February 9 & 10, 2019
bumc.net RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE redcrossblood.org This Sunday, 7:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., Parking Lot Two Red Cross bloodmobiles are at BUMC this weekend. Registration is at the tables in the Lobby. In order to donate, you must: be at least 17 years old; weigh at least 110 pounds; be in good health; be cleared by the Red Cross to donate; and present a photo ID or your Red Cross donor card. Your gift of a donation can save a life!
bumc.net/MissionTrips South Africa (May 22-30) Cost: $900 + airfare. Visit our 3 partner schools to meet the 375 students we sponsor each school year and build relationships with our sister campus, Brentwood Methodist Church South Africa. Uganda (June 26-July 7) Cost: $1000 + airfare. Visit the Raise the Roof Academy and help with construction, lead skills training workshops, and volunteer at a medical clinic.
RSVP for dinner at bumc.net/Refuel February 13, 5:30 p.m. (dinner) 6:20 p.m. (discussion) Family Life Center Do you ever wonder why we do what we do in worship? Dr. Gregg Bunn will share insight about the Soren Kierkegaard model of the nature of worship. Dinner is $12 ($6 for 12 and under), $35 max per family. Please enter through the lobby; the Chapel door will be locked.
ES Pick up a list at the Connection Point desk E S L IV CHANG We're collecting new and gently-used clothes for Room In The Inn through March. Pick up a wish list at the Connection Point desk or online at bumc.net/Serve. You can drop off donated items to the red bins behind the front desk in the lobby.
Meets this Sunday, 9:45 & 11 a.m., Parlor (downstairs below Narthex) Get a snapshot of who we are and what we believe at BUMC. Meet one of our pastors and learn how you can get more deeply connected in the life of our church. Contact Rev. Shelby Slowey at sslowey@bumc.net to learn more.
Brentwood United Methodist Church • 309 Franklin Road, Brentwood, TN 37027 • 615.373.3663
WHAT'S HAPPENING AT BUMC? SOUTH AFRICA SPONSORSHIP Education changes everything! We are still seeking sponsors for 88 students and 13 teachers to reach our goal of 375 sponsored children and 40 sponsored teachers at our 3 partner schools. Visit bumc.net/ SouthAfrica to learn more.
CHILDREN'S CHOIRS Wednesdays, 6:15-7 p.m. Our Children's Choirs are for PreK – 5th grade and include Angel Choir, Agape Choir, Asbury Choir, and Rhythm & Bells. These groups perform in weekly worship services an average of 3-4 times per year. Register your child at bumc.net/Register.
DAILY FIELD GUIDE The Field Guide is like a map for your journey with scriptures, meditations, and prayers for you every day of the week. Subscribe to Field Guide emails or read the daily devotional at bumc.net/FieldGuide. FLASHPOINT: MEN'S RETREAT February 15-17, Beersheba Springs Explore your faith while in nature at FlashPoint. We'll talk about being uncommon as a man in today’s world by making sure your spiritual core is in shape and putting your faith into your everyday life. Cost is $175. Sign up by February 11 at bumc.net/FlashPoint. HIGH SCHOOL BACKYARD MISSION TRIP June 17-21, Nashville Our summer high school mission trip is focusing its efforts close to home. We will partner with local organizations to prepare meals, repair homes, work with the homeless, and get to know local families. Cost is $75. Sign up at bumc.net/Register.
ASBURY CHOIR FESTIVAL March 1 & 2, Louisville, KY Our 5th grade Asbury Choir is heading to Louisville to sing in their annual choir festival! Cost is $95/student. Sign up at bumc.net/Register. HEART SONGS BENEFIT CONCERT March 10, 7 p.m., Sanctuary Save the date for Heart Songs, a concert benefitting our youth summer missions and choir tours. Hear from the Chancel Choir, Awakening Band, JoySound Orchestra, and more! JOIN THE WELCOME MINISTRY The Welcome Ministry wants you! Help us create a warm and hospitable environment to welcome members and guests to worship with us. All you need is a smile! Contact Rev. Shelby Slowey at sslowey@bumc.net to learn more.
KIDSALE CONSIGMENT SALE March 1, 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. March 2, 8-11 a.m. (half-price) Our semi-annual consignment sale is coming up soon! Interested in consigning or volunteering? Contact kidsale@bumc.net to learn more.
STUDENT MINISTRY OUTREACH OPPORTUNITY February 11, 4:45-7:45 p.m. Our February local outreach project is with ShowerUp, a local non-profit that offers hot showers and personal care supplies to those experiencing homelessness. Transportation to and from Downtown Nashville will be provided. Sign up at bumc.net/Register. SCOUTS BSA INTEREST MEETING February 12, 7 p.m., Room A292 A new troop is forming for girls ages 11-18! This troop will mirror the traditional Boy Scout program with opportunities for any young woman interested in outdoor adventure and leadership training. Contact Barrett Mohrmann at 615.383.9724 to learn more. ALZHEIMER'S & DEMENTIA SUPPORT GROUP February 12, 7-8 p.m., Room A389 If you are caring for a loved one with memory loss, join us for an open discussion about practices that might help us along this journey. All are welcome. In case of inclimate weather and Williamson Schools are closed, the meeting will be cancelled. Contact Sue Dowling at 615.970.8393 to learn more.
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL VOLUNTEERS June 24-27 Have the adventure of a lifetime at VBS! We need adults of all ages and stages of life to help us lead an exciting week of fun and spiritual growth for our children. Visit bumc.net/VBS to learn more.
Support & Care in Difficult Times If you are in need of pastoral care, contact any of our pastors or schedule an appointment by calling Melissa Liddle at 615.324.7256. You can make prayer requests online at bumc.net/Prayer. Support Groups There are a wide range of support and encouragement groups for issues such as grief, career transitions, addictions, dementia & Alzheimer’s, cancer support, divorce, and others. bumc.net/FindSupport Stephen Ministry A trained Stephen Minister meets with you confidentially to listen, care, pray, and help you find healing & wholeness. Call 615.577.4881. bumc.net/StephenMinistry Give Support There are a wide range of ways to support others, such as Funeral Team, GraceNotes, Prayer Shawl Ministry, and Intercessory Prayer Team/Email Prayer Team. bumc.net/CongregationalCare