Five Towns Jewish Home - 3-24-22

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March 24, 2022

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Connecting with Their Daughters at Bnos Bais Yaakov Annual Dinner

38 Celebrating the Legacy at HALB Dinner

49 A Spirited Hachnosas Sefer Torah

4 Bais Yaakov Ateres Miriam Celebrates a Decade for Our Daughters

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The Jewish Home | MARCH 24, 2022


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The Jewish Home | MARCH 24, 2022



MARCH 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home

The Jewish Home | MARCH 24, 2022


Dear Readers,


n Purim, amidst lollypops and princess costumes and baskets of food, we celebrate Klal Yisroel’s renewed acceptance of Torah out of love. On Shushan Purim this year, the quintessence of love for Torah sadly came into sharp focus with the sudden petirah of the gadol hador, Rav Chaim Kanievsky, zt”l. Although Rav Chaim was a man of a few words, Klal Yisroel felt a fatherly connection to him. It was a connection that would be hard to explain to a secular person, someone who can’t understand the bond and love between the leader of our generation and those who flocked to him for guidance and advice. Rav Chaim lived physically and spiritually in another world. His presence in that ageless apartment in Bnei Brak was a link to a more meaningful realm. I recall meeting Rebbetzin Batsheva Kanievsky, z”l, on a trip to Israel a few years ago. I went with a few friends to her home, but she was not there. We were told to go to the shul where the Rebbetzin davens Mincha to catch her on the way back from davening. At the shul, there were many girls waiting for her. When the Rebbetzin came out, she was surrounded by women yearning to connect with her. Her smile and the serenity that she exuded is what still stands out in my mind. The brachos that she shared were a mere extension of the love that she had for every Jew. She seemed so “down to earth,” yet was filled with a light and joy that was more than earthly. It is that same joy that is visible in the famous video that has been circulating of the Rebbetzin and Rav Chaim saying birchas hashachar together.

It was a simchas ha’chaim that came from being connected to something Greater than anything physical. Rav Chaim’s focus in this world was beyond the physical. He rose above any earthly necessities, forgoing sleep, food, and possessions in pursuit of the attainment of the spiritual. One of the things that stands out about Rav Chaim’s day was his herculean schedule of limud haTorah. His day and year were mapped out with staggering precision and focus. There was not a moment when he didn’t continue on towards his goal, not a moment when he tired of achieving and accomplishing more. Perhaps that is one of the lessons that we can take from Rav Chaim’s life. Rav Chaim showed us that every moment should be utilized in our aspirations to connect with a higher realm. Most of us won’t be able to use each moment to learn Torah, but perhaps we can try to use our focus to become better people and to reach towards our higher potential. When all the actions in our days are imbued with a focus of connecting to a Higher Source, then we are raising the level of the mundane in our lives. With this intention, folding laundry, washing dishes, and peeling vegetables can and will be turned into spiritual pursuits. May Rav Chaim, zt”l, be a meilitz yosher for our generation and for all those who yearned and connected to the one whose very existence was reaching for a Higher realm. Wishing you a wonderful week, Shoshana

Yitzy Halpern, PUBLISHER

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The Jewish Home | MARCH 24, 2022


Contents Letters to the Editor


COMMUNITY Readers’ Poll Community Happenings Your TJH Purim Photo Album

8 38 126







That’s Odd


ISRAEL Israel News


My Israel Home


JEWISH THOUGHT Rabbi Wein on the Parsha


Delving into the Daf by Rabbi Avrohom Sebrow


Yiddishkeit for Every Jew by Rav Moshe Weinberger


PEOPLE Sar HaTorah Rav Chaim Kanievsky, zt”l, by Rabbi Avrohom Sebrow


The Wandering Jew


Jewish Heroes of World War I by Avi Heiligman


HEALTH & FITNESS Some Things to Ask Yourself When Selecting a Therapist by Dr. Deb Hirschhorn


Spice Up Your Life by Aliza Beer, MS RD


FOOD & LEISURE The Aussie Gourmet: Charoset Salad





Dating Dialogue, Moderated by Jennifer Mann, LCSW


Parenting Pearls


Your Money


Get Ready for the Journey by Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., CLC, SDS


HUMOR Centerfold




A Cornered Putin is Dangerous by David Ignatius


As Zelensky Said: Congress, Please Take the Lead by Marc A. Thiessen CLASSIFIEDS

122 152

Dear Editor, A few weeks ago, I think there was a letter to the editor where the main point of the letter was that as a community we should not forget about certain members of the community such as older single woman who may be alone Shabbos or yom tovim. As I was driving around delivering shaloch manos with my kids, one of my sons had an idea. He said, “Let’s deliver shaloch manos to a random house.” He said, “The next house we see a mezuza, let’s knock on their door and deliver them shaloch manos.” I was so proud of him. It got me thinking. I know we are all super busy with our own lives, but a simple thing could have a huge impact on someone else who is going through a hard time. I was hoping your team may be able to help and I could reach out to the author of that letter to see how we can find out how we can go about either inviting such a person over for a Shabbos meal or just stop by and saying hello and shmoozing with them for a few minutes to let them know they are not alone. David S.

Reb Chaim, zt”l, and he said not to do it. Rav Avrohom, zt”l, treated this as a psak. In the end, he got a yes, and his daughter is now married to this talmid chacham with a blossoming family. I can’t forget when Rav Avrohom, zt”l ,took my cousin and me to see Reb Chaim, zt”l. Though they were so close, Rav Avrohom, zt”l, trembled in his presence. After my cousin asked a question of Reb Chaim, zt”l, and heard a response, Rav Avrohom zt”l bowed his head and thanked Reb Chaim, zt”l, profusely for giving of his time. Two thoughts struck me when I thought of Reb Chaim zt”l’s petirah. First, it happened quickly with little fanfare, at least that was the way I experienced it. There was little time to discuss it because Shabbos was coming. This made so much sense, because Reb Chaim zt”l’s greatest wish would probably be to leave this world quietly with no chance for people to elongate in discussions about him. Second, he was naturally taken before Shabbos because Shabbos is above teva just like Reb Chaim, zt”l, was; it was the perfect transition. Steven Genack

Dear Editor, Reb Chaim Kanievsky, zt”l, shared a closed relationship with my late relative Rav Avrohom Genechovsky, zt”l. They were friends, confidants and chavrusas. Rav Avrohom, zt”l, told over that when he was seeking a shidduch for his daughter, Reb Chaim, zt”l, was the final arbiter. Many times, he brought possibilities to

Dear Editor, Governor Kathy Hochul and some members of the State Senate and Assembly are considering supporting legislation that would temporarily suspend the state gas tax, which is 16 cents per gallon. This would go into effect from May 1 to the end of the year. They remind me of J. Continued on page 10

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T H E S E T I C K E T S P E C I A L S A R E O N LY AVA I L A B L E AT FA M E O N C E N T R A L F R O M M A R C H 2 7 T H T O A P R I L 11T H

MARCH 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home

March 27th to April 11th


The Jewish Home | MARCH 24, 2022

Continued from page 8

Wellington Wimpy, who famously said, “I’ll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today.” In this case, it would be a discount for the cost of filling up your gas tank. What they all miss is that these taxes raise $2.8 billion per year. They pay for 50% of the state’s dedicated Highway and Bridge Trust fund. The MTA counts on these funds for 25% of their annual operating budget. MTA Chairman Janno Lieber is correct to express his concern about this proposal as it could result in a loss of $400 million in revenue to his agency. This is a critical source of funding for maintaining bridges, highways and transit. How would the loss of these funds be made up? Governor Hochul, State

Senate Majority Leader Andrew Stewart Cousins, and State Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie would have to agree on how to make up the lost revenue. They will either raise other taxes, transfer revenue from other sources, or reduce the scope or number of bridge, highway and transportation funded projects. At the end of the day, both motorists and transit riders will be the losers. Sincerely, Larry Penner

igan. Grossbard’’ story is a solid example of the kind of public servant Israel needs today. Yet Grossbard chooses to forsake his Homeland and run against another Jew for an American political office. It makes little sense because Grossbard would have a much greater impact by working in Israel for the future of Israel. It was very surprising that Susan Schwamm did not ask him about this. Michael Apo Woodmere, NY

Dear Editor, It is curious and deeply troubling that at a time when Israel desperately needs smart, capable, dedicated politicians to improve Government and keep Israel safe, Gabi Grossbard, a true Sabra, is running for the U.S. Congress from Mich-

Dear Editor, At a time when American frum Jews with the right values are missing from government today, I applaud Gabi Grossbard for taking the plunge and running for Congress. Having a frum Jew in the House – regardless of what state he will

be representing – is a coup for all frum Jews. Congress is systematically being run by the progressives in the Democrat Party. Although progressives are not a majority, mainstream Democrats bend over backwards to align themselves with them so as not to incur their wrath and vitriol. But who is standing up for those who align themselves with morality and the belief in the greater good? Who is standing up for those who believe in free choice and freedom of religion? Who is standing up for an America that the Founding Fathers would be proud of? As frum Jews, we know that we are beacons of light. It is important that we have a beacon of light in the government of the United States. Sincerely, Chaim Lipshitz

Views expressed on the Letters to the Editor page do not necessarily reflect the views of The Jewish Home.

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MARCH 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home


The Jewish Home | MARCH 24, 2022


The Week In News

Finland is World’s Happiest

The Finns are always smiling. The 10th annual World Happiness Report has found that Finland is the happiest country in the world, out of around 150 nations examined. The report’s authors noted, “Past reports have looked at the links between people’s trust in government and institutions with happiness. The findings demonstrate that communities with high levels of trust are happier and more resil-

ient in the face of a wide range of crises. This year’s report comes in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has upended lives around the world.” John F. Helliwell, a Canadian economist and the editor of the World Happiness Report, said, “We found during 2021 remarkable worldwide growth in all three acts of kindness monitored in the Gallup World Poll. “Helping strangers, volunteering, and donations in 2021 were strongly up in every part of the world, reaching levels almost 25% above their pre-pandemic prevalence. This surge of benevolence, which was especially great for the helping of strangers, provides powerful evidence that people respond to help others in need, creating in the process more happiness for the beneficiaries, good examples for others to follow, and better lives for themselves.” The top ten happiest nations in the world were, in order, Finland, Denmark, Iceland, Switzerland, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Sweden, Norway, Israel, and New Zealand. Following them were Austria, Australia, Ireland, Germany, and Canada. The United States rose from 19th place in 2021 to 16th in 2022. Israel, which ranked in ninth place, achieved its highest-ever ranking this

year, after rising from 14th place in 2020 to 12th in 2021. Guess which countries are the least happy? The ten lowest-ranking countries on the list were Zambia, Malawi, Tanzania, Sierra Leone, Lesotho, Botswana, Rwanda, Zimbabwe, and Lebanon. Afghanistan came in last place.

Zelensky Open to Talks

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said on Sunday that he is ready to negotiate with Russian President Vladimir Putin, but warned that if any negotiation attempts fail, it could mean the fight between the two countries would lead to “a third World War.” “I’m ready for negotiations with him.

I was ready for the last two years. And I think that without negotiations, we cannot end this war,” Zelensky told CNN’s Fareed Zakaria in an interview on Sunday morning. “If there’s just 1% chance for us to stop this war, I think that we need to take this chance. We need to do that. I can tell you about the result of this negotiations — in any case, we are losing people on a daily basis, innocent people on the ground,” he said. He continued, “Russian forces have come to exterminate us, to kill us. And we can demonstrate that the dignity of our people and our army that we are able to deal a powerful blow, we are able to strike back. But, unfortunately, our dignity is not going to preserve the lives. So, I think we have to use any format, any chance in order to have a possibility of negotiating, possibility of talking to Putin. But if these attempts fail, that would mean that this is a third World War.” Over the weekend, the Russian military claimed that it had launched a series of strikes on military targets in Ukraine employing hypersonic and cruise missiles on Saturday night and Sunday morning. Still, Russian forces have not managed to gain control over Ukraine’s airspace.


MARCH 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home


5TFR Community-Wide rosh chodesh series The Jewish Home | MARCH 24, 2022

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An art school being used as a shelter in the besieged city of Mariupol was bombed by Russian forces over the weekend. About 400 people were sheltering in the building, which was destroyed in the attack. On Wednesday, Russia bombed a theater in the city that was being used as a shelter. A satellite image showed twothirds of the building had been completely destroyed. The theater was clearly marked with the word “children” in large Russian writing visible from the air. Estimates of how many people were inside at the time of the attack range from 800 to 1,300. As Mariupol lays in rubble, citizens of the battered city are being taken to Russian territory against their will by Russian forces, according to the Mariupol city council. Captured residents were taken to camps where Russian forces checked their phones and documents, the council said. They were then redirected to remote Russian cities. Mariupol is under almost constant bombardment, according to a major in Ukraine’s army, and residents are rationing food and water as bodies are left in the streets. Zelensky said what Russian forces have done to Mariupol is an “act of terror that will be remembered for centuries.”

132 Dead in Chinese Plane Crash

The crash is China’s worst aerial disaster in a decade and sparked a fire large enough to be seen on NASA satellite images. The fire was later extinguished. Xinhua News Agency quoted rescuers as saying that only debris from the wreck had been found at the crash site. China Eastern Flight 5735 was flying at 29,000 feet when it entered a steep, fast dive around 2:20 p.m. local time, according to data from The plane plunged to 7,400 feet before briefly regaining about 1,200 feet in altitude, then dove again. The plane stopped transmitting data 96 seconds after starting to dive. China Eastern said, “The cause of the plane crash is still under investigation, and the company will actively cooperate with relevant investigations. The company expresses its deep condolences to the passengers and crew members who died in the plane crash.” Boeing CEO David Calhoun added, “We are deeply saddened by the news of the accident involving a China Eastern Airlines 737-800 airplane. The thoughts of all of us at Boeing are with the passengers and crew members on Flight MU 5735, as well as their families and loved ones.” The crash site is remote, accessible only by foot and motorcycle, in Guangxi, a semitropical region of mountains and rivers famed for some of China’s most spectacular scenery. China Eastern’s last fatal crash was in November 2004, when a bombardier CRJ200 plunged into a frozen lake just after takeoff from the Inner Mongolian city of Baotou, killing 53 people on board and two on the ground. Regulators blamed ice that had collected on the wings.

Cameroon Conflict Spilling into Nigeria A Chinese plane carrying 132 people on Monday crashed into a mountainous area in China’s southern province of Guangxi. So far, no survivors have been found. The plane, a Boeing 737-800, was operated by China Eastern Airlines. It crashed Monday afternoon with 123 passengers and nine crew members on board, China’s Civil Aviation Administration said. On Tuesday morning, CCTV said, “Wreckage of the plane was found at the scene, but up until now, none of those aboard the plane with whom contact was lost have been found.”

Residents of Manga, Nigeria, are suffering from the separatist conflict in neighboring Cameroon. The Cameroon conflict began five years ago. Armed forces struggle to secure the border between the two countries. At times, Cameroon separatists and security



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MARCH 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home



The Jewish Home | MARCH 24, 2022


forces have carried out raids, attacks on villages, and illegal arrests in Nigeria. According to residents, on November 17, 2021, approximately 50 armed separatists crossed into Manga from Cameroon, killing five people in the village, including its 70-year-old chief. Two days prior, around 30 people from Cameroon had taken refuge in Manga, after their own village was attacked. Over one million Cameroonians have fled their homes and over 6,000 have been killed since the start of the war in October 2017. The war broke out when militants declared an independent state. Since then, over 250 villages have been destroyed.

Construction Halted in South Africa A judge in South Africa has halted a $270 million real estate project, insisting that indigenous people must be consulted before resuming construction. The project, which would include a regional headquarters for Amazon, was planned for construction on land which

indigenous consider to be sacred land. In her ruling, Judge Patricia Goliath said that Liesbeek Leisure Properties Trust (LLPT) must stop construction immediately pending “proper and meaningful consultation” with the Khoi and San indigenous populations.

ens the need for meaningful engagement and proper consultation.” In a statement, LLPT said it was “deeply disappointed” by the ruling and was considering its options. It claimed the project would create over 6,000 jobs.

its special operation in Ukraine and the bravery of its soldiers to show patriotic songs being played at the event instead.

Russian Cosmonauts Launch to ISS

“This matter ultimately concerns the rights of indigenous peoples,” Goliath stressed in the ruling. She added that the ruling, which requires consultation, “should not be construed as criticism against the development” but that indigenous people have rights which outweigh economic considerations. “The fact that the development has substantial economic, infrastructural, and public benefits can never override the fundamental rights of First Nations Peoples,” she explained. “The current tension amongst First Nations Groups strength-

Three Russian cosmonauts on Friday took off for the International Space Station (ISS) amid tensions in their country over the war in Ukraine. Cosmonauts Oleg Artemyev, Denis Matveev, and Sergey Korsakov launched aboard a Soyuz rocket and capsule at 11:55 a.m. ET from Russia’s spaceport in southern Kazakhstan. They are expected to spend around six-and-a-half months living and working at the ISS, replacing three of the seven crew members currently at the space station. Russian cosmonauts Pyotr Dubrov and Anton Shkaplerov and NASA astronaut Mark Vande Hei are slated to return to Earth in a Soyuz capsule on March 30. Despite the war raging in Ukraine, a March 14 article published by TASS confirmed that Vande Hei will return as planned, on the Soyuz capsule. NASA Administrator Bill Nelson said on Monday in a video town hall that the space agency continues “to work with all our international partners to continue safe operation of the ISS.” “We have been meeting almost daily for three weeks to ensure the safe operations of the ISS,” Nelson added.

Putin Speech Cut Off The Kremlin said a technical glitch was behind the interrupted transmission of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s speech to a packed Moscow stadium to mark the eighth anniversary of Crimea’s annexation. Russian state television suddenly cut away from Putin hailing what Russia calls

It later aired the full speech, which ended a few seconds after the cutaway with Putin leaving the stage as thousands of spectators waved Russian flags at the 80,000-capacity Luzhniki stadium. Cited by RIA news agency, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said a server glitch had caused the interruption. Russia sent tens of thousands of troops into Ukraine on February 24 in an effort to degrade its southern neighbor’s military capabilities and root out people it called dangerous nationalists.

Russia Bans FB, Instagram

A Moscow court banned Facebook and Instagram on Monday for what it deemed extremist activity in a case against their parent company, Meta. The Tverskoy District Court fulfilled a request from prosecutors to outlaw Meta Platforms Inc. and banned Facebook and Instagram for what they called “extremist activities.” Russian prosecutors have accused the social media platforms of ignoring government requests to remove what they described as fake news about Russian military actions in Ukraine and calls for anti-war protests in Russia. The court’s ruling bans Meta from opening offices and doing business in Russia. Prosecutors haven’t requested to ban the Meta-owned messaging service WhatsApp, which is widely popular in Russia. The authorities also emphasized that they do not intend to punish individual Russians who use Facebook or Instagram.


The difference is, David Lobl can actually do something. Why? With the Republicans outnumbered 104 -42 in the Assembly, all of the legislation and funding / allowances are directed by the Democratic representatives. David Lobl will be joining the majority together with Simcha Eichenstein, Simcha Felder, Dan Rosenthal, and others who have been working together to bring much needed support to all of their communities. Although we all agree on the issues our community is facing, only David Lobl has the majority on his side to achieve actual results.

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MARCH 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home

So are we. We all are.

The Jewish Home | MARCH 24, 2022


Instagram and Facebook were already blocked in Russia after the country’s communications and media regulator Roskomnadzor said they were being used to call for violence against Russian soldiers. In addition to blocking Facebook and Instagram, Russian authorities also have shut access to foreign media websites, including BBC, the U.S. government-funded Voice of America and Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, German broadcaster Deutsche Welle, and Latvia-based website Meduza. Continuing the effort, Roskomnadzor on Monday blocked the website of Euronews, a European news network. The regulator has also cut Euronews broadcasts. The court’s verdict comes amid multipronged efforts by Russian authorities to control the message about Russia’s military action in Ukraine, which the Kremlin describes as a “special military operation” intended to uproot alleged “neo-Nazi nationalists.” A new law fast-tracked on March 4 by the Kremlin-controlled parliament, a week after Russia launched the attack on Ukraine, envisions prison terms of up to 15 years for posting “fake” information about the military that differs from the official narrative.

Long Live Trudeau

Canada’s Justin Trudeau has brokered a deal with the left-learning New Democrats that will keep his minority Liberal government in power until 2025. The Canadian prime minister announced on Tuesday a formal entente that will see the NDP vote with his Liberal minority government on shared objectives until the House of Commons rises in June 2025. Canada’s next fixed election date is Oct. 25, 2025. “I’ve thought long and hard about this,” Trudeau told reporters in Ottawa. “It was not an easy decision. With so much instability around us, Canadians need stability.” The “supply and confidence agreement” covers policy areas where the parties have shared objectives, such as climate, housing and health care. The

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center-left Liberals, Trudeau added, will seek support elsewhere when it comes to other issues like defense. The agreement comes months after Trudeau failed in a second-straight election to recapture a majority grip on Parliament he won in 2015. Since 2019, his Liberals have had to earn the support of opposition parties to pass legislation and keep his government afloat. As news broke late Monday about the Liberal-NDP arrangement, Conservative rivals moved quickly to accuse Trudeau of a power grab. “They’ve cooked up a backroom deal that would see Justin Trudeau get the majority power that he tried desperately to get last fall, in the last election, but he failed to get,” Conservative interim leader Candice Bergen told a press conference Tuesday. “This deal means that Canadians have woken up to, in essence, an NDP-Liberal majority government.” Later Tuesday, Trudeau’s office released a document that lays out shared priority areas where the Liberals and NDP are expected to join forces to pass legislation. The agreement covers a wide range of issues, including the creation of dental care for low-income Canadians, more progress on a national pharma-care program, additional investments in Indigenous housing, and identifying ways to further accelerate Canada’s path to net-zero emissions no later than 2050.

Navalny Sentenced to 9 Years

that he and his foundation raised over the years and of insulting a judge during a previous trial. The politician has rejected the allegations as politically motivated. The prosecution had asked for 13 years in a maximum security prison for the anti-corruption crusader and a 1.2 million-ruble fine. The trial, which opened about a month ago, unfolded in a makeshift courtroom in the prison colony hours away from Moscow where Navalny is serving a sentence for parole violations. Navalny’s supporters have criticized the authorities’ decision to move the proceedings there from a courthouse in Moscow, saying it has effectively limited access to the proceedings for the media and supporters. Navalny, 45, was arrested in January 2021 immediately upon his return from Germany, where he spent five months convalescing from a poisoning he blamed on the Kremlin, a claim Russian officials vehemently denied. Shortly after the arrest, a court sentenced him to 2½ years in prison over the parole violations stemming from a 2014 suspended sentence in a fraud case that Navalny insists was politically driven. Following Navalny’s imprisonment, authorities unleashed a sweeping crackdown on his associates and supporters. Navalny’s closest allies have left Russia after facing multiple criminal charges. His Foundation for Fighting Corruption and a network of nearly 40 regional offices were outlawed as extremist — a designation that exposes people involved to prosecution. Last month, Russian officials added Navalny and a number of his associates to a state registry of extremists and terrorists.

Syria’s Assad Visits UAE

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Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny was convicted of fraud and contempt of court and sentenced to nine years in a maximum security prison on Tuesday, in a trial Kremlin critics see as an attempt to keep President Vladimir Putin’s most ardent foe in prison for as long as possible. A judge also ruled that Navalny would have to pay a fine of 1.2 million rubles (about $11,500). Navalny can appeal the ruling. Navalny, who is already serving 2½ years in a penal colony east of Moscow, had been accused of embezzling money

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad visited the United Arab Emirates (UAE) on Friday in what is believed to be his first trip to an Arab nation since the Syrian civil war began in 2011. Upon his arrival in Dubai, Assad met with UAE Vice President and Prime Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum at his rest house in Al Marmoom.

the regime on the Syrians over the last decade,” said U.S. State Department spokesperson Ned Price. Along with the majority of Arab states, the UAE broke ties with Syria soon after the civil war erupted and once backed rebel fighters in its attempts to overthrow Assad’s regime. But in recent years, relations between the two countries have gradually improved, with the UAE spearheading efforts to bring Syria back into the Arab fold despite protests from Washington.

Assisting Those in Afghanistan

The United Nations Security Council last week agreed to renew its assistance mission to Afghanistan for another year. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres had described the situation in the wartorn nation in January as “hanging by a thread.” Christopher Miller, who served as Acting Secretary of Defense under former U.S. President Donald Trump and was one of the first officers to lead troops into Afghanistan after 9/11, noted, “The Russian play in Ukraine is directly related to the weakness and incompetence we displayed to the world with our tragically flawed withdrawal from Afghanistan. “The Chinese, North Koreans and Iranians took note. We are in the most dangerous geo-strategic situation since the Cuban missile crisis.” He added that, in his opinion, the U.S. withdrawal was “an absolute disgrace, and I’m ashamed personally and professionally at how we left our Afghan allies in such a desperate situation. It was completely preventable.” He noted, “Our adversaries noted our fecklessness, and we couldn’t have provided them more powerful ammunition to create dissension with our allies and partners.… We’re going to be dealing with the blowback on our ham-handed, disastrous withdrawal for the next 20 years – I’d hate to be a military man or diplomat trying to convince a potential partner to work with us.” The U.S. should support “anyone or group in Afghanistan that wishes to es-


MARCH 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home

According to a statement by Assad’s office, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid, who is also the ruler of Dubai, “welcomed the visit of President Assad and the accompanying delegation, which comes within the framework of the brotherly relations between the two countries, expressing his sincere wishes for Syria and its people that security and peace prevail throughout the region, and that stability and prosperity prevail throughout the region for the good and development of all.” The statement continued, “The meeting dealt with the overall relations between the two countries and the prospects for expanding the circle of bilateral cooperation, especially at the economic, investment, and commercial levels, in a way that lives up to the aspirations of the two brotherly peoples.” Assad also met with UAE Crown Prince Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan in Abu Dhabi. UAE’s de facto ruler was quoted as saying, “The visit comes within the framework of the common concern to continue consultation and fraternal coordination between the two countries on various issues, stressing that Syria is an essential pillar of Arab security, and therefore the UAE position is consistent in its support for the unity Syrian territory and its stability, stressing the need for the withdrawal of all foreign forces illegally present on Syrian territory, and expressed the UAE’s keenness to enhance cooperation with Syria in areas that achieve the aspirations of the two brotherly peoples.” Assad, for his part, was related by his office to have emphasized that “the UAE is a country that plays a major role in view of the balanced policies that it pursues towards international issues, pointing out that the world is changing and moving for a long time towards a state of instability. “Therefore, to protect our region, we must continue to adhere to our principles, the sovereignty of our countries and the interests of our peoples.” Syria’s president has made few international trips since his country’s long and bloody civil war began in March 2011, which the United Nations says has so far killed 350,000 people. Until now, Assad has only left his country to visit Russia and Iran – both backers of his regime. The United States said it was “profoundly disappointed and troubled” by the UAE’s decision to welcome Assad, as the United States believes that normalizing relations with Assad should come only after the civil war in his country is resolved. “We urge states considering engagement with the Assad regime to weigh carefully the horrific atrocities visited by

The Jewish Home | MARCH 24, 2022



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MARCH 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home



The Jewish Home | MARCH 24, 2022

tablish a meaningful government that can create opportunity and justice for the Afghan people,” he said. “The Afghan people are enormously industrious and rugged, and Afghanistan has a large amount of natural resources that could be developed – they just need meaningful leadership.” China undoubtedly is looking to insert itself into Afghanistan, as it bides its time to see how things play out. Against this backdrop, the people of Afghanistan are suffering. Women and girls, in particular, along with those of religious and minority groups, are hurt the most. People are starving; some even have sold their kidneys to put bread on the table. A Christian man who fled to the United States recently said that Christians are ruthlessly targeted by the Taliban. “If a Talib knows you are an Afghan Christian, that’s a great blessing for him to kill you,” he said. Afghanistan recently topped North Korea as the worst country in the world for Christian persecution.

An Undercover Glimpse into Iran

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An Iranian dissident has filmed a series of reports from Tehran for Israeli television, depicting the country’s cratering economy, frustrated residents, drug abuse and immoral industries. Channel 12 said the first report in the series, broadcast on Sunday, marked the first time cameras working for Israeli television had operated in Iran since the ayatollahs took power in 1979. The dissident said he took the risk of walking around the capital Tehran with the camera, usually hidden, to document daily life, out of a feeling of “revenge” against the regime. The people interviewed had their faces and voices distorted for safety. “To our sorrow, we don’t have independence here, there’s no freedom, no

democracy and no normal life. There is dictatorship, theft and crime. I know what I’m doing, and it’s definitely very dangerous,” the cameraman said. “I know the consequences of my actions. You have to stand and fight, and not give up. I hope that soon Iran will be freed from the dictators,” he said. The average Iranian’s main daily concern is cost of living, the report said. International sanctions over Iran’s nuclear program and government policies have caused soaring inflation. The cameraman visited one of Tehran’s main shopping areas to gauge public sentiment in the crowded alleys packed with shoppers and storefronts. A shopkeeper told him a set of dishes he sold for 6 million rials four years ago now costs 40 million ($960). “A satisfied belly cannot understand a hungry one. The leaders live well in their ivory towers, but we here are the living dead. A person dies once and gets buried, but we are dying every day here,” one resident said. Traffic and air pollution are other leading concerns for most Tehran residents, the report said. The cameraman visited Tehran’s more wealthy, northern area, filming its manicured parks and monuments. People there more secular and easygoing, and less supportive of the regime. The government’s religious edicts there were not strictly enforced — some women did not wear hijabs, or did not wear them properly, and if asked, will tell police they fell off, the report said. Street performers play music they are not supposed to play, and the children of wealthy Iranians hold parties by paying off local police. Tehran’s subway system appeared well-maintained and modern and is reportedly used by millions every day to access most areas of the city, the video showed. The sprawling metropolis has some 8.7 million people. The south of the city is more conservative, religious and poor, and more supportive of the regime. At night, the area was crowded with drug users sitting on the sidewalk, huddled over small fires. Another resident said that on one of Tehran’s “drug streets,” there were 2,000 to 3,000 users at a time. “No one’s coming to tell them anything, but if you dare to drink a cup of alcohol and go out on the street, they catch you, put you in prison and beat you,” he said. Heroin and opium are prevalent. Many women become addicted because their lives are more difficult in Iran than those of men.



Eric “Ari” BROWN



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MARCH 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home



The Jewish Home | MARCH 24, 2022


4 Killed in Terror Attack


our Israelis were killed and two others were wounded on Tuesday afternoon in a ramming and stabbing attack at an outdoor shopping mall in Beersheba. According to police, the terrorist first stabbed a woman to death at a gas station. He then entered his car and rammed a cyclist, before getting out again and stabbing several people at the BIG shopping center. The murderer was confronted by an armed bus driver, who attempted to get him to lower his weapon. The attacker lunged at the driver, who shot him alongside a second armed Israeli civilian. The stabber died from the gunshot wounds. Police commissioner Kobi Shabtai said the entire incident lasted eight minutes, with police officers arriving at the scene four minutes after being alerted. “Citizens displayed resourcefulness and killed the terrorist in the initial minutes,” he said. Magen David Adom medics reported that an Israeli woman died on the scene after being stabbed. Five other victims of the attack were rushed to Soroka Medical Center, where the cyclist, Rabbi Moshe Kravitzky, and two of the stabbing victims died of their wounds. Rabbi Kravitzky, a father of four, was the director of a Chabad House in the city. For more than a decade, Kravitzky ran a synagogue in the Nahal Beka neighborhood, as well as a local soup kitchen for the needy and elderly. Doris Yahbas, 49, was also killed in the attack. She had three children. Lora Yitzhak, 43, was killed in the stabbing spree. She had three children and was the sister of a police officer who was on his way to the scene of the attack. The fourth victim, Menachem Yehezkel, 67, was a local resident of Beersheba.

His nephew, Natti Cohen, told Channel 7 reporters, “he was a good man, this is a terrible tragedy.” Palestinian media identified the stabber as 34-year-old Mohammad Ghaleb Abu al-Qi’an, a terror convict from the Bedouin town of Hura in the Negev. He had served four years in prison for plotting to join the fundamentalist Islamic State terror group in Syria and was released in 2019. Tuesday’s rampage was the deadliest attack on Israeli civilians since June 2016, when two terrorists opened fire at Tel Aviv’s Sarona Market, killing four people and wounding 16. The Hamas terror group praised the stabbing attack, saying it “salutes the executor of the heroic operation in occupied Beersheba.” The terror group did not claim the stabber as a member, however. “The occupation’s crimes shall be met with heroic operations: stabbings, rammings, and shootings,” Hamas spokesperson Abd al-Latif al-Qanou told official Hamas radio. Arthur Chaimov is the bus driver who eliminated the terrorist. Chaimov recounted, “I got closer and then I saw he had a knife. I saw a man [lying] wounded. I told [the stabber] several times: ‘I’m asking you to put down the knife. I won’t shoot you. He said ‘No.’” On Sunday, two officers were hurt in a suspected stabbing attack in East Jerusalem’s Ras al-Amud neighborhood, and on Saturday, an Israeli man was stabbed and lightly hurt when he was out jogging on Jerusalem’s Hebron Road. Earlier this month, there were several attacks in Jerusalem’s Old City and in a nearby West Bank town. “We will act with a strong hand against those who carry out terror,” Prime Minister Naftali Bennett tweeted after Tuesday’s attack. “We will hunt and reach those who help them.” Foreign Minister Yair Lapid added, “Anyone who tries to harm innocent civilians needs to know that Israel will lay hands on them and bring them to justice.”

Zelensky Addresses Knesset In an emotional Zoom address to Knesset members on Sunday, during which he repeatedly invoked the Holocaust and criticized Israel for failing to arm his country, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky pleaded for help defending against a Russian “final solution” for his people. Zelensky said Ukraine and Israel face


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The Jewish Home | MARCH 24, 2022


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the same threat from their respective enemies: “the total destruction of our people, our state, our culture, even the name: Ukraine, Israel.”


