Five Towns Jewish Home - 4-14-22

Page 1

April 14, 2022

Distributed weekly in the Five Towns, Long Island, Queens & Brooklyn

Always Fresh. Always Gourmet. See page 7

Maran Hagaon Harav Shimon Galay – I could not believe my eyes…

SEE PAGES 23–32 Around the


YOSS Robotics Team Scores


Pesach Prep in the Air


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The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022


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APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

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The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022


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APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

Maran Sar Hatorah - Nasi, Shas Yiden:

The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022


Dear Readers,


wish I can tell you that I’m writing this with gleaming countertops and sparkling stovetops in the background. I’m not. In fact, numerous times today I was shocked to find chometz in a room that I thought was cleaned for Pesach. I guess when you have little ones around, the only way you can be fully assured that there’s no chometz in the whole house is to only feed them macaroons and potato sticks for days on end. Then, at least you’ll know that the trail you’re finding around the house is kosher for Pesach. And then, you can re-vacuum and re-clean each room for Pesach. But I guess I’ll have to wait a day or two to do that. The days before Pesach are hectic for everyone. Whether you are staying home, going away, or doing a hybrid of both, there are so many things to do. The list feels never-ending, and the errands feel overwhelming. It’s almost as if you have a recurring need to head back out for “one more item” just moments after you came back from hours of shopping. And then, of course, erev Pesach arrives. There’s a different atmosphere the morning of Pesach. The urgency is about locking up the cabinets and burning the last few pieces of bread in the house. But once you get

to that appointed time, there’s a relief. No longer are you stuck between the chometz and the non-chometz worlds. You’re safely in one zone – and you’ll be cocooned in that chometz-free zone for the next eight days. The Seder, of course, is the culmination of all those weeks of hard work. It’s an uplifting experience – a merging of the past into the present while we look towards the future. It’s as if we’re suspended in time: we are supposed to feel as if we are actively coming out of Mitzrayim and yet we’re sitting in our homes thousands of years later – reexperiencing our freedom from the chains of golus while we are still in exile, yearning for the Geulah. Sometimes I feel as if we’re suspended between worlds the whole yom tov of Pesach. During chol hamoed, we take the family on trips, go to amusement parks and the zoo, and yet, we’re doing it on a different plane as we take out our bars of chocolate and tuna salad. We’re involved in every-day life, but with each bite of our matzah and cream cheese we are reminded that these days are something more.

Yitzy Halpern, PUBLISHER

Yosef Feinerman, MANAGING EDITOR

Shoshana Soroka, EDITOR

Nate Davis Editorial Assistant Nechama Wein Copy Editor Rachel Bergida Berish Edelman Mati Jacobovits Design & Production Gabe Solomon Distribution & Logistics P.O. BOX 266 Lawrence, NY 11559 Phone | 516-734-0858 Fax | 516-734-0857 Classified Deadline: Monday 5:00PM text 443-929-4003 PAYMENT VIA CREDIT CARD MUST BE SUBMITTED ALONG WITH CLASSIFIED ADS The Jewish Home is an independent weekly magazine. Opinions expressed by writers are not neces­sarily the opinions of the publisher or editor. The Jewish Home is not responsible for typographical errors, or for the kashrus of any product or business advertised within. The Jewish Home contains words of Torah. Please treat accordingly.

Wishing you a chag kosher v’sameach, Shoshana

Shabbos Zemanim

Weekly Weather | April 15– April 21

Friday, April 15



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Erev Pesach Candle Lighting: 7:16 pm Shabbos Ends: 8:18 pm Rabbeinu Tam: 8:48 pm


APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home




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The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022


Contents Letters to the Editor


COMMUNITY Readers’ Poll


Community Happenings TJH Chol Hamoed Guide









That’s Odd


Israel News


My Israel Home


An Ideology of Terror by Shammai Siskind


JEWISH THOUGHT The Winning Ticket by Rav Moshe Weinberger Rabbi Wein on the Parsha

92 98

Inspiring Insights for Your Seder by Rabbi Shmuel Reichman


The Power of the Haggadah by Rav Yaakov Feitman


Who Wrote the Haggadah? by Rabbi Daniel Glatstein


Marror and Charoses: An Unexpected Pesach Recipe by Rabbi Benny Berlin 112 Delving into the Daf by Rabbi Avrohom Sebrow


PEOPLE A Few Minutes with Rabbi Berel Wein


The Irrepressible Malkie Knopfler by Malky Lowinger


Foreign Fighters by Avi Heiligman


HEALTH & FITNESS Why Blame is So Addictive by Dr. Deb Hirschhorn


Dear Editor, Though the work “pakod” appears many times in Tanach, a central time it appears is regarding the geulah. Pakod is a term of remembering and attending to. Of course, by Sarah, we have the language of “pakad” that involved guarantees in relation to offspring. Moshe delivers the words of G-d, of “pakod yifkod,” to the Jewish people to let them know G-d will be attending to the geulah. Once these words are used, guarantees follow. My great-great-grandfather, Rabbi Eliyahu Moshe Levine, zt”l, said on the words, “V’al nishmoteinu ha’pekudot lach,” that the connotation is that the soul should be “pakod,” appointed over the body to watch it from letting the physical desires of this world corrupt the soul. There is a charge on us to appreciate our spiritual essence and guard it. It’s quite joyous to know that the geulah is a guarantee, and we are just awaiting for the final pekidah. It’s also quite

Cover painting by Yaeli Vogel


Ten Commandments of Healthy Pesach Eating by Cindy Weinberger, 156 MS RD CDN

513 Central Ave,

magnificent that we were entrusted with a neshama that we can appoint over our physical body to avoid corruption. Steven Genack Dear Editor, I was appalled to hear the vitriolic words coming from a woman’s mouth this week in which she urged her community members to limit houses of worship in people’s homes. Truthfully, I have no problem with a limit on houses of worship in people’s homes. Perhaps they can be put in more commercial areas so residential areas don’t have to deal with the traffic or the noise. But the way she presented her arguments smelled of something a bit like the Protocols of Zion. “They’ll make you close your stores on Saturday.” “They don’t pay taxes.” “They’ll ruin your schools.” It was shocking to me to hear these words in 2022, in a town just a few miles from where I live. On that note, I wish to commend our public officials who came out – on both sides of the aisle – and condemned this woman’s words. Perhaps it’s a lesson to her and to others that antisemitism does not have a place in the United States of America. Sincerely, Avrumi Hartstein

Cedarhurst, NY

Continued on page 10

FOOD & LEISURE The Aussie Gourmet: Pepper Steak 164 and Broccoli

LIFESTYLES Dating Dialogue, Moderated by Jennifer Mann, LCSW


Teen Talk


Parenting Pearls




Your Money


It’s Here! by Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., CLC, SDS


HUMOR Centerfold




If Clarence Thomas Has to Recuse Himself, What About Joe Biden? by Marc A. Thiessen


Give Russia’s U.N. Security Council Seat to Ukraine by Marc A. Thiessen


Biden Won’t Remove Iran’s Revolutionary Guard by David Ignatius



40 36

How many bars of chocolate does your 1–5 family go through over 13–20 Pesach?











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APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

Join us for

Continued from page 8


Dear Editor, Esther Miller’s “Micro Chesed” project is brilliant. A big part of the brilliance is that it’s just so easy to think of others. And when we train ourselves – and our children – to constantly think of others, it will become second nature to be more giving people. Pesach is the perfect time to perform “micro cheseds.” The opportunities are there. We just have to utilize them. Wishing everyone a chag kosher v’sameach! Julia Markowitz

Space is Limited!

Dear Editor, Rav Moshe Weinberger’s article this week on the dangers of focusing on others was targeted so perfectly to our genera-

tion. He expressed that part of the modesty that our nation should be known for is modesty in speech. Not everyone has to know everyone else’s business. But isn’t that the exact challenge that we – and the world – have been facing? We live in a world where people post videos of themselves brushing their teeth in the morning, making eggs for lunch, and running a bath before bed. There is no modesty on social media. It’s all about pumping up your image and the way to do that is by revealing more and more about yourself. Sadly, our community is not immune to this. It something that has to be worked on as individuals, so we can become, once again, a truly modest generation focusing on ourselves and not on others. A Reader

Views expressed on the Letters to the Editor page do not necessarily reflect the views of The Jewish Home. Please send all correspondence to:


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The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022



A Virtual Group in Support of Ukraine Conducted Weekly on Wednesdays Beginning April 27th 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Facilitated by Irina Derkacheva, LCAT

Who Should Attend? • Refugees from Ukraine • Individuals with roots, family or loved ones in Ukraine. • Community members concerned & affected by these events.

Email and we will respond with a link to the group.

APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

Ohel Zachter Family National Trauma Center and RAJE Present

The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022


The Week In News

Macron Vs. Le Pen

The residents of France won’t know until April 24 who their next president will be. They will know, though, that it will either be President Emmanuel Macron or Marine Le Pen, the two candidates who took the top slots in the first round of presidential elections on Sunday. Sunday’s contest between 12 candidates weeded out all the others in the crowded field. The final round of voting will commence on April 24.

Macron, who is seeking reelection, placed first with about 28% of votes cast on Sunday, according to preliminary results. Le Pen carried about 23%. The farright candidate’s message has reached French people concerned about the cost of living. Additionally, the war in Ukraine and the COVID-19 pandemic have disrupted this atypical presidential campaign and added uncertainty for voters. The rise of Le Pen’s party also led to the emergence of new candidates on the far-right, such as Eric Zemmour. Zemmour, who was found guilty in January of hate speech by a Paris court, has stood out with a campaign focused on what he calls the fight against Islamism, calling on French Muslims to “renounce the practice of Islam, which imposes a legal and political code.” Zemmour is Jewish. Proposals from conservative and far-right camps targeting Muslim populations – such as requiring French nationals to have certain first names – have come under strong criticism. “It’s a reaction of disgust,” Abdallah Zekri, president of the National Observatory for the Fight against Islamophobia, said. “When he says we have to change our

first names? Why change our first names? Zemmour is completely out of bounds.”

Should AMLO Stay?

On Sunday, Mexicans had the chance to decide if their president should stay in office. Their response? Oh, yes. Nine out of ten Mexicans who voted on Sunday in the unprecedented recall election organized by President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador – known by his initials AMLO – backed him to stay in office. The referendum asked Mexicans if Lopez Obrador’s mandate should be revoked “due to loss of trust,” or he should conclude his term as scheduled on Sept. 30, 2024. Truthfully, it was known that AMLO would hold onto power before the vote came to be. Critics were concerned that the election could open the door to ex-

tending presidential term limits, now limited to a single six-year period. Lopez Obrador hailed the referendum result as “historic” and compared his tally favorably with the number of votes won by rivals he defeated to win the presidency and in other elections. “We don’t have a king in Mexico,” he said in a video address. “It’s a democracy, and the people are in charge.” Despite the overwhelming approval, between 17% to 18.2% of Mexicans actually voted in the recall. Opposition leaders had actively discouraged supporters from voting, with many condemning the recall vote as a propaganda exercise and a costly distraction from real problems. Since taking office in December 2018, AMLO has fallen short of campaign pledges to reduce violent crime and lift the economy, unsettling investors by trying to renegotiate contracts and tightening state control of natural resources. But his successful roll-out of welfare programs and relentless daily depiction of a political narrative in which he stars as a morally upright defender of the poor against a corrupt, wealthy elite has helped buttress his popularity. In March, Lopez Obrador had an ap-


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The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022




proval rating of 58%, but his party lost its absolute majority in the lower house last year. Mexican law limits presidents to one term, and Lopez Obrador has promised that he will not seek re-election in 2024.

Khashoggi Murder Trial Moves to Saudi Arabia

Fatal Landslide in Colombia

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At least 12 people were killed and a similar number injured in a landslide in northwest Colombia last week. The landslide, which took place in a mining area, was caused by heavy rains, the risk management agency of Antioquia (Dagran) said. An unspecified number of people are still missing. According to the National Unit for Disaster Risk Management, most of the victims are believed to be miners working at an unofficial gold mine which was covered by the landslide. According to Dagran, authorities are moving towards the site to support emergency services and assess possible damage to infrastructure. Dagran’s director Jamie Gomez said, “This situation once again fills us with sadness. Last Monday, we emphasized that these events will continue to occur, and we cannot avoid them because they are natural phenomena, but we can avoid loss of life. “We’re in the rainy season, so people who live or have activities on the banks of rivers mustn’t be near these tributaries. Risk management is an issue of co-responsibility of all Colombians, and it depends on all of us to do what we can to protect life.” Colombia President Ivan Duque tweeted, “We make available the necessary help to attend to the victims of this tragedy caused by the heavy rains of the last few hours. We will maintain permanent monitoring of the situation.” Landslides are common in Colombia due to the mountainous terrain, frequent heavy rains, and poor or informal construction of houses. The rainy season, which began on March 16, has already wreaked havoc on more than 9,000 people across the country, the National Unit for Disaster Risk Management said.

A Turkish court on Thursday ruled that the trial on the murder of Saudi Arabian journalist Jamal Khashoggi can be handled in Saudi Arabia. The trial is being held in absentia of 26 suspects accused of murdering Khashoggi. A Turkish prosecutor requested the move due to the fact that arrest warrants could not be executed and that the suspects’ statements could not be taken. Khashoggi was killed in 2018 at the Saudi Arabian consulate in Istanbul. According to Turkish officials, Khashoggi was killed and dismembered inside the consulate in an operation approved by the “highest level” Saudi officials. U.S. intelligence officials alleged that Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman approved the operation; bin Salman has denied the accusation. Hatice Cengiz, fiancé of the late Khashoggi, and her legal team, said they plan to appeal the decision due to concerns that the case will fizzle in the Saudi justice system. Saudi Arabia in 2020 sentenced eight people to 7-20 years in prison for Khashoggi’s murder. Still, people are concerned that it would be hard to get a fair trial for those who committed the murder in a country that many are saying approved the killing.

A Truce in Yemen

Yemen’s warring factions have agreed to strike a nationwide truce for the first time since 2016. The truce, agreed upon late last week, is set to last for two months but can be renewed. It is meant to end all military


APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

As you learn about some of the positive we’ve done, imagine how much negative we’ve prevented.

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The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022

dence of links between the two.” “In reality, shifts in the internal conflict and the cross-border war between the Houthis and the Saudis — which saw the Houthis attack the UAE with missiles and drones in January and February — seem to have played the bigger role,” he noted. “For the time being at least, it’s clear that the status quo doesn’t work to the Houthis’ or the Saudis’ benefit, so they might as well give a truce a shot.” Since the war in Yemen escalated in 2015, the country has suffered from one of the world’s worst humanitarian crises, witnessing mass hunger, poverty and civilian deaths. The UN estimates over 377,000 deaths due to the conflict as of late 2021. The war began in 2014 when Iranbacked Houthi rebels seized Sanaa and the country’s northwest, sending the ruling government into exile. A few months later, a military coalition led by Saudi Arabia intervened with a massive air campaign, hoping to drive back the Houthis and restore the government. The UN, United States, and Gulf nations have been trying to broker a peace deal in the war-torn nation for years now.


!jnau raf Dr. Adam Zeitlin, Medical Director Matthew Ostreicher, Director of Operations For further information please contact Moshe Davidowitz, Administrator 78-10 164TH STREET FRESH MEADOWS, NEW YORK operations in Yemen and across Yemen’s borders, as well as allow fuel imports into areas held by the rebels and allow some flights to operate from the Sana’a airport, a UN envoy said. U.S. special envoy for Yemen Tim Lenderking said, “My hope is that with the steps of the last couple of days, we’re turning a corner.” Peter Salisbury, senior Yemen analyst at International Crisis Group, spoke with

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CNN about what the latest truce might mean for the future. “The main difference with previous ceasefires is that it is time-bound — it is scheduled to last two months — and is not yet tied to a broader initiative beyond limited aims of letting fuel ships into Hodeidah port, reopening Sana’a airport to a small number of flights, and initiating talks over road access to the besieged city of Taiz,” Salisbury explained.

He added, “The best-case scenario for the truce … is that it leads to the kind of holding pattern we saw around Hodeidah: sporadic fighting, shelling, and airstrikes, but nothing the parties consider a total violation, and significant shift in territorial control.” Salisbury noted that he expects “a lot of speculation” about a connection between the truce and the Iran deal, but that he is “yet to see any clear-cut evi-

Childcare in S. Korea is Most $$

If you think that raising a family in the Five Towns is expensive, consider what those having children in South Korea are facing. That country is the priciest place to raise a child from birth until age 18, measured as a percentage of per capita gross domestic product, according to research from Jefferies (JEF) which used data from Yuwa Population Research. Following South Korea comes China is second place. Italy comes in third. The United States is a bit further down the list, sandwiched between Germany and Japan. Interestingly, in terms of dollar amount, China is actually the cheapest place to have children. But it’s all relative. When placed against people’s disposable income in China, percentage-wise, China becomes the most expensive place to


YOm Tov

& Chol Hamoed

This revised and expanded English Sefer, KITZUR HALACHOS: PESACH, delves into the complex halachos of Pesach – based on the MISHNAH BERURAH. Authored by Rav Zev Hofstedter, hundreds of common and practical halachos are made clear. With Pesach fast approaching, this sefer will help you properly prepare and experience the joyous Yom Tov of Pesach.

The English Sefer, KITZUR HALACHOS: YOM TOV & CHOL HAMOED delves into the complex halachos of Yom Tov and Chol Hamoed – based on the MISHNAH BERURAH. This sefer with its comprehensive index promises to serve as an indispensable guide for the frum household clarifying hundreds of practical halachos in a clear and concise format for today’s day and age.



> Cleaning for Pesach > Halachos of bedikas chometz for those that are not home for Pesach > Mechiras Chometz > Hagalas Keilim

> Halachos of Yom Tov, such as the use of stoves and ovens, opening packages and showering in hot water.

> Halachos of Yom Tov Sheini, covering the halachos of a ben chutz la’Aretz in Eretz Yisrael.

> Guidelines for Melachah on Chol Hamoed including the halachos of conducting business, buying and selling.







> The mitzvos of matzah, maror, arba kosos and the Seder

Kitzur Halachos

APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

Kitzur Halachos


The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022


raise children. Most of the high costs are coming from education and the cost and availability of childcare when children are young. Until recently, preschool services in China had been private. It takes more than $75,000 to raise a child until the age of 18 in China, and another $22,000 to get them through university. Sounds pretty cheap, right? Well, consider that most Western countries have student loans services provided by the state to help relieve university costs. In America, for example, 55% of undergraduate students graduated with debt in the 2019-2020 academic year, according to data from the College Board.

Russia Booted from UNHRC The United Nations General Assembly on Thursday voted to suspend Russia from the UN Human Rights Council, UNHRC. The move follows allegations of human rights violations by Russia during that country’s war in Ukraine. The vote passed with 93 in favor, 24 against, and 58 abstentions.

U.S. Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield said, “Russia should not have a position of authority in a body whose purpose – whose very purpose – is to promote respect for human rights. Not only is it the height of hypocrisy, it is dangerous.

“Every day, we see more and more how little Russia respects human rights,” she added. “Russia’s participation on the Human Rights Council hurts the Council’s credibility. It undermines the entire UN. And it is just plain wrong.” Russia’s Deputy Ambassador to the United Nations Gennady Kuzmin warned that the suspension would set “a dangerous precedent.” He explained, “Today is not the time nor the place for theatrics, or these kinds of extremely theatrical performances like the one presented by Ukraine. In fact, the draft resolution we are considering today has no relationship to the actual human

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rights situation on the ground.” Formed in 2006, only one country has previously been suspended from the Human Rights Council: the UN General Assembly unanimously voted to suspend Libya in 2011 following evidence of mass human rights violations. Russia began a three-year term on the council in 2021. Members of the Human Rights Council are responsible for identifying human rights violations globally and making recommendations on abuses, but the council has faced significant criticism for including accused human rights abusers such as China and Venezuela among its ranks.

NATO to Give Ukraine LongerRange Weapons

Slovakia will provide Ukraine with a Soviet-era S-300 air defense unit, in a decision made with the U.S.’s blessing. The move represents a NATO decision to help the Ukrainian military stave off an expected Russian offensive and better prepare for what may be a long conflict. Previously, NATO sent short-range, defensive weapons to Ukraine; the new weapons represent a change in course, aimed at improving Ukraine’s chances in Donbas. During a visit to Washington, Lithuanian Vice Minister of Defense Margiris Abukevicius explained, “Our approach is evolving based on realities on the ground.” Meanwhile, on Saturday, Britain promised 120 armored vehicles and new anti-ship missile systems. The S-300, a system Ukraine already knows how to use, will allow the country to begin defending itself more effectively almost immediately.

China Firming Up Nuclear Arsenal China is accelerating the expansion of its nuclear arsenal, The Wall Street Jour-

nal reported. According to the WSJ report, which quoted “people with knowledge of the Chinese leadership’s thinking,” the move is the result of a change in assessment of the threat posed by the U.S.

China’s leaders see a strong nuclear arsenal as a way to effectively deter the U.S. from involving itself in China’s conflict with Taiwan. Work on over 100 suspected missile silos in western China has increased in the past year, analysts said, noting that these silos could house missiles capable of reaching the United States. A retired Chinese military officer with ties to the country’s nuclear program told WSJ, “Ukraine lost its nuclear deterrence in the past and that’s why it got into a situation like this.” One person close to the leadership added, “China’s inferior nuclear capability could only lead to growing U.S. pressure on China.” At the same time, the sources close to Chinese leadership emphasized that China is committed to not being the first to use nuclear weapons. They added that China plans to keep a nuclear arsenal no larger than necessary to ensure the country’s security interests and that the Chinese military believes that nuclear weapons are “too outdated” to be an effective deterrent against the U.S.

Power Restored to Puerto Rico

Hundreds of thousands of Puerto Ricans were left in the dark last week after a fire enveloped a power plant last Wednesday evening. By Sunday, LUMA Energy said that power had been restored to 99.7% of its customers. “Electric service has been restored to nearly 1.5 million customers as of Sunday


APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

Better broccoli.

You know it.

The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022


morning,” LUMA said in a statement on its website. Crews are continuing their work “to stabilize the grid and reduce the future risk of intermittent power outages,” the statement said. The outage began as an island-wide blackout that closed schools and courts for days and caused other interruptions for the U.S. territory’s 3.2 million residents. In addition to power disruptions, the outage also caused interrupted water service to tens of thousands of homes and businesses, Puerto Rico Gov. Pedro Pierluisi, who cited the island’s aqueducts and sewers authority, said. Schools across the island had canceled classes for students on Thursday and Friday. Hospitals were able to be open due to generators or power restoration by Thursday afternoon. Authorities are investigating the cause of the fire at the power plant.

Pakistan’s Khan Kicked Out Pakistani lawmakers ousted Imran Khan as prime minister on Sunday. By Monday, Parliament had appointed She-

hbaz Sharif to lead the country. Sharif will now form a new government that can remain in place until elections are due in August 2023. Khan, 69, a former cricket star, was ousted in a no-confidence vote by a united opposition bloc of 174 lawmakers – two more than necessary to remove him from office.

Sharif, 70, served as chief minister of Punjab, Pakistan’s most populous province, prior to Khan coming to power in 2018. Sharif, who leads the Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz (PMLN), had a reputation for efficiency and being hardworking and is credited with making significant infrastructure improvements. “The prayers of millions of Pakistanis have been heard,” Sharif said on Sunday morning after Khan was ousted. “A new morning is beginning; a new day is about to start.”

Sharif has always been in the shadow of his older brother, Nawaz Sharif, who served as prime minister on three occasions. Khan’s supporters regard the Sharif clan as part of the dynastic, “old Pakistan” that they want to relegate to history. Khan called on supporters to protest peacefully, noting that a national vote must be held by August 2023. Pakistan has been ruled by its military for nearly half its history, and no prime minister has completed a term during that time. Khan had lost the backing of the military. Khan had attempted to block a previous attempt to bring a no-confidence motion against him by dissolving parliament and calling for a snap election. The country’s Supreme Court upheld an opposition petition that his actions were unconstitutional and ordered the no-confidence vote to go ahead.

74 Lashes for Protesting in Iran Iran has sentenced over 20 peaceful protesters to up to seven years in prison and 74 lashes – for demonstrating against the water shortage, the Human

Rights Activists’ News Agency (HRANA) reported. The Iran International news organization, based out of London, responded to the report saying, “HRANA reported that those sentenced were arrested in Chaharmahal-Bakhtiari province in 2015 during protests against plans to transfer water from their town and were holding a symbolic mourning ceremony for the drying up of a spring.

“After a complaint by Khatam-al Anbiya Construction Headquarters, the engineering and construction arm of the Revolutionary Guard, the protestors were sentenced to up to seven years in prison and 74 lashes on charges of disturbing public order and destroying public property. They denied the charges.” Nikahang Kowsar, a water issues analyst and publisher of, told The Jerusalem Post, “These people


APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

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30 Israelis on Forbes’ B List

were defending their water rights and the environment” and were “trying to peacefully protect the environment. The IRGC is damaging Iran’s environment and I believe they are terrorizing both the people and the environment.” Iran has been battling a water shortage for many months, and protests over the lack of water have sprung up over the country. Much of the water scarcity

comes from unchecked industrial expansion over the past few years, which have led to rivers drying up all over the nation. The semi-official hardline Fars News has warned that more than 300 towns and cities now face acute water stress. Government meteorologists estimate 97% of the country is affected by drought, while one academic says 20

million people have been forced to move to cities because the land is too dry for farming. Many dams registered record levels of evaporation this year, triggering power outages at the height of one of the hottest summers ever recorded. The snowfall that accounts for 70% of the water in the Zayandeh Rud dropped almost 14% between 2017 and 2020.

The Forbes 2022 billionaires list includes 30 Israelis, including philanthropist Miriam Adelson. The list included the world’s 2,668 billionaires, 87 fewer than last year, Forbes said. Of those, 236 were new to the list. A total of 329 people fell off the list since last year. Combined, the world’s billionaires lost $400 billion over the past year. Adelson was the highest-ranking Israeli and ranked 50th-richest worldwide, with a net worth of $27.5 billion. Although she is from Israel, Forbes placed Adelson in the U.S., since she holds U.S. citizenship and resides in Las Vegas. Miriam is the widow of casino mogul Sheldon Adelson, mega-donor to the U.S. Republican party and owner of the popular newspaper Israel Hayom. Sheldon died last year. Eyal Ofer and Idan Ofer ranked 117 th and 188th on the Forbes list, respectively, with fortunes of $15.4 billion and $10.5 billion. The two brothers are sons of Israel’s once-richest man, shipping tycoon Sammy Ofer. Another pair of brothers on the list, Dmitri and Igor Bukhman, ranked 275th, with $8.1 billion. Following them, Roman Abramovich, a Russian who holds Israeli citizenship, ranked 350th with an estimated net worth of $6.9 billion. Abramovich, one of 83 Russians on the list, has been sanctioned by the UK and European Union but not by the U.S. He is reportedly mediating between Russia and Ukraine in the current conflict. Arnon Milchan, an Israeli Hollywood film producer, ranked 851st with $3.5 billion; former U.S. President Donald Trump ranked 1,012th with $3 billion. Joshua Kushner, brother of Jared Kushner, became first in his family to make


– Maran Hagaon Harav Shimon Gallay

Shas Yiden held another tough and searching, two-hour, Shas-wide farher in Bnei Brak for all its kollelim. The latest examiner was Maran Hagaon Asher Anshel Schwartz, shlit”a, Rosh Kollel Sanz in Bet Shemesh. In the opinion of the Shas Yiden held another tough and searching, two-hour, Shas-wide farher avreichim geonim, this farher was one of the most difficult and demanding to in Bnei Brak for all its kollelim. The latest examiner was Maran Hagaon Asher date, and they expressed appreciation to Rav Schwartz who pushed them Anshel Schwartz,their shlit”a, Rosh Kollel Sanz in Bet Shemesh. In the opinion of the to the ‘max’,avreichim therebygeonim, spurring them on to redouble their efforts in their learning this farher was one of the most difficult and demanding to andathey their appreciation to Rav who pushed them – as if their date, 45 blatt dayexpressed with Rashi and Tosfos were not Schwartz enough motivation. to the ‘max’, thereby spurring them on to redouble their efforts in their learning – as if their 45 blatt a day with Rashi and Tosfos were not enough motivation.

APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

I could not I could not believe believe my eyes… my eyes…

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Avreichim Geonim of Shas Yiden

Stunned and Astounded In a letter penned shortly after the farher, Rav Schwartz wrote the following: “At Shas Yiden, the vision of the Pozna Rov, Hagaon Harav Avrohom Eisen, shlit”a, of learning techniques and programs to enable the completion of Shas in a year have been developed. Thus, he would merit to produce legions of talmidei chachomim and exceptional geonim who are engaged with Toras Hashem, day and night. “I have been privileged, with Hashem’s help, to test the avreichim geonim shlit”a, and I was stunned and astounded when my eyes witnessed these geonim exhibiting their mastery of masseches after masseches. On each question they answered correctly through a combination of memorization and exactitude, and without any hesitation. It was nothing short of amazing. “Praised is the eye that beheld this, and happy is the generation that merited such a phenomenon.

Hamekubal Hatzadik Maran Hagaon Shimon Galay addresses the gathering

Not only a wondrous encyclopedic knowledge of Shas, but their indepth understanding of deep issues in Shas and the words of the Rishonim. I found them unbelievably knowledgeable happy are our People to merit this.”

Special Guest – Maran Harav Shimon Gallay A surprise special guest to attend the farher was the Gaon, Maran Harav Shimon Gallay, shlit”a. A buzz went through the hall when he arrived to witness the avreichim geonim being put through their paces with the most searching questions. In his own words: “I was able to be present when they were tested on the

Hagaon Harav Moshe Isaac Samet (Rosh Hakollelim of Shas Yiden) addresses the gathering

entire Shas b’al peh, and I could not believe my eyes.

Note from Maran Hagaon Shimon Gallay After Witnessing a Recent Public Farher of Shas Yiden In Bnei Brak ‫ב"ה‬

This note is written in praise of the avreichim and Rabbonim of the Shas Yiden Kollel Network under the leadership of my colleague the Pozna Rov, Hagaon Harav Avrohom Halevi Eisen, shlit”a, who study Shas b’iyun and diligence and with regular chazoras (repetitions). Thus, they study and complete the entire Shas every year. I was present when they were tested on the entire Shas b’al peh, and I could not believe my eyes. There they sat, exceptional talmidei chachomim whose awe of Heaven clearly precedes their wisdom, who dominate the length and breadth of Shas with their boundless prowess and with clear and precise knowledge and insights. Praised are eyes that merited to see this all. And as for those who support these kollelim and who enter into Yissachar-Zevulun pacts with them, they should be blessed with all the brochos recorded in the Torah. Only good and kindness should pursue them always, in good health, financial success and nachas from all their descendants. May Hashem fulfill all the wishes of their hearts only for good, Amen Selah - until the coming of the Righteous Redeemer, speedily in our days, Amen. -Maran Hagaon Harav Shimon Galay, shlit”a


There they sat, exceptional talmidei chachomim whose awe of Heaven clearly precedes their wisdom, with their boundless prowess throughout Shas, with clear and precise knowledge and precise insights. Praised are eyes that merited to see this all.” Apparently for some three hours after the farher, Rav Gallay was still speaking about his experience at the Shas Yiden farher.

Some of the Questions at the Farher The Farher can be



1. Where do we find that Rashi shows great appreciation for a Gaon who is baki in all the Shas? 2. Is it permitted to steal for the need of pikuach nefesh? 3. Where do we find a case of someone who did not rob, yet even so is called a gazlan (robber)? 4. Where in the Talmud Bavli does it

Hamekubal Hatzadik Maran Hagaon Shimon Galay in discussion with The Pozna Rov, Hagaon Harav Avrohom Eisen (Founder of Shas Yiden)

refer to the Shas Yerushalmi?


4. Chagiga 10a

1. Beitzah 24b 2. Tos Bava Kamma 60b, Shabbos 129a 3. Brochos 6b When a person does not respond Shalom to someone who inquires after his health, Bava Metziah 78b One who passes over the opinion of his friend;

Sanhedrin 59a A goy who learns Torah is as if he stole from a Yisrael.

Rav Asher Anshel Schwartz Rosh Yeshiva, Kollel Sanz Bet Shemesh Erev Purim 5782

Note from r Anshel Rav Ashe After Schwartz Recent a g in Witness er of rh a Public F n In e id Y s a h S k ra B i Bne

‫אשר אנשיל שווארץ‬ ‫ראש ישיבה כולל צאנז‬ ‫בית שמש‬

I hereby extend my praise of the outstanding avreichim geonim, the chachomim and rabbonim of the Shas Yiden Kollelim, led by the Pozna Rov, the well-known Gaon, Harav Avrohom Halevi Eisen, shlit”a. From Heaven he merited to conceive the idea of developing learning techniques and programs to enable the completion of Shas in a year. Thus, he would merit to produce legions of talmidei chachomim and exceptional geonim who are engaged with Toras Hashem, day and night. They study and complete the entire Shas every year through exceptional effort and with clarity of knowledge. I had already heard of the encompassing expansiveness of their knowledge in all of the Talmud in a most remarkable and exceptional fashion - their name has burst forth across the entire world. And now I have been privileged, with Hashem’s help, to test the avreichim geonim shlit”a. I was stunned and astounded when my eyes witnessed these geonim exhibiting their mastery of masseches after masseches, and on each question they answered correctly through a mixture of memorization and exactitude without any hesitation. It was nothing short of amazing. Praised is the eye that beheld this, and happy is the generation that merited such a phenomenon. Not only a wondrous encyclopedic knowledge of Shas, but their in-depth understanding of deep issues in Shas and the words of the Rishonim. I found them extraordinarily knowledgeable - happy is our People to merit this. From the depths of my heart I bless these avreichim geonim, shlit”a, that they should merit to continue to flourish in Torah V’yir’ah and with their pure spirit. May all the donors and supporters be blessed with healthy children and with abundant sustenance, a long and good life, good health and supernal light from Above. They should be blessed with all the brochos of the Torah, and Hashem should fulfill the wishes of their hearts for the good – Amen and may it be His will. -Asher Anshel Schwartz

APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

Maran Hagaon Harav Asher Anshel Schwartz (Rosh Kollel Sanz, Bet Shemesh) farhered the Avreichim Hageonim

The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022


JEWISH ROYALTY HONORED IN LONDON Maranan Hageonim, Sar Hatorah, Harav Chaim Kanievsky, zy”o, and Harav Gershon Edelstein, shlit”a, Ponevez Rosh Yeshiva, declared that the Shas Yiden Kollel Network has brought about a revolution in Torah learning - that mastering the entire Shas is an achievable goal for many and that the Shas Yiden avreichim geonim are true Shas Yiden. By Rabbi Eliezer Sandler

It was so appropriate that in the City of Royalty, London, there should be a distinguished and exciting gathering honoring true Jewish Malchus (royalty). Recently, the Yesodei Hatorah Hall in Stamford Hill was bedecked in finery fit for a monarch accompanied by courtiers and an entourage of nobility. The royalty that night was the Talmud, and the courtiers were 16 avreichim geonim (outstanding young Torah scholars) of Shas Yiden, the internationally acclaimed network of unique Kollelim across Israel and in the UK. Each of these scholars was celebrating a siyum (conclusion) of the study of the Talmud in its entirety. This gathering of pomp, circumstance and dignity celebrated the glory and wisdom of the Torah. The nobles present were Rabbis, Dayonim, and Rosh Yeshivos from the UK, as well as special guests - leading talmidei chachomim from Eretz Yisroel. The décor, banquet ‘fit for a king’ and the music, were unquestionably an inspiration to all present. This night was the first collective celebration of the London branch of Shas Yiden, which has been

acclaimed as the first Torah network of its kind ever. Each of its scholars completes the study of the Talmud from beginning to end, annually! London has never experienced such a Torah gathering, and hundreds kept arriving at the Yesodei Hatorah hall to be part of this experience.


The Guest Speaker, Hagaon Hatzadik Rav Hatzo’ir of Kiryat Sanz, Netanya

Over the centuries, the Torah, its wisdom, its study and laws have been the mainstay of the Jewish people. Its talmidei chachomim were always our leaders and guides. The central compendium of thought and law – the Talmud – is made up of some 1000 years of unbroken scholarship, comprising the Mishna and Gemara, followed by another 14 centuries of uninterrupted scholarship and commentary until the present day. For centuries, the yeshiva world focused on certain tractates and others, due to the Exile and Dispersion of Jews throughout the world, were neglected, especially those


H o w e v e r, a n o t h e r d i m e n s i o n o f To r a h scholarship was still missing. Namely, the consolidation of all the branches of Talmud study as one totality. A Talmid chochom who was able to do so and developed a thorough knowledge of the entire Talmud was known by the honorific of a Shas Yid, but such scholarship was a rarity. In 2009, the Pozna Rov, Hagaon Harav Avrohom Eisen, shlit”a, of Flatbush, NY, had a vision of establishing a kollel in Eretz Yisroel, where each avreich would commit to an intense regimen of completing the entire Talmud, annually, and would work to mastering it all by heart. Based on future success, other branches of Shas Yiden would be opened. Those hearing of this vision were inclined to scoff, and said that such a concept was flawed, and that never in the history of Torah study has such a comprehensive program been attempted, let alone achieved.

Undaunted, Rav Eisen persevered and Shas Yiden began in Bet Shemesh with 6 avreichim. Gradually the number of avreichim increased. First a minyan, then the numbers increased to 2 minyanim! The Sar Hatorah, ‘Rav Chaim’, was asked to test their mettle, and he became enthused about the project. Year after

year he tested them and then gave his blessing to establish more such kollelim. In June 2018, with the establishment of Shas Yiden–Yerushalayim, the 3rd kollel, ‘Rav Chaim’ agreed to serve as the Nasi of the Shas Yiden Network. In the space of just 13 years, there are now 6 Shas Yiden Kollelim with 98 avreichim geonim, with

Harav S.Y. Chaim Kanievsky


Shikun Chazon Ish Bnei Brak End of Adar I, 5782 In honor of the yom tov of Rabbanan, the Annual Siyum Hashas by the avreichim geonim of the Shas Yiden Kollel in the City of London under the leadership of my colleague, the Pozna Rov, Hagaon Harav Avrohom Halevi Eisen, shlit”a. I have already come to know the prowess of these talmidei chachomim of the Shas Yiden Kollel Network. They are exceptionally knowledgeable in the entire Talmud Bavli, in depth and breadth. They are emesse (true) Shas Yiden, who I have personally tested, and I am witness to their full proficiency in the entire Shas. Praised be Rav Eisen, shlit”a, that he responded to my urging to open other such kollelim. These actions of his changed the world of Torah and yeshivos, spurring them on to greater efforts in the study and knowledge of Torah. Especially now that he has extended the borders of Torah across the sea to the City of London, where there are incredible talmidei chachomim who toil in the study of Gemara, Rashi and Tosfos in depth, diligence, and constant repetition. With the help of Hashem, they merit to complete the entire Shas annually with perseverance and clear understanding. I extend my brocha to these rabbis of the kollelim that they should succeed in knowing the entire Torah, to learn, to teach, to keep, to do and to fulfill all the words of Thy Torah with love. May our friend Hagaon Harav Eisen succeed in launching more and more kollelim to aggrandize and glorify the Torah. Praised be they who merit to enter a Yissachar-Zevulun partnership with these kollelim as they will surely merit in the World to Come to be heralded (like the scholars themselves): “Praised be he who enters here accompanied by his Talmud.” (Pesachim 50a) The desires of their hearts should be fulfilled for the good with brocha and hatzlocha in all matters. And with all the brochas stated in the Torah for good sustenance, healing and deliverance until the coming of the Righteous Redeemer, Amen.

APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

sections of Kodshim and Taharos. Early in the 20th Century, the holy Chofetz Chaim rekindled great interest in the study of Kodshim, and towards the end of the 20th Century, Maran Hagaon Harav Michel Yehuda Lefkowitz, zy”o, revived the study of Taharos.

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a kollel in London, UK. The incredible success of Shas Yiden has been acclaimed by the Gedolei Torah across the Yeshiva World and Torah spectrum – Ashkenazim, Sefardim and Chassidim.

