Five Towns Jewish Home - 9-24-20

Page 1

September 24, 2020

Distributed weekly in the Five Towns, Long Island, Queens & Brooklyn

Always Fresh. Always Gourmet. See page 7

Around the


Your Favorite Five Towns Family Newspaper

Reconquering Mount Hermon during the Yom Kippur War

46 Ohel Opens a New Home



Our Brothers in Bahrain

52 Rabbi Finkelman Visits Netzach Hatorah

A chat with the head of the Jewish community in the Kingdom of Bahrain pg


The Day of Ultimate Rest by Rav Yaakov Feitman pg

49 A Sweet Treat




SEPTEMBER 24, 2020 | The Jewish Home

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The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 24, 2020

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SEPTEMBER 24, 2020 | The Jewish Home

Dear Readers,


few weeks ago, I burnt my hand attempting to do a thousand things on a busy erev Shabbos. It was a bad burn, but because a mother doesn’t always have the luxury of stopping what she’s doing to take care of herself, I kept my hand dunked in cold water and tried to continue with finishing up my preparations. The pain was intense. The next day, my hand felt better. It didn’t look better, though. Huge blisters began to form. My opportunities at working as a hand model suddenly plummeted. But then, a few days later, the blisters popped and new skin began to form. I marveled at Hashem’s wisdom and the body’s ability to regenerate. But when the healing began, my skin began to itch. I was uncomfortable. It felt like the skin was being stretched to fit my fingers, like a new glove that takes a few days to feel quite right. Now, baruch Hashem, shiny, pink, new skin graces my fingers. I am well on my way to a full recovery. Everything in this world happens for a reason. And so, being that this took place a week before Rosh Hashana, I thought about a lesson that could be learned – aside from reminding me not to try to

pick up the lid of the crockpot with one hand. Every year, when Elul comes around, we look back on the year that we had and the person that we’ve become and examine our actions. During our introspection, we see many wonderful things about ourselves, but the blemishes that dot our souls aren’t pretty. We all know where we can improve and what we can do to purify our souls. Changing habits – for good and for bad – isn’t easy. It feels uncomfortable and restrictive. We find ourselves chafing at the new regimen that we set for ourselves. We may struggle, stumble, trip. But then, hopefully, if we give ourselves enough time and work at these new habits for just a few weeks, we begin to feel accustomed to the new plan that we formulated for ourselves. Slowly, these new habits help to form a new person – more beautiful and more perfect than before. May Hashem seal all of us in the Book of Life this year, and may we all share in simchos and besuros tovos as we greet the new year. Gmar chasima tova, Shoshana







Shoshana Soroka EDITOR

Nate Davis Editorial Assistant Nechama Wein Copy Editor Rachel Bergida Berish Edelman Mati Jacobovits Design & Production Gabe Solomon Distribution & Logistics P.O. BOX 266 Lawrence, NY 11559 Phone | 516-734-0858 Fax | 516-734-0857 Classified Deadline: Monday 5:00PM text 443-929-4003 PAYMENT VIA CREDIT CARD MUST BE SUBMITTED ALONG WITH CLASSIFIED ADS

The Jewish Home is an independent weekly magazine. Opinions expressed by writers are not neces­ sarily the opinions of the publisher or editor. The Jewish Home is not responsible for typographical errors, or for the kashrus of any product or business advertised within. The Jewish Home contains words of Torah. Please treat accordingly.

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Friday, September 25 Parshas Ha’Azinu Candle Lighting: 6:28 pm Shabbos Ends: 7:25 pm Rabbeinu Tam: 7:57 pm

The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 24, 2020

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SEPTEMBER 24, 2020 | The Jewish Home



COMMUNITY Readers’ Poll


Community Happenings







Odd-but-True Stories


Our Brothers in Bahrain


ISRAEL Israel News


Coming Full Circle


World Builders


Reconquering Mount Hermon during the Yom Kippur War by Z. Lev 80 JEWISH THOUGHT Rabbi Wein on the Parsha


An Aperture to the Al-Mighty by Rav Moshe Weinberger


The Day of Ultimate Rest by Rav Yaakov Feitman


PEOPLE The Wandering Jew


Doctor on the Battlefield by Avi Heiligman 103 HEALTH & FITNESS Should We Feel Bad on Yom Kippur?


by Dr. Deb Hirschhorn


Sukkos the Healthy Weigh by Cindy Weinberger MS, RD


Dear Editor, Whenever I was by Rav Avrohom Genechovsky, zt”l, for Shabbos and he left to give his Friday night drasha he would ask for a blessing from his wife and she would say, “You should be matzliach.” In these days of awe, with Yom Kippur approaching, it would certainly be worthy for spouses to ask each other for hatzchlacha, thus concretizing a relationship that can bring the Shechina into the house. Steven Genack Dear Editor, As a resident of Lawrence since 1976, and a former 20 year elected official of the Village, including having served as Mayor for 6 years, I am absolutely appalled by the actions of the losing slate that ran in the recent Village election. I believe the way that they ran their campaign was well beyond the pale, and has not occurred in our village for at least the last 46 years – and this probably never occurred in the long history of the village. Happily, the other slate won by an overwhelming majority. I would advise and urge the losing Mayoral candidate to immediately resign from his position as Village Trustee, as well as offer a public apology to the other candidates. Unfortunately, in recent years, there has been a new phenomenon of “entry-level” candidates running for Village office. Previously, can-

didates showed their dedication and commitment to the Village by working for many years on various Village Boards and Commissions or holding major positions in the Lawrence Association PRIOR to considering running for elective office. They demonstrated why their agenda was for the betterment of the entire community, and NOT a personal agenda. They knew and understood the community. And, as a result, these individuals were generally superb elected officials. As it turns out, the losing slate’s 2 Trustee candidates as well as their candidate running for Village Justice were just that — “entry-level” candidates with little or no Village experience. There were also other “entry-level” individuals on the Ballot. And finally, I believe that the subject of eliminating Term Limits should be seriously considered by the Mayor and Board of Trustees. Term limits in our Village have been around for only about 20 years, and we are the only Village in our area to have them. Term Limits make no sense. We are a small community with a limited number of capable, community-minded individuals. If someone is doing a good job, they should be permitted to continue to serve if they so desire, and will likely be reelected. If they are not doing a good job, they will likely NOT be Continued on page 10

FOOD & LEISURE The Aussie Gourmet: Chicken Soup with Kreplach


LIFESTYLES Dating Dialogue, Moderated by Jennifer Mann, LCSW Your Money

88 108

Time to Tweak Your Narrative by Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., CLC, SDS 110 HUMOR Centerfold 64 POLITICAL CROSSFIRE Notable Quotes


Biden’s Applesauce Challenge by Nate Davis


Fracking is on the Ballot by Marc A. Thiessen




Have you ever made a shidduch?







The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 24, 2020

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SEPTEMBER 24, 2020 | The Jewish Home

Continued from page 8

reelected. It’s a very simple formula which will go a long way in helping to keep capable people running the Village, and, hopefully, filtering out the “entry-level” candidates that may have a personal agenda. Jack Levenbrown, MD Lawrence, NY Dr. Levenbrown was the first member of the Orthodox community to be president of the Lawrence Association (1985-88), the first to serve as a Village Trustee (1988-2002), and the first to serve as Mayor of the Village (2002-2008). Dear Editor, Recognizing that I’m not a doctor and that my knowledge comes solely from reading a lot of statistics, apolitical medical articles, podcasts from respected doctors and personal experience, I’m having a very hard time with what’s currently going on in our local schools (and in the Five Towns in general). I want to know if any of our local doctors are objectively looking at the abuse (yes, masking a child and making them stay in their desks or in a cordoned

off area all day is abuse) our children are going through, and weighing that against the minority of people who are currently getting seriously ill from COVID. I realize that in the Torah saving even one life is worth every and any measure we could take but are we really certain that doing this to our kids is actually saving those vulnerable from getting seriously ill? Or are the actions of our community leaders being governed primarily by PTSD from the trauma experienced back in April? Is there no truth to the theory of opening up normal life so the young and healthy could get exposure to the virus and create immunity in the community to protect those most vulnerable in the future? Doesn’t the data coming out of Sweden or other European countries who did not lockdown at all show us anything? Or do we all think it’s going to be safer to blindly take a politicized vaccine that’s been rushed to the market so that these big pharma companies could profit wildly off of our fears? I’m not writing this cynically, and I’m not a conspiracy theorist. I’m just a mother taking in all the conflicting data and wondering why it just doesn’t add up. I want to know

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what is going through the minds of our community leaders who are advising and encouraging the masses to COVID test every member of their family over and over. Seeing ads encouraging people to come for free swab testing has me wondering how this could possibly be of any benefit or as they claim “save lives.” Do we not realize that it’s this excessive testing (and numerous false positives) that is going to shut our schools and shuls down again? There are people testing perfectly healthy children over and over until they get that positive that keeps the whole family home. It’s become a battle cry in our neighborhood that testing is going to save lives, and I’m just having a hard time believing that it’s true. Life is always about the risk/ benefit analysis. We let kids who are deathly allergic to certain foods go to school, and that’s a choice each parent can make when weighing the risk/benefit of doing so. Why is there no risk/benefit analysis here and why aren’t we given the prerogative to make that choice as well? I realize there are teachers (and parents) who are scared to the point of paralysis of this virus and they should have the right to govern their lives as they please, staying home if that’s what makes them most comfortable. But why can’t those of us who see the risk of our mental and emotional health far outweighing the physical threat COVID presents be allowed that same right? I think we need to evaluate and pay attention to the lives we are losing in this attempt to save lives from COVID. We need to look at how many of our kids have gone off the derech in the last few months due to not being in school with their rebbeim and teachers for far too long, how many new teenage drug users this pandemic has created, how many marriages are buckling under the stress this is creating, how many suicides have been directly correlated to the handling of this pandemic, how many kids are suffering from severe anxiety and stress with all that these extreme measures are putting them through. Why is this not being taken into the equation? Our schools are sending dozens of healthy kids home to quarantine for two weeks and telling them to call in to hear (or try to hear) their teachers lessons over the phone. Some of our community schools are not even setting the classrooms up for Zoom to possibly give these kids a chance

at keeping up with the class! These children are being set up for failure before the year even begins! I wish everyone pushing this testing agenda could hear the sobs of each and every (healthy) child called to the office to be told that he/she needs to go home because there’s a positive in the house. There are kids being sent home after asking for a tissue because they have a runny nose! And make no mistake about it; these kids are not sitting home productively learning in quarantine, they are at best filling their days with mindless electronics but most are just roaming the streets and deteriorating one by one, each in their own way. B”H my own kids are all healthy and in school but it’s painful to just sit by and watch the destruction going on. So I’m turning to the doctors and community leaders who profess to care so much about our children and their well-being. How could we put a stop to all this testing of kids, so we could have a chance at keeping our schools open? How could we ease up on the intensity of the social distancing in school (especially in the younger grades where I heard even the Department of Health has less restriction mandated than we are doing). Hearing that we have pre-school classrooms divided into zones and we are telling 4-yearolds not to cross over to another zone in her tiny classroom has me in pain for them. Hearing that children can’t go to any family simchas without being forced to stay home for two weeks (regardless of masks, distancing, indoor, outdoor or antibodies) is heartrending. Where is all of this coming from? Is Lakewood, Monsey and Brooklyn (who are giving their children so much more normalcy) any worse off than we are as a community right now? Are these “upticks” a result of testing so many asymptomatic or lightly symptomatic people, or are our hospitals and ICUs chas v’shalom filling up? I urge you for the sake of our children to re-evaluate your position and stop the testing of children and those who aren’t sick. Please consider that perhaps there are other ways to achieve a healthy community both physically and mentally. Thank you for taking the time to read this. A mother in pain for our children

The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 24, 2020

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SEPTEMBER 24, 2020 | The Jewish Home

The Week In News F















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Venezuela’s Crime Against Humanity

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According to the United Nations, the Venezuelan government has been committing crimes against humanity. The report by a UN-backed fact-finding mission was published last week and investigated 223 cases of alleged extrajudicial executions, enforced disappearances, arbitrary detentions, and torture and reviewed an additional 2,891 instances to corroborate patterns of violations and crimes. In conclusion, the UN Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela found that the Venezuelan government, as well as other state agents and groups working with them, had committed “egregious violations.” “The Mission found reasonable grounds to believe that Venezuelan authorities and security forces have since 2014 planned and executed serious human rights violations, some of which – including arbitrary killings and the systematic use of torture – amount to crimes against humanity,” said Marta Valiñas, chairperson of the UN mission. “Far from being isolated acts, these crimes were coordinated and committed pursuant to State policies, with the knowledge or direct support of commanding officers and senior government officials.” The 411-page report is the first published by the UN mission. Commissioned by the UN Human Rights Council, it includes 48 in-depth case studies and expands on the extrajudicial executions and politically motivated detentions and torture, as well as protest-related violence. Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza has repeatedly criti-

cized the UN Human Rights Council and the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) as “biased.” The report singles out two Venezuelan security forces as being responsible for nearly two-thirds of all extrajudicial killings: the Scientific, Criminal and Criminological Investigator Corps (CICPC) and the Special Action Forces (FAES) of the National Bolivarian Police (PNB). Dressed in black uniforms and sometimes wearing Halloween-style masks, FAES special forces generally show up in large numbers in some of Venezuela’s poorest neighborhoods – the barrios – and target young men seemingly at random. According to the UN report, superiors grant FAES officers a “green light to kill.” “High-ranking officials had effective command and control over the perpetrators and knowledge of their actions but failed to prevent or repress the violations,” said Marta Valiñas. “The killings appear part of a policy to eliminate unwanted members of society under the cover of combating crime.” The UN report calls for FAES to be dismantled and for those responsible for its actions to be held accountable. Violence in Venezuela is not restricted to state security forces, especially in recent years as the government began to increasingly rely on armed civilian groups – known as colectivos – to help maintain public order. The report found that authorities failed to intervene when protesters were killed by these groups. “The violations must stop. And impunity must end. Venezuelan authorities must immediately carry out prompt, effective, thorough, independent, impartial and transparent investigations into the violations and crimes, bringing perpetrators to account and providing justice for victims,” Valiñas said, calling for other international bodies, like the International Criminal Court, to consider legal action against those responsible for the crimes identified by the UN mission. “Victims must have full redress for the harm they suffered.”

Japan is Getting Old Nearly 1 in 1,500 people in Japan is now 100 years old or older, accord-

The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 24, 2020

Blank Page

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SEPTEMBER 24, 2020 | The Jewish Home

ing to Japan’s Health, Labor, and Welfare Ministry. The government figures show that the number of centenarians went above 80,000 for the first time this year – the 50th consecutive annual increase and the biggest rise to date.

changing of the prison guards. This isn’t Cai’s first escape. In 2017, he broke out of a police detention center in Jakarta by breaking a hole in a bathroom wall. Police are now on the search, with Cai on their most wanted list.

Vatican & China Deal

There were 80,450 people aged 100 and over as of last Tuesday – 9,176 more than last year – which equates to one in every 1,565 people. Women in Japan are far more likely than men to live for a century or more; 88% of centenarians are female. Japan has a rapidly aging population and average life expectancy across the country is also at a record high. On average, women are expected to live to 87.45 years and men are expected to live to 81.41. Japan began documenting the number of centenarians in 1963. At the time, there were only 153 people aged 100 or over in the country. By 1988, that had ballooned to 10,000. Japan’s oldest person, 117-yearold Kane Tanaka from Fukuoka, was confirmed as the world’s oldest person by Guinness World Records last year. Her secret to a long life? Eating good food and practicing math.

A Daring Escape Last week, after planning his escape for months, a Chinese drug trafficker escaped death row in Indonesia by tunneling through the sewage system. Cai Changpan, also known as Cai Ji Fan, was jailed in the Tangerang area on the outskirts of the capital city Jakarta, on charges of smuggling methamphetamine. Last Monday, he escaped by digging a hole from his cell into waste pipes and onto a road outside the prison. Cai had been planning this escape for five to six months. He dug the hole using tools from a construction project in the prison kitchen. He had timed his escape during the

The Vatican and China are preparing to renew a historic deal on the appointment of bishops that has slightly thawed icy relations between the two forces. The renewed warmth, though, runs contrary to what U.S. President Donald Trump has been attempting to do in regards to pushing religious freedom in the communist country. U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, in an article in U.S. religious magazine First Things, slammed the “horrific” persecution of believers of all faiths in China. He wrote that many countries had expressed “revulsion” at “accelerating violations of human rights.” “The Vatican endangers its moral authority, should it renew the deal,” he added on Twitter. China’s roughly 12 million Catholics have for decades been split between a government-run association, whose clergy are chosen by the atheist Communist Party, and an unofficial underground church loyal to the Vatican. The latter recognizes the pope’s authority and is often persecuted for it. In September 2018, the Vatican sealed a historical “provisional” agreement with Beijing, although the exact content of which has never been published. One thing that did come out was that both Beijing and the Vatican now have a say in appointing Catholic bishops. Right after the deal, Pope Francis immediately recognized eight Chinese bishops that had been appointed by Beijing without his approval. Since then, two new bishops

The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 24, 2020


SEPTEMBER 24, 2020 | The Jewish Home










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The leader of ISIS has a bachelor’s degree, served as a judge, and was jailed by the United States. Amir Muhammad Sa’id Abd-alRahman al-Mawla, the real name of the person identified by ISIS only as Abu Ibrahim al-Hashemi alQurashi, was born in 1976 in a village near Mosul. He is the second leader of ISIS after al-Baghdadi, who was killed in a U.S. raid in northern Syria last October, to have formal religious training. Al-Mawla holds a bachelor’s degree in Islamic studies from

ion l i t y . l a rg e s e l e ct B e au t i f u l , to p Q ua ence i r e p x e f o s r a e y many



Who is Leading ISIS?

a shariah college at the University of Mosul. His father was also an imam at a mosque in Mosul. The current leader developed a nickname as the teacher or master, for his religious knowledge. Al-Mawla even served as a judge in the Islamic State of Iraq (known at the time as al-Qaeda in Iraq) before he was captured and jailed by the United States in southern Iraq in Camp Bucca in 2008. Al-Mawla was released the following year. Iraqi sources say he was released after he denied that he pledged allegiance to al-Qaeda and after informing on all his fellow jihadists, as detailed in documents of the U.S. authorities’ interrogation of the current leader when he was in jail. But other Iraqi sources deny this claim – pushing back against “weak” claims about the ISIS leader. Al-Mawla had been a trusted aide of al-Baghdadi before al-Baghdadi was killed, which would not have been the case if al-Mawla had informed on his fellow jihadists. Such groups have developed a system of surrounding their leaders with reliable and trusted individuals trained to withhold critical information.

aRba minim aRba minim










‫על כל צרה‬ ‫שלא תבא‬



On Sunday, it was reported that Bahrain thwarted a plot by militants backed by Iran to launch attacks on diplomats and foreigners in Bahrain, just days after normalizing relations with Israel. The Saudi state TV report aired footage of what appeared to be police raiding a home with a hidden


Bahrain Foils Terror

passage. The footage showed assault rifles and explosives, apparently seized in the raid. A Saudi state TV reporter said those planning the attacks wanted to carry them out in revenge for the U.S. killing of Iranian general Qassem Soleimani this January in a drone strike in Baghdad. Nine militants have been arrested, while another nine are believed to be in Iran. Authorities uncovered the plot after finding an explosive on the street, the pro-government Bahraini newspaper Akhbar Al-Khaleej reported, citing the Interior Ministry. The ministry accused Iran’s paramilitary Revolutionary Guard of supporting the militants, who also had surveilled oil sites and military bases. The militants also planned on assassinating bodyguards of Bahraini officials. Bahrain is home to the U.S.’s 5th Fleet, which patrols the waterways of the Mideast. Officials have worried in the past that the sailors and Marines attached to the base in Manama could be targeted, as well as others who make up the 7,000 American troops there.


have been appointed in China. Pope Francis has just given the go-ahead for the renewal of the agreement, which is still in “experimental” mode, for another two years. The extension is expected to be sealed next month.



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Save the Whales

Crews are working to bring tens of whales back into the sea after around 270 pilot whales became stranded on Australia’s island state of Tasmania. So far, 25 have been brought back to sea, while 90 whales have already died. The whales were discovered on Monday on a beach and two sand bars near the west coast town of Strahan. Sixty people have joined the rescue effort. “We’ve rescued about 25 at the present time and escorted them out the channel and out to sea and crews are continuing to work, so that number will increase before we get to the end of the day,” Tasmania Parks and Wildlife Service Manager Nic Deka told reporters late Tuesday afternoon. Tasmania is prone to whale

strandings, but this is the largest mass stranding on Australia’s most southern state in years. Authorities do not know why the whales became stranded. Wildlife scientist Vanessa Pirotta noted, “To see a stranding like this is not unusual. It just doesn’t happen every day.”

Jail for Insults Sebahat Tuncel, a former Kurdish parliamentarian, has been handed an additional prison term for insulting President Tayyip Erdogan. She is currently jailed in Turkey on terrorism charges. Tuncel was sentenced last week to 11 months and 20 days for calling Erdogan an enemy of Kurds and women in a speech in 2016, comments one of her lawyers defended as legitimate criticism of a political opponent. Tuncel had served in Turkey’s parliament for the pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP). Her lawyer said her words had been taken out of context. Last year, Tuncel was jailed for 15 years for spreading terrorist propaganda and belonging to the Kurd-

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istan Workers Party (PKK), which is banned in Turkey and branded a terrorist organization by the United States and European Union. She had denied the charges. Charges of insulting the president in Turkey carry a maximum four-year prison sentence. Such cases rose by 30% in 2019, with 26,115 people investigated, more than 5,000 facing court hearings, and 2,462 jailed, according to data from the justice ministry.

Chinese Tycoon Jailed for Criticism

Ren Zhiqiang, a retired real estate tycoon, has been jailed for 18 years on corruption charges in China. The billionaire had been critical of President Xi Jinping’s handling of the

coronavirus pandemic. Ren had disappeared in March after writing a scathing essay criticizing Xi’s response to the coronavirus epidemic. He was later charged with corruption-related offenses. On Tuesday, a court in Beijing found Ren guilty on multiple charges, including embezzling some $16.3 million in public funds, accepting bribes, and abuse of power that caused losses totaling $17.2 million for the state-owned property company that he once headed. Judges sentenced him to 18 years in prison and imposed a fine of $620,000. The court said he “voluntarily confessed all of his crimes” and “was willing to accept the court’s verdict after all of his illegal gains were recovered.” China’s court system has a conviction rate of around 99%. Corruption charges are often used to go after Communist Party insiders who fall afoul of the leadership. Born into the Communist Party’s ruling elite, the 69-year-old Ren had often been outspoken on Chinese politics, far more than is usually allowed in the authoritarian state. His forthrightness earned him the nickname “The Cannon” on Chinese social media.

The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 24, 2020

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SEPTEMBER 24, 2020 | The Jewish Home

TV Knocks Out Internet

In the essay published in March, widely attributed to Ren, the author lashed out at the party’s crackdown on press freedom and intolerance of dissent. While the essay did not mention Xi by name, it obliquely referred to the country’s top leader as a power-hungry “clown.” “I saw not an emperor standing there exhibiting his ‘new clothes,’ but a clown who stripped off his clothes and insisted on continuing being an emperor,” Ren allegedly wrote of Xi’s

address to 170,000 officials across the country at a mass video conference on epidemic control measures on February 23. The essay went on to accuse the Communist Party of putting its own interests above the safety of the Chinese people to secure its rule. “Without a media representing the interests of the people by publishing the actual facts, the people’s lives are being ravaged by both the virus and the major illness of the system,”

Ren allegedly wrote. This is not the first time Ren ran afoul of the Chinese leadership for speaking his mind. In 2016, he was disciplined after questioning on social media Xi’s demands that Chinese state media must stay absolutely loyal to the party. He was put on a year’s probation for his party membership and his wildly popular account on Weibo, China’s Twitter-like platform, was shuttered.

For 18 months, the residents of a village in Wales had trouble logging onto the internet every morning. The daily crashes mystified engineers for over a year – although they have now found the culprit: a second-hand television. It seems that the old TV emits a signal that interferes with the internet connection. A crack team of engineers-turned-detectives are now heroes in the village of Aberhosan after finally finding the source of the problem. Staff had visited the village repeatedly and found no fault with the network. They even replaced cables in the area to try and solve the problem, but to no avail. Local engineer Michael Jones called in assistance from experts at the Openreach chief engineer team. After carrying out a plethora of tests, engineers had a theory that the problem could be caused by a phenomenon called single high-level impulse noise (SHINE), in which an appliance emits electrical interference that impacts broadband connectivity. Engineers used a device called a spectrum analyzer and walked up and down the village “in the torrential rain” at 6 a.m. to see if they could locate an electrical noise, Jones said in a statement. At 7 a.m. – “like clockwork” – the device “picked up a large burst of electrical interference in the village.” “The source of the ‘electrical noise’ was traced to a property in the village. It turned out that at 7 a.m. every morning the occupant would switch on their old TV which would in-turn knock out broadband for the entire village.” The resident was, understandably, “mortified” by the news and “immediately agreed to switch it off and not use again.” Since the old TV was retired, there have been no more problems with the connection.

The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 24, 2020





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SEPTEMBER 24, 2020 | The Jewish Home

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SEPTEMBER 24, 2020 | The Jewish Home

Arab Bank Financed Terror

A massive leak of financial intelligence reports reveal that Arab Bank continued to be involved with financing terror until the year 2016, even after the Jordan-based bank had agreed to pay massive amounts in compensation to terror victims. The information appears in a confidential financial intelligence report compiled by a British bank named Standard Chartered Bank (SCB), which served as a correspondent bank for Arab Bank. SCB suspected that Arab Bank continued to transfer money to “entities with suspected links to terrorist groups” until 2016, the year the report was filed. The Arab Bank, which operates from Amman, is one of the largest banks in the Arab world. In 2004, Arab Bank was sued in the United States by American victims of terror attacks carried out in Israel. The plaintiffs claimed that the bank had carried out wire transfers to various entities linked to Hamas and had thus been a party to terror financing. The trial itself opened a decade later, in 2014. After six weeks, the jury decided in favor of the plaintiffs. The bank appealed the verdict but at the same time entered into settlement negotiations. The details of the settlement that was ultimately reached remain confidential, but according to Israeli media reports, the bank agreed to compensate the plaintiffs for about $1 billion. In 2018, the bank won its appeal on the basis of the claim that the judge had given incorrect instructions to the jury prior to the trial. While the jury verdict was voided, the settlement remained in effect. At the end of 2019, another lawsuit was filed against the bank by more than 1,000 terror victims and their families. This lawsuit was filed by Israeli citizens in Jerusalem District Court. The complaint mentions a long list of terror attacks, including the March 2002 Passover suicide bombing at the Park Hotel in Netan-

ya, in which 30 civilians were killed in the worst such attack of the Second Intifada; the June 2001 Dolphinarium disco attack in Tel Aviv, in which 21 Israelis, most of them teenagers, were killed; and the August 2001 suicide bombing at the Sbarro restaurant in Jerusalem, in which 15 civilians were murdered. A recent leak of classified financial reports submitted by banks all over the world to the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network of the U.S. Treasury Department (FinCen) has revealed that the British bank continued to work with the Jordanian bank during the years of the lawsuit and afterwards, and that some of the bank transfers that passed through the British bank raised its suspicions. The financial reports, which were submitted to the U.S. Congress as part of the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 elections, were leaked to the Buzzfeed news site, which in turn shared them with the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, and through them with 400 journalists from 108 media outlets around the world. In a statement, Arab Bank said that it “abhors terrorism and does not support or encourage terrorist activities.” The bank said that allegations against it date back nearly 20 years to a time when anti-money-laundering laws, tools and technologies were different than they are now. “In every country where it operates, Arab Bank is in good standing with government regulators and complies with anti-terrorism and money laundering laws,” the bank asserted.

Hezbollah Stored Ammonium Nitrate

According to a U.S. State Department official, the Hezbollah terror group has stored ammonium nitrate in several European countries. Nathan Sales, the State Depart-

The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 24, 2020

ment’s coordinator for counter-terrorism, made the accusation as he appealed to countries in Europe and elsewhere to impose bans on the terror group. He noted that Hezbollah operatives have moved ammonium nitrate from Belgium to France, Greece, Italy, Spain and Switzerland in recent years, and are suspected of still storing the material throughout Europe. Ammonium nitrate is the chemical compound that caused the massive blast at Beirut’s port last month. It is commonly used as a fertilizer but can be used to make explosives and has been used in previous terror attacks. The August 4 blast in Beirut killed over 190 people and caused billions of dollars in damage. It was caused by 2,750 tons of ammonium nitrate that caught fire while in a warehouse. The material had been stored at the port since 2013 with few safeguards despite numerous warnings of the danger. According to Sales, the U.S. believes that Iran-backed Hezbollah has, since 2012, transported ammonium nitrate around Europe in first aid kits with cold packs that contain the compound. The United States

believes these supplies are still in place throughout Europe, possibly in Greece, Italy and Spain. “Why would Hezbollah stockpile ammonium nitrate on European soil?” he said. “The answer is clear: Hezbollah put these weapons in place so it could conduct major terrorist attacks whenever it or its masters in Tehran deemed necessary.” The U.S. has designated Hezbollah as a foreign terrorist organization since 1997. The European Union lists Hezbollah’s military wing as a banned terrorist group, but not its political wing, which has been part of Lebanese governments in recent years. Some individual countries, including Germany and the UK, have outlawed the group in its entirety. Sales called on more countries to do the same. Hezbollah is a “unitary organization that cannot be subdivided into a military and so-called political wing,” he said, adding that without a full ban, the group can still raise money and recruit operatives. “Hezbollah is one organization,” he said. “It is a terrorist organization.”

