don’t have that ability to have that kind of relationship with as many people as you have with online
There are two different dynamics that are happening. The first is the fact that, for some reason, kosher has become ex tremely hot in the general market. I don’t know if people are aware of this, but in the last 10-15 years, there have been con sistent years where the growth in every kosher product has been double digit.
What advice would you recommend to someone who’s new to wine?
Go to a good wine store and the first question you should ask is along the lines of, “Listen, I only drink traditional types of wine, but I really would like to start getting into wines that are drier. But I’m afraid that if I take a wine that’s super dry, I won’t like it, my kids won’t like, and my wife won’t like it, and that’ll be the end of it. Can you give me something that will be a good segue between sweet and dry?” The person at the wine store should be able to tell you that. It doesn’t have to be a semi-sweet. It can be a dry wine. There are a number of dry wines out there that don’t taste dry but are actually dry wines that don’t have that cloying sweetness at the end.
People believe, and it’s true, that kosher is better. It’s higher quality, they’re more careful, they’re more meticulous. People are willing to spend the money for it. The numbers show it.
Well, that’s true. I can’t try nearly all the wines because there are so many of them. But we have a group of people, and we know what each other’s palates are like and what we prefer as a taste profile, how we look at things. And it’s not just every new wine; it’s also new vin tages. For example, you have Castel 2016, which was considered one of the 100 best wines in the world, I think, by The Wall Street Journal. I think they put it out in 2018. That’s incredible. But you try 2017 or 2018, it’s not exactly the same. When you’re spending $60, $70, $80, or maybe even $90 for a bottle of wine, you want to make sure you’re getting what you ex pect. So, we try pretty much every one that comes in.
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RR: Most people don’t realize it, but almost any business you’re in, you’re real ly not selling a product; you’re really sell ing a service. That’s the way we look at it. All the wines that we have, you can get someplace else. Every one of them. The difference between us and everybody else is service. We cross all our T’s, dot our I’s, as much as humanly possible. To us, the customer is why we’re in business. We’re only a business because of you, and as far as we’re concerned, nothing else is im portant. All we care about is what is going to make the customer happy. We’ll bend over backwards for our customers. We’ll do things that other companies wouldn’t consider doing, because we feel that the customer might be right.
I saw that either yourself or someone on your team tries every single bottle before it’s sold. What a lesson in cus tomer service!
Monsey selling wines for $150- $200, no problem. People are buying them. It’s a huge change in the industry.
With brick-and-mortar, you have the

advantage of being able to have a person al relationship with customers. Howev er, when you’re talking to one customer and there are four other customers in the store, you can’t have that relationship with the other four customers. Online business is not like that. It’s true you can’t talk to them all at the same time. But the ability to communicate with them either by email or by calling them is still there. And that’s something that’s so important. To be able to have the customer feel that they have somebody to talk to. You don’t end up calling somebody, let’s say Gener al Motors, where you have to wait and go through about 10 people, and hopefully you’ll get to the right person. It’s not like that at all with us. Once you get on the line with us, once you send an email, we answer within a timely fashion and let you know what our answer is. We try to help you as much as possible. That is a huge advantage in online business.
The impetus behind having new labels is what grapes are available, depending on the weather or the area of the world the grapes are coming from. Let’s say there’s a tremendous amount of Sauvi gnon Blanc grapes available. Somebody who has all these grapes is going to think, “Well, there’s a glut of Sauvignon Blanc on the market. Let’s try to make a wine that has mostly Sauvignon Blanc and call it something else.” That would be the purpose of them having a new label. That’s the strategy from the producer’s viewpoint.Fromthe retailer’s viewpoint, any thing new has an advantage. Somebody comes in, “I tried all these whites, what do you suggest?” He’ll say, “Try this; it’s new.” Hopefully, you’ve tried it, you like it, and you can describe it. These are the primary questions as far as new wines are concerned. This strategy is simple. Make sure you know what your product is, make sure you understand the prod uct, and make sure you have people who will like the product. If you don’t have the clientele for it, there’s no point in buying that product. But new products are con stantly coming out. Probably between 150-200 different wines come out every year, maybe more.
critical customer service is for any company.
“You’re really not selling a product; you’re really selling a service”
Perhaps you could talk about how
Is there any type of strategy behind new products and labels as they as they enter the market?
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mographic and methods to improve your customer acquisition and retention. Are you in retail? Do you capture emails via your POS system? Is your business mostly fueled by social media, and if so, have you compared campaigns to determine which generate more leads and sales?
Efficiency is how you accomplish suc cessful growth. There is a well-known 80/20 rule, and it manifests in a variety of ways within a company. The theory posits something like this: 80% of the work gets done by 20% of your employ ees. 80% of your profit/success comes from 20% of your customers. Figure out where your best results are coming from
Editor’s Note: We are proud to bring back a popular columnist, Chaim Hom nick, who wrote previously for TJH and returns now with a column focused on business and entrepreneurialism. Enjoy an edifying read as he covers topics of in terest, interviews local industry leaders, mentors small businesses, and answers reader-submitted business questions.
Providing maximum value means
Maximize Efficiency
Provide Maximum Value
Chase Growth the Right Way
Many businesses pursue topline rev enue while forgetting that net profits are the goal. Doing $1 million in sales with $900k expenses is more work for less re ward than emphasizing healthy margins and achieving $600k in sales against $400k in expenses. So, aim to grow stra tegically and remember that it is always easy to grow your costs – the challenge is growing your profits.
Target Your Advertising
Learn What Resources are Available
any small businesses were walloped by the pandemic era, whereas others survived or even thrived. The shutdowns proved disastrous for businesses that subsisted month to month, while other companies found ways to pivot successfully or to weather the storm and recover when the world reopened. Of course, supply chain crises and inflation woes have presented new challenges for companies to sur mount.Consequently, most entrepreneurs are more cautious and deliberate now than they were two years ago. It is more vital than ever to be strategic and tactical with your business and its success. Here are some tips to help your business flourish!
and double down on those areas!
There are many resources available to small business owners. Try to learn about any industry-specific resources and also try to become knowledgeable of the var ious technology systems, loans, grants, mentorship programs, special business pricing and other services or resources that may be useful for you. Don’t just muddle along; seek out ways to thrive!
Know Your Customer/Market
Know your Numbers
This seems obvious but often it is overlooked by business owners. In most industries, there is rampant competi tion. Standing out in a crowded business climate requires determining your core competencies or unique product or ser vice that provides genuine value to your customer. Elon Musk has asserted that a company exists to provide a superior product or service. If you have an inferi or product or service, you aren’t going to succeed long-term. Constantly seek ways to innovate and generate value for your consumer.
The next step, once you identify your potential clientele demographic, is reach ing them. This is another tip that seems obvious. But there is a reason why this quote from wealthy retailer and pioneer of advertising John Wanamaker still res onates 100 years after he said it: “Half my advertising spend is wasted; the trouble is, I don’t know which half.” That quote is advertising in a nutshell. Determine what the appropriate adver tising budget is for your business and then consider ways to hit your target de
There are so many small business owners who don’t even know what their business is earning (or losing). If num bers aren’t your thing, make sure you have real systems in place or people who understand your business’ finances. You may need a good bookkeeper or accoun tant or both, but make sure you know the ins and outs of your business backend and your own financial structure. Can you af ford that capital investment or a more expensive lease or are you overloaded with debt? Knowing your numbers will also come in handy if you ever decide to sell your business or pursue investment. Investors need balance sheets and P & L statements, not your hastily scribbled guesstimates.
Better Business
knowing your target demographic. Whether your business sells products or provides a service, you need to determine who your primary consumer is and where the market is.
Foster an environment that lends itself to productivity and positivity.
202222,SEPTEMBER|HomeJewishThe 152
Top 10 Small Business Tips