THE TOUGHEST REGIMEN PROVES ITSELF – AGAIN AND AGAIN The prowess of Shas Yiden as true masters of Talmud has been shown again and again. During the course of a year, 2-4 farhers (public and collective oral examinations) are held. Those most impressed by the all-encompassing knowledge of every page of the entire Talmud have been the examiners themselves. Each is a recognized gaon and leading talmid chochom, and each has been lavish in his praise of the Shas Yiden knowledge, penning letters of approbation. The Shas Yiden website (www.shasyiden. com) has video recordings of the farhers, which are watched again and again, and are reviewed by Torah scholars and yeshiva students across the world. Shas Yiden scholars have no vacation. It is a regimen every day of the year, including Shabbos and Yom Tov, and the days before each. The only ‘let-up’ is that the study load on those days is reduced from the daily 45 blatt (9 blatt of Talmud - both sides of the page plus 4 revisions), to 20 blatt (4 blatt plus 4 revisions). The total number of blatt per year is 13,555 each. Every month they undergo a detailed written exam on 225 blatt. There are also no semester breaks. This remarkable and demanding workload has propelled the Shas Yiden avreichim geonim into the forefront of Talmud learning. Gedolei Torah, among

V9-230 The gathering respond to the Kaddish at the Siyum recited by the Patron of Shas Yiden-London, Harav Yisroel Moskowitz

Viznitz Rebbe of London conducts the siyum and addresses the gathering them the mekubal, Maran Hagaon Harav

(redemption) of the Jewish people, rests

David Abuchatzira saying: “The geulah

on the Torah study of Shas Yiden.”

Benching led by the Patron of Shas Yiden-London, Harav Yisroel Moskowitz

The Biala Rebbe of London


Every year, the Sar Hatorah, Maran Hagaon Chaim Kanievsky, made it his custom to invite the Shas Yiden avreichim to his home and to farher them. Peppering them with questions from all over Shas in increasing complexity, his smile grows broader and broader as each of his questions are answered with precision regarding every source and page number in Shas. So much so is his pleasure at their prowess, at the conclusion of one farher, he exclaimed to the Pozna Rov: “Zei kennen Shas!” (They really know Shas.) During the last few years, the avreichim have also focused on mastering every Rashi and Tosfos b’al peh (by heart). ‘Rav Chaim’ was represented at the London Siyum Dinner by his long-time chavrusa (daily study partner), Hagaon Harav Yisroel Meir Druk, founder and head of Mosdos Tiferes Yisroel in Yerushalayim and Rishon L’Tzion. He brought a letter from ‘Rav Chaim’ to read out to the gathering. ‘Rav Chaim’ expressed his warm appreciation and regard for Shas Yiden and all its outstanding avreichim. At Shas Yiden-London, “there are incredible talmidei chachomim who toil in the study of Gemara, Rashi and Tosfos in depth, diligence, and constant repetition.” And he ended with a special brocha for the supporters of Shas Yiden: “Praised be they who merit to enter a Yissachar-Zevulun partnership with these kollelim as they will surely merit in the World to Come to be heralded (like the scholars themselves): “Praised be he who enters here accompanied by his Talmud.” (Pesachim 50a)

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Harav Hagaon Yisroel Meir Druk, special shaliach of the Sar Hatorah, Maran Hagaon Chaim Kanievsky, zy”o, Nasi of the Shas Yiden Kollel Network

The Founder of Shas Yiden, the Pozna Rov addressing the gathering

London Rabbis attending the Siyum

Harav Hagaon Mordechai Osterlitz of the Rabbonim of the Kollel

The London Dayan, Harav Hagaon Aharon Dovid Dunner

The Pozna Rov presenting a gift from the Nasi of Shas Yiden Sar Hatorah, Maran Hagaon Chaim Kanievsky, zy”o, to Reb Emmanuel Mayer, Officer of the Hanhalla of Shas Yiden-London

The gathering listens to the words of the Visnitz Rebbe of London

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30 Rav Druk added that these avreichim were acquiring the fulfilment of man’s purpose in both olam hazeh and olam haba, and praised their daily mesirus nefesh (total commitment). He reserved special words of praise for the wives of the avreichim who enable their husbands to devote virtually every minute to toiling in Torah. Rav Druk added that during his hesped for the late Rebbetzin Batsheva Kanievsky, ‘Rav Chaim’ said: “I promised her that the reward for all my Torah learning, we would split 50-50.”

daunting regimen and completed the same

The patron of Shas Yiden-London, and

examinations as the Shas Yiden kollelim

who recited the kaddish at the siyum, is

in Eretz Yisroel - and their results have

Harav Hachosid Yisroel Moskowitz. His

been stellar.

son-in-law, Hagaon Harav Avrohom Dovid

TOTAL MIND-FOCUS ON TORAH The main speaker of the evening was Hagaon Hatzadik Yechezkel Shraga Boruch Halberstam, shlit”a, Rav Hatzo’ir of Kiryat Sanz, Netanya. He is the eldest son of the Sanzer Rebbe, shlit”a. A dynamic speaker and inc redible talmid chochom, as a rule he does not accept invitations to speak abroad or outside of the Sanz communities. However, he greatly admires and has a warm regard for Shas Yiden, and also knows some of its avreichim geonim personally. He has witnessed the outstanding success of Shas Yiden and he felt it his duty to travel to this historic gathering in honor of the establishment and glorification of Torah scholarship in London.

The dais at the Siyum and the address by the Visnitz Rebbe of London

The Founder of ‘Shas Yiden’ , the Pozna Rov dancing together with the Roshei Hakollelim and the London avreichim

He not only praised the scholarship of the geonim of Shas Yiden and their diligence, but he extolled their negation of worldly pursuits and total mind-focus on Torah.

LONDON SHAS YIDEN The launching of the London Shas Yiden kollel was during the Covid epidemic. Nevertheless, throughout the long months, the avreichim pursued their

London Rabbis attending the Siyum

The gathering listening to the speech of the Founder of Shas Yiden, the Pozna Rov


The siyum itself was conducted by the

that all merited to participate in such a

avreichm of Shas Yiden-Yerushalayim,

Viznitzer Rebbe of London who was

gathering in this month of Adar, he said,

now serves as the Rosh Kollel of Shas

effusive in his praise of the achievements

the month of simcha, celebrating the


of Shas Yiden in London. It was significant

continuity of Torah by day and by night. The Dayan, Hagaon Harav Aharon Dovid Dunner, shlit”a, electrified the evening with his stirring words in praise of Shas Yiden. He turned to the avreichim and declared: “You are awakening the jealousy of Torah communities all over!” All those in attendance, or those who will hear of this gathering, will desire to emulate your achievements – to know the entire Shas from beginning to end, and that all the words of the Shas will be on their lips.

Hagaon Harav Sholom Friedman, Dayan of Hisachdus of the Charedi Communities of London

The London ‘Shas Yiden’ at the Siyum

The Pozna Rov began the new Shas cycle with the commencement of Brochos. Rav Eisen recounted the beginning and development of Shas Yiden. As the Pozna Rov concluded his words, the band and assembled choir broke out with songs in honor of the Torah, and the entire hall rose to join in dance and praise. This was a royal London evening to remember. To watch the London siyum or the dynamic

The capella singers

farhers of the Shas Yiden, or for more information on Shas Yiden or to donate, click on or call 718702-1528 or Mail: 1274 49th Street #562, Brooklyn, NY 11219. London: call 020 8066 1566 UK Registered Charity # 1191225 - 2 Timberwharf Road, London N16 6DB, England

Joyous dancing in honor of the Torah

APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

Olevsky, shlit”a, was one of the outstanding

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the list, with a net worth of $2 billion. Elon Musk of Tesla and SpaceX and Jeff Bezos of Amazon took the top two spots with $219 billion and $171 billion, respectively. Others in the top 10 spots included Bill Gates, Larry Page, Sergey Brin, Larry Ellison, Steve Ballmer, and Warren Buffett. In twelfth place was former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who is Jewish, with $82 billion. Meta’s Mark Zuckerberg made 15th place with $67 billion.

To Infinity and Beyond

A space capsule carrying four astronauts docked on Saturday at the International Space Station, becoming the first fully private mission to do so. Among the four is Israeli Eytan Stibbe, the second-ever Israeli astronaut.

The first, Ilan Ramon, died aboard the Space Shuttle Columbia in 2003. Stibbe carries with him pages from Ramon’s space diary, along with mementos from his children. He plans to pay tribute to Ramon during his mission in space. Speaking at a welcome ceremony aboard the space station, Stibbe said, “Welcome to the International Space Station. It’s the first time that it’s possible to speak in Hebrew here. It’s a workgroup that will operate together, we’ll help each other reach our goals. Each of us has come with a full plan of work.” He added, “Good luck to everyone; good luck to Rakia.” Rakia is the name of the Israeli mission. As part of the mission, Stibbe will conduct around 35 experiments for research institutions and companies. On Friday, the Dragon capsule took off from Florida aboard a SpaceX rocket, in what Stibbe described as an “amazing” launch.

Silman Staying Out MK Idit Silman (Yamina), who quit her position as coalition chair last week, said that she was not offered a deal by Li-

kud but was offered a rival’s post by Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett. Bennett offered Silman the Health Ministry, currently headed by Health Minister Nitzan Horowitz (Meretz), Silman reportedly said.

Bank,’ I’ll join Yesh Atid.” Silman also said that she hopes to avoid being labeled a “defector,” a label which would harm her chances in the next election. Yamina’s MK Amichi Chikli has been declared a defector already. “I don’t want them to declare me a defector,” she said. “I haven’t defected from anywhere.”

3 Die in Tel Aviv Terror Silman quit both her position and the coalition itself last week, depriving the government of its slim majority in the Knesset. The 120-member parliament now faces two options: form another coalition from within the existing Knesset or call new elections. Speaking to Zman Yisrael, Silman said, “I’ve been given no promises for the future. There are no agreements. On the contrary – I’m being offered everything to stay. I’m being offered the role of health minister. But I won’t go for it.” Silman, who made the decision to resign on her own, recalled that at 2:00a.m. Wednesday morning, she got out of bed, told a friend unconnected to politics of her resolution, steeled herself, and then called up Likud’s MK Yariv Levin. She added, “I did it all on my own. I surprised everyone. [Former Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu too. They didn’t know I would make an announcement like this. Nobody knew. They were in shock, but I’m at peace with myself.” “There was no agreement about placements [on the Likud electoral slate] for me,” she emphasized to Zman Yisrael. “Likud is willing to give me everything, but there’s no agreement. I don’t need to be given [cabinet] roles. I had a great job. I was coalition whip — what more do you need? But that’s not the point.” She added, “If new elections are called, it won’t be because of me. You can, right now, create a right-wing government, no problem. [Justice Minister] Gideon Sa’ar (New Hope) won’t cross the electoral threshold [to reenter the Knesset]. Yamina is in trouble. We can create a government. Bennett can be prime minister or defense minister and rotate with Netanyahu.” Explaining her decision to bolt, Silman said the trigger “was the erosion of Jewish identity. I saw it time and time again. After comes the erosion of values. Prime Minister Bennett talking about the ‘West Bank,’ wow. If I’m for the ‘West

Two people were killed and one succumbed to his injuries after a terrorist opened fire on Thursday night on Dizengoff Street in Tel Aviv. Several were injured in the horrific attack. The shooting began when the terrorist walked up to Ilka, a popular bar with a large outdoor seating area, and opened fire. Ten people were evacuated to Tel Aviv’s Ichilov Hospital; two – Eitam Megini and Tomer Morad, both 27 – were declared dead that night, and a third, Barak Lufan, 35, was declared dead on Friday afternoon. The condition of at least three others was reported as critical, and another two were reported to be in serious condition. Megini got engaged to his girlfriend Ayala just last month. Now, instead of planning a wedding, Ayala was forced to plan his funeral. “We are all crushed,” Ayala’s mother Leah said. “They started making [a guest list]. They already planned to see locations. “Yesterday it was in the news that there was a terrorist attack and Ayala knew he was in the pub,” she said. “She called him, and he didn’t answer. I also called him, and he didn’t answer. We knew that if he didn’t call to tell her that he is okay, then something happened. I went to Ichilov [Hospital] and [they] asked to see a picture of him, because he didn’t have any documentation on him. From their face, I understood. “Instead of a wedding, there will be a funeral.” Morad’s sister, Tal, described her brother at his funeral on Sunday as a


ping List p o h S r e v o pass

es juice bottl e p a r g 5 F s starch bag o t a t o p 4 F of matzah F 3 boxes ball mix F 3 matzo s potato bag F 5 idaho s lettuce F 3 bunche of chicken F 4 packs ts F 2 briske eggs F 4 dozen adish root F 1 horser mayonnaise n e f e g 2 F


APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

passover i spy

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o t i u Mosq ield Sh

2 Shot on Way to Joseph’s Tomb

News reports Weather reports Waze traffic prediction

How late THAT friends Seder really ended

(Somehow no matter what time it's always half an hour later than yours)

P.S. Contrary to popular belief, eating extra marror does not keep mosquitoes away.... probably, know what? The data is kind of split, maybe give it a shot.

“walking beam of sunshine,” adding that he was “full of humor.” Lufan, an Olympic kayaker, Paralympics coach, and head coach of Israel’s national kayak team, is survived by his wife and three children: two girls, ages 5.5 and 3.5, and an infant son. Lufan was buried on Sunday in Kibbutz Ginosar. “No one ever had anything bad to say about him,” his widow Dana said at the

funeral. “He was a good person, a person who knew how to take care of things, always worrying about others. “Barak is my other half, my best friend. I can only wish for others the partnership I had with Barak,” she added. “We have three adorable children,” Dana said, “Yuval, who is 5 and a half, Amit, who is 3 and a half and Dor, who’s 5 months old. Barak was waiting so long for him and always said he would be a

[kayak] rower; there wasn’t another option.” The terrorist, who was found near a Jaffa mosque and eliminated in a shootout several hours after the attack, was named as Ra’ad Hazam of Jenin. Sources in Israel’s defense establishment believe Hazam planned to remain in the mosque and emerge on the first night of Passover to carry out an additional attack.

Two Jews were shot and wounded while trying to reach Joseph’s Tomb near the West Bank city of Nablus. The two Breslov men did not coordinate their visit with the military prior to visiting the grave. The military generally oversees visits by Jewish worshippers. The incident came a day after Palestinians vandalized and set fire to parts of the tomb, drawing widespread condemnation in Israel. After the shooting, the men and the rest of their group, managed to reach an IDF checkpoint near the area, where they were given first aid and were taken to Beilinson hospital in Petah Tikvah. Overnight Sunday, around 100 Palestinians broke into the site, rioted and smashed objects inside, and set it ablaze, before they were dispersed by Palestinian security forces, IDF spokesman Brig. Gen. Ran Kochav said. Jews believe that Yosef Hatzaddik is buried in the tomb, while Muslims say a sheikh is buried there. The army escorts Jewish worshipers to the site several times a year, in coordination with Palestinian security forces. Prime Minister Naftali Bennett led the condemnation on Sunday of the overnight vandalism of Joseph’s Tomb, saying he was appalled by the images of the damage to the site. “During the night Palestinians destroyed Joseph’s Tomb. Dozens of Palestinian rioters in a campaign of destruction simply violated a holy place for us, the Jews,” Bennett said at the start of the cabinet meeting. “They broke the tombstone on the grave, set fire to rooms in the compound — I saw the pictures and was shocked,” he said. “We will not abide such an assault on a place that is holy to us – on the eve of Passover – and we will get to the rioters,” he said. “And of course, we will make sure to rebuild what they destroyed, as we always do.” Joseph’s Tomb is located inside Area


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A of the West Bank, which is officially under complete Palestinian Authority control, though the Israeli military conducts activities there. The IDF bars Israeli citizens from entering Area A without prior authorization.

Matzah Milestone

Israel’s biggest matzah was presented on Sunday to President Isaac Herzog and his wife Michal at his official residence in Jerusalem. The record-breaking unleavened flatbread – which took over three hours to make from 15.4 pounds of flour and 0.7 gallons of water – is 6.5 yards long, 3.4 feet wide, and weighs approximately 13.2 pounds. It also has over 119,000 perforations. The matzah was created by the Aviv Matzah Factory in Bnei Brak, one of the country’s oldest matzah bakeries, founded in 1887 in Jaffa. Taking part in the ceremony were David Wolf, a fifth-generation matzah baker, son of the factory’s deputy CEO Roie Wolf and his children, who told Herzog about the bakery and the baking process. The president noted his liking for Passover food, specifically matzah brei, a traditional Ashkenazi holiday dish made of matzah fried with eggs. He asked Wolf’s children, 11-year-old Itamar and 8-year-old Rom, how they preferred to eat matzah. They both said that they liked to eat it with chocolate. “We are very happy to see the longest matzah in Israel and maybe even the world, as you celebrate 138 years of matzah-baking at your factory,” said the president. “I want to wish the people of Israel a wonderful Seder night, matzah-eating, and a kosher and happy Passover!”

Jenin Gov. Praises Terror Jenin Governor Akram Rajoub called a Jenin resident who committed a deadly terror attack on Thursday in Tel Aviv

that killed three people a “Fatah fighter,” insisting that he did not consider him to be a terrorist. The governor was later spotted at a mourners’ tent set up by the family of the terrorist, 29-year-old Ra’ad Hazem, who was killed Friday morning, hours after the terror attack, during a gunfight with police in Jaffa. The event was also set up to mourn Islamic Jihad member Ahmad al-Sa’adi, who was killed in a gunfight with Israeli troops in Jenin on Saturday.

Rajoub, a longtime Palestinian Authority security official and member of the ruling Fatah party, serves as PA President Mahmoud Abbas’s representative in Jenin. In a speech at the mourner’s tent, Rajoub called Hazem “a Fatah warrior, for whom the occupation’s bullets did not distinguish between him and his comrade Ahmad al-Sa’adi.” Israeli authorities slapped sanctions on the Jenin governorate on Saturday night. Most significantly, Arab Israelis will not be allowed into the area through the Jalameh and Rihan checkpoints, a significant economic blow to the city. Speaking with The Times of Israel, Rajoub slammed the Israeli decision to sanction the West Bank area. “When you punish all of Jenin, prevent commerce and workers, you push people into a corner. Expect them to do anything,” Rajoub said. Rajoub declined to condemn the Jenin shooters. He also distanced himself from Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’s denunciation of the attacks. “Palestinians are not terrorists. Palestinians want to free themselves from occupation,” Rajoub asserted. “There’s no political horizon, there’s no economic horizon, and there’s no hope of ending the occupation. So what do you expect from the Palestinian people?” he added. In an edited interview with the Kan public broadcaster on Saturday, Rajoub repeated that he does not consider Hazem to be a terrorist. “You have pushed the Palestinian people into a corner. The Palestinian people…see murder [and] blood and


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Maaser Sheini



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After World War II, she moved to New York before deciding to move to Israel in 2007 to join her only son, Sacha Weitman, who was then a professor of sociology at Tel Aviv University. “I feel at home,” she told reporters when she landed in Israel. Schindler, who died in 1974, was named by Israel’s Yad Vashem Holocaust museum as a member of the “Righteous Among the Nations” — an honor for non-Jews who tried to save Jews from Nazi extermination. The lists which Reinhardt compiled for him helped save the lives of more than 1,300 Jews at considerable risk to his own life.













‫על כל צרה‬ ‫שלא תבא‬



Mimi Reinhardt, who drew up lists for German Righteous Gentile Oskar Schindler who helped save hundreds of Jews during the Holocaust, died last week at the age of 107. As Schindler’s secretary, Reinhardt was in charge of drawing up the lists of Jewish workers from the ghetto of the Polish city of Krakow to work at his fac-

Get Moving, America


Oskar Schindler’s Secretary Dies at 107

tory, saving them from deportation to Nazi death camps. Austrian-born Reinhardt, a Jew, was recruited by Schindler and worked for him until 1945.


see all the criminal events…by the IDF. What is it that you want? For them to give them [soldiers] a rose, for example?” Rajoub said. In response to a question on whether the Tel Aviv shooter was a terrorist, Rajoub said: “No, I don’t see him as a terrorist.” Fathis Hazem, Ra’ad Hazem’s father, praised his son’s actions on Friday. “Your eyes will see the victory soon. You will see the change. You will achieve your freedom,” he said. “G-d, liberate the Al-Aqsa Mosque from the desecration of the occupiers.”







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‫שומר שבת‬

Where a person lives in the U.S. can affect that person’s health and access to healthcare. According to a new report, some cities in the southern USA rank as the unhealthiest, while others, in Oregon, Utah, Washington, and California, are home to the healthiest people in the nation. The WalletHub personal finance site report evaluated the 180 most populous cities in the United States, analyzing 43 indicators of good health and dividing them into healthcare, food, green space, and fitness. The data was collected over the course of one month and included the cost of a medical visit, the number of COVID-19 cases, and fruit and vegetable consumption. WalletHub analyst Jill Gonzalez said, “The data comes from reputable, mostly government sources, such as the Census Bureau, the Council for Community and Economic Research, the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the CDC.” She noted, “People should consider the healthiest places to live because living in a city that promotes wellness and enables access to healthy food and recreational facilities can significantly improve their quality of life,” Gonzalez added. Topping the list of the U.S. healthiest city is San Francisco, California, due to its residents’ mental and physical health, 83% vaccination rate, and health insurance coverage. Brownsville, Texas, came in “dead last because of the low share of adults who engage in any physical activity, about 61%, and the low well-being physical score,” Gonzalez explained. The city has the highest share of obese residents and suffers from a lack of healthcare providers and healthy food restaurants. The country’s healthiest cities, in or-

der, are: San Francisco, California; Seattle, Washington; San Diego, California; Portland, Oregon; Salt Lake City, Utah; Honolulu, Hawaii; Austin, Texas; Denver, Colorado; South Burlington, Vermont; and Washington, D.C. On the other side of the scale, the country’s unhealthiest cities, from leastworst to absolute worst, are: Montgomery, Alabama; Columbus, Georgia; Augusta, Georgia; Shreveport, Louisiana; Charleston, West Virginia; Jackson, Mississippi; Memphis, Tennessee; Laredo, Texas; Gulfport, Mississippi; and Brownsville, Texas.

Iran Sanctions 24 Americans

Twenty-four Americans were sanctioned by Iran on Saturday. On the list are former U.S. generals and former Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani. Iran’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a release that the 24 individuals were involved with “terrorist acts” and human rights violations and accused them of depriving Iran of medical supplies and supporting economic punishments against the Iranian people. The ministry also said the individuals were “financing and supporting terrorist groups and terrorist acts” against the Palestinian people in Israel. Iran’s sanctions list comes just days after President Biden’s administration announced sanctions targeting Iran’s ballistic missile program. According to the Tehran Times, the individuals named by Tehran on Saturday include former Army Chief of Staff George Casey, former Gen. Austin Scott Miller of the Joint Special Operations Command, former Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, former Central Command Cmdr. Joseph Votel, and several other former military and government officials. Giuliani’s inclusion on the list means he joins former President Trump and a slew of other officials under the former president’s administration sanctioned by the country including former CIA Director Mike Pompeo, Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner, and former U.S. Ambas-


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sador to the United Nations Nikki Haley. Saturday’s sanctions came as the U.S. and Iran have been holding indirect talks in Vienna in efforts to hammer out a new Iran nuclear deal, which had been cancelled by President Trump in 2018. On Thursday, Iran’s foreign ministry tweeted that the department’s minister and other Iranian officials were committed to agreeing on a new deal but said the “U.S. side must act realistically instead of making excessive demands and hampering the negotiations.”

of China does not hesitate to go after the ingenuity that drives our economy. Stealing our highly prized technology can lead to the loss of good-paying jobs here in the United States, affecting families, and sometimes entire communities. Our economic security is essential to our national security.”

Healthcare Workers on the Mend

Chinese Spy Committed “Economic Espionage”

A Chinese scientist has been convicted and sentenced for attempting to steal trade secrets from an agribusiness giant. Xiang Haitao, 44, will pay a fine of $150,000 and sit over two years in prison for attempting to steal trade secrets from Monsanto. Xiang, a Chinese national formerly residing in Missouri, pleaded guilty to conspiring to commit economic espionage for his role in a plot to deliver nutrient-application software to China’s government. Between 2008-2017, Xiang worked as an imaging scientist for Monsanto and subsidiary The Climate Corporation, the U.S. Department of Justice said. One day after he left his employment, in June 2017, he attempted to travel to China on a one-way ticket, DOJ said. Federal officials searched Xiang and his bag and determined that he had an electronic copy of Nutrient Optimizer. Xiang then returned to China and found employment working for the Chinese Academy of Science’s Institute of Soil Science. Upon his return to the U.S. in November 2019, he was arrested. The case, first of its kind in Missouri’s Eastern District, is part of an ongoing effort by U.S. officials to eliminate economic espionage from China. In a statement, Alan E. Kohler Jr., assistant director of the FBI’s Counterintelligence Division, said, “The government

The U.S. healthcare workforce is on track to return to its pre-pandemic levels but has yet to reach that stage, a new study shows. The study, conducted by researchers from the University of Washington and the University of Minnesota and published on Friday in the JAMA Health Forum, showed that recovery from the pandemic has been uneven. The study compared turnover rates between April-December 2020 to those between January-October 2021, using records from the U.S. Current Population Survey, the U.S. Census, and the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and examined records on 125,717 healthcare workers. A total 1.5 million healthcare workers lost their jobs when hospitals postponed elective surgeries and clinics shuttered during the pandemic’s first peak. Though most jobs returned by autumn 2020, by 2021 healthcare employment was still 2.7% below pre-pandemic levels. At the same time, the researchers noted that the study could not prove that the lower numbers were actually caused by the pandemic itself. Meanwhile, doctors and those employed in long-term care facilities have not yet fully recovered from the pandemic. Demographics also played a role, with healthcare workers with young children at home more likely to leave the workforce, and women more likely to do so than men. Turnover rates were also higher among Alaskan Natives, Pacific Islanders, and American Indians than among other races; Black and Latino employees experienced the slowest rates of job re-

41 ‫בס״ד‬

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Expressing Our


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covery. Aides and assistants were most likely to leave their jobs. Although the researchers were unable to pinpoint exactly why people were quitting, study coauthor Janette Dill, an associate professor in the Division of Health Policy and Management in the School of Public Health at the University of Minnesota, said, “Long-term care is a sector that is largely paid for by Medicaid, and Medicaid has pretty low reimbursement rates, and so consequently, the wages in long-term care are pretty low. So there are lots of reasons people would want to leave long-term care.” Dill noted, “I interviewed a worker recently who told me that she could get a job at Target that paid $2 more an hour than her health care job. Who could blame her for leaving?” She added, “Long-term care has a lot of pressure from retail right now that just pays better.” Unemployment payments were also raised, making it more worthwhile to leave low-paying jobs. Burnout and a lack of childcare may also be factors. The study warned, “Waiting too long to understand these issues may further elongate the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic.”

ing dropped off by the administration, Texas is providing charter buses to send these illegal immigrants who have been dropped off by the Biden Administration to Washington, D.C.” These migrants would “volunteer to be transported and show documentation from DHS,” in order to board a bus or flight, Abbott’s office added. In an interview with Fox News, Abbott noted that the immigrants would have to consent or the transfer “would be kidnapping, even though it would be by a law enforcement agency.” He added, “What better place for them to go to than the steps of the United States Capitol? They get to see the wonderful Capitol but also get closer to the people who are making these policies that are allowing people to come to the border illegally.” The trips, if they take place, will be paid for by Texas taxpayers via funds appropriated by the Texas Legislature for Border Security.

Cuban Migrants Thronging to U.S.

TX to Bus Immigrants to DC Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s office on Wednesday announced that the state will send any willing undocumented immigrants to Washington, D.C., by bus and plane. According to Abbott’s office, local leaders are “fed up” with the federal government releasing migrants into their communities. Speaking to reporters, the governor said the plan is a response to the Biden administration’s announcement that a pandemic public health order will be lifted next month, potentially significantly increasing the number of migrants crossing the border. Meanwhile, according to his office, Abbott has directed the Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM) to charter both buses and flights to send willing migrants who have been processed and released from federal custody to Washington, D.C. During a news conference, Abbott explained, “To help local officials whose communities are being overwhelmed by hordes of illegal immigrants who are be-

Cuban migrants are arriving in the United States at the highest numbers since 1980, The Washington Post reported. In March, over 32,000 Cubans were taken into U.S. custody along the Mexico-U.S. border, representing twice the number arriving in February, unpublished U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) figures obtained by The Washington Post show. Cuban migration has been largely overlooked under President Joe Biden, with CBP arrests along the U.S.’s southern border reaching a record 1.73 million during the 2021 fiscal year. The numbers are expected to top that this year. Preliminary data obtained by the Post shows that the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) deported just 95 Cubans during the 2021 fiscal year, and just 20 Cubans in the past five months. In 2020, ICE data shows, authorities deported 1,583 Cubans. In a statement, the U.S. Department


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The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said, “In the 233-year history of the Supreme Court, never, never has a Black woman held the title of Justice. Ketanji Brown Jackson will be the first and I believe the first of more to come.”


Jackson has been praised by Senate Democrats as highly qualified, with a depth and breadth of experience which will prove valuable to the Supreme Court. Her resume includes experience as a federal public defender, as well as a commissioner on the U.S. Sentencing Commission. She also served on the federal district court in Washington, D.C.

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of Homeland Security said that it coordinates with the State Department, holding “regular discussions with partner countries in the Hemisphere on migration-related matters.” It also “continues to engage with foreign governments to improve cooperation with countries that systematically refuse or delay the repatriation of their nationals,” the statement said.

KBJ Joins SCOTUS The U.S. Senate on Thursday confirmed in a 53-47 vote for U.S. President Joe Biden’s Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson. Republican senators Mitt Romney of Utah, Susan Collins of Maine, and Lisa

Murkowski of Alaska joined the Democrats and voted in favor of Jackson joining the highest court in the land. Jackson will be the first Black woman to serve on the Supreme Court. She will be sworn in after Justice Stephen Breyer retires this summer. Until then, Jackson will remain in her seat on the U.S. Court of Appeals.

Georgia’s Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport is once again the busiest airport in the world. Although Atlanta’s airport had been crowned the top spot for 22 years in a row, it was knocked off its perch in 2020 by Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport in China. 2021 saw it scramble back to the top. In 2021, the Atlanta airport saw 75.7 million passengers. That figure is up a whopping 76% from 2020 but still nearly 32% below pre-pandemic 2019 figures. Guangzhou’s airport dropped to No. 8 in 2021, with 40.3 million passengers. Another airport in China, Chengdu’s Shuangliu International Airport, is ninth on the 2021 list, down from No. 3 in 2020. U.S. airports dominated the passenger traffic rankings in 2021, with eight of the top 10 in the United States.


APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home



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Enter your email to sign up for the CNN Travel newsletter. Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport in Texas was the second-busiest in 2021, with about 62.5 million passengers, and the international airport in Denver, Colorado, ranked third, with 58.8 million passengers. Chicago’s O’Hare (54 million passengers) and Los Angeles International (48 million passengers) rounded out the top five. In 2021, there were an estimated 4.5 billion passengers globally, according to ACI. That figure represents a nearly 25% increase from 2020 but more than 50% drop from 2019. The airports in Charlotte, North Carolina (No. 6); Orlando, Florida (No. 7); and Las Vegas (No. 10) are new to the top 10 this year. Interestingly, in 2020, airports in China took seven of the top ten slots on the list. This time around, the United States dominate the list. Additionally, airports that routinely landed in the top 10 of the world’s busiest airports list –such as Dubai International, London Heathrow and Paris Charles de Gaulle – had largely been absent during the pandemic.

U.S. Life Expectancy Going Down

Life expectancy in the U.S. is continuing to decline, a new study published by medRxiv shows. The report noted that life expectancy in the U.S. dropped 0.4 years in 2021, following a drop of nearly 1.9 years in 2020. According to the researchers, “Although the introduction and availability of effective vaccines were expected to curb U.S. mortality rates in 2021, slow vaccine uptake and the spread of the Delta variant produced large surges in mortality.”

COVID-19 has been one of the top three causes of death in the United States for the past two years, other than during a brief period in summer 2021, an analysis from the Kaiser Family Foundation showed. During the decade prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, U.S. life expectancy changed by an average of less than 0.1 years annually, data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) show. Meanwhile, life expectancy in the United States fell from 78.9 years in 2019 to 76.6 years in 2021, and now stands at over five years less than the average in peer nations. In 19 peer nations, life expectancy dropped in 2020 by only about a third as much as it did in the U.S. but rebounded in 2021.

Oh, Baby

We’re sure you have the cutest baby. As a matter of fact, we know you do. But does everyone else agree that he’s the cutest? This month, Gerber’s baby food is conducting its 2022 Photo Search, in which eager parents submit photos of their smiling infants for a chance to be Gerber’s “Spokesbaby.” The contest launched on Monday. The lucky winner, who will earn the title of “Spokesbaby” and “Chief Growing Officer,” will be featured on the baby food company’s social media channels and in its ad campaigns throughout the year. Oh, and they will also receive a $25,000 prize. “This year, Gerber is searching for a candidate that can help share smiles and inspire joy in parents and his/her peers,” Gerber said on their website. “An irresistible giggle is strongly preferred,

as well as an undeniable lovable personality.” Children ages 0-4 are eligible to enter the competition. Parents and guardians can submit their child’s “smiliest” photos and videos to Gerber’s portal before Thursday, April 14. That’s certainly something to smile about.

A Pony’s Pastry

We do-nut believe this story. David Bosselait, a retired bull rider, lives in Florida and enjoys his daily Dunkin’ Donuts run. But David doesn’t go alone. He makes the 6 mile trek each day for his doughnuts and coffee atop his horse Jackson. Jackson doesn’t just come along for the ride. The horse enjoys the time spent at the drivethrough and has become a sort of celebrity. “It’s a half-a-day event,” David shared. “Once we make it over the bridge, we head right to Dunkin’ Donuts to get our coffee.” David, who has documented some of Jackson’s Dunkin’ runs on social media, said he always gets a coffee for himself and treat for Jackson. “His order is just a plain donut hole,” he said. The Dunkin’ employees love the four-legged visitor. “They like to pat him, they scratch him, they hand him his donut,” David said. Aside from the pastry, David says that Jackson gains much more. “It’s a good experience for Jackson to be around the vehicles and whatnot,” he said. “Really shows him patience and, you know, to stay focused.” He’s not horsing around.

Skinniest Skyscraper If you’re going to be living in Steinway Tower, you better hold your breath. The building at 111 West 57 Street in Manhattan has been crowned the world’s skinniest skyscraper. With a height-to-width ratio of 24:1, it is “the most slender skyscraper in the world,” according to the developers.


APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home


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The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022


Teachers build futures—and we know it’s not easy. As a Rebbe or Morah, it’s easy to forget that you shape your students’ worldview. It’s up to you to build genuine relationships with your students through which you’ll be able to answer their questions on the fundamentals of Yiddishkeit - especially the ones they don’t ask. But it can be hard to focus on the bigger picture when daily life is so busy. Teach to Reach has the resources that will help you ignite your students’ passion for Yiddishkeit – without putting in extra work. We’ve created THE CHINUCH COMPANION, which will give you tools to connect to your students, answer their fundamental questions, and be the teacher who changes lives.

Teach to Reach has worked with Torah Umesorah and other organizations, and is under the guidance of: Harav Reuven Feinstein, shlit”a Harav Sholom Kaminetsky, shlit”a

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APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022


At 1,428 feet, it is also one of the tallest buildings in the Western hemisphere, falling short of two others in New York City: One World Trade Center at 1,776 feet and Central Park Tower at 1,550 feet.

chase one. Prices range from $7.75 million for a studio apartment to $66 million for the three-floor penthouse. Hope you’re not eating too much matzah if you plan on living there.

$151 for a Burger

There are 60 apartments in the soaring building that is composed of 84 stories. The architects said their main goal was to create a new and bold interpretation of the New York skyline, while also celebrating the location’s historic roots. “Any preconceived notions that our team had about skyscrapers of New York City developments were replaced with an opportunity to do something that had never been done before,” architect Gregg Pasquarelli said. The building is super-skinny, although you’ll need a fat wallet to pur-

We know that ballgames are expensive, but this burger takes the cake. The Atlanta Braves recently announced the addition of the World Champions Burger to the Truist Park menu this upcoming season. The burger comes with a jaw-dropping price tag: $151. Lest you think it’s just a plain burg-

er with ketchup, the patty is made with a half-pound of Waygu beef and is served on a toasted bun with Irish butter and cage-free fried eggs. Kosher it is not. The burger is also topped with a grilled lobster tail and gold-leaf-wrapped Hudson Valley foie gras. It is finished off with Tillamook cheddar cheese, truffle aioli, tomato and lettuce. Oh, and if you’re still hungry, there’s also a side of Parmesan waffle fries. The Braves created the expensive burger to celebrate the team’s World Series title. The price reflects 151 years since the Braves franchise has been founded. Truist Park will also be selling a version of the burger that comes with a World Championship Ring, but they will cost fans $25,000. These prices are way out of the park.

When a Wrong Makes a Right

LaQuedra Edwards is lucky. A few months ago, Edwards had put $40 into a lottery ticket vending machine at a supermarket when “some rude person” bumped into her. The bump caused Edwards to push the wrong number on the machine “He just bumped into me, didn’t say a thing and just walked out the door,” Edwards said. Edwards usually purchases cheaper tickets, but the shove meant she’d bought a $30 200X Scratchers ticket. She was annoyed because she had just dropped most of her money on a single ticket. That is, until she got into her car. When Edwards was in her vehicle, she started scratching the $30 ticket and was amazed when she won the top prize of $10 million. “I didn’t really believe it at first, but I got on the 405 freeway and kept looking down at (the ticket), and I almost crashed my car,” Edwards said. “I pulled over, looked at it again and again, scanned it with my app, and I just kept thinking this can’t be right.” Hey, you never know.

A Dream Job?

Need to get away for a bit but want to earn money while exploring other continents? Consider working for UK Antarctic Heritage Trust. The charity is looking for candidates who are willing to spend five months in Antarctica to run the world’s most remote post office. Aside from sorting mail, the ideal peron will also run the museum and gift shop on the Goudier Island. “Dream of waking up & seeing Antarctica in all its glory? Penguins plodding around, the sun peeping over snow topped mountains. A job like no other. Join us & help protect Antarctica’s heritage & conserve its precious environment. Apply by 25 April,” UKAHT posted on its Twitter handle. The successful candidates will have to be at the base from November 2022 to March 2023, during Antarctica’s summer months when the temperature is higher than the usual. Lest you think that not much mail passes through the forgotten continent, consider that the post office gets about 80,000 pieces of mail a season, so you’ll be busy. The staff members will also have to count penguins and other wildlife for the British Antarctic Survey and submit the report by the end of their employment. Vicky Inglis, who previously worked at the base as a one of the postmasters, told CBC Radio that the job is an opportunity of a lifetime – but not for the faint-hearted. “We did have to dig our way [through the snow] to get access for the first time when we arrived. We’ve got no flush toilets and nothing like that – none of the modern luxuries that we’re used to,” she said. As such, candidates are required to have good level of physical fitness, environmental awareness and a knowledge of minimum impact living. In other words: even though it sounds so cool, it’s not a vacation.


APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

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The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022


Around the

Community An Evening of the Arts


AFTR’s fourth grade artists experienced a celebration to remember last week. The annual Evening of the Arts is a culmination of a yearlong study of music and the visual arts. The event is a collaboration between our extraordinary art, music, and classroom educators. Parents, grandparents, and special guests were dazzled by the spectacular gala art exhibit and musical production. Galleries of artwork inspired by Sonia Delaunay, Albert Giacometti, Sandra Silberzweig, Wassily Kandinsky, and more were on display. Student ushers and tour guides helped guests navigate the galleries. White gloved students circulated with hot hors d’oeuvres as the guests enjoyed the art on display. Students and guests had the opportunity to participate in performance art, created by our resident pop artist, Rabbi Yitzchok Moully. Working side by side with fam-

ilies, using a spray paint in a myriad of colors as well as stencils, a massive art installation celebrating Torah study and Jewish education was created on the exterior wall of our Lower School Beit Midrash. Then, as the guests filled their seats, the musical portion of the program began. The students flawlessly performed numbers from Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat under the musical direction of Mrs. Janet Goldman. The event was live-streamed for family members around the globe and can be rewatched at Applause rang out in the auditorium and the students’ faces were beaming as they took a bow. Ms. Naomi Elterman, Mrs. Jill Goldstein, Mrs. Royce Maron, and Mrs. Janet Goldman were thanked for inspiring our students with an awareness and love for the arts. Thank you to the entire fourth grade staff

for helping to prepare students and to the many generous sponsors that made the evening such a success.


