“Harnessing design by rooting it in the social, political and technological conditions, I believe in rethinking and reevaluating architecture as a fundamental movement in order to nurture a better world.
The recent rapid evolution and intelligent advancement of architecture through its unique amalgamation with other industries and arts can further reshape our built environment, establishing innovative and highly creative new autonomous movements of architecture.
We have a societal responsibility and take our pansophical position as architects to investigate the issues of global life, culture and history and push our solutions into the ever expanding boundaries with the continual goal to the public benefit
Our architectural methodology can always be enhanced through cultural experience, involvement and the discovery and diversity of activities derived from travel, research and discussion. We always need to absorb the ingredients and implement the consumed knowledge into our recipe of design.
Focus and Documentation to be sure of the efficiency of our work and allow more time to enhance it. We need to make decisions in a time frame and effectively communicate and exchange what we do through discussion , learning and collaboration
We must never sit still in architecture and should be continuously experimenting and advancing our art, skills, designs and techniques, to aid in a better world and to sink solid foundations for future architects to continue the story.”
After Effects
Sketch up
3DS Max
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Bioplastic Vertical Green Hub
Theme : Location : Type : Year : Stage : Role
Digital, Technology and Sustainability
Canary Wharf Tower
Academic Design
Independent Design
Design Statement
This architectural proposal seeks to address the increasing challenge beset upon cities by the emerging vertical environments and the monotony of office working life. By taking a high-rise site in London as the design setting, the proposal will establish a new environment for office workers to relax and find peace as a simple daily exercise; a creation of elevated wellbeing within a structure of connections and technology.
The urban green sky farm is a sprawling set of green planter box inserts, which are plugged into the main structural skeleton. Urban farms are sprawling up the tower and create a sky farm and garden. There will also be an emphasis on recycling waste from the office towers to supply nutrients for the green network of the proposal, as well as through the harvesting of greywater collecting from the canopy design on top. The proposal’s farm will produce fresh, sustainable and healthy food and can utilise drone technology to monitor the plantations. The green will grow vertically as the building rises up; bringing it to the centre of the space - connecting the users visually to it to aid in the de-stress exercise.
Software: Rhino, Grasshopper, Vray, Photoshop, Autocad
The initial investigation into the design began with inspiration from recycling materials, namely bioplastic which is a renewable and biodegradable; these plastics are derived from renewable biomass sources, including vegetable fats and oils, corn starch and microbiota. Bioplastic has a very interesting behaviour when heated, one which can be used as experimental formfinding in conceptualising the design proposal - a bridge and public realm which connects towers resulting in vibrancy, meaning and existence in the void space between buildings. During this experimental process the total tensegrity of the material was observed. From this, in order to utilise biomimetic qualities into the design, a search began for an organic property with similar properties. Minimal Surfaces (which are the surfaces of the smallest area spanned by a given boundary) are used in making the shell to save the usage of materials.

In the City of London, more and more high-rise office blocks are scrambling for position against the skyline. In defiance of short-term economic cycles, four towering new structures are under way: 22 Bishopsgate (272m); 52-54 Lime Street (206m); 100 Bishopsgate (184m) and 120 Fenchurch Street (68m). All will take their place against 52 tall buildings over 75m. Another eight are under construction. Over to the east, Canary Wharf, London’s second financial district, is thick with supersized buildings.

Canary Wharf is a busy financial area filled with skyscrapers like the glittering One Canada Square.
Air pollution will also be addressed. To alleviate this, and to allow the harmonious tranquil spaces, green spaces shall be inserted into the proposal. By creating beautiful spaces of urban nature that will in turn support a healthy environment for the city.
- Healthy Living at a higher level of the urban realm
-Urban farming: provide organic food for healthy living and create job opportunity for low skilled worker

-Generate renewable energy


Environment Study BIOMIMICRY

Stability of Structure

Radiolaria's siliceous skeletons consists of connected arrays of tubular struts forming a great variety of shells, often with a hexagonal structuring on their surface.
Exposure to Sun MORE
Optimizing exposure to sunlight. Reef corals optimize the amount of light available to the algae they host by branching in pattern

Topology Optimization

Topology optimization finds the best distribution of material given an optimization goal and a set of constraints. It works by taking a solid block of material in any shape and removes material from it to minimize or maximize an optimization objective such as mass, displacement, or compliance while satisfying a set of constraints such as maximum stress or displacement.