By Chaim Homnick MA MBA
Know Your Cash Flow Health
This is the related corollary to the tip above. It seems obvious, but many businesses were devastated during the pandemic because they were one slow month away from closing. Restaurants and retail were hit particularly hard. Restaurants churn through cash rapidly and often operate month to month, while some retail is cash flow intensive and many retail stores have to forecast and
Chaim Homnick is a serial entrepreneur who owns several businesses. He also mentors small business owners. If you have questions you would like to see answered in a future column, or other feedback, email chomnick@
This last one may seem unneces sary, but try it! Lori Greiner, of Shark Tank Fame, said that “an entrepreneur is someone who works eighty-hour weeks to not work forty hour weeks.” Many small
Elimelech Sperling, Owner of Extreme Vent Cleaning & Sperling Productions

Pinny Ackerman, co-founder of PEYD
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business owners feel swamped by their workload and find themselves constantly preoccupied by the myriad small details requisite for keeping the business afloat and operational. But stepping back and assessing your business at a macro level is vital to ensure your business remains healthy and efficient. Take time out to an alyze your numbers or your operations, then follow up to improve areas of con cern or try new things. Never lose sight of the big picture!
purchase a season ahead. Analyze your business and stay ahead of your cash flow requirements. You don’t want to end up in a position where your business should be making money but your cash flow is negative and you end up over-leveraged and taking on bad debt at bad interest rates just to fund operations or because you are draining your company’s coffers too quickly for personal needs.
Employee retention has become dif ficult in today’s market. There seem like an infinite number of available jobs, and employee loyalty is at an all-time low. In some industries, finding motivated em ployees with a good work ethic has be come challenging. Therefore, take care of your employees! Look for good staff and then do what it takes to retain your staff. Foster an environment that lends itself to productivity and positivity.
Schedule Meetings with Yourself
When it comes to small businesses (and big businesses), there are no hard rules. There are innumerable ways to earn money or even to become fabulous ly wealthy. So, with no set formulas, the best you can do is utilize some of the ap proaches above to aim for efficiency and professionalism and hopefully that will help you navigate your way through the challenging financial climate we face cur rently.
What is something every business owner needs to know when starting out?
“ Just because you understand your product or service very well, doesn’t mean your customers will understand it right away. I know what I do and the value my company can bring to clients, but have I gotten that message out to the public? A top priority must be educating the public on what you are offering them and what differentiates you from the competition. ”
Emphasize Employee Morale
“ In both of my businesses, I have learned that customer service has to be your primary concern. The service you provide or the way you communicate with customers is what will make or break your business. It is also how you differentiate yourself from the competition. ”
-Pennsylvania Democratic Senate candidate John Fetterman, introducing himself at a pro-abortion event
- Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA)
- Rep. Vicente Gonzalez (D-TX) at a campaign with Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), claiming that Republicans steal elections, days after President Biden called Republicans fascists who claim that elections are stolen
Notable Quotes
Our democracy is at stake. There’s millions and millions of dollars from outside our region and outside our state that are coming here to try to steal our elections.
And when – across the entire world – when slavery was taking place, which was the first nation in the world that abolished slavery? It was started by William Wilberforce – it was the British. In Great Britain, they abolished slavery. Two thousand naval men died on the high seas trying to stop slavery. Why? Because the African kings were rounding up their own people. They had them on cages, waiting in the beaches. No one was running to Africa to get them.
Well, I think you’re right about reparations. In terms of if people want it, though, what they need to do is you always need to go back to the beginning of a supply chain. Where was the beginning of the supply chain? That was in Africa.
We already had a plan to repay student debt. It’s called a job, and it was working just fine before President Biden decided to transfer debt from coastal elites who chose to take out loans to hardworking Americans who didn’t.

My name is John Fetterwoman.
- Ibid.
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“Say What?!”
- Royal commentator Hilary Fordwich when asked by CNN’s Don Lemon whether the British should pay reparations for slavery
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This is obviously what happened when they demonized Romney, and then when Trump came along, then Romney became a statesman. When it was Romney, he was evil before McCain became a moderate. So they do this all the time.
– Gov. DeSantis
I think his hair gel is interfering with his brain function.
There were more …corporate journalists in Martha’s Vineyard today than have ever gone down to the Southern border to look at what’s going on. Why don’t you go down there and look at what those communities have to deal with every day?
- Founder of a group that helps refugees, quoted in an NBC article about Gov. DeSantis’s action
– Sen Ted Cruz (R-TX) on Fox News commenting on liberal outrage caused by Gov. Ron DeSantis sending a plane of illegal aliens to Martha’s Vineyard
- Jamelle Bouie, The New York Times
- Greg Gutfeld, Fox News
A reminder that what @GovRonDeSantis did wasn’t a “stunt.” It was kidnapping and human trafficking. These are federal crimes. The sentence is five years – per victim.
– Radical leftist Keith Olbermann, convicting and sentencing Gov. DeSantis on Twitter
It’s like me taking my trash out and just driving to different areas where I live and just throwing my trash there.
– Tweet by Jon Fitch
- Tweet in response to filmmaker Ken Burns comparing Gov. DeSantis to the Nazis
Ron DeSantis…may be a more competent Trump in terms of his ability to use the levers of state to amass power, but he’s also meaner and more rigid, without the soft edges and eccentricity of the actual Donald Trump.
I thought Martha’s Vineyard was a “sanctuary city”? I thought they declared themselves a “haven” for illegal immigrants?? Just 50 arrive, and the socialist billionaires send them away – to a military base, no less – in JUST 24 hours.
Martha’s Vineyard might be the most racist place in America. They called the national guard over 50 non-white people. Gross.
You aren’t allowed to compare vaccine passports to the leadup to the Holocaust, but Ken Burns can compare sending illegal immigrants to a vacation island to the Holocaust.
- Ibid.
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I think when Democrats realize there’s a new formidable Republican, you know, out there, suddenly you have a new Hitler. Then the old Hitler, well, maybe he’s not so bad. Suddenly, The New York Times is saying how Trump is kinder and gentler, and is funny, and he never took himself seriously, and charming. That’s…so now, the guy they called Hitler is now not Hitler, because DeSantis — you can’t — you can’t — not everybody can be Hitler at once, right?
The Democrats did not think it was a humanitarian crisis when we pulled over 50 bodies in body bags out of a truck in Texas of illegal immigrants who died because the smugglers let them die of heat exposure. And yet, suddenly, 50 illegal immigrants show up in lily-white Martha’s Vineyard, where rich liberals and billionaires sip Chardonnay, and it is World War III, they lose their stuff all over the place, and it just shows what utter nonsense it was.