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APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

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Around the Community

The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022


The HALB Middle School Robotics Team participated in the CIJE Robotics Competition for the first time, led by STEM teacher Mrs. Aliza Feder. HALB is looking forward to being a part of this incredible event every year from now on

YOSS students receive awards for their Mineral Cube projects

NCSY South Florida Philanthropist Leads $150K Campaign for Public School Students to Participate in Summer Trip to Israel


our years ago, Mike Leven of Boca Raton had never heard of NCSY or its Israel summer program, The Anne Samson Jerusalem Journey (TJJ). A few weeks ago, the Palm Beach County philanthropist hosted a fundraising event at his home, where he culminated a $150,000 campaign to send a busload of 44 South Florida Jewish public school teens to Israel this summer. “I was inspired when I learned that NCSY runs over 300 Jewish Student Union (JSU) clubs for Jewish teens in North American public schools,” said Leven. “Many public school students have never attended Jewish summer camps or gone to Israel and I want to enable as many Southern Florida teens to go on TJJ as possible.” JSUs are NCSY’s Jewish culture clubs in public schools across the United States. Added Leven, “Youngsters need to be equipped to combat anti-Israel sentiment on college campuses and you can’t really appreciate Israel’s history, culture, honesty and consistency as the sole democracy in the Middle East, unless you’ve been there.” Leven and his wife Andrea hosted the fundraiser at their home, with presentations by former TJJ participants who recounted their transformative experiences. The four-week program takes high

school students on an immersive journey exploring their Jewish heritage and Israel through exhilarating hikes, eye-opening tours, meaningful volunteer opportunities and a memorable group Shabbat, among other life-changing adventures. In attendance were many of the Leven’s closest friends and neighbors, including Bernie Marcus. Leven embarked on the campaign in June, when he and Marcus, founder of Home Depot and head of the Marcus Foundation, were honorees at the 2021 NCSY National Gala for their unwavering commitment to the Jewish future. The Marcus Foundation’s flagship RootOne program is providing TJJ participants and thousands of other North American Jewish teens with $3,000 vouchers to make the trips more affordable, in addition to enhanced educational resources. “TJJ is the fastest growing summer

program in South Florida for Jewish teens,” said Avi Warman, director of Southern TJJ Experience. “The ability to take kids out of the classroom and actually live the experiences of Judaism and Israel is invaluable.” TJJ participants are largely active in NCSY’s JSU clubs throughout North America, and the majority have never been to Israel before. Last year, 88 teens attended TJJ through Southern NCSY, which represents the U.S. southeast (other than Atlanta). “Mike has been one of our champion supporters,” said Evan Levitt, Southern NCSY’s vice president of special projects and planned giving. “This trip is a quantum leap when it comes to building Jewish identities. The Jewish Federation conducted a study a few years ago on Palm Beach County and found that only 1,500 of the 7,000 Jewish teens were

inclined to do anything Jewish. That inspired Mike and other philanthropists to take action. This trip ensures that there are going to be future leaders involved in the Jewish future. Mike has made that possible.” For 17-year-old Hailey, a high school senior in Parkland, Fla., TJJ not only gave her an appreciation for the beauty of Judaism and Israel, it also armed her with the confidence to fight misinformation on campus. “If more of my Jewish peers had access to all the information I now know about because of TJJ, how many hate crimes could we stop?” asked Hailey, who is president of her school’s JSU. “How many people across the world could we get to open their eyes?” TJJ, she added, “filled me with memories and information I get to share with my friends and community, and one day when I have children of my own, I will teach them about our home —Israel.” And that’s exactly what Leven hopes future TJJ participants will do — transmit their love of Israel and the Jewish people to the next generation. “If there is any way we can influence the Jewish youth of today to be involved with the Jewish people, I think it is important to do so,” he said. “I’m going to keep doing my work as long as I can.”


APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home


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Wishing You A Chag Kasher V'Sameach,

Around the Community

The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022


Rav Yaakov Bender, Rosh HaYeshiva, recently welcomed a group of HASC clients and staff members on a visit to Yeshiva Darchei Torah

Afikoman Scavenger Hunt

5TLL regular season starts with swag and fun

E The Ohr L’Olam task force at HAFTR Middle School arranged a hair donation event for Locks of Love last week. With all the students, parents, and faculty that donated, we were able to give over 90 inches of hair to this amazing chesed organization. Mazal tov to the Shulamith 7th grade on their siyum on Parshas Be’halasocha. The entire grade celebrated together and had a great time, with refreshments, dances and divrei Torah

Special thanks to Mazal from Wave Length and Tehila from Tehila’s Salon for donating their time and hair expertise in helping pull this together!

xciting Pesach overtones permeated the school as our students participated in a Afikoman Scavenger Hunt. Each morning during breakfast students clutched their phones waiting for the Afikoman Hunt clue to pop up in their inbox. Students taxed their brains and then scoured the campus searching for the elusive Afikoman. Winners took home a $25 Amazon gift card. Thank you to Rabbi Daniel Mezei, Director of Student Life, for hosting this awesome hunt and for creating clues that allowed students to think critically in a challenging and competitive way.


APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

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The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022


Around the Community

Bring Pesach to Life


abbi Moishe Waxman, a master rebbi for the second and third grade CAHAL class at Yeshiva of South Shore this year, has been working with the CAHAL program since the fall of 1997. Rabbi Waxman is no stranger to education; he comes from a family of educators and married into a family of educators as well. He began his journey with CAHAL as an assistant rebbi for three years, and then became a head teacher, first in HAFTR and then in Yeshiva of South Shore where he has taught since 2010. Rabbi Waxman has also served as the Hebrew Curriculum Coordinator for CAHAL since 2005 and is responsible for organizing and disseminating Judaic Studies teacher-developed materials within the CAHAL program. Rabbi Waxman has a Masters degree and state certification in special education. Rabbi Waxman loves working with the students in the CAHAL program, the first of its kind in the area to have self-contained classes within community yeshivas. Students often enter CAHAL having academic challenges in the general education classroom. Often this impacts their self-confidence, social-emotional development, and learning. Rabbi Waxman notes, “As students achieve success in their learning, they become more confident and stronger in their abilities.” One of the most beloved projects that Rabbi Waxman’s students participate in every year is making their own personalized Haggadahs for Pesach. “CAHAL wants children to achieve, and to be a part of the

system. Pesach is all about the children and this Haggadah project shows them that we mean it.” Students not only write and draw in the Haggadah, but they literally become a part of it. Rabbi Waxman tells over the Pesach story and discusses with the students how they would feel if they had been there. This helps students with social and emotional consciousness as Rabbi Waxman “sets the stage” and takes pictures of the students reacting to scenes of the story as though they are a part of it. He then photoshops the students’ pictures into various scenes of the Haggadahs, such as the ten Makkot and Yetziyat Mitzrayim. “By putting the students into the pictures and into

the scenes, they can feel proud of themselves. They, the students, actually tell the story because they experience the Pesach story as they relive it through the pictures.” Students are well prepared for the Sedorim in other ways, as well. They fill in important information in their Haggadahs, with neatness stressed, so that they can take pride in their work. They color in pictures throughout the Haggadah, highlight key parts, and have divrei Torah available to them so that they can fully participate in their Pesach Sedorim. “The students are a part of it in every way and feel like they are an important part of Klal Yisrael.”

Bellevue University Alum Selected to Receive Fulbright Research Award


ellevue University alumnus Faigy Mandelbaum has been selected to receive the prestigious Fulbright Research Award. The Fulbright Israel open-study award is granted to three individuals each year on the basis of academic excellence, the leadership promise of the applicant, and their potential to both advance knowledge and enhance mutual understanding between the peoples of the United States and Israel. “We are proud to have Faigy as a Bellevue University alumnus,” President Dr. Mary Hawkins said. “She has a bright future ahead of her and we wish her continued success in her educational journey as she studies in Israel.” Mandelbaum, who received a Bachelor of Science in Behavioral Science and Human Services with a 4.0 GPA from Bellevue University, attributes her success to many things including her higher education experience. “My experiences at Bellevue University were wonderful,” Mandelbaum said. “My professors were excellent, and they

set me up for success. I am very grateful to the University for providing me with a quality education while respecting all aspects of my religious sensitivities. I will not forget the foundation that I have gained through the Yeshiva Initiatives Education Program (YIEP).” Bellevue University’s partnership with YIEP started in 2004 and was designed to open doors for Orthodox Jews. The customized programs, administered through the University, allow Orthodox Jews to continue their education in an environment that does not conflict with their lifestyle demands and cultural customs. Mandelbaum said the program was instrumental in helping her get where she is today. “Having the opportunity to be an Orthodox Jew while receiving a quality education in an environment that was culturally sensitive to the needs of

the Orthodox Jewish community was a blessing,” Mandelbaum said. Mandelbaum also attributed her educational success to Bellevue University professors Esther Lustig and Judi Steinig and Rabbi Pesach Lerner who helped form the YIEP partnership. “Faigy is a remarkable young woman,” Lustig said. “She is a tribute to the psychology profession and Bellevue University for all of her hard-earned accomplishments.” Mandelbaum is a fourth-year student in the Clinical Psychology Ph.D. program at Hofstra University and a member of Psi Chi – the International Honor Society in Psychology. She’s been published in peer-reviewed journals, has 30 national conference presentations, and is a peer-reviewer for the Journal of American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology and the Journal of Sleep Research. During her nine-month Fulbright

fellowship, Faigy will be studying the impact of childhood trauma on the development of C-PTSD symptomatology in Israeli lone soldiers. Currently, there are over 7,000 active lone soldiers in the Israeli army. Lone soldiers are soldiers who are serving in the Israeli army without family support. They are generally orphans, new immigrants, volunteers from abroad, or individuals who are estranged from their families. Israel is the only army in the world to recognize the construct of the lone soldier and to provide a vast support network to these soldiers both while they are serving in the army and as veterans. “I aim to assess the efficacy of Israel’s vast lone soldier support network, provide suggestions for improvement based on the data, and disseminate information about the lone soldier support model to other armies,” Mandelbaum said, “It is my hope that one day, armies across the world will recognize the struggle of the lone soldier and provide specialized support so that no soldier is left alone.”


APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

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Around the Community

The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022


Rav Yaakov Bender, Rosh HaYeshiva of Yeshiva Darchei Torah, made a siyum on Seder Moed of Shas Bavli in honor of the second yahrtzeit of Sumner Bivetsky, a distinguished Jew who bequeathed his entire estate to yeshivos. Kaddish was recited by his cousin, Rabbi Joel Beritz, a lifelong champion of Torah institutions.

Yeshivat Chachmei America


n the heart of Cedarhurst, at 137 Cedarhurst Ave., Rabbi Daniel Obadia has founded a flourishing, vibrant yeshiva. Rabbi Daniel Obadia came to America with a dream to carry on the mesorah of the Sephard tradition in America. This led to the founding of the Beit Midrash Hachaim Vehashalom, a shul in the Moroccan tradition which also offered

many communal programs and shiurim which encourages learning in the Sephard tradition. However, Rabbi Obadia was not satisfied. He wished to build a yeshiva which would train young men to learn in the mesorah of the Sephard tradition to train the next generation of leaders in America. He asked the advice of the leading gedolim, and the yeshiva was started with the bracha and encour-

agement of the renowned gedolim, Harav Leib Shteinman, zt”l, and Harav Chaim Kanievsky, zt”l. This led to the establishment of Yeshivat Chachmei America. Rabbi Obadia founded and heads the yeshiva. The yeshiva merits to have the great Geonim Rabbi Yitzhak Israeli, shlit”a, Chief Rabbi of the Bukharians and in North America, and Rabbi Yehuda Eliyahu, shlit”a, rabbi of Congregation Or Torah, as the rebbeim in the yeshiva. Rabbi Israeli gives a shiur klali where he gives in-depth analysis of the Rishonim on the sugya the students are learning. Rabbi Eliyahu guides the course of the learning and says the daily shiur. Rabbi Eliyahu develops the sugya from the Gemara, through the Rishonim and explains the ruling of the Beit Yosef. Rabbi Eliyahu has a unique ability to take complex ideas and express them in a lucid manner, making his shiur a joy and easy to follow. In addition, Rabbi Eliyahu is a warm rebbi, allowing students to feel comfortable talking to him about any questions they may have, whether it be about the subject matter they are studying or general life questions. This zman, the Yeshiva hired Rabbi Doniel Bak to lead the second seder. Rabbi Bak guides the study of the Shulchan Aruch and its commentaries. Rabbi Bak also gives the students hadracha in the study of mussar and imparts from his vast well of knowledge to all the students. The yeshiva is dedicated to training young men to be able to analyze a sugyah from the Gemara all the way to the contemporary pesak halacha. While in many yeshivot the study is limited to the Gemara and students do not come away with a practical application of the learning, in Yeshivat Chachmei America the students are

taught how to develop the Gemara down to the practical halacha. As such, study of the Beit Yosef and Shulchan Aruch is an integral part of the Yeshiva’s studies. The yeshiva enriches the students with a broad knowledge of halacha which enables the students to both get semicha and have the ability to teach halacha. This zman, the Yeshiva has completed the study of Masechet Beitzah and all of the laws of yom tov. The students receive weekly tests to ensure that they retain the knowledge they have acquired. The yeshiva has also merited visits from great Gedolim from Eretz Yisrael including the Rishon Lezion, Harav Yitzchak Yosef, shlit”a, Harav Yehuda Dery, Chief Rabbi and Av Beit Din of Beer Sheva, and many other great rabbis. All of the rabbis have praised the students for being very diligent and knowledgeable in their studies. The yeshiva is for self-motivated, serious young men Sefardi and Ashkenazi, who are interested in learning halacha l’maaseh. The Yeshiva makes everyone comfortable with a feeling that this is their home. The yeshiva goes out of its way to take care off all of the needs of the students. It has a dormitory and offers three delicious meals a day. The yeshiva also accommodates for Shabbat and even yom tov for bochurim who want to remain in yeshiva. What one recognizes upon merely visiting the yeshiva for a short time is the tremendous warmth and comradery that exists between the rebbeim and the talmidim. The yeshiva is also home of a kellilah and has various daily minyanim both in Nusach Sephardi and in Nusach Ashkenazi. For more information, call 516-405-5152 or email


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APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

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The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022



APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

World Conference of Ichud Mosdos Spends Shabbos with the Rebbe, Culminating with Historic Torah Event


oments of heightened emotion and historic significance marked the days of the recent conference of world leadership of the umbrella organization of the Gerer institutions in Eretz Yisroel. Following an intimate Shabbos spent with Gerer Rebbe in Netanya, a historic event was held, in which two siyumei hashas were learned within two hours, and oral exams on all of Shas for thousands of bachurim were conducted by gedolei Yisroel — a fitting culmination to the toil of decades in a Torah revolution.

Thousands of Gerer chassidim at the event

The crowd of supporters at melave malka

The dais at the malave malka. The Sanzer Rebbe is seen sitting beside the Gerer Rebbe

Reb Shloime Werdyger opening the event

Reb Mordechai Tannenbaum davening Mincha for the amud prior to the massive event

The Fischoff and Schmidt families reciting kaddish at the completion of Shas, l’iluy nishmas their departed parents

Reb Yonasan Borenstein, CEO Ichud Mosdos Gur, speaking

Rav Nechemia Alter, a son of the Gerer Rebbe, addressing the event

Kaddish in memory of the kedoshei Meron

Around the Community

The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022


The Five Towns’ proximity to numerous cemeteries often results in Achiezer being an address for those struggling with genuine meis mitzvah situations, people who without Achiezer’s help would not have the proper minyan for a kevurah for their loved ones. This past winter, and as recently as this week, Achiezer has been inundated with requests for meisei mitzvah across Long Island. Our volunteer department, and specifically our Meis Mitzvah department led by Adina Rosenberg, time and time again, during the worst of snowstorms and the hardest of times, including erev yom tov, have delivered and been there for these families when no one else could.

MTA Freshmen Bring Learning to a New Level

Kulanu Lunch Buddies By Michelle Kirschner



TA talmidim in Rabbi Danto’s freshman shiur are continuously striving to take their learning to the next level. They recently took a trip to Monsey, where they completed another one of many incredible Retzifus Chazara, chazering everything they have learned in Maseches Megillah so far this year. The talmidim learned for two entire hours straight with no interruptions! At the end of the seder, they

met with Rabbi Dovid Newman, founder of the V’Haarev Na learning program, which they are currently participating in. This unique initiative has revolutionized the way yeshiva high school talmidim are learning by encouraging talmidim to experience the sweetness of Torah through constant chazarah. Through this program, Rabbi Newman has inspired thousands of teenagers and adults to grow in their love and appreciation of Torah.

Did you know? A swarm of locusts can eat 423 million pounds of plants every day.

Rabbi Newman was amazed by the dedication that Rabbi Danto’s talmidim have for their learning and was completely blown away by the fact that many of them have chazered each daf over 10 times and some have even chazzred more than 100 times! Rabbi Newman was so impressed that he gave each talmid an interlinear siddur as a gift, sponsored a seudah for them, and invited the entire shiur to the special V’Haarev Na Simchas HaTorah event that is only open to grades 12 and up! The Retzifus Chazara culminated with singing and dancing as well as a seudah to celebrate this amazing accomplishment.

his past week, student members of HAFTR High School’s Chesed Club took part in a new program with Kulanu called “Lunch Buddies.” Lunch Buddies is a program where students at HAFTR High School are paired with students from Kulanu and spend their lunch periods together on a weekly basis. Students from both schools spend their time talking about their likes, interests, hobbies, and families. This is a special opportunity for both HAFTR and Kulanu students, allowing them to expand their relationships with individuals who are different from themselves. Students at HAFTR value this experience and aspire to serve as role models to help Kulanu students, and themselves, learn to socially engage with others in a new way. The quality time these students spend together creates an environment of warmth and inclusivity while also teaching students sensitivity and leadership skills. This program will not only foster positivity among students but help all of the students involved to develop their understanding of others, and how to engage with a variety of people. This program is an amazing experience for all, and we hope that the HAFTR and Kulanu students will form lasting relationships throughout the school year and beyond.


APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

Around the Community

The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022


Ahead of Pesach, YOSS talmidim experience the laborious task of baking matzos from start to finish

The children at Gesher really got into the Pesach spirit by participating in their very own mock sedarim

HAFTR Robotics Team is Strong

By Harry Fleschner


hroughout the course of the past few weeks, the HAFTR High School Robotics team has been working day and night preparing for the Center for Initiatives in Jewish Education (CIJE) Vex Robotics competition. On Tuesday, April 5, the team packed up their robots and traveled to The Armory in Fort Washington to compete against the other schools participating in this competition. The HAFTR High School Robotics team presented four different robots that were paired up with different schools to collaborate together in each match. Each team competed in several matches to complete various tasks using their remote control robots. These robots were programmed

to operate via remote control in order to lift rings onto a base and/or move these mobile bases to their team’s side in order to gain points. There was a hierarchy of rank based on who won each match, which would decide what team made it to the playoffs. The robot created by Yoni Goldstein, Sean Harris, and me, moved on to the semifinal round and ultimately ranked in 4th place. It was a fun and exciting day for all, and it was great to come together to work with other team members from other schools. Thank you to our coach Mr. Schanke for advising the team throughout the year. Great job to all who competed. The HAFTR robotics team looks forward to participating in this event again next year.

5 Towns Flag Football League


his past Friday was week 4 of FM Home Loans 5 Towns Flag Football – the midpoint of the season – and it was another really well, intensely played week with tons of interceptions, touchdowns, and flag pulls all around. In the Pre-1A division under the direction of Rabbi Jeremy Fine, the boys worked on their catching and running through defensive line skills, and they are on the road to being all-stars! In the 1st grade division, the Jets defeated the Patriots. The Giants defeated the Broncos with great touchdowns and defensive plays by Gabe Schulman. Coach Rafi Goodman was called off the bench to sub and play QB, and he did a fantastic job. In the 2nd grade division, the Broncos defeated the Patriots. The Vikings defeated the Giants with an all-star interception by Alex Greenberg. The Jets defeated the Eagles with amazing offensive catches by Chaim Hoffman. In the 3rd and 4th grade division, the Raiders and the Saints tied. The Jets defeated the Seahawks with awesome sacks by David Monderer. The Falcons and the Steelers tied. The Packers defeated the Panthers. The Patriots defeated the Dolphins. The Eagles defeated the Giants with MVP William Berry’s touchdowns, catches, and defense. And the Vikings defeated the Broncos with a tdp and amazing defense by Berel Bodner. In the 5th and 6th grade divisions, the Panthers defeated the Patriots with an awesome game of flag pulls by Coby

Cohen. The Steelers and the Dolphins tied. The Packers and the Broncos tied. The Seahawks defeated the Jets. And the Raiders defeated the Giants with the help of Dovi Fruchters runs and catches. In the 7th and 8th grade divisions, the Patriots defeated the Broncos with a good fight, put up offensive runs, and sacks by Dovid Soniker. The Vikings and the Giants tied. And the Eagles Defeated the Jets with amazing athletic offensive runs by Elisha Kreiser. With four games left in the regular season, teams are gearing up for a playoff push to see who can capture the FM Home Loans Championship trophy.


APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

OUR HEARTS ARE BROKEN, BUT WE ARE UNITED. It is said that the Exodus from Egypt occurs in every generation, in every human being. This Pesach, as we eat the bread of affliction, we’ll be thinking of our Jewish brothers and sisters in Ukraine, who, along with their neighbors, are afflicted by the painful devastation of war. We’re working around the clock with our partners on the ground to meet the urgent humanitarian needs of refugees and those who remain in the country, including Holocaust survivors and poor families, to ensure that all who are hungry have food to eat. Warm beds. Safe houses. And the shelter of community. May the people of Ukraine soon taste freedom again.

Around the Community

The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022


Mr. Ronald Lowinger, president of Yeshiva Darchei Torah, and eleventh graders Kobe Majeski, Avrami Schlaff, and Shua Klein spoke at the siyum of the biweekly shiur of Rav Yaakov Bender and Mr. Lowinger at Mesivta Chaim Shlomo

Congratulations to Shulamith’s Junior Torah Bowl Winners

S The Nikolsburger Rebbe preparing his class for Pesach

Yeshiva Darchei Torah third graders who won prizes for their performance on the Grand Bechina with Rav Avrohom Bender, menahel

hulamith’s Junior Torah Bowl team, made up of committed and diligent seventh and eighth grade students, saw the fruits of their labor yet again! The final meet, on April 6, included four other top schools from the tristate area. The team, led by incredible coach Mrs. Shoshana Fischman and phenomenal captains, Kayla Etra and Sofia Dashiff, dominated during the competition and won the girls’ championship. The team was greeted by the entire eighth grade with streamers, signs, and cheers of joy as they came up the main staircase – everyone is so proud of our wonderful team! Over the past 28 years, thousands of participating yeshiva students have studied Chumash and Rashi on all five Seforim to a competitive level. Torah Bowl is open to Junior High and High School yeshiva students with separate divisions for boys and girls in the New York-New Jersey metropolitan area and it is a great experience participating in it. The Shulamith team is deeply grateful to Rabbi Mair Wolofsky who is the developer and coordinator of the Metropolitan Torah Bowl League since 1995. Shulamith students are looking forward to the 2022-2023 Torah Bowl season!


Brighter For those spending Yom Tov in the hospital.

Achiezer Hospital Respite Rooms Stocked for Pesach South Nassau Communities Hospital G-Wing (next to the volunteer office)

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LIJ Hospital

Zuckerberg/Katz Pavilion Ambulette Hallway – Room T194

NYU Winthrop Hospital 1st Floor, Room WB-1751

St. Francis Hospital

Pastoral Care Office (past the information desk)

ACHIEZER’S URGENT HOTLINE is available 24 hours a day throughout Pesach


Wishing You a Happy and Healthy Pesach!

North Shore University Hospital (Manhasset) *Stocked by Ohr Yehuda Memorial Tower Building – 4th Floor

Cohen’s Children’s Medical Center *Stocked by Satmar Bikur Cholim In the Basement (opposite the cafeteria)

A very special thank you to our devoted sponsors, Mark & Barbara Silber and family.

APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

Making Pesach Just a Little

Around the Community

The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022


Preschool children at Yeshiva Darchei Torah preparing for Pesach

YSZ Girls HS: Your Heritage Matters

Shnayim Mikrah


ver 70 boys in grades 1-5 at Yeshiva of South Shore have been consistently doing their Shnayim Mikrah through Sefer Shemos. The boys who completed at least 9/11 parshiyos were entered into the grand raffle for a beautiful set of Mikros Gedolos Chumashim. Mazal tov to Akiva Halali – the winner of the raffle. May he and all the

other boys have the zechus to continue their Shnayim Mikrah journey!


SZ HS Girls prepared for Pesach with an inspiring Yom Iyun that focused on mesorah. We are a link in the chain. Each year, we sit down at the Seder, and we connect generations to each other: grandparents, parents, and grandchildren. It is this tradition that connects the past to the present and the future. The high school invited grandmothers to share their stories of sacrifice and history for this incredible Yom Iyun Heritage Day. Together, they discussed the importance of Torah, faith, and family. Students and their grandmothers enjoyed a wonderful brunch, made beautiful scrapbooks about emunah and heard from Rabbi Akiva Rutenberg, founder and CEO at Emet Outreach. After the grandmothers left, the students spent the remainder of the

day preparing for the Seder in round robin cafe style sessions with their teachers about the Haggadah. One student remarked, “I learned so much today from my grandmother! She and my grandfather truly sacrificed to keep Torah, have a seder, say brachot. It reminds me how important this all is!” Another student said, “Wow! I feel like my brain was really stretched today. It was so inspiring! The girls also participated in a unique class entitled, “The Seder Experience: An Interactive Class With Mrs. Zerykier.” The Seder is a powerful opportunity to create memories. Mrs. Rina Zerykier, menahelet, led a seminar with parents and students to discuss how they could create a Seder experience that is truly extraordinary.

Did you know? Locusts can live around eight weeks.


APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

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The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022

Around the Community

HALB students spent the day volunteering with JCCRP, packaging boxes for Pesach

YOSS Entrepreneurs Pitch Ideas





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or the first time, the Abraham and Sara Silber Middle School at Yeshiva of South Shore held a Venture Capitalist Competition for its Mechina students. The boys have been working for several months in cohorts creating inventions, developing products and market strategies, and discussing their business plans. All the students did a great job with their ideas and projects; the top eight were able to showcase their ideas to the judges at the competition. The teams wowed the judges with their innovation and creativity. Each product seemed better than the next as the teams pitched their products and business models, using slide shows and demonstrating the effectiveness of their products. Guest Judge Mr. Avram Weissman, a CEO and entrepreneur himself, said, “The YOSS Venture Capitalist Competition brought out a lot of ingenuity from the teams. The students showed a real acumen for business.” Congratulations to our winning teams: 1st place: The Locker Ledge, created by: Tani Glass, Moshe Shtern, Yisroel

Shtern, Dovi Sussman, Moshe Trump. 2nd place: The FanCap, created by: Gedaliah Brill, Shmuel Levkovich, Daniel Rose, Yehuda Ross, Yehudah Shilo. 3rd place: The Silent Sharpener, created by: Tzviki Gaerman Natanel Greenstein. Honorable mention: The Attach-ACase created by: Yosef Ackerman and Zachariah Benjamin. Honorable mention: The PoP N’ Swap, created by: Aryeh Deutsch, Ariel Warsawsky. Special thanks to Mrs. Rina Korman for creating and leading the program, and Mrs. Korman and Rabbi Schulman for guiding the students.


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APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

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The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022

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APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

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The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022


Around the Community

Sports and Sportsmanship

Education Outside of the Classroom: Trip Days at SKA


n Sunday, HALB hosted the HALB 2022 Invitational Basketball Tournament, powered by Hustle and Heart Sports. Participating schools included HALB, NSHA, RYNJ, Har Torah, Flatbush, Magen Da-

vid, SAR and HAFTR. It was an incredible day filled with healthy competition, sportsmanship and achdut. Congratulations to SAR on their Championship win at the tournament

Shevach Students Connect from Within


hevach’s “Reconnect” technology committee has been working hard throughout the year on raising the awareness of the importance of safe technology usage. Spearheaded by Shevach Menaheles Mrs.Shulamith Insel, and headed by Mrs. Chaya Swerdloff, the students have made great strides in this area. During the month of March, the “Recconnect” committee ran an incredible and inspiring technology event. The program opened with a delicious and beautiful dessert buffet, befitting a very special affair. Kudos to senior technology heads; Sophia Ben Baruch, Chaya Shalva Boiangiu, Ahuva Grossman, Rochel Morgenstern, and Pesha Winter for setting an uplifting tone for the morning. The students were then treated to a special guest speaker, Mrs. Esti Buskila, a teacher in TAG High School and a head of its iChoose Technology program. Mrs. Buskila spoke about the history of technology and how Big Tech purposely designed their apps and websites in a way that keeps one hooked on them. She then quoted Rav Chaim Friedlander, who explained that there is a part of us that will always remain untouched: our neshama.

Therefore, even if one has developed undesirable habits, control over Big Tech is in one’s hands. Mrs. Buskila emphasized that “you are not the problem, you are the solution.” Following the inspiring speech, the committee presented an original video where both students and teachers shared insights on Reconnect’s general program and on technology at large. Mrs. Swerdloff then ran a game in which she stated different scenarios, and the girls raised a card stating whether they would either text, call, email, or write a letter in each situation. Afterwards, teachers and students headed to assigned workshops. Each group discussed the various technology scenarios and whether it ever happened to them, could happen to them, or if they could see it happening to someone else. The students took away strong messages from this day. In the words of the girls, “It really solidified what the technology program has been doing this year.” “The event was super well done; it was gorgeous inside and out. We learned a lot and it was also set up really nicely!” And “we can’t wait to see what other amazing surprises Reconnect has in store!”

ot all learning takes place in the classroom! The students of the Stella K. Abraham High School for Girls were able to augment their strong academic schedule with fascinating learning outside of the school when each grade had a specially designed trip day at the end of the month. SKA’s freshmen enjoyed a dynamic photo hunt at the American Dream Mall in New Jersey on Tuesday, March 29. After a delicious lunch, the girls spent the afternoon at Nickelodeon, bonding with their peers and the many faculty members who accompanied them. While the ninth graders basked in a day of pure entertainment, the other grades spent their day learning about different Jewish communities in addition to having fun with their friends and teachers. The sophomores and the juniors traveled to Williamsburg and spent time viewing the incredible chesed of the Satmar Bikur Cholim. They then traveled to Crown Heights where they took a tour of the Jewish Children’s Museum and heard how it’s used for kiruv by the Lubavitch community. They also heard from four Bais Rivka students about what their high school experiences are like and what it means to have family members on shlichus throughout the country and the world. Traveling later to Monsey, the girls spent time with Rabbi Bentzion Klatzko

who has opened his home for Shabbat to hundreds of Jews. The students listened as Rabbi Klatzko explained whathis motivation was in founding and the unique meaning of Shabbat to the Jewish people. Rounding off the day, the 10th and 11th graders had a delightful time at Nickelodeon and enjoyed an appetizing dinner and shopping before returning home. SKA’s seniors started their day on Wednesday, March 30, with a visit to Aish Kodesh in Woodmere where they met with Rabbi Moshe and Rebbetzen Myrna Weinberger who spoke to them about the beauty of chassidut in both the Five Towns community and beyond. Combining both ruchniyut and gashmiyut in their trip, the seniors traveled to the Palisades Mall where they immersed themselves in live action entertainment at 5WITS. To finish off the day’s amazing experiences, they then visited New Square where they listened as Mrs. Smith described her community and really opened the girls’ eyes to what life is like in a shtetl-like village. The trips for the three upper grades were life changing, helping the SKA students to learn about other Jews and ahavat Yisroel. Our thanks go to the many administrators and faculty members who joined the SKA students for these outstanding experiences.

Did you know? The Rocky Mountain Locust was the only species found in North America until its extinction in 1902.

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Rosh Yeshiva

Rosh Yeshiva

APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home


The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022


Around the Community

Yeshiva Toras Chaim Anniversary Dinner Celebration



APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022


Around the Community

MTA Welcomes Former Israeli UN Ambassador Danny Danon


n Wednesday, April 6, MTA’s Hatzioni Israel Advocacy Club and Honors College hosted an informative Q&A Session with former Israeli United Nations Ambassador Danny Danon. Talmidim had the opportunity to ask Ambassador Danon their questions in a session moderated

by Hatzioni Faculty Advisor Rabbi Eli Cohn. The questions spanned a variety of topics, including the Ambassador’s decision to go into public service, experience in the United Nations, perspective on the current war in Ukraine and Israel’s potential role as a peace broker, and his role as the Chair for the Com-

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mittee for Immigration as it relates to Ukrainian refugees. Ambassador Danon also explored the power and limitations of economic sanctions, Israel’s response to the recent uptick in terrorist attacks, and what it was like working with Arab countries that opposed Israeli ideology during his time in the UN.

Talmidim truly enjoyed this meaningful opportunity and look forward to following the advice Ambassador Danon gave them on pursuing their passions: “If you pursue what you are passionate about, you will achieve it.”

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The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022



APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

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Around the Community

Pesach Prep at HAFTR EC

The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022


P Former Councilmember Rory Lancman visited the Passover distribution at the Chazaq and Met Council - Lev Aharon Community Food Pantry last week

Lev Chana students are busy getting ready for Pesach

Preparing for Pesach at Gan Chamesh Model Seder

reparing for Pesach has been busy as well as enjoyable at HAFTR EC! Making Haggadot was a BIG job. We have been working tirelessly on our magnificent Haggadot, our Afikoman bags, using a variety of art tools such as watercolors, oil pastels, crayons, colored pencils, and markers. These beautiful projects will not just delight you but also enhance your Pesach table. Each day, the yeladim looked forward to the “next page.” Small motor skills have improved as the yeladim cut, pasted, colored and shook (lots of glitter was involved!). We learned about every part of the Seder. The yeladim have been instrumental when telling and retelling the story of Pesach and moving through the steps of the seder: Ma Nishtana (the yeladim understand the meaning and significance of each question, just ask them!), the story of Yitziat Mitzrayim (the bulletin board outside our classroom displays each of us at Kriat Yam Suf!), the foods we eat and why, Dayeinu, and more. We have been working on creating and deciphering various types of charts;

we had compared a Megillah to a Torah at Purim time using a Venn diagram. This week, we used a tally mark chart to list where each of the yeladim comes from: Kohen, Levi, or Yisrael. We also were introduced to a bar graph, as we learned which vegetable each child uses for karpas. These graphs were great exercises for math skills (counting and comparing) and language arts (describing the results). We learned that a majority of our class dip potatoes into saltwater. We learned that the Jews rushed and hurried, and hurried and rushed to leave Mitzrayim, and therefore, their dough did not have time to rise. That’s why we eat matzah! We made our very own HAFTR Matzah Factory and had a lot of fun making our own matzah! We patted, rolled, and poked. We mixed the two ingredients quickly (ask us what they are) because we know we don’t have much time from the moment we mix those ingredients until the time it needs to come out of the oven…ask us how many minutes it takes? We hope everyone has a chag kasher v’ sameach!


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APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home


The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022


Around the Community

YOSS Robotics Team Takes Home 2 Trophies at CIJE VEX Competition


e are proud to announce that the Robotics team at the Abraham and Sara Silber Middle School at Yeshiva of South Shore (YOSS) have won 2nd and 3rd place, along with their alliance teams, at the CIJE-VEX Robotics Competition held at the Yeshiva of South Shore on April 6, 2022. The YOSS Robotics team members include Sammy Adler, Yitzy Burns, Yehuda Cohen, Jacob Glass, Daniel Isakov, Arieh Klein, and Shmuli Morgenstern. The team Coach is Mrs. Elisheva Pinsky, Coordinator of the Hirsch-Wolosoff

STEM Initiative, along with Assistant Coach YOSS alumnus Mr. Yehuda Jacobs. During the VEX competition, an algorithm randomly assigned any two robots from competing local Yeshivos to work together in an alliance. A total of 16 robots were part of the competition. During each round, the two teams each used their robot to move mobile hubs into designated “build” areas, while also trying to stack other hubs into those areas at increasing height. In the last 30 seconds of the competition, teams attempted to park and hang

their robot from an elevated, horizontal tube to earn extra points. Each team’s robot in an alliance was awarded the points for the round they worked in together. A robot’s point average for all rounds determines its competitive position. At the end of 9 rounds, the top ten robots compete in playoff rounds and the high scores determine first, second and third places in the overall competition. The YOSS robotics team members were tasked with designing and building the robot for this game-based engineering challenge. This requires an understanding

of friction, torque, gearing, and leverage, just to name a few of the physics concepts the boys acquire and learn hands-on, while employing the engineering process of design, trial and re-design of their robots, through many iterations, until it works as seamlessly as possible. Competitive robotics not only encompasses all four pillars of STEM education (science, technology, engineering and math) but also encourages important life skills like teamwork, communication and project-based organization of time and materials. Our YOSS team members proudly reaped the rewards of their efforts with this prestigious win. They not only met weekly after school, but many members took advantage of every free moment to jump into the lab to work on their robot design. Their dedication to the project and the team yielded amazing results that reflect the commitment and ideals of every Yeshiva of South Shore student. We would like to thank everyone at CIJE for making the competition happen!

“In Every Generation”


esach is finally here after many weeks of pre- holiday exploration and discovery at Shulamith ECC. The children are very well prepared for every aspect of this wonderful Chag and learned so much in every curriculum area. They can’t wait to come show their families their special and unique Haggadot and handcrafted Pesach projects. One aspect of Pesach preparation that really stands out in Shulamith ECC is the way the Morot bring the story of Pesach to life. Each day, as the story of our Geulah unfolds, the nursery and kindergarten teachers are careful not to tell the story as a fictional story that happened to people long ago. Instead, they help the children to understand that this is a real account of what happened to our people and on Pesach night, we need to actually feel that we are leaving Mitzrayim. The best way to accomplish this is to encourage the children to act out the story and to think about how the Jews felt as slaves and the amazing sense of euphoria experienced when the Yam Suf split and the people were saved. After trying to lift real bricks like the slaves

did and watching King Paroh tell Moshe “No! No! No!” the dancing and singing with tambourines in hand felt very authentic. Shulamith ECC wishes everyone a chag kasher v’samesach, and that we should merit a real Geulah very soon.


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APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

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The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022


Around the Community

From Washington to Shnipshok: The Role of Torah Caucus in Helping to Save the Hallowed Shnipshok Cemetery in Vilna By Chaim Gold


wo seemingly disparate events on different sides of the world held just weeks apart from each other with seemingly no connection. In today’s interconnected global world, however, there is much more connection than meets the eye. Event number one: Held in Lithuania in the Shnipshok Cemetery near Vilna, January 2022. It was a freezing cold day, the snow was falling but that did not stop a delegation of leading rabbis and Torah sages from Israel, Europe and the United States, under the auspices of the Dirshu Torah organization, from converging on the cemetery to pray. They came to express their deep concern over the fact that the ancient Jewish cemetery, where there are more than 50,000 graves, is being slated for “redevelopment.” The sanctity of the remains of generations of Jews buried there, among them leading sages of the Jewish people whose Torah works are studied by Jews the world over until this very day, is paramount. The rabbis felt that they had to express their deepest concern – right there at the cemetery in Vilna – to the Lithuanian government and

the government at the local level, who until then had not been very receptive to the pleas of the international Jewish community. Event number two: Washington, D.C., January 2022. A new congressional caucus is inaugurated. The Torah Caucus. Rabbi Dovid Hofstedter, a primary advisor to the caucus, addressed that inaugural session, “Today, the inauguration of the ‘Torah Caucus of the United States Congress’ shows the vitality of American democracy. The fact that, less than a century after the Jewish people were almost obliterated, here in Washington, lawmakers are coming together to advance Torah and its ideals is nothing short of remarkable. This development is great for the Jewish people, but it is also great for America!” The Power of the Torah Caucus The Torah Caucus, short for its full name, “Caucus for the Advancement of Torah Values,” was established in order to be a great force in ensuring the preservation of Torah values for the Jewish community and beyond. The bipartisan, new caucus has pledged to advocate on behalf of Torah values in the corridors of

American power and beyond. The bipartisan group of lawmakers at the inaugural event, included congressional stalwarts such as Congresswoman Kat Cammack of Florida (R), Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania (R), Congressman Henry Cuellar of Texas (D), Congressman Don Bacon of Nebraska (R), Congressman Brian Steil of Wisconsin (R), and Congressman Dan Mueser of Pennsylvania (R). In fact, Congressman Don Bacon of Nebraska, the Chairman of the caucus, became so enamored with Rav Hofstedter at their meetings together that he sent a special congratulatory letter to Rav Hofstedter in honor of the recent Dirshu World Siyum of the second machzor of Daf HaYomi B’Halacha. In the letter he said, “Dear Rabbi Hofstedter, “We wish to take this opportunity to congratulate all of the participants of Dirshu International on the upcoming World Siyum, marking the completion of the second machzor of six chalakim of sefer Mishnah Berurah in Dirshu’s Daf Hayomi B’Halacha Program… “We wish to commend you on all of the work you continue doing with Dirshu. Your activities are

Dirshu delegation at the Shnipishok Cemetery

not limited to the confines of the United States; but instead extend beyond our nation’s borders to a global effort to rekindle Jewish scholarship to the level it was at pre-dating the Holocaust. It’s amazing to us the sheer amount of Orthodox Jews that are positively impacted by Dirshu’s programs thanks to your leadership. “In light of the aforementioned, we wish to take this opportunity to congratulate Dirshu and all of its participants on this remarkable milestone and accomplishment. Mazal tov to each and every one of you!” The Connection How does this connect with Shnipshok? The answer is that when it was learned that this hallowed cemetery that had been the original burial place of the Vilna Gaon and other giants was being scheduled for development which meant desecration of the remains of so many generations of Jews, Mr. Bacon, as the Chair of the Torah Caucus, was called upon. Rep. Bacon rallied likeminded lawmakers and influencers in Washington. He was especially effective, and his words carried great weight because Rep. Bacon is a member of the powerful House Armed Services Committee and is also the Chairman of the House Baltic Caucus. Mr. Bacon, as chair of the Torah Caucus, together with efforts from numerous other organizations and lawmakers, caused the Lithuanian government to have a change of heart. As a result, the plan by the Turtos Bank, the Vilnius City Council and Lithuanian government was recently placed on hold, following international condemnation of the proposal. The government declared that instead, they would be restoring the site of the cemetery, which was largely plowed over by the Soviet government in the 1950s,

Rep. Don Bacon addressing the recent Torah Caucus Inaugural Event

to the local Jewish community. The Battle is Not Over The battle is certainly not yet over. Firstly, “restored to the Jewish community,” does not necessarily mean that it will be preserved. The local community leaders are not religious and may not have the requisite sensitivity to ensure that the sanctity of the cemetery be preserved thereby allowing those that are resting there to rest in peace. Before the war in Ukraine broke out, extensive efforts and negotiations were taking place between numerous Jewish organizations and others that had influence. The Torah Caucus was also using its considerable influence to promote the ideals of kavod hameis, honor for the dead that is such an essential component of the Jewish religion. As soon as the war broke out, all efforts were suspended as easing the plight of the Jews in those lands became the primary objective and concern of Jews the world over. Nevertheless, what is clearly apparent is that it is imperative for the wellbeing of the Jewish people and for the continued ability for us to thrive as Torah observant Jews in this country and in the world, to cultivate friendships with government bodies, powerful lawmakers and influential friends. The relationship between Dirshu, Congressman Bacon and numerous others and the establishment of the Torah Caucus at the beginning of this year has already proven itself to be a valuable asset for the worldwide Jewish community.


APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022

90 1. *



Ten Makkos Did You Knows

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Blood makes up around 7% of the weight of a human body. (And bad Pesach cake makes up the other 93% of your body right now.) Frogs don’t need to drink water as they absorb it through their skin. (Hey! That’s how I absorb my chocolate.)

Itching from a lice infestation is an allergic reaction not to the bite itself, but from the saliva secreted onto the scalp. (Go ahead…itch your head.) Male lions defend the pride’s territory, while females do most of the hunting. Despite this, the males eat first. (Hey, that’s so not PC!)

Vicuña fur is the most expensive fur in the world. It is produced from animals related to the llama family that live in Peru. The average price is $5,000 per meter. (A little Weight Watchers is recommended before ordering a Vicuna fur.)




A desert locust swarm can be 460 square miles in size and pack between 40 and 80 million locusts into less than half a square mile. Each locust can eat its weight in plants each day, so a swarm of such size would eat 423 million pounds of plants every day. (Sounds almost as crowded as Central Avenue.)


The City of Flagstaff, Arizona, is the darkest city in the world and became the World’s First “International Dark Sky City,” a designation awarded by the International Dark Sky Association for its low light pollution and commitment to enforcing stargazing-friendly lighting restrictions which make it the ideal destination to explore the night skies. (Dad: Son, what do you want to be when you grow up? Son: I want to be the executive director of the Dark Sky Association. Dad: OK, that’s sounds enlightening.)


Firstborns are 16% more likely to go to college than their younger siblings. (That’s probably because when they are done with college, they convince their younger siblings not to go!)

Riddle Me This You are a blindfolded waiter setting up a seder. There is a table with four glasses in the four corners of a square rotating table. Each glass is either facing up or facing down. You need to turn them all in the same direction, either all up or all down. You may do so by grasping any two glasses and turning either

or both over. But the table is spun after each time you touch the glasses. How do you get all of the glasses to face the same way?

Answer: 1) Turn two adjacent glasses up. 2) Turn two diagonal glasses up. 3) Pull out two diagonal glasses. If one is down, turn it up and you’re done. If not, turn one down and replace the other. 4) Take two adjacent glasses and turn them both over. 5) Take two diagonal glasses and turn them both over.

OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home

According to the American Dermatological Association, stress results in drier, more brittle skin that can become infected by staphylococcal, the bacteria that causes most boils. (So if you want to have clear skin, sit at home all day doing nothing…you’ll be a very clearskinned couch potato.)


A hailstone the size of a baseball weighs about 150g and can fall at speeds of 100mph. This can cause a lot of damage, with entire crops being wiped out in just a few minutes during a large hailstorm. (It’s really cool to see the hail fall. Next time a hailstorm comes, go outside and look up towards the sky…ouch!)


They say that matzah makes you smarter. Try these on your family members after eight days of Pesach to see if it’s true. 1. Take 1,000 and add 40 to it. Now add another 1,000. Now add 30. And another 1,000. Now add 20. Now add another 1,000. Now add 10. What is the total? 2. Are there more up-hills in the world or down-hills? 3. A contractor hires an electrician and a plumber to do work on a construction site. One of them was the father of the other’s son. How could this be possible? 4. How can a man go eight days without sleep?

5. Someone tells you that a rooster laid an egg on top of the barn roof, and it floated towards the sky. Why doesn’t that make sense? 6. A farmer has 17 sheep and all but 9 die. How many are left? 7. The Goldberg family has a mother, father, and 7 daughters. Each daughter has 1 brother. How many people are in the family? 8. How many times can you subtract the number 5 from 25?

Answers: 1. The total is 4,100. So, if you thought it was 5,000 you need to brush up on your math. 2. There are the same amount of up-hills and down-hills because every hill is either up or down, depending on how you look at it. 3. They were husband and wife. 4. He sleeps at night. 5. It doesn’t make sense because roosters don’t lay eggs. 6. Nine. 7. Ten (there are seven girls and one boy in the family, plus the parents). 8. Only once, and then you are subtracting it from 20. 9. An hour 10. If you overtake the second person and you take his place, you are second!

9. A doctor gave you 3 tablets and tells you to take one every half hour. How long will it take for you to finish the pills? 10. You are participating in a race. You overtake the second person. What position are you in? 11. Two U.S. coins are worth a total of 30 cents, and one of them is not a nickel. What are the coins? 12. Who is not, not, not a person that has not, not set foot on the moon: Neil Armstrong or your mother?

11. A quarter and a nickel. (One is not a nickel, but one is.) 12. Your mother. Every pair of “nots” cancel each other out. So the question really is, “Who is not a person that has set foot on the moon?” Wisdom key: 9-12 correct: You are a genius. (Just do me a favor, your combover really is not fooling anyone…give it up) 5-8 correct: You are of average intelligence. (Sorry, I know your mother always said, “My boy, he’s so smaaat.” She was exaggerating a bit, like you are when you tell her how good her Pesach cake is!) 0-4 correct: Don’t worry, I will give you a secret tip to get brains: Take a small piece of matzah and take all of the leftover marror and eat it together very quickly. Trust me, try it. After you do that, try this quiz again and you will see that you will get more answers correct.

600,000 Jewish men go out to eat. The waiter says, “You thought splitting the sea was hard, try splitting this check!”

emoH hsiweJ eht | 5102 ,92 rebOtcO

You Gotta Be Kidding Me! A matzah walks into a bar. The bartender says, “Hey, I haven’t seen you in a while, where have you been?” The matzah replies, “I’ve had some bad breaks.”

APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

Seriously, How Smart Are You?



The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022

From the Fire Pesach

The Winning Ticket by rav Moshe Weinberger Adapted for publication by Binyomin Wolf


OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home


fter the Jewish people experienced the salvation of the Splitting of the Sea, the pasuk (Shmos 14:31-15:1) says, “And the Jewish people saw the great hand which Hashem used against Egypt and the nation feared Hashem and they believed in Hashem and in Moshe His servant. Then Moshe will sing...” The Gemara (Sanhedrin 91b) comments on these verses, “[Because it] does not say ‘Then Moshe sang,’ but rather ‘will sing,’ this is a hint to the resurrection of the dead in the Torah.” We must understand the connection between the resurrection of the dead and the Song at the Sea. Why would the Torah hint at the ultimate resurrection here? In addition, why does the Torah emphasize that the Jewish people believed in Hashem and Moshe at the Song of the Sea? We see that they believed in Hashem much earlier, as the pasuk (Shmos 4:31) says, “And the nation believed.” The Gemara (Shabbos 97a) derives from this pasuk that “it is revealed before Hashem that the Jewish people are believers.” If this is the case, why does the Torah seem

to imply that the Jewish people only acquired emunah later on by the Splitting of the Sea? Every Jew has emunah in Hashem on some level, whether revealed or hidden deep inside. As explained by the Tanya, this gives every Jew the power and potential to give up his life in order to stay true to his faith in Hashem. But there are infinite levels of emunah. A Jew must strive to attain the level of (Shmos 17:12) “And his hands were faith.” On that level, a person’s emunah is so tangible, that he feels like he can touch it with his hands. The Shela Hakadosh offers a remarkable explanation of the following statement by Chazal (Shmos Raba 23), “In the future, the Jewish people will sing a song for the World to Come.” This statement seems redundant. Chazal did not need to say that we will sing “in the future” “for the World to Come.” The Shela therefore explains that this statement by Chazal does not mean that in the World to Come we will sing about the miracles which will have occurred to help us reach that time. Rather, it means that at some

time in the future, before we reach the ultimate redemption, we will have such powerful emunah that we will sing songs of gratitude to Hashem for the ultimate redemption because of our certainty in its coming. For tzaddikim, there is no difference between a salvation which occurred in the past and an anticipated salvation. They are both equally real for the tzaddik who feels his emunah tangibly, as if with his hands. As the Torah said, the Jewish people had emunah in Hashem even in Egypt. But they never sang based only on the promises of (Shmos 6:6-7) the four phrases of geulah, “And I will take out,” “And I will save,” “And I will redeem,” and “And I will take.” Their faith was not yet on that level. However, they did attain that higher level of faith after the Splitting of the Sea, when the Torah says, “And the Jewish people saw the great hand which Hashem used against Egypt and the nation feared Hashem and they believed in Hashem and in Moshe His servant. Then Moshe will sing...” Then, they sang not only in gratitude for their immediate salvation

but in gratitude for the resurrection of the dead as well. The Chofetz Chaim told a parable of an extremely poor couple who lived in abject poverty in a tiny hovel. One day, however, the husband bought a lottery ticket. Later on, they learned that their ticket had the winning number. They had won the lottery! With great joy, he and his wife went outside of their little house to dance and celebrate their winnings. The neighbors saw them dancing and heard them singing, “We’re rich! We’re rich!” Bewildered, they asked the couple, “How can you sing and dance that you’re rich? Look where you are!” But the husband answered them, “We may not be rich yet, but we’re holding the winning lottery ticket. That’s why we are singing and dancing!” Emunah means being able to sing and dance about Hashem’s promise of the redemption in the future. It means realizing that we already hold the winning ticket. That was how Rabi Akiva was able to comfort his friends over the destruction of the Beis Hamikdash (Makos 24a-b). Because he was no less confident in the


APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home




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The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022

94 promise of the ultimate redemption than he was regarding the destruction of the Beis Hamikdash, he was able to celebrate the future rebuilding of Hashem’s house even before that promise came to fruition. We open the door for Eliyahu Hanavi at the Seder. While we drink four cups of wine because of the Torah’s four expressions of redemption, the truth is that there is one additional cup, the cup of (Shmos 6:8) “And I will bring you to the land about which I raised My hand to give it to Avraham, Yitzchak, and Yaakov.” Despite this fifth expression of redemption, Chazal did not institute a fifth cup because the practical reality is that we remain in exile and the ultimate redemption has not yet occurred. Most of us have not yet attained the level of emunah which would allow us to celebrate a future redemption. In order to acknowledge this level of faith, however, they instituted that we fill up a fifth cup for the prophet who will herald the coming of Moshiach, Eliyahu Hanavi. After experiencing the Seder, however, a Jew can then say, “Pour out your wrath upon the nations who do not know You...” and open the door for Eliyahu as if we are actually going out to greet him.

At that moment, at the conclusion of the Seder, we can close our eyes and sing the “Song of Songs” with tears of gratitude in our eyes for the final redemption. One year, before Pesach, a woman, who recently became a widow, called me for guidance. She did not know how she could sit at the Seder. Her husband had led the Seder for all the years they were together, and she simply did not know

of the Sea and the Song at the Sea. Speaking to a few other survivors, he asked the following question: How could the Jews sing about their salvation from the Egyptians? We know that four-fifths of the Jewish people did in Egypt! This means that everyone present at the Splitting of the Sea had lost children, parents, brothers, sisters, relatives, or friends. Everyone was in mourning. How could they sing?

The husband answered them, “We may not be rich yet, but we’re holding the winning lottery ticket. That’s why we are singing and dancing!”

how she could stand it without him. Although nothing I could say could adequately address her pain, I tried to offer her some comfort. I shared the following story of the Belzer Rebbe which occurred shortly after the War. His ship arrived in Haifa shortly after the War right before Parshas Beshalach, which includes the story of the Splitting

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Rav Moshe Weinberger, shlita, is the founding Morah d’Asrah of Congregation Aish Kodesh in Woodmere, NY, and serves as leader of the new mechina Emek HaMelech.

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He further asked how they themselves could even learn to sing again after everything and everyone that they had lost in the War. He explained that this is why the Song of the Sea is alluding to the future when all who were killed will be brought back to life with the resurrection of the dead. Only then will our song be complete. However, based upon what we learned from the Shelah Hakadosh, we can make an additional point. The Torah (Bereishis 40:23) says, “And the butler did not remember Yosef and he forgot him.” What is the reason for the redundancy? Why does it say that he “did not remember Yosef” and that “he forgot him”? The butler never thought he would see Yosef again. When someone thinks there is no hope of seeing someone else again, he does not try to remember him, and this automatically results in “and he forgot him.” However, the emunah of the Jewish people at the Splitting of the Sea was so strong and was felt so palpably by the people that they remembered that everyone who they had lost was not gone forever. They knew that they would see each other again at the time of the final redemption and the resurrection of the dead. It was this faith in the resurrection that allowed them to sing to Hashem while they still remembered those they had lost. Their “Yizkor,” remembrance, allowed them to sing because it came with the concrete awareness of their ultimate reunification with everyone who had already gone on to the next world. The Rebbe concluded that they too could go on and sing with the knowledge that those they had lost were not gone forever but that they would all be reunited at the time of the final redemption.

It is told that one Pesach, Rav Yisroel, the Kuzhnitzer Magid, was approached by a former soldier of the Czar. Such soldiers were taken away from their families as young children and forced to serve for thirty years without any contact with their families or Yiddishkeit. This tinok she’nishbah, person who was abducted as a child, came to the Rebbe, and said, “Srulik, can I come to your Seder?” While the chassidim were aghast at this ignorant soldier’s chutzpah, the Kuzhnitzer agreed and happily invited him to the Seder. While the Rebbe usually went through the Haggadah slowly, sharing Torah and chassidus along the way, the soldier repeatedly complained, “I’m so hungry! When are we eating?!” Although the chassidim didn’t want to speed up the Seder, the Rebbe was making an effort to keep it moving for the sake of the soldier, who continued to complain about how long the process was taking. And then after the meal, when everyone began reciting the last part of the Haggadah, he began complaining again “There’s more?! When are we going to sleep!?” Finally, at the end of the Seder, the Rebbe asked the soldier, “Isn’t there anything you remember from your childhood? Can you recall anything about the Seder?” The man thought for a few moments and then said, “There is one thing I remember. At the end of the Seder, everyone sang, ‘Podyom l’Zion b’rena, Get up to Zion with joy!’” In reality, the words are “Peduyim l’Zion b’rena, Those who are redeemed go to Zion with joy.” The problem was that he pronounced the word “Peduyim,” “those who are redeemed,” as “Podyom,” which means “Get up” in Russian. The Rebbe loved this alternate reading of the words from the Haggadah, which imply that instead of waiting until we are redeemed to go to Zion, Yerushalayim, we should simply get up right now and begin heading toward the final redemption. He went outside with this soldier and the other chassidim singing the soldier’s version of the song, “Podyom l’Zion b’rena, Get up to Zion with joy!” May we merit to attain the level of emunah in which we can rejoice in the final redemption even now because we know we hold the winning ticket of Hashem’s promise that he will send us the ultimate redeemer, may he come soon in our days.


APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

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The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022


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APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

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The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022


torah thought

Pesach by rabbi berel Wein


t has been a long and cold and rainy winter here in Jerusalem. Because it is a leap year, spring in the Jewish calendar has been delayed almost until the beginning of April. Nevertheless, it has arrived with each warming season and flowering greenery. The holidays of the Jewish calendar undoubtedly were meant to be celebrated here in Israel, where the climate matches the mood of the individual holiday. Here in Holy Land, we do not have snow falling on the sukkah or freezing temperatures to

accompany the Pesach Seder. Because of this confluence of calendar and nature, the holidays here in Israel take on a different perspective, an additional layer, so to speak, than the celebration of the holidays in the Diaspora. As we recite the words of rapture that compose the Song of Songs of Solomon, we, here in Israel, are struck by the detailed and exquisite description of the nature of the land that we see before our eyes. Part of the idea of the Exodus from Egypt is that we were not just taken out

from a land of slavery and oppression but were also guaranteed to arrive at a particular destination – a land of beauty, sustenance, and inspiration. In the first message to our teacher Moshe, G-d already informed him of the destination and mission that was to be entrusted in the later generations of Jews. It was not sufficient merely to be redeemed from slavery and remain in Egypt as free citizens treated with equality and fairness. That existence is still deemed to be exile, for the country

and teachings of the Jewish holidays most apparent. The coming of spring, of sunlight and warmth, also attests to the coming of freedom and a purposeful national existence. The Jewish people, so to speak, are born again every Pesach. It is not only that nature is renewed in the holy land, but also that the holy people find new spurts of energy each year and a glimmer of the great future that yet awaits us and all of humankind. Jews have observed Pesach meticu-


OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home

It is not only that nature is renewed in the holy land but also that the holy people find new spurts of energy each year.

and the land is not ours and never will be. It was, rather, the goal of arriving in the land of Israel, settling it, creating there a Jewish national state, a Holy Temple, and having a civilization that would serve to be an example for others to emulate, a light unto the nations. I think, therefore, that the natural weather patterns which visit our planet year in and year out are meant to reinforce this idea that the Jewish national dream can only be fulfilled in the land of Israel. For only there was the connection between the natural, almost predictable environment of weather coinciding with the great moral values

lously in every climate and geographical location on this planet. But, as our sages pointed out in many of their commentaries to the Torah, the observance of the holidays, and even of the commandments themselves outside of the land of Israel, were only meant to remind us of their existence so that we would be able to observe them correctly when we would eventually be restored to our homeland and our national existence. The holiday of Pesach restores this fundamental value in Jewish life and history and propels us towards the great future that we are yet to experience. Chag kasher v’sameach.


APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022


Self-Mastery Academy

Inspiring Insights for Your Seder Night by rabbi Shmuel reichman


OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home

What’s With All the Questions? A notably prominent theme of the Seder is that of asking questions. While “Mah Nishtanah” is the most obvious example, the commentators explain many features of the Seder as purely serving as an impetus for the children to ask questions. It’s not only children, though, who are enjoined to question. The Gemara in Pesachim (116a) says that if a man’s child cannot ask the questions, then his wife should, and if he has no wife, he must ask himself questions. Even if two Torah scholars are sharing their Seder together, they should ask each other. Why is questioning such an integral part of the Pesach Seder? Asking questions is the gateway to learning. A question creates a gap – it allows you to recognize your current limitations, to shed the illusion that you already know everything. You can only learn something once you realize that you don’t already understand it. The Gemara in Gittin (43a) says that you can only understand a Torah concept if you originally struggled with it. Only by recognizing that you don’t already know something can you break it down, analyze it, and see

it in a new way, thereby building a new, deeper understanding. If you believe that you fully understand something, you simply will not allow your mind to develop a new way of seeing it. Only by realizing a lack in your understanding and perception can you develop deeper paradigms. The Seder night serves as an opportunity to pass over our mesorah, our tradition and legacy, to the next generation. It’s a night when we speak about emunah, the meaning of being a Jew, and our purpose in this world. In order to teach these lessons to our children and ourselves in a deep and lasting way, we must encourage the Seder participants to ask questions, no matter the age or level of knowledge. Our yetzer hara convinces us that we are perfect, that we already know everything. As such, there’s no need to question. This flawed belief is personified by Eisav, who was born fully hairy. Hair is the outermost expression of a grown human being. Eisav projected the belief that he was completely developed and therefore required no additional growth. The name “Eisav” itself is from the word “asui,” meaning made or complete. Eisav

represents the illusion of being complete, perfect, not requiring any further work or growth. Our goal and mission as the Jewish People is to grow, develop ourselves, and fulfill our potential. On the Seder night, as we focus on whom each of us can become, we ask questions – creating holes that we then yearn to fill with additional knowledge, insight, and growth.

What is Our Goal in Telling Over the Story? We conclude the paragraph of “Avadim Hayinu” by proclaiming, “V’chol hamarbeh li’saper bi’yitzias Mitzrayim, harei zeh mishubach,” all those who elaborate on the Exodus from Egypt, behold, this is praiseworthy. The Rambam (Maimonides) codifies this as a legitimate halacha of Seder night. What is the meaning of this statement? What is the importance of telling over the Pesach story at great length, and why on this night specifically? There are two ways to interpret the statement of “v’chol hamarbeh.” The first is on a quantitative level – that one should tell over as much of the Exodus story as

possible. The second is a qualitative approach – that one should delve into the miracles and wonders that Hashem performed when taking us out of Mitzrayim in as much depth as possible. There is, however, a third way to understand this statement, one that offers a new perspective on Yetzias Mitrayim and the goal of Seder night. Yetzias Mitzrayim was not merely a historical event, rather it was the birth of the Jewish People – our People, you and me. The story did not end with the birth of the Jewish People; it continues with them growing into the nation they are meant to become. When the Jewish People left Mitzrayim, we journeyed to Har Sinai and Matan Torah, where we were given the Torah and our mission in this world as Hashem’s chosen nation. This is the story that has continued throughout history, that you and I are commissioned to continue to this very day. Sippur means to tell over a story, and the haggadah says that whoever does this increasingly is praiseworthy. Jewish history is not only “his”-story, it’s our story. It is our mission and destiny, and we must continue to grow and thrive in this


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The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022

102 mission. The goal is to make yourself a part of the Jewish story, to continue what began with Yetzias Mitzrayim, to become the person you were meant to be. V’chol hamarbeh...harei zeh meshubach.

Wine on the Seder Night… Really? Pesach is a spiritual time, where we connect to some of the deepest themes of Judaism. Why then do we spend the night drinking wine? We see repeatedly that wine is a dangerous and damaging entity, connected to many infamous sins. According to one opinion, the Eitz Ha’da’as was a grapevine. Immediately after the Mabul, Noach became intoxicated, repeating Adam’s original sin. Lot and his daughters erred with wine. According to one opinion, Nadav and Avihu’s sin was performing the avodah while intoxicated. If wine has so many destructive consequences, why do we spend our Seder night drinking wine? Nothing in the physical world is objectively good or evil, rather, everything has the potential to be used for either good or evil. The choice is solely up to you! Electricity is neither good nor bad. An outlet can be used to charge your appli-

ances, but it can also give you an electric shock. The same applies to money: it can be used to enable Torah learning, but it can also be used to fund destruction and chaos. A charismatic personality can be used to inspire others to grow or to seduce them down a twisted path. Everything in

or to misuse them, getting pulled into the clutches of evil. This choice between good and evil is magnified as the power of something increases. The more power there is, the more potential there is. For example, a 220-watt outlet can either charge your

The goal is to make yourself a part of the Jewish story, to continue what began with Yetzias Mitzrayim.

this world is merely potential, waiting to be used. Evil, therefore, is really the misuse of potential, when we choose to use an object for something other than its true purpose. Evil is the breakdown and corruption of good. This is why the Hebrew word for evil is “rah,” which means brokenness or fragmentation. Hashem created the world in this way so that we can have free will. We get to choose whether to use things for their true purpose, actualizing their potential,


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Rabbi Shmuel Reichman is the author of the bestselling book, “The Journey to Your Ultimate Self,” which serves as an inspiring gateway into deeper Jewish thought. He is an educator and speaker who has lectured internationally on topics of Torah thought, Jewish medical ethics, psychology, and leadership. He is also the founder and CEO of Self-Mastery Academy, the transformative online self-development course based on the principles of high-performance psychology and Torah. After obtaining his BA from Yeshiva University, he received Semicha from Yeshiva University’s RIETS, a master’s degree in education from Azrieli Graduate School, and a master’s degree in Jewish Thought from Bernard Revel Graduate School. He then spent a year studying at Harvard as an Ivy Plus Scholar. He currently lives in Chicago with his wife and son where he is pursuing a PhD at the University of Chicago. To invite Rabbi Reichman to speak in your community or to enjoy more of his deep and inspiring content, visit his website:

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phone or give you a small electric shock you. But 20,000 watts can either light up your neighborhood or electrocute you. The more power, the more potential. Of course, this results in an important principle: the value in any power is only in as much as it can be controlled. Otherwise, the more power you have, the more destruction you will have, as we often see with nuclear energy and money. Just think about giving a child the power to cross the street by himself. When do you give him such a power? Only when he has the ability to control it, to know when not to cross the street. The Vilna Gaon explains that wine is the greatest paradigm of physical potential. On the one hand, it is clearly dangerous, and its misuse often leads to utter disaster. But when used properly, it elevates you. Wine is able to open up the mind, allowing it to transcend its normal limitations. As Chazal explain, “Nichnas yayin yatzeh sod,” when wine enters, secrets are revealed. [Both yayin and sod have the gematria of 70]. Wine opens up your consciousness to a deeper level of experience and understanding that transcends the revealed level of reality. The spiritual nature of wine is also evident in its physical nature. Everything physical rots, withers, and decays with time, such as the human body and food. Wine, however, only improves with time. Furthermore, as R’ Shlomo Zalman Aurbach, zt”l, explains, when it comes to most foods and drinks, the more you have, the less you want; you become full and lose your appetite. With wine, however, the opposite is true: the more you have, the more you desire. This is why we have wine at every point of kedushah, at every point where we want to uplift the physical. It’s our way of showing that we’re taking the physical, something that has the potential for both

spirituality and spiritual emptiness, and using it for the good. We therefore make kiddush on wine on Shabbos, on yom tov, at a wedding, at a bris milah, and for other such holy celebrations. We drink wine at the Seder in order to uplift the night of Pesach. We are uplifting our Seder experience, but we are tapping into a larger experience as well. The Ramban explains that the grand miracles of Pesach are meant to instill within us the understanding that not only are the open reversals of nature miraculous, but the day-to-day workings of nature are miraculous as well. Hashem performed outstanding miracles when taking us out of Mitzrayim, but the entire world of nature is a constant miracle upheld by Hashem as well. This means that every aspect of this physical world is infused with G-dliness, with the potential for spirituality, and we can therefore uplift every single thing we encounter to a state of holiness. As we relive the Pesach story at the Seder, we learn about the inherent spirituality present within every facet of the physical world. What better way to do this than with wine? We all want to share deep and thoughtful ideas at the Seder in order to enhance the experience. I hope this collection of divrei Torah will aid you on your journey towards a meaningful, transformative Seder night.


APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022


Holy Words

The Power of the Haggadah

By Rav yaakov FeiTman


OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home

word Pesach means many things. However, one of the most cryptic is the acronym peh sach meaning “the mouth that speaks.” Attributed to the Arizal and other mekubalim, it conveys the idea that Pesach is deeply associated with the concept of speech. On the surface, this is so true that it is actually obvious. The Seder itself is replete with many things which must be said or else “we have not fulfilled our obligation.” Most other mitzvos consist of actions which sometimes come with a bracha, but the blessing is considered secondary to the commandment itself. On Pesach, one of the major components is Sipur Yetzias Mitzrayim – telling the story of the Exodus – which, of course, consists of many words and phrases. Besides the words Haggadah and sipur, there are also requirements such as Va’amartem and dibbur which finetune the Arizal’s contention that Pesach is all about speech. However, the inner relationship between words and Pesach is not at all clear. Surely, there would be much to say about Shavuos, when we received the Torah, if that was the mandate. Sukkos has many mitzvos which require explanation, so Sukkos, too, could have been defined by speech. But only Pesach has this characteristic in its name and the mitzvos requiring words. The question is why. I would like to share an approach from rebbe, Rav Yitzchok Hutner, zt”l, and add a few short thoughts of my own. In a number of places (Pachad Yitz-



chok Pesach Maamar 15 and 79), Rav Hutner quotes one of the most famous translations of Targum Unkelos. On the pasuk (Bereishis 2:7), “And man became a living being,” the Targum states, “L’ruach memalela – a speaking creature.” These simple but powerful words have unleashed a torrent of commentary over the centuries. We know, for instance, that all things in existence are divided according to four definitions: domem (inanimate), tzomeach (vegetation), chai (living), and medaber (human beings). The examples usually provided for these divisions are, for example, a rock, plant, horse, and man.

The appellation of Man as a speaking creature makes some sense but upon analysis is perplexing. Many creatures communicate but are lacking the intelligence of man. Indeed, it seems that dolphins have a sophisticated method of communication, so why not define the human race in terms of cognitive ability instead of communication? Yet, the Targum seems to have influenced the terms used for mankind so that speech is our major component. Again, we wonder why. Rabbeinu Bechaya (introduction to Parshas Vayigash), as explicated by the Rosh Yeshiva, notes that this pasuk and its Targum describe Adam when he was

created as an amalgam of body and soul. He exists in a state of constant struggle between the earth which pulls him down and the soul which pulls him up. According to the Rama (Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 6:1), this is what is the most amazing about Man, resulting in the appellation “u’mafli laasos.” Whereas the author of the Shulchan Aruch, Rav Yosef Karo, is of the opinion that the pelah aspect of Adam is the functioning of his body, the Rama is of the opinion that it is the shidduch between soul and body that is most amazing. The Mishnah Berurah rules that we should have both explanations in mind when we recite Asher Yatzar but that of the Rama remains with us as the major definition of Man. In other words, the uniqueness of human beings is neither the body nor the soul, but the very fact that Hashem combined two entities which should not even be capable of coexisting, let alone in one place for long periods of time. Once we have discovered our singularity, we can now proceed to the next level, which is the creation of Am Yisrael. We will soon recite in the Haggadah, “Vayehi sham l’goy – there (in Egypt) we became a nation.” Many of our major commentaries see our miraculous passage through the Sea as a form of childbirth through the birth canal of the Yam Suf. Emerging as a new entity, we also required a new and higher form of speech, since that is the essence of every human being. Thus, the Arizal (Shaar Ruach

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APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

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The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022


Hakodesh Tikun 7; Shaar Hakavanos Pesach, first drash) cryptically taught that in Mitzrayim “the dibdur was in galus.” We literally lost our voice. The proof of this being voiceless is the pasuk describing our spiritually impoverished state in Egypt: “The Children of Israel groaned…cried out… outcry…moaning” (Shemos 2:23). As the holy Ohr Hachaim points out, there were many stages of pain being expressed but none of them were truly articulate prayers or even teshuvah. They were merely expressions of suffering. yet, after that, the Torah records that “G-d heard their moaning,” which signifies the beginning of the redemption. What exactly was happening? The answer is that, as the Arizal taught us, “speech itself was in exile.” We might reinterpret this in more modern

terms as: the Jewish People was in transition, from a group to a nation, and so they had to learn and grow into a new form of speech. That was to be, not just a language, but a whole new existence. This was the glori-

the saga of yetziyas Mitzrayim. Rav Tzadok Hakohein of Lublin (Resisei Leila 15; Pri Tzadik Bshalach 5 etc.) and many other gedolim see Krias Yam Suf as the culmination of the Exodus from Egypt. As we saw, we lost our power of speech

They had to learn and grow into a new form of speech. ous moment when we were recreated as Am Yisrael, the Firstborn of Hashem, and the new purpose of the universe itself. Finally, we can now appreciate more readily the place of the Shirah in

in Mitzrayim, went through a process of restoration, and eventually were able to engage in prayer. However, true geulah which occurs in every generation (Mechilta Beshalach) requires the highest

form of speech, which is shirah. Even in the secular world, it is understood that poetry is loftier than prose and can most easily become a musical song as well. The Shiras Hayam, which we saw represents our creation as a nation, had to take speech to a new level. Of course, at that time it was filled with ruach hakodesh and even nevuah, but even in our days it must reflect a higher spiritual level than normative human communication. That is the goal of Pesach, the Seder, and our reliving of Krias Yam Suf on the seventh day of Pesach. May we soon be reunited with Moshe Rabbeinu and all the tzaddikim to sing a new song of praise to Hashem b’meheira b’yameinu.

Rav Yaakov Feitman is the rav of Kehillas Bais Yehudah Tzvi in Cedarhurst, NY.

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APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

Building and Spreading

Bitachon Thank you to the hosts of the weekly Beis HaLevi on Bitachon Chabura: Mr. & Mrs. Yanky Bokow Mr. & Mrs. Ethan Dreifus Mr. & Mrs. Uri Dreifus Mr. & Mrs. David Klein Rabbi & Mrs. Moshe Monzcyk Mr. & Mrs. Shmuli Schechter Mr. & Mrs. Ari Schonbrun

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The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022

Who Wrote the haggadah? By Rabbi Daniel Glatstein


opening and concluding paragraphs of a literary work tend to capture the essence of the theme contained within. The Haggadah liturgy opens with, “Ha lachma anya, This bread of affliction,” which contains a tefillah, a request of Hashem: “Now we are here, in exile; next year may we be in Eretz Yisrael.” In the same vein, the Haggadah concludes with the plea, “Next year in Yerushalayim.” The Haggadah is recited at the Seder, a time that is devoted to recollecting and reliving the events of the Geulah from our tenure as slaves in Mitzrayim. Why bookend the Haggadah with a request to return to Yerushalayim? The most important subject of the night, the reason we are all gathered together and engaged in the performance of the Seder, is the geulas Mitzrayim. Shouldn’t that be the focus of the introductory and concluding phrases of the Haggadah?


OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home

The Ba’al haggadah We often refer to the author of the Haggadah as the “Ba’al Haggadah.” However, his identity seems to be shrouded in mystery. Who is this Ba’al Haggadah? Who is the redactor of our Pesach-night compendium? In the Haggadah Shel Pesach Tzemach Menachem, Rabbi Aharon Menachem Mendel of Nashelsk writes that the identity of the Ba’al Haggadah was uncovered by Rav Bunim of P’shischa: The Haggadah was written by Eliyahu HaNavi. As is common in our liturgy, the opening words of the Haggadah allude to his identity. The Haggadah begins with the words “Hah lachma anyanuh.” My dear friend R’ Ezra Cohen pointed out that the first word, “hah,” is an abbreviation for HaNavi Eliyahu. Why did Eliyahu HaNavi feel the need to compose a text to be read at the Seder? What is the connection between Eliyahu HaNavi and the redemption from Egypt?

Shlach Na B’Yad TiShlach When Hashem instructed Moshe Rabbeinu to return

to Mitzrayim and serve as His messenger to redeem Klal Yisrael, Moshe did not want to go. He demurred, stating, “Bi Ado-ni shlach na b’yad tishlach, Please, My L-rd, send through whomever You will send.” (Shemos 4:13). The Torah does not clarify as to whom Moshe was referring. Who was the shaliach, the messenger, who would be better suited to lead the Jews out of slavery? Turning to Targum Yonasan, we learn that Moshe’s recommendation was that the Jews be redeemed by Eliyahu HaNavi. Why would Moshe Rabbeinu feel that Eliyahu HaNavi was the optimal candidate to take the Jews out of Mitzrayim?

WheN Will The RedempTioN come? Maseches Rosh Hashanah (10b – 11a) cites a machlokes, dispute, as to when Mashiach will come. Rabbi Eliezer maintains that he will come in Tishrei, while Rabbi Yehoshua posits that just as the exodus from Mitzrayim transpired in Nissan, the Final Redemption will take place in Nissan as well. The Derashos HaRan concludes in favor of Rebbi Yehoshua that the ultimate redemption will occur in Nissan. The Aruch HaShulchan, as well, codifies that Amalek will finally be destroyed in Adar, and we will merit the Final Redemption in the month of Nisan. The Rokeach writes that not only will we be redeemed from our current exile in the same month as Yetziyas Mitzrayim, but the redemption will come on the very same day. We left Egypt on the fifteenth of Nissan, and the ultimate redemption will come on that day as well. This is why, the Rokeach writes, in Maariv, there are fifteen words in the bracha of the Geulah: “And it is further said, ‘For Hashem has redeemed Yaakov and delivered him from a power mightier than he.’ Blessed are You, Hashem, Who redeemed Yisrael.” This idea is explicitly brought in the Midrash Tanchuma, which states, “On the fifteenth of Nissan we were redeemed from Mitzrayim, and on the fifteenth of Nissan, we will ultimately experience the Final Redemption.”

Incredibly, the Sefer HaManhig cites a novel reason for the custom to leave one’s doors unlocked on the night of the Seder, the night that is referred to as Leil Shimurim, the guarded night. We anticipate the arrival of Eliyahu HaNavi heralding the geluah sheleimah on the very night of the Seder at the precise time that we were redeemed from our tenure as slaves in Mitzrayim. We are so eager to welcome Eliyahu that we want him to find the doors to our home unlocked, an open invitation and a testament to how much we want the Geulah. Is this mere coincidence, that the Final Redemption will not only take place in the same month as the redemption from Egypt, but on the very same day and precisely the same time as well? Certainly not! Devarim gedolim ainam b’mikrah, great matters are never coincidental. The Navi Michah tells us, “As in the days when you left the land of Egypt, I will show it wonders” (Michah 7:15). Simply, the Navi prophesies that just as there was a geulah from Mitzrayim, there will be a Geulah Sheleimah. This prophecy, however, has a much more profound meaning.

a pRe-eNacTmeNT foR The geulah haaSidah There is a fundamental principle that appears in numerous places in the writing of Rabbeinu Bechayei. He writes that all the Neviim concur that the Final Redemption will mirror the geulah from Mitzrayim. When we left Egypt, we went to the Midbar; this will also occur when Mashiach comes. Just as there was Kriyas Yam Suf as we left Egypt, so too, there will be another splitting of the sea when Mashiach comes. Amazingly, Rabbeinu Bechayei writes that all of the Makkos with which Hashem plagued the Egyptians before our redemption will replay themselves at the time of the Final Redemption. Rabbi Bechayei cites pesukim from the Prophets that there will be a plague of blood, frogs, lice, etc., upon our enemies in the time of the Final Redemption.


APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022

110 Rabbeinu Bechayei points out that the Torah alludes to three different times when our exile in Mitzrayim was to end, when the keitz would arrive. We are told that Klal Yisrael would be in Mitzrayim for four-hundred-thirty years. Elsewhere, we learn that the exile would last for four hundred years. The Torah also hints that we will be slaves for two-hundred-ten years. Similarly, Sefer Daniel foretells the duration of the Final Exile, and here, too, three different values are given. One-thousand-one-hundred-fifty years, one-thousandtwo hundred-ninety years, and one-thousand-three-hundred-thirty-five years are all mentioned in Sefer Daniel regarding how long we will be forced to endure galus. When we were enslaved in Mitzrayim, we were unable to understand the meaning behind the three different times given for the end of the galus. Once we were redeemed, however, we were able to identify the truth of each one of the numbers given. We now recognize that four hundred thirty years was the duration of time from the Bris Bein HaBesarim until we left Mitzrayim, and four hundred years was the time that elapsed from the birth of Yitzchak Avinu until Yetziyas Mitzrayim The period of time that we were actually engaged in slave behavior was two-hundred-ten years. In hindsight, these three different markers are understood. So, too, although we are currently embroiled in a bitter exile, and we have no understanding to what the three periods brought in Daniel refer, we firmly believe that when Mashiach comes, it will all become clear. We will

appreciate to what each number refers to. Rabbeinu Bechayei is teaching that everything about the Final Redemption, every event that will happen when Mashiach comes, has already transpired during the geulah from Mitzrayim. Our leaving Mitzrayim was a pre-enactment, a rehearsal of sorts, of the Geulah Sheleimah.