Structural Optimization

Birds have evolved to maximum bone strength and stiffness with minimum bone mass and volume.Bird bones are hollow with minimal matter in exactly the right spot. This smart utilization of matter makes them strong yet lightweight;
Birds have evolved to maximum bon strength and stiffness with minimum bone mass and volume. Bird bones are hollow with minimal matter in xactly the right spot. The smart utilization of matter makes them strong yet lightweight.




Robotic Construction

The components will be arranged perfectly on site by drones via unique placement data. This breakthrough in on-site construction co-ordination will help to evolve and challenge the method of contemporary construction, reducing numbers of site workers, improving safety and by having exact robotic placement of parts it will reduce the material waste and benefit the environment.

Space Frame Construction Detail
Bioplastic Planter Box

Vertical Planter Detail
Lasercutters would be used to cut the bespoke sizes and shapes of the timber according to the information. Timber sections would then be attached via flitch plates and made into singular components using the mathematical data information and sent to the site.
Bridege to Frame Detail
The Verandah Terrace
Theme :
Location :
Type :
Year :
Stage :
Role :

Design Proposal
Design Statement
Software: Rhino,Enscape, Autocad,Photoshop
This is a project to break the generic typology of typical terraced housing by connecting occupants to the stunning outside environment that the country boasts. It provides a fluid and highly flexible sequence of spaces, culminating in balcony access all with the goal of promoting better wellbeing for residents. Whilst the master bedroom has always been the primary selling point in this competitive residential market, it has here been provided with an additional and unique bathing experience – the exterior view to the sky. The Wind Chimney has been customised for promoting the ventilation of the central area whilst simultaneously allowing for humid air to evaporate from the bathroom. With the advancement of remote working, a healthy and productive home working space is a reasonable aspiration by 2030 and this new typology will accomplish that focus by sewing together the external with the internal.

Form & Urban

Top view of the study model.
Front view of the study model.

• Large window and opening on front and back side of the link house to allow more infiltration of natural light
• Covered car porch has an opening to allow more light into the ground level

• Bright colored roof to reduce heat gain
• The wind chimney connects to the bath allow passive ventilation

of the building will be constructed as a prefabricated timber box, complete with partition sets, using locally sourced timber in a factory setting. Meanwhile, the ground floor level will be built on site using stone materials.

improved quality control. It also allows for a more streamlined construction process and shorter overall project timeline.
In-between spaces can provide numerous benefits for promoting a healthy lifestyle, including relaxation, social interaction, tranquility and calm, gardening and outdoor activities, such as yoga.
Keeping an eye on the neighbourhood is an effective method of enhancing resident safety and security.
Hybrid - Transport Hub
Theme :
Location :
Type :
Year :
Stage :
Role :
Political; Urban and Landscape
Anaklia, Georgia
Railway Station and Museum
Academic Design
Design Statement
The design proposal of the hybrid project seeks to exploit the exchange and transfer of ideas across both the international and local communities. Increasing the awareness of national pride via domestic business and industry is apropos towards harnessing a globalised interest in the region utilising the traditional and familiar logistical systems of the contemporary world. Anaklia, thanks to its strategic gateway location acts as the protagonist in this 21st Century marriage of East meets West; two political societies converging. Siting the concept of informal knowledge exchange within the primary transport hub is the major driver of both the building’s architectural form as well as its infrastructural systems; two disparate ends of a global spectrum are amalgamated to be consolidated into a singular whole - global-national business; global-local knowledge; regionalnational-global transport.
Software: Revit, Autocad,Photoshop
The project’s overall scope is in creating a successful and highly viable scheme in this remote location both in terms of it being firstly a village and secondly a new sea port’s; with its domineering operation it may be that the importance flips in the future. The sea port itself becomes an appointed intersection between the nation of Georgia (and its immediate locality) and the global community.The museum is the metamorphosis of the manufacturing of knowledge and the connected trainline is the logistical of transfer of that knowledge. This hybridisation is to bring beneficial learning to people across the larger expanses beyond Anaklia.