Honduras to Move Embassy

Following the United States and Guatemala, Honduras will move its embassy to Jerusalem this year. In tun, Israel will open an embassy in the Honduran capital of Tegucigalpa by the end of 2020. “With their flags flying in the capitals of the two countries, Israel and Honduras declare their intention to complete the action plan before the end of the current year, with a mutual opening and inauguration of their embassies in the national capitals, Tegucigalpa and Jerusalem,” a statement said.

Israel opened a representative office in the Honduran capital last month. Honduras has the second-largest population of Palestinians in Latin America, after Chile. Mattanya Cohen, Israel’s ambassador to Honduras and Guatemala, told Army Radio on Monday morning, “They told me there’s no chance that Honduras will move its embassy because there is a large Palestinian community there. I didn’t give up. We started with quiet contacts behind the scenes, with ministers, with parliament members, and the community.” President Juan Orlando Hernández spoke with Prime Minister Netanyahu over the weekend about the normalization agreements signed by Israel, the United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain last week, which he called a “revolution of peace in the region,” the statement said. Netanyahu vowed to strengthen the “true friendship” between the two countries with tourism, investments, technology, agriculture, education and trade. So far, only the U.S. and Guatemala operate full-fledged embassies in Jerusalem. A number of countries operate trade, defense or cultural mis-




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SEPTEMBER 24, 2020 | The Jewish Home

sions in the city, including Honduras, Colombia, Brazil, Australia, and Hungary. Honduras recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital in August 2019. A month later. the country opened a commercial office in Jerusalem as an extension to Honduras’ embassy in Rishon Lezion. In January, Honduras officially declared Hezbollah a terrorist organization in a move praised by Jerusalem. Earlier this month, Serbia announced it would move its embassy to Jerusalem, and Muslim-majority Kosovo said it would recognize Israel. Netanyahu said Kosovo would also move its embassy to Jerusalem, becoming the first Muslim-majority country to do so. One day after the declarations by Serbia and Kosovo, the new president of Malawi, Lazarus Chakwera, announced plans to open a diplomatic office in Jerusalem.

Mohammad Tops the List The most popular name for baby boys in Israel over the past year was Mohammad. For girls, Miriam topped

the charts. This is the first time since 2015 that Tamar was not the most popular girls’ name. It dropped to number two. The 10 most popular girls’ names were, in order: Miriam, Tamar, Avigail, Adele, Yael, Sarah, Noa, Shira, and new entries Lia and Ella, with Noya falling off the list.

For boys, the most popular names were Mohammad, Adam, Yosef, Omer, Ariel, David, Lavi, Daniel, Ahmad, and Eitan. More than 170,000 babies were born in Israel over the past Jewish calendar year, according to the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS). In total, the Jewish state added over 150,000 people to its population rolls since last Rosh Hashana, with the population now standing at an estimated 9,246,000 people, 1.6 percent more than a year ago. Around 25,000 people immigrat-

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ed to the country, most under the Law of Return, which grants citizenship eligibility to anyone with a Jewish grandparent. The number represented a large drop from the previous Jewish year, when some 38,000 people moved to the country, as well as than the years before that, during which 26,000 to 30,000 immigrants moved to Israel annually. Despite the slowed growth, the bureau kept its population projections from last year, which predict that the Jewish state will reach a population of 10 million in 2024, 15 million in 2048, and 20 million in 2065. Kein yirbu.

Spying for Israel

another step in the counterterrorism efforts carried out in the past year against [Iranian] Quds Force and Hezbollah attempts to recruit Israeli Arabs,” a senior Shin Bet official said in a statement. Earlier this year, the Shin Bet accused Beirut Hamoud, an Arab Israeli woman living in Lebanon, of working to recruit Israeli citizens as operatives for the Iran-backed Hezbollah terror group. Hamoud denied the claims, saying that she had merely been speaking with old friends of hers. According to the security service, one of its agents called Hamoud’s husband Bilal Bizri to warn him that Israel was onto them and to cease their efforts to recruit Israelis citizens for Hezbollah. A portion of the undated phone call was released by the Shin Bet.

Is Sudan Next? A Palestinian resident of East Jerusalem was arrested last month for spying for Hezbollah. The Shin Bet said last week that Yasmin Jaber was arrested under suspicion of attempting to recruit “Israeli and Palestinian civilians and residents to carry out terrorist activities in Israel.” The Shin Bet said that Hezbollah seeks to hide its operations by recruiting agents from inside Israel during otherwise innocuous visits to Lebanon. To hide their affiliation with the terror group, operatives meet their handlers in third countries such as Turkey and are sent instructions through coded messages over social media. According to the Shin Bet, Jaber was recruited during an international “youth conference” in Lebanon in 2015 that Hezbollah exploited to locate and recruit Arab Israelis as agents. Since her recruitment by the Lebanese terror group, Jaber communicated with her Hezbollah handler through secret messages on social media. In its press release, the Shin Bet published an Instagram photo which it said contained secret Hezbollah messages that Jaber allegedly used for instructions. “This Shin Bet investigation…is the product of a lengthy intelligence operation to locate those suspected of being recruited by Hezbollah. It is

Last week, the United Arab Emirates and the Kingdom of Bahrain signed normalization agreements with Israel at the White House. Now, there is speculation that Sudan will be among the next few countries to ink a deal with the Jewish State. According to the Walla news site, Sudanese officials are holding a “decisive” meeting with counterparts from the U.S. and UAE over signing a normalization deal with Israel. It is asking for an economic support package – including oil and wheat shipments and economic support from the U.S. and UAE for the next three years – before officially signing on. Israeli officials have long expressed a wish for better relations with Khartoum, citing its importance in the region as well as its geographic location. The nation was the birthplace of the Arab League’s 1967 policy refusing negotiations or normalization with Israel. In recent years, though, it has seemingly softened its stance, moving out of Iran’s sphere of influence and seeking removal of U.S. sanctions. In August, Sudan’s foreign min-

The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 24, 2020

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SEPTEMBER 24, 2020 | The Jewish Home


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only is it happening, it’s happening rather easily. “I had two calls this morning with countries that want to know, ‘When can we go into the deal?’ It’s not that we’re giving them anything. They want security, they want peace, and they’re really tired of fighting,” Trump said. He acknowledged that he had only discussed the issue “very briefly” with the visiting Kuwaiti sheikh before adding that the “whole thing is now a beautiful puzzle that’s coming together nicely. The Middle East is straightening out with all that’s happening.”

Cover-Up or Conspiracy?

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istry spokesman, Haidar Badawi Sadiq, told Sky News Arabia that Khartoum “aspires towards a peace agreement with Israel…a relationship of equals built upon Khartoum’s interests.” Those remarks were quickly welcomed by Jerusalem. But hours later, Sudan’s acting foreign minister denied knowledge of peace talks with Israel and said Sadiq had not been authorized to comment on the issue. The spokesman was fired for

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the comments but said afterward that he did not regret making them. After the UAE and Bahrain signed agreements with Israel, numerous other Arab states have been named as potential partners in peace, including Morocco, Sudan, and Oman. On Friday, U.S. President Donald Trump, after meeting with the son of Kuwait’s ruling emir, said that the country will likely normalize relations with Israel in the near future.

The Kuwaitis “are so excited that we signed the first two countries and I think they’ll end up fairly quickly being a part of it,” Trump said at a White House press briefing after he bestowed a top honor on Kuwait’s Sheikh Sabah Al Ahmad Al Sabah, which his eldest son accepted on his behalf. The U.S. president added, “I have, I would say, seven or eight countries that want to be a part of it. Nobody thought this would happen, and not

Yaqoub Abu al-Qia’an was shot dead by police in January 2017 when his car plowed into policemen who had come to demolish homes in the Bedouin’s unrecognized village. Erez Levi, an officer, was killed by the car. Last week, a TV report alleged that Yaqoub was not a terrorist and that he was feeling ill and lost control of his vehicle when he killed Levi. Prime Minister Netanyahu apologized last week to Abu alQia’an’s family, saying that while police had insisted he was a terrorist, “it turned out that he wasn’t.” But former police chief Roni Alsheich told Channel 13 news on Thursday that it was terrorism that motivated Abu al-Qia’an to kill Levi. “This incident cannot in any way be interpreted as a misunderstanding,” Alsheich said. “The policemen were a short distance from a standing vehicle, from a person who refused to obey their instructions, and then he went for a ride. “I am sticking to my position because it was a deliberate ramming. I do not know anyone who commits a deliberate ramming and it is not a terrorist attack. I do not know what the background is, and if he is a [Palestinian] nationalist, but it is certainly a terrorist attack,” he said. The incident occurred when officers arrived to oversee the demoli-

The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 24, 2020

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SEPTEMBER 24, 2020 | The Jewish Home

tion of houses in Umm al-Hiran, an unrecognized Bedouin village that the state was razing to clear the way for a new town. As officers converged on the village, Abu al-Qia’an, a 47-year-old teacher and father of 12, packed a few belongings into his SUV and drove from his house, saying he could not bear to watch it be razed. Soon afterward, Abu al-Qia’an lost control of his car, which accelerated downhill and rammed into a group of officers, killing one of them. He was then shot by police, who assumed he had rammed the officers intentionally, and died. Netanyahu’s apology was the first acknowledgement by a government official that Abu al-Qia’an was not a terrorist and had not deliberately attacked the police. Alsheich, who was the police commissioner responsible for investigating Netanyahu in his corruption cases, said on Thursday, “Netanyahu should have apologized to the policeman’s family,” rather than Abu al-Qia’an’s.

Covid Gargle Test

for a standard swab test. The test, developed by Assoolin’s company Newsight together with Sheba Medical Center under the freshly formed Virusight Diagnostic, is being taken to airports by ICTS Europe, a security company that operates in more than 120 airports across 23 countries. “We think our solution is going to be the de facto solution for air travel,” Assoolin told The Times of Israel, saying he foresees millions of his tests used over the coming months. The gargle test has been trialed on 400 people at Sheba and showed around 95% accuracy. Regular tests require swabs from the nose or throat and time-consuming lab processes carried out by trained staff. SpectraLIT relies on artificial intelligence to interpret a reading of a gargle sample. It shines light through the sample and onto a special chip. Part of the light is absorbed, and the rest is captured by the sensors. The process is known as determining the sample’s spectral signature: matter reflects different light signatures, depending on its composition. Artificial intelligence tools have made it possible for the developers to build a model for the mouthwash signature from a coronavirus-positive person, as opposed to those from non-infected individuals.

Ricin Letters A made-in-Israel gargle test for coronavirus will be hitting European airports soon. A recent deal will lead to the tests being piloted in two European airports within days or weeks, and comes as pilot programs for the tests are already underway in 12 hospitals internationally. The SpectraLIT test, which eliminates the need for swabbing and lab processing, works on a self-service basis, with passengers simply asked to gargle with 10 milliliters of a special mouthwash, and then spit into a tube. “It will prove no more inconvenient than fingerprint checks,” said Eli Assoolin, who led the development team. In the initial pilot phase, a passenger who tests positive will be sent

A woman has been arrested on suspicion of sending a ricin-filled envelope to the White House and to five other addresses in Texas. U.S. authorities caught the woman on the Canada-U.S. border on Sunday at the so-called Peace Bridge that runs between Fort Erie, Ontario, and Buffalo. The envelope addressed to President Trump was intercepted at a gov-

ernment mail center before it arrived at the White House. Canadian police searched an apartment in a Montreal suburb linked to the woman. She has joint Canadian and French citizenship. The woman is suspected of sending a total of six letters, with the other five addressed to law enforcement and detention facilities in South Texas. Ricin is found naturally in castor beans but it takes a deliberate act to convert it into a biological weapon. Ricin can cause death within 36 to 72 hours from exposure to an amount as small as a pinhead. No known antidote exists.

NYPD Officer Spied for China

A New York police officer was arrested on Monday after it was revealed that he used his position to give Chinese officials access to NYPD officials and offered insider information about its operations. Federal prosecutors in Brooklyn charged Baimadajie Angwang, 33, with acting as a foreign agent without notifying American authorities, wire fraud and making false statements, according to a complaint. They also charged him with obstruction of an official proceeding – prosecutors claim he lied on a national security clearance form that granted him a “secret” security clearance. Angwang, who joined the department in 2016, is part of the NYPD’s community affairs unit based in Queens. A complaint unsealed on Monday alleges Angwang “used his official position in the NYPD to provide (Chinese) Consulate officials access to senior NYPD officials through invitations to official NYPD events.” He’s also accused of telling a consulate official he could provide non-public information about the NYPD’s internal operations. Angwang is a former Marine who served in Afghanistan in 2013. Since 2014, he has served as a U.S. Army Reservist, where he is a staff sergeant working as a civil affairs

specialist. According to the criminal complaint, his duties with the Army Reserve include “advising the command on the tactical and operational deployment” of civil affairs teams. He holds a “secret” level security clearance. Prosecutors say in the complaint that an investigation revealed Angwang allegedly acted at the direction and control of Chinese officials to report on activities of ethnic Tibetans in the New York City area to the consulate, and helped spot and assess potential Tibetan intelligence sources. Prosecutors allege that since 2018, Angwang has maintained a relationship with at least two Chinese officials stationed at the consulate in New York. He allegedly received tasks from and reported back to them, even referring to one of the officials repeatedly as “Boss.” A naturalized U.S. citizen, Angwang came to the United States from China on a cultural exchange visa, overstayed his second visa and eventually applied for asylum in the United States, claiming he was “arrested and tortured” in the People’s Republic of China due in part to his Tibetan ethnicity. “Let them know you have recruited one in the police department,” Angwang allegedly told a Chinese consulate official in a November 2018 call. NYPD Commissioner Dermot Shea said, “As alleged in this federal complaint, Baimadajie Angwang violated every oath he took in this country. One to the United States, another to the U.S. Army, and a third to this Police Department. “From the earliest stages of this investigation, the NYPD’s Intelligence and Internal Affairs bureaus worked closely with the FBI’s Counterintelligence Division to make sure this individual would be brought to justice.”

Healthy USA

According to U.S. News & World Report and Aetna Foundation, Los

The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 24, 2020






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SEPTEMBER 24, 2020 | The Jewish Home

Alamos County, New Mexico, is the healthiest place in the nation to live. The groups released a 2020 Healthiest Communities Rankings list on Tuesday. Joe Williams, senior editor at U.S. News & World Report, noted that Los Alamos County’s scenic and remote qualities played a role in helping it top the list. “That is helping it score big in things like fresh air, fresh water. Housing is more affordable in Los Alamos precisely because it isn’t in a huge metropolis,” Williams said. Made famous by its mission to develop the atomic bomb in the 1940s, the area is still home to the Los Alamos National Laboratory. It attracts a more educated workforce, and the more education people have, the healthier their outcomes are likely to be, Williams noted. One reason is that white collar jobs tend to come with health insurance attached. The Healthiest Communities Rankings are based on 84 health and health-related metrics in 10 categories, including population health; food and nutrition; public safety; and the environment. Almost 3,000 U.S. communities were evaluated for the annual list. Los Alamos County tops the rankings for the first time since they were introduced three years ago. The area received a perfect score in 12 metrics, including drinking water quality, affordable housing availability, access to parks, and the number of residents who hold an advanced degree. It also ranked among the best for low racial segregation, and low preventable hospital admissions. The healthiest communities in the U.S. in 2020 are: 1. Los Alamos County, New Mexico 2. Douglas County, Colorado 3. Falls Church, Virginia 4. Broomfield County, Colorado 5. Routt County, Colorado 6. Loudoun County, Virginia 7. Pitkin County, Colorado 8. Carver County, Minnesota 9. Summit County, Colorado 10. San Miguel County, Colorado Interestingly, Colorado communities dominated the list. But Virginia also had a strong presence. Still, the capital of Hawaii, Honolulu County, scored highest when the results were specifically ranked for mental health.

NJ Millionaires Tax

High-earners in the Garden State may feel a little lighter in their wallets this tax season. Under a new budget deal announced last week, high-earning New Jersey residents will face an increased “millionaires tax.” The agreement – which Gov. Phil Murphy touted as providing “middle-class tax relief and tax fairness” – also includes rebates of up to $500 each for two-parent families with at least one child and annual income below $150,000, according to reports. Single parents earning less than $75,000 will also qualify for the rebate checks, which will likely be sent out next summer, following the filing of tax returns for 2020. “Our promise to help the middle class and those striving to join it is a promise that will be kept,” Murphy said during a morning news conference in Trenton. The new income tax – part of a $32.4 billion spending plan that lawmakers are set to approve by the end of the month – will increase the number of people who pay the state’s top marginal rate of 10.75% by extending it to those who earn between $1 million and $5 million a year. They now pay 8.97%, while anyone earning more than $5 million already pays the higher rate. New Jersey’s millionaires comprise less than 3% of its taxpayers, but they provide more than 40% of the Garden State’s income tax revenues. The new “millionaires tax” will boost the annual tax bill for someone making $2 million a year by $18,000, while someone earning $4 million will have to fork over an additional $71,000, according to Murphy defended the higher taxes, calling those amounts as “literally pennies on their top dollars earned” and called the new tax a “modest ask.” The tax hike is expected to generate an additional $390 million in revenues from 16,491 New Jersey

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SEPTEMBER 24, 2020 | The Jewish Home

residents and 19,128 nonresidents. Murphy, a Democrat, has called for a tax hike on high earners since his 2017 election but was previously stymied by fellow Democrats in the state Legislature — who had favored it when former Gov. Chris Christie, a Republican, held power. During his first budget address, Christie pointedly opposed raising taxes on the rich, saying, “If you tax them, they will leave.” Last year, state Senate Budget Chair Paul Sarlo (D-Wood Ridge) warned that increasing the “millionaires tax” could prove “volatile” after a study by the Wealth-X consulting firm found that New Jersey lost at least 5,700 millionaires during 2018 due to high taxes. On the other side of the river, New York’s “Strong Economy for All Coalition” – composed of labor unions and liberal advocacy groups – called on Gov. Andrew Cuomo to “follow New Jersey’s lead” and raise taxes on the rich. “The choice is simple: New York State can continue to cut essential services for New Yorkers in need during a pandemic, or billionaires can pay more so everyone can survive,” said Michael Kink, the coali-

tion’s executive director. “It’s clear [Cuomo] and his billionaire donors are more interested in protecting their wealth than protecting the immigrants, communities of color and working families who make New York run.”

DB Says to WFH

“In addition, despite New York’s success in containing Covid, with the understandable concerns about public transportation, cleanliness, security and other quality of life issues, many of you do not wish to return to 60 Wall Street soon,” the memo said. News of Deutsche Bank’s decision comes a day after another big bank, JPMorgan Chase, made headlines for sending some workers home after they tested positive for coronavirus.

Operation Triple Beam

Deutsche Bank told its staff last week they don’t need to return to the office at 60 Wall Street until July 2021 The bank, which has about 5,000 workers in New York City, said it’s giving employees the option to work from home to accommodate parents who need to balance work with the “sporadic school schedule” of children.

U.S. Marshals arrested more than two hundred people and found five missing children during a 60-day operation geared towards reducing Oklahoma City’s violent gang crime.

Of the 262 suspects arrested as part of Operation Triple Beam, which culminated on September 6, there were six also suspected of homicide, according to a U.S. Marshals Service news release. The release notes that 141 of those arrested “were confirmed gang members,” 21 of those arrested are suspected of assault, another 21 of burglary, 88 are suspected of weapons offenses, and 57 of drug offenses. Significant arrests included that of Surenos gang member Pablo Robledo, who was arrested on July 31 after he escaped from the Oklahoma County Detention Center. Robledo is awaiting murder charges. Dungee Crip gang members Chasady and Charles Hall, both arrested on August 12, are also among the significant arrests and are accused of kidnapping their biological kids from a local day care when they were in the custody of Department of Human Services. The operation, which involved U.S. Marshals collaborating with several other agencies, “was a target enforcement initiative…to address violent crime in and around Oklahoma City,” said U.S. Marshal for the Western District of Oklahoma John-

The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 24, 2020

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SEPTEMBER 24, 2020 | The Jewish Home

installed.” Ginsburg spent her final years on the bench as the unquestioned leader of the court’s liberal wing. The left made her into a rock star, calling her the Notorious RBG for her championing of women and minorities rights.


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ny Kuhlman. He noted that the main objective with such operations “is to make communities safer.” “When we arrest these violent fugitives, we are also removing guns and narcotics from our streets,” he continued. “We believe these efforts have an immediate, positive impact on the communities we serve.”

RBG Dies at 87 Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the court’s second female justice, died on Friday at her home in Washington. She was 87. Ginsburg died of complications from metastatic pancreatic cancer. Ginsberg died just a few weeks

before Election Day, which is bound to set off a heated battle over whether or not President Trump should nominate her replacement or if the seat should remain vacant until January. NPR reported that, in her final days, Ginsburg dictated a statement to her granddaughter that said: “My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is

Ginsburg dealt with five bouts of cancer, beginning in 1999. She also suffered from broken ribs and had a stent inserted to clear a blocked artery. Despite calls from liberals to step down during Barack Obama’s presidency to ensure a liberal replacement on the bench, Ginsburg stood her ground. Now, should Trump choose her successor, the court will be ensured a majority more to the right. Ginsburg’s appointment by President Bill Clinton in 1993 was the first by a Democrat in 26 years. She initially found a comfortable ideological home somewhere left of center on a conservative court dominated by Republican appointees. Her liberal voice grew stronger the longer she served. Ginsburg was a mother of two, an opera lover and an intellectual who watched arguments behind oversized glasses for many years, though she ditched them for more fashionable frames in her later years. At argument sessions in the ornate courtroom, she was known for digging deep into case records and for being a stickler for following the rules. She argued six key cases before the court in the 1970s when she was an architect of the women’s rights movement. She won five. On the court, her most significant majority opinions were the 1996 ruling that ordered the Virginia Military Institute to accept women or give up its state funding, and the 2015 decision that upheld independent commissions some states use to draw congressional districts. Besides civil rights, Ginsburg took an interest in capital punishment, voting repeatedly to limit its use. During her tenure, the court de-

The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 24, 2020



SEPTEMBER 24, 2020 | The Jewish Home

clared it unconstitutional for states to execute the intellectually disabled and killers younger than 18. In addition, she questioned the quality of lawyers for poor accused murderers. In the most divisive of cases, including the Bush v. Gore decision in 2000, she was often at odds with the court’s more conservative members — initially Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist and Justices Sandra Day O’Connor, Antonin Scalia, Anthony M. Kennedy and Clarence Thomas. The division remained the same after John Roberts replaced Rehnquist as chief justice, Samuel Alito took O’Connor’s seat, and, under Trump, Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh joined the court, in seats that had been held by Scalia and Kennedy, respectively. Joan Ruth Bader was born in Brooklyn, New York, in 1933, the second daughter in a middle-class family. Her older sister, who gave her the lifelong nickname “Kiki,” died at age 6, so Ginsburg grew up in Brooklyn’s Flatbush section as an only child. Her dream was to be an opera singer. Ginsburg graduated at the top of her Columbia University law school class in 1959 but could not find a law firm willing to hire her. She had “three strikes against her” – for being Jewish, female and a mother, as she put it in 2007. She had married her husband, Martin, in 1954, the year she graduated from Cornell University. She attended Harvard University’s law school but transferred to Columbia when her husband took a law job there. Martin Ginsburg went on to become a prominent tax attorney and law professor. Martin died in 2010. Ginsburg will be lying in repose at the Supreme Court on Wednesday and Thursday. She will be lying in state in the National Statuary Hall in the U.S. Capitol on Friday, the first woman to do so. Additionally, the Supreme Court is paying tribute to Ginsburg by draping a black wool crepe on her chair and the bench in front of it.

F-35 Sale by December According to Reuters, the United States will be inking a deal to sell F-35 stealth jets to the United Arab Emirates by December. The U.S. is

making sure that Israel’s concerns regarding its security won’t be jeopardized by the sale of the advanced jets.

Citing unnamed “sources close to the negotiations” between Washington and Abu Dhabi, the report says the two governments hope to produce a “letter of agreement” on the sale by December 2, the UAE’s National Day. It will likely take several more years before the first plane is delivered to the Emirates. The U.S. has repeatedly committed to Israel over the years to help ensure its qualitative military edge, or QME, over its neighbors on the battlefield, and is reportedly now seeking ways to ensure the sale doesn’t undermine that commitment. The U.S. already reduces the performance of weapons platforms it sells to foreign governments to ensure they can’t compete head-tohead with American platforms. A similar reduction may be employed with the Emirati F-35s. Since the Israel-UAE peace agreement was announced last month, Abu Dhabi has been open about its desire to acquire F-35 warplanes and other advanced U.S.made weaponry. Israel is the only U.S. ally in the Middle East to possess the stealth fighter jet. Senior Emirati officials have said that normalization with Israel should lift any remaining barriers to the sale. “The whole idea of a state of belligerency or war with Israel is over, so I think it should actually be easier [to purchase the fighter jet],” senior UAE diplomat Anwar Gargash opined in August. “We feel that with the signing of this treaty in the coming weeks or months…that any hurdle toward this [purchase] should no longer be there.” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu initially said he opposed the sale of the planes to any other nation in the region, even an Arab country at peace with Israel. But since then, he has softened his line, signaling he will trust the U.S. to honor its commitment to ensure Israel’s military

edge in the region. Under U.S. law, Congress is tasked with vetting sales of arms to Middle Eastern countries and weighing them against America’s QME commitments, a determination usually made following consultations between the Pentagon and Israeli defense officials. While Israel cannot veto a sale, it can raise concerns that could make it more difficult to seal a deal. U.S. President Donald Trump said in early September that he has “absolutely no problem” with selling advanced F-35 fighters to the UAE.

you may have encountered a ssscary sight. A man on the bus was spotted wearing a live snake as his face mask. The snake was wrapped around his neck and around his mouth to protect other passengers from any possible corona germs. A passenger on the bus said she at first thought the man was wearing a really “funky” mask – until the reptile started slithering over the handrails. Other passengers didn’t seem bothered by the sight. “No one batted an eyelid,” the passenger said.

Junk Mail

If you’re visiting Khao Yai National Park in Thailand, better take your empty snack bags with you. The park has announced that it will be mailing your garbage back to you if you leave it behind. Those guilty of leaving more than their footprints behind will also be banned from returning to the park, have to register with the police, and face a potential five years in prison or fine for littering in a national park. Varawut Silpa-archa, Thailand’s minister of natural resources and environment, wrote on Facebook that any trash or materials left behind that could pose harm to the park or its wildlife will be retrieved, packaged and mailed to the guest who left it. “I will pick up all of your garbage,” he wrote. “Postage back… home as souvenir.” This is really tough trash talk.

Snake Mask Taking the bus from Swinton to Manchester in England last week,

Leave it to authorities to state the obvious. A Transport for Greater Manchester spokesperson said regarding face coverings, “Government guidance clearly states that this needn’t be a surgical mask and that passengers can make their own or wear something suitable, such as a scarf or bandana. While there is a small degree of interpretation that can be applied to this, we do not believe it extends to the use of snakeskin – especially when still attached to the snake,” the statement said. Despite the unconventional face mask, we are sure this man had no problem maintaining a six-foot separation between himself and other passengers.

Asbestos Agita

The town of Asbestos in Canada is sick of its name. Turns out, that the word “asbestos” conjures negative connotations for many, and so the small village wants to change its moniker. But it’s not easy. The names that were in the running as replacements didn’t tickle too many people’s fancy.

The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 24, 2020



SEPTEMBER 24, 2020 | The Jewish Home

was the single-largest source of the product in the world. Now, the material is banned in most construction around the globe, as inhaling it can cause severe medical problems. For now, it’s up in the air what Asbestos will be called in the future. We’ll be holding our breath until they come to a conclusion.

Inking the Deal When Bruno Neves wanted to propose to Patricia Calado, he didn’t just buy her flowers. No, the 33-yearold from England really inked the deal when he asked Patricia to marry him. Bruno visited a tattoo parlor in England, while Patricia waited in the lobby. After a while, Bruno came out with a paper over his chest. Peeling off the paper, he showed Patricia his new tattoo: the words “Will you marry me?” with two boxes below, one for yes and one for no. Thankfully, the surprised brideto-be checked the box “yes” with a pen provided to her from the workers at the tattoo parlor. After employees wished the new couple congratulations, Bruno went back to get the check inked into the “yes” box on his chest.

Some considerations were Apalone, which is an endangered turtle; Phenix, the name of the city’s

first asbestos mine operator; and Trois-Lacs, a mythical bird. But the town of more than 7,000

Did you know? National Punctuation Day is September 24. Isn’t that amazing?!?!

residents isn’t enthused by any of those picks. “People can be scared we’re going to forget the past, people can be scared we’ll lose our identity, so it’s a major process we’re living,” Caroline Payer, a town councilor, notes. “It’s a historical one too. It’s not so often that a municipality changes its name.” The town of Asbestos was a thriving asbestos mining and product manufacturing center years ago. At one point, its asbestos mine

“It was a complete surprise,” Patricia said. “I had no idea what he was having done that day. He has some tattoos on his body that he wants to get covered up, and sometimes I will go along with him and wait, so I thought it was all quite normal. “I was quite confused when he came out and revealed the tattoo to me,” she added. “It took me a moment to realize what it was. Then I just laughed and told him, ‘You’re crazy.” But, of course, I ticked yes. I’m very happy.” As for Bruno, he is certain that Patricia is the right one for him. “I would not have done it if I had not been absolutely sure – a tattoo is something you really have to think

The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 24, 2020

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SEPTEMBER 24, 2020 | The Jewish Home

Tonight Show with Johnny Carson. Jenne said the appearance yielded him a half-eaten snack from Carson, as well as a paper plate signed by Steve Martin, who quipped that he had earlier used the plate to eat some chicken salad. Jenne said his collection now also includes unfinished foods from entertainers Tiny Tim and Henny Youngman. The Nixon sandwich, though, remains the crown jewel of his collection. “As long as I am living, that sandwich will be stored in my freezer in a container that is labeled, ‘Save, don’t throw away,’” Jenne said. He makes a half-eaten sandwich sound as if it’s the greatest thing since sliced bread.