WhY eliYahu haNavi We can now understand why Eliyahu HaNavi authored the Haggadah. The geulah which we all await will

our leaving mitzrayim was a pre-enactment, a rehearsal of sorts, of the geulah Sheleimah. be heralded upon the coming of Eliyahu and will mirror the events of our exodus from Mitzrayim. Eliyahu wrote the Haggadah as the outline of the ultimate ma’ase avos siman l’banim, preparing us for the events that we will eventually merit when Mashiach comes. When Moshe Rabbeinu told Hashem “Shlach na b’yad tishlach,” he requested that Eliyahu HaNavi take the Jews out of Mitzrayim, as the events that were un-

folding were the pre-enactment of the Geulah HaAsidah, in which Eliyahu HaNavi will play a pivotal role. Accordingly, Moshe Rabbeinu posited, it should also have been Eliyahu HaNavi who led Klal Yisrael out of Mitzrayim. The Haggadah relates the events of the geulah from Mitzrayim, but it is much more than that. It is a pre-enactment of the Final and Ultimate Redemption. As we read the Haggadah, we are not merely reflecting on the past, but we are longing hopefully to the future, imploring Hashem for these events to happen again. We plead with Hashem that all that transpired when we left Mitzrayim occur a second time and activate the coming of Mashiach. Therefore, it is most fitting that we begin and conclude the recitation of the Haggadah with a declaration of longing for the ultimate return to Yerushalayim, as this, in fact, is the essence of the Haggadah shel Pesach.

This article will appear in Rabbi Glatstein’s upcoming Haggadah scheduled to be published by ArtScroll in 5783.

Rabbi Daniel Glatstein is the Mara D’asra of Kehilas Tiferes Mordechai in Cedarhurst, NY, and author of numerous seforim in Lashon Hakodesh and in English for ArtScroll. He is an international lecturer and maggid shiur. His thousands of recorded shiurim are available on, podcast, his website, and other venues.

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The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022

Sparks of Light

Marror and Charoses: An Unexpected Pesach Recipe by rabbi benny berlin


OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home


t the Seder, we have an enigmatic minhag (ritual) to dip marror into the charoses. What makes this minhag particularly puzzling is that it’s a meeting of opposites – the marror is sharp and quintessentially bitter, while the charoses is crafted to be sweet, with cinnamon and notes of sweet wine or grape juice at its base. Why have these two flavors intermingled? And since it is not a culinary dictation, what deeper significance does this have? The Gemara in Pesachim (116a) posits one opinion that this is done as an antidote to the “kaffa,” the sharpness of the marror. The minhag is meant to take out some of the sting of the bitter herb, the residual in the sap of the lettuce. However, we are warned that it should not be immersed for too long so that it does not reach a point where it would lose its flavor (Pesachim 116b). The halacha is that you cannot just swallow up the marror but rather you have to taste it to fulfill your obligation (as opposed to matzah which you can technically fulfill your obligation by swallowing it whole and not tasting one bit). Media personality and Torah lecturer Sivan Rahav Meir recorded the following story about the first Pesach during COVID-19 that weaves in a homiletical message to this discussion. An elderly widow who was living in New York came to the sad realization that 2020 would be the first time in her life she would have a Pesach Seder alone. The one redeeming factor was that her neighbors in the next apartment over told her that they would move their Seder to the entrance of their apartment and keep their door open so that she could feel a part of someone’s

Seder. And that is just what they did. After the first days of Pesach were over, the elderly widow’s son gave her a call. He asked how she managed the

sing, along with the same minhagim. It brought me right back to our old Sedarim – so many warm, happy memories. Can you believe that?”

Try to think about how you too can be like the charoses to someone who is going through a tough period in their life.

Sedarim. She said, “Surprisingly, very well, almost like a miracle occurred! Not only did the neighbors conduct a lovely Seder,” she reported in wonder, “but they used the very same tunes that your father of blessed memory used to

And the son confessed: “Actually Mom, I can believe it. You see, before yom tov, one of your neighbors called me. He asked me about our minhagim and what tunes you were used to and would prefer for ve’hi she’amda, baruch

hamakom, and hallel. They knew this Pesach would be hard for you, and so, as much as possible, they wanted to make you feel at home.” That is acting as the charoses, as a neutralizer to the marror. The neighbors couldn’t remove the marror, couldn’t fully absorb it in the sweet charoset. After all, most of life’s woes cannot be removed completely. The widow was still in isolation, problems still exist even when we serve as a lending hand or shoulder to cry on. But with thoughtfulness and caring, these wonderful neighbors made it bearable. They rose to the occasion. And we can, too. This Pesach, with so many woes in the world, with so much pain, this year when you dip the marror in the charoses try to think about how you too can be like the charoses to someone who is going through a tough period in their life – how you can lessen their pain, soften whatever they are going through. We are blessed to be back together with a semblance of normal having bustling Sedarim with our family members this year without fear for our lives. But we must remember it is not like this for all Jews. There are many Ukrainian Jews displaced across Europe right now, and Pesach will look very different for them than it will for us. Let us keep them in mind as we celebrate Yetzias Mitzrayim with our families. Wishing you all a healthy and happy chag kasher v’sameach!

Rabbi Benny Berlin is the rabbi of BACH Jewish Center located in Long Beach, New York. For more information, visit: https://


APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home


The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022

Delving into the Daf

Flyover Country by rabbi Avrohom Sebrow


OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home


midst a discussion about the laws of inheritance, the Gemara in Yevamos (37b) introduces the following scenario: There is a field that is surrounded by other fields. The farmer had a path through other fields by which he accessed his field. Everything worked out just fine until he traveled abroad for an extended vacation. Upon his return, he discovered to his dismay that his path no longer existed. Vegetation extended in every direction. Further complicating matters is the fact that the farmer himself is unsure of which direction the path was in. Did he access his field from the north, south, east, or west? The halacha is that if one person owns all the adjacent fields, the farmer can demand that he supply him with a path to access his field. The farmer definitely had rights to a path somewhere in these fields. The adjacent owner definitely had this path on his properties. So he has no choice but to provide a path. However, the path that the adjacent owner provides can be the one that is most beneficial to himself. Typically, this means that the path he chooses will be the one that will take the shortest route through his property, though it may not be optimal for the farmer – for example, if it is usually muddy. However, when the adjacent fields are owned by different individuals, the poor, traveling farmer is out of luck. Each landowner that the farmer approaches to provide him with a path can claim that the path lays in someone else’s field. The farmer has no proof in whose field the path lay. So each landowner will say in court, “Go to the other landowner; surely the path lay in his field.” After taking all four landowners to court with the same result, the poor farmer realizes he has no choice but to buy a path from one of the landowners or fly over their fields to access his farm. (Flyover rights is the subject of its own article.) Let us say that the sad farmer opted to use a helicopter to access his farm. He was delighted when a large commercial conglomerate bought up all the adjacent fields.

He reasoned that now there would be only one party to deal with. He definitely had a path in one of the fields surrounding his own, and now the conglomerate owns the fields in all directions. They won’t be able to tell him to ask a different landowner, because now they are the only one! The farmer takes the conglomerate to beis din, stating as a fact that somewhere in their fields he had a path. He argues

The conglomerate’s attorneys sit with smug smiles awaiting the dayanim’s decision. They are shocked when the dayanim ruled against them. The attorneys shout, “Our case is clearly discussed in the Gemara. The Gemara in Yevamos states that according to the rabbanan, whose position we follow, even if one entity subsequently purchased all four fields, they still do not have to provide a path!”

Can you escape paying for the animal simply because you can’t identify which animal it was?

that the conglomerate must provide him with a path. Not willing to back down easily, the conglomerate hires high-priced attorneys. With a 1,000-page brief, the conglomerate argues that the farmer had no case in the past when different individuals owned the adjacent lands. The conglomerate purchased all the rights that these individuals had in these lands. If these individuals were able to avoid providing a path, the conglomerate should be able to do so as well.

One of the dayanim, Rebbe Yaakov from Lisa (the Nesivos HaMishpat), decides to explain their ruling (although he can’t explain how the farmer had been using a helicopter, which hadn’t been invented yet.) He turns to one of the lawyers and says, “Let me ask you a question. Suppose you have a thousand animals, but one of them had been stolen from Reuven. Can you escape paying for the animal simply because you can’t identify which animal it was? You would find the value of the cheapest animal and provide restitution,

because you know for sure that the said amount is the minimum owed. “Here, too, you certainly have land that belongs to the farmer; can you reasonably argue that you won’t provide any land to him simply because you can’t identify which piece is his?” The lawyers respond, “It is very hard to argue with such logic. Still, the Gemara clearly says in our case we are right! We do not have to provide any land or payment.” The Nesivos replies, “The Gemara is dealing with a scenario where the farmer didn’t actually own any pathway. He simply purchased the right to use someone’s field as a path. When the location of the pathway was lost, the farmer’s right became unenforceable. Consequently, even when one person purchased all the fields, the farmer’s rights remain abrogated. A right that cannot be exercised does not survive the sale of the subject property. The money that the farmer used to purchase a right-of-way through the land is lost forever. “However, in your case, the farmer actually bought a strip of land. That land remains his no matter what happens. Even if he can’t use the strip of land because he doesn’t know where it is, the land is still his! Among the fields that the conglomerate owns, there is definitely a strip of land that still belongs to this farmer. It is no excuse that you don’t know where it is. You must provide him a path. However, since we don’t know how big the farmer’s path is, you may provide the farmer with the shortest possible path. “To be succinct, actual ownership of land can never dissipate. However, in certain scenarios, if someone merely has rights to use land, that may become unenforceable and nontransferable.”

Rabbi Avrohom Sebrow is a rebbe at Yeshiva Ateres Shimon in Far Rockaway. In addition, Rabbi Sebrow leads a daf yomi chaburah at Eitz Chayim of Dogwood Park in West Hempstead, NY. He can be contacted at ASebrow@


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My Israel Home

The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022


Can I Afford This Apartment? by Gedaliah borvick

Ramat Beit Shemesh Aleph


OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home


ow much money do I need to buy an apartment?” is a question often asked by clients trying to determine their budget. There are a number of pieces of the financial puzzle to consider. The first piece is the price of the property. The second piece is financing. An overseas buyer can borrow up to 50% of the purchase price, and an Israeli citizen can borrow up to 75% of the purchase price for their primary residence (and 50% for additional properties). The third piece of the puzzle is closing costs, which can add up to 13.5% above the purchase price and are paid soon after contract signing. Let’s break down these costs: 1. Acquisition tax for overseas buyers (and Israelis buying an investment property) is 8% for the first 5.35m NIS, and then 10% above. For Israeli residents buying a primary residence, the tax starts at 0% for the first 1.8m NIS, and rises. 2. Attorney: around 1% plus 17% value added tax (VAT), bringing the total cost to 1.17%. 3. Real estate agent: 2%+VAT. 4. If you obtain an Israeli mortgage,

mortgage brokers charge around 1%+VAT, depending on the mortgage size. In addition, banks usually charge a .25% application fee. 5. Cost to convert foreign currency to shekels: reputable forex companies charge .5%. 6. In a new project, there is often a 5,000 NIS+VAT registration fee paid to the developer’s attorney. In addition, when buying on paper, the unpaid portion of the purchase price will be subject to the building construction index, an inflation index which has increased approximately 1.7% per annum for the past decade. However, over the past year, the index has jumped by over 5% due to rising costs for materials. One can limit this risk by front-loading the payments. Finally, the developer of the project does not provide light fixtures, appliances, furniture, or bedroom closets. If you plan to rent out the apartment, you needn’t worry about these costs, as your tenant will bring their own appliances, closets, and furniture. Let’s translate this information into real numbers by studying a recent trans-

action. My client had up to $550,000 in equity to buy an apartment in a new upscale project in Ramat Beit Shemesh. He is not planning to make aliyah immediately, so the acquisition tax rate starts at 8%. The client’s question was simply: how many bedrooms can I afford? In this project, prices for 2-bedroom units start at around 1.8m NIS = $560K, 3-bedroom units start at 2.05m NIS = $640K and 4-bedroom units start at 2.5m NIS = $775,000. For this exercise, we will talk in dollars. Let’s start with the 4-bedroom unit and, to be conservative, round up the price to $800,000. A 50% mortgage will be $400,000 and the closing costs will total $108,000 (this does not include the building construction index, as we cannot predict the coming years’ rates due to the current volatility), so the buyer will need $508,000 before paying for furniture, bedroom closets, and appliances. One should expect to add another $50,000 to cover these costs, plus another $10K to upgrade the kitchen (although the developer gives nice finishes, our Anglo clients usually upgrade their kitchens). The

cash outlay totals almost $570K which is above our clients’ $550K budget. (In comparison, if the buyer was making aliyah, the cash requirement would be almost halved, as they can borrow 75% and the acquisition tax would be significantly lower.) We then focused on 3-bedroom apartments. Prices start at $658,000 and our client liked a nicer unit for $700,000. The mortgage will be $350,000 and the closing costs will be $95,000. Adding $60K for the upgraded kitchen, appliances, closets and furniture, the total cash outlay is $505,000. Bingo – we had a good fit! Once we put together all the pieces of the puzzle, our client understood the transaction’s real numbers, and they moved forward and closed on the purchase of a 3-bedroom apartment.

Gedaliah Borvick is the founder of My Israel Home (, a real estate agency focused on helping people from abroad buy and sell homes in Israel. To sign up for his monthly market updates, contact him at

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The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022


An Ideology of Terror By S h a m m a i S i S k i n d


OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home


January 2020, the news outlet Al-Furqan, the media arm of ISIS, announced it had officially declared war on the State of Israel. In a released audio clip, the group’s chief spokesman, Abu Hamza Al-Qurashi, spoke for a full thirty-seven minutes delineating the evils and illegitimacy of the “Zionist entity.” During the half-hour screed, Al-Qurashi lambasted Palestinian terror groups such as Hamas and Islamic Jihad for not doing enough to destroy Israel. Since the local terror groups had become to mellow in their attitude toward Israel, the Islamic State had been compelled to fill the gap. “The new ISIS leader, Abu Ibrahim Al-Hashimi, has taken upon himself and upon the Mujahideen the task to wage a war against the Jews.” In many ways, it is quite surprising it took ISIS as long as it did to declare war on the Jews. After all, the group does go by the name Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham, an area traditionally equivalent to the entire Levant, or more specifical “Greater Syria.” While the announcement was met with great exhilaration by ISIS supporters worldwide, it did little in producing concrete action against Israel. At that point in time, ISIS was not doing particularly well as an organization. Months earlier, its revered leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi had killed himself by suicide vest after a U.S. Delta Force squadron caught up with him in the Syrian village of Barisha. This had come after a string of major losses across the region which included the fall of ISIS’s two main strongholds of Raqqa, Syria, and Mosul, Iraq. After

losing so much of its territory, financial assets, and fighters, the group was in no position to open an additional front. Indeed, since the 2020 “declaration,” Israelis heard very little of ISIS. Until now. Shortly after the recent Be’er Sheva terror attack, it came to light that the Bedouin assailant was an open

When the head of al-Qaeda is telling you to tone it down, it’s probably a good indication you’ve gone too far. supporter of ISIS. The same was reported on the two terrorists who executed the Hadera shootings. While no concrete proof linking ISIS to the attack in Bnei Brak, recent incidents in Jerusalem and Gush Etzion, or the Thursday night deadly shooting in Tel Aviv, it is not a coincidence that all of these attacks have been

undertaken in such close proximity. Now that ISIS is clearly a force to be reckoned with, what does it mean for Israel’s domestic security? To better address this question, it’s important to understand what ISIS exactly is – or more importantly, what it is not.

Strategic Threat or Mere Nuisance? All over the globe, new jihadist groups are popping up all the time. The U.S. State Department has literally dozens of militant Islamic groups on its list of designated terror organizations, with the most recent being added to the roster just last year. But, like all enterprises, most jihadist groups just don’t make it in the long-term. What this means is that from a strategic perspective, not every time a tribal leader in Iraq announces his own terror startup is there a cause for global panic. The problem is, it’s very difficult to determine which groups are going to prove dangerous indefinitely and which ones will quickly peter out. Israel does, of course, keep a constant watch for any emerging militant groups in the Middle East. In that regard, ISIS has been on the radar for quite some time. What can be deemed the first Israeli encounter with ISIS in the region (or at least its precursor) took place in 2012. A group by the name of Ansar Bait al-Maqdis launched an attack on an IDF patrol after crossing the border from the Sinai Desert. One IDF soldier was killed in the ambush, and all three attack-


m i r a f e s , s h p a r g o t y o l h t p c , e s r t i c d a g f i n t i ar ocuments relat Yeshivos or d re-World War II to P

APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home



Yeshiva Darchei Torah, Far Rockaway, New York seeks the donation and loan of artifacts, photographs, sefarim or documents relating directly to Pre-World War II Yeshivos for possible inclusion in its soon-to-be-built Memorial Exhibit to the Yeshivos of Prewar Europe dedicated by Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin and Judy Landa in its new Mesivta-Beis Medrash Building.

Please contact Moshe at 718.868.2300 ext. 317 or to arrange a donation or for more information.

The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022

120 ers were killed at the scene. At the time, Ansar Bait al-Maqdis was aligned with al-Qaeda. The incident was one of the first to alert the defense establishment to the possibility that transnational jihadists, not only local groups, could begin targeting Israel. Soon after ISIS began making a name for itself in Iraq in 2014, Ansar Bait al-Maqdis was one of the first groups to pledge allegiance to the up-and-coming militancy. At that time, ISIS was really a cause for concern. They seemed different than other Islamic extremists in that they were particularly savage and apparently possessed no limits to their brutality. This was a view shared even by other jihadist groups. In response to reports of wanton killings of women and children in Iraq, Ayman al-Zawahiri, the successor to Osama Bin Laden, made a public appeal to ISIS to curb its violence. When the head of al-Qaeda is telling you to tone it down, it’s probably a good indication you’ve gone too far. Israel, like all other regional countries, took note of the ISIS scourge. Initially, the consensus was to treat the group as a new and emerging strategic threat to Israel’s national security. Within the military leadership, it was decided to form a special unit capable of repelling a potential ISIS invasion from Syria. Thus were the origins of Hativat Oz, or as it’s more commonly known, the Commando Brigade. Established in 2015, Oz was assembled from all the Infantry Corps’ special forces units that were until that point under the operational command of various infantry brigades. For several years following, the entire defense apparatus from the IDF to the Shabak put forth regular “assessments” of the latest threat posed by the crazed ISIS horde. But alas, the feared existential danger to Israel never came to be. The reason for this is pretty straightforward: ISIS, at least as it was in its original conception, was largely destroyed.

lamic “State” and its sub-groups would still be called “provinces,” but the organization would no longer be tethered to territory. As it turned out, this approach proved to be rather effective. Through cyberspace and other modes of mass communication, ISIS has been the inspiration for an extremely wide array of jihadist enterprises. Today, the ISIS credo has been adopted by Chinese Uighur militants in Xinjiang, anti-Taliban Pashtuns in Afghanistan, and Visayan jihadists in the Philippines – and that’s far from an exhaustive list. The image of the pure and uncompromising Muslim warrior, immune to diplomatic or other petty considerations, rampaging through the Middle East and Central Asia to create an authentic Islamist society has been a very powerful one indeed. So successfully has the ISIS ideology permeated the world of Islamic terror that researchers and intelligence organizations alike struggle to distinguish between ISIS proper – fighters that still align themselves with what remains of the group’s central hierarchy –and the multitude of other militances that are merely ISIS “affiliated.”

Not every time a tribal leader in Iraq announces his own terror start-up is there a cause for global panic.

The Power of an Idea But here in Israel, the new “theorized” version of ISIS was seen as less of a concern. Terror against Israelis has always been characterized by a very particular motive (namely Palestinian nationalism) and almost never by a pan-Islamist movement. On the eve of the Be’er Sheva attack, Shabak, the agency tasked with Israel’s internal security, estimated that only a handful of local Arabs – Palestinian or Israeli – identified or were in any way affiliated with the Islamic State. But what many experts have now come to understand is that the danger of ISIS isn’t measured in the same way as Hamas or other groups we’re all “used to” dealing with. The threat of ISIS, at least as far as Israel is concerned, is its ability to trigger sporadic acts of violence by individuals, the so-called Lone Wolves, with no official membership in any particular organization, who wake up one morning and decide they’ll become martyrs.

Learning Under Fire


At the start of the recent string of terror attacks, the Israeli government announced the launch of Op-

emoH hsiweJ eht | 5102 ,92 rebOtcO

At its start, the Islamic State aimed to be just that: a territorial entity with an organized hierarchy and centralized structure. But shortly after their initial sweep through the region, ISIS became the target of a very committed and very powerful military coalition orchestrated by the United States. Less than two years after it had emerged on the scene, ISIS was essentially cornered, and by 2017 had lost all its major territorial gains. And this is when the ISIS leadership was forced to re-brand. In early 2018, it was readily apparent that ISIS was not going to be an actual “Islamic State” – that ship had clearly sailed. But the appeal of ISIS as an ideology had not lost its appeal. If anything, it was only growing. With many legacy terror groups becoming more pragmatically oriented and even willing to negotiate with the Western infidel, potential recruits were put off by these organizations, seeing them as sellouts and simply not serious enough. This is how ISIS leaders turned their enterprise from a geographically based “state” to a decentralized “brand.” ISIS would, of course, keep the name Is-

eration Break the Wave, a multi-tiered security effort focusing primarily on police forces. To fund this operation, 180 million shekel (about $55 million) have been allocated to pull up reserve personnel and increase operations. For over two weeks, Israeli news has regularly reported raids and deep penetration missions into Palestinian areas with the goal of either arresting or killing specific suspects. The most lauded of these missions took place on March 31 during which Yamam special operators clashed with gunmen in Jenin. Three terrorists were killed in the exchange. Several other arrests and raid operations have been reported across the country. In a rare public announcement, Director of Shabak Nadav Argaman told news outlets that the agency was “active in Judea and Samaria…eliminating threats” based on real-time intelligence reports. What Israel is experiencing is a real adaption in its domestic security protocols. There is a recognition now that ISIS ideology has effectively infiltrated Israel’s Arab population to the point that it can spur real-world violence. No longer can connections to these organizations, no matter how minute, be taken lightly. This is the painful lesson to be learned from the past few weeks. Mohammad Ghaleb Abu al-Qi’an, the attacker who carried out the Be’er Sheva stabbing, was arrested back in 2016 for the very crime of ISIS affiliation. While in custody, he admitted to having established a secret group that would hold clandestine meetings related to Islamic State, planning to leave Israel on the pretext of a pilgrimage to Mecca but with the true goal of joining ISIS fighters in Syria. He was subsequently released from prison after serving just three years. The two terrorists from Umm al-Fahm who murdered a pair of Border Police officers in Hadera posted a video on Facebook before the attack swearing allegiance to ISIS. While the hindsight is difficult to bear, by all accounts, Israel’s security forces are making real progress. Despite the rise in violence, which has included the vandalizing of Joseph’s Tomb in Nablus, the bombing of a government building in Nazareth, and non-stop rioting in East Jerusalem, both police and the military are steadily moving ahead – and adapting to this new reality. “We are a sharp and well-trained organization,” asserted Director Argaman in last week’s news conference. “We are determined, and will learn as we maneuver, even under fire.”




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APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

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The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022


BUILDING BLOCKS OF ETERNITY Yeshiva Darchei Torah’s new capital project will encompass a Mesivta Beis Medrash and its first-ever Residence Hall. BEIS MEDRASH + CLASSROOM BUILDING Will serve 500 talmidim in grades 8-11 34,200 Total square feet 4 Stories 5200 sq. feet Beis Hamedrash for Mesivta 15 Classrooms

RESIDENCE HALL Will serve 271 talmidim in Mesivta & Yeshiva Gedolah 43,000 Total square feet 4 Stories 68 Dormitory Rooms 271 Beds 4 Student Lounges


APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home






‫ה ליב ע”ה‬-‫לע”נ שלום ראובן בן ארי‬




Camp Oraysa Sports Complex

ANONYMOUS Residence Hall Cornerstone


‫לע”נ נחמן יהודה בן יעקב דוד ע”ה‬ ‫ואשתו לאה בת יהודה אשר ע”ה‬ ‫ולע”נ יעקב ליב בן שלמה ע”ה‬

Promenade Vestibule

Beis Medrash Vestibule Entrance


‫לע”נ הרה”ג ר‘ דוד בן הרב אברהם בנדר זצ”ל‬ ‫והרבנית בתיה חיה בת הרב יעקב הלוי ז”ל‬ ‫לע”נ זעליג בן מרדכי ע”ה‬ ‫לע”נ משה אלעזר בן נטע שלום ע”ה‬ ‫לע”נ דוד בן משה ע”ה‬ ‫הר‘ משה נתן בן יחזקאל ע”ה‬ ‫וישראל בן אברהם ע”ה‬ ‫ לע”נ‬The children, bochurim, and all 45 neshamos of the Miron tragedy, Lag Baomer 5781

Dedicated by Mr. & Mrs. Yaakov & Rivky Jacobovitch


‫לע”נ ישראל הלוי לעווין ע”ה‬ ‫ואלישבע בתיה קפלן ע”ה‬

Dedication of Rosh Kollel’s Office


‫לע”נ חוה בת דב ע”ה‬

Entranceway to Mesivta Beis Medrash Building


‫לע”נ ר‘ ישראל‬ ‫בן ר‘ בנימין הכהן ע”ה‬


Sha’ar of New Beis Medrash

In Memory of Mrs. Marta Schron ‫ע” ה‬


MR. & MRS. MENASH & MIMI ORATZ Basketball Court in Elementary School Gym

Mr. & Mrs. Barry & Paula Bokow


Dedication Wall Mesivta Beis Medrash Building



Gymnasium Wing

Preschool Cornerstone


MR. & MRS. NACHMAN & ESTHER GOODMAN Entrance of Beis Medrash Building

Sha’ar of New Beis Medrash

MR. & MRS. SHIA & ELANA OSTREICHER Beis Medrash Building Vestibule

Mr. & Mrs. Samuel & Beverly Goldberger Mr. & Mrs. Tzali & Chana Shira Gutman Mr. & Mrs. Ari & Aliza Haas Mr. & Mrs. Berel & Sherry Daskal Mr. & Mrs. Shlomo & Kayla Horowitz Mr. & Mrs. Binyomin & Leah Einhorn Mr. & Mrs. Menachem & Elisheva Jacobowitz Mr. & Mrs. Naftoli & Chani Einhorn Mr. & Mrs. Mordechai & Shana Jacobs Mr. & Mrs. Michael & Mimi Fragin Mr. & Mrs. Jeff & Tamar Landy Mr. & Mrs. Evan & Chaya Sara Genack Mr. & Mrs. Yosef & Vivi Moskowitz Rabbi & Rebbetzen Chaim Aryeh Zev & Avigail Ginzberg Mr. & Mrs. Yitzy & Rivky Orbach Mr. & Mrs. Simcha & Shani Applegrad



Lobby, Mesivta Beis Medrash Building

Cornerstone, Mesivta Beis Medrash Building

Ner Tamid














Plumbing Training Center Dedicated

‫לע”נ אברהם שלמה בן יחיאל מיכל הכהן ז”ל‬ ‫לע”נ הר‘ אברהם בן הר‘ חיים מנחם בן ציון זצ”ל‬ ALL BORO CONSTRUCTION

Mr. & Mrs. Ephram & Ilana Ostreicher Mr. & Mrs. Mutty & Bracha Ribowsky Mr. & Mrs. David & Sima Rosenfeld Mr. & Mrs. Dovid & Chani Roll Dr. & Mrs. Zvi & Dina Schreiber Mr. & Mrs. Andrew & Stephani Serotta Mr. & Mrs. Marvin & Judy Sigler Mr. & Mrs. Morris & Devora Smith Mr. & Mrs. Yehuda & Mindy Zachter

Get in on the ground floor of this monumental project. To choose from a wide selection of sponsorships at all levels, please contact: Rabbi Zev Bald 718.868.2300 ext. 232 Rabbi Baruch Rothman 718.868.2300 ext. 406

‫לע”נ מוהר”ר יחיאל מיכל‬ ‫בן ישראל יהודה ע”ה‬

The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022


A Few Minutes with Rabbi Berel Wein


OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home

By Naf tali HalperN

Rabbi Wein, I’ve been reading your book, Struggles, Challenges, and Tradition, and I’m really enjoying it. But I’d like to start, if we can, with current events. We are all obviously very concerned about the Jewish community in Ukraine. When it comes to the gentile population, on the one hand, it is sad to see what is happening to them. On the other hand, it’s hard to forget how they treated Jews in the past. What is your view on how to

look at this situation? Well, there’s been no country in Europe that has been kind to the Jews in the past, but there are countries that have been worse than others. There is no question that during World War II, many Ukrainians were collaborators with the Nazis in destroying Jews. And there’s also no question that Khmelnytsky, who is a hero for the Ukraine and whose statue is in the center of Kyiv, was a murderer and killed hundreds of thousands of Jews. All of that being said, we’re talking

about a different generation, different Ukrainians. I don’t know if the Ukrainian modern times since the collapse of the Soviet Union has been especially inimical to the Jews or to the State of Israel. I can’t play heaven’s game. Winston Churchill said that the wheels of history grind very slowly, but they grind very fine. So, we don’t know. It’s hard to read these things. We have compassion for the Ukrainians and the fact that they seem to be the innocent


APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022

126 party here. I don’t know what Putin intends to do. What did he think and what’s going to happen? Are you surprised that Putin went in there? I don’t know what his end game is. I don’t know what he wants to do. He wants to swallow all of Ukraine? He wants to institute a regime change? He wants to annex part of the country? I don’t know what he wants. On the topic of revenge, even more so than with Ukraine, how are we supposed to look at places like Germany? When I see German tourists here, I often find myself not having deep animosity towards them, which actually bothers me. It’s a generational thing. I personally have never visited Germany, except for one time when my layover plane was forced to land in Frankfurt. Why is that? I never wanted to go there or have anything to do with it. I never bought a German automobile. But the next generation or the next two generations, I don’t

think harbor the same feelings.

in the Second World War and thereafter changed the Jewish world forever.

So then how do we get revenge on

“When I knew Rav Aharon Kotler, there were only twenty-seven bachurim and yungerleit in Lakewood.” them? The ultimate revenge is the survival and growth of the Jewish people and its Torah and of our value system. I think the State of Israel is one of the great acts of revenge in human history. Turning to your new book, why did you specifically pick the era of 18201940 to cover in this book? Much of what happened in 1820-1940 still influences us today, but it was a completely different era, and therefore, on occasion, there are different responses, different viewpoints, etc. What happened

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And is that something that Reform can affect negatively? Reform has not struck roots here – it really hasn’t even though it makes a lot of noise and they have a lot of money. Turning to America, in a sense, the old bear of Russia poking its head is almost a reprieve from the real existential threat in America caused by radical wokeness. Many get a sense that things here are worse than ever before. That’s true. From the vantage point of history, is this a feeling that takes hold in every generation where people feel like it’s the end of times or is this really the

But were there times where you said, “Oh wow, things are just really bad”? No. In fact, things were good. Antisemitism at least officially decreased. The Jews were able to enter into fields that they never were able to do before. Jews became affluent. You could wear a kippah in the street. It was going wonderful. Have the Jews in history ever been as comfortable in other lands as we are—or have been until recently – in America? It’s hard to tell. They were pretty good off for a few hundred years in Spain. They had good periods in Poland; they were good for about two centuries. But I don’t think we’ve ever been as affluent as we are today as a society. Which era in history would you compare the current times to? None of them can compare because circumstances are completely different. There are constants— antisemitism is a constant; it’s difficult to be a Jew is a constant; it’s difficult to be an observant Jew is a constant. There are always constants, but the eras are not comparable. Which Jewish leader are you the most influenced by? That’s a very difficult question to answer. I think that if you read the book, you see that there were so many different Jewish leaders, and they all were right and they all were not right because there is no “one size fits all” answer to anything. Just like in the modern world, I met Rav Aaron Kotler, the Satmar Rav and the Ponovezher Rav, and I also met


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Are they a threat, though, to the Jewish culture of the land? In Israel, there’s only one religion – Orthodox Judaism. That affects observance. It does not really affect a value system that pervades the society. The society is a Jewish society, even if you’re nonobservant. Even if you’re not observant, Pesach is coming – it’s on the radio, it’s in every commercial.

So that feeling that now it is different is accurate? Yes. There’s no question it is different. It never was like this in my lifetime. And I think the Orthodox Jewish community in America feels it to be an issue.

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In the book, you talk about the various movements that sprung up in that era, including the Reform movement. It seems like once again the Reform movement seems to be trying to rise up again, but this time in Israel. How do we deal with that? There is an enormous difference. In the 1800s, Reform was an existential threat to Orthodoxy. It no longer is. In fact, the opposite is true. Reform is almost a comical imitation of much of Orthodoxy. They want to wear tefillin; the only thing is they want woman to wear tefillin. So Reform itself has changed. Now Reform in Israel is basically American money and media publicity without much of a popular base.

most precarious state that we have been in? Well, I never imagined America would look the way it looks. I was born in America, raised in America, I went through Republican and Democratic regimes. I never imagined what’s going on now. If the woke culture will dominate the American society and American government, then it’s going to be very hard to be an Orthodox Jew in the United States in the future because they will legislate what you can teach in your schools. They’ll make it very hard.


APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022

128 Dr. Belkin. I always saw a wide spectrum. There never was any monolithic Jewish leadership. Do we have leaders now like the ones that existed back then? Nothing is like we had back then because it is a different time. It is Dor dor v’dorshov, dor dor v’chachamav [each generation has its influencers and wise men]. Every generation has what its leaders are. In fact, you can say that someone who was a leader in the 1800s may not be a leader today. And someone who is a leader today in earlier times would not be a leader. They are products of their society. Let me ask you a question that I have no artful way of posing: Take a gadol from the past – let’s say Rav Samson Raphael Hirsch. If he would be living today, would everyone recognize his greatness or might people look at him as just another rav. In other words, is it just in 200 years of hindsight that we look back and say, “Wow, look how influential he was,” or is it that if he was living today, he could be living near me and I would never go to hear his lectures? I have no idea. I don’t think it can be that way. I don’t think you can take a person out of his generation, his milieu, and say what would be today. I have no idea what he would say today.


OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home

But my question is, was there a recognition, even if you talk about Rav Aharon Kotler, the Satmar Rav, the Ponovezher Rav, when you were in their presence, did you feel like these were divinely different types of people? Yes. No question. I feel that about my teachers in yeshiva; I don’t see their equal today. What was that? Was there a certain kedushah, purity? It was 1,000 years of Eastern European Jewry that disappeared. So that was something that came from Eastern Europe? Yes, certainly. People say that since Rav Chaim Kanievsky, zt”l, passed away there is nobody left. He was Eastern European still. It will not be the same, but there will be others. We’re never left without anybody. The Ribbono Shel Olam promised

us our survival and the Torah’s survival, and the leadership survives as well. But it’s different. You had a relationship with the Satmar Rebbe. Yes, certainly. He was a holy Jew. He was a very kind man and he never slept in a bed after the Shoah. And he cared about the Jewish people and cared about individual Jews. Listen, I was a rabbi in Miami Beach; I didn’t have a beard; I wore a blue suit. He came to visit me, and I came to visit him. We had long conversations. He gave me great instructions. He befriended me. He didn’t have to do that. He could have said, “It’s an American shaigitz.” What’s that got to do with him? Did he ever talk about Israel to you? No. That was one agreement unspoken between us that we would never speak about that.

over. In 1950, Look Magazine said that the wave of the future, the only Judaism that will survive in America, was Conservative Judaism. Now it looks like only Orthodox Judaism will survive. That’s right. You cannot realize the enormous sea change that has occurred to have the strong vibrant Orthodox community that we have today, in all of its different branches. Did you ever meet the Lubavitcher Rebbe? No, I never met him. What was your relationship with the Ponovezher Rav? He would come in the winter to Miami Beach to collect money for the yeshiva, and I was his driver to drive him to see people. We used to go three morn-

“In 1950, Look Magazine said that the wave of the future, the only Judaism that will survive in America, was Conservative Judaism.” You never wanted to try to breach that? He never said anything, and I never said anything. He gave me such good advice as to how to run a community and how to be a Rav and what halachos to know. How about Rav Aharon Kotler? Rav Aharon Kotler was single-minded in building Torah, and he refused to agree that America somehow is different than Europe. But when I knew Rav Aharon Kotler, there were only twenty-seven bachurim and yungerleit in Lakewood. Twenty-seven! Are you surprised seeing the proliferation of frumkeit in America? Yes, certainly. I come from a generation when everyone said that it was all

ings a week. For about five years, I did that. What was he like? He was an extraordinary human being – he had compassion; he had humor; he was a genius; he had a photographic memory. He was a great fundraiser. He was a dreamer. He was a man of vision. He was a builder. And he saw the whole Jewish picture. He wasn’t limited to the yeshiva. He saw the whole Jewish world. As somebody who’s a historian, how do you look at problems in the community – do you look at them as things that need to be fixed or part of the solution themselves? Well, there’s no question that a lot comes out of the problems. But it takes great patience. We are a very impatient

group, so we want everything now and everything fixed now. It takes time. Things sort themselves out. I got a sense from reading about America in your new book that that a lot of the situations that arose between the different yeshivas and rabbanim moving from place to place ended up creating a lot of the different types of yeshivas in America. Absolutely. In Jewish history, we have the legends of the four scholars from Babylonia that were captured by pirates, and they ended up founding Jewish communities in North Africa and in Italy and in Spain, they’re the ones that created that diaspora. That repeats itself. What’s your favorite era in Jewish history? The one that I live in. Regarding history, first of all, how did you get into it? In the yeshiva, we had a big library, and I used to wander into the library during the lunch hour. Other people went to play ball. I wasn’t that much of a ballplayer. And there was a wonderful librarian in the library, and she gave me books. She said, “Berel, here’s a good book. Read it.” I read a biography on the Rosh. And then she gave me other books and a book on the Baalei Tosfos. And after a while, I became interested in who these people were. I would study the Gemara and I would study Rashi, and it would bother me. Who was Rashi? He was somebody. When did he live? What did he do? And that developed my interest. And then I became interested in general history as well. I went to public school, so I read a lot of books on the American Civil War and on the Revolutionary War, etc. I found all of that to be fascinating. And that developed my interest. What would you recommend as a starting point for somebody who wants to really delve into Jewish history? Without being too presumptuous, I have a series of 120 lectures that can be gotten from my website, Jewishdestiny. com. If you listen to all of that, you’ll get a broad sweep of Jewish history and there’s bibliographies that go with it. And you can go deeper and deeper and deeper if you want. But at least it’ll give you the overview of the whole story. You’ll know what happened from Ezra until today.



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Rabbi Mordechai Willig

Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon

Rosh Yeshiva and Rosh Kollel of the Bella and Harry Wexner Kollel Elyon, Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary

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The First Annual Bella and Harry Wexner Kollel Elyon Conference

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“My Comedy is Real Life” The Irrepressible Malkie Knopfler By Malky lowinger


OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home


any of us are familiar with the influencers, the bloggers, the recipe developers, the Instagram “stars,” and the many characters who populate the world that lives in our phones. These are the people who we may never have met but who we are very familiar with. In that bizarre world we call social media, they’ve become our friends. Among all of these celebrities, Malkie Knopfler, aka the Comic Cook, stands out. She is both irrepressible and irresistible. With her spot-on observations on the life of the Jewish woman, her willingness to share her struggles, and her sharp but funny satire, she has weaved her way into the hearts of thousands of followers. In a community that is reluctant to expose its vulnerabilities, Malkie’s comedy is a welcome relief. She’s not perfect – and neither are we. Clearly, she must be doing something right. Malkie has performed in countless women-only productions. She has 32,000 followers on her Instagram account as the_comic_cook. She is the marketing genius behind many successful brands. And her most recent endeavor, “The Malkie Show,” is a historic first. It’s a talk show for women, by women, and about women, with an outstanding lineup of talented and fascinating guests. With her trademark good humor, Malkie keeps the episodes engaging, intriguing, and entertaining. It’s a super ambitious project that Malkie says is totally a full-time job. Why is it that Malkie makes us smile even before she starts to say anything? What is it about her work that is so endearing? How does she make even the jaded among us laugh?


alkie grew up in Boro Park, a Bais Yaakov girl through and through. She had the typical heimish childhood. But inside that little girl with the trademark ponytail and the pleated uniform skirt, the girl who wore all the right headbands and had the proper family background, there was a free spirit waiting to bloom.