- Ibid., responding to criticism from California Governor Gavin Newsom, who seems very proud of his coiffed hair
-Tweet by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) after the illegals were quickly bussed off of Martha’s Vineyard by over 100 National Guard troops
— Jimmy Kimmel, who hosts a nightly show that is supposed to be humorous
Well, first of all, let’s put this in perspective. Inflation rate month to month was just– just an inch, hardly at all.
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You’re not arguing that 8.3% is good news?
No, I’m not saying it is good news. But it was 8.2% or — 8.2% before. I mean, it’s not — you’re ac — we act — make it sound like all of a sudden, “My god, it went to 8.2%.”
– Pres. Biden
– Pelley in response

.- Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (Dem/Socialist-NY) when asked whether she could ever be president
- President Joe, Biden to Scott Pelley on “60 Minutes”
Ron DeSantis is that guy you went to high school with who desperately wanted to be prom king but didn’t have any charisma, so instead, he just pulled the fire alarm and ruined the dance for everybody.
I hold two contradictory things [in mind] at the same time. One is just the relentless belief that anything is possible. But at the same time, my experience here has given me a front-row seat to how deeply and unconsciously, as well as consciously, so many people in this country hate women. And they hate women of color
(c) 2022, Washington Post Writers Group
Political Crossfire

In 1988, when George H.W. Bush ran to succeed Reagan, he declared in his con vention address: “Is it right to believe in
If Biden defines “MAGA forces” as anyone who believes in the sanctity of human life, then that means Reagan and both Bushes were all MAGA Republicans – as are 70 percent of Republican voters.
By Marc A. Thiessen
By that definition, the entire Reagan Revolution was part of the MAGA movement.
speech, he declared that MAGA Repub licans “threaten … our economic secu rity,” adding, “I’m so sick and tired of trickle-down economics.” Put aside for a moment that he is the one forcing work ing people to pay for the business school loans of people in households making under $250,000. Apparently now, in Biden’s telling, if you support supply-side economics, you’re a threat to “the very foundations of our republic.” By that defi nition, the entire Reagan Revolution was part of the MAGA movement.
If anything threatens the founda tions of our republic, it is a president who promises to put his “whole soul” into uniting the country but then denounces 74 million fellow Americans who dis agree with his policies and voted for his opponent as “semi-fascist” and “a threat to this country.”
the sanctity of life and protect the lives of innocent children? My opponent says no, but I say yes.” In 2000, when George W. Bush ran for president, he pledged to “lead our nation toward a culture that values life – the life of the elderly and the sick, the life of the young, and the life of the unborn.”
That’s not all. Biden also says that “MAGA forces” include Republicans who support pro-growth tax cuts. Last week, he tweeted, “We understand something that MAGA Republicans in Congress don’t. Wall Street didn’t build this coun try. Working people did.” In a Labor Day
hom does President Joe Biden consider a “MAGA Repub lican?” In his Sept. 1 primetime address from Philadelphia, the president claimed he was not tarring the entire GOP – or even the majority of Republicans – as followers of “extreme MAGA ideology.” He was attacking only “election deniers” who “do not believe in the rule of law” and refuse to “recognize the will of the people.”
If he had limited his critique to those who refuse to accept legitimate elec tion results – including Rep. Bennie G. Thompson, D-Miss., chairman of the House Jan. 6 committee, who voted on Jan. 6, 2005, in objection to the count ing of Ohio’s electoral votes, and Stacey Abrams, who still refuses to concede the 2016 Georgia governor’s race – then he might have had a point.
So, let’s be clear: When Biden talks about “MAGA forces” who threaten “America’s soul” he does not just mean politicians who don’t accept the 2020 election results. He does not mean the people who stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6. He does not even mean Trump supporters. He means all mainstream Republicans who support life, limited government, fiscal responsibility, and pro-growth economic policies. He’s us ing his “MAGA” slur to attack the entire conservative movement.