The central space in the station is a circular room acting as a collective space, goods and body resulting in the exchange of ideas. In the idea of the Social Condenser, architecture would serve as a tool for the construction of radical new kinds of human communities: communities of collective residence, work, and public culture, in which the alienation and privation of bourgeois or peasant life would be overcome and communities of equality and empathy, in which the old hierarchies of class and gender would be designed out of existence. Hence, flexibility and sharing can be a powerful tool of the Social Condenser. The sharing of infrastructural space and knowledge provides growth opportunities for a variety of different people. The central circle is wrapped by different programmes like reading, social, business and rest. The flexibility of the space allows the user to transform the space in its form and function according to their present needs, such as for events and informal business. The circulation design in this space directs the human travel flow as an opportunity for events and socialisation.

The intersection of train station and the cross movement with the seperation of movement via the verticality of zones as all the programmes merge in this space and the vast number of people meet and act.
The gallery will be located in a separate space that is accessible to all visitors. The staircase is the mechanism to seperate the users of the station and gallery. The train ticket counter is near to the entrance to the train arrivals and departures whilst the museum tickets counter will be at the other side with some workshops, seminar rooms and archives beside it. A cafe is facing to the sea with some steps in front with the open green public space which allow users to sit around to socialise and rest whilst enjoying the sea views.
When they arrive in Anaklia, users will see the sea port to their left and Anaklia to their right. A longitudinal block is in front of platform leading people to the main building with the nearby sea being in a full framed view as they walk. This important void between the village and port is the threshold is the control point of the security of the village that controls the flow of people. This block is the transition, mediation, and passage for the people. The people who are heading to the Anaklia village and the sea will move to the right while the workers will move to the left. There is also some control gates located here to protect the security of the seaport. The locals who would like to enter the port can pass into the main building and exit via the main doors and then walk parallel to the sea. The display racks hanging the physical models of the different logistical vehicles will showcase the significance of logistics.The exhibits in this main space will be constantly expanded and modified to maintain a sense of marvel and interest.
Georgia, a country at the intersection of Europe and Asia, is a former Soviet republic that’s home to Caucasus Mountain villages and Black Sea beaches. While Anaklia is a town and seaside resort in western Georgia. It is located in the Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti region, at the place where the Enguri River flows into the Black Sea, near the administrative border with Abkhazia.
Anaklia Deep Sea Port will serve as the main gateway for imports for approximately 17 million inhabitants of landlocked Caucasus and Central Asian countries and provide critical supply routes for nearly 146 million people living within the Port’s immediate region. The goal is to serve Central Asia and the New Silk Road trade route between China and Europe.The sea port is estimated to create 6,400 new job opportunities for people and these people might come from the local areas aswell as the surrounding region. The business and management workers from Georgia’s capital, Tbilisi will also need to arrive here.It is estimated to create 6,400 new job opportunities for people and these people might come from the local areas as well as the surrounding region.

“As a site of multiple, overlapping or nested forms of sovereignty, where domestic and transnational jurisdictions collide, infrastructure space becomes a medium of what might be called extrastatecraft—a portmanteau describing the often undisclosed activities outside of, in addition to, and sometimes even in partnership with statecraft.” Extrastatecraft, by Keller Easterling.
The collective of good and bodies in the Concourse in exchange of ideas. The great bustling crowds will become even more ambitious wrapped by different programmes.
The endeavours of the project will be primarily to create a cultural revolution with the goal of transformation of the nation into an industrial nation with a better economy and beginning its insertion into the global league. This can be achieved by catering to the growth of the logistical industry and national identity attracting foreign investment effectively. Globalisation of complex industrial production processes has increased the importance of seaports in the global supply chain.
Creating a port at Analkia would become a catalyst for the development and integration of similar and comparable logistical systems, including air, rail, automobiles and smaller scale marine; the establishment of contemporary logistics centres would then spontaneously occur. Port activity is no longer limited to just cargo handling; logistics service provision in an international context has become a core part of the business. The goods can be transferred to the free trade zone (FTZ) warehous in the capital - Tbilisi. While the trainline for passenges is the mechanism altering the movement of nation through connecting the port and Tblilisi. This connecting line governing the space of everyday life as well as the nation’s social economy. This infrastructure increase the mobility of people from all classes to this new develop port-city. The sharing of this commuting mechanism will aslo create the equal society’s space and responsibility in creating a sustainable and greener world.

Logistical operations where certain bodies are transfered through the space: covering the entire distribution chain from production to the end consumer. The museum gives you the opportunity to become familiar with various practical logistical spheres: production, storage, processing and cargo transport. By visiting the Logistics Museum, the visitors will become acquainted with the present state of modern day logistics as well as its trends and prospects for future development.