“I was not the best student,” admits Malkie in that way that you know she wasn’t the second-best either. “I was more into comedy and drama, all the extracurriculars.” Today, she would have been the star of her school’s productions, but back then, she wasn’t able to participate in the extracurriculars her Bais Yaakov offered. So, as Malkie puts it, “I spent a lot of time with my friends in the hallways where we made up our own extracurriculars.” Aha. OK, got it. Clearly, those years were challenging for Malkie, and she speaks about them with passion. “I wish I would have known then what I know now,” she says. “That if we don’t do well in school, we are still valuable, and we will one day find ourselves.” Years later, Malkie wrote a poem which she has since recorded as a music video called “Dear Young Me.” The song, set to music by Tehila Ehrlich, is dedicated to all the girls and women out there who may struggle academically or even socially but are really superstars in their own way. The video, which was posted just a few weeks ago, can be seen on YouTube and has already been viewed close to five thousand times. “I can’t tell you how that song resonates with both kids and adults,” said Malkie. “The feedback is incredible.” Malkie’s serious side is certainly intriguing. But her career as a comic performer highlights her keen sense of humor and her irrepressible giggle. She makes it look easy, but Malkie says that comedy is an art that requires lots of focused energy and insight, especially when performing for a community where the subject matter is restricted and sensitivity is paramount. “I do good, old-fashioned Jewish humor,” she points out. “I make fun of bloggers but it’s tongue in cheek because I’m a blogger myself. I make sure my act is totally good-natured and not mean-spirited in any way.” It’s not easy to walk that fine line between being appropriate yet unpredictable, funny yet also inspiring, quirky and comical but never disrespectful. Malkie manages to keep it consistently clean, kosher, and still entertaining. “People like to ask me if I’m funny all the time,” she says. “I tell them that being funny is an amazing talent which I am grateful to have. Hashem gave me this gift, but I’m really just



that if we don’t do well in school, we are still valuable, and we will one day find ourselves.” resents a major investment for Malkie, not just in time and talent and energy but also in resources. “It’s extremely costly,” she declares. “People are always asking me to produce more episodes, but they don’t realize what a major investment it is.” Malkie works with a producer, Sima of Davidowitz Productions, who is her right-hand (wo)man and manages to attend to all the details so that Malkie can concentrate on what she does best – performing. “Without her,” says Malkie, “I would be overwhelmed.”


alkie’s career trajectory has largely been a success story, but she remembers one particularly disastrous performance that occurred when she was just starting out. “I was hired to do stand-up comedy for a group of women who were raised in a different country,” she remembers. “They totally didn’t get my act and sat there staring at me with blank faces. I was devastated.” Malkie went home that evening convinced that she would never again perform. “It was my most humiliating evening,” she recalls. “And I wasn’t looking to embarrass myself ever again.” But instead, she decided to forge ahead. “I realized the problem wasn’t me. The audience just wasn’t a good fit for me. They simply didn’t appreciate the nuances of our lifestyle that I joke about.” Instead of quitting, she persevered, endearing herself to audiences who appreciate her humor and are not afraid to laugh at themselves. Malkie likes to tell people to follow their dreams and develop their talents. Her favorite saying is, “You don’t have to be a someone to be a something,” which, loosely translated, means “Stop sitting on the couch thinking that you’re not good enough.” “There’s this perception that only special people can do chesed and that only celebrities can visit hospitals. But everyone can find something that they’re good at and some way in which they can help others. And it won’t happen by sitting on the couch. “Anyone can be a star,” Malkie asserts. “They just have to try.”

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he Malkie Show” is probably Malkie’s crowning achievement, an opportunity for her to showcase talent while offering kosher inspiring entertainment for women. It was a daunting endeavor to be sure, but early feedback indicates that she has stumbled onto something huge. “I actually had this idea in my head about ten years ago,” she says. “I pitched the concept to several people, but the world wasn’t ready for it yet.” Now the world is. “The Malkie Show” is a showcase of talent and entertainment for women of all ages and backgrounds. “There’s such a need for it,” Malkie insists. “I get stopped all the time by ladies begging me to produce more episodes. People are constantly reaching out to tell me how much they enjoy the show.” Malkie says the show provides healthy “Inspir-tainment,” a phrase that she coined. Over the past few weeks, Malkie has interviewed Raizy Fried (raizyscookin), Tehila Ehrlich, Shaindy Plotzker (shaindyplotzkermusic), ping-pong champion Estee Akerman, and even her own mom. “She was my very first guest,” Malkie says proudly. “It was my way of saying I owe it all to her.” “The Malkie Show” may seem to flow seamlessly, but it rep-

“I wish I would have known then what I know now – APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

a regular person with a family just like you. Like everybody else, I have my struggles.” Through Malkie, we can laugh at the gossipy women in the bungalow colony, the overwhelmed moms, the harried housewives, and even the social media bloggers. She helps us to recognize our own flaws and our failings. “My comedy is real life,” she notes. “Mothering, childbirth, shidduchim. Yes, people may be struggling with these issues. But on the other hand, there’s so much to laugh about. I try to find the humor in our everyday life and help people find a new perspective. They can laugh at themselves, and I think they’re really grateful for that.” One of Malkie’s running themes is the challenge she faces in juggling her career with her family life. She calls it her “juggle struggle.” “It’s a struggle I constantly face,” she says. “I’m not gonna lie. I make a cheshbon hanefesh every day.” It’s not easy to lavish attention on your own children when you are stopped in the street by followers on a regular basis. “I appreciate it when people come over to tell me they enjoy my show,” she says. “But when I’m with my kids I try to focus on them. There’s a time and a place for everything.” That struggle, she adds, is shared by all career-minded women. “Our heads are full of so many things,” she observes, “but we need to be there for our kids not just physically but emotionally as well. It’s definitely a challenge.” That said, Malkie’s family is super proud of what she is achieving.


The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022


Places to Go, Things to Do This year, Pesach comes out as trees are blossoming and the sun shines in its glory. We hope to have balmy temperatures as we celebrate Chag HaAviv, but remember that nothing warms you up more than enjoying quality time together. Take advantage and spend time with the family during chol hamoed – indoors or outdoors. TJH has compiled a list of ideas, activities, and places to go for you to enjoy. Make sure to pack enough food (macaroons, matzah and marshmallows!) and music for the road and have fun!

Zoos and Farms Queens County Farm Museum 73-50 Little Neck Parkway, Floral Park, NY 11004 718-347-3276


OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home

White Post Farms 250 Old County Road, Melville, NY 11747 631-351-9373 New York Aquarium Surf Avenue & West 8th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11224 718-265-FISH Long Island Aquarium and Exhibition Center 431 East Main Street, Riverhead, NY 11901 631-208-9200 Prospect Park Zoo 450 Flatbush Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11225 718-399-7339 Queens Zoo 53-51 111th Street, Flushing, NY 11368 718-271-1500

Central Park Zoo 64th Street & 5th Avenue, New York, NY 10065 212-861-6030 Green Meadows Farm 73-50 Little Neck Parkway, Floral Park, NY 11002 718-470-0224 Green Meadows Farm Brooklyn At the Aviator Sports Center 3159 Flatbush Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11234 718-470-0278 Bronx Zoo 2300 Southern Blvd, Bronx, NY 10460 718-220-5103 Long Island Game Farm 489 Chapman Boulevard, Manorville, NY 11949 631-873-6644

Scenic Attractions Central Park Boating, biking, the Great Lawn, model-boat sailing, carriage rides, carousel Between 5th & 8th Avenues and 59th & 106th Streets, New York, NY 212-360-3444


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Bryant Park 6th Avenue, between W 40-42 Street, New York, NY 10018 212-768-4242 New York Highline Gansevoort St. to West 30 St. between Washington St. and 11 Ave., New York, NY 212-500-6035

Old Westbury Gardens 71 Old Westbury Road, Old Westbury, NY 11568 516-333-0048 Sagamore Hill 20 Sagamore Hill Road, Oyster Bay, NY 11771 516-922-4788 South Street Seaport 89 South St., New York, NY 10038 212-732-7678

Brooklyn Bridge Park 1 Main Street, Brooklyn, NY 718-222-9939 Fort Tyron Park Riverside Drive to Broadway, W 192 Street to Dyckman Street, New York, NY

Brooklyn Botanic Gardens 900 Washington Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11225 718-623-7200 Brooklyn Heights Promenade Downtown Brooklyn—Remsen Street to Orange Street along the East River

New York Circle Line Pier 83, West 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036 Pier 16, South Street Seaport, New York, NY 10038 212-563-3200

The New York Botanical Garden 2900 Southern Boulevard, Bronx, NY 10458 718-817-8700

Statue of Liberty/Ellis Island Ferries from Battery Park, NY 1 Battery Place, New York, NY 10004 212-363-3200

Wave Hill Public Gardens 675 W 252 St, Bronx, NY 10471 718-549-3200

Jamaica Bay Riding Academy 7000 Shore Pkwy, Brooklyn, NY 11234 718-531-8949






Monday, April 18th Tuesday, April 19th Park Hours: 11 AM - 7 PM Safari Hours: 9 AM - 3 PM OPTION 2


Theme Park

Wild Safari Drive-Thru

Advance Price: $40 + TAX

Advance Price: $22 + TAX Day of Price: $24

Theme Park + Safari Bundle

Safari is self-drive

Discounted parking passes may be purchased online for $20 only. Parking passes at the gate are $30.



Wednesday, April 20th


Day of Price: $45


Advance Price: $53 + TAX Day of Price: $55

Tickets can be purchased at the gate or online at

Kosher for Pesach food will be available for purchase from Riverdale Kosher Market (under supervision of Vaad HaRabbonim of Riverdale.) No outside food allowed.

All park and ride openings and closures are determined by Six Flags Great Adventure. Tickets are non-refundable.

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DAY, APRI 3:00 PL 19 TH ON LY M For groups or more information call (201) 862-0250



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The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022


Union Square Greenmarket Union Square West, New York, NY 10003 212-788-7476

Laser Bounce 80-28 Cooper Avenue, Glendale, NY 11385 347-599-1919

Historic Richmond Town 441 Clarke Avenue, Staten Island, NY 10306 718-351-1611

Laser Bounce 2710 Hempstead Turnpike, Levittown, NY 11756 516-342-1330

The Amish Village 199 Hartman Bridge Road, Ronks, PA 17572 717-687-8511 Mystic Seaport 75 Greenmanville Avenue, Mystic, CT 06355 888-973-2767

Amusement Parks Six Flags Great Adventure 1 Six Flags Boulevard, Jackson, NJ 08527 201-862-0250 Adventureland 2245 Broad Hollow Road (RT 110), Farmingdale, NY 11735 631-694-6868 Adventurer’s 1824 Shore Pkwy, Brooklyn, NY 11214 718-975-2748 Bayville Adventure Park 8 Bayville Ave, Bayville, NY 11709 516-624-7433 Sahara Sam’s Oasis and Water Park & Diggerland 535 N Route 73, West Berlin, NJ 08091 856-767-7580


OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home

Bronx Zoo Treetop Adventure Climb and Zipline Bronx River Parkway at Boston Road, Bronx, NY 10460 347-308-9028

RPM Raceway Go-Karting 40 Daniel St, Farmingdale, NY 11735 631-752-7223 One World Observatory One World Trade Center, 117 West Street, New York, NY 10007 844-OWO-1776 Chelsea Piers Hudson River—Piers 59-62—New York, NY 212-336-6800 Woodmere Lanes 948 Broadway, Woodmere, NY 11598 516-374-9870 Funfest Bowling 6161 Strickland Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11234 718-763-6800 Chuck E. Cheese 162 Fulton Avenue, Hempstead, NY 11550 516-483-3166 Kids N Shape 162-26 Cross Bay Boulevard, Howard Beach, NY 11414 866-567-1989 Brooklyn Boulders 575 Degraw Street, Brooklyn, NY 11217 347-834-9066 Brooklyn Boulders 23-10 41 Avenue, Long Island City, NY 11101 718-482-7078 MetroRock Brooklyn 321 Starr Street, Brooklyn, NY 11237 929-500-7625

Indoor Fun Parks

High Exposure Rock Climbing 266 Union St, Northvale, NJ 07647 201-768-8600

Legoland Discovery Center Westchester 39 Fitzgerald Street, Yonkers, NY 10701 844-740-9223

Thrillz High Flying Adventure Park 5 Prindle Ln, Danbury, CT 06811 203-942-2585

Fun Fuzion at New Roc City 19 Lecount Place, New Rochelle, NY 10801 914-637-7575 Fun Station USA 3555 Victory Blvd, Staten Island, NY 10314 718-370-0077

Long Island Adventure Park 75 Colonial Springs Rd, Gate #3, Wheatley Heights, NY 11798 631-983-3844


APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022

138 Trapeze School NY 467 Marcy Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11206 212-242-8769

Long Beach Ice Arena 150 W Bay Dr, Long Beach, NY 11561 516-705-7385

Trapeze School NY 353 West St, New York, NY 10014 212-242-8769

Lefrak Center Ice Skating 171 East Drive, Brooklyn, NY 11225 718-462-0010

Air Trampoline Sports 1850 Lakeland Avenue, Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 631-619-6000

Something Different

Skyzone Trampoline Park 33 Lecount Place, New Rochelle, NY 10801 914-740-8272 Skyzone Trampoline Park 111 Rodeo Drive, Deer Park, NY 11717 631-392-2600

Puppetworks 338 Sixth Avenue, Park Slope, NY 11215 718-965-3391 Make It Too 86 Cedarhurst Ave, Cedarhurst, NY 11516 516-341-7660

Rockin’ Jump Trampoline Park 241 Market Street, Yonkers, NY 10710 914-510-9119

Build a Bear Roosevelt Field Mall 630 Old Country Road, Garden City, NY 11530 516-248-0027

Launch Trampoline Park 163-50 Cross Bay Blvd, Howard Beach, NY 11414 718-593-4204

Build a Bear 9015 Queens Blvd, Elmhurst, NY 11373 718-289-7135

Glow Golf Roosevelt Field Mall, Garden City, NY 11530 516-747-3682 Smith Point Archery 215 E Main Street, Patchogue, NY 11772 631-289-3399 VR World NYC 8 East 34 Street, New York, NY 10016 646-515-0868 Dave & Busters 1 Sunrise Mall, Massapequa, NY 11758 516-809-8514

Save $5! Purchase online

Iceland Long Island 3345 Hillside Avenue, New Hyde Park, NY 11040 516-746-1100


City Ice Pavilion 47-32 32 Place, Long Island City, NY 11101 718-706-6667



from 11AM to 5PM

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Dave & Busters 1504 Old Country Road, Westbury, NY 11590 516-542-8501

CholHamoedPesach PARK HOURS Monday - Wednesday April 18 -20


APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022

140 Artrageous Studio 5 N Village Ave, Rockville Centre, NY 11570 516-255-5255 Once Upon a Dish 659 Franklin Ave, Garden City, NY 11530 516-742-6030 Baked in Brooklyn 242 Wythe Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11249 718-384-2300 Brooklyn Clay Industries 63 Flushing Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11205 301-395-0143 Color Me Mine 123 Baxter St, New York, NY 10013 212-374-1710 La Mano Pottery 110 West 26 Street, New York, NY 10001 212-627-9450 Taro’s Origami Studio 95 7th Avenue, 2nd Floor, Brooklyn, NY 11215 718-360-5435

Bury the Hatchet 25 Noble Street, Brooklyn, NY 11222 917-243-9696 2BA Pilot Flight Lessons 9100 Republic Airport, Farmingdale, NY 11735 516-662-8887

Museums Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum Pier 86, 12th Avenue and 46th Street 212-245-0072 9/11 Memorial and Museum 200 Liberty Street, New York, NY 10006 212-266-5211 Jewish Museum 1109 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10128 212-423-3200 Museum of Jewish Heritage 36 Battery Pl, New York, NY 10280 646-437-4202 Living Torah Museum 1603 41 Street, Brooklyn, NY 11218 718-851-3215 Long Island Children’s Museum 11 Davis Avenue, Garden City, NY 11530 516-224-5800 Skyscape 928 8th Avenue, New York, NY 10019 212-549-1941 Museum of Illusions 77 Eighth Avenue, New York, NY 10014 212-645-3230


OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home

National Museum of Mathematics 11 East 26 Street, New York, NY 10010 212-542-0566 Brooklyn Children’s Museum 145 Brooklyn Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11213 718-735-4400 Jewish Children’s Museum 792 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, NY 11213 718-467-0600 Children’s Museum of Manhattan 212 W 83rd St, New York, NY 10024 212-721-1234


APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home















The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022

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APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022


Dating Dialogue

What Would You Do If… Moderated by Jennifer Mann, LcSW of the Navidaters

Dear Navidaters,

This Pesach will be my first yom tov married, and I am dreading going to my in-laws for yom tov. There. I said it. (At least here I can remain anonymous!) I love my husband dearly and am happily married but this situation is making me sick. I am already nauseous and pregnant with our first, bez”H. My parents

got up and left for a Pesach program in Crete for the duration of Pesach, leaving us no choice but to stay with my in-laws the entire time. I feel resentful towards my parents for not offering us to come and join them. All of my friends are going with their parents (not their in-laws) for at least half of Pesach. My in-laws are cold, stiff, and hard to connect with, plus I am married to their youngest, so it feels like the older married siblings OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home

who go there are already in an exclusive club. I want to get over this so badly so I can have a good time. Do you have advice how I can make the best of this worst case scenario? -Aviva*

Disclaimer: This column is not intended to diagnose or otherwise conclude resolutions to any questions. Our intention is not to offer any definitive conclusions to any


particular question, rather offer areas of exploration for the author and reader. Due to the nature of the column receiving only a short snapshot of an issue, without the benefit of an actual discussion, the panel’s role is to offer a range of possibilities. We hope to open up meaningful dialogue and individual exploration.


APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022


The Panel the rebbetzin Rebbetzin Faigie Horowitz, M.S.


viva, re-read your own query, please. You come across as an entitled, immature disappointed young person who thinks that she is owed a Crete yom tov. I would like to think that you were feeling very sorry for yourself while feeling sick and sending off this email. Reminder that your kallah teachers and other teachers have told you before we have: getting used to in-laws is part of the adjustment to marriage. They come along with your husband and raised this wonderful young man whom you love. You owe them respect and menchlichkeit during the sojourn in their home (and always) even if you don’t see eye to eye with them on everything. Marriage

comes with responsibilities as well as basic marital rights as spelled out in the kesubah. No one else owes you anything. Pesach, a time of hallowed tradition in Jewish families, is a challenging time to spend in a new environment. Nonetheless, you owe it to yourself and the family you are building to conduct yourself like a bas melech, the daughter of the King, who is refined and gracious even when it is not easy. Middos tovos must prevail. You are a future parent and need to see yourself as such. You can do this. Put a smile on your face and help out. You will be accepted as part of the family bunch especially if you roll up your sleeves, even if it just to sit on the couch with the little ones and entertain them. That is helpful. Hanging out in your bedroom and coming out for meals only is a bad idea. Fake it until you make it to be a gracious sister-in-law and daughter-in-law.

A person can change the quality of his life by changing the quality of his thoughts.

the Shadchan Michelle Mond


How can you do this? Instead of sulking in your bedroom, come out and mingle with the family in the living room.Compliment, be a farginer. Ask for recipes. Comment on wall art. Comment on MIL or the sister’s outfits and sheitels, heels and tablescapes. These are things people put lots of thought into. Show interest in their lives and watch how quickly you become a part of theirs. Don’t focus on what you’re missing; focus on what you have. This year, Baruch Hashem, you have a husband, in-laws, and a baby in the way. You even have a place to go for the entire Pesach without having to prepare a thing. Perspective is everything. With the right lenses and a bit of work you’ll have the opportunity to build a beautiful relationship with your new family this Pesach.

the Single Tzipora Grodko



am going to teach you an extremely valuable life-altering lesson. Most of our complaints come from bracha. You mentioned that you want to “get over this and make the best of your situation.” Focus on the fact that you are surrounded by an overflow of bracha: Marriage. (Something me and many of my friends don’t have.) Pregnancy. (I know many people struggling with infertility.) Parents and in-laws. (Unfortunately, as a yasom, I know many people that experienced parental loss and I know many who don’t have in laws they can visit for a variety of reasons.) Focusing on appreciating your bracha can be difficult if you’re uncomfortable with

emoH hsiweJ eht | 5102 ,92 rebOtcO

’m so sorry you won’t be enjoying your parents’ company this Pesach. It seems as though you will miss them dearly. I have two major points to make about your conundrum. I am sure your parents have a good reason for not bringing you along. I don’t know much about your situation, but perhaps there are other married siblings and if they’d bring one couple, it would only be fair to bring them all. Try to be happy for your parents – after all, they deserve a break too! That brings me to step number one: stretch yourself to have an ayin tova, a good eye. It will help you not only in this situation, but also in your marriage. B”H you are expecting. This also means your hormones which are out of whack, you are not feeling well, and on top of all that you miss your parents. Recognize this as a recipe for high strung emotional rigidity. Oftentimes, when we recognize the external factors playing into our emotions, the actual severity of a problematic situation dissipates. You describe your in-laws as cold and unfriendly, but I wonder, have you shown interest in building a relationship? Will this Pesach be your chance? You mentioned that you are married to their youngest son. Could you be mistaking their hectic life and busy schedules with feelings of coldness? After all, they are inviting you and your husband for the entire duration of yom tov. Cold and unfriendly in-laws would not entertain such a generous offer. My sense is that you are used to being the built-in star of the show in your family. With your in-laws, you will have to work for a relationship. As you have described, the other married sibs feel to you like a seasoned club, one that you are not yet a part of. Note that I wrote, not yet. Aviva, this is your chance to get close to your beloved husband’s family! Not every relationship comes easy, on the contrary – most relationships take hard work and effort. If you try, you can turn this Pesach into a turning point in your relationship with the parents and siblings of your wonderful husband. This brings me to step two: make an effort to try to build a connection.


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APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home


The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022


these new adjustments and you may need to exercise that muscle a bit more. However, the best part of exercise is that once you start, things that were difficult become easier, and things that were uncomfortable, can eventually become more comfortable. William James, the father of modern psychology, was asked on his deathbed what the greatest lesson he ever learned was. His answer wasn’t epigenetics or something outside of our scope of understanding. Rather, it was simply: “That a person can change the quality of his life by changing the quality of his thoughts.”

the Zaidy Dr. Jeffrey Galler


eally?! You are going to be wined and dined for the entire Pesach, you don’t have to shop, cook, or prepare for yom tov, and this is your “worst case scenario”? Please forgive me for pointing out that you come across as a slightly overindulged princess. All of us would also enjoy it if your parents could invite us to join them for the Pesach in Crete program. But

Pulling It All Together The Navidaters Dating and Relationship Coaches and Therapists


OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home


’shaah tova! Thank you for writing into the panel. Pesach plans with family bring up a lot of feelings for many people...and not always the warm and fuzzies. It’s one thing to spend part of the holiday with family, and it’s another to spend the entire holiday with family when tensions run high. I’m sorry that you don’t enjoy your in-laws and that they are hard to connect with, and that the older siblings have this exclusive club that you do not feel a part of. That doesn’t sound very enjoyable, to be honest, and I’m sending you some validation. So many people are in your shoes (or similar), looking toward Pesach with dread. But not everyone asks your question, Do you have any advice how I can make the best of this worst case scenario? I like your question and outlook! It’s always easy to give advice when you’re not the one living with the situa-

tion, so please understand that I know that whatever advice I will offer will be easier said than done and that there are no magic elixirs to take away difficult family dynamics and gatherings. For starters, let’s begin with the concepts of surrender and acceptance. Pesach is happening. You are going to your in-laws. I believe you may be having some normal anxiety about the eight days ahead. Totally normal. Let’s give ourselves a pat on the back! The majority of the adult world does not spend eight days under one roof with their parents/family. Family dynamics can be complicated, and no one said that we end up with in-laws (or even blood relatives) that we like. These holidays are hard for so many people! Surrendering to the idea that the dynamics are bigger than you are, and that you ultimate-

Perspective is everything.

we understand that perhaps it would be too costly for them, or perhaps they need a bit of relaxing, alone time for themselves. OK, maybe I’m being a bit too harsh and judgmental. You’re a young newlywed, and you’re being thrust into an uncomfortable, anxiety-provoking situation. I hope the following thoughts are helpful to you: First, your discomfort is similar to the anxiety felt by a junior high school girl who is transferring to a new school. She is suddenly in a new and strange environment, faced with trying to fit in with a group of girls who have already formed their own friendships and cliques. What should she do? The new girl in school, and the new daughter-in-law in the family, do not want to come across as too eager, too talkative, or too desperate to become the life of the party; nor do they want to come across as being too cool, aloof, or disinterested in fitting into the group. So, be very attentive, very polite, laugh, and react appropriately. Respectfully offer to help set the table and prepare the meals. Praise your mother-in-law for her delicious

chicken cutlets. Compliment the way your father-in-law conducts the sedarim. Ask one sister-in-law if she could share her recipe for the tasty dessert that she prepared. Praise another sister-in-law for the way she handles her children. Buy little presents for all your nieces and nephews. Above all, keep smiling and make believe that you are happy to be there. I hope this doesn’t sound cynical, but Jean Giraudoux once wrote, “The key to success in life is being sincere. If you can fake that, you’ve got it made.” Second, consider this yom tov as a wonderful opportunity for you and your husband to enjoy each other’s company, without the pressures of work or household chores. Take the opportunity to rest, indulge in walks together, play board games, enjoy your books and magazines, and, above all, be sure to read the current issue of The Jewish Home from cover to cover. Have a great yom tov!

ly did not cause them and cannot fix them, is going to be your best friend this holiday! Accepting that you are doing this because you love your husband, and marriage is all about giving, will be your other bestie! Try to focus on the beautiful chol hamoed we have this year. We have a week in between the first and last days of yom tov. Can you and your husband plan a trip or two? If you will be working or are in school, then wonderful! You will be out of the house. Are there any family members that you like? Focus on the one or two. Try to make one-on-one conversation with an older sibling or two. Bring a lot of books! Plan to take walks and naps! Have any friends in the area that you

can meet up with on yom tov? If so, make a plan. Being around people who are stiff and cold is very uncomfortable and unsettling. Make sure your husband knows how you are feeling and take breaks alone or together as needed for some much-needed couples time. Extended family time with difficult family members isn’t easy. If you switch off holidays every year, next year, G-d willing, you will be with yours. Good luck getting through. Try to adopt the mindset of being on the lookout for anything positive. Wishing you and yours a chag kosher v’sameach! Sincerely, Jennifer

Jennifer Mann, LCSW is a licensed psychotherapist and certified trauma healing life coach, as well as a dating and relationship coach working with individuals, couples, and families in private practice at 123 Maple Avenue in Cedarhurst, NY. She also teaches a psychology course at Touro College. To set up a consultation or to ask questions, please call 718-908-0512. Visit www. for more information. If you would like to submit a dating or relationship question to the panel anonymously, please email You can follow The Navidaters on FB and Instagram for dating and relationship advice.


APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022


teen talk

by Mrs. Osnat (Arlene) Klestzick

Dear Teen Talk, I am a freshman in a girls high school, and I am so grateful to be able to address my question to someone who does not know me and will be totally unbiased and can perhaps help me.

Teen Talk ,

a new colum n in TJH, is ge ared towards th e teens in our com munity. A nswered b rotating ro ya ster of tea chers, reb clinicians beim, , and peers (!), teens w hearing a ill be nswers to many que stions they had percolatin g in their minds and wishe d they ha d the answ ers for.

I am really hurting! I feel so alone. I would describe myself as friendly but on the quiet side. In elementary school, I had one or two best friends. I don’t know if it’s just me, but I feel ignored or even bullied by some of my new classmates. One day they seem to be my friend, and the next day they simply ignore me. We have a class chat and whenever they plan anything and I want to join them, they give me some lame excuses why I can’t. When I call girls to try to make Shabbos arrangements, I usually get rejected. And it seems in class, whenever I walk over to some girls, they stop talking. It is as if they don’t want to talk in front of me. They don’t want to include me, and I don’t know if that’s called bullying, but it’s very hurtful. What should I do?


OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home


ear freshman in high school, It takes a very mature young lady who is in touch with her emotions and feelings to be able to reach out for support. I will try to help you help yourself; but first you must have a better understanding of the term “bullying.” This word has been bantered about and used indiscriminately for almost all undesirable behaviors. It seems our society is fixated with “bullying.” As far back as I can remember, children have always displayed certain poor behaviors, especially in group dynamics. Not every action is bullying. But many are. According to the Oxford dictionary, a bully is “someone who seeks to intimidate, harm or coerce someone who is perceived

as vulnerable. It can also be someone who persecutes, oppresses, tyrannizes, intimidates or torments another person. It can be verbal, saying mean things, teasing, name calling, taunting and threatening to cause harm.” Leaving someone out on purpose and

you do about it? You told us in your opening statement that you had one or two good friends. I assume they are not with you in this high school and that is definitely part of the problem. Attending high school is a hard adjust-

Once you have an ally, you will have more self-confidence. being exclusive is a form of social bullying. You can see from the above description of bullying that your classmates definitely fall into that category. Now the question is: what should you do about it? What can

ment for most. Social interaction and relationships play a big role. When you feel comfortable with your surroundings and feel welcomed by your peers, that adjustment will come.


APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

Are you a teen with a question? If you have a question or problem you’d like our columnists to address, email your question or insight to, subject line: Teen Talk.

know, it is not uncommon to be excluded from joining. I have seen many girls who have been rejected from a clique that even contained old friendships. When this happens, you feel betrayed and alone. Perhaps that loneliness can be viewed as a lesson and even a bracha. You now have a unique opportunity to take your freshman year experience and use it to further your own growth in middos. You will have gained such an important sensitivity towards others that perhaps you didn’t even possess before. It can cause you to be an even more warm and welcoming person, especially to those with limited friends. You possess something now that most are lacking: an acute sensitivity to other girls’ feelings. You can channel this deep empathetic understanding to help others in the future and counsel those who are going through this very overwhelming stage. I hope my suggestions are helpful. If you take the path of surrounding yourself with girls that have fine middos, you will be able to navigate your high school experience in a positive state of mind and your feelings of loneliness and anxiety will disappear.

‫ֵמ ַע ְבד ּות ְל ֵחר ּות‬ ‫ש ְמ ָחה‬ ׂ ִ ‫ִמיָ ּ גוֹ ן ְל‬ Will they enjoy Pesach without shame & heartache? It’s been 226 years and we’ve never let them down

Rewrite the saga of 2,000 families in Eretz Yisrael this Pesach. Call 24 Hours

Mrs. Osnat (Arlene) Klestzick, a resident of Far Rockaway, has been the English principal of Bnos Leah Prospect Park Yeshiva Elementary School in Brooklyn for the past forty years. She is now semi-retired and remains principal emeritus.


emoH hsiweJ eht | 5102 ,92 rebOtcO

Going back to the definition, bullies seek out one who is perceived as vulnerable. It is your job now to change that perception. My advice to you would be to seek out one or two girls in the class that you know are kind and have good middos. They might not be the most popular girls in the class, but that’s OK. Foster their friendship. Develop a relationship. Once you have an ally, you will have more self-confidence. Truthfully, why would you want to be friends with the other girls? They are exhibiting mean behavior. This behavior can be confusing and inconsistent. One day, a girl may seem like your best friend, and the next day she may refuse to speak to you. There are a number of reasons why girls choose to be mean. Perhaps it is peer pressure or trying to gain popularity or having been a recipient of this behavior themselves. Mean girl behavior can often be considered bullying. I have noticed that cliques and social groups are more common among girls. There is normally some sort of hierarchy to a clique. Those who are considered the most popular or who have the most dominating personalities become the leaders. When a clique has already been formed, it can be difficult to enter unless you are invited. You should




The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022

Dr. Deb

Why Blame is So Addictive by Deb Hirschhorn, Ph.D.


OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home


eff was furious. Marlee embarrassed and humiliated him in front of business associates. He attacked her in full force during one of their many arguments. “No, I didn’t do any such thing,” Marlee said with anger rising in her voice. “That’s not what happened. When you said [X, Y, Z], that made me [A, B, C]. It would have been better if you’d just [L, M, N].” “That’s not how it went down at all,” Jeffrey shot back. “That’s not how I remember it….” Blame and defense. Counter-attack comes next. We all know how it ends. Not well. Blame just makes people hurt, angry, defensive, and worried. The blamed one will go over and over in their mind what happened, as if trying to wriggle out of the mess mentally. Of course, they don’t and can’t wriggle out of anything that way, and they know it. But it has a force of its own, causing endless worry-loops of re-enactment as if the outcome will ever be different.

Not only does blame leave you worried and stuck, but it leaves the relationship in tatters. If the one blamed is worried and upset, the blamer doesn’t feel a bit better for it. The blamer has gotten isolated and estranged and has scored no points at all in the relationship. Worse yet, blame always attacks the wrong target. When you blame someone, you’re attacking them. But you very well know that they are not who you want to attack at all. You don’t want to blame the person because that not only alienates but is actually incorrect. They may have made a mistake, a misjudgment, an error, but does that strip them of a soul? No. Suppose the above exchange happened to you. Let me pull you out of the battle for a couple of minutes so you can see why I’m saying that targeting your partner is missing the boat. Just focus on the person you love or once loved, without their defenses – and yours – without all the hostility that shows up in response to blame. Just dust all that off, like sweeping away chometz. Instead,

see clearly in your mind’s eye who that person actually is. There’s a difference, isn’t there, between the true Self of the person and some of their behaviors, like the one you’re upset about right now? Yet blame is laden with all those “you” words. “You did this,” “You should have done that,” “What you did was stupid,” and so on. Attacking a person’s core Self, their identity, their personhood should not be the point when you get into discussions like this. When what they did wrong or omitted blows up in your mind to be bigger than it should be compared to the love, kindness, care, and good heart of that person, then you’ve created a problem that did not need to happen. You’ve probably read some self-help books on “fair fighting.” Well, I have a suggestion that is not so much behavioral as emotional: As you look at the person you’re arguing with, forget for a moment the topic and just see the person. Yet, we all seem addicted to blame. It causes roadblocks and suffering, doesn’t

solve the problem and actually makes things worse, yet we continue to do it. The opposite of blame is taking that finger and turning it around. That is, taking responsibility. This is a huge stress relief when the blamer can do it. It’s a stress relief not only for the person who would have gotten blamed but escaped it this way, but also for the blamer. Because now, the blamer examines the situation from a high perch in a tree overlooking the whole scene. Instead of zeroing in on only a small part of it, the would-be blamer looks at the total picture and acknowledges what he or she could have done differently. Why does that provide stress relief? That’s easy: Because when you blame someone else for things going wrong, you automatically give up control. True, yelling and attacking may feel for the moment like you’ve got the upper hand, but the results clearly show otherwise. The moment you dump the problem on the person you’re blaming, it’s in their court, so you no longer have control. And just to make matters worse,

153 tive shield of anger and blame. This way, he doesn’t have to feel the pain that he would prefer to forget, the pain of a sour marriage that he wishes were sweeter. If you cornered him at that moment and asked him what else he feels besides the anger, he’d kind of think a moment and realize – surprise, surprise! – that he feels nothing. Kind of numb. Attaboy, Jeff. You’re out of pain. On the other hand, nothing is resolved, Marlee is in pain now, and – ironically – Jeff somehow still feels rotten. Maybe not as bad as if he actually felt the grief for a disconnected relationship. But the numbness is not normal, and he feels rotten through it or because of it. So what’s the gain? There is no gain and many losses. I invite you to let us help you enjoy the reality of the pain. You see, here’s the interesting thing: When you feel your feelings, even pain, and those are not covered up by defenses, you not only feel alive, you have the clarity to take the steps you need to fix things. And the pain is quite fleeting any-

On the other hand, when you take responsibility, you actually have the capacity to fix things.

way. As your clarity leads you to solutions, you start to feel better and better. Not only that, you avoided attacking the one you love. A healed Jeff might say to Marlee, “I’m guessing it felt good to tease me a bit with my work guys, and maybe I even deserve it. But please don’t do it in the future; it was embarrassing.” A non-defensive Marlee might simply absorb her husband’s request, and in a relationship of love and compassion, would take it to heart. Is such a transformation easy? No, it isn’t. It takes time, thought, emotion, focus, and intention. But our best accomplishments come out of all that.

They aren’t making it through the month. How will they cover Pesach expenses? Turn tension and tears into true tranquility

Rewrite the saga of 2,000 families in Eretz Yisrael this Pesach. Call 24 Hours




Dr. Deb Hirschhorn is a Marriage and Family Therapist. If you want help with your marriage, begin by signing up to watch her Masterclass at myw-masterclass.

‫ֵמ ֵא ֶבל‬ ‫ְליוֹ ם טוֹ ב‬ ‫ּו ֵמ ֲא ֵפ ָלה‬ ‫ְלאוֹ ר ָ ּגדוֹ ל‬

emoH hsiweJ eht | 5102 ,92 rebOtcO

gry at someone for something. You’ve lost all sense of connection to that person, but you don’t feel it. That’s good because it keeps you from the sadness that you might feel over the rift in the relationship. The exact same dynamics explain why we hold onto resentment: It, too, is far less painful than feeling the sting of whatever it was that hurt us in the first place. Take the case above. If you took Jeff aside on a nicer day, he’d tell you that he loved Marlee. They just seem to fight, and he doesn’t know why. If you were a sympathetic listener, he might even mention how hurtful and heartbreaking it is to be always at war with the love of your life. But the split second that he overhears Marlee say something that sounds bad for him to his work colleagues, all that love is gone. Where did it go? It got all covered up with the protec-

APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

when you do the dumping in a criticizing manner, it assures you that the other person will be defensive instead of taking responsibility to fix things. On the other hand, when you take responsibility, you actually have the capacity to fix things. So it puts control back in your own hands. Taking responsibility cheerfully rather than grudgingly also is motivating to your partner to do the same, so it becomes a win-win. Why then don’t we do more of that and less of the blaming? How do we get so stuck in blame that it almost resembles an addiction? The answer is that in blame, we make a Faustian bargain: Although we give up control, we protect our own vulnerable core. While we do lose a big chunk of freedom when we hand control over to someone else, we get in return the pleasant feeling of righteous indignation which completely covers up any sadness, hopelessness, or helplessness we might feel. If the choice is grief and despair, we will take mildly numb any day. Think of the last time you were an-


The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022

Parenting Pearls

Attaining Balance by Sara rayvych, MSed

Due a layout error, this article was not reprinted in its entirety in last week’s issue. As such, we are reprinting the article in full in this week’s issue.

loans. Parents have confided in me of the stress they undergo each vacation period trying to provide their child with outings that will not shame them in front of their peers. The demands of keeping up with others has only gotten harder and more painful. It’s a vicious cycle; the fancier we go, the more pressure others feel.


OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home


here are some things you just can’t make up. Upon the suggestion of a family member, I started an article on balancing the various needs of Pesach, such as expenses and sanity. I was only a few paragraphs in when I read an article in a different newspaper (not TJH) describing in-depth the luxury of their Pesach getaway options. From barbeques to tearooms, they’ve got you covered. Do you need activities to entertain you? They have a jam-packed schedule. Underneath this article of opulence was a notice asking for donations to the food pantry. For a small donation, you can help provide a seder for a family in need. The article further pointed out that going away relieves you of “the burden” of Pesach. Yes, the word “burden” was used. Rather than suffer the “burden” of preparing for yom tov, you can get away from it all. I’m not here to speak out against Pesach programs nor going away for yom tov. Everything has a time and place, and there are many reasons why families may choose to go away, including to a hotel, for Pesach. Please do not take this article as a rant on Pesach programs or any particular method of relaxation. That is certainly not my intent. I couldn’t get past the disconnect between the two halves of the same page. The top of the page described the many types of meat you could enjoy, the convenience of having your food brought to you while you lounged about (no need to get up), and a Pesach seder costing thousands of dollars. The bottom of the same page asked for a small donation to provide the basics to help a family have a seder. For these families, just the basics of wine or grape juice and matzah can be out of their reach.

Pesach Expenses

I will admit I was upset with the choice of words. I can understand calling Pesach preparations “challenging,” “involved” or even (though not my favorite) “stressful.” What message are we giving over to our children when we refer to this gift from Hashem as a “burden”? It’s inconceivable that a mitzvah should be considered something we want to avoid and get away from. I’m not denying that a lot goes into making Pesach. I’ve done it myself many times, baruch Hashem. In fact, I’m writing this article in between my various Pesach responsibilities. Sadly, my house doesn’t prepare itself. It’s not easy, but it’s a very special time, made even more meaningful when we can more appropriately balance the many pressures of this season. Additionally, the better we balance the many aspects of the holiday, the less stress we should encounter. Each individual/family will find a different balance that works for them. Furthermore, the appropriate balance is completely unique to each individual and changes over time. What works for me won’t work for you; what works for

me today may not work tomorrow. As we come up to the big Pesach stretch, we are suddenly thrown off-kilter and need to find a whole new rhythm.