life which cannot be infringed” and called for “the appointment of judges at all levels of the judiciary who respect … the sanctity of innocent human life.”
Sorry, Biden’s MAGA Attacks are Directed at Mainstream Republicans
But that is not what Biden is saying. Even in his speech outside Indepen dence Hall, he expanded his definition of “MAGA Republicans” to include every American who supports the right to life. “MAGA forces are determined to take this country backwards – backwards to an America where there is no right to choose,” Biden thundered. He said the same thing after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, declaring in a tweet: “The ultra-MAGA agenda has al ways been about taking away women’s rights, in every single state.”
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Also in the Labor Day speech, Biden declared that “the ‘Trumpies’ … these MAGA Republicans in Congress are com ing for your Social Security.” This has been a Democratic line against Republi cans who support entitlement reform for years. In 2012, a Democratic Super PAC ran ads in swing states showing GOP vice presidential nominee Paul D. Ryan pushing an old lady in a wheelchair over a cliff, as his running-mate, Mitt Rom ney, sang “America the Beautiful.” So, by Biden’s definition, Ryan and Romney are MAGA Republicans, too. Never mind that the MAGA movement has jettisoned the Ryan-Romney push for entitlement reform. “Every Republican wants to do a big number on Social Security, they want to do it on Medicare, they want to do it on Medicaid,” Trump said in 2015. “And we can’t do that. And it’s not fair to the peo ple that have been paying in for years.”
Sorry, but long before Donald Trump, the mainstream of the Republican Party has been pro-life. According to Gallup, 7 in 10 Republicans consider themselves pro-life. And since 1980, the Republi can Party platform has always included a pro-life plank. In 1984, when Ronald Reagan sought reelection, the GOP plat form declared that “the unborn child has a fundamental individual right to
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For the 78% of Americans who say they have faced hardships because of inflation, it all must have seemed bizarre and out of touch.
What a great time to have an “inflation reduction” celebration at the White House – and to invite James Taylor to come and perform a song partially about suicide. “This is your victory!” the president told the crowd, adding, “And you deserve a huge round of applause!” For the 78% of Americans who say they have faced hard ships because of inflation, it all must have seemed bizarre and out of touch.
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Analytics also found the law would have marginal to no effect on inflation this de cade.
But right after signing it into law, Biden announced his student-loan forgiveness plan, which the Penn Wharton Budget
Biden’s Foolish Inflation Celebration
Model estimates will cost between $605 billion and $1 trillion. None of that is paid for. It’s all deficit spending. So right after claiming credit for reducing the deficit by $275 billion, Biden announced a plan to
is the climate spending – which means Biden’s policies will make inflation worse.
The hypocrisy does not end there.
(c) 2022, Washington Post Writers Group
Even if the disastrous consumer price numbers had not come out the same day, it would have been farcical to celebrate the Inflation Reduction Act in the wake of Biden’s announcement on student-loan forgiveness. We already knew that the In flation Reduction Act would not actually
to the nonpartisan Com mittee for a Responsible Federal Budget, Biden’s debt cancellation will “wipe out the disinflationary benefits of the IRA” and “boost near-term inflation far more than the IRA will lower it.” If you elimi nate the deficit reduction in the Inflation Reduction Act, then all you’re left with
The only reason the Inflation Reduc tion Act’s impact on inflation was neutral is because the massive climate spending in the law is offset by even larger tax in creases, which purportedly reduced the federal budget deficit by $275 billion.
In recent weeks, climate activists have been roasting Kylie Jenner and other ce lebrities as “climate criminals” for flying on their private jets on short flights. Yet Biden took two military flights aboard a Boeing VC-25 to vote. Why didn’t he just vote on Saturday, when he was home in Wilmington? Biden has spent the past year championing mail-in and absentee voting, even accusing Republicans of standing with racists, traitors, and seg regationists for opposing his proposed federal takeover of our elections. Yet when it came time to vote, rather than licking a stamp (whose price rose 3.4% on his watch), he cast his ballot in person at great cost to taxpayers – unnecessari ly emitting vast amounts of carbon diox ide into the atmosphere just hours after boasting on the South Lawn how he was taking “the most aggressive action ever, ever, ever to confront the climate crisis.”
Americans learned that inflation rose for food to 11.4% since last year, the larg est increase since 1979. Year over year, the price of chicken went up 16.57%, baby food up 12.58%, milk up 16.96%, bread up 16.23%, and fresh fruits and vegetables up 7.93%. The cost of shelter rose 6.2%, the most since 1984. And energy prices remained stubbornly high, with gasoline up 25.64% from the year before and the cost of fuel oil rising 68.77% just as many Americans prepare to buy it to heat their homes this winter.
The whole day was a farce. If the Biden White House can’t manage to get the president an absentee ballot – or see that holding a party to celebrate his in flation reduction “victory” on the day di sastrous inflation numbers are released would be a PR disaster – then it’s little wonder it is incapable of solving the serial disasters, from Afghanistan to the border to runaway inflation, it has unleashed on the American people.
Political Crossfire
reduce inflation. The nonpartisan Penn Wharton Budget Model estimates the law’s impact on inflation to be “not sta tistically different from zero,” while the Congressional Budget Office and Moody’s
By Marc A. Thiessen
spend more than two or three times that amount – nullifying all the deficit reduc tion in the bill he had just signed – and thenAccordingsome.

f you want a window into the utter incompetence of the Biden admin istration, look no further than last Tuesday’s celebration of the Inflation Re ductionSomeAct.genius at the White House de cided it would be a brilliant idea to gather thousands of supporters for a big party on the South Lawn to celebrate the law on the exact day new inflation figures came out. Just hours before the event, we learned that inflation hit 8.3% in August –prompting the Dow Jones industrial av erage to nosedive more than 1,200 points, the market’s biggest one-day collapse in more than two years.
After celebrating a bill that spends $369 billion on climate and clean energy, Biden left his White House party for Joint Base Andrews, then making a half-hour flight on Air Force One to vote in the Delaware primary – rather than casting an absen tee ballot or voting early on any of his dozens of visits to his home state.

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The first period, beginning in an cient history, involved “conventional” weapons – rocks at first, then eventually guns, cannons, battleships, bombers –to coerce the adversary into submission. Nation states zealously defended their borders, and the goal of warfare was co ercion and victory. Deterrence involved having more and better cannons, bigger battleships, more planes. But obvious ly, looking at the two World Wars in the 20th century, that version of deterrence didn’t work very well. The arsenals al most invited war.
To sum up the authors’ arguments: Cyberweapons fundamentally change the nature of warfare. Borders don’t matter much to digital code. And cy berwar is a continuum (and always happening at a low level), rather than an on-off switch. It’s a new domain, with new“Cyberspacerules. must be understood primarily as an environment of ex ploitation rather than coercion,” the au thors write. “Achieving strategic gains in the cyber strategic environment does not require concession of the opponent.”
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That first period lasted until 1945, when the United States introduced nuclear weapons that, soon enough, were duplicated by the Soviet Union. With the potential to kill hundreds of millions of people in a quick exchange, these weapons could effectively destroy civilization. The culmination of war be came not victory but doomsday.
Two lessons of the Ukraine war are that cyber defenses appear to work bet ter than might have been expected and that cyber offense works worse. That’s one explanation for Ukraine’s amaz ing resilience against the Russian on slaught.
Harknett’s vision of three phases in the history of warfare, culminating in cyber.
Political Crossfire
Nuclear war, as was often said, can not be won and should never be fought.
To get an overview of the evolution of deterrence thinking, let’s start with
The authors offer some suggestions for this new domain: Strategists should have rules for continuous engagement, rather than plan for contingencies; they should prepare for continuous op erations not “episodic” ones; and they should seek “cumulative” gains, rather than final victory. As the authors wrote in a recent article in the National In terest : “Because of the fluidity of digital technology, security rests on seizing and sustaining the Cyberspaceinitiative.”mightprove to be the ultimate version of forever war. But if these strategists are right, it could be less dangerous, and ultimately more stable, than the convulsive explosions we’ve known as war for millennia.
The book isn’t an official policy doc ument. But a foreword from Gen. Paul Nakasone, the head of Cyber Command and the National Security Agency, notes that the three authors have been “laying the foundations for the Command’s ap proach of Persistent Engagement” and that their book offers a “framework for understanding . . . operational effective
In other words, much of what we think we know about war doesn’t apply in this domain.Ihad a chance to explore this eso teric subject in August, when the au thors asked me to moderate a public discussion of their book at the National Defense University. The gathering pro duced a lively exchange among military cyber strategists.
By David Ignatius
Will Deterrence Have a Role in the Cyberspace “Forever War”?