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Zelensky, who is Jewish, noted that February 24 – the date Russia launched its invasion of Ukraine – was also the date on which the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, the Nazi party, was founded in Germany in 1920. “It destroyed entire states and tried to carry out genocide,” he said. On February 24, 2022, he said, “102 years after the Nazis, the order was given to begin the Russian invasion of Ukraine, which has already killed thousands of people and left millions without homes. They’ve become refugees…in dozens of countries. “Our people are now wandering the world, searching for a place, just as you once wandered…seeking security, trying to stay alive, and in peace. Exactly what you have sought,” said Zelensky. “The Russian invasion of Ukraine is not a military operation as it’s presented in Moscow,” he added. “It is an all-out war, illegitimate, intended to destroy our people, our country, our cities, our culture and our children. Everything that makes Ukrainians Ukrainians.” Zelensky noted the use of Holocaust terms in the Ukrainian war. “The Russians use the terminology of the Nazi party, they want to destroy everything. The Nazis called this ‘the final solution to the Jewish question,’” he said. “And now… in Moscow… they’re using those words, ‘the final solution.’ But now it’s directed against us and the Ukrainian question.” Zelensky then appealed to Israeli lawmakers for assistance and criticized them for failing to arm his country, refusing to take in large numbers of refugees, and opting out of many of the biting sanctions against Russia and its interests that have been imposed by the West. “I’m sure you feel our pain, but can you explain why we’re still waiting…for your help…when other countries are giving help? Why isn’t Israeli help, or even entry permits, forthcoming?” he asked. “What is it? Indifference? Political calculation? Mediation without choosing

sides?” Zelensky added. “I’ll leave you to provide the answers to these questions, but I want to point out that indifference kills. Calculations can be wrong. You can mediate between countries, but not between good and evil. “You need to provide answers to these questions and live with them,” he said. Israel has long maintained good relations with both Ukraine and Russia and has been seeking to use its unique position to broker an agreement between the two sides, as it tries to walk a tightrope maintaining its ties to both countries. There have been numerous apparent ups and downs in Kyiv’s relations with Jerusalem in recent days, with Ukraine at times lauding Israel’s diplomatic and humanitarian efforts and at other times strongly criticizing its reluctance to help more than it has. Zelensky’s speech was also broadcast at Tel Aviv’s Habima Square, where thousands of antiwar protests gathered to show their support.

12,000+ Ukrainians in Israel

Over 12,600 people with Ukrainian citizenship have arrived in Israel since the war between Russia and Ukraine began on February 24, Israel’s Interior Minister Ayelet Shaked (Yamina) said on Friday. The vast majority of the new arrivals are not eligible for Israeli citizenship under the Law of Return – only 3,650 are eligible to immigrate or have already immigrated. Another 1,050 were either refused entry or already left Israel for elsewhere. Meanwhile, according to Ynet, just 290 Ukrainians were denied entry. Initially, Shaked said that Israel would accept up to 25,000 Ukrainians: 5,000 new arrivals and the 20,000 who were already in Israel. Later, she clarified that family members of Israelis will not be included in the quota. Last week, Shaked said Israel was preparing to absorb 100,000 Ukrainian refugees eligible for Israeli citizenship.


MARCH 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home

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The Jewish Home | MARCH 24, 2022


Bennett, Sisi, MBZ Meet

On Tuesday, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett met with Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah el-Sisi and Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed al-Nahyan in the Sinai resort town of Sharm elSheikh. According to the Egyptian president’s office, the three leaders discussed the consequences of “global developments” — likely referring to the Russia-Ukraine war — on energy, market stability, and food security. Egypt, the world’s largest wheat importer, receives about 80 percent of its supply from Russia and Ukraine. With wheat prices rising around the globe in the wake of the conflict, Cairo fixed the

price of unsubsidized bread in the country on Monday. Together, Ukraine and Russia produce around 25% of the world’s wheat. About half of Israel’s supply comes from Ukraine. Human Rights Watch warned on Monday that the war in Ukraine “risks deepening the world’s food crisis, particularly in the Middle East and North Africa.” The three leaders also discussed “the latest updates on a number of international and regional issues.” Among those issues, presumably, are the stalled talks on Iran’s nuclear program in Vienna. The meeting represents the first-ever trilateral summit of Israeli, Egyptian, and Emirati leaders. The trip comes days after Israel announced the inauguration of a new flight route between Ben Gurion Airport and the south Sinai resort city. Flights are expected to start as early as next month, during the week of the Passover holiday. Bennett last met with Sisi in September, in what was the first such summit between Israeli and Egyptian leaders in more than a decade. The premier met with Mohammed bin Zayed, also known as MBZ, in December, when he made the first-ever visit by an Israeli prime minister to the Gulf country.

“Charity” Org. in Jerusalem Supports Hamas

Israel Police and Shabak (Israel Security Agency) on Friday announced the uncovering of a Hamas operation in Jerusalem. The operation had been ongoing for a few years. In February, three family members from the Jerusalem neighborhood of Sur Baher were arrested upon landing in Israel, on suspicion of involvement in crimes connected to a terrorist organization. The investigation revealed that the three worked at an association called “Lajnat Zakat al-Quds,” which claimed to provide support for orphans but in fact was a platform to transfer money and support the families of terrorists.

The suspects have been named as Khaled Sabah and his sons Munib and Musa’ab. A fourth suspect, from Beit Hanina, was also arrested. The GuideStar database, which is run by Israel’s Justice Ministry, showed that in 2020 the association received over 1,600,000 NIS in donations from within Israel. An investigation conducted jointly with the Tax Authority led to the seizure of a large amount of property and vehicles, including 500,000 NIS in cash, as well as the freezing of several bank accounts. The suspects’ arrests have been extended to allow continued investigations, and an indictment was filed against them. The Jerusalem Post quoted Israel Police as saying, “Senior Hamas figures outside Israel are constantly working to recruit activists in Judea and Samaria and Jerusalem in order to promote terrorist activity. Israel Police and the Shin Bet will continue to work together with other elements to thwart Hamas’ recruitment and intensification efforts within Jerusalem, while locating and addressing all those who express a willingness to assist in these efforts – in order to increase the security of the country’s residents and prevent harm to its citizens.”

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Madeline McGee Ph.D. Dr. McGee is a Supervising Psychologist on an acute-care adolescent psychiatric inpatient unit at the Zucker Hillside Hospital of Northwell Health treating teen patients and their families. She is an Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at the Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell. Dr. McGee earned her Ph.D. in clinical psychology with a specialization in child clinical psychology from St. John’s University centering on mood disorders and high-risk behaviors, Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and child trauma.

Cassandra A. D’Accordo, Ph.D. Dr. D’Accordo is a Clinical Psychologist working on South Oaks Hospital’s child and adolescent psychiatric inpatient units. She provides individual, group, and family psychotherapy, as well as psychological assessment. Dr. D’Accordo is trained in CognitiveBehavioral (CBT) and Dialectical Behavior Therapies (DBT). Dr. D'Accordo earned her PhD in Clinical Psychology from St. John’s University. She provides trainings for multidisciplinary staff, as well as clinical supervision of trainees, in DBT and other evidencebased approaches.

Singapore will open an embassy in Tel Aviv, its foreign minister announced on Monday, more than a half century after the two countries established diplomatic ties. A statement from Singapore’s foreign ministry said the new embassy will “serve as a focal point and support Singapore companies seeking to expand their collaboration with potential Israeli partners.” “I welcome the government of Singapore’s decision to open an embassy in Israel for the first time since the establishment of relations,” Foreign Minister Yair Lapid said in a statement. “This represents another testament to the good and unique relations between the countries.” The two countries have had diplomatic relations since 1969 and have since developed close security and business ties. Israel already operates an embassy in Singapore Foreign Minister Vivian Balakrishnan is in Israel as part of a Mideast tour that has included stops in the West Bank and Bahrain. Singapore’s foreign ministry said its Balakrishnan told Lapid during their meeting in Jerusalem that their two countries “should deepen collaboration in emerging areas such as agri-food tech, health-tech, AI and digitalization, as the world emerges from the COVID-19 pandemic.” Balakrishnan also used the opportunity to reiterate Singapore’s support for Palestinian statehood. “Singapore hopes that both the Israeli and Palestinian sides would find ways to engage in direct negotiations on the basis of a two-state solution,” he said. Israel and Singapore have long enjoyed close military ties. The IDF helped Singapore create its armed forces after the country became independent in the mid-1960s. However, due to Singapore’s relationship with its neighbors Malaysia and Indonesia, neither of which maintain formal ties with Israel, the country tends to downplay its connections to Israel and its meetings with Israeli officials. Indeed, Israeli officials have said that the decision

U.S. Veteran Sues Tehran for $1B

A U.S. Navy veteran jailed for nearly two years in Iran is suing the Iranian government. In the $1 billion suit, the veteran alleges that he was kidnapped, tortured, and held hostage. According to the federal lawsuit, Michael White claims he suffered “prolonged and continuous” abuse during his time in prison, including being beaten and punched, whipped on his feet, deprived of food and drink, and pressured to falsely confess that he was a spy for the U.S. government. The suit adds, “Mr. White endured this trauma for nearly two years, never knowing if or when he would be released and reunited with his family, repeatedly promised that his conditions would improve soon, only to be crushed psychologically when they did not.” The lawsuit, filed in a Washington, D.C., federal court, has not yet been seen by the public. It was not immediately clear if Iran planned to respond to the complaint or if it had a lawyer dealing with the case.

Internment Camp to Become Historic Site U.S. President Joe Biden last week signed a bill designating a World War IIera internment camp as a national historic site. Over 7,000 people, most of them U.S.


MARCH 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home

Singapore to Open Embassy

to censor Defense Minister Benny Gantz’s trip in October was due to explicit requests from Singapore. Singapore is Israel’s second-largest export destination in Asia after India. That is believed to include arms.

The Jewish Home | MARCH 24, 2022


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MARCH 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home




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citizens, were detained at Camp Amache in Colorado between 1942 and 1945. The site, also known as the Granada Relocation Center, was one of ten sites where Japanese Americans were held during the war. Today, a cemetery, monument, and reconstructed structures mark the site of the former camp. The bipartisan legislation passed last month added the site to the National Park System. Sen. Michael Bennet (D-Colo.), one of the bill’s sponsors, said, “This moment is a testament to the Amache survivors, descendants, and advocates who never

stopped pushing to get this done. Thanks to their work, future generations will now have the opportunity to learn about what happened at Amache and the Americans who were interned there.”

Following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, Pres-

ident Franklin D. Roosevelt authorized the forced relocation of Japanese Americans living on the West Coast with Executive Order 9066. Over the spring of 1942, some 120,000 Japanese Americans were “evacuated” and placed into temporary “assembly centers” before being transferred to more permanent and isolated “relocation centers” like Granada. Granada opened on August 27, 1942, and reached a peak population of 7,318 persons by February 1943, making it the smallest of the WRA camps (although the total number who passed through the camp during its three-year existence was over 10,000).

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The Jewish Home | MARCH 24, 2022


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‫שומר שבת‬

A record $36.9 billion in candy, chocolate, gum, mints, and other confections were purchased in 2021, according to a new report by the National Confectioners Association. Candy and chocolate sales in 2021 were 11% higher than in 2020 and 15.4% higher than in 2019. By 2026, sales are expected to reach $44.9 billion, representing 22% more than in 2021. Part of the drive is expected to be due to social media, as 42% of TikTok users engage in food challenges. At the same time, 80-90% of Americans celebrate certain holidays by “sharing and gifting confectionery,” the report said. The vast majority (71%) of consumers purchase most of their chocolate and candy at their primary grocery store, the trade group said. Chocolate represented a full $21.1 billion of the sales in 2021, followed by $12.7 billion in “non-chocolate” and $3.1 billion in gum and mints. President & CEO of the National Confectioners Association John Downs remarked, “Consumers view chocolate and candy as special treats in a happy, balanced lifestyle. “Our success in 2021 came in part as a result of Americans re-engaging with the confectionery seasons after a tumultuous 2020 in which we were often physically separated from family, friends and neighbors.”

Zelensky Implores Congress

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky last Wednesday requested that the U.S. Congress do more to help Ukraine fight off the Russian invasion. In a livestream viewed in the Capitol, Zelensky begged, “We need you right now. I call on you to do more.” “Peace is more important than income,” he stressed, adding, “I see no sense in life if it cannot stop the deaths.” During his speech, Zelensky said, “Remember Pearl Harbor, the terrible morning of December 7, 1941, when your sky was black from the planes attacking you. Remember September the 11th, a terrible day in 2001 when evil tried to turn your cities, independent territories, into battlefields. Our country experienced the same every day. “I have a need, the need to protect our sky. I need your decision, your help.” He added, “Is this too much to ask, to create a no-fly zone over Ukraine? If this is too much to ask, we offer an alternative. You know what kind of defense systems we need, you know how much depends on the battlefield, on the ability to use powerful strong aviation to protect our people our freedom our land. Aircraft that can help Ukraine, help Europe. And you know that they exist, and you have them, but they are on earth and not in the Ukrainian sky.” The United States has already sent Ukraine thousands of weapons, including Stinger missiles, anti-armor systems, UAVs, ammunition, guns, tactical gear, boats, helicopters, grenade launchers, and more. Addressing U.S. President Joe Biden, Zelensky said, “You are the leader of the nation, of your great nation. I wish you to be the leader of the world. Being the leader of the world means to be the leader of peace. Peace for your country no longer depends just on your country; it also depends on those next to you. Today the Ukrainian people are not only defending Ukraine; we are fighting for the values of Europe.” Biden later pledged ongoing U.S. aid to Ukraine and announced an additional $800 million in security assistance as he condemned Russia’s attacks in a speech

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The Jewish Home | MARCH 24, 2022


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of his own. “America is leading this effort, together with our allies and partners, providing enormous levels of security and humanitarian assistance that we’re adding to today and we’re going to continue to do more in the days and weeks ahead,” Biden said.

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9 Mass Shootings in 1 Weekend

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In Fayetteville, North Carolina, three people were killed and three others wounded in a shooting at a hotel. According to the police department, “Detectives have determined the shooting is not random,” and anyone with information is asked to come forward. Four people were shot at a party in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, when shots were fired “during an argument” at a party, the Milwaukee Police Department said. One of the victims, a 24-year-old man, was in critical condition.

At least nine mass shootings across the U.S. last weekend left over 60 injured and eight dead. One of the shootings, at a car show in Dumas, Arkansas, left one dead and at least 27 injured, including six children. That is the largest number injured at a single mass shooting event since 2019. In New Iberia, Louisiana, five people, including a seven-month-old infant, were injured in a mass shooting, local police said. Three of the victims suffered non-life-threatening injuries, while two others, including the infant and an adult, were hospitalized in critical condition. By Monday, the infant’s condition was stable, and surgery was scheduled. The adult lost her left eye and had been released from the hospital. In Norfolk, Virginia, two people were killed and three injured outside a restaurant. One of those killed was Virginian-Pilot newspaper reporter and former CNN news assistant Sierra Jenkins, 25, police said. Jenkins was leaving the restaurant when an argument started outside, followed by gunfire. Another shooting, in Madison Heights, Virginia, left a 21-year-old mother of twins dead and four other people wounded, Amherst County Sheriff E.W. Viar Jr. reported. A Houston, Texas, shooting outside a birthday party left one teenager dead and three wounded. Dallas, Texas, saw at least ten wounded, one of them critically, in a Saturday night shooting. A third shooting in the state, this time in Austin, occurred near a festival, and left four with “minor” injuries. The Austin shooting stemmed from “a disturbance between two groups of people” and is not believed to have been a random act, the Austin Police Department said.

All six passengers who were aboard a Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department helicopter that crashed Saturday in the Angeles National Forest are expected to survive, authorities said. The helicopter was carrying five sheriff’s deputies and one doctor who was on a ride-along. The crew was on the way to assist the fire department in a rescue. The crash happened just before 5 p.m. when the aircraft “suffered a hard landing and a rollover,” Sheriff Alex Villanueva said. “We’re very thankful that everyone survived,” Villanueva added. Standing outside the hospital, the sheriff stressed the importance of the helicopter crew, noting they do between 500 and 700 rescues a year. “It was their turn to be rescued,” he said.

Hochul’s “Raise the Age” Fight

Youth service providers and advocates have condemned New York Governor Kathy Hochul’s attempt to include rollbacks for the state’s Raise the Age laws in the state budget. Raise the Age increased NY’s age of

Denver Donates Bison to Tribes


MARCH 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home

criminal responsibility from 16 years old to 18 years old. According to a coalition of groups, the state should be investigating in public safety solutions instead of rollbacks. In a letter addressed to Hochul and legislative leaders, the groups wrote, “Rolling back Raise the Age will not make New York safer. While it is clear that the uptick in gun violence is an epidemic that requires action, the Raise the Age law is not responsible for this crisis. “When a 16- or 17-year-old is arrested with a gun in New York, the goal should be to stop that young person from carrying guns in the future – not to punish him or her as an adult. “We must not meet this moment by going backwards and returning to historically failed, retrograde policies that target Black and Latinx youth with adult prosecution – this will only cause harm to youth and communities and impede the equitable recovery that our state urgently needs.” Hochul is attempting to tackle the rising violent crime that is prevalent on New York streets. The 10-point public safety package proposed by the Democratic governor, who is running for reelection this year, would generally make more offenses bail eligible and offer judges more discretion by allowing them to explicitly consider a defendant’s criminal history for serious felonies. The measure would also reverse some of the state bail law changes, which were championed by criminal justice advocates as a means to ensure that people would not remain incarcerated pre-trial because of their finances. Those same elements of New York’s bail reform have met fierce opposition from some in law enforcement and others. A poll from Siena College found strong support among voters for further amending bail reforms, with 65% of polled voters saying bail reform laws should be amended to give judges more discretion based on an individual’s “dangerousness” level. Hochul’s proposal is garnering intense opposition from Democratic lawmakers.


shades of spring S U N 1 0 : 3 0 - 6 M O N - T H U R 1 0 - 6 & F R I 1 0 - 1 (winter) 1 0 - 2 (summer)

The city of Denver on Monday handed off 33 young, snorting bison to members of the Arapaho and Cheyenne tribes seeking to restore the iconic animals to their tribal lands. “The goal is to someday have thousands of buffalo,” said Jordan Dresser, chairman of the Northern Arapaho. “We are growing the herd and had a calf born last year, which was a huge moment for us.” For years, Denver auctioned off surplus bison from its two herds, descendants of the last wild bison in North

P H O N E 5 1 6 . 5 5 8 . 74 3 5 4 8 9 C E N T R A L AV E , C E D A R H U R S T N Y

America, to keep their numbers healthy. But in 2020, the city adopted a “land acknowledgment” calling for the dismantling of “ongoing legacies of oppression and inequities.” With that in mind, the City Council passed an ordinance last year to donate surplus bison to Indigenous tribes. On Monday, the Northern Arapaho in Wyoming were given 15 bison, the Cheyenne and Arapaho tribes in Oklahoma received 17, and the nonprofit Tall Bull Memorial Council in Colorado got one.

The move comes as tribes across the country are restoring bison, which they call buffalo, to their lands, where they play crucial roles in Native American culture and spirituality. “They were not only our food, but they were our tools, our homes,” said Elma Brown, interim chief executive of the Northern Arapaho. “We have a pasture where we can go out and pray with them.” For generations, Cheyenne and Arapaho hunters moved like waves across the

The Jewish Home | MARCH 24, 2022


Plains, chasing seemingly endless herds of bison, which sustained their way of life. As settlers came into the territory, the herds of bison thinned. Over the past century, the Bronx Zoo pioneered the reintroduction of bison into the wild. Today there are more than 500,000 bison in the U.S. and Canada.

Texas Battles 178 Fires

Firefighters in Texas have battled 178 wildfires as they scorched 108,493 acres across the state over the past week, the Texas A&M Forest Service said on Monday. As of Monday, the firefighters gained control over the “Big L Fire,” Hood County officials said. “It burned more than 11,000 acres. The evacuation order for the City of Lipan has been lifted. Firefighters set up a line at Star Hollow Road south of Lipan and that’s where they stopped it from spreading.” According to authorities, the increase in wildfires is due to “critical fire weather and high winds” detected Sunday. As of Sunday, 23 wildfires in the state were active, Forest Service spokesperson Erin O’Connor said. The Eastland Complex Fire was the largest, consisting of seven fires and totaling an estimated 54,463 acres. Its four initial fires began last Wednesday and Thursday, the Forest Service added. It is now 60% contained. The causes of the fires are under investigation. One person, a firefighter, died in the Eastland County blaze.

Fight to the Finish Perhaps a gunman shouldn’t have opened fire in a Texas sushi restaurant without knowing who else was enjoying sushi at the eatery. When the gunman fired a shot into the ceiling of the Houston restaurant,

UFC fighter Kevin Holland sprang into action. “When I heard the big bang, I thought it was maybe the table behind me popping a champagne bottle because they were having a birthday party,” Holland related. “Realized quickly it wasn’t no champagne when I turned around and seen people running, glass breaking.” Holland’s fighting skills came into use when he tried to subdue the suspect. Holland said he saw another man trying to wrestle the gun away from the suspect and rushed to help. “I grab the gun with the guy, we face (the gun) down towards the ground,” Holland recalled. “And then I’m like, ‘We’re upstairs – this shouldn’t be facing down.’ So we point it towards the bar and face it up in the air.” Holland managed to wrestle the gun away and then put him in a chokehold from behind. The 29-year-old welterweight fighter is 22-7-0 and won his most recent fight on March 5 by knockout. The suspect was charged with unlawful carrying of a weapon and deadly conduct and is in jail on $30,000 bond, according to court records. Turns out that Holland is no lightweight.

are nearly identical to the naked eye, with lime-green backs peppered by black dots arranged around yellow spots. Underneath, they both show the calling card of the glass frog: a completely transparent belly revealing a red heart, a textured white liver and digestive system, and, in the females, a pouch of greenish eggs. “At first, when we started to collect them, we thought they were the same species,” says Juan Manuel Guayasamin, an evolutionary biologist at Universidad San Francisco de Quito, and the lead author on a paper describing the new species, published last week in the journal PeerJ. But when he and his colleagues analyzed the frogs’ DNA more closely, “we were surprised to learn they actually sport large genetic differences.” There are 156 known species of glass frogs living throughout the neotropics, mainly in the northern Andes and Central America. The miracle of their existence is as clear as day.

Lost Your Marbles?

Glass Frogs

Sometimes, the miracles of Hashem’s natural world are so clear. Recently, scientists discovered two species of glass frogs just ten miles from Ecuador’s capital city of Quito. One of the frogs, Hyalinobatrachium mashpi, lives on the southern side of the Guayllabamba river. The other frog species, Hyalinobatrachium nouns, dwells in the northern flank of the valley in the Toisan Range, a steep complex of mountains isolated from the main Andes belt, an island floating above a green sea. Both creatures exist at roughly the same altitude, in similar humidity and temperature conditions. They both measure between 1.9 and 2.1 centimeters from snout to vent (a standard length measure of amphibians). Their bodies

If you’re having trouble eating, it may be because you left your teeth at the Barclay Pizza & Prosecco restaurant in Oldham, England. Workers there found a full set of dentures on the floor of the bar in the eatery in the early morning hours on Sunday. Emma Whelan, owner of the establishment, posted a photo to the business’s Facebook page showing a bag that employees labeled “Teeth - Saturday 19 March 2022.” “We get a lot of things left behind after a night in the Barclay.... We’ve had house keys, phones, even a single shoe (she must have hopped home), but this is a new one,” the post said. Whelan said the teeth were found at the end of a particularly busy night.

“It’s a full set of teeth,” Whelan added. “I particularly wanted to post it because someone is definitely missing them.” She wants to get the message out by word of mouth. We hope it’s not a lost cause.

88 Pounds of Wool

“Baa, baa black sheep, have you any wool?” “Yes, sir, yes, sir. 88 pounds of wool.” Recently, a sheep was found wandering an Australian mountainside, exhausted and rundown. You see, the sheep had escaped from a farm when it was a baby six years ago and had tens of pounds of wool on its small frame. A hiker named Alex found the sheep and alerted a local animal sanctuary. Pam Ahern, owner of Victoria animal sanctuary Edgar’s Mission, said she received the call about a sheep found by a hiker on nearby Mount Alexander. “He had 40 kilos of wool on him when he came to us,” Ahern related. “He had urine, sticks, twigs and bugs all over him – it was heartbreaking.” The sheep, nicknamed Alex because of the hiker who found him, had wool so matted that experts needed to be call in to do the shearing, which took an hour. “Holly came out at midnight and worked on him for about an hour,” Ahern added. “It was critical. If we didn’t get it off him that night, I actually don’t think he would have made it through the night.” Sheep need to be shorn every year. Holly Kendall, who performed the shearing, said Alex’s condition began to improve quickly. “When we finished, he still needed help to stand but you could see his eyes getting brighter by the minute,” she said. Looks like they fleeced him but good. We can’t baa-lieve it.

Here’s what community leaders are saying about

Elect Eric “Ari”


“We need Eric “Ari” Brown’s voice in Albany to stop dangerous ‘bail laws’ that are letting dangerous criminals go free.”

Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman “Ari Brown helped me to control taxes in Cedarhurst, he will ght for tax relief in the State Assembly.”

Cedarhurst Mayor Ben Weinstock

“People with special needs, severe medical issues and other vulnerable individuals will have an effective advocate with Eric “Ari” Brown in the Assembly.”

Former Assemblywoman Melissa “Missy” Miller “I will work with our next Assemblyman, Ari Brown, to stop attempts to defund our police, and we will continue to support law and order.”

County Legislator Denise Ford “I am voting for Eric “Ari” Brown because he will ght the Governor’s proposal to eliminate single-family home zoning in New York.”

Lawrence Mayor Alex Edelman “Ari Brown will stop spiraling taxes, and he will ght to cut gasoline taxes during these difficult times.”

Hempstead Town Councilman Anthony D’Esposito “Nassau needs a partner in Albany to help keep taxes low and neighbors safe…that’s Ari Brown.”

County Legislator Howard Kopel

MARCH 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home

Eric “Ari” Brown


The Jewish Home | MARCH 24, 2022


Around the

Community HALB’s 67th Annual Dinner was a night to remember! Hundreds of parents, teachers, and friends from all four divisions of HALB (DRS, SKA, HALB Elementary, and Lev Chana) came out to Celebrate the Legacy of the HALB family. Mazal tov to Guest of Honor and long-time Executive Director Richie Hagler; Rabbi Dr. Armin H. Friedman Educator of the Year, Rabbi Elly Storch; and Parents of the Year, Tanya and Amitai Dagan.

Guest of Honor Executive Director Richie Hagler

Parents of the Year Tanya and Amitai Dagan

Educator of the Year Rabbi Elly Storch


MARCH 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home


When self-cleaning your oven try

Do not cover any of the oven exterior

Do not self-clean grates that have

and give yourself some time prior

with foil prior to self-cleaning. This

plastic or rubber feet.

to Pesach, if at all possible. This will

can cause serious damage to the oven

When lining your fridge/freezer

leave time for repairs should your

control components.

shelves, DO leave space for air flow along the length of the back wall.

oven malfunction. When covering an oven range with foil, DO leave air space between the cooktop and control panel section to allow the heat from the oven to escape.

Running grates and caps through a

If your freezer has coil shelves DO

self-clean cycle can cause these parts

puncture holes in the foil/plastic to

to crack and/or discolor. Call our

allow for proper cooling.

parts department to order separate grates and caps for Pesach. (Unless otherwise specified in the Use and

Using boiling water on grates and

Care Guide.) We do not recommend that oven racks be put through self-clean. The

While not recommended, before placing toys into a washer or dishwasher – DO make sure to place them inside a mesh bag so that loose parts don’t

have shattered their inner oven door glass. This is caused when the glass is hot and something cold touches it.

caps can damage the enamel and result in discoloration.

At this time of year, many customers

self-clean cycle can ruin their shine, and can cause the racks not to slide in and out as easily. You can purchase

DO NOT open the oven door right after you’ve self-cleaned your oven. Open it only after the oven has completely cooled down to room temperature.

new racks from our parts department.

Oomph! 7329423675

get stuck in the mechanism.






TA_ Pesachcare_Ami.indd 1

Valley Center

P: 4 1 0 . 3 6 4 . 4 1 0 0


431 Central Ave.

P: 5 1 6 . 3 0 3 . 8 3 3 8

3/21/22 1:55 PM

The Jewish Home | MARCH 24, 2022


Around the Community


The Four Sons Including people of all abilities at the Seder and beyond.

A Zoom Presentation Assemblymember Simcha Eichenstein, Assemblymember Stacey Pheffer Amato, and former Assemblymember Phil Goldfeder campaigning with Assembly candidate David Lobl in Cedarhurst this week

County Executive Blakeman to Install Traffic Light on Peninsula

L Presented by:

Dr. Stephen Glicksman Developmental Psychologist Director of Clinical Innovation, Makor

Monday, March 28th at 7:30 PM

Pre-registration required at For more information please call 718.853.0900 This lecture is the first of an ongoing public service series by Makor Institute, the Educational and Research Division of Makor Care & Services Network

ast week, Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman announced a new traffic signal will be installed at the intersection of Edward Avenue and Peninsula Blvd in Woodmere. He also announced an increase of police enforcement in the area. “After conducting an exhaustive traffic safety study and hearing from many members of the community, I have directed the County’s Department of Public Works to install a traffic light on the corner of Edwards Avenue and Peninsula Blvd in Woodmere,” said County Executive Bruce Blakeman. ”I have also asked the Nassau County Police Department to increase enforcement in the area. With an increase in truck and vehicle traffic, this stoplight along with increased enforcement will improve safety conditions on this very busy roadway.” Blakeman said increased police en-

forcement of speeding and other dangerous driving violations will begin immediately. The traffic signal will begin to be installed soon and is expected to be completed later this spring. “This traffic light is something that the community has been requesting for quite some time,” noted Deputy Presiding Officer Howard Kopel. “Too many people have lost their lives at this dangerous intersection, and I am thankful to the County Executive and his team for their prompt and welcome response to this critical situation.” “This highly-trafficked thoroughfare has long posed a hazard to pedestrians,” said Legislator Denise Ford. ”I thank County Executive Blakeman for joining in our support and calling for these much-needed improvements which will enhance safety for our Five Towns residents.”

Did you know? The Latin word for “season” is sationem, meaning “seed time.”




What does it mean to be in the majority? It means actually getting what we deserve. The Democrats maintain a majority of the seats in the NYS Assembly. Representatives belonging to this majority actually receive benefits for their community, while Republican representatives are given scraps. David Lobl believes we deserve more than scraps. A lot more.

I proudly endorse David Lobl for the New York State Assembly. David has the experience, relationships, and work ethic to actually deliver for our community. — Phil Goldfeder, Former New York State Assemblyman

Today I am proud to endorse David Lobl for the NYS Assembly. I have no doubt that serving with David in the Assembly majority will only strengthen our voice. — Dan Rosenthal, New York State Assemblyman

Take advantage of early voting from Monday, March 28th - Tuesday, April 5th For Absentee Ballots, visit Paid for by Friends of David Lobl

MARCH 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home

Vote for the Majority.


Around the Community

The Jewish Home | MARCH 24, 2022


Rabbi Ami Cohen, who gives simanei kashrus demonstrations around the country, visited YOSS this week in connection with Parshas Shmini. Rabbi Cohen brings with him a large array of hooves, heads, and horns from various kinds of kosher and non-kosher animals, giving a real life understanding about the different simanim.

Cincinnati Hosts Rabbi Daniel Glatstein


n Feb 25-27, Golf Manor Shul (GMS) in Cincinnati, Ohio, hosted Rabbi Daniel Glatstein in honor of Shabbos M’varchim Adar. Rabbi Glatstein has a deep love for history and always seeks to find the exact source for every Torah idea he incorporates in his shiurim. In his little bit of free time on Friday afternoon, Rabbi Glatstein was determined to make it to the Klau library at Hebrew Union College (HUC) to explore the world’s second largest collection of Jewish books including many rare seforim only available in Cincinnati. As soon as Shabbos began, Rabbi Glatstein was hard at work. At the Friday night oneg, Rabbi Glatstein shared remarkable stories from his many international kevarim trips. Amidst the laughter and amazement was the clear message that having a connection with a Rebbe is critical to growing as a Jew and connecting to the authors of the seforim we learn brings their Torah to life. On Shabbos day, Rabbi Glatstein delivered the Shabbos drasha. He gave a class for women after kiddush, a shiur before Mincha, and a dvar Torah at Shalosh Seudos. On Motzei Shabbos Rabbi Glatstein spoke at the Melava Malka. Rabbi Glatstein’s drashos and shiurim covered a broad range of topics all connected to the upcoming yom tov of Purim. At the Melava Malka, Rabbi Alt, the

Rabbi Yosef Alt, rav of the Golf Manor Shul, with Rabbi Daniel Glatstein near Rabbi Eliezer Silver’s kever in Cincinnati

rav of Golf Manor Shul, shared how impressed he was with all of Rabbi Glatstein’s shiurim, “Every shiur has a source I’ve never heard before. Rabbi Glatstein’s delivery is exceptional. He’s funny, engaging, and inspiring.” On Sunday, GMS partnered with Jewish Cemeteries of Greater Cincinnati

(JCGC) for a special trip to the cemeteries with Rabbi Glatstein. The first stop was in Cincinnati’s Price Hill cemetery at the grave of Rabbi Yissachar Dov Illowy. Rabbi Glatstein described many fascinating details of the life and history of Rabbi Illowy. Rabbi Illowy was one of the earliest voices of Orthodox Jewry in Ameri-

ca. His pen was his sword with which he battled the tides of assimilation created by Reform. Rabbi Glatstein shared, “You may wonder, where are the shuls and schools that this great man created? They are nowhere to be found and they are everywhere! He devoted his life to maintaining authentic Judaism in America, it is in his credit that any and every Orthodox institution exists today.” The final stop was the grave of the famed gadol Rabbi Eliezer Silver, z”l. In addition to many of the familiar stories about Rabbi Silver, Rabbi Glatstein shared a personal connection he has. In Kew Gardens Hills, Rabbi Glatstein connected with a Talmud Muvhak (close disciple) of Rabbi Silver, Rabbi Shlomo Wahrman. Rabbi Wahrman published many seforim including his seven-volume masterpiece She’eris Yosef. It was due to Rabbi Silver’s constant encouragement that Rabbi Wahrman became the accomplished author that he was. Rabbi Silver even personally reviewed his student’s manuscripts before they went to print. Rabbi Glatstein in turn shared his manuscripts with Rabbi Wahrman before publishing his own seforim, connecting vicariously to Rabbi Silver through his student Rabbi Wahrman. Many Cincinnatians were left forever touched, moved, and inspired by Rabbi Glatstein from his short visit to Cincinnati.