Finances Pesach can get expensive. Life can get expensive. Your car’s gas tank is currently a money guzzler. There are some expenses we can’t, nor should, avoid, but there are some that we can. It’s hard to discuss money, because everyone has a different income, along with requisite expenses. By necessity, this section will be up to each family to determine the appropriate level of expenditures for themselves. To be honest, I wouldn’t even feel appropriate telling others how to spend their money. Our community has families that range from affluent to financially needy, many families barely make it from one paycheck to the next. This puts pressure on families to feel like they need to keep up and spend money they don’t have. I know of families that have lived off maxed-out credit cards or bank

There are many expenses for this yom tov. I’ll briefly go through some of them. We need to purchase an entire, fresh kitchen’s worth of food (and sometimes small appliances or utensils). The food can, at times, cost more than the rest of the year. I bake challah – a 5 lb. bag of flour costs way less than a pound of matza. Pesach started when the Jews left Mitzrayim, and many continue that tradition today by leaving their homes in a mass exodus. Some go to the deserts of Pesach hotels, others to villas. Some families travel the distance to visit family and friends, while others enjoy day trips. There is a vast price difference between an all-inclusive trip to a luxury hotel and a day trip to the zoo, but both get the family out and about. Each member of the family enjoys feeling fresh in new clothes and shoes in honor of the big event. Suits, dresses, and crisp white shirts all add up in the budget. These many expenses can cause serious strain on the average salary. We want to look our best, enjoying this special time, but we need to think carefully before putting ourselves into debt to do so. Each family needs to evaluate for themselves what amount they can appropriately allocate towards each area. The very fancy, expensive Pesach cakes look nice but may not taste much different than the cheaper, less attractive ones. They rarely taste as good as homemade. Trips don’t need to be expensive


Stress As mentioned earlier, Pesach is considered a burden by many. Truthfully, it’s sad but understandable. Taking an honest look, it seems incomprehensible that our holiday of freedom should necessitate beginning with a period of “misery” each year. Perhaps it’s worth asking ourselves if what we’re doing is what Hashem truly intended. We need to prepare and scrupulously ensure no chometz remains, yet this can, and should, be done with simcha shel mitzvah. Perhaps it would be beneficial to ask if what we’re doing is what the mitzvah requires or if it’s optional. For example, it’s nice to clean out our

tunes can go a long way towards making a tedious task into a fun adventure. There are many resources out there, all geared towards making Pesach preparations as stress-free as possible. Take full advantage of all that’s out there to help. For our sanity and children’s chinuch, it’s worth simplifying all we can and making the pre-Pesach period as pleasant as possible. Remember, sometimes, less is more. If you’re doing more but feeling tense or yelling, it isn’t enhancing yom tov for anyone. If we make our preparations a bit easier, the house may not feel the same shine, but your children’s smiles will more than make up for it. Find out the halacha, do what is needed but not more than that if it increases stress. For those who aren’t feeling the financial pinch this season, please remember the many families in our community that are. A little donation can go a long way in the right hands. Your local rav or any of our incredible organizations can put your assistance to good use. It can be the difference that gives a family enough to eat or their children new attire to wear. Teaching our youth that we can be

‫ּו ִמ ׁ ּ ִש ְע ּב ּוד‬ ‫ִל ְ ּג ֻא ָ ּלה‬

APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

to create priceless memories. A local park where everyone can interact with each other, and the kids can run, is often more meaningful than somewhere farther that costs much more. Clothing can feel and look great, even without a designer label on their tag. Proper balance is very personal. For example, some families may need the cost saving of homemade cakes, while others need the reduced stress of less baking.

They’re saddled with financial stress all year round. Before Pesach, it multiplies tenfold. Enable them to taste true freedom

A local park where everyone can interact with each other, and the kids can run, is often more meaningful than somewhere farther that costs much more.

b’simcha within our budget is a lesson that will last them a lifetime. Being happy with what we have is one of the keys to a life of satisfaction and contentment. Let’s join as a community, preparing joyously for our redemption as we make memories for the next generation. May we join together to welcome the ultimate geula, b’mheira b’yameinu.

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Sara Rayvych, MSEd, has her master’s in general and special education. She has been homeschooling for over 10 years in Far Rockaway. She can be contacted at

Rewrite the saga of 2,000 families in Eretz Yisrael this Pesach.

emoH hsiweJ eht | 5102 ,92 rebOtcO

children’s drawers from their outgrown clothing but perhaps too-small clothing aren’t chometz. It feels cleansing to remove every stain from the floor and carpet but, those too, may not be chometz. A yom tov meal is special family time but doesn’t need to have new, gourmet dishes for each course. If you find yourself stressing out over food preparations, paring down your menu or making easier dishes can be a basic way to relieve some of the cooking tension. This year, both sets of two days of yom tov coincide with Shabbos, which makes it the perfect year to simplify your life. Trying to find ways to make it more fun can ease the seemingly inevitable tension. Taking a break to go to the park, a pizza dinner for your cute helpers, or singing loudly to your favorite


The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022

Health & F tness

The 10 Commandments for a Healthier Pesach by cindy Weinberger MS, rD, cDN


OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home


esach is a beautiful holiday where families can spend eight days together and have lots of quality bonding time while celebrating the wondrous miracles of Yetziyas Mitzraim. For some, though, Pesach can seem fearful. For starters, cleaning, cooking, and preparing for the yom tov are stressful and daunting tasks. For those who are health conscious or simply wanting to maintain their healthy lifestyle, Pesach can be intimidating. Throughout an eight day period, there are eight festive meals (assuming there is no Shabbos Chol Hamoed), and due to the nature of the yom tov, these meals are often heavy and elaborate. Then, with all the added food restrictions, dieting or mindful eating can seem almost impossible on such a holiday. Below are 10 (recommendations) commandments on how to maintain healthy eating over the holiday. 1. Minimize Matzah. It is inevitable to avoid matzah over Pesach, especially since one is obligated to eat it on the seder night. Matzah also characterizes Pesach and therefore should not be restricted on Pesach. Still, while it is a mitz-

vah to eat matzah, there is no mitzvah to overeat it. Try to limit matzah sandwiches, matzah pizza, and other matzah-based foods. Matzah can be addictive, and people tend to munch on it over Pesach without realizing how much they are actually consuming. Remember, matzah is a carbohydrate, and one piece is the equivalent to two slices of bread. Be conscious while eating matzah. To help avoid overeating matzah, drink lots of water. Drinking plenty of water fills you up, thus suppressing your appetite, so you don’t eat as much (matzah and other foods). Furthermore, drinking water also flushes toxins from your body, preventing constipation and regulating bowel movements. Matzah tends to have a reputation for causing constipation. Of course, you can’t replace the four cups of wine with water, but whenever you can, drink water instead of other beverages to help your body ease digestion. Aim for 6-8 cups of water throughout the day. 2. Choose your wine wisely. Another symbolic feature of Pesach is the four cups of wine. Drinking four cups of wine at any meal will add unnecessary

calories. One cup of wine is approximately 200 calories. Drinking four cups of alone will add about 800 calories to your meal. While we cannot reduce the four cups of wine at the Seder, we can opt for a healthier choice. Dry red wine has less calories and sugar than sweet wine. Red wine specifically has many health benefits as well. Red wine contains antioxidants that may help prevent heart disease. Resveratrol is a key ingredient in red wine that is thought to prevent damage to red blood vessels by reducing the “bad” cholesterol and preventing blood clots, thus protecting the heart. Resveratrol is also high in omega 3 fatty acids, which are believed to protect against heart disease. However, drinking four cups of wine is not feasible for everyone. For children or those who cannot consume alcohol, you’re in luck. The latest studies show that grape juice offers the same benefits that wine does. The reason is that the base of both beverages is the same. Wine and grape juice are each made from grapes, and grapes are rich in resveratrol and flavonoids. The same antioxidants are found in grape juice and offer the heart healthy

benefits. These benefits include reducing the risk of blood clots, lowering LDL cholesterol, helping maintain a health blood pressure, and preventing damage to the heart. 3. Pare the Potatoes. Since we are limited in what foods we can eat over Pesach, thr majority of the foods we end up eating are some form of a potato. While potatoes can be healthy, too much of any food is not. “You just have to look at your diet as a whole and pay attention to how you eat them, as you should with any food,” says Amanda Conway, RD, about potatoes. Potatoes are rich in iron, phosphorous, calcium, magnesium, and zinc, which all contribute to the building and maintaining of bone structure. Additionally, potatoes’ fiber, potassium, vitamin C and vitamin B-6 content, together with their lack of cholesterol, all support heart health. Another beneficial nutrient found in potatoes is choline. Choline helps with sleep, muscle movement, learning, and memory. Choline also helps maintain the structure of cellular membranes, assists in the transmission of nerve impulses,


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The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022


and vegetables over Pesach will not only ease your digestion, but it will help prevent weight gain, too. Whether you roast, grill, boil, or steam your vegetables, you are in good shape. Fresh salads are also ideal, simply be conscious of the dressing ingredients. There are endless ways to enjoy vegetables. The trick is to have self-control and actually choose the vegetables from a table full of carbs. 5. Enjoy Eggs. Because they are so healthy and so versatile, you can’t possibly get sick of eggs. Plus, they’re easy and require very little prep time, too. For the past 40 years, Americans were wary of eating eggs due to their cholesterol content. However, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans has dropped its restriction on dietary cholesterol. Experts now believe that eating cholesterol-containing foods may not significantly affect

tage cheese, or even grilled chicken cutlets with a salad. Once again, your salads don’t need to be the same boring salad each day. Switch things up and get creative. Look for new recipes or other ideas if you get bored easily. Try to avoid matzah pizza, or matzah sandwiches at all costs. You will be consuming enough matzah over the yom tov meals. Chol hamoed does not need to be a time of starvation. There are so many healthy options available. In fact, if you follow my advice throughout the whole year, then Pesach should not be any different. Eating a protein with a salad for lunch should be second nature to you. 7. Engage in Physical Activity. Physical activity is vital 365 days a year, including the eight days of Pesach. Granted, you should be focusing on family time, and many use this opportunity to vacation, so your usual exercise routine might

Fresh fruits and vegetables are the best source of fiber.

not be feasible. However, include physical activity whenever possible. Even walking around a theme park on chol hamoed can be counted towards your physical activity goal. The physical activity will not only help combat the extra calories, it will boost your mood and overall health. Physical activity also promotes digestion and regular bowel movements by decreasing the time it takes food to move through the large intestine. This limits the amount of water absorbed from the stool into the body. On Pesach, when we mostly go from meal to meal and sleep in between, your metabolism is not working as it usually does, and therefore, you experience changes in your bowel habits. Try to take walks in the mornings or afternoons on yom tov, or whenever you have a chance. Even getting up and walking around for 10 to 15 minutes several times a day can help the body and digestive system function properly. If you have time during chol hamoed, do vigorous activities and try to fit in as much physical activity as possible. 8. Skip Snacks. On yom tov, we generally have a heavy meal at lunchtime and then again for dinner. You should not be hungry in between, and therefore snacking should be discouraged at that

Cindy Weinberger MS, RD, CDN, is a Master’s level Registered Dietitian and Certified Dietitian-Nutritionist. She graduated CUNY Brooklyn College receiving a Bachelor’s in Science and Master’s degree in Nutrition and Food Sciences. She is currently a private nutritionist. She can be reached at or at 917-623-6237.


cholesterol levels or increase one’s risk of heart disease. According to federal guidelines, eggs are now grouped with lean meats, poultry, seafood, legumes and nuts as a healthy source of protein. In fact, The American Heart Association recommends eating eggs, poultry or meat eight to nine times a week, or one egg or two egg whites in a single serving. Either way, Pesach or not, you should be consuming eggs daily as part of a healthy diet. Instead of feeling sorry for yourself that you can’t have pizza or a sandwich over Pesach, whip up some eggs. Get creative and have fun. Hardboiled eggs can be prepared in advance and easily taken along on chol hamoed trips. If you prefer a more sit-down lunch, make yourself scrambled eggs, omelets, sunny side up, soft boiled eggs, poached eggs, egg salad, deviled eggs, or shakshuka. Each of these choices offers variety, too. You can add vegetables and/or cheese to your omelets for a more filling and exciting meal. Make a side salad or cut up vegetables or an avocado to enjoy with your eggs. 6. Prepare Your Proteins. If you have an egg allergy, aversion, restriction or simply don’t want eggs every day of chol hamoed, instead of eggs, I suggest eating tuna salad, or any fish, low fat cot-

time. Many snack out of boredom or simply because the food is in front of them. If you do feel the itch for a snack, have fruit. A smart idea to avoid snacking is to have a fruit platter prepared for the afternoons. By having fruit readily available, it is more likely you will choose that over something with empty calories such as chips or macaroons. 9. Plan Your Plate. For all meals, I advise you to eat off of a smaller plate. You will feel like you are eating much more than you are when the food is on a smaller plate. Don’t pick at anything that isn’t on your plate and spend less time in the kitchen. All of the picking adds up in calories, promoting unexpected weight gain. If using a smaller plate on yom tov is not feasible for you, use a regular sized plate, however, use the My Plate method. Half of your plate should be filled with vegetables or fruits, a quarter of your plate should be the protein (fish/chicken/ meat), and a quarter the starch (matzah/ potatoes/quinoa). Remember, though, if you have matzah at the beginning of the meal, stay away from the starch later on. 10. Don’t Skip Breakfast. Many feel that by skipping breakfast, they are “saving” their calories for later. While I do hear the logic, it is not a wise decision. By skipping breakfast, your blood’s glucose dips, causing extreme hunger. When faced with an elaborate lunch, you are more likely to make poorer choices and choose unhealthier options and overeat, so those calories that you were “saving” just got eaten in excess. Eating breakfast also gets the metabolism ready for the day. Skipping breakfast slows your metabolism, which also does not do your body any favors. Breakfast can be something small such as a fruit or a yogurt but should not be forgone. Don’t forget to spend the time enjoying the real meaning of the yom tov and the special time you have with your friends/family. Don’t feel discouraged if you do not adhere to all of these Pesach eating “commandments.” If you do gain a few pounds, I can help you work through that challenge, too. Have a wonderful yom tov!

emoH hsiweJ eht | 5102 ,92 rebOtcO

aids in the absorption of fat, and reduces chronic inflammation. Potatoes also contain folate, which plays a role in DNA synthesis and thus can help prevent the forming of cancerous tumors. Potatoes are also extremely filling, which can work to your advantage. Purdue University researchers explain that white potatoes contain 4.7 grams of fiber. And since they are loaded with resistant starch, potatoes take up space in your GI tract and slow down digestion. As evidenced above, yes, potatoes are healthy, but with all the other foods at the meal, we do not need the added calories from the potatoes. Potatoes are a starchy vegetable, and our allotted amount of starch per day will most probably be filled by the matzah. One can also consume fiber from other foods, such as non-starchy vegetables and fruits. Additionally, the way the potatoes are prepared also poses a problem. If one eats a plain boiled potato versus scalloped potatoes oozing with margarine and cream, the difference in the caloric value will be vast. Yes, I am aware that options are limited, and potatoes are the easiest side dish to prepare, but my advice is to limit the potatoes as much as possible. Try to consume other side dishes if possible. Sweet potatoes are healthier alternative to potatoes. And, instead of potato kugel, sliced potatoes with spices and olive oil will cut out unwanted calories as well. 4. Focus on Fiber. On that note, have as many vegetable side dishes as possible. As mentioned above, you are most probably consuming enough starch from the matzah at each meal, so a starch side dish is not necessary. Vegetable side dishes will not only offer the least amount of calories (hopefully! When prepared properly); vegetables will also offer loads of fiber. Fiber is essential for so many reasons, one of them being its role in digestion. Since fiber isn’t digested by the body, it moves relatively intact through the stomach and intestines and then leaves the body fully intact. Dietary fiber can be classified as insoluble or soluble. Soluble fiber is viscous and forms gels in the gastrointestinal tract. Fiber has a wide range of benefits – from slowing down digestion, keeping one satiated for longer, forming bulk, easing constipation, to lowering cholesterol levels. Fiber should be eaten daily, especially over Pesach when many tend to get constipated. Fresh fruits and vegetables are the best source of fiber and are an appropriate choice for Pesach. Eating a lot of fruits


APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home



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APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home


The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022

162 jewish women of wisdom

Due North by rebbetzin Faigie Horowitz


kiddush. How do we develop a strong moral compass in others beyond modeling? The woman whose hesped I mentioned above didn’t have a model very close by. How did she develop that strong moral compass? You can’t and should not outsource it to the schools, says one woman as we chat after davening. It’s clearly an abdication of

guides to parenting. An important key is how mistakes are handled by the parents. If you violated the rules of the family, the one with great influence would hold you accountable in a calm manner. They would say, “We know that you are better than this.” They’d then insist on they do a teshuvah process but with gentleness. There was clarity: Here

Greatness is having a strong moral compass.

is how you violated the rule of the way we think you should live your life. Let’s figure out how we make it right since you know what is the right thing to do. It was done in a way that internalized the moral process. Mistake management is one of the major forces that shape the moral development of our children, says Dr. Pelcovitz. It’s a three-step process. Communicating that you are better than this, correcting them, and discussing how can we make it right.

JWOW! is a community for midlife Jewish women which can be accessed at for conversation, articles, Zoom events, and more.


responsibility. Yes, we are empty nesters but we have grandchildren. I recall Dr. David Pelcovitz speaking frequently about Dr. Samuel Oliner and his wife Pearl who were both sociologists. They spent their lives researching what makes a person become a righteous gentile like the one who saved and sheltered, raised, and educated Samuel as a young Polish Jew during the Holocaust. They wrote many books on the altruistic personality and other themes which are

Parents today don’t get that protecting their kids from mistakes is not good for them. When you have to struggle for something, you acquire the information and skill to navigate life. I have discussed mistake management in workshops at seminaries as girls are about to embark on higher education, work, dating, and adult life. It’s something we role-played in the short time we had together. I didn’t realize then the implications of mistake management for our role as grandparents. Dr. Pelcovitz plays a game with his grandchildren called ethical dilemma. He talks to them on the way to shul and poses halachic and ethical questions that came up during the week. He then has them go discuss with their parents what is the halachic issue and what is the right thing to do. It builds the moral muscle with appropriate roles for each generation. He proudly tells the story of how this worked during one Pesach program the family attended. One of the granddaughters ran to tell her mother how the girls were “disappearing” their counselor and not cooperating. “I have a moral dilemma,” she told her. They discussed it, and she ended up doing the right thing, despite the fact the others didn’t. A moral compass doesn’t rely on the earth’s magnetism. A moral compass does not point due north by itself. It takes work from generations. We can help by posing moral dilemmas to our grandchildren as exercises to build their muscles. Sending them to their parents for explication, discussion, and resolution in their daily lives when the issues come up is the other part. We can be responsible for our own moral compasses and rise above our circumstances. We can also influence those of our progeny. Let’s do it.

emoH hsiweJ eht | 5102 ,92 rebOtcO

ttending funerals and shivas are part of the regular schedule of midlifers. They are not a recurring Zoom meeting on your digital calendar, but you have to leave room in your week for the unexpected levaya and/or condolence call. You have decades of living behind you, and many friends and colleagues that have populated your daily life. Your peers lose their parents. You may be one of the older members of your extended family at this point. You should go and you do go to pay your respects to the niftar/nifteres and the family members. You always come home with a gem for living after the death of someone else. You never regret going. Recently, I listened via link to a levaya of someone in Eretz Yisrael that morning while driving to the shiva in Monsey. A key point made by the rosh yeshiva in his hesped was unforgettable. She had a strong moral compass, he said about his wife’s first cousin. He was right. He knew her. And he also said that she overcame the challenges Hashem gave her. He knew her circumstances. He was right about that one, as well. Greatness is having a strong moral compass. Knowing what is right and what is wrong and sticking to it even when people around you don’t or it’s not in style. Because everyone else is doing it is not an answer to one with a moral compass. A moral compass points due north, to G-d and man, to what is right, appropriate, and responsible. My friend in another community knew this nifteres. As I hear her talk with clarity about her own and her family’s reactions to her own mother’s death at the same time, it comes to me. “You have a strong moral compass,” I tell her. It doesn’t do anything for her. She doesn’t respond. She is grieving and can’t hear me. She needs to share her feelings so I listen, validate, and agree with her that “they are just things” and “I am not ready to negotiate about my mother’s things and heirlooms.” But I am thinking to myself. And I ponder the question with congregants during


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APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home


The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022


In The K


One Pan Pepper Steak and Broccoli by Naomi Nachman

We are always so focused on yom tov recipes, however, chol hamoed meals are also challenging. I have created this one-pan wonder just for chol hamoed. Ingredients

◦ 4 lbs. pepper steak ◦ 1 cup potato starch

2. In a small bowl, mix the potato starch and spices together.

◦ ½ teaspoon garlic powder

3. Dredge each piece of pepper steak in the potato starch on both sides and place it in an oven to tableware dish.

◦ 3 large onions, sliced into ½ moon rings OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home

1. Preheat oven to 275°F.

◦ 1 teaspoon paprika ◦ 1 teaspoon kosher salt



◦ ½ cup orange juice

4. Repeat with remaining slices of steak. Set aside. 5. In a medium bowl, mix together the remaining ingredients to make the sauce.

◦ ½ cup BBQ sauce

6. Place onions on top of the meat, pour the sauce over the meat and onions, and toss well.

◦ ½ cup honey

7. Cover with heavy duty foil and bake for 2½ hours.

◦ ½ cup teriyaki sauce ◦ 6 cloves garlic

8. Take out the meat and add the frozen broccoli and bake for another hour covered.

◦ 1 large package of frozen broccoli florets

Naomi Nachman, the owner of The Aussie Gourmet, caters weekly and Shabbat/ Yom Tov meals for families and individuals within The Five Towns and neighboring communities, with a specialty in Pesach catering. Naomi is a contributing editor to this paper and also produces and hosts her own weekly radio show on the Nachum Segal Network stream called “A Table for Two with Naomi Nachman.” Naomi gives cooking presentations for organizations and private groups throughout the New York/New Jersey Metropolitan area. In addition, Naomi has been a guest host on the QVC TV network and has been featured in cookbooks, magazines as well as other media covering topics related to cuisine preparation and personal chefs. To obtain additional recipes, join The Aussie Gourmet on Facebook or visit Naomi’s blog. Naomi can be reached through her website, or at (516) 295-9669.


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APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

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The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022


Notable Quotes “Say What?!”

And I think every law to be judged for the effect it’s going to have on real people in real life, and I get the political reasons why they’re doing this. By the way, some of those political reasons – they don’t have a plan on anything else, right? I mean, they don’t have a plan on dealing with inflation or dealing with gas prices or dealing with the issues. - Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg on “The View” to talk about Florida’s new law that prohibits talking to kids in 3rd grade about deviant behaviors, strangely arguing that the reason the Republican-led state government passed this “horrible” law was because they don’t have a plan to deal with inflation and high gas prices

“They don’t have a plan on inflation or gas prices”…..Siri, who is Secretary of Transportation??? - One of numerous tweets, pointing out the sheer stupidity of Buttigieg’s argument, which went unchallenged on “The View”

It has taken 232 years and 115 prior appointments for a Black woman to be selected to serve on the Supreme Court of the United States, but we’ve made it!


OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home

-Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson at the White House after being confirmed to the Supreme Court

There are millions of Americans who happen to be black, who want to think for themselves, who will think for themselves. But the power of the liberal elite wants to attack us like vicious dogs because they do not want anyone standing up opposed to what they are doing, leading our country in the wrong direction. It is vile, it is offensive, and we should stop allowing the liberal media to push these stories by their hosts that want one thing and one thing only: progressive liberal policies that make it harder for African-Americans, not easier. That’s why President Biden’s numbers in the black community and the Hispanic community are going down, down, down. Because we can see with our own eyes what the policies of the left are doing to us, not for us. - Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) responding to criticism from MSNBC host Joy Reid who accused him of being “dog walked” into opposing Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s confirmation to the Supreme Court

Spirit Airlines may have a new owner soon. Back in February, Spirit announced plans to merge with Frontier Airlines, but yesterday, JetBlue swooped in with a better offer. JetBlue wants to buy Spirit for $3.6 billion, plus $55 extra for carry-on luggage. — Jimmy Kimmel

The JetBlue C.E.O. said, “Customers shouldn’t have to choose between a low fare and a great experience, and JetBlue has shown it’s possible to have both.” And Spirit Airlines has shown that it’s not. — Jimmy Kimmel

If there’s no Spirit anymore, who are we going to make fun of? Look out, Allegiant, you’re on deck. — Jimmy Kimmel


APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022

168 And if you watch carefully, you can see all of this taking shape, and why wouldn’t it be taking shape in this country? We’ve got midterm elections coming and the ruling party is predicted to be in tough shape. So they’re doing something about it. In the city of Philadelphia, authorities just announced the return of an indoor mask mandate. Is there science to justify this? Philadelphia has a seven-day average of two COVID deaths. Two COVID deaths in a city of 1.5 million people over a week. Now, of course, when your strategy is “COVID zero” two dead from COVID is more than enough to justify another mass quarantine. – Tucker Carlson, Fox News

At Love Field in Dallas, two robots known as “Security Control Observation Towers,”— SCOT for short — scan the crowd to make sure that everyone is in compliance. Now with facial recognition software, the robots could know exactly who the disobedient are. We’re just beginning to see the outlines of the repression that COVID has made possible. That’s the point and if we want to know what the future looks like, you can look at China and shiver. In the state of California, the state is starting to pull funding from any school that won’t comply with the new mandate, a vaccine mandate for children. Joe Biden endorses that. Inject your children with a drug with no actual benefits, or no education for your family.

If Stacey Abrams is elected governor of Georgia – I just want to be honest – that will be a cold war between Florida and Georgia. I can’t have Castro to my south and Abrams to my north; that would be a disaster. So I hope you guys take care of that, and we’ll end up in good shape. - Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL)

Seth Beer - Name of the Arizona Diamondbacks rookie who hit a walk off home run on opening night, which also happens to have been National Beer Day

– Ibid

- Former Florida congressman Lt. Col. Allen West who is a black conservative, talking to Fox News after students at University of Buffalo rioted outside his speech, requiring him to be escorted off of campus by police

If you hate Starbucks so much, why don’t you go somewhere else? - Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz to a barista who was leading a unionization drive at one of the company’s California locations

emoH hsiweJ eht | 5102 ,92 rebOtcO

I remember a time when black students had to be escorted onto a campus. I had to be escorted off.



APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022

170 There had been a lot of talk, everywhere, about a possible invasion. But until the last minute it was impossible to believe that this would happen…in the twenty-first century? In the modern world? I woke up, sometime between 4 and 5 a.m., because of a clunk. I didn’t immediately realize it was an explosion. I didn’t understand what it could be. My husband wasn’t in bed. But when I got up, I saw him at once, already dressed, in a suit as usual (this was the last time I’d see him in a suit and a white shirt – from then on it was military). “It started.” That’s all he said. - Ukrainian First Lady Olena Zelenska opening up in a recent interview

They need to be provided with a livelihood to prevent the exploitation of children and women, or for them moving toward terrorism. It’s hard to hear that, but it’s the truth. - Left-wing Meretz party MK Gaby Lasky defending the Palestinian Authority paying reward money to the families of Palestinian terrorists on the very same day that three Israelis were killed by a Palestinian terrorist in Tel Aviv

Convert Twitter SF HQ to homeless shelter since no one shows up anyway. - Poll tweet by Elon Musk with a yes and no option (yes received over 90% of the votes)



OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home

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APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022


Political crossfire

If Clarence Thomas Has to Recuse Himself, What About Joe Biden? by Marc A. thiessen


OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home


ere’s a question: If Justice Clarence Thomas has to recuse himself on cases relating to the Jan. 6 Capitol riot because of his wife, does that mean President Joe Biden has to recuse himself on China and Ukraine because of his son and brother? Of course, presidents never recuse themselves. But the fact that Democrats are crying foul over the Thomases while ignoring the Bidens shows that their concern about ethics is just cover for another attempted takedown of a respected conservative jurist. The Washington Post recently confirmed the authenticity of Hunter Biden’s emails which show that a Chinese energy conglomerate linked to the Chinese Communist Party and the People’s Liberation Army paid $4.8 million to entities controlled by Hunter and his uncle James Biden (Joe Biden’s brother) for energy projects that “never came to fruition.” And we already knew that while thenVice President Joe Biden was in charge of Ukraine policy in the Obama-Biden administration, his son was receiving as much as $50,000 a month from a Ukrainian energy company by banking on his father’s name. That seems to be a far more serious conflict of interest than Virginia “Ginni” Thomas sending a bunch of text messages to White House chief of staff Mark Meadows spouting conspiracy theories about the 2020 election. Her texts were extreme but essentially harmless. She does not sit on the Supreme Court or hold any position of public authority. She was a private citizen expressing her personal political views. Her husband is not responsible for his wife’s personal views or political activism. If her text messages require him to recuse himself, how much more so does Hunter Biden’s earning millions of dollars from China

and Ukraine require Joe Biden to recuse himself? The Post reports that it “did not find evidence that Joe Biden personally benefited from or knew details about” of his son and brother’s financial engagement with Communist China. There is a Justice Department investigation into Hunter Biden, so we will see whether such evidence emerges. But there is no concrete evidence that Clarence Thomas knew details about his wife’s Jan. 6 activism or shared her views. Thomas’s critics say that doesn’t matter – that even if he did not know, he must recuse himself because her activism creates the “appearance” of a conflict of interest. Well, the same is true of Hunter and James Biden’s business dealings in Ukraine and China. The Code of Federal Regulations states that when an executive branch official has “a relative with whom the employee has a close personal relationship” and “the circumstances would cause a reasonable person with knowl-

edge of the relevant facts to question his impartiality in the matter, the employee should not participate in the matter.” Does Hunter Biden and his uncle accepting $4.8 million from entities linked to China’s government and army create a circumstance in which a reasonable person would question his father’s impartiality? Because Biden is president, he is not covered by the Code of Federal Regulations on ethics. Clarence Thomas is an associate justice of the Supreme Court, and the Code of Judicial Conduct applies only to lower federal court judges. A federal statute requires any judge to disqualify himself “in any proceeding in which his impartiality might reasonably be questioned,” but it is up to Thomas alone to decide whether he has a conflict of interest. If he does not, then he has a positive duty not to recuse himself. As Chief Justice John Roberts Jr. wrote in his 2011 report on the Federal Judiciary, “If an appeals court or district court judge withdraws from a case, there is anoth-

er federal judge who can serve in that recused judge’s place.” But, “the Supreme Court consists of nine Members who always sit together, and if a Justice withdraws from a case, the Court must sit without its full membership.” Therefore, Roberts said, a Justice “cannot withdraw from a case … simply to avoid controversy.” Citing Chief Justice William Howard Taft’s 1924 Canons of Judicial Ethics, Roberts said a justice’s decision on recusal should not be “swayed by partisan demands, public clamor … considerations of personal popularity or notoriety … [or] unjust criticism.” If anyone’s impartiality should be in question, it is that of the House select committee on Jan. 6. Since only Meadows and the committee had access to his text messages, it appears someone on that committee leaked Ginni Thomas’s conversations with Meadows to the media in order to embarrass her husband. If so, it is disgraceful and irresponsible – and would call into question the objectivity of the committee, not Clarence Thomas. This whole episode has nothing to do with a concern for judicial ethics. It is simply a continuation of what Clarence Thomas famously called the “high-tech lynching” he endured during his confirmation hearings. Just as the left smeared both him and Brett M. Kavanaugh in an effort to stop them from ever sitting on the court, they continue to stop at nothing in their efforts to discredit the 6-3 conservative majority as it prepares to hand down key decisions on abortion, gun rights and racial preferences in college admissions. Thomas understands this – and is not intimidated. Which is why he should ignore the “partisan demands” and “unjust criticism” and do his job. (c) 2022, Washington Post Writers Group


APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022


Political crossfire

Zelensky is Right Give Russia’s U.N. Security Council Seat to Ukraine by Marc A. thiessen


vote to expel Russia and declare that henceforth Ukraine will be deemed the legitimate successor state to the “Union of Soviet Socialist Republics” – giving it the old Soviet seat. One need look no further than Putin’s own 6,885-word manifesto for war – laying out a case stretching back more than 1,000 years that Ukrainians and Russians are one people descended from “Ancient Rus” – to justify declaring Ukraine to be the legitimate successor of the U.S.S.R. The China precedent from 1971 establishes that Russia and China would be powerless to veto such a move in the Security Council. And unlike Taiwan, which did nothing to merit its U.N. ejection, Russia has earned its removal in spades. The U.N. Charter explicitly states that a member state can be expelled if it “has persistently violated the Principles

(c) 2022, Washington Post Writers Group


then passed Resolution 2758 removing Taiwan by a simple majority vote of 76 to 35 (with 17 abstentions). In so doing, it set the precedent that a sitting member of the P5 could be removed and replaced by another entity with a plausible claim to the seat. Just as Communist China now occupies the seat designated for the “Republic of China,” Russia now occupies the seat designated for the “Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.” But the “Russian Federation” and the “U.S.S.R.” are not the same country. Indeed, Putin’s justification for his invasion of Ukraine is to reclaim territory lost during the Soviet Union’s dissolution. Just as the UNGA voted to expel Taiwan and declare that henceforth the People’s Republic of China would be deemed the legitimate occupant of the “Republic of China’s” seat, it could

contained in the present Charter.” This past month, the General Assembly twice voted to overwhelmingly declare that Moscow is doing just that in Ukraine. On March 2, the General Assembly voted 141 to 5 (with 35 abstentions) to condemn the “aggression by the Russian Federation against Ukraine in violation of Article 2 (4) of the Charter.” And on March 24, it again condemned Russia for violating the Charter and creating a humanitarian crisis by a vote of 140 to 5 (with 35 abstentions). In both cases, almost three-quarters of member states voted to condemn Russia. That is more than enough votes to replace Russia on the Security Council. Indeed, it would exceed the two-thirds supermajority required if the question of Russia’s replacement were deemed an “important matter.” On Thursday, the General Assembly voted to suspend Russia from the U.N. Human Rights Council. It can use the exact same procedure to replace Russia on the Security Council. So, it can be done. Whether it will be done is a different matter – a question not of procedure but of political will. It’s one thing to vote for a strongly-worded statement; quite another to impose actual consequences. But the United States should force a vote and make every nation go on record – because Russia’s presence on the Security Council is a disgrace. The Putin regime is raping, murdering and massacring innocent men, women and children in Ukraine. If the United Nations can’t impose consequences on Putin and his henchmen for those crimes, then Zelensky is right – “the U.N. can simply be dissolved.”

emoH hsiweJ eht | 5102 ,92 rebOtcO

n a fiery speech last Tuesday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky called out the U.N. Security Council for its utter fecklessness in responding to Russia’s horrific war crimes in his country. The United Nations is incapable of holding Russia to account, Zelensky said, because Moscow “turns the right of veto in the U.N. Security Council into a right to kill.” Member states should “remove Russia” from the Security Council, he said, or “dissolve yourself altogether.” Zelensky is absolutely right. But we should take his bold proposal a step further. Not only should Russia be kicked off the Security Council, its seat should be given to Ukraine. Indeed, there is precedent for doing just that. It is not written into the U.N. Charter that the “Russian Federation” is entitled to a permanent seat on the Security Council. The U.N. Charter states that “The Republic of China, France, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the United States of America shall be permanent members of the Security Council.” Two of those named countries no longer occupy seats on the Security Council. On Oct. 25, 1971, the U.N. expelled the “Republic of China” (Taiwan) and admitted the “People’s Republic of China” (mainland China), which then became one of the five permanent members of the Security Council (or the P5). Despite its Security Council veto, Taiwan was powerless to stop its own expulsion by a vote of the U.N. General Assembly. A U.S.-led proposal to make China’s representation an “important question” requiring a two-thirds supermajority vote, failed by a vote of 59 to 55 (with 15 abstentions). The General Assembly


APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home


The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022

Political crossfire

Biden Won’t Remove the IRGC from the Terror List. He’s Right by David Ignatius


OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home


he Biden administration plans to reject an Iranian demand that the United States lift its designation of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as a terrorist organization as a condition for renewing the 2015 nuclear agreement – putting completion of the deal in jeopardy. A senior administration official told me that President Joe Biden doesn’t intend to concede on the terrorist designation, even though this may be a dealbreaker: “The onus is on Iran as to whether we have a nuclear deal. The president will stick to core principles. The Iranians know our views.” The official’s comments amplify a statement earlier this week by Secretary of State Antony Blinken. Asked during an interview with NBC News whether the IRGC is a terrorist organization, Blinken answered, “So, they are.” He continued: “I’m not overly optimistic at the prospects of actually getting [the nuclear] agreement to conclusion.” Iran’s demand that the United States remove the IRGC from its “foreign terrorist organization,” or FTO, list has emerged as the main obstacle to reviving the 2015 nuclear pact. European countries have urged the United States to find a compromise formula that will save the deal, whose basic provisions have been negotiated in Vienna over the past year. The administration isn’t walking away from negotiations with Iran, and it’s possible some acceptable formula could be negotiated with the help of European allies that would satisfy Biden’s desire not to reward an organization that has killed thousands around the world, including hundreds of Americans. But Biden apparently doesn’t want to budge – nor should he. This might largely be a symbolic issue, but the IRGC needs to earn its way off the list. The president is said to view the IRGC

question as separate from the nuclear talks, even though Iran insists they are related. Biden and other U.S. officials are adamant because they believe the IRGC’s activities, through its network of proxies, directly affect the safety of U.S. personnel and its partners in the region. The latest example of suspected Iranian-backed activity was an artillery attack early Thursday on a base in eastern Syria known as Green Village and used by U.S. troops there. The two rounds injured four U.S. servicemembers, who the Pentagon said are being treated for minor wounds and possible traumatic brain injuries. The Pentagon has not said whether the United States will retaliate. Appearing Thursday before the Senate Armed Services Committee, Army Gen. Mark A. Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, reinforced the assessment of the IRGC. “In my personal opinion, I believe the IRGC Quds Force to be a terrorist organization, and I do not support them being de-listed,” Milley told the panel. Proponents of removing the IRGC from the list argue that other sanctions against the group will remain, even if the FTO designation is withdrawn, and that it doesn’t make sense to describe as “terrorist” an organization so large that it touches many parts of Iran’s economy and government. Europeans have suggested a compromise in which Iran would pledge to de-escalate regional tensions and stop attacking Americans. But the IRGC issue can’t just be a bargaining chip. If Iran is serious about curbing the violence and intimidation the IRGC has spread throughout the region, then it needs to say so clearly and emphatically – not as a side deal to a nuclear pact. The issue of the IRGC’s designation as a terrorist group has been closely watched by Israel and Arab Gulf nations such as

Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. They see it as a test of the Biden administration’s credibility and commitment in the Middle East. The Trump State Department formally designated the IRGC as a foreign terrorist organization in 2019 despite arguments from some senior officials in the U.S. military that the step was unnecessary and potentially counterproductive. However, once the designation was imposed, congressional Republicans and Democrats alike have argued that it shouldn’t be removed without meaningful improvements in the IRGC’s behavior. Removing the designation and related sanctions would further strain relations with the Saudis and Emiratis, who have grumbled about the United States’ unreliability. The deeper question is whether the impasse over the IRGC label will derail what had appeared to be a successful effort to reimpose terms of the 2015 nuclear deal in exchange for lifting U.S. economic sanctions against Iran. Administration officials concede that the draft deal is far from ideal; some of its provisions would expire soon, and it would leave Iran perilously close to having a “breakout” stockpile of enriched uranium sufficient for a nuclear weapon. But the administration argues that Iran was able to advance its program, enriching uranium to the 60 percent level that approaches weapons grade, only because the Trump administration decided to withdraw from the deal in 2018 – effectively voiding its limits. President Donald Trump’s decision is viewed by many national security analysts, including some leading security officials in Israel, as a costly mistake. The Israeli government views the revived agreement that has been patched together in Vienna as a bad deal, because some of its provisions will expire so quick-

ly and because it could provide a pathway for Iran to eventually have nuclear weapons capability. But senior Israeli officials also recognize the danger of having no deal, which would allow the Iranians to race even faster toward bomb-making capability. Some analysts fear that if Iran isn’t constrained by a new pact, it would increase enrichment to the weapons-grade 90 percent level. Officials said that Tehran had considered taking this step after Trump voided the deal but backed away after European countries warned Iran privately that such a move would trigger new sanctions. At the heart of the IRGC issue is Iran’s destabilizing role in the region, through a network of proxies the IRGC oversees. The Yemen war is one example, and the administration has been encouraged by the cease-fire there announced last weekend, which will bring a 60-day truce between Saudi-backed government forces and Iranian-backed Houthi rebels. Saudi Arabia facilitated the Yemen diplomacy by announcing a unilateral Ramadan truce, and U.S. officials credit Prince Khalid bin Salman, the Saudi deputy defense minister, for the de-escalation in Yemen. Iran didn’t oppose the truce. But Iranian-sponsored Houthi missile attacks remain a threat to both Saudi Arabia and the UAE. The war in Ukraine has been dominating the headlines, for good reason. But U.S. tensions with Iran may be about to ratchet upward if the IRGC issue leads to a breakdown in the nuclear talks and an escalation in Middle East tensions. To paraphrase a saying attributed to Soviet revolutionary Leon Trotsky: You may not be interested in the Middle East, but the Middle East is interested in you. (c) 2022, Washington Post Writers Group


APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home


The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022

Forgotten Her es

Foreign Fighters by Avi Heiligman

Emmanuel Lulley with his wife Cecilia


OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home


hortly after the fighting began in Ukraine, President Volodymyr Zelensky announced that 16,000 foreign volunteers had traveled to the country to fight the invading Russian Army. A few days later, the number was estimated to be about 20,000 from dozens of countries. Throughout military history, many foreign volunteers, mercenaries, and legionnaires have fought with distinction for another country. A mercenary is a paid fighter, while legionnaires and volunteers are fighting for a variety of reasons including believing in the cause or to gain citizenship. Here are some examples of volunteers and legionnaires who have fought bravely on foreign soil. Since the Revolutionary War, many foreigners have joined the ranks of the American military. Polish-born General Casimir Pulaski was a cavalry officer that was accused of treason in his homeland and rendered valuable services to Washington’s army by establishing the cavalry during the war with the British. Francis Salvador was born in London into a Jewish family originally from Spain and Portugal. His grandfather had sent dozens of Jews to live in the Colonies, and in 1773, he moved to South Carolina. A year later, he elected

into the South Carolina General Assembly and became the highest-ranking Jew in the state. Salvador was an important voice during both the first and second Provincial Congresses on many hot topics of the day. He urged Congress to write the Declaration of Independence but died before he received word that it passed.