t a time of growing concern about possible nuclear threats from Russia, some prominent defense strategists are arguing for a new theory of deterrence. They argue that military conflict is now so per vasive in cyberspace that the United States should seek to shift away from deterrence in this domain – and more aggressively exploit the opportunities it presents.Beware, reader, in exploring this topic: Deterrence strategy is one of the wooliest and most abstract areas of de fense analysis. In the early Cold War decades, it was the province of profes sors such as Herman Kahn at the Rand Corp., and Thomas Schelling and Hen ry Kissinger at Harvard – sometimes collectively known as the “wizards of Armageddon.” They “thought about the unthinkable” when it came to nuclear war, partly to dissuade the Soviet Union from ever launching an attack.
So, the goal of nuclear strategy was not to win wars but to prevent them. This nuclear version of deterrence has worked quite well for 73 years and counting.Thethird period involves cyber weapons, and the assumptions are fun damentally different. Weapons can’t be counted, identified, tracked, or easily controlled. They are used in a border less electronic world where traditional ideas of sovereignty don’t work very well. The authors argue that this do main is “micro-vulnerable (and inher ently exploitable),” in that targets can be hit easily, but “macro-resilient (and thus stable),” because nations will per sist, even if targeted.
ness moving forward.”
(c) 2022, Washington Post Writers Group
Times have changed, argues the new book, “Cyber Persistence Theory: Rede fining National Security in Cyberspace.” Its three authors have all worked closely on cyber strategy for the Pentagon: Mi chael P. Fischerkeller as a cyber expert with the Institute for Defense Analy ses; Emily O. Goldman as a strategist at U.S. Cyber Command; and Richard J. Harknett as a cyber expert at the Uni versity of Cincinnati and the first schol ar-in-residence at Cyber Command.
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The International Atomic Energy Agency, meanwhile, has worked to pre vent a catastrophe at the Zaporizhzhia power plant. Rafael Grossi, the IAEA di rector general, visited the plant, which Russian forces seized early in the war, and has stationed IAEA inspectors there
Political Crossfire
Diplomats will huddle on the side lines in New York this week to try to extend the four-month grain deal. As a sweetener, the United Nations is close to negotiating a new plan to ship Rus
sian ammonia to the West, via a pipe line through Ukraine; the ammonia is desperately needed to produce fertiliz er that would help ease the global food shortage.TheU.N.-mediated grain deal – the only major diplomatic success since the war began in February – came about partly through several of the United Nations’ often powerless agencies. UNC TAD, the organization’s trade and devel opment group, dramatized the global food shortage and pushed Russia, Tur key, and Ukraine to negotiate. The day after the deal was signed in July, the United Nations’ International Maritime Organization appointed a former U.S. Coast Guard rear admiral to oversee implementation details in Istanbul.
(c) 2022, Washington Post Writers Group
Thecrises.biggest obstacle to U.N. peace making is the rule that allows any of the five permanent members of the Security Council – the United States, Russia, Chi na, Britain and France – to veto resolu tions they oppose. The United States has tolerated this formula for inaction in part because it wanted to preserve its ability to veto resolutions that unfairly attacked Israel. But Linda Thomas-Greenfield, the U.S. ambassador to the United Na tions, this month proposed a new code for Council members, including a pledge to use the veto power only in “rare and extraordinary situations.”
The United Nations can’t stop this grinding war because of Russia’s veto power in the Security Council. But it has worked to address some of the side effects, such as the Russian blockade of Ukrainian grain exports, which has ex acerbated the global food shortage, and Russian threats to the big Ukrainian nu clear power plant at Zaporizhzhia.
The U.N. is Getting Ukraine Surprisingly Right
tervention and territorial sovereignty, while also preserving the organization’s neutrality. And he has occasionally been quite blunt. During an April trip to Mos cow, he publicly chided Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov at a news confer ence, saying it was “true and obvious” that there were no Ukrainian troops in Russia but Russian troops in Ukraine.
For the Biden administration, the United Nations’ new energy validates a strategy to reengage the international or ganization after years of U.S. frustration and neglect. A senior State Department official explained that the administration reckoned that U.N. agencies still had a “unique capability” to deal with prob lems if they were mobilized, and that “we can’t do it alone” in responding to global
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Secretary General António Guterres brokered a July 22 deal that allowed Ukraine to resume exports of grain through the Black Sea, in tandem with Russian exports of grain and fertilizer. In the first six weeks after the agree ment was signed, Feltman estimates that about 4 million metric tons of grain left Odessa, just below the pre-war monthly average of about 5 million metric tons.
In the Ukraine crisis, “the U.N. is not the sort of obstructed graveyard you might think,” says Mark Malloch-Brown, a former U.N. deputy secretary general. “The big political questions are still nogo areas,” because of Security Council vetoes. But the organization has been able to operate effectively at the margins, he notes.Russia’s invasion of Ukraine shocked the sometimes-slumbering General As sembly. In March, 141 of the assembly’s 193 members voted to condemn the in vasion and demand that Russia “uncon ditionally withdraw.” A U.S.-sponsored road map for dealing with the food cri sis is supported by 103 countries. Just last week, 101 countries voted to give Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelen sky special permission to address the General Assembly by video.
By David Ignatius

Guterres’s balancing act in the Ukraine crisis has been to embrace the U.N. Charter’s principles of nonin
“The weapon of choice of a diplomat is a microphone,” Thomas-Greenfield ob served in announcing her reform plan. And we’ll certainly hear a lot of diplo matic verbiage this week at the General Assembly. But, for a change, the United Nations is producing not just words but also deeds.

to try to prevent what could be cataclys mic damage to its reactors.
s President Biden and other world leaders gather in New York this week to address the U.N. General Assembly, there’s an unusual twist: The United Nations, so often de rided as a useless forum for debate rath er than action, is working aggressively to contain the damage from Russia’s inva sion of ThisUkraine.isadiplomatic version of “man bites dog.” “I would have predicted that the U.N. would act as ineffectively as the League of Nations in the 1930s, but the opposite has happened,” says Jeffrey Feltman, a former State Department of ficial who served as the United Nations’ under-secretary-general for political affairs. He told me that in the Ukraine crisis, the United Nations “has shown more coherence than I’ve ever seen from the organization in my career.”
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Politicians and heads of state have to make critical military decisions while in office. Being in charge of military deci sions meant a great deal to those who knew what it meant to serve in the mil itary. While they may be known for their later careers, their military background often goes unnoticed by the public and is history that is to be remembered.
When Great Britain entered World War II in September 1939, then-Prin cess Elizabeth and her mother refused to be evacuated to Canada for their safety. Elizabeth was just 14 years old in 1940 when she made a speech on the BBC, addressing the children that had been evacuated. Her message was filled with hope and courage. In 1942, she was appointed as honorary colonel of the Grenadier Guards, and in 1945, she entered the service with the ATS. There, she trained as a mechanic and truck driver and was not given a special rank despite being the king’s daughter. Hundreds of thousands of British wom en joined the ATS, filling roles such as cooks, telephone operators, drivers, postal workers, searchlight operators and ammunition inspectors. Elizabeth
Other British royals served during the war as well. Prince Henry, Duke of Gloucester, was the fourth son of King George V and uncle of Elizabeth. Prince Henry had joined the army and spent a lot of the early war months in France boosting the morale of the troops and acting as a chief liaison officer for the commanding officer. He had been very close to the action and several times had witnessed the Nazi bombings. In one air raid in Belgium, Henry needed medical attention after being wounded when the car he was in caught fire.
boat. The destroyer rammed her headon and cut her in half, which caused an explosion which killed two sailors. JFK then rallied his sailors to hang on to the remaining pieces of the boat. Then he told them to paddle towards an island, while he swam three miles to shore with the straps of the life jacket of one of his badly burned sailors in his mouth. There, they made contact with native coastwatchers and several days later were rescued by PT-157
edia coverage of the recent passing of Queen Elizabeth II of England had brought forth memories of her service during World War II. Although she was discouraged by her father from entering the service, she nevertheless joined the Auxiliary Territorial Service (ATS) in 1945. Queen Elizabeth was just one of many famous celebrities to have served with the Al lies. Presidents, politicians, and other famous people served in the armed forc es, and some have incredible stories of courage of their service.
George H. W. Bush was a pilot of a Grumman TBF Avenger torpedo bomb er on the light carrier USS San Jacinto (CVL-30). On September 2, 1944, Bush’s plane was hit, and the engine caught fire, filling the cockpit with smoke. The future president managed to parachute out of the stricken plane and was later rescued by the submarine USS Finback.
Avi Heiligman is a weekly contribu tor to The Jewish Home. He welcomes your comments and suggestions for fu ture columns and can be reached at
Future president George HW Bush, center, with his radioman and turret gunner

