Weekly Announcements - May 12

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May 12 - 18, 2019



SENIOR RECOGNITION We're excited to recognize our 2019 high school graduates this weekend! May God bless each of you in your upcoming journeys, wherever He may take you. Congrats to these seniors!




This weekend we're talking about honoring the neighbors in our family: our parents, our children, and our siblings. This week, have what might be a difficult conversation with your closest neighbors: your family. Ask if you are being a good neighbor to those who love you and be willing to hear the honest answer. Ask how you can be a better neighbor to them. You'll notice three large panels outside of Haney Hall that say PRAY, COMMUNICATE, and INVITE. Each week you come to worship, place a sticker (provided) on a panel to represent how you connected with your neighbors that week. 1 sticker = 1 person connected with through prayer, communication, or invitation. Share how the weekly challenges are impacting you to encourage our church family, and email your stories to Rev. Shelby Slowey at sslowey@bumc.net.




LAUNCHING POINT May 12, 9:45 & 11 a.m., Parlor G SCCH AONUG ETS IL IVNE S (downstairs below Narthex) Want to meet some familiar faces around BUMC? Launching Point is the place to learn more about BUMC from our pastors and leaders! Drop by to say hello!

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL bumc.net/VBS June 24-27, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. Blast off at VBS! We'll explore the many wonders of God's universe through out-of-this-world fun! For K – 4th grade (18-19 school year). Cost is $10; t-shirts are available for an additional $10. Sign up at bumc.net/VBS.

Brentwood United Methodist Church • 309 Franklin Road, Brentwood, TN 37027 • 615.373.3663

WHAT'S HAPPENING AT BUMC? WOMEN'S SUMMER SABBATH May 14, 6:15-8 p.m., Haney Hall Our summer sabbath series is back this year as we study the lives of three Marys in the Bible. We'll look at the creative work of the Holy Spirit over a light supper, teaching by Rev. Toi King, and an activity. Cost is $15. Sign up at bumc.net/Register.

MEMBERSHIP MATTERS May 19, 12:15-1:30 p.m. Ready to learn how you can get involved in our church? Join us for lunch to learn more about who we are and what we believe. RSVP at bumc.net/Register.

KIDS MUSIC CAMP July 29 – August 1 Kids will learn to be brave in the face of trial from Queen Esther! For 2nd – 5th grade (18-19 school year). Cost is $140. Sign up at bumc.net/Register.

ALZHEIMER'S & DEMENTIA SUPPORT GROUP May 14, 7-8 p.m., Room A389 If you are a caregiver for a loved one with memory loss, join us to discuss strategies that can help you get through the day. Contact Sue Dowling at 615.970.8393 to learn more.

CHILDREN'S WORSHIP BULLETINS Did you know we have bulletins specially made for our kids each weekend in worship? Ask an usher for a kids bulletin before service!

WRITE TO YOUR SPONSOR CHILD Bring letters by May 19 On May 22, a team from BUMC will travel to South Africa to meet with our ministry partners and the children who are sponsored by our church family. If you would like to send a special note or a card, drop it off in the collection basket at the Connection Point desk or give it to Rev. David Ssebulime by May 19.

SIGN UP FOR OUR NEWSLETTERS Want to receive information from BUMC? You can sign up for the prayer team, pastoral e-Notes, our weekly newsletter, and other ministry information at bumc. net/Newsletters.

FOLLOW STUDENT MINISTRY ON INSTAGRAM Follow the Student Ministry on Instagram @bumcsm to find out about all of the fun things they'll be up to this summer!

VBS VOLUNTEERS June 24-27, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. Have the adventure of a lifetime at VBS! We need adults of all ages and stages of life to help us lead an exciting week of fun and spiritual growth for our children. Sign up at bumc.net/VBS.

BRIDGE RETREAT August 2 & 3 Spend a weekend with BUMC Kids and BUMCSM as our 5th and 6th graders cross the bridge from Children's Ministry to Student Ministry. Cost is $70. Sign up at bumc.net/Register.

PICTURES WITH MOM Visit the photo setup in front of the stained glass between Haney Hall and Memorial Chapel to take pictures with Mom. Happy Mother's Day! MISSIONS SURVEY Will you help us envision what missions can look like at BUMC? Let your voice be heard on our churchwide survey! The survey takes less than 3 minutes, but the impact it can make is huge! Take the survey at bumc.net/Survey or pick up a paper copy at the Connection Point Desk. ROSEBUD VOLUNTEERS Did you know that we have a volunteer team that helps families welcome home their newest additions? Volunteer to deliver rosebuds and gifts to families who have just given birth or adopted a child. Contact Gwen Sass at gsass@bumc.net to volunteer. FIELD GUIDE The Field Guide is like a map for your journey with scriptures, meditations, videos, and prayers for you every day of the week. Sign up to receive the Field Guide in your inbox at bumc.net/Newsletters.

Support & Care in Difficult Times If you are in need of pastoral care, contact any of our pastors or schedule an appointment by calling Melissa Liddle at 615.324.7256. You can make prayer requests online at bumc.net/Prayer. Support Groups There are a wide range of support and encouragement groups for issues such as grief, career transitions, addictions, dementia & Alzheimer’s, cancer support, divorce, and others. bumc.net/FindSupport Stephen Ministry A trained Stephen Minister meets with you confidentially to listen, care, pray, and help you find healing & wholeness. Call 615.577.4881. bumc.net/StephenMinistry Give Support There are a wide range of ways to support others, such as Funeral Team, GraceNotes, Prayer Shawl Ministry, and Intercessory Prayer Team/Email Prayer Team. bumc.net/CongregationalCare

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