Gucci Goop

about,” he added. We hope you thought long and hard, Bruno.

Sandwich Souvenir Steve Jenne is 60 years old, and one of his fondest memories is that of a half-eaten sandwich.

Jenne, of Sullivan, Illinois, was a Boy Scout when future President Richard Nixon visited the town during a September 22, 1960 campaign stop. Nixon attended a cookout and ate half a buffalo chicken sandwich. Jenne took the other half and has kept it in his freezer ever since. “I looked around and thought, ‘If no one else was going to take it, I am going to take it,’” Jenne recalled.

If you like the lived-in, old pair of jeans look and have extra money weighing down your wallet, you may want to head to your nearest Gucci store. The luxury brand is offering a pair of denim overalls designed to look like they are already grass stained. The price? A mere $1,400. The “eco washed organic denim overall” is part of the brand’s grunge-inspired fall/winter men’s collection. The overalls are “specifically treated for a stained-like, distressed effect.” In other words, it looks like it’s been rubbed in the dirt and rolled in the grass. I can give you some of my jeans with the same look – and I’ll even give them to you for free. The sandwich brought Jenne notoriety over the years, most notably a 1988 guest appearance on The

The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 24, 2020

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SEPTEMBER 24, 2020 | The Jewish Home

Around the

Community Ohel Bais Ezra Opens New Residence

Meir Katz affixes a mezuzah in merit of his father, Marc Katz, a”h


ith its recreational programming and myriad of supportive services, a spacious house here has become the new home for five young men with autism. The new housemates, ranging from 22 to 30 years old, moved into their six-bedroom home in Lawrence after Rosh Hashana. The residence is designed so that the men can create a new supportive group that will allow them to age in place together. In its warm and nurturing environment, an array of services addresses each resident’s medical, psychological, intellectual and emotional needs, facilitating their ability to reach their potential and maintain, if not exceed, their personal level of achievement. “Their parents taught them how to walk and we’re teaching them to fly and be independent,” said Rachel Lewitter, OHEL Bais Ezra’s director of residences. Professionally staffed 24 hours a day, the residence is an initiative of Ohel Bais Ezra, a division of Ohel Children’s Home and Family Services. The multifaceted social service agency provides a range of services and programs including residential

Huvi Katz and her children (L to R) Meir, Miri, Binyamin, and Shraga

and day programs for adults with developmental and psychiatric disabilities, mental health counseling, case management for seniors, foster care, and Camp Kaylie, an inclusion sleepaway camp for children of all abilities. Beyond providing supportive services and programs for the young men, including recreational trips and activities, the residence serves to raise awareness in the community about individuals with special needs. The house’s location is in walking distance to stores and a synagogue to give the local community and the housemates opportunities to interact with one another and ease the men’s integration into the neighborhood. In anticipation of the men’s arrival, neighbors have already begun extending invitations for Shabbat meals al fresco and, when COVID-19 ends, in their homes. For their part, the five men will mark their entry into their new locale by bringing cookies and cakes to their neighbors. The residence is imbued with a Jewish sensibility, including a new kosher kitchen. Earlier this month, Donny and Tamar Miller joined

Donny and Tamar Miller and their children, Moshe, Tani, and Nava

with their extended family members and placed mezuzot throughout the home. They dedicated the mezuzot to Marc Katz, their brother-in-law and Ohel’s beloved Chief Revenue Operating Officer who passed away this past March. The house represents Ohel Bais Ezra’s second group home in Lawrence and the fifth in its Nassau County portfolio. The others are located in Hewlett, Arlington (Cedarhurst), and Gateway in Far Rockaway. In addition to the residences, Ohel Bais Ezra serves more than 800 families in the Five Towns community with a wide range of services. Ohel Bais Ezra has created a family-centered program that welcomes and respects family members as the young men’s circle of support, so the new housemates’ parents have met and communicated frequently with Ohel’s professionals and with each other. As a result, the men’s parents have bonded together, organically forming their own close-knit, mutually supportive group. “We all have the same interests, and we not only care about our own children but each other’s children,” said Gary Katz (no relation to Marc

Katz), the father of resident, Dylan, 22. “And however hard it is to let go, Ohel gives us peace-of mind that this is the right thing for Dylan. It doesn’t just do things properly but with a heart and soul.” Added his wife and Dylan’s mother, Shelley Katz: “It’s the start of a New Year and the start of a new life.” About Ohel Children’s Home and Family Services

For more than 50 years, Ohel Children’s Home and Family Services has provided a safe haven for those suffering in our community. Starting as a foster care provider for Jewish families in the New York metropolitan area, today Ohel cares for more than 17,000 individuals from all communities through a broad range of programs including mental health services, housing, eldercare, respite for parents with a child with disabilities, outpatient counseling for everyday people with everyday problems, and trauma resources for communities in New York and across the nation.


The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 24, 2020

Around the Community ‫פ יִ ם ּו ַב ר ֵל ָב ב‬ ּ ַ ‫ִמ י יַ ֲע ֶל ה ְב ַה ר ה ’ נְ ִק י ַכ‬


Special thanks to the YOSS PTA for sponsoring ice cream for the entire yeshiva prior to Rosh Hashana

You’re doing Teshuva! You’re making kabalos! You’re beseeching Hashem for a ‫!שנה טובה ומתוקה‬

MTA Freshmen Forge New Friendships

BUT ARE YOUR HANDS CLEAN? Keren Neki Kapayim – the halachic breakthrough solution developed by leading rabbonim in Eretz Yisroel has facilitated the return of millions of dollars of unknown debt!



‫ערב יום כיפור‬

Clean with Integrity Coming



NEKI KAPAYIM The halachic solution for paying off unknown debts. Endorsed by leading Gedolei Yisroel


he MTA Class of 2024 had an amazing time on their freshman hike. They explored the local community on a hike to the Little Red Lighthouse and also enjoyed sports and engaging activities designed to help them get to know one another. Their Cub2Lion Senior mentors joined the fun for a BBQ lunch and exciting games. It was the perfect way for freshmen to bond to-

gether as a grade, make new friends, and spend time with their rebbeim outside the classroom. MTA is proud to offer an enhanced freshman experience, including fun events like this one, guidance sessions, and team-building workshops, which enable talmidim to bond cohesively as a grade and interact with boys with whom they may not share classes.




The dayanim of Keren Neki Kapayim accept custodial guardianship of the funds.

Keren dayanim perform a ‫הקנאה‬ to the true owner of the funds, effectuating an immediate & complete ‫השבה‬.

This ‫ הקנאה‬is effective based on the principle of ‫זכין לאדם שלא בפניו‬, despite the fact that the money does not reach the hands of the owner, as it will accumulate zechusim on his behalf, by proving free loans through a Gemach.

NEKI KAPAYIM ResponsibilityComing Clean for the Yemei Hadin Keren Neki Kapayim accepts full responsibility to for the money ‫עד שיבא‬ ‫ אליהו‬when it will be handed over to their rightful owner.

Keren Neki Kapayim operates under the auspices of:

‫ הגאון רבי יהודה סילמאן‬,‫כקש”ת הגאון רבי משה שטרנבוך שליט”א ראב”ד העדה החרדית ירושלים תובב”א‬ ‫ הגאון רבי עזריאל‬,‫ הגאון רבי נפתלי נויסבוים שליט”א‬,‫ הגאון רבי יצחק זילבערשטיין שליט”א‬,‫שליט”א‬ ‫ הגאון רבי שריאל ראזנבערג שליט”א‬,‫ הגאון רבי שמואל אליעזר שטערן שליט”א‬,‫אויערבאך שליט”א‬


SEPTEMBER 24, 2020 | The Jewish Home





and up

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The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 24, 2020

Around the Community

SOMETHING IS HOLDING BACK YOUR TEFILLOS! To Bee or Not to Bee... The sweet talmidos of the Ganger Early Childhood at TAG enjoyed a special sweet treat before Rosh Hashana. The girls learned that bees make honey from different flowers and that makes different kinds of honey. They could see the varying shades of honey in the honey sticks and then they got to taste them for themselves!

Shevach Bounces Back to School


he Shevach students were welcomed back to school with an exhilarating event. On Wednesday evening, September 9, all were invited to A Back to School Extravaganza run by G.O. heads Elana Adler, Chaya Shalva Boiangiu, Dassa Gottesman, Chaya Praeger, and Miriam Romm, with Shevach educational administrator Mrs. Devorah Kovitz coordinating the exciting program. The grades were invited in different shifts to return after school to Shevach’s new outdoor tent. There they were greeted by a fantastic surprise: “Kanga Shoes,” an original activity created and run by Mrs. Faigy Wasserman and her crew from FunNFit. The girls danced up a storm on their kanga shoes and truly had a blast. After enjoying this novel activity, the students headed down to a beautifully decorated multi-purpose room to partake in individually packaged Chinese suppers from Soy Sauce. As the girls enjoyed the delicious meal, they were treated to an inspiring virtual speech delivered by master mechaneches Rebbetzin Genendel Krohn from Waterbury,

Connecticut. In her inimitable way, Rebbetzin Krohn brought home the message that we are all princesses. With a moving parable, in story form, she emphasized that in order to appreciate that status of princess, we need to work on ourselves. We need to see ourselves as special and strive during our lifetime to remain in the atmosphere of “royalty,” i.e. as part of Kllal Yisroel. Now, especially before the awesome days of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, that message was especially poignant. The students were mesmerized by her presentation and certainly took the message home with them. At the end of this special evening, each student received a custom made delicious chocolate confection, created by Iced By Goldy. The night wrapped up with the G.O. girls performing an original dance, and everyone left looking forward to an amazing year. The Back to School Extravaganza certainly was a meaningful night full of ruach, fun and friendship, a wonderful way to start off a new and promising school year!

Come clean in time for Yom Kippur! Keren Neki Kapayim can help you return whatever unclaimed money you might owe to

Anyone… Anywhere… Any amount… Keren Neki Kapayim – the halachic breakthrough solution developed by leading rabbonim in Eretz Yisroel has facilitated the return of millions of dollars of unknown debt!


Clean with Integrity Coming



NEKI KAPAYIM The halachic solution for paying off unknown debts. Endorsed by leading Gedolei Yisroel




The dayanim of Keren Neki Kapayim accept custodial guardianship of the funds.

Keren dayanim perform a ‫הקנאה‬ to the true owner of the funds, effectuating an immediate & complete ‫השבה‬.

This ‫ הקנאה‬is effective based on the principle of ‫זכין לאדם שלא בפניו‬, despite the fact that the money does not reach the hands of the owner, as it will accumulate zechusim on his behalf, by proving free loans through a Gemach.

NEKI KAPAYIM ResponsibilityComing Clean for the Yemei Hadin Keren Neki Kapayim accepts full responsibility to for the money ‫עד שיבא‬ ‫ אליהו‬when it will be handed over to their rightful owner.

Keren Neki Kapayim operates under the auspices of:

‫ הגאון רבי יהודה סילמאן‬,‫כקש”ת הגאון רבי משה שטרנבוך שליט”א ראב”ד העדה החרדית ירושלים תובב”א‬ ‫ הגאון רבי עזריאל‬,‫ הגאון רבי נפתלי נויסבוים שליט”א‬,‫ הגאון רבי יצחק זילבערשטיין שליט”א‬,‫שליט”א‬ ‫ הגאון רבי שריאל ראזנבערג שליט”א‬,‫ הגאון רבי שמואל אליעזר שטערן שליט”א‬,‫אויערבאך שליט”א‬


SEPTEMBER 24, 2020 | The Jewish Home

Around the Community

Shofar Workshop at HAFTR

The children in HANC ECC prepared for Yom Kippur and enjoyed hearing the story of Yona and the whale

Yeshiva Zichron Aryeh Starts High School Track


n response to numerous requests, Yeshiva Zichron Aryeh recently started a high school program for 11th and 12th graders. The program is geared towards bright, capable young men who will thrive from stronger relationships and guidance. Through positive, interactive learning experiences and open, honest conversations on foundational issues, many of their unanswered questions will be resolved and ultimately will unleash their tremendous strengths. Baruch Hashem, the feedback has been very positive. The boys have been learning with skilled rebbeim, either individually or in small groups, throughout the morning. Following morning seder, the boys have been enjoying various outings and trips to

foster camaraderie and healthy outlets. Last week, the boys began the general studies program in the afternoon which allows them to graduate from high school while simultaneously developing their interests and skills for various career options. Stay tuned for more exciting updates! Yeshiva Zichron Aryeh believes that every Jew has the innate ability to passionately connect to Hashem and His Torah, all one needs is the proper learning experiences. Yeshiva Zichron Aryeh is here to provide those experiences. For more information, please email or call (516) 295-5700.

eading up to Rosh Hashana, HAFTR Lower School Rav Bet Sefer Rabbi Aaron Feigenbaum ran a special shofar program for fourth graders. The students studied hilchot shofar to discern the requirements of a kosher shofar. They looked at many different animals to determine if their horns could be used as a shofar and which of those shofars would be the most preferred. The boys and girls discussed the necessity that a shofar be naturally hollow inside after the bone is removed, invalidating the horns of a deer or giraffe. They considered the specification that a shofar must come from a kosher animal, invalidating the tusks of an elephant or rhinoceros. The students deduced that there are actually quite a few kosher animals whose horns are hollow after removing the bone, such as antelope, oryx, ibex, gazelle, and the

kudu, which many Yemenite communities use. While many horns make amazing looking shofars, and a cow’s horn fits the physical requirements of a shofar, we still can’t use it, because it could be a reminder to Hashem of the Eigel HaZahav. The students contrasted reminding ourselves and Hashem of the Eigel, with reminding ourselves and Hashem of Akeidat Yitzchak, and why we would prefer to use a ram’s horn and not a cow’s. Rabbi Feigenbaum and the students ultimately came to the conclusion that the preference is to use a ram’s horn as a shofar because of two main attributes. Firstly, the ram’s horn reminds us and Hashem of Akeidat Yitzchak, and secondly, the ram’s horn is bent, which reminds us to bow ourselves before Hashem.

Did you know? Pumpkins get their name from the Greek word pepon, meaning “large melon.”

The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 24, 2020



SEPTEMBER 24, 2020 | The Jewish Home

Around the Community

Rabbi Finkelman Visits Netzach HaTorah

The CAHAL Shulamith 1-2 class, taught by Deena Schwartz and Racheli Rhine, designed beautiful Rosh Hashanah cards that were delivered to patients in a local hospital


n the Thursday before Rosh Hashana, Rabbi Mordechai Finkelman visited Mesivta Netzach HaTorah in Woodmere. Rabbi Finkelman, who is the Mashgiach Ruchni of Yeshivas Ohr HaChaim in Queens and a wellknown speaker and personality, spoke to the students on the true meaning of davening before Hashem on Rosh Hashana. Following the talk, Rabbi Finkelman availed himself to the boys who approached him individually, asking for a bracha or asking further questions on his talk. While the setting may have been very different than usual, with the students fully masked and in their respective pods, the feeling of preparation for the awesome days of Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur were palpable. Netzach thanks Rabbi Finkel-

man for taking time out of his busy schedule to visit the Yeshiva and sharing his powerful thoughts and insights into the yomim noraim.

Did you know? Monarch butterflies fly south to Mexico and warmer parts of California during the autumn season

The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 24, 2020



SEPTEMBER 24, 2020 | The Jewish Home

Around the Community

Elul Inspiration at SKA


ith the yomim noraim fast approaching, classes and activities at the Stella K. Abraham High School for Girls focused on Elul inspiration starting with the first days of school! Choose Your Own Outdoor Pre-Rosh Hashana Workshop enabled the students to pick from a variety of teacher-led sessions to help make Rosh Hashana more meaningful. A very inspiring Zoom interview with noted singer and baal teshuva Nissim Black in Yerushalayim and

a special outdoor kumsitz and U’netaneh Tokef video helped give significant depth to the girls’ yom tov tefillah. Optional programs of Lunch and Learn and evening mishmars were well attended as SKA students took advantage of the opportunity to grow in their spirituality. Shiurim sponsored by the SKA SPARKS committee included sessions of “Making Meaning of the Machzor,” with Rabbi Rice, “Nesivos Shalom on Chodesh Elul,” with Mrs. Drebin, “Making

It Count,” with Mrs. Bernstein, and “Letting Go of Our Excuses,” with Ms. Daitch. The annual Hatarat Nedarim also made an impact on our Elul davening. The fast day of Tzom Gedalia offered another chance to inspire with a voluntary “Have a Meaningful Fast Program” as SKA students made sukkah decorations for non-frum families who will be having a sukkah for the first time! Gallery of Inspiration, hung up for students to view, reflected on les-

sons learned from the Covid-19 pandemic and lockdown while our erev Yom Kippur speaker, Rav Gav Friedman, brought new insights to the upcoming fast day. Although there are physical barriers, masks and social distancing, yom tov inspiration at SKA is being imparted throughout the school. SKA wishes our students, faculty and administration, together with klal Yisroel, a gmar chasima tova.

Ma’amad Hashavah Get In on This Once-a-Year Opportunity


t’s Erev Yom Kippur, mid-afternoon. Klal Yisroel is preoccupied with the myriad tasks of this auspicious day. The dual seudos, the mikvah, the special Mincha, the endless list of phone calls, and, of course, the last minute preparations for the holy day ahead. But in an imposing inner chamber, far removed from the frenetic bustle, peace and quiet reigns. The seriousness of the moment is evident on the faces of the esteemed Neki Kapayim senior dayanim seated around the large, ornate conference table. At the center of the table lies sheathes of documents piled high, along with neatly bound wads of

cash. The rabbonim have come together for the annual eleventh-hour Ma’amad Hashavah, effectuating the return of millions of dollars of unknown loans and other misappropriated money. Utilizing a methodical hakna’ah process, lifting up the actual cash with hagba’ah along with various other kinyanim, the Ma’amad Hashavah will facilitate an immediate kaparah – a cleansing and a purity for the many who have submitted their unknown debts to the Keren seeking to have their neshamos unsullied from any trace of money that might not be rightfully theirs.

The concept of Neki Kapayim and the procedure of the Ma’amd aHashavah were developed under the auspices of the great gaonim, Harav Zalman Nechemia Goldberg, zt”l, and, yblch”t, Harav Yehuda Silman, shlit”a, Harav Yitzchok Zilbershtein, shlit”a, Harav Naftali Nussbaum, shlit”a, Harav Ezriel Aurbach, shlit”a, Harav Shmuel Eliezer Stern, shlit”a, and Harav Sariel Rosenberg, shlit”a,. It has earned the enthusiastic haskama of leading Gedolei Yisroel, including Harav Moshe Shternbuch, shlit”a, who stressed in his approbation that “it is worthwhile to promote this initiative.” Over the past several years, the

Ma’amad Hashavah has served as a venue for the return of millions of dollars of unknown debt or other money whose owners could not be ascertained. Now, at the behest of the American community, the Keren has opened offices here in the United States, in advance of the forthcoming Ma’amad Hashavah this Erev Yom Kippur. The Ma’amad Hashava is scheduled for this coming Sunday, Erev Yom Kippur, at 3:00 PM. To take part in this year’s Hashavah, contact the Neki Kapayim U.S. hotline at 732-569-9740 or visit the website at

The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 24, 2020


SEPTEMBER 24, 2020 | The Jewish Home






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The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 24, 2020

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SEPTEMBER 24, 2020 | The Jewish Home

Around the Community

Moshe Brandsdorfer of the JCCRP; Baruch Ber Bender, CEO of Achiezer; Dr. Morrish, Chief Medical Officer; Rabbi Uri Orlian, Rav of Shaaray Tefilla in Lawrence; Dr. Teddy Lee, Director of Emergency Services; Judith Modica, Director of Nursing; and Renee Hastick-Motes, VP of External Affairs; on a tour of the new state-of-the-art emergency department at St. John’s

Every Kid is a Success Story Waiting to Happen


ena’s world began to unravel after she dropped out of high school. She suddenly had no schedule or contact with her peers, and no reason to wake up in the morning. For more than two years, she rarely left the house. Her parents were scared, but did not know where, or how, to get her the support she needed. They were grateful when Work At It stepped in, taking the first steps to reset the course of her life. After a social worker identified Dena’s unique strengths, a career coach found her a job. With a new sense of purpose, Dena was motivat-

ed to leave for work each day, steadily emerging from the despondence that had long weighed her down. Her positive interactions with customers slowly rebuilt her self-esteem and drew her out of her shell. One successful year later, Dena left for a different position she secured on her own – with the help of her employer’s recommendation. Sadly, a growing number of teenagers are in Dena’s shoes. Depressed. Unfocused. Disconnected from their communities and sometimes their families, too. Once they are out of the school system, they fall into dangerous patterns in no

time – lying in bed all day, hanging out on the street late into the night, and engaging in risky behaviors like substance abuse. With nowhere to go and nothing to do, they lose all hope for the future. Rivka Ariel, MBA, and Yael Wedeck, LCSW, joined forces to launch Work At It in 2018, bringing the power of their decades of corporate and social work experience to fill the void for struggling youth. Recognized by the Orthodox Union’s prestigious Impact Accelerator, Work At It helps them identify their unique strengths and then provides them

with the tools – and the opportunities – to chart a productive path forward. Ariel and Wedeck see the potential in teens like Dena and champion them as individuals. “These kids can be superstars ...we want to help them believe in themselves so they can get out and shine.” Work At It helps light the way. To learn more about Work At It, to donate, or to offer a potential employment opportunity to at-risk youth, please visit or call 917-722-3884.

Leg. Kopel Announces CRP Money


eputy Presiding Officer Howard Kopel and the Nassau County Legislature voted to approve funding to numerous community projects in District 7 with Community Revitalization Project (CRP) money. These projects, known as Inter-Municipal Agreements (IMAs), benefit local fire districts and villages working to improve public safety and public services. The first project will allow the Hewlett Bay Fire District to purchase Lucas Mechanical CPR Devices. Lucas Mechanical CPR devices are

easy-to-use life-saving devices that performs consistent chest-compressions in place of a human provider. They help with people are suffering sudden cardiac arrest or any other situation where chest-compressions are called for. The Fire Department EMTs can use the device in the field and on the move and free up their hands to provide other help. The second funded project will allow the Village of East Rockaway to purchase an ambulance for their Fire Department EMTs to use. This will allow better responses to emer-

gencies, and greatly increase public safety. The final project is providing security cameras for the Village of Lawrence. These cameras will be placed in the parking lot of Village Hall, to provide safety for the community.

“I am always very happy to help provide funding for our great local fire departments and EMTs,” Deputy Presiding Officer Howard Kopel said. “These IMAs will greatly benefit the residents of District 7 and increase quality of life to all residents.”

Did you know? Babies born in the fall are generally better students and are expected to live longer

The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 24, 2020

HAFTR Students Prepare for Rosh Hashana

BIGapple 646.881.4745

Around the Community



he students of HAFTR’s Early Childhood division have been very busy preparing for Rosh Hashana, from learning about apples to making their very own shofars and beautiful honey dishes to bring home. Parents sent in a wonderful assortment of small, medium, and large, red, green, yellow, and multicolor apples, enabling the yeladim to expand their knowledge of apples to become apple experts. The children counted, sorted, and graphed all the apples that were brought in. They examined the apples’ stickers to discover that each kind of apple has a special name. They learned that the outside of an apple has skin, a stem, and a leaf and that its inside contains a core with seeds and flesh to eat! Carefully analyzing their bountiful collection, the students classified the apples, first by color and then by size. Did you ever wonder how tall

you are in apples? The wonderful HAFTR morot are able to incorporate many lessons into one subject. Touching on math in this unit, they cut apples and counted how many pieces they got from each apple, then the students calculated how tall they are using apples as units of measurement! The yeladim have been utilizing apples for snack every day, from dipping the slices in honey to crushing them for a delicious drink of fresh apple juice. The children now know the sequence of events that led up to biting into this amazing fruit in school – from seeds being planted to trees growing to blossoms blooming to fruitlets budding to apples developing to being picked to being hauled in trucks to being delivered to the stores to grown-ups buying them and bringing them home to grown-ups sending them with us to the classroom to taking a delicious bite!

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SEPTEMBER 24, 2020 | The Jewish Home

Around the Community

Dancing, Singing, and Shofar-Making


t has been a busy and exciting beginning of the school year for the students in HANC’s Samuel and Elizabeth Bass Golding Ele-

mentary School in West Hempstead. While the kindergarten students traditionally gather for a “Welcome to HANC Barbecue” with their families, current protocols prevented this from happening this year. Never daunted by adversity, the HANC administration decided to invite NAZ, the famous iMove with NAZ dance instructor, to lead a kindergarten dance party on Zoom. In advance of the event, the students were provided with glow sticks, hand clappers and HANC wristbands for their “Welcome Back to School Dance Party” with NAZ. Rabbi Sadigh, Head of HANC’s West Hempstead campuses, launched the event and greeted all of the kindergarten families. Kindergarten students also had time to scroll through their screens and talk to one another. The students were all so excited to show their friends the exciting things they had in their homes, including their favorite toys. One student was even able to show off his new puppy! HANC’s backyard playground was transformed into a hands-on Shofar Factory. The knowledgeable staff from Tzivos Hashem gave the children an overview of how a kosher shofar is crafted from animal horns. Amazement, wonder and surprise were just some of the experiences of the sixth graders as

they explored the various steps necessary to create a hollow, kosher shofar. During the course of the presentation, many questions arose, including if the shofar’s mouthpiece exists while the horns are still attached to the ram’s head. Once the students had the opportunity to explore the displays and the lesson was concluded, each student selected a horn and transformed it into a shofar. Protected with gloves and goggles, the children worked hard at sawing the ends off of the horns, sanding the surfaces, and then polishing their magnificent creations. As they worked, the sounds and smells provided the children with an active, multi-sensory learning experience. On the last day of school before Rosh Hashana, every classroom had a very special visitor. Lenny Solomon, of Shlock Rock fame, gave a spirited concert for all of the children and staff to usher in the Tishrei holidays. Singing a variety of holiday tunes, favorite smash hits, and well-known simcha songs, the children throughout the school were not just watching in their classrooms on the smart boards but were clapping and dancing at their desks along with the music. It was a joyful end of an eventful week, and it got everyone into the Rosh Hashana spirit. Special thanks to the HANC PTA for sponsoring this remote program for all to enjoy.

Shana Tova from HALB


he children of HALB Lev Chana, with the help and guidance of their morot, have been immersed in learning about the Yomim Noraim. The classrooms and

halls are ringing with songs describing apples, honey and saying we’re sorry. Rabbi Isaac Rice, Limudei Kodesh teacher at SKA, walked across the parking lot to talk about and

demonstrate the different sounds a shofar makes for the Lev Chana children. Morah Karen Daitchman had our children jumping and dancing to the joyful music of the yomim tovim.

All the children wished each other a shana tova u’metukah – have a happy sweet new year.

The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 24, 2020


Around the Community We are off to an amazing start to the school year at HALB Lev Chana! The children have acclimated beautifully to being back at school. In each class/ cohort children are reconnecting with old friends and getting to know new ones, learning new routines, and enjoying many exciting activities. Of course, Rosh Hashana is in the air as well! With safety as our primary focus, it is truly great to be Back Home@Lev Chana! STAR testing began at YOSS Mechina this week

Sen. Kaminsky Urges Passage of Hate Symbols Education Bill


ast week, in the wake of the release of a nationwide survey showing a troubling lack of basic Holocaust knowledge among adults under 40, Senator Todd Kaminsky urged the passage of his bill (S6648), which would require instruction regarding symbols of hate, including the swastika and the noose, for New York students in grades 6 through 12. The survey, conducted by the Claims Conference, was touted as the first 50-state survey of Holocaust knowledge among millennials and Generation Z. “Statistics like this are shocking and emphasize a clear gap in education, when we could be using that exact tool to tackle the larger problem of rising hate crimes in New York,” said Senator Todd Kaminsky. “This is exactly why New York needs to pass my bill requiring our children be taught the meaning of the swastika and other symbols of hate. By educating students on these symbols, we encourage a dialogue on why hate crimes are on the rise and prevent a repeat of the tragic history of the Holocaust.” Survey results showed that many respondents were unclear about the

basic facts of the Holocaust. Sixty-three percent of those surveyed did not know that 6 million Jews were murdered in the Holocaust, and over half of those thought the death toll was fewer than 2 million. Over 40,000 concentration camps and ghettos were established during World War II, but nearly half of U.S. respondents could not name a single one. Most staggering, the survey revealed that 1 in 10 respondents reported having never heard the word “Holocaust” before. As the number of hate crimes have skyrocketed across New York State and throughout our nation, it is crucial that students are educated on the meaning and significance of how these hateful symbols are used to generate fear in our communities across the state. Senator Kaminsky’s bill will ensure that students will receive the proper education on these symbols of hate. By teaching our future generations of students why these symbols of hate made a great impact to individuals in Germany will reduce the amount of hate crimes committed throughout the state of New York and across our nation.