was soon dubbed “Princess Auto Me chanic.”Queen Elizabeth became the Brit ish monarch in 1952 and by the time of her death was the colonel-in-chief of 16 British regiments and corps. Never before had a female of the royal family been an active member of the military. She was last surviving head of state to have served during World War II.
By Avi Heiligman
JFK, center, in training at the US Navy PT training facility Moshe Dayan with his trademark black eye patch
Forgotten Her es Famous and Fighting
Before Israel became a country in 1948, it was under British rule, and as such, many Jews from Mandate Pales tine served and fought with the British Army during World War II. Future Is raeli military leader Moshe Dayan suf fered an injury that cost him his left eye while fighting with the British Army. Dayan was born in 1915 on a kibbutz when Eretz Yisrael was still under the Ottoman Empire. In his teens, he had joined the Haganah and then served under British General Orde Wingate’s

Princess Elizabeth in her ATS uniform

Special Night Squads. In 1941, Dayan was part of a unit that was attached to the Australian 7 th Division, which was part of the British Army. The division was fighting in Syria against the Vichy French (part of France that collaborat ed with the Nazis), and Dayan was ap pointed as the commander of Company B of Palmach soldiers that went to assist the British Army. A French sniper hit Dayan’s binoculars as he was holding them up to look for the enemy. The glass on the binoculars shattered, and he lost his eyesight in his left eye. Dayan cov ered his eye with a black eye patch that he became famous for wearing while he was the defense minister during the Six Day War and the Yom Kippur War.
Several American presidents served during World War II, with John F. Ken nedy and George H.W. Bush having close calls during their time in the Pa cific. Kennedy was the skipper of PT-109 on the night of August 2, 1943 while pa trolling near the Solomon Islands. The boat was approached by the Japanese destroyer Amagiri, which apparently did not see the small PT (patrol torpedo)

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Move right into 4 bedroom, 2 full bath home in School District #15 in the heart of Woodmere. Renovated Kitch en with Granite Countertops & 2 sinks, Hardwood floors, and Circular Drive way. Close to the railroad, shopping, and houses of worship. $799k Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516.298.8457
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Six bedroom home in highly desirable Hewlett Bay Park on 3/4 of an acre with an inground gunite pool and tennis court, en-Suite bathrooms and bedrooms on both floors, 1st floor Master Suite with steam shower and Jacuzzi tub, Eat-in Kitchen, with SS appliances, 2 sinks, 2 dishwashers, double oven, formal living room, formal dining room, den with fireplace. Close to railroad, shopping, and houses of worship. SD#14. Great house for entertaining. Park-like Property. P.O.R.
Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International aWOODMERE:mlipner@bhhslaffey.com516-298-8457NEWTOTHEMARKETWellmaintained4bedroomhomeoncul-de-sacinOldWoodmereSD#14.Featurescentralairconditioning,gasheat,eat-in-kitchenwithstainlesssteelappliances,veryspaciousden,2cargarage,hardwoodfloors,highhats,magnificentyardwithanin-groundsaltwaterpool,closetotherailroad,shoppingandhousesofworship.MarkLipnerAssociateBrokerBerkshireHathawayLaffeyInternational516-298-8457mlipner@bhhslaffey.comHEWLETTBAYPARKPrestigiousCenter-HallColonialinHewlettBayPark,SetBackonPrivateProperty.ThisStatelyHomeFeaturesaGrandEntryFoyer,FormalLivingRoom,FormalDiningRoom,Chef’sKitchen,LargeDen,MasterBedroomsuitewithSittingRoom+2Baths(His&Hers)andLoftandAdditional3Bedrooms+BonusRooms.ExquisitelyManicuredPark-likeproperty.AwardWinningSchoolDistrict#14.TooManyFeaturesToList.WillNotLast!
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Bright and sunny 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms split level home. Features central air conditioning, gas heat, solar panels, eat in kitchen with stainless steel appliances, formal dining room and living room, den, finished bsmt with playroom and 2 additional rooms, master bedroom –fbath and 2 walk in closets, custom window treatments, new garage door, alarm, IGS, hardwood floors, 200 AMP service, gasline BBQ, new insulation, close to schools, shopping and so much more. $899K
SpectacularWOODMERE5bedroom, 5 bath renovated home in SD#14 with in-ground pool & pool house, lot size 111 x 107. Formal living room & dining room, magnificent kitchen with SS appliances, tremendous den with fireplace and 4 skylights, vaulted ceiling, LED lighting, master suite, new CAC, new roof. Outside totally redone with Stone and Stucco. Backyard with new pavers, park-like property, sandbox, great home for entertaining. Close to all. $1,499,000
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Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International mlipner@bhhslaffey.com516-298-8457 • text 443-929-4003
202222,SEPTEMBER|HomeJewishThe 168
SALE TJH Classifieds Post your Real Estate, Help Wanted, Services, Miscellaneous Ads here. Weekly Classifieds Up to 5 lines and/or 25 words 1 week ................$20 2 weeks .............. $35 4 weeks .............. $60 6 weeks .............. $90 Email ads Includeclassifieds@fivetownsjewishhome.comto:Thereisa25wordlimit.validcreditcardinfoandzipcode Deadline Monday 5:00pm
Full Report All Included NYC 718-INSPECT
SD #15, Features 4 Bedrooms, 3 New Full Bathrooms, Gas Heat, Central Air Conditioning, Renovated Gourmet EIK w/2 Sinks, Granite Counter-tops, New Stainless Steel Appliances Leading out to a New Deck, Elegant Formal Dining Room, New Flooring, Moldings, and New Wood Bannister Leading to the Bedrooms, Spacious Master Bedroom Suite w/Jacuzzi Tub, Sep Stall Shower, and a Large Walk-In Closet. Generously Sized Den Leading Out to a Magnificent Backyard With a New Pergola, Great Home for Entertaining, High Hats Throughout, New Front Walkway Leading to a Nice Front Porch, New Front Windows Close to RR, Shopping, Houses of Worship. P.O.R.
|202222,SEPTEMBERTheJewishHome 169

