Five Towns Jewish Home - 12-30-21

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The Jewish Home | DECEMBER 30, 2021

OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home


Notable Quotes “Say What?!”

Masks are like the Democrats’ MAGA hat. - Joe Rogan

I’m a Fauci groupie. I’m a thrice-vaccinated mask adherent. I buy KN95 masks by the ... caseload. They’re in every pocket. I wear them everywhere except when I sit down. - Nicolle Wallace, host of MSNBC’s “Deadline White House,” describing herself on her Monday night show

There is no federal solution. This gets solved at a state level. – President Biden, whose campaign refrain was” I’m going to shut down the virus!” talking about Covid last week

At stake here is the integrity of women’s sports. The precedent being set — one in which women do not have a protected and equitable space to compete.... It is the responsibility of the NCAA to address the matter with an official statement. - Parents of 10 female swimmers, demanding that the NCAA address the issue of “Lia” Thomas competing as a woman after three seasons of competing as a man

Bodies compete against bodies; identities do not compete against identities. - Cynthia Millen, who resigned in protest over “Lia” Thomas, a mediocre male swimmer who decided to compete on the University of Pennsylvania female swim team this year and won every single race, in an interview on Fox News

Shame on Wu! - Protestors outside Boston City Hall, protesting Mayor Michelle Wu’s vaccine mandate

There has been a twelve percent increase in the positive COVID rate. Even more alarming is that half of those people have no symptoms. - Headline this week on WCBS 880 News

In fact, the U.S.’s COVID-19 vaccines were developed during the Trump administration. Biden has not made any practical moves, which is retrogression. - From an article in China’s state-ran Global Times, titled “‘No federal solution’ sheds light on Biden’s empty promises, poor governance”

Shoot for the stars. - Republican strategist Matt Whitlock in response to President Biden’s chief of staff retweeting an article titled “Let’s be honest: 2021 wasn’t all bad”

Frankly, one of them is our democracy. There is, I think, no question in the minds of people who are foreign policy experts that the year 2021 is not the year 2000. - Vice President Kamala Harris when asked on CBS News’ “Face the Nation” to name the biggest national security challenge facing the U.S.

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