Weekly Announcements - Feb 26

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Making Disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World

February 26 - March 4, 2017

OFAM EASTER BASKETS www.bumc.net/OFAM Drop off your items at the tables in the Narthex & Children’s Breezeway Help us organize 500 baskets for families with foster children through Williamson & Davidson County nonprofits. We’re collecting items this week and next week for the packing party on March 11. Sign up for the packing party at www.bumc.net/OFAM. Contact ofambumc@gmail.com for more information.

SHARE THE SPIRIT www.bumc.net/ShareTheSpirit Stop by the table in both Breezeways Support our youth choir tours and mission trips! Share the Spirit is a two-part event on Sunday, March 5, with a dinner and auction at 5 pm and a free concert at 7 pm. Tickets for dinner are $30 each. The concert will feature Sonshine and Jubilation Choirs and guest musician Ken Medema, as well as a love offering collection. To purchase tickets visit www.bumc.net/ShareTheSpirit.

WOVEN WOMEN'S CONFERENCE www.bumc.net/Woven Stop by the table in the Narthex BUMC is hosting its first women’s conference on Saturday, April 22! Woven will offer women a day apart to refresh their energy, their friendships, and their faith. Christian authors Melissa Spoelstra and Barb Roose will bring messages of encouragement to all women in attendance. Registration is $20 until February 28; increases to $30 until April 22. Contact Carol at cbumbalough@bumc.net for more information.



ASH WEDNESDAY SERVICE www.bumc.net/Lent Wednesday, March 1, 6:30 pm, Sanctuary Join us as we look ahead to the coming Lenten season. We will place ashes on the foreheads of those who so choose; in the Christian tradition, ashes are drawn in the shape of a cross as an outward sign of saying you "repent, and believe in the Gospel."

SPRING KIDSALE www.bumc.net/KidSale Friday, March 3, 10 am – 5 pm Saturday, March 4, 8:30 am – 12 noon (Half Price Day) BUMC’s semi-annual consignment sale is coming up. Shop for kids clothing, toys and accessories while supporting our Missions & Outreach partners! Contact kidsale@bumc.net for more information.

UPCOMING SERMON SERIES: PASSION www.bumc.net/Lent Begins March 4 & 5 Sometimes it takes us hearing the same story over and over again to fully comprehend its meaning. The more we hear a story, the more we understand it, and the more passionate we become. Just like us, it took the disciples a few tries to understand what was happening in the last week of Jesus’ life. During our new sermon series, Passion, we’ll learn each week what it really means to follow Jesus. Together we’ll work to understand our role in the never-ending story.


You can still sign up to receive the Daily Field Guide in your inbox or on your social media feed. Sign up at www.bumc.net/FieldGuide. Contact Herschel at hfrench@bumc.net for more information.

Tuesdays, beginning March 7, 9:30 - 10:45 am Learn how to become equipped as spiritual suburbanites to relate to God amidst Starbucks, strip malls and perfect lawns! This class is led by Judith Bone. Sign up at www.bumc.net/register.


Bins are outside of Haney Hall to collect warm clothes for our guests (men, women & children) at Room in the Inn. Contact Regina Girten at rgirten@bumc.net for more information.

Thursdays, 6:30 am, Tabernacle If you’re looking for a community of men who equip and encourage each other in their walks with Jesus Christ, now is the time to join us at OnPoint. Contact Herschel at hfrench@bumc.net for more information.


Wednesdays, 7:30 – 8:30 pm, Choir Room Be a seasonal singer with the Chancel Choir as we learn Dan Forrest’s “Requiem for the Living” for our Good Friday Service on April 14. We’ll save you a seat and a robe! Contact James at jwells@bumc.net for more information.

Membership Specialist, Brentwood campus; part-time, 25 hours per week. Looking for a detailoriented person with great computer, communication and record-keeping skills to manage membership records at BUMC, Trinity Church and The Village Church. View all job openings and apply at www.bumc.net/employment or email hr@bumc.net.


Help provide temporary meal assistance to church members, their families and friends who are unable to prepare meals for their households due to a crisis. Contact Lindsay LeBreton at lebretonlindsay@gmail.com to be a part of this ministry.


Tuesdays, 6:30 – 8:00 pm; Thursdays, 10:00 – 11:30 am An eight-week women’s study led by Shawna Keller. Visit www.bumc.net/AdultClasses for more information. This is the last week to join this class.


Wednesdays, 6:30 pm This 6-week course provides opportunities to learn more about root causes of depression and ways to thrive through these emotions. The class is $20. Sign up at www.bumc.net/register. Contact Regina at rgirten@bumc.net for more information.


Wednesdays, 6:30 pm Take charge of your life, expand your freedom and improve relationships by learning how to set personal boundaries in life. The class costs $21 and is open to everyone. Sign up at www.bumc.net/register. Contact Regina at rgirten@bumc.net for more information.

April 6-8 and May 11-13 We need more adults to serve as small group leaders for Created by God this spring. You can serve even if you don’t have a child in the class! Please consider giving your time to serve our students during this important event. Safe Sanctuary certification required. Contact Maggie at mjarrell@bumc.net for more information or to volunteer.


We need three volunteers who are comfortable making phone calls and working on a computer for two hours every other Wednesday or Thursday. These volunteers call and gather information from members we’ve lost contact with and update the church database. Contact Jill at jchance@bumc.net to volunteer.


Sundays, 3:45 – 5:00 pm, Room A185 (The Pit) Adults and youth, be a part of BUMC's Orchestra ministry. Bring your instruments and enjoy offering your musical gifts. Contact Patsy at pwade@bumc.net for more information.


Two-hour weekly commitment Be a coach for Harvest Hands’ Elementary Co-Ed and Middle School Basketball Leagues. Practices are one hour on a weeknight, and games are one hour on Saturday mornings. Contact Mitchell Singer at Mitchell@harvesthandscdc.com.

Support & Care in Difficult Times If you are in need of pastoral care, contact any of our pastors, or schedule an appointment by calling Julia Todd at 615-324-7256. You may make prayer requests online at www.bumc.net/prayer. Support Groups There are a wide range of support and encouragement groups such as grief, career transitions, addictions, dementia & Alzheimer’s, cancer support, divorce and others. www.bumc.net/FindSupport Stephen Ministry A trained Stephen Minister meets with you confidentially to listen, care, pray, and help you find healing & wholeness. Call 615-577-4881. www.bumc.net/Stephen Ministry Give Support There are a wide range of ways to support others, such as Funeral Team, GraceNotes, Prayer Shawl Ministry, and Intercessory Prayer Team/Email Prayer Team. www.bumc.net/CaringMinistries Brentwood UMC • 309 Franklin Road • Brentwood, TN 37027 • 615-373-3663

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