As they did last year, the amazing women of the Women’s League of Torah Academy for Girls organized a special welcome gift for all the new parents. The beautiful lucite napkin holder, initialed by family name, drew rave reviews and appreciation from the happy recipients. Special thanks to our Women’s League Executive Board, Mrs. Racheli Blumenkrantz, Mrs. Mindy Glaser, Mrs. Chayale Gorlin and Mrs. Naomi Newman, for arranging for the gift and for delivering them, ably assisted by Mrs. Suri Feuchtwanger. Thanks as well to the girls who helped with the delivery.


SEPTEMBER 24, 2020 | The Jewish Home

Around the Community

A New Home for Psagot Winery


sagot Winery is happy to announce the completion of its new home along with its new chief winemaker. The 2020 vintage begins at its new location with an expected production in excess of 600,000 bottles and marks our 17 th year of wine production in the Binyamin region

just north of Jerusalem. The story of the winery and the traditional winemaking combines the historical connection, fine quality, and modern progress that is expressed in the new architectural structure, carefully planned and designed by Naama Berg after two years of construction.

The architectural style of the winery is built in the shape of an ancient inn overlooking Wadi Kelt and the Edom mountains. On one side is the impressive wine production plant, and on the other side above the barrel cellar where over 1,000 barrels are aged each year is the visiting center and event hall. In the center is a magical garden overlooking the primeval landscape. In the new Psagot Winery complex, you will find a mini wine museum. In addition, we offer tours for groups and individuals, events, conferences, and seminars. The beautifully designed hall was created to provide special family occasions that include bar/bat mitzvahs, parties, and elegant weddings for up to 600 people in the summer in a special atmosphere with great wine and spectacular views. Only a 20-minute drive from Jerusalem. Concurrent with the move to our new location, the winery recruited Sam Soroka to the position of chief winemaker at the winery. Sam, a native of Montreal, Quebec in Canada, studied oenology at the University of Adelaide in Australia and received his bachelor of science degree in food sciences from McGill Universi-

ty in Quebec, Canada. He is an expert in wine production that includes a background in food sciences. Sam lives and breathes the secrets of wine and is considered one of the important players in upgrading standards and wine qualities. His 20-year experience includes many awards that include the following comment from Robert Parker of Wine Advocate. “For my first impression, the style seemed to lean to elegance and harmony. These are graceful wines, not bombastic wines…. They are a pleasure to drink.” When asked about the move to Psagot, Sam replied, “It is a great privilege and honor for me to be the chief winemaker of Psagot Winery and to be a partner in the winery’s vision for making quality wines in the Land of Israel.”

Yaakov Berg, CEO & founder of Psagot Winery, summarizes: The prophet Amos, who was a shepherd and farmer in the land of Israel 2,500 years ago, prophesied and promised us, “I will return the captivity of My people Israel, and they will rebuild desolate cities and settle them; they will plant vineyards and drink their wine; they will cultivate gardens and eat their fruits. I will plant them upon their land and they will never again be uprooted from their land that I have given them, said Hashem, your G-d” Amos 9:14-15. Yaakov concludes, “We thank the Creator of the world for the privilege of fulfilling this prophesy 2,500 years later – living in the land of Israel, planting vineyards and producing fine wine and winning awards that are recognized throughout the world.”

The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 24, 2020

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64 30

SEPTEMBER 24, 2020 | The Jewish Home OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home

1. *



Politician Roast * Politicians: can’t live with them, can live without them. * Never have so few stolen so much from so many to achieve so little. * Honesty in politics is much like oxygen. The higher up you go, the scarcer it becomes. * Why is it that political leaders don’t seem to have all the answers until they write their memoirs?

* The government is sneaky. They raise the tax on alcohol, then make sure that the country is in such a mess that you drink more.

* A politician is one who shakes your hand before elections and your confidence after.

* It’s tough being a politician. Half your reputation is ruined by lies, the other half is ruined by the truth!

* Little girl: Daddy, do all fairy tales begin with “Once upon a time”? Dad: No sweetie, some begin with “If I am elected.”

* Politicians are mostly people who’d had too little morals and ethics to stay lawyers.

You gotta be


A politician was a guest speaker at the golf club dinner. As the politician stood up to speak, a few of the men saw it as an opportunity to sneak off to the bar. An hour later, with the politician still talking, another man joined them. “Is he still talking?” they asked him. “Yes,” replied says the man. “What on Earth is he talking about?” they asked. “I don’t know,” the man answered. “He’s still introducing himself.”

Riddle me this? One hundred high-powered politicians are at a party. All of them are either honest or liars. You walk in knowing two things: - At least one of them is honest. - If you take any two politicians, at least one of them is a liar. From this information, how many are liars and how many are honest? See answer on opposite page

The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 24, 2020 The Jewish Home | OCTOBER 29, 2015

Famous Debate Lines… Who Said It? 1. I had a discussion with my daughter Amy the other day before I came here to ask her what the most important issue was. She said she thought the control of nuclear weaponry. 2. Under my plan, I will put Medicare in an ironclad lockbox. 3. I want you to know also I will not make age an issue of this campaign. I am not going to exploit for political purposes my opponent’s youth and inexperience. 4. I knew Jack Kennedy; Jack Kennedy was a friend of mine. Senator, you’re no Jack Kennedy. 5. Sorry. Oops. 6. We can no longer afford to be second best. I want people all over the world to look to the United States again, to feel that we’re on the move, to feel that our high noon is in the future. 7. There is no Soviet domination of Eastern Europe.

A. Walter Mondale

F. John F. Kennedy

8. When I hear your new ideas, I’m reminded of that ad, “Where’s the beef?”

B. Gerald Ford

G. Ronald Reagan

C. Jimmy Carter

H. Al Gore

D. Donald Trump


9. I never attacked him or his looks, and believe me, there’s plenty of subject matter right there. Answers 1-C, President Jimmy Carter in the 1980 debate with Ronald Reagan. 2-H, Al Gore at the 2000 debate with George Bush. 3-G, Ronald Reagan during the 1984 presidential debates when asked if, at 73, he is too old to be president. 4-I, Democratic candidate Lloyd Bentsen in the 1988 vice presidential

Lloyd Bentsen

E. Rick Perry

debate when Dan Quayle likened his political experience to that of John F. Kennedy. 5- E, Texas Gov. Rick Perry during the 2012 Republican primary debate after he spent 52 cringeworthy seconds trying to remember the name of a governmental department that he promised to close. 6-F, John F. Kennedy in the 1960

presidential debate with Richard Nixon. 7- B, Gerald Ford during the 1976 debate against Jimmy Carter. 8-A, Walter Mondale during the 1984 Democratic presidential primary debate 9- D, Donald Trump during the 2016 Republican primary debate when he was accused of attacking Sen. Rand Paul

65 31

Answer to Riddle: One is honest and 99 are liars. One of them is honest, satisfying the first piece of information. Then if you take the honest man and any other politician, the other politician must be a liar to satisfy the second piece of information, “If you take any two politicians, at least one of them is a liar.” So the rest of them, 99 of them, are liars.


SEPTEMBER 24, 2020 | The Jewish Home The Jewish Home | OCTOBER 29, 2015


Torah Thought

Parshas Ha’azinu By Rabbi Berel Wein


oshe appeals to heaven and earth to somehow hear his words and bear testimony to the accuracy of his prophecies. Nature does not have a will of its own, but, rather, it is bound by the original directions and system created by G-d when the universe came into being. Unlike human beings who possess free will and can make choices even when those choices are against their own self-interest, nature is unchanging in its acceptance of the will and pattern of its creator. As a matter of eternal persistence and unending discipline, Moshe calls

heaven and earth – nature itself – to be the witnesses to the covenant between G-d and Israel, a covenant that will span and survive all centuries of human existence. As nature is unchanging, albeit unpredictable, so too is this covenant between G-d and Israel: a covenant that is unchanging and unending, even though it has always been unpredictable in its execution and historical perspective. Though the Jewish people live and survive as an eternal people, in every generation, indeed even every decade, the Jewish nation must chart its own course and make its own deci-

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sions regarding its contribution to the perpetuation of the eternal covenant with G-d. There is no set formula or procedure guaranteed to achieve this end, except for loyalty to the covenant and that implies the rule of Torah and the implementation of traditional Jewish values in the life and society of every generation.

and behavioral patterns. But Moshe points out that there will always be the realization amongst the people of Israel that, despite taking a wrong direction, we are completely capable of returning to the path that will lead us to the goal of being a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. Additionally, in all the events that have occurred, past and present, we

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Moshe, who is the master prophet of all time, sees and realizes the tortuous road that lies ahead for the Jewish people through the millennia. He is sensitive to the fact that there will be times and generations when the people will make a wrong choice and take a painful detour away from the main highway that the L-rd has ordained for them. He cautions that we should not be disheartened nor discouraged by mistakes, negligence or even malfeasance. Such is the nature of human beings, and we are not in any way exempt from general human nature

can recognize where we have gone wrong and where we can restore ourselves to a correct path and a brighter future. Thus, when Moshe asks heaven and earth to listen, so to speak, to his words, he is really asking us to pay attention to what he said thousands of years ago. These are words that are wise and relevant, important and necessary for our times as well. It is no accident that this Torah portion is read and heard on the Sabbath of repentance preceding the holy day of Yom Kippur. Shabbat shalom.

The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 24, 2020


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SEPTEMBER 24, 2020 | The Jewish Home OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home

From the Fire

Yom Kippur Neilah Aperture to the Al-mighty By Rav Moshe Weinberger Adapted for publication by Binyomin Wolf


he last Mishna in Yuma (8:9) concludes with the teaching from Rabi Akiva: “Fortunate are you Israel! Before whom are you purified and who purifies you? Your father in Heaven! As it says [homiletically]… ‘G-d is the mikvah of Israel.’ Just as a mikvah purifies the impure, so too the Holy One Blessed is He purifies Israel!” We are taught that the forty days between Rosh Chodesh Elul and Yom Kippur correspond to the forty se’ah (a measure of volume) of water constituting a kosher mikvah. And the 960 hours during this forty day period correspond to the 960 lug which are the equivalent of forty se’ah. We are so fortunate that Hashem has given us this period, culminating with today, Yom Kippur, which culminates with Neilah, through which He cleanses us of all our impurities.

The Bor Hashakah In addition to Yom Kippur, which is a mikvah in time, we have a physical mikvah right here in our shul. But there are actually two mikva’os in this shul. We can see one of them. It has beautiful tiles, and we immerse in it. But most people here have never seen the other one, the bor hashakah. That one stands behind closed doors. Thirteen years ago, when we finished building this shul, we prepared a container to receive rainwater on the roof. One windy day after it had rained, I went with Rav Bik, the rav hamachshir of the mikvah, to release the rainwater into the bor hashakah. That is the real mikvah. The water in the mikvah we immerse in every day is mayim she’uvim, water drawn

from a faucet or hose, which cannot be used as a kosher mikvah. So how is our mikvah kosher? Because there is a hole that connects the two mikva’os. By connecting the mikvah in which we immerse to the bor hashakah, we connect to the purifying rainwater which came straight from Hashem – untouched by human hands. The word “hashakah” means “neshikah, kiss” because the waters of the two mikva’os “kiss” through the hole between them. When we immerse in the mikvah, we are connecting to a source of purification straight from Heaven because of the hole connecting our mikvah to the bor hashakah, which was originally filled with rainwater.

The Lodz Mikvah During the Holocaust, the Nazis, may their names be blotted out, turned the Jewish quarter of the city of Lodz into a ghetto into which they interned the Jews. Jews were forbid-

den to immerse in the mikvah, and the Nazis cemented shut every mikvah in the Ghetto. But one group of Jews in the basement of a building adjacent to a mikvah used whatever tools they could find – spoons, knives, forks, and their own fingernails – to dig a hole in the wall between their building and the mikvah next door. Finally, they succeeded and dug a hole in the wall just wide enough for one person at a time to squeeze through to reach the mikvah. Late on the night before erev Yom Kippur, long after curfew when no one was out lest they be shot, a bochur reached the house in which the Rebbe from Radishitz was hiding. Knowing that any visitor must have risked his life, the Rebbe was very interested to see what their visitor had come about. The bochur told the Rebbe about the house with the hole in the basement leading to the mikvah. He assured the Rebbe that he had only been sent to tell certain

rebbes and roshei yeshiva so there would be almost no one there. Even though the Rebbe knew that he could be killed if he was caught outside at night, there was no question that he would attempt to make the trip, given that it was almost Yom Kippur. The Rebbe and his shammes, who later retold this story, snuck through the back streets of the Ghetto till they finally entered the home the bochur had told them about. But instead of being virtually empty, there were hundreds of Jews crowded in the house, each of whom had risked his life for the chance to use the mikvah just once before Yom Kippur. One Jew was helping each person through the hole in the wall and someone on the other side caught them. They warned every visitor to go “Schnell! Schnell! Quickly! Quickly!” so the next person could come in. The Rebbe of Radishitz commented to his shammes, “Look what Jews are willing to do to come closer to their Father in Heaven! They are starving and oppressed, but all they can think of is going to the mikvah!” Those Jews in the Lodz Ghetto connected to the source of life by climbing through a little hole, a little opening, through which they reached purification, their bor hashakah. But what is our opening? How can we connect with the pure water of Heaven on Yom Kippur? How is our Yom Kippur an immersion in the pure waters of Hashem’s Presence? We also need a little opening through which we can access the cleansing bor hashakah. Chazal teach us (Shir Hashirim Raba 1:2), “Open up for Me like an opening the size of the eye of a needle, and I

The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 24, 2020 The Jewish Home | OCTOBER 29, 2015

will open up for you like the opening of a great hall.” What is our opening to holiness?

A Special Commitment for Neilah All we need to do as we prepare to daven Neilah is come to Hashem with one new commitment for the coming year. But like Reb Menachem Mendel of Kotzk, zy”a, says, although our opening need only be the size of the eye of a needle, it must go “through and through.” It is not called an opening if it only goes partway through the metal of the needle. Many of us are frustrated with ourselves because we have taken on commitments on Rosh Hashanah or Yom Kippur in previous years but have not stuck to them. We made big plans for ourselves, but as soon as Sukkos was over, or perhaps even right after Yom Kippur, we slid back into our old routines. Why do we find ourselves back in the same rut again and again? We are fortunate to have a collection of the commitments the Alter of Slabodka, zt”l, made before Yom Kippur each year. They are notable in the fact that each one was very modest. He did not attempt to turn over his entire life with each commitment. Three examples of the Alter’s commitments during various years were:to concentrate more during the first paragraph of Shemoneh Esrei, to talk with his wife more after he comes home from the beis medrash at night, and to concentrate more on the words during Modim. Zeroing in on the Alter’s third commitment, what was so special about Modim? Perhaps one reason is the fact that we thank Hashem in Modim “for our lives which are given over into Your hands and for our souls which are in Your care.” We failed to live up to our ambitious commitments before Yom Kippur previous years because we felt we were in control of our own lives and that would will live forever. We generally did not think of the day of death, so we did not make serious commitments. We always thought there would be time later. But when one reads Modim with concentration, he remembers that “our lives are given over into Your

hands.” Life is not guaranteed, and no one knows when he will leave the world. Our lives are not in our own hands. So if we want to change, we must make very small commitments which we can stick to “through and through.” But those commitments should be the kind of things that help us change our perspective on life, like the Alter of Slabodka’s commitment to say Modim with special concentration.

Sheep Who Have Lost Everything We feel so lost. All we want is to return to Hashem. We say, as Dovid Hamelech did (Tehillim 119:176), “I went astray like a lost lamb.” But there is an irregularity in this pasuk.

Hungary with a tour guide in order to learn about their families’ history. They visited a number of the villages and towns in which the parents of the kibbutz residents grew up. The group arrived in one very small town where Tzvika’s parents grew up. There was not much to see so they asked the guide if there was an old shul in town. He said that there was and took them there. But when they arrived, they saw that it had been turned into a barn. Animals were walking in and out, and the entire shul smelled of animal waste. They could still see where the aron kodesh had been. As they looked around, the men put napkins or their own hands over their heads out of respect. Everyone listened to the tour guide speak-

When we say we have gone astray and want to return to Hashem, we’re saying we have lost everything.

If it meant “lost lamb,” it should have used the word ne’evad, lost. Instead, it used the word oveid, losing, implying that the lambs are the ones losing something – not that that they are lost by someone else. And the truth is that this makes sense. When a lamb is lost, the shepherd and flock “only” lose one sheep. But when a lamb goes astray, it loses everything. It loses its entire flock and its shepherd. So when we say we have gone astray and want to return to Hashem, we’re saying we have lost everything – our connection with the Jewish people and to our Shepherd, Hashem. One such lost sheep was a Jew whom we will call Tzvika, an Israeli Jew who grew up on a secular kibbutz. For anyone who is familiar with the secular kibbutzim of yesteryear, they were devoutly secular, strictly prohibiting the observance of any mitzvah or even the mention of G-d’s name. The residents of this kibbutz were the children of Holocaust survivors from Hungary. At one point, a number of men and women from the kibbutz went to take a tour of

ing about the history of the area when suddenly they heard a scream from upstairs. They went to see what the commotion was about and found Tzvika upstairs in the old ezras nashim – women’s section. Tzvika explained that while the guide was speaking, he went upstairs to explore and found a complete mess. But by one wall, he saw several stacks of boxes lined up. He opened one of the boxes and saw a set of machzorim for Shalosh Regalim – special siddurim for the holidays. It seems that before the Nazis took over, they Jews had begun attempting to pack up their machzorim in the shul, perhaps to hide them or move them somewhere. Tzvika told them that he opened up the first machzor he found and saw the name of his own grandfather, who had been killed in the Holocaust, inscribed on the front cover! That is why he called out. Everyone agreed that it was a remarkable coincidence, very interesting. Tzvika began to flip through the pages of the machzor, something he had never done with a siddur in his life before, and when he came to the

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pages of the Hallel prayer, which is recited on Sukkos and other days, he found a branch from a hadas – a myrtle. Not only that, but the hadas was still alive! While it was brown on the edges, it was still green in the middle. It had been preserved in the machzor all of those decades. Tzvika began to cry when he realized that his grandfather had davened with that hadas decades and decades before. One Yid from a little town in Hungary who gave his life for G-d sent his grandson a message. Why had Tzvika first picked up his grandfather’s machzor? Why had his grandfather’s hadas stayed alive for him to find so long after he had died sanctifying G-d’s name? Although his friends could not understand his wonderment, Tzvika told them, “I have been disconnected my entire life from Judaism – from Gd. But G-d made sure that I would find my grandfather’s machzor so that I would know that even where I am, as disconnected as I am, I am still my holy grandfather’s grandson. And He arranged that I would find my grandfather’s living hadas so that I would know that no matter how long I have been separated from the source of my life, that I still have a spark of G-d inside me.” We often feel so disconnected, lost. We feel like a little lamb who is out on its own in the world, without a Shepherd or flock. But every year at Neilah, Hashem shows us a small opening, a hole through which we can climb to reach the source of life. We can grasp that little hadas, that little spark of life still left inside us after all of these years. We can connect to that spark, that bor hashakah, by keeping in mind some small commitment during Neilah which has the power to reconnect us to the source of life. May Hashem accept all of our tefillos this Neilah with mercy and love and may we all merit to celebrate our reconnection with Hashem next Yom Kippur in Yerushalayim with the rebuilt Beis Hamikdash and the arrival of Moshiach, may he come right away! Rav Moshe Weinberger, shlita, is the founding Morah d’Asrah of Congregation Aish Kodesh in Woodmere, NY, and serves as leader of the new mechina Emek HaMelech.

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OCTOBER 29,24, 2015 | The Jewish Home SEPTEMBER 2020 | The Jewish Home

Yom Kippur The Day of Ultimate Rest BY RAV YAAKOV FEITMAN


f we were to ask most people for a definition of Yom Kippur, they would answer that it is a fast day. The more knowledgeable ones would add that it is the only fast day which is m’doreisa – Biblical, actually written in the Torah. However, the Rambam refers to the entire section about Yom Kippur as Hilchos Shevisas Asar – the laws of resting on the tenth day. This certainly seems strange since we actually rest from work on every yom tov, so “resting” doesn’t identify anything unique about Yom Kippur, such as fasting. Rav Gedaliah Schorr, zt”l, and others in various ways, explain that the essence of Yom Kippur is not that we are prohibited from eating but that we are resting. We rest from work, we rest from everything mundane, and therefore we rest from eating as well. Although eating is a necessary activity and, in fact, can be the source of many mitzvos – brachos, matzah, eating in the sukkah, etc. on Yom Kippur we rest from even these activities because for a short time we become as the angels – completely removed from the physical and material world. With this outlook, we can begin to understand many things about our lives and particularly about our avodah this Yom Kippur. The Semag, one of the early chroniclers of the 613 mitzvos, notes in the introduction to his major work that Man is a compound creation. The angels were brought into being on the second day of creation; the animals on the sixth. The angels are pure spirit; the animals purely physical. Man, who was created after them, has both qualities. The Semag concludes that our mission in life is to make sure that our angelic part – the soul – triumphs over our ani-

malistic part – the body. When it does, both partners do mitzvos, learn Torah, and become purified and holy every single day. Rav Shlomo Brevda, zt”l, asked a powerful question: Just because we avoid gashmiyus – our materialistic side – for one day of the year, we become malachim? How can that be? We’re like the angels for only one day and then we seem to revert to our bifurcated selves, which are clearly mired in physicality the rest of the time. Although Rav Brevda offers his own profound answer, I would like to suggest a simpler one, based upon a Medrash he quotes as well. The Medrash (Pirkei D’Rebbe Eliezer, cited by the Tur in the beginning of Hilchos Yom Kippur) relates that on Yom Kippur the evil angel representing Eisav descends to earth to witness what the Jews do on Yom Kippur. He returns to heaven amazed at what he sees. “You have a nation on earth who is like the angels here in heaven,” he marvels. “Just as the angels do not eat or drink, the Jews do not touch food or drink on Yom Kippur. Just as peace

reigns amongst the angels, the Jews are at peace with each other on Yom Kippur. Just as the angels are pure and unadulterated by sin, so are the Jews pristine on this day…” I believe that we can derive a powerful lesson from this Medrash. Although Klal Yisrael emulates the angels on only one day of the year, the point we are making is that we were able to overcome our nefesh habehaimes – our animalistic tendencies. We can’t and don’t have to refrain from eating and drinking all the time. However, we have established that the higher neshama is in charge, not the nefesh habehaimes. Eisav’s guardian angel knows that he is totally incapable of this transformation, even one day out of the year. As soon as he matured, he became the slave of his evil inclination and did nothing to overcome him. Eisav’s angel is forced to admit that we are totally different than our brother. He is in the throes of his desires and his inclinations. We have the ability to “give it a rest.” On Yom Kippur, we are more angel than animal and therefore we can control ourselves at other times as well. The rest of the year we don’t have to deny ourselves all gashmiyus. On the contrary – it is an important part of our lives, but only because we have shown it who’s boss. There is an ancient disagreement about who is greater: a human being or an angel. Rav Yosef Rosen, the Gaon of Rogatcho, zt”l, once proved that Man is greater from the nusach Sephard Kedushah in Mussaf. Whereas nusach Ashkenaz declares that we say kedushah with the malachim – k’shem she’makdishim oso – Sephard proudly declares “Keser” – the crown given to Hashem by

The Jewish Home | OCTOBER 29, 2015 The Jewish Home | OCTOBER 24, 29, 2020 2015 The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER

the angels – must follow Klal Yisrael’s Kedushah. The Rebbe Rashab of Chabad noted that when Avrohom Avinu served the angels, the Torah testifies that “he stood above them.” Why did Avrohom tower over the malachim? The answer is because angels don’t eat; they were just faking. However, Avrohom Avinu ate on a higher level and that is greater than not eating at all. Yom Kippur is a transition point from the physical to the totally spiritual to the glory of Man which is the creature who can subjugate his body to his soul, his yetzer hara to his yetzer tov, his gashmiyus to his ruchniyus. Only after going through the crucible of a Yom Kippur, where the body is negated and relegated to secondary importance, can we become the compound creature known as Adam. Our essence may seem like adamah – earth – but in truth we yearn and strive to break free from the bounds of the earthiness and physical limitations. Once we were Yom Kippur Jews, we can eat, drink and sleep in the Sukkah – harnessing every aspect of our human frailties to the greater goal of being even higher than the angels. I once heard a gadol marveling at the new innovation of space travel. Once the rocket ship has broken from the Earth’s atmosphere, it can soar

through space and reach other planets and beyond. He immediately related the scientific marvel to Yom Kippur. “Once we have broken the chains

Our mission in life is to make sure that our angelic part – the soul – triumphs over our animalistic part – the body. of our material selves, we can climb to the spiritual heavens, not just to empty and arid space. With the power of Yom Kippur, we can even bypass the angels in heaven to a higher place, where we sanc-

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tify and transform everything into holiness.” We have all lived through six months of deprivation. We couldn’t daven the way we wanted, couldn’t learn where we wished to be, and we yearned for our lost spiritual levels. The world felt deprivation as well. But they longed for their beaches and films, their vacations and restaurants. One of the many lessons we have hopefully learned from Covid-19 is that material things are fleeting and we can get along without them, if necessary. Our lives, however, are defined by our spiritual side, not our physical, and we have all felt the vacuum in our souls. Let us embrace our ruchniyus on Yom Kippur when we can rest from the gashmiyus. When we return, G-d willing, to “normal” life, let us always remember that while we spend one day being angels, we are actually even higher. This year, when we break our fast, let us remember that we ate so that we could live and make a bracha, not that we lived to eat, like much of the world. May we all be zocheh to a gmar chasimah tova and a wonderful 5781 ahead.

Rav Yaakov Feitman is the rav of Kehillas Bais Yehudah Tzvi in Cedarhurst, NY.

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SEPTEMBER 24, 24, 2020 2020 || The The Jewish Jewish Home Home SEPTEMBER

The Wandering


Memories of Portugal By Hershel Lieber

Overlooking a square in Lisbon


always wanted to visit Portugal. Why Portugal? Why not?! We had already made two trips to Spain visiting Madrid, Barcelona, Granada, Seville, Cordoba, and Toledo. We were in Gibraltar twice, and I was there a third time, too. Now was the time to visit the other great nation on the Iberian Peninsula, Portugal. Like Spain, Portugal had a documented Jewish presence for about a thousand years until the Inquisition. Jewish creativity and culture blossomed for many of those years, and the economy of the country was greatly developed by Jewish merchants. The Jews, in return, were given special rights and privileges though the country was staunchly committed to its strict Catholic doctrine. Jewish personalities abounded, the most famous being Rabbi Isaac Abravanel, who was the treasurer of King Alfonso I. The Golden Years of Jewish life on the Iberian Peninsula culminat-

Belem Tower in Lisbon

ed with the Order of Expulsions, first in Spain in 1492, after which over 100,000 Jews fled to Portugal from where they were again expelled in 1496. Jewish history continued in the form of conversos (also known as marranos) who outwardly practiced Christianity but secretly observed Judaism. These Jews were the targets of the tribunals of the Inquisition and subject to the fires of the Auto de Fe. With the exception of some of the residents of the community of Belmonte, most of those conversos eventually melded into the local Catholic population and lost their Jewish heritage. Nevertheless, the vast majority of Jews fled Portugal and emigrated to Amsterdam, Constantinople, Brazil, Morocco, and other places. In the 19th century, with the abolishment of the Inquisition, some Jewish families from Morocco and Gibraltar returned. The first synagogue was inaugurated in 1904. Enough of history. And avanca

para Portugal, onwards to Portugal. And so, on Wednesday, May 16, 2012, our plane touched down in Lisbon Portela Airport. Since our trip would only be for eight days, we had to cram in a lot of sights and activities into a short span of time. After checking into the Don Pedro Hotel, we davened, ate brunch, and took a taxi to the Belem area of the city. The sights that were most impressive were the former monastery and its courtyards and the Monument of Discoveries. Though the monastery is currently not used as a church, we were still hesitant to enter the building but were amazed at the architectural beauty and magnificence of the structure. The ship-like Monument, which juts out toward the Atlantic Ocean, is a testament to the great Portuguese explorers who were prominent in discovering the New World, the Western Hemisphere. Belem Tower was another gem that we were able to explore before we headed back to our hotel.