This poject sits between three architectural languages: the vernacular, the legacy of soviet concrete and the upcoming contemporary port operations. Three openings was designed for users to move to different destinations which is the sea, the village and the seaport. Due to the very close proximity of the sea port to village, the new railway line that will be constructed establishes a emblematic boundary between the two and as such divides the area for work and residential; it is the entrance point of both Anaklia as a village and Anaklia as a sea port. Providing arrival via train, to the sea port, the beach, the village - for all the different sets of people and inhabitants: businessmen, politicians, workers, tourists and locals – the permanent and the temporary will pass each other in the situation of the station. The urban operation have been based upon the use of the railroad air rights to develop a complex of superimposed programmes by covering over tracks.

Journey showcase of the logistic knowledge. People moving and enjoying the sea the exhibition along the ramp The dialogue established between the visitor entity and the local entity is physically distinguished via the cut of the window whereby the properties of transparency help accentuate and merge the two entities.
Advanced Technology, is the most powerful tool for people. At the end of the walk of learning is the true experience of observing the seaport operations and peopletracker through a bespoke app and a chance to see the real ships. The viewing platform also accommodates a succession of vantage points overlooking the whole of the Anaklia vicinity.
The duality program of train station and Musuem of Logistic and history of transport. Bodies are transferred through the space: covering the entire distribution chain from production to the end consumer like the program of museum with various practical logistical spheres: production, storage, processing and cargo transportion.

The City of Corners
Theme : Location : Type :
Year : Stage : Role :
Infrastructure London, Uk City Complex 2022
Sketch Drawings Independent
Design Statement
The City of Corners is a repeating, a scaling and a journey around the architectural space. The corners dictate the spatial environment for people to meet, interact and socialise. The infrastructure acts as a set of rules to govern the space. Civilisations of any place in the world are always transforming with the evolving requirements of the population.

Software: Hand-Sketch
The exposed pipeline leads the connection of the zone and integrates with the residential life in the city. The threshold of the space brings together the dialogues of the possibilities of wildly different imaginations and activities such as playgrounds, vast green spaces, landscaped gardens or a community centre

In-Between Mixed Complex
Theme :
Location :
Type :
Year :
Stage :
Role :
Microraion; Cultural; Identity
Borneo, Malaysia
Mixed Complex of Office, Retail & Residential
Design Proposal
Independent Design
Design Statement
Software: Rhino,Vray, Autocad,Photohsop
Located at the center of Kuching, ‘In Between’ is a commercial complex that has established the culture of live together and with nature. It is a development of café, retail, galleries and SoFo, Gym, and bars that used to promote culture interchange, share knowledge and skills, push personal boundaries & experience adventure.
The program that consists of the event like café and food at the bottom and weekend bazaar the with light-filled, inviting open space. Take the inspiration of Sarawak’s longhouse, the buildings have the bottom as the public life with supplies (food), the middle is the production and the top is the spiritual/ Embedding and gathering.. This is the healthy, emotional, and productive habitat for rest, work, and living.
Provide the nature and enjoy the hustle-bustle life in the city. Located in the proximity of 15 mins to the Kuching airport, this project can be both a welcome door (visitors are greeted) as well as a stop before the tourists start their adventures but for the exit door.
The greenery interspersed around which allowing dwellers to coexist harmoniously with the biodiversity of local flora and fauna. With the green shared areas, tiny forests, and gardens that cascade up and down the entire building, dwellers can benefit from their close connection with nature. The entertainment/play is at the top of the building, contains gyms and workout areas, yoga rooms, spas, and relaxation chambers, and more and more activities.

Ground Floor Plan

Living Bridge
Theme :
Location : Type :
Year :
Stage :
Role :
Natural; Self-Suffienciency
Pampeinara, Spain
Sketch Drawinng Independent
Design Statement
We use natural system- the tree branches to build the connection for mountain community. This will ensure a sustainable construction in our nature yet benefit to the ecosystem. As the bridge are alive and still growing, they actually gain strength over the time.
Waterwork in Mountain
The spring from mountain is the safest and the best gift for human’s health. With the connection of the bridge system, the water is transfered to the domestic use.
Software: Hand-Sketch

Traditional construction technique for a better world.
People can start build their own house on their own through learning this traditional construction method and build their own house remotely in the mountain.

