Federation Star
November 2020
www.HMCEC.org / 239.263.9200
Museum update Susan Suarez President & CEO
After an extensive survey, this year’s Jewish Community Relations Council will present a two-part virtual learning experience for a Day and Evening of Learning.
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2-5 P.M.
Join a clergy panel who have:
“Kept the Faith and So Much More During the Pandemic”
7- 8:30 P.M.
“Stand Up For Justice”
Application Deadline: February 12, 2021 For the 11th year a grant has been established by the Jewish Community Relations Council of the Jewish Federation of Greater Naples. The 2021 STAND UP FOR JUSTICE Educator Grant recognizes High School, Middle School and Elementary school educators who are innovative in bringing respect for others’ differences into their activities with students in a transformative, impactful, and caring way. The goal is to create a resource for educators of any discipline to incorporate strategies that promote understanding and respect among students, countering bigotry and bullying. This grant recognizes teachers, guidance counselors, school librarians, media specialists, school psychologists, administrators etc.
Go to:
jewishnaples.org/outreach/educator-award For additional information please contact:
Grant Coordinator, Beth Povlow 239-363-6306 MarcoPovlow@hotmail.com
risked their lives to save Jews during the Holocaust and preserves the legacy of these rescuers through its national Holocaust education program. This Zoom program is free of charge to attend, but you must register to get the Zoom link. RSVP at our website, www.HMCEC.org. If you know any local WWII vets, please feel free to share this information with them. Earlier this year, COVID-19 canceled our planned screening of the film. The late Perry Switzen had originally proposed screening "Footsteps of My Father" at the Museum in honor of his father, Liberator Abraham Switzen. Sadly, Perry has passed away, so we dedicate this Zoom program to both their memories. “Footsteps of My Father” is available for viewing and rental on Amazon Prime Video.
ope you and your families are well. Thank you to all who participated in the virtual “Movies That Matter” series last month. Hopefully, next year we will be back in a theater, but if not, we know the virtual format will serve everyone well. Special thanks to our sponsors, expert panelists and partners who made this year’s virtual program such a success: Platinum Sponsor — Sherry and Steve Pino; Gold Sponsor — The Tikkun Olam Council of Temple Shalom; Silver Annual KristallSponsors — Marcy Cotton, nacht community Monica and Allan Goodwin, commemoration Elaine and Fred Kamin on Zoom and Ida and Jeff Margolis; The annual community comPanelists - Dr. William memoration of Kristallnacht Mitsch, Dr. Abe Levy, will take place, via Zoom, Kenneth Paul Rosenberg, on Sunday, Nov. 8 at 2:30 M.D., Nancy Dauphinais, p.m. This year, the guest Pam Baker, Joe Myers speaker will be Rev. John and Eileen Wesley; Series Pawlikowski, a leading figco-sponsors: Temple Shalom, Roddy Edmonds ure in the Christian-Jewish Je w i s h Fe d e r a t i o n o f Credit: The Jewish Foundation for the Righteous Dialogue. He is the PresiGreater Naples, GenShoah, dent of the International Naples United Church of Christ, Jewish Council of Christians and Jews, author Community Relations Council, Holoof “Christ in the Light of the Christian caust Museum & Cohen Education Center Jewish Dialogue” and co-editor of “Ethics and sponsored in part by the State of in the Shadow of the Holocaust.” Florida, Department of State, Division of The event is free to attend, but regisCultural Affairs and the Florida Council tration is required. RSVP at www.jewish on Arts and Culture. naples.org. You will receive the Zoom link via email after you register. The Special Veteran’s Day event is co-sponsored by Catholic-Jewish Zoom program Dialogue of Collier County, Jewish ComOn Wednesday, Nov. 11, 4 – 5 p.m., munity Relations Council of the Jewish we will present a special Veteran’s Day Federation of Greater Naples, Diocese Zoom program about the documentary, of Venice, FL, GenShoah of SWFL, and “Footsteps of My Father.” The film the Holocaust Museum & Janet G. and depicts the courageous action of World Harvey D. Cohen Education Center. War II POW Master Sergeant Roddie Edmonds. A devout Christian from Customized museum Tennessee, he risked his life to save the programs available lives of 200 Jewish G.I. prisoners of war. for your group This act of bravery would have been Looking for an interesting Zoom proforgotten and lost to history if not for gram for your community, club, religious two reasons — his son, Chris Edmonds, congregation or group of friends? Confound his father’s diary and Chris’ tact us! We can schedule a customized chance encounter with a surviving JewZoom program just for you. Programs ish American P.O.W. Roddie Edmonds vary from a virtual tour of the Museum was eventually honored by Yad Vashem with a docent and a Q&A session, to a as "Righteous Among the Nations," the Zoom discussion with a survivor to an only American soldier ever recognized as overview of the Museum’s mission and such, but passed away before knowing Education programs with me, to a proabout the honor. gram customized to your group’s interests. Our two special guests for the Zoom Programs will be about an hour in length program will be Chris Edmonds and and can be scheduled at your conveStanlee Stahl. Chris is a senior pastor at nience. Please contact David Nelson at Piney Grove Baptist Church in Maryville, David@HMCEC.org for details. Tennessee, and the author of “No SurrenAs always, if you have any questions der: A Father, a Son, and an Extraordinary or would like to discuss how to support Act of Heroism That Continues to Live our mission, please contact me at Susan@ on Today.” Stahl is the Executive Vice HMCEC.org or call 239-263-9200. President of The Jewish Foundation for Wishing you and your families a safe the Righteous. The organization searches and Happy Thanksgiving! out and recognizes those non-Jews who