We picked up some vegetables and fruit at a nearby supermarket, heated up our grilled chicken and couscous, and planned for tomorrow while enjoying our dinner. We still managed to take an hour walk before going to sleep. Surprisingly, we were

Typical tiled buildings in Lisbon

The The Jewish Jewish Home Home || SEPTEMBER SEPTEMBER 24, 24, 2020 2020

With Yair & Tehilla at the supermarket

With Rabbi Eliezer DiMartino of the Sharei Tikva Synagogue

not tired and were up talking until two o’clock in the morning. On Thursday and during most of Friday, we were on our feet all the time. We toured Castelo St. Jorge, the one-thousand-year-old castle overlooking Lisbon. The tour was extremely informative, and the views were spectacular. We walked around Baixa, the historic heart of the city, and took the funicular up the steep

The walled city of Evora

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With Chabad shluchim Rabbi Eli and Raizel Rosenfeld

cobbled streets of Bairro Alto. All the while, we were snapping photos of the colorful porcelain tiled buildings. The sidewalks themselves were paved with geometrically designed Azulejo tiles which is distinct to Lisbon. Yes, they are quite slippery when it rains! We could not help listening to the melancholic Fado songs emanating from the bars and pubs we passed. The charming restaurants advertised their seafood selections on billboards with displays of the ocean’s bounty, most of which were noticeably non-kosher. The many squares dotting the city made for a perfect rest stop where we ate our lunches and watched the hustle and bustle surrounding us. With the exception of Pesi’s wallet being pickpocketed, our experience in Lisbon was fantastico! On the way back to our hotel on Thursday night, we stopped in the supermarket again. We were shocked to see a young couple, a man with a yarmulke and his wife with a sheitel. They, too, were surprised to meet us. During our introductions, we learned that their names were Yair and Tehilla Freundlich and that he was in charge of security at the Is-

raeli embassy. The feeling of meeting other Jews in faraway places always excites us, and it emphasizes how much we really are “one big family.” On Shabbos, we davened at the Sharei Tikva Synagogue where Rabbi Eliezer DiMartino was the rav. The shul was the first one constructed after Jews started to return to Portugal and though the nusach is Portuguese Sephardic, there are Moroccan, Gibraltarian and even Ashkenazic elements during the tefilla. We were invited to eat by Rabbi Eli and Raizel Rosenfeld, the Chabad shluchim in Lisbon. I told the rabbi that his father once gave me a tour of the yeshiva he heads in Pittsburgh. There were a number of other guests that joined for the seudos including Yair and Tehilla Freundlich on Shabbos morning. The atmosphere at the Shabbos table was uplifting, as were the divrei Torah and zemiros. The conversations in a babble of languages were enjoyable, though we obviously did not understand everything. The trek back to the hotel was difficult since the streets of Lisbon were built on sloping hills, and we were going uphill. It did not help that our room was on the eighth floor of the

The megaliths outside of Evora

hotel. All in all, it was a beautiful and memorable Shabbos. Sunday was a lighter day for us. Even so, we saw two major sights. The first was a world class collection of art and furniture at the Gulbenkian Museum. Paintings, sculptures, porcelains, and rugs were some of the outstanding artifacts that the museum displays. We know that not everyone has the same passion as we do about museums of art, but both of us have been exposed to art since childhood and deeply appreciate the creativity and beauty. The second sight we took in on that Sunday was Europe’s largest aquarium. Surprisingly, we were able to spend over two hours observing Hashem’s wonderous creations in the most stunning natural settings. We returned early to our room, ate supper, packed our suitcases, and retired for the night. We were up at 6 a.m. the next day so that we could check out and leave Lisbon for the two-hour drive to Evora. This small, walled city was once the second most important city in Portugal and has a trove of historic treasures dating back to the Romans and Moors. There was a Jewish presence in Evora since the Middle

A store selling only products made of cork in Evora

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Penna National Palace in Sintra

Ages which was brought to abrupt end with the advent of the Edict of Expulsion and the subsequent Inquisition. The city is very quaint with its winding alley-like streets, marked by windows with lace curtains and sporting boxes with vibrant flowers. There are plazas with statues and fountains and decorative buildings with architecture dating over many centuries. We walked and rested and walked some more. We saw the Juderia, the former Jewish district and the building that housed the synagogue. We anguished as we were shown the headquarters of the Inquisition, a building where investigations were initiated against our brothers and sisters who secretly maintained their loyalty to the Jewish faith. We also witnessed the courtyard where those hapless souls were torched by the flames of the Auto de Fe. We know that there are no coincidences, yet we were in for a surprise when we went to visit University of Evora. Unbeknown to us, there was an International Conference for Sephardic Studies taking place there with visiting scholars from many countries lecturing on “The encounter of Jews and Moslems on the Iberian Lands.” We were invited to attend and found the

Castella de Mouros in Sintra

theme and its lecturers remarkably interesting. We followed the English, Hebrew, and German speeches but were completely tuned out when Por-

Quinta da Regaleira in Sintra

derstanding of these monumental stones, although their true purpose is still very much debated. He also showed and taught us about the

We anguished as we were shown the headquarters of the Inquisition, a building where investigations were initiated against our brothers and sisters who secretly maintained their loyalty to the Jewish faith

tuguese or Spanish came into play. During the warm evening sunset, we sat out in the courtyard sipping drinks as we listened to the soulful strings of the guitar. The next day we took a guide, Mario Olivera, to take us out to see the megaliths on the outskirts of Evora. These ancient stones predate the well-known Stonehenge site in England. Mario, who is descendant of Marranos (as most Marranos were given names of fruit trees as a method of knowing their Jewish background), gave us a brief un-

vast orchards of cork trees that are a great part of the country’s economy. Fifty percent of the world’s cork

supply comes from Portugal. We are both always excited when we see and learn about things that are new to us, and this day was representative of that type of experience. On the last day of our journey, we went to the town of Sintra on the Portuguese Riviera. This small town has an amazing number of fabulous palaces and castles and is the wealthiest place in all the land. We visited three of the most famous one castles. The Castella de Mouros, Penna National Palace, and Quinta da Regaleira overwhelmed us, and we walked away awestruck from their size, beauty, and splendor. Words do not suffice to describe these places, nor do photographs, which we were constantly taking. Suffice it to say, going to Sintra was a perfect way of ending a most enjoyable and fulfilling journey.

Hershel Lieber has been involved in kiruv activities for over 30 years. As a founding member of the Vaad L’Hatzolas Nidchei Yisroel he has traveled with his wife, Pesi, to the Soviet Union during the harsh years of the Communist regimes to advance Yiddishkeit. He has spearheaded a yeshiva in the city of Kishinev that had 12 successful years with many students making Torah their way of life. In Poland, he lectured in the summers at the Ronald S. Lauder Foundation camp for nearly 30 years. He still travels to Warsaw every year – since 1979 – to be the chazzan for Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur for the Jews there. Together with Pesi, he organized and led trips to Europe on behalf of Gateways and Aish Hatorah for college students finding their paths to Jewish identity. His passion for travel has taken them to many interesting places and afforded them unique experiences. Their open home gave them opportunities to meet and develop relationships with a variety of people. Hershel’s column will appear in The Jewish Home on a bi-weekly basis.


‫‪The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 24, 2020‬‬

‫‪m‬‬ ‫‪o‬‬ ‫‪r‬‬ ‫‪f‬‬ ‫‪w‬‬ ‫‪Ne‬‬


‫!‪Prepare for the coming of Mashiach‬‬

‫‪Today, more than ever,‬‬ ‫‪we need bitachon in our lives.‬‬ ‫‪JAFFA FAMILY EDITION‬‬


‫‪“…Anyone who engages in the‬‬ ‫‪study of the Beis HaMikdash‬‬ ‫‪Service… will cause an‬‬ ‫‪abundance of compassion to‬‬ ‫‪be aroused upon him from on‬‬ ‫‪High, and the Torah itself will‬‬ ‫”…‪protect him‬‬ ‫‪From the Preface to‬‬ ‫‪Sefer Avodas HaKorbanos,‬‬ ‫‪written by the author’s‬‬ ‫‪father-in-law, Rav Yisrael Meir‬‬ ‫‪Kagan, the Chofetz Chaim‬‬

‫‪Includes‬‬ ‫‪explanatory‬‬ ‫‪diagrams‬‬


‫‪ritten by the Chofetz Chaim’s‬‬ ‫‪son-in-law, at his urging, Sefer Avodas HaKorbanos of‬‬‫‪fers a clear exposition of the avodah in the Beis HaMikdash.‬‬ ‫‪This classic is available for the first time with an elucidated‬‬ ‫‪English translation, including a brief explanatory introduction‬‬ ‫‪to each paragraph, notes and diagrams that make the beauty‬‬ ‫‪of the Beis HaMikdash services accessible to all of us.‬‬ ‫‪DEDICATED BY ELI & MALKY FRIEDMAN‬‬


‫‪he Jaffa Family Edition Shaar HaBitachon of Chovos‬‬ ‫‪HaLevavos is a monumental work that includes a‬‬ ‫‪phrase-by-phrase translation, extensive explanatory notes,‬‬ ‫‪and a unique Insights section that brings the words of Shaar‬‬ ‫‪HaBitachon into our lives, showing us how we can live in‬‬ ‫‪tranquility when we fully trust in Hashem’s goodness — and‬‬ ‫‪how to achieve that trust.‬‬

‫‪Following the success of the Schottenstein Hebrew Edition of Talmud Bavli‬‬ ‫‪and the Ryzman Edition Hebrew Mishnayos, we are proud to present...‬‬ ‫‪œ 58‬‬


‫לך ‪/‬‬

‫מצוה ב‪ :‬מצות מילה‬

‫‪ִ ‬מ ְצוָ ה‬ ‫ְ ָ‬ ‫ב‪ִ :‬מ ְצ�ות ִמילָ ה ‪‬‬ ‫לֶ ך לְ ך יֵ שׁ ָבּהּ ִמ ְצו�‬

‫ת ֲ‬ ‫ע ֵשׂה �א �חת‪ ,‬וְ ִהיא ִמ‬ ‫י(‪" :‬זֹאת ְבּ ִר ִ‬ ‫יתי ֲא ֶשׁ‬ ‫ְצו� ת ִמ ָילָ ה‪ֶ ,‬שׁנֶּ ֱא �מר‬ ‫זָ ָכר"‪ .‬וְ נִ ְכ ְפּלָ ה ְ ר ִתּ ְשׁ ְמרוּ ֵבּינִ י ֵוּבינֵ ֶ‬ ‫יכם ֵוּבין ז� ְר ֲעך �א ֲ ָ‬ ‫בּ ֵס ֶדר ִ‬ ‫ח ֶריך ִהמּוֹל לָ ֶכם ָכּל‬ ‫יִ‬ ‫א ָשּׁה ִכּי �תזְ ִר ַיע‪ִ ,‬דּ ְכ ִ‬ ‫ת‬ ‫יב‬ ‫)ויקרא‬ ‫יב‪,‬‬ ‫ג(‬ ‫‪:‬‬ ‫מּוֹל ְבּ �שׂר ָע ְרלָ תוֹ"‪.‬‬ ‫�‬ ‫"וּביּוֹם �ה ְשּׁ ִמינִ י‬ ‫וְ �ה ְר ֵבּה ִמ ְצווֹת ְכּמוֹ‬ ‫ֵ‬ ‫כ‬ ‫ן‬ ‫נִ‬ ‫ְ‬ ‫כ‬ ‫ְ‬ ‫פּ‬ ‫לוּ‬ ‫ִ‬ ‫בּ‬ ‫ְ‬ ‫מ‬ ‫וְ ֻכלָּ ן לְ צ ֶֹר ְך‬ ‫קוֹמוֹת �ה ְר ֵבּה �בּ ָ‬ ‫וְ ִענְ י� ן ‪ְ ,‬כּמוֹ ֶשׁ ֵפּ ְרשׁוּם ֲח ָכ ִ‬ ‫תּוֹרה‪,‬‬ ‫מים זִ ְכרוֹנָ ם לִ ְב ָר ָכה‪.‬‬ ‫ִמ ְצוָ ה זוֹ הוּא‪ֶ ,‬שׁ ְ‬ ‫�ר ְ‬ ‫חוֹת ִכין ָה ָע ְ‬ ‫ר‬ ‫לָ‬ ‫ה‬ ‫�‬ ‫ה‬ ‫ְ‬ ‫מ‬ ‫�‬ ‫ח‬ ‫ך‬ ‫ָ‬ ‫פּ‬ ‫ֶ‬ ‫ה‬ ‫שׁ‬ ‫לְּ‬ ‫ר‬ ‫�‬ ‫מ‬ ‫ָ‬ ‫טּ‬ ‫ֹאשׁ‬ ‫ה ִמ ֶ‬ ‫�הגְּ וִ יָּ ה‪ְ ,‬‬ ‫וּפוֹר ִעין ְקרוּם‬ ‫מּנָּ ה‪ְ ,‬כּ ֵדי ֶשׁ ִתּ ְתגּ� לֶּ ה‬ ‫רֹאשׁ ָה ֲע ָט ָרה ֶשׁ ְבּ‬ ‫אוֹתוֹ ֵא ֶבר‪ִ ,‬כּי יָ �‬ ‫דוּע‬

‫)בראשית יז‪,‬‬

‫זֹאת ְבּ ִר ִ‬ ‫יתי ֲא‬ ‫ֶשׁר ִתּ ְשׁ ְמרוּ ֵבּינִ י ֵ‬ ‫וּבינֵ ֶ‬ ‫יכם ֵ‬ ‫וּבין ז� ְר ֲע ָך �א ֲ ָ‬ ‫פרשת ְ ָ‬ ‫ח ֶריך‪ִ ,‬המּוֹל לָ ֶכם ָכּ‬ ‫”לֶ ך לְ ך“ יֵ שׁ ָבּהּ ִמ‬ ‫ל זָ ָכר )בראשית יז‪ ,‬י(‪.‬‬ ‫ֲא‬ ‫ְצו� ת ֲע ֵשׂה �א �חת‪ ,‬וְ ִ‬ ‫ֶשׁר ִתּ ְשׁ ְמרוּ ֵבּינִ י ֵ‬ ‫ה ָיא ִמ ְצו� ת ִמילָ ה‪ֶ ,‬‬ ‫וּבינֵ ֶ‬ ‫וּבין ז� ְר ֲע ָ‬ ‫יכם ֵ‬ ‫שׁנֶּ ֱא �מר )בראשית‬ ‫ך‬ ‫יז‪,‬‬ ‫�‬ ‫י(‬ ‫א‬ ‫ֲ‬ ‫"‬ ‫ח‬ ‫ֶ‬ ‫ז‬ ‫ִ‬ ‫ר‬ ‫יך‬ ‫ֹאת‬ ‫ִ‬ ‫ְ‬ ‫ה‬ ‫בּ‬ ‫ִ‬ ‫ר‬ ‫ִ‬ ‫יתי‬ ‫”א ָשּׁה ִכּי �תזְ ִר ַ‬ ‫מּוֹל לָ ֶכם‬ ‫יע“‪ִ ,‬דּ ְכ‬ ‫ָכּל זָ ָכר“ ]א[ ‪ .‬וְ נִ ְכ ְ‬ ‫פּ‬ ‫לָ‬ ‫ִתיב )ויקרא יב‪ ,‬ג(‬ ‫‪:‬‬ ‫ה‬ ‫�‬ ‫”וּב‬ ‫מצוה‬ ‫יּוֹם‬ ‫זו‬ ‫�‬ ‫ה‬ ‫ְ‬ ‫ְ‬ ‫בּ‬ ‫שּׁ‬ ‫ֵ‬ ‫ִ‬ ‫ס‬ ‫ֶ‬ ‫מ‬ ‫ד‬ ‫ֵכן נִ ְכ ְפּלוּ ִבּ ְ‬ ‫ר‬ ‫ינִ י יִ‬ ‫מקוֹמוֹת �ה ְר ֵבּה �בּ ָ‬ ‫תּוֹרה‪ ,‬וְ ֻכלָּ ן נכפלו לְ צ ֶֹר ְך מּוֹל ְבּ �שׂר ָע ְרלָ תוֹ“‪ .‬וְ‬ ‫‪,‬‬ ‫�ה ְר ֵבּה ִמ ְצווֹת ְכּמוֹ‬ ‫ְכּ‬ ‫מוֹ ֶשׁ ֵפּ ְרשׁוּם ֲח ָכ ִמים‬ ‫זִ ְכרוֹנָ ם לִ ְב ָר ָכה ]ב[‪.‬‬ ‫וְ ִענְ י� ן‬ ‫‪ ‬מהות המצוה ‪‬‬ ‫ִמ ְצוָ ה זוֹ הוּא ֶשׁ ְ‬ ‫חוֹת ִכין את ָה ָע ְרלָ‬ ‫קצה אבר ה‬ ‫וּפוֹר ִעין ה �ה ְמ �ח ָפּה את רֹאשׁ‬ ‫ְכּ ֵדי ֶשׁ ִ הולדה של הזכר‪ְ ,‬‬ ‫ְ �הגְּ וִ יָּ ה — קוצצים‬ ‫)מק‬ ‫תּ ְת‬ ‫את העור המכסה את‬ ‫לפים( את ה ְקרוּם ה‬ ‫גּ� לֶּ ה רֹאשׁ ָה ֲע ָט ָרה‬ ‫�רך ֶשׁלְּ �מ ָטּה ִמ ֶמּנָּ ה‬ ‫ֶשׁ ְבּאוֹתוֹ ֵא ֶבר ]ג[‪.‬‬ ‫— שמתחת לערלה‪,‬‬ ‫]א[‬

‫קיום מצות מילה‪ ,‬כפי‬


‫שנזכר בפסוק זה‪ ,‬הוא‬ ‫א‪-‬יד( ובפרשת‬ ‫כריתת ברית בין ה‘ ל‬ ‫לכן רגילים בשורת לידת יצחק‬ ‫)שם יט‪-‬כא(‪ ,‬מוזכרת‬ ‫אברהם וזרעו‪ .‬בפרשת‬ ‫מילה )בראשית יז‪,‬‬ ‫לקרוא למילה ”ברית‬ ‫ברית בקשר למילה‬ ‫שלש עשרה פעמים‬ ‫מילה“‪ ,‬ואף ”ברית“ סתם‪.‬‬ ‫]ב[ דרך‬ ‫)משנה נדרים לא‪ ,‬ב(‪.‬‬ ‫התורה לחזור על מצוה‪,‬‬

‫ואף על ”פרשה“‬ ‫— שאינם כתובים‬ ‫של כמה פסוקים‪ ,‬כדי‬ ‫בפעם הראשונה‪ ,‬כ‬ ‫שנ‬ ‫ללמד בפעם השניה‬ ‫מאמרם )סוטה ג‪,‬‬ ‫תחדש בה“‪ .‬חזרת‬ ‫א(‪” :‬כל פרשה שנאמרה ונשנית‪ ,‬לא דין — או כמה דינים‬ ‫התורה על מצוות‬ ‫יִ‬ ‫מּוֹל“ הנדרש ללמד‪ ,‬שיש למול בן ביום מילה בפרשת ”תזריע“‬ ‫נשנית אלא בשביל דבר‬ ‫)ויקרא יב‪ ,‬ג(‪ ,‬היא‬ ‫השמיני‬ ‫מלאכה‬ ‫כדי להוסיף שם �‬ ‫האסורה בדרך כלל‬ ‫ללידתו אפילו אם הוא‬ ‫”וּביּוֹם �ה ְשּׁ ִמינִ י‬ ‫חל‬ ‫בשבת‬ ‫בשבת‪,‬‬ ‫)עשיית‬ ‫שאף‬ ‫על פי‬ ‫ב; שבת קלב‪ ,‬א;‬ ‫חבורה(‪ ,‬מכל מקום‪,‬‬ ‫שיש במילה משום‬ ‫ראה להלן ביאור י(‪.‬‬ ‫מצו� ת מילה בשמיני‬ ‫דוחה‬ ‫את‬ ‫השבת‬ ‫]ג[ ”ראש הגויה“‬ ‫)סנהדרין נט‪,‬‬ ‫הוא כינוי לאבר הזכר‬ ‫נחת(‬ ‫‪.‬‬ ‫בלשון‬ ‫”גויה“‬ ‫חכמים‬ ‫)ראה‬ ‫פירושו ”גוף“‪ ,‬ואבר‬ ‫נגעים ו‪ ,‬ז ועוד; אך‬ ‫ראה תוספות יום טוב‪,‬‬ ‫הזכר נקרא ראש הגויה‬ ‫שכל אברי הגוף‬ ‫נגעים שם בשם כף‬ ‫קשורים בו )רבינו בחיי בראשית יז‪ ,‬יג; משום שהוא בולט מן‬ ‫הגוף )תוספות יום‬ ‫”עטרה“‪ ,‬והערלה‬ ‫ראה ראבי“ה‪,‬‬ ‫טוב שם(‪ ,‬או משום‬ ‫מחפה את העטרה‪.‬‬ ‫תשובות תתקפג(‪ .‬הבשר‬ ‫מתחת לעור הערלה‬ ‫שבראש האבר נקרא‬ ‫יש על בשר העטרה‬ ‫זה ו‬ ‫משיכתו כלפי הגוף כדי לגלות את בשר קרום דק שניתן לקורעו‬ ‫בקלות בצפורן‪ .‬מצו� ת‬ ‫לב‪ ,‬כג[‪ .‬ל‬ ‫העטרה‪.‬‬ ‫מילה‬ ‫מעשה‬ ‫כוללת‬ ‫הגדרה מדויקת של‬ ‫זה נקרא ”פ‬ ‫קריעת קרום‬ ‫למעשה‪ ,‬נהוג שהמוהל העטרה הטעונה גילוי‪ ,‬ראה בית יוסף יו“ד ריעה“‪ ,‬שהוא לשון גילוי‬ ‫]ראה רש“י שמות‬ ‫חותך את‬ ‫רסד וש“ך שם יב]‪.[1‬‬ ‫הערלה בסכין מיוחד )‬ ‫איזמל(‪,‬‬ ‫ואת‬ ‫ה‬ ‫פריעה הוא‬ ‫עושה בצפורן אגודלו‬ ‫עיונים‬ ‫‪ .1‬התלמוד הבבלי‬

‫‪New‬‬ ‫‪Hebrew‬‬ ‫‪Edition‬‬

‫מלמדנו‪ ,‬שאברהם אבינו‬ ‫על מילת‬ ‫לא נצטווה אלא‬ ‫הערלה בלא פריעת‬ ‫אולם מהי‬ ‫על‬ ‫הקרום‪ ,‬ובני ישראל‬ ‫רושלמי נראה שמצוות‬ ‫לא הפריעה ]בהלכה למשה‬ ‫נצטוו בסיני היא‬ ‫מסיני )תוספות‬ ‫לאברהם אבינו‪ ,‬והיא רמוזה פריעה אכן ניתנה גם‬ ‫ניתנה([‪,‬‬ ‫יבמות עא‪ ,‬ב‪ ,‬ד“ה‬ ‫ויהושע כתב את‬ ‫בלשון‬ ‫�‬ ‫לו כשנצטווה על‬ ‫הכפולה שנאמרה‬ ‫”בּ ֵעת �ה ִה‬ ‫מצות פריעה בספרו‬ ‫)יהושע ה‪ ,‬ב(‪ :‬שבת יט‪ ,‬ב‪ ,‬ויבמות המילה )בראשית יז‪ ,‬יג( ִ‬ ‫ֶאת ְבּנֵ יא �א�מר ה‘ ֶאל יְ ֻ‬ ‫”המּוֹל‬ ‫הוֹשׁ�ע ֲע ֵשׂה לְ �ך �ח ְר‬ ‫ח‪,‬‬ ‫בוֹת‬ ‫יִ מּוֹל“ )ירושלמי‬ ‫ֻ‬ ‫צ‬ ‫א(‬ ‫ִ‬ ‫‪.‬‬ ‫ר‬ ‫ים‬ ‫גם‬ ‫י יִ ְשׂ �ר ֵא‬ ‫וְ‬ ‫מבראשית רבה‬ ‫ל ֵשׁנִ ית“‪ ,‬שהמילה‬ ‫שׁוּב מֹל שדרשו‬ ‫)מז‪ ,‬ח( נראה כן‪,‬‬ ‫המיותרת ”שׁוּב“‪,‬‬ ‫ְבּ�שׂר על הכתוב במילת י‬ ‫פריעת מקום‬ ‫רומזת‬ ‫שמעאל‬ ‫המילה‬ ‫)‬ ‫על‬ ‫לאחר‬ ‫בראשית‬ ‫�‬ ‫יז‪,‬‬ ‫ע‬ ‫ְ‬ ‫ר‬ ‫ל�‬ ‫הסרת‬ ‫כה( ְ‬ ‫”בּ ִהמֹּלוֹ ֵאת‬ ‫תוֹ“‪ ,‬שהמלה ֵ‬ ‫הערלה משם )יבמות‬ ‫”את“ רומזת על‬ ‫עא‪ ,‬ב(‪ .‬להסרת‬ ‫פריעת הקרום בנוסף‬ ‫הערלה )יראים תב(‪.‬‬

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SEPTEMBER 24, 2020 | The Jewish Home

Jewish History

Coming Full Circle By Sharon Gelbach


hen Kibbutz Lavi’s furniture company agreed to take on restoration work on a synagogue in Germany, what they didn’t know was that their own kibbutz members are direct descendants of the synagogue’s rabbi Viewing the breathtaking grandeur of the magnificently restored Carlebach Synagogue in Lubeck, Germany, brings to mind the Biblical prophecies of consolation, where the Jewish People are reassured that the day will come when not only will they be restored to their land but their houses of worship will likewise be restored and returned to them. Sadly, neither the shul’s rabbi nor any other of the original community members are alive today to revel in the synagogue’s reinstated glory; however, in an interesting twist, several of the rabbi’s grandchildren are the children of founding members of Kibbutz Lavi, whose furniture factory designed and built the synagogue’s Ark, bimah, and other holy articles. Rabbi David Alexander Winter, rabbi of the Carlebach Synagogue, fled Lubeck in 1938 together with most of his community. Several months later, on Kristallnacht, when many of Germany’s synagogues were torched and burned to the ground, the Lubeck synagogue was damaged and looted, but not destroyed — the building had recently been sold to the municipality, and the contract, signed by the rabbi, was inside the synagogue, in plain view. For Rabbi Winter’s grandchildren, seeing the restoration of their grandfather’s synagogue is especially moving. “It’s a feeling of coming full circle,” said Mrs. Yehudit Menachem, who visited Lubeck last year seeking to learn more about her family history. Dr. Ariel Romem, a pediatrician

The shul before its destruction

and one of the grandsons, remarked that the restoration of the synagogue is symbolic of the re-blossoming of the Winter family, and of the Jewish people as a whole. “They may have ruined the shul, but they never succeeded in breaking us,” he said. In the seven decades since the Holocaust, the once-stately synagogue,

ing arriving from the Schleswig-Holstein state, the Lubeck-based Possehl Foundation and UNESCO, which had declared the Old City of Lubeck a World Heritage Site. The total cost of the project amounted to almost $10 million. Schröder-Berkentien was intent on finding the best craftsmen for the synagogue furniture and also felt

“They may have ruined the shul, but they never succeeded in breaking us.”

established in 1880, has suffered looting, a firebombing, squatters, and general neglect. German architect Thomas Schröder-Berkentien began working on restoration already in 2010, but the project was stuck due to a lack of funding. In 2016, the federal government dedicated a sizable sum, with other fund-

that it was only right that the furniture should come from Israel. He found the Lavi furniture factory online and, after several inquiries and a visit to the carpentry workshop along with his team, was assured that they had the necessary experience and expertise to perform the research and produce items of quali-

ty and beauty. Indeed, in its 60 years of operation, Lavi’s furniture factory has designed and produced interiors for synagogues in over 6,000 Jewish communities around the world, including for new and restored synagogues in Germany. Motti Namdar, the factory’s chief planner, describes the challenge, and ultimate satisfaction, of creating replicas of the original items. “We only had three prewar, black-and-white photos to go by,” he explained. “The photos showed only one angle and even that was not very clear. It was difficult to make out a lot of the detailing or which metals were used, especially for the Ark, which you can see from the photos is very unusual.” Ultimately, much of Namdar’s work had to be done by deduction and a knowledge of the history of the period. “I traveled to Lubeck to see the synagogue and examine the parts that had not been damaged. Part of the ladies’ gallery was intact. The architect had hired restoration experts who carefully removed the layers of paint from the walls, exposing the original murals. The synagogue as a whole had been built in the Moorish style, and I proceeded in that direction.” In one of the photos, it’s possible to make out the pointed roof-like structure at the top of the Ark, which Namdar designed to include 1,500 “scales,” all coated in pure gold. Under Namdar’s direction, the Lavi factory completed all the articles by the deadline. “The hardest part wasn’t the tight schedule, but rather, building everything such that it could be taken apart, packed and shipped, and then reassembled so that everything fit perfectly.” But while it was clear to the craftsmen at Lavi that they wanted to pro-

The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 24, 2020

The interior of the shul, before and after reconstruction

duce replicas that were as authentic as possible, the project’s architect, Schröder-Berkentien, was intent that the structure itself, which was restored to be a national monument, should serve as a testament, and in his words, “like a wound,” serving as a painful reminder of the events of 1939. This was the reasoning behind his decision not to redo the synagogue’s original ornate façade, which together with the cupola and other elements, had been destroyed on Kristallnacht. “The plain red brick tells the story of what happened,” he said. “A rebuilt façade would ignore that part of history, failing to show the suffering of the era. This is what makes it such a unique monument among other German synagogues.” When news of the coronavirus pandemic first broke in January, the factory began working overtime so that everything would be ready for the gala re-inauguration, which was to have been attended by high-rank-


ing German officials, including Chancellor Angela Merkel, members of the restoration committee and local community figures, as well as Rabbi Winter’s grandchildren from Kibbutz Lavi. However, when it was finally time for the actual assembly and installation of the furniture, the world was already in COVID-19 lockdown. As soon as it was possible, Lavi Furniture Industries sent their own experts from England to complete the work. Now, the synagogue stands in all its resplendent glory, but the ceremony, meanwhile, has been postponed indefinitely. The important thing is that the synagogue is open and operating, serving as a spiritual hub for Lubeck’s 700-strong community. “This synagogue is not only a place of prayer, but a symbol of the revival of Jewish life in Lubeck, throughout Germany and around the world,” said the current rabbi of Lubeck, Rabbi Nathan Grinberg.