Pre Pesach MARCH 30 TH 4:00-8:30PM 544 CENTRAL AVENUE CEDARHURST, NY 11516



Pop up


MARCH 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home


Around the Community

The Jewish Home | MARCH 24, 2022


Children and adults enjoyed Chabad of Far Rockaway’s Purim Program


MARCH 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home

Around the Community

The Jewish Home | MARCH 24, 2022


At Yeshiva Darchei Torah’s live hookup to the levaya of Maran Rav Chaim Kanievsky, zt”l

Strengthening Our Bitachon

Rabbi Yaakov Bender, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Darchei Torah, visited i-Shine Five Towns last week to connect with kids who have been impacted by illness or loss in the family. Kids enjoyed Purim-themed activities, speaking with Rabbi Bender, and special entertainment by Yitzy Haber of the Schnitzel Guys. i-Shine is Chai Lifeline’s afterschool program for children living with illness or loss in the family. To learn more, please visit ishine.


midst the hustle and bustle of the usual responsibilities that present themselves each week, there is a group in Cedarhurst that recalibrates their thoughts every Monday evening to focus on what truly gives direction. Led by Harav Shaya Cohen, shlita, Rosh HaYeshiva of Yeshiva Zichron Aryeh in Far Rockaway, this group joins together to delve into the depths of Chazal to analyze and internalize the concepts of bitachon. Over the past five months, the chabura has rotated hosts throughout Cedarhurst and studied the classic work of the Beis Halevi on Bitachon, recently translated and explained by Rabbi David Sutton.

The shiur was spearheaded by R’ Shmuli Schwebel, a member of the Cedarhurst community, l’zecher nishmas his father, R’ Yaakov ben R’ Yosef. The peace of mind and clarity that the participants achieve through the inspirational content and personal stories in this Chabura is vital to each and every one of us in our daily lives. If you would like to be part of this tremendous opportunity to build and spread bitachon throughout our community, please join us on Monday evenings! To join the Chabura or to be added to the Chabura’s WhatsApp Group, please WhatsApp 516-680-6183.


MARCH 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home

Be ready to deal with


comes your way. Beis HaLevi on Bitachon A workshop to understand the depths of Bitachon through the eyes of Chazal. Given by Rabbi Shaya Cohen, Shlit"a

Mondays 9:00-9:30 pm ‫לע״נ ר׳ יעקב בן ר׳ יוסף‬

Followed by a Q and A Session

The live Shiur on March 28 will take place at the home of:

Mr. & Mrs. Aron Solomon - 370 Rugby Road, Cedarhurst or Join with Zoom: ID# 3983216313 Password:121325 Brought to you by Eliezer Institute, A Priority-1 and Westwood Realty project

Around the Community

An Early Purim Party at the Gural JCC

The Jewish Home | MARCH 24, 2022



The elementary kitos of Torah Academy for Girls enjoyed a Purim assembly that encompassed the entire world. Each grade was assigned a different day of Creation and their imaginative costumes reflected their day

The children in Morah Allison’s class at Gan Amy West Hempstead celebrated Purim with a costume parade, hamantaschen, a magician, a clown and face painting

Celebrating Purim at MTA

urim is a favorite holiday for children of all ages. Weeks in advance, the excitement is already crackling in the air. Conversation in the classroom and outside school ranges from talk about costume designs, mishloach manot preparations, where the Purim seudah will be held and many other joyful details. But for children from single parent homes, the approaching holiday is often fraught with uncertainty rather than enthusiasm. Which parent will they be with this year? Will there even be a Purim seudah? Will there be funds for costumes and for purchasing mishloach manot to deliver to friends? Will anyone be able to take them around? Will it be the fun day they dream about or a day of uncertainty and disappointment? The Kadima program at the Marion and Aaron Gural JCC recognizes how difficult holidays are for single parent families – parent and children alike. For over seven years, we have been offering yearround services, socialization and support for this struggling and vulnerable population, in our community and beyond. So this year, Purim came a little early when over 100 single parents and their children joined our JCC Kadima Purim party, held at our Harrison-Kerr Family campus in Lawrence. Last Sunday afternoon before Purim, after finding a seat at one of our festively decorated, brightly appointed tables, families enjoyed hamentaschen and other nosh, colored on the Purim handouts and word searches, and perused tables of Purim costumes for the taking. It was a great opportunity for parents to meet each other for the first time or reconnect after two years of being apart and isolating. It was also a meaningful occasion for children to look around and be heartened to know that everyone in the room was just like them. When everyone settled down, our fabulous storyteller and face painter regaled the families with interactive adventurous stories while painting the faces of eager volunteer children with the characters from the tales. Kids and parents were mesmerized by the developing story as well as the artwork. When the show

ended, all were invited to visit our ice cream bar, always a hit at our pre-Purim party. When the fun was over and it was time to leave, mishloach manot and beautiful Megillot Esther books were given to each family. The families said their goodbyes with huge grins on their faces and arms full of treats. It was heartwarming for us to know that a little bit of Purim joy was had and spread by all. This year, the Kadima Purim party was sponsored in part by the family of Daniella Vogel, a”h, one of our earliest Kadima members, who passed away so young and tragically and who was a tremendous force behind our Kadima efforts. Daniella was beloved by all, and we are very grateful to have had Daniella in our program, though for much too short a time. We greatly appreciate being given the opportunity to organize our Purim party in her memory. We could not have run the program without the generous time and effort provided by a group of wonderful volunteers who helped with set up, registration, costume selections, and everything in between. We also want to thank the Adler family for donating the beautiful megillot. As always, the programs we offer at the JCC are a collaborative effort of so many dedicated people. It is never just the clients who benefit from our initiatives, but the staff and volunteers as well. The JCC works hand-in-hand with our neighbors and friends to better the life for all in the community. For more information about Kadima or any of our other programs and services, call 516-569-6733. The Marion and Aaron Gural JCC is a proud not-for-profit partner of UJA-Federation New York.


Around the Community At the hachnosas sefer Torah of the Chabad of the Five Towns, dedicated by Kalman and Ayala Goldstein, l’zecher Phyllis Pollack, Ayala’s mother


The Jewish Home | MARCH 24, 2022



‫הדרן עלך מסכת ביצה‬


Kollel Nishmas Hatorah 47 Desebio Place, Inwood, NY

Guest Speaker

Rav Yaakov Bender Shlita



Rabbi Mordechai Granek | Rabbi Moshe Barth | Rabbi Noach Krystal | Rabbi Reuvain Silverman | Rabbi Sendy Stern Rabbi Shmulie Finkelstein | Rabbi Yosef Shuter | abbi Shmuel Shwartz | Rabbi Tzion Goykadosh | Rabbi Yakar Biegelison Rabbi Yisrael Harar | Rabbi Yisrael Moshe Rockowsky | Rabbi Yitzy Haber | Rabbi Ariel Kadish Rabbi Yoni Fier | Rabbi Yosef Sasoon | Rabbi Yosi Rubin | Rabbi Yossi Hecht | Rabbi Zach Robinson

THANK YOU TO OUR DONORS Mr and Mrs Abba kloc | Mr and Mrs Abi Goldenberg | Mr and Mrs Adam Jerozalem | Mr and Mrs Eitan Agbashoff | Mr and Mrs Ari Zinberg Mr and Mrs Ariel Sonninblick


Dr and Mrs Avi Baitner | Mr and Mrs Avi Feldman | Mr and Mrs Avi Karp

| Mr and Mrs Avigdor Sheshpartise

Mr and Mrs Avrumi Hass | Mr and Mrs Berish Shechter | Dr and Mrs Benny Gamss | Mr and Mrs Yehuda Biber | Mr and Mrs Binyamin Safrin Mr and Mrs Yeruchum Brazil | Mr and Mrs Binyamin Wach | Rabbi and Mrs Chaim Bugapolsky | Mr and Mrs Chaim Feld

| Mr Jared Hiller

Mr and Mrs Chaim Shreck | Mr and Mrs Charlie Harary | Mr and Mrs Danny Hiller | Dr and Mrs Dan Geisler | Mr and Mrs Dani Lilker Mr and Mrs Daniel Friedman | Dr and Mrs Daniel Klein |

Mr and Mrs David Brier | Mr and Mrs David Samuels | Mr and Mrs Donny Baitner

Mr and Mrs Dovi Singer | Mr and Mrs Dovi Wiznicki | Mr and Mrs Dovid Ostriecher | Mr and Mrs Shua Drang | Rabbi and Mrs Duvy Zomick Mr and Mrs Eli Mishaan | Mr and Mrs Eli Waldman | Mr and Mrs Melech Ershowsky |

Mr and Mrs Eytan Feldman | Mr and Mrs Gabe Segei

Mr and Mrs Adam Glickman | Mr and Mrs Adam Goller | Mr and Mrs Moshe Hammer | Mr and Mrs Harry Cedarbaum | Mrs Natalie Baitner Mr and Mrs Harry Kotowitz | Mr and Mrs Howie Hershkowitz | Rabbi and Mrs Ira Wallach | Dr and Mrs Jacob Goldberg | Mr and Mrs Josh Sarnar Mr and Mra Jay Nadelbach | Mr and Mrs Shmuel Fuchs | Mr and Mrs Joe Aryeh | Mr and Mrs Johnathan Lauer | Dr and Mrs Johnny Newman Mr and Mrs Jordan Hiller

| Mr and Mrs Josh Richman | Mr and Mrs Josh Wyner | Dr and Mrs Justin Hirmes | Mr and Mrs Ari Kalton

Mr and Mrs Leibi Pentelnik | Mr and Mrs Lewis Abarbanel | Mr and Mrs Max Joseph | Rabbi and Mrs Meir Kotowitz | Mr and Mrs Meir Neuman Mr Meir Shalvalsky | Mr and Mrs Menashe Oratz | Mr and Mrs Mendy Weisner | Mr and Mrs Michael Dimnenshtien | Mr and Mrs Mikey Frolich Mr and Mrs Mikey Harary | Mr and Mrs MIkey Richman | Mr and Mrs Mikey Weicholtz | Mr and Mrs Mordechai Granek Mr and Mrs Mordechai Hartman Dr and Mrs Moshe Kalie

| Mr and Mrs Yudi Gelbtuch

| Mr and Mrs Mordechai Stern | Mr and Mrs Mordy Shwartz | Mr and Mrs Uriel Cohn | Mr and Mrs Yitzy Fried

| Mr and Mrs Moshe Gordon |

Rabbi and Mrs Elazer Nadelbach |

Mr and Mrs Moshe Meer |

Mr and Mrs Nassan Tritel |

Mr and Mrs Moshe Pilevsky |

Mr and Mrs Natanel Myerovitz |

Mr and Mrs Motti Fox

Rabbi and Mrs Nesanel Snow

Mr and Mrs Adam Okun | Rabbi and Mrs Aaron Orenstein | Mr and Mrs Avi Popack | Dr and Mrs Raanan Wolf | Dr and Mrs Randy Makovsky Mr and Mrs Ronen Fuchsbroner | Mr and Mrs Sammy Goldsmith | Mr and Mrs Simcha Scheininger | Mr and Mrs Shalom Lichtenstein Mr and Mrs Binyamin Sharf | Mr and Mrs Shlomo Jakobovic | Mr and Mrs Shmuel Grue | Mr and Mrs Shmulie Fuchs | Mr and Mrs Simcha Goldberg Mr and Mrs Stevie Stein | Mr and Mrs Tsachi Baitner | Mr and Mrs Tzvi Barax | Dr and Mrs Tzvi Herman | Mr and Mrs Tzvi Stienmet Dr and Mrs Alon Waltuch | Mr and Mrs Yehuda Hammer | Mr and Mrs Yitzy Sprecher | Mr and Mrs Yechiel Roth | Mr and Mrs Yehudah Jaffe Rabbi and Mrs Yehoshua Robinson | Mr and Mrs Yehuda Klinkowitz | Mr and Mrs Yehuda Williams | Mr and Mrs Yehuda Zachter Mr and Mrs Yisrael Rojokowski | Mr and Mrs Yitzchaki Feit | Mr and Mrs Yitzchak Weinstock | Mr and Mrs Yitzy Orbach | Mrs Sheila Feit Mr and Mrs Yehoshua Morgenstern | Mr and Mrs Yonah Braun | Mr and Mrs Yoni Paritzky | Rabbi and Mrs Yossi Bennet | Mr and Mrs Yoni Fier Mr and Mrs Yossi Bodner | Mr and Mrs Yossi Eisenberger | Mr and Mrs Yossi Sinentsky | Mr and Mrs Zalmy Schiowitz |

Rav Nesanel Feit Rosh Kollel

Mr and Mrs Mayer Fishel

Mr and Mrs Yehoshua Krasnow

Rav Pinchus Weinberger Rosh Yeshiva

| Mr and Mrs YItzy Weider

MARCH 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home

Rabbi Ahron Bain | Rabbi Ahron Friedman | Rabbi Akiva Berg | Rabbi Ariel Kamel | Rabbi Avraham Garfinkel Rabbi Avrumi Goldstone | Rabbi Benny Azizi | Rabbi Daniel Selevan | Rabbi Leibi Pentelnik | Rabbi Meir Kernerman

Around the Community

The Jewish Home | MARCH 24, 2022


Reb Dovid Sitnick saying divrai zikaron to the Siach Yitzchok talmidim on the day of the levaya of Harav Chaim Kanievsky, zt”l

Purim Fun at HAFTR



MARCH 28, THROUGH APRIL 5, 2022 3/28










3/30 6AM-7PM










DISTRICT 20 MAP Any registered voter who resides HERE! in Assembly District 20 should vote in the special election NEIGHBORHOODS IN THE 20TH DISTRICT:

Atlantic Beach • Cedarhurst • East Rockaway • Hewlett Inwood • Island Park • Lawrence • Lido Beach Long Beach • Oceanside • Point Lookout • Woodmere is not affiliated with any candidate or campaign @klalvote

Lets keep the momentum going and continue to get out the vote! There won't be shul pages on KlalVote for this election. So just vote! Our voice is represented by our voter turnout! For more information on the special election go to

MARCH 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home

Our community grew our voter turnout by 70% in the last election. The political world has taken notice and our community stands to benefit for years to come because we've become a community that votes

The Jewish Home | MARCH 24, 2022


Around the Community

Orah Zu Torah

150 Middle School-age boys and their fathers came together to learn Torah at Yeshiva Darchei Torah late on Purim night

Purim at Kulanu

YCQ Sends Cards to Ukrainian Children


Simchas Purim with the Nikolsburger Rebbe

S Did you know? In Japan, they believe spring begins once their national flower, the cherry blossom, starts to bloom.

tudents from Torah L’Kulanu felt the joy of Purim! Through the many activities designed to help them learn about and celebrate the holiday of Purim, students shopped for the Purim seudah, made costumes, had a great time at our Purim Carnival, exchanged mishloach manot, participated in an inclusion Purim carnival at Shulamith Middle School, and so much more! We were also privileged to host Rabbi Mayefsky who delivered a presentation of the Megillah while showing the students his Megillah klaf. Students practiced banging Haman as he read parts of the Megillah. Students also made hamantaschen in our commercial kitchen and participated in putting together a Megillah in celebration of Purim. We look forward to many more exciting events ahead in Torah L’Kulanu!

s the Russian invasion of Ukraine nears its fourth week, Yeshiva University (YU) sent undergraduate students to Vienna to participate in a Ukrainian refugee relief mission. The trip, March 13-20, was led by Vice Provost of Values and Leadership and Sacks-Herenstein Center Director Erica Brown and Mashgiach Ruchani Rabbi Josh Blass. The 27 New York-based undergraduate students are supporting the hundreds of Ukrainian refugees relocated there, with educational activities for children, donations, supplies, and the coordination of housing. Yeshiva of Central Queens students made personalized Purim cards for the Jewish Ukrainian children, and the YCQ Board of Trustees (BOT) and Parent Teachers Organization (PTO) worked overnight to secure $4,000 worth of Purim crafts for the YU mission. partnered with YCQ, discounted the cost, and donating several hundred dollars’ worth of supplies to the worthy cause. When asked about YCQ’s participation, Mrs. Aliza Peled, YCQ Board of Trustee Member, stated, “At last week’s BOT meeting, we discussed the situation in Ukraine as it frames so much of what is on our minds. We felt there was a teachable moment for our students and so worked with Rabbi Mark Landsman [Principal of YCQ] on this initiative. He was inspired by the idea of doing something more than tefilla and Tehillim, and so the Purim card initiative was born. Our generous YCQ

PTO Board and BOT immediately committed to assisting financially. We have tremendous hakarat hatov to for partnering with us on this important initiative. They literally worked through the night so we could pack and deliver the craft supplies. This entire undertaking was executed in a matter of 24 hours. Special thanks to Mrs. Sandra Dua, YCQ elementary school teacher, who directed the Grade 4-8 students drafting of notes and well wishes.” YCQ PTO Co-President Julie Faska reported, “It was an unbelievable opportunity that dropped into our laps. Everyone feels stuck and helpless about the events in Ukraine. We created an opportunity for the students and the adults to do and help – even though it’s not nearly enough, we feel proud that we empowered YCQ students, and YU students, to facilitate kindness and achdus.”


Around the Community A N D

B E L I E V E R S .

Avi is determined to get into college. His IVDU teacher is determined to help.


he winter season of JSL concluded in thrilling fashion! In the 1st/2nd Grade Football Championships, PIP printing won 56-49 in overtime. Shalom Kopelowitz caught 4 TDs in the game. In 2nd/3rd grade soccer, Home & Stone earned the Championship win with a dramatic shootout victory. They beat Maidenbaum 4-3. Yosef Abramson scored the winning goal while also playing shootout goalie and saving all 4 shot attempts against him! Krauss Dentistry won the 3rd place game with a 10-1 victory over John’s Automotive. In the 3rd/4th Basketball Championships, RestoMax played dominant defense and beat Maidenbaum 21-7. Eliyahu Schuss led the team to victory despite getting off a plane home from Israel just 2 hours before tipoff! PEYD earned the 3rd place win with a strong 34-26 win. In 5th grade Basketball, Triple Net Group win the Championship by holding off Wisnick-Neuhauser 36-26. 5Towns Central earned 3rd place with a 26-22 win over AutoClick. In the 6th-8th Basketball, Home & Stone held on to defeat Gourmet Glatt 4640. Gourmet Glatt came back from down 14 to pull within 2 late but couldn’t pull off the comeback. In the 3rd place game, JRM beat John’s Automotive 52-21. Executive Dry Cleaning won the Hockey Championships with a 2-0 shutout over Believe and Achieve. Alpert Financial earned 3rd place in a 5-4 overtime victory. Gavriel Abittan scored the game winner with 15 seconds left in OT. Champions 1st/2nd Football: PIP Printing

2nd/3rd Soccer: Home & Stone 3rd/4th Basketball: RestoMax 5th Basketball: Triple Net Group 6th-8th Basketball: Home & Stone th 4 /5th Hockey: Executive Dry Cleaners MVPs Each team distributed two awards. One boy receive the Premier Assist Middos Award and another the Premier Assist MVP. These awards were given to boys who exemplified Middos and teamwork on the court all season long. Men’s Recap The regular season ended this week for the Men. 8 teams will now compete in the playoffs. Island Roofing capped an undefeated season by beating Rentastic 61-44. Hewlett Auto Body held off a late surge to beat Executive Dry Cleaning 6158. RestoMax beat Built by Nate 78-52. Alpert Financial beat PIP Printing 49-33. Game of the Week In the oldest division, 6th-8th Basketball, the championship game was full of drama. Home & Stone was up by 14 points and looked set to coast to victory. Team Gourmet Glatt’s Dovy Gordon then scored 12 straight points to pull his team within 2 points with 2 minutes to go. The comeback fell just short as Home and Stone scored just enough points late to hold off Gourmet Glatt. Basketball Fun Fact Yitzy Wieder led the JSL Mens league with 203 points scored and 32 three pointers. He finished the regular season with an average of 22.6 points per game.


Elisheva Betjackov 718-758-2999 EXT 15035 IVDU Schools are a program of Yachad (a division of the Orthodox Union), the international organization dedicated to enriching the lives of Jewish individuals with disabilities and their families.


1760 53rd St, Brooklyn, NY 11204 •

MARCH 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home

JSL Sports Corner: Championship Week Recap



Around the Community

The Jewish Home | MARCH 24, 2022


Scenes of the Bnos Bais Yaakov Annual Dinner on Tuesday night, honoring Guests of Honor Charlie and Dena Harary; Keser Shem Tov awardees Yair and Milka Keilson; Parents of the Year Baruch Chiya and Michal Aryeh; and Young Leadership awardees Moshe and Ashley Hammer

HAFTR Middle School STEMTank


AFTR Middle School was abuzz for the Fourth Annual STEM Summit last week, a celebration of ingenuity, teamwork, and negotiation. Grateful to be back celebrating this milestone in-person, the HAFTR family came out in droves to fill the Hawk’s Nest and vote on the tens of innovative projects on display. Organized by the incredible HAFTR Middle School STEM team of Mrs. Gittel Grant, Mrs. Ashley Alibayof, Rabbi Baruch Noy, and Rabbi David Lamm, this program is the culminating project for a unit of study in which groups of students develop innovative and entrepreneurial ideas that apply STEM concepts. Students develop their products in the STEM lab, create websites, social media presence for their products, and pitch their ideas in a formal program. Visitors were in for a treat; following the voting, they took their seats for a riveting live Shark Tank show. Mr. David Kaye, Mrs. Sharona Hoffman, and Dr. Yael Oelbaum served as the sharks. They were sharp and taught the students about target market, on-point pricing, and deliberation tactics. More than one team made a deal, and the entire audience was fired up watching and debat-

ing the validity of the new inventions

pitched. The HAFTR students did not disappoint, bringing custom 3D printed prototypes, GPS trackers, chemical absorbents, color psychology, and other great angles to the Shark Tank. We are so appreciative of our sharks for giving us their time and expertise, and we look forward to welcoming more entrepreneurs into the shark tank next year.


Around the Community A N D

B E L I E V E R S .

Rikki is determined to ace her regents. Her IVDU team is determined to help.


reativity was on full display in the gym at HANC’s Samuel and Elizabeth Bass Golding’s Elementary School in West Hempstead which was transformed into a Science Museum! The fourth grade students created extraordinary displays that reflected their work for the annual Science Fair. With guidance from HANC’s inspiring Science teacher, Mr. Jonathan Eisenkraft, each child explored a topic of interest to them. Following the steps of the scientific method, the students selected a topic and then developed their own hypothesis. The next steps were to design an experiment to prove or disprove their theory, gather supplies that would be needed to perform their experiment, and then record and analyze the subsequent data. In order to present their experiment in the Science Fair, each student had to design a display on a tri-fold to explain their findings. Many of the displays included photographs, charts and actual items used in performing their experiments. This year’s topics ranged from can a sundial correctly determine the time, which paper towel brand is the strongest, why does soap and water remove germs better than just water, can people accurately identify mystery items in a sack by using only their sense of touch, which fruit can power a clock for the longest time, and how to win a complicated carnival game. The children in grades two and three

had the opportunity to visit all of the booths that the fourth grade students created and learned a great deal from the array of experiments. In addition to the visits from other students, HANC was thrilled to be able to invite the parents to come in the evening to visit the Science Museum and witness their children and their classmates presenting their findings. In Mrs. Deanna Fodera and Morah Liza Rosenthal’s second grade class, the children found a fun way to collect tzedakah. Each day, Eitan Guttman would bring different types of candy to class, all donated by his family, and he would sell it to his classmates for 50 cents a piece. The children decided that all of the money they raised would go to tzedakah. The special treats added a lot of joy to the month of Adar, and the students were so happy being able to give tzedakah each day. In just a few weeks, the class collected close to $60. They then spoke about where to send the money, and after a class vote, it was decided that the money should be sent to a Jewish orphanage in the Ukraine. Children reaching out to help other children in need in a country so far away was such a magnificent idea and will hopefully bring smiles to the faces of the children that they will be helping. HANC is so proud of Eitan and the entire class for this wonderful, heartfelt donation.


Elisheva Betjackov 718-758-2999 EXT 15035 IVDU Schools are a program of Yachad (a division of the Orthodox Union), the international organization dedicated to enriching the lives of Jewish individuals with disabilities and their families.


1244 E 7th St, Brooklyn, NY 11230 •

MARCH 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home

HANC Science Fair and Tzedakah Project



Around the Community

The Jewish Home | MARCH 24, 2022

Rebbeim, talmidim and alumni of MAY celebrate Purim


Around the Community A C H I E V E R S

B E L I E V E R S .

Moshe is determined to publish his own writing. His IVDU literacy coach is determined to help.


ow often is it that Mesivta-aged boys have the opportunity to take on an overwhelming challenge and be victorious? How often is it that Mesivta-aged boys have an opportunity to make real changes that will change their lives forever? Mesivta Netzach HaTorah, under the leadership of Rav Yitzchok Yurman, did just that over the last six months. While the entire world is being bombarded, controlled, and consumed by technology and smartphones (and losing the battle!), the boys of Netzach HaTorah stared this uncontrollable monster in the eye and did not even blink! The rabbeim of the Mesivta, realizing the many challenges that technology presents, came up with an incentive program that would be tempting enough that the boys would voluntarily temper their tech use. The program was launched on the first day of Selichos. The rules included limiting your smartphone to no apps (no WhatsApp!), filtering their other devices, zero social media and were vigilant to be off all devices at a reasonable hour. Any boy who took this on for six months joined an all-expense paid trip to Orlando for four days and three nights. After a two-week trial period, nearly every boy signed up for the program. At first, the boys found it hard to be without all these distractions, but after a few weeks, the boys, their parents and the rabbeim saw a tremendous difference in their learning, davening, and entire emotional state. The boys realized they had more time for more important things like

learning and finding new hobbies. They were more present in shiur and more inspired to grow. Just two weeks ago, the boys were rewarded with this much anticipated trip. It was an epic trip indeed! They lodged in five beautiful homes where they ate, swam, grilled and kumzitzed(?). Each day they went on a local trip including an alligator farm, airboat, and tubing on a gorgeous lake. On the final night of the trip, there was a catered dinner in the local kosher restaurant where the boys shared their feelings about the program, its challenges, and its impact. Many boys called it life-changing and were very thankful that they joined the program. The rebbeim launched a second similar program for the boys who were inspired, to continue until the summer.


Elisheva Betjackov 718-758-2999 EXT 15035 IVDU Schools are a program of Yachad (a division of the Orthodox Union), the international organization dedicated to enriching the lives of Jewish individuals with disabilities and their families.


410 Hungry Harbor Rd. Valley Stream, NY 11581 •

MARCH 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home

Netzach HaTorah Phone Program


Around the Community

The Jewish Home | MARCH 24, 2022


City Comptroller Brad Lander celebrated Purim with community leaders Rabbi Chanina Sperlin, Mendy Mintz, Rabbi Shmuley Butler and Rabbi Hillel Levinson, whose father has been the rabbi in Kharkiv, Ukraine for 25 years and miraculously made it safe to Brooklyn last week. Pinny Hikind, liaison to the community, is also seen here.

5TLL Hits a Homerun

The talmidos at the Ganger Early Childhood at TAG enjoyed a special pre-Purim parade and party


he community’s popular little league, 5TLL, kicked off the 2022 spring season with an exciting Opening Day event at 5 Towns Batting Cages & Mini Golf. Each boy enjoyed 30 minutes of batting and 9 holes of mini golf. The weather was great, and the boys had a great time getting in some swings and gearing up for the season! There were giveaways and raffle prizes. FM Home Loans is the league sponsor so there will be more swag coming soon! This upcoming Sunday will be the first week of practices and scrimmages for 5TLL players. Courtesy of 5 Towns Batting Cages, each team will also enjoy another special practice at the batting cages with their coach. 5TLL is a tee ball and softball league that caters to boys grades K-8th from

across the Five Towns and Far Rockaway. Games are played at Lawrence Middle School and the Inwood #2 school. Soccer is also offered for boys grades K-2nd. The spring season runs from March until summer camps start.

Central’s Model UN Team


his past week, Central’s Model UN Team participated in Yeshiva University’s 32nd annual National Model UN Conference. Model UN provides a forum in which students can actively learn about international diplomacy by serving as “delegates” to real UN member nations. Students are required to perform extensive research to learn about the cultural, political, and economic landscape of their assigned countries. Central students were particularly excited for the 2022 event, which was onsite as opposed to remote. Junior Maytal Chelst reported back: “This past week, Yeshiva University held their annual Model United Nations (YUNMUN). Students spent months researching their given committees and topics in order to properly advocate for their countries’ beliefs. Schools from across the country came together in Stamford, Connecticut for this opportunity. This year, Central was chosen to represent Saudi Arabia

and the United Kingdom at the Conference, and Central students served on all different UN committees. The girls asked thoughtful and intelligent questions, gave passionate speeches, and impressed everyone with their abilities.” Congratulations to senior Sarah Hamerman on winning best delegate and juniors Maytal Chelst and Rivka Sullivan on winning honorable mentions!



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MARCH 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home

+ Doni Gross

Around the Community

The Jewish Home | MARCH 24, 2022


The Fragin family of Lawrence with Rep. Lee Zeldin on Purim

Purim at Rabbi Witkin’s home Rav of Kehilas Bnei Hayeshivos of North Woodmere

Spring has sprung at Gan Chamesh. We have begun to explore spring by using loose parts and partaking in sensory activities

Pre-Purim fun was had at Little Friends Gan of North Woodmere! The Torah Tots came and performed an adorable Purim play for the children



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6 credits by June

Post-Pesach 2022 | Online Session April 27—June 13, 2022 Enroll in the Post-Pesach online session at Touro in Flatbush and choose from a range of courses. Earn 6 credits while participating in online classes via ZOOM twice a week in the evening. Continue on through the end of the summer, and earn a total of 18 credits. Take advantage of reduced tuition!

Separate sessions for men and women

FOR MORE INFORMATION: Rabbi Justin Gershon: 718.535.9399 WhatsApp 646.531.0026 |

MARCH 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home

Get a Head Start at Touro in Flatbush with Post-Pesach Online

The Jewish Home | MARCH 24, 2022


Around the Community

Purim at HANC


urim preparations at HANC’s Samuel and Elizabeth Bass Golding Elementary School in West Hempstead were underway for weeks, and after great anticipation, the celebrations began. In addition to putting finishing touches on all of the Purim megillot, raashanim and mishloach manot that the children have worked on tirelessly, it was the latter part of the week for which the children have waited for so long. The festivities began with the third grade production of their Purim play last Wednesday. On Friday, the students and staff arrived with great anticipation for the annual Shushan Purim celebration. To everyone’s delight, the children came dressed in all sorts of costumes which included superheroes, kings and queens, clowns, butterflies, mermaids, dinosaurs, doughnuts, action figures, transformers, cookies, and even a wacky inflatable tube man that towered over the student’s head. An even bigger surprise were the costumes worn by the staff. Later in the morning, each grade was invited to the annual Purim carnival, created and run by the sixth grade boys. The activities they created included: knocking down water bottles on a triple level board, bowling, hockey shots, soccer, face painting, basketball shot contest and a balloon shoot out. The carnival also included a 30-foot inflatable obstacle course, and a prize table where the children could redeem their winning tickets. To add to the fun, the children were also treated to popcorn and cotton candy. At the conclusion of the day, the entire school gathered outside for an expand-

The No. 1 seeded Cronies capped off a dominant Jewball season by defeating a banged up Lionhearts squad 5-2 in the finals. Congratulations to all who participated in another epic season of football and family. Pictured (clockwise): Wilmer, Steveo, Klink, Munch, Gronk, Maor, Goldberg, J, Logan, and Solo.

ed weekly Erev Shabbat/Purim assembly and concert! Wearing costumes, the students and staff were joined by parents who joined in the dancing and singing. The audience was treated to a performance by the HANC choir, and then enjoyed a special concert performed by the famous C Lanzbom and Noah Solomon, who make up the group Soul Farm. Under the warm spring sky, the children and their parents danced their hearts out.

SKA celebrated its Purim Chagiga with singer Simcha Leiner

HANC Helps Out


n Friday, seventh grade girls at HANC Middle School had the exciting opportunity of going to the West Hempstead Early Childhood Center ECC to run the Purim Carnival. The seventh grade girls were randomly selected to run carnival booths. The booths consisted of face painting, building blocks, sand surprise, matching games, and pin the crown on Queen Esther. The girls had such a great time playing and laughing with the little kids. They did not want to leave! Thank you to Mrs. Rubinstein for having the middle school girls and for the pizza lunch.


MARCH 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home

Around the Community

The Jewish Home | MARCH 24, 2022


HALB students and staff celebrated Purim together both in and out of school! Students visited their teachers on Purim Day and then spent Shushan Purim enjoying the school carnival together. The Shnitzel Guys added some laughter and joy to the YOSS Purim Mesiba this year

SHS Honor Society Induction


n Tuesday, March 22, Shulamith High School inducted over 30 students into its Honor Society, a combination of sophomores, juniors, and seniors earning this status. The requirements for joining this illustrious group include academic achievement, along with leadership, character, and community service, displayed through investment in classroom learning, chessed performance, and contributions to various capacities of student life. The program opened with a message from Mrs. Sara Munk, Principal, emphasizing the theme of seizing every opportunity and every day. She quoted Rav Meir Shapiro’s mother who grieved even one lost day of learning; her son, absorbing this value, went on to establish the movement that has pushed Klal Yisroel to maximize each day through the learning of Daf Yomi. Mrs. Nissa Levy, Honor Society Faculty Chairperson, then spoke about achieving excellence. While intelligence and ability are certainly important factors, she asserted that “it is persistence, strength of character, and consistency that bring people to their dreams.” Itemizing the daily learning schedule of the Gadol Hador, Rav Chaim Kanievsky, zt”l, Mrs. Levy drove home the point that the grit and dedication it took to maintain

such a seder was where Rav Chaim towered above as the Sar HaTorah and that those characteristics are the keys to excellence. Parents in attendance watched with pride as their daughters were recognized for their achievement in academics and their success in balancing schoolwork with so many other facets of student responsibilities. Senior Rivki Shevlin then represented the inductees as she spoke about her personal journey to this point. She shared that she struggled academically as a young child, finding relief in her diagnosis of Speech and Language Impairment which allowed her to externalize her difficulties and recognize that she simply had to work harder than others to succeed. With the encouragement of her parents and the motivation from her educators, she persevered. Quoting the pasuk, “Sheva ipol tzaddik v’kam,” she spoke of how she relentlessly kept trying, while availing herself of the unique support provided by SHS. Mr. Jeff Lazar closed the program, recognizing the administration and incredible team of teachers who have provided the context in which these students could achieve this goal. We congratulate the inductees to the SHS Honors Society and look forward to continued achievements m’chayil el chayil.