Bangsar 61 Office headquarters
Theme :
Location :
Type :
Year :
Stage :
Role :
Workplace; Retail & Residential
Kuala Lumpur
High-Rise Mixed Development

Design Proposal
Collect data from consultants and engineers; Graphic representation; Prepare RFI and design reports; Prepare strategist design and drawings
Design Statement
Software: Rhino, Autocad, Indesign
Bangsar 61 has 3 blocks of towers with mixed program and the public and private car parks under the ground level. The design based on aesthetically appropriate and motivating, what makes the design credible as a functional design producing that meets the criteria of cost, security and buildability, what makes our design topical, super green and energy saving, and what makes our design relevant.

Elixir-Bio Medical Centre
Theme :
Location :
Type :
Year :
Stage :
Role :
Healthcare N/A
High-Rise 2016
Design Proposal
Collect data from consultants and engineers; Graphic representation; Prepare drawings and design

Design Statement
Software: Rhino, Autocad, Indesign
This is the tallest hospital in the world with the green planting around the building, Located in a hidden gem beside Kuala Lumpur, it has unobstructed view to the surrounding area, With biophilic deThe green and water create a beautiful environment to the patient,The hospital is planned to provide high end and predominately elective care but with some provision for urgent and emergency care; covering all medical specialties except maternity.

East Enfield Medical Centre
Theme :
Location :
Type :
Year :
Stage :
Role :
Medical N/A
Fit-Out 2022

Design Proposal
Software: Revit
Under director supervision; Prepare Revit modelling and interior fit-outs, coordination and scheduling; Prepare Room data sheets and drawing sets that include room 3D perspective (Revit), Room elevations, room enlarged plans and room-wise medical equipment schedules for all the rooms; Testing the embodied carbon calculation using Hbert; Liase with clients and consultants

Design Statement
The project involves the fitting up of a medical facility on the ground floor of a new residential development which is scheduled for completion by the end of 2022. Overall, the project consists of two blocks, one of which is an administrative block, and the other is a consultation block. A Very Good rating is the minimum requirement for the Breeam. For the project to be feasible within the allocated budget, some sustainability design elements have been considered from the Breeam consultation.

Gypframe GA4 Steel Angle where required for acoustic performance
Gyproc Sealant
Gypframe GA4 Steel Angle where required for acoustic performance
Gyproc Sealant
Partition Type A
Gyproc FireStrip
2no. layers of 15mm Glasroc F FIRECASE
25mm APR Isover cavity insulation continued up to head
Rockfon suspended ceiling edge 'L' trim refer to finishes schedule and RCP for specification
British Gypsum Acoustic System ref A206A198 achieves sound insulation 58 RwdB and 60 minute fire rating (manufacturer's data).
Two layers of British Gypsum 12.5mm Gyproc Soundbloc 3mm painted plaster skim coat each side of 70mm British Gypsum stud at 600mm centres. 25mm Isover Acoustic Partition Roll
18mm ply pattress in all locations requiring wall mounted fixtures, unless fixed through to the studs including IPS Backboards - as British Gypsum detail TY-783ZZZZ-01
2no. layers of 15mm Glasroc F FIRECASE
Rockfon suspended ceiling edge 'L' trim refer to finishes schedule and RCP for specification 600
British Gypsum Acoustic System (ref A206A166) achieves sound insulation 53 RwdB and 60 minute fire rating (manufacturer's data). Two layers of British Gypsum 12.5mm Gyproc Soundbloc 3mm painted plaster skim coat each side of 70mm British Gypsum stud at 600mm centres.
18mm ply pattress in all locations requiring wall mounted fixtures, unless fixed through to the studs including IPS Backboards - as British Gypsum detail TY-783ZZZZ-01
Speedline floor channel
Gyproc sealant
Bulk fill Gyproc jointing materials (where gap exceeds 5mm)
100mm Coved Vinyl with Cove Former & Capping Strip refer to finishes schedule Chamfered 19x100mm softwood skirting refer to finishes schedule
100mm Coved Vinyl with Cove Former & Capping Strip refer to finishes schedule 600
Gyproc sealant
Bulk fill Gyproc jointing materials (where gap exceeds 5mm)
Ref: A206A198
1 : 10
*to suit ceiling height 724 *to suit ceiling height 346 275 1 : 10
Ref: A206A166
3mm painted plaster skim coat
70mm British Gypsum stud @600mm centres
Two layers of British Gypsum 12.5mm Gyproc Soundbloc
25mm Isover Acoustic Partition Roll (no insulation to partition type B)
All joints and corners sealed prior to skim coat
70mm British Gypsum studs 25mm Isover insulation
Medium duty corner guard to the corner
All corners and joints tape sealed prior to skim coat and paint finish
42mm studs with 12.5mm plasterboard and 3mm painted skim coat boxing
D&D plasterboard to existing masonry wall with painted 3mm skim coat
Medium duty corner guard to the corner
This drawing and design project described below. MEB Design and must not written consent.
All dimensions and setting construction. Do not scale
The drawing is to be read relevant to the project. Any the attention of MEB Design.
If drawings are extracts Model (Autodesk Revit or and any items outside the separate Structural and Linked and imported elements remain the copyright and MEB Design Ltd
3D and rendered images illustrative purposes only. relied upon and do not form © MEB Design Ltd
A 23/3/23 Partition
All joints and corners sealed prior to skim coat
25mm Isover Acoustic Partition Roll insulation
70mm British Gypsum studs
All joints and corners sealed prior to skim coat
Painted softwood timber frame
70mm Speedline C studs
25mm Isover insulation
D&D plasterboard to existing masonry wall with painted 3mm skim coat
225mm studs with 12.5mm plasterboard and 3mm painted skim coat boxing
70mm British Gypsum studs
70mm Metal stud screw fixed to existing masonry wall
D&D plasterboard to existing masonry wall with painted 3mm skim coat
D&D plasterboard to existing masonry wall with painted 3mm skim coat
42mm studs with 12.5mm plasterboard and 3mm painted skim coat boxing
70mm Metal stud screw fixed to existing masonry wall
Science Laboratory of UON