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SEPTEMBER 24, 2020 | The Jewish Home OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home



Helping G-d Inscribe Someone in the Book of Life By Gil Rabi


y name is Gil Rabi. I’m a professional singer, and I live in the city of Holon with my wife and four children. On Friday night, just as the Jewish New Year began, I had an experience that I will simply never forget. I was sitting down to the festive evening meal with my family when my United Hatzalah communication device alerted me to a medical emergency taking place nearby. I looked at my phone and saw that the emergency involved a cardiac arrest three streets down from my house. I told my wife what was going on as I grabbed my helmet and riding jacket. I rushed out the door and got onto my ambucycle. I felt a twinge of sadness at having to abandon my family in the middle of our holiday meal, but I knew that I had to go as a life was hanging in the balance. As I raced to the address, I focused on the protocols and procedures that I would undertake once I arrived: Check for a pulse and breathing, attach a defibrillator if necessary, begin compressions, use assisted breathing after another person joins, etc. Two minutes later, I was at the address. I raced up the stairs and into the apartment. I saw a middle-aged man lying on the floor, and his teenage son performing chest compressions on his own father. The sight was truly heart-wrenching but I had to put that aside and focus on treating the patient. I rushed over to the man and, after checking for a pulse and finding none, I attached a defibrillator and then relieved the son and took over doing compressions. A

attached a heart monitor, and told us to pause CPR while the monitor analyzed the patient. To our joy, the monitor found a pulse. We ceased compressions and continued assisted breathing for a few moments. Then the patient began to breathe on his own. To our surprise, he even opened his eyes and began to show signs of regaining consciousness. The paramedic looked at Lior and me and said, “I don’t think you two have anything to worry about this year, as G-d will judge you favorably. After all, you just helped him inscribe another one of his children in the Book of Life.” We helped the ambulance team prepare the patient for transport and carried him down to the ambulance. Once he was loaded on, Lior got on board as well in order to accompany the team to the hospital as they were only a staff of two people and needed the extra assistance.

The paramedic looked at Lior and me and said, “I don’t think you two have anything to worry about this year, as G-d will judge you favorably.”

few moments later, another United Hatzalah volunteer and friend of mine, Lior Eskenasy, raced through the door and got down next to me and began ventilating the patient. A moment or two later, two other United Hatzalah EMTs Chaim Tapiro and Yosef Sasson also joined.

We did two revolutions of CPR, and the defibrillator paused us in order to deliver a shock. We checked for a pulse but didn’t find one. We continued CPR and were joined a few minutes later by a mobile intensive care ambulance team. The team joined our CPR in progress,

I can’t explain the feeling I had as I drove my ambucycle back home and walked into my living room to see my family still waiting for me. When I told them what had transpired, the glow on their faces must have mimicked my own. It is extremely rare to have a cardiac arrest patient wake up so quickly after receiving CPR. To be a part of saving someone’s life just as the new year began, on a day that Jewish tradition believes is the day that G-d sits in judgment and we pray to be inscribed in the Book of Life, is something that will stay with me forever. It will be the high point of my year, a goal which I will strive to achieve every time I respond to a medical emergency.

The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 24, 2020

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war had been going for more than two weeks by the time Avi Alazari boarded the decrepit armored personnel carrier that would take him up to Mount Hermon. A member of the elite Golani Brigade’s Reconnaissance Battalion, Alazari had spent the better part of October 1973 desperately attempting to block the advancing Syrian forces on the Golan Heights. The carnage was horrific. Alazari’s teammates fell like flies; by the end of the war, fully 10% of his

platoon would join the 3,000 IDF soldiers who gave up their lives for G-d and country. In what seemed like a never-ending effort, they battled overwhelming odds to push the four Syrian armored divisions out of Israeli territory. “We were in the northern front for the entire war,” recalled Alazari in an interview with TJH. “We participated in all of the battles to halt the Syrians, including a series of extremely harsh battles.” And yet, their heroic stand on the Golan Heights’

killing fields paled in importance to what they were about to embark on. It was time for Israel to take back Mount Hermon from the Syrians, and Elazri’s company was tapped to be the unit to do it.


days earlier, the handful of Golani soldiers tasked with guarding Israel’s top-secret military base on Mount Hermon was awakened by the sound of approaching

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By Z. Lev

helicopters. Scrambling to their lookout points, the conscripts were stunned to witness four Soviet-built MI-8 helicopters landing atop the summit and disgorging hundreds of Syrian commandos. The date was October 5, 1973, and the Yom Kippur War had begun. Nicknamed “the eyes and ears of Israel” due to the advanced spy gear atop the towering summit, the Mount Hermon base was and remains crucial to Israel’s security. The significant height advan-

tage it afforded enabled IDF intelligence to easily intercept Syrian radio communications. Its highly advanced radar system could detect soldiers as far away as Damascus. Recognizing the difficulty in quickly moving troops to the remote site, the Hermon base was designed to be impenetrable. With only one road accessing the summit, Syrian troops could expect a fusillade of hellish fire from above. Minefields surrounded the snow-covered mountain, and the base itself was protected by thick walls made of steel-reinforced concrete. In the event of trouble, the soldiers deployed atop the Hermon were instructed to lock themselves in a highly fortified tunnel until reinforcements would arrive. However, the Hermon’s remote location and the misplaced Israeli belief that the Arabs wouldn’t dare attack after their humiliating defeat in 1967 left the post dangerously vulnerable. The base was staffed by only a few dozen soldiers, the majority of them intelligence specialists with no combat experience. The trench system designed to protect the soldiers from an aerial assault was incomplete, and a local Druze spy ring had mapped out the gaps in the minefields. On that cold Yom Kippur morning, even fewer soldiers than usual were on duty as most of their comrades were on leave for the holiday. The 13 Golani soldiers who remained were no match for Syria’s 82nd Paratroop Battalion. Two-hundred enemy commandos landed on the summit, while another 150 made the punishing trek on foot from the Syrian border. The IDF soldiers fought valiantly in a futile effort to save the Hermon from falling to the Syrians. After an intense firefight lasting for hours, the battle ended with the Syrian military firmly in command of “the eyes and ears of Israel.” The loss of the Hermon was catastrophic. Not only did the Syrians overrun the base and capture its highly sensitive equipment, the interrogations of the Israeli POWs gleaned a trove of classified intelligence. In one particularly well-known case, Amos Levinberg, a young officer, spilled so many secrets under interrogation that the damage he caused still echoes today. Possessing the highest possible security clearance, Levingberg “sang” before his captors, revealing for the first time that Israel was listening into all of Syria’s radio communications. Losing the Hermon also caused a severe blow to morale, as it marked the first time that IDF officers surrendered to the enemy while their soldiers were still fighting. Thirteen Israeli soldiers were killed while another 27 were taken prisoner in what the IDF’s official historian later described as “the single most humiliating episode of the Yom Kippur War.” “The fact that they occupied an outpost makes you feel humiliated,” recalled a Golani Brigade soldier who fought on the Hermon, “and your revenge is becomes an answer to your problems.”

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assault on the Hermon was the opening shot in a joint Egyptian-Syrian surprise attack that caught Israel completely unprepared. Despite an abundance of early warnings, IDF intelligence failed to sound the alert, and Israel was in danger of being overrun only 26 years since its founding. In the south, seven Egyptian armored divisions easily punched through the lightly-defended Bar Lev Line and retook the Suez Canal, killing over 1,000 IDF soldiers on the first day alone. The situation was even worse up north; an invading force of 1,400 Syrian tanks backed by more than 1,000 artillery pieces was met by only 170 tanks and 70 artillery platforms. Reinforcing the few Israeli troops were dozens of lightly armored reservists who had never trained to fight together as a homogenous unit. Over the next two days, the IDF forces on the Golan Heights fought a suicidal battle in a desperate effort to buy time until the reserves could arrive. The 188th Armored Brigade, the unit tasked with protecting the Golan Heights from the Syrian military, was torn to pieces. Outnumbered by a ratio of 8 to 1, 90% of its soldiers were killed within the war’s first 48 hours. For a while, it seemed that the Syrian military would succeed in conquering not only the Golan Heights, but the Galilee as well. The few reinforcements that rushed to the front were badly equipped and shellshocked; for a while, even the road to Haifa was open and Defense Minister Moshe Dayan warned of the looming “destruction of the Third Temple.”


Israel began to turn the tide. In a now-legendary effort to hold off the Syrians by Brigadier General Avigdor Kahalani, a ragtag collection of tanks down to their final bullets and operating on different radio frequencies caused the Syrians to retreat. Fresh troops sent to the Golan from the Sinai Desert then joined the fray, pushing the invaders back into Syrian territory. Throughout the weeks of heavy fighting, the Hermon remained in Syrian hands. The effects were devastating; Syrian artillery exploited their newfound height advantage to rain unrelenting fire on Israeli troops fighting below. “From the Hermon you can see all of the Golan spread out before you, and they bombarded us like rats in a cage,” Alazari recalled. “It was simply horrible. They had a ton of artillery and anytime we rested for a bit, we immediately received a horrible artillery barrage.” With the IDF successfully mopping up the remaining Syrian forces on the Golan Heights, the IDF high brass decided that it was time to retake Mount Hermon. It was obvious who would be selected for this challenging mission; the Golani Brigade had been pressuring the military to allow them to storm the compound ever since they were

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Golani soldiers reaching the Hermon outpost on October 22, 1973

Not all these brave soldiers made it back to their families

Members of Alazari’s unit

humiliated in the opening hours of the war. The first attempt to conquer the Hermon went badly. The IDF mistakenly thought that there were still soldiers trapped on the Hermon outpost and, believing that time was of the essence, decided not to wait until nightfall to launch the attack. Climbing the steep mountain in broad daylight, the 150 Golani troops were exposed to Syrian gunners above. The battle quickly turned into a bloodbath. The hasty counterattack ended in a humiliating defeat, with 23 IDF soldiers losing their lives in the battle. Lieutenant Colonel Ahmed Rifai al-Joju, the commander of the Syrian soldiers at the site, later told his captors that he was astonished at “the Israeli stupidity” to assault his position in broad daylight. “I said this before and I’ll say it again. For the Syrians, the battle was simply a shooting gallery,” said Alazari. “They just kept shooting and shooting, and our forces were outnumbered and weren’t able to move. “ “After our battalion commander was killed. We got the order to retreat,” he continued. “I remember driving down the mountainside, our half-tracks loaded with the injured, and I’m trying desperately to help our medic to give them infusions…. “I sat there eating the horrible army food after that battle and said to myself, ‘That’s it. It can’t get more horrible than this,’” Alazari recalled. “But that was only the second day of the war. This was only the first taste of war. After the war really started, this was only the cherry on the top.”


Hermon would remain in Syrian hands for the next two weeks. On October 19, United States Secretary of State Henry Kissinger began pressuring Israel to agree to an immediate cease fire. Fearful that a cessation of hostilities would leave the strategically valuable Hermon in Syrian

Often, the two sides were so close that they were unable to use their weapons, resorting to their fists to vanquish their enemies. hands, Defense Minister Moshe Dayan ordered Chief of Staff David “Dado” Eliezer to put retaking the mountain as his top priority. As with the previous failed attempt to wrest control of the Hermon from Syria, it was clear that the Golani Brigade would take the lead. Joining

them was the Paratroopers and the Sayeret Matkal special operations unit, which scouted out Syrian troop movements from a nearby hill. “The ceasefire is close, and we need to work fast. The Hermon is the eyes of the country,” Golani Brigade Commander Amir Drori told his troops before setting off. Unlike the first effort to retake the Hermon, the attack began at nightfall on October 21. The climb was arduous; the soldiers were forced to ascend more than 2,000 meters by foot in challenging terrain during pitch darkness. Adding to the difficulties was the lack of oxygen and the fact that the troops were exhausted after three weeks of fighting. After hours of strenuous climbing, the soldiers were suddenly greeted by heavy incoming fire. The Syrian commandos had been lying in wait and opened up with everything they had on the tired Israeli attackers. Five out of the six tank commanders were killed instantly, along with the commander of the Golani Brigade’s reconnaissance company. “We were in the half-track, and the brigade commander yelled at the battalion commander to jump out of the truck (to assist) or he’ll be forced to do it himself,” Alazari related. “The battalion commander jumped out and was dead before he hit the ground. They got him while he was in the air.” A fierce battle erupted, with soldiers fighting at extremely short distances. The thin mountain air caused bullets to shatter their helmets as the

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After the impossible was achieved

Amir Drori, the Golani Brigade commander

A memorial for soldiers from the Golani Brigade who were killed attempting to capture the Hermon

Golani Brigade pushed relentlessly forward. Golani soldiers who survived the difficult battle later described how the Syrians fought them at point blank range. Often, the two sides were so close that they were unable to use their weapons, resorting to their fists to vanquish their enemies. “I remember sitting in one of the trenches and simply praying that I would lose a hand, lose a foot, an eye even, but that I leave this horror alive,” Alazari are. “You’re there for three weeks and people are getting killed the entire time. You think to yourself, maybe I’ll lose my hand but at least I won’t lose my life. “It was horrible to be in this for three weeks when people around you are dying around you,” added Alazari. “You know that if you lost your hand, it’s bad, but you didn’t lose your life.” Making the mission even more challenging was the fact that the Golani fighters were facing Syria’s top commando units. “Ahmed Rifai al-Joju prepared his forces for this battle for six years,” said Alazari. “These people were experts. He trained them, and they became professionals in war. These weren’t 18-yearolds who only trained for eight months.” At dawn, the tide began to turn. Syrian soldiers began fleeing, while others were taken prisoner. By 11 a.m., an IDF officer announced over the radio that the battle was finally over. “The fighting went on throughout the night. But since Golani was very determined and never agreed to give up, when the sun rose, they saw

that we made it to the top and they simply fled,” recounted Alazari. “They realized that the battle was over.”


IDF suffered heavy losses. No less than 55 Golani Brigade soldiers were killed, out of an invading force of 400. Another 79 were wound-

“The battalion commander jumped out and was dead before he hit the ground. They got him while he was in the air.” ed, while the Paratroopers suffered one dead and four wounded. Despite the monumental losses of life, the mission was accomplished: Mount Hermon was reconquered and remains in Israeli hands until

today. The assault would go down as a one of the most legendary battles in Israeli history. The Golani Brigade, which was then and still is locked in a rivalry with the Paratroopers over prestige, adopted the firefight as a defining moment in its history. From the first day of the war until the final battle on the Hermon, Golani never stopped fighting until the very last inch of Israeli territory was recaptured. Ever since then, raw recruits are made to climb the Hermon via the exact route taken by their forebearers in 1973 in order to receive their unit badge. As for the survivors, they have invested immense efforts to remember their brothers in arms who fell during the bloody Yom Kippur War of 1973. Golani lost 130 soldiers in the Yom Kippur War, including 80 in the multiple attempts to retake the Hermon. From Alazari’s squadron of 20 people, only 12 made it back home alive at the end of the war. “We were looking for the war and we were looking to contribute, do the maximum and win the battle and the war. We told the soldiers that in the Golani no one would dare not conquer Mount Hermon, because in the Golani there is no such thing as not carrying out the mission,” recalled former Golani commander Amir Drori in 2003. “In this war, not everyone made it to the end. There were those who were given a mission and did not exactly perform it in the end. But in Golani, it did not happen.”

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Our Brothers in Bahrain TJH Speaks with Ebrahim Dahood Nonoo, head of the Jewish community in the Kingdom of Bahrain BY SUSAN SCHWAMM Ebrahim in his home

Ebrahim, last week, leaders from Israel, the UAE, and Bahrain signed the Abraham Accords. What was the feeling like in the Jewish community in Bahrain after the announcement was made to normalize relations with Israel? We’re elated. We’re really happy because we’re expecting communications to be open. It’s going to be easy for us to come and go. It’s going to be great for the Israelis to come over here. Family members of those who used to live here in the old days, in the ‘40s and ‘50s, who have since moved to Israel will be able to come back here to

The synagogue in Manama, Bahrain

visit or even visit their relatives who are buried here. What about those living in Bahrain who are not Jewish? What do they think about the agreement? I think the mood here is great. I have a lot of my friends telling me, “Hey, we’re going to come over with you to Israel. We’re going to have a look around.” It’s a general mood of expectation. They’re really excited about something new happening. They’re going to see a number of Israelis coming over here to visit, and they’re going to see exciting, new opportunities to get involved in business, especially on the tourism side. So they’re really excited. Of course, as a democracy, there will be people who are going to have negative ideas about this. But from what I’m hearing, it’s generally a really positive feeling. When I was doing my research, I had a hard time getting an exact number on how many Jews live in Bahrain. The reason why you can’t get an exact number is because there are those who have second homes, so they’re coming and going constantly, and there are those who have businesses that require them to be outside the country or that require them to be inside the country. In general, our numbers swell in the wintertime, and they shrink in the sum-

mertime. I always say it’s roughly around about 50 people in the Jewish community because it could go up to about 80 and it could come down to about 20. Are you living in Bahrain full time? I’m here full time. But usually, in the summertime, I take a trip to Spain, but because of the virus, we’re all staying put here. Does the community have a shul? What else do you have in terms of Jewish structures there? We have the cemetery and the synagogue. The synagogue was built in 1935, but it was burnt down in 1948 with the State of Israel’s creation, and that’s when the vast number of Jews decided to leave. Then there was a second wave of people leaving 10 or 15 years after that date. Mr. Jacob Cohen, who was the nearest thing for us to a rabbi, who used to look after all our requirements, festival requirements and the like, stayed here with us. The synagogue wasn’t really rebuilt until the 1980s. When we rebuilt it in the ‘80s, we never used it because we never had the numbers to use it, and we didn’t have a Torah scroll there as well. And to this day, we don’t have a Torah scroll, but we’re planning on now bringing in one and refurbishing the synagogue to make it usable as of February next year. [Ed. Note: Special Advisor

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Jared Kushner gave the King of Bahrain a Torah scroll for the Jewish community in early September.] Refurbishing the synagogue will certainly bring Jewish tourists to the country. Oh, they will, I’m sure. They will all come. They’ll have a great time here. It is a very nice place to visit, especially because we have a spice market and herbs market – I can give you stuff for any ailments you possibly may have. That’s what I do with the American visitors when they come over to Bahrain. We take them around town, and we show them around, and we show them the spices that they need to take with them that are very good for their health. Every Friday, I used to go to the central market. There was an old man who told me about the white radishes there because

community in the upper house of parliament, and I was the first one in there. I was there for four years. The position is appointed for by the King – the whole upper house, all 40 members, are appointed by the King. Houda Nonoo, my cousin, took over after I left. Now Nancy Khedouri is the present member of the Jewish seat for the upper house. Houda was the ambassador to the United The Jewish cemetery in Manama, Bahrain, is the only Jewish States. Presently, she’s cemetery in the Gulf in the Foreign Corps, the Foreign Ministry, although and it was well known that there were opI think she’s there without a portfolio. portunities available in Bahrain. My grandfather’s father remarried after his mother had died. My grandfather, as a young boy, wasn’t happy with the new wife, so he decided to leave with his uncle to come to Bahrain to work. He started doing things like working as a baker. Then he moved on to taking silver threads from clothing that was disposed of and turning them into silver bars using an acidic process. He then started supplying the silver bars to a company called Johnson Matthey in the UK. That’s how he built up his busiWhere do the Jews who are living in Bah- ness and became one of the wealthiest men in Bahrain at the time. rain primarily come from originally? There are other tales of the Khedouris. They’re all Sephardic Jews who hail I don’t know if you’ve heard of the Hong from Iraq. Kong Khedouris. But the Hong Kong KheIn the late 19th century, Bahrain was a trading post between India and Europe, douris are related to the Khedouris of Bahrain. The family, when they left Iraq, stopped over in Bahrain first on their way to Hong Kong. But Joseph Khedouri actually loved Bahrain, so he decided to stay here. The other members went on to Hong Kong to become the Hong Kong Khedouris.

I always say it’s roughly around about 50 people in the Jewish community because it could go up to about 80 and it could come down to about 20. I was wondering what vegetables to pick up. He said to me, “If you want something that is incredibly healthy for your stomach and clears your stomach completely, it’s the white radish.” And I really didn’t understand what he was saying. But then I started taking it, and it really was a superb kind of medicine for your stomach. I was really impressed. And then I started learning about other herbs that are very good for your health. What do you do as a profession in Bahrain? I run a service company. I supply security guards. I used to be in the banking side. And then I took over a company that supplies security services, cleaning services, and office equipment services. That’s what I’m totally involved in now. You used to be in parliament in the Shura Council, correct? That’s right. In 2001, I was in the upper house. There is a seat for the Jewish

L-R: Community member Michael Yadgar, Rabbi Marc Schneier, former Ambassador of Bahrain to the U.S. Houda Nonoo, and member of Parliament Nancy Khedouri in the synagogue in Bahrain

Have you ever experienced any anti-Semitism in Bahrain? Throughout my life whole life here, I have never once had anybody make a comment about us being Jewish, which is really amazing. And I’ve worked in Manama where hundreds of people customers come in, and the money exchange where hundreds of customers come in and go out, and I serve them. Never once have I ever had a case like that. I’ll tell you why. I think the Muslim nature here is that they don’t

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have any issue with anybody’s religion. If they like you, they’ll get on with you. If they don’t like you, they’ll move on. That’s the kind of relationship we have in Manama, where we have lots and lots of diverse religions all living in a very, very small area and getting on with each other because they respect each other’s religions. It’s like an unwritten rule here. In your private life, you can, basically, do whatever you like, you can think whatever you like, and you can have whatever ideas you like. But in your public life, you need to be able to respect other religions and other people of different religions. For the past few years, the King of Bahrain has been reaching out to Israel and Jews around the world. A few years ago, he helped conduct a ceremony on Chanukah at the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles. Did you have a feeling that the country would be moving towards a normalization of relations with Israel? I think our King is a really empathetic king. He understands that we haven’t been using the synagogue because our numbers are small and our community is shrinking. He actually reached out to all those who used to live in Bahrain in the old days and he got them all together and he said to them, “Listen, feel free to come back, and we’ll give you Bahraini passports and everything.” Of course, for people who reside now in Israel or in America or other places, it’s very hard for them to uproot themselves and their families to come back and live here again. Even so, he really made a valiant effort to get them to come back here to Bahrain. Some of them took up the offer, but it’s difficult. There’s no workable syna-

The marketplace in Bahrain

gogue at the moment. We don’t have a rabbi or an educational system for the children to learn Hebrew. Now, with this accord, with this agreement, it looks like, hopefully, we’ll be able to get Israeli visitors to come, to be able to give us the numbers that we can use in the synagogue, and that will revitalize things for us. This is going to keep us extremely busy. If last week is anything to go by, I think we’re going to see a Jared Kushner gifting the King of Bahrain a Torah scroll lot of visitors coming over here because they’re all so go for a funeral, and that was it. excited about coming over here, which is great. Are you looking forward to taking your next trip there? Is there a possibility to get kosher food in Absolutely. I’ve got 10 businessmen who Bahrain? I think that’s the first thing that’s go- want to come with me. They’re all Bahrainis who want to come over and have a look ing to happen here. There are communiaround, so we’re planning a trip. ty members who bring their own kosher foods directly, and that’s been going on Anything else you would like to tell the for a while. There’s nothing wrong with Jewish community in the United States? you being able to bring in kosher food. But I’d just like to tell them that there’s so it’ll be a lot more convenient for the whole community if a supermarket brings it in, much they can learn from us here in Bahrain. One of the things that they can learn and I’m sure they’ll start doing that. We’re from us is the way we actually all live tolooking forward to that. gether. If you can believe this, there’s every possible different type of culture and How are you dealing with coronavirus? religion living in such a small island. One We follow the government guidance on what to do, and we maintain our distances, of the reasons why is because the government and the people understand one thing: and we do regular checking, and we make that the people should be social – we’re all sure we follow the guidelines. It’s a very social people – but the government is condifficult time because nobody can actually servative. It’s a much better system – where live their lives you have discipline in the sense that people in the same respect each other. Respect the laws and way anymore at the mo - you can do what you like as long as you respect the laws. ment. We’re just waiting So, by and large, the country is a safe for this to pass country? so that we can Oh, yes, absolutely. Absolutely. get back to normality. What’s Rosh Hashana like in Bahrain? Of course, we’re all looking forward to Have you ever it. We are going to have our honey and apbeen to Israel? ples and pomegranates on the table. And I’ve went we’ve got our prayers ready. So we’ll be celonce suddenly ebrating. when I had to

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Dating Dialogue

What Would You Do If… Moderated by Jennifer Mann, LCSW of The Navidaters

Dear Navidaters,

I have a close friend who’s been going out for a long time. He really wants to get married. My wife and I realize why he’s likely still single. This friend loves to learn, daven, and is very spiritual and connected religiously, you would think he is still in yeshiva if you knew how machmir he was! On the other hand, he outwardly seems very opposite that. He doesn’t look the part at all. He said he finds most modern girls will easily go out with him but are not spiritual/frum enough, and most machmir girls don’t give him a yes to a date.

Would it help to talk to him about the concept of “dressing the part”? Or he simply is who he is? To my wife and I, it seems so easy. We’re not talking about white and black. He dresses in a way we can only describe as both grungy and punk (gold chains, slicked back hair, ripped jeans…). We thought we would write in and ask you for advice. Thank you!

The Rebbetzin Rebbetzin Faigie Horowitz, M.S. ou are raising a good question out of concern for your friend.


Conventional wisdom says talk to him about impressions and that they are often created from superficial things that don’t reflect the inside. Unfortunately, that’s the way things work. Hashem made the eye work faster than the brain. And if

one is living in the observant world where people are generally fixed up by others and many daters like a box to fit someone in in order to determine general religious compatibility, talking to your friend indirectly when this comes up would be a useful

suggestion. However, it sounds like the contrast between the punk look and the sincere spirituality on the inside are pretty strong in your friend’s case. It sounds like he is unconventional and enjoys the contrast now. He may be

Disclaimer: This column is not intended to diagnose or otherwise conclude resolutions to any questions. Our intention is not to offer any definitive conclusions to any particular question, rather offer areas of exploration for the author and reader. Due to the nature of the column receiving only a short snapshot of an issue, without the benefit of an actual discussion, the panel’s role is to offer a range of possibilities. We hope to open up meaningful dialogue and individual exploration.

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The Panel saying to the world: I am very frum despite what you think. He may have a need to be unconventional for internal, family, and/or other reasons. If he has been dating for a long time, he is certainly an adult and very aware of the message he is giving off. If he is indeed as frum and machmir as you say, he is probably discussing this with his mentors and he is not at the point in his journey where he is ready to change his garb. Sometimes, outside clothes are a statement of “help me; I want to be different, I want to defy the conventions of my group and don’t want to be identified as belonging to a box.” Sometimes, the uniform is very confining to someone who has been preached by family or teachers to look a certain way. In Crown Heights, they tell the apocryphal story of the young man who came to the neighborhood for Tishrei in jeans and casual clothes. He got a lot of attention from the Jews there. The next year when he came for yom tov dressed in a kapote and black hat. No one looked at him because he was already mainstream Lubavitcher. My feeling about your friend is that he has his reasons for the stark contrast between his external mode of dress and his internal spirituality. If he wants to discuss them with you, fine and good. If not, let him pursue his spiritual journey himself and hope that he discusses this matter with his mentors. Until he brings up his struggle to find his mate, I would not bring the matter up. It’s a bigger struggle and a primary one to find yourself. In our Jewish world, we feel a strong responsibility to help our friends and people we know toward the chuppah. And that’s a good thing. However, personal journeys are just that – personal. And it’s important that they are traveled before a person commits to marriage. Committing to a belief system and a lifestyle must come first.

The Shadchan Michelle Mond


have had a handful of these types of singles over the years. Generally, I start helping altruistically, thinking to myself how incredible this person is that he/she does not cater to mere outside norms but really paves his/ her own way. I see the beauty in this person from within and spend countless hours convincing my ideas (promising shidduch prospects) that this person is more than meets the eye. Helping them takes double the time; there is generally a “no” at first, but then the shadchan who believes in this single is generally committed. She jumps in with accolades about the endless virtues of the single and why it makes sense to give it a try. I’ve been there and done that in my earlier years of matchmaking. Unfortunately, as much as you try to help, and as much as the single says he/she is “living his/her best life” and “throwing off the yolk of materialistic norms,” there is a very bold statement attached. In an effort to throw away stereotypes, he is essentially boldly stereotyping himself. Generally this happens because the person knows deep down that he cannot fully fit into either world so he puts out guards to protect himself from being recognized as one or the other. If he physically posed as the inner-yeshiva bachur that he truly emanates inside, he knows he would be misleading people. There is something below the surface which he knows does not “shtim” with that world, so he protects himself (and others). There are two options for your friend. He can keep doing what he is doing and look out for a young woman who is on the same or similar journey. This will be much harder for him to find, as it is not the norm. However, he can stick it out and try to find her. He must remember that when/if they do meet, they will have to work

hard to meld each other’s hang-ups and be patient as they are both in the middle of journeys of their own. Then they work through the process of finding themselves, together. There is something deep below the surface which needs to be tended to before he can think about shidduch dating. While it may be hard for friends and family to watch him stay single, the most important thing for him to do would be to find himself. Who does he want to be? Why does he feel the need to put up a facade? He must work through the hang-ups he has with someone he looks up to – this might even be you.

The Zaidy Dr. Jeffrey Galler


our question calls for not only a very simple answer but also a more complex answer. The simple solution is to take your friend on a field trip to the local supermarket. There, you will teach him a lesson on the basic science of packaging design. *Take him to the vegan section. Ask him, “Would vegan customers who are deeply committed to only buying plant-based foods, purchase these products if they featured graphic photos of bloody animal carcasses?” *Take him to the kosher meat section. Ask him, “Would Orthodox customers buy any of these meat packages if they featured photos of happy piglets?” In the science of retail marketing, packaging is as important as the actual product. It must appeal to the customers it is trying to attract. It shouldn’t be hard for him to understand that a frum, Orthodox girl would not wish to date a boy who dresses with grungy, ripped jeans and gold chains; a yeshiva boy would not wish to date a girl who dresses with a halter top and mini-

In an effort to throw away stereotypes, he is essentially boldly stereotyping himself.

skirt. This simple truth should be so obvious that I worry there might be a much more complex issue here. Is it possible that your friend is purposely sabotaging himself? Would someone subconsciously go out of his way to ruin his own marriage prospects? Analyzing if he had an unhappy home life, or friends with catastrophic marriages, is beyond the abilities of helpful friends like you or weekend columnists like me. If your friend cannot realize that his packaging needs rebranding, then he needs a referral for competent counseling.