Around the Community

Giving the Grade Some teachers have a one-size-fitsall grading system. Everyone is graded by how they do on tests and everyone receives the same test. It doesn’t matter how bright you are or what type of extenuating circumstances you may be working under. The Al-mighty understands that some children are smarter than others. In fact,

bachur and clarified, “Bachur’l, I heard you clearly. And I know that you think you got up to daf beis. But in Shamayim (Heaven), they count differently. There you are up to daf kuf beis, because every daf you learn with difficulty is like 100 dapim to Hashem. Although you think you are ten dapim behind your friends, you are really ninety ahead of them! Do you still think you’re unsuccessful? Do you still think you’re behind in your learning? “This is what we believe and you must believe it, as well. And if you do, you will feel so much more berachah in your learning, and you will feel so much happier and more satisfied.” Yanky walked away with a newfound belief in himself and went on to become quite accomplished in his learning. Students often feel unsuccessful because they compare their accomplishments to the others in their class or shiur. Although it is always nice to grow together as a group, if the feelings of failure overwhelm you, then you must remember what really matters. And Who is giving the grade.



estin g!



ho hasn’t been touched by a Rabbi Yechiel Spero story? Tens of thousands of readers have had their hearts, their minds, and, yes, their very souls touched by the poignant true stories that Rabbi Spero uncovers and shares. Rabbi Spero has a way of finding the best in our people, discovering spiritual strength and courage in the most unlikely of places and circumstances. In his bran new book, What a Story!, Rabbi Spero enlightens us, touching our hearts, opening our eyes, invigorating our neshamos with one enthralling story after another. He finds untold determination in the steaming buildings of wartime Shanghai and breathtaking Hashgachah Pratis on a Haifa street. In this book, you will meet amazing people and read about fascinating and unexpected events. You’ll discover hope, courage, and faith. And as you finish reading each tale, you’ll feel proud to be a Jew and wowed by the love of a Heavenly Father for his children. What heroism! For six years, a courageous mother hid fourteen Jews in the home of a kind Polish non-Jewish doctor, directly opposite Gestapo headquarters ... What perseverance! He was a boy at the bottom third of his class. No one thought he would make it past yeshivah ketanah. And yet he became the rebbi of one of our generation’s most famous gedolim... What a mitzvah! The grocery owner gave a yeshivah bachur a discount and a few encouraging words – and changed a life. These stories, and so many other tales, fill this book. The following is one gem of a story in this new, uplifting volume.

he understood the first daf, the others in his shiur were eons ahead of him. While his peers were already on daf yud (page 10), he sadly conceded, “I’m only holding on daf beis (page 2, which is the first page).” The Steipler, who was hard of hearing, asked him, “So you’re holding on daf kuf beis, page 102?” “No,” Yanky corrected with reverence and respect, “daf beis.” But the Steipler repeated, “Daf kuf beis?” Yanky didn’t want to be disrespectful, but he was aware of the Steipler’s hearing issues and he wanted the Steipler to understand clearly where his frustration lay. So he wrote down on a piece of paper in very clear letters, “Higaati l’daf beis, I reached page 2.” The Steipler looked at the vulnerable



599 June Pl North Woodmere NY 11581 CONTACT

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By Rabbi Yechiel Spero ArtScroll/Mesorah Publications

He was the One Who made that determination. Some have been given the ability to sit for long periods of time while others struggle to sit for more than a half-hour. The Al-mighty understands His students. He knows the challenge — and rewards accordingly. Though Yanky very much wanted to succeed, he was not blessed with a good head for learning. No matter how hard he tried, he always found himself behind his peers. During his elementary school years, this was not so glaringly obvious, but as the years went by and the learning became more and more challenging, the gap between Yanky and his classmates grew. He worked hard and listened to shiur every day but failed to understand the material. There were times when he recorded the shiur and reviewed it again and again, yet still struggled to comprehend the sugya. He was only able to go so far, to dig so deep. This made it difficult to find a chavrusa. No one wanted to learn with a boy who was so weak, he couldn’t understand the Gemara. Though his rebbeim managed to convince some of the stronger boys to learn with him, Yanky knew that nobody was doing so willingly, and it didn’t do wonders for his self-esteem, confidence, or pride. Yanky felt like a failure. By the time he was 17, sadness and a deep, dark cloud of hopelessness engulfed him. His rebbi tried to be mechazek him, to no avail. He told Yanky that all Hashem wants is for us to do our best, but Yanky wasn’t convinced. Though he heard the words, they made little mark on his damaged psyche. Finally, his rebbi decided to take him to the Steipler Gaon, Rav Yaakov Yisrael Kanievsky. He didn’t know what the Steipler would say, but he was confident that if anyone had the right words, it would be he. As he presented his dilemma to the Steipler, Yanky’s voice cracked from emotion. He detailed how because of his weak memory skills, he didn’t have the background knowledge his friends had. Thus, he had to learn each Mishnah from scratch, with all of its references, as if he had never heard the concepts before. It took him months to learn what the other boys mastered in a few days. By the time


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MARCH 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home

What a Story!

Around the Community

The Jewish Home | MARCH 24, 2022


Rabbi Tzvi Krigsman, Menahel of YKLI, delivering a Chinuch Vaad in North Woodmere

Upon completing the classic novel, Animal Farm, YOSS seniors wrote their own newspapers about major events and characters of the story

Shulamith Learns about Rav Chaim Kanievsky, zt”l

Students at HANC ECC enjoyed a costume parade and a fun Purim carnival last week

Slumber Party at BBY


ith the devastating petirah (death) of the Gadol HaDor, Rav Chaim Kanievsky, zt”l, the Shulamith students in grades 4-8 came together to learn about the magnitude of Rav Chaim’s greatness and the impact of his loss. Rabbi Yehoshua Kurland, Maggid Shiur in Sh’or Yoshuv and a Shulamith grandparent, spoke to the girls about what a Gadol B’Yisrael is and what he does for our nation. He explained what Rav Chaim accomplished in

his learning and the great diligence that Rav Chaim invested in order to achieve such greatness. Rav Kurland also relayed the chessed that Rav Chaim did for Jews of various hashkafot, who would come to him for a bracha and advice. Shulamith appreciates the impact that Rabbi Kurland made on the students with his description of Rav Chaim’s life and learning and the instruction that he gave to them about what they can do to continue his legacy.

Did you know? Arizona and Hawaii do not follow daylight savings time.


fter finishing their “Pop Open a Good Book” and “Take a Bite Out of a Good Book” reading contests, our first and second grades had a slumber party! For the past month, every girl read for an allotted time each night, then logged her minutes on a chart. Together, they logged over one thousand hours of reading!

On the designated day, each girl brought a blanket, pillow or stuffed animal – and of course, a book! – to school for a slumber party in the Ateres Nechama Liba Simcha Hall. They read for fifteen minutes, then heard teachers from other classes read their favorite books aloud. We’re really developing a love for reading in BBY!


MARCH 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home

The Jewish Home | MARCH 24, 2022


Around the Community

YATAR at YIW By Mordechai Kastlebaum


veryone is asking: Why was Israel’s newest terror defense weapon stationed in Woodmere this past weekend? The answer is Shabbat YATAR. If you drove past Young Israel of Woodmere you probably saw the mighty but unassuming YATAR off-road vehicle stationed outside the shul. It was brought in exclusively for the inaugural Shabbat YATAR program that was held at YIW which gave local residents a driver’s seat perspective on Israel’s new frontier of terror. It all started five years ago when a group of forward-thinking IDF reservists noticed a troubling pattern taking root at Israel’s border towns. There was an alarm-

ing spike in covert terrorist infiltrations at remote locations along the border. Israel’s sophisticated perimeter monitoring systems did their job perfectly; the intrusions were detected immediately, and army response teams were dispatched quickly to the scene. That is where the challenge began. Terrorists had begun to exploit the limitations of traditional response vehicles by breaking in at remote areas where the terrain was a virtual obstacle course to standard jeeps and cars. This allowed the culprit to surreptitiously slip into Israel, sometimes to smuggle arms and other times to commit heinous attacks. The innovative group of reservists came up with a simple yet effective solution; to arm vulnerable areas with off-road ATV vehicles that could negotiate all kinds of terrain and reach terrorists before they could do any harm. And so YATAR was born. Today, YATAR operates highly trained off-road terror response units in six towns and villages and works hand-in-hand with the IDF to identify and respond to terrorist infiltration at lightning speed. Each unit is equipped with the prerequisite security equipment and is manned by cur-

rent and former soldiers. How effective is YATAR? Consider that the newest installation at in Yehuda/Sameria repelled more than 12 infiltrations in its first two weeks! The demand for YATAR units has grown dramatically so the leadership of the organization has brought YATAR to the United States to raise awareness about its crucial role in Israel’s security. Shabbat YATAR at Young Israel of Woodmere was the first of many such programs being rolled out across the country that will introduce and immerse local communities in the mission of YATAR and its key figures. In addition to hearing from Romi Benyamini, YATAR’s U.S. Representative,

members of YIW heard the dramatic story of Ben Horgan, whose wife Esther Horgan was brutally murdered by an Arab terrorist in 2021. Since then, Mr. Horgan has become an outspoken advocate for YATAR and has helped secure units in multiple communities. Scott Orlanski, a proud YATAR board member, summed up the weekend succinctly, “It was heartwarming to see the support from the Greater Five Towns community for YATAR. We are very proud to advance the mission with our community that is renowned for its support of Israeli causes.” To bring Shabbat YATAR to your shul, email

“Sending to Gesher Was the Best Choice We Could Have Made”


li* came into Gesher lacking self-confidence. He had a difficult year in yeshiva the year before. A naturally shy child, he always had some anxiety – but things fell apart when he transitioned from a small, supportive preschool into a mainstream yeshiva class. His parents were told, “Socially – emotionally – he is ‘not ready’ to be in a mainstream classroom. He’s not where his

peers are.” They were devastated because they knew how bright Eli was, and they didn’t know where to turn. Eli really needed a program that would meet him where he was – that would support him and believe in him – and work proactively to set him up for future success. They found Gesher. Rena* came into Gesher after struggling in a mainstream preschool. She was having trouble learning how to read – processing information, following directions, paying attention, and fine motor skills. She was losing self-confidence, even though she was a joy to be around, and well-liked by all her teachers and classmates. She found Gesher. After two years, she is now thriving in a local day school, in a mainstream classroom. Yaakov* came into Gesher because he was “having trouble sitting and focusing.” He had difficulty taking turns and difficulty reading social cues. He struggled in the classroom – but he struggled even more out of the classroom. Yaakov was always animated and kind to his friends, curious

about the world around him, and loved science. After two years of working with Gesher’s team, he is now successfully reintegrated into his family’s yeshiva of choice. This is what parents who send to Gesher often say, after the fact: “I wish I had known.” “I wish I had done this sooner.” “I wish my ‘mainstream’ child had gone to Gesher, to get extra support with foundational skills.” Every year, several families across the religious spectrum and from diverse backgrounds make the choice to send their child to Gesher. Gesher is truly a community school. Gesher works to support and remediate early social, emotional and academic delays and set each child up for a successful transition back to his/her community school. When you give to Gesher, you are giving each child who walks through Gesher’s doors a chance to succeed. You are giving to Eli – you are giving to Rena – you are giving to Yaakov – you are giving to our

community. Please consider making a donation! Gesher is concluding their annual 100k fundraiser and we need your help to help our children succeed. To donate visit


bring your Pesach seder to Life! T

his unique haggadah was designed to keep children, ages 8 and up, engaged, excited, and involved, from the first moments of the Seder to the last.


The Weekly Parashah Series Haggadah includes: The entire Haggadah text, with a simplified English translation. A kid-friendly commentary that brings the Haggadah to life. “Say it at the Seder” Unusual and fun explanations of the Haggadah for children to share with everyone at the Seder. Fascinating Facts All kinds of interesting stuff about the Seder and Yetzias Mitzrayim. Questions Anyone? Mah Nishtanah has four questions. Here are a lot more! The Haggadah in our Lives Life lessons young readers can really use! Who’s Who in the Haggadah A fascinating look at some of the people in the Haggadah.



All-Mighty, N IS A NATIO TRY OF YETZIAS O T D el? THE S SEAng Thro BAan YIMugh ugh a Messenger? MITZRAThro IM H S RA ONTMID

to when he brought bikkurim of what a farmer said erful, his pasuk is still part is all-mighty and all-pow s how Hashem, Who the Kohen. It describe took us out of Egypt.

V’hi She’amdah


Jews. ger of Hashem? by an angel? By a messen Was this makkah done Egyptians No! Himself killed the firstborn through Mitzrayim. He Hashem Himself passed and wooden idols rotted. rusted idols Metal gods. and destroyed the Egyptian and an with “a strong hand Hashem took us out What part he pasuk says that and with miracles.” great awe, with signs Why outstretched arm, with is “an outstretched arm”? hand” and what part of the story is a “strong ? of signs? Which miracles “great awe”? What kinds one phrase at a time. Let’s explain the pasuk Ready? Here we go!




rom the beginn ing of the Seder, when someone or sister — or maybe (your little brothe r you?) asked the Four Questions, we’ve read the until now, Haggadah and discussed it. Now, action. Everyone suddenly, there at the Seder table is is holding up a juice!). cup of wine (or grape Why now? Picking up our cup of wine is a way of showin celebration. In g special joy the words V’hi and She’amdah, we always protects will celebrate how us from our enemi Hashem es who want to Many times in destroy us. our history, our enemies planne sometimes it looked d to destroy us, like they might and succeed. But Hashe sure we would m always made survive and contin ue to be His great WE ARE STILL Torah nation. HERE! Isn’t that a reason to celebrate and happily raise our cups of wine?




‫וְ ִהיא‬

,‫בֹותינּו וְ ָֽלנּו‬ ֵֽ ‫ִהיא ֶׁש ָע ְ ֿמ ָדה ַל ֲא‬ ְ‫ו‬ ‫ּלֹא ֶא ָחד ִּבלְ ָבד ָעַמד‬ ‫ֶׁש‬ ‫ ֶאּלָ א ֶׁש ְ ּֿב ָכל ּדֹור‬.‫ּלֹותנּו‬ ֵֽ ‫ָעֵֽלינּו לְ ַכ‬ ,‫ּלֹותנּו‬ ֵֽ ‫עֹומ ִדים ָעֵֽלינּו לְ ַכ‬ ְֿ ‫וָ דֹור‬ .‫ילנּו ִמּיָ ָדם‬ ְ ‫דֹוׁש ָּב‬ ֵֽ ‫רּוך הּוא ַמ ִּצ‬ ‫וְ ַה ָּק‬ Put down the cup and uncove r the matzos.

One Phrase at a Time


/ ‫ֶׁש ָע ְמ ָדה‬

Cover the matzos. Everyone should raise his cup and recite the next paragra ph with great joy.

t is that promi se to Avraham that protected our fathers and us, because more than one nation has tried to destroy us. In every gener ation they try to destro y us, but Hashe m always saves us from them.

n), s (Plague of the Firstbor about Makkas Bechoro the he pasuk begins by talking forced Pharaoh to free — the one that finally the last of the Ten Makkos




In many homes, everyone at the Seder sings V’hi She’am dah together, in an outburst of pure joy.

What’s the Sec


o matter what, we Jews have survive d. What’s the secret? because we are It’s not more clever or have a stronger else! army than anyon e So, what is the secret of our surviva l? The Haggadah tells us in the words that came She’amdah. It’s right before V’hi because of Hashe m’s promise to Bris Bein HaBes Avraha m Avinu at the arim. These promis es are the secret of our survival.

ָ ‫ֲח ִמ ָיראַו ֲח ִמ‬ ִ ‫יעא ְּד ִא ָּכא ִב ְר‬ ‫ׁשּות‬ ‫ ְּד ָלא ֲח ִמ ֵּתּה ְּוד ָלא ִבַע ְר ֵּתּה‬,‫י‬ ְ‫ ִל ָּב ֵטל ו‬,‫ְּוד ָלא יַָֽד ְענָ א ֵלּה‬ .‫ֶל ֱהוֵ י ֶה ְפ ֵקר ְּכַע ְפ ָרא ְדַא ְר ָעא‬


if to own chametz, even we are not allowed understand he Torah says that this paragraph — and why we have to say ere, it know about it. That’s is still chametz somewh sure that even if there it! By saying it we make e. anymor doesn’t belong to us


HAGGADAH V’hi She’amdah


I did not see and in my possession, which not ny chametz that is shall be as if it does do not know about, remove, and which I dust of the earth. e ownerless, like the exist and shall becom we don’t


Bedikas Chametz

Available at your local Hebrew bookseller or at at • 1-800-MESORAH (637-6724) Available at your local Hebrew bookseller or • 1-800-MESORAH (637-6724)


MARCH 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home


The Jewish Home | MARCH 24, 2022


Around the Community

Chabad Purim: Three Cornered Cookies & a Three Ring Circus


ed by ringmasters Rabbi and Rebbetzin Zalman and Chanie Wolowik and Rabbi and Rebbetzin Meir and Hadassah Geisinsky, Purim 5782 was held in a big top tent and topped previous feats and extravaganzas. Purim began with a juggling magic show that had the excited children laughing along and shouting for more. Then the real juggling began: Chabad of the Five Towns offered 120 Megillah readings over Purim. This year, Chabad offered half hour megillah readings, as a response to the overflow crowds of the previous hourly megillah readings. In addition, they offered 55 home and of-

fice megillah readings, a crucial service for many homebound seniors, including a 101-year-old man. 5,500 people heard Megillah through Chabad. It’s enough to make anyone hungry. 1,200 Mishloach Manot were distributed through Chabad! 300 Mishloach Manot were hand-delivered to Friendship Circle families and volunteers! 65lbs of hamentashen were eaten. Then it was time for the big show. The National Circus Project enhanced the seudah by not only entertaining but teaching children some tricks. Oasis Caterers catered the Purim In The Circus seudah. In addition, there were two

AWESOME CTeen Purim Parties. Now which magician can make the chametz disappear? Contact Chabad of the Five Towns at (516) 295-2478 or

visit to sell your chametz or to find out about Passover classes, matzah deliveries, sedarim, and more.


MARCH 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home

The Jewish Home | MARCH 24, 2022


BUILDING BLOCKS OF ETERNITY Yeshiva Darchei Torah’s new capital project will encompass a Mesivta Beis Medrash and its first-ever Residence Hall. BEIS MEDRASH + CLASSROOM BUILDING Will serve 500 talmidim in grades 8-11 34,200 Total square feet 4 Stories 5200 sq. feet Beis Hamedrash for Mesivta 12 Classrooms

RESIDENCE HALL Will serve 271 talmidim in Mesivta & Yeshiva Gedolah 43,000 Total square feet 4 Stories 68 Dormitory Rooms 271 Beds 4 Student Lounges






‫ה ליב ע”ה‬-‫לע”נ שלום ראובן בן ארי‬




Camp Oraysa Sports Complex

ANONYMOUS Residence Hall Cornerstone


‫לע”נ נחמן יהודה בן יעקב דוד ע”ה‬ ‫ואשתו לאה בת יהודה אשר ע”ה‬ ‫ולע”נ יעקב ליב בן שלמה ע”ה‬

Promenade Vestibule

Beis Medrash Vestibule Entrance


‫לע”נ הרה”ג ר‘ דוד בן הרב אברהם בנדר זצ”ל‬ ‫והרבנית בתיה חיה בת הרב יעקב הלוי ז”ל‬ ‫לע”נ זעליג בן מרדכי ע”ה‬ ‫לע”נ משה אלעזר בן נטע שלום ע”ה‬ ‫לע”נ דוד בן משה ע”ה‬ ‫הר‘ משה נתן בן יחזקאל ע”ה‬ ‫וישראל בן אברהם ע”ה‬ ‫ לע”נ‬The children, bochurim, and all 45 neshamos of the Miron tragedy, Lag Baomer 5781

Dedicated by Mr. & Mrs. Yaakov & Rivky Jacobovitch


‫לע”נ ישראל הלוי לעווין ע”ה‬ ‫ואלישבע בתיה קפלן ע”ה‬

Dedication of Rosh Kollel’s Office


‫לע”נ חוה בת דב ע”ה‬

Entranceway to Mesivta Beis Medrash Building


‫לע”נ ר‘ ישראל‬ ‫בן ר‘ בנימין הכהן ע”ה‬


Sha’ar of New Beis Medrash

In Memory of Mrs. Marta Schron ‫ע” ה‬


MR. & MRS. MENASH & MIMI ORATZ Basketball Court in Elementary School Gym

Mr. & Mrs. Barry & Paula Bokow


Dedication Wall Mesivta Beis Medrash Building



Gymnasium Wing

Preschool Cornerstone


MR. & MRS. NACHMAN & ESTHER GOODMAN Entrance of Beis Medrash Building

Sha’ar of New Beis Medrash

MR. & MRS. SHIA & ELANA OSTREICHER Beis Medrash Building Vestibule

Mr. & Mrs. Samuel & Beverly Goldberger Mr. & Mrs. Tzali & Chana Shira Gutman Mr. & Mrs. Ari & Aliza Haas Mr. & Mrs. Berel & Sherry Daskal Mr. & Mrs. Shlomo & Kayla Horowitz Mr. & Mrs. Binyomin & Leah Einhorn Mr. & Mrs. Menachem & Elisheva Jacobowitz Mr. & Mrs. Naftoli & Chani Einhorn Mr. & Mrs. Mordechai & Shana Jacobs Mr. & Mrs. Michael & Mimi Fragin Mr. & Mrs. Jeff & Tamar Landy Mr. & Mrs. Evan & Chaya Sara Genack Mr. & Mrs. Yosef & Vivi Moskowitz Rabbi & Rebbetzen Chaim Aryeh Zev & Avigail Ginzberg Mr. & Mrs. Yitzy & Rivky Orbach Mr. & Mrs. Simcha & Shani Applegrad



Lobby, Mesivta Beis Medrash Building

Cornerstone, Mesivta Beis Medrash Building

Ner Tamid














Plumbing Training Center Dedicated

‫לע”נ אברהם שלמה בן יחיאל מיכל הכהן ז”ל‬ ‫לע”נ הר‘ אברהם בן הר‘ חיים מנחם בן ציון זצ”ל‬ ALL BORO CONSTRUCTION

Mr. & Mrs. Ephram & Ilana Ostreicher Mr. & Mrs. Mutty & Bracha Ribowsky Mr. & Mrs. David & Sima Rosenfeld Mr. & Mrs. Dovid & Chani Roll Dr. & Mrs. Zvi & Dina Schreiber Mr. & Mrs. Andrew & Stephani Serotta Mr. & Mrs. Marvin & Judy Sigler Mr. & Mrs. Morris & Devora Smith Mr. & Mrs. Yehuda & Mindy Zachter

Get in on the ground floor of this monumental project. To choose from a wide selection of sponsorships at all levels, please contact: Rabbi Zev Bald 718.868.2300 ext. 232 Rabbi Baruch Rothman 718.868.2300 ext. 406

‫לע”נ מוהר”ר יחיאל מיכל‬ ‫בן ישראל יהודה ע”ה‬

MARCH 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home


The Jewish Home | MARCH 24, 2022

76 1. *



Baseball Cracker Jacks  Ninety percent of this game is half mental. – Yogi Berra

 The baseball mania has run its course. It has no future as a professional endeavor. – Cincinnati Gazette editorial, 1879

 I watch a lot of baseball on radio. – Gerald Ford  Bob Gibson is the luckiest pitcher I ever saw. He always pitches when the other team doesn’t score any runs. – Tim McCarver  I think I throw the ball as hard as anyone. The ball just doesn’t get there as fast. – Eddie Bane  I never took the game home with me. I always left it in some bar. – Bob Lemon  A man once told me to walk with the L-rd. I’d rather walk with the bases loaded. – Ken Singleton  I’d be willing to bet you, if I was a betting man, that I have never bet on baseball. – Pete Rose


OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home

 Little League baseball is a very good thing because it keeps the parents off the streets. – Yogi Berra  You can sum up the game of baseball in one word: “You never know.” – Joaquin Andujar

 You wouldn’t have won if we’d beaten you. – Yogi Berra  He’s turned his life around. He used to be depressed and miserable. Now he’s miserable and depressed. – Harry Kalas, on Gary Maddox  I walk into the clubhouse today and it’s like walking into the Mayo Clinic. We have four doctors, three therapists, and five trainers. Back when I broke in, we had one trainer who carried a bottle of rubbing alcohol, and by the 7th inning, he’d already drunk it. – Tommy Lasorda  Don’t call ‘em dogs. Dogs are loyal, and they run after balls. – 1943 St. Louis Browns Manager Luke Sewell, responding to a sportswriter who suggested that his team had “played like dogs.”  Exchange between Cleveland Indians broadcasters Herb Score and Nev Chandler: Chandler: That base-hit makes Cecil Cooper 19 for 42 against Tribe pitching. Score: I’m not good at math, but even I know that’s over .500.

You Gotta Be Kidding Me! Doctor: What did you dream about last night? Patient: Baseball.

Doctor: Don’t you dream about anything else? Patient: What, and miss my turn at bat?


1. How can a team hit into a triple play without any fielder touching the ball? 2. What are the 7 ways a player can reach first base without hitting the ball? 3. An outfielder positions himself to catch a fly ball, and then drops it on purpose. Why? 4. What happens if a pitcher throws a third strike to a hitter and the baseball gets stuck in the umpire’s or catcher’s face mask? 5. If a fielder tries to catch a ball and deflects it into the stands, what is the rule?

Answers 1. There are runners on first and second base with no one out. The batter hits a really high infield pop-up. Both runners take off (which is silly). The runner from first overtakes the runner from second, therefore he is out. The pop-up then lands on the runner from second, so he is out. Then the ball lands in the in-field, so the in-field fly rule applies, and it is an automatic out.

6. What is the rule if a fielder catches a ball with his cap?

2. Hit, walk, error, fielders’ choice, hit by pitch, dropped third strike, and defensive interference.

3. It was a foul ball, and there was a runner on third who would have tagged up and scored if the fielder had caught it.

MARCH 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home

The Stranger Side of Baseball Rules 4. The hitter gets to go to first, and each player on base advances one base. 5. If it is within 250 feet of home plate, each base runner advances one base. If it is more than 250 feet from home plate, it is a home run. 6. It is not considered a catch. Each runner and the batter advances three bases. Wisdom Key 5-6 correct: Home run! 2-4 correct: Not exactly a big leaguer, but not bad. 0-1 correct: Have you been able to dislodge the ball from your mask yet?

Riddle Me This One team won, but not one man touched base. How could that be?

emoH hsiweJ ehT | 5102 ,92 REBOTCO

Two baseball teams played a game.


Answers: They were all-girl teams.

The Jewish Home | MARCH 24, 2022


Torah Thought

Parshas Shemini By Rabbi Berel Wein


ll living creatures that exist in our world require nutrition to be able to survive. Human beings, being the most sophisticated of all creatures on this planet, are especially concerned with the food that they eat. Most human beings know that they eat to survive, but there are many, especially in Western society today, that survive to be able to eat. The variety of foods, recipes, and menus

that are designed by human beings for their food consumption is almost endless. And medical science has shown us that what and how we eat affects our health, longevity, psychological mood, and even our social standing. As such, it becomes almost logical and understandable that the Torah, which is the book of life and of human beings, would suggest and ordain for us a list of foods that somehow would prove harm-

ful to our spiritual health and traditional growth to prevent man from harm. In this week’s Torah reading, we are presented with such a list of forbidden and permissible foods available for the consumption by the Jewish people, for them to maintain their status as a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. The Torah, in effect, is telling us that the physical foods that we consume somehow affect our inner souls, psyches, and patterns of behavior. We are what we eat! One of the hallmarks of Jewish survival throughout the ages has been the observance of the laws pertaining to kosher food,

have noticed that generations of Jews who have assimilated and are no longer observant tend to be less committed towards charitable Jewish causes that were helped by their kosher food-eating ancestors. There is no question that the laws of kosher food have contributed immensely to the survival of the Jewish people and the strengthening of Jewish core values throughout the ages. Kosher food was and is the hallmark of the Jewish people and remains a bulwark against the ravages of intermarriage and the adoption of value systems that are antithetical to Torah values and traditional Jewish societal life.


OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home

What Jews eat has become the standard to measure the level of piety and tradition that exists within the national entity of the people of Israel.

which takes on not only a physical dimension but an overriding spiritual dimension as well. What Jews eat has become the standard to measure the level of piety and tradition that exists within the national entity of the people of Israel. The Talmud is of the opinion that eating non-kosher food somehow affects our spiritual senses. Commentators thought that eventually generations of Jews who unfortunately consumed non-kosher food became less charitable with their wealth, talents, and time. I know of no survey or statistical study that relates to this issue. However, in my many years as a rabbi of a congregation and as a fundraiser as well, I

Perhaps even more than having a mezuzah on the doorpost having a kosher kitchen brought a feeling of spirituality and godliness into the home, no matter how modest its physical appearance and stature may have been. It is ironic in the extreme that in our current world, where kosher food is so readily and easily available and with so many varieties of kosher food which can satisfy any gourmet palate, tragically so many Jews have opted out from the observance of eating kosher in their daily lives. A renewed drive to promote the kosher home in all its aspects is certainly needed. Shabbat shalom.

Delving into the Daf


By Rabbi Avrohom Sebrow


OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home


hammai’s daughter-in-law gave birth over Succos (Yevamos 15a). She was recuperating in the house. Shammai managed to make a hole in the roof over the bed she was resting in and placed s’chach over that hole. It is clear that the new mother did not need to sit in the sukkah. If so, for whom was this sukkah intended? The Maharshal suggests that there was an older boy around four years old present at the house. Although Hillel is of the opinion that this boy who still needed his mother did not need to sit in the sukkah, Shammai felt otherwise. It would seem from the simple reading of the Gemara that Shammai felt that this was a real obligation. In fact, this point is disputed. However, it does seem interesting that the Gemara makes no mention of this mysterious older brother. Therefore, the P’nei Yehoshua suggests that the sukkah was for the newborn baby boy. At first, the P’nei Yehoshua is incredulous. How could there be a mitzvah of chinuch for a one-day-old baby?! He is forced to explain that this is a unique mitzvah that applies nowhere else. Since the verse uses the word “Kol” in describing which men should sit in the sukkah, the Sages enacted a requirement that every male no matter the age should sit in the sukkah! However, Hillel disagrees with this point, and the halacha is in accordance with his opinion. It is interesting to contemplate, according to the P’nei Yehoshua, what exactly was the newborn baby doing that required a sukkah according to Shammai? An adult male does not have to drink milk in the sukkah. Perhaps, for a newborn baby, nursing is considered as if he is consuming a bread meal. Otherwise, Shammai must have felt that when the baby slept, he required a sukkah. This would also lead to an interesting discussion, if someone accidentally fell asleep outside the sukkah, while listen-

ing to a shiur, for example, do you have to wake them up? The baby falling asleep would be somewhat similar. How exactly, according to Shammai, is a hole in middle of a roof a valid sukkah? He employed the halacha l’Moshe mi’Sinai of dofen akumah. The term lit-

Many years ago, Rabbi Rothberg and his chaverim went to a city in England to revitalize the state of Yiddishkeit there. They constantly encountered opposition to any halachic changes they wanted to enact which they thought were required. One oft-repeated reply by the local pop-

How could there be a mitzvah of chinuch for a one-day-old baby?

erally means “bent wall.” As long as the kosher s’chach is within four amos of the walls of the house, we view the walls of the house as being the walls of the sukkah. This is a very convenient halacha that many employ to easily construct a sukkah. They build a removable ceiling into a room of their house and when Sukkos arrives, they simply remove the ceiling and replace it with s’chach.

ulace was “Rav Unterman didn’t do it, and if it was good enough for Rav Unterman, it’s good enough for me.” Rav Unterman had been the chief rabbi of Liverpool until 1946, but he hadn’t been there for many years and there was no way of ascertaining what Rav Unterman actually did or did not do. After Yom Kippur, Rabbi Rothberg asked the 75-year-old gabbai if the shul

had a sukkah. He replied, “Sure!” Rabbi Rothberg repeatedly asked the gabbai to show him where the sukkah was, but he kept pushing him off. The night before Sukkos, he again asked the gabbai to show him the sukkah. The gabbi then took Rabbi Rothberg and his chaverim to the social hall in the shul and pulled a lever. Some boards in the center of the ceiling opened up to reveal the sky. “Just put some s’chach up!” he happily said. They realized right away that it was an invalid sukkah. The walls of the room were too far away from the opening in the center of the room to be kosher sukkah walls (more than four amos). After the gabbai left, Rabbi Rothberg had an idea. They stacked chairs up in the center of the room and tied the bottoms with twine. (The twine was necessary to form halachic walls around the legs of the bottom chair.) They thereby formed four walls out of chairs. Although the chairs did not reach the opening in the roof, it was nevertheless acceptable. As long as the walls were ten tefachim high, it sufficed. Rabbi Rothberg was extremely nervous about the gabbai’s reaction to their creation. Sure enough, in the morning, the gabbai chastised them. “What did you do?! The place looks horrendous! Rav Unterman didn’t do this! And if it was good enough for Rav Unterman, it is good enough for me!” Just then, the 70-year-old non-Jewish caretaker walked in. He exclaimed, “Wow! The chairs, the rope, the mechitza – I haven’t seen them since Rabbi Unterman was here!”

