Weekly Announcements - Jan 24

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January 24 - 30, 2016 Making Disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World

Restock the Pantry - Bring Bags Back on January 30/31

Next weekend (January 30/31) we will have our collection day for ReStock the Pantry. Please look for volunteers in the parking lots to turn in your ReStock the Pantry bags. The trucks will be onsite by the Counseling Center if you want to drop off your donation there. If you have not picked up a bag, the list of suggested items from GraceWorks can be found at www.bumc.net/hunger. If you have any questions or want to volunteer on the day of collections, contact Dana Orange at wdorange@sbcglobal.com.

Entreat: A Worship Community of Hope & Restoration January 24, 6:30 pm, Chapel (Meets 2nd & 4th Sundays) No matter where you find yourself on the journey toward health and wholeness, all are welcome! www.bumc.net/Entreat

Rock the Chains: February 27 This Sunday, January 24, stop by the table in the Narthex to donate or register a band. Rock the Chains is an annual student-led “battle of the bands” competition which raises money and awareness in the fight against modern-day slavery. For more information, contact Tatiana Liston at tliston@bumc.net. www.bumc.net/Youth

Father/Daughter Dance Friday, February 5, 6:30 -8:30 pm, Haney Hall $25 per family, photo booth and snacks. Register at www.bumc.net/register. Contact Brad Glossinger 615-4066956 or Emily Glossinger at 615-878-3572.

Save the Date: Ash Wednesday Service


Wednesday, February 10, 6:30 pm, Sanctuary Join us for a service of repentance and imposition of ashes to begin the season of Lent. The ash cross is rubbed on the forehead as an outward sign of our mortality and repentance for sins. Childcare for 3 and under. www.bumc.net/Lent

Center for Youth Ministry Training (CYMT) 2nd Annual Jump Jive Dinner Dance Friday, February 12, 6:30 pm, Embassy Suites Cool Springs Tickets: $100 each, available at www.cymt.org/jumpjive or by calling 615-823-7605. Presented by T.W. Frierson Contractor, Inc. and Bradley Wealth Management, featuring Nashville’s hottest swing band, the Gnarly Parkers. www.cymt.org/JumpJive

Our annual Charge Conference will be held on January 24, 2016 at 1 pm in A291.

Weekly Announcements Welcome New Staff Members! January 24 is Adult Sunday School Homecoming Sunday! On January 24 our Sunday School Classes welcome new visitors as well as long-lost friends. If you are looking for a class to join, or thinking about renewing your commitment, today is the day to come HOME! Stop by the Guest Services desk for information about Sunday School classes.

Connecting Couples Wednesdays, 6:30 – 7:30 pm, B153B January 27’s topic: “Processing a ‘Regrettable Incident’ in a Constructive Way” A series of weekly, free classes for anyone interested in learning about how to have and keep good relationships (married, nearly married, committed, etc.) Each seminar will target some important aspect of relationships in a positive, playful and constructive way. Contact Rev. Shebbie Shields at sshields@bumc.net.

Kindergarten Worship Readiness • Saturday, January 30, 9:00-11:30 am Get your Kindergarteners equipped to worship in the services with you and learn about who God is. • Sunday, January 31, 11:05 am worship service Worship bags will be handed out at the 11:05 worship service and a celebration lunch will follow. Register at www.bumc.net/register. Cost is $15. Questions? Contact Sarah Cage at scage@bumc.net.


Wednesdays thru February 3, 6:30 pm, A392 Discover what it means to live a fulfilling life in Christ in a four-week study exploring fundamental areas of the Christian faith. Led by pastors.

PointMen Men’s Ministry

OnPoint: A weekly gathering for men of all ages with a speaker and table discussion. Resumes February 4 at 6:30 am. More info at www.bumc.net/PointMen.

Sonshine & Jubilation Choirs Retreat February 5 - 7 at Hillmont Camp in White Bluff, TN. Music, fun, fellowship and worship. Register at www.bumc.net/Register. Questions? Contact Julie Morgan at jmorgan@bumc.net.

Lenten Study: One Big Sunday School Class Begins Sunday, February 14, 6 weeks, 10:00-10:45 am Led by Judith Bone This Lent, experience a season of spiritual growth and life-changing renewal by our study of The Gospel of John, the most deeply spiritual of the four gospels, full of rich images and deep truths.

Older Adult Workshop: “Retirement Readiness”

Saturday, March 12, 9:00 am – 12:30 pm Haney Hall, Cost: $7.50 Led by Dr. Jeff Wilson and John Edwards, Certified Retirement Coach Learn keys to a happy, healthy retirement. Registration and payment may be made by contacting Julia at jtodd@bumc.net or 615-324-7156.

Gwen Sass Director of Nursery/Childcare gsass@bumc.net Gwen brings years of experience in Children’s Ministry, having served as Director of Children’s Ministry at Wynnton UMC in Columbus, Georgia. Come by the Children’s Connection Desk on Sunday morning to introduce yourself and welcome her. Herschel French Director of Adult Discipleship Ministry hfrench@bumc.net Herschel is a graduate of Bethel College and Asbury Theological Seminary. He is an active member here at Brentwood UMC and is a Student Ministry Small Group Leader. He is married to Student Ministry staffer, Lee French. His email is hfrench@bumc.net. Carol Bumbalough Director of Adult Sunday School & Spiritual Formation cbumbalough@bumc.net Carol is returning to the Adult Discipleship team after working the past several years in Communications. She has a BA and MA from Vanderbilt University and has led numerous Bible studies and other classes at BUMC.

THRIVE! Singles Impact Retreat April 22-24, Chattanooga, Tennessee Are you marking time or maximizing your life as a single adult? How can you THRIVE, leading a life of completeness, fulfillment and balance? Your life can be AMAZING! Registration is open at SinglesImpactRetreat.com or contact Anita Dutton, anitadutton@gmail.com with questions.

Volunteers Needed for Altar Flower Ministry Bring cheer and encouragement to home-centered members by delivering flowers arranged from the Sunday altar flowers. Contact Nancy Sullins at rsullins9@comcast.net or 615-373-2945.

Mission Team Updates Our medical mission team is currently traveling to Honduras. Please be in prayer for safe travels, transformative experiences and their work while they are encountering the people in Honduras and making disciples through their healing. We will be posting updates from the team on the BUMC Missions and Outreach Facebook page.

Volunteers Teachers Needed The Preschool Ministry is looking for 3 year-old Sunday school teachers. The commitment would be for two Sundays a month. Training will be provided by the Children’s Ministry staff. Please contact Sarah Cage at scage@bumc.net to volunteer or if you have any questions.

Yoga Room A393; Mondays: 4:15 & 5:30 pm; Fridays: 12:15 pm Beginners welcome. $8 per class. Call John Sneed Jones, 931-670-6556, for information.

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