Mickey Marcus

During the Civil War, many Jews came from eastern Europe and joined the ranks on both sides of the conflict. Emmanuel Lulley had served under Hungarian freedom fighter Lajos Kossuth in a European version of the secret service. Lulley lived in Washington, D.C., and during the war was noted by General Burnside for rendering valu-

When the commanding general of the 101st asked him what he was doing there, Marcus replied, “Oh, just looking around.”

In 1776, the British immigrant joined the army, and his unit was led into an ambush. Salvador was mortally wounded and was the first Jew to die during the war. The chief justice of South Carolina said about him that he had “sacrificed his life in the service of his adopted country.” Foreign-born Jewish volunteers served during most American wars.

able services. Major Lulley then served with the secret service division of the Department of Justice. One of the most famous modern foreign military units within a country’s military is the French Foreign Legion. Created in 1831 to allow foreigners to join the military, it grew into a permanent unit that is still active today. The legion used to accept anyone, including

criminals, deserters and misfits looking for a new direction in life, but today a comprehensive screening process only allows those who are fit and want to fight in their ranks. Recruits come from over 100 countries and are an integral part of the French Army. Legionnaires have been sent to battle zones worldwide and have seen action in many conflicts including the Crimean War (18531856), World War I, World War II, the Gulf War, and the War on Terror. Many Jews have served as French Legionnaires, especially during wartime. One notable example was Rabbi Yehuda Leon Ashkenazi. He was born in Oran, Algeria, and studied Gemara in a French yeshiva there. His father, Rav David Ashkenazi, was the last chief rabbi of Algiers and was a descendent of the famous rishon, Rabbeinu Asher, the Rosh. In 1940, Rabbi Ashkenazi joined a movement called the Jewish Scouts who operated clandestinely against the Nazis. In 1943, Yehuda joined the French Foreign Legion and was wounded while fighting at Alsace. After the war, he immigrated to France and became a rav while helping the Jewish French community rehabilitate from the horrors of the Nazis. Later, he moved to Israel and

179 ‫בס״ד‬


Rabbi Yehuda Leon Ashkenazi

forces in Israel. The only obstacle that he needed to overcome was the opposition from his wife. He convinced by telling her that he was like the foreign generals helping the Americans during the American Revolution. Upon his arrival to the Holy Land, Marcus met with Ben-Gurion and visited the existing Haganah bases while suggesting improvements for each one. He discovered that the problem with the Haganah was that it was an effective underground force, but it couldn’t translate those skills into a conventional army. Marcus tried his best to change that and employed his knowledge and skills learnt while teaching the Rangers in Hawaii. Marcus was appointed as Israel’s first aluf-general in May 1948 but didn’t survive the war. He was killed in a friendly fire incident and was the last casualty before the ceasefire. Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion said of him, “He was the best man we had.” It was a fitting remark for a man whose gravestone reads: “Colonel David Marcus – A Soldier for All Humanity.” Many foreign soldiers return home after fighting for another country, while others make that country their adopted home. It is not a simple matter to drop everything and fight thousands of miles away for a foreign country, but these soldiers, and many others throughout history, fought with a courageousness and bravery that makes this history not to be forgotten.

In no time, our first was joined by a sibling in the parshah. Soon after, our third child’s classmates were starting to go. Before long, we found ourselves with four children who were each anxiously awaiting their turn. Nothing moved. In desperation, I reached out to Tehillim Kollel and took out a membership. I wanted all four of our children on the list. After all, Tehillim recited by a chashuve minyan would surely put zechusim on our behalf. The results were actually quicker and greater than we could ever have imagined. Just several days after signing up, the phone began to ring. A number of shadchanim called, and the names they mentioned were more compatible than anything that had been redt until then. Amazingly, forty days into our Tehillim Kollel membership, three out of the four were engaged! When our fourth child found his bashert less than half a year later, we realized just how potent the words of Tehillim, recited in all sincerity, can be.




Avi Heiligman is a weekly contributor to The Jewish Home. He welcomes your comments and suggestions for future columns and can be reached at

But the phones weren’t ringing. Things weren’t going as smoothly as we had hoped.

emoH hsiweJ eht | 5102 ,92 rebOtcO

became a leader for French-speaking Jews. The Israeli War of Independence started as soon as the country was founded, and the newly formed IDF needed volunteers. Soldiers, sailors, airmen and others from around the world answered the call and came to Israel. These brave men and women joined the ranks of the Palmach and IDF in newly created Machal units. Machal stands for Misnadvei Chutz L’Aretz, or volunteers from outside the land. Most of these volunteers, which included Jews and nonJews, had combat experience during World War II (1939-1945) and were eager to help Israel in their time of need. One-hundred-twenty-three Machal soldiers, sailors, airmen and other volunteers were killed during the Israeli War of Independence. Davis Daniel “Mickey” Marcus was born on Hester Street in the Lower East Side to Jewish parents who were immigrants from Romania. He entered the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, NY, in 1920 and graduated four years later. During World War II, he held different positions within the army but was denied a combat role. He convinced his superiors to let him travel to Great Britain and talked his way onto a plane that was headed for France on June 6, 1944. Even though he had no prior parachute jump training, Marcus jumped with the first wave of the 101st Airborne Division –the Screaming Eagles. When the commanding general of the 101st asked him what he was doing there, Marcus replied, “Oh, just looking around.” He had distinguished himself in firefights with Germans and had rescued American paratroopers that had been captured. In December 1947, Marcus was approached by Major Shamir to join the

When it came to the shidduchim stage, we realized that raising children born close in age was a picnic in comparison. Being that our eldest was closely trailed, we knew we needed to move quickly when he became of age.

APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

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The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022

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PEACEFUL PRESENCE STUDIO Men's private yoga, Licensed Massage & Holistic Health Guidance 436 Central Ave, Cedarhurst Info. & free video training 516-371-3715

Alternative Solutions Geriatric Care Management staff will assist you with: * Obtaining Medicaid and Pooled Income Trust * In-home Assessments, Individual and Family Counseling * Securing reliable home care assistance * Case and Care Management services Dr. S. Sasson, DSW, LCSW (718) 544- 0870 or (646) 284-6242

HAIR COURSE: Learn how to wash & style hair & wigs. Hair and wig cutting, wedding styling Private lessons or in a group Call Chaya 718-715-9009

GERBER MOVING FULL SERVICE MOVING Packing Moving Supplies Local Long Distance Licensed Insured 1000’S Of Happy Customers Call Shalom 347-276-7422 HANDYMAN AVAILABLE For big or small jobs, Sheetrock, carpentry, painting, electrical, plumbing, install & repair appliances Call Ephraim at 347-593-4691

SHALOM HANDYMAN Plumbing, heating, boiler, installation, sewer, locks, dryer vent cleaning and more… CALL 917-217-3676

DON’T GET STUCK WITH A TWO STORY HOUSE YA KNOW, IT’S ONE STORY BEFORE YOU BUY IT BUT A SECOND STORY AFTER YOU OWN IT! Call Dov Herman For An Accurate Unbiased Home Inspection Infrared - Termite Inspection Full Report All Included NYC 718-INSPECT Long Island 516-INSPECT

VACUUM SALES AND REPAIR All areas call Max Flam 718-444-4904

HOUSES FOR SALE WOODMERE: Beautiful, brick, colonial boasting 5 bdr 3.5 Bth in pristine condition. Excellent location, near all! Move right in! RCUSA 516-512-9626

CAN’T AFFORD YOUR PROPERTY TAXES? MORTGAGE? Must sell for any reason? Call for FREE Consultation. Call now 212-470-3856 Cash buyers available!

MOONBOUNCE FOR RENT $100/day. Holds up to 500lbs. Perfect fun for ages 3-8 Call or text 516-220-0616 to reserve your date


WOODMERE BRIGHT & SUNNY 3 bdrm 3 bth townhouse, central air, hard-wood floors, skylights, eat in kitchen, formal living room and dining room, finished basement, enjoy the community pool and tennis court, close to the railroad, shopping, and the houses of worship $719k 5 Clubside Dr Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey Inter-national 516-298-8457




Renovated 4 bedroom, 3 Build your own dream home on this Price Reduced! 12 year old colonial on 73x177irr lot with water views, bath high ranch, 2 dens, large quiet street in Woodmere Park. 6 Price Reduced! 123.5 year New to market! yard, Donny (347) 992-6343 comes with approved Build yourbulkhead, own dream bedrooms, baths. Chana (516)Renovated 449-9692 4 bedroom, 3 Tamar on (917) 902-0613 old colonial quiet $1,199,999 home on thisplans! 73x177irr $479K $1,999,999

street in Woodmere Park. 6 bedrooms, 3.5 WOODMERE baths. Tamar (917) 902-0613

bath high ranch, 2 dens, lot with water views, large yard, bulkhead, comes with CEDARHURST CEDARHURST Donny (347) 992-6343 approved plans! Chana (516) 449-9692 $1,199,999


27 Frost Lane Lawrence, NY 11559 (516) 374 – 4100

FAR ROCKAWAY 4 bedroom, 3 bath raised

ranch for rent in Woodmere. Chana (516) 449-9692 $4,500/m


Renovated 6 bedroom, 4 bath duplex w nice yard & private driveway. Malka (516) 967-1967 Tamar Miller

Donny Miller


WOODMERE CEDARHURST 1 bedroom apartment in the heart of Cedarhurst. Bryna (516) 322-4831 $1,895/m


CH colonial w/ 5BR, 4.5 baths, new kosher kitchen, finished basement. Bryna (516) 322-4831 $1,499,999M


1 bedroom apartment in the heart of Cedarhurst. Bryna (516) 322-4831

Jr. 4 apartment $979K w 1 bathroom in Lawrence House Co-op Chana (516) 449-9692 $309K

New construction colonial home coming soon in ABC Streets in Woodmere! $1,895/m 3 bedroom, 2 bath duplex Custom luxury offices built to Avigailrental (516) 316-3452 in the heart of Cedarhurst Ludwing (516) 757-4570 $3,500

suit on the border of Cedarhurst/Woodmere Raizie (917) 903-1778







WOODMERE! MOVE RIGHT IN! Breath-taking Woodmere home over 7100 sq ft of living space. Majestic entry foyer, chef’s kitchen with island, 2 sinks, 2 dishwashers, and 2 ovens. Radiant heat, formal dining room, formal living room with fireplace, den, library, and office/bedroom. The second floor has a master suite with his/hers walk-in closets, 6 additional bedrooms, and 2.5 baths. Custom closets and radiant heat. Yard with in-ground pool, hot tub, brick pavers, and waterfall pond. 2 car garage, alarm, in-ground sprinklers, water filtration, and CAC. Lot Size 0.3168* acres. On a cul-de-sac, this home has it all!..P.O.R. Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457

CEDARHURST 1 bedroom 1 bathroom apartment, elevator building, eat-in kitchen, spacious rooms throughout, laundry room on-premises, garage parking, close to all Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457

WISHING ALL A CHAG KOSHER V’SOMEACH!! CEDARHURST – OPPORTUNITY STRIKES! 4bdrm, 2.5bth, 1 fam home on 10,000sf property in grt cond. C/A, generator, pvt drv + 2 story 2 car gar Brisman RE/Raizy - 718-677-0988 or 917-975-8550

FOR SALE BY OWNER 285 Caryl Drive Lawrence NY 11559. Selling as is condition. Call Rudy 516 239 7387

FAR ROCKAWAY. Renovated 3bd, 1.5bath duplex in house in Neilson area. Many closets. Dishwasher + 2 sinks. Backyard access, driveway parking. W/D hookup. $2600 + utilities. Call/text 347 804 7367 Hewlett Bay Park Six bedroom home in highly desirable Hewlett Bay Park on 3/4 of an acre with an inground gunite pool and tennis court, en-Suite bathrooms and bedrooms on both floors, 1st floor Master Suite with steam shower and Jacuzzi tub, Eat-in Kitchen, with SS appliances, 2 sinks, 2 dishwashers, double oven, formal living room, formal dining room, den with fireplace. Close to railroad, shopping, and houses of worship. SD#14. Great house for entertaining. Park-like Property. P.O.R. Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457 Woodmere just listed Beautifully maintained Split Level home in the heart of Woodmere. This home boasts 4 Bedrooms, 2.5 Baths, Eat-in Kitchen, Formal Dining Room, Living Room, a Finished Basement, and an office. Beautiful and spacious Backyard. Great location, SD#14. Close to all & houses of worship. $990k. Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457

WOODMERE Magnificent Home in the Heart of Woodmere constructed in 2020, 5 Bedrooms, 3 Full Bathrooms, detailed moldings throughout, maple wood floors, Anderson windows + doors, custom closets, dimmers & timers, 2 zone CAC, EIK w/2 sinks, 2 dishwashers, 2 microwaves, double oven, Island, close to all. Sound system, camera system, 4 car driveway. Call for details Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457 WOODMERE JUST LISTED Beautifully maintained Split Level home in the heart of Woodmere. This home boasts 4 Bedrooms, 2.5 Baths, Eat-in Kitchen, Formal Dining Room, Living Room, Fin-ished Basement and office. Beautiful and spacious Backyard. Great location, SD#14. Close to all & houses of worship. P.O.R. Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey Interna-tional 516-298-8457 WOODMERE Beautiful & Spacious 2 Bedroom Apartment Across From The Golf Course. Elevator Building, Updated Kitchen, Gas Cooking, Granite Countertops, Washer/Dryer In Unit, High Ceilings, Great Closet Space, Storage in Basement, Close To RR, Shopping & Houses Of Worship.$349K Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457

HEWLETT NEW TO THE MARKET Luxurious Exquisite 6 bedrooms, 6.5 bath home situated on approximate 1.8 acre property in prestigious Hewlett Bay Park. Formal Living room and dining room, library, chefs, Eat-in Kitchen, extraordinary great room leads out to veranda. large Gunite built-in pool + pool house with full bath, large slate patio, impressive sprawling property, school district #14 Hewlett-Woodmere. Close to all. P.O.R. Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457

HEWLETT NEW TO THE MARKET 5 bedroom 3 bathroom colonial, open floor plan, large eat-in kitchen, formal living room and dining room, main floor den and playroom, master bedroom suite w/full bath& sitting room/nursery close to the schools, railroad, shopping and houses of worship $899K Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457

APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home • text 443-929-4003

The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022


Classifieds • text 443-929-4003



HEWLETT BRIGHT AND SUNNY 2 bedroom 2 bathroom co-op, elevator, doorman building, in ground pool storage, card room, indoor and outdoor parking, washer/dryer in the apartment, renovated kitchen with granite countertops, ss appliances, master bedroom with en-suite bathroom, formal living room and dining room, close to all $479k Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hatha-way Laffey International 516-298-8457

HEWLETT TWO 3 BEDROOM 2 BATH CO-OPS with central air conditioning, terrace, washer/dryer, hard-wood floors, recessed lighting, magnificent kitchens, ss appliances, l/r, d/r, close to the railroad, shopping, and houses of worship. Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457

WOODSBURGH Magnificent 2K sq. Ft. Co-Op. 3BR/2BTH, EIK, LR, DR, W/D in Unit, GAR, 2 STOR UNITS, ELEV, NEAR ALL$775K 516-846-1032 NO BROKERS

LAWRENCE JUST LISTED 2 bedroom 2 bathroom co-op on the first floor with an enclosed porch and outside entrance, large living room, dining room, efficiency kitchen, hardwood floors, close to the railroad, shopping and houses of worship $449k Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457



WOODSBURGH Magnificent 2K sq. Ft. Co-Op. 3br/2bth, eik, lr, dr, w/d in unit, gar, 2 stor units, elev, near all $775k 516-846-1032 no brokers

INVESTORS WELCOME GREAT DEAL IN WOODMERE, amazing location, double lot, low taxes ,SD 14 Asking $599, won’t last 25 CONKLIN AVE, WOODMERE Call Alexandra at Realty Connect 1-516-784-0856

INDIVIDUAL OFFICE SPACES AVAILABLE IN GREAT LOCATION. Rental fee includes electricity, taxes, internet, cleaning and parking. Large corner office $950 mo. Smaller interior office $625 mo. Please respond to 516-902-8006. WOODMERE totally renovated bright and sunny 1 bedroom corner unit apartment with a washer/dryer. Features quartz countertops, ss appliances, recessed lighting, bathroom with chrome fixtures, close to the railroads, shopping and houses of worship. Call for details Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457

LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN! 500-7000 Square feet gorgeous office space with WATERVIEW in Inwood! Lots of options. Tons of parking. Will divide and customize space for your needs! Call 516-567-0100 SF MEDICAL OFFICE SPACE Available, Reception Area, Waiting Room, Kitchenette, 2 Consult, 4 Exam Rooms, 2 Bathrooms, 30 Car On-Site Parking, For Lease …Call Ian 516-295-3000


Custom new construction in desirable “Tree Streets” in Woodmere! Property 9,000+ sq ft, house approx 4,500 sq ft with full finished basement with 10’ ceilings. Get in early to build your dream home! Leah Scheininger Realty Connect USA Licensed Real Estate Salesperson (516) 884-6530 @leahscheininger_realtor

Jordan Goldschmidt Guaranteed Rate Vice President of Mortgage Lending (516) 998-6201 @Jordanthemortgageguy

CALL OR TEXT FOR MORE INFORMATION NMLS 2012660 Licensed by The Department of Financial Protection and Innovation under the California Residential Mortgage Lending Act. 1400 Old Country Rd Suite 206N, Westbury, NY 11590, (212) 318-9432, Guaranteed Rate, Inc. NMLS 2611 3940 N. Ravenswood Ave., Chicago, IL 60613 (866) 934-7283 • Equal Housing Lender







EAST ROCKAWAY: Retail Stores on Busy Corner, 1000SF& Up Available, Great High Visibility Location, For Lease… Call for More Details Broker (516) 792-6698

FAR ROCKAWAY Brand new construction! 2 floor spacious Apt. 2 Bedrooms, 1BA, Impressive Kitchen with island, many cabinets and stainless applicnaces, Hardwood Floors, Walk in Closets. Close to Houses of worship and Rockaway Beach. Asking $2600


2 BEDROOM 2 BATHROOM APT AVAILABLE FOR PESACH in the Alexander hotel in Miami Beach. Apartment is south facing with great views of ocean and bay. Please call 516-426-3201 for details

CEDARHURST 1 bedroom 1 bathroom apartment, elevator building, eat-in kitchen, spacious rooms throughout, laundry room on premises, garage parking, close to all Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457 FAR ROCKAWAY: House For Rent. On Beach 12th. 3 1/2 bedrooms. Just renovated, Central HVAC,LR/DR, Finished basement.. $3300/m Call Raphael 917-822-1726

1,2 and 3 bedroom apartments, totally renovated, private entrance , central air condi-tioning, hardwood floors, washer/dryer, garage parking, dishwasher, recessed lighting, private playground, close to railroad, park, shopping and houses of worship.


Call for more details

YESHIVA KETANA OF LONG ISLAND, in the 5-Towns, is seeking a licensed, experienced, 5th-grade teacher. Join our dynamic team and be a part of our top-notch educational program. M-Th 12:45-4:00 and Friday 11:30-1:00. Send resume to

Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway

HEWLETT TOTALLY RENOVATED 1 and 2 Bedroom Apartments with washer/dryer, kitchen with quartz countertops, stainless steel appliances. Recessed lighting, hardwood floors, storage in basement. Close to RR, shopping, and houses of worship. Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hatha-way Laffey International 516-298-8457

Laffey International 516-298-8457 Renovated 3bd, 1.5bath duplex in house in Neilson area. Many closets. Dishwasher + 2 sinks. Backyard access, driveway parking. W/D hookup. Gas, water included. Call/text 347 804 7367

Whether buying or selling real estate get... Give me a call today!

516-298-8457 Licensed Associate Broker, G.R.I.

I am proud to be recognized as a top Berkshire Hathaway network agent for 2021. Top 1/2 of 1% of Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices network agents nationwide!


Move right in first floor, 3BR, 2Fbth, CAC, HW Floors, W/D, Kitchen with Granite Countertops, SS Appliances, Spectacular Moldings, Garage & Public Parking Close To All, $309,000


Totally renovated, 3BR, 2 Bath Co-op, Gorgeous Kitchen, 2 Sinks, SS Appliances, Quartz Countertops, CAC, New Floors, W/D, Terrace, Close to all $329,000


1361 KEW AVENUE, HEWLETT 5BR, 3Bath Colonial, Open Floor Plan, Large EIK, F L/R & D/R, Den, MBR Suite w/Full Bath & Siting Room/Nursery, Close to all. $899,000


Moce Right In, Breathatking Woodmere home with over 7,100 SF of Living Space, Chef’s Kitchen w/Island, 2 Sinks, 2 Dishwashers, 2 Ovens & Radiant Heat, F D/R, F L/R w/ Fplc, Den, Library, IGP, $P.O.R.


6BR, 5BA in Desirable Hewlett Bay Park on 3/4 of an Acre with an Inground Pool & Tennis Court, En Suite Bedrooms on each floor, 1st Fl Master Suite has steam shower & jacuzzi tub. $P.O.R.

Cedarhurst Hewlett Hewlett Hewlett Hewlett Lawrence Lawrence Lawrence Lawrence Woodmere Woodmere Woodmere


5BR, 5BA with IGP on a lot size of 111x107, F L/R & D/R, Tremendous Den w/ Fplc, EIK w/SS Appliances, New outside with Stone and Stucco, New pavers, Roof & CAC, 10 Zone Heat. $P.O.R.


1BR • 1BA 2BR • 2BA 2BR • 2BA 2BR • 2BA 2BR • 2BA 2BR • 2BA 2BR • 1BA 1BR • 1BA 3BR • 3BA 2BR • 1BA 2BR • 1BA 3BR • 3BA

$219k $189k $299k $299k $479k $449K $299K $325K $P.O.R. $199k $349k $697k

And many more...Call for details!

Cedarhurst Far Rockaway Far Rockaway Hewlett Bay Park Woodmere Hewlett Hewlett Inwood Woodsburgh Woodmere

3BR • 4BA 5BR • 2BA 6BR • 2BA 6BR • 7BA 4BR • 3BA 3BR • 3BA 5BR • 4BA 4BR • 3BA 4BR • 4BA 6BR • 4BA

$P.O.R. $999k $1,099,000 $P.O.R. $990k $799k $870k $599k $P.O.R. $P.O.R.


1BR • 1BA


Cedarhurst Cedarhurst Cedarhurst

1BR • 1BA 2BR • 2BA 3BR • 2BA

$2,025/monthly $2,995/monthly $3,695/monthly


APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home • text 443-929-4003

The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022


Classifieds • text 443-929-4003





OU Torah Initiatives is seeking a content manager for its All-Torah apps division. Primary responsibilities include managing content on the platforms which includes uploading, responding to inquiries, develop and manage unique presentations. Excellent verbal and written communication skills. Computer literacy required. Strong Torah knowledge required. 3+ years related experience required. Please email resume to

SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS CAHAL is seeking full time or part time SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS and TEACHER ASSISTANTS. We have supportive teaching environments, small classes and competitive salaries. Email your resume to or call 516-295-3666.

YESHIVA KETANA OF LONG ISLAND, in the 5-Towns, seeks an experienced, dynamic 8th grade ELA teacher for 2 periods, M -Th. Join our dynamic educational team! Send resume to

5 TOWNS BOYS YESHIVA SEEKING ELEM GEN ED TEACHERS Excellent working environment and pay. Only lic/exp need apply. Email resume to

Gesher (located in Cedarhurst is looking for a part-time Rebbe beginning in January for First Grade boys. · Approximately a half-hour a day, Monday through Friday · Small group lessons · The goal of the Rebbe is to provide faster paced exposure to higher level kriah and chumash skills · Curriculum support provided · One-on-one private pay tutoring opportunities may also be available. Please email your resume to or contact (516) 730-7377 to set up an interview.

Special Care seeks patient Male or female com/hab worker 5:30-7:30 P.M. for 7-year-old boy with autism in Bayswater, full or partial coverage. 718-252-3365 ext: 102 or

Bais Yaakov Ateres Miriam Elementary school is seeking growth oriented, Preschool and Elementary teachers, for the coming school year. Located in Far Rockaway. Professional and warm environment. Please email resume to

JOBOFF: The IVDU School of Long Island, a special education school in North Woodmere, has openings for a special education teacher, paras and teachers assistants. Enjoy a competitive salary, professional development, and an excellent work environment. Attn: graduate students potential opp. to obtain ABA Supervision hours and or meet Special ed fieldwork requirements as well. Email

Cedarhurst 516-374-0242 119 Spruce Street, Cedarhurst 11516 358 Elm Street, West Hempstead 11552

Searching Isn’t Always This Easy. That’s Where We Come In. Chag Sameach!

West Hempstead 516-565-4392

185 B"H

join our team of visionaries seeking warm, passionate, experienced educators to join our team for the 2022-2023 school year.

apply now

Experience a warm, professional teaching environment with a competitive salary. Email your resume to

For more information visit us at

Available Positions: -Assistant Principal -Director of Admissions -Pre1A Rebbe/ Morah -1st Grade Rebbe -7th Grade Girls Morah -Middle School Rabbeim/ Teachers -Administrative Positions -Director of Technology

APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

yeshiva Sha'arei zion

The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022



Now hiring for the 2022-23 school year


Join our team of dynamic Rebbeim, teachers,

and teacher assistants!

Judaic and General studies

Small classes SEND

Hands-on learning






Supportive staff

AM and PM positions available

CAHAL Participating Schools: * BBY * BYAM * HAFTR * HALB * HANC * SHULAMITH * TAG * YDT * YKLI * YOSS *

Classifieds • text 443-929-4003

HELP WANTED NEW YESHIVA IN QUEENS SEEKING SECRETARY Must be detail-oriented, have great organizational skills, able to multitask. Experience in school programs a plus. Send resume to: or call/text: 347-351-4573 A Yeshiva in Queens is looking for an experienced part/full time secretary, kindergarten morah, kindergarten morah assistant and 1st grade english teacher for the 2022-2023 school year. All positions are Mon-Fri . Nice and timely pay. Please email resume to or call/text 718-971-9799. Experience in not-for-profit Jewish organizations is a plus. Excellent part-time opportunity with competitive hourly compensation. Candidate will work with the director in developing budget and fundraising initiatives and generating reports to present to our Board of Directors. Resumes to DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANT A multi-tasker needed for general office work. The ideal candidate is someone who is detail-oriented, responsible, and can take ownership. Looking for someone who is eager to learn, and expand his/her skill set while possessing the ability to work independently and as part of a team. Experience with Excel required. Five Towns location. In-office position only, not remote. Please send resume to TEACHERS AND ASSISTANTS FOR SEPT. 2022 CAHAL is seeking Full Time and Part Time SPECIAL EDUCATION TEACHERS and TEACHER ASSISTANTS for the 2022-2023 School Year. CAHAL classes are located in Yeshivas and Bais Yaakov’s in the Five Towns, Far Rockaway, and West Hempstead. Please send your resume to For more information, call Shira Cohen or Naomi Nadata at 516-295-3666.

HELP WANTED YESHIVA KETANA OF LONG ISLAND, in the 5-Towns, seeks a licensed, experienced 7th grade Math teacher, for 2 periods, M-Th. Join our dynamic educational team! Send resume to Yeshiva Darchei Torah Middle School is seeking to hire teachers in all secular subjects for grades 6-8; excellent working environment and salary; Monday-Thursday, 2:305:30 PM. Interviews are being held now. Candidates should have prior teaching experience. Please send resume to Yeshiva Kol Torah is growing and seeking phenomenal teachers in all subject areas to join our amazing faculty. Warm, professional, supportive and growth-oriented environment. Excellent pay. Interested candidates should submit resumes to General administrative support needed for busy Five Towns office. Part Time, in-office position. Flexible hours. Looking for someone who is detail-oriented and dedicated. Proficiency in Excel/Word a must. Please send inquiry/resume to MDS REGIONAL NURSE: 5 Towns area Nursing Home management office seeking a Regional/Corporate level MDS Nurse to work in our office. Must be an RN. Regional experience preferred. 2-3 years MDS experience with good computer skills required. Position is Full Time but Part Time can be considered. Great Shomer Shabbos environment with some remote options as well. Email: Girls elementary school in the five towns is seeking warm, dynamic, experienced preschool teachers for the school year beginning September 2022. Competitive salaries and benefits. Please email resume to job.preschool.





JOIN OUR TEAM! NurNursing Home Management Company in Brooklyn Looking to fill the following positions: Administrative Assistant MS office suite proficiency required AdminAssistant experience required WE ARE LOOKING FOR AN EXPERIENCED FULL TIME BOOKKEEPER Excellent growth potential Frum environment Excellent salary & benefits Email resume to: Please put position title and FTJH in subject line

SHULAMITH EARLY CHILDHOOD is looking to hire a full time teacher assistant for the current school year. Please email resume to

General Studies teaching positions for elementary grades available for ‘22-’23 school year, due to simchas/scheduling. Mon.-Thurs., afternoon hours. Far Rockaway/5T area. Competitive salary, warm supportive environment.

MISC Gemach Zichron Yehuda In memory of R’ Yehuda Aryeh Leib ben R’ Yisroel Dov We have a library of books on the subjects of loss, aveilus, grief, & kaddish. We have sets of ArtScroll Mishnayos to assist with finishing Shisha Sidrei Mishna for Shloshim or yahrtzeit. Locations in Brooklyn, Far Rockaway, & Lakewood. Email:



CAMP FOR SALE GLEN SPEY NY ½ FROM MONTICELLO. RIGHT NR CAMP SIMCHA. Beautiful turnkey operational Camp for sale or lease. On 160 Acres, Room for 750+ campers + bungalows for staff all in immaculate cond. 5000sf Olympic size pool with 2 slides & more. 2 bldgs for Beis Midrah. Lighted courts. Much much more. Must see to appreciate. Can be in for this summer. Please email for more info. Serious inquires only









Monday-Thursday: 6-9 PM Shabbos: Friday, 2 Hours before Shabbos until 1 Hour After Shabbos Motzei Shabbos: Overnight, 9 PM- 6 AM

Ideal for college and seminary students looking for experience in the mental health field.

call: 516-612-3922



To fill any of these times:








Are you thinking of buying or selling a home this season? Contact top producing agent, Sara Abikzer, for all of your real estate needs! 516.984.6798











Licensed Real Estate Salesperson Mobile 516.984.6798 Office: 516.741.4333 @SaraSellsLI Hewlett • Woodmere • Lawrence • Cedarhurst If your property is currently listed with another broker, please disregard. It is not our intention to solicit the listings of other brokers.


APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home • text 443-929-4003


The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022


As Times Goes By by Allan rolnick, cPA

OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home




n 1942, Captain Louis Renault, commander of French troops in Casablanca, was “shocked, shocked” to find that gambling was going on at Rick’s Café Americain. As the Captain collected his winnings, he shut Rick down. While that might not sound like a promising start, the pair ultimately joined forces to help the Czech freedom fighter Victor Laszlo and his wife escape to Lisbon. As the Laszlos boarded the plane to safety, Renault shot the German Major Strasser and ordered police to “round up the usual suspects.” For his part, Rick predicted the whole adventure would be “the beginning of a beautiful friendship.” Twenty-seven years later, Treasur y Secretar y Joseph Barr was shocked, shocked that 155 taxpayers making the equivalent of 1.7$ million in today’s dollars had taken advantage of enough loopholes to pay no income tax. His response? Create an alternative minimum tax equal to %10 of the sum of certain preferences above 30,000$, plus the taxpayers’ regular tax liability. (It would have been easier to just shoot someone.) But Barr’s story doesn’t have a happy ending. Congress didn’t index the exemption to inflation until 2013. So as time went by, millions of Americans

wound up paying the millionaire’s tax. If you were a high-school principal married to an RN in a high-tax state like California or New York, you might have paid it yourself. (The 2017 tax act fixed the problem by raising the exemption to 500,000$ for singles and 1$ million for joint filers.)

a “hybrid” tax on increases in wealth. Specifically, they proposed going all Will Smith on households worth 100$ million or more, slapping them with a “Billionaire minimum tax” of %20 on their full income – including unrealized appreciation on their stock. Let’s pretend for just a moment this

“If they don’t like the United States the way it is, I’m buying them a one-way ticket to Venezuela.”

Today, t he White House is shocked, shocked to see that stocks sometimes go up. That means billionaires like Jeff Bezos can finance mansions and yachts by borrowing against their shares tax-free, rather than selling and paying tax on their gains. Now, the White House understands Congress won’t hike regular rates in an election year. And they know a Bernie Sanders-style wealth tax is a non-starter. So, last week, as part of their 2023 budget, they floated

new tax has a chance of passing. (It doesn’t – but the Laszlos weren’t supposed to make it out of Casablanca, either.) Do you see a happy ending? Or do you see inflation and bracket creep eroding those thresholds to the point where your kids wind up paying? And do you see the genius in calling it a “Billionaire” tax when it hits people worth just 10% of that amount? If so, you may be cynical enough for a career in Washington! Meanwhile, some board-certified

billionaires are feeling like the usual suspects at roundup time. Hedge fund manager Leon Cooperman, who drives a Hyundai to pick up lamb chops at Costco, says, “It’s dead on arrival, it’s not constitutional, and it makes no sense.” Grocery store kingpin John Catsimatides is even saltier, fuming, “If they don’t like the United States the way it is, I’m buying them a one-way ticket to Venezuela.” The cable news crowd can debate the new proposal until they’re blue in the face. Meanwhile, here in the real world, millions face a looming reckoning. Remember how the 2017 tax act fixed the AMT by raising the threshold? That fix is scheduled to expire on January 1, 2026, meaning the tax will roar back to hit an estimated 6.5 million families. If you don’t already have a plan to make the most of your opportunities, now’s the time to make one. We promise it will be the start (or continuation) of a beautiful friendship!

Allan J Rolnick is a CPA who has been in practice for over 30 years in Queens, NY. He welcomes your comments and can be reached at 718-896-8715 or at


Let us show our appreciation for our loved ones and the blessings in our life. Wishing you a Happy & Healthy Passover

APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home


Life c ach

It’s Here! But Where Are We? by rivki D. rosenwald esq., LMFt, cLc, SDS


assover is really here. We’ve been counting down but now it’s “rising up” around us. Whoops! I didn’t mean to use a chometz-sounding word – it’s so much more appropriate to say Passover is “leaning in” on us. Feels like it’s just “18 minutes” away. We can’t “loaf” around anymore! There’s still plenty to “slice” and dice before the Seder starts. We feel “sandwiched” between the chometz we want to keep around till the last minute and the kosher for Passover stuff we need to “spread” about. Everyone wants access to that last bite of permissible authentic bagel before they need to go into full on anti-chametz lockdown. As Pesach “rolls” around the bend, on Friday morning, we go into that no-dough day on which eating bread is out but experiencing matzah is not yet in. Everyone is looking around for what to eat all day until they are allowed to crunch all night. Hmmm, let’s see what’s in the fridge to munch on.

that He is always with us. For instance, the Wise Son recognizes the wisdom of beginning to perform what G-d asks and only then begins to ask his questions later. As the Torah states in (Devorim 6:20), the Wise Son asks “machur, tomorrow”: What are all these different laws G-d requested of you? It says by the Evil Son “ki yomru” before acting

We can’t “loaf” around anymore! There’s still plenty to “slice” and dice before the Seder starts.

at all (Exodus 12:26), thus implying he asks in the present why are you doing this and takes no action. The Evil Son holds out and asks before he will do anything. The Kli Yakar says the Evil Son won’t even take one step which, unfortunately, keeps him stuck in the past, while the Wise Son jumps in with faith and then keeps learning along the way on each tomorrow – just as the Jews did when they accepted the Torah saying, “We will do and we will listen.” The story we discuss at the Seder tells of our journey to today and shows us G-d’s involvement every step of the way

Rivki Rosenwald is a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist working with both couples and individuals and is a certified relationship counselor. Rivki is a co-founder and creator of an effective Parent Management of Adolescent Years Program. She can be contacted at 917705-2004 or at


the maror re-experience how bitter that was. The charoses reminds us of the mortar used to create useless walls. The saltwater, the tears we shed. The bones on the Seder plate remind us of the lamb we were told to bring as a korban in order to usher in our release. The matzah we eat to show we can turn things around. It symbolizes that we can go from not having any time because we were so enslaved to not having time because G-d can quickly bring us to a different phase and stage of our lives. We get messages of the wisdom of living a G-d-connected life and the security

through the Plagues to the amazing task of literally Splitting the Sea and giving us the best guidebook for life. We drink the wine and lean like kings in order to celebrate our freedom in the present. And we wash for vegetables, as we did when the Temples stood, in order to embrace our faith that we are already in the time of Redemption when the Temple will stand once more. As we eat the afikomen and nothing afterwards, the ultimate dessert, we are catapulting ourselves into the faith that it doesn’t get better than that. G-d makes good on His promises: we will be redeemed. So as we make our last minute preparations for the holiday, let’s embrace the only permissible “rising” allowed for Passover and “rise” to the occasion of seeing that we had a challenging history – but G-d kicked in, to kick us out, for us to get the best kick out of life, as long as we don’t kick the life wisdom we have access to down the road!

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Bitter herbs? Nope, I don’t think so. Ahhhh, meat – but wait it’s just a bone and it’s burnt beyond recognition. I think I can resist that. Oh, here’s something. There’s plenty of potatoes! Nah, I think eight days of it, in every possible form, can be put off until tonight. Maybe I’ll just have something to drink. Oy! Not meaning to whine but is there anything in this fridge besides wine?! I don’t want to “pass out” before the Passover festivities begin. And then those festivities come in in full force! We eat a lot of matzah! Drink a lot of wine! We dip a lot! We wash a lot! We sing a lot!

I’m not sure what part of all that reminds us of our experience in Egypt – other than the fact that it feels like a really long time until the end. But let’s look again! It’s what we talk about at the Seder and why we do all the things we do that helps us relive the event. It is meant to take us through our history and brings us to this moment and to the mentality of freedom and redemption. We are simultaneously reliving our moments of bondage and reliving the Korban Pesach that brought us to the next phase. We are focusing on our joy of redemption back then to our present freedom (even our freedom to change our perspectives) and then embracing our ultimate redemption. First, we tell the story of how we were brought under cruel bondage and through


The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022



APRIL 14, 2022 | The Jewish Home

The Jewish Home | APRIL 14, 2022


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