Rabbi Avrohom Sebrow is a rebbe at Yeshiva Ateres Shimon in Far Rockaway. In addition, Rabbi Sebrow leads a daf yomi chaburah at Eitz Chayim of Dogwood Park in West Hempstead, NY. He can be contacted at

MARCH 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home

A Sukkah for a Baby

The Jewish Home | MARCH 24, 2022



MARCH 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home


The Jewish Home | MARCH 24, 2022

From the Fire Parshas Shemini

Yiddishkeit for Every Jew By Rav Moshe Weinberger Adapted for publication by Binyomin Wolf


OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home


ll of Creation was waiting for “And it was, on the eighth day…” (Vayikra 9:1) in this week’s parsha. That was the long-awaited day when (ibid. 6) “the glory of Hashem will appear to you.” But suddenly, the joy of that day was marred by the “fire [that] went forth from before Hashem and consumed [Nadav and Avihu, Aharon’s sons,] and they died before Hashem” (ibid. 10:2). The same fire that came from Heaven “and consumed the burnt offering and fats on the altar” (ibid. 9:24) then “went forth and consumed” Nadav and Avihu. The similarity between these pesukim, only separated by one verse, is remarkable. What is the connection between them? Because the bringing of a “foreign fire which He had not commanded them” (ibid. 10:1) does not seem to fully explain the severity of Nadav and Avihu’s punishment, Chazal and the commentaries struggle to offer a number of explanations for the fire from Heaven which consumed them. According to some, it was because they made halachic decisions in Moshe’s presence, and according to others, it was because they drank wine excessively before entering the Holy of Holies (Rashi on ibid. 2). According to them, the root cause of their deaths was not the fact that Nadav and Avihu each “took his fire-pan, put fire in them and placed incense upon it” (Vayikra 10:1). Rather, they were killed because of some unrelated sin. But the Rashbam and Chizkuni explain that their sin was bringing their own fire before Hashem “had the chance” to cause a Heavenly fire to descend and consume the sacrifices. According to this explanation, the whole purpose of the day of the inauguration of the kohanim’s service in the Mishkan was to reveal Hashem’s presence in the Mishkan through the

fire from Heaven which would consume the congregation’s sacrifices. By bringing a human fire before Hashem’s fire descended, Nadav and Avihu prevented that full expression of G-d’s revelation in the Mishkan. In the language of the mekubalim, they created a separation between yesod Abah and yesod Imah. But these commentaries do not explain the rest of the pasuk in which the Torah explains their sin. Each one “took his fire-pan, put fire in them and placed incense upon it.” Their explanation accounts for why it was a problem for Nadav and Avihu to bring a human fire before the revelation of Hashem’s fire. But they do not explain the Torah’s emphasis on the fact that they placed incense on this fire. Let us first understand more about the nature of this eighth day on which

the kohanim brought sacrifices to Hashem and then we can suggest an approach which will explain the significance of the incense. Moshe told the entire Jewish people (ibid. 9:6), “This is the thing that Hashem has commanded you to do, and the glory of Hashem will appear to you.” The purpose of the day was (ibid. 4) “today Hashem is appearing to you.” The last time Hashem appeared to the entire Jewish people was at Sinai, when the pasuk (Shmos 24:17) says, “And the appearance of the glory of Hashem was like a consuming fire at the top of the mountain before the eyes of the Jewish people.” The Ramban (on ibid. 25:1) says that the purpose of the Mishkan, and later, the Beis Hamikdash, is to continue the Sinai experience throughout the genera-

tions. And the heroes of the Sinai experience, who led the Jewish people to the mountain, were Moshe, Aharon, Nadav, and Avihu (Shmos 24:1): “And He said to Moshe: ‘Ascend to Hashem, you, Aharon, Nadav, Avihu, and the seventy of the elders of Israel...’” Why were Aharon’s sons chosen for this special honor of going closer to Sinai than the rest of the Jewish people? Because they were destined to be inaugurated into the service in the Mishkan, the purpose of which is to continue to bring Hashem’s presence into the Jewish people just like on Sinai. The connection between the revelation at Sinai and the Mishkan/Beis Hamikdash is also expressed through the fact that there are only three occasions on which communal peace offerings are brought: (1) at Sinai (Shmos 24:5); (2) on the day of the kohanim’s inauguration into the Mishkan’s service in this weeks’ parsha (Vayikra 9:4); and (3) throughout the generations on Shavuos (Vayikra 23:19), the anniversary of the day Hashem gave us the Torah on Sinai. The connection between these days is clear. Each of them represents a joining of the world above and the world below. That is why a communal peace offering is brought. The significance of a peace offering is that it is consumed jointly by Heaven, the kohanim, and the owner of the offering. Because these three occasions represent a direct encounter between the entire Jewish people and Hashem, it is appropriate to bring a joint offering which is “consumed” both by Hashem above and his children below on each of these days. Perhaps based on the above we can understand the sin of Nadav and Avihu and how it relates to the incense they brought. As we said above, Nadav and

9:24), “the entire nation saw, sang praises, and fell on their faces,” Nadav and Avihu might have seen this as extremely problematic. Perhaps that is why, in the next verse (ibid. 10:1), they ran to bring incense into the Holy of Holies. What is the significance and purpose of incense? Whenever there is a direct Divine revelation, Hashem commands us to create a cloud around that revelation us-

cloud of concealment around that direct revelation to prevent those they thought were not worthy of experiencing it further. They may have viewed that direct revelation as a lack of honor toward Heaven. Because they were separated from average Jews at Sinai and did not realize that Hashem intended that they too experience a direct encounter with Hashem,

Yiddishkeit and connection is for every Jew.

ing incense, as the pasuk (Vayikra 16:2) says, “In a cloud [of incense] I will appear above the [Ark] cover.” The smoke created by the burning of the incense creates a fog around Hashem’s revelation, obscuring it as an expression of modesty. Nadav and Avihu could not imagine that the entire Jewish people were actually supposed to experience that which the pasuk says, “The entire nation saw, sang praises, and fell on their faces.” They therefore ran to burn incense to create a

they did not realize that Hashem wants not only a direct relationship with the tzaddikim and scholars but also a direct connection with the lowest Jews, from the wood choppers to the water drawers (Devarim 29:10). But this was a mistake. That is why Moshe explained to Aharon after Nadav and Avihu’s deaths (Vayikra 10:3): “This is what Hashem spoke [when He said], ‘I will be sanctified through those close to Me and before the entire nation I will

be glorified.” A direct relationship and revelation of Hashem is not only for the “nobles of Israel” and “those close to Me” like Moshe, Aharon, Nadav, and Avihu. It is for “the entire nation.” Yiddishkeit is not a spectator’s sport in which we watch the tzaddikim from afar and gaze in awe at how close they are to Hashem. We value the tzaddikim and scholars, drink up every word they teach, and follow their leadership, but they do not have a monopoly on closeness with Hashem. Yiddishkeit and connection is for every Jew. No one should write themselves or other Jews off as beyond the pale of Yiddishkeit. Hashem desires a direct relationship and encounter with every single Jew, no matter whether he is of the “nobles of Israel” or is of the “wood choppers and water drawers.” May all of us merit to internalize this message and never write ourselves off from working to draw ourselves closer and closer to Hashem.


MARCH 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home

Avihu were not with the rest of the Jewish people at Sinai. They came closer to the mountain than everyone else and were “cut off” from regular Jews. The pasuk says regarding Nadav, Avinhu and the other elders (Shmos 24:10-11), “And they perceived the G-d of Israel … and upon the nobles of Israel He did not lay a hand and they saw G-d…” But they were not the only ones who perceived Hashem at Sinai. As we quoted earlier: “And the appearance of the glory of Hashem was like a consuming fire at the top of the mountain before the eyes of the Jewish people.” The rest of the Jewish people also experienced a revelation of G-d. It is possible, however, that because Nadav and Avihu were cut off from the average Jews, they may not have realized that Hashem considered the entire Jewish people worthy of revelation. They might have thought that such a direct encounter with G-d was reserved for “the nobles of Israel” like themselves and the elders. It may not have occurred to Nadav and Avihu that the “proletariat,” the average Jews, the “riff raff,” were capable or worthy of receiving Hashem’s presence. It could be that when the whole Jewish people witnessed Hashem’s revelation through the fire on the altar (Vayikra

Rav Moshe Weinberger, shlita, is the founding Morah d’Asrah of Congregation Aish Kodesh in Woodmere, NY, and serves as leader of the new mechina Emek HaMelech.

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The Jewish Home | MARCH 24, 2022


Kolel Shas Yiden Network:

Mourning the Loss of our Nasi A look back in the aftermath of the petirahof Nasi Kolel Shas Yiden

‫רשכבה"ג מרן שר התורה‬ ‫רבי חיים קנייבסקי זצוק"ל‬


Rav Chaim attends a siyum for Kolel Shas Yiden in Bnei Brak


The siyum takes place at Rav Chaim’s home.


Siyum Hashas by Avreichim Geonim of Kolel Shas Yiden at the home of Sar Hatorah.


“Please open another ten Shas Kollelim”—Maran Sar Hatorah to Pozna Rav.


Siyum Hashas at the home of Maran Sar Hatorah, Nasi Hakolellim, where upon he proclaimed: “Shas Yiden is the most mehudar Yisachar-Zevulun partnership of our generation.”


The Siyum takes place at the Lederman Shul, adjacent to the home of Rav Chaim zt”l, Nasi Hakolellim.


Maran Sar HaTorah, Nasi Hakolellim, attends the event marking one decade of consecutive siyumim by Kolel Shas Yiden. He proclaimed that their Torah is a protection to all of Klal Yisroel.


Rav Chaim, zt”l, Nasi Hakolellim, pens a warm letter, greeting the avreichim upon the establishment of a Kolel Shas Yiden in London.


A heartwarming letter, penned by Rav Chaim, zt”l, Nasi Hakolellim, is read in his presence at the siyum hashas. “These are Emesdike shas Yiden,” Rav Chaim wrote.

‫‪MARCH 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home‬‬


‫רשת הכוללים ש״ס איד׳ן‬ ‫לידיעת הש״ס כולו בע״פ‬ ‫ירושלים בני ברק בית שמש ביתר קרית ספר לונדון‬

‫בראשות המייסד הגאון רבי אברהם הלוי אייזען שליט״א אבד״ק פוזנא‬

‫בנשיאות מרן שר התורה רשכבה״ג רבינו הגדול רבי חיים קניבסקי זצוקלה״ה‬

‫אהה !!!‬

‫מי יתן ראשינו מים ועינינו מקור דמעה ונבכה יומם ולילה על הלקח אדונינו מעל ראשינו בהכבות נר ישראל עמוד הימיני פטיש החזק עמוד האש‬ ‫ההלך לפני מחנה ישראל‪ ,‬אור העולם אשר האיר פני כל המזרח מתורתו ויראתו‪ ,‬סיני ועוקר הרים שכל רז לא אניס ליה ולא פסיק פומיה מגירסא‪ ,‬ויט‬ ‫שכמו לסבול משא העם ולהלך נגד רוחו של כל אחד ואחד‪ ,‬שמח בשמחתן של ישראל ומיצר בצרתם אב רחום לרבבות אלפי ישראל‬

‫מרנא ורבנא רשכבה"ג‬

‫שר התורה‬ ‫קדש הקדשים‬ ‫זצוקללה"ה זי"ע‬

‫אבל יחיד נעשה לנו רשת הכוללים ש"ס איד'ן אשר פתח פתחו בפנינו ונשא אותנו כאשר ישא האומן‬ ‫את היונק ומסר מכוחו ומזמנו למען הוסיף אברכים יגעים בידיעת התורה וחכמתה‬

‫אוי מי יתן לנו תמורתו !‬ ‫פלגי מים תרדנה עינינו כי גדול כים שברנו אוי מי ירפא לנו‬

‫תורה תורה חגרי שק והתפלשי באפרים אבל יחד עשי לך ומספד תמרורים על תופשי משוטיך ופורשי מכמורים משחריך וחובליך‬ ‫במים אדירים עורכי מערכך ומישרי הדורים מי יפרק הויות ומי יתרץ שברים מי ילחום מלחמתך וישוב לשערים‬ ‫הזועקים וכואבים‬

‫הנהלת הכולל‬

‫רבנן ותלמידיהון‬

The Jewish Home | MARCH 24, 2022


Sar HaTorah Rav Chaim Kanievsky, zt”l


OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home

By RaBBi avRohom SeBRow

lal Yisrael is in a deep state of mourning for the Sar HaTorah, HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky, zt”l. HaRav Binyomin Forst, shlit”a, remarked that we are no longer living in the same world. Before there was a world with Rav

Chaim, and now we are in a world without him. It was a catastrophic loss, a veritable sea change. Rav Chaim lived and breathed Torah. From a young age, Rav Chaim accepted upon himself a rigorous study schedule. He referred to this learning as chovos, literally debts. If missed, these chovos needed to be paid. When Rav Chaim became engaged to Rav Elyashiv’s daughter, Rav Chaim was overheard murmuring about his “chovos.” Alarmed, a family member from the Elyashiv family was worried that Batsheva Elyashiv would start married life with a husband full of debts! Someone explained that “chovos” referred to his learning – not actual debt! Rav Chaim kept this regular study schedule every

year, making a siyum on the entire Torah on Erev Pesach. Many people have a relaxed learning schedule during Bein Hazmanim, but not Rav Chaim. He constantly plowed through his rigorous learning schedule every day, finishing the entire Bavli and Yerushalmi once a year. He remarked that the seventh day of Pesach marked the beginning of an extra intensive week of “chovos.” Rav Chaim’s demanding schedule was fashioned after Talmud Bavli. While the Bavli has no Gemara in Seder Zeraim other than Brachos, the Yerushalmi does. It seems that Rav Chaim learned through the entire seder of Mishnayos Zeraim in one week (besides for Brachos). This is an impressive but understandable


Responding to All

The Chazon Ish Rav Chaim had a sense of humor, as one could tell from his responses to various questions. Perhaps he picked this up from his uncle, the Chazon Ish. One time he asked his uncle, “Are you a tzaddik?”

ever fulfill the mitzvah of bedikas chometz?” This was Rav Chaim’s way to always view everything through a Torah prism. Indeed, someone once asked Rav Chaim in the middle of the year about which apartment to purchase. Rav Chaim said to purchase the smaller one, because it will make the bedikah easier. Rav Chaim adopted the practice of visiting his grandchildren’s homes soon after they were married. On one occasion, he noticed that a grandchild had a long hallway. He commented, “The bedikah here will take a long time.”

Hearing a Child’s Cry Rav Chaim’s dedication to his family was legendary. When he took his young child to cheder for the first time, he went with all the other fathers to acclimate their sons to the new cheder. After all the fathers had left, the rebbi noticed that Rav Chaim was still sitting in the back learning Torah. The rebbi remarked to Rav Chaim that of course he is welcome to stay as long as he wants, but all the other fathers left already. Rav Chaim said, “But if I leave, my child will cry!” The rebbi responded, “Yes. It’s true. However, I have found that the children only cry a little bit. I give them a candy and then everything is fine.” But Rav Chaim persisted, “I don’t want my child to cry a little bit!” The rebbi said, “Fine. Of course, you can stay, but what will happen tomorrow?” Rav Chaim said, “I’ll come back tomorrow. All the other parents aren’t able to learn or perform their jobs here. I could learn the same here as I learn in Kollel.” Rav Chaim indeed came back the next day, and the next day, and the next day. Rav Chaim attended preschool class with his young son for 30 days until his son was fully acclimated and would not cry upon his departure.

A Torah Lens One day, Rav Chaim took his children on a Chol HaMoed outing. Classically, he took them to the zoo. However, a visit to the zoo with Rav Chaim is different. When he saw the first animal, he told his children all the places that this animal is mentioned in Tanach and in the Gemara. He also explained what halachos are relevant to it. He then went to the next animal and proceeded to do the same. Some other patrons of the zoo overheard these encyclopedic Torah remarks and decided to follow Rav Chaim. Still others noticed the group and came closer to see

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Rav Chaim was famous for responding to the many letters he received. Very often, he responded with short, sometimes one-word answers that were quick and to the point. One time, Rav Chaim received a letter and seemed to be contemplating it. His relative who was in the room was wondering what was so complex about this particular letter. Finally, Rav Chaim handed over the letter to his relative and asked him to read it. The letter was written in big bold letters. It stated, “L’kavod Rav Kanievsky, Shalom. We learned in Cheder in Parshas Mikeitz, that Pharaoh had a dream, and seven cows came out of the river, and seven cows came out ‘Achareihen,’ after them. I asked my Rebbe why does the word Achareihen end with a ‘nun’ and not a ‘mem,’ and he didn’t have an answer. Therefore, I am asking the Rav.” It was signed “Moishy Cohen, second grade, Talmud Torah Tashbar.” After the relative finished reading the letter, Rav Chaim remarked, “I could send a letter explaining the rules of grammar, but the child wouldn’t understand.” The relative said, “Then don’t respond to the letter.” Rav Chaim remarked, “The reason I respond to letters is to give people chizuk. I never know if they actually get chizuk from my response. But this young boy will certainly receive chizuk if he gets a letter from me.” After a few moments, Rav Chaim chuckled and penned a response to the boy. “Paroah lived in Egypt and didn’t know Hebrew!”

His uncle responded, “I’m a tzaddik sofis (referring to the final form of the letter)!” Rav Chaim persisted and asked the Chazon Ish, “Are you one of the 36 tzaddikim?” His uncle a nswered, “I’m number 37!” The K a nievsk y family was understandably very close to the Chazon Ish. Rav Chaim was once asked, “Why did the Chazon Ish emigrate to Eretz Yisrael? He was living in a Torah metropolis, in Vilna!” Rav Chaim stated that he didn’t understand the question. Living in Eretz Yisrael fulfills a Torah mitzvah! Rav Chaim added that, in truth, there was an additional reason as well. HaGaon Rebbe Chaim Ozer Grodzinski advised the Chazon Ish to emigrate to Eretz Yisrael because perhaps there he would merit having children. Rav Chaim added that this idea is not new; it is found in Rashi in Yevamos (64a). One ruling of the Chazon Ish made life easier for the Kanievsky family. One time, the Chazon Ish found out that the Steipler, Rav Chaim’s father, stayed up all night searching for chometz. The Chazon Ish issued two directives to make the bedikah shorter: 1) When searching for chometz on the floor, one only needs to search for chometz the size of a kezayis; and 2) Perform a sale of chometz on the 13th, and then one doesn’t need to check the places that were sold. Even with these rulings, the search for chometz in the Kanievsky apartment always took many hours. Rav Chaim emptied out many drawers to properly check them. He would then tell his grandson, “Please put everything back into the drawers. The mitzvah of bedikas chometz is only d’rabbanan. Causing distress to your grandmother is a Torah violation.” Indeed, when Rav Chaim was younger, he would return all the items himself to their proper place. Rav Chaim expressed surprise that people in America have such large houses. “How do they

MARCH 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home

feat. Yet he had to simultaneously finish ten entire tractates of Talmud Yerushalmi in the same week! Rav Chaim had his yearly learning schedule so organized, that in a Jewish leap year he was able to dedicate his additional time to authoring seforim and answering letters.



OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home

The Jewish Home | MARCH 24, 2022

88 what was happening. Pretty soon, Rav Chaim had a huge crowd of people following him as he served as a “spiritual tour guide” at the zoo! That again was another example of Rav Chaim perceiving ever y thing through a prism of Torah. One day, Rav Chaim received a letter and the writer mentioned that he lived on Rechov Rimon, “Pomegranate Street.” Rav Chaim repeated this fact a few times. Someone present asked him, “Why is this fact notable?” Rav Chaim answered that when the Beis Hamikdash will be built speedily in our days, we will need pomegranate wood to roast our Korban Pesach. The Gemara states that the custom was to use specifically pomegranate wood for this purpose. Perhaps pomegranates grow on that street. One time, a fundraiser mentioned to Rav Chaim that a wealthy American donor asked for a bracha for his older single daughter so that she may find her bashert. Rav Chaim gave the daughter a hearty blessing. Then the fundraiser mentioned to Rav Chaim that he has an older son that also needs a shidduch. Rav Chaim said, “The solution to your problem is found in the Gemara!” The Gemara in Bava Kama says that when someone prays for someone else and he needs the same result, he will be answered as well. Rav Chaim said, “You should daven for the donor, and ask him to daven for you!” (Rav Chaim reasoned that this ploy works even if one is just davening for his friend so that he should be answered. The proof is from a Mogen Avraham (OC 230:6) that deals with saying the equivalent of “gezunteit.”) Within a year, the fundraiser shared the good news with Rav Chaim that the donor’s daughter was getting married soon. However, the fundraiser mentioned that his son, unfortunately, still had not found a shidduch. Rav Chaim replied, “Don’t worry, your son will surely find a shidduch before the wedding!” The wedding was set to take place on Thursday of the following week. That Thursday afternoon, the fundraiser held a vort for his son. (Courtship in their community is much quicker than it is in non-chassidishe America.) A businessman came to Rav Chaim with a question. He typically wore a hat and jacket for bentching. However, most of his business meetings would take place at a restaurant while sharing a meal. He was embarrassed to put on a hat and jacket for bentching at the conclusion of the meeting and meal. The others at the meeting may think it’s strange. The businessman asked, “Is it really necessary for me to continue my custom?” Rav Chaim responded that he certainly should. The Mishna Berura says that wearing a hat and jacket is proper attire for bentching. Moreover, wearing a hat and jacket for bentching is a segula for wealth. Soon after, the businessman was discussing a real estate deal over a restaurant meal. The meeting was

successful in that they had come to terms on most of the issues. However, the sticking point was a fifteen million shekel price difference between the two sides. The businessman reasoned that it may be a sizable sum, but perhaps in the context of the entire deal, it may be worth it to give in. He decided that he would come to a decision after bentching. He got up to get his hat and jacket. The other party called after him, “Fine. I agree to your price.” After he returned to the table and bentched, he asked the other party, “Why did you suddenly give in?” The other party said, “I saw you suddenly stand up and get your hat. Since you were about to walk away from the deal, I quickly decided that even at your price, it was still a good deal!” It may be hard for us to fully comprehend Rav Chaim’s appreciation of Torah and his non-appreciation of wealth. There is an established custom that the baal korei receives the aliyah for the tochacha – the section of the Torah that describes the punishments for those that don’t follow the Torah. The reasoning is that it is a bad omen to randomly call someone up specifically to get that aliyah. The baal korei is already standing there and doesn’t need to be called up. Moreover, it is not bad omen for him since the baal korei always gets that aliyah. Someone learning in kollel commented, “I’m not into such things. I have no problem getting that aliyah.” Soon after, a distant relative of the kollel man passed away in the United States. The kollel man travelled there to claim his inheritance. The inheritance involved a profitable company. Soon, the kollel man became wealthy and spent his time tending his business. When this was related to Rav Chaim, his response was, “You see that he shouldn’t have taken the aliyah! Before he was sitting and learning Torah, and now unfortunately, he is busy with his business!” There are certain mitzvos that the Gemara says will cause a person to have a bountiful parnassah. One such example is netilas yadayim. Similarly, the Gemara says reciting Havadala over wine is a segulah to have boys. Indeed, Rav Chaim would advise couples who were childless to recite Havdala specifically over wine and not to use grape juice. Yet, Rav Chaim said that we see

there are people who are careful about netilas yadayim and do not have a bountiful parnassah. Likewise, there are people who recite Havdala on wine and did not merit children. Rav Chaim said that there are two explanations for this. One is offered by the Mishna Berura (158:38). A person may have sins that prevent the blessing from being fulfilled. (See there for which sin the Chofetz Chaim said prevents children.) The second is that not having children and sustenance can be a source of atonement. But if a person doesn’t deserve children or sustenance, their lack is not a source of atonement, since he didn’t deserve it anyway. Once a person does a mitzvah that should merit him to have children or parnassah, now what he lacks turns into a source of atonement. (Rav Chaim explained that the two answers are really intertwined.) There was once a man waiting in the queue to see Rav Chaim. He stood out from all the others because of his long hair. Through the hair, his earrings were barely visible. On the top of his mound of hair, there was a symbolic kippah. When it was his turn to speak to Rav Chaim, he stated that he and his wife were childless. They had gone to see a fertility specialist. At one point, the doctor said that there was nothing more he could do for the couple. They asked if there was any other doctor they should visit. The doctor replied, “At this point, I can only recommend speaking to Rav Chaim Kanievsky in Bnei Brak.” Rav Chaim listened to his story and said, “But a woman can’t have children with another woman! Get a haircut.” The man’s face lit up and he said, “Right away! Sure. I’ll do anything!” Rav Chaim replied, “But it’s sefiras haomer now. One doesn’t take a haircut during this time.” The man waited until Lag B’Omer to take a haircut and merited having a child. Incredibly, there are times that Rav Elyashiv, zt”l, was asked for a bracha, and he sent the petitioners to his son-in-law! Yet, for his part, Rav Chaim refused to take any credit for his blessings. He said that when misfortune and pain was destined to end, it would end on its own, as the Gemara states in Avoda Zara.


was surprising how short the hespedim for Rav Chaim were at the levaya this week. But then one contemplates, how can one eulogize the gadol hador? The same is true with this article. This article is by no means comprehensive, rather it offers a few glimpses of a gadol hador, Rav Chaim, zt”l.


MARCH 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home

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The Jewish Home | MARCH 24, 2022


The Tzedakah Fund Of Rashkebeha”G Maran Sar Hatorah HGR’ Chaim Kanievsky Zt”L- Kupat Ha’ir


he self-sacrifice of Rabeinu in tzedakah-related matters was famous, and yet few knew how deep and strong was the connection between Rabeinu and the mitzvah of tzedakah in general and his tzedakah organization, Kupat Ha’ir, which he founded and developed for tens of years - in particular. Every day of the year Rabeinu zt”l was involved in the mitzvah of tzedakah-at the most individual and private times, in which Rabeinu guarded his restricted family circle- even then Kupat Ha’ir merited to be included within this circle; the mitzvah of tzedakah was treated as “one of the family” in every way. So it was every year at the time of kapparos. Those who accompanied Rabeinu were instructed to leave the room, except for one individual- the representative of Kupat Ha’ir who brought him the names of Kupat Ha’ir contributors so that Rabeinu could daven for them. Once Rabeinu verbalized this: “He’s part of my family”- his intention here wasn’t referring to the representative himself as a private individual, but to what he carried in with him: many pages with the names of Kupat Ha’ir donors, who contribute to the tzedakah above and beyond their capabilities, knowing that this tzedakah gives them the merit of the special tefillah of Rabeinu. When Rabeinu traveled to daven in Shunam, the location of the Ishas Shunamis, no one was allowed to participate in this private tefillah. He davened there privately for the Torah learning of himself, his children, and his grandchildren and great-grandchildren. No one entered. But then also, Rabeinu requested that the tzedakah box of Kupat Ha’ir be brought to him, in order to give his donation, and the names of its many contributors, so he could daven for them. At the siyum haShas he made every erev Pesach in the morning, at ta’anis bechoros, he’d set aside a special time for tefillah for Kupat Ha’ir donors. There, too, no one other than the Kupat Ha’ir representatives were able to be included in the list of those Rabeinu would daven forand for whoever was enumerated therein. All this, in order to teach the Jewish nation how we should conduct ourselves, as Rabeinu wrote many times in his responses to different tzedakah-related questions he was given: “From him they will see and thus they will do.”

Every seven years Rabeinu would go to Maran HaGaon Rav Shmuel Halevi Wosner zt”l to make a prozbul with him, his minhag from the days of the Chazon Ish zy”a. The last shmitta years, when Rabeinu would go to Maran HaRav Wosner’s home, he’d request a Kupat Ha’ir tzedakah box to be brought to him, and the two Gedolei HaDor would contribute for Kupat Ha’ir’s needy recipients. These donations would make waves each time anew, since it was common knowledge that Maran HaRav Wosner was opposed to being photographed, and he therefore avoided doing certain mitzvos in public. Nevertheless, when the opportunity presented itself to strengthen Kupat Ha’ir, he deviated from his usual practice and decisively changed his behavior.

When the Ga’avad of Yerushalayim, Rav Yitzchak Tuvia Weiss, came to visit Rabeinu, Rabeinu wanted to show him the tzedakah box of Kupat Ha’ir. “This is my kupa,” he emphasized to his distinguished guest, words which galvanized the entire spectrum of the chareidi public. “To here it’s worthwhile to contribute; the money goes in its entirety to the most mehudar tzedakah there is.” This definitive testimony that Rabeinu bestowed upon Kupat Ha’ir clarified his standing towards it in the most conclusive way possible. Also when Rabeinu was brought halachic questions in which people asked if they should continue their regular monthly donations even when their financial situation became difficult- in cases where Kupat Ha’ir was the recipient, Rabeinu instructed people to continue contributing despite the difficulty. Rabeinu never agreed to promise recovery from illness, success, having children, or a good income. But when the petitioners noted that before requesting the bracha, they’d contributed to Kupat Ha’ir, Rabeinu’s face lit up, and he answered, “I

can say that the refuah will come.” As the years passed, many petitioners learned this secret, and would regularly give a donation before they would ask for a bracha. The donation would “open the gates of Heaven,” and the bracha of Rabeinu would bring about the unbelievable… When Rabeinu last visited Me’aras HaMachpela, close to fifty years after his previous visit, there was great excitement in the spacious place. No stranger was allowed entrance, but Rabeinu asked for the pages of Kupat Ha’ir…even during these great moments, when he davened for himself, for his household, and for the entire Jewish people- a place of honor was given to Kupat Ha’ir donors, the tzedakah organization that allowed him, as he mentioned many times, to learn in peace, knowing that his obligation to care for the poor and to plead their case was being taken off his shoulders. Between receiving the public who constantly knocked at his door, his different shiurim, and his rigorous daily learning schedule, Rabeinu would always find time for public tzedakah meetings, even though until Kupat Ha’ir was founded he never attended such meetings. A number of times Kupat Ha’ir conducted tzedakah events and gatherings in his house, around his table, and Rabeinu opened his heart for the mitzvah of tzedakah. Each Chol HaMoed, when Rabeinu would travel to the Kosel HaMa’aravi, the entrances would be closed and no vehicle would be granted entry. The few who were permitted entry time after time, as per the explicit request of Rabeinu, were “the papers of Kupat Ha’ir.” The list of donors was an inseparable part of his tefillos, also at his most private and personal times. Before Kol NIdre, Rabeinu requested that the tzedakah box of Kupat Ha’ir be brought to him so he could contribute; after kapparos, before Sukkos, at Chanukah, at the lofty moments of matanos ha’evyonim on Purim, on erev Pesach and before Shavuos- every time he would be turned to for tzedakah campaigns, Rabeinu would strive to show everyone that the proper way, in his eyes, was not to donate to individuals, after personal investigation, but specifically to contribute via Kupat Ha’ir, in which he placed his full trust. Rabeinu’s amazing self-sacrifice for the mitzvah of tzedakah caused a great

Maran Sar HaTorah Rabeinu HGR Chaim Kanievsky ztl donating matanos levyonim to Kupat Hair this past Purim 5782

awakening for this mitzvah in all strata of the public, and turned tzedakah into an inseparable part of daily life in every Jewish home. The tzedakah box wasn’t just another box into which one drops a coin once a week before Shabbos candlelighting; it became de rigeur for every issue, whether small or great: one precedes tzedakah to tefillah; to bracha; to any act;to any activity;to any concern; to any simcha- and the results were seen in every Jewish home. Throughout all the years Rabeinu didn’t rest, but offered Kupat Ha’ir any assistance possible without considering his personal honor or standing. He received its gabbais at all times; he showed interest in its smallest details; he greeted its “big” donors most warmly and encouraged them to continue to contribute; he received questions and requests for brachos which Kupat Ha’ir donors sent him daily without letup; he wrote long and detailed letters for Kupat Ha’ir. Throughout the years, from the time that Rabeinu founded Kupat Ha’ir, tens of times he sent out letters in which he called upon the community to strengthen his organization, Kupat Ha’ir, and as an enduring testimony, he wrote in his last letter from the 4th of Adar Beis of this year: “Kupat Ha’ir is faithful to me in all matters relating to tzedakah.” According to the will of Rabbi Akiva Eiger zt”l which speaks of giving tzedakah at the time of the levayah, and in accordance with the directive of Rabeinu Maran Rosh HaYeshiva HGR’ Gershon Edelstein shlit”a, 785 shekels [$241], the numerical equivalent of the name Shmaryahu Yosef Chaim, should be contributed within 72 hours of the petirah (Monday noontime), and will be distributed to the poor l’ilui nishmaso.


MARCH 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home

L'ilui nishmas the founder of Kupat Ha'ir, its mentor and guide for 22 years, Maran Rabeinu Chaim Kanievsky zt"l


"RABEINU CHAIM" FUND OF KUPAT HA'IR After Klal Yisrael was orphaned from our father, our shepherd, Rabban shel Yisrael ztvk"l, and certainly each one of us wants to repay in some small way and do something l'ilui nishmaso. Therefore immediately after the funeral, the sons and sons-in-law of Rashkebeha"g Maran ztvk"l initiated a fund l'ilui nishmaso at Kupat Ha'ir, which has been faithful to him in all tzedakah-related matters,

WITH A PERSONAL REQUEST FOR EVERYONE WHO IS ABLE TO GIVE A SUM OF $1000 (installments of 36 months are possible)

as a merit for his neshama and to continue his chessed activities A letter from the gaonim, the sons and sons-in-law of Maran Sar HaTorah ztvk"l with the participation of Rabeinu Maran Rosh HaYeshiva shlit"a and the Gedolei haDor shlit"a: B’siyata diShmaya, the 17th of Adar Sheini 5782

Inasmuch as our master h as b een t aken f rom u s, R osh Golas Ariel and R abban Shel Kohl Bnai HaGolah, And certainly all of Am Yisrael want, and are obligated, to give tzedakah l’ilui nishmaso, to give back to him a tiny portion of everything he’s given to our entire nation in Torah and in general guidance his whole life, And we know very well, and we’ve also heard from his holy mouth several times during his lifetime, and even more so recently, that he wanted the continuation of the tzedakah activities of Kupat Ha’ir, which he founded, cultivated, and promoted- from its inception until it became what it is today, And since it was faithful to him in all tzedakah-related matters, as he wrote in his last letter to the public on the 4th of Adar Beis, and as he wrote many times that its gabbais are faithful to him like Rabbi Chanina ben Teradyon, And our eyes have seen his holy affection for this elevated tzedakah,

And therefore we have seen fit t o e stablish, a t K upat H a’ir, t he “Rabeinu Chaim Fund”, to continue tzedakah activities l’ilui nishmaso, And each individual who is able to give a sum of $1000 (in installments for 36 months) l’ilui nishmaso and to continue these tzedakah activities, And bs”d a trustworthy shaliach will daven every day at the tziyun of Maran zy”a for all the donors, that he will continue to advocate for them in Shamayim.