The Single Rena Friedman


ou are both great friends for writing in and trying to help Dovid. (I named him for referencing purposes.) It is difficult to stand by and watch a loved one self-sabotage their chances for marriage. I give both of you a lot of credit for caring. Kudos to Dovid for being unique and marching to the beat of his own drum. At the end of the day, we all know it really only takes one. That’s it. With that being said, Dovid sounds like a very confused person. I had a rabbi in seminary who once said, “There is no such thing as a chassid who wears a cowboy hat.” There is a reason why we do everything that we

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do. A chassid wearing a cowboy hat is a person whose inside and outside do not match up. If he was truly a chassid for what that fully means then he would not be wearing a cowboy hat, and if he was a cowboy for what that truly means then he would be not a chassid. It’s an impossible contradiction. Similarly, Dovid’s inside and outside are acting as opposing forces instead of in harmony. It’s one thing if he identified with a certain hashkafa on the inside and on the outside chose to wear colored shirts or khakis; however, he is choosing to dress in a manner that is not even accepted as you move

into more modern circles. His clothing is making a major statement, one that he is going to have to live with consequences of. The big question is why? Part of the process of getting married includes self-awareness and introspection. Hashem has a plan, and if someone is not married then it is because Hashem does not want them to be right now. However, that individual still has an achrayus to look deep within himself and reflect upon the parts of himself that could use some work. Everyone has something that they can and should work on. Have you ever asked him why he

Pulling It All Together

In the science of retail marketing, packaging is as important as the actual product.

thinks “most modern girls will easily go out with him and most machmir girls don’t give him a yes”? I wonder what his answer would be. If he openly discusses his dating with you and comes to you for advice, then I would strongly encourage asking him open-ended questions that allow him to reflect on his past dating experiences and draw his own conclusions. Avoid offering unsolicited advice. No one likes that. Additionally, you could reach out to his rav or mentor to express your concerns as his friend. The bottom line is this: Dovid needs to acquire the emotional skills to be self-aware. This will not only serve him in his dating but will help him be a better husband, father, son, and friend. Being able to do some seri-

ous soul searching and self-reflection will enable him to look within himself and answer the questions and clarify the contradictions that he displays. Hopefully that will put him on the path towards greater clarity and ultimately marriage. As always, all feedback, thoughts, and ideas are welcome:

of his ripped jeans, slicked back hair and gold chains. Invite him for a COV ID-style dinner (quickly, before the weather turns) and simply...have a talk. Your role isn’t to tell him what to do, so let’s take that off the table. It’s simply to present your concerns in a loving way, much like you did in your email to The Navidaters. Perhaps a conversation will ensue. He may or may not be open to this discussion. But if you approach him with love and concern and your intentions are clear, you will have been very good friends. Having said that we can’t figure out Dovid’s intentions in my first paragraph, I would like to offer the following food for thought. Dovid does not fit within any box, currently. He is living his life in a way that feel good to him. I have worked with many people in my career and have met people similar to Dovid, based on what you have described. Oftentimes, people with very frum hearts and modern appearance/punk/rock/

grunge – you name it – are looking for another person who also does not fit the mold. They are often artists, writers, throbbing spirits who simply can’t conform to what they truly believe is silly/lacking meaning/deeply unimportant and not the essence of what Hashem cares about. They are often looking for a similar soul. And very often, that similar soul is indeed out there. I don’t have any answers and don’t know what Dovid’s futures holds. And the question boils down to: If Dovid changes externally, will he meet his bashert, or if Dovid remains true to himself, will he meet his bashert? We simply don’t know the answer to this. Nonetheless, it is for Dovid to decide. And it is for you, as his dear friends, to have that warm, open and honest conversation expressing your concerns and regardless of what he decides, continuing to support him. (And bringing it up every now and then if he continues as is without any success.) Sincerely, Jennifer Mann, LCSW

The Navidaters Dating and Relationship Coaches and Therapists


hank you for writing in! What wonderful friends you are. Being a friend isn’t always easy. Sometimes we have to have uncomfortable conversations in which we hold up a mirror that will reflect something painful or simply unwelcome to our friend. I can certainly understand why you want to speak with “Dovid” (thank you, Rena!) about this perceived “mismatch” between his insides and his outer appearance. We can try to figure out Dovid’s desires and motivations until the cows come home but without speaking with him, we truly have no way of knowing what is in his heart when it comes to his garb and self-expression. The out-of-the-box, I-detest-social-norms, the-most-importantpart-of-a-person-is-the-soul part of me deeply resonates with someone like Dovid. We can certainly see how outer appearances can be limit-

ing socially and within relationships. However, they are also a mainstay in society that helps people identify with a culture. And we are cognitive beings with brain “folders.” We naturally sort people, places and things and divide them into “files”: Man, woman. Good, bad. Safety, danger. Yeshivish/Modern Orthodox. Whether right or wrong, no one can deny the reality of the way of our brains work. Has it gone too far within Orthodoxy? That’s another column, entirely! And you are, writing into this column because you›d like some input on what your role is with your good buddy, Dovid. You want to see him happily married and you believe that his outer appearance is getting in the way of him meeting the woman of his dreams, who may not give him a second glance because

Jennifer Mann, LCSW is a licensed psychotherapist and dating and relationship coach working with individuals, couples, and families in private practice at 123 Maple Avenue in Cedarhurst, NY. She also teaches a psychology course at Touro College. To set up a consultation or to ask questions, please call 516-224-7779, ext. 2. Visit for more information. If you would like to submit a dating or relationship question to the panel anonymously, please email You can follow The Navidaters on FB and Instagram for dating and relationship advice.

The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 24, 2020


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SEPTEMBER 2020 | The Jewish Home OCTOBER 29,24, 2015 | The Jewish Home

Dr. Deb

Should We Feel Terrible on Yom Kippur? By Deb Hirschhorn, Ph.D.


he sim card was supposed to have arrived in one of the Amazon boxes. Except I didn’t know it was coming, didn’t see it when I opened the box, didn’t look for it, and therefore didn’t do my “job” of bringing it to Eretz Yisroel. I’m usually a super careful person – and a good packer. So the fact that I lost the sim card was out of character and bothered me a lot. The first night I was here, I fell asleep feeling terrible about my “negligence.” The next morning, still feeling terrible, I started to daven in the hopes that I would feel better. Davening is a time when lots of helpful thoughts will come to me even though I should be concentrating on the tefillah. But perhaps the tefillah is responsible for them coming. As I was davening, I wondered why this happened and the answer was clear: To show me how clients of mine feel over their mistakes. We all make them. And some of the people I work with believe that they’ve made way too many of them and also feel terrible. Their mistakes, to them, are so huge that they can’t lift themselves out from under them and their burden is so great they feel as badly as if they’d committed murder. Now that’s a pretty heavy comparison. But I think that’s how many people feel. They believe their mistakes are that bad. Or even if they know their mistakes aren’t that bad, they still feel as bad as if their mistakes were that bad. I can imagine that’s how it is because that’s exactly how badly I was

feeling myself over the lost sim card. Like I was the lowest of the low, a murderer. And I proceeded to imagine myself chopping up someone because I was, after all, an axe murderer. The image lightened me up. I knew with my head and with my heart that I would run to save someone who was being hurt. I could never hurt them. The comparison was ridiculous, which effectively rid me of the bad feeling that I was this awful person for losing a sim card.

It seems to me it was a gift so I could go through that exercise in my head, feel better, and then write it up for you to use. There’s no reason – ever – to feel “terrible, awful” about your mistake. They’re there for a reason. Either so that we learn something from the mistake itself or from the cure we discover for the mistake. As a bonus, it either helps us or it helps someone else or both. I used to dread Yom Kippur because I already felt guilty nearly all

Their mistakes, to them, are so huge that they can’t lift themselves out from under them.

I was totally lightened by the ridiculousness of the thought and wanted to share this with you so that if you ever feel ashamed, guilty, or just plain wrong for some “awful” thing you’ve done you can go ahead and spend a minute imagining yourself being the axe murderer that you feel as if you were. Because you will immediately know that you’re not, and you will feel clearly that your self-flagellation is misplaced. Who, then, are you? You’re a person. And people make mistakes. There is no problem there. Mistakes sometimes are useful because we can learn something from them. So why did I make the mistake?

the time. I just wasn’t perfect enough. I knew I was supposed to be perfect, and I fell short. But now I’m old enough to know that that is plumb wrong. There is a world of difference between aiming for perfection and chastising yourself for not getting there. We should always try to be better and do better. But at the same time, “Lo alecha hamelacha ligmor,” (you are not required to complete the task) and that “task” certainly includes working on ourselves to be better. Furthermore, for the opposite of people who beat themselves up, for people who are too complacent, it’s

never a good idea to say, “That’s the way I am!” and thereby avoid doing work on oneself because that same mishnah in Pirkei Avos also concludes with, “V’lo ata ben horin l’hibateil mimena” (and you’re not free to make it unimportant). Every Erev Shabbos, I would manage to forget something important and I would spend half of Shabbos beating myself up over it. Then, one time, as I was lighting the candles and I realized I forgot to leave a light on in the bathroom, or maybe that time I remembered I’d left soup to warm in the microwave and now I couldn’t get it out because the light would go on, or perhaps I forgot to be sure the timer was set correctly for the blech and now the food would be cold, I suddenly said to myself, “No one is perfect. Only G-d is perfect.” That is a true statement. And very comforting. It’s good to use it if you fall into the first category of person in the mishnah in Pirkei Avos, but not if you are in the second category because for that person it’s just an excuse for not trying. Some people could benefit from a little bit of self-flagellation. Yom Kippur was tailor-made for them. Everyone else, just start by noticing how much you beat yourself up. Use Yom Kippur to feel better, not worse, about yourself. Dr. Deb Hirschhorn is a Marriage and Family Therapist. If you want help with your marriage, begin by signing up to watch her Masterclass at https://drdeb. com/myw-masterclass.

The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 24, 2020

Miriam Jacobovits Photography



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SEPTEMBER 24, 2020 | The Jewish Home OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home

Health & F tness

Sukkos the Healthy Weigh Cindy Weinberger MS, RD, CDN


long with the holiday season comes healthy eating challenges. With back-to-back meals of festive delicacies, portion control and self-control are an uphill battle. The good news is that, due to COVID-19 and social distancing, many are once again celebrating yom tov with their immediate families. Since the crowd is smaller and no guests are in the picture, the meals do not have to be as elaborate and can be smaller and more health conscious. (And with some school closures, these is less time to prepare extravagant meals.) However, yom tov meals, even when kept simple, require guidance and nutritional advice. Keep the following tips in mind over Sukkos to help keep the weight gain to a minimum. 1. Menu planning: Preparing a yom tov menu that is elegant, yet low in calories can be a hard balance. The first thing to do is to nix is any fried foods. Schnitzel can be baked instead of fried and still be just as delicious. The more fresh and simple your foods are, the less calories they contain. Sauces are high in calories and sugar. A spice rub over fish, chicken or meat tastes delicious and is a healthier option than heavy sauces. Staying away from kugels is the next big tackle. Roasted vegetables or a fresh salad is the healthiest side dish option. Brown rice, quinoa, sweet potatoes or even whole wheat kasha varnishkas are great starch side dishes. 2. Concentrate on quality not quantity: Don’t eat too much of one food item. Try sampling small amounts of the foods you want instead of taking a full portion. Don’t take a whole piece of brisket, plus a

chicken leg, after you already had a whole piece of salmon. Yes, even though these are great sources of protein, it is still too much protein for one meal and contains an abundance of calories. This does not even include the challah and the side dishes, not to mention dessert. My suggestion is to have the full portion of only one protein source – either a piece of salmon or poultry would be the lowest calorie choices – and then have a sliver or a small piece of the side dishes. This way, hopefully all of your “mini” portions will add up to one portion and you won’t overeat.

balance your blood glucose and satisfy your appetite until lunch. 6. Smart snacking: Snacking leads to unaccounted for excess calories. Instead of going for the cookies and cake in the afternoon, trying to have an excuse to make an extra bracha of “lei’sheiv ba’sukkah,” choose fruits and fresh vegetables to snack on in between meals. Having a fruit or vegetable platter prepared in advanced and left on the table is a great way to ensure appropriate snacking.

The more fresh and simple your foods are, the less calories they contain.

3. Eat slowly: Before you reach for seconds, wait twenty minutes to see if you are still hungry. It takes time for your brain and stomach to communicate and decide if you are satisfied. 4. Portion control: Make sure your fish and meat portions are not larger than the size of your palm = 1 serving size. 5. Don’t skip meals: On yom tov, people tend to skip breakfast and come to lunch with a big appetite. Starting a meal starving will promote overeating. Instead, eat a healthy breakfast and then a balanced lunch. A small breakfast such as a yogurt, cottage cheese or a banana will help

7. Drink Water: Alcohol and sugary drinks add much more calories than you think. Yom tov is about the good food; you don’t need to consume more calories through a drink. Drinking water will also help fill you up during meals and limit your food intake. 8. Plan physical activity into your day: The typical yom tov day involves davening, meals, and a good snooze. More often than that, physical activity gets ignored. Including physical activity into your day will make you feel more energized (not dragging your feet to the couch) and will burn off excess calories from your feasts. You can take a walk after the

meals, or briskly walk to and from shul. Of course, intense exercise is forbidden on yom tov, yet light physical activity is always advised. 9. Chol Hamoed Trips: Packing meals for chol hamoed trips can be tricky; especially when trying to avoid hamotzei or mezonos food if lacking a sukkah. Healthy on-the-go “shehakol foods” include: • salad with tuna • salad with egg salad • salmon with vegetables • grilled chicken cutlets with vegetables • corn cakes as opposed to rice cakes with peanut butter, cheese or chummus • hardboiled eggs • all fruits – fresh and dried I wish all of my readers a gut g’bentsched yuhr, chag kasher v’sameach, and a delicious and nutritious Sukkos!

Cindy Weinberger MS, RD, CDN, is a Master’s level Registered Dietitian and Certified Dietitian-Nutritionist. She graduated CUNY Brooklyn College receiving a Bachelor’s in Science and Master’s degree in Nutrition and Food Sciences. She is currently a dietitian at Boro Park Center and a private nutrition consultant. She can be reached at Follow us on Instagram @EatBetterandFeelBetter.


The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 24, 2020 The Jewish Home | OCTOBER 29, 2015

OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home

In The K

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Pre-Fast Chicken Soup with Kreplach Yields 8 servings By Naomi Nachman

I have really strong memories of my Mum and Bubbie

sitting around the kitchen table making kreplach by hand.

They made the dough from scratch, rolled it out, and filled each

“pocket” with morsels of meat which they pre-cooked for hours. They would make hundreds of

them and give them out to my cousins and neighbors. Times are a little different, and we have a

few shortcuts, such wonton wrappers, that we can use nowadays. And, we’re a little more healthconscious, so I prefer to use delicious ground chicken from @empirekosherpoultry.


INGREDIENTS b2 tablespoons canola oil b2 large carrots, diced b3 stalks celery, diced b2 medium onions, diced b2 zucchinis, diced b4 cloves garlic, minced b8 cups chicken broth or water b4 chicken leg quarters b2 teaspoons Italian seasoning bKosher salt, to taste bFreshly ground black pepper, to taste DIRECTIONS 1. Heat oil in a large pot over medium heat. Add carrots, celery, onion and zucchini; sauté 3-4 minutes. 2. Add garlic; sauté 30 seconds longer. Add broth. 3. While broth is coming to a boil, add chicken to pot.


Once broth is boiling, add Italian seasoning, salt, and pepper. Cover; simmer on low for 2 hours.

5. Remove chicken from soup and let cool. Pull chicken from its bones and return to soup.


INGREDIENTS Yields approximately 40 b2 tablespoons canola oil b1 medium onion, diced b2 cloves garlic, minced b½ teaspoon ginger, minced or 1-2 frozen cubes b1 teaspoon kosher salt b1 pack ground chicken b1 teaspoon soy sauce b½ teaspoon sesame oil b1 cup panko crumbs b¼ cup chopped fresh cilantro or parsley or mix of each b1- 9 oz. package wonton wrappers

DIRECTIONS 1. Heat oil in a sauté pan on medium heat. 2. When oil is hot, add onions and cook until translucent. 3. Add garlic, ginger and salt; cook on low for 2 minutes. 4.

Remove from heat and place in a mixing bowl to cool. Once cooled, add ground chicken, soy sauce, sesame oil, panko crumbs and herbs. Gently mix everything together and set aside.

5. Place wonton wrappers on a lightly floured counter or cutting board. 6. Lightly brush each wonton wrapper with water. 7. Place one teaspoon of filling in center of wrapper. Seal edges by folding over and pressing to form a triangle out of the

square. 8. Place filled wontons on a baking tray lined with parchment paper. When tray gets full, add another layer of parchment paper on top of first layer and continue to use up mixture. After all the wontons are added, place the trays of wontons in the freezer for 20 minutes to firm up. 9.

When ready to cook: Take some broth from the chicken soup and bring to boil (alternatively, you can use tap water to boil). Add desired number of wontons directly from freezer to boiling broth and simmer for 15 minutes.

10. To serve, ladle kreplach in each bowl with heated soup. Cook’s note: The kreplach can also be pan fried with oil in a sauté pan.

Naomi Nachman, the owner of The Aussie Gourmet, caters weekly and Shabbat/ Yom Tov meals for families and individuals within The Five Towns and neighboring communities, with a specialty in Pesach catering. Naomi is a contributing editor to this paper and also produces and hosts her own weekly radio show on the Nachum Segal Network stream called “A Table for Two with Naomi Nachman.” Naomi gives cooking presentations for organizations and private groups throughout the New York/New Jersey Metropolitan area. In addition, Naomi has been a guest host on the QVC TV network and has been featured in cookbooks, magazines as well as other media covering topics related to cuisine preparation and personal chefs. To obtain additional recipes, join The Aussie Gourmet on Facebook or visit Naomi’s blog. Naomi can be reached through her website, or at (516) 295-9669.

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OCTOBER 29,24, 2015 | The Jewish Home SEPTEMBER 2020 | The Jewish Home

Notable Quotes “Say What?!”

We’re going to have to blow up the entire system. - CNN anchor John Lemon, responding to the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and the news that President Trump will exercise his Constitutional right to name a replacement

You know what we’re going to have to do?... You’re going to have to get rid of the electoral college because the minority in this country get to decide who our judges are and who our president is. Is that fair? - Ibid.

It went from a peaceful march, calling out the names, to all of a sudden, bang, “How dare you fly the American flag?” They said take it down. They wouldn’t leave. They said they’re going to come back and burn the house down. - The New York Times reporting from Seattle and quoting a local resident talking about what happened when BLM rioters came into her neighborhood

For the record, my parents haven’t even been let back in yet themselves, to sort through what is left of their lives, but these two felt the need to go traipsing around my parents‘ property without permission. I guess those property taxes my parents pay allow politicians to do this! Private property doesn’t exist in California anymore! - Trampas Patten of Fresno County , California, after California Gov. Gavin Newsom and Sen. Kamala Harris went to her parents’ burned-out home for a photo-op while examining damage from a forest fire

It’s a legitimate question, but let me tell you why I’m not going to answer that question. Let’s say I answer, then the whole debate’s gonna be about what Biden said or didn’t say. Biden said he would or wouldn’t. The discussion should be about why [Trump] is moving in a direction that is totally inconsistent with what the Founders wanted. - Joe Biden when asked if he would support adding seats to the Supreme Court

There is no difference from what Donald Trump is preaching, from what Adolf Hitler preached in the early ‘30s. Let’s just say it once and for all. - Leftist Donny Deutsch on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe”

…moron, pathetic pig, swine, punk…, LOOSER – How Ellesia Blaque referred to President Trump in one of her numerous Trump-hating tweets in 2019 (she was a questioner in ABC’s town hall with President Trump last week and was noted by the network to be “an undecided voter”)

It’s estimated 200 million people have died probably by the time I finish this talk. - Joe Biden overestimating U.S. corona deaths by 199,800,000, at a campaign event this week

I might even go so far as to say that this face mask is more guaranteed to protect me against COVID than when I take a COVID vaccine. - Robert Redfield, head of the Centers for Disease Control, making an incredulous claim while testifying in Congress last week

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All throughout this quarantine, I started experiencing emotions I’ve never felt before… I think it’s huge to talk. I think it’s huge to get help. And it saves lives… If I wouldn’t have talked about those things to the people I did, I wouldn’t have realized my friends and a lot more people go through them – and they are as common as they are. - Dallas Cowboys quarterback Dac Prescott talking about his mental health challenges over the past few months

I have deep compassion for clinical depression, but when it comes to the quarterback of an NFL team, you know this better than I do, it’s the ultimate leadership position in sports, am I right about that? You are commanding an entire franchise … And they’re all looking to you to be their CEO, to be in charge of the football team. Because of all that, I don’t have sympathy for him going public with “I got depressed” and “I suffered depression early in COVID to the point that I couldn’t even go work out.” Look, he’s the quarterback of America’s team.

Those who attack America’s exceptional environmental record while ignoring China’s rampant pollution are not interested in the environment, they only want to punish America and I won’t stand for it - President Trump addressing the UN General Assembly, in a virtual appearance

We must hold accountable the nation which unleashed this plague unto the world – China.

- ESPN’s Skip Bayless responding to Prescott’s comments

- Ibid.

The vaccine should be tested on politicians first. If they survive, the vaccine is safe. If they don’t, the country is safe.

Police Violence Victims’ Monument. – The new name that the Baltimore City Council gave to a Columbus statue near a memorial for fallen police officers

– Polish author Monika Wisniewska writing about the pending corona vaccine

I was given limited information on the situation regarding Antwon, and I was unaware of the whole story surrounding his death and what transpired… - Steelers center Maurkice Pouncey explaining why he took the name of a “police shooting victim” off of his helmet

The people pick the President; the President nominates the Justice. That is how it works. - Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), ironically attempting to argue on Twitter that President Trump should NOT get to nominate a justice for the Supreme Court before the elections


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There’s nothing in the Constitution that says the president stops being the president in his last year. - Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, in 2016, urging the Senate to confirm Justice Scalia’s replacement during the last year of the Obama administration (even though the Democrats didn’t have the majority of the Senate)

In the final days of her life, I asked my grandmother if there was anything she wanted to say to the public, to anyone, that wasn’t already out there. I pulled out my computer and she dictated the following sentence to me. She said: “My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed.” I read it back to her and she was very happy with that. When I asked, “Is that it? Is there anything else you’d like to say?” she said, “The rest of my work is a matter of public record.” So that’s all she wanted to add. – Justice Ginsburg’s granddaughter recalling her grandmother’s “dying wish”

I want to dedicate this fight to all the first responders, all the military out there. This world would not be safe without you guys, you keep us safe, and not these woke athletes. I’m sick of these spineless cowards like LeBron James. - Tweet by UFC fighter Colby Covington after his victory over Tyron Woodley this week

The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 24, 2020

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SEPTEMBER 24, 2020 | The Jewish Home The Jewish Home | OCTOBER 29, 2015


Political Crossfire

Tuesday Night’s Debate Biden’s Applesauce Challenge By Nate Davis


should be out of the prediction game – my last prediction was that Joe Biden would never pick Kamala Harris as his running mate because she would be the worst possible choice. I was dead wrong. He picked her. Then promptly put her in the Witness Protection Program. So I’m only a half idiot. Well, then, here is my next prediction: Biden will clean Trump’s clocks in the debate this Tuesday. Before you call “strike two” on me, let me explain. Presidential candidates generally have one central attack theme on their opponents. Trump’s central attack theme on Biden is that he has dementia. There were other themes available to Trump when he first took on Biden: (i) Biden’s long history of kowtowing to America’s number one enemy, China (including the fact that son Hunter took $1.5 billion from China for an investment company, even though his only life experience was getting thrown out of the army due to his penchant for sniffing white power); (ii) Biden’s flip-flopping on social justice (as a senator, he led the 1994 crime bill that put tens of thousands of blacks in prison for minor offenses); (iii) Biden’s lack of any significant accomplishments in 47 years in Washington (other than a pretty good hair plugs job); and the list goes on. But instead, Trump went with the theme that Biden has dementia. Why did he go with this theme? C’mon know…see, the thing, I mean, let’s get…seriously? Really? I mean, c’mon man!” In non-Biden speak – it was low-hanging fruit. But here is the problem with the dementia theme: it set the bar so low for Biden that as long as he doesn’t show up at Tuesday’s debate with applesauce dripping down his chin, he’s going to look competent. Now, if you believe the dementia argument, you may not be so worried.

But the truth is that politicians always magnify their opponent’s weakness. Is Biden exhibiting some sort of mental slowdown? It’s hard to say that he is not; he uses a teleprompter when discussing what he ate for dinner last night. But Biden can get through a debate on sheer muscle memory alone. He has been debating for literally a half century. Granted, he didn’t do well in most of the Democratic primary debates. But in those debates, there were multiple candidates on the stage, which makes it harder to shine. Turn to the last debate, though, when it was just him and bread-line Bernie, and he actually did very well. Although he has been hiding in his basement and has been professional in his ineptitude in the few interviews that he has done, in a certain way debates are easier than interviews because they are pretty much a forum to highlight your best attack lines. If you watch Biden, he usually does not stumble when attacking Trump with broad strokes. His troubles start rather precipitously when he has to talk policy, numbers, or recite facts. Ironically, that does not happen much in debates – even when moderates ask substantive questions, it has become acceptable for candidates to quickly pivot to their carefully crafted attack lines.

Biden will show up at the debate well-rested, all cued up with his well-prepared attack lines…. “You froze on corona and failed to show leadership when it mattered most”... “You said there were good people on both sides in Charlottesville”... “The deficit exploded in your term”… “Ten million Americans are unemployed.” Although there are varying degrees of falsehoods to these attacks, they will put Trump on the defensive. They will also embolden Biden who – possibly due to cognitive decline – looks his sharpest and most focused when screaming about Trump’s moral inferiority. (It almost seems like Biden remembers who he is when he delivers these attack lines.) Even so, there are ways for Trump to prepare for this. He has to not take the bait and has to hyper-focus on substance. Doing this during the debate will make him look presidential – not a bad look to have thirty days before an election. It will also throw Biden off of his game as he will try to match Trump and attempt to talk about substance. If that happens, Trump would be the shoo-in winner. Literally. Biden will be eating his own shoes all night because he has absolutely no ability to sound cogent when talking policy off the cuff. Well, you wonder, perhaps Trump will take that tactic and focus on the

substance. I certainly hope so, but it is unlikely to happen because Trump looks at debates like a boxing match. Try asking a boxer to get into the ring and pepper his opponent with riddles. Not happening. Using boxing terms, Trump doesn’t do the rope-a-dope; he is a Mike Tyson knockout puncher. He throws big punches… “Low energy Jeb” (boom!), “[Hillary] you should be in jail” (bam!). Although it would certainly be fun to watch him throw some big punches at Biden, it would be more fun to watch Biden talk about how 600 million people in America got corona in the last six months, which is more than the amount of Americans that got it in the past sixteen years combined. Now, losing the debate does not necessarily mean Trump will lose the election. In 2012, Obama got walloped by Mitt Romney in the first debate (remember that – when Romney was still pretending to be a Republican?) and came back in the second and third debates with better preparation and ended up winning the election. Additionally, what may look like a loss to some people (i.e. soft New Yorkers like me), may not look that way in other parts of the country. In his first debate with Hillary Clinton, many people watching thought that Trump blew it really bad. You may recall, that was the debate where he was breathing weirdly and the only diagnosis was “yep, he has a deviated septum.” But it turns out that many voters thought that he actually won that debate. In general, people are more tuned in nowadays to the whole process so the debates probably play a diminished role. So even if Trump does appear to lose the debate, it will not be a reason to panic; there will always be the next debate. And, who knows, maybe Biden will have applesauce on his chin then.

The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 24, 2020


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SEPTEMBER 24, 2020 | The Jewish Home OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home

Political Crossfire

Fracking is on the Ballot in November By Marc A. Thiessen


hy is it that whenever the United States achieves strategic dominance in a critical area for our national security, the left wants to disarm? In the 20th century, America’s emergence as a nuclear superpower made our victory in the Cold War possible. And what was the left’s reaction? They opposed ballistic missile defense and championed nuclear disarmament. Today, one of the great geostrategic developments of the early 21st century has been the United States’ emergence as an energy superpower. As recently as 2008, the United States was the world’s largest oil importer, but today, we are one of the largest exporters of oil and the largest exporter of natural gas. What made that possible was the shale revolution, which not only created millions of jobs, but also transformed the national security landscape in America’s favor. And once again, this development is opposed by a disarmament movement on the left – this time energy disarmament. Fearful of losing states like Pennsylvania, Joe Biden now insists he does not want to ban fracking. But when Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., said during a primary debate in March, “I’m talking about stopping fracking as soon as we possibly can…no ifs, buts and maybes about it,” Biden chimed in, “So am I. No more – no new fracking.” He also told a young woman at a New Hampshire campaign stop, “Kiddo, I want you to look into my eyes. I guarantee you we’re going to end fossil fuels.” And his running mate, Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., has said, “There’s no question I’m in favor of banning fracking.”