Waverley Abbey Redevelopment
Theme :
Location :
Type :
Year :

Stage :

Role :

Grade II listed Historical Building; Ecclesiastical; Community
United Kingdom
Fit-Out and New Build of Cathedral; Accomodation
Design Proposal

Under director supervision; Prepare Revit modelling for all the existing buildings and proposed drawings

Design Statement

Development of a grade 2 heritage site, which includes the improvement of historical buildings, bridges, ruins, the design of a new cathedral, and additional accommodation.

12 Gothic Augmented Space Art and Cinematic Architecture 2016 Academic Design Independent Academic Design Research
Design Statement
This is the design reseach project exploring between art, cinematography and architecture which used the differect modelling technique in creating the 3D physical space such as smocking,printing,CNC milling and Laser Cutting. While creating the visual art through movie making, different computation representation was explored.

Literature and art are confronted with particular challenges by the idea of the anthropocene. This moviemaking project is taking inspiration from Grimm’s Rapunzel, who was imprisoned inside an impenetrable tower and has impossibly magnificent long flowing locks of hair, as fine as spun gold. When she heard the voice of the witch she wound her braids around one of the hooks of the window, and then the hair fell down the side of the tower and the witch climbed up by it. The tower had no stairs or doors, but only a little window at the very top. Cinematic shots were composed to create the story of Rapunzel inside the tower. How her experience of the space would differ from that of any others who just read about it.
The creation of space was defined through the physical model and a collection of tools; utilised with the directed lighting to recreate Rapunzel’s experience of incarceration and the darkness of the room. The indifferent scale of the anthropocene induces a crushing sense of the cultural sphere’s impotence. Grimm’s famous story was conceived, composed, lit and filmed. Time is the 4th dimension of the space. Through considered materiality and prop behaviour, such as flowing water, the pushing of the mirror, the glow of a candle: this spatial behaviour creates the experience for the spectators. The beautifully lit shot of glass portrays the geometrical elegance the subtle glimpse of light appearing on the surfaces of objects directs and attracts the eye of the observer.

Dday House - Refurbishment of Terrace
Prepare construction drawings; Prepare materials and products catalogues.
Design Statement
Software: Rhino, Autocad, Indesign
A small renovated two storey terrace house for a young family of 4. The house is designed to allow for multiple activity areas that interlace one another. A strong concept of natural ventilation allows it become award winning buildings.