‫יצחק שאול קניבסקי‬ ‫אברהם דוד אפשטיין‬

‫זליג ברוורמן‬

‫שלמה קניבסקי‬ ‫יצחק קולדצקי‬

‫אי"ש קניבסקי‬ ‫יהושע צביון‬

‫שרגא שטיינמן‬

‫ודאי זכות גדולה לעילוי נשמתו של רבינו זצוק"ל להמשיך את דרכו בעשיית החסד של קופת העיר שרבינו החשיב‬ ‫ ובוודאי יהיה מרן זיע"א מליץ יושר בשמים‬,‫מאוד וסמך עליה‬ ‫שמעון גלאי‬

‫ברוך דוב פוברסקי‬

‫ברוך מרדכי אזרחי‬

His son-in-law HaGaon HaRav Yitzchak Kolodetsky shlit’a reads the letter of the gaonim, the sons and sons-in-law of Maran Sar HaTorah ztvk”l at the founding meeting for the establishment of the “Rabbi Chaim Fund” at Kupat Ha’ir, which took place in the holy room where Maran ztvk”l learned, immediately after the levayah

‫ גרשון אדלשטיין‬.‫י‬

A trustworthy shaliach will daven for twelve months daily for the contributors at the tziyun of Maran ztvk”l, saying each name individually, that Maran should continue to have an influence on him from Shamayim, and should advocate on his behalf before the Borei Olam, as he did when he was among the living.


The tziyun of the kodesh hakedoshim zy”a at the beis hachaim ZIchron Meir

Donations can be sent to: American Friedns of Kupat Ha’ir – 4415 14th Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11219




2 8



‫קו‬ ‫העפת‬ ‫יר‬



The Jewish Home | MARCH 24, 2022

The Wandering


Northwest America Part I By Hershel Lieber

A devastated section near Mount St. Helens


ith the exception of one family trip to California for Pesach of 1983, we had really not traveled much in the States. Yes, we traveled to all the states along the Atlantic seaboard from Maine through Virginia, and we had been in Florida a couple of times. Yes, we had journeyed to quite a few countries in Eastern and Western Europe and, of course, made a few pilgrimages to Israel. Yet, we neglected the other thirty-five states in the U.S. and were definitely guilty of not “Seeing America First” as advocated by the popular travel slogan. It wasn’t until the late ‘90s that we

The entertaining Pike Place Fish Market

committed ourselves to explore our beautiful country. Besides seeing the natural wonders that Hashem bestowed in abundance throughout most of the continent, we were interested in exploring the cities and learning about the history and culture of its inhabitants. Above all, what excited us was meeting fellow Jews and becoming familiar with their communities. We also hoped to forge a meaningful relationship with our brethren. And so, a week after Pesach, in May of 1997, we flew to the Northwest coast of America. Our itinerary would consist of Portland, Oregon, Seattle, Washington,

and the cities of Vancouver and Victoria in British Columbia, Canada. Our nine-day trip would also include spending a Shabbos in the Seward Park section of Seattle, where there was a sizable active Orthodox community. The weather predictions looked favorable and the specific sights that we planned to take in seemed fairly interesting and intriguing. After landing in Portland, Oregon, about noontime, we made our way to Pioneer Courthouse Square which was the city’s center of activity. Besides its historical significance, it was the cradle of Portland’s counterculture movement. Dozens

Pesi at the Japanese Botanical Gardens

of teens dressed in anti-establishment clothing, sporting tattoos and pierced body jewelry, with spiky hair styles in every color of the rainbow, some of them high on drugs, were sitting or lying aimlessly throughout this pretty square. It was a sad scene, yet indicative of an uninspired generation whose lives lacked motivation and direction. I didn’t look at them as bad people; rather I felt sorry that they found no meaning in their lives. I reached out to talk to them, and they joined me for a photo op. After walking around this area and doing some window shopping at Nordstrom, we returned to our hotel and


MARCH 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home

6 8 7 , 5 APPR



os r o M m& Rebbei UT UGHO A T H R O & CA N A D A S U THE



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Please note: New locatio n

Join us in this great display of gratitude! Visit and volunteer.

The Jewish Home | MARCH 24, 2022

MARCH 24 | The Jewish Home

Seattle’s Space Needle

man with a beard and hat got out and started walking towards me. I called out, “Rabbi Oppenheim?” and he said, “No. I was actually told by him that there would be a minyan here this morning.” After waiting together a few more minutes, we both realized that from two people a minyan cannot be formed! Across the street, I noticed a large building with Hebrew insignia indicating that it was a Jewish institution. We crossed and entered the building and were informed that it was indeed a Jewish school affiliated with the Conservative movement. They offered us to join a group of boys and girls that were conducting a prayer service in the auditorium. We politely declined, stating that our tradition is that men and women need a partition during prayers. They were understanding and respectfully offered us an office room where we could daven. I had a siddur, but the other gentleman did not. He said that he remembers most tefillos by heart other than the Mussaf of Rosh Chodesh. As uncomfortable as it was, I asked the secretary to make a copy of my siddur’s Mussaf, since we could not use the Conservative version of a siddur. After davening,



A trolley in Portland

ly relaxing day and braced ourselves for a different type of sightseeing for the coming day. We left Portland early the next morning and crossed into the State of Washington. We were on the way to Mount St. Helens. In May of 1980, a major volcanic eruption reduced the elevation of the mountain summit by 1,300 feet and was by far the most destructive volcanic event

Sitting on a balcony and facing the awesome snowcapped mountain, we were left with mixed feelings of both sorrow and hope.

With new friends at the Pioneer Courthouse Square

settled in for the night. I really wanted to go to minyan the next morning as it was rosh chodesh. I called Rabbi Lenny Oppenheim, who said there would probably be a minyan in Chabad at 8 AM and he gave me their address. He said he would also be there. I came a bit earlier but did not see any indication that the address was a Chabad shul. It looked like a regular small house. I walked around the building looking for an uncovered window, which I found in the back. When I peered in, I saw a large photo of the Rebbe, zt”l, and knew that I was at the right place. I waited patiently until about 8:30 AM, and no one showed up. I was about ready to give up when a car pulled up and a tall

we thanked them for their hospitality and parted on our ways. There were two attractions that occupied most of our day in Portland. The Portland Zoo has over 3,000 animals and has a reputation as one of the finest zoos in the States. We don’t visit zoos in every city we travel to but do find many of them appealing. This is especially true when the animals are placed in recreated habitats that resemble the natural wildlife areas of their origin. Gone are the thick black fences where the animals would pace back and forth within cramped cages in seeming agony. I have read that there were many gedolim that favored visiting zoos and went there themselves to see and appreciate Hashem’s creations and wonders. This magnificent zoo did not disappoint us. Our next stop was to experience the serenity of the renown Portland Japanese Gardens. The Gardens are considered the most authentic ones outside of Japan and are a haven of tranquility and beauty throughout the year. Our visit there can attest to this description. We had a love-

in U.S. history. Following the eruption, a massive avalanche triggered by a 5.1 scale earthquake brought considerable destruction to the entire area. Following this catastrophic event, the area was left to gradually return to its natural state. When we arrived seventeen years later, we were able to see vast sections which characterized the barren remains of the destruction. We were also able to feel a sense of renewal when we gazed out at expansive areas that regenerated with life. We spent quite a while at the Visitors Center watching films of that fateful day and acquainting ourselves with Mount St. Helens history. Sitting on a balcony and facing the awesome snowcapped mountain, we were left with mixed feelings of both

sorrow and hope. We arrived in Seattle late that afternoon and checked into a downtown hotel. Our room was tiny, and the furnishings were old fashioned and a bit dingy. We rushed to the Seward Park section of the city and had a deli dinner and hurried back in enough time to take the Sky Train to the 1962 World’s Fair Space Needle where we got a bird’s eye view of the city at night. The next morning was Friday, so we started our sightseeing early by taking a bizarre tour of Underground Seattle. These former streets and basements formed a network of passageways under Pioneer Square. They were once located on ground level but fell into disuse after the streets were elevated. The city later condemned these basements for fear of the Bubonic Plague. A small portion was restored, with many original artifacts and is part of this most unusual tour. The guide had a great sense of humor which made this a most enjoyable experience. Our final stop was the Pike Place Market by the waterfront. This was one of the earliest farmers markets in the States. Although there are over 500 shops at the complex, the most fascinating are the fishmongers. The place teems with activity, and the street entertainers are many and varied. There was no way we could take in even a small percentage during our short visit; nevertheless, we enjoyed the bustling excitement. At one point, we looked at our watches and rushed back to check out of the hotel and make our way to our Shabbos hosts in Seward Park.

Hershel Lieber has been involved in kiruv activities for over 30 years. As a founding member of the Vaad L’Hatzolas Nidchei Yisroel he has traveled with his wife, Pesi, to the Soviet Union during the harsh years of the Communist regimes to advance Yiddishkeit. He has spearheaded a yeshiva in the city of Kishinev that had 12 successful years with many students making Torah their way of life. In Poland, he lectured in the summers at the Ronald S. Lauder Foundation camp for nearly 30 years. He still travels to Warsaw every year – since 1979 – to be the chazzan for Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur for the Jews there. Together with Pesi, he organized and led trips to Europe on behalf of Gateways and Aish Hatorah for college students finding their paths to Jewish identity. His passion for travel has taken them to many interesting places and afforded them unique experiences. Their open home gave them opportunities to meet and develop relationships with a variety of people. Hershel’s column will appear in The Jewish Home on a bi-weekly basis.


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The Jewish Home | MARCH 24, 2022

Jewish History

A Tale of Two Persias Iran – Then and Now By Larry Domnitch


his diabolical schemes. Haman had also been behind persuading the emperor to halt the construction of the Temple. The Ayatollahs of modern day Persia (Iran) are current extremists among a nation of many enlightened tolerant people whom yearn for freedom from their tyrannical rule. They plot along with proxy terror groups whom they support – Hezbollah, the Popular Front Liberation Palestine, Palestine Islamic Jihad, the

Haman the (nuevo riche) wealthy minister told his confidants and his wife that all the wealth and influence which he acquired was worthless to him as long as he saw Mordechai sitting by the king’s gate. It had infuriated him to no end. It was intolerable to him! To the present Iranian Mullahs, the sight of the Jewish people sitting by “their gate to the King” (the Al-mighty), that is the city of Jerusalem, as sovereigns is also intolerable. The Iranian regime is the

The head of the snake who threatens Jewry sits upon his throne in Tehran, not too far from the ancient capital of Shushan.

leading state sponsor of Holocaust denial, promotes radical ideologies, constantly calls for the destruction of Israel, supports terror groups throughout the region, supports totalitarianism, executes dissenters, and blocks the internet. In pursuit of their nefarious aims, they have been willing to forego immense sums of money over the years by sustaining crippling economic sanctions and thus remain a pariah state.

Larry Domnitch is the author of The Impact of World War One on the Jewish People, by Urim Publications. He lives in Efrat.


Houthi rebels of Yemen, Iraq Shia terrorist groups, among others throughout the Middle East –causing destruction in their pursuit of jihad against the West and their war against the Jewish state. February 13, 1979 is the day the Ayatollahs came to power. It was a dark day for Iran. In ancient Persia, Haman was enraged at the very sight of the Jew Mordechai.

The Iranian hatred of Israel is also fueled by apocalyptic ideologies held by most Shiite Muslims of the 12th Imam, a messiah to appear in the world brought about by war and chaos. They threaten Israel with timelines. On September 8, 2015, just one day after President Obama secured 42 Senate votes needed to ensure that his landmark nuclear deal can’t be filibustered, Iran’s leader Ayatollah Ali Khameni tweeted that Israel won’t exist in 25 years. That would be the year 2040. As in the ancient holiday of Purim, where a lot was drawn to designate the day for the annihilation of Jewry, so, too, the Ayatollahs have their timelines for the Jewish state. Five years later, on January 12, 2020, the Iranian parliament was debating a newly proposed bill that pledged to destroy Israel within 20 years – again the year 2040 was mentioned. The bill states that the “aggressor Zionist regime” poses a threat to Iran. It called for stepping up military actions against the Jewish State. Masses of Iranians rose up on several occasions in protest the Ayatollahs at great risk against the regime. They are friendly to the West and towards Israel. But they were beaten down in the streets while the world watched and said little. Purim arrives and the likes of Haman still lives in the modern Iranian regime. The head of the snake who threatens Jewry sits upon his throne in Tehran, not too far from the ancient capital of Shushan. While the fall of one Haman is celebrated, bear in mind that others like him currently lurk. The events of Purim were followed by the rise of a new era in Judea of the building of the Second Temple. Today, 2,500 years later, we hope for Moshiach so we can finally build the Palace once again.

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lthough separated by 2,500 years, there are similarities between the Iran of today and Persia of the ancient past. The Jews of Judea who were exiled to Babylon during the time of the destruction of the First Temple in 586 BCE were soon under the control of the new ruling Persian Empire, which had exhibited leniency and tolerance towards conquered subjects. The Persian emperor, Cyrus, in his second year, 538 BCE, granted the Jews the right to return to Judea to rebuild the Jerusalem Temple. “So says Cyrus, king of Persia, all the kingdoms of earth had Hashem, G-d of heaven, delivered to me and He has commanded me to build Him a Temple in Jerusalem, which is in Judea. Anyone among you among His people, may G-d be with him, let him go to Jerusalem, which is in Judea and build the Temple of Hashem, G-d of Israel – He is the G-d! – which is in Jerusalem” (Ezra, Chapter 1:1-4) Not only was Cyrus tolerant towards the Jews, he made specific mention to the building of the Jerusalem Temple. Initially, 42,360 people answered the call, and subsequent waves would follow. Upon their return, they encountered those Jews of Judea who were not exiled and soon embarked upon the task of building the Temple and the Jewish commonwealth. Opponents to the re-establishment of Judea, the Samaritans, raised their objections leveling bogus accusations that the Jews of Judea were planning rebellion, prompting the next Persian king, Darius, to suspend construction of the Temple. However, building was eventually resumed, and it was completed by the year 517, fulfilling the prophesy of Jeremiah that the exile would last seventy years. While the Cyrus decree was an historic munificent pronouncement, the wicked Haman, of Persia, was a rabid anti-Semite and descendant of the evil nation of Amalek who sought to annihilate all the Jews, and he gained the emperor’s support for


MARCH 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home

The Jewish Home | MARCH 24, 2022


Teen Talk

Mrs. Isbee is answering Atara’s Teen Talk question from last week’s issue, in which Atara expresses that she is staying home for seminary, as opposed to going to Israel, and now is grappling with her decision.

OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home



By Mrs. C. Isbee

ear Atara, I must start off by telling you how mature you are. The cheshbon you have and your deep sensitivity towards your parents show you are wise beyond your years. Your thought processes are sharp and acute; not cloudy at all, as you infer in your letter. Kibbud av v’em is one of the greatest mitzvos we can perform. Hashem holds this mitzvah to be so great that we are rewarded for it not only in Olam Habah but in Olam Hazeh, as well. This mitzvah is Divine, as we know it is listed in the Aseres Hadibros on the side depicting the mitzvos bein adam laMakom (between man and G-d), rather than on the side depicting the mitzvos bein adam lachavero (between man and man). When someone’s actions are directed by kibbud av v’em, he/she is put on a high madreigah. Honoring one’s parents is considered to be on the same caliber as honoring Hashem. People who perform this mitzvah have great potential to be leaders, as they are modeling Hakadosh Baruch Hu. The fact that you didn’t even ask your parents’ permission to go to a seminary in Eretz Yisrael shows tremendous understanding and compassion of their situation. Atara, this is the ultimate growth! Please don’t be swayed by the comments you overhear from your friends. Eretz Yisroel is our homeland, the holiest place on earth. It is the land where the stories of Tanach took place, where our sacred Avos and Imahos lived and breathed. It is a place filled with countless tales of mesirus nefesh for Torah. Of course, then, it is a place conducive for spiritual growth. Observing the mesirus nefesh of many of the people that live there is inspiring and serves as a catalyst for introspection and dveykus b’Hashem. You, my dear Atara, have proven that you have the mesirus nefesh for doing ratzon Hashem and for following in His ways. You do not need to study in Eretz Yisroel for a year to achieve spiritual growth, as you have it already. Living with the ideals of Pirkei Avos’s, “Aizehu ashir hasameach b’chelko, (Who is rich? He who is happy with his lot)” will get you far in life.

Teen Talk ,

a new colum n in TJH, is ge ared towards th e teens in our com munity. A nswered b rotating ro ya ster of tea chers, reb clinicians beim, , and peers (!), teens w hearing a ill be nswers to many que stions they had percolatin g in their minds and wishe d they ha d the answ ers for.

Hashem gives each of us just what we need, and we have to appreciate and accept the situations we are in. You know Hashem wants you to work within your comfort zone towards your parents and not afflict them with stress. There are many fine institutions of higher learning here in America where you can learn from great educators and gain from esteemed rabbonim and rebbetzins. As resolute as you are, it must be very hard to be around your classmates when they speak about their plans for the upcoming year. When all they talk about is seminary in Israel and you can’t contribute to the conversation, it seems that you feel uncomfortable. Moreover, you feel they make false conclusions about those who pursue higher education in Eretz Yisroel versus those who stay in America. This is not only foolish of them; it’s also asur (forbidden). It says in Pirkei Avos, “Al tadin es chavercha ad shetagiya bimkomo (Do not judge your friend until you get in his place).” I had a similar experience like yours, Atara. I wanted to go to learn in seminary in Israel but decided not to apply as I knew my parents could not afford it. Most of my friends planned on going, and it was hard to be the “odd man

time. You just got an early start in understanding this truth. You should be proud of your compassion and kindness towards your parents. It is apparent that you have not resorted to kicking and screaming to get your way. There is a famous Chazal, “Tovel v’sheretz b’yado (A person is cleansing himself in the mikvah, but he is holding something impure in his hands).” This tevilah (immersion) is meaningless as the impure substance invalidates the purification. If you were to put pressure on your parents to send you to seminary, the spiritual growth you think would be gained would actually be hollow and distorted. I am sure you are aware that scholarships are available. My experience is that they cover

There is no such reality in life where everyone is able to do the same thing at the same time. You just got an early start in understanding this truth. out.” True growth is accepting that sometimes you can’t do what “everyone else is doing.” Be”H, after seminary, not everyone is going to get engaged at the same time. Not everyone is going to be able to have a baby when they want to. Not everyone is going to be able to purchase a new home when their friends are. When you can’t do what your peers are doing, do you kick and scream? There is no such reality in life where everyone is able to do the same thing at the same

only a miniscule part of the many costs for the year (tuition, plane fare, spending money, etc.). To his credit, Rabbi Yechezkel Zweig, the principal of the school I work for, Bais Yaakov of Baltimore, instituted a program called The Taciturn Team (TTT), where the girls voluntarily commit to avoid speaking about seminary in school from the time they apply to the time they get their acceptance letters. This year, 90% of the twelfth grade student body vowed to uphold


Are you a teen with a question? If you have a question or problem you’d like our columnists to address, email your question or insight to, subject line: Teen Talk.

level of education it would give me. I also was nervous that the girls would be different; not like me. I worked on myself to go in with an open mind and make the best of it. Honestly, I had a most enriching educational experience there. It was also beneficial for me to connect with other girls, outside of my chevrah. As far as worrying about your future shidduch prospects: Anyone who bases a shidduch on whether or not the girl went to Eretz Yisroel for seminary is silly and too shallow for you. Your bashert will seek you out based on your middos tovos and conscientious observance of

MARCH 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home

this policy. It’s beautiful to observe the girls socialize as they make sure not to talk about the seminary topic. They, for sure, prevent a lot of hurt feelings and potential misunderstandings (as experienced by you). Now that the girls got their acceptance letters, even though “technically” they are allowed to speak about seminary, most of them do not, as they developed a sensitivity towards others’ feelings because of this project. This initiative doesn’t only help the girls who are not planning on studying in Israel for the year; it also helps those who don’t get into the seminary of their choice. Furthermore, it teaches the girls tzniyus. The tzniyus of not flaunting what you have or where you are embarking is the essence of Klal Yisroel. As I stated earlier in the letter, there are many quality local seminaries here. Before I started seminary in America, I was a bit skeptical to the

Hashem’s mitzvos. Hakadosh Boruch Hu will reward you for your meticulous observance of the mitzvah of kibbud av v’em. The nachas you bring to your parents and to Hashem will surely merit you to experience many forms of nachas in the coming time. And, I am sure, as a result of your proficiency in kibbud av v’em, you will have many opportunities to visit and experience Eretz Yisroel in the near future.

With much admiration, Mrs. Chayala Isbee

Mrs. Chayala Isbee is a long-time educator and school counselor at Bais Yaakov of Baltimore.

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The Jewish Home | MARCH 24, 2022


Dating Dialogue

What Would You Do If… Moderated by Jennifer Mann, LCSW of The Navidaters

Dear Navidaters,

Hi, I would like to pose the following question to your panelists: I’m a Bochur who b”H has been zoche to learn in yeshiva in Eretz Yisroel for the past year and a half, after learning in a yeshiva in Lakewood for over three years. Now I feel that it’s time

to move on to BMG. More so, my entire chevra (all 3 chavrusos, my entire dirah, and every bochur from my yeshiva in Lakewood learning here in Eretz Yisroel) plans on going. However, I have an older brother learning in a similar yeshiva who doesn’t feel he is ready to start shidduchim yet and plans to stay here till Sukkos (by the beginning of winter zman he’ll be 24).

OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home

I have been strongly encouraged not to go to BMG without starting shidduchim. My brother came to me on his own initiative to offer to let me “skip him” and start dating. However, my mother won’t hear of it. In actuality, is there a real reason not to skip, especially in such a matzav? Thanks for your time, and I hope to see this published. Yanky*

Disclaimer: This column is not intended to diagnose or otherwise conclude resolutions to any questions. Our intention is not to offer any definitive conclusions to any


particular question, rather offer areas of exploration for the author and reader. Due to the nature of the column receiving only a short snapshot of an issue, without the benefit of an actual discussion, the panel’s role is to offer a range of possibilities. We hope to open up meaningful dialogue and individual exploration.


MARCH 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home

The Jewish Home | MARCH 24, 2022


The Panel

The Rebbetzin Rebbetzin Faigie Horowitz, M.S.


anky, it is not a healthy thing to begin shidduchim without the positive feeling and support of one’s parents. Your approach to the next period of your life needs to be aligned with that of both parents, especially since you are a ben Torah who is seeking to continue his learning. Go consult with someone together with both parents. The role of all who are advising you not to go to BMG without starting shidduchim makes me wonder about your independent thought. Are you going to follow what everyone else says when it comes to individual shidduch prospects? Are you going to make a decision for yourself? It may be that you are being advised to start shidduchim when you get to BMG for spiritual reasons. Or not. Maybe people are telling you this so that your value on the shidduch scene is increased. I would suggest that you do a cheshbon hanefesh and think for yourself why you want to move on to BMG now. Know yourself, your strengths, motivations, and weaknesses. And consider the family relationships in your life. Hashem matched you with your parents who were given both you and your brother as sons. There’s a bigger picture than just what you think you want at this particular moment in time.

Michelle Mond


The Single Tzipora Grodko


would love to provide some insight, but I am not sure if I understand your

The Zaidy Dr. Jeffrey Galler


he issue of a younger child marrying before the older sibling usually involves sisters, not brothers, and is definitely not a halacha or regulation. It is merely a custom in some circles. Interestingly, this belief is also prevalent in some very different cultures and religions. However, you are not interested in a sociology lecture. You need some concrete advice. The key point here is that your older brother does not mind being temporarily “skipped.” You need to schedule a quiet, uninterrupted meeting with your parents and whichever rav, mentor, or influencer your mother respects. Before the meeting, send the followings note to all the meeting participants: 1. The earliest Biblical references to “older sister first” are the actions of Lot’s daughters (Bereishis: 19), and generations later, the actions of the manipulative Lavan who tricked Yaakov into marrying the older Leah before the younger Rachel (Bereishis: 29). 2. Neither Lot’s daughters nor Lavan can possibly be viewed as moral, noble characters whose actions are worthy of emulation. Note that Yaakov was

Know yourself, your strengths, motivations, and weaknesses.

perfectly fine with only marrying the younger sister, Rachel. Should our policy mirror that of the idol-worshipping Lavan or of the righteous Yaakov? 3. In today’s modern, complex society, different individuals follow their own unique timelines. Whether because of secular or religious educational pursuits, maturity levels, changing goals and aspirations, or differing priorities, siblings might be working with very different clocks or calendars. One sibling’s timeline shouldn’t paralyze another’s aspirations. Most importantly, our respected rabbanim do not agree with your mother: Rav Moshe Feinstein, zt”l (Iggeros Moshe, Even Ha-Ezer vol. 2 no. 1): “The Bach and Shakh mean that when two siblings are engaged, the older should marry first out of respect. There are two weddings, two mitzvos, and one has to go first. Let the older sibling go first. But if only one or neither are engaged, then order does not matter. Whoever can get married, should do so regardless of anyone else’s feelings.” From the works of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, zt”l: “It is my considered opinion — and this is also my response to those who inquire of me regarding this matter — that with regard to sons, one is not to impede the marriage of the younger [brother] before [the marriage of] the older [brother]. This is especially so when the younger [brother] has already attained the age of twenty.” Best wishes for success in your lobbying, in your learning, and in your looking for a soulmate.


anky, your situation troubles me. I see a young man who is very interested and ready to move forward with his life (get married, start a family) whose mother won’t allow it. Generally, the case of a younger sibling starting before an older one is of concern for sisters

question correctly. Are you asking if it’s OK to begin dating before your brother or if it’s OK to join BMG without dating? Regardless of the question, it’s a disservice to your growth and quality of life if you compromise your goals for the sake of what other people think or say. Part of maturation is having the ability to stay committed to your truth, regardless of the cultural semantics and protocol. If your actions could potentially hurt others, it’s important to have a sensitive conversation communicating your needs while respecting feelings as well. I hope my answer can provide some clarity and wish you much success in staying focused on what’s truly important.

emoH hsiweJ ehT | 5102 ,92 REBOTCO

The Shadchan

close in age who are both interested in getting married. In that context, I can understand why a mother would want her younger daughter to wait a bit. But for a young, learning man like you who is eagerly ready to marry, to have to wait on an older brother who is not interested in dating, is wrong. There is no halacha or minhag that would dictate you must wait. For a bochur like you, the next stage of life is dating for marriage. I speak to guys all the time who are in yeshiva who are dating and not yet married who feel like they are sitting in a waiting room unable to move forward with life. These boys want to start their “two years learning in Eretz Yisroel” as their first years married, so that they can then move on to the working stage, but the single years pass, leaving them still in a yeshiva. They sit around, discuss shidduchim with their friends, go to chassunahs, travel for dating, and watch all of their friends move on to a stage that they so badly want themselves. This mindset in general is worrisome and causes a lot of emotional upheaval in these young bochurim, with a heaping dose of anxiety and hopelessness. What I find even more worrisome is that here the situation is being put on you unnecessarily. My advice for you would be to seek counsel from a rebbi on how to proceed with your parents, while keeping “honor your father & mother” in mind. You can honor your parents without following everything they dictate. For your particular situation and place in life, you should not be facing this standstill without being able to properly do your hishtadlus, i.e., dating. Good luck working this out with your parents. In my opinion, it is what you must do.


The Navidaters Dating and Relationship Coaches and Therapists


ear Yanky, Thank you for writing into the panel. I am sorry that you have been innocently thrown into what I believe is an unfair situation. I cannot speak to the halachic or customary aspect of

your dilemma, however, I can speak to the emotional repercussions and potential resulting family dynamics

should your mother not change her mind. Forcing one child to wait on the other is likely to create resentments amongst the most loving of siblings in addition to children resenting their parents for stifling their growth and keeping them from pursuing their dreams. The only advice I can offer is to invite your mother to a meeting with a respected rav or rebbetzin. Explain the

situation to the person of your choosing. If your mother has somewhat of a pre-existing controlling nature or personality, then this may be a bit more challenging. Hopefully, she is simply misinformed and cares deeply about the feelings of your older brother. With the right guidance, I am hopeful she will have a change of heart. Wishing you the best. Sincerely, Jennifer

Jennifer Mann, LCSW is a licensed psychotherapist and certified trauma healing life coach, as well as a dating and relationship coach working with individuals, couples, and families in private practice at 123 Maple Avenue in Cedarhurst, NY. She also teaches a psychology course at Touro College. To set up a consultation or to ask questions, please call 718-908-0512. Visit for more information. If you would like to submit a dating or relationship question to the panel anonymously, please email You can follow The Navidaters on FB and Instagram for dating and relationship advice.

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MARCH 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home

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The Jewish Home | MARCH 24, 2022



MARCH 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home


The Jewish Home | MARCH 24, 2022

Dr. Deb

Some Things to Ask Yourself When Selecting a Therapist By Deb Hirschhorn, Ph.D.


OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home


hen you buy anything important – a car, a home, a Pesach vacation – you do some research. You find out what works, what doesn’t, what should happen, etc. But for some reason, it seems people plunge into therapy without much expectation of how it “should” go – and are often disappointed. So I’ve made a list of the top three bullet points you most likely would not expect but are more important in selecting your therapist than anything else: • Is this person nice? Now that may sound strange. What does “nice” have to do with expertise and experience? Isn’t it more important that they know what they’re doing? No! Don’t get me wrong. Of course, they need to know what they’re doing, but that is not and ought not to be at the top of the list. Here’s why: We are basically emotional beings. We make decisions through emotion. And we trust – or don’t trust – through emotion. When you must open up your vulnerabilities to a therapist – and there is no way around doing that if you want to solve the deeper emotional problems in your life – then they better be nice, kind, caring, empathetic, compassionate, sincere, authentic human beings. Does that mean forget experience? Of course not. But I have heard of a lot of damage done by clinicians who were working in the field a long time and had the necessary education, and yet let their arrogance, ego, personal problems, lack of self-insight, or misjudgment combined with a lack of caring damage a person, perhaps for years. Here’s a non-therapy example. Suppose you go to a medical doctor for a medical problem. The person doesn’t have a good “bedside manner.” That is, he or she doesn’t seem to connect with your fears about the problem, the pain you have from

the problem, or, in fact, your intense wish to live. But you choose this doctor because of their expertise. They are at the top of their department in the medical school, have published articles, and so forth. Now, down the road, they must make a decision: Should they aggressively fight a tumor that is almost down to nothing, just to finish it off but take a risk that the chemicals will kill the patient, or should they be more conservative in their approach? The kindly, emotionally sensitive doctor might opt for the more conservative approach which reduces the odds of death even though time might be needed in the future to finish off killing the tumor with chemicals. The “expert” who just wants to get the job done might make the wrong decision. • Does the person “get” me? More important than the therapist’s level of expertise on paper is the feeling you get when you’re talking to them. Do they get it? Are they listening? Can they read between the lines? Do they pick up the nuances? One of the most important jobs of a marriage is attunement. Each member of the couple must “get” the other or there is a disconnect that feels insurmountable and

depressing. Well, all that is possible, but it takes therapists who themselves are attuned in order to do so. How in the world can a person who misses the boat teach someone else not to? So then the next question is: As the consumer looking for a therapist, how can you tell if you’re “gotten”? How do you feel “felt”? Are there any signs to look for to tell if the therapist really understands your position? There are, indeed, but you yourself have to be a tiny bit vulnerable in order to run the test. You have to share a bit of something and see if the therapist picks it up. That’s good because when they do, you not only know that they understood you intellectually but also they can “feel” you. There is an exchange of information at a non-conscious level that you will feel. The interesting thing here is that if you’re closed off to the therapist, they may still get you anyway (if they are good at reading the signs), but you may not know it. You may be too concerned about playing your cards close to your vest to realize that they understand that you’re doing exactly that, playing your cards close to your vest. In this instance, they might get you but you

didn’t realize it. So to be able to measure the therapist’s ability here, you would want to be tuned into the interplay between the two of you and just a bit vulnerable. • Does this person have the tools to help me make the changes I need to make? Let’s say they told you their tools. How would you know if those are good tools? When I was up for a new computer, I did my homework. Believe me, I had no interest in “gigabytes” and other such technological stuff. But how else would I compare? (That’s probably why I haven’t gotten one in a number of years; who has time for that?) There are literally thousands of methods in the psychotherapy world, but they fall into just a few categories: 1. The therapist is an excellent listener and expects you to figure out what you need on the basis of having put it all on the table. Such a therapist may provide interpretations as well. To me, personally, I think interpreting another person is arrogant. When a therapist thinks they can understand the complex workings of another person’s mind, I can’t explain it any other way than to say it’s rude at the very least. None of us should presume to “know” what’s in someone else’s mind. But people very often do feel listened to and understood by such therapists, especially if they do more listening than interpreting, and that is a good thing. 2. The therapist believes that behavior change is the answer. And it most certainly is, except for the problem that we can’t always act the way we wish we did and know we should. Sometimes our emotions get the best of us. Any behavior changes that we want must follow looking inside ourselves to figure out how our feelings rule us. Which brings me to the last of the three categories.

Ethan: I guess I just need a “thank you.” Therapist: What does a “thank you” mean to you? Ethan: I guess it means validation. Therapist: How old does the part of you that wants validation think you are? That was the turning point, that simple question. The person who wanted to forget pains that he didn’t even recall having had his day ruined by that question, as he later reported to me. Now, you could say,

that without the therapy process, their many days will be ruined anyway. That is an example of what happens when the past leaks into the present. The good news is that the next step in the IFS emotion-discovery process is healing. We learn, for example, that we didn’t feel validated when we were six or sixteen. The next step is to validate that very part of us that is still, to this day, hurting. And validate that part regularly, daily, so that it

We make decisions through emotion.

maybe people shouldn’t go down that path to begin with. But unfortunately, there were other times when a family member or business colleague also asked an innocent question or made a reasonable request that did not feel reasonable or innocent to Ethan. Then, not only was his day ruined, but it was destroyed for the people who experienced his bad reaction. Naturally, I wouldn’t have wanted to ruin Ethan’s day. My heart breaks for the pains my clients are in. But the reality is

heals within us. When this process is done with a full emotional experience rather than by rote, the synaptic connections in the brain literally change, producing healing. (See my articles on Bruce Ecker or look up synaptic reconsolidation for more on this.) The bottom line, then, in assessment of your therapist is: Do the tools do more than uncover the pain? Do they heal the pain? Anything less is not going to solve the life problems we are carrying.

s t ay c a t I o n s


What I’ve noticed is that the more vigorously a person protests that they do not want therapy, the more pain they are in – and trying to pretend to themselves that they’re not. It’s an internal war, and it isn’t pleasant. Universally, when those people do finally face what’s hurting them, it is a big relief. In fact, “relief” is the number one word that I will hear in doing this work. And universally, people report that it “feels better” to be free of the bad moods that overwhelm them. It feels good, in fact, to be in charge of their moods and sensations. And of course, it has a positive effect on their families and co-workers. So these are my top three questions to ask yourself when looking “under the hood” at what to look for in a therapist. Yes, they need a degree and a license. They need experience. Those things go without saying, but they are nowhere near sufficient to make a decision which may save you from breaking up your family and the heartache that goes with it.