In his new book, “The New Map: Energy, Climate and the Clash of Nations,” Pulitzer Prize-winning author Daniel Yergin describes how the shale energy revolution has benefited America – and the harm energy disarmament would do. In an interview, I asked him about the calls on the left to end fracking. “When I hear some of the politicians say, ‘We want to ban fracking,’” Yergin replied, “I want to say: ‘Why?’ The beneficiaries of banning fracking would be Russia and Saudi Arabia, who would fill the gap that will be created in the market.” Yergin pointed out that “one of the major critics of U.S. shale development is somebody who lives in Moscow named Vladimir Putin, who doesn’t like shale because he sees it as bolstering U.S. foreign policy.” He explained that “when the Russians cut off the gas through Ukraine in 2006, the Europeans were not in a good po-

sition.” But today, thanks to the shale revolution, Russia has lost its leverage because our European allies can buy American natural gas or gas from other countries. Yergin also noted that the ObamaBiden nuclear deal with Iran would not have been possible without the shale revolution. “The Iranians never thought the sanctions that Obama put in place would work because they thought the world needed the oil, but it turned out that Iranian oil was replaced by U.S. oil,” he said. The same is true of the unprecedented sanctions Trump has placed on Tehran today. “Whether you agree with the Obama approach to Iran or the Trump approach, or what might be a Biden approach, none of those approaches would work if the U.S. was still…heavily importing oil.” One of the major security developments in recent years has been

the emergence of a new partnership between the United States and India to counterbalance China. Fracking is one of the critical foundations of that expanding partnership, Yergin said. “In a very concrete way, exports of U.S. liquefied natural gas and oil to India have created a kind of tangibility to the relationship that was not there before.” By contrast, one of the countries that stands to gain the most from the elimination of fossil fuels is China, which has replaced the United States as the world’s largest oil importer. China knows that in a confrontation with the United States over Taiwan, the U.S. Navy could shut the Straits of Malacca to tankers carrying oil to China, crippling the Chinese economy. China, Yergin noted, will be “the big winner” in any transition to renewable energy. If the campaign to ban fracking succeeds, he said, the result would be a rapid decline in U.S. oil production -- with dramatic strategic consequences. “The shale revolution has really been a big contribution to U.S. energy security, national security, our position in the world. Were that to be demolished…that would weaken the position of the U.S. in the world.” Yergin’s book is not a polemic; he simply presents some inconvenient truths that the climate-change zealots would prefer to ignore. The fact is there are real tensions between our national security interests and our environmental interests. The shale revolution has produced a moment of American energy dominance. We should pause before we heed the calls to mindlessly disarm. (c) 2020, Washington Post Writers Group


The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 24, 2020 The Jewish Home | OCTOBER 29, 2015

OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home

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Forgotten Her es

Lt. Dr. Edward Feldman Doctor on the Battlefields By Avi Heiligman

Dr. Feldman, DO, shaking hands with Gen. Raymond G. Davis, USMC, after receiving a Silver Star Medal for removing an unexploded mortar shell from the abdomen of a marine

Dr. Feldman, standing, third from right, with the surgical team that served with him in Vietnam


any Jewish servicemen and women from all over the world have served in the medical field during combat. Dentist Ben Salomon was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor for his actions on the island of Saipan during World War II. His aid station was overrun by a Japanese assault, and he picked up a rifle and killed close to 100 enemy soldiers before succumbing to his wounds. In 1968, another Jewish doctor was decorated for heroic actions during the chaotic and bloody Battle of Khe Sanh. Edward Feldman was born in 1941 in Forest Hills, New York. His two uncles served with distinction in World War II and received medals for their record in combat. Before entering the medical field, Feldman wanted to be an infantry marine. He went to Columbia and earned his undergrad degree and then graduated from medical school in 1966 with a DO degree. The U.S. was heavily involved in Vietnam at that stage, and Feldman joined the navy as a physician in September 1967. As with many in the navy, he was assigned to the marines and joined the medical team of the 26th Marine Regiment. Lieutenant Dr. Feldman arrived in Khe Sanh, Vietnam, on January 3, 1969. On January 21, a 77 day siege on the base began. Enemy mortar and rockets rained down on the American

base, which was defended by two marine regiments and elements from the army, air force, and South Vietnam. Within minutes of the start of the attack, casualties started coming to the aid station. One of the severely wounded was Private First Class Robert Mussari who came to the station with a very unusual and extremely dangerous injury. An unexploded mortar round was protruding from his abdomen. Furthering the dim prognosis was the fact that the round was live – his buddies thought it was going to explode in about 45 minutes. The doctor directed his assistants to erect a sandbag barrier in case the mortar exploded. Losing no time, Feldman went to work separating the round from the marine’s abdomen. He successfully removed the explosive and sent the projectile to a safe place for disposal. Feldman spent the rest of the day treating dozens more injured servicemen and later was awarded with the Silver Star for his actions in saving the marine’s life. The battle raged on until July with the decision being inconclusive as both sides claimed victory. Dr. Feldman performed many operations on wounded marines and servicemen during the battle under less-thanideal conditions. His coolness under pressure was noticed by other military units, and his skill was called upon by the army once again in Sep-

tember 1968. Feldman was days away from returning to the States when he volunteered to assist an army unit in the middle of a pitched battle in the Quang Tri Province. He was airlifted to an armored column of assault vehicles from A Company, 1st Battalion, 61st Infantry (Mechanized) Regiment, 5th Division that were being ambushed by a battalion of enemy soldiers. He made his way through the line of vehicles tending to the wounded soldiers and giving encouragement all while exposing himself to enemy fire. Realizing that there was a lack of senior leadership in the company due to the high number of wounded and incapacitated officers, Feldman took tactical control of the situation. He later said of the situation, “It was dark, and the enemy was all around us. The North Vietnamese were about to overrun us. The company commander had been evacuated, the forward observer had been killed, and the executive officer had just been blinded by enemy fire. The weather was so bad that I couldn’t find out where other officers may have been, and I wasn’t able to report what was happening. So I assumed tactical command of the unit. It was kind of an attrition of command.” As the senior officer on the ground, he directed vehicles to make a defensive perimeter and was able to treat

badly wounded soldiers in a somewhat stable perimeter. He then had the men make a landing zone for Chinook helicopters to take out the dead and wounded. Once the evacuation was complete, Feldman chose to remain on the ground and provide badly needed leadership throughout the night. The outnumbered Americans were able to hold their ground until the army was able to send in more officers to further stabilize the position. Feldman was sent back to the rear and later was awarded the Bronze Star with Valor for his action in that battle. Dr. Feldman returned the U.S. and retired from the Navy Medical Corps as a lieutenant commander. He spent the next forty years in the medical field establishing practices in New Jersey and California. Even though he left the military, he served as a subject matter expert for the Marine’s Special Operations Command and was the national surgeon for the Jewish War Veterans of America. Dr. Feldman passed away on 2017 and left behind a legacy in the military medical field. His bravery and equanimity under pressure make him a true hero. Avi Heiligman is a weekly contributor to The Jewish Home. He welcomes your comments and suggestions for future columns and can be reached at


SEPTEMBER 24, 2020 | The Jewish Home

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a quiet oasis. 4br, 2.5 bth, finished basement. Many updates,


low taxes! Chana BAYSWATER WOODMERE (516)449-9692 Price WOODMERE reduced $809K




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Spacious colonial, huge eat-in kitchen, finished attic, finished Spacious colonial, Classic huge side hall eat-in col.side kitchen, w/ 4BR finished & col. 3 fullw/ baths. attic, finished All&brs on the 2nd colonial, Classic huge side hall eat-in col.side kitchen, w/ 4BR finished & col. 3 fullw/ baths. attic, finished All&brs on the 2nd colonial, Classic huge side hall eat-in col.side kitchen, w/ 4BR finished & col. 3 fullw/ baths. attic, finished All&brs the 2ndClassic side hall col.side w/ 4BR 3 fullw/ baths. All&brs the 2nd Classic hall 4BR 3Spacious full Classic hall 4BR 3Spacious full Classic hall 4BR 3 on full Classic hall& col. 4BR 3 on full basement, on a deep property. Malka( 516)967-1967 $679Kbasement, on floor, a deep fin. basement. property. Malka( Beautiful 516)967-1967 yard. Miri (646)515-8813 $679Kbasement, $799K on floor, a deep fin. basement. property. Malka( Beautiful 516)967-1967 yard. Miri (646)515-8813 $679Kbasement, $799K on floor, a deep fin. basement. property. Malka( Beautiful 516)967-1967 yard. Miri (646)515-8813 $679K $799K floor, fin. basement. Beautiful yard. Miri (646)515-8813 $799K baths. All brs on the 2ndfloor, fin. baths. All brs on the 2ndfloor, fin. baths. All brs on the 2ndfloor, fin. baths. All brs on the 2ndfloor, fin. basement. Beautiful yard. basement. Beautiful yard. basement. Beautiful yard. basement. Beautiful yard. Colonial in prime Academy area. 4br Unique 5 br, 3.5 bath splanch on Miri (646) 515-8813 (646) 515-8813 Miri (646) 515-8813 Miri (646) 515-8813 on oneMiri level, huge den. Pool and quiet cul-de-sac in $799K prestigious much more $799K $799KCall Raizie $799K








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WOODMERE den. Bryna WOODMERE (516)322-4831 CEDARHURST $1.049M

Adorable 3br colonial in mint condition. Great yard, low taxes, Adorable 3br Airy colonial & spacious in mint exp.condition. split level home Greatw/ yard, mother-daughter low taxes, Adorable unit3br Airy colonial & spacious in mint exp.condition. split level home Greatw/ yard, mother-daughter low taxes, Adorable unit3br Airy colonial & spacious in mint exp.condition. split level home Greatw/ yard, mother-daughter low taxes, unit Airy & spacious exp. split level home w/ mother-daughter unit perfect starter home. Call malka (516) 967-1967 $649k perfect starter (legal home. w/ proper Call malka permits), (516) SD967-1967 #14 Chana$649k (516)449-9692 perfect $649K starter (legal home. w/ proper Call malka permits), (516) SD967-1967 #14 Chana$649k (516)449-9692 perfect $649K starter (legal home. w/ proper Call malka permits), (516) SD967-1967 #14 Chana$649k (516)449-9692 $649K (legal w/ proper permits), SD #14 Chana (516)449-9692 $649K



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Classic huge side hall col.side w/ 4BR & col. 3 fullw/ baths. All&brs on the 2nd Classic huge side hall col.side w/ 4BR & col. 3 fullw/ baths. All&brs on the 2nd Classic huge side hall col.side w/ 4BR & col. 3 fullw/ baths. All&brs the 2ndClassic side hall col.side w/ 4BR 3 fullw/ baths. All&brs the 2nd Spacious colonial, huge eat-in kitchen, finished attic, finished Spacious colonial, eat-in kitchen, finished attic, finished colonial, eat-in kitchen, finished attic, finished colonial, eat-in kitchen, finished attic, finished Classic hall 4BR 3Spacious full Classic hall 4BR 3Spacious full Classic hall 4BR 3 on full Classic hall& col. 4BR 3 on full SH on great block 516)967-1967 in heart Cedarhurst. 4BRs$799K & Brick SH on great block 516)967-1967 in heart Cedarhurst. 4BRs$799K & Brick SH on great block 516)967-1967 in heart Cedarhurst. & Brick on greatBeautiful block in heart Cedarhurst. 4BRs$799K & floor, fin.col. basement. Beautiful yard.of Miri (646)515-8813 floor, fin.col. basement. Beautiful yard.of Miri (646)515-8813 floor, fin.col. basement. Beautiful yard.of Miri (646)515-8813 floor,SH fin.col. basement. yard.of Miri (646)515-8813 basement, on a deep property. Malka( 516)967-1967 $679Kbasement, Brick on a deep property. Malka( $679Kbasement, on a deep property. Malka( $679Kbasement, on a deep property. Malka( $679K 4BRs$799K baths. brs on the 2ndfloor, fin. 3.5bath baths. brs on the 2ndfloor, fin. 3.5bath baths. brs on the 2ndfloor, fin. Tamar baths. on the 2ndfloor, fin. Tamar 2bths on hall 2nd floor, walk up attic, extremely low taxes. Tamar 2bths on hall 2nd floor, walk up attic, extremely low taxes. Tamar 2bths on hall 2nd floor, walk up attic, extremely low taxes. 2bths on 2nd floor, All walkbrs up attic, extremely low taxes. 5BR, 3.5bath center hall col. on oversized prop. on very desirable 5BR, 3.5bath center col. onAll oversized prop. on very desirable 5BR, center col. onAll oversized prop. on very desirable 5BR, center col. onAll oversized prop. on very desirable (917)902-0613 $899K (917)902-0613 $899K (917)902-0613 $899K (917)902-0613 basement. $899K block near Cedarhurst Park. Moshe(516)455-5364 $1.19M block near Cedarhurst Park.basement. Moshe(516)455-5364 $1.19M near Cedarhurst Park.basement. Moshe(516)455-5364 $1.19M Park.basement. Moshe(516)455-5364 $1.19M Charming 3 br, 2 bath cape in the Completely renovated 5br, 4bth Beautiful yard. block Beautiful yard. block near Cedarhurst Beautiful yard. Beautiful yard. heart of SD 15. Main br and br on colonial. Eik, den, office and legal Miri (646) 515-8813 Miri (646) 515-8813 Miri (646) 515-8813 Miri (646) 515-8813 the 1st floor with 2 br and a basement rental. $799K $799K $799K $799K


Beautiful exp 5br 4bth high ranch w/ 3 lvls of living space, many updates throughout. Sarah (347)524-9147 $999K











WOODMERE bathroom upstairs. Miri (646)515-8813 STREAM Rear den. $879K Beautiful exp SH Tudor 5br 4bth colonial high ranch with 4w/ brs 3 lvls & 2 baths of living on space, the 2ndBeautiful floor, finished exp SH Tudor 5br 4bth colonial high ranch with 4w/ brs 3 lvls & 2 baths of living on space, the 2ndBeautiful floor, finished exp SH Tudor 5br 4bth colonial high ranch with 4w/ brs 3 lvls & 2 baths of living on space, the 2nd floor, finished SH Tudor colonial with 4 brs & 2 baths on the 2nd floor, finished $699K many updates basement, throughout. CAC, beautiful Sarah (347)524-9147 yard, award winning $999K SD many 14. $849K updates basement, throughout. CAC, beautiful Sarah (347)524-9147 yard, award winning $999K SD many 14. $849K updates basement, throughout. CAC, beautiful Sarah (347)524-9147 yard, award winning $999K SD 14. $849K basement, CAC, beautiful yard, award winning SD 14. $849K

Adorable 3br colonial in mint condition. Great yard, low taxes, Adorable 3br Airy colonial & spacious in mint exp.condition. split level home Greatw/ yard, mother-daughter low taxes, Adorable unit3br Airy colonial & spacious in mint exp.condition. split level home Greatw/ yard, mother-daughter low taxes, Adorable unit3br Airy colonial & spacious in mint exp.condition. split level home Greatw/ yard, mother-daughter low taxes, unit Airy & spacious exp. split level home w/ mother-daughter unit perfect starter home. Call malka (516) 967-1967 $649k perfect starter (legal home. w/ proper Call malka permits), (516) SD967-1967 #14 Chana$649k (516)449-9692 perfect $649K starter (legal home. w/ proper Call malka permits), (516) SD967-1967 #14 Chana$649k (516)449-9692 perfect $649K starter (legal home. w/ proper Call malka permits), (516) SD967-1967 #14 Chana$649k (516)449-9692 $649K (legal w/ proper permits), SD #14 Chana (516)449-9692 $649K






Spacious colonial, huge eat-in kitchen, finished attic, finished Spacious colonial, Classic huge side hall eat-in col.side kitchen, w/ 4BR finished & col. 3 fullw/ baths. attic, finished All&brs on the 2nd colonial, Classic huge side hall eat-in col.side kitchen, w/ 4BR finished & col. 3 fullw/ baths. attic, finished All&brs on the 2nd colonial, Classic huge side hall eat-in col.side kitchen, w/ 4BR finished & col. 3 fullw/ baths. attic, finished All&brs the 2ndClassic side hall col.side w/ 4BR 3 fullw/ baths. All the 2nd Classic hall 4BR 3Spacious full Classic hall 4BR 3Spacious full Classic hall 4BR 3 on full Classic hall& col. 4BR &brs 3 on full Woodmere800 feet of Totally gut-ren. office building w/ SH on great block 516)967-1967 in heart Cedarhurst. 4BRs$799K & Brick SH on great block 516)967-1967 in heart of Cedarhurst. 4BRs & Brick SH on great block 516)967-1967 in heart Cedarhurst. & Brick on great blocksquare in heart Cedarhurst. 4BRs$799K & basement, on a deep property. Malka( 516)967-1967 $679Kbasement, Brick on floor, a deep fin.col. basement. property. Malka( Beautiful yard.of Miri (646)515-8813 $679Kbasement, on floor, a deep fin.col. basement. property. Malka( Beautiful yard. Miri (646)515-8813 $679K basement, $799K on floor, a deep fin.col. basement. property. Malka( Beautiful yard.of Miri (646)515-8813 $679K 4BRs$799K floor,SH fin.col. basement. Beautiful yard.of Miri (646)515-8813 baths. brs on the 2ndfloor, fin. 3.5bath baths. brs on the 2ndfloor, fin. 3.5bath baths. brs on the 2ndfloor, fin. Tamar baths. brs on 2the 2ndfloor, fin. Tamar office space. Layout: offices, 1 taxes. 2bths on hall 2nd floor, walk up attic, extremely low taxes. Tamar 2bths on hall 2nd floor, walk up attic, extremely low taxes. Tamar 2bths on hall 2nd floor, walk up attic, extremely low taxes. 2bths on 2nd floor, All walk up attic, extremely low 5BR, 3.5bath center hall col. on oversized prop. on very desirable 5BR, 3.5bath center col. onAll oversized prop. on very desirable 5BR, center col. onAll oversized prop. on very desirable 5BR, center col. onAll oversized prop. on very desirable new state-of-the-art office (917)902-0613 $899K (917)902-0613 $899K (917)902-0613 $899K (917)902-0613 $899K block near Cedarhurst Park. Moshe(516)455-5364 $1.19M block near Cedarhurst Park.basement. Moshe(516)455-5364 $1.19M block near Cedarhurst Park. Moshe(516)455-5364 $1.19M block near Cedarhurst Park. Moshe(516)455-5364 $1.19M bathroom.basement. Tenant pays electric Beautiful yard. basement. Beautiful basement. Beautiful yard. Beautiful yard. suites! Must see! Rightyard. next to LIRR $1800/month Valley Stream station! Miri (646) 515-8813 Miri (646) 515-8813 Miri (646) 515-8813 Miri (646) 515-8813 Sarah $799K (347)524-9147 $799K $799K $799K


Donny Miller


TamarTamar MillerMiller





Beautiful exp 5br 4bth high ranch w/ 3 lvls of living space, Beautiful exp SH Tudor 5br 4bth colonial high ranch with 4w/ brs 3 lvls & 2 baths of living on space, the 2ndBeautiful floor, finished exp SH Tudor 5br 4bth colonial high ranch with 4w/ brs 3 lvls & 2 baths of living on space, the 2ndBeautiful floor, finished exp SH Tudor 5br 4bth colonial high ranch with 4w/ brs 3 lvls & 2 baths of living on space, the 2nd floor, finished SH Tudor colonial with 4 brs & 2 baths on the 2nd floor, finished many updates throughout. Sarah (347)524-9147 $999K many updates basement, throughout. CAC, beautiful Sarah (347)524-9147 yard, award winning $999K SD many 14. $849K updates basement, throughout. CAC, beautiful Sarah (347)524-9147 yard, award winning $999K SD many 14. $849K updates basement, throughout. CAC, beautiful Sarah (347)524-9147 yard, award winning $999K SD 14. $849K basement, CAC, beautiful yard, award winning SD 14. $849K






Adorable 3br colonial in mint condition. Great yard, low taxes, Adorable 3br colonial in mint Greatw/ yard, low taxes, Adorable colonial in mint Greatw/ yard, low taxes, Adorable colonial in mint Greatw/ yard, low taxes, Airy & spacious exp.condition. split level home mother-daughter unit3br Airy & spacious exp.condition. split level home mother-daughter unit3br Airy & spacious exp.condition. split level home mother-daughter unit Airy & spacious exp. split level home w/ mother-daughter unit perfect starter home. Call malka (516) 967-1967 $649k perfect starter (legal home. w/ proper Call malka permits), (516) SD967-1967 #14 Chana$649k (516)449-9692 perfect $649K starter (legal home. w/ proper Call malka permits), (516) SD967-1967 #14 Chana$649k (516)449-9692 perfect $649K starter (legal home. w/ proper Call malka permits), (516) SD967-1967 #14 Chana$649k (516)449-9692 $649K (legal w/ proper permits), SD #14 Chana (516)449-9692 $649K

The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 24, 2020


Classifieds • text 443-929-4003





EAST ROCKAWAY: Retail Stores on Busy Corner, 1000SF& Up Available, Great High Visibility Location, For Lease… Call for More Details Broker (516) 792-6698

VACATION IN JERUSALEM: Beautiful 3 bedroom apartment with porch and view available for short term in the Kaduri – Jerusalem Heights project on the 8th floor. Shisha Realty 718-408-8070

Full Time Job Assistant to the Administrators Busy Yeshiva Administrative Office (Chareidi Yeshiva), Proficiency in MS Office & Digital Platforms, Strong Communication & Organizational Skills, Detail Oriented, Motivated, Strong Work Ethic, Responsibilities include Communications, List Management, Task and Events Management, Knowledge of Admire a Big Plus. Good Pay - Send Resume

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YESHIVA IN FIVE TOWNS seeking experienced personnel for several clerical office positions. Candidates need to be detail oriented, and excellent communication, computer and organizational skills are required. Good salary & benefits. Please email resume to

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VACATION RENTALS VACATION IN JERUSALEM: Beautiful Short-term rentals in Jerusalem (Sharei Chesed, Romema, Hanevi'im – City Center) Contact today for great service: Shisha Realty 718-408-8070

HELP WANTED Looking to hire sales people to train as NY & NJ Public Adjusters. No experience necessary, flexible hours. Call 973-951-1534 The IVDU School of Long Island, a small and intimate, special education school in North Woodmere, is hiring a F/T school secretary. Excellent communication skills required and computer proficiency. Enjoy a competitive salary, paid holidays and vacation, and excellent environment. Send resume CAHAL is seeking a Permanent Substitute, afternoons, MondayThursday. If interested, please send resume to

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SEPTEMBER 24, 2020 | The Jewish Home

HELP WANTED CAHAL is seeking ASSISTANT TEACHERS, PART TIME, mornings and afternoons, for their special education classes in yeshivas and Bais Yaakovs in the Five Towns, Far Rockaway and West Hempstead. We are seeking women to work with our morahs, and men to work with our outstanding rebbeim, in order to provide more individualized learning opportunities for the students. Send resume and contact Naomi Nadata at for more information. SHULAMITH EARLY CHILDHOOD is looking to hire a full time teacher assistant for the current school year. Please email resume to CAHAL is seeking Maternity Leave Substitute Teachers for two girls' classes, Mid-October through MidJanuary. If interested, send resume to 5 TOWNS BOYS YESHIVA SEEKING ELEM GEN ED TEACHERS Excellent working environment and pay. Only lic/exp need apply. Email resume to



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SEPTEMBER 24, 2020 | The Jewish Home The Jewish Home | OCTOBER 29, 2015




There’s an App for That By Allan Rolnick, CPA


resident Trump’s war on TikTok, the Chinese video-sharing app that’s loaded with more spyware than James Bond’s latest car, illustrates just how ubiquitous those programs have become in our lives. Apple offers 2.2 million apps in their iStore. Apps help you do everything, from setting an alarm to wake you up in the morning to generating white noise to help you fall asleep at night. In between, you can use your phone to manage your money, order up dinner, buy movie tickets, track your workout, and watch Monday Night Football. Of course, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. So clever developers have also loaded up the iStore with apps like Harmonica (pop your iPhone in your mouth and blow like Dylan), Sausage Legend (combat to the death, except with sausages), and Yo (text “yo” to anyone on your contact list). Frankly, we’re a bit surprised no one from the MacArthur Foundation has called those developers with their genius grants. Naturally, there are apps to help with taxes. TurboTax and H&R Block let you file the simplest returns right from your phone. The IRS has an app that lets you request records, check your refund, and follow the

service on social media. And some apps even help you pay less — which brings us to this week’s story about an app called Monaeo. People who pay a lot of tax often have more than one home. What happens if one is in a high-tax state like New York or California, and the other is someplace with no income

tickets, and folders full of receipts to prove where you were! You might agree to pay the tax just to end the torture. That’s where Monaeo comes in. For just $79/month, Monaeo automatically logs your phone’s physical location and records your city, state, and country. (It won’t log street ad-

Frankly, we’re a bit surprised no one from the MacArthur Foundation has called those developers with their genius grants.

tax like Florida or Nevada? If you spend too much time in the hightax state, you can wind up owing tax there — even if your primary residence, your drivers’ license, and your voter registration are all somewhere else. Enter the world of tax-residency audits. Imagine sitting down with a state tax auditor and scrambling to produce calendar records, plane

dresses, which should reassure users who want some privacy while they’re paying less.) You can share access with your accountant, lawyer, or personal assistant. You can generate reports for years at a time. You can set up alerts to warn you when you’re approaching your limit in any particular place. You can even pull in supporting data from EZ-Pass toll records or office building keycard

swipes. State tax audits can have pricey consequences. Actor Tom Hanks lives in LA’s chic Pacific Palisades, but also has a pied-a-terre in New York. The National Enquirer reported in 2013 that he walked the plank early on the New York Film Festival premiere of Captain Phillips to avoid wasting one of his 183 allowable “New York days.” (If you can’t trust the National Enquirer to deliver hard-hitting tax coverage, who can you?) In another case, the New York Division of Tax Appeals ruled that when’s new CEO took his rescue dog with him to Dallas, it meant the move was official. We understand that when it comes to helping you save taxes, help comes from all directions — and we welcome it with all. So next time you glance down at your phone — which most Americans do every 12 minutes — remember we’re here working on your behalf. Text us with your questions, and enjoy the savings! Allan J Rolnick is a CPA who has been in practice for over 30 years in Queens, NY. He welcomes your comments and can be reached at 718-896-8715 or at

The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 24, 2020


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SEPTEMBER 24, 2020 | The Jewish Home OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home

Life C ach

Time to Tweak your Narrative By Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., MFT, CLC


t’s all about your narrative! After all, most people don’t really like an “I’m sorry scene” that lasts more than 10 minutes; It can be so awkward and uncomfortable. ...And on these 10 Days of Repentance we are asked to do it over a 10day period. But how about if you think of it as an opportunity for a “do over”? A chance to make an experience or out-

come turn out differently. Now, that we’d take any day of the week or even every day. So what’s the difference? With “I’m sorry,” we feel at fault, sort of called out for our behavior. With a “do over,” it’s as if the first event never even happened. But if we learned nothing from the original event, might we just repeat it exactly the same way?

Doesn’t it help to remember we did “it” – whatever that “it” was – and then rethink how we can do it differently? Therein enters the 10 Days of Repentance! It’s not a beat-yourself-up time. Not a time to say, “I’m a walking disaster.” Rather, it’s a time to say, “Now that I’ve got a chance for a sparkly clean slate, how am I going to learn from my past and show up differently this time around?!” Could you just picture this: here it comes. The big pitch has been thrown. He winds up. He takes it back. He’s got his eye on the ball. He’s moving forward. He suddenly gets distracted. He loses focus, and…he strikes out!

we can do to show up better. Or shall we say, show up a focused batter! So why 10? Well, everyone knows that 10 stands for the perfect score in a performance. We can truly “gold medal” this by putting all our energy into it. Some may think of it as 10 days of running around trying to do good deeds to up your score. And many would be happy to be the recipient of these efforts, I’m sure. But, more importantly, it’s the “pre-do over” time. Because you have the whole year ahead, hopefully, to do all those good deeds. Therefore, at this time of repentance, you want to create a perspective on who you are. Not the downtrodden, I-messed-up you who lives in the space of I’m sorry and

With a “do over,” it’s as if the first event never even happened.

Hey, wait! There’s a sudden miracle, the ump calls for a “do over.” The batter goes up again, and he goes through the exact same motions, then he gets distracted again, and boom same exact mistake gets made, and he strike out – once again! Did he focus on the opportunity to look at his previous hit and show up differently?! What if he had a day to watch the replay, might he have done better? How about if he had 10 days? There’s the narrative. We’ve got 10 whole days to figure it out. To look at the past, rethink it, and decide what

wants to run from the shame. But the I-can-be-awesome you, who can look at the replay and do it better this time around! So, get out there and bat a thousand in the replay review department. Because that’s a 10 in anyone’s book! And may it be so in the Book of Life for you this Yom Kippur!

Rivki Rosenwald is a certified relationship counselor, and career and life coach. She can be contacted at 917-705-2004 or

The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 24, 2020 The Jewish Home | OCTOBER 29, 2015





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111 43


SEPTEMBER 24, 2020 | The Jewish Home

I was just

sitting organizing some here in my office

papers & thinking about Chaim. He

had been a difficult child. My wife & I had been hiding behind our

of fear

& embarrassment for help. Finally, we called to reach out

& Baruch Hashem, he has been





peeking out.

hard to

to the realization

son needed help

couldn’t get at home.

well to the therapy started taking

him to & we’ve been real ourChaim

It was

come that my

that he


But things began to change. courage to get a referral, Suddenly, there was a soft knock on my door interrupting my thoughts. Chaim peeked in & asked if I would I had come play some ball. My heart leapt with joy; been to share we had the

waiting so long for this opportunity something with my son.





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