House Rental Magnificent 6 Bedroom Home. Formal Dining Room, New Gourmet Kitchen W/High End Appliances & Cabinets, Large Living Rm & Den, 3 Car Attached Garage, Hardwood Floors, Sd#14. 5 Bedrooms
Woodmere New to the market beautifully maintained bright and sunny 2 bedroom 1.5 bathroom co-op on the top floor in an elevator building with a private storage room. Renovated eat -in-kitchen with granite countertops, lots of cabinets, 2 renovated bathrooms. 2 spacious bedrooms with ceiling fans and air conditioners. hardwood floors, high ceilings , close to the railroad, shopping and houses of worship.
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Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International hats,conditioning,eatWellsplitSpaciousWOODMEREmlipner@bhhslaffey.com516-298-8457JUSTLISTED5bedroom4bathroomlevelinSaddleRidgeEstatesmaintainedhome,renovated–in-kitchen,formallivingroomanddiningroom,den,centralairhardwoodfloors,highmasterbedroomwithacustombathroomandJacuzzitub,closetoall$

BeautifullyWOODMEREmaintained Split Level
4 bdrm home w/pool available for rent monthly. Sleeps up-to 16 people House equipped with everything Quick walk to shul and in eruv Please contact Michael at 917-719-7607
On One Level, Fabulous MBR Suite W/ New Bathroom. gas heat. central air conditioning, long driveway, parklaike property,& So Much More. Call for details Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International

Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International mlipner@bhhslaffey.com516-298-8457
House rental Move right into this 4 bedroom colonial in the heart of Woodmere, with spacious rooms, hardwood floors, a finished basement, and a spacious yard. Close to railroad, shopping & houses of worship $4,500 monthly Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International mlipner@bhhslaffey.com516-298-8457HOLLYWOOD,FLORIDA
BEAUTIFUL RAMAT ESHKOL Succos Rental - Available from October 6-30 - 2 and a half bedrooms. 2 beds. - Porch with view (not a sukkah porch) - Beautifully renovated in a brand new building WhatsApp 917-831-8479
Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International
This home boasts 4 Bedrooms, 2.5 Baths, Eat-in Kitchen, Formal Dining Room, Living Room, a Finished Basement, and an office. Beautiful and spacious Backyard. Great location, SD#14. Close to all. Price Reduced $899k.
Classifieds • text 443-929-4003
MagnificentCEDARHURSTBright&Sunny furnished
Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International mlipner@bhhslaffey.com516-298-8457
Call for a private showing.$429K
Spectacular custom home, totally rebuilt, 5 bedrooms, 5 full bathrooms, custom door super thick, walk in to the foyer, laser cut acrylic tile, steel columns exposed vents and duct work, steel bolder separates the formal living room and formal dining room, dining room has custom china closet and bar with Swarovski sink, Scavallini kitchen with Ceaser stone countertops, top of the line appliances, wolf oven with six burners, plus 2 Miele ovens, Miele dishwasher plus 2 Fisher Paykel dishwashers, Thermador refrigerator, double sinks plus a vegetable sink, walls are painted Venetian plaster, master bedroom suite with a spa bathroom, Missoni tiles, Pella doors and windows, office with high ceilings overlooking saltwater heated in-ground pool, custom closets throughout, cameras, IGS, alarm and so much more. P.O.R. Mark Lipner
202222,SEPTEMBER|HomeJewishThe 170
home in the heart of Woodmere.
6 Bedroom, 5 Bath Home Prime location in Cedarhurst Features Dream Kitchen With Granite Countertops, Two Sinks, Two Ovens, Two Microwaves, Formal Dining Room With Washing Station, Formal Living Room. Smart Home, Radiant Heat, Speaker System, Timers, Cameras Inside + Outside, Master Bedroom Suite With Jacuzzi Tub + Shower. Two Large Walk-in Closets, Central Air Conditioning, Gas Heat, Two Car Garage, Great Corner Property, Large Side + Backyard, Finished Basement, Close To All. A Must See. Close To Shopping And Houses Of Worship. Mark Lipner
1, 2 and 3 bedroom apartments, totally renovated private entrance , central air conditioning, hardwood floors, washer/dryer, garage parking, dishwasher, recessed lighting, private playground, close to railroad, park, shopping and houses of worship.
|202222,SEPTEMBERTheJewishHome 171
Call for more details
Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International GAR,3BR/2BTH,Magnificentmlipner@bhhslaffey.com516-298-8457 WOODSBURGH2Ksq.Ft.Co-Op.EIK,LR,DR,W/DinUnit,2STORUNITS,ELEV,NEARALL$775K516-846-1032NOBROKERS
1 bedroom 1 bathroom apartment, elevator building, eat-in kitchen, spacious rooms throughout, laundry room on-premises, garage parking, close to all
A must-see!
Mark Lipner Associate Broker
Totally renovated 1 and 2 Bedroom, Apartments with washer/dryer, kitchen with quartz countertops, stainless steel appliances. Recessed lighting, hardwood floors, storage in basement. Close to RR, shopping, and houses of worship. Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International building,bathroomBrightmlipner@bhhslaffey.com516-298-8457HEWLETTandsunny2bedroom2co-op,elevator,doormaningroundpoolstorage,cardroom,indoorandoutdoorparking,washer/dryerintheapartment,renovatedkitchenwithgranitecountertops,ssappliances,masterbedroomwithen-suitebathroom,formallivingroomanddiningroom,closetoall$
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Move right in!! 2 Bedroom Apartment, Elevator Bldg in SD #14, Pre War Bldg, Pet Friendly, Laundry Room in Basement, Wood Floors, New Windows, Corner Apartment, Beautiful Renovated Kitchen w/SS Appliances, 3 A/C Units, Close to RR, Shopping & Houses of Worship.
Beautiful & Spacious 2 Bedroom Apartment Across From The Golf Course. Elevator Building, Updated Kitchen, Gas Cooking, Granite Countertops, Washer/Dryer In Unit, High Ceilings, Great Closet Space, Storage in Basement, Close To RR, Shopping & Houses Of Worship.$349K Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International AssociatewithHewlettmlipner@bhhslaffey.com516-298-8457HEWLETT3bedroom2bathco-opcentralairconditioning,terrace,wash-er/dryer,hardwoodfloors,recessedlighting,magnificentkitchens,ssappliances,l/r,d/r,closetotherailroad,shopping,andhousesofworship.$
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Wanted must know how to use a MAC very well. Must know Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop & Indesign. Full days Monday & Tuesday. Wednesday & Thursday are very flexible. Must come to the office in Flatbush for an interview but can work at one’s own home or office. Please email resume to: ClassifiedsLawrence.WarmLOOKINGgraphicdesigner613@gmail.comorcall917-701-8012FORANASSISTANTINAlovingheimishaplaygroupinForchildrenages21/2and3yearsoldfortheupcomingschoolyear.Mon-Thursday9:00-3:00.Friday9:00-12:00PleasecontactReb.ChansieHorowitz516426-19935TOWNSBOYSYESHIVASEEKINGELEMGENEDTEACHERSExcellentworkingenvironmentandpay.Onlylic/ text 443-929-4003
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al income – Prime Minister John Major agreed that sovereign-to-sovereign inher itances would remain tax-exempt.
resemble so-called “dynasty trusts” that some Americans with royal pretensions are using to shield family assets from tax at any particular member’s death.
Allan J Rolnick is a CPA who has been in practice for over 30 years in Queens, NY. He welcomes your comments and can be reached at 718-896-8715 or at
established by Parliament to manage land and seabeds around England, Wales, and Ireland. The Duchy of Lancaster, which belongs to the monarch, includes farmland and commercial properties throughout the Kingdom. And the Duchy of Cornwall, which belongs to the monarch’s heir, includes properties in 20 counties of England and Wales, along with the right to any unclaimed shipwrecks on Cornish shores and all the treasure buried in Cornwall. Royal
202222,SEPTEMBER|HomeJewishThe 174
The Queen held another £500 million in her own name: her personal jewelry, art, and lesser residences, including Bal moral and Sandringham. (You can rent parts of Sandringham on Airbnb!) That would still be a lot for His Majesty’s Trea sury to tax. However, in 1993 – when the Queen agreed to pay tax on her person
England’s steep estate tax makes ours look like afternoon tea. The base exemption is a stingy £325,000 (about $377,000), growing to £500,000 for as sets passing to surviving children and
Forbes pegs the royal family’s overall holdings at $28 billion.
assets also include Buckingham Palace, Kensington Palace, and the Crown Estate of Scotland.Together, those portfolios generat ed £134.3 million last year. That’s a lot of crumpets! But while family members share much of that income, they can’t sell the underlying assets. That means they aren’t subject to the usual transfer tax at the monarch’s death. In that sense, they
By Allan Rolnick, CPA
grandchildren. That contrasts with a far-more-generous $12,060,000 here. Anything above that is taxed at 40%, with exemptions for money passing to sur viving spouses, certain business assets, farmland, and charitable gifts.
Your Money Keep Calm and Carry On
Forbes pegs the royal family’s overall holdings at 28 $ billion. The Crown Estate, which generates income to pay the royals’ allowance, is a business entity
Finally, dog lovers worldwide have wondered what will become of the roy al canines: two corgis, a cocker spaniel, and a dorgi (wiener dog-corgi mix). The Queen has owned corgis since age seven and bred 14 generations of the ridiculous ly-engineered beasts. They’ve loved her unconditionally and never embarrassed her by palling around with the wrong crowd or giving tell-all interviews to Oprah. The corgis, at least, are headed to live with Andrew and Sarah, Duke and Duchess of York. But will the pampered pooches still sleep in elevated wicker beds and dine on fresh rabbit?
he death of Queen Elizabeth II at age 96 last week is truly one of those moments that marks the passing of an era. The longest-serving Queen’s reign lasted through 14 prime ministers and fully 30% of our own coun try’s entire history. She was best-known for keeping calm and carrying on with a typically British stiff upper lip. Yet her subjects also loved seeing her sly wit, like when “she” parachuted into the 2012 Olympics opening ceremony with James Bond or shared marmalade sandwiches with Paddington Bear.
The lesson here is that while the Queen’s passing opens the door to a new vision of the British empire, it won’t, for the most part, be a taxable event. And isn’t that what you want for yourself? We’re here to help you plan for it, down to your crown and scepter!
Benjamin Franklin once said, “Noth ing can be said to be certain except death and taxes.” (Ironic, considering Franklin cemented his legacy rebelling against taxes levied by the Queen’s 3rd-great grandfather, George III.) It’s especially true when it comes to estate taxes that governments levy on the privilege of dy ing. Naturally, we wondered what role taxes might play as her heir ascends to his grown-up job at an age when most of us have long since retired.