MARCH 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home

3. The therapist works with emotions. EFT (Emotionally Focused Therapy) and Imago are two methods that I respect although IFS (Internal Family Systems) has higher applicability, greater ease of use, and zero pathologizing, so it’s my first choice. Here’s where people will object to all emotional methods, possibly vehemently. They’re thinking: Shouldn’t we push down painful emotions? Isn’t it better to completely forget the bad moments in our personal history? The reality is that we can’t push painful emotions completely out of awareness. We may have forgotten our horrors of the past, but they make their existence known anyway through unexpected bad moods and bad habits that we can’t explain. That’s the problem. They leak out whether we want to get rid of them or not. They bother us, sometimes with body aches so we can pretend they don’t have emotional sources, and sometimes with unexpected breakthroughs of emotion. One time I was talking to someone who consistently maintained a cool, rational exterior, so I didn’t expect what was coming. Ethan (name is made up) was explaining an interaction he had with an employee of his:

Dr. Deb Hirschhorn is a Marriage and Family Therapist. If you want help with your marriage, begin by signing up to watch her Masterclass at

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The Jewish Home | MARCH 24, 2022

Health & F tness

Spice Up Your Life By Aliza Beer MS, RD, CDN


OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home


pices have many important powerful health benefits. A spice is a seed, fruit, bark, root, or other plant substance used primarily for flavoring or coloring food. They are different from herbs, which are the leaves or stems of plants used to flavor or garnish foods. Spices aren’t only great for flavor, but they are also beneficial for your health. These benefits include anti-inflammatory properties, antioxidants, and cognitive boosters. Nutrition research shows that there are over 100 spices with health benefits, and many can be found in our kitchens. Spices have been used in Asia, the Middle East, and Europe for healing purposes for thousands of years. 1. Cinnamon: Cinnamon is a popular spice that is used in baked goods and drinks. It is packed with antioxidants like polyphenols, which can help lower the risk of heart disease, promote good circulation, and keep blood vessels healthy. Antioxidants fight free radicals, which cause inflammation in the body that can contribute to diseases like cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and inflammatory joint disease. Cinnamon is also great for people with high blood sugar as research shows it can lower blood sugar levels in people with Type 2 diabetes. A sprinkle of cinnamon can be added to your yogurt, oatmeal, desserts, baked apples, and sweet potatoes, and will make your daily cup of coffee even more enjoyable. 2. Turmeric: Turmeric is a spice that should certainly be added to your diet. Curcumin is the active ingredient in turmeric that gives it its yellow color. Turmeric has been shown to improve memory, reduce inflammation in the body, lower the risk of heart disease, decrease pain, and help fight depression. Research shows that consuming turmeric can reduce the pain caused by arthritis. A great way to add more turmeric

into your diet is to add it to smoothies, cooked vegetables, scrambled eggs, soups, or cooked grains. Golden milk is an Indian drink that has become increasingly popular in recent years. It is made by warming up any type of milk and adding turmeric and other spices like ginger and cinnamon. It is packed with anti-inflammatory properties that may help fight chronic inflammation.

Golden Milk Ingredients - 2 ½ cups unsweetened almond milk - ¼ tsp cinnamon - ¼ tsp ground ginger - 1 ½ tsp turmeric spice - ¼ tsp pure vanilla extract - 1 tbsp honey or 1-2 packets of stevia - 1 tsp coconut oil Combine all ingredients, except the honey in a saucepan. Cook the mixture and stir frequently until it warms up. Add honey and then pour into a mug. Sprinkle cinnamon on top for extra flavor!

3. Black pepper: For thousands of years, black pepper has been a staple ingredient in most cooking. Coined the “king of spices,” black pepper is a powerful antioxidant that can fight free radicals. Piperine is an active compound found in black pepper that stimulates the synthesis of serotonin, a mood stabilizer. Black pepper also improves cognitive function and memory. It also can aid in digestion by stimulating the acid in your stomach to help you digest and absorb food better. Luckily, black pepper can be added to all savory foods to increase their nutrition and add flavor. 4. Ginger: Ginger has been used as an alternative medication for thousands of years and is well-known for its tremendous health benefits. Firstly, ginger can help treat different forms of nausea, which has been a dramatic help to those struggling with morning sickness or other causes of nausea. Ginger contains gingerol, the main compound in ginger that is responsible for its medicinal properties. Gingerol has been proven to fight inflammation and reduce stress in

the body. Ginger has been shown to help fight infections, improve brain function, and treat chronic indigestion. It may also drastically lower blood sugars, decrease the risk of heart disease, reduce cholesterol levels, and prevent cancer. Ginger can be found in the form of a spice, as fresh ginger, as a tea, and ginger candies. Ginger can be added to stirfries, juices, smoothies, sauces, soups, dressings, and pies. 5. Garlic powder: Garlic has been used in ancient times as medicine because of its anti-microbial properties. Not only does garlic powder add a great deal of flavor to dishes, but it is also highly nutritious. Garlic is rich in vitamin C and B6. It is probably most known for its ability to boost the immune system and combat sicknesses. Garlic has also been shown to reduce blood pressure, improve cholesterol levels, and detoxify heavy metals in the body. It is an antioxidant that protects the body from damage. Garlic powder is delicious and simple to add to your diet. It can be added to most savory dishes in its fresh form or dried form. 6. Cayenne Pepper: Cayenne pepper is rich in vitamin C, A, B6, and K. Cayenne peppers are a good source of antioxidants and have a long list of health benefits. It has been shown to improve digestion because it helps us break down foods. It has also been shown to rev up the metabolism and burn calories. Cayenne pepper can aid in pain relief, lower blood sugar levels, and improve athletic performance. It can add flavor to many dishes and reduce the amount of salt needed. Cayenne pepper is spicy and should be added to dishes sparingly. One way to incorporate cayenne pepper into your diet would be to prepare a drink with water, lemon, cayenne pepper, and a drop of honey to improve metabolic health. 7. Rosemary: Rosemary is an herb

crease their flavor and nutrition content. In Indonesia, they are used in soups, rice, meats, stews, and sauces. 13. Mustard Seeds: Mustard seeds are loaded with vitamins and minerals. Mustard seeds are good for people struggling with headaches because they are packed with magnesium, which will help soothe the nervous system and oth-

oregano, has been shown to lower fever. Oregano can be added to soups, vegetables, proteins, sauces, dressings, and bread. It pairs well with pizza, lasagna, and other cheese-based foods. 17. Parsley: Parsley is a flavorful herb that is often dried and used as a flavoring agent. Parsley is rich in antioxidants, contains cancer-fighting sub-

Coined the “king of spices,” black pepper is a powerful antioxidant that can fight free radicals.

stances, and may improve heart health. It is also packed with vitamin K, which helps support bone health. Parsley is very versatile and can easily be incorporated into your diet. It can be added to vegetables, proteins, soups, salads, dressings, sauces, and soups. 18. Saffron: Saffron is a spice derived from a flower and is used as flavoring and coloring agents in different dishes. Evidence shows that saffron is


Aliza Beer is a registered dietitian with a master’s degree in nutrition. She has a private practice in Cedarhurst, NY. Patients’ success has been featured on the Dr. Oz show. Aliza can be reached at alizabeer@, and you can follow her on Instagram at @alizabeer.

emoH hsiweJ ehT | 5102 ,92 REBOTCO


er parts of the body. They have also been proven to strengthen bones, gums, and teeth because they are packed with selenium, a mineral that helps strengthen bones. Mustard seeds are good for the skin because of their anti-inflammatory properties. They are great for digestion as well because the seeds are packed with fiber, which will help ease bowel movements. Mustard seeds can be added to grains, chicken, curries, marinades, or dressings. 14. Nutmeg: Nutmeg is a spice often found in baked fruit, curries, sauces, and baked goods. It is a rich source of antioxidants, which protect the body from serious conditions. Nutmeg is also rich in anti-inflammatory compounds that reduce inflammation in the body. It can also be very helpful for oral health as it has antibacterial effects that protect the mouth from cavities and gum disease. Nutmeg can be added to warm beverages, potatoes, oatmeal, yogurt, and many desserts. 15. Paprika: Paprika is a spice made from dried and ground peppers and is full of health benefits. It is an anti-inflammatory spice that promotes eye health, helps lower blood pressure, and promotes healthy digestion by helping break down food. Paprika can be added to virtually all savory foods. This includes chicken, beef, vegetables, potatoes, and grains. Paprika has a subtle earthiness and is a sweet and slightly smoky flavor. 16. Oregano: The green spice pizza stores offer you to sprinkle on your slice is super good for you! Oregano is packed with anti-bacterial agents and is a great source of antioxidants. It contains vitamin A, vitamin C, and iron, which both enhance the immune system. Oregano oil, extracted from dried

packed with antioxidants, can improve a person’s mood, and promote weight loss. Saffron’s earthy and sweet flavor makes it a spice that can be added to dishes like rice and chicken. Spices are derived from plants and are excellent sources of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Not only do they add taste and flavor to food, but they also have medicinal properties that can be very beneficial for your health. Some spices have anti-inflammatory properties, and others are cognitive boosters. Many spices also contain anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties that will help boost your immune system. Experimenting with spices in your kitchen will not only enhance the taste of your food but will also enhance its nutritional benefits, thereby boosting your overall health.

MARCH 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home

that can be dried and used as a spice. It has antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties that can be very beneficial to a person’s health. Rosemary is a rich source of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds. It has been proven to enhance mood and concentration, may lower blood sugar, and may protect vision. Although rosemary can be used fresh, using dried rosemary may be more convenient. Rosemary can be added to potatoes, roasted vegetables, meats, and poultry to enhance their flavor. 8. Allspice: Allspice is a unique spice full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Allspice contains cancer-fighting, antimicrobial, and antifungal properties. It also helps reduce inflammation in the body and can help with weight management. Eugenol, found in allspice, can help with gas and bloating by stimulating digestive enzymes, enzymes that play a key role in breaking down the food you eat. Eugenol may also help manage blood sugar levels. Allspice can be added to cookies, pies, and other baked items. It is also usually used in most brine that gives pickled foods their flavor. 9. Cardamom: Cardamom is a good source of calcium, iron, zinc, vitamin C, and vitamin A. It has been shown to aid in digestion, enhance oral health, help fight depression, and promote heart health. It is also rich in compounds that may fight inflammation. 10. Cumin: Cumin is a delicious spice and is a powerhouse of antioxidants. Research has shown that cumin can help improve IBS symptoms, such as nausea, bloating, and cramps. Cumin can also help boost memory, may lower cholesterol, and can help with weight loss. 11. Sumac: Sumac is a popular ingredient in Middle Eastern cooking. Sumac contains fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, and healthy fats. According to studies, sumac may lower the risk of developing heart disease, may promote balanced blood sugar, and may help with muscular pain. Sumac can be added to vegetables like grilled eggplant, salads, and grains. 12. Cloves: Cloves are another spice that acts as an antioxidant. It helps reduce inflammation and keep blood sugar levels in check. It is also packed with vitamin K, potassium, omega-3 fatty acids, and beta-carotene. Cloves are antibacterial, antifungal, and antiseptic. Cloves can be added to teas to in-


The Jewish Home | MARCH 24, 2022

Parenting Pearls

Leadership and Guidance By Sara Rayvych, MSEd


OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home


had a different article prepared for this week. It was all written and ready for the last stage of editing before submitting when I heard the unexpected news of the petirah of the Sar Hatorah, the gadol hador, Rav Chaim Kanievsky, zt”l. It seemed appropriate to take a few minutes out of my regular schedule to acknowledge, in some humble way, the greatness we’ve lost. I know that for the frum kehilla, Rav Kanievsky was one of the many we looked towards to learn how to live a Torah life. I won’t focus directly on the Rav in this article since I’m sure TJH has others to do so. Instead, I’d prefer to spend a few moments on the importance of choosing proper role models and guidance. We live in a time with information flowing faster than ever. News that happens anywhere in the world is at our fingertips within seconds. Sadly, that doesn’t mean that everything received is worth reading. One of the many results of this news bombardment is that besides the many issues that come along with information overload, we’re also inundated with advice that is, at best, meaningless but is often harmful. Knowing who and what to listen to is a skill that is challenging even for adults. It’s even harder for children that

have never known different than the current reality. Learning how to discern the difference between what they should model, and what they should run from, is difficult. Children are easily impressionable. Media advertisers have long known this reality, and many ads are aimed at the most impressionable members of society for this very reason. We are fortunate to have so many real role models to look towards and gain guidance from. Educating children on recognizing the emes from the sheker is a lifelong lesson. More than that, we can actively encourage our children to seek out and learn from those they are meant to emulate. Emunas chachomim is an important topic, but one that I will specifically not be dealing with in this article.

Gauging Expertise I remember a friend telling me that one thing (amongst the many) that she liked about TJH was that articles are generally written by an author with the appropriate credentials. Too often, we find that anyone with an opinion can become a self-professed expert. I find it shocking how the advice of someone is taken as truth just because they’re famous – even when experts say otherwise. Being well

known – whether an athlete, actor/actress or even author – doesn’t make you someone we need to learn from, certainly not regarding moral behavior. Today, we even have “influencers” whose job it is to sway us and our children. Usually, the moral values and standards portrayed aren’t our own. It’s important to explain to children that just because someone sounds authoritative doesn’t mean they are. On a related side point, we should explain to children the inherent bias that comes with financial incentives. When someone is paid to promote something, they will have a conflict of interest that can’t be ignored. You certainly don’t need a degree in a particular area to be knowledgeable or write about it, but we do need to be careful about who we consider to be an expert in any given field. As a bizarre example, I’ve had a number of nursing babies with tongue ties. You’d be rather surprised how controversial the topic of tongue tie clipping can get. I do have considerable experience dealing with this and could have a few things to say on the topic. That being said, I would never consider myself an ENT (ears, nose, and throat) physician. The knowledge of a parent that’s “been there and done that” in this area can be helpful in

addition to the extensive expertise of a doctor, lactation consultant, or speech language pathologist. Each adds their own wide-ranging knowledge to the issue, but it takes a discerning mind to know the benefits and limits of each one’s knowledge. Knowing who to ask in any given situation and how to balance the data provided is a skill we should actively teach our youth. When a situation arises, we can explain to our children who we’re going to ask and why. We don’t need to do this every time but once in a while, just so they begin to understand the process.

True Moral Leaders It is a gift from Hashem that, in addition to a Torah of emes, we are blessed with so many positive role models for our children. An obvious place to start is with our gedolim, such as Rav Kanievsky, zt”l. I’d like to include our many chashuve rebbetzins in this category, even if I will mostly be writing in the masculine form. For example, Rebbetzin Batsheva Kanievsky, a”h, was the epitome of proper middos. Throughout the world, we have many moral beacons of light in our leaders. It is only to our advantage to expose our children to their holy ways. Our local ye-



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MARCH 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home

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shivas and shuls make a point of inviting our many great leaders to our community. We can further this by bringing our children, when appropriate, to visit our local rabbonim and rebbetzins.

Biographies In-person visits are complicated to arrange, but well-written biographies are a simple way to allow our youth to experience some of these lessons. From seeing how halacha is optimally kept to the importance of bein adam l’chaveiro, we have so much to learn even from a simple story. I’ve been pleased to see the greater variety of available biographies. We now have many written specifically for the youngest of readers, often with great illustrations. Both boys and girls can enjoy reading about our great ones. Quality books have been written about both chashuve men and women, such as Rebbetzin Batsheva Kanievsky, Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis, Rebbetzin Henny Machlis and Sarah Schenerer. Don’t feel obligated to limit children to same gendered biographies. With such variety available, it’s easy to find something that will appeal to any particular child. Kids may gain more from someone

they can better connect with. While some may prefer the uniqueness of Yiddishkeit in Eretz Yisroel, others may feel more familiar and inspired by American or Western-raised gedolim. Some individuals will feel drawn towards those who personified stronger Torah learning, yet others will feel a greater bond with those who were known for their chessed

not only be someone who models Torah truths but also someone our kids can feel exemplifies goals within their reach. A young man may not feel he can be a Reb Chaim, zt”l, but he may see one of our many b’nei Torah as a realistic ambition. Our shul has been zoche to have a number of professionals that are b’nei Torah in every way. For some, the morn-

Knowing who to ask in any given situation and how to balance the data provided is a skill we should actively teach our youth.

or served in the role of askanus. Let your youngsters’ or teens’ interests and personality guide their choice.

The Role Models Around Us As we think of our gedolim, we can easily lose sight of the many special people around us. Members of our own kehilla, even without a fancy title, can

ing is spent learning as in a top kollel, yet the afternoon is spent supporting their family. I pointed these chashuve kehillla members out to my children many times. They should know that even when they go out to work, they never truly leave shiur. Our community has chessed organizations for every need. They are run

by ordinary people doing extraordinary things. We should not hesitate to acknowledge the many men and women in our community who exemplify all aspects of a Torah Jew. Let the next generation know they can be the backbone of our community, too.

A Child’s Main Role Model Let’s never forget our child’s main role model, the one they most want to follow. Yes, it’s you, their parent. If we want our children to feel fire when they daven, then we need to make tefilla a priority. When we make time for Torah, then they see we value in Torah. Prioritizing chessed encourages our children to make chessed a life goal. We are fortunate to have so many to show us true guidance and leadership. Let’s take full advantage and give our children the gift of weeding out the sheker so they can see those truly worth emulating.

Sara Rayvych, MSEd, has her master’s in general and special education. She has been homeschooling for over 10 years in Far Rockaway. She can be contacted at

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The Jewish Home | MARCH 24, 2022



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The Jewish Home | MARCH 24, 2022


In The K


Charoset Salad Pareve / Yields 8 servings



Dressing ◦ ½ cup cream Malaga or sweet red wine ◦ ½ cup balsamic vinegar ◦ ¾ cup oil ◦ 2 Tablespoons sugar ◦ 1 teaspoon salt ◦ ¼ teaspoon cinnamon ◦ Pinch cayenne pepper

Prepare the dressing: Combine all dressing ingredients in a container; cover tightly and shake to combine. Assemble the salad: Add spinach, apples, dates, and candied almonds to a large bowl. Just before serving, drizzle with desired amount of dressing (you will have extra); toss to combine.

OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home

Candied Almonds ◦ 1 cup blanched, sliced almonds ◦ ½ cup sugar ◦ ½ teaspoon cinnamon



I wanted to include a version of charoset in my cookbook, Perfect For Pesach, but I decided to take it a step further, so I created this charoset-inspired salad, with all of the flavors you expect to find: cinnamon, wine, nuts, apples, and more. During our photo shoot preparation, the kitchen support staff all raved about this salad and kept wanting to remake it just so they could enjoy it again and again.


By Naomi Nachman

Salad ◦ 5-6 ounces baby spinach OR choice of lettuce ◦ 3 Granny Smith apples, with peel, diced ◦ 8 dried dates, pitted and diced

Prepare candied almonds: Line a baking sheet with parchment paper; set aside. Heat a frying pan over medium heat. Add almonds, sugar, and cinnamon; cook for approximately five minutes, stirring frequently, until the sugar is dissolved — do not overcook or sugar will burn. Spread the nuts in a single layer on prepared baking pan; set aside to cool.

Prepare Ahead: Nuts can be stored in an airtight container at room temperature for about a week. Dressing can be prepared ahead and stored in the fridge for about a week. Cook’s tips • Be careful when working with the candied almonds, as hot sugar can cause a painful burn. • This recipe makes a large quantity of dressing. Keep any extra in the fridge and use it to dress salads all week. Recipe from Perfect For Pesach by Naomi Nachman. Photo by Miriam Pascal Cohen. Shared with permission by Artscroll/Mesorah publications

Naomi Nachman, the owner of The Aussie Gourmet, caters weekly and Shabbat/ Yom Tov meals for families and individuals within The Five Towns and neighboring communities, with a specialty in Pesach catering. Naomi is a contributing editor to this paper and also produces and hosts her own weekly radio show on the Nachum Segal Network stream called “A Table for Two with Naomi Nachman.” Naomi gives cooking presentations for organizations and private groups throughout the New York/New Jersey Metropolitan area. In addition, Naomi has been a guest host on the QVC TV network and has been featured in cookbooks, magazines as well as other media covering topics related to cuisine preparation and personal chefs. To obtain additional recipes, join The Aussie Gourmet on Facebook or visit Naomi’s blog. Naomi can be reached through her website, or at (516) 295-9669.


MARCH 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home


The Jewish Home | MARCH 24, 2022

Notable Quotes “Say What?!”

All my Republican colleagues and public figures have attempted to undermine your nomination through the pejorative term “affirmative action.” They have implied you were solely nominated due to your race and not for other factors…. Let me be clear, your nomination is not about filling a quota; it is about time. It is about time that we have a highly qualified, highly accomplished Black woman serving on the Supreme Court. It’s about time that the court better reflects the country it serves. It is about time that Black women and girls around the country can finally see someone who looks like them sitting on the Supreme Court. - Sen. Mazie Hirono (D- HI) at the hearing for Pres. Biden’s Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson

That’s right, Tom Brady is back, and once again he made history as the first person to ever move to Florida and un-retire. — Jimmy Fallon

Yeah, he was only retired for six weeks. His kids were like, “Is it something we said?” — Ibid.

I guess he realized that if he retired, there wouldn’t be anybody around to make sure Gronk doesn’t eat a gallon of Tide pods.


OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home

— Jimmy Kimmel

The harm these sanctions caused us cost money. Return of possessions, including possessions of the Russian Empire, Soviet Union and even parts of Russia that are now occupied by the United States. - Russian parliament member Oleg Matveychev arguing on Russian TV that the United States should have to give Alaska back to Russia

As to the historic nature of your appointment, I understand. But when I get lectured about this from my Democratic colleagues, I remember Janice Rogers Brown, the African-American woman. It was filibustered by the same people praising you. I remember Miguel Estrada, one of the finest people I ever met, completely wiped out, didn’t make it through… He didn’t make the cut, well-lived life just completely ruined. So, if you’re Hispanic or African-American conservative, it’s about your philosophy. But now it’s going to be about the historic nature of the pick. – Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) at the hearing for Pres. Biden’s Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson

Zelensky appealed directly to Congress. He said, “We need you right now.” And Congress was like, “Listen, we’d love to help, but we just made daylight saving time permanent and we are wiped out, so.” — Jimmy Kimmel


MARCH 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home

The Jewish Home | MARCH 24, 2022

118 This week the Jewish people are celebrating the festival of Purim. Purim is a celebration of what Queen Esther did. Queen Esther was with the King of Persia in the palace, and she was Jewish. Haman was a very close adviser to that king, and he was advising the king that maybe it was time to get rid of all the Jews. Queen Esther’s uncle was Mordechai. My Hebrew name is Mordechai, and I think my family gave me that name for this reason. Mordechai talked to Esther the Queen and said, “Look, Esther, you might survive this for a little while, but you won’t survive this. He’s really going to kill all the Jewish people and your family.” And he gave Esther the courage to try to see if she could turn the King’s heart, and she did. And saved the nation. So some of you may be uncomfortable — you guys asked the question, right? You asked the question about Ukraine. We say never again. I was born in 1960, 15 years after they opened up the gates, and they saw 6 million Jews were murdered and 3 million more people. So if Tara VanDerveer wants money for 3-pointers, I’ll up whatever they’re offering. I’m in. I’m all in. Help the Ukrainian people survive that.

If Zelensky’s speech was given … in normal times, we would have said it bordered on Holocaust denial… Every comparison between a regular war, as difficult as it may be, and the extermination of millions of Jews in gas chambers in the framework of the Final Solution, is a total distortion of history. The same is true for the claim that Ukrainians helped Jews in the Holocaust… The historic truth is that the Ukrainian people cannot be proud of its behavior in the Holocaust of the Jews. None of that changes the fact that despite the outrageous use of the Holocaust, we must continue humanitarian aid to the citizens of Ukraine suffering from the war and pray for its end to come soon.

- Auburn basketball coach Bruce Pearl at a press conference last weekend, after his team played in an NCAA March Madness game, when asked about a fund that would donate $10 to Ukraine for every 3-pointer made during March Madness

- Yuval Steinitz, a Likud MK, responding to Ukrainian President Zelensky comparing the war in Ukraine to the Holocaust when he spoke to the Knesset via Zoom

I’m very concerned about what’s going on in Iran with the king of Persia now, and if we embody that government, give them all that money, sign a bad treaty, it’s going to put the world in jeopardy.

Let’s be very clear— what Josh Hawley is doing when he tries to do this is he’s trying to get her killed. He is trying to get violence done against a Supreme Court nominee. - African American commentator Elie Mystal on MSNBC positing that by bringing up Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson’s judicial record, Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., was “trying to get her killed”

Zelensky asked America to establish a no-fly zone over Ukraine, which we’re reluctant to do because it could result in nuclear war. But we are willing to wear blue and yellow lapel pins at all the awards shows this month, so that’s something, right?

The governor and I, and we were all doing a tour of the library here, and talking about the significance of the passage of time. The significance of the passage of time, right? The significance of the passage of time. So when you think about it, there is great significance to the passage of time in terms of what we need to do to lay these wires — what we need to do to create these jobs. - Vice President Harris speaking in Louisiana about affordable and accessible high-speed internet

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– Ibid., talking about the bad deal that the U.S. struck with Iran this week

— Jimmy Kimmel



MARCH 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home

I understand times are hard, but doesn’t the President of the #Ukraine own a suit? I don’t have much respect for current members of the U.S. Congress either, but I still wouldn’t address them wearing a t-shirt. I wouldn’t want to disrespect the institution or the Unites States. - Tweet by commentator Peter Schiff

Yes, it’s a war. Times are tough. But I didn’t think it was such a dire life or death situation, at the moment, that he couldn’t have worn something nicer than a t-shirt. Why couldn’t you put something nicer than that t-shirt? He’s addressing Congress; this is a big deal. I would’ve thought maybe he would’ve taken a few minutes to put on something nicer. – Ibid., on his radio show, responding to criticism

It truly was a nice day for a white wedding. - Molly Healy, who married Matthew Gnoza on Peru mountain in Vermont during a bomb cyclone last week

I, well, I just want you to know, I may be Irish, but I’m not stupid. – President Joe Biden during a speech last week



✔ Actions you can and need to take in these turbulent times


OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home

✔ Planning you need, to protect yourself and the ones you love ✔ How can you avoid the courts when passing on your belongings

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All halachic documents are under the supervision of the Bais HaVaad in Lakewood.


The Jewish Home | MARCH 24, 2022

Political Crossfire

A Cornered Putin is Dangerous By David Ignatius


OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home


ast week was Volodymyr Zelensky’s week. The Ukrainian president taught America and the world the truth of Napoleon’s admonition: “In war, moral is to physical as three is to one.” Zelensky has taken the West with him, emotionally, to the barricades of Kyiv. He evokes the idealism of the popular uprisings that swept Europe in the 19th century and inspired Victor Hugo’s classic novel, “Les Miserables.” We know the rousing chorus of the musical version: “Do you hear the people sing? Singing a song of angry men? It is the music of a people who will not be slaves again!” But this isn’t a musical. And it would be a mistake not to cast a cold, unsentimental eye at the Ukraine crisis before it damages the world irreparably. Even as we try to support Zelensky and his noble fight against President Vladimir Putin, we should understand the dangers ahead. What are the hidden risks of this moment, beyond the horrifying destruction of Ukraine and its people? Here’s a summary of what I’ve gathered from recent conversations with people who are watching the Ukraine war as closely and rationally as possible: - The longer this war continues, the more dangerous it will become. Russia will bleed out, in the corpses of its invaders and the ruin of its economy. The world will cheer. But as this process continues, a desperate Putin may become more likely to escalate this crisis toward a world war. A combination of military pressure and diplomacy that presses Putin toward a settlement is in everyone’s interest. Compromises will be anguishing, but necessary. - Putin’s military failures have been exhilarating to watch. The bad guy seems to be losing. But we shouldn’t kid ourselves. Putin’s menace increases at home and abroad as he is cornered. It was chilling to watch his rant Wednesday

against Russian “scum and traitors” that oppose him. The intelligence services of every rational country on the planet should consider ways to reduce Putin’s unchecked power before he moves from nasty bully to mass murderer.

States pressed it to disarm? I doubt it. The lesson won’t be lost on Iran, Saudi Arabia, North Korea – go down the list. This war may prove the greatest stimulus to nuclear proliferation in history. - Russia’s invasion has also shown

As bad as Putin has been, there are future versions of Russian despotism that could be even more destabilizing for Europe.

- The Ukraine war’s creepiest byproduct is its demonstration of the utility of nuclear weapons. NATO isn’t intervening directly in this war with a no-fly zone because Russia has 4,000 nuclear weapons. It’s that simple. And let’s be honest: Would Putin have invaded if Ukraine had kept its nuclear arsenal back in 1994, when the United

that a nuclear power can engage in vicious regional aggression without paying the most severe price. America and its NATO allies are deterred in this conflict but Russia isn’t. The paradox of our restraint is that it enables the unrestrained. Somehow, the balance of deterrence must be restored. - President Biden and his allies

should begin planning for the endgame of this war. Putin doesn’t have a plan, but neither does the West. What’s needed is an architecture of security so that neither Russia nor Ukraine feels threatened. Putin kept telling us for 15 years that there was trouble ahead; he meant it. The genius of the leaders of 1945 was that they built a structure for peace: the United Nations; the World Bank; the International Monetary Fund. The world will be rebuilt after this war; this reconstruction needs Russian and Chinese input, or it will fail. - Russia will be in disarray after this war, politically and economically. It will be tempting to let that mess fester, especially if Russia continues to occupy parts of Ukraine. But beware: As bad as Putin has been, there are future versions of Russian despotism that could be even more destabilizing for Europe. A punitive peace after the horrors of World War I spawned the nightmare of Nazi Germany. Russia is in radical decline; we are watching, in effect, the second fall of the Soviet Union. Beware the dangers as Russia crumbles. - The Ukraine war may be just a rehearsal for a more ruinous conflict to come. That was the case with the Russo-Japanese war of 1904-1905; the world assumed that Russia would sweep to a quick victory, but its poor performance prefigured the fall of the czarist monarchy and was in many ways a prelude to World War I. Many of the most hideous features of 1914 had a trial run in 1905. Diplomacy may seem irrelevant at a moment when Russian bombs are falling on Ukrainian maternity hospitals and opera houses. Zelensky needs more weapons to fight back against a tyrant – and pressure Russia to accept a ceasefire. But Zelensky’s allies should also be thinking about how to put the pieces back together when this war ends. (c) 2021, Washington Post Writers Group



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MARCH 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home



The Jewish Home | MARCH 24, 2022

Political Crossfire

As Zelensky Said: Congress, Please Take the Lead By Marc A. Thiessen


OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home


he most important and overlooked words in President Volodymyr Zelensky’s address to Congress on Wednesday were: “Members of Congress, please take the lead.” Zelensky clearly understands where the momentum is in Washington for helping Ukraine – and it’s not at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. The fact is, at every step along the way, President Biden has been repeatedly pushed into doing more for Ukraine thanks to bipartisan pressure from Congress. Rep. Jimmy Panetta, D-Calif., points out that Biden opposed a ban on Russian oil, but then “we came out strong for an oil embargo. Next thing you know, they backed off it and then they did it their own through executive action.” The same was true for revoking Russia’s “most favored nation” trade status. “The administration pushed back on us and said, ‘Don’t do it,’” Panetta says. Then bipartisan legislation began gaining steam in Congress, and “next thing you know, they come out and say, ‘Oh no, we’re for removing them.’” On Wednesday, Biden announced a new arms package for Ukraine, including 800 additional Stinger antiaircraft missiles, 2,000 Javelin anti-tank missiles, 1,000 light anti-armor weapons, 6,000 AT-4 anti-armor systems, and 100 armed Switchblade drones. The question is: What was Biden waiting for? Ukrainians are fighting for their lives. He could have delivered every element of that package to Ukraine weeks ago and saved countless innocent lives. But he didn’t act until after Zelensky made his plea to Congress. On everything since the war began – from sanctions to military support – it has been Congress in the lead. Now Zel-

ensky is hoping that Congress can lead when it comes to providing MiG fighter jets. In his address, Zelensky invoked the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, “when evil tried to turn your cities … [into] battlefields, when innocent people were attacked, attacked from air.” He then showed a heart-wrenching video of the destruction Russia has wreaked from the air over Ukraine – missiles hitting high-rises, buildings in flames, dead children, babies crying, bodies being pulled from the rubble. It moved many to tears. “Russia has turned the Ukrainian sky into a source of death for thousands of people,” Zelensky said. “You know how much depends on the battlefield on the ability to use aircraft, powerful, strong … aviation to protect our people, our freedom, our land…. You know that they exist, and you have them, but they are on earth, not ... in the Ukrainian sky …

I need to protect our sky.” How, in G-d’s name, can we deny him the planes he says he needs to do so? But the Biden administration continues to claim that Ukraine does not need the MiG fighter jets. Well, if that is true, why is Zelensky spending so much time and political capital pressing for them? Why did he make them a centerpiece of his address to Congress? Why did he tell the Canadian Parliament earlier this week: “Give us planes, we tell our partners. They answer: Soon. Be patient a little. Everyone is deeply concerned. They just don’t want to.” The administration says MiGs are less effective, and more provocative, than Stingers. That makes no sense. If they are less effective, how can they be more provocative? The fact is, Russian President Vladimir Putin doesn’t want us to send MiGs to Ukraine for a reason – because, like Zelensky, he knows they would help stop Russia from destroying

Ukrainian cities and killing civilians. “I cannot stress this enough,” Panetta says, “They need to provide them with those MiGs.” There is bipartisan support in Congress to do so. On Sunday, the 58 members of the Problem Solvers Caucus urged Biden to facilitate the fighter jet deal. Sens. Rob Portman, R-Ohio; Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn.; and Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., traveled to the Polish-Ukrainian border last weekend. Afterward, Blumenthal said Biden should provide the planes. “Ukrainians can win a fair fight on the ground. Right now, they have encountered a reign of terror in the skies.” Klobuchar agreed, saying, “I’d like to see the planes over there.” On CNN’s “State of the Union,” Portman said of the MiGs: “What we have heard directly from the Ukrainians is they want them badly. They want the ability to have better control over the skies in order to give them a fighting chance. So, I don’t understand why we’re not doing it.” The most likely reason is that Biden seems more afraid of provoking Putin than he is of letting Ukraine lose. He slow-walked military aid, clearly not expecting the Ukrainians to last this long. But now it looks like they could not only survive but also prevail. So, it’s time to stop worrying about what Putin thinks and start giving the Ukrainians everything they need to defeat him. Just as they pushed Biden to impose the oil embargo, revoke Russia’s trade status, and provide Ukraine with more weapons, it’s up to Congress to make that happen.

