Five Towns Jewish Home - 4-7-22

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The Jewish Home | APRIL 7, 2022


from displacement, and ensure access to affordable housing. The bill, signed by California Governor Gavin Newsom in September, would allow the development of up to four residential units on single-family lots statewide. A letter presented to Newsom prior to the bill’s signing said, “SB 9 does not guarantee the construction of affordable housing, nor will it spur additional housing development in a manner that supports local flexibility, decision-making and community input.”

Bird Flu Concerns

Bird flu has hit another two farms in Iowa, forcing 88,000 turkeys and 5.3 million hens to be killed. Across the United States, farmers have been forced to kill around 1.9 million turkeys, 1.9 million pullet and

other commercial chickens, 22 million egg-laying hens, and 1.8 million broiler chickens. Many of these cases are in Iowa, the U.S.’s leading egg producer, which raises around 11.7 million turkeys annually. Still, at least 22 states have seen cases of bird flu in their flocks. The latest cases occurred at an egg farm in Osceola County and a turkey farm in Cherokee County, both in northwest Iowa. The U.S. Department of Agriculture is looking into vaccines as an option to offer protection against bird flu. Supporters say vaccines could help keep poultry alive, prevent financial losses, and control food costs, although shots would be too late to stop the current outbreak that has wiped out more than 22 million chickens and turkeys in commercial flocks since February. In the past, the United States has eschewed vaccines, worried that importers will ban U.S. poultry shipments because they cannot distinguish between infected birds and vaccinated ones. The United States is the world’s second-largest poultry meat exporter and a major egg producer, with shipments reaching $4.2 billion in 2020. Bird flu, also known as avian influ-

enza, is a highly contagious and deadly virus that can prey on chickens, turkeys and wild birds, including ducks and geese. It spreads via nasal secretions, saliva and fecal droppings. Symptoms of the virus include a sudden increase in the mortality of a flock, a drop in egg production, and diminished consumption of feed and water. The prices of eggs and poultry have risen sharply because of the outbreak, similar to what took place during the bird flu outbreak in 2014-2015. The USDA reports that egg costs have increased 52% since February.

NY Redistricting: Back to the Drawing Board?

An upstate Republican judge has deemed New York’s recently-drawn state and congressional maps “unconstitutional.” Steuben County Supreme Court Judge Patrick McAllister ordered that the legislature resubmit the maps with “sufficient bipartisan support” by April 11. If this is not done, the court will “retain a neutral expert at State expense to prepare said maps.” The new lines would influence the state’s primary, scheduled for June 28. Meanwhile, legislative leaders promised to send the case to the Court of Appeals. Mike Murphy, a spokesman for Senate Democrats, said, “This is one step in the process. We always knew this case would be decided by the appellate courts. We are appealing this decision and expect this decision will be stayed as the appeal process proceeds.” Senate Minority Leader Rob Ortt, R-Lockport, said, “Albany Democrats ignored the will of New Yorkers who demanded fair, independent redistricting. Instead, they adopted partisan maps to protect themselves. This is a victory for (all) New Yorkers.”

Vaxx Attack

A few days ago, a German man in his 60s was caught after months of getting himself vaccinated against COVID-19. Generally, authorities in Germany are encouraging vaccinations. This man, though, has gotten the shot dozens of times in the past few months. The man from the eastern Germany city of Magdeburg is said to have received up to 90 shots against COVID-19 at vaccination centers in the eastern state of Saxony for months until police caught up with him. He had been selling the proof of vaccinations. Many people in Germany want the coveted COVID-19 passports that make access to public life and venues such as restaurants, theaters, swimming pools or workplaces much easier without having to get the shot. The man was caught at a vaccination center when he showed up for a COVID-19 shot for the second day in a row. Police confiscated several blank vaccination cards from him and initiated criminal proceedings. It was not immediately clear what impact the approximately 90 shots of COVID-19 vaccines, which were from different brands, had on the man’s personal health. Talk about COVID crazy.

Muffins & Makeup

Wake up and smell the makeup. Recently, e.l.f Cosmetics launched a limited-edition makeup collection that

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Articles inside

Don’t Pass This Over by Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., CLC, SDS

pages 150-152


pages 142-147

Your Money

pages 148-149

Bravery in Battle by Avi Heiligman

pages 140-141

Has Putin’s Brutality Finally Hit a Wall in Ukraine? by David Ignatius

pages 138-139

Painful Choices Lie in the Path to Peace in Ukraine by David Ignatius

pages 136-137

DIY Therapy is Not Good Enough by Dr. Deb Hirschhorn

pages 124-125

Teen Talk

pages 118-119

The Aussie Gourmet: Spare Ribs

pages 130-131

A Perfect Pesach Plan by Aliza Beer, MS RD

pages 126-127

Notable Quotes

pages 132-135

A New Wave of Terror Hits the Holy Land

pages 114-117

Of Kiddush Hashem Large and Small

pages 110-113

Delving into the Daf by Rabbi Avrohom Sebrow

pages 100-103

That’s Odd

pages 38-41

World Builders

pages 106-109

Rabbi Wein on the Parsha

pages 92-95

Community Happenings

pages 42-89

The Wandering Jew

pages 104-105


pages 12-25

Israel News

pages 26-32
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