And after that, are we through, fin ished, kaput? Have we done all we can to ensure an awesome year? Absolutely
We don’t even have to prove any thing. We just need to commit to do better. And we’re already celebrating a
There’s nothing like a second chance, a do-over. We get to catapult ourselves forward more successfully. We should look back and learn from the past, but we must remember not be burdened by it!
You are deciding, am I in or am I out? Am I ready for another year? Do I want to work toward the mission I was brought here to dedicate myself to?
Rivki Rosenwald is a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist working with both couples and individuals and is a certified relationship counselor. Rivki is a co-founder and creator of an effective Parent Management of Adolescent Years Program. She can be contacted at 917-7052004 or at
um, da, dum, dum…
So tada! It’s showing up this Sunday night for you. Let’s stop and think: How am I showing up for it?!
Kind of like the toughest interview you’ve ever prepped for.
And the men have even had at least an extra week to add in some formal prayers called Selichot. Or maybe it’s possible that they’re more distracted so they need more reminders to do teshu va? (Sound like any man you know?)
By Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., LMFT, CLC, SDS
Either way, there’s that extra prep time.Then there’s this great big added gift. Good, bad, or otherwise, we get to pack
The MustShowGoOn
Honestly, not much of a meal for the fish but a real coup for us!
Honestly, not much of a meal for the fish but a real coup for us!
dress up in our “Sunday Best,” so to speak. Pure white ,actually! Almost like an angelic bride at her wedding… We go to the wedding hall, which usually is our shul. We finish our smorgasbord at home. And we basically settle in for an extended ceremony where we bond with our Groom. We make all our com mitments and get ready to start out on the road together in the fresh new year.
of reminders to focus on it. The month of Elul is the get-ready month. Lectures, parshas, prayers all move us toward it.

And then your Supervisor is decid ing if you mean it.
The good news is you’ve had a month
And then we get another 10 days after the New Year holiday to just keep doting on improving.
|202222,SEPTEMBERTheJewishHome 175 Life C ach
So, get ready for the holiday of the cleansing, the recommitting… That mo ment when we wipe the slate clean and try Yes, might be daunting, yet we need to recognize that it’s a gift.
up all our sins, mistakes, foul thoughts and behaviors and launch them far out into the waters for the fish to devour and for us to walk away free and clear.
Let’s embrace it.
few days later.
The big moment you’ve been waiting for, or perhaps dread ing, is almost here.
202222,SEPTEMBER|HomeJewishThe 176