(c) 2021, Washington Post Writers Group


O U T…


MARCH 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home









The Jewish Home | MARCH 24, 2022

Forgotten Her es

Jewish Heroes of World War I By Avi Heiligman

Many members of the Lost Battalion were Jewish and understood German


OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home


lmost three years after World War I had started, the United States declared war on Germany. The United States had been neutral from outset of hostilities in 1914, but as the war progressed, attacks on American shipping by German submarines meant that it could no longer sit on the sidelines. Germany had forced the U.S. to enter the war by attacking both merchant and passenger ships with the hopes that it would force Great Britain into peace talks. Instead, it had the opposite effect, and after declaring war, the United States began to mobilize its forces. Over four million service men and women were activated during the war with an approximate 225,000 Jewish service members among their ranks. They served in all branches, and many were noted for bravery on the battlefield. Sergeant William Shemin served with Company G, 2nd Battalion, 47th Infantry Regiment, 4th Infantry Division, American Expeditionary Forces. He was born in Bayonne, New Jersey, and had played semi-pro baseball before enlisting in the army in October 1917. On August 6, 1918 during the Battle of the Marne at the Vesle River in France, Shemin’s company came upon a heavily entrenched enemy. The rifleman saw that the machine gun

Major Charles Whittlesley was the commander of the Lost Battalion

and rifle fire caused many casualties, and had put the officers and senior non-commissioned officers out of action. Shemin took command of his platoon and several times exposed himself under heavy fire to rescue the wounded. He himself became a casualty when a machine gun bullet pierced his helmet and caused damage by his left ear.

General Pershing pinning the Medal of Honor of Major Whittlesey

engaged in battle, they had sustained few casualties but that was all about to change during the Meuse-Argonne Offensive. The Allied (mainly French and American units) offensive had started in September 1918 and was to include troops across the entire line that up to that point had be entrenched on the Hindenburg Line. It was to last until November 11, when the

He hid in some bushes and a heavy German stepped on his fingers, but the American was not caught.

Following three months in the hospital, Shemin returned to light duty while completing his tour. For his actions, he was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross and the Purple Heart. In 2015, after a review of his actions by the Pentagon, Shemin was awarded the Medal of Honor. The 77 th Division, called the Metropolitan Division since most of the men were from New York, was sent to fight in France and entered combat in April 1918. For the first few months that they were

Germans were forced to surrender. The first battalion of the 77th, under the command of Major Charles White Whittlesey, had advanced and didn’t re alize that the French had left their left flank exposed and that two other American divisions had retreated on their right – until it was too late. The Germans had surrounded the New Yorkers. From October 2 to October 8, the Battalion was cut off from supplies and reinforcements, and they were facing an unknown number

of Germans. Several heroic actions were performed by Jewish members of the battalion. Messengers had been sent to inform the American headquarters of the position of the Lost Battalion, but none were successful in delivering the message. Several patrol and runners had been shot down trying to make it across to friendly territory. Another call went out for a messenger, and this time Abraham Krotoshinsky was the one who volunteered. Right away, he realized that the Germans knew another runner was in the area. Several machine gun nests in the area made the trek even more dangerous. All day on October 6 he went through noman’s land and somehow wound up in the German trenches. He hid in some bushes and a heavy German stepped on his fingers, but the American was not caught. He then stumbled into a deserted trench and heard American voices. He began to shout “hello,” and soon an American scout party found him and brought him and his very important message to headquarters. Despite his exhausting ordeal, Krotoshinsky was still able to lead a relief party to the position of the Lost Battalion. His arrival was well received by the other members of the Lost Battalion, as they were finally rescued after a week behind enemy lines.


MARCH 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home

Sergeant William Shemin

For his actions during the battle, Krotoshinsky was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross. Before the “Lost Battalion” had been lost, they needed to reestablish communications with headquarters. Private Jack Herschkowitz and two others were sent by Whittlesey to regimental headquarters, but they were attacked by the Germans. The American shot back and killed one enemy soldier. That night, they crawled

President Barack Obama, with Shemin’s daughters, bestowing the Medal of Honor to Sgt. William Shemin in 2015

into a camp. To their horror, they realized it was an enemy camp, and they stayed still for three hours undetected. However, they were discovered, and Herschkowitz intentionally drew enemy fire to himself while allowing the others to escape. Herschkowitz managed to escape and finally reached friendly French lines. As he reached headquarters to deliver the message, he collapsed as he not only was fighting the Germans; he was also bat-

Private Abraham Krotoshinsky

tling a severe case of the flu. For his heroic efforts, Herschkowitz was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross and the French Croix de Guerre. Armistice Day is November 11 to commemorate the treaty agreement that ended the fighting in 1918. It is a day that many nations use as a centerpiece to remember those who fought during in the Great War. Jewish soldiers fought on both sides of the war, and many were killed.

Their names may not be in most history books, but their heroism on the battlefield make them Forgotten Heroes.

Avi Heiligman is a weekly contributor to The Jewish Home. He welcomes your comments and suggestions for future columns and can be reached at

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CEDARHURST OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 3/27, 2-4PM 379 WESTMINSTER ROAD 100’ x 100’ corner property for sale!! Large living rm, FDR, Kosher kit + den. En suite mstr bdrm plus 3 additional bdrs, fin bsmt, 2 1/2 bths, central air, sprinkler system, fully alarmed. Front porch, rear deck, Pvt drv + 2 story 2 car gar. Generator. Excellent cond! BRISMAN RE/RAIZY 718-677-0988 or 917-975-8550

WOODMERE Beautiful & Spacious 2 Bedroom Apartment Across From The Golf Course. Ele-vator Building, Updated Kitchen, Gas Cooking, Granite Countertops, Washer/Dryer In Unit, High Ceilings, Great Closet Space, Storage in Basement, Close To RR, Shopping & Houses Of Worship.$349K Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457

CEDARHURST Opportunity strikes! 4bdrm, 2.5bth, 1 fam home on 10,000sf property in grt cond. C/A, generator, pvt drv + 2 story 2 car gar Brisman RE/Raizy 718-677-0988 or 917-975-8550

WOODSBURGH Magnificent 2K sq. Ft. Co-Op. 3BR/2BTH, EIK, LR, DR, W/D in Unit, GAR, 2 STOR UNITS, ELEV, NEAR ALL$775K 516-846-1032 NO BROKERS

HEWLETT NEW TO THE MARKET Luxurious Exquisite 6 bedrooms, 6.5 bath home situated on approximate 1.8 acre property in prestigious Hewlett Bay Park. Formal Living room and dining room, library, chefs Eat-in Kitchen, extraordinary great room leads out to veranda. large Gunite built-in pool + pool house with full bath, large slate patio, impressive sprawling property, school district #14 Hewlett-Woodmere. Close to all. P.O.R. Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457 WOODMERE Magnificent Home in the Heart of Woodmere constructed in 2020, 5 Bedrooms, 3 Full Bathrooms, detailed moldings throughout, maple wood floors, Anderson windows + doors, custom closets, dimmers & timers, 2 zone CAC, EIK w/2 sinks, 2 dishwashers, 2 microwaves, double oven, Island, close to all. Sound system, camera system, 4 car driveway. Call for details Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457 WOODMERE BRIGHT & SUNNY 3 bedroom 3 bathroom townhouse, central air conditioning, hard-wood floors, skylights, eat in kitchen, formal living room and dining room, finished basement, enjoy the community pool and tennis court, close to the railroad, shopping, and the houses of worship $719k 5 Clubside Dr Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey Inter-national 516-298-8457

HEWLETT NEW TO THE MARKET 5 bedroom 3 bathroom colonial, open floor plan, large eat-in kitchen, formal living room and dining room, main floor den and playroom, master bedroom suite w/full bath& sitting room/nursery close to the schools, railroad, shopping and houses of worship $899K Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457 HEWLETT NEW TO THE MARKET 5 bedroom, 3 bathroom colonial, open floor plan, large eat-in kitchen, formal living room and dining room, main floor den and playroom, master bedroom suite w/full bath& sitting room/nursery close to the schools, railroad, shopping and houses of worship $899K Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457 OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY MARCH 27 11:00-12:30PM 1361 KEW AVENUE, HEWLETT

MARCH 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home • text 443-929-4003

The Jewish Home | MARCH 24, 2022


Classifieds • text 443-929-4003



HEWLETT BRIGHT AND SUNNY 2 bedroom 2 bathroom co-op, elevator, doorman building, in ground pool storage, card room, indoor and outdoor parking, washer/dryer in the apartment, renovated kitchen with granite countertops, ss appliances, master bedroom with en-suite bathroom, formal living room and dining room, close to all $479k Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hatha-way Laffey International 516-298-8457

HEWLETT TWO 3 BEDROOM 2 BATH CO-OPS with central air conditioning, terrace, washer/dryer, hard-wood floors, recessed lighting, magnificent kitchens, ss appliances, l/r, d/r, close to the railroad, shopping, and houses of worship. Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457 mlipner@ MLIPNER@BHHSLAFFEY.COM OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY MARCH 27 1201EAST BROADWAY H-23 1:30-3:30PM 1215 EAST BROADWAY A-12 11:30-1:30PM

Small Ads at Work Classifieds

COMMERCIAL RE WOODSBURGH Magnificent 2K sq. Ft. Co-Op. 3br/2bth, eik, lr, dr, w/d in unit, gar, 2 stor units, elev, near all $775k 516-846-1032 no brokers



INDIVIDUAL OFFICE SPACES AVAILABLE IN GREAT LOCATION. Rental fee includes electricity, taxes, internet, cleaning and parking. Large corner office $950 mo. Smaller interior office $625 mo. Please respond to 516-902-8006.

SF MEDICAL OFFICE SPACE Available, Reception Area, Waiting Room, Kitchenette, 2 Consult, 4 Exam Rooms, 2 Bathrooms, 30 Car On-Site Parking, For Lease …Call Ian 516-295-3000

INVESTORS WELCOME GREAT DEAL IN WOODMERE, amazing location, double lot, low taxes ,SD 14 Asking $599, won’t last 25 CONKLIN AVE, WOODMERE Call Alexandra at Realty Connect 1-516-784-0856

EAST ROCKAWAY: Retail Stores on Busy Corner, 1000SF& Up Available, Great High Visibility Location, For Lease… Call for More Details Broker (516) 792-6698

LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN! 500-7000 Square feet gorgeous office space with WATERVIEW in Inwood! Lots of options. Tons of parking. Will divide and customize space for your needs! Call 516-567-0100

FAR ROCKAWAY-CAFFREY AVE NEAR GRONER 2 bedroom basement apartment for rent, separate kitchen, heat controlled by tenant, washer/dryer hookup $1450/month917-822-1726








WOODMERE totally renovated bright and sunny 1 bedroom corner unit apartment with a washer/dryer. Features quartz countertops, ss appliances, recessed lighting, bathroom with chrome fixtures, close to the railroads, shopping and houses of worship. Call for details Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457

FAR ROCKAWAY Apartment for Rent Brand new construction! 2 floor spacious Apt. 2 Bedrooms, 1BA, Impressive Kitchen with island, many cabinets and stainless appliances, Hardwood Floors, Walk in Closets. Close to Houses of worship and Rockaway Beach. Asking $2600

CEDARHURST 1,2 and 3 bedroom apartments, totally renovated, private entrance , central air condi-tioning, hardwood floors, washer/dryer, garage parking, dishwasher, recessed lighting, private playground, close to railroad, park, shopping and houses of worship. Call for more details Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457 mlipner@

Expanding Healthcare Company Seeking to fill full time positions in our Bookkeeping Dept ACCOUNTS PAYABLE AND PAYROLL SUPERVISOR Must be detail oriented analytical, organized, outstanding communication & leadership skills Great Pay & Benefits. Located near the 5 towns area. Email resume:

CEDARHURST 1 bedroom 1 bathroom apartment, elevator building, eat-in kitchen, spacious rooms throughout, laundry room on premises, garage parking, close to all Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hathaway Laffey International 516-298-8457

HEWLETT TOTALLY RENOVATED 1 and 2 Bedroom Apartments with washer/dryer, kitchen with quartz countertops, stainless steel appliances. Recessed lighting, hardwood floors, storage in basement. Close to RR, shopping, and houses of worship. Mark Lipner Associate Broker Berkshire Hatha-way Laffey International 516-298-8457 mlipner@

FAR ROCKAWAY: House For Rent. On Beach 12th. 3 1/2 bedrooms. Just renovated, Central HVAC,LR/DR, Finished basement.. $3300/m Call Raphael 917-822-1726

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OPEN HOUSE SUN 3/27 - 11:30-1:30PM

OPEN HOUSE SUN 3/27 - 1:30PM-3:30PM

OPEN HOUSE SUN 3/27 - 11:00AM-12:30PM




Move right in first floor, 3BR, 2Fbth, CAC, HW Floors, W/D, Kitchen with Granite Countertops, SS Appliances, Spectacular Moldings, Garage & Public Parking Close To All, $309,000

Totally renovated, 3BR, 2 Bath Co-op, Gorgeous Kitchen, 2 Sinks, SS Appliances, Quartz Countertops, CAC, New Floors, W/D, Terrace, Close to all $329,000




6BR, 6.5 Bath Home w/ approx 3BR, 3 Bath Bright & Sunny Townhouse 1.8 Acre property in Hewlett Bay Park, with a Finished Bsmt, Garage, MBR Suite, F L/R, F D/R, Library, Chefs EIK, IG Pool Formal L/R & D/R, EIK, CAC, & Pool House with Full Bath & so much Community Pool & Tennis Court. more. $P.O.R. Close To All. $697,000


4BR, 3FBath Beautifully Maintained Split Level Home in the Heart of Woodmere, EIK, F D/R, L/R, Finished Bsmt., CAC, $990,000

Cedarhurst Cedarhurst Hewlett Hewlett Hewlett Hewlett Lawrence Lawrence Lawrence Woodmere Woodmere Woodmere

5BR, 3Bath Colonial, Open Floor Plan, Large EIK, F L/R & D/R, Den, MBR Suite w/ Full Bath & Sitting Room/Nursery, Close to all. $899,000

Homes: 2BR • 2BA 1BR • 1BA 2BR • 2BA 2BR • 2BA 2BR • 2BA 2BR • 2BA 2BR • 1BA 1BR • 1BA 3BR • 3BA 2BR • 1BA 2BR • 1BA 3BR • 3BA

$364k $219k $199k $309k $299k $479k $299K $325K $P.O.R. $199k $349k $769k

And many more...Call for details!

Atlantic Beach Lawrence

4BR • 4BA 8BR • 9BA

Hewlett Harbor Inwood Woodmere Woodsburgh Woodmere

7BR • 4BA 4BR • 3BA 4BR • 3BA 4BR • 4BA 7BR • 6BA

$1,695,000 $P.O.R. $799k $1,299,000 $599k $849k $P.O.R. $P.O.R.


1BR • 1BA


Cedarhurst Cedarhurst

1BR • 1BA 2BR • 2BA

$2,025/monthly $3,195/monthly



3BR • 2BA


MARCH 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home • text 443-929-4003


The Jewish Home | MARCH 24, 2022

156 • text 443-929-4003





General Studies teaching positions for elementary grades available for ‘22-’23 school year, due to simchas/ scheduling. Mon.-Thurs., afternoon hours. Far Rockaway/5T area. Competitive salary, warm supportive environment.

Gesher (located in Cedarhurst is looking for a part-time Rebbe beginning in January for First Grade boys. · Approximately a half-hour a day, Monday through Friday · Small group lessons · The goal of the Rebbe is to provide faster paced exposure to higher level kriah and chumash skills · Curriculum support provided · One-on-one private pay tutoring opportunities may also be available. Please email your resume to or contact (516) 730-7377 to set up an interview.

SPECIAL CARE SEEKS COM/HAB WORKERS: Cedarhurst : 12-year-old girl with an intellectual and developmental disability, Evenings after school, Friday afternoons, shabbos and Sunday during the day. Cedarhurst: 26-year-old boy with a mild intellectual disability for a few hours on shabbos afternoons Please contact: Pessy Lefkowitz: 718252-3365 Ext 113,

A Yeshiva in Queens is looking for an experienced part/full time secretary, kindergarten morah, kindergarten morah assistant and 1st grade english teacher for the 2022-2023 school year. All positions are Mon-Fri . Nice and timely pay. Please email resume to or call/text 718-971-9799.

DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANT A multi-tasker needed for general office work. The ideal candidate is someone who is detail-oriented, responsible, and can take ownership. Looking for someone who is eager to learn, and expand his/her skill set while possessing the ability to work independently and as part of a team. Experience with Excel required. Five Towns location. In-office position only, not remote. Please send resume to




5 TOWNS BOYS YESHIVA SEEKING ELEM GEN ED TEACHERS Excellent working environment and pay. Only lic/exp need apply. Email resume to











Under Contract! Magnificent 18,500 sq ft property in desirable “Tree Streets” location in Woodmere.


Price Reduced! Charming colonial on an oversized lot in prime Woodmere location. New kitchen, new bathrooms, CAC, IGS, beautiful block! $1.325M

Leah Scheininger Realty Connect USA Licensed Real Estate Salesperson (516) 884-6530 @leahscheininger_realtor



New construction in Academy Area of Woodmere! Classic center hall colonial, 6 bedrooms/ 3 baths on 2nd fl oor, full finished basement. $1.95M









Under Contract! 5 level split in Saddle Ridge in Woodmere! Gorgeous EIK & baths, large family room with radiant floors, great yard! $999K

Jordan Goldschmidt Guaranteed Rate Vice President of Mortgage Lending (516) 998-6201 @Jordanthemortgageguy

NMLS 2012660 Licensed by The Department of Financial Protection and Innovation under the California Residential Mortgage Lending Act. 1400 Old Country Rd Suite 206N, Westbury, NY 11590, (212) 318-9432, Guaranteed Rate, Inc. NMLS 2611 3940 N. Ravenswood Ave., Chicago, IL 60613 (866) 934-7283 • Equal Housing Lender

Special Care seeks patient Male or female com/hab worker 5:30-7:30 P.M. for 7-year-old boy with autism in Bayswater, full or partial coverage. 718-252-3365 ext: 102 or TEACHER ASSISTANTS CAHAL is seeking full time and part time TEACHER ASSISTANTS for young girls classes and for a 4th5th grade boys AM Limudai Kodesh class for the current school year. Our classes are in the Five Towns and Far Rockaway. We have supportive teaching environments, small classes, flexible hours and competitive salaries. Email your resume to or call 516-295-3666. Limudei Kodesh Curriculum Coordinator Yeshiva Ketana of Long Island seeks a qualified candidate for our newly created Administrative position of Limudei Kodesh Curriculum Coordinator for grades 1-8. Must have at least 5-10 years of classroom experience (preferably in a 3rd-6th grade environment), and/or 2-3 years of administrative experience. Ideal candidate will have a solid working knowledge of Limudei Kodesh Curriculum, will have the ability to engage with the staff to implement and streamline the curriculum, will stress follow-up and accountability, and will interact seamlessly with our parent body. Good salary and benefits. Please email resume to

SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS CAHAL is seeking full time or part time SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS and TEACHER ASSISTANTS. We have supportive teaching environments, small classes and competitive salaries. Email your resume to or call 516-295-3666. TEACHERS AND ASSISTANTS FOR SEPT. 2022 CAHAL is seeking full time and part time Special Education TEACHERS and TEACHER ASSISTANTS for the 2022-2023 school year. We provide excellent support and have small classes and competitive salaries. Email your resume to or call 516-295-3666. General administrative support needed for busy Five Towns office. Part Time, in-office position. Flexible hours. Looking for someone who is detail-oriented and dedicated. Proficiency in Excel/Word a must. Please send inquiry/resume to JOB DESCRIPTION: Great Opportunity. Fast growing. Amazing team and work environment. Must be organized, positive & comfortable on the phone. Flexible schedule. Competitive compensation with room for growth. 516-430-5503







NEW YESHIVA IN QUEENS SEEKING SECRETARY Must be detail-oriented, have great organizational skills, able to multi-task. Experience in school programs a plus. Send resume to: or call/text: 347-351-4573

GIRLS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL IN THE FIVE TOWNS is seeking warm, dynamic, experienced preschool teachers for the school year beginning September 2022. Competitive salaries and benefits. Email resume to

Girls elementary school in the five towns is seeking warm, dynamic, experienced preschool teachers for the school year beginning September 2022. Competitive salaries and benefits. Please email resume to job.preschool.


Seeking Asst. Editor New York-based publication seeking assistant editor. Strong administrative and organizational skills required as well as solid understanding of Orthodox Judaism. Ideal for student graduating in May with B.A. in journalism, English or related field. Copyediting, proofing and clerical duties. Email Shulamith School for Girls in Cedarhurst, NY, is looking for teachers for the 2022-23 school year in elementary school, special education, and all middle school subjects. For Torah Studies and Lashon teachers, fluency in spoken and written Hebrew is required. Also looking for bright, motivated assistant teachers to help classroom teachers by working with the students either directly or indirectly; some substitute teaching is involved. Looking for all grade levels. P/T perfect for college students. Salaries are competitive and commensurate with experience. Please send resumes to Experience in not-for-profit Jewish organizations is a plus. Excellent part-time opportunity with competitive hourly compensation. Candidate will work with the director in developing budget and fundraising initiatives and generating reports to present to our Board of Directors. Resumes to Shulamith Early Childhood Center in Woodmere is looking for lead teachers and assistants for the 22/23 school year. Warm, nurturing working environment with full support and guidance provided to new teachers. Please send your resume to

Seeking a middle school STEM teacher for next year in a warm, supportive teaching environment. Excellent pay. Call 917-742-8909 ISO a Pre1 A and Grade 3 teacher for the 2022-2023 School year. Experience preferable but not a must. Seeking a seventh grade math teacher from 3:15-4:50 four days a week. Fine salary. MDS REGIONAL NURSE: 5 Towns area Nursing Home management office seeking a Regional/Corporate level MDS Nurse to work in our office. Must be an RN. Regional experience preferred. 2-3 years MDS experience with good computer skills required. Position is Full Time but Part Time can be considered. Great Shomer Shabbos environment with some remote options as well. Email: JOIN OUR TEAM! NurNursing Home Management Company in Brooklyn Looking to fill the following positions: Administrative Assistant MS office suite proficiency required Administrative Assistant experience required WE ARE LOOKING FOR AN EXPERIENCED FULL TIME BOOKKEEPER Excellent growth potential Frum environment Excellent salary & benefits Email resume to: Please put position title and FTJH in subject line SHULAMITH EARLY CHILDHOOD is looking to hire a full time teacher assistant for the current school year. Please email resume to

Preferably a 1999, 2000, 2021, or a 2022 dents or body damage is ok. Call Bruce 1-516 239-7444

MISC Gemach Zichron Yehuda In memory of R’ Yehuda Aryeh Leib ben R’ Yisroel Dov We have a library of books on the subjects of loss, aveilus, grief, & kaddish. We have sets of ArtScroll Mishnayos to assist with finishing Shisha Sidrei Mishna for Shloshim or yahrtzeit. Locations in Brooklyn, Far Rockaway, & Lakewood. Email:

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No oNe Deserves To Be ABuseD

MARCH 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home • text 443-929-4003


The Jewish Home | MARCH 24, 2022


Fill ‘er Up! By Allan Rolnick, CPA

OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home




ith Vladimir Putin’s troops wreaking havoc in Ukraine, Western governments have hammered Russia with unprecedented sanctions that may have already destroyed the country’s economy for a generation. However, those moves have cost us here at home, too. Russia is the world’s second-largest oil producer, and gas prices have hit all-time highs. Millions of Americans are feeling violated every time they fill their tank, and the war shows no sign of ending soon. Gas already accounted for 1.2 percentage points of overall inflation in the last twelve months. But the war has sent the average price of regular unleaded skyrocketing from $3.49 a month ago all the way to $4.33. (Out west, some stations are charging north of $7.00!) If you drive America’s most popular vehicle, the Ford F-150, you’ll drop $100 or more to fill your truck. That’s real money for most families. Those prices would be comical if they didn’t hurt so much. (Open your Facebook, someone is bragging they just got approved for a loan to close on a tank.) Naturally, no one wants to cut consumption by giving up their right to drive 80 in the fast lane in their ginormous SUV. (It’s there in the Constitution if you look

hard enough.) We’ll need some other way to cope. Why not suspend gas taxes? The federal gas tax has stood at 18.3 cents per gallon since 1993, with no increase for inflation. State taxes and fees range from a low of 8.95 cents per gallon in Alaska all the way up to 66.98 cents in (you guessed it) California, with a national average of about 30 cents. Suspending

and Infrastructure, argues that it would blow a $26 billion hole in the Highway Trust Fund, which pays for much-needed road repairs. He also warns that oil companies, already making record profits, would try to pocket as much of the tax savings as they could keep for themselves. On that note, Congressional Democrats have introduced a windfall

Naturally, no one wants to cut consumption by giving up their right to drive 80 in the fast lane in their ginormous SUV.

those levies would cut about 50 cents off the price of a gallon. That’s plus-or-minus half of the recent increase and certainly worth considering. Gas tax defenders agree that giving up the tax would make great politics. But they point out it would benefit those who drive the biggest and least efficient vehicles most. Rep. Peter DeFazio, who heads the House Committee on Transportation

profits tax that would nick Big Oil for %50 of anything sold over 66$ a barrel. They would use that money to finance rebates averaging 240$ per year for single taxpayers earning up to 75,000$ and 360$ for joint filers earning up to $150,000. (Awesome, let’s make Form 1040 even more complicated!) Realistically, though, any tax hike faces an uphill battle in a city full of lobbyists

getting rich, making the world safe for things like lung cancer and water pollution. They’d probably be happy to kill a new windfall profits tax just for sport. One final note: we can probably expect the IRS to announce a quick increase in the standard mileage allowance. Call us if you have questions about making the most of that deduction. The good news is that it looks like the immediate shock may be over, and prices are stabilizing. But that’s cold comfort for the suburban mom who’s just resumed commuting back to the office post-COVID or the contractor putting 100 miles on his van every day just to make a living. Polls show three out of five Americans are willing to pay more at the pump to support Ukraine – for now. Will they feel the same after three months, six months, or a year? Either way, you can expect to hear more about how taxes help drive prices and whether we can use them to help ease the strain.

Allan J Rolnick is a CPA who has been in practice for over 30 years in Queens, NY. He welcomes your comments and can be reached at 718-896-8715 or at


Life C ach

By Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., LMFT, CLC, SDS


re you with me when I say we’re in countdown mode?! Yup, it’s just around the cor-

the news to everyone ever since. By the way, you know that warning, “don’t try this at home”? Well, this is actually one of those things best done at home – crunching it. Certainly, better than doing it at a concert or in a crowded mall. This coming holiday is busy. The

a highlight of every Passover program. Maybe we should use the cloud that G-d sent to guide as a fog to obscure our path to the pantry. Yes, eating is a big part of this holiday. But it’s eight days. We wouldn’t want Yom Kippur rules to apply, would we?!

We literally take a journey through history, and we never even need to leave the table

And anyway, food is so experiential. We eat maror and experience the bitterness of hard work. We drink wine and experience the joy of being rescued. We use salt water and taste the tears of suffering. We eat charoset and are reminded of the walls we built in Egypt and simultaneously the walls of the Temple we now want rebuilt. How lucky are we? We literally take a journey through history, and we nev-

Rivki Rosenwald is a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist working with both couples and individuals and is a certified relationship counselor. Rivki is a co-founder and creator of an effective Parent Management of Adolescent Years Program. She can be contacted at 917-705-2004 or at


cooking, the cleaning, the shopping, the eating and eating and eating. It’s all endless. And yet. We are blessed to have it. This holiday celebrates that G-d took a personal interest in our lives. G-d didn’t just create the world and then disappear; G-d is constantly involved with all that occurs and saved us. G-d came with a fire in front of us to guide us, but I feel it somehow guided us right to the flaming barbecues instead –

emoH hsiweJ ehT | 5102 ,92 REBOTCO

ner. And we should know! Because we have to search around every corner. It is that time of the year when we start to find all those missing items. Including, that all-important tiny piece of blanky, or that phone number we lost of the great guy recommended for your niece, and, of course, the other shoe that you were going nuts looking for. And the fun is just beginning…. Because, first, we have to dispose of all the nosh we just piled up from Purim. And by Hook or by Crook, which actually means by Eat or by Cheat, we will! Either way, it’s winding up on our waistline. And that particular expansive experience is also only just beginning. Because there is only one formula more successful than overeating to expand our waistlines, and that is-overeating matzah! We’ve got four weeks ahead of us of figuring it all out and then suddenly it’s right under our noses. We’ve got to turn over the whole house. Not just cleaning everything but also changing over everything in the kitchen from all year-round “stuff” (and all of this so we can “stuff” ourselves with – ta da – matzah). Yep, matzah is the all-consuming theme here. We have to order it, point to it, inhale it, continuously digest it, and somehow dispose of it. We are crunching away. And I don’t mean the way accountants do with numbers – especially because this year it’s just after the tax rush. I mean, literally chewing loudly for eight days straight. There is no way to avoid it. It seems that is our way to spread the miracle. G-d turned our matzah, which was initially made quickly due to slavery, to matzah made quickly so we could run to freedom. And we are crunching out

er even need to leave the table. If you’re willing to sit, point, and chew, you’ve basically mastered the Seder experience. We are telling of how G-d was there to take us to freedom just as our forefathers had been promised. We are acknowledging that our ancestors wanted more variety than manna in the desert, and we are getting it in spades. So, what’s ahead in the next few weeks? Clean, inspect, rearrange, reorganize and so on…. And get ready to chew and crunch and dinner, and lunch, and eat a bunch…. But as you begin your preparations, remember there’s meaning to it all. And think of it this way: We are just being asked to search our homes and, in reality, to “internalize” the process. To think about our own deeds and behavior and opportunities to live better. And then, in a few weeks, we are told to “internalize” once again the experience of being saved and re-embraced by our Maker. And food seems to be the best way to guarantee we go “internal!” So, let’s embrace the countdown together. -The “exodus” has already begun – the chometz is leaving the store shelves. -Our “salvation” is beginning to arrive – the O-U-P products are filling the empty spots. -And we are “passing over” anything unmarked. We are off and running…so grab your matzahs and get ready for the journey ahead!

MARCH 24, 2022 | The Jewish Home

Get Ready for the Journey

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3 oz



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4/$ 711


2.75 oz









$ 50.40 Tonnelli Marinara Sauces

$ 4.20





$ 50.40


$$ 4.20 99 $3250.40 oz


5 LB

$ 99 32 oz


$ 6.80

$ 81.60

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$ 4.20

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$ 9942028001317 12 oz



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$ 99 32 oz



$ 99 5 LB $ 49 12 oz


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$ 99 16 oz


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$ 99




17.6 oz


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2 LB

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$ 79 4 LB

96 oz




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$ 99



$ 4.20

$ 50.40


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$ 49 LB

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$ 99 EA


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$ 4.20

$ 50.40

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$ 4.20

$ 50.40

Bag Clemen�nes

Grape Tomatoes

2/$ 42028003649

KolSave 42028003663 Gefilte Fish



3 LB Bag




Cello Onions 724


$ 99 16 oz

$ 29 LB



Red Grapes

Roasted Almonds

5.3 oz





$ 29 8 oz

Boneless Rib Roast


$ 49 LB

Norman’s Whipped Cream CheeseLOX TIDBITS IN CREAM



2nd Cut Brisket


Norman’s Light Greek Yogurt 42028003342

Item No. 046676-040001 12 per case Net Wt. 12 oz.

Meal Mart Chopped Beef Liver


Macaroni & Cheese



$ 99 EA




$ 99$ 50.40 EA

$ 4.20

Potato Knishes

12 4 Pack 7.5oz.


$ 4.20

$ 99 EA

$ 50.40

Keilim Mikveh on Premises | Pre-Shabbos Buffet Every Thursday & Friday! 726





$ 4.20

$ 50.40

Savings Plaza | 11 Lawrence Lane, Lawrence, NY | (516) 371-6200 | | /kolsavemarket Hours: Sunday-Tuesday: 7am-8pm | Wednesday: 7am-10pm | Thursday: 7am-11pm | Friday: 7am-5pm We reserve the right to limit quan��es. No rain checks. Not responsible for typographical errors. 727





$ 4.20

$ 50.40

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Articles inside

Get Ready for the Journey by Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., CLC, SDS

pages 159-160

Your Money

page 158

As Zelensky Said: Congress, Please Take the Lead by Marc A. Thiessen

pages 122-123

Jewish Heroes of World War I by Avi Heiligman

pages 124-125

A Cornered Putin is Dangerous by David Ignatius

pages 120-121

Notable Quotes

pages 116-119

The Aussie Gourmet: Charoset Salad

pages 114-115

Spice Up Your Life by Aliza Beer, MS RD

pages 108-109

Some Things to Ask Yourself When Selecting a Therapist by Dr. Deb Hirschhorn

pages 106-107

Teen Talk

pages 98-99

Sar HaTorah Rav Chaim Kanievsky, zt”l, by Rabbi Avrohom Sebrow

pages 86-91


pages 29-35

Rabbi Wein on the Parsha

page 78

Yiddishkeit for Every Jew by Rav Moshe Weinberger

pages 82-85


pages 12-23

Delving into the Daf by Rabbi Avrohom Sebrow

pages 79-81

The Wandering Jew

pages 92-93

That’s Odd

pages 36-37
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